#i know i hit a curb but i could swear that curb was like. 3 inches further to the right last time.......
sleepinglionhearts · 6 months
It's all fun and games til you hit something you didn't expect in a construction zone and you pop both passenger side tires in what can only be described as the absolute worst occurence of fuckery you've encountered today
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Hello i just discovered your blog and i love it but may i request an MC who was a child of a brutally war and had like 3-5 younger siblings who died in the war and one day when they are walking around a pure-blood said something along the lines of "OH their Siblings deserved to die" and MC just losses it and straights up punch the pure-blood in the face and knocking them out, how would the HCL +Professor's react to mc in that situation? (Btw I'm sorry if this is a too sensitive topic u don't have to write it if u don't want to, XOXO have a good day or night)
A/N: not to worry, that's what the warnings are for.
WARNING: MC has PTSD, terrorism, blood racism, hurt/comfort
It was less of a war and more of a massacre. The slaying of muggleborns in the 1885 attack was terroristic and unjust. MC was the only survivor of their family. Their siblings were gone. All that was left was the screaming in MC's head. The screaming that kept them up at night. The screaming that told them to run....to hide...
The pure blood student laid on the floor, holding his nose. Blood poured out as the student whined. MC stood over them, fists clenched. MC's knuckles were already bruising from the force of the hit. Their breathing was fast and irregular. Their eyes were wide and blank, they seemed a thousand miles away.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He'd never seen MC move so fast. Before he could tell the instigator off himself, MC threw themselves at them and punched with enough force to break bricks. He doesn't realize the state MC's in at first, laughing and jeering at the bleeding bully.
Until he notices MC isn't laughing with him. They're strangely quiet. Shaking. He hears a Professor coming and he steers MC away from the scene. "MC? What's going on with you? ..MC?" He gets a closer look at their face and sees silent tears flowing from their wide eyes. He's seen this face before, on Anne after they found their parents dead.
He takes MC's good hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "MC. Come back to me. Come back to now. The pain is in the past, don't let it halt your future." He gently talks MC down from their episode and stays with them until they insist they're fine. Even then, he's hard to get rid of.
OMINIS GAUNT: He swears he heard bons breaking when MC's fist collided with the bully. He knew a staff member wouldn't be far away from the commotion and he immediately dragged MC away. "You shouldn't have resorted to physical violence. What that bastard said wasn't acceptable, but now you could be facing detention or worse! That sort of behavior is brutish! Just jinx them like anyone else, at the very least. ..MC?"
He'd just realized MC wasn't talking, not even trying to defend their actions. "MC..? I need you to talk to me. What's going on?" Silence. MC was as still as a statue. Their hand was clammy in his. "What they said....there's more to it, isn't there?" He didn't know the full story, but MC's silence was too loud to ignore.
He takes them to the undercroft to recover in peace and talk to them privately about what really happened.
ANNE SALLOW: She had her wand out but MC's fist was faster. "That's exactly what you deserve!" She huffs and grabs MC's good hand. "Let's go, before staff show up." She walks with them a while before asking about their hand. "Are you alright? You hit them pretty hard." She examines MC's hand. It was heavily bruised and possibly broken, but nothing a healing potion wouldn't fix.
She looks into MC's eyes and they seem to look through her. "MC? MC, it's alright. You're alright. You don't have to fight anymore. The danger has passed." She speaks soothingly until they seem themselves again. She hugs them if they let her. She has the strongest urge to comfort and cuddle.
IMELDA REYES: She sees red. How. Fucking. DARE they! MC swings once but she keeps the pain train rolling. She kicks them in the ribs. She curb stomps their stomach. She pushes them down the nearest flight of stairs and spits in their direction as they roll away.
It takes more than a minute for her to calm down and realize MC hadn't moved or said anything. "Hey...you good?" She's still breathing heavily from the adrenaline. "Let's get out of here." She gets them out to the flying lawn and pulls out her broom. "You going to use yours?" MC complied and pulled out theirs but still hasn't said anything or changed their blank expression.
"Follow me." She leads them to a high cliff away from the castle and the noise. "This is where I come to think...or scream. You look like you could do both right about now."
NATSAI ONAI: She uses depulso without her wand and the bully slides across the floor far away from them. She looks at MC with great concern. "You don't look so good. I have never seen you attack someone like that, even over pure blood nonsense. What was it they said that got to you?"
MC's tears come and it breaks her heart. MC was hurting in a bad way, she could see it in their eyes. "You were there, weren't you? This attack they mentioned." MC breaks into sobs and their knees give out. She catches them before they hit the floor and holds them close. "I am here. I am here, MC. I will not let anyone hurt you. Never again."
GARRETH WEASLEY: His eye twitches and he has to hold back the urge to bring out his wand. He couldn't curse the bully without risk, but he could do something. He drops a small green bottle on the bully's lap. "Here. It'll clear up the nose bleed. Come on, MC." He, somewhat forcefully, pushes MC away and leads them around the corner.
He smiles to himself when screams echoed down the corridor. The boils the potion gave the bully would last for weeks and be horrifically painful. "Got exactly what was coming. What does that git think he's trying to prove? Many purebloods are accepting of muggleborns. The terrorist attack all those years ago was a small extremist group and they're ALL in Azkaban or dead."
He talks and talks and talks, going off on tangents and eventually forgetting what he started talking about. It's not that he never noticed MC having a hard time, he just thought if he could distract them from it instead of drawing attention to it, he would be of more help.
AMIT THAKKAR: He's so shocked by what the bully said that he doesn't even process MC punching the daylights out of them. He just watches the bully writhe in pain on the ground. He's as still and silent as MC. Both processing what just happened.
LEANDER PREWETT: "Levioso! Descendo!" His magic throws the bully helplessly into the air and then slams them back down. They'd be lucky if they didn't have multiple broken bones. He pockets his wand and takes MC's hand. "Come on."
He takes them outside for some air. MC's outburst then sudden silence was unnerving him. "What happened in there?" He asked calmly. "He mentioned siblings of yours? Was he taking the mick or...?" His unfinished sentence hing in the air between them.
MC finally focused on him, years starting to stream down their cheeks. He could see it in their eyes, real pain. The kind of pain that makes you shut down. He doesn't know what to do so he holds their good hand and looks back into their eyes. "You're going to be alright."
"Maybe we should go..." He eventually says and he starts to walk away. MC follows and they walk in silence all the way up the astronomy tower. In the clear and cool air, they take a simultaneous deep breath. "People are rotting no matter where you go. Be it skin or blood or belief. The human superiority complex never ceases to disgust. At the very least, know that you have a friend in me, MC. I'm with you."
EVERETT CLOPTON: He throws a fogging dung bomb and he and MC escape the commotion. "Good on ya for putting that twat in his place! If you ask me, you should have just cursed them, but a punch will do." He laughs as he takes MC to a more secluded corridor.
He doesn't realize MC isn't okay until he tries to give them another one of his special dung bombs "for emergencies". Their blank expression first leads him to think they don't like the dung bombs, but when he takes a closer look at their eyes... "Oh...oh Merlin, MC, I'm sorry. I thought they were lying. Your siblings...that's why you...oh..." He awkwardly puts away the bombs and holds out his arms. "Come here, let me make it better."
POPPY SWEETING: "You really showed them. How dare they say such a thing! How horrible of a person do you have to be to believe muggleborns deserve death? Honestly! I can't even imagine what their parents are like." She spits in the bully's general direction and stands with MC as the bully slowly gets up and runs off.
"They're probably going to tell a teacher. Don't worry, I'll be your alibi. They tripped." She smirks and nudges MC with her elbow. She frowns when they don't react. "MC? Hello? Hey!" She waves her hand in front of MC and she gets more worried when MC still doesn't react.
She calms down and takes the time to examine MC's body language. Treating them like a stunned beast, she speaks softly and reassures MC that everything is okay.
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luffyvace · 1 month
what BSD characters are like driving!! 🤗 (😀)
includes PM, ADA & DOA
(these are short + no gifs bc it’s a LOT of characters)
Killing/threatening warning, yk, PM stuff..
Mori Ougai: (I don’t condone his behavior—they ruined what he could’ve been)
actually a decently normal driver?
occasionally pushes the red/yellow light, especially if he’s late for smth important
will you Elise to be like “please my little girl is in the car 🥺😕” if he’s gets pulled over
Only trust him to drive you around if your one of his executives…otherwise if he asks you to get in his car- DONT.
Nakahara Chuuya:
ultimate road rager
really it’s not him it’s all these grannies drivin around!! 🙄
gets a million tickets a month but has the money to pay them off
i mean, he would. If he didn’t just kill/threaten the police officers..
don’t let him see Dazai either 😭😭
will probably be like “HEY DAZAI, ITS A DREAM COME TRUE” and (try to) ram his car into him—using his ability too, as a bonus
Kōyō Ozaki:
swears/mutter under her breath about how “people are idiots” more than she actually curses people out
i feel like she only would if someone were to damage he beautiful car (she has it custom with lots of pink floral patterns, not in a childish way!- it’s very pretty 😊)
she can afford to fix it ofc but it still upsets her
that person definitely doesn’t go home that night…..
she’s very beautiful so she could probably con her way out of getting tickets “I won’t do it again officer~” immediately rolls her eyes and calls them names that will not be stated here as soon as she drives off 😆
Ryunosuke Akutagawa:
I believe he’s a decent driver as well
Only drives recklessly if he’s angry/Dazai forced him to take Atsushi with him 😃😭
definitely drives safe when his sister’s in he car 🥹💗
usually turns the music all the way down
Gin Akutagawa:
would prefer to walk or have Ryuu drive her <3
but she does know how, knows the basics but sometimes forgets what random buttons do
gets pretty shy when she’s pulled over (she was either speeding because she was late for work or just happened to be caught going during a red light) so the officers let her go with out a ticket, just a (non literal) slap on the wrist “don’t let it happen again kid”
doesn’t play any music at all
Ichiyo Higuchi:
uhh she’s either driving wildly because she’s trying to help out Akutagawa or decently but parks on curbs/hits others car often 😃😅
forgets to turn on the radio since half the time she’s in the car she’s rushing
yeah I don’t have much to say since she drives pretty okay 👍
Ryūrō Hirotsu:
prefers to walk 100%
doesn’t even know why he has a car
actually yes he does it’s because it’s an old school model he’s had forever and is proud of
so he also doesn’t drive bc he doesn’t wanna scuff it up
would be a good driver if he did tho
will be the driver for other people’s cars tho
Michirō Tachihara:
very impatient
especially since most the time he’s trying to get to work
im ngl he’s probably made his car fly to work one day since he can control metal
maybe Chuuya has done that too…..definitely.
honks the horn like crazy 😭
tries to tone it down if one of his superiors are with him tho, like Kōyō, Hirotsu or Mori
Sakunosuke Oda: (Odasaku)
only drives crazy during emergencies
Good luck to whoever is in the car with him at that moment, your getting flung all over the place- seatbelt or not 😂😂
Otherwise you can 100% trust him to drive you around :)
very responsible, turns on his turning signal, stops at even yellow lights and never gets tickets 😊💗
Ango Sakaguchi:
another reliable and responsible one!
except he’s not as bad when it comes to emergencies 😭👍
he drives fast inbetween lights when it comes that kind of thing, like if it’s 3 green lights he’s stepping on the gas, but if there’s a red he’ll speed to that very light 😭
or he’ll just keep going since he’s a officer 🤷‍♀️ I forgot abt that..OOPS
Yukichi Fukuzawa:
really good driver
stops for animals, people, red lights, yellow lights
only downside is he sometimes doesn’t notice the green light
he’s one of those where you have to be like “uhhh the light is green”
Akiko Yosano:
uhhhhhh don’t drive with her
Professional road rager
has a quicker temper with men than women but she’s still speeding past you angrily either way….
only difference is she might hope out to curse out the men if she has the time
gets like 4 tickets a month..😭
Atsushi Nakajima:
he’s getting there! 😃
would drive better if Dazai didn’t keep rushing and distracting him 🤦‍♀️
tries to drive extra safe when Kyouka’s in the car /p (I don’t ship them she’s 14)
has to drive Dazai a lot of the time, and is pretty much the go to pick up guy for Ranpo too
or anyone who needs a ride really, he’s too helpful for his own good because he knows they’re gonna drive them crazy- but helps them out anyway 😅
Doppo Kunikida:
vv good driver 🫡
ultimate best driver passed his driving test with flying colors
Dazai be driving him crazy when he’s in the car with him but it’s okay he can drive with his feet/knees 😭🤷‍♀️
plays soft music from underrated bands
Jun’ichiriō Tanizaki:
uhh Naomi bothers him way too much while he’s in the car
wouldn’t accidentally run so many red lights if it weren’t for her
doesn’t even notice it’s red until she points it out and he’s already passed the stop line
They agree to both pay for the ticket
Kenji Miyazawa:
doesn’t drive
lives walking and would rather to say hi to the citizens everyday
likes to take it slow so he gets up early to walk to work
hes used to it since he’s a farmer 😊
Kyōka Izumi:
knows the basics
will start speeding without warning if you tell her an emergency has happened
hold your horses yall 🗿
mostly let’s Atsushi drive/prefers for him to so she can stare out the window
prefers no music
Osamu Dazai:
don’t even get me started
he only drives regularly when something serious happens
Don’t be fooled he’s certainly going over the speed limit
but he’s not being loud and obnoxious for once
will sing along to songs annoyingly loud and encourages whoever’s in the car to join (only Kenji does, but nobody mind him <3)
accidentally runs a few red lights but at least he’s never ran over anyone (it’s came close….)
Ranpo Edogawa:
doesn’t drive
only hitches rides from others and by others I mean Atsushi
I mean he can he’s just too lazy to and also likes to stare out the window
Wants to be the one in control of the radio despite not being the driver “I’m the worlds greatest detective! And I deduce you should let me choose the station!”
Naomi Tanizaki:
only gets rides from Juni
i feel like she doesn’t have a license yet
she walks to school and rides home with Tanizaki after work
always bugging him while he’s driving
she’s learning to drive from him even tho she doesn’t want to do she could keep hitching rides with him
probably thinking about failing the test on purpose but she realizes she wouldn’t be able to drive him to the hospital/agency if something were to happen..
Kirako Haruno: (office clerk lady)
if something happened to Tanizaki she would be the one to drive Naomi around
just make sure she never tries to drive while drunk…
otherwise a decent driver….probably occasionally pushes yellow lights
only gets a ticket once every 6-7 months or so
safest driver in the lands
yk cuz criminals be the safest drivers so they don’t get pulled over
LOL /j but even if he did the officer would immediately recognize him, apologize and back off
so yeah! Not to say he’s recklessly but he can definitely get away with running red lights :P
Bram Stoker:
um…..I actually don’t know why I put him here
would obviously hitch rides untilll…ifykyk 😊
but even then driving a car would be way too complex for him to even WANT to learn to do….
Fyodor Dostoevsky:
Okay now the actually criminally safe driver is him (PUN INTENDED LOL)
could probably use his intellect to get out of getting a ticket anyway
knows all the laws and has the memorized somehow and will probably outsmart the officer
doesn’t drive unless needed tho
Nikolai Gogol:
what does HE need to drive for?! 😭
bro just use your cape!
anyway he’d probably only do so if his goal required it or fun to run people over and set them free 🫡🕊️
another one who doesn’t drive
Sigma: (male alpha giga chad 🙂)
Can I get a moment of silence for sitting here and taking the time out of my day to write all them COMPLICATED AHH NAMES⁉️🗣️
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much ado about nothing chapter 5 - plug!eren x reader - 18+!!!
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DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. minors and ageless blogs, please do not read below the cut.
i have successfully kicked my writer's block to the curb and am ready to pick back up on plug!eren!!!! woohoo!! this is the part of the story where it gets really plot heavy and there's a lot of moving parts, so it's been a fun exercise to write and brainstorm. if anything is confusing or u have any theories/questions PLEASE hit my inbox i'm so down bad for plug eren i could talk about him for days.
get ready to meet a new character who is......not the best lol. this is also the first chapter written in eren's pov :o things are about to get interesting!
still haven't caught up? series masterlist HERE <3
specific cws: mentions of smut but nothing outright, alcohol use, swearing, u know the drill
“If music be the food of love, play on. / Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, / The appetite may sicken and so die.” - Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare (Act I, Scene 1)
Eren is, admittedly, a romantic person, especially given his occupation. Not romantic in the cheesy, buying-flowers and kissing-in-the-rain sense, but he appreciates the little details of life. He loves autumn, when the leaves catch on fire with the changing of the season. He loves the little crook of a woman’s neck, that slope where it goes from tendon to shoulder to collarbone. He can appreciate a good bourbon; after years of raiding his dad’s stash, he developed a palate for it early on. Eren’s romantic nature leads him to believe in signs. When the universe tells him something, he listens.
The text still sat in his inbox unopened, marinating in its own bizarre, heartbreaking nature.
> heyyyy lover boy! i’m back from austria! missed u, let’s catch up ;)
Eren knows that Breeze knows him, knows him well enough to understand that his three-week radio silence isn’t a no, it’s a maybe. He hates himself for not immediately texting her back and telling her to fuck off, but after his conversation with you, he thinks it might be the universe telling him it’s safe this time, that he won’t end up a shell of himself. Maybe.
You had been firm in your assertion that you and Eren were better off as friends, and as much as he wanted to fight it, Eren respects women. As much as he can when he’s prone to wrenching their jaws open and spitting in their mouths while he’s balls deep inside them, at least. He’s disappointed, but he respects it, and if he’s honest, he likes you.
He likes your sharp humor, likes the way you tend to keep your hair up off of your neck, likes the way your eyes light up when someone gives you an excuse to talk about your studies. He hasn’t been “just friends” with a woman in a long time, but it’s refreshing, an excuse to go grab a coffee and shoot the shit like a normal person instead of lurking in the corner of a frat party handing out pills like a perverse ice cream truck.
The last three weeks of “friends” have been the best Eren’s had in a long time. You’re easy, that’s what he likes about you. He can drop the cold mask he wears so often, giggle over a stupid meme, listen intently as you prattle on about some long-dead 18th-century author that was “so ahead of her time!”, smirk when you chastise him for doodling little hearts and flowers all over your coursework.
Sure, he still steals a glance down your shirt when he can, and he’d never admit it, but he thinks about you late at night. He thinks about you when he’s in the shower, when he’s got himself in his hand, panting and swearing under his breath, but he manages to feel enough guilt over it to still consider you a friend. You’re caring and considerate and easy, wholesome fun, unlike someone that’s made a sudden reappearance into his life.
After that first night, just when he was starting to entertain the thought of promoting you from one night stand to official fuck buddy, the closest thing to commitment Eren allows himself to maintain these days, Breeze swept back into his life, and you hit the brakes on him. While it may not have been the sign he wanted to receive, Eren’s a romantic, and he listens to the universe, especially when it goes so far out of its way to tell him something.
He’s decided to let Breeze stew for a little while longer. Campus will be clearing out for Thanksgiving break soon, along with most of his business, and he’s going to wait until his hands are empty of work and you before answering her. Plus, she had flitted off to Europe after college like their entire relationship had been nothing more than a passing phase; Eren’s owed at least a little bit of pettiness, right?
> paradise ath 1130! see uthere ;)
Eren snorts at your text. Being as uptight as you are about grammar (you’re constantly hounding him about his texting style, and he’s been making them even more incorrect just to hear you berate him), he knows you’re not just texting quickly, you’re drunk.
“Yo, ‘min!” Eren calls into the kitchen, an excited flutter already rising in his chest beneath his hoodie.
“Yeah?” Armin’s head pops around the doorframe, a dab of ketchup on the corner of his mouth.
“Wanna go to Paradise later?”
“The club?” Armin’s nose wrinkles. Connie’s head appears right beside Armin, a wide grin splitting his face.
“Oh, hell yeah,” Connie answers for both of them before Armin has the chance to shoot the idea down, “who’s going?”
“Like you don’t know the answer to that,” Armin scoffs, ducking back into the kitchen with a roll of his eyes.
“I never took her for a ‘club’ type of girl,” Connie adds air-quotes to emphasize his confusion.
Eren mulls that over for a moment; he doesn’t really take you for a club type of girl either, but from the sound of it, Historia and Sasha have already done the job of getting you good and drunk and talking you into a night on the town. Eren’s always wanted to see what you’re like when you’re well and truly fucked up; every time you indulge him with a story from college, he ends up laughing so hard he’s clutching his stomach and gasping for breath.
Supposedly, when you go all out, you drop the mom-friend act and become a little less tame; is this Eren’s opportunity to get an eyeful for himself? He’s not waiting around to find out.
Eren shrugs. “Come help me make these runs and we’ll go. Armin, you’re driving.”
The drop-offs are uneventful, and as soon as Eren steps foot inside the club, his nose scrunches with distaste. Ironically, he’s never been into the partying scene, much preferring a quiet beer at Scout’s or a blunt on the couch to a club. The music’s horribly loud, bass thudding through the fabric of his hoodie and beating against his chest, and as he looks for you, he can barely see through the mass of bodies and the fog machines. You’re here? It’s difficult for Eren to imagine you, in your favorite flannel and those cute little Vans he likes, tucked against the bar throwing back your signature craft beer. As Connie urges him and Armin in the direction of the bar, calling for green tea shots, Eren nearly regrets his decision, until fingernails dig into his shoulder, spinning him on his heels.
“Hey, you.”
Eren blinks stupidly as you grin up at him through thick, black lashes. He’s never even dared to imagine you like you are now, piercing eyes gazing up at him through a heavy dusting of makeup and the shortest, tightest dress Eren’s ever seen hugging every inch of your curves. You look sinful in a way he’s never seen you before, not even when he was holding you tight to him and wrenching out orgasm after orgasm from your body. He gulps.
“Holy shit– hey,” he lets you pull him in for an overexcited hug, bites down on the inside of his cheek to distract himself from the bulge already swelling in his pants.
“I missed you!” You pinch his cheeks, much to Eren’s dismay.
“Just saw you yesterday– quit pinchin’ me. What are you even doing here? Didn’t think this was your scene.” Eren has to actively keep his eyes trained on your face; there’s a little bead of sweat traveling down the expanse of skin between your breasts that’s making his mouth water. Friends, he scoffs in his mind. Are you trying to kill him?
“Well, it’s not, but Sasha says I need to be more fun, and Stor says I need to find a boyfriend.” You gesture around like it’s obvious. Eren cocks an eyebrow, ignoring the inappropriate envy that twists in his stomach at the mention of the word ‘boyfriend’.
Boyfriends never like the guy friends, it’s practically a law of nature. If you’re dating around, it’s only a matter of time before some square in a button-down steals you away from your coffee dates and movie nights with Eren, but he can’t get too caught up in that now, not when you’re looking up at him all dizzy and sexy and bursting at the seams.
“Don’t know if this is the place for that.”
“That’s what I said!” Oh, you’re drunk drunk, all of your movements overexaggerated and shaky. It makes him want to laugh seeing you like this; his little book nerd, trashed and mere inches away from having her ass out at a club. Well, either laugh or drag you into the bathroom to bend you over the sink. He can’t be sure.
“Hey mama!” Connie shouts over at you, handing you a shot. Eren has half a mind to snatch it out of his hand after catching the slurring in your voice, but he’s too late; you throw it back without so much as a shudder, grinning all wide and wet and pretty when you swallow.
“I didn’t think you’d actually show up,” you tell him, pulling him down by his collar so you can speak into his ear. Eren has to bite back a groan at the feel of your hot lips against his ear. Friends, he reminds himself urgently, pushing you back from him but keeping his hands firm on your hips, relishing in the way your flesh gives under his grip.
“You know the rules. You call, I come.”
“That’s what she said,” you snicker, pinching his cheek again.
“Cut that out!”
“Make me.” Oh fuck, Eren’s going to die. He’s going to die if you keep looking at him like that, bottom lip tucked between your teeth and fuck-me eyes on him.
“You’re not being very friendly,” he manages to choke out, trying his hardest to give you a suspicious look through the dizzying wave of images that flash through his brain. You with your mouth full of him. You spread out on his bed, back arched and fingers twisted in his hair. The little “o” your mouth made when you rode him for the first time. Eren wants to smack himself, jump in a cold shower, something. Get a grip, dude.
“Maybe not,” you shrug, eyes darting over to the bar. “Hurry up and grab a drink, I wanna dance.”
“Not much of a dancer,” Eren admits, taking the beer that Connie hands him.
“Don’t worry, I’ll do all the work.”
Eren isn’t sure if he likes or loves the sound of that, powerless against that stupid little dress you’ve got on as you drag him behind you to the mass of bodies he had so disdainfully eyed on his way in. He’s greeted by a loud round of shrieking, one more pinch to the cheek by Historia and a slap on the ass from Sasha. You make a show of teasing him for how pink his face gets, but luckily, your friends are instantly distracted by Armin and Connie’s arrival right behind him. You pull him back down, glossy lips pressed right against his ear.
“I really like this song.” You’re barely audible over the pounding music, but even if Eren hadn’t heard what you said, he’d get the gist from the way you grind against his thigh, slow and sensual. Maybe you are actually trying to kill him.
“Yeah?” He’s breathless, irreparably and embarrassingly caught in the little web you’ve woven.
“Yeah.” You’re moving harder against him now, throwing your arms around his neck and grinding your hips into his. Eren’s only thought is to let his hands fly back to your hips, let you use him like a stripper pole to show off.
He can feel eyes on him, not the eyes of friends, but of other men around him, wondering who the lucky asshole is that’s getting the royal treatment from a girl as hot as you. If he were to be truthful, it’s getting him off, how every eye is on you and, by proxy, him, holding you like a lifeline as you let the beat rock through your body.
So this, this is the party girl you claim to have living deep inside you. This seductive, electric creature moving tantalizing against his body, this is the source of the stories Historia tells him that make you blush? How you could ever be embarrassed of this is beyond him; you’re like a little devil, sent straight from hell just to torture him, and Eren’s mouth is watering.
Song after song goes by, and you don’t let up, don’t let him catch his breath for a moment, moving from facing him to pressing your ass into his crotch and then back again, arms above your head or wrapped around his neck. Eren wishes he was mentally sound enough at the moment to feel ashamed that you can absolutely feel how hard he is through his pants right now, but he’s drunk on you, letting you press into him so insistently he has to tug your dress down for you, letting you drive him so crazy that he’s grateful for the loud music now. He’d die if Connie or Armin could hear the way he’s grunting and groaning low under his breath, powerless underneath you.
Suddenly, as if you haven’t just been riling him up for the last half hour, you back away enough to face him, shaking your empty cup and him and mouthing something that Eren’s still too dizzy to make out.
“Get me another drink!” you shout over the bass, laughing at him.
Eren nods stupidly, darting away from you before he can grab your jaw, pull your lips to his like he so desperately wants to. Finally out of the throng of bodies, he can feel his head clearing, some semblance of sanity crashing over him. What the fuck has gotten into him? It was just one night, and you’ve kept him at arm’s length ever since, only seeing each other under the guise of coffee, or a beer, or Eren insisting you need to continue your education in the wonders of horror films. You’re drunk, that’s the only explanation; drunk and teasing him like you aren’t going to wake up and throw him right back into the friendzone. He rests both elbows on the bar, shaking his head like he’ll be able to knock some sense into himself if he rattles his brain around a little.
Eren orders your vodka soda and a beer and a shot for himself, something to clear his head and keep his blood pressure manageable. Hopefully, at least.
When he turns around, drinks in hand, that plan flies out the door. There you are, center of the dance floor, hands above your head and hips moving like you’re intentionally trying to make him lose his fucking mind. He tilts his head in interest when a man approaches you, grazes his hands over your hips like he means to start grinding against you. Eren can feel his own hands tightening around the bottle and the plastic cup in his hand, but he holds himself back; he’s got no claim on you, and if you’re willing to entertain the man (who, if you ask Eren, is way below your standards), who is Eren to stop you?
You surprise him in the best way: when the man touches you lightly, you whip around, brows furrowed and a little glitter in your eyes so mean that even Eren nearly flinches. He can’t read your lips in the low light, but he snorts to himself anyway as the man puts his hands up and backs away from you, eyes wide. As if nothing had happened, you spin back on your heel, facing a cackling Sasha with a shrug.
Eren feels a wide, proud smile blooming on his face. As much as he feels an unwarranted protectiveness towards you, he likes watching you get your teeth out and stand up for yourself. Before he can make his way back over to tease you, a voice from his left makes his blood run cold.
Two thin arms are tossed around his neck before Eren can even respond, the familiar scent of vanilla and coconut enveloping him.
“Breeze?” Eren chokes out, too shocked to keep his composure. She pulls away from him and grins, a little diamond glittering from her right canine tooth.
“You didn’t text me back, you tease,” she swats at his chest, snags the vodka soda he’d bought for you right out of his hand, taking a sip. Eren takes the opportunity to swallow hard around the lump in his throat, one last tentative glance towards you before he turns his gaze back to Breeze.
She’s cut her hair, something short and choppy that swings around her ears, and fuck, she’s still just as pretty as he remembers, little freckles on her button nose visible in the darkness of the club.
“Didn’t think you wanted to see me,” Eren shrugs, forcing his face to remain schooled into one of cold apathy. She had left him, like he was nothing to her. He hates her, he realizes, god, he hates her so much it burns in his veins. Breeze cocks her head, frowning.
“Why would you think that?”
“You fucking left me, Breeze, don’t be stupid,” Eren makes a move to steal the drink back from her, but she holds it close enough to her chest that he’d have to practically grope her to take it, and his fingers recoil at the realization.
“Are you double-fisting, or did you buy this for someone special?” She teases, brushing right over Eren’s bristly demeanor. When he doesn’t answer, she raises her eyebrows. “It’s for someone. Well, point her out! Is she cute?”
Breeze turns on her heel, standing on her tiptoes to glance through the crowd. Before he can stop himself, Eren’s grabbing her upper arm, spinning her back to face him with anger blazing in his eyes. When he meets her gaze, her baby blues are alight with mischief, and he knows that no matter which direction he moves, he’s losing whatever little game she has him trapped in. That was the thing about Breeze; Eren was always losing her games.
“Fuck, just…just stop it, Breeze. What are you even doing here?”
“I’m back in town, didn’t you see my text?” Breeze shrugs innocently, sipping your drink.
“Okay, well, welcome back,” Eren deadpans, leaving her question hanging in the air between them. He turns back to the bar to order another cocktail for you, having given up hope of getting the first one back from Breeze, but she’s relentless, has always been that way. She slides up to the bar beside him, smiling demurely up at him.
“I missed you, you know.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed,” Eren scoffs, rolling his eyes. Breeze flinches, but Eren knows her better than that. It’s all an act, it always is.
“I never realized how much I hurt you,” her fingers grazing over his cheek nearly burn with how cold they are in contrast to the heavy, thick air around them, “‘m sorry, Rennie.”
“It’s fine.” Eren hates the way he twitches and nearly leans into her touch when she swipes her fingers over him. How many times has he thought about this, seeing her again after all these years? Everything he’s planned out, everything he’s ever wanted to say is lodged in his throat, a jumble of letters and words so squished out of order that they no longer hold meaning. He doesn’t love her, not anymore, but his body reacts before his brain can stop it, a conditioned response.
“Can we talk about it soon? Maybe over coffee?” Blue eyes blinking up at him earnestly.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Breeze,” Eren rolls his eyes, swallowing thick around the knot in his throat.
“There is,” she insists, “I brought this amazing espresso blend back with me from Florence, and–”
“If I say yes, will you leave me alone for tonight?” Eren can feel the exasperation in his tone, can feel the weight of his mistake weighing on his shoulders. It’s fine, he tells himself, he’ll make up some excuse and get out of it. A long conversation with Breeze about their breakup is the last thing he needs.
“Maybe,” Breeze tucks her lip in between her teeth, a little smile playing at the corner of her mouth, “unless you change your mind.”
“We can talk or whatever another time, but I’m going back to my friends, okay? Go find yours.”
“You’re my friend,” Breeze purrs, one hand stroking over Eren’s bicep, “and I haven’ seen you int–”
“Don’t push it,” Eren nearly growls, scowling down at her. He knows half of the hatred buzzing through his veins is reserved for himself, but he’ll unpack that at home with a blunt, not in the middle of the club with you waiting for him on the dance floor and Breeze staring up at him hungrily.
“Always wound so tight,” Breeze hums, reaching a hand up to squish his cheeks, “but fine. I’ll see you soon.”
She miraculously leaves him there with nothing but a wink, taking your vodka soda with her; Eren’s shoulders slump in relief. Knowing Breeze, it was a wonder she hadn’t tackled him right there. When he turns around for the second time, two drinks in hand, you’re already staring at him. Shit.
You don’t look mad– and why would you be? You’re friends, Eren reminds himself. There’s no reason for you to know who Breeze is; he’s never told you about her, and he never planned on doing so. Eren knows Historia, though, well enough to believe that she told you everything from the godforsaken moment he walked into your apartment that day. 
He doesn’t like that look you’ve got, though; again, not mad, but he can see the gears turning behind your eyes. Eren has to practically force himself to walk towards you. Your head’s cocked in confusion, something watery and hesitant glimmering in your eyes through the low lighting. If he didn’t know better, he’d say you almost look hurt, but that wouldn’t be fair, would it? You didn’t want him, you had made that abundantly clear.
“Sorry it took me a while. Long line.” Eren hands you your drink, nearly wincing at how naturally the clearly false statement rolls off his tongue.
“Mhm,” you nod, downing nearly half of your drink in one long slurp. Your movements aren’t fluid and dynamic anymore; you’re stiff as a board, bouncing back and forth on the balls of your feet along to the beat of the song. “I…I actually have to pee, do you mind holding this?”
“Now?” Eren blinks, confused. “I just got your drink.”
You offer him a tight smile. “I wanted to wait ‘til you were back, so you could watch my drink. And so you didn’t think I ran off on you or something.”
“Oh, yeah, go ahead.”
He watches you slink away into the crowd, watches the dozens of eyes follow you, surely wondering what happened to the little firecracker in the middle of the dance floor. Eren knows you get like this sometimes, suddenly pensive and nostalgic, knows that per your own admission, you like to handle it yourself. He hadn’t done this to you, had he?
A firm pinch to his cheek distracts him, pulls him down a foot below his normal standing height. Could everyone just stop pinching his fucking face? “Shit, ow!”
“Was that Breeze?” Historia yells directly into his ear. Eren, six-foot-something of hell on wheels, blushes furiously.
“Dude, was that fucking Breeze, or am I too fucked up?” Connie echoes Historia’s sentiment from over her shoulder, eyes comically wide. Armin’s peering around him, eyes flitting back and forth between Eren, Connie, and Historia as he tries to understand what’s happened.
“Who cares?” Eren snaps at Connie. Historia’s grip on his face loosens, releases entirely. If Eren didn’t like the look that you had given him, he hates the look Historia’s shooting at him right now. All daggers and disappointment. She turns on her heel without another word, making a beeline for the bathroom and dragging Sasha along behind her. Eren doesn’t miss Armin’s eyes either; stripping him to the bone without saying a word.
“Quit looking at me like that,” Eren scoffs, waves a hand in Armin’s direction.
“When did Breeze get back into town?” Armin shouts over the music.
“A few weeks ago,” Eren admits, avoiding Armin’s eyes and looking for a spot at the bar where he can escape the heavy gazes of his friends, run away to drown this conversation in a shot of whiskey.
“Did you–”
“I don’t know, man, you know how she is. She just showed up.” Eren knows he’s being unnecessarily gruff, but in his defense, the last hour or so has been a whirlwind of memory and emotion and lust that he doesn’t have the capacity to deal with.
Armin nods simply, takes a sip of his beer. Eren’s known Armin since they were kids, and he knows Armin can read him like a book. If he had a little less pride, Eren would pull Armin to the side and ask if he can make any sense of what’s going through Eren’s head right now because Eren sure as hell can’t. There’s you, with your skimpy dress and your flirty eyes, grinding on him like you’re going to take him home and fuck him stupid again, like you hadn’t demanded an honest-to-god friendship that Eren happens to very much enjoy. On the other hand, there’s Breeze, flighty and just as much of a ghost as she is a real person, popping back into his life and batting her blue eyes at him like she’d never left.
You’re his friend, and Breeze is his terrible ex. There shouldn’t be a choice here– there isn’t, it’s just the way things are, but Eren feels stuck at a crossroads for some reason.
He finally gets fed up with the music and the bumping of bodies around him and storms off to the bar again, biting back the urge to snap at Connie and Armin who he knows are hot on his heels. Eren’s just looked up from the shot of whiskey burning its way down his throat, acknowledging the dizziness that’s come with his drinks for the night, when he spots you.
You don’t look angry, that’s a small mercy you unwittingly grant him, but you’re cowering. Historia, even being shorter than you, is practically pinning you to the wall outside of the bathroom, shouting at you with her finger in your face. Sasha doesn’t look all too pleased either, arms crossed and a deep scowl written into her features. Eren gets a glimpse of your phone in Historia’s other hand that she’s waving around erratically, and wonders what the hell happens in women’s bathrooms. He’s not exactly sure what prompts it, but he checks his own phone. Nothing.
“Are they fighting?” Connie asks, nose scrunched as he peeks around Eren’s arm.
“Looks like it,” Armin nods, wincing as you try to make a grab for your phone from Historia, resulting in Sasha saving you at the last second from face-planting as Historia holds it out of your reach.
“Should we, like, do something?”
“Absolutely not,” Armin and Eren echo each other, looking at Connie as if he’d just suggested they all walk into oncoming traffic.
Eren watches as Historia grabs you by the wrist and drags you out of the bar, your feeble protests doing nothing to stop her insistent steps. Sasha follows both of you, gently pushing you along by the small of your back and shooting a regretful glance at Connie, mouthing a sorry as you all make your exit. It’s hardly been five minutes before Eren’s phone buzzes.
> had to leave. do you mind paying our tab if i venmo you? it’s under reiss.
Eren bites the inside of his cheek again, not worrying in the slightest about covering the tab, but more so the reason for your abrupt exit.
> yeah i got u everything ok?
> thanks a ton! see u next time.
It’s purposefully avoidant, especially coming from Historia, who never misses a chance to make fun of you good-naturedly. If you had been sick in the bathroom or far too drunk to stay, she would have come out and said it. Eren throws his card down, going to pay the hefty tab you and your friends racked up, but not daring to pay his own. After all of the shit that’s just gone down, he owes himself at least one more drink.
Once he’s signed, he pulls out his phone again, thumb hovering over your text thread, then Breeze’s, then yours again. Mindful of Armin’s prying eye over his shoulder, Eren sighs heftily and shuts his phone off, leaning in to order another shot. The following morning’s approaching quickly, whether he wants it to or not, and he’ll save his fucked-up emotions for the daylight.
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Saving my Angel
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PAIRING | Chris Evans x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You are in a toxic relationship with your boyfriend, and even though he's always there for you, Chris can't take it much longer to see you like this. When your boyfriend makes you cut all ties to him, Chris will do everything in his power to make sure you'll get safely to the other side.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Major angst, toxic (ex)boyfriend, abusive (ex)boyfriend against Reader, extreme physical violence used against Reader & Chris, swearing, very degrading talk against Reader, multiple badly broken bones.
A/N | This was a very difficult one to write, but I want everyone who is currently going through it to know, that there is help if you need it. You are stronger than you know, and you will get through this! To everyone who has gone through it, I am so sorry that you had to, but I am so proud of you for making it to the other side 🖤
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Chris Evans Masterlist
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''I'm sorry Chris, but I can't do this any longer. I think it's for the best if we don't see each other. If we don't have any contact at all actually,'' you say, tears welling up in your eyes, threatening to spill onto your cheekbones and into your neck. All Chris could do was look at you with a pained look, he was well aware it wasn't your choice to do this, your boyfriend set you up to do this. ''It was an honor to be your friend,'' you say before turning around and walking back to your boyfriend, who was waiting in the car for you to get back. He couldn't believe it, you didn't deserve to be treated like this, nobody did. But especially you, his best friend. The woman he loved more than anyone in this world, you didn't deserve to be treated like trash, because you were the most perfect human being in his eyes. His angel didn't deserve to be treated like that, by someone worth less than nothing.
''I told him, are you happy now?'' you say to Luke, your boyfriend, with a snarky tone. This immediately earned you a slap across your face, making you gasp in both pain and fear. ''Why the fuck do you think you can talk to me like that? You should be thanking me for making you do this, he was trying to take you away from me. And what do I get as a thank you?'' he spat the words out and landed another slap on your face, making the tears that threatened to spill earlier now stream down your face. You didn't want to do this, but he forced you to. He threatened your parents if you didn't do what he said, so you went along with his wishes and told Chris you didn't want to see him anymore. You just ruined a nearly 30-year relationship in a matter of minutes, and that hurt more than anything Luke could ever do to you.
Chris was looking at what happened and saw you getting slapped by the asshole you call your boyfriend. Every bone in his body was aching to do something, but he knew that if he did, he would only make it worse, and he didn't want that to happen to you. He flinched the second time he hit you, and quickly turned around, so he could let his tears flow without anyone seeing. ''I'm so sorry, Angel...'' he whispers to nothing, his tears now falling down his cheeks. ''I'm sorry I couldn't do more to protect you...'' and he sat down on his couch, grabbing his phone, without unlocking it. On his lock screen was a photo of the two of you at the premiere of Captain America: The First Avenger. The two of you looked so incredibly happy in that moment, and he thinks back to all the fond memories you have, like the moments you came to visit him on set whenever you had the chance. All of his costars took an immediate liking to you, just like he had almost 3 decades ago. All of that was gone within a matter of minutes.
Luke quickly pulled the car away from the curb, but that didn't stop you from seeing Chris' face before he left, you saw the hurt in his eyes and knew he witnessed all of it. Your cheek was throbbing and burning from the pain, when you were home you would just get some ice to get the swelling down. ''I can't believe you're such an ungrateful bitch, I just did you a fucking favor!'' he yelled at you, and you looked out your window, not wanting to face him now. You were well aware this couldn't go on any longer this way, but you were also too afraid to do something about it, so you stayed with him to keep him happy. Just like the last 4 years, you stayed with him to make sure he wouldn't hurt you, but it would only get worse and worse.
The relationship started perfectly fine, nothing overly crazy or anything like that. The two of you met at your old job and were working together frequently. During this time, you two grew fond of each other and started a relationship. It seemed like a perfect relationship on the outside, but what no one knew is that after about 6 months, everything completely turned around. He started getting mad faster, swearing more and calling you ungrateful. About 6 more months after that he started to get physically abusive, grabbing your bicep and squeezing if you didn't do what he wanted, hitting you in your face, ribs, on your legs, everywhere he could reach, and eventually that led to getting slapped in the face too. When all that still wasn't enough for him, he made you stop seeing your family and friends, and as a last effort today, he made you stop seeing Chris, the person you leaned on most when it got too much.
Now, you have absolutely nothing left. Nowhere to go, no one to talk to. Luke took everything away from you, and somehow it would never be enough for him. A few tears escape your eyes, and you pray that he won't notice, it would usually end badly for you when he saw you cry after what he did to you. God, you needed Chris now, but that wouldn't be an option anymore. He would be someone in your past now, a chapter you would always look back on with fond memories. But no new ones would be formed, not with him. From now on, he was out of your life, because of your boyfriend's jealousy. Nothing ever happened between you and Chris, but that didn't sink in with him, he was positive you were cheating on him with Chris. But you would never do that to anyone, not even after everything he had done to you.
~ The night Chris came to your rescue ~
''I can't fucking believe you, Y/N, why would you do this to me?!'' Luke yelled at you, for the umpteenth time, yet you didn't know what you did wrong. ''Why the fuck would you go to his house, when I told you you weren't allowed to go there?'' he spat the words in your face, ending it with a hard slap across the face, to emphasize his point. ''I-, I don't know,'' is all you could manage to say before he pulled you up from the couch and squeezed your arm until you could feel the bones in your underarm snap, making you scream out in agony. ''That is what you deserve for being such a whore, you're nothing more than a cheap fucking whore,'' he said with a chuckle and a grin on his face. He was enjoying this way too much. He pushed you away and you fell to the floor, trying to scramble away but there wasn't much space for you to go.
''Where does my fucking whore think she's going? You have nowhere to go, do you? Such a lonely little bitch you are. Good, because you are right where you need to be,'' he said with a layer of disgust laced throughout his words. He wanted you all for himself, do whatever he wanted to you whenever he wanted. When you said no, he had reached his breaking point, and so did most of your bones. He kicked you multiple times in the ribs, and the scream you let out wasn't even human anymore, the sound of more bones cracking ringing through your head. ''I- I'm sorry...'' you said sobbing, feeling pain everywhere at once, barely able to breathe. He wasn't done with you yet and put his foot with a heavy boot on it on your leg, making sure you couldn't walk away from him. When the bone snapped, you screamed another animalistic groan, right before the door was barged in by the police.
Luke tried to run away, but he didn't stand a single chance of going away. When he got dragged away he managed to get in more kick towards you, landing on your jaw, breaking it too. By now, the pain was so overwhelming you were unconscious, but there was a medical team helping you on a gurney, before taking you to the hospital. The police found your wallet and your ID, making sure they knew who they were bringing into the hospital. The ride there wasn't pretty, you lost a lot of blood, and all of the breaks were very nasty. At the hospital, you were immediately rushed into emergency surgery, so they could get you fixed up as much as would be possible at that point, but they already knew you were going to need multiple surgeries. One of the nurses called your emergency contact, and that person was at the hospital in less than 20 minutes. Chris would always show up when you needed him most.
''My name is Chris Evans, I'm here for Y/N Y/L/N, I got called because I'm her emergency contact,'' he tells the man behind the front desk, and he looks up some information. ''She's in surgery right now, but you can wait in the waiting room. As soon as we have more information, a doctor will come and find you,'' he said, pointing him towards the waiting area of the emergency room. The first surgery took about 6 hours and didn't exactly go according to plan, you coded a few times and lost a lot of blood, but for now, you were stable and alive. That's all Chris could care about right now, he wanted his Angel to be alive. When the doctor told him what had happened, and how you were doing, he couldn't help but start crying. By the time you were back in your room and settled for a little bit, he was allowed in and he started sobbing next to you. ''Oh my fucking god, Angel, what did he do to you?!'' he said between sobs, taking your hand softly into his, giving it a soft kiss to show him you were safe now, he was with you.
When you were finally coming back to consciousness, Chris was sleeping by your side, so you squeezed his hand a little to show him you were awake. He didn't sleep all that deep, so he woke up almost instantly. ''Angel, you're alive...'' is all he could get out before tears were streaming down his face out of pure relief. He was extremely grateful his Angel was still alive, his best friend made it to the other side. ''I came as soon as they called me, Luke is currently locked up. Your neighbors called the cops and I'm glad they did, otherwise, I might not have you here right now,'' he explained. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, you were eternally grateful for your neighbors, that they dared to call even though they were well aware of what Luke was capable of. You tried to talk but you had your mouth wired shut, to help your broken jaw.
''Don't talk Angel, they had to wire your jaw shut, he broke your bottom jaw, so for it to heal properly they had to do that. You also have both the bones in your right lower arm broken, as well as 5 ribs, and your tibia is broken too. He did a number on you this time, and I wish I was there to stop him this time...'' he said, but all you could do is put your hand on his and look at him. You wanted to tell him you would be okay, you wanted to tell him how much you love him, but he knew. Chris knew damn well how you felt about him. ''I love you, Angel, I always have and always will,'' he said before getting up and placing a small kiss on your forehead, signifying to you that it will be okay now that he's here with you. ''When you're allowed to go home, I will take you to my house, so you can recover with both me and Dodger. You don't ever have to go back to your apartment, I promise,'' he said. But he knew it was one he wouldn't be able to keep, not as long as Luke would be free once more.
After a week in the hospital, you were finally allowed to go home, after being carefully instructed how to take care of yourself, but it would be Chris who would be doing most of the caring for you. ''Ready to go home, Angel?'' he asks and gives you a look full of adoration, proud of how well you're doing in your recovery so far. You nod slowly and Chris pushes your wheelchair out of the room and thanks all the nurses for the good care they gave you. When he wheeled you out of the hospital, you got tears in your eyes, the realization of what happened finally dawning on you a little bit. Chris notices you tensing up a little, and puts his hand on your shoulder, showing you he's still there. This simple gesture makes you lose the battle against your tears as they slowly slide down your face and onto your neck. He keeps walking you to his car, when you're there he places the wheelchair in such a way that he can help you get in.
When the wheelchair is on its brakes, Chris opened the car door and went to your side, going to pick you up. ''I'm so sorry Angel, but I'm going to have to pick you up and it's probably going to hurt. Try and hook your arm around my neck and I'll try to be as careful as possible,'' and he wasn't lying. It did hurt, making you whine out pretty loud at the pain, and your face scrunches at the feeling of his arms on your body. ''I'm so so sorry, I am...'' he said when he put you down. When you were buckled in he started folding the wheelchair and put it in the trunk of his car, so you could use it again at home whenever you needed it. When he sat down at the driver's side of the car, he looked at you and you were just looking out your window, not wanting to be reminded what happened, but you wouldn't be able to escape it. You would never be able to escape what Luke did to you. Chris drove the both of you to his house and helped you out of his car and into your wheelchair. At this moment you were extremely grateful his house didn't have steps in front of his door, unlike yours. He could just wheel you into the house.
''Hey Dodger, we have to be very careful with Y/N for a while, buddy!'' he said as the dog came running up to them, shortly followed by Scott, who has been taking care of him for the last week when Chris was with you in the hospital. ''Oh fuck, it's even worse than I thought...'' Scott whispered when he saw you, and you saw the pained look on his face. All you did was nod a little, you couldn't do much else. Dodger walked slowly up to you and wanted to get some love, so you extended the hand that you could still use, softly petting him on his head. You were grateful for all three of the boys currently standing around you, wanting to help you wherever they could. ''I got it from here, Scott,'' Chris said and he said goodbye to his brother, thanking him again for looking after Dodger. He wished you a good recovery before walking out the door. ''I had Scott set up a bed in the living room, so you don't have to go up and down the stairs to sleep,'' he said, wheeling you to it. You signaled you wanted to lay down for a while, and he softly helped you into the bed, pulling on his sleeve notifying you wanted Chris to lay with you for a while and soon Dodger joined as well. You hadn't slept so well in years as you did now.
~ The night something shifted within you ~
''Luke?'' you started, asking for your boyfriend's attention. He hummed notifying me he was listening. ''Ava just asked if I wanted to go to the club with her and Isabelle,'' you say, showing him the message she just send you. ''Can I go?'' you ask, feeling stupid about the fact that you asked him permission to do something, but you didn't want to not do it, the consequences would be worse than the last time you ended up in the hospital. ''Where are you going? And who else is coming?'' he asked, always wanting to know where you were and with who. Sometimes he'd even show up unannounced to make sure you weren't lying to him. You never were, but it still made you feel very worthless some nights. As if you couldn't take care of yourself, but he always argued he did it for your safety, ''I'm just looking out for you sweetheart, it's for your own good,'' he would say. And at some point, you almost started to believe him. Almost. ''We're going to Joe's Pub, and I'll just be going with Ava and Isabelle. We're going for a few drinks, nothing more. I'll be home before midnight,'' you say to him. ''Okay, you can go, but you better not be meeting someone else while you're out there!'' he said with some anger laced in his voice.
You texted them you were in, and changed into a dress you knew Luke would approve of, he bought it for you after all. You picked out your floral, short sleeve dress and paired it with a pair of black Converse, simple jewelry, and minimal make-up. You looked perfectly fine for a few drinks with friends, and you showed your outfit to Luke, who approved. ''Looking beautiful, sweetheart,'' he said as he gave you a soft kiss on the lips. You didn't kiss him back, but he didn't seem to notice. Ever since he picked you up from Chris' house a year ago, it hadn't been the same between the two of you. Both Chris and Luke got into a huge argument, and it turned physical when Luke swung his fist toward Chris. Luckily you were able to pull the pair apart, but not without getting a few more punches yourself in the process. After this, you went with Luke, since you didn't have a choice. You didn't want him to hurt you, but even more, you didn't want Chris to get hurt. You had convinced yourself you deserved everything he did to you, but not Chris. He didn't need to be dragged into this.
When it was time to go out the door and towards Joe's Pub, you called an Uber and Luke walked to the car with you, making sure the Uber Driver is taking you where you said you were going. But he already knew you were going to check up on you later, he didn't trust you not to go meet with another guy when you're there. ''Have fun sweetheart, and don't drink too much!'' he said in a mocking tone before the Uber drove off. It was a short ride to the pub, and once you arrived you found both Ava and Isabelle already there. You hugged them, happy to see both of them again after not being outside the house alone for a few months. Usually, Luke came everywhere with you, never letting you go nowadays, so you were glad he did let you go alone, although you had the suspicion he would turn up later tonight like he used to do. You got drinks for all three of you and when you were waiting at the bar, you heard a familiar voice behind you.
''Looking gorgeous tonight, Angel!'' Chris said with a deep voice and you quickly turned around to face him. You extended your arms to hug him, and he happily hugged you back, you haven't seen him in a while since he was away to film another movie for a couple of months. ''Oh my god, you're back!'' you say excitedly and can't believe he's here, right now with you. ''How was filming?'' you ask and he tells you it went well, but it wasn't the same without you there on set. ''Everyone on set missed you, you know. They asked if you would be coming to visit, but I told them you were busy with work...'' he said, and you heard the sadness in his voice. Usually, you loved to come to visit him and his friends on set, especially when he was filming Marvel movies. ''I'm sorry, I couldn't-'' is all you said, but he knew what you were going to say. Luke wouldn't have allowed you to see him on set. Chris was well aware of the way he thought about him, especially since the night the two of them had the fight when he came to get you from his house. ''It's okay, angel. It isn't your fault,'' he said.
''Put her drinks on my tab, please,'' he told the bartender when you were going to pay for them. ''Chris, you don't have to do that!'' you said, but he didn't want to hear it. ''It's my treat, to celebrate your night out without him for once,'' he said with a wink. You thank him and walked back to your friends, who were looking with slack jaws at the fact that you just hugged Chris fucking Evans. ''DID YOU JUST-'' ''YOU KNOW CHRIS EVANS?!'' they both said at the same time. You have told them about your friend named Chris, just never that it was him. You were used to the fact that he was famous, but you knew him since you were kids, so it wasn't weird for you. ''Oh yeah. I'm used to it, I've known him since we were kids,'' you said and shrugged it off. The girls, however, would not let it go. ''Could you maybe introduce us to him? Can we ask him for an autograph or a selfie?'' They asked both very excited. This is something you would never get used to however, this is exactly why you didn't tell them you were friends with him. With a sigh, you told them you would see what you could do, and you looked around the pub trying to find him.
Eventually, you found him in the back of the pub at a table with Scott, Carly, and Shanna, which you all haven't seen in forever. When Chris saw you he immediately waved you over to the table. ''Oh my god you guys, I missed you all so much!'' you exclaimed when you saw his siblings and there were a lot of hugs exchanged. Scott hugged you just a little tighter and longer, especially after seeing what Luke had done after you came back from the hospital. ''It's good to see you again, Squeak,'' and you heard the worry throughout his voice. ''Scott, I'm okay, I promise,'' you said before letting go. ''Did you want to join us? You're more than welcome to, you know,'' Chris offered, but you said you were here with your friends. ''Speaking of them, they wanted to know if I could ask you for a favor, but it's okay if you say no. They want to know if they could maybe get a selfie with you or an autograph since they found out I'm friends with you,'' you said, a little bit of outrage through your tone. You hated asking this of him, but you also probably knew he would say yes. ''Of course Angel, anything for you,'' he said and he got up. ''I promise I'll bring him back to you soon. It was nice seeing you all again,'' you said before walking after Chris.
He found your friends and you practically saw them melt right then and there when he talked to them. He took a selfie with both of them and he signed both their phone cases, after getting a sharpie from the bartender. ''Thank you so much, you're amazing!'' they said at the same time, and you couldn't help but laugh at it. ''I'll see you later, Angel,'' Chris said and kissed you on the cheek, but he would regret that immediately. ''WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH MY GIRL? Didn't I tell you to stay the fuck away from her, you asshole?!'' Luke said before shoving Chris away from you. ''Luke, don't-'' is all you said before he slapped you square across the face, and this made Chris see white, instantly swinging himself towards Luke, and punching him wherever he could reach. The fight really got out of hand and Scott finally managed to pull Chris off of Luke with 2 bartenders, and Luke was pulled away by 3 other customers. The last bartender called 911, saying they needed police and an ambulance over at the bar. When they arrived both Luke and Chris were taken into police custody, but released soon after.
Tonight's events shifted something inside you, you had the realization this couldn't go on like this any longer. ''What the fuck were you thinking?!'' you yelled at Luke and started crying, you couldn't believe he is such a horrible person. You found a glass vase and threw it at his head, you were so angry you didn't care anymore. This was a huge mistake, since Luke grabbed your arm and broke the bones again, just like the last time, but he didn't let you go to the hospital. He made you swear right then and there that you would break every form of contact with Chris. ''I can't fucking believe you would cheat on me with that asshole,'' he said, but you didn't have it in you to argue anymore. ''I'm sorry,'' is all you could get out, sounding broken. You didn't have it in you to fight, so you decided to do whatever he wanted, so you wouldn't get hurt again. When he took you to Chris' house a few days later, you walked to his door with lead in your shoes. You knew you were going to throw away a 30-year friendship over a toxic relationship. And even though you knew how wrong it was, you couldn't stop yourself, he would kill you if you did.
~ The night you won the battle ~
Not being able to talk to Chris was killing you inside. Luke made you block his phone number, and his e-mail account, and you had to block him on every single social media account you had. Everywhere you went, Luke went with you. You had to start working from home because you couldn't hide your bruises, your wounds, and your broken bones from your colleagues. This meant you were completely cooped up in your apartment every second and every minute of every day. Even though you did exactly what Luke wanted you to, it still wasn't enough, and you just couldn't give anymore. Your breaking point was officially reached after 5 years of this abuse. After not speaking to or seeing Chris for over a year. You knew he wouldn't forget about you, just like you never forgot him, but it still hurts that you dragged him into your mess. And you were both paying for it. Because Chris never stopped looking out for you, even though he didn't get to see you anymore. He knew you went to your mailbox every single afternoon at the same time now, and he slipped a letter in there one day. Don't let him find this is all it said on the front in Chris' handwriting, and you hid the letter when you walked back up to the apartment. You handed him all the letters, so he could see who you received letters from and about what.
That night, when you went to the bathroom when Luke was watching tv, you found the letter that you hid on your bedside table, where he wouldn't find it. You softly opened it, and when you saw the words on the page, you couldn't stop the tears from falling.
My Angel,
I want to let you know that I miss you deeply, not being able to talk to you hurts me so much. I miss your smile, your laugh, and the way the lines around your eyes crinkle every time you laugh at one of my stupid jokes. I miss your hugs, I miss your voice, and I miss the way you can make me laugh without even trying. But most of all, I miss your love. I miss you, Angel. I want you to know that I am doing in my power to get you out of the situation you're in because this isn't healthy for you. You never deserved to be treated like this.
On the bottom of this letter is a phone number I want you to rip off and remember. If you ever get the chance to call it, I will be there to answer it, no matter what. It is specially reserved for you, so I will be there whenever you need me. I will come and save you, no matter where I am or what time it is. I love you, and I will always be there for you.
For now, I need you to hold on just a little longer. I miss you, and I will see you soon again, my Angel.
Your Bubba.
Knowing that Chris would still want to help you no matter what gave you the strength to stand up to Luke once and for all. You ripped the letter up in small pieces and flushed it down the toilet so Luke would never find it, and you walked into the living room, ready to confront him. ''This needs to stop,'' you say and gesture between you and him. ''What the fuck are you talking about?'' he sneered at you. ''The way you treat me, Luke. This is stopping now because I'm not a fucking toy you can play with when it suits you, and throw me away when you're done with me,'' and it felt so good to finally tell him how you feel. All of these years you pushed it away, but Chris' letter made you snap out of it. You were stupid for going along with it all this time. All the pain, all the broken bones, all the violence, and the isolation. That was the worst of it all. ''You fucking hurt me every chance you got, and it has to stop!'' you yell at him and tears start to flow. ''I never deserved to be treated like this, hell, you never even deserved ME,'' you spat out as you started throwing stuff at his head. All your anger coming out all at once.
When you heard sirens coming closer, you knew your neighbors called the cops again, and you were thankful, because you don't know how much longer you could do this. But something inside you had shifted a long time ago, and it would finally be over. You would be free, and the thought of that is what kept you going. The thought of seeing Chris again is what kept you going all this time. ''You're such a stupid bitch, you know that?'' Luke said laughing and he launched himself towards you, but he didn't get far before the police kicked down the door and got a hold of him. When they got him you sank to your knees, sobbing uncontrollably at the fact that it is finally over. This chapter in your life is finally done. You were officially free, and you couldn't believe it. It was still so unreal, but you couldn't stop sobbing right now. When a female police officer sat down next to you, you leaned into her and she softly held you in her arms, letting you get out every single emotion you need to. ''C-Can I b-borrow your p-phone? I- I need to call s-someone,'' you stutter out and she agreed.
Quickly you punched in the number Chris gave you, and within 3 rings he picked up. ''Angel, are you okay?'' Chris said worried. ''It's over, Bubba, he's gone,'' is all you said before you burst out in uncontrollable sobs again. Chris was currently away to film another movie in LA, but that didn't matter. You needed him most, so he took the first flight out to Boston, to you. When the police officers left, your neighbors - Max and Stella - took you in, and took care of you after everything. They called the cops, and have always been there for you. ''We're so sorry all of this happened, Y/N. You never deserved any of it,'' Max said, while Stella was soothing you. For the past few days, you never stopped crying, even though the police updated you and said Luke would be going to prison for good. You were incredibly relieved, but the one thing that was still missing was your best friend. He was all you needed right now. Not even 24 hours later, he stood in front of your door, knocking on it.
''Angel, are you in there? Are you safe?'' he kept banging on the door, and Stella went to him. ''I assume you're here for Y/N?'' she asked. ''Do you know where she is?'' he asked, tears welling up in his eyes. ''She's safe, and she is with us. We live next door, we were the ones to call the cops a few nights ago and she has been staying with us ever since,'' she explained, and Chris let out a huge sigh of relief. ''Can I see her...?'' he asked, and she led him to their apartment. ''Y/N? There is someone here to see you,'' is all she said, and Chris stepped out from behind her. ''Bubba? You came...?'' you said, tears still flowing down your cheeks at a steady pace. ''You called, so, of course, I'm here. I'm here to save my Angel as I promised,'' and you quickly ran to him and into his arms, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. ''I- I-'' is what you could say, but Chris knew exactly what you were going to say. ''You don't need to apologize, Angel, you're safe with me now. It's not your fault, I promise,'' he said and the two of you stood there for a good while, but neither Max nor Stella minded. They saw how much you needed him, and they let the two of you be.
''Did you want to stay here, or do you want to stay at my place?'' Chris asked you. ''As much as I love it here, I think I'm gonna stay with you for a while,'' you said with a little smile, you already felt like enough of a bother towards Max and Stella the last few days. ''I can not thank both of you enough for taking me in and taking care of me. I am deeply grateful for both of you and even though I probably won't see you guys again, I want you to know that it meant the world to have you two as my neighbors,'' you said and gave each one of them a big hug as a thank you. ''We understand, Y/N, we're just glad you finally got out of that place,'' Max said, and after saying your last goodbyes, you went back to your apartment to get most of your clothing and other important stuff, before leaving for good. Everything else is stuff you didn't want or need, and someone else could take care of it, you never wanted to set foot in that place again.
When you were back at Chris' house, you found that Scott, Carly, Shanna, and Lisa were all there, welcoming you back after everything that happened. After more than 30 years, you were part of their family now. ''I love all of you guys so much,'' you said as you grabbed every single one of them for a big hug, not letting go for several minutes with each of them. They all stayed over for dinner and everyone watched a movie afterwards. You cuddled up to Chris, and none of them mentioned it. The two of you were always close, but they were also well aware you just needed to be with him right now. ''Thank you again for saving me, Chris,'' you whispered, and Chris got a small smile on his lips. ''Anything for you, my Angel,''. You fell asleep during the movie and Chris didn't move you, not even when everyone went home. The two of you stayed right there on that couch until the morning, when Dodger jumped onto the couch and into your lap, waking you up. ''Hi Dodge, I missed you too,'' you said and Chris was very happy right now. His best friend was back, and he would never let anything happen to you ever again.
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zbsinbloom · 1 year
ZB1 reaction: You falling over
In honour of me falling flat on my face a few days ago 😔
Note: Ricky onwards is you as their bestie, Taerae upwards is you as their s/o
🍀 Jiwoong
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Kinda embarrassed for you tbh
Grimaces to himself because oh wow that was in front of everyone, huh?
Realises he should be helping you and that's when he awkwardly approaches you
Feels a bit like a bad boyfriend for not rushing over instantly but it's kinda cute when he fusses over you after
"Yeah I guess you could say they fell for me" grins to himself
☘ Zhang Hao
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When you miss the curb and face plant he's gonna see it happen in slow motion
Checks on you straight away and squats next to you
If you let him he's gonna kiss anywhere that you're hurt because "his kisses have healing magic"
He says it super serious too, it's kinda funny and makes you less upset
Will keep his arm around you from now on so he can catch you before you fall… or at least you can land on him when you both fall
🍀 Hanbin
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He gasps so loud
His baby !! His baby is hurt and he didn't have the chance to catch you
His mama instinct takes over and he rushes to you
I don't care if you're barely hurt, he will baby you. He may even carry you if you're in pain
The type to force you to rest and not let you move around for at least 3 business days
☘ Matthew
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Doesn't notice at first cause he's busy buying you guys something to drink
When he notices he's mentally cursing in all the languages he knows
Asks you so many questions like yes I love you Matthew please just help me up now
11/10 carries you. Mostly so you don't have to walk but also he gets to look like the cool, strong boyfriend
Similar to Hao but he's holding your hand from now on and he won't let you fall (except for him)
🍀 Taerae
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He laughs out of instinct but then it hits him "oh damn that's my y/n"
Hands on hips ready to nag you because guess who didn't tie their shoelaces properly? Yes you
Gives you that kdrama moment where he bends down to tie your laces and smiles up at you
Then he tries to make you laugh by throwing hands at the ground for hurting you
Congrats, you're both injured now
☘ Ricky
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"Hey Ricky isn't that your bestie?" "Uhh nope don't know 'em"
He loves you really, he's just mentally facepalming himself at how clumsy you are
Makes fun of you so hard but if anyone else does it, he's ready to throw hands
Already planning to buy you those shin pad thingies you wear when you ride a bike
If you're upset he'll offer to buy you anything you want. Honestly it's kinda worth the pain
🍀 Gyuvin
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Yeah he's 11/10 gonna laugh at you
Nearly falls over himself because he's laughing so hard he's crying
If he notices you're badly hurt and/or upset though he'll help you up
Makes it up to you by running around after you even though you swear you're fine
"Remember that time you ate dirt? OUCH DON'T HIT ME"
☘ Gunwook
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He stands there like Yujin did in his intro like🧍‍♀️
He's just wondering if he should laugh at you or be concerned
Did you… trip over a leaf? Is that even possible?
Lays on the ground with you to make you feel less embarrassed. Congrats you both feel embarrassed now
He may have laughed a little bit, but only when he knows you're definitely okay
🍀 Yujin
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He's gonna laugh a little, sorry
Listen you're his bestie and he adores you but he way you flopped like a salmon tickled him
Does rush to you to make sure you're okay… once he's had a giggle
Will tend to your injuries and give you hugs if you cry
If you're embarrassed he'll tell you it's okay and that no one saw (you know he's lying but bless his heart)
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Love Thy Frenemy + Ch. 2
(Tenderness AU)
TWO: The Myth of a Rainy Night
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Simon Ghost Riley x Frenemy Fem Reader
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Summary: Simon returns home after another deployment and stops by the pub after hours to see you, but an off-hand comment has your reunion taking an unexpected turn.
Warnings/Tags: Profanity, Angst, Yearning, Simon is conflicted, So are you, no use of Y/N
(Notes: This one got away from me, so I had to split the chapter. I’ll post chapter 3 as soon as I give it a re-write. The village I mention, Banfield, is from my own addled brain. As far as I know, no such place actually exists. I just wanted Simon to finally find himself a place of peace and quiet, so reunited him with his old captain/father figure Ollie Turnbull (also made up) and lovingly planted them in a rural country village.
This chapter was heavily influenced by Jack Kerouac’s ‘On the Road’ and is used as a plot piece within the story.
There’s a bit of a time jump, but nothing major. Simon and Reader are still in the process of working out this tentative new relationship, neither sure of where this is going. Simon is feeling conflicted, so exhibits typical ‘Ghost’-like behavior to cope with it. There will be some angst, but no need for tissues. It’s not that bad.)
Word Count: 2395
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“It was a rainy night. It was the myth of a rainy night.” ― Jack Kerouac, On the Road
It was close to midnight by the time Simon made it back to Banfield.
The village was dead, not a soul in sight, only the streetlamps standing sentinel in the pouring rain. He drove through the heart of the village, past the closed shops and the empty expanse of the green, eyes trained on the pub across the way. There were no cars parked at the curb or people smoking beneath the front awning, the outdoor lights doused. The neon ‘Open’ sign in the window was off as well, which meant the pub was well and truly closed; there would be no one inside but you. He circled round the green and parked in front of the building, hand reaching out to snag the book lying on the passenger seat.
Tucking it inside his coat, he exited his truck, hitting the lock button with his key fob as he hurried beneath the awning in three big strides. He could feel the cold rain patter his balaclava, soaking into the material, creating chilly points of dampness against his face and ears. He gave a light shiver at the sensation before raising his hand to knock three times, waiting a beat, then knocked once more.
"Coming!" you called from the other side, voice muffled by the door and the pouring rain. A few moments later there was the rattle of locks turning and the door was pushed open, Simon stepping to the side to get out of the way. You peered up at him, a crooked smile on your lips. "Well, look what the rain washed up. Didn't expect to see you tonight."
"'Ello, doll. Ya miss me?"
You scoffed but grinned. "Like a thorn in my side,” you quipped, then motioned for him to come inside. You turned away from the door, calling over your shoulder, "Don't forget to lock it.”
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled, stepping inside and closing the door, an amused little smirk forming beneath his mask.
After showing up late one night and being met at the door by you with one of Ollie’s old cricket bats, he had suggested using a special knock, so you would know that it was him. The memory of that night came back to him every time he used the knock now.
He locked the deadbolt as he glanced up to see what you were doing. "Slow night?" he queried as he shrugged out of his coat.
"You know it," you replied, wheeling the mop bucket down the narrow hall toward the loos. He heard the thump and bang of you propping open one of the doors with a waste bin. "Rain kept everyone home, I suppose. Ned didn't even stick around tonight. He was gone before last orders." He heard the squeak of a stall door, then a disgusted scoff. "I swear, you blokes can't hit the broad side of a bloody barn after you've had a few. Should bloody well sit if ya got no better aim than this."
Simon huffed a laugh at your fussing as he pulled out his usual seat at the bar and hung his coat over the back. He tossed your book on the bar, a copy of Jack Kerouac's 'On the Road'.  "Brought yer shite book back," he called out, making his way ‘round the bar to fix himself a drink. "Ramblin' bit o' nonsense, that was."
You cackled, the sound echoing in the tiled room. "Not your cup of tea?" He could hear the sarcasm oozing from your words.
"No bloody point to it," he answered, distracted. He couldn't find the bottle of Dewar's. "Where's my scotch?"
He heard the slop of a mop hitting the floor. "Check the other end. Trainin' a new girl to help on the weekends. She probably left it down there."
Simon grumbled as he went down to the other end of the bar, and sure enough, the Dewar's was wedged in between two bottles of gin. He plucked it out and took it back to his waiting tumbler. He tried to pour it like you did, but couldn't get it quite right, spilling a few drops when he attempted to do the little twist you gave the bottle at the end of the pour. He mopped up the small mess with a towel, shaking his head. He'd have to watch the way you did it again to see where he was going wrong.
Taking his seat, he took a sip of his drink before picking up the book to thumb through its pages. It was an old copy, well-loved and worn. He wondered how many times you had read it. There were certain pages that bore smudged thumbprints and underscored passages in light pencil. They were like clues he would find, a trail of meandering breadcrumbs scattered throughout the pages. He couldn't count the number of times he had re-read these special blocks of text you deemed worthy to note. He flipped to one of his favorites and read it again.
'Soon it got dusk, a grapy dusk, a purple dusk over tangerine groves and long melon fields; the sun the color of pressed grapes, slashed with burgandy red, the fields the color of love and Spanish mysteries.'
He hummed low as he read it, picturing the scene in his mind so easily. On those bleak, cold nights in the safe house when it seemed like dawn would never come, he would read this passage and close his eyes, imagining he could feel the warmth of a setting sun on his face, hear the swish of tall grass swaying in the breeze around him. It was his own secret respite, a private moment of reprieve.
There were other passages you favored that he had ruminated over, words that held some deep meaning for you that he tried to fathom, that he tried to read with your eyes, your thoughts. He wanted to perceive it the way you did, but often felt like he failed in that regard. Still, he tried, wanting that extra bit of insight into what made you tick.
You were like an enigma to him, deeper than you let on, deeper than an ocean and just as vast. It sometimes brought him up short, a feeling akin to intimidation welling up to fill his throat. Reading this book, pondering your favored quotes, made him feel small at times, like a lone soul adrift in a sea of words and profound thoughts, but you swam in these waters, so he wanted to as well, even if he floundered every now and then.
You finished cleaning the bathrooms and came back to the bar blowing out a tired breath. You cast a critical eye over him, looking him up and down in that way that made him feel naked and exposed. It always made him want to squirm in discomfort, but he liked it, too, that feeling of really being seen by another person. He was just a soldier named Riley to you, with no rank or reputation to taint that image.
"You look like you've lost a stone since I saw you last. Doesn't the army feed you? What do they do? Just dump you out to forage in the wild?"
Simon grunted in amusement and tossed the book back down on the bar. "Nah. It was yer shite book. It ruined my appetite."
You rolled your eyes and snorted a soft laugh, a little smirk tilting up a corner of your mouth. "Aw. Does a man expressing his thoughts and feelings make your tummy ache, Riley?" You laughed when he sneered at you and flipped you off.
It had been four months since you'd loaned him that first book, and although he'd been deployed for half that time, the two of you had managed to settle into a comfortable rapport. Social niceties and good manners fell by the wayside as the two of you discussed the books you loaned him. Your coaxing, gentle prodding and snarky banter drew him out of his hard shell despite his set-in-stone intentions to keep you at a distance. Now he willfully sought you out, eager to see how you'd challenge him next while relishing the warmth he found in your presence.
He watched you pull a bottle of white grape juice from the mini fridge beneath the bar and take a long drink, wiping at your top lip with the back of your hand before you replaced the lid. Setting it aside, you sauntered over to where he sat and leaned on your elbow to peer into his eyes. It always unnerved him when you did that, but he held your gaze with a hooded, stoic expression, giving nothing away.
"You look like a zombie, Riley. When's the last time you slept?"
He shrugged. "Dunno. Caught a few winks on the plane."
Your backhanded concern was something else that made him want to squirm in discomfort. He wasn’t used to it, someone seeing past his mask to the man behind it. You were a perceptive bird, though, quick to notice and point out subtle changes while calling him out on his bullshit with equal aplomb. A straight shooter, Ollie had called you, a keen observation from his old captain.
���Her kind o' honesty keeps a man humble," he'd said with a chagrined chuckle, and no truer words had ever been spoken. That’s exactly how he felt around you most of the time: humbled.
It irked the hell out of him.
He picked up his drink and drained it, clunking it back on the bar with a solid thunk. “How’s Ollie been?” he asked, changing the subject.
You sighed, allowing him to shift the conversation away from himself. “Same ol’ Ollie. Think he’s been feeling a bit down, though. He just found out his daughter Hillary’s pregnant. His first grandchild.” 
Simon huffed a dry chuckle. “Feelin’ his age, is he?” He leaned closer, tilting his head. “Tha’ bird Miriam still chattin’ him up?”
A mischievous grin split your face. “She was in here last weekend just mooning over him. He acts like he doesn’t like it, but he does. She seems nice enough. I think he should go for it.”
He scoffed. “Don’t tell me yer goin’ to start meddlin’ in his love life, like the rest o’ the ol’ birds in the village.”
“It’s not meddling. I’m just stating my opinion, which I’ve kept to myself, thank you very much.”
He gave a derisive grunt and shook his head. “Yeah. Right.”
You took his empty glass and placed it in the dishwasher, closing it back with a snap. “Keep it up and I’ll start meddling in yours,” you teased. a devilish glint in your eye.
“Huh. Good luck with that, doll. Can’t meddle in somethin’ tha’ don’t exist. I don’t bother with tha’ mess. Got no time ‘r patience for it. Never ends well, anyway.”
You blinked, a small frown furrowing your brows. You pressed your lips into a firm line, some inner debate playing out on your face. You were silent as you mulled over his words, long enough that he began to feel uncomfortable in the tense quiet. There was an odd expression on your face when you finally looked at him again. “At least you’re honest about it, I suppose. Most blokes aren’t.” 
With that, you stepped away to finish loading the dishwasher, running the water to fill the vacuum of awkward silence he had just created with his thoughtless comment.
Simon studied your subdued demeanor, not sure how to fix this or even if he should try. He knew he was beginning to get attached to you already, and he didn’t want to encourage that, didn’t want to encourage you. He knew he couldn’t give you what you deserved, but he had ignored that fact in favor of indulging in your attention. Now, he found himself in too deep, emotions long-buried disturbing the stony soil of his heart. He could no longer lie to himself that it was just physical attraction that had him sitting at your bar every night, because now... 
Now, he caught himself thinking about you on missions. As he searched through the pages of your books for signs of your presence, he wondered what you were reading. He wondered what book you would pick out for him next. He wondered who you talked to when he wasn’t there. He wondered if you missed his company when you cleaned up at night. He wondered if you thought of him when you were lying in the dark, alone in your bed. He wondered if you ever wondered if he thought about you, too.
Because he did. More than he should.
Bloody hell...
He shouldn’t be thinking about you at all. He should never have let it get to this point. You were just some chatty bird who tended bar at his local pub and owned a lot of books. You were never meant to be more than a pretty distraction, just someone to occupy his time while he had a few drinks. Perhaps it was best to cut ties now. Let you go and fade into the background. That’s where blokes like him belonged, in the rearview mirror. This could never have gone anywhere, anyway. It was doomed from the start.
Climbing to his feet, he tossed a few quid on the bar for his drink and slipped his coat back on, aware that you were watching him, but unable to look your way. He adjusted his mask, making sure it was firmly in place, falling back on Ghost to get him through this as his eyes went cold and flat. He didn’t bother saying goodbye, instead smacking his hand on the bar twice, before turning away. Still avoiding your gaze, he strode to the door and stepped out into the night without a backwards glance.
You stared after him, letting his rejection sink in, and listened to the rain.
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keelt9 · 5 months
Chapter 2
Part 3
I wanted to take the time to thank you for the support you have been giving me, I really appreciate it and it keeps me very motivated to continue writting, thank you so much.
I hope that as I move forward, you will continue to like all of this, once again, thank you very much. 😉
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“Are you awake?” __ hears and feels Caro really close to her face. She waited for her until 1 am, after that, her eyes gave up and closed, she didn’t even hear her coming to the room much less the time she arrived at her house.
“Carolina, if your breathing doesn’t wake me up, believe your weight over my back does.” __ remind with her eyes closed, hearing Caro giggle and lift from her back so she can stand or turn around.
“What happened?”__ sat in the bed just opening one eye, that was enough to see the huge smile on Caro face and the evident move of her jumping to hug her. 
“It was amazing! I really, really, really love it, every second.” Caro hugged her tighter and __ answered the hug.
“So you are…” Caro didn’t let her end the sentence.
“I AM HIS GIRLFRIEND!” __ just laugh with the shrill of her voice and pat Caro’s back. “I’m so happy __.” This time she splits, __ recognizes the pure happiness in her face, all over it, the sparkling eyes, the smile that swear will leave her cheeks numb by the night. 
“Yeah, I noticed.” 
“You should try it.” __ lend her head. “Be in love.” __ stands like the bed was on fire and shakes her head. “Please, if you…” __ grabs Caro face and squeezed it.
“When the orange tree produces strawberries.” Caro rolls her eyes. “That doesn’t even make sense.” She takes her hands off her face.
Another day of coming and going left them tired and decided to arrive home earlier, rest a little bit and recover energy for their daily night picnic.
“Darling, Esteban called a couple of hours ago, he said please call him as soon as you arrive.” Mrs. Mendienta notified her when the two girls crashed on the sofa.
“He didn’t call your cell phone?” Caro asks her and passes the phone to the living room.
“Who knows, I left it in my suitcase.” Caro opened her mouth and hit __ shoulder. “That’s why they are mad at you!”
“Caro, let’s be honest, they have been mad at me since I stood at the table the night of the dinner proposal.” __ stands and delays the number expecting the curb of Esteban.
Matias arrived at the storeroom with a plan in mind, but he needed an accomplice, an indirect one.
“Hi Mar.” He greeted her, appearing in the frame door. 
“Matias, hi, what can I do for you?” Mar turns to her chair and smiles at him. He definitely never forgot the intense curiosity in Enzo's eyes and his last words before the part ways last night.
<”So, what is the name, again?” Enzo said in the most random moment.
“Name?” Matias turns to face him. 
“The girl's name, I mean.” Matias grinds and an idea set in his mind, he will comprobe his theory, sooner or later.>
“JAJAJAJAJA, no, no, if I can be so sure about something that is NO, totally.” Matias told Mar his theory. Ok, the fact of an indirect accomplice isn't so indirect, but it would be more weird if he tried to get information by himself.
“Come on Mar! Just think about it for a second…” Matias put his cards on the table; he didn’t miss any detail, from the moment he opened the door of the truck and found them until last night's talk.
“Just because I thought about it for more than a second…listen, Matias, maybe in her teens, yeah, I bought that, but now in her twenties.” Mar shakes her head with a smile on her face. “The only time I know she has been nervous or running away from a man, it’s because is a doctor with a needle.”
“But she…” Matias could swear to see her nervous eyes in her eyes the last time.
“Maybe she left my sister without her knowing, or she forgot her cellphone in plain sight, but I believe because she saw you and got nervous it is my last option.” Mar put her hand on his shoulder. “Sorry Matias.”
“Anyone has seen Recalt?” A grumpy voice came through the radio, Mar pointed with her eyes to the radio. “Is it your call?”
“Just promise me, at least you will consider it as a low probability.” Mar should deny it without a question however something in his voice tone and the security he had made her give in and agree. “Wait and see, just wait and see.”
Matias has the time against him, in 2 days will be the last shooting of the year before the Christmas vacations, it suppose it won’t be a problem, but the 2nd of January __ will take a flight home.
The next one is one of my favorites. ☺️
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meadowmines · 1 year
OC-Tober/Tojoctober Day 9: Fear
[let's just spoil the end of Chapter 1, why don't we :3]
It's not the first time Aoyagi has led some asshole on a merry chase through the streets of Kamurocho. Far from it. It's one of his favorite pastimes. Hell, it's become something of a local spectator sport, packs of punks and drunks (many of whom are moderate-to-heavy smokers) chasing the little guy with the big mouth around and sometimes taking a garbage can to the shins or a gate to the face for their trouble. And by the time they realize the whole point of the chase was for this little guy with the big mouth to a) wear them out and b) thin out the herd, it's too late. The way Aoyagi sees it, it's about the most fun he can have for free.
He's not having fun tonight. Tonight there's only one guy chasing him, but that guy is Eiji Fucking Yamaoka and he's already expressed the clearest possible intent to put a bullet in Aoyagi's head.
Aoyagi has several questions about this situation--mainly about who the hell called a hit on him and, maybe more importantly why--but this isn't the time. The boss told him to come to some warehouse at the docks, and he needs to shake this asshole and get his butt into a cab posthaste.
He knows the alley is a risky prospect at best--a nice long straightaway without a lot of foot traffic, it'd be more than enough to give Yamaoka a clear shot. But if he can make it out the other end, he thinks, that'll put him right in the middle of Nakamichi Street and even at this hour, it'll be chock full of people. A moving target, in a crowd, everyone involved at ground level. A hitman who knows what he's doing wouldn't even try taking a shot like that. Yamaoka knows what he's doing. It's the best chance he's got.
Aoyagi hears footsteps way too close on his heels and without looking back, he yanks down a stack of beer crates filled with empties and hears Yamaoka swear as he stumbles. He waits for the shot but it doesn't come, because he's out of the alley and in the crowd. There's no time to breathe a sigh of relief, though. Maybe Yamaoka isn't dumb enough to try shooting him in this crowd but he can sure as hell throw some hands, maybe even drag him back into that alley before anyone notices...
The thought of it turns Aoyagi's blood to ice water and despite the ache in his legs and his lungs he runs as fast as he can, focused on the cab stand like a laser. He hears Yamaoka hollering behind him and doesn't stop. He powerslides into the back seat of a cab, empties his wallet into the bewildered driver's lap, tells him the address and tells him to step on it. When he risks a glance in the rearview he sees Yamaoka standing on the curb and possibly throwing the closest thing to an all-out tantrum he can throw without getting the cops called on him. Finally, fucking finally, he gulps in a deep breath and lets it out in a long, shaky sigh.
It's going to be okay, he thinks. He doesn't know what exactly the boss wants but whatever it is, nobody's going to be dumb enough to try anything while he's around, not even Yamaoka.
It's going to be okay.
The cab lets him out at the warehouse. It looks deserted. "Deserted" is not great and it's making the hair on the back of Aoyagi's neck stand on end, but "deserted" is a hell of a sight better than not deserted AND someone actively trying to murder him.
The warehouse is dark inside. Mostly. There's a little pool of light out in the middle of the empty floor. Mostly empty. Mostly empty, other than the crate the boss is sitting on.
It's going to be okay, Aoyagi tells himself again. And he actually believes it, until he gets close enough to see the cigarette smoldering away to nothing in the boss's hand and at least a pack's worth of butts scattered on the floor around his feet.
Aoyagi's throat is so dry it stings and he's not entirely sure he's not about to pass out, but he bows anyway. "Sir--sorry, I got here soon as I could, but--" He gulps in a breath. "Fuckin' Yamaoka just chased me all over creation tryin' to plug me for-for reasons!? and--"
"No shit he was tryin' to plug ya," the boss says. All trace of the Mad Dog has gone from his voice. It's wrong. The kind of wrong that makes your skin crawl. "There's a hit on ya."
The boss doesn't lie. Aoyagi knows that. And hearing that from him is a thousand times worse than hearing it from Yamaoka. "That's what he said," Aoyagi pants. "But-but he didn't say why and fuck if I know what I did!"
"I dunno what ya did either." The boss snorts out a dry little laugh that's had all the humor stripped out of it. "Maybe that's for the best. Maybe it's safer for everyone if we don't know." He takes a long drag off his cigarette and drops the butt on the floor with the rest. "Ain't ya gonna ask who called it?"
"I-I don't even--" Aoyagi racks his brain, taking a quick inventory of who he's pissed off lately. "Junsei, maybe? I kinda beat up some of his boys for showin' their asses at the cafe, but does Junsei even have hitman money these days? Or maybe that guy causin' trouble at the shogi parlor last night but--sir, I legit have no idea who I mighta pissed off that bad! If you know somethin' then just--just tell me, huh? I don't know what I did but there's gotta be somethin' I can do to fix it--"
There's a pop behind him. A sensation like he's been smacked really hard in the back with a 2x4. There's blood on his shirt. How did that get there? He does the math and checks it and rechecks it and keeps coming up with the same awful answer over and over and he opens his mouth to beg his boss, the guy who saved his life for fuck's sake, to tell him his math is wrong. "S-sir," is all that comes out. He drops to his knees. And the boss finally looks up. Finally looks him in the eye.
"It was me," he says, and the world goes black.
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
AWW YOU AND @whumperofworlds both sent me this!!
Okay okay now I have to THINK. So this is in no particular order but here we go! Each piece has its TWs and a little snippet from it c:
1: BTHB 2023 - Near-Death Experience
TWs: car accident, near-death experience, panic attacks Time seemed to slow down as Bastian tried to scramble backwards, his own boots betraying him. He slipped after only a step or two, his feet disappearing out from beneath him as he fell towards the otherwise empty street. The van hit the curb with a bang and tipped, still hurtling towards Mariano roof-first. He hadn’t moved.
2: Mariano and Dimitri's Co-captives Arc (Here is part one)
TWs: Broken bones, kidnapping, torture, captivity “Mm.” Dimitri hummed, rolling his eyes. “I have to be if you’ve gotten so soft. Plus you’re bad at that, too, so I have to pick up the slack.”   Mariano frowned, looking at Dimitri. “You haven’t seen me beg for someone in years, you don’t know that. I’ve gotten way better at begging.” Dimitri rolled his eyes. “You’re the flattest person I’ve ever talked to. And I’ve known Izan for a long time.” He shot back. 
3: War Mage Vignettes
TWs: stitches, alcohol, discussion of being shot in the head, near death experiences Dimitri shot a glare at their medic from his post at the doorway of their dim room. “We’re not going to die here.” He hissed. “I don’t care that this was a fucking trap. We don’t die.” Laredo nodded. “Remember? A war mage isn’t dead until there are two bullets in his brain.” Izan hummed. “I still think one is enough for that. I don’t think I’d want to fight after getting shot in the head, at all.” “I would.” Dimitri growled.
4: BTHB 2023 - Possession (Andrew and Tobias belong to @whumpr / @brinkofdiscovery!!
TWs: Possession “Hey, this isn’t funny.” Andrew said, forcing a nervous laugh anyway. “That wasn’t cool. C'mon.” This time, when Andrew tried to step into the room, William lunged for the door. He threw himself to the floor with a snarl before grabbing his own wrist and tugging it to his chest. “Don’t come in, please.” William’s voice broke as he whined and pressed his face into the filthy tile floor. “Don’t–it, it wants–” One hand wound into his own hair, tugging harsh enough to rip some out alongside a yelp. Elliot felt like he was suffocating. “Guys, I don’t think he’s joking.” Not even Andrew could’ve been committed enough to this bit to pull out hair, much less William. What did they even do now? William was the one who’d even brought anti-ghost shit.
5: A Month of Whump's March Trope-a-Thon Day 1 - Environmental / Snowstorm
TWs: hypothermia, non-sexual nudity Bastian growled to himself as he skidded down the rocks that Mariano had tumbled down. They hadn’t expected the path to give that far away from the edge, and Mariano hadn’t even had a chance to shout before he was swept away. “I swear to god, if he’s an icicle when I get there, I’ll let him freeze.” As the temperature kept dropping and the snow kept falling, though, Bastian had to accept that he was just complaining. He could feel the tug in his chest getting more urgent. The presence that Mariano’s magic held got weaker, sleepier. It curled up smaller and smaller, starting to flicker. When it began to fade, Bastian started running. He barrelled through snowy trees, crashed through brush, and finally, finally, it felt like he was getting close. Ripping through low hanging branches, Bastian’s heart just about stopped when he stumbled into a clearing. “Mariano!”
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jokenotfunny · 2 years
eddie x platonic! experiment! reader
just realized it can be seen as a slight! steve harrington x platonic! experiment! reader as well due to their cute little sibling antics so i’ll tag it as that as well. 😭
the in-between series : not really any eddie in this one unfortunately but! season 3 will have a nice surprise, including the both of you. so please don’t kill me 😭
a/n : this. is too fucking long 😭 and i forgot how to add the keep reading symbol omg , kill me now actually 🧍🏾‍♀️
part 3!
part 1 , part 2
season 2 : starting middle school
- so you didn’t actually start school until september of 1984
- steve and hopper thought it’d be better to do some type of home schooling, before just throwing you in with the sharks
- and they also wanted you to get used to being around people who didn’t know about your special abilities
- you needed to be taught that not everyone was as cool as will , dustin , lucas , and mike
- plus you realllly needed to be taught not to use your powers when you were upset
- because the summer of 1984 was interesting to say the least
- you were playing around in the pool , while nancy sat on the edge of it, reading a book and steve was throwing a ball back and forth with you, while sitting next to her
- when all of a sudden a glass bottle went flying over your fence , exploding at the side of the pool. and nearly hitting nancy!
- as the three of you ran to the fence to see what was going on, you three saw some older teenage boys running back to a car with some girls in it who were giggling at the situation
-“oh go screw yourself tommy!” steve yelled at them opening the fence to give them a piece of his mind
“have fun with your slut, harrington!” tommy h. yelled back as the car quickly began to pull off
- after seeing nancy look so visibly upset and steve try to get to them before they got too far
- you stood on the lawn watching them leave with a sharp glare, tikting your head to the side as blood began to trickle down your nose
- all of a sudden the two back tires blew out and the car began swerving down the street, and you could hear the teens screams of terror from the inside of the car
“tommy stop! what the hell are you doing?!” you heard one of the girls shriek.
“it’s not me i swear it’s like the wheel’s got a mind of it’s own!” he screamed back.
- steve and nancy could only watch in shock as the car only stopped once they jumped the curb crashing into mr. poll’s car, who was ironically just walking away from it and into his house after a long day of work
“what the hell! my car! my lawn! you damn kids are gonna pay for this shit!” he screamed, marching into his house to call the police. they couldn’t exactly run away anyway being that the doors were stuck.
- steve jogged back to the two of you, ushering you back into the backyard before mr. poll could try to associate the three of you with what just happened .
“oh my god, oh my god, ohmygod!” steve said pacing back and forth, with his hands on his head once he realized the cause of what just happened.
- you just casually wiped your nose and went back to playing in the pool. as the two tried to quietly go back and forth about what just happened
“steve! calm down! it’s okay!” nancy whisper yelled at him.
“okay? okay?!” he couldn’t stop thinking of what would happen when hopper got there.
- he knew he’d tear him a new one for this.
- he just didn’t want you to get taken away!
- it’s bad enough that hopper feels like you may be too much for steve to handle.
- what with him dealing with a superpowered child of his own, let’s just say that he learned the hard way that temper tantrums were pretty next level.
“that could’ve been so much worse, they could’ve hit a fire hydrant! or a person! someone could’ve died!”
“died? that’s being a bit dramatic steve. they weren’t even going that fast and i’m pretty sure she knew what she was doing!” nancy rolled her eyes.
- truth be told she was a bit biased.
- i mean this was the same group that publicly shamed her for doing something she didn’t even do!
- so she didn’t feel too bad about what happened
-besides they were fine other than just being scared!
steve attempted to whisper yell back but due to his nerves he was a little louder than he thought and turned around once hearing you chime in.
“they could have…hurt nancy” you gestured to the broken bottle on the floor by where she was previously sitting, as you climbed back put of the pool and over to them.
“you could’ve hurt them, sev!” steve exclaimed
“they could have hurt nancy!” you repeated, this time yelling, and looking over to her when you noticed something on her thigh. “and i…knew what i was doing, steve!” you walked over to her pointing at what you saw.
“see! they.hurt.her! they deserved it! they are bad!”
-you turned her to face steve, showing them a small trail of blood going down the side of her leg from where a small shard knicked her.
“oh! seven i’m okay, i swear! i don’t even feel it at all” nancy tried to reassure you, as you got a towel and went to help her.
“they aren’t bad, they’re just assholes okay! and that doesn’t excuse you trying to hurt them, we need to be better then them, we are better than them! i could’ve just called the cops on them, and they would’ve gotten what they deserve! steve exclaimed , although getting angrier at the sight of nancy bleeding.
-you and steve continued to go back and forth, as the three of you went back inside the house, nancy getting ready for hopper to possibly show up.
“oh, because cop’s are any help, right?” you replied sarcastically, remembering what eddie said all that time ago.
“listen she came up a few nights ago wearing some hospital clothes, and-and-and with a bunch of cuts and bruises, man! she needed help! he confessed to his uncle
“then you call the police edward!-“
“jesus christ” eddie rolled his eyes, throwing his hands in the air. “since when are they any help! i did what i thought was right, and i don’t regret it!”
“i did what i thought was right, and i don’t regret it okay?!” you yelled at him.
- steve was surprised to hear you say that without stuttering or pausing between your words.
- but he didn’t dwell on that for too long being that this whole situation surprised him
- you two had never argued before. about anything
“sev, you’re not listening to me! you could’ve killed them!” he yelled back at you, shaking your shoulders, trying to make you understand the severity of the situation.
“steve i don’t think you need to keep saying tha-“ nancy tried to mediate before this got worse.
- while you didn’t use your powers too often, she new your emotions could get the best of you sometimes, and didn’t want to learn what would happen if you got more upset.
“nancy! would you please! stay! out of thi-“ he began to yell, his frustration getting the better of him
“if i. wanted to kill them… i would have.” you said eerily poking him in the chest, before pushing his arms off of you and stomping upstairs to your room, waving your hand back, making the door slam behind you.
“great going steve, awesome communication skills you’ve got there.” nancy seethed sarcastically, walking out of the house, and slamming the door behind her as well.
- she decided she’d rather wait for hopper outside, than continue to be in the middle of that.
-the situation across the street was quickly mediated by hopper once he arrived, who had the children and mr. poll go to the station with officers,, powell and callahan and just have mr. poll talk with their parents about his messed up car and how it’d be payed for.
- now when he walked across the street to the harrington house, because he knew that two tires popping simultaneously on a clear street wasn’t exactly normal.
- nancy explained to him what happened between the bottle, and what they said, to what you did, to your argument with steve.
“she was only trying to defend me, i really think she doesn’t know better.” she said before getting into his police truck, per his offer to take her home.
- and once he got inside the house, it was the same story, just from steve’s point of view
“and then she was like- “well if i wanted to kill them i would have.” i mean what kind of bullshit were they teaching her in that damn lab!” he exclaimed, once again pacing around.
“just.. give her some time, kid” hopper said calmly.
“we’ve spent this entire year teaching her the things she’ll need to know for middle school, and now we have what- 20 days? to teach her not to physically hurt bullies with her mind?!”
“stev-“ hopper began
“what if someone picks on her or- or one of those boys she hangs out with and just-“ he copied the head jerk thing you do. “snaps their arm or leg?! or worse their neck?!” he said interrupting hopper, putting his hands on his head in distress at the mental image.
“harrington! sit down. you’re making, my head hurt” hopper said rubbing his forehead.
“what-“ steve began stopping his pacing but not sitting.
“sit! down!” he raised his voice.
- steve quickly sat
“myself and my… reinforcements will teach her what to do in case of bullies okay? she’ll be alright!” he explained calmly.
“w-well i can help!” steve said.
“no way!” hopper chuckled as he got up, bracing himself to go talk to you now.
“hey, why not?” steve asked about to get up to follow him.
“because you’re about 5 seconds away from an aneurysm, at this rate, kid” he chuckled again, holding his hand up gesturing for steve to stay downstairs.
“word of advice to you though, i suggest you give her some space.” hopper said, as he began walking up the stairs.
- the situation was mediated much quicker than hopper thought, with you agreeing to learn how to keep your emotions in check and to think of the possible consequences before using your powers in such a way again.
“and if you really wanna make ‘em pay, a quick,” he showed you his fist before swinging at the air and then doing the same with the other one ”one, two should get ‘em.”
- you nodded taking in this important information
“and if that doesn’t work a quick hit to the privates should set ‘em straight”
- he winked before leaving the house, he still did have nancy to take home, and to add a charge of trespassing and assault to the other kids charges
- plus he had a kid of his own to get home to before 8:15.
- skip to the next morning where steve went downstairs, to find you already awake, eating breakfast and watching, the new scooby-doo mysteries.
“hey, morning.” he mumbled, still half asleep and ruffling your newly growing hair (imagine it’s kind of how el’s was in season 2, but slightly longer due to steve teaching you hair care 😭)
- honestly i feel like no matter what race you are , he will do and learn everything he can to have your hair be as healthy and “luxurious” as his 😭
“morning” you responded, through a mouthful of “waffelos”
- he made his own bowl and sat next to you at the table, quickly becoming enamored with the cartoon
“steve?” you quietly called out
“what’s up?” he looked at you
“do you…forgive?” you asked feeling guilty about arguing with him the day before, being that you stayed in your room the rest of the day and didn’t see him until now.
“yeah kid, you’re good. do you? forgive me i mean.” he asked feeling just as guilty for yelling at you for defending your friend the only way you knew how.
- you nodded your head , bumping his fist with yours before continuing to watch tv together.
time skip to you starting school :
- so the day has finally come
- you are officially a seventh grader, along with , dustin, lucas, will, and mike.
- thankfully you had one class with all of them, science with mr. clark. and they each were at least in one other with you
- math with lucas
- english with mike
- art with will
- and social studies with dustin
- you didn’t join the a.v club with them, but instead decided to try branching out and finding something that you wanted to do
- you actually ended up joining the chess club!
- you thought: “hey! i remember playing this with mr. peter sometimes, too bad he quit all that time ago, didn’t even get to say goodbye”
- it was unfortunately not that easy but you prevailed! and ended up joining the team
- so overall everything was going fairly well!
- i mean you still missed your sister a lot.
- and while you still missed eddie a lot as well, he was slowly becoming one of those people in life that you just continue to hold them close to your heart, and try to remember them in the best ways.
- and then just like that!
- it’s almost halloween!
- the boys told you all about the yearly tradition of wearing your halloween costumes to school and you were excited gor your first real halloween!
- steve’s (and lawfully yours as well) mother was actually home the week before halloween and took you shopping for a costume!
“so what are we thinking sweetheart?” she asked looking around. “dorothy, indiana jones? garfield? oh you’d look so cute! uhh or how about-“
“janine melnitz!“ you said, being that the boys already planned their costumes and you wanted to match
“oh, the secretary from ghostbusters?” you nodded, as she put her hand to her chin, staring at you in thought.
“i can work with that!” she said grinning, grabbing your hand, and escorting you back to the car to continue her errands for the day.
- she ended up giving you a blouse from her closet and gave you a pair of glasses that were hers from high school. “thank goodness i kept these huh?” and she bought you a red wig, and cut it to frame your face.
- unfortunately she did have to leave the night before, to meet steve’s (and your) father in indianapolis for a conference. but not before reminding steve :
“please remember to take pictures before she leaves for school in the morning, steve!” she said during dinner
“yeah, mom i will.”
“i mean it steve, do not forget!” she said sternly.
- being that her and mr. harrington weren’t around too often, she liked to have pictures of things for her to look back on. what with steve having seemed to be growing up so fast, she wanted to do the same with you before you were all of a sudden his age and almost out of the nest.
(i typed this on my phone and there are NEST EMOJIS⁉️)
“yes, okay! jeez! no faith, am i right!?” he said jokingly, looking over at you to back him up.
“you do… forget things sometimes.” you giggled with mrs. harrington
“is it just always shit on steve day?” he asked jokingly.
- as per demand, the next morning, steve made sure you were ready earlier than usual so he could take lot’s of pictures before he dropped you off.
- it was like the mom in him just jumped out!
- i imagine it as the same cute little sequence of the boys moms taking pictures of them and then it’s just steve doing the exact same thing 😭
“okay now say, “may the ghosts be with you” he said.
“nobody ever said that 🧍🏾‍♀️”
“oh whatever! just do a pose please!”
(i headcannon that steve has just always been so bad with movies 😭)
- you just did a few and your infamous 🤟🏾and tongue pose
- he dropped you off soon after that, you, steve, and nancy getting out of the car and saying bye to them before going your separate ways, walking with will towards the bike rack, to wait for the others.
“knock ‘em dead velma!” steve called out behind you.
“janine!” you and will said at the same time, before looking at each other and giggling.
- you and will joined the other boys as they were finishing singing the theme song, and started naming each other.
“hey, spengler!”
“egon! yeah!”
“janine!” they all yelled simultaneously, grinning.
“woah, woah hold on!” mike halted, looking at lucas
“why are you venkman?” mike asked lucas
“because i’m venkman.” lucas said, as it was obvious
“no, i’m venkman.”
“why can’t there just be two venkman’s?” will interjected.
“because there’s only one venkman in real life. we planned this months ago.” mike said.
“i’m venkman. dustin’s stantz, you’re egon,” he pointed at will. “and you’re winston.” he said to lucas.
“i specifically didn’t agree to winston.” lucas reminded him
“yes, you did!” mike exclaimed
“no he didn’t.” and “i don’t think he did” you and will said at the same time
“nobody wants to be winston, man.” lucas said in response to mike, as dustin shook his head in agreeance.
“what’s wrong with winston?” mike asked confused
“what’s wrong with winston?” he repeated “he joined the team super late, he’s not funny, and he’s not even a scientist!” lucas listed off.
“yeah, but he’s still cool.” mike countered
“if he’s cool, then you be winston.”
“i can’t!” mike exclaimed.
“why not?” lucas asked, knowingly.
“because…” mike stuttered
“b-b-because your not black?” lucas mocked him.
“mm-mm-mm” you tsked shaking your head in disappointment.
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“i didn’t say that!” mike jumped
“you thought it” he argued
- they continued to go back and forth, as you and will watched in amusement, before you noticed dustin was looking around in confusion.
- let’s just say you weren’t particularly pleased with them to learn that you guys were the only ones dressed up.
“i swear to god we aren’t making this up sev!” dustin exclaimed following behind you as you walked ahead of them stopping at your locker, to get your things for class.
“uh-huh, sure dustin!” you said walking into the one class you didn’t have with any of them, shaking your head.
- but you did share it with max, who you met the day before, being that she was new qnd in you and the boy’s homeroom.
- she noticed your outfit, and actually liked and complimented it, telling you she’d be dressed like michael myers for the night and that she’d look out for you.
- after school, you were riding on the back of dustin’s bike while you all rode home. you were going to hang out with dustin before you all went trick-or-treating,
- you silently listened to their conversation, when you heard what sounded like the revving of an engine coming up not far behind you.
-as the boys began panicking and riding faster, you looked back and glared at the car, blood beginning to trickle down your nose, but before you could do anything further, the car quickly swerved, and you spotted through the front windshield, someone who looked a lot like max with her hands on the wheel, staring at you guys in horror.
- later that night, as you walked around neighborhoods with the boys, listening to them have some debate about a candy called “nougat?” whatever.
- when all of a sudden, somebody jumped in front of you all, wearing a michael myers mask with a knife, making the boys scream.
- lucas’ scream made you jump more than the jump scare did. 😭
“holy shit! you should’ve seen the look on your faces!” she laughed, taking off her mask and revealing her self as max.
“and you?” she nodded her head at lucas “who screams like that? you sound like a little girl.” she laughed beginning to walk away as you caught up with her, giggling.
- she stopped to see the boys still standing there in shock.
“hey you guys coming or not? oh i heard we should hit up loch nora. that’s where all the rich people live right?” she chuckled, continuing to walk.
“i live there” you said to her as you two kept walking while the boys trailed behind.
“wow, really y/n?” she asked surprised. “yeah but skip old man poll’s house, he’s an ass.” you giggled.
“and you can call me sev.” you smiled at her.
- and that’s how you two became fast friends.
- that night you went home with dustin to hang out and wait for steve to pick you up, after him and nancy’s party thing.
- as you two walked up his driveway, him practicing different ways of saying “tubular”, when you two heard a weird chittering sound coming from inside his trash can
“mews, is that-“ he was cut off by a loud clang, coming from the inside of it. making you and him drop your candy bats and him detaching his photon blaster from his back, before approaching the can.
“dustin i don’t think you should be going to it, what if it’s something with rabies!” you exclaimed, shivering in disgust, as the can kept shaking.
- he screamed as he flipped open the can, before freezing at the sight inside of it.
- thus beginning the adventures of you , dustin , and dart.
- you didn’t stick around much longer, being that steve had come to get you pretty earlier than expected.
- but you promised dustin you’d come over tomorrow to learn more about this thing. you didn’t really have a good feeling about him keeping it.
- as you piled into the car you noticed something,
“where’s nance?” you asked while buckling yourself, being that you planned on watching horror movies with her and steve that night.
“jonathan took her home, she wasn’t feeling well.” he mumbled, you sensed he was upset and decided not to press further.
- you soon found out that your predictions were correct and that dart was from the upside down, and then things just went really downhill from there.
“seven, quick kill it!” lucas screamed
dart grot bigger, grew legs and escaped
you tried to burn it, but dustin stopped you
will got possessed had a seizure
then, being that the boys kept shutting max out whenever they started to talk about the upside down , she got mad . which led to this moment :
- as you and lucas caught up with max outside after school, they started to argue about keeping secrets from her
- just standing there, listening to them go back and forth, you looked across the parking lot, catching eyes with an older boy , leaning against a blue car, who was staring at the three of you quietly.
“did you keep secrets from el?” she asked sassily
- that caught your attention.
“how do you know about el?” you asked.
- she never answered, leaving you to keep wondering who told her about your sister.
- you went home with steve that day, just hanging out in your room, when all of a sudden dustin’s voice filled your ears, repeating
“code red! code red! someone please pick up! i repeat, this is a code re-“
“what’s wrong!?”
“sev, thank god! just come over so i can explain! over and out!” he said before signing off before you could say anything.
- after leaving the house, but not before telling steve and your’s father (who was packing to go on a business trip.) where you were going, you quickly got on your bike, riding over to dustin’s house.
- long story short, dart ate dustin’s cat, so after quickly helping him bury him, you two headed over to the wheeler’s house to look for mike.
- after not being able to find mike or nancy you two were about to head to lucas’ house, until you saw steve hopping out of his car with flowers in hand, talking to himself.
“steve!” dustin called out, you two speed walking to him.
“sev? i thought you were at home, wha-“
“are those for mr. or mrs. wheeler?”
“good. nancy’s not here” he said snatching them out of his hand and walking towards steve’s car.
they went back and forth before dustin asked.
“do you still have that bat?”
“bat? what bat?” steve asked confused
“the one with the nails!”
“i’ll explain it on the way!” dustin said as you two got in the car.
“oh my gosh, steve.” you put your hands on your head in exasperation
- now you find yourself walking on a train track with steve and dustin , dropping raw meat on the ground trying to bait dart, towards the place lucas told you guys to meet him at.
- you weren’t really listening to the conversation your brother and dustin were having, more focused on the fact that, if dart’s a baby demogorgon.
- does this mean none of this is truly over? did your sister die for nothing? was will, safe? who would die next?
- questions after questions began to pour into your head, your body moving on auto-pilot until hearing lucas’s voice echo across from you.
“i said medium rare!” he shouted , as you spotted max next to him.
- as you jogged over to meet the two, you heard steve say “who’s that?”
- now a few minutes later, as you max and steve set up the place to get ready for dart, dustin and lucas were huddled behind a car arguing about something.
“so, you have powers huh?” max asked from next to you.
“lucas told you?”
“yeah. i don’t believe him of course but i do believe you’re definitely cool enough to be some kind of superhero.” she said.
- you didn’t respond only lifting your arm towards her and lifting the metal sheet she tried to pick up and gently dropping it next to the abandoned bus, with your powers.
“holy shit!” she exclaimed with wide eyes.
“sev actually stands for seven.” you quietly told her.
- you were ready for her to turn tail and run, never to see her again, until she all of a sudden said.
“that’s cool as hell! you’ll have to show me more later, when we’re done dealing with, whatever this is ‘kay?
- you nodded, happily agreeing
- soon it was nightfall, and the five of you sat around waiting for dart to show up. you and lucas on the roof keeping an eye out, max sitting in one of the bus seats, steve sitting on the ground flicking a lighter open and closed, and dustin pacing around the inside of the bus.
- once max came to the top you switched with her, going back inside the bus, you climbed down to see steve and dustin talking.
- it was nice to see dustin getting along with your brother, he didn’t have an older male figure in his life so, it made you smile to see them interact kind of like brothers .
- you were pulled out of your thoughts by a loud growling noise. dart was out there, he just wasn’t taking the bait
“steve? steve what are you doing?” you turned around to see your brother pick up his bat, pointing at you two saying,
“just get ready”
- next thing you know, steve’s out there with the bat trying to lure dart to him.
- from the corner of your eye you saw movement behind steve and to the right
“steve watch out” “three o’clock! three o’clock! you heard lucas yell out.
- you looked to see three more behind steve, and didn’t hesitate before running to the door witn dustin opening it, and screaming for steve to come back.
- you quickly used your powers to send one of them flying as steve hit one before booking it back to the bus.
- as steve was occupied with hitting one over and over that’s head stuck into the bus
- dustin and lucas jumped, as one sunk its claws into the metal behind you guys
- while max and you heard slow thumping noises on the top of the bus
- one of the creatures stuck it’s head into the opening of the top of the bus, growling at the two of you as max started screaming
- just as you were about to use your powers on it, steve burst over and in front of the two of you, yelling at it
- before anybody could do anything else, something caught it’s attention and ran off
- timeskip to you all at the byers house, as hopper tried to get ahold of somebody on the phone.
- you sat on the couch with will’s head on your lap, silently watching nancy and jonathan interact, you looked over seeing steve watching them too, before wiping his nose snd walking away.
- as mike began talking about how bob was the founder of the a.v. club, your mind started to drift.
- you liked bob, you hadn’t known him very long, but he was real nice to you! showing you and will cool comics, he even did a 500-piece puzzle with you once! you wisjed you could’ve been there to save him.
- time skip to you, mike, joyce, jonathan, and hopper, sitting in the room with will, as everybody told him a story of a memory they had with him
- you noticed from the moment you began recalling the first time you saw each other in the upside down, he looked at you in an unsettling way.
“do you remember my name? it’s-” you began telling him but he cut you off
“seven. i know who you are.” he said eerily before turning back to joyce. “let me go”
- hopper noticed that will had been tapping repeatedly on one of the legs of the chair.
-once the group figured out he was communicating through morse code, they continued to ask him questions while deciphering what he was saying
- now short time skip to everyone getting in position, getting ready to fight the demodogs
- nancy and hopper had their guns, lucas had his slingshot, steve had his bat, you were ready to use your powers and, was mike seriously holding a candlestick right now?
- all of a sudden a demodog went crashing through the window, but you quickly realized it was already dead
- you’re attention was then pulled to the sound of the door unlocking, and slowly pushing open to reveal,
- while mike had a breakdown in will’s bedroom about hopper hiding her, you were just happy that your sister was alive and here with you
- skip to , joyce , jonathan , and nancy left to get the mind flayer out of will , while eleven and hopper got ready to go close the gate
“why can’t i come? it’ll be better with both of us there.” you pleaded to hopper.
“it’s just too risky kid, we don’t know what could happen.”
“i’d feel much better with you here, anyways.” steve included.
“i can help! she shouldn’t have to do this alone!” you yelled, beginning to feel useless.
- eleven killed the demogorgon and then disappeared, what would happen this time? she could’ve been with you all this time if you were there the first time around. you just wanted to protect your sister. why didn’t they understand that?
“she won’t be alone, i will be right there next to her to protect her.” hopper tried to reassure you.
“then bring me wherever will is, i can help burn it out of him with my powers!-“ you exclaimed.
“this isn’t up for debate, you aren’t going anywhere, you’re staying here, end of story.” steve said walking away after hopper.
- el walked up to you, putting her hands on your shoulders to face her.
“you can protect our friends if you’re here.” she said.
- you thought about it “fine, and i know you just want me to play bodyguard to your boyfriend.” you joked
“hey, what’s with that outfit, by the way? you asked, before she promised to tell you later.
- after hopper and el left for hawkins lab, you, lucas , and max cleaned the broken glass, while mike paced around back and forth, and steve and dustin tried to fit the dead demodog in the byers’ fridge.
- you weren’t really listening as they were going back and forth about, the lab being swarmed, dustin trying to get the name demodogs around, and steve comparing everything to a sports game (again)
- you tuned in once again, once dustin said that you all weren’t exactly left with nothing to do
“so you got all the tunnels feeding in here.” mike said pointing to one of the drawings around the house.
“maybe if we set this on fire-“ he continued
“oh yeah? that’s a no.” steve said immediately shitting down the idea.
“the mind flayer would call away his army.” dustin inquired, ignoring steve.
“they’d all come to stop us.” lucas continued.
“hey.” steve tried to say again.
“we circle back to the exit.” mike also continued on.
“guys!” steve interjected again.
“by the time they realize we’re gone” mike exclaimed.
“el would be at the gate.” you and max finished.
“hey. hey! hey! this is not happening.” steve clapped, getting everyone’s attention, before putting his hands on his hips.
“but-“ mike started
“no, no, no, no, no. no buts. i promised i’d keep you little shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what i plan on doing. especially you!” he exclaimed, pointing at you.
“we’re staying here. on the bench. and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. does everybody inderstand that?” he asked, as you all sighed.
“this isn’t a stupid sports game!” mike repeated from earlier.
“i said does everybody understand that? i need a yes.”
- before any of you could answer, the moment was cut off by a loud engine revving outside of the house and you all could hear loud rock music playing.
- max quickly walked over to the window with lucas.
“it’s my brother. he can’t know i’m here. he’ll kill me. he’ll kill us.” she said slightly panicking, looking at lucas.
- steve looked up with a determined expression on his face before marching outside, and standing in front of the door.
- you all watched from the window, as steve and billy, had got closer to each other, seeming to have some weird standoff.
“wait… guys is this a one-way glass or did he just look right at us?” you asked backing away from the window, pulling max back with you.
“nah i think we’re good sev.” dustin said, until all of a sudden the boys saw billy, point his cigarette directly where they towards the window where they were sitting with steve turning to look as well.
( nah that scene really made me mad like- they were all up in that window as if he didn’t have eyes ! and then dustin had the nerve to say some-😭)
“shit, did he see us?” dustin asked after they all ducked down.
“really dustin? 🧍🏾‍♀️” you said exasperatedly.
- not even two seconds later the door slammed open, with billy walking in. but wait where did steve go?
“well, well, well.” he said slamming the door.
“i thought i told you to stay away from him, max” billy said as he walked up to max.
- you stood in front of lucas, in case billy decided to try anything. still confused and concerned for whatever he did to your brother for him to not be back in the house by now.
“billy, go away.” max tremored
“you disobeyed me. and you know what happens when you disobey me.” he said eerily
“billy.” max warned
“i break things.” he moved passed max and pushed you out of the way before grabbing lucas, and slamming him against the shelf in the corner of the room.
“billy! billy, stop!” max and the others were yelling at him.
“get off of him!” you scrambled to get up, about to use your powers or run and jump on his back, (whatever your brain registered first honestly) before a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
(notice how every damn time you’re about to use your powers something happens 😐)
“stay away from her! you hear me?” he yelled continuing to push him against the shelf
“i said get off of me!” lucas yelled kneeing him in the crotch, making billy go stumbling back.
“you’re so dead sinclair! you’re dead.” he yelled, as he began to stand up straight.
- he was stopped by steve pushing and turning him around.
“no. you are.” steve said before punching him in the face.
- as they went back and forth fighting, between the others cheering steve on, and steve getting a few good hits in at first, until billy picked up a porcelain plate and broke it over your brother’s head, getting the upper hand.
- so yeah steve was getting his ass beat!
- before you could do anything, max grabbed one of the sedatives used for will, and walked over , abbing billy in the neck with it.
- after max slammed the bat near his dick and threatened him. (i loved that part 😭 slay max ‼️)
- as everyone carried the supplies needed to burn thbe tunnels, you carried steve to the car using your powers and piled into the backseat along with, mike and dustin, with steve layed across your laps, and you holding an ice pack to his head as he was still knocked out.
- all the while lucas was in the front seat with max, giving her instruction son where to go
“he’s gonna freak out when he wakes up.” you inquired knowingly
- and before you know it he started groaning and moving his head, looking around before deliriously saying,
“nancy?” he asked, looking at mike, who looked at him in confusion, like he was crazy.
- he kept groaning, before going to touch his (very much broken) nose, before fustin gently guided his hand away from his face
“hey buddy… shhhhh, shhhhh” dustin tried to reassure him
“it’s okay. you put up a good fight. he kicked your ass, but you put up a fight. you’re okay.” he continued as steve started to become more coherent.
- after steve had a breakdown about a thirteen year old driving a car, and max getting fed up before quickly making a turn and eventually stopping right before where the tunnel was, you all piled out of the car and to the trunk to gear up as you tried to calm steve down.
“hey, there’s no chancd we’re going to that hole, all right? this ends right now!”
“steve you’re upset, we get it.” you began
“but right now, a party member requires assistance and it is our duty to provide that assistance.” dustin said.
“now i know you promised nance that you would keep us safe.” he continued.
“so, keep us safe” you finished, as dustin handed his backpack with his bat with nails in it to steve.
- steve just sighed before taking the bag.
- after you all got down there, steve began leading the way down the tunnel, to find the hub.
- sometime along the way dustin stopped to look at one of the weird things on the wall, not long after, it sprayed some freaky spore stuff right into his face causing him to freak out, about it getting in his mouth, which caused the rest of you to freak out.
- after the scare you all made it to the “hub” and began soaking the place in gasoline.
- steve sighed. “i am in such deep shit for this.”
“alright firestarter, go ahead.”
- you made sure you all were far away enough, before glaring directly at the middle lf the hub, a trail of blood coming out of your nose, when all of a sudden the flames overtook the tunnel and vines, of which the latter began to shriek and flail around, almost as if it was in pain itself.
- as you and the others ran through the tunnel, a vine wrapped around mike’s leg, dragging him to the ground, as everybody tried to pull him away from it, and you trying to pull it off of him, steve came through and began hitting it with his bat.
- after successfully getting the thing away from him, and getting ready to start running again, a loud shriek from right behind you, caught everybody’s attention.
- steve got in front of max, lucas, and mike, with his nat ready, while dustin got in front of everyone, and you got in front of him, ready to attack it if it decided to jump at anyone.
- dustin recognized it as dart, calmly walking up to him , offering him some nougat that he had left over.
- after having a cute little moment with him and saying goodbye, you all continued walking, and getting back to the hole, you got in through.
- after helping everyone else get back out, as you and steve were about to help push dustin through, you heard a cacaphony of screeches coming your way, as demodogs were stampeding right towards you all.
- you were about to try to setting them aflame, while steve grabbed you and dustin to shield you two from them, when they all went barreling passed you as if you weren’t even there.
- you and mike looked at each other before simultaneously saying.
“it’s el.”
- thankfully, you learned once getting back, that the mind flayer was successfully removed from will’s body, and that el closed the gate.
- time skip to two months later, the night of the hawkins middle school sno-ball dance. you were in the backseat as steve dropped you and dustin off in the front.
- you got out after hugging steve goodbye, before walking in, as steve wanted to give dustin a “man-to-man pep talk”
- after greeting everyone, and watching as they all left to dance, will whisked away by some girl, lucas and max going yo dance eith each other, and dustin going up to a group of girls.
- mike was sat at one of the tables, and you went to the snack table where nancy was and greeting her before she walked away somewhere.
- during the slow dance you were happy to see that el had finally arrived and was dancing with mike, dustin dancing with nancy, max and lucas shared a kiss, and will dancing with that girl.
- all of which you happily snapped a picture of on your polarioid, before going back to eating the majority of the snacks on the table, you spotted a bowl of pop rocks bags.
- you smiled , picking up a bag as a memory came to you all of a sudden
- eddie walked around the conveniece store with the cart, you trailing close behind him, as it was his turn to get the groceries, according to his “uncle wayne”
- you were decked out in one of eddie’s large “k.i.s.s” hoodies , the hood on you, covering your shaved head and successfully covering your “007” tattoo.
“don’t worry van, we’re almost out of here. besides i won’t let anyone touch you. ” he reassured you as he noticed how you kept clinging to him, scared of being caught by “the bad men” you told him about.
“i’m just looking for these damn- ah! here we go!” he exclaimed pulling a box of the shelf before, turning around and dramatically presenting them to you.
“pop rocks!” he yelled excitedly, as you just looked at him blankly.
“right. you’d never even had pizza before the other day, why would i expect you to know what pop rocks are.” he said opening the box and pulling two packs out, and handing one to you.
- you copied how he ripped open his pack and did what he did, throwing your head back, and pouring the contents into your mouth.
- you quickly began to cough, confused and shocked on the sound in your ears and sizzling on your tongue and-
“i think it’s…in my throat!” you rasped out, holding your neck.
- eddie laughed loudly at your reaction, patting your back half-heartedly, gaining the attention of a few other shoppers but one you saw specifically abandoning her cart and came over to see what was going on.
“edward munson, you aren’t supposed to be opening food in the store! are you even going to pay for that? and who’s this?” a short, older lady exclaimed accusingly with a shrill voice at eddie, standing behind him with her hands on her hips.
- eddie’s smile and laughter left as quickly as it came, as he rolled his eyes, before turning around and facing her with a fake smile.
“hi ms. nolan, to what do i owe the pleasure of your nosiness today?” he asked sarcastically as you stood behind him.
“don’t get smart with me you, cad!” she exclaimed disgustedly.
- he quickly lost his fake smile as well
“i don’t have time for this today you old bat, i need to be home by a certain time.” eddie responded seriously, as he grabbed the cart and started to wheel around her, with you trailing behind, holding onto his shirt, before her arm shot out, and grabbed his forearm tightly.
- now you were on alert
“you know you’re turning out to be exactly like your father, eddie.” she said in his ear with faux concern.
“i mean first it’s groceries, next thing you know you’ll be a full fledged criminal, wanted for murder i bet.” she whispered tauntingly with a disgusting smile on her face.
- you didn’t really know what she was talking about but eddie? a murderer? never. eddie wouldn’t hurt anyone! you on the other hand-
- looking to see his reaction, being that he didn’t respond , you were surprised to see his usually outgoing manner, look so grim. he actually seemed really upset at her words and of course that made you upset.
“eddie is…not a murderer. he is not bad.” you said to her, stepping out from behind him, and closer to her.
- eddie tried to intercept, but you two just continued to stare each other down.
“or kidnapping apparently! why am i not surprised munson.” she said to him but still sneering at you.
“let. him go” you said staring right back at her, as blood began to drip from your nose.
“or what little girl?” she said tauntingly, getting in your face.
“uhh ms. nolan? you’re entire cart is kinda on fire right now!” eddie said panicking as well as other shoppers , at the bright light that flashed from the corner of his eye all of a sudden.
“what are you talk-“ she cut herself off to see that her entire cart, along with its contents were indeed on fire.
- along with her purse, that was sat inside of it that was now quickly melting as well.
“oh my god! my purse! somebody help! she yelped and yelled running back to her cart trying to fan it out, along with an employee.
- eddie stared in shock at what had just happened.
- but before he could react you started to walk away, with him following with the cart of groceries.
“we go home now.” you said eerily calm as you two began walking towards the registers.
“uh yeah- let’s go.” he agreed. after the things were quickly scanned, you two walked out to the parking lot, towards his van.
“sorry you had to deal with that old crone’s grating ass voice, van, but i mean, hey i just want to thank whatever higher power did that, little trick!” he joked, but you didn’t laugh.
“you are hurt.” you said pointing to his arm, where there surely was a bruise, beginning to form on his forearm where his thermal was rolled up to, from where she was squeezing him.
“oh that? psh i’m fine, don’t even feel it honestly. besides” he paused, wiping the blood from your nose.
“i’m strong, i can handle a little pain.” he said, smiling.
“now! shall we go home, and indulge in this entire box of pop rocks, milady?” he said dramatically as you two got into his van, gesturing at the box in your lap.
- you quickly shook your head no, with wide eyes, grimacing at the remembrance of how it felt sizzling in your throat and stomach.
- he laughed loudly, pulling out of the parking lot, exclaiming-
“whoo! more for me then!” he yelled loudly, out of thw window, making you laugh.
- the memory itself wasn’t too nice, due to the ms. nolan being an old crone part, but remembering the way eddie handled it and the pop rocks part is what made you smile, giggling a bit, still observing the small bag, before putting it back.
- you were still traumatized by the odd candy after all, you thought, before making your way down the rest of the table, to get some punch as well, before someone tapped your shoulder. ;)
oh. my. goodness. gracious that took me wayyy to fucking long. BUT i’m so excited to start writing for season 3! which i will start right now even though i’m literally finishing this one at 5:47 a.m. 😼
@tuffluuhv @reasontobebeautiful @sadbitchfangirl
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hakkais-hoe · 3 years
hi hi hi!! I have a request!! I feel like I rarely see tokyo revengers hc’s where the reader isn’t submissive and sweet and is actually kinda aggressive and dominant and lowkey a little bit scary??? Like unpredictable might make them beg for attention and love or might put them in the hospital nobody rly knows 👀 I’m thinking bonten?? Maybe others?? Idk u pick hehehe
TR Boys with an aggressive s/o
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Oml yessss I agree there’s never enough dominant reader stuff!!
Hope this is okay :)
You have no idea how fast I went to my notes
This is a long one can’t lie n it was written at 2 in the morning so be warned
Warnings: drug mention, murder, blood, little bit of a graphic description, sexual reference, light emotional abuse/manipulation maybe, lots of swearing from reader.
18+ themes.
Bonten: Mikey, Haitanis, Kakucho, Koko, Sanzu.
* Ngl I hc that you and Mikey met after you picked a fight with Sanzu
* Like he tried to shoot you n you smacked him round the head with the first heavy object you could find
* Mans out cold
* But Mikey saw it happen, ignored his passed out second in command
* Walks over to you n straight up says he wants you
* “Are you deluded you fuckin’ creep?”
* You’re having none of his bullshit getting ready to beat his arse with the object too
* He’s hooked ngl
* He decides to play it off as if he wants you to join Bonten not to be his s/o
* You’re still throwing curses at him n sneering at his offer
* He tells you that you have 2 days to decided nd to meet him back at the place you laid sanzu out
* Cut to 2 days later when he shows up to the area only to see you stood over one bloody body and another one with a lead pipe about to hit his head
* Safe to say you agree as long as you get to do what you want
* Mikey takes you to meet the Bonten executives
* Ran n Rin think you’re “the bees knees” as Ran said cue Rin wanting to unalive him
* Koko thinks you need a therapist
* You scare Mochi he’s like ‘wtf is this demon flinging a knife around for’
* Kaku wants you as far away as possible from him at all times also thinks you’re gonna kill his boss eventually
* Sanzu wants to kill you 🥰
* Takeomi is indifferent as always
* Takes you a good few months to warm up to any of them Koko being the first then the Haitanis
* Mikey practically begs for attention 23/7 (gotta have that extra hour for a snack break ofc)
* He’ll come and stand in your office door until you look at him, which ofc takes a long time for both of you
* He will never make physical contact though
* You eventually get sick of the strange game you’re playing and take matters into your own hands
* You walk into his office one night when you know Sanzu is out
* Mikeys pretending to look through some documents but is actually just swivelling his chair around
* When you walk towards him his eyes track every move you make
* You grab the back of his chair and twist it towards you, leaning over him you grab his chin to angel it up and sneer down at him
* “Did you want some fucking attention? That why you keep bothering me every day? Eh you want my attention, pretty boy?”
* Even depressed mikey.exe has stopped working
* Ghosting your hand down to grip his neck you climb into his lap
* Settling in you lean towards his ear and whisper
* “Better make it worth my effort pretty boy, or I’ll put you in a casket <3”
* This man is obsessed form the get-go
* 100% asks you to step on him at some point
* Meets you through a business that the Haitanis own
* He first sees you looking all Smiley a outside a club until some guys hit on you and your friends
* Cue two seconds later when your smile drops and so does one of them men
* He then witnesses the most beautiful person he’s ever seen curb stomp a man until blood is gushing out of his nose and eyebrow
* Proceeds to have you and your friends ushered into the club and you then escorted to a private room where he walks in two minutes later
* You’re sat very relaxed yet your face shows you’re disgust and anger
* Arms crossed tightly over your chest you give him a once over and tsk at his smirk
* “Wipe that look of your face you sack of shit, I ain’t afraid of Bonten or your lanky ass.”
* He’s shocked that you know who he’s with and it shows on his face
* “Are you dumb or something? You’ve got the pissing tattoo right slap bang on the front of your neck like a goddamn calling card. You look like a twat.”
* It’s official he’s in love
* Tells you that he’s sorted everything out and the police won’t be coming for you
* You don’t seem to care remotely tho and don’t even thank him for his effort
* You get up and go to leave but the tall Haitani steps in the way
* “I want you to work for me.”
* You laugh in his face
* Then suddenly he’s eye level with you, his eyes blown wide from the force of your yank on his tie
* “I’ll fucking kill you, you piece of shit. Who said you could get involved in my business I don’t give two fucks what the cops wanna do let em come.”
* Unlike Mikey he doesn’t give you time to decide he just shows up at bothers you for a week after
* You proceed to put him in hospital with a stab wound to the abdomen
* Kudos to the guy tho it just makes him want you more
* He doesn’t beg for attention he demands it
* I mean you did stab him
* He wears down your defences after a few months and manages to get your gremlin ass to go on a date with him
* Where you also threaten to beat the waiter with a chair if he doesn’t get Ran some goddamn sauce for his steak
* “Excuse me, I’m going to marry you ya know, doll?”
* “Tf you are you lanky ass cockroach”
* You terrify Rindo when he meets you for the first time
* Opposite of his big brother
* He thinks you’re a bitch
* Wants nothing to do with you when Mikey and Sanzu introduce you as a new member
* Watches you one two many times beat the ever loving crap out of fully grown men and enjoy it
* Sees when you put Sanzu in hospital with a bullet wound when he pops a pill in your drink
* Starts getting feelings the first time he sees you smile at a kitten though
* Catches himself smiling when you throw a knife at his brothers head (you missed thank god)
* Falls in love when he feels your backs hit together during a fight where you’re both outnumbered by a mile
* He remembers the first time he felt scared of you like it was yesterday
* You’d got so caught up in a fight and ended up beating two men to death
* He had gone to pull you off a third and you’d pinned him down ready to rain blow after blow down
* You got two hits in before Kaku tackled you off him
* Took you about 5 minutes to come back to your senses but by then the dye had been cast
* Rin couldn’t decide if he hated you or loved you for a good few months
* I think you’d have to be the one to come and speak to him first
* He’s one stubborn man
* When you confront him again you were planning to be calm but he pissed you off by ignoring you so you lashed out and screamed at him
* “Who the fuck do you think you’re ignoring Rindo?! Fucking speak to me or I’ll fucking stab you!”
* He’s sick of your bullshit
* “Yeh? You wanna stab me bitch? Go right ahead, can’t believe I fuckin love you, crazy little monster.”
* He just leans back in his chair and unbuttons his suit jacket, links his hands behind his head, crosses his legs and smirks at your shocked face
* Leaves you silent for once
* You stalk over to him
* Stab your knife into his desk
* And practically throw yourself into his lap before grinning and wrapping your hands around his neck
* “I’m definitely going to kill you eventually. <3”
* “Yeh yeh sure you are, crazy.”
* This man has the patience of a saint he dealt with Izana and South for Christ sake
* He gives you free reign of whatever you want
* You wanna beat someone up? Go right ahead darling he’ll watch
* You want to turn your snake tongue on him? Sure he’ll just act interest and ignore it anyway
* You want to actually fight him tho? Definitely not he’ll never raise a hand to you, you’ll be pinned before you can land one
* Doesn’t remember how he met you he just knows you were there one day nd you haven’t left since
* He fell for you when he saw you crouched next to a hurt child trying to comfort them even though you looked constipated and uncomfortable
* Approaches you a lot calmer than the others
* You’re definitely confused when there’s a constant looming shadow standing over you
* You could even be fighting and this guys stood right behind you watching and intimidating your opponent
* “Uh do you mind pissin off you overgrown spaghetti noodle.”
* He’s like tf I’m just looking out for you
* Proceeds to knock your opponent out in one blow
* You’re having none of this shit
* “Do you need some sense knocking into you motherfucker? That was mine get away you- you… just fuck off will you!”
* His unwavering stare definitely flusters you a bit
* Does this stop you from going to hit him? Definitely not
* He catches your fist mid air and pulls it above your head
* “Stop it y/n. I’m looking out for you it’s my job.”
* You have no dominance over this man can’t change my mind on this
* Even you glaring daggers at him doesn’t work
* A glare that has even the Haitanis looking uncomfortable
* Nothing you’re angry little self does bothers him
* He likes to pat your head when you do something well
* He definitely works on making you start to rely on him
* You have no idea how you ended up in his apartment me day but hey here you are
* Waking up in Kakuchos bed was not on your agenda today
* You try to sneak out but he’s in the kitchen
* “Don’t run away little one. Nothing happened I just put you to bed.”
* You find out someone tried to kill you because of a grudge
* Kaku found you before they could really do any damage
* Don’t ask what happened to them he won’t tell you ever
* He ‘handled it’ that’s all you need to know
* “You know I’ll alway be at your back, y/n. But I want to be selfish right now, please only look at me.”
* Stfu pretty boy
* “No. I wanted to tell you first, take it back!”
* You’ve successfully confused the man
* He’s like tf you want me to take back my confession so you can confess first?
* No
* Cue n argument that ends in you tackling him to the ground
* Y/n: 0 Kaku:1
* You’re dumb if you think this man didn’t want you pinning him to the ground
* “Okay tell me you love me then,little one.”
* “I- who’s said anything about that? I’m saying you’re mine. Don’t look at anyone other than me, Kakucho.”
* No <3
* He wants absolutely nothing to do with the feral gremlin that the Haitanis brought along
* Looks down his nose at you for a while ngl
* That is until you jump into a fight to help him
* Your “Get your fucking hands off him!” Gets all of his attention
* He was so sure he’d never be interested in anyone after Akane but here you are
* He wants all your attention now
* Shows up with random gifts claiming he had to buy it to get money off his other purchase
* Like ofc Koko those custom nuckle dusters definitely got you money off your new Armani suit didn’t they
* You better use them
* Cocky little shit will tell everyone in Bonten
* “You see those new toys they have? I get them cost me xxxx amount.”
* Likes to rest his arm behind your chair at Bonten meetings
* Ofc you’re made to sit with him now not the Haitanis
* Hates seeing you around Sanzu after your two had an altercation
* You confront him one day
* With Koko pinned against the wall in front of you knife at his throat
* He’s still smirking at you though
* “What the ever loving fuck do you think you’re doing Hajime? You tryna get me to hurt you? I will ya know stop buying me shit and stop bothering me. You got something to say then say it, bitch!”
* So aggressive
* He lives for it
* Kinda wants you to hit him he can’t lie
* Masochist at heart
* “Sure sweetheart I have something to say. What size is your ring finger? What size diamond do you want?”
* Sir I think you’ve skipped a few chapters
* “Hmm I want the most expensive one you can find.”
* “Done.”
* Like no they don’t actually mean it silly man
* “Koko? Can you like stop for two fuckin seconds. I’m not marrying you, haven’t even taken me on a fuckin date.”
* Cue the two of you sat at the best restaurant he owns *ahem* “knows”
* One of the waitresses that takes your orders keeps batting her basic ass lashes at Koko right in front of you
* “Bitch are you fucking blind? Want me to cut your eyelids off so you can see better? I’ll fuck you up if you keep staring at my man. Get the fuck away.”
* Proud boy moment
* He’s grinning at you
* Turns to the bitch and literally shoos her away
* “You heard my darling get your basic ass away from us.”
* He’s a cocky little shit for the next few weeks
* Insists on matching outfits
* So fucking pricey
* Also buys you a necklace with his name encrusted in diamonds
* This is now the most expensive thing you own
* You have to wear it or he’ll probably throw a silent hissy fit
* “Koko if you ever look at anyone else I’ll peel your skin off with a cheese grater <3”
* This man is so quick to be like ‘okay baby. Anything you want’
* Sanzu thinks it’s hilarious
* “I still need to know what ring you want angel.”
* Doesn’t even notice you’re scaring people
* Thinks you’re great
* Makes you go on missions with him 24/7
* Takes Mikey telling him that you’re way too aggressive for him to realise
* Does this make him want to get rid of you? Hell no
* He starts watching you a lot more
* He enjoys letting you take control of interrogations just so he can see you in your element
* King of hype
* “Yesss baby you pull that guys nails! Ooo good hit y/n/n~ You look so pretty covered in blood.”
* Freaks you out at first so instead of getting aggressive with the drugged up man with a gun you avoid him
* Well you try
* He pops up wherever you go
* He definitely begs for attention
* “Y/nnn look at meeee. Babyyyy I got us matching knives, yours has my name on it and mine has yours!!”
* Way too excited
* You’re pretty sure he already thinks your dating
* Kicks up a massive fuss when he hears you’re going on a mission with Rindou
* Poor baby just wants to go with you
* Personally think he’s the type to sit on the floor next your chair ,if you’re sat at sofas instead of the meeting table, and lay his head in your lap for attention when you get back
* He wants to make random physical contact with you
* Plays with your hands when you try to hit him
* Let’s you hit him sometimes
* Tbh I think if you’re ever physically fighting and he manages to pin your wiggling body he will bite you no lie
* This dude seems feral enough to just bite randomly
* Stuns you for a minute
* You end up head butting him which actually nocks him out for a bit
* (Might as well have a head like Tanjiro)
* When he wakes up and sees you sat next him shouting down the phone at someone he just mutters
* “I’m so obsessed with your pretty ass. So sexy.”
* Sir stfu not the time
* You just glare at him and carry on your argument
* He just grins back and reaches his hand out to stroke your kneecap
* You end up throwing your phone at the wall in frustration
* “I hate your psycho ass Sanzu, but if you’re mine then you’re mine alone I’ll kill anyone that looks at you.”
* “Ditto baby <3”
983 notes · View notes
In between the city walls of dying dreams
This if for @buckyownsmylife​​ 2k challenge. I chose the character Andy Barber and the AU ex-con.
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series); somnophilia, drugging, breeding, oral, fingering.
This is dark! (ex-con) Andy Barber x shy!reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: One night, you’re saved by the last person you expect, but you don’t know that he’s only saving you for himself.
Note: So I woke up at like 4am and couldn’t sleep. My biggest mistake during my insomniac fits are scrolling tumblr and then I see a writing challenge and decide, hey I hate myself enough to write 6k+ words for a tatted up Andy Barber so here we are.
Thanks to everyone for sticking around and putting up with me and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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The streets were shiny and slick as the rain pattered across the pavement and the eaves trickled loudly. The door of the convenience store chimed as you stepped out into the drizzle with a plastic bag hanging from your elbow. It was late and you were eager to be home after a ten-hour shift, your return delayed by your visit to the shop.
A man stood beneath the beaming ‘lotto’ sign and you kept your head low as you passed him. He kept his hood up but you recognized the grey sweater. You had waited behind him as he paid before you and offered only grumbles to the cashier. You weren’t too talkative yourself although the clerk recognized you from frequent visits. You only lived a block away and it was one of the only places open after your evening shifts.
Your boots splashed through shallow puddles as you passed by the alleyway you took in the daytime, keeping to the halo of the streetlights along the grimy stretch. You had no illusions about the neighbourhood and it often reminded you of its vices. If you kept quiet and faded into the background, it couldn’t eat you up. Living downtown meant that you had to learn to ignore the alarm bells in your head and just keep going. Be vigilant but don’t be bold.
As you cleared the mouth of the alley, you heard footsteps emerge behind you. You picked up your pace and gripped the strap of your purse slung across your torso. You pulled out your phone and angled it to see the shadow following you.
There was a shawarma shop on the next corner. You could hide out there until the creep got tired and left. It was your usual trick and the owner, Mo, was especially skilled at scaring away the rabble. 
The man got closer and you gulped. You would have to start running if he got any closer. You thought of swinging at him with your plastic bag, the bottle of vitamin water would give him a good knock. You walked faster and squeezed your phone as you brought up the dial pad. There was no one you could call who would get there fast enough.
You tripped and felt the hand on your arm. You were spun back against the wall and you threw your bag around to hit your accoster. It bounced to the ground as it was batted away and the plastic bag tore in half. The bottle of vitamin water rolled over the curb and your can of soup was dented on impact. The candy bar was tangled in the white plastic and you were trapped against the brick.
“Wallet.” The man’s knife slid from the handle with a threatening whisper. “Phone!”
He wrestled your cell from your grasp as the blade kept you from resisting. He cut the strap of your purse and yanked it free from your body. Shit. That can of soup would likely be your only meal for the rest of the week… if he didn’t stab you anyway.
You readied yourself for the worst but it never came. You were suddenly released as the man was shoved away from you and the blade clattered to the ground. The stranger in the grey hood kicked his ass so he sprawled across the pavement and bent to grab the blade. He retracted it and booted the mugger a second time.
“Stay down.” He warned as he knelt to pick up the can of chicken and rice and the dark chocolate. He fished the vitamin water from the gutter but the seal had broke and it was mostly gone.
The mugger groaned and pushed himself to his hands and knees. The other man stood and pushed down on his back with his thick sole until the attacker was on his stomach.
“I’m gonna crush your ribs if you don’t get outta here. Now.” He jabbed the mugger’s side sharply. “Go!”
The man scrambled up to his feet and wheezed. He stumbled away and the other watched him until he disappeared. Finally, he turned to you and held out your goods. You took them shakily and shook your head at the vitamin water. He bent to grab your purse and your phone and held them out in turn.
“You okay?” He asked.
You nodded and took them shyly. You never said much to anyone but even if you tried, you expected your voice wouldn’t rise. You huffed at the broken strap of your bag and the scratch across the back of your phone. The screen protector was a spider web of cracks and you were thankful it wasn’t entirely fucked.
You clung to everything and warily sidestepped the man. You dropped the wet bottle in the stinking bin behind him and turned back. You looked at him and froze. He was taller and broader than the man who attacked you. He still held the knife and could do worse.
“Thank you,” you mumbled.
“It’s fine.” He slid the knife into his pocket. “He didn’t cut you?”
You shook your head again. Even as his face was shrouded in shadows, you couldn’t look directly at the man. You never really looked anyone in the face, you often spoke to their shoes or the void above their heads.
“You live far?” He asked and again he received a negative gesture. “You want me to walk you? Or I can watch?”
Your eyes widened at the spatter of rain against the concrete.
“Miss,” he said with exasperation.
“I’m okay. I’m okay.” You whispered as if convincing yourself too.
You slipped past him quickly and he stepped back with a surprised stammer. Your soles slapped the pavement as you rushed away from him. You couldn’t be sure he wasn’t as bad as the other man. He might follow you home and try to get even further.
But he didn’t pursue you. You didn’t hear his footfalls behind you, only the steady fall of rain.
“Good night,” you heard quietly as you got to the corner. 
You didn’t look back and kept on around the bend. You sprinted all the way to your building at the end of the side street and fumbled for your keys at the door. You took a breath when you were inside at last. You were lucky but not many downtown were. That wouldn’t happen again.
After your close call, you didn’t return to the convenience store for several days and you only did so in the daylight. You had a rare day off and the spree of rain finally ceased. The sun beat down on the buildings and reflected hotly off the sidewalks. There wasn’t much to do, or much you could afford to do, so you didn’t do much in your free time.
You had to get out of your apartment, had to enjoy the nice day before you were once more trapped behind a desk. You walked up to the store and grabbed an ice cream bar from the freezer. You paid in change and claimed your treat with a tight-lipped smile.
As you approached the door, it swung outward and you retreated before you could collide with the other body. You muttered a sorry and stood aside as you waited for your path to clear.
“Hey,” the deep voice was familiar and sent a chill through you. “It’s you.”
You looked up at the man as the ice cream added to the cold flow through your veins. The same grey hoodie and broad shoulders. The man’s deep blue eyes shone beneath his tidy undercut and a thick beard trimmed his chiseled jaw. He was less sinister than the shadow you met days before.
Your eyes quickly flitted away as you remembered yourself and you looked at the door. You nodded as you cleared your throat. Speak, goddamnit.
“Thanks…again,” you croaked weakly. “S-sorry, I’m in your way.”
You tried to step around him but he was still firmly planted in front of the only exit.
“Wait,” he said gently, “Hey, I… don’t wanna seem weird but I was worried about you.”
“You don’t know me,” you said quietly to his shoes.
“Yeah, but that’s a scary thing to deal with.” His voice was firm but comforting, almost warm. Your eyes clung to the tattoo between his thumb and index finger.
“But…” you swallowed, your ice cream would start to melt soon. “You helped me. I’m okay now.”
“Well, good,” he said and finally moved. “I’m happy I could help.”
“Thanks.” You reached for the door but he beat you to it. He pushed it open and held it for you, forcing you to brush against him as you left.
“Be safe.” He called after you as the door chimed and you stumbled out onto the sidewalk, barely missing another pedestrian.
You crossed the street and stepped over the low hedges between the café and the pawn shop. The small park was oddly peaceful amid the chaos of the city and you didn’t mind sitting under the shade of the fragrant leaves. You sat at an empty picnic table and unwrapped the chocolate dipped bar.
You listened to the birds and watched the squirrels as you ate. You pulled out your phone but didn’t have enough data left to do much. You put it down as you licked clean the little wooden stick and shoved it back into the wrapper.
You flinched as a shadow blotted out the sun and you blinked up at the figure as it stopped before you.
“You again.” He smiled and your eyes fell back to the grass around his boots.
You crumpled the empty wrapper nervously and let out a nervous, “heh, yeah.”
“I’m not… following you.” He said and chuckled. “I know we kinda keep running into each other but I swear, I’m not some creep.”
You nodded and watched his fingers straighten. The ink on his knuckles made you nervous.
“Can I sit?” He asked.
You looked beside you as he pointed to the bench and you shrugged. “Could I stop you?” You uttered.
He turned and sat beside you. He took a breath and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a pack of smokes. He opened it and offered you one. You shook your head and he closed the carton, tucking it away without taking one himself.
“I won’t smoke around ya then,” he said. “I’m Andy.”
He held out his hand and you eyed it. Your lashes fluttered nervously and you squeezed the garbage. He waited patiently. You felt the heat on your neck and you reached to shake his hand. He gripped yours firmly and his strength made your wits flurry. You gave him your name and looked down at your lap as he let go of you.
“I don’t blame you not wanting to talk to strangers. Especially around here.”
You stayed quiet and twisted the wrapper around the stick. Your leg jiggled and he ran his nails over his jeans.
“Maybe you’re just shy and that’s okay too. I just thought, well, there’s a lot of shady characters around here and it’s good to have someone lookin’ out for ya.” He scratched his beard and leaned back against the table. “I just wanted to say that if you see me around and you need someone to scare off the other hounds, I’m more than happy to give them a good bite.”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and stilled your leg. You nodded.
“Alright,” he stood and the whole table shifted with his weight, “Now, I’ve said my peace. You take care of yourself.”
“Thanks,” you wrung your hands around the bending popsicle stick entwined with the wrapped.
“Oh, and… I think I grabbed the right one.” He reached into his hoodie pocket and you noticed the awkward shape jammed into the pocket. He revealed the bottle and placed it on the table. “I’ll see you around.”
You stared at the label. It was the right flavour. You looked up and watched him head out along the path. He unzipped his sweater as he went on and pushed his hands into the pockets. You pinched your lip with your teeth and took the bottle of water. Maybe there were nice people in the city or maybe you were just that pathetic.
Back at your building, you were relieved to be out of the sun and the stifling humidity. It would be a rough summer and your box fan would do little to stave off the heat. 
After your run-in with your hero, you decided to take a walk and finished the entire bottle in your casual stroll around the paths and the little creek on the other side of the park. It was later than you thought when you got back and fought with the jammed key slot.
You opened up the inner door of the lobby at last and grunted with frustration. Not only did the slot threaten to bend your key but the door was heavier than you. You climbed the first short flight of stairs and grabbed the old banister to continue your trip up the winding case. 
You stopped as the platform above creaked and as another resident came down with a basket of clothes in hand. You stayed at the bottom to let them pass but as they descended, they stopped a step above you. Your name had your head up and your eyes, for the second time that day, met two stunning blue irises.
“I didn’t know you lived in this building,” Andy said as he cradled his laundry and turned to face you. “Small world.”
“I didn’t--” your words dwindled and you focused on the lip of the basket instead of his face. You didn’t talk to your neighbours, not since the old man had threatened to choke you in the lobby.
“I just moved in.” He said. “My first place since… well, the first place I’ve had to myself.”
“Oh,” you breathed and picked at your frilly shirt.
“Well, let me just get out of your way,” he angled away from the stairs. “I’ll probably see you around. Don’t hesitate to say hi.”
You nodded and gripped the railing as you continued up the stairs. As you reached the platform, you glanced back and he was still watching you. He smiled and finally turned away, heading towards the laundry room as he began to whistle. You climbed the next flight and took a breath.
Coincidences happened but you just couldn’t handle so many at once. Andy had been nothing but nice, he saved you from being robbed and he even replaced what he didn’t owe you. You just couldn’t believe it. 
People could be good, they could be kind, just not in the city.
Your run-ins with Andy continued. You passed him in the hall several times before you realised he lived on the same floor. Your suspicions were confirmed as you grabbed your take-out and saw him unlocking the door only a couple away from your own. You even managed to drop your fliers on his boots when you were grabbing your mails.
Each time, he was friendly and each time, you barely said a word. He was a curious man. His tattoos labelled him as dangerous but his demeanour was welcoming and compassionate. He was entirely off putting and you lived in the city long enough to be wary. And you were shy enough to be evasive.
You were tired after another late shift. The bus ride had you yawning by the time you reached your stop and your short walk to the building was less than enjoyable as the usual weirdos were out with the full moon. You shoved your key into the slot and swore under your breath as it refused to turn.
Finally, it pivoted and you yanked on the handle as the door behind you swished open and closed. A hand grabbed the side of the door and helped pull it back all the way. You peeked over your shoulder as Andy held it and you thanked him with a squeak before heading through.
He followed you a few steps back as you started up the stairs.
“You work late a lot.” He said from behind you.
“Yeah…” you said as you turned up the next flight.
“You work far?”
“Not very,” you replied as you turned again.
“Yeah, I used to be on nights and that was hell.” He humoured as you pressed on.
Your toe caught on the lip of the top step and you went hurtling forward. You tried to catch yourself and cried out as you landed on your wrist and felt an agonizing twinge. You hissed and turned over, holding your arm as it throbbed.
“Shit, are you okay?” He asked as he stooped to look you over. 
Your purse had landed in the corner of the platform and your flat had slipped off in your descent. Embarrassed, you lowered your arm and nodded. “I’m fine. Just… hopeless.”
“Here,” he took your shoe from the step and slid it onto your foot. “Hey, it happens. I almost did the same thing the other day.” 
He paused and you felt him staring. You looked him in the face nervously but his eyes weren’t on yours. You felt a tickle as he pulled your skirt back to your knee. You hadn’t realised how far up it had flown.
“Let me see your arm,” he said as you rested it on your leg.
“No, it’s fine, I--” You waved him away with your good arm and but he took your other gently and bent to look closer.
He tutted as he touched the flesh and you winced. 
“It’s swelling,” he felt firmly along your wrist, “I don’t feel a break but a sprain is a serious thing.”
“How do you--” you stopped yourself. “I’ll be okay.”
“You need to wrap it.” He let go of your arm and stood. 
He grabbed your other elbow and helped you to your feet. He stepped up onto the platform and scooped up your purse.
“You have something to wrap it? You’ll need the proper support.”
You shook your head. “It’s not that serious.”
“It is. You landed on it with all your weight. I’m surprised you didn’t break something.” He insisted. “I have something, I’ll wrap it for you.”
“Really, I can…” you voice fizzled as you tried to steady yourself. “I can do it myself.”
“But will you?” He kept his hand on your arm and guided you up the last steps to your floor. “Please, for my own peace of mind, let me help.”
You stared at the stained carpet as you stopped beside him. “Why?”
“Why are you so afraid of me?” He asked.
“I’m not-- I…” You frowned. “I just don’t know you. I-I-I’m just quiet.”
“I’ve tried to know you so why don’t you let me?”
You drew away from him and watched his hand drop. You stared at the tattoos and he curled his fingers.
“Oh, yeah, well, I guess I can start by being honest.” He sighed, “Yes, I’ve been to prison. I’ve been out for a year now, I’m finally off parole, I have a job, and I’m working to live a clean life. Is that it? You think I’m some goon?”
“No, I…” you looked at the floor again. “I don’t care about that. I’m just… I don’t know what to say to people so I don’t say very much.” You swayed nervously on your feet. “And no one ever really tried to hear me anyway.”
“Well, I can do the talking or we can both just say nothing, but please, you’re wrist, an untreated sprain can do a lot more damage.”
You tilted your head back and forth and another stab of pain went through your wrist. You nodded and looked to the wall. “O-Okay.”
“Alright,” he exhaled and nudged you lightly as he urged you down the hall. 
He stopped at his door and you waited for him to unlock it. You stared inside as he pushed it open. You didn’t really know him and what you did know wasn’t reassuring. He was a convict and you were about to be completely alone with him.
“Or I can grab the bandage and meet you at yours?” He offered.
“No, no, I’m… tired. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he said.
You entered and he followed. He put your purse on the small square table beside the shoe rack and you stepped out of your flats. He bent to untie his boots and left them beside your shoes. He urged you on and you looked around at the surprisingly cozy apartment. It was tidier than yours and smelled like fresh linen.
“I’ll be right back,” he gestured you to the living room and went down the short hall to closet at the very end.
You ventured past the couch as you looked around. There was a degree hung on the wall and you went closer to read it. You heard him searching the closet as you raised your brows at the framed certificate.
“Got it,” he entered and you turned away. “Ah, yeah, they disbarred me when I was charged but ah, well, it’s something to work towards. The old me.”
You bit your cheek as you stepped away from the wall and he beckoned you to him. He had you sit on the couch with your arm up as he pulled a chair close. He unwounded the beige bandage and placed the end against your wrist. He began to wind it around your arm and hooked it between your thumb and index. You watched him work and it calmed you. He pinned the loose end and placed your hand atop the cushioned arm of the couch.
“There.” He said as he sat back. “How’s it feel now?”
“A little better,” you pulled your hand into your lap. “Thank you.”
You stood awkwardly and played with the pleat of your skirt. “I should probably go.”
“If you want to or… I have some wine. It might help with the pain.”
“Oh?” You weren’t much of a drinker but you didn’t want to be rude.
“It was a gift from my parole officer since I can legally drink now. He said it better last me the next year but I haven’t even opened it. Don’t really have a reason to but… so you want a glass or should we say good night?”
You scrunched your lips and thought. You felt as if you owed him; for the night he chased away the mugger and then the park and now this.
“Uh, sure, but just a little. I don’t drink much.”
“No problem,” he stood and you sat back down.
He went to the kitchen and you listened to the clink of dishes and click of the cabinets. You looked down at your wrist and moved your fingers. Your wrist hurt a lot but the bandage alleviated some of it.
“I realised I don’t have any wine glasses,” he said as he approached, “So, I hope you don’t mind wine in a mug.”
He handed you a cup and sat down with his own. Yours had flowers around the rim and his read ‘Best Dad Ever.’
“Got ‘em from the Good Will,” he chuckled, “I’ve been meaning to replace them but you know, work.”
“Yeah,” you raised the cup and tasted the bitter red. You wrinkled your nose and he gave a low snort.
“Yeah, I never really liked cabernet but it was a gift,” he said and took a drink himself. “So what kinda work do you do?”
“I’m just a temp.” You tried another mouthful and nearly choked.
“Like office work?”
“Yeah, a floating secretary. Nothing special.”
“Mmm, yeah, I got a job down at the factory. Another favour from my parole officer but it’s not bad work.”
Your lips slanted as you thought. You didn’t say much but your face was good at filling the silence.
“What? Go on, ask it.” He leaned forward with elbows on his knees as he took another gulp.
You mirrored him and swallowed the sour wine. You wiped your lips with your sleeve and crossed your legs. “You said you were a lawyer before, isn’t it kinda… I dunno.”
“It’s different but it’s better than prison.”
“Yeah, I guess it would be.”
You looked down as silence laced the air and you didn’t know what else to do but finish the wine. You could leave then. You drained the cup and set it on the round table next to the arm of the couch. You blinked as you felt the buzz of the alcohol already.
“It might just be me, but that was strong,” you said.
“No, it is,” he put his mug down too, “like thirteen percent or something. I think maybe he was trying to sabotage me.”
You tried to laugh but it came out an awkward sniffle. You tapped your foot as you tried to think of what to do or say. 
“Well, thank you but I think I should--” You stood so fast you got dizzy and nearly fell back as you held yourself up against the couch arm. “Whoo, okay, I’m going.”
“Yeah, alright,” he stood too. “It is late, I guess.”
“Mhmm,” you focused on your footsteps as you passed him and he followed you to the entryway. You took your purse and faced him. “Thank you.” You held up your wrist. “I owe you.”
“Well, I wasn’t gonna say it myself but… you can repay me with one little thing.”
“Oh?” You pushed the strap of your purse up your shoulder as you slid your feet into your flats and swayed just a little.
“Finish the wine with me. I’m free on Saturday, we could order dinner and maybe watch a movie.”
You pouted in surprise and your eyebrows shot up. “Well, I…”
“Friends.” He said quickly, “That’s all. You pick the movie and I’ll bring the cabernet.”
You sucked in your lip and thought. He hadn’t done anything wrong to you. He had done more than he should have for you. And you were being stupid. He was older than you, certainly. The short greys poking out at his temples betrayed at least forty years and he was just another person trying to get by. 
“Okay, I can do Saturday. I work till five, just a half-shift.” You explained. “Should I meet you here or?”
“Yeah, we can do it here.” He touched your shoulder and his hand slowly slipped down your arm. He reached past you and turned the knob and pulled open the door. You moved closer to avoid it hitting you and smelled his woodsy cologne. “Have a good night.”
“You too,” you backed through the door clumsily, “thanks.”
“Saturday.” He pointed at you and then his temple, “Don’t forget.”
“I’ll… try.”
You left him and felt him watching you until you reached your door. You didn’t look back as you let yourself in and locked it behind you. You heard his own shut and let out a breath. What were you doing?
You couldn’t forget your promise to Andy. You never made plans. You were content to be alone and watch old reality tv shows and forget about your responsibilities. You hoped instead that he might forget and spare you another awkward encounter. You were never a social butterfly and conversation was like pulling teeth. It wasn’t that you didn’t long for companionship, it was that it was so impossibly difficult.
But he was waiting for you. As you passed his door at 5:46, he opened it and nearly had you jumping off your feet.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry.” He said, “Just a friendly reminder.”
“Yeah, I just need to get changed,” you fidgeted, “fifteen minutes, okay?”
“Take your time,” he smiled, “any thoughts on a movie yet?”
“No,” you cringed, “sorry.”
“Go on. I’ll be waiting. You can let yourself in.” He closed the door and you went onward to your own.
You pulled out your most comfortable jeans and a shirt that wasn’t too formal or casual. You changed and fixed your hair a little and switched your socks for less sweaty ones. You slid on some shoes and reluctantly left your apartment. You went to his and knocked before you dared to enter.
“So, uh, I know I said take out,” he called from the kitchen as you inhaled the scent of garlic, “but I got a bit carried away.” “Andy,” you kicked your shoes onto the rack and crept down the hall. “You didn’t have to--”
“I haven’t cooked like this in ages. Oh, and,” he turned as you peered in from the doorway and turned back with two wine glasses poured to the brim, “I got real glasses.”
“Wow, uh…” You took the stem and carefully held it so as not to spill.
“So how was work?”
“Slow.” You answered honestly.
“Saturday’s usually are,” he turned back and stirred the frying pan. “I’m almost done so why don’t you go look for something to watch and I’ll be out with dinner.”
“Okay…” you voice trailed away nervously. He wore a tee that exposed the rest of the tats that stretched up his muscular arms. You couldn’t help but stare at the skull that seemed to look back at you.
You went to the couch and sat in the corner. You sipped the wine and it still burned your nostrils and tongue. You set the glass down carefully and turned on the television with the remote. 
You curled your legs up under you habitually and flipped through the titles. No rom coms, that’s awkward, and no horror movies or he’d pull that old high school trick. Maybe a war movie? Oh wait, that one’s about lawyers, that would be good. Or it might make him sad. Hmmm.
You settled on a superhero movie and waited with the intro paused. He appeared shortly with two plates and set them down on the coffee table as he sat beside you on the couch and pulled it closer.
“Nothing too special. I made my own spaghetti sauce though, so much better than the jarred stuff.” He combed his hair back as he set out your cutler with a napkin. “What are watching?”
“I’ve never seen this one,” you said as you hit play and the title flashed up, “Have you?”
“Oh, I don’t really watch that stuff but hey, never too old to start.” He picked up his fork and leaned forward. “Hope you enjoy. I might be a bit rusty. My-- People tell me I put too much garlic in everything.”
“I’m sure it’s great,” you pushed your legs over the edge of the couch and sat forward. You took your cutlery and carefully spun the noodles.
You were thankful for the loud crashes of the movie’s opening scene as it meant you could eat and not have to talk. The spaghetti was good and compared to your usual quick and easy meals in a box or can, it was gourmet. When you finished, you wiped your mouth and took a long gulp of the wine without thinking.
You sat back as you grew engrossed with the superheroes origin story and nearly forgot about Andy until he got up to clear the dishes. You offered to pause and he bid you to keep on. He was back in a moment and leaned back beside you. You squirmed and reached for your wine again. The taste was less stringent with each sip.
As the hero readied to face the villain, you emptied the glass and hugged yourself as a warmth glowed in your veins. You felt a hand on your leg as your eyelids drooped and you slumped into the couch. You could still feel the fingers as your fly was unzipped and you groaned as your limbs would not obey you.
The noise of the final battle faded and a heavy weight settled between your legs as tickles lined your neck and jaw, a final hungry kiss on your lips sealing your consciousness.
Andy’s POV
The wine was potent but Andy was sure to add a little extra kick. Her nerves kept her drinking the dark cabernet and she couldn’t taste the crushed pills through the acidity. He could taste the fermented grapes on her lips though and she moaned beneath him as he rolled her shirt up her torso.
He sat back to make sure she really was out. He snapped his fingers in front of her face and tapped her cheek. She mumbled but only lolled her head. He was done being patient with her. She was so shy it was enraging. He did everything he was supposed to do and she still wouldn’t even look at him. Oh, but she would feel him.
He ran his hands along her figure and basked in the warmth of her skin. How long had it been since he’d felt a woman beneath him? He didn’t like to think like that; didn’t like to remember the past and all he’d lost. He was trying to rebuild and this was the first step.
His hands settled on her stomach. It wasn’t flat and it was bit squishy, he liked that. He closed his eyes and pictured how it would grow. He would be a father again, and a husband. He would be the man he once was.
He shuddered and opened his eyes. He stripped her shirt off completely and bent to catch her nipple in his mouth as it spilled from her bra. He reached around her to unhook the bra entirely and yanked it from under her. She twitched but could not wake as he sucked at her tit and then the other.
He recalled that night on the street when he chased off that other man. It wasn’t the first time he saw her, in fact he had followed her to the store. She didn’t notice him slip in behind her or that he paid for a magazine he wouldn’t read. He remembered how he resisted that night. How he wanted to put her against that wall and finish it then and there.
Her pants slid down her legs easily as he backed off the couch. Her panties tasted like her as he pressed his mouth between her legs. He slung her knees over his shoulders and nuzzled her through the cotton until she soaked them entirely. He pulled them aside and continued to coax her. She came as a ripple flowed through her body and he drank up her unconscious excitement.
He tore her panties down her legs and looked down at her with heavy, hungry breaths. He read that women were more likely to conceive if they were aroused. He swiped his shirt over his head and undid his jeans impatiently. He was incredibly hard and he needed her around him.
He bent her legs, one leaned against the back of the couch as the other hung over the side. He dragged his fingers along her cunt and growled. He shoved his fingers into her and spread them. She was so tight it made him throb.
He pulled out and grabbed his dick. He pressed his tip against her clit and rubbed circles around it. She muttered again and turned her head but he wasn’t afraid of her waking. Even if she did, she couldn’t stop him.
He positioned himself against her entrance and pushed his tip just inside. He gasped and bit his tongue. He could’ve cum at that. He snapped his hips against her and her whole body jerked as he reached his limit. She gurgled and he thrust again.
She clenched around him, her walls hungry for him. He rocked his hips into her and watched her squirm, her eyes flitting back and forth behind her eyelids. He bent over her and pulled her arms above her, holding her hands together against the arm of the couch. He fucked her hard as the entire couch jolted beneath their bodies.
“You like that?” He whispered in her ear. “Huh, this is what you wanted. What you were so afraid of.”
He grunted and bucked even faster. Her body reacted to his and as she came, her juices added to the noise of his intrusion. His flesh slapped against hers loudly as the movie’s effect faded into the background. He grabbed her chin and watched her sleeping face as he pounded into her.
“You want it. You want me. You want me to fill you up.” He snarled. “You want my baby inside of you. You want to grow for me.” He sucked on his tongue as his body began to tense. “I’m going to fuck my baby into you, you bitch.”
He buried his head against her neck and bit into her flesh as he came. He shook on top of her as he emptied inside of her and slowed. He whimpered as he stopped his hip and lingered inside of her. He sighed and panted as he fell limp over her.
“Don’t worry, we’re not done.” He promised her deafened ears.
You were sore and stiff. You were trapped and suffocating. As you rose back to the surface, you felt the weight over you and began to panic. Your thighs were raw but numbed and your core felt hollow. You tried to remember more than the taste of wine but it was all a fog.
You opened your eyes and felt along the shoulder against your chin. The tattooed skin smelled of sweat and you could barely move beneath Andy. As you tried, you felt him inside of you and squeaked. Then the real panic began and you couldn’t breathe at all.
You beat on his shoulders and he grumbled. You felt him growing inside of you and you flailed against him.
“Please, please, get off.”
He shook his head and raised it slowly. He sat up but brought you with him as he kept you around his hardening dick. He held you in his lap and watched you struggle with his tired eyes.
“What’s the matter, honey?” he asked languidly.
“What did you--What are you doing?” You shoved against him and yelped as he tilted into you from below.
“What did I do? Oh, you don’t remember?”
“Don’t remember? Let me go! Please.” You whined. 
“Come on, don’t be like this. You asked for it, honey.”
“Oh, you really are a lightweight,” he whistled, “you said you wanted me. You practically begged me to fuck you.”
“I didn’t-- I--”
“Well, what do you remember?” He purred as he subtly rocked into you. “Huh?”
“I don’t--I can’t remember.”
“You really going to do this to me? Act like you never wanted it? Like I didn’t try to resist you, honey, but you wanted it so bad.”
“No, I…” you stared at the tattoo across his chest.
“Look at me,” he gripped your jaw and your eyes flicked up to his. He thrust into you as far as he could and you yelped, “Tell me you don’t want this.”
He bit his lip as he continued to fuck you. Your thighs clenched around his but you couldn’t escape his grasp.
“You look at me when I fuck you, huh? Yeah, look at me.”
You covered your face and he pulled your hands away. He twisted your arms behind your back and sped up as he bound you against him.
“It’s alright, honey, I already filled you up nice and good,” he cooed, “This. Is. Just. For. Good. Measure.”
He spoke between shallow breaths and your own heartbeat picked up. Your eyes welled as you couldn’t resist the waves and you came with a pathetic mewl. He pulled you close and turned his face up to kiss you. He nibbled your lip and growled as he came inside of you. 
You closed your eyes and waited for him to stop. When he did, he wouldn’t let you go. You fell forward and hung your head beside his as a sob lodged in your throat.
“It’s alright. It’s what I want.” He caressed your lower back, “You’ll want it too. You just need time.”
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thebookreader12345 · 3 years
Memory Lane
Pairing: Adam Ruzek x reader
Summary: Y/N gets severely injured on the job, and throughout her time in and out of consciousness, she recalls the memories that she's shared with Adam throughout the years
Requested: No
Warnings: slight swearing, mentions of getting shot
Word Count: 1,718 Words
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One minute, I was fine. The next, I was on the ground, clutching at my shirt which was stained dark red with blood. It wasn't supposed to go down like this. It was a simple exchange, money for drugs, but everything went sideways when a patrol car intercepted the meeting. That was especially bad news for Adam and I seeing as neither of us had on bullet proof vests.
"Y/N!" Adam shouted and hooked his arms under my armpits before dragging me behind our car. Gunfire echoed around us, but the only thing I was trying to focus on was Adam. "5021 Ida. I need an ambo to the south block of Union. We're in the abandoned lot near the factories. My partner's been shot."
"Copy that 5021 Ida. An ambulance is 3 minutes out," the dispatcher replied.
"Adam," I murmur.
"No, Y/N, don't talk," Adam ordered and pressed his hands onto my wound, which caused me to wince. "Save your strength. Everything's gonna be okay."
"I've been shot in the stomach and I'm lying in a pool of blood," I whisper and clutch Adam's arm. "It's not cool to lie to me when I'm dying."
"Hey, you are not going to die on me. Not here, not now, now ever," Adam said. I nodded as my vision started to blur slightly, and I began to lose my strength. My grip on Adam's forearm loosened and my hand fell slack to the side, hitting the rocky gravel pavement. I could feel my conscious fading away, and it took everything in my power to keep my eyes the slightest bit open. Adam noticed my sudden silence, and when he realized that my eyes were staring to close, his face was flooded with worry. "Keep your eyes open, darling. The ambulance is almost here. You can do it."
I wanted to be strong for Adam, but it was getting hard to stay awake. My brain was begging me to close my eyes and get some rest, and I fought the urge to lose consciousness for as long as I could, but that didn't last forever. I felt my eyes flutter shut, the last thing I saw being Adam's distressed face. It was weird though, being unconscious. Everything was black, and there was no light in sight. That's when the black disappeared though, and suddenly, I was reliving the time Adam and I first met.
"Here are the papers you requested Trudy. All 26 of them," I declare and place the stack of papers on the front desk.
"I'm impressed," Trudy confessed. "I didn't think you'd get it done in time."
"Hey, we may be short in the bullpen, but that doesn't mean I can't get my own work done quickly," I say.
"Speaking of being short on people, Al's brining in the new recruit now," Trudy spoke and nodded behind me. I turned around just as Al bounded up the front steps with our new rookie trailing a few steps behind him.
"Hey, Al," I greet my co-worker. "Who's this?"
"Y/N, this is Adam Ruzek. He's going to be our newest team member. And Adam, this is Y/N L/N," Al introduced. "She's one of the members of Intelligence."
"It's nice to meet you," Adam admitted.
"Yeah. You too," I reply.
"So, are you gonna be my partner?" Adam questioned.
I laughed softly. "Sorry, but I'm partnered up with Antonio. You're stuck with Al."
"Oh. Al was telling me about you on the ride over so I just figured..." Adam trailed off, a slight blush rising to his cheeks.
"He's cute. I like him," I tell Al.
Al chuckled. "I figured you would."
"Well, Adam, it was nice meeting you, but I've gotta get back upstairs and finish some more paperwork. Al, would you mind buzzing me up? My print hasn't been working lately," I explain.
"Sure. Ruzek, I need you to stay here and fill out some paperwork with Sergeant Platt. She can let you up when you're done," Al said.
"Got it. Again, it was nice meeting you, Y/N," Adam voiced.
Flashback Ends
When I slightly regained consciousness, my eyes cracked open the tiniest bit, just enough for me to know that I was in an ambulance. I could hear the sirens echoing on the street outside and feel the bounce of the wheels as they drove on the concrete road. I could also feel Adam squeezing my hand as a paramedic tended to my wound. But all of that disappeared in a matter of seconds as I slipped away for the second time that afternoon. This time, I was brought back to our first kiss.
"No way! That never happened," I object and laugh.
"Yes it did. I swear. My dad walked in on me and my girlfriend at the time making out," Adam claimed.
"That must've been so embarrassing. I would've hid from my parents for a month if that happened to me," I say.
"Yeah, well, I was a teenager, and they provided me food and shelter, so I couldn't exactly avoid them," Adam joked.
"Well, this is me," I murmur and gesture to the apartment building a few yards up. Adam nodded and pulled to the curb, parking his car to let me out. Just before I could exit the car, Adam stopped me.
"Let me walk you up," Adam spoke and climbed out of the car. I shook my head, a small smile playing on my lips, and exited the car. I slung my purse over my shoulder and joined Adam on the sidewalk, and together, the two of us walked up the stairs of my apartment complex and stopped at the front door.
"I had fun tonight," I confess and turn to face Adam. "We should do this again sometime."
Adam nodded. "Definitely. But uh, before I go, there's one more thing I have to do." And with that, Adam leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips and moved my hands up to cup his cheeks, which caused him to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer. I could taste the faintest bit of beer on his lips, and it went surprisingly well with the wine flavor that was still occupying my tongue. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, and I was a bit upset when we pulled away from each other. "I couldn't leave without giving you a goodnight kiss," Adam admitted. "Goodnight, Y/N."
"Night, Adam," I reply.
Flashback Ends
This time, when I came to, I was being wheeled into the ER at Chicago Med. I had an oxygen mask over my nose and mouth to help me breathe, but that didn't help much with my labored breathing. Through my squinted eyes, I could make out a few people hovering above me, but I couldn't seem to hear what they were saying. Along with Adam and the paramedics, I saw Dr. Rhodes, who was wheeling my stretcher in the direction of the elevators. I didn't stay conscious for long, and when I drifted off, I was seeing another memory.
"Y/N, can we just talk? Please," Adam pleaded. I ignored his pleas from where I was seated on the floor against the bathroom door, and leaned my head back against the wood. Tears fell from my eyes and slid down my cheeks, but I didn't even bother wiping them away. "Y/N? Come on. Let me in."
"I don't want to talk to you right now," I murmur.
"Y/N I..." Adam trailed off for a few seconds. "I'm sorry, okay? I know that it was reckless of me to jump in front of that bullet but-"
"You could've been killed, Adam," I interject.
"But I wasn't," Adam countered. "And I'm not even hurt. The vest stopped the bullet. I'm okay."
"I get that, but what if you weren't?" I propose. "What if the vest didn't protect you? What if you had been seriously hurt? I can't live without you, Adam."
Adam sighed from where he was standing on the other side of the door. "You will never have to live without me. I'm never gonna leave you, Y/N. I love you so much."
My breath got caught in my throat at Adam's words. We had never said 'I love you' to each other before. I sniffled and stood up, using the back of my hand to wipe away the tears that had remained on my cheeks, and then I opened the door. Adam was standing a few feet away from the door, and he looked up when I exited the bathroom. I took a few steps forward and hugged him tightly, burying my face into his shoulder.
"I love you too," I breathe out.
Flashback End
My eyes opened slowly, and I cringed at the brightness of the room, closing my eyes again. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes again, blinking a few times to get used to the light. A small groan slipped past my lips as I tried to move to a more comfortable position, and that alerted Adam, who was sleeping in a chair next to my bed, that I was awake. He rubbed his eyes and sat up straighter, his hand automatically gravitating to mine.
"Hey," Adam muttered, his voice laced with sleepiness. "How are you feeling?"
"Well, I hurt everywhere," I reply. "But I think I'll be okay."
"You uh, you had me worried for a bit," Adam confessed and squeezed my hand softly.
"Don't worry. I don't plan on going anywhere any time soon," I admit. "But I do plan on taking every measure to make sure I don't get shot ever again. It hurts like hell."
Adam chuckled. "I will do everything in my power to keep you out of harm's way."
"You know what else you can do? Get me a cup of Jell-O from the cafeteria," I tell him.
"Deal," Adam said and stood up. "But I'm also gonna grab Dr. Rhodes on my way back so that he can check up on you."
"You're the best boyfriend ever," I exclaim. "I love you."
"I love you too," Adam responded and leaned down to peck my lips.
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skiesofthesketchy · 4 years
Stood Up {1}
Pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
Summary: You have a date with your friend that you’ve liked forever, but he never shows up.
Note: Heyyyyy Please read the warnings before proceeding. This is one of the darker things I’ve ever written, and it might trigger some people so please be careful. I’m usually a fluff writer but I’ve been feeling... ya know, down lately so this is what I made. I’m working on the second part to Unsend still, but haven’t been in the mood lately so sorry it’s taking so long!
Let me know what you think! :)
Word Count: 6.5k
Stood Up: {Part 2} / { Part 3}
WARNINGS: Violence and abuse! sexual violence! trauma! swearing, angst
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WARNINGS: Violence and abuse! sexual violence! trauma! swearing, angst
Y/N’s P.O.V.
10:00 PM
I pulled my sweater tighter against me when I felt a small burst of wind, the chill making goosebumps surface on my bare legs. I looked left and right down the black street, but nobody was around. It was quiet, almost silent besides dried leaves scraping against the pavement, and the only light was the orange glow from the street lamps and the red neon sign above my head casting onto the empty street. It was a nice night, even with the cool breeze, but I could feel my nerves kicking in.
I tried to remain optimistic though. Maybe he’s just running late... I pulled out my phone again to see if JJ had texted me back, but he hadn’t.
On my way! See in you 20 :)
I sighed, looking at the last text I sent him. I only sent it hoping to remind him that we had plans tonight in case he forgot. He always forgets. 
‘He’s just a forgetful person,’ I tell myself for what feels like the thousandth time. It’s usually that phrase that makes me feel better, or ‘He’s got a lot going on.’ I never make it a big deal when he misses our plans, even though it feels like a small piece of my heart breaks off and dies every time it happens. 
‘This time is different though,’ I told myself. It was just yesterday that I mentioned the movie theater was showing a bunch of Quentin Tarantino films this week. I tried to act like it wasn’t a big deal, just a fun thing me and my friends could all do together, but I was truly very excited about it and really hoped they’d be down. 
“Are they showing Kill Bill?” JJ asked with a smile. The other pogues didn’t seem interested but I was happy that JJ was. 
“Yeah. Tomorrow night actually,” I shrugged.
“We should go.”
I smiled softly at him. “Sure, if you want to.”
He chuckled, blue eyes lighting up as he poked my cheek. I knew he could see right past my nonchalant demeanor. “That’s your favorite movie ever. Of course I want to go see it with you! My treat.”
I ignored the fluttering in my belly, but couldn’t hide my smile. He remembers my favorite movie and wants to watch it with me. “You don’t have to pay for me,” I shook my head with a laugh. I didn’t expect him to, but the fact that he offered made my chest warm. JJ doesn’t have much money to begin with, and with what he does have, he usually spends on weed and beer, necessities in his daily life.
“No, no,” he tsked, bringing me into a hug. My giddy grin was thankfully hidden in his chest. Being this close to him always makes me feel lighter than air, warmer than the summer breeze. “You’re my girl. Let me take you out,” he finished, chuckling into my hair. 
I felt heat rise to my cheeks, like I always did when he called me his girl. I nodded in agreement once I pulled away from his embrace. “Ten o’clock tomorrow, okay?”
“I’ll be there,” he replied, saluting me with a wink before turning to join the conversation the rest of the pogues were engaged in, leaving me to internally gush about going on a date with the boy I’ve liked since forever. 
Maybe it wasn’t a date, or maybe it was. I didn’t really know, but I didn’t care as long as I got to spend time with JJ. It really did feel like this time was different. My thoughts swirled, wondering if he likes me back. Wanting to take me to a movie makes it sound like he likes me, right?
Date or not, I wanted to look nice, so I spent more time getting ready than I normally did. I experimented with some light makeup, trying to make it subtle but still pretty. I left my hair down after making it look somewhat decent, something I hardly ever do because my go-to is always putting it up. I even picked out a dress to wear but made sure to choose one that JJ had seen me in plenty of times. I didn’t want to look like I was trying too hard, but still hoped he would notice my appearance and think I looked pretty. 
10:10 PM
The movie started ten minutes ago, and still no word from JJ. I glanced down at my shoes and hugged myself tighter. ‘Maybe he did forget... again.’ I didn’t want to believe it, giving JJ the benefit of the doubt like I always did. But he still wasn’t here.
Yo are you coming? I sent another text.
I was really excited about tonight, not just because I’d be seeing one of my favorite movies in the theaters as if it was premiering for the first time. Now I just feel... heavy. Like I’m carrying the weight of the reality I should’ve realized a long time ago. If I was important to him, he would remember our plans.
My frown deepened. That’s what it comes down to, right? If he actually cared about me, he would be here, or at least tell me he’s not going to make it. Constantly forgetting our plans is a huge sign that he doesn’t like me the way I like him, that I don’t matter to him enough to follow through. It’s a sign I’ve been ignoring even though it’s been there the whole time, blaringly obvious and all too painful. 
No. JJ does care about me, even if it’s just as a friend. He’ll be here. He told me he would be.
10:20 PM
Spinning around and looking at the movie theater entrance, I thought about going inside and watching the movie anyway, but I suddenly wasn’t up for it anymore. This sick feeling in my gut was all I could think about. 
Of course JJ doesn’t like me. Why did I get my hopes up so high when all he’s ever done is not show up? It hurts. It feels like something crawled up inside of me and slashed its claws at my dumb, naive heart. Its terrifying and hoarse voice whispering in my ear, “What did you expect?”
Perhaps this is my fault; letting myself fall for someone that doesn’t feel the same. JJ Maybank: one of my closest friends, the biggest player on the whole damn island, and the most emotionally unavailable boy I’ve ever met. Of course I had to fall for him. I’m a fucking idiot. 
I slumped my shoulders, feeling defeated and tired. It’s like I was tossed to the side without a second thought, much like the trash lining the curb. My throat tightened with the emotions threatening to pour out in sobs, but I held them back. It’s not his fault. I’m the one with these stupid feelings, waiting around for him to feel them too, but he doesn’t. 
10:30 PM
I checked my phone one last time, still nothing. With a deep sigh, I started walking towards the direction of my house. I focused my attention on my sandals hitting the sidewalk, each step feeling like another crack in my heart. 
‘You’re fine,’ I told myself. ‘Don’t cry. You’re fine.’
But I wasn’t, and I felt the stubborn tears brim my eyes. I turned the corner and this street was much darker, the street lights dim and far apart. The sound of someone else’s footsteps pricked my ears, and I kept my head down to hide my frustration and the sadness running down my cheeks. I wanted the footsteps to belong to JJ, finally showing up but just a bit late. I knew better though, and didn’t bother looking up. 
“Well, look who it is. A little pougie.” I halted in my tracks, my eyes flicking up to find his cold ones, and I shot him a glare. As if I needed something to make my night even worse. Fucking Rafe.
“Not even gonna say hello?” he asked. I kept my posture stiff and my stare hard, trying to act tough even though I was most certainly in a vulnerable state.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?” Rafe was predictable in the way that he lived to torture me and my friends. That’s the only reason he’d ever be caught dead in The Cut.
He stopped right in front of me, his tall frame dark and intimidating. Even under the blanket of night I could see his eyes were bloodshot and a sickening smirk lined his lips. He ignored my question as his eyes dragged up and down my body, making my stomach twist and skin crawl. “Where’s the rest of your dirty crew?” he spat.
“You’re lucky they’re not here.” I kept my tone steady, but I could feel my hands start to shake and an uneasy feeling settled inside of me. I need to get out of here. 
With hands stuffed in his pockets, he leisurely walked around me, eyes still glued to my bare legs. “You look pretty,” he whispered. “Were you on a date?” 
“Then why are you all dressed up, darlin’?” His gaze met mine again when I spun around to face him, and with the way his features slightly softened, he probably noticed that I had been crying. “Oh. You were stood up, huh?”
Is it that obvious? “No,” I snapped. 
He chuckled darkly, stepping even closer to me, and I took a step back. “His loss.” Then he just stood there staring at me while I was lost in a sea of confusion. Is he trying to be nice?
“Well. It’s been not so nice talking to you. I’m going home now.” I turned around to escape this unpleasant conversation, but I was spun back around with the man’s grip on my arm. 
“Don’t leave. I’m not done talking to you.” I felt fear creep under my skin as I looked up at his face again, hardly able to make out anything but his eyes. He wasn’t asking, he was demanding. 
“Leave me alone.” I tried to snatch my arm out of his grasp, but he pushed me into the brick wall of the building we were in front of. 
The sudden movement caused me to stumble and twist my ankle. “Ow! Rafe, what the fuck!” I felt the pain shoot up my leg, but couldn’t focus on it for long. Rafe’s menacing features had panic surging through my veins as he came closer.
I pressed my back into the hard wall trying to separate myself as much as I could from the man towering over me. “You’ve had a rough night. Let me make you feel better,” he said. He stepped into me, his chest pressing against mine as he looked down at me.
“Get the fuck off of me,” I choked out. 
His wicked laugh fanned over my face and I felt angry tears fall. “Come on, little poguie. At least I actually want you.” His words seemed to drive a knife into my chest. JJ doesn’t want me, but I don’t have time to think about that right now. I can hardly think of anything right now. 
My palms rose to his chest, but he caught my wrists in his hands, keeping me from shoving him off. He laughed again, and the realization that Rafe isn’t sober washed over me like a tidal wave. What have I gotten myself into? “Let me go!” I screamed.
He shut me up by forcing his mouth onto mine. I screamed against his lips but he pressed into me harder. I started thrashing my body under the weight of his, but his hold became tighter. He brutally clutched both of my wrists into one of his large hands while the other came up to slap over my mouth, cutting off my cries.
“Just let it happen, darlin. Enjoy it,” he whispered into my ear. Hot tears ran down my face as I felt his lips on my neck. He sucked harshly on my skin as I squirmed, trying desperately to escape, but I couldn’t. Even if I couldn’t, I would die trying.
His mouth attacked my throat while I struggled between him and the wall. With the adrenaline pumping through my body, I used all of my strength and pushed him as hard as I possibly could. With the few inches I created between us, I picked my leg up and stomped my heel into his foot. 
I prepared to bolt with the time I had bought myself, but a second later he was landing a ruthless slap to my face. I registered the burning pain as he pinned me to the wall with his body again. “Oh, now you’re really gonna get it, pogue.” His sudden anger shook me to my core, his sick laugh echoing in my ears like a fire alarm. 
His hand landed on my thigh and dragged along my skin, pushing my dress up higher and higher as I felt the screams get caught in my throat. I dug my nails into his arms but he wasn’t bothered. He kissed me again and I took his bottom lip between my teeth, biting down hard until I tasted blood.
He yanked his head back, face twisting in rage. Even with his violating hands still searing into my skin, I brought my knee up into his crotch, and he yelled in pain. I didn’t waste any time and took off running, but I was yanked back by my hair. 
“Fucking bitch!” My head throbbed as I crashed to the ground, feeling my elbows scrape the pavement. I was seeing stars as I felt Rafe’s weight drop on top of me, his form straddling me. I threw my fists wildly into his stomach and chest, desperately trying anything to escape him, but I knew my efforts were becoming futile. His ring-clad fist connected with my cheekbone and a sob crawled its way up my throat.
“Stop!” I screamed. His hand suddenly grabbed my throat, cutting off my cries once again. I clawed at his skin to get him to stop, but he only increased the pressure on my esophagus until I couldn’t breathe, and I squeezed my eyes shut. My world was spinning and my terror didn’t let me register the pain anymore, only the horrendous realization of what’s happening to me taking over my thoughts. 
After what felt like minutes but was only a few seconds, I felt his breath fan over my face from where he hovered over me. “You’re not fucking worth the trouble.” He released my neck and I felt him get off of me, but I dared not open my eyes. I was too scared of what might happen. It surely became known when I felt a sharp kick to my stomach. I whimpered, then he landed another kick to my side. “Nobody wants you now! Nobody will ever want you! You’re just a dirty little pogue,” he seethed. 
“Fucking bitch,” he spat again, and I heard his heavy footsteps as he stormed off, leaving me on the ground in pieces. 
11:00 PM
I finally sat up, finding the strength to put myself together again, but was pulled into a coughing fit, my throat burning. I wish I could say I was numb, but I was brutally aware of the torment my body has been through, of the emotional trauma I’d have to live with. 
I carefully stood to my feet but folded in half with arms wrapped around my stomach, clutching myself in pain. Everything hurts. I forced myself to straighten, holding back the tears. I felt broken in every way possible, but I willed myself to figure out how to get help.
I picked up my bag that had been tossed to the ground and rummaged through it for my cell phone. With a heavy heart, I called the one person that I needed more than anyone.
But of course, he didn’t answer. More tears were shed, even though it felt like I couldn’t possibly cry anymore. “Answer, goddammit,” I sobbed. I called again. “Please, JJ. Please. I need you.” Again, the call went to voicemail. 
I let out a wail of anguish. Even with nasty bruises already forming on my skin, the loud shatter of my heart is what hurt the most. He’s never here. Even when I need him. 
I didn’t even want to call anyone else. My ankle, my face, my stomach, my throat. Even though I was shaking in pain, I wanted to wallow in my heartbreak alone, so I slowly started walking again, and limped all the way home. 
JJ’s P.O.V.
“How was the movie last night?”
I stretched my arms over my head with a yawn, barely registering what John B. asked. “Huh?”
He chuckled and sat next to me on the pullout couch in the living room where I slept. “You got back pretty late last night. I’m guessing you and Y/N had a good time?” Now I’m thinking it’s not just my sleep induced brain that’s making me so confused.
“What do you mean? I wasn’t with Y/N,” I groaned while rubbing my eyes, the sunlight seeping through the windows too bright and annoying.
“What do you mean, dude?” His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes suddenly flashed with anger. “You were supposed to take her to a movie last night.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I grumbled, getting even more annoyed. He doesn’t have a right to be pissed at me, not when I have no idea what he’s even pissed about. It’s too fucking early for this shit. 
John B. stood up with a sharp laugh. “I can’t believe you forgot again, man. Seriously?”
I sat up, my anger matching his now. “You wanna tell me what this is about?” He shook his head before looking at me again, baffled. 
“Y/N? Kill Bill? You guys had a date planned.” 
I glared at him before realization finally hit me. I slapped my hand to my forehead. “Fuck. Was that supposed to be last night?”
He shook his head again. “You’re unbelievable, really.” I sighed. It was an honest mistake. At least I know she’ll forgive me. She always forgives me. 
“I’ll fix it. I’m sure she won’t be mad.” John B. rolled his eyes. “And it wasn’t a date, by the way.”
“Yeah? Did you tell her that?”
“Stop talking in riddles, man. What the hell do you mean? Of course she knows.” He hit me on the back of the head, reminding me of my headache, the dreaded hangover starting to take effect. “Hey! What was that for?”
“She likes you, idiot! No idea why, considering you’re just a dick that doesn’t bother to show up to the plans you guys make.”
“Is this why you’re yelling at me? She doesn’t like me, dude. Not like that,” I rolled my eyes. I could punch him for getting on my case over nothing. Y/N doesn’t like me, and missing plans has never been a big deal. I just want to deal with my hangover in peace.
“You don’t deserve her. And she doesn’t deserve your shit,” he said, walking away into the kitchen. 
“You’re getting mad over nothing. Fuck off,” I grunted, head in my hands. I need coffee and advil. His yelling is making my headache worse.
He sauntered back into the living room, throwing a bottle of painkillers at me, too forcefully if you ask me. “Just tell me, if you weren’t with Y/N, what did you do last night?”
I smirked, remembering the events that took place. “A hot blonde that I met at the boneyard,” my smirk widened. I expected some sort of congratulations from my best friend like usual, but I was met with a scoff and a water bottle being thrown at me.
“You’re a prick. You know that?” 
“And you’re an asshole. What do you want from me?”
“Whatever, dude. Let’s just hope Y/N forgives you this time,” he snapped, walking away and finally leaving me in much needed silence.
“She will!” I yelled after him, hearing his bedroom door slam shut.
I sighed before gulping down the painkillers for my headache. I grabbed my discarded shorts from yesterday on the floor and grabbed my phone out of the pocket. I had forgotten that I put it on Do Not Disturb mode after the hot blonde and I left the party. Girls like it when you give them all of your attention, and aren’t distracted by calls and texts. 
I sighed again when I saw the text’s from Y/N.
9:36 PM: On my way! See you in 20 :)
10:10 PM: Yo are you coming? 
I sure feel like an asshole now. I hoped that she would’ve watched the movie without me anyway, but considering she called me twice at 11:00, she probably didn’t. I feel even worse now that I can see she waited over an hour for me. I typed out a text to her, but I wasn’t sure how to word this apology.
Hey, sorry I missed out last night. Got held up :)
I opted for keeping it nonchalant, not wanting to make this a big deal. I’ll make sure she knows how sorry I am the next time I see her. I’m not worried though. She’s the only one out of the pouges that doesn’t get mad at me when I do stupid shit, and she always forgives me. This time won’t be any different.
I laid back down with my arm covering my eyes, and I thought about what John B. said. Y/N doesn’t like me. She’d be stupid to like a fuck up like me. No, no, we’re just friends, and have been for years. I laughed at the thought. 
John B. was right about one thing, though. I definitely don’t deserve her. She’s way too good for me, especially when I’m not good to her.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I stood in front of the mirror and peered at my naked body in the reflection, tears spilling down my cheeks for what felt like the millionth time. 
My eye was swollen and bruised, a cut on my cheek from Rafe’s ring. Large spots of sickly green and deep violet stained my torso. Dark rings around my wrists from his tight grip. A lighter purple ring wrapped around my neck from where Rafe’s hands had cut off my breathing. 
My hot tears dripped from my face and landed on my collarbone, bringing my attention to the hickeys littering the side of my neck too. I wanted to vomit. I could take the physical assault, but that’s not all this was. He violated me. Kissed me. Sucked on my neck while his hands traveled under my dress. 
Going to the police was a thought that bounced through my mind, but I couldn’t, not yet at least. I was much too unstable. I needed support if I was going to report it, but I still hadn’t told anyone what happened. I spent all of yesterday locked in my room, letting myself wallow in the pain.
JJ had texted me yesterday morning, apologizing for not showing up. A simple text wasn’t enough this time. He texted me again that afternoon.
I’m really sorry, Y/N. I’ll make it up to you. Please don’t be mad at me :(
I wasn’t mad. I was heartbroken, and didn’t bother responding to that text either. If he had shown up, I wouldn’t have been assaulted by Rafe. If he was there, we would have been happily watching my favorite movie, eating snacks and probably laughing at the gore displayed on the screen. If he was there, I wouldn’t have been crying in the dark streets alone, trying to wrap my head around the fact that I could have been raped. That I was almost raped.
The other pogues were trying to get a hold of me yesterday too, inviting me to their plans, but I never responded to anyone. I didn’t want to face them, or anyone for that matter. I didn’t even think I wanted to tell them what happened. It was all too much, and I didn’t want to relive it by telling anyone what Rafe had done to me. Not to mention it would add even more ammunition to the war between us and the kooks. 
I don’t feel any different today, still just wanting to curl up in bed and be alone for probably forever, but I don’t have that luxury today. My mom had left for work this morning before I even woke up, but she sent me a text asking me to run some errands. When I protested, she gave me the whole lecture on how I only ever spend time with the pogues and never help out. I didn’t have a choice. 
With one last glance in the mirror, I wiped the tears off my face and started getting dressed. I had to cover the bruises somehow, but makeup was not going to do the trick. Despite the hot temperature outside, I threw on a large sweatshirt over my sports bra. If I put the hood on, nobody would notice the disgusting marks lining my neck. I found a pair of my mom’s oversized sunglasses and they covered enough of my face to hide the cut on my cheek along with the black eye. I put on shorts and shoes and grabbed my bag before looking in the mirror one last time. Nobody would notice.
JJ’s P.O.V.
“Have you guys heard from Y/N?” Pope asked the group. “She hasn’t responded to any of my texts for like two days.” I frowned. At least I wasn’t the only one she was ignoring. I thought that she was probably still mad at me for bailing on our plans, but since she isn’t responding to Pope either, maybe she’s just busy with other things.
“No, I haven’t,” Kie answered. “Pretty weird, right?”
“Yeah, I wonder what’s up.” Pope’s face looked concerned suddenly, and I found my own expression matching his.
“Why don’t you ask JJ here,” John B. said, tone sharp with annoyance. Kie and Pope both whipped their heads towards me, eyebrows raised in question. I just scoffed, turning my attention back to waxing my board.
“What the hell did you do?” Pope asked. His accusing words pissed me off. Who said this was my fault?
“Nothing, okay? I just forgot we had plans, and--” I was cut off by John B.
“No surprise there,” he mumbled under his breath. 
Kiara sighed, her disappointed eyes casting down on me. “Seriously, JJ?”
“What? You guys can’t pin the blame on me! I got distracted, it wasn’t my fault.”
John B. scoffed and I wanted to punch him, much like yesterday morning. “Yeah, what was her name again? The distraction, I mean.” I rolled my eyes. 
“Come on, dude. Not cool,” Pope added with a shake of his head. With all three of them staring at me in dismay, it felt like my friends were attacking me. It’s also like they knew something I didn’t. Why is everything always my fault? 
“Stop turning it into a big deal. I just forgot, okay? I already apologized, so it’s fine.”
“So she forgave you?” JB asked, eyes narrowed like he already knew the answer.
“Well, no...” I let my head drop, looking down at the golden sand with all of our beach gear. “She never responded. But come on, this is Y/N we’re talking about! She never stays mad for long.” The words were meant to get my friends off my back, but I found myself taking comfort in them too. I had never really seen Y/N mad before, but if she actually was mad at me, I hoped she’d let me make it up to her and forgive me. I let myself believe that everything would be fine.
Nobody had anything else to say, only sighing and turning their gazes away from me. I felt the anger sitting in the pit of my stomach, but at least they dropped the subject. I’m more upset that this might actually be my fault. ‘Y/N isn’t the type to get mad easily,’ I reminded myself again. But she’s also not the type to ignore her friends. My mind drifted, wondering if she’s okay. 
“Eat up, boys,” Kie said, taking a stack of sandwiches out of the cooler she brought. We all sat down on our towels and started eating, but I couldn’t shake the thought of Y/N from my mind. Maybe I should text her again.
Hey. We’re all at the beach having lunch if you wanna join us. Even if you don’t, that’s ok. Just let me know you got this. We’re all worried about you. I’m worried about you...
I typed it out, but couldn’t bring myself to send it. If she really is ignoring us, I’m sure it’s for a good reason. Maybe it’s best to just give her space. She’ll reach out when she wants to. Whatever the reason, though, I really hope it’s not because of me. She’s the one person I can always count on to be on my side, and I don’t know what I’d do if I was the cause of her distancing from us.
“Oh, no way. It’s Y/N!” Pope interrupted my thoughts. My head turned to see where he was looking, and sure enough, it was my girl, passing through the boardwalk.
Pope was up on his feet and ran to her, calling over his shoulder that he’ll bring her over to us.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Y/N! Hey!” I stopped in my tracks when I heard my name being shouted, and I noticed Pope running up from behind me.
“Oh, hey Pope,” I said, trying to swallow down my nerves. I didn’t plan on running into my friends here. I didn’t need them finding out about what happened the other night, so I put on a half-hearted smile, trying to act normal, trying to act okay.
“Where the hell have you been?” he asked with a laugh, pulling me into a bear hug. I held back my wince from where he grabbed my sides, the bruises there shooting pain through my body. 
“Oh, ya know,” I gulped. “Just busy with my family.” I was glad that my sunglasses were dark enough so that he couldn’t see my eyes. If he could, he’d know I was lying within seconds. “Sorry I’ve been M.I.A.”
“It’s alright. Come on. We’re having lunch right now.” He grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the beach, and the other pogues sitting together on the beach came into my focus. 
My eyes widened. “Uh, no, Pope. Sorry, but I have to go.” He stopped and gave me a weird look. “I... I’m running errands for my mom,” I shrugged, hoping he would let me go so that I don’t have to talk to the others, talk to JJ. 
“Just come say hi then. Everyone missed you!” He tugged my hand again, but I didn’t budge from where I planted my feet in the sand. 
“No, Pope. Really, I have to get going.” I didn’t have any other excuses up my sleeve, and I could feel my resolve coming undone. He gave me another weird look, probably wondering what the hell is going on with me. I wanted to tell him. I did, really. But I was not ready to talk about it. I didn’t need him or the others seeing what I looked like under this sweatshirt, or the black eye I was sporting under my glasses. I knew it would only cause more problems, more rage, and I couldn’t handle that right now. If anything, I just needed a hug.
“Is everything okay?” I looked down at my feet and sighed, trying to muster up the strength to lie to one of my best friends. When I looked back up to him, he had sent a look towards the pogues, and they all got up and started making their way over.
“Yes, Pope. I’m fine,” I breathed out a laugh, trying to cover up my panic. “I gotta go, now. Really.” I turned around to run away, but I was too late. The pogues had already crossed the beach and were surrounding me. 
“Y/N! Hey, we missed you!” Kie smiled, pulling me into a hug. Again, I had to hide my grimace from the pain that engulfed me so that my friends couldn’t see. I knew I couldn’t keep up this act for long, and I felt my heart sinking further into my chest.
“Yeah, I’m glad we ran into you,” John B. smiled with a nod in my direction. His expression was soft and kind, and it strangely made me feel like he understood that I wasn’t all the way okay.
“There’s my girl,” JJ’s voice rang through my ears. He looked relieved, and pulled me into his chest, squeezing me tight. This time, I wasn’t able to hold in the small noise that escaped past my lips. When he pulled away, he looked down at me with concern. “You okay?”
I pushed him away. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I couldn’t put on a half-assed smile this time. He’s the one causing my pain. The one that bailed on me. The one that wasn’t there when I needed him, leaving me alone and in broken pieces on that horrible night.
“Why are you wearing a sweatshirt?” Kie laughed. “It’s like one hundred degrees out here.” I just shrugged my shoulders, even though I was dying under the heavy material and the heat of the sun. I looked over my shoulder down the boardwalk, trying to avoid their worried glances, especially JJ’s. I could feel his eyes burning into me, and I couldn’t bear the weight of it for much longer.
“Yeah, what the hell? It’s burning hot out here,” Pope added, and pulled my hood off my head. 
“Pope, don’t,” I said. “I have to go.” I turned away after putting my hood back on and started walking, not even caring that they definitely know something’s wrong now. I just need to get away before I break down.
JJ was the one to catch up to me, leaving the pogues behind us and sharing worried looks. “Y/N, wait.” He grabbed my wrist, and I winced at the contact. “I just wanted to say that I’m so sorry for missing our plans. I got held up with a touron, and you know how it is. She was so hot, how could I not go home with her?” he laughed. Looking up at him, I felt my heart shatter all over again. Of course. He wasn’t with me because he was hooking up with some girl. This fucking hurts more than the punch Rafe landed to my face, and I felt anger swell inside of me.
“Come on, you’re not mad at me, are you?” He smiled, bringing his hands up to cradle my face. He was being his charming self like usual, which is precisely the reason I even fell for him in the first place. But his cute dimples and bright eyes aren’t going to fix anything this time. If anything, they’re just another stab to my chest.
He could sense I wasn’t giving into him. “I’ll make it up to you. Promise,” he pouted. My lips parted to speak, but no words tumbled out. He suddenly ripped my sunglasses from my face.
“JJ, don’t!” His face dropped at the sight of my bruised eye. The glasses fell to the sand when he stepped closer to me, eyes scanning my face. I pushed him back, but he swatted my hands away.
��Y/N?” His features quickly turned from worried to angry. “What the fuck happened?” I felt tears pricking my eyes, but I held them back as I tried to push him away again. He yanked my hood off my head and I knew he was piecing it all together now.
He reached for the bottom of my sweatshirt, and my hands grabbed at his to try and stop him. “Leave me alone,” I yelled, but he didn’t. Despite my attempts to stop him, he had grabbed the bottom of my sweatshirt and started pulling it up over my head. “JJ, stop!” I yelled again, but I couldn’t fight him back anymore because it hurt too much. He had taken it all the way off, leaving me just in my sports bra, my beaten body on full display.
A series of gasps surrounded me as the other pogues gathered around us again, shocked and bewildered expressions on their faces. I watched JJ scan my body. His eyes lingered on the bruises on my belly before flicking to my face again, and then my neck. With the way his eyebrows furrowed and he clenched his jaw, I could tell he was examining the hickeys on my skin. Tears ran freely down my cheeks, and the silence was deafening. 
“Oh, Y/N...” Kie whispered, eyes becoming glossy.
“What the fuck happened?!” JJ burst. His face was twisted in rage as his hands reached for me. I stepped away, but he grabbed my arms. “Who the fuck did this to you?!” I shook my head, trying to swallow the sob that was making its way up my throat. “Y/N, who the fuck was it?!”
“JJ! Lay off!” John B. spoke up. Kie had wrapped her arms around me, wanting to shield me from our angry friend. They could tell JJ wasn’t helping. 
John B. and Pope pulled at JJ’s arms to get him to step back, but he exploded even more. “YN! Tell me who did this to you!” Seeing his reddened face and furious eyes made my own burning anger swim to the surface.
“Stop yelling at her!” Pope told JJ, him and JB still holding the blonde away from me.
“No! I swear to god I’m going to kill ‘em. What the FUCK happened??”
“It wouldn’t have happened if you had bothered to SHOW UP!” I flared, my voice slicing through the chaos among the group. My heated gaze met JJ’s, and his entire face fell at my words, the rage washing away from his pools of blue and replaced with sadness.
Everything seemed to still at my outburst, even my tears. I watched as JJ crumbled beneath the weight of my words. As angry and heartbroken and hurt as I was, I wanted to see him this way. I wanted him to feel guilty. 
“I should’ve known you wouldn’t show up. I should've known you wouldn’t answer when I called you for help. Because you never do.” With every word I spat, I could see the effect they had on him. I kept my ruthless stare fixed on him. “Congrats on fucking some touron, though.” 
Everyone stayed silent as I picked up my sweatshirt and sunglasses from the sand. I glanced at JJ one last time before putting my glasses back on and turning around, leaving everyone behind me without another word. 
Read: Stood Up - Part 2
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taones · 4 years
If You Can Hold On Part 3
Part one and two
Pairing: Poly!AsaDaiSuga x gender neutral!reader Or is it?
Notes: PAIN
Warnings: Swearing, arguments, stranger hitting on the reader but they’re chill w/ it
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You sniffed as you stirred, pulling the soft fabric underneath your cheek further into you. It smelt like sandalwood with a hint of coffee and it reminded you of how Daichi’s hugs smelt. In fact it was almost exactly the same. The pillow was strangely firm too, almost too firm. Regardless, you snuggled further. 
“Still sleepy huh?” 
You shot up, pulling the covers off with you. Daichi shivered in the cold air as his now naked upper torso was exposed to the morning. Looking over, you saw Suga tucked in next to where you had been and Asahi on the other side of Daichi, said man tucked under his arm. It wasn’t odd for Daichi to sleep shirtless, the man ran hot at night, but you couldn’t help the hot flush that took over your face. Asahi smiled softly at you, looking over his reading glasses at your ruffled form. 
“We were gonna get up and grab some breakfast from the diner we passed” he hummed, morning voice sending shivers up your figure. 
“Once we wake sleeping beauty up that is” 
You smiled at Daichi’s comment. At least you could stop thinking about this situation for a second and just get food with them. It was something you had done before most of your big exams. All three of you used to go to the small cafe near the school and get waffles. You could still remember how they had them: Suga had two waffles with caramel and hazelnuts, Asahi had 3 with whipped cream and strawberries and Daichi had 5 with chocolate syrup and chocolate chips. You always got fed some of theirs no matter what you decided to have. Koushi thought it especially funny to boop your nose so whipped cream would stick to your warm skin. 
“Yeah sure,” you smiled “lets go get some waffles”
When you got to the diner, it was relatively busy but there were still booths big enough to fit you guys. As always, it was you and Asahi on one side and Suga and Daichi on the other, Asahi trapping you against the wall with his large shoulders. For the first time this trip, you were content. It was the way it used to be. Asahi even stole some of Daichi’s chocolate chips like he used to. 
Snorting was heard from your table as Daichi accidentally laughed so hard that milkshake came out of his nose. The four of you had been telling stories of your highschool days, before everything was confusing and complicated with feeling. The joy was pierced by a vibration that drew all three to their phone. Obviously, it was a groupchat. You couldn’t help but wonder if it was that person they were talking about.
“Ooh, I’m gonna order another drink” you said, asking the boys if they wanted anything.
After you ordered your drink at the counter, you walked up to the counter next to your table that had the sugar and stirrers for the drinks. As you emptied a packet into the steaming coffee that was intended for Suga. A hand settled next to you on the counter.
“Anyone ever told you how gorgeous you are?” a voice mused from next to you.
Turning, you came face to face with a man a little taller than you with dark hair and a nice smile. He was attractive but you couldn’t help thinking he was so plain compared to the current objects of your affection. The glares you could see said men sending towards the man spurred you on. Why would they be mad about this? They had no reason to be. 
Giggling, you looked up at him through your eyelashes. Screw it, if you couldn’t have them then you were at least gonna have fun. 
“Not really” you mused, “why? Are you here to do that?”
The man's smirk returned. He reached behind you, trapping your body slight against the counter, but when he leaned back he had a hand full of napkins. He winked at your flustered form and you couldn’t help but flicker your eyes towards the table which was now...empty?
The hand that was now on your chin pulled your thoughts back to the handsome stranger. The rough pad of his thumb swiped over your cheek bone and he whispered about the chocolate that had been there. Heat flushed to your face as he sucked the sauce off of his thumb. His other hand slipped a piece of paper into your pocket and your mouth opened to say something when you were interrupted. 
A throat cleared behind you and the guy. The looming figure of Daichi, accompanied by his two boyfriends, stood behind you both. You had rarely seen them angry but the glares that were being sent his way even made you shiver. Suga had his fists clenched and even sweet, soft Asahi was looking severely unimpressed with the attempt at flirting with you.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Suga hissed at the poor man, who was now looking about ready to run.
“Sorry” the man stuttered, “I didn’t realise they were taken, I’ll leave i guess”
“Wait, no i’m not-” you started, but he was gone.
You stood, leaning on the counter, absolutely baffled their behaviour. Scoffing, you pulled out your wallet and turned to the lady at the counter, apologising for the small scene that had just occurred. The three men kept trying to catch your attention but you made a point to not spare them a glance while storming towards the car. As they paid you phoned Kiyoko. You were angry to the point of shaking and you knew if anyone could calm you down it was her. 
“Kiyoko, I need you to come get me” 
“Sure, give me 10 minutes, i’m pretty close” she sounded apologetic but you didn’t care.
You just didn’t want to feel alone.
After the three men had paid, they walked up to you. Your figure was hunched over and you were sat on the rain soaked curb.  The clear phone case that once had a photo of you four in it was now blank. Said photo had been flipped over because you couldn’t bear to look at what you used to be right now.
“What the fuck was that?” you growled
The men looked shocked. 
“He was flirting with you y/n what do you mean?”
The confusion in Asahi’s voice made a feeling curl inside you like the waffles had suddenly turned rancid. Eyebrows knitted together, you began to yell.
“And just what does that have to do with you three?” you began
“Why do you care who flirts with me and who doesn’t? You have 2 boyfriends each and I know you’re talking to another person who why the fuck does it matter to you if I don’t want to be lonely anymore huh?”
They all looked stunned at your revelation. Their shock didn’t phase you however, you had been sitting on this for too long. Too long had you been suffering in silence while they get to live this happy story that you were only a side character in. 
“God, it hurts so bad. You won’t ever understand how much pain I am in being around you and seeing how happy you’re gonna be with another person. It hurts!” you yelled, tears welling up.
The pain had now unfurled completely in your stomach. It was paralysing, like it was stopping you from running like you so desperately wanted to. It winded you, stealing your ability to keep yelling. Instead, it turned into a resigned whisper. 
“I get that you don’t want me, but why can’t other people? I don’t want to be alone anymore” 
Kiyoko’s tiny blue car pulled up next to you as you broke down crying. A tiny blonde ran out of the car to grab you as you fell, Yachi’s soft cooing distracting you from the three men across from you. Looking up at her, you saw her eyebrows knitted together in sympathy at your curled up figure. This was humiliating. Kiyoko motioned for her to guide you to the car, stepping out of the drivers side and towards Asahi, Daichi and Sugawara. 
Yachi pulled you into the backseat of the car, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders. You saw her eyes flicker to her girlfriend and the guys but you didn’t want to think about that much right now. Instead, you stared blankly at the photo of Yachi and Kiyoko cuddling that was stuck under the mirror. If only you had that. 
The now fuming Kiyoko sat in the driver's seat. Her face was contorted in an anger that was uncommon for the raven haired woman but it flooded into sympathy at the sight of you. Obviously, you looked a mess. In the mirror, you could see tear tracks down your face and your hair was messed up from where you had gripped at the sides of your head in frustration. Yachi stroked your hair one final time before climbing into the passengers' side. 
You stared out the window as she drove off, you could see the figures of the men you had left behind. Asahi was bent over, hands on his knees and Suga rubbing his back. Daichi has his head buried in his arms on top of the car. They had no right to be upset, you thought. You let them escape your mind as their figures turned into tiny dots in the distance. 
The silence was comforting.
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