#i know i’ve complained about this person on here before. but you’re hearing about it again!
clarisse0o · 2 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 73
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe: Military School
Words: 5K
Thursday, March 24; 8:30 AM – Camp Wiegman
I’ve never seen such organization. Mr. Johnson has planned everything down to the smallest detail. Everything except maybe the bus being late. Still, we know the time to leave is approaching quickly. Our management teacher, along with Lucy and Ingrid, are our chaperones for this trip, which is seeming more and more boring. Through a small note, we found out that the company we’re visiting isn’t even in Manchester, so we’ve got quite a drive ahead. I made sure to pack my headphones for the trip after confirming with Lucy that it was allowed. I have a feeling I won’t enjoy any of this. The company selected is an industrial one. To be honest, none of this interests me at all. Seeing that nothing was happening for a while, I slipped out of the group standing by the grills to go see Lucy.
"Are we leaving soon? This is getting long."
"I know. The driver’s on his way. Your teacher just spoke to him on the phone."
"Okay," I sighed.
"Come on, don’t complain, you’re getting out of a whole day of classes."
I shrugged. Honestly, I think I’d rather stay here, given what’s waiting for us. Lucy laughed at my lack of enthusiasm.
"Oh, come on, it could be cool. It’s interesting to see the world of cars."
"Speak for yourself."
From her perspective, it’s definitely different. She really likes motor vehicles. At least there’s one person who’s going to enjoy this trip.
"Go join the others, we’ll be leaving soon."
I sighed but did as told, heading back toward my friends. At least she was right. After a few more minutes, the bus finally arrived, much to everyone’s relief, especially the teachers, given how my class was starting to get restless. After one last headcount, we were finally able to board the bus. As for me, I hung back with my friends, as well as Lucy and Ingrid. We figured everyone would rush to get the back seats, and that’s exactly what happened. Johnson had to shout to be heard over the commotion. Poor guy, he’s going to lose his voice at this rate. Our turn came, and the only thing that mattered to me was sitting near my girlfriend, which luckily, I did. I sat with Alessia, just behind Ingrid and Lucy, but in front of Lotte and Leah. At least we were sure we wouldn’t be bothered. Our teachers sat in the same row as Lucy. She took the window seat, which was fine by me. At least I knew my management teacher wouldn’t bug her. I’d already noticed he’d been trying to cozy up to her since this morning. I’m not jealous—okay, maybe just a little. He did one last headcount before giving the driver the green light. The noise in the bus was deafening. I was going to get a headache before we even reached the factory. I was already not feeling great anyway.
"Sorry for the delay. Traffic is terrible this morning," the driver explained. "There was an accident on the road I took. It was too late to turn back."
"It’s not your fault," my teacher sighed. "But this means it’ll take us longer to get there. We’ll probably hit rush hour."
Wonderful! That was the last thing I wanted to hear. My exaggerated sigh made Alessia laugh.
"Wow, you’re really not excited, huh?"
"Next time, I’ll fake being sick."
"Not in your wildest dreams," I heard Lucy say from the front.
I made silly faces, making my friend laugh, but it caught my girlfriend’s attention. She raised an eyebrow, but I just gave her an angelic smile in return. Luckily for me, she quickly gave up.
"You didn’t wake up on the right side of the bed, did you?"
I shrugged. Not really, no. I got my period this morning, and it’s been a while since I’ve had such bad cramps. That’s not something I was about to tell her, though. If this was the price for restarting my whole system down there, then so be it, although I could have done without it. I sighed, leaning my head against the window. This trip was going to be long—I could feel it.
"You’re really pale. Are you sure you’re okay?" Alessia asked.
She placed her hand on my forehead to check my temperature. Her comment seemed to alert Lucy, who turned around again.
"I’m fine," I sighed. "Just feeling a bit off."
"What’s wrong?" Lucy asked. "You look like you’re about to be sick."
Now that she mentioned it, my stomach wasn’t the only thing bothering me. I shrugged in response.
"Do you mind switching seats, Alessia?"
"No, not at all," she replied.
Within minutes, Lucy was sitting next to me. She touched my forehead, but I didn’t think she’d find anything. I didn’t feel like I had a fever.
"Did you eat anything this morning?"
I blushed, looking down at my hands. I didn’t know how to explain what was wrong without saying it out loud.
"Does something hurt?"
There it was—the opening I needed.
"My stomach, but it’s not because of what I ate..."
She raised an eyebrow at my confident tone. Then, I saw the light bulb go off in her head.
"Oh. I see. Did you take anything?"
"No, I didn’t have anything on me..."
"Okay, hang on."
She bent down to rummage through her bag. All I wanted to do was collapse onto her, but we both knew that wasn’t possible. Johnson, who was sitting a row ahead, started asking Lucy about me, but she quickly brushed him off, saying she could handle it. Usually, when my periods started like this during my teenage years, the pain would escalate, which was what worried me. I still had cramps sometimes, but not this intense. Normally, you couldn’t tell by looking at me, and I rarely complained.
"Here, take this."
She handed me a pill along with a bottle of water. I swallowed it without even asking what it was, especially now that even my head was starting to ache. I would have taken anything to make it stop.
"You’re usually not in this much pain, are you?"
I blushed again. I didn’t want her to think it was her fault. She just nodded.
"Rest up. We’ve got at least an hour before we get there, thanks to the traffic."
I nodded and leaned my head against the window. It wasn’t the best idea, considering the way it was shaking my head, but I didn’t have much choice.
"Don’t be silly. Come here—it’ll be more comfortable."
She surprised me by inviting me to rest my head on her shoulder. I wasn’t going to complain. It was clearly much more pleasant. With that, I closed my eyes, hoping the medicine would kick in.
Thursday, March 24; 9:50 AM – At the company 
"And here we are," my teacher announced.
We had just arrived at the company, a full half-hour behind schedule. I was cold. Lucy had woken me up just before we arrived, and my body was struggling to warm up again. All I wanted was to be in my girlfriend’s arms. I hated being so close to her yet feeling so far away.
"I expect you all to behave impeccably during this visit. This is one of the few trips that’s been approved by our school, so don’t make the principal or me regret it."
Oddly, everyone had calmed down. I’m not sure what had happened, but the last thing I remembered was the incessant noise of my classmates, which had kept me from sleeping properly. Lucy was by my side, and I don’t think she was planning on going anywhere. She was so sweet to care this much about me.
"As I mentioned in class, you'll be divided into four groups of six or seven people. We'll assign the groups, and then we can begin."
Everyone is called one by one. Lucy kept me by her side, assuring me that we would spend the day together. To be honest, I tried hard to get her to reveal who was on her list, like Alessia, but surprisingly, she didn’t let anything slip. So, it would be a surprise. The surprise didn’t last long though. Ingrid was the first to form her group, and Alessia and Lotte were in it. I realized Mr. Johnson had purposely separated us. My other classmates weren’t with their usual groups either. Well, at least he ensured we were with someone we knew. Then it was Lucy’s turn. I was right—Leah was in my group, along with a few others I barely knew. I don’t tend to talk to many others, but being with Leah is fine. Though she didn’t seem too pleased, judging by the sigh she let out as she joined us.
"Try to contain your joy, Leah," Lucy teased.
"I’m doing my best," she replied, rolling her eyes, making my girlfriend do the same.
Some people laughed, but it didn’t last long. Lucy commands respect and asked us to form a line, two by two. Mr. Johnson, who had another group beside him, couldn’t help but comment.
"Well. You’re a woman who knows how to command respect."
I’m going to punch him soon. Lucy, noticing my frustration, discreetly grabbed my wrist to stop me from saying anything.
"The important thing is that it’s mutual," she retorted.
Her reply made him look away, and she let go of my wrist. I hated how he acted like he had the right to flirt with her. She really needs to put him in his place. If she could tell him she’s taken and mention she prefers women, that would be perfect. But, unfortunately, according to her, it doesn’t need to go that far. Maybe I should show her what it feels like to be hit on in front of your partner and not be able to do anything about it... My period is really messing with my emotions. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Lucy gave me a soft smile as she stepped ahead of Leah and me.
"Alright, we can head in now," announced my teacher once the groups were formed.
"Let’s go, and quietly," Lucy instructed when it was our turn.
Without resistance, the group obeyed. We entered, and to my surprise, the interior was quite welcoming. I had expected something much more industrial, given the environment. We were greeted by a man in his thirties. He spoke briefly with our teacher before giving an introduction. I realized he was the director. Given his age, it was likely a family business, and that’s exactly how he introduced it. Since some were already taking notes, I followed suit, fighting off the headache that was starting to form. I wasn’t sure I’d make it through the day. Lucy seemed to understand how I felt, but apart from a small, sympathetic smile, she couldn’t do much.
"Alright, now that the introductions are over, we’ll begin the tour."
I started to panic. I hadn’t written much compared to Leah’s notebook. She smiled at me and said she’d share her notes with me at the end of the day if I wanted.
"We’ve divided you into four groups. We’ll be exploring the different departments of the company. There’s the administration, the design office, the factory itself, and the logistics section."
I jotted down what he listed. Those would be the four key areas. Based on the questionnaire we had received, I began to understand much more. He wanted us to grasp the management aspects of a business.
"Each area is vital to the smooth running of a company, so it doesn’t matter in which order we visit them. I’ll personally be following one of the groups today. The others will be guided by my colleagues. I hope you enjoy the tour of my company."
You could really sense how proud he was of his business. I could easily see Lucy reacting the same way someday. She was about to join the other instructors, probably to decide which group would go where, but I stopped her.
"I think I need to use the restroom before we start all this..."
My stomach was still hurting, and the medicine hadn’t worked. She nodded.
"I’ll ask about it."
I watched as she walked off to speak with the director. And there was another man staring at her a bit too much. I’m really going to lose it with all these guys. 
"Still not feeling any better?"
"No," I sighed.
I glanced at Leah, who was fidgeting beside me, her hands stuffed into her pockets. I could tell something was bothering her. I was glad to be with her today. Since I started dating Lucy, she’d distanced himself, and I had to admit it hurt a little. She was one of the first I’d managed to befriend since I came here. She’s a really good person, even if she doesn’t believe it himself.
"Everything okay?"
"Not really... I feel bad."
"I wasn’t fair to you and your girlfriend."
"Oh... Leah..."
"I feel guilty for judging you too quickly. You two seem really solid, unlike what I thought."
I smiled softly. For her to admit her mistake, she must have given it a lot of thought. I was surprised, but happy at the same time. Maybe not all was lost. She really cared about our friendship after all.
"I don’t hold it against you, don’t worry."
"I was thinking, maybe we could plan something together, with her, sometime."
"Yeah, we could do something at the end of the year if you want. I don’t think she’ll be up for it before then."
She nodded understandingly. She finally dared to look at me after all that. She tilted her head, narrowing her eyes.
"Are you sure you’re okay? You really don’t look good."
I shook my head. I’d been trying to hide it, but I was on the verge of vomiting right there. I barely opened my mouth.
"Hey, Bronze," Leah called out. "She’s about to throw up."
Thank goodness she understood. Immediately alarmed, my girlfriend pulled me into the restroom. Luckily, the door was just behind us all along, and I hadn’t even noticed. She barely had time to open a stall and save my hair before I threw up my breakfast into the toilet. The scene felt like déjà vu. She sighed as she tied my hair back with a hair tie.
"Do you feel any better?"
I didn’t even have time to answer before it happened again. All Lucy could do was rub my back. I’d never been this sick before, and I was starting to wonder if it was really my period causing this.
"Okay... You can’t do the tour like this."
"Is everything alright in here?"
I sat on the bathroom floor as this voice echoed. I must have looked pathetic. Lucy grabbed some paper to wipe my mouth before flushing the toilet as she stood up. I looked over at the man I recognized as the director.
"No," Lucy answered. "She’s been feeling sick since this morning, and it seems to be getting worse."
My stomach was hurting so much I had tears in my eyes. I held it with my arms, but it didn’t help. I didn’t dare look at them either. I preferred to stare in the opposite direction to avoid them seeing me like this.
"It’s been decided that I’ll lead your group through the tour, so I suggest going ahead without you."
"I’m not sure that’s the best solution. Students can be difficult sometimes."
"Oh, I don’t doubt it," he laughed. "I have four kids and I run a business, so I don’t think six students are going to give me much trouble."
Hearing that, I noticed the wedding ring on his finger. I felt foolish for thinking he was eyeing Lucy earlier. Now that I saw him up close, he also seemed slightly older than I had initially thought. He looked to be in his thirties, but probably closer to forty.
"You can’t leave her alone, so take care of her. Maybe she’ll feel better, and you can join us later. We’re visiting two departments this morning, and then it’ll be time for lunch," he explained.
"I need to check with Mr. Johnson first."
"It’s already been arranged. He agreed to this."
"Alright... Well, thank you. Hopefully, we’ll join you later."
"My pleasure. Good luck," he said before leaving.
Once we were alone, Lucy crouched down in front of me again. I felt better, or at least relieved, but my stomach pain wasn’t going away. Lucy gently cupped my face.
"Are you sure it’s your period? This seems a bit extreme."
I shrugged. I wasn’t sure anymore.
- "The pain isn't just in my lower stomach..." I admitted after noticing it.
- "Alright," she murmurs. "I'll call the school. Maybe you’ve eaten something that didn't sit well, and if that's the case, you’re probably not the only one."
- "I had the same thing as usual," I complained.
- "I know, but you never know. I'll be right back."
She kissed the top of my head before leaving to ask for a phone. Apparently, she didn’t have hers. I groaned when she left. Judging by the silence, I assumed the others had already left the lobby. Something like this always has to happen to me, especially during my only class trip. I'd pay good money just to get a hug from Lucy right now. I waited a while, and during that time, my stomach continued to rumble. Maybe she was right. It probably wasn’t just my period causing this. It felt like hours passed before she finally returned.
- "Did you have hot chocolate this morning?" she asked.
What kind of question was that? Of course, I had. I nodded.
- "Well, looks like we have our answer. The milk was expired. They forgot to check the date. Didn’t you notice anything odd about the taste?"
- "N-no."
Since I usually dunk my pastry in it, I hadn't noticed anything strange. I groaned again as the pain persisted. Lucy sighed and sat down next to me. I wasted no time collapsing into her. She chuckled, wrapping her arms around me, and I sighed in contentment. I had been waiting for this moment. She kissed my forehead again.
- "You’re burning up. Looks like you’re in for a rough day, poor thing."
- "It’s not so bad, since you're here with me."
She chuckled softly, tightening her embrace.
- "For once, you’re being optimistic…"
I nudged her playfully in the stomach, making her laugh. I could stay here for hours. Of course, she had to shatter my hopes.
- "Come on, we can't stay here. The ladies at reception offered us a room to rest in."
- "No... I'm fine right here," I mumbled.
- "Come on," she teased. "We’re not staying on the bathroom floor all day."
I groaned as she stood up, leaving me without anything to lean on. I had no choice but to stand, with her help. The only positive thing was that my nausea had passed by now. Lucy supported me as we walked to the reception area where two women stood behind the counter.
- "Is the room still available?" Lucy asked.
- "Yes, of course. I’ll open it for you," said the younger woman.
She stood up immediately, offering me a small smile that I struggled to return. She led us to a door opening into a large conference room.
- "Feel free to ask if you need anything."
- "You’ve already done a lot. Thank you."
She nodded and left us alone. Lucy guided me inside and closed the door behind us. At least we’d have some privacy.
- "Alright, lie down for a bit. It’ll help."
She made a makeshift bed by lining up several chairs in a row.
- "Come on."
I sighed but complied. I took my time, a bit afraid of the setup's sturdiness, but once I lay across the chairs, I realized it wasn't too bad. Lucy even gave me her scarf as a pillow. She couldn’t have picked anything better—I could still smell her scent this way. She then covered me with her jacket. I felt like I was freezing, but Lucy said it was due to the fever.
- "You’re staying, right?" I murmured.
- "Of course."
She pulled up a chair across from me and sat down. I smiled as she ran her hand through my hair to move it out of my face. I clung to her other hand, wanting to make sure she wouldn’t leave, though I knew she wouldn’t.
- "I love you," I murmured before drifting off to sleep.
Thursday, March 24; 12:10 PM 
I woke up to some commotion. Several voices stirred me from my deep sleep. I blinked a few times, trying to remember where I was. I hadn’t moved from the chairs. My first sight was Lucy, still sitting across from me, talking to someone I couldn’t make out. Our hands were no longer linked, and I soon understood why, recognizing the masculine voices in the room.
- "Looks like she’s waking up."
Lucy immediately turned her head toward me. She smiled as I stretched slowly, still gripping her scarf beneath me. Something felt off about the room, but I couldn’t place it.
- "How are you feeling?" she asked.
I shrugged, still groggy. I wasn’t sure how I felt yet. I thought my fever had broken since I wasn’t as cold as before.
- "Your classmates are having lunch. Are you hungry?"
A wave of disgust washed over me. Any mention of food made me nauseous right now. Lucy laughed at my expression, which must have been amusing.
- "Alright, I get it," she smiled softly. "But I’m hungry. So either you come with me, or someone else will stay here with you."
I groaned, trying to sit up. She quickly stopped my abrupt movements.
- "Take it easy," she teased. "I’m not going anywhere."
A cold draft hit me as I lost the warmth of her jacket. I slowly sat up and glanced around. Mr. Johnson was there with the company manager. I was glad they didn’t bombard me with questions. However, I noticed my teacher giving me a rather stern look, which I ignored. I ran my hand through my hair to smooth it down, shivering in the process.
- "Can I keep your jacket? It’s still so warm."
My voice cracked from disuse. Lucy nodded and helped me put it on to preserve the warmth. She also draped her large scarf over my shoulders like a shawl.
- "Alright, let’s go."
She guided me with a hand on my back. I ignored the men in the room, sensing that they understood this wasn’t the time to talk to me. Lucy must have filled them in before I woke up. We walked into another, larger conference room. The company had prepared sandwiches and muffins for lunch, which was nice of them. My classmates were gathered around the table, but Lucy led me to the far end, where the teachers were seated. I still felt a bit out of place, but I didn’t want to leave Lucy just yet.
- "Hey there," Ingrid greeted me. "You always get sick at the worst times, don’t you?" she teased gently.
I groaned in response. Lucy laughed as she pulled out a chair for me between the two of them. I sat down, gripping her scarf tightly around me.
- "Stop bothering her. She’s already grumpy enough."
- "Oops, sorry," Ingrid said with a playful grin. "Do you know what caused it?"
- "The milk this morning. Wiegman was furious. Several students got food poisoning."
- "Damn, that sucks for you," she said, patting my shoulder. "Though now we know you’re the only one still drinking hot chocolate in the morning. Maybe it’s time you switched to coffee," she joked.
I shrugged off her hand and rested my head on my arms on the table with a soft groan. Lucy chuckled, running her fingers through my hair.
- "She’s just kidding. Calm down."
I didn’t respond. They continued chatting, but I lost track of the conversation. I felt like I could fall asleep again in any position. However, Lucy didn’t give me the chance. She gently rubbed my thigh, discreetly keeping me awake.
- "Looks like someone won’t be feeling better this afternoon," Ingrid remarked.
- "No, it doesn’t seem like it."
- "Do you want to switch?" Ingrid offered. "I can stay with her if you want to do the factory tour."
I glanced over at Lucy. I didn’t want to keep her from the tour, but I’d rather have her stay with me. As if to reassure me, Lucy’s touch became more soothing.
- "No, it’s fine. I’ll stay with her."
- "Alright, as you wish," Ingrid didn’t insist.
I felt relieved. I love Ingrid, but she couldn’t replace Lucy’s presence. The break was brief. My class soon resumed the tour in their groups. I didn’t even get a chance to chat with my friends. I hope they don’t hold it against me for ignoring them during that short time. I’ll catch up with them once this is all over.
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sunriseverse · 9 months
i swear every time i see one specific white danmei youtuber i instantly get a headache. i’m sure they’re a fine person but unfortunately their repeated egregious pronunciation errors make me want to gnaw my arm off.
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moonstruckme · 1 month
It is I, person who asked about the bad car crash one. I have read the one you said! And while yes I think the car crash you described is bad I was wondering if you could do one that's... Worse-? Idk 😅 if not I totally understand lmao.
No I think I get you, thanks for requesting and hope you like it!
cw: car accident, concussion, mention of blood, I already know this is not very accurate, but I did not have it in me to do all the research when I wrote this. Sorry and hope it doesn’t hinder your reading experience </3
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
Your own breaths are the loudest sound, which can’t be right. Surely there should be alarms, or screaming, or something. Up until a second ago, the screeching of tires and metal was loud enough to deafen you. 
Your car door squeaks brokenly, a sad echo of the racket from before. The air around you shifts as it comes open, and a moment later there are cold fingers pressing into your jaw. 
You make a low whining sound. “Hey,” you complain. Your lips move oddly, murmuring where you mean to speak. 
“Hi,” a voice behind you replies smoothly. “I’m Sirius, I’m with NHS. Is your neck or back hurting at all, gorgeous?” 
“No. You’re cold.” 
“Lovely. This is my friend Remus, he’s going to push on your hands.” 
A head appears in front of you, upside down and shooting an exasperated look towards the disembodied voice. You don’t understand how these people are moving around so quickly, without you noticing them coming. 
“Hello.” The other man’s—Remus’—gaze softens as he meets your eyes. “Can you tell me if you feel this?” He prods at your hand. 
“Yeah,” you breathe. Your heart is starting to move in your chest, thudding against your ribs like it wants to hurt you. 
“Alright. Can you try pushing up on my hands, please?”
You do. He nods approvingly, giving you a little smile. 
“Good girl. We’re good, Sirius.” 
The cold hands release your face, and you breathe a sigh of relief. It makes your chest ache dully. 
“Beautiful. We ready to move?” 
“Yup.” That’s a third voice, distinct from the others and somewhere you can’t see it. “We’re all set.” 
“Let me just—” Remus’ hands come up around your waist and back, his grip firm, near to bruising. “Okay, I’ve got her. We’re going to unbuckle you and lift you out, okay? Just stay nice and still for us.” 
You’re confused as to what he means, but apparently your silence is consent enough. You feel the buckle of your seatbelt click, and then you’re falling up, Remus’ hold tightening further as he stops your ascent to lift you sideways. 
It’s not until you’re out of the car that you realize you were upside down. Your head feels better, though not by much, and the sun glares at you like it’s punishing you for a wrong you don’t remember having committed. Your arm, suddenly and to your horrified surprise, is in agony. 
A pitchy scraping sound tears from your throat, what would have been a scream if you had the air for one. 
“Here we go, just—yeah—” the third voice speaks as something comes up under your back. “There we are. It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re fine.” 
“We’ll get you on pain meds in just a second, doll,” Sirius promises. Someone adjusts your legs so they’re both on the cot, careful of your searing arm, and then you’re moving, the sky shifting above you until you’re looking up at a gray ceiling instead. Time is an odd, fluid thing, marked only by actions and various pains. 
“When did you get here?” you mutter, to no one in particular. 
The third voice is the one to answer you. It’s accompanied by a thick pair of glasses and a sweet face, eyes flickering between you and some equipment he’s messing with. “Just a few minutes ago.” 
“I don’t…I didn’t hear the sirens.” 
He smiles like you’re funny. “Yeah, I think you might’ve been unconscious for that part.” 
You wrack your brain. You don’t remember falling asleep. Only the screeching on the road and then being in your car. Then again, you feel half as though you could be dreaming right now. 
Something sharp bites into your hand. You whimper, the pain small but only adding to every other hurt that’s already far over your threshold. 
“I know,” Sirius shushes you, sticking something to your hand. “I know, babe, but this is going to help soon. You’ll see.” 
“So far I’ve got a concussion, open fracture of the wrist, several lacerations to the face and chest, and bruising around the knees.” Remus’ voice is an odd combination of soft and businesslike. You have a creeping sensation he’s talking about you. “Am I missing anything?” 
“Possible bruising around the chest,” Sirius says. “She was breathing funny earlier.” 
“Right. Hey, love,” Remus voice gentles as he addresses you, “I’m going to move your shirt down to see if your chest is hurt, alright? I’ll be careful, it won’t take long.” 
“Okay,” you manage weakly. 
“Thank you.” He uses both hands to stretch the collar of your shirt, tutting quietly to himself at whatever he sees. He lifts a stethoscope from around his neck, rubbing the metal on his hand for a moment before setting it to your chest. 
You don’t know what he’s listening for, but you’re distracted when the third paramedic—the one with the glasses—starts running what feels like a wet wipe over your forehead. 
“Just cleaning you up a bit,” he says brightly. “Figure we ought to have you looking your best for whoever ends up stitching you up, yeah?” 
“James.” Sirius’ tone is somewhere between chiding and joking and fond, an entanglement of meanings you quite can’t wrap your pounding head around. “Don’t talk like she’s not already stunning. You can hardly improve upon perfection.” 
“Too true,” the other boy agrees readily. 
“Take a breath in for me, please,” says Remus, seemingly ignoring the other two and seemingly also used to doing so. “Just as deep as you can.” 
You try. You do your best, and as your lungs expand the dull ache worsens and worsens until a sharp pain pierces your middle. The air whooshes out of you in a dry sob. 
The stethoscope leaves your skin, and Remus fixes your shirt collar, putting it back in place. Your chest radiates a terrible, throbbing hurt. 
“It’s okay,” James says. His finger brushes your cheek, swiping at wetness you didn’t realize was there. “Oh, honey, it’s okay.” 
“At least a couple of broken ribs,” you hear Remus mutter to the others. Somehow, impossibly, it makes the pain worsen. 
“What’s happening?” you choke out. 
“You’re in an ambulance,” James tells you kindly. “You were in a car accident, and I know you’re in a lot of pain right now, but we’re here to take care of you. We’re going to make sure you’re okay, and then get you to the hospital so they can finish fixing you up. You’ll be alright.” 
The explanation takes you a while to process, but even then your tears don’t seem to want to slow. Your chest pangs with each hitch in your breathing. Eventually Sirius starts talking you through taking slower breaths, trying to calm you down. 
Someone wipes at your face with a small square. It stings, and it comes away light red with your blood and tears. 
“I know it’s scary,” Remus murmurs, “but you’ve already done so, so well. We only have to splint your arm so it doesn’t move and clean some of your bigger cuts, and then we can go to the hospital. Can you let us do that, please? Will you be okay?” 
You take in a ragged breath. “Yeah,” you reply. 
“There we are.” James takes your head between his hands. Something about his grip reassures you. He touches his lips to your forehead, like it’s natural, like it’s nothing. “You’ve got this, sweetheart. Just need you to be brave for us a little while longer.”
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seungfl0wer · 2 months
*Hyunjin Calling You Clingy*
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Paring: Hyunjin x Reader (GN)
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Arguing, Cursing, Op Accidentally Punches Hyune in the nose, Blood Mentions, Not Proofread
This is part of a series find the others here:
Bangchan, Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
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Today was a rough day for your boyfriend or so you heard. Walking into the dorms Han was leaving to go get food when he smiled at you “ah y/n good thing you’re here Hyunjins in a bad mood, maybe you can make him feel better” he said as he put on his jacket. “Why? What happened?” You asked surprise because he hadn’t said anything about it. “Oh you know choreograph not going well, he also got into a small argument with Changbin about it so it’s not going to well.” He said as he opened the door to leave. “I’ll try my best” you salute standing there him laughing as he left.
You made your way to his room knocking not wanting to barge in when he was already upset “what!” He said loudly “Jinnie it’s me!” You said trying to put on the happiest voice you could. You could hear him sighing as he came to the door unlocking it he walked back to what he was doing not even greeting you at the door.
“Hi baby” you said with a sickening sweet smile. “Hi” is all he said back his voice a bit cold as he continued to paint. “Ooh whatcha painting?” You asked moving behind him to watch. To you, you were just watching him to him, it felt like you were hovering over. “Can you not stand so close?” He said moving his chair up a bit. Your eyebrows raised a bit “mhm” you said moving back sitting on the bed now.
“I’ve missed you!” You said smiling behind him. He didn’t say anything just “mmhm” to your words. You felt your heart become a bit heavy, feeling bad for him but also now bad you bothered him. You sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke “so why are you here?” His tone coming off as annoyed.
“Oh uh.. just missed you.” Your voice trailing off at how he was being towards you. “You literally see me all the time.” He said rolling his eyes even though you couldn’t see it. “Yeah well I can still miss you haven’t see you at all today” you huffed from behind him. “and?” He said blankly “what do you mean and??” You questioned your voice becoming more aggressive. “And? Like why’s it such a bad thing not to see me? Why do you always have to be clingy and come in my personal space when I didn’t even ask you to.” His words hurt as they came out digging deeply into you.
“Did you really just call me clingy? Me? The one that tries giving you space and then you whine I’m not paying attention to you?” He argued back. “I don’t care how shitty your day was today why the fuck are you taking it out on me!” You continued making Hyune stop painting he turned his body to face you face red “My day was shit yeah, and all I wanted to do is come home and paint. I wanted to relax, cool down and do something I loved but no I’m forced to sit here listening to you bitch and complain.” His words were hot like lava spewing out of him like a volcano.
“Ive literally only said I fucking missed you, you asshole!” You said getting up. As you got up hyunjin went to move hitting the table he was working on and spilling the water all over his painting. His eyes went wide anger overcoming him “See what you fucking do! You fucking ruin everything!” He screamed at you now you could see tears start to fall down his cheek as he yelled. “Go home y/n! I don’t want to see you for a while!” He said his anger now turning into sobs.
He was so overwhelmed and stressed he just broke down. “Hyune..” you said softly reaching out for him “please.. just leave me alone right now.. I just want to be alone..” he said his voice cracking as he sobbed into his hands. “If.. if you do need me.. you know where I’m at..” you said getting up to leave to room. You ended up seeing Han as you got into your car your face saying everything about what had happened he could only give you a sad smile and wave as you drove back to your house.
It was about 2AM when you felt your bed dip down a bit, startled you jolted up punching whoever was there straight in the nose. “AH Fuck!” The familiar voice shrieked. You quickly turned on your bed side light to see your boyfriend there holding his now bleeding nose “Oh my fucking jinnie im so sorry!” You said your hands stuttering as you go to touch. “Honestly don’t be sorry after how I was today I deserved that.” He said getting up to head to your bathroom.
You followed him “don’t say that no matter how much we argue I’ll never think hitting you would solve things” you said grabbing a tissue to wipe his lips now stained with blood. You helped clean him up his eyes never meeting yours, he quickly grabbed your hand that was on his face looking up at you. “Y/n listen- im sorry for what I said it was out of anger.”
You nod “yeah no shit” your tone almost teasing “im being serious I know it’s not an excuse but everything just came crashing down and you coming over when I really needed time to clear my head just- made it worse im sorry i really am though.” He blabbed on. “They say you say things you’re to afraid of saying when your angry.” You said grabbing another tissue his nose still bleeding.
“No really y/n I-“ you cut him off “no Jinnie I get it really.. I am clingy and I do fuck things up a lot no biggie” you nonchalant words making his heart break “y/n your not-“ he tried you cutting him off again “listen.. you’re gonna say no and you didn’t mean it but the fact of the matter is I am clingy hyune I know I am. It’s something I’m gonna have to work on. However you’re gonna have to work on talking to me and communicating things. Tell me when you wanna be left alone before you get angry or just tell me through texts like ‘hey don’t come over it’s me time’ something hyune” you rambled.
He looked up at you “I am sorry for what I said though.. I’m sorry for hurting you.” He said his voice sounding almost strained. You shrug at his response “nothing we can do now, but i think I’ll start giving you more space. Maybe work on me as I do.” You said moving your body. “Your nose is all good.”
He stood up looking in the mirror “you got me really good” he said with a soft chuckle “yeah remember that when you wanna fight again.” You teased throwing up your fists. “Yeah yeah” he said wrapping his arms around you “can we go cuddle and maybe talk a bit?” He asked his voice soft, you nod before he lets you go. “But first” he said taking out a painting he had in his backpack. “This is for you.” He said handing you a pretty painting of flowers in a meadow. “Hyune” you said smiling at it “do you remember that place?” He asked tilting his head “it’s the place I took you to when I asked you to be mine.” He said kissing your forehead. “You might annoy me at times but you’ll always be my muse.” He said fluffing your hair.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Jungkook Imagine: Taking Care of Him When He Gets Sick From Playing with Bam in the Rain
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a/n: i think i might have accidentally deleted the actual request for this when i was cleaning out my ask box, but i know for a FACT it was requested 😤 it’s been on on my to do list for a while now, and i miss him sm rn, so here it is :)
TW: sick!jungkook, it’s just a cold but he’s kinda whiny, living together, mentions of food
“Jeon Jungkook, you get back here right now!” you screeched from the back porch steps. It was pouring down rain and chilly, but you were safely tucked under an awning with one of your boyfriend’s sweatshirts on.
“Don’t worry, honey!” he yelled back, chasing his pet doberman all around the backyard. “Bam loves the rain!”
“It’s not Bam I’m worried about!” you retorted. “You’re not wearing a coat or hat, and you’re gonna get sick!”
“I’m not going to get sick!” he argued, putting his hands on his hips sassily. “Don’t worry about me! Just go back inside, I’ll be there in a bit. I just want to make sure Bam gets some exercise in.”
You rolled your eyes and turned back around to walk into your shared apartment. Songie and Paengie, your other two greyhounds, cocked their heads at you as you entered the living room.
“Kids, your daddy is an idiot.” you sighed, petting their heads.
“Ugghhhh….” you heard your boyfriend moan from his bedroom.
You laughed to yourself as you finished preparing his soup. Oh how you loved being right.
Picking up the bowl and a big glass of water, you made your way down the hall to where he laid in his bed, bundled up in a million blankets.
“There’s my beautiful nurse…” he beamed with a crooked smile when he looked up and saw you. All three dogs perked up from their places on the bed, looking at you with wide eyes.
You gave him a warm smile and sat down on the bed next to him. “I made you some chicken noodle soup. And here’s some water, you’ll need to stay hydrated.”
“You’re the best, baby.” he pouted affectionately, sitting up to take the bowl from you. He winced as he did so. “Ah, it hurts to move…”
“Your muscles are just weaker because your body’s trying to fight off the infection.” you explained with a small smile.
“Is that why I’ve been so tired?” he asked, eyes sparkling innocently. You would think he’d never been sick before.
You nodded in confirmation. “You’ll need to get lots of rest to get better.”
He blew on a spoonful of the soup, then ate it slowly. His eyes squinted shut at the warmth and comfort of the meal. “This is so good. Literally the best thing you’ve ever cooked for me.”
You scoffed dramatically. “Ouch, thanks darling.” you grumbled sarcastically.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that!” he pleaded, reaching for your hand. “I just meant that it’s really touching that you’d take the time to make me soup while I’m sick!”
“I know, baby.” you shushed him, brushing some of his hair back. “I was just teasing.”
He breathed a sigh of relief, going back to his soup. “That isn’t a very nice thing to do to a sick person.”
“Well, if you had listened to your partner, you wouldn’t be sick right now.” you quipped back, a satisfied smirk on your face.
“Yeah, you’re right…” he sighed in defeat. “I definitely learned my lesson.”
You grinned triumphantly. “Good boy. Have you been feeling any better?”
“Not really. My throat still hurts and my nose is runny.” he complained. “But having you take care of me makes me feel a bit better.”
You smiled, squeezing his hand. “It’s no trouble. I’m not heartless after all. Hearing you admit I was right is reward enough.”
He chuckled at your cheekiness. “If I wasn’t so sick right now, I’d kiss you.”
“Awh…” you pouted, rubbing his thigh comfortingly. “When you’re better you can give me the biggest kiss in the world.”
“That’s all the motivation I need.” he grinned hopefully.
“Alright then, finish your soup and water and go straight back to bed.” you instructed, ruffling his hair a bit before you stood up to leave. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“Yes, nurse.” he replied, giving you a theatrical salute.
You chuckled, then leaned forward to give him a quick kiss on the forehead.
“I love you, Y/N.” he whimpered as you opened the door.
You turned around momentarily to smile at him. “I love you too, baby. I hope you feel better soon.”
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catherinnn · 6 months
Fears and Futures
summary: After hearing Steve's comments about a friend's unexpected pregnancy, you become fearful of your own uncertain future and start questioning the meaning and depth of your relationship with Eddie.
warnings: language, unexpected pregnancy (not reader), not actual smut talks about sex, talks about unprotected sex, a little angst but fluff overall, hurt/comfort.
words: 1.1k
a/n: a little something just cause I felt like writing and I wanted a little drama. not proofread cause I was tired :)
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He opens his door for you and you start feeling nervous. After he lets you in, you see he’s trying to greet you with a kiss, one which you stop before his lips touch yours.
He takes a step back and you see his face, filled with worry and fear.
“Eds, I came here to talk” you explain.
And now his face falls, he realized what you meant.
You’re currently at Steve’s house, hanging out with him Robin and Eddie.
“Hey, do you remember Rebeca Evans?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, she was a senior with Eddie and me” you answer.
“The first time I was a senior” Eddie jokes.
You and Eddie had been friends since high school —it’s safe to say you’re best friends actually—, it took Eddie a couple more tries to finish high school but he finally did it. ’86 baby! Now you’re studying and he started working as a mechanic.
A year ago you started some kind of… arrangement between you two, a friends with benefits kind of arrangement. It all started on a drunken night at a party and then you kept it going not only on drunken nights, but on your sober nights, or at any time for that matter.
“She’s pregnant” Steve announced, and then he complains when you say he’s the most gossipy of the group.
“What? Really?”
“Yeah, she went on a few dates with this guy but they didn’t really hit it off, but they kept hooking up a few times either way, and then it just happened”
“It didn’t just happened, Steve. Were they being safe?” Robin corrects him.
“She said they were, but the condom must have broken or something. Apparently they don’t provide 100% safety” he explained.
“God, she’s my age… and wasn’t she studying as well? She wasn’t working yet” you ask him.
“Yep, she was still studying. Imagine if it happened to you now, it would change your whole life” Steve comments.
“Yeah…” you start thinking how it would affect you, how much of an impact it would make on your life.
And suddenly you can’t stop thinking about it, fearing it. You’re not ready to have kids! But neither was Rebeca and then one day she woke up and she was.
The only person you’re having relationships with is Eddie, and similarly like Rebeca, you’re not in a relationship with him.
You don’t even really know if you want kids or not, but if you’d have them you’d imagine it at least be with someone you’re in love with.
Actually, let me paraphrase that.
At least it would be with someone you’re in a serious relationship with.
Because you do really like Eddie, but you know he doesn’t feel that way. So this arrangement was fine because of that, you know nothing more would ever happen so you’re not expecting it from him.
So for a few days you have been… you wouldn’t say ignoring him, but re-thinking some aspects of this arrangement… without answering his calls.
“Hey, Robs?” you pick up the phone.
“Fucking finally. Oh so you do pick up the phone to Robin?” You hear Eddie’s voice.
“Fuck- no, I was just waiting for her call. But I was gonna call you later” you lie- well, a few days can also mean ‘later.’
“Whatever, do you wanna come over?” he asks and you realize you are going to have to do this eventually.
“Yeah, sure”
When he opens his door for you, you start feeling nervous. After he lets you in you see he’s trying to greet you with a kiss, one which you stop before his lips touch yours.
He takes a step back and you see his face, filled with worry and fear.
“Eds, I came here to talk” you explain.
And now his face falls, he realized what you meant.
“Okay” he says either way.
“I’ve been- thinking a lot about this… Rebeca’s situation-“
“Oh, come on” he interrupts, “when Steve said it was similar to you it didn’t mean it was going to happen to you as well”
“But it could! Eddie, I’m also studying to become somebody, I’m also not working and with no intention on starting to soon, I’m also just twenty years old with no idea of what I want for my future, but I sure as hell don’t want a baby now. And it’s not like we’re being very careful, Eddie. For God’s sake, they were using a condom and it broke or just didn’t work, we’re not even doing that!” you explain.
“Okay, we can just be more careful, but we don’t have to stop all of this”
“That’s the other thing… she was also just hooking up with someone and now they’re bounded forever. She didn’t even like him that much and now she has a fucking kid with him!” you tell him and Eddie stays silent for a while, thinking of what you said.
“…Do you also feel that way?” he asks nervously.
“What?” you ask confused of what he means.
“Do you also… don’t even know if you like him?” he asks with a straight face this time, waiting for your answer.
“That’s not what I said”
“Okay, I’m asking you now” he kept insisting.
“Do you even feel that way?” you kept dodging his question. You weren’t going to admit to him that you liked him just for him to reject you.
He sighed, tired of this. “I fucking like you- I’m actually fucking crazy about you if I’m being honest. That’s why I’m trying to not break this whole thing up because it’s the only way I’m able to have you, even if it’s just sex and it shouldn’t mean anything”
“Are you- being serious?” you ask sceptical.
“Yes” he admits one more time.
It’s your time to sigh in frustration now, head back and everything. But because you can’t believe how stupid the two of you could be.
You run to him without saying a word and you see the confusion on his face, but you quickly grab it and pull him closer to finally give him that kiss. Only it’s with a passion and love that the first one wouldn’t have had, or maybe it would be hidden.
He kisses you back grabbing you by your waits and pulling you even closer.  
Pulling apart slightly, you look into Eddie's eyes where you find warmth, relief, and an unmistakable spark of love.
"I guess we've been idiots, huh?" you say, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, we have" Eddie replies with a small laugh, his eyes still locked onto yours.
“I’ll start taking the pill from now on” you can finally decide since now it’s no longer meaningless.
He smiles, leaning in to give you another lingering kiss, “Yeah, that’d be great”, he whispers against your lips.
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bronz3y · 9 months
- The Suit - Leah Williamson
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sorry for being so inactive with my fics, I’ve lit had 0 motivation :(,Anyways here’s a short leah x reader story enjoy!
Warnings - Smut, suggestive stuff mentioned
“Baby I’m home!”
as soon as you hear her voice , you pull your blanket off your lap and jump off the sofa, running to the front door to finally see your girlfriend. She drops her shopping bags on the floor and opens her arms and you immediately fall into them, inhaling her intoxicating perfume.
“Lee, I missed you baby girl” you mumble into her shoulder, you hear her giggle at your words
“babe I was gone for a couple hours” she laughs running her fingers through your hair.
“Way too long” you complain smiling to yourself. You untangle your arms and help her carry the bags to her bedroom, Leah had told you yesterday that she needed to go shopping for clothes and insisted in letting you relax at home since you had been working hard all week with your studying, she didn’t want you in a shopping mall overflowing with people”
“Did anyone recognise you?” You asked as you placed a bad on your bedroom floor
“ just a couple girls that asked for a pic, but that’s about it” she shrugged , you hummed surprisingly since people usually bombarded your girlfriend asking for pictures and autographs.
After a few minutes you decided to get in the shower while Leah began to put her new clothes away, when you’re done washing your hair you step out and wrap yourself in a warm towel, you change into your pjs and walk into your shared room, and then you see it.
Leah bought a new suit.
a very nice suit.
You walk up to the edge of the bed and feel the fabric between your pointer finger and thumb.
“like it?”
You turn around to face Leah, a smirk plastered across her face.
“Leah, it’s gorgeous” you whisper, she nods and lifts it up by the clothes hanger
“yeah I picked it up for the bbc sports personality of the year awards in a couple months” she says happily, you step closer to her and wrap your arms around her waist.
“I can’t wait to see you in it” you whisper, without disconnecting your eyes. you see her pupils dilate and her cheeks become slightly rosy.
“your gonna have to wait love” she says rubbing her thumb on your hipbone. You pout your lips, you want to see her in it now .
“You’d look so sexy in it” you say pulling on her jogger bottoms, her smile turns even bigger as she realises what you’re trying to do.
“Nuh-uh , you need to be patient baby girl” she shakes her head with a smile, you role your eyes at her smiling, at least you tried.
a few months go by and your packing up to go to a meeting you have in Spain, you go to the bathroom to get a couple of things to bring with you and you see Leah putting on some mascara.
“Hey baby, where you off to?” You ask her while grabbing a bottle of body wash
“Nah just got the BBC personality of the year awards tonight” she says with a slight smirk.
“That’s tonight?!” You say in shock, Leah looks at you from the mirror and starts laughing at your annoyed expression.
“Yeah baby, I can’t change the date can I?” She says cockily
“but baby, I wanted to see the suit” you whine and wrap your hands around her from behind and rest your chin on her shoulder, she turns her head and places a kiss on your temple.
“I know baby, but I’m sure you’ll see some pics” Leah says, you let out a whine
“But I wanna see you in person” you say, Leah laughs through her nose and closes the mascara and places it on the sink before turning to you and placing her arms around you.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you ok?” She says and presses her lips against yours in a small peck.
“you better” you say sassily
You arrive to your hotel in Spain, you pull out your keycard to your door and open it, as you walk in you put your suitcase to the side and fall onto the bed, landing on your stomach. You reach to the bedside table and grab the TV remote and switch it on, A random Spanish news channel is on immediately, you quickly start scrolling, trying to look for something to watch.
And then you see it.
the Leah in the fucking suit.
Your eyes go wide as you see a picture of Leah on the right side of the TV and some random Spanish woman talking about the BBC Sports awards on the left, you take your phone out and take a picture of it.
Your pussy pulses at how sexy your girlfriend looks in it, you knew she would look good, but this good, you felt a wave of jealousy as you thought about other girls getting to see your girlfriend dressed that nicely in person.
You then start moving your hand down your clothes body and to the waistband of your trousers, you slowly slip your hands underneath, but still over your underwear, you start rubbing your clit using two fingers, your head falling back and letting out a small moan. You switch your phone on with your left hand and go to your camera role to find the picture of Leah, you rub yourself harder and faster, letting out small whimpers.
You then get an idea in your head, you quickly open the camera app and use the back camera, you angle it so you can clearly see your hand in your pants, and Leah’s picture on the TV blurred out in the back round, and captioned it “You look so sexy baby”. You then go to Leah’s contact and send the picture.
You smile to yourself and continue your movements on your now swollen clit, you then move your hands underneath your underwear, spreading your wetness around your folds.
You cum twice from the picture of Leah then and then fall asleep from the exhaustion of jet lag and from cuming twice because of your incredibly sexy girlfriend.
Leah’s sat down on her assigned seat as she feels her pocket vibrate, she opens it using Face ID and smiles at the notification named “baby girl 💕” she clicks on it and the smile immediately falls and shock washes over her face.
Lmk if u want a part 2 :)
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moominsuki · 4 months
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✎ᝰ NAGUMO YOICHI ; — 18:04. heartbreaks are best served raw. cold. wet.
࿄ ! warnings - bruh none except juicy angst. exes to ?friends /. note i have been having nagumo brain rot and it’s taking over my life. pls help. pls enjoy. ofc there will be more. no proofreads ok byeee
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“you still owe me, by the way.”
sighing, you throw your keys into the straw woven coaster on top of your shoe rack. of course he was strewn all over your couch, bare feet on your cushions, head resting on the arm rest, tv flashing in jest.
you roll your eyes. “sometimes, i have half a mind to tell my elderly neighbour that no, they’re not just seeing things when they keep telling me a big, lanky idiot keeps breaking into my home after i leave.”
nagumo gasps, hand grasping his chest through his loose shirt. “idiot? words hurt, y’know.”
you kick off your shoes, jacket and blazer - in that exact order - before wandering off into the kitchen, ignoring the dramatic cries emanating from your living room.
it’s not uncommon for nagumo to just show up in your house, uninvited, eating all your food and making a mess of all your things. you remember the first time it happened, almost a year ago. he had stumbled into your bedroom window, all bloodied and bruised and your reaction time was terrible to say the least, because while you were mindlessly scrolling through your phone, his figure stepped into your peripheral and you threw the phone square at his already bruised jaw.
in apology, you had tidied him up and made him dinner… though now you wish you hadn’t shown him mercy back then, because he just kept. showing. up. you suppose he’s not just to blame. you’re ignoring the fact that you both hadn’t seen each other in over 7 years (after your messy exit of the JAA and an even more messy breakup) and now that he’s back in your life (back used in negative fashion) you just can’t seem to get rid of the him.
nor do you have the heart to tell him to get lost.
nagumo ceases his whining, yelling after you. “by the way, what’s for dinner? i saw some chicken in your fridge so…”
your eye twitches. “…so what?”
“so…i was thinking you might want to use that… to make dinner.”
you make a loud noise in disbelief, practically throwing the fridge door off of its hinges, “i’m not making you dinner?! gramps next door said he saw you come in 4 hours ago! and you didn’t think to come in and make dinner?!”
it’s quiet for a moment, but you hear the rustling of clothes and the movement of feet, so you turn to lean against the kitchen counter expectantly. the dark haired man peers his head round the corner, sheepish.
“y/n? are you mad at me?”
“no. i just think you’re stupid. oh, and i pretty sure you live to bother me.”
dark puppy eyes bore into yours as he steps into the vicinity. “the first part’s not true in the slightest but the second is pretty much on the nose. though, i’m not bothering you. you like that i’m here.”
“what’s this now?”
nagumo steps closer into your personal space, tattooed arms on either side of you as you look up and away from him.
“47 times. that’s how many times i’ve shown up here. in typical y/n fashion, you’ll complain and act like you’re annoyed, but i don’t think you’ve ever told me to go away.” nagumo ponders for a moment, finger on his chin. “now that i think about it, you haven’t. not once.”
you’re speechless. you’re not sure what to say and when you open your mouth, nothing wants to come out. truthfully, the man has read you like an open book, flicking through the pages languidly, hands bruising the spine. he’s smiling like it’s the truest thing he’s ever said - the only thing he’s been right about when it comes to how you feel.
pride is a very funny thing. if things were different, you’d grab his face and kiss him till he would shut up - well, that’s what you used to do… before, you know… you know. but this is humiliating, at least to you. even after all this time… you’ve let it get too far.
you huff, pushing his arm from beside you and you stand by a miscellaneous cupboard, turned away from nagumo, arms wrapped around yourself. “well, for starters, you’re wrong. forgive me for trying to be a good friend and helping someone out.”
“someone? that’s a little harsh, isn’t it?” the playful lilt stays lingering in his tone and it makes your heart simmer.
“… i think you should go, nagumo.”
silence sits between the two of you. nagumo looks at the back of your head. he sighs.
“if that’s what you want. see you around, y/n.”
he exits, quiet as never. he’s never quiet or silent when he lumbers around your home, sweeping and lingering. he’s probably already left your home in similar fashion. the fact makes you grab your own face and groan.
you don’t think you can be normal about him. maybe it’s for the best.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © MOOMINSUKI 2024. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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cosmopretty · 3 months
caroline harvey x ice skater! reader ??
Caroline Harvey X Figure Skater Fem
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She is in love with watching you skate on the ice she is mesmerized by you
Loves your skating outfits so much
You guys met at Wisconsin when you accidentally delayed there practice
Going to college after winning the Olympics and being a normal person was all new for you. But the fact that the school had a skate rink, helped a ton. Right now you were skating across the ice, adding a turn or a jump every few steps. You didn’t notice when the gym door opened up and team of hockey players came in with the gear on ready to practice. The head coach Mark looks at you then back at the team “Wait one second I’ll ask her to get off the ice” he informs the girls. Lacey squeals grabbing KK’s arm “Holy shit that’s the Y/N Y/L she’s like a famous ice skater she got Olympic gold medals and all” she tells the girls shocked that you were in there rink right now.
You skate faster before doing three quads in a row landing them. You hear clapping and turn your head seeing a group of girls, you skate towards them and step out of the rink “I’m so sorry I didn’t know there was practice today” you apologize quickly. The coach nods at you and introduces himself “I’m Mark the coach it’s great to meet you I’ve heard a lot about you” he says. You smile “Thanks I’m Y/n” you say and Laila taps your shoulder “Your really talented you know” she says smiling ear to ear. You nod “Yeah I bet you guys are too” you smile.
Caroline thought you were the prettiest girl she has ever seen before “You looked really good on the ice it was beautiful” she compliments you. You turn your head to her and you look into her pretty blue eyes “Thank you, you have beautiful eyes” you say softly before coach motions for the girls to get on the ice. Caroline looks at coach then back at you “Here take my number I’m Caroline but you can call me KK” she tells you before grabbing your phone from your hand. You unlock it for her and she puts her number in before smiling at you and getting on the ice with her team, a blush covering her cheeks.
You wear her jerseys to all her games and she gets you the best seats every time you come to watch her
Caroline comes to all your competitions and practices just to watch you
She loves to skate with you when it’s just the two of you alone
You hold Caroline’s hands as you skate backwards pulling her along with you. She grabs your waist pulling you up in the air while she spins on the ice. You laugh “KK if you drop me I swear to god” you squeal as she spins you both faster before moving your legs to wrap around her waist. She hold you in her arms as she skates around you wrap your arms around her neck “Your so beautiful baby” she whispers one hand coming to pull your face closer to hers.
You rub your nose against hers “Yeah and you’re gorgeous” you tell her before pulling her lips against yours. She kisses back immediately and gently puts you back onto the ice before pulling away and grabbing your hand dragging you across the ice to skate with her, your hands interlocked. You let go and twirl around on the ice before smiling at her and grabbing her hand pulling her closer to you “Come on hot stuff show off for me” you beg. She smirks and starts skating way faster that you “Come on catch up with me baby” she says before you try to catch up but her being way to fast.
In love with doing your hair for you before competitions
She gets nervous when you have to practice or do a dangerous move
Always helps you when your injured or sore that goes both ways
Giving each others massages >>>
Forcing her to do Pilates with you
KK groans sitting back on the floor “I can’t do this my body is not flexible” she complains looking up at you. Rolling your eyes you bend down next to her “Come on it will be good for you now get your ass up and let’s go” you demand standing up and looking at her expectingly. She groans and stands up watching you “Okay so bend your knee into a lunge and bend your back backwards to grab your back foot” you tell her before doing exactly what you said.
She tried to copy your position before falling down “I quit I’m done” she says laughing sitting in her butt watching you do it by yourself. She flex’s her muscles in the mirror for you “See these you wish you had them this bullshit didn’t do that” KK says before sitting back leaning on her hands. You stop and look at her “You see this body you wish you had my waist” you wink. She shakes her head “No I love my big abs but I love looking at your body and feeling it” she grabbing you by the waist and pulling you on top of her. You laugh and move your hand to cup her cheek before kissing her, she kisses back and slides her tongue in your mouth. Laila walks into the gym and gags “NO NO NO GET A ROOM YOU FREAKS” she yells covering her eyes.
she always finds a way to bring you up in conversations “My girlfriend is the best figure skater ever” “Oh Y/n yeah that’s my girl” “My girl is unreal on the ice you should watch her sometimes”
She tries to teach you hockey but it doesn’t always end up well
You look at KK holding the big hockey stick in your hand “I don’t think I can do it” you tell her honestly. She goes behind you and puts on hand above yours, enveloping yours “Just relax baby” she whispers moving you into a stance to hit the puck. You follow her lead and hit the puck and it flys across the ice before hitting the wall and coming back hitting you in the calve.
“Ow ow ow KK ow” you gasp, wincing holding your foot dropping the puck. Caroline picks you up bridle style trying not to laugh at you. You look up at her with a pout on your face “What’s so funny? I’m in real pain” you ask her while she carries you to the bench.
She lays you down and takes your skates off for you, she bites her lip to hide her laugh. Once the skates are off you kick her in the stomach “I asks what’s so funny?” you ask again. She laughs out loud “Your like impossible to play hockey with how do you get hurt doing nothing it’s hilarious” she laughs some more. You look at her dead faced with no emotion, so she grabs your waist brining you to sit on her lap. Caroline rubs your waist and kisses your head “I’m sorry baby it’s okay I love you sporty or not” she jokes. You roll your eyes and kiss her cheek “My calve really hurts tho” you say. She moves you on her lap to sit with your butt on the bench, your legs in her lap. She lifts your pants up and looks at the mark before rubbing it, you flinch “It’s gonna bruise I’m sorry mama” she says feeling bad that you got hurt and she was just joking about it. You shrug “It’s fine sweetheart I promise I love you” you say looking up at her.
You steal her jersey all the time
People say you guys are both iconic with how your both Olympics winners
She is in love and amazed on how flexible your body is *wink wink*
She calls you mama, baby, princess
You call her babe, sweetheart, baby
You guys have a good luck ritual where you tell each other I love you before a game or a competition
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simp-plague · 4 months
I haven't written in actual years and finally decided to try and pick it up again. So here is the first story I've ever posted and I hope ya'll like it!
Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Summary: Confident reader works at a beauty supply store and lives an average life but one day two men walk in and things start to heat up (modern au and aged up)
WC: 4,730
Warnings: f reader, cock warming, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up in real life ya'll lol), creampie (let me know if I missed anything)
You work at a beauty supply store and you expect it to be another normal day of customers, some who genuinely need help, some who have been doing their own hair for years, and some older women who like to argue with you until you start fuming. Until a red haired man and a blonde man walk into your store. The blonde looks like he doesn’t wanna be there while the red head looks happy and energetic. You ask them if they need any help finding something and the red head immediately responds “I’m looking for red hair dye”
“Well all our hair dye is down this aisle” you say as you walk towards all the hair dye “have you ever used professional hair dye before?” 
“I didn’t really know there was a difference” he said while rubbing the back of his neck
Then the blonde chimes in “his girlfriend always does his hair” as he chuckles to himself 
“Yeah she always does my hair and she told me to come here since she is out of town, I’ve never actually done my own hair” 
“Oh does she come here often because if so I probably know her” you say a little excited
“Yeah she does!” He says excited “she has pink hair and the most beautiful yellow eyes” he’s like a love sick puppy and it makes your heart warm 
“Oh so you’re Mina’s boyfriend, Kirishima right?” With a wide smile on your face 
“Yeah I am” a small chuckles comes out of him
“And you must be the grumpy friend, Bakugou” you say trying to hold in a laugh
The blonde turns to you with a scowl on his face while Kirishima laughs and says “yeah that’s him” 
“Well I’m happy to finally put names to faces”
You start to show him the red hair dye his girlfriend Mina always buys and all the things he is going to need. You notice another customer walks in the store, you excuse yourself from the two men for a moment to help the other customer.
“Hi welcome in, is there anything I can help you with” you say in your customer service voice to the older lady who just walked in
“Yes” she said obviously already angry “I purchased this electric razor from this store a week ago and I don’t like it! I need a refund!”
You calmly explain that she can’t return the item and point out the sign above the register that electric razors are final sales only and there will be no refunds. She is obviously not happy and starts to raise her voice “that sign wasn’t there a week ago! So I’m allowed a refund” her rant continues to the point she is yelling at you.
You start to get extremely angry as you try to continue to explain why the refund isn’t going to happen.
Bakugou and Kirishima hear the women now yelling at you and look over to see the confrontation. They start walking over to the register with all the items they wish to purchase and to see if you are okay but before they get the chance to confront the women yelling at you, you snap.
The anger you were suppressing as the woman berated you finally boiled over and you’ve had enough. You raise your voice at the women, not quite yelling but you are no longer speaking in your customer service voice. “Ma’am. You have no right to yell at me for doing my job. Instead of being a self obsessed person, how about you think how your words and actions affect other people?”
The woman is dumb founded at how you just spoke to her as she tries to collect herself you say “if you have a problem with our policies feel free to call our customer service line and if you feel the need to complain about me, my name is Y/N L/N, but I can assure you I will not lose my job and you will end up looking like the fool”
The woman had shock all over her face and she tried to say things but no words came out, she angrily huffed and stomped out the store.
You turn around and take a second to calm yourself down, if you could have you would have punched her across the face but you know if you did that you would most definitely lose your job. When you finally turned back around you are met with the shocked faces of Bakugou and Kirishima.
Embarrassment swept over your face “holy shit I’m so sorry about that!”
Kirishima still slightly in shock tries to say something but is interrupted by Bakugou “damn that was impressive” he said with a smirk on his face
You look at Bakugou with pink slightly dusting your cheeks “thanks, some people just don't understand common sense" you say as you push some hair behind your ear. Bakugou nods in agreement
You notice Kirishima holding the items you showed them “oh are you ready to check out?”
“Yeah” said Kirishima as he starts to set the items on the counter
You make some small talk while scanning their items and placing them in the bag, he then pays and starts to walk out the door before turning around to see his friend Bakugou “Yo Bakubro, you coming?”
Bakugou snaps out of whatever he was looking at and starts walking towards his friends and then leaves the store. 
The rest of your day was fairly normal after that but your head was off thinking of other things. 
In the parking lot after they left
Kirishima looks over at his friend while walking towards the car “You were starting at her ya know?”
Bakugou looks at his friend “shut up shitty hair, I was not” a slight blush forming across his face
“Come on man you totally were and looks like she wasn’t upset about it” he chuckles “I bet I can get Mina to give her your number”
“I’m gonna hurt you unless you shut the hell up” 
Their whole ride home was Kirishima teasing Bakugou while the blush on his face got a little darker 
Two days later
You are getting ready for your work day and you can’t stop thinking about Bakugou ‘why am I even thinking about him? I don’t know anything about him except the fact he is extremely hot’ your face starts to warm up just thinking about it. You shake the thoughts while heading out of your apartment to go to work. 
Most of your day just flew by and next thing you know you only have an hour left until you gotta close the store. Then a familiar girl with pink hair walks in.
“Oh hey Mina! It’s great to see you!”
She has the biggest smile on her face while she walks up to you “hey girly!”
“I finally got to meet Kirishima last week, he’s so sweet and definitely obsessed with you” you wink at her and she chuckles “Did he forget something? it’s not like his roots grow that fast to need a touch up already” you laugh
“Nope” Mina’s smile didn’t falter which makes you slightly confused “I have something for you”
“Oh? What is it” curiosity gets the best of you 
“Someone I know is interested in you” she shoots you a wink
Your cheeks start to warm up and you start thinking of who you know that Mina also knows. It then dawns on you that it could only be one person.
“By the look on your face right now it looks like you know who I’m talking about” she smirks 
“Ummm… is it Bakugou?” You say at almost a whisper
“Ding ding ding! You win the prize” she holds out her hand and she is holding a piece of paper
You slowly reach out and grab the paper from her and unfold it. Your eyes get wide looking at the ten numbers written on it. “Is this…”
“Yup it’s Bakugou’s phone number, he wanted me to give it to you”
“Wait really?!” Shock is written all over your face
“Yeah you should give him a call when you get off work” 
“Okay… I will but wait, why is he even interested in me? He only met me once and barely spoke” you say
“He saw the way you stood up for yourself when that lady was screaming at you and didn't give two shits about getting in trouble, he likes a girl who can stand her ground and you definitely showed that” 
“Wow umm okay I guess that makes sense” you say while rubbing the back of your neck “I’ll give him a call once I close the store”
40 minutes later
You just finished closing the store and as you walk to your car you are fiddling with the paper Mina had given you with Bakugou’s phone number on it. Once in your car you let out a sigh and dialed his number. The phone started ringing and ringing, the anxiety swirling in your stomach had you holding your breath ‘maybe he won’t answer. Am I really doing this? Shit I’m just gonna hang up and try later’ but before you can hang up the call and voice from the other end says “hello?”
“Umm hi… Bakugou?”
“Yeah, who is this?”
‘Shit did Mina not tell him I was gonna call?’
“It’s Y/N the girl from the beauty store” your nervousness makes your voice a little shaky and you hope he can’t tell
“Oh yeah the girl who wasn’t scared to stand up for herself” you can almost hear his smirk through the phone
Your nerves start to dissipate and your confidence comes through “so I hear you are interested in me” you smile to yourself
“Yeah I may be interested” he slightly chuckles
“So you gonna ask me out or do I have to ask you out?” 
He laughs on the other end of the call “how ‘bout I pick you up tomorrow at 6pm?”
“I close the store tomorrow but I’ll be free by 8pm”
“8pm it is then”
“I’ll send you my address and I’ll see you tomorrow”
“It’s a date”
The phone call ends and you giggle to yourself. It’s been awhile since you’ve been this excited about a date
The next day
You wake up and start your day like every other, styling your hair, doing your makeup, picking out an outfit, and making breakfast. Throughout your whole day you are giddy with excitement about your date tonight.
The day went by fast and you finally got home after work, you practically sprinted to your apartment door to start getting ready. You are halfway ready when you hear a knock on the door. You quickly grab your phone to see the time “shit it’s already 8!”
You quickly make your way to the door completely oblivious to what you were wearing. You open the door and are greeted by a tall handsome blonde named Bakugou. He is wearing black slacks that hug his legs perfectly, a black button up with the sleeves rolled to his elbows, and a gold chain around his neck. “Damn you look good” you say with a smile on your face. He looks you up and down and stifles a chuckle “you also look good but I don’t think you can wear that out” he smirks. You quickly realize you are still wrapped up in a towel from your shower and your face gets warm as a blush starts to appear on your face but that doesn’t waver your confidence. 
“If you like what you see now just wait till I’m actually ready” you give him a wink “just give me 5 minutes and then I’ll be ready”
You motion for him to come in and then you walk away to your room to finish getting ready
Just as you said it took you only 5 minutes to get dressed. You walk into your living room wearing a tight dark green dress that shows all your curves with a thigh slit that stops just before your hip and a simple pair of matte black stiletto heels. 
“Fuck you were worth the wait” he says with shallow breaths
You laugh and it just emphasizes how your breasts jiggle in a dress that leaves little to the imagination of your shape. He is just staring at you and it makes butterflies erupt in your stomach. “Should we get going?” You ask while walking towards him
You can see how his adam apple moves when he swallows before responding “yeah” he extends an arm for you to hold onto and you gladly accept and walk to his car.
The whole car ride he has his hand gripping your thigh and you can feel yourself getting wet, you push the thought out of your head then you finally arrive at the restaurant. He parks the car and gets out, he walks around to the other side and opens the door for you with his hand extended for you to take, you happily accept. 
He stops in his tracks when you reach the door of the restaurant. “What’s wrong?” you look up at him with doe eyes.
You scan the area and see what he is looking at, it’s Mina and Kirishima. “Holy shit! What are you guys doing here?” You say while walking towards them
“Bakugou was telling us about your date tonight and how nervous he was so we thought we’d surprise y’all” Mina said with a smile stretched on her face
Bakugou sent a glare her way. You elbow Bakugou on the side “is that true? Mister tall and handsome was nervous?” A smirk on your face
He stammers over his words after you so openly called him handsome. “That’s okay, I was nervous too” you say while giving him a genuine smile. 
“Wouldn’t have guessed your were nervous” he chuckles and you elbow him in the side again
“Oh look they look like a couple already and the date hasn’t even started yet” Mina says looking at her boyfriend. “Yeah like a match made in heaven” Kirishima adds
You and Bakugou send them both a look this time before Bakugou says “well should we head inside?”
Everyone nods and walks into the restaurant. The whole night was amazing and filled with smiles and laughter. Sadly the night had to come to an end and you said your goodbyes to Mina and Kirishima before making your way back to Bakugou’s car.
“Can’t believe they crashed our first date” Bakugou said while running his hand through his hair
“How ‘bout I make it up to you?” You say while getting into his car
“What do you have in mind?” He takes your hand in his
“When you take me home, come in for some wine”
He smirks and pulls your hand to his mouth and kisses it gently “I’d love to”
You both arrive to your apartment and walk inside. You go to the kitchen to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses then join him on the couch.
For hours you both talk about likes, dislikes, your pasts, and just about life while sipping wine. Next thing you know it’s 4am, you spent almost the whole night just talking.
“Fuck it’s 4am” you say while looking at the clock
“I guess I should head home” 
He starts to stand up but you grab his hand and stand up with him. “Tonight was a lot of fun”
“Yeah it was, I’ll call you tomorrow”
You walk with him to the door and he starts to walk out your apartment. You quickly grab him by the wrist before he walks away and pull him into a kiss, a deep kiss that has him pushing you up against the wall with your hands gripping his shirt and his hands in your hair. 
You both pull away breathing heavily. “I couldn’t let you go with out at least one kiss” you say 
A smirk appears on his lips “can’t wait to kiss you again” he says before walking out your apartment 
A month goes by and you and Bakugou have officially started dating. It’s been amazing and it’s more amazing you both have been able to keep your hands to yourself this long other than passionate make outs. But that’s soon to change and you are going to make sure of that because it’s driving you crazy for how much you want him to touch you and have him inside you.
You’re sitting at home in bed tossing and turning unable to fall asleep. Your head is swarming with thoughts of your boyfriend Bakugou. You let out a large sigh while sitting up abruptly and whipping the blankets off your body. You lean over and grab your phone off the night stand and hit the call button next to Bakugou’s name.
Ring ring
Ring ring
“Hey baby, what’s up?”
"What are you doing right now?" You sound a little frustrated
"Just hangin' with some of the guys, why?" Concern slightly laced in his voice
You let out a huff before saying "I need you"
"What do you mean baby? You already have me" he said confused
"Fuckin' hell, no! I need you here now, kissing me and touching me"
He is silent on the other end of the call
"Kats? You still there?"
"Yeah... just had to step outside so the guys can't listen in"
"Well how 'bout you just go ahead and ditch them and come over here" you say seductively
"Fuck, baby" his breathing gets slightly heavy
"Come on Kats~ and let me make you cum"
"I'm on the way"
He ends the call and walks back into Denki's apartment. "I'm leaving" he says while grabbing his keys from the kitchen counter
Denki looks up from his phone "Wait? Why?"
"Isn't it obvious" Sero laughs
"What do you mean?" Denki says confused
"He's got pussy waiting for him" Sero smirks
"Oh shit!" Denki says with shock on his face
Bakugou glares at his friends before heading out the door ignoring Sero and Denki's laughter
Back at your apartment
You put your phone back down on your night stand sitting in bed wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of lacy panties. Almost 20 minutes pass and you're about to text Bakugou until you hear a knock on the door. You excitedly jump off your bed and walk to the door, opening it you find a sweaty Bakugou.
"Damn babe, did you run here?" you laugh
"I may have" He looks you up and down and his breath hitches for a moment
You notice how he looks at you and you grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him in and shut the door behind him
"I promised I'd make you cum" you say while pulling him against your body
The hunger in his eyes grows and he pushes you up against the wall. "I promise I'll make you cum first" He smashes his lips against yours as his hands wander down to your hips and lifts you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck deepening the kiss even further.
You feel the bulge in his pants grow and start to grind into you, you moan into his mouth and follow his rhythm. You break the kiss first, when you pull your head back a string of saliva still connects the two of you. "Bedroom, first door on the left" is all you said before pushing yourself back to his soft plush lips.
Bakugou moans into your mouth as a response and then he starts to make his way to your bedroom with you still in his strong arms. It's like you weighted nothing to him as he made his way to the room, not a falter in his steps.
Bakugou throws you onto the bed and you let out a small gasp while landing on your back. He starts to crawl his way onto the bed until he is right above you with both hands on either side of your head supporting his weight. "I'm gonna make you feel good, princess~"
Bakugou leans down and places a kiss to your lips, you reach up and wrap both arms around his neck to pull him further into the kiss. You slowly raise one leg to wrap it around his waist to pull his whole body closer to yours and with your new leverage you are able to roll Bakugou over onto his back with you now straddling his lap.
To say his face looked shocked from what had just happened would be an understatement. You look Bakugou in the eyes with a smirk on your face "you seem confused, has no one ever taken control of you before~"
A slight blush starts to rise on his face as he looks at you, you don't break eye contact as you slowly start to slowly take off your own shirt leaving you just in your lace panties. The hunger in Bakugou's eyes grows even deeper when you strip yourself of your shirt and exposing your tits to him. (since you weren't wearing a bra)
"damn" Bakugou huffs out "you're stunning"
A confident smile appears on your lips as you lean down pressing your chest against his. "doesn't seem fair that you still have your shirt on now." You whisper into his ear as your hands glide down his sides until you reach the hem of his shirt and gently pulling it up.
Bakugou takes your hint and sits up and pulls his shirt over his head as you lean back to admire his beautifully sculpted body. After quickly throwing his shirt somewhere in the room his arms quickly wrap around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. Moving in unison and his tounge swipes across your bottom lip as if asking permission for entrance and you happily let him. Tounges swirling together and moaning into each others mouths as you slowly grind on the hard bulge in his pants.
Bakugou's lips started to drift away from your mouth and down your neck, leaving hickeys in his wake. Your hands find their way into his blonde locks as his lips made their way further down you body until they reach you perky nipples. He slowly licks one small bud ,then takes the bud into his mouth to suck and nibble on it. You back arches into his body as you let out a moan and grip his hair tighter in your hands. A smirk forms on his lips as he detaches himself from your small bud and makes his way to the other to give it the same affection as the first one. That coaxed another moan out of you and you grind even harder on his clothed cock, in desperate need for some type of friction.
You sit up so you are standing on your knees and you run you fingers on the inside of Bakugou's waist band, you lean down to whisper in his ear "take them off." That sent a shiver down his spine but he follows your command and takes off his pants, "these to" you say while rubbing his hard cock through his boxers and he lets out a low moan.
Bakugou's hard cock springs out and lands on his stomach, leeking pre down his length. You take a few seconds to admire his cock before you take your hand to wrap it around his girth. He leans his head back and inhales a sharp breath threw his teeth. As you slowly stroke his length, you use your other hand to slip out of your lace panties and slowly rub circles onto your aching clit.
"fuck" he huffs and then opens his eyes to look at you and his eyes go slightly wide at the sight of you rubbing your own cunt. "shit princess, you're so... nngh... damn hot"
You start to slowly lower your self closer to his aching cock that's still in your hand, lining his member to your entrance. You look him in the eyes, his red eyes swirl with hunger and lust. "do we need a-" his words are cut short when you push yourself down on his cock, taking him all at once. Your walls flutter around him and your head leans back and you let out a loud moan. You look back down at him and while trying to steady yourself you say "no, want to feel all of you"
Leaning down and enveloping him in a deep kiss as you grind and ride him. You sit back up and your speed increases, your moans get louder as your hands grab your breasts. Bakugou is staring at you loving the view of you using him but he is becoming impatient with the slow speed. His hands grab your hips to help you ride him faster "fuck, Kats" you moan.
Bakugou's impatience officially got the best of him and he is now lifting you up and flipping you onto your back without leaving your tight cunt. "I'm done with this slow shit" he huffs "I'm gonna ruin you"
His speed picks up and all you can hear is the lewd sound of skin smacking skin and your crying moans. Bakugou's hand finds its way to you swollen clit and starts to rub slow circles. "fuck, your gonna make me cum" you moan
Your walls flutter around his member, squeezing him so tight with your climax quickly approaching. "shit baby, if you keep squeezing me like that I'm not gonna last"
His thrust start to get sloppy, losing his rhythm as his hand speeds up on your aching clit. "I-I'm gonna-" you scream out in ecstasy and your back arches off the bed, your cunt squeezes him even harder which makes Bakugou let out a deep moan.
"where do-"
"inside" you say in between gasps and your response made him groan "fuck, princess" It doesn't take long for him to paint your walls white with his spend.
He leans down enveloping you in a deep passionate kiss before putting his full weight on top of you and keeping his cock inside you. Both of your breathing starts to steady and Bakugou nuzzles his head into your neck kissing it gently. "I love you Y/N" he whispers extremely quiet almost hoping you didn't hear him because he thinks it's to soon to say. You lean back slightly to look at his face and place a hand on his cheek, rubbing it gently "really?"
"yeah, I knew I'd fall in love with you the moment I saw you stand up for yourself to that bitch"
You stifle your laughter "I love you to Kats" You smile at him warmly and pull his face to yours to softly kiss him. You two lay in bad a little while longer just absorbing the warmth you share.
"okay, I'm feeling sticky, get up" you giggle. Bakugou sarcastically groans and gets up, pulling himself out of you. You sigh at the sudden emptiness but then notice Bakugou walking out of the room "where are you going?"
"getting a wet cloth, you said you were sticky"
You look at him with so much adoration and love. When he comes back into the room, he sits on the bed and wipes you down. After cleaning you up he lays back down on the bed and extends his arm to you, his silent way of telling you he wants you close. You slide into his hold and lay your head on his chest and all you can think before sleep takes ahold of you is 'how did I get so damn lucky?'
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
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dancing with your ghost * cl16
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the ghost of your relationship lingers in your old apartment, reminding you of what's lost
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader
notes: today, i got an anon ask asking if i was allergic to happiness so this one is dedicated to u babes,, i'm doubling down
(f1 masterlist)
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there is something different about the air in the kitchen when you walk in. your heart hits the floor. it takes a minute to realise why you’ve avoided this room the entire time you’ve been back home in new york.
upon your move to los angeles to kickstart your career, you’d left the apartment vacant until you were ready to face the truth. that you’d now fallen out of the relationship you once poured your entire self into.
you rest your head on the door frame, watching your entire relationship unfold in visions in this tiny apartment, once shared with the person you now know nothing about.
you stood over the counter and charles held you from behind with his chin resting on your shoulder. “please be careful,” he hummed sweetly, “the knife is so big and we can’t have another er trip. we can’t afford it.”
you laughed and threw your head back on his shoulder. you looked up at him with an overwhelming warmth in your chest. “well, it would be hard to make dinner with a smaller knife,” you giggled along with him.
charles pressed a tender kiss on your shoulder before he pulled away. you remember looking over your shoulder as you chased for his warmth — you’d never gotten used to the cold of new york — and he just smiled at you as he poured himself a glass of water. “i just don’t want you to get hurt.”
his smile reached his eyes and at the time, you knew that he clearly felt the same way. you often wonder when that started to change.
when did he start lying when he’d say he loves you, or when did the spark in his eyes when looking at you disappear? had you truly been so blind to not notice that he started to spite you eventually?
you remember the kitchen used to be the brightest room in your apartment, always complaining about how hard it was to cook once the sun had set. one day, charles made his way out and got you white lights to ease your difficulty.
you look at it now and it is barely recognisable. two out of the five lights are no longer working and one flickers above your head.
you can hear echoes of giggling in the back of your head. you turn around and your attention is immediately caught by the piano at the far end of the room. you hear the melodies hang in the air like they’d always been stuck there, cursed to never be heard by the masses after you’d pushed it into a box in your mind.
you drag your feet over to the piano, dimly lit by one of the salt lamps you and charles had gotten at a market one sleepless night. you lift the cover with a sigh. you run your fingers over the keys carefully, as if afraid that it would crumble along with the bittersweet memories of hours spent sitting in the seat that came with it.
charles found you sitting here on one of your sleepless nights, aimlessly playing around with a melody that had been bugging you all day. you laughed when you noticed him stalking you from the small crack of your bedroom door pulled open.
“i’m sorry,” you frowned, “did i wake you with all of this?”
“no,” he shook his head with a smile and his arms folded over his chest. he walked over to you. “please, don’t let me interrupt. i loved that.”
you sighed and slumped your shoulders as a blush crept up your cheeks. “that’s all i currently have. i’ve been stuck here all day.”
he hummed and rested his arms on your shoulders and bore his eyes onto the monotonous keys of the piano you shared. “you say that all the time, but you eventually figure it out.”
“can you help me?” you prompted. you lifted your fingers from the keys and wrapped them around his hands, turning slightly to press a kiss to the back of his hand. “you’re the only one i trust that wouldn’t ruin the melody.”
“my help with another song?” he teased, scrunching his nose. “i might have to start charging you for my services.”
you laughed as he squeezed himself next to you in the tiny seat. composing melodies with charles wasn’t a foreign practice, spending most of your sleepless nights sitting around the piano as you try to spurt lyrics out to match a melody.
you almost start to feel bad for your neighbours who had to endure several nights of this behaviour. hushed giggles under the influence of wine with poorly composed melodies begging to be put to rest with your string of words.
“i was thinking something like this to continue would be good,” charles hummed, wrapping an arm around you to get to the further end of the piano.
on the top of the piano and a pile of sheet music with tiny doodles in different coloured ink. you pick it up with a smile, a work-in-progress title is written in big block letters in charles’s handwriting with a small heart in the corner.
you remember well working on this song together. you wonder if that was when it started to all fall apart. if that was when charles had started growing to slightly despise you.
you start to go sift through the pile of papers. all of these songs will probably never see the light of day — even thinking of them just hurt — except for that one song.
that one song that started playing on the radio after you’d released it with crossed fingers and all of the hope in the world. you turn around and look at the living room, remembering the way you’d scrambled to move the furniture around when you heard a familiar melody filling the empty air of your apartment.
charles had insisted you celebrate with a mini dance party.
he pushed the table and the couch back, grabbing your hand as he started moving to the beat. though, you could argue that a ballad is not the type of song you throw your head back and dance along to.
but he somehow made it possible.
the million versions of that song only exist in your head and hopefully his: the ballad, the pop, the alternate version and the version with the different set of lyrics.
you can then suddenly hear the slamming of doors the night that things started to blow up. you hated it — you remember thinking that you could change his mind as he packed his things into a bag. not all of his things, which is what frustrates you even more to this day.
he could have at least shown you some decency by taking all of his things after having decided that he can’t do it anymore. you look around the living room and there are still remnants of charles everywhere.
his reason? he despises the success you’ve managed to find without him; the new world you’ve seemingly built and left him behind. and because of it, he finds it difficult not to be jealous of you — to not hate you.
it still stings to this day.
“i don’t love you anymore,” charles said in a tired sigh after your back-and-forth screaming. “i didn’t want to have to say it, but it seems like that’s the only thing that will put a stop to this.”
“to what?” you asked, hearing your heart shatter in your chest.
“to you asking me to stay! i don’t want to stay!” he explained with a dry laugh. he watched as tears filled your eyes as you slowly processed his words. “i tried to see if it was a mistake that i feel this way, but i can’t… i– i don’t love you anymore.”
it was difficult to climb as an aspiring classical musician. it’s such a niche market that watching your career, as a popstar, made it difficult to not let the resentment get the best of him.
charles had reached out a few weeks ago, through his personal assistant, inquiring if you’d ever release the songs you’d written together. he’d received a simple no from you personally, written with a bitter scoff while you sipped on some seltzer after a concert.
you wonder if he would do anything with the arrangements you’d spent creating together.
you see the ghost of your relationship tangled on the couch, sickeningly lost in the magic of the early stages of your time together.
“we’re going to make it,” charles whispered in your ear as he mimicked a sign with his hands. “you’ll be performing sold-out concerts, releasing music that people want to hear… and i’ll be the idiot at the sideline watching you like a lovesick fool.”
“no,” you laughed, shaking your head. “you’ll be my classical musician boyfriend. the best of its kind, better than mozart, perhaps?”
that had turned to you sitting on opposite ends of the couch with your head in your hands. charles sat in silence with his staggered breathing taking over the room.
“i’m sorry,” he sighed. “i didn’t want it to end this way.”
“i just don’t understand,” you croaked out, your voice cracking, “you said you loved me this morning when i left the apartment. so, you lied.”
charles dropped his head. “i still do, but… with the way it’s going… it’s not ending well.”
and that’s the last conversation you had with him. he’d left your shared apartment shortly after that, taking your prolonged silence as a cue for him to leave.
he’s dead to you now, along with all of the bittersweet memories you’d spent together in this very apartment. which is what you’d flown back to new york for — to pack it all up and get your things. you’re finally letting the apartment go along with all of the hatred you’ve got for charles.
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taglist: @33-81 @darleneslane @localwhoore @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @c-losur3
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kryptznnn · 1 year
1st part/ 2nd part (Mature Audience Community Label)
Series Masterlist ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
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➳ INTERESTS; - olo’eyktan!jake x fem!omatikayan reader
➳ BACKGROUND; - working alongside Mo’at has helped you and your family in various ways, as a way to repay her for your free working she pairs you along side Toruk Makto to aid him in small departments he needs assistance in, but more importantly to find a Tsahik suitable for the Olo’eyktan, but he isn’t always cooperative.
➳ WARNINGS; - 3.1k wc slight age gap (25 and 21), takes place after the great war, eventual smut, slow burn, sexual tension, use of alcohol, vomiting (mentioned once), wet kisses, hickies, jealousy, power imbalance, pet names, fluff, bit of angst if you squint, nipple!play, slight p!play.
➳a.i; first fic i’m very very nervous, but i hope u all enjoy ^^, i take requests so just hit my inbox 🌸
*na’vi translation will be provided*
Mo’at was not joking when she spoke of Jake Sully and his stubbornness, the reason why she decided you’d be a perfect aid is due to your patience, which was running very thin at the moment.
“I’m here to assist you, but i cannot do my job if you refuse to go against my requests.” you stated sharply, his ears pinned against his hair and his lips tightened into a straight line, he simply crossed his arms. This was the 3rd date you’d set up for him that he’s rejected.
Not the first, or the second, but the third time. To make matters worse whenever you’d complain to Mo’at she’d simply tell you to just push a little farther.
“I told you I didn’t like her” he said sternly, repeating the same statement he has for the past 2 weeks. “skxawng, [moron] you’ve said the same thing for the other 2 na’vi i’ve tried to pair you with, do not be selfish, think of the future of our people-“
“That’s all I think about y/n, I might be many things but selfish isn’t one of’em. You can’t just force someone with me, if im going to be with some girl for the rest of my life at least let me make my own decision.” He quickly cut you off, now unfolding his arms and placing a hand at his side, eyeing you up and down. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t make any good points, if you were in his place you’d be more than frustrated, but regardless you’re job here was to help and provide for the olo’eyktan, which is exactly what you were going to do.
“Mr. Sully, please-“
“Jake. It’s jake kid” He buds in, smiling softly.
“Jake, I understand what you’re saying and how you feel, but part of my job is providing, and what i’m doing is providing for you and your future” You correct yourself, giving him a pleading look, searching in his eyes for a look of understanding, which you soon found. He relaxed a bit and wasn’t as tense as before, nodding in approval. You quickly smiled, thankful this situation didn’t have to escalate to a serious argument like it has before hand. Those times were the worst times for the both of you, and thankfully you’ve both been able to talk them out and set boundaries and learn from past mistakes, if anything Mo’at would repeat how times like those strengthens the relationship you two share, and she wasn’t wrong.
“m’sorry” He said quietly, but loud enough for you to hear, rubbing his hands together and sitting down, his tail curling up beside him with his head down. “syeha si tam [breathe, it’s okay], you have nothing to apologize for, i’m sorry too, the position you’re in isn’t easy, trust me I know” you said calmly, slowly walking over to him, just for him to open up his arms. You slowly walked over to him, quickly embracing him just for him to do the same with you. You sighed and smiled softly, your head resting on his.
Come to think of it Jake was always a physical kind of person, “touchy” is what the term is. Whenever things would go wrong with him or the clan he would drain out quickly, before he didn’t have anyone to rely on, not a friend close enough for him to talk to so he would create a relationship with Mo’at, asking her for advice and methods to aid him, right before he came across you. You would be seated with Mo’at, mixing herbs for her while listening to their conversations, on specific days jake would speak about certain na’vi women attempting to court him, which made you giggle when you first heard it
“Who is she?” Jake asked quickly glancing over at you, as you quickly covered your mouth to stop any other laughter. Mo’at turned to you and back at Jake softly smiling. “Her name is y/n, I love her like a daughter of mine,she’s been under my arm for the past 12 years” She said proudly, Jake nodded his head, not taking his eyes off of you, watching as you walked over and stood beside Mo’at.
“Ohe ahasey sa’nok” [I’ve finished mother] You said, placing the bowl in Mo’at’s hands, smiling at her, she thanked you and introduced you to Jake. “Te suli, this is y/n, y/n this is tsyeyk suli, our olo’ektyan” She stated, directing her hand to you than back to jake. You quickly signed the “I see you” gesture saying “Oel ngati kameie” as he nodded and repeated the same action. You looked him in his eyes, just to realize he was looking at you this whole time, you quickly looked to the side and began to distract yourself.
He had such an intense gaze, does he look at everyone like that? You asked yourself, your tail thrashing back and forth recalling the scene that happened just seconds ago.
“If you need extra assistance I can always have y/n accompany you, she’s always wanted to to explore other fields of work, I think she could help you a lot” Mo’at spoke soothingly, placing the bowl you gave her down and adding bandages to it. Jake continued to watch you, listening to Mo’at’s words carefully, still grinning ear to ear.
“I’d love that” He said, slowly standing up to take his leave.
That was 4 months ago, since then Jake has been very open with you, always in need of a hug and consolidation, which you were happy to give. Although it was painful how often you’d have to remind yourself not to mix pleasure and business, you’re helping you’re olo’ektyan, he’s just worn out and exhausted. Surely tonight would help him, deeming the celebration would be in his favor, celebrating his successful raid with his party and no injuries or casualties were gained.
“I’ll see you tonight?” He asked,slowly releasing you from his grasp and looking up at you, you just looked down at him smiling and nodding softly. “Of course, just don’t expect me to be there early, i’ll be coming with Za’yukto” You said, slowly backing up ready to leave, jake quickly grabbed your hand as soon as you turned around.
“Who is that?” He asked, you turned to face him to see his demeanor quickly changed. His jaw had clenched and his grip on your hand was getting tighter by the second. “Just a friend of mine, he didn’t want to go alone so I volunteered to take him, just for a while” You said harmlessly, he tilted his head, looking at you up and down before responding. He opened his mouth just to slowly close is and take a deep breath, making direct eye contact with you. “Just… just don’t be too late okay? I’ll be waiting for you” He said softly, his ears lowering slightly as he let go of your hand.
“Of course, and if you ever get too bored you can talk to all of your other friends there” You joked, quickly getting your belongings and leaving shortly.
✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿
You glanced in your small reflection for a final time before leaving your small hut. You haven’t done much to your appearance other than brushing out your braids and changing your purple beaded top to a red one, you’ve always liked how the colors looked on you.
This’ll do. You thought, it was too late to turn back and change now, you’ve already gone so far anyway. You looked pleasant, eye-catching, which was the exact look you were hoping for, hopefully you’d get someone to look at you during tonight’s celebration, or maybe a specific someone. Of course that specific someone being non other than J-
“Y/N!! Are you here?” You stopped dead in your tracks quickly walking over to the entrance of your hut.
That’s Za’yukto’s voice. “Hi, sorry, ohe am lonu to sìltsan” [I’m ready to go] You stated, stepping outside and quickly setting down the entrance of your hut with a smile, looking up at him. He smiled in response and complimented you, to which you thanked him and began making your way to the spirit tree for the celebration.
Soon after you two arrived, you quickly began to adjust your top, brush off your loincloth and hair, saying your goodbyes to Za’yu as you made your way to look for Jake, thankfully finding him quickly-
He’s with someone, you thought, seeing him off to the side laughing with a large drink in his hand, obviously being alcohol, of course stronger than any human substances and yet tasting even sweeter than anything you’ve ever had before. Seeing him happy like that did nothing more than make you smile a bit, he’s been stressed lately, he needs some sort of release. You quickly walk to the side getting closer to him just to see he’s doing more than just talking.
More than just laughing, and not with any someone, with a woman.
And he’s…. he’s kissing her? They’re kissing, they’re definitely kissing, and he’s not kissing just any woman, it’s the first na’vi you ever brought towards him to consider that he immediately rejected, simply telling you “There’s nothing special about her”.
You didn’t even bother making your way over to him, you’d already seen enough, feeling your face heat up out of sheer embarrassment and your eyes beginning to burn. On one swift motion you turn around to find Za’yu and to your surprise he already had a large cup waiting for you. You quickly grabbed it and chugged it down, your face immediately going from a sour look to more relaxed.
“Syeha si y/n!!” [Breathe y/n!!] Za’yu said, quickly taking the now empty cup from your hands as you just smiled at him. “I’m fine, come dance with me?” you asked, holding his hand. He just shook his head and placed the cups down on a table beside him, quickly taking you to the center of the dancefloor and began dancing with you in his arms.
This is a party, a place to let loose and celebrate, and that’s exactly what you planned on doing. You hooked your arms around Za’yu’s shoulders, pulling him a little closer, and looking at him intensely. You’d be lying if you said Za’yu wasn’t attractive, he was insanely attractive and overall perfect, everything a woman would look for in a man, he was skilled, intelligent, good looking, and strong? A complete package. Especially with the fact he’s such a gentleman, that’s what triggered your friendship so quickly.
He looked down at you, his hands traveling from your back to your waist, grinning at you. You slowly pushed yourself up against his body, feeling your beaded top clink against his broad chest. You slowly climb up on your tippy toes closer and closer to his face, as he too moves in closer, just for you to reach towards his ear and kiss it.
“Can you get me another drink please? I’m so thirsty” You ask him playfully, rubbing your 4 fingers against your throat slowly, licking your lips at him. He nodded and reached down to your collarbone, kissing it softly before leaving to get you a drink.
Soon after dancing by yourself you feel a hand rest on your stomach and trail down to your pelvis, holding you securely as your back rests on his back, you lift your head up quickly to see Za’yu, with your drink in his hand as he smiled down at you. You slowly got onto your tippy toes and kissed him, just to taste residue of alcohol that he previously consumed, smiling at the sweet taste, and taking the cup from his hands and quickly finishing it, dropping the cup and turning to face him, kissing him again.
Honestly at this state you’re wondering where jake was, if he was enjoying himself with his dick probably down that girls throat, but at the same time you were too fucked out and having way too much fun to care. Your shared kisses with Za’yu quickly became more intimate and more active, exchanging saliva and practically moaning into his mouth while still dancing, now slowly beginning to grind yourself onto him.
“Za’yu-“ You moaned softly against his lips, barely being able to catch your breath. “I know tìyawn, I know, mawepey” [I know love, I know, be patient] He said softly, his kisses trailing from your lips to your jawline and down to your neck, beginning to suck on you softly.
You rested your hand on the back of his neck, slowly playing with his hair and mewling softly, your ears perked up and your tail curling around your leg. He continued however, lowering down to your collarbone, kissing it softly before continuing his assault.
“ ‘Yu, can w- can we go back to my place? Please” You whimper softly, as he slowly moves his head up to look at you, kissing you softly. “Whatever you want y/n”. He said, quickly going to hold your hand, just as you turn around someone crashes into you spilling their drink all over you.
Of course it was none other than Ninat, whos throat Jake was previously shoving his tongue down. “Shouldn’t you be all on the olo’ektyan?” You muttered quietly, thankful no one heard you. Before listening to her pleads and apologies you simply just shoved past her, clinging onto Za’yukto tightly. “Don’t worry we’ll get you cleaned up, come on” He said.
Soon enough you both arrived to your hut , walking straight into the back of your hut and dragging him along, to which he quickly obliged. You stepped into the small pond behind your hut and began removing your strained top and loincloth, ushering him to do the same, which he quickly did.
“I’m going to clean you up first” He said, smiling down at you and grabbing a nearby rag to wipe any access alcohol off of you. He was gentle and caring, he only looked above your collarbone and refused to look lower, to make sure ‘you felt comfortable’ was his excuse, you found his caring and respectful nature cute though, knowing there were a lot of navi men out there who would not do the same. You just helped guide his hand to where he had to clean off until he kissed you again, letting his hands trail up from your waist to your soft breasts.
“Is this okay?” He asked softly, looking in your eyes for complete confirmation, to which you nodded and smiled in response. He let his fingers graze against your nipples a few times before toying with you, lowering his head before taking your left breast into his mouth, rolling his tongue onto your nipple, making you moan softly, quickly gripping onto the back of his hair softly. “That’s not the only place that needs attention, i’m still dirty elsewhere” You teased, he looked up at you repositioning himself, giving you a cocky look before answering.
“Oh yeah? Where would that be?” He asked, you quickly took his hand to show him, hovering over your stomach, but before you could continue a wave of sickness hit you, making you pause. Za’yu quickly took notice of this and how your expression changed. “Hey, what’s wrong what happened” He asked, now completely serious as you now grabbed onto his shoulder for support. “I feel a little sick” You managed to make out weakly, he quickly finished cleaning you off and immediately got you out of the small pond, drying you up and taking you inside to get you into something, but not before you threw up on the side of the mossy ground twice before crying.
“It hurts” You said, your voice hoarse and dry, which reminded Za’yukto to get you some water, he instructed for you to stay in your room and get dressed as he fetched you something to drink along with a small herb to help with the burning of your throat.
You quickly got changed, sitting patiently for Za’yu, and he soon came telling you to swallow one of your own handmade herbal medicine and a glass of water behind it, which you did. “You need to get some rest, you’ve had a long night” He said, placing his hand onto your shoulder, rubbing it softly and smiling at you. You didn’t respond, only placing the glass down and sprawling yourself against your bed, your back now facing Za’yu.
A moment of silence has passed, he hasn’t left and you haven’t fallen asleep yet, why is he still-
“I’ll stop by tomorrow to check up on you” He quickly stated, interrupting your thoughts, you don’t answer and he takes the silence as a sign you must be asleep, big mistake.
“Hopefully tonight didn’t change anything within our friendship, i’m not looking for a mate or to court anyone now, it was never my intention to move so quickly with you” He mumbled, but loud enough for you to hear, and shift in the bed as a response, you waited to hear the flap of your hut close before letting the tears in your eyes roll out over your nose and stain your bed.
This was going to be such a long night, and tomorrow morning even longer.
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sc0tters · 1 year
The Study Date | Adam Fantilli
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summary: you and Adam have been on opposite ends of the table for months, but when Luca misses out on your study session things take an enjoyable turn for both of you.
request: yes/no
warnings: mature scenes, p in v, oral (fem receiving!), swearing.
word count: 2.27k
authors note: I’ve been trying to write like three pieces at the same time and haven’t been sure about any of them but I couldn’t get my mind off of this one… you girlies that wanted some Adam content here it is!
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You swore the world was against you.
In November you had been assigned to tutor Luca, which was an easy task because he had turned into your new best friend.
The task that was harder was that since you had done such a good job with helping him join the top ten students of the class by January that you were now being assigned to help Adam out too.
Now that was complicated, if there was one person on this earth that you could kill it was him. Adam knew how to rile you up in ways that nobody else did which was fine because you did the same thing to him.
As much as Luca hated having you and his brother at odds but eventually he gave up trying because he didn’t have the energy having to sit through your sessions of tutoring as you paired whim with Adam.
Of course you couldn’t tutor Adam alone as you knew that you’d kill him thus leaving Luca in the chair between you both.
And that worked for you or at least it did until Luca decided to not show up one day “where the hell is he?” You groaned seeing that the older Fantilli was now twenty minutes late.
Adam rolled his eyes looking back at you “not coming,” he grumbled flipping his phone around to show you the text.
Luca: hey bro I can’t make it today, tell y/n I’m sorry!
Luca: also please don’t get yourself kill!
You wanted to reach through the phone to hurt his older brother instead “I should get going then,” you sighed shutting your laptop as you reached to grab your coffee.
The boy let out a grumble pulling your coffee away from you “c’mon stay for a bit!” He complained taking you by surprise “you got all dressed up for this anyways.” Adam trailed off making you sit right back in your seat.
A scoff left your lips “if you must know I’ve got a date later.” You crossed your arms leaning back in your chair.
It made Adam laugh how your forehead creased “who is the unlucky man?” His question was met with a kick on the leg from you.
There was the irritating Adam you had grown so familiar with “I’m not telling you.” Your head shook as you knew that he would never let you hear the end of it.
But you also smiled seeing the scowl on his face when you said you had a date “well clearly he doesn’t exist then,” Adam shrugged causing your face to scrunch up in anger “yes he does!” Your words were met with a shush from the on lookers as you rolled your eyes “then tell me who it is?” The hockey player rested his head on his hands.
You contemplated not letting him win “it’s Ethan.” You announced as the older boy had been flirting with you for weeks before he mustered up the balls to ask you.
Adam let your voice ring through his ears “you’re going to get eaten alive,” Adam laughed as he shook his head “look I get that you’re upset that he could fuck me better than you ever could but don’t make that my problem.” Your voice was laced with venom as you sent him a glare getting up to grab your things again.
Somehow you managed to push his buttons in that moment better than he ever did with you “don’t play with fire princess,” Adam mimicked your actions as he now towered over you “bet you couldn’t even make me come.” Your words barely got out of your mouth when his fingers pinched at your chin pulling you into a kiss.
It was messy, letting you melt as your hand reached up to slide between his shirt and his chest “your dorm or mine?” Adam pulled away letting your lip pull between his.
Thankfully your dorm was only two minutes away “mine.” You mumbled grabbing his hand as you locked your fingers in his.
The walk as short as it was it felt like an eternity “please tell me your roommate isn’t gonna be back for a while.” Adam muttered tucking your hair behind your ear as he shut your door pushing you further into your room.
You nodded letting out a giggle “she won’t be back until this evening,” you explained feeling grateful that she had band practice after her lecture.
His hands went to your waist as he pushed you to your bed “gonna take my time with you then.” Adam kissed your lips as he groaned letting his fingers graze the edge of your dress.
It made you roll your eyes “I’m still seeing Ethan,” you reminded him causing Adam to send you a glare “when I’m done you won’t even know his name.” The hockey players warning had you pressing your legs together as you tried to stop thinking about him like that.
The last person that you had slept with was in high school and he hadn’t even made you come “would like to see you try,” your words were like a knife that twisted in his chest “bout time you picked your words better.” Adam pushed you against your mattress letting your back bounce against your bed.
You gasped as he leaned down to kiss you again “I’m gonna make you feel so fucking good.” He mumbled letting his nose bump into yours as Adams fingers trailed down to your panties as he hoisted up your dress.
Adam smiled as he pulled the lacey material down your legs “looks like you wanted this baby.” The hockey player cooed kissing down your thigh making sure to give each one each amounts of attention.
His eyes were set on your face as he lowered his head down to the point where it hovered over your core “fuck Adam,” you groaned locking eyes with his as his breath fanned at your thighs “like it when you’re all needy.” Adam mumbled kissing your clit before he licked a stripe up your folds.
Before you knew it your had locked into his hair as you had never left these sensations before “so good,” you moaned using your other hand to pop the button at the front of your dress.
It was everything Adam needed to hear when he wrapped his hands around your thighs pulling you even closer to him “don’t stop,” you brought your hips up as you rode his face.
The hockey player moved his thumb to your clit so he could talk to you “such pretty noises baby,” Adam muttered smirking as your hand pushed him back down to continue sucking at your clit.
Part of you thought that Adam was a starved man with the way he was slurping at your juices “all for you,” a whimper left your lips as your head dug deeper in your mattress.
Adam had to admit that the moans that let out made his pants tight “I’m gonna come,” you announced feeling his fingers slip into your pussy giving you something to clench around.
He smiled as his thumb went back to your clit as the hockey player pushed himself closer to you “thought you said you weren’t gonna come.” Adam let his lips hover over yours as you tried to push forward to kiss him “don’t make me beg.” You whimpered hearing the boy laugh.
The hockey player smiled “but I like hearing those noises.” His lips formed a pout before he accepted your wish kissing your lips.
Your juices tasted salty on his tongue letting Adam get carried away “shit,” your voice was muffled between his lips reminding him of what he was doing “let it all go for me baby.” Adams words rang through your ears and the second his tongue hit your clit you reached your high.
You legs shook as the Fantilli boy didn’t let his tongue stop “Fanti no,” you groaned trying to pull his head away from your thighs.
He shook his head as he let out a grunt having the vibrations shoot through your body “no baby,” Adam mumbled looking up at you “you wanna act all strong until you see how good I make you feel?” You didn’t respond as your eyes fluttered feeling this bliss as his fingers were still inside of you.
Squelching noises bounced off of your dorms walls “now you gotta take it like a good girl.” His warning rang through your ears as he went back down acting like you were his last meal.
Your body melted into the sheets as you hadn’t even gotten over the first orgasm “enough,” you begged using all of your power trying to pull him up.
As much as Adam wanted to have you shaking, legs dripping, he couldn’t wait any longer “feeling good baby?” Adam asked coming closer to your face “you got any condoms?” He added smiling as you just pointed to the cabinet on your roommates side of the room.
The hockey player laughed looking to see that it was fully stocked with condoms of all different sizes “she said I could use them when I want to,” you explained cheeks turning red as your roommate was the one who was always busy.
Adam grabbed the condom of his choice before he came back over to you “want to do the honours?” He held the silver packet out for you to grab “think this might be a little bit big for you.” You teased as the boy pulled his shirt off leaving you to look up at his toned chest “think it’s just right,” Adam mumbled hooking his fingers under your jaw as he pecked your lips quickly pulling your dress up to your arms “you knew you were gonna get fucked didn’t ya?” The boy groaned seeing that your bra and panties matched.
You smirked “knew Ethan would fuck me real good.” Your words hit him as he let out a dry chuckle “gonna regret that you ever said that.” Adams words made your eyes go wide as he pulled his shorts down with his underwear.
His cock slapped his torso making your mouth water “like what you see?” He asked taking the condom from your hands as you licked your lips.
The honest thought of all the different ways that Adam could fuck you were making you wetter than you already were “I’m gonna make you feel so good.” Adam groaned running his now covered cock over your clit as he dropped to his knees “you’re on the clock Fantilli,” you warned letting out a gasp as his cock slipped into your pussy.
“oh god!”
Adam smirked bringing his lips down to nip at your neck “it’s just me baby,” he murmured beginning to thrust his cock as he grinded his hips against yours.
You let your head rest against the mattress as your body enjoyed how Adam felt stretching your core out “shut up,” you grumbled cupping his face as you brought his lips up to your own.
His hands grabbed at your ass “you’re lucky this pussy is so good.” Adam grunted bringing your legs around his waist.
The compliment made your cheeks weirdly warm as you stared up at him. His chain was cool against your jaw “don’t stop fucking me,” you begged letting your hands rest behind his neck as your core clenched around him.
It was safe to say that Adam felt like he was on cloud nine “you feel me right there?” The hockey player asked placing his hand on your stomach making sure that he used just enough pressure so that he’d feel the way his cock moved inside of you.
A groan left your lips as you nodded “making me feel so good.” If you knew that Adam was so good in bed you would have gotten him in there way earlier “so easy to please you baby.” The hockey player grew comfortable with that pet name as he brought his hand between your body’s letting it rest on your clit.
The sound of skin slapping bounced off of the walls as your bed shook “please let me come.” You begged letting your face tense up as your toes curled “I’ll be your good girl just please!” Your words made Adams cock throb as he watched your roll back.
Adam used his free had to grab your face “don’t have to beg me to come baby.” He reminded you as he squeezed your jaw “but when you tell me you’ll be my good girl I can’t complain.” The hockey player kissed your ear lobe as his breath hit your neck.
Just when he thought that he was going to last you reached your high for the second time of the night “so fucking good!” You cried out as you kissing Adam letting your moan get muffled as his lips swallowed it triggering his own orgasm.
His body shuddered as he almost collapsed on top of yours but luckily his hands were there to stop him as Adam pulled out of you “you did so fucking good baby.” The hockey player mumble as he pecked your lips before he reached over to grab your phone.
You furrowed your eyebrows watching him unlock your the device as Luca had obviously let the password slip to his brother one day “telling Ethan you can’t make it.” Adam explained as you let out a laugh.
Adam sent the text as placed your phone on the table “better make this stay worth my while then,” you warned wriggling your eyebrows.
“Baby I’m only getting started.”
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oddballwriter · 1 year
The New Teacher’s Aid
Summary: Mike has Abby signed up to be part of the after school program at her school since he can’t pick her up due to him working, there’s nothing too special about it until a staff member catches his eye and he tries to explain it without thinking the obvious. 
Warnings: Reader is kept gender neutral and is a teacher’s aid and member of the staff that work in the after school program. This is in second person perspective at first but shifts at times. “Y/n” is used two times in here. Mike has a crush on you lol. I actually can’t think of many things that are actual warnings but if there are any just let me know
Author’s Snip: Surprise! I’m alive! I’ve been relaxing since I took the summer semester off to unwind from my first year of college. Anyways, I’m sure some, if not most, of us have seen the teaser and trailer for the FNAF movie. I’ve been seeing people going bonkers over Mike and William and so have I a little. This thought came to me last night and I wanted to write it so bad but it was 2am then and I had things I needed to do with family so I wrote it down in my notes so that I didn’t forget. 
Notes: This is sort of meant to be before Mike takes up the job at the abandoned plazeria. And I just saw that there are some implications that Abby walks/rides a bike home to and from school but I’m just going to ignore that because I can and because then this shot doesn’t really work. So yeah. 
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
  You’ve been working at the school for a month and a half now as a teacher’s aid and an additional member of the staff that work in the after school program. The program wasn’t much if you had to be honest, it was pretty much just babysitting kids who didn’t get picked up once school was over. 
  You weren’t complaining though, but then again, you worked in the spare classroom with the older kids rather than the younger ones. This group wasn’t too much of a hassle. Usually these kids would talk, do their homework, or some quiet activity and rarely cause any trouble. That’s how you met a little girl named Abby. 
  Abby was like the other kids who minded their own till their parent or guardian came to pick them up. You noticed that she didn’t interact with any of the other kids and either drew or did her homework quietly at a desk. You decided to check on her. Now you two have formed a really nice bond. You usually help her with her homework or talk about whatever comes to mind which helped pass the time since she was one of the kids that stayed the whole time the program operated. 
  Speaking of which, it was rolling around that time. You knew that the person who usually gets her is always here when the clock hits  five pm but it always makes you a little worried that they won’t come since after five there wasn’t meant to be any students still on campus. 
  “Okay, last one. What do you think?” you say, you were helping Abby finish up a tricky math sheet. Abby stared at the problem for a moment and worked it out on a blank space next to it before writing down the answer she came up with. “There you go! Great job. Now you’re all done, you don’t need to do any at home.” you smile. Just then you hear a knock at the door to the room. When you turn, you see a man in his mid twenties or early thirties standing in the doorway. You stand up to go talk to him but you hear Abby chirp “Hi, Mike!” to the man. He gives her a nod as a hello back as you grab a clipboard and walk up to him. 
  “Hello. Can I get a name?” you ask. This was common check out protocol whenever someone came to pick up a child from the program. “Mike Schmidt.” he responds. You nod and check the name that’s correlated with Abby, it checks out. “And the password?”, that was another part of the protocol. He says the correct one and you smile with a nod before letting him sign his name as the last part of the process. 
  By then Abby had already packed up her things and skipped over to Mike and took a hold of his hand to leave. “Goodbye, Abby!” you wave. She waves back with some more energy to it, “Bye, (y/n)!”. You give a wave back to Mike as well out of courtesy, “Goodbye, Mr. Schmidt.”. He gives you a small wave goodbye too as he leaves with Abby by his side. 
  With Abby gone home, you were set to pack everything in the classroom so that you could leave. You usually did this earlier but the other staff member went out and hadn’t come back yet, so you needed to keep an eye on Abby. Usually they checked Abby out to Mike, who you were told was her older brother, so she could go home. But since they still weren’t back, you met him for the first time. You were a bit surprised to finally see him. He was actually older than you thought he would be. The age minimum for someone who could pick up a child was sixteen and that Mike met that requirement, but you thought that he would be younger. Turns out he’s around the same age as you.
  Abby actually told you a lot about Mike. As already mentioned, he was her older brother. She also told you that he works and that the two of them live together. She’s also told you about how cool he is but that’s a given since most younger siblings think that their older siblings are cool. 
  You didn’t think too much about Mike after that, but strangely enough, Mike spent a good part of the evening thinking about you.
  “Are they a new staff member? I don’t think I’ve seen them before.” Mike asked Abby while she picked at the reheated veggies on her plate. “No, not really. They’ve been here for a while.” Abby responded. “They seem nice.” he mentioned. “They are. They help me with my homework and we talk. They even said they like my drawings!” Abby explained with a smile. “ Well, that’s nice to hear.” Mike said as he got up from his seat at the table. “You finish those off before you try and watch TV, alright?” he said with a little bit of demand as he pointed to the uneaten food on her plate before heading off to get ready for the rest of the night. 
  Soon after that, Mike had formed a habit. Everyday, just before getting out of his car to go pick up Abby, he would check himself in his rearview mirror. He would subconsciously fix any loose hair, fix up his jacket to look neater, or check for food in his teeth. He didn’t know when it started but he noticed it when he was fighting with a piece of food from his lunch earlier that day that didn’t want to leave it’s spot between his teeth. “Why am I even doing this? It’s barely noticeable.” he thought to himself. But something irked him to get it out before he got out. 
  After he finally got the pesky piece out, he stepped out of his car and made his way to the classroom that the program was held in. Abby noticed him but the staff member who came to check her out to him wasn’t you. After he gave all the information, signed, and took Abby’s hand, he found that he felt slightly disappointed that it wasn’t you this time and thought that he fought that food between his teeth for nothing. 
  The drive home consisted of silence as Abby stared out the window and Mike stewed in his thoughts on why he wanted see you every time he came in. It shouldn’t matter if it’s you, or the new teacher Miss Hill, or the old teacher Mrs. Flores, or someone who was a part of that group. 
  “Did you have fun with (Y/n) today?” Mike asked as he peaked at Abby in the rearview. Why did he ask that? “Yeah. I didn’t have a lot of homework so we spent most of the time talking while I drew.” Abby responded. “What did you talk about?” he questioned. “Not much. They talked about being a teacher’s aid and how they want to be a school teacher.” Abby commented, Mike nodded his head. “I talked about us a little. I told them that you work and take care of me.” she explained, “And they said that’s really nice of you to be doing both.” Abby referenced. Mike thought about that for a second. “Did they?” he responded. 
  The rest of the evening and night went on as normal. But Mike found that he didn’t really pay attention to the late night TV like he usually does. He was caught up on what Abby said today about you. Mike tried to brush it off but just couldn’t, and he didn’t like it all that much. It made him feel dumb. Why was he so consumed with what you thought of him, with Abby saying that you think he’s nice for taking care of his little sister and being their breadwinner and him recently starting to care about how he looked under the possibility of you and him seeing each other while he got Abby. 
  There was no way he had some stupid crush on you. You were just some staff member who took care of Abby after school and he was just her older brother. That’s all you should be to each other. 
  He thinks that while also thinking about how maybe he should pack a mini toothbrush and toothpaste tube so his lunch doesn’t end up in his breath in case you catch it next time you talk. 
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 months
A Little Bit Stronger
Part 4
(previous part here, next part here)
Bradley Rooster Bradshaw x OFC
Summary: You get more bad news but it turns out to be a blessing in disguise
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Just like everything else I write/post: this story is for 18+ only. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. It will contain smut, adult themes, situations and language. Please also note this story may be triggering due to the topic of domestic abuse (physical, emotional, sexual) violence-feel free to message me with any questions before reading.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, mutual masturbation, a little voyeurism.
The front door closing quietly wakes you the next morning, well, more like Hank jumping off the bed to see the person who opened it.
“Alright,” you yawn, stretching before you get up, feeling again well-rested. “Let’s go.”
He races down the stairs ahead of you, excited to see Bradley.
“Did I wake you?” He asks as you enter the kitchen, continuing when you shake your head. “Sorry, I get up early. Went for a run this morning.”
“You’re fine,” you smile, “Hank was just excited to see you. I usually get up early too, must’ve just been tired from yesterday. Is that why you’re called Rooster? You’re an early riser too?”
“Uh, yeah,” he says, turning pink as he rises from petting Hank to look in the fridge.
Now you’re totally convinced that there’s more to the story by his avoidance.
“I don’t have much besides eggs and toast,” he sighs, looking at the loaf of bread on the counter, “I’ve gotta get to the grocery store. I should warn you too, I can’t cook for shit.”
“That’s okay,” you reply as you open the door to let Hank outside, “I used to love cooking.”
“Yeah?” He doesn’t need to ask why you stopped loving it, assuming (correctly) it was because of Chad. “My mom was a great cook. I’d do anything to have one of her home-cooked meals again…that I complained about at the time, wanting McDonald’s or pizza instead.”
You laugh as you fill Hank’s food bowl, “I did the same thing, I think most kids do.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, grabbing the eggs and pulling out a pan. “The best was her meatloaf and homemade Mac and cheese. She left me a whole book of her recipes but it never ends well when I attempt them.”
“I could try making it,” you reply as you let Hank back inside, “if you want.”
“Really?” He lights up as he cracks an egg, “that’d be great.”
“Yeah,” you smile, “it’s been a while so I might be a little rusty, but I’d love to try. It’s the least I can do since you won’t let me pay you for staying here.”
“That’s not a big deal,” he murmurs. “Her recipe book is in there if you wanna take a look,” he nods to one of the drawers. “Do you like your eggs scrambled? Cause that’s all I can do.”
You laugh again, “Scrambled is perfect.”
“Wanna invite Reese, Jake, and Drew over?” Bradley asks as he packs the groceries into the back of the Bronco, “I know the recipe makes a lot, we always had a ton of leftovers.”
“Sure,” you reply, buckling your seatbelt as he gets in the driver's seat. “Do you mind stopping at the post office? I should check my PO Box.”
“Not at all,” he replies, heading that way.
“Everything okay?” He asks when you frown, reading the letter from the court.
“The divorce hearing is scheduled for next Friday,” you reply.
“Isn’t that good?”
You nod, “It is, but I have to work. Thankfully it’s being conducted over the phone, but I don’t want to ask for time off when I’ve only been there a few weeks.”
“Reese will gladly take off,” Bradley assures you.
You sigh, “I hate asking her to, but I don’t think I have a choice. I don’t want to delay this any longer.”
“Do you have a lawyer?” He asks.
“Yes, but I’m not asking for anything from him; no alimony, nothing from the house…I don’t want or need any of that. I just need him to sign the papers and leave me alone.”
“Do you think he will?” He asks softly.
“I don’t know,” you whisper, “I hope so.”
Bradley plays outside with Hank while you start the food; both recipes are easy enough to follow.
“It smells amazing,” he comes in just as you’re closing the oven. “Jake and Reese will be here any minute.”
“Good. Hopefully it tastes amazing too,” you smile, looking at him over your shoulder.
“I’m sure it will,” he replies, stepping close to dry his hands on the towel hanging on the oven door. “It’s looking better already,” he murmurs, his deep brown eyes on the fading bruise on your cheek before meeting your own.
Your eyes flick to his lips, fingers twitching as you fight the urge to bring him down to yours for a kiss.
You both jump when the doorbell rings.
“They’re here,” he says, before clearing the huskiness from his throat. “I’ll let them in.”
“Yeah,” you nod, “okay.”
Bradley brings a round of beers outside while the food cooks inside, Drew’s giggling at Hank’s antics, and Reese is telling you and Jake about the trouble she and Bradley got up to with Andy back in the day when your phone rings.
The relaxed smile falls from your face when you recognize the number as your new landlord.
“Excuse me,” you say, stepping inside to answer it and check the food.
The oven timer goes off just as you hang up the phone.
Somehow you manage not to get any of your tears on the food as you take out the dishes.
“Wow, everything looks great-hey what’s wrong?” Bradley asks when he sees your tears.
“That was my landlord,” you tell him, wiping your tears with the back of your hand, “he terminated my lease…that hadn’t even started.”
“What?” He asks, handing you a paper towel, “Why? How can he do that?”
“Said he overlooked something when I applied,” you sniff, “it’s just a bullshit excuse. This has Chad written all over it. God only knows how he figured out that’s where I was moving,” you inhale shakily, “I’m guessing he either bribed or threatened the landlord.”
He hesitates for a moment before gently wrapping his arms around you in a hug.
“Shit, that was stupid. I’m sor-“ He starts to let go when you stiffen instinctively but you shake your head once before allowing yourself to melt into his embrace. All of your anger, sadness, resentment, grief, and fear hitting you at once. Your shoulders begin shake from your suppressed sobs as you bury your face into his solid chest.
Neither of you hear the back door open again.
“Actually Drew, can you take Hank out one more time?”Jake says when he spots you, “I think he might have to go potty.”
“Sure! Come on,” he says, and the door closes a moment later.
“What’s wrong?” Reese asks, stroking your hair.
“I l-l-lost my apart-“ you take a deep breath before reluctantly pulling away, “I lost my apartment.”
Reese tears up and there’s a tick in Jake’s jaw as you explain everything.
“Oddly enough, I was thinking of taking next Friday off anyway,” Reese says when you tell her about the divorce hearing.
“Liar,” you laugh wetly, “but thank you.”
She just smiles.
“This is exactly like she made it,” Bradley murmurs, mostly to himself. You pretend not to notice the tears in his eyes.
“Roo, is Shae your girlfriend?” Drew asks a few minutes later.
Reese snorts as Bradley chokes on the food in his mouth, “No, she’s just my friend. Why?”
“Because she slept over last night,” he shrugs.
“Well, are you my boyfriend? You sleep over sometimes too,” Bradley asks, raising a brow.
“No!” Drew giggles, “I was just wondering. I thought when adults sleep over it means they’re dating. Jake sleeps over all the time in Mom’s room. He leaves really early in the morning though. I don’t know why he doesn’t just move in.”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing at the shocked look Jake and Reese share.
“Busted!” Bradley bursts out laughing, “not as sneaky as you thought, huh?”
“Oh fuck off,” Reese says, her and Jake laughing now too, “Drew, don’t repeat that.”
“I won’t,” he giggles.
“Shae is just a friend and she’s going to stay here for a while,” Bradley explains before clarifying, “in the guest room.”
Your lip quirks at that.
“But why?” Drew asks.
“Drew-“ Reese starts but you interrupt.
“I just moved here and it’s hard to find an apartment that allows big dogs,” you explain, not lying…just leaving out some details.
“That’s dumb,” Drew scoffs, “he’s such a good dog.”
“I think so too,” you smile.
“Do you like baseball?” He asks, changing the subject, “I love baseball…”
You begin the apartment search again the next morning, requesting tours and submitting applications to anything that looks promising.
But by Thursday evening, you’ve gotten zero responses.
While discouraged, you weren’t exactly disappointed. It’s been a week since you’ve been staying with Bradley and you two already have fallen into a routine together; he quietly opens your door every morning to let Hank out so he doesn’t whine and wake you. Already gone by the time you got downstairs but had coffee, toast, and eggs waiting in the microwave. He’d gone home to let Hank out without you asking one day when you didn’t have time to take lunch. His delighted reactions to your cooking makes you remember why you loved it.
“Still nothing?” Bradley asks as he sits across from you while scrolling for a movie to turn on.
“Nothing,” you confirm with a sigh, “I promise I’ll be out of here soon though.”
“You don’t have to be,” he turns to you, but his eyes won’t meet yours, “I mean, there’s no rush.”
He hesitates so you wait for him to continue.
“It’s been really nice having someone else here,” he admits, “It gets…quiet living alone.”
His admission tugs at your heartstrings; you got lonely too.
“I understand. I do like having someone around. For little things like talking over dinner, watching movies together…and I can finally sleep. I don’t keep myself awake overthinking every little sound.”
“Good,” he murmurs, “you can stay for a while if you want. Until you find an apartment you like, or until things get better with your ex and you feel safe again.”
“Okay,” you agree, “but only if you let me pay you.”
“Sure,” he says as he returns to scrolling, “we’ll figure something out.”
Bradley’s Bronco is already in the driveway when you pull in the following afternoon.
It was a long, exhausting day, but it’s over. You’re free.
It was conducted over the phone, so while you didn’t have to see Chad, you still had to hear his voice. He behaved though; his daddy must’ve been present.
“Bradley?” You call when you open the door, feeling better already as you step inside.
He doesn’t answer but Hank is relaxing at the top of the stairs. His tail thumps heavily as you make your way up.
“Hey pup,” you murmur, kissing the top of his head before passing him.
You realize where Bradley is when you enter your room and hear the shower running.
Having every intention of taking a nap, you flop down on the bed with a sigh and close your eyes.
Just to open them a minute later when you keep hearing something; a wet, rhythmic slapping.
Is he…? No. It’s none of your business if he’s jerking off.
Then he moans softly.
You ignore your body’s reaction.
It’s wrong…right?
There’s a thump above your head and you can’t help but picture him bracing his arm against the wall as he strokes himself.
“Oh,” he groans, then, “Shae.”
There’s no ignoring the arousal that rushes through your body before settling between your thighs.
You slide your hand down the front of your pants, gasping when you touch your clit, swollen and pulsing.
Your eyes fall shut as you circle your clit, listening to the sounds he makes and picture him while he’s apparently picturing you.
It’s been so long since you’ve had an orgasm that you’re on the brink in no time at all.
His gasped “fuck” above your ear is all it takes.
Your mouth falls open as you shudder through wave after wave of pent-up pleasure. Tears stream from your eyes at the long-overdue emotional release.
The shower turns off as you come back into your body and by the time you muster enough strength and coordination to get up to close the door, he’s already walking past.
“Shit!” He jumps when he glances into your room, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t think you’d be home until later.”
But you hardly hear him; your eyes follow a droplet of water as it runs down his bare chest, wanting to follow it with your tongue. It’s absorbed the towel wrapped loosely on his hips.
A light tug would make it fall.
“Hey,” he notices your disheveled appearance and drying tears, “you okay? How did it go?”
That snaps you out of it.
“It’s-yeah,” you shake your head to clear it, “I just got here a minute ago. I’m…it was a long day.”
“I bet,” he nods, “I’ll listen if you want to talk about it or there’s beer in the fridge if you want to drink about it?”
“Drink about it,” you smile.
“Alright,” the way he grins makes your heart (and other parts) flutter.
A/N: posting 2 chapters in 2 days-who even am I? I think I wrote over 5,000 words today 👀
Anyway…Shae is a single woman and things are s l o w l y heating up! What did y’all think?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist…and if I forgot to add you-it wasn’t intentional.
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causenessus · 2 months
love notes
"in your hair i can see the topical solution and no one can shut up for a minute."
from topical solution by duster, left in nagoya, aichi
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the day has been mundane.
she walked into onigiri miya and has been in a daze ever since. the cycle of palming out a spoon of rice and shaping it around a filling in her hands has become second nature. she doesn’t talk much, and osamu seems to understand. he knows what she’s thinking about because it’s the same thing she’s been thinking about all day. she can’t get it off her mind. 
she’s decided that she won’t call him rin until he brings it up again. if he doesn’t mention what they talked about last night, she’ll take it at as her sign to act like nothing ever happened between them. and if he does bring it up…
she sighs heavily, looking up at the next receipt in line before back down to her station. she’s still figuring that part out; what she'll say and what he'll say, and what will happen from there. she’s too lost in her own head that she doesn’t hear the door chime, or the figure approaching her. a knock against the window display in front of her makes her head shoot up, as it has every time she’s been too distracted to notice a customer waiting in line.
but it’s him, and her entire body stops. ‘it’s soon for this,’ she says to herself. too soon to talk to him about this, she wants another day to process everything that’s happened, but he’s standing in front of her with a playful smile on his face. his hair is a little tousled, and he definitely still looks hungover, but she sees atsumu standing behind him, somehow looking worse.
“oh– suna– i didn’t expect you guys to get home so early, or to show up at all– um. did you guys just get here?”
atsumu answers, “yeah we just got off the bus and came straight here but damn am i sore–”
his words are drowned out by the way her blood is pulsing in her ears as she’s unable to look away from him. there’s an amused glint in his eyes, his smile only growing as he tilts his head. the difference in their height causes him to naturally look down at her, and the look on his face now makes her knees weak. “suna?” he repeats, “i told you to call me rin. did you think i wouldn’t remember?”
she wants so desperately to turn around, or cover her face, or for osamu to come and push him out of the way for the sake of her heart. her pulse is racing by the time she’s eventually able to tear her eyes away from him, focusing on wiping her hands on the edge of her apron instead, trying not to think about her burning face. “sorry…” she mumbles out an apology. “i didn’t want to say anything in case you didn’t remember.”
“well i’ve told you to call me it before,” he teases, immediately shutting down her excuse.
“well–” she tries to talk back to him, “if you remember last night, i also told you i was scared. and then you never texted me or anything in the morning so i didn’t know. were you waiting to tell me that in person?”
“maybe,” he shrugs, knowing she’s about to complain more.
“god, how many times have you done this to me? you always stress me out when you don't respond to me. like you have enough time to text me back but you just wait to show up in front of me. i hate you,” she pinches the bridge of her nose with a groan, but it’s all lighthearted. despite her words, all is forgiven as soon as she sees him– whether it's a good thing or not–she can never stay too mad at him for long.
“no you don’t,” he grins. “or else you wouldn’t let it affect you so much. i’m sorry, i guess it’s too fun to tease you, or maybe i just like waiting to tell you things in person because i like seeing you.”
she swears she stops breathing. it was like he was determined to kill her, the way he kept telling her these things so casually. “so you meant it?” she mumbles and he looks at her, brows raised as he waits for her to be more specific. “that you want me to call you rin?”
“you’re cute,” he says with a laugh and she turns even redder. maybe he was still drunk. there had to be something in his bloodstream that was still influencing him. “yes. i’ve meant it everytime i’ve told you to call me rin. and i meant everything i said last night; i would’ve said the same exact things yesterday even if i wasn’t drunk.”
she presses her lips into a thin line, letting out a long sigh through her nose, trying not to let his words affect her. she’s not even sure what to say. she needs time to think about what they’re both doing. about what she needs to do. her eyes flick up to him and then immediately back down, because he’s looking at her. waiting for her to say something specifically. she bites her lip, trying to force it out of her mouth.
“rin,” she finally says.
“there you go,” he says, eyes seeming to brighten just a little bit more. he's been waiting for her to say it this whole time, but his breath still catches when he actually hears her say it.
“are you guys done? i’m hungry,” her mouth almost drops when she sees omi step in next to rintaro. had she seriously been so distracted by the boy in front of her, she hadn’t seen the rest of them?
her face burns, seeing oikawa and bokuto were also present for this entire conversation, but she clears her throat, trying to focus on her job. “of course– sorry– what do you guys want?”
“oh! i can put this in, i already had an order started for them,” osamu comes out from the back, wiping his hands with a towel and she wants to hit him on the head and yell at him, asking him where he’s been this entire time when she needed him the most.
instead, she just gives him a sweet smile as she steps back, with eyes that tell him she’ll yell at him later, and his face drops in fear, unsure of what he did to make her upset.
although osamu was late to saving her from a humiliating interaction, she nonetheless appreciates the chance to retreat to the kitchen in the back. she immediately makes her way to the sink, running her hands under cool water and splashing her face as she tries to calm down. she’s no longer thinking about what she’ll say to rintaro, which is a relief, but that’s only because it's already happened, and now she can’t get his name out of her head. she keeps repeating it internally, and the way he reacted when she said it, basically praising her and making her turn red.
she rests her forehead against the cool counter of the kitchen, letting out a frustrated whine in an attempt to relieve some of the stress pent up in her mind. her head lifts up as she hears footsteps enter the kitchen, and osamu’s standing in the doorway.
“what did i do?” he asks, and then finally seems to process how disraught she looks. a few strands of her hair had gotten wet when she splashed her face, and the water hadn’t even cooled her down. her face was still red, and she only gives him a glare when he grins. “oh my god, y/n,” he walks closer to her and she backs up from him.
“stay away!” she yells, feeling like she’s on the verge of hysteria.
“he said it, didn’t he?” he keeps prodding and she ends up hitting the back of another cabinet and slides down onto the floor, pulling her knees to her chest, hiding her face in them.
osamu kneels down in front of her, getting on her level. “did he remember?” she can hear the tease in his voice.
unwillingly, she nods, hoping he’ll finally leave her alone if she tells him.
“oh my god, you have to talk to him. did yout talk to him? did you call him rin?” he asks with a laugh and her frustration for him comes rushing back as she looks up, getting up quickly to tackle him to the floor.
“i did!” she exlcaims, “i had to because you’re an asshole and abandoned me out there!” they’re wrestling now, and he’s trying his best to get out from underneath her.
“y/n please! not the ktichen floor this shit is so dirty–”
“well so was leaving me out there!” they’re both laughing by the time he's finally able to shove her off. they’re sitting on the floor again, panting as they rest their backs against opposite cabinets. “some friend you are, leaving me when i needed emotional support,” she scoffs playfully.
he takes off his hat, smoothing back his dark hair before he puts it back on. “god, i’m sorry y/n,” he sighs, looking at her, acting remorseful before he gives her a grin, “well, actually, i’m not. i wanted that to happen. i was watching the entire time from the back."
she throws her own hat at him and he raises his hands up trying to block it. “you little bitch!” she curses him out, trying to take him down again but he catches her wrists this time all the while he's laughing at her.
“shit, y/n. calm down!” he talks over her and she reluctantly agrees, arms going limp in his hold. “you can hit me all you want later. i’m glad you talked to him and yes, i guess i’m a little sorry i wasn’t out there to be a comforting presence–” she snorts at his words. “but you guys needed that. and your boyfriend’s waiting out there, help me make their order first and then we can fight.”
she sticks out her tongue at him in response, “you know what? just for that i’m not helping you. you can make the order of four young, hungover, growing men by yourself. i’ll just sit here in your comforting presence. since you’re just so sorry.”
he lets her hands go with a sigh, “i guess that’s fair. okay fine. but only if you pack it up and give it to them.”
“fine,” she says, standing up with her arms crossed. he looks up at her and she rolls her eyes, finally stretching out a hand to help pull him up. “and after that, i’m going over to earthen kiln and telling your girlfriend how stupid you are.”
he looks at her, fegining a face of hurt, “and you call me the little bitch.”
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it was easy to forget the appetite of four boys– all of which who were rising athletes with serious headaches from a night of drinking and barely anything to eat the day after.
it had taken osamu and her a good amount of ingredients and time to finally finish their order, and her fight with him had only prolonged the order. when she finally carried out their hefty paper bag, most of them were slumped at a table, dozing off or trying their best to ignore their aches. rintaro and omi were the only two still standing, talking about something while their backs were turned to her, leaning against the counter separating the dining room from the back.
she felt her heart quicken, thinking of his name again, but she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down as she approached them. omi noticed her first, turning around to face her and rintaro followed. they took the bag from her carefully as rintaro gave her a grin, “were you guys okay back there? we thought we heard someone yelling.”
“oh, yeah,” she replies with a shrug. “that was me, throwing things at osamu. don’t worry about it.”
omi cracks a smile at her answer while rintaro bursts out laughing. from behind them, she can see atsumu’s head snap up as he hears them talk and stands up immediately, peering into the bag of food omi is holding.
omi rolls his eyes at the blond’s actions, who looks up to her, a look of utmost gratitude on his face. he looks like he’s still drunk and is nowhere close to sobering up. “you’re our savior, y/n,” he tells her before omi is turning him around, pushing him towards the door.
“thank you, y/n,” omi calls out, turning back to look at her, she gives him a wave and smile that he returns. chairs squeak against the floor as oikawa and bokuto give her their own waves and "thank you"s, stumbling out the door after their captain.
rintaro watches them leave before he turns back to her, “we’re going back to the school to practice,” he explains and she shakes her head, amazed at their stamina and desire to play when they all look like they’re on the verge of hurling up their guts.
“good luck to you guys, don’t push yourselves too hard,” she gives him a soft smile, getting lost in his eyes again.
he’s lingering, and he knows it. and he knows his friends will slap him on the back the moment he steps out of the restaurant, but he’ll put up with it, because it’s for her. “thanks, we won’t. see you later, y/n,” he returns her smile, waving before turning and heading towards the door.
“talk to you later, rin,” she responds, watching him exit, the last noise being the chime of the door and the sound of it closing.
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extras <3
yn: "idk suna's just being really sus. like what if he's actually been making art for me this whole time??"
osamu: "MAN wouldn't that be crazy haha. no never. he would never do that."
I'M SORRY FOR ANY ISSUES WITH PACING OR CONFUSION i tried to fix as much as i could so hopefully everything is okay??
i read through the written part one time and decided that was enough do not come at me with typos (please do so i can fix them but just know i'm not proofreading that monster again)
like y/n bought omi ibuprofen and kenma bought akaashi ibuprofen but they were both fighting each other trying to buy ibuprofen
atsumu is going through it okay like man has invested in one of those sleeping masks so he can pass out at any time of the day
the msby team has definitely done one of those "ranking how our athletes sleep on the bus" videos and atsumu always wins
suna was still so out of it on the bus he was conflicted about pretending he didn't know what osamu was talking about and owning up to it because HE didn't know what to think of himself yet
like both y/n and suna are so tired 😭 not of each other but just like everyone forcing them to do something even though they know they need to like it's so draining THINKING about bringing it up to each other everytime they see each other it's just like "can we please skip trying to confess to each other and just kiss"
dw guys it's happening soon (also them complaining about being tired is probably me subconsciously projecting onto them I'M SORRY)
random bit of sibling banter between osamu and y/n as well <3 i hope it was fun to read and didn't drag </3 it was a little fun to write it (completely not scripted idk what came over me)
taglist: @0moonii @iluvmang @bluebeanbee @wyrcan @oyasumeii @zumicho @gyuijns @nbcvs @milkteade @eggyrocks @guitarstringed-scars @makkir0ll @mylahrins @cherrypieyourface @vivian-555 @sharkerino @r0seandth0rns @staileykout @lunavixia @thvvluvr @elliott0o0 @wolffmaiden @rockleeisbaeeee @toges-cough-syrup @cnnmairoll @ryeyeyer @hibernatinghamster @localgaytrainwreck @lemonocity @bows4life @sereniteav @madiexuberant @eclecticeggknightpsychic @phoenix-eclipses @sonicsolos @httpakkeiji @brkfclub @snail-squasher @starry-magicshop @cr4yolaas @kitnootkat @zzzlevislothzzz @iluv-ace @iluvaquaphor @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @applepi25 @twiishaa @girlkissersco @sleepystrwbrryy @encrypta
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