#i just want to clean out my blog and have an actual tagging system
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
been toying w the idea of possibly remaking my tumblr for a while now but shrugs...
#i just want to clean out my blog and have an actual tagging system#but also i dont wanna lose any of my close muts by accident
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do you have any advice for new writers who want to start posting on tumblr?
Oh man, I'm gonna give you a list of things I wish I could've told myself when I first started posting.
Some Basic Tips:
Don't be scared to post! You'll never see growth in your followers, mutuals, and even your writing if you don't post!
Be open to asking others for help or advice if you struggle with writing. I sometimes ask some of my mutuals for help or read fanfiction to see how others write a scene. Then, I take the knowledge and write it in my own way. For example, I do well with writing dialogue but find myself always struggling with how to start the story.
Don't be afraid to post about non-writing things, too! Remember, you deserve to have fun on your account, so post what you want. You aren't a machine. You are a person!
The number of notes you get doesn't determine your worth or skill in writing. In my opinion, Tumblr has shifted a bit, making it harder for smaller writers to get likes, reblogs, or comments on their works.
But at the end of the day, in order to enjoy being a writing blog on Tumblr, you have to enjoy what you are writing and posting. Do not feel like you have to force yourself to write just for the numbers, let it happen naturally. Things will start out slow at first, as all things do, but you'll get to a point where you can barely keep up with things.
Post and Blog Formatting + Style:
Formatting is really important! Break up paragraphs, ask a friend to be a beta reader, and for longer works, go back and proofread if you have the time! It's okay if you have minor mistakes, though. I tend to miss things in my writing, and when I return a week later, I just fix them. No big deal!
Nowadays, aesthetics is HUGE for fanfiction posts and your account. Channel your creativity and style! Make your blog super pretty in your own way! It can be pink and cutesy, black and edgy, simple and clean, or colorful and cluttered! Don't have a blank blog!
PUT YOUR AGE CLEARLY SOMEWHERE! In your bio, pinned post, SOMEWHERE IT IS EASY TO SEE. I have had writing accounts follow me but no age, so I don't feel comfortable engaging with them.
You can take inspiration from other accounts (don't outright copy, though) on how they format their fanfictions. You will probably notice a lot of accounts have headers, dividers, or colored text. You can do that too, as it can catch the readers attention.
I get headers from doujins and mangas I read, websites such as Pinterest are good for cute ones, and Twitter is your go-to for more NSFW headers.
Create a tagging system to make navigating your blog easier, and have a pinned post with links to your rules/byf/masterlist/etc.
Try to put warnings in your writing. A lot of people have filters on to avoid the types of content they don't want to see, but there are the occasional people who don't put warnings in the writing post itself. It could be a simple tag or a list of themes at the beginning of the post.
An example would be a post with the tag #dubcon #tw dubcon OR putting "cw: dubcon" in the post itself before the writing itself.
This is a tag vs. in the actual post
Tagging and Reblogs
Speaking of tags, USE THE TAGGING SYSTEM! If you don't tag your post with popular fanfiction tags, it will be hard for people to find you.
Only the first twenty tags will show up in Tumblr search, including your own blog. Reblogs will not show up in tracked tags or searches.
However, don't feel bad for reblogging your own works again. Do it as many times as you want. You created something and should feel proud of it! I still reblog things from January just because.
Making Mutuals
Don't be afraid to engage with other accounts. That's how you make friends on here! But here's something important:
Be genuine. Make mutuals because you enjoy each other's work, AND both have fun talking with each other! If someone doesn't add you back as a mutual, that is okay; don't feel like they have something against you! Making mutuals shouldn't be your only goal when posting on Tumblr. Otherwise, you might tire yourself out mentally. It took me a while to make mutuals on here, but I'm glad it did it naturally instead of trying to force it.
Asks and Anons
Once you build a following, you will get the most wonderful, loving, and supportive anons in your inbox! Cherish them, respond to them, and have fun with them! Because there is a very high chance, you will also get assholes in your inbox.
I say this from the bottom of my heart but do NOT give hateful people your attention because that is what they thrive on. I still get them, but when I tell you I am at so much peace, I block and delete the messages and carry on.
If a certain message bothers me for a bit, then I just take a little break, talk to some friends about what happened, and do what helps me calm down so I don't act rashly. Don't be afraid to turn off anonymous messages for a while. This is YOUR blog, not theirs.
Don't feel pressured to answer every ask or fulfill every request. Take your time because that can burn you out! I love socializing so much, but sometimes I just pull a blank on how to respond to my asks. I always ensure my mutuals and followers know that I'm not ignoring them and just tend to go blank-brained with some asks, OR I save some of them to look at when I'm sad!
Overall, just start and DO IT FOR YOURSELF.
That's the best advice for when you want to make anything. You just have to start posting and learning and improving as you go on. Hopefully, this will sort of help. I know it's not the best list of advice, but it's just some things I would tell myself back when I first started.
If you have any other questions, I can try my best to answer them!
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dance with the devil - part six
I've decided this will eventually be available on AO3, but I want to get through some major plots points for everyone following along here before I have to spoil them with AO3's tagging system.
Words: 525 | Rating:��E (mostly parts 1 & 2, but also future parts) | CW: dead bodies, Eddie is having a bad time
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || part nine || part ten || part eleven || part twelve
Once the front door of the apartment closes, Eddie spends the first few minutes by himself just staring at it. He isn't sure exactly what he expected when Joyce gave him this assignment, but he's pretty sure what he got isn't even near the list. Having to help cover up a murder definitely isn't on the list. And now that he's done that, Eddie isn't even sure that's what he was supposed to do. The only instructions Joyce gave him before sending him on his way was take care of Steve Harrington. No details, no helpful hint or clues. Nothing but the world's vaguest instruction and a stern warning not to fuck it up.
Eddie's eyes wander to the body still in the middle of the floor and he grimaces slightly. "Guess it's just you and me, buddy," he tells the man as he pulls the fourth angelic miracle of the hour to cover up the murder even further. A pool of ochre colored vomit appears next to the body. Hopefully it's enough to throw off any suspicion of foul play, because it's all Eddie's got left. He's only even had the ability to do things like that for a handful of hours at this point. He probably shouldn't be testing their limit. Or cleaning blood off people with them, but what else was he supposed to do? He can't help a guy that gets slapped with a murder charge five minutes into his assignment.
Sighing and taking one last look around the apartment for anything he missed, Eddie finally lets himself go after Steve. There's a chance it's been long enough for him to have the breakdown he was clearly teetering on the edge of. Or maybe he's actually fine and Eddie's just assisted a psychopath or something. That'll look great on his soul's record. All it takes is a blink for him to find out.
And yeah, maybe he should stop with the magic for now, considering the dangerous wobble to his landing once he let's it guide him back to his charge. And maybe he should have made sure Steve was alone before teleporting to him, because a shrill, frantic female voice is the last thing he needs when his head is already kind of spinning. "Holy shit! Where did you come from?"
Blinking hard to clear his vision, Eddie looks in the direction of the voice. He sees Steve first, looking just as frazzled as he had when he’d stormed out before, but now there’s a girl, too. “You want the long answer or the short answer?” he asks, lips already spreading into a grin to hide his discomfort. “Because short is some guy’s apartment and long is, well, a long story.”
The girl looks at Eddie for a moment longer before glancing at Steve, seeming to have a full conversation with him with just their eyes, before they move back to Eddie again. “Long,” she replies with a smirk of her own. “And it better include how the hell you just popped up in my apartment out of nowhere.”
Grimacing, Eddie takes a deep breath and launches into his story.
Did a quick little Google about why some people might not be showing up, so if you're down below and your tag didn't work, check to see if your blog is searchable in your settings! If it's not, I can't tag you.
If you want added to the list, let me know!
tags: @chaosgremlinmunson @soaringornithopter @hbyrde36 @shares-a-vest @dreamwatch @quevadilla @tboyeddie @penny00dreadful @momotonescreaming @stevesbipanic @dawners @steddiejudas @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @estrellami-1 @vthx @lolawonsstuff @gleek4twd @littlebluejane @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lawrencebshaggoth @sadisticaltarts @queenie-ofthe-void @r0binscript @anaibis @hairdressersdoitwithstyle
#fox writes things#steddie#steddie fic#steve harrington x eddie munson#steve x eddie#steddie brainrot
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I think I'm just about done with my impromptu blog clean-up! I'm still sorting some tagging systems out, but I've got the fandom and personal stuff squared away at the very least, which was where I really wanted a little refresh.
For those who are also organizational enthusiasts, these are a few of the tools and methods I used to make it a little easier to sort through over 25,000 posts accumulated over about 8 years. One major caveat is that most of these have to be used on a PC browser.
Tumblr Tools
Your Tumblr Mass Post Editor This is Tumblr's native mass post editor; the link is on the right-hand sidebar on your blog page (right under settings). It's very limited without any extensions, but you can do some batch actions like deleting a ton of posts or changing tags.
Your Tumblr Blog Archive This looks very similar to the post editor, but you can actually narrow down the posts by tag, which is super helpful. You can access this by going to your blog.tumblr.com/archive (e.g. fereldanwench.tumblr.com) but you must have custom themes enabled to view it (you can find that under your blog settings).
Tumblr Secret URLs Okay, they're not that secret, but they aren't readily accessible anywhere either and you have to manually enter them. There's a list here with the most helpful ones.
External Tools
Tumblr Tag List Generator This web tool will let you generate a list of the tags it can find on your blog. It's not 100% accurate--The "tags to exclude" option never seems to work for me, and it does miss stuff--But I love using this to find posts with random tags or tagged with a typo.
Tag Replacer There are a few different tag-replacing tools out there, but I like this one a lot because it'll let you play with different combinations of tags to delete, replace, or amend. For instance, I wanted to separate my community OC tags from just "other's ocs" and organize them by fandom: with this tool, I was able to search for posts that had both "g: cyberpunk 2077" and "other's ocs" and then I could replace those tags with "g: cyberpunk 2077" and "ocs: cyberpunk 2077" without replacing all the posts that also had "other's ocs."
Xkit Rewritten & New Xkit Browser Extensions These are increasingly less reliable without regular updates, and you can't even get New Xkit on some browsers right now because it's been flagged as a security risk (so obviously, use it with caution). Xkit Rewritten has a mass private tool for posts, and New Xkit adds a tag search in the native mass post editor--It's pretty glitchy and limited, but it helps.
And I'm just gonna drop some deets under the cut about my housekeeping because it's interesting to me:
I made this blog in March 2016; it was my 3rd or 4th account remake since first joining Tumblr in 2010.
(Tangent: 2 of my remakes in 2013 and 2015 were actually because I didn't like having as many followers as I had, lmao. This account has well surpassed those numbers, but Tumblr doesn't have as many active users as it used to, so it doesn't feel as daunting.)
I did not record the exact number of posts I had before I started purging, but it was around 25,000.
It's now down to 16,947!
Most of the stuff I deleted were TV and movie gifsets and non-fandom artwork, but I also purged a lot of fandom posts that no longer sparked joy. I did get a little overwhelmed for some months because there were so many posts and I know I probably removed stuff I would have preferred to keep.
Although seeing some stuff brought on Bad Feels, I also got a huge surge of inspiration diving through my archive, which is great, because that's exactly what I want out of my space.
Cyberpunk OCs absolutely dominated my OC tag--I ended with about 2700 posts for other folks' CP77 OCs. Dragon Age was next with about 800 posts.
One thing I would like to be more conscious of is minimizing reblogging art from "curator" blogs and finding more artists who are actively posting on Tumblr to support. I don't mind the curation blogs as long as they're sourcing the artist, but I'd just rather give love to the folks who are actually here.
My quietest year was 2019, likely due to a combination of a lot of people leaving after the great tiddy purge and getting more into Twitch and by extension Twitter.
April 2019 was my quietest month, which had 3 posts!!!! 3 posts!!! I post like 4x that amount in a day, lmao.
The Outer Worlds coming out at the end of 2019 brought me out of my semi-hiatus.
Not sure exactly what was my most active year/month, but I'd guess either 2022 or 2023. I do vaguely remember going from about 8000 posts in the middle of 2021 to feeling like that practically doubled by 2022. Cyberpunk really got me using this space again (to the point of my own mental and emotional detriment in some cases, but I got better, lmao).
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still working hard on writings and stuff for tumblr! it is so really difficult. really hard work.
i am trying to rewrite updated stuff for pinned post. and change tag system. and whatnot.
i pretty much worked out new tag system! it only took over a year from when i first wanted to do it! *sigh* (<- sarcastic joke about how long it takes me). eventually i will start going through all my blog and changing the tags. at the same time i will delete posts i don't want there anymore AKA "clean up" blog (doesn't really do anything except makes me feel more organised and in control i think). that will take a long time.
also trying to make a Q&A style post that gives lots of basic information about me that i want to share on this blog. i have to do it Q&A style because i can't really write about a topic without a prompt.
so far i am only creating the questions (which is already very hard - have to think of all the possible things i want to share and then phrase it in the right way so i am able to answer it). the answering will come later.
i plan to also link posts that i want people to read to understand me better, maybe all in one big "masterlink" post. and maybe link some posts in the Q&A post to expand on answers 🤔🤷🏻♂️.
and then on top of that i have SO MANY half finished ramblings in my 2 notes apps on phone. that i want to write into full coherent posts. and other ideas and thoughts and memories, floating around in my brain, that i want to write out.
when i manage to write something out, and post it on here, it makes my brain feel less cluttered. and i feel like i can finally achieve getting others to understand me and my brain and my experiences and memories. i always wanted that so badly, and i couldn't communicate well enough to achieve it up until very recent times.
every time i manage to explain something in words on here, i feel so proud and accomplished.
i try so so hard all the time. and regression makes it harder and physical stuff makes it harder and autism just makes everything hard all the time my whole life. it is so nice when i feel a sense of achievement, or feel like i am good at something. that is a rare feeling for me, and i cherish it when it comes.
anyway, it might be more months until i actually get any of it done. but all i can do is just keep trying in small, mostly-manageable amounts. with a whole lot of time and effort, hopefully it will add up! 🤞🏻
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Hey, do you want to learn how to play VHS tapes in the year 202X?

I know this is my art blog, but it has come to my attention that some of you are too young to have experienced the joys of the Video Home System in its prime. Come hither so I can teach you and we can embrace the beauty of physical media together. If you have a thrift store and a TV, this process should work for you.
Step 1: Get a VCR ($4-$15)
The ones you find on sites like eBay and Etsy are insanely overpriced and might not even work. Instead, find a Goodwill, Savers, or independent thrift store near you and go to the electronics section. There’s a good chance they’ll have at least one VCR. If they don’t, try a different shop. You can also check local online marketplaces, yard sales, etc.
Good things to look for:
4 (or more) Heads — Heads are the things that actually read the tape. The more heads you have, the better your picture is going to be.
Auto Tracking — Poor tracking can create a rolling picture, which is a pain to fix. An auto tracking VCR does that work for you.
Pre-2000 — After 2000, electronics started being mass produced with plastic casings and cheap parts. VCRs made after this time are a whole lot easier to break. Ideally, you want something from the late 80s to mid 90s.
Well-known brands — Sony, Toshiba, etc. Japanese manufacturers tend to have the best quality. Early Emersons are nice too.
Generally good condition — If there’s a bullet hole in the case, it’s probably best to pass on. A bit of dust isn’t an issue, but major damage isn’t a good sign. If you can, plug the machine into a power outlet in the store and see if it even turns on.
Head cleaning indicator — Not something you *need*, but I find it nice to have. You’ll want to use a head cleaning tape when the indicator starts flashing.

This is the one I’ll be using for the sake of this guide. This is an old Emerson that I picked up from Goodwill for $7.95. (Notice the five price tags they slapped on top.)
Step 2: Get Some Tapes (¢10-$1)
This is the fun part. Almost every thrift store will have some VHS tapes, usually near the books/DVDs/records. I’ve seen them as expensive as a dollar, but some stores will just give them away for free. I suggest buying a few movies you like, plus one or two shitty tapes to test out your VCR with.

You may also find 20 different copies of Titanic in every store. This is a normal occurance.

Remember to check the condition of any tape you plan on putting in your machine. If the spool looks moldy, you *can* try to clean it, but you’ll need another VCR to do so. If the tape looks wrinkled or otherwise damaged, you can still probably play it, but it will look and sound a lot rougher than you should expect. If the casing is damaged, I wouldn’t risk trying to put it in your VCR at all.
Remember: VHS tapes stopped being produced commercially in 2006. Most tapes you find aren’t going to be in the best shape, because they’re all a few decades old. (Sometimes, though, you will come across a tape with an excellent picture, good sound quality, and subtitles! The Mummy tape that I own is near perfect.)
Step 3: Connecting the VCR to Your TV
For this step, you’re going to want a coaxial cable and a set of RCA cables (the red, yellow, and white ones). If your TV doesn’t have an RCA input, you’ll also need an RCA-to-HDMI converter. If your TV also doesn’t have an HDMI input for whatever reason, you’re shit out of luck.

You’ll plug these cables into the “out” or “out to tv” connection on your VCR, then plug the other end into the back of your TV.
Note: Not all VCRs have right audio (the red one)! That’s fine. Just leave it hanging free. The left audio (white) is your mono audio, so you’ll just have that instead.
Lastly, put the channel switch on the back of your VCR on 3 or 4. I keep mine on 3. This is the number for the channel you’ll go to on your TV to actually see what the VCR is playing.
Step 4: Setting up the TV
I use a little Roku TV, which is surprisingly steady to set up for VCR input:
Settings ➡️ TV Inputs ➡️ Live TV
From here, you’ll either be prompted to scan for channels OR you’ll have to select “scan for antenna channels”. It will ask you if you want to have channels 3 and 4, to which you’ll say “yeah, I do want channels 3 and 4” and click the button that lets you have channels 3 and 4. If you don’t have an antenna, you can skip the other prompts.
I haven’t done this on any other type of TV, but the process should be pretty similar: get yourself to channels 3 and 4 through whatever means necessary.
Once you’re there, it should look like this. Sad, blank, and lonely. But not for long.

Step 5: Playing Your Tapes
This is where things can go really really well or really really wrong. If everything is hooked up, you can grab your shitty tape and insert it into the VCR.
(Make sure there isn’t anything else in there first, though. Some people don’t remove their precious Titanic copies before donating these things.)

You’ll want a tape that’s fairly clean, with no casing damage, and already rewound (black tape in the left window). To insert the tape into a front-loading VCR, slowly and firmly slide it into the slot. Once it’s most of the way in, the machine should “grab” it and pull it all the way inside. You’ll hear the machine make some noises.
(If those noises are really crunchy, that’s probably not a good thing. Troubleshoot with your favorite search engine or head over to r/VHS to see if anyone can help you.)
Once your machine is only making some clunky whirring sounds, it should be safe to press the play button. Enjoy watching your favorite films in the least pleasant format possible. Don’t forget to rewind em when you’re done.

If you have issues, the freaks over at r/VHS tend to be really helpful, but you can also find decade-old YouTube videos that might answer your questions too.
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wow, would you look at that! it's been a full ass year since you fucked me over! september 29th.... yeahh..... XD our fuck-you-versary! hi clifford!
in case you dont remember, the name piko might jog your mind. yeah thats me!! hellwo!! honestly you shouldve known better than to stick with your old username but hey props on you for changing it last minute! almost didnt find you for a second lolll!!
i wanted to drop in and say HEY! HELLO! HI! and give you some status updates :3
update one: i'm getting better!! no thanks to you, of course. and actually i should say we're getting better. yep! thats what happens when you suffer so bad your brain cant take suffering solo! XD
update two: while my mental health has been at an all time low ever since you fucking dropped me like a fucking ROCK, ive been getting over things lately! my clean streaks are now longer than a week! i no longer want to kms! im even making friends again!
update three: while both of the above statements are true, you still live in my mind rent free. i remember when i first stumbled across your blog a few months ago, i had a full on spiral! not anymore, though. i am STEEL, BABY! also you spinning in the mental microwave rent free is why i'm sending you this heartfelt ask!
man.... even when i try, i still find you somehow and its never intentional. like imagine scrolling the tptm tag only to be straight up jumpscared by your ex best friend's username! how embarrassing!
also i'm sorry but i have to say the reason(s) you left are sooo fucking stupid..... what, cus i was weird? come on. everyones a little weird. even a little deviantart weird. oh and because of some stupid opinions that shouldntve even mattered if you were actually a friend? get real, trey. what if i left your ass because you had a fuckin biting kink? that wouldve been funny actually. like making a sad callout post on twitter thats just "my friend left me because i wasnt vanilla enough!" XDDD
oh, and if you ever see your "stalker" again, assuming you're not thinking its me and that its actually your previous qpr or whatever the fuck, say hi! i find it funny as FUCK, since, you know, you were considering cyberstalking me at one point. and tell chaos i said hi too. i'd also mention mayu, but do you two even keep in touch anymore? probably not, considering the weird things she's done.
anyways thats the end of my relay. if you dont want these kinds of asks again, i suggest either turning asks off or just straight up deleting your tumblr and/or making another one that is NOT connected to any username youve used in the past, because in that case i'll just find your ass again lmaooo. remember! every year on this day will be the day i remind you that you are NOT allowed to stay sane X3
sincerely, your most hated, piko. (i hardly use my old blog anymore, so have fun finding my current blog! and do what you want with this ask, make a callout post, scream into the ethers, reply to it, idc.)
this should stay private but idc
i know what i did was wrong piko! i was 12-13.
dont take this as me excusing myself. i had horrible emotional regulation back then, ive healed from everything back there. you dont deserve to be called out because ur like. 14-15.
do not bring mayu or chaos into this,weve all healed and forgot abt you.
i overreacted bc of very worthless things because i was basically obsessed witj you, you were my fp, if you didnt know.
completely forgot you even existed, i havent been checking your profiles at all in months. you shouldnt either, please forget about me. you'll drive yourself crazy.,
if you think im going to "cancel" you, no im not. for your sake, please dont interact with me anymore. i apologize for how i acted over stupid things, but we were both young and idiotic. im also a system, i dont even remember half of the things you did bc of that.
move on. ive moved on, weve all moved on.
dont bother yourself with me, you dont need to.
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Petrichor Chapter 10 Teaser - Full Chapter coming 09/27
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of fwb) Teaser Words: 2,049 Chapter Warnings: Swearing, angst, canon character death, canon drug use, drug use, blood, bruises, injuries, look the anti-fear drug turns perfectly innocent people into raging murderers and makes them do things they would never do and that's all I'm gonna say for that one, canon violence, violence Summary: ❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞ Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now. A/N: My life blew up last week so I've done nothing besides rewatch CSI so here's a teaser lol You can add yourself to the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary and turn on notifications if you prefer that!! I love feedback, I swear it keeps me posting on a weekly basis 😭
Jason, on the other hand, he knows you. He knows you want to meet up to check on him, yes. You’ll always want to check on him after any sort of fight with anyone. It’s what you do. But, he also knows you're going to have questions about him attacking Dick and the other Titans. You tipped him off, sure, but maybe you didn’t think he was going to actually attack them. He knows you're going to question him about it, probably lecture him. He doesn’t want to listen to it. He can’t listen to it. A part of him will want to break if he does and he knows it. He knows he will if he goes there clean. So, he doesn’t. He hits the inhaler and pockets it before heading to the alley.
Jason gets there first, hiding in the shadows until you show up. You're on your bike, completely suited up. You don’t want anyone seeing you with him. Not the real you. Red Hood is pissing off a lot of people and you already have enough shit you're dealing with. The last thing you want is a target painted on your civilian self for being seen with him.
You dismount the bike, popping the helmet on the handlebar as you look around. Jason walks out from the shadows, wearing the suit and the helmet. Of course, he is.
“I’m fine.” Jason states. You don’t like how the helmet makes him sound.
“Yeah, well, had to see for myself.” You let out a breath as you close the rest of the distance between you.
“You don’t have to worry about me anymore.” Jason takes the helmet off and he isn’t smiling or grinning. His expression is flat and your heart starts to sink.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Jay?” You shake your head, Jason getting a hint of annoyance in your voice.
“I mean I’m fine.” He rolls his shoulders, his voice flat.
Your eyes are scanning over him and it's dark but you're pretty sure he doesn't have any bruises. It seems either the helmet and suit did a good job of protecting him tonight or Dick didn't get a hit in. That's at the very least a small relief but Jason Todd has never been fine. You're starting to think he doesn't actually know the definition of the word.
“Right. You have said you’re fine a hundred times and not once have you actually been fine.” You cross your arms over your chest.
Jason's teeth grit for just a split second. “Don’t fucking worry. I told you. I got this handled.” Jason holds the helmet on his hip, his stance strong and sturdy.
He’s different than he was yesterday. He was grinning and smirking because it’s him. Whenever he claims to be fine, he gives you a grin as if that’s going to melt your worry away. But, not tonight and he seems bored and defensive.
“Why are you being so…weird?” You raise a brow at him.
Jason brushes you off, thankful for the drug coursing through his system. He’d never be able to deal with this without it.
“I’m not weird.” Jason defends.
“Yeah, you are. You’re acting weird.” You argue.
You don’t get it and maybe you won’t ever. But, this is him now. He’s not acting weird because this is the new him. Red Hood, fearless. He has no worries or fears anymore, just a mission. Jason swears he’s not acting weird, you're just expecting the old him.
“This is just the new me.” He lets out this sort of chuckle that doesn’t sit well in your stomach.
“Uh-huh. Right. You seemed…kind of normal last time but now you seem…off.” Your eyes scan over his face and your heart is in your throat, the formula running through your mind.
“Just glad to be doing what Bruce couldn’t.” Jason holds his head up high with ease.
“This conversation is going fucking nowhere.” You let out a sigh as you look to the ground.
You came here with the intent to be sure he's fine. It was to get some sort of answer. A real, solid reason not to tell Dick anything. Dick is going to have so many questions when you get back tonight. All of them will be about Jason and what his new plan is now that he's alive. You need a reason to keep what you do know to yourself and Jason is giving you every reason to be worried enough to talk to Dick.
“So, go home.” Jason scoffs but he’s not even offended or upset. It’s like he doesn’t even care.
Your attention snaps back to him. “What the fuck? I’m worried about you and you don’t even care?”
It's not that he doesn’t care. The drug numbs part of that but not entirely. It can’t otherwise they wouldn’t be able to have a plan in the first place. Jason has to be able to care about the city and the people he’s trying to protect otherwise there is no plan. It’s not that he does not care, it’s that he doesn’t care to go through the arguing in circles game while you dig for information.
“What else did you want? I know you want something else.” Jason dodges the question on purpose, knowing he won’t even feel guilty about it.
A lump forms in your throat as he dodges the question. He comes back to life and is, generally, normal but now he’s not? How is that even possible?
“Dick knows you’re alive.” You swallow the lump and if he’s going to pretend like this doesn’t hurt him, fine, you’ll do the same.
“Yeah, broke my other helmet, had a backup though.” Jason looks down to the helmet on his hip and then back to you with ease, the very corners of his mouth twitching into a grin.
“Oh, I’m so glad you have a spare helmet, Jason.” You snark through a scoff. “Unbelievable.” You look down and this is not how you wanted this to go. “Why did you try to shoot him?”
“He was in the way.” Jason answers casually.
The Titans are going to get in the way and Dick is the leader. Without him, the Titans will fall apart. Crane is right about Dick. He thinks he’s better than Jason. He thinks he’s the golden child, and he always was to Bruce. Bruce couldn’t even be bothered to kill the Joker for Jason but he would have for Dick. Dick dropped him from a skyscraper. Dick got him kidnapped and tortured. This all comes back to him and Bruce.
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head and you're sick of the games with him right now. “Are fucking joking!?” You finally yell. This isn’t funny. Dick is his brother, he’s your friend. He could have killed him. What the fuck is wrong with him?
“Nope.” Jason gives you a grin. The drug loves confrontation.
This is not the Jason you once knew.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You glare up at him. “He’s in your way? Well, damn Jason, maybe don’t attack the fucking Titans.” You gesture your hands out as you shrug your shoulders.
Jason’s blood starts to boil as you yell. You swore you weren’t working with them but from where he’s standing, it sure as shit seems like you are. Crane said you would. Crane said you’d start working with them the second you found out what he was doing. Maybe he was right and it’s pissing Jason off. You're supposed to be on his side.
“I thought you weren't fucking working with them.” Jason seethes. You lied. You lied to him. Of course, you're working with them. Maybe Crane was right about you, too.
But you tipped him off.
“I’m fucking not! But I give a shit about them. In case you forgot, Dick saved my life twice. Gar is our best friend. Conner saved your life. Kory fucking tried to save our lives. I know you care about them. Why the hell would you go after them?”
“Dick treats me like shit. I’m fucking no one to him. He thinks he’s so much better than me.” Jason scoffs. “You said Rachel was his lap dog, but look at you now.” Jason laughs cruelly as he closes some of the distance between you. “You're the one screaming at me and defending him.” Jason shakes his head, looking down at you.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he were trying to intimidate you.
Maybe you don’t know better.
“You tried to kill him! He pisses me off sometimes, too but I don’t want him dead! I’m not his damn lap dog, either. I just don’t know what the hell is going on. And you won’t fucking tell me.” You grit your teeth, standing toe-to-toe with him.
“That’s because it’s none of your fucking business, but don’t worry, babe, you’ll see soon enough.” Jason offers this grin that you can’t tell is him taunting you or threatening you. And from here, with him nearly standing on top of you, can see his eyes better.
His pupils are dilated and your heart is suddenly in your throat. On the one hand, making a drug and selling it to innocent people is really bad and you were hoping that was not it. But, on the other hand, a part of you thinks him taking something is worse in a way. The formula screams from the back of your head and Dick's general concern about it, Jason's weird and erratic behavior before he died. Him going after the Joker. He's definitely high and you have no fucking idea how you missed that either or what even lead him here.
“Literally, are you high right now?” You question him, hoping against all odds whatever he's on will make him tell you, like an overconfidence thing. “Because the Jason I know wouldn’t be laughing and trying to kill the Titans. The Jason I know wouldn’t be being such a fucking dick to me right now.”
Jason lets out a laugh, ignoring your question because he's not playing into your hand. “So, go home.” There's a wicked look in his eyes as he looks down at you. And it hurts. “This is me, new and improved.” There's almost something threatening in the way his eyes darken to the deepest shade of evergreen you've ever seen.
“If you think this an improvement, I have news for you. The new you sucks.” You spit back.
It’s like the drug loves confrontation. It’s as if confrontation triggers something. The drug is supposed to suppress fear. That’s the point of it. But it seems to do a few other things. If confrontation starts, it’s like Jason gets an adrenaline boost but not in self-defense, instead, it’s more like skydiving. It’s actually fun, it doesn’t matter who the confrontation is with. It’s fun. Thrilling. Jason doesn’t realize that maybe that was Craen’s plan. He’s a mad scientist. Maybe the drug is meant to suppress his fear but maybe it’s meant to control other parts of him in just the right way to do his bidding. Like using confrontation as another drug. Jason doesn’t see it. He can’t see it because the drug, at the end of the day, is Crane’s creation. Because Crane is the one pulling the strings behind the curtain.
And unfortunately for you, you're kicking up the confrontation.
Jason’s smile falls as he shakes his head. There’s an anger that sparks across his eyes, something you've never directed at you. “Really? Not what you fucking said yesterday. Not what you said earlier today when you tipped me off.”
“You weren’t like this yesterday or earlier.” You argue, holding your ground.
Jason steps forward, making you take steps back until your back hits the alley wall behind you and your heart spikes. Your head isn’t throbbing but a very small part of you, is a little bit scared. This isn’t him. Jason wouldn’t try to kill Dick. Jason does not threaten you. But there's a look in his eyes and if he's willing to kill Dick and attack his friends, what's he willing to do to you?
“Go. Home.” Jason warns.
prev. chapter
series masterlist | masterlist | tag list
Tag list: @fairyofshampoo // @italiana-20 // @jasontoddsmentaldisorders // @purplerose291 // @lovelessamai // @makaelaseresin // @lenidaslenchen // @mayfieldss // @ghostkingblake // @im-done-with-this-im-out // @velvetskies // @lilylovelyxo // @cryinghotmess // @yesimwriting // @vivian-555 // @stainedstardom // @baebeepeach // @legend-o-zelda // @harleycao // @somehow-lovable-trash // @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx // @deyja-the-duck // @jasontoddslover // @captainmarvels-blog // @totallynotkaibiased // @scarlovesyou // @whydoyoucare866 // @littlemeowmeow1000 // @ginger24880 // @septixtrash // @kplatzman
#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#red hood x reader#red hood x you#jason todd fanfic#jason todd fanfiction#titans fanfic#titans fanfiction#dc fanfic#dc fanfiction#petrichor#tw: blood
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introduction !! (finally)
last updated: 8/17/24
hello!! im ace, though i also prefer cass, mercury, mer, accio, AMG2, aceline, or in some cases, ace mcfartpants
✓ | i LOVEE mario, SMG4, kirby, undertale, omori, gacha, drawing, painting, music, crochet, theater, war and countries, clothing design, interior design, digital art, TADC, dougdoug, space, bee and puppycat, and way more you should ask me about!! (if, that wasn't enough already)
✕ | i HATTEEEEEEEEE cheese, weird textures, loud noises, uncomfortable situations, slurs, art block, and cleaning
bigots, sex blogs, pedophiles/zoophiles, racists, sexists, proshippers, anti-lgbtq, ect (the basic dni critera)
also, if you shit on furries, therians, religions, hypersexuality, disabilities, or artstyles, dni please!
art commissions (currently in this case, free)
Yes, you heard that right !! im opening up commissions! i do all art for free in general, probably in this case because i dont need money, but also to have fun and see other peoples designs on ocs/creations. my ask box is open, send me a character and i'll draw it! i have pictures of drawings i do (without reference, currently practicing to not practice) (?) i do have boundaries as listed below--
mild blood
partially suggestive (will discuss more)
full body
partial body
characters and or OC's
interior house art/any interior
digital and traditional
animals/quad legged
very/heavily suggestive (again, will discuss more)
full on gore
pedophilia or zoophilia
body bases (tracing reasons)
any general thing that a normal artist wouldnt accept in a sfw style.
talking about suggestive art, i allow requests as such:
MILD touching. (as, hand resting on thigh, head, cheek, waist, ect)
other sfw, yet still suggestive things, keeping it at a minimum. though i understand what suggestive means, i want to keep it safe for viewers.
for nsfw in general, heavily suggestive--
i cannot draw whatever kinky shit ya got in your head. yes, i want to make people happy-- but i dont want to flat out make myself uncomfortable.
i will not allow:
nude/exposing bodies
pornographic material in general implied
actual intercourse
heavy text (cursing, mumbling sexual noises, ect)
please respect this, and have fun requesting! go all out and dm/send an ask, i wont guarantee to respond right away, but i will try to keep responses consistent! i do add watermarks still :) (no stealing.. grrrrrrrrr)
tags i use:
#ace rambles - me rambling about something
#acesaves - things i wanna save for future!! :D
#smg4 rambling - i think this should explain itself if you've seen my profile
#just needed to get out of system - angry venting
#ace needs to shit - weird shitting jokes i make because poop funny
#aces commissions - drawing commissions i made
#gamer ace !! - a game im playing/referencing
#ace and funni friends - my silly friends (mostly irls)
#acemisc - miscellaneous stuff that shouldnt belong in this world
#aceship - selfshipping (drawing wise)
#aces public dairy diary - not always vents, but stuff on my mind
#heavy vents - crazy stuff happening in my life
#cool sketches - cool sketches out of my handy dandy wandy notebook
nicknames/names for peeps i know:
@moonysfavoritetoast - evan/cosmo (he/they, they/them)
@meerealsssss - mee (she/her)
@the-rizzly-bear - will (he/him)
@homoashell - starr (she/her)
@37x3 sparky (they/he)
riss - my kewl sister (she/her)
artheno - kewl sisters boyfriend who i hate (not really, hes cool) (he/they)
father - my science teacher!! who!! adopted me!! (he/him)
father 2 - actual father and uh hes bad father.. (he/him)
mother - actual mother who is kewl and i love (she/her)
layz - kewl gay friend (they/them)
wife pt 2 - me, evans, and mee's wife (she/they)
seven - oc (she/him)
waterwelon - fursona (he/it/fae)
if you want your tag added or removed, please dm me <3
also please be my mootOKAY THATS ENOUGJ OF MY INTRO.'
#aces intro#cass's intro#smg4#intro#introduction#silly willies#uh sorry this took so long lmao i kept procrastinating and im too lazy to write a whole ass intro explaining myself when you can just look#on uh my profile and immediately expect straightfoward chaos from me#the end!!#save
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This is an indie multi muse rp blog for muses from the Legend of Zelda, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, Final Fantasy, F.ire Emblem, and guest starring a few OC's penned by Serenade or Sera. OC friendly, crossover friendly, but slow replies ahoy.
Current Counts
Drafts:40 Starters owed: 0
Last updated 2/18
Affiliated with: @agloryofuniicorns / @justicepuppet / @personaiiiisms
Followed for a specific muse and don't want to see the others? Totally understandable! My tagging system for muses is muse: '[c.haracter name]' so just add that to your filter list and the posts should be filtered to keep your dash clean!
fandoms are tagged as fandom: [n.ame of f.andom]. Dots included. This is to keep things out of the main tags
my art is tagged as doodle book [m.use name] other art reblogged is tagged as portraits: [m.use name]
the little lady that appears in the promo image is Starlette Teaflower, a fun little oc of mine.
Mobile Friendly Muse List + Rules under the cut || Shipping Guidelines / Bias List.
001. I am mutuals only, but I’m not super picky over who I follow. I don’t usually follow first, but I am trying to follow more people. If I follow you, assume I wish to write with you in some capacity. I do not send in passwords. It gives me anxiety. Thank you for understanding. 002 .I will only write with people who are 18+. I do not want minors interacting with my posts or with me at all. I was a teacher for 5+ years and I am uninterested in curating my private space for minors the way I had to curate my professional space. I will hard block you if you’re a minor 003. Treat me the same way you’d want to be treated. Do not push for a ship, do not push for me to reply, do not god mode, etc etc. I feel I really don’t have to spell most of this out because this should all be basic RP etiquette already.
I don’t really care if you reblog memes or images from me. I will sometimes post my own personal art. If you like it or it is relevant to your blog, you are free to reblog it.
If I reblog something from you like a meme or something and you find you want me to reblog from source instead let me know. I try to do that but I’m mobile a lot and sometimes I honestly just forget
004. I write at work most of the time and am not on tumblr on my days off. This can mean there are days where I am not writing depending on how busy work is. I have a thread tracker to check if I have replied to something and it’s usually* up to date
*sometimes it is not and if it is not please feel free to dm me and ask.
005. Please leave fandom drama at the door!
Some of the fandoms I write in are notorious for having… contentious views over specific characters, and I do not wish to partake in this. I like my muses, I like writing them, and I will continue to write them. Additionally, I will be writing darker topics (they all will be tagged and under readmores).
If you feel the need to police me for my muses or for the content that I write, I will block you. 006. With the exception of a few, most muses are written as being over 18. This includes muses who may not be canonically that age but will be with time. All interactions with them being over 18 are set after their canon events. If this bothers you, do not follow me. 007. While I feel I’m not slow, I tend to have a lot of interactions, and I will always prioritize my friends over others. This does not mean I do not want to write with you, but you will likely see some partners receiving replies daily while you receive a reply once every few weeks. This is another case of ‘if this bothers you, do not follow me’.
On this note, I also only would like to follow blogs I am actively writing with. If we do not have a meaningful thread after 2-3 months, I will unfollow. 008. I adore shipping and will be posting a shipping call on my actual blog that will detail my guidelines in more detail. But, to suffice - unless a muse is private (or under the age of 18), consider them shippable! All muses can assume to be bisexual. Please leave any ship drama at the door too. I will ship what I want to ship and write what I want to write and tag it as necessary to give people a chance to filter like I do with everything else on this blog. If that’s a deal breaker then please do not follow me.
009. I am not afraid to defend myself if some garbage pops up. I don't believe in being nice and polite anymore for the sake of optics and "not bringing drama to the dash" anymore. I consider myself friendly, but I will not be a doormat for people who only wish to assume the worst of me.
010. If you soft block me and I find out no hard feelings, but also, I'm just going to hard block you. I will assume you no longer wish to interact with me and will follow suit. This is to cut down on the potential of me accidentally refollowing after you've quietly expressed you don't wish to interact anymore.
011. I am of the mindset that most things can be solved with a dm. I actually think tumblr's mindset of you can never be confrontational is actively harmful and has created an environment where everyone is too afraid to speak their mind or speak up when they have an issue with someone. in fear of being viewed as "toxic" or "drama mongering". Please know that if you have an issue with me and wish to discuss it in DM's I will at the very least hear you out and listen to your side.
012. Do not interact if your blog is solely used for the purpose of writing smut and producing thinly veiled fetish content. I have NEVER had a good experience with those types of blogs and have no interest in writing with them. I am fine with smut / nsfw content as long as that's not all your blog is for. I will unfollow if you do not either put your nsfw content under a read more or give me an easy way to filter it with tags. I will hard block if you engage in any of the following kinks: feederism, inflation, or weight gain. I'm not interested in kink shaming but those specific kinks make me grossily uncomfortable
013. While I have no hard time limit on when threads are responded to, if you're consistently dropping threads and leaving starters unacknowledged even if you requested them. I'm going to block you. I want to get invested in writing with my partners and I can wait for a long time for threads to be replied to. I also find it kind of rude when people do this, so I'm just not gonna put up with it anymore. 014. I am fundamentally anti-a.i. While I won't throw a hissy fit if you use a.i icons or whatever, but if you're one of those people that respects a.i art generation as a medium this is not the place for you. Also.
Muse list below:
F.inal F.antasy -E.stinien - F.F14 -R.yne - F.F14 -H.ien - F.F14 -Mina Oronir - FF14 W.o.L OC. -I.sabella ( the Dame) - FF16 - M.id - F.F16 -S.leipnir - F.F16 -C.id - F.F16 - D.ion - F.F16 - I.gnis - F.F15 - P.rompto - F.F15 -G.entiana - F.F15 - A.ranea - F.F15 F.ire E.mblem - D.orothea - F.E3H - F.elix - F.E3H - M.arianne - F.E3H -B.ernadetta - F.E3h -S.ylvain - F.E3H -M!B.yleth - canon divergent / au based - associated with @agloryofuniicorns -J.eralt - F.E3H -F.layn - F.E3H - R.hea - F.E3H - I.vy - F.E E.ngage - H.ortensia - FE Engage - V.eyle - F.E E.ngage -C.eline - F.E E.ngage -M!Alear - F.E E.ngage
H.arvest M.oon P.opuri - H.arvest Moon 64/ FomT K.aren - H.arvest Moon 64/ FomT E.lli - H.arvest Moon 64/ FomT M.ary - H.arvest Moon 64/ FomT S.kye - H.arvest Moon DS Cute H.arvest K.ing - H.arvest M.oon A.nimal P.arade W.izard - H.arvest M.oon A.nimal P.arade C.andace - H.arvest M.oon A.nimal P.arade
K.ingdom H.earts - A.qua - B.BS / K.H3
L.egend of Z.elda H.ylia - L.ore D.in - L.ore N.ayru - L.ore F.arore - L.ore S.ky Z.elda - S.kyward S.word Ghirahim - S.kyward S.word F.i - S.kyward S.word S.heik - canon divergent- about / verses M.ikau - M.ajora's M.ask Lulu - M.ajora's M.ask D.eku P.rincess M.idna - T.wilight P.rincess T.etra - W.ind W.aker M.ipha - B.reath of the W.ild R.iju - B.reath of the W.ild P.okemon L.illie - S.un and M.oon Gladion - S.un and M.oon Lusamine - S.un and M.oon R.ika - S.carlet and V.iolet L.arry - S.carlet and V.iolet R.aishan - S.word and S.hield S.teven S.tone - O.RAS
R.une F.actory M.ist - R.F1 / R.FF S.haron - R.F1 B.ianca - R.F1 / R.FF I.ris N.oire - R.FF I.ris B.lanche - R.FF M.icah - R.F3 P.ia - R.F3 - Available F.rey - R.F4 V.ishnal - R.F4 D.olce - R.F4 L.eon - R.F4 L.ucas - R.F5 M.urakamo - R.F5 M.isasagi - R.F5 Tales of E.dna - Z.estirea R.okurou - B.erseria L.aphicet - B.erseria D.ohalim - A.rise R.inwell - A.rise C.olette - S.ymphonia Zellos - S.ymphonia Yuan - S.ymphonia Persona J.oker - P.5 Y.usuke K.itagawa Futaba Sakura Tae Takemi Kawakami Sae Nijima Ann Takamaki Otome Games Arsene Lupin - Code Realize Victor Frankenstein - Code Realize Sagihara Saikyo - Ken ga Kimi Suzukake - Ken Ga Kimi Heisuke Todou - Hakuoki Okita Souji - Hakuoki Hachirou Iba - Hakuoki Aiji Yanagi - Collar x Malice Adolphe - Virche Evermore
Other Media C.astiel - Supernatural
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Introductory Post
Name: Alexander
Nicknames: Todd, Grim, Five.
Age: 27. Gender: FtM (He/him, It)
Posts (mainly reblogs) about:
Zombies Run, Z Nation, The Walking Dead, Percy Jackson, X Men, Devil Survivor 2, Rina Sawayama. Multifandom, expect random posts.
Interactions: Interacting with me is okay! I love chatting with people who share common interests with me. My DMs and Askbox are always open, please reach out!
Bio: I am an artist, mainly focusing on traditional sketching with digital coloring. Drawing doesn't come easy to me, it's very draining and a big effort for me to actually finish a good piece. I have a love-hate relationship with art for that same reason, but I'm always proud to see the end result, even if it's not my best work. Because of this difficulty, I don't offer commissions (although if you REALLY want my art, we can talk).
I do, however, like being given ideas for sketches, especially related to the fandoms I'm in, and especially about lesser-known characters. So feel free to drop sketch suggestions in my askbox. (Just be aware that it might take me a while to get to them).
Lastly, this blog is a space for us to unwind and forget about the mess outside for a bit. I don't like getting involved in politics, but if you have a post that you would like me to boost, I will create a separate blog for it. I will periodically clean up this blog from unrelated content, as well.
To make my stance clear, however, I believe humans are humans, and everyone should have rights and easy access to basic necessities. I also don't believe we should regulate other people's bodies.
Still working on a tagging system. For now, original posts and art will be tagged #grimthedog .
Have fun, and be nice!
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Happy New Year! Updates and housekeeping
Everyone who is still here, thank you for your support through the radio silence as this blog has been going through all the difficulty we've all come to expect from the 2020s.
I am still the only active mod. I didn't actually realize how long it had been since anyone else posted -- two years now. I have finally lost contact with Mods Silver and Whisper and their system. Don't worry, I know they're okay, and I'm glad they've gotten comfortable living openly and authentically as a system and are doing what makes them happy.
The main blog they used to create this blog has been abandoned for two years, and even back then it was clear that they were abandoning it permanently. So even though their account is still an admin on this blog, they don't actually have access to it anymore. At some point they deleted the discord server. I'm not sure when that was.
Besides them, there are still three other admins on this blog. I'm pretty sure none of them are ever going to post here again.
So, I'm doing something I didn't want to do, because I kept hoping that I wasn't really the last one left here. I'm going to consider myself as the primary owner of this blog from here on out and do a reboot. If former admins (especially Silver) come back and get upset at me for this, I'm truly sorry. I just can't bear to see this blog gasp and die like this anymore.
What this reboot entails
Immediately after posting this, I'm going to start fiddling with the blog layout. I'm not as good with tumblr themes as the one who set the blog up, and I don't want to break anything, so I'm probably not going to mess with it much. But I'm going to clean out all the old outdated information. I might also delete a nav page or two that don't make sense to have anymore.
I'm going to clean out the askbox and trigger-tag list. I hate to do it, but it's time to start fresh. If you have a request that hasn't been done and you still want it, send it in again. If you have a trigger you still need tagged, send it in again. (The old trigger-tag list was stored on the discord, so I don't have access to it anymore anyway.)
I'm going to rewrite the rules, FAQ, and pinned post. There's a good chance I won't change them much, but I just want to make sure they're accurate to the limitations and boundaries that exist now, and that's gonna be different from when the blog was created.
And, most importantly, I'm going to take on some new mods. I'll have to figure out a way for us to communicate besides a discord server (I'm over the 100-server limit and I don't have money for Nitro anymore) but this was never a blog I could effectively manage completely on my own. I want to have a team again, so everyone can have their requests done in days instead of months.
Thank you all again for your support. I'm glad that, despite everything, this blog is still here.
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New Pinned Post!
Hi! I'm Robin, I really don't like how my blog is currently. It's disorganized and I kind of want to make a whole new blog entirely. But, Instead of doing that, I'm going to look into changing things up a bit.
So, I'm going to give a tagging system a try- this might not work out how I like, but we'll see!
#Robin Rambles - General talking
#Robin Fixates - fandom posts specifically. I couldn't think of a word that started with R
#Robin Writes - I don't post my writing on here often but I'm hoping to post more of it! (Also hoping to write more lol) I'll also use this tag for ideas and prompts. Anything to do with writing at all
I will likely not change anything about my current blog, instead I'm just going to start using these tags and putting some order into this blog.
Lets talk about Me
My name is Robin!
I'm genderfluid! I use all pronouns!
I absolutely love getting attention! Feel free to send me a message or an ask! (I also have nasty social anxiety, and might be awkward when responding)
My laptop's name is Todd, my desk chair is named Task.
I hit my funny bone on Task three separate time while writing this :(
My favorite color is purple, all purples tbh. Although I don't really like the purple option for coloring my words.
Once someone told me they thought I was Canadian because my blog is blue. I hadn't even planned on my blog being Blue, that happened on accident, but i'm leaning into it :D
I'm actually southern. YeeHaw ig
At the time of writing this I am following 1467 seperate blogs. This is why I don't interact with mutuals often (sorry) I really need to do something about that number, but instead I am following more people (I have an insane amount of respect for gimmick and rp blogs)
I don't know how any of this works- Ideeply apologize if I make a fool out of myself. I am no jester, I am part of no court. I don't even get paid, I'm silly for free.
I do occasionally think i'm funny. I'm usually not. I apologize.
I really like talking about myself (and talking in general) as you can tell. I'm gonna shut up now lol
This is where I’ll tag my other blogs, currently none are active (I need to clean out my blogs- gotta delete a few)
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11, 12, and 16 for the violence asks!! I need to know
11. number of fandom-related words you’ve filtered
actually all 36 terms i have filtered are fandom-related lmao. honestly i use the filtering system as a way to clean up my dash. i sometimes filter a tag if someone i follow gets into a new thing that i’m ambivalent about or unfamiliar with. it means i can keep following them without seeing stuff i’m just not all that interested in yet but also (and especially) to avoid having something spoiled for me if i want to check it out in future! it also means that i can click the “show” button if i’m in the mood for something specific or want to learn more about it — go to their blog and just look for anything filtered :) this is literally the only way i know of to search a tumblr account for specific shit because the actual search function is Actually Useless Shit
16. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
man there’s so many picks here but i’d have to say annalise. she’s not unpopular as in actively disliked afaik, just more generally overlooked. i need to post more about her but like — she’s such a key piece of bloodborne’s themes around gender and motherhood and its a goddamn shame it doesn’t get talked about more!!! she feels like a foil to miss doll in many ways (editor’s note: i Went Off on this but it needs to be its own post, so rest assured i will elaborate lol). she’s such a goddamn tragic character. in so many ways it feels that she retreated into the role of the queen to cope with the loss of her people: there’s nothing left of her home besides that. she calls herself “we”, not “i”. she is the queen of cainhurst before she is a human being and it feels like a very visceral reaction to the bigotry of the church. she is trapped in the throne room in a nightgown — evidenced the fact that her portraits show her wearing period-typical gowns, and the attire she wears looks like historical sleepwear. it makes me fucking insane. she was wearing her nightgown when the executioners attacked. despite seeing everyone she ever knew and loved be butchered before her eyes, despite being reviled as a corrupted subhuman monstrosity, despite being imprisoned in complete solitude for god only knows how long, she still fucking demands your respect and i love her for it. she is canonically some flavor of queer on account of the fact she rejects your marriage proposal in an identical way regardless of gender. i am able to fulfill my fantasy of a beautiful vampire woman bossing me around thru her questline. what is not to fucking like!!!!
17. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
hands down probably the defanging of the women characters: chiefly maria, miss doll, and adella/arianna. like, i know WHY it happens (misogyny) but it’s still baffling to me. why are you making them waifus. follow up question is your taste honest to god just that boring, and if so get better soon. they’re so much cooler than that. shut the fuck up. maria is such a complex character and if i see another clown reducing her to some soft maternal wifey because… what, she was compassionate to the research hall patients and felt bad about doing uhhh *checks notes* A Whole Ass Genocide???? i will staple myself to the ceiling. like some folks will do the most absurd mental gymnastics to call a woman in any media maternal for the most basic things 😭. in a similar vein are the people who shit themselves to death trying to claim that she TOTALLY COULD HAVE BEEN a femmey little uwu housewife even though she has a canonical and marked preference for masc presentation, and actually a woman conforming to victorian gender roles and being attracted to men is an EPIC FEMINIST WIN, actually. usually this comes from cis and/or hets who are convinced they are personally oppressed because like 3 queers on tumblr said maria is a butch lesbian. having said that there are so many amazing artists and theorycrafters that when i was trying to link specific posts/art the list was actually a million years long. some people are annoying but MORE people are so cool and thoughtful and creative!!!!! shoutout to nishihii saintadeline butchjolyne and pretty much all the lgbtqs in the mariadeline tag, all of your work is like oxygen to me 💕 yall are amazing :)
it’s the same with miss doll. either their complexity is painted over by making her the butt of those insufferable sex doll jokes or they’re made out to be this pure innocent mommy/housewife. usually this is hand in hand with just blatantly ignoring the misogyny inherent to the dynamic between her, maria, and gerhman and i just have to wonder how anyone manages to so spectacularly miss the point. i wrote a forty page paper on this. needless to say it makes me insane. i’m also a big fan of YOUR theories on the matter for a different yet equally neat perspective :) also i think marble did a post on it but i cannot for my LIFE find it
also i cannot stress enough how lame it is that adella gets reduced to a flat stereotype. they took a violently traumatized woman who was groomed into loathing herself by the catholic blood cult and who desperately clings onto the hunter for showing her justo the most basic decency of not Leaving Her To Die and decided instead of any of that it would be way cooler to water her down into a “yandere”. same can be said for arianna. like istg if they were men ther would be ESSAYS. but then again if they were men their themes would literally not even be half as cool AND they couldn’t be lesbians so i am writing the essays myself. tl;dr i am absolutely OBSESSED with both @/jurasicass and @/undefeatablesin’s portrayals of both these ladies. finally some good fucking adella/hunter/arianna dynamics‼️‼️‼️
#ask#bornetoblood#lady maria#queen annalise#adella the nun#miss doll#arianna lady of pleasure#i forget my tag for her.#bloodborne#these asks r geared towards the inner little hater but i must be a lover in equal measure. there r so many cool people here#that i couldnt make a complete list if i TRIED#to be clear i think the adella yandere jokes r funny but its obnoxious when thats ALL she is to some ppl ykwim
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Unfortunately, I am sick this weekend (well, I have been all week) but I wanted to share some good news! I'm currently working on a tag system and will hopefully getting around to filling information on my pinned post, on top of cleaning up this blog. I had originally made it for just collecting Wanda gif sets but now I've officially become a fanfic writer on Tumblr.
Another announcement I wanted to make is that a I have Wanda x Maggie x Satoru in the works. All I can say is that it does take place a little after episode two of Wandavision and does revolve around themes of pregnancy and parenting. Definitely some feels involved with Maggie and Wanda and a whole lot of pampering and fluff between the ladies with Satoru coming in a little later.
I've already got the titles work out, now it's the actually writing part that needs to get done. I can't wait to share it with you guys!
#wanda maximoff x reader#wanda maximoff fanfiction#wanda maximoff#wanda x reader#mcu x reader#✎ .˳⁺⁎˚ announcements ➮ filing the paperwork and reorganizing.
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And hey, new users, I know when you go to customize your blog, there's a whole bunch of custom themes that cost money? No need to pay! Those themes are pretty mid anyway.
Blog themes have been an art form on tumblr for YEARS. Most theme-makers will make them for free (and sometimes accept paid commissions for specialized themes too, but there's so many gorgeous themes that are 100% free and made out of love)
Here's a few of my old favorites I go back to time and again.
I recommend following the link or clicking through to their proper blog pages because they all have navigation that includes theme tags, rules for use, and instructions for how to get these lovely themes on your blog and tailor the colors and images for your heart's desires!
EvilQueenedThemes (@evilqueenedthemes) - Old school style themes. They haven't updated since back in 2017, but their themes are neat and easy to navigate. A style that's actually coming back into fashion online. If you know CSS their themes are also pretty easy to tweak if you want something a few pixels to the left or want to add or subtract elements. Just make sure to keep the credit because they worked hard on these themes. Their themes are good for blogs that need some basic navigation and are meant to be read (like writing blogs, comic blogs, research blogs, etc.)
Yukoki / Xuethms (@yukoki / @xuethms ) - A good variety from no-frills to all out party! They're older themes are on yukoki (click "view archive" on the moved blogs popup) and the newer ones on xuethms. Their themes are easy to use and tend to have a good blend of dynamic and stationary elements. One thing I love about their themes is just how customizable colors are! They build in a lot more color and image customization than most themes do. You can always edit colors in the CSS, but it's nice to not have to go into the code to do so. Though, honestly, a lot of their default theme color pallets are already so gorgeous. 10/10! Excellent choice if you have a specialized topic blog that you want to look schnazzy and fit with your content theme.
ShuDesigns (@shudesigns) - The first place I go when I need a theme! Easy to use both from the blogger and follower side! Their themes are clean, neat, stylish, and have a good variety of layouts. I can't recommend their themes enough! Hanging out in a blog with one of their themes is just a pleasant experience.
octomoosey (@octomoosey) - If you like style, if you like to be extra, if you like to go ALL OUT, then octomoosey is THE theme-maker for you. They're like a CSS god. You ain't seen the breadth of what a tumblr theme can be 'til you've seen an octomoosey theme. I don't have the words to describe how wild some of their themes are. Seriously, just take a look through their theme archive. Excellent choice if you want something cool and wild with that wow factor. Best for blogs with short form content, since most of their themes have relatively smaller containers for the posts.
These are just some of my favorite theme-makers here on tumblr. There's also plenty PLENTY more! If you search "theme hunter" or you can go to the actually blog Theme-Hunter (@theme-hunter), click on/hover over "More" on the navigation bar, and they have a whole system of tags to find just the right theme for you! They also have a lot of good resources if you're interested in learning theme-coding yourself, or just want some tips on tweaking pre-made themes.
Now go forth, my little ducklings! THEME yourselves!
(edit: with some old themes you may have to go into the css, search for "http" and replace all the "http" with "https" due to changes on tumblr a couple years back - it's a quick and easy fix, just something to be aware of if you use theme codes from before that change)
i think we should have a custom blog theme renaissance
#i live and breathe for custom themes#yes i like a clean minimalist look for my main blog here#but i go absolutely ham on some of my other blogs#and it brings me so much joy to see other people's custom themes#really sad that the theme-maker for my current theme is no longer around#their blog is gone#which makes me sad because they were another favorite
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