#i know everyone else isn't my ex and they probably won't react how she did
atiny-exol · 4 years
Mafia Ateez reaction to their s/o fighting a person out of jealousy
Warnings: strong language, blood, fighting, s/o gets harmed, ateez gets mad or not, some mature things
A/N: I really had fun writing this request. I hope you also have fun reading this.
Requested: Yes.
He steps in the room, his eyes are sticking on your slightly hurt body sitting on the couch.
His look is mad, slightly angry but most importantly, concerned.
The look pierced through your skin and after some time you looked up at him, giving him your best smile with your bruised lip and broken nose.
The fight was a bad idea, that's for sure.
Hongjoong doesn't even have to say it.
,,Sometimes I ask myself why you bring yourself in situations like that. What the purpose of that? Do you want to scare me?"
The emotions in the room are thick and the words slipped out of his mouth with so much irony and concern, that you felt bad for doing something as stupid as this.
But the jealous feeling just rushed over you, as you saw how this girl tried to flirt with him during a meeting.
It was dangerous, but you would always do it again. Even if your fiance would be mad with you.
Your smile widen and you giggled softly at his words. Even if he tried to hide his small smile, you could see it clearly forming on his facials. Yeah, you would do it again, if that means you can show him how much he means to you. ,,I'm not stupid. I just knew that she didn't have a chance against me. Not just in the fight." and with that both of you began to giggle.
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A bad feeling hits him as soon as he left you alone in the room with her
Woth who? With his ex wife of course.
Yeah he left her for you and now he had to make some silly little deals with her. Everything on a business level of course.
I mean that's how he sees it.
But she. Yeah she tried to flirt with him, giving him hints of taking him back and telling him the advantages of a marriage between them.
And as he came back 5 minutes later, he wasn't even surprised that you layed on top of her. Making her already ugly face even uglier.
,,Y/N. Baby. What did I say about violence against someone who is weaker than you?"
With an cold expression he looked down on his ex wife, before he softly helped you to get up. ,,The next time, you don't do that yes baby?" With a soft smile you nodded at him, laying your arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. Fully blending the annoying screaming of his ex wife out. Both of you knew that you would do it again.
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Going to a club with you was always fun. Until you got so drunk that you begin to do stupid things.
And the most stupid thing you did this night, was fighting with some silly girls, because they tried to approach Yunho.
And Yunho is annoyed. More than annoyed.
He pulled you away and apologized for you, before he throws you over his shoulder and went home with you.
The next day, as soon as you mind worked like a decent person again he will scold you.
,, Really sweetheart I will never go there with you again. You are so stupid when you are drunk. Unbelievable."
He didn't mean it, both of you know that. He just doesn't want you to get in a dangerous situation again.
But he likes it in a strange type of way.
,,Y.. Yunho please I-" ,,I'm still not talking to you unless you say yourself that this whole thing was super stupid." His voice interrupts you and he shot you a dangerous glare. You only responded with a smile. ,,But you just talked to me." ,,... Now say it.. I don't want to ignore you anymore."
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With a wide smile he shoves another hand of popcorn on his mouth. Watching you how you beat the ass of the stranger.
You both just wanted a small movie night and now he has a better movie than he expected.
He isn't really concerned about you.
Because he trained you. There is no way that this idiotic person hits you, or even worse beats you in a fight.
Proud of you, if you come back with a smile.
,,That's my kitten! I knew you would show them what it means to flirt with me."
Cuddles and kisses as a gift for the win.
You giggling rings in his ears and he gently petted your head, playfully placing the popcorn between his lips before he placed his lips on yours. The kiss was rough, but soft at the same time and just as you broke the kiss a huge smirk appeared on your and on Sans face.,,You look so hot while you fight for me love." ,,I look even more hot moaning under you. So you better hurry up to get me home."
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As soon as you get hit once, he would pull you away. His protective side would come out immediately and his gaze would turn dark.
Shots a dangerous look at them, to make them shut up and carries you bridal style home.
Doesn't talk a tiny bit with you, even if you apologize or do something else.
At home he would check if you are okay, still not talking.
After that he gets up and turns around.
,,You really don't have to prove anything darling. Even if someone flirts with me, I don't want them. So don't do it again. It's ridiculous."
Walks away. Leaving you alone
You would probably have to apologize and shower him with kisses so he stops to pout.
,,Mingiiiii" you complained as you placed another kiss on his cheek, trying to get his attention again. ,,I'm sorry.. How often do I have to tell you that." right after that he looked at you with a dark glare, his face just an inch away from yours. ,,Until you learn that this could have end worse! It's cute that you try to protect what is yours. But hell Y/N you never know who you are fighting against."
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Mad, angry and slightly disappointed.
You both attended a fancy party together, so of course Yeosang had to deal with some business things.
One of these business things was talking with a woman, a really handsome woman in your eyes. But that wasn't the problem.
No the problem was the way she touched him while talking, how her hands would ,,unintentionally" meet his or how her hand restes a little bit longer than necessary on his shoulder.
One or two or maybe five drink later. (the boys tried to distract you, but alcohol maybe wasn't the right thing)
You got very and I mean very presumptuous towards this lady. And before anyone could react.
You made a scene infront of everyone. She wasn't just anyone. She was very skilled in fighting and so you end up injured. If it wasn't for Yeosang, she might have killed you.
But yeah he saved you. Carried you to the car and drove home with you. The car ride was silent, just like the time you stepped in your home.
He ignored you, but then helped you with your injuries.
,,The next time I don't help you. God why are you so stupid huh? This is totally ruining my reputation. You should know better than behaving like that. You aren't 4 years old anymore."
After that he gets up and went to the room, slamming the room shut and letting you handle the whole situation on your own.
Silent tears run down your cheek as soon as you heard the loud noise of Yeosang slamming the door. He was right. You weren't 4 years anymore, you are grown up and should known better than doing something like that. But even if it's your fault, he as your finance should not just blame you, he should have helped you more too right now. You are hurt, not just from the fight. But by the way he treats you too.
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Just like San he would be proud. Like really proud.
You get everything you want after you little fight, but he is also responsible. So he would scold you too.
,,You know, the way you hit this person wasn't really good for your hand. You could have really injured yourself. I have to train you more."
Smiles, kisses but also a cute reminder that you don't need to be jealous on the first place.
Buys you ice creams and tells you how much he loves you. Isn't interested when he men give him a confused look. Because Wooyoung isn't so soft normally.
Let you sit on his lap after your fight and keeps you close, so you don't have to fight anyone again.
His fingers draw small circles on your back as you happily eat your ice cream. You dont even care what wooyoung is talking about with his men right now. The only thing that matters is, that he isn't mad at you and that you finally got all of his attention. With a small side look, you glared at the person who earlier go beat up by you. They would never do this mistake again.
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Super surprised as he was how you fought with someone. He didn't even realize that someone flirted with him.
If the person is hurting you, he doesn't hesitate to pull his gun out
No one is going to hurt you, even if you started the physical fight
,,What do you think you are doing to my fiancé/fiancée."
Pulls you away and scolds you, but also kinda red when you explain why you fought
Hugs you tightly and giggles like a little school girl
But quickly his serious face is back
Tells you to never do this again, he might have killed this person
,,I'm sorry.. I won't do it again Jongho.. Please don't ve mad at me now." You said with a sad smile as you saw his serious face. But your concerns immediately vanished as his sweet giggle rings in your ears. Confused of why he is giggling, you stand infront of him. ,,I'm not mad at you. Why would I? Because you fought over me? Nooo it's cute."
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thirteen-beaxhes · 5 years
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So @criminalambis wanted this prompt so here's my try at doing this! Hope you like it!
Bex groaned as she went to rearrange the makeup brushes on the stand, the afternoon being slower than the rest of the day. Bowie was busy at the Red Rooster, so he couldn't get her a smoothie, and Cece was at home, still upset about the wedding. Bex sighed as she thought back to the explosion at the restaurant, and the eerie silence that had persisted since that day. Of course she got Cece's anger, but it was getting a bit out of hand now.
As she was deep in thought about the wedding and Miranda's words of warning, the bell at the door chimed, indicating someone's arrival. Bex hastily plastered on a smile before turning around.
"Hi, welcome to Cloud 10. How may I," She started, before realising that it didn't look like it was a customer. A boy with dirty blonde hair, wearing a Jefferson Middle School letterman hoodie was stood at the dooreay, pulling at the hoodie. She narrowed her eyes as she walked over to him, arms folded.
"Is Andi here?" He asked, looking up at her.
"Who's asking?"
"TJ. Kippen. From school?"
Oh. The TJ Kippen. The boy who Buffy had problems with last year. Because he was being mean and rude. And the boy who left Cyrus hanging on Costume Day and is the reason Cyrus hasn't been himself lately. That TJ Kippen, Bex thought to herself. Or so she thought. TJ's face fell even more, and her eyes went wide.
"Did I say that out loud?" She mumbled, and the boy just nodded.
"Look, I know you hate me. Everyone does, as they should," TJ said sadly, looking down at his shoes. "But I just need to tell Andi something about my sister."
"Why your sister? Can't she come herself?"
"She sent me here, I don't know why," TJ said, shrugging his shoulders. Just then, the door chimed open, and Bex turned to see who it was now.
"Amber? What are you doing here?" TJ asked, raising his eyebrows.
"Wait. You two know each other?" Bex asked, pointing at the two of them. Amber scoffed.
"Yeah, he's my brother," She said, jabbing her thumb in his direction, TJ nodding. Bex looked between the two and shrugged her shoulders.
"Huh. Makes sense," She said nonchalantly, going back to rearranging the brushes.
The two siblings just looked at each other awkwardly as Bex continued to rearrange brushes. Finally, she huffed and looked up, placing a hand on her hips.
"Are you two here for a reason?"
"Well, I was here to give Andi this note from Amber with this bag," TJ said, pulling it out of his backpack. "Although, she probably wouldn't wanna see me right now. But Amber made me go for some reason," He said, staring pointedly at her. "Why are you here?" He asked Amber.
"I came to find you," She said, grabbing his elbow and continuing in a low voice, still audible to Bex. "Kira called me, asking why you haven't texted her back."
Bex looked curiously at TJ, trying to place that extremely familiar name. TJ just sighed, pulling out his phone. "Fuck," He whispered, as he looked at all the texts. Just then, it also clicked for Bex who Kira was. Costume girl.
"She also told me to remind you about something," Amber continued, glancing sideways at Bex hesitantly. "You know what."
TJ nodded, his shoulders drooping even more.
Bex was so confused. "Hold on a minute. Isn't Kira the girl you bailed on Cyrus to do the costume with?"
TJ looked up at her, confused. "How do you know that?"
Bex shrugged. "I have a daughter who tells me everything. Plus I got a soft spot for Cyrus, and he was in here the other day. So he told me."
TJ looked down when she mentioned Cyrus, an action that confused her. "Anyway, if she's worth ditching your friend over, why don't you wanna text her back? Is that how you treat your friends?" Bex asked pointedly.
"She's not my friend!" TJ said loudly, before rubbing his arms. Amber held his shoulder, trying to get him to calm down.
Bex furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean 'she's not your friend'?"
TJ tried to say something, but couldn't get anything out. Amber spoke up instead. "Look, I know you heard Cyrus' side of the story, which is valid. But there's a lot they don't know either."
"Clearly. All I know is it involved a salt shaker, white shirts and betrayal," Bex said, walking towards the two. "Hey," She said softly, TJ looking up at her nervously. "I'm sorry for snapping a bit. I just really care about Cyrus. So I look out for him."
"I know, it's okay," TJ said quietly. "I care about Cyrus too. It's just, Costume Day was a mess."
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Bex said, sitting on the arm of the chair.
TJ took a deep breath and looked at Bex. "I was all set to do the costume with Cyrus, but then the day before, Kira came up to me. And she said something," He hesitated. "Something that made me really insecure, because I wasn't ready for it to be known. So, i took the coward's way out and have been hanging out with her since. Sorry I can't tell you what it was," TJ said, looking down. "I, I'm just not..."
"Ready," Bex said with a comforting smile. "It's okay. You do need to talk to him though."
"I dont know," TJ said, looking down. "He hates me."
"He doesn't hate you," Amber said. "Like Andi said, he's just disappointed."
TJ just looked away, and Bex patted him on the shoulder. She took the bag from him and turned to Amber. "Okay, and this goes to Andi from you, right?"
Amber lunged forward, grabbing for the bag. "A-Actually, I decided not to give it. It's stupid," She fumbled. And behind her, TJ groaned.
"Amber, seriously? You're gonna chicken out again?"
"Chicken out of what?" Bex asked, holding the bag away from Amber, who was desperately trying to reach for it.
Amber stopped jumping, and looked at Bex. She took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut, saying, "Out of telling Andi I like her."
It took a minute for the realisation to dawn on Bex. "Ohhhh," She whispered, looking at Amber. She smiled comfortingly at her. "It's okay, Amber. Andi won't hate you."
"Hopefully," She mumbled, looking up at Bex nervously. "Do you hate me?"
"Pssht, no!" Bex said, waving her hand dismissively. "How could I hate you when I have my fair share of ex-girlfriends?" She said, placing the bag on the table. When she turned back, the two siblings were staring at her, gobsmacked.
"Whoa," The two of them said, sending Bex giggling. She got up from the arm of the chair, looking at the two.
"Now, is there anything else I can do for you two?" She said with a smile, the two shaking their heads and making their way to the door. Before leaving, Amber turned back.
"Just, tell me how she reacts, please?" Amber said, and Bex gave her a thumbs up.
But TJ didn't leave. He pulled Amber to him, whispering something to her, before walking back towards Bex.
"What happened TJ?" Bex asked, noticing the way he was pulling at his hoodie.
TJ kept his gaze focused down as he spoke. "The thing Kira said to me, when she wanted me to do the costume with her, was would I rather do a costume with Cyrus than with her."
"So?" Bex asked, confused. She leaned back against the counter, looking at TJ. Finally, he looked up at her, his eyes shifty.
"The way she asked it, was like she was asking me would I rather do it with a boy than a girl. Like, like she knew I was," He said quietly, his voice choking up. Bex understood immediately what had happened, and pulled TJ in for a hug. He was stiff at first, but then he hugged her back, her shirt getting slightly wet with tears.
"That's why you did it with her, isn't it?" She asked softly after she pulled away. "Because she found out and you got scared she'd tell someone."
TJ just nodded, wiping away the years that had formed.
Bex pulled him to her by the shoulder. "That was not good, what she did. You aren't a coward TJ. And if you tell Cyrus this, he'll understand."
"What if he hates me even more?"
Bex shook her head. "He won't. I know Cyrus. He'd get it."
TJ sniffed, looking up at Bex. "You know how she found out, right?"
"I have an idea," Bex said, thinking back to all the times Cyrus had spoken about TJ, and the one time TJ had come by with him for something. She had noticed the looks, the touches, the laughs. But she hadnt thought much of it. Young love.
"How am I supposed to tell him that if he asks?" TJ asked.
Bex just smiled, walking him to the door. "When you're ready."
TJ nodded, some of the weaught gone from his walk. "Thanks, Bex. And I'm sorry for bothering you."
"Not at all," She said with a smile. "You and your sister aren't that bad, TJ Kippen," She said, before closing the door.
What an eventful day. Hopefully, everything would work out just fine.
(And it did, as Bex would see at the party in Andi's house, with Cyrus and TJ laughing and holding hands, not hiding their feelings. And with Amber and Andi smiling and whispering to each other. Bowie walked up to her and asked, "What's going on?" And she just smiled, holding onto his waist, looking down at her wedding ring.
Everything worked out great.)
This is so bad I kadjdjdjsj I'm so sorry
Send me prompts and I'll do them!
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Ava & Nancy
Ava: Has he told you? Nancy: Yeah Ava: How are you holding up? Nancy: better than he is Ava: Not saying much but Ava: that's something Nancy: how are you holding up then? Ava: It's been, a rollercoaster implies that it's in any way on the rails so not that, something as up and down and side to side Ava: tornado, perhaps Ava: but it's far from about me so I'm just here, you know Nancy: I know what you mean Ava: It's more to do with you than me Ava: so, what did he say exactly? Nancy: You know what he's like, just coming out with it Nancy: there's nothing for me to argue with Nancy: maybe if I had a clue then but now Ava: Yeah Ava: but none of us did Ava: I think mum was probably right, even if that's fucked Ava: taking it to the police wouldn't have done anything Nancy: She'd had talked her way out of it, his word against hers and he doesn't come across well when he's upset Ava: Exactly Ava: it's one of those legal grey areas Ava: morally black but you know Ava: can't get charged for that Nancy: I feel like shit, if I hadn't left it wouldn't have been her and none of this would be happening Ava: I know, but you have to try not to think like that Ava: she picked him, really Ava: he was angry and upset, with you, yeah, but Rio too and you know, everyone and everything Ava: but I don't think he would have pursued her, if he were in any state Ava: and she had her problems with you, but I don't think that's solely why she did it either Nancy: I know but he could've used any girl in Chelsea to get back at Rio, it was her because of me, that's all my thoughts keep coming back to Nancy: and no other girl would've used him like that for any reason Ava: We all let each other down Ava: sometimes you have to do what you have to do Ava: and then sometimes bad shit happens because of that Ava: Chloe wouldn't have felt the need to drop this if I weren't with James Ava: we could all just keep on not knowing Nancy: It's not your fault, Av, she hated you cos she hated me first Nancy: it's not like she's heartbroken over James Ava: Still, it wouldn't have happened, you were never going to be dating him Ava: but none of us can live beholden to her and the things she has over us, we shouldn't Ava: at least now, we aren't, she's played all her cards Nancy: Did Buster tell you she's already engaged? Ava: I heard Ava: I looked on Gen's profile and he's like her dad's age Ava: and really stereotypically Italian Nancy: Gross Nancy: I swear to god, she's not a real person Nancy: who does any of this? Ava: I think she does her hardest not to be Ava: fuck everyone else Ava: her parents are just Ava: at a total loss Ava: we say ours are ashamed of us but this is so real Ava: they've had more to do with James than her for years now Nancy: At least he's got their support Ava: I think they're just as scared that they'll lose contact as he is Nancy: Yeah, of course Ava: Did he say if he'd told Ri yet? Nancy: I asked, when I was at my angriest, before I really understood what the circumstances were Nancy: He wouldn't talk about her which either means he has and it didn't go well, or he's still working up to it Ava: She's going to know something is wrong, he can't hide anything from her Ava: and the test takes as long as it takes, I know he was waiting for that but I don't know how Nancy: Right now, I'm selfishly glad that she knows we barely talk so she won't ask me Ava: That's going to be Ava: not fun Ava: never mind how pregnant she is Nancy: Oh god, don't Nancy: I was going to come back for a while but maybe that'll make it worse Nancy: Like he'll think I'm just there to oversee his downfall or something Ava: You don't think that will happen, do you? Nancy: I don't think she'll leave him Nancy: But the old wounds this is gonna open up, even though nobody's disputing he didn't actually consent, when they're still dealing with everything that happened with Venus Nancy: add her hormones in and his way of reacting to literally anything Ava: Fucking hell Ava: you should come back, if you want to though Ava: regardless Nancy: Ri might need me Nancy: not that she'll admit it, obviously Ava: 'course Ava: I don't think it would hurt Nancy: I'm a crap babysitter but I'm a great person to vent at about him so Nancy: if I slag him off enough she'll start leaping to his defence automatically Ava: An evil-good plan Nancy: something good needs to come out of all the evil Ava: We can but try Nancy: Yeah Nancy: I know I need to Ava: Does feel better than doing nothing Ava: only a bit but Ava: still Nancy: I wish there was more I could really do, but it all just feels too late Nancy: inventing a time machine feels very above my capabilities, if I'm honest Nancy: Feel free to tell James I'm here if he ever wants someone to talk to about his monster of an ex Ava: I will Ava: you might have to open a hotline, by the sounds of it Nancy: That'd be a decent earner while I'm back Ava: Time is money, like Nancy: exactly Ava: Wonder what the wedding will be like Nancy: what I remember hearing about hers and James' sounded awful Nancy: but of course this one will have to be more stereotypically Italian Ava: fucked herself on flower girls too Nancy: unless he's got a big family she can insert herself into Ava: Heaven help him Ava: or she's already knocked up, the only way she does it is with a gun to her head and the groom's Nancy: has anyone checked he can speak enough English to know what's going on, like? Ava: I don't know if we've got the welfare team on that Ava: he looks pretty pleased with himself Ava: the pictures would really confirm your homosexuality for you tbh Nancy: Well that's disgusting Ava: If he was the teenaged pool boy, be all over that, obviously Ava: can only hope she's met her match this time Nancy: Even if she hasn't, like you said, there's no more she can do to any of us Nancy: And she'd never get the kids back if she wanted to try that as a last resort Ava: Not putting anything past her obviously Ava: but yeah, I can't see her trying and failing at that any time soon Ava: it's a small mercy Ava: she was no mother Nancy: Imagine having her as yours, oh my god Nancy: it makes me wanna hug mum Ava: Let's not get too crazy Nancy: the urge will have passed by mid-flight, don't worry Ava: Unless you have too many complementaries, of course Nancy: well yeah Ava: No one would blame you on that score Nancy: it doesn't help though Ava: The drink or the lack of blame? Nancy: Both Ava: Yeah Ava: not much in the party mood myself Ava: pity or otherwise Ava: though being forced to 'focus on my schoolwork' like that's remotely important right now is getting me close Nancy: Is there a brochure for the planet mum and dad live on cos I'm really intrigued by it? Ava: They really think they can keep me out of it Ava: Like I'm not the one who did the DNA test, like I'm not the one who got James and Buster to talk Ava: sure, I'll forget about that and write my politics essay, hold on 🙄 Nancy: I'll do your essay as long as you leave enough time for a thorough spell check Ava: You really wanna keep busy, yeah Nancy: Yeah Ava: You are allowed to be angry with him Ava: you know Ava: because he was a victim too doesn't mean you're not allowed to feel that Ava: even if it means you don't direct it at him, you don't have to try and repress it Nancy: I am angry at him, but I'm also so tired of being Ava: Damn genetics Nancy: He can't forgive me for going and I can't keep defending why I had to Nancy: cos he'll never accept that it's not entirely my fault, that I needed him to help me and he wouldn't Ava: He does though Ava: he's told me Ava: like you said, it's too late Nancy: He'll never tell me, so we'll only ever talk when he has good or bad news to give me Ava: Yeah Ava: it's because it doesn't change it Ava: like you said, no time machine Ava: getting him to admit that he wasn't there doesn't change that he wasn't, even if you want to hear it Ava: just like you explaining why you had to leave doesn't mean you stayed Ava: it's all just words, you know Nancy: Then how can we ever? Ava: Maybe you can't Ava: because that isn't a truce Ava: if neither of you is willing to leave your post there is no middle ground Ava: you actually have to be ready and willing to drop defending yourself and blaming each other Ava: and neither of you is, so Ava: that's that Ava: you can't make yourself give it up, clearly Nancy: It's so unfair Nancy: that everything turned out like this Ava: It just is Ava: you have to get to a place where you can just say that's what happened Ava: not attribute why's and who's to it, see it entirely objectively Nancy: maybe if I fly to Tuscany first and murder her Ava: Maybe Ava: you'll still hate yourself though Nancy: Thanks for the reminder Ava: Like you forgot Nancy: my phone alarm is set for hourly bursts of self-loathing, of course Ava: That'll be why you're tired Ava: can't even put that on him, eh Ava: unlucky, like Nancy: I'll have the luck of the Irish and all that good craic to fall back on soon enough, like Ava: 'Course Ava: be a blast Nancy: It always is Ava: It's been a while Ava: things might have changed Nancy: This family would have to catch some kind of break first Ava: Naturally, when I finish this essay, it'll all be worth it Nancy: Just make sure it's worth sticking on the fridge Ava: 'Cos that wouldn't fuck with the aesthetics Nancy: It's no finger-painting, sure Nancy: But if anyone needs the reminder that you're not a toddler it's mum and dad Ava: Really surprising they're not more elated to gain a ready-made grandkid Nancy: If the mother was anyone else, they'd be jumping for joy, no doubt Ava: Unless that mother was me Ava: of course Nancy: James has probably been well and truly scared off Ava: I reckon she's a pretty strong contraceptive Nancy: I'm in no danger but if you put me in a room with her I'd take the pill Ava: 💀 cyanide Nancy: or whichever colour gets you out of the Matrix Nancy: bye babe Ava: Careful Ava: that's what 'woke' lady and minority haters call themselves Ava: don't wanna get in that camp Nancy: is it? Ava: yeah, they're 'red pilled' 'cos they know 'the truth' Ava: the truth that feminism is a lie and all women are evil bitches, like Nancy: Oh great Ava: You accidentally been making loads of enemies over there? Ava: Whoopsie Nancy: I'll say that's the reason now Ava: Go the whole hog and call yourself an incel Ava: when any of the fam asks you how your love life is going Nancy: 😂 Nancy: Don't make me laugh though, my head is killing me Ava: I feel you Ava: the only pills I've been popping are paracetamols Nancy: Nurofen express 💚 Nancy: my actual true love Ava: so rock and roll Ava: shame even by American standards, that's no bitch's name Nancy: Read it in your best impression of the accent if you wanna swoon though, obviously Ava: It clearly does it for you, like Nancy: It's a very diverse place, thank god Ava: Sure babe Ava: the fashion industry is known for it 😏 Nancy: 🙄 Ava: Thanks for not trying to deny it Nancy: I'm not their spokesperson, pros or cons Ava: Not part of the job description of photographer or girlfriend then? Nancy: No Ava: Phew Nancy: Find a way to include it in your Politics essay Ava: Alright, mother Nancy: Never call me that again, please Nancy: if I didn't have a headache before Ava: Yeah, we didn't reckon you'd be next Nancy: Weird that you've discussed it, but okay Ava: The heat needs to be taken off somewhere, like Ava: What about Billie and her fella, do you reckon they'll go for 👶👶? Nancy: No Nancy: they barely see each other at the moment Ava: I won't put my money there then Nancy: You'd be better off keeping it on Buster Ava: I think he's disqualified by default Ava: obviously Ava: don't need no 🔮 Nancy: This one better not be born early cos of the drama Ava: She's getting out of the danger danger zone at least but still Ava: having babies is like what they were born to do Ava: missed those genetics, clearly Nancy: Lord Ava: 😂 You're so squeamish Nancy: I don't like babies, excuse me Ava: I didn't mention anything about the miracle of childbirth even Nancy: thankfully Nancy: cos it's not a miracle, it's a 🤞 & pray for the best kind of situation Nancy: you might tear open or get cut open and you get off lightly if you only 💩 or 🤢 everywhere Ava: 🙄🙄 the dramatics Ava: I've had worse nights out Ava: and I didn't get a cute kid at the end of it so 🤷 Nancy: it's not me that you need to convince so Ava: I don't think I know anyone else so definitely anti-child Nancy: I've got nothing against children, I just don't want any Ava: uhuh Nancy: It's only considered weird cos this family is so obsessed with having as many as possible Ava: Nah, it's not that Nancy: Like I said, reserve the soapbox for someone who wants to hear the pros and cons Ava: Okay Nancy: Okay, I've got loads to finish up before I can leave Ava: 'course you do Ava: I'll let you go then Nancy: I'll talk to you soon Nancy: without time zones to factor in Ava: Cool Ava: no worries Nancy: Let me know if you wanna meet up, who knows where mum and dad will decide to base themselves and when Ava: Regardless, I don't have time to come over there so I won't Nancy: Yeah, exactly Ava: Focus on what you need to do Ava: I was just checking you were okay Nancy: And I wanna check in on you too, so let me know, okay? Nancy: It's the shortest flight ever Ava: Seriously, there's no need Nancy: Alright Ava: Just focus on helping Ri, if that's what you're going to do Nancy: I'll do my best Ava: 👍 Nancy: Later then Ava: Bye Nancy: 🧡 Ava: Is Billie coming over too? Nancy: I don't know Nancy: I'll ask her when she gets home Ava: She should Nancy: I'll do my best with that too Ava: Alright Ava: that's all then Nancy: Okay, bye
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