#i know im not a maschine but
ganondoodle · 15 days
i keep writing those big text posts either complaining or trying to explain my own behavoir- but really what im trying to say is
"sorry i am so quickly irritated and too depressed to draw, theres many stressful things happening IRL and my only escape from it via my hyperfixation has also become stressful bc of things being done with it that i dont like and never expected, thus having a hard time dealing with anything"
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
hearts intertwined (hamilton x sister! driver!rosberg) p12
chapter 12: did i scare you?
warnings - mentions of crash
series masterlist
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The harsh fluorescent lights of the hospital room pierced through Y/N's foggy consciousness. A dull ache throbbed in her head and the scratchy sheets felt like sandpaper against her skin. Disoriented, she blinked, her vision gradually clearing until it landed on a familiar figure slumped in a chair by her bedside.
It was Nico. His head was buried in his hands, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Y/N croaked out his name, her voice a mere rasp.
Nico's head snapped up, his face etched with worry. Relief flooded his features as he scrambled to her side. "Y/N! Du bist endlich wach! Gott sei Dank! Was hast du nur gedacht?!Hitzeerschlag mitten im Rennen? Du bist doch keine Maschine!" [You're finally awake! Thank God! What were you thinking?! Heatstroke in the middle of the race? You're not a machine!]
The torrent of German washed over Y/N, her head swimming with the effort to understand. Nico, realizing his outburst, took a deep breath to compose himself.
"We were so worried," he continued, his voice thick with emotion. "I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. I couldn't breathe, it all stopped and...when they pulled you from the wreckage and when he pulled you up… I thought…" He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
Y/N squeezed his hand weakly. "Nico I'm so sorry, I thought I could do it. I promise I wasn't trying to show off or prove anything. I lost control," her voice broke and Nico pulled her into a hug as she whispered, "Who… who pulled me out?" she asked, a tremor in her voice.
Nico hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering. "He did. Lewis did," he finally said.
A heavy silence descended upon the room. Y/N simply stared at him, processing the information.
"Why?" she finally managed, her voice barely a whisper.
Nico reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. On the screen, a video played. It was a clip from the onboard camera in Lewis's car, showing him abandoning his own race and sprinting towards the flames that engulfed hers. The audio picked up his voice, a low growl mixed with urgency.
"Not losing another Rosberg," it crackled. "Not again."
The video ended, and a heavy silence filled the room. Y/N's eyes met Nico's, a thousand unspoken questions swirling within them.
Just then, the door creaked open, and Lewis walked in. He looked exhausted, dark circles etched under his eyes, a bouquet of lilies clutched in his hand. He stopped short at the sight of Y/N awake, relief washing over his features.
He looked hesitant, his gaze flicking between Y/N and Nico. "Y/N," he said softly. "I… I'm glad you're awake."
Y/N stared at him, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The heat of the inferno, the terrifying crash, Lewis's daring rescue, the unspoken words in the video… it all intertwined into a confusing knot.
Nico cleared his throat, his voice regaining its usual gruffness. "We'll leave you two to talk."
With a curt nod towards Lewis, he exited the room, leaving them alone for the first time since the accident.
The silence stretched, thick with unspoken questions and a newfound sense of… something. Y/N didn't know what it was, but she knew this was just the beginning of a conversation that would change everything.
Lewis hesitated for a moment, then placed the flowers on the bedside table. "Y/N," he began, his voice hoarse. "I… I'm happy to see you're okay. I was so scared."
Y/N studied him, her gaze filled with a newfound understanding. "Why did you do it, Lewis?" she asked softly. "Risk your own life to pull me out?"
He looked away, then back at her, his eyes filled with a mix of regret and determination. "I couldn't just stand there and watch," he confessed. "Not again. Not after…"
He trailed off, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Y/N reached out, her hand gently touching his arm. "Nico told me what you said," she whispered.
Lewis flinched, shame coloring his cheeks. "I… I didn't mean it like that. It just… it brought back a lot of memories," he took a deep breath before continuing, "I remembered your crash in Monza in F2. They way you spun out of control when Liam crashed into you. I could hear your panicked radio message and the way you were in so much pain after the crash. The blood, the broken toes. And I didn't each get in touch after that. I couldn't let that be the way I ended it this time. I couldn't lose you again." He finished, tears glistening in his eyes.
They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their past and the vulnerability of the present hanging between them. Y/N started, "Lewis when I saw your face pull me out, I shut my eyes. Because I knew that I was going to be fine. I knew that I wasn't going to die and nothing was going hurt me, because you were there. You may not agree with me Lew, but you are one of the only people who know me inside and out. At the end of the day, that is all that matters. So thank you for today and I..I owe you one forever" Y/N finished while wincing a bit as she moved.
Finally, Lewis spoke again, his voice barely a whisper.
"Y/N," he said, his eyes pleading. "Can we… can we try to be friends again?"
Y/N's heart ached for the lost years, for the easy camaraderie they once shared. She looked at Lewis, a flicker of hope igniting in her eyes. "We can try," she said, a tentative smile gracing her lips. "Maybe it's time we both let go of the past."
Lewis's face broke into a relieved smile, a genuine expression that warmed Y/N from the inside out. Perhaps, amidst the heat of the race and the terror of the crash, a seed of reconciliation had been planted. The road ahead might be long and winding, but for the first time in years, both Lewis and Y/N dared to hope for a future where friendship could bloom once more.
credits for gif - @lewishamiltongifs
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taglist: @laura-naruto-fan1998 , @xoscar03 , @torossosebs , @jajouska , @lindsayjoy444 , @barcelonaloverf1life , @charli123456789, @heyheyheyggg
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just saw you rb the ask post so here goes - you have that villain noir au right? havent heard anything of it in a hot moment and you mentioned like, A Lot of ideas you have. i would LOVE to hear them if ur up for it :))
Oh buddy you don’t know what youre asking for (cue in the hall of the mountain king)
Ok so basically he was ‘turned’ after he found the vulture eating uncle Benjamin the vulture saw this little boy like 8 staring at him with wide terrified eyes and was like “im adopting this kid” and basically ‘manipulated’ him (actually treated him really well like his own son) And raised him to be the perfect killing Maschine but still treated him well (at least that’s what noir thinks when we see their interactions it’ll have undertones of all kinds of fucked up (it’s gonna be like silco and jinx if you’ve watched arcane) So he’s like the guy that makes people disappear Chicago over coat style (basically the opposite of a PI) So when the gang hops in looking for THEIR noir they stumble into his dimension so he knocked them out kidnaps them takes them to vulture (where they see the manipulation that noir is blind to- trying to convince him to not hurt them and he doesn’t want to)
This is we’re the timeline kinda splits I have a bunch of ideas so
1: one of the gang escapes V!noir (probably before he even knows that they’re there) and goes to warn Noir causing the end fight to be a doppelgänger situation think “shoot him!” “no im the real one shoot him!”
2: V!noir is convinced by Peni to escape the vulture and become good burning down vultures whole organization (also *maybe* going to Noir basically asking “teach me how to be a hero” something like that)
3: (I also see another thing where V!noir steals someone’s watch pretending to be noir then when ((probably Peni)) glitches they figure it all out)
I don’t think I’ll ever make this but if someone wants to make this one day i wouldn’t be apposed to that (with credit of course)
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farkrad · 1 year
Tag 5 - BBBBB
Benz und Bier
Um 4 Uhr aufwachen und...
Um 6 Uhr aufstehen, so, besser.
Erstmal Dusche, Tee und Gebäck am Strand, guter Start. Alles rein in den Sack und rauf auf die letzten Kilometer Schotter im Kroatien.
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Erstmal die Strecke von gestern zurück wuseln, Schräglage beim Gerade aus fahren, Drecks Wind. Mit Betty habe ich nicht solche Probleme 😐, na ja... jede Maschine hat ihr pros und cons.
Hochgekraxelt auf 900m und rein in den... F* me...
Anfangs noch normale Strecke, bis SIE wieder da sind, meine Arch enemys.. faustgroße Steine, ein Konglomerat aus f* dich Brocken (bissi redundant).
Aber gut, solange es halbwegs horizontal weiter geht wird das schon.... (wildes gefluche..).
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Ja steil, glaubt mir einfach
Kühlerlüfter im Dauerbetrieb, unterm Helm wirds immer wärmer, Hände kriegen Muskelkater, Navi streikt schon wieder, Route durch Kuh Gehege mit Bullen, ich flipp aus.
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Raus ausm Gehege
Dann nochmal 3km bergab, aber nun gemischt damit ich mal wieder über 30km/h komm.
10 Uhr dann endlich die erste Erlösung, wieder auf der Ebene. Puls noch bei 120 aber mit ebendiesem sinkend steigen auch die Glücksgefühle. Dickes Plus: die Heidenau machen einen weit besseren Job als die Pirelli letztes Jahr in so einer Situation.
Runde Zwei keine 3 km weiter war dann pure Entspannung, nochmal gute 20km recht eben, hier und da über die Bahnschienen, endlich wieder Fahrtwind.
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Und drunter
Bosnien, Benz und Bier
Grenzübergang und erstmal ne halbe Stunde nichts, nada, keiner da bis zum Einstieg.
Rein in den Wald und mhh, Kurzfassung:
Schotter, jeah
Waldboden, wuhuu
Etwas matschig, is okay
Sehr große Pfützen, lieber umfahren
Waldarbeiten, wo ist noch Platz?
Geröll, Baumstämme, wer hat heute putztag?
Schlamm, Abhang, 5 Tonnen Maschinen und mich herum
70km Verrücktheit für mich. Machine, Hose (außen) und Stiefel haben nun eine Farbe, Braun. Für mein Level bin ich echt zufrieden da so gut durchgekommen zu sein auch wenn ich die Maschine einige male hab fast liegen sehen.
Das schnelle Fahren, vorausblicken und lesen des Untergrundes passte, nur den ganzen Holz Maschinen ausweichen im Hang oder Abgrund auf Matsch war stellenweise kriminell, klappte aber zum Glück vor Publikum sehr souverän (puhh)
Mittendrin noch slowenischen BMW Jungs getroffen die den TET ohne Pause machen in Bosnien, 3 Tage Wald und nur kurz raus zum tanken, fahren bis 10e abends, verrückt aber die können ihr Zeug bei dem stiefel den die fahren 😬.
Um 14 Uhr die Erlösung, nochmal Plausch mit den Jungs an der Tanke und getrennte Wege. Ich auf Asphalt (Körper und Geist sind durch) die zwei zurück in den Dreck.
Tja und nun Bosnien, kein Internet und nach 30 Minuten motivationsloch hoch 10..Urlaub aus? Ne komm, hattest des letztes Jahr auch, weiter machen. Druf und nach 3 Tankstellen eine mit WLAN gefunden (keine EU und so hier) und nach 2 Kaffee eine passende Bleibe 90km entfernt gefunden, gleich in der Nähe wo wir vor 4 Jahren schon einmal waren 😆.
Rest des Weges war wunderbar zum ausklang. Twin grollen auf 1200m Plateau, welches wenn man verlässt ein bisschen an die vergessen Welt erinnert. Dazwischen klassische Klischees im Balkan,
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Fahrerbier, alle am Handy, zu 6t im Lada, tausende alte Benz und zweier Golf, wozu Helme? StVO ist ganz optional, fliegen ist schneller als fahren, Schwein aufm Rücksitz. Komplettes Programm an Klischees auf die letzten Kilometer 😆
Und nun angekommen in der Stadt Jablanica am Flusse Neretva (link)
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Futter gefunden (4€ Oo) und damit noch ne Straßen Miez beglückt (i know I know...)
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Chicken maslanica
Morgen dann Richtung Montenegro 🤘
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ketchupkio · 10 months
hey ho, op of the totk rant about the sandbox approach to totk here, i read your tags and i just wanted to add that i am german and played the game with the original japanese audio and german text, i like to call the things as the names i know them as even if i know the english version of them as well :D
i understand that you like the sonau tech stuff (personally i found it super clunky and mostly too tedious to deal with .. also i just like walking or riding around gdfhkbndj) and i get that, i totally do! and im not trying to argue against having that sort of movement in the game, but the EXECUTION of it!
like you could have achieved the same kind of movement and abilities with shiekah tech, you have all the parts from guardians, you could make flying maschines too! even more effiecient with guardian legs beign able to step over stuff that wheels get stuck on- and after zelda is in charge now shiekah tech could have been developed further again since she liked it too and wouldnt impose any rule against it, the time reversal for example could just have been the stasis rune but taken further- and if you had zelda as your companion, you could have an ability to losely attached the pieces you want to build (like with the shiekah arm prosthetic i gave link for the rewrite im doing for example) and zelda does the actual building to make it work in a quick little animation- for nearly everythign the sonau are used for the shiekah basically already had it and its driving me nuts that they instead undid it all only to .. do it again but worse o-o
sorry for the lil rant hdbksbfsbfkjd
YEAH I TOTALLY AGREE!!! The stuff that they wanted to implement could have been done much better with more ✨nuance and finesse✨ than the actual execution, and the reason given that the Sheikah tech just magically disappeared one day???? Bullshit. No one acknowledges this, and there are still Sheikah tech parts in the towers and the tech labs??? It obviously didn't ALL go away bc it's still there in those specific places. I don't know how the tech that's lasted 10,000 years up to this point, that works regardless if we take the tower warp pads as evidence, would know that the Calamity is gone and just disappear. It didn't go away once you did all the shrines, and you could argue that the monks were the last living part of it that would know if Link did it or not???
It's just. It's stupid, and very evident that the director was different from one game to the next. Totk kind of undoes the message that botw had and that just makes me angy (not to mention the blatant lore crimes that we're all going to have to work around if we wanna make the whole timeline make sense. I want to tear my hair out).
It would be better, as far as the botw shrines go, to just make them inactive. The door closes, the light goes out, the warp pad turns off. The totk shrines are plopped around because that's a Rauru thing, and they look like they're going to disappear anyway once his spirit is at rest, bc it's just a big rock, a decorative stone thing, and some sand. They're not part of the landscape like the botw shrines were.
Really, I only like the Zonai tech for the hover bike part and the steering stick applications, everything else I don't usually touch (though rocket shields are fun as a replacement Revali's gale). Like a lot of people have done really cool things with it, but I'm not those people 😂😂😂 I just have my One Thing that I use to get around scary places and it pulls left pretty hard so it's far from perfect.
The same thing could have been accomplished many different ways without introducing the Zonai. Like I would have given anything to see the Twili come back with their lore entwined with the Sheikah (bc the Sheikah probably learned how to make their stuff from the Zonai! It would make sense if the game acknowledged it).
Hahaha,,,,, I could go on about this forever tbh. My opinion on totk as a whole is: fun to play but disappointing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Now all we can do is fix it with fanfic.
Though that was a good idea on how to re implement the Sheikah stuff! If you're cool with it, I might use it :3c (not for a whole retelling of totk, just for like. Flavor in the au I'm working on bc I was already planning to ignore the botw shrines disappearing.)
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jacksazrael09 · 1 year
I’m not jealous, my Borderline is.
Im not that jealous. I’m not scared of others taking my partner or else. I’m scared he fall in love with someone else.
Im jealous of him being where we wanted to be. Where we went two weeks ago. I need to work to make money to survive feed my cats pay my bills pay the animal doc. To buy groceries. I can’t go there right now. We got a lot of fun and I’m happy he can relax there but I’m jealous Caus at this moment there are friends I also wanted to meet there. Now he got like two friends (yes one annoys him but still) there. And new ones we made there. He can relaxe and life his life there and I can’t.
I also want that kind of fun I also wanna relaxe and Do not need to worrie about anything here. Just to escape reality for one moment again.
I need to do everything in my apartmant alone. Fix my lights set up my pc and my washing Maschine. I need to fix my cables and my electric. I need to sell the kittens I got I need to make my household and go to work for like 8-9 hours a day. I don’t have really ly much free time.
The psychiatrist I once got a appointment at told me I should not be working. I should be in a close mental hospital. I should take a break Caus my mental health and stability is as fragile as anything can be.
I haven’t had thoughts about suicide in a long while but in the last three days I was thinking about it a lot again. So much that I want to stop existing again so bad.
I don’t see a point in living anymore. We are suposed to work all our life’s to pay some bills just to exist at the edge of being homeless just to keep going no matter how broken we are. Just to have like a month of vacation in one fucking year. Days for days we are working non stop. This isn’t fun this isn’t life!
This isn’t supposed to be life. Why do we keep going like this? The world is already burning but we still try to ignor it!
I’m so done with my life. I’m so so tired I just wanna rest I wish the thinking would stop I wish my breathing would stop I wish to simply stop existing but I some how can’t. The little friends I made are at this point to or to good.
Even he try’s to focus on positive thinks and try to help me thinking about them to but I don’t see anything positive. Nearly everything I planed this year is not possible to do Caus of work.
I just wanna escape. I wanna go back where I feel like a human where I feel free and happy.
Sylt was the first time after two years wegre I truly felt happy and appreciated. Whee I could be myself and have people around me with the same energy. Where I was seen as the man I am
But it feels like Nobody is listing to me. Yes I wanna dye. So badly I wanna just stop but Nobody let me. Nobody just thinks about telling me they understand my thoughts.
I try my best to get healthy. I take my meds I make me a routine and shit but it still DOSNT work. Yes it takes time but I don’t have this time.
My cats make me crazy that I’m scared that I get so angry at them that I break theyr necks. I’m daylie crying Caus of them. I’m constantly angry Caus of everything I’m done.
I’m at a point where I don’t wanna feel anything anymore. I’m at a point where I want to take so many drugs that I just stop feeling.
I rather be homeless than exist like this. Some times I play with the thought to leave everything behind me without telling anyone. And I nearly did it. I can’t open up at the moment and I know nobody can see it but why. It’s so clear how broken I am.
So yes. Im jealous. Even life fucks all of us I would kill to not be here, to not be me, I just wanna escape from everything and run away and yes maybe it’s stupid and yes maybe it will kill me but I’m fine with it. The urge to self harm again is so fucking big but I give my best to not do anything.
I’m tired of everything.
Yes I want my friends to have fun. Yes I want him to feel happy but I’m jealous. I want it two. I want to be there so fucking bad but I can’t.
Nobody can save me. Nobody can help me. Nobody understands it in the way I want to be understood.
It hurts my soul and heart but I don’t think even he can keep me alive for much longer. I love him so fricken much but the world is hurting me so fucking much that I just wanna fucking dye. Life makes me unhappy and it hurt to exist and see others happy. Yes they wanna work but I don’t it’s just pain I’m happier without it and I rather run away in a different country and be homeless than exist here any longer.
I can’t describe how bad my mental health is and how bad I wanna stop existing. But they can’t help me.
I just wanna cry. I wanna cry in his arms and be as broken as I am. I wanna stop hiding it but if I do I will break really really bad. And I don’t know if I will survive it.
I want him to see it. I want him to read it and to come to me but I know it won’t happen and I don’t want to be a burden for anyone….
I wanna be free.
I wanna be loved.
I wanna be happy.
I wanna be me.
I wanna life.
I’m just dead.
I’m dead inside.
I’m a walking shell.
Everyone is done here.
The world is burning.
When will it finally end?
When will it finally stop…
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Sehen Sie, ich habe gesehen, wie Sie die Gesichter von Leuten in Arcade-Automaten einschlugen, weil sie auf Sie geklettert sind.
-S or V anon
(bro im so sorry for how long this one is)
(Translation, may be wrong: See, thing is, I've watched you smash people's faces into arcade machines over climbing on you.)
“Zu meiner Verteidigung. Das war nur eine Drohung. Ich habe nur jemanden in eine Maschine geschleudert, weil er versucht hat, meinem Mann zu schaden. Geistig oder körperlich. Denn wir alle wissen, dass er geistig schon genug durchgemacht hat.”
(Translation: In my defense. That was just a threat. I just threw someone into a machine because he was trying to harm my husband. Mentally or physically. Because we all know he's been through enough mentally.) (<- also may be wrong.. but
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maximuswolf · 1 year
As a beginner should i get cheap espresso grinder or manual for the same price or ground/pre ground ones
As a beginner should i get cheap espresso grinder or manual for the same price, or ground/pre ground ones Hello guysA friend of mine gifted me espresso machine named Delonghi EC685.BK ,ive never did coffee with these maschines before so its going to be my first time,ive looked bit into it and found out about grinders,scales and so on so i wanted to build my coffee espresso system.Now that ive did a bit research about it, im actually confused because saw many people say things like you can grind espresso beans with cheap machines and so on so i just wanted to ask, my budget is around 50euro, i know its pretty low since im just student.Should i just get ground espresso from markets,or a hand grinder or electric grinder like Delonghi KG79.​Im also open for any tips and advices about making espressos and buying stuff for it, thanks for the help. Submitted April 07, 2023 at 04:27PM by cet0000 https://ift.tt/x1AaXgs via /r/Coffee
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litschilicia · 2 years
gosh I hate algorithms soooo much!!
like it's so exhausting in the way we consume because it constantly makes me think 'wait don't click on that, the algorithm will pick up on it and think you want to see more of it'
I was browsing some reels yesterday and this girl got recommended talking about her spiritual side and how manifesting helped her change her life (?) and naturally I clicked on her profile to see what kind of nutjob she was and tbh to make fun of her a bit (just for myself, I wouldnt bully obvi) and now I know instagram picked up on it and will keep recommending shit like that. I also catch myself not wanting to LOOK at videos about weird stuff for too long bc it'll be recommended again and again and swamp everything else out
it's also really annoying with spotify wrapped! Like I dont want to think of my wrapped until the moment it's there otherwise im constantly thinking oh no can't listen to that audiobook bc then my top artist will be some weird author, id rather have it be my favourite band like what kind of dystopian kinda shit thinking even is this???
And honestly??? That is one of THE things I love love love about tumblr bc here I can do all my weird little stuff in the perfect Mix and like and Block and follow what I like without constantly having to question if im being manipulated by a Maschine rn
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pauleonotis · 5 years
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This is a pic of an HP Au:
Harry worked as an Auror for a couple of years until he decided to quit. He gets 3 tattoos, all of them were made by Luna who opened a tattoo shop (for magical and muggle tats). Harry quite enjoys it there and starts working there after he finished his training.
One day, to Harry’s surprise, Draco Malfoy steps into the tattoo shop. Luna is busy at the moment with another client so it’s just them. Draco’s surprised to see Harry and can’t help but ask, »You work here?«
After some talking they start working on the designs for Dracos new tattoos. He does have one already. And he’s planning on getting his back fully tattooed. When everything’s prepared and Draco sits down and Harry begins to work they start to talk a little, which ends up with talking about everything; their school years, the war, their past, ... they get so caught up that they at first don’t even notice how much they talked to each other. At one point Draco starts swearing and Harry couldn’t help but grin, »Sensitive spot? Do you want to take a break?«
»Damn you Potter, I don’t need a break! Go on.« Harry chuckles but then continues his work. After that Draco visits the shop a couple of times again to add new tattoos, he always insists that he wants Harry to do it. They start talking about the meaning of their tattoos and when Harry tells him that his tattoo on his chest (a head of a stag with lilys on its antlers, behind it’s head is a full moon) is for loved ones Draco looks at it for a while.
»It’s not finished yet, I just don’t know how I want to add... well, the missing part.«
»You could do the Sirius constellation above the moon. Or on it,« Draco says quietly. At this Harry smiles, »You know what? That’s a great idea. I insist that you‘ll do it, Draco.«
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ganondoodle · 9 months
im pretty sure i mentioned all these things before but its too late to start drawing anything and each time i see someone talk about totk i just get sad and frustrated again
literally by FAR the biggest problem about totk is that it REFUSES to connect to botw in any way beyond reusing the same map and character models, and even taking the things botw had established and ruin them entirely
ancient hero? BAM weird sonau dog thing that remains completely unexplained and out of nowhere eight heroine myster- BAM just some guy long gone sonau peopl- BAM here they are and they have zero connection to the ones of botw mystical dragons gracing the skies with their presence- BAM probably some dude who ate a magic pebble once strange mystical nature god you could rarely encounter in one specific spot and the area was made to feel utteraly unsettling but also divine- BAM now hes everywhere and only serves you as a shorthand for man pointing at cave the strange energy all shiekah tech was powered with with certain locations being ones where alot of it was concentrated including beneath hyrule castle clearly stating that somethings up with that- welp theres evil guy donw there but he has zero connection to all that lol
the whole shiekah tech thing, i just- WHY???? LIKE THAT??? there was so much stuff in botw that seemed deliberately placed that there IS more to it and now it all vanished and nothing of that mattered??? i saw a video of someone comparing certain places directly and on some where towers literally broke away tons of debris where just like .. sanded back down like nothing ever happened???; the fuking mechanism of how the towers and shrines and the pillars around the castle worked AND WHAT THE BOTW BOSS ARENA WAS ACTUALLY FOR?? its all gone and replaced with dirt; tHE ANCIENT FUCKING FURNANCES UTTERLY GONE AND REPLACED WITH ROCKS HUH???? so nothing of all that talk about their mystery and mechanism mattered???? the luminous stoens and its connection to spirits and how concentrated spiritual energy might have been what powered the tech- like you could connect things, and they made SENSE, so much sense that that seemed like it was intentionally setting up- only for it all to be just GONE?? to literally say lol it all vanished and that we shouldnt worry about it- like what the FUCK (and it also AGAIN doesnt make sense in itself bc WE SEE GUARDIAN PARTS in the towers, and some parts of them too are made of clearly shiekah tech stuff so it cant all have vanished- all their mystery doesnt matter bc idk it just works i guess lol and its not even called shiekah tech at any point either its just there and also not lol-)
(and even the smaller things like .. where the fuck does link live if everyone treats him like a goddamn stranger in the town you had to buy a house in botw for it to not be demolished and now that house is there but its not yours and noone knows you??? sth i personalyl found strange too that dumsda, the guy you help build an entire town, taburasa, had a very specific talking quirk i loved, and its all just gone in totk too, he talks like any other person all of the sudden
also at the end of botw finally being reunited with zelda and giving you the taste of being in the game WITH her at the same time in the intro to totk- WOOP away she goes! shes your pretty prize at the end and nothing more, what a way to disrespect her and her character..)
imagine if majoras mask didnt have the opening like it has and it otherwise stayed the same and they tried to tell you that its a direct sequel happening exactly where ocarina of time happened in the same world, zelda who?? ganondorf who??? things seem weird and off? lol dont worry about that :)) that would be weird and not make any sense at all now would it??
... sorry going on another rant again, ill just never be able to accept everything from botw didnt actually matter, and despite what some people might say, its pretty hard to ignore totk bc i LOVE botw, and as much as i hate it, they are connected in canon, even if it makes no sense
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squeakadeeks · 3 years
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had the thought to compare and contrast difficulty levels for costumes that i've made 👁👁💦 i gave a brief description in the images above, but in the read-more I go more in depth about what it was like working on all of these
Sandalphon: honestly i felt like the sewing parts of this one were the hardest. I didnt have to do too much tailoring other than following my usual pattern and slapping foam accents on top. the wing assembly also went smoothly bc i managed to use large surface areas of velcro, that being said i really wish i had put more effort into the wings and made them look nicer. to me they look really flat and...blah. the foam feathers needed more detail.
Lif: lif was hard but shockingly not as bad as one might assume? mostly my standards were really high but the engineering for him wasnt too crazy. Casting the transparent worbla was a NIGHTMARE but it was frustrating more than hard if that makes sense. there were a few armor pieces like his bracers I had to make several times over, but what made him difficult was making sure each armor piece looked really polished and overlaying everything. i think i had maybe a rage-quit or two but not a crazy amount.
Corrin: speaking of rage quits man corrin was probably the hardest armor for me, mostly bc he was maybe the 3-4th armor set i had made and he was entirely vinyl wrapped, which was new to me. I almost quit this project like 4 times. what made it hard was overlaying all the armor pieces and getting a good, flattering fit while also achieving smooth vinyl wraps.
Alfonse: I've only alluded to this but i actually made alfonse to cope with my extreme depressive episode in 2019 where i had daily Unaliving thoughts and my coping strategy was "everytime i want to Do That, get up and work on alfonse" and then boom alfonse got made. my memory of that project is hazy, but i know i worked like an absolute madman on him, but the details are eehehehhehhehhhhhh. i remember it being really hard and i had to remake most pieces on him several times (i know i was up to 6 attempts on his shoulder)
Hypnos: I made hypnos after a string of armor projects and jumping into chiffon was a challenge, i also had to learn french seams and all that and it suuuuucked. His blanket was also really hard to work on bc it was so large, fitting it into my maschine was a struggle and even small changes took large amounts of time bc of the scale. I also wanted him to have the highest polish of any recent project so i went bananas making sure everything turned out as perfect as possible. it was hard!! but breaking down his costume into individual parts helped.
Robin: oops im writing an essay so i'll keep this short, the hardest part of robin was figuring out how to effectively have "glowing lights" with no obvious source on my torso. the concepting stage took about a week of fiddling with LEDs, but once i had a plan making him wasnt super bad. the hardest part was his jacket just bc i used pleather and it was hard to finangle.
Nekomancer: TBH he was i think the easiest project ive made in recent years? the capelet posed the biggest challenge, but other than that it was a pretty friendly project (the broom was also hard, but i struggle with props unilaterally so hmmm)
Kaworu: Kaworu was like..."hard easy" if that makes sense. what made him hard is there's virtually 0 margin for error on plugsuits so everything has to be executed perfectly which is hhhhaaaard. vinyl wrapping his armor was tough. I also messed up on the patterning (the ribs should be much smaller) and that haunts me.
Padparadscha: looking back padpa was harder than i remembered, like not just tailoring a 12 paneled bodice and figuring out the wig, but im also recalling how difficult fabric matching was. Getting a perfect pale gold with the right balance of sparkle that also contrasted nicely with the ivory sateen took a lot of trial and error. padpa was hella hard, but i do wish the end result looked better -_-
Phos: wow almost the same situation, tailoring the bodysuit was hard (im not at all happy with how it turned out) it wasnt as crazy as padpas, but still turned out worse oopswhoops....fabric matching was much harder here since i had a super clear vision for what i wanted the moon outfit to look like, i had to layer 5 different types of tulle and organza to get the look 👀 and the wig was difficult bc the vinyl i got was harder to work with (making sure it curled and curved took a lot of effort)
Karna: KARNA IS THE HARDEST PROJECT IVE EVER DONE D: people always think its lif but nah...it was karna. karna had so so so many armor parts, and they all had to be clear, clean and polished. similar to a plugsuit, i felt like there was no margin for error and with his design there was little to no ability to hide flaws AND his attachments make no sense. he took a month and a half of daily work and im still iffy on his end result. the armor had to be super form fitted, the bodysuit had to be perfectly flattering to fit his stupid betty spagetti ass frame, the wig was hard, the cape was hard, he was hhhhhhaaaarrddddd
i might write the other ones later rn im tired and i got an exam to study for girl help
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omar-rudeberg · 2 years
Im so sorry, I have to explain what i meant when the dude did that thing and the other dude M O V E D !!!
So dude A is getting f****d, right! And dude B just CASUALLY bends down (dick still inside?!?!?) and SUCKS!!
Making dude A turn into a fucking WAVE MASCHINE!!!??!!
He's just.... bucking up!! Over and over! Very move-y! Okay!?! Aaahhh I need to watch it again now!!
(i have never in my life felt the imbalance of having anons in my inbox until this exact moment, where you my filthy friend ((affectionate)) can remain adequately shrouded while discussing shit like this, and leave me to air it all on my very public blog like dirty laundry oh my golly gosh)
but yes i know exactly what you're talking about because don't you forget, I fucking transcribed the entire thing 🙃
also, just for shitz and gigz, have this reaction I had when I first realised what was going on:
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Worst of Deutsche Friends-Synchro - Teil 1
S02E06: The One With The Baby On The Bus - Chandler (über Monica): “Joey, she does not look fat.” Deutsche Synchro: “Vielleicht solltest du mal abnehmen”
Chandler: “What kind of scary-ass clowns came to your birthday?” Deutsche Synchro: “Was hast du denn gegen Clowns? Immer sind die Clowns im Nachteil.”
S03E09: The One With The Football - Monica: “Phoebe you do a button-hook again”. Deutsche Synchro: “Phoebe, du machst wieder deinen Superbusentrick”  - Nicht nur, dass Phoebe diesen Trick gar nicht macht (den hat sie nämlich schon davor gemacht), ein button-hook ist ein Spielmuster im American Football. Da sie schon die ganze Folge lang Football spielen, hätte man das auch so lassen können, die Zuschauer sind schließlich nicht dumm, die werden sich schon denken können, dass das ein Football-Begriff ist.
S03E13: The One Where Monica And Richard Are Friends - Richard: “He’s gonna go up to the counter with Citizen Kane, Vertigo, and Clockwork Orgy” Deutsche Synchro: “Und an den Tresen geht er dann mit Citizen Kane, Vertigo und Clockwork Orange.“ - Wieso hat man hier denn dieses Wortspiel entfernt? “Clockwork Orgy” oder eingedeutscht “Clockwork Orgie” hätte doch wunderbar funktioniert und mit dem Originaltitel funktioniert der Witz nicht.
Monica: “Umm, you’ve got some on your pants.” Richard: “I’ll just throw them out” Deutsche Synchro: “Du hast da etwas auf deiner Hose.” “Dann werd ich sie wohl ausziehen.” - Das komplette Gegenteil des Originals. In dieser Folge geht es schließlich darum, dass Monica und Richard eigentlich nicht wieder miteinander anbandeln wollen.
S03E17: TOW The Ski Trip - Jemandem scheint nicht aufgefallen zu sein, dass Rachel nachdem Phoebe “Yeah, this has happened before.” sagt, auch noch was sagt (Nämlich “So, you know how to fix it?”). Deswegen bewegt sie in der deutschen Synchro zwar ihre Lippen, aber sagt nichts. Ironisch, normalerweise passiert in der deutschen Synchro das Gegenteil und sie synchronisieren Stellen, an denen die Lippen bewegt, aber nichts gesagt wird.
Joey: “ That’s ‘help’ spelled backwards so that the helicopters can read it from the air!” Monica: “What’s doofus spelled backwards?” Deutsche Synchro: “Das heißt ‘Help’ rückwärts geschrieben, falls ein Flugzeug vorbeifliegt und die Maschine auf dem Kopf steht.” “Und man weiß ja nie, aus welchem Land der Pilot ist.”
S03E25 TO At The Beach: Chandler: “I know that hat! I was taken aboard that hat! They did experiments on me! I can’t have children!!” Deutsche Synchro: “Den Hut kenn ich doch! Ich wurde auf diesem Hut an Land gezogen! Und die Menschen waren ganz gemein! Sie sagten, dass ich einen Wasserkopf hätte!“
Ross’ ikonischer Satz “WE WERE ON A BREAK!”, wird im Deutschen übrigens zum etwas sperrigen “WIR HATTEN UNS VORÜBERGEHEND GETRENNT!”
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ellemcu · 4 years
I don’t want to hurt you (bucky x reader)
Part 1 \\ Part 2 \\ Part 3
Part 4  A different HYDRA
Word count: 2382
Warnings: sexual assault,cursing, gruseom deaths:),semi naked,
ATTENTION: THIS COULD TRIGGER SOMEONE and for personal reasons I am not going to be writing it in full detail the delicate subject, if you wanna keep on reading though just not that bit imma put asterisks when it begins and ends, there is no problem, I understand completely.
You felt a hand being placed on your cheek, smudging away something liquidy that had dripped down your cheek. Before you could open your eyes, the warmth of the hand quickly vanished and a hard punch hit your cheekbone followed quickly by another punch only this time on your temple. Now you realized what that liquid was and you shot your eyes open.
At first everything was blurry, a strong light shining over you but after few seconds your eyesight got used to it and your eyes darted around for wherever the fuck you were. That’s when you noticed a tall man standing in front of you, wearing a military camouflage suit with a very irritating smirk on his face. He lowered his head, slowly reaching your level of hight since you were strapped on a chair ”Добро пожаловать, милая, или, лучше сказать, хладнокровный убийца, Гидре.(welcome sweetheart or should i say cold blooded murderer, to HYDRA)” he whispered in your ear. You shook your head and rattled your chains just to see if they were really firm and they just rattled. You shook your body until you stopped dead in your tracks. You swallowed, hard, and lifted your head slowly to look around the room you were in. 
You were not in a room. You were in the middle of a gigantic open space, surrounded by footbridges and staircases that led to thousands of cells, more like cages, but they were all empty. All of their prisoners, or soldiers were standing right infront of you. They were staring at your bloody and bruised body as if they were enjoying it, as if you were on display for them. You looked down and saw your pants had been ripped ( idk like now they’ve become shorts) and you were only in a sports bra, leaving your skinny but muscular body showing. 
You were not ashamed of your body(bc you are perfect and yes i'm talking to you, not Y/N in my story, YOU and you are just perfect just the way u are, please never change, please<3) but the thing that worried you the most was that you were completely covered in blood, some wasn’t even yours but most of it was yours and it was gushing out from deep cuts that were everywhere. Your whole body ached and breathing was becoming very hard. You looked back at the whole crowd that was standing in front of you, searching for someone you recognized. I mean you were at hydra. You scanned the crowd and then made eye contact with the all-in-black dude you had tried to kill, holding a cloth on his neck.”So I did hit him after all” you mumbled under your breath. 
You were tired of being at the center of attention and were starting to want some answers. The man wearing the camouflage suit was standing behind you, this was your chance so you turn your chair facing him and you kick his shin. He groans in pain and leans over his leg and you knock him out cold using your head against his. You stand up on the chair and sat back down with force causing the chair to break.
You did that so quickly that by the time you were standing up, ready to fight the whole crowd was still looking at you with wide eyes. You smirk and crack your neck, ready to bring down other guards(damn, your cool as fuck) You squint your eyes trying to see any guards coming your way and lock eyes with the soldier you had tried to kill. His eyes were full of worry but at the same time his expression was cold, you were lost in those steel blue eyes but before you knew it s man grabbed your arms. You immediately reacted and jumped backwards on top of his shoulders. You punched his face a few times until you cracked his neck and he fell to the floor. you jumped off him before he hit the ground and searched for any guns or knives you could use since they had taken everything away from you but unfortunately you found nothing.
In the meantime the crowd of people started running in all directions, seizing the opportunity to escape this damn place. You were still under their control so that thought didn’t come to your mind. From all the chaos you started running towards the man you had killed. You ran up to him and you both started throwing punches and kicks (idk imagine your fight scene however you want :)) until you jumped on his back and swung yourself backwards making you both fall down. He hit his head and you took this chance to get on top of him with both of your knees on his sides, holding his metal arm with one of your hands and the other one was gripping his throat, your grip tightening by the second. He was trying in every way to move but your position was holding him unbelievably still. He was knocked out cold for sure but that wasn’t enough for you. You wanted him dead. Just a little bit more and he would’ve died but someone elbowed harshly your neck, pain once again flooding everywhere.
It distracted you so your grasp loosened as the man took a long and loud breath. You were about to choke whoever dared stopping you but someone pulled your hair, dragging you away from the man laying on the floor. You quickly turned your body around making the person holding your hair release his grip. You punched him in the chin, knocking him out dead. You were surrounded but that wasn’t going to stop you ,hell no. You took down 6 soldiers quickly but then a dozen charged towards you, making you stumble on the ground. They were all punching and kicking you senseless until one of them stuck a syringe in your arm and injected something in you, making you dizzy. “Great, here we go again.” you sated, locking eye contact with the man you wanna kill so bad. His eyes were filled with fear and something else you couldn’t quite understand: Then it all went black, again.
You woke up with someone slapping you. Your eyes shot open as your reflexes kicked in and you shot your arm up only to be stopped by some leather straps. You groaned in annoyance and started looking around. You were in an oddly familiar room but it wasn’t quite the same. Then it hit you, you were surrounded by the same machines from your HYDRA. You breathing quickened until a man stepped in the room. ”Well soldier, it was about time you woke up.” he started. “You injured many of my most trained men, how did you do that?”he went on, your heart beating faster by the second. He started walking towards you and you spoke up,”(How long)сколько”. He snickered, “два месяца (two months)”. Fuck. He gotta be lying, you can’t have been out for 2 months, that's impossible but the way he looked at you told you otherwise. He was getting a bit too close though. ”запусти машины, я буду наслаждаться этим (start the machines, i'm gonna enjoy this).” he said with a calm expression which was not reassuring. A scientist pressed a big red button and electricity started running in your body again, only this time it was way stronger and blood was actually escaping your stained skin. You were shaking violently, screaming at the top of your lungs even though nobody could hear you. Your chest rising and lowering at an unimaginable pace. Just to add a bit of spice, some needles were injected in your muscles and shot something in your body making you numb but at the same time the pain became even more unbearable. The pain increased painfully slowly until it all came to a halt. The machines detached from your sensitive skin and you opened your eyes slowly, caching your breath. You were shacking uncontrollably and feared what the man was going to do to you next and just to your fucking luck the man was staing right infront of you with a grin on his face.
As he stepped closer to you, you tried moving your arms but they were firmly strapped to your sides, he leaned over you and mumbled in your ear “Such a beautiful lady, with amazing skills, who wouldn’t fall for that?”he said tucking your hair back. “убирайся от меня (get the fuck away from me)” you warned him with an intimidating cold voice “ or I swear to god your gonna regret this, im gonna break every single bone in your body, watching you suffer and slowly rip your organs out of your body, painfully slow, starting from your eyes and ending with your heart all while you’re still alive.” you spoke up not liking one bit the position you found yourself in.
He grinned to the feistiness you had in you. He then started touching your body, in places you never wanted anyone to touch, though many already had. Tears were starting to develop in the brim of your eyes but you wouldn’t let them fall. Hell no, you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of that. You had to stay strong, I mean it was soon all gonna end.
It all came to an end as he stopped and nodded towards the scientist. He got up and stared at you, mesmerized by your beauty. The maschines started whirring and the electricity ran through your veins once again. but this time after the stress your body had gone through you weren’t sure if you could take the pain much longer. You were trembling when after, god knows how many hours later some guards untied you and carried you to a small cell. Your body was exhausted and needed a break but you knew that you didn’t have much time before they came back for you in the morning. You crawled in a ball against the wall and concentrated on your breathing, it was very shaky and you could only take short breaths because of your neck and rib bruises, which were probably internal too. You obviously couldn’t sleep, not after all that you had done, it would all come back so you concentrated on the sounds that could be heard outside your cell.
After a few minutes you heard gunshots and screaming, someone’s here. You stood up as quickly as possible looking around yourself to find anything you could use to protect yourself with and to your luck you found an old and rusty crowbar, but that'll do just fine. You picked it up and placed both hands on it, ready to harm anyone that came too close to you. You heard footsteps coming closer to you and a man with an oddly familiar voice screaming stuff like “mercy”, “please”, “she’s in here” and someone started firing bullets to your door with a gun, after a bunch of shots someone kicked the door off its hinges. You squinted your eyes slightly, not used to the light that was coming in the cell. A tall blonde man entered your room, he had a shield in his right hand and a helmet on his head. You tightened your grip on the crowbar showing the man that you were not afraid to use it. He took a step forward which was confusing for you because he surely knew who you were but he still wasn’t showing any sign of being scared. ”Listen, Y/n I’m Steve, we’re gonna get out of here alright?” he asked with an oddly calm voice, offering his hand out: You didn’t know if to trust him or not, for all you knew people kept trying to torture you. Your brain didn’t trust this guy at all, but you had a feeling that he was surely gonna bring you somewhere better than this. You nodded slightly as you walked towards him, as soon as your hands touched you weren’t really sure if you made the right choice, never trusting anyone was the best way to go wasn’t it?
You feared your choice was the biggest mistake you've ever made. The man grabbed you and twisted you around, your body so weak you winced in pain, and he injected something in your neck.Your body started to feel numb, starting from your toes, up your legs, to the muscle of your neck, till your eyes. You fought to keep your eyes open, this was not happening again. You crouched on the ground and spun yourself in a circle with your leg straight, making the man,who called himself Steve, fall to the ground, you picked yourself up and punched him in the face, hard, making his face bleed.
All of a sudden you collapsed on the ground, an indescribable pain flooded in your chest and neck, it must have been the liquid he injected in you earlier. You were trembling and you couldn’t breathe. 
You sat on the floor with your fists on your chest, you weren’t gonna leave this place without a fight and you were not going to leave with some stranger. He stood up quickly and your eyelids started to feel heavy, he walked towards you as you lied down on the ground, shaking violently again. “What the fuck did you put in me?” you murmured with a menacing tone. You closed your eyes, not having enough energy to keep them open anymore and you slipped  in unconsciousness.
Part 5
I know, they inject lots of stuff lol. But i couldn’t think of a better way to do it. This is a long one to make up for the last one which was pretty short. I hope you like it ! If you wanna be tagged, just ask :) 
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mscalifornication · 3 years
(for the ask game) if you listen to bilderbuch, fave three songs from schick schock? or top 3 from icarus falls if you have 3 faves on it and if it's not been asked yet!
hi thank you so much!! 🥰 i did NOT EXPECT to see a german speaking artist, love that
yes, i do listen to them from time to time, i mostly only know their singles tho!!
schick schock
Willkommen im Dschungel
icarus falls
There You Are
Good Years
it’s a tie between Sour Diesel and Rainberry
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