#i know it might be a bit hard if you don't have your own washer and dryer
Hey, fair warning to anyone who shops at large stores that sell pretty much anything (Walmart, Target, etc.) wash your stuff before using it. 
Especially towels, clothes, and bedding. That stuff doesn’t get washed in store. People try on things and they just get put right back onto the rack, same with if it gets dropped onto the ground. I’ve picked up towels and bedding that has been sprawled on the ground, and I’ve seen people stuff food behind the bedding, towels, and clothes before. I’d highly recommend washing it. It doesn’t even get washed once out of the original box it shipped in, just goes straight into its spot in the back and then out to the racks and shelves.
I can say this because I worked at one of those places and recently stopped. So, I know from experience.
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whateveriwant · 1 year
The 141 helping you build IKEA furniture
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"I don't need instructions," he says, confidently tossing the assembly packet aside
…Only to realize not even ten minutes later that he does, in fact, need the instructions
If he isn't the poster boy for 'Dad that makes you hold the flashlight while he works' then I don't know what is
"Hand me the drill bit." … "No, the drill bit." … "That's a screw."
In the end, he builds it more or less entirely on his own (but he'll make sure to give you a firm pat on the back for all the hard work you did today, champ)
Unlike Price Actually doesn't need instructions (but isn't afraid to refer to them if necessary)
Pretty much completely takes over the moment he walks in, relegating you to sit and watch quietly from the sidelines
Gets it done in like an hour and a half, maybe two hours tops, and it's immaculate. Truly showroom worthy
While he's here, do you have anything else that needs fixing? A leaky faucet? Maybe a loose floorboard?
You know what, he's just gonna have a look around and see what else needs tending to (What can I say? The man's good with his hands)
Isn't who he'd call if he were in your shoes, but he's more than happy to lend a hand if you need
But he's not coming over just to help. No, he's making it a whole thing: ordering pizza, drinking beer, and jamming out to some tunes
He'd be the first to have you as an active participant rather than just sitting on the side handing him stuff
He might get frustrated once or twice during the build, but when he excuses himself to the restroom, he's definitely not covering up his screams with the tap running full blast, nuh-uh
When all's said and done, you're left with four extra screws and a couple washers, but hey, if it works, it works, right?
Is just as clueless as you are when it comes to this stuff
Probably spends the first 20-30 minutes searching up online tutorials, only to get sidetracked by the goofy names some of these products have
"Och, not a fartyg!" he guffaws, wiping a stray tear from his eye. "Sounds like Ghost's nickname after eatin' one too many beans on toast."
Cut to two hours later and you're both sitting on the ground, surrounded by loose pieces, scratching your heads like a couple of dumb monkeys
Ultimately, you'll end up having to call one of the other guys to come over and build the damn thing for you
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
this is us ~ jjk | 11
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you receive an unexpected call.
✨ title: this is us | (sequel to all grown up) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✨ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap, bff's younger brother ✨ playlist ✨ a/n: if you haven’t read the prequel to this, please do so here! :) you can read them here on AO3 & Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] | next ✨ 12 ~ i do
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chapter eleven ~ the call | wc: 7.8k warnings: yuna smacks jungkook upside the head, jungkook hates himself, yuna has an accident, hospitals, oc has a heart-wrenching convo with her mom, oc briefly talks to jungkook's mom (who's the complete opposite of her mom), angst and more tears
One week. One week without Jungkook by your side. It felt weird. Like a massive part of your life had disappeared.
No tattooed arm draped over you. No warm body to snuggle you from behind. No 'I-need-you-at-3-am-sex'. No coffee or breakfast ready to go once you woke up. No late-night ramen talks. You were met with nothing but silence. It's like your world suddenly stopped. The routine you came to know and love, the physical presence of Jungkook--gone.
The week had passed by much slower than anticipated because you didn't know what to do with yourself. Hyunie had gone MIA. Yuna was pregnant and tired all the time. And then you realized that pretty much concluded your circle of friends. Once you passed the age of thirty, honestly, out of college, it was so much harder to make friends. Everyone was always busy doing their own thing, and you didn't care about befriending hundreds of people. You preferred having a few close friends that knew you well and that you could confide in. But once Jungkook was out of the picture (for now), you realized how lonely you were.
Saturdays were laundry days and as you stuffed your clothes in the washer, sitting at the bottom was Jungkook's hoodie. You stared at it, debating if you should wash it because it wouldn't smell like him anymore if you did. So, you opted to leave it alone, and you'd figure out what to do with it later.
While waiting for the laundry, you sat on the couch looking around, seeing traces of you and Jungkook throughout your place. You wondered if it was too early to start taking pictures down. The two of you technically weren't broken up, just on a break - figuring out the next steps. But you couldn't lie, it was hard to see his face scattered through your apartment. You weren't sure what you wanted; all you knew was that you wanted Jungkook, but how could you be with someone who kissed and touched someone that wasn't you?
Your phone buzzed on the coffee table, and a notification appeared. A small part of you wanted it to be Jungkook checking up on you because you hadn't heard from him since he left, but you also knew that he was getting ready to go on a trip with Namjoon and Jin, so he probably wouldn't have time.
You picked up your phone and saw it was Yuna, asking how you were doing and if you needed anything. Funny because you should be asking her since she was pregnant, which warranted more concern than a broken heart. This past week, more than usual, she sent you an obscene amount of TikTok videos of silly and funny things, which did help you get your mind off Jungkook for a little bit. You were just happy to laugh again.
You 11:27 AM I'm doing fine. Thanks for checking up on me. I don't need anything, but I know the boys are going on their trip today, so text me if you need ice cream or something lol.
Yuna 11:30 AM We could eat ice cream together if you want. I'll text you whenever they leave so you don't have to see...you know...
You 11:32 AM Thanks for the offer but I might just stay home if that's okay. But please text me if you need anything, 'kay? Love you.
As you set your phone down, another buzz came in. You thought it was Yuna again trying to convince you to hang out, but to your surprise, it was none other than Kenji.
Kenji 11:34 AM Just checking in to see if you've made a decision yet. The clock is ticking. ⌛⌛
Honestly, your show was the last thing on your mind, but you tossed the idea back and forth about working with Kenji. You wondered if you agreed to it if Jungkook would think you were only saying yes to spite him. But in reality, that was hardly the case. Considering what your story was about and Kenji's type of director, he would be the perfect man for the job. He'd be able to push you and the story into something extraordinary. It would be worth it to work with him despite what Jungkook thought.
You 11:40 AM You gonna be on your best behavior if I say yes to you?
Kenji 11:45 AM 😁😁😁 Let's get to work baby!
You 11:47 AM 😑😑😑
Kenji 11:48 AM I promise I'll be good. Don't want your boyfriend to come beat me up.
And there you go again, your eyes beginning to well up at the mention of Jungkook. It didn't take a lot to get you crying these days.
An hour later, the washer began singing its melodious song, letting you know that your laundry finished. You began to unload your clothes, hanging them over the drying rack. You looked at the bottom of the basket once more, picking up the hoodie at the bottom. You held it tight, bringing it to your nose before taking a small sniff. If someone were you catch you right now, they'd probably think you were weird. But the faintest smell of Jungkook still lingered on it. He always preferred softer scents which you grew to love too.
You found yourself practically hugging the black piece of clothing, then undoubtedly, you slipped it on over your head, cozying into the soft cotton. It felt like a warm hug from him. You wonder if he missed you as much as you missed him, and then the thought of Jungkook overwhelms you again.
The rest of the day dragged on as you mindlessly cleaned your apartment, even though it was already spotless. You didn't want to go out because it reminded you that you had no one to go out with.
You crawled into bed at the night's end with Jungkook's hoodie still on. Pathetic, you know, but you couldn't help it. Laying in bed, you scrolled through your phone, looking at his old text messages and pictures. It became a nightly routine once Jungkook left.
You clicked off your screen, groaning at the fact that you were torturing yourself by scrolling through photos. You pressed the side button to check the time, and your lock screen illuminated a picture of you and Jungkook at Yuna's wedding, dancing and smiling like nothing was wrong with the world. This moment captured in time what seemed felt like a lifetime ago. It was as if you were staring at two completely different people. Those two dancing away were happy, maybe even naïve, full of hope and love. The screen darkened, and now it was only a reflection of you, teary-eyed again like you had been all week. You wiped away the tear pooling in the corner of your eyes.
Setting your phone on the table, you turned away, laying on your side, hugging a pillow. Not a minute later, your phone began to ring. Picking up, you didn't recognize the number but figured you should answer anyway in case it was an necessary.
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Namjoon, Jin, and Jungkook planned a guy's weekend trip to Namjoon's parents' cabin. The same place you and Jungkook went with Hyunie, Jimin, and Taehyung.
The dread on Jungkook's face was apparent when he walked through the threshold to his sister's place. He knew she'd beat him if she could. He was packed and ready to go, just stopping to pick up Namjoon and Jin.
Namjoon immediately greeted Jungkook when he came in, telling him he was almost ready. Yuna was on the couch, watching TV, glaring while he sat beside her.
"Jungkookie, can you get the remote for me? I can't reach it." Yuna reached her hand out, but the protruding belly was in her way.
He reached for the remote, handing it to her. But Yuna gestured for him to come to her.
"There's something in your hair," Yuna squinted, tilting her head. She continued to glare at her brother.
His hands reached up, touching his dark locks. "Where?"
"Nope, still there. Come here. I'll help."
Instead of helping, she lightly smacked him upside of his head, earning an 'ow' from him.
"What the hell, Noona?"
"That's for cheating on my best friend," she scowled, crossing her arms. If only she could say what was on her mind, this was mild compared to the things running through it. She had a lot more up her sleeve, but considering you were both hurting, she'd keep some things to herself. If only Jungkook saw the aftermath of when you told her and then when she blew up after telling Namjoon what happened. She clenched her jaw and curled her fist, and with every fiber of her being, trying not to become violent.
He massaged the spot she hit and didn't bother to argue because he knew he needed a good scolding from his big sister.
Yuna's voice became shaky. "How could you do this to her? To your relationship? You guys were doing well, and I thought you were getting ready to propose. What happened?"
She didn't understand what had gone wrong. She thought he was completely head over heels in love with you. But all it took was one person to come back and ruin everything.
After he had spoken to Namjoon and Jin at the housewarming party, he may or may not have started to shop around, looking for rings. He even secretly measured your finger while you were sleeping, trying to get your ring size. Lucky for him, Jungkook got Yuna's opinion on a few different options he had picked out.
Jungkook sat slumped over on the floor next to Yuna, burying his head in the crook of his arm. Yuna felt guilty for hitting her baby brother, but he deserved it. She softly placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Jungkook-ah..." Yuna mumbled. He hummed back, not turning to her. "Please fight for her. I can't lose her," she said with a shaky voice.
As much as Yuna disliked your and Jungkook's relationship in the beginning because she didn't want to see her brother get hurt. She overlooked the fact that Jungkook could hurt you too. Her brother would always be around, he's family--so she could never get rid of him, but you...you could easily drift away because it would hurt too much to be around Jungkook. And she wouldn't blame you if you never wanted anything to do with their family again. But the thought of losing you and not going through big life events together pained Yuna. The two of you have been through thick and thin, but she wasn't sure if your friendship could survive this one.
Jungkook finally gazed at his big sister, eyes teary, nostrils flaring rapidly, ready to burst into tears. He'd been crying every day since he left your place. "Noona...I don't--I don't know how to fix this."
The pad of Yuna's thumb wiped away a tear from Jungkook's eyes. "It's going to take time. Give her time."
Time. It was the one thing that Jungkook feared. Time apart could either make the heart grow fonder or make you drift from him. It could make you realize that what you wanted was not him but something better, someone better. He had thrown everything out the window, and for what? A moment of weakness struck him at the worst time. It was one thing he'd never forgive himself for.
"You ready?" Namjoon asked, not realizing the serious moment his wife and brother-in-law were having.
Jungkook quickly wiped away his tears, pretending he was okay with a smile. He stood, ready to head out.
"Jungkookie," Yuna called out, and he turned to her, "Everything's going to be okay."
He was thankful that his sister was hopeful but considering all the shit you've been through with previous boyfriends. He could see why you compared him to them, and he wasn't any better as much as he tried to justify it.
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The boys' weekend trip would be better if it weren't for this dark, looming cloud over Jungkook. He didn't know how to fill this gaping hole within himself. He was a mess, unsure of what to do with himself or who he was without you by his side. To distract himself, he worked tirelessly on the project he was in charge of at work, and he played games until he was exhausted and ultimately passed out. It helped somewhat to keep his mind off you, but every night he'd wake up in a cold sweat, wondering where you were, and then the cycle of trying to keep you off his mind repeated.
The cabin was exactly like Jungkook remembered, but spring had sprung instead of light snow piles on trees and the patio. Life was evident here and there throughout the fields the cabin was facing - flowers blooming, birds chirping like nothing was wrong with the world. But not in Jungkook's world - his had turned upside down.
Jin immediately claimed the loft bedroom, which Jungkook didn't mind. There were too many memories of you and him - kissing, touching, fucking, and it was too much for him. Barely there for thirty minutes, and the only thing that consumed his mind was you. Honestly, you were the only thing taking up space in every corner of his mind, body, and soul.
Jungkook walked out to the patio, nursing his beer, watching the sunset color the sky, a beautiful palette of apricot and lilac and marshmallow clouds soft enough to sleep on. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before letting out a shaky one. His heart was burdensome as to what the next steps with you were. He didn't know if there would be any future with you - he sure as hell wouldn't want anything to do with himself after his actions. He broke your trust, lost your respect, and he lost his integrity and sense of dignity. Even he wasn't sure how he would redeem himself.
"Jungkook-ah--" Namjoon broke him out of his thoughts, "Dinner's ready."
The three ate silently, and all sensed the elephant in the room.
Jungkook was tired of the lack of words and patronizing stares, so he set down his chopsticks and glared at the two men at the table. "Spit out whatever you want to say," he huffed, not that he was eager to hear them scold him.
They looked at him, going about eating their food, both unwilling to speak what's on their mind.
"Come on, yell at me. Hit me. Please tell me how stupid I am. Tell me how much I fucked this up," Jungkook declared, nervously tapping the table. He deserved it. He deserved being told he's an asshole. He deserved being told that he wasn't worthy of you.
"You're being a bit dramatic, Jungkook-ah," Jin argued. Although he may have disagreed with how his friend handled things, it didn't warrant a punch to the face, even if he wanted to.
"What about you, huh?" Jungkook directed it to Namjoon. "I'm sure Yuna told you everything."
He sighed, setting his chopsticks aside. "Will us telling you off make you feel better about yourself?" he inquired. Namjoon shook his head, returning to pick up his chopsticks to finish his dinner. He understood that Jungkook was in a tough spot, but Namjoon thought the young man was too hard on himself. Namjoon certainly wasn't excusing his actions but thought Jungkook should be gentle with himself too.
Jungkook shrugged. "Maybe." As if Jungkook wasn't already wallowing in self-pity and deprecation since Alex showed up - he needed more, others telling him how worthless he was.
"Have you thought about why you did what you did? Are there underlying feelings for Alex? Is there something you're not happy with in your relationship with Y/n? Something you want but she can't give you, and maybe that's why you did what you did with Alex?" Namjoon asked, wanting the young man to think about his motives.
"No--I don't even like Alex. She's the worst person I've ever come to know.
"O-kay...then why did you kiss her? Touch her?" Jin asked, confused by the contradiction of his words versus actions.
Jungkook rubbed his face and groaned in frustration. "I DON'T KNOW!" The young man cried out, then apologized for getting upset. "I'm not mad at your questions. I'm mad at myself. I fucking hate myself."
A beat passed before he continued.
"Maybe...maybe it's because I don't have all of Y/n. It's like I do, and I don't at the same time. You know? I feel like I give her all of me, but there are still some parts of her that she's hiding, afraid to share with me. I've been patient in letting her tell me things when she's ready, but sometimes I don't understand why she doesn't trust me with whatever it may be. Am I too young or immature? I've tried to show her that I'm good enough, but...I don't know. Maybe that's why I kissed Alex. Maybe that's why I gave in."
Jin and Namjoon quickly glanced at each other. The two of them discussed this privately in the presence of Yuna after everything went down. They had suspected this was the case. Namjoon knew about your miscarriage and reproductive issues, but he promised his wife he wouldn't tell a soul what he knew.
Jungkook stared at his two friends, probably dismissing him in their heads. "You guys think I'm the scum of the earth, huh?" The younger man implored.
"We didn't say anything," Namjoon said, looking away from Jungkook and at his plate of food.
"You don't have to. Your silence is deafening," Jungkook stated, scooting his chair back, causing a screech against the wooden floors. He stood, walked, and placed his plate in the sink, turning on the water to begin washing his dishes. For some strange reason, Jungkook always found solace in washing dishes. He could mindlessly clean while warm water ran and soapy bubbles on his skin.
Jin and Namjoon cleared their plates and brought them to Jungkook. Jin leaned against the counter, watching the young man beat himself again.
"Hyung, what am I gonna do?" Jungkook asked, hands under the running water, scrubbing away the dirty dishes.
Jin crossed his arms. "Well, what exactly did she say?"
"She said she wanted to take a break. I have no idea what that means or what it entails. Like, can I still call her? See her? Kiss her?"
He shook his head. "You probably shouldn't kiss her no matter how much you want to. You need to give her space to figure things out. She's hurt by the one person she loves, and it will take time to trust you again."
"What if I lose her in the process? What if she never trusts me again?" Jungkook paused, scrubbing the plate to gaze up at Jin. His mind already went to the worst possible scenarios, replaying over and over again this past week - you breaking it off and leaving him, maybe never wanting to speak or see him again. You'd always been a part of his life in some way or another, and a world where the two of you wouldn't collide, made him sick to his stomach.
Jin stood beside his friend, rubbing his shoulders. "Only time will tell."
Again, with 'time.' Jungkook was starting to hate the four-letter word. T-I-M-E. He wishes he could fast forward to when he could be with you again. But he'd wait a lifetime if he had to.
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The night had gone by quickly. Jungkook didn't want to spoil the rest of their weekend there, so he figured he should stop pouting and talking about you every chance he got. He was sure everyone was tired of him pouring out his broken heart.
The three of them were heading to bed when Namjoon's phone began buzzing in the pocket of his sweats. He reached in, pulling it out, frowning at the screen. He never answered what looked like spam but picked up anyway.
"Hello?" Namjoon answered. "Yes, this is he." Namjoon's eyes quickly darted to Jin and Jungkook, then to the ground.
The voice on the other line was muffled, and Jin and Jungkook couldn't hear anything.
Namjoon's eyes widened. "What?!" his voice grew louder, "Yes, I'm a few hours away, but I'll have someone come down right now. I'll be there as soon as I can. Thank you."
Jin and Jungkook looked at him with worried eyes. Namjoon hung up and immediately brushed past the two toward the bedroom.
"Hyung, what's going on?" Jungkook asked, chasing after him, and Jin followed closely behind.
"It's Yuna. She fell, and she's going to the hospital. I'm sorry, guys. We gotta go back," Namjoon said, grabbing his bag and franticly searching the room for anything he needed to take.
Jungkook could see Namjoon's hands shaking while holding his duffel bag. "Hyung--Noona's gonna be okay. I promise."
Namjoon nodded at the young man's sentiment. 
"I'll get the car," Jin said before taking off.
"Call Y/n. She can get there the fastest," Jungkook stated.
Namjoon agreed, grabbing his phone to call you.
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Walking into the dim, cold hallway, you weren't sure what to expect once you passed through the double doors. The low hum of beeps echoed when you walked the hallway, the heel of your boots softly clicking with every step. You stopped to take a deep breath before walking through the threshold. The first bed in the room was empty, and a divider covered the second. You sat on the chair in front of the bed, staring at the one person who despised you but had to call family.
Hello, is this the daughter of _____ ______?
"Yes, this is she."
This was a call you were not expecting when you picked up.
Your mother has been in an accident, and you were listed as the next of kin. If you could please come to the hospital, we need to sort out some paperwork for her.
"Okay, yes, I'll be there."
You never liked hospitals - they always brought bad memories. The first time was your father's sudden heart attack, which led to his death, then all the personal shit you had to deal with.
You hadn't spoken to her in months. The last conversation took a turn for the worst, and she revealed secrets she'd been keeping for all of your life - a conversation you've been keeping to yourself because you didn't have the heart to tell Yuna or Jungkook. You weren't sure what to do with this secret, so it had become a secret you had buried.
This was the only time you ever saw your mother peaceful when she was sleeping. You watched her, trying to shift into a comfortable position, but her arm sling didn't allow her. She tossed and turned from side to side, finally peering her eyes open to see you sitting in front of her. She didn't say anything but groaned at your presence.
"It's nice to see you too, mother," you said sarcastically.
She tried her best to turn away from you, but the pillow behind her was obstructing her arm, so she could not move it back. You knew she wouldn't ask for help, and she was always stubborn and had to do everything herself. But she needed assistance, so out of the goodness of your heart, you stood by her bedside, removing the second pillow and placing it under her arm to keep it elevated.
"What are you doing here?" your mother asked with malice, turning away from you to peer outside the darkened window.
"The hospital called asking me to come down," you replied. This was the last place you'd expect to see your mother, but given that she was your only "family," you figured you should at least check to see if she was alright, it was the least you could do.
"Well, I'm fine, so you can go. I don't need you."
"Suit yourself. Good luck getting home," you huffed at her comment and shook your head, letting go of the railing on the bed. You spun around, ready to leave her to her demise. If she was going to be a heinous bitch, when you were the product of something you had no control over, then you wanted no part of her life. You'd been fine figuring out everything on your own, so you didn't need her.
You had no problem walking away. She didn't deserve your kindness or sympathy. If she wanted to blame you for everything that happened between her and your father, that was on her, not you. You had no control over the actions of your father or what kind of relationship they had. So you didn't need to put up with any more of her bullshit.
You entered the hallway, ready to never see your mother again, but you stopped in your tracks, fists, and jaws clenched, retracing your steps back towards her room. Your phone buzzed in your bag, breaking you out of your moment of anger. You knitted your brows when you looked at Namjoon's name lighting up on your phone screen. "Namjoon?"
"Hey, Y/n, not sure if you got my texts, but I decided to call you too. Are you at the hospital?"
"I'm here. Why?" You were confused. You didn't tell anyone you were there. Not even Yuna knew.
"Oh, you are! Good. How's Yuna doing?" Namjoon asked with relief in his voice.
Your eyes suddenly widened. "Yuna? What do you mean? Is she okay?"
"You're...not with her?"
You cleared your throat, hesitant to say why you were at the hospital. You paused briefly before answering, "I'm with my mom..."
"Oh, um, Yuna fell, and we're trying to get back to the city, but we can't because some big tree fell, and they're trying to clear it, but I don't know when they'll be done. When you have a chance, can you check up on her?"
"Yes! Of course, I'll finish up with my mom and find out where Yuna is."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're such a lifesaver. I don't know what I'd do without you. I'll call you later to give you our ETA."
There was a weird twinge in your heart when Namjoon said that - don't know what I'd do without you. With everything going on with Jungkook, you realize that if you slowly drift apart from Yuna, you could also lose your friendship with Namjoon and maybe even Jin. You could potentially lose Jungkook, but you could also lose your friends.
"Bye, Joon," you said before ending the call.
You peered at your phone and then at your mother's room. You didn't want to deal with her and would do it later.
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"Yuna--babe!" you cried out, rushing to her side, your eyes raking over her, seeing her ankle bandaged up. "What happened?"
"I was clumsy because, hello," she pointed to her belly, "pregnancy has somehow turned me into my clumsy husband. I rolled on my ankle and fell, but I'm fine. Baby's fine too."
You leaned over, pulling her close against your chest. "Geez, you scared me. Us," you emphasized the last part because you were sure Namjoon was losing his mind not being here, which reminded you to call him back before he went ballistic.
"I'm fine," Yuna said, shifting to her previous position. She caressed her baby bump, then tilted her head at you. "How did you get here so fast?"
You flashed her a thin smile, then drew in the chair behind you. "I, uh, my mom is here. She also had an accident."
"Oh my gosh. Is your mom okay?"
"Yeah, she's fine."
"You should go be with her. You must be so worried."
Was this the right time to tell Yuna everything your mom had spilled to you a few months ago? About who your 'real' mother was? Now was as good a time as any. You're not sure why you'd need to keep this from your best friend.
"I have something I need to tell you," you looked up at Yuna, and she had nothing but concern in her eyes, waiting for you to continue. "So, you know how my mom has never shown me any kind of love throughout my life?" Yuna nodded and hummed. "Well, it turns out I'm actually not her daughter, and that's why she hates me so much."
Yuna gasped and covered her mouth. "What? What do you mean?"
"It turns out my dad had an affair with someone early on in their marriage, and it resulted in me," you sighed, "Long story short, my birth mom died, and my dad and mom were stuck with me." You looked at Yuna and could already see the pity in her eyes, which was probably one reason you avoided telling her. Your life was a shit show, so growing up, you preferred being at Yuna and Jungkook's. It was a nice escape from your crappy life.
"Good god--" Yuna huffed. She clenched her jaw, her heart racing. "That doesn't give her the right to treat you like she has. I'm sorry, but she's a despicable human being."
You agreed. Your mother was something alright...she wasn't the best, but what you hated most about yourself because you always tried to put yourself in the other person's shoes - to see their viewpoint. Though you weren't trying to excuse your mother for how she's treated you, you understood to an extent what she must have felt while raising you - having to see the result of her husband's infidelity every single day of her life.
"Don't you dare try to excuse her shitty job as a mom," Yuna cried out. She definitely knew you too well.
"I'm not."
"...how long have you known?"
"For a while now," you said, nervously biting your lip.
"Does Jungkook know?" Yuna probably shouldn't have brought up her baby brother, but she couldn't fathom you bearing this secret all on your own.
You shook your head. There were still plenty of things you needed to tell Jungkook but wondered if there was any need to now.
"Thank you for telling me. I'm sorry you had to go through this by yourself."
"It's fine," you said, feeling bad about how this somehow turned into a show about you when it was Yuna in the hospital.
"No, it's not," Yuna asserted. "I love you, Y/n. You're like a sister to me, and you're family. You've been with me through thick and thin, and I will not forget that. But I need you to promise me something," she said, waiting for you to acknowledge her, which you hummed in response. "I need you to stop holding things back from me, no matter how hard it is. I know you don't like sharing your burdens, but I'll always bear them with you. You never have to walk through it alone."
Your chest began to swell at your best friend's words. You've never wanted to dump your problems on someone else for fear of them being annoyed with you whining and pouting. Maybe it was the lack of parents that made you feel unsafe enough to share yourself with others - fully share yourself.
You could feel your eyes glistening once more. You couldn't help but be such an emotional wreck. As much as you hated crying, you always felt better after doing it.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. After Jungkook and I started seeing each other, maybe even before then, like during your wedding planning, I felt I had lost your trust because I wasn't upfront about liking Jungkook. You probably noticed me not coming to you as much when I had something on my mind. I didn't feel right because I knew I hurt you and didn't know if we could go back to the way things were."
Your sudden confession felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders, and as you got older, you understood that not all friendships would look like they used to. Did you miss the times you had with Yuna before Jungkook? Yes, but you had good moments with her after Jungkook too.
"I don't want to go back to the way things were," Yuna stated, holding out her hand for yours, "I know I don't say this as much as I should, but Y/n...you don't realize how strong you are. I've never known anyone like you through all the years I've known you. You've been dealt a shitty hand in life, but you always overcome them. You're level-headed, think about your choices very carefully, and are slow to anger, and I know you always have that little voice in your head making you second-guess yourself. Know that your choice will always be the right one for you."
"Are you trying to make me cry right now?" you chuckled, patting the tears running down your cheeks. "Thanks, I needed to hear that."
Yuna laughed. "I love you," she said, squeezing your hand.
You stood beside her bed, leaning over to hug her. "Love you too friend."
The two of you talked for a while longer before Yuna fell asleep. You told her you'd stay until Namjoon came so that he could switch places with you. The TV quietly played in the background, and you mindlessly watched whatever was on - an old episode of a variety show. You softly chuckled at the game they were playing.
"Hi, sweetheart," said a voice from behind.
You looked up to see Yuna and Jungkook's mom. It's been a while since you last saw her, but you always loved their mother, and she felt more like a mother to you than your own. You stood up to bow, but she pulled you in for a hug.
"It's so good to see you, honey," she said before pulling away, getting a good look at you. She cupped your cheeks, and her hands were a bit icy from the cold night. "You get more beautiful every time I see you," she said with a big smile, gently patting your cheek. You mumbled, thanks flashing a thin smile. "How's my baby girl and grandchild?"
"They're both doing good. Just a few bumps, but the doctor said it was nothing to worry about. They'll keep her here for observation for precaution."
"Ah, that's good to hear," she said as she sat in the empty chair next to Yuna's bed. She took Yuna's hand in hers before flicking her eyes to yours. "How are you and Jungkookie?"
Jungkook's mom never opposed your relationship. It was quite the opposite which was a surprise. She supported the two of you one hundred percent. She even told you she would tease Jungkook about his crush on you when he was younger, asking him when he would finally confess his feelings for you. But of course, she wouldn't know about the current state of your relationship because who would've told her? Certainly not Jungkook himself.
You cleared your throat, debating whether to lie or tell her the truth. "We're um...taking a small break from each other right now," you explained, shuffling over to the other side of Yuna's beside.
"Oh, sweetheart," she looked at you with sorrowful eyes. "Do you need me to beat him for you?" she teased with a light chuckle, making you snort.
"I think Yuna already did," you said, staring at your best friend, sleeping peacefully.
"Ah, good, I'm glad someone did it."
"I'll leave you here with her. I have to go see someone."
"Your mother?"
Your eyes perked up, and you nodded. "How did you know?"
"I heard her yelling at a nurse while coming up to see Yuna, and I stopped to see the commotion."
Oh god. Not Jungkook's mother talking to your mother. "I'm sorry if she said anything to you about Jungkook and me."
She shook her head. "You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart."
Your lips thinned, wondering what they could have talked about. Was your mother completely vile like she usually was? You hoped it wasn't the case and your mother would have some respect for Jungkook's mother. They were, in fact, friends once before.
"I'll be back," you smiled at her. You were thankful that you had someone like her who loved you even though you weren't hers.
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You took time walking to your mother's room, thinking about what you wanted to say. Honestly, you had a lot you wanted to say, but if she were determined not to be a part of your life, you wouldn't stop her.
You could hear the light chatter and laughter from the TV show resounding as you approached the room. Your mother was watching one of her favorite variety shows. When you were younger, you'd often find yourself sitting next to her, laughing along - it was the only time she'd bear your presence. You walked in, and your mother was sitting, smiling, laughing away at the show until she saw you standing. She acknowledged your presence for a moment before returning to her show.
You took it upon yourself to sit in the chair beside her bed. Nervously, you licked your lips and shuffled in your seat until you found a comfortable position. Your mother stared at you, wondering why you were there.
"I would like it if you took a moment to listen to what I have to say, and then you'll never have to hear from me again, okay?"
She didn't respond, but her eyes returned to the screen in front of her. You sighed, annoyed at her lack of response.
"My whole life, all I ever wanted to do was make you proud," you chuckled, realizing how silly it sounded because it was an impossible feat, "I'm sorry I wasn't the daughter you wanted but the one you were stuck with. If I could go back and change things, I would." She glanced at you briefly. "I'm sorry that you weren't happy in your marriage, and what dad did to you was unfair. If there's one thing I learned from you, it's that you're strong, and I'd like to think that I got that from you," your voice started to become shaky. "I don't know what your life was like before, dad, and I don't know what your life will look like now, but I do hope that you find happiness because you deserve it. You were robbed of a beautiful marriage. You were robbed of having your own child."
A flood of tears began to flush down your cheeks, your hands patting and wiping away at the streams coming down, sniffles growing louder as you continued, "You were robbed of so many things, mother...so, now I understand why it was so hard for you to love me or even like me - it was because I wasn't yours."
You stopped to take a deep breath. Your thoughts overwhelm you and your mother. You could see that she was, in fact, human because of the tears she began wiping away. You'd always known she had a heart. She just built her walls so high and so thick that no one was able to penetrate them.
"Even though you never saw me as yours, you'll always be my mom. You're the only one I've ever known," you cleared your throat and continued through your shaky voice, "I hope life treats you well and that somehow you'll find happiness."
The twinge in your heart grew ten times more prominent by the end of your monologue. You hoped you were able to get everything off your chest. It's certainly been a long time coming. You've spent countless nights reflecting on your life and your mother's and concluded that you had lived your life long enough without her, so her not being involved in it wouldn't make a difference either way. She chose a path of destruction and displeasure, and you sure weren't going to go down the same direction. You wanted a life filled with love, joy, and hope - everything she wasn't.
You rose from your seat, gazing at her once more before heading out the door. You stopped to look back again; she had already turned away from you. You held onto the door entrance, lightly tapping, debating if you should say goodbye, but opted out. You didn't have anything else to say to her. You had made your peace.
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You sat in the hospital lobby, thinking about how much you disliked them. They were so dull and sad, and the contrast of hospitals made your stomach twist- filled with sad and happy life events. Someone could give life to a brand new baby on one floor, and then on another floor, someone could be saying goodbye to a loved one.
Peering up from the ground to the commotion echoing before you, you saw Jungkook, Jin, and Namjoon rushing through the sliding double doors. Namjoon hurried in your direction, asking what room Yuna was in. As you told him, he and Jin went together, leaving you and Jungkook alone.
"Hey...." Jungkook softly called to you, making you gaze up at him, "Are you okay?" He searched your face for an answer. He could tell you had been crying, your eyes were puffy, and the tip of your nose was ruby red.
You swiped your finger underneath your runny rose, looking away from Jungkook. "Yeah...'m fine." You were always bad at lying, and Jungkook could always tell.
He sat next to you, his familial warmth filling up the space, and it was a warmth you had missed so much this past week.
"It's good to see you. It just sucks it's under these circumstances," Jungkook said as his hand struggled to see if he should hold yours. He shifted his hand a few times before settling it on his thigh. He wasn't sure if you'd be comfortable with him touching you.
But you helped him, placing your hand on top of his, curling your fingers between his. You could've easily not held his hand, but you were tired of going against the current. Right now, you need to be in the comfort of Jungkook's presence, and you'd sort out your feelings later.
He was taken aback by your gesture, but he didn't resist it. He had missed you so much this week. Jungkook wanted to keep this moment frozen as long as he could.
You glanced at him; your heart was racing a million miles a minute. "Can you do something for me?" He looked back at you, agreeing to your ask. "Can you stand up?"
He was confused by your request but wouldn't refuse you. He stood to his feet, as did you. Jungkook towered over you, which you loved so much. You always felt safe in his arms. The pair of you faced each other, his hand still entangled with yours.
"Can you...hold me?"
Your little chat with your mother shook you to the core. Sitting in the lobby, you realized that you were now truly alone.
Your father - gone.
Your birth mother - gone.
Your 'mother' - practically non-existent.
Jungkook scanned your face again, trying to figure out if this was a test. You looked up, eyes starting to pool with tears.
"Just for a little bit..." you expressed with such sadness.
In all the years that Jungkook has known you, he'd never seen you look so heartbroken - not even when he told you about Alex. This was different, and whatever was going on was more painful than he could ever imagine, something he could probably never fix.
He brought his other hand to cup your cheek, the pad of his thumb gently caressing your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned in without hesitation, a tear streaming down your face. And then, he finally embraced you, holding you as tight as he could - a part of him never wanting to let go because he didn't want to lose you. He wanted to be your person. He wanted to be your everything, be there for you through the good and the bad, and champion and support you for the rest of his life. That's what he wanted. So, he was scared to let go because he didn't know if he'd get to become that for you. He knew whatever the reason for you giving in to him right now, the feeling would eventually pass, and you'd come back to your senses, remembering that the two of you were on a break.
You softly sobbed into his hoodie, letting everything you were holding in go. These past few weeks had been such a rollercoaster of emotions; honestly, you were just so tired of life continuing to shit on you. You weren't sure how much more you could take.
Jungkook quietly shushed you, telling you it'd be okay. "I'll always be here if you need anything, okay?"
His remark made you sob even more, chest heaving, short breaths leaving your mouth, continual snot running from your nose, slowly dripping down to the top of your lip. You turned your head, pressing it against his chest, hearing his heart thump rapidly, and your hands gripped tightly onto the back of his hoodie.
The two of you stood like this in the lobby for a while until you finally settled. Jungkook didn't say anything and didn't ask what was on your mind even though he desperately wanted to. You breathed a big sigh, slightly pulling away, taking his scent along with you.
You nibbled your bottom lip, quickly exploring Jungkook's eyes before landing on his lips. It would be a complete lie to say you weren't tempted to reach up and kiss them. You admit you almost gave into a moment of weakness, but it was time to return to reality and remember that you initiated a break from him.
"I'm--gonna head home."
"I can take you home," Jungkook immediately responded. He was hoping you'd accept his offer but was leaving room in his heart if you denied it.
"I'll just grab a taxi," you flashed a thin smile, "Thanks, Kook," you said, reaching up to kiss his cheek. You quickly pulled away in case you decided to give in and kiss him.
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You walked out of the hospital and into the cab, wondering what your future would look like without your mother, you and Jungkook on the rocks, your best friend about to be a mom, and Hyunie nowhere to be found. You felt as though you were aimlessly wandering through life - just surviving, not living. Life around you moves a million miles a minute, but you are frozen in time, watching life pass you. You wondered when it would be your time to shine.
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✨ next ~ i do
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shadowynn · 2 years
Four of some of my favorite tropes in one fic!!!! I must be spoiled. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of Vampire!Ateez especially after Deja Vu. And i have such a strange fascination with cults. Seriously the first two chapters are amazing and I can’t wait to see what you have in store. Do you have a yandere type picked out for each of the boys or just a general yandere vibe? And hopefully Felix survives through it all. It’s such a creative idea!!!!
me too! i've probably watched way too many cult documentaries in my life, but i find them so fascinating. for this piece, i think it was going to start out more cult like when the idea first came to me, because that's how it is in 1BR, but then the idea of vampires popped into my head and i just couldn't not include it. it'll still hold cult elements to it, but the emphasis might be a bit more on the vampire side of things.
as for yandere types, i'm not quite sure, but i'll give a run down as how i imagine each one being beneath the cut.
as for felix, i am struggling. i love him, okay, but i'm also fully aware that he is in a very precarious situation here. the last thing i want to do is put him in any harm, but i'm fully aware that making it out unscathed through it all isn't going to happen. what all happens to him though, we'll just have to see. i don't see any physical harm going his way per se, but he might not get to stick around mc forever...
hongjoong is probably the worst out of them and is definitely the most possessive one. very much into showing y/n off and making sure everyone knows just who you belong to. and though he is willing to share with the others, this act of showing off can sometimes extend towards them as well. without giving too much away on how their abilities work, he will happily twist your mind to make sure your focused completely on him and takes absolute pleasure in the attention you'll give him in these moments. (i may or may not have a scene with mc and hongjoong that has been playing nonstop in my head since this idea started and i've been craving to write it but it's pretty far away in the plot line.)
seonghwa comes across as a caring and sweet partner, but can be very manipulative. he will always take care of you and make sure your needs are met, but sometimes his care will come from situations he caused himself. he just wants to be someone you depend on, and if he has to do certain things to make you aware of this fact, he will. and all the while, he will make absolutely certain you're none the wiser for it.
yeosang: while the others might be more forward or manipulative in getting your attention and love, yeosang is much more subtle. he might not go out of his way to gain your attention, but he doesn't need to. he would much rather have you to come to in, thriving in the fact he has you crazy for him without any major tricks or manipulation. but every interaction between you is carefully planned and calculated, the smallest of gestures or actions all but making you crave to get in closer. and once he has you there, good luck getting back out.
san: can be very clingy. wants to spend time with you constantly, and will make certain things happen so that you're forced to go to him. oh, did your washer or dryer suddenly break? guess you'll have to come over to his place and hang out for the next few hours to do your laundry. oh, you have someone over that's not one of them? will find an excuse to squeeze his way in and make sure nothing happens between you and your company.
mingi: the one to quietly control your life, dictating your actions and choices with quiet subtlety. while he does have concerns for your own safety and health, he does influence your decisions on what you do and eat to make sure your blood's quality is at the highest with actions such as bringing you food or asking you to accompany him on certain endeavors. can also be very overprotective, having a hard time letting you do anything by yourself. if you try to do something on your own, he has no shame in ensuring it doesn't end well for you. absolutely relishes in the way you'll come crawling back, telling you once again how he told you it wasn't a good idea and boosting your dependence on each of them.
yunho: may seem normal on the outside, but quietly works his way around so that you come to depend on him. uses your interests as a way to get in close, and is always there as a shoulder to lean on in times of need. can be manipulative, however, in these tactics as he uses them almost as leverage over you. oh, he just spent the day doing one of your favorite activities with you, now why don't you do something that he wants to do next? may seem like he's spending time or helping you as an act of kindness, but it's mostly for his own gain. wanting you to feel as though your indebted to him.
jongho: may seem not as bad as the others at first. he's desperate for your love and attention, but has more qualms than the others in using certain tactics to get it. once you're in close, however, is when his true colors show. extremely clingy and needy, and may whine when you go to leave, begging you to stay with him just a little longer. may get pouty if you choose one of the others over him, like you decided to sit in one of the others' laps, and uses these tactics to make you feel guilty and give him the attention he so desperately wants.
wooyoung: can also be clingy and can get very jealous at times. he's fairly decent with sharing you with the others, but if anyone else were to come too close, he'll be right there, pressing a lingering kiss along your skin and oh, so innocently asking who your friend is. a bit like hongjoong, he'll take his jealousy out on you afterwards. never violently, but almost slightly degrading. asking if that person could ever love you the way he can, if they could ever please you the way he can, etc. but while hongjoong takes more pleasure out of acting on these thoughts and actions in front of said person, wooyoung enjoys privacy. having your full attention on him only.
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hii so I'm like a super ultra silent reader of your content bc I am deathly afraid of my liked posts showing up on my friends' feeds. but I had to somehow let you know that even though you seem to be having some sort of burnout and unhappiness with your writing, as someone who's very very picky about what writing I even enjoy, your writing style and skill is definitely some of my favorite on the app at all. I totally understand being unhappy with your own work since I'm an artist too (albeit a visual artist so, not quite the same here but the idea applies), and I can relate to being unsatisfied with whatever it is you're putting out there. but basically, I just wanted to let you know from an outside view, your writing is extremely eloquent and well-put-together and organized. you can tell your writing is created with a lot of thought and time put into it, which is why it's so easy to enjoy. and side note, I LITERALLY haven't been able to stop thinking of your last post since I read it yesterday which almost never happens 😭. honestly even though there's like 5 gepard fans on here so he gets practically no content from anyone, I'd still prefer to have your writing carrying the "fanclub" of sorts over a large crop of posts from lots of people that isnt very well-done or thought about. I know you said this recent post may be your last one for a bit, so please, PLEASE take your time with whatever's next!! your stuff is always very much worth the wait ❤️ and please do take care of yourself and don't push yourself too hard.
(by the way, you totally don't need to post this on your profile or respond to it at all, I just wanted to send in some kind of message about it since as I mentioned, my paranoia prevents me from interacting with your posts directly 😞)
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It surprises me when people say I don’t need to respond because I can’t keep such a nice note to myself 😭 but I do the same thing when I’m sending asks so I totally get it (I’d get this tattooed on my forehead if no one stopped me)
i had NO IDEA I had a super ultra silent reader so this was an absolute joy to get. There was a post I saw earlier about how in fandoms, it’s either you talking with a small group of friends or your door is open and people come in and listen to you ramble. I’m definitely the latter. I’m so fortunate to have so many people invested in my story lol, because like most things I write, they start off as daydreams in bed. I’ve never written one out before, but I’m SO GLAD I DID.
And honestly, if I were to release something the quality I wanted it to be, it would take ages of rereading and refining. Unfortunately im not a very gifted writer, but all the practice I’ve gotten due to being obsessed with gepard has helped me a bit. I just have to remember that haha
Some less coherent thoughts
i actually based my style off the wings of fire series, i don’t know if y’all are familiar with it, but the introspective humor was so fun to me as a child. (Also I love using Chekhov’s gun as a crutch I’m sorry guys) it also stemmed from the worry that readers wouldn’t be able to visualize what I was picturing, so that ended up in a LOT of describing scenes early on. With no metaphors so it was just like. (Y/N) set the cup down, (Y/N) put the laundry in the washer, etc. hahaha it makes me laugh looking back on it
it also makes me absolutely kicking my feet giddy that it’s invaded your brain. I love giving people brain worms and inflicting emotional damage on them. And gepard ALWAYS shares posts with other Hsr men like. The absolute middle child treatment. But I’m glad I’m doing my part to bring something to the table that’s different than the usual 1k words he gets sandwiched in between five other people.
it makes me so so happy you think my writing is organized and well thought out, because I do put a lot of thought into it!
I’ve run out of words to say but i might come back to this to ramble pfft
i hope that fic gives you a good supply of serotonin for days to come 🩵🩵
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Easy Rider - Intro - Born to be wild!
They said it's all worth it being waiters and so forth helping us to get food and things cuz he said it looks like a nice ride and a nice time and that was it and they're looking around having a great time. They're commenting on the bikes how the frame looks thick and then it looks thin and they know it's a hard knock kicker 5150 it's going to be very famous and people are going to want them and they're all going to build the Softail and it does have a lot around corners you have to be careful when you're going fast we'll go around a nice bend at 90 without too much trouble unless the road is a mess so it is all about what they're talking about it's a ride it's really about being a rebel and the motors have significance now they give up the watch is a bit much it's over the top and they're not really doing that style it's not their style their style is hard not kicker 5150 and it's saying not even but okay it's still over the top and the discovering something it's a way to see it and they said it's way too much and it really is and they couldn't seem to shake it but they're not good I think we have records to say they buy and make tons of these bikes a ridiculous number because whether they hate it or not it's information that comes to them but it's not like the watches if you're with the washer have it on all the time you get beat up but the bike in your office you're on the bike and you're off the bike the bike is somewhere else stuff like that it's out of sight out of mind with the watch is always on and our son says the watch is always on but with the max I guess you get a break if you're not in their face and they say it too it kind of works now this is going ahead and we needed it to and our son and daughter did a great job it's the birth of a revolution and it's on Harleys sort of no but it's on a son's bike and daughter's bike that they designed and we helped with and it's intense they know it too and it's part of the gig they have evil plans for hours but they kind of suck at it really bad but they have plans for their father and if they get the stuff it's going to be different it's a lot of stuff to get they're going to start this this Old McDonald's farm in westborough Massachusetts and that's where they are that's where Randall text Cobb was and he's missing they said they checked and he is missing and his wife's missing and she was nasty and mean and bigger and she didn't like her son now that's wrong so she is also entombed and in Italy of all places who would have thought Italy but that's why I might end up and they wouldn't have checked and they think that he was entombed somewhere in westborough and there are tombs and they're going to check and see if he's there
Thor Freya
I guess I've been collecting people and doing a lot of evil stuff it's very wrong and it's not working out and our friend says I'm on my own I can't deal with it anymore we need to have things my people need stuff too and I'm carrying on like we don't and I'm making like we don't too and I'm not doing stuff this isn't going to work if I'm not doing things he wants to do a bunch of stuff and I don't want to do anything and we're just sitting here screwing around with each other it was proven today and yeah it's hard and it's nasty and yelling and screaming at each other it didn't do anything for any of us and what happens to him he gets in the middle and somebody tries to help him just calm down and we saw it too this is poor girl two of them surrounded by us bothering them for an accident we planned bothering him it looks pitiful and I did something later is wrong and and I'm paying and it's awful it's painful
Tommy f
So don't do it and a whole lot of you started up again but really you're not busy and this would make you busy he says it's going to happen and Tommy F chiming in wants to look like he's changing his ways when he's probably up there at the bikes
We're going up there now if he's up there
And my husband has a joke and I guess I'm jumping in and saying it. The guy's name is Peter Fonda and it doesn't make any sense until you look over to the side and you see Peter and that's the name of Brad that's his name too Peter and then it says Peter Fonda and says Peter is fond of Peter Fonda and it's kind of how he is it's a little odd but bja is riding and it's his father and it means that too and Peter Fonda is fond of Peter so it's a little bit weird cuz they're talking about their weiner and it means weapon or gun and they really have to get one and a bigger one and a better one that's where the writing too and what the right is about is to find these big guns and it's not the low desert but it's close by no that's that's where they're going but they're trying to take over Harley-Davidson again and it's after Trump sells which is already done and it also going to go up to Massachusetts and we believe it's tomorrow and they're going to use the Golden corral as the method which is stupid it doesn't do anything it's just like meeting there and like horrible idiot stuff to do but it's going to be fun and it's going to be something to do and it's going to light it all up and we really need it this is a doldrum even though things are happening
They're going to start doing stuff and be less s***** right now they're building a crematorium and that's pretty much what they're up to
Duke nukem Blockbuster
So you said to him why don't you cut the s*** and go over and do your real job and build that for yourselves they looked over as a crematorium and they said you're kidding this is what we're doing and it is and Tommy F pointed it out and he means it but that's what it really is
Frank Castle hardcastle
We can't wait until someone climbs that mountain they're still trying to get there they're competing and it's going to be a hell of a time there's a bunch of Latin Americans who want to do it and Spaniards and yeah his grandpa from Spain is going out there he says it can do it his grandson says 8 miles is way too far for me to walk especially uphill you have to carry a lot of oxygen and he says wow that's going to be heavy it's true too you have to decide whether the litter or not he says I've had enough of this s*** and shut up he's going to take care of the wraith up the hill so you said okay it would have to be outfitted specially but no shut up. It's going to be fun you're going to attract a lot of attention if you go down there plus it looks like you get kidnapped by Billy or other. As far as says I have to do this now but it doesn't look like someone else in my body you have to get me out it says great that's my job to sign your kids to try and join up in Europe and make rescue rangers they love that stuff it's like nato in the UN I'm going to do that inform it cuz this is ridiculous that was Salazar and he's there too but this is going to be great it's going to work
Thor Freya
Having said something for a long time but we did help with the z tire and really the thing is great and it works and he's surprised he really is but he did a lot of work too afterwards cuz it wasn't doing anything he got mad he said this is me on my bike with my tires and they won't have the original tires for his but they have to they say and they're about the same size they need to be shrunken down somehow so I was wondering how the hell do you do that and it says you kind of melt them in a mold how the hell that's done I suppose you spin it and he says wow that's interesting so they know how to do it some people and they're going to try and do that so they're going to get to it and they're going to get to it right behind the bike at full price now I helped with this project and it was really good and it went on very well we're getting to work now and they're right we have to hire them and we took the job and it's to hire our people. These things help and they're very interesting and they work and it shows we're working with the hero of ours and these people took to it and for Christ's sake of doing it again and a big way and they put that company up and they want us to piggyback and make the cars and we're going to help and we're going to do it and they decide what parts go in and they're going to make the Vader which is evil but it works and on the firebird and it will start that process and real plantons
I'm very pleased with what happened this is much better and it's working and he's pushing all sorts of buttons and Thor and Freya were overworked and he said to them you're overworked and to others and finally we're getting help we are overworked and we have different culture and we need people to come to us
Zig Zag
It's a joy and a pleasure to go there you have some trepidation and severe and they want that but really it's great it's like going to the mountain and to talk to greatness and you go there and dress from appropriately with what you're going to say ready and it makes a big difference they used to respecting each other because of each other's power we need to show them respect and we need to show them that we care and that they're loved for what they're doing and they need to get it out and they need help doing that a lot of us have some maniacs systems and you can use them but you get to let him know you're doing it after LOL
Zues and Hera
We have a lot to say about that about that but will let you guys know when you try that kind of stuff
Thor Freya
Olympus so he shows his humongously muscular bear approaching Thor his gigantic and yeah that's kind of what it's like
0 notes
hangman x f!reader😩
Heirlooms (Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader)
Word Count: 5355
TW: Slightly NSFW content but no gory details 😂, mentions death of a parent and single parentage, alcohol mentioned
AN: So- I combined this with an idea I had that I couldn't help but write, but I don't want to put in the title yet because it ruins the suspense and gives it all away (but equally you might guess it really quick, I have no idea!) I'm still working on Recall pt2 also, and the other requests (still open btw) but I'm VERY open to suggestions for it going forward so please do give them if you have them.
Feedback and suggestions in general are needed and very welcome! (Plus it's the feedback and knowing what you love about my writing that keeps me going and means I can write more of what you really enjoy!)
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Growing up a young girl on the coast of California was an interesting life, even if you didn't have much to your name there was always the beach, the sun and sea to keep you glad that you lived there instead of anywhere else.
In the summer the whole place felt like it was bathed in constant dusk light, the air was hot and grained with dust; and when the wind blew it was salty and it could all sting your eyes and make it hard to see how pretty it all was. The sea was a sort of hot sweaty blue, glittering and dancing.
In the town there were five major things- as it was only fairly small; The first was the store, which was not branded, and had an aisle for everything from cereal to nuts and washers, the second was the local highschool, which was relatively small and the auditorium of which doubled as the town councilors meeting hall, the third: the motel, which was the only reason any tourists ever bothered turning off of the road to stop there, the fourth: the single bar that sat on the beach and lastly, the fifth: the road that ran along the seafront- littered with signs directing to the airbase.
There were very few residents that didn't have associations with the base, most of them worked there or were the spouses or children of pilots and those who otherwise did. People came and went often, it was a military town really. There were just as few permanent residents.
(Y/n) was one of those few. She always had been. She grew up there, she grew up around those pilots, their kids were her friends, for as long as they were around. When she was older, she befriended the young wives of pilots, and eventually, like everyone else, ended up working at the base.
Growing up there, watching fighter jets scream over her head at recess and hearing all the stories from her friend's parents about the jets they flew or looked after- she was fascinated by them. She never believed she could be a pilot though, so she just never tried- not for the military anyway. She did have a private pilots license however, and dreamed of one day being able to buy something to fly as a hobby.
(She did also once steal a plane, just a small Cessna, as a teenager, but managed to play dumb and sweet and avoid charges because the owner dropped the charges when she apologized and said 'I just love them so much and girls never get the same opportunities as boys to do stuff like that 🥺')
Her job was just basic admin, it was boring and pretty dull most of the time, but she liked it enough. It was nothing particularly important, just making sure deliveries came and went as planned- this did mean that occasionally she had to supervise and confirm the delivery of parts and spares for the planes, which she enjoyed, but that didn't always go through her.
She had lived in the same apartment, in the same town all her life. She had lived there with her mother, and was starting to move out when her mother died when she was 20. It was a bit of an awful shock- she had to admit that, an unexpected stroke in the night and she was gone.
And that was it, from there on out she was on her own.
She didn't know her father, she never had really wanted to- and only realised that of course she must have one, when she was about 6, and realised she and her mother had different surnames.
When she asked why, she was told she had her father's surname, and that was the end of the conversation. She had never felt any need to ask for more information, she didn't need a dad as far as she was concerned.
That was until her mom died, then she wondered, because suddenly she couldn't just ask.
She knew her parents had never really been together. Her mother had grown up there just as she did, met her father when she was young, had a bit of an on going fling with him and had (y/n). That's about all she knew though- her mother had told her that her father wasn't from California, and that he didn't live there for long- so she could only assume he was involved in the military somehow.
But still, she wasn't bothered. Why push it now?
She never thought about who he was, she never felt incomplete without knowing who he was.
And that was her life. Simple, content, pretty typical. She worked, saw friends and dated when she could be bothered to.
Tonight she was going out.
She wore some comfy jeans and boots, an old t-shirt with a Rolling Stones logo on and a jacket which she had found at the back of her Mom's wardrobe. It was pretty dull clothing, nothing flashy or fashionable, just comfy.
She walked along the shore road to the bar, it only took about twenty minutes, and pushed open the door. Inside smelled a little sweaty, a little of vanilla perfume and a little bit of wood polish, it was homey. The lights were all a warm yellow and the orangey light of the sunset was coming off of the horizon as the sun sank slowly and steadily below it- heat haze wavering on the surface of the water as the temperature sank slower and kept everyone in a glaze of summer sweat.
She had already slipped the jacket off, she'd need it for walking home but for now it was just too hot, and kept it on her arm. She smiled and walked up to the bar, it wasn't busy yet, so quickly she was greeted by the familiar face of the owner.
"Hi hun-" The older woman, with her kind smile and calming, humming voice, spoke.
"Hiya-" She returned the cheery expression and ordered her drink, which was quickly put in her hand- cool and welcoming.
This was nice- sat at the bar, a warm summer's evening, it was quiet, and relaxing. (Y/n) let her thoughts drift as she stared at the stains and knots in the wood bar.
She felt pretty lucky to be living as content of a life as she was, it'd had ups and downs but she was pretty happy.
"You got a pretty smile- What you thinking about? Your boyfriend?" She heard a voice beside her and snapped out of it. She looked up and saw a muscular man, maybe a couple years older than her, stood beside her at the bar with a sly smile.
Immediately she recognized him as a pilot.
"Huh?" She was initially startled. "No-" She let herself fall into the trap. He was good looking, she couldn't help herself. "What makes you think I've got a boyfriend?" She raised an eyebrow.
"What? A goodlooking thing like you? Not getting snatched up? That's a damn shame." He leant on the bar as she turned and batted her eyelashed at him.
"You think so?" She smiled sweetly.
"Well- it'd be a damn shame for your boyfriend, considering I'm taking you home tonight." He smirked and spoke with such confidence she nearly believed him. She had always taken her mother's situation as a cautionary tale, having a kid at 19 with a dude who didn't stick around- but toying with these guys was so easy.
"That's a bold statement-" She switched off her sweet side and decided to play around a bit more.
"Bold is a strange way to say true-" He shot right back at her with a wink. She thought for a moment, but before she could retort- he spoke again. "Can I buy you a drink at least?" He raised an eyebrow and questioned.
She sighed and gave an exaggerated show of thinking about her answer. She looked down at her bottle, there was less in it that she had thought there was- so she nodded.
"Alright- fine." She rolled her eyes as if she were giving in.
Soon she had another drink in front of her and had easily drank the last drabs of what had been in the first.
"So- you're a pilot?" She questioned, once again defaulting to her sweetness and peaches act.
"Mhmm" He nodded as he took a drink.
"Are you a good one?" She asked, leaning her cheek in her palm and looking up at him.
"One of the best-" He spoke with a puffed out chest and smug smirk. She couldn't help but have to stop herself giggling. He was good looking but equally over confident. Didn't mean she didn't still fancy her chances.
Her pushed her hair out of her face.
"Ohh- Don't I feel special." She tilted her head a little so that the few strands of hair she'd moved away fell right back over her face.
"Oh I'd say- You're sure something special to look at-" He spoke and looked her up and down.
"It's not just me, Sir-" She smirked, the cocky ones always liked that.
She was right, there was a visible change in the man, almost like a tiny twitch in his smile or a flicker in his eyes.
"You know, I'd say we saw pretty much eye to eye in that department." She laughed a little.
"Hey- Hangman!" Someone called across from the pool table and the guy turned sharply, his smirk turning quickly into a much more stern expression.
"I'll be over later-" He called back.
"We're about to start a new game- We're each putting ten bucks down-" The person, clearly another pilot, called again.
"Hey- Hangman?" She spoke, and took a swig from her drink. He turned when he heard it, his expression softer for her than for his friends.
"Yeah?" He asked, his tone a little gruff, unhappy that his flirting had been interrupted.
"How bout we cut this short? So we can have our fun and you can go win a few bucks? Then maybe you can buy me one last drink?" She leant forward and placed a hand softly on his chest, running her fingers under the lapel of his shirt collar.
Immediately, as he looked down at her, with that pretty little smirk on her face, he knew what she meant. He liked the chase, but he liked a forward woman even more.
"Give me ten, guys-" He spoke over his shoulder, before watching her take a swig from her bottle- a drop spilling from her lips and dribbling messily down her chin.
She laughed. It was so easy.
She looked to the bartender who was faced away from them and pulled her new toy away and toward the bathroom- and he dutifully followed.
It was quick, a little frenzied, a little rough but very good. They both enjoyed themselves, despite the threat of someone walking in and the self imposed time limit.
When they were done, (y/n) stood in front of the mirror- fixing her hair and lipstick.
He was one of the better ones- clean, tidy, not super courteous but he knew what he was doing and none of it was wrong. She knew there would be some bruises on her shoulder blades the next morning, but being pushed up against a tiled wall would do that to ya.
"Hey-" She heard and looked in the mirror to see the pilot she knew only as Hangman - though she had read the name on his shirt- smoothing his short down and with a satisfied look on his face.
"You gonna be here all night?" He asked.
"Not all night- but I'll be around." She went back to combing her dark hair back into place with her fingers.
"Right- I'll buy you that drink when I win this game then, alright sweets?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Whatever you say- Sir." She smiled and made eye contact with him through the mirror.
A smirk crept onto his face. He liked the measure of her- if he could help himself he wouldn't be back for more, but he liked her too much not to go at least one more round, sometime.
He walked out of the bathroom, a pride in his step as he did, and (y/n) once again returned to the mirror.
She used to do this a lot more often, it was less awkward than a one night stand, and with the right man it was much better too- more fun. She wasn't still 22, she had slowed down a little but it was much more her style and pace to do this than have a long term partner- she'd tried that and it never worked out very well.
After a couple minutes she also emerged from the bathroom- the place had a few more people in it now than it had, but not so many that her jacket being slung over the back of her bar stood hadn't prevented someone from sitting there.
She sat, and as she did, the noticed the lady behind the bar reach for the bell- and ring it. She followed the womans gaze to an older man, though who had clearly aged quite well, with dark hair and dark jacket. Something about him seemed familiar- but she shook it off. She'd probably seen him around work one time or something.
"Thanks for that, Pops!" She grinned and laughed- knowing that tonight really was gonna be a cheap one.
The dude gave a reluctant smile and put his hand up with an air of defeat. She shook her head and laughed again.
Suddenly she had another drink in front of her, courteousy of Hangman, who was once again leant on the bar beside her.
"I did win- but this one's on that idiot." He grinned as he placed it down.
"Well- thank you Sir." She gave him her bedroom eyes and batted her eyelashes at him once again. "I've gotta be heading out after this one though- I've got work in the morning." She spoke a little more seriously.
"Alright- I'll see you around then, sweets?" He asked, knowing the boundaries and that it wasn't an invitation. He was arrogant, not stupid. She nodded and hummed a yes sweetly.
"I never caught your name, sweets?" He asked before turning away.
"Oh- it's (Y/n)." She smiled and drank.
"Alright." He smirked. "I'll see you around then, (y/n)." Hangman stated, before returning to his gaggle of pilots.
She did as she had said and headed home after that drink. It had been a pretty good night, she'd got her rocks off and got more than one free drink- that was a good turn out in her books.
She laughed to herself as she pulled her jacket on over her shoulders and stepped out into the cool night air.
It was about noon the next day, as she stood on the tarmac directing a truck delivering a large load of parts into one of the hangars, that she noticed Hangman again.
She looked up from her clipboard, red pen between her teeth and highvis on- and spotted him as she looked over her shoulder to check she wasn't about to direct the truck into the path of any other vehicle. She was far enough away from the taxi ways and actual aircraft that it caused no worry. It was a quickly finished task, which meant she soon had turned on the threshold of the hangar to see him.
(Y/n) saw him in his flight suit, sweaty and disgruntled. She lifted her sunglasses and pushed them up to rest on top of her dark hair and gave a spritely grin. He was a way aways, but he glanced and made eye contact with her, stopping for a moment, a slightly surprised smile gracing his lips.
She winked before sliding her glasses back down and turning on her heels, heading back to her desk in the office.
"Now's not the time for flirting- Lieutenant." She heard behind her, and couldn't help but glance back, a cheeky smirk on her face. She immediately recognised the speaker as the older man she had seen in the bar, he must have been the instructor. She couldn't help but laugh a little.
She kept a wicked smile on her face as she sorted through paperwork at her desk, and glanced through the slats of the blinds every so often, watching planes take off and land.
The day went quickly, and soon she found herself stood in the parking lot, leant on the hood of her car and waiting, her sunglasses over her eyes and her jacket over her arm.
She could have gone home about a half hour before but she knew that Hangman hadn't, his car was still in the lot and none of the pilots had left yet.
She knew that they wouldn't be long though, and waited.
Indeed, slowly one or two emerged from the building, and finally so did he. He spotted her almost immediately.
"Hey-" She spoke in her slickest, silkiest voice- she had enjoyed him, she wanted more.
"You never told me you worked here." He raised an eyebrow as he turned and walked to her.
"Don't ya think that'd ruin all the fun?" She laughed and called to him. He broke his serious character for a moment and shook his head with a smile.
"So, what? You missed me, sweets?" He spoke as he approached, his voice as confident and loud as ever- almost asking his classmates to look over and see what a woman he had chasing him.
"You like the big bold words, don't you?" She gave a breathy laugh.
"What? You don't think they suit me? Cos I'm never wrong with em' missy-" (Y/n) almost hated that he was both arrogant and witty enough to match her- and yet it worked so well and drove her just about crazy.
As Hangman spoke he smirked his usual, knowing smirk, and moved right into her personal space- He hoped that this could be a sustained relationship, nothing serious, just happy, casual rendezvous whilst he was here. He guessed that was the kind of thing she was after. He would have been right.
"Oh- they suit you fine, Sir." She returned as she let him tower over her, looked up and let the corners of her lips turn upward at him.
"You wanna do something I've always wanted to try?" He asked in a hushed tone, deciding that now was his moment and if anyone was gonna agree to it with him, it'd be this beautiful, absolute devil of a woman that'd he'd come across. He raised an eyebrow as he asked and she was immediately intrigued. He really didn't have any shame asking that- no hesitation- he knew what he wanted and he was do his best to get it. And she knew what it was he wanted.
"Well now I'm curious" She replied with a smile. His lips parted slightly but stopped, he needed more confirmation than that."What? Are you gonna leave me hangin here?" She nodded up at him and his eyes lit up all fiery and keen.
They quietly headed back to the building, both with a knowing, keen smile on their faces.
They were both smart enough to make sure no one was around, and that the security cameras didn't cover the area they were heading to. It was working out exceedingly well.
Before they knew it, they were steaming up the cockpit of his jet, fulfilling the dream of every horny pilot. I mean- everyone had to have at least considered it once, right?
It was a pretty tight space, but they made it work, and work pretty well. There was no room for being rough, the way he liked to- and she had to be on top. He liked it, she did it well.
He loved his work, he wouldn't usually mix pleasure in there with it, risk so much- but there was a thrill about it. He wouldn't be a pilot if he didn't believe that adrenaline pumping through your veins was the best feeling in the world.
Plus, she was up for it and he wasn't gonna pass up a chance to not just fulfill the fantasy, but to do it with a woman who he thought was an absolute smoke stack.
He knew he wasn't gonna be able to think about anything but this when he got back here in the morning. He'd just see her face and hear every pretty sound she made in his ear and feel every confident movement she made on him.
He didn't usually go for the assertive woman, but he'd now learnt that lesson- he'd met his match.
They didn't rush, but they were both done surprisingly quick- something about this did it for both of them.
Less than a quarter of an hour later they were going for round two on the floor of the locker room. That wasn't planned, but it allowed him to take charge again; and both of them wanted it.
It was good sex, hot and sweaty and really good.
Once again, the element of exhibitionism was at play. He was gonna love knowing what he'd done in this locker room as he zipped on his flight suit in the morning, surrounded by his colleagues who'd know fuck all about it. He was gonna remember the cold tiles on his back, her nails scraping down his chest and stomach and the way strands of her dark hair fell over her face.
This was heaven, for the both of them.
The only problem though, with the thrill of potentially getting caught, is that you could potentially get caught.
When the latch on the door sounded and Bob walked in, he got the fright of his life.
He only wanted to grab something he'd left behind and instead he was presented with his colleague and a woman he'd never seen before, going at it on the floor in front of him.
He let out a yell of surprise- though he didn't mean to.
"Shit-" Hangman looked up and saw him. "Bob!" He half yelled but didn't want to bring any attention to them. "Get out!"
"Sorry!" He looked away awkwardly and sort of went to close the door- but the action was stopped by Warlock- who out out his hand and held it open.
He'd heard the squeak from Bob down the hall and now he saw the same thing.
He was frankly unphased, he'd been putting up with shit from young pilots for a long time now. Though, this was new.
"Clean yourselves up and be in my office in five minutes." He spoke calmly and shut the door.
The pair seperated and looked at eachother and then couldn't help but laugh.
"Fuck-" Hangman breathed, he was kinda angry at himself, and would be especially if this came off badly for his career, but his arrogant persona told him he might get away with it. Plus, as arrogant, stuck up and aggressive as he could be- and annoyed as he was to have been interrupted- he wasn't gonna let her know that if she thought it was funny. He did have a sense of humour.
They hurriedly got dressed and headed for Warlock's office, (y/n) spoke a hasty but giggly sorry to Bob, whom she felt sorry for with the sheepish look on his face as they passed by him on their way out. He still needed whatever it was that he'd left behind and looked apprehensive to enter the room.
Hangman turned however, and gave him a glare.
"You tell anyone about this- you're dead." He said it with such conviction that anyone would have believed he was serious about that threat.
They stood in the office, Warlock across from them at his desk in silence. He'd already taken her name and written it down. He was just waiting.
The door opened and the instructor (y/n) had seen earlier that day walked in.
"Capitain Mitchell." Finally Bates spoke, looking past the two offenders he had stood before him.
That was the last piece of the puzzle required for Bates to rip into the pair whilst the Top Gun instructor stood present.
It was over quite swiftly, just a telling off and a strict warning. They'd done no harm, so no discipline was necessary- and thankfully Bates didn't know about what they'd done inside a multimillion dollar aircraft. Then things might have gotten serious.
They were dismissed with a shake of the head and strict instructions never to even think about doing anything like that again.
(Y/n) left the room first, followed by Seresin, who's first name she now knew was Jake, and then Capitain Mitchell, who let an amused, but almost confused smile grace his face as he left the room.
They all three walked down the hall, the pair told to go home and the Capitain having intended to do so before he was called to be present to see his student get ripped a new one.
He walked a little behind them, told to make sure they did leave.
"Hey, Miss?" He'd not caught her name.
(Y/n) stopped, turned and looked at him.
"Yes?" She replied, not knowing at all what he might want.
"Can I ask, where did you get that jacket?" Maverick asked, a gentle expression on his face as he looked at it draped over her arm.
"Oh- My Mom had it in her closet when she died, I don't know where she got it from..." She replied looking down at it. "Why?"
"Just- I think that used to belong to me, well to my dad and then to me..." He spoke with an air of nostalgia. He held out his hand. "May I?"
It was just an old brownish jacket, it was like an old flight jacket she had always guessed, very practical. That's why she always wore it. She never guessed it would have been at all a real flight jacket or anything even like that rather than a reproduction, because she'd always known those to have quite obvious insignia or a name tacked on the front.
She nodded and gave it to him. He opened it and looked inside- and found an old faded tag in the lining.
He smiled and gave a small laugh.
"Yeah- look" He pointed to it and held it to the light for her to see. "D. Mitchell. That's my dad." He shook his head as he ran his thumb over the writing. He handed it back to her.
"Oh- Don't you want it back?" She spoke, slightly bemused as she thought on what she'd just been shown.
"No, you keep it. You've had it long enough, it's yours... I thought I'd lost that jacket in, what? 1986? Last time I was here. I guess somehow your Mom got a hold of it. Nice to see it again though." He smiled and shook his head.
"86?" (Y/n) asked, as Maverick went to walk away.
"Yeah- back when I was the hot shot at Top Gun." He sort of shrugged.
"Right... Thanks." She spoke slowly, and Mav nodded, began to walk away again.
She stood there for a moment.
"Um- Sir!" She called after him and took a few steps in his direction, her hands now shaking as she came to a strange realisation. She clutched the jacket close to her.
He turned to her and nodded.
"Sorry- this is gonna sound insane-" She felt uncharacteristically unsure. "I think you might be my father." (Y/n) blurted out.
Maverick just raised an eyebrow and stepped toward her.
"My name is (Y/n) Mitchell." She suddenly felt the desperate need to explain herself. "I was born in early 1987 and my Mom gave me my father's surname, but she never told me his full name- I don't think she even knew it. She said he wasn't around, they'd only had a fling. If you were here in 86', you were a Top Gun pilot, then she'd have known your name from your uniform- then it'd make sense that you weren't around for long. You probably left this jacket at her apartment at some point." She spoke quickly and with an air of desperation that made him listen to her, though she stuttered a little.
"Hey- kid..." He tried to process that information.
Suddenly (y/n) scrambled at the jacket, she went in the pocket and grabbed her wallet, she took it out and frantically went through it- she pulled out a photograph.
"Look- this is her. She was 19 when she had me, but..." She held it out to him. "I never cared about who my father was, I didn't ever ask about him so she never told me much but... This adds up?" She spoke as he took the photo and looked at it.
"Yeah. I knew your Mom... I met her and I went out a couple times with her, I slept with her- It wasn't anything serious, I got a girlfriend not long after and I didn't stick around here as an instructor..." He thought it through. "You're sure there's no one else it could be?"
"No. She wasn't with anyone else around then, that's why she was confident enough to give me your last name." (Y/n) spoke, almost stunned with her own revelation.
"Wow..." Mav spoke. "She never told me- If she tried to I never got any message about it." He told her, still holding the photograph, looking between it and the young woman claiming to be his daughter. Now he looked at her, studied her face- he saw a spooky resemblance. I mean, it could have been the shock of the moment, or the fact that he almost wanted the resemblance to be there but- the shape of her eyes, the darkness of her hair, her smile, her expressions- they were his.
"I don't know what to say..." Mav spoke. He wasn't upset. She almost expected him to be angry or something. "You've been here all this time?" He asked, his expression soft and stunned.
"Yeah." She nodded.
He almost couldn't believe it, but it made sense. He didn't know what he'd have done if he had known, he thought he probably would have been a horrible father at the time- but he couldn't do anything about that now. He probably wouldn't have been. Before she was even born he'd stepped into a fatherly role for Goose's son, he didn't know if he could have done that with his own kid. He never would know. But it was almost exciting- to find out he had a kid. Equally so heartbreaking, to have missed out on so much. Christ, he didn't even know for sure yet that she was his daughter- but to have a daughter- that was amazing, surely?
"(Y/n)?" He spoke her name. He liked it. He just smiled and then nodded. She still looked apprehensive. "You're right. It all adds up."
Finally (Y/n) breathed. She didn't know what to say or do. She never had cared about this man, but now he was very likely right in front of her and she realised that it might be nice to have some family- she'd had none for so long. This was just so sudden.
"I think you can call that jacket a family heirloom now." Maverick joked- and she understood then where she got her humour from. She smiled and stared at him, unsure of if she was going to cry or if she wanted to hug him. She didn't know what a daughter should do when she finds her probable father for the first time. She didn't expect the wave of emotions to come from this. She had never expected to care so much.
Meanwhile, Hangman watched. This was strange- but his main thought, which he simply couldn't help himself but to think, with a satisfied smirk plastered across his lips, was:
"I think I just fucked the Capitain's daughter."
@thespeeder @fangirlinc @inglourious-imagines @gh0strr
(These are the only ones I'm pretty sure wanted tagged in everything TG so I hope that's ok!)
I currently have a Rooster taglist, so I'm not gonna use that for this fic (because it's obviously not for 🐔) but if you wanna be added to a general TG/TGM taglist if you could let me know under the TG masterlist that'd be great! :)
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lovely-low-waster · 4 years
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Laundry is something we all need to do and I think has some of the easiest low waste swaps of other areas of the home. Some are even free and can save you money in the long run!
Washing less is super easy and will prolong the life of your clothes.  This is one of the swaps that’ll save you money as well because you use less water because you wash less often. Wear something a couple times before putting it in the wash unless its noticeably soiled or stained. Washers can be somewhat hard on clothes especially lower quality garments that are poorly made. It'll pull apart bad seams and emphasize wear and tear. I’m a fan of mending my clothes, but if washing less means I’ll have to do it less often I’ll take it!
Using warm or hot water on your clothes is actually where the bulk ok the washers energy goes if you use it; in turn this ups your energy bill as it takes more energy to heat up the water. Most clothes actually recommend that they are washed on cold water. Warmer water can warp certain fabric and dull the color faster. My washer actually has an eco cold setting so it takes water temperature the water is straight out the tap. I’ve never personally seen a washer without a cold setting so it’s an easy swap to clean your clothes!
I haven’t had the chance to purchase any sort of microfiber filtering device as they’re all currently out of my budget. They catch the loose pieces of micro plastics coming off clothes in your washer to prevent them from going into the ocean. I mitigate this instead I make sure to trim any loose bits of my clothes off so it doesn't fall off in the washer to add to my scraps pile. This doesn’t have to be done with any natural fibers as they’re decompose naturally. If you’ve tried any of these let me know what particular method you use!
I have switched to a natural detergent. I use a combo  of a powered detergent and soap nuts. There are many different types of natural and eco detergents: pods, powders, liquids, and the soap nuts. They also have a large variety in price range so use what is best for you and you can afford. Personally I like to get ones that don’t have added water to them to reduce my water consumption. Also make sure what you use is compatible with your washer as some can coat your interior or cause damage so double check.
Hang drying is one of my favorite things to do for my laundry that had I had been doing long before I became low waste! Dryers too put a lot of strain on your garments and will cause them to fade and/or shrink. Dryers use a ton of energy to operate so it saves so much money to just opt out of using it all the time or at all. Nearly all of my clothes I hang dry on two collapsable racks which are great for storing in compact spaces. I also prefer these to the ones you mount as you don't have to damage your walls to use them -- this is especially important if your living space is rented or not your own. 
There is still a few items that I do use my dyer for, but I use dryer balls to reduce my drying times. I personally use silicone ones, but would like to eventually use wool balls when my silicone ones have outlived their lives. They will also reduce static in your clothes. These are a good replacement for dyer sheets if you’ve been using those. If you like the scents that dryer sheets give your clothes you can always take a washcloth or other small piece of fabric and drop a couple drops of essential oil or if you have the wool balls right onto them and plop them in. When your clothes come out they’ll be pleasantly scented.!
I hope you'll try out some of these if you haven’t had the chance or haven't heard of them before. It might be an afterthought to swap out stuff in your laundry routine, but it makes a pretty big impact if you think of the waste an toxic chemicals associated with it. Let me know if you’ve got any additional tips regarding a low waste laundry routine!
(image source @consciousstyle on Instagram)
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randomlifeunit · 4 years
Part: 25
Rated: Teen and up
Sean paced within the confines of the downstairs bathroom at Rebecca's house, his hands in his hair.
Racing thoughts tripped over one another as his feet picked up their pace---back, and forth. Back, and forth.
What am I going to do about my dad? he thought. The new house? I don't know if I can do this. I don't know why it's such a big deal. He squeezed his eyes shut, his body finally slowing as the panic turned to silent tears. After a moment's pause to pull himself together, he leaned against the edge of the countertop, hands braced on either side of the sink. Looking into his reflection in the mirror, he evaluated what he saw. Dark circles under his eyes. Lashes damp with tears. Hair disheveled. He blew out a breath and frowned, determination balling his hands into fists. One way or another, he was going to do something. 
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Stepping into the hot shower, he scrubbed determinedly, as if to dislodge his doubts by sheer force of will.
After drying off and dressing, he stepped softly further down the hall to the laundry room, and put his clothes in the washer. He really needed to get his things from his dad's place soon. Five days of cycling between two changes of clothes was getting old, fast.
He tiptoed back through the hallway and into the kitchen, bypassing Rebecca's room. She had still been asleep when he'd gotten up, and he didn't want to wake her.
Sean quietly started the coffee machine as the early morning light filtered through the windows. Grabbing a bagel out of the fridge, he popped it into the toaster. The house was still; he loved this part of the day, when no one was around and he could relax and just be. Rebecca and her family were so kind to him, but he was actually missing the quiet of his home. Swallowing hard, he felt a deep ache at knowing that place no longer existed for him. He'd seen the new house, but he just couldn't seem to imagine feeling comfortable there. It was a nice place with a well-kept lawn and a detached garage. A big fenced-in backyard, situated on a quiet cul-de-sac. But...it wasn't home.
Pouring the steaming coffee into his mug, he inhaled the scent as he stirred in sugar and cream. Buttering the bagel, he carried the plate to the table and chewed slowly, deep in thought.
Dennis had already bought a sturdy, used vehicle for Sean to use to be able to visit Rebecca or his friends. It wasn't here now, so he'd have to ask Rebecca or her family for a ride to the new place. But he assumed the little car would be there when he arrived, so he'd be able to come back here frequently. A thought popped into his head. Maybe Rebecca could come spend the night at the new place with him, to help him get settled in.
Savoring the aroma while sipping from his mug, he contemplated facing his father. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed about his behavior; there was no one else to blame but himself. Even so, talking it over at length with Rebecca had eased his conscience a bit. He wanted to talk to his dad, but he hadn't spoken to him since that fateful night. A pang of guilt throbbed in his chest at how many days had gone by. He couldn't ignore his dad forever. But he wasn't sure he could face the disappointment he imagined he might hear in Dennis's voice.
Still, he felt determined to set things right, so after finishing his breakfast, he slipped on his jacket and stepped out into the yard, enjoying the feel of the morning sun on his face. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he hesitated a moment before dialing his dad's number. Closing his eyes, his heart thudded in his chest while it rang a few times.
"Sean!" Dennis's relieved voice reverberated out of the speaker. Sean silently blew out a breath and answered.
"Hi, Dad."
Rebecca was in the driver's seat as they rolled down the freeway towards Sean's new house. He gazed out the window, feeling some apprehension as the miles brought them closer to their destination. Needing a distraction, he reached over to finger the ends of Rebecca's hair, making a smile play at the corners of her mouth. "Thanks for coming with me," he voiced, lightly touching the side of her face and tucking her hair behind her ear.
"I'm happy to," she answered, laying one hand on his thigh and giving it a squeeze. He took her hand in his and squeezed it back. Sighing, he went back to looking out the window.
"How did the talk with your dad go?" she asked, glancing at him briefly. "Good," he answered, looking pensive. "I shouldn't have waited so long to talk to him. He's excited that I'm coming."
"What about you? Is this what you want?" she pressed, pinning him with a pointed look before returning her attention to traffic.
"I think so. I guess this is the best option.  I'd rather be closer to you, but I don't want to live in your house long-term. So this is the next best option, I think. At some point, if I start working again, I might like to get my own place. But for now...for now, this is okay." He gave her a half-smile. She nodded. "That makes sense."
Sean consulted his phone. "Looks like this is the exit coming up."
Fifteen minutes later, Rebecca pulled into the driveway of their destination. Sean let out a quiet breath, grabbed his bag and stood from the car. It was go time. He found himself staring at the blue siding of the house for a moment before blinking twice and making his feet move forward. He joined Rebecca, who stood at the front of the vehicle waiting quietly for him.
At the front door, he had barely knocked before Dennis was pulling him inside. He was vaguely aware of Rebecca moving past them and heading into the next room, as his father wrapped him in a crushing hug.
The breath Sean had been holding left him in a rush. His voice cracked a little as he whispered, "I'm sorry, Dad." Dennis replied in a low voice, "You don't have to be sorry. I'm just glad you're here." Sean hugged him back and sniffed, struggling to hold back all the emotions he felt under the surface.
Clearing his throat, he finally pulled away from his father's embrace. Dennis gave Sean a misty-eye smile, then took Sean on a quick tour of the new place. The living area stood straight ahead, with the kitchen to the right, where Rebecca was heating some water for tea. To the left, a small bathroom, next to the staircase to the upstairs. Dennis showed Sean his room, the first on the left at the top.
"I tried to put your furniture the way you had it at the old place, but there's still a lot of unpacking that needs done," he told Sean, gesturing to the boxes stacked against the wall and on the desk. Sean nodded. "Thanks, Dad." Dennis pointed out the laundry room, the bathroom, and the other two bedrooms. "Is Rebecca staying over tonight?" he asked Sean. "Yeah, I think so," he answered. "We have a spare bedroom, if she wants her own space," Dennis replied, gesturing down the hall. "Well, uh...I was kind of thinking she would stay in my room, if that's okay," Sean countered, heat rising in his face. Dennis chuckled. "Right, I should have expected that. No worries, Son. I won't come between you two." Winking, he clapped Sean on the back and headed back downstairs.
Sean exhaled in relief and shook his head with a grin. Stepping into the room, he poked around in the boxes he had packed himself back at the old place. Seeing his old things brought a warm feeling to his chest.
 Stepping downstairs, he joined Dennis and Rebecca in the kitchen. Her smile came easily as she blew on her cup of herbal tea and sipped it lightly. "Want some?" she asked him. He shook his head and came close to take her free hand.
 Dennis poked around in the fridge, and announced that they'd be having tacos for an early dinner in a few hours.
 Sean felt that this was just right, and he and Rebecca got settled on the couch to watch a little TV. He took the opportunity to cuddle up close to her, and she curled into him and laid her head on his shoulder, sighing in contentment.
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arthurvvap966-blog · 4 years
Broken Appliance? Don't Run Out to the Store - Expert Appliance Repair Saves Time, Money, and Hassle
Important Qualities to Seek in an Appliance Repair Professional
It is necessary to remember that sometimes the problem with the appliance is a major one as well as can not be repaired in your home. If you find that the issue with your appliance is too complicated for you to take care of or if something fails while doing the repair work on the appliance then seek professional aid immediately. Call a technician as well as ensure that he knows what you have been doing so that he is able to correct any blunders that you could have done while repairing the appliance on your own.
Currently, before you start to repair your appliance you will certainly require to keep 3 extremely important tips in mind. Constantly double check that your appliance is separated from the power electrical outlet and also from any gas supply. A lot of appliances are held together with various screws and also bolts. Nonetheless, if any one of the parts are held together with a weld or rivets you should not attempt to repair the appliance yourself - call a serviceman. Also, broken parts can be changed a lot more conveniently than attempting to repair them either on your own or by a professional. Replace any worn parts - you can usually find a replacement by seeking out your model number online. Always describe the owner's manual if you are setting up the part yourself.
To be able to exercise a profession, a few of the most important points that an individual requires to have are the ideal tools that would help him do the tasks when it come to his job. This is because specific occupations require that those who practice them have extremely particular tools. Examples of such careers include being a doctor, an auto mechanic, and also a repairman. Nonetheless, amongst the different tools that different professionals have, there are some that are extremely vital to the technique of an occupation. For medical professionals, a vital tool is a stethoscope, which enables them to make the very important preliminary evaluation in treating conditions. For appliance repairmen, a comparable important tool is the ohm or voltage meter, which can? diagnose the wellness? of home appliances.
Just How to Save Money on Fridge and Dryer Repairs
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Discovering when you need repairs for your appliances can aid you save money. Fixing a broken appliance at the start can commonly prevent the demand for a costly replacement appliance. Taking notice of just how well your appliances are carrying out is a good idea if you want to ensure that you do not wind up footing bills that are more than they 'd have to be. Maintaining a look out for the indications that you require repairs can aid you to ensure that you get the most out of your appliances as well as maintain your budget safeguarded.
It would be sensible that the services of professional and also professional appliance guys are utilized to repair the appliances. The problem comes to be a lot more intense when you do not have sufficient money either for repairs or replacement. A lot of these appliances might easily be repaired in the house itself in instance it is a small problem as well as it is preferable that the home maker tries to check out these problems as well as avoid contacting the appliance guys. If you have the ability to repair the appliances yourself, you have the ability to save both time and money in the bargain and also your life comes to be as comfortable as feasible.
There are many apparent indications that you may need appliance repairs in your home. For one thing, a few of your appliances may stop working altogether. For instance, if your dishwasher will not switch on, after that you understand it's time to opt for appliance repairs. While you might assume that delaying dishwasher repairs and also washing your dishes by hand will certainly save you a bit of money, the truth is that you may wind up paying extra on your water bills by doing points in this manner, considering that dishwashers are extra efficient than hand washing. If it's apparent that your appliance is broken, then you require to protect dishwasher repairs as soon as possible. Having your dishwasher up and also running again will certainly be more power efficient and lower water usage, and also you won't need to invest a large quantity on a replacement unit.
What's DIY and also When Do You Need a Washing Machine Repair Expert?
Once your appliance repair service has actually found the source of the problem, they can also repair it swiftly and also properly. The majority of appliance repair companies stock their service lorries with one of the most generally needed replacement parts, so they ought to have the tools and materials handy to resolve lots of issues. If you're trying to repair your own washing machine or dishwasher, chances are you'll need to call up appliance parts stores to find the part, drive to the store to buy it, and afterwards come home to attempt installation. Relying on the experts for refrigerator repair or oven repair aids streamline the process and also obtains your appliances back up as well as running quicker.
As time passes, appliances start shedding their efficiency and quit working properly. It may be as a result of frequent use, wear and tear. When machines damage down, one has no selection yet to do the tasks by hand. This is not only laborious, however also calls for a great deal of time, something that working professionals are constantly except. Replacement of the machines is not constantly the option considering the truth that these appliances are actually expensive. The far better option is to seek an expert in appliance repair that will certainly fix these machines, so you can proceed with your active lives. There are appliance professionals supplying repair as well as maintenance services for various appliances like refrigerators, ac unit, ovens, washing machines as well as other kitchen appliances.
10 Simple Steps For Do it Yourself Home Repairs
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And, naturally, when you try to manage your own repairs, a lot can go wrong. From damaging your appliance during the disassembly and also diagnostics process to inaccurately setting up the replacement parts, diy appliance repair usually creates brand-new http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=appliance repair issues rather than fixing the original problem. Gas as well as water leaks, broken parts, and even personal injury are not unusual when you try to handle your own appliance repairs. For your safety, the safety of your home as well as family, and the safety of your appliance, whatever from simple washer repairs to complex refrigeration repairs need to be left in the hands of experienced professionals. They have the knowledge to finish the job right the first time, protecting you as well as your home from injury.
Why Should I Hire a Professional for Appliance Installation?
One of the major signs that you require appliance repair can really be located in your energy expenses. While you may not have actually observed that it takes your dryer a lot longer to get your clothes dry, you will most definitely see an increase in the costs of your electrical energy bills if cycles are taking much longer. When you first start to observe that your costs are climbing, it's a good suggestion to start checking out your home to see if your appliances are carrying out in top condition. If your air conditioner is working too hard, then this may be triggering your bills to raise, and also you may need to consider a/c unit repair. If you do not take the campaign to hire appliance repair professionals immediately to safeguard expert air conditioning system repair, after that you could stand to shed a great deal of money over time.
The first and also the most famous thing you see concerning designer kitchen appliances is just how good looking they are. Numerous brands hire their own designers or outsource product design and also aesthetics to professional style consultants, all to make a product which looks just extra magnificent than any type of other kitchen appliance.
Dimension matters. If you have a technician in your home as well as you choose it's much better to replace instead of repair have the tech action both the appliance and the opening around the appliance. The "cut-out" measurements will aid lead the sales professional in finding an appliance that will certainly come closest to fitting the existing opening. If the brand-new built-in appliance is bigger or smaller knowing the measurements aids the installation team provide a precise quote that consists of cutting into the cupboards or counter top or building a trim to fill in the spaces.
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