#i know I KNOW the bad batch show MIGHT tell us why tf rex is just...hiding on seelos but like....why dave. why. explain yourself.
mosswitch219 · 5 months
Some thoughts on Bad Batch Season 3
First off I want to say this is going to be a very unpopular opinion and if you liked the szn this probably isnt the post for u, but I feel I have to speak my mind.
Overall after watching season 3 I honestly feel let down and unsatisfied with the events and especially the ending.
1. Techs death is probably the biggest thing that frustrated me because when you kill a character off you should either have your other characters morn and grieve them and learn to accept the loss or bring them back.
However they didn't either of those, instead they pretty much forget he existed they barely reference him and only say his name like twice, it would be fine to show characters in denial about someone's death but it's more like the show is in denial. This is why many bad batch fans were expecting tech to come back, if you don't morn a characters death than the story arch feels incomplete a ppl will wait for it to "end".
Not to mention techs story didn't seem over he left on weird unfinished terms with Phee and it seemed like they would touch on it again but nope.
Also they introduced CX-2 and made it seem like he might be tech, such as having the same build and teasing the identity like it's important and like it will mean something and then at the end for CX-2 and all these super soldiers to mean absolutely nothing.
2. So many unfinished questions, I can't believe this is the end of bad batch and apparently the last clone show. Especially when we still don't know where tf Cody is and all we're told is that he's gone AWOL (mentioned like it will mean something in the future) and then we never see or hear anything about him again.
Then there's Wolffe obviously we know he's in Rebels but what happens between then and now?
Then there's Echo same as Wolffe what happens to him as we never see him fighting alongside rex in Rebels.
Then ventress she was introduced back and then she leaves and we never see or hear about her ever again, she didn't rlly add much they revived and went "look ventress is back" for one episode and then that's it she's no longer important all she did was say "yup omega has a high M count" and then left.
3. Omega and the other force sensitive children could have patched up the plot hole of "somehow palatine is back" by saying using omegas clone DNA that can sustain high levels of a M count and a force sensitive child they were able to figure out how to clone palatine or smth but no it all meant nothing and we never rlly knew what the tests where for even when they had a golden opportunity to reveal it when Rampart forces Nala se to tell him everything abt the experiments
Honestly season 1&2 were great and so I went into season 3 expecting the same amount of quality but I didn't get that. They usually tie everything together and I never felt unsatisfied or confused in szn 1&2 but I did in szn 3. I kept waiting for things to start to tie together especially when the had so many moment where it seemed like the scenes where there just to make things make sense but no they were all there for nothing.
I walked away from szn 3 thinking it must have been rushed or gotten a new writers team bc wtf was any of this, it was so out of character for the writers to make such bad decisions.
I understand if other people like the ending bc we don't usually get somewhat happy endings but this was more like a half-assed happy ending to me, I would have preferred a well written devastating bad ending but this is what we got instead and I am so disappointed. All I could think of szn 3 was about how angry, let down and confused I was and that it was a lame and made me feel meh.
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sashketter · 4 months
The Captain and the Senator Chapter 3 Footnotes
This is where the fun begins 😜 bringing in more characters. Some things to chew on:
I’m guessing the Teth base hadn’t been established yet because WHY TF WOULD YOU STAY ON CORUSCANT OMG REX USE YOUR HEAD LOLOL
I had to come up with some convoluted reasons for the action to stay on Coruscant, hopefully believable ones 🤞🏽
One reason I left out: Trace and Rafa are supplying Rex with equipment for his bases. They leave them in the shop where the clones pick them up later. They don’t know about Riyo. I left it out because Riyo’s not supposed to know, either. She just knows the supplies show up and Rex comms when he needs them. The folks at Andor don’t have exclusive rights to smart strategy 😇
“Love you.” “Love you, too.” It will be addressed later.
In case you missed the allusion, the bounty hunters who caused Pantora to tighten security were Fennec and the Bad Batch in season 1 episode 4 “Cornered” 😉 At least two Pantoran policemen died and the explosion from the crash near the end of the episode looked like it could’ve damaged the foundations of the buildings it hit. So yeah, I’d say Pantora is in slight lockdown lol
I’ve said this before, but the way the clones arranged the Teth base reminded me so much of Republic command decks and Rebellion bases. Tell me I’m not the only one connecting the dots here!
Yes, the acronym for the Pantoran bill that helps the clones is ARC 🫡 I haven’t decided yet if it’s a secret bill that only Pantorans or the Pantoran Assembly know about or if the Empire is aware. You’d think a few people would start to notice the increased presence of clones, or are they that underground? 🤔
I need y’all to know I have the Chairman written down in my outline and notes as “Big Papa.” 😇
I capitalized “Chairman” because there’s only one in the Pantoran government, but kept “senator” lowercase because there’s many of them in the Senate. I’m not sure that holds water lol I might have to go back and capitalize Riyo’s title in the first two chapters 😭 It just didn’t look right to me capitalized, but I think capitalized is the MLA standard 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
It took me awhile to decide if Big Papa would be for or against the clones from the start. I could honestly see him going either way, so I went a little both ways, to build on his cunning.
But having him land squarely on the clones’ side foreshadows what Riyo says to Senator Singh about Pantorans starting to sour on the Empire. I might pick that up in later chapters.
I’ve said this before, but I just know deep in my bones that the clones would’ve looooved Big Papa! Smart, competent, and adept with two blasters, c’mon! And if he’s as righteous as Riyo, forget Pabu, the clones are gonna swarm Pantora and make cute little blue babies 🤣
Big Papa was severely underrated and underused in TCW. I have spoken.
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jate-kara · 4 years
it is time again to be pissed off about the Rebels clone design
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