#i just wanna yell ‘you made it through kid it doesn’t stay dark forever’ but i don’t fully believe that right now
misssophiespice · 5 months
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
You’re a Sunflower (Part 2)
A/N : as some of you requested a second part here is it. I tried to incorporate all of the ideas you sent. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think.
Part 1
Pairing : Peter Parker x Reader
Summary : you finally come out of coma.
Warnings : none 
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Peter’s phone rang the caller id flashing with Mr Stark’s name as he receives the call
“Hey Mr. Stark”
“Hey kid, where are you?” his voice sounded a little wary.
“Uh I’m at a college party. Is everything alright?” Peter frowns.
“Uh Peter you might want to be here at the compound right now”
“Anything wrong?”
“It’s Y/N” Peter felt his heart clench at it as an unknown fear gripped him.
“Y/N? What happened to her?” he asks restlessly.
“Things don't seem pretty good you should come as early as possible” Peter ends the call immediately without wasting time he rushed out of the party. Reaching the compound he runs out of the elevator to go to your room.
“Y/N! Y/N!” he pants as he finds your room empty.
“Peter..” Tony places a hand on his shoulder.
“Mr Stark where’s Y/N?” he turns to him with tears in his eyes.
“She has been shifted to the emergency room, her vitals were fluctuating massively. We have called in the best team of doctors and Strange is personally supervising everything. All will be fine kid” Tony tries his best to calm him down just then Strange and Banner walk out of the emergency room.
“What is her condition now Strange?” Tony asks.
“Nothing satisfactory. The toxin levels in her brain are just increasing by time we are trying to lower it but she isn’t responding to any of the drugs. If it deteriorates further I’m sorry to say but she might suffer a multi organ failure” Strange informs sadly.
“Mr Stark what if you give my blood to her? The spider venom in it will quickly heal her” Peter sounded desperate as he proposes the idea to them.
“Peter, are you forgetting that your father genetically modified the venom which is only compatible with his bloodline. Your blood will just worsen her condition” Tony says disapprovingly.
“I know but you’re the genius Tony Stark. Can’t you and Bruce think of a way to reverse engineer it and make her DNA compatible with my blood?” 
“It's impossible Peter it will take days, we even don’t know if it will even work or not and Y/N is running out of time” Banner points out.
“No, no there’s got to be some other way” he rambles pacing up and down the room.
“Peter, listen, you need to calm down” Tony advises.
“How can I calm down when the love of my life, my best friend is dying in front of my eyes and I’m sitting here helpless?!” Peter snaps out at him before dropping down on a nearby chair feeling awful at yelling at his father figure like mentor. He was completely broken from inside seeing you in your deathbed. He has lost his parents, his uncle, he doesn’t want to lose you too.
“Peter, we can understand what you’re going through everyone here loves Y/N  dearly but you have to stay strong” Natasha sat beside him rubbing his shoulders gently to help him calm down.
“Her pulse is declining” one of the doctors announced
“Charge the defibrillators now” Strange orders as he rushes inside.
“Y/N!” Peter stands up immediately 
“No, Peter you can’t go inside” everybody stops him.
“You don’t understand Y/N is dying she needs me” Peter sobbed.
“No one is dying today, get yourself together Queens” Steve orders him strictly.
Peter saw through the glass partition from outside the emergency room, your face covered with an oxygen mask and several wires connecting your body to different machines in the room, the team of doctors surrounding you trying their best in keeping you alive. One of them charged the defibrillator and placed the paddles on your chest. Your body jolted at the shock as everyone observed the monitor with anticipation but unfortunately your heart rate was continuously decreasing. They repeated the process but it seemed to be a futile attempt.
The beeping went slower and the HRM flat lined as Peter stared at it blankly.
Is this how your story ends? No heartfelt conversations, no last goodbyes just you drifting away from him in your sleep forever. The promise you made to each other of growing old together now lay broken. He hates to make this about himself but what is he supposed to do without you? When life gets hard who is he gonna pour his heart out to? Who’s going to cheer him up and make him believe in himself? Will he never get the chance to say how much he loves you? That you’re his ray of sunshine, his sunflower. You lighten up his life with your warmth and love and without you it’s all dark and cold. Tears trickled down his eyes as he watched the doctors give cpr to your limp body.
“Okay one more time” they charged the device and pressed it on your chest. Your body jolted all eyes inside and outside the room trained on the monitor hoping for some miracle to happen and after some nerve racking seconds later the machine started to beep again with kinks appearing in the monitor showing your heart was beating again. Everyone heaved a sigh of relief and rejoiced at it.
Strange and Banner walk out of the room to break the news that you were finally responding to the medicines and the toxin levels have decreased in your body. They also indicated that there may be a slight chance of you to wake up from your coma. Peter refused to go back home and stayed up all night by your side. He had decided to never let you out of his sight anymore.
Next morning Peter was dozing off beside you half asleep whilst you lay on the bed motionless, the sunlight peeking through the blinders of the window when suddenly you mumbled in your sleep.
“Peter…Peter..” Peter immediately jolted out of his sleep, his eyes wide in surprise and disbelief he thought he may be hearing things due to lack of sleep and then he watched you stir in your sleep there was a surge of emotions inside him as he jumped off his seat.
“Y/N?” lacing his hand to yours he shouted out “Mr Stark! Y/N is awake!”  
“Peter..” you mumbled again 
“Y/N I’m right here” his voice quivered, holding your hand tighter as tears filled his eyes. You squint your eyes open your pupils slowly adjusting to the lighting of the room and the first thing you saw was Peter’s warm honey brown eyes red and puffy tears streaming down the corners.
“Hey” he sniffles, smiling weakly. You tried to sit up with a groan.
“No, no don’t get up you’re weak” Peter makes you lie down again, your eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.
“Where am I?” you ask in a raspy voice.
“You’re in the Avengers med facility” he informs wiping his tears with his hands.
“Why? What happened?” you frown as you hold your head a dull ache still persisting. “Why can’t I remember anything? The last thing I recall is you defeated eletro and-and then Harry threw me off the building, I-I was so scared” you rambled. He pulled you in his arms caressing the back of your head gently.
“I know, I know but everything is okay now, you’re safe” he murmured softly, you pulled away to look at him properly. 
“Did you get him?” Peter takes a long sigh before breaking the news to you.
“No Y/N and it has been 3 months to that incident” his voice was calm as your eyes bulged out in shock.
“Wait 3 months! But why don’t I remember anything after that?” you were totally lost.
“Y/N you had been in a coma for the last three months” he informs you.
“What?” you looked at him in disbelief 
“Yes Y/N I couldn’t save you on time and you were badly injured, the doctors were also unsure that if you were ever gonna recover but finally you are awake now”
“Oh my god..wait, where’s mom and dad? Are they ok? And aunt May?” you badgered him with questions.
“Everyone is fine Y/N and they will soon be here to meet you” he assures you meanwhile Tony came rushing in.
“Peter we heard you..” he stopped as soon as his eyes went to you “oh my god Y/N you’re finally awake” he exclaims in joy as the other avengers walk in the room they were equally happy and relieved that you have finally recovered.
“Welcome back to the land of the awakened” Natasha snickers giving you a warm hug as you smiled widely “Girl you really scared us last night”
Everyone asked you about how you’re feeling to which you had to reassure them several times that you feel fine. Your parents came to visit you along with aunt May; it was indeed an emotional moment for everyone. 
Later when everybody had finally left you alone in your room to rest Peter came in with a bouquet of sunflowers in hand. Your face instantly lit up seeing him. You never got the chance to talk to him properly between your parents and friends dropping by to pay you a visit and ask about your wellbeing so you were dying to have some alone time with him. 
“Aw you brought me sunflowers?” you chimed and he gave you a warm smile.
“Of course they’re your favourite after all, I actually brought them everyday for you so whenever you wake up you see the thing that makes you happiest” he says putting them inside the vase and then sits beside you.
“Then I have to say it's you who makes me the happiest” you reach out your hand to cup his face he holds it with his hand and softly kisses it.
Tony along with the other avengers were on their way to check up on you but they stopped at the doorway seeing you both.
“Aww they look so cute together again” Natasha gushed while Tony and Steve broke into a smile.
“I’m so happy to see the kid smiling again these past three months had been hell for him” Tony looks at Peter proudly.
“Let’s not disturb them right now and ruin the moment for them” Steve suggested.
“Yeah let them be, they deserve some alone time” Natasha and Tony agreed and went away. 
“Ok I know the college applications are closed now but I’m sure Mr Stark can pull some strings and I’ll provide you with all the notes you don’t have to worry about anything ok” Peter says cheerfully.
“Peter I just woke up from a three month coma. The last thing I want to hear right now is about college and exams” 
“Ok so what do you wanna talk about?” he scratches the back of his neck nervously.
“Can we just talk about you? How are you?”
“Well now that you’re out of coma I’m good, I really missed you so much” his face drops remembering the tragic night.
“Wish I could say the same if I wasn’t completely knocked out heh” you tried to lighten the mood.
“I was so scared for a moment I thought I lost you forever” he clings onto your hand
“It’s ok Peter I’m here now and completely fine, see” you tried to cheer him up
“No it's not this was all my fault, if it wasn’t for me your life wouldn’t have come in danger. It was to take revenge on me Harry threw you off the building and I couldn’t even save you” he sniffles. You cradle his face with your hands and make him look at you.
“Peter, look at me. it. wasn’t. your fault. do you understand? You had always tried to keep me away from your dangerous life but it was I who insisted to stay by your side and I’m gonna continue doing that” you gazed into his chocolate brown eyes “and as I said before I laugh at the face of danger see I even defeated death for you” you chuckled.
“And that will be the last time Y/N, promise me whatever happens you’ll never put your life in danger for me again, promise me Y/N” he insists as you sigh.
“Okay I promise you” you pull him closer to you as he leans forward to capture your lips. It had been a long time he had felt your soft lips on his as he instantly melted in the kiss. It was so delicate, soft and full of love as tears of joy streamed down both of your eyes.
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chaoticparker · 4 years
The Bite
Peter Parker x reader
w/c: 3.7k
warnings: swearing, blood, broken glass, tiny bit of angst but mainly fluff
a/n: Let me know what you think <3
“All right everyone off the bus and wait inside the lobby!”
Everyone sprung off their seats on the bus and ran to the door. Today everyone was visiting Oscorp, Norman Osborn’s lab, it was some sort of publicity thing so Norman would get elected mayor of New York. 
You and Peter were sitting next to each other during the bus ride, it was early in the morning and you had to wake up much earlier than what you would of liked to, so you both were still half asleep. “You ready to go?” You looked over at Peter who was still sitting in his seat, staring off into space. “come on Pete get up.” You pulled Peter up which seemed to snap him out of his trance. “You ok?” 
“Yea, I just spaced out sorry.” Peter got up and walked into the aisle with you close behind him. Once you got outside the air was crisp and cold, making you and Peter shiver. You ran into the building to get warm and meet up with the other students.
“Where’s Ned?” Peter asked, you swore you saw him get onto the bus with you this morning, but you’re not sure who he sat with. 
Eventually you spot him in the corner talking to someone, “He right over there, but who’s he talking to?” You turned Peter around and inconspicuously pointed to him and the girl.
Peter took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes and the lenses and put the back on to get a better look. “Thats Betty from the schools morning announcement team I th-”
“Thats Betty?” You whisper shouted. “Ned kept bringing up a girl named Betty and I swore her name was Annie, I mean, she looks like an Annie. But I thought Ned just made her up, I didn’t think she was real” You looked over to Peter who was looking a mixture of shock and surprise. “I am so stupid.”
“First off how did you not know Betty’s name we have homeroom together? And second how did you know Ned had a crush on her?” Peter kept his voice down so he doesn’t draw attention to you both, not wanting Flash to overhear and ruin Ned’s chances.
“I think just have a knack for knowing when someone is in love.” You joked
Only Peter didn’t realize you were joking, “Wait what-” Peter started but was interrupted by Mr. Harrington by splitting the groups in two.
“Groups 1-7 on the left and groups 8-15 on the right! AND REMEMBER TO STAY WITH YOUR BUDDY! I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE ANOTHER KID” He yelled, followed by the women working there having a shocked face and her hushing him. 
You and Peter were group 7, you caught Ned’s eyes and he pointed to the right while you pointed left. Ned also pointed to Betty with a big smile on his face, followed by Peter giving him a thumbs up. 
Peter was worried about what you said, you had a ‘knack for knowing when someone was in love’? What did you mean by that? Peter started to worry that you knew he liked you, and you’ve never confessed anything to him because theres nothing to confess. 
No No No, don’t think like that Peter, he thought, trying to hype himself up, if she knew you liked her why is she still around? Surly if she did not feel the same way she would of left. Or she simply does not know. There is still a chance. 
Peter was snapped out of this thoughts by you tugging him on his sweater, “come on the groups about to leave.” Peter and you speeded walked to the rest of the group so you were with the group but just in the back. “Are you doing ok Pete? You seem distracted.” You looked at him worried. Sure, Peter was an anxious guy, you even talked to him about if he wanted any professional help, but he assured you that he’s fine, just a tad overwhelmed, but this? He seemed so much more stressed and anxious, not to mention the constant spacing out.  
Peter cleared his throat and put his arm around you, “I’m sorry, I guess theres a lot on my mind and I’m not too sure why.” Of course he knew why, he was stressing over the fact you might know he likes him! And also the fact that you might never love him and it was all too much for him too handle. 
“Ok, but you know you can talk to me right?” You said as you gave him a side hug, “We’ve known each other for forever and the most important part of us being so close is that we can talk to each other.” You hoped Peter caught what you were trying to say. In complete honesty you’ve loved him for a long time. Ever since you saw him with his oversized glasses and his star wars shirts. But how could Peter Parker, the selfless, kind person ever love you? And how could you ever love someone so sickeningly sweet? 
You don’t deserve him, you thought, he is completely in love with Liz and never will be with you.
“I know that,” Peter pulled you out of your thoughts, “I just don’t know whats wrong. I just kind of have a weird feeling.” 
Peter hoped you would drop the conversation at that point. He didn’t want to spill his guts to you especially on a school field trip, where you were stuck together. But you just nodded and you turned your attention to the man walking you through the tour. 
“And this here is the bio testing.” He pointed towards a room, “everyone needs to put on goggles and a lab coat-”
“Can we keep the lab coats?” Flash asked.
“No, you cannot keep the lab coats they are not complementary. Now hurry up everyone! If we are lucky we will be able to see the lab techs at work!” 
Everyone started to quickly put their coats and goggles on, and people started to take photos on your phones. One of the people was you and Peter, “Smile!” He said and you both gave a cheesy smile. “I’ll send it to you.”
“Everyone please put your phones in here.” The tour guide handed out a white buckets and everyone groaned. “It is apart of Oscorp's privacy policy. No recording in certain areas such as the testing rooms.”
Everyone gave quite mumbles about how ‘stupid’ and ‘bullshit’ this was, some a little louder than others, and soon enough you were going thought the door with Peter on your side.  
“And here is where we research different animals.” The tour guide showed off the different animals including, snakes, birds and- 
“S-spiders” Peter was stunned, he hated spiders. He claimed that how they just don’t make sense, they can climb onto walls, shoot webs and for some reason are strong? He learned everything about them so if he was ever faced with one, and aunt May or Uncle Ben was not around to get rid of it for him, he would know how to get rid of it himself and stay alive.
“Come on Pete, they are harmless. But it is weird in here, it doesn’t seem like there is any research work, more.. testing.” Why were they testing on animals? Oscorp had branded it’s self on being cruelty free, but the again they did say they help the environment, which was a HUGE lie. 
You grabbed Peter’s hand and shoved in front of of everyone to the front of the group, “excuse me but what exactly do you do with the animals here?” You ask as a man in a dark suit appears behind a door.
The tour guide starts but the man interrupts him, “And whats your name dear?”
“Well, Y/n, we do research on the animals to see how we can use some features they have, replicate it, and use it.” The guy is clearly mansplaining, his attitude was intolerable.  
“But the equipment you have around here looks like your testing on the animals?” You started but then Mr. Harrington stepped besides you.
“Y/n, I’m not sure if Mr. Osborn can answer your questions thoroughly, lets just continue looking at the animals.”
“Ah, yes thank you. And please make sure not to touch anything.” And with that the man, or apparently Mr. Osborn left. 
It shocked you that you were just talking to the founder of Oscorp, and how blatantly rude he is. 
“Wow whats that” Flash yelled near the window. You, Peter and the rest of the students all ran toward the window to see what was so cool. In the process a kid knocked over the glass container. As the tour guide saw he pressed the emergency button. “EVERYONE OUT NOW!” 
Everyone ran out bumping into each other. Flash bumped into you causing you to trip and fall. “Fucking hell” you groaned. Your whole body was hurting at this point, you started to get up but you cut your hand on the broken glass. “Fuck” Another groan. 
“Y/n? How do you feel?” Peter kneeled besides you trying to help you up but ended up slipping on the glass too cutting his hand and causing his glasses to break, “fuck, come on we need to leave.”
He moved his hand let out a small scream, “PETER ARE YOU OK WHAT WAS THAT?” You completely ignored the pain of your hand and helped grabbed his shoulder.
Peter was shaking his arm violently, “The spider just bit me and it fucking hurt.” Peter quickly got up and you both ran out of the room. You followed the others back to the lobby, the tour ended with Mr. Harrington giving your a band-aid thinking that would help and all of the students were pushed onto the bus.
You were bothering Peter with questions asking if he’s ok, “What about your glasses? How bad is your vision? Does your head hurt? My head would hurt hen I couldn’t see.” You looked over at Peter who sat down in his seat and was tapping his foot.
That question took him off guard, his vision was perfect, like he had contacts in. “I can see just fine, but what about you? How’s your cut” He reached for your hand and looked at you. The cut had stopped bleeding but the cut still looked sore.
“At least we have matching cuts now, hows yours?” You reached for his hand, you saw no cut so you looked at the other, also no cut, “didn’t you get cut too?” 
“I thought i did, maybe it just grazed me, and not enough to actually hurt me. You should probably rest, you fell pretty bad.”
“Your the one that got bit with by the spider I should be asking about you, i’m surprised you aren’t freaking out that a spider was on your hand.” 
“Don’t worry about me I’m fine, do you wanna listen to music?” Peter held up an ear bud and you nodded taking it.
Truth be told everything was too much for Peter, it was like he could feel everything. He felt like he just had 10 red-bulls mixed with 20 cups of coffee. He tried his best to ignore what was going on and sleep but he soon learned he could never ignore what was going on with him.
When Peter thought he got these powers, he did nothing with them, sure he used them to his advantage, maybe to show off at the schools weight room, but other then that he didn’t. If anything his powers made him more confident with himself, he thought that maybe this was a sigh that if he could get powers, he could ask you out.
But all of that changed when we saw Uncle Ben die.
Peter started to be more closed off, he overworked himself to the bone. 
As he started to become Spider-Man, in the process he was losing Peter Parker. 
Peter lost some of the few friends that he had. His friend circle mainly consisted of you, Ned, and MJ. He only saw MJ at decathlon practice and lunch, Ned and him still had their playdates with building legos but he was clearly not as cheerful. 
And with you, he started to text you less and less. You were there when he lost his parents but he was not 6 anymore. He understood death more than anyone else, he saw death happen right before his eyes. You thought that he just wanted some space, maybe you reminded him of him when his parent died. But it got to the point where you were starting to lose your best friend.
You stoped walking to school together, and it hurt. Although you would never admit this to anyone, you felt as though you were losing a part of yourself. Peter was your other half, you completed each other, or thats what you used to think.
You decided to throw yourself into your hobbies. You were trying your best to forget about Peter. Maybe he just outgrew you. Maybe he didn’t need you.
But you need him.
And you hate needing someone. 
But Peter felt the same way. When he decided to become Spider-man, he wanted to make sure no one would get hurt from it. And he even made a costume that would hide his identity. 
And it was far from good looking.
“Peter dude come on you love her! You’re gonna lose her if you keep pushing her away!” Ned was on the phone with Peter, he didn’t know what was going on with him, no one did. He just wanted his friend to be happy, and thats why him and MJ devised a plan. 
“Y/n come on I know you are sick and tired of not talking to Peter! I even think you like him!” MJ yelled on the phone. “You need to talk to him it’s destroying you.”
“She’s the one who’s pushing me away! Im just respecting her wants!” Peter yelled back.
“MJ you’re not listening! You need to realize that Peter grew out of me! He does not want to see me and I don’t know why! I don’t want to hurt him anymore than what i apparently did!”
MJ and Ned had a whole script planned out. They knew how to push you both just right so that you would fall onto the trap. 
“Peter just listen to me! When you next see her confess your feelings! If she does not feel the same you will get closure and nothing else will really change from whats going on! You need to talk to someone with whats going on with you. Tell her everything” Ned delivered the final push, almost done then we can get our friend group back he and Mj thought.
“Y/N! Go find Peter and get your closure! Please, if not for you do it for him! You know how he’s acting weird and you are the only one that can get him to open up! SO GO DOWN ON YOUR FIRE ESCAPE AND KNOCK ON HIS WINDOW AND CONFRONT HIM! NOW!”
“Fine Ned, next time I see her, I’ll tell her.”
“Fine I’ll go see him, bye”
And with that everyone hung up on their separate phone calls. 
You climbed out of your window and onto the fire escape. It was weird how even though you lived so close together you felt so far apart.
You climbed down one, and looked inside. He was walking around his room, being all stressed, which for some reason was relaxing to you. 
You knocked, nothing, so you opened the window and fell into his room with a big thump. “ow”
“Y/N? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU OK?” Peter rushed over to you helping your get up.
“Yes I’m fine Peter but what is wrong with you?” You didn’t mean to sound harsh, but you needed to be. “Why did you stop hanging out with me?” You looked up to him and finally met his eyes. It was refreshing to see him, anytime either one of you caught a glimpse of the other, you ran. “Why did you stop being my best friend?” You voice was quiet now, you didn’t want Peter to know that your voice was cracking. 
It really broke Peter, he was just trying to protect you, but in the end - as cringe as it sounds - he just pushed you away. 
“You seem completely different, you’re not even wearing your glasses anymore. And fuck Peter I just miss you and your dorky glasses. Did you meet someone? Did you get a girlfriend? Did she not like that we were close?” You were just spitting out whatever came to mind, and this scenario was one you were thinking of all the time.
Peter jumped back at your words, “What no! I would never want to date someone if it ment that I could never see you again.” 
Just tell her everything Peter thought about Ned’s words. Everything was a lot. How is he suppose to answer this, just spit it out?
Might as well start with the basics, “I’m Spider-man” Peter blurted out.
“What, you mean like you have a crush on him? Peter thats nothing to be embarrassed of, you know you can talk to me, you know i go both wa-”
“NO I MEAN LIKE I, PETER PARKER, AM SPIDER-MAN!” Peter shouted. Honestly it felt good to say it out loud the first time and he just wanted someone to know. And what better person than you.
“So in the month that you have been isolated from me thats your best excuse you could come up with?” You were appalled by his unbelievable excuse.
“I swear please believe me, like ummmmm HERE” Peter got his ‘suit’ from the  space in his ceiling and gave it to you. “Thats my suit.”
“you and every other fanboy has this.”
“What about... this!” Peter went over to you a picked up. 
“what the fuck put me down!” You did not look impressed, Peter was looking around to see how he could prove to you that he was not lying. 
“Remember that day we went to oscorp and how you questioned Osborn and when you fell?” You nodded, it was your last time you really hung out with him, how could you not? “I got bit by the spider and they were doing radioactive testing on it, which caused me to be well... spider-man.”
Then an idea sprung in his head, he quickly move past you and went on the fire escape and you followed. “Here, if this does not prove it, nothing will.” Peter jumped onto the railing with one hand on the wall.
“Peter what the fuck you’re gonna get yourself killed please I just want you to be honest with me and talk” You reached for Peter but he jumped off the railing and towards the wall and somehow... did not fall and stuck to it?
“Peter what the fuck?”
“now do you believe me?”
“If i say yes will you come back inside?” Peter nodded, “then yes i believe you”
Peter jumped on the side of the building and back onto the fire escape and you pushed him inside and you followed behind him. 
“So since you really are spider-man, why were you so distant?” You finally asked. You were now sitting on opposite ends of his bed, and you were hugging and pillow trying to explode with everything you just learned. Peter fucking parker was spider-man? Nerdy little parker saving everyone, stoping cars with just his body, and defeating criminals? But, he did just stick to the side of his building, thats pretty damn good proof.  Your Peter Parker was Spider-man, the spider-man. 
You thought this was just a dream but you didn’t want to wake up because that would mean Peter and you were still not talking.
“I wanted to protect everyone around me. When Ben died,” Peter took a breath and you reached over to squeeze his hand, “When Ben died, I had my powers but I did not do anything. I could of saved him, but i chose not to. So I decided I would become Spider-man so no one else would get hurt. And if anyone found out that you knew spider-man you would be in danger. So i thought if i pushed the people closest to me away, they wouldn’t get hurt.”
It was all too much for you to process. You felt terrible for feeling angry at him when he was saving lives. 
“Why were you so distant from me?” Peter looked back up towards you and it was a fair question you both avoided one another.
“I thought I reminded you of your parents deaths. Other than Aunt May, I am the one person that has been in your life since their death and I thought you didn’t want to see me because of it. I also wanted to give you space to grieve.” You felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders by telling him. It was calming. “I also didn’t want to hurt you more, so i thought i would wait for you to open up to me like we normally do, but i should not have been so relaxed about all of this. I just didn’t want to ruin what we had” You took one last deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
You glanced up toward Peter and he leaned in and kissed you. It was shocking at first, it took you a second to process what was going on but then you felt light as you melted into the kiss. You felt as though you two were the only ones left in the world. 
Peter pulled back to take a breath, “Ned told me to confess my feelings towards you. I’m sorry I didn’t me to spring it on you-” Peter was interrupted by you hugging him, rapping your arms around his waist and your face on his stomach. 
“I feel the same way, Pete. Just please, I don’t want to do that ever again.” Peter at this point was now hugging you back. You missed this, but there was also something knew, and it made you smile.
“I never will, I promise y/n”
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kaywinchester · 4 years
Dark Power Pt. 2
Part Two! Read Part 1 Here if you haven’t already!
Summary: Sam Winchester’s daughter was visited by a demon at a young age and shows signs of special abilities. Now he has left his past life as a hunter behind. What will he do when Y/N starts to grow up and ask questions? 
Song requested for this fic- In Control by Nemesea
Listen to it here! Song Link
Word Count: 2,161
Pairings: Sam x daughter!winchester
A/N: This part is mostly just dialogue and talking. Don’t worry, I’ll get to the spicy stuff in the later parts ;)
It had been two years since Jessica died. Y/N was now three. Sam intended to find a place after everything happened, he mainly wanted things to remain normal for Y/N, especially now that she was growing up. But, with Dean hanging around, it made the process a little difficult and he ended doing what he did not want to do in the first place. Jumping from motel to motel.
Sam knew Y/N would start to ask questions eventually, but not this soon. She had already started talking and Sam soon enrolled her in daycare. She wasn’t old enough for preschool yet, but he wanted her to start getting used to being in a school environment. It was his goal to keep things as normal as possible.
Sam had picked Y/N up from daycare and drove her back to the motel that they had been at for almost 3 months now. Y/N was getting used to their current setting.
“Daddy?” Y/N’s little voice spoke as she set her tiny backpack on the floor.
“Are we staying hewre forever now?” She asked.
“Uh, I’m not sure, sweetie. We might be here for a little bit longer.” Sam said.
Dean had been catching hunt after hunt in this town for quite some time which is why they had been there for a while. Y/N had started to get used to where they were, of course, she did not know better. Sam still wanted to move on from the hunting life and give his daughter a better chance, but it was hard with Dean constantly dragging him from town to town. Speaking of Dean, he came strolling through the motel door from doing whatever it was he was doing. 
“Unca Dee!” Y/N called out excitedly. 
“Hey, there's my favorite niece.” Dean grasped Y/N, picking her up as he smiled.
“What’s a neese?” Y/N innocently asked. 
“Nothing, uh Dean, can I talk to you?” Sam interrupted. 
Dean set Y/N down and walked over to the kitchen table where Sam was sitting. Y/N walked over to the couch to grab one of her toys.
“I really think Y/N and I need to settle down somewhere. I don't want to keep dragging her with us on hunts and having her go to a new daycare every few weeks. She’s already confused and asking me questions, I want to give her a shot at a normal life, a normal education.....” Sam explained in a hushed tone. 
“Sam, you know we’re all screwed either way, normal or not. Sooner or later, something is gonna show up and become a problem.” Dean responded.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. I don’t want her to grow up always questioning things and being worried or scared. I can already see some of that and I don’t want her to resent me when she gets older because I didn’t at least try and give her better.” Sam said. “So, you’re just not gonna hunt anymore. Is that right?” Dean started to have some attitude. 
“Dean, you know that wasn’t my plan from the start. College was my plan, and now Y/N is. I can’t let her down.” 
“You’re not concerned about looking for dad?” Dean sighed.
“I’m not even certain dad even wants to see me. Again, I think he's just off doing his own thing.” Sam scoffed.
“This is not like him.... I know the way he handles things, I would be getting a call at least once a week and now I haven't heard from him in over two months.” Dean explained.
“Well, you’ve always wanted to be second to him, I think this is you’re hunt, you’re mission. Not mine.” Sam shook his head.
“You’re just gonna give up on him! On me? On this family!” Dean started to get angry and raise his voice.
“Dean, for the last five years dad has given up on me, as soon as I said I wanted to go to college and get out of the family business, he hasn’t supported me or my choices. I didn’t have to give up on anything! He gave up on me.” Sam argued.
“Why are you yellwing Unca Dee?” Y/N spoke up.
“Dean, my point is clear. Let’s finish this discussion tomorrow.” Sam said as he realized you were listening.
“No, we can finish this right now!” Dean’s voice got louder.
“Daddy, I don’t like when you and Unca Dee are loud...” Y/N said.
“Dean, enough! I don’t want to be a hunter my whole life!” Sam snapped.
“You’re a Winchester, Sam. As far as I know, no Winchester has a choice. We’re stuck in this life so we might as well fight back and deal with it!” Dean yelled.
“I don’t have to do ANYTHING! That’s my decision if I want to hunt, and I’m done!”
“Bullshit Sam!!”
“STOP!” Y/N screamed. The lights started to flicker and the table started shaking, enough to grab everyones attention. After a few seconds, it all stopped and everything went back to normal. Sam and Dean looked at each other, and looked back at Y/N. 
“I don’t like it when you guys are loud.” She said softly. Sam looked at his daughter in utter shock. 
“Y/N..... Did you do that?” He asked.
“Do what?” She said like nothing happened.
“The lights..... a-and the table.” Sam motioned to the table.
Y/N looked at Sam with her puppy eyes and just gave an innocent shrug and walked back over to her toys.
“What was that? Has she done that before?” Dean asked.
“No. I’ve never seen her do anything like that.” Sam was at a loss for words.
It had been another three years, Sam was on his own with Y/N. He had found a condo in a small town just outside if Lincoln, Nebraska. He and Dean were not on good terms after that night. They talked over the subject more and Sam had enough. He started looking for places the next morning and was able to move into the condo he found about a month after that night. 
He and Dean have not spoken since. He didn’t agree with Sam and was taken back that he didn’t want to help find John. Dean was just in a certain mind set to where he didn’t want to understand Sam. He was being his stubborn old self and refused to talk to him. Sam expected none the less as he knew that’s how his brother would react. He didn’t care and decided to move on and focus on his daughter.
Y/N was six years old now and was going to school. Y/N started to notice she was a little different from the other kids. She knew it was clear, but she didn't know exactly what set her apart. It might have not seemed that way to anyone else but she felt it. Y/N was aware that she had some abilities but didn’t know that she could control them yet. They would only come about when she would get angry at something. 
After the night she showed her abilities when her dad and uncle were arguing, Sam kept an eye on her for a while but saw nothing similar after the fact. He wanted to just believe it was something else but part of him knew where it was coming from. It was his daughter. Sam hadn't seen her do anything similar since that night, but he didn't forget about it. That thought lingered in the back of his head. Even though Y/N was aware of it, she never told her dad. She was young at the time and barely remembered when it first happened. Hell, she didn't even know about hunting, and what Sam did before she came around. 
Sam wanted to tell his daughter about his life, and Dean, and Jessica. He wanted to tell her the truth about anything, but at the same time, he wanted to keep it all a secret because he didn’t want anything happening to her. 
Y/N got off the school bus one day and came into the kitchen where Sam was on his laptop.
“Hey, how was school?” 
“It was okay, we’re doing a lab in science for the next few days and it’s kind of boring.” Y/N said.
“I though you liked science...” Sam laughed.
“Yeah, but the lab is on rocks and minerals, there’s nothing really interesting about rocks, Daddy.” Y/N scoffed. Sam laughed. 
Y/N continued to put her bag down and went to grab a juice out of the refrigerator. “Hey daddy, can I talk to you about something?” Y/N asked.
“Sure, anything.” Sam took a deep breath, hoping it was something he was ready to talk about. 
“So, I’m six and I’m getting older now to where I want to know more about some things.” Y/N sat down with her juice, trying to act mature which made Sam smile at her cuteness.
“Okay, what do you wanna know?” Sam asked.
“I want to know more about my mom. I don’t remember you talking about her a lot, except saying that she had went away for a while.” Y/N said as she tried to remember the brief things Sam had said about her. 
“I don’t know if you’re old enough for this conversation yet....” 
“Daddy, I AM! I’m a big girl, big enough to talk about subjects like these.” Y/N said confidently. 
Sam took a deep breath and smoothed his hair out. How was he going to tell his six year old that he mother was going to give her up.
“Well, uh, when I met your mom, we were both really young. We were still in high school. And she found out that she was going to have a baby.... you.” Sam explained slowly.
“So, when your mom found out, she was very worried that she wasn't going to be able to take care of you. Again, she was very young, technically she was still a kid herself. So she was going to give you up for adoption.....” Sam paused to see what his daughters reaction would be.
“Did she not want me?” Y/N asked calmly.
“No, she did want you, but she didn't want to have you and then not be able to give you the life that you deserved. So she considered adoption, but then I decided that I was going to take you and raise you. Now, I didn't have much at the time but you were my daughter, and I wanted to be able to see you grow up.” Sam explained.
“So, why aren’t you and mommy together?” 
“We were together for a while after you were born and she would come see you when she could, but sometimes, mommies and daddies don’t get along anymore. So we decided to go our own ways, and you came with me. Then your mom ended up moving away.”
“Where does she live now?” Y/N asked.
“Back then, she moved to Iowa with her family, but she probably doesn’t live there anymore.” Sam said.
“Oh.” Y/N said, looking a little disappointed.
“What’s wrong? Y/N, look, your mom loved you. But sometimes we have different paths in life and different choices.....”
“No, it isn’t that. I understand, daddy.” Y/N interrupted.
“Okay, then why do you look upset?” Sam’s brows furrowed.
“I remember when I was little, we lived with a girl. I don’t remember who she was but you and me lived with another girl. Was that mommy?” Y/N asked.
“Well, after your mommy moved away, I finished high school and then I went to college. I met another girl, and she lived with us for some time. Her name was Jessica. She helped me take care of you, she was very nice and she loved you.” Sam said, remembering the girl he thought he was going to marry.
“Where did she go?” Y/N was very curious and engrossed in Sam’s story.
“Well, she passed away and went up into the sky. That’s why we moved here.” Sam said.
“Was she my mommy for a little bit?” 
“Yeah. She was. She cared for you like any mother would and she loved you.” It saddened Sam to think about her, and about everything that happened in the past. He wanted to protect Jess as much as he wanted to protect you, and he failed. Sam started to gain a few tears in his eyes.
“You look sad, Daddy.” Y/N said as she got up and walked over to Sam.
“It’s okay. Jessica is in the sky just like you said. She’s an angel now.” Y/N said as she wrapped her little arms around Sam’s large figure. Sam hugged her back.
“I love you dad.” Y/N said.
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
Sam didn’t know what he did to deserve such a smart and understanding child. He was glad he had gotten out of his past as a hunter. Now it was his job to protect her at all costs. 
Requests Are Closed
Read Part 3 HERE!
@mersuperwholocked-lowlife @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang
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jungwon-crush · 3 years
(1) home - enhypen
(listening to the song while reading the chapter is recommended~)
rolling green hills stood before me. i closed my eyes as i laid on the wet grass that dampened my hair, while cool breeze flew around my figure. i should appreciate this type of weather since winter is starting to approach, i thought to myself. i want to laze in autumn forever.
"byeooolll!!! byeol byeol byeol byeol byeol!!!!" a nasally voice exclaimed. i internally sighed at the call of my name. there goes my relaxation time.
i stood up from my position, whilst the setting sun gazed at me, and began to search for a hiding spot. i need to at least give him a hard time looking for me, as compensation for ruining my moments of being alone. i barely get the chance to be by myself in nature.
as i looked around, i finally found a shrub to conceal myself in. so, as quietly as i could, i made my way to the bush.
i attempted to place myself inside it, forgetting the fact that i was a complete eighteen year old.
"owww!" i quietly screamed to myself. even though i wore a lengthy brown skirt, i somehow managed to get pricked by a thorn on my right knee. i guess my kilt moved around a lot while i was trying to adjust my stance.
unanticipatedly, the same voice that yelled my name just a short time ago appeared behind me.
"wh-what are you trying to do? imagine being so stupi-"
"shut up, jungwon!" i turned around to see the boy staring at my situation. his two hands covered his mouth, as if he was struggling to hold in his laughter.
"i hope you know that you look like a cat stuck in a tree. except you're a really big cat and that's a very small tree." he giggled.
"oh, be quiet! if anything, you're the cat. now, get me out of here!"
to be honest, i did not need much assistance. i was just in the mood to bother the boy who kept snickering at my condition.
he sighed at my request. nonetheless, he continued to move towards me. his hands found his way to my waist, while i placed my own hands onto his shoulders to steady myself as he lifted me off the hedge. he then placed me back onto the moist grass that i was previously laying on.
once he let go of my frame, i started to dust off my skirt and shake off the coarse leaves on it. i suppose jungwon took that as a cue, because he began to brush the strands of grass out of my braided hair.
with a hue of pink spread on his cheeks, jungwon complained, "and you wonder why others assume that i am older than you! i really do need to stop babying you.."
i crossed my arms and stuck my tongue at him. in return, he mirrored my actions and ruffled my hair.
"it's already sunset, byeol. we should go back home before it gets dark." jungwon said as he forcibly took my hand and led me out of the plain.
i rolled my eyes, "i thought you said that you needed to stop babying me? come on wonnie, please let me stay here a little longer! you can go back home by yourself so heeseung doesn't get worried."
"i'm not leaving you alone in this area. why were you not at your house in the first place? everyone's noticed that lately, after school, you always seem to be out. these days, i constantly look out my window and expect you to be in your usual spot in the living room, but you're never there."
i tugged at the long sleeve of his button shirt, "i don't wanna talk about it, how'd you know i was in the pasture anyways?"
"jake told me he saw you coming here after he finished his classes, he sounded concerned so i came to look for you. and talking about it helps, you know that. i've never allowed you to bottle up your emotions, i've listened to every single word you've uttered since we were kids." jungwon glanced at me with hope written in his luminous eyes.
"i hate how persistent you are. are you like this around other people too? you should take care of yourself too, wonnie."
"don't change the subject. let it out, byeol."
when it comes to yang jungwon, i can never resist.
i huffed into the air, "my dad... he... he  told me he'd return to lutton last saturday, and now it's thursday a week later yet he's not back. he sent me a letter saying that he's still in the city, his boss asked him to work for an extra amount of days there."
"mr. sun's gone again?" jungwon questioned. he moved closer to me in order to put his left arm around my shoulders. i realized that he does this a lot, especially when he notices that someone is under stress.
"mhm," i replied dismally, "i don't blame you for not noticing though, whether he's in lutton or not, he's barely at home. i think we all know that ever since my mom died 6 years ago, my dad avoids staying at the house for too long because our place is filled with memories of her."
"he's been coping like that for too long, when will he come to his senses? does he ever consider the fact that his daughter has been going through a hard time too?" he commented as they reached a district near their neighborhood.
"wonnie, you know his excuse. he always pulls the 'i work hard because of you' card. i can't even argue with him about the issue because, like i said, he's never home. i just want to distract myself from him because this matter has been getting to me a lot. so, recently i've been wandering outside our community. i don't want to disturb you guys with my troubles as well. i don't like seeing you lot get constantly frustrated over my issues."
jungwon grumbled, "byeol, suddenly dissappearing makes us fuss more. we share our problems, remember? whether they're big or small - when niki's bike got stolen it wasn't only him who went looking for it. all of us put effort into finding out who robbed it. we all know that your father's always been... something else, which is why we're here for you. anyways, forget him, have you been sleeping alone? what have you been eating for dinner? most importantly, are you doing your homew-"
the moment those questions left his mouth, i immediately put my hands over his lips. "everytime i mention my dad being gone in a conversation, you start nagging! sometimes i wish you would stop talking."
jungwon let out a muffled,"im gonna lick you." accordingly, i placed my hands back to my side again.
the boy annoyingly flashed his middle finger towards my direction. however, he quickly stopped due to an old lady passing by who gave him a judgemental glare.
it was hard to hold in a sneer.
he hurriedly picked up the discussion again while he scratched the back of his neck, "you still didn't answer my questions."
"i've been surviving on instant noodles and spam."
"heeseung would approve, but i don't. so, you're gonna eat with us at sunghoon's tonight."
"i'm not gonna oppose that, sunghoon's mom makes the best carbona." my stomach rumbled at the thought of pasta.
jungwon screeched as a response, "i know right! and the garlic bread she makes too? she's a five star michelin in my eyes."
i nodded my head in agreement. we were nearing our vicinity already.
"moving on, what about sleep and homework, byeol?"
"i sleep just fine. i'll probably ask sunoo to stay over tonight though to help me with homework. thank god we're both in the same class this year."
i glimpsed at jungwon to see his reaction, but instead of wearing an accepting look, his brows were furrowed and he looked... displeased?
"i bet sunoo hasn't even done the homework, after school today he went to niki's house straight away. all they do is just watch recorded shows - i can help you instead." he suggested.
"trust me, sunoo did the work."
at this sentence, jungwon's tone became a bit more aggrivated, "how would you know?"
"he did the assignment in our study period while i was sleeping. i saw him finish it when i woke up. he sits directly in front of me, conveniant, isn't it?" i grinned.
jungwon answered with a disheartened mumble, "fine, byeol, you do you."
why's he so irritated about sunoo doing homework for once? i wondered, isn't it a good thing that he's finally starting to put effort in school?
due to me spacing out, i did not register that jungwon and i already arrived at our neighborhood.
after bidding goodbyes (the goodbyes being another lecture of how to take care of myself from jungwon because i am already a legal adult), jungwon reminded me to go to sunghoon's house for dinner. he was about to unlock his front door until i ran up to him and pulled his form into my arms.
his arms went stiff for a while, but they ended up finding a way around my lower back - like they always do. he placed his chin above my head, this way i was in the perfect position to nestle in his chest.
"in all seriousness though, thank you wonnie. for always taking care of me." i whispered.
he clicked his tongue, "there's no need to thank me, byeol. i know by now that my prescence is a blessing."
i chuckled while he played with my  tangled hair underneath the nightfall. his fingers intertwined between the locks, then he released me.
he gently pushed me using his shoulder and said, "now go change for dinner."
taglist: @wonwobbles 
a/n: hiii first chap!!! i kinda hate how i wrote this so i'll probably redo it when im free again djdjdj. anyways the rest of the characters will be introduced in the next chap <3
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
I have one too many Shouji headcannons that I wanna talk about, but here's a few!
One thing is that he has some serious nerve damage in his back, like- it's not funny
He didn't even realise it was going to be such a problem until he tried exercising when they came back from Nabu
He could normally lift etra heavy weights and all that, he was able to hold out for a lot longer, and he thanked whatever god was out there that he was alone when it happened
He lifted up the weight, heard a loud crack, and was sent to the floor in pain. He couldn't move, and when he tried it felt like he was being stabbed with a bunch of needles in his back
It took him a half hour to force himself off the floor, and almost another hour to get back to the dorms. The pain from it never went away, and he didn't think much of it
He didn't even tell anyone until around a month later when he was forced to. It was a training exercise and his lower back felt like it was on fire the whole time. He and his team (Tokoyami and Midoryia) were able to make it through just fine, and Shouji thought it would be fine, they were going back to the dorms anyway
Dark Shadow was out, and was saying something about how great Shouji did, and clapped him on the back, not thinking much of it.
Shouji's whole world went white the second Dark Shadow put pressure on his back
When he came to, he was face down on a stretcher, not able to move or hear things properly. When the static cleared up, he could hear Midoryia's panicked muttering and he felt something on his head, a hand.
Tokoyami was saying something, then voices from up ahead started getting louder and Shouji felt the pace pick up, he couldn't move to speak, he just had to sit there until he felt something stick in him and the world went dark
When he woke up the next morning, he was forced to tell Aziawa, Recovery Girl and All Might about what happened and why his back was in constant pain. After Recovery Girl gave out about "self sacrificing idiots" while hitting All Might in the shin, Shouji was told he was stuck on bedrest, again.
Shouji agreed, reluctantly, and after a few days was allowed back in class.
That- was not supposed to turn into that, but moving on- to some more "can be extended on-" headcannons
He brushes his teeth at four am in the morning, no I don't have an explanation
The first day of UA he was mistaken as a second year student and got so nervous he agreed and had to have another student tell the teacher they got it wrong
He has so many extra pens and pencils because Denki shoots them across the room and loses them so Shouji has learnt to keep extra on him
If Bakugo and Kirishima were to ever get together to "study" Shouji would have to open a window because of the smell of burning rubber and caramel. He still to this day doesn't know what they do in there, he doesn't know what rubber has to do with their maths test.
The only extra thing he has in his room is a plush that was given to him when he was a kid. He's never let it go and it helps calm him down when he's panicking or stressing, he keeps it hidden in a drawer he can lock
This headcannon I read somewhere, can't remember where, but Shouji is a minimalist because he was bounced around a lot as a kid so he never got to keep anything or make a lot of friends, and to add to that his parents didn't actually give him the plush, it was given to him by another relative
Speaking of, if he were ever to be hit with a deaging quirk he'd be be the smallest kid you've ever seen, he was tiny when he was a kid, and he didn't have a growth spurt until middle school
Also as a kid he was super shy but really quick to settle into unknown environments once given a reason to trust the people around him. If say he was with the hero's they only need to say they're hero's and Shouji is happy to stay.
But he has the tendency to wander, even as a teenager sometimes he'll forget where he is and go wandering around alone, and ends up getting lost easily.
He also gets sensory overloads. It's very common for him and when he does he tends to just leave, he'll just walk away no matter where he is, if he's in class he'll ask to go to the bathroom and disappear for a while
It's more dangerous in public though, because he doesn't need to ask, and it takes forever for people to notice he's gone because he's so quiet. So when they do realise, whoever's with him is freaking out thinking he got snatched by a villain.
He also stims. I love this idea.
When he does it's really subtle and very few notice but those who do are like :0
Tokoyami notices easily, being observant like that, and whatever it is that made Shouji stim is either coming back with them or Tokoyami is taking it away.
Tokoyami keeps whatever he bought in his room so it doesn't clutter Shouji's room and lets him come and take it when he's around
Shouji and Tokoyami hang out a lot, and they're normally studying, but Dark Shadow tends to distract Shouji so it's just Tokoyami studying until he's yelling at Dark Shadow to stop trying to bench press Shouji
Kaminari, Mina and Sero are the worst influences on Shouji Aziawa has met. They lived together a week and Kaminari has not only 1. Stolen a shopping cart. 2. Snuck it into the dorms, but they used Shouji as a seat, and his arms as seatbelts, and went down the stairs in the shopping cart.
Aziawa has to drag Sero, Mina and Kaminari to Recovery Girl while Shouji limped behind them.
Aziawa has also walked in on Bakugo trying to teach Shouji to curse, and almost laughed when Shouji sat there, face blank, and said everything BUT fuck
Aziawa didn't think much of it until during training Shouji fell down two stories saving Iida the trouble, sat up, and mumbled "awe fuck" before standing up and continuing the exercise.
Aziawa forgave himself for wheezing when Bakugo cheered loudly before getting smacked over the head by Kirishima for "ruining Shouji's innocence"
Speaking of, M//eta has called Shouji "sexy octopus" so many times and Shouji's normally let it slide but one time Asui was listening in, heard it, and smacked the trash so far he ended up on the other side of the gym.
People call Shouji baby. Even people outside of 1A. Monoma has fucked up and called Shouji a baby once, and it was a "total accident"
((Kendou asked why Monoma hadn't ever said anything to Shouji and Monoma went "I can't make fun of the 1A baby, I'm not ready to die"))
Shouji is touch starved, and once the girls were cuddling, and Mina forced Shouji to join, he was in tears when they hugged him and ended up falling asleep ten minutes into the movie, he woke up in blankets and surrounded by friends
Shouji is a little spoon. I don't care if he's 6"2. He's a little spoon and I will die on this hill.
He has on multiple occasions forgotten which hand he left his phone in, and dropped it looking for it
Shouji and Ojiro watch Star Wars together, and of all people they roped Momo into watching with them and now she's hooked
Dark Shadow once threw someone down the stairs because they called Shouji a freak
Before Bakugo's character development, he called Shouji freaky, and once they moved into the dorms Bakugo became the first person to jump the gun on anyone who said shit about Shouji's appearance
Shouji. Sucks. At. Maths. I don't have a reason for this, he's really good at History and Science though.
Maths is really hard for some people(me) and Shouji and Denki do their maths homework with Momo. Kaminari once cried over it because he just didn't get it. Shouji almost followed when Momo moved on to Geography
Shouji is willing to let anyone talk to him about their problems, he's very willing to listen, but no one has ever heard him talk about his problems. When people try to let him know it's okay for him to talk, Shouji distracts them with the nearest thing, and he's even tried it with Aziawa
Back to being bounced around as a kid, Shouji still gets bounced around as a teen, just not as often. One couple that took Shouji ended up being... not the greatest people he's ever met.
Aziawa noticed immediately that there was something wrong when Shouji came in late, Recovery Girl at his side. His hands were wrapped in bandages and he sat down without looking up.
Recovery Girl said there was glass in his hands, but Shouji wouldn't tell her how it happened. His exact words were "it was an accident, he- I didn't mean to drop it" and Aziawa's dad instincts were going "N O"
This went on for several weeks, and with every day the injuries got worse and worse until one day Recovery Girl came in and asked if Shouji had shown up, only for Aziawa to say no, normally Shouji goes to Recovery Girl first, then class.
This was concerning, and what was worse is that the new address hadn't been registered, so they couldn't even look for Shouji
Shouji came in three days later, almost two hours earlier than he should've. He ran around looking for Aziawa, or All Might, or anyone who could help him.
Aziawa found him knocking on the staff room door, and Shouji told him what had happened (I'll leave that to you) and Aziawa stood up, left Shouji in Present Mic and All Might's semi capable hands, and went to beat some ass.
No one talks about Aziawa walking into class with bloody fists, talking to Shouji about moving into school funded apartments until the dorms are built.
I should've kept this one and the first one together but oh well-
During flu season no matter how much Shouji avoids it he gets sick and gets knocked down for at least a solid week before he even starts to get better at all
One time Denki caught some random bug, no one knew from where, but it spread fast and hit hard. Shouji stayed as far away from everyone as he could but ended up getting it and was stuck in the hospital overnight because of it, though Shouji doesn't remember this part
It was so bad that even Aziawa got it
All Might is the only one who can carry Shouji, aside from Uraraka but she doesn't count because she makes him float.
I have more but I think I've gone too far for today lmao
Feel free to add to these :D
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. XCV
It was a love story from the very beginning.
And You Are Not Here... (Part. III)
Hello my friends! This is another meta from season 13. We are still mourning with Dean...
I'm gonna focus in just one episode, because I have a lot of things to say about this one. Obviously, the majority of the things have been already analyzed by the meta community.
But, let's see what we find...
Move on
Remember how the last episode ended, with Dean blowing out his feelings and pain to his brother, so, this episode starts with Sam trying to talk with his brother about that. And by that I mean: Cas.
SAM: Hey. How you feelin’?
[DEAN is working on his laptop. He looks up at SAM, but doesn’t reply.]
Sam understands now that fact he had always suspect, what really means to Dean losing Castiel. But Dean sees it coming and doesn't answer, because he knows he let his pain and mourn talking by themselves, and now he wants to come back to hide behind his walls. But Sam won't let that goes so easy. Another heated discussion about Jack brings the topic back.
SAM: Dean, we can’t hide him forever. And, you know, just keeping him cooped up here isn’t working.
DEAN: Yeah, it is, actually. You wanna know why? Because as long as he’s here, he’s not out there doing God knows what. So what, does this mean that your plan for bringing Mom back isn’t working? ‘Cause I’ll say it again—Mom’s dead, Sam. Lucifer ripped out her freakin’ heart. Now, the sooner you can wrap your head around that, the sooner we can all move on.
(Gif set credit @demondetoxmanual )
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Look at this, Sam takes Dean's words and immediately repeats the ask but with another different meaning, aeaning his brother gets immediately. Sam tilts his head, and his eyes are searching for the answer in Dean's face, because he knows he won't have the answer in words from him.
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These exchange of gazes is so so important, because Dean is saying "Are you really asking me if I can move on... From CAS?" Because is obvious Sam was implying that, for Dean, losing Cas was more painful and unbearable than losing Mary. "You want to move on, from mom?"
The pause, the coma, is pointing Sam is referring Castiel, not mom. Is not mom the one you want to move on, right?
Dean's silence is priceless, both men talks without talking, and both know what they're talking about. Of course Dean can't move on from Castiel. And Sam knows it. Because he experienced the same with Jess.
And Dean changing the subject after that is saying HE WON'T TALK ABOUT IT.
Lies and Toxicity
We have a beautiful scene between Jack and Sam, in which Jack snaps all the bad things he heard last night. But Sam explains to him, they need his help to bring Mary back, and Jack can connect again with S through the pain of losing their moms. And he gives the kid a tip to conquer Dean's sympathy.
SAM: (...) Listen, if there’s one thing that Dean respects, it’s effort. So come along. Help us out. Let’s go be the good guys.
So we'll see the kid really giving everything in this mission.
Another quote that caught my attention was Jack saying this:
JACK: I thought lying was wrong.
Just came to my mind episode 14x19, when Jack is sick of so much lies and turn the world into 'just truth's real madness!
And another foreshadow in the same episode we will have Cas coming back, they're talking about this ...
DEAN: (...) why’d she come back from the dead and knife his ass?
JACK: People come back?
SAM: When a person dies and their soul can’t move on…
Talking about this in this specific episode has a meaning: the wife, the woman that man loved coming back from the death, is a reflection of Castiel coming back at the end of this episode. Souls that can't move on, is talking about Dean and Castiel's decease.
Another thing that is pointed in this episode is Sam seeing the bad things of John Winchester in his brother.
Castiel in the Empty
As the preamble to Castiel in the Empty, we had this dialogue here...
JACK: My mother… could she be a ghost?
SAM: No, we, um… we burned the body.
DEAN: That’s right, and what gets burned… stays dead.
Dean is saying this to himself because they burnt Cas' body too, but this scene is cut and we jump into the next one: Castiel walking around the Empty.
Then, again, Dean goes with this quote here...
DEAN: So, aside from getting dead, what do Gloria and Wes have in common?
And the scene cuts to Castiel again, emphasis in loved people that was dead, and now comes back from it.
Another interesting scene is Dean finding Gloria's diary of mourning.
SAM: More of the same. Um, he really was into the whole catharsis thing.
DEAN: Yeah, sure. Who wouldn’t be? I mean, it’s like another word for “happy ending”.
Dean shows here he knows exactly what that is, and how you can feel when you lose the love of your life. The "happy ending" is a reference of a suicidal thoughts as another way out from the pain. And as we will see in the next episode, was a way out Dean was considering for himself. Also, the journal was made by John after Mary died, and was made by this widow, after his wife died. Is important because in the interview with MIA (the ship shifter therapist) she will ask Dean if he has a diary.
Sam talks about catharsis, as an important way to process the pain, and he really tried to make his brother to do that at the beginning of the episode. Failing.
MIA: Mm. Most of the people I see are in the same boat. No warning, no goodbye, no closure.
These words play an important role for Sam, Jack and Dean, in loosing their mothers and loosing Castiel.
They exchanged heated words again in front of Mia, Sam accusing Dean because he is not carrying well with the deaths, and we'll have again an indirect question, with second meaning. Sam will be talking about Castiel again. But then, and just like Dean did at the end of the previous episode, Sam will have his blow out about losing Mary. Is a blatant comparison between Romantic Love (CAS/Dean) and Family Love (Sam/Mary).
Sam leaves, and Mia points at Dean. Dean drinks from his flask. He was doing that and eating a lot, as he always does when he loses Cas.
MIA: (...) You’re angry, Dean.
DEAN: And?
MIA: And if you don’t want to do anything about it, that’s your business. But you’re aiming it at everyone in your life.
Dean will take these words and do something about it, at the end of the episode. But, I want to talk a little about visual Narrative here, because while Mia was talking with Dean, there was a picture behind her, with BLUE/GREEN AND RED COLORS (Destiel).
The scene between CAS talking with the empty that had taken his shape is intertwined with the shape shifter that took Dean's shape. This is very meaningful bc both creatures decided to take the protagonists of this love story shapes.
So, the Empty explains where Castiel is, and also, is baffled by the angel that woke him up. Is the first time someone wakes up in the Empty, and the entity is really mad at it.
But Castiel doesn't know why he woke up, so, he went with the first idea: Maybe the Winchesters did some deal or spell. But they didn't.
The Empty represents all the darkness inside of Castiel: his doubts, his depression, his fears, his weakness. So, the only way to keep him there SLEEPING (as the image of depression) is to point at the lack of faith in coming back, or in feeling himself loved or needed.
The following dialogue shows us how smart is our angel.
CASTIEL: Having me awake causes you pain.
COSMIC ENTITY: If you can’t sleep, I can’t sleep. Yeah? And I like sleep. I need sleep.
CASTIEL: Then get rid of me.
COSMIC ENTITY: Oh, should I, should I?
CASTIEL: Send me back to Earth.
Castiel immediately detect the point of it, and tries to give a resolution for both of them.
COSMIC ENTITY: Or I throw you so deep into the Empty that you can’t bother me anymore, hmm?
CASTIEL: Except you know that won’t work, or you would’ve done it already.
COSMIC ENTITY: Pretty smart. Pretty smart, dummy.
CASTIEL: Send… Me… Back.
The first conclusion CAS arrives is by his side. The only way the Empty can get some peace is sending him back to Earth. What Cas doesn't know is, the empty won't come back to sleep, ever again after this.
COSMIC ENTITY: That’s not part of the deal. No, no. Besides, you don’t want to go back.
CASTIEL: Yes, I do. Sam and Dean need me.
COSMIC ENTITY: Oh, save it.
When the Empty says SAVE IT, is because he knows the excuse is making CAS to come back, is not the real one he has in his heart. Oh, save it is not because of that, is because ONE MAN NAMED DEAN WINCHESTER.
Because immediately after this, the Empty mocks him about it...
(Gif set credit @petercapaldi )
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Look at Castiel's face when the Empty refers to his feelings as TULIPS, because the tulips represents the perfect lover, passion and romanticism. The tulip is a symbol of sincere love. It is an incredibly romantic flower that when giving it you express infatuation, passion, unconditional love, pure love.
So, the Empty is saying here: save it, you are in love, you want to come back because you are in love.
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To the Empty, is very disgusting, aberrant, and it annoys him. He qualifies it as "little feelings"
Because he's trying to erase the hopes in Castiel. So, he shows him he knows everything about him, and if he didn't understand at first with the tulips reference, he makes it clear now I KNOW WHO YOU LOVE.
And seeding again the depression, because he needs CAS sleeping or defeated, he continues...
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Unrequited Love. The Empty exposes right in front of Cas' eyes the fear of being unrequited. With this, he is trying to show him WHY WOULD YOU COME BACK IF DEAN DOESN'T LOVE YOU BACK? He needs to cut any hopes in the angel.
And after this, he shows CAS l his mistakes, and fears, and regrets, and guilts. All the bad things, all his darkness, to put him back to sleep.
But then, Castiel gets it, he is already saved. And with more energy and hopes inside his heart, he faces the empty again:
CASTIEL You can prance and you can preen and you can scream and yell and remind me of my failings but somehow, I’m awake. And I will stay awake and I will keep you awake until we both go insane. I will fight you. Fight you and fight you for…ever. For eternity.
CASTIEL Release me. Release… me.
Symbolism again! Castiel asking his own darkness and depression, and regrets to release him in that moment, he release himself from all of that and he returns stronger than never.
Lack of Faith
Back to Dean, Jack and Sam with the shape-shifters we can see another interesting visual element, next to Dean: Sunflower.
The sunflower is the symbol of the Sun and symbolizes love and admiration. But also happiness, vitality, positivity and energy. ... For some religions it is a symbol of the one who permanently seeks God, the divine, since the star king symbolizes God.
This could be linked to what Dean means to Cas, but I think is mostly what Cas means to Dean.
But jumping into the dialogues and the symbolism and parallel of having two Deans as we had two Cas, there's a little clue for a foreshadow...
Look at this, the scene is pretty blatant, we have Buddy, Mia's ex, obssesed with her, jealouse of her life, intertwined with the dialogue between Dean and Jack, showing how important Jack is.
So, Buddy is the Empty, Mia is Castiel. And the most important thing in there, is Jack... These are the ingredients and this is the dialogue...
BUDDY: I never stopped looking for you.
JACK: I can’t.
BUDDY: And when I found this place, when I saw all that…
DEAN: Yes, you can.
BUDDY: …warm, fuzzy good you were doing. I couldn’t let you have that.
Buddy is the Empty saying to Mia, CAS, that he will search for him in a future, and he will see his happiness, one of the most important persons to CAS is JACK, that's why the dialogues are mixed here.
DEAN: Sammy believes in you, and when he believes, he’ll go Hell for leather…
So I took it all away, and it was fun.
DEAN …but you gotta try.
Again, the Empty mirror talking about taking all away from Mia, Castiel's mirror, and we have Dean talking to Jack. This is the foreshadow of 14x08, when the Empty will come for Jack in Heaven.
MIA You’re… you’re a…
BUDDY: What? A monster? Well, so are you. And it’s about time you embraced that. So I’m not gonna kill those boys. You are. You end them, or you die, courtesy of Tweedledee’s silver bullets. So what’s it gonna be, princess?
MIA: Shoot me. Shoot me!
And now we have Castiel's mirror giving her life in exchange for Dean and Jack. Just like CAS will do with his deal with the Empty in 14x08 and his ultimate Sacrifice in 15x18.
Now, the last scene. Sam is ready to move on from having faith but Dean will take the advice that Mia gave him. But in this attempt of stopping Sam from being like him, he will show again one of his deepest feelings...
(Gif set credit @aborddelimpala)
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Dean had lost faith, hopes, because he lost Castiel. And Castiel represented all of that to him.
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Sam is worried, and Dean just realized he said it. He had just showed his brother part of his depressive thoughts. And the sadness in his face is all over.
Miscellaneous: The address in Mia's office door was 219, this is a very interesting visual element, is a reference to episode 2x19, "Folsom Prison Blues", in which Sam and Dean were two prisoners, trying to show their innocence. Finally breaking free. As a foreshadow of the emotional prison we will see in Dean's possesion in episode 14x09.
To Conclude:
This episode is full of symbolism and is centered on Castiel and his storyline with the Empty.
The episode shows us too the pain carried by Dean, Jack and Sam in loosing the people they love and how each one of them walks through it in different ways.
Hope you like this meta, see you in the next one!
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If you wanna read the previous metas from this season here you have the links:
Buenos Aires, January 3rd 2021 6:46 PM
36 notes · View notes
punkrockmads · 4 years
"Wait... Your Birthday is WHEN?!"
Abby x Fem! Reader
Requested by: @bitchinzzz
(Takes place in Avalon after the 2nd game, Abby and Lev do not run into the Rattlers)
You never understood why people fussed so much over birthdays. To you, it was just another day. Another day of surviving the infected. You enjoyed seeing how happy other people were celebrating their birthdays. You especially loved the smile on Abby's face when you gave her an album for her to store her coin collection in earlier that year. And you enjoyed the way Lev hopped around the house with so much joy when you found him a huge stuffed shark a month after that for his birthday. But, you never felt the need to celebrate yours. You just enjoy making others happy. You never mentioned your birthday to Abby before and that wasn't about to change. So when you woke up on the morning of your birthday, you didn't bother saying anything to Abby or Lev.
You crawl out of bed, kissing Abby's forehead and pulling the covers over her shoulders. She mumbles incoherently, brows furrowed, before settling down again. You chuckle to yourself quietly, leaving the bedroom you shared with your girlfriend to get ready for the day. The Fireflies have a pretty comfortable setup on Catalina Island; almost as nice as it was in Jackson.
Your family had left Jackson without you to follow something you thought was simply a rumor. They went looking for the Fireflies. You went after them but soon found out they never made it. You found your mother, father and older sister hanging from trees in the forest... gutted. You lost it and hid in the basement of an abandoned house. You had been there two days when Abby and Lev had found you. You've been with them ever since. You always smile when you think back to how flustered Abby was the first few weeks.
The new Firefly base has power, running water and even a giant gate that keeps the infected out. The three of you were even given your own house in the town. Speaking of power, you need to get breakfast ready. Lev will be up soon. He's been begging your friend, Marcus, to let him patrol the fence line with him and, after weeks of begging, you and Abby finally said he could as long as he stayed beside Marcus.
You walk across the landing to Lev's bedroom door. He always sleeps with it cracked. You don't bother him about it, knowing he feels safer that way. You peek through the crack, making sure Lev is okay. The same thing you do every day. As always, he's sleeping peacefully, clinging to his giant shark plush, a smaller one laying at his feet.
You back away from his door, going downstairs to start breakfast. The living room window is open, letting in a gentle breeze that creates goosebumps on your exposed arms and legs. You only wore one of Abby's shirts and a pair of underwear to bed that night; the Summer weather being too hot to wear anything else, especially with Abby's warm body pressed against yours. You search through the kitchen, deciding scrambled eggs would be the easiest thing to make. You even have some bread you baked a few days ago left.
Although your cooking is excellent, you definitely enjoy baking more. Ingredients for pastries are very hard to come by but, whenever you manage to find them, you absolutely love baking pastries for your family and the children that live in the base. Abby says it's such a "mom" thing and teases you about it but you know she loves it when you make her favorite cookies. Every time she smells the faint scent of lemon coming from the oven, she can't help but smile. You remember her even crying a little when she found out you'd baked a cake for her birthday. She knew it probably took you quite a while to gather those ingredients. So, she finds it slightly odd that she still doesn't know when your birthday is. How is she supposed to plan something special for you?
As you're cooking eggs on the stove, Abby walks into the kitchen wearing a simple white tank top and dark green pyjama shorts. Her hair is pulled into a loose ponytail, falling over her left shoulder. You turn to her, giving her a loving smile as she walks toward you. She stands behind you, pulling you into her arms so you have to reach forward a bit to keep the pan on the stove.
"Morning, love." You say, feeling your back pressed against her warm stomach. Abby leans to press a small, gentle kiss on your right cheek.
"Good morning, angel." She mumbles against your cheek with a sleepy voice, fingers moving under your shirt and dancing along your waist. You laugh lightly at the ticklish sensation. "Did you sleep okay?"
You nod with a small hum, reaching to turn off the stove. "Did you? Sounded like you were mumbling again. Strange dream?" You turn your head to look up at her as she sways the two of you side to side slowly, a habit she's picked up over the many months you've been together.
"Good dream, actually." Abby says, a small smile on her face.
"Oh yeah? What about?" You ask as she lets you go to grab a few plates from one of the wooden cupboards. She sets them down in front of you, clicking her tongue.
"You, Lev and I celebrating Christmas." Abby begins, grabbing forks out of a drawer as you plate the eggs and bread. "Lev seeing a Christmas tree for the first time." Your smile grows wider at the thought of Lev's face lighting up at the sight of a Christmas tree. "I noticed something else, though." She pauses, carrying two plates into the dining room and setting them on the table.
"And what was that?" You ask as you join her, bringing the remaining plate and silverware.
"You had a wedding ring on your finger." The way she speaks slightly quicker doesn't go unnoticed by you. She's trying to be cocky, but she's also shy.
"What are you suggesting?" You fold your arms over your chest, looking at her with a playful grin.
"What, you don't wanna get married in the future?" Abby teases back, raising her eyebrow. You chuckle, letting your arms drop to your sides.
"As long as I'm marrying you." You state as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"Damn right, you'll be marrying me." She says, matter of factly. You roll your eyes, looking to the clock on the wall. It's almost 7:30.
"Lev should be up by now. I want him to have time to eat before going with Marcus."
"I can go wake him up." Abby offers.
"That's okay." You peck her lips, turning to go upstairs. "I left something upstairs, anyways." Her eyes are so warm; so inviting. You wish you could gaze into them forever and escape this world of kill or be killed. You think of how different your life would be if the infected never existed as you walk up the stairs. You knock on Lev's doorframe and, hearing no response, you push the door open. Lev is still sleeping exactly how he was earlier.
"Good morning, Lev." You call softly from the doorway. He just lets out a groan and buries his face in his shark. You chuckle, walking over and ruffling his already messy hair.
"Go away." He whines, his voice muffled by the stuffed animal. "Let me sleep forever." You have an idea you're sure will work. You walk to the door again, putting on a fake frown.
"Okay, if that's what you want." You sigh. You see Lev peek up at you, looking at your feigned sad expression. "I guess I'll just have to tell Marcus you changed your mind about patrolling with him. He's gonna be so disappointed but... I'm sure he'll understand." Lev sits up quickly, looking at his clock. His eyes go wide.
"I'm gonna be late!" He yells, scrambling out of bed and running past you. You laugh, hearing him run into Abby and her telling him to slow down before he gets hurt. You walk back into your bedroom, searching through yours and Abby's stuff.
"Dammit, where did I put it?" You mutter to yourself, searching for the small box of children's books you found in a basement you had cleared on your last patrol outside the gates. You're supposed to help out at the daycare today and you're more than excited to show them the new books you found for the younger children. You let out a huff when you find it tucked away in the corner of the closet.
You carry the box downstairs, listening to Lev tell Abby all about his dream about riding a giant dragon and flying to Paris. You set the box down by the front door so you won't forget it before joining your family for breakfast. After eating and doing the dishes, you and Abby go upstairs to get ready for the day.
"What do they have you doing today?" You ask her, pulling a burgundy colored top over your head.
"They want me to help a scouting team clear out a building about a half hour away." She sighs, adjusting her belt. "Nothing big." You hum, glad she isn't doing something too dangerous. Compared to what she used to do at the WLF base, these missions were a lot safer. You asked her if these missions were boring one night while the two of you were cuddled up in bed.
She shook her head, saying that, if anything, they were a lot less stressful. You mostly went on missions with her but, when you found out the daycare workers needed a bit more help, you decided to spend a bit of your time there. Only after Abby assured you she'd be fine with you not tagging along every once in a while. It did help knowing she wasn't going out there alone. They always sent a team of five, sometimes more if necessary.
"You taking those books to the kids today?" Abby asks, watching you lace up your boots. You nod, grabbing her arm to pull yourself up. "I'm sure they'll love them." She smiles. "And Macey will be really excited to see you again." You chuckle a bit at her comment about the little four year old that has grown to adore you. She lost her mother at a very young age so you became a surrogate of sorts.
"It has been a while, hasn't it?" You smile, cupping Abby's face in your hands. She leans down, touching her forehead to yours and wrapping her arms around your waist.
"She's probably losing her mind." Abby laughs, her toned stomach pressed against you. "Her dad might not be around much longer. I'm worried about her." She says, tone going serious. Her father is sick; in and out of the infirmary constantly.
"Anything happens, we'll take her in." You say, repeating the agreement you and Abby had made with Macey's father. The two of you agreed to raise the girl as your own if anything were to happen to him. He knows how much Macey loves you and your family. Abby nods, kissing your lips. You stay there for a moment, letting her soft lips rest on yours until you have to pull away for air. A knock on the front door makes you both walk downstairs. You open the door, letting Marcus in.
"Hello there, ladies." He says in his thick southern accent, stepping in and brushing locks of black hair out of his eyes. Abby calls for Lev and you hear him rush around in his room, trying to get ready quickly.
"You need a haircut." You chuckle, tugging at his hair lightly.
"Ow! Hey!" He laughs, pulling your hand out of his tangled mop he calls hair. You let go, shoving him. He shoves you back and you land against Abby's chest with an 'oof'. You look up at her and she chuckles. The three of you are good friends; always teasing each other. "You guys almost ready?" Marcus asks and you nod as he sits down on the couch. Abby picks up her backpack, putting it on her back. You checked earlier to make sure she has everything she needs for her mission. And then, just in case, you double checked.
"Lev, we've gotta go soon!" Abby calls up the stairs. Lev comes down the stairs moments later, shoes still untied as he reaches for his backpack. "Slow down and tie your shoes, goober." Abby grins at his eagerness. Lev sighs, doing what he's told.
"Please make sure you stay by Marcus, okay?" You say to Lev, slightly worried. Yeah, they'll be right outside the gate, but what if something went wrong?
"I will. Promise." Lev smiles, standing up. "Can we go now?" Marcus looks to you and Abby to make sure everyone was ready to head out.
"Yeah, c'mon." Abby says, leading everyone out the front door. You grab the box of books before closing the door behind you, walking beside Abby and Lev. As you're walking to the daycare, Abby takes the box from you, making you look up at her with a questioning gaze. She just gives you a mischievous smile. "Hey, Marcus. Hold this. She quickly hands the box to the man and grabs you, slinging you over her shoulder and making you yelp in surprise.
"What the hell? Abby! Put me down!" You protest, punching at her back. She only laughs along with Marcus and Lev. You notice a few amused looks from some of the other people who are out and about doing their daily tasks. You feel your face heat up. "Abby, stop! You're embarrassing me!" You groan. You feel her pinch the back of your thigh playfully and you smack her shoulder blade. "Abigail!" Your protests turn into annoyed whines but she doesn't set you down until you reach the daycare. Marcus hands you the box before ushering Lev along, leaving you and Abby to go patrol. "Hope you enjoyed the show, jerks!" You yell after them. Abby just grabs your chin, moving your gaze to meet hers.
"You're cute." She says, pecking the tip of your nose.
"Be safe, okay?" You whisper, wrapping your arms around her neck. You wish she didn't have to go. You'd prefer it if she stayed with you and helped with the children. But, that isn't an option today. She has responsibilities.
"Always." Abby promises. "I love you."
"I love you, too." You smile. She kisses your lips once more before turning and walking away. You watch until she is out of sight and head inside the daycare. Immediately, the young kids look to you and smile.
"Y/N!" They all yell, getting up to swarm you. Several pairs of arms wrap around your waist, making you chuckle. You notice a little banner hanging up by the chalkboard in the front of the room. 'Happy Birthday'.
"Alright, kids. Settle down." Violet laughs. Violet has been running the daycare for quite a while along with a much older woman who moved on to help teach the older kids. When you found out Violet had been stuck with twelve kids, all six and under, you just had to step in and help whenever you could.
"Who's birthday is it?" You ask once all of the kids have returned to their desks.
"It's mine!" A little boy with curly red hair says from the corner. You smile.
"Happy birthday, Adam!" You set the box down on a shelf beside the door. "How old are you?" He grins, revealing a missing tooth. He holds up four fingers. "That's super cool! My birthday's today, too. But I'm much older than you." You say, laughing at his shocked gasp.
"Today's YOUR birthday, too?!" You turn around to see your favorite little girl bounding toward you, her long blonde hair bouncing with every step. She clings to your leg.
"Yep." You say, simply. Macey tugs on your arm, silently asking you to bend down. You do as she wishes, looking into her deep blue, playful eyes.
"What's in the box?" She whispers, squishing your cheeks with her little hands.
"You really wanna know?" You tease. She nods, her eyes wide and full of wonder. You pull her hands away and stand up, walking over to the box. You place it on the floor for all of the kids to see. They all go crazy, so happy to see brand new books for them to read. You let them look through the books, a smile on your face.
"Thank you for the books." Violet says, standing beside you. "They're really going to love them."
"It's really no problem." You smile. "I'm glad they'll be of use instead of collecting dust in that basement."
"So, are you, Abby and Lev gonna do something big for your birthday later?" She asks.
"No." You state, simply. "They don't even know it's my birthday." Violet looks at you like you just drank bleach.
"What?!" She exclaims, her voice barely heard over the babbling kids. "Why haven't you told them?"
"I never really celebrate it. I don't feel the need to." You shrug. She turns away.
"I guess some people don't celebrate their birthdays." Violet says. "Hell, my brother doesn't even remember when his is."
"Hard to keep track of." You say before Macey runs up to you and grabs your legs, repeating little cheers of 'thank you' over and over.
Later that day, you head home to find Lev and Abby already there. You join Abby in the kitchen, helping her prepare dinner as she talks about her mission. When she asks how your day with the kids went, you mention Adam's birthday and it makes her pause. She realizes she still has no clue when your birthday is.
"Hey, when is your birthday?" Abby asks, setting the table.
"Today." You say as if she's just asked what time it is. She almost drops a plate at your response.
"Wait... your birthday is WHEN?!" You laugh at her shocked expression.
"Today." You repeat.
"What- why didn't you tell me sooner?" Abby stumbles over her words, walking back into the kitchen.
"I don't know." You respond, turning to face her. "It doesn't really matter."
"Of course it does!" She takes your hands in hers, running her thumbs over your knuckles. "It's your birthday, baby! If anything, you should at least be celebrating the fact that you survived another year of the apocalypse like a badass." You roll your eyes at her little smirk. "Tell you what, we don't have to do anything exciting tonight. But, I still wanna do something special so... how about the three of us stay up late and watch a movie? Then, we sleep in tomorrow?" You contemplate the idea. Neither of you had work to do tomorrow and it would be nice to spend a night cuddled up on the couch with your family. Maybe you could make it a bit more interesting...
"Can we watch a scary movie?" You ask. "Nothing too inappropriate for Lev, though." She sighs. She's never been the biggest fan of scary movies. They're usually too predictable. The psychological horror films are her favorite because they mess with your mind.
"Alright." Abby agrees. "We can watch a scary movie."
"Okay." You smile, kissing her cheek and going into the dining room. You call for Lev to come eat dinner and he says he'll join as soon as he's finished his drawing. Abby walks in after you, pulling you close. Your eyes go wide when she pulls you into a kiss. Once you process what's happening, you let your eyes close and kiss back. She runs the tip of her tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You deny, pulling away and grinning at her annoyed groan. As much as you'd love to continue, Lev would be coming into the dining room any minute. Besides, it's way too much fun teasing her and watching her try so hard to continue only to be forced to wait patiently. She settles for kissing your temple, lingering for a brief moment.
"Happy birthday, beautiful." Abby whispers, nuzzling her face into your hair.
"Thanks, babe." You say, resting your forehead on her shoulder. She makes a mental note to never forget your birthday and even starts planning an extravagant celebration for next year that she would most likely have to force you to attend.
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Two
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut.
a/n: not proofread fam, I didn’t have the strength. 
It took Harry nearly an hour to get you to calm down after you said goodbye to your grandmother at the airport. You cried the entire car ride home, and you cried for a while at home. He chalked some of it up to your hormones, but he also knew it was just hard for you to say goodbye to her.
“It really was a nice visit. I’m glad she got to stay with us.” You say to him as you lay on top of him on the sofa.
“Me too, she’s a hoot.” He rubs your back up and down. He was happy you weren’t crying anymore. “She’ll be back soon enough. She wants to go dress shoppin’ with yeh remember?”
“I know, but I don’t want her spending the money coming up for every little thing. Like if she comes up for that, she probably won’t come for the bridal shower…” You sigh.
“You both will just have to decide what’s most important.”
“I’ll definitely need her for the dress shopping. It’ll be bad enough with my mom and sisters judging every little thing I might like. Rachel’s the best at picking things out. I’d rather just go with the girls and Nannie.”
“So you should do that. Listen, this is supposed to be fun for us. Don’t worry about other people, do things the way you want to do them.”
“I suppose with Erica doing it all before me, there are things my mom can get out of her system. We’re going dress shopping with her next month. I feel like I’m about to get really busy. El said she wants her bridal party to pick out their dresses soon. And I have class…”
“Take a deep breath. You’ll get overwhelmed if you think about too much at once.”
“You’re right, sorry.”
“S’okay, I know it can be easy to get stressed out. At least we have the whole day off together today. What do you feel like doin’?”
“I’d like to have sex, but my period is really bad…”
“We could-“
“Harry, I don’t think a shower could even help right now.” You groan. “I could suck you off.”
“It’s only fun if I get to reciprocate.”
“Not true.” You scooch down his body. “Now I kinda really want it anyways.”
“Oh you do?”
You get between his legs and unzip his shorts. You kiss on his lower stomach as you palm him through his boxers. He runs a hand through your hair, as you continue. You tug everything down just enough to get his hard dick out. You spit into your right hand to stroke him for a bit, running your thumb across his tip. Harry’s breath hitches and his head rolls back. You continue to pump him while your lips wrap around his tip.
“Ugh, fuck me.” He groans, and you can’t help but smirk when you look up at him. “Wipe that look off your face, now.”
Your mouth falls open and he pushes your head down further on him. You take the hint and swirl your tongue around him. His hips thrust up and you feel him hit the back of your throat. You choke on him for a moment and you feel tears prick at your eyes. But you work through it, and swallow.
“Shit, ngh.”
You loved hearing home moan like this, it only made you want to work harder for him. You bob your head up and down, really making a mess of it. You look back up at him, trying to give him innocent eyes as you spit trailed down your chin.
“Y/N.” He breathes as he looks at you.
You pop off him just for a moment to pump him. Your other hand rests on his hip and you give it a squeeze. Your mouth goes back down on him, and you both groan.
“That’s it, baby, that’s so good, fuck.”
You cradle his balls as you suck on him, and he comes into your mouth. You continue to suck until you’ve gotten every last drop into your mouth. You sit up and wipe the corners of your mouth and tuck him back into his pants. He watches as you get up to go to the kitchen. He knew you were going to rinse your mouth out like you always did. You come back to him, and lay in your spot on top of him like you were.
“You’re so fuckin’ good at that, thank you.” He kisses your forehead and you practically purr in his arms. There was nothing like a forehead kiss.
“My pleasure, babe.”
“Wanna go out to dinner tonight? You and I haven’t been able to celebrate just the two of us yet.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot actually. Can we get Italian?”
“We can get whatever you want, my angel.” You nuzzle further into his chest and enjoy the smell of his cologne.
After falling asleep on top of him, you wake up to the feeling of being carried to your bedroom.
“Harry?” You mumble.
“Sorry, I needed a wee, and so I thought I’d just set you down in here.”
“That’s okay.” You yawn as he puts you down on the bed. “Probably shouldn’t sleep the day away.”
He uses the toilet and comes back to sit next to you.
“But being lazy once in a while is nice, isn’t it? I feel like we had this crazy busy summer, it’s nice to just relax.”
“How do you see things at the studio now that all the kids are back in school?”
“Everyone and their brother wants a fall photoshoot. The leaves are going to peak soon, so everyone wants these like harvest style pictures. Plus, we’re already starting on holiday photos. Mariah suggested doing Santa Sessions, so we’re gonna get those booked out soon.”
“Are you going to have Santa there?”
“No, it’s more like decorations, the backdrop would look like his workshop, stuff like that. I don’t know, it’s her project.” He shrugs. “Either way, we’re stayin’ busy, and that’s the most important thing.” You nod.
“I think I’m gonna take a shower before we go out later. I need to wake up.”
“How come you’re so tired, baby?” He rubs your back.
“Think it’s just my period, makes me exhausted sometimes.”
“I’m gonna take Buster out for a walk then.”
You get into the shower and stand there for a few minutes. You shave your legs and anywhere else you feel like you need to, and get out. You blow dry your hair and throw some curls in. You walk out into the living room in your towel, with your underwear on of course. Harry wasn’t back yet, and it was raining outside.
You grab your phone and call him. He doesn’t answer.
“What the…”
You race back to the bedroom and throw some sweats on. You slip on your sneakers and grab an umbrella and out the door you go. You’re not sure where to go at first, but you walk the usual route you and Harry always take Buster. It was absolutely pouring. You were starting to get nervous. You squint as you see a figure walking towards you.
“Harry!” You gasp and run down the street to cover him with the umbrella, not that it mattered now. His eyes were puffy and red and his head was hanging. “Wh…where’s Buster?”
“I don’t know.” You both turn to walk towards the parking garage. “He heard some thunder and slipped away from me. I ran after him and called for him, but…he just got away from me.”
“Oh no! Well, we have to find him!”
“I know!”
“Don’t yell at me!”
“I’m not!”
You both get into his car, and start driving around.
“Jesus, it’s gonna get dark soon. My poor baby.” You start tearing up.
“He never runs away. The one time I have a slightly loose grip on the leash-“
“You can’t blame yourself, it was an accident. We just need to find him before it gets dark. I’m going to text Niall to see if he’ll wait outside our building. Maybe he’ll come back.”
“Good idea.”
“Harry, drive towards the park near the studio, it’s not that far from here and he’s used to going there.”
Your entire body was shaking. You didn’t know what you would do if your little boy was lost forever.
“Y/N! There by that tree! Think that’s him?!”
“It could be! Let me get out.”
You basically jump out of the moving car and run towards the large tree in the park.
He looks up at you, but doesn’t come towards you. He’s whimpering where he sits, frightened by the cold and the thunder.
“Baby, it’s me! It’s mumma! Don’t be scared.” You slowly approach him and stick your hand out. Harry runs toward you both after parking the car. “See, it’s daddy too! Nothing to be scared of.”
“I think his leg is hurt…”
“Oh my god, I think you’re right!”
Harry approaches him and picks him. He’s soaked, but right now it didn’t matter.
“Babe, sit in the back with him, I have a blanket in the trunk we can wrap around him.”
Harry gets him in the car while you grab the blanket. You wrap it around him and try to comfort him.
“I’m gonna drive to the vet.” You hum your response as you continue to try to calm Buster down.
“Do you think a car hit him?”
“I have no idea…maybe he slipped? Can a dog roll its ankle?”
“I guess we’ll find out.”
Harry gets you all to the vet, and carries Buster inside. You check him in and they’re able to take him right away due to the emergency. You’re told to wait in the waiting room. Harry keeps pacing back and forth, his nerves were shot.
“Mr. and Mrs. Styles?” A nurse comes out. You think to correct her, but now isn’t the time.
“Yes?” You say standing up. Harry also notices you don’t correct her, and for a second he feels a little better.
“Come on back with me.” She smiles.
You take Harry’s hand and follow her to where Buster was. You hear him yip, it was like he was good as new.
“We had to put a brace on his back left leg. He has a slight sprain. We’re not entirely sure how. It didn’t look like he was hit by anything, he could have slipped and fell the wrong way. We gave him a shot to numb the pain as well.”
“Oh, thank you.” You throw your arms around him and he licks your cheek. “Mumma was so scared.” You kiss him a ton. Harry pats his back and gives him kisses too. “Don’t you ever run away from your daddy again, do you under stand me?”
“Miss…he’s a dog…not a small child.” She says with a blank expression. You turn to look at her slowly. Before you can say anything, Harry does.
“Listen, I’m sure you have to deal with stupid people all day, but this dog is our child at the moment, so if my fiancé wants to give him a stern talkin’ to for running away from me, then she will, and you can just keep your mouth shut, yeah?”
“Right.” She coughs nervously. “So, here’s his prescription, and some details on how to help his leg. You can check out up front, we’ll want to see him for a follow up.”
Harry takes the papers from her, and sets him down on the floor. He has a slight limp, but he’s able to walk. You practically white knuckle his leash as you lead him back to the lobby. They give you the medicine Buster will need, and out the door you go. You sit in the back with him again.
“Thanks for the backup in there.”
“Don’t mention it, I wouldn’t let some stranger disrespect you like that. I don’t care how silly she thought it was. He was bad runnin’ from me, even if he was scared, and he should know it.”
“We should stay in with him tonight, we have plenty of leftovers we can have for dinner.”
“I was thinkin’ the same thing. We need to get his leg on a pillow.”
You had texted Niall earlier to let him know Buster was found and safe. Harry gets Buster up to the apartment. You drag his dog bed over near the sofa and put some extra pillows in there.
“I need to go change, my clothes are still soaked.”
You nod at him as he walks down the hall. If the situation wasn’t so serious you might have joked about how sexy he looked, but maybe you were save that for some pillow talk later. He comes back out a few minutes later and looks at you.
“Do you even feel like eating?” He asks.
“No, I’m sick to my stomach.”
“Me too.”
You both sit on the sofa and sigh.
“I’m very upset with him.” You say. “But I’m glad we found him before it got dark out.”
“I just feel so stupid for letiin’ him get away in the first place.”
“Harry, it’s not your fault. Accidents happen. He knows not to run away, we trained him right.”
“It was like everything happened in slow motion too. As soon as I heard the thunder we looked at each other and I knew he was gonna do somethin’.” Buster looks up at Harry. “Yeah, I’m talkin’ about you, bub.” Harry leans down and pats his head.
“I’m gonna go make us a little food.”
“Thought you were sick to your stomach.” He smirks.
“I’ve calmed down a bit. He’s here with us now, that’s all that matters.”
“Alright, well in that case, I’d love some kugel please.”
“You got it.” You stand up and kiss his forehead.
You go into the kitchen and make up a couple of plates. Harry thanks you when you come back out.
“Do you feel like watching a movie?” You ask him.
“Sure! What did you have in mind?”
“You should pick, we always watch what I wanna watch.”
Harry smiles and flips through the different options of movies on the various platforms you both paid for.
“Oh! How about When Harry Met Sally?”
“Yeah! You know I’ve never seen it, but I’ve always wanted to.” Harry’s jaw drops. “What?”
“The Film Studies minor slash Film Club president has never seen When Harry Met Sally?”
“Romantic Comedies isn’t exactly a genre you study extensively, although, I know this film set a precedent.”
“I wish more were like it, to be honest. So do you feel like watchin’ it?”
“Definitely, now’s a good a time as any.”
“This is one of my all-time favorites, Y/N, I hope you like it.”
“I’m sure I will. I love Billy Crystal.”
He starts the movie as you both continue to eat. When you’re both done he sets the plates on the side table, and puts his arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close to him. Both of you put your feet up on the ottoman.
“It’s like we’re on a little date, isn’t it?” He asks you.
“Mhm.” You smile and snuggle in closer.
“Now that my weekends are freeing up, I wanna make more time for dates. I wanna take you to the movies, and go out for drinks.”
“So you essentially want to establish a date night?”
“That sounds so…boring when you say it like that, but yeah. We both always have so much going on, I just want to make sure we make time for this.”
“Me too, Harry. We can definitely have a date night.” You squint at the TV. “Wait, so what’s happening, why are they driving together?”
“So, they both just graduated from college, and he’s dating Sally’s friend. They both needed to go to New York, so she told Harry to drive with Sally.”
“Ah, okay. And that’s how they met.”
“They meet multiple times, they keep findin’ each other over the years.”
“Aww, that’s so cute!”
You both enjoy the rest of the movie. You tear up a bit when they fight and then hug it out. You can’t help but laugh a little towards the end when Sally tells Harry how much she hates him, and then they kiss. It reminded you a little of 10 Things I Hate About You.
“What did you think?” Harry asks yawning as the credits roll.
“I really liked it! I can see where a lot of other films took things from. It had a really good pace too, like I never felt bored.”
“I’m so glad to hear you say that.” He says with relief. “I feel like I kept watchin’ you to see your reactions.”
“I know you were.” You both laugh. “Do you think we should let him sleep with us tonight? If he whines in the middle of the night for his medicine I wanna be able to hear him.”
“Good idea, yeah, he can come in with us.”
Harry picks Buster up and carried him to your room. You do your nightly routine and get into bed. Buster lays at the both of your feet and falls asleep quickly. He must be exhausted from the entire ordeal. You knew you and Harry both were.
“Who’s he goin’ to work with tomorrow?” He asks he climbs into bed with you. “I’d take him, but somethin’ tells me he’s gonna want his mum.”
“I was thinking the same thing. I don’t have many meetings, so he’ll be fine with me.”
You both kiss goodnight, and snuggle up to fall asleep.
Buster was able to walk, but not for long period of time, so Harry makes sure to help get him into your car. You didn’t carpool on Tuesdays because you saw Dr. Mara right after work. Once you get Buster up to your office, you give him some medicine.
“Mornin’, here’s your…aww poor thing, look at him.” He hands you your coffee.
“I know, he scared us so bad. I’m just glad we found him and he’s safe. It’s only a sprain, so if we do everything right he should be back to normal in a few weeks.”
“Well that’s good at least. Why’d he run from Harry again?”
“The thunder from the storm yesterday scared him. I think it was too loud for him.” Niall nods.
“So, I’ve just been told we have a meeting this morning, like now, in the conference room.”
“Are you serious?” You groan. “I haven’t even gotten settled.”
“I think it’s quick, Sharon said we don’t even need our laptops.”
“Okay.” You sigh. “C’mon, Buster.”
He gets up slowly and follows you and Niall down to the conference room.
“Oh my gosh!”
Everyone from your division was there smiling at you, and there were bagels and doughnuts out on the table.
“What is all this?”
“Niall told us all yesterday that you got engaged so we wanted to celebrate with you!” Trish says.
“This is so sweet! Thank you all so much.” You look at Niall. “You’re too good to me, thank you.” You both hug.
“And I got that lox you like too.” He points to it.
“What a treat! I’m glad I had a really light breakfast this morning.”
Niall splits a bagel with you, and put some lox and cream cheese on it. You show everyone your ring, tell them how Harry proposed and showed off a few pictures. They each give Buster a little loving as well, and he soaked it up.
Eventually you go to your office, after thanking everyone for the millionth time, and get some work done. You had a ton of emails to catch up on, and a couple of projects that needed to get started. You weren’t even hungry when lunch rolled around, so you just hung out with Buster in Niall’s office.
“Our new intern starts tomorrow.” He tells you.
“Oh? And what’s their specialty?”
“Once again, we have a social media/video editor. His name is Zach, and he’s a senior. He actually goes to where you went.”
“Oh, really? Well that’ll be fun. Maybe I could be like a mentor or something.” You shrug.
“We having a meeting with him tomorrow morning. I guess we have him all day on Mondays and Wednesdays.”
“Didn’t the school year already start? Why is he just coming to us now?”
“That was on our end, HR took forever to get everything processed.”
“Awesome.” You scoff. “Well, at least he’ll actually be able to get work done being here for full days.”
“Yeah, definitely. Hopefully this one won’t have a crush on you.” He laughs.
“Stop it.” You groan. “I never want to think about Matt ever again. You know I ran into him months ago at the bar? It was when we went out for Sarah’s birthday.”
“Oh you mean the night none of you wore bras and you got that bartender’s number?”
“Yup.” You sigh. “And it wasn’t like I asked for the guy’s number.”
“I know, I’m just givin’ yeh a tough time.” He chuckles.
You period ended Wednesday morning, which meant you could finally surprise Harry with something he had wanted for a long time, but you had to wait the entire work day to give it to him. Around 9AM you had your meeting with Niall and Zach. Buster was being very needy with you, and at on the floor between your legs with his head in your lap.
“He really is just like his father, huh?”
“Niall!” You burst out laughing and nudge his arm. “You can’t say stuff like that. What if the intern was here?”
“He’s not here yet.” He laughs.
“Buster’s just not liking the medicine he has to take. I feel so bad, he only wants me. I think Harry feels like a bad father.”
“Don’t all kids want their mum when they don’t feel well?”
“Hi, I’m so sorry I’m late, it took me forever to find parking, and then I had to get all the way up here.”
A young man with short black hair and blue eyes walks in. He looked to be just under six feet. He was wearing a blue button up tucked into some khakis. He looked nice enough. Niall stands up to shake his hand, you do the same. He’s startled when he hears Buster yip.
“S’no problem, Zach. Please have a seat.” Niall says to him.
“Is there a dog in here?” He sits down adjacent to you.
“Yeah, sorry, this is Buster. I bring him to work with me most days, I hope that’s alright.”
“Oh, sure! I love dogs, just didn’t see him.”
“Well, I’m Niall and this is Y/N. We’ll be supervising you this semester. This is basically an intake meeting. We wanna make sure we’re putting you on projects that make sense, and all that.”
“You also go to my alma mater.” You smile.
“Seriously? That’s great! And yeah, I brought my laptop with me, I thought I could show you some of the things I’ve done, if that’s cool.”
“That would be great!” Niall says.
After an hour with Zach, you and Niall show him where he’ll be working, and Niall gets him started on a few things. You liked him so far. He seemed smart and down to business, which is exactly what you were hoping for. Towards the end of the day he knocks on the outside of your door.
“Come on in, Zach.” You smile and he walks in. “Have a seat.” He does so and smiles at you.
“Um, so, I just wanted to say your name sounded a little familiar, and I realized that you founded the very film club that I’m in.”
“Oh my goodness, really?! I’m so happy to hear it still has members.”
“Tons! I also work in our alumni office on campus, and I think it would be really cool if you came to campus and spoke with the current members. Sort of show them that being in a fun club can also help lead to bigger opportunities. We could do an alumni spotlight on you for the magazine.”
“Do you really think that I’m worthy of the alumni magazine?” You scoff. “I get sent that thing in the mail all the time, and it’s always these stories about old people.
“Or random dudes. I think they should feature more women. The director of alumni relations would love this, I think. He’s really nice. Could I at least give him your email?”
“Sure.” You smile. “At any rate, I’d love to come to a film club meeting some time. I could show you all the projects we used to make together.”
“That would be amazing!” He beams. “I can’t wait to tell them. We meet on Thursday nights. This week would be too soon, I assume, but maybe next week you could come?”
“I’d love to.”
He gets up and thanks you for your time before leaving. He was a sweet boy.
You got home before Harry on Wednesdays, which was perfect for what you wanted to put together for him. You get Buster fed and settled before heading into your bedroom. You put on some black lace lingerie and then grab your navy pencil skirt to put on over it. After that you put on the blazer that goes with it, and button it up. You slide your feet into your nude pumps. You go into the bathroom and pin your hair up into a more formal bun. All you’d have to do is take one pin out and it would fall into your waves. You touch up your makeup, and make your way up to the loft.
Harry gets home and kicks his shoes off. Buster carefully trots over to him and Harry lets him lick his hand.
“Hey buddy, where’s mumma?”
“Harry, is that you?”
He looks up towards the loft.
“Could come here for a minute please?”
“Sure thing, one second!” He uses the bathroom quick and then heads up to the loft. His eyes grow wide when he sees you. “Did you have, like, an important meeting today or somethin’?”
“I always do.”
“Wait, you weren’t wearin’ that before you left this mornin’…”
“I always dress like this, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” You wink at him and his eyebrows raise. His lips curl into a grin.
“Is…are we doin’ this?” You nod yes. “Okay, okay.” He takes a deep breath. “Go on.”
“So, um, right, we need to work late tonight…got a big presentation tomorrow.” You try to look as serious as possible.
Harry circles around you and stands right behind you. He dips his head down so his lips are at your ear.
“And what can I do to assist you?” You turn around to face him.
“You know, standing so close to me like that isn’t exactly professional.” You smirk. “I’m your boss after all.”
“Right.” He leans against his desk. “Wouldn’t want anyone to think you play favorites with or anything.” He smirks. “Although, they already think that since I’m the only one you’re nice to.”
“That’s because you’re the only competent person here.”
“You know what I think the real problem is?”
“What’s that?”
“You can come off as uptight.”
“Well…I’m just always stressed.” You shrug. “It’s not easy being the CEO of a large company, you know?”
“I do know. That’s why you hired me, remember? To help make you less stressed, but in all honesty…I don’t think you’re using me to my fullest potential.” He grins.
Harry was amazing you. He had clearly wanted to do this for a while, and you were happy to finally be doing this for him.
“You think so, huh?” You cross your arms. “Enlighten me then, how could I be using you?”
He takes a step forward and uncrosses your arms. He takes one of the buttons on your blazer and twists it between his thumb and index finger.
“You walk around with so much tension in your shoulders. I could rub them for you, but you’d have to take this off…”
“I suppose that would be alright, but I’ll warn you, I don’t have much on underneath.”
“Doesn’t bother me if it doesn’t bother you.”
You nod and unbutton the blazer. Harry pushes it off your shoulders, and he gasps when he sees the black strappy bra that you’re wearing. You fold the blazer and lay it on your desk chair.
“This alright?” You smile.
“When did you get this, it’s really pretty.” You suck your teeth and look at him. “Shit, sorry.” You clears his throat. “Yeah, perfectly fine.”
You turn around and he starts to rub your shoulders. His thumbs knead into the back of your neck and you let out a soft moan.
“Good thing everyone else is gone for the day, or else they might get the wrong idea with noises you’re makin’.”
“Can’t help it, your hands just feel too good. Who knew you had such a gentle touch?”
One of Harry’s hands slides around to the front of your throat.
“And what if I wasn’t so gentle?” Your eyes grow wide, not that he can see. An ache starts to grow between your legs. “Got an answer for me, boss?”
You weren’t sure how to respond. You wanted him to really grip you, make it so you almost couldn’t breathe, but you were slightly scared that if you both got too caught up, you could have a flash. Although, you were almost positive Harry wouldn’t let that happen, so you decide to roll with it.
“I think…I could use a different way to de-stress.” You turn to face him. You put a hand over his and slide it down to the top of one of your breasts.
“I could get fired if HR finds out.”
“Who do you think signs their checks? I decide who gets fired around here, and it certainly isn’t going to be you.”
“Then I’d be happy to give you what you need.”
“And what exactly is that?”
That shit eating grin of his forms, the one where you can really see his dimples. His other arm snakes around your waist and pulls you close to him, so your hips are touching him. He removes his hand that’s on top of your breast to the back of your neck and pulls you to kiss him. You moan as his tongue enters your mouth. He was getting a pretty good taste of you. He lets go of you, and waits for your response.
“Need a little more?”
“A lot more.”
You reach for the pin that’s holding your bun together and take it out. Your hair falls and you shake it out. Harry grabs you by your hips, and bends you over his desk. He hikes your skirt up and he groans when he sees the thong you’re wearing.
“You know, I think it’s a little…naughty of you to have been wearing this underneath your clothes.” You look at him over your shoulder. You give him a look that says, not too hard, and he nods in understanding.
You feel a smack, not necessarily on your ass, but more so right near your center. You mouth oh my god to yourself. You had zero idea he really wanted to do things like this with you. But then again, you weren’t really you and he wasn’t really him. Harry grabs your hips and places a hand on one of your cheeks so he can see his target better. You feel another smack and you gasp. He leans down so he can speak into your ear.
“See, you’re this really strong woman, and I think that’s great. But I think it’s time you’ve been taken down a notch, don’t you?”
You hear him undo his pants, and then you feel him move your thong to the side. He grabs you by the back of your neck and pulls you up. He taps your bottom lip with his index and middle fingers. You take the hint and open up for him, sucking them into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around them and really make a show of it for him. He tracts them and the next thing you know he’s knuckle deep inside you. You loved it when he’d finger you from behind. There was something about the angle he was getting that always felt so good.
“You like that, boss?”
“Yes, please keep doing it.” You groan.
He pumps in and out of you, and you cry out when you feel him under you, lips wrapped around your clit. You claw at his desk as your legs start to shake. All of a sudden he stops and you look at him.
“Didn’t think I was gonna let you come so easily did you?” He raises an eyebrow at you. “You’re always so in control, but not tonight.”
He pushes you back down against the desk so your chest was flush with it. He removes your thong all the way and leaves it around your ankles. He bunches your skirt up around your hips and spreads you apart with his thumbs. He slowly inserts himself into you. As much as he just wanted to be careless and rough, he didn’t want to send you into a frenzy.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” He groans once he’s full inside. “So wet for me.” He pulls out and then slams all the way back in.
“Do that again.”
Harry happily obliges and fucks you like that for a few minutes. It was how you had wanted him to fuck you for a long time, and you were happy to be in a place where he could. He was starting to hit you g-spot and it was overwhelming.
“Shit, right there, that’s it!”
He could tell you were close, but he didn’t want you to think you could come yet. He grips the back of your neck with one hand, and squeezes your hip with the other.
“Are you close?”
“You have to ask me if you can come.” He slows down his pace and rocks in and out of you.
“Ask me if you can come.”
“Can I come?!”
“What’s the magic word?”
Harry grins and picks up the pace again. Your moans and groans mixed with the sound of his skin slapping against yours. You come hard around him. He pulls out and comes on your ass. You groan when you feel the heat from it. You hear him zip his pants back up so you stand up and turn to face him. You weren’t sure if the role play was over or not. When you see his features soften and his reassuring smile form on his lips, you know it is.
“C’mere.” He holds his arms out for you, and you nearly trip into him since your panties were still around your ankles. “Whoops, sorry ‘bout that, baby.”
“S’okay.” You giggle as he kisses the top of your head.
“Let’s get you downstairs.” He picks you up bridal styles and carefully brings you down the spiral staircase. “So, to what do I owe this amazing surprise?” He carries you down to the bathroom and sets you down on your feet. He runs a rag under some warm water to clean up where he came on you.
“I just wanted to do something special for you since you proposed, but I couldn’t exactly do this for you while I was on my period…” You wince slightly when he cleans up near your center.
“Sorry…did I slap you too hard?”
“It didn’t feel like it while you were doing it.” You get out of your pencil skirt and Harry helps you get out of your strappy bra. You throw on some of his sweats and go into the kitchen with him. “We should probably take Buster out soon…”
“We can start cookin’ and then take him out. Right buddy?” He yips at Harry and he chuckles. “So…it was okay, all of it?”
“For doing in a role play, yes.” You rub the back of your neck. “But that’s the only scenario I want you talking to me like that, okay?”
“Fair enough.” He shrugs and wraps his arms around you. “Thank you.”
“Did it live up to the fantasy?”
“God, yes. Even more so. That was really cool of you, Y/N.” He kisses you quick. “So, what do you want for dinner? I’ll make whatever you want.”
“I think we have stuff for tacos, I picked up those meatless meat crumbles…”
“Tacos it is then.” He smiles.
“Come on Buster, mummy take you out quick while daddy cooks.” He tries to hide his smirk. “You wanted me to call you that earlier, didn’t you?” You say, crossing your arms.
“What would make you think that?” He asks facetiously and you roll your eyes. “All part of the fantasy, love.”
“What is it with guys and wanting to be called daddy, I really don’t get it. Why would you want me to fuck my father? Or have me picture my father?” You laugh.
“S’not what it’s about…it’s more of just like…a dominance thing. Like I said, it’s just part of the fantasy, I don’t actually want you callin’ me that unless it’s in reference to Buster.”
“Good, because that’s the only way I’m calling you that.” You smirk, and put Buster’s leash on. Harry gets to work on the tacos.
“Wow, Harry! This looks great!”
He had set everything up on the island like a little buffet so you could add all the fixings you wanted. You each eat three soft shell tacos and clean up when you’re done. You were stuffed. You both flop onto the sofa and relax.
“So…Glee?” He says to you.
“You read my mind.”
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Hell and Back Pt.1
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Language, drug use, mentions of death/the dead, parental neglect, mentions of selling hard drugs, brief mention of drugging, self deprecating thoughts, near death.
Word Count: 4.5k
Songs: Trouble Dont Last Always- Rev Timothy Wright, Violent- carolesdaughter, Feel Better- Penelope Scott, Kids- Current Joys, Never (feat. O_super)- Mag.Lo, Weary- Solange, Sleepwalk (Remastered 2010) Santo & Johnny, Dark Red- Steve Lacy, Glitter- 070 Shake. 
“‘I wish I could be a religious person. They always seem so happy and carefree. To be able to put that much trust into something or someone. I know you were never religious but your family was. My family isn’t really all that religious but they did always feel like prayer could solve all. I’d been praying my whole life and not one had ever been answered. All my family is a bunch of hypocrites and sinners, but hey hate the sin not the sinner right? Ha yeah right.”
A/N: The part two of this chapter should be out soon and there was only two proof reads sorry for any mistakes. 
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October 13th 
‘Dear Rose, This is stupid, this shit is for white people. Wait let me try again.’
I ripped the paper in half. I was trying to do that thing where you write letters to dead people to help you get over their deaths or whatever. I never had a diary and I felt stupid doing this in the first place so it was definitely hard. 
I was sitting in one of the queen-sized beds of the hotel room with an empty college-ruled notebook. I heard Bri and MJ go down to get breakfast, but I pretended to be asleep, I wasn’t hungry.
I’d already ripped three pages out but, I was going to do this, I started it and I wasn’t gonna back out now. 
‘So I don’t really know why I’m doing this but I miss you, like a lot. I cried last night. For like the first in at least 6 months. I don’t know why I felt that was important, but it was relieving. I’m in the fanciest hotel I’ve ever stayed (legally) at right now. You’d like it. It's just a Marriott but it’s pretty big. I don’t know if I believe in heaven (or a God even), but I truly hope you’re there right now. I know I’m probably not going if it is real. If it is I know you and my mom and everyone else is there and I just don’t want earth to be the last time I saw y’all. I just feel ungrateful because I’m not happy. I’m not happy to be where I am right now. I know I’m better off than almost everyone else in Melrose but I didn’t earn my spot. I lied and cheated my way to where I am. 
I remember that one argument we had. The biggest one back when you first started selling. I had the audacity to get mad at you for just trying to provide for your family. Then became everything I despised. I was trying to look back on the “good days”. Which was depressing because looking back at what we thought were goods days were just days that weren’t terrible. 
At least when you were selling you never lost yourself. I don’t even know who I am anymore. I just feel burnt out. 
Yesterday me and Bri were fooling around in the hotel which was fun so I guess that’s good. I’m tryna stick to the positives of my day. Another good thing was that I found one of Jay’s hoodies in my bag . It’s pretty comfortable. I miss him too. I’m trying not to think about all the people I’ve lost because that list could go on for eternity. I might do this again, I don’t know it doesn’t feel so stupid anymore. I’m burning this note though. I know you always said no one lives forever but why’d you have to go so soon, the good ones always do. If there’s truly life after death tell my mom I love her for me and I love you too.
Sincerely Y/N,’
October 14th 9:03am
‘I wish I could be a religious person. They always seem so happy and carefree. To be able to put that much trust into something or someone. I know you were never religious but your family was. My family isn’t really all that religious but they did always feel like prayer could solve all. I’d been praying my whole life and not one had ever been answered. All my family is a bunch of hypocrites and sinners, but hey hate the sin not the sinner right? Ha yeah right.
I remember Ms. Williams with that stupid  “Shoot for the moon and if you miss at least you’ll be among the stars” poster. It was tacky and we were always making fun of it. I never realized how much it bothered me until now though. I’d say I have selective memory if I have any memories at all,  but that poster is seared into my mind. I think it might be because I felt like it was mocking me because she knew goddamn well none of us were making it out this city. Let alone ever getting anywhere near the stars. Now, I was the closest to the stars and out of everyone who could've been here it was me. The person who deserves it the least.
Sincerely Y/N,’
October 14th 8:57pm
‘I think the reason I’m still doing this letter thing is because I don’t wanna stop missing you because missing you was better than feeling nothing. I don’t truly think I do anymore. Which sounds bad, but I just mean I’ve gone through the grieving process which I guess means, it’s time to let you go. I’ve never actually gone through a full grieving process without someone else dying in the middle of it. I read this thing once about people having favorite people or a favorite person and I think that was you for me. It means you basically can’t function without that person and when they're not around it makes your emotions go crazy. I don’t really want to say goodbye cause I miss the feeling of you in my life, but when it comes down to it I don’t remember it much. So I guess this is the final goodbye. 
Love Y/N, ’
  I was getting really fucking tired of Thorn. I was getting tired of Y/N L/N too. Why couldn’t I just exist. I don’t wanna have to be anyone. I just wanna get high and eat fruit snacks damn. but I could never have what I want could I.
I was sitting under some storage containers in a warehouse with all these old white men working on weapons and shit. Waiting for Vulture to come in. He flew into the warehouse I could almost see the anger, radiating off of him before he stepped out of the wings. He looked oddly familiar, if I hadn’t killed off all my brain cells I probably would have made the connection sooner but it got made and that’s all that matters. 
The Vulture was Liz’s dad. 
This is a fact I could and would be using to my advantage. I pulled out my backup phone and snapped a couple pictures of the people around me as a torn up van pulled up. 
A man hopped out and Liz’s dad immediately started yelling at the man about something. He seemed to think it was funny though. Like he was high on adrenaline or something. I caught the words Avengers. Then something about Shocker and getting fired. I’m guessing the Shocker had the same idea as me to tell his family about his business. He picked up the closest weapon and fired it at the man. He instantly crumbled to the floor in ashes. That was nasty as hell. 
Now these weapons are wayyyy more dangerous than I thought. He stormed out after bestowing another man the title of Shocker. Then it was only me and the guy working on some weird weapon left. I walked over to him and knocked him out. Taking the anti gravity gun with me and some shiny thing I thought looked cool I placed a tracker with a camera and mic on the Vulture suit before leaving. 
That was about two weeks ago. Now, here I was, on the back of the truck of some random company following Vulture around like a lost dog. I should be back at the hotel right now, but I’ve never been known to do what I was supposed to. 
He was talking to someone about a plan to steal more fuel for these weapons. 
I was hiding behind a dumpster and I accidentally hit something on my way to leave. 
I know he saw me. 
I didn’t have time to think I was just running and running. I didn’t even realize I was practically hyperventilating until I made it back to the hotel. I didn’t have the key to my room. I must’ve dropped it somewhere. 
I dropped it because I’m a dumb fuckup who’s gonna get herself and everyone else killed because I could never do anything right. I’d be better off dead. 
I knew Bri and MJ were asleep and I didn’t wanna wake them up. I was sitting by the door trying to keep myself from going into a full blown anxiety attack. I pulled the hood of Jay’s hoodie over my head and pulled my legs up to my chest. 
I think I might’ve drifted off for a second because I opened my eyes and Peter was standing over me looking concerned.
“What?” I asked sitting up. 
“It’s just,” He brought his hand up to his forehead in confusion “Why are you on the floor? Are you okay?” He asked.
“I’m fine, what are you doing up?” 
“I was just walking around,” 
That wasn’t a very clear answer. Suspicious. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? Your eyes are puffy,” 
“I’m fine, probably just allergies,” He hummed like he didn’t believe my answer. 
“You can go back to your room now,” I added since he was still standing there staring at me. 
“You still never answered my question on why you were sitting out here on the floor,” 
I just ignored him and pulled the hood back over my face. 
He slid down on the floor next to me. 
“I’m not leaving until you answer me,” 
I didn’t feel like talking and honestly? I didn’t want him to leave. 
I turned to face him before saying 
“Looks like you’re gonna be here for a while then,” 
I ended up telling him eventually and he offered to let me stay in his room saying Ned wouldn’t mind. I was too tired to decline the offer. 
“Y/N,” I was awakened by Peter shaking my shoulder. 
“Hmm?” I hummed. 
“You gotta get up,” 
I rolled my eyes and pulled the throw blanket back over my head. I would have flipped over but I probably would’ve fell off the couch.  
“Everyone else is already at breakfast c’mon,” 
He pulled the blanket off of me reeling back when he brushed against my skin. 
“Y/N, you’re burning up,” 
“Mhm hm,” I hummed again turning onto my side. 
“I’m being serious Y/N get up,” 
“Ugh, fine” I exclaimed sitting up. 
“Do you feel sick?” He asked, touching my forehead again.
“I feel fine,” I said pushing his hand away. “Thank you for letting me stay here but, you seriously need to learn to stop being so repetitive,” 
I went downstairs where everyone else was eating breakfast and let MJ and Bri know I was okay. 
Now it’s really fucking stupid to smoke pre-rolls if you don’t want to be drugged but last night when I was watching out for Vulture someone offered them to me. Perks of pretty privilege I guess. MJ was all of my impulse control and she wasn’t with me so I smoked it. 
And when I tell you this shit was strong I mean it was strong. I have a high tolerance when it comes to weed because I smoke a lot but this hit hard. Surprised I wasn’t shaking. Maybe I was. 
Normally you don’t get full body highs from smoking. It’s usually edibles that do that but this wow. Couldn’t tell if this was Indica or Sativa. I thought it was Indica at first but I had too much energy for that. Maybe it was a hybrid if so, that’d explain the fog over my brain. 
I wasn’t thinking clearly I knew I shouldn’t get any closer to Peter than I already was, but I was bored. 
Now we were on top of some middle school jumping the roofs. I'm pretty sure he was only here because he wanted to keep tabs on me since he found me on the verge of a panic attack last night and currently thinks I’m sick. 
“Are you sure this is safe?” He asked.
“Yes it’s safe, don’t be a pussy,” I rolled my eyes “Besides I do it all the time,”
“So you go to D.C and jump to different roofs of a middle school all the time?”
“You know what I meant smartass,” I elbowed him lightly and he laughed. 
I laid on my back and shortly after he joined me. 
“How do they get shirts so soft,” 
“I said how do they get shirts so soft,” I sat up. 
“I don’t know probably lots of thr-” 
“C’mon let’s go down there,” I interrupted pointing at the building before hopping down. Running through the mall looking through almost every store I’d spent about $1,000 just shopping for everyone who came to mind. Eventually I walked into Zumiez with Peter trailing behind me. I was looking at the hoodies by the skateboard rack. 
“I always wanted a skateboard as a kid,” He said coming up behind me. 
“Pick one,” I nodded my head towards the rack of decks. “I’ll get it for you,” 
“ I can’t let you do that,” He said. 
“No, I insist,” I laughed at my word choice “That’s a fancy word” I laughed and he laughed too “No but for real, pick a deck and I’ll buy it for you,” He shook his head “I’m not leaving until you do,” I turned his words from the earlier night onto him.
“Fine,” he sighed walking back over to the shelf. 
After picking the rest of the accessories for the board he said. 
“I still have no idea how to ride it,” 
And with me still not thinking I said
“Ok then I’ll teach you,”
We headed back out the mall but not before I got a diamond chain because why the hell not. We were about to get on a train to head back until I interjected. 
“Wait,” I grabbed his arm. “Come with me,” 
“Are you sure this is safe?” He asked as we sat under the bridge that the train runs over. 
I laughed at his nervousness. 
“I do this all the time and I'm still here, aren’t I? Don’t be a pussy,” 
Waiting for the next train coming over I put on a song that's been stuck in my head for a while. Weary by Solange. I didn’t realize I was singing along until he complimented my voice.
“You should sing more often, you have a really nice voice.” 
“Shh” I hushed feeling my heats heating up at the compliment. Soon I felt the train coming “Just live,” 
I leaned back on my elbows and closed my eyes. I guess this was some form of therapy. The rumbling of the tracks traveled through my body. It would’ve been loud but I’ve picked up the ability to block out noises I don’t want to hear on command. After the train passed the sun was already setting. I figure I might as well get food. This would classify as the first real meal I’ve eaten in awhile. I’ve heard of people not being able to eat unless high which I never thought would or could happen to me. Right next to the restaurant we ate at. There was a 7/11. I’m not sure how many people know this but almost every night shift employee at 7/11 is a plug.
“Can you hold my bags real quick?” I asked.
He nodded so I let him know I’d be back quickly and I had to go to the bathroom 
I did not.
The employee I ran into proved my earlier statement.
He had about 10 mg of adderall and some xans. I wasn’t really planning on taking the xans, maybe I’d just sell them. I went back and forth adderall because it’d enhance my brain function instead of actually producing a high. I got two slushies and some other bottled soft 
 I put the key up to the door then slowly opened it. They were on the couch and looked up at me when they heard the door open. If I knew they weren’t gonna be mad at me for just leaving and not telling anyone, I’d actually be happy because Bri was getting along with my friends. 
“So where’d you go?” MJ asked.
“I just went out mom,”  I replied, sitting on the dresser by the door. 
“Well you clearly went shopping,” Bri said. 
“Yeah and?” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t worry I had a babysitter,” I rolled my eyes again. “You know you can come in right?” I referred to Peter who was still standing by the door.
He moved in, still not moving any farther than the bathroom door. I moved to close the door behind him before sitting on the bed closest to me.
She moved closer to me and looked into my face. 
“Are you high right now?” She asked gazing into my eyes.
“Really?” I asked incredulously “No I’m not, and fuck you, now I’m not gonna give you your shit,” 
“No! I’m sorry,” She said and I rolled my eyes, a smile cracking onto my face “What’d you get me?” She made grabby hands at the bags. 
I handed her the one from Hot Topic. 
“There’s a whole buncha stuff in there but…” I reached into the bag and took out the socks with weed plants on them. “These,” I held them up to her. “These are mine,” 
“Alright weirdo,” she said looking through the bag. I went to go over to MJ but Bri grabbed my arm. 
“Hey where are you getting the money for this?” She asked in a hushed voice.
“Don’t worry about it,” I waved her off. 
I got MJ at least 7 books from a series she was reading and Peter said he had to go back to his room. 
I was watching a movie on Bri’s phone while MJ started reading her book. 
We heard a knock on the door.
I gave Bri a look that said I’ll get it. Then pushed off the bed. It was Liz.
“Me and some other kids are going to go down to the pool, so we were wondering if you wanna come?” 
“Yeah just gimme a second I’ll be down,” 
I ended up convincing Bri to come with me because I didn’t want it to be awkward. 
It was nice. The pool I mean. There was a slight breeze and pretty much the whole team was there. Minus MJ, Ned, and Peter. 
I didn’t really think about getting my hair wet. People were playing games toward the end of the pool. Bri was halfway in and halfway out on her phone. 
I was floating on my back. It was as if I was drifting down a long river with my eyes closed. The breeze over my body pushing me along. There was a heavy weight on my back that had been building since birth, but the water took a hold of that weight for me. 
I just lied there on my back floating and breathing. 
Things were peaceful at the pool. They however were not back at the room. 
I could not sleep. Believe me I tried. I looked through my bag with “everything” I brought. It wasn’t much since I hadn’t been home in a long time. However I did pack that cart I had in class a while back.
I was scrolling through Tiktok and remembered it was still next to me. I made a tiktok to that one audio with the whistles where you ghost the vapors on each whistle  because I thought it looked cool and I can do whatever I want on my account.
 I don’t know how long it’d be but I finally felt my eyes fall shut for the night.
When I woke up it was weird because I was already at the decathlon. I’d already been working on whatever problem it was that’d we’d gotten, but I didn’t need to because MJ had already gotten us the answer and we’d won. 
I should’ve been more excited. 
 Why wasn’t I excited? 
You couldn’t tell I wasn’t as happy as I made myself seem. I had become quite the little actress over the years and by actress I meant liar, I’m really good at lying. 
I didn’t realize Peter was missing until we’d gotten on the bus to go to the Washington Monument. 
“Hey,” MJ waved her hand in my face “You okay? You’re doing that thing where you scratch your inner arm, and you only do that when somethings on your mind.” 
She placed her hand on mine to stop me 
“So what’s up?” 
“Nothing much like you said just thinking,” 
“Everything,” I didn’t want to tell her what I was really thinking about because things would get real awkward real quick. 
MJ just wouldn't drop it though.
“There’s clearly something bothering you so just tell me what it is you can tell me anything,”
“I just told you,” I sighed. 
“Tell me what you’re really thinking about,” 
“Death,” I looked at her, who looked back at me, “There, you happy with your answer now?” 
“No,” She said and I looked at her knowing it was a look of exasperation. “Who’s death?” She asked.
“What about your death?” 
“Just wondering if it’d be painful,” 
When we pulled up Bri was standing by MJ, she didn’t want to go into the tower because of it being built by slaves. I understood that I didn’t really want to go either but my feet were moving on their own accord. 
I could’ve fallen asleep right then and there on that elevator. It was if my brain was checking in and out all day. 
I might've. I don’t know. The rip off police officer was saying something but it all sounded like gibberish to me. 
I closed my eyes and leaned on Liz’s shoulder. She patted my head and went back to whatever she was doing. Then there was an audible snap.
Followed by a jerk of the elevator.
My shot open and I looked up at the ceiling and there was a circle of singed metal.
“We’re all gonna die here,” The kid who I believe's name is Abe claimed. 
And for my sake I pretended I didn’t hear him. 
Everyone staring up at the ceiling, another student said.
“We’re freaking screwed,” 
To think I was just thinking about death less than an hour ago and here I was about to taste the sweet kiss of it. 
“I know that was scary, but our safety systems are working,” The police officer said. 
Yeah fucking right that’s what they all say. They just didn’t want us to panic but that’s exactly what I was doing. Panicking. 
“We are very safe in here,” she added. That's what they say seconds before everyone dies. 
The trap door above the elevator opened and everyone began to move again. I could feel the elevator shaking again. No way was I gonna move and risk snapping the cords. 
I was gonna die here. 
Most of the team had gotten out already. Then it was Flash’s turn and he just had to put the fucking trophy up with the rest of everyone. The elevator fell farther as he got out. I wanted to move but I couldn’t. My brain power wasn’t stronger than my muscles. I couldn’t will them to do what I needed them to. 
Something hit the ground above us and the elevator was free falling. 
It stopped second after we were launched to the ground then low and behold Spider-man 
I swear it was like he was stalking me. I’d be kinda freaked out if I didn’t know he was Peter.
When he spoke it was in a very poor accent. 
He was telling Ned not to move because he was shaking the elevator. 
He pulled the metal death box up to the doors and Mr. Harrington, Ned, then Liz got out. 
Spider-man or “Peter” said something but I couldn’t make out what exactly I was still trying to process everything. 
Then the elevator was falling, I reached out towards Spiderman but wasn’t close enough to reach him. 
A web caught my arm but I was still hanging.
Until I wasn’t. My feet were planted on the ground but my brain was moving too fast for me to keep up. 
“Y/N?” My shoulder was being shaken.
“Yeah huh?” I said trying to locate and place an identity to the voice it was Bri. 
“I was asking you if you needed a ride home,” 
Oh yeah she didn't know. 
“Uh I don’t know maybe,” 
“Alright…” She said turning back over to whoever she was talking to this time. 
Since I was the one to almost fall they wanted to check me out in one of the ambulances. 
Which I do not trust at all.
The whole medical field is a giant scam so is insurance, ask MJ she’ll tell you. 
Once we’d gotten back to the school. Everyone’s parents were all freaking out over them and asking if they were okay. Majority of everyone had already left. Peter had his Aunt. MJ had her parents. Ned has his dad. Bri had her dad. Everyone has someone.
Well almost everyone. 
Flash was still waiting too. With Mr. Harrington off in the distance. 
Then there were two 
I moved over and sat down on the curb next to him.  
“You got no one either huh?” I asked.
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Fair enough. The hostility was understandable. I did punch him in the face less than a week ago.  
I kept talking though.
“My dad never picks me up from anything either. “ I didn’t really want him to but he could’ve at least asked while I was still living at that apartment and now he expects me to come back like it’s nothing. 
A car pulled up and some random white guy who was probably a chauffeur picked up Flash. 
Then there was one 
I wanted to go home but I had no home.
I guess I had one home in the cemetery. Everyone I love leaves me. That’s something I learned over the years. It applies to many and the sooner you learn that the easier life will be for you. I hadn’t been back here in the longest. I’d normally just show up and clean the graves of the people who I’d known closely. 
This was embarrassing but sometimes I’d talk to my mom. Today was one of those days I sent. I stayed talking to my mom and Rose so much for stopping the letters which I did for way longer than I thought I would. 
I was already in my old neighborhood and before I knew it I was at my “house”.
I really didn’t mean to come home. I just did before I could stop myself.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 98 - SBT
Here it is!
"G'bye, Prof L!" 
"Goodbye, and remember to revise these crucial points, oui? This is fundamental geometry." 
"Yes, Sir!" 
"Fine, enjoy your weekend." Lucien smiled at his pupils. 
"See ya!" 
The kids excitedly left the room and the professor turned to wipe his blackboard clean and wash it. He sighed and looked down at his own clothes, dusting the chalk off of his suit. Lucien made sure that the room was in order before sitting down at his desk and correcting the papers of the week. He knew Mundy would be at the workshop still working and going back home alone didn’t feel right. So Lucien readied his red pen and took the first paper of the pile at the corner of his desk.
He was used to this routine. It allowed his lover to finish his day of work as well as not burden himself with too much over the weekend. 
After slashes of red, crossing mistakes, underlining approximations and appreciating his pupils’ work, the Frenchman needed a cigarette. He raised his head off of his papers and lit one up. His eyes swept across the room, the wooden desks, the back breaking chairs… He smiled. Teaching was something he never expected to like. And yet, making a positive difference on those children not only earned him his bread, but filled his soul. 
Children have always been an unbreakable force of nature. But dear is the price to make them thrive. They are a boiling concentrate of energy, of potential, and of hope. Lucien remembered his younger days as a rookie spy. He saw barbarism, butchery of men beyond what should exist. He saw men die on battlefields and away from them. Sometimes he himself was the one responsible for their deaths. And yet, after the deed was done, he would walk out scott free and in the streets, children would continue to play, oblivious to the danger surrounding them. 
But were they really oblivious? Non, they knew that war was raging, but even the massacre of their fathers, brothers and uncles didn’t break them. It made them, like Jérémy, kinder. Those children were growing and would no doubt refuse to subject their own children to the same amount of atrocities, to the same hard childhood. Theirs had been hard enough, too hard, unfairly so. 
Maybe that was what Lucien’s mother meant when she called him her reason to live. After his father’s death was confirmed, her mourning had lasted forever, but she rarely showed it to young Lucien. She always smiled to him, and turned away to cry. She always showed him the best of her. That, to him, was a proof of courage and strength beyond what he had seen among war heroes. His mother would remain, to the end, his model for endurance. 
“Grand Dieu, pourquoi je pense à ça…?”
[Good God, why am I thinking about this…?]
He went to the window and drew the curtains open. 
His daydreaming and reminiscing had put the sun below the horizon. The streets were dark and the few people still there were moving out of the city centre. Lucien turned to the clock on the wall, above the blackboard and his eyebrows jumped. It was proper late and Mundy hadn’t come back to him yet.
Lucien collected the remaining papers and put them in his leather bag before exiting the classroom. He walked to the workshop and looked through the window. A light was still on on one of the desks and a hunched silhouette so familiar to Lucien was looking down at the desk.
“Yeah, Maurice, I’ll go…”
“It is not Maurice.”
Mundy turned on his stool and his eyebrows jumped when he saw Lucien.
“What are you doin’ here?”
“I could ask you the same.” Lucien came behind his lover’s back and laced his arms around his neck. He kissed his cheek from behind. “I was waiting for you but you never came.”
“What time is it..?” Mundy looked at his watch. “Oh, bugger, I’m sorry, I didn’t see the time fly…”
“I am not surprised about this as much as I am surprised that Maurice did not kick you out of here yet.”
“He tried, but I uh… I got carried away, sorry, luv'..." Mundy lowered his head and ruffled his hair before he rubbed his eyes. 
Lucien scanned the workbench and saw the pile of broken toys and small electricals. A toaster, a radio, an alarm clock…
"You have had a productive day, hm?" 
"Well…" Mundy sighed. "Nah, not really." 
"What is the matter, mon amour?" Lucien hugged his lover from behind and stuck his cheek to the Aussie. Mundy leaned to him and closed his eyes. 
"Still thinkin' about it all. Can't really take my mind off of things."
Lucien pulled a stool and sat down next to his lover. The workshop was silent apart from the buzzing of some heater. The only light was shed by the lamp on the workbench. 
"Tell me." Lucien took Mundy's hands between his own. 
"It's my dad… I don't wanna sound dramatic but…" Mundy raised his eyes to Lucien. "How can I be sure he… I mean… He likes me still. Maybe he's never really seen me as his son, I mean…"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk…" Lucien shook his head. "Your father is a lot of things, Mundy, one of them is your father. He does love you, he just doesn't know how to contain it or show it."
"But if he really loves me, wouldn't he be happy for me?"
Lucien sighed. 
"One would expect so, oui. But again, remember that you being with a man is far outside what he imagined you were. Give him some time." 
"If your son was with a bloke, would you yell at him like that?" Mundy asked with a serious tone of voice. 
"Of course I would not, because I myself understand the attraction towards men." Lucien answered. "But your father doesn't. It was never in his mind, he never thought it could even exist. It is a lot to take in, give him the benefit of the doubt, and trust your mother."
"She said she will talk to him. Women have a way with us that is beyond our reach…" Lucien smiled sweetly. 
Lucien's eyebrows jumped.
"Pardon?" He asked in his mother tongue. 
"Mum's never stood up to Dad, ever. She just said that to make me feel better." 
"Mundy, a lot has happened for the past few months. I am sure your mother will talk to your father."
"Nah, you saw her. She didn't say much when we were there."
"Yet what she did say had an impact on your father." 
"What?" Mundy raised a curious eyebrow. 
"She reminded him that by faking my own death to protect you, I wasn't so different from him. In fact, I did exactly the same thing as he did. His eyebrows twitched and his breath cut for an instant. He certainly did not like the comparison but what could he argue? It was the plain truth." Lucien explained. 
"Still. Not convinced Mum would change his mind."
"Stubborn as he is, she certainly will not. However," Lucien tilted his lover's chin up with a gentle index finger. "She will plant the seed of doubt." 
Mundy looked away. 
"Yeah, well… Can't help thinkin' that he doesn't really love me." 
"If… If you got a son, and you got plans for him but he keeps on not goin' according to them, wouldn't you lose hope at some point and just say 'oh, right, fuck it…'?"
"Non. I did not conceive a human being, the most fragile of creatures, to not carry the responsibility of them all my life until I am six feet under ground." Lucien answered in one go. 
"But he didn't!" Mundy raised his arms before they flopped to his thighs again. "He didn't conceive me! He found me and… and he took pity on me…" He admitted, muttering in his breath. 
Lucien put his hands on Mundy's shoulders. 
"He did take you in, didn't he?" 
"Did he, yes or no?" Lucien repeated, staring at Mundy in the eye. 
"Did he raise you?"
"Did he ask you to stop hunting because he was scared for you?" 
Mundy raised his eyes to Lucien. 
"Yeah, he did…"
"This is how you know he loves you. His anger, his frustration are also proof, albeit twisted, of him caring about you. If he didn't care, then he wouldn't become half as angry as he is, would he?" 
"Yeah but… You keep on sayin' he wants me to get a sheila and stuff to be happy. So it'd make sense to think that what he wants at the end of the day is for me to be happy, right?" 
"Then why the hell isn't he now?!" Mundy asked. "I'm happy, I've managed, I-I've done everythin' and he can't be happy!" 
Lucien sighed and frowned. 
"I do not know." The ex-spy admitted. "I just want you to keep some hopes up, Mundy. From what I saw of your father, he is a tough man, strict on his ideas and wouldn't change them for the world. But one cannot stop hoping."
"Think I just might. I'm tired of hoping. It's so bloody tirin'..." Mundy rubbed his face with his rough hands. 
Lucien's eyebrows relaxed. 
"Then, stop." 
"Stop what?" 
"Stop hoping." 
"But you just said that I should keep my hopes up?!"
"And you answered that you don't want to, so just stop." 
Mundy stared in Lucien's eyes. It lasted a few seconds before he looked away and sighed. 
"I can't."
"Then, keep some hopes up, but don't let it eat you on the inside. Give your mother some time to work her magic on him. Things are not what they were more than a decade ago. Your mother has lost you once. She knows what it feels to lose you and from how quickly she accepted us, she is ready to make a lot of sacrifices before she loses you again."
"Yeah but if she has to choose, she'll go with him." Mundy said. "And Dad would say that the choice is in my hands. Either stay with you and lose him, or the other way around…" Mundy put his hands on his face.
"I wouldn't be so sure." Lucien answered, kissing his head. "And if it ever boiled down to that, I will be where you want me to be." 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Mundy raised his head to his lover. 
"That means that, as I said all that time ago, more than year ago now, making me happy is something that I cannot do. Making you happy however, is all I ever think about. And so, if you ever felt like you have to make a choice, whatever you choose, I will do what leads to your happiness."
"Lu'... Are you sayin' that you'd… You'd leave me?" 
Their eyes met and hung there. Lucien took a deep breath and cupped Mundy's face in his hands. He leaned forward and they rested their foreheads against each other.
"I will do whatever to make you the happiest of men alive on this Earth, Mundy, do you hear me?" They closed their eyes and silent tears ran along their cheeks. "I know how tired you are to run after your father, after his blessing and I understand it… I… I understand it…" Lucien put a hand on his mouth, his fingers were shaking. "This is ridiculous… I am crying now… I apologise…"
"Lu'...?" Mundy pleaded with a broken voice. "Lu', no…" 
"Non, Mundy… Your family is… It is very important to you and I understand that. You cannot replace your family." Lucien sniffled. 
"Can't replace you either!" Mundy exclaimed. "I can't! Bloody can't!" He put his hands on Lucien's waist and stood up to pull him into an embrace. "I won't leave you, love, I won't…! You left me once and I couldn't live anymore, no, please…"
"Mundy, I just want you to know" Lucien's breath cut. He sniffled and went on, his eyes still closed. "I just want you to know that… Whatever you do, I will support you… It might be hard for the both of us, but I will… I will…"
"Shut up… Shut up, I love you…" Mundy pulled Lucien to him in one go and the pin in his hair sank, freeing his long locks of salt and pepper. Mundy slid his hand under Lucien's hair, behind his head and pulled him close. "No, I won't choose. I'm tired of feelin' like shit as if it's my fault. It's not my fault, it's no one's fault, there isn't any fault… I just love you…"
"I love you too." Lucien clung to his lover's chest, digging his fingers hard, as if Mundy was slipping away from him already. "I… I never thought I could love this way… Thank you…"
The Frenchman's tears wetted the Aussie's polo shirt but neither of them cared. Mundy was almost more saddened by Lucien's tears than by his own predicament. It was rare to see Lucien in tears, especially outside of the intimacy of the sheets. Mundy clung back to his lover, his silk hair and his thin waist.
"I hope Mum'll help, I really do…" 
"Your mother is very close to you, in her heart." Lucien wiped his tears with a handkerchief and then raised it to Mundy's face to wipe him. "She will do any and everything she can to avoid the choice for you and for her. Moreover, she loves you with all that you bring with you." Lucien said and held Mundy's hand again. "The other day, she asked me to teach her how to cook a ratatouille the way that you like it." He smiled.
Mundy raised tired eyes to his lover, yet his lips pursed into a smile too.
"She loves you, Mundy. She took you in, not out of pity, but because in her heart, the moment she saw you, she knew." Lucien poked Mundy's chest.
"She knew what?" 
Lucien raised his hand to Mundy cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb.
 "That she was your mother."
-- Earlier, in the street -- 
"How long've you known?" 
"Very long. Almost as early as it started."
"But believe me, they didn't fall in each other's arms at first sight, far from it."
The old man grumbled, a bit disgusted, and walked in circles in the dark room. His fists were clenched. 
"Were you goin' to tell me?" 
"No, why would I?" The king of the beggars asked. "It is none of my business, Mike." Maurice paused. "Neither is it yours, strictly speaking." 
Mike froze and turned to the beggar in the long, ragged clothes. 
"Course it is! It's my bloody son!" 
"What do you want from me?" Maurice asked. 
"Is it botherin' only just me?!" 
"It depends. What does Caroline think?" 
"She's fine with it! Goes to visit them, stays for dinner and all! Pfff…" Mike removed his hat and shook his head. "How could we go so wrong with that kid…?"
"Well, then, yes." 
"Yes, what?" 
"Yes, it is bothering only you." Maurice answered. 
"Fine," The tall man stood up from his throne and faced Mike. "What is it? You are unhappy about their relationship."
"Yeah, that's puttin' it mildly!" He exclaimed, looking up at the taller man.
"And why is that? They are grown, reasonable men, and they both are doing it of their own accord. None is forcing the other." 
"Maurice, it's blokes."
"Yes, exactly! They are grown and old enough to know what suits them best. It just so happens that it is each other!" 
Mike sighed. 
"He told me you know him for service, right?" 
"That Lucien guy."
"Indeed, I do." 
Mike walked to a chair and sat down, in front of the empty throne. 
"Tell me about him. I wanna know what kind of a man he is." 
"Ah." Maurice took a seat opposite the old man and cleared his throat. "I hope you don't have anything planned for the next hour or so." 
And Maurice recited Lucien's life as best as he knew it. Of course, the ex-spy had left areas of shadow and doubt in his official files, such that Maurice couldn't exactly say where he came from, or his family whereabouts. But the key message was there. Lucien was a selfless war hero who turned his back to the country that he helped to create, because that same country had attempted to backstab him, ironically enough. 
"Yeah, well…" Mike tried to feel indifferent to it all. "Does Micky know all that?" 
"He was there for his fake funeral." Maurice answered. "For which war veterans flew from across the world immediately, without receiving formal notice. All they heard was the whispers in the air flying from mouth to ear and spreading faster than light."
Mike frowned.
"Michael," Maurice started and Mike raised his eyes to him. "What is the problem?" 
The old man put a hand on his tired head and shook it.
"I… I don't know anymore. Caroline tells me all these things about how happy Micky is, how much he smiles and laughs now, how… cute they are together."
"You don't see it yourself? You think she is lying?"
"No, I know she's not lying. I know she's tellin' me the truth, I saw it with my own eyes. Never saw Micky look at someone the way he looks at him."
"But…?" Maurice anticipated. 
"It's wild. A man with another man? Pfff, I wouldn't care if it wasn't my own Micky." 
"When Lucien died, Mundy broke as hard as he did when you supposedly died. I had to push him to work, because his mind was in shambles, I had to push him to continue living even."
"He wanted to…?" Mike asked, frightened of what that last sentence implied. 
"I remember his words when Lucien's death was made official. 'It's happened twice, I don't want to live this shit life anymore.'.... God knows what he would have done if not for one reason."
"What was it?" 
"Lucien had a cat, back then a kitten. He asked me to tell Mundy that he wanted no one else but him to take care of her."
"He… He stayed alive for a cat?"
"No, Michael." Maurice answered. "He stayed alive for Lucien's cat. And that has made all the difference." 
Mike sighed and wiped his face as Maurice patted his shoulder. 
-- Mundy and Lucien's house, a few days later -- 
Lucien looked at Mundy. They were both at the table, having lunch. The Aussie had had trouble sleeping ever since that night at his parents, waking up repeatedly through the night. Holding Lucien or being held by him wasn't enough to bring him comfort. 
Lucien had woken up every time with his lover. He would hold his head against his own chest and kiss him back to sleep. Sometimes, he would get out of bed and go to the kitchen to prepare a tray with a glass of milk and biscuits or something to pass the time with Mundy before both decided to lie down and try to sleep again.
Each time they would get a visit from Caroline, Mundy's face would brighten a bit, every time they did something just for themselves too. But it was always only temporary. Mundy's mood would always gently slide down the dangerous slope that his darker thoughts paved. 
It was high time that the Frenchman tried to take his lover's mind away from his problems, for one night at least. 
"Will you go back working this afternoon?" He asked and Mundy nodded. 
"Yeah. Gotta finish some stuff. You done with your classes?" 
"Oui, I am." 
The concerto of cutlery on plates filled the air. 
"When you come back home tonight, put on a suit." 
The Aussie frowned. 
"What? Why?"
"Put on a suit and wait for one of Maurice's boys. They will tell you where to go. You may take the motorcycle to go there."
Mundy raised his head from his plate. 
"Where am I goin'? You won't come with me?"
"Non, I won't."
"Lu', what is it?" Mundy asked, genuinely at a loss as to what to expect.
The Frenchman smirked as he wiped the corners of his mouth elegantly with a napkin.
"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." 
-- Later that day --
"What are you doing still here?" Maurice pushed the workshop's door and peeked his head in.
The king of the beggars fully entered the room and went to put a hand on Mundy's shoulder. 
"You should go, L is waiting." 
"Waitin'? Oh, yeah, I forgot… I need to go back home and wear a suit, he said."
"Yes, and when you are all set, go to the Maravilloso." 
"The Brazilian place?" Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"Yes." Maurice answered. 
"Right…" Mundy shifted away from his stool and Maurice tapped on his shoulder. "What?" 
"Have fun." 
"I'll try." 
Mundy had gone back home and quickly took a shower. 
"Meow? Meoow?" 
"Yeah, babies. C'mere… I'll give you your food…" Mundy took the stairs down and went to the cats' bowls. "Hold on… You have food and water? Why're you following me everywhere like that?" He asked, adjusting the towel around his waist. 
"Meow…!" Perle stood up on her back legs and Mundy knelt down. 
"What is it? Oh…" Both cats were begging for pets, hugs and cuddles. The Aussie ended up sitting on the floor and taking care of them for a while. "Hey, babies… What's wrong with you?" 
"Meow…" Perle gently headbutted Mundy's chest while Soot's ears flopped down. 
"What is it? What's the problem, eh?" 
"Meow." Soot answered and raised his paw to lay it flat on Mundy's chest. Perle copied him. 
"Me? Somethin's wrong with me? What did I do?" 
"Meow…" Both meowed long and sad. 
"Yeah, I might've hugged you less over the past week or so, I'm sorry. C'mere both of ya…" He hugged them both, Perle in one arm and Soot in the other. He lowered his head and headbutted them softly while hearing them pur. "I'm so sorry, babies…"
He whispered his apologies in kisses, cuddles and scratches until Perle broke the embrace and trotted away. 
"Meow?" Soot asked.
"Meow…" She swang her fluffy white tail and the male followed up the stairs. 
"Right, now… Off to put on a suit." He climbed the stairs after the slithering black and white clouds and headed straight for his room. After opening the cupboard and looking around, he found that beige suit that Lucien had ordered and got delivered to him more than a year ago now. Mundy smiled in nostalgia and took it out of its hanger. 
The Aussie started with the white shirt and beige trousers, as he remembered the last time he had worn that attire. It was to go and see Lulu, back when Lulu wasn't L yet. Ah, those days… Who would have thought that down a year from then, L and M would be together, inseparable and as close as they were in the alphabet…
Then came the bowtie and vest, before he threw the jacket on his shoulders. 
"What?" Mundy looked on his bed. Perle was sitting, observing him, while Soot was lying down. 
"Love you too, baby, but Dad's gotta go. Papa'll be home hopefully, or somethin'... I don't really know what's happenin', Papa needs me to be somewhere." 
When the words exited his mouth and he heard himself, Mundy froze. 
I don't really know what's happenin', Papa needs me to be somewhere.
Now take that sentence, swap Papa for L and that was time travel, right there. That was exactly how their relationship had started, even if it was just professional. L was pulling the reins and sending the Aussie left and right where he needed him to be. And Mundy had always followed whatever Professor Ski told him to, blindly. He smiled out of nostalgia. 
"Right, I'm all set. Babies, you behave and don't go to bed too late, yeah?" 
"Meow!" Perle shouted.
"Oi! Why're you yellin'?" 
"Meow…!" She stood on her back legs and planted her claws on his legs, to climb him. 
"Claws, claws! Ouch! Let me come down to you…! There, what is it?" 
Perle started to bathe Mundy's face. 
"Yeah, I showered and shaved, no need to clean me more, baby… Oh?" 
"Meow…" She was now doing his hair. Mlem, mlem, mlem…
"Want me to comb it better?" 
"Meow." She said and sat down, backing off of Mundy's head. 
"Alright, I'll go back to the bathroom, then…" 
A minute later, Mundy came back to the front door and put his shoes on. He heard the trotting of soft paws on the floor. 
"Better now?" 
"Meow." Perle confirmed. 
"Thanks, baby, c'mere." He cupped her head and kissed her brow. When he heard the sound of the kiss, the black cat slithered from the living room to his Dad. 
"Meow?" He asked. 
"Course you can get a kiss, c'mere." Mundy opened his hands and Soot came closer. He brushed himself on his master while Mundy kissed him. "There we are, now, can I go? Papa's waitin'." 
"Meow." Both cats sat and looked up at their Dad who unlocked the door. 
"You be good babies, yeah?" 
"Meow." They both answered. 
"Right, see ya later." 
The Aussie shut the door and went to the motorcycle.
"Well, guess I'm off to the Brazilian steakhouse then…" 
He put on his helmet and the engine purred.
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yandere-lovehotel · 5 years
Be wary of the ones who inhabit the forest.
Warning: mentions/implied dea/th and tor/ture
You have been warned
This is the yandere dark fae x female reader ask I got. Sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoy.
Ever since you were a child you had been warned not to wander into the forest. For if you happened upon something that took interest in you, it would take you.
But no one ever warned you about something wandering out of the forest and finding you.
7 years old
"Mama I'm going out to play!" You called towards the back of the house.
"Alright sweetheart but remember to be back before sun down!" She called back. " And stay away from the tree line!"
The forest was located right next to the town. Mama said it was dangerous, that people used to go missing wandering in there.
Excited to see your friends you run off without another word. You were going to meet them by the schoolhouse and go to the creek. You ran through the empty road towards town. Halfway there you spot a boy standing a distance away from the tree line. It was the kid with the weird hair and weird eyes that never talked to anyone. Not that anyone really talked to him either. Not to mention that no one ever saw him at school. He was always dressed really nicely even though no one knew his parents or what they did.
'what's he doing?' you thought to yourself. Then he began walking towards the forest. Without thinking you dashed towards him as fast as you could. Just as he was getting close to the trees, you grabbed him by the shoulder. He jumped and you yelled, "Hey stupid what are you doing?! Didn't your parents ever tell you that the forest is dangerous? Something could grab you and take you away forever!" 
His mismatched eyes of red and blue stared into yours, he was silent, cocking his head to the side. You huffed placing your hands on your hips. "Well? Aren't you gonna say something?"
He glanced over his shoulder before returning his gaze to you. "Oh," he mumbled, his silver bangs blown into his eyes by the wind,"I didn't know we weren't supposed to go there." He looked like a kick puppy, looking down as he was scolded. You had to admit, even with his weird hair and eyes, he was actually kinda cute. You sighed,shaking your head. "Just don't do it again, okay? You might never come back and your parents would be really sad." With that you turned around and began walking off before pausing. Your papa had always told you to be kind to other people and thinking of the way other kids avoided him like he had a disease made you feel kinda bad that you never talked to him. It wasn't intentional. It just... happened.
So, mind made up, you turned back around and marched right up to him. "What's your name? Mine's (y/n)!"
He startled slightly, cheeks going slightly pink. "O-oh my name is Kheelan." Weird. What kinda name was that? " You wanna play with me an' my friends?" You asked.
"Re-really? Y-you want to play with me?"
"Yeah come on." You grabbed his hand and began to drag him towards town, intent on befriending him.
You didn't notice his cheeks grow pinker.
'Mother, mother! I met a girl today! She was really nice to me! She and her two friends played with me! She's kinda bossy but she's also really nice.'
'Really now? That's wonderful darling! Tell me, do you like this girl?'
'I do! She's my new friend!'
'Haha~. That's not the kind of like I meant, my child.'
'Huh? What did you mean then?'
'You'll find out when you're older dear.'
10 years old
You were woken up by a knocking on your window.
You sat up in your bed, rubbing your eyes and yawning. You got up and walked over towards your window. There stood Kheelan, silver hair contrasting in the dark night. You pushed the window open, taking care to be as quiet as possible.
"Kheelan? What are you doing here, this late at night? And why did you wake me up, stupid? I need sleep, you know." Kheelan just smiled. He always did that even when you were being bossy, he would just smile and do or agree with whatever you said. You were the only person that could get away with calling him stupid or any other name. Anyone else and he would be upset. Still, your Papa's lessons were drilled into your mind, even if you didn't always remember them. So you tried not take advantage of his kindness towards you. It was hard to do when he made it so easy.
"Well? Are you going to say something?" You were tired and wanted to go back to bed, so he better make this quick. Besides you didn't want to take the risk that your parents would hear you.
"Something really cool is about to happen and I wanted to show you." He whispered. 
"What could be so cool that you woke me up?"
"Please come out? I promise it will be cool. If it's not then you can hit me later, ok?"
You narrowed your eyes at him, holding that glare at his smiling face for a few seconds, before giving in and rolling your eyes. Kheelan smiled wider, he knew he won, the jerk. You started to climb out of the window quietly, stepping out onto the grass.
"Follow me." He said, before he started walking off.
You followed him for a short while before you both stopped in the middle of the field not far from your house, stopping in front of a tree stump taller than you. Kheelan took off the jacket he was wearing, laying it on the grass and gesturing for you to sit on it. You hesitate, asking if it was ok. He told you it was fine, it was an old jacket anyways. You sat down and he sat next to you.
"Look up, (y/n), it's about to start."
You look towards the sky and wait. A few minutes pass with nothing. You were starting to get impatient. You were tired and crabby, if Kheelan was pulling a prank you would make sure to hit him as hard as you could.
Just as you opened your mouth to complain, he jerked up, pointing at the sky and saying "Look!" You looked up.
A single strand of light streaked through the air. "Woah! What was that?" You wondered out loud.
"Shh. Just keep watching."
Another strand of light rushed through the sky, quickly followed by another. And then another. And then another. Soon the sky was full of streaks of light dashing through the sky.
"What is this? Is it a meteor shower?"
"Yes. But they don't usually look like this. My father says that this doesn't normally happen but that it would look gorgeous. So I wanted to show you."
"I've never seen anything more beautiful." You whispered breathlessly.
Kheelan smiled "I have."
You didn't notice that his eyes were on you when he spoke.
The next day all anyone could talk about was the meteor shower last night. And you and Kheelan were the envy of your friends as the only ones among your group to have seen it.
'Father! You were right! She loved it! Thank you so much! She hugged me and even kissed my cheek when I took her back home! When can I learn magic like that? I want to keep her happy!'
'Anything for you, Kheelan. And patience little one. You'll learn one day. Now tell me, how do you feel about this girl? You seem to want to go to great lengths to please her.'
'I...I'm not sure. All I know is that I want to always be around her. She's smart and funny and always so nice to me. Even when the others call me cruel names she sticks up for me even when she knows that I can stand up for myself. And I...hate when people take her attention away from me.'
'Ahhh they grow up so fast.'
'What do you mean by that father?'
'Oh nothing. You'll figure it out when you're older.'
'hmph mother said that too.'
14 years old
You laid in your bed, quiet. Some jerks have been spreading rumors about you. There was writing on your desk and notes in your locker. Your friends had tried to comfort you and one of them almost got into a fight, but all you wanted was to ignore. You didn't understand why someone would say these things about you. You have never really been the target of bullying when you were younger, so why now? What did you do? Thankfully it seemed to only be a small group of people. Though you weren't sure what you did to them to make them hate you like this.
You were brought out of your thoughts by a knocking on the window. It was Kheelan. Despite your current feelings, you smiled. Kheelan had honestly become one of the people closest to you. He had a knack for always being there for you when you needed it.
You opened the window to let him in, stepping back as he climbed through. "What are you doing here?" You asked.
"I went to your school to walk you home (f/n) said you already went home." He frowned "they told me what happened and asked me to see you. Not that they needed to."
It actually surprised you a little that (f/n) said that. Kheelan wasn't really friends with anyone but you, at least to your knowledge. And your friends weren't exactly fond of him either. Sometimes you thought he hated your friends.
"Are you alright?" You tried to smile at him but the stress of all that's been happening at school recently made it hard. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, one hand stroking comforting circles on your back. Tears welled up in your eyes and you clutched the material of his shirt, shoulder shaking.
"W-why? W-why would they d-do something like this? Wh-what did I do to them?" You hated letting them get to you. It wasn't even their words that hurt. Just the fact that they seemed so dead set on tearing you down.
"I'm sure that you didn't do anything. You are one of the kindest people I know."
"Even when I'm bossy?"
"Of course. I'm sure they're just jealous of someone as amazing as you."
You nuzzled your head into his shoulder, glad to have such a great friend.
You couldn't see the dark, murderous look in his eyes. You didn't notice the way the wind blew harder when he tightened his arms around you.
Three months later that same group was found dead near the edge of the forest, bodies mutilated and the nearby trees covered in the blood . The town quietly moved on from the news, the families grieving in silence. This would only serve as further reminder to never anger those that lived in the woods.
'P-ple-ease. We're s-sor-ry.'
'Sorry? You have committed a grave crime against the person I care about most in this world. A simple sorry does not wash away the hurt you have inflicted on her. Nor does it cleanse you of your sin. Now be silent, I have to concentrate. I don't wish to accidentally kill any of you before your punishment is done.'
'N-no, no ple-please no more! Please!'
'I guess my parents were right, I really do like her. No...no it's more than that. She's… everything to me.'
17 years old
"Sorry Kheelan, I promised (f/n2) that I would go to their party. You've known about this for weeks." You said back turned towards him, doing your hair.
"I don't understand why one party is so important to you. It's not going to be any different than any of the other parties they've thrown. It won't matter if you're there or not. I haven't spent any time with you in over a month now. You always have something to do." He grumbled. It was true. You had been very busy this past month. Anytime he tried to make plans with you someone had either already gotten to you or you had already made plans yourself. He was sick of it.
You huffed, turning to face him. "Kheelan! I'm tired of having this conversation with you! It's the same thing over and over. I've told you, I can't just spend time with you! There are other people in my life that I have to make time for!"
His shoulders tensed and his fists clenched. He opened his mouth, looking ready to argue. Then, all at once, the fight leaves his body and he looks down to the floor. "I...I know. I'm sorry. I...I'm just afraid sometimes you know. The others….they get to see at school and you can go over to their houses, and when people see you with them they don't give you weird looks or whisper about how strange you look." You felt your anger melting away, replaced by guilt. Even after all these years people still stayed away from Kheelan, looking at him like he was a freak.
"You're my only friend in this town (y/n).  And sometimes I'm just worried that one day you'll get tired of me." Your guilt hit you like a hammer at that. You crossed the room, wrapping your arms around his waist. He had grown so much. As kids you were both the same height. Now he was so much taller than you. His arms returned your hold, wrapping loosely around your shoulders, his long shoulder length silver hair tickling your forehead.
You pulled away from the embrace, looking at him. "I'm sorry for yelling at you like that. And you know what, you're right. It's been too long since we've hung out. Listen, how about this. I'm free with nothing to do tomorrow. Why don't we spend it together?"
Kheelan smiled. "I'd like that."
The party was in full swing. Music, dancing, food, and loud conversations. You and the cute guy your friends introduced to you had been talking all night. 
No one noticed the blond haired girl watch with cold eyes as you laughed at something he said.
'How dare you? You have no right to see her smile. No right to hear her laughter. No right to put your filthy hands on her!'
'O-oh g-god. P-pleeese stop. It...h-hurtsss. P-please.'
'She's mine.'
18 years old
'She's leaving. She's going to leave and never come back. I...I can't live without her. I love her. I love her so much that it hurts.'
'Shhh my child. You'll have your love. But we must work quickly. You can claim her if she enters the forest but she must enter it willingly. Your father has a plan. But you must make sure no one else sees'
'yes mother'
Your bare feet pounded against the ground as you ran, away from those….those creatures. Fear and adrenaline pushing you forward. The treeline you had always been told not to go near was fast approaching. The monsters were closing you in, giving you no opportunity to change direction. A choice had to be made. Take a chance and run into the forest? Or die a certain death? With no other choice you sprint towards the forest, crossing the line of no return. Not that you knew that.
The branches of trees and bushes slapped against the skin exposed by your summer shorts. Fallen leaves and twigs crinkling and snapped under your gym shoes. You chance a look behind, wanting to know if they were still chasing you, only to run into something, someone, when you weren't looking. Your head quickly snapped back and you were met with familiar mismatched red and blue eyes.
"Kheelan! Oh my god what are you doing here? You know what never mind that! We need to run! Th-there are horrible things chasing me! Come on!" You grabbed his hand, ready to run, only for him to grab you by the shoulder and stop you.
"What are you doing? We need to go!" You yelled. Why was he stopping you?
"(Y/n) just relax. Nothing is going to hurt you I promise. They were never going to harm you. O just needed them to bring you to me."
Dread filled your body at his words. "W-what are you talking about? Bring me to you?" With growing horror you slowly walk back from him. It was only then that you noticed that he looked different. He was wearing strange clothes. His hair was longer now, reaching his waist. His ears...they were...pointed. And...he had...wings.
Oh God
"What….what are you?"
Kheelan smiled at you, walking forward as you walked back. "I am a fairy. A dark fairy. I've been watching you, ever since the day you approached me. I had those beasts lure you here. You had to enter the forest willingly or I would be unable to claim you. You were going to leave and I couldn't allow that."
You felt nauseous, fear causing your stomach to roll. "Why? Why are you doing this."
He tilted his head " Isn't it obvious by now? I love you (y/n), more than anything in this world. I have for years now. You showed me kindness that none but my parents have shown me." You back hit a tree, Kheelan wasting no time blocking you in. "I fell in love with your smile, your laugh. I loved our conversations, how passionate you were about the things you loved. And I must admit, so few dare to order me around that your demanding nature was endearing. I found it hard to say no to you." His hand rose to stroke your cheek, ignoring your flinch.
Kheelan smiled, "I'm sorry my love." He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "But now that I have the chance to claim you, I won't allow you to slip through my fingers." Your vision began to grow dark, the world swaying around you.
"Pl-please. Let me go. I won't tell anyone about this, a-about you. I promise."
"Now sleep. And when you wake, you will be in your new home."
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btsqualityy · 5 years
Bad Prank
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Temporary angst, fluff
Warnings: The bad prank does involve faking a death and consequent discussions of death so please, don’t read this if that makes you uncomfortable.
Author’s Note: This imagine is based off of an ask I received like two weeks ago about what Yoongi’s reaction would be to his wife pulling a fake death prank on him. The idea intrigued me so I decided to write about the subsequent fallout! I hope you guys enjoy it!
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“Yoongi, please.”
“Yoongi, you know that I didn’t mean anything by it!”
“Baby, come on. It was just a prank!” You had had the great idea of pranking Yoongi, just as a way of having a little fun together. You had planned a fake death prank, complete with fake blood from the gag store and everything. You had picked a time when Kinsley would be off at school and when Yoongi would be coming home early from the studio. When he had gotten home, he’d found you arranged in the hall by the front door, with fake blood pooling out of your mouth. He had reacted just like you knew he would, grabbing ahold of your body and crying over it. It’s when he was going to move and grab his phone to call an ambulance, that you hopped up and declared that it was a prank. His reaction after that, well, it hadn’t been what you were anticipating. 
“Yoongi, I didn’t mean anything by it,” you repeated, reaching for his hand but he swiftly pulled it away from you when your fingers brushed his. You moved to say something else but the doorbell rang. Giving one last glance to Yoongi, you got up from the couch and walked over to the door, opening to find Kinsley and your best friend, who is also Kinsley’s god mother.
“Hey girl,” she smiled and you did your best to return one to her. 
“Hey,” you said, a laugh escaping you when Kinsley moved forward and hugged your leg. “Hi, how was your day sweetheart?” You asked her.
“Really good! Me and Y/BF/N went to get ice cream after she came and got me from school,” Kinsley announced excitedly and you looked back up at your best friend.
“I told you, no sweets,” you reminded her with a laugh.
“And I also told you that as her godmother, I can do whatever I want to,” she responded with a smirk. 
“Is that my baby girl?” You heard Yoongi say and you looked down to see Kinsley peaking into the house around your legs. 
“Daddy!” She shouted as she pushed past you and ran into the house, and you looked over your shoulder to see Yoongi picking her up and carrying her into the kitchen. 
“Anyways, thank you for picking her up for me today,” you said as you turned back to your best friend.
“Ah, it was no problem! I love any time that I get with her, especially since her father likes to hog her,” your best friend responded.
“I heard that!” Yoongi yelled.
“You were supposed to!” Your best friend shouted back. “I have to go though, so I’ll call you later?”
“Yeah, we’ll get lunch or something,” you nodded before telling her goodbye and walking back into the house. You walked into the kitchen, where Yoongi had just set a cup of pudding down in front of Kinsley. 
“Thank you Daddy,” Kinsley said politely as she picked up her spoon and started eating.
“No problem baby girl,” Yoongi smiled as he reached down and tweaked her nose, which made her giggle. He then turned to walk out of the room and you saw another chance to talk to him. 
“Are you gonna talk to me now?” You asked him but he just kept walking, leaving you to lean against the wall in exasperation.
“Oh, thank God you’re here Y/N,” Namjoon murmured as he watched you walked into the BigHit building. It was day three and the whole silent treatment thing was still ongoing. To try and get Yoongi to break, you had decided to bring him some lamb skewers for lunch to the studio.
“Why, what’s going on?” You asked as you leaned aganist the front desk.
“That’s what I’m hoping you could tell me,” he said. “What the hell is wrong with Yoongi hyung? He’s been so irritable for the past,-”
“Three days,” you finished, making Namjoon arch an eyebrow up at you.
“Yeah,” he nodded slowly. “What’s up with him?”
“I uh, I played a bad prank on him and his reaction to it...wasn’t exactly what I expected,” you explained.
“What wasn’t as you expected?” Jimin asked as he walked up to you and Namjoon, Jungkook standing behind him.
“Y/N played a bad joke on Yoongi hyung and he didn’t react how she thought he would,” Namjoon explained for you.
“What was the prank?” Jungkook questioned.
“I pretended that I died,” you told them and they all grimaced simultaneously.
“Seriously?” Namjoon asked and you nodded.
“Fake blood and everything.”
“Wow, no wonder hyung’s been so mean,” Jimin murmured.
“Yeah, he’s been giving me the silent treatment ever since so we’re all suffering from his wrath,” you said. Just then, you heard Yoongi’s voice.
“I thought we were only taking a 5 minute break,” he said.
“Sorry hyung, we just ran into Y/N and were catching up,” Jungkook explained and Yoongi nodded.
“I brought you lunch,” you offered lamely, and Yoongi just looked at you blankly.
“Um, Jungkook, Jimin, why don’t we head back into the studio?” Namjoon suggested and Jimin and Jungkook both nodded, quickly following behind Namjoon as they walked away from you and Yoongi.
“Look, I know that you’re still mad at me and you have a right to be,” you started but you immediately stopped when Yoongi stepped forward and grabbed the bag that held the skewers from your hand. He gave you one even look before turning around and walking back down the hall to the studio, leaving you stunned as you stood there.
Five days passed by and Yoongi still wouldn’t talk to you. You had tried everything but he just wouldn’t budge. On that morning, you had the day off of work so after Yoongi had left for the studio, you and Kinsley were cuddling in bed together.
“Mommy?” Kinsley called and you looked down at her, smiling softly. 
“Yes sweetheart?” 
“Is Daddy mad at you?” She wondered and your eyes widened a little in surprise. 
“Why do you ask?”
“Because he doesn’t talk to you a lot, like he always does,” she explained and you huffed a laugh, knowing that you should’ve known that Kinsley and her silent observations would notice that things were amiss between you and Yoongi; hell, she gets that silent observation from her father. 
“He is mad at me,” you confirmed. 
“Because,” you started, pausing to try and find the right words to explain it to her. “I did something that I shouldn’t have and it hurt Daddy’s feelings.”
“Soooo,” Kinsley dragged out, making you chuckle. “He’s sad and not mad?”
“He’s probably both,” you told her. 
“Oh,” she muttered. “I asked Daddy too, if he was mad.”
“And what did he say?”
“He told me he was mad and that it’s ok to be mad,” she repeated and you nodded.
“He’s right, it is ok for him to be mad,” you agreed. 
“He won’t be mad forever,” Kinsley announced suddenly, making you smile again as you looked down at her. 
“And how do you know that sweetheart?”
“Because he loves you,” she replied. You stared at her for a moment, before kissing her cheek and pulling her closer to your chest. 
Seven days passed and you had given up on any hope of Yoongi talking to you any time soon. The only option that you had was to just let his anger run it’s course and only hope that it wouldn’t last to long (which, knowing your husband, was a long shot in itself).
You were laying in bed after putting Kinsley down for the night, having somewhat gotten used to falling asleep by yourself before Yoongi creeped inside. You were almost asleep when you felt him slip into bed next to you, and you were surprised to feel him wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back so that your back was right up against his chest.
“Yoongi,” you murmured but he quickly shushed you.
“Hush, just let me talk, ok?” He muttered and you nodded as you opened your eyes, looking into the darkness. “I’m sorry for giving you the silent treatment for the past week. That was....childish of me but I need you to understand why I did it. Alright?” He said and you nodded quietly.
“When I came in the house and found you on the floor like that Y/N-ah,” he paused to take a deep breath. “My whole world stopped. There were so many things that ran through my mind, like how was I gonna tell Kins and how was I gonna raise her without my best friend and I was trying to remember if I had even told you that I loved you before I left that morning.”
“Yoongs,” you sniffled, feeling tears well up in your eyes but he just shushed you again.
“You’re my best friend Y/N-ah, you’ve been my best friend for damn near 10 years. Imagine me having to start all over and loosing the person who knows me the best. Not to mention the fact that we have a beautiful daughter together and I couldn’t imagine her not knowing you. I mean, imagine me having to raise our daughter who looks exactly like my dead wife. That wouldn’t be the easiest thing in the world. In short, loosing you is my greatest fear.”
“Yoongi, baby,” you sobbed, turning over and hiding your face in his neck as you cried loudly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you like that.”
“I don’t want you to even think about leaving me until we’re both old and wrinkled and yelling at kids to stay off our grass,” he said, making you laugh softly through your tears. “And even then, I wanna be the one to go first.”
“And what the hell makes you think that I want to live without you either?” You whispered as you looked up at him. 
“Guess we’ll just have to go together when that time comes, huh?” He joked and you leaned your forehead against his chin. “But do you understand why I ignored you now?”
“You were hurt and trying to process,” you said and he nodded. “Also, you didn’t say this but you’re my husband and I know you, but were you also mad that I didn’t already know how you’d feel by pulling that prank?”
“Yeah,” he muttered softly. 
“Oh Yoongi, I’m so sorry.”
“Stop apologizing so much, it’s weird coming from you,” he rolled his eyes playfully and you smacked his chest.
“Don’t joke right now, I’m sensitive from a week of silence,” you pouted, making him laugh. 
“I love you baby,” he told you, leaning down and kissing you passionately. 
“I love you too, so much,” you whispered against his lips. 
“How about I try to make up for giving you the silent treatment for a week?” He offered and you pulled back to look at him.
“And how do you plan on doing that?”
“By giving you seven orgasms tonight,” he smirked and you smiled softly.
“I mean, if you think you can,” you teased him, squealing when he moved on top of you and kissed you hard.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 years
OH MY GOSH WAIT. What about the kids 👀👀 do they believe in ghosts? Do they discover That Room on their own or do they hear one of the parents talk about it and go searching for it on their own? WHAT HAPPENS 👀👀👀
(belle & adam & GHOSTS)
“Guys, you’re never going to guess what I just heard.” Maurice peaks his head into the drawing room, his eldest sister is playing the piano, the other is reading.
“What?” Renée asks, turning on the piano bench.
“There’s a haunted room here.” He says it as though it’s ground-breaking, his sisters are less amused.
“Haunted?” Renée rolls her eyes. “Those ghost stories Cogsworth used to tell us were fictional, you know that, right?”
“I don’t know, do you remember the look he’d get in his eyes?” Juliette closes her book, a chill running down her spine. “I’m not so sure.”
Maurice plops himself on the ottoman between them, impatient to finish his story. “Ghosts are real, Ren. Don’t be boring.”
“It’s not boring. It’s logical.”
“Sounds boring to me,” her brother rolls his eyes. “Anyway, do you wanna go see it or not?”
“A haunted room? Who’d you even hear it from?” Renée asks, skeptically.
“Papa,” answers the prince, smugly crossing his arms on his chest.
“No way,” Juliette raises her eyebrows.
“Now you’re just lying. There’s no way Papa believes in ghosts. Mama I could understand...”
“Swear it on my life,” Maurice argues, not wanting to waste time. “Now come on, why do you two take forever to do anything?”
The three siblings creep down the dark corridors, long ago leaving behind actual windows to remind them it’s the middle of the day.
“Are you sure you’ve got the right place? Seems like no one’s been around here for centuries.”
“Yeah, Renée, if you were a ghost would you stay in a place that’s always crowded with people?” Maurice asks, irritated by her lack of understanding.
“I wouldn’t be a ghost to begin with,” Renée mutters, wrapping her arms around herself.
“But seriously, Reece, how much further?” Juliette asks, uneasy with the growing number of spiderwebs and rather conspicuous dust-bunnies.
Their brother finally stops in front of a door, it almost blends into the wall.
“And... How do you know this is the right room? What did Papa even say?” Renée looks around in disgust, inching closer to her siblings.
“Said he was never going down the north corridor again,” Maurice stifles laughter. “It’s funny hearing Papa all scared.”
Renée snorts. “Well it’s not like you have to try very hard to see that. You ever see him when a spider’s in the room?”
“Spiders? Where?” Juliette grabs Renée’s arm.
“Oh, you’re just like Papa. It’s fine, Jules.”
“Enough talk,” Maurice says. “It’s ghost time.”
The prince turns, taking a confident deep breath before gently pushing open the door. It creaks louder than he wants it too, his sisters look down the way to make sure no one hears.
They enter in, the flame on the candle that Maurice is holding is shaking a little more than he’d ever admit. The air shifts, it grows colder. The siblings huddle together. A draft blows out the flame, Renée squeals and her sister puts her hand over her mouth. They hear a rumbling from the far corner. Suddenly the door behind them slams shut, they all turn and yell.
“We should go,” Renée whispers.
“Yeah, like I’m going near the door that just shut on its own,” Maurice replies, realizing he’s holding his sister’s hand. He doesn’t remember when that happened but he’s too scared to do anything about it now.
There’s creaking along the floorboards behind them. They turn again, staring into the darkness as they hear it. Something is definitely coming near.
“M- Maurice?” Renée’s heart is pounding.
“Can ghosts make footsteps?”
Her brother gulps. “I have no idea.”
“It sure seems like it!” Juliette answers.
They hear the creaking get louder, closer. They hear thumping in their ears, wind growing louder, wooshing through their hair. The darkness encompasses them, they huddle closer, accepting defeat, accepting the end. The three royal siblings, killed by a ghost. It would certainly make a story. One for the ages. This must be how it ends—
“BOO!” The figure reaches its hand out, grabbing the closest shoulder, which happened to be Maurice’s.
The prince yells at the top of his lungs, but suddenly freezes, recognizing the voice. “...Mama?”
The hand falls away from his shoulder, the sound of footsteps and chuckling can be heard. Suddenly a candle appears, it had been hidden to make the room all the spookier. Belle carries it back to her terrified children.
“Yes, it’s me,” she laughs.
“Mama, that was you?” Renée asks, bewildered and terrified and definitely feeling like she actually did die and this is some post-death hallucination.
“Well, not all me.”
The sound of the door opening turns the kids’ heads. In the light from the corridor, they can see their father coming toward them.
“Papa??” Maurice calls. “But I thought—”
“What, you thought we weren’t going to punish you for all your snooping around?” Adam laughs, coming to Belle’s side.
“I wasn’t...” Maurice thinks, realizing that, yes, how else had he heard of this mysterious room. “So you made all of this up?”
“Of course they did,” Renée says, gathering herself as though nothing was wrong. “But why’d you have to put me and Jules through it too?? We don’t sneak around!”
“Apologies there, darling.” Adam says. “We ideally wanted Maurice alone, so as to terrify him more.”
“We should have known he’d take you two along, though,” Belle surmises.
“Yes, perhaps you should’ve,” Juliette says, still gathering herself. She goes closer to her father so she can see if spiders are coming in the candlelight.
“That’s great, thanks everyone.” Maurice says sarcastically.
“Oh, love, we’d never scare you for too long!” Belle wraps her arms around her son, kissing his temple.
“Whatever, i’m just disappointed this room isn’t actually haunted.”
“You shouldn’t be. Ghosts aren’t real, like I said.” Renée puts her hands on her hips, her full know-it-all big sister mantra resumed.
“Yeah, are we just going to pretend you weren’t about to pee yourself back there?” Maurice jokes.
Juliette coughs out a laugh.
“I absolutely was not! I knew it was all a ruse, I just had to keep it up for my dear younger siblings.”
“Sure, Ren.”
“It’s all fun,” Belle says. “And besides, just because we’re all in here doesn’t mean it’s not still a haunted room.”
The room goes silent again. An all too well-timed knocking echoes against the walls. Suddenly everyone has to leave. Maurice races out of the room, Renée follows. Juliette takes the candle from Adam’s hand and speed-walks after her siblings.
“You’re terrible,” Adam grins as Belle comes over to him.
Belle drops the rope that was pulled in the darkness to knock an old broom handle against the wall. “Oh, it’s nearly Halloween anyway. What’s the point if I can’t scare the kids a little?”
Her husband drapes his arm around her shoulders as they walk out. “A little? They’ll never come down this corridor again.”
“Oh, they will. Next year, I’ve got big plans.”
They laugh, exiting the room and down the corridor, off to find their hopefully not too scared children. The door closes behind them on its own, as it always seems to. Peculiar.
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
See You Again
Mob! Seb AU
Part 6. 
 Run-through: Promises are made, then get broken. Hearts unite, then are shattered mercilessly. We fall in love with certain people, then we lose them…
Themes: smut, GORE elements (blood and stuff), death, dark! Seb, violence and stuff. 
A/N: Hi babies, so this is quite a long fic; just… be prepared. Ily!
Also, the “^^^” symbol is used to show a shift in POV.
Also, there are some time skips in this one. I hope it doesn’t get too confusing.
Also, ALL TAG LISTS are still OPEN. 
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For the first time in years, the mob boss was truly scared.
It was true, he had never thought that one day he would care about the well-being of someone so much that it would physically hurt him to imagine them in any sort of pain.
Sebastian looked over at you, your eyes were slowly roaming over the page of a book, curled up on a couch in his study, while Sebastian himself was trying to get some work done sitting at his desk; yet, he was too busy being enamored by you.
You were simply a couple of feet away, yet he thought you were too far. He liked being close to you, the touch of your skin on his calmed him down.
 After breakfast, Sebastian had received a call. You soon figured out that the caller was Liana and she said that she had people who were currently looking for Connor, and she also mentioned that she was coming over since she wanted to get Dylan to talk. And she strictly asked Sebastian to stay away from the latter because she knew how little patience the mob boss had.
The phone call between Liana and Sebastian was mostly them yelling profanities at each other, yet, Sebastian was relieved that Liana was taking care of certain things while he focused on keeping you safe. He mentioned something along the lines of never letting you out of his sight.
You thought it was just a figure of speech until you realized that he was dead serious about what he said. And that’s how he currently kept you captive in his study.
He had to deal with some paper work, and you were more than glad to share the space with him for a little while.
 “Thought you said you had work to do, did that involve staring at me like that?” you questioned the mob boss with a sly smile, and he chuckled, looking down at his lap and shook his head.
He was sitting at his desk, looking as gorgeous as ever, and you had to physically hold yourself back from making yourself comfortable on his lap. You were sure that he would not mind it though.
 “Come here,” he extended his arm and you immediately put the book down and rose from the couch, and walked in his direction.
You got closer to him sitting in his seat and once you were within arm’s reach, he pulled you into him. You ended up on his lap, legs on either side of him and straddling his thighs.
Your hands immediately cupped his face and you stared lovingly into his ocean eyes. The baby blue orbs staring back at you made you feel safe.
Sebastian’s hands wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer, looking up at your pretty face. He wished he could’ve stopped time, if he could, he would choose to live in this moment forever.
Your thumbs slowly caressed his cheeks and his eyes closed for a brief moment. He took in a deep breath and exhaled, opening his eyes again.
 He was beautiful. Devilishly handsome, yet you couldn’t help but notice that he lacked sleep. The skin around his beautiful eyes were darker now. The thought of him losing sleep over you did make you a little guilty, and you didn’t like that.
 “You need to sleep, Seb,” you spoke softly, smiling at how quickly his hands had slipped under your shirt. His cold palms pressed against your warm skin and he slowly ran his hands up and down your back.
 “I’m fine babe, don’t worry about me,” he replied and placed a soft kiss above your collar bone. His soft lips were gentle on your skin.
You internally laughed at the how there was a time when you were running away from him.
 You tilted his head up and placed a kiss on his forehead.
 “I have to. My family is, gone. All my friends are gone, they’ve settled in big cities, living their lives. I- I don’t have anyone else. You’re all I have. I have to worry about you,” your words hurt. They hurt both you and him. Yet, it was true.
Sebastian was all you had now, and his well-being meant a lot to you.
His hand moved from under your shirt and settled under your jaw, he stared at you for a few moments then kept his silence.
You believed that he was too tired to talk. But truth is, he was even more scared now.
 Sebastian looked up at the angelic girl who sat in his lap. Her eyes were sad, and he was certain that with each unpredictable turn her life took, her heart broke a little more each time.
If only you knew the lengths he was willing to go to keep you happy and safe.
You’re all I have . . .
You’re all I have.
 Your words repeated in his head, and he found himself at a loss of words. He didn’t know what to say to that.
He was helpless, Dylan was in his basement and he couldn’t even get the truth out of him. Luckily Liana was on her way, she had a means of getting stubborn assholes to speak up. Sebastian was too impatient; if he ran out of patience he would just empty his bullets into Dylan’s thick skull. And that would get him nowhere.
That’s why Sebastian was keeping his distance, and was focusing solely on keeping you safe. And happy.
His heart was filled with warmth when you told him that you were worried about him. Sebastian couldn’t remember the last time someone told him that.
 He was about to tell you how much he loved you but he noticed a frown on your face as you avoided his gaze. Not even a second later, you winced in pain and he almost lost his mind at the bare thought of you being in pain.
“Babe, you alright? What was that? Are you in pain?” he asked, straightening his back and ready to take whatever action was necessary to make you feel better.
 “I’m alright. Just random cramps I guess. Let’s take a nap, yeah? You need to rest, come on,” and not having the heart to turn his girl down, Sebastian followed you out of his study and into his bedroom for a well-deserved nap.
Everything was fine, in that moment.
 Something’s definitely wrong, you thought.
These random cramps and bleeding nose and mouth weren’t normal. But you were too scared to even tell Seb about it.
You tried to hide the frown on your face from Sebastian but it seemed as though he already understood that you were in pain.
 He stopped you right as you reached the bed.
 “Baby, look at me. Are you hurting? Are you having… girl problems?” he asked and something about the way he asked you the last question almost made you giggle.
He looked so clueless.
 “I’m okay, Seb. Now go on, take a nap. I’ll wake you up when Liana gets here,” you slightly pushed Sebastian’s body backwards but he caught your wrist just in time.
 “Cuddle with me, come on,” he pulled you into him as he threw his body onto the soft blankets. You landed right on top of him, giggling like a little kid.
Your pain was long forgotten as you stared into his eyes again.
 I love you.
You wanted to say, but before you could, Sebastian flipped you over and got the two of you under the covers.
 “Much better,” he mumbled as he adjusted your position so your back was pressed against his torso and his face nuzzled into your neck.
You chuckled again as you were trapped in his strong arms, legs tangled with his, body pressed against one another – you could see how this could be your everyday life.
You remember a time when you used to make fun of fairytales, and how princesses always foolishly believed that all their worries would be over if a strong man came into their lives; yet here you were, thanking God for the strong man in whose arms you were in.
At this point, imagining a life without Sebastian was near impossible.
 Even under the comfortable, soft covers, Sebastian wouldn’t stop moving.
 “Seb, seriously! You need to sleep, stop moving,” you scolded gently and he placed a trail of kisses along your neck as a reply.
His touch still felt like the first time; electric.
 Slowly, but steadily, his hands moved from around your waist and into your pants. He toyed with the waist band of your underwear for a little while, hovering his cold fingers over your hip bones, before his slid his hands further down your pants.
His touch was just as exciting as the first time he touched you. His lips left loving marks along your neck and you could only sigh in content of being in his arms.
It’s crazy how quickly you had grown accustomed to him.
 “Seb!” you tried to get him to stop fucking around and sleep for once, because you both knew that he needed it. Yet, you couldn’t say that you didn’t like his touch.
 “Shh, I just wanna touch you. Just let me,” he mumbled in his gravelly, tired voice. He sounded so adorable and pure as his hand settled right on top of your heat which only got wetter and wetter as whispered his profane thoughts in your ear.
You pushed your ass slightly more into him and within a few seconds, you could feel his hard on through his sweat pants. You smirked, and felt his fingers lightly graze your folds.
His touch, inevitably, sent shivers all over your body. And you found yourself getting more and more aroused with each passing moment.
Unexpectedly, you let out a moan and you could basically feel him smirking against your skin. He kept kissing and biting the skin at your neck and you allowed yourself to give in to him completely.
 “Seb . . .,” you whispered, feeling your wetness coating his fingers as he slowly rubbed around your throbbing clit.
 “Tell me you love me, baby,” he whispered, his voice deep and somewhat sleepy as he easily slipped his two fingers slowly into your tight entrance.
You parted your legs slightly, allowing him more room to toy with you.
You let out a ragged breath, and as you were gonna reply to him, his phone went off again.
 “I swear to God whoever that- Baby! Where-,” Sebastian stared at you in disbelief as you
 “It could be Liana,” as soon as you heard the phone, you moved away from Sebastian, jumped out of the bed and hurried to the phone, while Sebastian kept muttering under his breath about how he couldn’t believe you just left him in bed.
You answered the call on Sebastian’s phone and immediately heard Liana’s booming voice.
 “Tell your guard dogs to let me in Sebastian, you moron! I’ve worked with you for so long, and they still need identification? What the f-“
 “Liana, calm down! Seb’s on it, don’t worry,” you replied quickly and ended the call. Sebastian gave you an annoyed, yet adorable look.
You felt sorry for the man, but at that point, handling Connor and Dylan was much more important than sex.
   After you told Sebastian that Liana was here, he made a quick phone call to someone and reassured you that Liana knew what she had to do.
  “She must’ve been driving for hours Seb, shouldn’t we at least check up on h-,”
 Your words were cut short by the distant sound of a wail, and it sounded like someone was being tortured.
You soon realized that it was probably Liana ‘handling’ Dylan. And Seb was right, she knew what to do.
 “I just hope she doesn’t kill him before I get the chance to,” Sebastian spoke casually and you stared at him in disbelief.
  A couple of hours passed, at least that’s what it felt like until Sebastian told you that it’s only been 1 and a half since Liana got here.
You couldn’t wait, you wanted to know what other messed up plans Connor had in his sick mind.
You almost cried as you thought about how peaceful your relationship with him was before you found out that he wasn’t your dad.
He even promised to walk you down the aisle someday. And you promised that you would take care of him forever.
Crazy how so much can change in such little time.
  “Baby, stop pacing around. Liana k-,”
 “Liana knows what to do, yes, I’ve heard it at least 10 times in the past hour and a half, Seb. It’s just, finding out what Connor has done or is currently doing is scary to me. I once considered that man to be my dad. I thought he was my father…then came all these revelations. And now, it’s gotten even scarier because…,”
 Your voice trailed off as your eyes burned, and you realized that your tears were on the verge of spilling.
 Sebastian got up from where he sat on the bed, and took a few steps in your direction and stopped right in front of you.
You avoided his gaze as you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold back the tears if you looked into his ocean eyes even just for a brief moment.
 His arms circled around your waist and he pulled you closer, pressing your body against his. You could hear his patient, deep breaths and soon, his fingers curled under your chin and he lifted your face up.
 “Because what?” was all he asked.
You closed your eyes and smiled faintly through the tears.
You opened your eyes again and he had confusion written all over his gorgeous face.
 “Because I’m scared of losing you. You’ve become a habit, Seb, I’m used to you now. I love you, and I want more time with you. I- I’m scared, I don’t know… the blood, it just- I want more time with you, just please don’t let me go. I love you,” you were fully sobbing by the end of your barely coherent sentence.
You hugged him back and placed your head on his chest, squeezing your eyes shut and tightening your grip on him.
 Your body shook with each sob in Sebastian’s arms. The mob boss got even more confused than he was before.
You had nothing to be scared of, he thought. And what blood? What were you talking about?
 Your words made no sense to him.
 “It’s okay babe, I’ve got you. We’re gonna have plenty of time, just- what blood are you talking about? Baby, look at me,” he pulled away and cupped your face.
 Somehow, in last nearly 2 hours, a strange fear formed inside of you. All the bleeding and the shooting pain started to worry you now. And you were scared, a gut feeling was telling you that something bad was on its way. You could feel a heavy weight on your heart already.
You wanted more time with him, yet you were scared that you weren’t going to have it.
What if you were really sick?
 Sebastian waited for an answer. And you were ready to give him one.
You took a deep breath and started your explanation.
 “It’s nothing, I hope but a few days ago I-,”
 “SEBASTIAN!” a voice yelled, frantically; cutting you off in the process.
 Not even a second later, loud footsteps were heard and Sebastian immediately grabbed the closest gun and opened the bedroom door, making sure you were well hidden behind him.
 It took you a second to take in the scene. Liana was running upstairs and she kept yelling something which didn’t make any sense.
She soon reached the bedroom door and stopped just a couple of feet away from you and Seb.
 “Liana? What the f-,”
 “I need a car, now! Mine doesn’t have much fuel, hurry!” she sounded out of breath as she spat out her order.
Her eyes briefly met yours and they carried an emotion you couldn’t quite catch. Pity? Sympathy? You didn’t know what it was.
Liana looked like she was tormented. Her face was flushed, a gun in her hand, blood her knuckles and her hair was a true mess.
She was breathing heavily, perhaps due to the fact that she ran all the way here from the basement.
 “What? Did you talk to Dylan? What did-,”
 “Not now Sebastian! Please, just understand, we don’t have much time! I need a car, quick!” she barely explained the situation, yet as soon as the word ‘we’ left her mouth, both you and Sebastian realized that this must be urgent.
 “Here!” Sebastian chucked a set of keys in her hands out of nowhere and you stood there frozen to the ground. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion as your brain found it hard to focus on it all.
Once Liana caught the keys, she yelled again.
 “CURTIS! UPSTAIRS, NOW!” her voice boomed and soon, another pair of heavier footsteps were heard marching upstairs.
 Sebastian stepped out of the room completely and looked at Liana in utter confusion, and this time, you did too.
What was happening? Who is Curtis?
 To answer your question just in time, an unknown man walked towards the three of you who stood outside Sebastian’s bedroom. He was slightly taller than Sebastian, a bit more built as well, and equally as intimidating.
He had muscular arms, skin head and an eye brow piercing over his left eye. His face was expressionless, yet he seemed like the type who would act upon every order given to him. He didn’t look much different than the other men who ‘worked’ for Sebastian.
 “Keys, there you go. Now, drive to David’s house and I don’t care if you have to drag him all the way, but bring him here as soon as possible, okay?” Liana placed the keys in the palm of his hands and Curtis simply nodded before making his way downstairs again, he jogged until he was completely out of your sight.
Weird, he didn’t even question anything.
 Who is David? Your thoughts were a mess, similar to the situation.
 Sebastian was just as confused as you were, yet the name ‘David’ seemed to have surprised him more than anything.
 “Why David? What is happening, Lia-,”
“Who’s David? What is happening, Li-,”
 You both started asking at the same time.
 “Shh! Let me do the talking, yeah? I- let’s sit down for this,” Liana suggested and you and Sebastian shared a brief look before stepping out of the doorway so that Liana could walk in.
You took a seat on the edge of the bed, while Sebastian stood, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked annoyed, worried and scared at the same time.
Liana was the one who was pacing now, she ran her shaky, blood-stained fingers through her already messy, auburn hair countless times and finally spoke up.
 “Right, before we start, let me be clear that I want no questions, got it?” her voice sounded like she was hesitant, yet she had something urgent to share.
Once the two of you nodded at her, she continued.
 “So, after many, many slaps, and punches and cuts; the son of a bitch talked. And, I mean, I guess we underestimated Connor,” she spoke as if she was fighting back anger – doing her best to calm herself down.
 Sebastian eyes narrowed at Liana and yours widened in shock.
Underestimated? What’s that supposed to mean?
 “Okay, Sebastian, there’s no need to go all crazy and shoot me, I know I fucked up and I should’ve been more careful with Connor. David’s on his way here and-,”
 “Liana, stop! Just tell me what the fuck happened down there,” Sebastian’s voice was so calm and collected that it scared you. And you didn’t dare to look up at him, so you kept your eyes focused on Liana’s black boots.
And you knew that Liana had the chills as well, just from Sebastian’s tone. He sounded like he was livid; yet was able to conceal it perfectly. He sounded lethal.
 “I-, uh… he said that-,” Liana took a deep breath before continuing her sentence.
“Connor has been slow poisoning Y/N, for God knows how long. I don’t- and he’s on the run and we don’t even know what poison he used or how it works. That’s why I asked for David, because none of us here know how to handle this. It might- it is dangerous.” She finished her sentence and for the next couple of seconds, the room was filled with heavy silence.
 You sat on the bed, unable to form proper thoughts as the realization hit you like a train going at break neck speed.
Slow poisoning… that would explain the blood and the pain.
But why?
Why kill you?
 Liana quickly explained that David was the ‘gang Doctor’. Apparently he was really experienced and due some fake charge pressed on him early on in his career, he was fired from where he worked. Then, one day Seb found him, and ever since; he’s their trustee doctor.
 Sebastian was silent, and Liana was silently praying that Sebastian does not kill her right there where she stood.
 “Is that what you meant, Y/N? By the blood, was that what you meant?” Sebastian asked and you gathered the courage to look up at him.
 “What blood? Were those signs of poisoning? Y/N, why didn’t you say anything? I-, I guess it’s my fault. FUCK! It’s all my fault, I should’ve been more careful. I should’ve known better than to let him cook for you and feed you every single day, God damn it Connor!” Liana plopped down on the floor with her hair in her fists in defeat.
She was scared as well; scared of Sebastian obviously, but also scared for your health.
 “Seb, I’m sorry… I’m- I got scared. I didn’t know.” You cried again, the tears came back uninvited and flowed freely down your cheeks.
 Sebastian looked down at your broken frame and kept quiet. Was he feeling equally as guilty as Liana for not being able to shelter you from Connor’s monstrosity? Definitely.
 “I need to handle Dylan, I gotta g-,”
 “Finish him. Wrap him up, and send him to his father’s house. He’ll get the message, and hopefully he’ll come out of wherever he is hiding. At least that’s better than just waiting.” Sebastian orders shocked both you and Liana.
 Sebastian’s face was vacant; empty eyes, even his voice didn’t carry any emotion. He was devoid – free from any signs of anger, or rage. He was like a time bomb, silent but deadly when the time will come. And the time was here. His patience reached its limits.
The mob boss ordered to kill, yet Liana hesitated.
 “W-what?” she asked, puzzled. Yet, she wouldn’t say that she didn’t expect a reaction similar to this one.
 “You heard me, don’t act like you haven’t done it before. Go on now, and… handle him,” he spoke and opened the bedroom door, ushering Liana out of the room.
 Liana nodded, picked up her gun and walked out of the room as quickly as she could. Once she left, Sebastian shut the door with a slam which made you jump a little.
 “You never answered me, Y/N. Was that what you were referring to earlier?” his tone reminded you of that one time he suddenly appeared in your room, back at Connor’s house. The night you ran from him for the second time.
The tone carrying his words was cold, dominant and almost insensitive. Yet, you knew that he was hiding his anger and worry, and probably defeat behind the icy façade.
 “I got scared, and you were already being so over-, well, you were being very careful. Seb, I thought it was nothing at a-,”
 Your flow of words came to a stop once Sebastian walked up to you, stopped right in front of you and dropped to his knees with a thud.
He dropped to the floor with the same defeat in his eyes like Liana did. Your heart swelled at the fact that these two were going through so much for you. They really did care.
You finally looked into the blue orbs of the kneeling man in front of you. With you sitting on the edge of the bed, he was at eye level and you didn’t miss the glossiness forming in his ocean eyes.
 “Do you have any idea of how much you mean to me? Do you know that I’ll lose my mind if anything happens to you? You were sick, you’ve been sick. Why didn’t you tell me anything?” he asked, and your heart broke at the sight of the one single tear which fell from his eyes, down his cheeks.
 “I’m sorry, I was scared and confused…I- I didn’t know he would- I guess I didn’t expect that there would come a day when, he, would try to kill me,” you finally said it.
Sebastian closed his eyes briefly. He opened them again and inched closer to you. He placed his hands on both your thighs and rubbed them affectionately.
You extended your arm and wiped away his single, fallen tear.
 “I told you I would keep you safe. I promised you that, and I couldn’t keep you safe. He got to you, didn’t he? I’m sorry I failed you, baby. I’m so sorry,” he whispered, shaking his head.
His voice cracked and that’s when you noticed how hard he was trying to keep it together.
 “No you didn’t. I’m okay, Seb. You got me out just in time, see? I’m here, I’m-,” your words halted as you felt a burning sensation in your throat. It felt as though you swallowed acid, it burned. It hurt.
You stood up abruptly and tried taking deep breaths. Sebastian stood up as well, and his teary eyes were now worried sick.
 “Babe?” he called out, holding your elbow gently.
You wanted to reply, you wanted to tell him you were okay. But once you opened your mouth, you started coughing hysterically.
You placed your palm against your mouth as you tried your best to control it, but you couldn’t. The cough wasn’t as bad as the other time, except this time, you tasted even more blood in your mouth.
The disgusting, warm metallic taste was back again. Without any second thought, you ran into the bathroom. Sebastian followed you without any question.
 You spat out the blood, and opened the tap immediately – hoping to get it out of your sight as soon as possible.
You washed your hands and noticed a figure behind you in the mirror. It was Sebastian with a blank face again.
His looked like he was either on the verge of crying, or killing something or someone rather. He noticed the trail of blood flowing down your chin. You quickly wiped it off but he caught the sight of it nonetheless.
 “You’re not okay,” he spoke and it sounded less of a question, and more like an insult to himself. He believed he had failed the one person who meant a lot to him. And it hurt, it hurt his ego, his pride; most importantly, it hurt his heart.
  “I will be okay. The doctor is on his way, right? Don’t worry,” you were weirdly confident that whoever this David was, he was gonna make you fine again.
If Sebastian trusted him, then he must really be good at what he did.
  It had been 2 days since David examined your case. And he indeed diagnosed that it was a poisoning; most probably through food.
David was nice, you liked the doctor a lot. He was patient, and a good listener. He was in his late forties, and he had a way with his humor and words.
He had given you pills and other medication which should flush out the toxins that were currently in your system.
Sebastian was relieved when David mentioned that it was indeed serious, but it wasn’t fatal. You would be fine if you took better care of your health.
 In the past 2 days, Sebastian barely left your side for long.
 You were starting to feel better, actually. You didn’t cough up blood, nor did you bleed abnormally. You thanked David.
You were still on the edge though.
Sebastian had asked Liana to…handle Dylan and sent his back to his father – whatever that meant. And ever since, you hadn’t seen Liana.
 “Is Liana coming back anytime soon?” you asked one day, while Sebastian was replying to someone called Chris.
You figured that this Chris was some guy who could basically find anyone and anything on this Earth in just a couple of hours. And Sebastian has been obsessively looking for Connor.
Sebastian stopped typing for a second, looked up from his phone and nodded, then got back to texting.
“Sure, she will. She’s out with the guys, looking for that asshole. Don’t worry, hey did you take your meds?” he asked for the third time that morning.
  The next day, Liana came back – with no news of Connor’s whereabouts. And to say that Sebastian was pissed would be an understatement.
 They were arguing and you heard part of it.
 “You were the one who fucking started this! Why did you make me send Dylan back home… like that? You know damn well Connor will strike back, and when he-,” Liana’s voice boomed.
 “And when he does, I’ll kill him where he stands! No one messes with the one I love Liana, you know that. I’ll be ready when he decides to-,”
 “Funny you say that, you weren’t even able to keep your girlfriend safe! You-,” Liana tried arguing again.
 “Last time I checked, you were responsible for her safety – as her fucking friend! Yet, he poisoned her right in front of your eyes, bi-,”
  “Enough! Both of you, shut up!” you had to intervene because they were taking it too far.
 They both had guilt written all over their faces; like little children when being scolded by their parent.
 “None of what happened is your fault! Seb, you did the best you could and Liana, I would never be here without you. I care deeply for both of you, so for my fucking sake, just stop acting like kids! I’m not dead, I’m fine and blaming each other will not help any of us. Just stop!” you spoke in a higher tone than usual.
And it helped in shutting the two of them up.
  You didn’t wait for any response or apology, you just made your way upstairs – quite moodily. Then again, it was probably the side effects of David’s prescribed medication.
 You opened the bedroom you currently shared with the mob boss and rushed inside; all while hearing very faint, slow footsteps behind you.
You knew it was either Sebastian or Liana coming up to apologize for their banter and behavior.
 You still slammed the door shut, and paced around the room – dramatically; moodily like a Gemini teen who just argued with their parents.
 Seconds later, the door opened and in walked the man you loved so much. Sebastian.
 “Hey baby,” he cooed, pretending as though he wasn’t just blaming your only friend for your poisoning.
 “Don’t,” you simply said.
You weren’t angry at him, per say, you were just angry at the situation in general. Your fake father tried to kill you, his son who was in your boyfriend’s captivity is probably dead, you have no idea where your fake father is – knowing him he’s probably out there plotting your murder for God’s sake. And just when you needed the slightest bit of stability; the two people who are now the closest you got, are playing the blame game.
 Sebastian noticed your bad mood easily – anyone could to be honest. He approached you slowly. Once he stood in front of you, you immediately crossed your arms over your chest; as if preventing him from getting any closer – a useless barrier.
 His hand reached out and touched your cheek lovingly. His bare touch ignited a fire in you.
Sebastian grabbed your waist and pressed you against him; your lower abdomen touching his. The fire grew even more.
He nuzzled his face into your neck; knowing how much you liked it. He ran the shiny, cold tip of his nose up and down your throat slowly, agonizingly.
 “You smell really good. I bet you taste even better,” he whispered in your ear – sinfully. The fire burned brighter.
 And that’s when it all made sense. You weren’t mad, you were frustrated. Sexually. All because while you were sick and recovering from Connor’s strike, Sebastian was busy worrying about your health. And you were almost always drugged due to the amount of medicine you had to take – due to that, it had been days since he last touched you.
And you were craving his touch, his attention – him. And you could tell he missed you too, so you dropped the angry façade and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulder.
The fire took over and you melted in his hands.
 “Seb . . .,” you involuntarily moaned when his hand slipped under your shirt and palmed your breast. Your eyes closed in delight; relishing his touch.
To him, it sounded more like a plea when you whispered his name. And he knew just what his girl needed. Him.
 “I know baby, I know. Let me take care of you, alright?” he whispered against your jaw.
His tongue slipped out and licked a stripe from your jaw all the way till your most sensitive spot, beneath your ear.
You let out a shaky breath as he slowly guided the two of you till the edge of the bed. Meanwhile, his lips found yours and his tongue now slipped into your mouth; forgetting any boundaries – he shamelessly invaded your mouth and kissed you feverishly.
Like he was trying to remember what you tasted like. Like as if you were gonna fade away into nothing if he didn’t hold on to you.
 You moaned into his kiss. His hands roamed your body, eagerly.
By the time you reached the bed, your top was off – leaving you in leggings only. And his shirt was off to, leaving him bare and mouthwatering.
 “I fucking missed you, you know that?” he whispered almost sinisterly as he threw you onto the bed.
You fell on your back and supported yourself up with your elbows to get a better look at your man. He looked heavenly from down here, and he knew it because he had a cocky smile on his gorgeous face. Eyes darkened, breathing heavily – he looked hungry. Starved even.
And so were you.
 “I missed you too. A lot,” you replied.
You couldn’t stop yourself from touching him, so you sat up and rapidly undid his pants and pulled it down, along with his black briefs, until they bunched up around his knees.
His proud member sprang free and you immediately took him into your mouth. His hand lazily guided your head up and down his length. Hollowing your cheeks, your mouth pumped him relentlessly.
His grunts and groans caused you to bob your head even faster on him. You couldn’t fit him completely into your mouth, so your hand took care of what your skilled mouth couldn’t.
 “Fuck . . . Y/N- shit, baby I-,” he came without any warning.
Hot and smooth, his seed ran down your throat. You swallowed all of him obediently and he smiled down at you as you licked him clean.
Once you released him, he pushed you back down on the bed and climbed on top of you – body hovering above yours.
 His face was centimeters away from yours, eyes looking into yours; you felt the flow of energy connecting you and him in ways you couldn’t explain.
 Your hand reached out and touched his cheeks, which was coated with a very thin layer of sweat already.
 “You’re mine, right?” you asked out of nowhere.
For a brief moment, an unfamiliar emotion flashed on his face. Heartache?
 Instead of replying, he pushed you higher up on the bed; creating more room. He pulled down your grey leggings and threw them on the floor.
He smirked when he saw that you were wet already. You wore no underwear, which only excited him more.
 His skilled fingers toyed with your sensitive bundle of nerves as he dipped his head into the crook of your neck yet again, he kissed the shell of your ear and you felt like you were on the verge of losing your mind.
You moaned out load as he slipped two fingers into your tight entrance with ease. Given that you hadn’t been touched in days, you were much more responsive than usual. And he bloody loved every second of it.
He dragged moan after moan out of you, just by using his fingers.
His tongue followed shortly after. It traced the outlined of your folds, slipping in and out of them with much ease before finally burying itself into your tight hole.
The lower half of Sebastian’s face was immersed into your glistening heat. Your arousal drenched his face, the excess of it dripping down his chin – the whole of it was messily immoral. Yet, none of you cared.
 He removed his fingers and his face from your heat and kissed his way up your body till he reached your mouth.
You tasted your wetness on his plump, pink lips and the thought of having a man of his caliber connecting to you so intimately only caused the lust in your veins to course faster.
 He didn’t waste any time as he aligned his erected cock with your entrance, his hand wrapped around his member as he stroked it slowly and dragged it up and down your wet folds.
You moaned at the bare friction. Your hands spread out and gripped two handfuls of the blanket on either side of your connected frames.
 “I’m all yours. Doubtlessly yours, and don’t you ever question that. I love you so much,” he whispered in a hushed tone as he pushed himself into you inch by inch; allowing you to feel him – all of him.
Every vein, every inch of his skin; you felt it all.
 And soon, his body owned yours.
 Sebastian made love to you that night; relentlessly, repeatedly – until both your bodies couldn’t handle the pleasure and the sweet pain anymore.
You don’t remember falling asleep that night, neither did he. All you know is that as long as you were in his arms, everything was good in the world.
Nothing would hurt you as long as you were with him.
  Day six post David’s visit, and things were getting back to normal. Except Connor was nowhere to be found. And Sebastian was slowly losing his mind.
His best friend, Chris visited often. Quite frequently actually.
He was funny, you liked him.
 You were feeling better. No vomiting, no nose bleeds, no sudden hysterical coughing. You were fine. Content.
Due to the fact that your health was almost perfect now, Sebastian was able to leave you home; protected by his guards and Liana of course, to attend meetings – and do his ‘mob boss’ stuff.
 And today was just the same. Sebastian was out, along with Chris.
David came to check up on you this morning, and left saying that you were nearly perfectly fine now. He did advise you to finish the meds, even if you were feeling better.
Right now, Liana was keeping you company while you made lunch for the two of you. Liana sucked at cooking, and you knew that, so you offered to make lunch.
 “Hey, I never asked. What happened to the pub now that you and I are here?” you asked, cutting up ham and placing it next to the cheese.
Liana replied through a mouthful of crisps from the kitchen island behind you.
 “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it. Your boyfriend bought it, so it’s not functioning right now. It’s currently closed,” Liana replied, nonchalantly; stuffing her face with more of the barbecue flavored snack.
 He bought it?
 “Seb bought it? Why? He lives so far from it, what would he do with that little pub?” you asked, partially not surprised because, well, the person in question was the most unpredictable man you had ever met so… yeah.
 “See, knowing him, he’ll probably turn it into a Y/N shrine, or maybe given that he’s a romantic nowadays, he may use it to prop- oh hey Sebastian, hey annoying a-hole. Care to tell me why are you still around?” Liana stopped midway through her sentence to greet Sebastian who walked in the kitchen at the right, or wrong, time.
She then proceeded to drag Chris out of the kitchen, probably to insult him some more. Leaving you two behind was not such a good idea given that recently, Sebastian has been way too needy. And very, very clingy. You weren’t complaining though.
 “Hi babe, how was your day?” he asked, hugging you.
You hugged him back, rubbing you hand up and down his back; feeling his tensed muscles through his dark suit.
 “Pretty good, you know, all I did was eat, sit on the couch, watched TV, ate some more then I tried reading a book, but got bored so I was making food, again, for Liana and I before you walked in. Chill day, I’d say,” you narrated your day to him.
He chuckled.
 His arms wrapped around your waist as you turned around to finish making your sandwiches. He placed his chin on your shoulder as he hugged you from behind.
 “I know you’re bored, baby. But I cannot risk your safety, not again. Not with what happened r-,”
 “But it’s been a week, Seb! I can’t hide in your house forever. I know we can’t find Connor, and I know it’s disturbing you, but I can’t not live my life because of one man. Maybe he just- I don’t know, after whatever you did to Dylan. Maybe h-,”
 “Men like him don’t give up baby. No one gives up that easily in this life, it’s a ruthless game remember? Now, let’s j-,”
 “SEBASTIAN!” you heard a voice yell. After the shout, a few rounds of gunshots were heard.
The sounds indicated that the firing was not happening far from where you were; perhaps it was in the backyard. The gunshots got louder, deafeningly loud, and nothing like in the movies. For a brief moment, it felt as though the entire house was shaking.
Your vision got blurry, for a millisecond.
Among the gunshots, you could hear Liana swearing. And for a brief second, you thought you heard her yell Connor’s name.
But maybe you were just paranoid.
The air felt thicker, and it got harder to breathe for a few seconds while your brain tried to register what was happening around you.
Your heartbeat got louder. And louder.
 Sebastian held you close to him, clutching your body tightly against his chest.
 “It’s okay, baby. I’m here. I got you,” he pulled out his own gun and aimed it at the kitchen door frame; just in case someone were walk in at any given moment. Your shaky arms wrapped around his torso and you, for once, managed to successfully fight back the tears.
 Within the next minute, everything was silent.
No gunshots, no shouts, no footsteps.
You were worried about Liana, and Chris. You didn’t know him very well, but you knew he was close to Sebastian. And he had been nothing but polite towards you. The thought of either of them being hurt was disturbing.
A couple of minutes later, you were still recovering from the sudden shock. Sebastian apologized and whispered comforting words in your ear.
 “Y/N!” you heard Liana yell, then her rapid footsteps got closer and finally she appeared in the kitchen again.
“Jesus fucking Christ, are you okay?” she asked, following her Chris walked in the kitchen; his semi-automatic silver gun still in his hand.
 “What the fuck was that?” Sebastian asked, breathing heavily and still holding you close to his chest. Frankly, you didn’t want to let go in the first place.
There was unpredictable danger at every step, and you weren’t sure you’d make it without him. So you held on to him, and he to you.
 “Connor’s people were here. Seems like they followed you and Chris on your way back, one of them broke in. Our guys are going through the top floors, I don’t think they took anything though. Maybe they came looking for… Y/N. Good thing you were here with her. We’re good,” Liana explained.
The look of defeat made a come-back on her face, she looked tired now. Not angry, like she usually would be at a situation like this. Just tired.
Truth is, you were all tired.
 “I’ll have my guys check the security footage, I know we’ll find something,” Chris announced and made his way out of the kitchen.
 Sebastian was quiet. Liana left the two of you alone without another word said. And you could no longer hold back the tears.
You were scared, but these were tears of weariness.
 Sebastian didn’t say anything. He just held you as your body shook in his embrace with each sob.
  Couple of days after the break in, things were gradually going back to normal. Sebastian was always on the edge though.
Chris was around a lot more; he was frustrated because he couldn’t track Connor down. Liana was, well, a bit more grumpy than usual.
The conversation of ‘How does Connor get in right in front of our eyes?’ happened a lot these days. You didn’t participate, but you heard the arguments.
You refrained yourself from saying anything, because truly, you didn’t know what to say.
You had known Connor for years; that man taught you perseverance. He shaped your fighting spirit. If there’s anything you know about him, it’s that he won’t give up. Not now.
Not when he had already gone to such extremities.
  The guys who worked for Sebastian reassured him that they checked each and every part of the house; nothing had changed. Nor stolen, nor replaced.
Yet, you weren’t very convinced.
You started noticing slight changes. Ones you couldn’t tell anyone about because they were already stressed out enough.
 David’s medication, which you were still under, started leaving strange, bitter aftertastes in your mouth. You were supposed to be menstruating, but the flow was abnormal, and even ceased after a few hours. You wanted to talk to Liana about it, or David, but for some reasons; you blamed it all on the poisoning and the heavy medication.
 You started getting more and more lightheaded randomly during the day. You were losing your appetite little by little. Even your favorite dessert was making you nauseous now.
Your body hurt. Your ribs, joints, everything hurt on most days. And you had to walk around trying to hide your sharp intake of breath, and winces.
You even had to turn Sebastian down one night. And being the gentleman he is, he understood.
You were on the edge as well. You weren’t in pain, yet the cramps found their way back to you. They weren’t constant, but they were intense enough to wake you up at night; once or twice – you were thankful that Sebastian didn’t notice.
Your healthy was deteriorating, you knew.
At first, you thought all these were side effects of the medication. But you were soon proven wrong.
 One morning, while a not so healthy you, Sebastian, a sleep deprived Chris and a grumpy Liana were having breakfast, Sebastian’s phone rang.
He picked it up without even checking who the caller was, and before he could even moodily greet the caller, his body tensed.
He sat up straight on the stool and put the phone on loud.
 “… Stan, how’s life? How is my niece doing? You taking good care of her?” Connor’s voice spoke through the phone and all the colour from all your faces drained.
You could physically feel your fingertips getting colder. Icy even.
Sebastian didn’t reply immediately. Liana’s eyes were shooting death glares at the silver phone and Chris was just muttering curses under his breath; taking his phone out as well and typing furiously.
 “Don’t you dare, she’s no one to a monster like you, you old fuck. By the way, how’d you like the gift? Was it properly wrapped? Sorry, we couldn’t find the right bow,” Liana spat at him.
 He chuckled, sinisterly.
 You looked over at Sebastian, and he was just staring at the phone. No emotion, nothing.
 “I know you can hear me, Peanut. How are you? Good? Are you taking your meds like a good girl?” his question made everyone turned their heads towards you.
The nickname he used brought back so many memories of you and him. The road trips you had. The dad/daughter dates. Your argument with him over your first, ‘good-for-nothing’, boyfriend. Him always calling you to check up on you whenever you slept over at a friend’s house.
No matter what, angry or not, he would always call you ‘Peanut’.
The nickname taunted you, mocked you; like a machete sinking into your chest.
 Sebastian saw you struggling.
 “What the fuck do you want?” he asked, his anger clearly audible and visible on his face. Jaw clenched, eyes filled with a void – the mob boss was furious.
 “Oh not much, just to see the rare look of failure on your face when you realize that, despite I failed the first time, your girlfriend has been accidentally poisoning herself for the past couple of days. It was rather easy, having someone break in, and replace her medication with a bunch of harmful pills. Hey Peanut, how’s the nausea and the pain? Oh, feel free to take a painkiller that the stupid doctor gave you, it’s really gonna help,” his words left you breathless.
 “You are so gullible, Y/N. Is that what I taught you? You didn’t even bother checking if you were taking the right pills, or something which is slowly killing you right at this moment. It’s been more than 48 hours, Y/N, your body should be shutting down at any given moment.”
 His words had every one jump to their feet. Liana grabbed her own phone and immediately called David. Chris swore out loud and rushed out of the kitchen.
Sebastian looked… broken. Utterly broken.
 For the first time in days, you weren’t crying. You were just scared.
As soon as Connor stopped talking, your felt your chest hurt and a burning sensation invaded your throat. You were never one who was scared of dying. You believed it was natural, inevitable and one thing no one can fight.
Yet here you were, scared.
Scared of forgetting, scared of leaving Sebastian alone, scared of leaving Liana.
 “Has she collapsed yet? Why isn’t anyone talking? Hello?” Connor kept mocking through the phone, and like a ghost, uninvited, he was tormenting you. All of you.
 Sebastian reached out and touched your face.
 “Are you okay?” he asked, knowing perfectly well that you weren’t.
You started feeling lightheaded again, and you tried replying to him, but the lump in your throat got in the way of doing that.
You grabbed the counter, steadying yourself. Sebastian rushed to your side. He caged your frame in his arms and studied your face.
 You felt weak.
 “Of course she’s not okay, come on now! Hurry, rush her to the hospital! Although I should tell you that she might die on the way there if y-,”
 “SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Sebastian yelled, and you winced at his tone.
 It seemed as though you were hearing his voice louder than it actually was. The room had started spinning slightly.
Liana’s screaming voice became distant. Everything seemed distorted. And you were very, very scared.
 In your haze, you heard Connor laugh again through the phone. Sebastian held on to you desperately. For the first time, he didn’t know what to do.
 “I know you’ll find me, Sebastian. And I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you do. How does it feel, watching someone you care so deeply about dying in front of you? And you’re not able to save them?” Connor asked.
Sebastian didn’t reply. He couldn’t.
The thought of you not being with him was pure torture.
 He glanced at you and it seemed like you were in pain, and were having trouble breathing.
 “Y/N? Y/N! Hold on, I called an ambulance, they’re on their way. Just please, hold on,” Liana rushed to your side.
After her, you could hear Connor chuckle again.
Why wasn’t anyone ending the call already?
 Your thoughts got messy from there on. You remember hugging Sebastian as tightly as you could. You remember Liana holding you up and for the first time, you saw tears in her eyes.
Your body was giving up, it couldn’t hold you up anymore.
 “See you soon, Sebastian. You know where to find me, right where you left my son’s dead body,” Connor’s voice spoke before he apparently ended the call.
 Somewhere, you heard Chris speaking. And the one word you caught was “here”.
 You don’t remember much, just that it felt like you were falling asleep, fast.
You simply remember telling Sebastian you loved him.
 “I wanted more time with you,” was the last thing you whispered to Sebastian before giving in to the tempting slumber which took over in no time.
Light. Weightless. Darkness.
Nothing more.
    Sebastian watched helplessly as they strapped you to the stretcher, and his heart broke each time he looked at your face. Your eyes were closed, the spark in them couldn’t be seen. Your face was blank, your smile was gone.
You were… going away. And there was nothing he could do.
He still couldn’t figure out what to do.
He saw Liana running around, yelling stuff at Chris, yet none of what she said registered in his brain. Everything happened in slow motion.
  The next thing he knew is that he was pushed into the passenger seat of a car, with Chris in the driver’s seat.
 “Where’s Liana?” was all he was able to ask. His face was emotionless, he couldn’t even cry. All he could feel was the void in his chest. A heavy, empty weight right where he believed his heart was.
He didn’t know why he didn’t ask where you were instead. Perhaps, he knew. Or maybe he didn’t want to be reminded that you were critical.
 “She’s with Y/N. Don’t worry, man, you got this. She’ll be okay, don’t worry,” Chris wasn’t confident in what he said.
 The drive to the hospital was a blur, all Sebastian could focus on was the white van, with a siren which drove in front of them.
The sound of the siren hurt him. And he knew that the sound would probably haunt him forever.
Forever… he hoped he would spend it with you. He wanted to. But fate was acting against his will.
  Sebastian didn’t know how he ended up on the top floor of the hospital. All he knew was the Chris was there, and Liana too. She was on the phone with someone, and she was crying.
Why was she crying?
 He saw a man walked out of one of the room with ‘Intensive Care Unit’ written above it in dark red, like a warning sign.
The unknown man was wearing a white coat and he was talking to Chris and Liana, who cried even more with each word he said.
Sebastian was barely 3 feet away from the doctor, yet he couldn’t hear a thing he said.
He could hear his heartbeat ringing in his ear. Perhaps that was what prevented him from hearing a word the doctor said.
The doctor looked at him, patted him on the shoulder and turned around and walked away. He watched as the doctor walked back into the room, as for a brief second, as the door opened to allow the doctor in; Sebastian saw you.
Unconscious, and connected to countless monitors and machines. He heard the faint beep of one of the monitors, which signaled that your heart was still beating. You were still here.
The image of you; unmoving and connected to machines, and tubes and needles poking your skin, hurt him. He couldn’t bare the sight of you in pain. A part of him was relieved that you weren’t gone.
But why was Liana crying?
 The doctor walked into the room and shut the door behind him. The white door closed on Sebastian’s face, concealing you from him.
The spotless, white door mocked his loss.
He was shaking; anger, sadness, the involuntary sobs which escaped his mouth.
The mob boss didn’t realize that he had been crying until Liana appeared in front of him, blocking his view of the door.  
Sebastian’s vision got blurry.
 The tears fell, hot and harsh on his skin.
 Liana circled her arms around his torso, and once she did so, Sebastian’s head instinctively dropped to her shoulder. He could hear her sniffling, and he did the same – unable to stop the tears. Chris’ hand was firmly pressing against his shoulder blade, a caring but insufficient gesture to calm him down.
Sebastian cried. He was broken. And he hadn’t even heard what happened to you. All he knew, by studying Liana and Chris’ behavior, was that you weren’t waking up any time soon.
 Sebastian couldn’t tell when the last time he cried like this was. Certainly not at his father’s funeral, neither his mother’s. Yet, here he was, crying at the thought of losing you.
 He prayed. He prayed to God as his tears never ceased. He prayed for your life, your health. For you.
He knew he did bad things in his life. Hell, he did terrible things. He just hoped that this wasn’t God’s way of making him pay for his sins.
He couldn’t lose you. Not now, not when he knew that you were his everything. Oh he would make Connor pay for what he did. He knew that for sure. Yet, Connor was the last thing on his mind as he held on to his hope. 
He hoped, as his heart ached, he hoped for you to get better. He hoped that you’d wake up someday soon and smile up at him, and ask him to take you home. He hoped that he would be hug you again, kiss you, and love you again. He hoped that you would wake up and tell him that everything was going to be fine. Hoped to get a chance to spend this lifetime by your side.  
He hoped with all his heart.
Lively. Vibrant. Beautiful. He hoped to see you again.
 He would.
 Wouldn’t he?
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nat-20s · 4 years
PROMPT! the first time the s1 archive gang hangs out outside of work (any variation of the group, doesn’t have to be All of them)
This is only the Archive Assistant sqaud, bc I’m sorry Jon, but no bosses allowed. Also it’s VERY silly and soft bc sometimes u just wanna write nice things u know
(also also fuck I lovecompletely missed that this said “first time” they hang out but uhh. I hope u like it anyway.)
Tim Stoker like to think that, sometimes, not to toot his own horn, but he can be something of a genius. When a cousin’s cousin had offered to let him use their cozy little cabin for a night or two in exchange for help with moving, he had been struck with what could only be humbly described as “inspiration of the most divine nature”. For, as nice as a Friday evening away from it all by himself sounds, it’s so much nicer for a Friday evening away from it all to serve as Archival Assistants Bonding Time™. Or well, more like Tim and Sasha, Who Are Already Best Friends Forever, Figure Out What Martin’s Deal Is, Because For A Guy So Chatty, He Sure Is Mysterious Time™, but that’s not nearly as catchy. Truly, his plan was brilliant, bringing two compatriots and an excessive amount of food and drink to a spot away from the prying eyes of the world and bosses, and feast in the openness and silliness that comes from having a great fucking time.
His plan, and his genius, were tragically derailed. While he knew on their drive up that the air was rapidly getting cooler, Tim couldn’t have even pretended to predict that an hour into their stay would bring a freak blizzard that means they’re snowed in for the next three days, which was 3 times longer than he had accounted on spending with his coworkers/friends. There was more than enough food to last them, and almost enough alcohol, but as Sasha so kindly put it:
“First you make us reenact the first scene of every bad teen slasher movie, now there’s a fucking white out. If we lose power, I’m telling you, there is absolutely going to be a murder.”
“Pfft, no way. The guy who owns this place is one of those weird ass prepper types, there’s a back up generator for the back up generator. And even if we did lose power, we’re all much more the “huddle for warmth under a shared blanket in front of the roaring fire” types than the “get panicked and stab someone in darkness” types, right? Back me up here, Marto.”
Martin, who at three shots in is both hilarious and mean, directs his response to Sasha. “in the event of a black-out I vote we kill Tim. I can take him down and you can finish the job.”
Sasha tips her cup at him, saying, “I like the way you think,” at the same time that Tim yells out, “Hey! Why am I the one dying?!”
Sasha tells him, “Duh. This whole thing was your idea, which makes you the Dr. Black* of this situation. Any good mansion murder mystery dictates the the host dies first. Then, in a moment of entirely unplanned synchronization, her and Martin start chanting, “Host dies first! Host dies first!”
“Okay, you know what? Fuck both of y’all, it’s not my fault that you’re both thoroughbred city slickers that can’t handle being in a cabin with plumbing and running water and electricity. Didn’t either of you go camping as kids?”
Sasha replies “No I’m far too pretty for that,” while Martin bursts out laughing. It takes about 20 seconds for him to settle down. Wiping away a tear, he elaborates, “Sorry, sorry, just. Can not imagine my mother on a camping trip.  I mean, sure, she probably hoped at one point or another that I’d be lost in the woods as a child, or maybe even now, but I think that’s a bit different.”
Tim leans over the kitchen counter, placing his chin in his hands as he says, “Oh shit, Martin lore. Spill the deets.”
Sasha, who’s loyalties tend to sway towards whatever’s most interesting in the moment, piles on with, “You called her your mother, not your mum. That’s means she’s pretty much a right bastard, or a member of the aristocracy, which is just another term for right bastard but you got to grow up as a rich kid. Am I right?”
It’s clear the the two of them have made a grave mistake. All joviality flees Martin’s expression, and he shrinks down both his physical presence and his voice to something that could easily be overlooked if someone wasn’t paying attention. “Oh, um, well, I definitely didn’t grow up as a rich kid. And, it terms of the ‘right bastard’ thing, she’s not- er. That’s to say, she’s- she’s sick and. She’s doing the best she can, given, given everything.”
Martin pointedly looks at his hands while Tim and Sasha panickedly look at each other. They go to either side of him, and when he doesn’t flinch away, they each place a comforting hand on his shoulder. Tim immediately feels the itch to fill the heavy quiet, and he happens to know he has quite the talent for blazing on ahead after these kinds of moments. It’s how he’s survived basically party for the past decade. “Ooookay, I’m gonna go ahead and say that all depressing familial reveals shall be held off until at least the second night of being trapped. While Sasha may have irritatingly few skeletons in her closet in that regard-”
“I have Tory grandparents?”
“We all have Tory grandparents Sash, that’s absolutely nothing. As I was saying, while Sash’s family is boring and semi functional, you and me are gonna do some fuckin’ commiserating on our journey from work friends to friend friends. However, I’m going to have to be 40% drunker, go through a decently strong hangover, and then once again get hair of the dog drunk before I can even start to consider heading down that path. And in that spirit, I think it’s time to start up the drinking games. Truth or dare might end up a bit too heavy for our needs, but Never Have I Ever should suit us just fine. I know I’m gonna regret saying this considering Sasha is 100% going to target my ass, but I think we should establish that whoever puts all ten fingers down first has to chug the rest of the box wine.”
Sasha pipes up with, “Ugh, no, not drinking games, that’s such twenty-something bullshit. I expected better from you.”
“Hey, Martin is a twenty-something, so that still works fine actually-”
Martin’s directing wide, bordering on frantic, eyes at him, and Tim is almost certainly missing something, though he can’t for the life of him figure it out. Sasha’s head is bobbing slightly between the two of them, and shes apparently able to parse what Tim has not. “Oh! Martin, uh, I already know that you’re 2, and it’s cool.”
“Did..did Tim tell you or?”
Tim scoffs out an “I wouldn’t!” even though there’s a distinct possibility that, entirely on accident, he would, and Sasha makes a reassuring coo. “No, no, babe, nothing like that. It’s just that, uh, the Magnus Institute is kind of notorious for not doing any background checks pretty much ever, so when I get a new coworker, I..do it myself.”
Martin’s face blanches, and his eyes somehow get even wider. “Oh god, please don’t tell Jon or Elias, I know I don’t have the credentials, but I really need-”
“Woah, woah, I’m not gonna do that. First of all, archival assistant squad, we ride together we die together in a snowed in god forsaken log cabin, secondly, it’d be hypocritical as fuck if I got up your ass about qualifications. Not a single one of us is qualified for our jobs, not even Jon. Maybe especially not Jon. It’s like, raise your hand if you have a degree in library sciences. No one? Okay, cool, that’s not weird at all for an archive. Actually, maybe bring that up next time he gives you shit. He’ll be all like ‘bluh bluh, you didn’t document this spooky bullshit well enough, it’s not up to the High Standards here at Spooky Bullshit Emporium’ and you can be like ‘whatever buddy, you’re an English major, what do you fuckin’ know?’. It’ll be devastating. He’ll be devastated.”
Martin laughs in the manner of someone who knows that they shouldn’t be, and his shoulders relax into  a lower position. “Why would you want me to devastate him? I thought you guys were friends?”
“We are, which is why we all collectively need to get back at Jon for acting like such a prick. He’s always been a bit temperamental, but I honestly don’t get what his deal is, especially with you. I mean, c’mon, you’re great, being mean to you is like kicking a puppy.”
“Thanks? I think?”
Tim pipes up with, “Oooo, since drinking games are apparently too childish for Sasha, what if instead we play ‘What’s Jon’s Deal Anyway, Featuring, Seriously, Why Target Martin, The Baby of The Archives’-”
“-That feels a bit reductive of who I am and I also I think I’m technically older than Jon?-”
“-Whoever comes up with the best explanation, and by best obviously I mean most entertaining, gets an all expense paid trip from the other two to one of the charity shops I know we all frequent.”
Sasha snorts, “Wow, a whole twenty quid, who could resist such temptation. But also, I’m in, I think I have a winner and I have a violent need to out-cardigan Jon.”
Martin’s relaxation is gone again, which Tim thinks need to be fixed through aggressively passing a glass of wine towards him. He takes it without protest, takes a long drink, and says, “This seems more like 3 am conversation than a 9 pm one.”
Sasha gives an encouraging nudge, prompting another drink, and replies, “Yeah, well, I am not gonna make it to 3 am. I’ve got about an hour until the Alcohol Sleepiness sets in, and I know Tim will be right behind me.”
“Sashaaaaaa, you’re ruining my reputation as a young-at-heart, party-all-night kind of guy.”
“Babe, you’ve complained about your bones aching often enough that you’ve never had that reputation.”
“Surrounded by mean drunks, that’s what I am. I should be pitied.”
Martin shoots a glance towards Sasha, then replies, “You’d be more pitiable if this entire thing wasn’t, you know, entirely your own fault.”
Sasha nods sagely, “It’s true. If you were pitiable then maybe you wouldn’t have to die first.”
“You know what? I am uncomfortable with the energy that’s been created in this room, how about we divert some of that towards complaining about our bosses, as coworkers who are hanging out and having a good time and not bullying me are supposed to do.”
Sasha giggles slightly as she leans down and presses a kiss to Tim’s cheek. “Aw, sorry, Tim. I promise to double cross Martin when if becomes killing time.”
Tim melts a little, even as he’s replying, “Wait, when?” Martin takes another sip and says, “Whatever. I could take you both.”
How the hell are you supposed to resist a set up like that? With an over the top wink and cheesy grin, Tim says, “I bet you could, big guy.”
He’s expecting a slightly flustered reaction, maybe a higher pitched voice and a blush, if he’s lucky. He gets all of those things, but it’s Sasha saying, “Oh my god.” Martin only gives him a raised eyebrow and level stare, and Tim makes a mental note to reevaluate his dedication to only considering Martin in a strictly platonic fashion. Sasha continues talking, cutting through the..tension? with, “Okay, now I am uncomfortable with the energy that’s been created in this room. Tim, tell the studio audience what you think is up with Jon.”
Tim blinks, hard, gives a shake of his head, and says, “Oh, obviously the Jon we know is dead. His ‘promotion’ to Head Archivist was actually Elias killing him off and replacing him with a robot that has the command If: see Martin Then: be dick. Don’t worry Marto, now that Sasha is aware of the issue, she’ll surely be able to reprogram him.”
Sasha hums a bit, then says, “I buy it. I think my explanation’s better, but Elias does seem the “kill a dude and replace him” type. Like if I was gonna suspect any particular person of murder he’s in the top five.”
“Seriously? Elias? Somehow has middle manager vibes even though he’s the head honcho Elias? Mr. ‘I probably wore boat shoes and khaki shorts for the entirety of university’ Bouchard? Voted most likely to put a thin layer of mayo in between two pieces of white bread and claim it’s a sandwich Elias? The area man that’s almost certainly gone on record as saying that golf and networking are his favorite hobbies Elias? He’s far too boring to have committed a murder.”
Tim’s looking at Martin with shock and delight, and he knows Sasha is wearing the exact same expression. “More of this. Please describe more of the things that Elias is.”
“I mean, sure? Uhh, guy that would pay $80 for a dime bag because you told him it’s a premium strain. Person that ironically says things like “kids these days” and “the youths” and you know he’s talking about people well into their 30s. Genuinely believes that if you can afford a cell phone then you shouldn’t be complaining about being  poor, because apparently a one time purchase of around a hundred bucks is the same as trying to pay monthly rent. Tells people to haul themselves up by their bootstraps. Thinks he got to where he was ‘without anybody’s handouts’ even though he’s had a trust fund since he was 15. Writes weekly editorials to the local newspaper complaining about the liberalization of media, and they’re like ‘sir, please stop submitting to us, we’re just trying to talk about Lisa’s gardening club’ because they can’t professionally tell him to fuck off. Thinks salt and pepper are the only spices one could ever possibly need, everything else is simply excessive. Somehow gay and homophobic. Like, yes, he’s taken a male lover, but he’s also seconds away from calling you a slur at any one time. Actually, no, that’s too interesting, and I refuse to believe he’s had a lover. Legally, he cannot have a lover, I’ve decided, so just gay and homophobic, both in theory alone. Has said that Boris Johnson is “a bit much, but really not so bad, and much better than any of the alternatives, really.” All of the cousins in his family banded together and officially got him banned from any sort of major holiday dinners. Basically every shitty boss you’ve ever had, especially if you’ve worked retail, rolled into one.”
Tim lets out a low whistle. “Damn, all right. Get fucked Elias.”
Sasha emphatically agrees, “Get fucked Elias.”
They all clink their glasses together, and then there’s a beat of silence before Martin says, “I’m pretty sure robots can’t get eye bags.”
Tim and Sasha let out a “huh” and “hmm?” respectively, so Martin elaborates. “You posited that Jon had been replaced with a robot. Pretty sure robots aren’t able to look that tired.”
Tim snaps. “Drat, you’ve pointed out the one flaw in my impeccable logic. So what d’you think is up with him? I know you don’t have the Before The Archives comparison, but I think you could provide a fresh perspective.”
“Oh, fuck, I don’t know. Two months ago, I might have had some choice words, but first off, you all genuinely got on, so it didn’t really make sense for him to be awful all the time, and secondly ever since the, um, worm thing, he’s actually been pretty nice? I haven’t heard any snide comments, and whenever I mess something up he’s a lot more, um, gentle about explaining what wrong. He actually complimented my work the other day so. I guess I think Jon’s deal was that he was stressed out and I was very nervous and not very good at my job and he picked up on that?”
“So you think he’s like a horse.”
“He sensed your fear and he became skittish and irritable in kind.”
“Horses can sense fear?”
“Horses can sense everything.”
“That’s fucked up.”
“Guys, we’ve gone on like four different tangents in one conversation. Martin, I’m very glad to hear that Jon’s changed his behavior towards, because it means I don’t have to yell at him on your behalf, you’re getting to see the person that me and Tim both know who is actually pretty cool, and also mostly because it feeds perfectly into my winning theory.”
“What, you’ve got something better than Martin’s ‘accurate but boring’ reasoning or my ‘super cool but now that I think about it for .5 seconds actually kind of a bummer robot’ knowledge?”
Sasha’s incredibly self-assured when she says, “I sure fuckin’ do. Jon’s secretly been in love with Martin the whole time, and he’s been previously overcompensating by acting like he hates him.” which makes Tim choke on air and Martin emphatically reply, “Fuck off, he is not.”
“No, no, hear me out, I have, I have receipts, as the kids say. First point of evidence: Martin’s stupid hot, and there’s no way that Jon is straight, so obviously he’s not gonna be impervious to that.”
“Oh come off it Martin, it’s just a fact. Like, me personally? I don’t even do the whole romance thing, but the first time I ever saw you I blacked out slightly and thought ‘Now there’s a man I could raise some ferrets with.’.”
“I, um, I, well. Is that...supposed to be a euphemism for something?”
“What? No, I’ve just always wanted ferrets, and asking someone to raise pets with you is like the height of romance, I’m pretty sure. Back me up here Tim.”
“On the ferret thing or the Martin hot thing?”
“Either? Both.”
“Aight. Yes, asking someone to raise ferrets with you is basically a marriage proposal if that someone is Sasha, and I hate to break it to you Martin, but you’re incredibly good-looking. We’re all incredibly good-looking, to the point where I think the only qualification for the archives staff is being a straight up hottie. OH! We should name the group chat “straight up hottie squad”. Anyway, yep, point for Sasha.”
“Not a point for Sasha, even if I believe you about about my, em, physical attractiveness,-”
“-Don’t have to put belief in a fact, Marto-”
“-that doesn’t mean anything. By that logic, he’s equally as likely to be in love with either of you, and my money would be on Sasha if it was anyone, because you’re clearly his favorite.”
“Ah, but that’s exactly why it isn’t me, but thank you for the transition into my second point which is: Jon is the kind of person that sees anything that might make him vulnerable and starts aggressively defending himself against it, and what’s more vulnerable than a crush? He’s not crushing on Tim, because Tim’s fucking great, but sometimes he’s also the walking, talking embodiment of sensory overload, and while I myself I love that, Jon clearly gets a bit overwhelmed by it at times. He’s not into me, because he knows better than that, and overall I’m pretty non-threatening to his whole thing, so of course he’s going to be the most relaxed around me. You, on the other hand, are single, hot, kind to animals and people alike, and make a great cup of tea. Incredibly crush worthy, thus incredibly threatening, thus Jon acting like That.”
“Hmm, this still seems like something that comes from watching one too many corny rom coms, and that’ s coming from someone who loves corny rom coms.”
“I also love corny rom coms, but that’s completely beside the point. Because, okay, sure, if Jon had just been a weird asshole to you, I wouldn’t be like ‘oh, yeah, that’s a classic case of covering for something’ but you’re right about him being nicer since the worm thing. So nice, in fact, I shall be bringing in Timothy as my star witness that’s going to blow this whole case wide open. Martin, you may not have heard how Jon has started to talk about you, but me and Tim sure have.”
“God, yeah. Like if we thought he wouldn’t shut up about you before-
“-which he wouldn’t-”
“it’s gotten way worse now.”
“I think the whole life threatening worm woman flipped a switch for him and now he’s all fuckin. ‘Oh, Martin should stay in the archives, let me give him the place that I sleep.”
“Oh, Martin, I don’t think he should go out on too many research trips anymore, I’d much prefer for him to be ~nice and close~”
“Oh, Martin, good lord, did you know that his tea is quite good? I’m think it might actually be the best I’ve ever had.”
“Oh, Martin, his work’s rather improved, don’t you think? It’s really quite impressive, especially considering all the stress he’s had to endure.”
“Oh, Martin, I just want him to take me into his big, strong arms and whisk me away from all of this.”
“He did not fucking say that last one.”
Sasha throws her arms up in the air. “He may as well have!”
Nodding sagely, Tim replies, “This whole thing holds water. I vote Sasha gets the shopping trip. Martin?”
Martin stares at his drink as if it has any ability to give him any sort of answers, then lets out a sigh with his entire body. “You know what? It’s probably nicer than whatever the fuck is the truth, so sure, why not? Let’s get Sasha her cardigans.”
Sasha lets out a whoop. “Hell yeah! Can’t wait for spree, assuming all three of us get out of this cabin alive.”
“Okay, nope, clearly Sasha needs another distraction. Got any suggestions, Martin?”
“Uh, wasn’t a karaoke machine part of the sales pitch for this place?”
“Martey babey, yes! I wouldn’t have thought you’d spring for that sort of thing!”
“If this were a public bar or something where I’d have to listen to drunk strangers and they’d have to listen to me, then no, I’d rather have my brain pulled through my nose a la mummification. But with only you guys and fourish drinks in? I’m down to clown.”
“Sash, you with us?”
“Dunno, what songs are there?”
Tim shrugs, and heads to the storage closet that contains all the various entertainment equipment. It takes a bit of searching, and a bit more digging, but he’s able to unearth the ancient portable karaoke machine. He also grabs some of the jigsaws, mostly on the thought that sometimes a bitch just wants to hang out with their friends and do a puzzle. Also because in light of the fact that they’re stuck inside with no sort of access to the outside world for two days longer than planned, there’s pretty much no way that they’re not going to reach a point where they all say fuck it let’s do a puzzle.
Plugging in the machine, it takes a solid several minutes to boot up, which is the perfect length of time to take it upon himself to take one for the team and chug the box wine himself, with Sasha and Martin chanting in the background. When he finishes, they cheer, and then Martin immediately shoves a glass of water for him to down as well, muttering something about how he wants him to be alive in the morning. Tim can tell he’s well inebriated by now, because the simple thoughtful gesture is enough to make him a little bit misty-eyed, and Sasha can attest to alcohol turning him into the world’s biggest sap. In order to avoid prevent himself from becoming the kind of person who says “I love you” in a gradually more sloppy repeat, he starts flipping through the discography of the now running machine. “Alright y’all, it looks like we got 80s songs or...80s songs. Ooo, they have the Grease 2 soundtrack.”
That gets him a well deserved “No!” from both parties, with Sasha adding on, “Not even if it was Grease 1. I’m putting an embargo on musical theater in general.”
“Oh come on, some musicals are better than other. Right, Marto?”
“I’m with Sasha on this one.”
“Boo. But fine, what do you want?”
Martin and Sasha glance at each other, and Tim’s amazed at how well the bonding night-turned-long-weekend has gone so far, considering they seem to have already mastered the art of silent communication. Martin speaks first, with, “They got Dolly Parton?”
The process of scrolling through individual letters to type is achingly slow, but luckily all he needs to get through is “DO” before she shows up. “They do.”
Sasha says, “Do they got 9 to 5, by Dolly Parton?”
Tim’s eyes light up with realization as he says, “They do,” and in a moment of spontaneous understanding, all three of them know that they’re not simply going to sing 9 to 5. No, they’re going to do a  full blown music video for the benefit for nobody but themselves, because why the fuck not.
The next hour is spent in a very silly fashion. They figure out how to use the cabin’s layout to their advantage, assign various parts of the song to each person, and practice their inexpert choreography a few times with the song tinnily blasting from Sasha’s phone. The final result is hardly of professional quality, but it is of making them all giggle quality. It starts off in a relay like manner, each of them in a different area to coordinate with “Tumble of out bed and stumble to the kitchen” (Sasha on the couch), “Pour myself a cup of ambition”, (Tim at the coffemaker), and “Yawn and stretch and try to come to life” (Martin at the fridge), with them finally crowding around the karaoke machine together to scream sing the chorus. Despite their practice, they quickly go off key, and while they might end up with low points for accuracy, they get full marks on enthusiasm.
When the song ends, it takes them a few minutes to settle down into something less giddy. As they do, Sasha, out of breath, says, “Fuck me, I’m sleepy now. What the hell?”
Tim hums in affirmation. “Goddammit, I’m tired too. Let me guess, Martin, you’re young enough that you could go all night?”
“No? I’ve never pulled an all-nighter in my life. Actually, I know that it was supposed to be in case the power went out, but huddling together under a blanket in front of a fire sounds really nice? I mean, um, if you guys were down.”
Sasha leans her head against Martin’s shoulder and takes on the expression of a deeply content cat. “Mmm, I call Martin, he’s warm.”
“Absolutely not, I also want to leech Martin’s warmth. You good with being in the middle?”
Martin’s practically beaming, but his voice manages to almost fake being put upon. “I suppose it’s a sacrifice I could make.”
With Sasha already half asleep, Martin brings her over to the couch, while Tim gets them all set up. He manages to find the kind of big, fluffy blanket that all cabins should contain and wraps it around their shoulders. Luckily for them, the fireplace is gas lit and can be put on a timer. He sets it for 30 minutes, even though all three of them are going to be long passed out before them. Sasha is already softly snoring away, and Martin’s head keeps drifting down and snapping back up. Tim curls up against Martin’s other side, and even though all three of them are going to wake up with aching backs and worse heads, he thinks he really just might be a genius after all.
*Why is Mr. Boddy’s name Dr. Black in the UK. I hate that. Why would you not have the dumb joke of  naming the victim “boddy”. Hey brits explain your crimes.
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