#i kept this in drafts for like 2 weeks💀
walrus150915 · 11 months
Cw: homophobia
I honestly don't think Ambrosius's family would be homophobic in a classic Christian way we think of when we hear the word "homophobia", with "pray your gay away" n stuff
No, no, it's more complicated than that in my opinion
I think they wouldn't particularly mind Ambrosius getting with a man (they'd be more pissed off at his status than anything), but I'm sure they'd be of an opinion that Gloreth's bloodline must continue, so Ambrosius must get a wife/a person who can give him a child
"Ambrosius, darling, you can keep that Ballister boy, but you have to get a wife so that you could have children. Think of your family! Surely you wouldn't want to be the last direct descendant of Gloreth. What about Ballister? Well, he can continue being your side thing, but front and central should be the line of descendants you and your wife will have"
Like idk I think they'd tolerate Bal as Ambrosius's affair yet they wouldn't stand them being, like, officially together, yknow?
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punk-chicken-radio · 1 month
complaint department....
my first complaint is that i, @loveaxiomatic, for ONCE actually started a playlist....this one....and i wanted to use it this week. guess what? it wasn't finished like i thought it was because youtube was showing an inaccurate count because of deleted videos 🙄
so, i scrambled for more, after struggling through drafting 2/3 of the songs when i realized we didn't have 30 songs (and you KNOW @theoldsmelly likes the playlists to have at least that many songs).
he's always got a complaint about the 'short' ones....
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my next complaint is that right as i started to write this intro early (because i may not be able to later - more on that later) my wifi kept dropping and i had to connect to my hot spot, which i always find terribly annoying. what is the point of having this stupid unreliable box in the same room as my laptop if it's not gonna gimme the juice when i need it? it always seems to be weakest on my airbook, while the other laptops, phones, tv's....even the stupid thermostat will have an excellent signal.
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sheesh. okay, i'll stop now. mostly because i shouldn't work myself up too much.
funny thing. some of those who know (and mostly love me 🥴) often complain of me thinking i've got the biggest brain around. well, it turns out i wasn't completely wrong. well, rather, my skull is a little too small for it. so pretty soon, the quacks are gonna rectify that and give the old bean a little more space to breathe. wasn't my back or neck that's been fucked up at all....it was just my fucking brain sitting on my spine 💀 i'm not too worried, but y'all...smelly will be running things on his own for a bit once they get a duran duran branded nutcracker to take to my skull.
scary thought, i know....for him at least. he hates having to do the parts that i do, so he's a bit complain-y about the whole thing, and has issued a statement -
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he will be fine, i will be fine, we will ALL be fine...just need to keep the complaints to a minimum. which these songs def do not.
love (you might have to take a couple weeks solo) axiomatic and the old (FFS) smelly
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lovebvni · 10 months
i got love! (motivations)
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oopsies my bad guys i know eyes r like scary to some people but for some reason, recently they’ve been a sign (the left is an older one from like a week ago, the right is from today) (that was as or typing the blog.. which was almost 2 weeks ago as it has been posted. i’ve seen more tho)
anyways! i wanted to make a blog on the things that have kept me going through the three years of being a reality shifter and working towards that goal of shifting
one thing i do want to say before we start, is the universe provides help, guidance and support when we’re feeling down. i genuinely believe i would not be this far into my shifting journey if it wasn’t for the universe + the tools they have given me. these are things that may also help you, but are not 100% guaranteed as we are different souls with different interests and understandings <3
anyways long blog ahead blah blah blah… 💀💀 LMAO OK
so, i’m neurodivergent and a really driven person. it isn’t easy for me to let things go either, but whenever i did feel like giving up or leaving shifting behind, here are some things i keep in mind.
wow i sound… dumb as hell 💀😔 LMFAOOSF OK BUT FR HERE i don’t have a good relationship w my parents, nor have i had… good experiences w exes (WHERE R MY BITCHES THAT ALWAYS FALL FOR THE TOXIC ONES🗣️💯‼️) anyways yeah. i remind myself that that’s the main reason i started this. i mean with love comes happiness, right?
2. my inner child
dude i feel like i’ve been having dreams abt shifting since i was a kid. i remember i was first introduced to daydreaming by my 2nd grade teacher, i’ve deffo had dreams abt being in different worlds, i’ve manipulated my daydreams, and more! there’s always been a “one-up” thing in this. dreams -> daydreams -> shifting. and i eventually learned/im learning how to do each of them.
i know i’ve been damaged since i was a child, i want born into a great place, but i can change where i am. plus, i’m someone who has always wanted to have superpowers n shit so like…. why the hell not?
3. friendships 🤭🤭
girl i lose friends like every other year, so why not have some i can talk to every day? i mean i wanna have fun, right? i want to be happy and talking to people and friends makes me happy
4. for others
dude i want people to be able to experience it he change, transformation and growth i have — along with sharing the successes. i believe every soul has the ability to change and mold into a better soul, so everyone should have that opportunity. i want to be able to teach and guide to goals and success. that’s one of the main reasons i stared this blog.
5. for understanding
i want to spiritually ascend, and get over my fears of it. so i want to experience it. that’s why im doing it, that’s why i do a lot of things. to experience and see the outcome.
that’s all i got for now! i may add to this blog, depending on what happens or if i think of anything else. but for now, im sleepy n i wanna get my drafts cleared. this is my last one 🤭
i love you all!! i hope this helps someone <3 666
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heartsfromm4e · 2 years
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Enid sinclair x GN!Reader
summary: after y/ns bad and long day, enid decides to comfort them with a night of movies and cuddling.
warnings: swearing, kissing, blah. blah blah
a/n: tbh i forgot about this, i put in my drafts for like 2 weeks 💀💀
strike one.
You were heading to class, as usual. you hadent dont anything different than usual, except for the fact you had got your nails done. it was your first time so you felt kind of weird, but you enjoyed it! you decided you were going to do it more often since you had a nail biting problem. you really do like them, you dident think anyone could make you feel otherwise. except for biana. you were at your locker which was beside hers. you opened it to quickly grab your copy of little women before bianca appeared beside you.
“so, get your nails done?” bianca raised her eyebrow and smirked a little.
“I did! Its my first time, i really like them.” You grinned in reply.
bianca scoffed. “i bet you do!” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as she walked away to her friends, pointing at you and laughing. You sighed and just closed your locker shut. You were extremely upset.
strike two.
After the incident at the locker, on your way to your next class, xavier noticed you and walked up to you.
“hey Y/N.” Xavier smiled. You smiled back at him of course.
“hey xav.” You replied.
“Something wrong?” He asked. But, as soon as those words came out, you tripped over some dumbass pencil that was in the middle of the hallway. And in the process you managed to get a nosebleed from smacking your nose so hard down on the ground.
“Y/N!” Xavier shouted as you fell.
strike three.
You were sitting in the nurses office with xavier.
“You think youre good now?” He asked you, patting your back.
“I guess.” You shrugged. You already were in a bad mood, and of course you dident see that stupid pencil.
“You do have to admit, it was a little funny.” Xavier snickered. Suddenly a wave of emotion overcame you. Normally youd laugh too but youd just had enough already. You grabbed your bag and stormed out.
You opened the door to your shared dorm with enid, and slammed it shut. Enid jumped from the sudden noise as you threw your bag on your bed.
“Hey Y/N, whats wrong??” she immediately closed the magazine she had been reading and walked over to you.
“Nothing, dammit!” You shouted in reply and turned around. Your eyes were already red and puffy and your nose and cheeks were pink as well. She frowned and pulled you into a hug. You stood there in her grasp and just cried. You had no idea why you were so upset but you just kept crying.
“Bianca made fun of my nails. Tripped and got a nose bleed. Xavier laughed.” You explained in three short sentences.
“Oh honey.” Enid pulled away and cupped your cheeks.
“Go change and ill put on a movie.” You nodded and did as she said, getting pajamas from your closet and putting them on. And kicking off your shoes. After a bit you crawled onto Enids bed and covered yourself with a throw blanket of hers. She had some snacks and a movie already playing.
“Come here sweetie” Enid pulled you closer to her and kissed your forehead.
“Thank you for telling me what happened, Im really sorry. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you replied.
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itsravenbitch · 2 years
lmao i just remembered this was in my drafts😂 i wrote this on the 21st of july when i was on break i believe
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so i got an industrial piercing on july 15th [in the morning] and it was cute i was feeling it. cool. and for whatever reason, i kept telling myself lowkey as a “joke” that what if it got infected that’d be funny cause why would i do that to myself right? so anyway i got the piercing and the area was red and a little sore but yk that’s normal. later that night, it was no longer red, but still sore. and i still kept telling myself “what if?” idky don’t even ask, cs i honestly do. not. know. 😭😭
so then about 2 days later on the 17th, i wake up and my ear is just THROBBING & i’m like wtf is goin on ?? i touch my ear and it just didn’t feel right so i hop out the bed and look in the mirror….. yall i damn near lost my mind . my fucking ear. my helix was swollen, red, and where the piercing enters and exits, yeah those areas were like … eww i’m not gonna explain it. but anyways i’m freaking out cause why is this happening rn? then i sit there and think what thoughts i was having. and that’s when i realized the “jokes” i was telling myself. so anyway, i was still pissed tf off cause, yes i can manifest it away but ugh . man i was just mad. but anyway.
i went back to the shop and my piercer wasn’t there so i talked to some one else
i had to leave it in cause you can’t take it out if it’s infected cause one, that would hurt & two, it’ll close and trap the infection. and that right there was exactly what was making even more mad. the fact that it HAD to stay. the piercer was like it’ll take about 2 weeks to heal.. so anyway she treats it and i leave.
as i’m driving home, i’m affirming “i never even had an infection” “my piercing is fine” “it’s okay rae” and i’m also like vaunting about how i’m a master at manifesting & stuff like that. then i started CUH-RY-ING YALL! like real human tears. and my period was starting soon (and i’m a real emotional bitch on my cycle) so i knew that’s why i was crying. but i’m literally in the car, driving, screaming & yelling my affirmations while crying. ik i was looking dumb as fuck at the light 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀.
anyway my sister calmed me down when i got home. she said “yeah. keep affirming” very sarcastically bc she still thinks the law is “illogical”, ain’t got time for her. but anyway the infection literally was gone the next day. 2 weeks my black ass. my piercing was fine and it looked normal, like nothing ever happened. and it felt fine too. (it actually felt better than it should have for being such a new piercing). i was looking in the mirror laughing to myself like “you really did that to yourself huh?” 😭😭 i felt so stupid.
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Thank you so much for 1k followers!
I put word out a few days ago about what this blog could do to celebrate reaching 1k; either I could empty my drafts and inbox, or I could go ahead with my own idea. I kept it vague to pique intrigue and @seidenbros gave me the blessing to go ahead with this after a discussion about the logistics.
So, here's how I want to celebrate!💕
Send me an ask between 2 and 5 sentences long about yourself, and I'll respond by writing a little about what your relationship with Eddie would be like. (This might be a paragraph or just a few sentences, it depends both on my motivation levels and how many sentences you submit. To make this fair, I will be setting a timer for ten minutes when I respond to your ask.)
Please tell me somewhere in the ask that this is for the 1k celebration.
OFF ANON so that I can verify you are 18+ and so that you WILL see your response when it is posted. I will not be using my tag lists for this event and I don't want you to miss your response. You can send it via anon if you feel more comfortable, but please list your URL somewhere in the ask so I can tag you. If you do not include a URL, I will delete your ask and not respond to it.
BETWEEN 2 TO 5 SENTENCES. NO LESS THAN TWO AND NO MORE THAN FIVE OR I WILL DELETE YOUR ASK AND NOT RESPOND TO IT. My anxiety and time management skills can't take much more than what I have outlined, especially because I plan to get these done as timely as possible.
THIS CELEBRATION IS FOR EDDIE MUNSON ONLY. I do not write for any other Stranger Things character and I do not intend to. Eddie Munson ONLY. You don't need to specify this because I will know it is a given, but this rule is here as a reminder.
An example (using myself)
Hi! This is for the 1k celebration!💕 Name's Erika. Favourite colour is black, always listening to music. Ozzy and Sabbath are my greatest loves and if they don't make me smile, it's a sign I'm really not okay. Very anxious, always stressed, queen of worrying, coffee addict (18 cups a day, babeyyyy ~ 💀), loves cats, full time student with a job and I always wanna let loose. Very affectionate, always sleepy, I hide inside myself a lot but it's easy to drag me out with my favourite music or a cuddle.
(5 sentences - maximum length submission)
((If anyone answers my submission, I will simply perish👀))
So there we have it! I hope that this makes sense. I'm not sure how many people are gonna want to participate, but please know you do not have to be following me in order to take part in this. I just want to mark this blog milestone with a small way to thank everyone for supporting me. I hope it's to your liking!
I'll keep this open until the 1st October, so you have two weeks to participate. If people especially like it, I might make this a permanent fixture on the blog. But I'll see how it goes.
Tagging my Eddie x Reader loves: @eddiebunson @hersweetrevenge @sweetpeapod @sabbathsworld @hawkinsroyaloutcast @seidenbros @bakerstreethound @eddiemunsonshoney @potatos-library @gemstone-roses @hellfire1986baby @jslittlebirdie @comfortcharactercraze @heydreamchild @mywinterivy @corrodedcoffeen @m00nlight101
If you do not wish to see anything about this celebration, please blacklist the tag #eri's celebration
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boxofbonesfic · 3 years
Bright like Bone
Pairing: Azog x OFC
Summary: “No Gods here. But you can pray to me if you like, fuckmeat.” Reanna theorizes the Orcs are beings of pure hunger. Insatiable.
Warnings: NonCon/Dubious Consent, Prisoner, Stockholm Syndrome, a light sprinkling of trauma, Violence (not very graphic, but described), Breeding/impregnation kink
A/N: So uh... I know I normally write for marvel, but this one has been sitting in the drafts for way too long. Also, thanks to @punemy-spotted for bullying me encouraging me to post this! It’s a three parter, so settle in! Parts 1 and 2 are finished, but 3 is still knocking around in my skull somewhere. Orcish translations are at the bottom of the fic in bold!
This is a work of FICTION, and it is Dark, so I assume once you’ve clicked through the link that you are comfortable with that. I do not give consent for my work to be copied, translated, or posted elsewhere, even if I am credited. This work is entirely mine, and unbeta’d, so read at your own risk! Minors, DNI! 😘  💀
“Wake up, meat.” 
 Reanna of course, was already awake. She hadn’t slept in days, not since the raid. How could she? The screams made it almost impossible. Her hands ached from the rough rope tied tightly about her wrists, and her back was rubbed raw from the bark of the tree she’d been imprisoned against. Her ankles were bound as well, though she couldn’t see them under the muddy, torn remnants of her dress. 
She looked up, though her mass of curly, black hair to fix the Orc with a cold stare. Her vision was slightly blurry, and her left eye was still swollen and bruised from where she’d been hit. He seemed nonplussed at her anger—there was little she could do other than glare hatefully at him, she hadn’t even been able to defend herself when they’d crept into the camp as everyone had slept, slitting their throats clean and quiet in the cold night. 
 The road was supposed to be safe—was supposed to be well guarded, but only a week into their journey their caravan had been attacked. Raided. Reanna herself was still in disbelief. Orcs didn’t come this far west. They never did—and yet here she was, bruised and bound, waiting to be eaten. 
 Or worse.
 The Orc kicked at her feet, a harsh laugh bubbling up out of his chest. He stepped forward, his roughshod boots sinking into the mud as he squatted down. He reached out to grasp her chin between his filthy fingers as he forced her to look up at him. His breath was rank, puffing across her cheeks as he spoke. 
 “Kulknej liwo brogat lat ve asht, maush.” He spat the words at her, flecks of spittle landing on her cheeks. The Orc released her face with a harsh jerk. Reanna didn’t understand him, but she knew a threat when she heard one. “The commander is coming to speak with you.” 
 The commander? Their leader? Reanna swallowed thickly. Perhaps this was why they’d kept her alive—information. 
 Perhaps they would make her death quick when they realized she knew nothing. The daughter of traders, Reanna knew precious little of the movements of the great kingdoms. She scoffed. The great roads were meant to be safe—not beset by Orc packs. Whatever information they thought Reanna had, it was clearly outdated. 
 The Orc kicked at her bound legs as he walked back toward the camp. She couldn’t see it, of course, she’d been tied behind a large tree, with only the sight of the great forest beyond to offer comfort. It didn’t offer much, of course, as it loomed darkly over her, but it was better than staring at the Orc camp, watching them fight amongst themselves for the scraps of what remained of her companions. 
 “Hello, meat.” The voice that met her ears was deep, rumbling lowly in her ears. Reanna didn’t have to raise her eyes to know who was addressing her now. She’d only seen him briefly in the raid, just before something hard and heavy had slammed against her temple, leaving her drowning in the dark. A tall pale Orc, one armed, with bright blue eyes stood over her, delicate and intentional patterned scars running across his flesh. He stood a full head taller than any man she had ever met, and Reanna knew without even considering it that he could probably best any of them in combat easily, without even trying. Muscles rippled and moved smoothly as he squatted down to regard her. He reached forward to brush a few strands of her curly hair away from her face, and Reanna flinched, turning her head to snap at his hand. 
 Her teeth met only air, and clicked hard together as he pulled back, laughing. “Kigiji maush has nak shal khe.” Reanna could hear the guttural sound of the other Orc laughing. “You will tell me what you know of Gondor.” His words are slow, as though he has all the time in the world to speak them. His common is strangely accented, and though she understands the tongue, it still takes a moment for her mind to decode his words. 
 “I know nothing of Gondor.” Her voice is raspy from disuse. “We are merchants.” Reanna paused, her nose wrinkling. “Were.” She spits, her lips pursing. His face remains almost expressionless, her vitriol completely meaningless.
 “Do they guard the western border?” He spoke as though she hadn’t answered him, rolling a few strands of her hair between his thick fingers. “Or do they trust the horse lords to do it for them?” Reanna could hear the calculating smugness in his tone. 
 “If the eastern border was well patrolled, you filth would never have come this far west.” She spat, unable to help herself. He laughed at her insult, deep chuckles that vibrated in her bones. He cupped her chin, gentler than the other Orc, but no less menacing as he forced her to look at him. 
 “And the dwarves you traded with?” His voice is especially quiet, though his fingers bite hard against her skin, digging in and bruising. He wouldn’t let her look away, his ice blue eyes locked onto hers, boring down deep. Reanna hadn’t even seen them—only heard the others as they bargained with the shrewd bunch of travellers. And she had thought no more about it, not until now. “The dwarves. You traded with them just two days past. Tell me!” He growled, and Reanna flinched. 
 “I don’t—I—” He raised the stump of his arm to her throat, pressing it against her windpipe as he leaned hard, cutting off her air, and her excuses. 
 “Speak, meat.” 
 “East.” Her voice cracks as he presses harder. “They went East! To the woods!” 
 He releases her, a small smile creeping across his pale features. “Good.” He’s practically purring. “Good.” 
 “Can we eat it now?” Reanna had all but forgotten the other Orc, who’d remained mostly silent as the other questioned her. Reanna felt fear settle in her belly like iron. Of course they would eat her now. “I mean no offense, Azog.” The pale Orc turned at the sound of his name, an irritated glare on his face. 
 “You hunger?” He asked, turning from Reanna. She was grateful to no longer be the focus of his attentions, and she coughed, sputtering as she swallowed lungful after lungful of crisp, evening air. “Dez!” His harsh, deep voice rang out, echoing off of the trees. Almost immediately, Reanna could hear the howls and barks of wargs, answering his call. 
 For a moment, she wondered if she had imagined it, but then through the brush, she saw the gleam of an eye, an ear, a tail… They emerged from the woods one after the other, giant, slavering beasts with bright, intelligent eyes. The largest of which was white, like him. It circled around them, growling and snapping at the cowering Orc. 
 “Hunger no more.” Azog sneered. There was a crude iron spike shoved through the remains of his other arm, and he pointed it at the smaller Orc. “Ha!” The order had left his lips only a moment before the wargs converged in a teeming pile of fur and teeth, devouring the Orc’s screams as they swallowed his flesh. 
 Reanna closed her eyes, but she knew she would hear this in her dreams often. The sound of wet crunching, of teeth rending meat from bone. She could hear the frenzied yips of the wargs as they ate, snapping and growling at one another as they fought for the remains. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there with her eyes screwed tightly shut, the sounds of ripping and tearing replaying endlessly in her mind. 
 She could still hear them when the ropes loosened, falling around her. Reanna opened her eyes in time to see Azog carelessly lift the hem of her dress to tug at the ones that bound her ankles as well. 
We will gnaw your bones to meal, meat : “Kulknej liwo brogat lat ve asht, maush.”
This meat still has fight in it: “Kigiji maush has nak shal khe.”
Come: “Dez!”
Eat: “Ha!”
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weebsinstash · 5 years
I was supposed to be asleep like 2 hours ago! I work in the morning! But! Thank god for insomnia that kept me up to read this the second I got the notif! 😩👌🏻💦🖤
Babe!!!! Work is important!! Y'all get your ass some melatonin this instant! 😭💀
But regardless I'm rlly glad you're that excited to read something i wrote 💗 my productivity has really slowed to a crawl lately and I wanna try and clear out some of these drafts a little bit at a time. No promises, but hopefully I'll be posting more things in the coming week or so 😅😘
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