#i know he probably doesn't fit the beauty standards
konigsblog · 6 months
men have to be a little bit ugly to be attractive, and that's why könig is so hot :3
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babushkatty · 10 months
Tranquil SAGAU - Part 1
-> Part 2
Your isekai trip (or descension, as others called it) into Teyvat was as abrupt as it was underwhelming.
There were no midnight showers of gold and purple, reminescent of the wishing screen you would religiously open every hour or so, hoping to miraculously have 160 primogems to make another pull. No sudden change in weather as Teyvat welcomed you with the eagerness of a golden lab puppy. No sudden meetings of significant and powerful people (vision holders, archons, adepti or otherwise) that would either scorn you or worship you with the zeal of a fanatic either.
No, it was a very quiet and peaceful affair.
You went to sleep in your bed after another mundane day that was more a blur than a memory, only to wake up in the ruins of Old Mondstadt, on the back of a peacefully sleeping Dvalin -- feeling well rested for what seemed like the first time in years, free of the pain poor sleeping positions and even worse body posture developed into.
Old Mondstadt is so much more beautiful than you remember it being in the game, but it was understandable -- it wasn't a game anymore.
The wind sings the haunting melody of Stormterror's Lair as you simply sit on Dvalin's back for hours, at peace with the world and yourself. You forget entirely about the stress of assignments, of deadlines, of examinations stacked unto one another like a house of cards, of trying to fit expectations of your friends and family that you were never made to fit and simply let yourself be.
You breathe.
It was nice.
"All-Mother." Dvalin rumbles from underneath you and it breaks the blissfull trance. He turns his head to look at you, seemingly not minding you being completely sprawled out on his back like roadkill.
"I'm sorry, Dvalin, I think you mistook me for someone." You smile sheppishly.
He huffs, but instead of sounding annoyed he just seemed... Indulgent. It was a good sign to you, who were pretty much at his mercy -- if he wanted to, he could use you as his personal toothpick and you wouldn't be able to do anything against it at all, so it's for the best that the situation doesn't escalate like that.
Then again, Venti did say Dvalin was a gentle child. You didn't see any blood clot crystals on his neck or back, so you were probably in the clear. Worst case scenario, he'd dump you on the ground and you'd have a bruised tailbone.
He made a damn good bed though, you wouldn't mind lounging on him some more if he allowed it.
"You are the All-Mother, there is no mistake. But it is only natural to deny, you do not remember."
He brings his head back and nuzzles you. You quietly melt into a puddle of happiness as he purrs and rubs against you like an overgrown cat.
He was so soft it was criminal. It was like the 'if evil why hot' trend all over again, except this time it was 'if scary why soft' instead.
"Teyvat will remember for you, even when you do not. Your kindness, your warmth, your care - all shall be paid back in full and more, for you are the All-Mother and like any mother, mortal or otherwise, you deserve to be taken care of by your children."
You don't argue, if only because dragons are known for being stubborn. The atmosphere was too nice to waste on a petty argument.
"Do you know how I got here?" you ask instead.
You don't ask about the way back quite yet. You're not sure you ever would, if you were being honest. It just... Felt right to be here, in Teyvat, instead of back home.
In the back of your mind, you quietly wonder if you should feel guilty about not being attached to your old world, to your friends and family, all that much, but you dismiss the notion quickly. Feeling different than what you were taught was normal wasn't wrong, people were different from one another and trying to hold yourself to an impossible standard just because it was the average would only make you miserable.
Your world was slowly growing more accepting towards differences, perhaps in a few decades your emotional stance would be validated as well.
"Teyvat brough you here, that is all I know."
Dvalin huffs against you and you chuckle, a little ticklish.
You both fall silent after that and simple enjoy each other's presence and the ambience of Old Mondstadt.
Dvalin's willingness to simply be, without chatter or interaction, only made your resolve to stay stronger. No one back home understood your need to simply be in a room with another presence, both people doing their own things, everyone called you odd for it.
It was really nice.
"Call me (Name)."
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* ✨ Author Note✨
I'm bad at naming things and I'm bad at tumblr - perfect combination!
It's a gender-neutral post/series (if I write more), I promise! (Or at least I'm trying my best to write it as gender-neutral, you have full permission to yell at me if I slip up so that I can fix it!)
The term "All-Morher" is not meant to assign a gender, it's meant to compare the Creator of Teyvat to a mother (as I tried to clarify with Dvalin), because mothers bring life into the world and the Creator brought life to Teyvat.
You know, like a mother.
Besides, gods are above something as silly as gender or race *gesturing wildly to Loki giving birth to an 8-legged horse*
I am aiming for a very soft and gentle AU, the terms Creator or Your Grace didn't fit into it at all! Teyvat knows its' All-Mother is an utter softie that doesn't care for religious worship and would rather chill, so its' adjusting to fulfill those preferences -- hence, no grand entrance, no throwing its' All-Mother into the deep end by parking their ass in front of Mondstadt gates and no scrambling to survive.
Just a nice, quiet day chilling with Dvalin.
Fun fact, I have never done the Sumeru Quest and I don't have the space for Fontaine, so that's gonna remain a thing for a long, long while yet.
I don't read the manga either.
We D'ballin, ✨who needs lore accuracy anyways✨
That being said, I am slowly going insane because of the windows in-between subjects at Uni. Who made that a thing? I just want to talk, I promise.
Yell at my bad english, I'm an english major so all yelling is appreciated.
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canisalbus · 1 year
Did Machete ever have any other suitors or was Vasco the only one interested?
I find that hard to believe. Machete isn't considered very attractive in general, he's gaunt, pale, sickly and has somewhat of a weird face that doesn't fit the dog beauty standards of the time. His public demeanor varies from neutral to frigid, he's polite but extremely impersonal (go girl give us nothing). Even if there was someone trying to get close to him, he'd probably either get suspicious and avoid them or fail to recognize their advances in the first place. And he's seemingly married to his work.
Vasco happened to catch him in a point of life where he was alone, lonely and acutely in dire straits, he desperately needed someone to trust and a little bit of outside help. In the beginning Vasco wasn't interested in him either, it was quilty conscience and pity that drove him to follow him around in hopes of making amends. One of Vasco's friends had chucked a rock at Machete earlier and the incident had left a bad taste in his mouth (he's a good boy, everyone needs to like him, no one should be sad or angry when he's around). It took several tries before he managed to get any sort of meaningful contact. Romantic feelings only started to develop once they got to know each other properly. If their first meeting took place later in life Machete would likely find Vasco's upbeat gregariousness obnoxious instead of heartwarming, and Vasco would see nothing but a disagreeable stone cold bureaucrat in Machete.
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leerevoid · 7 months
A request from the ts discord!
The LI's with an MC who usually dresses really modestly dressing slightly scandalous for a date. Like, their usual outfit inudes long sleeves+pants, baggy clothing, layers, etc and the date outfit is tighter, exposes some torso when they move Juuuuust right, maybe has a chest window and lacy bits or something else scandalous
Thank you so much for your request, anon ! It was very sweet and I'm super sorry for the time it took me to answer it but !! here goes !!
The Love Interests when MC dress slightly scandalous, while they usually dress modestly -
Ais - Ais would be the type to tease MC as soon as he realizes they put some effort into it. He would make jokes, getting on MC's nerves slightly : “Someone is looking very nice today, Why is that, I wonder…?” But in the end, he would be very touched by MC's efforts to impress him for a date. If MC ends up being insecure with their choice of clothing, he would reassure them instantly, offering to hold their hand and kissing their knuckles despite the bandages, telling MC that in the end, they are beautiful to him no matter what, and he doesn't need these artifices to see how wonderful they are. 
“Your true colors are everything to me.”
Kuras - Kuras would definitely be excessively flustered and surprised MC decided to put in some effort to impress him. He would double check everything during the date, making sure MC is alright, wanting to step up his own game to make it a worthwhile experience for MC. He would be completely at loss for words, but MC would know just with his gaze how much Kuras loves and reveres them, his eyes completely on MC at all times, savoring the moment with them and the sight of their beauty. 
“You are breathtaking, tonight. I hope you can shine some of your light on me, one day.”
Leander - Leander would blush so bad. He would act all gentlemanly and proper, but on the inside, he would be dying to hold MC in his arms, and he would ask them just that. Thanks to his magic, MC would have absolutely no issue to reciprocate the contact. He would be so proud to be MC's significant other, looking at them with pure adoration as they chuckled at one of his stupid jokes. Leander would never leave MC's side during their date, getting extra cuddly and craving their contact.
“I just want to feel the real you, Love. Now won't you hold me some more ?”
Mhin - Mhin would be quiet, at first. They wouldn't understand why, out of all the people MC knew, they would dress up for them. Mhin would be so used to MC's standard fits that they would probably gasp a little seeing them, but would probably makes it pass as a yawn. This new outfit definitely makes Mhin see MC in a new light, the outfit they picked hugging their forms just right while not being too revealing, leaving some space to imagination. They would probably caress Mc's cheek at the end of the date, finally admitting how wonderful MC looked. 
“I do have to say… you didn't really need to go all out like this.. but it does suit you. It suits you so well.”
Vere - Vere would be proud of MC for finally rivalizing with him. He would show MC off to everyone, yet still holds MC’s waist possessively with one hand. They are his. MC feels a little like an expensive bag spurn around, but the excited swish of Vere’s tail is enough to reassure them and make them realize that he truly appreciate the effort MC put into this date. If MC let him, Vere would add his own little touch to it, giving MC an accessory or a shawl he particularly likes (and marking MC as their prey, and no one else’s). 
“Well, well, well… I have to admit that dressed like this, you could give me some serious competition in the Amaryllis District. But with that… Yes, you’re perfect like this. Now, they know who you belong to.”
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belit0 · 1 year
Hi!! Hope I'm not bothering you!! But may I request, Itachi, Madara and Indra meeting their S/O for the first time, And their S/O always wears a blindfold but when they take the blindfold off, they have the same eyes as Gojo from JJK
Hello there!! Never a bother!
I never watched JJK, so I had to do a little graphic research on Google to find out what Gojo's eyes look like, lol.
(I hope this is okay? 🤠)
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Personally, I am inclined to think Indra as a person who prioritises beauty, hegemony, perfection to his standards. At first, he would be insulted by (Y/N) covering her eyes. What does she have to hide?
It hurts his ego to know he cannot enjoy the completeness of his special person, needing to own her wholeness.
"How come you won't show me your eyes? You're mine, I need to see them, it's not a request." (as a five year old, if I may…)
He won't force you to reveal them, but he will get more and more annoyed about it. The longer you delay, the less attention he will pay, until you feel so bad that you have no choice.
When you finally show them to him, he will be dazzled by the beauty of that crystalline blue, unwilling to admit he wasn't expecting such a surprise. You'll probably steal his breath away, and he'll have a hard time coming to.
Impatient as a child. He needs to reveal the mystery of those eyes, he's an Uchiha, you can't argue with his need to know what colour his special someone wears.
He'll resort to creative ways of trying to get the blindfold off. He'll want to surprise you when you least expect it, spying on you in the shower, or some other moment when you're off guard.
Of course, he doesn't succeed, since you're not careless about it. "(Y/N) please, what could be so terrible about showing me your eyeballs?!"
He starts to get really frustrated about it, so much so that he leaves you no other option other than showing him in order to get him off his insistence. At this point, he thinks you have violet eyes.
You stun him to such an extent he activates his Sharingan just to match the uniqueness of your orbs, wanting to keep up with those gorgeous eyes.
The definition of patience. He won't pressure you or get annoying for you to show him, he'll give you your space and freedom to handle the matter as you see fit.
"Not to intrude, (Y/N), but may I ask why you don't wish to show them?"
Being someone who also wears special eyes, he completely understands the situation of not wanting to reveal them rashly, or hide them because of people who may want to use them in the wrong way.
He will wait patiently, and support you, respecting all the time you need.
Eventually and when you reveal them, he simply smiles at you with sincerity, acting naturally so as not to make you uncomfortable, as if he has known you for years without restrictions.
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animeomegas · 5 months
i think that uchiha omegas are vain without realizing it. for the clan it is not about fitting into the omega stereotypes that are fashionable at the time, but beauty is a type of power, certain physical features are highly valued because they are representations of the purity of the lineage. many of their beauty and makeup rituals are even excessive for other traditional clans and i find the mental image so funny. just imagine massacre au itachi looking at his little brother, his beautiful little brother omega, a pure uchiha, with slightly damaged hair and clean, short nails but not with the usual intricate patterns. he is disturbed both because it is his fault that sasuke knows almost nothing about those traditions and because he fights against the maternal instinct to clean him up and make him worthy of standards that he was raised.
This is such a beautiful ask omg, and I adore it with all my being! 🥰
I love the idea that Uchiha teach all their omegas (and probably the other dynamics too honestly) about make up, fashion, haircare etc. but with the idea that beauty is power. Their clan is beautiful, and that's part of their power and allure.
It's all practical stuff too. Here's my ideas for Uchiha clan beauty standards:
Nails should be short, but beautifully painted.
Hair should be well conditioned with expensive, but crucially scentless, hair products.
Skincare is important. (Uchiha dermatologist specialists, ahh! Non-shinobi members would for sure have the option to specialise in wellness chemistry.)
Clothing is expensive, and stunning. Traditional, but with just the right amount of cutting edge, because they aren't boring like the Hyuuga.
Grace is taught through dance, which Uchiha perform at their traditional festivals.
And Itachi being raised with all this, is intimately familiar with the rituals. He has to paint his nails for the Akatsuki, but they're done so much better than everyone else's. He still knows all the dances, although he doesn't perform them.
And you're so right, Itachi would be unnerved seeing Sasuke without any of that grooming that he would have been expected to do. He was too young for make up when the clan was slaughtered, and he'd only had his nails done by other people so he doesn't know how to do it himself.
He's probably also forgotten all the dances, and outgrown all his formal wear. He definitely doesn't bother with expensive shampoo or skincare.
He doesn't look like an Uchiha should. And Itachi realises in that moment, that even if Sasuke had countless children and revived the clan, the traditions are probably already lost forever. They will quite literally die with Itachi.
I'm imagining Itachi daydreaming about getting to paint Sasuke's nails for him, and performing the special heir dance with him at festivals. When he's face to face with Sasuke, because his mind is struggling to cope with the situation, he finds himself fixating on wanting to wash and brush Sasuke's hair properly. Because it doesn't look right.
This headcanon is perfect. Just the right amount of world building, Uchiha arrogance, and angst.
Here are my questions if anyone wants to jump in:
What sort of nail designs are popular and why?
How does this impact wedding ceremonies?
What kind of special dance rituals or dress up rituals would the heirs have to go through? Did Itachi and Sasuke do it?
How would Itachi and Sasuke feel about this in a non-massacre AU?
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
ℍ𝕠𝕨 𝕋𝕠: Notice [TEASER]
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Jungkook knows the effect he has on people. So why won't you look at him the same?
Main Tags/Warnings: Model!Jungkook, Actor!Jungkook, Stylist!Reader, strangers/enemies to lovers, mentions of toxic beauty standards
Length: ???
There is no taglist for this fic.
-> Masterlist
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You shrug. "He looks the same in every photo to me." You tell Haru, who looks at you a bit lost.
He sighs as he clicks through the photos himself, unsure. You know he knows you're right- but at the end of the day, people like those sultry eyes and that cocky expression that man makes in every picture. You're not sure what exactly makes it so appealing- but you're just here to make him look as good as possible. And his hair looks perfect in almost every shot- so that's good enough for you.
That's your job. Nothing more, nothing less.
"It's his signature look." Haru tries to justify, his soft voice unsure, however, as if he needs to tell it mostly to himself to be convinced of it. He's never been a fan of shootings like these- he's good at them, sure, but he doesn't enjoy shooting those pictures. He's too soft to say it, but you know he finds them boring and uninteresting. It's basics, nothing exciting, nothing new. But he's being paid for this- so he doesn't complain.
That's his job- nothing more, nothing less.
"Well, then his signature look is boring." You say, leaning back against the table behind you, sipping your can of sugary caffeinated soda- the energy drink by now the only thing keeping you somewhat concentrated. Hopefully Jungkook stops complaining so much so you can all go home soon- he's got the whole week anyways, so why is he so whiny?
Brat. It's only the first day and he's already getting on your nerves- acting like someone pissed in his breakfast, rolling his eyes and staring people down just for the fun of it. And women actually fuck that guy?
He probably does it in front of a mirror just to watch himself.
"Boring, huh." Jungkook's voice chimes up, and you spot him walking closer, now wearing a new set of clothes. The leather pants look awfully tight, especially in his private region- that can't be comfortable, can it?
You frown at him. He got his hair all chaotic again- but it's fine. It fits the theme. You won't retouch it for now.
"She didn't mean it like that-" Haru instantly tries to defend you, the young man intimidated by the model as always. You wonder how he can even operate the camera when he constantly shies away from him so much. Maybe when he looks at him through the lens he can detach the person from the picture? It would make sense. After all, you do the same.
You don't see Jungkook. You see Jeon Jungkook, brand ambassador and model- and it should stay that way.
"I did." You disagree with him, however, before you look back at Jungkook. You don't need to be protected- not for your own opinion. It doesn't have any weight anyway, you doubt that someone like you can hurt this man's ego either. It's at least as big as himself, if not taller, which is a lot, considering that he towers over you despite not even reaching the standard 1.80m height usually desired. Then again, there's quite a few things you could count as not being the standard of beauty. But he makes up for it in confidence- even if he seems to have a little too much of it for your taste. "I did mean it like that."
"What am I supposed to do instead then?" Jungkook challenges, crossing his arms next to you.
The hell were you supposed to tell him? You're neither a model, nor very fashionable. He should ask Lea about that, not you. He's trying to argue for no good reason, and that attitude is starting to piss you off.
"Nothing. It's good like that." You shrug, keeping your cool for now at least visually.
"You said it's boring." He bites back almost immediately. Your distaste grows.
"I did, because to me, it is." You respond calmly. Is he trying to pick a fight with you right now? He really is acting like a child beneath all that fake politeness and forced friendly tone he puts on. "But that's my personal opinion. I'm sure people will like those pictures despite that." You explain.
He's opening his mouth to say something, before he moves when the director claps, and tells everyone to get back to their respective spots-
He plays around with his piercings, and gives you that odd look that you can't distinguish from hatred or being offended.
Unbeknownst to you, he's been trying to figure you out for the entire shoot- wondering what you're really like. Do you like softer guys like Haru more? You seem to have some edge to you, if the glimpse of your bellybutton piercing and the few lines of a tattoo poking out the waistband of your pants would be anything to go by. Maybe you're just someone who likes to be in charge.
He can't offer that, at least not sexually.
Jungkook sitting in front of the camera once more, woth the same signature look, because that is his job.
Nothing more, nothing less.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Mc shows the brothers
Human world style and (what the media gives to woman) body standards ,How would they react?
((I am a firm believer that you can be whoever you want and your body is beautiful))
Hey there, anon!
Okay, this here is a sensitive topic, but I think I did all right with it.
I think how the brothers would react depends on what the beauty standards are like in the Devildom. So for this, I went with the idea that while the Devildom has similar beauty standards to the human world, they're less important. I would think that demons would care more about power than appearance, especially since it's likely that at least some of them use magic to alter how they look. So the brothers probably don't know what an issue it is in the human world.
Also tried to keep it mostly gender neutral, hopefully that's okay.
Thank you for the request!
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The brothers react to GN!MC telling them about human world body standards.
Warnings: A lot of discussion of body image issues, talking about diets and food in Beel's part.
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Does not understand. Why do humans place such importance on looking perfect? He certainly sees the value in looking put together, especially when it comes to things like clothes and hygiene. Beyond that, though, he doesn't see the point in obsessing over trying to fix perceived flaws.
Does not care about your body type at all. Short? Tall? Fat? Thin? It's irrelevant to him. What matters is who you are. If he wasn't a beautiful man, it wouldn't matter because everyone would still fear him. It isn't about what you look like, it's how you carry yourself.
If you struggle, though, he's going to be sensitive about it. Will not talk about it with others around, but will casually compliment you on how nice you look. Especially if he knows you're lacking confidence for some reason. Then he'll make a point of telling you that you look good.
When you're alone, though, he showers you in compliments. Lucifer is not usually soft, so it's reserved for when you're alone with him. And that's when he takes your feelings into consideration. Don't you know that you are stunning, MC? In fact, he would say that your body is perfect simply because it is yours.
Hang on. Human world models aren't naturally like that? Sure, he works out a little more than he might normally just because he works as a model, but it's not like he goes around doing anything drastic. Do you think he's contributing to unrealistic beauty standards in the Devildom?!
Um… well… it's hard to say? You'll probably need to reassure him that it really doesn't matter either way. The problem is not individual models, but the industry as a whole. And there are people who are working to make things better. It's just that in the human world, you have to be aware that what you see in magazines is usually heavily edited. He's gonna think that's crazy. The Great Mammon's photos are never photoshopped!
Once he gets over this little crisis, though, he's going to tell you that all of that sounds really stupid. The whole point of fashion is that it makes you feel good! It's supposed to be fun! Who cares what type of body you have? You should be able to enjoy it no matter what.
Mammon is gonna get really cute about your specific insecurities, though. If you tell him you don't like something about yourself, he's going to go out of his way to let you know that he loves it. Feeling unhappy about your stomach not being flat enough, for instance? Hey, MC! Ya don't mind if he gives ya hug, do ya? Doesn't wait for a response, just wraps his arms around you from behind so he can settle his hands directly on your stomach. Presses his face into your neck to mumble about how perfect you are because he won't say it straight to your face.
Baffled. More confused than Lucifer. Are you seriously trying to tell him that people in the human world care about this kind of thing? Uh oh. Now he's thinking about his body image. Does it fit with human world standards?! Do you think he's hideous, MC!?
You've got another crisis. Quick, reassure him that he has nothing to worry about! The point you're trying to make here is that human world standards are crazy and harmful. He's perfect to you and that's all that matters.
O-oh. Right. Now he's a little bashful about his reaction. Makes it clear that you're perfect to him, too. Watch as he gains more confidence in his compliments. He starts telling you about how he loves every part of you. Lists physical attributes at first, but starts getting into who you are to him. Not just your best qualities, but special moments he's had with you. How important you are to him, specifically.
If you tell him about things that you struggle with, he's going to reassure you in the moment. And then you notice that when you consume some form of media together, a lot of times there's a character that has one of those specific things that you also have. He thinks he's subtle, but you see right through him. If he finds a story line where the character learns to love themselves or something, he's definitely going to make you watch it with him. Acts like he's completely innocent, it's just a good story, you know!
Confused at first. As with Lucifer, finds such things to be completely irrelevant. Obviously, what matters is who you are inside. When someone has a heart and soul as beautiful as yours, their body simply becomes beautiful by association. Also don't you know it's about practicality? Your body exists to move you through the world, not to be pretty for other people.
Uh oh. Now he's getting angry. Why would other humans feel that you have to look a certain way for them? How could they make you feel like you aren't perfect exactly as you are? How dare they subject you to their own ideals of beauty? It's upsetting, MC!
Okay, okay, you're probably going to have to talk him down. He's livid on your behalf, but tell him how much it means to you to hear him say these things and he'll start to calm down. Realizes that getting angry about it doesn't help you in any way. Reassures you that such human world ideas are nonsense.
Starts complimenting you all the time, especially on the things he knows you're insecure about. Maybe you don't like the shape of your nose. He will say, completely straight faced, that your nose is looking really cute today. Although this sounds ridiculous, it does make you smile, so that feels like a win.
Oh, MC. Don't you think he knows all about this already? Of course he does. Asmodeus is perfectly aware of how things are in the human world when it comes to beauty standards. He knows how hard it can be for some humans.
You might think he couldn't possibly understand because he's so perfect. He's always beautiful. The reality is that he believes his beauty is all he has. If he's not beautiful, who even is he? Take the moment to tell him that he's so much more than his looks. That you love him for who he is, his kindness, his bubbly personality, his creativity, etc.
He's going to tell you that all the things you do to make yourself look good should be things you're doing for yourself. Do them because they make you feel good. Do them because they give you confidence. Do them because you deserve to pamper yourself sometimes. Do them because you need to take care of yourself just as much as you take care of everybody else.
Another one who gets cute about your insecurities. What's that? Did you say you don't like your stretch marks? Well now you're laughing as he kisses every last stretch mark he can find. You learn not to say negative things about yourself around him unless you're prepared to get covered in kisses.
Misunderstands. Thinks you're asking him for workout advice. You want your body to look a certain way? He knows what to do for that. Do you want him to come up with an exercise schedule for you, MC? Its up to you whether or not you decide to workout with him, but either way you'll have to tell him that's not exactly what you meant. Tell him about diets and watch the confusion get worse.
Wait, wait, wait. Humans restrict their food in an attempt to get their bodies to look a certain way? He's dumbfounded. Just thinking about it upsets him. Why in the world would you want to deprive yourself of any kind of food? You decide not to tell him just how bad this can get for people. He's having a hard enough time as it is.
Don't you dare try to do it around him, though. If you say anything about not wanting to eat something because you're worried it'll make you fat or you're watching your figure or anything else along those lines, he will frown at you. He's going to tell you that you should eat whatever you want.
Beel thinks chubby humans are really cute. They look well fed and that makes him happy. If you're already on the chubby side, he'll tell you how much he likes it. If you're not, he'll tell you how much he likes you the way you are, but if you were to change he would like you just the same.
Huh. Humans care about some weird stuff, don't they? It's not that Belphie is unaware of human world beauty standards, it's more like he thinks it's really dumb so he doesn't think about it most of the time. However, he does recognize what an issue it can be for a lot of people. The fact that you're bringing it up to him indicates that you struggle with it, too. And he's not okay with that.
Won't lose his shit or anything, this guy is too lazy for that. But he is annoyed on your behalf. He's annoyed that you feel insecure about any part of you because the human world had the audacity to pressure you into thinking you weren't good enough just the way you are. You don't have to change anything about yourself, MC. You're perfect.
He's actually really good at listening to you talk about your body image issues. He knows he doesn't necessarily have to participate a lot, he just needs to listen. You'll feel better once you've told him all about your struggles. Tell him everything. He's only going to speak up to tell you that he understands, but that in his eyes, those flaws you think you have don't exist.
As with a couple of his older brothers, he's going to deliberately love on the things that you mention being insecure about. Definitely more bratty about it, though. The more you protest, the more he persists. Did you just complain about how thick your thighs are? He's going to nuzzle into them like they're the softest pillow he's ever had. Loudly says he's going to take his afternoon nap right there. Try to dislodge him and you'll only make it worse.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
hiya shannon hope youre doing well 😚 now ill let you pick the pairing because i actually haven't watched mota yet (which is treason and all, i know), but can't miss out on a chance to read some of your amazing writing. i thought these prompts were interesting:
3. “Tell me to leave and I’ll never bother you again.”
29. “Don’t lie to me. I was there.” 
xoxo hope to hear back from you soon and can't wait to read!
HI FRIEND!!!! i hope you're doing well toooo!! thank you so much for stopping by! awe it's no worries, you know that!! i always say watch when you can or want haha!! :D you're too kind, friend, thank you for the love and support and i hope it lives up to it!!! i picked my OC Judy Rybinski and who she is ~eventually~ paired up with, a fav of favs, Robert 'Rosie' Rosenthal, who i have a few more pieces for as well posted and coming in the next few days!! and, i went with the first prompt offered (#3) as it fit the vibes more here! these two have my HEART! and i hope this piece captures that too :) (also: i will absolutely be getting back to you soon my friend hehe 🥹🫶✨)
let it linger
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(a/n): for the judy x rosie girlies again - giving you all the soft, slightly awkward and nervous vibes there is, with a hint of that eagerness and excitement as we near the end of the war! and judy gets a promotion (which she deserves and earns), so please enjoy that! plus, enjoy the slight hint of the imagery of a swan above! they're beautiful!! :D also....just incase i didn't mention it anywhere else (and thinking back i probably didn't) after some of the silver bullets girls get split up, judy gets a position as rosie's turret ball gunner on rosie's riveters!!
"Lieutenant Rybinski, that has a ring to it."
Lieutenant Judy Rybinski. In her eyes, it really did. Lieutenant Rybinski - with her new crusher cap, A-2 jacket fit to the length of her arms and rather tiny form, the Lieutenant bar on her lapel, and the new level of standards she seemed to hold herself to. Judy looked up from underneath that shiny new crusher cap at Rosie Rosenthal and grinned.
"You think?" she asked him with a chuckle, crossing her arms as they approached the mess hall, "I'll be honest, Rosie, I didn't expect it. They don't do that sorta thing real often around here it seems. I know Francis just got the big promotion, but I don't know…." Judy shrugged, "a ball turret gunner doesn't see that sorta stuff." Rosie watched her for a moment, before breaking out into a wide grin and stopping in the path and turning to her, his hands placed firmly on his hips.
"A ball turret gunner like yourself deserves to see that sort of stuff." he said, and then offered her a wink to which she gave him a look. Judy gasped.
"You know something, don't you," she said, leaning forward and popping his shoulder lighting with a finger of hers, "c'mon, spill, what is it?" Rosie watched her and shook his head.
"I just think that Operations really has seen the lengths you've gone in the line of duty," Rosie said with a gentle smile, "your leadership skills, your capability to remain calm under pressure, stepping up to the plate. How you had to come up outta the ball turret and take on tail gunner for the second half of a mission. That sorta stuff doesn't just happen. Some people panic, some stall up. You jumped right in." Judy watched him.
"How would anyone know….?" Judy started, trailing off after his spiel, only to grin like a loon and drop her jaw, when she saw him grinning like he always did.
"It was YOU." Judy managed in a mixture of gasping-whispering-and-excitedly-yelling, before placing her hands on her reddening cheeks and grinning, "You didn't have to!" Rosie laughed lightly and shook his head, before stepping forward and placing his hands on her shoulders comfortably, like they'd been there all her life, his presence both warm and kind.
"I know how hard you work, Judy," Rosie said quietly, the feel of his gaze on her both pleasant and peaceful all at once, "I got mixed up in a conversation with Jack Kidd, he brought up the Silver Bullets, and….well, I couldn't help but bring you up." Couldn't….help? Judy was probably red in the face, but she didn't mind. He couldn't help but bring her up?
"You got that look on your face," Rosie said quietly with a chuckle, "I know you don't like the spotlight, but when people do what you've done, you deserve it." Judy stared at him, fighting back a bit of pent-up emotions that have been living inside her body for months. Despite her feelings towards Rosie as a whole (which had continually grown deeper without fail and had been increasingly harder to hide), and her emotions towards the war (which were ever-present), having someone like himself, taking away her emotions towards him, recognize what she's done, and what her sacrifice has been, made her want to have a breakdown.
"People don't usually tell me that sort of thing," Judy said softly back to him, smiling up at him with her rosy cheeks, "so thank you." Thank you for seeing me, like you always do, Judy thought to herself. Rosie smiled at her genuinely, and then squeezed her shoulders.
"It's always my pleasure, Jude, you know that." Rosie said tenderly, before dropping his hands from her shoulders and crossing his arms, nodding to the mess hall, "Ready for breakfast?" She nodded, but felt rooted in place, eyes somewhere towards the ground.
"You okay?" he asked her, reaching forward and bumping a pointer finger lightly under her chin as she looked up towards him, his hands going back to his hips. The longer she stared at him, the more she couldn't contain her thoughts inwards.
"You're really amazing you know?" Judy managed out, with a nod, "And you've probably been told that a million times, by a bunch of guys, as well as a bunch of girls wanting to have your last name, but, genuinely Rosie, meeting you has meant everything to me. Please know that." Rosie watched her, his turn to get rooted in place as a silence fell around them. Judy's cheeks grew a darker red just as the realization of what she had said to him and she suddenly wanted to take it all back with that look on his face.
"I…" Judy started, "listen, tell me to leave and I'll never bother you again, but, you do so much for me and everyone else around you and you put so much of yourself out there to better others and help other people. And you make sure people are cared for and comforted and doing well and are healthy, which damn, I barely look out for my own health, and you just…" Judy fell at a lose for words as Rosie stood there soaking in her jumbled mess of speech that he was definitely trying to decode in some sort of way. There she goes again, just saying whatever came to mind, right in front of Rosie Rosenthal, her emotions edging her on even more so in recent days it seemed.
Even if all he saw were friendship between them and they'd never be able to explain what all those touches and lingering looks were for whatever was to come, he'd know that she thought he was incredible and someone who has genuinely changed her life. He'd know that for as long as he lived, even it meant embarrassing herself until the point she was red in the face. She noted his slightly red cheeks and the wheels working in his head to speak.
"Thank you, Judy," Rosie said quietly with a nod, catching her gaze as she stared at him, whatever was swimming in his eyes enough to get a smile on her face, at the way he seemed breathless enough without words to stand there in front of her and look at her like that, "it's the right thing to do. Here. Right now. In the world. Help people. Make them know they're an important part in all of this. I….wow, bit of a loss for words, Jude." Judy watched him and then smiled grandly up at him.
"You take a minute to catch your breath," she whispered, before stepping forward and pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek, where she might've lingered a little longer than needed, but the spark of connection with that gentle touch was enough to keep her boldly functioning, "I'll meet you at the mess hall." Pulling back she looked at him and so up close, she could see every bit of his eye that you never saw from far away, and it made her smile softly within his general gaze, enough to keep him smiling, himself.
"Even if there are a lot of girls who'd like my last name," Rosie started, referencing her rather bold display of emotions, "none of them have ever kissed my cheek like that."
Judy froze up as she stared at him, her heart pounding so loud in her ears, she swore she had imagined that last part. She stared at him, swallowing her words and thoughts to try and get her body functioning and looked up into his eyes again.
"Maybe because none of them ever had the courage to really get to know you," she whispered back, holding his gaze like a sun to the moon, "and know how much you deserve to be loved like that." And then Judy was stepping away from him, trying to tell herself not to regret every word she was saying, spilling out of her mouth in that moment.
They could go down any day of the week - she was done watching her friends fall in love and then get their hearts torn out of their chests. She was done with the war getting what it wanted. She was tired of people letting the war take away the one thing that was ever-present. Love. Even if it meant a few bold, rather embarrassing forms of half-confessions and awkward, nervous laughter.
And Rosie.
Rosie deserved to know. She just had to find the courage to tell it straight to his face all these feelings she had wrapped up deep inside of her. For now, she'd let those thoughts linger longer.
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staraxiaa · 2 months
porcelain, the afterword:
author's corner/first thoughts.
first and foremost: upon rereading, a scene in this fic holds a lot of similarities to one from dust, diamonds on ao3 by maokitty. (the jealousy scene w the husband where the wall crumbles) especially with the dialogue. i was definitely taking inspiration from that fic while writing the scene, and wanted to make a note of it here. go read it even if ur not into aot pls bc it’s actually life-changing !! i beat my sunflower record btw this was 25k ish words written in less than 20 total writing hours. spread over 1.5 days total. also i think i fucked up the pacing a lot from what id originally planed buuut at least its over. dobby is finally free!!! anyways. the original intent for this fic was a discussion on body imagery, to anyone who has ever struggled with the unrealistic standards of social media and/or felt lesser than themselves because they were not beautiful in a 'typical' manner. but then it ballooned into a monster of its own bc i was like how can i make this hurt. i took my inspiration from porcelain + kintsugi vases... like how can i break this reader before i put her back together. i think that i'd like to touch upon similar topics again one day. as a natural extension of my style and the way i write that 'fits' the childhood theme of this collection, i don't believe i handled these topics the best i could've: a lot of them are simplified to a point that, looking back, makes me go 'eugh' a bit because there's so much depth there that i had to like, tamp down upon as a result of my own inexperience. parts of it were likely believable, and parts of it likely weren't - whether because of my youth, or because i was afraid of approaching these topics from the 'wrong' angle. either way, i hope to be able to grow as a writer to the point that i can tackle these themes again to a point where i myself can be sufficiently pleased with the depth i've put into it. that is all. if you've read up to here, thank you. i'm not really expecting this one to do nearly as well as sunflowers - the content is heavier, it's not nearly as light, and shouto is just less of a popular character overall. but this is very likely my magnum opus so far in terms of how much thought has been put into the work, so it means a lot to me even if you do not interact, and simply read up til this point. thank you. your support truly means a lot. will also update again as i think of things
unwritten scenes, headcanons, thought process
another angst scene. at the todoroki forgiveness dinner table, katsuki and izuku are probably there. i havent watched this scene i just know it exists. (was gonna go find it just for research). enji hits shouto with the 'you can marry whoever you'd like' thing majig. shouto's like, cool i didnt give a shit anyways i was gonna marry her. with or without your permission. and THEN i hit you with the akshually... she's engaged... to be honest, a lot more scenes where it was just mother and daughter. i really wanted the point to hit home that, the mother is always intending to do good in the only ways she knows how - it's not discussed thoroughly, and she's obviously a negative influence when it matters most, which is why reader cuts her off at the end. i am a firm believer that not all parenting is good parenting, even when it comes from a good place, and to me it's like when you hurt someone - it doesn't matter your intention, because that should always come secondary to the fact that you hurt them in some way. sorry. i'm not sure if cutting completely out of the life like that was necessary, but i think that in real life, sometimes it is. something to think abt / regret abt this piece ig lots more on the brother. he was not seen a lot, and i cba to include more about him cuz tbh he's only really relevant for like... 2 scenes but basically the tl;dr is that. he also feels the same pressure. it's just offscreen. (he's a man, he's his father's heir, but he sees the impact this family has upon you). i honestly think he's pookie and hold him dear to my heart but he was really just there to get the plot moving... so.... sorry guys. i didnt even bother to give him a name. BUT hes definitely a very complex character i just didnt write it..... i just needed to add a little happiness to the dysfunctional family ok the husband. okay. so. i originally wrote him in with the intention of being someone to hate, entirely and utterly, with the whole of my heart. but i absolutely hate writing in characters that don't have at least some depth/some complexity, so here goes: he was definitely in love, i think, though i'm not sure i would call it that. there was a grooming aspect to it, an age gap difference (he attended all your recitals/performances when you were underage, had his eye on you), was twice your age. i think i wrote it in a way where it could definitely be interpreted as a form of love, as twisted and fucked up as it was⏤ in the way you think of ownership, that a pretty woman is nothing more than a flower to give the sun to, to water when you'd like. but you're not. you're more than that, you need more than food and water and a roof over your head, more than pretty jewels. you just couldn't love him, and i think that's the part that fucked with him the most. the husband was always supposed to die. i toyed with different versions of this⏤ if you should be the one to kill him, a final 'hurrah' when you finally find your courage. but i thought this wasn't very in line with the reader characterization, so i didn't include this. it's ok though u guys are always #1 bosses in my heart. i hope its clear though that the reader didnt love him at any point bc i dont like him enough as a character to give him that. sorry. he was also supposed to be a mafia man... did i make that clear... but both him and the father were like. i hate these characters. the father especially (he has 0 characterization he's only plot relevant bc he has to be). wipe them both from ur minds pls xx in terms of the baby: i actually know nothing about motherhood. this is only what i've done from the best of my imagination. if it isn't accurate at all i apologize.
i did not know tumblr had a max characters per block. i yap a lot huh. anyways on to cute shouto moments <3 i really considered the idea of like. sex scenes. nothing graphic, but tl;dr with shouto when you cry, he stops immediately. this would be near the end, when you're learning to live again, but it's like, you're so moved because no one has ever done it like this for you before, and he's just worried that he's done something wrong, and it's sad but it's like. you don't know if you can ever handle touch again, but bc you're married, you think it's your duty, and you also love him, so you want to try. you guys love each other so much i could sob. i didnt add this just bc i didnt think this was the fic i wanted to start nsfw with, and bc i dont think i could do the intimacy i wanted justice. also tbh i debated on including more thoughts of shouto during the relationship with the husband but i think, while the mc would definitely think of him, she would try her best to be a good wife. i think this is textbook of abusive relationships (i tried to portray that in the way that the husband speaks and turns the fault onto mc when he hits her) where naturally, they abuse you despite you already doing the best you can, and make you feel lesser for it. i.e. she hasn't thought about shouto the whole while, hasn't done anything, doesn't intend on it, and he still blames her for the way she feels. DID I EMPHASIZE THAT HE PICKS UP EVERY CALL EVEN THO U DONT TEXT HIM ANYMORE JUST IN CASE bc shouto todoroki the man that you are... the man i wrote you as... im never marrying idgaf i write my own standards too high i also jus wanna say guys... the way u pull him out of his shell... and then its his turn to pull him out of urs.... i am a SUCKER for stories that come full circle watch me write it into mermaid au anyways im so excited!!!!! in another world, shouto is the one to catch you. somehow he's in your penthouse apartment. the man's holding a knife to your throat (??) or it's your husband trying to save his own skin. in some variations you walk off the edge yourself, in some variations your husband pushes you, in some variations it's the man. i thought this fit better. either way in all of them he was supposed to dive off the fucking building after u but i also thought: he can't be there himself but he makes sure ur taken care of anyways. sort of fitting the characterization i had for him, i think. i rlly considered a kiss scene too but it'd be sort of natural. like stepping into someone's warmth and feeling entirely comfortable in it, knowing it's what you want and knowing it's also what he wants. at the end. but i didn't add it. wouldve been sweet but unnecessary bc i think this would be further down the line and would require a separate scene. once again i scoot free of my kiss-writing responsibilities ! ! ! more on this, though, i think i really like writing about how simple intimacy can be. i do not believe you need to be physically affectionate with someone to love them, though you certainly can be, and i hope this was reflected in the way i portrayed both shouto and reader. in my dreams we are shouto's sugar babies and just vibe for the rest of our lives. and that is all. the smallest things the reader does make him so happy like. slowly. you guys are already holding hands, so a kiss on the cheek would make him the happiest man on earth. oh here's a bonus scene: at some point he takes you out to see the fireworks. the two of you are sitting, you're tucked snugly into his side, you're watching the fireworks, but when you turn, he's watching you. it's so stupidly romantic. you probably ask him what he's looking at and hes just like 'you'. you flush a little. he kisses the top of your head, grinning like the little shit he is.
i also think it'd take a length of time to get married, so you guys probably do kiss sometime before then. no clue about the scene. but canonically (aka in my head) you guys are just having a normal conversation. like Normal Normal. nothing fancy. and all of a sudden you just lean in and kiss him on the corner of his lips. he touches it, and you can see the shock on his face. dunno if you lie and say 'something there i was just getting it for you' bc im a sucker for that but he only leans a little closer and asks you to do it again. i'd like to think man is patient even tho he desperately wants to (like to the point it's painful to watch) so you have to tell him straight up it's okay to do anything, when you're ready: i.e. initiate kisses and anything else later down the line. once he gets the green light though there's no stopping (he will immediately if u ever tell him) like in my head this man has been basically touch starved all his life and he YEARNS. everyone say thank you to the anon who prompted these scenes btw notes on reader: i think what i wanted to explore with this piece was the way that your parents, the environment you grow up in, the role models you have can shape how you grow a lot. but that does not mean you need to stay that way forever. and that even if you do, you are not necessarily 'weak' or any lesser. reader never actually stood up for herself until the very end, but she was strong in her own way. she tried her best to be a good wife, even when she practically hated her husband. she persevered, she tried her best to love her child. things were bleak, but she pulled through; she kept on living, she kept on breathing. and that was enough. she was enough! <33 i also don't know if this reader was a very believable one. a lot of what i explored here was an extension of some of my own experiences, but like. i simply have not experienced a lot of it personally, unlike with my other pieces, and not at all to the same depth. i hope that there are people out there that can resonate with her and her experiences, but like not in a fucked up way. i simply hope that this story can make someone out there feel seen/heard, even if it's just a little. also putting this here to say, i tried to write reader in a way where it made her thoughts read off as like. ingrained into her? but that the way she thinks is not supposed to be normalized. please love yourselves. just wanted to make that clear djsklsfjd
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hwnglx · 1 year
txt's ideal types
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
yeonjun leo venus
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physical traits 7ofw, strength
very strong presence. intimidating aura. catches everyone's eye and stands out in the crowd. fierce gaze, deep eyes. long and healthy hair. fit but curvy build. leo risings.
personality traits kingofp, char&world, 2ofc
yeonjun likes his partners to be mature, confident, and very sure of what they want. someone fierce and responsible who will go after their goals and stick to their promises. he can't stand dating someone who's too fragile or insecure and easily swayed. he likes it when people stand by what they say and do, and finds it very attractive when someone is incredibly powerful, determined and successful, especially through their own hard work. at the same time, he needs his partner to be very affectionate. as a leo venus (and libra moon!), he loves and truly enjoys being loved and adored, so he needs his partner to be all in. whether it's compliments, physical affection.. i can see him loving pda. yeonjun just wants to feel special, and like he's the only one his partner has eyes for.
“i'll touch that fire for you i can't lose when i'm with you you just too important”
him as a boyfriend 3ofp, empr, 5ofw, emper 7ofp, hieroph, moon, pagofsw&8ofc
+ he will have your back, no matter what. very bold, protective and territorial. people probably won't dare messing with you, because everyone will know you're yeonjun's girl/boy, and you simply don't mess with them. i'm getting this huge dreamteam vibe from him and his partners. once he feels like you're worth it (he doesn't seem like the type to actually fall in love a lot) and he fully commits to you, he won't only be an assertive boyfriend, who probably won't let you leave his side, but he'll also care for you in a very sweet manner.. it'll probably surprise you to see him turn so soft sometimes. he'll get worried a lot, ask you if you're okay one too many times, probably smother you a little too much. he's a true lion when he's in love. - he'll be very traditionally minded. yeonjun will very much enjoy staying in this box of "assigned roles" and definitely not like stepping outside of that. there's also this lack of patience in him, where if he feels like you aren't it for him, he won't really be overly merciful to cut you off and walk away. a lot of it is rooted in deep insecurity though, leo's can have very big but frail egos that are scratched kinda easily. he can get too self-absorbed and not see your side of the story. if he feels you did him wrong, don't expect him to give you many chances to make things right again. he'll probably see himself too valuable for that, as arrogant as that might sound.
soobin capricorn venus
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physical traits highpr, 2ofc, 3ofc, char
mysterious beauty. round and fuller face. gorgeous and dazzling eyes. dashing and blinding smile. beautiful laugh. (not physical but popped into my mind) curvaceous build. cancer risings.
personality traits 8ofw, death+lovers&knofp, knofw, temp, 6ofp, 6ofsw
soobin likes his partners to be very multi-facetted. while he likes them energetic and passionate on the hand, he doesn't like people beating around the bush and needs them to be direct, he also needs them to still be capable of balancing themselves out. someone who's emotionally mature, self-aware and adaptable. i can tell he's not someone for casual flings, and more of the relationship type. he wants his lovers to know their self worth, but also know when to give in and act in service for others. someone with a sincere and genuine nature, who's aware of what it takes to build a healthy and stable relationship, and has enough patience to take a slow but steady approach. he likes it when his lover knows when to give him space, but is also there for him when he needs them to. definitely a boyfriend with high standards.
“love the way you treat me you respect my time (..) you wanna spoil me treat me like a queen”
him as a boyfriend char, just&aceofp, hangm+sun, knofc, 2ofc knofw+queofc, kingofp, 9ofc, lovers
+ soobin will be a very grounded, fair and open minded boyfriend. someone who puts a lot of importance into balance and equality in relationships. although he can be quite straightforward in approaching you, you won't ever feel like he's trying to overpower you. there's this really tolerant and unbiased nature to him, where he'll be interested in understanding your point of view on things, and even see the difference in opinions as something precious. he'll like learning from you a lot, and make sure you know your feelings are valid, being of very empathetic nature. he can also be incredibly romantic, really sweep you off your feet and make you feel special. i can see him liking the traditional types of candlelit dinner dates a lot, and enjoying spending money on you. - though he's very mature, once he gets overwhelmed or loses composure, he can have his reckless moments where he acts without really thinking. since he'll put so much effort into getting to know you, there's also this feeling of exactly knowing what buttons to push in order to hurt you, and him using his emotional intelligence for his own selfish needs and to his advantage sometimes. he'll probably be aware that he went too far, but will struggle admitting it due to him still wanting to seem like the bigger guy in the scenario. he can also just get so overly invested in the relationship, that there's this sense of emotional attachment, that he probably also won't like making very obvious.
beomgyu aries venus
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physical traits 9ofw, herm, queofw
unapproachable and cool aura. distant but deep gaze. eyes that penetrate your soul. (i keep feeling like he really likes pretty eyes) elegant and majestic movement. beautiful hands and nails. scorpio risings.
personality traits char, pagofc, queofc&8ofp&4ofsw, 2ofc&star
beomgyu likes boldness in his lovers. he'll find it very attractive if you make the first move and are direct in expressing your interest in him. he himself can be very straightforward and passionate in relationships, so he needs someone who can keep up with his dynamic character and won't fall short. still, he likes it when his partners are very sweet, romantic and emotionally intelligent too. someone with a patient, gentle and calm nature who's understanding and willing to put in effort to keep the relationship alive. he won't like it if you give up on him too quickly or make a fuss about everything. beomgyu wants someone persistent and strong, who believes in your relationship and knows how to manage obstacles without losing hope. someone honest who won't keep him guessing and illustrates their love and devotion for him in a clear manner.
“i'm a need you show me your broken heart and all your scars baby i'll take you as you are”
him as a boyfriend 3ofsw+2ofc, fool, 8ofsw&aceofc+7ofsw knofw, sun, 4ofc, world, death&4ofp
+ beomgyu is the type of boyfriend who wants both, an emotionally deep and special bond to his lover, but also enjoy a lot of fun and carefree times with them. there's this sense of "i wanna feel so comfortable and be so sure in you, that i can just let lose and not worry." at his best, he can be a very receptive and gentle boyfriend who's good at making you feel comfortable and safe. also very accepting, you don't have to worry about him judging you for your lower moments. he's a lover who'll want to bring a lot of positivity into his partner's life, whether that's through sweet, reassuring words of affirmation, or taking you with him to some exciting date. he wants to bond over each other's struggles and happinesses, make you feel like you have nothing to worry about whenever you're with him. like life is beautiful. - his down fall is, he can just get too impulsive and act in the heat of the moment. say mean things he didn't really mean, do things he didn't intend on doing. he can be prone to acting on his own desires solely and not considering his lover's needs. i also get this huge "my way" problem for him, where he'll probably rather die than admit he's wrong. it'll be pretty hard to fully resolve arguments with him, since he'll ignore the truth like his life depends on it. he'll just hate giving in, and not ever change his stance on anything. he can also have this huge shift between being very outspoken and direct, to suddenly caving in and not engaging with you at all. dating him will be a rollercoaster ride of emotions for sure.
taehyun aquarius venus
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physical traits 2ofp, 4ofc, strength
harmonious and balanced features. effortless and nonchalant beauty. more casual and laidback way of dressing. beautiful hair. still stands out without trying. libra risings.
personality traits 2ofw, 2ofsw, queofp, 7ofprx, 10ofw+10ofc
taehyun likes his lover to be a very loyal, caring, patient and gentle person who knows when to give him space but still hold on and nurture the relationship beautifully. he needs someone understanding who won't get overly attached to him, as he feels it just causes this heavy weight on his shoulders he doesn't enjoy carrying. he wants a relationship that keeps blossoming and remains stable despite them not constantly being around each other, and therefore someone who can be okay with that. i can tell he just really likes non-dramatic, serene and down to earth people. he wants someone low-maintenance who doesn't burden him with heavy standards and is very accepting and kind. a lot of need for comfort and security.
“just one more time before float off in the wind i don't care how long it takes as long as i'm with you”
him as a boyfriend 9ofw&sun, emper, temp, world just+herm, 2ofw, 6ofsw, 4ofw, 9ofsw
+ although he's a very laidback boyfriend himself, there is this sense of duality between valuing peace and balance between him and his lover, but also making sure you know he's the one in charge. i can feel a lot of aquarius energy in him, but at the same time the scorpio moon really comes through with him actually taking relationships (surprisingly) very seriously. he can seem more aloof and detached, but when the time calls for it, you can be sure taehyun will make it known that you belong to him. "yes, of course you can go out by yourself, but.. you know i hate it when you're around that guy and don't pick up the phone." type of thing, where he just gets possessive out of nowhere. there is also this ability of his to break down walls and make you feel comfortable very easily. he knows what it's like to struggle with trust, so he's good at making people open up to him. - he can struggle between not wanting to feel constricted and still wanting his own life, but also feeling all paranoid and overthink. a very common trait for scorpio placements, is that they struggle with this deep rooted fear of abandonment. taehyun is prone to worrying things will just take a turn for the worse out of nowhere and get all invested in that thought. especially since he's aware he can get avoidant and have escapist tendencies. he can get worried he isn't good enough essentially, which can create problems, even in a seemingly perfect and happy environment. it's this vicious cycle of avoiding you -> fear he'll lose you -> pull away even more out of hurt -> deepens sadness.
huening kai libra venus
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physical traits fool, 6ofc, 6ofw, 5ofp
unique features. soft and deliate expressions. easygoing and natural beauty. baby-faces. glamorous and fancy way of dressing. virgo risings.
personality traits pagofc, 4ofw, 3ofsw+aceofp&9ofc, 5ofw
kai likes people who are very sweet by nature and approach the world in a humble manner. he needs his partner to be the type of person who can see light in darkness, and has a positive effect on the people around them. since he can be a very sensitive person himself, he likes it when his lovers are understanding, but can also get him out of his head and help him move on, encourage him, see things in a different light. he's the type to need a lot of reassurance, so he'd want his partner to be someone who makes him feel safe, welcome and comfortable. he likes people who are loyal and dedicated, who will be there with him even through external forces standing in the way, whether that's other people or circumstances. another scorpio moon, another member who i feel like gets scared to get left behind by people precious to him.. 🥺
“i can tell that the water's clearer on the other side with you what would i do without someone like you?”
him as a boyfriend 8ofw, 9ofc, moon+4ofc&5ofp, 6ofc&3ofc, 10ofc kingofw&kingofc+8ofp&queofc, 7ofsw, 7ofw, 6ofp
+ kai is the type of boyfriend to value communication a lot, who won't beat around the bush and make you question him. i can see him just coming alive and feeling like his best self when he's in love, kinda like a kid who gets all excited to be with you and gets very talkative. a lot of talking about your days, sweet compliments, laughter, fun, warmth. he will want everything to be perfect. he'll wanna make you feel like you're in your dream relationship, and put almost too much pressure on himself to satisfy your needs. he'll reflect back on himself a lot, look back on his actions to make sure he's being the best boyfriend he can be for you. but kai will wanna be your best friend first, and make you feel like he's by your side throughout everything, whether that's your sadness or happiness. - there's still just a lot of growing up and maturing to do for him. however, since he's such a perfectionistic lover, hearing that he still has some areas he needs to work on relationship-wise, will probably make him feel pretty attacked. "i'm putting in so much effort and you're telling me i'm still lacking?" kinda thing, where it will hurt him, and he'll get defensive to hide that hurt. it'll be pretty contradictory to see him rating communication as so important, yet feeling offended over you pointing out anything negative. he will want to just give and pour his heart out for you and do sooo much for his lovers, that he can completely lose himself in that, and forget about his own interests and needs.
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Obligatory Volo romantic/🥰 hc?
well if you INSIST (assuming the romance is with the player character here. also keeping these pretty positive and healthy, even though obviously there are plenty of uhhhh messier hcs to be made for this character specifically. i think tumblr will auto-shorten this post but please let me know if it doesn't and i'll add a cut)
in general, any iteration of volo wishes to demonstrate his devotion and usefulness to his partner through action. while he imagines a lot of grand gestures, it usually ends up being pretty mundane in practice. like getting things off tall shelves and tidying up a living space (he's a total neat freak). the exception is volo in a canon divergence where he actually becomes a god, in which case every gesture would be a grand gesture, and it probably gets out of hand
it's extremely important to him that togepi/togetic/togekiss loves his partner. he is genuinely so concerned about this, and fears what would happen if she didn't, despite togepi/tic/kiss being the literal embodiment of joy and love. this insecurity almost certainly stems from the fact that he still can't believe that togepi/tic/kiss loves him
he has read a lot of books and he loves to hear himself talk. also, he's been method acting for like five straight years and makes a living selling people things. the man has a way with words, take that as you will
he's a strict vegetarian (also doesn't eat eggs) for ethical reasons and knows how to cook extremely well to fit his dietary needs. one might expect him to be an "i'll eat a chicken because a chicken would eat me" kind of guy, but because humans have higher intelligence and the capacity for morality, volo holds them to higher standards than animals. therefore, it wouldn't be wrong for a chicken to eat him, but it would be wrong for him to eat a chicken. anyway this is a romantic headcanon because he really really loves to share his cooking, especially if it's a traditional recipe he found while researching history
he has a naturally pleasant singing voice and near-perfect pitch. the volo i write grew up on the mainland and came to hisui as a young adult, so i like to think that he grew up playing the piano and is very skilled, although out of practice. he occasionally hums or sings in front of his partner and it's very nice to hear
he knows how to sew and offers to help the player character make some modern clothing garments they miss from the future. also makes some clothing for them based on his own ideas, because he thinks they would look nice dressed up to his tastes :)
doesn't half-ass anything, especially not in terms of relationships. if he says it's casual, it's because his partner asked to keep it casual and he wants to respect their boundaries and honor their wishes, which is within itself something he does with intention and care
he is simultaneously very aware of the fact that he's beautiful in situations where it benefits him, and completely blindsided by his partner's unprompted acknowledgements of his beauty
loves going on hours-long walks with his partner and sharing/listening to enthusiastic diatribes about niche interests. bonus if the interest is totally unfamiliar to the other person. basically, ancient sinnoh video essays
he likes having regularly-occuring shared activities to look forward to. like, weekly game nights with his partner or taking their pokemon to battle at the training grounds as a team when they know some highly-skilled opponents are going to be there
likewise, he just really likes battling as a team. like if he and his partner run into the bandits in the wild, it's a genuine pleasure, because it means he gets to wield train his pokemon alongside someone on his level (also he likes being the hero sometimes, especially if he's upstaging arceus's chosen hero)
volo loves pda for several reasons: he's touch-starved, he's possessive, and he's a performer at heart
some fourth wall breakage, as a treat: he'd absolutely read romantic fanfiction about himself and leave multi-paragraph comments making corrections and highlighting lines he particularly appreciated
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plumadot · 5 months
Hi hello Pluma 👋🏿
Hope you're doing well!
Got a little bit of a brainstorm for your dnd guys
Big squad is just traveling, or do they have some kind of goal? And – why are they all together?
Is there some particular world building you wanted to introduce, or mb it's just normal Faerun? I really like weird twists, like, then everything is flooded, orrrr maybe then there's no sun in this world! Or they have several moons... Just an idea to think about! :D
I also was thinking of spiderchair a lot-
Just imagine Scar running on the walls and ceilings cuz. Spider chair!!!
And I think Scar is often bored, then they are traveling on foot (he's too active fella to just sit and watch) – mb he has some kind of a hobby to keep his hands busy? Flute is cool and all, but the guy is VERY chatty, (what's why tbh I'm kinda sad he plays flute, no beautiful singing D:) and yea. I was thinking it might be wood carving, bit it's kinda doesn't fit him... Oh, I know! Mb magic tricks ?? I dunno, what do you think? :D
Oh and probably G is often complaining how tired he is from walking on foot... Is there on a chair somewhere a perch for him, or he's just unceremoniously sits on Scar's lap? :DD (Well they still can have horses but. Every horse would despise Grian u'all know that)
Yep... they are definitely The Wanted Criminals... Silly fellas QwQ
hi!!!!! :D <3 <3 <3
they do!! they eh. it's. again it's bits and pieces for now i hope you don't mind gkjdfkgjf. they kinda all have their own goals but they overlap more or less... they're all looking for a certain artefact, even ren's squad is :D i'll try to explain or draw stuff about it once i have all backstories linked up with it and can actually find the words to make it sound plausible LMAO
i'm not sure if i want the world to be very different from "standard" faerûn gfdkgjkfd i like the idea of multiple moons simply for the aesthetic :D and mmmm what's important is that gods are pretty close to mortals and even interfere every now and then. and i suppose the place they're in is coastal, since there's a lot of characters have some kind of connection to the ocean :D
scar is strapped into his spider chair so it should definitely be able to walk on walls!!!! idc if that's overpowered the chair is a magic item ok he gets to have a cool chair!!!!!!!
also yes yes he definitely plays music and doodles a lot!!! :D ohhhh you're right about the singing gfdkjgkjdf maybe i'll also give him a string instrument as a treat :D I'M NOT PICKING FAVOURITES I JUST. YOU KNOW
grian can definitely perch on the chair. and he will. he likes feeling tall :) he uses his flight to scout ahead but it's so very tiring... let him on the chair scar pls...
HFDJKGJDFG i'm so sorry if the things i say about this au make no sense or don't connect or kgfjdkjg i'm not good at this. but i really liked your questions and ideas!!!!!!!!!! ;-;
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scarletlilyy · 1 month
There's this guy on the internet that goes around his city harassing women into admitting that height doesn't matter when it comes to dating by making them weigh themselves with an inaccurate scale....
and can I just say that's so fucking stupid lol.
His whole argument is that height can't be controlled but weight can, so women shouldn't have height standards but men r free to have whatever standards they can LOL
it's so dumb to me cus men have a lot of standards for women that also CAN'T be controlled but u don't see women constantly bitching about it
For example men have racial standards and standards for body shape 💀
Race is obviously something that cannot be controlled and when women complain about men having a racial preference, men resort to racism or some other display of insecurity
Another thing that makes this guy even more stupid than he is, is the fact that weight is Infact relative.
Obviously taller women will weigh more even when they are skinny/fit and like that incel of a man said, people can't control their height, INCLUDING tall women
so expecting women to either be higher or lower than a specific number on the scale is absolutely ridiculous
Because it's dependent on height, which we can't control :D
What's even funny is that men themselves have height preferences and usually don't date women taller than themselves or worse women taller than 5'5..
Don't forget the guy's scale is obviously very wrong at times, even the men that support him notice when the weight of some women is OBVIOUSLY wrong.
Regardless of weight standards, there's also this thing where men expect women to have certain body types and guess what that's not completely in the hands of women either.
Having a slim waist is mostly genetics yet many men expect this of women, but when women want a taller guy it's suddenly a problem??
not to mention most men are tall anyway
NOT ALL women have a small waist, so why is this such a common expectation from men? idk.
I think it's perfectly fine to not want someone who's underweight/overweight by the BMI standards (we all know men don't even know what that looks like that's why I have to say by BMI standards) but expecting women to be shaped a particular way is in itself an unrealistic standard.
But like I said men only love to point out when women expect things they can't control...
Men stop enforcing double standards challenge go!
I believe that every body's entitled to their own preferences even if some r a little unrealistic at times lol, what I don't believe in is shaming ppl for their preferences
and also shaming ppl who don't fit ur preferences (which men tend to do a lot of the time)
Ik some women can be mean to short guys, but men truly dehumanize women who don't fit their beauty standards
even when women aren't overweight, men will shame them for being "shaped weirdly"
The guy in question isn't even short from what I'm seeing, I don't know why he harasses women for something that doesn't even affect him in the slightest, probably cus he's short in other places lmao
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
My lil contribution to @1016week Day 2 - social media. This is the snippet of my SF Admin AU which I started writing a long time ago for @welightitup (and @mssr-monagato which is a given). I hope you enjoy it! 😘
" - and this is why I think I would be a good fit for this job."
She isn't looking away from him, and he doesn't let himself show how much he is intimidated by that glare, even though he really, really is. He did everything right, said everything right, showed her his best work. He knows he did. There is nothing more he can do. They will either hire him or not.
God please, let them hire me. I need this fucking job. This is my last chance, and if I blow it, it's corporate hell with dear Dad, and I will die. I will literally die.
Her long, red nails tap on the glass table twice. He thinks this may be what doom sounds like. It sure feels that way.
"Mr. Gasly. You have an impressive portfolio, and your CV is one of the best I've seen. What I want to know is, what will you bring to this job? What is the thing that distinguishes you from all the other candidates for this job?"
Her eyes bear into his, and he swallows. Goddamn she is intense. Pierre knows the question, it is a standard question everyone asks in job interviews, and he knows the answer he's expected to give. He opens his mouth to say the prepared, standard spiel, but in that moment his eyes stop on the pictures hung on the wall behind her. They are all the same. Same poses, same settings, same camera angle. A whole wall filled with the same picture over and over again.
Fuck this.
"You're wasting opportunities here."
She raises an eyebrow, and her eyes regain some of the focus they've lost during the rest of the interview, as she was listening to his pitch, probably the twentieth one and identical to every other one she's heard during the day.
"Oh?" She says, and it sounds like a challenge.
Fuck it. Full send.
"Yes. You are sitting on a goldmine, and you are doing nothing about it." Pierre takes a deep breath. You can do this. He looks her straight in the eyes.
"You have the most beautiful and the most attractive driver on the grid driving for you, bar Lewis Hamilton, who is, you will agree, in a league of his own. Your driver is very easy on the eyes, he is kind, he is extremely good at what he does. And you are doing nothing to capitalize on that and attract more fans, when you could literally have your social media engagement, and with it the revenue, go through the roof."
She says nothing. He plows on.
"He has the looks, and he has the brains, and he has the mythological-like background and appeal. Hell, the Italian media calls him Il Predestinato! He is a Ferrari child through and through, he lives and breathes for this team, which is an angle that can be explored so well, and yet you do nothing. He is even willing to speak about the hardships of his life, although I personally believe he should be left alone about that." He clenches his fist. "And again, I reiterate - there is not a bad angle for the kind of face he has. And you need something new; something fresh. You know what I've found out as I did research on the perception of Ferrari in the public, in the target groups?"
"Enlighten me," she says, and Pierre forces his hands not to shake as he shuffles through his papers and pulls out printed-out screenshots. He points to the highlighted words repeating themselves on the pages.
"Outdated. Old-fashioned. Uptight. And a million other synonyms, all meaning one and the same thing." He looks back at her. She isn't looking away, and her expression is stone-like, but her eyes are flashing. He swallows the bile rising in his throat, because he can't believe he's about to say it.
"Boring. People think Ferrari is boring. Ferrari." He laughs incredulously. "The oldest team on the grid, the team that is synonymous with motor racing. The mythological team. The red cars. All of that, and it comes down to one thing. Boring."
He can't help but scoff, too deep in his spiel to care whether or not he is crossing the line. "Which is unimaginable to me, especially when you have the history," he points around the room at the pictures of very inportant people with the drivers and Ferrari personell, "the glory", he points to the trophys in the room, a mere dozen of what he knows are hunderds more, "and the beauty." He steels himself and shuffles the paper, pulling out a printed picture of Charles Leclerc, who is smiling at the camera bashfully.
He taps on the picture. His finger lands on Charles' dimple, and stays there.
"You need to utilize this, and even if you don't hire me, please, make whoever you hire use this - use him. Because otherwise, you're going to end up like Red Bull, after Daniel Ricciardo left." She twitches visibly. "Utterly unlikeable."
Pierre feels like he's just run a marathon. His breathing is irregular, and he makes himself calm down, repeating those meditation techniques his brother insisted on him knowing. The silence in the office is deafening suddenly, and he swallows around the lump in his throat.
"I see." Her voice is calm. "Thank you for your presentation, Mr. Gasly, and for this interview. We will be in touch."
Fuck. I completely blew it. Fuck.
"Thank you for the opportunity," he manages to say.
He goes to gather his papers, but she hums.
"Leave your research here, if you don't mind?"
It's not a question; not really. It's an order, given with an icy smile. He makes himself smile back even though his stomach seems to be turning like he's on a roller-coaster ride.
"Of course," he says, and removes his hand from the picture of Charles Leclerc's face. "Have a nice day, and thank you again."
She says nothing more, only inclines her head in a silent dismissal as he leaves the room. He passes the security in a daze, moving on auto-pilot right up to the moment when he's sitting in his car.
"Fuck," he says out loud. "Fuck, Pierre, you absolute fucking idiot."
He crosses his arms over the steering wheel, and then after a second, he lets his head fall forward too.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He groans. "I am so stupid!"
"Excuse me, sir, are you - Are you okay?"
Pierre groans again, because he is nothing if not dramatic, and turns to look at the person interrupting his mental breakdown through his driver's side window.
"Fuck," he says, eyes widening, because right next to his car, crouching in what looks to be a very awkward manner and looking at him through his window is nobody else but Charles Leclerc.
Charles Leclerc, the Formula One driver for Scuderia Ferrari and the one everyone is convinced will be a World Champion someday. Charles Leclerc, who is a thousand times more beautiful in person than he looks in any of the pictures online. (And Pierre would know, because - because he did research. For the Ferrari interview. And not anything else.) Charles Leclerc, whose voice is kind, and whose French carries the lilt of the Principality. Charles Leclerc, whose eyes are wide in an emotion Pierre cannot recognize in his shocked state. Charles Leclerc, who is - frowning.
"Excuse me, I saw you were in - in distress. And I - I wanted to ask if you maybe needed some help?"
"With what?" Pierre asks, then wants to kick himself, because his tongue was always quicker than his brain, and his brain is currently screaming Oh my God that is Leclerc that is Charles Leclerc oh my GOD on a loop.
"With.. with whatever you are distressed about?" Charles says, and Pierre thinks the way he scrunches his face, half-confused, half-deternined, is absolutely fucking adorable.
Then again, Pierre thinks Charles Leclerc is adorable all the time, so that's not a revelation.
"No, no, ah, thank you," he laughs, because he can't help it. The irony is painfully laughable and laughably painful simultaneously. "You are very kind, but my problem is," he grins, "myself."
Charles laughs with him, and there is something knowing and sad hiding behind that smile. It makes Pierre want to smooth out the curve of it. It makes him want to bite it.
"Ah, I know that feeling well, my friend." He grins, and his eyes are sparkling green, perfectly offset by the dark purple of his shirt. "I hope your problem becomes more manageable."
There is sincerity in Charles' voice, and a whole weight of knowing, of understanding. Pierre can feel his hands relax on the steering wheel, and his utter desperation fade away a little.
"Thank you," he replies. "I hope so too."
Charles just nods at him, and they look at each other in commiseration brought on by shared diapazon of feelings.
"I should be going," Pierre says, then thinks Oh hell, I fucked up one thing already today. Full send. "Unless you want to give me your number?"
Charles' eyes widen and he looks - unrealistically good. Nobody should be that good-looking, nobody can, because Charles is just unreal. This close, Pierre can see him clearly, and the little tiny imperfections - the bitten corner of his lip, the little patch of hair he missed while shaving, the red spot on his cheek - they all make him even more beautiful.
"I -" Charles starts to say, cheeks red and face surprised, then seems to steel himself. "I could do that." He smiles sweetly. "But only if you tell me your name."
Pierre's heart feels like bursting out of his chest, a thousand and one emotions flaring as he replies "Pierre Gasly. At your service, cheri."
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Any combo of trio holders + "Eros + Psyche" for the ask game?
Ah a beloved myth I haven't done before! Let's make this one duoholders. Also, Yoichi is going to be Eros because All for One makes a great vain, controlling parental figure. Even though Second is not going to be happy about the Psyche role.
1. All for One is the god of love, which means he thinks all love should be directed at him and only him. Yoichi is All for One's long-suffering little brother and cupid, trying his best to fulfill the duties of the job and make people happy because his big brother does nothing except stare at the mirror all day. Out of jealousy, All for One lied to Yoichi that looking at his face will turn people into stone and forced his little brother to cover up his beautiful face with a heavy iron mask.
2. Second's older brother is a powerful king who one day caught a glimpse of Yoichi flying above and, solely on based on his hair, declared him to be the most beautiful person in the world. (Silly All for One, forgot to cover the perfect hair TM.) All for One, summoned by any threat to his vanity, appeared in a shower of angry sparks. Second's brother quickly made up a lie that he'd been talking about his own little brother. Now, Second is notoriously considered the ugliest prince in this AU. He has a giant scar across his face, he scowls constantly, he's short, and he has a bird's nest of spiky hair. Overall he does not fit the beauty standard of his society. Second's brother hoped that All for One would laugh at someone so ugly being compared to him and then feel no need to take revenge.
3. Alas, All for One has zero chill. So he orders Yoichi to kill Second. Yoichi is used to finding ways around his brother's worst orders. Instead, Yoichi asks Second to come with him and hide in a house in the clouds for a few months. Usually that's about how long it takes All for One to forget all about his orders. Second is not the first person to hide out in Yoichi's house. However, he's the first one who Yoichi falls in love with.
4. Yoichi and Second blissfully enjoy their love nest together until Second's brother comes to visit. The idiot brother sticks his foot in his mouth once again and tells Second that his lover is All for One. Probably All for One took pity on Second and didn't kill him after seeing how ugly he is, and now is playing around with his heart. At first, Second doesn't believe it. His lover seems far to kind and gentle to be that notoriously arrogant and cruel God of Love All for One. But the thought torments Second, keeping him up late at night. Finally Second has to know, so one night when they are sleeping next to each other, he sneaks a peek at Yoichi's face.
5. Yoichi wakes up and runs away crying, convinced that he accidentally turned his lover into stone. Second realizes his mistake, too late. Grabbing the closest article of clothing, he chases after Yoichi.
6. All for One learns his little brother has a lover when his brother comes home crying and immediately decides to be a douche about it. Thus All for One sets up four obstacles between Second and the residence. Second handles all these subtle and delicate trials by just slashing everything with his sword. Also I need you to understand that Second does all the trials wearing a strawberry dress like this one because it was the first clothing he grabbed when running out the door.
7. All for One is a sore loser so he's about to kill Second. Then Yoichi hears the noise, comes running out, and saves Second. Yoichi is thrilled to see his lover alive and pissed to realize his brother lied about him in order to isolate him. From now on, he'll serve as cupid but he answers to no one except himself. Yoichi and Second elope.
8. All the gods hear stories about how Yoichi married the one mortal more beautiful than All for One. So they're shocked when they meet Second and he's just some dude with resting bitch face. However Yoichi is clearly smitten. All for One refuses to admit he's wrong, and also assumes anyone who seduced his brother must have some irresistible charm, so he keeps talking up Second as an amazing temptress. Therefore all the gods start praising Second's beauty because everyone else is. There's an Emperor's New Clothes effect going on where everyone assumes that everyone else must see something special about Second that they can't see. The impact is so strong it actually changes the beauty standard of society and for the next century, short men with spiky hair are considered the hottest things since Tartarus.
That was a fun one! I got kind of carried away. (Reminder that all of these are free to use in my Three Weeks of Trioholders event.)
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