#i kept in touch and ended up attending her funeral 15 years later
onbearfeet · 2 years
The punch-Nazis posts always make me think of the time I started a riot in the third grade and the fact that I will never be sorry about it.
I have some recent Jewish heritage, but I was raised by and among white evangelicals. This put me in a weird position as a little girl with a long nose, deep-set hazel eyes, and dark, wavy-curly hair. In most situations, I read as just another white kid ... but anyone who was LOOKING for Jewish people would pick me out of a crowd quickly. (For proof of this, see my college's Chabad chapter and also every racist I've ever met.)
My grandfather on the non-Jewish side seemed more aware of this than most people, maybe because he was a WW2 vet. So one day when I was 8 or 9 years old, he sat me down with a book full of photos and explained to me what the Holocaust was. He told me that he needed me to do something for him: it would be my job to remember all this stuff for him, so that someday, when I was all grown up and people tried to tell me this hadn't happened, I could fight back even when he wasn't there to do it anymore. I was a very serious little kid and Grandpa didn't ask for much, so I agreed.
Not long after that, I was attending third grade at my not-NOT-a-segregation-academy Christian school when the PE teacher showed up to take us all to PE class. We dutifully lined up in the hallway, and as we started to follow the coach outside, he told us he had invented a fun new game called Concentration Camp.
Thanks to Grandpa, I was the only kid in the third grade who knew what those words meant.
To the credit of third-grade me, I didn't panic. I realized immediately that I had to run for my life, also realized that I couldn't just leave everyone else to die just because they had less useful grandpas than I did, and decided to save who I could. I grabbed the nearest non-white kid, rapidly whispered an explanation of what a concentration camp was, and tried to pull her away from the line of kids with me.
Unfortunately, I had overestimated my fellow third-grader. Instead of running, she stopped dead in the middle of the hallway and SCREAMED.
Other kids panicked. More screaming. Pandemonium erupted. We had made it halfway up the hallway, but we were still close to our classroom, so our third-grade teacher heard the blooming riot and came out to find out what the hell. She was about Grandpa's age, so when she heard the words "concentration camp" and saw the guilty look on the PE coach's face, she started tearing him a new orifice the way only an elderly church lady can do.
It turned out that Concentration Camp, the new game, was a modified form of dodgeball. The PE teacher had thought it would be funny to name a game after something no kid in a mostly white Christian elementary school in the 90s would know about. He hadn't counted on Granddad, or me.
My mother was called, and I got in a little trouble, but once my teacher realized I had genuinely thought people were going to die and had tried to save the nearest child rather than just running like hell, she stepped in with her church-lady voice and I was quietly let off the hook, except for a note in my office file that probably said something like "incorrigible shit-disturber".
I think about that incident whenever someone brings up the should-we-punch-Nazis thing. Maybe if more people agreed that Nazis deserved punching, that idiot PE teacher would have named his idiot dodgeball variant something else and I wouldn't have briefly convinced 24 third-graders that we were all about to be murdered.
Anyway, punch Nazis. Unless you're too short to reach them, in which case start a riot.
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Forget Me Not Chapter 1 ~Prologue~
Brian and Ellen Fraser had been long-time friends with Quentin Lambert Beauchamp, an accomplished archaeologist and historian. They met in the mid-80s in Hurghada, Egypt, while the Frasers were on honeymoon and Quentin on a break from a field survey in Mt Sinai. It all had started in a quaint traditional Egyptian coffee shop in the old town of El Dahar when Quentin offered the couple seats at his table as the locale had been bursting at the seams. What was supposed to be only a brief encounter, had turned into a very close friendship after Brian and Quentin discovered that they shared the same passion for history, Egyptology and scuba diving.
Over the next few years, the friends religiously kept in touch. As Quentin never married, the Frasers embraced him as part of the family and was often invited to their home in Lallybroch whenever he took a break from fieldworks or was in the UK. When Quentin's brother and sister-in-law, Henry and Julia died in a horrific car accident, Brian and Ellen immediately went to Oxford to be with their friend and to offer their support in any way they could. It was there the Frasers learned that the tragic couple left behind a five-year-old daughter, Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, leaving Quentin as the child's sole living relative.
Ellen instantly fell in love with young Claire and was captivated with the child's unusual, amber eyes which were almost too big for her cherubic face, framed with short chocolate brown curls. Devastated already for Quentin's lose, her heart broke furthermore when the child pointed at her parents' coffins. "Mummy an' Daddy are in there," she had said, as she tugged at Ellen's coat. 
The Frasers knew there was no way that Quentin could single-handedly raise Claire and still do the job he passionately loved. After the funeral, Brian and Ellen sat Quentin down and offered to take care of the child while he was away at work, or until Claire was old enough to attend a boarding school. Ellen thought it was the most sensible plan for a young child to grow up in a loving family and she couldn't bear the thought of Claire, young as she was, not having a mother figure so early in her life. The Frasers already having three children of their own, supposed another one in their big household in Lallybroch shouldn't be an issue.
At first, Quentin was speechless as he could never take advantage of such generosity, let alone their friendship. It never even crossed his mind to leave his niece in the care of anyone. But the Frasers weren't just anyone. To him, they were family, but still, he knew he couldn't impose. He was already of the mindset of changing his job, maybe taking a post offered to him a few months back before the tragedy struck. Quentin had always taken comfort in knowing he would always have a place at Oxford University - it was his fallback plan. Selfish as it was even to contemplate the Frasers'offer, he knew working as a professor wouldn't be as thrilling as visiting ancient sites and being hands-on with surveying and excavating. On the other hand, he knew he was clueless when it comes to raising a child, and he couldn't deny Claire a normal childhood the Frasers were offering.
And so it was decided after a lot of discussions and deliberations that Claire would stay with the Frasers while Quentin was away at work. And in summer, Claire would go with his uncle to visit sites he was working on or go on holidays with him to faraway exotic places. The Fraser children, William, Jenny and Jamie, embraced Claire as part of the family and loved her as any brother or sister could love a sibling. There was enough money in the trust fund left behind for Claire that would ensure a secure future, but the Frasers never concerned having an extra mouth to feed as they ran a successful family-owned hotel business. It wasn't until Quentin died in a crossfire in a war in Congo, the Frasers became Claire's official foster family at the tender age of ten.
17-year-old James Fraser had debated all day whether he ought to go to the school dance or not. Having no interest in dancing whatsoever, it should have been a straightforward choice. Not even the bonniest of girls from school who asked him out made the decision any easier. After a lot of weighing, Jamie decided to go in the end, convincing himself it would be something to do on a Friday night and all his mates would be in attendance. And so that night, he went alone, arriving two hours late to the dance.
Inconspicuously, he had entered the dance hall and leaned against the wall, watching his 15-year-old foster sister, Claire from the shadows. She stood with four other girls eagerly anticipating to be asked for a dance, as she tucked a non-existent stray curl behind an ear and straightened her eyeglasses for the hundredth time. His best friend, Frank Randall, had promised Claire to take her to the school dance in return for writing his essay on Egypt for a school project. But like a cad that he was, Frank bailed out the last minute and decided not to hold his side of the bargain. Despite the humiliation, Claire held her head up high and insisted on attending on her own, with hopes Frank would at least ask her once for a dance. 
Looking at the time, Jamie knew it was nearly coming to an end. There were only two dances left, and soon it would be over. He could see Claire was starting to fret by the way she fidgeted nervously with her hands.  Damn ye, Frank, damn ye to hell!  But why should he even care when he had warned her so many times about his friend that behind the charming facade was a very selfish, insensitive person. She was an intelligent enough lass, and Claire had her outstanding grades to prove that, but when it came to Frank, her better judgement seemed to dissipate.
As the last dance for the evening was announced, he noticed the other four girls that stood next to her were already on the dance floor with their respective partners, leaving Claire on her own. Jamie knew any minute now she will grab her coat and run out upset. He had hoped it wouldn't come to this and that some lad would come and ask her to dance. But nobody came.  Oh to hell with it!  Before he could change his mind, Jamie quickly walked over to her.
"Sassenach, ye fancy a dance with me?"
"Oh, it's you! Hi Jamie!" Claire smiled feebly. He knew she had been silently praying for a miracle that Frank would appear.
"No' the greeting I was hoping for," Jamie teased softly, offering his hand for a dance.
Claire took his hand, and this time, she smiled warmly. "You're always coming to my rescue, and you know fine, I'll be alright."
"Aye, ah ken." He guided her to the dancefloor and twirled her awkwardly before taking her into his arms. Jamie was glad it was a slow dance as he would have felt dumb swaying to fast music on his own. Claire giggled as they nearly bumped into another couple, her forehead colliding against his chin.
"You know what Jamie, other girls are dying to dance with you. And besides, what are you doing here? You don't like to dance at all."
Jamie looked down at her, and he could see himself in her eyeglasses. And when she smiled, the disco light above them reflected on her braces. He tried not to chuckle. "No, I dinna care really for dancing that's why I came late. After the dance, I'll be going out with the lads."
"Oh! Is one of the lads, Frank?" Claire asked earnestly, her face flushing.
Jamie had always known about Claire's infatuation with his friend. It had all began in school when Frank picked up the books she dropped. As he handed them back, he had winked at her. For young Claire, she thought that was the most romantic gesture, and ever since then, Frank became an obsession. 
"Aye, Frank is one of the lads," Jamie admitted, his jaw tightening. "Will ye be alright later, Sassenach? I can take ye home after the dance if ye wish." He tried to ascertain what she was thinking, but her glasses were obscuring her eyes and noted they needed polishing.
Claire's chin wobbled a bit as she smiled, and Jamie knew she was trying her best not to cry. "I'll be alright, Jamie. You go and have fun with your friends. Willie will be picking me up anytime soon."
Friend or not, Jamie wanted to throttle Frank for using Claire, enticing her with a promise of taking her to the dance and then backing out last minute. "I tell ye what Sassenach, how 'bout I take ye fishing tomorrow? Just the two us. Will that cheer ye up?"
"Jamie, you don't need to do that! Honestly! I'm fine! You're always so sweet to me, and I know you'd rather be hanging out with Laoghaire," Claire pressed gently, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Laoghaire? What makes ye think that?" Jamie was surprised at Claire's response. Laoghaire MacKenzie was a popular girl in school who liked to make an impression on everyone that she was his girl after he took her out once at an icecream bar. It had only been one time as he found her crying one afternoon after breaking up with a boyfriend. Feeling sorry for the lass, he thought icecream would cheer her up.
"Well, I've seen you talk to her, and you look at her as if she's the most gorgeous girl in the world. Sometimes I wonder how it would be like to be chased by the boys. I feel invisible at times, and it doesn't matter what I wear, do or say, I'll always be a Sassenach. It's not fair...Frank is English like me and yet he's so well-liked at school." 
Jamie's arms froze around her. "Claire...I'm so sorry...does it offend ye that I..." 
"No, not you, Jamie. You don't say Sassenach in a mean way like the others. Like what I said earlier, you're always so sweet. I couldn't have asked for a better brother." Claire stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "Right... dance is over... you go and have fun with your friends. Willie is probably waiting outside already. And I promise I feel loads better already because of you."
Funny that Jamie didn't realise the music had stopped when he usually would have counted the seconds until the dance was over. But before Claire could turn around and go, he grabbed her arm. "I'm taking ye fishin' tomorrow and make sure ye pack some crisps and sandwiches...alright?"
This time, Claire's smile reached her eyes, her braces twinkling under the disco light. "Okie-Dokie! I'm looking forward to it. And now go! Have fun with the lads and see you in the morning."
Jamie watched her walk away as Frank, and the rest of his mates approached him. "Little sister sorted then?" Frank asked mockingly as he put a hand on his shoulder.
She's not my sister!  Jamie wanted to punch his friend on the face for hurting Claire's feelings, but instead, he mentally counted to three and breathed deeply. "Aye, my brother has come to pick her up."
What can he say? They didn't know her as he did and what she had been through. In the eyes of those who knew Jamie in school, he was just like Frank; a popular guy, great in sports and hanged out with the right people and went out with pretty girls. And as for Claire, she was just a Sassenach; unconventional, highly intelligent, nerd and the ugly orphaned child taken in by the Frasers. Jamie thought of what Claire had said of him looking at Laoghaire like she was the most gorgeous girl in the world. What she didn't realise was, it was Claire he was looking at. She had taken off her glasses that day and was cleaning it with a piece of cloth, and her poor eyesight must have made her believed that Laoghaire was the subject of his admiration. Oh, how his friends would jibe and taunt if they knew, him, James Fraser, one of the popular guys in school was madly in love with his foster sister, Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp, braces, eyeglasses, wild hair and all.
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diyunho · 5 years
The Joker x Reader - “John Wick” Part 1
Y/N left The Organization 3 years ago for the one reason strong enough to make her settle down: love. But after tragedy crushed her to pieces, she decided to leave The Joker and seek refuge with an old friend and mentor - John Wick. Needless to say The King of Gotham can’t accept his wife running away without a word, especially since he didn’t have a chance to tell her things she might want to hear.
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Part 2     Part 3
Your high heels click on the marble floor, numerous conversations stopping in the hotel’s lobby since you haven’t been seen around in the past 3 years. The concierge can’t hide a smile and you take your sunglasses off, finally making it to the front desk after driving for hours.
“Welcome to the Continental, Miss Y/N. Such a pleasure to see you.”
“Thank you Charon,” you remove 7 gold coins out of your purse and slide them on the counter towards him. “It’s good to see you too.”
“For how long will we have the pleasure of your company?” the man inquires, taking a peek at the computer’s screen to make sure he can shuffle things if needed.
“One night.”
“That will only be 4 coins,” Charon informs and you point out at the tiny pile:
“The rest is for you.”
“Thank you, Miss Y/N,” he smiles again, typing on the keyboard. “Your old room is available; it will be a couple of minutes for us to add a few finishing touches.”
“Sure. Is the manager here?” you ask because you texted him this morning to announce your arrival.
“He’s waiting at the bar,” Charon gestures towards the elevator and you take a deep breath, excited and a bit nervous about the upcoming encounter. “Also, if I may… Allow me to express my deepest condolences.”
You bite on your lip and can’t utter a sound besides nodding your head instead of a reply: although it’s a genuine declaration, it caught you off-guard.
You slowly walk towards the elevator and once inside you press the B button when a hand halts the doors from closing; you know whom those tattooed knuckles belong to. Ares squeezes inside looking like she wants to kill everyone. What else is new?
“I thought that was you,” the woman uses the sign language and you silently gaze at her.
“Which floor?” you sign back.
“10th,” her thumb indicates the number.
The elevator’s doors shut and she analyzes Y/N, deciding to continue the conversation:
“Remember I told you next time we bump into each other I’m going to kill you?” the mute assassin’s threat brings a faint smirk on your lips.
“Shut up,” you elbow her and the smartass response doesn’t fail:
“I’m always as quiet as a mouse.”
You chuckle and Ares grins at her own cleverness, having a nice suggestion for the evening.
“I have the night off; wanna meet later for dinner?”
You are tired as hell but a distraction doesn’t hurt.
“Will 7pm work?” you accept the invitation.
“Awesome!” she signs, delighted you two can catch up. “They have new items on the menu you would enjoy,” Ares winks then her enthusiasm gradually dies out. “I’m sorry about…,” the discussion takes a serious tone and you sniffle, trying hard not to cry.
“Thank you,” you touch your chin and the ding sound reveals its first destination. “I have to bail; I’ll see you soon,” you step out of the elevator and she remains inside.
“It’s a date!” she signs, concerned you’ll burst out in tears as soon as she’s gone.
Yet after the elevator’s door close, Y/N manages to pull herself together; God knows it’s not easy to pretend she’s fine following the tragedy of losing someone she loved with all her heart.
The individual waiting for her at one of the tables at the bar can definitely notice the struggle behind the tired eyes; Winston sipps from his martini and gets up, opening his arms in anticipation.
“There you are,” he gives you a hug, then invites you to sit down.
“Hello Winston,” you place your purse on the floor and Continental’s owner is attempting to small talk:
“Please make an old man happy and confirm your return.”
“You’re anything but old,” you emphasize while he snorts, amused. “I’m not sure; I have to figure out some personal stuff…”
“Of course,” Winston agrees right away given the situation. “Mmmm… I’m terribly sorry for your loss,“ he addresses the heartbroken Y/N.
“Thank you…” you mumble, avoiding eye contact since the painful subject hurts more than any physical wound you ever sustained.
“I wanted to come attend the funeral yet I was out of the country,” the man underlines.
“No worries. I appreciate the flowers you sent… …”
Moments of complete stillness before Winston changes the topic; he knows better than to prolong your agony. A manager with his flair can at least guess the extenuating circumstances that led to your presence on the premises.
“Any plans for the near future?”
“I’m going to stay with Jonathan until I decide.”
Winston wishes to suggest a couple of options but he’s interrupted by your warning:
“Someone might come searching for me.”
He taps his fingernails against the martini glass, the weak echo dissipating in the background noise.
“Is that someone…somebody’s husband?” his furrowed eyebrows prompt an answer not difficult to estimate:
“More like… ex-husband…”
The manager inhales, debating on your confession.
“Nothing we can’t handle,” he reassures without any hesitation; heaven knows a domestic dispute is the last kind of mess Continental needs but it will probably pass undetected. “Would you care for a drink?”
Suddenly, Winston’s cell goes off and he retrieves it out of his suit’s pocket, apologizing for the delay.
“I’m sorry, I really have to get this,” he slides the screen, attentively listening to the person speaking. “Are you kidding me?!” the man raises his voice with contempt. “Damn…,” he rubs his forehead, annoyed. "Well, he brought it upon himself! Transfer me,” the manager passes the sentence without hesitation after his call reaches the correct department. ”Accounts payable: 11111. Effective immediately: Magnus Stonnenberg, excommunicado. Open contract: 2 million dollars. Distribution: international,” and he hangs up. “Work never ends,” Winston adds even if it’s not necessary; you are perfectly aware how the company works and what it means to run it.
“What happened?” you curiously investigate.
“Trouble on the 15th floor: Magnus murdered Anuscka Volovdya on the hotel grounds, thus I have to implement punitive measures. This is neutral environment and the rules are clear: no killing. Cocktail?” he lifts his glass up and you politely decline.
“No, thank you.  If it’s all the same, I will retreat to my quarters. It was a very long drive and I can’t wait to freshen up. I will come see you in the morning before I leave; would that be ok?”
“Of course,” Winston stands up in the same time with you, a faint smile lingering on his face as he watches you distancing yourself from the bar. He didn’t see you in a long time and he can tell that although you look pretty much the same, something has certainly changed.
Everyone’s cells start chiming and ringing, including yours: the text messages keep on popping up with the manager’s most recent order regarding Stonnenberg.
You wander along the small corridor leading the stairs when at the corner Magnus almost crashes into you; he seems distressed and no big surprise due to his present predicament.
“Are you back?” he hisses while quickening the pace in the opposite direction because he wants to get the hell out of there.
“No,” the short acknowledgement triggers his cockiness mixed with relief.
“Great! One less to worry about!”
You frown at the unnecessary statement: pursuing a bounty is not financial gain you are momentarily interested in; you have more important problems on your plate and chasing a persona non grata isn’t on your list.
Next evening, 7:13pm
“There you are!” John exclaims as soon as he sees you. “Come on in,” he grabs the two suitcases out of your hands, leading the way around the house. “Did you get stuck in traffic?”
“Yes,” you close the door and follow him into one of the bedrooms downstairs already prepared for your visit. “Traffic was terrible, took me one hour to pass Lincoln Avenue.”
“Well…” he places the luggage by the bed, “I’m glad you made it.”
“Me too… Thank you so much for letting me stay here, Jonathan.”
Despite having his hair in a ponytail, the shorter strands slide out and John blows them off his cheeks, irritated.
“Yeah, absolutely. Plenty of space.”
“What’s that smell?” you sniff the air, intrigued.
“I cooked chicken Alfredo.”
“Oh no,” you crinkle your nose and he laughs at your despair. “Are your skills as bad as I remember?”
“Worse,” he admits. “Helen is not here to guide… me…”, John swallows the last word and you feel compelled to soothe his grief.
“I’m sorry she’s gone… You had a terrific partner…”, you sadly smile and continue . “We pay such a heavy price for leaving the organization… I must say you got a better deal than I did.”
He’s quiet for a few seconds and you could swear there’s no trace of Baba Yaga inside him; I suppose this is John Wick’s greatness: his ability to switch from an apparent normal guy to the deadliest assassin in a blink of an eye.
“Umm… do you want me to help you unpack?” he breaks the silence and you lift the first suitcase on the bed, opening the metal clasps.
“I don’t have a lot; just some basic necessities,” you explain and gulp when you take out the device you use on a regular basis. “I… I still pump the milk and… and throw it away since I don’t have my baby to feed anymore…”
Jonathan exhales, sensitive to the mother’s sorrow: he knows a thing or two about losing a loved one and Y/N uncontrollably sobbing triggers emotions he kept bottled up for weeks. He pulls you in his arms and you hug him back, hopelessly crying on his shoulder after displaying such restraint in the past days.  
“Why didn’t he drive the car? Why?” you keep on repeating the question and John understands what you’re referring to:
Two months ago The Joker was supposed to bring his three weeks old son from the beach house to The Penthouse and didn’t; he had a meeting and instead he sent one of his henchmen to drive Kase back to you and they never made it. There was a horrible accident on Glissan Street: the car was smashed to pieces by a huge truck, both driver and the baby dying on impact. You couldn’t stop blaming your husband for his indifference regarding the safety of his own child. I supposed the meeting and making money was infinitely more critical than driving his son home.
Maybe if J navigated the vehicle, he would have taken another route and you would still have your tiny treasure right now. 
You’re calming down a bit and John wipes your tears, upset to see you broken beyond anything he could ever fix.
“Do you want to lie down?”
“No,” you whimper and fight to regain your composure. “I’m a little bit hungry…”
“Well,” your friend puckers his lips, “depending on how bad it is we might have to order something. Shall I…call anybody for you?” he hints and surely didn’t predict the reply:
“My anybody is probably too busy with his mistress or planning a heist, can’t be bothered with any type of insignificant matters.”
Your friend seems shocked and you enlighten the mystery for him:
“I followed J so I know… That’s why I decided enough is enough. I packed minimum necessary in a hurry and left… … …I should have killed him… …” your voice dies out and your attitude proves Jonathan that you most than likely tried to. “Can we eat now please?”
“Should I actually order Italian?” he plays along for your sake.
“I’ll try the chicken Alfredo first.”
“Shit! You’re brave,” his brutal honesty makes you giggle and whimper in the same time. “C’mon then, food’s on the stove.  Hopefully we’ll survive,” he smirks and you nod in agreement, grateful to have a soul to talk to since your husband’s lack of empathy made it so much harder to cope with your son’s demise.
Same evening, 7:30pm – Continental Hotel
“Mister Joker,” Winston greets The King of Gotham. “Welcome to New York!”
The gush of wind sweeping the terrace on top of the building messes J’s locks and for once he couldn’t care less.
“Hello Winston,” your spouse growls, barely able to concentrate after he slept a couple of hours the previous night.
“Grape juice on ice?” the manager’s hospitality emerges out of necessity because The Clown isn’t exactly the easiest character to accommodate.
“Is my wife here?” J quizzes, ignoring Winston’s cordiality.
“Walk with me,” the hotel owner persuades your husband; they move alongside the concrete path bordered by decorative shrubs as information is shared. “Y/N was here.”
“She’s gone?”
“Where did she go?” The Joker sneers.
Winston fails to spill the beans and J is aware he can’t push for a disclosure, not with a high ranking member of the organization. So he attempts a different strategy.
“Imagine my surprise when I returned home after a meeting just to find out my wife abandoned the nest,” he shows management a post-it with your handwritten note:
Do what you want with the rest.
“She just took a few things, thus I have to personally discuss with her a very crucial dilemma: what am I supposed to do with the baby’s items? I have a room full of them. So I’m asking: WHERE.IS.MY.WIFE?”
“Mister Joker, you forget that in my line of business I am good at reading people and I can tell when they lie,” Winston elegantly throws it out there for the heck of it.
The King of Gotham halts and cracks his neck, displeased with the comment.
“Then tell me, am I lying?!”
The manager sighs, carefully analyzing J’s features: although he looks pretty much the same, something has certainly changed.
“Maybe she’s staying with a friend,” he insinuates and your husband articulates a sentence rarely spoken aloud:
“Thank you,” J stomps away, already having a few ideas about your whereabouts.
Winston huffs, intrigued to have discerned a crazy detail while reading The Clown’s reactions: besides the fact he wasn’t lying, something else stood out. 
“He loves her…” management mumbles to himself. “I bet he doesn’t even know it.”
10:34 pm
John softly knocks at the cracked bedroom’s door, unsure if you’re awake or not.
“Y/N, do you need anything before I go to sleep?”
There’s no answer and he creeps inside only to see you passed out with your hand hanging over the side of the bed. Jonathan tucks you in, feeling awkward about your unresponsiveness.
“Hey, are you ok?” he gently shakes you and freezes when he realizes there’s an empty pill bottle on the nightstand.
“Oh God!” he panics and reads the label. “Trazodone 300 mg: Take 1 tablet by mouth nightly for depression/insomnia.” That’s the highest dose for the medication and he taps on your cheeks, concerned you took a bunch of them at once. “Y/N, Y/N! Can you hear me?!”
You moan and open your eyes, unhappy to be woken up in such a hasty fashion.
“Jesus, lemme sleep... would you?!...” you grumble and turn on the other side, groggy from the drug.
“How many sleeping pills did you take?” John doesn’t give up and you yawn:
“One…my last one…” you adjust your body on the comfortable mattress, not comprehending why your host is agitated. “I’m exhausted…” you close your eyes and he lingers next to your bed, relieved the situation was a misinterpretation from his part.
11:32am, New York
“Oh my…”The Bowery King deciphers a missive a dove flew in 10 minutes ago; he got a whiff of some valuable data yesterday and the new documentation is by far the best conspiracy and revenge scheme he stumbled upon this year. “Would you look at that,” the man grins, caressing the bird’s feathers. “What do you think?” he addresses the winged companion. “Should we be nice and tell Y/N and Mister Joker their son is not dead?”
 Also read: MASTERLIST
You can follow me on Ao3 and Wattpad under the same blog name: DiYunho.
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noradarhkpalmer · 6 years
well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice
Title: well versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nora Darhk/Ray Palmer aka Darhkatom
Warnings: Some pretty anti-arrow feels are in this one, sorry y’all.
Summary/Notes: Ray and the rest of the Legends are invited to another wedding of their allies. After the Nazi invasion from Earth X, Ray is hesitant to go. Nora encourages him only to find out that Team Arrow will be there and Nora is not sure she can be held responsible for what would happen if she were left unsupervised near Oliver Queen
Day nine of 25 days of Darhkatom! Feel free to click the through my blog to see the others! Basically, I will be posted all loosely related (unless stated otherwise) fics for 25 days straight!
Thank you so much to @timetravelingpalmer for encouraging me to publish this.
Ray honestly wasn’t sure whether or not he’d attend another wedding of someone in their general circle of allies after what happened the last time. Nazis. Losing a Legend. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.
And yet he and the rest of the Legends were all agreeing to RSVP for the wedding of Wally West and Linda Park. He liked Wally, he’d been a part of the Legends for a short while and had saved him from being kidnapped in Berlin and had helped defeat Mallus. Wally was a cool guy and Ray couldn’t be more happy for him.
“Wally feels too young to be getting married. Isn’t he like 15?” Nora asked as they walked back to their room.
“No, I think that’s how old you technically are right now.”
Nora smacked his chest playfully. “So, who’s going to be your hot wedding date?”
Ray shook his head. “You, of course. Though I could always take Zari, she’s not the one with the history that may complicate the jolly festivities…”
Nora arched a brow. “And what’s THAT supposed to mean?”
“Well, Team Arrow is invited and you, for good reason, don’t like them.”
“Yeah cause Oliver Queen killed my dad.”
“Well Oliver Queen is probably going.”
Nora thought for a minute. Really thought if she could be civil and be in the same room as the man that killed her father. She understood from the day that she was free of Mallus that her father was not a good man, not even a good father, but he was still her father and he had sacrificed himself at the very end to give her a second chance. Knots formed in Nora’s stomach. She wanted to be there, with Ray, do something that made her feel normal. Normal people were their boyfriend’s plus ones to weddings.
“As long as I don’t have to talk to him I’ll probably be fine.”
“I’ll make sure we stay clear on the other side of the room of him at all times.”
Much like Barry and Iris, Wally and Linda held a party the night before after the wedding rehearsal at Jitters. Ray and Nora were thrilled to be back in the place they had their first date in. The space was a lot smaller than they had remembered and it definitely felt small when Nora spotted Oliver Queen walk in with a pretty blonde on his arm.
Nora tightened her grip on Ray’s arm and he looked down at her.
“What’s up?” Ray asked.
“He’s here.”
Ray followed her gaze to where Oliver and Felicity stood. He saw the ring on Felicity’s finger shine brightly in the fairy lights decorating the room and swallowed. He knew that when he and Felicity ended things she went to be with Oliver but he had no idea they had gotten married after the Nazi’s from Earth X had invaded.
“If you feel like you can’t do this, we can go. Wally and Linda won’t be upset. We’ll just say goodnight and see them at the wedding tomorrow.”
“No I need to do this. I’ve been able to grow so much mostly thanks to your help. I need to be able to at least stand in the same room as him. It was a long time ago for me, I can handle it. I’ll let you know if I can’t. So thank you.” She leaned up and pecked his lips.
They continued to mingle with the others, mostly keeping in groups with the other Legends, occasionally talking with members of Team Flash, congratulating Wally and Linda until two blondes made their way towards them.
Nora tightened her grip again on Ray’s arm. “Relax, I’ll handle it.”
“Ray!” Felicity held out her arms for a hug. “How are you? I’m sorry about Professor Stein, he was a good man.”
Ray nodded. “Thanks, Felicity, I think that there will always be a missing piece of the Legends because of his absence.”
“Yeah. We all saw how many lives he touched at the funeral…” realizing the conversation was dying she turned her attentions towards the brunette with Ray. “Who’s your date?”
Ray pretended to not try and deflect the conversation onto something other than Nora and facepalmed himself. “Of course, you guys haven’t met. Felicity, this is my girlfriend, Nora. Nora, this is Felicity and Oliver Queen.”
Felicity pulled Nora into a hug, which was probably the last thing Nora ever wanted, and thankfully Oliver was standoffish as usual and didn’t even offer a handshake.
“It’s… nice… to meet you guys.” Nora tried to regulate her breathing. She was just a girl, meeting old friends of her boyfriend’s.
Felicity crinkled her nose. “Wow, we have so many Nora’s floating around lately, now another, how fun.”
“Yeah… exhilarating.” Nora deadpanned.
“And your eyes are so pretty, they’re absolutely striking.”
“Thanks, I got them from my dad.”
Nora watched as the comment made Oliver almost visibly flinch. She tried her hardest to hide the smirk. If he had figured it out, watching him squirm at her kindness was going to be almost as fun as all of the things she used to plan to do him if she ever got the chance to see him again.
“Well they’re gorgeous. So are you a Legend?”
“I am. Have been for about three months now.”
“That’s awesome they’re a good group of people.”
“Especially Ray.” Nora leaned her head onto his bicep. “He’s made me a better person.”
“Ray sees the best in people.”
“That he does.” Nora replied in a sickenly sweet but almost ominous tone.
Oliver coughed. “Felicity let’s go get a drink. It’s was nice seeing you again Ray, and meeting you Nora. We’ll talk later.”
Nora watched them walk away and smirked.
“See that wasn’t so bad.” Ray grinned optimistically.
“No, you know, it wasn’t.
“Hey, we have drinks back at our table, why did you drag me away like you couldn’t me out of there fast enough? Don’t tell me you’re like jealous of Ray or something.”
Oliver made a face. “No. Something, something’s just off about what just happened.”
“What? The fact that Ray has a girlfriend? I’m really happy for him and Nora seems nice, a little on the dark side, but nice.”
It clicked. If Oliver were in a cartoon, a lightbulb would be turning on.
“Say that again.”
“She’s nice, a little dark but nice.”
“Yes. The absence of light but also when people act a little mysterious.”
“No. Darhk.”
“Still not following you.”
“I think that’s Damien Darhk’s daughter: Nora.”
Felicity laughed. “That’s not possible. Nora Darhk is about sixteen years old. That can’t be her, that woman is in her thirties.”
“Ray spends his days traveling through time. I don’t know how or why, but I’m telling you, that woman over there is Nora Darhk and she’s dangerous.”
“Oliver, come on. That’s not her. You’re being ridiculous and paranoid. Now can we go back to the party, to celebrate Wally and Linda. Fashion a smile, Mr. Grumpypus.” She pretended to pinch his cheek.
“Fine. But I’m telling you I’m right.”
“Sure.” Felicity patted his chest to appease him.
“Felicity… why does that name sound familiar?” Nora asked she stirred her drink while at a bar top table with a few of the other Legends. Ray had left to go talk with Cisco about something on the other side of the room and Nora didn’t trust herself to be left unsupervised.
“Like Felicity Smoak? That’s cause she’s Ray’s ex.” Zari explained and popped an olive in her mouth.
Nora almost choked on her drink. “What?”
“And you didn’t know that. Right well I’m going to exit the conversation now.”
Nora grabbed Zari’s arm. “What do you know about his relationship with her?”
“Brief cause now she hangs on Oliver Queen’s arm. It was right after he bought Queen Consolidated. I’m trying to remember other concrete details but honestly I only know this much cause Amaya and I got Ray super drunk one night and he kept crying about wanting to find love.”
Nora sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay. Do you know if they’re still on good terms?”
“Oh yeah, they broke up amicably. Felicity knew her heart was with Oliver and Ray was being a little too Ray about the whole thing. That’s all. Can you let go of my arm now?”
Nora realized she still had it in a tight grip and released it. “Sorry.” She returned to stirring her drink. Oliver had hurt her. Felicity had hurt Ray. She needed Ray to come back before she did something really stupid.
Ray finally returned to her side and she kissed him softly.
“Hey, miss me?”
“Always.” She felt him drape an arm around her shoulders and smiled up at him. She was ready to grill his ass.
“Why didn’t you tell me Felicity was your ex-girlfriend?”
“Because we broke up amicably and it didn’t seem relevant and I didn’t want to add to the stress of you being in the same room with the man that killed your dad.”
Nora glared at him. “Your ex married the man that killed my father. It’s definitely relevant, babe.”
“Sorry… I’ll make sure to tell you the next time I run into an ex of mine.”
“How many exes do you have!?”
“Just two others and one died.” Ray squeezed his eyes shut, ready for Nora to hex him.
Nora took in deep breaths to calm herself back down. “Okay. Oliver and Felicity don’t know who I am. We are going to keep it that way because I will not be held responsible for what happens if he confronts me and knows I’m Damien Darhk’s daughter.”
“Don’t worry, I have it all under control.” Ray said and totally lied through his teeth, he did not have it all under control.
Oliver caught Sara’s arm and she batted him off. 
“Can I help you with something, Mr. Queen?”
“Sara, I’m going to ask you this once and you better tell me the truth. Who is that.” Oliver pointed over to Nora as she and Ray chatted with Wally and Linda.
“That’s Nora, she joined the team three months ago and has been dating Ray for about as long.”
“And she’s really great, she makes really good baked chicken soup and makes Ray really happy.”
Oliver sighed, exasperated. “You know exactly why I’m asking you who she is. Sara, she’s the daughter of the man that killed your sister.”
“And you’re the man that murdered that man in front of her when she was twelve! She’s not dangerous if that’s what you’re wondering. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a hot date to return to.” Sara caught Ava’s eyes from across the room and winked at her.
Oliver shook his head. “She’s dangerous. She’s a Darhk. She’s probably killed tons of people.”
“So have you and so have I. We’re already a team of misfits and felons, why not add another?”
“Because you guys have reformed.”
“You don’t know that she hasn’t. Look at her, really look at her. Remember the little girl you made watch as you killed her father. She’s only just now getting back to being the person she was before you did that. Ray makes her really happy and Ray has really really sad puppy eyes when she’s not around. Leave her alone, Oliver. I mean it.”
“I’m surprised to hear you defending Damien Darhk’s daughter but fine. If she causes trouble...”
“I’ll kill her myself.” Sara replied to appease him.
“Nora Darhk, you’re causing quite the stir.” Sara saddled up next to Nora and Ray.
Nora laughed. “Are you talking about Oliver Queen? Did you tell him who I was?”
“I did and I told him to leave you alone and that if you actually started causing trouble that I would kill you. Now that of course, makes him think I’m on his side when in reality I lied through my teeth and will cheer you on if something ends up happening.”
Nora choked on a laugh. “Thanks for the moral support?”
“Anytime.” Sara clapped Nora on the back and went in search of Ava.
Felicity hurried up to them as soon as Sara left. “Okay so Oliver just told me that Sara confirmed what he was thinking and I just have to say that…”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, blondie.” Nora held up a hand. “I might be Damien Darhk’s daughter but I think I am the first person in line ready to bury every atrocity with my father. Also. I stopped you because your opinion is pretty invalid given how terrible your taste is. You left Ray, a true gift to this world, for Oliver...  oh what could be said about Oliver? Oliver, a man who thought it would be perfectly okay to murder a twelve year old girl’s father in front of her. That is why your opinion is invalid and I really don’t want to continue talking to you anymore.”
Felicity sputtered out words that weren’t actually words and turned on her heel, leaving the conversation.
Ray was shocked, turned on, and proud of Nora. He couldn’t decide which more he was but she could.
“What do you say we ditch this party early and head back to the Waverider since we’ll be the only ones on board?” She winked and pressed her back into his front further, feeling his need for her.
“I… yeah, that sounds like an excellent idea.”
Nora turned a little and grabbed him by his tie. She kissed him square on the mouth and when she pulled away, glanced over at Oliver Queen with a smirk and then led Ray to the door, ready to spend the rest of her night with the man she loved.
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I’m putting this here as my brain is refusing to let me move on with my morning until I say shit and my private journal isn’t helping right now. 
TW for generally abusive parents, mentions of suicide, and probably more that I just can’t think of right now. 
I don’t know my parent’s version of events and I probably will never know, I’ve pretty much decided against talking to either of them ever again. When I was very little (less than 6), we lived in a few little suburbs in Chicago. The last one we lived in was your stereotypical, white picket fence, doctor and lawyer neighborhood, complete with a chandelier house. The first house I remember living in, I had a terrible dream about an “evil cat lady” that tore out my baby brother’s eyes and killed the rest of my family. The dream terrorized me for a full week before I stopped dreaming altogether. The woman looked distinctly like my mother, but I have left that out of every single retelling I have ever had. 
My mother was a stay-at-home mom during that time, and she spent a good portion of her time with me showing me how to be booksmart and get A’s in school while also telling me exactly how to care for a baby and cook and clean. This started when I was 3. My first ever F was on a spelling test in first grade and I remember bringing it home and thinking nothing of it, after all, it was just a letter. I remember getting relentlessly spanked and from then on I was required to write my spelling words 10 times each and an extra 10 times for every misspelling. I didn’t find out I had dyslexia until I was in college. 
My dad lost his job due to his work cutting his department and on his way out, he shared information with the company that was hiring him, which sparked an entire court case and ended with him being blacklisted in Chicago. I don’t know if this is when he started drinking heavily or if it was before. My mother claims he was drinking excessively long before she met him and my brother has said that my dad’s new girlfriend (T) was told that dad started drinking because he couldn’t deal with my mother. 
My mom managed to find a job in NY, working at a nuclear power station and she found my dad a job at the same plant. So we moved north to live near my grandparents so they could watch us during the day while my dad worked. The commute was over an hour one way. This was one of the few times I could not be a mother to my three siblings as grandma was there to do it for me. I do know my dad was drinking heavily at this point and there were a few times I had to stand up for my siblings so they wouldn’t get beaten. 
On one occasion, we had taken some photos with a disposable camera. My dad went to have them exposed so we could see the photos. Apparently, some of them were revealing (I think it was a butt). Obviously, we should have known that doing so could have my parents thrown in jail and we deserved to be beaten for that. (sarcasm) I’m not sure about other adults, but when you hear a child crying and saying “no don’t hurt him hurt me instead” the thought should be “wait, that’s fucked up” not “okay, I’ll hurt you both.” 
We later moved to a nicer house, closer to our parent’s work. I was told to help out the babysitter as she wouldn’t know what to do and they just needed her there because I couldn’t drive. I was 10. I cooked, I cleaned, I did first aid when the babysitter cut off the tip of her thumb, I did my homework, I looked after my siblings and made sure they stayed out of the way and did their work. Since it was usually just my dad, we could just hide and we’d be fine during his drunk escapades. My mother would come and find us if she didn’t have my dad to scream at. 
10 years old and I had the responsibilities of an adult. And then our school decided to tell us about drug use and suicide. I didn’t even think suicide was an option. I knew hurting myself made my brain feel better, physical pain was easier than emotional and I was careful so that no one would ever see or be able to tell. Suicide was an entirely new concept. And fucked up 11 year-old me decided it was a good idea. I tried, I survived, and I was alone. The only reason I am still here is because my baby sister would have been the one to find me and I couldn’t stand the idea of her handling what I was handling. I told my mom about it years later and she told me I was an ungrateful bitch and that she was suicidal too and had picked a corner to crash her car into. 
I only have snapshots, most everything prior to college is a complete blank. It is blocked out and I am not sure I want it back. 
We moved again. And again. New house same bullshit. I started high school. I was alone most afternoons as I went to a public school and my siblings went to a private Catholic school. My parents, mostly my mother, kept trying to force me to conform with religion. It was something I’d been dealing with my whole life and I had learned to just roll with it and say what they wanted to hear. 
One sunday, my mother gets into her head that Jesus was telling her to send her kids to this private Catholic school 45min away that she saw a billboard for. She had promised me I could stay at the same school for all of high school. I was making friends for once. I was doing sports and enjoying it. I wanted to be left the fuck alone. Saturdays were my rest days and Sundays were the days I finished up any leftover homework. I had a paper due. She knew this. She agreed to let me stay home to finish it before we went to church. Afterward, she demanded that I go to the open house with them. That Jesus told her I had to go. There was no other option for me. She said I hadn’t told her anything and she hadn’t promised anything. 
I finish High School at the Catholic one. Spend the last 2 years in an abusive relationship then getting shunned by the school because he was one of the popular kids and the friends I had made stopped talking to me because I wasn’t gay. (I’m bi and apparently that didn’t fucking count) My one friend left is my spouse now and I love them to pieces, but I still regret attending that school. 
I go to college and the family fucking falls apart. No one knew what to do without me. My dad started going after my siblings more, as did my mom. I came back one summer and said I was going to a party. I was 20 at the time and they said okay, let us know when and where. I told them both. I wrote it on the whiteboard we kept in the kitchen. I reminded them of it every damn day. Day of the party, my mother is out of town and my dad is alone with my siblings. He can’t remember or read the board and interrogates and threatens them. Calls my mom freaking out. Does not text me even once. 
A relative I cared for died and I wasn’t told until after the funeral. My brother became suicidal and I didn’t find out until after they institutionalized him. My parents started divorce proceedings and I wasn’t told until they were halfway through it. 
I stopped talking to my dad after I finally moved all the way out. I had planned to stop talking to my mom as soon as I had my own phone. But then she started going to therapy and taking her meds. She was doing well, so I stayed in touch. She was acting like a mom for once. She had boasted for years about her hitting us to stay in line and that she really only needed to slap me once for mouthing off. She had complained for years that she never wanted kids. 
This past year, she complained more about having kids, and how she was horny and wasn’t fully attracted to the men she was dating. She either didn’t like their mind or didn’t like their body and couldn’t do even a one-night stand if it wasn’t the full package. Well she met Rick a month ago. He’s basically my dad. None of us like him. She’s relapsed into the person she used to be. She got into a fight with my brother and told him that she didn’t care if all of her children left her as long as one person still loved her. She said this in front of my sister who is 15. Who was taken off of her anxiety, depression, and adhd meds because “she didn’t need them” after she forgot to take them for a week and “seemed fine.”
On our vacation a couple of weeks ago, my sister was being a typical 15 year old and my brother was a typical 18 year old and she snapped at my sister. I had told my brother (I have 2 the other is 20 and was the one having the fight) and he told my mom that the reason I had told her to calm down was that she snapped at her and was being a bitch about normal 15 year old behavior. My mother then turned to my sister, who clearly wanted to run away and said “I didn’t snap at you. Right? “ and then didn’t listen when she said kinda. 
My brother was kicked out of the house at the end of the night. She texted my dad saying she was concerned for her safety and had thought about calling the cops. She wouldn’t let him pick up his stuff unless she was there. He had to send my sister. She now won’t let my sister get her stuff unless she goes alone. My dad, who was always a violent drunk, is the safer option right now.
I trust my brother and he says dad ha sobered up and is doing better. The depiction my brother paints of him is the exact opposite of what my mother says he’s been doing. Apparently my dad is being a dad for once. He apparently wanted to reach out and apologize to me, but didn’t because my brothers told him I was still pissed. 
My mother, on the other hand, has left guilt-trippy messages, and tried to message me in ways to get me to respond to her. (Voicemail : Hey just wanted to see how you were doing since I haven’t heard form you in a while and wanted to make sure you were okay. (She had previously said that she wasn’t going to talk to me until I apologized for telling her to calm down after she snapped at my sister) Apparently I have been put on the “do not talk to” list. Don’t know how I got there. If you’re not answering I guess that’s true. (She called me on my busiest night, I wouldn’t have answered anyway) I love you.) A snapchat of “Hey are you okay?” and finally a text of “Do you want me to mail you the dollhouse” (Which was made by my dead Popo).
I’ve decided not responding is better for my mental health since nothing I say will change the outcome of this scenario or undo the damage that she had done. Talking to her will only make it worse. I’m just a bit disappointed that it came to this. But, she always said she never wanted kids. Now she doesn’t. 
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bokatankryse · 7 years
i haven’t done this before, but i love these 2 so i though i’d give it a shot. 
here are some gert x chase first time head canons to help you through your day. 
(also, its not said what their ages are in the show, but since the 5 were all in the same class i’ve rounded them to 16)
the first time gert remembered meeting chase, they were 4 and they were best friends. the pride knew how much their children loved each other (much to their confusion) and made sure to have regular play dates between the 7 of them. nico, amy and alex always wanted to play hide and seek, but gert and chase thought that playing pirates was much more fun, so every time the future runaways were together they split into 2 groups, with karo swapping each time and molly following after karolina.
this time they were at molly’s house and gert had arrived before chase. she hated waiting, so when he arrived (10 minutes late), the moment she heard the car pulling up in the drive way she sprinted to the door. when molly’s parents let chase inside, gert gave him a quick hug before dragging him to the back yard, already telling him what today’s adventure would be about. (looking back at 16, gert knows that this wasn’t the first time they’d met, but it was her oldest full formed memory of him and she cherished it much more than she ever let on)
the first time chase remembered missing gert was when they were 6 and put into a different class in school. he and gert usually sat next to each other and helped the other with their work. on the first day, he turned to tell gert something funny he saw out the window and was surprised  to see alex sitting there instead. this kept happening all day, so when he got home he told his dad who immediately rung gert’s parents to see of she felt the same way. when her parents confirmed that she did, his dad rung the school and used all his influence to have them put in the same class. (after that no school dared to separate them, lest they invoke the wrath of victor stein)
the first time gert got in trouble for chase, they were 11 and some idiot boys had been trying to bully him. gert knew that chase’s dad had been unhappy with his grades recently, and had been making chase feel terrible. somehow, 3 idiot boys had also found out. they approached chase (and gert) at lunch and started making fun of him, telling chase that he was pathetic, that there was no way he could ever be as good as his dad and that his dad would never be able to love someone as dumb as him. gert had gotten so angry she couldn’t see properly. when she turned to chase to see if she should handle them, she saw that instead of getting angry like she had, he had seemed to have shrunken in on himself. this made gert somehow even angrier. she turned to the boys, got right up in their faces and gave them a speech they would never forget (all about human decency and how they were no better than garbage), then punched each of them in the face. when she was finished, she turned to chase to see him already looking at her, smiling.
unluckily for gert, a teacher walked by just in time to catch the tail end of the fight. even though both her and chase insisted that the boys started it and that gert was just defending chase, she still got 2 weeks of lunch time detention. when chase had run out of ways to try and get gert out of it, he told the teacher that he had punched the boys too. before gert could say anything, chase had also gotten 2 weeks detention and the teacher had walked away. when gert told him that he shouldn’t have done it, chase just laughed and said that he couldn’t have let his best friend suffer 2 weeks of detention alone just for defending him.
the first time chase called molly his sister she was 10 and he and gert were 12. chase spent most afternoons at their house, as well as spending all weekend with either just gert or the rest of the runaways. he was at their house one thursday after school and was helping molly bake biscuits while gert did her homework on the kitchen counter. he had rolled out the dough and molly was taking forever to pick her favourite biscuit cutters when he said “i never thought having a little sister would mean that i had to be so patient” and then the room went quiet. he realized what he said a few seconds later and cringed. when he looked up at gert, she was staring at him like he was the most amazing thing she had ever seen. when he tried to talk himself out of the hole he’d dug, molly interrupted him to say “i never thought having an older brother would mean he got to nag at me when he got bored”. chase laughed in relief, thinking that maybe he hadn’t made a mistake after all.
they’d known each other for years, but when gert first realized she might like like chase, they were 14 and they were at amy’s funeral. even though he was a boy and gert knew that people thought boys shouldn’t cry, he didn’t seem to care. he was just standing by his parents and silently letting the tears roll down his face. 
at the wake, when the runaways (minus alex) gathered in a corner to grieve together, he made sure to tell nico how sorry he was and asked if there was anything he could do to help. when she said no, he started helping gert distract molly from thinking about how the last funeral she had attended was her parents, making jokes and telling stories until molly told him that all she wanted was to hold someone’s hand. he didn’t let go of her hand once til his parents made him get in the car to leave.
the first time chase thought gert was beautiful (but not the last) was when they were 15 and he saw her with purple hair for the first time. by then, they had stopped being friends, so the first time he saw her after was from across the hall and he had been shocked, because gert, the girl who had never let anyone else touch her hair, gert, the girl who always wore brightly coloured hippy clothes, gert, the girl who always got to class on time and handed her homework in was wearing an over sized graffiti-ed  jacket, ripped stocking and purple hair. he had just stared at her until his new lacrosse friends asked him what he was looking at. when they turned to see, he quickly herded them in the direction of their class room, saying that he thought he had seen a spider.
(I have now cleaned this up a bit and posted it on AO3, if you want to read a more polished version)
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peakyxshelby · 8 years
Twin surprise
Tommy Shelby x Reader
Request: Hey I love your writing. Can you do one were you catch Tommy cheating on you with Grace and you leave but you went to tell him that you were pregnant with twins and then a few years later you end up going back to Birmingham
You loved him, you did. But it wasn’t working there was no spark there, not anymore. You had been together since you were 15 and he was 17 since you were kids everyone knew you would be together. Polly never did stop going on about that time you two got married in the mud in the back street of your house when you were 5. ‘Meant to be’ everyone said. Maybe you were, but it wasn’t the same as it was when you were kids.
Tommy ran the whole of birmingham, his business came first in every aspect. This put a large strain on your relationship to the point you slept in the spare room most nights, you told Tommy it was because the mattress on your bed hurt your back. That excuse was invalid when he changed it out. Sometimes he didn’t bother coming home at night, you knew what he was doing but you pretended he didn’t. You loved him, he loved you but not in that way. You didn’t know life without Tommy and that scared you. He had shaped you to the women you were today. Neither of you was particularly happy, but it worked, it didn’t bother either of you.
It did work, for a while. That was until you came home one day and a women’s coat was dropped off the floor in your hall. You walked through to Tommy’s study to see his clothes scattered all over the floor as well as stockings and a pink dress. You fought back the lump in your throat calmly walking to the kitchen taking a seat up on the work top.
“Oh Mrs. Shelby, I didn’t realise you were home,” Mary says as she walks into the kitchen with a tray of plates. Avoiding any and all eye contact with you.
“Miss (Y/L/N) now, isn’t it,” You laughed coldly as you grabbed a bottle of whiskey from the counter. “How long has this been going on for then?” She stayed quiet continuing placing the plates in the cupboard.
“Mrs She… I mean (Y/L/N), I can’t disclose that.”
“So he’s even paying you extra not to tell me,” you scoffed again this time taking a bigger swig. “Will you pack me a bag Mary, everything in the spare room anyway. Call me a car to please.” She nodded politely and walked silently out the kitchen leaving you and your bottle alone.
You made your way to the car that had been brought round to you, deciding it would be best to drive yourself. You put your packed bag in the car and gave Mary a tight squeeze. You both nodded at each other knowing what you were doing, you quickly got in the car and drove away, out of sight from that damn house. You pulled up outside Polly’s taking deep breaths still trying to calm yourself down.
“(Y/N), What’s wrong?” she asked as you let yourself into the house.
“He has a woman in my bed.”
“You’re fuckin joking me, That fuckin boy!”
“It’s OK, can you just give him this?” you say interrupting her. She looked down at the letter in your hand then back at your face.
“What are you doing?”
“Leaving.” You say bluntly, you never bothered to lie to Polly there was no point. For the next hour or so she pleaded with you trying to get you to stay, she kept saying she was going to ring Tommy’s neck. In the end, though she reluctantly let you go. You were too much like her and she knew that, far too stubborn for your own good.
That was almost a year ago, you know lived in Liverpool with your distant Uncle. He was mad as a hatter but he was a good man, kept you fed and put a roof over your head you couldn’t complain. Tommy knew nothing about him so would never be able to trace you hear, you didn’t want to here the name shelby or the words peaky blinders ever again. The taste was still bitter in your mouth and the thought of Tommy with another woman made you feel physically sick. Your uncle even helped out with your babies. Tommy’s babies. The twins were born 5 months ago. Your girl, Eva, was a growing nightmare she screamed through the night and kept getting sick, which had you increasingly worried. You couldn’t afford doctors or medicines and your baby was always weak. Your boy, however, Oscar, was a dream he was a happy baby who kept quiet and barely ever cried. Your life had changed completely since you left Birmingham, it was difficult but you loved your children and you knew it was wrong keeping them from their father, but you didn’t want them caught up in that life. You didn’t think you’d ever step foot there again until you got a call from your Mother telling you your cousin Billy Kitchen had died. He was your cousin, but he was more like a brother to you. So you packed up a bag and headed back to small heath.
The day of the funeral you had left the twins with your childhood best friend as you and your family attended. You felt touched at the number of people who had shown up.
“He was a good man, I’m so sorry,” You recognised that voice all too well. You froze unable to turn around as your mum thanked the voice.
“Is that (Y/N),” you heard another voice say. John. You smiled slightly hoping he made his way over you were always closest with John and Ada out of everyone. “It bloody is as well!” He ran over to you squeezing you into a hug. “Where the bloody hell have you been?” yOu laughed with John telling him you had gone to Liverpool and catching him up slightly, you didn’t tell him about the twins. You couldn’t help but look past him and around at Tommy who had stopped in his tracks at the sight of you. You nodded at the man you once knew before breaking eye contact and turning back to John. “Have you seen Pol yet? She’ll be thrilled to see you.”
The next day yourself, the twins and your aunt made your way to polly’s for some lunch, a well-needed catch up as she says. As soon as you push the pram through the door Pol’s jaw hits the floor.
“(Y/N),” She starts, “are they… are they yours?” You nodded nervously as you placed Eva in her arms and picked up Oscar rocking him in yours. “She’s so tiny,” Pol whispered playing with Eva’s tiny fingers.
“She gets sick,” You say your voice tired, “A lot actually, I can’t afford her to get sick again this month.” you try to make light of a serious situation but it didn’t work.
“Wait can the father not help you out?” She asked panicked. “Who is the father?” She says head shooting up to look at you rocking Oscar in your arms, her facial expression changing completely. “Tommy…” She whispered looking into the eyes of Tommy’s twin Oscar.
“I won’t ask him for money will I.”
“You didn’t tell him? What the hell were you thinking? We’ll give you money stop being so fucking stubborn are you out of your mind!” Polly’s shouts came to a halt as the door slammed shut and you heard voices of your ex and his brothers.
“Fuck me who’s kiddies are these,” Arthur started when he saw Eva in Polly’s arms. “Well this is (Y/N)’s little double isn’t it.”
“Arthur,” John said slapping on his brother’s arm as he followed Johns gaze at Oscar. Everyone knew who the dad was now Oscar had given it away, everything about the baby screamed Tommy.
“(Y/N),” The cold voice you once loved said as he started to approach you, “Who’s the father?” The room fell silent as tommy stared down at his son, your eyes fell to the floor as everyone else’s fell on you.
“Yours..” You said your voice shaking and barely audible. Polly stood up walking towards the two of you passing Eva to Tommy with tears in her eyes.
“Maybe we should leave these two alone eh,” she said rounding up everyone in the room and pushing them out the door until it was only you, Tommy and the twins left.
“You didn’t tell me,” Tommy said quietly smiling at his new baby in his arms. “Where the fuck did you go? I have had men looking every where for you.”
“Liverpool,” you say softly.
“Listen I am sorry..”
“Don’t be,” you cut him off quickly. “You didn’t love me, handled it wrong, granted. But you didn’t love me.”
“Oh I loved you, you know that.”
“You just loved your business and her more.” He fell silent at that. “Mum kept me in the loop,” you say silently.
“Yeah well, it didn’t last long.”
“I’m sorry.”
“But why didn’t tell me? I don’t even know their names.”
“Eva,” you say nodding your head at your daughter in his arms. “And this is Oscar.” He smiled from ear to ear admiring his children, admiring you. “I couldn’t bare the thought of you, I couldn’t bare the idea  that my children would be stript from me, replaced by another mum.” YOu admitted placing Oscar down in the pram as Tommy followed your lead and gently put down Eva. “I didn’t want them to be a part of your world Tommy, you can’t love your business more than you love them.”
“I will always put them first,” he says as he makes his way over to you wrapping his arms around your shoulders pulling you into a hug. “Will you please stay here? With me?” You pull back slightly as your heart started to race doubt and fear overcoming you.
“You have one shot and I am begging you please not to blow it.”
“I won’t Mrs Shelby,” You shot him a hard stare. “What? We never did get divorced.”
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top1course · 5 years
How To Create “Generational Wealth” w/ TRILLION Dollar Man – Dan Peña
Well then I mean I’m thrilled that you’re here, after so many years that were in the trophy room a lot of dead things in this room, and I’m looking forward to being with your group in 10 days, and maybe I’ll add a header to, from assembly, pictures, but seriously I’m looking forward to it, and for you to come back after all these years and see, such a dramatic difference, and at a seminar we were teasing me saying, when you were here, that was from 456 of you I gave you the information, i pounded for a week or so and then I kicked in the butt kicked out the door, no Mentor program no nothing no nothing you just did, just made it on your own and a lot of guys didn’t make it on their own, and so, cuz now, other than hold their hand when they’re taking a pee, I mean they have all this stuff that’s, it’s in the process of cyst, procedures, and templates after, the templates, mm slides and documents after document, why is my remarkable, 10 years later but it’s, am I, silent 27th year, it is quite remarkable and the fact that you saw on the webinars, the last of the second the second to the last guy, that was one of my current success stories, the Canadian even though I teased the Canadian, he’s making it happen, and when you guys go back on your 124, let’s go back to Canada there’s no competition, and it ain’t creating now you know what generational wealth, and you’ve already been a super success and now you’ve come back to, put some fine edges on your model, and to grow it based on your previous, success and based on your previous and current and future brand I mean you’re going to knock, Correct D1 you said that, i’m so familiar, immerse my, watch the video listen to audio, hundred, but, the castle seven, when I can, and I’m shocked, but how young, 20 something, 17 years, i’m doing deals, i’m from, man woman, from all walks of life, different backgrounds right, the different backgrounds, cretin, and the, and I kind of Shame, when we saw the 17 18 19 20 rolls, doing this you know I’m kind of Shame the older generation, hawaii demographics have changed, when you were here at there was a 35, and now it’s 15, 235, and we have a profound preponderance, avion kids, and you were actually the average age, abu, the oldest was 55, youngest was 18 in this group, and as averages a37, and it it’s quite remarkable and ever we had a lot of Canadians, in this group and we had five women which is not normal, they don’t know me at 5 we don’t have one to maximum 3, But the opportunities Hill.
As I said interest rates are the lowest rate in 5,000 years and they’re literally throwing money out the door at your group having to be, we are just at the ideal time because, 75% of all commercial bank loans are made the last 90 days of the counter deer and will why is it easier, videos at the end of the year, because the banks want to pay bonuses, i took a Bank employees is that, ionians, familiar with, it sometimes, see maybe beat, deals on, and they think I don’t know if, sometimes, oasis, about, you know self-esteem, and that’s part of it, but can you walk assuage, what’s the, as you mentioned it so, a commercial., that base model that I copied off of Andrew Carnegie, did he get a hundred years ago, and the old man, Acquainted. It was just out from down the road, ian Scotland he didn’t like Equity investors because it would reduce his ownership, so he did everything humanly possible just to borrow, money from Commercial Bank, and what it is we’re buying businesses to motivated sellers, motivational Normani mom-and-pop, from 1 to 325 million dollars in Revenue total revenue whereas, totally Finance from a bank and if the bank that cannot be covered by the existing free cash flow, then we had a great commercial debt like a Royal Bank of Canada Bank of America whatever, and they are we’re buying these and the kids, are creating generational wealth, well that we normally take 20-25 years, create and 3 to 7 years, 3 years if they do everything right, 7 years of alien, f****** something, and I’m currently am I poster child, is that an out 21 year old but he was 17 year old, josh camaquin kid, who is going to be a multi-millionaire, By riding his own jet plane now, he came to me, as a 17 year old had a 15 speed bicycle, that only after they had that was as collateral for the loan, and we’re buying in various areas, healthcare Telco, are the two hottest areas in Tellico has morphed into, cyber security, internet internet, exactly but Healthcare, it’s hot, i bet I mean is all kinds of species that are hot but slightly sarcastic, mortuary, crematoriums, funeral homes, are all hot assisted living is the hottest and we called bedpans the lowest level, an assisted living place in Country Club Assisted Living where they have golf courses tennis courts, basketball courts, all the way down to bed pans weather, poor old people in a in a room, and the doctor comes at once or twice a week Assisted Living especially for healthcare, my generation is going to die, And you spend, whatever my day and their families, cars mini whatever money the team alive to big success stories of my panties, one restaurant, the current senator of, state of Florida where I was born, he started, columbia Healthcare what’s going to be the largest Healthcare company in the world back in the late 80s early 90s, and here in Britain, we were the founders of the idea, four Seasons Healthcare, which was the largest Healthcare roll up, assisted Living, and you’re up, and again another one of my manatees was at the Forefront of that and those videos of the hundreds of millions and billions, but there is much smaller deal, that have been done in the middle, and the kids would no money of Their Own, that’s the key, no money of Their Own, fairly quickly build up net worth of several million dollars, Are you ready Canadian kid today.
On the webinar, from Toronto I believe it’s been gone from the seminar 37 days, your head to the seminar in July is knocking it out of the park he should complete his, his first acquisition in the next few weeks, any just attended East 34 years old, father of 75, and he saw me, truview, a lot of the kids see me through you can back in the group that it was here several of the kids are here because of you speak favorably, i mean they wanted me to high-tech his clothes in Coolmath with him, pennsylvania, then we talked about, my relationship with you, we showed some pictures of you 2003, wedge, is hard to believe that was you, but I know it was you because you hear some glasses, pimple face, and on the 13th request when my secretary said yes, which is a diopter, To say, understand like I was a kid, i got nothing to, to offer, you know what this, any wasn’t, anyone sing like, cleveland, not the, oh I spend 5 minutes with, we spend at, dragon breath, intense times, very valuable, didn’t notice, from Adam, the offer, but it’s, just to me it was, turning point of my, it’s almost like, having in, i believe in you, cuz I don’t like, beetling believe, tractor, what to do, you got some for 10, dolly Parton, well and Anna and I was fortunate that I am considered a good pic of talent, and I’m a good pic of Rothschild, but I saw that first of all you made the commitment to fly down, and I didn’t even think about the cost of the airline, didn’t even dawn on me because beds, that was not a a small speed bump for you, but you got down there and we had breakfast, Is a couple of a couple hours, and you did, much of what I suggested and we kept in contact over the years, ultimately a few years later, what kind of sandwich you know you’ve been one of the price of my mentorship and, my Association, baybayin, extremely successful your brand is a big f****** deal, and if I don’t say so myself, and into people I do, i’ve indirectly touched minions, oh yeah because you’ve touched, how do you stand to smell the leather, abilities, you’re picking up the phone right, fancy it just do closing, what is the same, spirit, cracked, it’s almost like, qla basic moon phases, the kindergarten, and the fact that you not attempted but you, brought to fruition being all you can be, and that’s the basic Ula, and you hear it in your voice you hear it in your whole grams I watch your videos of the kids don’t believe in them, Enough, you think that they could aspire to doing some of the things that you’ve done, and then you got it, what they don’t realize is that you were them, okay that’s hard for them to Grass because now they see where you are, today correct, imagine, how f***** up, we all buy a pair, and you will challenge, whatever whatever you believe, house, the program, looking for you, oh well they my dad was a believe in tough love, he transcended tough love to get whacked a lot, i deserved all the beatings I got I’m not complaining about that, but in today’s environment would be considered, child abuse continues to beat me up, but the the kids that we have live bubble wrap lives, the kids did you know I had really no week, Week week.
Saab, 11 parents of Love got the job done, we would be having Wars, if love got the job done, and religion in love got the job done today that would be the stripes, any battles around the world, but, my father used to ask his brother and sister, when they said Manny, my father’s first name, angelita Ruffin, come back and waist sister day, well how’s your crack w**** daughter doing, how’s your program with her working out, and how is your jail written son, to his brother about his son how is your phone working, and even though my dad was very harsh on me, is Pokemon, and I’ve been here a long time, and the one time they visited for a few days, and we’re walking we walked into the drawing-room what you’ve been in, and I got my arm around the shoulder and he looks at me and he says, Just tell me it’s not drugs, because the only thing that he can relate to, that made that much money that quickly, had to be drug-related, has to be legal, it’s kind of addictive but their your legal fees legal, and so that’s he was happy as hell but I mean your programs for the kids are watching age, how’s your program workout, how do self help for personal development workout for you, probably not too well, the only thing that probably is a workout for you, is Euro training to Dan here, and high ticket closing, i mean that’s that’s that’s why the kids wasn’t it so much, could you give me an opportunity to make, my name is super six figures, that’s a big number, the most people, most of their parents in Nexus player, and when we’re at the black tie event in a week or ten days I’m looking forward to what I’ve looked at the video from last year, How they’re all going crazy and how you’re throwing money Adam and, and yoga are you going to get my car and all that, i’m looking forward to that end and help, lift their self esteem, little b******, has come forward, and you know and and give them their money’s worth, give me a good joke, and a but I mean, i started sales you and I were late because I started the sale, how does cells help, it seems to me, the ones who have, natural, salesman, south woman, play tent, oh absolutely, because they understand rejection, they understand cold calling, okay numbers gave me understand that unless you’ve been through some kind of sales process you don’t understand that, i don’t understand, and the first time somebody hang the phone up on you or says no to you, And I you take it personally, and it’s not what happens to us in life, it’s how we interpret what happens to us in life, anna and salespeople know that you’ve got to take it to a lottery Jackson, a lot of nose, now the better you are the sales person, the better the closer you are, get last node, directions work, i even get nose and I consider myself a world-class salesman, i mean I get nose I get a rejection, but there are much fewer than when I started my career, you know decades ago, and I ended up getting back to the sales Visa V the qla, the more you can handle the rejection the more you can handle, the other nose, to get to the yeses, how are the probability you going to be all you can be, Sooner than later and that’s why.
Salespeople, the guys in the gals do much better in the beginning especially, because they’re used to, make a note sales calls never made a sales call, canova’s, anxiety, did you tell her you need a lot of, lawsuit, yep, 28cm is not different not all that different selling a product, selling the furniture, institution, and I think, most difficult thing is, because when we selling the product, we could say hey, this is the product this is, good or bad whatever, bacio a whistling noise, correctly put ourselves on the line, when we are pushing a board member, it’s a yes or no they’re not saying yes or no, to a product and yes, correct, adding decimals, correct and that we have two bank accounts in life we have emotional bank account we have a financial bank, most people are taught by their parents wrongly said that you should be more concerned about your financial bank, That’s not the one that your emotional baggage how well do you take, when things don’t go your way, how well do you take when your back’s against the wall and you got to perform, i ended the bigger your emotional bank account, ultimately the financial bank, following creates, generational welfare yourself we’ve been out of 26 years, we created a 775 billion dollars, trulia, 50 billion dollar man suit, but the, fast approaching a trillion dollars, and I’m here to stay until I reach a trillion dollars, and as I said during summer I’ve got three or four guys and gals still working on 23 billion dollar deal, that I’m obviously keeping my fingers crossed weather January 18th in London at the Sofitel Hotel, it’s the first time and I will have given, outside this Castle, in 20 years, The century to try to keep up with demand because our seminars are all sold out this year, and right now I’m holding back, my gunpowder I’m saying when mr. Trump gets re-elected if asked I Will Survive got the two movies, three documentaries and two books, that I’m studying with I’m going to go forward and that’s all out of work, okay, dental Works, consider a sphere lucky, vacuum, thank you in it and it’s great to have you and, and your wife and, and Desmond here I take a lot of time out of your schedule and I’m looking forward to you guys when you come back for the hardcore, jasmine Lister, the night’s not over so I’m not making any promises, choking, but I’m sure some of the b****** in your, remind me choking him program, has strict parameters, hi benchmarks because what gets measured gets a cop, And and we we could type measurement, on the kids as they go through the mentor program watch this, the seminar ends today, and when you go back to your homes are all over the world got a great group and they is my job my time, ask my Endeavor to keep you headed towards to go high for these next months, why you’re in the mentor program our relationship supersedes at because we’ve known each other a long time I get excited, window and when I see these things accomplished, and I just had my 74th birthday in the Paul I’m still fit I’m still healthy and I plan on doing this as long as I’m healthy and, until I reach a trillion dollars, okay, and I’m sure that the my house though hold-ups it’s been a lot of fun it’s this room, is remanence, the previous life and I used to be a professional Hunter cuz I’m not anymore I haven’t killed any, Animals in almost thirty years it’s very significant in.
That was a benchmark in my life now a trillion dollars is a big part of my life to seeing you so damn successful, is another Benchmark in my life, i’m into they said that I can assist you and moving forward as we discussed this week, you know you can count on me and the first step will be, for me to attend your seminar Sallie Mae Yorkshire why but they had some fun jumping, stage, choking some of those little s***,
from WordPress https://top1course.com/how-to-create-generational-wealth-w-trillion-dollar-man-dan-pena/
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50 Wedding Guests Reveal The Red Flag During The Ceremony That Hinted The Relationship Wouldnt Last
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50 Wedding Guests Reveal The Red Flag During The Ceremony That Hinted The Relationship Wouldnt Last
Cataloged in Romance
50 Wedding Guests Reveal The Red Flag During The Ceremony That Hinted The Relationship Wouldn’t Last 
January Nelson Updated December 19, 2018
If you notice any of these red flags from Ask Reddit on your wedding day, do not say, “I do.”
1. During the vows, the bride laughed at the “for richer or poorer” part and wouldn’t say it. Somehow they’re still going strong. I sure hope he never loses his job.
2. Groom was making out with a bridesmaid while his new bride proceeded to get black-out drunk and cry in the corner.
3. The groom refused to get dressed and wore a black t-shirt and sneakers. The bride looked incredible in her gown and he looked like he was popping to the shops for a pack of ciggies.
4. It was a dual wedding. That’s right folks, TWO sets of my friends got married at the same time. I thought it was stupid and neither marriage would last two years.
I was right.
5. The groom wouldn’t stop talking about the marriage like it was a prison sentence. He incessantly went on about how it was the end of his freedom and how he was going to be tied down to “the ball and chain” now. They were divorced in just under a year.
6. I was best man at my mate’s wedding. The bride hit on me.
7. The groom spent the almost the entire wedding glued to his (female) work colleague, to the point that the bride had to drag him away for their first dance. They also kept going off somewhere together (a friend tried to follow them outside but it was too dark to locate them). You could see the obvious hurt on the bride’s face throughout the day.
Prior to the wedding he’d taken his colleague away abroad for his stag ‘do (just the two of them, despite the bride’s protests), and in his wedding speech he pointed his colleague out and told her that he’d had “the best time of his life” that weekend.
They’re still together at the moment but I don’t see it being the happy ending that the bride was so desperate for.
8. The bride and groom got in an argument post-reception and the bride ran away.
It was in a small town in the middle of nowhere but we ran around all night trying to find her. What an adventure.
9. The father of the bride made a speech about how he saw his daughter ‘organizing’ the groom over time. Basically, instead of telling a story of their burgeoning love, it was a tale of how she began to control him over time. Was cringey. Lasted 3 years.
10. The bride-to-be of my friend would not let him participate in the entire bachelor party. It wasn’t even a risqué itinerary: more of just a guy’s night with drinking and poker and such. So we essentially had his stag without him.
11. Groom was sending texts to a very uninterested bridesmaid all night. Groom was also more interested in getting wasted with his buddies than being with the bride. There were also red flags BEFORE the wedding. No surprise they were divorced in less than a year.
12. The bride did not smile, neither during the ceremony nor during the reception. She never cracked a smile.
13. In my friend’s vows he was talking about her eyes which were blue and he called them green.
14. The pastor at the wedding, in front of a couple hundred people, said, “Can you believe that just two months ago, (bride’s name) was in my house, crying because she was so lonely and wanted to be married so badly? And now look at her two months later, getting married to a guy she met the next day!” Even her elderly grandmother laughed out loud.
15. Attended a very big, very religious wedding of a 21-year-old bride and a 22-year-old groom. They lied about where they met (it was on Tinder). During a round of truth or dare with the groom and his members of the wedding party the night before, he admitted his biggest love language is touch, but that his SO hated to express affection physically. All he wanted was to be cuddled sometimes, and she’d refuse.
He said he hoped it got better after they were married.
All the groomsmen made frantic eye contact and changed the subject.
They’re still married, as of a year later but PSA, guys: nothing “gets better” after you get married. That’s still your partner, that’s still your relationship.
16. The best man, the groom’s lifelong best friend, was gay. And I mean GAAY. All but one of the groomsmen were gay.
A few years after the wedding, the groom’s father died. Within a week of the funeral, he told her it wasn’t working and moved in with the best man.
Everyone did their best to act shocked.
17. She said “I do” while looking the guy she’d been in love with for a very long time straight in the eyes…
Spoiler alert: it wasn’t her soon-to-be husband.
Didn’t last a year.
18. Was at the wedding of an ex girlfriend who married young. (20) Husband got into a drunk fistfight with his groomsmen at the reception. I left after she threw her wedding ring at him.
19. The bride and groom didn’t hang out the entire wedding.
20. When the judge asked if anyone had any objections, and their newborn daughter began to scream like a banshee. A few years passed of constant fighting, she finally reveals the daughter wasn’t really his, they try to stick it out for about a year, and finally a divorce. Everyone always joked about the newborn’s objection. She was really just trying to warn them, I suppose.
21. The father of the groom brings up divorce in his speech as he was officiating the wedding.
22. There was a part of the ceremony where the bride and groom were kneeling at the altar. On the bottom of the groom’s shoes were two pieces of tape that read “HELP” and “ME” on them.
Never was clear whether he put them there or was pranked by his groomsmen, but it felt like an omen. They lasted less than a year.
23. The groom gives this speech during the reception about the wife being subservient to the husband and how it says this in the bible. The bride sorta jokes about how he’s dreaming and he very seriously is like no that is what is gonna happen…..
Divorced within 6 months
24. The groom spent almost all of his speech talking about his best man.
25. A friend was a bridesmaid in a wedding… When they said, “You may kiss the bride” the groom leaned in… When she went to kiss him he pulled away and pointed and laughed at her.
Also was flirting aggressively with the maid of honor.
Divorced within a year. No one was surprised.
26. The bride didn’t look happy to be walking down the aisle. She was smiling but it was very much a pasted on smile that I assumed was because she was nervous. Found out at the wedding that her parents had offered to pay for the big wedding or pay for a small wedding then give them the money for a down payment for a house. She wanted the wedding. Where we live the housing market is insanely competitive and this was at the peak of the housing prices right before the crash. Her parents basically offered her the ability to jump start their lives together, she turned it down for the big party with her as the center of attention.
It was over within 2 years. She didn’t even seem upset about it.
27. Went to a wedding of my wife’s coworker. She was the sweetest person and her fiancee was a total slob. Just a cocky, out of shape, burnt out frat guy. Had told her to her face about all the girls he’d slept with and how he’d had perfect weeks where he’d slept with a different girl every night. Pretty sure this was a bad technique to try and make her stick around and think he was desirable. Then at the wedding drinks so much (remember really big guy) he passed out before anyone has left and she has to take him to their hotel room passed out and doesn’t get to finish her own wedding or have a wedding night. I feel so sad for her.
28. Attended a wedding where the bride talked, not about her love for him or how great he is, but more about how he changed so much of his personality for her and how that made everything perfect.
29. Groom was clearly having a good time, bride was visibly uncomfortable. When it came time for vows the groom had a long list and read it off nicely. The bride said something along the lines of, “I’m just gonna wing it — basically you’re my best friend,” and trailed off soon after. Thank god for the open bar.
30. The groom forgot the bride’s name during his toast to her and called her a similar but very different name. (Like, if her name was Brenda, he called her Brittney.) It lasted two years.
31. When the “ex-girlfriend” stood up to object with a pregnancy stick in her hand. Positive it’s you, she said.
32. The groom had the ring in his pocket but forgot which one and the bride visually annoyed said, “That’s the kind of guy I’m marrying.”
They divorced within the year.
33. I was a groomsman. The groom was nowhere to be found as the night was winding up. The intoxicated bride, whom I’d met maybe 3 times prior, asked me to dance. Then she said to me: “When I masturbate, I think of you.” That was the first time she ever expressed interest in me.
They had 3 kids in five years. Both caught each other cheating on the other. Divorced at the 5-year mark.
34. The groom wanted to delay the wedding so they could do a last minute Taco Bell run.
They were divorced within 18 months.
35. At the end of the ceremony she changed into an extremely fancy going-away outfit – tight and purple and laced up down the sides. He changed into an old t-shirt and shorts that reeked of stale student-bachelor sweat and said, “Oh, I didn’t know we were dressing up.” She gave him a look of the purest hatred and disgust. They separated six months later.
36. I saw the newly married couple step out of an elevator, and he accidentally stepped on her dress. She snapped and turned around, yelling “Do that again and see what happens!
He was stone-faced and without saying anything, immediately went to the bar for a beer.
37. The husband slept with one of the bridesmaids a week before the wedding.
38. The groom was madly in love with his fiancé (as one would hope), always got the vibe she just wasn’t that… into it. During the wedding he was so nervous he stuttered. Bride rolled her eyes and looked pissed. Then later in the night after dinner and music had started, the bride got annoyed people weren’t staying in their allocates seats. They had a “wishing well” for presents. We added our anonymous gift with a card and thought that was that. One week later get an abusive call that we did not put in. This ended up getting so bad it tore down multiple friendships for the groom. Bride wanted enough money to buy a house. Turns out bride was cheating on him the whole time, with someone who was also married.
39. At the reception there is a local tradition for the groomsmen to ‘steal the bride’, basically they do a quick barhop and come back to continue the reception. My husband was a groomsman, and as more than an hour passed, I finally called him. He said she was having a blast and wouldn’t leave. The groom had arrived back after about 30 minutes, laughed it off at first, then relief when she finally blew back in totally smashed. They made it about 2 months after that.
40. Groom hated the bride’s family, groom’s family didn’t approve of the bride. Very awkward at a wedding! Bride makes her promises (something along the lines of “I promise to try and be worthy of your family” etc) and we all raise eyebrows at each other. Groom’s speech is all about how much he has helped his bride change for the better and how he ‘made her what she is’. Eyebrows are practically falling off the top of my head at this point. It’s been a few months so I guess we will wait and see…I just thought it was very controlling.
41. Went to a wedding for one of my older (male) cousins who has two sisters about my age. Apparently the bride talked to the oldest sister (whom the groom was very close to) and said something like, “Just so you know, you’re not the most important girl in his life anymore. I am.”
Can’t wait to see how this one plays out.
42. It was my wedding. The groom stopped the entire ceremony (which was held at our place) so he could watch The Simpsons. There was no discussion about this beforehand, he just did it.
No, we are not still married. Shocking, I know.
43. She posted on Facebook that it was “the worst day of her life.”
44. The groom said the wrong name during the vows.
45. Bride told me and my partner a few weeks earlier that she didnt want to go through with it. She had generic vows, husbands were beautiful. She had a sour face the whole time, it was almost funny. It ended up turning out that she was shagging my partner the last year and she left her husband for him 4 months in. I dodged a bullet.
46. Older guy marrying a young Eastern European. The groom’s friend said at the reception “This party is great. I hope I get invited to the one next year.” The guy had been married a few times before.
47. I’m the keyboard player for a wedding band so I’ve seen all sorts of ridiculous shit at weddings that would qualify as a red flag. That said, one stands above the rest: the groom aggressively grinding on 2 of the bridesmaids (simultaneously); one of which was the bride’s sister.
48. My cousin’s wedding: he was in the Army, his bride was 6 months pregnant, a senior in high school, and she had just turned 18 the previous day. Her grandfather was the officiant and he gave a big speech about how marriage was only between one man and one woman and no one can tear apart what God puts together. They opened their gifts in front of everyone like it was a birthday party. There was no alcohol, dancing, or food. Within 30-40 minutes after the gift opening the “happy” couple peeled out of the Boy Scout lodge, doing donuts while her teenage friends cheered them on. They spent the night at the hotel everyone was staying at – separately – which consisted of him getting shitfaced with his friends while she was alone in their room. In front of our entire family my sister said “I give them a year.” She was wrong though.
Within 3 months of the kid coming they had split and my cousin swears the kid isn’t his. The whole wedding was one giant fucking red flag.
49. The other day a coworker told me about a wedding she was just in the bridal party for – the groom and his mother were counting out how much each family gave as a cash gift and giving the bride grief because her family wasn’t able to give as much as the grooms family. I feel like that’s an insanely bad way to start a marriage.
50. At my brothers first wedding his fiance’s dad came into the room we were using to get ready and told my brother that if he wanted to leave that he would take care of all the people Inside and he wouldn’t even be mad.
My brother did it anyway. Divorced 4 months later.
Image Credit: Ieva Vizule
is cataloged in Divorces, Red Flags, Wedding
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pjmooney · 7 years
Liu Xia, a poet, an artist and the widow of late Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, wrote a letter expressing her deep depression and loneliness under house arrest. According to reports, she received surgery in recent months to remove uterine fibroids. No direct contact with her has been allowed, nor confirmation of her whereabouts, since her husband’s death in July.
Liu Xia’s letter to Herta Müller, the 2009 Nobel Literature Prize laureate, was posted online on 9 December 2017 by dissident poet and writer Liao Yiwu who lives in Germany. Presented in verses like a poem, Liu Xia wrote in the undated letter that she felt so nervous that she curled up and her neck was stiff whenever she heard someone knocking on her door: “I can’t leave. I talk to myself. I’m going to be insane”.
Since Liu Xiaobo passed away on 13 July 2017, several unverified YouTube video clips have supposedly shown Liu Xia in various locations in Yunnan province and Beijing. Despite this, none of her close friends have been able to get in touch with her directly to confirm her whereabouts and wellbeing.
Artist and poet Liu Xia has been placed under illegal “house arrest” since her late husband, Liu Xiaobo, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2010. Immediately following the announcement on 8 October 2010, police took her to Liaoning province to keep her away from the media.
According to reports from Radio Free Asia, Liu Xia received surgery to remove uterine fibroids (noncancerous growths in the uterus) in recent months. In addition to her physical health, there are continued concerns for her mental well-being as her depression is now regarded as ‘extremely severe’. This is reflected at the end of the letter to Herta Müller where Liu Xia writes “I have no right to speak, speak loudly. I live like a plant. I lie like a corpse.”
Please write immediately in Chinese, English or your own language urging the Chinese authorities to:
·         End the illegal house arrest and surveillance of Liu Xia, stop her harassment and allow her to travel freely;
·         Take effective measures to ensure that all human rights defenders and their families, including Liu Xia, can carry out their peaceful activities without fear of hindrance, intimidation, arbitrary detention or imprisonment, in line with the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders;
·         Take effective measures to ensure the right to freedom of expression is upheld and in line with Chinese constitutional guarantees and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which China has signed and repeatedly stated its intention to ratify.
Xi Jinping
Xichengqu, Beijing Shi 100017          
People’s Republic of China
Fax: +86 10 63070900
Email: [email protected]                
Salutation: Dear President
Li Keqiang            
The State Council General Office
2 Fuyoujie            
Xichengqu, Beijing Shi 100017          
People’s Republic of China
Fax: +86 10 62381025
Salutation: Dear Premier
And copies to:
Minister of Public Security Bureau
Zhao Kezhi
14 Dong Chang’anjie
Beijing Shi 100741
People’s Republic of China
Tel: +86 10 66262114 (Chinese only)
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please insert local diplomatic addresses below:
Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Fax Fax number Email Email address Salutation Salutation          
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date.
It was publicly announced in June 2017 that Liu Xiaobo had been diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer. He was granted medical parole and taken for medical treatment to a hospital in Shenyang, Liaoning. While Liu Xia was allowed to stay with Liu Xiaobo in the hospital, they were subjected to surveillance and no friends were allowed to visit them.
Liu Xiaobo passed away on 13 July 2017 due to organ failure. His funeral and the sea burial were hastily held two days later on 15 July. They were attended by Liu Xia and other family members. However she was absent from the press briefing organized by the authorities later that same day.
Amnesty International later confirmed that Liu Xia was taken on a forced “vacation” by state security agents to Yunnan, south-west China. While she did know people there, authorities would not allow her to talk to anyone. Liu Xia has since been taken back to Beijing but continues to be closely monitored by state security officials and is unable to be reached by her closest friends.
On 18 August, a short video was posted on YouTube, in which Liu Xia said she was recuperating and asked for time to mourn. Another video with a partially obscured person dressed like Liu Xia appeared later only further raising questions as to whether the videos were made under duress or were otherwise coerced.
Liu Xia tweeted that during a meeting with Liu Xiaobo on 10 October 2010, Liu Xiaobo had broken into tears and dedicated the Nobel Peace Prize to all those who have sacrificed their lives in non-violent struggle for peace, democracy and freedom. Liu Xia was returned to Beijing the same day and since then has been kept as a prisoner in their home, or in other locations under round the clock surveillance.
Four years ago on 12 June 2013, Liu Xia sent an open letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping protesting against her illegal house arrest and the sentencing of her brother, Liu Hui, to 11 years imprisonment on fraud charges earlier that month - charges seen by some as further persecution of Liu Xiaobo's family. Both Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia’s families have also been consistently under surveillance.
Liu Xia had a heart attack in January 2014 and was diagnosed with a heart condition, but authorities prevented her from receiving the treatment she needed. Liu Xia also suffers from severe depression and in addition to her ongoing imprisonment, in light of the death of her father in September 2016, her mother in April 2017 and now her husband, there are fears that it has worsened.
Family members of detained human rights defenders are often subject to police surveillance, harassment and restriction of their freedom of movement.
Name: Liu Xia
Gender m/f: f
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