#i just work in a very low paying field and live in a very expensive city
abyssaldyke · 2 years
Submitted to the mortifying ordeal of asking for a raise a couple weeks ago and guess who just got a greater percentage increase than she asked for???
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vcendent · 10 months
art vs industry
Sometimes I'm having a good day, but then sometimes I think about how industry is actively killing creative fields and that goes away. People no longer go to woodworkers for tables and chairs and cabinets, but instead pick from one of hundreds of mass-produced designs made out of cheap particle board instead of paying a carpenter for furniture that is both made to last generations and leaves room for customization. With the growth of population and international trade, the convenience and low production costs are beneficial in some aspects, but how many local craftsmen across the world were put out of business? How many people witnessed their craft die before their eyes? There is no heart or identity put into mass produced items; be it furniture, ceramics, metalwork, or home decor; and at the end of the day everybody ends up with the same, carbon copy stuff in their homes.
I'm a big fan of animated movies, and I see this same thing happening too. When was the last time western audiences saw a new 2D animated movie hit theatres? I can't speak for other countries, but, at least in America, I believe The Princess and the Frog was the last major 2D movie released and that was back in 2009. Major studios nowadays are unwilling to spend the time and money that it would take to pay traditional animators who have spent years honing their craft to go frame by frame, and to pay painters to create scene backgrounds. We talk a lot about machines replacing jobs, but when the machines come, artistry professions are some of the first to be axed (in part because industry does not see artistry as "valuable" professions). Art, music, and writing are no longer seen as "real" jobs because they belong to the creative field and there's this inane idea that anyone who goes into those fields will be unsuccessful and starving. I'm not saying that 3D animation is bad, it has its own merits and required skills and can be just as impressive as anything 2D, but it has smothered 2D animation and reduced it largely to studios that cannot afford the tech to animate 3D.
And now we have this whole AI thing to deal with, stealing existing artists' work to "train" it to take over those few professions that, until now, required actual people to do them. Internet artists have already been dealing with people complaining about the price of art for years and now have to face their work being stolen to train AI. With AI technology, anyone who undervalues the work of the artist can now get something generated at little or no cost to them, all at the expense of the artists themselves. Why would studios pay script writers when they could just get an algorithm to do it without pay? Why pay actors to bring characters to life or pay models to pose for ads when CGI has progressed enough we could digitally render humans and cut out having to pay people entirely? Why use practical effects or film on location when green screens and adding in-post is faster and so much cheaper? It's no wonder we had the SAG-AFTRA strike. AI has already been trained to write children's books and produce music, continuing down this road will replace authors and musicians too at the convenience of cost. How much longer until the actual, real-life people behind all forms of artistry become completely obsolete?
Industry is just driving the cost of people-made crafts up and up with every mass produced product and every streamlined shortcut to reduce costs, which only makes it harder and harder for artists of all kinds to make a living, as very few people want to pay for the time and skill of artists when they could just pick something off a shelf or feed AI a prompt and get something satisfactory enough, yet not what they actually wanted, for so much cheaper.
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thelaurenshippen · 10 months
this is a genuine question not at all meant as a rude gotcha, but I feel like I've seen lots of people cite the relatively low barrier of entry as a huge advantage of podcasts as a medium, "if you have access to decent audio tech you can make a podcast" etc etc. So where does the need to sell a script come in? Is it a financial thing, and IP thing, something else?
this doesn't read like a rude gotcha at all, it's a really good question! there is a much lower barrier to entry when it comes to podcasts compared to tv, film, theater, etc. (though not as low as writing a book if we're talking about hard resources - you can technically write a book with just a laptop and a dream and then self publish! though as a writer who has written a lot of scripts and four books (3 published) writing a book is a much bigger psychological burden imo lol).
the need to sell a script, for me, is entirely a financial thing. if I had the money to produce podcasts at the level I want to entirely independently, I would! I know how to do it! but, unfortunately, I really only have the funds to produce something like @breakerwhiskey - a single narrator daily podcast that I make entirely on my own.
and that show is actually a great example of just how low the barrier is: I actually record the whole thing on a CB radio I got off of ebay for 30 bucks, my editing software is $50/month (I do a lot of editing, so this is an expense that isn't just for that show) and there are no hosting costs for it. the only thing it truly costs me is time and effort.
not every show I want to make is single narrator. a lot of the shows I've made involve large casts, full sound design, other writers, studio recording, scoring, and sometimes full cast albums (my first show, The Bright Sessions had all of those). I've worked on shows that have had budgets of 100 dollars and worked on shows that cost nearly half a million dollars. if anyone is curious about the nitty gritty of budgets, I made a huge amount of public, free resources about making audio drama earlier this year that has example budgets in these ranges!
back in the beginning of my career, I asked actors to work for free or sound designers to work for a tiny fee, because I was doing it all for free and we were all starting out. I don't like doing that anymore. so even if I'm making a show with only a few actors and a single sound designer...well, if you want an experienced sound designer and to pay everyone fairly (which I do!), it's going to cost you at least a few thousand dollars. when you're already writing something for free, it can be hard to justify spending that kind of money. I've sound designed in the past - and will be doing so again in the near future for another indie show of mine - but I'm not very good at it. that's usually the biggest expense that I want to have covered by an outside budget.
but if I'm being really honest, I want to be paid to write! while I do a lot of things - direct, produce, act, consult, etc. - writing is my main love and I want it to be the majority of my income. I'm really fortunate to be a full-time creative and I still do a lot of work independently for no money, but when I have a show that would be too expensive to produce on my own, ideally I want someone else footing the bill and paying me to write the scripts.
I love that audio fiction has the low barrier to entry it does, because I think hobbyists are incredible - it is a beautiful and generous thing to provide your labor freely to something creative and then share it with the world - but the barrier to being a professional audio drama writer is certainly higher. I'm very lucky to already be there, but, as every creative will tell you, even after you've had several successes and established yourself in the field, it can still be hard to make a living!
anyway, I hope this answers your question! I love talking about this stuff, so if anyone else is curious about this kind of thing, please ask away.
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stinkrascal · 2 years
While on the topic of relationships I wanted to ask something and I hope its not overstepping if so you can feel free to ignore this. Im a sufferer of chronic pain and I think there will be a point where I cannot work anymore. How did you go about expressing to your partner your unable to work and provide 50/50 and is he okay with it? I don’t know how to open up to my boyfriend because Im scared he will feel pressured or overwhelmed. Thank you for reading Jaiden!
hello anon! i was gonna answer this last night but i fell asleep aha, but you're not overstepping at all! i'll put this under a cut because it's pretty long
when we first discussed me not returning to the workforce, i basically just sat him down and told him my feelings about why i didn't think i can maintain a job. this was during covid, before the vaccines, so i still couldn't find work without significantly risking my health or his parents' health, since we still lived with his parents at the time, and his father is immunocompromised. i can't drive (i tried learning but it ended dangerously, that's all i'll say), so finding reliable transportation would be difficult. there's also the issue of our location, where at the time we lived in a rural town in bumfuck louisiana (we live in a city now, but still nothing compared to cities in bigger, more densely populated states) where job opportunities for me, someone with no education and no prior job experience, were sparse. and lastly of course i brought up my absolutely terrible mental health crisis, which he's witnessed firsthand, so he knew what i was talking about when i explained the deeper symptoms i'd been experiencing. i literally just made a list of all the cons and explained to him why i personally didn't find it viable, but still reassured him that i was open to finding work if we ever needed extra income, as well as reassuring him that i wouldn't be mad if he didn't agree with my reasoning, i simply wanted to put my thoughts out there so we could communicate our expectations. he is a very kind person though, so he understood exactly where i was coming from and we planned accordingly.
i also feel compelled to say that our circumstance is very unique in the modern day, as we had a lot of privileges a lot of people i know don't have. my partner attended college and received his bachelor's degree for free on account of his scholarships, so he has no debt, and neither do i. he works in a field where jobs are always in demand no matter where he goes, where the starting salary is very comfortable, and where growth is inevitable, and that combined with the fact that we live in louisiana which is a low cost of living state compared to many other states makes our decision a viable one. we also always had support from his parents, who have been nothing but kind and encouraging and have fully integrated me into their family. we're in a really privileged position to make this decision and i fully recognize that, and i understand that not everyone can make this decision because of various factors. so please don't take this as me trying to like "sell" this lifestyle or whatever, there's that weird trend online of the ~tradwife life~ and ~divine feminine~ and whatever, and i never want to seem like i'm shoveling that to my followers, it's just that the circumstances of our lives worked out in such a way where me not having to work became a reasonable option.
if you and your partner reasonably cannot live without two incomes, which is very common given how expensive it is to live, i would highly suggest discussing the possibility of you working less hours and contributing less financially, so maybe instead of working a full 40 hours a week you can take up part-time work, and pay for all the groceries/utilities while your partner handles the rent. instead of splitting 50/50, y'all can try something more like 40/60 or even 30/70 depending on your needs. try to emphasize the good this will do for your physical and mental wellbeing, and if it helps you like it helped me, i would make a structured list going through the pros and cons of your thought process! assuming you begin working less hours, i'd also recommend taking on more housework as a compromise, since you'll be working less. obviously you don't have to do all the housework since you're both still working and it's unfair to expect you to do all the housework while having a job and paying bills. honestly i don't work and my partner still helps with chores and he's responsible for his own laundry and cleaning his own office and stuff, so don't let your partner think you have to take on ALL the household labor while working part time. but still, try to level the division of labor by doing a few more chores, maybe doing the dishes more often, or cooking more often, or cleaning the shared spaces more often as a compromise, since you'll be working less than they are.
there's also a lot of remote work available nowadays! so if your chronic illness makes it difficult for you to work shift work, i would highly suggest finding something where you may work from home. one of my best friends works remote at a call center, where they provided the computer for him, he just had to find a way to pick it up himself, but otherwise he never has to leave his house for his job. there's plenty of jobs like that, so i would definitely try to find work like that if you not working isn't an option, but you want to find work that isn't so taxing on your body!!
sorry i rambled so much, apparently i had much more to say than i thought i did ahah. i really hope things work out for you anon, i'm sending you lots of love. take care of yourself <3
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
This might be a bit out of nowhere but any advice or where to begin on becoming a vet tech? I currently have a job as a kennel assistant and I've decided I want to pursue vet work as a career but don't know where to start
that's exactly where i'd recommend you start, at a kennel! build confidence working with animals in a way lower-stakes environment (dogs are usually relaxed and happy at daycare/kennel, compared to the stress of being at the vet). unless you're already at a clinic? ok i'm gonna operate under the assumption that you're at a daycare/kennel.
all the following advice is usa specific. depending on where you live, you might need to get registered by taking the VTNE standardized test. i have an associate's degree in veterinary technology but never passed the test and am therefore not registered. in my area it hasn't been an issue because registration isn't required. nobody really cares as long as you can do the work, and i'm a shit test-taker yet a BALLER tech (also the test costs hundreds of dollars to retake). but again, i do have a degree, completed a full vet tech course, and my only option in the whole state was a private tech university which was waaaaaaaaay more expensive than it should be. like $40,000 student debt in a job that's infamously low paying. if i could do it again, i would NOT go to THAT school, because the other huge thing is: the clinical experience is where i learned 90% of what i needed to excel. if you have a more affordable schooling option like a community college or a university with scholarship options etc, do it!! but be wary of private schools, they're entirely profit driven.
if you're a kennel tech now and want to take the next step, then apply to be a kennel tech AT a vet clinic. kennel techs are usually there for janitorial duties and an extra set of hands for stuff like easy restraint. there's a big ol national veterinary staff shortage, you shouldn't have any trouble finding a clinic that's hiring. EVERYBODY hiring right now. bringing someone on as a kennel tech then eventually transitioning to vet tech/assistant is often the preferred way to hire from a training perspective, because starting with easier responsibilities and focusing on getting along with the rest of the team is less pressure than hiring a brand new TECH tech and loading them up with all the craziness right away.
now as far as the like....emotional side of things, i think i've already spoken extensively on how hard it gets. the first five years of fulltime teching was a roller coaster where the lows were a very very deep level of hell. now it's been 7 years going on 8, i'm part time, i'm the best at what i do, i've stayed with the same clinic and my pay is closer to what i deserve (it'll never ever be high enough lol), so i've finally reached a point of peace with this job. just be prepared for it to get worse before it gets better. one bit of advice from a trainer's perspective: when i'm hiring/training someone, the value that is way higher than your tech skills is how well you get along with the team. are you inquisitive and willing to learn? do you explicitly ask questions when you're not sure about something? are you respectful of doctors? do you keep a level head in a crisis? are you humble and willing to do the gross or mundane sides of the job? are you, like, cool? having those attributes makes you a good candidate, even if you're inexperienced. some of the best hires i've had were total newbies with great attitudes, and some of the worst hires i've had were seasoned techs who think they're hot shit and don't play nice with others. can't overstate how important teamwork is in this field.
if your plan is to eventually become a veterinarian, then this is where my expertise ends. <3 i have never wanted to be a vet, i'm settled in my career, i know nothing about vet school, go with god. <3
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theladykit · 1 year
Did you like being an accountant? I’m a math person thinking of doing a career pivot, and one of the options I’m considering pivoting to is accounting.
I'm sorry it's taken me awhile to get back to this. I've been thinking about how to answer your question because for me, I'm ambivalent as to how I feel about having been an accountant.
I had no problem with the work itself. I really enjoyed it, and I was lucky to be able to see a few different specialties, like tax and audit, and have jobs both more and less specialised, and I found things to enjoy in each of them. I also really liked doing accounting work for small businesses; I enjoyed the kinds of problem-solving I regularly encountered. There can be repetitiveness and tedium, but no more so than any other office-based professional job. The maths itself is rather easy, and a lot less intensive than people think. The whole system is based off of a very simple algebraic equation, and the rest is just extremely basic arithmetic functions. Overall, accounting is less about maths (though that is important) and more about problem-solving, so if you enjoy that, looking into accounting might be worthwhile. The only really specific thing I'll say is that if you want to purse a career in accounting, get really good at Excel, because you will live in it.
Accounting is a pretty specialised field, though, and by that, I mean there's lots of areas and niches, it's not really just one thing. Which is great, because it does tend to give you more options based on what your career goals are and how ambitious you want to be. If you are thinking about becoming a capital-a Accountant, it can be a major financial, educational, time and motivational investment, and may or may not be something you're looking to undertake. If you want your CPA (or CA in a number of countries other than America, it stands for Chartered Accountant), there's all of that plus the work of getting licenced or chartered. If you want something more low-key, you might still have to take some accounting classes if you've never done it before; many companies require even entry-level accounting people to have some knowledge of accounting practices. In America, this is called US GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles). Most other countries use a standard called IFRS. Either way, expect the possibility that you may need to take some classes at some point if you're not familiar with those standards, even if you have a job at first that doesn't require them. There are also jobs that won't require any of that, but they generally don't pay all that well, at least not in America, and they can be something of a dead-end to begin with. As always, your mileage may vary. Be prepared to see a lot of positions which require a ridiculous amount of education but only pay $15-$20 an hour, like accountants can't actually do all of the maths and tell those employers by exactly how many dollars we are being ripped off. :) There's lots more to say about this, but this is already too long, so if you want more info feel free to message me privately.
The caveat to all of this is that the reality of an accounting career can be a little bit...jarring for some people, I think, when it comes down to it, and personally, I don't think it's talked about enough. This is a field, by and large, where the entirety of your job centres around helping fairly well-off, or even very rich people make themselves even more money at the expense of pretty much everyone else, often in ways you may personally disagree with; and as I said, depending on how high up you are, they may not even pay you that well to do it. 99.9% of corporate practices (even in small companies) are rooted in execs and shareholders squeezing every drop of money they can get out of something, for no other reason than they can. You may be fine with this; you may just want a job. I'm not judging, we all have to eat. I do bring it up, though, because it can mess with your sense of self, sometimes very subtly. Over time, it made my job a lot harder to do because at the end of the day, I wasn't doing work I could care about or be proud of. That's not important to everyone, and I'm not saying it should be, but if it is important to you, it's something to consider when thinking of a pivot into a new field. Obviously, this can be true of any industry because they're almost all for-profit, but accountants are so directly involved in the money itself that it can be hard to ignore. Finance comes with similar issues, too. I'm not trying to scare you. If you don't think you'll have hangups with it, accounting can be very rewarding work, especially if you enjoy it. It is where my ambivalence came from, though.
I hope this helps, and as I said before, feel free to message me directly for more info if you like. I could literally talk about the ins and outs of accounting all day, because I truly did love it, especially the theoretical aspects. But we none of us live in theory.
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cerrein-sharma · 2 years
Top Indian Startup
The Internet becomes the next fundamental right for humans if a slow internet connection or high cost can hamper our fundamental rights. 
Jio in India came as superman to help Indians from the ultra-high cost of the internet.
Let me explain. Just think in India where 1 Gb of internet cost for one-month validity is around $ 3.75 before Jio but today Jio reduced the cost for 1 Gb of data to around $ 0.121 only.
This internet revolution not only helps Indian but makes the ecosystem for other startups. Jio becomes the seed for a major fertile ground for growing famous businesses such as  Netflix, Youtube, Uber, Airbnb, etc., and many homegrown e-commerce sites in India. 
PW physics wallah 
It is a renowned start-up for Indian students who want to prepare for JEE & Neet exams ( it is the entrance examination get for engineering and MBBS seats ).
 Mr. Alakh Pandey CEO & cofounder of physics wallah. He started his online class for free on youtube and with high-quality video lectures. In 2022  it becomes the Unicorn in the E-tech field where they charge a minimal amount for accessing the course with a free class on YouTube. His company is preparing for expanding different competitive examinations.
It is a copy of Uber but revolutionized the auto, taxi, and car industries in India. It makes the process easy and user-friendly. In the old times, hiring taxis, autos, or cars became a hectic job, and even there was the possibility of getting denied by drivers.
It works on an app-based model where you write your location and select the destination, AI of ola automatically finds the fare cost and details of drivers.
Oyo room
This startup changed the way for Indians to look to lease hotels, homes, and living spaces at affordable costs. And reduce the tension while traveling to different places in India.  Before then, you have to think twice before staying.
The vision of Ritesh Agarwal ( founder of Oyo ) changed the whole thing he said whenever I travel to a different place in India I find poor room quality they do not care for the interior, dirty rooms, and less focus on the room service so I get the idea to work in this field. he developed the idea that we will customize the space with the world-class interior and rent them at a low cost and we will post the image on our website to build trust. Now It is operating in 80 countries. 
The founder copies the business idea of Amazon but the founder works very hard to succeed in his business and places himself as a tough competitor for Amazon. Flipkart sells multi-category products from medicine to clothes and finally acquired by Walmart. 
In India where quality education is expensive for students. but this thinks of startup came as a lifesaver for them and create an ecosystem of semi-affordable tuition for students, Corona hit hard and this type of startup helps Indian students to prepare for competitive examinations. Unacademy helps young teachers to choose a teacher as a profession and even they bought the emerging YouTube educational channel to expand its reach. 
It helps Indians to use online transactions for shopping and paying electricity bills, and gas bills. I think it changed the taste of India to use online banking. Paytm gets the biggest opportunity during denomination (500 and 1000 rupees scrap by the government and has no value in the eyes of the government; they print the old denomination value note into different designs ) to expand its users.
People also understand the value of online transactions. That is why Amazon to Google came into the online payment market to capture Indian users.
It works in the field of online food delivery service to the door at an affordable cost. You can choose any restaurant and even they recommend the best food in the particular locality.
It targets the lower middle-class market where people can search for cheap quality products such as cloth, handbags, sweaters, etc. They do not care for product quality but to reduce the cost as much as they can.
It is a platform where Indians can easily compare insurance policies and other financial services on one platform. It not only helps people to find the policy at a feasible cost but also helps people to do life insurance for themselves they created innovative advertisements to aware people of taking health insurance and car insurance.
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seal-writes-stuff · 3 years
connie with a wealthy s/o ?? maybe they live in like soho
Connie Nikas dating a wealthy S/O would include…
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: none
Summary: all in the title
A/N: Hello everyone and especially anon who’ve sent this request months ago, I live in shame. This took a while to finish, but I’m happy to finally share it with you guys. Hope you enjoy!
You’ve had it pretty good in life and you’re the first one to admit it. You grew up in a loving family, you’ve had a good education and you managed to get a great job in your field. You’re pretty content with where you are right now.
You also know that Connie’s exactly the kind of guy you’ve been told to stay away from pretty much your whole life. Way too charming, a bit too conniving and, to quote some of your friends, looking like he crawled out of the shadiest part of Queens. Too bad you’ve never cared about any of that.
You get the “What do you even see in this guy?!” questions all the time, but you never pay any mind to them because you know the answers for yourself and that’s more than enough for you. If anything, he saw you before he saw your bank account – more than you can say about quite a few people you’ve tried to date.
Connie definitely thinks you’re out of his league – not just financially, but overall. You’re so sweet, supportive and intelligent – he wonders what he’s done to have you cuddled up to him every night, to be so loved. He tries not to get hung up on this too much, though. In Connie’s mind, if he managed to get so lucky, he better enjoy it.
The two of you manage to get the best of the both worlds. You’ve had somewhat sheltered life and Connie didn’t get the best education – he had to start working early to support his family. He always helps you out when you need it and so do you – you’re unstoppable together.
Connie low-key tries to impress you all the time. There’s this irrational, self-loathing belief in the back of his mind that he needs to earn your love somehow, even if it can’t be further from the truth. Whenever you notice that, you always take a minute to shower him in some extra love: there’s nobody else you’d rather be with.
That includes giving you a ton of over-the-top gifts that you don’t realize are over-the-top at first. You figure if he doesn’t mind giving you some jewelry here or an expensive equipment for your hobby there he just has some money to spare, but an accidental eavesdropping reveals that he doesn’t.He just… Somehow makes it all happen – you aren’t even sure how. Of course, you start to refuse after that – you remind Connie again and again that you love him for him, not for what he can get you.
Keeps every little sign of affection you give him. Doesn’t matter if it’s an “I love you” text or an expensive present on some occasion or another, he remembers it all. Sometimes he even goes over all of this in his head like it’s his own private collection. Connie has this image in his head that he needs to be tough and able to handle anything, so he’s rarely overly affectionate, but you know he loves you – he loves you, and you don’t need the words to know it.
The first time you invite him over is… A bit awkward, let’s say that. Connie acts like he’s in a museum hall, careful not to touch anything by accident. It takes you a while to gently push him into, well, interacting with stuff. After all, what’s the point of having a nice apartment if you can’t share it with someone you love?
When he gets comfortable, however, he gets comfortable. There are days when you come home and find him on your couch with zero warning, a sweet smile on his face and some takeout on the table. How did he even get inside? Well, love finds a way. Literally.
When you get further into the relationship, Connie figures you’d want to keep it a secret, but, to his surprise, it’s very much the opposite. You use every opportunity to show everyone who’s asking that yes, he’s your boyfriend, isn’t he absolutely amazing? Connie’s not overly emotional, but this always turns him into a blushing mess, especially for the first time. He never tells you to stop though…
When it comes to Connie, he’s pretty closed-off, even if you’ve been together for some time. He doesn’t talk much about his past, but enough for you to understand that it’s extremely, extremely different from yours. It used to sting that he never invited you over, but you eventually figured out that there’s just… Not much of a place to invite you to. You wish the world was kinder to him, and yet it doesn’t bother him at all. He doesn’t need the love of the world when he has yours.
Waits for you after work no matter the circumstances, even though it's way across town. You know about this, but Connie wouldn’t hear to any of you protest – every time he pulls you in a kiss, telling you how much he missed you.
Let’s face it, Connie’s not exactly shy about asking you for money, but in a weird, roundabout way. It’s some questionable scheme that requires a bunch of money right now? He’ll probably go to you before anyone else. Groceries and dates? He Needs To Pay For It Or He’ll Die. You let him, of course – the last thing you want him to feel is indebted.
When he doesn’t have a lot of money to spend and won’t let you pay for the date, he brings you to the lesser-known places in the city – ones that mean a lot to him. Connie’s always got a story to tell and you want to know all of it. He really wants to share his life with you, and you – with him.
To say that you're nervous about him meeting your parents is an understatement, yet Connie somehow manages to pull a perfect front. They’re happy you found such a respectable guy – he wouldn’t really call himself that, but hey, they said it, not him. When you leave, you spend the rest of the night hanging around the town, kissing and giggling in relief, as if you’ve pulled the heist of the century. And you did in a way, let’s be honest.
Overall, money or not, the most important thing is that you love Connie and he loves you – in his own chaotic way. It can be messy and times can get hard, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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rainandandy · 3 years
Chemtrails (Yelena Belova x reader)
Summary: You and Yelena are finally free from the mind control of being a black widow. How does everything fare out as you both return to Ohio to start a new life?
Pairings: Yelena Belova x reader, Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers (Kinda platonic, kinda not), Alexei Shoskatoff x Melina Vostokova
Word Count: 1,862
Translations: Malishka (Baby), Krasotka (Beautiful),  Liybimaya (My Love)
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There were some people who had the idea that being on the run meant being scared, lonely, always on edge. Perhaps that is how it should have felt. You just felt like you were free. Free from being used in any way. They treated you as if you were just another pawn on the chessboard as if you were just another number to them. It is a piece that no one will remember.
Yelena too. The two of you had freed yourselves and the others from the harsh crutches of being a black widow. A killer and a trained spy in all the fields that a spy could be. Sly, sneaky, conniving, and murderous. There had never been a time when you had any control over your actions. Never being able to be yourself. Living life on the edge, skirting all over the world in a number of days. Killing people without a second thought, because you weren't able to control your mind. You weren't in control.
Until Yelena came along. Till she abolished the control over your mind and cut the tracker from your leg. Till she held you while your body wracked with sobs of finally being free.
She stayed with you, helped you recover physically and mentally. Patching up wounds with medical bits she found in gas stations. Driving stolen cars and motorbikes through the darkness of the night. A new city each day, hiding in rundown motels on the side of highways. Each one of them smelling worse than the previous one.
In the aftermath of Dreykov's death, you would keep your eyes on the news to make sure the black widows left over weren't doing any harm. Once you both reached Ohio, where she planned to meet up with her family and establish a base to free the black widows, you both could be free. Over the long nights of traveling and the days of laying low, you went from strangers to lovers very quickly.
You weren't sure when it happened, but she fell first. A glance at you that was once cold has become a loving gaze. As she learned what food you liked, she would be sure to bring it back from her grocery store runs. It was something you didn't notice at first. She changed her attitude towards you suddenly and when her touches on your wounds became lighter and she began to tell you more about her life, you too began to fall. You discovered why she was aiming for Ohio in the first place. In other words, she did not want to be what she was made to be. Both of your skills would only earn you dirty money, and she desperately just wanted to settle down. You did not talk about children between the two of you, but you frequently talked about a dog shelter.
As soon as you reached a small suburban home on the outskirts of Ohio, you and your partner quickly went into undercover mode. Posing as a newlywed couple, with her sister who is a part-time science teacher and her parents who are coming to welcome the new family. In the morning it appeared like bliss to the neighbors, but really it was at night when the family seemed to sit around and play Monopoly that they planned their roles for recovering the last of the black widows. The rest of the widows who had been freed would come over under the guise of being friends, but Yelena and you would give them money and new identification provided by Mason, so they could start their new lives. The widows wanted their chance to live a normal life, just as you and Yelena did. Many of those who rely on doing what they know only too well, choose to work with Melina in St Petersburg.
In less than a year, everyone was free. With the last of the widows freed, Dreykov's remnants were abolished. You and Yelena were finally free. As soon as the word was given you and Yelena marched straight down to the shelter where she picked a gorgeous American akita and Yelena straight away called her Fanny. When Natasha heard the name, she rolled her eyes and asked, "Really Yelena? I hate that name. You know how much I hate it. In response, Yelena hit back with an infamous "HA!"" and Fanny had now become a part of your dysfunctional family. Alexei and Melina flew in and out every few months, checking up on both of you or on some wild mission to find Captain America. It was much to Alexei’s surprise the day Natasha brought Steve Rogers home, posing as her husband.
“Papa, you remember Steve. My adoring husband" Each word spit back as fast as possible while making sure Alexei didn't start a mini war among them right under their noses. Natasha was extremely coy at first and you didn't know whether there was anything more than just friendship between them.
During their time at the Ohio house, Yelena and Natasha would relax in the small pool that is located out the back. Their tanned skin became more obvious as they raced in laps of the pool against one another under the scorching summer sun. The whole family had a good laugh when Steve wore swim trunks with the American flag on them and then had another fit when Alexei wore ones with the Russian flag on them. “I feel like all my dreams have come true” Yelena said hazily as she kissed your hand on the lawn chairs.
“What dream is that Krasotka?” you asked, smiling as you didn’t fully take in her deep words. “I have my family back” you felt the strings of your heart being pulled at the softness of the girl's words.
She pulled on your hand and led you to join her on the lawn chair, sitting in her lap. As she wrapped her arms around your waist, you looked up into the clear blue sky to see a distant plane leave a long white trail in the clear blue sky. “What are the white lines made of?" It was a question you asked aloud. "Maybe the government is slowly poisoning us with Dreykov's toxic chemicals," she said in a funny way, but you knew it was on everyone's mind. What if he wasn't really dead after all. What if the dream turned into a nightmare and you were no longer yourself. Your panic caused your breath to quicken its pace, and you touched the beautiful gemstones you wore around your neck. Some eastern culture your therapist had thrust onto you, rubbing some amethyst and turquoise would help ease the pain of the memories. In a manner of speaking, it did work, as it eased the nightmares little by little. There were times when holding those tiny stones felt like clutching a lifeline. You desperately try to hold onto this reality with Yelena as long as possible. The blissfulness of it all. Yelena became restless after losing the constant sense of action that had been part of her life. The excitement of going to the farmers market only lasted for a limited amount of time. It was one of those days when the rumble of an engine and the smell of gas broke your concentration from doing laundry, and you were met by a gorgeous vintage red Chevy pulling into the driveway. The look on Yelena's face was incomprehensible, which made you hard to believe that she had just went out and bought such an immaculate, expensive-looking vehicle. The car was a convertible and fanny sat in the back, her tongue hanging out, panting in the golden sun, as she sat there. "We are supposed to keep things on the low down" you whispered to your 'fake' wife, scolding her.
It's time to enjoy yourself, Malishka!"
You knew it was worth it when the rouge on her lips matched the color of the cherry red car. When she opened the passenger side door, she motioned for you to get into the car.
"No no, I think it's time for me to take this baby for a spin". You pushed her across the white leather as you got into the driver's seat and sat in it. There was a soft white leather under your grip on the wheel. "Don't you like it, sweetheart?" Yelena smirked at you as you adjusted the mirror while Yelena was chatting. Upon turning the key, the engine roared to life. "Shhh sweetheart, you'll pay for this later" and you took off racing down the avenues of white picket fences, passing children playing in the front gardens.
Families who seemed perfect on the outside but you knew that each one had their problems. As you reached well over the speed limit, with your hair blowing wildly behind you, you felt as if you were at liberty. It was impossible for those families to stop you from doing what you did. You could not be stopped by Dreykov. At that moment, all you wanted was to keep speeding along the winding roads while Yelena put her hands up, grasping at the invisible air. She was your sweet love. Your happiness. She made the freedom worth it. The winding roads soon gave way to a small clearing where you were able to park your car on the side of the road. The engine died slowly, and her smile was beaming back at you, pure happiness oozing from both of you. Fanny jumped out of the car, her paw pads crushing the gravel under her feet as she jumped. She trotted around sniffing at the new surroundings. In the company of Yelena, you made your way to a small bench that overlooked a valley. The sun was looking low and heavy as it was making its way towards the horizon for yet another day. The silence was relaxing, settling over you as you stared out at the sky. Yelena spoke openly from the heart or perhaps her soul when she said, "I am not religious, but if there is a god out there somewhere, I hope he lets it stay like this forever.". The truth is, she was never one to think of such things in this way, especially in regards to god, religion or even something as grave as losing what you had. "It's not going to happen. We have made it. Nothing could break us apart, Liybimaya”
I know, I know, I feel silly thinking about it when this perfect paradise is all around us; but I cannot help it.
"There is nothing wrong with contemplating God…. or our paradise…. If you have second thoughts-”
“No. God no.” She took a deep breath and replied, “That's not what I'm saying. I am terrified that I will wake up back in the red room. That all of this was just a dream"
You scooted over to her side of the bench and cradled her against you and said, "I'm real, baby.". The sun set, leaving you and your partner in the darkness, the streetlight flickering behind you. It is time for us to go home"
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trekwiz · 3 years
Just before the winter break, I got a raise that finally brought me to a point where I don't have to stress too much about money. I joked about finally being middle class, but in my state, that's not quite true. Our housing bracket is still "good luck finding something you could afford that doesn't need to be rebuilt." We're not really there yet.
By most standards, though, I make a decent wage. But I can't help comparing it to my childhood. And it's clear just how badly this country fucked our generation.
I'm within about 10 years of the age my grandparents were when I was born. One of them had a decent government job; I make now, what he made in the early 90s. I really want to compare both the buying power in general, but also what it took to get this wage.
I'm college educated. I was in debt that fucked me over for a long time. The settlement I made came back and screwed me with taxes again, too. I started with a huge setback where it was too expensive to live. I worked too hard; at one point, I was working 4 jobs at the same time, and I still wasn't able to put a roof over my head. It was hell. I don't know how I made it through. I almost didn't. I was lucky and managed to avoid homelessness twice.
The job I did get was purely by luck. I happened to be connected to someone connected to a recruiter on LinkedIn, when they did a search for a word in my resume. Luck. And even luckier to have an amazing manager who actively made opportunities for me.
By contrast, my grandparent was uneducated. And to be clear, I don't mean this in the modern sense: he was a middle school dropout. And he was rather dim as a person in general; if you ever knew him, you'd wonder how he didn't win a Darwin award. He was also maliciously stupid; were he alive today, he'd be a Trump supporter. He wasn't likeable; he didn't grow his career from having connections. He just showed up and it was enough.
He was a firefighter--a low wage field--until towns preyed on that labor and made it volunteer-only. He moved into a county government job--again, not known to be a big wage sector--as a fire inspector.
Around my age, at this same wage, he had a very nice home. 3 bedrooms, around 2,000 square feet, and enough money saved to have a second story built with 2 more bedrooms, kitchen, living room, dining room, and two bathrooms, bringing the total over 3,000 square feet. Big front and back yard! Also, it was new construction to begin with, he was the first owner.
He had the disposable income for a timeshare near Disney. To buy a decent pool with all of the construction work involved with securing the yard and adding a deck. A new car every 5 years. Dinner out multiple times per week at the kind of restaurants I might be able to go to as a rare birthday or anniversary treat.
This wage was GREAT in the 90s. It was attainable without the advantages of an education, a professional network, decent social skills, or even much of a work ethic*. He also had some jail time that somehow didn't hold his income back. (And though he would argue the point, he wasn't white, so that wasn't his source to success, either.) Also, my grandmother worked as a secretary and had a comparable wage to my boyfriend, so this is an almost exact dollar for dollar comparison. Though in their case, she didn't pay any of the bills--not true for us.
In 2022, this wage doesn't buy that. Any of it.
We are lucky enough to own a home. It was only possible because of family discounts--having a realtor in the family shaves down a lot of the upfront costs.
We have about 650 square feet. It doesn't have enough storage, even just for clothing--literally, there are 1.5 closets. 2 very small bedrooms. Nearly no yard. It's an old house with a variety of problems related to its age. We asked around and a new construction home is about twice the cost of ours, which is already at the top of what we can afford. For comparison.
I can't even imagine fitting a timeshare into the budget, let alone the cost of a week long vacation on top of it. New car every 5 years? Impossible. Pool? Really tempted to make it work in our garage with one of those cheap liners on stilts. But in the yard, with necessary fencing, a deck, and a solid frame for the liner? Impossible. Fancy restaurants a couple times per week? No way.
The idea of a good wage today is the same number it was in the 90s, yet the overall buying power is a lot less. And it's a lot harder to get there.
*and let me tell you about work ethic. That word doesn't mean the same thing today, either! My schooling included job shadowing with companies that opted in, in addition to "Take your kid to work" days. People who are allowed to host kids for job shadowing were generally the top workers; companies weren't going to reward the slackers with extra down time.
And the pacing, universally, was just completely different than it is today. Your first hour was spent with a newspaper in hand. Can you imagine? Just relaxing for your first hour of work doing absolutely nothing productive. Just reading the newspaper, maybe having a donut and juice or coffee. Without management commenting about it? Didn't matter where I job shadowed: low wage or high wage office alike, work did not start until after the first hour.
It was also a lot easier to take breaks than it is today. Do you know how long smokers spent away from their desks throughout the day? How casually they could just walk out, whenever they wanted to?
The way we work hard today was absolutely not the norm even 30 years ago. Our productivity is much higher on a per-hour basis today, yet we're expected to work harder than the previous generation, for relatively less.
It's obscene.
I can't help but think about how much our generation has lost to weakening federal protections and an unwillingness to legislate fair wages.
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i-write-boop-spoops · 4 years
Steven Stone Fluff Alphabet
To go along with my NSFW Alphabet, I decided to do some fluff for my favourite rock nerd. Hope you enjoy!
A = Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time?)
He loves being outside with you, going for hikes, walks and sea swims. Likes to learn with you too, wandering around museums and discovering new things about science, history and culture.
He probably won’t take you mining unless you’re really into it, it can be quite tedious and dangerous, but he loves when you help him polish stones, or help make them into decorations or jewellery.
He has a soft spot for lazy days where you two are draped across his couch watching trashy reality TV shows and fun, animated films
B = Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Likes how kind and caring you are, not only to him, but to his Pokemon and almost everyone else.
He thinks you’re beautiful in every way, but he in particular thinks your eyes sparkle like the rarest, most precious gem he has ever seen.
C = Comfort (how do they help their s/o when they feel down? what makes them feel better?)
Steven is a little oblivious, so you might have to tell him that you’re down, but as soon as he knows, it’s his mission to cheer you up! Lots of kisses and cuddles, your favourite meals delivered, a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen. If you’re sad due to an insecurity, he will wax poetic about how amazing that part of you is to him.
If you’re very stressed due to work or school, and you finally have time off, he’s going to whisk you away to a sun-drenched beach in Alola, the finest room in Hotel Richissime in Lumiouse, or his gorgeous villa by the Batte Zone in Sinnoh (provided he hasn’t given it to some ten-year-old yet lol) to help you unwind and enjoy yourself.
When he’s down, he needs reassurance, and lots of physical affection. He might also throw himself into his work/hobbies to an extreme degree, skipping meals and sleeping little, so you’ll have to ensure he gets fed and a good few hours of sleep until he starts feeling better.
D = Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o and in general?)
He would love a little family with you, a couple kids running around, maybe in Mossdeep, but he’s down with moving inland, or to your home region if you’re not from Hoenn, if you would prefer.
He definitely dreams about kissing you goodbye and ruffling his kiddos’ hair before he goes to work. Since his mother died when he was so young, he never really got to experience the classic nuclear family, so he longs to provide it to his own children.
He’d like to go back to college too, get his Masters and maybe PhD in Geology and work in that field. He really does not want to be involved with the Devon Corporation, so he hopes he can work with it as little as possible
E = Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they rather passive?)
I would say your relationship is equal for the most part, the only thing that tips the scales in Steven’s favour is his wealth and connections. He can get you things or into places that you, as a regular person, wouldn’t be able to at all otherwise.
He doesn’t hold this over your head, he finds people who do that rather gross, and he’s not your sugar daddy either. He does spoil you sometimes, but that’s just one way he expresses his fondness for you.
F = Fight (how quick are they to forgive their s/o? what are they like in an argument? who says sorry first?)
Steven is a reasonable man, so I think once he’s calmed down and thought about it more, he’s ready to forgive you if you’re sorry, Now, this all depends on the nature of why you were in the wrong, if that’s the case. He will let small things slide, and is willing to compromise on bigger things, but if you do something like cheat on him, he will never forgive you.
When he is in the wrong though, he will own up to it, your relationship is more important than his pride.
He doesn’t go for cheap shots or low blows, and he only raises his voice if he is really pissed. If this is before you live together, and the fight occurs at his house, he will get you to leave, but makes sure you get home safe.
G = Gifts (what kind of things do they gift to their s/o? are they spontaneous or do they stick to special events like anniversaries?)
So. Many. Rocks.
Seriously, your shelves will be filled with amethyst clusters and pretty pebbles. Some of this rocks will be jewels encrusted in some stellar accessories.
Beyond that, he’ll get you things he thinks you might need. Complaining about your coffee maker? He’s just gotten you a top of the line model with a prepaid subscription to receive new pods full of expensive Kalosian coffee every month for the next five years. Need a new bag? He’ll have one that costs double your rent shipped to you by the end of the day.
His gifts are expensive and high quality, but he does not buy you them for the sake of flaunting wealth. He just thinks you’d like them.
H = Heart Eyes (what are they like in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their love? do they brag about their s/o to others?)
Steven feels like nothing can bother him. His smile is wider and his eyes sparkle whenever he thinks of you. He compliments you all the time and gives you lots of tender kisses and touches, spoils you a bit too. He doesn’t really brag, he thinks your amazingness stands for itself.
I = Impression (what first attracted them to their s/o? how accurate was their first impression to how their s/o actually is?)
He just thought you were very pretty when you first met, very sweet and cute. Evidently he was correct :)
J = Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?)
Steven rarely gets jealous. He’s not an arrogant guy in any way really, but he is confident in himself and in your relationship.
Things like money, power or status don’t threaten him, but appearance, particularity musculature, does. Steven’s quite the lean, slim guy, and sometimes he thinks he might not be strong or masculine enough for you, no matter how much you disagree. It honestly made him hurt a little when you jokingly called Leon, the Galar champion, a himbo.
When he is jealous, he gets a little stiff, he frowns, he holds onto you a little tighter if you’re around the person who makes him jealous. When he’s alone, he laments about it.
K = Kiss (are they a good kisser? what was their first kiss like? where do they kiss the most?)
Steven is a suave, smooth kisser, each kiss makes you feel like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
Your first kiss with him felt right, he gently cupped your cheeks and kissed you slowly in a manner that portrayed exactly how he felt about you.
He likes to kiss your cheek and forehead, and sometimes your knuckles if he’s holding your hand.
L = Little Things (what are the little things they love about their s/o? are they attentive?)
He loves how kind you are, loves how you treat his Pokémon like each one is the cutest ever, even if they are decidedly not cute. He likes how you look after him, making sure he sleeps and eats, showing up to his house randomly with treats or just to visit him. He really appreciates it.
M = Marriage (do they want to get married? how do they propose? what would the wedding be like?)
Making you his spouse would make him so happy!
His proposal would be very intimate, a night time picnic, either stargazing, watching fireworks or a meteor shower. He’d turn to you, with a soft smile, and tell you exactly how much you mean to him, and how much he loves you. Then, he would take out a small velvet box and ask you to marry him. The ring would be jaw-droppingly ornate, with your favourite gem in the middle.
The wedding would be intimate too, very swanky, with geode centrepieces and formal attire. He’d ultimately like to hold it in somewhere like Reflection Cave, but he’s down to hold it in a castle or hotel otherwise, with nice gardens of course.
N = Nicknames (what do they call their s/o? what do they get called?)
He calls you sweetheart, darling, love, my gem.
You call him Stevie, babe and dreamboat. Sometimes rock nerd or dork if he’s going on about geology.
O = Open (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? is it easy for them to share?)
He’s pretty open, once you two have been together for a good while. He trusts you enough to tell you his insecurities and darkest thoughts, like how he feels burdened by the weight of his responsibilities, how his strained relationship with his father affects him, or how he still has trauma regarding the loss of his mother.
Just make sure to give him a big hug after he tells you, ok?
P = Pancakes (are they a good cook? how often do they cook for their s/o? breakfast in bed or fancy dinner dates?)
Steven cannot cook to save his life. He never needed to learn, they had a personal chef at home when he was growing up, and when he was older he would go out for food or get it delivered all the time. This continues when you get together, he always insists on paying.
That being said, he’s definitely up to learn, especially if you teach him, or if you can’t cook either, he’d love to learn with you.
Q = Quirk (a random quality/ability that is beneficial to their relationship.)
Steven has a super gentle, super careful touch, which means he gives the most amazing scalp massages. You have no choice but to melt when his fingers are caressing your head.
R = Romance (how romantic are they? are they cliché or creative?)
Extremely romantic, more elegant than corny. He wants you to know how beautiful and amazing you are, and he wants to put in effort to prove that point.
S = Sleep (who falls asleep first? do they need their s/o close to them? do they have any bad habits?)
You do usually, he likes to watch you snooze before he falls asleep. He likes to have you close to him, but he can sleep without you just fine, not waking up next to you is really more of a pain to him.
For bad habits? Steven has a tendency to lose track of time and go to bed very late. It can be frustrating when you need a good cuddle before bed, and when you have to deal with a barely-conscious, sometimes grouchy Steven in the morning.  
T = Thrill (do they need to spice up their relationship with new things or do they stick to a routine? how often do they do new things?)
If Steven wants to go somewhere or do something, he does because he has the luxury to. So when it comes to new experiences, like visiting somewhere new, trying a new activity, and you both want to go there or try it, he will have it organised straight away.
He only really has a routine when league business is in full swing, and when he is no longer champion, anything goes. Though if you have a routine, he will work around it.
U = Unity (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? what traits do they share?)
Steven, due to his wealth and connections, had a habit of dropping everything to go on trips or rock-hunting whenever he felt like, which was detrimental to many of his relationships, mainly because he wouldn’t notify people before he left.
You, however, have taught him the importance of taking other people’s feelings and opinions into account. You’re so attentive with him, and in turn, he learns how to do just that with all the important people in his life.
You’re both kind people, who care deeply about each other and Pokemon
V = Value (how important is their relationship to them? what is it worth compared to other things in their life?)
At the beginning, the relationship is just a luxury for him, something he enjoys, but not something he needs in his life. But the longer you two are together, the more important you and your needs become to him.
You definitely become his point of focus, your happiness is his goal. He doesn’t stop engaging in his hobbies and interests, but he does do so in a manner that disrupts your relationship the least.
You are his rock, the love of his life, and he puts you before everything.
W = Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon.)
Cried while drunk at his Bachelor Party because he just really wanted to be married to you already and he could not understand why he had to wait to do so.
X = XOXO (do they like to kiss and cuddle? are they upfront about their relationship or rather shy when in public?)
Steven is quite affectionate at home, lots of soft kisses, hugs and long cuddles.
In public, his displays of affection are very elegant and appropriate. He wants you to know he loves you and finds you beautiful, even when in public. He likes to hold your hand, or rest his on your hip or the small of your back.
Will kiss your lips as a greeting or to say goodbye, but will mostly stick to occasionally kissing your cheek or forehead when you’re out.
Y = Yearning (how do they cope when they spend time away from their s/o? do they miss their s/o?)
Steven really starts missing you when there’s no way you can be together, like when he’s abroad and/or working. Usually during these times, he texts frequently and calls you at least once a day, provided he’s not stuck in some cave. He likes to gaze fondly at pictures of you, planning how he’ll make it up to you when you reunite
Z = Zoo (do they have pets? do they want some in the future?)-
Of course! He is/was a champion after all, so he has his pokemon team, plus some random beldum floating around. You treat his like your own, and vice versa, so it’s a very happy household.
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Our Souls Crave This Magic- Chapter One
Pairing: Prince Caspian x Reader
Summary: All you want is a quiet year of university as you and your best friend, Edmund move to New York City. Though, that all changes when you meet the spoiled trust fund brat, Caspian. College au.
Warnings: fluff, slow burn romance, swearing
Words: 2619
Disclaimer: Everyone in this fic is 18+ and this gif doesn’t belong to me!
A/N: Here we are, first part of my college au! It was a little weird to be writing a Narnia college au, I’d never thought of writing one before! Hope you guys enjoy this and please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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next part   masterlist
Chapter One - Once Upon a Time in New York City
The air in New York was hot and muggy, even with the roof of your rental car being down there wasn’t much of a breeze and you were beginning to feel irritable and the smog in the air was heavy. The traffic over here was slow, somehow even slower than it was in London but you knew that it was a small price to pay for your freedom.
When your best friend, Edmund received a chance to study overseas in New York for his final year of college he took the chance straight away and he had pretty much begged you to go with him. You had never known Edmund to beg for anything so you knew that this was serious. You didn’t want to lose your best friend so you agreed to go with him, as did his little sister, Lucy but you didn’t mind, it was her first year at college.
From the back seat you could hear Lucy gasping in awe as she glanced up at the impossibly tall skyscrapers that were beginning to make you feel a little sick, “I love this city already, thanks for letting me come with you guys!”
Ed grimaced as he leaned forwards to turn your rock music down which earned him a scathing glare, “it’s not like we had much of a choice,” he muttered.
You rolled your eyes at Ed before smiling at Lucy in the mirror, “ignore him, Lu. I’m glad that you’re here.”
“Thanks Y/N,” she grinned at you before pulling a tongue at her brother, “I can’t wait to see the loft,” she sighed happily.
Neither of you wanted to stay in some shitty dorm room on campus so ever since you were accepted into NYU, you had begun saving money from your bar job and your student loan. Between the three of you the most you could afford was a loft apartment in Brooklyn. You spotted the moving van a couple of doors down from the loft and got ready to turn into a parking space on the busy street.
As you were reversing into the space, a yellow taxi blared its horn at you as it zoomed past you, “yeah, very nice, arsehole!” you yelled out of the window, knowing the driver couldn’t hear you but it made you feel better all the same.
Edmund rolled his eyes as he fixed you with an unamused look as he ran his fingers through his hair, “I’m beginning to regret asking you to come with me.”
You laughed, winking at him as you got out of the car, “you know that you love me.”
Ed laughed before he bit his lip, looking at you nervously, “you should call your mum, and tell her that you made it here in one piece. I know that you’ve been putting it off Y/N,” he sighed and pulled you into a one armed hug, “you can catch up with us in a bit.”
You sighed as you watched Ed and Lucy walk towards the moving van, he was right – most of the time he was right – you had been putting it off, and for good reason. You dialled your mum’s number as you lit up a cigarette and took a long drag of it. Just as you suspected, you were met with your mum’s voicemail. She was probably out, spending time with her new family, she was almost too happy when you told her that you were moving to New York.
“Hey mum, I’m just calling to let you know that I made it to New York, safe and sound. I didn’t want to call but Ed thought that I should, anyway call me back if you get this. Or don’t, it really doesn’t matter to me either way.”
The lie tasted bitter in your mouth but you didn’t want to dwell on it any longer so you quickly hung up the phone. You rubbed your temples as you took another drag off your cigarette, blowing out a large billow of smoke.
“Do you mind?” you heard a cough with the sound of a smooth honeyed accent. Your gaze started at his feet and you quirked an eyebrow when you saw that he was wearing expensive leather shoes. You travelled up his body with your eyes and they finally came to land on his face.
He had deep brown eyes that were almost black and he was very handsome with thick dark hair and clean stubble along his jaw, he looked just like the brooding hero in all those romance novels. You didn’t want to judge but he looked exactly like a trust fund baby, someone who got whatever they wanted on a silver platter. He coughed again as you blew out more smoke and he ran a hand through his hair, narrowing those gorgeous eyes at you.
“You can clearly see that I’m smoking here, it’s your fault for getting in my way, pretty boy,” you didn’t miss the scowl he shot you as you crushed the stub of your cigarette beneath your shoe as you turned away. You couldn’t let a stranger piss you off, no matter how good looking he was.
As you walked into the loft you were immediately taken aback by how spacious and beautiful it was, it seemed like good value for your money which was extremely rare in a big city. You decided that you were going to take the smallest room – you wanted Ed and Lucy to have the most luxurious rooms – but it seemed that you definitely got the room with the best view. New York was such a beautiful city and you were so glad that you got to live here.
As you were coming out of the room that you had claimed as your own, you noticed that the handsome stranger was in your apartment. Suspicion ran through your body as you narrowed your eyes at him, “what the fuck are you doing here?”
He opened his mouth to reply but before he could, Edmund came striding into the apartment, carrying a cardboard box, “Y/N, this is Caspian; he’s offered to help us move in.”
“How nice,” you smiled tightly, Caspian was a trust fund name, you were sure of that.
Caspian raised an eyebrow and he smirked at you, and you ignored the way that his deep brown eyes sparkled. You just wanted a quiet final year of college; you wouldn’t let a handsome young man ruin it. You had worked too hard to be here.
When Caspian walked out of the loft with Ed, Lucy smirked at you, “Caspian’s cute isn’t he?”
You laughed as you unpacked the kitchen boxes, “suppose so, for a trust fund baby.”
“What makes you think that’s he’s got a trust fund?” Lucy asked as she leaned against the kitchen counter.
“Come on Lu, his shoes cost more than our rent, it’s obvious that he’s rolling in money, and with a name like Caspian,” you let out a low whistle, “the evidence speaks for itself.”
Finally, you were all moved in – and Caspian had thankfully left, turning down Edmund’s offer to stay for a drink – it was early evening and your breath was stolen away by how pretty the sky looked. It was all pink and orange hues, and you were almost certain that you’d enjoy living here. New York seemed like such a romantic city – despite the smog – every story that was worth reading began in New York City.
Edmund grinned at you and flung an arm around your shoulders, “are you hungry? We were thinking about ordering pizza.”
You shook your head, although the notion of pizza sounded amazing, “no can do I’m afraid, I gonna go out and actually look for a job. How else are we going to be able to pay the rent?” you smiled.
Lucy raised her eyebrow at you, “Y/N, we’ve literally been here for a few hours and already you’re thinking about getting a job?”
You nodded at her as you kissed Edmund’s cheek, “you guys know how much I worry,” you laughed as you shrugged on your leather jacket, “I’ll see you guys later, and make sure to save some pizza for me.”
“I can’t make any promises,” Ed called after you, making you laugh.
You forgot just how hard it was to get a bartending job as you walked down the streets of New York, it had grown cool now and you wrapped your jacket tighter around your body. Finally, you came up outside a bar called; Aslan’s which had a golden lion on a field of red on the sign. Even from the outside it looked like a dive bar but you supposed that beggars couldn’t be choosers.
The bar stank of stale beer and cigarette smoke, and the floor was incredibly sticky. There was a pool table in the middle of the room and a juke box in one corner, playing loud music. The bar was a complete dive to be sure but you could also tell that it held a lot of character. You smiled at the sandy haired bartender; “I was wondering whether I could speak to the manager?” the bartender nodded and smiled at you as he walked into the back.
A couple of moments later, the bartender returned with an older man, the older man grinned at you as he offered you his hand, his eyes twinkling kindly, “I’m Aslan, the owner,” his voice had an Irish twang to it and you offered him a small smile. You were kind of surprised that he was the owner, he looked like a complete dad, and you had expected someone with tattoos and piercings, not a man in a cable jumper with his hand wrapped around a Spiderman mug.
“I’m Y/N; I was wondering whether I could give you my resume?”
“Certainly,” he smiled and you handed it over and his eyes scanned it before he glanced at you with a raised eyebrow, “are you a university student?” he smiled when you nodded, “have you done bar work before?”
“Yes sir,” you nodded, “I worked in a busy bar in the centre of London for a couple of years,” his eyes widened slightly and you could tell that he was impressed.
“Come in for a trial shift on Saturday so I can see what you’re made of.”
You breathed out a sigh of relief, this was better than you could have hoped for, “I’d be glad to, thank you so much, Aslan.”
Caspian knew that pre law would be difficult but he just had no idea, after only a couple of days he was exhausted. It seemed strange but he was happy, no matter how exhausted he was. He had a deal with his parents where they agreed that he could go to a school of his choice where nobody knew him. He didn’t want people to treat him any differently.
Edmund – one of his first friends from class – grinned as he clapped Caspian on the shoulder as they made their way across campus, “that Professors kind of a hard arse, huh?” he chuckled, mirth lighting up his freckled face.
Caspian smiled in response as he ran a hand through his hair, “I think that’s the lawyer that we should all strive to be.”
Ed chuckled as he looked across the quad and pointed, “oh, hey there’s Y/N. You remember her?”
Caspian glanced up and saw the pretty girl in a Sex Pistols shirt and ripped jeans with red converse. She carried an easel over her shoulder, she didn’t strike Caspian as the artistic type, “how could I forget?”
Edmund smiled as he pulled his friend into a hug, “hey, Y/N, you remember, Caspian?”
Y/N smirked as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and she looked Caspian up and down in a way that made him feel small. He flushed and looked away from her burning gaze, “of course I remember, Cas.”
“Caspian,” he spoke through gritted teeth as he felt a wave of annoyance wash over him as she smirked.
If Ed sensed the tension he didn’t say anything, instead he flung an arm over her shoulders, “are you coming to the party tonight?”
Y/N grimaced as she shook her head as she placed a cigarette between her red painted lips, “Aslan needs me to work a shift tonight, clearly I got through the trial period successfully,” she laughed.
Caspian raised his eyebrow at her in surprise, “you work at Aslan’s?” he chuckled, “isn’t it a shit hole?” he had never gone in and he had no intention of doing so.
Y/N glared at him, if looks could kill, he’d already be six feet under, “it’s got character, I wouldn’t expect someone,” she trailed off as she looked him up and down, a scowl on her face, “like you to understand.”
Her insinuation made his blood boil, he was starting to like her less and less by the second, “what the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Y/N opened her mouth to answer, most definitely with a scathing retort on her lips but Ed cut her to the chase, “I’m gonna go get a pretzel, does anyone want one?” he walked off before either of them could reply.
The tension was unbearable in the hot and heavy air, Caspian scowled at Y/N while she looked up at him as she took another drag of her cigarette, she looked completely unbothered. In fact, Caspian thought he saw amusement glitter in her eyes. Caspian coughed as the billow of smoke she blew out went right in his face. Normally he wouldn’t have cared but there was just something about Y/N that made him want to piss her off.
“Do you really have to do that here?” he grimaced.
Y/N smirked around the end of her cigarette but Caspian noticed that she turned to the side slightly so the smoke went in the opposite direction and he opened his mouth to thank her, stopping short when she replied, “last time I checked, this was a free country, Cas.”
Caspian clenched his jaw so tightly that he was afraid that he’d break his teeth but he didn’t bother correcting Y/N on his name. He wanted to ask her why she had it out for him, it had seemed that way ever since they met. Instead, what came out of her mouth was a stupid observation.
“I didn’t peg you for the artistic type,” he swallowed as she paused and looked up at him, the glimmer of a scowl on her face, “I had you down for a Psychology major or something, maybe that would explain why you’re manipulative,” his words were harsh but she didn’t even flinch as she crushed the stub of her cigarette beneath her shoe.
She looked away from him, wrapping her arms around herself, even though the day was warm. A flicker of emotion that he hadn’t seen before flickered across her face, “I used to paint with my dad, from a young age,” she looked back at him, that smirk was back on her face, “pre law, huh? That’s exactly the sort of major I’d expect from a trust fund baby.”
He let out a laugh and noticed that Ed was finally on his way back, pretzel in hand, “what makes you think that I’m a trust fund baby?” he asked, biting his lip.
Y/N raised an eyebrow, “oh sweetheart, with expensive clothes like that,” she gestured down at his outfit, making him scowl, “and such a pretty face, how could you not be?” she turned around to take a bit out of Edmund’s pretzel, laughing when Ed shouted out in dismay.
@smiithys​ @elayneblack​ @amelie-black​ @generalblizzarddreamer​ @blackbirddaredevil23​ @whiskeywinter89​
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years
A Day Spent Alone- Din Djarin x Reader
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(This amazing moodboard is done by the wonderful @jedi-jesi !!! Seriously, I love this girl. She’s amaze balls!)
A/n: So here is the next chapter to Days filled with Love. I hope you all enjoy it. Please consider reblogging and leaving a comment, I love hearing what you all have to say. It makes my day! :)
You can find the first part here!
“Are you sure you’re going to be alright?” Nervously, you rub over your beskar covered husband.
“We’re going to be fine.”
“Are you sure. Okay so don’t forget the twins diaper bag, it has all the bottles. I pumped every second I could, so you should have more than enough for them. Also, make sure-”
“Cyare,” Grabbing your wrists, he holds your hands still. “We are going to be fine. Stop stressing about it. We will only be gone for a day and a half at most.”
“Remind me why I can’t come.”
“Because you do too much and need some alone time.”
“But I like family time!” Pouting you lean into his body.
His hands release your own and move to rub your back. “I know you do, but everyone needs a day to themselves. Look at me.” Lifting your chin you peer into his visor. “We will be back tomorrow aftertoon and nothing is going to happen while we are gone. Okay?” Nodding you look down at your feet. “Come on mesh’la, I need to hear you say it. Okay?”
“Okay.” You can’t mask the sorrow in your voice, even when the introvert in you screams out in delight.
He raises his helmet from his head and presses one last kiss to your lips. It’s not a fast lustful kiss, but rather a timeless portrayal of his devotion to you. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” Glaning up from his chest and over his shoulder, you watch your five kids wait for their father on the Crest. “Tell them I love them.”
“I will, but they already know it.” Giving you one last kiss, he rips himself from your hold and walks over to his ship.
All six of your family members wave their goodbyes and the ramp closes, making your heart long to run after them and demand them to never leave your sight again.
The crest rises slowly and shakily from the ground and you smile. Myles must be flying it.
Recently, Din decided that Myles is old enough to fly his own jet and that at the covert “three year olds were learning to fly so he is more than old enough.” You just raised an eyebrow and didn’t think much of it, yet here you are, watching your son fly the Crest.
Finally, the crest zooms off into the sky and your home becomes silent. What once was a yard filled with laughter and children has become a field of swaying grass. The only sound to comfort you is the soft laps of water that meet the shore.
Well, now what?
You have absolutely no idea what to do. Usually there is at least one kid in your arms while you are cooking some meal. You’re not complaining, you love being a mother, it’s just that… you’re always busy.
“Oh I know! I’ll catch up on that book I never finished!”
Rushing inside you plop yourself down on the couch under a nice fuzzy blanket, you open the book to the last page you read.
Finally closing the book after having finished it, you look up. Waves crash on the shore as the moon paints shimmers on the water.
A yawn takes over your senses and you're suddenly made aware of how long you've been sitting in the same position. Stretching your legs out, you lift the blanket from your form.
Walking into the kitchen you reach into the fridge and grab the patter of cut fruit your husband has left you. A note rests on the very front.
Cyar’ika- stop worrying and go take a bubble bath. You’ll find a new present on the toilet for when you finish. I love you.
Smiling to yourself, you carefully pin the note to the appliance with a magnet. It fits in perfectly with all the artwork and grocery lists that cover the once wihte fridge.
Taking the platter you walk into the bathroom that is connected to yours and Din’s room. Turning the hot water on, you look at the toilet. On it, rests fancy and expensive perfumes for the water and oils for your skin.
There’s a smaller container that when taken a closer look at, it reveals itself as the facemask you’ve been wanting to try. Another note in his quick chicken scratch handwriting waits for your attention.
Mesh’la- Yeah, I know crazy. I actually pay attention to your skin care. I picked these perfumes out because I know they will work wonders with your already sweet scent. In the closet, you’ll find my last gift. I would recommend going to grab it now. I love you.
Giggling, you practically skip over to your closet. Opening the doors a brand new fuzzy robe hangs in front. You practically moan at how soft it is. Hung underneath it is a new pair of pajamas, loose and silky, just how you like them. On the hanger rests another note.
Cyare- You probably have the biggest smile right now, and I wish I was there to kiss it off your face. But tonight is a night about you. Just you. No kids begging for your attention and no “whiny grumpy tin can” either. Enjoy your time alone. I love you so much. P.S. I want to see you in these pajamas when I get home.
Setting his note on your dresser you grab the clothes from their hanger and bring them into the bathroom with you. The scent of lavender and honey floods the tiled room as you pour the perfumes into the steaming water.
Shrugging off your clothes you step one foot into the water, perfect temperature. Your other foot follows and soon your chest is under the surface. Every muscle relaxes and you lean your head back, allowing a long overdue sigh to be released.
Birds chirp and sing as the sun rises. Your eyelids flutter open and your heart swells at the thought of your family coming home today.
Walking down the stairs, the house is bright and the various indoor plants you have seem more alive than ever. Looking out the large window of the living room, light dances over the lake’s surface.
You can still hardly believe that this land belongs to your family. No more flying around with the Crest being your only home. No more cramped sleeping quarters with no room to spread your limbs. No more crappy camping stove.
Now you’re a woman with two stoves! And a house that has more windows than you’ve ever seen before. And a place to call home for your family to thrive.
You’ve spent all morning laying on the beach and soaking the sun up. Where could they be?
It’s too quiet without them running around, it was nice at first, but now you miss their voices.
As if on cue, the Crest flys over the horizon and you gasp. Your heart jumps and a smile breaks out onto your face. Rushing out the door, you wait for your family to arrive.
Slowly, the ship lands and you can see Myles on Din’s lap in the cockpit. His little hands grasp the yoke and under his helmet you know his eyebrows are scrunched together in concentration.
As the feet touch the ground, the hatch clicks and starts to fall. “MOMMY!” Reeza yells out and she jumps down from the hatch. Her little feet carry her as fast as she can over to you.
Falling onto your knees and opening your arms, she slams into your embrace. Your arms wrap around her and cradle her further into your hold.
“Mommy I missed you!”
“I missed you too sweetheart.”
“GAH!” Looking up you watch as Grogu scurries down the opened hatch and runs over to you. As fast as he can, he makes his way over to you.
Opening one of your arms, you scoop him up and pull him into the hug you and Reeza are sharing.
“MOM! Did you see me? Dad let me fly!” Myles emerges from the ship and also runs into your open arms, helmet left on the ground.
“I did see you, you did great! I’m so proud of you!”
“I HAVE TO USE THE POTTY!” Reeza yells out before wiggling from your embrace and rushing into the house.
Laughing you just tuck Myles and Grogu further into your neck. “I missed you guys so much.”
“Did you have fun by yourself Mommy?”
“You know, I really didn’t. It was nice but having you guys in my arms beats anything else.”
Myles leans back, his eyes scan over your face, searching and analyzing your facial expressions. His eyebrows knit together and he just offers you a nod before leaning back into your arms. A gesture so uniquely your husbands there is no doubt in your mind that he is his child.
“I love you Mommy.”
“Love you too.” Pressing a kiss to Grogu’s head you smile, “Love you both so much.” His large eyes are closed as his little fingers grasp at your shirt.
After a minute they decide that they’ve hugged you too long and squirm from your embrace, rushing into the house. You can only smile wider and laugh as Grogu follows his brothers every step. If only Myles knew how much his siblings adored and looked up to him.
“Where's my hug and kiss?”
Gasping you look up. There, standing tall as ever, is your husband with a twin in each arm. Isabet is curled against his chest as she sleeps, you’ve never met a child who can sleep as much as she can.
In the other arm Tobbi coos and babbles while his arms reach out for you. However, when Din walks closer you realize his arms aim more towards your chest. His little golden eyes are trained on the low cut of your shirt. Giggling you notice how your husband has the same greedy look at your exposed flesh.
Taking your son from his arms his little fingernails scratch at your neckline and he babbles. “You’d think I never fed the little womp rat.”
“He just takes after his father.” You brush away Tobbi’s tuff of brown curls and press kiss after kiss to his face. He giggles and it makes your heart swell with love.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Hmm, never full and always wanting a peak at my boob? Sounds pretty similar to me.” Wide eyed, your husband stops his hand midair as it was making way towards one of your mounds. Laughing, you lean up and press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
He growls and grabs your chin, forcing you to meet his lips. “Missed you too much,” he moves to nip at your jaw, “love you so much.”
It’s hard to stop your smile as his scruff tickles your skin and just from the absolute overwhelming feeling of being adored.
Isabet stirs and one of her eyes open. “Mmm… ma… mama!” Her arms fly in the air and she is suddenly wide awake.
Both you and Din freeze, your eyes meet and you share the unspoken question of, “Did she just?”
“MAMA!” Isabets small arms raise and her eyes tear up. Your husband lifts her so she is right in front of your face.
You attack her with kisses and your own eyes tear up. “Yes! Mama! That���s me!” Ticking her tiny tummy her frustrated tears turn into giggles.
“Good job, adi’ka, yes this is Mama. Can you say Dada?”
She turns her little head and gives him the meanest scowl you’ve ever seen. But when she turns back to you, her face lights up and a smile forms again. Your husband scoffs.
“Oh don’t be jealous, both Myles and Reeza said your name first.”
Taking both twins into your arms, you smile as Din wraps his arms around you. “I’m not jealous.” He says in his very obviously jealous voice.
“Mm hmm, okay. Whatever you say.”
Next Part: Snow Day
Goodness, I love them all so much. If you haven’t been able to tell yet, Isabet may or may not be based off of Pero Tovar and I love it. She’s my favorite little grump of a child. 
I hope you guys liked it! 
As always, feedback is always appreciated. 
Love, Lordy :) 
Taglist: @ficthots @along-the-lines-of-space @jedi-jesi @coldlilheart​ 
If you want to be added/ removed from my taglist- just give me a holler! :)
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
New Beginnings Chapter Two
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Masterlist Summary: You move on into your new role, but little did you know that accepting the new job would be so life changing. Warnings: Implied Smut, Swearing, Fluff, Angst??, Tony Bashing, Avenger Bashing, Clark is a cheeky little shit, A/N: So here it the second part to my three part Marvel Dc crossover and Clark is in this part I hope you like it xxx Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @magdelen69​ @iloveyouyen​ @sofiebstar​ @thefangirlsblog​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @loserrlauraa​  @cheeseman​ @isitmine​ @tinabean37​
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Bruce watched his phone carefully as the 'plane' glided through the air coming to a hover a good few hundred feet above the Newyork tarmac. Tony was pissed it was clear from the way he had contacted his lawyers...The very same lawyers that actually worked for a firm Bruce owned. Victor was scanning the calls and emails updating him on the situation as it unfolded. He scoffed so you had mentioned his child and other mistress? Well good on you! The man needed a kick up the ass. Tony was grasping at straws trying to get back at you, or get you back but that wasn't going to happen. You were theirs now. He leaned back a smile on his face he twisted his chair hands behind his head as he saw a late notification. A charge on his card of thirty five dollars in the restaurant he had sent you for dinner this evening. It was a treat but also a way to see if you'd back out at the last minuet. He gave a self satisfied smirk. You'd not only had the courage to leave the situation you were trapped in with out a clue as to what you were going to be doing, but you'd got a little payback aswell, it was more then he could have hoped for. "So our new member is on her way, her bags have just got to the strip and are being watched by Clark, he said she's just making her way past security now she should be there in a few moments" Alfred said sitting down as the aircraft stilled hanging high in the air over the private airstrip the low humming of the engines holding itself steady. "Good, everything is ready at the tower for her isn't it?" Bruce asked in a low voice watching out for the lights of the small cart thats would bring you out to the landing spot. Clark’s voice broke threw the com built in system halting what ever Alfred was going to say. "She's on her way, I'm off see you when you get back" Bruce gave a thanks over the radio but it was to late the kryptonian was out of range. He sighed heavy taking his finger off the button. Alfred smirked giving a small chuckle. "Irritating isn't it Bruce~" he offered up casually at the exasperated look on the mans face. "But as I was going to say yes everything is ready and clean, I even filled the fridge~" Alfred gloated making Bruce’s scoff shaking his head. "How kind of you to feed her, your generosity knows no bounds...Look here she comes now best start our descent." Alfred left to the front of the craft and started the slow vertical drop to the tarmac.
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You sat in the cart, the driver didn't say much just that you'd be picked up my Mr Wayne out here, he was to drop you off and leave. You clutched your bag with shaky fingers, sweaty palms trying to cling to the faux leather. You were nervous, super nervous this was it your new start, the big leap of faith. Faith in a man you didn't know at all. You were worried this was a mistake deliberated all throughout your meal, but it was to late now. Its was trust Mr Wayne of become homeless and jobless. You'll admit it was nice to be rushed through the airport, recognised and pulled from the line at first you thought you'd done something wrong. You quickly crushed that thought when you were sped to the front and down a side hall to a small private check in...Well there wasn't much checking in more a quick check of your Id then carted straight onto the back of this small golf cart type vehicle and sped down the run way. Which was a little scary as your driver weaved in and around these huge air crafts. But after all the excitement you were unceremoniously dumped here in a far quiet corner of the air field you twiddled your fingers a little trying to calm your self down as the cart raced back down towards the terminal. It was quiet for a few moments then there was a low humm, an echoing rumble that was both eerie and awe inspiring. Then suddenly out of no where there was a large gust of warm air from above sending your hair twisting about in the air wildly. You could just see a huge black aircraft coming in to view shimmering with an opalescent sheen flickering with what you assumed was some type of cloaking barrier. You gasped watching at the wings folded upwards onto itself. It was a magnificent sight to behold, instantly all regret was washed away as you took a few steps to the side trying to take in as much of the craft as you could view. The huge craft as it twisted around directing the back almost cargo like door opening as it lowered. You were completely awe struck seeing Bruce standing holding the top of the door as it descended the last few feet and finally landed. "Y/n I'm so glad you choose to joins us!" He said walking down the ramp but you couldn't speak your eyes were glued to the matte black marvel of engineering in front of you. Bruce stood beside you looking up at it. "Shes a beaut isn't she?" He said with a chuckle. You pointed to it and faced him.
"The wings? They folded? Like how did you- surly thats not- I mean how do you maintain structural integrity when shes flying? I doubt she's slow? And what type of cloaking was that? Did it cloak the sound to? Like I didn't even hear it!" You asked the questions in quick succession excited as you tiptoed trying to drink in a much of her as you could. Bruce smiled and grabbed two of your suitcases making his way to the craft. "The cloaking? It's Atlantean" he called over his shoulder you all but squealed. "I KNEW IT!!" You jumped for joy quickly snatching your other suit cases running into the craft overwhelming Bruce with questions your curiosity had been triggered and you were now shaking with excitement at the prospect of being able to play with tech no one had ever seen before-well on the surface that it. Once inside Bruce managed to wrangling you into a seat the upper deck. You couldn't sit still far to interested in the spacious air carrier? Plane? What did you call this!? "Bertha" Bruce offered as he shuffled through some documents on the table counting page numbers of what you assumed was your contract. You frowned and went to ask but he seemed to be concentrating so decided not to ask. Alfred came out from a small automatic door with a tray carrying three cups of coffee. He was going to stay for the festivities. You thanked him as he place a small cup and sugar bowl next to you. "What Bruce meant was we call this old girl Bertha, its nice to see you again y/n" he added sipping his own drink. Suddenly Bertha's deep echoing thwums became a low hum and there was a tiny pull and it was then almost silent. "Holy shit it does!? The cloaking reduces sound even in here!?" Bruce tipped his head up and grinned nodding to you making you giddy, you knew you were right! Outside you couldn't hear a thing! He moved the stack of papers over to your side of the table between you. You gazed down seeing the familiar disclosure's and a lengthy contract below it. You swallowed time to sign your life away. "Id like for you to read through these..Most is about confidentiality...I can't stress enough that Its the most important thing in this project. It could cost us all everything it'd be catastrophic if anything was ever leaked...You'll understand more when you meet the team but...I need to trust that you will adhere to it before getting to that" you frowned as he explained this to you it was...Frightening the seriousness of his tone the look in his eyes as if lives were on the line. You nodded to him and sat back readying yourself for a long read. Bruce smiled patting your arm as he got up leaving you to look over the thorough contracts in peace. It was a good hour and a half you'd finally finished. The contract was lengthy but relatively simple...And required finger prints?...Apparently the lab you'd be working in that was constantly referred to as 'the tower' would keep records of your bio metric data for security in the form of eye scans and hand and finger prints and blood samples?. You have to disclose all history including medical and criminal. That made you pause for concern you did have a conviction for causing a social disturbance...And assault. Beating the shit out of a creep trying to force a young neighbors kid intl selling drug for him. Yeah you could probably explain that one. Apart from that it was fairly the same as anything you sighed for the Avengers. You'd get room and board for free but this time it was a 'luxurious apartment' that you were allowed to redecorate as you saw fit. Your pay was just over five hundred dollars a week which was 'non negotiable' you'd be expected to work thirty five hours a week and be on call for emergencies at any given time and always have your coms on-there was a coms system in the building so you wouldn't have to have an ear piece all the time. You'd get full access to any resources and labs and work shops and be able to pursue any projects that may be beneficial to the team. Which in all honesty sounded like a dream.And all they asked in return was that they have the only sole rights to use anything you create. But you would hold the patents. Apart from that there was seven different discretion declaration's. Each saying the same thing in a different wording making it abundantly clear that you will not ever talk about what happens in the tower to anyone. Or mention your colleagues or anyone seen within the tower itself. You had scribbled down a few questions to ask Bruce but apart from that it all seemed pretty solid. And you got some super expensive private health and dental!
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"You done?" You jumped looking up at Bruce and smiled nodding as he placed a fresh coffee beside you. "I err yes its all done ..A few things though I wanted to ask before signing..If that was okay?" He smiled nodding and sat down. "I'd be more worried if you didn't have questions. Fire away" he said seemingly more then happy to ease your worries. You cleared your throat and looked to your list. "Well I err have a mark on my record...Criminal, I was charged with battery and had a fine...A drug dealer trying to get my neighbors kid to sell for him threatening him so I...Yeah he was hurt pretty bad and I got arrested..He charged me went to court and he got put away for dropping himself in it and I got a slap on the wrist." Bruce smiled they already knew that but it was a good show of character you admitting to it straight away. He nodded smiling. "Not a problem, we already know but thank you for being honest anything else?" He asked polity you looked down nodding swallowing relieved that your past wasn't really going to effect your job offer. "Err the erm this bit here... Being able to research my own projects as long as it can be useful? I just...That is vague I don't want to sign if I end up being pushed into something I'm not comfortable with...Again." he nodded he couldn't blame you for being careful especially after that shit show you were in before. He sighed leaning back arms crossed. "Our team is...An elite league of individuals who... Protect innocents... We don't want to use lethal weapons, in fact we have a very strict no tolerance policy, no guns or the like. Not a single life should be lost if we can help it. But we still need equipment thats where you come in. Sometimes create completely new gear or prefect old gear. You can work on weapons, barriers,  Armour, maneuver gear anything you want...Tracking devices the lot...All we ask is its not designed to take a life and that we are the only ones with access to it....And occasionally name it because...Well we all have our quirks" you chuckled feeling much more relaxed and crossed off the question...He'd answered a few there in his explanation. You looked down at the list. That was it apart from... "I get to have a pet, I get lonely" Bruce chuckled and nodded "Fine a pet but a small one, that can live in a cage or terrarium... And you stop calling me Mr Wayne, call me Bruce" you giggled at his terms "...Fine Bruce...What about a house rabbit?" He laughed out of the side of his mouth and held ot a hand for you to shake. "House rabbit? I'll have it added to the contract. Deal!" You smiled giggling and shook his hand. Within moments you he signed all the papers which Bruce locked into a smart silver briefcase. And called Alfred to bring her in. You frowned at him weren't you still flying. "We've be hovering above the tower just inside the atmosphere all this time, give us a few moments and we will be landing...Oh and let me be the first to welcome you to the Justice league" you froze the fucking what what?....What?! Your face must have been a sight as he laughed out loud. "What?! Wait what- you but who?-are you?...Gotham... Shut up your not the bat!?"  You stuttered as he smirked sipping his drink then shrugged throwing his hands out. "You caught me, you'll be privvy to all our identities so I had to be sure but...I think springing it on you at the tower would be a little mean" he added you blinked fast trying to catch up with your thoughts that raced a mile a minuet. You swallowed holy shit your going to be...With them? Access to the bats arsenal? Atlantean tech? kryptonian tech? Fuck you were giddy just thinking about it you tried to wipe the grin off your face but it wasn't happening all the new tech and discovery's the tinkering and playing about you could do?! It made your heart nearly burst! It was then that Bertha made the load hum once again and rocked as the suspension rocked lightly. "Want to go meet the team?" He asked standing up you took a breath following like an over excited puppy. He moved through to the back as the ramp lowered you each collected two cases and exited. You were in a huge cavernous room on polished concrete and aray of matte black vehicle's each angular in the typical 'bat man' finish looking all cool and displayed. "Nice garage~ I thought Tony's was impressive-" you said trying to fill the silence but regretted it as his name filled your chest with what felt like lead weights. Bruce eyed you slowing to walk beside you. "Tony's not worth it, despite everything he is still a selfish narcissist..You never know he may be coming to you for help one day~" he said trying to cheer you up it worked sort of, it had only been a week but the wound was still raw open...But not was raw as it should have been? I mean on the scale of things you were fuck buddies never went out, or to his place or anything..You were nothing more then a quiet fling. You came to a set of double doors that opened as you approached. Slipping through you were all smiles, it wasn’t as...Showy as Stark tower. Clean modern, contemporary with polished natural looking stone walls with little flecks of almost gem like facets that caught the light just right. It was large and overall modest...No large gaudy art pieces or blown up photos of the league. You soon can to a stop at an elevator Bruce place his hand letting it take his print and it opened he motioned you to enter. "We can go drop off your cases and put your prints into the system then you can meet everyone, They are all hanging around to meet you..Been waiting a long time" he announced snapping you out of your revere. You nodded dumbly letting him push a button, it was only when it began moving that you realized the back wall was glass overlooking the floors as you glided higher. On the way up you saw a gym and pool...Labs then a common room floor large and open...Everything seemed calm here.
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Within moments Bruce had whisked you away gliding down a short hall that had one door which seemed strange you frowned as the 'glass' panel beside the door looked like oil?  A multicolour rainbow shimmering in the light with its movements..It was on closer inspection to saw it wasn't moving like waster but...Sand?super fine sand like the type or 'magic dry sand' children play with in waster. It was black and reached out in tiny inch long spindles. Making you cringe it did not look pleasant. "This is err your floor, this pad here is the lock is...It's safe I promise uses hand print scanning sort of...It will give a small finger prick to register your dna...Its like a two step verification, if for what ever reason your hand and finger prints don't work it'll let you in by repeating the finger prick" you eyed him cautiously...That thing was going to do a blood test? You moved your hand slowly to the door panel fingers trembling and twitching but froze just out of the tendrils reach. Bruce put a hand on you reassuringly. "Its safe I promise once its taken it it wont need to again well its been a few years and none of us have had to verify again, the kryptonian's were pretty clever...And after your prints are in your in everywhere..You'll have unrestricted access so its just a one off" he explained further. Your face lit up kryptonian?  Alien security inside the fabric of the building? My god you were going to love it here. You sucked in a breath planting you hand tentatively on the pad and hissed jumping as the sandlike material molded to your hand growing warm then a tiny pinprick on your index finger drawing a few drops of blood. The process took seconds and your hand was released with a slow swirl and once again the door opened showing a huge open plan apartment one whole length of it glass letting in natural light like on of those ridiculous ultra modern show homes. It took your breath away as you wheeled in your cases behind Bruce. "Now I know what your thinking but they are mirrored the other side and no one can see in...Well maybe Clark but he is to much of a gentleman to be a peeping tom~" he finished with a chuckle and turned around to face you as you made small steps into the place. You were in love, this beats the basic room with a view you did have.This could be home.you pulled yourself out of your snooping locking onto what Bruce said. "Clark?" Bruce smiled letting go of your suitcases leaving them in the open area by the kitchen and modern wood beam partition that cornered off the living room. "Supes, you'll get to call up by our given names...Any way lets get going the sooner they meet you the sooner they will stop whining in my ear...Giving me a fucking head ache-yeah alright we're coming! Jesus" you giggled and followed him out again into the elevator.
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You quickly soared up into a huge room split in two halves, one a huge round table with enough seats for everyone then a tinted glass wall with the tell tale illuminations of monitors that would put nasa's ground control to shame. "This is our office? Slash mission room...I suppose you could call it? We never really get the time to sit here and discuss missions most of the time there isn't time but at least we get to use it now as a meet and greet" you tried keeping calm, you'd done this before-it was just like the Avengers don't worry they are people...Except for the alien amazonian Atlantean and a...Cyborg...yeah this was a little strange. "Everyone meet y/n new member of the team!" The was a small cheer which made you chuckle and wave nervously. They each wore their appointed suit's. You got a little starstruck to be honest this was The Justice League...A band of superheros who each shared your ideals. You swallowed dryly as wonder woman came over shaking your hand. "I'm Diana- that’s Arthur, Barry ,Victor, Clark and Barbra..It's nice to finally have you here" you shook her hand smiling.
"Finally, you make it sound like you were waiting" you huffed a laugh trying to break t through your nerves with humor.
"We were...We wanted you two years ago but...well Stark got there first but we were always going to snatch you away it was just a case of when" she replied with a kind smile nothing false or off. You smiled nodding to her "Well I assure you if I'd had known two year's ago I'd have been here instead trust me" you said as she moved of to the side letting the others come and greet you. "Yeah well you were caught by that dick wad- good call getting out" you chuckled at Arthur's frankness and moved again Barry shaking your hand "I err yeah it was a shit show there but I'm over it" you said to them all trying not to exclude anyone and be rude. Before you knew it you was eye to...Chest with Clark...Wow okay fuck how is he more intimidating then Thor? He grinned at you a charming smile. "Well we are just glad you saw sense and finally found your way home to us. We have waited a long while to have you here talent Iike yours shouldn't be disregarded you can help us save a lot of lives" you swallowed trying not to notice he was impeccably handsome he was but...That was near impossible. Oh fuck. "Ah no pressure then...Thanks for that big guy" you said sarcastically trying to battle your nerves with humor which didn't help as he laughed smiling showing off his once thought handsome now perfect features. Shit. Double shit. The last thing you needed was a fucking crush. "Don’t worry we will get you up to speed on our...Foreign technologies then you'll be off doing your own thing in no time, we wont working you into the ground" you shivered at your take on being 'worked into the ground' but smiled covering any indication you were slowly creating sordid fantasies about the man in blue...And not the cap- thank fuck though that did you a favor any rising libido gone in an instant. Whew that could of got sticky. "I'd appreciate it your...Security system all but shook me like how the hell does that even do that..." he laughed out loud twisting to the final pair you'd yet to meet then back to you shrugging a pink tint to his cheeks...Well that was new, super-buff-superhero shy. It was refreshing. "You know I'm not sure, I just find it and bring it back Bruce, Victor and Barbra do all the engineering and tech work..I do the heavy lifting" he said chuckling away rubbing the back of his neck a little embarrassed that despite it being tech from his home planet he didn't have a clue. "Yes Clark is pretty handy to have around in the labs, makes things go much smoother when he can lift things so you can fit...Our very own walking talking car jack..I'm Barbra you'll be with me and Victor most of the time we are the appointed geeks" you shook hands with a blonde woman in a wheelchair that must have been up at the screens and Victor the half Cyborg? You nodded polity. "So I'm going to be learning the ropes with you guys?" They nodded casually grinning probably happy to have someone else to 'speak geek' with, you can appreciate that. "We will teach you a thing or two..But I have no doubt you'll be ahead of us in no time I've read all your research, I was impressed. Tried to build on some when we thought we'd lost you for good but didn't get anywhere...Whats your take on the electromagnetic film shield? Did you drop it or?" Victor asked and you perked up. "Oh no I haven't dropped it..I got a little stuck on how to increase the human electrical impulses to control it without effecting the sinus node or nervous. I need a link..A pathway that can be activated at will, Its what I hoped to find at Stark tower similar to To-Mr Stark’s arch reactor?... But he said it was a pipe dream so never got that far" Victor lit up that was a viable option and tipped his head. "So implants? What sort of thing?" He asked looking genuinely interested. You sucked through your teeth and hummed. "Yeeesss...Sort of was leaning more maybe something less permanent..Something based on taser pins? you know tiny barbs that can be removed at will" you elaborated Barbra gasped face lighting up.
"OH GOD! I never thought of anything like that...That would be more convenient, you could use the own bodies impulses like a power source...A human battery!" She exclaimed the new theory excited her and the three of you suddenly found yourself exchanging ideas between you forgetting the others standing off to the side watching. "Well they seem to have....Clicked look at them go!" Barry said watching at the three of you started bouncing ideas of of one another already any nerves or tension dissipated as you Victor and Barbra began geeking out. It was clear that this was the start of an incredible collaboration.
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You'd been here just over eight months and was finally happy. It was incredible how much things could change in a short space of time, life was now the best it had ever been. Your spot in the team was secure and you'd made strong friendships with everyone...You were a family, sister to the league and a mother figure to the youngsters. Always fretting over them and helping them out when need be, normally you were helping the peanut gallery; which consists of konner, Jon, Damien and Tim..Occasionally Jason if the mood strikes him avoid the wrath’s of their fathers. You even got a fucking chart going a community service type deal they fuck around then they are in the lab helping you for a few days. Girl talk with Diana was fun if not a little daunting at first but you soon relaxed with her, despite her tendency to want to kick ass for you. Arthur and Bruce were like protective older brothers checking in all the time making sure you were taking care of yourself which was sweet. Barry was that kid who you constantly had to feed and was always up for trying new recipes, you were trying to come up with healthier alternatives to his junk food... And you'd made him frozen meals each week to take home, he collected them every Tuesday. You, Victor and Barbra were three peas in a pod you were always chatting with one another during your work and pushing boundaries together each day exploring creating throwing theories around enjoying finally being understood. 
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Then there was Clark. You'd been dating for five months and even though it was quiet at first it wasn't because he didn't want to be seen it was more...Only Jason had caught you making out and the little twerp had kept his mouth shut. Good job as well that had been your first kiss with the man. You and Clark had been stealing kisses and sneaking quiet dates since. It had been slow going your first assumption of him being shy was true, he was shy...At first then he became quite the little flirt. It had started after about two weeks of being here? He spent a lot of time around you getting to know you. Helping you when he could the rest of the time happy to sit around the lab passing you things making small talk. Then from there it was hanging around the common room, having coffee then he showed you around Metropolis and stuff just generally hanging out getting along. You'd offhandedly mentioned you wanted to try the gym out and get fitter but didn't have a clue how anything worked. Clark had seen the chance and grabbed it with both hands, he offered to train you. He was a slave driver in the gym not letting you quit when your arms were about to far off but the work was paying off, you were becoming toner, not buff or bulky but you felt better in yourself healthier, happier. You'd noticed that you felt different? With Tony everything had been forced? He'd never ever forced you but the feelings had been forced lathered on thick, heavy and unrelenting. You were shocked that you'd managed to move on so easily, things with Clark flowed it was smooth and relaxed nothing rushed you took pleasure in just being around one another which was a nice change of pace. You'd had your first kiss in the gym just over a month into your stay. It was sweet and then heated no pressure or desperation...But he was eager in a gentle way, romantic even though it was hot. You'd never felt it before. Tony had been your first regrettably and he was always so pushy? Not really the word he just wanted to get his fix and leave. It was a rush quick array of sucks nips then he quickly rutted into you and left with out so much as a thank you pulling his zipper up on the way out. He wasn't affectionate with you, he never took his time with you or spent much time with you it was always so callous and sarcastic you now realize it's because you were the butt of a sick joke. But Clark he was just there happy as can be kissing you. Sure he squeezed your ass but its not like you minded. The first kiss had been a surprise, you were on one of the rock walls climbing more for fun then anything he was lifting weights when he heard a whizz of unwinding rope, your harness came loose you barley fell a few feet and he'd caught you. You were in his arms before you even heard his weights slam onto the floor. It had been an overwhelming moment, until then you'd never really seen him in action he didn't take his powers lightly you'd only seen him in flight twice. The first time you'd screamed bloody murder at him for making you jump as he made the loud echoing boom as he entered the atmosphere from above you...You swear it was like a fucking bomb going off being so high up on your balcony you'd felt it in your bones.
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But this time there was no sound to his movement he was just suddenly there with you in his arms catching you before anything could happen. Well his arms was a relative term, he had in his panic curled under you making you land awkwardly slumped over his chest front first one leg between his the other over his hip, chin and torso sprawled out over his chest. He moved tipping his head down panting lightly. He pulled and arm around your waist holding you securely then froze staring you in the eye. Time stopped for a few breaths as you both saw the opening, the opportunity to take things further. Surprisingly Clark took it tipping his head one hand coming to the back of yours and he pulled gently bringing your lips to his in a sweet kiss. You melted whining softly letting him moved his lips against yours in delicate movements. He pulled back and grinned cheeks tinting pink. "You should be more careful, you could get hurt" you smiled flushing his tone was something you hadn't heard from the man before. It had a dark rasp under his usual smooth voice, a growl  full of hidden promise and his eyes blown wide black devouring the blue and half lidded giving the perfect man the most beautifully delicious expression. You smiled and moved forward whispering across his lips. "I doubt you'd let that happen~" you smiled and moved again pressing your own kiss to him moving your hands to smooth down his chin the light stubble grazing your fingers. He hummed moving his hands down completely forgetting you were a good thirty feet up in the air cupping your bottom pulling you across him further making your other leg rise over his other hip effectively straddling him. He pulled tighter digging his fingertips into the cheek of your ass making you gasp as he pulled them apart slightly. You pulled away panting down at him. It was then you heard footsteps and a loud curse you snapped your gaze down seeing Jason. "Are you kidding? This isn't fair! How the fuck am I meant to compete with that!? Dad I could of beat but thats a joke bitch I'm out you win uncle Clark" he said making a stretching his arms out wide in a defeated motion. Clark laughed out loud as Jason turned tail an left with a quick 'clean up after~' you flushed  and blinked at the hunk of male you were straddling. "What was that about?" You asked not really following he rose a brow at you incredulously. "You mean you haven't noticed the boy flirting with you?" You blinked at him again and shook your head. "Well yeah but he's a kid...Thought it was cute-like in a younger siblings best friend kind of way...He was serious?" You asked him eyeing the door where Jason had left in a huff. "Yes and he just bowed out gracefully looks like I've won my prize~" Clark chuckled and tipped your head back to face him a smug smile to go with hos self assured words. You gave him your own smirk wriggling your brows and moved closer to him lips a breath away from his. "Oh really Mr Kent" you kept your voice light and teasing letting your bottom lip just graze his as you spoke. Clark hummed low the sound reverberating in his chest like a purr of a big cat you felt it in your bones. "Well your straddling my cock so I'd like to think so~" he quipped innocently hands squeezing your ass as if to make a point for a second you stuttered unsure if you heard him correctly did the super cute cheeky farm boy just say cock? you looked down and noticed he was right and panicked. "Oh god sorry!" You cried flushing when you noticed you were in fact pressed tightly to his groin, body weight centered over his cock. Quickly you failed about moving only for his hands to come up supporting your hips holding you steady with a chuckle you were so flustered you'd forgotten where you were. "No no please don't apologize I'm quite comfortable like this, can think of no better place to have you~...You best hold on tighter though you might fall~" you gaped at him this had been the first time that the sweet, polite considerate gentleman had sounded like a horny hot blooded male. And you fucking loved it! You peeked over the side of the huge chest and saw you were still quite a way's up he hadn't lowered an inch staying perfectly still. You latched onto him for dear life legs locking around his waist digging your feet into the cheek's of his perfect ass. Arms hugging his neck once secure he placed one hand across your rear the other at you back and finally moved to hover upright. the tilt made you cringe you wasn't really one for heights, you could somewhat ignore it when you were climbing with the harness but that was about it you never really strayed to far out on your balcony either sticking close to the windows and door in case it decided to fail and crack away from under your feet. "Oh my god get me down! Please please Clark I'll do anything!" You panicked suddenly feeling queasy as he moved, being upright instead of sitting on him was a very different experience and you really wanted to be set down now. You missed the quick dark playful smile on his face as your words registered. "Anything? Then you wont refuse dinner with me tonight?" He asked quickly not missing a beat. You eyed him gasping at the cheeky grin and clung tighter as he made to move his hands away from you with a chuckle finding this amusing. "No no don't do that-Hold me dammit!!- wait and are You serious?! Now! Your asking me out now?"  You panicked stuttering wondering where this new devious Clark had come from but you didn't have long to wonder as he tipped his head eyeing you mischievously biting his bottom lip trying to fight of some more chuckles. He couldn't help it you were just so cute trying to be angry when all flustered and panicked and he'd admit he really liked you clinging to him tightly. "Well no time like the present~" he added making you squint at him but smile shaking you head you couldn't help find him cute when he was like this. Like a naughty little boy all tricks and charm. He dropped a few feet with you then stopped again making you squeal and hold him tighter if possible your face now level with his at how close you held him around his neck. You looked down then back to his eyes nodding enthusiastically before crying out your answer heart ready to burst. "I FUCK !! NO I-Fucking hold me Clark!! YES- Dinner- yes yes I'll go to dinner with you just please get me down!" Your voice was high and you squeezed your eyes shut face scrunching up as you tried to hold on to the man for dear life. He huffed a laugh as you squirmed uncomfortably. "Seal it with a kiss?" You growled at him ready to yell at him for being an ass but was cut off by another kiss. He dipped his head this time devouring your mouth with merciless accuracy. He was making war with your tongue before you even realized you'd opened your mouth. You moan as he tilted down further trying to steal your breath, tracing the inside of your mouth with ease unhurried in his exploration as though he was drawing a map you grunted letting him so as he pleased falling under his intoxicating spell the man had a way with you it seemed. In a few quick movement's you were sure he could be your undoing. The kiss was more than anything you'd felt, a deeper connection then just tongues and teeth like you both just knew one another without trying tilting and suckling in a sweet yet eager embrace. You parted and blinked at him his cheeky grin greeting you eyes sparkling with glee. "There safe and sound and you thought I'd drop you~" he announced teasing you lightly it was then you realized he was standing firmly on the ground you squeaked and unhooked your legs placing your feet between his. But he didn't release your ass instead squeezing it for a few breaths then exhaled stepping away from you with a light pat on your rump making you flush. "Well I'm going to go have a shower and get ready for our date, I'll pick you up at six" he turned walking to the exit making you stutter a few words then finally you found your voice. "And I'd have gone to dinner with you anyway!! You didn't need to you know!" You yelled out to his back he laughed loud calling out 'I know' over his shoulder making you grumble. Clark was a lovable ass.? With a lovely ass. You noted watching the pert cheeks tense as he moved turning around the door frame. "I can see you staring!" he called from the hall making you blush and clench your fists turning around running to the door poking your head around it before shouting down the hall behind him. "Well you got to fucking squeeze mine so we're even!!" he laughed a loud belly laugh as he opened the door to the men's changing rooms shaking his head at you as he entered.
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Since then it had been a dream Clark was everything you wanted in a boyfriend and then some. Dates were well planned and could range from cliché and romantic to adventurous and sexy and anything in-between. The relationship wasn't a secret for long perhaps five weeks maybe six? either way the League had soon found out when he'd out of the blue spun your chair round to face him stealing a deep embarrassingly hot kiss in front of them when you parted asking what that was for he just smirked and shrugged stating he just 'wanted to taste his woman' and left telling you to 'finish up soon' leaving you to stutter out an explanation to a very amused team that you were a couple. Bruce; who you suspected had known for a few weeks before, had been really amused noting that you should 'hurry up before he came back down for seconds' and to you embarrassment you did hurry up and scurry back to your apartment where he was already naked in the bedroom placing a juice bottle next your side of the bed knowing you always needed a little break to re hydrate as he demolished you mind body and soul~. As it turns out Clark had told Konner and Jon before hand and they both wasn't bothered at first trying to act all cool. It wasn't until a few weeks ago they had become excited at the prospect of maybe having their very own Ma. Well excited in a teenage sense of trying not to show they cared but in fact both just wanted you to snatch them up and give the two touch starved boy much needed affection and snuggles which you did on mothers day getting you mothers day present a little silver locket with photos of them which you wore every single day. They were so terrified about it they hadn't asked if you even wanted them you remember their faces deliberating as they handed you the box mumbling uncertain 'happy mothers day' looking at all the cards and chocolates their cousins had given you. The gift was the most precious thing and you couldn't help but cry as you hugged them kissing them both. There was anxiety and tears all around but in the end you all got the out come you wanted, whilst all the youngsters were 'yours' by default konner and Jon were your special boys, they were your sons. Your relationship was incredible your job was a dream and you had a family if that wasn't enough? there was your aforementioned sex life...Sex? My god! It was out of this world, the best sex you'd ever had Tony was said to be one of the best lays but he didn't have shit on Clark! Clark's strength and stamina meant he would always last he had once fucked you for six hour's straight....That's not a few rounds that was one! One fucking round and you'd passed out only to be woken by a mind numbing orgasm that left you a babbling incoherent puddle of wanton female desperation. All because you'd teased him about how long he could really last. Your answer days that mans cock could keep cumming for days and still not be satisfied. Safe to say you never questioned his stamina again. You were at it like rabbits you'd been caught 'with your pants down' by everyone...Everyone. But you didn't care you didn't get a chance to Clark to your was a very goal orientated lover, his goal was to leave you a complete bumbling sticky exhausted mess. He enjoyed watching you fall apart over and over until you couldn't speak let alone move. His favorite was when you tiptoed about the next day, slow steps, bow legged and sitting on cushions letting everyone see that he had all but destroyed you the previous night aftercare helped but you were pretty much fucking a god there were consequences that a good bubble bath couldn't fix. And once you were fully seated on him there was nothing that could deter him, not even konner waltzing into your apartment to steal your snacks. Clark just kept at it as your son passed the sofa you were being rawed on to get to our snack cupboard, the teen didn't even bat an eyelash!! As embarrassed as you was you couldn't deny finding Clark's complete disregard for modesty once inside you was fucking hot. Like he was in a trance so focused on fucking you into your next orgasm he didn't bother worrying about anything else. And even when you wasn't being ploughed by the man things were still great! He was sweet funny kind and you showered one another with affection something you'd never known you'd missed out on. Things were great and the others didn't seem to have any issues with it sure they poked fun sometimes as you acted like a couple of teenagers but thats to be expected. All in all life was fucking brilliant here and you couldn't wish for anything better.
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You moved about the lab tweaking the...Well your not sure what it was to be honest...Clark had been shooting off into the galaxy again searching for the abandoned Kryptonian outposts and bringing you back bits and pieces anything from trinkets to tech. This time he brought back a hover krypto-bot guard thingy and thought you might be able to get it up and running to help you and Barbra around the lab. You grumbled tweaking the bot trying to get the last few pieces in place before powering it up, it worked from solar energy much like Clark. You giggled at the thought and looked over to him. And the view wasn't bad~ you twisted eyeing the fit as fuck resident Kryptonian. Today he was wearing some 'tad to small but you wasn't complaining' sweat pants and a fitted white tank top....Yum. He was standing tall one arm extended above him holding a few tonne bat mobile like it was a bed sheet. Bruce's bat mobile was getting a suspension upgrade as it could now crawl up walls with its new 'tires'. He said aiming is hard when he is being jostled about but you and Barbra knew it was just a case of him having a delicate ass and wants a smoother ride~ You gasped as the bot rose hovering above the floor you'd done it? You'd got it working? Fixed a fucking alien robot! Fuck yes go you! you hummed watching as it rose to hover a foot and a half sides opening and closing looking like it was flexing, stretching after a long nap..In a way it looked cute. "Any luck-whoa babe step back a bit" You looked up seeing Clark peer over his shoulder at you eyeing the bot that was hovering in front of you calmly you stepped back Clark had told you what one of these had done to Lois when they met. He motioned for Barbra to back up and put the bat mobile down onto the ground eyeing the bot waiting to see if it attacks. It did Clark was caught off guard as the bot bypassed you instead completely ignoring you turning completely around and gunning for Barbra. It took seconds but soon the bot was ripped in two on the floor. You didn't mind hard work or no that thing had gone for Barbra. "Fucking hell!? Barb you okay?!" You called out jogging the few steps to the shaken woman. she nodded smiling thanking Clark assuring you she was fine. You sighed and placed your hands on your hips huffing seeing the pieces scattered all over. You wasn't mad you just don't like cleaning up oil spills. "Why did it only attack me?...Like y/n was right in front of it and the thing didn't even flinch" she asked Clark you frowned and pondered that yourself from what Clark said it should had attacked the first human it saw is it was going to attack. You furrowed your brows deeper and turned to Clark who was looking between the two of you baffled uming and ahing. "Yeah I'm wondering that to didn't it attack Lois on sight?" Clark nodded which made you turn to Barbra trying to figure it out. "Yes so shouldn't it have gone for the closest human? like if it was gonna turn it should have been you? Weird" you both looked to the now dead robot frowning that didn't make sense and you didn't like things not making sense. "maybe...It sensed my dna inside you?" Clark offered with a slight wave of his hand grasping at straws you frowned completely lost..Dna you wasn't pregnant or anything so that didn't make sense. "Inside y/n?- Wait ew no tmi thank you very much!" Barbra called wheeling herself off to the side giving both you and Clark a wide birth as she made for the exit. you stood there stumped as she did so Clark had a cheeky grin on his face but you really didn't follow. "wait what dna? Clark?" he shrugged cheeks tinting pink and motioned to you in a vague show of hands motioning to you making you even more confused. "Well this morning..I did kinda you know flood your pu-" you cut him off when you realized just what he was getting at. A very satisfying morning romp. "OH! Right well that would be it thank you Clark you can stop now" you spoke quickly in a high pitch trying to shut him up asap as Barbra laughed from the other side of the lab running a diagnostics on the bat mobile for the new parts shes added. you flushed and Clark grinned he loved everyone knowing you were his a typical alpha male pea-cocking, flaunting his prize. you smiled a small impish grin and turned moving to collect the robot. Clark beat you to it and helped move it to one of the work benches. "..Well then, I'm going to...Take him apart and see if I can locate and remove that scanning unit, if it can scan and match dna then I might be able to incorporate it into the security system...No more finger pricks?" you inquired Barbra turned from the screen she was working on "Shit that would be good the systems been buggy with konner and Jon recently I think they are getting sick of spilling blood for their snacks" you smiled to her nodding those were your thoughts exactly you thought the system might be tripping with the half human aspect of them but..If that bot did in fact see Clark's... Residue then it should work for Konner and Jon. "exactly no one likes to many finger pricks" you called out happily Barbra nodded then you both deadpanned as Clark spoke up in a scoff. "Well maybe not you love~" you scowled at him but it lost its bite as you flushed a bright red as he winked quickly sucking in his bottom lip eyes flashing mischievously at you. You just shook your head knowing better then to argue with him in this mood. When Clark got like this and you argued you ended up wishing you'd just kept your mouth shut he was a teasing little shit. "What? like you complain about my fingers babe~" you shook your head biting your lip when really you wanted to cuss him out and throw something at him for embarrassing you. Throwing things was a waste of energy he dodged or caught them. "Okay right I'm going on a lunch break if you two fuck don't break anything!" Barbra called deciding to excuse herself knowing this was going to be a playful spat that'd end up with you bent over something. just as she got to the door it opened the rest of the team filing in not looking to happy. Bruce broke the silence. "We need to talk"
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You looked up to Bruce unsure of your next move. this was just bad luck. really bad luck. You eyed everyone this was ultimately being left up to you. You knew them most and honestly you wasn't sure. your gut was telling you to let them come, to help them out. but in your mind you wanted to fuck them off and tell them to do one. by now you'd opened up to them about your time there apparently their surveillance only saw so much. It didn't see the biting words or laughter which at the time you thought was banter but it wasn't. you'd spent some time reflecting and you realized you was being laughed at not with. "Do you know what it could be?" you asked Bruce who had taken the call he shook his head. "Nope.. Apparently a peter quil brought it in for them...Kryptonians were apparently thousands of years in front of everyone with tech, they know its kryptonian but are not sure if it holds a weapon or not they want to collaborate after all we do have Clark" you nodded heaving a deep sigh Clark placed his arm around you hand on your hip squeezing lightly bringing you to him.
"You don't have to we can say no-" you shook your head interupting him "No..No we cant Tony has wanted kryptonian tech since you popped up, he will find away to crack it... he will bust it open it he has to." you said thinking far to hard trying to calm yourself ideally you didn't want to see any of them again but this could be serious. if it was a weapon you didn't trust them. and if it had kryptonite? you really really didn't trust them hell the only person you trusted with that stuff was Bruce...Even then you didn't really like it being on this planet. "Y/n I can find a way to sneak in and steal it- we could get it and no one would know-" you turned to Barry and gave him a smile. "No..No thats very sweet of you but they would know where to look, they would storm this place looking for it we don't need a civil war between two superhero teams...You'd die, you wont kill them but the avengers don't piss about they would kill you...Tony will do anything to figure out what's inside it... "I would rather it be here where we have at least some understanding of the kryptonian systems...That and if it has kryptonite we can store it away safely, let them come I will be civil and work with them but I'm not going to be pally pally with any of them, and do not let Tony or Bruce or peter be in any labs alone, Barbra can we section of the lower lab for what ever they have? I'm not having them looking at our work fuck them-Victor watch your back Tony will try to charm you into letting him scan you if he does riddle Friday with the worst worms and Trojans you can oh god wait no do a malware to or adware!-fuck him" Victor nodded laughing to you seeing the claws come out Barbra whistled with Barry who both asked if adware was a little harsh receiving a glare from you which shut them up pretty quick, you smoothed back your hair stressed about it already
"Arthur, Clark the same goes for you they will try to butter you up and-" you were cut off with a laugh from the ocean master.
"Don't you worry I'm not going to be falling for any of the douchbags tricks you just keep yourself sorted okay? we can watch them you just do your thing" He said Diana nodded it seemed everyone was in agreement they will watch them and you just focus on the task at hand. "Okay how about we can have everyone staying here so we have more eyes, I'm sure the boys wont mind a week off school" you nodded to him knowing that Bruce was going to try and make this easier. "That would be helpful Bruce thank you...Avengers stay in the lower levels and they don't get access to our floors or our labs, none of them get entered into the security system...They stay in the dorm rooms and they share a bathroom!" you exclaimed laying out your terms Arthur chuckled crossing his arms grinning at you shifting on his feet.
"Seems like someones getting a little pay back~" he said tipping his head raising a brow the others chuckled making you flush a little for getting so wound up but you tipped you head high and scoffed.
"Damn right they're coming to my house now bitch-fucking give them a taste of their own medicine" it was agreed the Avengers were aloud to come and stay you felt a little better after they all reassured you on the protocols they had in place it would seem Bruce had been anticipating this for a long time. suddenly the bat of Gotham cracked a smile chuckling making everyone pause waiting to hear what he found so funny he shook his head waving at them.
"It's just...I told you one day Tony would be here asking for your help, imagine his face when he sees what your achieving here...And he had you at a fucking desk!" everyone laughed seeing the irony you smiled giggling a little tucking yourself into Clark's side unconsciously looking for a little comfort you were anxious about seeing Tony again. he held you closer kissing your head knowing you were dreading this you'd rather not see him again.
"You'll be fine, you have all of us and the kids and I doubt Konner and Jon will let him near you...Could you imagine?" you huffed a small laugh but it was empty you were worried you could imagine...You'd seen what the avengers could do and you worried about your boys no doubt they wouldn't die but if they did come to blows...Your boys could get hurt.
"And if he brings his suit?" you asked in a small voice Clark wrapped his arms around you pulling you into his chest turning slightly so you had some form of privacy away from the others, he knew you didn't like being seen crying and it sounded like you were close. "You think he'd stand a chance? He does anything and he will be answering you me that suit wont help him I assure you..Trust me I'll protect you... We will protect you" you nodded but couldn't help the dark pit on your stomach...You didn't want any fights you only wanted to have them here in case what ever they found was a weapon...or Kryptonite either in Tony's hands would be used at some point. You closed your eyes as Clark smoothed your hair nodding to the others that he had this handled.
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thatfrenchacademic · 3 years
Hello! Do you think investing in a masters abroad would be worth it? I'm not in it/tech or any other super employable field. It would be quite a big financial investment for not much concrete payoff, to put it that way. Would you say still go for it or no? Thank you for answering if you do, but also obviously feel free to ignore!
Hello !
From what I see, you have already done the usual "list the pros and the cons", and I think that's a fair question.
So there a few other things to consider :
1. If you are an EU citizen, many good Masters Degrees in Europe are either free or cheap-ish (France, Nordic countries, Germany I think....).
2. Why do you want to do the Masters ? Is it because of the specialization, because you want to try your hand at research, because you want to go abroad ? I think the first two are better reasons, just because you can travel/live abroad in other ways, that would actually allow you to experience the culture more (but this very subjective of course)
3. You could do the Masters with a part-time job to alleviate the financial burden. IT is never ideal, but Masters degree typically do give you a lot of flexibility over your free time, and I know many people, me included, who made it work. It was annoying, but largely doable.
4. You can take a break, work for a bit, save some money and do your Masters after that. Also something I know a few people did, and it worked great for them. They arrive in the Masters degree older, better prepared for the sort of work required of them, more self-sufficient. And it is far, far from unusual, you would not be the odd one out at all.
6. Check out the financial aid available in any institution you want to apply to. They can be tricky to find, but many Universities (in Europe at least) offer some form of partial financial help for students depending on their (Financial) background - although that might depend on your nationality, unfortunately.
7. Check out what become of the graduates of programs which you are intrested in. What sort of job do they end up with ? Does it seem like the program help them ? Are these jobs you see yourself in ?
Now, at the end of the day, that may not have answered your question, but I hope it will help you make up your mind. My very, very subjective and personal view is that I think it is worth it ; learning does not have to be an investement in your future, it can be learning for the sake of learning, and that is what you decide to pay money for. And even then, I tend to think it can be valuable if you play your cards right, it is always another set of skills you develop. Moreover, going abroad is, in itself, a great experience not just for yourself, but also on your resume. You can present it as taking on a challenge, going outside of your comfort zone, expending your horizons by engaging with different cultures and education system...
But I can say all this because I was lucky enough to do a Masters where the fees were very low, and I could pay my living expenses with a mix of state aid, family and part time job. I cannot tell you, for sure, what I would have done if it had been in different conditions.
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theblogtini · 3 years
Two things: I wish she hadn't signed it with her title. A member of the BRF sending a letter to American politicians using a title is just awkward to me. Second, I actually grew up somewhat similarly to Meghan, I went to private schools but actually was very poor (My grandparents paid for my education, and were well to do), but I never speak about it. I had a lot of privilege in attending the school I did, and while we were poor, I was ok in the end. So I relate but it's not something I would
(pt. 2) talk about since I did live in "nice" areas (aka middle class suburbs), and had things like laptops from my school at a time when almost no one had computers. And I relate to her mother having to work a lot since my mother also worked in poor paying fields as well. But overall, it low key irritates me how she centers everything to be about herself. Like, I agree with her but also she comes across as preaching all the time!
The problem isn't that she had a great, expensive education - good for her and good for her parents for making that happen without her having to drown in student loan debt (which is yet another huge problem in this country). The problem is - as you said - she's preaching all the time. And it just comes across as disingenuous. It's never about the actual issue - it's about Meghan "oh by the way I'm the Duchess of Sussex" Markle and how SHE is going to be the saving grace of the issue b/c look at her, she wrote a letter.
I don't want to say that Meghan actually doesn't care - b/c she probably does. But that isn't her goal. Her goal isn't to convince people she cares. Her goal isn't even to try to be part of the solution b/c - you'll notice - she never actually presents a solution! She just highlights a problem and "brings awareness" to it. But she doesn't have a solution... she doesn't have a plan! She just says "oh hey I noticed this thing is happening" as if 300million other people didn't also notice it happening. Her goal is to convince middle America that she is this amazing, brilliant, smart humanitarian who also just HAPPENS to be a duchess. She's trying to get the public to fall in love with her so that when (...if?) her content starts coming out on Spotify and Netflix there's an audience of fans there.
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