#i keep getting random notifs from reblogs from ages ago
aromacaque · 1 year
...do all the new tumblr users not have their dashes going chronologically
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chromorbid · 2 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not!
i just got so emotional over old ask chains bc of this, god you remember those days????? in 2012-2016 when this was a thing all the time and people had so much fun learning about one another and making friends??? i just happened to be looking at tags on my ollllllld second blog right before seeing this too. that feels a bit serendipitous, dont you think? :')
instead of just "3 random facts" i think i'll use this ask as a springboard prompt for a brief history of my time here on this website, since a lot of folks are returning and it might be nice to come out and see what some of my old lost chums might be up to now.
In mid-2011 i joined tumblr because i realized all my favorite dA artists were posting on dA less and on here more. I didn't do much here until i encountered a piece of fanart of a character from a certain webcomic, got curious about that comic, enjoyed it, and discovered that there was a big community on tumblr who liked it! my first ever URL was.... man i don't really remember! Maybe something reflecting my dA name at the time? But i don't remember what that was then either, having deleted that account ages ago. but i think my second one was "gamzeecryingalonewithpie" or something to that effect because the "laughing alone with salad" stock photo meme was big. It was so silly.
Eventually i trended into making all my urls/handles some sort of pun having to do with death, and some years ago i settled on my current url for a twitter handle because it really hit me in a place. My best friend and currently roommate @mossspores came up with it!
Anyhow, i basically spent all my time on tumblr being comparatively insufferable from 2011 to about 2017 before i migrated the majority of it to twitter. At the moment, I actually keep looking at all my archived posts from my old blog trying to find some old OC stuff and being ridiculously embarrassed at how silly (ignorant? abrasive? entitled?) my young self was. I'm not certain about sharing my olllllld URLs besides the one from before, but probably my most famous one was "ammodramus"--I was bestowed the nickname "Ammo" for the longest time and probably gained the most followers during the run of that one. I think the most followers i ever got up to was somewhere around 700 on my first blog and close to 1,800 on my second one. (funny now, i've had this particular blog probably the longest out of the three and barely have over 100. i like this better, though.)
Now for the BIGGEST thing i was part of....i was really into the whole once-ler fandom craze. yeah. i was there on the ground floor, and basically became one of the biggest enablers of the ask-blog phenomenon. i even tried really hard to make my own of the "personification" blogs eventually, but it fell down flat because i was in a dark place mentally on the side while also dealing with the gradual degradation of my physical ability to draw (aka painful arthritis). But i had the most fun i had ever had online before in the thick of it. i made toooons of friends and i even still keep in touch with a few of them. There were a lot of mistakes and upsetting blunders made by myself and a lot of people i knew, but these days i think i'm generally okay outing myself as having been a part of it. i mean, it's been ten goddamn years since that kicked off after all. lmfao. i was also an ignorant teenager.
Now you'll just see me skulking about on here vaguely while reblogging posts in short bursts because i still never took to figuring out how queuing posts works best. For a long-ass time i had a tagging system i took VERY seriously and trigger-tagged religiously. when i remade to my third and current blog, i gave that up and BOY did my mental health suddenly improve or WHAT. i realized i'd been absolutely running myself ragged with caring about appearances and making sure as often as possible to upset NO ONE with my posts. Basically, the way that simply analyzing every single post i shared and making sure to cover ALL my bases to make sure no one felt irked by my sharing of a post, was, uh. To put it mildly, fucking exhausting. And i posted A LOT. I can guarantee i had to have cumulatively reblogged nearly half a million posts between those two accounts. Last i checked on just my second blog, the pages went back into the 10,000s.
so yeah! hi to anyone who read through this whole thing who i knew way back when! I'm doing much better than i used to be, thanks to a lot of therapy and medication. i made it out of the house i grew up in, even the State i grew up in, and feel a lot less like i'm gonna die before 30! :') i've been chilling, playing final fantasy xiv, and eating lots of rice and vegetables. o/
thanks for the ask! <3
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Where to Find Steph (I-J)
Hey all! Bah, I took so long getting this post done for y’all... I was holding off until I got all the sites I wanted to get, and am still debating on others. Before I begin, I just want to reiterate and restate this: TUMBLR WILL STILL BE MY PRIMARY BLOGGING PLATFORM UNLESS EVERYONE IS GONE / MOVES ELSEWHERE AND MY ENGAGEMENT DROPS. I WILL notify if / when this happens. Tumblr will still be the place to contact me first for anything. I’m also using Twitter quite a bit now that I’ve figured it out, so that’s also the next best place.
So, below I will list all where I am, and what its purpose is planned for, and hopefully we can all be friends any of these sites!
TUMBLR: I am still @inevitably-johnlocked and @stephdrawsjohnlock here on Tumblr, and I will continue to engage on both of these sites as often as possible. The Johnlock Playlist is still ongoing, and I will continue to answer asks as I normally do. As well, fic recs and meta. Just anything you currently see that doesn’t get flagged will remain. If it gets bad, I will let y’all know when I will switch over somewhere else.
TWITTER: @inevitablyjohn1 – This is going to be my OTHER primary platform, where I will post notifications for “important” / “popular” posts on my tumblr such as fic rec lists and watchalongs, as well as promoting some of my classic posts and just reblogging random content. Also will be used to boost my art on stephdrawsjohnlock. I also want to use it as a “quick ask” sort of thing, so like an Ask Me Anything type thing, and random bits of advice. Essentially, I want it to become like my blog, but micro-ized, LOL. Basically, I use this a lot because it’s easily accessible on my phone and I can do play on it at work LOL.
ARCHIVE of our OWN: inevitably_johnlocked – I’ve been meaning to copy over all of my meta over here an age ago, and now it’s kinda too late... But whatever I can find I will repost here. Also, my own Tumblr ficlets are on here as well. I do like to write the occasionally thingy. I’m terrible at checking my inbox here though, so SORRY.
YOUTUBE: Inevitably Johnlocked – Official Home of what I hope to be someday the LARGEST Johnlock Playlist in the fandom. I’m adding new stuff every day and adding old entries. I’m also contemplating doing videos as well for my advice asks, if only to try to remain fresh and new. Don’t know yet.
PILLOWFORT.IO: inevitably-johnlocked – I haven’t 100% decided what to do here, but I think I will begin cross-posting fic rec lists, the giant Johnlock Playlist Masterpost if they don’t have a link limit on their posts and my art and meta on here. I’m still working around it so it’ll take me awhile to get myself sorted!
DREAMWIDTH: inevitably_johnlocked – Same as above; probably will use it to crosspost fic lists, Johnlock Playlist, and art and meta. I like the format of this site, but I don’t like how we can’t really reblog anything.
PICARTO.TV: stephdrawsjohnlock – Occasionally I stream my artwork. I never get people watching, but it’s the thought that counts, LOL. If/when I stream, I will announce it on my Twitter.
DISCORD: inevitably-johnlocked#8385 – I’m not on a lot, but I do check in from time to time :) 
RABB.IT: inevitably-johnlocked – Come watch movies with me :)
MASTODON: inevitablyjohnlocked – Not a huge fan of this platform, but should Twitter go down the shitter, here’s where you can find me.
HANGOUTS: inevitablyjohnlocked – If you used Google Hangouts, you can chat with me here! I have an app on my phone that works occasionally, and I try my hardest to keep up, but I’m garbage. But this is also my fandom email as well, so hmu.
FACEBOOK MESSENGER: I am on Facebook, but I only add people I know. Please message me for my FB if you’re interested. I use Messenger a LOT (it’s how I stay in contact with my family, so it’s always open). I also post random stuff on my facebook, but not much. Right now I’m doing a Tea Review, LOL.
SNAPCHAT: stephanieratte – I use it a lot because it’s on my cell phone, LOL. I don’t have many friends. And I like Bitmoji LOL.
A new deviantART for my Sherlock Art (I AM on dA as StephRatte, but I haven’t updated there since I migrated to Tumblr, and I lowkey use it as a portfolio).
Instagram for my art, but I hear theft there is nuts. I’ve been meaning to make one for ages, but I’ll see.
PHEW. I’ll add to this list should I remember anything else, but yeah, I really want to stay in contact with y’all so I hope to still see y’all after the 17th! <3
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ravenclawravings · 7 years
Tag Game
Hi all! Recently we have been tagged in a bunch of those tag games. So instead of clogging your newsfeed we decided to combine a bunch into one post.
Here are some of you who tagged us! (I tried to find you all but, we get a lot of notifications and Tumblr makes it very hard to sort through them)
Tagged by: @headcanonsandmore 
Gender: Both of us are girls.
Birthday: Zoe: March 28th. Alex: March 11th
Last movie seen: Zoe: Dunkirk Alex: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
What do you post/reblog: Zoe: A bunch of random crap. Alex: On this blog we post #relatable content. On my personal I just shitpost
Last thing you Googled: Zoe: “List of apex predators” Alex: “how do radiators know when to turn on”
Favorite blog: Zoe: No idea. Alex: @myendlessparade has some dank content ;)
Dream job: Zoe: Writer/ youtuber but I’m bad at both Alex: YouTuber or a paid/professional internet content creator
Dream trip: Zoe: I don’t know, I haven’t been to Japan before, I guess Alex: I really want to go to Germany but, I’d love to go anywhere in Europe. Or anywhere outside the US. Or anywhere really.
What would be your first entry in a new diary: Zoe: I don’t diary Alex: Probably something really random, a random thought perhaps. All of my past journals are filled with weird shit like “Tap Dancing Cat Play” with zero context
Top 3 things you love about yourself: Zoe: Why is this so hard? Can I say things I love about Alex instead? 1) She’s smart and funny and a great person to be around. 2) She’s creative and works so hard on the things she’s passionate about. 3) She’s supportive and understanding and all around a great friend. Alex: d’awwwww <3 turning the tables now - here are three reasons I love Zoe: 1. She’s a very accepting, patient and understanding friend. 2. She’s full of good ideas and the reason we started this blog. Also partly convinced me to pursue YouTube seriously (speaking of we need to do something about the gaming channel) 3. She has a very dark and dry humor, we can talk and laugh for hours
3 things you wish you knew how to do: Zoe: 1) Drive stick, 2) speak a different language (I’ve tried, I’m really bad at it), 3) manage my finances Alex: 1. Make gifs, 2. play an instrument, 3. drive??!?
Something you wish you had discovered/invented first: Zoe: I honestly don’t know. Alex: I asked Jake what to say and he said “submarines.” So I guess submarines
3 qualities you like in a person: Zoe: 1) their sense of humor, 2) intelligence, 3) creativity Alex: 1. taste in media, 2. humor, 3. uniqueness
3 qualities you dislike in a person: Zoe: 1) Cockiness, 2) overly defensive, 3) when someone talks over someone else and especially when they don’t stop and listen when the first person tries to keep talking Alex: 1. Selfishness, 2. carelessness, 3. when they walk slowly in front of me
Favorite planet: Zoe: I guess technically Earth because I live here, but viva la Pluto! Alex: Mars! Mars has such a vast history for such a barren planet.
A resolution you make every year: Zoe: I don’t make resolutions. Alex: I don’t really make resolutions but, I try to be less hard on myself each year
Something you’re better at than most people: Zoe: Um... writing? Alex: Video editing
Something you’re worse at than most people: Zoe: Talking to other people. Alex: Making friends
Favorite thing about tumblr: Zoe: Memes? Alex: MEMES and cute animal pictures
Least favourite thing about tumblr: Zoe: The entire way that this site is set up is like someone threw darts at a board and went “so this goes here, and uh, I guess that’s how we do this...” Alex: Dear god, this website is designed poorly for blog runners! There is no clear way to sort notifications, you either get them all or none at all. Also there have been times when a queued post just doesn’t post or tags just delete themselves while you’re typing them.
Weapon of choice: Zoe: Knives or a bow and arrow (I’m actually quite good at archery) Alex: Uh, none...
Something not many people know about you:  Zoe: I was going to be in a production with my dad trying to break the world record of most roller coasters ridden in a day, but the plans everything fell through about midway through, so it never happened. Alex: In middle school I used wear one ankle sock and one knee high because...fashion...?
Favorite means of transport: Zoe: I like driving, but if I’m going into the city, I’m taking the train. Alex: God, I hate all means of transportation. It’s all bad. Let’s just learn how to teleport already
Favorite story: Zoe: Harry Potter Alex: A New Hope
Chicken or egg: Zoe: Dinosaur Alex: I was going to say chicken but, Zoe’s answer is the really the best one
Something that always makes you laugh: Zoe: Cats. Alex: When Zelda yells around the apartment at her toys
What is the strangest thing about you: Zoe: You should see some of the texts I send Alex. Alex: just who I am as a person
You get to switch places with someone for a day, who is it and why: Zoe: Can I switch places with my cat? Alex: I’m stealing Zoe’s answer. Fuck yeah! I’d love to be Zelda for a day!
Name: Zoe Alex
Nicknames: Zoe: None Alex: Weasel
Height: Zoe: 5′7″ Alex: 5′3″
Orientation: Zoe: Hell if I know Alex: straight
Nationality: Zoe: I’m a US and UK citizen. Alex: ‘murican
Favorite Fruit: Zoe: Banana? Alex: Oranges
Favorite Season: Zoe: Fall Alex: Fall
Favorite Flower: Zoe: Roses Alex: Blue Roses! (only people from high school will get this joke and none them follow me....)
Favorite Scents: Zoe: Burning wood Alex: Most any candle
Favorite Color: Zoe: Purple Alex: Purple
Favorite Animals: Zoe: Cheetah, wolves, sea pancake Alex: Zelda!
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Zoe: Depends on my mood Alex: All of the above, please
Average Sleep Hours: Zoe: 6 Alex: 8?
Dog or Cat Person: Zoe: Both Alex: Love both but, I really like cats
Favorite Fictional Characters: Zoe: Oh god, Aragorn, Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Gandalf, don’t make me choose, I could keep going. Alex: Han Solo, The Master, Mac, Michael Scott, Squidward (??), I don’t know man!
Number of Blankets You Sleep with: Zoe: Anywhere between 1 and 4 Alex: Normally one but, if it’s real cold, two or more
Blog Created: Zoe: This blog was created a little over a year ago, my personal blog was created something like nine years ago I think. Alex: Mine was made like 6 years ago?
Number of Followers: 48,100
Random fact: Zoe: When people are hanged, they die from lack of blood flow to the brain. Alex: Most female cats are right pawed
Star sign: Zoe: Aries Alex: Pisces
Hogwarts House: Take a guess
Why I made this account: Zoe: I made the account because I wanted something to do, and then I invited Alex to be a part of it with me. Alex: What she said ^
Reason for url: Alliteration is cool?
My favorite writer: Zoe: It changes all the time. Alex: Dr. Seuss
My favorite book: Zoe: Harry Potter? Alex: I have no clue?
My favorite movie: Zoe: Lord of the Rings Alex: Oh dear, I don’t know... Ed Wood (1994) ?
Time: Zoe: 15:46 Alex: 9:58pm
Favourite bands: Zoe: Queen, The Who, FOB, Muse, a lot. Alex: Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Panic! at the Disco
Favourite solo artists: Zoe: No clue Alex: Uh none? I don’t really listen to music besides the three bands listed and movie soundtracks
Song stuck in my head: Zoe: Right now, it’s “I’m Only Joking” by Kongos Alex: “Champion” by Fall Out Boy
Last show I watched: Zoe: NCIS Alex: I don’t really know. It’s between The Punisher, Black Mirror and Peep Show. I watch so many things I forget when I last watched it
Do I get asks: Zoe: Not really. Alex: We get asks here pretty often. I never get any personally - except spam
Lucky number: Zoe: 13 Alex: 3
Instruments: Zoe: I played the clarinet ages ago, and I sorta learned Violin for a little bit, but if you asked me to play any instrument now, I’d probably suck. Alex: I am not talented enough
What I am wearing: Zoe: Plaid and leggings. Alex: Grey and black sweater, leggings and draped in a blanket 
Favourite food: Zoe: I want pancakes right now, so let’s go with that? Alex: I’m so bad at picking favorite things! I just love food!
Last book I read: Zoe: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (it’s tradition for me to reread all the novels every year, and I was late last year, so I only just finished it in time) Alex: The Disaster Artist
3 favorite fandoms: Zoe: Oh, god... Harry Potter, LotR, and i guess certain youtubers? Alex: uh, that changes depending on how I’m feeling. Right now, probably, Star Wars, YouTube and something else?
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askingexorcists · 7 years
1k follower GIVE AWAY!!!
I said I’d do a give away once I hit one thousand followers - and I did a while back, so THANK YOU! This is your chance to win some Blue exorcist stuff, as well as some random kawaii stuff too! 
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MAIN PRIZE: Is this Yukio prize figure - it is in it’s box and brand new, I couldn’t get a good photo of it so I used a google picture.
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Rin Okumura half age figure cooking ver! I used the stock photo for this as it hasn’t arrived in the mail yet - but don’t worry it will arrive within a few days, so plenty of time to spare!!
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Ao no exorcist mini art book! (Disclaimer: It’s all written in Japanese, but its still totally cool - I actually bought one for myself too)
A sneak peak inside the mini art book:
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I believe these are bookmarks? I’m unsure tbh but they pull out like strips and are laminated, so I guess thats what they are? Perfect for manga :)
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Theres also a page of stickers! Featuring all of the exwires (apart from Nemu RIP - but like...um who cares about Nemu anyway), it also has a Mephisto sticker for your demonic daddy needs, and of course everyones favourite demonic cat, Kuro!
Just a few glimpses of the pages:
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It also has a mini double sided poster inside:
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(personally the Kyoto arc poster is my fave!)
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Also you’ll receive some Yukio and Rin paper notes - I think they are meant to be used as little post it notes but they aren’t sticky, perfect for reminders!
You’ll also receive two mini figures of Yukio and Rin, a Knights of the True Cross pendent necklace, as well as the True Cross Academy logo patch (I’m unsure if it’s iron or stitch one - sorry) Also a Rin and Kuro badge set!
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A closer look at the mini figures ^^^
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And lastly, some Japanese/kawaii snacks! ( I believe all our suitable for vegetarians apart from the white packet which contains fish oil)
You’ll probably also find some extra cute little gifts in there too :)
Now...how you could win.
I have enough asks in my inbox so PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN YOUR SUBMISSION TO @askingexorcists
You can enter three ways, you can submit your entry to my other blog @pastelranicorn or you can message me on @askingexorcists or @pastelranicorn with your submission or you can repost your favourite Blue exorcist picture (a scene..character..your own art..a picture of your current merch...anything blue exorcist related) with the words: jordans weeb giveaway and tag @pastelranicorn in it, not this blog as I get too many notifications to keep up (my names Jordan btw - have I ever told you that?) (I would LOVE to see your fan art!)
When you enter please fill out this form (no matter which way you enter do the form):
Name: (first)
How you became an Ao no exorcist fan:
Your favourite character and why:
How did you find my blog: (and how long ago it was - new followers have a chance of winning as well, so don’t worry)
Cute pet: (Do you have a cute pet - send me a picture of it and tell me it’s name! If you don’t have a pet don’t worry, just forget this part!)
Give me one reason why you should win: (Winner will be picked random, but I’m just curious! BTW, please don’t choose ‘I have never won anything before.’ try something like ‘Because I had chicken nuggets for breakfast today!)
Winner will be picked at random, if anyone has questions at all please message me on @askingexorcists
You must be following me on @askingexorcists - my other blog doesn’t matter
You must either be over 18, or have your parents permission to receive random shit from a stranger in the mail
This give-away is WORLDWIDE, however I am not responsible if your country will make you pay a custom charge (btw, I’m from the UK!)
Only enter once
No anon’s as I obviously won’t be able to tell who you are
Do not send your submissions to @askingexorcists ask box, only my messages is where you may enter for this blog, however you can send me in questions by using the askbox if you prefer too!
WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED JULY 25th - so theres plenty of time to enter! Feel free to reblog this as well!
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nek0-baka · 8 years
Tag game
I got tagged by @knkbias - I’m your most active follower? I’m sorry, I lust have spammed your notifications a lot, haha.. I’ve got too much free time lately Orz
I’ve answered most of the questions before but in different games, so decided to go ahead and make new one. I’ve copied some of the answers straight from the other posts, because I’m a lazy ass ^^”
Nicknames: I don’t really have one, unless you count “husbando”  Gender: Female Star Sign: Gemini  Height: 177cm  Age: 24 Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. (sometimes Gryffindor too) Time right now: 17:35 Hours of sleep: 6-7 Lucky number: 6 and 9  Last thing I googled: the show naver – trying to get my hands on KNK’s performance. Favorite Fictional Character: that second male lead who suffers from unrequited love with female lead and is not an ass about it but instead is super supportive and caring of said female lead. Yes, you know who I mean. Those characters break and steal my heart every time. Also the mysterious and dark antihero. Also that one character that is somehow set apart from the group they belong to because of some personal qualities - the type of character who’s usually detached from their humanity, aloof, rational, sometimes goofily trying to fit the standards, even though they don’t have to. That sums it up I think. Blankets I sleep with: Duvet in winter, one or no blanket in summer. Favourite Artists: Same I’ll keep mentioning below~ Non-kpop artist – Hans Zimmer, Takanashi Yasuharo, OLDCODEX, Howard Shore, Murray Gold, etc. Dream Trip: Japan, South Korea, UK, Australia, Iceland. Dream Job: I have no idea and that’s my live’s current drama. For now I’ve settled on a job that pays well and makes use of at least some of my professional skills (which is already asking for too much Orz) Follower count: 95 Posts: 8620 (I have no self-control) What do I post about: Lemme copy my blog description (yes, I’m that lazy): Reblogging Seventeen, B.A.P, VIXX, KNK, WINNER, BTS, MONSTA X, iKON, Astro, Block B, INX, BIG BANG, EXO, B1A4, MAMAMOO. Sometimes posting Seo In Guk updates. Will spam about random variety shows and dramas I watch. Most active followers:  Naturally that would be my mutuals - @diciana, @captain-busan, @your-daily-fandom-news When did your blog reach its peak: Peak? What peak? Lol. It sorta got more lively since I gained mutuals and got into kpop, so I’d guess 2016 was the most active year it’s seen so far. Why did you make your blog: Hell if I know, lol :D I’ve created it around 2012. Perhaps it was a trend back then? Do I get asks on a daily basis: Not ever, lol.  Why did I choose my url: In Kuroshitsuji (anime) Ciel called Sebastian neko baka, which loosely translates to cat lover (emphasis on loosely it literally means something along the lines of losing your mind/going stupid in the presence of cats). 2. Countries I’ve lived in: Just mine~ Favorite Fandom: since I’m multifandom, that’s a difficult question. My top fandoms are Carat, Tinkerbell, InnerCircle and Starlights (though it can be a bit stressful to be around them every now and then, no offense ^^”) Languages I speak: Bulgarian, English, VERY basic German (I studied it like 5 years ago). I somewhat understand Japanese and can probably ask my way around, but that’s the extent of it. It’s too early for Korean, but probably will get there with it as well. Favorite film of 2016: The Force Awakens was fun I guess. I haven’t watched many new movies this year, since I was really busy Last article I read: this one~ it roughly translates as "Google Paid Employees Too Much, So Now They Are Leaving” Last thing I bought online: Kratos and Hades (the albums, haha) Last person I dreamt of: Rather than a person, I dreamt that I own two kittens. A recurring dream: Quite a few.. How my friends describe me: I asked that one friend I have. She said “funny, charming, lovely” (I think that speaks more of the fact that I have a great friend, rather than of my own qualities~) If I had money to spend what would I buy first:  VIXX LIVE FANTASIA "ELYSIUM" DVD. I am still contemplating buying it even though I *don’t* have money to spend right now, lol. Other than that, mom wants a food processor, so I guess there’s that too. Shuffle your song library and …
1.    Bobby – BOUNCE
2.    ASTRO – Morning Call
3.    BTS – Save ME
Not tagging anyone, since you’ve all done it before too.
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