#i kept on going back and forth on how things would play out
loosesodamarble · 2 years
First of happy new year my dear Loo
And too the 300+ Abo Spital
I wish a interaction whit Heinrich and josele wo josele finde out this Lucifugus is Heinrich husband you know The tzene in the bath 😈I’m interested how her reaction is
(And Heinrich don’t know this Lucifugus kill Morgan at all ore even wo Morgan is)
Happy New Year, Marune~! And thank you for supporting me! You're a real one! 💖
Oooh hoo hoo! I can definitely do this interaction. I've been meaning to get to it and since you're asking, I shall provide!
Summary: A revelation about Heinrich's connections to the Underworld acts as the catalyst for a deeper discussion between himself and Josele. Genre: hurt/comfort Word count: ~1700 Content warnings: implied nudity, mentions of death
The water in the tub was hot, just enough to warm a person to their core but not too much as to cause discomfort. Josele sat on one side of the bath and looked at Heinrich who sat opposite to her. In a further corner of the bath, Charmy's head bobbed on the water's surface.
A warm smile upon Heinrich's face seem to glow with the love he clearly felt as he spoke of his husband, a devil from the depths of the Underworld.
“I’m happy. And the best part is, if a devil loves you then it’s forever.”
“That sounds lovely, Heinrich,” remarked Josele, mirroring his smile.
“It is. If it wasn’t for Lucifugus, then I wouldn’t be alive or happy right now.”
Josele’s eyes went wide and she couldn’t stop the sharp intake of breath she had.
“Child? Is something the matter?”
I must’ve misheard him, Josele thought to herself. It has to be a mistake. “Wh-what was that name? I don’t think I heard it right…”
“Lucifugus,” Heinrich repeated. His voice seemed to continue but Josele didn’t hear his words.
Her heart dropped to her stomach. She felt all the air in her lungs get sucked out of her.
“Oh. I see.” Josele tried hard to breathe but she could hardly register her own shaking inhales and exhales. With rigid motions, Josele stood up, got out of the tub, and picked up her towel. “I’m done. Goodnight Heinrich. Charmy.”
Josele heard a voice behind her. Whether it was Heinrich or Charmy, or maybe even both, she couldn’t tell. Her mind was swimming. Or it tried to and was closer to drowning.
Drowning in another thought.
Nacht sat hunched over on the hideout’s roof with his hands clasped together. His whole being was weighed down by guilt.
“I suppose I could’ve blamed that devil all these years but… It had to be summoned first. If I hadn’t summoned Lucifugus that day then Morgen would still…”
Over and over, the words replayed as she went through the motions that eventually led back to her and Nacht’s room. She opened the door to find Nacht getting dressed for bed. His welcoming smile faded in a second when he laid eyes on her.
Finally, in the safe presence of Nacht, Josele let herself break. She threw herself at Nacht and cried.
Heinrich quickly finished bathing after Josele left. He didn’t know why Josele had walked off with such a distressed look on her face but he couldn’t leave the problem unaddressed. He came to a stop outside Nacht and Josele’s room, lifted his hand to the door, and rapped his knuckles on the surface thrice.
“Josele, child, is everything alright with you?” he said, loud enough to be heard through the door but with a carefulness to not alarm her.
There was silence and stillness for a moment before the door swung open. But it was not Josele who greeted Heinrich. Rather, it was Nacht Faust with a glower as sharp as a dagger.
“Grandfather.” The younger man stepped forward and closed the door behind him.
“Nacht.” Heinrich didn’t show it but his heartbeat became weak and unsure. Had he upset Josele that severely? And what about what Heinrich had said caused these reactions from his grandchildren? “I wanted to speak to Josele.”
“I think you’ve said enough to her.” Nacht adjusted his posture. He then grabbed Heinrich by the collar of his shirt. “Why didn’t you tell us your husband was the one to kill Morgen? Were you holding onto that information so you could share it and get a sick kick out of our reactions? What the hell were you thinking?”
“Pardon?” Heinrich blinked a couple of times. “Morgen? Who—?”
Nacht’s glare intensified as he interrupted to say, “My twin brother.” There was a pain in Nacht’s eyes as he spoke. “And Josele’s first love.” He took a breath, as if to steady himself. “He died in order to stop Lucifugus from being unleashed upon the human world.”
Heinrich felt his heart stop. He remembered a day, approximately ten years ago, when Lucifugus had been temporarily pulled from the Underworld only to be back moments later, grumbling a complaint of “being summoned only to be rejected.” Heinrich hadn’t thought much of it. But now… It had to be the same incident.
“I’m sorry,” was all that Heinrich could muster. “I had no idea… You two never said—”
“You never said anything either. So we’re all at fault in that department.” Nacht’s grip lessened until he’d fully let go of Heinrich, though his expression was still bitter. “Still, Lucifugus is part of why Morgen is dead.”
“I don’t think Lucifugus realized who you and Morgen were. Had he, he might’ve—”
“Hypotheticals like that do nothing for us in reality,” Nacht stated sharply. “Morgen has been dead for years and now Josele is a mess.”
“… I understand.” Heinrich took a moment to sigh. “Might I be allowed to speak with her?”
“To justify yourself being married to the devil who ruined her life?” accused Nacht, pressing his back to the bedroom door defensively. “Hell no.”
Heinrich and Nacht’s gazes met. There was anger and fear in Nacht’s eyes, one born from a loving protection over Josele. Heinrich didn’t look away, didn’t back down.
After a moment to think, Nacht sighed. He then opened the door.
The sight greeting Heinrich was that of Josele curled up on the bed with a dark, heavy aura around her. Heinrich walked in and took the chair from the desk to sit at the bedside. Nacht stayed by the doorway, letting Heinrich and Josele have their space while still being close enough to step in if necessary.
She flinched at Heinrich saying her name.
“Nacht told me, at least in part, what the matter was.” Heinrich clenched his hands on his knees. “It’s unfortunate that me reminiscing about my love turned into you mourning yours.”
Suddenly, Josele sat up and looked at Heinrich.
“No no no! That’s not it at all,” Josele uttered as tears streamed down her face. “I-it’s not Morgen. Well, it is a little— It’s more… that I…” She winced as another wave of sorrow overcame her. “I’m— I’m so sorry!” She furiously wiped away the tears as she fell. “It’s just, Lucifugus was involved with Morgen’s death… And I shouldn’t— I can’t—!”
“Oh child.” Heinrich placed a hand on Josele’s shoulder. When she looked at him through watery eyes, Heinrich used his other hand to brush her tears aside. “If you hate Lucifugus then I will learn to live with it. He is a devil after all. It’s to be expected.”
“I-it’s not just Lucifugus though,” Josele muttered while averting her eyes. “It’s the fact that you…” Her voice trailed off and she buried her face in her hands.
Heinrich tried to smile in reassurance but all he managed was a sad, pained half-smile.
“Do you hate me for who I love, Josele?” he asked quietly as he slowly moved his hand up and down her arm. “I certainly hope not. Because I’ve already grown quite fond of you as my granddaughter.”
“No… No I can’t. You’re so kind and wise a-and… I’m sorry…” Josele curled in on herself even more, pulling her knees to her chest. “You did nothing wrong and yet I just—” A sob came from Josele, as if ripped straight from her throat, cutting off her words.
Heinrich moved from the chair to sit beside Josele. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
“There, there. Let out all those tears, dear child,” whispered Heinrich, still stroking her arm. “It’s alright. No need to spare my feelings.”
“I’m not even mad at you…” Josele muttered into her hands. “I don’t even know what it is… I’m sorry.”
Heinrich could guess what it was in her heart. Heinrich had felt it before and felt it again on occasion. Cold betrayal and steadfast love simultaneously. When Heinrich discovered what his wife—his own first love—had done to their child and herself, he thought he would’ve hated her for it. Yet he was unable to. Because he still loved her, treasured all her good more than condemned her wrongs.
“All is forgiven. As far as I care, you did nothing wrong,” Heinrich said simply. “You learned a very unfortunate connection between the one you love and the one who took him away. To feel betrayed and confused is understandable. I wish I hadn’t caused you such distress but your reaction is very kind to me. You could’ve taken a great deal of anger out on me instead of fighting with yourself about how to feel.”
“I wish I didn’t have to figure out how I feel though,” Josele mumbled while lowering her hands to her lap. “Every time I think I can put it behind me, it comes back in a new way,” she mused. She leaned closer to Heinrich.
“Loss is like that. You can never truly forget it. However…” Heinrich let go of Josele then took one of her hands between his two. “So long as you have love in the present, you will surely be able to carry that loss with greater ease.”
“And what if I can never forgive Lucifugus?”
“I’ll make sure you two sit at different tables at the family reunion,” Heinrich said, finally being able to give a full-hearted grin.
“He wouldn’t get invited anyways,” Nacht remarked from the doorway.
Josele let out a laugh, albeit weak. She wiped away her tears once again, smiling at Heinrich as she did. Heinrich smiled back.
Just as he thought, Josele was a strong woman, not just physically but emotionally too. To some, a strong heart wouldn’t be carried away by emotion but Heinrich believed the opposite, that a powerful heart should be wild and overwhelming at times. It meant the person felt things fully and loved deeply.
Heinrich walked to his room with a smile on his face but a heaviness in his heart. Of course he couldn’t expect too much. But at least Josele could accept Heinrich as he was. To be able to meet his descendants was a gift he’d never expected and he didn’t want to lose the chance to know them, to connect. For the time being, he could be grateful that there was no loss.
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pearlymel · 1 month
"Do i look like i can work right now?"
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Summery : he's needy for you and he's not afraid to show it <3
wc : 2k
Warnings : NSFW, fem!reader, ōral (f! recieving), bit of dry humping, making out, protected sex. Petnames used (honey, love, sweetheart.) No plot.
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He was so done for.
Zayne exhaled shakily against your neck, his hands squeezing firmly at the dip of your waist for stability. He sounded needy, he looked needy, it's taking everything in him to not rip your nightgown off.
"You should be resting, but you occupy my every thought." He uttered in a hushed tone, but made no real effort to take you off his lap, instead pulling you even closer using his knee and burying his face on your chest.
"You're practically latched on me, Zayne." The words just rolled off your tongue it was almost infuriating.
Zayne wrapped one arm around your hips, keeping you firmly on his lap as the chair kept rocking back and forth with your combined weight. His other hand traveled up your back, up to your shoulder and neck, pulling you further down so he could nip at your collarbone with a sharp canine.
"You're one to talk, sweetheart. You're not being very cooperative with being treated properly, always gambling your life away—" he sounded frustrated, the last few words coming out in a low grumble.
You ignore his words, instead bringing your hand to playfully pinch at his earlobe before whispering, "is this how you usually treat your patients, doctor?"
"This is..." Unprofessional, he almost said, he knew well there wasn't anything professional about how he was acting with you at the moment. "...An exception."
He then continued to litter your skin with open-mouthed kisses, his hand trailing up to find your nape, tangling his fingers into your hair, playing with the textured strands.
"Is it because I'm that special someone?"
You really have no idea what kind of effect you had on him. Zayne's teeth grazed against your pulse point lightly, his tongue darting out for a brief taste of your skin. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't very affected by you.
"My special someone," he murmured, and can't help the low gasp that escapes his throat when you start rolling your hips against his, feeling himself going dizzy.
"M-my love," he protested weakly, a visible growing tent forming in his bathrobe, making it harder for him to stop himself from pulling you harder against his lap.
He grabbed you by the thighs and leaned back into the backrest, giving you less space to move but a better angle to straddle him instead. "Don't stop," you whisper next to his ear while you try to continue pushing yourself further into him that he had to suppress a moan.
Zayne was sensitive man, being pent up most of the time, so touch straved. "You're a terrible patient, you know that? Insatiable." He managed to get out.
"I'm a different kind of patient," you hum, trailing your fingertips along his visible bare skin of his chest.
He was going to combust if you didn't stop touching him like that.
"You're dangerous." he almost whimpered, his hands moving back to grip your hips, as if to steady them on his lap, but it took every ounce of his willpower not to grind them against his crotch.
God was he done, Zayne finally wrapped a hand around the back of your neck and pulled you back down for a crushing kiss. It was less of a kiss and more of a possessive mark, hungry and rough.
He wanted you, needed you, he couldn't get enough of you. His tongue delved into your mouth with a greedy swipe, tasting you, as if he was drowning in you and the only thing keeping him alive was your kiss alone.
His breathing grew erratic as his hands slid down from your hips, grabbing the backs of your thighs and squeezing at the flesh, pressing you more firmly against his lap so his obvious hardened cock was rubbing between your legs.
Your sounds were unforgettable, Zayne could never forget them, the gasps and small whimpers of pleasure. He was already gone.
"Goddamn it..." he cursed hoarsely against your mouth, his hands clenching tighter under your thighs, guiding your motions on his lap before bucking up roughly, letting out a quiet groan of his own in the process.
"such a foul mouth, doctor,"
"Don't push it," he grumbled, lifting you up to his waist, "Push it?" You ask while wrapping your arms around his neck as he walked you to his room, and upon the realization, tap on his shoulder, "wasn't i supposed to rest—"
"That doesn't mean you can't rest after, does it?" he responded, moving over to the edge of the bed before slowly lowering you down onto the sheets, his body caging you in between his arms and legs, his form hovering over you.
He wasted no time sliding his hand underneath your silky nightgown to feel your skin, pulling the fabric above your head, guiding your arms up.
Zayne was a weak, weak man. Weak for seeing you like this, glossy eyes, lips slightly swollen from his kiss and the way your chest rose and fell heavily with every breath. Just being able to see you like this alone was a privilege.
He let his hands roam over the curve of your stomach, "so pretty," he muttered, his eyes raking over your form.
He leaned down to graze your neck with a trail of open-mouthed kisses, his lips lingering and nipping the skin, he then slowly traveled down your collarbone and to the valley of your chest, his fingers fiddling with the clasp of your bra the entire time.
"Lift your hips." he commanded quietly, sending a shiver down your spine and heat pooling down as you obliged to his words.
The last thing on you, and Zayne was pulling the fabric out from underneath you, throwing the bra somewhere on the floor, his eyes dark as he raked his gaze over your soft mounds, "I'm never getting tired of this view." he whispered breathlessly, Upon holding your wrists down and claiming your lips again, it was impossible to not be sent into the next cardiac arrest.
Well good think your doctor is always here to tend to you.
"I've.. missed you,"
How was he supposed to hold back when you sounded like that? Your voice coming out in a low, needy whisper that drove him over the edge.
"You need me." he groaned, releasing your wrists so both his hands could run down your sides, hooking his fingers into the waistband of your panties before giving the fabric a tug. He reached over, grabbing one of your legs and hooking your knee over his shoulder before pressing a gentle kiss on the inside of your knee, He continued to make a trail kisses up your thigh until he reached right infront of your wet folds.
Zayne looked up when your hand came in contact with his hair while letting out a shuddering breath and a whisper of his name, your gazes heated as he moved his head further down to your core, using one hand to keep your thigh pinned over his shoulder before his eyes fixated on your clit, leaning down to kiss it.
You gasp. His tongue flicked out, tasting you, before he began to suck on your clit, his fingers trailing up to play with your hardened nipples, rolling and pinching them gently with his thumb and forefinger. He hummed when you start squirming, his tongue skillfully flicking and rolling around the bundle of nerves, Zayne didn't stop at just your clit, though.
He trailed his tongue lower, teasing your entrance, and you couldn't help but tug at his hair, hips coming to slowly grind against his face. "Stay still, you're doing well," he praised, his voice low and soft, you best know he's trying so hard not to rut against the mattress from how achy he felt. His tongue sliding in and out, coating it with your arousal. You could feel yourself getting closer, the pressure building up inside you.
And you think you might pass out when he starts sucking down. It was hard to stay still when you're so close to orgasm, that it was making your head blank, eyes half-lidded and heavy breaths coming out of your lips as you arch your back when you taste the sweet pleasure of your release.
Zayne lifted his head from between your legs, licking his lips appreciatively and giving your stomach a few fluttering kisses. "You okay there, honey?" He asked in a low, hoarse voice as he watched how your eyes were still half lidded, and how your draped your arm over your face.
You only nod in return, letting out a low "Mhm,"
He couldn't wait until he was on his knees positioned between your legs, throwing his bathrobe off from his body before reaching down to his painfully hard cock, stroking once, twice, and he had to stop himself because he could most definitely jerk off just by looking at your face, especially when you're naked like this.
Zayne swallowed thickly, shaking his head to himself from any other thoughts before reaching over to the nightstand and grabbing a condom, tearing it between his teeth then rolling it on himself, making sure it was on securely before moving between your legs.
He pressed the head of his cock against your entrance, staring into your eyes, waiting for you to give him the go-ahead. You nodded, your eyes still heavy with need, and he slowly pushed into you, his cock filling you up inch by inch.
Your jaw hanged, your body adjusting to him, your walls gripping his shaft. He continued to thrust in slowly, "you're the only thing..." He panted breathlessly into your neck, "the only thing i need in my life—" and he continued to rock against you with his thrusts slow and deep.
Zayne was taking his time now, slowly and with intent, he wanted to show you how much this moment means to him, how much you mean to him, how everytime you both have sex, it would feel like the first time every single time.
He lifted his head so that he could look at your face more clearly, his hands running over your sides, tracing the curves and the softness of your body, his fingers touching your skin as if to burn the feel of you into his memory.
His hand then trailed to your left wrist, taking your hand into his to interlace your fingers together, while his thumb brushed over the empty spot on your ring finger.
He internally cursed at himself for not getting you that ring he saw when he was on the way to the hospital. The beautiful gem resting on the window display, calling for him even.
Why didn't he just get it so he could make sure no one would ever look your way when they get the hint of the shiny ring sitting at your left ring finger?
Zayne then picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming harder and faster, your voice growing louder, accompanied by his frustrated grunts.
He could feel himself getting close, his thrusts becoming more erratic, "Come on, my love," he urged you desperately, "a-ah, Zayne—!" With a loud moan, you came, your body shaking and your legs convulsing around his waist.
He followed right after, slamming deep into you, his cock pulsing as he came, filling the condom with his hot seed. He held you close, both of your breathings heavy, taking a moment to hold you both close before slowly pulling out to dispose of the condom.
"Still have enough energy for cuddles?"
"Mm, I'd want nothing more than cuddles right now."
A smile formed on his face at your words, gently shifting himself back on the bed so that he was beside you, pulling you into his arms.
He wrapped his arms around you, and he let out a content sigh, his fingers tracing idle patterns on your skin, his head in the crook of your neck again, inhaling the scent of you, and he realized that he could stay like this forever. "Just a bit more before i clean both of us up.."
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nanaslutt · 5 months
Thinking about inexperienced Choso accidentally doing the knee thing during a makeout sesh
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ʚ cont: afab reader, making out, dry humping, sexual tension, dirty talk, teasing, first time orgasming (Choso), cumming untouched, cumming in pants (Choso and reader)
You lay back against Choso's hard chest, his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around your torso as you lay on your bed together, catching up on some show the two of you have been watching. After watching about 4 or 5 consecutive episodes, the familiar "Are you still watching?" question showed on the screen, making you sigh.
"Whoever created this idea sucks, of course I'm still watching." You mumbled under your breath, beginning to lean your body off of Choso's to reach for the remote. Little did you know, Choso had been aching to kiss you all day. He knew the two of you usually ended up sharing kisses when you were alone like this, and each time it happened only increased his neediness for the next time you were together as he began to expect it as he did now.
Choso kept his arms tightly wrapped around your torso, preventing you from leaning forward. You were jolted back against his chest, your eyes going wide when you realized you were stuck. A smile grew on your face when Choso plopped his forehead down on your shoulder, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he blushed furiously, hoping you would catch on to what he wanted so he didn't have to say it.
You turned your head to face him and cupped his neck with your warm hand, pressing his face against you. "Cho, how am I meant to move when you hold onto me so tightly, huh?" You teased, pressing a soft kiss to his temple. Choso's eyebrows furrowed against your skin when he felt the familiar touch of your lips on him. He tentatively raised his head and looked into your eyes, his cheeks already a deep crimson red, eyebrows furrowed in a desperate look.
You kept your hand on his warm neck, feeling his pulse race under your fingertips. You smiled and licked your lips, staring back and forth between his eyes. Choso's breath was already picking up as the tension began to grow between the two of you. Choso swallowed hard as he looked between your eyes and your plush lips, looking like they were begging to be kissed. 
You leaned in ever so slightly, lips grazing against his, your body feeling hot when his arms tightened around your body as you did so. "Tell me what you want Choso." You whispered, your hot breath tickling his lips. Choso's lips were parted slightly expectantly, his breathing now more audible. "I wanna kiss." He replied, his fingers curling into your shirt that covered your stomach. 
You bit your lip, your nose tapping against his as you continued to tease him. "Yeah? You wanna kiss me?" You whispered, turning your head to the side as you readied yourself. Choso's eyes fluttered softly as he nodded, his eyelids already feeling heavy even without touching you. Choso let out a noise of surprise when you pressed your lips against his. His thighs twitched ever so slightly with the need to press his legs together, but you were between them, so he couldn't.
Choso felt his brain turn to mush as you massaged your lips against his, soft barely there sounds getting caught in your throat making him go crazy. Choso never broke the connection even when he released your body in his arms and slowly slid out from behind you, maneuvering your body so you were against the pillows he was just laying against. They were warm with his body heat, feeling welcoming as Choso placed himself between your thighs, on top of you.
Your chest rose and fell heavily as he dragged his large hands up and down your body, your shirt riding up as he played with your sides, touching you everywhere he could. Choso loved kissing, the sensation of his lips intertwining against yours combined with the feel of your body and the sounds you made when you kissed him took over his brain completely, trampling over and pushing out any and all other thoughts.
You wrapped your legs around his waist instinctually, making Choso whine at how good your body felt against him. His hands itched with the need to touch you higher up each time he caressed your torso. Your chest rose and fell heavily against him, your back slightly arching off the bed each time he overpowered his tongue with yours, making you feel dizzy.
Choso was a bit shy when it came to intimate activities, up until he was actively participating in them, then his instincts took over and he became more confident. You and Choso had been dating for a few months and had never gone past heavy petting and kissing, but you would be lying if you said your body didnt ache to go further with him.
You placed your hands on his shoulders and slowly slid them around to his back, grabbing the nape of his neck with one hand while your other disappeared under the collar of the back of his shirt. Choso's eyes rolled back in his sockets at the touch, even though his eyes were closed. He felt that same familiar ache build itself up deep in his stomach, and the position he was in was giving him no relief.
His pelvis was close to being pressed against yours, but it wasn't, leaving his unknowingly throbbing cock to twitch against the confines of his boxers with little to no friction. You lightly raked your nails over the skin of his back, feeling his hard muscles under your hands as the kiss increased in fervor, getting more intense. 
Choso took it upon himself to adjust his position a bit, sliding one of his legs to the side a bit so his pelvis was against the bed and the underside of your thigh. You smiled against Choso's lips, feeling how needy his tongue was getting against yours. You were caught off guard when you felt a strong thigh press firmly against your cunt, making your lips separate from his in an embarrassingly loud whine. 
Choso stopped kissing you to look at your expression, worried he might've hurt you. With furrowed eyebrows and a fucked out expression, you reached both hands between your bodies and pressed them agaisnt his thigh, trying to ignore how hard you were throbbing against his leg. "I'm sorry, are you okay?" Choso gasped, not yet realizing what had happened. 
"Choso, your knee." You whined out breathlessly, pressing against his thigh again, silently begging for him to let up before you lost control. You were already holding back enough. Choso's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked between your bodies to see his thigh tightly against your cunt, and your hands pressing above where you were connected. 
Choso immediately pulled his leg back and apologized, slotting his leg back to its original position. You saw the muscles in his jaw bulge out under the weight of his teeth as he looked away in embarrassment, worried he had ruined the mood. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.. touch you there." Choso apologized, darting his eyes back over to yours every so often.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him against your shoulder, forcing his head to be buried in the crook of your neck. This abrupt action surprised Choso, he placed his hands on your hips and waited for you to speak, focusing on how loud your heart was beating against him. "No, it's okay. It.. it felt good." You whispered, turning your head against his ear, your lips grazing his skin.
Choso felt that same familiar heat build-up in his tummy again at your confession, it was getting unbearable. This is usually where the two of you stopped when he felt a little too worked up for his own good. But this time, he didn't want to stop, he wanted to see where this would go. "It felt... good?" He questioned, staring at the bedsheets in front of him as he lay on your shoulder.
You nodded, pressing a kiss to the shell of his ear that sent a shiver down his spine. "You can put it back if you want." You suggested, making Choso shut his eyes and take a deep breath. He didn't know much about pleasuring others or even himself, but he knew the type of "good" you were talking about was much like the one he felt when he pressed his crotch against the sheets, or your leg when you kissed.
Choso pulled his head up from your shoulder and brought his face agaisnt yours, a hair length away from your lips. You grabbed his face and looked into his eyes for a moment before you pulled him against you by his cheeks, forcing your lips together in a kiss. The kiss was just as needy and hasty as before as the two of you opened your mouth against one another in a sloppy makeout. 
Choso swallowed hard before he started moving his leg again, trying to remember the position he had it in. When you felt his thick thigh press against your throbbing clit again, you gasped into his mouth, a sound he eagerly swallowed up, his face growing redder at the sound.
You felt dizzy as your back arched against him, your hands once again wrapping around his neck for support. You squeezed your legs around his thigh and relished in the feeling of your clit getting stimulated from the pressure alone. Choso could feel he felt something twitch against his leg, but he had no idea what it could be, all he knew was that it made his own problem feel ten times worse.
Choso started kissing you more intensely, his own cock being stimulated against the sheet and the underside of your leg once more. You whimpered into his mouth, your hips twitching agaisnt him, ever so slightly rubbing your cunt against his leg. "This feels really good." Choso gasped into your mouth, feeling the heat in his tummy boil up within him.
You nodded, making a sound of agreement into his mouth. You felt like you were seconds away from cumming, you couldn't believe how aroused you were. Your whole body burned with pleasure and arousal as you sloppily kissed into Choso's mouth, the kiss being more tongue and teeth than anything.
You felt that familiar pressure build up in your abdomen, making your thighs twitch and your body curl against him. Choso increases the pace of his kissing, his lips now moving jerkily and unceremoniously against your thigh. "Choso-" You whined against his lips, both of you now panting and whining into the other's mouth. Choso felt like something was going to happen, and he didn't want to stop, he needed to feel whatever this was leading to.
His fingers dug into your hips as his lips started parting against yours, as did your own against his. Both of your moans and pants grew silent as you gasped against the other's mouth. It was only still for a moment before the two of you came crashing down. Your body shook with pleasure as you came in your panties, your abdomen curling in against Choso and twitching as you orgasmed on his thigh.
Choso's head fell into the crook of your neck as he came, hot spurts of cum being released into his pants. With each rope of cum he released, his hips would cant involuntarily against your own. Choso groaned and gasped against you, his head going numb as sheer, white pleasure wracked through his entire body and overwhelmed all of his senses. 
The two of you gasped and whined heavily as you came down from your highs, fighting to catch your breath and recover. Your bodies were limp against each other, but you still held each other tight, not wanting to separate just yet. "That felt so... so good," Choso whined into your neck, a shiver wracking down his spine. You nodded against his shoulder, raking your hands through his messy hair. "Uh-huh...so good." You replied, equally as fucked out as you nodded dumbly, breathing heavily with Choso's full weight resting against your body.
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never changing [ five hargreeves x reader ]
a/n: hi y’all! it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been on here, but after the absolute shit show that season 4 was, some sparks ignited in me to write up anything to take my mind off it 🙌
its not anything crazy, just fluff and banter since i haven’t written anything in years so it may be as poorly redacted as this season lmao
summary: five and y/n attend their niece birthday party together, yet separate
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“Happy birthday, little Gracie!” You smiled widely, trying not to drop the wrapped present box as the six year old girl jumped into your arms, “Oh my gosh, look at you! You’re just getting prettier by day, aren’t you?”
You had just got off work in a hurry to make your appearance at the little girl’s birthday party at a decent time, in spite of the amount of paperwork you managed to bury yourself in lately. You knew how much it would have meant for the celebrated one to show up and you couldn’t bear to let her down, especially on her birthday.
After spending most of your life working for the Commission, and then a decent amount of time exhausting yourself in trying to stop multiple Apocalypses, your last six years have been pretty quiet as a lawyer. You really wanted to get out of the whole assassin thing, but at the same time couldn’t exactly move on from the thrill of the work field. Your career as a lawyer took off really well these past years, but inevitably it came along with the cost of always being stuck at work, so whenever your niece got the chance to see you, she was truly enthusiastic.
“Auntie Y/N!” She wrapped her tiny arms around your neck, engulfing you into a tight hug, “You are here!”
Nonetheless, these six years have been truly and undeniably the most peaceful time of your life for as long as you could remember.
“You literally saw each other the other day,” Five raised a brow, watching you and the celebrated one act as if you hadn’t seen each other in years.
You and the little girl shared a look, before rolling your eyes and turning to glare at the man next to you. Ever since Grace learned how to talk, you and her would gang up on her uncle for your amusement, especially since he was so keen on entertaining the banter.
These past six year have gone by in the blink of an eye, yet at the same time at a slow and steady pace. You spent most of your time working anyway, but still kept in touch with the seven siblings you’d grown to love.
Some in different ways than others.
“Uncle Five, you’re always more excited than me to see Aunt Y/N,” Gracie waved him off, making you burst out laughing, “Jealousy isn’t a good look on you anyway.”
“What is a good look on him anyway?” You smirked, making the little girl laugh, as Five swept her into his arms;
“Okay, munchkin, it’s your birthday today, but tomorrow I’m going back to bullying you,” He joked, causing you both to laugh, before the two shared a hug before you, “You’re lucky your gift has no return policy.”
The party had already started by the time you made it there. The playground was huddled by other kids around Grace’s age, along with their parents. The music was playing loudly over the laughter of children and you were pretty sure that most of the family had already arrived. It was not the most ideal gathering, but you tried your best to keep in touch with most of the family to your best capabilities.
“Y/N, I’m so glad you could make it!” Luther smiled, appearing from the crowd of guests, immediately giving you a big hug as his niece was still wrapped around Five, “Haven’t seen you since Thanksgiving!”
“Big shot lawyer doesn’t always have the time to stay in touch with family, huh?” Diego teased you, following suit, as you rolled your eyes, dropping off his daughter’s gift in his hands.
“Big shot delivery driver doesn’t know the phone works both ways, huh?” You smirked, putting your hands on your hips.
Diego laughed out loud as he gave you a hug, always in the mood for a back and forth short banter with you. After all, you truly were family, even if you didn’t always have the time to be present in the Hargreeves’ day to day lives. You may have met them in the original timeline in 2019, when you accidentally time traveled with your former partner at the Commission, Five, but after all you’ve been through, you didn’t need to have grown up together or be blood related to be considered that. And you truly were grateful for each and every single one of them, in spite of the many differences over the years.
After everything that’s happened six years ago at Hotel Oblivion, everyone went their separate ways. Allison was back with her daughter while trying to further her acting career and also help Klaus stay on the sober line, Viktor had moved to Canada where he opened a bar, Diego and Lila had three kids, Luther was “professionally dancing”, Ben had some run-ins with the law and Five, ironically enough, was working for the CIA.
“Well, you two are as annoying as always,” Ben told you and his brother, making Diego roll his eyes as he walked towards the gift table to set down your present.
“Please try to stay out of prison at least for the remainder of the year,” You joked with the man, making him roll his eyes as he hugged you loosely, “There’s only so much favors I could owe the DA.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Ben groaned, “I don’t even know why they let you work at the law firm since you still look like a prepubescent with no boobs. Even Five got a growth spurt.”
“I sized up to B recently, thank you very much,” You nudged his shoulder, before placing your hands on your chest in an offended manner.
“Okay, Gracie, not a conversation you’d wanna hear,” Five spoke up, putting his niece down, “Your aunt needs to learn some etiquette on how to act around children.”
“Funny coming from you,” You couldn’t help but wave him off.
You didn’t come in with Five at the party, but as fate had it, you did run into him as you were parking your car. He had just gone out to his brother’s dusty van to bring inside some more cookies for the guests. You kept in touch with him as well, but not as often as you would have liked. It’s not all that serious, but given the fact that you were a lawyer still climbing your way to the top and him being a top notch CIA agent, you didn’t exactly have the time to hang out.
At least, not as much as you’d have liked.
Five was watching you with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, and his hands in his pockets. He had the same look on his face as always when watching you. He had the same smile when he saw you in combat for the first time during your first mission for the Commission together, the same look in his eyes when you appeared for the first time in 2019 alongside him in your teen bodies. The same posture he had when he met you again in 1963 after months of not seeing each other.
He wore the same love on his face while looking at you when you and the siblings split up after the events at Oblivion.
And never once did you notice that.
Not once in these past six years you let your feelings surface.
“You know Grace is my niece too, right?” He couldn’t drop the small smile even if he wanted to.
“Since when are you such a family man?” You raised a brow, trying to keep a confident composure.
“Oh, something changed in me between the first and third time I traded the world for my siblings,” He lightly shrugged his shoulders, making you roll your eyes at the sarcastic remark.
You two never changed.
“Please, I was there for the twins birth,” You waved him off.
You rarely see Five, and even when you do you always try to act normal, as you do around the rest of the Hargreeves. Everyone tried to get you two together at first, since the apocalypse was over and there was no reason for you to not get together, right?
You really wished it was that easy. In hindsight, maybe it was. But you couldn’t take any chances in losing Five forever if something were to go wrong. Maybe some would see it as something stupid, or as if you wasted so many years, but to you- mentally, you were almost seventy, while physically nineteen. You had so much time ahead of you now, all that mattered was to get a stable career first.
Five let a chuckle escape, shaking his head in disbelief, as he looked at the floor for a couple of seconds. When he looked back at you, you tried to keep your composure. You couldn’t help but feel pathetic that after all these years, your heart still skipped a beat whenever he’d look at you.
“You’re doing that thing again where you forget that some other people are still around, guys,” Luther raised his hand, grabbing your attention once again.
“I got bored of watching seventy year old virgins,” Ben shrugged his shoulders, “I’m gonna go get shitfaced.”
“Always a delight seeing you, Benjamin,” Five said, as Luther followed the ex-tentacle boy suit to make re he was not about to actually get drunk;
“This is a six year old’s birthday party!”
You giggled, watching the two brothers speed away while arguing amongst the kids in the crowd. When your eyes laid back on Five, who was intently watching you, you couldn’t help but feel a small blush creep its way in your cheeks.
“Spit it out, Hargreeves.”
“I said it’s nothing!”
“Fuck you.”
You watched him dumbfounded for a couple of seconds because of the only answer he could come up with, before walking away, hoping he would follow you.
When he did try to keep up with you, you looked away to hide the proud smile. Even after all these years, things were still the same with him. He was still so eager to spend time with you, he was still smiling at you and entertaining your conversation.
“Aunt Y/N, Uncle Five, come play in the ball pit!” Gracie ushered you from afar, already tucked in the plastic colorful balls.
“You heard the birthday girl!” You smiled, grabbing his hand to drag Five after you.
Even after all these years he would instantly lock his fingers with yours.
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cutieln4 · 2 months
Fuck It I Love You | LN4
lando norris x reader, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff
summary: lando and y/n seem to absolutely hate each other until a dangerous situation reveals the truth
warnings: drink spiking, threats of sexual assault (nothing graphic, someone tries to take her home)
For some reason, Lando and her never got along. It stemmed from when they were karting together, all the way until they both got to Formula 1.
Now, at ages 21 and 23, they drove for rival teams and were always going wheel to wheel.
Monza wasn't any different.
Max and Charles were far in front, but she and Lando were fighting over the last podium place. They were switching back and forth until on the last lap, she maybe pushed him a bit too far on one of the last corners, securing 3rd place.
He approached her when she was making her way back from the post-race press conference, on her way to the media pen.
"What the fuck was that?" he demanded.
She shrugged, smirking. "Not quite sure what you're talking about."
"Oh don't play dumb. That was dirty racing on the last lap and you know it."
"I don't see how it's any different from what you did to me in Austria, or last year at Silverstone."
She could see his jaw clench, and she knew she got him.
"Maybe keep your talking on the track," she told him before he could reply, walking away.
That night she was at the club celebrating with a couple of the other drivers. She was pretty close with Max, Charles, Oscar, and Daniel. It made things a bit awkward with them when she and Lando were really going at it because they were all good friends with Lando too. But whatever, it was mostly fine.
She had been dancing and throwing back drinks until she forgot about her and Lando's feud. She's also pretty sure the other drivers got some embarrassing videos of her. Her current drink was eventually empty and she stumbled away to the bar, not telling anyone.
She waved the bartender over to ask for another drink, tipping them $20. If it weren't for the alcohol in her system, she would've flinched when a man suddenly appeared at her side. It was crowded by the bar, and he was pressing right against her.
"Hey baby, let me buy you a drink."
"That's alright, I already have one," she politely declined, hoping he would just leave her alone.
"Oh come on, don't be like that honey."
She twisted her neck around to try to spot the other drivers and when she did, she grabbed her drink and left. The man luckily didn't follow.
Halfway through her drink, she started noticing that something was wrong. Her head was spinning way more than it should be, she was sweating like crazy, nauseous, and her body felt heavy.
"I'm going to the bathroom," she slurred out to Max before stumbling away.
She didn't make it far before she was grabbing onto the wall to keep herself up. She knew at the moment that something was terribly wrong. She most likely had her drink spiked, and now she was separated from her group and incapacitated.
A hand grabbed her arm and she looked up. Her vision was too blurry to make out any features, but she knew it wasn't one of the drivers.
"You okay, babe? Let me help you."
"N-No, m' good, leav' me 'lone."
She tried to escape his grip, but she could barely move, her strength was completely gone. The man wrapped his whole arm around her waist, supporting her as he walked her out of the club while she tried to protest.
The cold, fresh air felt good when it hit her, but then she remembered what situation she was in. The man was dragging her along more roughly now.
"Stop, 'lease, I don' wanna go with you," her pleading sounded more and more like pathetic whimpers falling on unheard ears.
He just kept walking down the street, gripping her so hard there'd probably be bruises.
"Don't, please, leave me 'lone," she whined, eyes welling up with tears as she tried to escape his grip again.
He suddenly shoved her face-first into a building, rough concrete scraping her arms and face, and she fell to the ground.
"Shut up and don't move!" he hissed.
He yanked her back up and dragged her along.
"No, no, please, stop," she cried, nearly sobbing. She was scared, she couldn't feel anything, and she was completely separated from anyone she knew while some strange man was leading her somewhere.
"Hey!" another voice suddenly yelled, about 5 meters behind them. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Whoever this person was, they sounded pissed.
"Nothing man, mind your business," the man next to her said.
"No, I won't mind my fucking business. Let go of her before I smash your face in."
The man scoffed, trying to continue walking.
"I warned you," the other man said before suddenly she fell to the ground and she heard a thud of skin-on-skin contact, before a groan.
She was on the ground, leaning her back against the wall while her head drooped to the side. She couldn't see much, but she could hear the punching continue.
"Stop, stop, man, I'm sorry!"
"Oh yeah? Did you listen to her when she asked you to stop?"
Eventually, it went quiet, and there were footsteps in her direction. The man who saved her crouched down in front of her and put his hands on her cheeks, supporting her head. It was then that her vision cleared up a bit, and she realized who the person was.
"Lando?" she asked, voice slurring.
"Yeah, it's me. I got you."
She started sobbing, trembling hands gripping his jacket as he wrapped her in a hug, letting her cry into his chest.
"Shh, it's okay, I'm here. It's okay, you're safe now," he whispered to her as he rubbed her back.
"I-I was so, so scared," she cried.
"I know, I know. I got you."
Lando then used one hand to fish out his phone, calling the police. They waited while the police showed up, him trying to keep her awake.
When the police arrived, one of the officers arrested the unconscious man on the ground while the other rode with them in the ambulance to take their statements. Y/n never let go of Lando's hand once.
The hospital kept her overnight for observation after making sure whatever drug she was spiked with wasn't lethal, and collecting evidence and taking pictures of her injuries. She had finally given in to unconsciousness, and Lando was sitting next to her, holding her hand.
It was only when everything was a little settled down that he saw that she had nearly 100 missed calls from various drivers. Shit, he forgot about that.
He opened up his phone and called Daniel.
"Hey, man I can't talk right now," Daniel said right away, sounding panicked.
"Hold on—"
"Actually, do you by chance know where Y/n is?"
"Yeah, about that, I'm in the hospital—"
"What? What happened? Are you okay?"
"Can you let me finish my sentence? I'm with Y/n. She was drugged and I saw her on the street. Some man was dragging her with him, and she was clearly asking him to leave her alone. Anyway, she's a little banged up, but she's okay, nothing happened. They're just keeping her overnight for observation."
Daniel let out a big sigh of relief, said something to someone next to him, and then turned back to the phone.
"Thank fuck, we've been trying to find her for hours. Thank you, Lando, seriously. I can't imagine if you hadn't been there. What hospital is she at?"
After telling him where they were, he hung up. 
Lando sighed, leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes as he reflected on what the hell just happened. 
Y/n shifted in front of him, and he immediately sat up straight. 
"Lando?" she mumbled, voice hoarse and still half-asleep. 
"Yeah, it's me. I'm here. Do you remember what happened?"
She paused, but then her face crumpled, and she nodded. 
"It's okay, it's okay, don't cry," he soothed. 
"You saved me. I thought you would've just let him take me."
Lando's eyebrows furrowed, stomach twisting just at the thought.
"Why would you think that?"
"You hate me," she muttered, eyes looking down. 
"I don't," he paused, hesitating. "I don't hate you at all. I...I didn't plan on ever telling you this, but I really like you. You're funny, you're witty, you're kind, you're fearless, you never back down from a challenge, and I love all those things about you. And I know you probably want nothing to do with me and you hate my guts, but I just need to get it off my chest―"
"―Lando, just shut up and kiss me. I like you too, idiot."
Lando grinned, showing the gap between his front two teeth that she always loved, and leaned down to connect their lips. 
"Do you think people would get suspicious if we stopped being mean to each other?" he asked.
"Probably. We should just hard launch."
"I don't think our PR teams would appreciate that."
Later, when Daniel made it to the hospital, he was extremely surprised to see the two of them cuddled up together. He just had to take a picture.
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wholoveseggs · 6 months
Also I need a major size difference one shot. I’m talking princess treatment, belly bulging, Elijah just being able to pick up the reader like it’s nothing. Maybe standing sex
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18+ ---- {Masterlist} {Tag-List}
You and Elijah have a night of kinky fun.
♡♡ Thanks for the request @elijahmikaelsonsboy !! & anon(s) - this is the wildest thing I've written (except maybe any of my poly works) - this also goes out to the anon who asked for spanking! I see you and I appreciate you! enjoy ♡♡
5.1k words - Warnings: this is pure 100% pulp free smut, dom!elijah, sub!reader, size!kink, daddy!kink, choking, some serious spanking, lots of praise & a little punishment, tinsy bit of bdsm, ice play, oral sex, face fucking, squirting... Elijah being sweetheart even while being dom ♡
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"Eli- I don't know," you whispered as his large hands gripped your waist tightly, keeping you underneath him. He was so big and broad that when he held you, there was no way you could squirm out from under him, even if you wanted to.
"What's wrong?" his warm breath fanned across the nape of your neck, eliciting goosebumps in their wake. He slowly pulled off the delicate bra you had put on that morning, exposing you completely for him. He loved it when you were bare underneath him; all shy and submissive.
You gave him a nervous look, all wide eyed and fidgety. "My-" you cut yourself off and your cheeks blushed in a fiery red blush. He took your hand and gave it a squeeze, encouraging you to speak. He knew how hard it was to sometimes get a sentence out. You were so shy and sweet, new to the whole submission thing. But Elijah, the softie that he was, loved to shower you with so much attention and care. So he kissed along your collarbone and rubbed along your sides, making you giggle shyly.
"It's okay, princess," his voice cooed along your sensitive skin, the pet name doing wonders in giving you an extra bit of encouragement. "I just wanna know what you're worried about."
You pushed down the urge to bury your face in his neck to avoid the topic completely and spoke up a little more confidently. "Your um... you're really..." you sighed in mild frustration at how bad you were at this whole talking thing. The fact that his intense eyes were watching your every move didn't help you either. But, with a soft, warm hand placed at your thigh, he helped ground you again, calming your mind enough to actually talk.
"You're just... so big... a-and I-" his eyes widened at what you were implying. This would definitely be fun. 
"Is my love worried I'll be too much for you?" he questioned as his fingers grazed against your wet panties. "Hmm? My fingers are a lot thicker than yours, baby."
You whined as his fingertips rubbed back and forth so gently along the material. It wasn't nearly enough friction to get you off. "Yeah," your chest rose and fell with uneven breaths. "You're the biggest I've ever had."
He leaned closer, his fingers moving the flimsy material aside. "Are you afraid I'll be too rough? Or hurt you?" His voice was so low and hot against you that the small vibrations of his deep voice were enough to make you arch against him. But Elijah kept your back against the bed, trapping you so you wouldn't wiggle too much.
"Just a little," you confessed. You're never had rough, really kinky sex. So it was a pretty big jump.
"If it gets too much, just say stop." His smile was warm and kind, giving you all of the comfort in the world. It's not like you didn't trust him completely and fully, you were just nervous about having his entire cock in your tiny little pussy.
You gave him a timid little nod, urging him to keep going. Your chest felt light and fluttery, and the dull throb in between your legs was getting stronger.
"I'm going to take my time, just for you," he peppered warm, soft kisses along your tummy, stopping at the waistband of the thin, silky thong you decided to wear just for the occasion. "No rush whatsoever. This is all for you and no one else.” 
He slowly stripped your bottoms off until there was nothing left to take off. Then he pulled back and stood up, you reached out towards him but he only smiled reassuringly.
 "Be right back, keep your legs open," his demand was quiet but very effective as you obediently spread them apart so he could have a full view of what belongs to him and only him.
Once he left his bedroom, you began to relax once more, trusting Elijah to take care of you. He wouldn't dare leave you unsatisfied; and if something got too much, he would know, even when he was giving you commands.
You laid still, wondering what was taking him so long until your head picked up once more at the sound of the door opening and closing. Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip when his form reappeared, holding something in his right hand. 
A bowl of ice.
"Yes, angel?"
His endearing nickname made your chest tighten with so much warmth. It also brought another kind of heat to the space right in between your thighs.
Elijah kneeled, one hand caressing your right thigh as the other grabbed a cube and began to slowly roll it along your navel, eliciting shivers to travel across your back at the cold sensation. He simply smiled and continued to let the freezing cube trace along your stomach, enjoying every movement that made you squeak and twitch.
He put it back in the bowl and slowly pulled off his tie, looking as breathtakingly attractive as ever. You knew what this meant and you immediately put your wrists above your head, grinning up at this beautiful man you were so lucky to call yours.
Once he had tied your wrists and made sure they weren't too tight and you weren't uncomfortable at all, his thumb brushed along your lower lip. His touch was warm and careful, the way you liked it the best.
"Look at you," he sounded absolutely entranced by you; eyes gazing all over your form. The bed dipped a bit under his weight as he rested over you once more, his body casting a shadow that almost covered all the light. "So gorgeous... so amazing," his praises filled your head with pure honey, turning everything warm and lovely.
"Keep your eyes closed," he pressed an ice cube along your breasts, leaving a burning trail behind it. You whimpered and shuddered as the cold made goosebumps rise on your body and caused your nipples to pucker into little, sensitive buds. It was quickly warmed by his mouth, but the sensation still shocked you, causing a rush of pleasure to flood between your thighs.
The ice was melting with all of the body heat. Droplets of melted water rolled down along your sides and soaked into the blankets beneath your naked body. More water dripped right down the center of your neck, his lips trailing after it and slowly lapped at your skin. His lips were warm, soothing the sharp sting from the frozen cube.
You struggled in your restraints, the sensations a little overwhelming and just- so damn good. You had never been teased and played with like this before, it made you feel a sort of freedom that you had no idea you were missing. You wanted him so badly that it made your legs tremble. And the fact that your eyes were closed just heightened everything else. You could feel him smiling against your skin, loving how responsive your body was to his touches.
The hand not holding the melting piece of ice traced along your right side, skimming down the curves of your body until it reached your lower stomach. Making you squirm a little at how ticklish your lower stomach was.
The ice cube rested above the apex of your thighs, the water dripping down your pussy lips until it touched along the entrance of your slit.
"Eli," you whispered, trying to keep your eyes closed just like he asked you to. It was so tempting to open them, to see him looming over you while using the freezing ice cube against your burning and needy body. "Please... stop teasing.."
He seemed satisfied at the desperation lacing your sweet voice, chucking the ice back into the bowl so he could move on to the next phase.
"Look at me," the deepness of his voice snapped your eyes open and you could hardly breathe at the raw desire swirling in his dark eyes. They looked absolutely glazed over with want, yet still maintaining their sharp edges.  
"Eyes on me the entire time," he whispered, his middle finger eased into you, not stopping until he was completely buried in your heat. You pulled on your restraints, wanting to wrap your arms around his shoulders but he tied them well, just how he likes them.
He chuckled at your struggle, moving his fingers agonizingly slow in and out of you. "Something tells me that if I untied your wrists right now," he continued to pump them in and out, watching intently at how you couldn't stop your tiny cries from escaping. It was clear that he was driving you crazy, you couldn't hide the trembles or the tugs at his restraints. "You would reach down and start touching yourself... would you like that?"
Your face turned so hot it made you feel dizzy. Your legs bent up, feet planted on the mattress, he didn't like that, forcefully spreading them wider apart, his eyes stern. "Would you?"
"Y- yes-"
"Yes... daddy," the last part was said just above a whisper, your words coming out a bit fast and shyly. It made you so embarrassed how much the name excited you. It didn't help that it fit Elijah so well, he was always taking care of everyone else that it made sense for you to give him the title.
He reached up and untied your restraints, eyes intently watching as you reached right in between your thighs. "Good girl... keep those legs open,"
You rubbed your clit slowly, your eyes locked on his the entire time. Your fingers moved quicker as your hips ground in little circles, desperate for some sort of relief. He hummed in approval, adding a second finger that stretched you wonderfully.
"Such a dirty little princess aren't you?" his palm curled upwards against that spongy spot inside you as he spoke, causing you to shake so hard you almost forgot his question.
His eyebrows arched, mirroring your expressions as your eyes went unfocused. You tried to form coherent words but it was hard when the only thoughts going through your mind was how damn good his fingers felt, so much bigger than your own.
"Answer my question,"
You swallowed past the lump in your throat and shook your head. "I'm only dirty when it comes to you,"
Your heart almost swelled right out of your chest at the blissful smile he gave, he leaned down and kissed all along your cheek and neck, whispering just how proud of you he was. His words pushed you a little bit over the edge, making your walls clench desperately around him, not wanting the pleasure to fade away.
"That's it, cum on my fingers," he growled against the shell of your ear, biting softly.
His voice was so primal that you couldn't do anything but obey, falling completely into his world while the heat in your tummy erupted like a bomb, pleasure tearing through your muscles, and you saw bursts of white across your eyelids.
"That's it," he cooed as you continued to moan, his fingers gently working you down from the high. "There's my sweet girl,"
His lips met yours and you immediately pulled him closer, his body blanketing you comfortably as he kissed you like a starving man. His hands gripped your waist, holding you still while his hips rubbed his hard bulge right against your wet slit. You whined into his mouth, feeling his erection slide back and forth, rubbing against your clit.
He pushed your thighs a little wider, pulling his lips away from yours so he could lean over you. His forehead rested against yours, both of you trying to catch your breaths. He continued to grind against you, his eyes closing and jaw clenching as he groaned, his sounds deep and rough. You could tell he was holding himself back, trying to be as gentle as possible, but you were so turned on, you just wanted him to unleash himself on you.
"Daddy," your small hands tugged on his hair, making his hips stutter a little bit. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, lips brushing his ear. "Fuck me."
He growled at your words, the vibrations from his chest traveling through his body. He wasn't the kind of man that needed to be told twice. His hands hooked underneath your knees, pushing them up and out as far as they could go.
"Keep them open," he commanded, pulling back just a little to unbutton his shirt. He slipped it off his shoulders and undid his belt, his eyes never leaving yours. You bit your lip, subconsciously rubbing your thighs together in anticipation.
He raised his eyebrows, giving you a disapproving shake of his head.
You giggled, but did as he said and opened them, keeping them as wide apart as you could.
His eyes softened just a little, his fingertips trailing up and down your soft skin. His other hand undoing his belt, slowly pulling his pants down along with his briefs, letting his thick cock spring out and brush against the smooth skin of your tummy.
"You've been so good," he praised, lining himself up with your entrance. He slowly rubbed his head in a circle along your slit, gathering your wetness. 
He kept his eyes locked with yours as his hands slid down, holding your hips steady. You were already starting to feel a little nervous, he was definitely the biggest you've ever had. He eased in slowly, his breath hitching as he felt just how tight you were.
Your heels dug into the sheets, your hands scrambling for something to hold on to. Your body instinctively tried to pull away but he held you down, keeping you firmly in place. He pushed deeper, groaning lowly at the feeling of you surrounding him.
"Daddy-" your voice cracked, your legs closing automatically, the sensation almost too much for you to take. But Elijah held you tightly in place, leaning down so he could whisper into your ear.
"Relax," he kissed right underneath the shell of your ear. His soft lips felt good against your heated skin. "Don't fight it."
Your toes curled and your fingers clenched, but you managed to take a few deep breaths. Once he was completely sheathed, you felt so full it was a little hard to breathe.
"So damn tight," he groaned, his grip on your thighs bruising, his eyes locked on the sight of your stomach bulging slightly with the girth of his cock.
"You fit me so perfectly, baby girl," his hand running over the bulge, his words making you blush so deeply. "It's like you were made for me,"
His hips pulled back before snapping forward again, making you cry out and dig your hands into his strong shoulders. His pace was slow and deep, letting you feel every inch of him, the stretch of his cock was addicting.
His hands ran all over your body, caressing your sides, kneading your breasts, tracing along the column of your neck, just touching and exploring every inch of you. You barely registered these touches, so distracted by the pleasure between your legs.
"God- you're so big," you panted out, your voice barely louder than a whisper.
"You like it don't you? Being split open by me?"
His hand wrapped around your throat, not choking, just applying enough pressure to make your head spin.
You swallowed against his hand, finding it hard to even form any sentences at the moment. Your eyes rolled back into your head, your legs spreading as far as they could, wanting to feel him even deeper.
"Say it," his hips snapped harder, making a strangled noise rip from your throat. His grip tightened a bit more, causing everything to feel even sharper.
"I love it Elijah," you whimpered, your eyes rolling back. "Fuck-"
Your body felt like it was floating, his hands the only thing grounding you. He could tell you were close, your little body shaking underneath him and your whimpers getting louder and higher in pitch. You were such a vision. So beautiful. But he didn't want this to end so quickly, not when he had waited so long to have you like this.
"Cumming already?" his hips slowed, making you groan and claw at his forearms. You could tell he was close to, the restraint in his tone was a dead giveaway.
You shook your head, clearly lying, and his expression hardened a little. His hips were torturously slow, his fingers tracing along the side of your neck.
"Liars get punished," his thumb and forefinger pinched your chin, his eyes dark and intense. "Do you understand?"
His hips stilled and he pulled out, his hardness laying heavily against your lower stomach.
"Y- yes," you stuttered, your entire body buzzing with the need for release. Your pussy felt so empty, clenching around nothing.
He stood, pulling his pants back up, making sure to not be too obvious about the large bulge pressing against the front of his pants.
"Up." he held out his hand, waiting patiently for you to gather the strength to move.
The moment you sat up he grabbed your hair, yanking you up until you were standing. You stumbled forward, he pulled your face to his, his breath ghosting across your lips.
"On your knees,"
You didn't even hesitate to sink down, his hand guiding you to where he wanted. The hardwood floor was a little uncomfortable, but the way Elijah was looking at you, it made everything worth it.
You opened your mouth, your tongue lolling out, just waiting for him. He smiled, running his thumb along your lower lip.
"That's a good girl," he murmured, his voice rough and deep, filled with pure lust. His cock was shiny with your slick, a small drop of precum leaking from the tip. You couldn't help but lick it off, tasting yourself on him. He groaned, his grip tightening a bit.
"Open wide,"
You did as he said, looking up at him with innocent eyes, the sight made him growl, his cock twitching right in front of your lips. You smiled and opened your mouth, his hands resting on top of your head as his hips jerked forward, sliding into your mouth.
You loved when he fucked your mouth, feeling him lose control like this, it was so sexy. Your eyes were watering, a tear falling down your cheek as he hit the back of your throat. He wiped it away, still the gentleman even in the most carnal of moments.
You relaxed your jaw and bobbed your head, trying to fit as much of his thick length as possible, but failing a bit, gagging slightly. He groaned loudly and pulled you off of him by your hair, the sting making your head swim with need.
"You can do better than that," his tone was playful and teasing, making you blush deeply. He was so big, his girth was almost intimidating, you could hardly fit him in your mouth. But his tone made you try harder, opening wider and swallowing down, the taste of him making your thighs clench together.
His grip was bruising, holding you in place while his hips rocked back and forth, using your mouth and throat for his own pleasure.
His eyes were hooded and his breathing was uneven, but he was still composed. That's what you admired about him, no matter the situation, he was always calm and in control.
He was Elijah Mikaelson after all, and you were just a little human, yet you held so much power over him. It was thrilling. You wanted to see how far you could push him, to see just how deep his possessive side really ran. Just a tiny bit. You wanted to see what it would take to make him crumble.
"What a perfect princess you are,"
Your eyes snapped back to him and you smiled a little, the corners of your mouth turning upwards around his cock. Your tongue pressed flat against the underside, your head starting to move a little faster, taking him a little deeper each time.
You were being so good, doing everything he asked, and it was turning him on to no end. You could tell from the way his jaw was clenching and the little noises coming from the back of his throat. The way his eyes couldn't look away from your lips, his hand holding you in place.
He was starting to get a little rough, his hips rocking in and out, making your eyes water again. He groaned as his cock slid to the back of your throat, his other hand joining the one already tangled in your hair, both holding you still as he thrust deeper. Your tongue flattened against his shaft and he started to fuck your mouth with earnest.
His grip on your hair turned painful and your nose was pressed into his dark curls. Your eyes began to water as you gagged, the head of his cock buried deep in the back of your throat.
He didn't let you pull off until he felt you really struggling, letting you catch your breath before pushing you down again. He was a little rougher, his hips giving short and hard thrusts.
"You're doing so well," he sounded a bit wrecked, his breathing uneven and his voice deeper. His hips were moving a little faster, chasing his own high.
"Just like that,"
You moaned around him, his hips starting to shake a little, and that's when you decided to act, you wanted to make him cum.
You reached behind him, grabbing his ass to pull him impossibly close, taking him to the back of your throat the final few times. The sudden action startled him a little and his self control slipped. Your name was choked out from deep in his chest. The sound sent a hot spike straight to your core, the primal desperation in his tone made your heart race.
The noise went straight through him, his self control shattering like glass, his grip tightening around your skull. You couldn't breathe, couldn't pull away, so you took him down as deep as you could, feeling his release shoot straight down your throat.
His body was shaking, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his breathing was uneven, but it didn't last long. He looked down at you with a stern expression.
"Did I say you could do that?"
He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look up at him, his thumb brushing against your lips. "No... I didn't."
You couldn't help the smile that crept up, his eyes were practically black with lust. He was surely going to punish you now.
"On the bed." he growled.
You didn't waste any time, hopping onto the plush comforter, kneeling in the middle and waiting for his next command.
He grabbed his belt from the floor, slowly walking towards the bed, his eyes locked on yours.
"Turn around and bend over,"
He watched intently, his belt folded over in his hands.
Your cheeks flushed as you moved to get on all fours, arching your back a little, swaying your hips a bit, showing off your curves.
You glanced over your shoulder, making sure he was watching, and the sight made you whimper. His eyes were hooded and his bottom lip was caught between his teeth, the belt was held tightly in his fist, a little vein protruding from his hand.
"Eyes front." he snapped, the sound of the leather sliding against itself made your heart race.
The anticipation was almost too much. You had never done this before, had no idea how it would feel, but you were aching to find out.
"How many do you think you deserve?" his hand ran along the curve of your spine, his touch light and warm, making you shiver.
"F-four?" you questioned, your voice was soft and hesitant, you could practically hear him smile.
"I'll give you eight, and you're going to count each one."
His hand smoothed over your backside, squeezing and rubbing softly. You could feel his cock resting on the curve of your ass, heavy and thick, already half hard again.
He raised his arm, the belt folded in his hand. The anticipation was killing you. You could barely breathe.
His hand caressed the swell of your ass one last time before raising the belt, a sharp crack rang throughout the room. You cried out, your body jerking forward, the pain seared right across the soft skin.
"Count." He snapped, his tone sharp and impatient.
Another hit.
A third.
By the fourth hit, you were shaking, gripping the sheets to keep yourself grounded, but his next hit almost knocked you over.
"Four!" you squeaked out, your voice cracking as tears stung the corners of your eyes.
"I'm not even using my full strength," he sounded amused, his tone gentle and soft. His full strength would probably send you flying into the next room and you giggled at the thought.
"Don't laugh." he scolded, the belt slapping down on your skin, the sting even sharper.
Another hard hit and you were whimpering, but you still tried to be as good as possible.
You could feel yourself growing wetter, the pain was so sharp, so searing, it almost felt like it was turning into pleasure.
"Seven!" you cried, burying your face in the sheets, the pain was starting to blur.
The belt came down one last time, leaving a dark red line right across the backs of your thighs.
"Eight," you sobbed, your entire body shaking.
"You did so well." He cooed, his fingers running along the welts, soothing the ache. "I knew you would."
You were trembling, his fingers dipping between your legs, gathering the slick that had collected on the inside of your thighs.
"So wet." he sounded amused. "You like being my little slut, don't you?"
You whimpered, unable to answer. His finger was circling your clit, sending hot sparks through your veins.
"Tell me," his hand landed on your ass again, the sting even sharper. "Tell me you like being my little slut."
You gasped, your body writhing. "Y-yes daddy, I love being your little slut,"
He chuckled, his other hand running along the curve of your spine, his fingers tangling in your hair again, pulling you towards him so your back was arched.
"That's what I thought," he let go of your hair and turned you around, scooping you up into his arms.
You gasped and wrapped your arms around his neck, a little surprised by the sudden change. Your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands gripping your ass tightly, his lips pressing against the soft skin of your neck.
You could feel his hardness pressing into you, and your legs clenched around his hips. You could feel every muscle shifting underneath his skin, his strength and power was thrilling. He was one of the most powerful creatures in the world and here he was, holding you so gently.
You kissed him softly, running your fingers through his dark hair, his stubble scratching against your skin. He lowered you down onto his cock, your nails digging into his shoulders, letting him swallow up your gasps and moans.
His pace was slow and deep, savoring the moment, letting you feel every inch. His strong hands supported you, making sure you didn't fall, lifting you up and down his length.
You were a mess. Whimpering and clinging to him, so desperate for release. He was using you just how he wanted, holding you tight and fucking you hard. You were both so close, so on edge, his pace started to falter and his breath was becoming more uneven.
"Eli," you gasped, burying your head in the crook of his neck, your hands in his hair, his arms tight around your waist.
He pressed you back down into the bed, his hands intertwining with yours, pinning them above your head. His hips snapped forward, and his pace became brutal, pounding into you hard and fast, his eyes never leaving yours.
Your legs shook around his hips, you couldn't stop the whimpers and cries from pouring out of you. His forehead was pressed against yours, his eyes closed and his brow furrowed.
Your back arched off the bed, your legs trembling uncontrollably. Your orgasm came crashing down, making you cry out, your pussy gushing and clenching so tightly  that it pushed his cock out. He groaned at the sight, spilling his release all over your pussy and stomach, watching in awe as your walls clenched around nothing, soaking the sheets.
Your body went limp, your eyes fluttering closed, your breathing labored and uneven. You were exhausted, sore and spent.
He leaned down and kissed you, so sweet and gentle, his hands cupping your cheeks.
"Are you okay? Was I too rough?" he looked a bit worried, his thumb brushing along your cheek.
You giggled and nodded. "I'm fine, more than fine." you leaned into his touch, pressing your lips to his palm. "That was perfect."
"Good," he sighed, a smile spreading across his lips. "You did so well,"
"Thank you,"
"Do you need anything? A drink or-"
"I'm fine Elijah," you cut him off, giggling again. He was so sweet, so considerate. "I promise."
He smiled, leaning down to kiss you again, his hand cupping your jaw. "Let me clean you up,"
"Okay," you whispered, a content sigh escaping your lips. He pulled back, his hand smoothing across your forehead, moving the stray hairs from your face.
"Stay here,"
You nodded and relaxed into the bed, your limbs like jelly, your eyelids starting to droop.
By the time he returned you had fallen asleep, curled up in a ball, snoring softly. He smiled and gently cleaned you off, pulling the blankets over you, watching for a few minutes, admiring the way your chest rose and fell with each breath.
 He kissed your forehead softly, "Goodnight princess, you were perfect.”
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Second Time's The Charm II
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: You, your kind of ex-wife and a baby
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Alexia was practically floating on air as she burst out out of the car.
"I've got her! I've got her!" She told you, practically falling over from the force she used to pull open the car door," I want to get her!"
"Go ahead," You said, slipping out of the car as well and grabbing your bag.
Alexia grabbed her, holding her close as she hurried towards the building. She had to stop by the door though because her hands were full and she anxiously rocked back and forth while waiting.
You huffed out a laugh as you opened the door and she burst in.
Alexia was off like a shot down the corridor while you followed at a more sedate pace. You knew she would wait for you, having forced her to agree to do so before leaving the house.
It had been a hard-fought battle this morning that had you promising things like cooking for the week and giving over your cabinet space in the bathroom.
"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Alexia said impatiently from the door to the locker room.
You made the point of going even slower, taking pigeon steps just to annoy her.
"Come on!"
You slowly raised your foot and brought it down even slower.
"Please?" Alexia begged," Please? Please? Please? Please?"
"I want the wardrobe in the spare room."
"Wait, no! That's mine!"
"Sharing is caring, Alexia," You mocked her words from last night," Isn't that how you want to raise her?"
Alexia huffed. "Half the wardrobe."
"Half the wardrobe and the cabinet."
"That's so unfair!"
"Do you want me to hurry up?"
"Fine! Half the wardrobe and the cabinet!"
You started walking normally again. Your hand rested on the door handle as Alexia adjusted her grip. "Ready?"
She nodded, a blinding smile on her face. "So ready."
You pushed open the door, stepping aside to let Alexia walk in.
"No!" Mapi said," No!" She stood up on the bench and pointed at both of you. "No! No! No! No!"
Alexia ignored her. "This is our baby!"
On her hip was your newly adopted baby. She was five months old and all smiley and giggly. Alexia was so proud of her, constantly holding her and playing with her and carrying her absolutely everywhere.
"No!" Mapi could do little but repeat the same thing over and over again.
Alexia's brow furrowed in confusion as she looked between Mapi and sweet baby Maya. "But she is our baby. We signed the papers." Her frown deepened as she turned back to look at you. "We did sign the papers, right? She's ours?"
You stifled a laugh. "Yes, Ale. She is ours. We signed the papers."
Alexia nodded before turning back to Mapi. "She is ours! This is Maya Putellas! She's a baby! Our baby!"
"That's right, Ale. She is our baby."
"Baby!" Alexia insisted, head bouncing around to look at each of her teammates," Our baby! A little Putellas!"
"No!" Mapi kept saying," No!"
Ingrid very awkwardly patted her girlfriend on the back before demonstrating she was fluent in Mapi by explaining," I think Mapi's a little worried about how quick you're moving. You only got back together a few months ago."
"Mapi shouldn't worry!" Alexia said quickly, bouncing Maya on her hip," We're taking great care of our Maya! Look, she's got my eyes!"
You laughed as Mapi was presented Maya like she was Simba, unable to back away as Alexia cornered her between the wall and your baby.
"Just to clarify," You told the rest of the room," Maya's adopted. Alexia's very proud."
Lucy scoffed, watching as Alexia waxed poetic about everything Maya did last night. "Clearly. How long have you had her?"
You winced. "Two days."
"I'm surprised Alexia waited this long to tell us."
"She nearly posted Maya in the group chat. That's what she did for Eli and Alba. No context, just a picture and then ignored their calls. She's in baby heaven right now."
You turned to look at your wife, who had well and truly trapped Mapi and was now explaining every little detail of Maya's outfit.
Ingrid and Lucy both followed your gaze.
"I think she's providing Mapi with free birth control," Ingrid joked," I think we're only going to have pets if Alexia keeps talking like that."
You winced. "Don't mention the p word in front of Ale. She wants a puppy too. I've been trying to tell her not while Maya is so little but she's got a powerpoint prepared so it's better to just avoid the conversation entirely."
"Right," Lucy said," No mentioning pets. Got it."
Alexia's head whipped around to face you. "Pets? I think we should get Maya a puppy!"
You groaned. "No, Ale."
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bunnys-kisses · 10 days
Hi bunny I was wondering if I could get a Boston cream pie with coffee and mocha coffee with dark!lando maybe? Thank youuu
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want to submit your own order? then hit up the menu! i love receiving all kinds of requests! thank you to everyone who had sent something! i hope you enjoy this, especially the one who submitted it! thank you all and enjoy! <3
boston cream pie ("yeah, i'll use protection.") + coffee (rivals au) + mocha coffee (breeding kink) served by lando norris (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, dark-ish fic, dark!lando, breeding kink, rivals au, mercedes driver!reader, lying, no protection, mentions of pregnancy
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you were a level headed driver, you came down that track like lightning and even when things went south, you kept your cool. you never got snippy on the radio and even when you loss the race, you dealt with it with total grace.
you were a good sport, congratulatory towards whoever was on the podium. as a result you were a darling on the track, especially to the media. the first woman in decades to race with the big leagues. you were sweet as honey to everyone, or so it seemed.
everyone except when you went toe-to-toe with lando off the track. your hands dug into the front of his t-shirt as you said to him, "how dare you, norris."
"aw, what's wrong, princess? did you break a nail?" lando didn't make it any better, leering at you as you held onto him.
this was a common back and forth. the snapping of jaws between you two. lando looked at you with a healthy smirk while you got right into his face. oscar piastri once described it as watching you two fuck without the 'fun' part. he also suggested that you two found other ways to take all the stress out.
"no. you played dirty today, norris. you know, mclaren's strategy isn't playing mad max fury road all over the track!" your hands held deeper into the shirt. you swore you could feel his quickening heartbeat.
lando made a face at you and said, "then if you can't handle the heat... get off the track... i bet you'd do lovely in craft services... or maybe you could be my assistant." he licked his top lip, "my logo all over your pretty tits, but you know i like my cum on them better."
your cheeks went hot as you pulled him closer to you, your foreheads almost touching as you glared at him. "you are a sick fuck, lando."
lando got his arms around you behind and gave your ass cheek a squeeze, "and yet... you can't get enough of me."
you both heard a loud groan from behind you, you both looked over and saw oscar standing there with his hands in his pockets. he took a hand out and scratched the back of his head. this wasn't the first he had caught you, he was used to it at this point.
"uh.. hey. the press are going to be in here soon. so unless you want to make national news. i suggest you." he pointed to you, "get back to your team and we." he pointed to lando, "have to do an interview."
you pulled away and said to oscar, "thank you, mate." before you 'accidentally' stepped on lando's foot as you headed out of the room. that night you'd get a text message with a location and time. and the message 'wear something orange', which you never complied with. orange made you feel less like a sex symbol and more like the fruit.
but a short black dress would work just fine for the evening.
you were a normal sighting at the hotels that mclaren were staying at. while you tried to cover up that it was all purely platonic, they knew. your team knew, lando's team knew. teams that weren't involved knew. you were certain even teams not in formula one knew. but, yet you went to the hotel room and knocked three times in quick succession.
lando opened the door and got a good look at you. he said, "i asked for orange."
you got past him, "i prefer mercedes black. feel like it highlights me better." you said as you got inside the hotel room, "bed? couch? don't tell me you want to do it on the floor."
he chuckled and closed the door before he came to you. he was dressed casually. sweatpants and a black t-shirt that highlighted his toned frame. he followed you as you sat on the edge of the bed to get your heels off.
he sat beside you, up against you with his large hand on your soft thigh. he kissed at your neck before you even had the chance to get undressed. he sighed against your scent.
"beautiful as always."
you took him by the jaw and looked him in the eyes. it was a dangerous glance. even without the make-up wore off the track, you looked beyond beautiful. lando once said that they should make you the trophy, come out in something skimpy. that earned a death glare from you before lando made it up to you with kisses along your thighs.
"is it a crime now to state the obvious? i thought you were all about telling the truth." he said as you held him. his words were silenced when you pulled him in for a tender kiss. he made a soft noise against your lips as you invaded his space. it felt good, it felt right.
like two magnets come together. opposites that pulled together. his hands were soon on your shoulders before you pushed him back into the bed. when he pulled away, he said, "let me on top. i want to see that face." then started to undress himself with you beside him on the bed.
"yeah, no. you're just going to make fun of me. remember you said once when i orgasm i look like i ate a lemon. it's doggy for me tonight."
he chuckled, "whatever the princess wants." he beamed at you.
you looked at him. a knowing look you've given a million times. with you soon naked, your breasts capturing his attention fully that he barely noticed the expression on your face. you coughed into your fist and looked at him.
he looked back at you before he said "yeah, i'll use protection." you two may had been playing a risky game over the last few weeks. using the pull-out method was dumb, but it wasn't like you two carried condoms around.
in all fairness lando could've been a gentleman and bought some. but, he lied to you about having them. his mind was somewhere else. lando norris wanted you pregnant. keep you off the track, but still in his life. be easier to get a hold on you when your hips got a little softer and soon you were taking care of a norris baby.
he was lucky that tonight you wanted doggy style as you wiggled your ass to him enticingly which made his heart rate skip. you were a real siren's call, he could imagine you on the rocky shores of england singing your siren's song. but usually in those tales, the siren doesn't get pregnant so... maybe it was a little different.
"got the condom, norris?" you asked as you pressed your chest against the soft bed. you held over the pillow under your head and pressed your cheek against it.
"yes." he said, "i got it." his cock was bare and the tip was leaking. he stroked it a few times and admired your naked body in front of him. he shifted a little bit on the bed before he nudged his cock up against your slick entrance. it was a familiar feeling, he had become hooked on you like an itch he couldn't scratch unless he was balls deep inside of you. and he thankfully was able to scratch that itch as he sank into you.
your back arched and your short nails dug into the pillow under your head as your back was curved more as he invaded your space further. you didn't even notice that he wasn't wearing a condom. you moaned as he started to thrust up against you. it felt really good, you hated to admit it. but sex with lando was always good and it made your brain sometimes go blank in the rush of pleasure as he moved against you.
he was good in the bedroom, if only he was as good on the track. then maybe mclaren would have their winner. but that snarky comment died on your tongue as you felt his cock prod some of your softest areas.
lando was on cloud nine, he always was when he got to fuck you. it was like a jolt to the system that made his nerves feel alive. but not in the way that anxiety did. he wanted to jump your bones and keep his thick cock inside of your sweet pussy. he wanted to cream in it so badly, he wanted to make a big mess of it.
make sure that no other man could have you.
maybe his breeding kink was running strong after today's race. he could feel it all the way in his balls as he rutted against you. you felt like a dream as he moved. he wanted you pregnant, you'd make the most perfect mother to his children. he came from a big family so he was hoping for at least four kids with you. he'd make sure that he'd get a nice place for all of you to live in. you'd be a nice little family.
his little rival becoming his wife. the thought excited him as he rutted against you. his heart beated wildly in his chest, his lips found the back of your neck, which caused your to moan and tense up around him. that felt good, it only encouraged him to keep doing it. feeling your slick hole clench around him.
"you feel amazing. so good around me." he pushed into your harder, "fuckin' hell. he swallowed, he felt himself starting to lose a bit of control as he really worked your body. it felt so good, especially without a condom. the rubber stopped him from feeling all of his future wife. that was your new name while he was in a state of heighten euphoria.
you came quickly with your back arched. your groaned into the covers and clawed down the soft comforter. you felt everything kind of go blank for a moment. the only thing that left your mouth was his name. first name and last name. and how you said it made him move even further. and when pleasure struck him, he finished inside the back of your soaked cunt.
he then trailed his blunt nails down your back, hoping to leave deep red lines come morning. a little reminder of him as if his cum stuck to your cunt wasn't enough. but your over stimulated body made you jerk a little bit and moan a little louder into the bed. you looked good face down ass up.
lando slapped your ass before he pulled out and watched your hips drop to the bed. you were out for now, but lando was certain that with a few strokes of his fingers and his mouth on your breasts, he could at least get another round out of you. even as you laid panting on the bed.
after all, he had a baby to make with his little rival.
you held that trophy over your head. you could've yelled in excitement. but instead you grinned. you were almost moved to tears, but you held them back. even in the face of victory, you had to show strength. a history maker as the cameras flashed.
you were beyond lucky. the blood tests from the recent evaluation hadn't come back yet before the last race of the season. you knew what formula one didn't know. you were pregnant.
nothing noticeable yet. everything ailment was pinned of the anxiety of performing well for the final race of the season. you held the world champion high over your head. in the coming weeks the media storm around your pregnancy will come to light.
you felt on top of the world as your national anthem played, hand over your heart as you felt the soar in your pulse. the almost imaginary weight in your middle was replaced with the heft of the world champion title over your head as you held the trophy once more for photos. you knew that your career would be halted if not ended in the next few days.
you knew lando was watching, not because he had to. but, because he wanted to. your little rivalry had halted when you disclosed to him in quiet whispers that you were pregnant. and lando whispered promises of a wedding during the off season. something quiet, with family.
for now on the shiny stage, you were a champion. in a way you won the battle. but with the norris baby in your womb, lando won the war. <3
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chunghasweetie · 3 months
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— part 1
— pairing | dom!oc x nerdysub!jjk
— summary | oc finally cuffs jk and they celebrate
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
unprotected sex, cursing, praising, dom oc, overstimulation, masturbating, voyeurism(?), pussy eating, squirting, slutty oc
— word count | 3.5k words
— song suggestion | greedy — ariana grande
It went from one study session a week to 3. Then it was 4. Now damn near every single day.
Now she was never apart from him.
He was her little boy toy and he loved every second of it. He was always over at her place and everytime he never left without some sort of mark.
He was so infatuated with her and obsessed. His life was dull and repetitive but now it was thrilling and exciting.
He longed for this girl. All he could think about is her.
Although he still stuttered, he grew a bit of confidence around her.
She knew everything about him and she actually was able to get him to speak to her.
It wasn’t unusual for her to let herself inside his apartment. She’d always come over for sleepovers.
Mostly because she liked bothering him while he was on the game.
Today was one of those days. She packed a bag and let herself into his apartment like usual.
She told him she was going to a frat party with her girlfriends, but she always intended on surprising Jungkook.
She tip toed to his bedroom, opening her mouth to say his name before hearing something she didn’t expect.
He was moaning. Well, whining actually.
“There’s no way.” Her heart dropped.
Was he with another girl?
She remained silent, deciding to peek over at him.
He was in his room, near his PC per usual. The complex set up made it difficult for her to really see what was going on.
She stuck her head a bit further out, taking a look at what was on his screen.
The last thing she expected to hear was Jungkook whimpering out her name, jerking himself off in front of his computer.
Her instagram and many other images he took were displayed on all the screens in his set up.
She stayed hidden, simply hiding and watching him in silence as he continues.
“Y-Y/n— ah”
He was lost in his own world, letting out soft moans as he pleasured himself.
“M-More fuck.” He panted. “F-Feels so good.”
His face was flushed with desire, and his breathing became heavy as he approached his climax.
She was amazed how he was so lost in everything that he hadn’t noticed her standing dead in the doorway.
His glasses slipped down near his nose, not even bothering to push them up. “M-Miss you.”
“S-So pretty” His hand moves quickly, his other hand supporting himself on the desk as he rocks his hips back and forth.
Jungkook let out a soft gasp as he reached his climax, still unaware of her presence.
Jungkook's eyes snap open as he feels his orgasm hit, his whole body shuddering as he cums all over his shirt and laptop.
“S-Shit I-“ He breathed heavily for a moment, trying to catch his breath.
Cum was leaking all over his tip, dripping down his shaft and all over his screen.
“Goddamnit” He cussed with his pouty like voice, ushering to clean himself up.
He grabbed the nearest towel, cleaning himself of the liquids he poured out.
Jungkook had refreshed his feed over 6 times, waiting for her to post. “Come on. Please” He kept refreshing.
Whenever she went out his blood went cold with anxiousness.
Although she was fucking him almost everyday, he worried about getting replaced.
With her friends being the frat boy hopping type, it made him so nervous Y/n would be the same way.
She cleared her throat, finally making her presence known.
Jungkook’s head snapped over to the doorway, heart thumping out of his chest.
“Y/n!” He said a bit loudly, even for him. He cleared his throat. “I-I thought you were at a party.”
Jungkook's face turned bright red with embarrassment as he realized that Y/n could’ve been there the whole time.
“Hi baby” She played it cool, placing her bags on the side of his bed. “What you been up to today?”
He scrambled to cover himself up, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he tried to come up with an explanation for his irrational behavior.
"Well, uh... I was just... studying and on the game." Jungkook stammered out, still flustered from what had just happened.
He knew that it was a feeble excuse, but it was the only thing he could think of at the moment.
“Such a nerd.” She laughed.
Jungkook blushes deeper at her teasing, his gaze darting back and forth between her and the floor.
“Y-Yeah.” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
He felt like the words, ‘I masturbated to you’ was painted on his face.
He finally turned to face her, and his jaw immediately dropped.
Jungkook's eyes widen as she slides onto his bed, her mini skirt riding up to reveal a strip of smooth, tanned skin.
“D-Did you um— buy a new outfit?”
He swallows hard, trying to keep his composure as he stares at her, his mind racing with dirty thoughts.
“I actually did. Do you like it baby?” She asked him.
Mini skirts always did her so good. Her body was perfection and today she wanted nothing but Jungkook to notice her skirt.
Jungkook nods, unable to tear his gaze away from the tantalizing glimpse of her thighs.
He was such a nerd they reminded him of the anime’s he would watch.
His voice is barely above a whisper as he replies, "Y-yes, you look really, really pretty."
He licks his lips, his heart pounding in his chest. "M-may I...”
“Words, Jungkook. You’re a big boy remember?”
Jungkook swallows hard, his face turning bright red as he fumbles with his words.
"M-may I... touch it?" He asks, his eyes never leaving her thighs, his hands shaking slightly as he reaches out to gently trace the hem of her skirt.
“Of course baby.” She chuckled at his cuteness. “You can do whatever you want to me. You know that.”
Jungkook's breath hitches in his throat as he hears her words, his heart racing even faster than before.
He nods, his fingers trailing higher up her thigh, slowly, reverently, as if he's afraid that if he touches too quickly, she might disappear. "I-I want to...”
Jungkook swallows hard, his fingers finally reaching the lace of her panties.
He bites his lip, his eyes locked on hers as he asks, his voice barely above a whisper, "May I... touch you here?" His fingers hover just above the wet fabric, his entire body trembling with anticipation.
Jungkook was such a nerd, he pictured her as some anime princess he had seen years ago.
She whined at the sudden feel of his fingers.
Jungkook's eyes light up with excitement as he hears her response, his fingers moving to slide underneath her panties, brushing against her slick folds.
He gasps softly, his eyes widening as he feels how wet she is for him. "A-Ah... you're so wet..."
“All because I seen you earlier.” She chuckled. “You really thought I didn’t see you touch yourself to me baby?”
Jungkook's face turns beet red as he realizes she caught him masturbating to images of her.
He quickly pulls his hand out from under her panties, his other hand flying to cover his face in embarrassment. "I-I... I didn't mean for you to see that..."
“I-I... I didn't know you saw me..." He admits, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Saw you? Baby I heard you. You’re so whiny when you’re needy.” She teased him.
Jungkook's breath hitches as she teases him, his face turning an even deeper shade of red.
He can feel his cock throbbing once again in his pants, desperate to be freed and buried inside of her. "Y-You heard me...?" He asks, his voice trembling with need.
“Of course I did baby. It’s why I was so wet” She slowly slipped his hands out of her panties. “Well, I’m always wet around you.”
Jungkook's hands are left empty as she slips them out of her panties, his fingers twitching with the need to touch her again.
He swallows hard, his eyes fixed on her drenched pussy. "Y-You're always so wet around me...?"
“Always. You know this baby.” She giggled. “You think I’m changing panties for fun when I come over?”
Jungkook's breath hitches as she reveals that she comes to him specifically to be fucked. "N-No... I didn't... I didn't think..."
“You’re so cute!” She laughed, loving the way he stuttered and stammered.
“You know at first when I heard you, I thought you were getting fucked by someone else.” She admitted.
Jungkook's eyes widen with horror as she confesses that she had thought he was getting fucked by someone else when she heard him moaning.
He would never want her to think that of him. Not after all he’s done to finally have her.
He shakes his head vehemently, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "N-No, no! It was just me...I-I would never I- only want you.”
“I know now.” She exhaled. “But now I realized I can’t keep doing this. Not this way anymore.”
Jungkook's heart sinks.
He looks at her with pleading eyes, his hands reaching for hers. "P-Please... don't say that. I-I really like you...I— I just can’t—“
“I need you to be my mine.” She interrupted, looking up at him. “Need you to be my boyfriend.”
Jungkook's heart races as she tells him she wants him to belong to her. A smile spreads across his face, and he nods eagerly. "R-Really? Y-You want me to be your... boyfriend?"
He can hardly believe what he's hearing.
Jungkook's eyes light up as she confesses her feelings for him. He nods eagerly, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for a tight hug. “I-I don’t know what to do I— Never thought this would happen.”
Jungkook's heart swells with happiness as she confesses that she's wanted him to be her boyfriend for a long time.
He can hardly contain his excitement as he pulls her into a tight embrace, his lips finding hers in a passionate kiss. "I-I'm so happy..."
She laughed into their kiss. “You should be baby, I’m all yours now nerd boy.”
He's never been happier to be labeled as such. He tightens his grip on her out of habit, deepening their kiss as he whispers against her lips, "Y-You’re all mine finally.”
He can't believe that this amazing, popular girl is now officially his girlfriend.
He was now dating the girl his high school bullies were fighting over one another for.
Here she was in his room, confessing to him.
She took charge of their make out session, smacking her plump lips against his. “How should we celebrate baby?”
Jungkook can't help but moan at her aggressive kiss, his hands roaming over her body as he gives himself over to the moment.
When she pulls away and asks about celebrating, he stammers out a response, "W-we could do whatever you want...”
“Maybe we can start with taking
care of your little issue down there.” She laughed.
Jungkook's face flames at her comment, but he can't help the small moan that escapes his lips at the thought.
He nods, whispering, "Y-yes please..."
“Speak up for me baby.” She bit her lip, checking him out. “Tell me how you want me.”
Jungkook's mind goes blank at her request, his face flaming even brighter. He stammers out, "I— Uh..."
He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down and not get too overwhelmed.
“Breathe baby.” She cooed. “Take it slow.”
“C-Can you get on top of me?” He finally lets out.
Jungkook's breath hitches as she doesn’t hesitate, his hands reaching up to touch her waist.
He watches as she settles herself on top of him, feeling her warmth against him. "F-Fuck..."
“Still so shy” She giggled.
Jungkook's face flames even brighter at her comment, but he can't help the small moan that escapes his lips.
He whispers, "C-Can't help it...you feel so good." He reaches up to touch her face, pulling her down for a kiss.
“And so needy.” She laughed into their kiss.
Jungkook can't help the small whimper that escapes him at her comment, his hands tightening on her waist.
He whispers, "You— make me like that..." He leans up to capture her lips in another kiss, trying to convey all of his feelings to her through it.
“Gonna let you in raw again this time okay? Gonna let you cum wherever you want. Mm on the pill now.” She hummed.
Jungkook's breath hitches as she says those words, his hips bucking up to meet hers.
He whispers, “R-Really?!" He leans up to whisper in her ear, "I-I can cum inside you?"
“Of course baby” She could feel him throbbing under her. “You’re so weak I could dry hump you and make you cum your pants.” She teased him.
Jungkook groans at her words, his hips stuttering with pleasure.
He leans up to kiss her again, his hands roaming over her body. "I want this so bad..." He whispers, "P-Please Y/n?”
“Lift up my mini skirt.”
Jungkook's hands tremble as he reaches up to lift her mini skirt, revealing her lacy underwear.
He groans, "...You're so beautiful Y/n..." He leans down to kiss her inner thigh, his hands gripping her hips tightly.
Jungkook's hands move to her underwear, pulling them down her legs.
He looks up at her with a desperate expression, "C-Can I...make you cum first? P-Please?”
She nodded.
Jungkook's eyes light up at her words, and he leans down to kiss her again.
He whispers, "Thank you..."
Recently, all Jungkook had been wanting to do was eat her out. It’s like he craved it more than actually being inside her.
She tasted so good and she always moaned and spoke so dirty to him while he did it. The praise and appreciation she showed him drove him insane.
Especially because it was all from him.
Usually she was always leading. Whenever he ate her out he felt like he had a bit of power.
Even if he was whining and moaning over her taste.
He lays her down on his bed, spreading her legs for him to access her heat.
His hands roam over her body as he begins to kiss and lick at her clit.
She hums at the feeling of his tongue on her clit. “Always trying to make me cum first hm?”
Jungkook moans at her words, his own arousal growing as he feels her getting closer. He continues to lick and kiss at her clit, his fingers teasing her entrance. He wants to make her cum hard for him.
He continues to lick and kiss at her clit, “S-So sweet.”
Jungkook groans at the feeling of her gripping his hair. He loves when she's like this, so desperate for more.
He quickens his pace, his tongue moving faster over her clit as his fingers slip inside her.
“Tastes so good— fuck” He panted, face absolutely lost in between her thighs.
“Fuck— all that practice fucking paid off.” She groaned. “Fucking amazing baby.”
His own arousal was growing. He's proud of himself for making her feel this good.
He continues to lick and kiss at her clit, his fingers moving inside her. "I-I love it too much— N-Never want to stop.”
“Mm— so good” Her eyelids were practically twitching from how good she felt. “Such a good boy.”
He continues to move his fingers inside her, his tongue still flicking against her clit. "So good…for you…”
Whenever he’d speak his lips would barely leave her clit, not wanting to ever separate himself.
He feels her thighs tighten around his head, and he knows she's close.
“Fuck baby I’m close.” She arched her back.
He curls his fingers inside of her, his tongue still flicking against her clit.
Within seconds and without warning, she squirted all over his mouth, face and glasses.
She gasped aloud, “Oh my gosh!” She covered her mouth. Her legs were trembling, her whole body affected by her intense orgasm.
She squirted for him ever so often, but this one definitely shook up his world.
He was in shock, and he fell further for her than he already had. He felt so accomplished and adored.
She looked down at the soaked boy, his once clean frames now drenched with her liquid arousal.
His mouth was still very attached to her, she had to grip his hair just to separate athe two.
“It’s all over you— and your bed” She reached out, almost embarrassed by how much she squirted.
Jungkook looks up at her with a big grin on his face. He takes off his glasses and wipes them on the sheets before putting them back on.
“That was so—“ He swallowed. “Amazing.”
“Wow baby” She laughed. “You took it a lot better than I thought.”
She eyed him, “Let me fuck you baby.” She laughed. “I know you’re desperate now. Come here.”
He leans his back against the headboard, scrambling to slip down his boxers.
“You’re adorable” She chuckled, climbing onto his lap. “Are you ready?”
Jungkook's cheeks turn a deep shade of red at her compliment, but it only makes him more excited.
He nods his head eagerly and wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Y-yes... I'm ready... please..."
“Always gotta take care of you baby” She positioned herself on his cock, slowly slipping him inside of her.
Jungkook lets out a deep, guttural moan as she slides down onto his cock. He feels every inch of her, and it's better than anything he could have ever imagined.
He grips her hips tightly, trying to hold back his urge to thrust up into her.
She was so wet.
“Fuck baby” She whined, getting adjusted.
Jungkook nods his head and lets out a soft moan as she adjusts herself on top of him.
He's in heaven right now, and he never wants this moment to end. He looks up at her and smiles softly. "You feel too good-“
“Relax yourself baby.” She comforted him, knowing how overwhelmed he got.
Jungkook blushes and nods his head, biting his bottom lip as he feels her wetness enveloping him. "Y-yes... you're so wet... and tight..."
He was so whiny and needy for her. He was pussy drunk and a desperate mess. She couldn’t help but chuckle a bit.
Jungkook's cheeks turn a deeper shade of red as she chuckles at his eagerness.
He can't help it; he'd never felt this good before her. He looks up at her with puppy dog eyes, pleading for more. "P-please...”
She started moving on him, grinding painfully slow on top of him.
Jungkook lets out a soft moan as she starts to move on top of him, grinding her hips against his.
He can't believe how good it feels, and he wraps his arms around her waist, holding her close. "F-fuck... that feels so good..."
Jungkook's body trembles and shakes as she continues to grind on him, his whines and moans growing louder. He can't help but be overwhelmed by the sensations. "I-I can't...”
Jungkook takes a deep, shuddering breath as she relaxes against him.
He feels her hands on his chest, slowly running them up and down his shirt and he can't help but feel even more overstimulated. "C-can't take it...”
“Want me to stop baby?” She asked him, slowing down on him.
Jungkook shakes his head frantically. He doesn't want her to stop, but he also can't handle the intensity of what she's doing to him. "N-no... just... you’re moving so much and—I-I’m gonna cum too quick... please..."
“Like this?” She grinded on him more intensely, whispering moans and praises in his ear.
Jungkook's whines and moans grow louder as she grinds on him. He can feel every inch of her and it's driving him wild.
He clings to her, whispering her name over and over again. "Y-yes, like that..”
“You always cum too quick baby.” She giggled, “You’re okay Jungkook”
Jungkook's face flushes bright red at the teasing and he buries his face in her neck.
He hates that he always cums so quickly, but he can't help it when she's touching him like this. "I-I'm sorry... I just—“
“Shh” She stopped him mid explanation. “Wouldn’t want it any other way. That’s why you’re my baby.”
He couldn’t help but blush, swallowing harshly.
“Fuck Jungkook— So fucking big and I still can never get used to it.” She groaned.
Jungkook's mind goes blank as she takes control. He can only moan and whimper as she rides him harder and faster.
Her words of praise only fuel his desire, and he clings to her, relishing in the feeling of being dominated by the girl he loves.
“Y/n I—“
Jungkook lets out a low groan as she takes him over the edge. He feels himself pulsing inside her, filling her up with his release.
“How was that baby?” She chuckled. “Better than when you masturbated to me earlier?” She teased, revealing that she seen him.
His face drained of color, in utter horror.
He can't help but feel embarrassed at being caught like that, but the fact that she knows and is still here with him only makes him feel even more loved.
“I thought it was cute— and funny.” She laughed.
His mind goes blank as he collapses on the bed, panting heavily. "F-Fuck I— I’m sorry."
“Whyre you apologizing?” She bit her lip, eyeing him up and down. “That is just how I like to see you. Let’s clean you up baby, we’re gonna go out.”
“C-Can I— we—“ He panted
“Yes Jungkook.” She laughed. “We’ll shower together.”
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seungfl0wer · 3 months
I need some angst pleeez I love ur writing and would love to see more angst pleez break my heart
So I wanna request something like them calling you clingy or just bothersum? Take ur time tysvm <33
~Sunny ☀️
*Felix Calling You Clingy*
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Hello there dear, so I started this and realized I’m probably just gonna have to make this into a small series. So you’ll be getting them all just spread out I hope that’s ok! Also thank you so much for the kind words i greatly appreciate it so much. I hope you like this. I started with Felix first for some reason his just kinda came out so here the first out of 8🩵
Includes: Texts messages, mentions of depression, arguing (of course has a happy ending they all may not though)
Small edit to put one of the messages is a small messed up I forgot to delete a line and I really don’t wanna go back through all of it and redo it😅 I’m sorry
Others here:
Bangchan , Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin
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Lix seemed to be avoiding you lately. You knew he was always pretty busy due to him being an idol however even when he had time off he just never wanted to spend time anymore. It’s been a good 3 weeks with no seeing him. With how he’s been acting and how life’s just been in general it made you depressed. You just kinda felt like you were doing everything wrong and weren’t good enough for him anymore.
It was 4AM, You were tossing and turning just feeling all the weight of everything on you. Your mind was just thinking of everything and anything. You wanted so badly just to message Lix, you really needed him right now. You kept going back and forth on whether you should or not, not wanting to bother him so late with your cry babiness. Before you knew it though you were already typing to him. You knew he was awake by the little green mark that showed he was playing a game you both use to play together. So he was up and online.
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You couldn’t respond anymore. Your heart was breaking, you started bawling. All you could do is reply with a “k” which he hated. Which you also hated and only used when you were upset. You grabbed your pillows and all the blankets you could find and made a nest on your bed. Curling up into a ball. The blankets soft against your skin as you buried your face into them. They were the only comfort you could feel right now. You eventually ended up crying yourself to sleep.
How could the man you love say such things to you? How could he just spit so much hateful venom at you. Why not just dump you, just get it over with if he was so unhappy.
The next morning you had woken up to more texts:
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Your chest tightened you reread the messages about a million times. Your mind started to spiral a bit. You wanted to cry wanted to yell wanted to beg him but you didn’t. With all the emotions and all the stress lately you went almost numb. The next couple days went by and you started to try and do things to help yourself. You went out with some friends, kept yourself busy with you hobbies and even met some new people online to play games with. One of the best things you decided though was you erased all of Felix’s messages. You couldn’t sit and reread all the stuff that was said. You couldn’t keep making yourself feel the hurt.
You knew lix well, you guys have been dating for almost 2 years now. Did he go about everything in a horrible way? Of fucking course. Are you just gonna forgive him for what he said easily? No, fuck no. However, you knew lix well enough to know what he said is probably eating him alive. Because he does love you and you know that. But he’s a human and sometimes we are just prone to being really fucking stupid sometimes.
After about a week and a half of radio silence on both ends. He messaged you.
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After that you two texted a little here and there. He even FaceTimed you a few times just to show you the scenery. When he eventually came home you two sat down at your house to talk.
Felix kept apologizing, both of you were crying by the end of the conversation. Felix told you it wasn’t about you being “clingy” per-say he said he loved being around you but he wanted to make a day when he was off to just do something by himself. Even if it was just a few hours. He said how he felt like he just never gets alone time. How it’s either go go go with schedule, doing stuff with the members, coming to your place. He feels so stretched thin and that’s why he blew up.
He know he did wrong by doing so but you get it. Man could be taking a shit and someone would be trying to talk to him about his job and something. He doesn’t ever get time for himself. You both agreed that you’ll give him space. And the days he’s doing his own thing you won’t text him until he texts you.
He also wanted to assure you he doesn’t think you’re clingy, he loves how you are and wouldn’t change you for anything. He said what he said out of sleepless rage. But he knows he fucked up.
You both needed that night in a pillow fort he built for you, eating snacks, talking about other things and just cuddled up together. You missed him. You missed him so fucking much. Missed the sweet smell of his cologne, his beautiful bright smile decorated with little Hershey kiss freckles, and the most warm comforting laugh in the world. You laid in his arms through the night, it filled with such deep conversations, crying, laughing and more crying but out of happiness this time. You thought to yourself “we are gonna be ok, everyone has arguments but our bond is strong.”
💙 if you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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sweetbans29 · 3 months
Little Flirt - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: Caitlin and you flirt for way too long (based on THIS request)
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 3.2k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Switching up the prompt just a little but I think it will help with the flow.
Life as everyone knew it had flipped. The end of your freshman year in college was not what you had expected in the slightest. It went from being one of the best things you had ever experienced to what felt like nothing. Due to the pandemic, your freshman year was cut short which also meant your first season as a collegiate athlete was also cut short. It was a bummer - to say the least.
So when Fall came around you were excited that your school welcomed back part of the student body. Under very strict guidelines your team was welcomed back and given the green light to begin your sophomore season. Before you got there, everyone was required to quarantine alone for 2 weeks in a nearby hotel before being able to move onto campus. Once you were able to get to campus, they did another quarantine, in groups, as a secondary precaution. It sort of made sense considering the people you were going to be around the most were your team.
Once the month of quarantine was over, you and your team were finally able to hit the gym. It was great to be back with the team and welcome the new freshman. It didn't take them long to warm up to you on the court considering everyone's lack of human interaction had people longing for connection. After the first few weeks, everyone played as if you all had been together for a few months. It began to feel like things had gone back to normal.
When games started you were reminded how not normal the world was. Everyone had to get tested multiple times before playing games which wasn't the weirdest part. The weirdest part was the fact that there was absolutely no one in the stands. Every school you played at tried their best, yours included, but it wasn't the same.
The games were still competitive and a little more physical than you recall. None of it really mattered considering you were just happy to be playing again. All of this leads you to today's game.
It is an away game for your team as you travel to Iowa for the first time of the season to play the Hawkeyes. You weren't a huge fan of away games, all thanks to the pandemic but your love for the sport kept you going.
Both teams are warming up and you begin to scout the other team. There are a few girls you take note of - one of them being their center. Another is a smaller girl, sort of scrawny frame but can shoot from anywhere - anywhere being multiple feet behind the arc. You know you are going to have to switch up the way you play defense but aren't too worried.
You look at her again and begin to really study her features. After a few minutes of watching her, it clicks. It's Caitlin Clark. You've heard of her. One of the things you always enjoyed doing was scouting out the next group of freshmen coming up and she was one of them. There were a few girls coming into the college game that caught your eye, Caitlin being one of them. You were excited to play against her.
When the game started, you saw yourself being challenged. You had the task of guarding the freshman and she was a challenge. She was everything the scouting report and media said she would be on the court. Her range was amazing, she never stopped taking shots and she had a solid pull-up game.
Throughout the game, the two of you kept going back and forth on who would win the little matchups. You could see the competitiveness in her eye and would send her smirks to get her riled up even more any time the play went your way. She would make it a point to come and mutter some sort of trash talk to you when the possession went her way. It became a little game within the game.
The game ended and your first matchup between the new star went your way. Even with the loss of her team, Caitlin dropped 21 points which you found impressive. After the game, you made sure to pull her aside.
"Hey, Clark!" You called after her as she was heading back to the locker room. She turns back and you can tell she is pissed but the loss - you can only assume you are the last person she wants to see right now. When she sees it is you, her hard exterior breaks and she gives a shy smile.
"Hey," she says and stops walking making you walk to her.
"You are going to be a little pain in my butt these next few years, aren't you," you say teasing her. Her smile grows and you can see a little blush creep into her cheeks. You were only a year older than her, but could tell you had an effect on her.
She just shrugs not really knowing what to say.
"I just wanted to come over and let you know that you are going to do great things. I am sure people say that to you all the time, but as someone who has now played against you - I hope there is a day when we can be on the same side of the court instead of opposite ones," you say and give her a genuine smile. "I look forward to our next matchup."
Your hand grazes her arm and gives her elbow a little squeeze. You give her one last smile and begin to head back to your team.
"Next time, I won't go as easy on you," she calls out to you. It makes you smile but you don't turn around to let it show, instead, you throw up your hand, flashing her your middle finger. You hear her laugh and you shake your head.
You know she means it, the next time you match up she won't go easy on you but it goes both ways. Now you have both seen how the other plays and know the next few years are going to be fun.
You played Caitlin once more during this season and her team took the win. The game was exactly how you expected it to be - she trashed talked a little more than you had expected which you did your best to return but your team losing put you in a slump. At the end of the game when your teams high-fived after she leaned in and whispered 'Now we're even'. Let's just say her words fueled you.
When you looked at the schedule for the year, you noticed that you would be playing the Hawkeyes three times. You have three chances to show her you are not one to just let her win.
Your first meeting was a fun one. They started letting some people into the crowd and that only fueled your little rivalry with Caitlin.
It really wasn't a rivalry but anyone looking in could see that the two of you talked more than any other competitors. The first two meetings between the two of you were back to back which was new to you and your team. Typically you would play teams a little further apart but this matchup was different.
Caitlin's team took the first win and she would not stop talking to you about how she was on top and would always be on top. You on the other hand were determined to never lose a game to her again.
Your little conversations on the court started to be noticed by both of your teams, not that either of you cared. You both had the stats to prove that you belonged in the starting line-up and on the court.
Your second meeting got a little heated as you tried to get into Caitlin's head a little more.
"Your hands have found my hips a lot tonight Clark," you say as the two of you are standing in the backcourt as one of her teammates is taking her free throws.
"It's called defense," she says like it is a known fact. You step a little closer to her to make sure she is the only one to hear your next comment.
"If they go any lower, we may have a different problem on our hands," you say just above a whisper and watch her reaction. All the color drains from her face and you nudge her. "I'm kidding, babe."
You can see the tenseness in her shoulders release as the game continues. Your team came out with the win and just like that you were tied again.
Your last meeting for the year was the toughest yet. Your two teams battled valiantly, taking the game to overtime. By the end of it, you were beat. Before you headed into the locker to felt someone grab your arm. Turning you see Caitlin.
"Clark," you say surprised. You give her your best smile which isn't much considering how tired you were.
"I just wanted to come over and say good game," she says and you can tell she is a little nervous. If you weren't so tired you would keep the conversation up but you were exhausted. So instead, you pulled her into you and enveloped her into a hug. She melts into you and the two of you stand there hugging for a few minutes.
Your eyes are closed as you hug her. It wasn't until you felt her arms wrap around you did you realize how much you missed physical touch.
Caitlin on the other hand had been dreaming of this since your first meeting. She stood there in your arms and knew for sure she wanted to be in them forever. She would never tell you that of course and decided to keep her little crush to herself.
You give her one last squeeze and pull away.
"The way you had me running up and down the court," you say with a laugh. "You have me needing a week to recover, babe," you say and give her a little nudge.
"Me? You literally pushed your team to get you into overtime," she says and pushes you back.
"Ya, whatever. I wasn't going to let you win again," you say.
The two of you parted ways for the night. As you went to bed that night you decided to DM Cait.
[You: Looks like you are no longer on top ;)]
It is your senior year and you decided to declare for the WNBA. It had been time, you felt like you had a good college run and were ready for more. Your team was the first to know you were declaring and then you decided to tell Caitlin. The two of you had talked a lot more and would often DM at least once or twice a week so it only felt right to let her know.
Caitlin fit into your routine really seamlessly. You credit the fact that the girl was always on her phone but really it was that her care and love for the game matched yours. The two of you went from being 'rivals' to friends and you would now consider her one of your best friends.
It's your draft night and you were likely to be the first pick of the 2023 WNBA draft. Even in that, you were extremely nervous. The night goes by in the blink of an eye. You were drafted to the Indiana Fever and could not be more excited. When you were lying down in your bed that night, you finally had a chance to look at your phone. The first thing you looked for was a message from Cait.
[Caitlin: Congrats on going first in the draft, can't wait to watch you 🤍]
[You: Thanks Clark - you'll have to hold down the college scene until you hit the draft]
You decide to message her your number, which in your opinion is long overdue but felt like it would lead to something more than it should be as rivals during your college years.
She immediately messages you.
[Clark: Can't get rid of me now]
[You: Oh I have my ways if I really wanted to]
[Clark: Hey! Just because you are a professional now doesn't mean you need to be mean]
[You: Don't give me a reason and we’ll be okay]
Your rookie season is a hard one - the transition is one that everyone says is going to be difficult but experiencing it is a whole other thing. You were tested physically and mentally and really leaned on your team and those around you.
Caitlin would always check in and give you her little trash-talking notes via text whenever you played. They would always end with some sort of praise but it wouldn't be Cait if it didn't have some sort of attitude.
Caitlin was the first to call you when you got named Rookie of the Year. She had slowly become your biggest fan and sent over a giant bouquet of flowers the second it was announced.
You would also check in on her during her season as she got closer and closer to breaking the NCAA women's scoring record. You even made it to the game when she broke the all-time NCAA scoring record. When one of the TV stations found out you were there, they asked if you would do a little interview.
"What brings you all the way to Iowa?" The interviewer asks.
"Well, that's simple. Clark," you say with a beaming smile.
"Do you know her well?"
"I would say so, she can be a pain in my butt but she's fun. Great player and her IQ for the game is one that is just memorizing to watch." You say.
"She hasn't explicitly declared for the draft but if she did, there would be a high chance of her getting drafted first similar to you which would mean she would be heading to Indiana. How do you feel about the potential of playing on the same team?"
"Well that is quite the hypothetical," you say with a laugh. "But I think it would be really neat to play on the same team as her, we have always played against each other and I think we would be pretty dominant on the court together."
Caitlin broke the scoring record that night. She was on Cloud 9 after the game. More so over the win than the record, it was cool but that wasn't the reason she played.
You had made your way down to the court to find her. When you did you ran up behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist. It took her s second to realize it was you and when she did, she started jumping up and down. When you released her, she flipped around and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.
"Way to go Clark," you whisper in her ear. "Proud of you babe"
She doesn't let you go and you feel like people are starting to suspect something. You bring your hands down to pinch her sides and she jolts back with the cutest disappointed look on her face.
"Why?" She asks and you laugh.
"Looks like there are people who want to talk to you," you nod your head over to the people waiting to get a picture or interview with her.
"Are you staying in town?" She asks hopeful but you shake your head no.
"Don't worry, I'll see you soon," you say and pull her in for one last hug.
"I'm gonna hold you to that," she whispers in your ear. She nuzzles her face into your neck and inhales your scent. You feel the tickle of her on your neck and give her one last squeeze.
You follow her and her team as they head in March Madness. You go to support her again when her team makes it to the Final Four. It is a nail-bitter the whole time but Iowa is headed to the championship.
At the end of the game, you make your way around to some of the players. You go to all the players you know, ending with Caitlin. You tell her how excited you are that she declared for the draft and make a joke about soon being teammates.
Before you know it you are dressed and on the orange carpet of the WNBA draft.
You being the no.1 draft pick the previous year and Rookie of the Year, were tasked with interviewing all the girls that came down the walkway.
The one person you were looking forward to seeing had finally gotten to you.
"Clark!" You yell as you welcome her and give her a hug. You make sure it is a quick one but Caitlin has something different in mind as she does not let you go. It didn't matter too much considering you had already seen the edits of the two of you but you were supposed to be the professional. You pinch her side, like you typically do to get her to release you and she complies.
"Okay, how do you feel about draft night?" You ask her.
"It is all sort of surreal. Like I can't believe I am here," she says with a beautiful smile.
"Well you are here and you are looking better than ever. Prada? Girl you are stunning," you say and play with the bottom of her jacket. She looked so good but you made a mental note to stare for too long. She laughs and puts her hand on your arm.
"Ya, the first Prada dressed someone in the W, it's pretty cool," she says and takes note of you checking her out.
"Well I will let you keep going but it is really great to see you and who knows, there is a potential we will be playing together soon," you say.
"Thank you," she says and leans in to give you one last hug.
Caitlin was drafted first of course and you were beyond excited. After she was interviewed and pulled back for some photos you found her and gave her a huge.
"We're teammates," you practically yell in her ear. She laughs.
"You are going to blow out my eardrum," she says but doesn't break the hug.
"You're being overdramatic, Clark. I am just excited," you say.
You pull her to the side once she is done with the shoot.
"So now that you'll be coming to Indy, you gonna let me take you out on a date?" You ask and she begins to smile and blush like a little schoolgirl.
She nods.
"4 years is a long time to make a girl wait, Clark," you say with a smile of your own.
"Ugh, why do you always call me Clark," she says as if it annoys her and hides her face in your neck.
"Well because it annoys you of course," you say and rub her back.
She mumbles something in your neck.
"What was that babe?" You ask.
"About time you asked me out," she says and you push her back in disbelief.
"Oh, now this is on me now? That's funny Clark," you say and she wants you to hold her again. You keep her at arm's length.
"Hug me," she says, borderline whines.
"Not until that date," you say and slowly begin to back up. She is now the one looking at you in disbelief. "See you at training camp!"
AN: This is a cute one. Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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andersonfilms · 10 months
Abby and reader getting into an argument where they both know r is right but Abby is just being so goddamn stubborn ohmygod. So r just ups and flashes Abby with their tits to shut her up. Abby stutters and slowly loses her resolve until she finally shortcircuits
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†⠀warnings y disclaimers — eighteen+, dom!reader, sub!abby, poc!friendly, jealous!abby, soft nsfw, stubborn!abby.
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Abby never should have been flirting with the bartender. She knows it just as well as you do. You had every right to be upset. Abby was your girl, not anyone else's, and she just let it happen. Right in front of you.
It made you sick and God, her dismal of it was even more infuriating. Her stubbornness shining through as you tried to make her see where you were coming from, but it seemed the attention was going right to her head.
"So, what if she was flirting? Why does it matter?" Abby was trying to worm her way out, but you wouldn't let her. Not this time.
"It's one thing to entertain it Abby but c'mon, look with your eyes. You let her feel you up right in front of me. Do you seriously not see how disrespectful that is?”
"She was not all over me and she did not feel me up." Abby defended.
"Really? You're going to play dumb right now? That's the side you want to take. You've got to be kidding me." Clearly, you were frustrated but your words only angered Abby.
"You're calling me dumb right now? For the love of god, she didn't touch me."
"Maybe you didn't notice because you were too caught up in the pretty girl behind the bar but anyone with eyes could see she was all over you." You walked away from her as the two of you walked into your shared apartment as Abby slammed the door behind her.
"She kept touching your arm and you did nothing. She tugged at the end of your braid; you did nothing. Anderson, she was looking at you like you were a piece of meat and you just let her! It was like I was fucking invisible." You were beyond pissed and the smirk on her lips wasn't helping.
Abby was too damn confident for her own good, always putting her foot in her mouth before she even spoke.
"Anderson? Wow. You're really angry, baby." She took a step closer, but you took two steps back.
"Don't 'baby' me. Are you being serious right now?"
You couldn’t believe her. She had the nerve to stand there, beautiful as can be, with a smile you would kill for but right now? You wanted nothing more than to deck her in the face. Abby always did this, and it pissed you off to no fucking end. Abby always had to let you know how wanted she is and how lucky you were to have her. It truly was nauseating.
“Just admit it, Anderson. She fucking touched you and you let her.” You threw it back at her, tired of this back and forth.
“If you call me Anderson one more time, I swear to god.”
“You’ll what? Flirt with someone else in front of me?” You stepped forward, cocking your head to the side. “I have to say, the more you do it, it might just lose it’s impact.”
“Are you sure? You’re pretty wound up right now, baby. Just can’t stand when my attention is elsewhere, can you?” 
You wanted to scream at her, but you couldn’t. Even if the chances of those baby blues welling up into tears were slim, you couldn’t let your anger get the best of you. All of this was intentional. Her pressing, her flirting, her acting like she oblivious to it. Abby wanted a reaction out of you. Boy, was she getting one. Still, you didn’t want to do anything to upset her, even if it seemed she was trying to do the opposite for you.
If she wanted to play with fire, so be it. You’d just have to cool her off enough so you could have a conversation about this without her cocky persona jumping in at any given moment.
The smirk dropped from her Abby’s face as soon as her brain registered what you were doing. Carefully, nimble fingers were unbuttoning the vest top you had on. You’d worn it just for her too. Abby loves the way it makes your breasts look, cleavage busting at the top. It usually would make her insatiable, but no. Tonight, she decided to keep her attention elsewhere.
You would make her pay for it.
“What are you doing?” Her breath hitches, and you try to smirk but you’re failing just as she was before.
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“W-We’re fighting now, right?” Abby was so unsure of herself. Part of her believed she was imagining this. You slowly taking off your top, and God you weren’t wearing a bra either.
You really were trying to kill her, Abby thought.
“Yep, you’re really pissing me off, Anderson.”
“T-them, uh, why- oh fuck.” Abby tried to speak but it trailed off to a curse as you tossed your top onto the back of couch and made your way right to her.
“Why don’t you tell me exactly why your attention was elsewhere?” Your perky tits on display for her was torture, because she knew if she tried to touch you, her hand would be smacked immediately.
“C’mon, don’t be shy Anderson. Tell how much of a crazy fucking girlfriend I am. Go on. Fucking speak.” You demanded from her, but the blonde still found herself tripping over her words, unable to complete one sentence.
“I-I, um, y-y-you know, fuck, what do you want me to say baby? Please, I’ll do anything. Jus’ want to make it up to you.” Her eyes maintain eye contact with flesh exposed for her enjoyment, or rather yours. You liked doing this to her. Flipping the dominate switch to submissive and watching her crumble.
Abby knew it would be more than worth it once you had the harness and strap on, fucking her so dumb. Her pussy fluttered at the thought of it. She wanted you to stretch her out – turn her into your little fuck toy. You liked it, loved it even. Tearing apart someone so strong, until she was putty in your hands and begging for it.
It’s what she deserved after pulling the little stunt today.
She needed to be put in her place and you were more than happy to oblige.
“For starters, stop looking at my tits and look in my eyes.” Abby obeyed you, anticipating your next move.
“Now, be a good girl. Go upstairs, strip for me. I want you naked on the bed, and Mommy will be up there to remind you exactly who you belong to.” You slapped her ass as she moved hastily up the steps leading into your bedroom.
Let’s just say, Abby was in the for a long night.
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adore-laur · 10 months
— harry being stubborn & regretting it
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"Where's Harry?" 
You swear he was in the room a mere second ago. As a matter of fact, you swear he was just standing next to you playing an intense game of ping-pong while wearing only his boxers and socks.
Harry has been childishly ignoring you for the past hour by hitting the hollow plastic ball back and forth with someone from the backstage crew in complete silence. You kept stealing glances at him, hoping his expressive eyes would reveal what was irking him, but he never acknowledged you. Based on pure assumption, he's mad at you. You think he's being a bit dramatic. 
"Not sure," answers the crew member with a shrug. "He left without saying anything." 
"Great," you reply, sighing in frustration. I'll go looking for him. 
You snatch your sweatshirt from the chair in the corner and head out on a mission. Harry can't be too far, but the unfamiliar venue with mazes of hallways and covert doors could make your search quite difficult. Thankfully, plenty of workers with recognizable shirts and lanyards roam around backstage, either pushing equipment carts or having muffled conversations with people through their walkie-talkies. 
You politely raise your hand to garner the attention of an older woman casually leaning against the wall. "Excuse me, have you seen Harry Styles anywhere?" 
Her hazel eyes narrow suspiciously. "Are you a fan? How did you get back here?" 
"No, no," you say quickly with a nervous laugh, taking your specialized lanyard out of the pocket of your jeans and showing it to her. "I'm his girlfriend, and I... well, I sort of lost him." 
She walks closer and squints at the laminated card with your name and picture printed on it. "You lost him?" 
Heat prickles up your neck and travels to your cheeks. "Um, he's quiet. Sneaks right past me all the time." 
The woman smiles faintly. "I'm sure he does." What the hell is that supposed to mean? "I think I saw him going to the private bathrooms in the back," she adds, hiking her thumb behind her shoulder. "Hey, tell him to stop walking around in his boxers, will you?" 
"Sure thing," you reply distractedly with a nod, not fully comprehending what she said.
After wandering down the brightly lit hallway, you eventually reach the back area of his dressing room. The smooth walls turn into rough, white-painted bricks as the opening of the communal bathroom comes into view. There's still an hour until showtime, and you wonder what Harry could be doing there. Usually, he waits until right before he has to go on stage to get ready.
You find him standing in front of the sink, a plush robe wrapped around his sulking figure as he brushes his teeth with his lucky pink toothbrush. One look at his face tells you he's not in a good mood. 
Fights with Harry tend to be over petty things that are easily forgotten the next day. Joining him on tour has caused some lingering stress since what he does, as fun as it appears to be, is still strenuous when unpredictable mishaps can occur at any moment. You can't remember what it was you said that made him blatantly ignore you. Maybe it has something to do with jet lag, or perhaps he's just being stubborn. Either is highly possible. 
"Hi," you mutter, looming next to him. 
Harry continues brushing his teeth while avoiding eye contact with you. The air smells of spearmint and his potent cologne, but it doesn't bring you the comfort it usually would due to the palpable tension currently clouding the air. 
"You're mad at me," you say plainly, drumming your fingers along your thigh. 
He leans over the sink and spits out the residual toothpaste, then inhales heavily, almost impatiently, as he picks up his mouthwash. He grants no response and twists open the cap, taking a short swig and swishing it around in his mouth. You rest your hip against the counter and impatiently cross your arms. It doesn't feel nice when he hasn't even so much as spoken a single word to you when you've been in close quarters for the past hour. 
Since when has the silent treatment ever solved anything? 
"If you're not going to speak to me, I think I'll just go hang out in the tour bus for the night," you say, swallowing down the lump in your throat. 
Harry shrugs one shoulder without a care in the world, and you take it as your self-proclaimed cue to leave. You honestly don't have the patience or energy to start a one-sided argument right now, so with a disappointed hum, you begin walking away.
Your feet halt just before you turn the corner. "Have a good show," you mumble with burning sarcasm. 
Once you're out of his sight, you curl your fists by your head and grit your teeth, almost letting out a crazed laugh at his ridiculousness. You want to scream. He sometimes acts like such a kid, too arrogant to admit when he's sorry and too selfish to try and mend the issue before it builds into something bigger. It's terrifying to think it could become unfixable. 
After five minutes of asking around, you're led to the back parking lot, where the tour buses are lined up. The main one you ride in with Harry is guarded by two security guards. You lift your lanyard without uttering a word, and they immediately open the door.
You stomp up the stairs and throw your belongings onto the couch, trying not to let the simmering anger in your blood turn into an uncontrollable boil. No one else is around, so you shut all the interior lights off and climb into the tiny bunk bed you share with your stupidly stubborn boyfriend. The sheets are still crumpled, and his dirty socks lie by the edge. Everything smells like him, and for once, you wish it didn't. 
Exhaustion eventually kicks in, and you drift off to the distant sound of the crowd going wild inside the arena. 
You jolt awake from the voice right next to your ear. Your hazy brain catches up to consciousness as you grumble a noise of protest. There's no need to open your eyes when you know whose body is causing the dip in the uncomfortable mattress. 
A shake is then given to your elbow. You jerk it back and hope he takes the hint. 
"Ow, bloody hell!" Harry whispers harshly. 
"Go away."
That was a bad idea. Instant regret. Harry responds by rolling on top of you, borderline knocking the air out of your lungs. You tiredly groan and push him off, his body falling next to you in the cramped space of the bunk. 
"Seriously, go away," you repeat, putting a pillow between you and him. "Stop sucking up to me and acting like everything's fine." 
Harry takes the pillow and flings it somewhere far away. "Yeah, well, I don't appreciate you just leaving and not texting me your whereabouts. That scares me." 
You roll your eyes. "I told you where I'd be, yet you decided to give me the silent treatment." 
He ironically goes silent. 
"And," you continue, kicking his leg under the covers, "I don't appreciate it when you don't speak to me. It hurts." 
"I'm sorry," he murmurs, remorse leaking into his apology. I was being an idiot. I can't even remember what I was upset about." 
You slowly turn over to face him. "Me neither." 
He's freshly showered, the hood from his sweatshirt thrown over his damp hair. His face is slightly rosy from the recent steam, and his lips look remarkably soft in the minimal lighting. 
"I hated not seeing you in the crowd," he says quietly, glancing at your mouth. "It's my fault, but still... it wasn't the same without you." 
You lean forward and kiss his forehead, making a content hum vibrate in his throat. His legs intertwine with yours as he rubs under his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. 
"Please never stop talking to me," you whisper. "Even when you're annoying, I still like to listen to your voice." 
Harry smiles fondly and places his palm against yours, admiring the size difference. "You're my favorite person to talk to. Do you know that?" 
You feign a gag at his sappy statement, and he laughs before nuzzling his face into your neck and innocently tickling your sides. He eventually stops and wraps his arms around you, planting tender kisses on your exposed skin. 
His addictive scent consumes your senses, and you let yourself drown in it until sleep drapes over the both of you like a favorite childhood blanket.
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ikissjude · 3 months
one round? 🎮 lhs
in which you and gamer!heeseung name aspects of your relationship | tiktok series
gamer bf!heeseung x fem!reader, warnings: cursing, dialogue heavy, suggestive at the end, fluff, crack-ish (idk i think i’m funny), kinda short, wc: 452
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“now stand right here and act like you’re walking to your desk,” you directed your boyfriend, heeseung, for the tiktok that you wanted to make.
to start gaining traction on your couple’s page, you decided to participate in a trend that details your lives as a gamer couple. it only made sense considering the page would be the two of you streaming together and uploading highlights.
“now when i say go, start walking, and say whatever comes to mind,” heeseung couldn’t help the smile on his face, seeing how serious you were about directing your little video.
“alright, and go.”
“we’re a gamer couple; of course we obviously met on league.” heeseung walked to his set-up, pretending to open up the game.
“oh baby, you’re a natural! actors around the world should be scared,” you beamed. heeseung chuckled at your compliment. “alright, now for my turn, i’m gonna do the same thing, but we’re gonna cut to us both playing a round. sound good?”
“of course, miss boss lady. tell me what to do.”
after setting up the tripod, you got into position.
“we’re a gamer couple; of course we get super competitive with each other.”
the two of you then played a round against each other, with you winning, of course. you figured you got a good clip with the two of you shittalking each other. it was like that the entire time, the two of you taking turns back and forth with you directing. heeseung found you the cutest, getting so into this 15-second clip.
“we’re a gamer couple; of course our set-ups are side by side.” heeseung’s idea naturally, he wanted to keep you by his side at all times, even when he gamed.
“we’re a gamer couple; of course i spend all of his money on games and dlcs.” you said with a smirk on your face.
“hey!” heeseung giggled. “you can’t say that, the guys are gonna call me a simp.”
“you are a simp, hee. and weak-willed."  you laughed.
“alright then, i have something for your ass.” heeseung walked over to his chair and sat with his legs spread wide. tilting your head, you decided to just go with it.
“we’re a gamer couple; of course she asks to sit on my dick while i game.”
“oh my god, heeseung!” you screamed, face heating up in embarrassment. “you really can’t say that.”
“why not?” he laughed before reaching out to grab your hands. he slowly pulled you into his lap, your legs connected to his hips. he knew just how to fluster you. you kept your head down to avoid further embarrassment, but he lifted your chin to meet his gaze.
“it’s true, is it not?”
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© ikissjude 2024
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munsonsmixtapes · 20 days
i’m wondering if i could put in a request about a fic with insecure! reader with eddie munson?? and it’s reader like hating how her body looks and she refuses to have sex with eddie with her top off and eddie starts to notice all these little things and he realizes what’s going on and he just worships her body😇😇
Eddie Munson x insecure!fem!reader
cw: MDNI (18+) nipple play, oral (f receiving) body worshipping, body insecurity, hurt/comfort, reader gets a hickey, wee bit of dom!Eddie
The door to the room you and Eddie shared bursted open as you both stepped into it, in the midst of a make out session. You had been going at it since you both stepped through the door and had absolutely no plans of stopping anytime soon.
Your hands found the buckle of his belt and he clanked as his tongue swiped back and forth along the seem of your lips. You let him inside as you continued to work on his belt before he removed his pants.
His shirt came off too along with his underwear while you just got rid of your jeans, making sure that your body was still covered. As many times as you had slept together, you still felt nervous to get completely naked around Eddie. He hadn’t said anything about it, but he had become worried about you. Worried that you were feeling too insecure to show what you looked like.
He didn’t care if you kept your shirt on, but he just wanted you to be comfortable. Wanted you to feel good. You were always enthusiastic when it came to sex, but he could tell there was still some underlying insecurity that always found a way to seep through.
It was in the way you would always close your eyes when he looked at you. The way they would shut tight like you were in pain and not the good kind. The way your shirts had gotten bigger as you were desperately trying to hide what your body looked like. How did you think he wouldn’t notice? He noticed everything about you.
“Hey,” he said, breaking apart from you, his Bambi eyes boring into yours. “What’s going on, doll?” He asked as his finger began to stroke your neck, something he always did when he was trying to comfort you.
“Nothing,” you replied, avoiding his eye contact, not quite ready to confess the truth.
“Hey, eyes on me,” he grabbed you by your chin so gently and forced you to look him in the eyes. “What’s going on, hon. You just don’t seem like yourself.”
“I’m fine, Eddie. I swear.”
“You don’t have to tell me, but I’m here when you want to talk. I’m more than happy to pick up where we left off, but I feel like we need to have a discussion first.” He let go of you then passed you to sit on the edge of the bed.
You kept your back to him, looking over your shoulder ever so slightly to see what he was doing. He was looking directly at you, that same warm smile on his lips. The one that was always reserved for you.
He patted his lap and you went over to him, sitting to his left instead. You didn’t want to put your weight on him. That was why you were always afraid to get on top when he offered.
“I-I always keep my shirt on because I’m afraid to show you my body,” you told him, your voice barely above a whisper. Admitting the words out loud just made them more true.
“Oh, honey,” Eddie replied, quick to take your hands in his. “I love you no matter what you look like.” You knew he was telling the truth but couldn’t help but feel like he was just saying that just to make you feel better.
“Really? So if I took off my shirt right now, you’d be satisfied with what you see?”
“Of course I would. And you know it’s the inside that counts,” he said, his pointer finger touching the spot where your heart was beating rapidly.
“Oh please! You’re just saying that!” Now you were getting angry with him and feel guilty for feeling that way because you knew that Eddie was just trying to help you navigate through a difficult time.
“I swear, I’m not. If you want to show me, show me. If you don’t, fine. It’s okay.”
“Fine, here,” you said, getting exasperated. You quickly pulled off your top, your body naked except for your panties. Eddie’s eyes widened as he looked at you. He had seen your body so many times before, but he hadn’t seen it in a while since you started wearing those big shirt all those weeks ago.
“Fuck, doll,” he said through a breath. “You’re just as beautiful as I remember. Maybe even more so.”
“You’re lying.”
“What do I have to do to get you to believe me?” He asked, standing from the bed. “Is this not enough for you?” He pointed to his rock hard cock that was tenting in his boxers. “I’m more than happy to worship every inch of your body until you believe me.”
Eddie took your bare hips in his hands, letting them run along your skin until they pressed against your back, pushing your body closer to his.
“Want me to show you how fucking hot I think you are?” His eyes were now filled with fire and you wouldn’t dare diffuse the flame.
“Please,” was all you needed to say before Eddie’s lips were in yours. It was a slow kiss, something that didn’t really happen often between the two of you. They were quick and messy as you tried to get each other to your climaxes since you always seemed to need to fuck each other in places that were public.
He turned you around so that you were facing the bed then backed you up to it, your calves hitting edge of it.
“Lie down,” he said softly and helped you do so, one of his hands holding your back while the other cradled your head. Once you were on the mattress, he lowered himself on top of you, his lips colliding with yours as he intertwined your fingers.
“Your lips are so soft,” he mumbled against them. “And I love how you always wear that chapstick that you know I love the taste of.” He pressed one more kiss to your lips then moved on to your cheek.
“I could kiss these all day,” he said. “Love how they feel underneath my lips. How they get so warm. Love when you blush for me, doll.”
You realized what he was doing then. He was kissing a spot on your body and telling you what he liked about it. He was so sweet that sometimes you didn’t think you deserved him.
Eddie then moved to your neck, peppering the spot with kisses, taking his time to really love on it. He then began to suck lightly, wanting to give it special attention to return the favor since that always seemed to be the spot on him that you gravitated to.
“And this. God, you smell so good. What is that?”
“You know what it is,” you replied, a smirk on your face even though he couldn’t see it.
“I do,” he took another whiff. “Wonder if you taste as good. Bet you do.”
You let out a gasp as he continued to suck on the skin, his teeth gliding across the spot, causing a moan to fall from your lips. He chuckled and continued, wanting you to make that sound again and again until you reached your orgasm. And then he’d go in for more until you orgasmed as many times as possible until you couldn’t take it anymore.
He licked and sucked and nibbled in your skin, eating up every single sound that fell from your lips. The way you were responding was exactly what he was wanting, hearing how much you were enjoying yourself.
Eddie then pulled back, a pretty bruise forming on your neck accompanied by his shin that was shining along the mark. He was hoping that you wouldn’t cover it up so everyone could see it, but completely understood if you wanted to.
He then got lower, nipping and sucking on your collarbone, his lips colliding with some metal as he did so. He pulled away from you just to see the little capital “E” hanging from your neck, smiling to himself.
“Still wearing this little thing, huh?”
“I always wear it, Eddie,” you rolled your eyes.
“Of course you do. So that way you always have me there wherever you go.”
“You’re so fucking cheesy.”
“But you love it,” he nipped at your bottom lip then moved back down, pressing kisses to one of your tits before taking your nipple into his mouth, licking back and forth across it before giving it a rough suck.
“God, I’ve been dreaming about doing this for weeks. Want you to feel good, doll. Do you feel good?”
“Yes,” the word came out like a moan and he swore it was the hottest thing he had ever hear. He then followed up by grazing your nipple with his teeth, biting down, causing an even louder moan to fall from your mouth.
He continued, biting down harder and you seemed to like that even more, your hands sliding into his hair and giving it a tug at his scalp. He gave one more bite before moving onto your other nipple, giving it the same attention. You were now screaming, wanting him to know just how good he was making you feel already.
Once you had come down from your orgasm, Eddie kissed all the way down your torso until he got to the spot right above your panties. He then spread your legs wide, draping your legs over his shoulders as he lowered himself onto the floor so the both of you would be more comfortable.
“You’re absolutely soaked,” he told you with a devilish grin. “But don’t worry, I’ll clean you up.” He then leaned down, his lips pressing against the fabric of your panties licking at the slick that had leaked onto it. He mouthed at it, his tongue doing pretty much all the work and he could feel you fidgeting under him, wanting him to get to it already.
But Eddie knew that this was your favorite thing that he did so he was going to make you beg for it. Even though this was all about you, he was still going to make you beg a little bit.
“Eddie, please,” you whined.
“Just a minute, sweetheart. Let me finish my work.” He continued to lick and suck on your underwear, wanting you to feel what was happening so you’d beg a little more. God did he love when you begged for him.
“Eddie,” you whined again and he pulled away. He always was a pushover. Especially when it came to you, so it really didn’t take much begging for him to completely give in to you. And that even went for things outside the bedroom.
He removed your legs from him then pulled your panties down slowly, watching you whine for him as he did so. If there was one thing Eddie loved, it was putting on a show. He got your underwear down your legs then tossed it to the side before draping your legs back over his shoulders.
He then grabbed hold of one leg and pressed kisses from your ankle, all the way to the spot on your thigh they was right next to your cunt. He took his time, wanting to love on you even more, whispering to you how much he loved your legs, how he loved when your wore anything short so he had an excuse to stare at them, wanting to place his head between them and make you feel so good that the practically crushed his head.
And then without warning, he buried his face into your cunt, going straight for your clit, sucking on it, but not as much as you were wanting. Just when you were about to whine for him, he went it with more force than he ever had before.
“Oh my god,” you whined and your hands found their way into his hair once again, giving it another tug and he licked and sucked on your clit, your ankles locking at the back of his neck.
“Just like that,” you urged and he did just that, moving lower to your slit, flattening his tongue against it as he licked a long stripe along it.
He then took his time there, doing the exact same thing to that spot, wanting to give it the same attention. But he went slower this time, wanting you to enjoy your favorite part of having sex with him.
Once he felt you yank his hair once more, he went on to the finale, sticking his tongue inside you and he could feel your thighs clenching around his head, another loud moan falling from your lips.
He swirled his tongue around and found just the right spot that made you scream, your back arching as you did so. He curved his tongue to encourage you even more and it did just the trick, another loud scream falling from your lips in the form of his name.
Eddie then pulled his tongue out of you, using it to lick up every last possible drop of your slick that he could, not wanting all of that good stuff to go to waste.
He then pulled away, licking off what he could from his face before using the bottom of his shirt to wipe up the rest.
Eddie collapsed onto the bed beside you and pulled you on top of him, pressing yet another kiss to your lips, this one more quick and messy than the others. His hand gripped the back of your neck as his tongue slid into your mouth, making you moan into his.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, his hands sliding to your ass, giving it a squeeze which made you yelp.” He then had you roll off of him as he got out from underneath you, taking off his own clothes and sliding underneath the blanket.
“I thought you were going to fuck me,” you slurred.
“Considering your state, darling, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he pulled you to his chest before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Ask me again in the morning.” He then rested his head on top of yours and the two of you fell asleep peacefully as you finally got the hint that he really did love you as much as he claimed to.
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scudslut · 6 months
too sweet
daryl x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, mdni
a/n: okay, is this like the song? IDK i listened to it on repeat tryna decipher shit and come up with a good plot but i think i got a little lost in the sauce, or maybe im just being mean to myself🫢 ANYWAY I HOPE YOU LIKE IT ANON BYEEE🤍
you two never got along, never saw eye to eye.
years you’d known each other and all it ever did was reveal those differences all the more. highlighting them in bold letters for you to gaze at thoughtfully, but did that stop you?
it was a game you played, back and forth for so long that it became a routine. bicker and disagree till you were blue in the face and at each other's mercy for only the moon to bear witness too.
how many times had you dug into him for his habits. he smoked, kept to himself, he fought, but where had that ever gotten him? it was against your nature. a way of being that you genuinely could not understand.
and he’d be right there with you, matching each dig with his own. you were sweet, too soft. you pleased and walked among ice like you weighed as much as a feather, so predictable it was almost humorous. if you didn’t understand him, he was absolutely riddled by you.
“how do ya sleep at night? huh? don’ya ever get tired of keeping everyone so fuckin happy?” he’d mutter, all the while tearing articles of clothing off of your supple skin, one by one. skin that was pristine by default and worn as if only heaven itself had touched it.
“believe it or not, i actually want people to like me daryl. i like when i can make people happy. it’s not a fucking act,” you sneer back.
who was he to talk? he lived inside his own head. could go days… no, months by himself, not muttering a single word to a breathing soul. and you’d tried to reason, guide, and help, but if anyone knew daryl dixon, they knew he didn’t budge easily. he had to want it for himself and he simply didn’t see the glory in your people-pleasing nature, as he’d like to call it.
sure he saw the value in it, somewhat. but he liked things the way they were, as they were meant to be. if he disagreed with something he sure as shit wasn’t gonna prance around trying not to hurt no feelings.
“alright, you keep tellin’ yerself that, princess.”
so what was it that kept you two coming back for more? why was the tension and aversion between your minds so magnetic between your bodies? he wanted to snap those annoying, pretty lips shut with his. maybe if he kissed you hard enough something would click in that head of yours. maybe he could fuck some clarity into you.
his fingers would rub fast circles over your clit, watching you keen and moan into the pillow beneath you, “how’s that princess? good enough for ya? hm?” he’d mock, “faster? slower?”
“god, would you shut up already?” you tried to sneer only for it to come out as a breathy whine, adding fuel to his pride and smirk across his face. your lips crashed into his in an attempt to diminish it but it was right there, now pressed up against your face, and fuck, why was that so hot? why was his rugged stubble, his long hair kissing your shoulders, and his broad, strong body so infuriatingly sexy to you? muscles built from years of fights, kills, and hunting. you didn’t like it… but you did.
“fuck, i’m gonna-“ you cried to him softy.
“nuh, uh. not yet pretty girl.”
his belt was loud throughout the quiet room. your eyes were squeezed shut in pleasure but you heard the familiar clanks and zips, and then you felt his weight above you — warm and spicy. it pulled you so far and close that you sucked him in before he even got his pants all the way off.
“fuckin’ christ girl,” he groaned, snapping down to meet your hips flush. it was rapid and hot, both of you pouring all your frustrations into each push and pull. frustrations with each other, frustrations with yourselves that you liked this so fucking much.
he fucked you deep and hard like his body hated you, but somehow kissed you so tenderly through it all. his tongue massaging and tangling with yours as if you created his oxygen for him.
“so fucking sweet, princess, y’know that?” he whispered against you, “no good fer me.”
he was telling himself that; convincing himself and you knew it. your body rolled to meet his quickly, feeling every gooey, warm muscle against your skin and drooling over it, “more.”
as if to prove a point he slowed down, pulling out till just his tip was caught at your entrance, and then would thrust in, hard. over, and over, and over until you were singing his name and muffling it with his neck. warm and spicy.
“ya like that? thought ya wanted faster?”
he knew he was walking a line, but what had you guys ever been but a definitive line? a clear distinction of night and day, the only time ever seeing eye to eye being these moments. as one.
you were sent over the edge instantly, spasms of pleasure rolling languidly through your body. the tight swelling of your cunt causing daryl to finish with you and fuck if he didn’t cum the prettiest, sexiest way you had ever seen. straight out of your dirty, teenage fantasies and above you to soak in while you wreathed along with him.
he groaned and cursed into your chest, riding out each wave until he was shaking above you and so sensitive he couldn’t help but hiss as he pulled away, flopping down beside you.
a cigarette was quickly fished from his strewn jeans pockets and placed between his lips, lighting up and rolling back into the pillows lazily. every ounce of mending and merging you had just done was palpably tossed out the window, your scoff loudly filling the silence.
“that will kill you one day, hope you know that,” you muttered whilst gathering your clothes and slipping them on.
he didn’t bat an eye, nothing he hadn’t heard before from you and honestly, he didn’t really care. plenty of things in the world that’ll kill you, your naivety being one of them.
“lemme guess, gotta be up bright n’ early? tendin’ ta all yer charity cases?” he mused as he watched you head for the door. there had never been a night you’d spent together, probably would end up ripping each others faces off alone in room together for that long.
he didn’t get an answer, just an amused eye roll as you opened his bedroom door, “bye daryl.”
and then you were gone, quiet stomps heard as you floated up the stairs and he knew it would only be a matter of days before you were right back here, glued to his body and singing his name like you needed him to survive.
“figures,” he mumbled, taking a long drag from his smoke and smirking softly to himself.
what’s that saying? opposites always attract?
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