#i just..... spiderfam....
punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
So basically,here's why Miles and Peter B worked and Spiderson and Irondad and all those 'Batman adopts [crossover kid]' stories don't:
Peter B didn't overshadow Miles-Yes,he's a vital part of his character and had a lot of screentime too but Spiderverse is always MILES' MOVIES.Peter B was not his co-star but his mentor so they didn't share the spotlight and this was a wise choice on the writers part because it would be very unfair on black superhero fans to claim it as Miles' debut only for it to be another Peter Parker movie(Wayne Family Adventures:Take notes)
While yes,Peter B was lowkey an asshole in the beginning,he was never outright cruel.He was literally just snarky and bitter and Miles snarked back at him so they were equals instead of a grown ass man picking on a lil boy and being rewarded for it
Jefferson and Rio weren't demonized or downplayed to prop Peter B up-They got plenty of time with Miles too and it's very clear that while Peter B acts like a parental figure to Miles,Miles views Jeffrio as his only parents while Peter B is more like his way older brother that defaults to acting like a dad due to their age difference(Speaking from the experience of an adult with only kid siblings and a good amount of teen friends that i've gotten close enough to consider we consider eachother siblings too,this is 100000% accurate to how it works)
Peter B dosen't baby Miles-He just teaches him the best he can but believes in him enough to try things out for himself and do his own thing so he's a genuinely good teacher for him in addition to a positive adult figure like his parents and Uncle Aaron but again,they're not blood related and they both act that way and that is appropriate due to the differences in their heritage(Peter B a white jewish person/Miles an afrolatino person.Again,realistic rep and i'm Miles this time)
Peter B also genuinely cares about Miles feelings and thinks extremely positively of him as a person instead of just another crime fighter and provides him comfort and safety instead of traumadumping all over to him and placing the responsibility of caretaker on him like a discord mod LMFAO
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eyesxxyou · 10 months
Okay so theres this one book its called “The outsiders”
Think of it with hobie and the rest of the spiderfam characters or some other spiderverse characters. I think hobie would be dally winston, pavitr would be johnny, miles would be ponyboy, and then for the other characters like sodapop, two-bits, darry/darrel, steve (who are the main characters of the group we get in on ponyboys life) its inter. Just the book and movie of it made me sad im not gonna give spoilers but yeah. I read that book like a long time ago though. And if you hear some of the lines especially one that ponyboy says about dally it breaks me. Then theirs one of johnnys lines but yeah. But dallys character fits so well for hobie because dally helps both johnny and ponyboy when they want to do something and is actively there for them. Just he wasnt there enough in a way no one was. But uh if you read the book you are able to know what in talking about cause i dont wanna give any spoilers. But the book also has division of people in lower and upper class. Which a lot of violence surrounds the two classes as well most of the time. That book made me cry guys (im a sensitive person.) My mind randomly thought back to it and honestly it seems fitting like the outsiders and atsv just seem fitting. My mind always goes to bring things together or certain things. Im gonna cry thinking about hobie in dallys position in that book though so. And pavitr in johnnys position. NO WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF. (IF YKNOW, YKNOW.) Anyways theirs my rant of today pretty boy! I hope your doing well today though pretty boy❤️
I remember reading that book in like- middle school. I remember it made me cry when Johnny died and I had the biggest crush on ponyboy. I never watched the movie tho
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orangeispice · 2 years
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Sensational Spider-Man (2006) #31
I figured it was fitting to start off this blog with a post for the og Spiderfam member, her highness May Parker.
Can't believe May really just trolled the Chameleon like that LMFAOOO.
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honey-rye · 1 year
hello beloved!!!
🧫 Were your turtles mutated intentionally or on accident?
😡 What is your villain’s motivation?
☠️ Does anyone die in your au?
🧫 - the turtles were 100% mutated on purpose. Draxum had a project title and everything, called them his subjects, planned world domination around his future warriors
😡 - depends which one, honestly.
Draxum wants to destroy humanity. he thinks the humans are a threat to yokai, and wants to live on the surface again without countless governments attempting experiments on them, or trying to use them as a Resident Evil style bioweapon. though, he kinda becomes his worst enemy on that front, essentially making his own bioweapons - mutant warriors.
The Foot Clan are really just set on world domination. they have a new plan every week, a journal where they brainstorm mystic artifacts they can use to achieve global takeover. they also just,, really want to take revenge against the Hamatos lol. with ever failed attempt at villainy, the Foot Leaders go a little bit more insane.
☠️ - I haven't actually thought that far. it's a possibility in the end that Draxum gets taken to High Security Prison in the Hidden City for his crimes, and someone (totally not from the spiderfam) gets in to kill him for the torture and fear Lee and Dee endured.
thanks for the questions lovely!
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toothlesshat · 2 years
Miles and Mikey talk all the time and it's not very subtle at all about it! Miles' spiderfamily and Mikey's brothers definitely notice and tease the hell out of the two but are also concerned for various reasons. For the Spiderfam, it's cuz Miles met this rando mutant turtle kid and gave a very sensitive and confidential device to him after the first meeting and they want to check and make sure he isn't secretly a villain. For Mikey's brothers it's cuz their baby brother snuck out, met some mystery human, and is now talking to him with an unknown communication device he'd snuck into the lair and is refusing to eat Donnie check for bugs or tracking devices and claiming he came from another dimension as well as jsut general overprotective bug brother stuff.
Honestly yeah. Like I think the Spider family would trust Miles’ judgement, but he did just give some very important tech over to someone he’s only known for an hour, so what gives??
But Mikey manages to keep it a secret for a while, at least until he starts to develop a crush on Miles, because up until that point he doesn’t feel like he needs to hide. He gets caught for sneaking out, but that’s the extent of it for a while, he just adjusts to meet Miles at an earlier time closer to home, no big deal! But when he starts to actually like Miles, he’s very nervous and tripping over himself trying to hide it. That’s when he gets caught by his brothers, and boy isn’t that fun.
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marvelmicrowave · 6 years
So I see your Aunt May Dies! au where Peter moves into the compound and raise you Aunt May Is Fine! au where they both move into the compound
- Green Goblin wrecks their apartment
Tony: Rent is crazy down there, why don't you move in with us?
Peter: Mr. Stark I couldn't- we-
Tony: Free parking
May: (already packed) pete we're leaving in 10
- your regularly scheduled Avengers family shenanigans except Aunt May's not putting up with any bs
she stubbed her toe on Mjölnir once at 3 am
Thor is no longer allowed in the kitchen
- May: good real estate in NYC either costs you your retirement fund or comes with eight fully grown children
- Tony put Natasha's room right down the hall from Peter
Tony: keep your friends close and your spiders closer
spider-motif bonding? spider-motif bonding
- May is the one to introduce them to the BEAUTY that is Cap's PSA sponsorship campaign. Peter showed her, but refused to show the avengers himself
Peter: i already took his shield i don't want him to take my life
Natasha immediately makes it her ringtone
- she is absolutely delighted that everyone enthusiastically "enjoys" her cooking
which is Bruce's fault. He canNot tell anyone how bad things taste
which is also, by the way, how Thursday ended up being Thor's Tacos night and- unrelated- why there is a suspicious amount of missions on thursday evenings
- He's not the worst about it, though. Only one resident holds that title.
May: should I make lasagna? I love making lasagna.
Natasha: I love lasagna, lasagna is so. It's good
(Peter tries to warn her but there's only so far you can budge a ex-soviet assassin.)
- Peter: So Ned and I were- May?
May: mhmm
Peter: Aunt May.
M: mmhm
P: Is- are you staring at the training room window over my shoulder?
M: mhm
P: Is Nat suplexing Ant-Man again?
M: what? haha sorry lost in thought what do you need sweetie
- unstoppable force vs immovable object: The Determination to Make Aunt May Happy vs May's Secret Sauce Lasagna
May: I know you love this stuff, so I made extra!
Nat: thank you I lov
Nat: h
Nat: lasagna
- It's a full week of lasagna later before Peter corners May, who cannot possibly like making it that much
which is true, she doesn't, but nat likes it, peter
P: aunt may please
- Fortunately enough (for public safety), everyone starts taking turns helping her out in the kitchen except Thor
Bruce is surprisingly good?? chemistry skills ftw
Tony joins the banned list for making he blender sentient
Peter and Steve are a pretty good team- they take over when May's tired or too busy making ridiculously awkward conversation with natasha
- When she's not cooking or denying a steadily growing crush, she's Parenting™️.
Look, James, you can't- you can't leave your arm in the fridge. I'm sorry I don't even know how to explain this it's just one of those things
tony, stop lying to steve about historical events in the last 40 years. steve, stop believing him. no, steve, you can't go to argentina to punch hitler.
no lasers in the house.
no wings in the house.
no webs in the- for fuck's sake, peter-
- It's not uncommon to see Rhodey and May sharing a drink and commiserating as they wait for Tony to blow something up
- Nat drinks with Bucky; Steve, if he's not available
N: She's just so- Bucky i'm-
Buck: uh huh
N: I've killed dozens of highly trained operatives. I have pulled bullets out of my own body. I've taken down organizations. governments. Nations.
B: So you can ask her out?
N: no
- Peter tries to patrol more, since he's farther away from the city, but if he thought sneaking out of a compound filled with super soldiers and ex-spies would be that simple...honey, he's got a big storm coming
surprise! this is Tony's exact plan in putting Natasha's room nearby.
N, already sitting on the roof in a red plastic lawnchair: what's up spiderboy
P: I'll give you my aunt's number
N: nice try, but i'm...
N: listening
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yaraaflor · 2 years
honestly the gwen vs mj as peter's love interest debate is so dumb, not just bc ship wars in general are cringe, but bc like... theyre not really comparable? like peter loved gwen and she's incredibly important to the spider-man mythos but. they werent. together that long. in the scheme of things. like gwen was in less than 100 issues before she died, and yeah, she's been brought back in various ways since then, but she's never been like... fully a couple with peter again. whereas peter and mj were romantically involved for literal decades. sometimes they were on and off, esp more recently, but mj was still often present in peter's life, and they just have so much more history and content about them. like if there's going to be a love interest rivalry for peter, it makes more sense for it to be mj vs felicia, not mj vs gwen. which there is plenty of discussion about, too, so i just find it odd that so many people still focus on petergwen so much like... what are you even rooting for here. they havent been a couple since the literal 70s.
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firekitten830 · 3 years
Syntax on a mission with Goliath and Huntsman. They are moving around the city pretty well and fast maybe too fast. Syntax loses his grip over an alleyway and falls the other two notice right away hearing a loud crash. they weren't sure if this was ok or not for Syntax they could take it but not sure about him. Syntax got up like was nothing and said so himself. but further on in the mission, the smell of blood was getting stronger and the front the Syntax's movements were less regular and he started to prefer the side that didn't hit the ground was becoming to obvious. "But this mission was an all hands on deck and they are too far into it to go back." Syntax said. The two tried to help where they could but through Syntax's gritted teeth they got through it. then they got back the Spider-queen was right there waiting for them. She didn't looked pleased even after she saw the thing that they were after. She yelled that them "One of you take care of Syntax before I rip you twos heads off!" Syntax was confused why the two. Goliath took him away and help him pill his jacket and shirt off. his whole side was bloody and bruised. Syntax was worried the the spider bot on his back got damaged. Goliath informed him it wasn't really, the paint got chiped but nothing more. Syntax sighed in relief. Goliath softly hit him on the side of the head. "You're not getting it we are worried crying out loud bud. The Spider-queen is even worried." Goliath said will patching him up. They had to go back to the Spider-queen. Apparently, Syntax notified the spider bots that he got badly injured and that why Spider-queen was so mad. So that's how Syntax got layer grounded for a week to heal. -ss
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cap fam 🤝 spider fam being tortured by rebecca barnes
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years
For the Spiderman prompts, maybe Peter hanging out with Tony and Morgan?
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Oh I’m sure they “hang out” ;) Having a big brother who is half spider makes for some REALLY fun hide and seek I’m sure (it’s not like Tony is looking that hard for them either...)
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Spiderfam cat memes(ft.trans girl Miles)
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gwenjoon · 6 years
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“Flash, do me a favor . . ?”  “Sure, baby! Name it!”  “Stop breathing on me!” 
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I literally need a sitcom with spiderfam there's not enough content about them being just domestic
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acecorvid · 3 years
I’m thinking either dance class or yoga class for Spideyfam or Spideypool...
It's been two years since I've updated the series "This Spideyfam Has Two Dads" so if you wanna start at the beginning: here ya go. This will be part 12 in the series of Spiderfam adventures.
“I’m not as young as I used to be,” Peter moaned, muscles stretching in ways that were going to give him trouble for the next month. Despite his morning stretches—that he performed most mornings, if he remembered, sometimes he remembered—he wasn’t feeling particularly fit anymore. “Aw, that’s why you gotta stretch out, old man!” Of course it was Gwen, the spider that moved like a graceful dancer with ballet slippers to boot, who pointed this out. She didn’t do it maliciously. All of the spiders were trying to help him get back into shape so he didn’t throw out his back at least once a month. Sure it healed but it wasn’t entirely pleasant every time. Hence, yoga classes instructed by some youtuber that Gwen had discovered. She was disappointed that a yoga youtuber from her verse didn’t exist in Miles’ verse (or she wasn’t a yoga teacher on the internet in this one), but she said this one had the most similar vibe that made her feel relaxed and productive. Peter found it to be a mild form of torture...
but the others seemed to enjoy it. Even Noir, still clad in their coat and mask, was happy to participate—and was much more limber than Peter could ever hope to be anymore. Surely it would be easier without the trench coat but Noir never took it off, but no one in the Spiderfamily questioned it. They all had their quirks, their secrets, and they respected everyone else’s. “You know, it’s not really fair to do yoga when one of us defies the laws of physics…” Miles grumbled as he shifted into a much more complicated pose that Peter decided he was going to sit out on. Pan to Peter Porker, body stretched beyond logic. Looking more like a pretzel than a man or a pig. “The problem is your minds are too narrow to understand the right way to break those laws,” Porker replied, moving to the next pose in a way that hurt Peter’s mind and spine to watch. “It’s like he doesn’t have bones…” There was a sort of fascinating horror in Porker’s cartoonish abilities. On one hand, it was amazing and hilarious to see the kinds of things he was capable of. On the other, it was downright mind boggling and disturbing to witness. They’d all accepted the multiverse and their many differences, but coming to terms with cartoon physics existing was a lot harder to accept than this verse saying “you PUNT miette” instead of kick. Peter still had no sweet clue how old Porker was, or if age mattered in the same way for a cartoon pig. Though to be perfectly honest, all of the spiders were toddlers from his perspective. A man closing in on his forties had no business being a superhero when there were other younger spiders (with essentially his powers) able to take over when he could barely manage to do intermediate yoga poses without wanting to detach his stiff and aching limbs. Keeping up with the kids was difficult sometimes but what it really came down to was Peter’s unwillingness to sit back and let a bunch of kids do his job alone. He remembered what it was like: sixteen, completely alone, the fate of a city resting solely on his inexperienced shoulders, juggling secrets and homework and nemeses. He couldn’t retire when he could still do his part to help, to be a support for this unusual family of vigilantes trying to heal from their trauma by making the world better. “You alright, Pops?” Peter blinked out of his reverie to see all the spiders gawking at him as he laid in defeat on his yoga mat. “Just taking a break,” he grunted, forcing his old body to co-operate and focus on completing the next yoga post. Next to him, Gwen didn’t look like she believed him but she didn’t press. They fell into a comfortable silence as they moved through the next round of poses. Peter tried his best not to get distracted but he caught Gwen’s eye after he pulled off a particularly difficult pose for him. There was a fierce proudness in her eyes and it was almost too much for him, seeing how much she cared about him staying active. She easily slipped into the role of surrogate big sister and somehow landed them in the ‘struggling dad needing to rely on the assistance of the eldest kid’ trope. Peter wouldn’t have been happy with this development except her version of taking care of him was similar to the snarky scolding he would get from Aunt May, combined with the soft understanding of a strangely shared trauma. Not to mention it was also their deal. Watch over each other. “Oh hey, family yoga?” Wade’s voice interrupted the yoga lady’s instructions as the door flew open behind them. No one was expecting him back today, but no one could ever really expect Wade. He showed up without any warning, texts, phone calls, but—which he found was lacking in the Deadpool from his old verse—he usually showed back up in one piece and not entirely as bloody as one would imagine for his line of work. He made a big effort not to worry the kids when he could help it and Peter appreciated that. “Dad Number 3!” Miles called out. He attempted to turn his body mid-pose to greet him but ended up falling onto his mat the moment he lost his balance. “Wow, lookin’ good B!” Peter
could feel Wade’s eyes on his ass without even turning around. He flushed immediately but that was mostly from the pose that had positioned him with his ass in the air right before Wade walked in the door. Of all the coincidences… Of course Gwen chose that moment to stand up abruptly and clap her hands. “Okay gang! Let’s pack up the yoga mats and break into teams to patrol the city!” “Gwen, it’s only three o’clock.” Miles looked up at her in confusion. “I know ‘crime never sleeps’ but the city’s probably-” “Oh, Miles,” Peni shook her head, walking over to pat his head. “So young, so naive.” “You’re like twelve, Peni.” “I’m fourteen. Now, let’s go! I wanna kick some early worm bad guy butt!” “That’s the spirit, kiddo!” Gwen high-fived her and ushered the rest of the spiders out the door before Peter or Wade had the chance to comment. “So,” Wade’s smooth voice was suddenly right behind Peter’s ear. His body a warm and solid presence slowly pushing up against him. “Working on your… flexibility, huh old man?” Peter had to admit, there were definitely other benefits to staying active that did not involve superhero responsibilities.
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i-lovethatforme · 3 years
Sometimes you put in tags that /this/ is your favorite version of a drawing machiavelien has done. And I'm nosy and I love that kind of information. You know when people have fav verses of songs but not the entire song? That kind of thing. So I wondered if you had any more specific favorites of her artwork?
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oh we're deep into loving @machiavelien hours on this fine monday, i am here for it nonny don't you worry! me and you making sure machi makes it thru til vacay hehe xxxxxx
also! yes! i love to know people's fave parts of things! i know a few of these off the bat and then i'll have to do some stalking.
fave peter face! this photo screams that post that's like peak peter parker is obnoxiously hot. t and y.
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fave mj face! eee you can have two. young mj & adult mj.
young mj is perf, like the mouth downturn, the blush, the idc but please don't look at me.
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adult mj is just pretty i stand by it this whole picture is PRETTY. i have a soft spot for this picture it is what it is
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fave smut drawing.. hell. the way i commented on a pic the other day and if i don't say that machi can call me out... and YET.. nah tbf it is still don't be gentle
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favourite overall? wow rude... RUDE. it legit changes hourly but it's gotta be spiderfam... right? or it's the hands... idk idk. ykw in both peter has ridic biceps and I love that FOR ME.
adding another that is fave drawing you wish there was a fic for aka I would like to see some more roleplay fics thanking YOU xxxx
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hehehehe you getting it spot on w the pink wash as is my right!!! but I do adore the colours in the cunning linguist (18+).. kinda like muted pink wash tones weeeeee
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(screaming at me trying to get machi's sig in the snippets and YET this one is right on the money shot gtg xxxx)
anyway! lemme know if you have any more specifics xxxxxxxxx
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moontours · 3 years
can you rate spiderfam suits (women only)?
1. cindy! my absolute fave!! i just love the design esp the chest design and also the mask i think she looks so good
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2. gwen! i love the pink accents and the teal shoes and i LOVE her hood as well and her eyes are cool also i love that in itsv they gave her ballet shoes it was so cute
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3. anya! LOVEEEE the mask and the black suit and u cant see it in this pic but i like the chest design as well. very cute ponytail, very practical
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4. jess! original suit .. which is probably controversial and to be honest i dont actually like it that much but i like it better than her other suits (more to come) and also i like the mask of this one
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5. jess! 2015 redesign .... idk i just did not like this look like it gives me burnside babs vibes if that makes sense like she looks so childish even tho shes literally gna have a kid IDK i also dont like the goggles. i do like the fact that she had a jacket but. yeah
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6. jess! 2019 redesign for her current run ... yeah im sorry i hate this so much it looks so awful like it literally looks like they just mashed a new suit n peter's suit together n its jus Not good. the colours r ugly the mask is ugly n im glad theyve reverted back
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7. cindy! this web suit ... ekjbfjhabsjhd no !!! i mean points for creativity ig BUT HER CURRENT OUTSELLS BY FAR
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