#i just wont be responding to them for a bit because i dont have the energy
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stiffyck · 2 years ago
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Hello everyone, have this quick doodle from yesterday. I probably won't be very active over the next couple of days because of some irl stuff going on but have this at least.
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ashleygraves-number1defender · 11 months ago
This art is so cuteeee 🥰 fav BOP is a very tough choice but Eurasian Kestrel! The reasoning is in the tags because I intended it to be a short explanation and wound up rambling, oopsie
Heres my girlie and the main reason behind the favouritism lol; she’s a year and a half old Eurasian Kestrel and owns my heart and soul! (Last pic was with her juvenile plumage)
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american kestrel
tell me your favorite bird of prey :-)
#LOOK AT THE BABIESSS#this is tough#i have my own eurasian kestrel and she is everything so im biased here#i have a lot of favourites though#the runner up is harris hawks because theyre so intelligent and their flight ability is gorgeous and theyre so fun to train#i will say i prefer the call of harris hawks because my kestrel shrieks and it bursts my ear drums </3#a lot of owls cause theyre so beautiful and i love their temperament but also each is very unique and you get to form a bond with each one#ultimately eurasian kestrel is gonna have to win though cause they do a bit of everything that i love about falcons hawks and owls respecti#long wings generally cant be taught “tricks” but kestrels can be— i mean have you SEEN them hovering? they have a lot of manoeuvrability to#you can also do lure work with a kestrel so arabic style lure swinging rather than just as a recall like most hawks#another thing is weight management and feeding schedules compared to bigger falcons like sakers peregrines lanners etc#the rule i was taught with longwings is to feed once a day w/ a big reward#while there are exceptions they generally dont respond that well to small pieces and multiple flights whereas hawks and owls will#kestrels are an exception and do well with that training style#also eurasian kestrels will respond to food even if they’re not necessarily very hungry same as with hawks#which means you can do multiple flights a day and train both short and long distances#you could argue that their size is a disadvantage but personally i really enjoy microfalconry#size doesn't matter (bird edition)#although flying a big hawk owl eagle or gyr will always have a certain <33333 to it i’ll admit#also in my experience kestrels have that intelligence and sociability and variety that you see with owls and a lot of hawks#i think all birds are special and i adore all the raptors that i’ve worked with but i love when they’re very obviously smart#you look in their eyes and you can see them analysing and understanding things around them#smart birds will also challenge you quite a bit#you have to treat them with a lot of respect and consideration to get any back and once you do earn it its the most incredible feeling#and of all the falcons ive worked with eurasian kestrels are the smartest#i wont compare them visually because all birds are so so beautiful but kestrels generally are a joy to watch like hellooooo#so yes i love all raptors and all birds but ultimately kestrels <333333#harris hawks and desert eagle owls are very very close seconds but if I had to choose one then yeah!#ALSO shout out to vultures and eagles i adore them but i dont have much first hand experience (yet!) so they’re not talked abt much#birds
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aliceinborderlandsquidgame · 2 months ago
An old feeling (and obsession) | In-oh x Fem!Player!Reader | PT1
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Summary: In-oh always thought the ones who ended in the games were nothing but parasites of society. But then he meets you and he starts to feel something he thought he would never feel again.
Warnings: S2 Spoilers - Canon violence - May be OOC - Slight!Obsess In-ho - Player 095 lives!! - Anxiety - Sad!Reader - Soft moments
Notes: Mixed two requests!! Honestly I think these two fits perfectly.
Divided in two parts but you dont need to read this one to read the other -
PT 2
Asks: 1 - 2 -
In-ho was not sure when or how you ended in his mind, passing from being just another face from the games, another piece for the system he had worked for years now. To being somehow important to him.
Maybe it was because you reminded him of himself when he first joined? All lost and confused but also showing a strong determination to survive?
Or maybe it was something even deeper, how you made him feel human and not just "The Front Man" , how you managed to awake feelings on him he thought he had become impossible to feel.
When did it start ?
"Uh, In-ho was it?" A voice that at first did not ring a bell to him. He looked at you a calm look on his face, he saw you offering him your own milk.
"I saw you giving this to player 222 and I dont really like milk so, here. You also saved our team back then" You said offering him your own milk and mentioned how he had moved his leg to make Gi-hun get the last kick.
He took it already thinking on why would you do this. He had a reason at least, a valid one in his opinion. But you ? Why would you give him your own food to him ? Someone who was alright, who was not carring a life.
"Are you sure? This may be the only food we get" He asked truly curious to understand your thinking.
But you just gave him a smile, a honest one. One that he had forgot he could get too inmmersed in his role.
"Im sure, besides its going to be more help to have someone like you well feed than me" You responded then turned around and went back next to Jun-hee who was getting sleepy no wonder after all the stress.
One thing that was clear, you were kind, and by what you said you were not stupid, but you still needed to think on yourself first.
He promised not to drink the milk but later as the lights were turned off he did. Thinking about you, he tried to remember if by luck he had read your file or how you acted on green light red light. But his mind could not find an answer, it would go back to the small exchange from earlier.
And he would find his heart beating just a bit faster.
The next day came, all players were a mix of nervous and excited for the next game. The guards as always made them walk the maze made of stairs and into the main arena.
"What game do you think its going to be?" Your voice filled his hears as you walked besides him. You kind of felt his presence as a protective one. Even if at first he had voted to continue playing. After listening the reason of why he was here on the first place you could not blame him. Your empatic attitude made you just feel bad for him and now you wanted to make up to him. Even if you never disrespected him.
In-ho felt your presence endaring, like you grounded him and took him back to how he used to be and feel.
A fear started to install inside him because of that, he did not want you to change in consequence of the games, like it happened to him.
"This may be mingle" the voice of Jung-Bae cut the train of thoguhts from In-ho.
It was Mingle, he knew it
"Like the game where we formed teams and hugged each other as kids?" You wondered now your attention on Jung-Bae who nodded back at you. 
"Well, I believe they wont make us hug each other" The cold voice from Gi-hun came along as the three of you and the rest of the group went up to the circle platform.
"If we need to form teams then we may end separated" You said as the platform started to spin making you lose sense of space and instinctively  went to take someones hand.
That just happened to be In-ho.
You blushed and went to quietly let go when he took your hand back giving it a firm grip, he did not look in your direction (something you thanked since your face was on fire) but you did give him a soft shake back.
The panic went in, your team still needed one more, luckly Dae-ho acted quick and took a player that was frozen in place and screamed at the rest to run to one of the doors.
Then all of you ran towards one door opening it and going inside, between the chaos In-ho never let go of your hand only when the door lock was secured he let it go giving you a look then looking away.
His heart was beating fast. He had made these games, even played before and yet he was feeling worry over you. Why? You were not supposed to be special. But when he felt your hand and looked to see your confused and scared face something in his heart hurt, he could not leave you like that.
He could not be cruel with you.
The next rounds followed each one making you more stressed specially when you almost lose Young-mi during the last round.
"Are you alright?" You asked her, voice full of worry.
She just nodded being a bit pale "Thank you, you pushed that other aside, if it wasnt for you..."
"Dont mention it" not only because thinking that you caused the death of someone else was a brutal hit for your moral, but because the fear you felt for her in these last moments made you want to vomit thanks to how nervous and desesperated you were.
You did not ever think about the other player when you went for her.
You walked slowly like a zombie till you felt a shadow over you, it was In-ho.
"Are you alright?" He asked, you two got separated last round and he (even if he wont tell you) was worried you would be one of the numbers mention as eliminated.
"Im fine, last round was a lot" You responded giving him a tired smile getting on the platform again.
He followed not beliving you but not saying anything for a few seconds.
"Stay besides me, next round may be the last one" He spooke to you not leaving room for another option.
"What makes you say that?" You wondered, too lost to even try and reason how many rounds were left or how many you already played. The only thing you could see was the blood on the ground.
"We are 126 standing and there is only 50 cabins, if they want to put pressure on us by losing others then this is the right moment" He explained making you purse your eyelash at that.
"Then how many would-"
"Two, two for each door" He was quick to answer. He looked at you directly to your eyes. It seemed that the spin stopped for him, he was lost in your eyes for a second getting suck by them. His heart felt heavy and he felt that need again,  the need of protecting you.
"Stay by my side for the next round" He said again extending his hand to you "Take my hand and dont let go, I doubt the others wont get desesperated and will end palying dirty"
Before you reached his hand you went towards Gi-hun and Jung-Bae who were also talking about what number would be said next.
"Two" you cut them off getting a look from them "Just listen, its going to be two, I cant explain but I need to ask you two for something. One of you please take Young-mi with you, please im begging" You asked them almost in tears not having time to process last round and your actions.
Gi-hun the one from the pair who had already played could imagine what could have happened and he nodded giving your shoulder a firm grip. "We wont leave her" He promised you.
You thanked them again and went back besides In-ho who this time took your hand in his without saying or asking anything.
The moment the voice announced the number In-ho ran with you, his hand holding yours in iron fist.
He would be dammed if he lost you among the crowd.
Most rooms were getting occupied, In-ho searched till he saw one.
"There, the yellow door" He screamed at you pushing you first into the room then just as a player was going in getting them out of the way.
However things did not end once inside.
In-ho looked over his shoulder as he tried to held the door and prevent anyone from entering.
"Shit" He cursed. He saw you froze in place looking at other player who was just as shocked as you.
"W-we got here first" The player sutter at you who only watched him, the sound of your heart filling your ears and the screams from outside.
"Hold the door" In-ho ordered in a very comanding voice pushing you and going towards the player, he reduced him starting to choke him. "Close your eyes" He said to you once he noticed you were looking over your shoulder at him.
No. He could not let you see him like this.
You did as told and closed your eyes forcing yourself to block what was happening around you.
I wanna go home, fuck I wanna get out of here.
The sound of a crack and then the alarm indicating time was off got you out of your mind. You let yourself fall against the wall near the door trying not to look over the dead body in the room.
"Hey, hey (Y/N) look at me" In-ho implored trying to bring you back.
"I- I wanna go home In-ho" You told him now crying, whatever bravery you had was crushed right there.
Much like his own heart.
He pulled you against him in a hug, letting you cry on his chest, he felt you shaking and hugged you thighter caressing your hair.
There was no way he would leave you here after this.
"Shh, shh it passed. We are ok, just breath now" He tried to calm you down
"What if the others-"
"Im positive they made it" He said even if he could not really tell you that. "Focus on yourself now, focus in my voice alright? You are ok, you are safe"
"Dont let me go please" You pleaded him holding his track-suit with force.
And he intendeed to do that.
After the tie of the voting he could see you were one step of breaking down. He could not take on how empy your eyes looked now, how you would shake from time to time, probably from the recent events.
He also took notice on how you havent touch your food at all.
Slowly he went towards you taking a seat besides you, not too close or too far.
"You need to eat" He started but got a shake from you.
"I feel like I will throw up anything if I try to eat now"
"Even if thats the case, give it a try you will need the streght"
"Why?" You asked finally looking at him "Why did we tie? Why does they want to keep playing after all of this?"
In-ho went quiet at your question, he could not give you an answer. Honestly maybe there was no answer to it, greed ? malice ? desesperation ? Anything could be the reason.
"I dont have a answer for that" He finally talked seeing how your face fall even more.
"But I can assure you something" He added "Look at me" He ordered softly and you did as told "I will assure your safety" He promised
You gave him one smile, one that did not reach your eyes.
"You cant assure that...but thanks. Thanks for protecting me in the last game and for what happened during last round..."
"You dont have to remember that" He said afraid you were going to see him different now
"No. Thank you" You cut him, looking at his face seeing the small suprise he got. "I know I should feel bad and god I do feel bad but, but you did it so we both could survive, thank you. I want you to know I dont see you any different from how I saw you before"
He did not respond to you, did not react at all. His mind was working like crazy, thinking how he could get you out.
How was he going to keep playing these games and using Gi-hun. How, when his heart now beating because of you. Because of how you saw him, how your eyes kept following him and how you expressed your thoughts.
Gradually he got closer to you, he moved in slow motion to not scare you, till he could pass his arm around your shoulders and pull you against his side. The two of you stayed there in silence for a few minutes each with their own thoughts, but In-ho had a strong objective now.
Protect you till the end.
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maybanksprincess · 4 months ago
isnt the same without you.
warnings: comforting, fluff, insecurity, a little bit of blood.
summary: jj goes to a party without reader for the first time, and when jjs phone dies, she starts to overthink. (based off this ask, thank you anon!)
a/n: this is sort of short because its just a blurb, but i really love this request, its so cute!
pairings: insecure!reader x soft!bf!jj
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you weren't feeling up to this big party that everyone was attending tonight. unfortunately, you and jj were planning to go for a few weeks now, and since you didn't wanna go, you didn't wanna stop him from attending it as well.
he insisted that he would stay home and look after you, he offered to buy you snacks and even watch those cheesy romcoms that he absolutely despises, but he tolerates them because you love them.
but you assured him it was okay, and he can go even if it made you feel a little uneasy.
you had never done well with being away from jj for long periods of time, let alone him going to a party without you. but you told yourself to 'grow up' and 'stop being a baby' about it. you needed to get a grip.
you decide to text him about an hour in, just to make sure he was safe, and then you promised yourself you would stop bothering him after that.
11:01 pm: hey jay! im just checking in to make sure your okay, i dont wanna bother you or anything so im gonna let you have fun! bye i love you <3
you chew your nails, anxiously waiting on a response from your boyfriend.
about five minutes went by, and you were constantly picking up your phone, swiping up for any sign that he had read the text or responded. but there was nothing.
you waited another ten minutes, then got back to anxiously checking it again, still nothing. delivered.
you told yourself your being dramatic, and went to occupy yourself with doing the dishes, and sweeping the kitchen floor. by the time you had gotten back to your room about fifteen minutes later, there was still nothing.
you toss your phone down onto the bed, feeling frustrated but also upset at the same time. had he been hooking up with another girl? is he drinking too much? what if hes talking to someone else?
all these thoughts cloud your mind, and you find yourself biting down on the skin beside your nail bed. as your chewing away at your skin, your phone dings unexpectedly, causing you to jump a bit, tearing a piece of your skin off. (ouch.)
the sting of the bare skin makes your eyes water a little, a bead of blood trickling down your finger. "ow." you mumble, before picking up your phone and looking at whoever texted you.
it was jj. all your pain was instantly forgotten the moment you seen his text on your screen.
jayj🤍: "hey beautiful, im sorry i didnt text you back. i forgot my charger like a dumbass. but im at home now, and i didnt have fun. it was boring as shit without u baby."
you instantly reply to his message after reading it, your heart no longer feels like its carrying a weight anymore.
you: "thank you for texting, i was worried sick baby...i literally hurt my finger trying to answer the phone. I thought you might've been cheated on me or something."
you send that text with a underlying hint of insecurity in it, hoping he wont just brush you off. your in need of some reassurance from him right now.
jayj🤍: "baby you hurt your finger?!! and what do u mean 'cheat on you'? thats not even possible for me mama."
the next text eases your worries a bit, but you wanted to get everything off your chest.
you: "i just hate being without you for a long period of time, i wish i would've let you stay in with me tonight, but i know how excited you were for the party."
jayj🤍: "oh baby, no. parties are not the same without you. i would never cheat on you, im sorry if i made you feel that way, but that isn't me. you know your stuck with me forever mama, whether you like it or not."
now all your worries and insecurities are instantly gone, touched by your boyfriend's loyalty to you.
after you let yourself think for a moment, you remember the minor injury you caused yourself a few minutes back and wince slightly at the sting.
as if exactly on cue, jj double texts you.
jayj🤍: "oh and im on my way with some bandaids and snacks, i love you baby. unlock the door for me beautiful."
after he sends that text, you hear jjs dirtbike pull up.
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animeshotsh · 1 year ago
Family meeting | Dad!Lucifer x Kid!Reader
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Summary: Lucifer wants you to meet Charlie, the only problem? He needs to go to the hotel.
PT2 Of This and a full one shot of this.
Warnings: Off Canon in terms of time | Mentions of past abuse | Cursing | Reader gets loved by everybody | Probably some OOC | SFW | Grammar mistakes |
Lucifer undertood, really, he knew Charlie was too worried about her Hotel to ever leave it alone. He also felt bad about asking her to just come home to meet you, after all he was not a present figure in her life.
"(Y/n) are you ready ?" Lucifer called you who went to him with a cancerberus plush on your hand and a backpack with some toys.
"Im!" You declared showing off your things, and letting out a smile. You were now dressed in the best quality clothes Lucifer could afford, he had to take a moment to snap a pic of you (again).
"Let not keep them waiting then" Lucifer said taking you and supporting you on his hip, his wings out.
"ARE WE GOING TO FLY THERE?" You screamed making the house shake, your hyped self could not be contained.
"Yes, what better way to travel?" Lucifer joked. The first time you two took a fly together Lucifer was distracted and ended up dropping you. His reaction time was fast so he was able to catch you, already making promises to never fly again with you but your laught stopped him, turns out you loved to fly and loved the adrenaline from falling. Lucifer found it strange but decided not to question it.
He later went to the internet to look for more information.
Once you two took fly everything felt at peace (and you two were in hell...). Demons and sinners could see their King, no one dared to mess with him. Some ignored him, others bowed and some even waved at you.
From the Sky, the city seemed beautiful in its own type of way. The fire from fights and the buildings falling apart...big neon adverstiments...
If you were honest you liked hell.
Lucifer felt your self become sleepy making him smile. This would usually happen, something about flying with him relaxed you. Maybe being with the king of hell and on top of that flying around the city made you feel Powerfull and protected, enough to make you dizzy. Closing your eyes you let the feel of the wind caress your skin as Lucifer's wings moved towards the Hotel.
Charlie was not nervous, not at all!!
That was a lie. Charlie was so stressed over his dad coming to the hotel and with you no less. When he had called her and asked to meet up she had said she had too much work (and it was true) then after listening to how he wanted her to meet you and how you have been asking about her.
Her heart could not take it so she accepted, saying she would make the hotel the safest place for you.
"Husk, put the alcohol away, OH! And be sure to remove any broken glass" Charlie exclaimed getting the most are you for real look from Husk.
Any sharp object had been locked down, weapons hided away and they even took extra care of things that could fall over you.
"Angel, try to...keep the sex jokes as...."
"As good as a good suck in a alley corner after some Drugs?" Angel asked getting an annoyed look from Vaggie. "Fine, I get it. Im not a monster you know" he responded offended going for a drink only to get some appel juice from Husk.
"Princess rules" he simple said.
Vaggie was behind Charlie as she went on checking everything. This was worse than one Lucifer had first come, this was Lucifer and you. The New kid, the new lil relative of Charlie.
"And- and did we get Alastor to go out?" Charlie asked Vaggie knowing how him and his dad were not at good terms.
"Now my dear, why would you want me away?" Alastor asked appearing besides her. "Its because your dad its coming today? Dont worry the hotel wont suffer any type of damage" he promised bowing "or maybe a bit"
The sound of the door being opened alerted everyone. Charlie was sweating as she saw her dad entering with a small kid on his arms. Puffy sheep skin and cat hears and tail could be seen but their face was pressed against Lucifer's chest.
"Charlie!! Its so good to see you again" Lucifer exclaimed getting closer. "Sorry, (Y/N) felt asleep when coming here" he explained looking down with a lovely father gaze at the kid.
"Oh...thats...thats fine!! We have made everything kids safe for the time (Y/N) is here" Charlie responded still stressed, however now seeing you in the flesh and not only by photos her dad would send her, her heart softened at your sleepy form.
"Well, not everything..." Lucifer let out a groul seeing the Radio Demon who stood with his usual smile.
"Greetings your majesty, I never expected to be seeing you again so soon, maybe grow a few inches instead of getting kids from the streets on your free time"
"Hahaha, oh at least kids like me" Lucifer responded going towards Alastor.
"Hahaha only because you are their size"
"Hahaha, or because I dont have that broken record voice"
"Hahaha, fuck you"
The small beef between them was enough to wake you up, looking up you first saw Lucifer's face. A very angry look then the look of another Demon, a redish one that looked like a deer.
"...are these your ears or hair?" You asked half sleep getting everyones attention.
"Oh ignore him, we are here to meet with by daugther!!" Lucifer quickly turned around making you face Charlie. He carefully let you down on the ground and saw how you went to her.
Charlie went to your eye level, her heart beating fast. "Hello! Im Charlie, and welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!!" She cringed at her introduction, laughts from Angel and Husk could be hear at the back.
"Im (Y/N)! Are you my older sister?" You asked moving your head to the side taking her appearence, no doubt she was Lucifer's child, she had a different aura, something cheerful and good, something your insticts told you to reach for.
Charlie's mouth went dry, her eyes having now tears as she remember the story her father told her about you, about how you ended in hell. How unfair it was and how Heaven would not listen.
"Y-yes Im" she responded trying to content her tears then almost getting knocked off when you hugged her. Your soft hair rubbing against her cheeck.
"I always wanted a sister"
Vaggie had to look away to keep her emotions in check. She undertood the malice from heaven and was thankul you had ended in Lucifer's way. Her heart broke a bit seeing your small form hugging her gilfriend.
Heaven its damed she tought to herself.
"And this is Angel Dust!" Charlie presented you the spider Demon who was looking down as he was thinking about someone else.
"Hello Kiddo" he ruffled your hair getting a laught from you.
"You have four arms?" You asked looking at Angel who showed them then picked you up
"You bet!! And do you know what form arms can do?"
Everyone was holding their breaths now.
"Lots of ticklets!!" He finally responded tickling you. Your laught and smile resonated in the hotel. Your cat hears moving from side to side as Angel tickled you with a small smile of his own.
You pulled Angel around the hotel, telling different tales you have been reading from Lucifer's private collection. Angel just nodded at you, he took note of how your eyes would light up when you were talking about a favorite character or a special part of a story.
It melted his heart.
"I want juice" You suddendly said stopping and making Angel almost fall over you. Luckly he was able to catch his balance.
Juice? Angel thought then smirked looking at a very sober and pissed Husk.
"Here, this one makes the best drinks and im sure he has some juices for you" Angel said taking you towars Husk who was giving Angel a very do not dare look.
"Uhhh, he seems scary" you said softly looking at Husk while Angel seated you carefully.
"Scary? Pff he is just sober" Angel said getting a confused look from you.
"I mean-"
"What would you like kid?" Husk asked keeping his voice with no emotion. He had hear you said he looked scary and honestly, that was funny. By the fact that you had touched Alastor's hair and ears earlier and you got the radio Demon to almost break his cool.
Yeah not scared over the radio Demon but scared of him? You were something.
He passed you a juice with appels. You were quick to forget your fear as you sipped the drink looking at Husk. "I liken your wings"
Husk looked a bit suprised but soon relaxed giving you a easy smile.
"I like your horns...what are you?" He finally asked getting an annoyed look from Angel.
"Well...im not sure?" You responded now feeling shy.
"You are a sinner my Dear!" The voice of Alastor echoed as one of his shadows picked you up keeping you from touching his hair again.
"And who are you?" You asked back macking Alastor glitch, static forming around him but then going away.
"Im Alastor, the Radio Demon! I have a show, maybe you ever listen to it or you prefer these boxes..."
"You mean tvs?" Alastor nodded "I used to watch a bit during mornings but...my father hated when we did it he would scream at me and-" your voice broke making everyone look towards you Lucifer almost going for the Demon's neck.
"Oh you poor thing" Alastor said deep down (very deep) feeling bad. Memories of his own life coming to haunt him. "Then here!" He made a move and a old fashined radio appear "this radio hosts only my shows, and no one will be angry at you because you listen to it" He said smiling at you, his shadow still holding you and playing with your horns as Alastor watched Lucifer for a reaction.
"Uh...thank you Mister" You finally said getting a lick from the shadow itself.
"No problems Dear and if you ever need a New dad you know for who to look" He smirked at Lucifer.
"But Lucifer its my dad..." you responded, radio in your tiny hands "...could you be my uncle?" You asked innocently ignoring who you were talking to, one of the most powerfull Overlords in the circle.
Alastor moved his head his shadow getting you closer to him, he took a moment to examine your soul. So pure and so...so unlike him.
Alastor could be chained to someone, but right now the only one who could hold a leash on him was you.
"Of course Dear" he finally responded taking you from his shadow and to his arms.
"And can I play with your hair?"
"Hahaha, absolutly not"
Lucifer was being hold in the back by Charlie and Vaggie sending daggers to the Demon.
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fuyuu-chan · 8 months ago
Jealousy, Jealousy
Pairing: Sylus x Reader
Warning: OOC (this was made pre-release of Sylus) not proofread
Fuyuu-chan: Some thoughts about how you and sylus react when someone else flirts to the other
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~You getting jealous~
You know with just his looks alone he already has a lot of girls around him. Fonding and admiring him. Some girls just do it from a far but this time...one of them actually had the guts to go to sylus and try to flirt with him. You were actually walking in front of him excited to go to your next destination but you heard someone approached him so you looked back and thats when you saw the girl walked up to him.
If only she knew his personality. You do give a point for her braveness and boldness. But oh well, he's already taken. You shake your head, feeling sorry for the girl. But when you looked back at her and sylus. They way she still tries to flirt with your man even do he already dismiss it in a "polite way."
The way she twirls her hair and blinks at him, you're cringing but to be honest you feel a tug of jealosuy, cause you're the only who flirts with sylus.
Sylus who sense your stare, immediately dismiss and glared at the girl "cant you understand? I already said no" he says coldly as he immediately approached you and put his hand on your waist as he continue to lead the way making you look away from the girl and look at him.
"You know, i can sense your jealousy from there, your stare already screams it" he tease as he glance at you smirking.
You looked away from him. "no im not" you defend.
"Oh really? So you dont mind someone flirting with me?" He asks and you frowned. "I mind, im the only who can flirt with you" you said.
"So you're jealous, just admit it" sylus says as you roll your eyes playfully. "Okay fine..."
He smiles and looks at you. "Thank you...but seriously no need to be jealous you know i wouldnt let anyone replace you, nor would i entertain someone when i already have the most gorgeous person in the world" 
"Thats cringe" you comment even though your cheeks got tinted red to what he said. "But you like it" he adds. "Anyway, if that really upsets you, i could-" "no dont do that, dont do anything to them, im okay" you cut him off, knowing what he would say.
He merely chuckles at that.
~Sylus getting jealous~
This man wouldnt get jealous easily and its also hard to make him jealous, he wouldnt get jealous to just some random guy who wants your number because they found you beautiful. I believe Sylus would just chuckle watching them shoot their shot only for them to get rejected by you.
Though....its a different story when he sense that a guy could be a threat. Thats when he will step in or take action. First he would glare at the person. Dude his aura alreadys screams danger. If that guy still wont budge then he better enjoy this day as this would be the last time he would see the light of day.
Sylus would go beside you taking your hand while staring at the guy infront. "Do you know this person (nickname)?" He ask as he glance at you. You shake your head as you look at him and back at the guy.
"Well then, i apologize but you're disturbing our time together, and as she says earlier, she's taken, so please step out of the way and dont push yourself when theres no space for you" he says as he glares at the guy and lead you away from that place. Sylus will make sure he would deal with that guy later tonight.
"Umm what was that?" You asked. "What?" He immeadiately responds.
"Are you angry?" You said a bit surprised, normally he had his composure in check but his tone while he said that to the guy was dangerous. It literally sent a shiver down your spine, so what more about that guy? Poor him.
"Im pissed. I mean you already said no, does he think he have a chance? Does he think he could replace me? Never." He says as he finally stop walking and face you. "He thinks he would have space when i already taken all of the space in your heart"
You chuckled at his jealousy. "Why are laughing at me?" He asks. "You're just sooo cutee" you coo making him pout. "Im not cute" "yes you are" "im not" "yes you are~" you said as you tiptoe and peck his cheek making him freeze and look at you a bit shock.
You chuckled once again before you start walking, leaving him a few steps behind. Sylus watch you hop on your steps before catching up on you.
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Please do not copy, translate, repost to any other social media, Thank you
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5-htagonist · 2 months ago
2, 7, 18 for kabru plz 🥺
i will apologize in advance i got like 5 of the most inconsistent hours of sleep so i dont know if i even make sense. More than i usually dont know LOL
2: favorite canon thing about this character
tldr: his trauma complexes and the way that drives his character
obligatory "autism" answer to be honest. no but in all seriousness kui is really really good at portraying people in accordance to their trauma/background and kabru is no different... being intimately familiar (married) to someone with ptsd, it makes kabru hit home in a lot of ways. i LOVE that he comes off as creepy to those that are close to him! i love his dissociative symptoms and his panicking. ive been doing (loose spare time) research on the correlations/potential causations of personality disorders and other trauma complexes (dissociative identity, ptsd, sometimes ocd, etc etc etc) that can arise specifically from the way people who are neurodivergent from birth are treated by others. i love the clear line from utaya (caused kabrus ptsd), his adoption (perfect circumstance for a knowledge seeker), his special interest, and his cluster b tendencies ("i have to mask, lie, or otherwise be dishonest to meet my physical/psychological needs. i have to yell to be heard by myself and others."). i think you can see from the way he reacts to going to milsirils family reunion that his interest in people isnt solely due to trauma-- that gathering has nothing to do with taking down dungeons. but it takes that path because the hole caused by kabrus trauma is a need that milsiril cant fulfill. so he has to do it himself. it is uniquely traumatizing to suffer from survivors guilt, specifically. HES JUST SO COOL!!!! <3 <3
of course im not saying like. Kabru Specifically Being Diagnosed With PTSD Is Canon because the term ptsd is a collection of traits that weve lumped together with one term that typically responds to the same set of treatment, but trauma is universal and ptsd is excellent shorthand for kabrus trauma responses!
7: something the fandom does with this character that you like
i love when he isnt portrayed as Knowing Everything. i love when hes portrayed like a little bit of a dumbass sometimes. i also really love the way a lot of people portray his dynamic with laios, especially when its kabru getting to experience his emotions in a relatively stable environment and laios is there to support him. ALSO i love that Kabru Marcille Friendship seems to be agreed upon
18: relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire
... i Mean. i dont mean to be TOO obvious but his relationship with laios... ouuughhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! FUN FACT! exposure therapy is actually like. HIGHLY effective for people with obsessive-compulsions, phobias, or other aversions!! this is not due to the simple fact of being exposed to it, however. kabru retraumatizes himself this way-- he risks his life for the uncontrolled exposure to the familiarity of his trauma. a big motivator for him is his survivors guilt. this isnt exposure therapy, its just exposure.
what makes exposure therapy effective is understanding. its understanding you wont get every disease if you dont wash your hands when youre compelled to, understanding not all spiders are dangerous and that we have an evolutionary fear response.
kabru is bad at recognizing his needs. he chases the need to understand monsters by resolving to adventure dungeons. he makes this decision as a kid. its like he knows he needs to understand monsters on some level, but no one else sees monsters as complex beings, no one gives the time of day to understanding them. so instead he interprets this motivation solely as a desire to end monsters and dungeons. upon his observation of laios though, seeing someone who doesnt act like everyone else, who is a really good leader regarding progress in the dungeon, its like he subconsciously chases his need to understand, while consciously seeing laios as concerning.
all this to say, i admire so much that laios can provide kabru a safe, human place to understand monsters, when hes ready. laios can expose him to the monstrous while preventing reckless, unprepared exposure. this story is so damn cool through my psychology special interest goggles lol...
honorary mentions: his relationship with rin. i admire rin, because dear fuck how do you make it through what she did and still speak at all let alone leave your room?? and their relationship i admire not because its crazy healthy or good for either of them but because it is a testament to their strength as people. i dont remember rn if any of their interactions as kids are shown but i presume kabru was just insanely kind and patient. you have to be to befriend someone so traumatized. their relationship kills me, because they clearly have a deep respect for each other, but rin probably has more emotional problems than kabru does regarding forging relationships. gwohhhh...
lastly, i like his minor relationship with toshiro lol its interesting how they seem to gravitate to each other if theyre both in a scene! and i really enjoy when kabru brutally talks sense into toshiro regarding falins revival. obviously, they dont have much interaction to go off of, but i like to think the combo of kabru being able to empathize so strongly with toshiro AND be honest about the situation at the same time are probably pretty refreshing for him, where he typically either gets minimal empathy and intense honesty from laios, or intense cognitive empathy-driven assumptions about what he wants or needs or how to interact with him. having someone who is genuinely adept at the mask and cognitive empathy out of his own choice, rather than social pressure, but also isnt scared to say it like it is... well itd do toshiro some good if they stay friends post canon imo!
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omgwhatchloe · 7 months ago
but what if i ask really nicely for more into on brain injury sean au
then i suppose…IF YOU INSIST…i might be compelled…
-first things first in this au sean has to change where EXACTLY he was walking on the ground on rhodes to alter where the bullet goes. one tiny half-step to the right when he turns, along with the shooter aiming just that tiny bit higher, and he gets shot through the skull, but survives.
now im not going to go into a lot of detail about where the bullet is in the brain and why he is reacting like this etc etc because even after research i dont know the ins and outs of it, so we’ll focus a lot more on his behaviour.
-so after the position of the shot is altered, they all expect him to be dead. miraculously, he is still alive on the floor of rhodes, but heavily unconscious. he is unconscious for two and a half weeks after they try their best to heal him. poor leopold strauss was NOT about to do any brain surgery and the bullet had to be left there. when he actually woke up, everyone was relieved and crowding him. however, he didnt say a word, he barely looked at them. he just laid where he was, staring, until they started to help him up and try to speak to him. within a few days, he had healed to his limit, meaning he could walk and start to move very uncoordinated.
-sean mumbles a lot unintelligibly to no one in particular. he doesnt speak intelligibly or respond when he’s spoken too, he doesnt even know someone is speaking to him. he opens his mouth when they try to feed him but wont make a single effort to feed himself as if he doesnt know how too. sometimes he can refuse to chew if he doesnt like the texture or taste, which is very often. he chews and swallows to fast, and it causes worry he will choke himself. he can technically walk but will not unless someone is actively moving him from one spot to another, so he has no urges to take care of himself and would spend all his time staring and mumbling if alone. he does sometimes reach his arms up to push at the people around him (not hard at all) but this pretty much means nothing, it doesnt mean he wants them to leave or is showing any sort of affection. when he gets angry suddenly, which can be often, he yells and hits (not very well) the people around him trying to calm him down. he can be calmed by having his face stroked, interestingly he doesnt care who does it. he cries too, when his mouth is being burnt by the food or he is just uncomfortable, like after an accident in which no one has tried to help him. when he cries, it can either be just completely silent tears like he doesnt know hes crying, or it can be accompanied by wailing.
-he also clenches his fists, pushes things in front of him around, pulls his own or others hair, kicks the dirt under him and chews when theres nothing in his mouth absentmindedly.
-of course, the gang are not caregivers. theyre murderers, outlaws or just very uneducated people. they try their best to take care of him for the first week after he wakes up, but sean has multiple accidents because no one tries to help him with ‘using the bathroom’ (well not really using a bathroom because theyre in the woods but yk what i mean). they have things they need to do and a lot of their plates are full even without sean, no one particularly WANTS to care for him, as awful as it may seem. they become easily frustrated at the complete lack of cooperation from him, even if it isnt his fault. they also become angry at each other around the whole situation.
-when sean gets upset or ignored in someone elses care, they rush to blame and berate each other about it. but the big elephant in the room is they do not want to be his caregiver, no one does. karen tried her best, but got quickly frustrated and angry at him, causing him to cry when yelled at (this was because it was a loud noise close to him, absolutely nothing to do with what she was saying). lenny got angry at her, and took over, only for find himself incredibly tired and frustrated within a few hours. despite being his partners/ex-partners, they feel helpless with him. they dont know why hes upset or what he wants most of the time, which means they cant help him. after a few days of lenny trying to help sean, prevent accidents, watch over him, cleaning him up, he actually walked out of camp. he spent a few days alone in the quiet because he genuinely couldn’t stand the camp or caring for sean anymore.
-he loved sean so much, but he couldnt stand the mumbling and the whining and the constant taps and hits. it was overwhelming, and he realised he couldnt do it. he couldn’t be his caregiver, he knew karen couldnt, he knew the women of the camp couldnt because they simply didnt know how too and got frustrated too. the men of the camp would never…so who? thats when he started to realise, along with everyone else, sean could not stay with them like this.
-so where would he go? that was the conversation, with many different arguments. only a few argued they could keep sean, but they were easily persuaded to change their minds. there was unfair suggestions, like dumping him on the side of the road. that was from micah, and he had the support of john, uncle and bill. eventually they decided he needed to be taken to an asylum or left at a state hospital, as sending him somewhere he’d be actually looked after was expensive and not guaranteed. micah had also suggested putting him down but was thankfully denied.
-lenny debating leaving with sean, becoming his caregiver, and he was really going to do it, until he actually cared for sean again for the next day and could barely leave him for a second. when he finally napped, lenny realised he himself had barely eaten, he hadnt touched his books, done his hair, or had any time for himself since he’d disappeared. god he wanted to care for sean but he just couldnt. the vision of their cottage he made up, where he cared for sean happily…while actually being happy…was unrealistic he realised. he’d always be angry and bored, and couldnt trust himself not to run away. he loved sean, he really did, he still wanted to cup his face and hold him close, but he couldn’t. a vital part of their previous relationship was dead with seans condition, and the rest was dying. sean didnt even recognise lenny, or any of them. he knew that for a fact because micah had bothered sean to get under his skin, sitting near him and trying to get his attention, and sean didnt react.
-the day before arthur was going to take him to a state hospital, their attitudes towards him changed. they had less frustration, more motivation, because they knew it was the last time theyd see and care for him. it made them feel a little uneasy when they thought of where he’d end up, with lenny feeling the worst about it. he still debated taking him and leaving the gang, but he knew he couldnt. he knew it would be the end of his life, his freedom, if he tried to care for him alone. but god the whole thing was killing him.
-they fed sean peaches, which he actually almost seemed to enjoy. he didnt spit anything out, though still lightly hit whoever was feeding him. he had no accidents that day, and napped mostly. he sat with the girls while they tidied him up, and spoke to him (with no response back). lenny read to him, even if he showed absolutely no interest and stared away from him. that night, they had a goodbye party and all actually paid attention to him, yes, dealing with him was easy that day, but that was because he was their main focus when normally he is not.
-ok lets end on a fluffy note where he sits with arthur and ‘watches’ his sketch. he enjoys the sound of the pencil against the pages, and seems to be almost smiling. they think he likes the sound of javier’s guitar, as he plays him a song. bill tries to give him whisky but is told no, but they do laugh when he tries too. lenny puts his arm around him and shifts his position so sean is cuddling into him. he falls asleep like that.
-he wakes the next day being kissed goodbye on the forehead by the girls as hes placed into the wagon. lenny sits in the back with him, holding him close. karen could barely bring herself to say goodbye. hosea and arthur drive, with hosea telling stories about sean when he first joined, especially his favourite, where sean got caught cheating at cards and stormed off to his bedroll. they had to lure him out and convince him to play again, and they promised to actually teach him how to play (as arthur had lied multiple times to him about the rules so he could win, poor sean didnt even know he was cheating.)
-they then arrive at the hospital, in ‘desperate need of aid as their friend has a bullet trapped in his head’.
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w0rmss · 19 days ago
Hi hi!!
I'm wondering if you could do something domestic with Jason and an anxious! or maybe something to do with stress baking? I'd really like if it were mostly fluff but ultimately it's dealer's choice.
Have a great Day/Afternoon/Evening/Night!!!
Thank you for the request i did two one with just general anxiety and one including the stress baking hope you enjoy.
(The anxiety is heavily influenced by my own just waning)
tw anxiety panic attacks/ anxiety attacks stress baking.
Work was stressful right now and your shared apartment with your boyfriend Jason was a mess. Everything was just getting two much and your head was racing a million miles an hour. ‘you’ll never finish the project in time and pull get fired.’ ‘Jason will hate you for messing up the apartment while he’s gone.’ ‘Everything is a mess and it’s your fault.’ All these thoughts race through your head. You know they’re not true but your logical brain isn’t working and everything is too much. Your chest gets tight and your head spins. Your hands fidget with the cloth in them and you cant think straight. Everything is loud and you cant focus on your breathing no matter how hard you try.
Jason walks through the front door after a mission. He’d been gone for a few days and hoped you’d be fine without him. When he walked in he found you curled up hyperventilating on the couch. “Baby.” He dropped his bag and rushed over to you kneeling in front of you. “Hey hey it’s okay. Can i take your hands.” You let him take hold of your shakey hands. “Deep breath okay. In.” He takes a deep breath and you do the same. “And out.” You breathe out. “Again.” His voice is soft and loving his presence calming. He sits with you walking you through breathing exercises till you’ve calmed down and your breathing is normal and your head somewhat cleared.
Jason sits next to you with you curled into his side. “Wanna tell me what happened. I not it’s fine.” He asks finally breaking the silence. You sigh and curl into him further. “Everything got to much and the thoughts took over.” You fee silly, even if you know you shouldn’t you’d been working on this with both your therapist and Jason, yet you still let the thoughts take over. “Hey it’s okay. I know we talked about starving the thought gremlins but sometimes he’s extra hunger and wont stop. And thats okay too.” He rubs your hip lovingly. The thoughts are gone for now and all you focus on is being with Jason.
The whole place smells like bake goods when Jason gets up from his nap and the kitchen is covered in said good along with the ingredients and you. You stand backing in the middle of the small kitchen muttering about deadlines. Jason sighs. He’s been with you long enough to know when you get stressed you bake and then you dont stop because you’re so stressed. “Baby?” Jason walks further into the kitchen. “Mmm” you hum in respond not looking up from where you’re beating egg whites like they killed your dog. “How long have you been at this.” He asks picking up a cookie and taking a bite. “Not that I'm complaining i love your baking this is just a tad much no.” That gets your attention and you look around seeing the mess and the cookies cakes and croissants in the kitchen. “When did i make croissants.” You mumble realising you went a bit over bored. “Umm… some to the neighbours?” You smile sheepishly looking at the mess you made. Jason nods taking another bite from the cookie. “Good idea. I’ll help clean up.
It doesn’t take long for you both to clean up the kitchen and you give most of the baking to the kids in the complex. Finally you and Jason sit down together on the couch. “Next time you’re that stressed, tell me so you dont go that overboard again. I’m here to help baby. I love you.” He kisses your forehead. “I know im sorry works just ugh, I didn’t think it was that bad.” Jason reaches over and turns on the tv pulling you closer. “Love you Jay.” You smile. “Love you too baby”
Hope you enjoyed keep request i will get to them eventually. Thank you so much for all the likes on my stuff i really appreciate it and thank you so much.
also if you suffer from really bad stress or anxiety there are some great free resources online and on YouTube. Please stay safe and take care of your mental health guys it’s so important.
Have a wonderful day night afternoon etc ❤️
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skzswife · 1 year ago
"Not just sunshine"
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(Lee Felix x Fem!Reader) SMUT MDNI. Unprotected sex(Don't be dum when ya get some) Creampie Dom sub dynamics Daddy kink spanking A sprinkle of breathe play (Choking) Degradation Praise Use of pet names (Princess Slut Whore)
Felix was getting tired about being constantly teased for being the most innocent sunshine of the group. Sure he was very happy and cheerful but it was getting out of hand,It started as simple "Oh hes so adorable and sweet he could never hurt a fly" harmless right? Yeah until it got to "Hes so innocent I dont think he'll ever be a top in the bedroom" that's when he started getting upset. But he wasnt worried he girlfriend would stop it right? Nope. You started teasing him too. Just because he lets you ride him doesn't mean he cant make you scream his name. And he's at his last straw. You decided to call him your little sunny bottom and that was it. He broke. He suddenly grabs your hand and leads you to his room as all of you guys were at his dorm for the sleepover. As your being dragged by your boyfriend down the hall you can hear all the ooohs and ahhhs you even hear Jisung say "Aww Lixie is needy" But when you turn your head to look at your wonderful smiley boyfriend you see a completely different person. And he looks PISSED, you must admit seeing your Lixie like this sends a pool of wetness to your panties and you bite your lip. He opens the door before pulling you in and slamming it only to push you against it right after. "L-Lix what's wrong" he doesn't respond "Baby talk to-" You're cut off by his lips on yours causing you to whimper at the shock. As he pulls away leaving you wanting more, you are about to complain when you hear a rip...Felix just ripped your shirt off "Lee Felix! that was designer!" You spout angrily only for your usually loving boyfriend picks you up like you weigh nothing and throws you on the bed "Pants. Off. Now" you look at him confused as you rub your thighs together to satisfy the need for friction because the tone he said that in had you needing more though you obey him and take them off. Immediately Felix cages you into the bed kissing hungrily down your body. His kisses reach your core "Fuck baby your so beautiful" he groans before he starts lapping at your cunt "F-Felix Fuck" having been with him for a year you knew he knew your body but you didn't know he knew it well enough to make you cum in less than 10 minutes. The orgasm hits you like a tsunami your jaw goes slack as Felix holds you down and carries you through it lapping at every last drop of your arousal. Not even letting you a minute to relax he seems to pounce on you lining himself up at your entrance and slamming into you. "Fuck Lix!" You internally curse yourself for screaming so loud "Go on princess, Let them hear how good I make you feel yeah?"
He speeds up to a pace that you didnt think was humanly possible. "You like that?" Felix asks sickeningly sweet Spanking your ass when you dont answer "Come on be a good little slut and answer me" you whimper at the name. Its the first time he's called you that and god you loved it "Yes daddy I love it" you manage to mutter out. Felix chuckles slamming into you harder causing you to scream his name "Lix I'm gonna cum" Felix puts his hand around your throat and pulls you flush against his chest "Do you deserve to cum though? You were calling me a bottom knowing damn well your such a whore for me" he scowls "I'm sorry I wont do it ever again" you plead with your eyes only knowing he's given in when he slides his hand in between you to toy with your clit "FUCK!" You scream "Baby fuck stop clenching like that your gonna make me cum" your breathing becomes more erratic as you get closer to your release "Lix! Lix I'm cumming!" You scream as your second orgasm washes over you while Felix fucks you through it "F-Fuck your so good" Felix's hips stutter a bit before they still and he spills his warm seed deep in your cunt. You stay in that position for a while before he pulls out "Keep it in you did so good princess don't ruin it now" you nod before getting dressed and leaving the room you look around and see everyone's petrified expressions "Bro..." Jisung says quietly "YOU HAVE RUINED MY CHILDREN" Chan screams holding a very traumatized Jeongin "You guys would be shit in a porno" Seungmin says matter of factly "And you wouldn't Minnie?" You quip as Felix comes out "No i wouldn't" Felix sighs as you and Seungmin start arguing.
My loyal tag list❤:
@feybin @bubblelixie
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sugashook · 5 months ago
THE FIRST PARTY SCENE, hallway and bar analysis
SO if vanessa is a representation of his heart and universe or at least half of it. and shes seeing 'a guy from work' ,and she got promoted. means his heart is doing much better, and is seeing a nice man from work.
but wade is like immediately so sad, he can't take care of his emotions. maybe his heart is like you're great but you can't handle me well by yourself. hes like im sooooo inadequate and such a failure. because his heart is being taken care of by another person he cant handle himself. like it's embarrassing and demoralizing to be like that.
and then she says...
HIS NAME IS 'DERMANN' which derived from the word 'deor' which means WILD ANIMAL OR "brave and bold" and 'mann' for man it also means being connected with nature, strong, brave, cure.
he's kind, he likes hiking and hasn't gotten her shot yet.
So a wild animalistic strong man that likes hiking and is kind. 🙆
that's the man taking care of vanessa. (if you cant tell it's basically logan but her own logan). Also Logan means hollow . So he is a hollow man and wade is like a little bouncy heart like they just fit into one another
and then theres a knock on his door
and they're telling him your wolverine, is gone. you're doomed. so he has to find his own brave man, a derman to take care of his own heart. okayyyy. he's on parallel to vanessa, he wants to be like her, that is he admires her and wants to be on her level like catching up to his heart. while the rest of him is kinda f*cked.
so he went through bars, and kept being hurt by 'the same kind of guy' but one of them seemed so broken ,soft and tender, he just takes things on, unbothered. its like logan took the wade provocation and safety test and passed.
"are you gonna take that?"
hes asking for himself. and logan says
He needs someone to take hits for him and not be easily provoked and react emotionally. He needs a peaceful person.
And logancan take whatever wades got, liiiiike.... then wade threatens him, 'calling his bluff'. and logan leans up to the gun and smiles. like again, you dont phase me, try me. wade's life is a bit more dangerous now, he needs someone to handle higher risk games with him. oKAY they're flirting.
AND Then he grabs the gun from wade he takes control from wade and it shakes wade up, it shakes his little heart up and logan goes like "careful" AAAAAAA WITH WHO YOU POINT YOUR GUN TO AAAAAAAA (((bad man))))). hes surprising wade.
and logan not only wont get shot and get hurt and die, hes asking for it cause its nothing for him!!!!
'he can handle me' type of vibe, i think hes looking for who to give his heart to next. like hes being more picky this time, more mature, he has to be.
vanessa was kind of just a random first stripper he met and he gave her his heart (beautiful ofc wade is just a random hooker no big deal) but she cant handle him and his world. she is more like him. they're both fragile. his heart and emotions dont have a superpower.
and also + logans claws didnt work when he ' wanted to hurt wade' and wade is like ill go out of my way to provoke you into hurting me. and it still doesnt work logan rather hurts his own self and takes himself out of the danger. it must have made wade feel kinda safe.
not only is he strong he will not hurt me. Because wades heart is extremely sensitive despite his forwardness, which Is basically his kind of bluff like pf I don't even care about anyone or anything
Even if Logan is pushed he is just responding by being goofy and cute kinda 🥺 idk he's like avoidant and scared but not aggressive he's just like a pile of goo. a lil creecher.
And wade is an evil pumpkin. (yeah that changes when he gets teleported to a dumpster planet but its wade LOGAN IS A NICE GUY NOT A SAINT)
"two in the heart one in the head".....so wade gets shot twice in the heart......ok. I wonder what that means. i wonder who the two people are i really do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but whatever its hetero palship and im delusional
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macncherries · 5 months ago
hello little art blog Hello Mario,
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Shit on this blog is SUGGESTIVE IN NATURE. I post what i want. If it is explicit NSFW it is censored. I will draw porn/NSFW, only the ugly bits are covered. If you want to see the ugly bits check my Patreon.
◘ If you are not 16+. Yes its redundant, but people still wont listen anyways. ◘ Pro/Anti fuckers. ◘ Fetish content. ◘ Shotacon fuckers, Lolicon fuckers, & the like. Dont fuck with me. I know what you are. ◘ Plantcest fuckers. ◘ Republicans ♡ ◘ Christians unless its the 'Bible Fandom' Christians. ◘ Adult/Minor shippers. ◘ Blogs dedicated to glorifying/romanticizing self-harm in any format. ◘ Zionists ◘ Obvious things; racists, homophobes, transphobes, radfems, terfs, incest shippers, pedos, etc.
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⃝𖤐 Anyways. Hello, i am Adam, you can call me "Mac" too if that tickles your fancy. I prefer Adam because it is my real name, but Mac is just the shortened version of my user, so both are ok. ⛧ I am technicality Queer-identifying, but i may use the MLM flag out of convenience. ⛧ I am transsexual, FTM. ⛧ I have autism (AUDHD), so i may respond to you in weird ways and/or not pick up on social queues. ⛧ I am Caucasian ദ്ദി(╹-╹) ⛧ I am not religious and do not like particularly like religions. ⛧ I have a cat. Her name is Stinky. ⛧ My boyfriend is @halfbakedpenguin he does neat stuff. (˶˘ ³˘(´͈ ᵕ `͈˶)
My first language is English. I can speak/understand Japanese "well" conversationally, but reading it is more difficult, as i am still learning more kanji. Please speak to me in Japanese, i enjoy it.
Because of the ADHD/'Tism wombo combo, i switch from fandom to fandom with great intensity. There is no promise that what you follow for i will draw forever. Some hyperfixes last weeks, some months, some years. I am sorry ૮๑ˊᯅˋ๑ა
Here is my Carrd.
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Laios Kabru -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Rengoku Kokushibo Tokito Muichiro/Tokito Yuichiro Tanjiro -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Denji Yoshida Angel Aki -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Vash Wolfwood Livio -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Diluc Zhongli Childe -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ Dimitri (FE3H)
Ships ↴
Denji & Yoshida (CSM) Aki & Angel (CSM) Laios & Kabru (Dungeon Meshi)
AU's ↴
College/Modern/Band Trigun AU CSM Angel Plumes Modern Labru
Hello. You made it to the bottom. Here are fun factz.
◘ · · ─ I have aphantasia (I cannot see things in my brain, what people call "an imagination") (Yes, it makes art difficult) (No, i cannot imagine books/written media when i read them) (No, i cannot see my dreams. Dreams do affect my other senses though) ◘ · · ─ I have 7 piercings and 2 tattoos. I had 8 piercings, until my 1-year-old, completely healed nostril piercing closed on a random Tuesday afternoon. So technically the one in my intro art is a Lie. I mourn the loss of her every day. ◘ · · ─ I really love the word 'Soup'. ◘ · · ─ My favourite animal (and favourite isopod) are Giant Isopods. Specifically Bathynomus Giganteus. My second favourite is Ukrainian Skycutter pigeons. ◘ · · ─ Ive owned two budgies before, Lance and Rin. Theyve both passed now, but my second ever special interest was birds, and i still hold occasional hyperfixes on them ^_^ So, I am planning to adopt/rescue a pigeon! ◘ · · ─ If youre wondering, my first ever special interest was Minecraft. Again, it still possesses me every so often. I am also very good at BedWars because of it. Ive been playing it since Version 1.2 (Not to be confused with 1.20). ◘ · · ─ I have an uncanny ability to pitch & tone-match. As long as it is within my vocal range, i can imitate it to the degree it sounds like a recording. Thank you autism, very cool
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moestavern · 6 months ago
The HOMOE Masterpost
Shoutout to @butchbarneygumble for oking me to steal this idea from their Moeney Masterpost! Go peep that btw.
I see almost no one acknowledge all the gay shit these two have going on so i have to ship them all by myself and honestly that's unacceptable given how much this show implies between them. And with a ship name like Homoe? You have got to be kidding me they were handed to me on a golden fucking plater.
Blah blah i know these are jokes or w/e but its a show, no one here is real, you are not affected by me wanting these middle aged men to kiss each other (more than they already do) so lets get on with it!
This is currently only clips from the show, i will go through the comics/books/etc. if anything's hidden in there and ill add it to this post in the future.
This is gonna be a long post so everything is gonna be under the cut.
Episode: (S2E11) One Fish, Two Fish, Blow Fish, Blue Fish
Homer Kisses Moe. Moe responds with "not in public". So in private then?
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H: Oh words wont do it- I love you Moe M: Not in public
Episode: (S8E3) The Homer they Fall
Just this whole episode.
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H: Are you an angel? M: Yes Homer, Im an angel. All us angles wear Farah slacks. H: But you stopped the fight. Wont everyone be mad at you? M: Eh, lettem be mad. The only thing that matters to me is your'e safe. - D: Homer, your manager obviously loves you very much.
Episode: (S9E16) Dumbbell Indemnity
Dancing together + hints throughout. "if you squint" kinda stuff but ill take my breadcrumbs.
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Episode: (S11E6) Hello Gutter Hello Fadder
Homer and Moe consider one another life partners.
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Ma: Well, the one sure cure for the blues is to talk it over with your life partner. H: You're right! - H: I cant believe it Moe. The greatest feet of my life is already forgotten. M: Geez, Homer. I never seen ya this depressed. As your life partner, Im very worried.
Episode: (S11E10) Little Big Mom
When Lisa calls the tavern, Moe asks if Homer is going to another bar like its a cheating situation. Look at me however you want that's how im taking this. Moe's clingy.
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M: Hey uh- is Homer there? L: No, he isn't. I dont know where he is. M: Im a little worried. He usually stops in for an eye opener on the way to work. L: He told us he'd been going to the gym. M: Uhahaha- Wow. Anyway, you dont think he could be at another bar do ya? Because i couldnt take that- i- i just couldnt. *crying*
Episode: (S11E16) Pygmoelian
Homer tells Moe his acting is a turn on.
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M: The one hole ive never been able to fix is the one in my soul. H: That was amazing Moe. Im actually a little turned on. M: Yeah, hey i gotta gift.
Episode: (S16E7) Mommie Beerest
The thing i dont say is that i primarily ship all three of them together especially during late seasons. Reading "Moe takes the place of marge" jokes as shippy is- a bit of a stretch? whatever, it includes Moe telling Homer "i love you" and Homer calling Moe "Honey".
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H: What would Marge say? M: Do whatever you have to do to save Moe's. I love my Homie. H: Ok honey, ill do it! Ma: What's going on here? M: Nothin- Nothing.
Also Homer and Moe sharing a bed 1/2.
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Episode: (S17E5) Marge's Son Poisoning
If i had a nickel for every time Moe and Homer were called life partners id have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice. (This has to be a lie, im certain there is a third time this has happened, i have yet to find it again) "They're lying, they're trying to hustle" um stfu- idc that's his life partner. he said so.
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RT: God dern it son- what tha hell kinna sissy are you? M: Hey are you calling my life partner a sissy? Cause a hundred bucks says he could whoop you in arm wrestling.
Episode: (S18E6: Moe n' a Lisa)
Moe tells Homer he loves him.
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H: Seriously Moe, I think you have a gift. M: Thanks Homer, I love you man. H: OoooOH you love a man.
Episode: (S20E8) The Burns and The Bees
Moe explains bees having sex to Homer and Homer thinks Moe is talking about the two of them.
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H: But how are we supposed to combine the DNA of two strains of the same species? M: Actually Homer *whispering* H: *gasp* You and me? M: No. The bees. H: Oh! Yeah yeah. That's what i meant too. I... have no... inclination...
Episode: (S21E30 The Great Wife Hope)
Moe takes Homer dressed as Marge to his class reunion. He says he took Barney the year before.
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M: Lets go Marge. My class reunion starts in an hour. H: Uh, Moe, i have a confession to make. Im just Homer dressed as Marge. M: Yeah, but last year i took Barney dressed as Marge. Think how much better they'll think you look. Hmm? H: Well you better not leave me and talk to your old friends all night. M: Keep talkin like that and ill leave ya here right now.
Episode: (S21E21) Moe Letter Blues
Homer kisses Moe.
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H: Moe, i dont know rather to punch you or kiss you. So im gonna do both.
Episode: (S24E2) Treehouse of Horror XXIV
Look, i know its a demon that looks like Moe and NOT Moe. But cmon what was this???
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H: Listen, pal, you seem like an honest guy. Is there any other deal you can accept? D: Three way. H: Hm- You, me, Marge? D: Demon, demon, you. H: Sigh- I guess its one of those things a dad has to do. - H: Now before we start, what's the safe word? D: Cinnamon H: Oh! I like that. Now, id like to try something new, if you dont mind. D: Cinnamon. Cinnamon! Cinnamon! Cinnamon!
Episode: (S25E12) Diggs
Ok- so the way Bart describes his feeling for Diggs is really queer and Homer immediately compares that to his feelings towards Moe.
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B: I met this kid. Little older. Kinda strange. I dont think other people get him but i just wanna hang out with him all the time. H: *gasps* Its even better than i thought. You found your Moe Szyslak!
Episode: (S27E10) The Girl Code
Homer kisses Moe.
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M: Hey what tha hell? Get your kisser off my head puss! H: What? Its how greek men say 'hello'. Non sexual guy kissing is the best.
Episode: (S28E4) Treehouse of Horror XXVII
Moe kisses a picture of Homer twice.
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Thanks @leibi97 for remembering this one for me!
--- Episode: (S28E13) Fatzcarraldo
Homer calls Moe his "sweet wonderful bartender"
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H: i had a great day and i really wanna celebrate with the boys so dont wait up for me my sweet wonderful bartender, Moe. M: Alright but whos the boys? H: Marge's boobs. See ya!
Episode: (S29E16) King Leer
Homer carrying Moe into the store. But also i like this episode over all from a Homoearge standpoint.
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M: When i cross this threshold i begin a new life! *Picked up by Homer* This is the first time that ive ever been carried into a store. Look at me now lady foot locker! Look at me now.
Episode: (S32E15) Do Pizza Robots Dream of Electric Guitars
Ok guys THIS is what im talking about when i say in later seasons i kinda ship all three of them.
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Ma: Did you see how he ate his breakfast? He doesn't shuffle his pancakes like a deck of cards. He doesn't air drum while driving, or race the dog in butt scooting across the carpet. And he always won. He's not my Homie anymore. B: We didnt notice any of that. Ma: A wife knows. M: And a bartender. Hes just- hes just not the same. He dont spin Barney around on the stool no more. He dont drink beer from a crazy straw just a sensible straw. What are we gonna do about our little man Midge? Ma: Were just gonna have to love him that much more. M: I didnt think that was possible. - B: Im used to seeing mom upset about dad, but Moe. That really shook me.
Episode: (S35E7) Its A Blunderful Life
They love each other :)
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M: How dare you show your face in here. H: Moe, its me, and beneith all the drinking and the jokes we have a real relationship. And that means something. M: What are you gettin at? H: C'mon man. Deep down, we kinda love each other. H: *thrown through window* M: Love you too
Episode: (S35E15) Cremains of the Day
Moe and Homer share a bed 2/2.
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M: Oh cmon Lenny, ghosts aint real. eh
Holding each other.
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Episode: (S35E17) The Tipping Point
Dont- Even- Get- Me- Started
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M: Exact change huh? Thats it? H: Aw, i really wanna tip ya Moe, but i promised my wife id quit. M: Heres a thought Homer. What if you took the moolah outta your pocket but you just stopped before anything happened? Ya know, everything but the tip. H: That dosent seem like it could lead to anything. M: Sure it couldnt. H: *slowly hands Moe ten dollars* H: We shouldnta done that. M: Does that mean- that you wanna stop? H: No *hands Moe more money* *moaning* It feels so good *hands Moe more money* M: Dont stop you generous man *handed more money* *moaning* Aw yeah give it to me big boy H: *handing Moe more money* You like that? M: Oh thats the spot H: I can do this all night M: Right there H: Tell me you want it M: Oh god- Oh god- Oh god- Oh god! H: Yes- Yes- Yes- Yes! *Wallet sprays money on Moe* C: I need a new bar. - M: *following Homer out of the bar* Where ya goin? H: I cant stop tippin Moe. Im hooked on tha rush! I gotta monkey on my back and hes got his hand out. M: But, what about us? H: No one service worker can satisfy my needs. God help me im a tip-phomaniac.
Jesus ok i dont know how to conclude this post. I will make updates to this. I know im missing stuff.
This is about a 3rd of my "moe is bi" list so maybe ill make that its own masterpost.
Someone asked me today what ship dynamic they are and i told them "the dumb one/the evil one/the woman". My spouse and i have been watching Futurama and they pointed out to me it was the same dynamic when i said i saw something between Fry/Bender/Leela as a trio.
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atiianeishaunted · 5 months ago
some canon stfuf about the sonder cast bwaa :33 you can have ur own hcs btw id love to see them <3 but!! yeah,, i feel liek infodumping a teensy bit hrgfrhfh mainly cuz im not in an art mood 2day sigh doesnt include everyone bc this is only stuff i can think of off the top of my head atm but :3
lance: canonically bisexual, might be a trans man (havent decided? its honestly up 2 the audience, could go either way), was a huge moviestarplanet player when he was a kid, would probably play dress to impress methinks, for the LONGEST time was convinced something was going on between allura and keith and was insanely jealous and bitter, has the worst gaydar ever TRUST, figured out he was bisexual while playing msp but it only got worse when he met keith and hes really pissed about it
keith: gay as hell but hasnt exactly processed or accepted it (just knows hes scared of women) (for many reasons), transgender (will respond to anything besides feminine pronouns n such), most likely did his own piercings dont ask how or why, allura is the only woman thus far hes comfortable with because she reminds him of a certain someone, allura and him r huge gossips, jack of all trades but really does not know what hes good at like he doesnt know a thing about himself (one time lance challenged him to try out his sniper bc they got into an argument and keith was surprisingly good at it, he was evidently more confused than lance somehow?) (think that one family guy audio where s liek "how r u doing that" "i dunno ;;; O_O"), if you ask him ANYTHING about himself he will most likely just say "yeah i dont rememebr" or "I dont know", often talks very old school and "retro" (in lance's words), surprisingly a decent cook/baker, not as good as hunk of course but can keep up, despite this it was revealed in a conversation with hunk that keith was eating glass among other inedible things while going crazy in the desert (his feral era <3), can diy explosives among other things and no one acknowledges it because it scares them, this boy is very autistic, audhd in fact, im right and you all know it allura: lesbian but doesnt realize it just yet, would probably love the idea of neo/xenopronouns she'd find them whimsical, surprisingly prefers moths over butterflies (mainly after a talk she and keith had one night), huge gossip and loves romance but not in a "i need to date a man" way but "i want to play cupid" (think mabel from gravity falls) (she did have a phase of being boy crazy but that quickly went away when she was brought out of stasis), she loves dressing up but mainly dresses down and more casually because she doesnt go out as much thanks to altea going kaput and all that, she adores gardening and likes to make dyes and such from her flowers, huge diy queen (TRUSTT) she can sew and all that, probably real crafty, keith and allura are close friends and both extremely out of touch with normal human people, she frequently asks him for advice due to their closeness and they just make eachother worse /aff, unironically used wicked in a sentence and was very proud of it (lance almost threw keith out of an airlock for this one), not the best cook but tries her best and is fairly confident with her skills (vicecore if you play alchemy stars) (keith almost banned her from the kitchen) (they agreed on supervised kitchen hours)
pidge: aroace and agender, literally a chronically online cosplayer tech nerd, probably has been cancelled multiple times to the point where matthew had to take every piece of tech they had in the house, has doxxed people before, obsessed with vocaloid and anime, wants to get piercings really bad but their parents wont let them, uses any pronouns and if you ask for their gender they will change their answer everytime or answer with something silly like "the void", their favorite person is Hunk but beyond that prefers robots and tech as their companions, keith is their favorite victim of pranks (save him), the only one who isnt scared of keith even a little bit, evil scientist coded, too smart for their own good, not very socially smart and misses social cues but doesnt really care, very picky about the food they consume, iconic 13-14 year old who is a bit too excited at the prospect of having an excuse to build weapons
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mimikinyuu · 7 months ago
pinned post i guess.
names legion. 24. he/they pronouns. alolan.
im a trainer for a living (wow! so exciting and unique!) but im trying to sell the crafts i make. i make mimikyu cloths, hmu for pricing and deets.
my battling team (does not account for every mon i have):
bean - mimikyu ♂
jeffrey - luxray ♀
blair - gengar ♀
willow - absol ♀
dart - umbreon
woop - clodsire ♀
my non-battlers:
peppermint - litten ♀✨
guitar - toxel ♂
dolly - banette ♀
angel - raichu (alolan variant) ♂
the slutch is within us and we are all the slutch
out of character:
this is a roleplay blog. please do not message me about anything for sale. all my in-character posts will be tagged #unreality if they breach containment. admins name is soup, age is 23, and i use it/they prns. my ooc hub is @soupspkmncorner and i follow/interact from @movedto-mementomoreeyes
triggers/content warnings will be tagged as “(x) cw”, current tags include #drugs cw, #abandonment cw, #abandoned pokemon cw, and #ableism cw. #op is added to any post with my additions (as well as my own original posts), and if i interact with someone, i try to tag usernames, as well. #off-screen is a collective tag for mysterious uploads that legion cannot see, but are happening in real time, most commonly audio files or screenshots. #lorepost is for anything i feel is important for legions lore, either character- or worldbuilding-related. #greatest hits is a combo of posts that made me the admin laugh OR!! my most popular posts both of those options. any tags/textposts that start with a percentage sign (%) are ooc. all other non-sorting tags are in-character. legions a tag rambler like me lmao
both legion and i are adults. this blog will not contain any nsfw content since some followers/mutuals are minors. middle-school jokes are the furthest extent of nsfw content you will see here (ie. KUNG POW PENIS). if me being an adult makes you uncomfortable, that is ok and you dont have to follow me :-) if i follow you and you are uncomfortable you are free to softblock/hardblock, no hard feelings
arcs: eebydeeby arc (FINISHED 28/08/24), the gang goes to paldea (OFFICIALLY FINISHED 02/11/24), the gang goes to sinnoh (FINISHED 24/11/24) magic!anon mini-arc (FINISHED 30/11/24), the gang goes through the horrors (UPCOMING)
i am okay with:
- pelipper mail
- mystery gifts
- musharna mail
- musharna malice
- magic!anon (selective, only temporary things)
- union circle (selective)
- interactions from trainers (canon and ocs), antag grunts (team skull members PLEASE!!! interact we can plan plots and sillies), crossover/faller/pokemon au characters. legion is aware there is a multiverse and that some people on rotomblr have very different universes compared to theirs. he might raise an eyebrow, but wont call anything fake because it doesnt align with his universe.
- interactions from sapient pokemon/eebydeeby/hybrid/pmd-based au characters. legion does not question sapient pokemon very much and takes them at face value, but they do react with appropriate surprise with legendaries/mythicals, mostly out of “wow this god is talking TO ME??” shock.
- non-roleplay blogs and such (like gimmick blogs) are cool too! just please remember this is a roleplay blog and i will respond in-character unless the question is directed at me the admin
- gentle/playful teasing (tone tags like /j and /t are greatly appreciated for this) or any low-level antagonist shenanigans
i am not okay with:
- pelipper unmail
- pelipper malice
- any nsfw/suggestive interactions
- any hate, in- or out-of-character. if you want to plan a plot that might involve bullying or anything a bit more malicious than average team skull grunt activity, please dm me so i am aware and we can work out a storyline.
- ableism or transphobia, in- or out-of-character. dont even ask to send any, you will be blocked on sight.
some ending notes:
- legion is not an unreliable narrator but he does withhold information a lot. part of this is to avoid doxxing himself (ie. they cant speak too much on team skull because they live a mile from po town), part of this is because hes emotionally stunted. lol. lmao even.
- We Ship Oc X Canon Here Sir. if youre not cool with guzma x legion shipping (ghostbugs) this might not be the blog for you.
- muse + mun are physically disabled and neurodivergent.
- ultra beasts have not been formally documented yet. please do not send asks about ultra beasts. legion doesnt know about them outside of “some weird thangs that popped out of the sky.” this will change in the coming arcs, currently they are pre-moon.
- legion is technically a human/giratina hybrid as a result of the sinnoh/magic!anon arcs. giratina still exists as a separate entity, legion is a human/giratina hybrid separate from the giratina living in the distortion world. as of now, this rarely comes up, but its still canon. he feels complicated emotions about this fact if you wanna poke at him.
- additionally, please see here for the list of legendaries and mythicals that are/arent fully documented in this universe. legendaries and mythicals do not have any sort of distinction in this universe, the titles rely on whatever people want to label them.
- what is slutch? its a tumblr post reference! i couldnt stop saying slutch and projected it onto legion. the slutch is just a funny thing to say, it can be whatever you want it to be.
- i reserve the right to not answer any asks that make me uncomfortable.
last updated: 28/02/25
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animeshotsh · 4 months ago
You what? | Viktor x Jayce x Kid!Reader | Arcane ¤
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Summary: Viktor knows Jayce sometimes does things without thinking, but this? This goes beyond his own limits.
Warnings: Mentions of trauma - Kid!Reader - Viktor and Jayce are a couple - OFF CANON EVENTS - Human traffic - GN Reader - PLATONIC - grammar mistakes -
When Viktor enters on monday morning into the lab with his coffee in hand he expects nothing but silence, after all he is here before Jayce most mornings.
But he stops in his tracks when he hears Jayce's voice, maybe sounding less...well less like him. He sounds like he is talking to a small animal. It reminds him on how he uses to talk to Rio when he was a kid.
Pushing memories aside Viktor retakes his way and goes deeper into the lab, where their experiments are.
And oh, if his illness did not kill him as most doctors had said then this would do it.
Jayce, using one of his experiments showing it to a kid who seems to be as suprised as any kid would be and perphas gives the most honest reactions to his inventions.
But wait, go back.
Jayce and a kid.
His cane hits the floor in suprise and he ends being watched by two pairs of eyes.
Jayce looks like he was discovered breaking some important rule, to which Viktor is centrain that bringing a kid into the lab counts as but he wont say it. And another pair that looks at him with curiosity.
There is silence, no one really knows what to say or how to act. But Jayce ends reacting, leaving the experiment and going to help Viktor with his cane who is feeling a headache coming.
"Hey Vik! long time no see, how's your house?"
Honestly? Viktor wants nothing more than to go back in time and insist that he is fine and does not need rest. Maybe like that he would have stayed with Jayce and prevent...this.
But time travel is something that is still on the making, so back to the main point.
Viktor just gives out the most tired look, then turns to a near chair, sits and taking his coffee simple says "Explain"
Becuase if there is something he has come to learn while dating and loving Jayce is that nothing should suprise him (and yet Jayce still manages to do it) and also, is better to ask upfront than to wait for him to talk up. Viktor can still remember that one time he found a big (illegal no less) plant at his home and Jayce ignored it for two hours till he asked.
"Well you see, its really funny actually..."
"Alright..., so I took a walk around campus and saw some...suspicious individuals and well lets say I was not very discrete"
Viktor can just imagine the scene
"And they saw me and ran but I chased after them"
Stupid move Viktor thinks
"And then they trow me this kid at me, i mean what could I have done? So i took them home, gave them a warm meal and a bath" Jayce ends sounding a bit too proud of himself.
"Jayce you...you stole a kid?" Viktor asks because he is confused "And did not report the incident?"
"Uh well i was going too but then (Y/N) started to wonder around so i kind of forgot..."
"(Y/N?" Viktor asks and sees you peeking out from behind the big desk.
"Yes! Thats their name, im not sure about much more, only that they like chocolate and blue stuff"
Viktor ends in silence for various minutes. You must be an orphan he concludes, an orphan from the undercity, who had no other choice but to follow a gang in order to survive. He tries to calculate your age but its hard, you have been not eating well, thats clear, and he can already see some bruises from the misstreatment of the undercity.
Being raised by parents or family its a luxury after all.
"Jayce you cant just take a kid in" Viktor says and his heart almost breaks as he sees you run towards Jayce hugging his legs.
Noted, you may not talk but you understand, its clear you are more intelligent than what you leave to be at first.
Street smart maybe?
"But Viktor! I cant just leave them" Jayce responds picking you up. "If they return to the undercity i dont think they will make it"
Jayce sees how you push your head against his chest and smiles softly at you.
"And we cant leaven them at an orphan home! I have read of these places, they suck"
Viktor must agree, its not like he comes from one but knows well that lots of kids ends being sold off...
"Alright and whats your plan?" Viktor asks "Do you even know what it means to raise a kid, or how? What about me? Were you going to consulte me?"
He can see the pain in Jayce eyes at his last sentence. "Of course I was! I was just thinking of a...well a good moment"
"Because bringing them to the lab was the perfect idea"
"I could not leave them at home! I mean i tried but- they would not let go of my leg, i think they have some type of trauma..."
Viktor takes another deep breath, Jayce kidness and heart knows no limits.
"Besides you did say you wanted to help the peopel from the undercity"
"This is different, we are talking about raising! adopting a kid!"
"So you are considering?" Jayce asks in the most hopeful tone ever.
Viktor just lets out another breath.
"Well, its not like they can go back and yes, orphan homes sucks" Viktor responds. "But we need to do this right. And i mean legally"
Jayce nods and all of him lights up like he has discover a new thing. He goes to Viktor carefully managing (Y/N) by his hands and leans down to peak Viktor's lips.
"Yes!! Totally! I will talk to Mel about it, im sure she can move some contacts for this" Jayce says and Viktor can see his brain making more and more plans.
"They also need clothes, and we should think of getting them into school" Viktor adds standing up with his cane and going closer. He can see (Y/N) eyes and cant denied how it makes his heart melts.
"Dad?" Its what you say looking at Viktor, then you look at Jayce "Mom?"
Jayce smiles and nods while Viktor is left without words. "Yes! We are your mom and dad now" he says pointing at him then at Viktor.
Jayce nods again
"...Chocolate?" You asks once more
"Alright thats all, if they eat too much sugar this place will be a disaster, you do remember we have dangerous things in here, right?"
Jayce nods at Viktor then whispers to you "We will get chocolate once we end work"
Viktor snorts then moves to his desk to finally start working and also to let his mind register everything. He hears the doors closing imagining Jayce went with you to talk to Mel.
But no, he feels a pull at his trousers and looks down at you who looks up at him extending your arms
"Dad! Up!"
Viktor does as told pulling you on his lap and passing you some papper and a pen. Both fall in a comfortable silence.
And Viktor thinks, this is something he can totally get used to.
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