tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“Yes, Doctor?”
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“Where did Elysia get that outfit...?”
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“She made it herself, I think. Why?”
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“Lock down the lab, Klein. She’s not to be let in.”
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“Oh, hardly at all… But it’s no big deal. We’ll put on a pot of coffee and be ready ready enough for this afternoon. There’s still plenty to be done.”
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“Better than none.” Klein said softly as she began preparing the coffee for the two of them. When she finally brought over the the mugs. Mobius would find a little wafer in the shape of a kitten sitting on the edge of the cup.
Klein herself pretended not to notice as she casually drank hers.
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“Sleep well, Klein?”
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Sleep...? Did she fall asleep at her deck again? Probably. “A little. I think I might’ve woken up at my desk. What about you, Doctor?”
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“That makes two Mei’s that have completely disappointed me now.”
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“Yes, Doctor?”
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“Tell Elysia she’s won the bet. I don’t care anymore.”
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“Understood, Doctor...”
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“Good morning as well...”
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“No interruptions today. I have tons of new test subjects to experiment on.”
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“Understood, Doctor.”
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“It’s starting to look like Elysia might be the one to win that bet...”
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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Is “choice” all an empty lie, a voice frozen into ice?           Will fate slowly crystallize in every soul I’ve ever known?                     When lightning cuts through the wind, its flame leaves an afterimage.                                                  Let fate metamorphosis-
                                  Infinities of futures unforetold…
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
Mobi would not say fuck
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Klein can't say fuck. This one can and will should the situation call for it. Has probably used fuck to yell at Elysia on more than one occasion....and perhaps Dr. MEI as well given the right context....
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
"Mobi!" Don't mind Elysia, she had pulled the other into a hug and was cuddling with the scientist now. "How's my favorite scientist~?"
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"I was enjoying my morning until you showed up..." She was usually the only one awake at this early hour save for a select few others. As such, Mobius assumed it fine if she let herself relax just a little...
Clearly she was wrong.
"You can put me down now, Elysia..."
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
Why do you bully Mei so much, Mobi?
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"She makes it depressingly easy to do so."
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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Like for a snake in your box.
The contents of said ask will vary.
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“Oh my…” Certainly, anytime Eden came around, Mobius did have a bit of a habit of drinking more than she should, let alone the fact she was something of a lightweight. But with Klein scooping her up and carrying her so easily… Had Mobius blushed, just a little?
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“Yes, Klein, of course. Even I know how little time we can afford to waste. I’ve simply decided I’ve earned a break.” She was back to her usual composure within seconds, holding her arms around Klein’s shoulders. Being carried like this… No, it was quite nice, actually.
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She nodded as she carried Mobius around for a little bit. Just letting her fully enjoy herself for a few precious moments. As soon as Klein’s muscles...or lack thereof. Started to scream at her, Klein gently placed Mobi back in her chair. Then climbed onto her lap soon after.
“Fair enough, Doctor. Did you enjoy yourself at least? I’m sorry I couldn’t hold you for longer...”
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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I have been teased future Klein content, Hoyoverse give more--
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
Mei: All the gentle head pets
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"Good afternoon to you as well, Mei."
"The Doctor is still asleep, though I think Miss Elysia is making her rounds."
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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“I don’t know who this “Murata” is, but she looks like someone Miss Eden would’ve gotten along with well.”
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tenthflamechaser · 2 years
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"Wait huh?! I just picked her up like I normally do! What's wrong?!?!"
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