#i just wanted to try giving her a bump in art 😭
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wildflowercryptid · 2 years ago
⚠ spoilers for year 3 opening for gustafa's child below! ⚠
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finally finished year 2 and moved onto year 3! bea's gotten bigger and looks so cute, i love that takakura calls her a "little ray of sunshine" so much. 😭
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iayos · 1 year ago
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jjk boys and their icks
 because no man is perfect

jjk boys x implied fem!reader
cw : men being gross, slight nsfw in nanami’s part, very mild misogyny if you squint in megumi’s part, this post was literally just so i could rant kinda
a / n : long time no see
 not much to say other than i’ve been busy !!! anyways hope you enjoy :)
yuji itadori - bad grammar
giving him the tamest one tbh because he’s such a sweetheart </3 idk why but i feel like he just has such shitty grammar
 like he’s smart ! just not when it comes to grammar. for example, he mixes up his to, too, and two’s, his there’s, and don’t get me started on your vs you’re :/ again he’s the sweetest boy ever ! it’s just the fact he probably failed his lit classes

megumi fushiguro - “females”

i was so close to giving this to satoru but i didn’t cause he has shoko to hold him down, megumi on the other hand
 look, i don’t think he’d say it in front of girls, but to other dudes, yk ? and i definitely don’t think it’s on purpose to try and be an asshole but it just happens. quickly unlearns it when he says it around maki though.
yuta okkotsu - referring to himself in third person
you guys know how elmo is like, “elmo wants to go to the park,” yeah
 yuta does this. and no, it’s not ironically. he definitely thinks it’s cute too and sometimes it is ! but it’s to an extent. like it’s cute the first couple times where he is goes, “yuta loves you,” but then it gets weird and corny when he’s like, “yuta wants to get dinner,” like ermmmm ok

toge inumaki - fish pics.
as someone who lives in those south i see these OFTEN. for those who don’t know, fish pics are basically when dudes hold up fish they caught while fishing and post pictures of them holding it
 i think the main problem with this to me is that a lot of very weird and racist men do it, so that’s why i hate it. anyways i’m 90% sure he has an official art where he’s holding a fish ( i also didn’t know what ick to give him ).
satoru gojo - his height is his whole personality
this shit irks me so bad omg. as someone who’s short ( 5’0 ) and hates seeing other short people make their whole personality their height, it’s even worst when it’s a tall person. satoru is definitely the type to be like, “omg guysss i bumped my head otw hereeee i’m so tallll,” like no you’re just stupid ! he definitely has other icks but this was the main one i could think of
 ik he gets on everyone’s nerves.
suguru geto - says “my bad” instead of “im sorry”
another personal one tbh. i hate hate hate when people do this especially if it’s something serious. i remember one time someone pushed me in the mud ( i didn’t fully go on, just my foot ) and i got mud all over my white shoes and they have the audacity to go, “my bad,” like yeah it is your bad lmao. anyways, suguru def does this often especially to shoko. i feel like he’s pretty clumsy and say if shoko’s studying and he knocks over a drink onto her books he’ll say “my bad” and not even attempt to help her clean it up. like dude at least say sorry or something idk ???
nanami kento - calls his dick anything but a dick
“my member” you are grown !!! say dick !!! he does it to be ‘classy’ but like, he is pushing 30 doing this, just say dick. i also think it’s a shame thing ? idk probably hanging out with stsg for most of his teen years rotted his brain so he hates hearing really nasty stuff but he won’t even say penis half the time. like it’s really not that serious nobody wants to call your dick a phallus ( it was also really hard to give him an ick ).
choso - using đŸ„ș / đŸ„č
oh BROTHERRRR this one pisses me off. i hate both of those emojis in general but especially when men do it, it’s cornball behavior. like aren’t you supposed to be fighting in wars ? stand up. but i don’t think he has any ill intentions at all, honestly just picks emojis that represent his mood often. however he definitely uses 😂 instead of 😭
 sorry choso

song : ick - lay bankz
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spiderlot · 3 months ago
random sister paxton fluff headcanons 🩋💭
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thinking about yapping to paxton about your art history class
.talking about all the religious artwork and sculptures!! Talking about the stuff you’ve learned about Christianity and even wanting to go on a trip with her to see some of the churches you’ve seen in class. I think she’d deffo wanna go too but she’d make some quip about just going to her church 😭 speaking of, picking her up at church!! She always tries to get you to go but you’re just not a morning person
 she loves coming back outside to see you waiting though (^///^) always greets you with a kiss and immediately asks how your day was
bike rides with her! just biking around town and talking to each other about anything, eventually locking them up on a rack and going to this park to chill. lying on the grass and holding her hand.... giving her your sweater when it starts to get chilly :( paxton bumping her bike with hers to 'kiss' it when walking back home :]
paxton who pushes your ass to the side when she comes over to your house because you have a pet 😭 she's cooing at it and maybe she's much more affectionate with it than you because you guys haven't been dating that long so you get jealous ^__^ your pet ends up loving her more than you whenever she comes over >__>
she definitely buys you matching plushies.... i think shes artsy fartsy and makes her own little necklace for your plushie that has her name on her in a heart locket :( OHHHH she would fucking LOVE build a bear bro. she'd make you turn away and go off to the side while she records a heartfelt speech for the sound box. thinking of her listening to your voice recording when she's trying to sleep :(((
the type to hold your chin when you two kiss. every. time. she swipes her thumb on your chin while kissing and just UGH. paxton leaning over you while cuddling on the bed and gently stroking your chin as she stares at you and is probably yapping about something.
i think she'd love to go to, like, ceramics classes and make plates or paint vases with you :(( she'd probably add her favorite bible verse under the plate ngl
i dont know much about it, but i doubt they make money through missions or if they do it's definitely not a lot, so i like to think she has a real job working at a library or something :] visiting her at work and pretending to be a customer and she squeals with such excitement when she turns around :( she's so embarrassed when you kiss her too, esp in public settings like this, and you LOVE IT! also thinking bout her using her paycheck on you :(( taking you to this diner and drinking milkshakes until you feel like you're gonna explode.... buying you little gifts she sees at like church functions probably.... mumbling about how she knows you're not rly religious but she thought it was cute >___<
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a-deadly-serenade · 6 days ago
season 2 rewatch complete.
notes below the cut.
it's actually MUCH better than i gave it credit for. there's definitely still some bumps in the road, but, overall, decently solid.
the dynamic b/w Dracula and the Forgemasters is well done and, as usual, Isaac is still the much stronger character out of the two. i recently found an interview that revealed Ellis didnt play any of the games and, that definitely helps me make sense of the decisions in the writing both in this season, and in the subsequential two that follow.
i can understand where they were going, with Carmilla taking advantage of the power vacuum now present. and while she is a compelling villain, none of the things they try and set-up in this season, ultimately have any payoff in the third. i remember the key plots of season 3: Trevor and Sypha are in Lindenfell, Alucard is with the twins, Hector's is getting to know Carmilla's own vampire council, and Isaac with his own spiritual and philosophical journey. the addition of new characters and concepts that Ellis just thought were cool helps sooo many of their decisions make sense... which is why this season stands out as the LAST good season imo.
the issue with having no clue about the source material, is that if you were familiar with the games at all, you would know that Dracula is THE bad guy--THE villain that keeps popping up throughout all of time, whether it be through ritualistic sacrifice or from a god damn solar eclipse. there are few Castlevania games that end with you NOT fighting Dracula. and the fact that he dies in the SECOND season? that should have been your clue, mate--should have been your clue to stop right there.
they give more build up for the fight against Carmilla, than they did for the fight of the 3 main characters against DRACULA. and the interactions between the main 3 definitely left something to be desired.
they dedicate far too much time with the drama b/w the vampires and the trio suffers because of it. a lot of the dialogue shared between them is clumsy and awkward and, again, with the head writer of your show never playing any of the games, helps me understand why they talk like this. you can make Alucard out to be distrusting and even a little childish, but he's also a vampire, the SON of Dracula and... well, HE WOULDN'T SAY THAT!!!!! it's like what i said for season 1; i really wish they primarily made Trevor the one that swears and acts crude and makes dumb jokes. "Eat shit and die." "Yes, fuck you." HE WOULDNT SAY THAT BRO!!!! and you can make them being bros argument all you want but this boy was sheltered in a castle most of his life and then slept undisturbed for over a year. HE WOULD be awkward!!! I KNOW THAT man has 0 social skills.
and don't even get me started on fucking Godbrand. i hope they were trying to make him annoying as hell on purpose bcuz then, good job! but that mf still had too much screentime when his sole purpose was to just die. why did Carmilla want him anyways?? the other generals were behind her plan to begin with. wtf was he doing to be useful for?
and god damn does the never playing the games come sooo in your face than what they did with Hector. literally infantilizing this grown ass man bro 😭 "Oh he only sees the world in animal dichotomies and is too simple to understand how things really work" MF GOES TO ANOTHER DIMENSION AND FIGHTS DRACULA'S SPIRIT WITH WEAPONS AND DEMONS FUCK YOU!!!!
and 5 years later, Ellis is still a freak having a man of color cuffed and chained and beaten by a white woman who calls him her "Puppy." Freak. AND hector's LITERAL plot in the next season is the same fucking thing!!!!! he gets lured into trusting someone and then he is betrayed, locked up, and beaten so that they can advance their own agenda. IT'S LITERALLY THE SAME FUCKING "ARC"!!!!!! ELLIS I WILL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!
"separate the art from the artist" really be pissing me the fuck off when they actually cook. the final battle? with Bloodlines playing in the background? still goated. i dont care, its probably one of the best battles in the series. and the fact that they kill all the music when Dracula and Alucard end up in his childhood bedroom to really SELL Callis and McTavish's performances? Goated. the fact that Deats brothers were behind the direction is honestly a god send, they're the only reason we even HAVE any references to the games. the entire Belmont hold is full of easter egg weapons, items, and enemies. Including the portrait of Leon. god this series pisses me off.
in my head it's just another case of "what could have been" and GOD it still makes me angry, even as i write this. whatever. this was all really an excuse for me to take notes so i can finally start writing my fucking sequel. L8RR
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 years ago
Just Had To Ask
Summary:  Carter reads Harlan’s journal
Pairings:  Carter X Story
Rating:  đŸ˜©đŸ˜­
Warnings:  sweet heartbreak, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.6K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Story Drysdale Masterlist
Carter Baizen Masterlist
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Carter takes a long look at the skeleton key, remembering a time when a tiny little Story carried a ring of these around, trying to find someone to be the keeper of the keys.  With a look at his sleeping girlfriend, their son curled up tight next to her, he leaves a note on where she can find him, should she wake up.  Carter gathers the few things that he needs and walks up to Harlan’s study.  
He looks around the old and cramped room, not much has changed.  He didn’t come up here too often, but the times he was, Harlan was ever the quiet and soft man he was to everyone.  Always watching and observing him as a boy.  He swipes his finger over the desk, noticing how there’s no dust in here.  Someone comes up here often to clean.  It’s the one room at the estate that has never changed, and it brings back a rush of nostalgia for him.
He lays the contents on top of the go board before roaming around the small space.  First edition books, incomplete works of Harlan’s, and even a few professionally bound books of Story’s work when she was a child, since illustrated by Lucy.  He flips through these small books, much more childlike than the few she’s actually published.
The Ballad of Story Drysdale in written form, and always in every book, Sir Lancelot, along with the King Dowager, that last book ending with his death.  He sets the books down, and walks back over to Harlan’s chair.  His right armrest still indented where Story always sat as a child.  Carter wonders why Ransom would have told him to come up here.  It’s all overwhelming and a shock to his system the amount of times she must have spent up here.
He gives the room a final look through, and spots a bit of pink.  Walking over to the overcrowded book shelf he spots a tiny pair of pointe shoes, along with a picture of Harlan at Story’s first recital in pointe, the one picture that Story wasn’t actually looking at Carter, but at Harlan.
He takes a deep breath before grabbing up the envelope.  Ransom had offered very little information, and he was curious.  Opening up the stiff paper, he pulls out a stack of photos.  All taken while Story was pregnant with Otto.  The first few just barely a glimpse of her bump, but as the photos move on in her pregnancy they began to get a bit more risqué, but the smile in her face had faded.  But when the photos turn completely nude, he shoves them back in the envelope.
It’s not the fact that he hasn’t seen Story naked.  It’s the fact that these photos weren’t for him.  She looked unhappy in the photos, even though she was beyond beautiful.  He saw the small nuances in her face.  She was stunning, but he’ll give them over to her, and let Story decide what to do with them.
He stares at that leather bound notebook for far too long before opening it up to see the artful script of Harlan.  Even in writing he made sure it had flare. 
Story tells me her desires nearly daily now.  Dancing around this small space as she tells me her stories.  Almost singing a tune, the true Ballad of Story Drysdale.  After a moment of dancing she always collapses in my lap, and asks me what she thinks life holds for her.
I know her wish to be with that boy, romanticizing even what their first kiss will be like.  If there’s anything to note about that little one, is that she does not stop until she gets what she wants.  She’s a charming little thing, with drive and determination.  The age gap will for sure set things back longer than she would want, but I have no doubt that Story has made up her mind on a Mr. Baizen.
Story came back from vacation distraught.  She informed me of the breech in the castle and it was one of the Gemini twins fault.  Used her sorcery to distract Sir Lancelot to where he couldn’t defend the castle anymore.  I always assumed that the castle was in fact the estate itself, but now I’m beginning to wonder if Story is using it as a metaphor to her heart.
It’s no secret that Aster and Carter are suited in age at the present, but Aster does not have those desires towards him.  And I’m not so sure those desires are from Carter either.  The few times that I have got to meet his vile parents, his mother always seems to be pushing him right to Aster, and each time my other granddaughter suffers for it.
I can only imagine that something between Aster and Carter happened on this vacation, and whether Story saw it or felt the change in them, I don’t know.  She was almost inconsolable when she crawled into my lap.  Using her story as a way to convey her heartbreak.  Much like her ballet, her movements tell her pain or her love.  In this case the castle walls were crumbled down, and it broke her heart.
Even when you try to explain to Story that both Carter and Aster are young and no doubt would never last, she corrects you.  Explaining that Sir Lancelot is in love with Guinevere, not a Gemini Twin named Morgana.  My child believes her sister now to be an evil sorceress, and that is the only way she can cope with what’s happening between them.  
With those big round eyes she just tilted her head and told me, that Sir Lancelot always finds his way back to Guinevere.  And while it is true in Arthurian Legend, those two were always meant to be together.  Lets just hope neither my granddaughter or Carter meet the same demise, should things not pan out. 
I have taken upon myself to watch the interactions between the two.  See if maybe she’s making things up that aren’t actually there, and she is not.  While Carter is very much a follower when it comes to Aster, Story is the one that has actually captivated the boy.  Aster holds a determination to change the world around her, while Story’s determined to make her world beautiful and magical.
Two very different creatures.  It’s odd to watch the boy.  He goes from being good friends with Aster, to watching Story dance and sing around.  Sitting with her for over an hour and just listening and adding to her story.  As if he was never granted the life of imagination.  If his parents are anything like my daughter and her husband he didn’t.
He even brings my granddaughter gifts.  Usually in the form of a rose, her namesake.  One gift she talks about constantly.  Letting me know that one day Carter will have it again.  Whispering to me that he has always had her heart.  
Carter takes a deep breath and looks away from the journal.  Dated to when Story would have been twelve.  He remembers the day that he couldn’t quit watching Story.  His first year in college and he went to spend some time with the Drysdale’s and even older Story was whimsical.  At this time she was even practicing her dance routine.  Even that was beautiful to Carter.
Watching her slowly twirl, and tell a story through her movements.  Whether there was music or not.  It was one of the few times that Story had a calm beauty about her.  He’s struggling to look back into this journal, knowing that it’s coming to the end of Harlan’s life.
While he knew that Story always had a crush on him, he wasn’t aware of how much deeper it ran than that.  She always truly believed that the two of them would be together.  Whatever it was that made her feel so sure of this, or why she was always so enchanted by him, he’s unsure.  She always had that ability to listen to what he wanted, and encouraged him to seek his own path.
I know my timing is drawing near.  I’ve kept these journals to help me remember things.  And this one is specifically for you Princess Story book, no doubt that you and a pink nightgown will find your way up into this small room of mine.  You’re going to sit in my chair, and read these journals.  You’ll read our manuscripts and you’ll refuse to publish them, even though you could, but they’ll be too personal for you.  They are yours to do with them what you will my beautiful swan.
Story I hope that when you read this you are reminded of how unapologetically animated and full of wonder you are.  While your brother looks just like your father, you remind me so much of him in so many ways.  Unlike you, Ransom was not given the opportunity to let his imagination soar.  I know you won’t believe it, but he could have been filled with stories, like your head is.  He has made sure that you had every opportunity to stay innocent and free.
Him and your mother have nurtured your whimsical nature, as they have your siblings in different areas.  You my dear child will do amazing things.  Don’t lose yourself to the stars.  Don’t force something to happen, in time your path will be made clear.  Believe in your dreams.
I have no doubt that you will take my passing the hardest.  You and I have always shared this special bond from the moment your mother tearfully put you in my arms.  She stood over me, worried that something might happen to you, and when you made a sweet sound up at me, I’ve never seen her look more relieved.  For the first time since they brought you home, I saw her face finally relax.  Saw her reach for your siblings and hold tightly to them.
It’s not your fault how you were brought into this world.  Nor is it your mother’s fault for holding so tightly to you.  Slowly, she came back to us, just how your Sir Lancelot will come back to you.  Throughout these years, I have watched that boy.  His fascination for you has never waned, although his age gap is keeping his love for you different than you desire.
My sweet child, tears are going to happen.  It’s okay, not to be okay.  Tears just mean you’re alive, and you have a heart, and you beautiful girl have such a big heart.  You feel differently than other people.  Don’t always focus on the prize you want, focus on your journey.  I know you won’t listen to me, because you’re a dramatic and stubborn Drysdale, but I wish you would.  
Never forget to be who you are, Story.  You’re brave, strong, romantic, creative, full of laughter and love, and you believe that true love can conquer all.  I’m not going to say that Carter is the one that you’re going to marry, but if he is, he’s going to be the luckiest man in the world.  How many other men can say that their wife has loved them their whole life?  
You have unapologetically been in love with him for as long as he’s been in your life.  This constant pull to him that everyone has always tried to pull you away from, but some bonds aren’t meant to be broken.  Some bonds can flourish and be made stronger.  My wish for you, Story, is that you learn to love the season that you’re in.  Don’t put all your focus on Carter, because people will let you down.  They’ll break your heart, and I fear that should he break your heart you’re likely to crash and burn.  I love you Princess Story Book, and I hope that you find your happily ever after.  
-With Love and Devotion, your dearest Grandfather, Harlan
Carter’s eyes glance over the worn pages, the smudged marks on the letter specifically to Story.  It almost feels like a violation to her to be reading it.  But every part of it, all of it could have been avoided.  Aster was right, he should have waited until Story was older.  Should have been the adult and stepped away until the time was right.
“Carter, what’re you doing?” Story asks peaking her head through the small door.  “Oh,” her face falls when she sees the journal in his hands.  “Is that mine or yours?”
Story moves around awkwardly, unsure of what to say before she goes over to Carter.  Pulling the journal out of his hands, before she crawls into his lap.  “I shouldn’t have read it.  Your dad...”
“It’s fine.  I don’t want us to have any secrets from each other.  I always hoped that...I want you to read yours at a very specific time.”
The two of them stare at one another for a moment, Carter extremely overwhelmed, but he’s not stopping on his mission.  He reaches in his pocket, and pulls out the necklace, holding it in front of Story, and she just smiles with tears in her eyes.  “Do you want it back?”
“It’s yours, Carter.  It always has been.  Always will be.  I know that people think I’m crazy for having a crush on you my whole life, and maybe I am.  But here we are.  We’re creating a beautiful life together, and I regret nothing between us.  We had a journey, and while some of it was so ugly, there’s parts that are so beautiful that it makes me want to cry.  I wouldn’t change anything about our first times together.  They were fun and magical, and everything I had ever dreamed of, I hated that they ended too soon.  I hated the ugly that came after that, but we found our way back together, and I think this time it’s better than the last.  We know what it’s like to live without each other.  Know how mentally soul crushing it was, but the physical pain that came with it.”
She looks over his face for a moment.  Her finger traces every outline of his features.  His eyebrows, nose, hard jawline, his lips, before she takes a deep breath.  Whispering, “Carter will you marry me?” he lets out a soft laugh, but Story repeats herself, “Sir Lancelot, marry me.  Make me your queen.”
Reaching into his other pocket he pulls out the little box that he has had for the last six years.  Story gasps when he opens the box, “Princess, will you marry me?”
“Yesyesyes, a million times yes,” her perfect face gets painted with her tears, when he removes the ring to slide over her dainty little finger.  Looking perfect just like he knew it would.  “Carter...”
“Story there is nothing in the world that I love quite like I love you and Otto.  You are the dream I never even knew I had.  I always wanted a love like your parents.  Crazy in love, but there was also this calm, sweet, passionate side.  I have that with you.  I don’t want to wait.  But my god, do you deserve the most perfect fairy tale wedding that there ever was.  I want to give you the world.”
“Start by giving me a kiss,” holding onto her chin Carter softly slots his lips against hers, “I love you Carter Rory Baizen.”
“And I love you Story Rose Drysdale.”
“Oh my gosh, you’re going to get to call me Story Baizen soon,” she giggles still with tears falling all down her face, and that’s when it hits Carter.  He’s finally going to get to call her his.  Officially and with her father’s approval.  His very own princess to call his own.  “It’s always been yours, Carter.  You just had to ask.”
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mockiery · 2 years ago
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215 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
moon knight to werewolf by night pipeline REAL
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280 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
i've been thinking. about jack "part of me that is not me" "this is going to be bad" "otherwise there will be no mercy" russell. and what he thinks of his werewolf self. because he doesn't harm elsa. he harms those who are an overt threat to him. just like ted does. and jack doesn't know or understand that about himself. that he doesn't harm people who respond to his werewolf self with caution and respect, posing no threat.
elsa puts away the bloodstone, approaches him with open hands, and then when he tackles her, having been attacked and harmed by a dozen people, simply responding out of fear and defense. she holds his gaze, doesn't even try to push him off, and reaches out to touch him, his face, gently.
"once," he said. and maybe that once, whoever it was, understood the same thing that elsa seemed to understand. that as long as you don't move to potentially hurt him? he won't harm you.
and i want jack to know that about himself, about his wolfed-out self. he deserves to know that he's not a mindless, ruthless, merciless monster like he thinks. he's just trying to protect himself.
jack russell you're a sweetheart who can do no wrong, full moon, new moon, waxing and waning.
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