#i knew she was from my uni the moment i saw her name
airenyah · 5 months
there's a new lady in my thai course and her name looked incredibly familiar to me and it turns out she studies at my uni
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harstyle · 9 months
Summary: Your good friend Harry Styles might just be the hottest, most gentleman-liest guy you‘ve ever laid eyes on, so it really is a shame that you‘re not his type. featuring lotsss of pining, insecurities on both sides and a hefty crying sesh (it‘s all a bit pathetic and cheesy really😭)
Pairing: uni-student!y/n + uni-student!harry
Word Count: 6.2k
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“You’re beautiful, y’know that?”
He was impossibly close, nose mere inches away from hers, and held this expression that could easily make her cry if only she looked at it long enough. Y/N couldn’t handle the pressure of the moment, his intense eyes on hers. It was something out of a romance movie.
And she was left so speechless that all she could say to him was: “uh, t-thanks. Thanks. You too.” It wasn‘t like she disagreed with him, but the sheer intensity, the closeness with which he delivered his compliment made her weak at the knees.
He smiled at her like he’d known she would cower away and brushed some stray hairs away from her eyes. “James doesn’t deserve you. You know that, right?”
In full transparency, Y/N had forgotten all about James. She’d forgotten the reason for her tears the moment Harry had shown up at her flat to give her that long hug she’d been needing.
The only reason James had stumbled into her life at all was Harry anyway. Call it a distraction, a means to numb the jealousy she felt whenever she saw Harry out with another girl.
“I get it, though. I should’ve known he’d be that way, people warned me before going out with him. That he only takes out cheerleaders. Should’ve known he did it for a laugh.”
Harry was similar to James in that regard— he had a type and everyone knew it. Y/N didn’t fall under his category of ‘girls to date’. She often wondered why she always went for guys who would never even look in her direction— a bit of self hatred, maybe. A will to punish herself.
“Hey, stop that. You’re beautiful. Don’t find excuses for his behavior.”
“I’m not, I just… I should’ve seen it coming, is all.”
“No, what we’re not going to do is blame ourselves for other people’s mistakes. James fucked up. He did. And that’s it. You move on, you come back stronger and show him he didn’t leave even a tiny scratch.”
“You’re right. Of course.”
He smiled, “do you feel better?”
“A bit,” Y/N nodded with a sturdy exhale, “thanks for being there for me always. I really appreciate it.”
“What are best friend for, ey?”
It never felt less unnerving to hear those words coming out of his mouth. And really, she knew that realistically they were nothing more, but sometimes, especially late at night when no one was around and all of her uni stress had been shoved into a closet for the day, Y/N let herself believe it was real. That he liked her back. She needed to get a grip and open her eyes to the cold harsh truth; that a friend was all she would ever be in his eyes.
She swallowed a lump in her throat and averted her eyes towards her interlinked fingers. “Yeah.”
“You okay?”
Y/N had long mastered the art of feigning a smile, so it came easily for her to flash her teeth at Harry in this moment.
“Course. Let’s make some dinner, I’m hungry.”
“Hey, it’s Y/N right?”
Y/N had seen this girl around before. She remembered because every time she would pass by on campus, Y/N had to admire her beauty; how her makeup always seemed effortless and her clothes complimented her perfect figure in just the right way, how her hair was always in a wave that Y/N could never perfectly recreate and her walk never droopy or tired, perfected by an angelic touch.
Y/N didn’t know this girl, but she’d always wanted to be like her.
“Yeah, hi.” Despite the inherent intimidation, Y/N smiled at her, “can I help you?”
Y/N felt ugly standing in front of her. She’d had to rush out of bed this morning for her analysis class, forgotten mascara and her staple lip balm. She looked monstrously unwell.
“My name’s Iris, I was wondering… god, this is a bit embarrassing, but you’re good friends with Harry, right?”
Y/N saw where this was going off of the jump. It happened way too often for her not to.
And her heart broke just a little more then, because so far, it’d been random girls she’d known stood no chance with Harry. But Iris was just perfectly crafted for him, cookie cutter pretty and impressively confident. She had everything Y/N was still hastily working on.
“Uh, yeah.”
“I was wondering if you could give him my number? I saw him at the party last night and we chatted for a bit, but I forgot to write it down for him.”
Y/N had been at that party too, she just hadn’t seen that. Harry had barely even left her side. Must’ve been when she‘d gone to the bathroom.
“Oh, sure.”
“Great! Thank you so much.”
Iris handed her a little post it with her digits written along with a lovely note about having had a fun time.
Y/N walked to her 8am analysis class with a crucial feeling of hatred for the world and everything in it bubbling in her chest.
“Hi, babe.” Harry pressed a kiss to Y/N’s cheek like it was normal before finding his reserved seat next to her, surprising both her and their friends. If Kacy was all too shocked, though, she didn‘t show it, simply widening her grin in response to Harry‘s presence. “Hi, guys.”
“You finally showed up!” Kacy exclaimed, drawing the attention on him with her loud voice. Harry was so busy that he could be hard to track down, which made him an easy target for the occasional jab. In all fairness, he’d seen Y/N almost every day, just not his other friends— and in full honesty, that had been enough for him.
“Yeah, sorry, finals week.”
“Y/N found the time,” Sebastian chimed in, tone laced with a tinge of earnestness, although Y/N and Harry could tell he was only teasing.
Harry retorted fairly quickly, “cause she has no other social life.”
At Harry’s words Y/N turned her head at him, mouth dropping open in genuine offense. She couldn’t do anything other than laugh, but really she should’ve hit him for saying that. “So you’re a whore and a backstabber!”
Harry cackled, that beautiful laugh escaping his mouth and blessing her ears, pulling her into his side and hugging around her frame. “I’m only joking!”
“Whatever. I’m not speaking to you the rest of the night.”
“Sure. You try that and we’ll see how that works out for you, babe.”
Everyone but them saw what their future could look like if they both stopped being stubborn and admitted their feelings for one another. Even sitting here, Kacy could see the way Y/N’s lips molded into a smile at Harry’s touch and the way he beamed whenever she played into his antics. Their bond was effortless in the way many couples wished theirs to be— it looked so easy for them to mesh together. Their friends knew they could be happy together and it frustrated them to see no progress being done.
By the end of the night, Y/N and Harry were blubbering drunk messes leaving the bar together. Y/N had taken it upon herself to call the uber back to his for the night.
“God, that was sooo fun,” Harry slurred out, “shame they’re closing soon.”
“You should come more often, we do this every week!”
Both Y/N and Harry were all smiles, looking at each other with excitement radiating from their bodies. It’d been long since they’d really let go.
“I’m so happy you’re here with me, you know that?”
Her heart rate plummeted.
Sometimes Harry said things drunk that wouldn’t pass as ‘normal’ when sober. He was close, grinning at her like a puppy in love and spoke with such confidence that Y/N was sure he couldn’t have not meant it.
“I’m happy you’re here, too, H.”
“No, like seriously though. You’re the best person I know.”
Heat rushed to Y/N’s cheeks. He was really testing her waters here.
“Oi, shut it. What do you want from me? Why’re you buttering me up?”
Harry shrugged, “nothin’. You really are. Just accept the compliment.”
“Fine,” Y/N smiled in a bashful manner, “thank you.”
“You’re very welcome.”
Y/N stared at her boots, grinning to herself. Comfortable silence went on for a few short minutes, just the sound of the wind wafting by and quiet, calm breathing. Occasionally a car they looked up to to check it wasn’t their ride.
It was such a nice atmosphere.
Y/N was sure nothing could ruin this night for her. She was so happy, so careless in the way uni had long prohibited her from being. She wanted to exist in her little snug bubble forever, a place to hide from the real world with the person she admired most. She‘d sacrifice anything if she could keep this feeling for a bit longer.
And then, as if the universe disagreed with Y/N‘s pursuit of happiness, a needle set out to burst her bubble.
That needle was Harry, and outside of the bubble, it was cold.
“Can I kiss you?”
The ground beneath her shattered at his words.
Was he… serious?
Because this was her dream. If he‘d been serious, then her dreams had come true in exactly the worst way.
Y/N had wanted a kiss from Harry since they’d become friends all those years ago, but not like this. Not drunk. Not on some stupid impulse. Not when they would wake up and realize it had been a mistake in a few hours. If she’d been willing to risk their relationship because of one shortlived kiss, she would’ve done it a long time ago.
He couldn’t do this to her! He couldn’t do this because to her, this wasn’t just fun. It wasn’t a cute little memory to look back on. Oh remember when we got drunk and kissed? Wasn’t that so funny? No, to her this was more. It was her whole livelihood, the cruxes which her heart depended on. It sounded so ridiculous, but that was what love had done with her.
So although it hurt more than anything she’d ever had to do, Y/N shook her head. Her head barely moved, like her brain was plotting against it as well as her heart, but it did shake just enough to give him an inkling.
“Don’t think that’s a good idea.”
He was quiet for a few seconds (although she could feel his eyes burning a hole into her) before eventually retorting with a weakened, “why not?”.
“You’re drunk.”
“Been wanting to for a long time, Y/N.”
“Harry,” she stressed, voice quivering. Her next words came out in a whisper, “shut up.”
This time, he surrendered.
They waited for their uber in complete silence and when it came for them to sleep, Harry chose to stay on the couch instead of sharing the bed with her. Although Y/N was excruciatingly tired, she couldn’t for the life of her close her eyes.
She’d fucked up so badly.
Y/N felt slightly out of place as she slid into Harry’s kitchen in the morning. She looked at him already sat at the breakfast table with an array of pastries waiting.
Harry nodded, “hi, help yourself. Went to the bakery on my run.”
“Thanks,” she murmured quietly, almost to herself. She was too scared to look at him.
“I don’t want it to be awkward between us, so I’ll just cut to the chase: I’m sorry about last night. I know I was drunk and weird and it won’t happen again. You were right.”
Y/N’s eyebrows shot up just slightly, the sheer surprise evident on her features. He was really bringing it up now!
“… right about…?”
“Bout it not being a good idea. I’ve never… I was really out of it, you know? Wouldn’t have asked you otherwise.”
Wow. Yes, obviously it would’ve been a mistake, Y/N knew that more than anyone. But his apology did more damage than good. It was like a knife was being pushed through her chest, agonizingly slow as to make it more painful. Harry had confirmed exactly how uninterested he was in trying anything more with her and it just about devastated her. And yes, in all fairness, it was unjust because she’d been the one to reject him last night but a tiny sliver of hope that he would reach out his arms and say ‘I still feel the same, I still want to kiss you!’ had still possessed her delusional mind all night.
“Oh, that. Yeah.”
Harry tried to catch her eyes, “so are we cool?”
“We’re cool.”
Y/N was barely floating now. She didn’t want to eat, didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to exist.
It hurt too much to exist sometimes.
She snapped out of it. “Hm? yeah?”
“You okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine. You just reminded me of this girl I met yesterday, Iris,“ her shaking hand slid into her pocket to find the little note she‘d kept stored and handed it to him without making eye contact. Her body was on fire.
“She wanted me to give you her number, said something about a party where you lot met.”
Y/N watched as realization dawned on him, probably a fleeting memory of Iris now soberly imprinted on his mind. She could imagine all the ways in which he thought about somebody like Iris, somebody who would be so perfect for him.
“Right. Thank you.”
“No problem. I should probably head out to mine and get a few uni things done before I get too lazy.”
Unprompted, Harry ignored her statement. She had a feeling he didn’t even want to hear her. “I didn’t want to text her. Completely forgot about her, actually.”
Y/N couldn’t find the answer as to why.
“Yeah, I didn’t… I don’t really like her like that.”
“Really? Iris was under the impression that… I mean, maybe she’s mistaken, but she told me about your little hangout sesh and it seemed nice, you know?” Harry’s eyes held something a little different— confusion, curiosity and a bit of sadness. It drove Y/N crazy deciphering him. “And Iris seems exactly like the type of girl you’d like.”
Then his eyebrows drew together, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
Y/N shrugged, body sinking and slowly becoming one with the chair, “just… pretty, is all.”
“A lot of girls are pretty, Y/N, doesn’t mean I automatically wanna date them when I talk to them once.”
“Yeah, but… Iris is your kind of pretty. She’s confident and I’m sure she’s funny.”
“My kind of pretty? What are you implying?”
“Nothing! Jesus, Harry, I just think Iris would be a good fit for you. She’s your type, is all.”
Harry scoffed like he took offense to Y/N’s reply, “and I’m sure you know exactly what my type is, huh? Cause I’m so surface level that I’m only into the same girl, yeah? What, blonde and tall?”
“Harry, that’s not—“
“Then what do you mean to say by that?”
“I just—“
“You’re boxing me together with that dickhead James!”
“No, Harry, I’m not— and if you would just listen to me, you’d understand that!” Y/N finally broke, raising her voice by a few notches so Harry would hear her over his loud accusations. “I’m not implying to you, by thinking you might be into her, that you’re surface level. I’m just saying, Iris seems like she would be your type because in the past, you’ve gone for girls like her. That isn’t bad, okay? I’m not criticizing, just pointing out. You’re into pretty girls.”
“Prettiness is subjective, Y/N, and what you’re doing right now is putting me in a box. What does that even mean, pretty girls? Clearly you’re implying I only date girls that are conventionally attractive because that’s my definition of pretty.”
“So what if it is? I didn’t say it’s anything bad,” Y/N leaned back in the chair, volume lowering as if she couldn’t argue with that statement. “Everybody’s allowed a type.”
“It’s just… you’re using the word type in a derogatory way.”
“How the fuck am I using the word type in a derogatory way?”
“Sounds like you’re saying I’m some dickhead who only goes off of looks. Only goes for tall blonde girls cause they’re tall blonde girls and not because they’re nice people.”
“When did I say that?!” Y/N was bewildered by this. She hadn’t meant anything bad by it! “I have a type too, you know that! And that’s okay!”
“Oh yeah fucking tell me about your type, Y/N, go on.”
“What is your problem?”
“My problem is that you were just crying about James only dating cheerleaders a week ago and now you’re here putting the same thing on me!” Y/N breathed out in distress, finding less ways of deescalating the situation. “Be honest, then, what do you really think of me?”
“What are you even… I love you, H, I’m your best friend, I would never dream of insulting you. I was just saying that you seem to have a type, which there is nothing with!”
“So then what does pretty mean?”
“Just… pretty, okay? Don’t read too much into it.”
“No, I want to hear it. Describe pretty to me.” The word pretty had been spoken out so many times in such vain, that its meaning had became trivial at best.
“I don’t know, H, Girls like Jess, Angelina, Diana, Elle… which, if you were to write out their characteristics; they’re all blonde, tall, skinny girls. I’m not saying that you go off of looks, but I do think you have preferences, and that’s fine. That’s healthy, even.”
Then he scoffed again, but significantly quieter this time around. “Right, you brought the fucking receipts to the table, didn’t you? Do you usually think so lowly of me everywhere you go?”
It hurt to have this distance between her and Harry. They’d always gotten along so well before, so why did this have to become what it had? It had all come out of nowhere and Y/N didn’t have the strength or the energy to lose the one thing she constantly depended on to be okay.
“I don’t… Harry, I don’t think lowly of you. I just thought that you might like Iris.”
“I’m sure you did then.”
“Harry,” she sighed, “please, I didn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”
“I didn’t, got it perfectly clear. So one question though, am I allowed to like brunettes? Or is that too daring?”
“Harry, stop. Why are you being such a dickhead?”
“I’m being a dickhead?”
“Yes, you are.”
“At least I have history with girls for you to come to that conclusion yourself, right? Maybe when you find the courage to actually talk to a guy I’ll be able to find out what your kind of pretty is.”
And it wasn’t meant to be a jab, surely, at least not a terribly painful one, but it hit Y/N stronger than she would have liked. Who was he, making fun of her dating life? This wasn’t the Harry who reassured her after every pathetic bad date, who convinced her that it would be okay if she didn’t find her man straight away as long as she was happy. She’d loved Harry for a year now and there was something so liberating in exploring unknown territory, in partaking in the so called ‘chase’ (maybe somewhat masochistic, liking the torment of the unknown) but that feeling came to a full stop now that it had become clear that Harry didn’t love her back. Before, it had been speculation— now, it was real. And although she’d expected pain, this was cold blooded torture.
Harry didn’t look regretful, but that was because he had no idea what his words actually meant for her. Sometimes she wondered how the people she loved most could hurt her so much as to kick her down to the ground and repeatedly stomp on her lifeless body.
Without a word, Y/N stiffened her shoulders in an attempt to seem stronger and stood up from the table with a low intake of breath.
“Fuck you, Harry,” she muttered quietly but defiantly as she slipped on her shoes and opened the door out.
She didn’t have anywhere to go, but she knew anywhere else would suffice better than here.
Y/N wasn’t even surprised when she saw Harry and Iris arriving at the party together with the biggest smiles on their faces. Kacy turned to her and widened her eyes, motioning to the couple by the door with a questioning stare. Y/N simply shrugged.
She’d been hurting by herself, cramped away in her flat with a bottle of wine and three boxes of tissues and hoping for a little break when Kacy had asked her out tonight— but here he was, ready to ruin her minute of relief.
“She gave him her number through me last week… guess he finally called her.” Y/N explained, lowering her voice. “We haven’t talked since that morning after the bar.”
Kacy’s eyes widened again, because the last time Y/N had spent so much time away from Harry had been Christmas— and even then, they’d called each other every day.
Y/N simply shook her head, unwilling to elaborate. All Kacy could do was pull her into a tight hug and ask her what she wanted to do next.
“I just…” Y/N’s breaths shook, “I’m so tired, Kace.”
And although Y/N had never brought up the topic of Harry, Kacy knew exactly what she was referring to and her heart broke for her friend.
“Let’s go to one of the bedrooms.”
Y/N gave a stuffy nod and followed as Kacy lead the way upstairs.
Once they sat down, Y/N began to open her mouth. Her arms hugged around her own frame and tears were building in her eyes.
“Talk to me, Y/N. What happened?”
“He… I don’t know, Kace, he just got so mad at me. I was giving him Iris’ number and he said that he didn’t like her. I told him he should probably call her because I think she’d be good for him— I think I said ‘she’s your type’ or something like that, which is a normal thing to say! And then he went ballistic on me.” Y/N sniffed her nose, “I was just trying to be nice. He started accusing me of finding him surface level even though I implied no such thing.“
“Oh, honey,” it was through Kacy’s pitiful expression that Y/N noticed the ugly tears cascading down her swollen cheeks. “I don’t wanna make you feel worse, babe, but that doesn’t sound like Harry. Maybe you worded something wrong? Or he just heard you wrong?”
“No, I tried multiple times to clear it up, but he kept the attitude.”
“What did he say?”
“Well, I said that he likes pretty girls and he said what do you mean pretty girls? and so I described what I thought his type was, which is tall blondes, you know? And I even said that having preferences is healthy and that I don’t mind but he thought I was boxing him in. But don’t you agree? Isn’t that his type?” Kacy took too long to answer, making Y/N grow insecure, “Come on, he only dates tall blondes!”
“That’s not even true, Y/N. What about Vanessa?”
She rolled her eyes, “fine, one tall redhead.”
“It’s not that, it’s just… I think he was offended because he thought you were calling him some kind of jerk who only goes off of looks.”
“But he’s… he’s great, Kace, really, and I love him, but he does always date attractive supermodel type girls. I mean, good for him, but you know? And I don’t at all think I’m ugly, I think I’m pretty, but not his kind of pretty.”
“Okay, but… okay, what were you talking about before the whole Iris thing?”
“It’s a long story,” Y/N groaned, head falling into her hands, “when we were drunk he asked me if he could kiss me. I said no.”
“What?! Why would you say no?”
“Because we were drunk! And then the next morning he said I was right, that it would’ve been a mistake and we would’ve regretted it.”
Kacy’s mouth was kind of wide open, “and then you brought up Iris?”
“Yes, because I needed a change of topic.”
“But right after that he said he didn’t like Iris.”
“And then you accused him of being surface level and he got mad?”
“Kacy, I literally didn’t! I—“ Y/N stopped defending herself because she knew she couldn’t cheat her way out of it. “Yes, maybe, okay? So what?”
“So he totally loves you.”
At that point Y/N started laughing— a genuine laugh made its way out of her mouth and she started shaking her head. Her laugh simmered down to a little chuckle and then she got tears in her eyes again. It was taxing to have feelings sometimes.
“Right, sure. Hope you stretched before you took that fucking reach! He said right before that he’d never have asked if he was sober.”
“He was saving face because you refused to kiss him.”
“Kacy, no,” she sighed, “don’t feed me that bullshit. You’re going to give me hope and I can’t take any more of that, okay?”
“He got mad you think he only likes blondes because he loves you and you don’t even see it,” Kacy elaborated even further, which bothered Y/N on so many levels.
“I can’t, Kace,” Y/N cried, covering her eyes with her palms and letting the tears flow out, “I’m so fucking tired of feeling unwanted and like I’m not enough. Like whatever I do, there’s still some other girl who gets his attention. I can’t go on loving him and being his second girl every day. He goes on bad sex dates and comes home to me, goes to parties where he does body shots off of other girls, and then cuddles me in bed. I just can’t do it. One day he’ll get married and expect me to be his best man and that’s way more than I can take.”
“Look, I understand, but all you need to do is talk to him.”
“I can’t!”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to lose him.”
“Isn’t it better to lose him now than to feel like this every day and lose him in a few years when you’ve physically broken yourself down over it? Isn’t it better to know? I know you won’t lose him because I see the way he looks at you and I see how he treats you. And he’d be stupid not to like you back. But if I‘m wrong, wouldn‘t it still be better to know?“
“No. I can do without knowing. If he knows and he doesn’t feel the same it’ll be weird and I can’t lose him. I can’t, Kace, he’s the only thing holding me together. Look at me, I’m such a fucking mess.”
“Y/N, eyes up,” Kacy ordered, taking ahold of Y/N’s forearm and forcing her to look at her, “you’re allowed little moments of weakness. Love does crazy things sometimes. You need to tell him or you’ll regret it the rest of your life.”
Y/N’s eyes stung hard.
The door opened in that moment, forcing the sound of the music into the otherwise quiet room with a force. Both girls looked up to find Harry by the door, his eyebrows drawn together in concern at the sight of his teary eyed best friend. It didn’t matter what they were going through, their bond was strong enough for him to know something was seriously wrong.
“Are you okay?”
It was then that Kacy took her cue to leave, to Y/N’s dismay, and stood up from the chair to let Harry take her place. She closed the door behind her to give the two of them privacy.
“Y/N, you okay?”
“Yeah,” she tried to smile, though due to the tears it was clear as day that she was perpetually telling him lies whenever he asked her that question. “I’m okay.”
“Hey, come on,” he whispered into the quiet, inching closer to trap her chin between his fingers, “tell me what’s wrong. Did some asshole hurt you?”
“Yeah,” she nodded with a small sniffle. The asshole is you. “I’m just… having boy trouble. It’s okay. You should go back to the party.”
“Fuck the party. Who hurt you? Do you want me to go beat him up? Did he touch you?” He’d started raking over her body to check for bruises, a tick in his jaw.
“No! God, no, I’ll get over it.” I couldn’t ever get over you. “Isn’t Iris waiting for you? I saw you arrive together.”
“Oh,” his features hardened for a split second. Y/N blinked and it was gone. “No, we ran into each other outside and talked for a bit. She asked me out, so… I think I’m going to go.”
It was like he was testing her, staring into her eyes to capture the exact moment she crumbled. But she didn’t. She held her head high and gave a subtle nod. “Sounds good.”
He sighed. It was quiet and could almost be classified as a simple exhale, but she knew it wasn’t.
“So who’s the guy?”
Sometimes he could be so oblivious that Y/N wondered how he’d made it so far in life. Surely he was only playing the part, right?
“Doesn’t matter,” Y/N shrugged. She was starting to cry again. “He’s insignificant.” You could never be insignificant to me.
“Should I talk to him?”
Yeah, that would be good. “No, no, it’s fine. I’ll just… get over him.”
“Well I don’t like seeing you hurt, baby,” he tilted his head, cupping over her jaw and brushing over her skin delicately. The room was dimly lit to make it all the more romantic, but Y/N couldn’t fully be immersed in it. “No guy is worth your tears. You’re beautiful and brave and so so funny. I’m so lucky to have you in my life, Y/N. You’re the most perfect girl there ever was and if he can’t see that, then he doesn’t deserve you.”
He couldn’t do this to her. He couldn’t speak of her the way she always wished he would speak of her, but not mean it. It showed her what he was capable of— loving her, paying her attention the right way. She was left shattered.
“See, you say that, but you…” Y/N broke down in tears, “but nobody ever means it.”
He tilted her head up so he could stare deeply into her eyes and utter his next words in full honesty, “I mean it. I promise you, Y/N, I mean what I said with everything I have in my body. I mean it every time I say it when I’m drunk and I mean it when I’m sober. I mean it when you’ve just woken up and I mean it when we’re studying together at night. I mean it and I will always mean it.”
Instead of making her happy, his words made her cry even more.
“Harry,” she cried, bending her neck forward so the top of her head rested on his chin, “it hurts so much.”
“Come on, baby, it’s not worth it.” Then he started kissing the crown of her head, moving down to her temple and rubbing circles into her shoulders. “It’s not worth it.”
But he was worth it. He clouded her vision and made her feel lightheaded. He had the power to make her cry and the power to make her so unbelievably happy that she couldn’t imagine having ever been unhappy. He made her wonder how she could’ve lived such a mediocre, painful life before he’d entered it— that was the kind of power he possessed.
Y/N didn’t have to think twice about kissing him, she just did. She looked up at Harry and inched closer to rest her lips on his, and it caused emotions in her body she didn’t even know were possible. Harry seemed surprised but he caught on fairly quickly, letting her take the lead in the kiss until it’d been a few seconds and he felt her deepening it.
He pulled away, eyes finally opening.
She was startled. “Sorry, did I hurt you?”
He shook his head gently, letting a reassuring smile sit on his lips, “no, but I’m worried about you. I don’t think it’s a good idea to do this when you’re crying over another guy, you know? I don’t want to be your numbing medication.”
“You’re… not,” her eyebrows drew together.
“You didn’t want to kiss me last week. It’s seeming like an ‘I miss another guy so I’ll hook up with you to numb the pain’ situation and I just… I don’t want either of us to regret it.”
He was trying to be nice— and he was, really was, but the sinking feeling in Y/N’s stomach worsened.
“That’s because we were drunk last week.”
“You’re hurting over another person, Y/N.”
“He’s not important, I just want to kiss you. I want to mess around with you. Okay? Because I want to, not because I’m into some other dickhead.”
Harry seemed to have trouble believing her, “I can’t.”
“Okay, whatever. It’s fine.” Y/N stood up from her chair, creating some distance between her and Harry and started walking away from him. He held onto her hand though, preventing her from moving too far.
“Y/N, come on.”
“No, genuinely, I don’t want to coerce you into having sex with me, I don’t know what I was thinking.”
She was being honest. She didn’t want Harry to feel like she was using him under false pretenses.
But having him think that was still better than confessing.
“I didn’t think you were coercing me into doing anything, Y/N, I just don’t want you to regret it.”
“Yeah,” tears built in her eyes again and she bit her lip to hold them in, “you’re a really good guy, Harry.”
When he stood up to offer her comfort, she immediately took a step back and held her hand in front of her in an effort to force him away. “Please don’t.”
“Y/N…” He looked pained and thoroughly confused at her cold behavior. Harry knew she tended to close off whenever she felt bad about herself, but that had applied mostly to other people. Harry, on the other hand, had always been successful in finding a way to pull back her in.
“No, I’m embarrassed. Jesus, I’m such a mess! I was talking about this with Kacy, I‘m just… I‘m all over the place.”
“You’re not a mess. You’re hurting, that’s normal.”
“I just asked you to fuck me, that’s… who the fuck does that? Since when am I like this?”
“Since you’ve been hurt,” he countered, “love makes you do weird things. God knows I get a bit crazy too when I’m in love.”
“No you don’t,” she said to him, voice hoarse and uncomfortable, “you’re fucking Mr. Perfect. Everyone loves you and you’re hot and you’ve got the brilliant mind. You can’t do anything wrong.”
“Everyone doesn’t love me,” he replied with a leveled tone, “if everyone loved me, I’d be with the girl of my dreams right now. But I’m not, so… not everyone.”
“Can’t fucking imagine that,” Y/N muttered, wiping under her eyes. “You probably just communicate badly and she doesn’t know you love her.”
“Same with you.”
Y/N’s heart squeezed painfully in her chest.
“He’s way out of my league.”
“Who is this guy anyway? You’re gonna hype him up to me and not even let me know who it is?”
“He’s, uh…” Y/N walked further away from him and sat down at the edge of the bed, covering her face with her hands, “he’s from uni. Tall, dark brown hair, green eyes, sometimes glasses. He’s really nice but dates girls who are the complete opposite of me. And I just… whenever I look in the mirror, I’m reminded of just how… unattractive I am compared to them— and don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with me but they’re just better. I can’t keep up with it. And god, I feel so pathetic talking about myself like this but he’s just… he‘s so perfect and I love him and I don’t want to lose him. He makes me doubt myself sometimes, you know?“
At the latest he must’ve known now. Y/N could hear his brain professing that information, double and triple checking all possibilities until it dawned on him that she was talking about him.
He cleared his throat, stepping closer. “So he’s… where do you know him from again?”
A short pause before committing to the method, “we met at the fresher’s party three years ago.”
“And you see each other a lot, I assume.”
Y/N was still not looking at him, head buried in her hands.
“We… yeah. We hang out every day. He’s mad at me right now though.”
“So you… you love me.”
She didn’t answer, but she didn’t need to. She’d given up, left it all to fate; if he would turn her away and never talk to her again or ask to continue being friends. It all became obsolete.
“I’m sorry,” she muffled into the palms of her hands.
“D’you wanna hear about the girl I’m in love with? Have been in love with for a year now?” Y/N wanted to shake her head, but she didn’t, so he continued. “She’s from uni too, spends about three nights a week at my flat even though hers is bigger. She can be really distant, but when she gives you attention it’s like the whole world healed. She’s so sweet and considerate and brings me little gifts sometimes and even though she’s damn near perfect, she gets really insecure about things, especially when it comes to her looks and stupid dicks.” Y/N had started looking up at his words, spotting Harry closer to her but not sharing any of her own emotions. He was taking the piss, wasn‘t he? “Locks herself away in her room until she feels ready to leave the flat. She’s selfless, gives me other girls’ numbers even though she’s in love with me— even makes me go on dates even though I’m sure it hurts her feelings whenever I do.”
“You love me?” she sniffled, “I’m not joking about this.”
“I love you, Y/N. I do. S’why I got so mad last week, wanted you to realize that I’m more than some shallow asshole. Didn’t know you felt the same, though.”
“How could you not? I literally get so weird around you these days.”
“Thought it was just stress or something,” he cupped her cheek, thumbing away some tears, “I’m sorry you cried about me, should’ve just said it like a normal person. Just didn’t want to ruin us.”
“Me neither.”
“I’m going to kiss you, okay?”
This kiss was a thousand times better than the last one. Y/N felt giddy as his lips ghosted over hers, as he pulled her up from her seat and sat back down to have her climb over his lap. She breathed into his mouth, ground against his crotch like she was a horny 16 year old girl being touched for the first time. There was no heavy feeling weighing down on her chest, she could just be free of concerns.
After a few minutes of making out, Y/N laughed. She damn near cackled into his mouth and when he questioned her with a confused stare and a cute laugh of his own, she shook her head.
“Remind me to thank Kacy later.”
disclaimer: this is NOT meant to offend anyone based on their looks— it‘s just a depiction of a girl feeling insecure because she thinks the guy she loves doesn’t see her the way she wants him to. The description i used of his ‘type’ and the inevitable perception of what Y/N looks like in this story was completely random and is completely up to you. I hope it doesn’t come across as anything other than that!
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simjaeyvn · 1 year
pairing: heeseung x reader
summary: you weren’t meant to be getting jealous at all, friends with benefits had boundaries but shit lee heeseung looked so fucking good in his story.
warnings: oral sex (m receiving), swearing (??), mentions of weed nd alcohol like once lol
note: not proofread + pretty rushed but i js wanted to write smth to post cus i disappeared due to uni sorry
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” The one word spills from your lips repeatedly as you stare intensely into the screen of your phone. Your fuck buddy, Lee Heeseung had posted himself, in his all black fit with his hair slightly damp and messy. You couldn’t tell if you were upset, mad or amused but what you did know was that you wanted to give him the suck of his life. But who was he trying to impress with his story? You frown at the thought of him trying to impress another girl and it’s only worse because it was definitely going to work. Heeseung was hot, really hot, as if sculpted by Aphrodite herself. The friends with benefits thing you had going on started when you guys were both tipsy and horny, things led to another and you both couldn’t deny how good the sex was and that is how the agreement all started.
Your focus on his story gets interrupted when you hear your roommate, Chaewon, squeal. Which gains all of your attention, of course, probably gained the attention of everyone who lived on the same floor as you two.
“Oh my god, Y/N. Have you seen Heeseung’s story? He is so fine.” Oh, and you guys were private. Not even private, secret. It was hard not telling your best friend you had been railed by Heeseung on the couch she’s fangirling over him on.
“He’s okay,” you say. It did bother you knowing other girls were having this reaction but it was worse when you weren’t in the position to be mad nor jealous. You weren’t familiar with the concept of feelings, they were confusing to tell apart. Romantic, platonic, etc, it was all too much so you stuck to denying anything you felt but there was something about Heeseung. Maybe it was the way he treated you after sex or the way he wouldn’t forget to smile and wave at you when he saw you on campus. There was just something about him that made you want him for yourself but you knew you’d have to give him up. It did piss you off, were you not enough? He said he wasn’t looking for anything serious but he goes around and posts this. You, yourself couldn’t tell if you were overreacting but you didn’t like the jealousy you felt one bit. Lifting yourself up from your shared couch with Chaewon, you turn to her to ask, “Are we going to Jay’s party?"
“Well no shit! Who are we to turn down a party?” She scoffs, hand on her chest to seem offended. You giggle and throw a pillow at her before walking into your room and shoving your face in the comfort of your pillows. The peaceful moment is interrupted by the notification noise coming from your phone. Groaning as you turn yourself around and lift up the screen to meet your eye level.
hee: hey pretty ;) hee: u going to jay’s party?
It takes everything in you not to reply or even open the message. He can post himself all he wants, he’ll just have to deal with a pissed you. You swear you can see a light bulb glowing above your head as you decide to continue the concept of staying pissed at him. How dare he post himself looking that good and then go to a party? Lee Heeseung was on thin ice. Jumping up from your bed, you open your closet and skim it to find the tightest, shortest dress you own. Pulling out a small black dress that hid in the back of your closet, you hum to yourself in satisfaction. Upon getting ready, you hear your phone vibrate. Unlocking the screen as you frown seeing the contact name.
hee: angel? why arent u answering? hee: do u need to be picked up?
This game was far more amusing than you thought it’d be. You lock your phone screen and wait for Chaewon in your shared living room. “Let’s go!” She yells enthusiastically.
One step in and the aroma of weed and beer dominates your nostrils. Your eyes roam around the house looking for a familiar face because Chaewon had met a cute guy out in the front of the house so now you were alone. Your eyes land on Jake in the kitchen, he waves, and you walk over. When you’re in arms reach, he hands you a cup of beer.
“You look good,” he compliments with a smug smile. Jake was cute, very cute but he was Heeseung’s best friend so any plan you wanted with him would be dismissed because he was also very nice. He was very committed to the concept of ‘Bro Code,’ which you respected.
“Thank you Jake,” you giggle before taking a sip out of the red plastic cup. You learn your body against the counter as you listen to Jake’s frustration over a girl.
“She gives me these signs but then she ghosts me. It’s annoying! How’s Heeseung though?” Jake asks, which surprises you. You were so focused on him talking about the girl, you don’t even know how he slipped Heeseung into the conversation.
“Heeseung? Well, he’s something.” You reply, eyes staring at the liquid in your cup.
“Better put a collar on him, did you see his story?” Jake laughs, gently pushing your shoulder as you laugh with him. “Oh. Speak of the devil.” You look up to ask Jake what he had meant but you’re already being pulled by your wrist across the house.
“Fuck! What the fuck? Let go!” You try to protest as you struggle loosening the grip. The hand lets go when you’re in a bathroom, you wait to see who the hell dragged you here as the figure locks the door. Once he turns around you curse yourself. “What the fuck Heeseung?!” You yell.
“Angel, you didn’t answer my texts. Didn’t even try to find me here and I see you talking to my best friend.” He says, you could tell he was tense. Why did he care? You guys weren’t anything official anyway, he had no reason to be caring but you also had no reason to be jealous.
“Why do you care? Move, let me go back.” You walk to unlock the door but you're pinned against the door before you can utter another word. Heeseung’s eyes meet yours, they’re dark, and full of lust. He looked mad, but he looked really hot at the same time.
“Why are you acting like such a brat for fucks sake?” He growls, moving one hand on your hip and the other cupping your jaw.
“Maybe if you hadn’t posted yourself for those other bitches.” You spit, turning your head to face anything but him. But he forcefully turned your head back to him. A smirk now on his face. Wow, you were one dumb motherfucker for admitting your jealousy.
“What? Was my angel jealous?” He says teasingly. You nod slowly, struggling to do so in his tight grip. “But baby, you made me all upset since you ignored me. Gonna make it up to me?” You nod with a smile on your face, knowing what he had meant. He smiles back before chasing your lips with his own. It doesn’t take 5 seconds before you’re kissing him back. As the kiss deepens, you push him back into the sink. You absolutely hated how weak you were for him. His teeth nip at your bottom lip so you allow his tongue to slip in. You cup his clothed dick with your hand which causes him to whine. Heeseung pulls back from the kiss and a string of saliva can be seen.
“Fuck angel, suck me off.” You lower yourself onto your knees as he undoes his belt and pulls down his jeans and boxers in one go. No matter how many times you’ve seen this sight, you still drool every time you see his bare cock. So thick, red and perfect for you. You wrap your hand around the base and pepper the tip with kisses whilst looking up at him before fitting as much as you can in your mouth. A low groan escapes his lips, and you love it. It gets difficult to control your gag reflex but you're so determined to make him feel good. He grabs your hair and wraps it into a makeshift ponytail. You can feel his tip brush against the back of your throat as you bob your head forward, not breaking any eye contact with him.
“Fuck, needa fuck your mouth baby.” You hum against his cock as a sign of agreement, your hands move to rest on his thighs as he uses you. “Mouth feels so baby.” He moans, eyes shut and his head thrown back. One of his hands grip onto the sink as the other holds your hair up in a ponytail and the prettiest noises leave his lips.
“Gonna cum-, gonna cum in your mouth, angel.” He pants before reaching his high, releasing in your mouth. “Open your mouth.” You open your mouth, showing him his release. “Swallow.” He commands, and you obey. You stick your tongue out again, showing him again and he swears he can cum again just from the sight.
“Sorry for earlier,” you mutter under your breath as you stand up. He smiles down at you, tucking himself back in his pants. “I’m sorry, I'll make it up to you, yeah? Let’s go to your apartment.”
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞
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pairing: hyunjin x fem!reader (afab)
genre: dark academia college au. nonidol!hyunjin. enemies to lovers // academic rivals. angst. reader pov. smut - MDNI, 18+ only.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. mild thematic elements. kindaa toxic relationship between hyunjin and reader since they're enemies in uni. ANGST!! reader comes from a poor background and hyunjin is the uni dean's prodigy son. smut warnings below cut!!
word count: 10.6k (enjoy you filthy animals 😈)
summary: ever since you started studying at korean national university of arts in seoul, hwang hyunjin, the other top student of the school and the dean's son, has been an absolute thorn in your ass. although, it turns out that not all thorns are necessarily bad.
18+ warnings: dom!hyunjin x sub!reader. unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, friends). fingering. dirty thoughts/fantasies are mentioned. degradation (whore, slut, bitch, etc). pet names (baby girl, sweetheart, doll face, etc). LOTS of hair pulling. BIG ownership/possession kink. breeding kink!!!. overstimulation. orgasm control. nipple/breast play. lots of dirty talk. subspace. loud sex. manhandling. humiliation kink. exhibitionism (fucking in a public library).
a/n: first of all, i'd just like to give a BIG shoutout to my dear friend @ahactress, for giving me the initial prompt to this about a month ago haha- without your help, I wouldn't be here right now honey!! 🤭💙 also, i'm sending all my love to my beautiful bestie @h0p3l3ssromantic, for encouraging me with her pretty words and her endless love... girl, you RULE and ilysm!!! 😫❤️ I don't know if it's public knowledge around these parts, but my dms on all my sns platforms are ALWAYS open for ya'll to spew your ramblings about my work haha - hmu on twt babes, I'm always down to chat~ ✨
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). do not copy, spin-off, or write inspired work based off of this fanfic without full permission to do so. ©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟ�� ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
  The moment you saw the dark, heavy clouds swirling low in the sky as you walked to your Survey of Humanities class, you knew that the day was going to be a shitty one. Already, you had woken up with a raging headache from the all-nighter you had pulled the day before to finish all of your homework for the following week. 
 Besides, it was a Monday too, and you fucking hated Mondays. 
 For one thing, the start of the new week always meant being bombarded with loads of assignments from the four classes you were taking. Being a junior with a Liberal Arts major was not as easy as everyone thought it was — and you constantly felt like you could never catch up on all of the homework. 
 With two formal art classes, one on charcoal drawings and the other on watercolor techniques, and then two upperclassman Humanities classes, your schedule was packed with studying time. Sometimes, it was hard to even eat during the day, since you were so busy with your schoolwork. 
 But there was no way around it, no excuses that could be made. 
 You either continued to stay at the top of your classes, as one of the best students in your grade for your graduation year, or you didn’t. 
 Your mother didn’t sacrifice everything she had for you to fail so horribly at university. 
 So you were okay with the stress and deadlines. Because you wanted to make both her and yourself proud. 
 And yeah, maybe you also wanted to prove to your classmates that you could do it. 
 You especially wanted to brag about your success to a certain man… 
 Hwang Hyunjin. 
 He was slated to graduate in your same year and was studying Technical Art. And holy shit— was he an insufferable ass. Unfortunately, since the two of you shared such close majors, you had found yourself in one too many classes with him during your time at the Korean National University of Arts in Seoul. It also didn’t help that he was coined as one of the #1 students in the entire school, and did everything in his power to make everyone aware of this fact. 
 Especially you. 
 If he earned just two points more than you on an exam in the same class that you were taking together, he’d nonchalantly wave the white paper in front of you after the exam period, taunting you with his sly tongue and that cruel grin of his. 
 Most of the time, you managed to ignore his wicked teasing, sticking to yourself and your small group of study buddies. But on the rare occasion that he did get under your skin, you’d snap irrevocably and usually land yourself in the Dean’s office. 
 But of course, Hyunjin was also there because — news flash — he was the son of the fucking Dean of the university. 
 Usually, the meetings after your blowups were casual and spoken in soft voices, with Dean Hwang recounting the school’s long integrity policy to you, which you had already memorized in the back of your head after your third visit to his office. The entire time the Dean reminded you of how your ‘behavior was uncalled for in the situation,’ Hyunjin would be standing in the corner of his father’s office, arms folded across his chest and canting his head to the side as he studied you with a pleased little devilish sneer on his face. 
 After every single one of the meetings, he’d always try to catch up to you outside of his father’s office. This usually landed in you cursing him out under your breath and telling him to fuck off before you retreated into the shadows of one of the many hallways. 
 And as it just so happened, your Survey of Humanities class also had a certain raven-haired man constantly sitting in the farthest seat from the front of the lecture hall. 
 It was almost comical how good-looking he was, coupled with his genius brain. Because as much as you wanted to deny it, you couldn’t ignore the fact that he was incredibly smart… in both the arts and all other forms of academics. He aced every single quiz and exam he was given, got 100s on every technical art research essay he wrote, and was involved in practically every club there was on campus. 
 The girls of your grade fawned all over him, and even the freshmen were weak to his looks whenever he’d pass them in the hallway. He looked right out of an early 2000s fashion magazine, with his model-like physic, long, shaggy black hair that perfectly framed his face and curled at the nape of his neck, not to mention the expensive designer clothes he was always seen in. 
 You had never seen him dress like the other guys of his same age — had never seen him clad in a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and a worn oversized graphic tee. Instead, he rolled up to the curb of the university in his cherry red 2023 Rolls Royce, dressed to the nines in fitted coats, light-washed designer jeans, and crisp white button-downs. 
 Hwang Hyunjin had been the school’s ultimate heartthrob for as long as you could remember, and you had heard rumors of the kind of things he did with his lovers — taking his girlfriends out to expensive restaurants in the heart of the city, before bringing them back to his luxurious apartment and fucking them late into the night. Usually, you tended to ignore the dating and sex part of your arch nemeses' life, and instead just focused on beating him at his own game of academics. 
 And during that early Friday morning in the middle of October, as you strolled through the doors of the lecture hall and your eyes scanned over the students already seated, you caught sight of him.
 Dressed in a casual, brown turtleneck and dark-washed jeans, he looked like he had just walked straight out of an autumn edition of GQ Men. He was seated in his usual place, legs crossed and hands busy scribbling away notes on his iPad. As you floated beside him and towards your seat at the very back of the hall, you caught the scent of him — a mix of earthy musk and dark roasted coffee beans. 
 He didn’t pay you the time of day as you flitted past him and took out your notebooks once you were seated down. Thankfully, he seemed to be choosing the route of ignoring you for the day, much to your relief. 
 Soon, the professor strode into the lecture hall and began the class. For a while, he droned on about the midterm that all of the students had taken the week before, and how he was impressed with the class’ results. “Although, two students in particular outshined everyone else,” he began, his eyes scanning the lecture hall until they landed on Hyunjin seated just two rows before you. “Hyunjin, excellent work — it’s quite rare that I see a student score a 100 on the midterm,” then his focus was floating upward and landing on you. “Y/N, you’re short essay for the midterm was superb, and your choice of art analysis was a very unique one for sure.” 
 Just as the professor was focusing back on the rest of the course material, you could sense someone’s gaze trained on you. Staring forward, you caught a glimpse of him shooting you a snarky grin. You glared daggers into his skull, just wishing that he’d get shot in the foot and keel over in pain at that moment. 
 He always liked to gloat when he got a higher score than you on the tests, and you both knew that he had done better on the test overall — since the professor only mentioned his 100 and not yours. But apparently, your midterm essay was a hell of a lot better than his. 
 Sticking out your tongue at him playfully, you rolled your eyes before folding your arms across your chest and turning your attention back on the slides that the professor was ticking through. Hyunjin got under your skin so much he sometimes felt like a fucking disease — burrowed so deeply inside your veins, it was almost impossible to cut out the hatred. 
 “For this week’s assignment, you guys will be paired up into groups of two to create a joint presentation on the topic of ‘The Descent into Madness,’” As soon as you heard the professor mention splitting the class into groups, you felt your heart leap inside your chest. You only hoped that you wouldn’t be paired up with him. “Using your textbooks as a guideline, I want all of you to choose one specific piece of art from any period you want and conduct deep research into the mad aspects of it — dive into as much detail about the formal elements as you’d like, but make sure to follow the grading rubric and cite all academic sources. I’ve posted the list of paired groups on the bulletin board up here near the projector, so make sure to check it before you leave class today.” 
 You tuned out all other information the professor gave about the week’s assignment, too focused on seeing who you were paired with. As soon as he dismissed class, you were shooting up from your seat and hoisting your heavy tote bag across your shoulder. 
 Flitting down the stairway, you made it to the bulletin board before all of the other students did. They were idling around because no one gave two shits about who they were paired with. No one except for you. 
 “Please, please, please—” You prayed in a whispered tone under your breath as your eyes scanned the matched columns of students. When you came upon your name and saw who was next to it, it felt like the ground at your feet had opened right up and sucked you in entirely. “Fuck my life.” Heart dropping into the pit of your stomach, your palm squeezed a little tighter around the strap of your bag. 
 “Oh shit— looks like the professor decided to give you a fighting chance by pairing you up with the best student in the entire school.” You heard Hyunjin’s silky voice say from somewhere behind you. 
 Swinging around on your heels, you caught a glimpse of his sardonic, wide smirk, as his eyes scanned the look of sheer anger on your face. Giving a dry, humorless chuckle, he shoved his hands into his pockets and canted his head to the side in a quizzical kind of way. 
 “We’re only going to ace this project because of me— and let’s be clear here, I’m the better writer out of the two of us.” You said in a low voice, pointing an accusing finger at him in utter disgust. You could feel your brows pulling together from the rage that was building up inside of you. And all from the thought of being forced to work with him. 
 “Yeah, but I’m the better test taker.” 
 “Fuck you.” 
 Hyunjin chuckled wickedly, the tip of his blush pink tongue coming out and wetting a corner of his plush bottom lip. “Oh honey, I’m sure you wish you could.” 
 Already, you could tell that he was egging you on. Trying to get your goad so that you’d explode and be dragged to the Dean’s office. So that he could stare down at you with that same smug look on his face as his precious little daddy rattled off the university’s code of conduct. 
 Well fuck that bullshit. 
 Seeing too much red, you decided to excuse yourself from the equation before you said something horrible that got you sent into the Dean’s office again or even worse — kicked from the class. 
 “I’ll see you on Monday night at ten in the library,” you said in finality, squinting your eyes up at him and just wishing you could wring your hands around his perfect little neck. “Don’t be late.” 
 “I don’t take orders from you, sweetheart.” 
 “For now you sure fucking do.” 
 Then you were turning around and pushing out of the lecture hall, practically running down the corridor as fast as you could, heart pounding in your chest because… what the hell were you going to do? 
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 That entire weekend leading up to the Monday night that you planned to spend with Hyunjin, you just about lost your mind over the worry of it all. Would he continue to be an asshole to you the entire time? Would he work well with you and compromise on things? How would everything go? 
 You were so stressed about the entire thing that you practically drove your roommate Felix insane with annoyance. Late Sunday morning, when you were making circles around your living room couch as you stressed about everything, he finally burst out in a loud outcry. 
  “Y/N! You seriously need to take a chill pill, you’re going to run holes right into the fucking carpet!” He said in an exasperated tone, muting the show that he was watching on the large flatscreen TV. 
 Peering up at him with wide, guilty eyes, you offered him a meek smile. “I’m sorry, Lix— it’s just… you know how much I hate Hyunjin and I—” 
 Felix rolled his eyes at you, completely fed up with your bullshit at that moment. “Yes, yes, I know. You’ve told me about a million times at this point. But like… don’t let it get to you, yeah? Just go out there and do your very best,” his eyes flitted back to the TV as he un-muted his show. “I mean… how bad could working with Hwang Hyunjin really be? Besides you, he’s one of the top students in the entire school.” 
 But he didn’t know Hyunjin like you did. 
 No one did. 
 They didn’t see the cruel side to him, the mean side. 
 They didn’t hear the words he’d mumble to you with venom after a big test or the taunting he’d throw your way if you one-upped him in some way. 
 Others didn’t see the dark looks he’d give you after classes or the way he’d practically talk behind your back each time you passed him in the hallway — whispering to his groupies and making all the guys chuckle heartily. 
 So yeah, working with him was a pretty fucking big deal. 
 Nonetheless, you took Felix’s advice and tried to relax as much as you could before the start of the new week. You studied the material that you wanted to research for the project, deciding to focus on Hamlet’s Ophelia for your analysis. 
 And if Hyunjin didn’t want to go with that character, well… too bad.
 By the time Monday night rolled around, you felt more prepared than ever before and stepped into the Library’s main doors with settled ease. The university’s library was your favorite place on campus and had been the location for many of your long night study sessions over your time in school. With its dark gothic architecture outside and its sweeping gables, it was a true sight to behold. Not to mention the cozy atmosphere of the interior — all of the cozy nooks and crannies of the place, filled with warm candlelight and large chandeliers and settees made everything feel so mysterious and relaxing. 
 You strode through the isles filled with books, noticing how it was almost empty of any other student. That’s why you liked coming to the place late at night because it was relatively devoid of life and incredibly quiet. And you liked the quiet — it made it easy for you to focus on your studies. Finally, you stumbled upon a spacious table tucked into the very corner of one part of the place on the upper floor, with a large bay window just in front of the wooden table. 
 With a glance outside the pane, you noticed how the darkening sky had opened up to reveal a sheet of heavy rain — it pelted down on the few students that were passing by the outside of the library on the sidewalk there, as they ran for cover. Methodically, you brought out your supplies — booting up your laptop and positioning your notebook and pens just so. 
 Checking your phone, the screen flashed that it was fifteen minutes past ten o’clock already. Was he not even planning on showing up? Was he going to completely bail on you and instead take you down by sabotaging the entire thing? 
As you sat down in one of the cushiony, velvet-lined chairs, your mind began to race with all of the possibilities of what Hyunjin might be stewing up to take you down. 
 Then, almost like your thoughts had summoned him, you heard footsteps at your back and turned to see Hyunjin rounding the corner of the tall bookshelves that were lined on either side of your chosen table. With one glance at him, you noticed the soaked-through fabric of his tan coat and the way his dark hair curled around the nape of his neck with moisture. He must’ve gotten caught in the rain and that’s why he was late. 
 “I thought you were going to bail on me entirely.” 
 Giving you a swarthy look, he plopped down into the seat just across from you and threw his heavy book bag atop the table. “Good evening to you as well.” He grumbled, slipping off his coat and showcasing the wetness hidden just underneath there. His light, cream-colored button-down was almost sheer from the rainwater… highlighting his muscular shoulder blades and the tips of his pecks. 
 “Didn’t you know it was supposed to rain heavily tonight?” 
 Not even paying you another glance, he focused on pulling out his supplies. “I’m not the fucking weatherman, I don’t regularly check up on shit like that.” 
 “Well, you should— maybe you wouldn’t ruin so many of your precious, rich boy clothes if you did.” 
 At that, his hands stopped moving and he stared up at you with slitted eyes. Giving your own choice of outfit a long once over, the corner of his mouth ticked up. “Well damn— are you jealous or something?” You weren’t particularly dressed up, opting for a comfortable pair of black sweatpants and a warm violet turtleneck top.
 “Let’s just focus on getting to work.” You shot back, hands typing away at your computer keyboard. “Did you figure out a piece you want to analyze?” 
 “Yeah, Hamlet’s Ophelia.” 
 His words were silky and smooth against your ears, but his answer is what got you shooting your gaze up to his again. Mouth dropping open a little bit in surprise, you cleared your throat from the sudden quietness between you. “Oh— uhm, I was thinking the same,” you began, opening up the Word document that you had already started working on that past weekend. “It would probably be a good idea to study Hamlet’s character too since he's the catalyst of her problems.” 
 “No, he isn’t. She already had them to begin with — he just heightened their outcome.” 
 You were so taken aback by his comment, that it took a few seconds for your brain to process everything. But when it finally clicked, you were gaping up at him in astonishment. “I’m sorry, what? You’re going to blame her for the fact that Hamlet was the sole cause of it all?” Your voice was steadily rising, as you began to get irritated by his suggestion. 
 Hyunjin shrugged nonchalantly, as he scribbled down a few things in his notebook. “I mean, yeah. She already had a history of mental disorders, her death was bound to happen anyway.” He matched your tone, words growing louder and ringing out across the small expanse of the library that the two of you were in. 
 “I seriously cannot believe you right now.” You began, shaking your head in anger as you tried to focus on your bright computer screen again. But his argument just rubbed you the wrong way entirely, and you found yourself speaking up again. “I didn’t realize how much of a fucking misogynist you were. But oh, wait— it’s perfectly clear now if the way you treat me is anything to go off of.”
 “I’m not a misogynist, Y/N.” The way his tone curled around the sound of your name did something funny to the depths of your soul. He had never called your name outright like that, never addressed you head-on. And it was both weird and oddly satisfying. “All I’m saying is that her descent into madness was pretty warranted since she was in an already heightened state of emotions.” 
 You gave him a deep glare, tilting your head to the side in annoyance. “Just say you hate women, it’s okay, Hyunjin. I won’t bug you about it.” 
 “Like hell, you won’t.” He mumbled under his breath, long fingers typing out something on his computer. 
 And that was enough to completely set you off. 
 There were no other students around, no professors to tell you off, and no Deans to harp on you about correct student conduct. 
 “Seriously, what the hell is your problem?! You’re so fucking annoying and a total piece of shit. I honestly have no idea how you’re at the top of the school when all you do is belittle others!” This time, you were shouting outright. Throwing him an ominous glare and shutting your computer with a resounding thud. 
 Hyunjin leaned back in his seat, lengthy arms folded across his chest as the rain pelted against the misty window just at his back. “Oh, and like you’re any better? You always love to shove your accomplishments in everyone else’s faces— you ever stop to think how that makes others feel?” He was yelling now too, stroking a hand through his long locks that were steadily dripping with tiny droplets of rainwater. 
 Shaking your head in disappointment, you took in a resounding deep breath. “I knew this was a bad idea. I knew you’d be an asshole the entire time and I knew we wouldn’t get any work done,” as you said the words, you were already gathering up your things, shoving them into your bag, and leveling him with a cold stare. “So let’s just forget it - this - okay? Just… work on it by yourself and then we can compile our info together the day of and—” 
 “Sit down, Y/N.” 
 The way his command slipped out from between his lips in a low, gravelly voice shook something loose deep within your very being. For a moment, you almost felt compelled to listen to him. Like under a mystical enchantment, your limbs wanted to move on their own accord and seat yourself down again. But the rational part of your brain overtook all other thoughts as you stood your ground and hovered just next to the table. 
 “You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not your daddy— you don’t have the authority of the Dean.” 
 For the last few moments, he hadn’t been looking at you, eyes instead trained on his computer still. Almost like, the entire ordeal didn’t bother him that much. Like you were a minor inconvenience to him in the grand scheme of his rich, privileged life. 
 But all at once, he was tipping his head towards the high rafters of the library’s ceiling, stare catching with yours. The stormy look you saw there, dancing around in his brown irises, forced your heart to leap in the pit of your throat. 
 “Don’t make me say it again.” 
 “I’m never going to listen to you, so tough luck, fucker.”
 Taking in a deep breath, his entire body shuddering with the motion, he held your gaze and motioned with a tilt of his head to the seat in front of him that you had just gotten up from. “Sit. Down.” 
 And like a single crack suddenly appearing in a delicate vase, your mind was losing all conscious thought and you were moving without any other thought. His seething, low tone overtook your entire system, his focus on you sending a shock of shivers up the length of your spine again and again, unrelenting. 
 “What?” You asked, noticing the surprised expression on his face from the way that you had fucking listened to him once, seated in your chair again. “I was tired of hearing your stupid demands.” 
 Hyunjin flipped through a few pieces of paper in his notebook before he pushed it your way. “Give that a look over, it’s the notes I took on Ophelia over the weekend.” The idea of him studying for the project just like you had done forced your mind to run rampant with all kinds of thoughts. Like, was he also stressing out about the meeting like you had been doing?
 “I already told you— we’re not working together.” 
 “For Christ’s sake, just give it up!” Hyunjin exclaimed in a loud voice, throwing his hands up into the air in mock defeat. “You act like this is the deciding project of our grade— it’s a fucking weekly assignment. All we have to do is our best, which will be pretty damn good if we’re both working on it.” 
 “So then you admit that I’m a good student.” You raised an eyebrow his way, fingers slowly taking ahold of his notebook and playing with the edges of the paper.
 Taking in a deep sigh, he pointed at the notebook in front of you. “Just focus— okay? I want to get as much work done as possible tonight.” 
 “Fine, but don’t blame me if we get a bad grade because we rush it.” You said, finally raising the white flag of surrender and taking in the contents of his notebook. The notes were detailed and insanely good, highlighting certain formal aspects of Ophelia’s character and the overarching themes of her madness. “Wow— this is… really good.” You said in a quiet voice, almost hoping that he wouldn’t hear it. 
 Rummaging through your nearby bag, you pulled out a pink highlighter to take some notes, and your chosen lollipop for the night, mango flavored. You liked to reward yourself with a fun treat of candy whenever you did late-night studying sessions since the sugar kept your energy levels high and helped to keep you focused. Ever since you were a little girl, you seemed to concentrate better when your mind wasn’t entirely on the content you were studying. 
 “I mean, I’m not coined as one of the school’s top students for nothing,” Hyunjin remarked in a sarcastic tone. You chose to ignore his comment and instead focus on his neat handwriting and the way his words fit in perfectly to the columns of the notebook paper. 
 Everything about him was perfect — from his looks to his academic success to his damn handwriting. Hell, what wasn’t he good at? 
 For one thing, being a nice fucking person. 
 And he seemingly couldn’t grasp the idea of how not to be an asshole to people he didn’t like.
 Unfortunately, you were categorized in his list of people that he hated. 
 As you flipped to the next page in his notebook, your tongue swirled around the lollipop in your mouth. The sugary sweetness of the artificial mango flavor coated your tongue deliciously, and it awakened all of your senses in the best way possible. The minutes seemed to tick by, as you began to make notes based on Hyunjin’s research from his notebook, turning away from the paper and typing into the Word document that you had started for the project.
 Faintly, in the back of your mind, you could hear Hyunjin’s soft inhales and exhales, as he focused on his research. All else was quiet in the library, what with it being completely void of life on a Monday at eleven at night. You could distinctly pick out the sounds of rainfall pitter-pattering just outside the large window behind Hyunjin’s seat, as the night drew on in a heavy mist of dew and moisture. 
 “Why do you hate me so much?” 
 Hyunjin’s words were faint and broke you out of your daze of thought. You had been frantically writing down some of your critiques about Ophelia as a character, and your head shot up from your computer to catch a glimpse of him staring back at you. 
 You didn’t know how long he had been like that, sitting back in his chair, long, raven hair a wavy mess around his face and eyes a little bleary from a mixture of sheer exhaustion and that… darkness that you could never quite pinpoint. You had only ever seen him direct such swarthy looks at you, and that fact disheartened you a lot.
 “I think the real question you should be asking is what’s not to hate about you.” You deadpanned, giving him a deep frown as you poked your lollipop into the corner of one of your cheeks, tucking it away for the moment. 
 Folding his arms across his chest in that abrasive way that he always did around you, he tilted his head to the side with a raised eyebrow. “Okay, spill the tea.” 
 Taking in a deep breath to stave off your rising nerves and irritation with the man before you, you carded a few fingers through your hair. “To start with, you’re a complete and total asshole.” 
 “I think we’ve already touched on this point by now.” 
 His retort left you to stare daggers into his eyes, wishing someone would just come up behind him and slit his throat because you sure did want to at that moment. But you also supposed that the Dean of the university wouldn’t take a liking to you murdering his son. 
 “Secondly, you’re always stuck up and hard-headed and annoying and… and immature.” 
 Hyunjin blew out a deep, long whisper. “Damn, spare my ego some, will ya?” 
 But you weren’t planning on stopping anytime soon. He had started the engine of the train, and now you were rolling down the tracks of sheer rising anger and all of the pent-up rage that you had felt towards him for the past three years. “And you’re right okay? I am fucking jealous. I’m so jealous of you that I can’t breathe sometimes— you haven’t had to work a day in your life for your position, yet I’ve had to scrape by on my hands and knees, clawing— begging at life to grant me just one fucking break.” You weren't even yelling. Instead, the words just come out hushed and all too grave. 
 Like, if anyone else but him heard them, you’d crumble into a pile of ash and disintegrate into thin air, never to be seen again. Because it was fucking embarrassing, to be so affected by him still, even after all of these years. 
 He stayed silent, watching as you flayed your hands around in the air in your exasperation. You were fed up with your life and the hold that he had over it. You were finally at your breaking point and you had had enough. 
 And you think that at that moment, he had also seen and acknowledged that, staying silent to let all of the words spew out of you like an erupting volcano that had been bound to blow from the very start. 
 “But you? You get everything handed to you on a pretty, silver platter because your daddy is wealthy and you're drop-dead gorgeous and practically have the brain of a neuroscientist. Meanwhile, I was raised by a poor single mother in the slums of Seoul and the only way I got into this university in the first place is because I busted my ass throughout middle and high school to earn the top student’s place,” you pointed a finger between the two of you. Almost like, the tip of it was sharp enough, you could cut right through him. Blade tearing through sinew and flesh and bones. “And then you dare to come around these parts, acting like you own everything, trying to put me in my place. When in reality, you’re the one that needs to be put in your place. Someone needs to knock you down a few pegs, and I’ve always thought… why not me?” 
 For a moment, nothing else happens after that. 
 And irrationally, you’re suddenly afraid of him. 
 Of what he might do — what he might say and to whom — with this newfound information about you. 
 Hardly anyone at school knew about your personal life and struggles. You tended to stay to yourself and instead focus on your studies instead of going out to late-night parties or hitting up the local clubs. And you were an extremely private person, to begin with. You saw no point in pouring out your life's sob story to people you would never see again after four years. 
 But all at once, you wondered if Hwang Hyunjin was a dangerous man. 
 If he was someone who would use your personal information against you. 
 And if the last three years were anything to go off of, you wouldn’t put it past him. 
 “Fuck— I shouldn’t have said all of that,” you grumbled, jamming your fingers into your eye sockets and scrubbing at your lids. “Just… forget all of this, yeah? Forget I said anything.” Then you were standing up from your seat for the second time that night, heart leaping in the pit of your chest as you once again gathered your things into your bag. “It’s late anyways. I should head home and keep studying for my other classes. We can meet up some other time for this, it’s not due til, what… Sunday? That gives us plenty of—”
 “Y/N.” Just like before, the sound of your name on his tongue caused you to pause entirely, limbs halting their movement of shoving your computer into your bag. “Just— shut up, yeah?” His voice came out softer than you expected it would, forcing a shiver down the length of your spine. 
 “Don’t call me that.” 
 “Don’t call you what?” 
 “Why, because it makes you feel things?” He asked in a gravelly voice. You were avoiding even looking at him at that moment, hands a little shaky as you anxiously started to suck on your lollipop again, rolling it around in the corner of your cheek. “What are you so afraid of?” 
 “You, okay?! It’s always been you!” Your outburst was a lot louder than you expected it to be, ringing across the space between you and echoing in the far distance of the library’s upper-level floor. 
 A beat of silence lapsed between the two of you, and you trained your gaze on a corner of the room, studying the small dust bunny that stood there, completely still and lifeless. In that moment, you could relate to it quite a bit. Lost and confused. Wanting to move away, but not being able to for some weird reason. 
 Hyunjin’s old wooden settee creaked in the silence, as he shifted in his position. “To be honest, I’m scared of you too.” And just like that, your head was snapping his way and your eyes were widening in surprise. “For one, I’m scared of that stupid thing.” With his dark eyes, he motioned towards your mouth. To the lollipop that you were dutifully sucking on, in and out, in and out. You stopped altogether when you realized why he had been so quiet during your studying session. He hadn’t been studying — he had been focusing on you, on the candy in your mouth. Feeling self-conscious about it, you took it out of your mouth and laid it down on the table. “And I’m scared of how you make me feel— crazed out of my mind, all of the time. Like a sick fucking plague, you inhabit my everything… from the moment I wake to the moment I ease, you’re all I can think about, all I can dream about. And I hate it so fucking much that it kills me a little bit more every single day.” 
 “Hyunjin, I—”
 His eyes nearly rolled into the back of his skull, head tipping back in delight as his lips parted just slightly. “Yes— fuck, say it again.” 
 “Say… what?” 
 “You know.” 
 Heart leaping wildly in your throat, and broken butterflies waning in the depths of your stomach, your mouth was moving on its own accord. “Hyunjin.” 
 Like a trigger being pulled back from a gun and flitting the weapon into action, the bullet was shot across the distance between the two of you. And the bullet was your words — you calling out his name. 
 In an instant, he was a flurry of motion before you. All designer clothes soaked from rainwater and long, wavy hair that still had droplets of water at the tips. He was a flash of milky skin hidden underneath a sheer, wet button-down. The faint, waning moonlight shining through the window pane cast an ominous, angelic-like halo around his tall, built frame. 
 And by the time you could breathe again, he had you exactly where he wanted you. Pinned up against the nearest tall bookshelf that reached up into the height of the library's ceiling. One strong hand pinning your two hands against the wood above your head, while the other was positioned just unearth your chin, holding your jaw bone and stroking the flesh there with a gentle thumb. 
 “Now tell me you feel nothing at all, tell me you fucking hate me with your entire being, that you’ll always hate me, and that you think I’m a deprived cunt who needs to be murdered ruthlessly in front of everyone I love.” His words were hushed, their meaning brutal. His face was so close to yours, that you could feel the warmth of his breath as he spoke. Leaning into you, he drove his middle a little closer to the part of your legs. 
 Breath catching painfully between your windpipes and the lump in your throat, you stared up at him with blurry vision. Your attention was growing fuzzy at the edges, as you could do nothing more but hone in on… him. Subconsciously, you could feel the mango sweetness of your lollipop coating your tongue again and again as you swallowed. 
 “I—I hate you so fucking much, Hwang Hyunjin.” 
 He pressed into you a little further, breathing in your scent and closing his eyes as his head tipped close to one part of your neck. Mouth hovering over the shell of your ear, he whispered, “Say it again, sweetheart, with a little more passion this time.” 
 “I… I hate you so much, I can’t function with the thought of you existing in the same lifetime as me.” 
 You felt him moving against you then, hand moving away from your jaw and coming around one of your hips, fingers digging into the soft fabric of your black sweatpants. “You don’t have to be afraid of me, sweetheart…” He started, mouth hovering over that space just behind your ear, warm breath fanning against your exposed gooseflesh there. “I won’t hurt you— it was never my intention in the first place. It was… just a fun game to me, to toy around with you. But I never wanted to actually fucking hurt you.” 
 You could feel your mind and heart racing in tandem, going a mile a minute, as you took in all of his words. Because what, the actual fuck? What was he saying? And why was he saying it? And why did you feel yourself crumbling from it all, your resolve breaking down into dust and getting whisked away to the future of Neverland? 
 “I never meant to make you cry,” He said slowly, pulling away from your face just a tiny bit to gauge your reaction to his confession. You gaped up at him, completely speechless in your unadulterated wonder. “Sure, I wanted to make you cry— but not in the cruel kind of way… not in the way that most people would like to do.”
 His insinuation, his innuendo there, jumbled something around deep inside of your spirit. And you could practically feel your knees buckling underneath you from the reality of it all. From the fact that he was never truly set out to cause you permanent damage. And so far, he hadn’t. All he had done was make an ass out of himself and be a continual thorn in your side. But he wasn’t necessarily entirely cruel, and you never truly suspected that he’d do something catastrophically damaging. 
 “But all you have to do is tell me— tell me you never thought about me or dreamed about me or wondered about me, and I’ll be gone forever. You’ll never hear, or see me again. It’ll be like I never existed in the first place and I—”
 “I can’t fathom a life without you in it,” you suddenly blurted out, already feeling the hint of crimson blooming beneath your cheeks and at the tip of your nose. You peered up at him, staring into those depthless, chocolate-brown eyes, reading the dancing emotions there. “Sure, I might despise your guts at times, but… I also think you’re a pretty amazing guy. And… I have to admit that sometimes, I do think about you when I’m alone, at night, and laying in my bed.” 
 His hand clutched a little tighter at your hip then, his fingers intertwining with yours and continuing to hoist your arms up and above your head. “Oh yeah? What do you imagine when you think about me so late into the night?” He rasped out, the sound of his voice grating against your ears and sending flames to burst across the entirety of your veins. 
 “Your face, mostly— how your lips would feel and how you’d taste and what you’d sound like if—”
 After that, you didn’t even get the chance to finish your sentence. 
 He was honing in on you like a vulture to its prey, moving with such swiftness — like a phantom in the night, like a monster hidden underneath the bed, like a selkie in the depths of the ocean. 
 As it turns you, your dreams about him were accurate. 
 Because his plush lips did feel like pure heaven. 
 They pushed against yours, his mouth fitting atop yours like something that was carved into the universe — something that was almost meant to be. He was devouring you whole — heart and mind and soul and body. 
 And with each press of his silky lips, you fell down the hole of darkness and heat just a little bit more. Then the tip of his tongue was poking out and tracing the line of your mouth and you fell into him, fingers clawing at his that still had your arms held up high above your head, desperately searching for purchase as your legs threatened to give out underneath you. 
 When his tongue plowed into the small part between your lips, you let out a breathless moan. The kind that had been hidden deep, buried, and un-satiated for so fucking long. By the time he was tasting you, his hands had released your arms and you were scrambling for something to hold. Desperately, in your haste of arousal and temptation, you were clutching at the cool, wet fabric of his cream-colored button-down, holding on for dear life as his hands tightened around your waist and hoisted you up against the bookshelf further. 
 Your spine crammed into the wooden shelves there, as you wrapped your legs around his torso, yanking him closer with each passioned kiss that he gave you. Again and again, he drew those same, sinful sounds out of you. Just like all of the times before, he was playing a sick kind of game with you. But this time, it wasn’t all that bad. This time, you were quite enjoying yourself. 
 As your parted legs held his hips close to your frame, you could feel the hardness there, in the center of him. Just aching to be released. And suddenly, you came to terms with the fact that the wetness between your legs was rapidly growing with each kiss that he gave you. 
 He sucked on your lips like they were his lifeline — and you wondered, in that moment, how he’d treat the rest of you — how much attention he’d offer the rest of your body. 
 “J-Jin, I—” The shortened nickname slipped out between your lips when the two of you parted to catch your breaths. And when you noticed his swollen mouth, you were almost positive that yours looked just as bad, if not worse. 
 “What, baby doll?” He hummed, mouth moving away from yours entirely and coming close to the line of your jaw. You blushed wildly at the pet name, liking the way it sounded in his silky voice. He moved aside the thick fabric of your violet-colored knit turtleneck with his nose, lips attaching to the skin of your neck and suckling like a vampire drunken on the crimson of his lover. “What is it that you need right now?” 
 Your hands were scrambling for him, finding purchase in his dark roots and pulling just a tad bit there. The abuse to his scalp made him hiss out, warm breath painting across the heated flesh of the column of your neck brilliantly. “N—Need you t—to—” But your words were cut short by the way one of his hands was moving away from your waist, traveling under the hemline of your sweater, a long, nimble finger dancing across your belly button and rising to the center of your stomach. 
 “You need me, hmm?” He mused lowly, mouth having journeyed down to the skin closest to your clavicle, leaving violet-hued marks that would surely survive into the next few days. “Need me to fuck you, right? Need me to take you so irrevocably well right here and right now… can’t wait any longer, yeah?” As he spoke the words into existence, his naughty hand was already finding its way toward the lace of your bralette, skirting across its edges. Then, a single finger dipped underneath the elastic there, skirting up the length of your breast until it was resting against your pebbled nub. “Such a naughty little thing… who knew that the university’s prodigy just needed a good fucking, huh? That all she wanted was to get fucked open against the library bookshelves.” 
 You were gasping out in pure bliss, fingers digging in a little harder into his long wisps of hair as his hands began to explore your chest. Brushing, twisting, pulling. Then doing it all over again with the other mound. “Y—Yeah,” you managed to spit out, trembling underneath him, legs wounding tighter around his waist, bringing him ever closer. “Can you do that… fuck me? I need it so bad right now, I can’t handle it if you just leave me like this…” You were practically begging out the words, so desperate in your pleas that you were almost certain your groveling was boosting his already inflated ego. 
 “I only fuck good girls. Girls who don’t call me an asshole and don’t say they hate me.” 
 At that, your eyes were tearing open in a mix of surprise and despair. But the way that his hand didn’t stop touching your breasts, still playing with them, told you everything you needed to know at that moment. 
 You wiggled your hips slowly, grinding into the hardness between his dark-washed jeans. “Stop touching me then— stop kissing me and stop looking at me,” you began, taunting him with your movements and the way that you spoke in a velvety tone, all soft and delicate and innocent. When what the two of you were doing was anything but innocent. “But you can’t, right? Can’t get the thought of me out of your head— of what this pussy would feel like clenched around your cock, squeezing you for dear life as you fuck into me for the hundredth time in a single day—” 
 He was cutting off your words with his quick hands, shedding off your sweater and bralette in one go. Then he was bending down slowly, hands coming up to cup your chest. He stared up at you from his crouched position, watching the feelings rove across your face as he blew hot hair against one of your nipples. 
 “Just fucking shut up already bitch,” he said in a low grumble, as his hand came over your tit, mouth melding onto the warm skin there effortlessly. His other hand was busy playing with your neglected breast, squeezing there a little bit harder when his teeth grazed one of your nipples, tongue lapping at the bud. “You’re only to speak when spoken to, you understand me?” He asked, pulling away from your breast and making a crude, wet sucking noise as he did so.
 Glaring down at him through lust-filled eyes, you sneered his way. “You don’t get to tell me what to do, asshole.” Hands gripping onto his hair a little bit, you pushed his face closer to your chest as he began to work on your other breast, leaving a ring of wetness as he went. “And don’t call me bitch.”
 You could feel him smirk against your skin, his low chuckle vibrating against your gooseflesh and sending ripples of energy to course through your veins. “Mhm— why not? Your pussy sure seems to love the name.” He mused sadistically, completely unlatching from your breast, hands finding their way back at your hips. 
 “What are you even talk—”
 But he didn’t leave any more room for questions, one hand ripping away from your waist and covering your covered centre. “This, right here,” he said in a low whisper, fingers cupping your warmth there, and you could practically feel the essence dripping out of you, just behind your thin panties and sweatpants. “Bet you’ll get even more soaked when I call you it again.”
 “You know nothing about me.” The words came out garbled and wobbly, as he maneuvered your sweatpants down and off of your legs entirely. “Y—You don’t know my body.” 
 He threw you a sardonic kind of smile, leaning into the side of you, lips caressing the shell of your ear as he spoke in soft tones. “Yeah, but I’ve done a hell of a lot of observing over the years…” At his words, you could feel his hand nearing your middle again, and you involuntarily parted your legs in want. 
 When his fingers came in contact with the lace of your panties, you had to pull out your biggest bout of self-control to hold in the moan that wanted to escape from you. His movements were expert level, as he pushed the fabric off to the side, running a single finger up your lips, feeling for that small spot at the very top. Circling his thumb around there, his other fingers worked at your entrance, and before you knew it, he was pressing two long digits into you. 
 “F—Fuck—“ You groaned at the feeling of it all, falling into him and clawing at his shoulders that were still covered in that damp button-up shirt. “Hyunjin.” You were moaning out his name before you even realized it, hips jutting up slowly against his hand, your head getting thrown back as his fingers searched and found that warm, gooey spot deep inside of you. 
 “See? I know exactly what the fuck I’m doing,” he muttered, lips coming around the side of your neck and suckling violet marks into the skin there. “So be a good bitch and shut up for me, yeah? Take it like a good girl— like the good whore that I know you are.” 
 You couldn’t even protest against him using the name again, because, in all honesty, you did like it. It felt dirty and wrong but so very fucking right at the same time. It caused your walls to spasm against the three fingers he had stuck inside of you, as he pumped in and out with a rabid kind of pace. The sound of his movements forced shivers down the length of your spine, as his thumb pressed into your clit a little more. 
 “Y—You gotta fuck me now, Jin—” You mumbled, already reaching the edge of orgasm from the way that he was steadily working you up with his hand alone. Half of his fingers were buried deep inside of you and the others were desperately clutching at your hip bone to bring you closer to him. The sounds he was pulling from you, both wetness and moans of pleasure, were other-worldly. “N—Need to feel your cock inside of me, right fucking now.” 
 In your daze of lust, you found yourself clasping at the buttons of his shirt, quickly undoing them and sliding his damp shirt off of his frame. What lay underneath was a chiseled chest — a muscular abdomen, biceps that rippled with each breath he took, and a dark trail that led towards his dick. You ran your fingers down the milky expanse of his chest, marveling at how soft and chiseled everything felt. 
 Sighing out quietly, you stared up at him with pleading eyes. “You’re so fucking hot… always knew you would be.” That made Hyunjin smirk with satisfaction, as he tipped into you for a breathless kiss. 
 While his lips captured your own, you could feel his hands working at your panties, sliding them off your legs and leaving you completely bare. Then you heard the clanking noise of a belt coming undone, as he unmistakably rid himself of his pants and boxers. 
 Then he was parting from your mouth, focus turned down to where the centers of your bodies met together. Your mouth fell open at the sight of… him. All seven-and-a-half inches, long shaft curving upward in arousal and precum leaking out of the pretty red tip. A single vein ran down the side, bulging from his unchecked want.
 “Need you to be nice and loud for me, yeah?” He growled in that low tone of his, as he guided himself near your entrance. “Let the entire school know who you belong to— scream my name, bitch, and tell everyone who fucking owns you.” 
 His words jumbled around inside of your mind, making you feel lightheaded as he slowly began to slide into you. You widened your legs a little bit for him, wrapping them around his waist as he quickly bottomed out. The stretch was only slight and left you hissing with relief when he was fit into you at the hilt.
 Without any warning, he was sliding out almost completely, before thrusting back in, hitting into you so roughly, that your spine jammed into the wooden bookshelf at your back. And just like that, he was setting a hellish pace. One that was sure to make you crumble before him — fall apart at the seams. 
 “Mhm— fuck!” You screamed out in a guttural voice, throwing your head back against the bookshelf desperately as his hips snapped against yours feverishly. You were gripping onto his shoulders so hard, running your nails down his back, that you were sure you’d leave red marks later. “Holy shit- feels so good!”
 One of Hyunjin’s hands traveled away from your waist, long, nimble fingers digging into your scalp, yanking at the hair there. “Louder, bitch— take it all like the filthy slut that you are.” He shouted, voice coming out raspy as he pounded into you roughly. 
 In the very back of your mind, you distinctly heard the pitter-patter of rainfall against the nearby windowpane mixing in with the sounds of the two of you  — skin slapping against skin and wetness squelching. It was straight out of a porno and made your head swim with so many dirty thoughts. Breath catching in the center of your throat, you found your lips opening up and releasing a blood-curdling cry of pleasure. 
 Your noises of ecstasy seemed to compel Hyunjin forward with drive, as he rutted into you in a manic kind of way, thumb tracing figure-eight symbols into your inflamed clit. Almost like, if he didn’t get it out of his system, he’d never be able to live afterward — wouldn’t be able to breathe or think or speak. The tip of him hit up into that warm spot inside of you, and you clenched a little harder around this throbbing cock every time he teased you right there. 
 “Fuck— I can’t… I’m gonna…” You groaned out loudly. Your eyes flittered into the back of your skull from the way that he pulled at your hair at the same time that he fucked up into you. 
 Hyunjin grunted out lowly, hips snapping against yours with each thrust. “J—Just a little farther, doll face…” From the way that his domineering tone was slipping away, you could tell that he was also creeping near the edge of release. 
 You could feel the slip and slide between your legs, your essence coating every surface of your inner thighs and making everything feel silky and smooth. The intensity of his movements slowed down somewhat, the frenzy of his rocking leveling out as he chased your guys’ highs. 
 “Yes… right there!” You mewled out breathlessly just as the tip of him hit so far into you, that entire galaxies were cast against the expanse of your closed eyes. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire — the flush creeping down the column of your purple-marked neck and into the depths of your soul as he continued to circle your bundle of nerves. 
 Walls clenching around his cock that was buried deep inside of your warmth, you could feel the moment Hyunjin found that blissful space of his release. “I’m gonna come— fuck—” He rasped out, his voice on the quiet side as he lost all semblance of control. 
Hips stuttering against yours, he made to pull out of you completely. But you found yourself shaking your head, eyes shooting open, and giving him a serious frown. “N—No… want you to… come inside…” Your head was empty of all thoughts, as you could do nothing more but focus on the way that he felt so close to you - so far deep inside. 
 At that, Hyunjin was offering you a tiny, satisfied grin. Then he was seizing up inside of you, cock stretching against your walls as he met his high. It overtook his entire system, overruling all other obstacles and forcing his head backward in pure, orgasmic bliss. The prettiest sounds fell from his plump, crimson, kiss-swollen lips, as he let himself slip down the cliff with ease. 
 The feeling of his release painting your walls in warm whiteness caused your entire body to convulse with pleasure, as you finally found your high. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced before… perfect and whole and so fucking hot. Bursts of rose and topaz and turquoise splashed across the inner workings of your mind, as your insides fluttered around Hyunjin’s cock that fit perfectly between your legs. 
 “Holy shit, that was…” You said breathlessly after you had begun to come down from your high. Cracking your eyes open you noticed the darkness still there in Hyunjin’s gaze, and the way that his eyes slit shut with want. The sound of the rain outside lulled your mind into a perfect state of peaceful limbo. “What?” You asked, raising an eyebrow his way in question. “What is it?” 
 He shrugged slowly, eyes coming away from your connected middles and locking with yours. “Nothing, just… I can’t fucking believe you just let me cum inside of you— with no protection.” 
 You could feel his cock softening inside of you, and finally, your legs stopped shaking around his waist. “Why? You don’t like the idea of that?” Beginning to pull away from him, you tried to yank as far away from his cock as you could. “If you didn’t like it, you should’ve—”
 Hyunjin’s mouth was coming onto you in the next beat, capturing your lips up into a heated kiss, stealing the labored breath right from your lungs and sucking on your puffy bottom lip. “Just shut the fuck up, alright. I fucking loved it… it was so hot— you’re so hot. Makes me wanna come in you every single day.” You could feel him move between your legs then, as he began to fuck his seed back into your aching walls. In the back of your mind, you could feel his hand lazily working at you, pushing a single digit back into your entrance between his cock, thrusting in the cum that was splattered across your thighs.  
 Groaning out softly at his words, you placed your hands on his bare chest and pushed a little bit so that you could get a look at his face again. It was filled with so much lust and want and adoration, the sight of it all almost overwhelmed you entirely. “Well, I suppose I could allow that…” Your voice trailed off, as you dragged a single finger up the center of his chest and towards the sharp line of his jaw. “If it’s with you— then yeah, you can fuck me raw every day.” 
 Hyunjin let out a low noise, which sounded like a mix between a moan and a cry for help. “But we can’t, baby doll— it wouldn’t be smart and I’d never want to put you in any kind of uncomfortable position.” 
 You found yourself shrugging off his concerns nonchalantly, as you drove your hips a little forward, meeting his shallow strokes. You loved the feeling there, of wetness and silky essence. “Yeah, but… the good thing is, at least we’d know who the father is.” 
 At that, he was flashing you a wicked smirk, pearly white glinting against puffy, red lips. His tiny smile was the last thing you saw before he was tipping into you and fitting his mouth around yours again. “Oh, you devilish little minx… I think I’ll keep you for a very long time.” 
 In the back of your mind, you could feel him moving against you, cock already stiffening again just from your words and insinuations alone. But at that moment, you weren’t too worried about what he planned to do with you for the rest of the night. Because right then, all you wanted to focus on was his face, and the way he let you ring your arms around his neck, pulling at the hair at his nape as he pressed kiss after impassioned kiss to your mouth. 
 It turns out that your roommate Felix had been right after all. In the end, working with Hwang Hyunjin hadn’t been that horrible. 
 It had been quite… nice. 
 Despite all of the bickering and shouting. 
 After a while, the rough bumps and edges of your rocky relationship seemed to mellow out between the tall bookshelves of the library. And before you knew it- he had you completely bending at his will — practically groveling at his feet for his love, attention, and care. 
 In the end, you supposed that that’s what you had always wanted from each other, and that’s why you had been so horrible to one another. If you couldn’t garner each other’s attention with regular conversations and friendship, the next best thing was to be rivals in your academics and throw insults at every opportunity you were offered. 
 But the thing about trying to hate Hwang Hyunjin — trying to hate such a smart, caring, passionate man — is that eventually, one’s willpower always breaks down, and they’re left in a pile of mess and limbs as they search out his affection. 
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weirdsht · 1 month
cale with vice commander?? his closest confidant, the one he shares his plans with, and is close with the kids (+ choi han who uses them against cale whenever sacrificial plans happen, "I don't think miss [name] will like this" "..fine")
I Triple Dare You
a/n: I got home from uni, saw my face was as pale as a ghost, then decided to write a fic because when will I ever have the time? lol
tags: female reader, undefined relationship
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read navi)
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Choi Han warns as he sees Cale abusing his ancient powers again. The man in question only sighed at the swordmaster.
“Just a little, I won’t faint.”
The redhead tried to argue but then Raon suddenly spoke in his mind.
“I’m telling [Name]! She’s just 10 steps away!”
Cale tried to say to the invisible dragon but the enemy attacked again.
“How can I stop using my powers when these things keep coming!”
He was now frustrated. If he overuses his powers the children and Choi Han are going to tattle on him.
“Cale-nim let me handle it. I don’t think Miss [Name] will like it if you faint again.”
The commander relented, not wanting to see his vice commander’s sad gaze if he fainted or coughed up blood.
Everything was progressing smoothly. Choi Han and Raon take vanguard in attacking the enemies while Cale stands in the rear. He occasionally provides support, just enough to conserve his powers.
“Oh..? You haven’t fainted yet nya?”
On spoke to Cale as she and Hong regrouped with them. The silver kitten looks genuinely surprised to see Cale still conscious and well.
…It makes Cale wonder just how the children see him.
Sure his physical strength is nonexistent and he faints and coughs up blood sometimes. But still, he’s generally very healthy because of the crybaby.
“This is surprising nya! I was ready to go tell [Name] that you feel unwell again nya.”
Hong agreed with his sister’s sentiments. His paw touched Cale’s face to make sure he was really all right.
“...I know how to keep my word.”
It was true, he does. Well, at least tries to do so to the best of his abilities. The children averaging 8 years old merely hummed in approval. Probably thinking that something will happen to Cale later on.
But nothing will.
Cale already promised [Name] that he’ll take better care of himself.
“Cale, you’re aware that I worry about you right?”
[Name] spoke to him as they drank tea leisurely. They had just finished planning their next move. Everyone was away to make the necessary preparations.
“I do, even if you don’t tell me the children will keep nagging.”
That made [Name] laugh. On, Hong, and Raon seem to always take her side, even in the instances she’s not around.
“Maybe I rant to them about you too much.”
“Hmmm, maybe you’re all just very close.”
Silence filled the air. However, both are content for they are basking in each other’s presence. With how busy things are these days, they have learned to enjoy small tranquil moments like this.
“I promise I’ll try my very best to not get hurt next time.”
Cale spoke up as he finished the remaining drop of his tea. [Name] raised her brows at him.
“That includes coughing up blood okay?”
“Yes, I won’t cough up blood either.”
[Name] smiles and Cale could feel the surroundings become brighter even if it was in the middle of the night. 
Then [Name] suddenly held out her hand. Pinky sticking up, asking Cale to link his pinky with her to seal the deal. 
Cale scoffed at his vice commander as he complied with her wishes, finding the unnecessary gesture childish. However inwardly, he was happy. Even if he thinks it is childish, he’d still do it just to see that smile on her face brighten up even more.
Before Cale knew it all the enemies were taken care of and all five of them were on their way to regroup with [Name]. 
“Cale-nim I’m impressed.”
Choi Han gave the redhead a thumbs up. Cale did not dare ask what he meant, simply looking away as he used the Sound of Wind to get to [Name] faster.
The lighthearted mood changes once they get to the battlefield where their vice commander is. The scene was chaotic. Dead mana was spread everywhere and [Name] was alone defending one side. Her purification powers work overtime to make sure no one from their side will come into contact with the dead mana.
“Raon call Mary and the Dark Elves–”
Cale stopped speaking as he heard [Name]. He turns to look at her, only to see blood dripping from her mouth.
His words might have stopped but his movements did not. Cale was still instinctively moving towards his vice commander. 
Good thing that he was. For he was just in time to catch her from stumbling forward.
“You punk! You told me to not cough blood only for you to do so yourself!”
The redhead’s words were harsh. Despite that, the circles he traced on [Name]’s waist as he supported her were tender. They provided the purificator comfort as she composed herself.
“Ironic right? But the situation was unexpected. I didn’t expect them to make to sacrifice 10 ships full of dead mana…”
Cale pinched the bridge of his nose. He can’t blame [Name], none of them expected the enemy to carry literal ships of dead mana.
From a distance, he could see the Dark Elves arriving. As they did he gently stirred [Name] away from the frontlines of the battlefield. Guiding her to stand on the sidelines, letting the Mary and the Dark Elves have a feast.
“As your commander, I’m sentencing you to house arrest for being injured without permission.”
The commander suddenly spoke as they watched the Dark Elves have fun. His arm never leaves [Name]’s back. Hands still tracing comforting circles as his eyes scan her body to see if she’s hurt anywhere else.
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh, but I will.”
Safe to say that [Name] is not leaving the villa after this operation. Perhaps she won’t even manage to leave Cale’s room.
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kayewrite · 25 days
You were beautiful
(bsn ending ending #4)
seungmin x reader!! seungmin x fem reader. word count: 2.5k
bsn alternative ending #4 wherein; seungmin likes you more than you liked him
an: ill post 2 so that ill finish this as soon as i can coz being an uni stud is giving me headaches an: i love this. listen to seungmin's cover of day6 'you were beautiful' for better experience
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part 1! part 2!
Seungmin always loved you.
You were just the oblivious one who never saw it. A genius in academics, but when it came to matters of the heart, you were completely clueless.
He always showed you how much he cared, but you never noticed.
He took care of you in ways that seemed ordinary to you because Seungmin was always caring for the people he loved. But what you didn't realize was that Seungmin only acted that way toward you. He wasn't as attentive to everyone else; his gentle ruffling of your hair, his sincere compliments like, "You're pretty," and the warm hugs he would give you—all of it was just for you.
And yet, you convinced yourself it was nothing special. You believed he treated everyone that way, so you hid your feelings as best you could. You ignored the flutter in your chest when he touched your hair, the tingling in your stomach when he complimented you, and the rapid beat of your heart whenever he hugged you. You thought these were all just friendly gestures.
when you saw Seungmin smiling sweetly at a classmate one day, offering to carry her bag. That was the moment you decided you would never, ever tell him how you felt. What if he laughed at you for being a delusional friend?
Little did you know, Seungmin had only helped your classmate because she was sick. There was nothing more to it, but you didn’t realize that at the time.
Seungmin was the reason you met everyone else. He was your friend since childhood, and when you both entered middle school, he introduced you to his seven friends. You were forever grateful to him for bringing these amazing people into your life.
When college came around and everyone chose different paths, Seungmin stayed by your side, taking the same course as you. Changbin joined as well, drawn by his love for solving problems.
Through it all, Seungmin remained close, and you were always thankful for his presence. But after that party, everything changed.
"You know, I realized I should have kept you to myself," Seungmin had said, his voice slightly slurred from the alcohol, but his words clear and deliberate.
He might have been drunk, but you knew he meant what he said. And that was when you finally realized Seungmin liked you.
You didn’t know how to react, especially knowing the feelings of your other friends. So instead of feeling joy that the person you liked also liked you, you were terrified.
When you walked into class one day, you felt two pairs of eyes on you—Changbin's and Seungmin's. You quickly looked down as you took your seat.
"My girl, you look stressed again," your friend Yuji remarked loudly, her usual energetic tone cutting through the quiet classroom.
"I'm okay," you replied, forcing a smile even though your heart was still heavy from the events of the party.
But Yuji wasn’t easily convinced. She narrowed her eyes, studying you carefully. "Well… you don't look okay to me," she said, her voice laced with concern. She was about to ask more, but thankfully, the professor walked in, diverting her attention.
You sighed in relief, though your mind was far from at ease. As the lecture began, you tried to focus, but your thoughts kept wandering back to the party, and the confusing mess of emotions swirling inside you. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even hear the professor calling your name.
It wasn’t until the entire class turned to look at you that you snapped back to reality, heat rushing to your face as you stammered an apology. You sunk lower in your seat, trying to hide from the dozens of curious eyes still watching you.
After class, you hurriedly packed your things, eager to escape before Yuji could start questioning you again. But as you zipped up your bag, she approached you, her usual bright smile replaced with something more thoughtful.
Without a word, she placed two concert tickets on your desk, the ones you both had been excited about for weeks. You stared at them, then at her, confusion clear in your eyes.
“Go to the concert with Seungmin,” she said, her tone light, but her eyes watched you closely, waiting for your reaction.
Your heart stopped.
“What?” you whispered, disbelief creeping into your voice. You couldn’t have heard her right.
Yuji nodded toward the tickets. “You should go with him.”
You felt your pulse quicken, shock mixing with a twinge of panic. Yuji had always been vocal about her feelings for Seungmin—so much so that you had convinced yourself to bury your own feelings for him. And now, here she was, offering you the two tickets you knew she valued so much.
“You—what are you talking about?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking any louder might break the fragile reality around you.
She smiled gently, but there was a knowing look in her eyes. “Of course, I was just teasing about me and Seungmin. But I’ve always known he liked you.”
The room seemed to spin for a moment as you tried to process what she was saying. How could she just… give up like that? And for you?
“Yuji, I… I can’t take these,” you stammered, pushing the tickets back toward her. “You’ve been looking forward to this concert for weeks. And… you like Seungmin.”
Yuji laughed softly, shaking her head. “It’s not about that. I know what’s really important.”
She pushed the tickets back to you with a firm yet understanding look. “Take him to the concert. I can always get another ticket.”
You stared at her, still in shock, trying to comprehend the magnitude of her gesture. It was almost too much to believe, and your mind raced with a thousand thoughts. You had been so sure that Yuji was deeply in love with Seungmin, and now she was practically pushing you into his arms.
But you couldn’t do it. Not like this.
“Yuji… I’m really grateful. But… I think going with him would be a bad idea,” you replied, your voice heavy with the sadness of everything left unsaid.
Yuji’s smile faltered, a flicker of concern passing over her features. She knew there was more to this story, and as much as you wanted to avoid it, you knew that conversation was inevitable.
Later that evening, you invited Yuji to your apartment, unable to hold in the turmoil any longer. The cozy warmth of your space offered a safe haven as you both settled on the couch, surrounded by the familiarity of your shared memories. It was here, in this comforting atmosphere, that you finally let the floodgates open.
"I don’t even know where to start," you admitted, your voice trembling as you stared at your hands, twisting them nervously.
Yuji reached out, her touch gentle and reassuring as she held your hands in hers. "Start from the beginning," she urged softly, her eyes full of understanding.
Taking a deep breath, you began to recount everything—the mysterious blue sticky note you found tucked into your binder, the tension at the party, and the whirlwind of emotions that followed. Yuji listened intently, her expression growing more serious with each word you spoke.
When you finally finished, you felt a heavy weight lift off your chest, but it was quickly replaced by a new kind of uncertainty. Yuji squeezed your hands, her gaze searching your face.
"You can’t choose, can you?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of empathy and disbelief.
You shook your head slowly, the words catching in your throat. "It feels wrong to choose… like no matter what I do, someone will get hurt."
Yuji’s eyes softened, but there was a hint of concern there too. "But you have someone in mind, don’t you? Someone you feel more for?"
The question hung in the air between you, and you felt your heart constrict painfully. You couldn’t bring yourself to answer, so instead, you bowed your head, your silence speaking louder than any words could.
Yuji sighed, her disbelief evident as she tried to process the situation. "It’s better not to choose than to hurt anybody," you whispered, your voice barely audible, as if saying it out loud would make it more real.
"And what about you?" Yuji’s question was gentle, but it hit you like a ton of bricks. Her concern for you was evident, and it only made the situation more complicated.
"I’m okay," you lied, offering her a weak smile that didn’t reach your eyes. You knew it wasn’t convincing, but it was all you could manage.
Yuji wasn’t fooled. "Okay with hurting yourself?" she asked, her tone laced with worry. She could see right through your facade, and it broke her heart to see you like this.
You didn’t respond, and the silence between you two was heavy with unspoken truths. Yuji squeezed your hands once more, a silent promise that she was there for you, no matter what.
The day of the concert arrived, and as you stood at the entrance, you couldn’t shake the nervousness that gnawed at you. You checked your watch anxiously, your heart racing. 'Why isn’t Yuji here yet? The concert’s about to start,' you thought, worry creeping into your mind as you dialed her number.
Just as you were about to press call, you spotted a familiar figure approaching from afar. Your breath caught in your throat as Seungmin came into view, his new cut hairstyle catching the light. It was the very style you had talked about last time, and the sight of it sent a pang of emotion through you.
He smiled as he approached, closing the distance between you two with a calm, easy confidence that only made your heart race faster. His hands were tucked into the pockets of his jacket as he stopped a few feet away, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Have you seen Yuji?" you asked, trying to keep the unease out of your voice, but the sinking feeling in your gut told you something wasn’t right.
Seungmin hesitated for a brief moment, but then he spoke, his tone light, almost playful. "I think she won’t be coming," he said, feigning cluelessness, but there was something in his eyes that gave him away.
"Why?" you pouted, the disbelief evident in your tone. You couldn’t understand why Yuji would bail on such an important event, especially after everything that had happened.
In reality, Seungmin had asked Yuji to let him take her place, promising to do her assignments for a month in return. He didn’t want to miss this opportunity, not after everything you had been through together.
"You’ve been avoiding me," Seungmin said, his gaze fixed on you, his voice soft but firm. It wasn’t an accusation, just a simple truth.
You couldn’t meet his eyes, so you looked away, the weight of everything pressing down on you once more. The silence between you grew, filled with everything that had been left unsaid.
Without another word, Seungmin reached out and gently took your hand in his, his touch warm and reassuring. "Let’s go. The concert is starting," he said, his voice calm, as if this was just another day.
With no other choice, you followed him into the venue, your heart pounding in your chest.
The concert began, and the energy in the air was electric. Seungmin, stood out in the crowd, and despite everything, you couldn’t help but notice how effortlessly he fit into this scene. The band started playing, and though it was your favorite, you couldn’t bring yourself to sing along. The awkwardness between you two hung heavily in the air, a reminder of all the unresolved emotions between you.
Seungmin, determined to break the tension, began making jokes, his voice rising above the music. "You know, I can sing better than that," he teased, his tone playful as he impersonated the voices on stage. His antics were so ridiculous that you couldn’t help but laugh, the sound breaking through the heavy atmosphere. Slowly but surely, everything started to feel normal again, like it always did when Seungmin was around.
When the band played your favorite song, You Were Beautiful by Day6, you couldn’t help but sing along, your voice soft at first, then growing stronger as the song went on. Seungmin stood beside you, singing with you, his voice blending with yours in perfect harmony.
Without thinking, you wrapped one arm around his waist, waving your lightstick with the other, and he did the same, holding you close as the music filled the air. It was a moment of pure, unspoken connection, one that neither of you wanted to end.
As the lyrics washed over you, you glanced up at him, your heart aching with all the words you couldn’t say. If it were just about you, you would have chosen him. But love was never that simple, and the complexities of your situation weighed heavily on your heart.
You buried your feelings deep, trying to hide the pain that threatened to overwhelm you.
"I’m always in love with you," Seungmin whispered suddenly, his words cutting through the music, breaking the silence between you. His voice was steady, but there was a vulnerability in his eyes that you had never seen before.
You knew it, after everything that happened, but hearing it still surprised you, sending a shockwave through your system. After a long pause, you finally replied, "Me too." Your voice was barely above a whisper, and the words felt like a confession you weren’t ready to make. You smiled, but it didn’t reach your eyes. "But we shouldn’t."
Seungmin, always understanding, simply nodded. He didn’t push, didn’t try to convince you otherwise. He knew how complicated everything was, and he wasn’t about to make it harder for you.
You smiled back, grateful that he now knew how you felt. And even though it wasn’t the beautiful, happy ending you had once dreamed of, it was enough. He understood you, and that was all you could ask for.
It wasn’t the most beautiful moment of your life, but in that instant, you felt content, knowing that Seungmin would always be there for you, even if things didn’t turn out the way either of you had hoped. And that, in its own way, was a kind of beautiful.
an: is anyone still waiting for this update? cri masterlist
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deansapplepie · 9 months
The Spitting Image | Part 2
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Summary: Years passed since last time you saw your ex-boyfriend and father of your son. Fate decided the perfect moment for you to reconnect was after the end of the world.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f! Reader
Warnings: swearing, threatening, a little angsty, pregnancy, mentions of abortion, mentions of abandonment, Reader’s Parents. Minors do not interact. (If I forgot anything let me know)
Word Count: 3,715
A/N: again I didn’t finish this part how I wanted to, but next part probably we’ll have father and son moments. Also I guess the flashbacks are over.
Also, this is fiction so any inaccurate thing just take as it can happen in this world.
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Part 1 Part 3
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Daryl and you never said if you were dating or not, but you guessed it was implied because you were always together, you did couple shit, you kissed… he was your best friend, but you wish you had a girl friend you could share how happy you were. One day you thought about telling your mom, you had always been friends, but as soon as you arrived home an ice bucket was thrown on you.
“Y/N, dear, Mrs. Guttenberg told us something very preoccupying. She said she saw you and the younger Dixon together at the public library.” Your father said and you could be a little naïve, but you knew he was looking for information.
“You mean Daryl, daddy?” He was a Dixon, indeed, but he had a name.
“Yes, whatever his name is.” He answered annoyed.
“We’re in the same year. Sometimes we have projects to do together.” You lied, indeed you were in the same year, but you had no classes together this year.
“Avoid having him as a pair for your school projects.” He said, indeed you read well the situation. Your father had something against the boy you loved.
“Why? We’re friends.”
“There’s no such thing as boys and girls being friends, sweetie.” This time it was your mom, and you thinking about telling her about Daryl… you couldn’t have been more wrong.
After this you didn’t stop seeing Daryl, you could never do that. So instead, you did what every teenager would do, you did it either way, but hide it from your parents and how was it even more delicious to hide everything from them. The feeling of the secrets and the mystery being your everyday fuel.
You didn’t even know how you were able to maintain the secrecy until your high school graduation, until your last summer before going to the uni. It was perfect, you’d sneak around say you’d be with one of your “girl friends” and you’d be enjoying yourself with Daryl. That was until middle of the summer, when they discovered your lie. You were surprised how they cared about you to not know you had no friends for years and buying your lies so easily.
It was a beautiful summer evening, both of you were at a small diner savoring a Milkshake you were sharing when the doorbell couldn’t have sounded more horrifying than in the moment. Your parents entered the diner and marched in your direction you froze, and Daryl saw the shift in your mood, the anxiety creeping out of you… and then He saw them too and everything made sense.
Your father yanked you from your sit hastily as if you stayed any more time close to Daryl you’d be contaminated.
“What did I told you? Avoid the younger Dixon, and you’re here having milkshakes with him.” Your father angrily bursted still grabbing your arm and not afraid at all that everyone was seeing the scene.
“Sir, yer hurting her…” Daryl tried to politely tell him to release you.
“I’m not talking to you your bastard son of a bitch! You seduced my innocent daughter!” His intention was to make some noise, he wanted everyone to know what the boy he considered scum had “done”.
Oh if he just knew how ‘innocent’ you were.
“Dad, it’s not like this.” You tried to reason with him. “I’m with him because I want to, I-I love him.”
“Sir, your daughter is off age. She has the right to make her own decisions.” His hands were closed in fists, trying to consider that man was your father, and he couldn’t just break his nose.
“You shut the hell up Dixon! I decide what is better for her! You open your disgusting mouth one more time and I’ll make sure next time you open it is to cry because your drunk daddy and your junkie of a brother are behind the jails with no time to leave it!” He just used his power as an attorney to threaten Daryl with the people that he had to protect even if they were part of his pain. His brother was indeed a junkie, but he was his brother. And his dad… how many times he wished he was dead when he was past drunk and would beat the hell out of him.
“Dad! No!” You protested, why were he causing all of this.
“Mr. Y/L/N” A terrified small waitress approached all of you. “If you don’t stop this, we’ll need to call the police. You’re scaring the clients.”
He looked at the waitress rage in his eyes, your mom was there and did nothing to help you or stop him. He started to drag you to the exit, you tried to fight back. Your father pulled your arm strongly, making you groan in pain. Your eyes on Daryl trying to say a thousand things just with them. ‘I am going to be ok.’ ‘Don’t worry’ ‘I will come back for you.’ ‘Don’t give up on me.’ ‘I’m not giving up on you.’ ‘I love you.’
While you were dragged from the diner to the parking lot and then to the car, younger Daryl Dixon was frozen, unable to move. In pain. He had been humiliated many times in his life, but it never hurt like this time. He felt useless. He did nothing to stop him, so afraid of what he could do. He had lost you because he chose to protect people he didn’t even know deserved his consideration, but they were his family… he couldn’t just let it happen. That day would continue to haunt him for many years, and he would never forget the heartache it caused.
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“And how this whole story changes my opinion?” DJ asked you, trying to stay firm at his point. It didn’t change his father didn’t look afterwards. Daryl was present while you told him all the story with no editing how your parents were despicable.
“Were you listening to me?” You asked your son incredulous; he was an intelligent boy, he shouldn’t be playing dumb. “Imagine, you had someone you really loved, but their parents didn’t like you, had a stupid prejudice against you, because your family wasn’t like the others. Those people tell you to leave or they’re going to kill your mom, me. They are prepared to pull the trigger at any moment. Would you let me die?”
“No.” He answered reluctantly, he didn’t like to lose. A stubborn little shit just like his father.
“It was nobody’s fault.” You said again. “I don’t expect you to immediately call him ‘dad’ or consider him your father, but I expect you to be open to getting to know him and respect him.”
“It’s ok, if he’s not ready…” Daryl tried to say, he didn’t want the kid to do anything forcefully, but you were his mother, you knew better.
“No, it’s not. You’re his father, you did nothing wrong. He shouldn’t be so resistant.” You stated, sometimes you thought you were too strict but in others you always felt that being a solo mom you needed to be.
“Ya can’t force the kid…” Daryl said, and he wasn’t wrong, but you sent him a sharp glance anyways.
“You see, listen to the old man.” DJ was playing with fire and he knew it, but he couldn’t help being like this when everything changed so much in a short time.
“Ok, enough. Both of you, do it like you wish. DJ, just stop blaming him. Ok?” You asked your son and hoped he would comply with it right now. Daryl’s group was new and you didn’t want them having a hard time because your son was unfairly rebellious.
“Ok, evil grandparents fault.” The teenager stated.
“I don’t expect ya to open to me easily DJ, but I’d like to know ya and I’d like ya to know me and see if I’m fit to be your father. Someday.” All of this was as new for him as it was for the kid. He needed to try, it was as if he had passed all those years waiting for this moment, as if he knew somewhere he had a son… it scared him as fuck, but from the moment he landed his eyes on the kid, he couldn’t stop thinking about HIS son. Also, the punch he received wasn’t something easy to forget. “I can teach ya many things and I know I can learn from ya too.”
“We can arrange it, Daryl.” DJ said, trying to sound more mature. It was strange the name Daryl rolling from his mouth and it being not to talk about himself. He kept the straight face, one more thing he got from his father and didn’t know, he didn’t want to show his true emotions, but deep inside he was a mix of excited and fearful.
“Baby, I think for the next part of the talk, you can go to your room. You don’t need to listen to it.” You didn’t want to tell him how it was when you discovered you were pregnant, the options your parents gave you, what you had to do… what you lived. You were pretty sure he felt everything inside your belly.
“Mom, I wanna know everything. Stop protecting me.”
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Some weeks after your parents took you to Atlanta, you started getting morning sickness and your period was late, which made you freak out in silence with no one to vent about it. You could leave the house and use a public phone to call Daryl, but he didn’t have a phone at home, so no way of you communicating with him. If you were still with him, you could worry about it together.
You thought about running away and going back to him, but you couldn’t. Your father swore he would make his life a living hell if you did so and you didn’t doubt him, after everything… you knew what he was capable of. So you hid it. You hid your worries the maximum you could, until your mom started to suspect your constant sickness and resistance to eat certain foods.
One day she arrived at home, a bag from the pharmacy in hands and threw it at you. “Go to the bathroom, now!” She ordered, you looked at her wide-eyed, you hadn’t understood. “Don’t give me that look, you know what it is. Pee on all of them and don’t even try to hide it from me.”
In a short period of time, your parents had become strangers to you. You didn’t recognize them anymore. They scared you.
You took the 5 packs of pregnancy test to the bathroom and peed on all of them, once you finished, you opened the door and let your mom in. You sat on your bed and let she have her time with the tests. You already knew the results; you could feel it in your bones. You were pregnant. You were expecting Daryl Dixon’s child, and in the same way it brought joy to you… it scared you so much more, afraid of what could happen.
Positive. All five positive. A big positive.
Later that day your mother talked to your father thanks the gods she left you out of it, but from your room you could listen the choleric screams of your father. Then, they came to talk to you.
“We need to talk about what we are going to do with the thing growing inside of you.” Your father said coldly.
“The thing? It’s my baby. We don’t have anything to discuss.” You answered a protective hand on your belly.
“We’re not keeping a stray dog in this house.” You couldn’t believe that words came from your mother’s mouth.
“You have only two options, one you can give it to adoption and second we end this freak show.” That needed to be a nightmare, a sick joke… no way your parents were really making all of this.
“I-I need some time to think…” That was all you managed to say. There wasn’t anything to think about. You were keeping that baby, his baby, your baby.
“You have 24 hours to think about it. That’s all I’m going to give you.” Your father said before living the room followed by your mother.
You needed a plan, you needed to leave without they suspecting you. Well, there wasn’t many options for you in Atlanta… there was no Daryl, and your father knew you’d not go to him risking him destroying your lover’s life. Maybe they would let you go out a little to “organize” your thoughts.
You went from your room to your parents’ and knocked shyly on the door, soon you heard her voice telling you to get in. After this, you probably deserved an Oscar, you put your stupidest face, faking confusion and a little of worry, the last one wasn’t difficult to fake, you were indeed worried. You asked if you could go to the mall, as if you were a minor needing permission from your parents. They gave you a curfew and asked for you to go on your car, of course because they could track you down.
You changed your clothes and took a simple bag, with all the documents you had. You told them you were leaving with your “best” destroyed face and really left to the mall. You parked your car, but you weren’t staying there.
You took a taxi to the closest agency of your bank, you waited a little time to speak with someone and asked to withdraw all your money, all the money your parents had reserved for your college. The account was in your name, so it was yours. You took a part in cash and another in check, it would be easier to carry. You decided you’d open an account wherever you went and make the deposit of the checks once you thought it was safe, probably some time after your baby was already born. For now, the money you had was enough.
You left the agency, bought different clothes in a cheap store and changed into them. After it, you left to the bus station and there you’d decide your final destination. And that’s how you ended up in a small city in Ohio, pregnant, alone and working in a Café. Also, it was the place where you raised your son before everything happened.
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“ ‘m sorry ya hafta go through it alone.” Daryl said once you finished telling the whole story. DJ remained silent. Thinking about how he could not be there if you had chosen your parents way, also he thought how he hated them even more that he knew everything.
“I wasn’t alone.” You had a small smile on your face. “I had DJ and I found some angels along the way.”
“After I left, I thought about looking for ya at your college, but… I thought you were better off without me.” Now his mind wandered back to the past and he could feel the emotions he had at the time all over again.
‘I’d never been better off without you.’, you wanted to say when you saw in his eyes the 19 year old boy he once was, but you couldn’t. “You’d never find me, as I never went to the university, so you would have frustrated yourself once more.”
You took a glance at your son and you could see there was a turmoil of thoughts and feelings on his mind. That’s why you didn’t want him to listen this part of the history, you knew your son… you knew how he’d get. “Dear… are you okay?” You took his hand over the table and gave a small squeeze on it. You knew he wasn’t ok.
“Yeah.” He managed to say, his voice broke. You could see he wanted to cry. You hated to see him like that. “I’m gonna go to bed. Night.” He excused himself fast and in the same speed stood up and hit the stairs. He was going to cry, he didn’t… he couldn’t cry in front of Daryl, his father. God, he punched the man some hours ago, and now he was afraid if he saw him being emotional he’d not want someone this weak as a son. He didn’t ever want a father, so why did he feel like he couldn’t do this? DJ was 17, almost a man, he used to say he would protect his mom, but now he felt under the weather because of the shit that happened before he was born. Maybe… he also felt it was his fault, but he never asked to be born, right? That wasn’t his responsibility, he tried to tell himself.
“I think I should go.” Daryl said feeling a little weird after DJ left. “Ya probably should check the kid. But I think ya know this n’ don’t need me saying…” he got up from the chair, why was he feeling all nervous now?
“Don’t worry. I’m gonna talk to him. I knew it would do no good he listening to this with all the details…” you stood up and even though the hunter had said he should go… you felt he wanted to say something.
“Why did ya give him my name?” He asked. You had sent letters saying you were expecting and he never answered the letters, because he never received them. So why name your precious son after the dumbass of father that technically didn’t want him?
“ ‘cause he’s yours… If your mind still works the same, I know you’re thinking you didn’t deserve this… that at the time you were supposedly a father that abandoned his son, but the thing is… I know you, Daryl Dixon, and I know you’d never do something like that. He was the last piece, the last memory I had of you.”
You said ‘I know’ not ‘I knew’ and that made Daryl feel nervous in a way he didn’t for a long time. There were years that you didn’t see him and you still thought his nature was the same, you still thrusted him even when he didn’t do anything the day before to show he still thrusted you.
You took him to the door and thanked him. Thanked him for what? There wasn’t anything to thank about when he was presenting to his father duties so late. He answered with a ‘ ‘s nothing.’, feeling strange and didn’t know well what to say or how to behave. He walked on the streets of Alexandria kicking every small rock he saw on his way, he wasn’t frustrated, maybe a little bit, his father never said anything and he and Merle had come back to visit him, even though the bastard didn’t deserve it. He could have said… He was thinking, about everything, mainly about his son, but he couldn’t help but think about you too. Before, you were all he knew and now you had a son together; Also, all that you went through all by yourself…
When he arrived the house that was given to his group, they were all gathered around the living room. If he was honest, he didn’t really want to talk, but he knew he’d need to talk with Rick, or Carol, or both of them. They’d ask for sure. And he wasn’t wrong, once he entered, Rick and Carol dragged him to another room. “What’s it?” He said in his hoarse voice, a little more annoyed than he intended to.
Carol rolled her eyes, but Rick was the first to speak. “How was it? Did you talk to the kid?”
“Ugh… yeah…” he replied scratching the back of his head. “I sorta talked more with her… in fact she was the one that talked the most. The kid was maybe almost as lost as I was.”
He gave them a summary of the conversation, because he knew they wouldn’t rest till he said something. It’s not like they liked to be invasive, but at least the little that Daryl was willing to tell they wanted to know.
“Brother, I can’t imagine how it must be for you. But welcome to the club, it’s not easy being father to a teen.” Rick tried to give Daryl his support and to lighten the mood he tried to joke a little. Daryl appreciated it, but there were so many things on his mind at that moment. “What do you think about the place?”
“ ‘m assuming they’re not crazy cannibals, but they’re weak.” It was visible, most of those people never had to put a hand on a knife or a gun to defend themselves. “ Y/N wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t good and safe.”
“Yeah, indeed they’re week. We need to adjust here and keep our eyes open. Are you sure we can trust her?” Carol knew that would be a delicate subject to him, but she needed to confirm.
“I know her, I trust her.” Daryl was resolute, he didn’t want to dictate all the reasons why he trusted you.
“You. Still. Like. Her.” Carol said a knowing smile on her face.
“Of course, she’s the mother of my child.” He said a hue of pink going to his cheeks.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
“Ok, let’s not pick on him today. He had enough for today.” Rick not wanting to pick on him, that was new to Daryl.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series)
Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325
The Spitting Image Taglist: @minaxcarter @carlyi @daryldixmedown @argentinian-witch @xmaeyonaiise @poetryhazel @blackvelveteen1339 @queenmizuki @crashlyrose @the1eyedmonster16 @jasminocano @sm4-rty @duckybird101 If your name is here, but you didn’t receive the notification, it’s because I wasn’t able to tag it. I’m sorry😞
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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daisyblog · 9 months
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Too Young Masterlist Summary: Harry finds out YN is pregnant, with Louis baby.
Based on this request
It was early August and YN had flown out to New York to visit Harry on tour. Sophia was also visiting Liam and Lottie had joined her on the trip, as it was around her birthday and she wanted to see Louis. 
YN was about twelve weeks pregnant and she still hadn’t told Harry. In fact, the news hadn’t travelled beyond herself, Louis, their Mums and Robin. But each day it was getting harder not to slip up. 
Each day she grew and carried Louis baby, the guilt of sleeping with her brother’s best friend ate her. 
One Direction were playing at the MetLife Stadium that evening, so they all made the most of the free time they had ahead of the show. 
YN and Harry were chilling out in one of the dressing rooms backstage. For a moment YN had snapped out of reality as she chatted and joked with Harry. But the minute the relationship topic got brought up, the reality hit her. 
“Mums worried you’re being seen with different women.” YN raised her eyebrows playfully at her twin. 
“Yeh well she shouldn’t believe everything she reads.” Harry bit back from where he sat on the opposite chair. “Remember when they wrote an article about you being my mysterious woman, you’re my fucking twin and they couldn’t get that right.”.
“Yes okay…I get your point!” YN laughed as she remembered the article all too well, and how they had a good giggle about it. 
“Anyway…enough about my shitty love life.” Harry stated, as he twisted the conversation around. “Have I got anyone to give the big brother talk to?“.
YN’s whole body language changed, she felt nervous, anxious, she was absolutely terrified. In this moment she wished it was only a boyfriend she had to tell Harry about, but in the next few minutes everything was about to change. 
YN shook her head. “No…but uh…I do have something to tell you.”. Automatically YN began to fidget with the bracelet on her wrist. 
Harry noticed his sister’s nervous behaviour and began to sit up straight. “What is it?”. His voice full of panic. “Are you alright?”. 
YN kept her focus on her fidgeting fingers as they played with the metal band. “I’m pregnant.”. YN’s voice was so quiet, Harry almost missed what she said. 
Silence surrounded them, Harry’s eyes stared at YN almost like he was trying to get answers. YN couldn’t even look at her brother in the eye, petrified she was going to be faced with disappointment. 
“You..you’re..pregnant?” Harry was calm, a little too calm. “How?…I mean I know how but…how?”. 
YN bit her lip, her teeth causing the skin to go a darker shade of pink. “I was drunk…we were drunk, it was only suppose to be a one night thing.”. 
Harry wasn’t one to judge, he couldn’t judge especially when he had enjoyed a night of passion with someone and never saw them again. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of…things happen for a reason.”. Harry tried to be supportive, a reassuring smile on his face. But there was one piece of information Harry needed, wanted, to know. “Who’s the baby’s dad? Do I know him or is it someone you met in uni?”. 
YN thought about lying, but what good was that going to be? She knew the truth always got out. But at the same time, she knew the minute his name rolled off the tip of her tongue, Harry’s mood was going to flip. 
“It’s..uh…um.” The words got stuck in her throat, the anxiety was rolling around her stomach. “It’s Louis!”. 
“Louis?” Harry questioned not quite believing the name that fell from his sister’s lips. “Louis, my best friend Louis?”. The guilty look on YN’s face answered for her. 
Harry didn’t give a second thought when he got up from the seat and marched down the corridors, YN hot on his tail begging him not to say anything. But Harry barged through the door of another dressing room and accidentally pushed Liam out of his way causing him to fall into Zayn. 
“If you don’t keep those hands to yourself then I hope you know I’ll make sure you never use them again!”. Liam abruptly spoke but Zayn nudged him once he saw the anger on Harry’s face. 
“Harry please!”. YN begged, looking at Louis with wide eyes trying to give him the heads up that Harry knew they’re secret. 
“You slept with my sister!”. Harry aimed the statement at Louis, who right now knew it was best for him to remain silent. Liam, Niall and Zayn watched the scene in pure shock. 
“Harry, c’mon you don’t want to-“. Niall tried to calm the situation but failed when Harry’s voice got louder. 
“No Niall…you don’t have a sister…you don’t understand!”. Harry defended his anger. “You have sisters though!”. He looked at Louis with pure disappointment. “Imagine how I feel right… I find out not only did my best friend sleep with my sister….but she’s pregnant with his baby too!”. 
Liam, Zayn and Niall’s eyes found YN whose face was full of embarrassment. Zayn could see how betrayed YN felt right now and how she thought everyone was judging her. He placed his hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her but almost like YN had found her voice, she burst, shocking everyone in the room. 
“You can be angry, you have every right to be…but to announce it to everyone in this room is wrong!” YN raised her voice at Harry. “The news wasn’t yours to share…it was mine and Louis when we were ready…and you can be angry but we are having this baby so you need to get used to it!”. 
With that YN stormed out, leaving a guilty Louis, an angry Harry and three confused boys who couldn’t believe what they just witnessed. 
Taglist: @jillsvalentinex @itsmytimetoodream @peterholland04 @youcan-nolonger-run @chronicallybubbly
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
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Request for Anon (Yandere Sugar Daddy NCT U) 9k, assault, verbal assault, physical assault, slut-shaming, public humiliation, bullying, name calling, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, penetration, blowjob, handjob, creampie, gang bang, breeding, pregnancy scare, forced pregnancy, non-con, kidnapping, yandere, bad ending, blatant disregard for womens reproductive rights
“Leave me the fuck alone!”
    This wasn’t the first time you had answered the phone in such a manner. Screaming into the little speaker, hoping to blow out the eardrum of the annoying caller, and then hanging up. It was a very frustrating ordeal.
“Damn girl, what’s your problem?”
“It’s nothing, Mina. Just trying to get my point across.”
“Is someone bothering you?”
“Then why haven’t you blocked their number?”
“Oh I have, but obviously they still know mine. So whenever I get a call from a random number, I answer by screaming.”
“And how long have you been doing that for?”
“Uh… a little over a week now.”
“Seriously? And they still haven’t gotten the message?”
“You know, what if those calls are important?”
“I don’t have any jobs or internships or anything that I’m waiting to hear back on, so it’s highly unlikely that’s the case.”
“Maybe you should change your number.”
“That would mean spending money I don’t have.”
“Really? Says the girl who has paid her tuition in full and doesn’t owe a penny in student debt. All because of some mystery job she won’t tell me about or share!”
“Well, you know me.”
“Yeah, I do.”
    You and Mina were close friends, having met here at Uni your freshman year and sticking together through it all. Now you were at the start of your final semester, ready for one last ride before starting a new chapter of your life. Of course the campus was jammed back as new students were moving in, and freshmen were trying to navigate this new place and find their classes. It was a really beautiful day too, and you had yet to start any of your classes, so you were in a pretty good mood. You knew you probably wouldn’t feel the same by the end of the day, but it was best to make the most of it now. That is until you were suddenly yanked back, and came face to face with someone you really didn’t want to see.
“You’re such a fucken bitch.”
    Jeno’s words dripped with venom. To say he was pissed would be an understatement. He was also the last person you wanted to see right now.
“What the hell are you doing here!”
“Why aren’t you answering our calls?”
“Oh, I am answering. I just don’t wanna hear what you have to say!”
“That’s not solely for you to decide!”
“Yes, it is. If I want to end things, I can, and I have.”
“Without a proper explanation? You’re kidding, right?”
“Does it sound like I am?”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Leave. Before I call security.”
“We are not leaving until we talk.”
    You heard it then, the terribly familiar sound of a car engine, two car engines to be specific. You looked over and saw the vehicles pulling up, two gentlemen exiting each one, and making their way over to you. In the moment you attempted to run off, but Jeno grabbed your arm and dragged you towards them.
“There she is.” Ten teased. “Where ya been hiding love?”
“Fuck off! I want nothing to do with you! Any of you!”
“Yeah, we got your text. Now explain yourself.”
“What’s there to explain? I’m breaking up with you, period.”
“See that’s the thing.” Johnny grabbed your chin and forced your eyes to meet. “Where did that silly idea come from?”
“My head. Or is that too hard to comprehend.”
“Easy now, princess. You’re begging for punishment if you keep acting like this.”
“I’m not playing any games here.” You pulled away from Johnny. “We’re done, now leave.”
“That’s hardly an explanation.” Jaehyun hissed. “Do the last four years mean nothing to you?”
“Are you really all that dumb? Our relationship was just an exchange of goods and services, nothing more.”
“Is that so?”
“I’ve told you all about my dreams and aspirations for the future before. When did I ever include you in them?”
Yuta scoffed. “So you really just whored yourself out to us for four years so we could pay your tuition? And now that it’s all been paid off, you’re done with us?”
“Bingo. Maybe you’re not that stupid.”
“This was all just a fucken game to you?” Jeno yelled. “Four years?! A fucken game!”
“Not like you ever made a serious move, did you now? Any of you for that matter. So don’t come bitching to me about a broken heart or broken promises. It’s not my fault you caught feelings when I wasn’t sending you any fucken signals.”
“Yeah? What about all the nights out? The dinners, the trips, the clothes and accessories?”
“Dinners, and trips, you invited me out on. I never asked to go anywhere. As for the clothes and other stuff, that’s all at your place, isn’t it? I never kept any of the fancy expensive stuff you got me, did I? Nor did I ask for anything. I owe you nothing. You got what you paid for, more than that actually, but I’m fine leaving things as they are.”
    Your words had certainly stunned them into silence. And you also meant everything you said. It was certainly fun to be with them, to get a little slice of that kinda life, even if it was just for a while. You knew it wouldn’t last though, and that’s the mentality you kept, the one that kept you from falling for them. They were just rich guys wanting someone to mess around with, and now that their no-strings attached fuck buddy had left them, they were panicking. You said your peace, having to spell it all out for them. It was good to get it off your chest though, and with that you’d make you exit. Or at least that was the idea.
    As you turned around to leave, you felt a hand grab your arm and yank you back with enough force to drop you to the ground. You couldn’t get back up as they surrounded you. By then your whole argument had been noticed and a crowd of students and faculty had gathered around. Having this conversation out in the open was already embarrassing, and all the attention was making it worse. Although they were about to increase that exponentially.
“Whore.” Jaehyun spat. “Any money spent on you was clearly a waste. The only way you could think about getting through uni was to spread your legs. I bet you slept around with your professors too.”
“Excuse me!”
“Do you even have any brains?” Yuta questioned. “Or are you just playing pretend so you can wear a cap and gown, and show off some piece of paper.”
    You tried to get up but Jeno got his foot on your chest, pinning you down. You struggled to get him off, but he was putting all his weight on you. When your eyes met him you could see he was still pissed, and if possible, he was way more enraged now.
“You found someone else to spread your legs for, didn’t you!” Jeno yelled. “Whoring yourself out for whoever can benefit you the most!”
“Get off of me!”
“Why? Don’t you like having men on top of you?” Johnny kicked dirt at you. “Fucken slut.”
“Just do what you do best.”
    Yuta and Ten started yanking your legs apart, and you kicked and screamed at them. Although you stopped when Jeno put more weight on you and you struggled to breath. You were clawing at his leg, but he was relentless.
“What’s going on here!”
    Two officers from campus security approached and all the boys stepped back. Jeno moved away and you took in a deep breath, sitting up and coughing a bit.
“We’re leaving.” Ten smiled. “No need for an escort.”
“Hold on now, you can’t-”
“Just let them go.” You spoke. “I’m not gonna make a big deal out of this.”
    The officers didn’t do anything more, and so the boys walked off. Soon enough you heard those damn engines again, but you didn’t dare look over at them. For a moment after they were gone everything remained quiet and still, and then Mina came over to help you stand, the crowds starting to disperse.
“What the hell was all that?”
“Remember when I told you I got a sugar daddy…”
“Yeah, daddy, as in one, not five! Also, I didn’t believe you.”
“Well I wasn’t lying.”
“Clearly. And you couldn’t share any of them?”
“They’re not exactly easy to deal with.”
“Is that why you’d always ditch me? Disappear on weekends? Why we couldn’t ever really share a meal together? You were off with them.”
“You really are stupid.”
“Girl, when did you ever have time for yourself? Or anyone else in your life who was actually important? Here I thought you were just so focused on studying and busy working to pay off your tuition. I wasn’t wrong on the latter, but still.”
“Are you... mad at me?”
“No, not really. Just processing out loud... you did tell me about this, somewhat, I just didn’t think you were for real.”
“I know. If you had told me the same thing I wouldn’t have believed you either.”
“But you’re really done with them now?”
“Yup. I didn’t think they’d throw such a fit though.”
“A fit? I’d call that harassment, and assault. Shouldn’t you press charges?”
“There’s no point. They’d get good lawyers, and it’d just be a waste of my time. I don’t want anything to do with them anymore, so I’ll let it go.”
“Fine, but you are getting a new number after class. Got it?”
    That morning certainly killed the mood, but you went about your day trying to make the best of it. Of course your chest hurt pretty bad, but nothing some quick pain killers couldn’t deal with. Like you had promised, after all your classes, you and Mina went to change your number. Then you went about the grueling task of messaging friends and family to let them know you had a new number.
“Shall we go out for ice cream? You know, since you’re free now.”
“I could use something sweet.”
    You knew there would still be issues. If they made such a big show at your campus, who knows what else would happen if you met out on the streets. With that in mind you didn’t go anywhere off campus alone, and you didn’t visit any of their favorite places or usual hangouts. You thought you had it figured out, but there was something you couldn’t avoid. Everyone else.
    Word spread fast about that day. About how a girl got harassed by five guys, and all the slurs and insults that they threw her way. A few days later everyone seemed to know your name, and had an idea of the type of person you were. When you went to class all the others would purposely sit away from you, only Mina ever sat next to you. Then there were the whispers and chuckles. Every time you raised your hand to ask a question there was always some comment about you sleeping around with the professor. Regardless of who it was. It was frustrating, but you just pushed through. Although Mina certainly wanted to pick a fight with everyone.
“Just let it go.”
“How are you so okay with this?”
“I’m not, but it’ll die down eventually. As long as I don’t engage with them I won’t add fuel to the fire. So don’t pay them any attention.”
“They are slut-shaming you and saying all kinds of shit.”
“And I just have to make it through this semester. After that I can move forward and really build my life. I’m not gonna let some idiots who have nothing better to do ruin that. Besides, I’m sure they’re all just jealous I could actually get a Sugar Daddy, and five at that.”
“You’re not wrong there. Those people don’t just throw money at anyone.”
“I appreciate you ready to fight for me, but this ain’t worth it.”
Mina sighed. “Fine, but if you ever wanna start swinging, just let me know.”
“Will do.”
    You were right, in part. The teasing did die down, and you could go about your life like normal, but there were still a handful of dicks who found things funny. And one ballsy little fucker who decided to go a step further. As one of your classes ended, and you were gathering your things, another of your peers accidentally spilled their drink all over you.
“Oh shit, my bad. You must be used to getting soaked though.”
    That bastard and his friends snickered to themselves. You knew everyone got the joke, some chuckling too, but of course no one was gonna say anything or take your side. So you just did your best to clean your face, and then whipped around to look at your attacker. Of course it was a boy and his friends, although he got quiet now that you were staring at him dead on.
“Your mistake, right?”
“Yeah. I can be clumsy, you know.”
“Right. So then just pay up and we can call it even.”
“You said it was your mistake. So pay for it.” You held out your hand. “I think a hundred dollars should cover my hair and clothes.”
“A hundred dollars? You play around with some rich boys and now you think you’re worth all that?”
“So you’re not gonna pay me?”
“Fuck that.”
“Fine then, but we are gonna call it even.”
    Without missing a beat you swung at him and clocked him right in the face. He fell back onto his friends, and you noticed a bit of blood from his nose.
“My mistake. I guess we’re even now.”
“You bitch!”
    Not once in your academic career have you ever wound up in the principal’s office, this was the student dean’s office, so not the same but still. You had no problems with words, but things getting physical was crossing a line, and you weren’t going to sit still. You were still drying off as you sat in the dean’s office, listening to that jerk go off about how you were a monster and whatever. You weren’t going to apologize until he did, but that was definitely not gonna happen when his parents walked in. You couldn’t believe he actually called for help like this, and now they were demanding your expulsion. That someone violent like you shouldn’t be at such a place.
“Are you kidding? Are you even looking at me? Your son started this, and couldn’t apologize or pay up for his mistake!”
“A mistake isn’t met with physical violence!”
“He started it!”
“Please, everyone calm down.” The dean spoke. “We can resolve this without yelling.”
“I want that girl expelled.”
“That seems a little too-”
“Do you know how much we give to this school so-”
    The conversation stopped short as the door opened. You couldn’t imagine who else would join this conversation. When you looked back your eyes went wide, and you stood up.
“Sit down, baby.” Johnny said. “We’ll get you cleaned up later.”
“Who the hell are you gentlemen?!”
“Y/n’s sponsors.” Jaehyun smiled. “We heard there was a commotion involving her, and by the state she is in, I’m not very happy. What is being done to remedy this?”
“She hasn’t apologized for hitting my son!”
“Has he apologized for his actions?”
“Exactly who are you to be making such demands?”
“Ah, right. I’ve not introduced myself. I’m Jung Jaehyun. These are my friends, Nakamoto Yuta, Johnny Suh, Lee-”
“I know those names…”
“Good. Then apologize before you’re buried.”
“Or shall this be resolved outside this room?” Ten smiled. “I have no problem doing it that way too. I might actually prefer it.”
    You didn’t care much for an apology, you got to punch the fucker in the face, but getting one was the cherry on top. You didn’t apologize either and the situation was left at that. Now that you had a moment you wanted to go clean up, and the boys wound up dragging you into a gender neutral bathroom. Johnny locked the door, and leaned against it, guaranteeing privacy. You were ready to start screaming and fighting but Yuta turned the sink on, getting the water warm and grabbing paper towels. They weren’t saying anything, and you could silently be grateful for that. You washed up your hair, using the hand dryer to dry it off as best you could. Jeno gave you his jacket afterwards since your shirt was still dirty.
“Alright, what the fuck do you want?”
“We owe you an apology.” Yuta said. “For everything.”
“Go on then.”
“We’re sorry we attacked you the way we did that day.” Jeno began. “We were out of line and completely in the wrong for that.”
“Assholes. You know this is all your fault right? Everyone keeps calling me names because of you! And this was the first time someone dared to take it a step further.”
“We never meant-”
“Then what did you think was gonna happen when you screamed out that I was a whore in the middle of campus?”
“Good try, I guess.”
“You were right.” Ten admitted. “Four years is a lot of time, and yet throughout it all you never made a move to suggest you wanted anything more from us than attention and money. We never did anything to give you the impression that we wanted more from you either. I’m sure if we had, you would have said something sooner. So you were right, we had no reason to act the way we did. We’ve been seeing each other for a long time and you broke it off so suddenly. Our judgment became clouded, and we let rage overtake us when we should have been better. We can’t simply undo what we did, but we are sincerely sorry for our actions.”
“Hm… was it really that hard to take a moment and reflect?”
“Yeah…” Jaehyun added. “We’ve had such good times together, it was hard to believe you’d just leave us like that… but why was it so sudden? Why didn’t you just talk to us?”
“I… I wasn’t entirely sure how… we weren’t really boyfriend and girlfriend… and it’s not like we had agreed to anything specifically when we started this whole… thing… all I could think of was a break up text… I also didn’t think you’d explode at me the way you did… I mean, I always thought you had girls lined up that you played with or whatever… I didn’t think you’d care that much…”
“Well, as you can see… we care a lot…”
“Yeah… how did you even know I was in trouble?”
“We might have… been paying someone in the administrative office to keep tabs on you for us…”
“Yeah.” Johnny commented. “We’ve practically been with you throughout your whole academic career. You’re a good student, so we never imagined you’d get into any kind of trouble, but just to be safe. It worked out for us in the end. We’ve been wanting to talk to you, to apologize, we just didn’t really know how to approach you.”
“I see.”
“Which brings us to our other point. Do you think we can do this properly?”
“Do what?”
“We understand that you don’t see us in your future, but can we at least end things on a good note? We’ve been with you for four years now… we were all kinda hoping to see you graduate you know…”
“What exactly are you suggesting here?”
“One last dinner… one last trip…” Yuta mumbled. “That kinda stuff… let us see this to the end. We can just be another part of your Uni days and nothing more.”
“Can you at least give us that kinda closure?”
    You weren’t really sure how you felt about all this. You had already cut them out of your life, but they were clearly still hanging on. At least they had apologized, and did help you back there in the dean’s office. Truth was the way you handled things wasn’t all that great either. You had been worried that if you just talked to them they’d find some way to convince you to stick around, but that really wasn’t your life plan. Now they understood that, so maybe things could end differently. You also didn’t want to part ways with them on a bad note.
“Just until graduation?”
“We really wanna see you with that cap and gown.” Jeno admitted. “You’ll look so gorgeous.”
“Alright, we can somewhat continue as we were, but after my graduation, we’re done. Understood?”
“Got it.”
“Can we take you out to lunch then?” Ten asked. “Since you’re done with classes for the day.”
“You know my schedule too?”
“We were trying to figure out a way to talk to you…”
“Fine, let me just go change clothes first. I’ll meet you at my usual pick up spot?”
“That works for us.”
    It had been a while since you last hung out with the boys, so there was a bit of awkwardness. At least this was just lunch to ease back into things. They took you to one of their usual spots, getting a private room and ordering your favorites.
“So, you really just clocked him in the face, huh?”
“He could have paid up. I wasn’t going to let him do that without consequence.”
“Good on you.” Yuta cheered. “Although tryna get you kicked out, that’s ridiculous.”
“I can’t believe he called his parents. Such a momma’s boy.”
“Says the sugar baby.”
“I didn’t call you to come save my ass.”
“Ah, so you agree.” Johnny teased. “We did save you?”
“Well… I wasn’t entirely sure how I was gonna deal with that just yet…”
“We saved you. It’s okay to admit that.”
“You guys just wanna brag to my face.” 
“Is that so wrong?” Jeno teased. “Maybe you can shut me up with a reward.”
“You think you deserve a reward?”
“Don’t I?”
“Hm… what did you have in mind?”
“I have been missing you a lot.”
“Really? You? Or is it someone else?”
    Jeno had been at your side, and he was leaning in close asking for his reward. Now that you were teasing him back you leaned in too. You placed a hand between his legs, slowly moving it closer to his crotch. After breaking the ice, it was kinda easy to slip back into old dynamics. Besides, maybe you had missed something about them too.
“Oh… you want a reward out of this too, huh?”
“I’ve been good, haven’t I?”
“Easy now.” Jaehyun pulled you away from Jeno. “We’re just having lunch today, baby. Besides, are you still taking the pills?”
You sighed. “I stopped taking them when we parted ways.”
“Then we should probably get you back on them before we start playing. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“We still have some.” Ten offered. “They should work just fine, right?”
“It shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Excellent. I’ll throw in a pregnancy test or two, just to be safe.”
“Well, you took a break from the pill, just a precaution.”
    Things weren’t exactly like before. They were more respectful of your time. Before they’d always be calling, wanting every moment of free time you had. They’d pick you up Friday night from school, keep you to themselves all weekend most of the time. You only ever got a pass during exam time, and when you had the guts to ask for a break. Usually you didn’t, not wanting to upset them and possibly lose out on your tuition money. It was exhausting, but it was all for a better life. At least that’s what you told yourself. This time around they were more like friends, checking in on you, and asking how you were doing.
    They definitely wanted to see you, but on your own terms. So occasionally you’d go out for lunch, maybe dinner, but nothing too extravagant, as you knew they were gonna go all out for the last trip and dinner. At least with these little outings they always brought you back to campus unlike before where you’d spent the night with them until Sunday afternoon. Things were better this way, kinda making you wish the last four years had been like this too. Although you were actually surprised when they brought up the last trip.
“Spring break?”
“Yeah. Let’s have a blast and unwind before you give it your all for graduation.”
“Uh… well… the thing is…”
“You don’t like it?” Johnny questioned.
“I had already made plans with my friends for spring break… and I thought you’d want to go out on a trip like after my finals…”
“Ah, right. You didn’t intend for us to still be in your life by now.”
“Then how about we split it.” Yuta suggested. “First half of your break, you hang out with your friends. For the second half, we get you all to ourselves.”
“Hm… switch it.”
“You get the first half, my friends get the second half.”
“How come?”
“Cause you guys can switch your plans around easily, my friends can’t.”
“Fair. So we’ll pick you up Monday morning?” Jeno asked. “Or can we come get you Friday night?”
“Oh, wanna kick things off early?” 
“If you can handle it.”
“Sure. I’ll pack some things after my class.”
“Can’t wait.”
    Even if you were acting cool, you were excited for this trip. They always treated you so well, spoiled you like a princess. This wasn’t gonna be any different. They had been modest so far, but now was their chance to do things like back then. They picked you up in a party bus, starting off strong with drinks, and congratulating you on your midterm exams. Of course karaoke and good food followed, and you were out celebrating until early hours of the morning. Somehow you all made it back to the penthouse sweet. You had a few more drinks before you made it to bed, half dressed with the boys piled around you.
    The morning was a hangover times six, although some of them had it worse than you. Thankfully breakfast was brought up, and hangover cures, so you just had to get up and put food in your mouth. When that failed Johnny was more than happy to feed you, the one of the bunch that could really handle their liquor.  You also needed to get yourself together. The party had only just begun, not to mention all the plans you had with your friends later on in the week. For now though, you just needed to make it through breakfast.
“Had a little too much?”
“I’m good…”
“Your face says otherwise.”
“What’s it telling you?”
“You wanna throw up?”
“I don’t want a bad taste in my mouth.”
“Then some ice cream to help soothe your throat.”
“Ice cream for breakfast?” Jaehyun questioned. “Isn’t that a bad idea?”
“This week is all about bad ideas.”
“So what’s on the agenda for today?” You asked. “More drinks?”
“We want you sober for all the memories we are gonna make. So no more drinks, is that okay?”
“Just fine.”
“Good. We were thinking of some tourist attractions, and some trips to the museums.”
“Yes. The aquarium is on the list.”
    Once you were all better you headed out, taking a limo into town. You had a chance to relax now that you were on break, and really take it all in. This was one of the last times you’d be around here, planning to go home after graduation. The whole day honestly made you feel like a child, indulging in everything you wanted to do or eat. To many you looked like a little sister with her brothers, or maybe just a lucky girl with her friends, but either way, you were glad you didn’t attract any negative attention. Some did recognize the boys, but that never became a problem, so you had nothing to worry about.
    You got to have lunch in the aquarium, watching all the fishes swim, almost feeling like you were in the water with them. The penguins were great too, and the jellyfish, and dolphins. You totally walked out with two or three plushies. For dinner this time you returned to the hotel, having some quality food, but as said before no drinking. Jeno and Yuta still felt the need to embarrass you and make a toast to your health and success in school. They even had a dessert brought out with a candle to once again congratulate you on surviving midterms. Although once back in the suite you better understood why there was a drinking ban.
    As soon as you set foot in the penthouse Johnny picked you up in his arms, taking you to the bedroom. He saw you down and laid you back, his hand caressing your cheek. You could feel one of the others getting your shoes off, and you knew where this was going. It had been a while, but you had been waiting for this. Besides all the attention and money, there was another benefit to having five sugar daddies. No one could ever take care of you the way you did. Johnny leaned down to kiss your lips, his hands reaching down to your shirt, although you stopped him.
“I don’t think you asked permission.”
“I’m not asking tonight, baby.”
“You have any idea how bad you’ve been?”
“Breaking up with us.” Jeno hissed into your ear. “Hiding away and trying to leave.”
“I thought we-”
“Sh, unless you wanna cause more trouble.”
“Tonight you’re gonna give us everything we are owed.” Yuta added. “So you better take it all with a smile on your face.”
    Suddenly Johnny had your hands pinned above your head as Jeno pulled up your shirt. He reached over to unhook your bra and push it up, exposing your breasts. He kneaded them for a moment and you bit your lip. His hands were cold, but he knew how you liked his touch. Then you felt hands getting you out of your skirt. The second your panties were exposed there was a hand grabbing your crotch.
“It did always hurt that you never invited us back to your dorm.” Ten commented. “Didn’t want you getting exposed to your roommate?”
“She knew… about our arrangement… sort of…”
“I didn’t say you could speak, baby.” Ten slapped your inner thigh. “Bad girl.”
    You bit your lip, instinctively trying to close your legs but Ten pulled them apart. The boys stripped you out of your clothes, leaving your panties on for the time being. Jaehyun had taken to holding down your arms as Johnny started kissing down your chest, Ten’s hand squeezing your thighs. Yuta and Jeno were already shedding articles of clothing, getting you all the more excited.
“You’ve been a good girl and taking the pills we gave you, right?” Jaehyun asked, and you nodded. “Good. So we can have all kinds of fun tonight.”
    For as long as you had been with them, you had always taken the pill. They didn’t always take you raw, but it was better to be safe than sorry. You were also glad they didn’t play around with that kinda thing, wanting to be safe with you even if they were gonna fill you up to the brim with their seed. Tonight was going to be no different, you figured they’d be desperate to do so. Even if they wanted to tease, they couldn’t help themselves for too long. Soon enough you were all naked, and you were getting attacked with kisses from all angles.
“Who’s first?”
“The eldest.”
    They still cared to make sure you were nice and wet, Johnny stretching you out a good way before giving you everything. It had been so long for you too, abstaining from sex to focus on your studies. You also hadn’t slept with anyone else but them for four years, and weren’t entirely sure how to get laid anymore. Even if it hurt at first, your body was quick to remember this familiar stretch, and feeling. Johnny hadn’t forgotten your body though, doing everything just right, doing it just how you liked it. Not to mention the others knew what to do while waiting their turn. Playing with your tits, stealing kisses, rubbing your clit, using your hands or mouth to warm up. You were gonna wear yourself out long before them, and they really loved when you became putty in their hands.
    Even with all the distractions you couldn’t ignore Johnny as he was the one pounding into you. He was always so rough and precise with his movements, hitting your sweet spot just right. Of course you had been getting yourself off in your dorm, but nothing could compare to one of them taking you over to the edge. You could tell when Johnny got close, he got sloppy and so desperate, trying to hold out to make it all last, but spilling inside you was just as rewarding. The warm feeling between your legs was already making you head spin, but you knew Johnny lost a bit of his touch if he didn’t get you off. He wanted another go, but Jaehyun was already shoving him out of the way.
    His turn was spent and Jaehyun would take pride in finishing you off. He had no problem slipping into the mess that was becoming of your cunt, eager to add to the mix. Of course Johnny wanted to give you a taste too, having you use your tongue to clean him up. If you had taken him all at once you probably would have choked as Jaehyun was giving you everything. He was making it very obvious he had a lot of pent up frustrations he was taking out on you. If he made you feel this good, you wouldn’t mind him holding off more often. Although he wasn’t gonna get the satisfaction of making you cum either as Jeno started playing with your clit, pushing you over to the edge before Jaehyun was even close.
    You squeezed Jaehyun tight, feeling as you were leaking out cum, your head thrown back as your mouth hung open in bliss. You vaguely heard Jaehyun scolding the other boy for taking what was his, but it wasn’t so bad if he got to fuck you while you were so sensitive. He moved with your climax, trying to keep you riding that high for as long as you could, but as you started to come down he got relentless. You couldn’t help but whimper, but that wasn’t gonna make him go any easy. In his own desperation he got close, unable to hold back before cumming inside you, making you overflow.
“Such a messy slut, taking two cocks so well.”
“Let’s make it three.”
    Jeno wanted to go next, but Ten kicked him off. He stuck two fingers into your mess, swearing cum on your belly, and then sticking the digits in your mouth.
“How’s that taste?”
    He swirled his fingers around before pulling them out with a pop. He could be real mean, playing with you when he wasn’t even filling you up. Your whimpers were adorable to him, especially when you got needy enough to start shaking your hips. Now you were begging, and he was happy to give you what you wanted.
    Hearing those words outside the bedroom certainly wasn’t fun, but in the bedroom, even if it was said with the same level of vileness, you’d happily accept it. Four years, the same five dicks, you were certainly a whore for them. Ten was certainly on the more elegant side, working you over along with him, knowing how to get you on his level so you’d both climax together. Even being a little out of practice with your body, he could still play you like an instrument. He always held your hands when he had his way with you, wanting more than just your cunt to squeeze him tight, he wanted to feel the rest of your body shake. You’ve left him with marks before, and he’d happily welcome them now.
“At a girl, still know who owns you.”
    You swear you saw white when he made you cum, drool slipping down your face. It was only your second orgasm, but you knew they could get more out of you. As many as they pleased. There was a safe word in place, but in all the years you had known them, you never used it. They seemed to know your limits as well as you did. Before you could even properly come down Jeno was already kissing at your chest, sucking on your nipples as he edged himself inside. The noise that was heard as he pushed aside everyone else’s seed to get in, an all too familiar sound you did quite enjoy to hear.
“You’re already so full, baby, can you take more?”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
    These sheets were gonna need to be thrown out when you were all done. You were already creating such a mess, and it wasn’t much compared to other nights. At least not yet. Jeno was practically digging into you, pushing in as cum came out. They had all had their turns before, being first or last or in the middle, so they wouldn’t complain about what stage they got to you. There were five of them after all, so they had to be good about sharing. Jeno was eager to make you unwind, so he gave you plenty of attention elsewhere. Twirling around your clit with his fingers, seeing it get red and swollen, another hand on your hip, keeping you from escaping him. He did it well enough you came first, already so sensitive, and he soon followed.
    You felt so fucken full you swear you were gonna burst, but you were just out of practice. Yuta peppered you with kisses, telling you how well you were doing. His fingers dipped into your sloppy cunt, having you get a taste of it. You certainly didn’t expect him to kiss you after, but they didn’t just play around with you. They had each other after all. You were already so overstimulated and lost, Yuta was kind enough to give you a little break before taking what was rightfully his. He had no problem playing around with your cunt for a while before dipping into the mess. He fit in nicely, having a pretty good idea how to keep you happy despite your state. He was ruthless, just as frustrated as Jaehyun, taking it all out on you and sparking you back to life. You really missed them.
    Now either the orgasm or Yuta made you pass out, but either way, you blacked out for a while. When you came to you were lying on the floor with your legs up in the air, clearly having fallen off to the side of the bed. Although Jeno was happily sleeping on your tummy, sighing dreamily and clearly cozy. You giggled at the sight. Sometimes you really did forget they were all close to your age, and yet living such different lives. You let Jeno stay for a while before you realized this position was very uncomfortable. You poked Jeno’s face to make him open his eyes.
“Why didn’t you pick me up? Do you think this is comfortable?”
“You looked cute, almost like you were drunk.”
“But I’m not.”
“Well, maybe not drunk off alcohol.” Jeno giggled and got up. “We were all out of it.”
    You got up, sitting down properly, well aware that you were leaking cum all over the floor, but that wasn’t for you to worry about now. Some of the others were lying in bed, and you crawled up to join them, pressing lazy kisses to exposed skin. This was all a little break for everyone. The night was still young, and even if you were four orgasms in, it was just one for each of them. They were greedy, and would certainly get what they wanted out of you, whether you were conscious or not. Waking up with a cock inside you wasn’t new, but certainly something you could picture for a night like this.
    You didn’t actually wake up properly until the afternoon. After that you knew the next day would be nothing but a lazy day. Somehow you managed to get up and get into the shower, knowing you needed a deep clean. Although you dozed off until Yuta found you sitting in the tub. He had the energy to join you and help clean you up, which you were grateful for. You returned the favor as well, the two of you the first to eat lunch from room service, waiting around for the others. When you were well enough you stepped out of the penthouse so they could clean up, heading to a park to enjoy the weather and sun. 
    The rest of your little trip was like that. You had some more fun at night, but not too much. Besides, you’d be going off with your friends, and you didn’t need to be completely worn out. Overall it was a good trip, a good last trip, one you knew you’d never forget. When the time came they dropped you off back at Uni, wishing you well with your friends, asking you to let them know if you needed anything. You thanked them for the adventure, glad you could still have all that. It felt more authentic given that this was really you going out with them as friends, not getting paid for your company.
    Of course at some point your friends had to ask about your little trip. Anyone who knew you now knew about your sugar daddies, so there was no point lying about it. You spilled what you were comfortable with, and just enjoyed your time with them. You couldn’t believe this was your last spring break, but you were so happy to have them with you. It was hard to fall asleep Sunday night, knowing what awaited you the next day, but you had enough good memories to get you through the door. So come Monday morning, you weren’t actually dead as you got to class, unlike most of your peers.
    The professors weren’t all going to be kind, so it was back to work like before. This was the final stretch for you, focus and study hard, and you’d be graduating. A part of you couldn’t actually believe it, but you had to, you couldn’t fuck this up. So you put a lot off to the side, including the boys. You still texted them, but you couldn’t do any mini dates, and they were very understanding. Even if you were the one working your butt off, they were just as nervous and as excited as you were. Although all that focus distracted you from something that was just as important.
“Holy shit, I’m late.”
“I was due like last week. Fuck.”
“Aren’t you on the pill?”
“That’s not foolproof.”
“Fair. Are you sure it isn’t stress though? I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a period or two cause of classes.”
“I don’t think I have before…”
“Well you are gonna graduate in a month. That is if you pass your finals.”
“Don’t fucken jynx it!”
“I’m just saying. You’ve probably never been stressed like this before. Athletes wind up not having a period for months cause of the stress they’re under.”
“I’m not a professional athlete.”
“Then go buy a pregnancy test and see if one of your sugar daddies is gonna be a father.”
“I wouldn’t fucken tell them. We’ve always been careful.”
“Then it’s just the stress. Problem solved. Also, don’t you have class soon?”
“Fuck. I do. I’ll get a pregnancy test later.”
“Cool, see you later.”
    You really didn’t think you’d be pregnant. You were careful, for the last four years, and you were very sexually active. Mina had a point though, you were under a lot of stress with graduation, but you had to be sure. Thankfully instead of buying one you remember the boys had given you some when they got you the pills. After classes you returned and used one of the tests, relieved to see it came out negative. So it really was just stress, and you were quite amazed it could do that to your body. Regardless, that was one less thing to worry about.
    To a degree you did feel bad you couldn’t see the boys after spring break, it had been quite a trip considering it was the last, but your academics were important. They wished you luck with finals, and you were ready for the last major exams of your life. You waited anxiously for the results, overjoyed that you had passed, and you were going to graduate. You had to celebrate, doing so with your friends. It was only once things wound down that you called the boys wanting to share the news.
“So, how did it go?”
“I passed… I’m graduating!”
“I knew you could do it.” Jeno cheered. “Our baby is so smart.”
“We’ve got to celebrate.” Johnny added. “Shall we pick you up?”
“I’ve already been partying, and I’m kinda spent. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Nah, it’s okay, you should rest. Don’t drink so much, okay.”
“I haven’t had a drink, can’t risk becoming a drunk mess before I take the stage.”
“Can we take you shopping!” Yuta asked. “Get you a nice dress for graduation?”
“I’d love that actually. Perhaps the one thing you guys can get me that I’ll keep.”
“If we don’t rip it off you.”
“True. Tomorrow then, shopping day.”
“We can’t wait.”
    Shopping wasn’t something to make a big deal out of, but how could you all not be excited. You’d be walking across the stage in the outfit you bought today, it had to be perfect. Not to mention the five guys buying it might wanna destroy it later, so you had to get good pictures first.
“We were thinking, after the ceremony, we’d take you out to dinner.”
“The last dinner.”
“Of course.” Ten smiled. “If that’s okay.”
“Yeah. It seems like a fitting end for us.”
“You better not cry.”
“I won’t.”
“Hm, guess we’ll see about that.”
    The big day brought on a lot of nerves, you could barely sleep the night before. Although when the sun was up, you and Mina were already getting dolled up, and she loved your outfit.
“You look hot.”
“So you really can’t come with me for dinner.”
“I already promised the boys. It’s the last one. Besides, I wanna see what kind of graduation present they get me.”
“Oh, they’ll probably give you a lot of money. Maybe a house.”
“That’d be awesome.”
“You better tell me immediately.”
“I’m sure I won’t be able to keep it a secret from you, so don’t worry.”
    Even if you looked stunning, it was mostly hidden by the gown. Still, you looked incredible and you couldn’t believe you had made it to the end. When you headed to the ceremony you looked around taking it all in. Even if you wanted your family there, you knew things had come up so they couldn’t attend. It’s why you were so happy to see the boys, knowing they were there for you. Although they did embarrass you a bit, Jeno and Yuta having a big congratulations sign, the others swinging around noise makers. Of course it dragged to wait for your name, but when it was your turn up on the stage you had the biggest smile, finding the boys in the crowd to show off too.
    You had tears in your eyes, so happy that all your efforts hadn’t been in vain. The boys had made their way over to you, embracing you in their arms, congratulating you over and over again. They said your tears were cute, but they were very proud of you. They even had flowers and a graduation bear as a present for you. They wanted pictures too, so you did your best to get rid of the tears and fix your makeup. After celebrating with your other friends and seeing the ceremony to the end you headed off to eat. You weren’t really hungry from all the adrenaline, but it was your last meal with the guys, and a very important one at that.
“You looked so beautiful up there.” Johnny complimented. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you could be there.”
“Us too.”
“So, what did you get me?”
“After you eat.” Ten said. “So be a good girl and have your fill.”
“I’ll burn a hole in your wallet tonight. Just watch.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
    There was something so peaceful about this meal, and exciting. They all asked about your plans going forward, what you wanted to do. Of course this was where you’d part ways, but you knew there was always a chance you’d run into each other again. Despite all the good things, you couldn’t help but wonder what your present was. After dessert they finally presented you with a little box. Now your heart was racing. It could be a key to a car or house, or maybe a card to a bank account they had made you. Still, you thanked them all and opened the box. Your smile faltered as you stared at the contents, dumbfounded.
“It’s… it’s a pregnancy test…”
“I… I don’t understand…”
“Well, you always talked about your future.” Jaehyun explained. “And how we weren’t a part of that. It really hurt, but you were right. So we figured we should include ourselves in your future.”
“I’m not… following…”
“You’re late, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I took a pregnancy test already. It came out negative. The stress-”
“The one I gave you was fake.” Ten said. “It’s meant to come out negative.”
“What… what are you…”
“The best way to become a part of your future is for you to have our kid.” Yuta stated. “Of course we’re probably not gonna know which of us is the biological father, unless you had like quintuplets, but we can raise it together.”
“Of course we’ll cover all the expenses.” Johnny assured. “So you don’t have to worry about food, or a roof over your head, nothing. We’re gonna be a big happy family now.”
“You’re… you’re lying… you… I’m on the pill!”
“Those were also fake.” Jeno added. “A placebo thing, right? Like sugar.”
“You planned this!”
“How else were we gonna be part of your future?”
“Truth is we always imagined a future with you.” Ten admitted. “After about a year, we realized how great you were, how perfect you were for us. So when you suddenly broke it off, we couldn’t believe it, but you were also right. We never really let you know we wanted you, so that’s on us, but we’ve rectified that now.”
“You’re fucken lying!” You stood up. “You did not get me fucken pregnant!”
“Shall we go confirm that?”
    You were furious, and you hated that they were throwing this idea out so casually. You took the pregnancy test and stormed off to the bathroom. They had rented out the whole restaurant, so you didn’t have to worry about anyone else. You nervously used the test, scared to look at the results, but they were clear as day.
    The boys had followed you to the bathroom, cheering and letting off confetti poppers. You stayed frozen in shock, trying to process this.
“It’s wrong… the test…”
“You can try again.” Jaehyun threw more pregnancy tests on the floor. “Better to use more than one anyway.”
“You… you…”
“Even if there wasn’t a baby inside you right now.” Yuta explained. “We’d have plenty of time to impregnate you now that you’ve graduated.”
“No… no you’re all fucken nuts…”
    You threw the test in the trash and intended to leave, only for Johnny to grab your arm, holding you back. Jeno was all over your belly, grabbing it and making baby noises.
“Easy now, baby. Now that you’re carrying our kid, we gotta take special care of you.”
“I am not having this baby!”
“That’s not up for debate.”
“It’s my body! And you fucken-”
“You think you can just play with us for four years?!” Jaehyun grabbed your chin, making you face him. “Four years, baby doll. That’s a lot of time to fall in love with a beautiful body and the girl that inhabits it. We weren’t playing, and we’re not gonna let you either. Your future is ours.”
“Fuck you! I didn’t consent to this! I’m not-” Jaehyun’s grip got tighter. “Let go…”
“You gotta be careful baby, don’t want you hurting yourself or the kid. We have a nice place picked out where we can look after you.”
“Let go!”
“Listen closely, darling.” Ten had Jaehyun let you go, stepping before you. “If anything happens to that baby, you are going to pay dearly for it. And don’t get any silly ideas in your head, you’re still young and very fertile, we have no problem tying you up and breeding you every night if something happens. So be a good girl, and smile, you’re gonna be a mother.”
“You’re crazy!”
“And you’re very hormonal, must be the baby. We should get you home.”
“No, no! Fucken let me go!”
“I can’t wait for the pregnant waddle.” Jeno cheered. “You’re gonna get so big!”
“I wonder if it’ll be a boy or girl.” Yuta said. “Maybe there’s more than one in there!”
“That’d be so cool.” 
“We’re gonna be dads!”
“I can’t wait!”
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Molly we need more DILF Daddy Sharma and Uni student Mary!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. We love DILF Daddy Sharma he charmed Mary with cheeky little Kate and we love that for him! 🔥🔥🌶️🌶️🫣🫣
Look, the story of Mile High Mary and Tharman is a little scandalous. I’m not sure if you can handle it.
Mary’s mother told her that her father’s work friend Tharman was looking for someone to watch his daughter, an allegedly adorable three year old while he worked. He was looking for a Nanny, essentially. And Mary was still on break from Uni so she thought she’d put herself up for the job. And from the moment she met Tharman Sharma, she knew she shouldn’t have.
He was handsome, and her mother had made him seem like he was her father’s ago. Middle aged and balding and he… definitely wasn’t that. He was handsome with his dark hair curling against his forehead and his neatly trimmed beard and his voice made something shiver down her spine when he said her name.
“And… when you go back to university?”
Mary blinked at him across the table at the cafe, “That’s not for a few months, And my schedule can generally be rearranged as long as I’m not doing clinical work.”
“You’re studying to be a…” He seemed as though he was trying to remember what her father might have told him and Mary was suddenly acutely aware of the fact that he was humouring her, this man, doing a favour for her father. “Dentist?”
“An optometrist.” She corrected, “The blue hair will disappear when I go back to uni. It was… a drunken dare.” She suddenly realised that probably wasn’t the kind of thing she should tell a man who she was hoping would entrust her with the care of his child. “I… it was just after finals. I don’t like… have a drinking problem.”
To her surprise Tharman smiled, “I remember what it was like to be 19.”
“I just turned twenty.”
“My mistake.” He sighed, scratching his beard. “Look, your Dad says you’re pretty responsible and I trust him so… can you be here tomorrow at eight for an interview with the boss?”
“Aren’t you the boss?”
“You would think so.” He chuckled, “But the boss is yay high.” He gestured to a spot near his knee, “And she answers to Katie.”
There was something so sweet in it. something that made her smile. “I can be here.”
Mary was nervous, when she made her way back to his house the next day, and he caught her off guard when he smiled at her as the door opened. “Come on in, she’s just through here.”
she was beautiful. The minute Mary saw her something in her softened. She looked up at the sound of her name and her dark curls fell in her eyes as she smiled. “Is this my new friend?”
“Maybe it is.” He chuckled, “This is Mary.”
Katie peaked around her father, “She’s pretty.”
“Thank you, Katie.” Mary hummed, sitting beside her and the array of stuffed dogs. “What are we playing?”
“We’re playing Dog Fairies.”
“Oh of course.” Mary hummed as though it were obvious, settling into the game as it was explained to her.
“He;s just… so fucking hot!” Mary whined to her friend as they sat in the bar. “Do you think it’s possible to get pregnant from just a look?”
Her friend rolled her eyes, “You need to get this guy out of your system.”
It was harder than she thought it would be. Not the job. Katie was so sweet. So gentle and bubbly and eager to do and learn as much as she could. It was just… hard to be around Tharman. He was gentle, proud of his daughter, every single drawing and craft project littered the walls of his office when she took Kate to see him for lunch. And she’d tried not to let it become habit, having coffee with him at the end of the day but it had. He told her about how he’d lost his wife, and how desperately he wanted Kate to grow up happy and loved. Safe. And it made her chest ache.
“Okay but consider this,” Mary said, “He was running late the other day and when I got there he was in a towel, fresh from the shower and I was ready to drop to my knees and call him Daddy.”
“You’re disgusting.” Emily grimaced, “That man is just… trying to live his life.”
“Oh, he flirts with me plenty.”
“Does he?”
The problem was she wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure if him offering to drive her home when it got late was something. She wasn’t sure if the way his jaw tensed when she mentioned having a date at the weekend was jealousy or him trying not to here about the daughter of his friend getting laid.
Emily took her silence as fact. “He’s just trying to raise his adorable daughter. And you’re there, wearing out your vibrator.”
Mary scoffed, “I haven’t worn it out. I actually just got a new one in his honour.”
“Foul. Fucking foul.”
She shouldn’t have been thinking about it. But something had been churning petulantly in her stomach since he asked her if she could stay late tonight. His bother in laws were taking him out, he said.
She loved spending time with Kate. Of course she did. The little girl cuddled up on her chest as they watched The Little Mermaid eating popcorn and chocolate until she fell asleep. But now Kate had gone to bed. And it was past 11, and her father was nowhere to be seen. And mary couldn’t do anything but think about someone else’s hands on him.
Keys sounded in the hall and the front door opened and closed and Mary sat up, picking up the book she’d abandoned ages ago. He looked tired when he came into the living room, his hair rumpled, already rolling his sleeves.
“Hey.” She hoped her voice sounded casual, but she knew it didn’t. “Good night?”
“it was… weird.” Tharman sighed, scratching his beard. “Do you drink?”
“I ah…” This was a bad idea. Surely it was a bad idea.
“Right. Of course you do. Blue hair. Have a drink with me.”
She followed him into the kitchen where he sat down two glasses on the counter with a clack and filled them with whiskey. Mary cleared her throat, “It was that good huh?”
Tharman sighed, taking a long drag “My brother in laws think I need to… get out more. That I need to… clear my head I guess.”
“Didn’t work.”
“It didn’t.” He groaned, “You’re young, why is dating weird now?”
Mary laughed, “How old are you?”
“I’m 31.” He nodded, “May as well be 150 because it’s been so long since I… dated.”
Mary took a drink from her glass and it burned in her chest, “Since you dated, or since you fucked someone?”
His mouth fell open in surprise and panic flickered through her chest but he laughed, the noise warm and solid and nice. “I haven’t had sex since Kate was born. Since my wife… died.”
“Three years is a long time.”
He looked at her and his eyes darkened and the words seemed to slip from his lips unbidden, “How long as it been since you had sex?”
Mary’s stomach dropped.
“I’m so sorry.” He said quickly, “That was so inappropriate. Fuck!”
“It’s been a few months.” She said casually, “Now that I’m working I’ve been having a slow dating life.”
It was almost true.
Tharman nodded and his knees brushed hers. “See you’re… a fucking beautiful woman though. I’m a guy that has sticky handprints on my jeans and when I say I have a three year old daughter women immediately shut down.”
“Oh, because you;re so hideous.” Mary rolled her eyes, “You’re a hot young Dad. An engineer. Any woman would be lucky to date you.”
“The evidence tonight suggests otherwise.”
“Well, the right person wouldn’t;t see Kate as a problem. The right person would love Kate because she’s sweet and beautiful and adorable and they’d be lucky to be part of that.”
Neither of them spoke, for a long moment he didn’t say anything and then he sighed and his fingertips brushed the bare skin of her thigh. An accident as he reached for his drink.
“I’m supposed to be clearing my head. Not this.”
“From what?” Mary could barely breathe.
Tharman sighed, “Just… Fuck. I’m a mess.” He laughed, “Why did I think anyone would want to date this?”
“Plenty of people would.”
“Know any?”
Tension rippled through the room, and Mary didn’t stop to think. She reached out and crashed her lips against his.
He gasped against her lips but he didn’t pull away, his tongue tangled with hers and his hands gripped her hips, pulling her firmly against his chest.
“I really shouldn’t do this.” He gasped, his hands tugging her legs up around his waist. “I told myself I wouldn’t do this to you.”
“Yes, you should. Yes you fucking should.”
And it would have been fine, surely it would have, were it not for the fact that her father walked in on them two weeks later. Both of them bare, his arms cradling her as they moved together. And everything exploded.
“What the fuck are you doing to my daughter?!”
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papayadays · 5 months
summary: lando x oc - when the fine line between engineer and driver blurs
a/n: eww i’m so bad at writing prologues but here you go, also for the summary tagline, i had to make sure it wasn’t cringe or cliche - took forever
but anyways, first bit of my new series!
warnings: a little bit of language used in an affectionate way, cutesy girl gang things
part 1/? in orange daisy series
“daisy moore, receiving a master of science in engineering!” daisy walked across the stage upon hearing her name called, a massive grin spread across her face. in her fancy — albeit cumbersome — gown, she grabbed the roll of paper and shook hands with those on stage. but whatever they were saying, daisy drowned them out. her own excitement overpowered their words.
“daisy and jade, say cheese!” kayla grinned holding up her phone, jolting daisy out of her thoughts. the three of them held up peace signs to the camera while showing their diplomas. “we finally graduated, bitch!” it was the end of the year and the three girls had all completed their master’s degree: daisy in mechanical engineering, kayla in marine biology, and jade in computer science. they had met in their first year at uni, and the three of them had become fast friends despite their varying nationalities. jade was british, kayla was australian, and daisy herself was american.
“tag us on your insta!” jade insisted, peering at kayla’s screen. “also, i forgot to mention this earlier, but girls’ night at my place? you know, for our graduation.”
“obviously!” daisy smiled. “we need to celebrate this moment, ladies. after this, our lives are going to change. not to be dramatic.”
“i’ll bring the champagne,” kayla sang.
later that night, the three girls were at jade’s apartment, sitting on the couch. the champagne had yet to be opened because they were all busy watching the formula 1 race. daisy and jade were true fans, but kayla was only in it because they were. at least, that’s what daisy guessed.
“why is it so boring?” kayla mumbled. daisy shot her a dirty look.
“ahem, mind you, right now, the drivers are all spaced out. plus, it’s a tough track to overtake on,” she explained. daisy loved the sport more than anything, and was more than happy to explain to her friend.
“sure,” kayla said, dramatically rolling her eyes. as she got up, her hand flew to the back pocket of her shorts. “oh my god!”
“what’s happening, kay? did you get your period or something?” jade asked, eyebrows scrunched.
“no, but i got a notification,” kayla said frantically, whipping out her beach-themed phone.
daisy stared at her friend. what was the big deal about a notification? “unless it’s a family emergency or something like that, i don’t think it’s that big of a deal, kay kay,” she responded.
“no, you don’t understand,” the aussie replied. “it’s from heron island research station.” daisy looked at jade and they shared a glance. they knew why kayla was so frantic. heron island research station was an internship program in queensland, australia for aspiring marine biologists and kayla was one of the applicants. she had been waiting for news of acceptance for a month now.
daisy looked at her friend nervously, crossing her fingers. finally, kayla looked up. “well?” daisy probed. “did you get in?”
daisy saw kayla’s mouth stretch into a smile as she yelled, “i made it. let’s effing go!” jade and daisy both lunged at kayla, pulling them all into a group hug.
“daisy and i are so proud of you!” jade squealed. kayla’s smile was radiant, and daisy patted her friend on the head.
“slay, queen!” she snickered. kayla gave her the finger as a sudden look of realization dawned on her.
“hey, dais, what about your internships?” the australian asked. daisy’s eyes widened. she had totally forgotten about them. on a whim, she had applied for numerous internships, five to be exact.
“oh shoot, i forgot all about it!” she pulled out her phone and opened her email. besides the junk from stores and whatnot, she found two emails. “double the celebration then!”
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joes-sha-la-la-la-girl · 10 months
When Love and Hate Collide: Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
Y/N felt her breath hitch when she caught sight of the five men behind Malvin. Instantly she recognised them all. Malvin walked her over to the band with a smile on his face as he did. Y/N took a moment before she put a faint grin on herself. 
“Boys I’d like you to meet the new tour assistant, Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N, this is the band.” Malvin then went on to introduce everyone, pointing at the band members respectively as he said their names. “We have Phil Collen and Vivian Campbell the guitarists, Rick Allen the drummer, Rick Savage the bassist, although to save confusion we all refer to him as Sav, and last but definitely not least, We have Joe Elliott, our lead singer.”
Y/N swallowed as she leaned forward to give them all a handshake. Phil, Vivian, Rick and Sav all shook her hand with a smile. Saying their own short words of welcome. When she held her hand out to Joe, however, he looked at it, then at her face, before eventually shaking it. He didn’t say a word and dropped her hand quickly as she had burned him.
“It’s great to meet you all.” Y/N smiled, trying not to dwell on the fact that even after only just meeting him, Joe seemed not to like her. The sour look on Joe’s face only seemed to strengthen when Malvin told them that she would be joining them on their bus when they landed rather than staying with the rest of the crew. 
Joe briefly glanced towards her before looking back at his tour manager.
 “Why?” was the only thing he said. 
“Because she is going to look after you for the duration of the tour. Rather than coming to me like you have done in previous years, you can go to Y/N here and she will be able to assist you quicker.” Malvin answered him without a thought. Almost as if he was expecting push-back from the singer. Y/N tried to keep the smile on her face, but the more Joe was rejecting her presence, the harder it was. 
Despite Y/N’s beliefs that she was doing a good job at hiding her crestfallen look, Sav could notice the nerves creeping in on her features. He slung his arm around her shoulder and smiled at her. “Well I think it’s gonna be great” He told her as the group started making their way to prepare to board the plane. Y/N looked up at him and nodded her head. She was sure that she could hear Joe scoff but decided to ignore it for now. 
She knew that after she had time to get to know him, hopefully, that she could break that tension between the two and show him that she wasn’t a hindrance. 
Soon enough they were on the plane. Y/N being one of the first to board after Phil’s insistence, earning yet another noise of discontent from Joe. Initially, she went to sit on her own, but soon she found the seat next to her was soon occupied by someone. Looking to her left she saw Vivian. He gave her a warm smile and they buckled up their seatbelts. She turned slightly only to see the surrounding seats occupied by three other band members, the only one who wasn’t there was Joe. 
“So…” Vivian started from beside her. “Have you ever been on tour with a band before or is this your first time?” 
“My first time. I have been an assistant before but only in an office whilst I was at Uni.” Y/N told him, already feeling more comfortable around the other band members, knowing at least four of them liked her. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s quite busy but there is nothing like it even for the crew.” Y/N smiled at his attempts to calm her down. Throughout the rest of the flight, The five of them all talked, Sav, Rick, Phil and Viv, as he told her to call him, getting to know the woman that they would be spending the next year with.
Y/N couldn’t believe the kindness the four of them were showing her, the only downside was the fact that other than the brief interaction that she had with him, Joe hadn’t said a word to her or even so much as looked her way. Almost as if seeing her internal turmoil, Rick, who was sitting directly behind her, tapped her on the shoulder.
“Look, don’t worry about Joe, he’s…” Rick paused as he was looking for the right phrase to use, “not great with new people. He’ll talk to you eventually, just give him some time.” He smiled at Y/N and she returned the gesture before he patted her shoulder twice more and sat back down. Viv, who had heard what Rick said, just nodded at her. Leaving Y/N no choice but to believe the musicians defending their band mate. Afterall, they knew him better than her. Y/N looked out of the window for the rest of the flight, occasionally talking to Viv, and wondering why she cared so much that a man, who she had just met, was ignoring her. 
Without her realising it, Y/N had dropped off to sleep. Her only knowledge of doing so was her being gently shaken by Viv as he woke her up telling her they were landing. “You’re lucky I was sitting next to you really.” Viv told her. 
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Y/N asked, still slightly dazed from her slumber. 
“Well, They were going to draw on your face, like they did to me the first time I fell asleep near them. However, I told them that it was too early to scare you off. So you’re welcome.” Viv flashed you a toothy grin as he gestured to the oh-so-innocent men sitting behind them.
Y/N let out a small giggle at that as she turned to face Rick and Phil behind her. They just kept up their innocent facade and pretended to not know ‘what Vivian could possibly mean, as they would never do such a thing.’
It wasn’t long before they landed in LA and were off of the plane. After the luggage was collected they were escorted straight to a bus so that they could get to the hotel they were staying at. 
After getting to know him on the flight, Y/N stayed close to Vivian, Sav wasn’t far away either. As they climbed onto the bus, Y/N took note of the contents. There were seats facing each other in the front half of the bus, with little tables. As she looked back she could see an area covered by curtains, which she assumed to be the beds. Right near the back was a small room, with a washroom sign, hung on it. In between the sofas and the beds, was a small fridge and a small kitchenette. Nothing overly fancy but definitely suitable for six adults. 
Straightaway, the men all went to claim a bed. Despite not staying there tonight, Y/N knew that they would be staying on the bus a lot and assumed that the five of them already had designated beds from previous tours.
Once everyone had settled, Y/N made her way over and discovered that the final bed was on the bottom left, directly opposite Joe’s. Without making a sound, Y/N placed her handbag on the bed and turned to sit in the little space provided. She caught sight of Joe watching her before he turned away from her. 
‘At least he didn’t pull the curtain shut.’ Y/N thought to herself as she pulled out the schedule Malvin had given to her the other day. It had an itinerary of everything the band would be doing over the next few days. Malvin had told her that every few days she would be given an updated one rather than having the general one, so that she could give the band more details as to what they would be doing. 
She saw that tonight there was nothing to do once they got to the hotel but tomorrow morning after breakfast they would be at soundcheck before the show. Whilst they were at soundcheck, she made a mental note to go grocery shopping to stock up the tour bus. Another job she had. Malvin had given her a list of basic items that the band usually had but Y/N planned on asking them all for their own input. Whilst most meals would be eaten either in restaurants, or provided at venues, she wanted to make sure the boys had enough to eat during the long drives between locations. 
It wasn’t long before they got to the hotel. Y/N met up with Malvin in the hotel lobby, helping him to check in whilst the rest of the boys stood behind them. She could hear them all whispering but ignored them as she watched how Malvin handled check-in, knowing that soon enough that would be her responsibility. 
The receptionist gave her the keys to their rooms and Y/N walked over to the nad, giving them their room numbers and keys. Joe just nodded at her, taking off to his room before she could give him instructions on how to get there. Shrugging his behaviour off once again, she just focused on the rest of the band. She was in room 513, Sav 515, Rick 512, Viv in 514, Phil in 518 and Joe in 517. 
Making her way to her hotel room, Y/N made small talk with the rest of the band. Once they got to their rooms she bid them all goodnight. As soon as her door was shut, Y/N sighed and made her way over to the bed. Knowing better than to go to sleep earlier whilst jet lagged, Y/N started to organise herself with a to-do list of her tasks. 
It wasn’t long after she started that she heard a knock at the door.
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arcielee · 1 year
Interview With a Writer
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Thank you @humanpurposes for your time to answer my questions about your amazing story 💜 This is just a continuation of my Interview With a Writer series. You can go to masterlist and read the other amazing, talented, wonderful authors that I have spoken with, getting a BTS of their brilliant minds and their stories on Tumblr and ao3.
Dividers by @saradika 💜
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Name: humanpurposes
Story: My Heart Belongs to Daddy
Paring: modern!Aemond x step-daughter
Warnings: 18+, angst, smut, daddy kink, spanking, degradation, questionable relationship dynamics, infidelity, mentions of grief/loss, no underage elements.
So, when did you start writing?
I've always had an interest in stories, whatever form they take, books, films, plays, ideas in my head. Since I was a kid I've loved exploring different creative outlets, writing being one of them.
I think I first really started to realise I was decent at it when I did creative writing at school, it was the one subject I just 'got'. As a teenager I tried writing fanfiction and originals (which were all terrible and never saw the light of day), and to be honest, my interest in writing dwindled while I was doing A Levels and uni.
Then last year, out of nowhere, I managed to finish a one-shot for The Sandman (which I never posted and lost rip). Then House of the Dragon happened, Aemond Targaryen appeared on my screen and the rest is history! So really it's only in the last year I've considered myself 'a writer'.
Where did the plot for My Heart Belongs to Daddy come from?
One thing about me is that I'm highly susceptible to peer pressure, so when people were asking for a part 2, I was like "of course!" ...cut to me sitting in front of my laptop for hours trying to conjure up a plot.
I knew I wanted it to be quite an emotional series, because while hooking up with your mum's boyfriend is a fun gimmick for a one-shot, I really wanted to get deeper into all the dynamics and relationships at play. I knew I wanted Alys to have her moment, I was really adamant that she wasn't going to be a villain, and I had the scene outside the club on New Years Eve in my head. From there, I kinda came up with Aemond's backstory, him having a crush on her when they were younger and harbouring those feelings. It all just kinda fell into place from there.
I have to say as well, it was kind of inspired by Normal People; just two people struggling to navigate their feelings. And I love it because it sounds like such a simple premise, but there are so many complexities to it.
Expand on your interpretation of Aemond. What drives him? Why is he the way he is in MHBTD?
MHBTD Aemond is very much intended to mirror the Aemond we see in the show, minus the dragon and the war crimes.
He's studious, a perfectionist, a very imposing but understated presence. The relationship with his family is very much the same too. He sees himself as more capable than his siblings, is overlooked by his father and overshadowed by Rhaenyra and the Strong boys, so he is very much driven by a want to prove himself and live up to the legacy of his family.
He also takes on the burden of being Alicent's golden child, which he kinda botches when he messes up a contract with Storm's End, and ends up feeling more alienated by the only person who really values him. That's where Alys comes in and gives him a way to escape all of that.
So I really tried to translate his character into a modern setting in a way that would be believable, but I didn't want to lose what makes Aemond Targaryen, "Aemond Targaryen."
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Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
Well, this was actually the first reader/nameless character fic I've written. Generally I tend to write original characters for a series. I mean real talk though, a lot of her character is inspired by me, like her interest in history and the love for Lana Del Rey and Mazzy Star, but if you can't self indulge when writing a fanfiction, when can you?
But it was interesting for me trying to write her as someone who is easy to project onto, but also, I hope, has a lot of depth. She has a lot of conflicts going on in her head, her dependence on Aemond and her guilt she feels lying to Alys, knowing pursuing a relationship is wrong, trying to break away, only to be pulled back in... so the more I wrote, the more she became her own person.
What is your take on her relationship with Aemond? Do you feel she complements Aemond?
I think they compliment each other quite well, but there are a lot of things at play here.
So on a basic level, they have similar personalities, not particularly outgoing but not exactly shy either, they both have a quiet confidence. They have similar interests, did similar subjects at uni, that kind of thing.
But I think their differences go together well too. Aemond is ambitious and eager to prove himself, whereas she can be a bit more grounded. There's also an element of codependency to their relationship. True to canon, Aemond likes to be in control and she compliments that well (better than Alys does), and they both have moments where they struggle with loneliness and latch onto each other as a result.
There are a lot of external factors that make the whole situation very very complicated. They suck at communication and obviously, he dated her mother.
But ultimately, they both want each other enough to keep going back. I think it's like that age of question of 'is love enough?'
What was your outline process for this? Did you always know how this story was going to end?
I always write with an end point in mind. For me anyway, I need to know what I'm working towards. In my head it was always going to end with her knowing that while being with Aemond probably isn't the right choice, she does it anyway because she can't say no to him.
And again talking about realism, I really didn't see it having a fairytale ending, because even though they'll be in Oldtown together, they won't be able to hide their relationship from their families forever.
Do you think there will be a sequel? Or something else you are working on next?
As much as I've loved working on this series, I am ready to work on some other stuff.
I have two series which I'm currently updating, a canon era Aemond fic called Karma is a God, and a Tom Bennett mini series called Just for a Moment.
I also have some one-shots in the works and I'm looking to get back to updating an Osferth fic which I started in May and haven't updated since!
That being said... I did have an idea for an epilogue which I'm kinda obsessed with. But we'll see how long it takes me to get round to it 🤭
Last question! Do you have any fanfic recommendations?
That's so hard to just pic one!
I have to shout out my girl Sam @randomdragonfires and her story Invisible String. I love the dynamic she created between Aemond and the reader, only to leave me utterly devastated with the ending! Sam is so talented I love her writing style and the voices she gives the characters, everything she writes is gold.
Also, I feel like I'll never shut up about it but Now I'm Covered In You by @inthedayswhenlandswerefew was just incredible. I cannot tell you how much of a chokehold that fic had on me. The tension, the politics, the drama, the yearning between Aemond and Ivy! I was on the edge of my seat for all 10 Chapters.
I'm obsessed with medieval history, it is literally my perfect fic.
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athanasia-day · 19 days
In honor of the Suicide Prevention Month I think i like to share some thoughts about it and some realizations I just had. I'll be writting this in English and it isn't really my native language, so bare with me.
It was early December of 2021, I was a few months over 16 when I decided that I was finally done with life. Being honest, the idea of suicide had already crossed my mind since I was really young, when? I couldn't exactly tell you, but I was really young when I came to understand that, I wasn't scared of death like everyone else, instead, I crave it.
I can not by any means tell you what made me and still makes me so sad. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't love myself enough, that I didn't feel loved or maybe I was just born sad and tired.
Since kid, I was one of those smarty pants girls who loved books and praise from anyone around me, I craved validation.
So, in 2021, when my anxiety and depression hit me the hardest, I simply dropped, there isn't other word I could use to describe it. I stopped caring about grades or making friends, I only wanted to sleep for hours and to read in a quiet place.
A fact that I always remind myself now that I'm in uni and everyone keeps asking why I choose this career, I always said "it's what I wanted to do since I was a kid" because that was the last time I imagine myself as an adult. After that? I didn't see myself living past my sixteens. Even now it's difficult for me imagining a day where I'll be 30.
That December, when my grades arrived I just knew that I had disappointed my family, and I think that was the last straw at that moment, the only thing keeping me sane was the need of validation. Without that? I was lost.
So, 16 years old me decided that I was gonna take advantage of my family not keeping tabs of the multiple pills we had. I didn't know how It worked, and I'm thankful that it didn't cross my mind to do more research.
I remember my mother screaming at my dad because of my grades as my older brother hugged me, saying that they were just grades, that I least didn't fail any subject or something.
That night, while I was hiding in my family room (where we all slept together except for my older brother), I was lying on my little brother's bed while I was planning.
When it was midnight, I went down stairs knowing mom would be asleep and I checked the pills and grabbed some. I went to my brother's bed again and lay there with the pills.
And yes, as horrorific as it sounds, I was ready to die in my brother's bed, and thinking about that, what the hell was I thinking? The twins were both 10, and they would be the first ones to find my body, how could they ever sleep on those beds again? Knowing that their sister died there?
I was just lying there and processing if I should really go on with my plan when I decided to text my friend to get some help or to simply say goodbye, after all, my parents' goodbye letters have already been written years ago.
So, it was like 2 a.m when I texted my friend, Andrea, and yes, I'm name dropping her because she's an amazing human being and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.
I got into a long talk with her, and even though it didn't change my mind, she made me promise to go out with them some days later. I didn't know that she shared our conversation with our others friends till days later on the outing I saw my friends conversation with another one.
And, it may not sound like much, how could a simple hang out mean so much that it makes you change you mind on suicide? But it meant the world to me, but it reminded me that I am loved, that there would be people who would cry and miss me. It gave me what I had lost sight of, that I was more than some value defined by the things I did or haven't done.
A month later I made a new letter that I personally read to my dad, and I don't think he really understood how deeply hurt I was or how bad the situation was before, but the hug he gave that day cured a lot of wounds that I didn't even knew where there.
Today, I had a very good day, and I'm thankful to say that I enjoyed so much more of life that I would have if I had taken that choice when I was 16.
I realized that, if I had taken that choice, my mom and family would had buried two bodies in a month, my grandpa's, my mom's dad who passed away a few days after my outing, and mine.
Today, I'm 19, because I was reminded by the people who really cared about me that I was more than what I saw in the mirror, that I was more than some bad grades.
Today, I'm 19, studying a career that I can't tell you right now if I love, but that I certainly like. I go to uni Monday to Friday, I work in the morning, I'm studying English and looking to study more languages.
Today, I'm 19, because even if my mom and I fought a lot, I still love her enough to stay by her side, because I love our fights even though I cry a lot during them, because I love how she bakes chocolate cakes and hears me when I talk about Taylor Swift, Doctor Who, Percy Jackson or whatever I'm obsessing at the moment.
Today, I'm 19, because Andrea, Vicky, Jonathan and Maru where there for me and loved me even when I couldn't do it myself. And I'm so very thankful for that, and I swear that I'll live to the fullest with the new life they gave me.
And you, who is reading this, stranger, friend or someone I know that I decided to share this with, know that you're loved, even if you can't see it.
I won't lie to you, it will hurt, you will have your drops, but, and as cliche as it sounds, life is not only about the bad things in our life. It's about that chocolate cake that awaits for you at the table, about that book you still haven't finished, about that friend who would forever remind you as a more than a depressed person, but as their soulmate.
Take care, and thank you for reading.
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emma-m-black · 21 days
Sister Kent - Chapter One
Ted Lasso/OC (Roy Kent's Little Sister) (FanFiction) - PG
Takes place in season one, the night the Roy goes to Ted's flat and talks to him (and gets offered peanut butter). Ted and Roy's little sister hit it off.
This is a rough draft as always and I wrote this to be 4 chapters. Hope you enjoy.
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Chapter One:
Juliet leaned against the brick wall of a shop as she watched her brother pound the call button to flat two. His shoulder's pulled back and she could see his free hand starting to ball up in anger.
"He's not bloody home!" Roy spoke gruffly and with narrowed eyes as he stared at the buzzer for Ted Lasso's flat.
"Well he's American yeah? Is there a pub near by? Probably popped out for a brew."
Roy stepped back from the door and started walking back in the direction they had come from. "Why are you here again?"
"Because I'm your sister, and unfortunately I can tell when you are in a mood so figure you shouldn't be left alone in whatever adventure you are embarking on." Juliet spoke as she walked quickly to catch up to Roy. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her dark green leather jacket and pulled in her shoulders to ward off the cold as she walked.
"No, Juliet. Why are you here, in Richmond?"
"I'm here because I miss you Roy."
This caused him to finally stop walking and look at her, his shoulders letting out some of the tightness they were holding.
"I saw there was an opening for a physiotherapist for next season and applied because I miss my sister, I miss my niece, and I miss my big brother. I'm sure Ms. Welton only hired me because I'm your sister, but I don't care. I'm here now, so let's go find your Yankee."
"He's from Kansas."
"And that's suppose to mean something to me?"
Roy just rolled his eyes and turned and began to walk once again. "Fuuuuck." He whispered as he watched Ted setting down a pint glass and walking towards the street, the opposite direction of his home. "I'll be right back."
Juliet watched as Roy jogged towards a man with short slicked back hair and a backpack. Sticking his arm out to stop the man before he got taken out by a car. They chatted for a moment before they both turned and started walking towards where Juliet was standing. The two said nothing as they walked past her and back towards the flat they had once been standing at.
Once the door was unlocked and open Ted and Roy entered and Juliet followed timidly after, closing and locking the door behind her. It took until they were all standing in the sitting room before Ted took notice of her. "Oh, hello! How did I miss you?"
"Ted, Juliet." Roy muttered as he waved a hand between the two. "Juliet, Ted."
"Juliet, well now that is a pretty name. Your last name wouldn't be Capulet now would it?"
Juliet let out a little laugh before Roy let out a low growl. "No it's Kent, so don't get any ideas."
"Oh, are you Phoebe's mom? I tell you the stuff that that girl comes up with, she's a smart one." Asked Ted as removed his backpack and sat it to the floor at his feet.
"I will be sure to pass along that praise to my sister when I see her."
"Juliet only just graduated from Uni. She doesn't even have a boyfriend." Roy let out a laugh and while his tone was the same as anything else he ever said it still have across as patronizing.
Folding her arms across her chest Juliet narrowed her eyes at Roy. "Thanks big bro."
Ted may have had a few beers in quick succession but he still knew best to diffuse the situation. "Well come on now, take your jackets off and stay awhile."
Juliet slipped her jacket from her shoulders and made to drape it across her arm when Ted held out a hand for it. Handing it over he gently laid it on the back of the couch for her before he took off his own jacket and did the same.
"Come sit down Roy, I'm glad you're here." Ted moved through the kitchen and grabbed an open jar of peanut butter from the counter, sticking his finger in and scooping out some, he plopped it in his mouth before offering the jar to Roy.
"I'm good."
"You got a nut allergy?" Asked Ted as he pulled the jar away swiftly pointing it in Juliet's direction.
"I got a finger allergy." Said Roy.
Juliet on the other hand shrugged her shoulders and stuck a finger in, scraping the side of the jar. "I adore peanut butter."
Ted gave her a smile and Juliet smiled back before sticking the tip of her finger in her mouth. The young woman did not miss that Ted's eyes seemed to follow the motion of her finger, and she watched as his adam's apple moved up and then back down. The air in the room suddenly becoming quite hot and she was sure that the heat she felt on her cheeks meant that she was blushing as much as Ted. It only took a moment before he noticed his stare because quickly he put the jar to the counter, cleared his thought and looked to Roy. "What else have I got to offer here, red wine? We got tea."
Moving about the kitchen Ted avoided making eye contact with Juliet and instead focused on a pot on the stove. Lifting it he checked inside and then motioned with his head. "Two-day-old pasta water?"
Roy pushed out a chair with his foot, looked Juliet in the eyes and pointed for her to sit. "Tea's fine."
Juliet sat herself across from Roy as Ted moved to fill a kettle with water. "Look, I'm sorry I told you to go fuck yourself."
"Eh, la-di-da." Ted spoke with a shrug of his shoulders.
"I'm usually better at hiding my anger."
A snort left Juliet and Roy gave her a kick from under the table. Ted seemed to as well be in disbelief. "You think so, huh? Know thyself. Rest in peace, Socrates." Ted saluted the sky and gave his chest a thump and once again Juliet had to try and contain herself as she looked eyed her brother.
The atmosphere in the room was cozy, considering Juliet knew that Roy was not one to discuss his feelings. Feelings of which he had been discussing all night with her prior to coming here.
"Tea?" Asked Ted as he pulled a cup from a nearby cabinet and looked to Juliet.
Roy sighed and shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he diverted his gaze to the ceiling. "Told my niece I might not be playing. She asked if we could go get ice cream. Wanted to see her aunt Juliet now that she's in town again."
"Well, hey, at least you had someone you could talk to, right? How was the ice cream?"
"Good. It's fucking ice cream." Roy spoke matter of fact.
"Yeah, right? Ice cream's the best. It's kind of like seeing Billy Joel preform live, you know? It never disappoints." Ted glanced back at Roy as he set three mugs on the counter, and dropped a tea bag in each. "It does give me the toots though." Ted looked at Juliet with a smile. "The ice cream, not Billy Joel."
"Hey living in an ice cream world is better than living in a white bread world." Juliet gave Ted a wink as she spoke.
Ted's eye grew large and his smile reached his eyes as he stared at Juliet. "Ooo, Uptown girl!"
"Fuck, there's two of them." Roy ground out as he put his elbows to the table top. "Oi, I came here to pour my heart out, can you two stop fucking flirting for two minutes."
Both Ted and Juliet's faces dropped their smiles, and Ted cleared his throat and went back to watching the kettle. "Sorry Roy, continue."
"I asked Phoebe if she was still gonna watch the match if I wasn't playing. Little shit said yes. Didn't even blink. Just straight into my face."
Ted turned and his hair flopped in front of his face. "Well, hey. That's showbiz, ain't it? I promised myself I was never gonna watch Fresh Prince again when the swapped out Aunt Viv's. But truth be told, as long as they let Carlton do his thing, I was always gonna take a minute and just sit right there. Sidebar, Alfonso Riberio the greatest physical comedian of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first century. Case in point right here." Ted then began to kick his legs out and swing his arms with a snap of his fingers. "Iconic, yeah?"
A laugh left Juliet's lips as she pushed her chair back and out of the range of Ted's swinging arms.
Roy on the other hand just raised an eyebrow. "I never know how to react when a grown man does the Carlton in front of me."
Ted's head started to swing to an invisible beat. "You could see a silhouette doing this, you know exactly what it is, you know exactly who's doing it. It is the one, the only, Alfonso..." Ted's voice had started to get louder as he went and the response to it was a pounding from above them.
Cupping his hands around his mouth Ted stopped dancing and pointed his lips towards the ceiling. "Sorry, Ms. Shipley!" Then he looked back to Juliet and clenched his face in apology. "It has been a whole thing this last week."
The kettle began to whistle and Ted turned himself to pouring the hot water into cups. "Anyway. You know what we could do? You've been hurt off and on all season. Why don't we just say you're injured you can't play. No shame in that."
"That would help protect my stock if I wanna move next season. Maybe to a club that actually wants to start me."
Ted turned back to Roy. "Come on."
"What if, God forbid, I end up having to play in fucking America, where I'd dominate, by the way. They'd be like, 'Oh, is this football then?'"
"Well, obviously, my preference would be to have you there. At practice tomorrow and the game. But hey, you gotta do what's right for you." Ted placed the kettle back down and handed a steaming cup of tea to Juliet.
"Can I think about it?" Roy asked as Ted moved back to grab the remaining two cups. He handed one across to Roy.
"I'd call you a big dummy, poo-poo face if you didn't."
Roy groaned while Juliet tried not to snort into her cup.
"be honest with me." Ted asked as he sat down in the remaining chair and looked from Roy to Juliet and back again. "It's a prank, right? The tea. Like, when us tourist folk aren't around? y'all know this tastes like garbage."
"No. I love it." Roy looked over his cup at Ted with a smirk.
"You don't love it. It's pigeon sweat." Ted took a sniff of his cup and wrinkled his nose.
Taking a swig from his cup Roy looked at Ted and gave a large audible sigh of delite.
Juliet watched as Ted took a sip from his cup before quickly setting it down on the table in discust. "Horrible. Horrible."
"Coffee is the superior hot brown morning potion." Said Juliet as she took a sip from her own mug.
"The Dragon Prince!" Ted cheered out with a point of his finger to Juliet. "Oh, I like you Capulet."
"You too Montague." Juliet replied as she gave a salute to Ted.
"Fuuuuuuuck. This is gonna be a thing now, isn't it? I'm gonna have to listen to this all the bloody time at the club house aren't I?"
"Well, to hear it at the club house, Juliet would have to work there... wait now a gosh darn minute! Are you working for AFC Richmond?"
Juliet placed her cup down on the table, and ran a finger across the lip. "I start my introduction to the club tomorrow, and officaly take over a as lead physiotheripst next season."
"Well hot dog!" Placing his elbows on the table Ted balled up his fists and rested his chin on them. "Promise me that you'll let me give you the tour?"
"FUCK NO!" Roy yelled as she stood up from his seat.
Roy rolled his eyes and looked up to the ceiling. "Sorry Ms. Shipley." Looking back at the table he stared at Ted. "You stay the fuck away from my sister, and you." Roy turned to look at Juliet. "Stay away from my manager. Time to go."
Picking up her cup Juliet took a large gulp of her now cool tea and stood from her seat. Setting the mug back down she looked at Ted with a smile. "It was a pleasure to meet you Ted."
"The pleasure was all mine Juliet." Ted replied as he too stood and placed his hands into the pockets of his kahkis.
Moving toward the living room, Juliet grabbed her jacket and slipped it on, pulling at her long black hair to free it from beneath the leather. Ted walked them to the door and once they had left he locked his door with a smile on his face, something he was sure he was not going to end the day with.
Chapter Two
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theretirementstory · 3 months
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16/06/2024. Bonjour à tous, hoping I find you all well. It’s a cloudy day and we are expecting rain but as I always say it’s good for the garden.
Talking of the garden, Monique came to visit me yesterday and before I knew it she was outside clearing all the large weeds from the raised beds and planters. What a difference it made and she found a lone nigella, which she replanted, then took a piece from the dianthus and planted that with a little pansy in the raised planter. Normally this is where I grow my salad stuffs but flowers will do for this year.
I had a message from Pauline, she is in town and is going to come visit me this morning. Funnily enough I have so much to do this weekend and I will have had two visitors!
This last week has been full of hospital visits, PET scan one day, trip to Paris hospital another day, where they were concerned because my platelets are not rising at all despite having transfusions, injections and tablets. I had a day at home on Wednesday but then it was transfusions in Troyes hospital and Friday back to Paris for a consultation and platelet transfusion.
I was also given the result of the PET scan which was not the result I was hoping for! However, the doctor said that although the CAR-T cell treatment hadn’t done all that was expected of it, it had not been a failure. I require further treatment and am going back into hospital in Paris tomorrow. Fortunately it’s only for three days this week and three days next (at the moment).
My grandchildren are with “The Photographer” this weekend, what a couple of jokers they are. Friday evenings video call saw my granddaughter telling me her name was SIX. When I said “Hello Six” she laughed so much. She was pointing to her brother and saying “his name is two”, but he didn’t want that and said “my name is PIZZA!” Oh that made me laugh so much.
“The Photographer” starts a new job tomorrow and the first week will be taken up with training, meeting colleagues and generally easing into the work. Good luck with that. I will be thinking about you.
“The Trainee Solicitor” has had three days at Uni and getting up at 5:15am is no joke (I can vouch for that!). However, he is half way through the course, has two days there this week, so that isn’t so bad.
“The Reconnect Navigator” has had a painful back for a while and she managed to get an appointment to have it assessed. It is sciatica but she is being sent for an MRI scan as he thinks there is other damage too.
Yesterday “The Trainee Solicitor and “The Reconnect Navigator” went to see “my grandchildren and share a lunch with the two “Fathers” for Father’s day today. Apparently “The Reconnect Navigator” was flavour of the month for the children as they had been arguing, before she arrived, as to who would play with her first. Normally my grandson is shy with her but not this weekend. Of course, “The Trainee Solicitor” is a favourite no matter what and I am sure he was given big hugs by both of them.
“The Jetsetter” should be back from Majorca now and it will be nice to find out how the Spanish treated the English while she was there. There has been a lot in the newspapers about “tourists go home” and it will be interesting to hear from a tourist.
I am back with a couple of songs, the first is the brilliant “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” by Roberta Flack way back in 1972. The song is from one of my favourite films “Play Misty For Me” with Clint Eastwood.
The second song, is one that I have loved from when I first heard it, it’s the amazing Nina Simone with “Ain’t Got No, I Got Life” this dates back to 1968 (sorry it’s a real oldie).
I have had a message from Anie, who is currently in Aiguës Mortes on her holiday. She is having a good time with her family from Indonesia.
So that’s about it for another week, let’s hope that the news is better this coming week. I am pleased that my book delivery arrived, as I will have some books to take into hospital to read while I am resting.
Bon dimanche.
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