#i knew deep in my heart there was some reason why Franks Back In Business is my fav
cutemeat · 28 days
i delusionally think deetress scraps cld happen under chernin brothers bcuz the scene got deleted but they also wrote her one canon lesbian sexual experience (trying to get off via female masseuse in franks back in business)
sorry i had to process this ask for like 12 hours before i could look at it again to post it
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romanticaacore · 10 months
This fic was inspired by the song "My Way of Life" by Frank Sinatra. I first thought of giving this to Jing Yuan because I can also see him in this theme but I couldn't resist Tartaglia. I'm just trapped under his spell. He is my whole world...!! ♥️
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"You're not just going to leave me here like this, are you?"
The man would come and find you every single day and would always keep you company. You did everything in your power to keep him at bay, to throw some weak excuse that you were busy. Heavens, there were times when you would flat out tell him that you did not want to be with him.
Tartaglia was a man who appreciated honesty. He valued good and true communication, he did not have the time and patience when it came to mind games, especially when it came towards the things and people that mattered to him.
And against his better judgment, you had managed to carve yourself deep into his heart. He did not understand how or why it happened, it just did. It was cruel, how you avoided him. It felt as though you grabbed a sharp blade and stabbed him straight into his chest, the air being knocked out of lungs every single time you would reject his advances.
But what stung most of all was the fact that you were as a matter of fact, not honest with him.
He could tell that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. If you truly wished to do nothing with him, you would be much harsher towards him. He knew you were not a pushover, you could take care of yourself and yet he still wished to take care of you. The lingering touches, the longing gazes, the way in which your hand fit so perfectly in his own was otherworldly. You were made specifically for him and him only. He could not have crafted a person so perfect, someone who both satisfies and calms him.
Someone who makes him feel human.
Reaching out towards you Tartaglia took your wrist and held it close. He pressed the palm of your hand against his chest, straight against his heart and he kept you there, his blue eyes piercing your own.
You belonged to him. He belonged to you.
He cursed the fact that he was a Harbinger. If he was not in the Fatui, he was sure that the two of you would already be together. That was the only reason you avoided him, the fear of being associated with someone like him was too great.
And he could not fault you for that.
Salty tears clouded your vision as you stared at the handsome man, his back straight like the soldier that he was. Everything about him was prim and proper, but in a deadly way, like a weapon ready for the bloodiest battle.
"You are a killer." you said, voice quivering and yet still giving into his touch.
"I am." he confessed. There was no point in denying it, he could not hide anything from you.
He did not want to hide anything. Not anymore.
Standing before you was not Tartaglia, Childe, the 11th Fatui Harbinger. In this very sacred moment he laid himself for you, his soul and heart bared completely for you and no one else. He was being selfish, so horribly selfish. But damn it all, he wanted you. His ambitions were sky high but he could not give you up.
He did not want anyone else by his side. It was going to be either you or no one.
His lips hovered over your own, threatening to steal the many kisses he promised to claim a long time ago.
You were not sure if you could stop him.
"You are not a creature capable of such love."
"I can learn. For you."
There it was, that horrible confidence, dare you say arrogance even. Who did he think he is? How dare he do this to you - waltzing in your life and staking his claim to your heart? You wanted to slap him, to kick him, to show him just how angry you were. You wanted to cry and yell and to kiss him. You wanted to leave him breathless, to make him ache for you but was it worth it? To leave everything you knew, your whole life behind to go see the world with this man, this glorious, wonderful man?
Knowing him, he would take your beating without any complaints.
It was hard to be in love. But it was even harder to love a man like him.
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Can you write something about camilo bringing his Girlfriend home to meet his family (i think everyones reactions would be funny)
I absolutely could??? I LOVE writing for Camilo? Let's see what I can do!
(Pls note, I LOVE Camilo, but imma be like. REALLY cautious about asks regarding him, because some bitches in the Fandom don't know how to act. So Camilo asks are welcome, within reason).
"Hey Mami? Dad? I was kinda wondering if I could bring someone over for dinner tonight."
Camilo was busy really packing it in at the breakfast table. It wasn't Sunday, so not ALL his family was present, just his mom, dad, and Antonio. Dad made breakfast, and even though they saw eye to eye on...not much really, they both loved food, and his dad REALLY put love into his cooking. Pepa nodded as she helped Antonio cut bits of meat. Not for him, but to feed his panther, Pierce.
"Of course, mijo, why do you even need to ask? You have your friends here all the time! And it's Friday, you know those aren't family nights."
He wiped his hands, getting them ready to hold her hands. He knew she wasn't ready for this news, but he already promised he'd do this. He took a deep breath, and held out his hands.
"Hold my hands. I need to tell you something, and I need you to like, PLEASE not hurricane, okay?"
She put her hands into his own, and he tried not to wince as snow cascaded over her. That was Pepa for 'going to have a fucking heart attack', and even Félix looked as if this was a bad idea. He waited till his dad held onto her shoulder, before Pepa nodded.
"Okay. You can tell me ANYTHING."
"Good. Because I'm bringing a friend over for dinner. A girl. My girlfriend. Who I've been dating for a month. Which isn't a lot, but I REALLY like this girl, and she's ALWAYS wanted to meet you guys. So is...that okay?"
Antonio had to hold onto the cat's head as he watched his mom's snow start to turn into an ever growing snowstorm. She took a shakey breath, clearly not seeing this coming.
"You. Have a girlfriend. An official girlfriend. Not just someone you're dating?"
"Nope, official girlfriend. Please, deep breaths, deep breaths. I think you'll REALLY like her. Please, I SWEAR I picked a good one! She's SUPER pretty, she's fun, she cooks! She's great!"
He was proud of her for doing her deep breaths, like they practiced. It didn't remove the clouds, but it kept it from getting MUCH worse. She slowly nodded, squeezing onto her son's hands.
"Okay. This is fine. I just. Have one question, and you NEED to tell me the truth. Understand?"
Camilo glanced towards his dad. They had one HUGE rule in the family- do NOT lie to Pepa, even if it'd benefit her. He nodded.
"Si mami. Whatever you wanna ask."
"Did you- Tonito, cover your ears mijo. Did you have sex with this girl?"
That. Wasn't the question he expected. Though, he could sorta understand the worry. He was sixteen, that's something people his age were curious about, usually.
"Nope. I mean, we've done hard-core make out stuff, but I'm not really interested putting mine in hers, you know?"
Camilo had charisma, and he was smooth enough to charm a snake. But in terms of libido, well, he had little to none. He just didn't like anything past kissing, to be frank. His answer seemed to calm Pepa down enough for the snow to stop, but the cloud still formed over her head.
"Okay. Good. I just. I worry, mijo."
"I know, mami, I know. And thank you for worrying. It just shows you're the best mami in the whole Encanto."
He kissed the back of one of her hands like a gentleman, and tried not to sigh in relief. Step one was complete. Step two...was going to be a lot harder.
Camilo jumped the second he heard the doorbell. Right on time. He opened the front door, and there she was. The longest girlfriend he's ever had, Dulce. She was shorter than him, hair done up in braids, and built as pretty and fluffy as a marshmallow. She was just precious.
"Hey. You're on time. Thought you'd be fashionably late."
"I wanted to make a good first impression, duh. How'd your mom take the news?"
He shrugged as he let her in, trying not to make the other important girl in his life worried.
"She didn't tornado, which is good. She's nervous though, like you. Which I don't get, you guys are just gonna eat food, not fight to the death."
"I know, I know. I just want her to like me. If I HAD to pick someone to fight though, hand to hand, it'd be Alma."
Camilo snorted, ever so casually holding onto one of her hands. He could feel the bits of frosting still clung to the ends of her nails, which was pretty common for a baker's daughter.
"Bad move, Abuela has been through it, I feel like she'd snap your spine like a twig. I'd go Augustín, he'd accidentally punch himself in the face and you'd win."
There was laugh he missed from her. He rested his forehead against hers, feeling her hair tickle his skin. Her eyes were beautiful like this, dark as smooth Caramel, and lips looking as full as a pound cake. It contrasted beautifully to her long, white dreadlocks.
"You're too good at cheering me up."
"A woman's heart IS through her smile. And I think I can make you smile without saying another word~"
He could feel her breath against his as he leaned in, he could practically taste the sugary smelling lip gloss she had on. One little kiss wouldn't hurt. Or two. Or three. Or four. Or more. Unfortunately, he didn't get that, given the fact that the thunder made them both jump. Pepa was right there, holding onto Félix's hand tight enough to make him slightly wince. Dulce cleared her throat as she took a step away from Camilo, in order to hold her hand out to her.
"Hey! It's so great to meet you! I'm Dulce."
Pepa was about to shake her hand, but Félix, with an awkward smile, forced her hand down.
"She's. Not ready for that. I'm Félix, so nice to meet you. Rosa's daughter right? Lovely woman, we dated in high school. Pepa, you remember that right?"
Pepa nodded, trying to make herself breathe as Félix shook the girl's hand.
"Yes. We still have coffee sometimes. It's so nice to have you here."
"...is it, though?"
The thunder was getting worse, and Pepa trying to control it seemed to have a negative affect. Félix lightly patted Pepa's shoulder, trying to soothe her.
"She's fine, she's just nervous. Uh-Isabela! Mija, can you take these two to the table? Pepa needs a minute."
Camilo tried not to groan at his cousin's smirk. He was ready for her saying some shit, purely because this was HIS girlfriend.
"Of COURSE I can! Come on you two."
Camilo gave his mom a worried look, before following Isa to the dining room table. Dulce leaned a bit into his space, keeping her voice low.
"Does she not like me? I can leave and we can just hang out somewhere else."
"No no. I promised you'd meet the fam. Trust me, once we eat, things are gonna calm down."
Isa turned to make sure no adult was around, when she grinned.
"She definitely needs food. If she's dating you, clearly she needs some kind of healing, maybe for her eyes."
Camilo turned into Isa, crossing his eyes and mocking her tone.
"If ShE's DaTiNg YoU- shut the hell up Isa."
Julieta called out from the kitchen. Camilo was about to call bullshit from her selective hearing, when Julieta came right out, setting plates of food on the table. She wiped her hand on her apron, and held her arms out to Dulce.
"It's SO nice to meet you! Tráelo dentro!"
Dulce went in for the hug, a grin on her face.
"I'm SO happy to meet you. You gave my cooking some competition, especially with HIM."
Julieta parted from the hug, sighing In exacerbation.
"Ah this boy just EATS, let me tell you. I can only imagine how much you've had to feed him. And speaking of, NO touching the food until the rest of the family comes, we ALL took time to meet Dulce, don't be rude. Excuse me, I need to go get Abuela."
Camilo waited till she left, before folding an arepa into a small, gooey square, and stuffing it in his mouth. Dulce rolled her eyes at him.
"Do you EVER stop eating, dude?"
"Hey, this charm machine takes a LOT of energy."
Both her AND Isa gave him a raised brow. The rest of the family seemed to pool in, each one greeting her with clear enthusiasm. ESPECIALLY Abuela, probably because she expected more kids in the family ALREADY. They all sat at the table, and Camilo served her plate first, remembering to stay away from anything with pork. She didn't hesitate to grab the plate from him, and kiss his cheek. He wanted to ser if his mom was handling it well, when he noticed Luisa looked like she was SUPER tense. He had a feeling he knew what was her deal.
"Luisa? You good?"
Isa lightly patted her hand, giving her the signal to go ahead. Then it just poured out of her.
"I REALLY wanna know how you guys met! Please? Is it super cute?!"
Luisa was a bit of a hopeless romantic. Camilo recalled the many times she'd beg to hear how Pepa and Fèlix fell in love, even during chores. Camilo nudged her as he took a bite out of his arepa (seriously, his tía made the BEST arepas, they just couldn't wait).
"You wanna tell it or should I?"
"No no, you go ahead, I like how you tell it. You're all smug about it."
"I mean, mierda, how can I NOT be smug over you?"
She rolled her eyes, but he knew her, her ass was flattered. He sat up straight as he spoke, loving how he had literally everyone's attention.
"So remember that play I was going a bit ago? You know, Rockstar Romeo?"
"The one where instead of dying, the play ends in a dance number?"
He nodded at Dolores. Least SOMEONE paid attention to what was going on in his life.
"Yeah that one. Well, SHE was catering the event, and pair it with looks like that, I HAD to get my flirt on. At first it was the food, then it was because she's quick with the comebacks, then I just. Actually started liking her. As for why she likes me, well, pretty obvious, but I'd love it from the horses mouth."
Dulce shrugged.
"I think it's because he's dumb. He was trying to flirt with me to get more food, as if it wasn't all you could eat anyway. And he's cute, I GUESS."
"Hey now wait a minute,"
He was trying not to laugh, and so was she, he could see it on her stupid, pretty face.
"So you're saying Amanda was lying when she said you thought my hair was 'soft as rising bread' and that you'd love to touch it?"
"Oh so you just snoop like a creep, huh?"
He opened his mouth to retaliate, but really had nothing. He wasn't gonna lie, he REALLY liked how she kept him on his toes. Félix chuckled, leaning over to mess with his boy's hair.
"Ha! She's a LOT like your mami when we were your age! All smart and sarcastic. And hey, pretty too, mijo~"
He whispered, nudging him with his elbow. Camilo couldn't help but hold a smug look alongside his father's pride. She WAS pretty, he'd keep saying it. Abuela spoke up, taking away all the attention Camilo just had.
"Tell us, Dulce, aside from the bakery, what else do you in your free time?"
"Well, I raise bunnies, for one! I actually make these little cream puffs based off of them and-"
Antonio called out, clearly excited. Pepa muttered for him to not yell at the table, and Dulce chuckled.
"It's fine, it's cute. They're a breed my grandparents brought from outside the encanto. They're called English Lop's, and they have SUPER long ears. I can bring Bonnie with me when I come over, if you'd like."
Both Antonio and Luisa cried out at the thought, and it was cute enough for even Camilo to laugh at. Dulce took another bite of her food, and continued.
"And I also hold meetings for LGBTQ+ youth. It started with my cousin not feeling supported enough and-"
Abuela piped up, looking very confused.
"I'll never understand the labels you kids use nowadays. Back in my day you just kissed a woman and that was that. What does that plus mean? Is it like, how you say, gay premium?"
The amount of snorts that were at the table was EXTRAORDINARY. Even Dulce was trying not to lose hee shit. She took a shakey breath, before continuing.
"It's uh. You know what, that's it, it's gay premium."
"See, Isa? I'm getting it! I'm understanding!"
It was so goddamn funny, had it not been Abuela, EVERYONE would be losing their minds. Instead, there was muffled snorts, steady breathing, and a frowning Pepa. Camilo frowned, and debated on what to do. Dulce leaned into his ear, lightly patting his knee.
"Go help your mami. It's fine."
"You're the best, mi vida."
He got up from his seat, and after kissing her cheek, went over to where his mom was sitting, leaning down to her ear.
"Mami, kitchen please."
They both walked into the kitchen, and Pepa didn't even let him start.
"I'm SO sorry mijo! Was I clouding? Did I look mad? Did-"
"You don't look happy. Why is it? Do you not like her?"
Pepa took a breath, shaking her head.
"No. She's sweet, She's pretty, she makes you happy. And I can tell she likes you. I just. Ay, I'm sorry. I never had a papi to talk to me about dating, and mami never approved of the boys I was with. At least, until I met your papi. I guess I just. Don't know WHAT to do. I don't know if I should support you with this girl or brace yourself for heartbreak that might happen or-"
Just as the wind started to whip around her in a hurricane, he reached out to hold her hands. Her eyes looked right into his, and he smiled.
"You're not supposed to know EVERYTHING. I know Mariano was a struggle too, but you got through that. What you can do, is just be you. You're great, and I KNOW you and her can get along. I'm going to be fine, because YOU'RE here. We just gotta take it as we go along."
Pepa took a deep breath, and nodded. She suddenly pulled her baby into a hug, and kissed his sweet little forehead.
"I'm SO proud to have such a sweet boy. And I'm lucky to have one so understanding."
"Course, Mami. Anything for you."
He squeezed her right back, taking an inhale. She always smelled like fresh rain and daisies.
"And you get in here too, mija."
He didn't know who she was talking about, until Dulce was suddenly at his side, joining in on the hug. Pepa had a long way to go, in terms of getting comfortable with his new girlfriend.
But that was a storm he was willing to weather.
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frankcastleissoft · 4 years
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Frank Castle x reader
Word Count: 4,431
Warnings: angst, attempted rape, conflict/tension, and fluff (( but that’s not a bad thing :) ))
This new life with Frank was very simple. Not much else to be said about it. You both went to work and came home. Day after day, week after week. Simple.
It had been almost five months since Frank had finished off the last of the people responsible for his late family’s death. You could tell it still hurt though. It stung deep in his core. Like there was a ton of bricks inside of his chest, weighing him down. It hurt you too, to see him like that. Work for him was just a way to let out everything he was holding deep inside of him. He worked at a construction site, tearing down an old building. Sometimes he didn’t come home till dark and that scared you.
You worked at a catering company. You would go to the companies and help cook and keep the food refreshed. Cooking was something you really loved to do, so when you were able to get this job it really helped the situation.
The situation:
Frank was dead. And technically you were too. Not really anyone knew about you, but you had to be dead too. Now you both were living in a small, one room apartment.
You would come home around 5:00pm every day. Frank never beat you home. The last five months had been rough to say the least. Your marriage felt like it was hanging by a thread. You hardly talked and there was always this tension between you two. Some days you wouldn’t see Frank at all. He would come home after you were asleep, take a quick shower, find the plate of dinner in the fridge, then go to bed. You always made him dinner. Without fail. Frank loved your cooking. He was always starving when he got home.
And by the time you woke up in the morning, he’d be gone. It gave you this ache in your heart when you woke up and he wasn’t beside you in the bed that was much too small for the two of you.
So you would get ready for the day, then head out the door for work. It was always the same. Unless on the rare occasion, Frank would be dead asleep next to you, breathing heavily. He slept so hard sometimes it made you worry about how intensely he worked.
Work was long today. It felt like everything was ten times harder than it usually was, so you were looking forward to getting off your feet and sipping some tea, while reading a book. The little things meant the most living like this. The air was cool as you walked along the busy, Brooklyn streets toward home. You pulled your coat collar up against your neck, attempting to warm yourself.
After a few flights of stairs, you pulled your keys out of your bag and unlocked the door. You set your things on the table in the middle of the room and put your coat in the wardrobe that was just small enough to fit in the room. You looked around the apartment. The bed was facing you, across from the door and the wardrobe. In the middle a table sat there with two chairs on each side. To the left was a door that led to the smallest bathroom in history. Then a doorway beside the bathroom led to the narrow kitchen. The cabinet space was limited and there was a small oven and only a little bit of counter space. The Fridge seemed to take up the most room. It wasn’t much, but you did your best to make it feel like a home. Flowers on the table— they were dried up and dead now. A rug in the kitchen, a knitted quilt on the bed, and a few books on the nightstands.
You made your tea, then made dinner soon after. Just like always, saving a plate for Frank. You had finished dinner, avoiding the mess, now sitting at the table, reading and indulging in another cup of tea to help you sleep well tonight. Then you heard a key slide into the lock and the door opened. Frank’s heavy boots stepped in, the weight of his feet sounded like he had had a long day too. He placed his metal lunch box on the table, and sat down to take off his shoes.
“Hey,” his deep voice whispered.
“Hey,” you said just as quietly.
He put his shoes by the door, then went to the bathroom to wash his hands. You watched him from where you sat. His dark hair was getting longer and his beard made him look so different. You didn’t mind it though. Your eyes traveled down to his hands. They were so calloused with so many welts and blistered. More proof he worked so hard.
“I wish you wouldn’t work so hard,” you said without even thinking about it.
Frank turned off the water and patted his hands dry. You knew he had heard you, but he pretended not to.
“I’ll heat up your dinner,” you said, setting down your book and heading for the fridge, avoiding eye contact.
As his plate made its way around the microwave, you stared at it intensely, lost in a jungle of thoughts.
You and Frank had met during his massacre in Hell’s Kitchen. One night (or early morning) you were walking home from your dead-end job at a crappy diner, when a strange man came up behind you, sticking a gun against your side. He casually told you under his breath to stay quiet or you were dead. You felt fear spread through your entire body, not one finger left without terror. You continued to walk, the panic making it hard to put one foot in front of the other. But the man helped you out by shoving you along.
“Wha-What do you want?” you managed to crack out.
“I haven’t quite decided yet,” his voice sounded evil and cold.
Your stomach fell through, your heart pounded even harder. You had hoped he had just wanted your wallet, but now it seemed he wanted more from you.
“Come here,” he growled, shoving you into an alley, no one around to possibly help you.
You let out a cry as he shoved you against the wall, your head felt like it could have split against the brick. You sobbed out little pleases and cries.
“Shut up!” the man yelled in your face.
You finally saw what he looked like and you almost wished you hadn’t. He began to pull off your coat with one hand, the other holding the gun at your stomach. You felt paralyzed. You wanted to fight back, to never let this man take this from you, but you just couldn’t. Once your coat was off, he started on your shirt, a white button down, your diner uniform.
“Oh, hello, Y/N,” he sneered, noticing your name tag. “It’s nice to meet you.” His voice echo through your head. You knew it would haunt you if you made it out of this alive.
At that moment, you heard heavy feet scuffing against the sidewalk outside of the alley.
“Please,” you said a little louder, hoping the person would hear you.
“Shut up!” the man yelled again, shoving the barrel of the gun into your stomach harder. And just then, a large man shoved into the man who had half unbuttoned your shirt, knocking him to the ground. You cried harder, relief washing over you. The big man got the gun from the criminal and began beating him with it. Repeatedly and with so much force, you couldn’t help but stare. When his head was much too beat in to be alive, the big man stood up, looking down at his work. You just stood, melting into the brick wall. Both of your breath was rapid and heavy.
“You okay, ma’am?” the big man’s raspy voice echoed in the alley.
You just nodded quickly, almost scared of your hero too. He turned to look at you, his face splattered with blood. This was all too much. You were just coming home from work, looking forward to sleeping for twelve hours. But there was something in his eyes. They were dark, but full of something you couldn’t quite place. Your mind began to fog up and you felt yourself lose control. Then your legs gave out and you began to lose consciousness. You felt strong hands catch you around your waist, then you were out.
It was dark and quiet except for the faint sounds of cars and sirens. You were laying down and staring up at the darkness, a small light illuminated the space around you. When you were fully awake, you shot up, looking around. For a second you thought you had been taken somewhere, kidnapped, but when you saw the man who had saved you, your fear subsided some; but still wary of your safety.
“Hey,” his voice just as gravelly as in the alley. “You’re safe.” He added, noticing your nervous eyes.
“Where are we?” you asked, looking around.
“An old building,” he replied. “You’re safe here.” He assured again.
You took in your surroundings again, lost in your fuzzy brain. Then something struck you, and you looked back at the man sitting on the floor. His face was stained with bruises. Dark ones around his eyes and lighter ones on his cheeks.
“Wait…” you spoke softly. “You’re Frank Castle. You’re The-The Punisher.”
“That’s what they’re calling me.” he said, almost pissed off at the mention of it.
You felt a bit of fear stir up inside of you again, but it quickly settled. He saved you.
“Why did you save me?” you asked.
“I wasn’t going to just keep walking when I heard you were in trouble.” his gruff voice replied.
You gave a slight smile, thinking.
“You’re not like what the news makes you out to be.” you started. “I mean, what you did to that man was pretty… intense, but you saved me. They make it seem like you’ll just kill anyone.”
“I only take out the ones that deserve it.” he said matter of factly.
You grimaced a little at that; you didn’t know how you felt about his morals. But you watched him from where you laid. There was something about him that was comforting. Maybe it was the fact that he had just saved you from something that would have stuck with you forever, or maybe it was that he seemed like he genuinely cared about your well being.
“Where’s my coat?” you sat up, feeling a little frantic. It was something that felt so important in the moment that it made you anxious.
“Oh, I- I didn’t get it. I didn’t see it,” Frank said, noticing your frazzled state.
“It’s okay,” you sighed. It was just a coat.
“Can I go home?” you asked, slightly pulling the blanket off of you.
“Yeah,” he stood up, a grunt of pain leaving his lips. “I’ll walk you back.”
At first you were going to decline for some reason, but then you realized that was the stupidest thing you could do. You stood up slowly, your head still fuzzy from the passing out.
“Here. You can use this.” Frank laid a big coat over your shoulders.
“Oh- thank you.” you said, caught off guard. You slipped your arms in the sleeves that were too long for your hands to poke through.
“Yeah,” he said under his breath.
As you walked home there was silence between you. You wanted to talk to him though. This all felt so surreal.
Then a loud noise, probably a motorcycle backfiring, came out of nowhere. You were still shaken up by what had happened maybe an hour before, so this sent fear through your body. You let out a fearful cry and grabbed onto Frank walking beside you.
“Hey, it’s okay.” He said calmly. “It’s nothing.” He held your wrists, taking your hands off of his arm.
“I’m sorry,” you let out a nervous laugh. “I’m so on edge. This isn’t my average night.”
Frank gave you a smile. His smiles were magic, his eyes smiled too.
“This isn’t too unusual for me,” he snickered. “Except for you.”
That made you smile a little wider. There was something about him. Had you known him for twenty seconds, or twenty years?
“Well, this is it.” You said, taking a step up to your apartment building, now more level with Frank’s eyes.
He stood there, stocky frame, both hands in his pockets.
“You sure you’re okay?” He asked, a slight smile on his lips.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you said quietly, almost blushing at the care in his voice. “Do you want your coat back?” You began pulling your arms out of the sleeves.
“No- you keep it,” he put a hand out in front of you in rejection. “I lost yours, so.”
You smiled again, putting your arms back in all the way. It was quiet for a little while, just standing in front of each other. The city was mild tonight- well, this morning. It had to be 3am by now.
“Thank you.. Frank.” You said his name, really felt the word, nervous what he would think that you used it. Names are weird to say sometimes… when you don’t know the person very well.
He didn’t respond right away, maybe you were overthinking and it hadn’t really been that long.
“—For the coat.” You giggled, holding the front of the coat with one hand like a model.
Frank snickered, shaking his head. “No problem.” He grinned.
The joke hung in the air for a while as an excuse to not leave each other. But then it left and you both stood there in the silence again.
“Good night… uh.” Frank said.
“Y/N,” you replied.
Frank had seen your name tag, but he didn’t want to sound creepy by knowing your name.
“Y/N.” He said back.
The way his voice carried your name gave you this feeling deep in your stomach.
“Good night.” You replied.
He took a step back and you took another step up.
“Be safe.” He said quickly, then turned away, walking back to where you both came from.
The next night, you were walking home from work again. This time with your pepper spray in hand. As you walked, you felt like someone was following you. You became very aware and walked a little quicker. Then you slightly turned your head and caught a glance of the person. You stopped in your tracks. That frame you knew anywhere.
“Are you trying to get pepper sprayed in the face?” You chuckled.
“Not what I was wanting to happen, but worth it just to know you’re taking safety precautions.” You heard a gruff voice say behind you.
You let yourself laugh out loud, turning around to see Frank in a baseball cap and coat. He was grinning from ear to ear too.
It continued like that. He would walk you home every night. “Just for his peace of mind” he would tell you. That made the butterflies in your stomach fly higher. Those butterflies wouldn’t calm down. Even when you were just at home or at work. Frank was all you could think about.
One night you were at the diner, pulling another graveyard shift. You were in the back filling up the salt and pepper shakers. It had been a slow night. The bell sounded, telling you someone had come in.
“One second!” You called, screwing the top back on a salt shaker. Then you went to the front and saw Frank. You both gave each other bright smiles.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, coming out from behind the counter.
“Had the night off, thought I’d pop by.” He shrugged.
“Oh, okay,” you replied, shrugging too, joking like this was a normal thing he did. “Coffee?” You asked, but already started pouring a mug.
“Thank you.” He nodded. “I’ll just wait over here till you get off.” He went over to a corner booth.
“Okay,” you ducked your head, smiling like a fool.
As things progressed in The Kitchen, Frank walked you home less and less. You knew what he was. You knew what he did. It scared you to think about sometimes. There was something so mysterious about him, but there was something rooted so deeply in him that was just simply good. That’s what you saw every time you looked at him. His goodness.
Frank didn’t tell you much about what was going on, he said he didn’t want you getting in the middle of it; you had a couple fights about that. But you knew about Karen and how she was trying to help him. You were thankful for her. That she was helping him in ways you couldn’t.
He told you about his family. You cried. It broke your heart to hear the way he talked about them. His eyes glossy, his voice growing raspier.
Then he got arrested. You were shocked as you watched the news on the tv in the diner.
As the days dragged along, you felt yourself start to think it wasn’t ever going to be what you wanted it to be with Frank. It was hard to come to that conclusion, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to stop caring about him.
One day, you tracked down Karen Page and told her who you were and you both talked for hours. She told you about how she was investigating his case. You told her what you knew about him, it wasn’t much at all, though.
She told you as much as she could about his case. It was nice to have her, you both got along so well.
You kept up with the trial through the news, it hurt to see the way he was handling it.
Then he broke out of jail. That scared you. You didn’t know what he was doing.
Then all of the shootings happened. Everyone was blaming him, and you didn’t know what to believe. Karen was quick to tell you that it wasn’t him and that he had saved her. Those few days you were a nervous wreck. Karen wasn’t answering your calls and you didn’t know what to do.
Then the next night— or very early morning, you were coming home from work. You dumped your coat (the one that was really Frank’s) and purse on your couch and headed for the fridge; you were starving. Then you heard a sound in the corner of your living room, causing your stomach to flip. You slammed the fridge door in fear. Then a figure stepping forward, into the moonlight coming through the window.
“Frank?” you dropped the apple, tears immediately flooding your eyes. “Wha-What is going on?” Your voice quivered with emotion. You noticed is bruised and bloody face.
“I gotta disappear for a while,” he said slowly.
“Frank,” you said again, running forward, into his arms.
This was the first time you two had had any physical contact like this. His arms wrapped around your waist so tightly, you thought he could break your ribs if he wanted to. Your arms were around his neck, your face in his shoulder. Blood was probably staining your shirt, but you didn’t care.
“Do you mind if I wash up a bit?” He asked after you had parted.
“No, of course,” you led him to the bathroom.
That was the last time you saw him. The news said he was dead. Some explosion. It broke your heart.
A few days after the news, you learned it wasn’t true. The experience in your living room when he showed up was heart stopping. You woke up around 11am after another late shift. You shuffled into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.
“Can I get some of that?” You heard the familiar, gravelly voice say behind you.
You gave him the what-for for scaring you out of your skin. But it ended in tears and gratefulness that he was alive. You had to admit, you had a feeling he was.  
He left the next day, saying he had to finish what he had started. You tried to convince him not to, but he was too stubborn.
About a week later, he came back. He told you he had to disappear, go underground. He had changed his name to Pete Castiglione and he said he couldn’t see you anymore since he was technically dead. It stung. It hurt him too, you could see it in his eyes. There was something about his eyes that always had you captivated.
“Frank,” you said quickly as he stood up to leave, after telling you all of this.
He froze.
“What if I came with you?” You knew it sounded crazy, but you felt like Frank was someone you couldn’t live without. You’d known each other maybe a month, but it felt like years. You had a feeling he felt the same way.
He didn’t move, holding his hat with both hands in front of him. You stood up from the couch, turning to face him.
“Tell me you don’t feel like you’ve known me for years, like we were meant to meet.” You said, your face burning with embarrassment as you spoke. “Tell me you want to leave and never see me again. That you could just leave and never look back.” Your voice got caught in your throat.
“Y/N…” Frank whispered, taking a step forward.
“Cause if you tell me that, I’ll let you go. It’ll break my heart, but… I’ll let you go.” You bowed your head, closing your eyes, tears streaming silently down your cheeks. You felt a warm hand grasp your face, so gently. You looked up and was met with those eyes. They were glossy and sad.
“Frank,” You said so quietly.
“I can’t tell you those things, Y/N,” he replied. “I can’t lie to you.”
Your heart sped up as you looked up at him, his thumb grazing your cheek, wiping away fallen tears. You leaned forward, your head resting on his, both of you holding onto the moment with everything you had inside of you.
“I can’t let you go.” You whispered.
“You don’t deserve to live like a dead woman.”
“I’ll be with you.”
“What about your life? Your friends and family?”
“I don’t have any of that.” You told him that your parents were both dead and you didn’t have any other family. And friends were never your strong suit.
“But I—“ Frank continued. “I can’t put you in danger and you deserve so much better than—“
“You deserve to be happy, Frank.” You interrupted. “I know you don’t think you do, but you do.”
He was quiet. Standing there, you in front of him, your hands now intertwined in between you, he was in awe of you. He never thought he would feel like this again about someone. To him, you were perfect in every sense of the word.
“Please, Frank,” You stood on your toes and place a kiss on his cheek. Your lips felt the tear that had run down his lightly bruised face.
“You’re gonna have to start calling me, Pete,” he said, and both of you broke into the biggest smiles.
You jumped up into his arms in the tightest hug. Then you pulled away, looking at his sweet face. You both dove in at the same time with a deep kiss. It was full of so much love you both felt like you could burst into a million pieces.
“You are everything, Frank Castle.”
A few weeks passed and you both decided to get married. It was scary and something that was difficult for Frank, you could tell, and you didn’t blame him. But he loved you, simply and hard, so he knew it was right.
You changed your last name and quit your job and began to live a different life. A life away from the internet and the outside world. It was difficult to have to forget about your old life. More difficult than you thought it was going to be. You moved into a much smaller apartment and left everything of yours behind. You were dead after all, and you can’t take your things with you when you die.
You had contacted Karen before everything. She was the only person Frank trusted and you wanted to make sure she knew that you were both okay. She was so happy for you both.
Now here you were, months later, that honestly felt like years. Frank had distanced himself from you and you had curled in on yourself too. Things were rough. The routine was the same and everything was stuck in a time loop.
 Frank had cleared his plate, now taking a shower. You turned on the clock radio for some music while you tackled the messy kitchen. Music was a safe place for you and it was nice to at least have the radio to keep you company. Then a love song came on that you adored. It was one of those songs that you can’t help but sway to. Frank came out of the bathroom soon after it started, but you hardly noticed as you were lost in the tune. You were standing over the sink, washing a plate, swaying to the slow beat. You did notice Frank enter the small, kitchen area, but you were caught off guard when he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist from behind. You were stiff for a moment, but quickly softened into his embrace. You laid your head back against his shoulder as you both swayed from side to side, lost in the lyrics.
“You’re my, my, my, my… Lover.”
You felt Frank’s warm breath against your neck. It was so comforting. His arms tightened around you and you dropped the plate in the dish water, moving your soapy hands to on top of Frank’s. This was everything.
The song ended, it wasn’t long enough. You turned to face Frank, looking into his eyes. His eyes. You hadn’t looked at them and gotten that feeling in so long.
“Frank,” you said with your breath, your hand grasping his bearded cheeks.
You felt his hands grasp your hips tightly, and you both leaned in, your lips pressing firmly against each other. Things got a little brighter as the night went on.
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dreamifics · 3 years
James Potter x Reader
Warning:just angst and sad fluff ig
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A letter for James Fleamont Potter
Dear James Potter,
Hey, what's up? That's a lousy letter starter after years of pretending you guys didn't exist.. This would be a rollercoaster of emotions, so try to keep up. Remember when we first met? You were in Ollivanders, buying a wand when you accidentaly almost killed me?
A little girl was walking pass a shop called Ollivanders, she was simply minding her own business when a ray of magic blast to her.. She fell on her butt first, her hair was a mess, she looked like she got burnt..
"Oh, dear godric!I'm very sorry!" A little boy about the same age as the girl came running out of the store.. He had a messy hair and thick glasses, he gave the girl an apologetic smile..
"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" The girl was mad, who wouldn't? She was just simply having a great day when an idiot almost killed her..
"Buying wands?" He answered unsure. He was just shopping for wands when this very powerful surge made him lose control and it blast to her.
"I look like a mess, Mother would be infuriated..", The girl mumbles to herself as she stands up.. She huffs and glare at the boy.
"I'm James, by the way.."
"I'm Y---"
"Y/N L/N!!WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU?!" Her mother's voice boomed all throughout the alley causing some wizards to look at them..
"Goodbye, you bloody idiot.." Y/N mutters to herself.
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to hear that!"
And that was the start of our friendship.. You little dim wit, but I'm thankful for that, because I got to meet you.. Did you know that I was not very fond of you? You just wore me down, you're a persistent arse.. But now, it all made sense to me..
What my gut was telling me about you.. You were-- no no, you're still my downfall, James.. I clearly remember when it all daunt to me, the how and why? I'm still unsure about the answer to those two questions. I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about, if you don't... I'll say it or write it now..
I'm hopelessly fucking in love with you, I realized that when you went and announced your relationship with Lily.. There was this painfully hurtful jealousy in my heart and brain.. And I couldn't get rid of those stupid feelings for you..
It was another dreary Sunday in Hogwarts, Y/N was with the Marauders except for James, they were eating at the great hall.. They were talking, teasing and annoying each other when James entered with Lily in his arms.. That image broke Y/N to thousands of little pieces, she suddenly became one with the universe.
"She finally said yes, mates!" James announced causing all of the students to cheer and screamed, obviously happy.
To Y/N, the news broke her.. She was fine with James crushing to Lily because she though Lily was not interested.. But after years of pining and persuasion, she finally said yes. Y/N should've seen it coming, she should be happy for them but why is she hurting?
"Aren't you happy for us, Y/N?"
Y/N was called back from her thoughts, the question echoed through her mind.. Oh dear Godric, she was not happy.. She wanted to be the one under James arms, or to be the one to kiss him in the lips.. She love James, not like platonic, this was so much more.. She wanted to be Lily so bad, ofcourse she's not bloody happy!
"Of course, I am!Congratulations, Prongs!"
But what could she do? Y/N would have lost that battle years ago, she was not James type.. What could she do but just pretend that she was happy and fine with them.. She was dead sure that she'll forget all about James someday.. So until that day comes, she needs to fake a smile and accept her fate.
Loving your bestfriend is the worst thing in the world, James.. I wanted to confess so bad, but the idea of losing you was a heavy baggage to carry.. So, I settled by just being your friend but you don't know how many times I've wanted to confess..
To go up to you and smashed my lips into yours but you were in a relationship with Lily, so I never did anything.. You were happy, and that was enough for me.. And don't get me wrong, I tried to find someone else but you were the best James..
It has been weeks since James and Lily got together, no one knew how she felt.. She was all alone, fighting her feelings from overcoming her. Y/N was sitting in the library, reading a muggle book called 'Wuthering Heights'..
However she hated it, she was bitter and had no time for lovey dovey books.. Y/N needed to move on, she shouldn't be stuck on James..
"Hey, Y/N!"
Y/N was startled by a Hufflepuff student, she smiled and laughed..
"I'm sorry if I startled you, I--I just have a question to ask you.."
Y/N squint her eyes, she doesn't even know this guy.. She rattled her brain for any recollection of this guy..The guy saw her confused face and chuckled.
"I'm Oliver Rigby, the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team.."
"Ohhh, yeah.." She just murmured but she had no idea who this guy is.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?"
Y/N was taken aback but she needed to move on, she can no longer be hung up on a guy that doesn't even loves her back.
"Alright!I'll pick you up then!"
Y/N just smiled and walked away, she was reluctant to moved on.. Her heart was still beating for James, but she needs to move on.. For her own sake.
They were nothing compared to you, I tried to moved on.. But I always ended up to you, the same feelings always came rushing in when I see you.. Every guy seems horrible when compared to you.. The short period of time we spent together was wonderful, you gave me purpose when no one else did.
Y/N has just come back from a very horrible date, the guy did nothing but talk and brag about himself.. He was not like James who was funny and talks about entertaining stories.. The guy was not sweet nor kind, he was a bit of an ass.. That's the only thing he had in common with James, she sighs and sat in one of the sofa in the common room..
No one can beat James to Y/N, her standards were bloody high because of James.. She wanted to cry but that was stupid.. Crying over a guy who didn't even hurt her, she hates herself.
Y/N heart skipped a beat, she knows who's voice is that.. That voice gives her butterflies, she loves how that voice says her name..
"Thought you had a date?Why are you back so early?" He questioned.
"Did he stood you up? I reckon he'd do that, he looked like a douche to me."
"Sure.." She answered not looking at him, James sits next to her and put her arms around Y/N.. She felt her body stiffen as his body made contact with her.. Y/N silently prayed that James wouldn't notice her increasing heartbeat, the stiffening of her body and the way her cheeks blush..
"Are you alright?" James seems to notice his bestfriend all red and she looked like very uncomfortable..
"What if I said no, what would you do?"
"Make you feel better, ofcourse!" His laughs echoed through the whole Gryffindor tower.. Y/N let out a dry laugh, she didn't mean that.. But her heart was breaking into thousands of pieces, she want this feeling out of her system.
"Are you really alright?"
"Yeah, maybe.."
"Want to talk---"
"Jameees!" Lily's voice called the attention of the messy-haired boy..
"I'll be right back, Lily needs me.."
"B-But what about me?" Y/N tried her very best to not choke up and crack.
"Later, Y/N.." James messed her hair, she didn't meant to be demanding however this was the sign she was looking for.. The sign that James doesn't feel anything special for her, she was just James very annoying friend..Y/N realized that with one call, Lily has James wrapped around her perfect fingers, with only one call from Lily, James was gone.. He just left her hurting friend for Lily, Y/N suddenly felt her heart was no longer there..
It was bruised and beated so many times, and now.. Y/N chest is nothing but a vacant lot, an empty hollow space.. The tiny little hope that maybe James likes her back can no longer be found.
That hope was now gone.
Y/N had reached her limit, it was truly over.. The love and jealousy she feels was a heavy baggage to carry. Y/N needed to avoid James, just until she was fully okay..
Y/N knew deep inside her that her love for James will never fully go away..
Avoiding you was the only reasonable thing to do, to be frank.. It was the only thing to do.. If I kept up that silly facade, I would ended up being mental.. You see James, jealousy is a monster that takes over your whole mind and body. It's a hideous monster you can't escape.. I do have a few questions, did you notice the not-so-subtle cold shoulder I gave you? Because back then it seems like you didn't, did you though? Did you cry every night like I did? Or did your heart break like mine did?
Y/N finally got out of her bed, she was in the great hall, hundreds of feet away from James.. But from the looks of it, he didn't really seem to mind.. He was too busy whispering sweet nothings to Lily's ear.
"If your glares could kill, Evans and Potter would be dead now.." Her friend intoned, she snapped her head away from the sight of James.
"I don't what your talking about.." Y/N denied..
"Of course, you don't.." Her friend tease.
"If my looks can kill, you will be the first one dead.." Y/N gave her friend a glare which her friends just brushed off.
"Blimey!No need to get mad, I was just stating facts.."
"Just sod off." Y/N just played with the food in her plate.
"If you told James about your feelings, he would've ask you out." Y/N's friend said in a teasing manner..
"No, he would never do that.."
"And how do you know that?" Y/n rolled her eyes at her friends question.
"Because I knew James, he was inlove with Lily since the start of our first year. "
"That's what you think.." Her friend crosses her arms and smirk at her.
"What?" She questioned confused.
"Nothing, idiot.. You won't understand.."
"Look Y/N, just move on.." Y/N scoffs at her friends genius idea.
"You make it sound like it's so bloody easy.."
"Is it not?You cry about it for a day then you find someone else.. " Y/N looked at her friend with a surprised gaze, is it that easy? How come it's so hard for her?
"See, easy.."
"Sod off.." She shut her friend down as thoughts occupied her mind..
Y/N was walking down the silent halls of Hogwarts alone, a frown in her face she hasn't been smiling this past few weeks.. Her back suddenly stood straight when the four familiar faces welcomed her when she entered an empty classroom.
"Oh, hello Y/N.." Sirius was the first to greet her with a big smile on his face but she didn't give the smile back.
"Y/N!I was wondering where you were these past few weeks.." Remus gave her a comforting smile.
"Yeah, I had no one to eat my sweets with!" Peter walked up to Y/N and offered her a chocolate which she didn't accept.
"I apologize, I have to go now.."
"But Y/N--" Peter didn't get to finish the sentence, she was gone, James didn't even look up from his seat.. Did he forgot all about Y/N? But Y/N didn't feel anything anymore.. Funny how numbness can have it's perks sometimes..
Maybe you didn't notice me because you were so inlove with pretty little Evans? That came out a little rude, I apologize for that, but I'm not sorry.. You see, I don't hate Lily, but then again kinda wish she were dead.. She was all you saw James, I was with you through your worst.. I gave you everything, but what do I get in return?
Just heartaches and neverending what-ifs.. You never saw me James.. Remember the day we graduated and left Hogwarts? You didn't even say goodbye to me, not even a single glance James.. I was not the only one who gave up on our friendship.. We both did, James..
Riding the Hogwarts train one last time was a bittersweet moment for others.. To Y/N, it was a relief.. She would finally get to leave the place that reminds her of James, every corner and walls was embedded with memories of Y/N and James having fun with each other.. It may sound nice but it only brought misery to her.
"Y/N!We're getting off now.." Y/N's friend broke her silent trance.. Y/N stands up and exits the train, her feet hit the platform floor, Y/N took a deep breath and wander her eyes to the sea of graduate  students. Some were celebrating, some were crying and there Y/N saw him..
James had Lily under his arms as they talk with the rest of the Marauders.. Disappointment was written all over Y/N's face, this was the last day they would be able to see each other and James didn't even glance at her.. They were friends for years, she couldn't belive that their friendship was beyond repair..
"Quit staring at him, your looking pathetic." Y/N whispers under her breath, walking away without saying goodbye was not how she planned her last day in Hogwarts. Y/N was moving to America and will work in the Ministry of Magic there.. She does not want to work in the same place that James and Lily was going to work at..
Y/N needs to really move on, and America would be the place for it.. Atleast there, she's far away from any reminders of James or Lily.. Holding her trunk, she walks away from her old life.. No more heartaches, just miserable thoughts and lots of what ifs.
Moving here didn't even help, I'm still inlove with you.. You might be confused about why I'm just sending this letter to you now.. Well Mister Potter, I just got an invitation to your wedding and I'm very very drunk right now.. I didn't think you would really send me an invitation because you know were just strangers.. We spent years ignoring each other and now this bloody envelope shows up at my home..
How did you even knew my address? Were you keeping tabs on me? If that's the case then I'm very flattered and also a little bit creeped out but that's not the point! The point is, I'm not going to your wedding because I'm still fucking inlove with you.. I hope you enjoy the wedding though, also don't bother writing back.. I would never remember this anyway, so James.. Give Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.
If you guys have any request for imagines about ( marvel characters, DC characters, stranger things, game of thrones, brooklyn 99, friends, basically anything! I accept everything!)
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voiceless-terror · 4 years
@aspecarchivesweek Day Five: Something New
Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood, Season One
In which Jon and Martin are more alike than they thought.
Jon, in spite of himself, was starting to get used to Martin living in the Archives.
Offering him shelter had been almost instinctual- after listening to his story, who wouldn’t? Terrorized for almost two weeks and no one, no one noticed. There was also the matter of Jon’s guilt; Martin thought he needed to put himself in danger to be thorough, to please Jon, and now he was homeless. Jon owed him this at the very least. No matter how much Elias disapproved of the situation.
And despite the occasional trouser-less wanderings, his presence was...appreciated. Late nights in the Archives were wearing him down: the statements were getting to him, and the unshakeable feeling of being watched when he knew he was alone was putting him on edge. Now he can blame that feeling on Martin, who he’d caught staring on more than one occasion. Jon was not surprised; he hadn’t been looking or feeling his best, highly unprofessional with his three-day stubble and rumpled clothes. Not a good look.
He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t enjoy the cup of tea when Martin joined him in his worst bouts of insomnia. He would sit on the tiny couch in his office, nursing his own mug and chattering away in a low tone that Jon was starting to find soothing instead of irritating. At first Jon clammed up, uncomfortable with the sudden intrusion on his late night routine, but he soon found Martin didn’t expect him to respond or contribute, save the occasional grunt of acknowledgement. Sometimes Jon even craved the company, the familiar rhythms of Martin’s voice had become an unconscious comfort. 
Tonight he was looking particularly exhausted, slumped in his seat with deep purple bags under his eyes. It sent an unwelcome pang through Jon’s chest; Martin should be sleeping, not entertaining him because he chose to stay late. He said as much.
“You don’t have to stay up on my part.”
“Hm?” Martin looked up from his lap, eyes finding Jon’s. “Oh, no. It’s fine. I like the company, to be honest. Unless…?”
“I don’t mind,” Jon assured him. Shockingly, he found he meant it. Still, it didn’t ease his guilt. Martin was always here, never leaving the Archives for more than an hour to get food or other necessities. He considered his next words. “That being said, I hope you know you’re allowed to have a life outside of the institute. I won’t judge if you want to have a...late night, or go out. It’s not my business what you do in your free time.”
Martin squinted his eyes as if he didn’t understand the words Jon spoke. Christ, do I really seem that out of touch? He knew he could be severe and well, a bit of an ass at times. The stress of the job got to him more than he cared to admit. But he didn’t want his assistants to think they should follow his example. He was Head Archivist, it fell on his shoulders to get this place in some semblance of order. 
“I’m not really one for nights out, Jon,” Martin gave that familiar, self-deprecating laugh as he leaned back in his chair, an almost defeated-like set to his shoulders. “Well, besides the occasional drink with Tim and Sasha. And even those are sort of...I don’t know. They have their own thing going, and I feel like-”
“A bit of an outsider,” Jon provided before he could activate his ‘word to mouth’ filter. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply-”
“No,” Martin cut him off. “You’re right. Feels like I’m intruding.”
“Their banter can be overwhelming for the, ah, uninitiated.” On the few times he’d gone out with them in research, he’d felt more lonely than included. His awkward attempts at interjecting could make a conversation fall flat and he felt the need to accept every drink they handed in him the hopes of ‘loosening up.’ It never worked. They were never mean about it, no- or at least had the decency not to do it in his presence. 
“Tell me about it.” Martin gave Jon a tiny little smirk that sent his heart stuttering in his chest for no particular reason. “I’m used to it, is all. This isn’t much of a change in routine, worms notwithstanding.”
“You, er, don’t have friends you can meet up with? Or maybe a partner?” Christ, why am I prying? What’s gotten into me? Jon felt curious, the man practically lived with him and yet he barely knew him.
The bark of laughter he got in reply was sudden and more than self-deprecating. “A partner? Are you kidding me?” Martin’s tone threw him off-balance; it was jaded, bitter, not like him at all.
“I didn’t mean to pry-”
“No, it’s- to be frank, I don’t think I’m cut out for all that.” Martin toyed with the mug in his hands, gazing into it like it held the answers he needed. “I’ve uh, tried to go on a few dates, meet people, that sort of thing. But they all expect something at the end and it just never feels right, I can’t explain it. Like there’s something missing. ”
Jon paused; the words and their sentiment were not unfamiliar to him. In fact, they resonated quite deeply, if Martin meant what Jon thought he did.
“It’s always been that way- I get a crush, I get to know them, they want to, y’know, and I-I don’t know what's wrong with me, but I can’t-” He cut himself off, sitting up straighter as if suddenly remembering where he was and who he was talking to. “God, I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m telling you this-”
“It’s fine.” And it was. Martin looked at his hands and Jon recognized the sadness in the set of his shoulders, the lines etched in his face. He never thought the two of them would have much in common but that- that was a feeling Jon knew all too well. “I think I understand what you’re getting at.”
Martin somehow managed to deflate even further, curling up as if trying to disappear. “Yeah, well- I think it’s time to admit that I’m going to be alone for the rest of my life.”
The words hit Jon harder than expected. His fists tightened in his lap; he was sixteen again, wondering why the kiss he stole in a backroom felt more invasive than intimate. He was reading romance novels, understanding the words but not the feelings they were supposed to invoke. He was in college, being called a ‘tease’ or a ‘prude’ when he pulled away at the end of the night. And it was all accompanied by that deep, crushing fear that he’d never be enough. 
No, you’re not that kid anymore. 
And Martin shouldn’t have to be either.
“What’s that look for?”
He was drawn from his thoughts at Martin’s words, looking up from the scratched wood of his desk. “Sorry?”
“You’ve- you’ve got that look on your face, like you’re const- like you’re thinking really hard.”
Jon tried to think of a way to word his query delicately, but ‘delicacy’ had never been his strong suit, according to Georgie. Come to think of it, it was never hers either. “Have you ever considered that maybe- that you’re- you’re of the persuasion, that is-”
Martin shot him a deadpan look, unimpressed. “Yeah, I know I’m gay, Jon.”
“That’s not-” He sighed in frustration, fuming at his inability to communicate. “It’s okay to not feel that way. I never have. It’s normal.”
Martin blinked. “Sorry?”
“Asexuality, that is,” he said, finally managing to get out the words. “I was...in a similar position, I guess you could say. I didn’t feel the way you were ‘supposed’ to feel, like how all the books and TV shows describe it. Zero interest in anything sexual, and I thought...well, I thought something was wrong with me.” Jon felt a lump building in his throat, much to his horror. “But being able to put a name to it, an identity, it just felt right.” Martin’s face was unreadable- had he spoken out of turn? Did he have this all wrong? 
He tried to clarify. “What I’m trying to say is that I know what it’s like, that...feeling you described. But it doesn’t mean you’re not cut out for love. You...you shouldn’t have to feel that way about yourself. You’ll find people who accept you. You’re not doomed to be lonely.” Now you’re just getting sentimental. Jon wasn’t one to dole out advice. He attempted to reign it in, get himself back on solid, familiar ground. “Maybe don’t take me for an example, though. I assure you, my isolation is very much self-imposed.”
Martin didn’t laugh. For a brief, panicky moment Jon thought he might have offended him, assumed the wrong thing, taken him out of context. But Martin met his eyes and Jon saw it- a look of dawning understanding, of comprehension and knowing and as much as Jon wanted to look away he couldn’t, because for the first time in a while he thought he might have said the right thing. 
He watched as Martin puttered about in the break room and took a deep breath, straightening his shoulders. Martin hadn’t said much after their conversation, just thanked him in a choked voice and mumbled some excuse about going off to bed. Jon felt a bit conflicted- he now had time to ruminate on the conversation, pick it apart and wonder if he said anything wrong. He didn’t think he had, but his instincts had been proven wrong before.
Still, the thought of helping one person, sparing them from that crippling self-doubt and inadequacy, made any embarrassment or awkwardness well worth it. So here he was, shuffling his feet and holding a stack of paper, stapled and neat and in some cases, annotated. He cleared his throat and Martin turned away from the sink to face him.
“Oh, g-good morning, Jon.” He wiped his hands on a dish towel, throwing it lightly on the counter. “Did you sleep well?”
He’d gotten two hours tops on the lumpy couch in his office. I need to invest in another cot. But he nodded anyway, walking forward and thrusting the pile out for Martin to take. Martin looked down at it quizzically but took it all the same, his face softening as he flipped through the pages.
“I, um- I printed out some articles that I thought might be of interest,” Jon rambled, feeling more awkward by the second. Was this too forward of me? “I’ve always found it easier to read on paper instead of the screen. For ah, concentration purposes. This- this isn’t required reading, or anything. Just might be helpful for, uh, figuring things out.”
Martin didn’t look up from the pages in his hand, instead zeroing in on them with a more intense stare. When he finally spoke, his voice was tight with sincerity. “Thanks. It uh, it means a lot.”
“Yes,” Jon replied nonsensically, having no response to the emotion in Martin’s words. “You- you don’t need to talk to me about this, if you’d rather not. But I’m available if you’d like to.” He paused. Best to keep this somewhat professional- it was almost nine. “Outside of normal working hours, of course.”
“Of course,” Martin echoed, the ghost of a smile on his lips as he finally met Jon’s eyes. He fought down the urge to smile back, instead muttering an excuse and turning to flee the room. I think I’ve filled my emotional quota for the week. 
They don’t talk about it again, but a few days later a sticky note appears on his desk. Thanks- MB. Underneath the clear script he’d doodled a small flag- black, grey, white, and purple. 
Jon puts it in his right-hand drawer next to an old polaroid of the Admiral, where it stays.
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28782318
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Chapter 8 - Pasts [STARISH]
This chapter is tagged [#spoilers for days] due to some content containing spoilers from the Utapri games.
Chapter 9 →
Otoya Ittoki
He had brought you to a special place as a symbol of your first date. The building looked like some sort of kindergarten, with the many children playing outside.
"Otoyan!" A little girl called. The children looked at your boyfriend, all having wide eyes of joy.
"Hey guys!" Otoya did a childish pose for them. He brought your hand in his, introducing you to the children.
"This is my darling YN! Everyone, please be nice with her!" He said, hugging you.
"Otoyan was supposed to marry me!" A girl with pigtails said.
Another little boy took her hand. "You can marry me instead!"
You giggled at the cuteness.
Once the children dispersed, Otoya told you about the place, "This orphanage was where I grew up in. It's a special place to me..."
"And now, you're the special one in my life."
Masato Hijirikawa
You carried your duffel bag on your shoulder, walking to Masato's room. The crack in door shone the light in, but Masato's voice from the room was not comforting.
He was speaking in a low tone, sounding almost fierce. You've heard stern in games, but this was deathly fierce.
"YN?" Masato put his phone down, seeing you at the crack of his door. "Did... Did you overhear me?"
You walked in, setting your bag down. "I didn't pay attention... You were kinda fierce..."
He held his head down. "It's..."
You motioned him to sit on his bed next to you. You held him, letting his head lean on your shoulders. "Now you can tell me."
"It's my father," He said. "He pressures me. I wasn't supposed to be an idol. He laid out my life for me as a businessman. We made a deal... I would stay here for a year and then take over his business..."
You jolted up, forcing Masato's body to fall into your lap. "You... You're kidding right?"
"What?" He got up in confusion.
You hugged Masato, laughing. "Who knew we'd be in the same situation?!"
"Wait... so youー"
"Mama always wanted me to take charge of her bridal company," You explained. "My Papa didn't care; he taught me basketball. I made a deal that if I win the nationals, then I could stay in the Academy."
He brushed your hair with his fingers, bringing you in closer. "Looks like we're in this together..." He smiled, his eyes poignant in thought. "Has your mother ever gone to one of your games?"
"Nope. Your dad?"
Natsuki Shinomiya
After an eventful baking 'class' ー which consisted of throwing flour at each other ー you cleaned up the bowls and spatulas. You set the timer on the oven, hanging your favourite apron up.
As you were wiping the counter, you noticed that Natsuki's glasses were on the counter. Did he leave them when he was washing his face? You did throw a handful of flour on his face...
You wanted to go check up on Natsuki just in case he needed his glasses.
Why was the door locked?
"H-Hey... What's going on?"
The door swung open. There Natsuki stood, looking truly pissed.
"Stop calling me that! The name's Satsuki. And you..." He panted. "Have to break up with Natsuki."
"Oh honey... He didn't tell you?" He cooed, stepping closer to you. "I'm the beast living inside of him. You thought he was all innocent and sweet. Oh no darling... there's two sides of a coin."
"Why should that matter?!" You said in outrage.
You repeated yourself. "Why does having another side of him make any difference? I still love him the way that he is!"
He scoffed, cornering you. In general Natsuki was soft with you but now 'Satsuki' was intimidating you.
"You're just after his talent. A gold digger, aren't you? Dating an idol sure makes youー Hmph!"
You killed him full on the face, wrapping your arms around his neck. You brought him in deeper, bringing your face closer. You sneakily slipped his glasses on at the sly movement of your wrist.
Natsuki now pulled away.
"YN... you taste sweet..."
You turned red. "Natsuki! Stop!"
"Didn't YN-chan kiss me first?" He smiled.
You shook off the embarrassment and asked Natsuki. "Natsuki... Can you explain what Satsuki meant by 'just after his talent'?"
His expression fell. He hugged you tightly to his chest. "I liked my former teacher so much that I made a song her. Then she became famous because of that song. Satsuki just thinks you're trying use me... but... I love you YN... Don't break up with me..."
"You know what he says?"
He nods. "Ever since I dated you, we could hear each other at times... YN, did I scare you?"
You kissed his cheek tenderly. "I could never and will never."
Ren Jinguji
He had invited you over to your next date at his house, since he claimed he 'wanted to show you his charismatic side'. When you entered the house, the main butler had told you that Ren was not back from his modelling appointment.
You decided to explore Ren's home by yourself. You walked around silently until you came across a family portrait of the Jinguji family. In the centre was a supposed younger Ren on his mother's lap as his two brothers stood by his mother, one on each side. His father stood proudly, holding the shoulder of his wife.
"It looks like my fairy decided to magically appear in my humble abode," Ren whispered into your ear.
"Ren!" You pushed his body away only for him to trap you in his arms.
He smiled and let you go. He then turned to the painting of the wall and his expression stiffened. "YN... Who took you here?"
"I wandered on my own," You replied curtly, uneasy about how forward he was. Sure, you are often frank but for Ren to do so is a little strange.
"Let's go to the gardens," Ren took you by the hand. "It was rude of me to leave you alone and to come late to our date as well."
You shrugged it off. "I did not mind... I was examining the regal decor of your home."
He tighten his hand slightly. "Were you intrigued by the family portrait?"
"I'll tell you of it in the garden."
You and Ren had tea together at the gazebo in the gardens. You gave time for Ren to muster up his courage, not pressing on the matter.
"You must be wondering where the lady of the house is," He said. You nodded, your eyes sparkling in curiosity.
"Well she's sitting across from me with such magical eyes..." He winked. You simply gave him a hard stare at his comment.
He chuckled, then took your hand in his. "The lady of the house ー my mother ー passed away. As well as my father," He explained. "When my mother passed away, my father got rid of anything related to her... My brother finally put up the one family portrait we had after his passing."
"Your mother is incredibly beautiful... I wish I had met mine..." You earnestly told him. "My birth mother passed away after I was born."
He took your hand and kissed it. "She would be proud to have a daughter like you."
Cecil Aijima
The two had nothing much behind your pasts that would shock the other in all honesty. It didn't surprise you that he was a prince, especially with the way he acts.
The main reason was Cecil being so honest with you. You had mentioned one thing to Cecil which you think he didn't understand. It was the fact your family was a yakuza group.
You were inspired to pursue theatre by your cousin, who currently is doing acting in Mankai Theatre.
Cecil unfortunately found out when bodyguards tailing you two nabbed him and interrogated him. Much less to say, there was nothing tragic in the past to harm your relationship. Well... with the exception of your cousin.
Syo Kurusu
He confessed his past in an... unexpected way. Your family called him to confess his past ー with several spears at his neck ー which he complied with.
"I have a twin brother, mother and father. My mother is an orchestra conductor and my father is a stylist. I was born with a heart condition andー" He panicked as the blade reached closer. "I will give YN no harm; please let me go." He pleaded.
"Grandpa, please let him go. He does no harm..." You said, on your knees. "Syo even swore to wait for me."
"Release him."
After comforting Syo, he swore to never break his promise. "I won't let them kill you," You told him.
Tokiya Ichinose
You had asked Tokiya to assist you in cleaning your room since you were moving dorms. As you cleaned through your closet, Tokiya took off the photos that hung on your wall. One particular photo was of you sitting in the middle of many men.
"Are these your relatives?" He asked.
"My brothers..." You said. "There's 10 of them."
He seemed surprised. "I hope I meet them someday... How did your mother manage that?"
You shook your head. "They're my foster brothers. Actually, we're all adopted. My dads adopted all of us from the streets separately."
"I'm sorry to say..." He said. "Please stop me if I'm getting too deep. Did you know your parents?"
You shook your head again. "I'm a dumpster baby. I was probably the product of some one-night stand gone wrong."
Seeing you solemn, he expressed his own thoughts. "I know how it feels to not be wanted to say the least. My parents divorced and they never supported my idol career."
You were shocked. "You're pretty good though at the whole idol thing." You remembered those times watching Tokiya practice.
"You're a pretty good mangaka yourself," He said. "I hope I meet the respectful men who raised you."
You smiled. "Alright! These boxes won't move themselves!"
Chapter 9 →
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I Owe What I am to You
Billy Russo x fem!Reader
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: mild violence, injury, hurt/comfort, kidnapping, minor character death, angst, fluff, protective!Billy, Billy betrays Rawlings AU
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“Mr. Russo, you have someone here to see you,” Billy’s assistant knocked on his office door.
He glanced at the clock; he didn’t have an appointment scheduled until 2 so there was only one person that could walk through that door. He stood and grinned when he was right and you slid past Billy’s assistant with a quick thanks.
Once the door was closed behind you, Billy quickly closed the gap between your bodies and took your lips with his in a needy kiss. You squealed in surprise, but quickly wrapped your arms around him and pulled him as close as you could. It had only been since this morning since you last saw each other, but lately every hour felt like a week whenever you were apart. 
This past year or so was a rough year for you both.  
You had met Billy some time ago, you forgot how long now when you came in to interview him as part of your job as a journalist and there was immediate chemistry. Soon after, you started dating and soon after that, Billy broke down and told you everything he had kept hidden from the world. There was such a strong connection between the two of you that neither could explain and Billy came to trust you uncharacteristically fast.
He told you about his deal with Rawlins and the guilt he felt for betraying his best friend, Frank Castle. You listened as he cried in your arms, and you told him that the only way he could make it right was to betray Rawlins. 
He was hesitant at first, mostly because he didn’t want to risk putting you in danger or get caught in the crosshairs. But you convinced him you would be alright. You were right of course; Billy had to admit that you almost always were, but Billy was left injured and scarred from his and Frank’s fight with Rawlins. During everything, though, you stuck by his side, and Billy realized just how much he loved you.
Once Billy was fully healed, he rebranded Anvil and rebuilt it from the ground up to be what he wanted from the beginning, and free of Rawlin’s influence. You helped him with that as well; you used your investigative skills to thoroughly vet every applicant and potential networking partner before Billy signed them on.
“Billy,” you giggled between kisses, “Meg is just outside the door.” This wouldn’t be the first time you had sex in his office, but you didn’t want his assistant to hear anything and then have to walk past her when you left.
He didn’t care, and he spun you around and backed you up until your legs bumped into his desk. Billy gracefully lifted you so that you sat on his desk and kissed you even more deeply. It took him some time to show affection like this with you again, but once he started, he didn’t want to stop.
You moaned softly into his mouth before you pushed him back, “Billy,” you gave him a fierce look that always made him melt.
He cradled the side of your face as he said your name, “You’re right,” he looked at you with those big, dark eyes and you almost gave in to him.
You kissed him once more before you leaned back to glance over the papers on his desk. You noticed at the top of the stack, there was a paper with someone’s profile, and you immediately recognized the name. 
“Why are you meeting with Big Ed?” you asked as you picked up the sheet of paper.
Billy’s grip on your waist tightened as he furrowed his brows, “He’s interested in working with Anvil as a partner. How do you know his name?”
You turned back around to meet his gaze, “He keeps popping up when I’m doing my research for you,” you explained, “I can’t find much on him though. It’s like he just appeared out of nowhere,” you let out a heavy sigh, “I don’t know, Billy. Something about him doesn’t sit right with me.”
He was quiet for a moment as he took in your words. You were a good journalist, and your instincts were usually correct. Plus, Billy trusted you. He was about to say something when the phone on his desk rang. You jumped in his arms in surprise, and he gave you a quick squeeze before he reached over to press the speaker button.
“Mr. Russo, a Big Ed is here to see you,” Meg’s voice rang through the speaker.
He’s early, “Tell him I’ll be right out,” the line clicked and he turned to you, and the look in your eyes made his heart sink, “Too late to back out now,” Billy said.
“I’ll go back to my office and see what else I can dig up on him,” you pushed yourself off of his desk, but Billy did not release his protective hold on you, “Promise me you’ll be careful Billy.”
He flashed you a charming smile, “I’m always careful baby,” he kissed you once more, and for some reason this kiss felt very final. Billy pushed that sinking feeling aside and told himself it was just nerves, “You want me to call a car for you?”
“I can call one myself, Billy,” you paused and bit your lip as an uneasy feeling hung in the air between the two of you, “I love you.”
Billy brushed your lower lip with his thumb, “I love you too.” It wasn’t often that you and Billy spoke those words aloud to each other, though you both knew the feeling was there. You both saved the words for special or desperate occasions, the the uneasy feeling that hung in the air definitely warranted the moment.
He watched you leave with a heavy feeling in his chest and he took a minute to gather himself before he went to meet with this Big Ed.
You stepped outside Anvil to wait for your car, but you weren’t waiting long until one pulled up and called your name. You thought nothing of it, since the driver used your name and you stepped into the back seat. The drive to your office was silent, and it took longer than usual due to traffic, but you kept yourself occupied by starting your research on Big Ed from your phone. You were so wrapped up in your investigation that you didn’t even notice at first that the car pulled up to your work building. When the driver shook you from your focus, you thanked him and stepped out of the car. 
Just as you got out, your phone rang and you saw it was Billy. You smiled at his picture on your screen; it was one you took when you were out together one night and out caught him in a sweet smile before he regained his composure.
“That was fast,” you said with a short laugh as you answered.
“I think you were right,” his voice was serious, “I had a bad feeling about him too. Cut the meeting short,” Billy paused and you heard him take a deep breath, “You back at your office?”
“Yeah I just got here. Traffic was bad,” you could hear the worry in his voice and it made you nervous, “Everything ok, Billy?”
He was quiet for a moment, “Fine.”
“So you’re not going to work with him then?” you had the feeling there was something Billy was not telling you, and as much as you wanted to know you also didn’t want to push it.
Again, Billy was quiet. What you couldn’t see was the worry on his face as he replayed what Big Ed said to him during the meeting: It’s in your best interest to take my offer. I think you’ll find that I can be very persuasive, Mr. Russo. 
Billy did not like the threat that loomed in his words. When you said his name again, he finally answered, “I don’t know. See what you can dig up, and call me later.”
You swallowed hard; you knew something was wrong, “Alright. I’m walking in now,” you both hung up and you decided to leave it at that for now. You knew Billy would tell you what bothered him eventually when he was ready.
You walked past the security camera and were just about to pull the door open when a pained cry got your attention. Never one to ignore someone in need of help, you let go of the door and ran to the side of the building where you heard the cry come from. You looked around, but no one was there, and you figured you must have imagined it. 
Just as you shrugged and were about to turn around, you heard a rush of movement behind you. But before you could turn, a hand that held a cloth covered your face. You screamed into the cloth, but your cry was muffled. A strong arm held you in place, as much as you struggled, and you passed out after a few moments. Just before you blacked out, you recognized the driver of the car you just exited.
Billy busied himself in his office after he hung up with you, but he still had this nagging feeling in the back of his head that would not go away. He glanced down at his phone again, even though it was only a short while since you hung up. Billy sighed and ran his hands through his hair when his phone rang.
He looked down and saw your face on his screen: a photo of you at the beach that he took over the summer. Billy answered with your name and waited for you to say something. When the line stayed silent, he stood and immediately knew something was wrong. He said your name again with more urgency and he scowled when a deep voice laughed on the other end of the time.
“I told you I can be persuasive, Mr. Russo,” Big Ed’s voice rang through the line.
“What the hell did you do? Where the fuck is she?” Billy shouted with rage into the phone, “I swear, if you hurt her…”
“Your girl is fine, Mr. Russo,” Big Ed cut him off, “And she’ll stay that way as long as you follow my instructions.”
“You son of a bitch,” Billy growled as he shook with anger.
Big Ed ignored the insult and went ahead with his instructions, “I’m going to text you an address from this lovely lady’s phone and you’re going to meet me here in exactly one hour. Come alone. If I see even one other person, she dies. Got it, pretty boy?”
Billy snarled as he gripped the phone so hard it almost broke. Between the insult and taking you, this guy just signed his own death certificate, he just didn’t know it yet. The line clicked and right away a text came in with the address along with a photo of you that made his blood boil. You were unconscious and tied to a chair with a piece of duct tape on your mouth. You didn’t look hurt, which was a small relief, but Billy had never felt more angry, and scared, in his life.
“I’m coming for you baby,” he mumbled to himself as he grabbed every weapon he could and bolted out.
You grumbled as you slowly regained consciousness and found yourself in an uncomfortable chair in the middle of a small, dimly lit room. When you tried to move, you found that your arms were bound behind you with an extra amount of rope around your midsection and your ankles were tied to the legs of the chair. You tried to take in a deep breath, but it was hard due to the duct tape on your mouth. 
A laugh from the corner of the room made you snap fully awake as you tried to turn towards the sound.
“About time you joined us here my lovely,” the voice got closer to you as he spoke and you flinched when you felt a hand caress your cheek. “Oh don’t be like that, baby.”
I’m not your baby, you thought as you glared at him. When he stepped more into your line of vision, you recognized him as Big Ed. But, you hid your shock well. When he tried to run his fingers across your skin, you shook your head and mumbled curses through your gag.
“Feisty aren’t you?” he teased you, “I like that in a woman. And you’re smart too, I’ve had to stay one step ahead of your research. Although you’re the closest anyone’s ever come to revealing my past.” 
Big Ed squeezed your cheeks so hard it made tears form in the corners on your eyes as he leaned in and sneered at you, “I really didn’t want to have to do this, but your boyfriend forced my hand.”
I don’t believe that for a second, you thought as you kept your glare pointed at him. You inhaled and reared your head back as far as you could before you pushed it toward and collided with him with as much force as you could muster. 
“Bitch,” he shouted as he hit you across your face in retaliation. 
You let out a muffled cry when his fist connected with the side of your face, and you would have fallen over from the force of his hit had he not grabbed your shirt to keep you seated upright. He was about to hit you again when an alarm sounded down the hallway.
“Right on time,” Big Ed released you and stepped toward the door, “Once I’m finished with your pretty boyfriend, you and I will pick up where we left off.”
His words sent chills down your spine as he stepped out of the room and locked it behind him. You struggled against your restraints but nothing budged and you let out a heavy sigh. There was no doubt in your mind that Billy would find you, but you found yourself worried for his safety because you were sure Big Ed was a man who played dirty. 
From down the hall, you heard multiple gunshots, followed by shouts and grunts. Every sound made you jump, since you had no idea what was happening just outside the door. You heard the sound of what you guessed were bodies slammed against the wall and you knew it was a fight not too far from the room you were trapped in.
Soon, it got quiet and you kept your eyes on the door as you waited with baited breath. You heard the sound of doors slammed open and one by one, you heard it get closer and closer until the door in front of you swung open with a loud bang.
Out of reflex, you squeezed your eyes shut since you couldn’t move at all. You hated the way you felt so helpless and you could only hope that it wasn’t Big Ed that just burst through the door. 
When you heard your name in Billy’s voice, your eyes shot open and you let out a big sigh of relief. You saw Billy stand in the doorway with his gun drawn, blood all over his body and a fierce look on his face. But his face dropped as soon as he saw you and he tucked his gun away and rushed over to you and said your name again.
“Fuck,” even though Billy saw the photo Big Ed sent him, nothing could have prepared him for seeing you like this in person, “It’s ok. It’s ok,” he repeated, “You’re ok baby. I got you.” Billy’s hand shook as he untied your ankles first before he quickly stopped the tape off your mouth and moved to unite your arms. 
“Billy,” your voice was just above a whisper as you choked back tears. 
The moment your arms were free, you wrapped them around him, and he responded right away. Billy slowly brought you to your feet with his arms around your waist as he whispered comforting words into your ear. 
“You’re safe. I’ve got you baby,” Billy said again and he hated how much his voice shook. He held you tight for a few moments before he pulled back to inspect your face, “Are you hurt?” he brought a hand up to your face and he noticed the bloodstain from where Big Ed hit you and frowned.
You shook your head, “I’m fine,” truthfully you felt sore but you didn’t want to worry Billy any more than he already was. All you wanted to do was get out of here and back home, safe in Billy’s arms. 
Suddenly, a noise from the doorway called both of your attention, and Billy turned around to find that a battered and bleeding Big Ed blocked the exit. The man snarled and raised his gun to aim right at you.
Both you and Billy reacted in tandem as you both reached for his gun. Your hands wrapped around the weapon together and it was as if you moved as one. With ease, the two of you raised the gun and shot him right in the head in one fluid motion.
When Big Ed’s lifeless body hit the ground, you let out a heavy breath. Billy lowered the gun and turned his attention back to you; his arms locked themselves tightly around your body once more. Neither of you spoke as he took you back to his penthouse and had your injury looked at then got you cleaned up and changed.
Billy never once left your side and he barely let go of your body since he found you. He was always protective of you, but after this he felt even more determined than ever to keep you safe. While he cleaned you up, he mumbled apologies and promises that he would do better in the future.
You barely spoke and you couldn’t stop the nerves from rushing through your body. It was only when Billy brought you to bed and laid next to you with his arms securely around you that you finally felt yourself relax. You laid with your head on his chest and just listened to the sound of his heartbeat, which finally slowed down from when it spiked earlier.
“I guess I was right about him, huh Billy?” your voice was weak but you still tried to cover your anxieties with humor. Billy let out a single short laugh at that and kissed the top of your head.
It was well past midnight when you were finally able to fall asleep, but Billy laid awake still with you in his embrace. He listened to the sounds of your heavy breaths and soft snores as he ran his fingers across your skin. 
“I’m never gonna let anything happen to you again,” Billy promised your sleeping form before he finally let himself drift off to sleep as well.
Notes: Protective!Billy is my JAM!!!! I’ve had this in my head for awhile and I just had to write it!! It’s been a minute since I’ve written for Billy and I miss him so much! And in case anyone is wondering, I did name the bad guy Big Ed after the guy on 90 day fiance lol
Everything taglist:  @thirsty-flygirl @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @the-purity-pen @bisexual-space-slut​
Billy Russo Taglist @witchygagirl​ @runawayolives​ @morriganwarrior @fictionwillneverdie​ @thanossexual​ @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat​ @fific7​ @shadow-assassin-blix​ 
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Business AU - Working Late, Part 5
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sorry for the wait, I had a nightmarish week.... I won’t let this little fic die 💜 I can’t wait to write more about it, even though the chapters are hella short xD
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She couldn’t deny the butterflies in her stomach. That evening with Donnie have had that je-ne-sais-quoi that made her smile mindlessly whenever she’d think about it. It’s been a while since she last felt like that...
On Thursday they barely had time to have any conversation, only to have their next interaction postponed to Friday - a single day without talking to him almost feeling like an entire week... Vee was going on and about from one corner of the office to the other, handing a pile of documents to various departments, until she passed before Donnie’s office. The door was wide open, giving him a chance to see her walk by. His reaction had been almost immediate, jumping on his feet and going straight to the door frame.
The woman stopped in her tracks, looking in his direction with a surprised look. They were both frozen for a moment, speech a meaningless thing right at that moment... Donnie tried to redeem himself, quickly clearing his throat and straightening his posture.
“Need help?” he asked, gesturing the documents Vee was holding.
Her lips parted in a small “o”, glancing at her burden and then back at the mutant.
“... Are you sure you want to help me with that? Don’t you have important boss things to do?”
“I’m already done for the day,” he answered instantly.
He approached Vee, lowering his voice.
“Please, I need to look busy, or else Leo will drop more work on me. I don’t want to get something dumped on me that might interfere with my other plans.”
“Which are?” asked Vee, her voice a whisper as well, entering the game.
“As soon as he’s out of here, I’m jumping back to the Lowline drawing board. He considers it low priority for now, so he doesn’t really like when I get some work done on it while we have other more urgent projects in the works.”
Vee parted her pile in two, dumping some files in his hands.
“Follow me then, boss,” she smiled with a quick wink.
As both were on the move, Donnie couldn’t help looking at the woman once more, amused as he noticed:
“Looks like we broke the curse,” he started. “We’re not wearing the same colored clothes anymore!”
Vee was wearing a black shirt that had a pattern of colorful, jungle type leaves, the bottom of it tucked in her jeans. Her relaxed look was completed by her teal hair tied up in a messy bun. Meanwhile Donnie rather simple with a white shirt, an unevenly striped black and white tie, and beige pants.
“Huh! Beige suits you,” noted Vee, observing him as well.
“Wearing those clothes can be a challenge sometimes. Pale clothes are a nightmare whenever you do anything. I’m always so scared that I’ll spill anything on them.”
“Right?!” agreed the woman. “It can be such a nightmare. Imagine white pants! I’d be so scared to sit anywhere anytime!”
Small laughters were exchanged, the duo still walking. Their task was easily embellished with small talk of various subjects, Vee’s day suddenly brigthened by Donnie’s presence. All was good and she couldn’t be ever more grateful for any seconds spent with him...
As the rest of the day passed, Donnie thankfully avoiding any tasks from his older brother, people were starting to leave the office, this being the duo’s cue for their project. As Vee had a better understanding of the Lowline’s needs, she was able to provide better feedback about how to approach the plans and drawings, actively pointing whenever Donnie was doing something wrong and the woman simply grabbing a pencil, adding her touch here and there. She didn’t give a second thought about standing close to the mutant, her focus primarly on the drawing. She could sense Donnie’s gaze on her though, the turtle enamored with her work. He was truly open to her comments and loved to get the conversation going about how to proceed, appreciating her knowledge. They worked well together. ... So well that they didn’t see time pass and soon it was almost past eight in the evening. Exiting the small room in which the drawing board was in, they noticed rain starting to fall outside, the mutant then offering to drive the woman back home - to Vee’s greatest relief.
New York was restless. Even in the late hours of the night, it was still booming with life in certain areas, never a dull moment to be had. Vee loved looking at all the lights coloring the streets, the slight start of rain amplifying their shimmering on the pavement like an ephemeral oil painting. The vehicle's motion was creating a kaleidoscope of colors inside the SUV, slowly fading as the pair was rolling away from the busy streets to a somewhat calmer part of town. As Donnie parked near a sidewalk, the rain amplified, the drops drumming against the car's body. He wasn't close to Vee's apartment building, so the woman knew that if she were to step outside, she'd be soaking wet in no time.
“If you don't mind,” she started, looking over to the terrapin. “Can I wait in here for little while? I'm guessing this strong pour will stop at some point, they always do....”
Donnie gently smiled.
“They do indeed, and I don't mind at all,” he answered.
They paused, listening to the rain. This comfortable silence allowed Donnie to gather his thoughts, finally speaking up after a while:
“… It's rather nice, don't you think?”
“The ambient sound?” questionned Vee.
Donnie conceeded, while also adding: “Sure, it's calming. … But I just kept thinking; it's also nice to be here with you. It's nice that we seem to get along so well...”
Vee was suddenly speechless, her heart thundering in her ears. She tried to boot her thoughts back to her brain, tucking some strands of hair away.
“I- … yeah. It's nice.”
She felt his hand hold her left one, his touch soft as he brushed his thumb on her skin. “… I'm sorry, I'm making you uncomfortable,” he said.
“No!” reassured Vee. “No please, I... I simply wonder if this is right?”
She had said that last part with uncertainty, afraid she'd say something wrong.
"And what is 'this'?” questionned the terrapin, remaining calm.
Vee threw him an unimpressed look, getting a chuckle out of the male in return.
“Don't play this game with me, Donnie,” she said. “We're adults. I know flirting when I see it. … I just don't want it to be ill-intentioned on your part.”
His eyes grew wide, a slight distress felt in the air.
“I would never!” he added. “… To be frank, I'm not really used to flirting, so I'm sorry if I'm giving weird vibes.”
“Are you kidding?” lightly laughed Vee. “You make me blush so often, it might become permanent at some point.”
She brought her other hand to his, now properly holding him, simply to bring weight to her words:
“You've made me feel alive ever since we properly met... I simply feel happy, but considering our positions at work, that's why I'm asking if this is right? … I wouldn't want to dive too deep into this simply to drown...”
“People may say what they want, but I think as long as we remain professional, there's no harm?”
Their eyes met, trying to guess the right answer through unspoken words. As the rain was still gaining in strength, the loud pitter-patter seemed to break any barriers, Donnie gaining further courage to speak again:
“You're a beautiful and interesting woman, Vee. Just thinking about you makes me feel warm and I can't stop smiling... I realize that's a bit bold to lay out, but just as you said: we're adults. And I don't see why I should hide the fact that you're bringing me joy lately.”
Vee felt her heart melt, her hands slightly squeezing his. A faint sigh left her as she attempted to cling to reason:
“Let us see where things go from now on. … I think we need to rest our heads on this before anything else. … I appreciate you a lot, Donnie, I do. But right now we need to learn how to walk together before we sprint to any outcome.”
“I agree,” smiled the turtle. ‘’There’s no rush indeed. ... I like any moments spent with you.”
This moment felt so surreal all of a sudden. To openly express such feelings out in the open indeed was bold, from both of them, but it just felt so right. As a sign of fate, the rain was calming down, thus being the cue for Vee to head out and get home.  She wanted to stay here. She wanted to feel his presence and hear more about how he felt, but at the same time she wanted to stay true to her words.
“Well ... I guess this is time for me to go,” she said.
“Are you busy tomorrow night?”
That question surprised her at first.
“What now, I have to lay out my entire schedule to you?” she joked.
“Not really,” grinned Donnie. “But how about a date? That way we shall see how things unfold from now on.”
That caught her slightly off guard, but knowing she had thrown somehow the idea on their last evening out, she knew it was bound to happen.
“How could I ever decline?” she said, smiling. “... I’d like that very much.”
Donnie brought one of her hands up, leaving a soft kiss on top of it.
“Then you make me a very happy man.”
((Part 6))
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the-darklings · 4 years
—𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆;
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pairing: john wick x f!reader x santino d’antonio
word count: 38.7k+ (truly curious to know if i’m the biggest clown on tumblr)
summary: “Remember this moment. This is the moment you chose to face death.”
warnings: angsty, swearing, strong violence x 2 (I mean there’s two of them) 
notes: I’m so nervous for this chapter hahahahaha. But you’ve waited long enough, let’s roll on Parabellum. 
children of ares series: 01 | …. | 15 | 16 | . . | 18 |
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There are moments—fragments, really—that shift the course of one’s life.
Be it for better or for worse, they mark a second in which one path ceases to be and another takes its place. Sometimes this change is brought forth by one’s own actions. Other times it’s a change that is not in your control.
It’s like being caught in the eye of the storm.
Unable to fight back, unable to do anything—just a ceaseless struggle.
The clock in Doc’s clinic tolls 6pm and you feel the path you were once on disintegrate beneath your feet. You knew it was going to happen the moment John fired that bullet but now it’s an absolute.
Your eyes press shut and you clench the tiny box between your fingers, your head bowed.
“I’m sorry, Mr Wick.”
John only grunts. “Rules.”
“Ah, rules,” Doc repeats in defeat though with no small amount of disgruntlement. “V, if you hurry—”
You stand without a word, pushing back the dislodged floorboard messily back in place. Your hand slides inside your pocket, securing the box in your hand.
“Thank you, Doc.”
You don’t look at him as you say it. Your eyes linger on the ring on your middle finger and you exhale, turning to go.
You don’t turn to face him.
There is disappointed in Doc’s voice. “You can help him.”
John sounds wary, his voice a soft rasp. You don’t react at first but slant your head in their direction after a moment.
There are visible traces of pain across John’s features. His dark, wet hair sticks to his face and you gaze at him for a beat, silent. Just observing him. His dark eyes are focused on you as well. You’re not sure what to make of the muted hope you see there.  
It’s odd how different he now appears to you.
He’s still John but there is something else now.
Your eyes slide towards the older man standing next to him, only to find him peering at you with a minute frown. There is an expectation in that weighted, wise gaze.
“I don’t owe him anything.”
As simple as that. For the first time since Winston told you those words weeks ago now—before this whole mess began—you feel the truth of them.
You’re done owing anyone anything. Even a shred of your time.
“If that’s the case,” the older man mutters and despite your best efforts to keep your expression empty, his next words still manage to cut deep. “Then you’re no better than the rest of them.”
Your fingers form a loose fist. “And if I am?” you wonder softly. “No better than the rest of them?”
An icy caress of a question but Doc only shakes his head. “I know that’s not true.”
The tension in the air hangs like a suffocating blanket. The beat of rain against the windows reverberates through the room but there are no other sounds beside it.
“It’s fine, Doc,” John inputs after an uncomfortable pause, taking the bloody needle from the man’s worn hand. “Give it to me.”
You watch as John grabs the lamp, swinging it and a mirror in his direction so he can see his own shoulder. His shaking fingers push the needle into the bloodied skin and his expression twitches, his jaw clenching. As always those are his only tells of pain.
It’s slow progress though.
Slow, painful and messy.
Your feet move.
They carry you in John’s direction in a few unhurried steps, and you don’t look towards Doc as you brush past him, shoving the lamp and the mirror aside roughly. John stills when your fingers pinch around the hook of the needle, pulling it out of his shaky hold.
Pressing your fingers against the warm, bloody skin, you sink the needle back into his shoulder carefully, pulling on it.
“Don’t bother.”
“I said don’t bother.”
Your eyes meet.
Ice sits inside your heart; a rigid, unmoving thing that leaves little space for anything else.
It’s a foreign feeling to you.
That look in his eyes only makes it worse. It’s a look that belongs to a man from your past—the few rare times he’s ever allowed his guard down around you to see this. You don’t need his care now.
“Where will you go?”
You sink the needle back into his skin, not answering.
He grabs your wrist and your eyes snap to him, your expression hardening.
“Get your hand off me.”
He lets go but his expression is unyielding. “I can help you escape the city.”
“Why?” you question coolly. “Guilt getting too much for you, John?”
He doesn’t try to defend his actions this time, either, and you scoff. Readjusting your grip, you sink the needle back in. Almost done now.
“You could at least pretend to be sorry,” you bite out and try to block out the pain you feel. “If he dies—”
Your voice cuts off, a lump in your throat impossible to swallow.
Some remote emotion flickers across John’s expression briefly but you blink and it’s gone. There is regret there but you doubt it’s regret for what he did.
“I’m going to Casablanca,” he begins after another minute of silence as you finish closing the wound, wiping it clean so it doesn’t get infected. His words freeze you though. “Come with me.”
You stare at your bloodied fingers.
Your eyes find his again, and you only give him a cold and knowing, “You mean you’re going to the Elder.”
He blinks, a slight furrow appearing between his brows when he stands, buttoning his shirt. It doesn’t take him long to realise what you’re getting at. “So are you.”
“He has the power to overturn the Table’s decision.”
John turns to face you fully at that, his eyes narrowing.
The Doc stands to the side, cradling a drink in his hand as he glances towards the clock again.
“You know where he is.”
Not a question.
“No, I don’t,” you answer softly, distracted. “But meeting him is not going to be as easy as you think. You don’t find him. He finds you.”
John steps closer, his bloodied shirt halfway buttoned up and you use a spare cloth to wipe your hands of his blood.
“You’ve met him.”
There is a faint trace of surprise there but you don’t acknowledge it. “Again, it’s not that simple,” you say, shooting a wry look towards the clock. “No one just meets the Elder. You…”
You hesitate, your composure wavering, and when your eyes meet John’s again, you offer him a frank, “You have no idea what he is.”
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Stepping outside feels like stepping into a war zone.
You scan the cramped alleyway, squinting through the deluge for any possible targets.
John is behind you, close enough to feel the heat emitting from his body, and you try to disregard the uncomfortable lock of your back muscles.
Ignoring his presence, you look back towards the Doc and offer him a forced smile.
“I’ll be back for tea in a week or so,” you tell him mildly though your voice wavers just a bit. “You better keep the kettle hot for my favourite Jasmine tea, Doc.”
“Best of luck, dear,” Doc says, and you hear the worn sadness in his voice. “I wish you good health. Both of you.”
He doubts he will see you again but you don’t take it as an insult.
“Tarkovsky Theater,” John’s raspy voice almost makes you jump. “We can get there in 10 minutes.”
You glance at him briefly, stepping into the rain, ignoring the shock of cold water on your skin again. “Not in a mood to watch ballet.”
You start walking down the alleyway and he follows after you. “Do you have a safe way to get out of the city?”
“No,” you answer honestly, your voice bland. “But I will soon.”
John brushes against you, his body tense and ready for a fight. For a good reason, too. You’ve both effectively just became two most-wanted individuals on the planet. John even more so than you due to the large bounty on his head.
“I have a ticket with the Ruska Roma,” he informs you and keeps up easily with your brisk pace thanks to his long legs. “I can’t change what happened but…”
Pausing at the mouth of the alleyway, you twist your body to face him, your eyes narrowed. The truth is that you would be a fool not to take his offer. Despite everything that has transpired in the last twelve hours, he’s still the safest option right now.
The issue is that shards of ice shred your heart every time you so much as look at him.
“Don’t call me that,” you bite out quietly but you know he hears you even over the pour of rain and the bustle of Chinatown. “I don’t want—”
A shift over his shoulder and you throw a blade at the blur of a figure. The metal sticks inside the man’s chest, his face contorting in pain as he collapses on his knees, his gun falling to the ground.
Stopped just in time but effectively leaving you with just one blade.
A movement of bodies behind the compact row of stalls catches your eye, more than one or even two.
John looks at you at the exact same moment you look at him.
You tear through the streets together, keeping ahead of the band of footsteps you can hear chasing you down. No guns yet and you count your blessings while they last.
John is unarmed, you know that much without needing a verbal confirmation, and one blade is not enough to face off against so many.  
Water clings to your lashes, leaving you busy blinking the moisture away to see clearly.
John shoves a door to a random building open, and you’re not sure if he knew it would be unlocked, or if he simply guessed it but you follow him inside all the same.
Breathing deeply through your nose to conserve your strength, you follow him up the staircase.
“I certainly hope you have some sort of plan instead of boxing us in.”
He turns towards you briefly. “Weapons,” he grunts and you nod in understanding, following him albeit reluctantly.
At least now you have a confirmation he’s aware of where you are after all.
The weapons around are old though, mostly antiques that are encased behind glass cases, and you’re not sure how many of them are in usable condition.
John—expert marksmen that he is—begins assembling a gun at once, pulling apart spare parts while you grab your remaining blade using the back of it to help you break the glass. Below, the door slams open, a thud of hurried footsteps racing up the creaky stairs and you straighten.
Detaching yourself from the torrent of worry and anger, you let yourself move.
John shoots the first man through the door with a gun he assembled seconds ago and you take care of the other two.
You share a look—a fleeting, cautious thing—and rush to the other room together, grabbing any weapon on hand.
For now, at least, you have no choice but to stick together.
The attackers come in a flurry after that.
They’re fast. Hard trained. Their attacks are successions of quick jabs and punches but you’re faster. You and John split apart, dividing forces and it’s almost easy after that.
The blade in your hand slips between your fingers with expert ease as you wrap your arm around one attacker, sinking the polished metal into the man’s neck once, twice, thrice—
A sequence of burying the blade deep into the unguarded flesh that spills blood everywhere. From the corner of your eye, you spot John on the floor and drop the body, moving towards him.
He throws himself backwards as knives sink into the wooden floor in front of him, his legs spread. He returns the favour swiftly, but unlike the attacker, he doesn’t miss. Every blade he throws finds its target.
Another man burst through the door and you throw a blade at him, hitting his shoulder. The man lurches backwards but doesn’t fall and John draws blank, his hands free of weapons.
It’s the only thing you mumble as you launch yourself at the attacker pulling out the knife from his shoulder. You deliver a swift uppercut to his jaw with your elbow, kicking his feet from under him as you throw your leg over his body and wrap your arms around his neck. He tries to slash at you with the knife, cutting across your jacket sleeve. There is only a tingle across your arm that indicates broken skin but nothing more serious. That throws the man back though, and he doesn’t get a second chance to fight back before John throws the axe directly at his chest. The impact is strong enough to push his body into yours and you throw him aside, grimacing in annoyance.
Readjusting your jacket with a small huff, you shove your hands into your pockets to check that both boxes are still intact. Upon finding them, you bend down and rip your bloodied blade from the man’s hand, wiping it on his jacket before pocketing it, too. Steadying your breathing, you incline your head towards John who stares at you like you sprouted a second head.
“You’ve gotten quicker.”
“You’re the one who once told me I have the potential to be faster than even you,” you remind him and step over the dead body. “I took your advice to heart.”
He’s still stronger and far, far more experienced than you. Not to mention a deadly marksman. Your speed is the biggest weapon you have against someone like him.
Aside from your poison.
For a second—just one—you entertain the idea of what exactly the outcome would be if you ever faced off.
Your eyes sweep over him, considering, before you dismiss the awkward tension between you and stalk past him.
He follows silently, recognising the very reluctant and fragile peace you’re offering right now. If only to help you get to where you need to go.
Everything is too fresh, raw, and you need time to process it all. A luxury you can’t afford right now.
The streets are still gushing with rainwater when you step out of the old building. You both scan the streets, cautious and tense, but there is no one in immediate sight, and you let John lead this time. You know where the theatre is but John seems to have some sort of shortcut in mind.
You feel his occasional glance in your direction, almost as if he’s checking if you’re still beside him, but don’t you acknowledge it.
You need more weapons. More poison. Desperately. But the nearest secure location you have is at least fifteen minutes in the opposite direction of the theatre. It seems like you have no choice but to put trust in John’s plan of using his ticket with the Ruska Roma. His past is still murky to you. He rarely shared anything about his life before Tarasov recruited him.
You only know that he was an orphan in one of the Ruska Roma clans.
John’s hurried footsteps suddenly halt, his body rotating to practically cover you from sight.
The blade is in your hand quicker than a breath and you catch a glimpse of smart-looking suits, a golden ring each—
John goes rigid at the sight of weapons.
You shove past him.
“Aspetta!” you call out loudly, raising your hand in a pacifying motion, stepping past John’s broad body. “What family do you belong to?”
Relief follows the recognition you glimpse on their guarded glares. The sight of you, at least, has brought you a window of opportunity.
“Salucci,” the shorter one answers stiffly, reluctantly.
A quiet breath escapes you, your heart beating fast but your mind races.
“Part of Cosa Nostra, no?” you point out, still in Italian, watching them closely. John is quiet but his presence is like dark, barely contained storm only a step behind you. “That means you are allied with Camorra.”
“You are Excommunicado,” the taller one snaps, his eyes narrowing on John. “No alliances will save you now.”
You huff a breath of reluctant agreement, bobbing your head in chagrined understanding. That much is true.
But the heavy, golden ring on your finger won’t have you accepting defeat now.
“Your families have been bound by blood and loyalty long before the Table was established.”
John’s stare burns holes in the back of your head but you don’t lower your guard.
The shorter man speaks first. “What right do you have to speak on behalf of our families, Vipress?”
Your trembling hand hangs in the air for a moment before you slowly turn it, revealing the Camorra head ring to them. It sits on your hand like a beacon, a crown, an order of indisputable authority and you see both men recognise it at once. Their composure falters at the sight of it and you scramble for any memory of Camorra’s words, power, influence.
You envision Giovanni and Gianna and Santino.
A family of nuclear power and control, twisted up and broken just as you often feel.
“As the current standing head of Camorra family, appointed by Santino D’Antonio, the last of the D’Antonio name, I ask that you honour that alliance,” you declare, cold and self-assured, and notice that your shaking hand steadies. “I ask that you turn around and walk away. Go and know that I will remember this kindness if you do. Or you can try and kill us and end up dead either by our hand or the hand by the Camorra’s Four. They have sworn their services to me until such time that Santino is fit enough to represent Camorra once again. What say you?”
Silence disturbed only by easing of the rain. Now nothing more than a drizzle.  
“It won’t be the first time our two families fought,” the taller one says, this time in English and his next words are full of disgust. “You are an outsider. Your word is not binding. You are nothing.”
Two voices hiss at that.
Make them regret that.
And another; lower, full of authority, but no less chilly: They are fools. They should be terrified of you.
Your lips press into a hard line. Behind you, John shifts, readying himself.
“It will be binding when my knife is in your throat, assuming it’s not my poison that does the job first,” you don’t raise your voice, you don’t need to. You channel something else, someone else; a phantom you have not conjured up for a considerable length of time. “Honour the alliance or blood feuds will be the least of your worries.”
A spark of unease—maybe even fear—and you find yourself relishing it. “Honour it or you will learn what happens when someone tries to wage war against Camorra while I’m in charge,” you state calmly and add an even softer, “Go in peace or you will have blood.”
Your hand drops slowly, not out of fear but because you have nothing else to prove to them.
The shorter man lowers his pistol first and nods at his partner to do the same.
The second man follows, reluctant.
The first man’s expression lacks warmth but he nods his head, a polite acknowledgement. “We may have been bound by old loyalties, signora vipera, but others will not be.”
You say nothing. Instead, you repeat a motion you’ve seen Giovanni do multiple times in the past, and press the hand with Camorra ring over your heart, offering them the tiniest of nods.
A sign of favour as you always understood it. Giovanni rarely gave them out and both men seem caught off guard by it as they shuffle backwards and towards their car. They get inside and the car crawls away in reverse.  
You keep your eyes on it, ignoring John’s attentive stare on you. The surprise you feel radiating from him even if he doesn’t voice it.
Acting boss of Camorra.
The Camorra.
Yet it does not feel like a burden. Doesn’t even feel unearned.
Power suits you, cara mia, a memory of Santino whispers against your ear—now seemingly from a lifetime ago. Back during the blood feud with Albanians years ago.  
A gunshot rips through the air, a bullet whistling past your head as you fall back. You throw yourself to the side, rolling across the floor, and John hurls himself in the opposite direction.
More shots follow but it doesn’t come from the direction of the car. It’s someone from the other side of the street, sitting on a motorcycle and you glare in their direction.
Bullets separate you and John, and you know you can’t stay in your spot unless you want to be riddled with lead.
“I’ll meet you there!”
John’s expression hardens, indicting he heard you. His mouth parts and he moves as if to cut the distance between you but more bullets hit the ground and he drops back. His expression is deadly calm and that focused lethality will be wielded to a deadly result soon.
“Meet me there!”
Splitting up is the last thing he wants to do, you can tell as much from the strain on his face, but you don’t have much of a choice. Rising from your crouch, you prepare yourself for a sprint under the cover of the containers littering the area. Divide their attention.
You don’t bother with goodbyes.
You lock your muscles, draw a deep breath, steady yourself, and then you sprint.  
Same mistakes, same path, a gentle voice reminds you but you ignore it.
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“You’re late.”
“What happened?”
You shrug carelessly, pushing yourself away from the building, and scan the street behind him.
John looks no less dishevelled than you likely do. His still-damp hair is splattered to his forehead and new additional cuts are visible on his face.
“Bodies,” you intone blankly and look him up and down before demanding a monotonous, “You?”
There’s a slight limp to his gait as he steps closer, grunting a dispassionate, “Bodies.”  
Getting here created six additional casualties. All mercifully unknown to you and it’s a small relief. You’re not quite sure how you would handle facing against someone you know or have a connection to. You don’t want to think about what being made Excommunicado might reveal.
John strides towards the receptionist booth, and the lady gives him the exact same, dry response she did you, “We’re closed.”
But John is not a man to be deterred easily. He grabs something—a medallion of beads and a silver crucifix—from his pocket and slams it against the glass with enough force to rattle it.
In under a minute the doors to the theatre swing open and a guard comes to greet you. You’re ushered inside under tense but non-hostile silence. John falls in step beside you, and neither of you lowers your guard despite the fact that this might be the closest he’s come to home in years.
The guards examine you both closely when you come to a stand before a table, a soft piano tune filling the otherwise quiet space. More heavily tattooed and armed men sit behind it. At least a dozen eyes drill into you. Befitting security for a higher up on the New York food chain.
John places his medallion on the table and starts removing everything in his pockets without prompting. A standard procedure for him.
You pretend you don’t see the silver viper ring he places on the table.
“Your weapons.”
That gets directed straight at you.
Of course.
No meeting the Director with weapons on your person.
You’ve only heard stories about the woman who runs the Ruska Roma in New York.  
Formidable individual if the stories are anything to go by.
John complies, removing his belt, though the cautious air around him doesn’t drop. You follow his lead, removing your blade and placing it on the immaculate tablecloth, except even more reluctant.
“Remove everything, Vipress,” one of the men grumbles in Russian. “We know your tricks.”
Your jaw clenches subtly and you become very, very aware of the two boxes nested inside your jacket pockets. Your two aces. The idea of them being in anyone’s hands but your own or select few you do trust coils your stomach.
Your chin tips upwards and you refuse to move, staring down at them defiantly.
The atmosphere thickens with tension.
John glances at you over his shoulder, his dark eyes guarded but you see a spark of pleading there. “V.”
You don’t move for another few, uneasy moments before finally burying your hands in your pockets and removing the twin boxes. Placing them carefully on the table, you cast a hard, warning look at the men before straightening. An unspoken warning.
With that, the tension eases a few notches and the guard gives the go-ahead for you to proceed.
John takes the lead, you beside him, as you both enter the dark auditorium. It’s empty with a lone ballerina practising on stage and a hunched back of a sitting woman visible in the distance. It surprises you when John hesitates, taking the sight in. He feels your brief glance in his direction and turns towards you.
A thousand things burn behind his eyes but he doesn’t say anything, choosing to instead begin the trek towards the spot the woman is sitting.
The ballerina on stage slips up, falling on the floor with a thud and in the empty, grand space the fall seems to echo. A dark, painful sound of yet another failure.
The dark-haired woman—the Director—barks something at her in Russian that you’re too distracted to register. The girl stands up, shaking and unsteady, as if she’s done this a thousand times before. It takes strength to straighten into a picture of perfect elegance and begin the dance anew. Your eyes linger on that poise and control, almost envious of beauty the ballerina is able to create with nothing but sheer will. That dedication to go on you can and will admire in just about anyone.
The Director, you come to learn from just one glimpse, is a woman of stern beauty. Dark red lips, midnight black hair, and a posture of a female who demands respect. The amount of jewellery she wears is only an indicator of her wealth and status. Proud and effortlessly in control of those around her.  
John, much to your mute shock, lowers himself to the ground. A humbling of likes you have never seen from him before. Head bowed and medallion wrapped around his hand, he appears more like a boy seeking repentance than a man who is feared by all.
The sight of him like this completely stops you in your tracks.
Director barely spares him a glance, her dark eyes cool, dismissive. “Jardani,” she greets, her voice and accent smooth but just as cold as you expected it to be. “Why have you come home? And brought a spare, too,” she adds, her attention coming to rest on you briefly.
Her stare is fierce enough to make you feel like a misbehaving child who has inconvenienced her by breathing despite the fact that you’ve never met her before.
John thinks for a beat and then extends his hand with the medallion still wrapped around his digits. Apparently the only response he can offer.
The Director looks unmoved, one eyebrow arching almost mockingly. “You present this to me like an answer.”
“I still have my ticket.”
His ticket. Ticket back home. The one place where he might be able to escape back to and start a new life. His homeland of Belarus.
But he must bury this dream, too.
He made sure of that himself.
The Director makes a small sound at the back of her throat, looking him up and down.
“After all the havoc you have wrought over these last few weeks do you truly believe your ticket is still valid?” she demands, her voice thin with poorly veiled bafflement. “You are too quick to forget that Ruska Roma is bound to the High Table and the Table stands above all.”
As if either of you could ever forget. Behind John, the ballerina keeps dancing and the music keeps playing.
The Director shakes her head slightly, frowning in disapproval as she stares down at the man before her.
“So this is how you honour me?” she bites out, every bit the disappointed guardian. “By inviting death into my home and bringing me a snake,” she pauses, her scowl easing, and simply takes him in for a moment. A brief shake of her head follows. “Oh, Jardani, look at you. What has become of you?”
What indeed.
You don’t look at him. From the corner of your eye, you still see how his head lowers though. Perhaps he, too, is wondering that same exact thing.
But when his head lifts, it’s not John that fills the space between you.
A low growl of Russian slips through his lips, a declaration and a demand all at once, and he finishes with a forceful, “You are bound and I am owed.”
The older woman regards him impassively, not even a twitch in her expression. You admire her composure. Not many can deal with John with as much poise as she is.
“Enough, Rooney,” she snaps—so loudly and so suddenly—that if it hadn’t been for years of dealing with sudden, jarring sounds you might have jumped. Behind John, the ballerina falls to the floor like a puppet with its strings cut. The Director rises sharply, scowling. “With me. The snake stays.”
It’s public knowledge that you speak Russian and yet—
John rises smoothly but his expression is steely. He replies in Russian, too, something colder lingering in his tone, “She’s coming.”
The Director arches one of her eyebrows, her blood-red lips thinning further with silent disapproval. You get the impression she’s not used to being challenged.  
“You do not get to make demands, Jardani.”
A warning and a reminder of how much of a thin ice he is on.
But it’s not John she’s talking to. The barely man before you doesn’t back down. Doesn’t even blink. Iron and ice and something dark stares back at the Director. He seems to expand. Filling the air with something frightening. You’ve seen a great many—men and women alike—balk under that suffocating regard. 
“She’s coming with me.”
As simple as that.
The Director folds her arms over her chest, pulling her scarlet shawl closer over her body.
“They could kill me for simply talking with you,” she points out, her voice dropping to cutting whisper. “And you truly expect me to risk even more for a brief fancy of yours?”
Brief fancy.
So that’s what you’re known as around here. John Wick’s brief fancy.
“I’m right here.”
The Director slides her keen gaze your way, her chin tilting as she looks you up and down.
“Yes, you are. The Russian’s Viper,” she states blandly, and you hear the judgement there. “I’ve heard much about you. Reality, however, is often disappointing.”
It’s a bait to get a reaction. She’s taking count of your character and trying to judge what will break your composure first.
Frankly, you don’t give a shit what she thinks of you. What any of them do.
“With all due respect, Director,” you begin flatly. “You either help us or I walk out of that door now. I don’t have time to waste, and I’m certainly not going to grovel if that’s what you’re hoping for.”
This time John doesn’t interject. He lingers like a dark phantom beside you; silent but terrible. For the first time since you walked into the auditorium, you see realisation on her face. Of who exactly she’s facing against.  
She scoffs, staring you both down, resolute.
“You are not at your hotel where Winston’s favour guards you, girl,” she says coolly, her mouth a stern, harsh line of red. “Your weapons and poison would have been removed upon entry,” she notes, and adds an even stiffer, “Do not take that tone with me.”  
“I still have my hands.”
It slips out easily and once upon a time you never would have dared to even dream of saying something like that. Not to someone of her power.
You don’t feel afraid though.
You just feel determined.
You ignore John, not dropping your stare. Whatever sentimental connection they share is of little interest to you.
Her inky gaze feels like blades slashing across your skin. She looks you up and down again, and the silent battle continues for several seconds before she finally speaks, “They told me you were smart but I do not see it,” she says, her voice dry. “You won’t leave this building alive.”
You venture a step forward and then another. You like her more with every step you take because she doesn’t move away, doesn’t flinch. She holds her ground and your respect for her only grows.
Something about the gleam in her eyes tells you that it might be feeling shared for the exact opposite reason. Because you are willing to take that risk.
You’re being reckless, Winston warns beside you.
Make her respect you, another voice shoots back at once.
“What I am right now is someone who has nothing to lose,” you tell her softly. Your throat aches and you bottle away the brutal memory of a gunshot and blood, his blood— “So, with respect, should I just go now?”
The Director offers you a mirthless smile, looking away from you and towards John who still stands unmoving behind you.
“Hurry it up.”
She casts one last, shrewd glance your way before she turns, briskly walking away. You exhale, too. Steady yourself.
John halts beside you but you don’t look towards him. Instead, you move after the woman ahead. Walking past, you briefly glance towards the stage where the ballerina still sits curled up on the wooden floor. Her expression is crestfallen, cautious.
You can’t help but wonder how she ended up here. What her life story is. If she, too, knows hunger like you do. If you talked with her, would you find comfort in another jaded soul?
Looking away, you follow the Director.
The woman stays silent until you step backstage. She slams the door with enough force that betrays her irritation, her steps hurried but firm. Self-reassured.
Despite her harshness, you do find yourself liking her.
“Owed,” she repeats suddenly. “You are owned nothing, Jardani.”
John doesn’t reply and stepping backstage feels like stepping back in time. The scene that greets you—practising ballerinas and wrestling matches—gives you an odd sense of nostalgia. John used to take you to old gyms, too. Together you used to spar for hours. Skin slick with sweat and bodies aching. There was always a grin on your face though.
Once upon a time, he made you feel alive even if your life was nothing but struggles and pain.
“Life is suffering.”
Your attention turns to the austere woman before she gestures with her head for you both to follow her. Two guards linger behind you, and it’s an effort to not snap at them whenever they come just a bit too close behind you.
Seeing young men wresting on safety mats up close somehow hits harder. You pick apart the core elements of their techniques as you stroll past. Can see too many similarities to John’s style—even echoes of your own, all taught by the man beside you. Over the years you’ve learned to separate yourself from his technique. Learned that there were too many weaknesses to exploit when physically you were so different. However, seeing all of this still evokes an unexpected sting of emotions.
A puppy though. The Director is wrong to assume that this is all for a puppy. It’s about so much more than that. A history she is clearly unaware of.
The dark-haired woman mostly ignores you as she converses with John in short, curt sentences but you hardly let it affect you. You’re used to silently shadowing Tarasov’s steps. Being unseen is what you excel at. Your ego is also not that fragile if she’s hopeful for a reaction.
The Director leads you two into her private office. If one can even call it that. It’s a large but barren space. An old, wooden desk sits in the middle of it with a fire crackling on the other side of the wall. Few classical paintings litter the vast, dark space and some you recognise at once. All those museum and gallery visits with Santino—
You clamp the thought down immediately. Lock it tight.
Your teeth click in an attempt to control your emotions, and you barely hear the Director’s brisk “sit” to John.
There is no second chair.
Ignoring that, you stand on his right, your arms loose at your sides. The older woman doesn’t offer you a seat and you don’t ask for one.
This, clearly, is to be a bargaining between her and John only.
“The truth is,” she begins, casting her eyes over you both. Surprisingly. “I can’t help you even if I wanted to. The High Table wants your life. You can’t fight against them. Can’t outrun them. You could go to the dark, but they are there, too.”
John considers her words but doesn’t disagree with them. His position is even worse than your own. A hefty bounty sits on his head.
“No,” you say quietly, and the Director looks towards you. “There is something—someone—who stands even above them.”
For the first time since you came here, you see a crack in her demeanour. An unease and a concern. She wipes them quickly but you still notice them. By the way John shifts slightly in his seat, you know he has as well.
“You do not know what you speak of,” she murmurs, her voice dropping as she stares at you, unblinking. “His attention is not something you should ever wish to invite your way.”
“I have in the past.”
She leans back in her chair, a glimmer of surprise there. The Director blinks, then, and looks at you through different eyes. Knowing eyes.
“So this is your plan, then?” she demands sternly. “You seek to meet him?”
“We seek passage,” John confirms, glancing up at you and you meet his stare briefly. “To Casablanca.”
The woman scoffs, peering at you both like she’s just realised that you’re both insane. “The path to paradise begins in hell.”
John’s expression tightens at her jovial voice, and he leans forward suddenly, sliding his arm across the table so she is once again faced with his medallion. Her expression tightens at the reminder. Her raven hair glows in the muted light the fire casts while she silently ponders her next move.
“So be it,” she voices at last, coolly indifferent. “What about the snake?”
John’s expression doesn’t waver. “She’s with me.”
The Director lets loose a soft sigh and shakes her head. “The ticket is for you, Jardani, and you alone. If you wish to waste it, so be it. She, however, is not of our blood, so I owe her nothing.”
She’s not wrong.
You don’t belong anywhere.
Your fingers tighten into fists, hidden by the folds of your coat, and it’s then that you feel it.
The Camorra ring.
I will never abandon you.
You savour the memory, pull it close, and hold it to your heart.
“A Marker, then,” John’s voice cracks through your senses and you freeze. “From me to you.”
Something ices over in your heart. A sickening weight forming in the pit of your stomach.
His eyes lift to you. They’re softer, lighter in the glow of the fire. “Let me do this,” he says gently, sadly. “Let me try and make this right.”
You almost punch him. “No,” you snap, gnashing your teeth as you exhale forcefully. “No more debts. No more favours in my name. Enough. This is what got us all here in the first place. Oaths and egos and unwillingness to simply listen. I will not have you bound to another Marker for me. Never again.”
John stares up at you, his expression gentler then it was moments ago.
He seems to have no response to your declaration.
It’s the Director that breaks the tense hush that has fallen over you. “You speak for Camorra now, do you not?”
Your head snaps in her direction. Her stare is calculating and you bristle. “What of it? I’m not sworn in if you’re hoping for some sort of negotiation. I don’t have that right.”
You suppose it shouldn’t surprise you that she knows, either. News like that spreads quickly. For it to be effective Hector would have had to call it in the moment you left the Continental and even then it didn’t stop everyone.
The Director’s eyes narrow, her fingers tapping against the wooden table once. “I will grant you passage,” she states frankly. “But I should hope that one day you will remember this for the kindness that it is. You have Santino D’Antonio’s heart. That means you as good as have Camorra. Ring or no.”
Her deliberate words seem to suck the air right out of the room. The absence left behind is near deafening.
Your gut coils, a buzz in your veins.
He loves you.
“Fine,” you breathe out, choked. “I will remember this kindness.”
She nods once, her expression sly, and holds out her hand to John. “If this is what you truly desire,” she says lightly. “But know that if you hand it in, I will tear it.”
It takes some time before John finally moves, untangling the medallion and presenting it to her. She still wears that same, derisive expression as she rips the medallion apart and John staggers to his feet. You take a step back, confused, watching as he shrugs off his suit jacket. He extends his hand towards you and your eyes narrow.
He doesn’t reply, unbuttoning his shirt as one of the guards takes the metal cross ripped off the medallion, heating it over the open flame.
Your stomach sinks. Swallowing, you take another step back, giving him the space to turn the chair around and sit down on it, pulling his shirt back and exposing his back.
The tattoos on his skin are another call from the past.
There is a second in which the world seems to hang suspended before—
The metal scorches into his skin, into his tattoos, and John grunts in pain. His teeth grind together, his dark hair falling into his eyes but he lets little else slip. As if dissatisfied with the lack of reaction the guard digs the poker even deeper. The stench of burned flesh finally reaches you and you try not to gag. It lasts another handful of seconds before the guard pulls back. John remains upright though you can see the quiver in his body.
“With this, your ticket is torn,” the Director reminds him and you can’t quite read the inflection in her words. “You can never come home again.”
John says nothing, shakily lifting his head to look her way.
Director sneers and rises to her feet abruptly. “Take them to the lifeboat,” she orders sharply and cuts a look your way. “Do not forget your words, Lady Camorra.”
It’s another mockery and nothing more than that but you don’t fail to notice how John’s jaw clenches at those words.
The door behind you slams shut and then quietness settles over the room.
The guard waits to the side while John shrugs his clothes back on, and you ignore the faint grimace creasing his features. His jacket is the last to go and you hand it to him wordlessly.
The guard clears his throat before you can exchange any words, however, and you step past the older man, hearing him behind you.
The trip doesn’t take long. It’s also mercifully accident-free as well which makes a nice reprieve from the chaos that has ensued over the last 48 hours.
The lifeboat, the guard explains roughly, will take them to a larger vessel.
He hands your belongings back to you at the docks and your relief is likely palpable. Your fingers tremble around the twin boxes, and you place them back in your coat where they belong. Secure and tucked away.
Right now, the safest way to get to Casablanca is over water. It does, however, mean sailing the ocean. Which will take time.
Time alone with your thoughts is the last thing you want right now.
Is he still alive?
Your fingers tap against your thigh repeatedly.
“Tell me.”
Blinking, you look towards John who sits slumped opposite to you. His back will hurt for a while. At least with how hot the metal was, it should have cauterised the wound. It will still mean a far less comfortable journey for him.
“Tell you what?”
You’re not particularly in a mood for chitchat with him.
You’re out here due to necessity, not choice. You have little to say to a man who nearly killed your friends less than a day ago.
John stretches his long legs out, grunting slightly in pain when his back settles against the cool metal behind him.
“About the Elder,” he broaches, his voice low, scratchy with both exhaustion and pain. “How do you know him?”
Know him.
That’s not exactly the term you would use to describe it.
The Elder.
Something in your veins burns. A scratch of memories that you’ve tried to smother for a long time now.
John’s stare is expectant. Heavy.
Maybe a distraction would be good. You don’t have to tell him everything.
“Roughly six months after your wedding,” you start, your voice cracking, and then stop. Clearing your throat, you force your voice to remain steady, “I did a job at Chicago after which I was summoned by him.”
His brows knit.
You lick your dry lips while you mull over your boiling thoughts, reluctant to say more.
“It’s a long story.”
He doesn’t miss a beat. “We have time.”
Your attentions settles on him, and you examine him closely. No one but Winston—and to some degree Charon—know about the full extent of what really happened during those long months in the desert.
And even then, some things—some memories—you haven’t shared with anyone.
Being forced to recall it now, after you worked so hard to shake that connection off, unsettles you more than you would care to admit.
You walked this path once before.
Sighing, you close your eyes, exhaling through your nose. When you open them again, John is still waiting patiently, agog.
You part your lips, skimming your fingertips over the ruby ring on your hand, and begin your tale.
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The first thing you notice is the heat.
It’s near suffocating though it lacks the humidity you associate with countries you’re used to frequenting.
This is something else—something you haven’t encountered before.
A bag gets pulled from over your head, and your eyes squeeze shut at the bright flare of light that blinds you. Squinting, you try to blink the dark spots from your sight and focus on the man before you.
He had introduced himself back at the Continental as Rafik. Patient and soft-spoken, he had told you all you needed to know to end up here.
A summoning by the Elder.
An individual who supposedly stands above the High Table.
You’ve only heard stories of this man; a few terrified, sometimes even joking, whispers.
The Elder is more of a boogeyman than even John is.
You had half a thought to refuse Rafik and his companion Saad. Except the tone of their explanation made one thing abundantly clear: either you are to come willingly or you will be “encouraged” to come.
That was followed by fear. Not because you doubted you could kill these men before they took you. You could. But because their presence at the Continental must have meant that what happened at Chicago slipped through the cracks after all.
You found an odd sense of relief that they made no mention of Santino being taken, though.
But what other reason would a man who supposedly stands above the twelve most powerful crime powerhouses in the world want to see you?
Viggo Tarasov’s deadly little puppet.
Rafik squats before you, the bag previously over your head now in his hand, as he observes you.
You’re inside a makeshift tent. Open and airy. Wind flutters across the expensive, beautifully sown cashmere and silk—a stunning display of colour and patterns—and beyond it lays nothing but golden dunes as far as the eye can see.
You shift your body on the maroon carpet, noting your weapons that have not been removed.
“I would like to apologise for the secrecy,” Rafik speaks, his voice soft. “The Elder, however, values his privacy. And until such time he knows you can be trusted, this is a necessary precaution.”
“Why am I here?”
Because they said you have been summoned. But not the reason for the said summoning.
If this is to be a punishment, you rather get it over with.
You didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Winston and Charon.
You’re not quite sure why that bothers you quite so much but it does.
Controlling your frown, you rotate your limbs slowly again, staring at the man before you. Despite Rafik’s reassurances that they hold no malicious intent, you know better than to trust strangers who implied that you didn’t have a choice in coming here.
“You are here because your particular skillset has piqued the Elder’s interest.”
That gives you a pause.
The relief is so immense that you almost allow yourself to slump over. The silent dread you’ve tried to control since Rafik told you about the summoning gradually fading.
You’ve been so convinced that this was about punishment for Chicago. About someone figuring out that you are responsible for the chaos unleashed through the Black Dragon’s ranks.
Your eyes pointedly drag around the tent, noting few other men all dressed in loose, billowing robes. Fitting attire for desert life. All the faces staring back at you are varying shades of golden or brown but they don’t appear hostile. Just calm. Observant.
Few things don’t fail to escape your notice though.
“Where is this Elder, then?”
Rafik’s head tilts slightly and he moves to stand. “It is not so simple, (Name),” he says and moves towards the small table standing not too far away from you. You watch every shift of his body, your senses straining to keep aware of other men, too. “You must first earn the right to meet him. He would like to offer you a position of honour but it is reliant on you proving yourself worthy of it.”
Your eyes narrow, a slow exhale slipping free.
“How do you know my name?” you ask, keeping your voice as calm as his own soothing lull. “And what makes you think I care for his approval?”
A gamble. But you have to know if they can be pushed. Where exactly you stand if this is not punishment after all.
For a moment Rafik simply gazes at you, his dark eyes inscrutable. His robes are less extravagant than those of other men. Fewer layers and more compact. Though the colour is just a few shades paler than the golden sand around you.  
“The Elder knows a great many things about you,” he answers as if that should explain everything. “Hence, I know these things. As for his approval, it could set you free.”
Something flutters in your chest at those words. You control your expression, not letting your eagerness or confusion slip. Instead, you simply watch the man before calmly, expectant.
A few minutes pass like this. No one so much as shifts.
Your body is still sore from Chicago. Muscles worn and frail. Your eyes skip over the men inside the tent again. They’re far enough that you could take most of them out before they likely got too close.  
“So I’m a prisoner here until I earn the favour of this man?”
An uncomfortable, leaden sort of silence greets your blunt question.
Rafik’s head tilts in your direction and he picks up the small table easily, walking back towards you.
There is a curious light in his eyes as he examines you. You have no doubt that every word you speak will be reported back to this mysterious leader later. Judged and picked apart piece by piece.
You hate the uneasy roll of your stomach at that thought.
Perhaps you’re being too foolish and hasty to test them like this.
A man so powerful he stands above the Table. Above it. What kind of power does this Elder wield to do something like that? How does he even do it?
“No. Never,” Rafik rebukes easily, almost disappointed. “He believes in free will.”
You suppress a snarky remark at that.
“No babies—girls or boys, or children in general,” you point out as he places the small table before you, seating himself down on the other side of it. You watch him and he watches you. “No women, either. I’m not naive.”
Something flickers in that dark gaze again and he hums quietly. Wind flutters his fitted robes and you try to ignore how your own attire—suitable for the nippy New York winters but little else—is making you almost boil alive where you’re sitting.
“How did you know?”
A quiet, curious question. He doesn’t deny it though.
“I might have had a bag over my head but I still have ears.”
You listened to every sound as you were marched here to this tent. The soft murmurs and the animals and the wind and your shoes sinking into the sand.
“You do not have to fret,” he says with a twitch of his mouth that implies wry amusement. “You are the Elder’s honoured guest. No one will harm you here.”
Given different circumstances, you might have believed him. He has a demeanour of a man who is easy to trust. Some sort of magnetism that makes you feel pinned down by his unfaltering regard.
“You said he’s interested in my skillset,” you begin after a deliberate pause, still staring at him. “You mean the poison, don’t you?”
Your most powerful and destructive weapon.
There is a memory of Rafael, choking and bleeding, but you shake it away at once. You’re glad that Kishi is nowhere in sight; a small miracle but one you are immensely grateful for. Right now, you need to tread carefully and without distractions.
“Yes. The Elder is a man of power but he cannot do all himself,” Rafik responds and takes one of the four cups sitting on the table. A small brown thing with a pretty pattern curling around it. Another three cups remain untouched; one green, another blue, and last red. “As such, he has disciples who help him and council him. Saad, you have already met. Then there's me and one other. There are four positions in total but the fourth has never been filled before.”
So he’s nothing more than a glorified secretary to the most powerful man in the world then.
He doesn’t drop his stare as he raises the cup to his lips.
“Because no one suitable enough has been found to fill it,” he answers simply, like it should be obvious, and his words might have been insulting if it wasn’t for the gentleness of his accent. “He was, however, hoping that you would be a suitable candidate.”
Implying a relation unlike the one between you and Tarasov.  
You breathe slowly, feeling the dry air fill your lungs as you try to gather yourself.
Every word spoken feels like some sort of battle, a test even, and you wonder what exactly this is all building up to. You’re likely too exhausted for anything physical but your mind can keep up, if only for now.
“No offence to you or your master but what makes you think I want this?” you wonder carefully, purposely infusing stiff politeness into your words. “What’s stopping me from standing up and walking away right now?”
You never would. You’re not stupid. Not without careful planning and preparation. Deserts are some of the deadliest terrains in the world for a reason. Especially when one is ill-prepared and hadn’t had the time to adapt to the climate.    
“You are free to leave whenever you please,” Rafik says bluntly, a single eyebrow rising. Definitely disappointed at that suggestion. “I should warn that there is nothing but sand for hundreds of miles in either direction, however. You will be dead within two days, if not less.”
You make a small noise at the back of your throat at that, looking around once again.
The tickle of wind at the back of your neck is a small mercy. It’s sweltering.  
“So I am a prisoner.”
As gentle and as quiet as his own suggestion.
Rafik raises the cup to his mouth again, slower this time. His eyes watch you keenly over the rim though. It’s then that become aware of the fact that neither of you has looked away once from the other.  
“The Elder is willing to offer you a position in his ranks,” he says calmly after a pause. He lowers the cup to his lap where his legs are neatly folded. Experienced and relaxed. He trains and likely meditates, too. He knows how to control his body. There is strength there. His voice might be soft but you don’t doubt he can hold his own. Though the far bigger threat is that razor-sharp edge to his regard. He’s smart. You can tell. “If you impress, if you succeed, then your debt to the man known as Viggo Tarasov will be wiped clean. He will never be able to touch you again. You will outrank him, in fact.”
Your heart seizes at that.
Your debt wiped away.
You could—
Biting one side of your cheek, you fold your fingers into loose fists, forcing yourself back to reality.  
Eyes narrowed, you mutter a knowing, “But I will be serving the will of the Elder which, I wager a guess, means that I will never be a part of the underground in the traditional sense again.”
Rafik inclines his head in a silent nod.
“What happens if I still refuse?” you finally ask, your words low, tense. “Will you kill me?”
His index finger traces the rim of the cup, a gesture almost striking you as thoughtful, and his eyes narrow.
“No, killing you would be a waste of great talent,” he says and nods towards the cups. “The choice will be yours. Drink.”
At first, you don’t move, still peering at him before you eventually force yourself to look down at the cups.
“What is it?”
They all look innocent enough. But you suspect it’s not that simple.
All three cups hold liquid inside and Rafik raises his cup once more, tranquil as before, but his eyes remain sharp.
“A choice,” he intones quietly, and his lips press together while he cradles the cup between his palms, leaning closer. “The Elder believes that a bargain can always be struck between those willing to compromise. So I represent you with this offer: you will stay here for six months, you will learn, you will train, you will be forged and tested.”
A lump forms in your throat and you feel the tension between your shoulder blades return, almost a distant ache.
“And then?”
“If in six months time you still wish to leave you can.”
As if it’s ever that simple.
“Just like that?”
You don’t even bother masking the sceptic bite to your words.
For a moment, if you didn’t know any better, you would say Rafik looks amused. He hides it well though, nothing more than a glimmer you spot only because you’re watching him so closely.
“Just like that,” he echoes, unperturbed.
The other men don’t so much as move or shift in their spots. They feel more like sentinels than men. Rafik simply waits for your countermove. He doesn’t appear irritated by your questions or doubts though, and that says more than words ever could and you wonder if he realises that.
You examine him just as intently, trying to weight the honestly of his words. “All this trouble to get me here and then I can just leave?”
His fingers still.
They’re long and his hands are strong, even a touch elegant. For a moment it makes you think of Santino, and you have to stop yourself from shaking your head to clear the image.
“You do not believe me?”
The question is not angry, but it’s not happy, either.
What an odd man, you can’t help but think. It’s like you can read him and not read him at all at the same time. But something about this back-and-forth, about the knowing expression he sports, that forces your next question.  
“Why should I believe a stranger?”
Rafik lowers his head in consideration, accepting your valid suspicion and lifts the cup again. You must make an odd sight. There is no doubt in your mind that you look like a tightly coiled snake, your expression distrustful and gaze hard, ready to strike. Rafik is tranquil. Steady. But there is something.  
“Because the Elder does not believe in forced loyalty,” his words bring you out of thought and you feel yourself frown. “It would only breed resentment. He believes that six months will be enough time for you to see.”
Slanting your head to one side, you bite out a cool, “To see what?”
His reply is no less tart. “That you are meant to become more. That your place is here.”
Just how unlucky can you get?
Though you did have it coming, you have to admit.
After the Hunt—after all you did to hurt those who tried to hurt you—your name and all the terrible things you are capable of ripped through the underworld like wildfire. An effort to step out of John’s shadow and keep yourself alive. But it was only possible due to Santino and Camorra.
If he didn’t find you when he did…
Still, what you did caught plenty of attention. You simply didn’t realise till now just how much.
“The Elder sure sounds confident.”
It’s a light statement, a bait.
Rafik doesn’t bite though—too smart just like you first suspected, but he does gesture towards the small table separating you again.
“Before you are three cups,” he begins mildly but something about that gleam in his eyes makes you sit up and focus in a way you haven’t in a long while. “One of them contains tea. The other two will kill you in less than five minutes. The only difference will be how much pain you will experience before it ends. A test of your skill.”
A slight, cold smile twists your lips. “And if I refuse to play?”
He looks like he expected that question. He almost looks pleased by it.  
“You are free to refuse,” he replies easily, his tone placid. “But dehydration has already started to set in. You will not last very long before you are forced to make a decision if you wish to live.”
The smile on your face remains, sharpening. “What a warm welcome from your master.”
He doesn’t react to this taunt, either.
For a long, tense moment you simply peer at each other, seizing the other up.
Rotating your left shoulder and then neck, you reach for the green cup and lift it to your lips, taking a large mouthful.
A flare of surprise in that dark gaze but it’s gone in seconds. “That was a confident move.”
You drown the strong tasting tea in the cup in another few mouthfuls, licking your lips before shooting a calculating look his way. “The only cup with any poison in it is in your hands. You keep lifting it to your mouth but haven’t taken a single sip of it. You just wanted to see if I would panic. Next time, at least make it a challenge for me.”
You lower the cup back onto the table with a hum. “Thyme, mint, lemongrass, geranium, sage, verbena and hmm wormwood. Berber tea. Exquisite if well made. Tell your master thank you for his hospitality.”  
Rafik’s expression is as serene as before but something churns behind that calm now.
You give him a polite smile. “Where am I staying?”
Winston once told you that there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. It’s very easy to slip from one to another without noticing.
Your little show with Rafik was admittedly both.
You wanted to see how he—and by extension this Elder—would respond.
The said response was unusually anticlimactic, however. You were shown to your tent and told that you will get several days to get used to the climate and settle in before your lessons are to begin.
The last thing you wanted to do was spend six months stuck in a desert god knows where, but you are also smart enough to realise that it’s much easier and preferable to play along.
For now.
Or at least until the uproar about Chicago dies down. Until the suspicion fades.
It’s not like you have much of a choice.
And maybe, just maybe, you’re curious.
You’ve never heard of anyone meeting the Elder before—much less spending time with his tribe. As a guest of honour of all things, too.
You’ve been watching the men around the camp like a hawk over these last several days, waiting for anyone to so much as look at you funny.
But there has been none of that.
The men mostly keep to themselves and their duties. It’s not quite like being ignored—there are polite nods and greetings every morning and evening—but they don’t exactly chitchat. Your Arabic is poor at best and it’s hard to tell how many of them actually understand or speak English. So even though you’re not sure what their orders are in regards to you, the ever-present instinct forces you to never lower your guard around them. Despite the lack of hostility you’ve received, it’s still startlingly clear that you are an outsider to them.
But there is a routine here. Routine and order.
Desert life is a harsh one. It’s waking long before the sun has risen and starting chores before the heat gets too overwhelming. Everyone here has a job to do: from food preparation to taking care of the animals to cleaning and even sewing. No one is excluded, and there is an odd sense of unity to be found in the soft murmurs as the men work. There is an ever-present togetherness about this place that admittedly surprises you.
As per their culture, all work is paused for prayer at least five times a day.
You keep a respectful distance when that happens. The last thing you want is to disturb anyone during an act that is clearly of great importance to them.  
During the first three days, you mostly linger in your tent, only coming out for meals and general exercise. Your body is still healing and your weakness has wrapped around your throat like Boutin’s bony fingers had.
You hate being incapable. You hate yourself even more for allowing yourself to slip this much. Building yourself up takes twice as long as falling apart does, and you know that it will take substantial effort to get back to your old form.
Your nights are still haunted as well.
It takes you hours to fall asleep, and even when you do, nightmares are quick to chase you out of slumber. You stopped sleeping inside your tent after the first night.
Desert life, you have also come to find, fluctuates between scorching heat during the days and freezing nights once the sun sets. But you welcome it—like it even.
There is also the matter of the night sky.
It is beyond breathtaking. You have never observed stars so bright anywhere else before. So many of them are visible each night, it feels like you could reach out and sink your fingers into the very fabric of that inky blackness and tug them all loose. Whenever you awake from feverish nightmares with Kishi’s laugh nipping at your senses, it’s the stars and the coldness of the night air that lulls you and eases your frightened mind.
You’re no longer stuck underground when all of eternity seems to stretch above you.
So for the last two nights, you have found yourself wrapped in a camel fur blanket, sleeping by the fire in the middle of the camp. The fire doesn’t go out all night and you take full advantage of that.
Last night Kishi was joined by Boutin and Rafael, too, which filled your wakeful hours with a certain green-eyed heir.
Which is…surprising.
John you’re used to having inside your head. His spectre is a constant you rely on almost every day. Santino has never quite managed to warm his way in before. Not with John taking up all the space there but…
But something has changed. You know it has.
It’s only been little over a week since Chicago yet it feels like years have passed.
And Santino D’Antonio has left his mark without even realising it.
A part of you can’t help but wonder if he knows where you are, if he has noticed your absence—if he even will—and if he does, if he will care.
Will he search for you?
Will Tarasov?
“He likes you.”
Your fingers still against the soft, warm nose of the camel before you and you ignore the heated, wet huff of breath against your palm.
“Animals know loyalty,” you say, your words a touch dull but still respectful, even though you don’t turn to face the man behind you. “Humans tend to be lacking in that field.”
Rafik comes to stand beside you, stretching his arm to touch the animal’s nose as well. The camel remains laying in his spot, still munching, and you ignore the tickle of evening breeze against the back of your neck. The sun has almost set and the camp is bustling with preparations for dinner. It’s hardly a grand affair but the food is delicious all the same even though it lacks the refinement you've gotten used to in Santino’s presence.
“Until their hunter instincts kick in and then they kill you far quicker than any human would.”
A sound tickles from the back of your throat; one that’s not quite a laugh but not quite mocking him, either. The camel releases a muted sound, too, his large lips moving leisurely.
“You disagree.”
It’s a smooth assessment but one that does manage to finally drag your attention his way.
His back in similar attire everyone wears around here. Loose robes and turban around his head, hiding the crop of pitch-black hair that reminded you of John when you first saw him at the Continental.
“Oh, I agree,” you remark and feel a slight but surprisingly genuine twitch of your lips. “To disagree.”
There is a whisper of amusement that passes over his features and he inclines his head as if accepting your words.
“Why me?”
He withdraws his hand from the camel’s head and you feel your own hand drop away, too. Your body slants to face the man before you fully. Your weapons are all on you though you did have to get creative after being forced to wear your new attire. A fitted but still loose cotton bodysuit that covers your skin respectfully but allows you to move around comfortably. Your new heavy-soled shoes took longer getting used to than the jumpsuit did. The latter has clearly been crafted for your looming training, and all spares came in typical pale colours to make the heat more bearable.
“What do you mean?”
Standing straighter, you give him a long, searching look. “I think you know perfectly well what I mean,” you point out, respectfully temperate. “You said the Elder took interest in my skill set. But there are a great many other poisoners around the world, some even better than me on a technical level.”
The camel makes an indistinct noise again, and the now cooling wind brushes against the cotton hugging your skin. Goosebumps pinprick your skin as silence sits between you.
Rafik folds his hands in front of him, a gesture that eerily reminds you of Winston, and you have no idea what to call this thing between you. It feels so much like you’re mentally circling one another, trying to figure the other out.
He’s to be your overseer till The Elder deems you “worthy” of his time. But a part of you can’t help but wonder if Rafik is his own sort of test.
“I confess that I do not know the full extent of the Elder’s thought process,” he begins and his eyes narrow a bit. “But he does what he believes is right.”
This time, you don’t bother masking your scorn, and a slight snort manages to slip free. You regret it immediately and turn to face the camel again, hoping to buy yourself some time.
A muffled sound of him stepping closer behind you reaches you, and you tense, your heartbeat spiking. “You find fault with that statement.”
Not a question and your head turns back towards him as you try to force the old, irrational spike of fear down.
“I’m not going to badmouth your master if that’s what you’re hoping for.”
A flash of something across those strong features but it’s gone quickly.
“You can speak your mind freely here.”
“Can I?” you mutter coldly before you can stop yourself and immediately bite your tongue, hating the defence you’ve suddenly been put on. It’s like something is scratching from inside your mind, waiting to burst out every time this man is anywhere near. Your eyes cut to him. “Is this another one of your master’s tests?”
A smile curls his full lips, slow and indulgent. “If it were, you would know,” he rebukes. “I imagine it would be a touch more deadly.”
Your terse expression eases, the pinch of your mouth relaxing somewhat. Something is buzzing under your skin though, something you haven’t felt in...ever.
“Fine,” you begin firmly, briefly letting your tongue wet your lower lip. “A great many dictators thought that what they were doing was right but it often leads to genocide. A man who believes himself to be higher power is often a highly dangerous one because he can justify just about anything inside his mind. So I can’t help but wonder why me?”
Something, something, something in the way he gazes at you—a digging, intent look that makes you fight harder to keep your own expression coolly disinterested.
The sounds of camp fill yet another silence between you. It’s nigh impossible to tell what the man in front of you is thinking but you watch how his hands loosen, dropping back to his sides and he takes another step closer. This near, it’s much easier to see his shadowed features.
“It is true that there are others who are perhaps more skilled,” he says softly, and you tilt your head back just a touch to see him better but not allow yourself to be seen as less. He pauses briefly at that, another minute twitch of those lips before he continues, “But I believe that what you possess that others don’t has little to do with skill.”
His eyes shift away for a moment, sweeping over the camp and you can see the love there, pride even. You’re not quite sure why seeing that surprises you.
“There is a vast difference between imitation and creation,” he tells you and when his eyes find yours again, you are forced to hold back a shiver. “Anyone can follow instructions but not just anyone can create,” he explains, a note of wonderment there, and his face leans closer, just slightly. “And to become. There is no greater power one can possess. You can learn from him for he knows your craft like no one else does.”
You lean back, blinking.
Confusion fades quickly as your mind scrambles.
“Are you trying to tell me that the Elder is a poisoner?”
“You sound surprised.”
Inhaling, you give him a hurried, “No, I just—”
Rafik’s head slants again, considering you, but this time he appears surprised by what he sees.
“How fascinating,” he whispers, staring down at you like you are a puzzle he can’t quite make sense of. “You, yourself, hold such potential yet you fail to realise it.”
You don’t answer, gazing at him with mute disbelief.
A poisoner. The Elder. The man who stands above the Table. The key to his power over everyone.
As if sensing your trail of thought, Rafik muses a thoughtful, “How do you fight against something that’s invisible? Tasteless, even. Everyone needs food, water, and oxygen to survive. Every single one of those things is easy to manipulate and control and often to such a...deadly result.”
Deadly result.
He’s been hinting at this from the start, you simply weren’t listening.
“So he controls through fear.”
Rafik steps back, something more distant falling over his features. He’s a handsome man, that much you can admit easily, but right then he appears colder somehow.
“He controls through caution,” he rebukes firmly but his voice doesn’t rise, doesn’t sharpen, either. His regards shifts once again though; something clever, something that challenges you. “There has to be order or everything collapses into chaos. But the Table is free to do as it pleases as long as they stay in line.”
Your reply is immediate and you know he’s waiting for it. “And if they don’t?”
You can’t believe you are discussing the High Table as if they were a bunch of unruly toddlers ready for a scolding.
The Elder.
A poisoner just like you. If you are considered of interest with your knowledge, then just how good is he?
It surprises you that instead of feeling threatened or unsettled in any way, you find something else blooming in your chest.
A curiosity, a question, a need to know and understand.
What is he? What can he do?
It’s a feeling you haven’t felt in a long, long time.
Heart pumping and mind racing not because your life is in danger but because there is something to unearth—to discover.
Rafik doesn’t answer you.
He only gives you one last, lingering look and turns to go.
“Your training begins tomorrow,” he says by the way of a farewell as he walks away. “Do not be late.”
Winston kept you alive.
Santino woke you up.
Maybe it’s finally time to stand up and do something with that.
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“You became his student?”
The muted surprise you hear in John’s low voice shouldn’t surprise you.
Once, you felt a similar sting of surprise at those conclusions.
Pausing, you squint at him while blinding Moroccan sun beams overhead. Your journey together had been tense and awkward but you had focused on survival, pushing back your personal feelings.
It’s good to finally back on solid ground after few days of nothing but water though. It’s been uncomfortable and you’ve barely slept, constantly terrified that something might happen and the ship might capsize. All that water and no escape.
It’s irrational and stupid but despite the self-reassurance that everything will be fine, you haven’t been able to shake the terror.
That, coupled with the unknown of Santino’s current condition, have exhausted you to the bone. The anxiety you feel coats your being like a second skin and you hate it.
John picked up on your discontent quickly but you had shut down any inquiries from him down.
You’re not sure you can discuss your fear over Santino’s life with the very man who shot him.
“Something like that.” is the only, tired reply you manage to muster up.
You’ve just arrived at the Post of Casablanca less than twenty minutes ago, and the stunning white of the Hassan II Mosque greeted you long before you docked.
Being back here sends shivers down your spine. A clash of memories from two different times and with two different men.
“I’ve never heard of that before,” John states mildly, a question there. “Does anyone know?”
Despite your facile conversation, you both scan the people around you. Everyone and anyone could be an enemy in waiting. The fact that you both disappeared off the radar for a few days would have drawn even more attention. Familiar dry heat fills your lungs and if it weren’t for the brisk shore breeze you would be sweating already.
The streets are bustling with life as always. You pass the fish market, sticking close to each other. Surprise attacks in crowds are common and harder to anticipate. Women and men alike clad in colourful djellabas mingle around, purchasing food or bargaining for a better price. Darija rings in your ears as you walk and you work your jaw—that, too, brings back memories.
“Winston. Cassian, too,” you reply, trying to refocus on your conversation instead. John’s features are empty of the pain he was burdened with a few days ago. Unlike you, he got to rest during your journey, giving him that edge back. “A few others know that I spend time there but not much else.”
Like Santino. Like the woman you are here to see.
You expect John to latch onto one name in particular and don’t have to wait long.
“Cassian? He’s one of them?”
Glancing at the spectre of a man on your left, you wonder what to make of the sudden wariness and strain on his face, and arch an eyebrow.
“He was meant to be. He was like me, in training,” you reveal and can see the way John’s mind races as he tries to digest this new information. This took him off guard, you can tell. You also can’t help but feel like you’re missing something right now. “Saad ended up getting his spot though. Of course, when you train under the Elder, it doesn’t take long before another family tries to recruit you. Even if you don’t make the cut. We became as good as family after he learned I that trained with them. And when Giovanni D’Antonio—”
You stop dead in your tracks.
The city gate stands before you.
There was no gate the last time you were here. Just an archway that marked the beginning of the city.
Now, however, heavy bronze metal greets you. Each side of the gate is a work of art, weaving metal into intricate, elegant patterns. But what truly grips your breath is the design sitting at the centre where the gate splits.
Sun and a moon. Both not quite touching but drawn together in a circle of unity. The moon side has a handful stars hanging over it in an arching curve of metal while the sun side exudes thick, golden lines indicating sun rays.
“What’s wrong?”
The thundering of your heart rings in your ears, and you wonder if he can hear it, too.
John’s features have gone taut with focus, no doubt wondering if you recognised an enemy about to attack you. But it’s not that.
The gate—
“It’s nothing,” you choke out and the lie is so obvious you almost grimace. “We should move.”
You throw yourself forward, putting one foot in front of another. John follows but you can practically taste his confusion. It sits thick in the air but you ignore it, cutting through the street market. This isn’t something you can fully explain to him, nor do you want to.
The flow of Arabic fills the air, and let your eyes to journey over the food stalls. Vegetables, olives, spice, oils. On the other side, you spot merchants trying to sell jewellery, ceramic teapots, perfume bottles—all handcrafted, and all done so with great care and pride. Different scents trickle through the air and you draw deep breaths, soaking the atmosphere in.
A part of you...
A part of you has missed it.
Missed this place.
That gate though. Your stomach churns when you think about it.
Your end goal of Moroccan Continental lays on the other side of the city. Getting there will take time, especially with both you trying to stay low.
The sun sinks behind the horizon another hour later, and you both use dingy, dank alleyways to cut through the heart of the city. You planned the entire journey beforehand, comparing your knowledge to settle on the quickest, most discreet route.
A tap of shoes clicks through the empty alleyway behind you, and you slow as you round the corner. Dragging your eyes John’s way, you both share a meaningful look in the darkness.
You suppose it was only a matter of time before someone caught up with you.
Three men appear through the shadows, all armed with knives and determined expressions. They block all the exits, cutting off your path, and you roll your shoulder blades leisurely. John doesn’t make a sound but you can almost hear his mental sigh of exhaustion.
It’s a clash of fists.
You grapple for the crude knife one of the men tries to use against you, swiping it wildly towards your neck. You duck. Swing for his gut. The punch lands and you pull him closer. He gasps for breath and you grab his arms. Slouching, he seizes your wrists painfully, heaving. He tries to yank himself back from your grip but his hesitation costs him.
You sink your own blade between his ribs brutally, twisting once. The man gurgles, shocked. Then crumples.
You’re not in the mood to play.
John has already taken one of the men down, struggling with another and you lift the knife, aiming for the throat—
The voice rings out like boom, echoing. Everyone in the alley stills.
Another man steps out of a building further down the street, lighting his cigarette as he does so.
A familiar face.
“They’re off-limits,” the newcomer informs unfazed by the dead bodies.
The man trying to kill John doesn’t see it that way. “But they’re Excomunicado.”
You step closer in warning and the attacker shifts, wary.
“And the manager has granted them amnesty,” the man argues placidly, unfazed, even a touch irked. The attacker loosens his grip on John and the newcomer smiles, glancing over them both to give you a wider grin. “Welcome back to Casablanca, Miss Vipress.”
You dip your chin, lowering the blade. “Yassin.”
The attacker and John relax at the same time, slowly stepping apart as Yassin takes an indulgent drag of his cigarette, waiting.
“Please, come with me,” he says with a gesture of his arm, his smile fixed in place. “We have been expecting you.”
You’re not quite sure what to make of that but don’t comment. Stepping past the only surviving attacker, you raise an eyebrow at the dirty look he shoots your way.
You suppose seeing two of your buddies being killed doesn’t constitute for a good night. But they also should have known better.
John’s stare sweeps over your body—no doubt checking for injuries—but you don’t acknowledge that, either.
You’re just about to point out how Yassin hasn’t stopped smoking despite his promise to quit the last time you saw him. But before you can the said man swings around, firing his pistol.
The surviving attacker collapses behind you with a sickening thud, and then the night is peaceful once more. The sounds of buzzing nightlife echo from somewhere in the distance as Yassin calmly pockets his pistol, giving John a slight smile. Almost apologetic.
“Welcome to Casablanca, Mr Wick.”
With that and a cheery little laugh, the man leads you the remainder of the way to the sweeping grounds of the Moroccan Continental.
Stepping through the doors opens up the courtyard and it’s another journey through time. Belly dancers, thick smoke, daring fire displays, palm trees, and glasses of vin gris all intertwine to create an air of festivity though it’s nothing more than and ordinary Tuesday. Live music plays—flowing and jovial—and you look briefly around you, feeling the buzz of excitement in the air.
You’ve been part of this excitement once before. This lush celebration of life. Tipsy on the world and recklessness that had flown through your blood. Then, on that night, you had been ready to burn the world down without a care.
“Ms. Al-Azwar waits for no man,” Yassin speaks and you snap out of your stupor as you enter the hotel itself. The man leads you down a dimly lit hallway but you don’t need him to. You could find your way around here just fine. Yassin pauses by a doorway with fluttering curtains and turns towards John, smugly amused like the assassin is missing something, “Best of luck, Mr Wick. Miss Vipress.”
He inclines his head, a wicked gleam in his gaze and you fight back a grin. John seems to realise that it’s not a joke that’s going to be explained to him.
He steps through first.
It’s quiet here, so far away from the chaotic party at the courtyard. He moves towards the table to the side where a cluster of familiar photographs sits.
You linger behind him, not moving—
A growl. Something brushes past your leg and John stills, carefully lowering the picture frame back onto the table. He shifts towards the large canine baring his teeth at him with a snarl and then looks towards the dog at your side.
Their savage growls are directed at John only, and you fold your arms over your chest.
A silhouette steps into sight ahead, and John pivots towards the figure who raises their arms before John can so much as open his mouth.  
A loud gunshot follows. Neither the two dogs nor you react.
John falls backwards with a grunt, catapulted back by the sheer impact of the bullet.
“Sofia!” he calls out with a grunt of discomfort. “You can’t kill the bearer of your Marker.”
The manager of the Moroccan Continental steps into the light, her gun raised, and expression pinched. The look in her amber eyes is fierce, annoyed. She glares down at the man on her floor like she’s debating on whether to sick her dogs on him.
“I didn’t kill you,” she drones, her voice icy. “I just shot you.”
There is a moment in which she notes the lack of blood or any visible damage.
“Nice suit, John.”
The man grunts again, lifting himself slightly, his arm raised.
“Nice to see you too, Sofia.”
The woman prowls closer, and seeing her pitiless glare only makes you realise how much you’ve missed her. Her and her acidic tongue.
“I should shoot you both right now,” she says bluntly, her attention finally settling on you and her eyes narrow. “You look like shit by the way.”
You feel like it, too.
Nodding your head in agreement, you reach to pat Ikar and Santana. Both dogs flock to your side now that their master hasn’t proceeded to attack the newcomer again. “Thanks,” you mutter, scratching Ikar behind the ear. Tails wag happily and it makes you smile. “Hey, gorgeous darlings.”
You’ve seen what these dogs are capable of. But in private they’re still just loyal companions eager for belly rubs.
“Stop spoiling them,” Sofia bites out.
“I’m petting them,” you shoot back.
You hear the manager huff but she doesn’t stop you.
There is a rustle of clothing behind you and Sofia’s features go rigid with tension, her grip on the gun tightening and—
Your head snaps to look behind you.
Golden, round metal greets your sight and you see red.
John looks regretful as if already predicting how badly this will go down.
A Marker.
“Don’t even think about it,” the manager hisses, every bit the furious woman ready to rip someone’s throat out with her bare teeth. “You’re Excomunicado that Marker means shit.”
John searches for what to say before settling on a measured, “This is your blood. Your bond.”
You knew that this Marker existed. But you didn’t think he would stoop so low as to try and call it in less than a week after so blatantly refusing his own. No matter how good of a reason he thought he had.
But it seems that rules are only important to John as long as they fit him and his needs.
You knees crack from how quickly you rise to your full height. “I’m taking a shower.”
Behind you, John stands, too. He staggers closer. “V—”
Marching briskly towards Sofia, you pause beside her. It’s very hard to keep a straight expression.
“Can I have a change of clothes?”
Her expression darkens when she fully takes in your haggard appearance and she nods, her gun still trailed on John behind you.
You don’t bother looking back as you depart the room.
This was supposed to have been a request for help, not a demand for one.
The hallways are known to you. This isn’t the first time you’ve walked them. You navigate the narrow space easily, even though you’re practically dragging your feet after you.
You’re tired.
Just so tired.
All the ghosts from your past nip at your heels as you enter an unlocked room sitting at the end of a winding hallway. It looks like nothing has changed in it. Same square layout; wooden furniture, a vanity, wardrobe and adjoined bathroom. A neatly made bed is stationed in the corner, and you almost crumple at the sight of it. Those rich khaki coloured covers look so inviting.
Closing the door with a click, you shrug your coat off, your breaths growing laboured with every inhale. Here, alone, your shoulders tremble under the overbearing weight of everything.
Dragging your trembling palm over your face, you work to steady yourself, stripping. It’s difficult to breathe, stand, exist, but you drag your feet forward anyway.
You have to.
If you stop now, you don’t think you would ever get back up.
The water takes a minute to warm up when you turn on the shower, and you count in your head as you push yourself under the spray.
A webbing of tingling pain rakes through your limbs but you ignore that, too.
Bracing your hands against the freezing tiles, you shiver under the scorching heat of water beating against your bare back. In and out.
Your head sinks as the dense weight of both water and life pulls you down.
Several minutes pass like that. Then you attempt to move, to wash away the grime. You stare blankly at the drain as water gurgles down it.
The whole affair takes substantial effort.
By the time you get out of the shower fifteen minutes later, your muscles are laxer but no less worn. You’re shivering and you’re unsure if it’s exhaustion, adrenaline drop, lack of food, the heat, or something else entirely.
Wrapping the towel tightly around your body, you push your way back into the guest bedroom and flinch.
For a second, Santino’s ghost sits on the bed, glaring, but you blink and he’s gone.
He sat on that bed once before, seemingly half a lifetime ago now, and you wish you could launch yourself back to that time. Even if back then you were so bad. Teetering again.
He came for you again. Just like before Chicago.
And then you won a war for Camorra.
With blood, bullets, poison and forged loyalty.
Collapsing in a chair by the vanity table, you pull the tiny phone form your jacket, turning it on.
You feel cold to the bone as you wait, your shivering growing worse; an unrelenting, heinous sense gnawing at your heart. You can’t shake the dread that you may find news that will shatter your world. Break it whole.
The phone buzzes the moment it turns on and you almost drop it. Readjusting your grip, you inhale deeply. Laboured.
In and out.
He’s out of surgery. Stable but hasn’t woken up yet.
A small sound slips free and you press the phone to your chest. You hold it there; simply gasping small, relieved breaths as you curve your body down.
The ring on your finger and the chain around your neck both burn. But it’s a good burn; a happy one, a relieved one.
“When I said come visit,” a voice declares from behind you, and your eyes snap open, catching sight of Sofia entering the room in the mirror reflection. “I meant when you were free, and that prick Tarasov was buried six feet under, so we could celebrate. Not when you’ve been made Excomunicado and with Baba Yaga in tow.”
“I’m sorry,” you tell her instead, forcing your tense muscles to ease a touch at the sight of her. “I didn’t know he would try and hold the Marker over you.”
She stands still for a moment, surveying you.
You’ve missed her and it’s been too long.
Her hooded stare is uncompromising when she addresses you, “I thought you said if you ever saw him again you would shoot his kneecaps out.”
A small sound slips free; almost a chuckle.
“I was drunk when I said that.”
Sofia stalks closer, unsmiling.
“Not drunk enough to forget you said it,” she states coolly, and her tone implies that she’s both disappointed and exasperated.
Your shoulders droop and you place the phone back on the vanity. A part of you wants to hold it. Your fingertips linger on the screen for a heartbeat before you finally remove them. It fills you with hope despite all the chaos.
I can do this. I will do this.
“Things...” you begin but your voice fades. “It’s complicated.”
The manager comes to a stand behind you and stares. Your eyes meet in the reflection.
“Yeah, it always is with you.”
You’re not sure what to make of her entire demeanour. She’s unsurprisingly angry. You can’t blame her for it, either.
“Thank you,” you say with a small sigh. “I know how much of a risk you’re taking.”
Her daughter. The very reason why John has that damn Marker in the first place.
Sofia made the call to keep her daughter safe from this life. To hide her. She’s now left to pay the price for that decision. All she has left are memories and old photographs that can be found in almost every corner of her private quarters.
“Don’t bother thanking me,” she retorts briskly. “This isn’t a friendly favour. I expect you to pay me back.”
You won’t expect anything less from her.
“Not friends,” you mumble. “Right.”
Her one rule. She doesn’t do friends. Too messy and she’s a manager. No favourites.
Finally lowering your eyes, you reach for the drawer, trying to get the medical kit out. One can be found in every room. Fitting considering the usual patrons. A doctor is available, too, but many prefer their privacy.
“Give me that,” she cuts in, grabbing the medkit from your trembling hands. “The last thing I need is you making a mess.”
Then you realise what exactly she’s staring at. The bare skin of your arms and shoulders that’s covered in bruises and cuts. Most of them are old and half-healed, all varying shades of purple, blue and yellow. Your towel hides even more. The still healing ear also draws attention.
Seeing it through her eyes—looking at yourself through her eyes—makes you realise just how dreadful you do look.
Sofia starts with visible cuts first. She dabs a cloth with antiseptic on your shoulder and you press your lips together. Her touch is not gentle. She does everything with grim focus. But she gets things done. You’ve always admired that about her.
“Is he still alive?”
She doesn’t need to clarify who she’s asking about.
“For now.”
It pains you, how true that is. Santino might be out of surgery but is he out of danger?
“And is it true?” she demands.
Chewing on your inner cheek, you only give her a dispassionate, “Is what true?”
Her eyes spark, her golden skin glowing in the moonlight pouring through the window, and she scowls at you. “Did D’Antonio make you his heir?”
“How did you know?”
“He just took the High Table seat,” she mutters, still scowling and her eyes narrow. “Everyone asked questions the moment the news broke about him being shot. Imagine everyone’s surprise when the Devil of Camorra shut down speculations and the Camorra Council by announcing Santino named you to stand in his stead.”
Camorra always comes first for him. You know he didn’t do it because he likes you. But he does value his family, his loyalty to them is unbreakable. He may not like Santino, either, but he will still serve to the best of his ability. Gratitude is an unfamiliar emotion in regards to the menacing man, but you still feel it. However minute.
“He did it to keep me safe,” you intone softly, frayed.
Sofia shifts on her feet behind you and presses cloth between your shoulder blades. You flinch and grind your teeth.
“I know,” she deadpans. “He does that. Shockingly. And ironically.”
Your head lifts, a trickle of water trailing down your neck from your still wet hair.  
“What is that suppose to mean?” you question tightly.
She pauses, straightening, and meets your questioning stare unflinchingly. “You know exactly what I mean,” she says frankly. “You do know he loves you, right?”
Your heart mangles.
“This is Santino D’Antonio you’re—”
She scoffs, throwing the cloth on the vanity as she glares down at you. “Do you think I’m blind? Or are you playing ignorant?” she questions coldly. Nor does she sound in the mood to back down. “You’re not stupid so I know that can’t be it. I saw how he was with you when he came to my city. How you clung to him and trusted him. How ready he was to go through anyone to get to you. How you looked at him even then.”
Every word is a stab and you try to force those reminders away. Try to force back the memory of rage you had felt at Tarasov, how you had ran like a reckless idiot, ready to throw everything away. Go back and never return—
How Santino had come. Despite the escalating situation with he Albanians, despite Giovanni’s wrath, and how he dragged you back. Not letting you run away. How he reminded you to fight and stand your ground.
The memory of his arms around you and your nose in the crook of his neck hurts.
“I do know,” you admit, your words a weak wreck of syllables. “I—I couldn’t do it again, Sof. I can’t...it hurts too much. I couldn’t risk it again.”
Surely she can understand. She knows about John. You practically spilt your guts to her. She had listened silently—not pitying you, not looking down at you—even while you sobbed your heart out.
“That’s some bullshit you know that, right?” she insists, pushing her highlighted hair over one shoulder, her glare unfaltering. “I didn’t say anything the last time because I wasn’t sure myself but that ring on your finger says all I need to know. Power means everything to him.”
She draws a deep breath, examining your slack expression in the mirror before shaking her head. “But he’s different with you. It’s not that you change him but he...I don’t know,” she mutters stiffly, sounding like she rather not be speaking on this topic at all. “It’s like you make him more bearable. You inspire him to be different. He tries to actually use that minuscule brain of his when you’re around. You can’t fake what I saw.”
A wheeze rattles out of your lungs and your body shakes.
“You don’t even like Santino,” you point out harshly because it’s true. She has always spoken about the Italian like she couldn’t care less if he dropped dead. “Why the hell are you telling me all this?”
Why now? When everything is already barely being held together.
You don’t need this now.
Don’t want to think about it now.
The manager rolls her eyes. “You’re damn right I don’t like him,” she responds bluntly, her mouth pinching. “I would put a bullet in his smug little face myself if I could. But I have eyes in my head and if you refuse to acknowledge it, then I will.”
Her irritation eases a touch, her features relaxing, and she places her hand on your shoulder. The squeeze is tiny, almost caring if you didn’t know what kind of woman she is. “You can’t spend the rest of your life running away from things,” she says knowingly, and a lump in your throat almost makes your eyes ache. You look away, unable to hold her intent stare. “Just because John broke your heart it doesn’t mean that you can never be happy again.”
Sometimes you wonder which one of them she dislikes more: John or Santino.
She would probably shoot them both given the chance.
Most days it’s a sentiment shared.
“And you do realise that you’re talking about one of the most selfish and ruthless men in our world, don’t you?” you say, your voice still thin, weaker than you would like it to be. Sofia has little patience for snivelling. But this is hitting a sore spot at the worst time. “What do you want from me, Sof? It’s not my job to be a moral compass for someone else.”
Santino is his own man. Capable of his own decisions. He is awful and egoistic and often cruel and—
I choose you.
A shudder rolls through your limbs and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“Do you really think that if I ever, even for a second, thought that that was your relationship I won’t have called you out on it?”
You don’t answer her. But you doubt she needs a verbal confirmation to something she already knows.
Of course, she would. She always has.
“Fine,” she forces out through gritted teeth at your lack of response. “Answer me this, then: has he ever made you happy? Genuinely happy?”
A part of you wonders why this is so damn important to her now. Why she’s forcing answers out of you over something she’s always considered “not her business” in the past.
Genuinely happy.
The fact that hundreds of tiny moments immediately jump to mind is answer enough.
You feel how your expression crumbles. “Yes.”
“And if he were to die right now—”
Every muscle in your body goes ramrod stiff before she even finishes. “Don’t.”
She leans back a bit, her eyebrows rising at the venom in your voice, and the self-satisfied expression on her face should make you furious. But it doesn’t.
She only got you to admit what you already know.
That you care for Santino D’Antonio a lot more than you should.
Six years of knowing him.
What you feel for him—
“That’s what I thought,” she says, pleased, but then drops the smugness. Her fingers squeeze your shoulder again, less forceful this time. “Do yourself a favour and open your eyes. Stop running already.”
It’s perhaps the kindest thing she’s ever said to you. It’s certainly spoken with a gentler tone than what you’re used to hearing from her.
You don’t have a reply to that, and she seems to conclude that there is nothing more to pull. Or maybe she just knows you better than to try.
“So,” she begins after few moments of silence, picking up some salve that should ease the muscle ache. “You really think it’s going to work?”
You read the deeper meaning in her words but feel grateful that she’s decided to drop the previous topic. For now, at least.
“I don’t know but it’s our only option,” you tell her and grimace at another dull twinge of pain across your back. The salve has to be massaged in but it still hurts. “The city gate...when was it changed? The one coming from the water.”
Because you need to know—have to know.
Did he do it on purpose?
He had to. It’s too deliberate. A message only you would decipher.
Sofia pauses in her massaging, her warm palm still between your shoulder blades and thinks for a beat. “I don’t know,” she admits. “Maybe a few months after you visited? Why?”
Your heart skips several beats and a faint smile curves your lips.
“Then I think it will work.”
She must hear the defeat in your voice because she pulls back, examining you once more before delivering her verdict. “You should rest.”
“We need to go—”
“You’re both a mess,” she says brusquely, and jerks her chin towards the bed. “We’re not going anywhere while you look like you’re about to drop dead any minute. John agreed. We’ll go to Berrada tomorrow.”
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It takes another two days to ask the question that’s been plaguing you since you got to this desert.
“What about Tarasov?”
Rafik pauses over his meal, turning towards you as his spoon lowers. Your own meal sits half-eaten in your lap—a couscous with goat meat and vegetables—and you twist your spoon between your fingers with a frown. The fire you both sit next to crackles loudly, and you peer at the dancing flames blankly. A sickly weight of dread sits in the pit of your stomach and you shift your aching, exhausted body from training for the hundredth time that day.
The rest of the men pay you no attention. Their heads are bowed and the relaxing, low lull of their conversation washes over you while the spoon twists between your fingers yet again.
“He is of no consequence,” Rafik informs you coolly and digs back into his portion. “You do not have to worry. As long as you are staying here as the Elder’s guest the world outside of this haven is of no importance.”
The tip of your toe jabs into the sand underneath you, and your shoulders lower; an almost instinctive gesture that you don’t realise you’ve committed until you notice the way Rafik’s dark eyes flicker over your body.
Your back straightens. “He will search for me. He—”
“Viggo Tarasov is one man,” Rafik cuts you off, placid but curt, and your eyes meet. Amber light dances over his features and that arresting stare stills your fidgeting limbs. “A piece in a far larger machine, and nothing more than that. He is of no importance. No harm will befall you even if you choose to return after your stay here.”  
Viggo Tarasov.
The man who murdered your parents, who has abused you in more than one way for years, who took your freedom, forcing you to servitude. Nothing more than a dog chained to his will until you work off a debt that’s not even yours to begin with. A man whose only care in regards to you is one that serves his will and greed for power. A man who left you to fend for yourself when John’s enemies came for you—hunting you, hurting you, poisoning you—is suddenly of no importance.
Your appetite shrivels up and dies at those words.
But you know hunger. You know the value of a good meal and water.
So you grit your teeth, dig your spoon back into your bowl, and scrape every last piece of your meal clean even though it makes you feel sick after.
You don’t speak for the rest of the night.  
“What is?”
Rafik lowers the parchment in his hands and lifts his head, his gaze hooded and pensive as he gazes at you for a beat.
The incense tickles your nose even though you’re both sitting in an open tent, overlooking the golden scenery around you. He picked up on your preference for open spaces quickly, much to your unspoken surprise.  
The wind-chimes and the dance of silken curtains fill the air with melody; a delicate, lulling thing that helps to relax your tense body.
“I confess that I do not fully grasp the intricacies of your work but I think the Elder will be most pleased when I present this to him,” he says and you hear the honesty in his quiet, accented voice. Genuine praise. “The way you perceive things…it reminds me a great deal of how his mind works as well.”
You know that.
These last few weeks have been…
You hesitate to use a word like groundbreaking but they have been.
Your training consists of three parts: the physical kind which means long and gruelling sparring sessions with Saad each morning while Rafik oversees, studying the Elder’s own private research for the rest of the day, and finally meditating.
It’s the last one you struggle the most with.
You’re not good at relaxing or quietening your mind. Not good at trusting yourself in a vulnerable position which is exactly what meditating for hours on end is.
You’ve gotten better. Especially with Rafik often joining you in an effort to help. His voice has become familiar to you for that reason.
The Elder’s private collection of research is something else entirely though.
Astonishing is one of the first words that come to mind.
Parchments upon parchments full of theories and experimentations all written out in neat handwriting. You’ve spent days pouring over them, your mind racing and working overtime.
You have never encountered someone who approaches toxicology and chemistry the same way you do. Never encountered someone who is able to think so wildly out of the box. Someone whose research and concepts feel like opening a gate on your own vague, half-baked notions that always felt foolish when you entertained them.  
The Elder and his work challenge you mentally in a way nothing has before.
There has never been a time before where you would wake up each morning, feeling eager to get through your physical training just so you could go back to your tent and spend the day pouring over more.
Rafik passes you more notes daily as well as “challenges” from the Elder himself—a way to test your own creativity and ability to learn and adapt.
Normally something like this would have annoyed you—you aren’t a kid at school taking exams and have nothing to prove to some man who is yet to show his face—but the challenges themselves are so interesting you can’t force yourself to feel angry.
“You sound impressed,” you joke but feel genuinely curious. “These are just basic, outlandish concepts to be honest.”
“These concepts are impressive and very plausible,” he replies and gives you a measured look. “May I ask why you have not developed them further? This paralyser especially.”
You hum and shake your head a little. “Time and resources mostly,” you tell him and give him a cynical smile. “Tarasov likes to keep me busy.”
A flicker passes over Rafik’s features. It’s brief and too hard for you to read but he straightens, looking at you closely.
Maybe you sound a touch defensive but can’t quite help it. Unlike Santino, or even John, Rafik never explains his long, probing looks.
“You have no idea what you could achieve with this,” he says quietly, gesturing towards the parchment. “Do you?”
“Some already fear me.”
After what you did. What you don’t regret doing.
His lips part and his next words feel like a physical blow. “Then they are fools. They should be terrified of you.”
You’re not sure how long you both sit facing each other in silence. His eyes remind you of molten gold in this light.
What could you possibly say to that? The conviction, the quiet approval—they all reflect back at you though they are so minute that had this exchange taken place only weeks prior you won’t have been able to pick them out.
Time has flown startlingly fast.  
There is an odd sense of routine now, too.
Two months into your stay and you feel like this haven truly is all you know anymore. And yet, even though you are disconnected from everything here, your world has never felt bigger. Out of the abyss of numbness and heartbreak, something else is starting to take shape.
No news about Chicago, either. You don’t dare to ask about it, or what’s happening out there in the world.
It’s comfortable here in a way that almost makes it easy to pretend this is all you’ve known.
But even the heat of the sun cannot burn away your longing.
Where is home?
For so long, you thought you didn’t have one or even need one. But now, removed from everything, you have unearthed a different kind of truth.
Home is dreary, grey walls of the Continental. Home is a glass of brandy, a glint of glasses, banter with a concierge who looks reproachful on a good day, and crossword puzzles with a game of chess after dinner.
Sometimes, in the middle of the night, as you stare up at the vastness of the sky above, you can even hear a teasing murmur of Italian next to you.
And yet—
You’ve always been selfish.
Home is tied to Tarasov. Home is also tied to John.
Two things you would rather forget.
Playing with the loose material of your pants, you finally give Rafik a firm, “I want to learn more. Tell your master to give me a bigger challenge.”
The most powerful man in the world.
Now you understand why.
Rafik only smiles, pleased.
Groaning, you see your hot breath separate the sand under your cheek as you lift your head. Saad rotates the bamboo stick in his hand, spinning it lazily as he stares down at you, circling you. His stony expression makes even old memories of John seem hospitable by comparison.
Behind him, just over the curved peaks of the sandy dunes, the sky is starting to bleed pink. You have maybe another thirty minutes tops before the sun is up and the sand beneath you will become too hot to train on.
Reaching out, your now much steadier fingers wrap around the fallen stick, and you prop it in the sand, using it to stand.
The back of your hand swipes against your cheek where grains of sand stick to your sweaty skin. Ignoring the itch of it, you brush it away without dropping your attention from your partner.
Saad truly makes even Cassian appear like a cuddly bear with that unmovable glower.
For a second, your eyes jump to Rafik who stands on the side of your makeshift ring, surveying your sparring session with a detached expression. He never spars with you but always oversees and comments. Compliments as well as critiques.
The Elder’s eyes and ears.
It’s been exhausting.
Beyond exhausting, in fact.
These last three months have been nothing but an effort to crawl back out of the pit you’ve been stuck in. Rafik hasn’t shielded away from pushing you, always seemingly aware of your limits before you even voice them, but still willing to drive just a little bit further daily.
Every bruise and groan and slam to the ground has just made you resent John just that little bit more.
After he left, you just barely managed to hold on. You clung onto your pride and dignity by continuing on despite everything. Even after being hunted and nearly killed numerous times during the Hunt, you still managed to hold on. Even while having to deal with the lingering scars that Tokyo has left on you, you still managed to hold on.
But his wedding had been the final shove to send you over the edge. You thought you were letting him go but the only thing you had let go of was yourself.
You hate the fact that you gave him so much power over you. Let his departure ruin you so thoroughly.
Your John.
You deserve better.
You’re not his or anyone’s second choice. Not a target for others to unleash their rage upon because of his actions.
Flipping the stick, you strike ruthlessly.
So quickly that you don’t fail to spot the flare of surprise in Saad’s black eyes as he just barely manages to block your strike. His leg slams forward but you pull back, twisting your arms till the other end of the stick connects again with a dull but piercing sound.
Saad is usually the one to put you on the defensive, so you use this chance to strike mercilessly, driving him back for once as you throw yourself at him.
The ferocious clanging of your sticks connecting fills the still chilly morning air and you spin, bringing the stick down again and again.
He’s significantly stronger than you—towering an impressive 6’0, at least—and it’s only made more impressive by the hard muscle lining his arms, legs, and torso. Often he swats you away like you’re a pesky fly buzzing around his head.
Saad keeps up but just barely, focusing on his strength to try and force you back and you falter briefly, giving him a moment to strike you in the stomach.
The pain that follows is fierce and sudden, though not unfamiliar. You stagger backwards as yellow sand sprays under your feet and gasp for breath, your expression screwing up in a grimace.
This time you manage to stay on your feet though.
The man before you doesn’t goad you, doesn’t comment, but Rafik does.
“Enough for today.”
Your muscles twinge. Your lungs are burning. Despite doing good and lasting far, far longer than you would have months ago, it still stings that you can’t do better. Your frustration burns as brightly as your drive to finally best the fighter before you.
You can do it. You know you can.
Saad steps back, turning the stick in his hand as he lowers it, but a faint frown of disapproval lines his strong features at your refusal.
Your eyes jump to Rafik. “I want to go again.”
The man doesn’t so much as blink. “You are at your limit, viper. Learn to let go.”
“I want to go again.”
Something shifts under that peaceful mask, but Saad speaks up first. “Do as you’re told.”
You don’t bother reacting to his irritated words, your gaze still focused on the man behind him.
It’s not about disobedience.
This is something else.
“No,” Rafik dismisses again, his voice wooden.
Your jaw clenches so tightly your teeth ache. Spinning the stick, you lower it to your side, marching right past the rigid Saad and straight towards Rafik, coming face-to-face with him.
“Then I challenge you.”
“Tread carefully,” he utters though his voice or expression lack any sort of displeasure or annoyance. If anything— “If you do not calm that flame you will not win this match.”
He calmly extends his arm towards Saad; a silent request for his stick but he’s met with hesitation.
The too-long pause prompts a cool, “Your weapon, brother.”
“You do not have to listen to—”
Rafik glances away from you for a second, his attention moving towards the man behind you, and silence follows immediately. Almost like Saad was suddenly robbed of his ability to speak.
Footsteps draw closer a moment later; louder than usual, angry.
Rafik takes the stick calmly, expression unchanging and inclines his head towards the makeshift ring.
You both move in unison, eyeing each other as you halt several feet apart.
Rafik shrugs off his outer layer, leaving him in fitted robes as he gazes at you.
It’s quiet here. Peaceful. Just like the man before you. A world away from everything it might as well be just you two. Finally about to clash physically and not just mentally as you have so many times in these past months.
You’ve been curious about him for some time now.
The faraway noises of camels echo from the other side of the camp. Shuffling of tents opening and people starting their day.
You strike first.
Your grip on the stick unfaltering, you roll it between your hands, crashing it against his.
Rafik meets your strike, and you know from one glance at his face that every move is being judged even if he’s directly involved in the spar this time.
The sticks meet again, and again.
Spin. Pivot. Crash. Fall back. Slam of sticks again.
“You can be faster than that.”
Ignoring his words, you focus on his rhythm. Rafik himself keeps mentioning how every battle is a dance of sorts. That there are patterns and rules and things to learn in the way someone moves. You’ve never quite seen fighting be approached like this. You’re used to opportunities and instinct. Lessons from John and Cassian respectively.
Rafik is neither of them.
John’s advice whispers at the back of your mind but you ignore it.
Something tells you that this is not a fight you can win with his help.
You don’t need his help.
A knock against your shin and you jump back, shooting him a dirty look.
“Stop daydreaming, viper.”
The stick twists through the air in an elegant arc as Rafik observes you, waiting for your next move.
He’s good. Better than you expected him to be but you suppose you shouldn’t be surprised. Though there is tranquil air around him, his body tells a tale of silent, undeniable strength. Broad shoulders, strong neck, a dip of collarbone just visible at this distance that teases hard muscle underneath.
You go low, sand spraying under your feet as you aim for his legs, throwing the end of the stick at his chest. He reacts fast enough, seeing through your deceit, and his stick cracks against yours with enough power to make your arms dip, your muscles trembling to keep him at bay.
You let go with one hand, gambling as always, and the interlocked sticks hit your left shoulder, throwing you backwards. The pain is distant but numbing and your weapon rolls out of your hands in the fray. Rafik comes towards you at once, and your eyes meet for a single second before you throw a handful of sand at his face, kicking at his legs. His stick falls, too, and you don’t waste time.
He doesn’t fall over from the kick but he does go to his knees, and you hurl yourself at him, pitching both of you backwards. He crashes to the ground with a thud, you on top of him, and your concealed blade kisses the curve of his neck.
His turban has come off in the scuffle and you stare down at his dark eyes. Risk a glance at the midnight black hair now visible that you didn’t realise curls just slightly at the ends till now.
You’re out of breath, exhaling heavily through your nose, but still manage a victorious, “I win.”
He’s calm, a few grains of sand still sticking to his cheek and full lips, and you watch that mouth twitch slightly. “Did you?”
Slight pressure against your ribs and you freeze.
A concealed blade in his hand scrapes against your side.
It seems like you’re not the only one with tricks.
A nameless thing passes over Rafik’s features as he stares up at you and you feel it, too.
Your attentions snags on the bare expanse of his collarbone where you just glimpse a tattoo inked onto his golden, smooth skin. It’s Arabic and the meaning escapes you but it takes you a few seconds to force your attention away from it.
But for some reason this entire situation...
A chuckle breaks free from you—a sound so unfamiliar to you now—and you pull the blade back, the hard coil of emotion in your gut easing.
Leaning back, you gaze at him and him you, before you stand to your feet slowly. Your legs feel like jelly but you still extend your hand towards him.
Rafik wraps his fingers around yours, standing so easily you doubt he needed the help in the first place, but you don’t mention it. Easier to pretend.
Easier to pretend he doesn’t linger, still holding your hand before finally letting go.
“Take it.”
He offers the dagger in his hand to you. It’s a stunning thing. Relatively small, elegantly cut, and the handle forged with marble and rusted sort of gold. In today’s market, a creation such as this would fetch a good price. More than good. This is no ordinary dagger.
“No, thank you,” you say with a slight shake of your head. “I don’t accept presents.”
He pulls his hand back but his attention still stays on you. There is a slight flutter under his left eye, almost like he’s trying hard to figure something out.
“And why not?”
This time, you give him a slight smile, turning to go back towards your tent as the sun finally peaks over the dunes.
“Because presents are favours and favours are debts,” you tell him simply and massage your aching shoulder. It will bruise. But it was worth it for what you’ve managed to glean. “I have enough of those.”
You feel his eyes dig into your back as you walk away.
“Today’s lesson is going to be different.”
“Different how?”
Your question is neutral but your mind races.
Today is already different. There was no morning spar with both Rafik and Saab too busy with something Rafik only vaguely alluded to last night over dinner.
For him to seek you out in the middle of the day is even rarer. He respects the number of hours and focus you put into your studies of the Elder’s research. He even looks pleased about it most days.
So when he came to your tent, asking for you to come with him, it made you both curious and suspicious.
“It’s a test,” he answers and you feel no surprise at those words, only blooming determination and unease. As if sensing it, Rafik gives you a sideways glance while you stride through the camp, appearing almost amused. “Do not look so tense, viper.”
The searing burn of the sun tingles the back of your neck and you know your replying stare is flat.
“Forgive my well-earned caution,” you begin frankly, squinting at him in the bright light. “The last time your master tested me, he wanted me to drink poison.”
Rafik nods his head once, accepting your words.
His robes are white today. So is your jumpsuit.
You almost match expect you’re still not sure what to make of him.
He’s exceedingly smart. Conversations with him are unfairly engaging even months later. It makes you both like him and dislike him in the same breath, though it would be a lie to say it’s not leaning more towards the former lately.
He’s interesting. Near frighteningly so.
But you know that it’s a sentiment shared.
You’ve caught him peering at you like you’re a rubik’s cube that keeps changing every time he tries to solve it near daily.
“A test of will,” he reminds you and he glances at you again, nodding at the two men who pass you. Hand against his chest; a gesture of goodwill and respect that the men return readily. “You should not fear pain. The Elder believes that pain is one of the cornerstones upon which strength is built. Hence the severity of your training.”
Yes, the intensity has been building rapidly but it has only made you more determined. So far, you’ve met—and often bested—every challenge thrown at you.
It feels good.
This is what you are at your core and every day of hard work and success fills you with new life, new energy to succeed.
Pain, however, is not something you would consider a good teacher. Perhaps in some instances but not in physical training. Pain breaks—it hardly ever moulds or betters someone.
“Speak your mind freely.”
He sounds mildly entertained and his expression is no better when you look at him.
“Just thinking about how poor your master’s logic is.”
Rafik’s steps slow but, as always, he appears curious about your words.
“You disagree,” he assumes wisely and his head slants to one side. “Yet here you are.”
That makes the faint smile on your face fall away. Your feet come to a standstill and he halts, too, turning back to look towards you. A gentle breeze flutters through the tents and canopies surrounding you.
“I don’t know what fancy tales he told you about me,” you bite out quietly and there is a warning in your tone. “But I did not need to go through the pain I did to become what I am.”
His reply is immediate and uncompromising. “Wrong,” he says simply, matter-of-fact, his regard unwavering. “You are who you are, at this exact moment, precisely because you went through what you did. It is a terrible truth of life, but it is the truth.”
The words land against your heart brutally, causing a falter in your composure.
As much as you hate it, as much as you want to hate him for saying it, there is truth to be found in his words.
“This way,” he says after a tense pause between you, gesturing with his hand towards the edge of the camp.
He moves in the direction of the enclosed tent standing slightly apart from the rest and you follow him silently, still digesting his words.
Rafik steps into inside first, holding the flap back until you step inside as well. It’s significantly cooler inside and you sigh in relief.
The tent is smaller and far less extravagant than others around the camp. It doesn’t look lived in, either. You spot a shabby looking table with a few pieces of parchment on it as well as a rickety-looking chair. Much to your surprise, there are few plants around as well.
But what truly catches your attention is the small, curled creature resting at the centre of the tent.
“Do you know what it is?”
You don’t respond right away, forcing yourself to swallow despite your suddenly dry throat. “Cerastes cerastes,” you whisper numbly, briefly looking at the man beside you who watches you with that rapt interest. “Also known as the horned desert viper.”
The golden viper lays curled on a bed of sand in a giant bowl placed in the middle of the space. Its slit eyes are open, seemingly focused on you, and the little horns sprouting from its head make it look even more dangerous. Deadly.
“Correct,” the man beside you confirms, folding his arms in front of him, his attention is still on you. But you’re staring at the viper before you, lost in thought. “The Elder thinks that since he bestowed your title upon you, it is now time to prove you have the strength to wear the moniker.”
You blink.
Your head snaps in his direction and Rafik looks momentarily confused till his expression clears.
“Where did you think your title came from?” he wonders as he moves towards the viper. He gestures for you to do the same and you do so but with no small amount of caution.
“The Hight Table. They—”
He doesn’t let you finish. “And where do you think the High Table got it from?”
It never crossed your mind to even question it. It was simply a name—a title—granted by those far, far above you when Tarasov first took you in. You feared the Russian back then. Anything above him had seemed like hell waiting to be unleashed. You’ve never dared to ask questions then.
“The poison.”
Rafik nods his head once more, not needing further clarification. You suppose it should worry you. The fact that you’re often able to understand the other’s mind so easily you pick up on true meaning with half a thought.
There has been more than one occasion when you’ve spotted the men from the tribe staring as you debate over dinner. Rapid-fire idea jumping that always ends with a half-cooled meal in your lap.
The Elder.
He’s been keeping you on his radar because he’s been looking for someone to potentially fill that fourth position in his ranks. An apprentice. A part of you can’t help but wonder how many there have been before you. None of them have succeeded though. That says a lot, too.
“The Elder wants you to prove your will once more,” Rafik announces and you just hold back a frown. “To become something more and learn an important lesson. Take it.”
“Excuse me?”
He appears unmoved by the tart disbelief in your voice. “Take it,” he reiterates instead, gesturing at the curled up viper.
It appears undisturbed but you doubt its contentment will last long.  
You work your jaw, your fingers folding into loose fists, straightening. “Desert vipers are venomous,” you point out forcefully light. “In some cases even deadly.”
It’s clear what the command here is.
Put your life on the line.
To prove a point.
You can sense the way your expression hardens, how your body rotates and you stalk towards him, aggression lining every inch of your body.
A shift through his features when you halt in front of him, practically face-to-face.
He’s no doubt expecting you to unleash a storm but you simply gaze at him. Staring at him—into him.
The suffocating quiet lasts at least a minute.
Then you turn away from him and stride towards the bowl, your fingers clenching tightly as you ready yourself for the inevitable agony.
The closer you draw the more rigid the viper curls, sensing the danger approaching, and you stare at it for several moments.
The creature that has given you your name.
You reach out purposely slowly and wrap your fingers gently around it.
The viper hisses loudly, striking at once—blindingly swift and brutal, and how fitting you share a name, after all—and it’s like a shot of pure fire ripping through your forearm. Blood follows as the fangs leave your skin, and the reptile prepares to strike again but you’re ripped away before it can.
Men shout but it’s distant as they remove the viper, your surroundings growing fuzzy. Everything is drowned out by the roar in your head and the severe, numbing pain shooting up the length of your arm. You can already feel the swelling spreading and your knees fold underneath you.
You fall back against warmth and strength—into the very same arms that pulled you away, and a gasp of silent anguish leaves you.
Your heartbeat is already spiking—reacting to the venom which will only get worse, you know that—and you grasp onto the arms holding you in futile attempt to hold on.
Rafik’s face appears above you as he lowers you to the ground carefully, holding you in his embrace.
A faint, unhappy frown lines his handsome face but there is such light in his eyes. Like he’s mesmerised. Amazed, too.
“Remember this moment,” he murmurs gently and you cling to him harder. “This is the moment you chose to face death.”
The flesh of his palm comes to rest against the side of your face and a whimper of pain slips free. “One day it will give you power few can understand,” he continues like he’s sharing a secret he would never tell anyone else.
His face is the last thing you see as the dark and the pain gnaw on your insides, leaving nothing behind.
There is a sensation of weightlessness and hard, muscular arms around you as you’re lifted into the air, and pulled close.
Then, the faintest of murmurs, “Always exceeding my expectations.”
You burn for a long time.
The swelling gets worse before it gets better, and the only relief you find is in the bitter, tangy solution that you are forced to drink four times a day.
Sweating is even worse. During the daytime it’s near unbearable with the heat. Nights are better but just barely.
The first time you’re coherent enough, you wake up screaming, torn apart by your feverish nightmares.
Arms lock around you, trying to contain you, but you find no comfort in the embrace.
It’s only when those arms latch around you securely, and bring you outside, still wrapped in blankets, that you find some semblance of relief.
That becomes routine for a while.
You’re not sure how much time you lose to that haze of torment.
Wind tickles your cheek; a playful, kind thing that cracks your eyes open eventually.
The first thing you notice is the fire not too far from where you lay curled up in thick covers. The second thing you notice is the richness of the night surrounding you. The third is the man tending to the fire and lastly the dryness of your throat.
As if sensing your sudden wakefulness, Rafik ganders your way. One side of his face is bathed in orange light while another remains hidden away by the night as he meets you bleary stare.
His pensive expression drops and he stands, bringing a small cup with him as he squats before you. A silent offer as he extends his hand.
You stare at the cup for a long moment, not moving; not sure if you can move, either.  
Picking up on your suspicion, he offers you benign, “Drink, it will help.”
As suspected your left arm, now bandaged, stays at your side. A frustrated groan slips free and Rafik reaches forward, placing his hand at the back of your neck before tilting your head towards the cup. Such careful, gentle motion that it makes you frown as the heat of his fingertips tingles your skin.
To your relief it’s water.
The cup empties in a few mouthfuls.
“Let’s not do that again.”
Your voice is frayed, husky and you wince again at the swelling in your arm. You don’t want to see what lays beneath the bandages. It will take a while to fully recover, likely a week or two at least. His fingers linger against your skin and you listen to his faint hum of thought.
“You did remarkably well,” Rafik praises softly and looks up at him. His collected expression does bring a sense of serenity. “The Elder is pleased.”
You keep the eye contact, listening to the crackling of the flame. “Is he now?”
One of his eyebrow’s arches at the not-so-subtle mockery in your remark. He lowers your head carefully, finally removing his hand from the arch of your neck.
“It is curious that you fail to realise just how high his expectations are,” he states and his lips press into a thin line as he thinks about something for a moment before continuing, “And how few meet them, much less exceed them.”
This time, you don’t bother holding back your cynicism or venom. “And is that what I’m doing? Exceeding his expectations?”
Just as suspected, Rafik does not answer you.
His eyes narrow thoughtfully instead as they drag over your features. As always, he’s searching for something, digging for something. The camp is quiet, indicating it’s likely the middle of the night while the silence between you stretches.
Through the haze comes the memory of this being a frequent occurrence.
You and him and the night sky. The only way for you to get rest anymore.
“May I ask you a personal question?”
You snort under your breath, but a faint smile curls one corner of your mouth.
“We’ve been practically living together for four months,” you say and disbelief colours your words. “And now you worry about asking me personal questions?” you hesitate before adding a bland, “Ask away.”
He leans closer, his strong features filling your sight. Those dark eyes, the curve of his mouth, strong nose, peppering of facial hair and golden skin.
“What is it that you want the most?”
Your heart stutters at the delicate tilt of his voice. “What?”
Curiosity burns under the mask of coolness and you realise, then, that this is perhaps the most unguarded he’s ever been with you. Like he’s indulging in something he never allows himself to indulge in.
“Right now, at this very moment, what is it that you desire the most?”
Your mouth works quicker than your mind. “Viggo Tarasov dead.”
What more could you ever want? You’re done wishing for John to come back no matter how much you may ache for his love.
Rafik ‘tsks’ and shakes his head, turning away for a moment and towards the horizon before looking back at you.
“No—be honest with me,” he says and you marvel at the fact that he somehow manages to make that sound like a request and not an order. “That is bitterness and hurt talking but they are simply layers. Masks you wear to keep yourself safe. I want to know what lives inside your heart. And I know you have one, for I have seen it, no matter how well you try to hide it.”
You feel your pulse flutter at the intent way he gazes at you, at his assessment—so simple yet so ruthlessly accurate—and your lips part in an attempt to control your laboured breathing.
“I—” you choke out, pause, gather whatever little strength you do have and offer him a piece of yourself you rarely do with others. “I want to be free.”
Rafik stares down at you as fiery light dances over his frame.
“I want—I want to belong to myself, not to someone else,” you force out in a weak whisper. Your cocoon of blankets makes you feel safe, removed somehow, and with this man gazing down at you like you’re most interesting he’s ever encountered, the rest slips free, “This world of ours is my home, and I do not wish to part with it but…”
Inhaling deeply, you swallow down the knot in your throat and continue, “But I want to wake up each morning and not dread it. I want to live for myself and be myself. Feel the sun and the wind and know I can do whatever I want with my day. Go places I want. See and try things I’ve dreamt of trying since I was a little girl. I want…I just want to be free.”
Silence follows.
You’re not sure what to make of Rafik’s expression. Not sure what to make of him, or this place, or this entire situation. Not sure what to do with the torrent of emotions you feel boiling inside your chest. Longing, rage, bitterness, pain, determination.
Staying here is making you feel both powerful and vulnerable.
In truth, it scares you. Just how much you like it here.
“So you are a woman who dreams of sunshine yet soaks her hands in blood.”
That ceases some part of you. His words lack accusation, lack any sort of judgement but that perhaps only makes them more horrible.  
“Yeah, I guess I am,” you breathe and you feel your eyes burn. “Just a regular monster but I don’t mind it anymore.”
If your time with Santino in Chicago reminded you of anything is that sometimes in order to survive you have to become something awful. A choice just like everything else in life.
A glimmer of conflict creases Rafik’s expression before he extends his hand towards you, his thumb settling against the corner of your eye where a tear has spilt over. The touch is feather-light but he doesn’t pull back right away. Nor do you push him away, either.
“There are worse things to be than a monster, (Name).”
His voice is kind, soothing, and you close your eyes with a slight nod of your head.
“You should rest,” he tells you and his touch disappears. When your eyes flutter open, he’s already standing above you and reaches out, pulling the covers closer around you. “Sleep well, monster.”
Your eyes meet in the shadows of the night.
“You as well, monster.”
His mouth curls.
His smile is almost warm.
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You jolt back to wakefulness, gasping for breath.
Your skin is slick with sweat, your heart drumming inside your rib cage. Pressing a palm tightly against your breast, you force yourself to inhale through your nose, counting frantically. Cotton sheets lay twisted around your bare legs and you kick them off.
Your feet touch the cooler floor and you clutch onto your forearm, feeling the phantom pain there.
The scars from the bite are tiny—you have to hold your arm close and squint to even find them—but the recollection of the suffering they caused is very real.
You rock your body, a touch frantic, as you try to shake off the memories. Your legs tremble when you stand and you stumble towards the bathroom. Goosebumps cover your naked body when you hug the sink and its coldness tingles your skin.
Your fingers manage to turn the tap on the second attempt and cold water gurgles out. Cupping your hands, you splash freezing water onto your face, then press the back of your palm against your neck. Water trickles down the curve of your neck and you sigh in relief. Your arms locked behind your neck, you lean your elbows on the sink, counting your breaths.
Your heart slows.
So does your breathing.
It’s silent.
You’re not sure how long you slept but it’s still dark outside. Despite the rest, you feel groggy and disorientated when you do straighten.
The reflection staring back at you is dreadful.
Bandaged ear, listless expression, deep bags under your eyes and cracked lips.
There is no time to rest.
You go back to your room, throwing the wardrobe open. One article of clothing stops you almost immediately.
It’s still here.
You brought it with you the last time you came here and forgot about it.
Your jumpsuit. It’s a muted, sandy colour and still soft to the touch, clearly sown from highest quality material.
You left the desert wearing this. You suppose it’s only right that you should go back wearing it.
Your stomach rolls.
He did warn you. He did say that you coming back is an eventuality, not a maybe.
A self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps.
Putting it back on feels surreal. Despite it being years, the stretch of it still feels familiar and the fit is comfortable. Your blade comes next. The phone is too big to take and when you check there are no new updates on it. That makes your heart clench but you shove the worry aside. No time. Your hands hesitate over two boxes still resting innocently on the vanity though. No space for them on you but…
You open both, staring at the content inside. Two ampules rest in soft cushioned material. Both are smaller than your pinky but hold liquid inside. One clear, one red so dark it almost appears black. You take both out, holding them in your palm.
So much devastation and power in the palm of your hand.  
They should be terrified of you.
Maybe he was right. Maybe everyone should be. Maybe it’s time to give them all a reminder.
Exiting your room, you set out to find Sofia.
John will likely still be resting and it’s a good time as any to catch up with the manager.
Her earlier pounce had been unexpected. She will not catch you off guard like that again. Her words about Santino, however, still nag at you despite you trying to shove them behind another wall.  
You roll your limbs as you walk, and although it reminds you too much of stretching before your morning spar sessions with Saad, you still do it.
The private manager quarters are empty.
No Sofia, no dogs.
Suspicion doesn’t take long to take root in you.
You check on one more room and have your answer.
With brisk steps and a rigid expression, it takes you less than five minutes to hunt down Yassin.
The right-hand waves the person he’s speaking with away when he spots you approaching.
“Where are they?”
Yassin hesitates. Sofia no doubt told him to keep it from you.
Rage thrums through your blood at the realisation that they left you behind. No matter how bad your overall appearance might be, this concerns you as much as it does John. Your life is as much on the line as his is.
When the man still says nothing, you hiss a quieter, icy, “I will not ask you again.”
The shorter man edges back half a step, swallowing heavily.
“They went to Berrada. Left about twenty minutes ago.”
He tries to tell you how Sofia told him to not to tell you—
You push past him, not bothering to say goodbye. You don’t blame him despite your sharp tongue. Your mind slips towards a certain assassin and manager instead.
Thankfully, you know where you can find Berrada without needing anyone’s guidance. You’ve gone to him once before.
Well, not him specifically.
Using the maze of dark alleyways, you get to your destination in ten minutes. No one stops you on the way.
The guards waiting at the gates step up, hovering their hands over their weapons. One tenses when he recognises you.
“I seek an audience.”
The one who recognised you offers a slow, “You can’t proceed.”
Your head tilts as your eyes flicker down his body. There is only two of them—for now—but they should be easy enough to take care of. Should it come to that.
“On whose authority?” you demand, for once not bothering with pleasantries.
“Sir Berrada’s.”
“Tell him the Vipress is here to see him.”
The second guard’s features go slack. You’re not sure if it’s more surprise, suspicion or unease.
“You misunderstood,” the first one voices cautiously. “He is currently seeing someone but—”
Ignoring him, you walk past them before the second guard grabs your elbow. A blade presses against his inner wrist, kissing his unguarded veins.  
“You can try and stop me and lose that hand,” you inform him calmly. “Trust me, I’m someone he will want to see,” you reassure him and feel the grip ease, then disappear. “Smart man.”
The first guard gestures with his arm, showing you the way, and his forehead shines with sweat.
Ocean breeze ripples through your jumpsuit and hair and you hear a voice in the distance, increasing your step.
“—commerce of relationships,” Berrada’s voice reaches you. “I have given you a great gift—”
You increase your speed, the guard almost stumbling to keep up.
“Relations are only as good as long as both sides have a common interest,” you state amiably, matching his falsely pleasant tone as you walk onto the open terrace.
Torches light the area, giving the space a muted glow, and you pay no attention to the guards who point their weapons at you.
John and Sofia snap their heads in your direction, both varying degrees of dismayed. The manager has her hair pulled back, wearing her battle preferred leathers, and both dogs are clad out in their bulletproof vests, too. They came here expecting a fight.
As if there is any other way with John.
Berrada’s face splits into a beaming smile at the sight of you. The man in a dark suit jacket and white suit pants steps closer at once. His hand lifts, waving the guards away and the weapons lower.
“The Vipress,” he announces, dragging the title out, and raises his hand to point at you, a smile still in place. “Now there is a person of interest. We’ve been anticipating your return.”
He doesn’t need to clarify who the we is.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.”
John is boring holes into your face. Sofia is no better except she’s outwardly scowling at you.
Berrada’s expression turns thoughtful, his eyes zeroing in on your hand. It seems like his interest in John and Sofia has fled for now. That, or he was expecting to see you with them from the start.
“Yes, and with that ring on your hand,” he notes quietly, still staring at your hand. His eyes finally jump up to you when you halt in between the assassin and the manager. “Did you know that the original Camorra ring set was crafted right here?”
When no one responds, his lips purse, displeased. The displeasure if gone with a blink though. “Oh, yes. D’Antonios have always been fond of their little rituals. I imagine they like to pretend they’re better than most. More…civilised. Funny considering that their motto is blood for blood.”
Berrada chuckles, rolling the cigar between his fingers and you eye him, waiting for him to get to the point. “The original boss of Camorra, however, was a man of ambition. He made Camorra something more than a bunch of feral dogs running around. He made them the second seat at the table,” he tells you, waving his arm a little. You know this story. Gianna and Santino told you about the original Camorra boss when you were staying with them. “Yes, he had vision his heirs lacked. He did have three of them though. The original Camorra ring set: head, lady, three heirs and elite guards were all forged here.”
This, you did not know. Though you suppose it makes sense with how old Camorra is.
Berrada gives you a sly little half-smile and steps closer towards you. You show no outwards reaction.
“It is, perhaps, ironic that it is you—someone who is by Camorra’s standards no doubt considered to be an outsider—that should bring this ring back home now.”
“Inform them we’re here.”
Berrada chuckles again, raising his cigar to chew on the tip as he stares at you. “I already told Mr Wick how to find the Elder,” he says flatly. “A great favour. What will you offer me in return?”
His eyes slide away from you, to John, and then Sofia.
Your jaw tenses subtly.
Berrada appears amused.
His attention flickers down and he reaches to pat Ikar. Tension practically radiates from Sofia.
“I do so love this dog,” he says conversationally. “I will keep it.”
“Excuse me?”
You exhale slowly, hearing the stab of ice in Sofia’s voice. She would cut anyone’s arms off before letting them touch those dogs.  
But Berrada is testing her. He likes his little games as most powerful men with egos do.
He’s also her boss. Which means that unless she wants problems she would have to obey.
The man in question laughs under his breath, rising as he holds out his hand in a pacifying motion.
“My apologies. Sore spot, clearly,” he says, not sounding very sorry at all. His attention slides towards you. “Then, if not the dog, perhaps a night with the Italian’s whore?”
You don’t so much as blink.
Since Chicago and your fateful decision to use sleeping with Santino as a cover story, you’ve heard the nickname spat at you many times over the years. It had never bothered you to be frank. People often fail to realise just how much power comes with being a whore. Humans often find themselves at the mercy of their desires. Even if you were Santino’s whore why would ever feel ashamed for seducing one of the most powerful men in your world? The Italian in question always took an issue with it, of course—as he does with any display of disrespect towards you—but you had told him dozens of times that, if anything, it works in both your favour for people to think that.
John doesn’t share your indifference, however.
A sound rumbles through the air. Some bizarre mix between a grunt and a growl, his humble demeanour splintering. He barely shifts but Berrada leans back all the same. You don’t need to look towards John to know that his expression is no doubt menacing enough to scare most.
It makes you remember Dublin—your last job together before everything went to hell after your birthday—but unlike then, his protectiveness does little. It certainly doesn’t change things.
Berrada laughs again, a touch forced this time. “I jest,” he placates, turning to walk back towards his desk. Well, it’s his desk most days. It belongs to someone else but that individual doesn’t like sitting behind a desk. “It is unfortunate that we cannot reach an agreement peacefully.”
He reaches for something on his desk—
A yelp and Sofia screams, falling to her knees, clutching onto Ikar who has collapsed from bullet impact. Not fatal, and no blood in sight, but your body still instinctively jerks towards them.
Her voice wobbles as she mumbles Arabic to him, stroking the dog’s head soothingly.  
“I am sorry, Sofia,” Berrada speaks, a gun still in his hand. “This was for you to learn.”
You finally drag your eyes away from the scene and turn towards him.
His bravado seems to wane under your death stare, and you hear the ping on the stone where Sofia has let loose the bullet she pulled out from the vest. From the corner of your eye, you see her hand slide down Ikar’s back. A secret compartment where she keeps a spare handgun.
John’s faint plea falls to deaf ears.
There is a split second of complete stillness and then like thunder chaos erupts.
A gunshot slices clean through Berrada’s leg and the man collapses with a yell of pain. His guards flurry into action but there’s three of you—five counting the dogs—and it’s a whirlpool of bullets, blood, and death.
You leap at the closest guard, your blade landing into his unguarded flesh and yank his gun free. Rolling across the ground, you shoot another in the face. Two more rush at you and you whistle.
Santana leaps over your body with a growl and sinks her teeth into one of the guard’s. You come to her aid, finishing off the man before shooting another in the chest and then head.
It’s over in under two minutes.
Sofia storms towards the still shrieking Berrada, her face scrunched with unspoken wrath. Ikar falls back, having gotten his revenge by sinking his teeth into the man’s crotch. Satisfaction hums through you at the sight of those bloody white trousers, and you don’t stop her when she raises her gun to his head.
“Sofia, don’t,” John cuts in before she can shoot the other man and she falters.
Her aim veers left and another gunshot booms through the air. Berrada screams again. He writhes, blood staining his clothes, and you stroll closer, staring down at him pitilessly. Both legs ruined.
“He shot my dog.”
Her words are brimming with fury. You hear John sigh behind you. “Yeah, I get it.”
The manager finally lowers the gun, turning to look at you. You’re still angry at her for thinking it’s a good idea to leave you behind, but this isn’t the time.
“Come on,” she says. “We gotta move.”
She marches ahead but you linger. The older man is trying futilely to ebb the blood flow but without medical assistance, he will not last long.
Not even a glimmer of pity resides inside your heart for him.
You turn to go.
“If…if you’re smart…you will not go back to that desert,” he spits out and you halt, glancing back at him over your shoulder. You cut the minimal distance you have created and watch the way he squirms on the floor, his face sweaty. “You…you have no idea what he—”
You stomp on his leg.
He lets out a wail so loud it echoes.
In the distance, a thunderstorm of bullets and shouts drowns him out. John and Sofia have encountered company. You press harder and Berrada gasps, practically convulsing from anguish. He tries, and fails, to grasp onto your ankle so you twist your foot instead. Blood gushes under your heel and the man splutters, staring up at you with genuine terror on his face. There is something satisfying about seeing him like this.
“Do not speak of things you do not understand.”
You hold the pressure until Berrada’s eyes roll to the back of his head, and he slumps to the side, unconscious.
You don’t particularly care if he’s still alive or not, either.
You’re already hunted. What do you have to fear now?
For the first time in your life, no chain is holding you back.  
You leave Berrada in his spot, following the trail of bodies Sofia, John and the dogs have created. You’re glad that you’ve visited this place once before because even with the pathway of death to follow the layout is confusing.
You’re almost at the courtyard when you hear a car pull up outside the premises. A burst of bullets and shouts follow and you hurry ahead. Screams and dog snarls sound and you push through a small tunnel when you spot a jeep ahead. Sofia is behind the wheel, shouting something. Ikar and Santana are already at the back, and John is marching back in the direction of the courtyard. You’re moving so quickly your bodies almost collide and he grips your forearms, his stare frantic.
“There you are,” he exhales, his fingers tightening around your arms. “Where were you?”
You pull out of his grip. “Having a chat,” you say dryly. “Let’s go.”
Sofia is leaning out of the window when you pull the backdoor open, and Santana greets you with a happy loll of her tongue.
You slam the door shut and John takes shotgun. The manager floors the accelerate and the jeep peels away with a spray of dirt.
Collapsing in the back seat, you check the pistol magazine.
Three bullets left.
For several, tense minutes no one speaks as you all wait to see if anyone will follow you. After the carnage you unleashed it will happen sooner rather than later.
“Which one of you suggested leaving me behind?”
In the rearview mirror, you watch them both, noting their taut expressions.
“It was a joined decision,” Sofia speaks first, her grip on the wheel constricting. “And not why you think.”
You wait, your own expression stiff, anticipatory.
“Berrada has been making cryptic remarks about you for a while now,” she explains and briefly meets your stare in the rearview mirror. “He’s been waiting for you to come back, and I don’t mean in a maybe-one-day kind of sense, either. If you were to come, I don’t think he would have let you leave. We planned to pick you up after so you can drop that attitude.”
John says nothing.
You consider them both, leaning back in your seat, and close your eyes.
They both seem to sense that it’s conversation over for you and you don’t contradict them.
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It takes two weeks to recover fully. The swelling takes the longest to subside and training with your left arm becomes a painful, slow affair for a period of time after that.
You give Rafik a cold shoulder for a week while recovering, still resentful of the fact that you had to go through with this in the first place. But lessons are lessons. This was a good one, too. More pieces in the puzzle.
Despite the hard reset you had on your physical training, your academic one is flourishing. Due to more lenient apparatus while you’re physically recovering, you’ve been able to fully submerge yourself in your studies.
The sheer amount of knowledge you have absorbed during these months more than makes up for the viper bite. Rafik used a special salve created by the Elder himself to make sure no scars would remain, and the swelling would go down quicker. Same with the solution you were forced to drink during your delirium while your body was flushing out the toxins.
Supposedly a show of the Elder’s favour and an unofficial apology.
“Sleep seems to evade you even now, viper.”
Your head tilts towards the man approaching your spot by the fire leisurely.
He’s in light robes and no turban, revealing his pitch-black hair—a rarity even now.
He looks like he’s just rolled out of his makeshift cot and decided to wander into the night.
And there is something oddly intimate about seeing him like this.
“Says the man who is out here in the middle of the night.”
Your words are light with amusement and a slight smile appears on the man’s face as well.
Rafik lowers himself on the other side of the fire, glancing at you over the flames. The night air is crisp and you tighten the woollen blanket around your shoulders, cradling the cup more securely between your palms.  
“You looked in need of company,” is the only explanation he offers and your eyebrows jump up.
Your eyes leave him, journeying upwards towards the sky and your lingering smile widens.
“Just enjoying the view,” you reveal quietly. “Sahara desert truly is one of the best places to observe the stars.”
Something changes in the air between you. A slide into something more tense, unspoken.
“What makes you think we’re in the Sahara?” comes his measured question.
Smiling, you lift the cup in your hand. “Berber tea is a Moroccan drink.”
His response is immediate. “So you assumed you’re in Sahara based on that alone.”
Of course, he would expect you to explain your thought process.
You’ve done this dance a thousand times.
“No, I didn’t,” you say, amused, raising the cup to your mouth, and taking a deliberate sip. You’ve been out here for a while now and your drink is barely lukewarm but no less delicious. “Saharan desert viper was a pretty big give away though. Old man Anis also does star charting. No locations were explicitly mentioned in his notes but it did talk about Canis Minor at length. Last confirmation I needed to what I already heavily suspected. Sorry for snooping by the way. I understand the need for secrecy.”
As always, Rafik doesn’t let much slip. He raises one of his hands in front of the flame, soaking in its warmth.
“No apology necessary.”
Comfortable is one way you would describe the blanket of quiet that embraces you both. It envelops you and you peer at the flame, not really seeing it. Several minutes pass like this, neither of you speaking.
Your mind wanders to New York. To Santino, then John.
“You look sad.”
That snaps you out of your deep thought, and your eyes jump towards the man before you in surprise.
He watches you as closely as always. It still catches you off guard sometimes. In many ways, Rafik’s mute scrutiny often reminds you of Santino and his heated looks.
Santino never hides though, never holds back. He blazes. That, perhaps, is the biggest difference between the Italian and the reserved Rafik.
“Probably because I’m alone,” you tell him and can’t help but wonder why he makes it easy to share. Maybe after these long months of working together and seeing each other on a daily basis, you can at least admit to yourself that you like him. “Because I am so deeply unlovable that no one wants me. Sometimes—sometimes I think no one ever will.”
John loves Helen.
Santino, despite his interest, loves power more.
You’re not the first choice for either of them.
Rafik’s head dips and you see him consider your words. You like the fact that he appears to weigh them carefully before offering his own thoughts. He always does.
“There is no shame in being alone.”
“But I don’t want to be alone.”
His eyes lift to yours at that, meeting again, and his hand lowers back into his lap. He watches you for a long time—so long, in fact, that his voice surprises you when he speaks next.
“There will always be a place for you here,” he says and you hear the sincerity his words. “This could be your new home. You do not have to be alone if you do not wish to be.”
Your attention drifts away from his solemn expression.
The offer is tempting. Even if you would never admit it. There could be a place for you here. You even like it here.
But what is this if not running?
Is this not pausing the problems rather than solving them? What is this if not letting Tarasov live out the rest of his miserable, wretched life and allowing him to get away with everything he did? Stealing and killing and thriving while you’re half a world away living in fantasy land.
No, just like Santino you will have your revenge. One day—somehow, someway—you will kill Tarasov. You’ve come too far and sacrificed too much to let him go now.
He will fear you.
He will rue the day he ever thought that tying you to his will was a good decision.
If John is allowed to have his happy life and Santino is allowed to finally have his revenge, then you are permitted this, too.  
“Can I ask you a personal question?” you wonder instead, your voice low, contemplative.
His lips part like he wants to say something but he lets it drop at last second. This time, his slight grin is crooked but genuine. “Five months of living together and now you worry about asking me personal questions? Ask.”
You chuckle, rolling your eyes, reminded of someone else who has a habit of turning your words around on you.  
“What does it mean?” you question, not bothering to hide your genuine interest. “The tattoo on your chest?”
You tried to recall the script and search for a translation in the bound books of the Elder’s private collection but came up with nothing.
His eyes find yours again but something is different this time. His expression is earnest but the look in his dark eyes is piercing, charged.
A preoccupied hum, and then, “An old Latin phrase,” he divulges, his words mild and lifts his hand, pressing it over his collarbone—the exact spot where those words live. “I had it inked onto my skin in my native tongue to remind myself of my path in life. Exitus acta probat.”
“The outcome justifies the deed.”
His blinks and slants his head in a vague nod.
“Somehow it does not surprise me that you know that.”
There is a compliment there but you don’t acknowledge it.
“Latin is often used in medicine,” you say, shrugging. “Also Winston.”
“You miss him.”
It’s not a question. It’s a deliberate and leading statement, opening the door for a discussion. You’re used to having half conversations with him. Each of you allowing the other to drop the topic when you don’t want to answer.
That’s precisely why you don’t bite. Winston is not someone you wish to discuss right now.
“Outcome justifies the deed,” you repeat deliberately, and return the cut that was mentioning Winston with a light, “Is that what you tell yourself when you obey the Elder’s will?”
Your attention focuses on his face, his reaction, but Rafik accepts the dig. He raises his hand to his face, rubbing his chin.
“Is that not what you tell yourself when Viggo Tarasov sends you on yet another mission?” he returns and your expression goes taut, your fingers clenching around the cup. Rafik drags his hand away from his face as he scrutinises you. “You kill in the name of your freedom. But have you ever wondered if it will still be freedom when it is paid for in blood?”
You have.
Of course, you have.
But parts of you that would have once been worried and cared and dreaded the answer to that question have been buried long ago.
The very people who hurt you made sure of that.
“Everything has a price,” is your harsh, cold response.
“Indeed it does.”
There is something deeper to his agreement, you can tell, but you have no way of telling what exactly.
Over the raging whirlpool of flames, you both watch each other intently.
You’re not naive enough to try and pretend that there isn’t attraction between you.
He’s vastly different from John who you still adore deep down even though you’re trying to root him out. He’s not Santino, either. Despite the fact that you would like to pretend that the Italian hasn’t been chipping away at your guard, you know better than that. He’s managed to slip under your skin though you will never allow him the advantage of knowing it. You will wall him off if you have to, force him out, and keep him that way.
You’ve had enough heartache to last a lifetime.
Rafik, however, is something else. Entirely removed from the life you know. With a mind so attractive it’s hard not to find pleasure in the time you spend together.
“Tell me,” you begin lowly, softly. “If I were to come to your tent tonight, would your master kick me out?”
You’re not even sure what works your tongue. Curiosity, perhaps. A test of your own.
Rafik goes so still it feels like you pressed a pause on his entire existence. It makes a pleased hum thrum through your blood. Not for the first time, you are the one with power. But this is by far your biggest victory.
“No,” he says eventually, equally as soft, but he watches you with a look that makes goosebumps explode across your skin even with the blanket wrapped around you. “But I would have to take you as my bride.”
His bride.
The only man you’ve ever entertained the idea of marrying before was John.
That didn’t end well.
A grin moves your lips upwards and you glance down towards the fire to break the tension between you. “No fun before marriage, I can respect that.”
You hope you didn’t accidentally insult him with your carelessness, and that it’s not the reason for his current pinched expression.
“You misunderstood,” he says and something about the hushed timbre of his voice demands your attention. Your eyes connect over the fire once more, and a shaky breath slips free at his next words. “You may not be my bride but I never said anything about you leaving that tent should you come.”
Neither of you looks away.
This is a special kind of battle. One you’re not sure you would mind losing.
Your pulse flutters and a different sort of warmth fills your veins the longer he peers at you.
There is a temptation there. Wipe everything and everyone away. Be so wholly selfish that it makes you more reckless than you’ve ever been before. It’s just physicality, just pleasure, it doesn’t have to mean a damn thing.
You’re your own person. You could claim yourself back this way.
It would be so...easy.
But your heart twists.
A faraway memory of John, of his lips.
An even closer recollection of green eyes, a crooked smirk, and sunlight. What I really want is every last bit of you that you’re still unwilling to part with.
“And what about your master?” you force out eventually and Rafik blinks. Just like that the tension is dispelled. “I half expected to find a secret harem of beautiful women stashed away somewhere but…”
The man before you straightens, his expression clearing, as he seemingly comes out of whatever spell he was under as well. That’s surprising. You don’t think you’ve ever managed to unravel his guard like this before.
“The Elder believes that one rare jewel is worth more than an entire empire,” he voices calmly, his voice pleasant, but there is throatiness to his voice that thickens his accent. “He does not need many when he can have all he needs in one.”
Interesting. You don’t let your surprise show though.  
“How romantic.”
Lifting the cup back to your mouth, you watch him over the rim just like he did with you months ago.
“Do you disagree?”
You shake your head, your cup now empty, and hum under your breath. “No, that’s a nice sentiment,” you note and wonder if you let too much of your hurt slip. “But I’ve found that’s rarely the case in real life. Why does he even think that? A man with so much power could have anything he wants.”
“Because he wants an equal,” Rafik explains smoothly and leans closer. “Because someone like that is worth waiting for.”
You play with the cup in your hand, pressing your chin into the warm material of the blanket as you listen. “Who could even equal the most powerful man in the world?”
A quiet intensity burns in his eyes when he answers. “Someone very special.”
Swallowing, you rise, placing the empty cup in the sand as you move towards the fire, placing another log into the devouring flame. Orange, yellow, and red explode in a visual kaleidoscope. Rubbing your hands in front of it, you feel the heat tingle against your fingertips and sense Rafik’s intent gaze on you.
“Do you have any campfire stories to share?”
Your question is both driven by curiosity and an attempt to divert the conversation towards safer waters.
Most nights, over dinner, men exchange tales from far off lands. Stories and old memories. Most of these stories are told in Darija, an old Moroccan Arabic dialect, leaving you mostly turning to Rafik who would quietly translate the tales while sitting beside you. You’ve grown to look forward to these stories nightly though few ever have happy endings.
All the men living here ended up here for a reason. Not many have happy or easy lives to look back on.
More than just service to the Elder bonds them, and you find comfort in that. Some nameless relief. Shared scars from pain you’ve endured.
Rafik smiles faintly at your inquiry, watching you as you trod back towards your spot. You reach for the kettle, pouring yourself more tea and hold out a spare cup towards him.
The man dips his head in a grateful nod, accepting your offer.
“Have you ever heard of the Terrible Sultan and the Golden Empress?”
You frown in thought, thinking about it as you hand him his cup. His fingers brush against yours, lingering, and you release your hold on it, swallowing.
Walking back towards your spot, you seat yourself down, getting comfortable as you lift the pleasantly warm cup into your lap. It’s hard to keep an indifferent expression with him following every turn of your limbs so closely. The attention is not unwelcome but you don’t let it show.
“The Terrible Sultan was the most powerful ruler of his time. They say he ruled all land from the Black Sea to the Red Sea. As well as the golden continent in between, only growing his power with each conquest,” Rafik begins, his accent giving his words an almost dreamlike tilt. “He was ruthless in his pursuit of power and wealth. He was cruel. Feared. He did not care for others. Like his father before him—he wanted to be remembered, not loved.”
The man pauses for a moment, seemingly lost in thought, and you wait patiently.
“The Sultan wanted to claim the world for his own,” he continues after a stretch of quiet and you watch those strong fingers tap against his cup. “His reputation was already fearsome. Killings and brutality were all he had known and was good at. He saw it as his right. And while he was a conquerer who grew his empire, he was seldom loved or inspired a prayer wishing for his good health. But he was a fierce warrior who always fought his own battles which earned him the loyalty of his men. Eventually, he set his sights on a distant, unconquered land.”
Rafik takes a long while to continue after that.
You’re not entirely certain why.
“Little was known about this land beyond the horizon, and even less about its ruler,” he drawls, lifting his head in your direction as if to check if you’re listening. You’re not sure why. He knows you always listen when he speaks. He’s one of the few who manages to claim your attention so thoroughly. “The Sultan did not know what to expect but he was prepared for blood and frailty. He found only one of those things. Blood. But most of it was the blood of his own troops. He underestimated his enemies. Thought them weak. His arrogance cost him but he had the numbers and the resources so he persisted. The land he was trying to invade was not known to him, however, and every battlefield was used against him and his warriors. A great tactician was at play, he realised then. One, perhaps, even greater than him. Something he has never encountered before. So he caught one of the enemies troops. Tortured him for weeks and nothing. The man died before betraying his leader. Fierce loyalty, not fear, ruled this land. The Sultan was furious and bitter for he doubted even his own men would protect him like this. He concluded that in order to take this country he needs to bleed its heart. Find the leader and cut their head off.”
The fire crackles loudly and you blink out of your stupor, shifting in your spot. You’ve been so engrossed in his story, you’ve forgotten all about your tea.
Taking a sip, you savour the warm burn against your tongue as well as the tickle of different flavours against the roof of your mouth.
Rafik does the same. The glow of the light dances through the dark, inky pools that are his eyes and he recalls the tale with an almost wistful note in his voice.
“He set a trap, trying to act like he’s retreating,” he continues, his lips twitching like this next part is amusing him already. “But the enemy leader saw through the deceit, set a trap of their own. An ambush. They were attacked at night, and the Sultan woke up to a blade against his throat. He was taken in the fray. He swore death and ruin, his pride bruised. Yet the figure remained quiet until they were far away from his camp and other men.”
Another lengthy pause.
“What then?” you venture with a nibble on your bottom lip. “Did the enemy kill him?”
Rafik’s mouth curves; a slow, almost beguiled thing. “No, she did not,” he voices, placid as always, and you blink at the sudden turn in the story. “The figure to take the Sultan was a woman, much to his disbelief. He has heard of women warriors in other lands but all he knew of women was their beauty and ability to gift life. This woman didn’t try to hide, calling him a bloodthirsty monster who would not take her empire. The Sultan who has never met another who could ever match his iron-like will was suddenly faced with someone of equal iron. Another ruler. Beauty and rage. A great mind like his own.”
A gust of wind ripples through the camp, fanning the fire that climbs higher and higher. Spittle of embers flares through the air, adding to the canopy of the starry sky above. Your chin dips, your attention going back to the storyteller before you, only to find him already gazing at you.
“What then?” you prompt casually, and let a snarky grin grace your face, “Did she kill him?”
Rafik cocks one of his brows. “Are you hopeful for the Sultan’s death, viper?” he wonders, amused. “But no, she did not. The Golden Empress did not think killing him would be the answer.”
“Then she’s an idiot,” you input coolly, and noting his surprised expression add a flat, “If I am faced with the invader of my lands—who likely killed hundreds if not thousands of my people—and did even worse to other places, I would pull him apart piece by piece. Conquest means the slaughter of the innocent for greed.”
“So you would choose vengeance?”
You don’t hesitate. “Yes.”
The man appears intrigued by your admittance. “Even if meant years of war and suffering for your people?”
He doesn’t need to elaborate for you to understand what he’s alluding to.
“There won’t be a war because the Sultan would have never left that tent alive,” you shoot back swiftly, by now more than used to your debates. Even this late, you feel wide awake. “Send a loud and clear message that if a conqueror like him can die, so will others who come to my lands, wishing to claim what’s not theirs. But I assume that’s not what happened so what did she do? Hold him hostage? Forced him to sign a treaty?”
Rafik makes a soft noise at the back of his throat—a noise that you don’t realise is a chuckle at first. It’s an oddly disarming sound that leaves you staring at him in surprise despite how brief it is.
It suits him and warms him.
Erases the overly calm and controlled man you’ve gotten to know. Nor have you seen him like this before. Relaxed, almost.  
“No,” he reveals, a ghost of a smile still lingering. “They fell in love.”
You snort in disbelief, rolling your eyes. “Seriously? The man invaded her country and she fell in love with him? Smart.”
“Surely you can understand the thrill of meeting someone who understands you,” he murmurs, his gaze briefly flickering over your features. “The appeal of finding someone who is your match. Someone who is not less or more, but simply there. The perfect balance to you.”
You swallow the lump in your throat and offer him a cool, “No.”
And perhaps that is a lie but there is truth to it, too.  
“Let me guess,” you say after he fails to respond to that. “They put aside their differences, their love showed them the way to a perfect union, and they lived happily ever after?”
You’re sure your expression is as startled as you feel.
Rafik stares down at his cup while he sorts through something inside his mind. “They managed to grow and love one another fiercely,” he tells you softly, thoughtfully. “The Sultan called off the invasion. Told his men that there are other places to claim for he loved her so dearly, he saw how much her people meant to her. And although her people called her golden, he saw a retreat in her. She was his moon. An escape from the cruelty of the sun. He wanted her to be with him. Make her his equal so they could rule together but…”
The man before you moves in his spot, stretching his legs out as he looks up at you. “But she loved her people and her home more. She felt like she was duty-bound to keep them safe and the land prosperous,” he explains, his voice pitching lower, sadder somehow. “So she stayed. Refused the offer of his heart and soul. The Sultan was enraged. He thought the Empress used him. Manipulated his feelings so he would call off the war between their countries. But despite his rage, despite all the bitterness, he still loved her. He couldn’t hurt her. So he left. Went back to his vast wealth and his golden halls and yearned for his Empress in silence.”
His voice trails off and you wait for more but it doesn’t come.
“That’s it?” you whisper sharply. “He just gives up on her? Surely he could understand why—”
“He did,” Rafik interrupts, a strain appearing on his face. “He understood her perfectly. Loved her even more for it. She thawed him in a way no else could. He sought her out eventually. They say the two met in secret throughout the years, their passion burning too brightly to be smothered. They would make love under the stars and in those places would bloom oasis full of life and hope. Their gift to the world even if they could never be together.”
You stare down at your lap, silent.
There is such bittersweetness to this tale. To know that they were happy but never happy enough.
“So they never got a chance to be together?”
You’re not sure why it bothers you quite so much.
“The end to this tale differs depending on who tells it,” he says after drawing a subdued breath. “Some say they both eventually married other people and moved on. Others say she died young and his grief was felt through the world till he, too, joined her in the afterlife, desperate to be with her again. Others say they spent their lives loving each other but never finding their way to one another. She would look up at the sky and feel the rays of the sun like his kisses on her skin. He would look at the moon and feel her soothing embrace, a memory of her laughter haunting his sleep and waking hours alike.”
“And what do you think?”
Those dark, dark eyes connect with yours and he watches you for a long while. “I like to think that they loved each other in that life and every life that followed it. Love like that does not die. That which we love, that which is meant to be, will always find a way to circle back and come back to us.”
The silence between you is somehow different this time. You mull over his tale inside your head, staring up at the sky above you.
It has awakened a strange longing inside your heart you’re almost familiar with. Like a distant, hazy dream you can’t quite grasp onto.
Rafik’s head is bowed when you finally look back towards him, regarding him with a hard, pensive stare.
“Got any more vaguely sad tales to share?”
The crooked curve of his mouth comes first, followed by those inky eyes when he glances up at you. They’re warm as he takes you in.
The flame continues smouldering between you.  
Together you sit by the fire through the night, talking about everything and nothing long after the wooden logs have burned to nothing, and the sky has spilt into an indigo haze.
With eyes closed and head tilted back, you listen to the sounds of the desert.
The wind and how it creates little whirlpools of sand. How animals shuffle and eat and sleep. Wind chimes.
So peaceful.
“Not reading?” Rafik asks from behind you, approaching your spot with measured steps. “Such rarity. I thought you would want to make up for the lost time.”
Your eyes crack open unhurriedly. Like usual the brightness blinds you for a bit before your sight adjusts and you slant your head in his direction.
This tent—decorated with lush maroon silk curtains, multicoloured pillows, teapots and cups for tea ceremonies—is one of your favourite meeting spots. Both for meditating and for discussions.
“I enjoyed our trip,” you reassure him because you can feel his unspoken question. “Thank you for taking me. Darija is beautiful.”
Your trip to Casablanca had been as incredible as you had expected it to be. Rafik accompanied you himself, showing you the sights of the city. The markets, the architecture, and the culture of colours and light. You had requested a chance to visit the city yourself, and apparently the Elder had decided to reward you for figuring out where exactly you were staying. A taste of freedom. Had you known that’s all it would take, you would have revealed this knowledge sooner. When you had told Rafik as such the man had only chuckled.
The trip had taken the entire day with both of you as well as a few others setting out well before dawn to make the long journey to the city.
You’ve enjoyed every second of it. The happy screeches of children running around, and the taste of all the food and tea you tried. But it was a journey of realisation, too. Being back in civilisation reminded you that despite enjoying your enforced getaway, you did miss life. Normal life. People.
Rafik comes to a stop beside you, at the edge of the tent, and you both stare out towards the desert.
His robes are different today. Fancier than usual. White with golden stitches. You try to ignore the brush of his sleeve against your bare arm.
There is that closeness between you. Some odd magnetism you can’t quite put your finger on. And one that you’re not quite sure what to make of.
You suppose it won’t be presumptuous to call you friends but…
There is always that but with Rafik.
“I could teach you if you like?” he proposes, glancing sideways towards you. His gaze lingers on your features and you stare up at him. “Then we can go back whenever you please.”
You know what he’s doing. What his mild suggestion implies.
It’s been longer than the agreed six months.  
He’s giving you another reason to stay.
“That so?”
He notices your tenser intonation; the way words drag out of your throat, almost reluctant. He doesn’t comment.
For several minutes, you stand side by side with your shoulder leaning against the support pole holding the tent upright.
Eventually, his gaze finds home in your body. You don’t let it show how aware you are of the said attention.
There is tension between you ever since that night by the fire. Like an unspoken we could that festers in the distance between you. Most days you are very good at ignoring it, especially in front of others. It’s significantly harder to do so when you’re alone.
His quiet scrutiny continues for a while.
“Look at you,” he begins softly, like he’s just realised something of great importance. “Look at the strength you hold yourself with now. You came to us seven months ago as a shell barely clinging to life. Now you stand firm and look at the sun with a desire for life. You did not let your pain consume you. You shed your skin and been reforged.”
You falter.
It’s peculiar how you don’t notice it anymore.
The steadiness with which you walk. The way your hands shake less. How fewer nightmares haunt you. They still persist but at least it’s become manageable. The muscle and strength you have lost after the wedding has returned. There is still some way to go but these seven months have remade you.
Swallowing, you tilt you head his way, and he adds a quiet, “You make me proud, viper.”
A tremble through your limbs. It locks your throat, knits your brows, and you pivot towards him. Your crossed arms loosen, dropping to your sides.
His confusion is apparent.
“Stop what?”
You feel how your expression creases, your lips pursing into an unhappy line.
“Making this harder than it has to be,” you say quietly, knowingly. “We both know what this is.”
You know he knows.
You saw how he watched you when you glanced back at him at the market. The light in his eyes when children gifted you with a silken ribbon. How he watched you when you sat side by side on the beach, peering at the receding waves. Your longing expression had focused on the distant horizon where an ocean away your home was waiting.
And all the people you’ve left behind that you did not expect to miss as much as you do.
No matter how much you like it here, this isn’t quite the same.
You miss Winston trying to teach you chess. Miss his music recommendations and snarky comments that are often politely veiled insults. Miss his lessons that sharpen your own skills.
You miss Charon and his soothing, deep voice calling you “Miss”. Miss the way he always makes sure that your favourite food is on the menu, and how he always indulges in your silly attempts of discussion.
You miss—
Then perhaps you can be my exception, hm? My first real friend.
It still startles you and unnerves you how often you catch yourself thinking about him, too.
How much you’ve missed them all. You always figured disappearing would be simple, preferable. Detach yourself from everything. No Tarasov, no debts. But the exact opposite seems to be true.
You’ve never realised till now just how much they soothed your loneliness.
“A goodbye,” Rafik murmurs. “Today was a goodbye.”
So he did know.
You’re not sure where to even begin with what you glimpse on his face for a brief second. His head turns towards the desert and you swallow any words you could say.
“Did you not feel welcome—”
You don’t let him finish. “I can’t stay here.”
His attention goes back to you, his voice soft, “Why not?”
“Because I can’t just…” you trail off, shake your head, chew on your inner cheek. You didn’t expect this to be so hard. Maybe it’s because truly have enjoyed staying here. Enjoyed his company even more. “I can’t let Tarasov get away with this. He destroyed my life. After all he’s done...”
You won’t rest till he’s bones and ash.
Not for your parents. Not anymore.
For yourself.
“There are moments—fragments, really—that shift the course of one’s life,” he says, his tone pensive. “You would choose revenge over peace?”
He’s peering at you when your head snaps back towards him. He’s so close you can feel his body heat and he turns to face you as well.
“This isn’t peace,” you argue weakly, your voice thinning with hurt. “It can be, I know it can be, but right now it’s just running. Hiding. Pretending. I’ve been putting it off like a coward because I do like it here,” you say because it’s true, and you mean it, and it hurts how a brief crack in his stoic expression appears before it disappears, so you add, “If I stay a day longer...I will never leave.”
Because you keep making excuses. Just one more day, just one more moment. Just another day of studies. Just another sparring match. It’s all for your own good, you try to convince yourself.
His voice is still that gentle lull when he asks you a faint, “And would that be so terrible?”
“No. No, it won’t be,” you breathe, your admittance raw, and step closer to him, deciding to finally put your cards on the table. “Thank you for all you’ve done for me. Thank you for your research, and training, and patience and...just everything. You are not what I expected you to be.”
Understanding dawns over his features and his bearing changes. A straightening of his shoulders. The very air around him seems to thicken with that authority you’ve only caught glimpses of a few times. “You know,” he says deliberately. “Since when?”
“I suspected from the beginning but I knew for certain after the viper bite,” you confess and try not to twitch under suffocating intensity of his stare. It’s different from Santino or even John—the former always fond, teasing, hungry; and the latter aways gentle, subdued, half-hidden. “It was never about proving a point or even being brave. I wanted to draw you out.”
Because if that hadn’t revealed his hand, nothing would.
His eyes darken at that, almost pitch-black, so you hurry along, “I’ve been practising with viper venom for over a year now. Since it was used to poison me during the Hunt. My threshold for it is higher. I didn’t go under right away and your words. Always exceeding my expectations.”
You can still recall the muted ring of it inside your head. You haven’t been able to shake it since.
Rafik’s chin juts up and you feel naked under that probing stare. He’s not hiding anymore. What you see before you makes you finally understand why they fear him. “So it would appear we were both testing one another.”
You swallow, your proximity grating against your senses. “Rafik is not your real name, is it?”
“It is not,” he admits evenly. “It is the name of my brother.”
His brother.
Of course.
The younger man who came to visit with his entourage two weeks ago. You had thought then that it was a ploy. That perhaps the supposed “brother” was one of his actual advisors playing pretend. The idea that he does, in fact, have a sibling startles you for some reason.
Maybe because they are so different.
The real Rafik is quick to smile. Charming. Able to weave conversation out of thin air much like his brother.
They bore striking resemblance to one another but you still had your doubts. There was affection there, too. They were close but one stark difference between them was clear.
It revealed itself when Rafik and sat down beside you that night by the fire, giving you a curious, yet critical stare.
And when you had asked why he was here and beside you, he had offered a rather simple response in return.
I’ve never seen my brother quite so taken with someone before. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
And he had stayed by your side the entire evening, even after his older brother had joined you in his usual spot on your left. Together you had talked for hours, long into the night, and it had been as pleasant and as easy as breathing.
He had left the very next day with a kiss on your knuckles and a playful gleam in his brown eyes.
I do not doubt that we will meet again, viper.
Unlike his older brother who is power and order, Rafik is a dreamer.
Not bound by anything or anyone.
“Why bother with any of this?”
Why bother with the whole charade for months when he could have introduced himself as himself from the start. You’ve been mulling it over in your head for a while. A trick? Some sort of test?
“Because you cannot wear a mask forever,” he tells you calmly and leans closer. That crackle of power coats him and now that he’s not suppressing it, you feel it acutely. “Sooner or later the truth slips through. I wanted to know you without titles or expectations,” a pause, and flash in those dark depths before he exhales, “Hello, my viper.”
It’s funny.
Coming from anyone else, it would be possessive. Perhaps even twisted. Like claiming ownership of someone.
He makes it sound tender.
It should please you that you were right about his intentions in regards to hiding his name. It was a test after all. But not one you expected. And not one you did very well on.
“Hello, Elder,” is your hushed greeting, and a chill nips at the skin of your neck.
Finally face to face with everything out in the open.
Your throat is dry and for once it has little to do with the Saharan heat. “Do you stand by your word? That I can leave? It’s been over six months.”
His rapt attention splinters. It gutters him of any previous warmth to be found, leaving something colder and dourer behind.
“There is no happiness for you on this path,” he states, his words brisker that you’re used to hearing from him. It seems to sharpen his accent, too. “You’ve walked it once before and where did it lead you?”
A hushed breath escapes you. “To you.”
The Elder dips his head in a slow, wilful nod.
“Yes. To me,” he says, his mouth a firm line. “I understand the vengeance that drives you. But you will always make the same mistakes. You will always lose, and it will always lead you back to me. I tried to show you a different path. Wanted to help you realise your own potential. Encourage your research with my present.”
Those words. There is something almost damning about them.
Denial and anger swell swiftly. “You don’t know what it’s like,” you mutter, your words chipped with ice because he taught you to force calmness into your being. He’s the most powerful man in the world. He should petrify you as should the possibility of his wrath. But he doesn’t. “No one does. You have no idea what it’s like seeing his face and seeing him thrive. He…wait…what…what do you mean present? You haven’t given me any.”
He tried to give you that golden dagger after your spar but aside from that…
“Haven’t I?”
Your mind scrambles, picking apart the last seven months with him. Did he mean food and shelter? Did he class that as—
Encourage your research with my present.
Research and present.
“It was you,” you breathe, straightening as realisation hums through you. “The flowers, for my birthday, that was you. Why?”
There had been no card on those flowers, and you assumed that it had been Winston who gave them to you based on your conversation the night before.
Just how long had he been waiting to summon you? How closely has he been following your progress?
“I heard about your spiral,” he voices, a touch forlorn, reading your expression. The confusion. “I had hoped to extend a lifeline your way. I’ve hoped that it would give you a reason to go on. When it didn’t work, I had you summoned.”
He’s right. The flowers didn’t give you a lifeline.
Winston and Santino did that. By pushing you to crawl back to your feet. By demanding that you fight back. For yourself.
Their faith in you was the lifeline.
“And now I wish to leave,” you tell him faintly. “Will you let me?”
Because he doesn’t want you to. He doesn’t need to say it for you to know it. It’s written in the very fabric of him. It can be found in everything from the way he’s standing, speaking, to the way he’s surveying you.
Silence hangs over you for a long, long time.
Finally, the Elder shifts closer, reaching for you.
His hand is large, warm, and dry when it comes to rest against the side of your face.
“You are bound by a debt,” he reminds you. “Should anything befall Viggo Tarasov before it is repaid, I will know.”
A ball of acid sits at the back of your throat. “And after the debt is repaid?”
His disappointment is clear. He no doubt expected his warning to be a deterrent.
“After,” he states icily. “He is yours to do with as you please.”
Your heart flips.
“Your word.”
It’s practically a demand.
Reckless, reckless, reckless, a voice that sounds too much like Winston hums. But just this once you don’t heed the warning.
He leans closer. “My word.”
It sinks into you; a roar of vicious victory. One day, you will be able to kill Tarasov without fear of consequences. One day. Your freedom first and then—
“It will destroy you,” he states mildly, his eyes tracking over your features, and you tense. “Your desire for vengeance will poison everything in your life, and one day, you will find yourself back here but a part of you will be gone. It will hurt you and maim you if you do not control it. Do not let that fire consume you.”
He leans so close you feel the warmth of his breath when he presses his forehead against yours. Your eyes flutter close, a tingle racing down your spine.
You’re more alike than you would ever dare to admit.
Drawn by a bone-deep need to be understood. Challenged.
“I am, however, a man of my word,” he murmurs and you feel the tingle of those words brush against your mouth. “You are free to leave, ya amar.”
The weight against your forehead disappears. And the faintest brush of his lips against your forehead follows—nothing more than a whisper of a phantom—before it’s gone, too.
He lets go of your face, and your eyes snap open when you feel him pull away.
Your sight blurs in front of you—a smear of his white robes—and you only see his back as he turns away from you, facing the desert once again.
You can’t see his face anymore.
“Go now,” he declares, his voice cold, aloof. “While I still allow it.”
You’re not sure why you hesitate but you do. Just for a heartbeat.  
Then, you take a step back, and another before spinning around and walking out of the tent.
You pretend that you don’t feel his stare on your back until you disappear from his sight.
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A bump shakes the jeep and you jolt.
Sand greets you.
You said goodbye once and now here you are.
You had left the desert with the knowledge that even if you were to change your mind last minute the camp would no longer be there.
For security, it would be relocated. Less lack of trust and more common practice.
That’s why you went to Sofia and then Berrada. Berrada should have been the line to contact Elder with.
The Elder.
You rub your face.
Maybe he will not wish to see you. It’s been years. And now here you are. Coming back only because you’re in trouble.
The jeep crawls to a stop.
The journey here had been mostly silent, all of you lost in your own heads. Your only topic of discussion had been your next step which is apparently to wander out into the desert and hope that the Elder will want to see you.
You walked away from the desert, from the man himself, years ago and had spent that time forgetting you ever came here. To avoid the temptation of simply giving up and disappearing again. Every time it got hard, running away had seemed like the most obvious choice.
You push the door open, jumping out and the heat hits you like a brick.
You’ve forgotten how suffocating this dry climate can be. Still, you wager your attire is significantly more comfortable than John’s pitch-black suit.
Sofia lets out Santana and Ikar, too, giving them some water.
You ignore the conversation between the manager and the assassin, wandering further ahead, and lift your head towards the sun. The camp could be anywhere after so many years. Trying to go back on memory would be useless.
Despite that, you still try to recall as much as you can, turning from one direction to another. East is Casablanca. You drove west, deeper into the Sahara—
Sofia stops beside you, offering the bottle and you take it from her, drowning a large gulp.
She wants to say something. You both watch the horizon, and you don’t have to wait long.  
“Come back with me,” she speaks up suddenly, and you turn to look at her. Her expression is firm, no-nonsense. The one she uses on unruly patrons. “Stop this suicidal plan. I can hide you in the city.”
Thinking back on her earlier words about Berrada, you only offer her a small, indulgent smile, “For how long?” you question lightly. “This is the High Table, Sof. They will never stop coming. They will rip Casablanca apart piece by piece. And they will kill you, too. I can’t do that to my friend.”
“We’re not friends,” is her immediate and tart retort.  
You dip your head. “Right.”
She huffs a breath, visibly frustrated.  
“What if it doesn’t work?”
You think about that for a while.
Dying out in the desert is not the worst way to go given your lifestyle.
It would be slow, sure. But at least there would be minimal pain.  
You imagine your slight smile is a touch sad when you turn towards her, your hair fluttering in the breeze. “Everyone’s story ends at some point, right?”
Her expression turns icy at that. She takes a few steps closer and you’re practically face-to-face.
“You stand there and act like you’re so alone but I think you’re too much of a coward to face the truth,” she snaps and you blink in surprise. Her voice drops, softening, but her stare is still cutting. “There are people out there who would fight for you. If only you asked.”
You can feel John’s attention on you both but doubt he can hear you from his spot by the jeep.
“You’re right. There are,” you agreed quietly and she seems to deflate at your easy admittance. “But I got myself into this mess, and I will climb out of it myself. I’m not dragging my family down with me.”
You don’t need to say it out loud for her to know she’s included in that statement.  
“If I don’t make it back—”
“You better shut your mouth,” she snarls. “If you think that—”
You step closer, wrapping your arms around her. It’s brief but tight, and you inhale the scents that are uniquely her. It lasts only a moment before you loosen your arms, releasing her.
“I’ll be seeing you,” you tease.
She swallows visibly, her forced glare not as effective as she would no doubt like it to be.
“You better.”
Then she turns sharply and marches away without looking back and you bite back another smile.
One proud woman.
The jeep peels away minutes later and only a speck of darkness is left as your companion.
You pivot west and begin your trek.
Five minutes pass before John catches up with you.
“What are you doing?”
A defeated sigh slips out of him. You almost make a comment that this is what talking with him is like on a good day but fight back the urge.
Much to your surprise, he lets it drop.
The heat is merciless.
Despite that you both still put one leg in front of another, walking for over two hours in complete silence.
Mentally, you try to prepare for both the worst and best-case scenarios.
Best: the Elder finds you and you manage to find a way to get your Excomunicado lifted.
Worst: you both die out here.
“We should talk.”
His voice startles you so much you almost flinch.
John’s breaths are louder than usual, his skin shining with a layer of sweat. At least he knows enough to not start removing clothes. That will only dehydrate him faster.
“About what?” you wonder, pushing your legs harder to get you up a steep dune. “Everything I wanted to say to you I did back at your house.”
You drag the back of your hand across your forehead, controlling your breathing. Unfortunately, you have a sinking feeling you already know what he wishes to discuss despite your words.
“About what happened,” he begins warily. “At the Continental.”  
Your feet slow until you stop completely, giving him a curious look.
“Let me tell you what happened,” you say calmly, cordially. You don’t want to waste energy by being angry at him right now. “You nearly killed two of my friends, and shot the third in the head with his condition currently unknown to me. And here I am, hunted, because I loved you too much to let you die.”
He doesn’t react to your words, so you can’t help but ask, “So tell me, John, what is it exactly that you wish to discuss with me?”
He gazes at you, silent, and once you would have given anything to have him look at you with so much emotion.
“Do you still love me?”
You laugh. You can’t quite help it.
Shaking your head, you turn away from him, “Go to hell.”
“V, wait,” he mutters. “V—”
Something, a coil, snaps.
You round on him and he has to stumble to a stop.
“You swore a life debt to me. A life debt,” you hiss, your voice crackling with rage. Your throat aches from it, and it feels like a furnace has suddenly woken up inside you. John, for once, appears taken aback by what he sees. “I called it in and you as good as spat on it. Spat on everything we ever stood for. I practically begged you to listen but you didn’t. It might have broken my heart but at least I could understand your decision to leave, to be happy even if it was with someone else. You know why? Because I wanted you to be happy. But how do you justify this? How?”
His brows knit and his mouth parts. “I thought that it never would have ended. I did what I thought was right.”
You nod your head with a tepid smile. “I know you did,” you reassure him and he squints at you, surprised. “I don’t blame you for going after him. I would have done the same. Do you at least regret it?”
He hesitates. His head lowers.  
“It was a mistake,” he whispers. “I should have listened to you.”
A sound tickles the roof of your mouth and you look up towards the sky. The sun is starting to set. With the night will come a very different challenge.
“That’s not what I’m asking.”
He knows it isn’t but it’s now a choice between the truth you both know, and a lie he might try and convince himself of.  
“No,” he admits, still staring downwards. “The only thing I regret is that it’s causing you pain.”
He gazes up at you and you sigh, trying to relax your body. The explosion came out of nowhere but you suppose it’s the shock finally wearing off.  
“That’s the problem right there, John,” you mutter and there is a note of defeat in your voice that makes his expression crease. “You think this is just about Santino but it isn’t. You nearly killed the people without whom I won’t be here today. You killed men I knew, men I worked with, men who had lives that I knew about. Even when I had nothing, I had Ares and Roberto and Santino. My friends. They never gave up on me though they could and should have.”
That seems to do it. This time the realisation on his face is different. Like he’s finally grasping how much bigger this is. How much more pain he’s responsible for. You suppose from his perspective it’s easy to assume it’s only about the Camorra head but Santino is not the only person in your life. He never has been.
“I just wanted you to listen. That’s all.”
You don’t stop him when he decreases the remaining distance between you.  
“I can’t change what happened,” he admits, his expression softening, and a distant ache hums against your heart. He reaches out, cautious, his warm hand touching yours. “But I can make amends and I will. I swear.”
You used to dream about his skin on yours. Dream about kissing him and having a life with him. Dream about all you could achieve together—an unstoppable unit of raw skill, and with unmatched potential.
Together you could have had anything.
Together with this man of focus, will, and integrity.
Except that’s all it was. A dream. And John’s dream was stronger than your own.
You’ve grown tired of holding his happiness against him. It’s not fair to either of you.
You’re not his lesser anymore. You’ve worked for years to be regarded just as good as him. You’re not that young, naive girl who used to shadow his every step and watch his back with blind adoration.
Let him prove a point for once.
You’re tired of chasing impossible dreams—chasing him.
“Your word means nothing to me.”
Your hand slips from his.
You’re burning.
It’s oddly peaceful though. Familiar.
This is better than water. But anything would be better than water.
You’re alone. But you suppose that’s only right, too.
You’ve lost count of the time. It feels like you’ve been lost in this desert for weeks, if not months. You’re not even sure which one of you collapsed first. You or John. Maybe you helped each other till neither of you could go on.
You never thought death would be so peaceful.  
“How did we end up here, I wonder?”
Your eyes crack open at that voice.
Everything blurs. Golden, bright glow blinds you as everything spins but you still see him.
You’ve worked so hard to hold yourself together, to push everything back and focus, that seeing him is like a punch right through your chest.
Suddenly it’s like a floodgate has been opened and you feel the sting in your eyes.
Your cracked lips part and only a pained, dry sob escapes you, “Santi.”
He’s standing above you, gazing at you before he lowers himself down so he can see you better. He’s a hybrid. A man of past and present that you’re seeing morphing into one. Dark shirt, wild hair, a too familiar silver chain around his neck that all point to the past—to when you first met him. But then there is his expression. The playful gentleness of his eyes, and the slant of his mouth that makes him look like he’s a breath away from smiling. This expression you know. Heat and gentleness and—
And love.
You saw this expression at Naples. You’ve been seeing it for years now. Even if you always chose to turn away from it, from him.
“Hello, amore.”
It’s a whisper, a caress, a hug, and a kiss all in one and your expression crumbles.
Golden sun shines upon him—another remnant of Naples, of watching him napping in the sun—and this brightness is so different to the last time you saw him.
Clinging to him, your hands covered in his cooling blood, and so very desperate to hold onto him. Pull him back to life by force if you have to.
He was so still.
You held onto him like you could force the warmth back into him. Share your life with him like he has shared his with you so many times.
He can’t be here. He can’t be real because last you saw him he was being rushed to surgery. While all you could do was stand back and watch, hoping that the blood you gave him would help him stay alive. Your life force, now coursing through his veins.
“You’re not real.”
Your words are a croak and his head tilts.
He looks unbothered but your assessment, only vaguely amused.
“Of course not,” he shoots back breezily.
You blink, trying to clear your vision, now reduced to clinging to his voice instead.
Everything blurs again.  
“Then why…why are you here?”
This time amusement from his expression fades, leaving something solemn behind. It’s an odd sight. You don’t see him like this often and you want him to smile. You want him to live—
“Because you are dying,” Santino states promptly, but not unkindly. Those green eyes soften when he reaches out, his palm hesitating over your jaw. “Because you did not want to be alone. So here I am.”
You’re unsure if you can say anything in response to that.
You’re just glad he’s here. That you’re not alone after all. That here, at the end of it all, death wears a familiar, loving face.
“Maybe we’ll both die together,” he muses suddenly and you blink, realising that your eyes had begun to close. You find him laying beside you, face-to-face, and exhale softly at the proximity. He looks so real this close up. It reminds you of Naples. “Rather poetic if I do say so myself, no?” he adds quietly.
A soft teasing. Crinkling around his eyes. You want to reach for him even though there is no strength left in you for that.
“No,” you exhale. “I won’t let you.”
His mouth curves; a grin you don’t see often because it’s softer, crooked. It’s your smile. That one special smile he only ever bestows you with and it only hurts more.
Wind teases his brunette curls, wild and untamed as him, and you’re not sure why his smile transforms into something more sardonic.
“We both know no one would miss me, amore.”
You can’t believe he would still think that. Surely he doesn’t? Surely he knows—
“I would,” you choke out, fragile and wet, your eyes burning, burning, burning— “More than anything.”
The hardness, the arrogance both recede at that—like dispelling a cloud with your fingertips and those green eyes drag over your features.
“Ah, well if we both somehow survive this and see each other again,” he whispers and like always the low roll of his accent washes over you like a wave. “That might be nice to hear.”
You want to see him again. So very badly.
“I promise.”
Santino smiles again. Fainter, understanding.
I choose you.
He did, didn’t he?
You still owe him a trip to Paris.
Maybe in a better and kinder world...
Maybe in that world, you would have met him first. Maybe in that world, you would have loved him forever. Maybe in that world you’re together and happy and Paris is a flight away every weekend.
Imagine you and me—and everything we ever wanted.
“Will you stay?”
His mouth parts and he shakes his head slightly, almost in disbelief. His fingers come to rest against your face and even though you know it’s not real, it feels real. Real because he’s touched you like this so many times before the gesture is known to you. It lives in your bones and right now, it’s like phantom fingers are touching you after all.
“Where else would I go, hm?” he wonders softly, and his forehead ghosts against yours—not quite touching but close enough for you to feel a little less afraid as your eyes slip close. “Always.”
Your lips part—
A harsh yank.
Everything tips. The world unravels around you.
Santino is gone from your side.
Everything goes dark again.
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You’re floating inside a sun.
The suffocating heat singes your edges but you’re not helpless. Your own fire burns just as brightly and you will not be devoured.
You refuse to be.
You rebel. You trash.
It’s so hot you can’t inhale without feeling liquid flame sliding down your throat. Like water—
A jolt.
A wheeze slips loose and you blink.
A buzz of voices, soft and muffled, reach you but you can’t decipher what they’re saying. Your body feels like lead. Something wraps around you—warmth and strength, strength and warmth, and…
You lean into it for a moment. It scratches at something deep down. Like a phantom limb expect it’s a sensation that sits in your gut.
It doesn’t fit right.
Because it’s not right.
Then comes the coolness of water wetting your lips. Your fingers reach blindly, trying to grasp on to something. Anything.
Then quiet. A whistle of the wind. More water. Something else, not water. A tangy, bittersweet flavour. The heat recedes, fading.
Soon enough you feel the coolness of the wind against your sore skin.
Your eyes flutter open. Sandy dunes and a maroon carpet greet you. A far away, enchanting chime of bells. Your head rests on plush pillows.
For several minutes, you don’t move a muscle.
But you can feel it.
The way he watches you.
That intensity can be felt even without you putting him in your sight.
Then, comes that achingly familiar, low voice, “Welcome home, viper.”
. . .
an: any survivors? anyone still alive after that? I can’t even type this without tumblr lagging and honestly I’ve pulled a nearly 24hr hustle to get this chapter out so I’m dead tired. If you’re still here, if you’re still reading, if you’re still with me - thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m both very scared and very excited about your reactions.  
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marvel-ousnesss · 4 years
Hand in Hand
Pairing: Harry Styles x reader
Summary: Y/N and Harry the night of the Brits.
word count: 2806
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A/N: I wrote most of this on my phone so sorry for any typos or mistakes. Lots of love 💜💜💜
“Y/N, Y/N!”
You approached the source of the storm of voices with a wide grin on your face. You still couldn't hide the thrill that your fans brought you, nor you could stop yourself from just hanging with them for a bit. You ambled through the red carpet exchanging smiles and posing for selfies until you reached the end of the path.
When you stepped inside, you greeted a few other people who had arrived at the event and went to freshen up a bit so you could pose for some photos.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and grinned widely. You felt like the girl singing covers in her room, yet here you were, attending your first-ever music awards as a nominee —with one of the best albums of the year under your arm.
As you made your way back from the restroom, you felt a presence behind you. Before you could turn around, they spoke.
"Well hey, fancy seeing you here.” Harry's voice was raspy, tinted with mischief.
You stopped, turned toward him with an amused half-smile.
"Right back at you,” you joked back. “Do you come here often?"
He exhaled a fruity laugh and smiled at you, finally allowing his gaze to drift down onto your figure and then back to up to meet your own. "You look… wow."
He made you blush with almost no effort but you were quick to cover it up, doing your best to get rid of the tension that seemed to constantly glide around the two of you.
"Well, don't you look 'wow' yourself", you smirked.
It had been going on for a few months now; flirting here and there, hanging out at parties, and even a few dates which you had tried to keep out of the spotlight. Nevertheless, headlines hadn't stopped gushing on about 'the newest, freshest face of the industry' and the 'beloved, eclectic Harry Styles.'
Looping your arm around his you subtly prompted him to continue walking toward the awaiting cameras, where you were headed before bumping into him. He obliged, smoothly guiding you through the crowd of crew members, press, and artists.
After a moment of hesitation, his hand traveled to the small of your back. When you felt his tender fingers against the silk of your gown, you lifted your head to look at him.
"So, what’s the game-plan for tonight?”
“Y’know how ‘t goes,” he explained. “Step one: performance, step two: get hold of all the tiny statues, step three: world domination.”
You laughed, but insisted, “really, how’re you doing; ready?”
Even if he seemed to be perfectly collected, you knew that tonight’s show had his head spinning. This was gonna be his first live performance of the year, and, to be honest, you thought it was admirable that he decided to go through with it after what had happened that weekend.
“‘m just a mess of nerves and excitement right now. Tonight needs to be brilliant.”
He didn’t wanna talk about Caroline’s death and you were ok with it, so you didn’t push on the topic.
“I’m sure it’ll be. The whole album’s just amazing; and, you know, the guy who sings it isn’t that bad either.”
He chuckled lightly, then sighed, “just hope I make it justice.”
You smiled, “you will.”
That’s when you found yourselves between the gray wall upholstered with logos and brand names and the army of photographers equipped with cameras of all sizes.
You both faced them and quickly displayed your best angles.
Offering a smirk as he fixed the collar of his blazer, Harry asked, “what ‘bout you, eyes on the prize, I assume?”
You turned around with grace, so that the back of your outfit was visible, then faced the cameras over your shoulder.
“Well, yeah,” you sighed dramatically. “But, to be frank, I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep them there with you looking so dashingly handsome.”
His eyes widened for a second and he let out a ringing laugh, his cheeks reddening slightly. It was truly a beautiful sight. However, no longer than a moment later, he concealed the gentle blush with a snort and a devious grin, which he directed at the cameras.
“I know ’m irresistible, love,” he smirked. “And I hate to tell you this, but I‘m ‘a be professional tonight, no funny business.” His tone was dripping with feigned seriousness.
"Your loss," you flipped your hair.
You guided Y/F/N to the table where your team had been placed. Being honest, she was thrilled to be there with you, but also quite surprised that you had honored the promise you both made back in middle school. When you had first told her about your YouTube channel —after a fair amount of bugging on her part—, she had shown complete support and joked about being your date to the met gala. But, as the met was still clearly out of your league and you had missed the Grammys because of your mom’s birthday, here you were.
She already knew your manager so you introduced her to the rest of them before taking a seat, ready to enjoy the rest of the evening.
The first few minutes were full of laughter and conversation. When the event officially began, you watched the presentations with a gaping mouth and cheered hastily when every award was presented.
Before you knew, it was already time for Harry’s performance. You bit the inside of your lip when he climbed upstage, effortlessly rocking a lace jumpsuit that gave a deific, but simple air to him.
“Can’t believe you turned that down to bring me,” your friend whispered to you.
“Seriously?, my first ever-awards were something I needed to share with you, dork.”
“Awww, friend.”
“Aww”, you mocked, then hit her shoulder lightly. “Shush, let me listen.”
Everything happening on stage was truly breathtaking. You mouthed the lyrics as your gaze followed his every move. His eyes were full of stars and his voice was so flooded with emotion that it made chills run down your spine.
“I’ll rip his throat out with my teeth if he ever fucks up.”
Those words somewhat pulled you out of your daze-like state. Part of you wanted to ask her what she meant, but it was no use. For her, you were an open book, so you didn’t even try to hide how bad you had fallen.
Only with a glance your way, Y/F/N managed to catch the way in which your eyes twinkled when you looked at him and the way you blushed ever so slightly when she brought him up.
You tried to conceal the impact of her words with a sip of your drink, to which she responded with a smug wink.
The following half an hour or so went by uneventful. You nearly fainted when Lizzo performed, and it didn’t get better when you discovered she was but a few tables away from you, next to where Harry had been placed. A couple of categories where presented and the moment you dreaded the most arrived.
Celeste was flawless on stage, and you couldn’t be happier for her. Yet, as you listened to her song, your brows were glued in a frown and the corners of your mouth seemed to weigh a ton. It was time for the rising star award, and then came international female solo —to which you had been nominated.
You turned your head to the side when you heard the scratching of a chair against the floor, and offered a quivering smile to Harry, who had not so discreetly sneaked to your table.
“Hey,” he mumbled, taking hold of one of your hands under the table.
Celeste’s speech, which ended before you would’ve wanted, was followed by Sporty’s introduction to your category. You tried to stay positive as the nominees were announced.
Y/F/N managed to dodge Harry and get her hand on your shoulder. She gave him an awkward attempt of a smile, then looked at you. “You got this.”
You nodded at her words but, not so deep down, you knew this wasn’t gonna be your year.
“I’m so excited, they’re all so brilliant,” Sporty began.
Harry’s grip tightened on your hand while she opened the envelope, and you barely heard him mumble, “come on.”
That’s when the winner was announced. Billie’s name echoed through the speakers across the place and your face fell for a few seconds.
You were quick to recover and clapped just as eagerly as you had for the rest of the winners, but the smile plastered on your face quivered a bit as you swallowed a wave of disappointment.
That changed when she got to the stage, that’s when utter pride kicked in. While Billie said a few words in acceptance of the award, Jack Whitehall made his way to the table and squeezed a chair between you and Harry. You let out a snicker as he clumsily tried to sit comfortably, then you moved a bit back.
He was given his cue by the camera guy and began.
“Congratulations, to Billie Eilish! Now, I’m just so excited to be here with this power couple who, for some reason, are not officially a couple yet.”
"Glad to have you."
His eyes drifted between the two of you, then settled on Harry. “Harold, you’ve been coming to the brits for 10 years. Not to make you feel old.” Then he looked at you. “Y/N, on the other hand, this is your very first time here.”
"Yup," you chuckled. "Total newbie."
“Sorry for the stock question, but how’s it feeling so far? Kidding, we don’t wanna talk about that, do we? I bet you’ve already got at least five rehearsed versions of the answer to that question.”
You snorted.
“Let’s get to the point here.“ Jack leaned closer to the table, to which you responded by mimicking his posture. “Ever since the ‘Up All Night’ era, when Harold here was just a lad with his little bow tie and a mop on his hair, he’s been a ladies man.
Harry scoffed and waved his hand dismissively.
"And, as such, he can only be paired to someone like you,“ he pointed his finger at you in mock accusation, “my dear Y/N, who has been leaving a fair share of lads and ladies’ hearts broken —including my own— ever since your very flare-up on that strange platform which somehow houses both Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ and your phenomenal album ‘Tears of Blade’. However, putting my broken heart aside, I wanna Know… you didn’t come as each other’s date, why’s that?"
Harry took a sip of his drink, "I tried, but she turned me down."
Jack faked shock. "Should I get my hopes up then?"
"Oh no, none of that."You shook your head. "I just brought a friend tonight."
His mouth opened in realization, then he smirked, wiggling his brows. "Not to intrude, but… a special friend of yours or a friend friend."
You threw your head back, laughing, then said, "Jack, this is Y/F/N. Y/F/N, Jack."
"Hi." She stretched out her hand, which the host gladly took.
“I like the way your hand fits in mine,” he gushed.
You struggled to stay awake in the car to your place, your eyelids didn’t seem to be obeying you anymore and your head was feeling too heavy for you to lift. Harry chuckled when he looked at you, bringing you closer to him so you could use him as a pillow. For the rest of the ride, he quietly hummed to the music playing and did what he could to ignore the feeling of numbness that was beginning to invade his arm.
You woke up when the car stopped and raised your head, scanning your surroundings. When your gaze met Harry’s, you smiled. He grabbed your purse and helped you out of the car, then you both took the lift to your apartment.
"Make yourself at home," you said, taking off your coat and shoes.
"Thanks, love." He hanged his blazer on the rack by the door, together with his vest and the purple pashmina that adorned his neck.
After changing into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, you made your way to the living room and found Harry, neck deep into your fridge. That's when you recalled you hadn't done any grocery shopping.
"Tell me if you find something, my fridge's just sad to even look at," you jested, standing behind him.
"S'not that bad. I mean, carrots, beer, tortillas, we could do wonders out of this," he scoffed, still looking for something worth looting.
After no avail, he closed the door.
"Or… we could order pizza."
He chortled, "Y/N/N, we ate like an hour ago."
"Is that a yes or a no?"
He sighed, letting himself fall to the couch in fake exasperation. "Woman, you’re a bad influence." Now, that was a yes.
You giggled when he ended up sitting on the floor, then taunted, "worried your Gucci suits won’t fit you anymore?"
"Ha-ha very funny." Harry settled on the floor, grabbing one of the decorative pillows.
"C’ mere," he patted the spot beside him.
"The couch’s right there."
"So?" you mocked, "you come here." You clumsily sat on the couch, but he grabbed your ankle and pulled you to the floor. You let out a squeal but, taking advantage of the boost he had given you, managed to place yourself on top of him, caging his body between yours and the couch.
You were about to gloat, but he placed a hand on your waist and used the weight of his body to push you back, turning the cards.
"You got me where you want me, what are you gonna do?" When you spoke, your voice came out quieter than intended.
Harry's hand found the hem of your shirt and he began tugging it faintly, brushing your skin ever so slightly. He looked at your lips for a moment, then your eyes.
"'Ve got a few ideas-" his words were drowned by the doorbell ringing.
"Fuck," he groaned, head burying in the crook of your neck. Your fingers curled around his silky locks, then you mumbled, "I have to get up, you know."
He grumbled something else, but you pushed him off you.
You received the pizza and locked the door, proceeding to put the cardboard box on the marble counter. As you cut the tape with a small knife, Harry joined you in the kitchen. Stepping behind you, he placed his hands on your sides and a kiss on the line where your neck met your shoulder.
"Patience is a virtue, Harold," you teased.
"Don't care."He rested his head on your shoulder but his hands carried on with the feathery strokes.
Just then, you opened the box and swiftly turned around, giving him a quick peck before stepping out of his grasp.
"Help yourself," you instructed while grabbing two beers from the fridge.
After giving him one, you took hold of a slice and walked toward your previous spot on the living room floor. "Don’t know bout you, but I’m starving."
Harry followed with the box in hand, after settling once again, he placed the box between the two of you and grabbed the remote control.
You shook your head and scoffed, "all that wailing and you're just as hungry as I am."
"Not my fault that the bloody doorbell killed the mood." He took another bite.
Three beers per head later, as the credits of Dirty Dancing rolled up the screen, the pizza had been discarded long ago. You hummed to the credits song as your head rested on his lap, enjoying the feeling of his hands playing with your hair.
"Thanks for tonight," he mused.
"What d'you mean?" You adjusted yourself so that you were looking up at him.
"Just, you know, "he hesitated, finding the words. "You made sure it was a great night."
Your mouth opened in realization before you smiled, lifting one of your hands to his cheek. “That's what 'm here for." Then you sat up, and joked, "besides, 's only fair to admit that, for a business night, it was fun."
"You break my heart, love" he sighed, "all your business partners get after parties like tonight’s?"
"Nah," you avowed, "just the cute ones."
"I'm relieved, then." He pulled you to him by the waist.
You beamed, throwing your head back, "you're unbelievable."
When you straightened up, after your laugh died down, his gaze found your lips once more and he leaned in. "Can I kiss you?"
Your hands moved up to the back of his neck and, without a word, you pressed your lips to his.
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mannien · 3 years
Mornings in Sheffield Park | TH - CHAPTER 1
The one with stress, takeout food around the world, late night walks, and Disney dreams.
Word count: 6.6k 
Warnings: some stress, some anxiety, mention of sex, and a lot of smiles
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Fourth week into the morning pitch meetings at BBC, Millie felt lifeless and drained. The room was usually exploding with ideas, creative energy, and a lot of constructive feedback to the few interns who were allowed to join the conversation with editors, writers, and producers. That morning had started ugly enough for her: with an overwhelming number of e-mails about the schedule and missing content for Politics Live.
When she first landed her spot at BBC, Millie was over the moon. She was constantly calling it a dream come true, a once in a lifetime opportunity for her to begin a writing career in media. Her degree seemed to be the best choice for her future and Millie was ready to prove that graduating from humanities can actually land her a decent job. Her first days were filled with morning preparations, early commute to the city centre and exceptionally smoothed out shirts. The work environment in such a fast-paced industry felt inspiring and daunting at the same time, but Millie felt obligated to use this experience to its full potential. Each day she attempted to learn more than the day before and possibly show off a tiny bit more of her creative skills to her superiors. She spent her evenings researching topics and people, trying not to fall out of the loop. Being one step forward was hard work, one that Millie desperately wanted to ace.
The second week of her internship brought a slight shift to her agenda. After grasping the general concepts of working for a major radio and TV broadcasting company, she was aware of the production processes. She tried to happily follow up all the details about the work of a writer, a researcher, or an editor – just so she could be prepared for the follow-up of the introductory week. And as she hoped her interview was remembered and she would soon contribute to any program touching upon music or pop culture, her dreams and calls were slowly fading away. The intern manager ascribed her to the team devoted strictly to politics and daily news, having no vacancies for the popular radio programs. Even though she took whatever spot was offered, it was only to get more insight and experience.  
Having already managed to speak up a few times during the morning routines in the conference room, Millie eased herself into the work environment and was treated like a regular employee. But the first wave of success quickly passed, especially when she was hit with growing emptiness in her brain. She did not enjoy politics, so as far as she could, she attempted to sneak in a sociological aspect into the context. But her tactic had an expiration date.
A couple of heads were expectantly turned at Millie when she was unsurely stuttering her weak ideas for the upcoming programme. She knew it wasn’t going well and she was mentally cursing herself for trying to impress the producers that much so early on.
“This isn’t gonna work. We’ve covered this enough in the evening news. Let’s take five, and maybe you’ll come up with a different angle. I’ll give you another shot here.”
Hugh, the head writer took off his glasses and watched her fidget in her seat. She nodded and took a deep breath, before leaving the room for a short break. Her mind was racing in panic; she wasn’t ready to admit that she didn’t have any idea. She walked back and forth through the corridor until she cursed quietly and walked away to the main hall. She pulled her phone from the back pocket and without overthinking this anymore, she called her boyfriend. He picked up after the third ring.
“Babe, can I call you back…”
“No, Frank,” She felt determined and fierce. Her hands shook from the pure view on board members slowly coming back from the kitchen with fresh coffee mugs. They were probably waiting to hear her another take on the TV show which Millie, wholeheartedly, was beginning to hate. “My work on the programme is too basic and I’ve been roasted for the past fifteen minutes or so. Hugh has me in the spotlight in front of everyone. Help me, please?”
“It’s not your fault they’ve given you a job you’re not good at, babe. It’s just an internship, they will roast you anyway.”
Millie’s lungs were ready to stop working and suffocate her. She feared she might start hyperventilating, or at least meet up with a panic attack from the nerves. Franklin’s reaction seemed to be absolutely unfair and inconsiderate of her actual feelings, and he must have felt that through the piercing silence on the line.
“Look, I’m sorry, but you shouldn’t worry so much about it. They will probably just give you another placement where you’ll fit more, I don’t see why it’s such a bad thing.” And just like that, she started doubting herself and her right to overthink her situation. It didn’t sit well with Millie and she could feel anger slowly making its way through her veins.
“Can’t you just fucking help me? This one time?” She lost her temper, she lost her patience. At the same time Riley, one of the end writers, started waving at her from the end of the hall as to show her that her time is coming to an end. “I need a hook, or something that would spark a debate. Brexit-themed, maybe. Can you think of anything?”
Frank groaned loudly. He wasn’t exactly happy that she made him break down his ambitious wall and let her in on topics he was too invested in. Millie could hear him moving around as he left his desk of the equally large office of The Guardian, until the line went surprisingly quiet. Her anger and fear made her clutch her phone tightly to her ear, while her legs started carrying her slowly to the terrifying conference room.
“Think internationally. See what the Spanish had to say about May’s resignation from the Office. Think economics in the EU. Try to stand on the Union’s side and do some fair judgement.”
“Give me facts, not ideas. You’re the one who knows politics.”
“Spanish government says that May’s resignation is bad news. Compare it to the popular opinion that she was the worst Prime Minister since the 18th century and the American war on independence.” Millie breathed in, trying to desperately grasp all the details he just provided her with.
“That’s a… harsh and history-digging argument,” She mumbled in surprise, “where did you get that from?” She grabbed a yellow post-it note from the reception desk and quickly scribbled the key words on it. Her briefing on politics was never something like this and she could feel the embarrassment making its way into her heart. It wasn’t her way of thinking and she felt like a fraud.
“I can’t tell you that.” By the end of the single sentence Millie could feel the blood escaping her face, making her look pale and scared for dear life. She didn’t want to have heard that sentence, she was definitely happier not knowing how did he come up with a story like this. That was one of the many reasons she tried not to talk business with him.
“An opinion entry. A column for The Guardian. Shit, you just busted one of your colleagues.”
“Sometimes I hate it that you’re smart. Did I ever tell you that?”
“You just saved my internship!”
“Please don’t say that. I will pretend that we just talked about the weather.”          
“I’ll spend them the details. You’re the best, Frank.”
“Alright, go kick ass.”
And that she did. Franklin did save her internship, mainly because Millie avoided the specifics about who and why said something so harsh about the resigning Prime Minister. However, it definitely did spark interest among the production board. Afraid of not being so lucky next time, she decided to politely suggest a replacement for her permanent internship division within BBC, due to her ‘personal discomfort with discussions over issues of such importance and potential shame to their glorious country.’
Millie felt bad for using her boyfriend’s knowledge for survival at work. She wasn’t genuine and her idea didn’t come from her hard work - it was sourced in fear and anxiety-driven reactions. This situation proved to her that she wasn’t fit for the position, but it also raised her stress levels around the fact that she couldn’t get by on her own in the industry. She didn’t want others to navigate her through it all, but the conversation she had with Frank had also made her uncomfortable. Her need of support in a stressful situation was primarily turned down, so—naturally to her character—she started to worry even more.
With a heavy heart and two bags of Wagamama takeout, she walked up the stairs to his apartment. She was usually working until later hours than Frank, so all she really needed was for him to open the door for her. She leaned on the doorframe as she waited patiently for the two turns of the lock. He opened still in his work attire – tailored jeans and a light grey button up shirt. He was holding his phone next to his ear and humming approvingly to the speaker when he looked her up and down. He winked at her and let her in, as he continued to talk with someone.
Inside, Millie found the TV turned on with a football game playing. His work jacket was still hanging on the back of the tall stool in the kitchen, and the grocery bags laid unpacked on the table. She took off her shoes and made her way to the kitchen, where she made a little room for their food on the countertop. Pulling off her sweater, she peeked into the shopping bags – she wasn’t surprised to find a couple bottles of beer and food essentials, a multipack of tissues and a large box of condoms.
“What’s all this, babe?” Franklin came up to her and briefly kissed her on the lips, before looking into the boxes with deliciously smelling food.
“I just thought it might be nice to eat some goodies,” She smiled, trying to sniff out his mood first. He smiled back at her with approval and reached for the plates in the cupboard, so she continued, “also, it’s a ‘thank you for being my saviour today,’ kinda thing.”
“Ah, yeah. I bet everyone on my floor will hate BBC’s guts for that.” Frank said it so casually, with a shrug to follow up, that Millie struggled to understand the dynamic he had at The Guardian. He seemed to be a great fit for his team, because a week into his new job, he was already invited for Friday drinks and talked about his co-workers just like anyone would about their long-time friends. She couldn’t understand how was he getting so lucky at any step, but the last thing she wanted to do is doubt him. Any time worries and competitiveness clouded her brain, Millie was making extra room for compassion and support.
Frank unloaded some of the curry on his plate and started eating with a fork, and then made his way to the living room where he spread out on the sofa. He didn’t say anything else, somewhat scaring Millie that he will let her know he’s uncomfortable randomly, on a promisingly good day. Trying to figure out her brain, she followed his actions and took some extra food to the coffee table, before sitting down next to him.
“But you’re not gonna get into trouble for that, are you?” she was biting the inside of her cheek hard, definitely not used to not being judged for using someone else’s help.
“Nah, I don’t think so. They don’t know I’ve got a girl at BBC, so I should be just fine.”
Millie ate her curry in silence, suddenly at loss of words driven by his surprising statement. She didn’t want to raise an argument or seem overly sensitive. But for some reason she hoped that he would talk about her at work, especially considering his already formed strong bonds in the office, and a definitely higher success rate in his position. Ever so charming Franklin, he always glowed among people. She couldn’t really fight with this, so she just kept any comments to herself and focused on her food.
Frank switched the channel to the evening news and pulled her to his side once they were done eating. It comforted Millie to know that at the end of the day, they could both enjoy each other’s company, no matter what was happening at work. She didn’t pay much attention to the news, but rather focused on the way he reacted to it and what he enjoyed. She felt too tired to get invested in another load of politics, so she just soaked in his warmth and curled more into his side. He smelled of coffee and heavy, musky cologne that he liked to reapply frequently. Millie closed her eyes and breathed out the stress that weighed her down after a long day, finally finding peace.
“I’ll go grab a beer, you want one?” he abruptly stood up, making her slightly loose her balance and lean back towards the pillows. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips in a thin line.
“I’m good, thanks.”
“You sure? You’re awfully quiet today.” He spoke already from the kitchen, not even catching a glimpse of her pursed lips.
“I just need to wind down. It’s been stressful day.” She pushed a little smile on her cheeks as he came back with a frown. He took a few large sips of his drink and put it on the table, before lowering himself on the couch and leaning over Millie.
“I can help you relax, if you want.” He raised an eyebrow in a flirtatious manner, leaning into her and leaving a series of delicate kisses on her lips. He then moved onto her jaw and sucked on her skin, but never left a mark. Slowly massaging her waist, he slid his hand under her shirt and sprawled his fingers across her hip to pull her closer.
Millie enjoyed the warmth that started to spread through her body, but she couldn’t find any energy to give some of it back. She felt drained and exhausted, so a mere thought about participating in sexual activities was sure to make her at least slightly uncomfortable. Unless Frank was willing to change something about it.
“Okay, hold on,” her chuckle and a light push at his chest made him narrow his eyebrows in confusion, “I don’t think I’ve got enough energy today, Frankie.” Her whisper was followed by a reassuring smile. She weaved her fingers through his short hair and kissed the tip of his nose.
“What if I provide you with some energy first?”
“What, you’ll give me an energy drink?” She laughed at her poor joke and he chuckled, too, but more at her silliness than anything else. He laid her down comfortably and cautiously peppered her with kisses on her neck and the tiny bit of cleavage that was available without unbuttoning her shirt. She was slowly giving in, allowing him to get lower on her body and touch her. Frank either wanted to make her feel better, or was really horny. But whatever the case was, she didn’t want to stop him and ruin his enthusiasm. The glow in his eyes and admiration painted across his face were too intoxicating to back away. His touch was filled with sparks of emotions and a kind of drive that Millie was addicted to. She felt wanted and needed, and that’s what made her return the heated kisses despite her hooded, weary eyes.
They walked hand in hand through the chilly evening, sometime after she persuaded Frank to walk her to the nearest tube station. The wind was slightly tickling her neck, but other than that she felt at peace. She let her hair down, flowing gently with each blow of the air and lightly caressing her face like a safety blanket. They swayed their hands until they had to make room for a group of people passing by.
“Jane texted me about a little get together this Friday,” She mumbled into the night, trying not to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere around them.
“Ah, yeah. Aaron told me about it, too. I guess we’re going, right?”
“Yeah, it might be nice. The girls mentioned this new club near their apartment? I think that’s where they wanted to go.”
“Cool. I could use a little break.”
As they continued their walk, Millie mostly focused on leading the way through tight London streets. Franklin’s parents rented him an apartment in the city centre, close to everything you could dream of in London. It also meant crowded streets at any hour, so to have a nice walk around the neighbourhood usually requested it to be late at night. But it didn’t matter to him, as long as he had a short commute to the office and all other things that life requested from him, within reach. There were times when he would mention coming back to Manchester and supporting his parents at their law firm, but Millie saw how much he preferred his growing career as a journalist. Mathilda and William were a generous couple, so they shared their resources with him and tried to help him get into the business as smoothly as possible. Sometimes she wanted to ask him about his permanent position at The Guardian and whether his name had anything to do with it, but she never felt comfortable enough to do it. Some things were better left unspoken.
Reaching the staircase to the station, Franklin stopped and made her turn to him and look up at his smiling face.
“Thanks for coming over tonight. I had fun.”
“Yeah, me too.” She smiled shyly, nodding her head in reassurance.
“I wish you could finally move to the city, though. It would be so much easier if you were a few blocks away.”
“You do realize that even if I moved out, it wouldn’t be anywhere nearby?” Her chuckle resonated through her body, almost as if she wanted to humour herself at the topic that had started to come up more often in their conversations.
“I could ask around the office if anyone has a room available to rent.”
“But I don’t want to share my personal space with strangers, you know this. Don’t try to change my mind about it.” She smiled tightly.
Frank has been trying to persuade her into moving out for months. He wanted to be closer to her, within a short train journey, rather than a whole commute in and out of Kingston. He felt comfortable in the business of London, and Millie liked to call him out on being spoiled by having an apartment on his own in such a lively part of the city. But she wasn’t financially ready to leave her family home in equally comfortable Southwest London, where she had all she needed within her reach, and her social life was just a tiny bit longer train trip away. It was a source of their small disputes from time to time, because it was Millie who spent more time on going to his place and spending time there. Naturally, it made her feel more engaged in their relationship and Frank tried his best make up for the difference. But one thing that never occurred, was Millie staying over for longer than a night. Even a night’s sleepover was a rare event, somehow always blessed by excuses from either one of them.
“You’re right, I’m sorry,” he pecked her lips and brushed her cheek with his thumb. “I talk about it out of concern, okay?”
“Okay. But I like my train rides and I like Kingston. So let’s just deal with it for now, yeah?”
“’Course,” He sent her a tight smile before giving her one last kiss. “Text me when you get home.”
“Will do.”
Millie was one of those people who could be easily judged as thinkers. Years of taking trains and buses in and out of central London taught her to cherish every moment of peace she gets during her journeys. That’s how she learned to create playlists for each season – summer commutes were always different than autumn ones; they required different sounds and lyrical quality. Intense months during university semesters also showed her how to read fast between the stops and how to juggle standing on the tube and holding an open book without falling, as the train slowed and rushed every few seconds.
As she was approaching her station in Kingston, she stopped the music but kept her earphones in. A bunch of other people was hurrying to get out of the train and get home as soon as possible, but after leaving the station, she would have a lonely 15-minute walk to her neighbourhood, so she always tried to stay alert in the evenings. Getting on the sidewalk in the busiest area of Kingston, she closed her book and put it back in her backpack, pulled the jacket tighter around her middle and continued her steady walk.
The air was getting crispier with each minute outside. It was refreshing and calm, disturbed only by a few laughs from the pub across the street and two cars passing her by. She turned into one of the quieter streets, where the buildings were becoming shorter and more separated from each other. Brick fences and trimmed hedges adorned the concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street, illuminated only by a few lanterns. Most of the light was coming from the windows in a row of semi-detached houses that Millie has known for a good chunk of her life.
Right when she wanted to cross the street and take a right, she heard a subtle clicking of a dog collar and a leash. Soft padding from the back was slowly approaching her and becoming louder, as well as someone’s whistle.
“Tess, come here!” a hushed call didn’t disrupt the peace of the night, but rather added the familiarity that Millie adored. She slowed her walk and turned around, just in time to be met with lightly jogging blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier. She panted lightly with her tongue out and reached Millie’s legs, where she tucked her head and mewled timidly.
“Oh, and who do we have here?” Millie chuckled at the dog’s persistence in keeping close. She scratched her head and patted her on the back, “are you on your evening walk, Tessa? Is that right?”
“We didn’t mean to scare you, Millie,” Dominic reached them and sent Millie a kind and apologetic smile, “good evening.”
“Hi, it’s good to see you.” She beamed at the middle-aged man, whom she learned to adore like a family member.
“Likewise, yeah. Heading home?”
“I am, just got off the train.”
“We will keep you company, then. Is that alright?” He fixed his glasses and leaned down to attach the leash to Tessa’s collar. Millie’s insides warmed and her mind calmed down at the idea that she will get to spend a few minutes with a friend.
“Absolutely, thank you.”
“Ah, don’t mention it. I bet Tom would have my head, hadn’t I offered,” they chuckled at the mention of his son. Their laughter died off comfortably and escaped into the night air, while Millie reminisced about the caring nature of the Hollands. “How is it going at BBC?” he asked after a moment, letting her go first through a narrow passage.
“It’s… going,” she smiled shyly, not sure how to dress up her words. In Dominic’s company she always felt one step behind in her creative skills; his writing and comic abilities exceeded her capabilities, or so she thought. “but I feel like I’ve definitely hit an end with politics. I know it’s only been a month, but it’s just… it keeps on proving that I should be writing about something else.”
“Oh, it’s totally understandable. Rest assured, you’re not the only one stuck like this,” They turned the corner onto her street. “but I wish you luck there. They have some sensible editors, so I assume you’ll get a chance at something else as well.”
“I hope so. Today I asked them about switching departments and the intern manager told me she will think about it, so there is a tiny light.”
“Something will always work out. You’re smart, you’ll find your way there.”
Dom and Millie continued down the sidewalk, until Tessa stopped near the gate to Millie’s house. She sniffed the pavement and turned back to the girl who crouched down to pet the Staffy one last time.
“Thanks for walking with me,” her smile was genuine, coming straight from her heart. “please say hi to Nikki and the boys. Is Sam still home?”
“He is, he starts his practice at the end of June. So, we all will be here to celebrate your birthdays.”
“Oh, that’s great! It’s been a while since we’ve all been together.”
“That’s true. But you’re welcome to stop by anytime.”
“I know, thank you.” With fondness painted across her face, she scratched Tessa’s ear and stood up straight, reaching for the keys in her pocket.
“Have a good night.”
“You too. Bye, Tess!”
Whenever she got the chance to interact with someone from their family, Millie instantly felt their love and care penetrate her straight to the core. It was this kind of relationship that had been built through the years, only making it stronger and bringing it closer to the concept of family.
Nikki, Dom’s wife and Anna, Millie’s mother met shortly before Millie and Tom were born. At first only neighbours, soon they became best friends to the point of engaging their families in a kind affair. Greetings at the doorstep turned into late night family dinners and weekends away with the kids. They were used to spending most of the birthdays and holidays together, especially when Millie and Tom’s birthdays two days apart brought them all closer. She raced her best friend in Anna’s womb and came out to this world right before the brown-haired boy. Ever since the Beavers celebrated the birth of their third and youngest daughter, the Hollands began their journey with four boys. They always stayed close and treated each other like family, deeming it necessary to nourish their friendship and turn it into something everlasting. The example of their parents taught Millie and Tom to mimic the closeness and made them create their own little world.
Millie’s older sisters also treated Tom, Harry, Sam and Paddy like brothers, but not as much as Millie did. Samantha and Liz were already grown toddlers when the families got together, so they figured more as the female patrons of their youngest sister and her adventures with the boys. But Millie and Tom’s friendship turned into something so effortless and harmless that no supervision was necessary. They were each other’s partners in crime, best friends from next door. Their mothers had signed them up for the same dance classes, helped them get to the same summer carnivals, and let them have late nights in makeshift dens. Millie was one of the first people their dog, Tessa, got familiar with. She missed him dearly when he started his journey as a young actor, but Nikki made sure he always made the time to call his best friend when the time zones were somewhat cooperating. They nurtured their friendship through Millie’s education and Tom’s career, not stopping even for a moment. He was there for her always, carrying her home when she scratched her knee after falling off the slings. She would help him with homework whenever he felt too embarrassed to ask his parents. Tom escorted her home from her disaster of a prom; he was the first one to understand her anxiety and help her through it. And Millie always read the books and scripts Tom needed to prepare for auditions. Just like that, they always found home in one another.
           Their house smelled of baking and freshly watered plants. As quietly as possible, Millie took off her shoes and tip-toed into the kitchen, turning on only the least invasive, small lights. She put down her backpack and lightly stretched, letting out a tired, yet content breath. Her eyes scanned the kitchen in search for the source of the sweet scent, and there it was, on a cooling rack in the corner, covered with a tea towel – fresh lemon sponge cake, the favourite of Millie’s mother. Lightly dusted with powdered sugar, it added an extra layer of sweet comfort to the late night’s atmosphere. She left the cake untouched, but put the kettle on to quickly make herself a cup of tea for a good night’s sleep. She let out an overwhelming yawn and rested her hips on the side of the countertop, patiently waiting for the water to boil.
           She felt her phone vibrate in the back pocket of her jeans. The brightness of the screen was almost blinding, until it adjusted to the low lighting in the room. She could feel the anticipation growing in the back of her head as she noticed a new message.
           (Tom) I got you something today
           After a second or two, a picture loaded under the message. Millie gasped and smiled like mad, when he showed her a pair of Minnie Mouse sequin ears. It was an artefact that Millie has always dreamt of, not having an opportunity to go to Disneyland ever in her childhood.  She awaited the chance with high hopes and wandering mind, but she knew the trip had to be thorough, well-planned, and wholesomely happy.
           (Me) You were in Disneyland????
           (Tom) yeah we did promo for spidey today 
           (Me) I’m so jealous rn
           (Me) THANK YOU FOR THE EARS!!!!!  
           (Tom) it’s alright
           (Tom) I didn’t get any weird looks at all
           (Tom) Just casually carried around this shiny sparkling beauty
           (Me) I bet you loved this feeling
           (Me) I bet you bought yourself a pair too
           (Tom) Don’t tell anyone
           (Me) You could always pretend they’re for Tessa
           (Me) I just saw her and your Dad btw
           Whenever her and Tom texted, it always sparked a never-ending conversation about sweet nothings. They mocked each other, talked about their days, spoke about all things home. It allowed them a safe space from their daily hustles; Millie was able to breathe lightly and happily, and Tom had a chance to detach from the world he desperately tried not to drown in.
           Almost spilling the tea, she slowly made it upstairs without losing the sight of her phone screen. She struggled to turn off the lights in the corridor without making a noise but somehow, she managed not to disturb her parents too much, as she reached her bedroom. Safe within her own little space, she put down the mug and let go of her backpack and jacket. She threw herself on the softest bedspread and waited patiently for Tom’s reply.
           The text bubble stopped and a massage didn’t appear, but her phone started ringing. Millie answered the FaceTime call and waited for the camera on his phone to adjust and show his familiar face.
           “I had a meeting with Disney and they want me to participate in one of their projects for a Marvel-themed ride at Disneyland,” from a crooked angle she could see his neatly gelled hair and uneven eyebrows. Tom was walking somewhere, but then sat down and perched his phone on the mug that stood on the coffee table, so that she could see him better.
           “That’s exciting, right?”
           “Oh, yeah!” She could see him rummage in a brown paper bag and pull out a box with some takeaway food. “But I’m telling you this because we could turn it into our Disneyland trip that you’ve wanted, right?”
           “That would be nice, yeah.” She smiled back at the screen, but a terrible yawn sneaked in to her expression. Tom scrunched his forehead and took a large sip from a bottle of water.
           “I didn’t wake you up now, did I?”
           “No, I just came back home. I am tired, though.”
           “Yeah? How was work?”
           “Stressful and not nice. It wasn’t a good day.”
           “Oh, I’m sorry. Wanna talk about it?”
           Tom spent the next minutes carefully listening to her words and trying not to spill his soup on his fresh clothes. He hummed to some of the stories and asked little intrusive questions, to get the whole picture. She kept rubbing at her eyes and stifling her yawns every now and then, at last making a mess of her mascara and getting it all over her skin. Despite the seriousness in her voice, Tom smiled fondly to himself at the view of her ruined face that probably mimicked her current mental state. It wasn’t something he should laugh about, but it was rather endearing to have her so comfortably sharing her lows with him, while he casually ate his lukewarm, very late lunch.
           “Why are you laughing at me?” She returned his smile, knowing it was probably something she did.
           “You made yourself look like panda.” He chewed on a chunk of chicken from his second plate. The wrinkles by his eyes deepened with each of her chuckles and proved to them that this is the lightness they need in their daily routines. “Well, it’s good you asked for a new placement. You should be comfortable in your work environment. I’m proud of you.”
           “Thanks,” she yawned again and stopped herself mid-rubbing her eye again, earning a wholesome, groggy laugh from her friend, “your dad thinks they will give me another chance.”
           “I mean, he knows some people there, so he probably has a point.”
           “Yeah, I just don’t want to get my hopes up too high, you know?” A comfortable silence rested between them after he nodded and continued munching on his food. Millie stood up from her bed and took the phone with her, but also started to slowly get ready for the night.
           “You will know when the moment feels right and shows you something worth a shot. Trust yourself, Mills.”
           “I guess…” she trailed off, making her way to the closet to find fresh pyjamas. “I’m glad my panda face entertained your… what is it, lunch break?”
           “Sort of, yeah,” he chuckled, enjoying the playfulness of her tired self, “I should be coming back in two weeks. We could hang out then, if you’ll have the time.”
           “Oh, for sure.”
           “Alright, I’ll let you rest. Text me anytime, yeah?”
           “I will. Thanks for the Minnie ears!”
           “You got it, Minnie Mouse. Sweet dreams.”
                                                          *  *  *
After her little mishap with Politics Live, Millie tried her best to keep up the hard work, but stay low. She tried not to focus too much attention and just assist other workers in their tasks, only coming up with ideas when necessary. She strived to come back to her public voice, but she knew she needed it to have a comfortable outlet, preferably in another setting and on different topics. She was greeting the intern manager with additional caution and kindness, trying her best not to leave her case forgotten.
Segregating files for the research team seemed to be the best solution to her temporary creative break. Her attention to detail and wholesome care about the task being done to its full potential came in handy. She volunteered to help the group of meticulously scribbling and researching men in keeping their documents in order.
The soft mumble of the radio in the background was interrupted by a guy named Tim. He always wore rock band t-shirts under his jackets and Millie swore she had seen him participate in a wild dance routine during the last year’s Glastonbury Festival. He stopped typing on his keyboard and started to quietly hum a song that was definitely different to what Scott Mills was announcing on Radio 1.
“Oh my God, do you guys know this song? I can’t get it out of my head!” he groaned in frustration, making a few people in the open space office chuckle.
“Do you know any words, maestro?” Millie’s head snapped up at the sound of Kim, the intern manager’s voice. She was passing by with a bunch of files and a coffee, before she perched herself on his desk, obviously making fun of her friend.
“It’s got this very cool, mariachi-like trumpet between the lines,” he mimicked a trumpet player and hummed some more, “and the guy sings something about stopping a feeling…”
“Justin Timberlake?”
“You know he’s not my jam, Kim! It’s an old-school song.”
“You’re the old-school one here.” Kim’s comment earned a couple more laughs at poor Tim, who was genuinely struggling. “you’re the researcher, have you googled it?”
“Of course I googled it, stop mocking me! People are watching.”
Their little light-hearted exchange brought a breezy atmosphere to the office and made Millie smile some more. She kept on looking up at Tim to check if he’s found the song he was looking for, but without luck. Her fingertips started to tingle with each swipe through the pages in a file, because she felt like she knew the song. Deciding to come against her decision to lay low, she gently cleared her throat and swallowed her nerves of speaking up in a new environment.
“Hey Tim, have you tried to find it on Spotify?” they both looked at Millie with playful smiles, as anyone would to the up and coming intern fresh out of university.
“I don’t think it’s the title of the song, so I won’t find it there.”
“But you actually could,” she offered, biting her lip nervously “since the recent update, you can now type in the lyrics into the search bar and the results will show you all licensed songs with the same or similar lyrics.” Tim instantly reached for his phone and started typing away.
“Oh really? I didn’t know that, let’s see…” Kim looked into his phone and watched his progress.
“And since you’ve remembered a catchy verse, it’s very possible that others also tried to find this song through the same words. So, it will probably come up within the first few results.”
“Alright, smarty.” He shook his head in amusement. Millie watched as Kim’s face got ridden of any emotion and just stared at Tim’s work.
“But if nothing comes up, you can always try ‘Hooked on a Feeling’ by Blue Swede.”
Millie waited with racing heart at their reactions. Tim clicked on one of the results and raised the volume, filling the room with a sound so familiar to Millie’s memory. She smiled shyly and internally patted herself on the back, before coming back to her task.
           “How did you know this song?” His triumphant smile was radiating, as he did a little dance in his seat and twirled on his rolling chair. “It’s such an old tune, I didn’t think your generation would know it!”
           “Yeah Millie, how did you know?” Kim encouraged his question and watched her carefully, almost as if she was studying her intern.
           “It’s in the soundtrack to Guardians of the Galaxy. I wrote a paper on it.”
           “Hm.” Kim’s unreadable expression was giving Millie chills, but in a positive way. She liked to be asked about things that interested her and prompted her to be creative, so the way this situation evolved was close to burst her heart into passionate flames. “I’ll ask the Radio managers if they want a music and pop culture geek, how’s that sound?”
           It sounded like Millie put the trust in herself at the right time.  
tagged: @peeterparkr @katieraven @kozybear@sunsetholland @hey-marlie @lauras-collection@cunaeparker @constellationsv @heyhihellowhatsup0 @spideyspeaches
If it bothers you that you’re tagged, please let me know!
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First Meetings
My entry for the second day of @historical-hetalia-week . This one is aimed more at giving the sweet backstory to one of my favorite ships.
Plot: Scotland accompanies his mother to Francia to negotiate trade. He is expecting to prove his maturity, but ends up distracted by a handsome stranger.
Characters: Scotland, Britannia (Albion), Francia (Gaul), France
Ships: ScotFra (The Auld Alliance)
Word Count: 2K
No Content Warnings
Scotland was overjoyed to be at sea on the way to somewhere new and exciting. It was the first time that his mother had decided that he was old enough to leave their islands. Albion had told him that if he was a good boy this might even be a usual occurrence, since he was the heir and needed to learn the ways of trade and alliances.
He was determined to be good and make his mother proud. He knew that one day she would trust him with more responsibility and trust him to look after his brothers.
It was even more important than ever now that he had an infant brother who would need him. Arthur, Little Wessex, was so young and he would need protection and guidance from his eldest brother. 
At the age of fifteen Scotland knew that he needed to prove himself to her as a boy on the verge of adulthood. During the voyage, she explained the whole reason for this visit. She had trade ties with the Franks on the Northern coast of the continent, and made these trips to keep the bonds strong. It was easier to go herself than to trust a messenger to carry her words, and she wanted her son to see the process.
The only reservation that Scotland had was about the Danes. There was a possibility that their sails could emerge from the fog at any moment, as they often had in recent years.
The short passage from the Anglo-Saxon land to the kingdom of the Franks was not completely safe. He had asked his mother what they would do about the Danes, but she had given him a mysterious smile and said that she had found a way to deal with them. Scotland wouldn’t dare ask what she meant, but he took comfort in her certainty.
The first sight he had of the continent was the white sand of the beeches. Behind it there were impressive cliffs that seemed to be lush and green. How beautiful it was.
Scotland was certain from the first look that he would quite like this new place. Albion turned to him and asked, “What do you think of it?" He responded in a hushed voice, like he was afraid he would scare away the beauty, “It’s lovely.”
Scotland followed dutifully as his mother walked into the courtyard, where a tall blonde woman was waiting for them. There was a scar on her cheek that spoke of battles fought long ago. It was easy to guess who had given her that scar, since the stories of Cesar in Gaul were legendary.
He knew that she had once been called Gaul, and was now known as Francia. It was not so strange that one would cast off the name that Rome had called them, as his own mother had by refusing to be known as Britannia.
The two greeted each other warmly while Scotland tried to decide if he was supposed to introduce himself or not. His mother and Francia were old friends and it explained their familiar greeting.
Scotland mulled over what he was supposed to do. In his father’s absence, he was the man of the family. But he also knew that he was there on his mother’s permission, and he would never speak over her.
To his relief, she solved the conundrum by saying, “This is my eldest, Alasdair.”
Scotland took this as a cue for him to bow, to show due respect. Francia gave him a smile and said, “You are such a strapping boy. I think you’re almost a man.”
He felt a glow of pride at that, and nodded enthusiastically. He so wanted to be the kind of man who his mother would be proud of. Albion responded, putting her hand on his shoulder, “I’m very proud of him. I hope he won’t have to be a man too soon.”
Francia said, “I have also brought my eldest. Francois, greet our guests.”
A young man forward, and Scotland realized that he had not noticed him behind Francia’s cloak. He had been too busy thinking about how to impress his mother’s friend and it had not even occurred to him to look.
He drew in a breath as he realized how beautiful the young man was. There was sunlight glinting off of his golden waves, and it made him look ethereal.
Scotland felt his own cheeks growing hot, and he hoped that it was only the warmth of the sun on his face.
The boy said, “I am very glad to meet you.”  He smiled, and it felt like he was radiating warmth and light.
Scotland could feel his heart beating quickly, like he was nervous. But he could not think of a reason, since he had not felt this way before. His mother said, “Shall we go inside and talk?” Francia nodded.
Scotland could not focus at all; his mind was fixed on the blonde boy across the table from him. The more he looked, the more he was convinced that he had never seen a person so beautiful and so elegant.
He was trying not to stare, since he was sure that it was rude. He kept glancing at his mother, hoping that reminding himself of his duty would get his mind back on the reason he was present.
However, it was not working. He was watching the other boy’s slender hands as they fidgeted with the corner of a piece of parchment. It seemed like he was bored of the discussion. Even in his boredom he looked incredibly elegant.
Scotland glanced back up at his face, hoping to steal another look. To his surprise, he met the other’s blue eyes directly. It had not crossed his mind that France might be looking at him too. The eye contact made him feel like something fluttering in his stomach.
He quickly glanced away, and tried to calm his heart. It was such a strange and disconcerting feeling, but was not at all unpleasant. He had never felt this with anyone before, and he could not put a word to what the feeling was.
Francia noticed that her son was fidgeting, and threatening to tear the edge of whatever the document was. She said, “Francois, you should take Alasdair for a tour of the grounds. You’ll be less bored that way.”
Scotland looked up at his mother, trying to make it clear that he wasn’t bored. He said, “I can stay if you want me to.” Albion shook her head and said, “Go make a friend. I don’t mind.”
He glanced back at France, and couldn’t think of another good excuse to avoid time together He wanted to spend time with the boy, but he was also not certain what they would do once they were alone.
The very thought made him feel flustered and hot. His heart felt like it was pounding against his rib cage as he stood up to follow the blonde outside.
France pointed to one of the towers and said, “And that is the tallest one. It’s where my mother built the nursery.”
Scotland hardly heard a word he said, and he hardly looked up at the castle. He was too busy looking at the delicate curve of the other’s neck. He was not certain what was wrong with him, and he was sure that he had never felt that way before. He supposed he should pretend at interest, but it was hard to drag his attention away.
France stopped and said with a charming smile, “But you don’t really care, do you?”
Scotland was taken aback by the bluntness and the smile that it was delivered with. He scrambled to find an answer, but only managed to say, “Why do you say that.”
France turned completely to face him, his golden hair swinging around his face as he turned. He answered, “You’ve been looking at me since you got here.”
He stepped closer, and Scotland could see all the shades of blue in his eyes. They were like a mountain lake, clear and very expressive. He responded, “You’ve been looking too.”
He didn’t know what he expected, but the other responded without the slightest bit of guilt. He said, “You’re handsome, and I enjoy looking at you.”
He leaned in and Scotland thought for a fleeting moment that he was trying to make him blush. If he was, it was a success. But then France clarified his intention by saying, “I was thinking about what you would look like with a beard. You’d be so handsome.”
He paused and looked at Scotland with the most unfathomable expression, like he was measuring how far he would go. Then, he tilted his head to the side and said, “Can you grow one yet?”
Scotland was certain that he did not want to back away or tell France to stop looking at him. He felt strangely comfortable once his nerves started to fade. He chuckled and answered, “Only a little bit. My father says to give it a year.”
The blonde said proudly, “I can already grow some.” Scotland said, without thinking to hold his tongue, “Really? I don’t see anything.”
He squinted to see if there was light stubble on the boy’s cheek. Blonde hair could be so difficult to see in this kind of sunlight. He still wasn’t sure if there was anything there. France said, “Do you want to feel it?”
Without thinking about his response, Scotland said, “Yes, I do.”
He put his palm to the other’s cheek, and was amazed to feel that there was light stubble against his hand. The position that they were standing in didn’t occur to him until France leaned into his hand and nuzzled it slightly.
He knew that if he was not blushing at first, he was certainly blushing scarlet after that little gesture. His heart was pounding so hard that he could hear it in his ears.
He said, sounding slightly panicked, “What are you doing?”
France leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. Then he said, “I like you.”
Scotland’s mind felt like it was free falling as he stared into the other’s deep blue eyes. He was thinking of all sorts of things that he was not supposed to know about. Things his mother told him he did not need to know about until he was old enough to have children. Things that people did at Beltane.
It was just a kiss, and it could still be chaste, but his mind was running several steps ahead. He followed his instinct and put his hands on the blonde’s waist.
He didn’t realize how rich the fabric that France was wearing was until he touched it. Then he felt distinctly that he was holding something beautiful and delicate.
He replied, trying to keep a distance that he had already conceded with his actions, “We’ve just met.” The blonde nodded and replied, “And yet I like you. I feel like we are meant to be.”
Scotland was not going to disagree with him, because he also felt certain that he was attracted to the young man. He said, “I like you too.”
France smiled in a way that looked almost shy. Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Scotland’s very softly. It felt like he was hesitant, even scared.
Scotland felt like he had to reciprocate to tell him that it was acceptable. He deepened the kiss, and pulled France against him. It all felt clumsy, and he was not certain if he was doing anything right.
He had never kissed anyone before, and he felt so flushed and hot. He was not even certain that he was kissing well, but it felt good.
France broke the kiss and laid his head against Scotland’s shoulder. He couldn’t see it, but Scotland had a feeling that the blonde was smiling.
France hugged him and said, “You smell like a rainstorm. It’s nice.” He nuzzled into the Scot’s neck, and said, “I’ve never done that before with anyone.”
Scotland asked, genuinely shocked because the other seemed to be so confident in himself. He replied, “Am I really your first?” France said, his voice slightly muffled as he spoke into his shoulder, “I told you. You feel right to me, like we’re meant to be.”
Scotland found the sentiment incredibly touching and he said, “You’re so sweet. I want to get to know you better.”
France took took one of Scotland’s hands in his own and entwined their fingers. It felt like their hands fit together well.
France asked, “How long are you staying here? I can come to your room.” Scotland pet his blonde hair and said, “A week at least.”
He planted one more soft kiss on the other’s forehead. He had a feeling that his mother would be very surprised when she found out about this.
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mashi-sims · 3 years
Ranking AHW's S5 Episodes
I know that ranting about how bad some of the episodes this season were isn’t going to change the fact that they were, in fact, bad, but I still wanted to do an overview of this season in my opinion, and I love ranking stuff, so here it goes:
Also, I should mention that, yes, this is Cooliver biased, although I did take other plotlines into consideration, but mostly Cooliver. Also, lol, I could only add 10 photos so the #13, #12 and #11 don't get one, also they don't deserve it.
Tier 1: I wish they could be un-written, please.
13. 5x12 How Oliver Got His Groove Back
I’ll start with my least favorite episode, and the one we all wish we could unsee. This is the episode where Oliver is feeling down because the girl WE, THE AUDIENCE, just realized he liked, doesn’t like him back (which is a whole other thing), so Katie gets him a date with this girl that’s never been introduced in the show before. Oliver doesn’t want to see her, but he still does, and then he realizes she’s nice, and just like that, he’s happy again. I feel like this plot would not have been that bad if it hadn’t been so out of character, unexplained, and utterly designed to be filler for the season. Worst episode from my perspective, wouldn’t watch it again, barely watched it the first time, ugh, next-
12. 5x11 The Guardian
Same thing with this one, very uneventful episode that talks nonsense, introduces the idea of Oliver liking Lindsay and thinking they’d been dating, but nobody knew about it! How convenient! And again, doesn’t progress into anything, and it just feels out of character, forced, and like they didn’t even try to hide that it was a filler episode. Wouldn’t watch it again, I don’t even think about it, I’ve erased it from my mind. The only reason why this episode is ahead of 5x12 is because of Kathryn and Anna-Kat, and JD trying to find his egg donor, other than that, still pretty ugh.
Tier 2: Did the writers really look at their script and think; “ah, well done”?!
11. 5x07 Under Pressure
I kinda enjoyed this episode even if it didn’t include any Cooliver. I liked Anna-Kat’s storyline about not feeling her popularity and sticking to Franklin, I really really love these two together! So cute! Also, Taylor helping Oliver relax and not stress out that much was nice, although not amazing. Katie and Greg’s double date that led to a city council rivalry, I don’t care for it. Overall, I don’t know if this was intended to be a filler episode, but it totally felt like one to me; a nice episode but not one I’d watch again.
10. 5x05 Kids These Days
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Eh, pretty uneventful. Katie wants Franklin and Anna-Kat to be more edgy and to take more risks, ends up in completely nothing. Oliver wants Boosterin and he accidentally drugs Greg, also ends up doing nothing for the storyline. The only thing I liked about this episode was seeing how Cooper cared about Oliver and how Oliver said “Your boy is doing both”, the Cooliver content was still good; other than that, eh. Also, the strange order in episodes this season really threw me off.
9. 5x04 Homeschool Sweet Homeschool
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Nice episode, but not one of the best. Mommy blog, Cooliver moves to the basement, Andre shows up and it’s all weird now, eh. I enjoyed this episode because of the Cooliver’s interactions more than anything, but it’s not the greatest in my opinion.
Tier 3: *Sits down on the couch with popcorn and a blanket*
8. 5x06 Mother’s Little Helper
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I also enjoyed Cooliver this episode. Although their drinking arc was pretty pointless and, again, ended up being nothing!!, I liked seeing them together, and that shaking they gave each other was funny. This is the episode where Tami was introduced, and I really liked her from the beginning, although I do wish they would’ve given Katie’s original second breakfast club some sort of closure so I wouldn’t feel so guilty about liking Tami and JD, eventually.
7. 5x02 Psych
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This episode always made me feel stupid because I never understood what was going on with Taylor, why she didn’t take her gap year, why she never told Katie and Greg that she had gotten in, or at least make something out of it, why she decided to go to another college or if Greg got her in just so she didn’t have to take a gap year, bUT THEN I realized they didn’t actually talk about it, so I’m not the stupid one, I think.
Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this episode. I like Katie’s storyline of getting involved in other people’s lives after she sells her lasagna business (again, did they ever talk about that or am I stupid?)
This is the episode where we can see the change in Cooliver’s dynamic (a good thing), and the iconic line “stop bothering our boyfriends” saved my life. Having Taylor And Trip with Cooper and Oliver hanging out in the same frame is one of my favorite things and adds a few days to my life.
Franklin and Anna-Kat’s relationship also picks up in this season, and I really enjoy them in this episode. Also, Greg was very funny here, and I am grateful lol.
6. 5x08 Encourage, Discourage
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I really liked how this was a Cooper-centered episode, really diving deep into his character instead of keeping him as a shallow side-character. By the way, how did Cooper get so much development and Oliver lost most of his? What was that? Anyway, Cooper saved this episode. I would’ve liked for Oliver to be a more supportive friend in this episode, but he was still there, at least.
Also, Cooper doesn’t think he’s too good for Oliver! Bless his heart.
5. 5x10 Getting Frank with The Ottos
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I liked this episode very much! Again, Anna-Kat and Franklin melted my heart, but Oliver and Cooper squeezed it with Cooper’s realization of not wanting to go to Harvard, but Oliver eventually understanding and supporting him? Please, get married. Also, Oliver saying “We’re Cooliver”, and Trevor asking them if they were breaking up made my day. Could’ve been better and a bit more eventful, but it was good nonetheless.
4. 5x13 The Election
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I really liked the finale, despite not having any Cooliver at all, the ending was pretty awesome, and I believe it really sets the tone for what could potentially be a great S6, that is if that’s actually happening AND if the writers stop it with the bullshit. Franklin and Anna-Kat getting engaged was very sweet, I adore them! Taylor and Trip getting really engaged was a bit cringe, but still adorable, and I love it! I just wish they had paid more attention to Oliver in this episode, but well, I guess his bang is not here yet and not every episode can be a banger. I hope that whatever comes next will be good enough that the wait will be worth it.
Tier 4: *Chef’s kiss, no pun intended*
3. 5x01 Graduation
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Although this episode doesn’t really belong to this season, and it doesn’t share the same 〜vibe〜 with the rest of the episodes, since it has more of a S3-S4 energy, it’s still in S5 and I wanted to include it, too.
Not my favorite, but it’s one of the good ones imo. So much stuff happens in this episode that it almost feels cramped and overwhelming to me, with the graduation and the wedding, but I get that it was necessary to set the scene for S5 and close S4 even if it didn’t turn out the way they’d originally planned, and it came out fine considering the situation the producers were in, which can’t be said for every episode this season lol.
Taylor and Trip were adorable in this episode, Cooper was amazing, Oliver moping around was something I didn’t know I needed in my life, and Lonnie’s speech about not wanting his relationship with Greg to end, even if I never cared for his storyline, was really nice.
This episode made me think that S5 was headed toward amazing things, but not everything was good.
2. 5x09 The Heist
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I love this episode because of Cooper’s development. Again, why couldn’t Oliver get that too? However, I did like how they made Oliver seem like he might’ve been a bit thirsty for his fellow Cooper over there, telling him multiple times that he’s good looking? Come on, tell us what you really mean.
Anyway, Cooliver really shone this episode, round of applause.
1. 5x03 Coupling
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This episode is superior, bite me. I love everything about this episode, not only Cooliver. Katie and Greg trying to be supportive of their kids having sex with their boyfriends? Yes! Parallels between all four couples? Yes, please! Cooper and Oliver having their first married couple fight, Cooper feeling like he’s being replaced, but Oliver is doing it for the both of them and their future together? Yes! Masterpiece of an episode. I have no more to say.
Hands down, my favorite episode this season. Too bad mostly everything went downhill after that. I hope we do get a season 6 and that things pick up. This series deserves redemption, and Cooper and Oliver deserve to be happily in love together. Thank you.
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barnesbabee · 4 years
Promise? || K.H
Summary: From best-friends, to enemies, to lovers. What else?
Pairing: Kim Hongjoong x Reader
Words: 3k-ish?
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff
A/N: I’m not good at soft stuff, so if you hate it give me a break please
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ᴄʀ: ʙᴀʀɴᴇꜱʙᴀʙᴇᴇ
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 Being in love is tough, everyone knows this, but being in love and having to keep it to yourself, being in love and having to watch the man of your eyes every day and not being able to do anything... It broke your heart. It was the classic "I fell in love with my best-friend" scenario, and you were so, so scared. You didn't want to tell him, not cause you thought for a second he'd stop talking to you or ignore you, far from that, but because you knew that the second you confessed your feelings, he'd become conscious and nervous about every little thing he did. If the hug he gave you was too intimate and he'd be leading you on, if he touched you too much, if he didn't give you enough attention, if he gave you too much attention... And you didn't want that kind of stress, so you backed away. 
  You let life go on as usual, and it was so damn hard. Hongjoong's beautiful, innocent smile, his glistening eyes, his prominent jawline, and even his small hands that would often meet your own made your heart jump out of your chest, and you prayed to God that it went away.
  To your dismay however, your heartbreak came sooner than expected. A couple of months after you accepted the idea that you loved that man more than you're supposed to, he introduced you to a girl. A beautiful girl by the name Areum. Her hair was short and dark, and she had bangs that almost covered her almond-coloured eyes.  Her skin was spotless, she was almost Hongjoong's height and she had a slim figure. 
  Although he had introduced her as a friend, you knew he didn't think of her like that, and it didn't take long before he finally started introducing her as his girlfriend. You had to smile through the pain, but you were happy for him and cheered him on of course- the absolute glee and joy in his expression as he talked about her couldn't be mistaken, he really loved that girl.
  And because you had no luck, the shit hit the fan pretty quickly. Areum became jealous of you, and she began restricting the contact between you and Hongjoong. It started as "forbidding" kisses on the cheek (even though Hongjoon still sneaked in one here and there), then hugging, then almost being near him. It made you furious that she was trying to push you two apart, but you didn't speak about it, you wanted Hongjoong to be happy.
  One day though, it all went down the drain. The girl forced Hongjoong to cancel your movie night, and you were beyond furious. You and him had been waiting for the Black Widow movie to come to the cinemas for months, and now you’d have to enhoy it alone because she was insecure!? Certainly not on your watch, you could tell when things spiraled out of control.
  You stayed back after school to talk to her. You knew she always stayed extra time in school to study since Hongjoong always bragged about how hard-working she was. You made your way to the library, looked all around, waited, and nothing... 
  You'd just spent a whole hour in school for no reason.
  You started making your way home, and as per usual you passed by the school's field so you could make your way to the back of the school, where the road that led to your house was located, but a couple of moans and groans caught your attention.
  Someone was making out underneath the benches! It was none of your business, but you wanted to check out the secret couple going at it in school, because let’s face it, you were nosy.
  As soon as your eyes made contact with the couple you felt like imploding and exploding at the same time. It was Areum with some guy that definitely wasn't your Hongjoong. You covered your mouth and ran from the scene and to your home.
  You didn't know what to do. It wasn't your relationship, you shouldn't butt in... But it was your best friend and he deserved to know the truth... But you didn't want to break his heart...
  You let yourself slide down the wall until you were sitting on the floor with your knees to your chest, and grasped the sides of your head out of despair.
  You had no idea what would be best, but you decided to tell Hongjoong. It was heartbreaking, but it was the truth. You called him up and waited for him to pick up.
  "Y/N? Come on, if this is about the movie you know I can't go and I've apologized-"
  "You need to come over."
  "Come over. I have something really important to tell you."
  He sighed from the other side.
  "Y/N I don't know if it's a good choice to go over."
 "Hongjoong can you please just get here?"
  He finally agreed and after a painful ten minutes of waiting, he was knocking on your door. You took him to your bedroom and you both sat down on your bed. Hongjoong looked at you expectantly as you took a deep breath and chose your words carefully. Ultimately you decided that there was no easy way to say this, and that you should just be frank and straightforward about it.
"Areum is cheating on you."
Those five words hit Hongjoong like a truck. He didn't move for a second, and when he did his head turned to you slightly and his face showed disbelief and betrayal.
"What?" He simply asked.
 You took a deep breath before explaining.
 "I was coming back home late from school," you omitted the original reason why you were even in school as it wasn't relevant "and when I passed by the school's field I heard someone under the benches and when I checked it out it was Areum, with some other guy..."
  Hongjoong was enraged. But a type of anger you had never seen in his face before. It was a mix of disgust and indignation. 
  "How dare you!?"
  He yelled at you and stood up, fists clenched beside his body. You were shocked by his stupid reaction. You followed him and stood up.
  "Excuse me!?" You asked, perplexed.
  "How dare you even imply that she would cheat on me!? Areum would never do something like that, you're just saying that because you're jealous!"
  Your heart was shattered into a million pieces upon hearing those words. How could he take her side in this story? How did your best-friend of years not believe you? And most importantly, how could he say something so hurtful to you?
You held back your tears and tried to speak, even though your throat was burning.
  "I don't know if you're in denial or just in the mood to be an ass, but I know what I saw. Areum is unfaithful and you should bring it up to her or you're going to get hurt!"
  He stepped closer to you and looked you in the eye, pure rage displaying on his own.
  "Don't you dare say those things about her, or even imply that she'd do it."
  You were left speechless.
  Upon obtaining no response Hongjoong turned away and left your house, making sure to slam the door as he stepped out. You immediately sunk to your knees and let the tears fall.
 You dreaded for the next day, but it came nevertheless. You sat in class and Hongjoong's seat was empty, which you thought was weird. He didn't usually miss class... For a second you hoped that he had actually brought it up to Areum and he just felt bad about the truth. You grabbed your phone, ready to text him, when the door to your classroom opened. Hongjoong entered, followed by Areum, and bowed to apologize for being late.
  They were both smiling and your eyes immediately darted to the purple marks on Hongjoong's neck. Your heart sank at the view.
  "Hongjoong." You called in a whisper.
  He turned around and glared at you.
  "I thought I made it clear yesterday that I don’t want to speak to you."
  You couldn't take it. It was too much. You could handle your heart being broken, your feelings getting ignored, and being stepped on, but you certainly couldn't handle Hongjoong treating you like this.
  He was your ray of sunshine, he had always been there even when you lost control, and this wasn't him. 
  You ran out. You didn't even think, you just... ran. You took nothing with you, just your phone that happened to be on the pockets of the jacket you were wearing. Your legs stopped when you reached your bedroom. 
  You were sobbing loudly and think streaks of water fell down your cheeks. Your mother, who had come home early, ran up the stairs, concerned about you.
  "Y/N? Y/N what happened are you okay!?"
  The woman kelt beside you and pat your back while her eyes scanned your body for any visible injuries.
  You tried to explain it, through your sobs and sniffles, but barely anything came out. 
  "Breathe, Y/N. It's okay..."
  Your mom hugged you, trying to calm you down. Eventually, when you were able to talk, you spoke to her.
  "Please, let me move in with dad and go to school there."
  Your dad was temporarily living somewhere else in Korea because of work, and "somewhere else" seemed just like where you needed to go.
  Your mom was a little sad to hear this plea of yours, but after hearing the explanation, and after seeing how much pain you were in, she agreed to let you finish the last term with your dad.
 The next day you didn't show up to school, and two days later you had already asked for transference. 
  By the beginning of the following week you were living with your dad and ready for the new school. When your dad saw you, you looked like a different person. You were gloomy, you had a blank expression at all times and it worried him.
  Back home, Hongjoong hadn't even noticed you had moved, but he was about to, and in the worst way. 
  Hongjoong had decided to reward his girlfriend for her hard work, and he showed up later in school with some snacks for them to share. And he found her working hard for sure, working hard on undoing some random guy's belt.
  When he didn't find her in the library, a little red flag waved in his head and he decided to check the field, like you had told him. There, he saw exactly what he dreaded: his girlfriend, Areum, with some guy that wasn't him.
  He threw the food onto the floor and tore the two of them apart. He didn't care who the man was, Areum was the one cheating on him. Hongjoong didn't even know what to feel.
  "Why?" Was all he could manage.
  "Hongjoong, you're very sweet and caring but... I need more. You never tease me, you never try anything, and I'm almost taller than you, what am I gonna do when the time comes? Pet you?"
  Hongjoong was incredulous, humiliated and most of all, in pain. His mind went blank for a second, before the image of your face flashed in his head. He had to apologize to you. He made sure to tell Areum how disgusting of a human being she was and how they weren’t dating anymore for sure, and then sprinted over to your house and knocked on the door loudly. Your mom opened the door, and as soon as she laid eyes on Hongjoong, her face displayed a gelid feeling.
  "May I help you?" She asked.
  "I need to talk to Y/N, please..."
  She huffed and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
  "You came a little too late Hongjoong, she moved."
  Hongjoong couldn't believe it... He was so deep in his denial that he had hurt you to the point of you moving away... The next weeks he spent desperately trying to contact you, but of course you had done everything in your power to stop that from happening, you wanted to leave everything behind and start anew...
  The both of you spent the last few months of school miserably. You both felt alone. Hopeless. Helpless. In pain. 
  But there was nothing to do now, Hongjoong had messed it up and he'd forever have to live with the burden of losing you.
  Both of you eventually enrolled in a college and got in. You secretly hoped you could leap into Hongjoong's arms and have him spin you around like the old times, to celebrate it, but that was buried in the past (or so it seemed).
  However, on the very first day, as if by destiny, there you were. Standing a couple meters from Hongjoong. You were both immobile in the middle of the hallway, staring deep into each other's eyes, crying a million silent apologies at each other. When Hongjoong opened his mouth to speak, you turned away, and he realized just an "I'm sorry" wouldn't do the trick. He had been extremely insensitive to you, and he thought he could live with that, but he couldn't handle seeing you every day and not holding you. He didn't want to.
  As time went by, he found himself reminiscing the old days, and he quickly began missing the sweet way you'd caress his cheek, the way you'd brush his hair with your hands, the way you hugged him tightly... Everything.
  And every second that passed, it became unbearable to not be around you. The way you smiled at small things surrounding you, the way you had let your hair grow, the way you'd still let yourself get distracted by every little thing. He missed you so goddamn much.
  One day he stopped being able to just watch. He didn't dare talk to you, however, and he hated that. But he poured his feelings in a letter, describing how sorry he was, how he never stopped loving his best friend, and how he missed the duo.
  Hongjoong found out which dorm was yours and he slid the letter through the door, then going back to his own dorm.
  He was sitting on his desk when someone knocked on his door. He opened it, not knowing who it could possibly be, to find you with red, puffy eyes and a clenched jaw. You threw the letter in his face.
  "Are you kidding me!?" Your voice was shaky as you yelled at him.
  His breath hitched immediately, and his words were caught in his throat. Initially he raised his hands to wipe away your wet cheeks, but he decided not to. Hongjoong didn't speak and gave you time to let out all your frustrations.
  "I can't believe you. I tolerated when that bitch stole you, I tolerated when you canceled shit because of her, and then when I try to look out for you and protect you, you humiliated me! You belittled me and took her side instead of mine and refused to talk to me the next day. Do you realize how broken I was!? You were my everything! I loved you so, so much. And not just in the way you think. But I swallowed all that and tried to move on. Now you're here and you apologize via letter? What, did the smoke signals not work!?"
  Hongjoong didn't quite know what to say, but he had to speak.
  "Y/N, you don't know how sorry I am, okay? I couldn't live with myself for so long after I found out you were right, I hated myself. But I had never experienced what I was experiencing with Areum, I didn't want to believe what you were saying. I was so, so mad that I hurt you so much, and if you don't want to forgive me, I understand, but I'm begging you here, I need you."
 There was silence, and the tension between you was rising. You looked into his pitiful eyes.
  "Did you miss me?"
  This question took him by surprise. He expected you to yell at him, tell him you hated him, or even just leave without another word and never talk to him again.
  Hongjoong chuckled at your question.
  "If I missed you? Y/N, I cried myself to sleep every night. I messaged your deleted accounts every day. I had to take down every picture of us on the walls because the pain of possibly not seeing you ever again was too much. I lost myself when I let you go."
  That was all you needed to hear. You embraced his body and held him tightly. It took him only a couple of seconds to hug you back, and both of you stood like that for a long time.
  It was like half of you had been repositioned and you couldn't be happier. When you pulled away his hands rested on your hips and yours played with the hair on his nape that had grown considerably. You looked into each other's eyes: you were both smiling and crying. and your cheeks had a red tint to them.
  You two giggled at your silliness like you were kids, but the feeling instantly dropped to something else. Your eyes simultaneously darted to the other's lips, and you couldn’t resist each other, it had been way too long. 
  You moved your lips against his softly, and you didn't know if it was because you had missed him so much or if because you'd wanted this your whole life but he tasted so much better than you had ever imagined.
  You pulled away, and there was not a trace of doubt in either of your faces, you wanted this. Hongjoong smirked and closed the door behind you while pushing you on the bed.
  The luck seemed to be on your side for once, and the guy whom Hongjoong shared his dorm with was out with his parents that had come to visit him, so you were free to do whatever you wanted.
  He hovered on top of you for a second, before you grabbed his neck and pulled him down, so your lips were connected once more. You had always been the boldest out of the two of you, and that applied even in this situation it seemed.
  You slipped your tongue in his mouth as hips were grinding against yours. You moaned into the kiss, and you could feel a tent forming in his pants, and the pressure of his crotch on yours increased.
  Eventually, he slid his hand under your shirt and pulled it off. He stared at your bra and blushed a little. You just chuckled and caressed his cheek, then proceeding to remove your bra for him. 
  He blushed harder, but tried to hide the fact by kissing down your jaw and neck, leaving and few bites here and there. You tugged on his hoodie and he removed it quickly, exposing his chest as well. 
  His lips then teased around your right nipple, before taking it into his mouth as your fingers tangled in his hair.
  While this went down, one of your hands sneaked down and palmed his hard cock through his shorts. He moaned onto your skin as you applied more pressure on your hand.
  He pulled away from you and his breaths grew heavy.
  "Keep going, please..." He begged.
  You pulled your hand away and sat up in the bed, pulling him down in the process and straddling him. You brought your lips to his as you rubbed your womanhood against his hard-on. 
  His hands gripped your waist tightly and you were both moaning onto the kiss.
  "Please, please Y/N..."
  He pleaded, almost out of breath, when you pulled away. He didn't have to say it twice as you were as desperate for it as he was. 
  You stripped from the rest of your clothing and the man did the same. You sat on his thighs and looked at him for a second. You were both a little nervous, but you were sure this was what you wanted.
  Hongjoong lifted you as you aligned his cock with your entrance, and he slowly lowered you on his hard member.
  Both of your mouths were agape and eyebrows furrowed in pleasure. Hongjoong moaned as he watched you sink on him, while you threw your head back and called for his name. 
  With the help of Hongjoong, you moved up and down on his dick. His hips eventually started thrusting into you harder, and his fingers sunk in your hips.
  You grabbed his wrists and moaned louder for him, as you were about to climax. His thrusts became sloppier as he was about to come as well.
  You locked eyes, and you realized how beautiful he looked: glazed, hungry eyes devouring your figure, mouth agape moaning because of you, beads of sweat rolling down his face and his bangs stuck to his forehead.
  Your walls clenched around him and you came, with a loud cry for his name. He then hurriedly removed himself from you and pumped his dick a few times, before coming all over your chest and stomach.
  He was a little embarrassed about the mess he'd made, but you just laughed it off and plopped beside him.
  The two of you were silent for a while, trying to calm down and catch your breaths, and then he held out his pinky finger.
  "Promise to never leave me again?" He asked, hopeful.
  You smiled and linked your pinky with his.
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bloomvalyria · 4 years
I received a request for some sparxshipping, so I thought I’d give you some super old sparxshipping content! Since I’ve been getting so many questions about the whole “where did baltor go at the end of broken pieces?” debacle, I thought I’d share the idea I’d originally settled on back in 2016/2017 before scrapping it. It was a good idea in theory, but the deeper I explored it, everything very quickly fell apart. Nonetheless, please enjoy this scrapped rough draft material!
The room was oddly reminiscent of his pocket realm, slightly easing my tense muscles. It was enormous with a towering ceiling and tall walls lined with grand wooden bookcases. Dust coated the furniture and lightly lilted through the air. A great window overlooking the surrounding woods was perched on the other side of the room. The clear glass allowed an ample amount of moonlight to pour onto the hardwood floors. My gaze however was locked on a different light source flickering in my peripheral vision.
My Dragon Fire flared when I turned to look at the bright orange glow. Despite my distance, I could feel the intensity of the flames dancing in the fireplace. Its warmth combined with the pale moonlight gave the room an eerie yet annoyingly romantic vibe. Two stiff-looking arm chairs loomed before the fire, creating elongated shadows that stretched across the floor.
Easily able to sense the dark presence awaiting my arrival in the seat furthest away, I froze. My feet refused to take another step, petrified at the thought of approaching my host.
You can still turn back, my subconscious hastily whispered. He betrayed you. He lied to you. You owe him nothing.
That last statement prickled me. In spite of everything that had unfortunately transpired between the two of us, I owed everything to him. Without him, I never would have found Oritel and Miriam, nor would I have been able to revive Sparx. Even after our fight on Linphea, he’d still helped me achieve the one thing I’d wanted since discovering who I truly was. I may not have wanted to, but I owed it to him to at least hear him out.
Taking a silent, steadying breath I continued my approach to the ominous chair.
“No one would blame you.”
I nearly lost my footing as a familiar, deep voice echoed through the air. Coming to a halt, I felt the strength of the dark presence grow, fully announcing himself. A shadowy figure of a man lifted itself out of the furthest chair, startling me. He was shrouded in darkness until he stepped closer to the fireplace.
Baltor’s sharp features appeared more prominent in the harsh light of the flames. His piercing grey eyes stared deeply into the burning embers, and I couldn’t stop myself from wondering if it was on purpose. It was an odd sight to see him without his signature coat. Then again, his entire ensemble was much more relaxed than I was used to seeing. His normally regal attire was replaced with a simple pair of dark trousers and boots, along with a half-buttoned up, white-collared shirt. I had to mentally chide myself in order to stop staring.
“To be frank, I half-expected you not to come.” Baltor continued. He moved his arm up to rest against the mantle, attempting to look nonchalant.
I glowered at him. “I don’t remember inviting you to snoop through my thoughts.”
A small smirk tugged at his lips. I hated that it nearly made me swoon. “I don’t need to use our connection to read your thoughts, Bloom. You remember what I told you about your eyes.”
An annoyed frown instantly crossed my face as I fought the shiver that arose from hearing him say my name. Shoving my hands into my coat pockets, my fingernails dug into my palms. Resisting the urge to throw a punch at him, I decided saying nothing was my only good option. I considered testing my luck, but the dull throbbing that had suddenly emerged in the back of my skull greatly discouraged it.
“I’m more than aware that I’m the last person you want to speak with.” he said, redirecting the conversation. “All I ask is that we sit down and discuss this.”
“I’m not sure what else needs to be discussed.” I replied, deadpan. The darkness took over much quicker than I’d anticipated. “You knowingly faked your own death. You didn’t contact me at all for months to let me know that you were really alive. Then, you magically reappeared wanting to pretend everything was okay. And, when I asked you why you waited so long to find me, you fed me nothing but a string of bullshit lies.” I paused, dramatically. “I don’t believe I missed anything.”
My response was enough to finally pull Baltor’s gaze away from the fire. The concern pooling in his eyes made my stomach twist with butterflies. However, the darkness worming its way deeper into my brain fought viciously to counteract it.
“Bloom,” he said, calmly, “I understand that you’re angry with me. You have every right to be.” To my amazement, he took a daring step in my direction. “But I know that’s not you.”
The throbbing slowly began to subside, to my shock. I wasn’t sure what made it retreat, but I wasn’t going to complain. Regardless of how truthful my outburst was, the guilt that followed was immense.
“Sorry,” I uttered. “It’s been a bit out of control lately, what with the move back here.”
He nodded. “Understandable. This is your home, and you want it to feel like your home. Living on Sparx is certainly going to be an adjustment for you.”
“An adjustment is one way to word it.” I mumbled, quickly growing exhausted. Running a hand through my tousled hair, I slumped into the seat next to the one he’d previously occupied. The leather fabric wasn’t particularly comfortable, but I needed a place to sit down. Baltor followed suit.
For a while, we merely sat there, glancing at each other. Neither of us seemed to know what to say. All of the snarky, clever remarks I’d conjured up in my head had vanished. Every emotion I’d felt over the last year was a swirling melting pot in my chest. I had a million questions for him. For so long I’d been deprived of the answers I so desperately desired, and now that my opportunity to receive them had finally arrived, I was speechless.
Baltor shifted forward in his chair, looking as if he was about to break the never-ending silence. My Dragon Fire sprung to life with adrenaline, warning me that I needed to speak before he did. My irrational fear of how well he could redirect a conversation was too strong.
“Where were you?” I blurted, cutting Baltor off.
A sad gleam sprouted in his eyes. Still, he didn’t answer. I could see the cogwheels turning in his mind, scrambling to muster up a convincing excuse to push my question off till another time.
“Where were you?” I asked again, fury dripping into my voice. My fingers dug into the leather of the arm chair, trying to still their shaking.
Baltor ran a hand down his face, immediately seeming more exhausted than before. Hearing the question aloud seemed to drain him. “Bloom, I know it’s not what you want to hear,” he began, hesitantly. “Nevertheless, I do believe that particular question is one we should wait on discussing.”
Steam poured from my ears. My cheeks burned red with pent up rage. “No!” I shouted, unable to contain myself. “We are not pushing this off anymore! I’m not asking you to do something outlandish, Baltor. I just want to know the truth!”
“I want to tell you, Bloom. Trust me, I do.” Baltor argued. “Considering how you almost crossed into dark territory only a few minutes ago, telling you would only be detrimental.”
Tears welled up in my eyes, and I could already begin to feel the pads of my fingertips rapidly heat up. “How would that be detrimental? That doesn’t make sense!”
“Bloom, I’m serious.” he warned. “You don’t need to know.”
“Oh, come on, Baltor! What is so difficult about being honest with me? Where could you have been that’s so bad that you’d have to lie to me about it?”
“The Under Realm.”
His interruption made my heart skip a beat. My rage instantly diffused, morphing into a state of shock.
The name sent a chill down my spine as it echoed through my head. Flashes of memories presented themselves front and center, reminding of my time spent there. As always, none of them were pleasant ones.
Baltor clearly didn’t want to continue the conversation; however we both knew I wasn’t just going to drop it after that revelation. “When I found out you were alive, I went to the Under Realm,” he affirmed, slowly dragging out his words.
The thoughts racing through my head were a jumbled, cluttered mess. I kept waiting for my instincts to kick in and react like they usually did. Yet, this time, the longer I sat there I only became more confused.
No logical reason for why he’d be in the Under Realm came to mind. I couldn’t think of any unfinished business he could possibly have there. Even if he did, that still didn’t explain why he’d suddenly decide to act on it when I was in recovery.
Maybe you’re overreacting, my hopeful conscience reasoned. He didn’t say which part of the Under Realm. He could’ve been in Downland for all you know.
I was doubtful. If he’d been in Downland, there was no reason for him to hide it from me. Baltor was well aware of my history with the Under Realm, and if he truly went there, he’d only avoid telling me about it if he went to one particular place. “You were in Shadow Haunt.”
A short sigh slipped past his lips, but no words followed.
White hot anger flashed in my chest. “Baltor, were you in Shadow Haunt?” I asked again, my fury slipping into my voice.
“Yes,” he said. “You broke my curse. I’d hoped to return the favor.”
I stared at him, wide-eyed as the complicated puzzle pieces began to finally make sense. “You went there to try and reverse the effects of Darkar’s curse?”
“It was a long shot,” he indirectly confirmed. “Shadow Haunt seemed the perfect place to, at the very least, begin to search for answers. Since that was where the curse originated, I figured there had to be some information lingering there; possibly somewhere in the wreckage of the palace.”
He suddenly went quiet, acting as if he was finished with his tale.  
“I’m guessing you didn’t find anything?” I inferred, feeling a wave of disappointment.
Baltor shook his head. “I searched for days. I didn’t leave a single stone unturned in that damned place, but there wasn’t a single trace that remained.”
My heart sank in my chest. I knew better than to hope for good news, yet something in me still grabbed onto it. I so desperately wanted to be free of her that I couldn’t help but hope.
“Although, I was able to sense someone else’s magic.”
My gaze flew over to him. A mix of fear and hope twisted my insides. “Who else could be there? It was abandoned. The authorities searched every inch of it to make sure no one was hiding.”
“Well, as it turns out, they didn’t do a particularly thorough job.” He hesitated, looking as if he was debating his next words. “One of Darkar’s minions managed to survive the attack.”
The entire universe came to a halt. Bile rose in my throat.
“I believe you called him Avalon.”
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