#i just think this is an interesting topic
smileysuh · 20 hours
fuck your ex - TEASER
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🌙 starring. Choi Seungcheol & Kim Mingyu x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “Cuddles don’t hurt either,” Mingyu muses, pulling you to his chest. “If we get to your bedroom and you decide you just want someone to be with, I’m not going to pressure you. I know I said the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, but, skin to skin contact - even if it’s not sexual - can be an amazing way to get over an ex too.”
tw/cw. Protected sex, unprotected sex, pussy eating, fingering, hand job, dry humping, grinding, foreplay, threesome, bathroom sex, using a shower head as a vibrator, multiple sex scenes, multiple reader orgasms, slight cum kink, Cheol cum’s on reader’s chest, size kink, dirty talk, praise, etc… I pet names: (hers) baby.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 7.3k 
🍭 aus. Non idol au, cop au, poly au, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. I know cops are a touchy subject, but I've had this idea for months, and I figured it's fan fiction so hopefully it's just a fun au :)
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“Anyways, I bet you’re wondering about the conditions that make threesomes work,” Seungcheol sighs, returning to the topic at hand.
“I’ll admit, I’m curious. When you and Mingyu gave me your numbers, you did say I could have both of you if I wanted.”
“You still can, but I wouldn’t be shocked if you wanted to stick it with Mingyu. It wouldn’t offend me. He’s better with girls than I am.” You love how direct Seungcheol is about this, and it shows a good sense of self for him to be able to admit he’s not as much of a lady killer as his friend.
“Why do you think he’s better with girls?” you inquire.
“Most girls like that whole puppy dog thing. He’s a giver, and I respect that.”
“And you’re not a giver?” you toy, cocking a brow.
“More of a taker really,” Seungcheol admits, flashing you a grin. “If you’re interested in that sort of thing.”
“Honestly?” You let out a sigh, relaxing back against the booth. “That might be just what I need right now.”
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☀️ to read the full fic AND 2.5k bonus NOW, subscribe to my Patreon, then click here
👹 or wait till the fic is posted on tumblr September 27th, 2024
🔮 see what’s already available to read on my m.list
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ckret2 · 19 hours
Chapter 69 (lol) of human Bill Cipher being a prisoner with terrible fashion sense: beach episode!!! Well, lake episode. Close enough.
And a few other people come to town.
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Just after dawn, a sleek, nondescript black government SUV, now dusty from a long drive, parked in front of the Gravity Falls Police Department. Three agents in sleek, nondescript black suits stepped out.
As they left the car, Blubs came out to meet them, Durland trailing behind him. "Agent Powers, Agent Trigger! Good to see you again." He shook Powers's hand, then glanced at the new agent. "And you are...?"
"Agent Dale!" The rookie shook Blubs's hand next, beaming. "Very pleased to meet you. I was just saying in the car—you have a beautiful town here, just beautiful."
"Wouldn't stop talking about it," Trigger muttered.
Blubs chuckled. "Why, thank you. We're quite proud of it ourselves."
Durland said, "Say, Agent Dale—don't you agents usually have tougher-sounding codenames?"
"Agent Clyde S. Dale. Like the horse."
"Ohhh. Yup, that'll do it."
"Sheriff Blubs," Powers said. "I trust you have the requested materials?"
"Right inside," Blubs said. "We've got the readings on last week's gravity anomaly from McGucket's scanners, and reports on this weekend's power surge."
"No overlap between the incidents?"
"None anyone here detected."
"Hmm. Has anything else strange happened since we were last in town?"
Blubs hesitated. "Well—never mind all that." He quickly shifted topics, "Say, I like your 'honk if you want to be arrested' bumper sticker." ("Oh is that what it says?" Durland asked.)
Agent Powers said solemnly, "I can get you the contact information of the shop where I bought it. It's a very nice small business run by art students."
"Would you? That'd be delightful."
Powers paused before following the cops and his agents into the police department, glancing out at Gravity Falls' town square—the modest little main street shops, the town hall, the statue of the town founder, the distinctive water tower with the faded muffin graffiti, and the familiar mountains surrounding the little valley town.
And then he let out a long, frustrated sigh.
"Fine," he muttered grumpily, glaring at the town as though it were an old rival as annoyed to see him as he was to see it. "Let's just get this over with."
He followed Blubs into the police department.
"Attention, everybody," Stan said, standing in the entryway with his fists on his hips, Soos beaming behind him. "I've got some great news!"
Abuelita and Bill glanced up from one of Abuelita's soap operas; Mabel and Dipper craned their necks to see Stan from where they were having dinner at the kitchen table.
Stan announced, "It's finally time!"
Dipper and Mabel blinked. Bill said, "Great. I'll get the ritual daggers, you can set up the blood red candles. Dolores?"
Abuelita said, "I will put out the good sacrifice altar." Bill laughed in delight.
"Yeah, yuck it up, you two," Stan said. "We're going fishing tomorrow! I've got the bait, I found everyone's rods, Soos and I patched up the old boat, I even—" He paused at the sound of the vending machine opening. "Hey! Ford!"
Ford ducked in from the gift shop. "What?" 
Stan chucked a hat at him. "I made you a fishing buddy hat! See, it's got your name! That's pretty good!"
"Oh." Ford inspected the letters haphazardly stitched onto the hat. "Why?"
"Fishing tomorrow! Half the summer's gone by, and we haven't gone fishing once! The guys from the lodge probably think I'm too ashamed to show my face. But it rained this weekend, the weather's just cleared up, now's the perfect time for fishing!"
"Oh," Ford said again, trying to drag his thoughts from magical tapes to fishing. "If you'd let me know earlier, I'd have built another fish-summoning beacon like the one on our boat." (Bill glanced curiously at Ford at the mention of an invention he didn't already know about; then stubbornly refused to be interested and dragged his gaze back to the TV.)
"No beacons! This isn't fishing for survival, this is about the sport! Asserting our manhood! Just the skill, strength, and patience of three men—and some women and children—against the lake!" (Soos beamed at being included amongst the men.)
Ford considered that. He didn't assert his manhood very often; usually he just sort of let his manhood hang around minding its own business, like an old cat that wants to be in the same room as you without socializing. It sounded like an intriguingly novel experience. "Okay, great. What time?"
"I want everyone on the road tomorrow morning! By six thirty at the latest."
The kids groaned.
"C'mon, dudes," Soos said encouragingly. "It'll be fun! After about three hours, once you're awake enough to think."
"No griping, we've gotta be there early to get a prime fishing spot," Stan said. "Tomorrow's a lodge fishing day. We're going home with a haul so big they'll be embarrassed they kicked me out!"
Dipper asked, "You mean the lodge for the Royal Order of the Holy Mackerel, right? Why'd they kick you out?"
Stan sighed, "Once the town found out about Ford, they realized I'd spent the last thirty years attending lodge meetings under his membership. Since I'd never undergone the—" He rolled his eyes and made finger quotes, "'sacred angler initiation rites,' they booted me. And they said I can't try to join again, just because of that one dumb little white lie! And my extensive criminal record."
Ford hurriedly crossed the living room to avoid blocking Abuelita's TV view. (Bill looked through him like he wasn't there.) "Stan got a lot more out of my membership than I did—once I'd finished my initiation I probably only ever attended three meetings. I tried to petition the Mackerels to let him rejoin."
"How'd they respond?" Mabel asked.
"They kicked me out too."
Bill scoffed. "Big deal! The Fishmasons and all their subordinate organizations are just a big boring social club that got you hotel discounts three hundred years ago. The mystique around them is more interesting than anything they actually do."
"Figuring that out is why I stopped attending after three meetings," Ford said. "I joined to learn about the dark secret underbelly of Western politics—not sit around eating charcuterie and fancy nuts while everyone talks about baseball and makes fun of me for not knowing what a fly ball is. It's a stupid term! Doesn't the ball always fly?"
"Really, they aren't even worth joining," said Bill Cipher, the only person to have ever been kicked out of seventeen separate Masonic lodges in seventeen separate bodies.
Reminded of the fancy nuts he was missing out on at this very second, Stan set his jaw in determination. "Yeah, well, they're a big boring social club that'll rue the day they kicked out Stan Pines! Out the door, six thirty, on the dot!"
"I don't have an alarm," Bill said. "Hey star girl, wake me at five."
Mabel shuddered at the thought of setting an alarm that early. "No way. You can borrow my radio."
"Hold on, I didn't say you're invited," Stan said. "We've already got a full boat! Me, my brother, the kids, and Soos and his girl. Nobody wants to sit on the lake with you for eight hours."
"I wanna sit on the lake with Bill!"
"Nobody but Mabel wants that."
"Relax! I don't want to sit on a boat with you underpainted clowns either," Bill said. "I just want to sit on the beach! I miss sunlight! Sunlight without being forced to hike through half the valley on no food or sleep."
(Ford decided that was his cue to make himself scarce. He scooted into the guest room.)
"Well," Stan said, "we're not staying thirty feet from the shore, we're not leaving anybody behind, and we don't trust you to stay put on the beach without your dumb magic bracelet—so how do you expect that to work."
"I'll just stay with Dolores."
Stan and Soos stared at Abuelita. Soos said, "Abuelita? Do you want to come?"
Abuelita considered it. "Sure. The weather is nice. I can catch up on my reading."
"Yes!" Bill hopped off the couch. "Then it's a plan!"
"Hey, hold on," Stan said as Bill breezed past him, "I didn't agree to—"
"Hey star girl!" Bill leaned into the kitchen. "Need your fashion services! I need a swimsuit before tomorrow."
Mabel gasped in delight. "What kind?"
"Whatever exposes the most skin without getting me arrested. I'm absorbing as much sunlight as possible."
"With sunscreen, right?" Soos said.
Bill turned and gave him a blank-faced stare.
Soos hopefully repeated, "With sunscreen?"
"Don't need it."
"You totally do, dude. Not many people talk about this? But having more melanin doesn't totally protect you from sun damage, it just slows it down," Soos said. "Trust me on this. When I was like eight, I went to this water park—
"Uh-huh, and three days later you were peeling off flakes of your own dead flesh," Bill said. "It's cute how you think you know more about humans from 23 years of passively being one than I do from 500,000 years of actively studying them."
"C'mon, star girl! No time to waste!" Bill grabbed Mabel's hand and tugged her off her chair.
"Wait, my sandwich—!" Mabel grabbed the rest of her dinner off her plate and shoved it in her mouth as Bill dragged her upstairs.
Abuelita shot him a dirty look as he passed, but turned back to her soap opera.
Just past five in the morning, Bill crept by the guest room door. He glanced through the wall as he passed; good, both of the Stans were in bed and sound asleep. Bill wouldn't have had a chance to get up to his mischief if Ford had decided to sleep downstairs.
He snuck behind the vending machine; paused to squint toward the future and confirm that when he looked at the stairs, he could only see himself using them anytime soon; then down to the elevator; and down, down to Ford's study.
Bill sighed in relief when the elevator slid open and he saw that Ford had left his study door ajar. He crept into the room, feet socked, hands gloved—Ford was the kind of paranoid to actually check for prints if he suspected anything, and Bill's triangular whorls were very distinctive—and looked through the objects piled on the shelves and furniture for any concealed sensors or cameras. The coast was clear.
He idly scanned the nearby shelves for any sign of his stolen time tape, didn't find it, but didn't expect to. That wasn't what he was here for.
He knelt in front of a half-disassembled filing cabinet, flipped through the files in the removed bottom drawer until he found several folders together about curses and hexes, and flipped through them until he found the one labeled "Curses & Hexes (w/ ingredients)". Good old Sixer, left everything exactly where Bill remembered it.
He rifled through the pages—"aha!"—until he found the paper he was looking for and pulled it out. Handwritten at the top of a ragged-edged piece of notebook paper were the words "Reverse Sunscreen". Bill read through the list of ingredients—"Oh, pepper juice, not pepper flakes, right."—then put the paper back.
He glanced back and forth between the past and present to ensure he put the files back exactly where he'd found them—again, considering Ford's paranoia, he might notice any difference.
And then he returned to the elevator and headed upstairs.
The whole time he was in the study, Bill didn't let himself glance at the back of the room where Ford's shrine to him used to be.
"Heya, pal," Bill said. "It's been a while! Where have you been hiding all summer?"
Gompers blinked up at Bill.
"I guess we both look different than we did the last time we met, huh? I think your makeover went better than mine, though! You didn't fall as far as I did." He didn't have as far to fall.
Gompers accepted the backhanded compliment with utter indifference.
"But hey, why talk about the past! Let's let bygones be bygones. Here." Bill knelt, pulled one of Ford's nutrition pills from the folds of his beach towel, and held it out. "A peace offering! A little snack for you."
Gompers eyed it warily.
"Come on, you've eaten worse things than this."
He delicately ate the pill out of Bill's hand.
"Thaaat's right. Tell me how you like that thing later."
Leaning on his car, Stan—the only other person who'd actually been ready to go at 6:30—looked over Bill's shirt and trout slippers, and asked warily, "You didn't forget that humans need to wear pants, right?"
Bill got to his feet, shoved his makeshift umbrella-cane under the same arm as his beach towel, and pulled up the hem of the puma shirt he'd stolen from the gift shop to reveal his bikini bottom. It was teal with little puffy gold triangles painted on. "Cover-up dress. Your arbitrary fashion rules are different for beaches."
Stan considered whether a t-shirt counted as a dress, decided he didn't know enough about dresses and he might as well give this one to Bill, and grunted. "Fine, you're legal."
"Am I free to go, officer?"
"Never compare me to a cop again."
"Stop acting like one!" Bill trotted off to his ride to wait for the other humans to assemble.
There wasn't room for all eight beachgoers in one vehicle; the Pines piled together in Stan's car, while the Ramirezes (including Melody—honorary future Ramirez—and Bill—magic braceleted to Abuelita) took Soos's truck. So that Abuelita didn't have to squeeze past the front seats into the back, Bill and Melody were assigned the back bench; when Bill greeted Melody and she only responded with a vague mumble and an averted gaze, he scooted closer to the middle of the bench, spread his knees to take up more space, and smugly pretended not to notice how Melody squeezed herself against the door.
By the time the Ramirez vehicle parked at the beach, the Pines family was already out of their car: Stan was glaring up the beach with his fists on his hips, the kids were unsuccessfully searching Mabel's supply bag for Dipper's sunscreen, and Ford was lingering back at the car, pretending to check the contents of their tackle box but actually trying to shake the sudden memory of weightlessness and water in his throat. As Bill passed, Ford muttered, "I'm surprised you wanted to get this close to the lake so soon. Considering." It had been less than a week since their joint near death experience.
"Why not? Nearly drowning was the most fun part of that hike." (Ford wondered whether that was a red flag, an underhanded comment about how unfun the rest of the hike had been, or just Bill being Bill; and, for his own peace of mind, decided it was probably the third thing.) "Looks like you got something fun out of the trip, too." Bill snapped the shoulder strap of Ford's waders.
Ford shoved Bill's hand away. "As long as I have them, I might as well use them."
When everyone caught up with Stan, he was scowling at four men, ages ranging from 50 to 80, wearing fishing vests and hats with the Holy Mackerel's distinctive stylized fish symbol. "Eugene," Stan muttered. "Eugene and his goons wanted to kick me out of the lodge for years. Just because I have a grating personality and am generally unpleasant to be around! And tried to get the lodge to pick a local affordable housing fund as our charity for fundraising one year!"
Ford gave Stan a surprised look. "You never mentioned you worked with an affordable housing charity."
"Yeah. The Compassionate Angel's Fund For Gravity Falls Tourism Business Owners Who Are Behind On Their Mortgage Payments."
Ford snorted. 
Bill said, "I think you should've gotten away with it just for being funny."
"Don't even look at them," Stan instructed the group. "These jerks aren't worth it." The collected group studiously avoided looking at the Mackerels, except Bill and Abuelita, who didn't care.
As they walked up the beach toward the pier and veered around the Mackerels, Stan suddenly stopped, turned straight toward them, and said loudly, "Why, Eugene! What a coincidence! I almost didn't notice you!"
A tall, elderly man with a fishing rod over one shoulder and a black wooden cane in his other hand glanced over at the Pines/Ramirez party. "Oh," he said, with a voice like he'd found a fly stuck in gum on his cane. "Hello, Stan-ley. We haven't seen you out on the lake this summer."
Stan laughed loudly, as if Eugene had told a hilarious joke. "Oh, that! I was just waiting for perfect fishing weather! I'mnot about to waste my time out on the lake on a bad fishing day!" He gestured behind himself, "Besides, I had to wait until my whole family was free to come along."
(Soos elbowed Melody and whispered excitedly, "He called us his family!")
Stan clapped his hands proudly on Dipper and Mabel's shoulders—who looked like they hoped the sandy beach would swallow them whole—and said, "I don't see your family, Eugene, where are they?"
"Dead." With mournful dignity, Eugene said, "I outlived my wife and all three of my children. Remember? You ate potato chips during my daughter's funeral."
Stan opened his mouth, shut it, and said, "Was that the really boring one that went like an hour?"
Ford, who didn't always have the best social instincts but could tell when Stan had screwed up, started shooing the rest of the family away from the scene, elbowed Stan, and said, "Let's get to the boat. You wanted to get a prime fishing spot, right?"
Eugene looked at Ford. "Ah. You must be the real Stanford Pines?" he said. "So I'm assuming, anyway. Apparently it's hard to tell you two apart."
Stan scowled; but before he could retort, Bill pushed past him to butt into the conversation. "Is it ever! Listen, take it from someone who's made this mistake—you've got to count the fingers on these two, every time."
Eugene huffed sardonically. "So it seems." (Ford self-consciously hid his hands in his pockets and shot Bill a dark look as he shuffled off with the rest of the family.)
"Say, while I've got your attention—name's Goldie, by the way—I couldn't help but admire your cane!" He tapped the tip of his umbrella against Eugene's cane. "I'm in the market for an upgrade from this substitute I've been using! That's no blackwood, right? That looks like true ebony."
"Good eye," Eugene said, surprised. "Yes, genuine Gaboon ebony."
"Must've dropped a lot of gold on this thing," Bill said appreciatively. "You've gotta tell me where you got it."
"I'm afraid I don't remember off the top of my head..."
"That's fine! Look it up—" (he twisted around to speak over his shoulder as Stan grabbed his arm and dragged him away) "—I'm sure we'll meet again!"
About fifteen feet away, Stan growled, "What was that?"
"Networking. I've got plans for that guy," Bill said. "Hey, did you hear him? Gaboon ebony?" He laughed condescendingly. "Easiest way to make a guy look like a moron, start talking about 'true' ebonies. Didja know the word 'ebony' comes from Egyptian? And when they talked about 𓍁𓈖𓏭𓆱, they were talking about African blackwood. Wood so hard it sinks and you have to tool it like a metal! Gaboon ebony is a flimsy usurper!"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"But you don't pretend you do, and that's what makes you better than that guy." Bill tugged Stan down by the shoulder. "Listen, Fisherman. I can't tell you where the fish are biting but I can tell you where they're swimming. It'll give you an advantage, but you'll need to do the rest."
Stan squinted mistrustfully at Bill. "What's the catch."
"The catch is you have to accept my help. Do you want it or not?"
"And why are you offering?"
"Because I think these lodge guys are a bunch of snobs. And they should've chosen your charity. It was funny."
That, plus Stan had been the most reluctant to let Bill live; Bill had to convince him he'd made the right choice.
Bill gave Stan directions to a bunch of fish he could see underwater by the Island Head Beast's right earhole; and then, his good deed for the day done, he headed off to claim a spot on the beach.
Ford had gone into Tate & Backle's to properly purchase the clothing they'd borrowed after the eclipse, and Soos was helping set Abuelita up with a low beach chair and a large umbrella. Bill smoothed out a patch of sand about ten feet from Abuelita so he could lay out his beach towel and dump his supplies for the day beside it. While Mabel and Melody got the boat ready, Dipper wandered around looking for sunscreen to borrow. He saw Bill's tube, snatched it without asking, and generously coated his arms, legs, and face. Bill fought back a grin and pretended not to notice.
He tossed aside his t-shirt and fish slippers, settled down on the towel in his bikini, carefully squeezed several horizontal lines of reverse sunscreen across the front of his abdomen and thighs, and drew a few vertical lines in between to break them up.
Ford trudged over from the bait shop to tell Bill, "I thought you'd like to know those ridiculous fish slippers were thirty dollars."
Bill laughed. "Whoa! Seems like a lot of money for some cheap novelty shoes! It's too bad you decided to trap me in a position where I'm too destitute and powerless to make my own purchases, isn't it?"
"All right, all right." Ford's gaze caught on the bruise-blue line discoloring the skin from Bill's left shoulder to his right hip—had he gotten injured during one of his hikes the past week? Or had that always been there? Ford didn't think he'd ever seen Bill's body shirtless, maybe it had always been here—but then he noticed Bill's lines of sunscreen and barked a laugh. "I suppose you're not planning to rub that in."
"Brilliant observation." Bill began smoothing down the lines with a finger, maintaining the pattern he'd drawn.
"You wanted to come out here to suntan? I'm sure you're already aware of the cancer risks from tanning."
"If I'm in this body long enough to get cancer, I'll welcome it." Bill lay down, laced his hands behind his head, and gave Ford an obnoxious smile. "Anyway, basal cell carcinomas are delicious. There's something kinda romantic about them, you know?"
Ford ruminated on that with thoughtful bafflement, shushed the voice in his head trying to point out that Bill was waving ever more red flags, and concluded that this was perhaps humans weren't meant to comprehend the romanticism of skin cancer. "Fine."
"What's everyone standing around for?" Stan asked, trudging up to Soos and Ford. "C'mon, we're burning daylight! Let's..." He trailed off, staring at Bill.
His bikini top consisted of two triangular red cups. Each cup had an enormous staring eye.
"See something ya like?" Bill asked dryly.
Stan quickly looked away. "Ugh. That's indecent."
"What is?"
"What's indecent about eyeballs?"
"It looks like...!" He gestured vaguely but emphatically.
"What? What does it look like? Tell me what it looks like, Stanley."
"Never mind!" He turned away with a huff and muttered to Ford, "Can you believe him?"
"I honestly didn't notice anything until you pointed it out." Ford waved back at Bill dismissively as he followed Stan toward the boat. "Enjoy your sunburn."
"I will! I haven't had a good sunburn in centuries! That's one of the best features of earthling bodies!" Bill got comfortable and shut his eyes.
Soos finished getting Abuelita settled, headed toward the boat—but hesitated as he passed by Bill. Bill opened an eye a crack to glower up at him. "What?"
Soos mumbled, "You could've just told me you wanted to get sunburned. I mean—yesterday."
"But you didn't ask if I wanted a sunburn," Bill snapped. "You just assumed I didn't know how they work. And that's the point: you assumed I was stupid instead of considering that maybe you didn't know my plan."
"Oh. Uh... sorry." Soos rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to make you feel stupid."
Bill's irritation flared higher. He sat up. "I didn't say you made me feel stupid," he hissed, voice low, talking fast. "There's nothing that you could do to make me feel stupid. But that doesn't mean you aren't treating me like I'm stupid, does it?"
"Whoa—!" Soos raised his hands defensively. "Chill, dawg. I didn't mean—"
"What's the phrase, do ut des? 'Do unto others'? Your species's phrase. Don't treat me like I'm stupider than you and I won't have to return the favor—sound like a fair deal, Question Mark?" Bill stared up at him challengingly, brows raised.
"But th— I w— You..." Soos's protests that he'd been doing nothing but trying to do-unto-others Bill got jumbled all around under the force of Bill's spotlight glare. His shoulders slumped. "Sure," he mumbled. "Sorry."
"Good." Bill lay back down. "Get out of my sun."
Soos trudged away; and Bill took a deep breath, tried to get in a meditative mindset where he could shut off his mind, and focused on the feeling of sunshine on his body.
He'd just about managed to drop into a proper trance when Abuelita called sweetly, "Bill? Would you grab a bottle of water for me?"
His face twitched toward a frown as he was dragged back to full consciousness. Hadn't Soos left them close enough for her? Some grandson. 
He tried to think of an excuse to stay where he was; then growled in irritation and sat up. "Okay, okay." He couldn't afford to offend the chef with access to the poisons.
The bag with the water bottles was right behind Abuelita's elbow; but maybe her joints were stiff. Bill knelt to unzip the bag. "Another bodice ripper?" he asked, glancing at her book. 
"A powerful sorceress queen has been captured by her enemies. She just learned they are led by her former apprentice."
"I can sympathize with that." Bill dragged the bag up next to Abuelita's knee so he wouldn't need to grab another bottle for her later. "Who's the love interest—guileless guard? Heroic rescuer?"
"The apprentice."
"Sympathy's gone." Bill glanced toward the boat to see what the rest of the household was up to.
They'd already reached the spot Bill had indicated and started fishing. Soos was excitedly reeling in his line; the boat listed to one side as everyone crowded around him to see what he'd brought up. Stan dipped a net in the water to scoop up his catch.
It was a boot.
Everyone's faces fell in disappointment.
Except for Ford's, who gleefully snatched up the boot he'd kicked off during the eclipse when he fell in the lake. He dumped the water out of his boot, switched places with Soos, and began fishing the same spot.
Abuelita said, "My grandson has been very nice to you."
Bill looked at her warily.
"Hasn't he?" She had a polite smile and daggers in her eyes.
He had the oddest feeling that this was going somewhere dangerous. "Yeah yeah yeah, sure he has," Bill said. "Nothing but nice. I think I'll take a little stroll, stretch these legs! See ya!" He stood to escape.
He only got a step away before the enchanted bracelet pulled tight around his wrist. He turned around to stare in amazement.
Abuelita had wrapped the slack of the bracelet thread around her hand.
Bill had made a severe miscalculation.
"So," Abuelita said. "Why are you being mean to my grandson." It was a trap all along. She'd agreed to be handcuffed to him so she could corner him for an interrogation.
"Whaaat," Bill said. "Me? No way! I'd never!"
Abuelita stared at him patiently.
"I don't even talk to him," Bill said, trying to think of a conversational escape route.
She raised a brow.
Got it. "He's just too nice, you see! I don't know how to talk to a guy that nice," he lied. "Makes things awkward!" How could any grandmother complain about her grandson being called too nice? "Yeah—not Jesús's fault at all. I don't hold it against him."
"Ah," Abuelita said, "you aren't used to people being nice to you?"
Sure, they could go with that, try to get him some pity. "Yeah! You know how it is. King of Nightmares, scourge of the multiverse—I'm not a popular guy."
"But you have friends, don't you? The scary ones you brought with you to town last year? Are they not nice to you?"
Bill hesitated, trying to figure out his story now. "Sure—they're nice to me. They're my friends! They love me! They'd do anything I say!"
"Oh. So, you're only comfortable with people being nice to you when you can control them." Abuelita smiled sweetly.
Swift, efficient, and brutal. Bill gaped at her.
"I'm glad you have nothing against Soos," she said. "And that you won't be rude to him."
Bill snapped his mouth shut. "Of course not." He gave Abuelita a tight smile. Played like a fiddle. Even though he'd been lying, she still managed to make him look like a loser. How embarrassing. "If you don't mind, I've got a sunburn to get back to."
"I'm not stopping you." She let the extra thread on the bracelet cuffs unwind from her hand and drop to the sand.
Bill trudged back to his towel, snapping as he went, "I hope this is one of those books you hate where the couple only gets hitched because they've got a baby coming."
"The sorceress has magical birth control."
"Course she does."
Bill flopped onto his towel again and stared at the sky. Ouch.
(I've been promising Agent Powers AND a beach episode for ages, and we finally get to them both at the same time. Let me know what y'all think so for!)
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sluttywonwoo · 3 days
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the roster | part one of three
pairing: christopher bahng + lee sangyeon + choi seuncheol x f!reader
summary: what happens when all the guys on your roster find out about each other?
warnings: see here (mdni!!!)
word count: 4.4k
series masterlist
You’d been set up. You should have known something was off when Sangyeon texted you to come over. He never texted you first. He was the most reserved of the three, always letting you be the one to reach out to him if you wanted to hook up. 
You shot him an accusatory glare but he pointedly avoided your gaze, choosing instead to stare at something on the ceiling that was apparently much more interesting.  
Seungcheol was the first to speak, of course. “Did you really think we wouldn’t find out?” 
You figured there was no point in lying. They already had you cornered. “Yeah, kind of.” The three of them scoffed in unison, making you hold up your hands in defense. “I didn’t know you guys knew each other like that!”
In fact, you had chosen each of them precisely because you thought there wouldn’t be any conflicts of interest. They were all in different groups, all the leaders of said groups which you thought would mean that they were almost always busy with their members. You didn’t think they had time for friends. Let alone friends who were of different ages and also leaders. 
Chris was the biggest gamble. You knew that he knows almost everyone in the industry and has a lot of friends but you didn’t think he knew the other two guys you were fucking well enough to put together that you were actually sleeping with all of them. 
Everything had been going so well. You had perfected your system over the months, using the boys’ schedules to your advantage so there was never any overlap. Seungcheol got weekends, Sangyeon got Wednesdays and Fridays, and Chris got 3ams on Tuesdays, Thursdays, (and sometimes Fridays if you weren’t sleeping over at Sangyeon’s) because that’s just when he was free. You keep your Mondays and the last full week of every month free so that you have time for yourself. Otherwise you’d drive yourself crazy spending all your time with men. 
You had never agreed to be exclusive with any of them. You made it more than clear that wasn’t what you were looking for. Still, they must have thought you weren’t seeing anyone else because all three of them had shown up to this confrontation and all three of them looked pissed. 
“Is it just the three of us?” Chris chimes in. 
“How much time do you think I have?” you mutter. 
“Just answer the question.”
You look away from them. “Yeah, there’s no one else.”
“Lucky us,” Seungcheol sneers. 
“Hey, you’re the one who said you wanted something casual,” you remind him, your tone icy. “You wanted to sleep around with no strings attached and I agreed.”
You’ve known Seungcheol the longest. You were friends first, through your job, but it quickly turned into something more. You couldn’t keep your hands off each other, spending nights and mornings together. Going to sleep and waking up and stealing kisses in elevators. Talking on the phone for hours and planning dates in the different cities he was touring in. 
He shut you down before you could get too delusional about it, though, stating plainly that all he wanted was a strict friends-with-benefits sort of situation. You still remember the feeling of your throat burning as you fought back tears, telling him that was perfectly fine, that you felt the same way. 
You couldn’t let yourself get too attached to a man who didn’t want you in the same way you wanted him so you looked for a distraction and found one in Lee Sangyeon. You met him through Jacob, a younger member of his group. Sangyeon was the perfect distraction. He was charming and funny, never one to take himself too seriously. He was a real gentleman and it didn’t hurt that he had a huge dick. 
You were the one to broach the topic of nonexclusivity with him this time, wanting to beat him to it. You knew exactly what all of these idols wanted. Choi Seungcheol had taught you that lesson early on. Sangyeon took it well, at least, as well as you expected him to. He told you he was on the same page as you, that he was just looking for something casual and you believed him. Now, looking at the expression on his face as he listens to the two other men talk, you’re not sure. 
And then Chris just sort of fell into your lap. You weren’t looking for anything else. Juggling two men was enough work. You just so happened to run into him at some after party, stopping him to compliment his music. One thing led to another and you were shoving your tongue down his throat in a dark closet. Apparently he had a thing for praise. 
Neither of you had to be the one to friend(swithbenefits)zone the other. You brought it up one night as you laid in his bed together and he was quick to agree. 
“Yeah, I don’t have time for anything more than... this, right now,” he sighed. He sounded a little regretful about it, like he thought he was being an asshole despite you voicing the same sentiment. 
So you hadn’t been doing anything wrong- even if your brain liked to tell you otherwise sometimes. You defined the (non)relationships with each of them, used protection with all of them, you weren’t leading anyone on... it had just so happened to get a little bit... messy, for lack of a better word. 
“No strings attached doesn’t mean I want you to fuck my friends!” Seungcheol huffs, running a hand through his hair. 
“I didn’t know you were friends with them!” you cry, throwing your head back onto the back of the couch in frustration and accidentally banging your head against the wall in the process. 
“Are you okay?” Sangyeon asks, wincing. 
The other two side-eye him. 
“I’m fine. But why am I here? Did you bring me here just to yell at me?”
“Not exactly,” Chris says, smirking. 
You look to the other men for an explanation but neither of them offer any further explanation. 
“Then why?”
Chris slides his hands in his front pockets and shrugs. “Well, if you’re up for it, the three of us thought we might have a little fun with you.”
“What does that mean?”
Seungcheol steps forward and mirrors Chan’s stance, cocking his head to the side for good measure. You have to fight the urge to roll your eyes, knowing it would only make things worse for you. 
To be fair, all the posturing would be a lot more annoying if they weren’t the hottest men you’d ever seen in your life. 
“I think you know what that means,” Cheol adds, supplying absolutely nothing helpful. 
“Obviously I don’t or I wouldn’t have asked,” you argue. 
Seungcheol whistles and then looks to his friends. “Is she this bratty with you guys?” Chris gives an ‘eh’ hand motion whilst Sangyeon nods outright. “Yeah, I figured.”
“Did you think you were getting special treatment?” you taunt, surprising even yourself. 
He scowls but doesn’t respond, probably in an effort to maintain some semblance of self-control in front of the other two. If it were just you and him, you’d have a hand around your throat already. And maybe that’s what you wanted. Maybe your mouth was working faster than your brain in order to get a specific... reaction out of them like you normally would. Or maybe your mouth just liked to get you in trouble. 
From the way they were acting, they obviously hadn’t lured you here just to hang out. It had to be some sort of sex thing, right? You certainly weren’t opposed, you just needed to figure out what game they were playing so that you could be dealt in. 
“We were curious about which one of us you like the most,” Chris says finally. At least someone was interested in getting to the fucking point. 
You blink at him then turn to look at Seungcheol who just nods in confirmation. “You want me to... rank you? Why?”
“You’re the one who has us on a little roster,” Sangyeon points out, sounding a little mean for the first time tonight. “Surely you’ve thought about it before.”
You shake your head. “I haven’t. I mean, I like all of you guys! I wouldn’t hang out with you if I didn’t.”
“We don’t care about hanging out, we want to know who you think is the best in bed,” Seungcheol clarifies. 
“You know, who’s the best fuck?”
“Why do you even care?” you ask. “Like what are you getting out of this?”
“Just a little competition between friends,” Chris assures you with a wink. 
“I... wouldn’t even know where to start,” you insist. 
“We thought you might say that,” Seungcheol hums as he steps closer to you. “Which is why we thought we could test it in real time.”
“In real time?”
“Yeah, let us fuck you, then you tell us who’s best.”
“Right now?” 
Seungcheol shrugs. “You asked why we brought you here.”
“And you just assumed I’d be down?”
“Yeah,” all three of them say at the same time. 
It’s your turn to scoff. So that’s what they think of you. You shouldn’t have expected anything different, to be fair. It wasn’t like you were a saint. You literally had your dick appointments with all of them penciled into your Google Calendar every week. 
“C’mon, baby, we know you by now,” Chris adds, plopping down on the sofa next to you. He stretches his arm across the back of it like guys like to do, opening himself up for you to lean into him if you wanted to. “Are you saying you don’t want us to take turns fucking your brains out?”
You stay silent. 
“Should we take that as a yes?” Sangyeon asks. 
“I’d say so,” Chris agrees.
Seungcheol claps his hands together decisively and then points to the man sitting next to you. “Chan, you’re up first then, yeah? That’s how you do it in your group, right? Youngest first?”
He’s mocking him but Chris doesn’t acknowledge it. If there’s one thing you know about Bang Chan, it’s that he’s not one to back down from a challenge, and while going first in this sort of competition must be daunting he doesn’t look the least bit shaken. 
“Are we doing this here?” he asks the older two. 
Sangyeon considers it and shrugs. “We should probably move to the bed, right?” 
“Dude, it’s your house.”
“There’s more room on the bed,” Sangyeon decides, offering you his hand. 
You take it and he helps you up from the couch. You step in front of the boys and lead them to Sangyeon’s bedroom, calling “it’s this way,” over your shoulder just to be a menace. You can’t see the faces they make behind you but you hear Sangyeon chuckle under his breath. 
You flick on one of his table lamps and make yourself comfortable on the bed, patting the spot next to you for Chris to join you. He does and puts a hand on your thigh, squeezing your thigh comfortingly. Seungcheol and Sangyeon lean against the dresser across from the bed in the most non-awkward way they can manage. 
Somehow, they both still look intimidating despite the fact that they’re essentially about to be cucked by one of their closest friends. 
“What now?” you ask. 
Chris brings one of his hands up to cup your cheek and leans in. “Now, we do this.”
He kisses you gently at first. Whether it’s to ease your nerves or his own, you aren’t sure, but he starts slow, building up to what you’re used to. His thumb strokes your cheek as if to reassure you as he deepens the kiss and slips his tongue into your mouth. His other hand that had been resting on your hip fumbles with your pants. 
“Just pretend they aren’t there,” he whispers. 
It’s impossible to do when you can feel the weight of their stares on you but you try to relax anyway, reminding yourself that something like this has been a fantasy of yours for a while now. You never thought it would actually happen and you definitely didn’t think it would be with them but with your luck you honestly shouldn’t be as surprised as you are. 
“This isn’t going to work if you don’t relax,” Chris continues, low enough for only you to hear. “I kind of have something to prove here.”
“You don’t have anything to prove,” you assure him. “You’re great in bed.”
“They don’t know that,” he hisses. 
“Sorry, sorry, I forgot this is just a competition to you guys,” you grumble. 
He chuckles. “What, you want me to make love to you in front of them? Because I will.”
“I think that’d be even more embarrassing, somehow.” 
“Exactly, now lay down and let me fuck you brainless so you can’t overthink anymore.”
He had such a way with words, that Bang Chan did. 
He shifts so you can lay down and take your pants off. Your shirt goes next, leaving you in just your underwear. It’s the most exposed you’ve ever felt even though you’ve been completely naked in front of all three men before. 
Chris snaps the elastic waistband of your cotton panties against your hip and smirks. “Cute.”
You pout, ready to defend your granny panties but Sangyeon pipes up from the other side of the room before you can.
“She doesn’t care what she wears over to mine because she knows it won’t stay on long anyway.”
That was actually true. You dressed the most comfortably to hang out with Sangyeon because you knew he wouldn’t care. It wasn’t like Chris or Seungcheol cared more, and you didn’t really dress up for them either, but there was a notable difference between the amount of effort you put in for each man, something you hadn’t noticed until just now. 
“She wet yet?” Seungcheol asks, sounding bored. 
You know it’s just a front so his jealousy and impatience won’t shine through because it’s not a very good one. Seungcheol is not and never has been good at hiding his feelings. 
Chris shoots him a look. “I was getting to that.” 
Seungcheol holds his hands up in defense but thankfully keeps his mouth shut. 
Chris sucks in a breath of patience and brings his hand in between your legs, fingers tracing your slit. Your cheeks grow warm with embarrassment because you are, in fact, wet. You have been since they sat you down and stood in front of you like you were going to be scolded for doing something wrong. 
“Yeah, she’s fucking wet,” Chris rasps. “Jesus Christ, baby. I bet your joggers are ruined too.”
His teasing makes you try to close your thighs around his hand but his reflexes beat yours and he catches your knee to force your legs back open. 
“Nice try.”
“You’re the worst.”
His fingers start to wander beneath the fabric of your panties, feather light touches that already have you gasping for breath. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do, I really do.”
“Want me to stop?” he threatens.
“What happened to having something to prove?” you mutter back. 
“Always such a fucking brat,” he muses, jaw tight. 
“Don’t act like you don’t love that about me.”
“You’re consistent, I’ll give you that.”
Chris leans down and kisses you again, presumably to get you to stop talking. It works, of course. He lets his tongue explore your mouth while his hands explore your body, still not giving you what you really want. 
Eventually, he slips a finger inside, taking you by surprise and making you gasp as you grab at him for something to squeeze. He offers you his arm and you take it, fingernails digging into his bicep. 
“It’s just one finger, baby,” Chris coos. 
“Feels.... good, though,” you squeak. 
He adds another right as you start to get used to the feeling of the first and you have to take a deep breath to keep yourself from making another embarrassing noise. 
“Don’t hold back. Let the boys know how good I’m making you feel.”
Seungcheol scoffs, tonguing his cheek. “You don’t have to fake it for him, babe.” 
“Are you sure you guys are friends?” you pant. 
They don’t answer, leaving you to draw the conclusions yourself. You’re sure they were friends... whether they would be after this was another story. 
Chris crooks his fingers up, knowing you won’t be able to stay quiet once he does. He’s right. You moan, albeit quietly, and arch into his touch. 
“So what are the parameters of this competition?” Chris asks the other two and turns his head towards them while he continues to work his fingers in and out of you. 
“What do you mean?” Sangyeon asks back. 
“Like, does foreplay count? Or is she judging solely based on our stroke game?”
Seungcheol considers it for a moment before looking to Sangyeon. “What do you think?”
“I think the judgment should include foreplay,” he says. “Foreplay is part of sex after all.”
“Good point,” Chris agrees. “Any other rules?” They shake their heads. “What about you, baby? Do you have any rules for us?”
You purse your lips as you think, trying not to lose focus with his fingers inside of you. “Just don’t go too hard. I do have to work on Monday.”
It’s only Friday night now, but knowing them, you’ll probably be sore for at least a couple of days afterward. 
Chris laughs. “We’ll do our best. Right, guys?”
They mumble what sounds like an agreement and Sangyeon even gives you a thumbs-up. 
“Can I keep going?” Chris asks you. 
“You didn’t really stop,” you point out.
He had still been fingering you lazily throughout the whole aside. It wasn’t enough to get you off but it was certainly distracting. You had to try very hard to concentrate on what they were saying. 
“C’mon, this is nothing,” he teases, bringing his thumb to your clit as he starts to kiss your neck. “How’s that?” he murmurs into your ear, 
“Just good? Must be doing something wrong, then.”
Before you can deny it, he adds a third finger, earning a loud cry from you this time. You feel him grin against your throat, hiding his smug satisfaction from the other two. 
“Spread your legs wider for me, baby. Let them see.”
You do as you’re told even though it’s hard. It’s so much. You want to squeeze them around his hand again but you know you’ll only get told off if you do. 
“Good girl,” he praises, making you whimper. 
“That’s all it takes, doesn’t it?” Seungcheol mutters. “We just have to call you a good girl and you’re making a mess all over us, right?”
You squirm, arousal and embarrassment pooling in your belly. You can tell Chris wants to give Cheol shit for butting in when it’s supposed to be his turn, but he doesn’t because his words are technically helping him. You get even wetter around his fingers, a detail Chris elects not to share with the room. 
You’re sure they can see it, though, or at least hear it. The sounds are obscene. 
It’s mortifying. You want to die. But first you want to cum. 
Two of your favorite things about Chris are his hands. They’re huge, especially for a guy his height, and absolutely gorgeous. Thick veins run across the backs of them from his knuckles up through his forearms- he’s a nurse’s wet dream, and yours. You’ve spent an absurd amount of time tracing them with your own fingers when you’re laying in bed together after hooking up and more often than not, it’s enough to make you want to go again. 
He’s good with them too because of course he is. Bang Chan is annoyingly good at everything he does, including but not limited to: making you cum. 
“Already?” Chris muses under his breath. “Does having an audience turn you on that much?”
“Sh-shut up.”
“That’s not a very nice thing to say to someone who can take their fingers away any time they want to.”
“No, please!” you protest.
“That’s what I thought. Do you want to cum on my fingers? Or should I make you wait for it?” He’s talking to himself at this point but you answer anyway. 
“I-I don’t know...”
“Probably should let you, huh? You’re still so tight.”
You don’t get another word out before it hits you, your body curling in on Chan’s hand as he finger fucks you through your first orgasm of the night. As soon as you come down, he’s taking his fingers out of you and sucking them into his mouth, kissing you right after so you can taste yourself on his lips. 
“Good job, baby,” he murmurs into your mouth as he adds his tongue back into the mix. “Ready for me now?”
“Condoms are in the nightstand,” Sangyeon says, nodding in the direction of the bedside table. 
Chris reaches over and pulls the drawer out, whistling at the other things he finds rolling around in the compartment. 
“This hers?” he asks, holding up a vibrator.
“Who else’s would it be?” Sangyeon mutters. 
“I don’t know what you do in your free time, man.”
He drops the toy back in its place and grabs a condom from the box tucked in the corner of the same drawer. The odds of one size fitting three different men were slim, but having slept with each of them you’re sure they’ll be able to make it work. 
Chris hands you the foil packet, allowing you to do the honors of tearing it open with your teeth while he works on getting naked. 
Seungcheol whistles jeeringly at Chan as he takes his cock out and pumps it a couple of times. You can see the back of Chan’s neck flush red but he remains steady as he rolls the latex on. You realize it must be difficult for him to have an audience too, though he has nothing to be self conscious about. Even if they aren’t showing it, you know the other two have to be impressed.
He’s the perfect balance of long and thick and just like his hands, defined veins run up the length of his shaft. You’ve spent what feels like hours tracing those veins with your tongue, watching him shiver under your touch. Most dicks aren’t pretty but Christopher Bahng’s certainly is.
“Ready?” Chris asks, rubbing your thigh with his palm.  
“Yeah,” you breathe.
Since he already made you cum, he’s able to slip in without much resistance- but he’s big enough that the stretch is still intense, making your eyes roll back in pleasure as you stifle a whimper. 
He gives you a moment to adjust once he’s fully inside you, teasing only a little bit with slight movements of his hips. 
“God, that feels good,” you moan.
“I know, baby,” he murmurs sweetly, “you’re taking it so well for me.”
He brushes a couple of strands of hair out of your eyes so that you can see him properly. Obstructed view or not, he’s beautiful on top of you. His own bangs have already started to stick to his forehead and the pink flush of embarrassment has somewhat faded and turned into that of exertion, spreading from the back of his neck to his chest and face and matching the kiss-bitten swell of his lips. The muscles in his arms and shoulders are engaged with the effort it takes to hold himself above you, making him look even bigger. 
His eyes are soft, even as the rest of his features take on a more sinister expression. That was one of the things that made sex with Chris so good. He genuinely cares for you, not just as a lover, but as a person. Lots of guys put effort into making the other party feel good during sex but that doesn’t mean they care about them. It’s not like that with Chris. 
“Want it faster?” he asks you. You nod. “Ask nicely.”
You should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy. 
He frees one of his hands and uses it to stroke your cheek. “‘Please,’ what?”
“Faster,” you squeak. 
“Is that the best you can do?” Seungcheol scoffs from the sidelines. 
“I’ll let her off easy this time,” Chris responds. “She can hardly think straight as it is, isn’t that right?”
Another nod. 
You get what you want and Chan picks up the pace, snapping his hips into yours in quick, shallow thrusts. 
“You’re getting tighter again,” he grunts, faltering imperceptibly. “You’re making this too easy for me.”
One of the other two makes what you assume is a snide remark but you don’t catch it because everything starts to fade into the background as you start to cum around Chan’s cock. It catches both of you off guard, you can tell. It isn’t unusual for you to finish from penetration alone but it usually takes a lot longer. 
“Holy shit, you’re so- fuck, you’re going to make me cum.”
He keeps going after you come down, chasing his own release. It’s almost enough to send you into a third orgasm but he cums before you can get there which is both a relief and a disappointment. 
You whine as the feeling ebbs and let yourself go boneless underneath him. He follows suit and collapses face first next to you on the mattress. 
“Sorry,” he whispers to you. “I would’ve kept going but I didn’t want you to be too sensitive for them.”
You nod in understanding and pat him appreciatively on the back. 
The room is quiet as the three men wait for you to catch your breath. Chris ensures you’re okay before rolling off the bed and joining the other two by the dresser. He mentions something about cleaning you up when you’re all done and offers to fetch you a glass of water. 
“There’s a Brita in the fridge,” Sangyeon tells him after also pointing him in the direction of the cabinet that holds the cups. 
He disappears into the hall and you gather what little strength you have to pop your head up and address the two remaining leaders at the foot of the bed. 
“Who’s next?”
this has been in the works for way too long lol but lmk what you think! i always appreciate feedback!!
tags: @minghaosimp @butterfliesinthenightsky @lelestarmy @stolasisyourparent @brownbunnyb @tinkerbell460 @cixrosie
add yourself to the taglist here
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17020 · 14 hours
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In which Third Division vice-captains Yn Narumi and Soshiro Hoshina become their officers' latest hot topic after a misunderstanding, even reaching the Ariake Maritime base and its captain, Gen Narumi.
TAGS . . . implied manga spoilers, co-vice captains!yn & hoshina, gen's sister!reader, suggestive remarks, warning!! gen narumi, loser hoshina agenda, everyone in the jakdf are gossips.
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Reno Ichikawa and Kafka Hibino were... confused. With each passing day, there were more questions popping up in their heads whenever they saw their vice-captains around the Tachikawa base. Sure, it wasn't any of their business, but you have to entertain yourself at your job with what you have, right?
"Oh! Here they come now" Kafka whispered, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Reno simply nodded as he saw you and Soshiro step into the cafeteria, each one of you grabbing a lunch tray and sitting next to one another.
"What do you see, sir?" Reno questioned the man in front of him, as he squinted his eyes to get a better view. "Nothing out of the ordinary, they're just lunchin—oh!" he gasped, to which Reno raised his eyebrow. "What?"
"He put his arm around her, like in the movies."
Now that piqued Reno's interest, as he subtly turned his head to watch the scene behind him. It was true, the way in which Soshiro had wrapped his arm around your shoulder resembled the old movies he used to watch as a little boy. There was a huge smile on your face, which only fueled his theory even further.
"They sure are happy" he noted. Kafka chuckled at his comment, "If you didn't know them, you'd probably think they're dating!"
They both looked at each other with a serious expression, as if something had finally clicked. Reno leaned in, "You thinking what I'm thinking, sir?"
He nodded, his gaze returning to you and Soshiro. He could see a slight pink hue in his cheeks, which confirmed his suspicions.
It was then when Iharu sat down beside them, asking what they were so serious about. When they asked him to lean in, he knew he was in for a good time. Asking what the huge deal was and why they had to be so secretive, his eyes almost popped out of his skull when he heard the reason.
"Haven't you seen? Vice-captain Narumi and vice-captain Hoshina act like a couple!"
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As soon as the speculation started, Iharu knew that the next person he had to recruit was Izumo. When approached in the training room, Izumo simply tilted his head to the side in confusion.
"What makes you think that?"
"Are you blind?" Iharu asks, his hands on his head. "Dude, they're all over each other—I swear. Just pay attention on our next mission."
The Kaiju gods must have been on Iharu's side, because as soon as he said those words, there was an emergency in a nearby park. It was a crustacean-type honju with various yoju, and as soon as the officers touched the battlefield, their eyes were on you.
With each yoju they neutralized, they turned their heads towards you, as you and Soshiro paved a path for your captain to neutralize the honju. They paid special attention to their earpieces, which gave them a conversation starter for the next week.
"Whoever cracks the honju's shell first gets free dinner" Soshiro beamed, running straight towards the creature in front of him. Your laugh was heard through the officers' earpieces, "I guess I'll have free dinner tonight then! Remember that new ramen place near Shibuya Station?" you asked, rifle in hand shooting right through the crab's carapace.
Soshiro chuckled, "Same time as last week?"
"Don't make me wait, m'dear."
Soon after, Captain Ashiro stepped in to take care of the honju. The officers saw Soshiro approach you after all kaiju were neutralized, excited to hear what he was to say next. What surprised them, though, was that they didn't hear anything, despite seeing his lips move.
Soshiro Hoshina turned off his microphone, and so did you.
The four men looked at each other before turning theirs off as well, with Iharu speaking up. "What could be so important that they had to turn off their mics?"
"Guess that's confirmed, then" Reno stated.
"What's confirmed?"
The group stiffened as they recognized the voice, turning around to see Kikoru with her arms crossed. They looked at each other, then at her.
"Didn't you know? Vice-captain Narumi and Vice-captain Hoshina are dating!"
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HIBINO 20:50 If you wouldn't mind, Shinomiya, please!
ICHIKAWA 20:50 Please, Shinomiya We'll pay you back however we can
Kikoru sighed at the screen in front of her, shutting her phone off and leaving it on her bed before heading out. She was in total disbelief, asking herself why she even agreed to it in the first place. Going inside the bathhouse, she could faintly hear you and Nakanoshima having a chat.
Nothing too interesting, according to the guidelines she had received. She could hear Iharu's voice in her head, screaming 'Only tell us if she says something related to the matter at hand!'
As she took a seat in the bath in front of you, she noticed something was off. There was a faint, red-ish mark on your collarbone, and she knew there was no way a kaiju would have done that.
"Um, vice-captain?"
You turned your head towards her, a smile on your face. "What's up, Shinomiya?"
"If you don't mind me asking, are you okay? There's something on your neck."
Your eyes widened as you raised your hand to your collarbone, before letting out a giggle. "It's nothing to worry about, Shinomiya. When my liver has had enough of my drinking habits, I usually break out in hives. I didn't know I had one right now, so thank you."
She hummed in response, while you mentioned that it was late and you had to head to Soshiro's office to run through some reports. When you stepped out of the bath, Kikoru's eyes were wide and her jaw was nearly on the floor.
Scratches. All over your back.
Bidding your goodbyes, Kikoru was left thinking. It was Nakanoshima who broke her our of her trance.
"You don't think that was her liver, don't you?" Nakanoshima questioned, "I'm not usually one to spill, but I don't think that's her liver either. You saw those scratches?"
Kikoru nodded, "She's heading to the vice-captain's office right now" she said, to which the platoon leader laughed. "Is she? We don't really have any proof, you know? What we do know, though..."
"...is that vice-captain Narumi is keeping herself busy."
After drying herself up and returning to her room, Kikoru unlocked her phone, ready to send a message.
SHINOMIYA 22:22 I got something
ICHIKAWA 22:23 What'd you find??
HIBINO 22:23 Say something
IZUMO 22:24 Yo Spill
SHINOMIYA 22:25 Vice-captain Narumi and vice-captain Hoshina are sleeping with each other
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Kikoru usually complained that the training room was always too rowdy due to the men, but today, she was silent.
Everbody was silent.
Word had gotten out about what happened the night before, and everyone was simply processing. They weren't judging, but they were curious. How could you even have the time, as a vice-captain?
When lunchtime came around, the group was determined to watch you like a hawk. They grabbed their trays and made a beeline towards your table, where you and Soshiro happily welcomed them.
While Kafka engaged with the two of you in some small talk, Kikoru and Reno observed. They looked for anything that could be deemed as suspicious. When Reno's eyes scanned over your hands, he gently kicked Kikoru from under the table.
His eyes told her everything she needed to know, as she subtly sent Kafka a text about her and Reno's finding. On the side of your hand, right below your pinky, was a tattoo of a date. And oh—what a coincidence! Soshiro had the same one.
When Kafka secretly read Kikoru's text, he choked on his food, causing you and Soshiro to ask him if he's okay. "I'm good, vice-captains, but if it's okay to ask, why do you have matching tattoos?"
Soshiro laughed as he slammed his palm on the table, "That's 50 pushups for ya, fledgling!" "Hey—make it 30, he was just curious" you justified, "It's okay to ask, Hibino. Me and Hoshina lost a bet to a superior officer a long time ago and had to tattoo the date of that night as a result."
He didn't push any further, afraid it would cost him more pushups.
SHINOMIYA 13:01 Long time ago my ass that ink looks fresh
FURUHASHI 13:01 They're definitely hiding something
ICHIKAWA 13:02 Hey aren't we going to the first division base later today? We can ask some of the officers from there
FURUHASHI 13:03 Shinomiya you know what to do
SHINOMIYA 13:04 What am I your errand girl?
HIBINO 13:05 You're gossip girl
"Rookies, isn't it rude to be on your phones when you're at the table?"
FURUHASHI 13:06 Watch he's gonna give us 30 pushups cuz he wants to hide that he and vice-captain Narumi are married
"Officer Furuhashi, please drop your phone, it's rude. That's 40 pushups for ya."
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Even with the First Division present, the investigation was ongoing. Within the shared training grounds, whispers were exchanged about the latest news.
"I mean, I couldn't believe it—I'm still in shock" Kafka whispered, to which Kikoru nodded. "It's weird that they decided to keep it secret, but I can see where they're coming from. Who'd want everyone to know that you're boning your coworker?"
"Who's boning who?"
Shivers ran down Kikoru and Kafka's spines as they realized who that voice belonged to. They straightened themselves up while saluting, "Captain Narumi! Sorry, we didn't see you there" Kafka apologized.
"You didn't answer my question, who's boning who?"
"...umi and...shina."
"...aptain Narumi and....Hoshina, sir"
"Speak up, damn it!"
"Vice-captain Narumi and vice-captain Hoshina, sir!"
"Well that's fuckin' outdated, I'm captain and I'm not into idiots like Hoshina."
"Well, sir, it's normal for married couples to—"
"Sir, we don't know for su—"
When Gen Narumi turned on his heel and left, Kafka and Kikoru knew they were done for. They scrambled out of the training grounds in fear for their lives, as Gen Narumi angrily called you and Soshiro into his office.
When you went to greet him with a hug, he screeched. "Yn, you got married to that beady eyed scumbag and didn't tell me??"
You looked at him confused, "Gen, where did you hear that?"
"It's captain Narumi, and for your information, I found out because your whole squad knows you're fucking each other."
Soshiro laughed, his hand holding his stomach from how hard he was laughing. "You think I'd date Yn?"
"It's Ln to you, and I'll have you know my sister is way out of your league, you annoying brat."
"Gen, did you seriously call us to your office for this?" you questioned, seeing the pout on your brother's face. "I have nothing to hide, Gen, and you know that if I'd be dating someone, you'd be the first to know."
"Good to know" he noted, "now get out, will ya? I got things to do."
As soon as you closed the door behind you, you looked at Soshiro. He was about to laugh, when he saw your fearful expression.
"We need to be more careful Soshiro" you sighed, "don't go leaving any evidence next time."
"Oh brother, If I'd be dating someone, you'd be the first to know" he mocked.
Your angry expression quickly shut him up.
"The tattoo thing was a good save though, sweetheart. Good job."
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taglist (open, yippee!): @stunie @kaiser1ns @nyxypoo @karasuglazer @maruflix @littleplantfreak @heartkaji @ryescapades , also tagging @justwinginglife this is for you !!
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On the topic of Eclipse, I also would love to talk about how he works best off of a reward based system.
After the stern conversation he had with Puppet, Eclipse did go ask Moonlight in a nicer manner about reviewing his killcode. It wasn’t until after Moonlight continued to push the situation that Eclipse almost turned and left.
Moonlight wasn’t in the wrong for trying to push for more polite manners from Eclipse. Asking for things like “please” is literally asking for baseline kindness and respect. The problem is, even doing that is a huge thing for Eclipse. And instead of getting a reward out of what he just did, Moonlight asked even more out of it.
Eclipse is very reward-driven. If he does something, he must get something out of it. If he does something and feels he has gained nothing, then there is no point in doing said thing in the first place. Saying “please” did earn him the right to look at Moonlight’s coding, but that reward felt smothered by the fact that, to Moonlight, please wasn’t enough.
It circles right back to Eclipse feeling like he is enough.
It’s kind of like when you do something you feel is a big achievement, something you were finally able to do after a long time of not being able to, and everyone just saying “cool” and moving on. Eclipse feels like he is putting in the effort and no one is seeing it. Even though what he is doing seem like normal everyday things other people just do, they’re huge strides for Eclipse.
Eclipse is getting better, but his progress is being slowed by the people around him. Funnily enough, even by the same people trying to help him. Part of helping someone through their trauma is learning their reward system. Figure out what they view as praise for their efforts, so you can reward them when they have made progress. It’s part of the process currently being overlooked by the others like Puppet. They want him to get better without showing him how proud they are of his effort.
“Puppet tells Eclipse she’s proud of him all the time!” Yes, but that’s not what Eclipse views as a reward. Words are very easily twisted, they have never been something Eclipse can rely on. He also can’t trust people who say they’re going to stick by his side. People have said that several times and betrayed him anyways. He won’t trust it at this point. He needs something solid.
(This is part of the reason why I think he got so easily attached to Earth. Earth is very big on rewarding people for seemingly small things. She makes the effort to actually understand how he feels about something instead of just calling him “difficult” or “stubborn”. He tells her about things he’s achieved and she is genuinely happy for him and interested in learning more. It’s where most other people fail. They invite Eclipse to do things, but it’s never what Eclipse wants. Moonlight was probably the only other one who tired to show interest in what Eclipse wanted to do before that whole relationship fell apart.)
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sarahreesbrennan · 2 days
Quick Evil Note
To all my wicked darlings, I have now received rather a lot of messages asking me about the influences of Long Live Evil. And I wish to get messages about LLE and truly appreciate the ones I do get! And I wish to answer them. But answers about influences are tricky.
The book has been out in the US for a little over two weeks, and it’s going so well so far, I couldn’t be more delighted and appreciative about its reception.
But also I’ve been informed (not asked) that two of my characters are obviously somehow both Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy of Harry Potter, and Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. (Very puzzling as I don’t think these pairings - and one isn’t a pair - have much in common with each other or with mine. Vague hostility against a vaguely academic backdrop for a bit? For the record… in the book everyone is an adult and I don’t even have any academic backdrops to be vaguely hostile in front of…) This hasn’t happened to me in a long time, because I haven’t had an original novel out in a long time due to illness, and it is upsetting to always be discussed differently than writers who didn’t openly link their real names to their fan identity.
I have very different feelings and new appreciation for fandom than I once had. It’s been amazing to see and meet people who have stuck with me for decades. People are generally way more open and affectionate to and within fandom than they once were. Love matters to me a good deal more than hate. But getting death threats in your early 20s for excitedly telling your Internet friends you were going to publish a book does mark the psyche, and so does having your characters dismissed as other people’s characters.
And we can say there is nothing wrong with fanfiction or writing fanfiction and there isn’t! Fanfiction is great and can be genius. Terry Pratchett wrote Jane Austen fanfiction, and didn’t (and shouldn’t) have people saying Captain Wentworth = Captain Vimes. Still, when a TV show is discussed as ‘like fanfiction’ or when Diana Gabaldon said she didn’t like fanfiction and many said ‘YOU write fanfiction’ it isn’t intended in any kind spirit, even when it’s fannish folk saying it. And it’s just generally odd to have everyone call your apple a tomato, and has had professional consequences for me in the past.
However! All the asks I’ve received have been very kind, and I do want to answer them. I do want to talk about my influences because they are manifold and because I actually think it’s important to always talk about influences. I don’t believe stories exist in isolation - we tell tales in a rich tradition, and also a story doesn’t come alive to me all the way until it’s heard or read.
Long Live Evil is a love letter to fandom: it’s chock full of references to many many stories I’ve loved, to fairytales, myths and legend and Internet memes and epic fantasy and meta. My acknowledgements are endless partly for this reason. I do owe a great debt to many portal fantasies and archetypes and musicals and jokes about genre and plays through the ages, though I do think of my characters as themselves and nobody else.
I was frankly tempted to go ‘Yes I stole EVERYTHING! Bwhahaha!’ But while I am thoroughly enjoying and finding great freedom in my villain era, I do want to talk sincerely to you all as well, especially when asked sincerely interested questions.
But I’m a little scared to do so and have people say ‘AHA! Now we know what it’s fanfiction of’ (it’s happened before) or ignore me and go ‘we know the truth!’ (it’s happened before) and to feel like I’ve injured my book. Long Live Evil means more to me than any other and I really want to get talking about it right, and make sure it has the best reception I can give it.
So. Questions on all Evil topics very very welcome but answers to influence questions may come slowly. Bear with me. I am working on this!
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sunnyaalisse · 2 days
Wanna know how to manage anxiety effectively? (I'm a psychologist) Formulate your anxious thoughts in a form of "What Will I Do if X happens?" and then answer as best as you can. You will find that there are 4 main types of situations your anxiety might be asking about: 1) nonsensical, unlikely, useless (WWID if I get kidnapped by a UFO?) 2) rational, predictable (WWID if I get a bad grade?) 3) rational, unpredictable (WWID if I go to a new job and something bad happens?) 4) unpredictable and uncontrolled (WWID if I get attacked on my way home?) Here's how to deal with each type: 1) unlikely, useless, nonsensical? answer it like the person who's asking you this question is a 13 year old child who's trying to annoy you. "that would suck, Timmy, but it sure would make a cool story that I would tell to anybody who would listen if I survived" 2) rational, predictable? make a date with this question. find time to sit down and legitimately think of a plan on what you're going to do. "I'll go talk to the teacher, ask what I can do to improve my grade, then I'll talk to my friends and ask them to explain the topic to me, then I'll talk to my parents and explain the situation if they're interested in hearing about it" 3) rational, unpredictable? you don't have to answer it in a detailed way, just decide on the first few things you will realistically do in any sort of distressful situation. "I'll call my friend and tell them about my situation, then I'll buy myself some ice-cream and figure out my next steps with the help of relevant people, google and determination." 4) uncontrolled? plan for what happens after the part you can't control, once you're in charge again. "I'll call the police, I know where the nearest hospital is, I have my friend's numbers memorised so I'll call them, either way I'll deal with whatever happens once I'm in control" anxiety related to the events that already happened (I said "you too" to the waiter who said "have a good meal") truly means to ask about either the consequences (what if now they think I'm dumb?) or the repeating of the situation (what if I do it again?). you can still reformulate these questions the same way: "WWID if they treat me like I'm stupid next time I'm there?" and "WWID if I say the same thing again, how can I make it charming?" or "WWID to avoid repeating the same situation again, what can I say instead?" anxiety is a mechanism that means to fill the gaps in a person's perception of their future, it seeks clarity, stability, normalcy and control. It doesn't need to clarify IF the situation will happen, it needs to clarify how the situation will be DEALT WITH if it does happen. unanswered "what will I do if..." questions tend to become a broken record because the need for clarity is not fulfilled. more often than not if the needs for clarity and normalcy are fulfilled, anxiety lets up. even questions like "WWID if I die?" can be answered: "if there's an afterlife I'll try to punch god" or "I'll ask if they have soda here" or "if there's no afterlife I'll do nothing, but the world will go on without me, complex, busy and beautiful" also, since anxiety can be caused by physical factors like exhaustion and overuse of caffeine, dealing with these factors could be very helpful. this type of anxiety doesn't come from the mind, it comes from the body, so grilling yourself with questions won't help in this case. rest, nourishment and sleep will do a lot of good though.
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erabu-san · 20 hours
First of all, I would like to thank you so much for all your support and your kind message !! Thank you so much for being patient with me too !! (you will see, I thanks a lot in this post lol)
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Haha tbh I believe that ignoring and move on is a great way too! Yeees when I read this anon ask, I was wondering if they are living somewhere where pale person are oppressed and they are personally in this case and it affects them so badly that they have so much hate in them or they are just being hateful toward poc w/o any explication ? It was a bit uncomfortable And what is appealing with Genshin Impact (for me) is the fact that they use real culture to create their game ; even in the last survey, they ask if we like Natlan's authenticity (weird they only ask abt environment and music, i think they know they have issue with character design bahaha). I learn a lot about persian, algerian, but also chinese and even about french culture ! It is because people recognize themself that they start talking about it. I know there is a lot of controversial topic in Natlan, but because of this, I learn a lot on Hawai'i 's culture too. So yes, even if it is fiction, representation *is* important. And it is because they take inspiration of their culture that there is people who want a better representation, and in my opinion, this is something to not ignore !
About taking well what anon said, thank you so much ! If i can be honest tho, I didn't take it very well neither, or just I don't know how do I really felt at the moment I am an adult but I still hard time to distinguish what is morally okay or not, what is bad and good ? So if someone doesn't tell me they are explicitly a bad person with bad intention, I won't get it haha (ofc I grew up and now I identify my value and morals, but I still questionning if my morals are objectively great or not- yeaaah i was called weird for that, I am aware) Since forever I always try to understand other so I can communicate properly (at least I try), and that's why I am always interested on how does people think, why do they react in this specific way etc etc. Pro, I am patient and can take even the most violent take "well" (all depends. I am still a human) Con, I give free speech to those who have a "bad" take </3 and I apologize for that aaaa
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KFSDLFSD I wish to express my angryness sometime but I just don't know if it is really adequate What if I interpret their text in wrong way as they initially try to say ? I wasn't feel offended by what they said, I was just uncomfortable because their opinion is something I consider hateful. and what if i was wrong??? But reading you all's opinion just affirm that's they were indeed rude ! I should stop overthink, life would be easier Maybe next time I have a doubt I will ask my friends's opinion before answering ksdkfsf
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Oh my god thank you !!! If i can be honest, I draw Kinich this way because when I draw him w a darker skin for the first time, I thought "Oh !!! he looks so cool !!!!" and seeing a lot of positive comment abt my Kinich just makes me happy so I keep him like this ! And thank you for sharing with me informations !<<333 This is not overstepping at all ! And it is a reciprocate feeling anon ! It might be a bit weird but "angry" is such a complex feeling for me. I feel it but I don't really know how to express it in the most healthy way and it is super frustrating. So... seeing people getting mad at something I also disagree on makes me feel better !! And for this, thank you all !
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I SNORT SO HAAAARD Damn Macron you again..........!! I didn't put all ask here but I read them all !! Thank you for sharing with me your opinion and reaction, it is truly interesting (and way more relaxing that the hater anon kskskss) !! and again, your support is truly meaningful for me. You all have sincere gratitude Hope y'all have a great day !! Stay hydrated too <3
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fgumi · 3 days
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ꕥ found me; — heeseung drabble, wc: 1.2k, genre: fluff
the first few rehearsals were all business. the choreography for “bite me” was intense, filled with complex and intimate moves that required you and heeseung to work in close proximity. one move, in particular, stood out—the part where heeseung had to lean in, resting his chin in your hand, staring deeply into your eyes. it was supposed to be smooth and natural, an intimate connection that drew the audience in. but the first few times, it felt anything but.
heeseung approached the move with visible hesitation, his expression a mix of focus and nerves. as he reached out and your hand came up to meet his face, you could feel the slight tremor in his movements, the subtle stiffness that came from trying too hard not to make it awkward.
“sorry, i think i keep missing the timing,” heeseung muttered, his cheeks tinged pink as he stepped back, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “it just feels… weird.”
you offered a reassuring smile, though your own nerves were equally frayed. “it’s okay. let’s just try it again, slower this time.”
he nodded, and you both reset your positions. as the music played softly in the background, heeseung moved closer, his breath hitching slightly when his chin met your palm. for a moment, the room seemed to hold its breath with you. the proximity was jarring, the touch unexpectedly intimate in a way neither of you had anticipated.
heeseung pulled back quickly, eyes darting away. “sorry, again. i’ll get it right.”
you laughed softly, trying to ease the tension. “it’s fine. it’s new for both of us, you know?”
as the days wore on, the awkwardness slowly began to melt away. the rehearsals were still full of corrections and adjustments, but each time you repeated that move, the tension lessened, replaced by a growing familiarity. it wasn’t just about getting the timing right anymore; it was about the small moments in between—the shared glances, the quiet apologies, and the lingering smiles when you finally nailed the synchronization.
one afternoon, after finishing up a particularly tough practice, you both slumped against the mirrored wall, too tired to care about maintaining personal space. heeseung was scrolling through his phone, and you caught a glimpse of a familiar game logo—league of legends.
“you play league?” you asked, breaking the silence. the question was casual, but it was enough to catch his attention.
heeseung looked up, surprised but smiling. “yeah, i do. helps me relax… well, sort of. i get pretty into it. what about you?”
you grinned, leaning your head back against the mirror. “valorant, mostly. i’m more into shooters.”
his eyes widened in recognition, and suddenly, the awkwardness of rehearsals felt miles away. “no way, you play valorant? i’ve been meaning to get better at that, but i usually end up sticking to league.”
you laughed, finding his enthusiasm refreshing. “you should play with me sometime. i can show you the ropes, or, you know, carry you if you’re really bad.”
heeseung scoffed, but his smile was playful. “you’re talking a big game. we’ll see who carries who.”
from that day on, gaming became a constant topic between the two of you, a shared interest that made the long hours of practice feel lighter. it started with playful banter, comparing your best plays and laughing at your worst mistakes. then it evolved into gaming sessions after practice, swapping between league and valorant as naturally as you swapped dance moves.
one evening, after an exhausting rehearsal, you both ended up lingering in the practice room, neither wanting to head home just yet. heeseung set up his laptop, glancing at you with a competitive glint in his eyes.
“wanna play?” heeseung asked, his eyes sparkling with the challenge. “or are you too scared to lose again?”
you scoffed, setting up your own laptop. “please, i’m just warming up. but let’s switch to valorant after this—i need to show you what real skill looks like.”
the studio filled with the sound of keys clacking and the occasional outbursts of laughter as you played, exchanging playful taunts whenever one of you made a particularly impressive move. there was no more awkwardness now, just an easy camaraderie that felt as natural as breathing.
“can’t believe you let me get that kill,” heeseung teased, nudging you with his shoulder.
“yeah, yeah, enjoy it while it lasts,” you grinned back, already plotting your comeback in the next match.
but it wasn’t just about the games; it was about every moment in between—the lingering touches during practice, the shared snacks, and the way your smiles felt warmer when you were together.
when the announcement came that the choreography would change, heeseung’s frustration was palpable. he leaned forward in his chair, his hands clasped tightly as he listened to the explanation. the air in the room was tense, filled with murmurs and dissatisfied glances.
heeseung’s voice cut through the silence, filled with a quiet intensity. “the whole point of the dance was to show a dynamic between two sides—the push and pull, the tension. the female dancers add to the concept, not take away from it. they make it feel more complete.”
he hesitated for a moment, glancing at you with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. it wasn’t just frustration—it was fear. fear of losing something that had grown between the two of you, something fragile and unspoken that the choreography had nurtured. his words were about the dance, but you could tell his heart was elsewhere. he wasn’t just losing the performance; he was losing the reason to keep seeing you day after day.
“it’s not just about the dance,” he continued, his voice quieter now, almost pleading. “this isn’t fair to us.”
the staff exchanged glances, but their expressions were resolute. the change was happening, whether they liked it or not.
heeseung’s gaze flicked to you, and you met his eyes, sharing a silent understanding of his dismay. you gave him a small smile, already coming to terms that the change was inevitable.
as the meeting adjourned, you tried to slip away quietly, not wanting to dwell on the disappointment. but heeseung caught up to you in the hallway, his grip gentle yet firm on your wrist.
“wait,” he said, his voice softer now, almost vulnerable. “i don’t want this to stop. i don’t want…us to stop.”
you blinked, surprised by his sudden confession. heeseung had always been outgoing, but this was different—a raw honesty you hadn’t seen from him before.
you laughed softly, trying to ease the tension. “you know this doesn’t change anything, right? i’m not going anywhere. not until you finally beat me in valorant.”
heeseung smiled, a blush creeping up his neck. “so, you’re saying i have a chance?”
you shrugged playfully. “i mean, if you keep practicing…maybe.”
he laughed, the sound warm and bright, and for a moment, it felt like everything would be okay. “then i guess i better get practicing. can’t let you win forever.”
you walked out together, side by side, the changes to the choreography feeling like a small hurdle in comparison to what you had found in each other. and that was more than enough.
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disclaimer: this, in no way, reflects the idol. this is purely fiction. a/n: i miss the original "bite me" choreo. it was glorious... all those women were so talented and beautiful. ✧ comments are appreciated! ✧ !nanamlist
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dontforgetukraine · 2 days
TIFF: And so it continues...5 to ZFF
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Aaand "Russians at War" is going to be at the Zurich Flim Festival. Because of course.
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The Russian Canadian director Anastasia Trofimova met a soldier on home leave in Moscow's subway, accompanying him to the front lines, where she spent over a year filming unauthorized footage in a battalion near the Ukrainian border. In her film, she gives voice to soldiers who have no understanding of the war's causes and soon find themselves mourning comrades who have become Putin's cannon fodder. This harrowing and unique war documentary captures images you would never see in the news media. 'Who are the Russian soldiers who are fighting against Ukraine? What do they think of Putin? The documentary has them speak their minds. A film that revealed more to me about this conflict than 100 newspaper articles.' – Christian Jungen Anastasia Trofimova Anastasia Trofimova was born in Moscow and is a Russian-Canadian filmmaker. She first studied communications and political science and then international relations. Trofimova is a renowned filmmaker who has made a name for herself through her work in conflict zones such as Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Russia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In her films, she addresses social inequality and injustice. She has been honoured with the Canada Screen Award and has participated as a jury member at the News and Documentary Emmy Awards five times. RUSSIANS AT WAR (2024) / CONGO, MY PRECIOUS (2017) / VICTIMS OF ISIS (2015) / HER WAR: WOMEN VS. ISIS (2015)
No mention of RT in the director's bio of course. Same shit, different film festival.
Also, if this propaganda film reveals more to you about the war than 100 news articles, that's not shining praise for the film, but rather an indictment of the sorry state of our collective media landscape in Ukraine and the West.
The West obviously has a problem of not reporting on Ukraine as often anymore. It's not "fashionable". A lot of the reporting I've come across is superficial and there is rarely a deep dive into the Ukrainian civilian aspect of the war. It seems there always has to be either a grotesque catastrophic event due to Russian aggression (like the Okhmatdyt children's cancer hospital), or an interesting enough topic in order for something to be considered (like the Mykola Hryshko national botanical garden being in danger of losing its tropical plants due to the war causing electricity cuts.) There is a dearth of human interest stories, which is the core of understanding this war and the effects it has on Ukrainians.
When there is such a story, it falls into the situation of the "box-ticking approach", as described by Dr. Olesya Khromeychuk:
It is not enough to simply ‘do Ukraine’ by reviewing one book on the war, especially if it’s by a Western journalist rather than a Ukraine-based author. It’s not enough to host one exhibition, particularly if it is by an artist or photographer who only spent a few weeks in the country. Quickly putting together a panel on Russia’s war in response to a major development at the front and adding a sole Ukrainian voice at the last minute doesn’t cut it either. This box-ticking approach is unhelpful and insulting.
Most if not all of the quotes I pull from human-interest stories are from Ukrainian journalism. If you've been following me for the short time I've had this blog up, you'll notice I read a lot. At this point I've given up on looking up Western based English media, because the core stories that define the war are just not there. If there is an interesting article from the West, I'll usually see it pop up on my Twitter feed (like the botanical garden story) and I'll take a look then because its been recommended and has what I'm looking for.
And finally, Western media can't let go of having some Russian expert talk about Ukraine, instead of actually talking to Ukrainians.
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Kate from Kharkiv: Ukrainian media, both in Ukrainian and English, must improve their regional reporting. They are increasingly resembling local Kyiv media, which limits global awareness of events across Ukraine. Consequently, international media rarely cover these regions unless we die en mass. But not too often, because if often it is not news anymore.
Like Kate from Kharkiv points out, mass-casualty events are no longer "fashionable". She further indicates the lack of essential reporting in specific regions where conditions are different from Kyiv. One such example is the Russians turning Kherson into a "human safari". Initially, only Zarina Zabrisky was reporting on how Russian drones pilots were deliberately targeting civilians, and she shouldn't have to be the only one reporting on this. While there are some Western news outlets that have reported on this situation now, it's still not enough. Zarina Zabrisky is still diligently doing the bulk of the work in reporting on this. I can only imagine what other stories in other regions are going untold because there is little to no coverage.
The other obstacle I've noticed is accessibility to news in Ukraine from a language perspective. There isn't enough English language coverage from Ukrainian media outlets. While I would love to be able to read Ukrainian confidently, I'm nowhere near there yet, and the West is collectively even further away. Google translate isn't a great substitute either for obvious reasons. The number of times I wanted to read/watch a news report, and there was no English supplement is a lot. It happens frequently with the English language Ukrainian news accounts I follow. They'll post a clip from a news report with no translated subtitles and say, "look at this!", but I can't extract the information they want to show because of this problem.
This is why I hold volunteer translators as some of the most valuable contributors in the information space, and I will always credit them.
It's a vicious cycle. If a large proportion of Ukrainian news media is inaccessible to Western media due to the language barrier, information has even less of a chance of being noticed and spreading. This is, in my opinion, the other side of the coin on issues in the information war.
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hi!! I’m very aware that this was requested on the 13th of August, and literally over a month later I’ve finally managed to write it up. I feel unbelievably guilty for not getting it done sooner and I’m sorry it even took this long. I really really hope you enjoy it and I’m ever grateful for the patience 🤍🤍
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title: there’s always another mystery
pairing: jameson hawthorne x reader
synopsis: avery kylie grambs is spending a little too much time with your boyfriend than you’d like… but when jameson starts lying about it questions are raised and tension rises until it all bubbles over
warnings: mild swearing, violence, assault
a/n: the synopsis sounds really cringy so forgive me, this fic is kind of long and very dialogue heavy and ermmm… I hope you enjoy the ending ;)
tag list: @bewitchingkisses @whatsamongus @wish-i-were-heather @inmyheaddd @never-enough-novels @sweetlikeanangel @midiosaamor @sweetreveriee @emelia07 @f4iry-bell @zaraaaabear @thoughtdaughter3 @benny1989fredd @elysianwayy77 @maybxlle @sheisntyou @anintellectualintellectual @aleatorio1234 @adalia-jaycee @off-to-the-r4ces @lyra-kane @reminiscentreader @lyrakanefanatic @imaseabear @elizaa31
You sit on the bed waiting for Jameson to arrive. You wonder how long he’ll take this time. You’d just seen him and Avery ascending the set of stairs that lead to his dead uncle’s wing. Him and Avery. The pretty new comer with those big hazel eyes and long soft hair, pocketing a billionaire’s fortune overnight. She had it all: the looks, the brains, the humour. She was perfection and that bugged you greatly. She was a mystery.
Literally. When Tobias had finally decided to fall asleep forever, she was the result, the heiress, the consequence. She was big masterful puzzle had popped out of nowhere, from nothing. Not that you hadn’t had you fair share of experience with that. You’d earned yourself a scholarship to one of the most prestigious private schools in Texas and raised from the ashes into a burning flame. Then you’d met Jameson Hawthorne.
He had always been an interesting character, you had just never expected his interest in you. You were the scholarship kid nobody knew or cared enough to know and somehow he was intrigued. He had found you studying the the library one day and the two of you just clicked, it was like you’d known each other for years. He’d walked you home that night and had done so ever since. From that day on you were the closest of friends. It wasn’t long before you met his brothers, mostly absent mother and extremely judgemental grandfather. Hawthorne house became a second home. The two of you sat for hours, mostly on the rooftop, staring up at an endless sky of stars and talking about anything and everything. You actually don’t think there’s a topic you haven’t covered. Everything seemed to be going swimmingly… then he started dating Emily.
From the beginning, you didn’t like her at all, but you bit your tongue from pouring out your true feelings to Jameson when he’d asked for an opinion on her. You didn’t want to make his relationship feel awkward. She was everything you didn’t want him to be with. And she wasn’t you. It shattered you, but you saw how his face lit up when he mentioned her name and you vowed you wouldn’t ruin that for him. To see him that happy was worth it.
You should’ve trusted your gut. Everyday since she broke his heart, you beat yourself up for not saying anything. There were so many chances and you took none of them. She used him, abused him and left him to rot, you supposed she didn’t account for that fact that you’d be there to save him. And then she died. It was one destructive milestone after another. Explosion after explosion. But you helped Jameson through the hardest time of his life, you fixed him when he was too broken to mend.
It wasn’t until then that you realised you loved him. I mean you’d always known you’d loved him, but never in a romantic way, it had always felt so plutonic. But judging by the pure fury that built up inside of you when Emily was mentioned, the passionate way you protected and defended him in situations and the fact that you wanted nothing more than to kiss him until he couldn’t speak, you were pretty sure you were in love. But you never acted on the feeling, too afraid you’d ruin the closeness you had. It wasn’t until one night when you’d been stargazing together that he took your face in his gentle palms and kissed your tender lips. The whole act took you by surprise suddenly, but it didn’t stop you from kissing back. It felt so natural, so normal, like it was supposed to be this way. He was sweeter than you’d imagined but in the best way possible.
“I’ve always loved you,” he’d whispered as you’d pulled away, “always.”
“I’ve always loved you too,” you’d smiled shyly, cheeks flushed with colour, “and to be honest I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”
You can’t remember when it was established that he was your boyfriend but from that kiss onwards, that’s what he was to you. He was still your best friend but in a different way. There was more chemistry and kissing, but the banter remained the same. The two of you were actually planning to go on a backpacking trip around Europe but then Tobias had died and it was another round of pain and healing for Jameson, who turned to alcohol for respite. But then the will happened and Avery Kylie Grambs had appeared out of nowhere and the old man’s final game had unfurled. So the mystery girl had been an adjustment for you to say the least.
Avery wasn’t bad. In fact you liked her a lot, you could see yourself forming a friendship with her, a tight bond but the problem was the sheer amount of time she was spending with your boyfriend. After discovering she was the key to solving his grandfather’s final mystery Jameson became obsessed. He craved the answers, thirsted for knowledge. You didn’t mind at first, you let him play his game, you only ever objected the dangerous parts when he risked himself getting hurt. Other than that you said nothing. Then he let on that this all had something to do with Emily. Emily had destroyed him, from inside out. A broken, bitter shell was formed over the real Jameson. You had worked so hard to get him to see that he wasn’t broken or damaged and you feared this might undo it.
But you knew how important Emily had been, how much of his life she’d ruined, you knew Jameson needed the closure and Avery would help him to get there, but after that you expected their interaction to die down. But they didn’t. Not in the slightest. You weren’t jealous at first, you trusted Jameson and didn’t see Avery as a threat, but after a while the meetings felt too frequent and too elongated. It was a little suspicious. When you’d asked Jameson he insisted it was all part of the game.
But then that game finished and it opened up another. Of course there always had to be more to a mystery. They were Hawthorne’s. But you’d had enough, you were tired of the endless myserties. Was it so selfish to want things to go back to how they were before? When the old man’s games were not as dangerous, a little less time consuming and uninvloving of recent billionaire girls.
You’re reeled in from your deep train of thought as Jameson walks in. You look up from your desk, placing your pen down. You flash him a sweet smile in which he returns.
“So where have you been?” you ask, a hint of a forged giggle in the back of your throat.
“Nowhere,” he shrugs, the blatant lie so easily escaping his lips cuts right through your heart.
“Nowhere with brick dust on your blazer and shoes?” you raise an challenging eyebrow, arms folded across your chest.
“I climbed a wall,” he says. Lie number two, you make a mental note.
“I saw you with Avery and Xander in Toby’s wing,” you say bluntly, your face expressionless so he can’t read it.
“Are you spying on me?” he replies, gaping.
You give a delicate shrug in response and don’t answer the question directly, “what were you whispering about?”
“What do you mean?” he furrows his brow, confused.
He’s playing dumb. Fine. He can play dumb. But he won’t able to for much longer.
“I mean what were you and Avery just whispering about,” you ask directly, your tone flat as the tyre you’d burst on his car earlier that morning.
He hesitates. He doesn’t want to tell you, that’s obvious.
“Oh, was it personal?” you ask, raising an eyebrow, opting a cold, curt, feigned sort of concern to your tone.
“Oh no,” he mumbles, “well kind of…Tobias Hawthorne is alive.”
You try not to the let your jaw drop, “your grandfather?”
How had that slimy bastard managed to fake his own death and-
He shakes his head, “my uncle.”
Of course, why hadn’t you seen it sooner? Him and Avery going into his wing, the sneaking around. But then how is the question, Toby had died before Jameson had even been born.
“And so the plot thickens,” you muse, pursing your lips.
“As always,” he says, flashing you a lopsided grin that was so like him, it reminded you of the old Jameson. The one that you got closer and closer to forgetting the less you saw of him.
“Who else knows?” you ask.
“The family,” he shrugs in response.
“And Avery?” you prompt.
“She knows,” he nods, not meeting your eyes.
You raise an eyebrow, “you didn’t mention her name?”
“She was implied when I said family,” he replies.
“She was and I wasn’t,” you ask, the words not being filtered through your brain before you blurt them out. You don’t know why it hurt you so much, it just did.
“It’s not like that,” he shakes his head.
“Okay,” you reply flatly
He shoots you a knowing look and sighs, “y/n.”
“What? I said okay,” you exclaim, throwing your hands up into the air, “that means it’s okay, I’m okay, we’re all okay.”
“You don’t sound okay,” he says gently.
“Well I’m fine,” you snap.
“I didn’t mean it like that, of course you’re part of this family,” Jameson replies, trying to make up for it.
“Forget it, I don’t care,” you retort.
“Common y/n,” he groans.
“No it’s fine, I don’t care,” you shrug, very obviously caring as your voice is high pitched and you’re being far too defensive, “do what you want.”
“She just worked it out,” he explains, “she found out that-“
“I said I don’t care,” you say sharply, eyes pinned to his.
“I know you do,” he murmurs, taking a step closer.
“No I don’t,” you shake your head in denial, “end of story, what’s for dinner?”
“I know I’ve been with her a lot recently,” he sighs.
“A lot is an understatement,” you blurt out, unable to stop the thoughts that circle your mind from finally surfacing.
“It was all part of the game, you understand,” he says as a statement, not a question.
“Of course I understand,” you reply, your voice a little colder than you’d intended but it’s too late to take it back.
For a split second hurt flashed across Jameson’s features but he swiftly continues, “it was the old man’s game.”
“It always is with you,” you say curtly, with an eye roll.
“You knew what you were getting into when you became my girlfriend,” he says, growing irritated, “I warned you-“
“Getting into?” you scoff.
“The old man always has a game,” he presses on, regaining his cool.
“And you always play it,” you snap, the fury inside of your raging a little too violently to be tamed.
“I have to play,” he says, his voice strained.
“No. You don’t. You think you have to play and your grandfather knew that,” you reply, “he knew you had a thirst to play and wouldn’t resist. Prove him wrong Jamie, make him stir for the flipping grave.”
“And what if I don’t want to do that,” he asks, raising his voice slightly.
“Then you’re not the Jameson I know,” you murmur in a low, dark voice.
“Maybe I’m not anymore,” he shrugs, “people change.”
“No,” you shake your head, “people have changed you, one person in particular.”
“Avery is just a friend,” he rolls his eyes, “I don’t understand why you’re getting so hotheaded about it!”
“You’re dimming yourself down for her,” you yell.
“So what?” Jameson challenges, making the volume of your voice.
“That’s not you,” you tell him.
“Maybe it is now,” he cocks his head to the side.
“You know you’re just talking shit,” you spit.
“I like her company,” he shrugs, “and I don’t want to prove the old man wrong, I want to make him proud.”
He’s trying to get under your skin and you know it. He’s doing a good job.
“You can’t live your life trying to prove something to him, he won’t be proud, he’s dead Jameson,” you snap.
“I know he’s dead,” he shouts, “I don’t need you to tell me.”
“Good, now that information is consolidated maybe you’ll come back and live your life,” you say, the harshness in your tone making your throat ache.
“I am living my life,” he retorts.
“Running off with girls to the Laughlin’s cottage at 3am, that’s living your life?” you ask.
“Is this still about Avery?” he asks, then laughs, “you’re pathetic.”
“I’m pathetic?” you yell, “you have spent the majority of the past few weeks at her side, working this shit out and I’ve been patient and I let it happen and I waited but now there’s more to this mystery and I can’t do it again and it’s not fair for you to put me in that situation again. So forgive me if I’m sounding a little pathetic.”
“Fair? My uncle is still out there, still alive,” he replies.
“You never even knew him,” I roll my eyes.
“He’s family,” he roars.
Something about Jameson was that he was loyal to the bone when it came to family.
I shrug, “so was your grandfather and look how he treated you.”
“Don’t speak a word against him,” he says, his voice low, warning, dangerous
“You were never good enough for him and that killed you,” I reply, my voice failing to stay stable, “he broke you and I helped fix you and now we’re going back around the same cycle. Why are you still letting him continue to break you?”
“I said don’t speak a WORD against him!” he tells, his voice powerful
You could cry. You feel like it. But you don’t. For some reason you’re past tears now.
“But when you did it was okay?” I scream back, “when you’d come to your bedroom a wreck and shit talk him, who listened to you then huh? Don’t throw this all back in my face now, don’t you fucking dare.”
“I’m not trying to-“
“Well you are,” you cut him off,
He runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head, “look I don’t know what the hell you’re on this afternoon but-“
“What the hell I’m on?” you scoff.
His face softens and so does his tone, “all this arguing we’re doing, it’s not us,” he says, “it never has been so are we really going to carry on this stupid fight?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask Avery?” you ask, it’s petty but you didn’t feel like being mature in this moment
“This keeps circling back to her,” he sighs with an eye roll.
“You have spent the entirety of the morning with her,” I stated “again.”
“I don’t see anything wrong with that,” he says.
“Seriously?” I ask, my jaw hanging slack.
“You know what, it doesn’t even matter,” you shake your head and begin to walk out.
“Sweetheart,” he says, lunging forwards to grab your arm. You spin around and can see the desperation seeping from his eyes.
“I’m going out,” you tell him harshly,
“Where?” he asks immediately.
“For a walk,” you shrug, going to turn again. But he holds you firmly in his grip.
“I’ll come with you,” he says.
“No, I need headspace right now,” you snap coldly.
“Okay, that’s fine,” he nods, eyes wide with understanding. You hated that he was being so nice when you were supposed to be mad at him, it wasn’t fair, “but at least take a bodyguard with you.”
“No,” you immediately say.
“Yes,” he argues back.
“I’m not one of you, Jameson,” you quip. You can see in his face that pains him but you’re too furious to care, “people aren’t coming for me, I’m not taking a bodyguard.”
“Look I’m sorry about before but-“
“It’s not about you Jameson,” you yell, “I just need a walk.”
“Okay, but I’m still sorry and please baby, take a bodyguard with you,” he begs.
“I’m not going to,” you reply, “I need to be alone.”
“Fine, okay then,” he shrugs, pretending not to care, “yeah fine, go have fun in nature or something.”
“I will,” you snap, charging out, slamming the door behind you.
You start walking with no intention of going anywhere. In a headspace of anger, your pace is swift and dominant. You needed air, you needed a clear head, you needed to get away. Bringing a bodyguard felt claustrophobic. You didn’t want another person breathing down your neck. You just needed to be alone for a while. A million and one thoughts swarm your mind. He probably complained about you to Avery, you think, kicking a rock violently. He’s probably with her right now, telling her what an annoying, selfish, jealous person you are and she’s probably comforting him. The thought of it makes your stomach squeeze.
It was getting darker and colder by the second. In your rage you’d forgotten to bring a hoodie and now you’re absolutely freezing. The street lights flicker on and you suddenly realise you have no idea where you are. You’re cold, alone, lost and a little hungry. You pray it doesn’t start to rain. You get out your phone quickly to look on google maps, but two red words flash up: no connection. Great. Just when you thought today couldn’t get any worse. You wish you hadn’t left the house now, but didn’t know which way to turn to walk back. You walk around the corner of a tall white building, hoping to see a signpost nearby.
That’s when you notice the footsteps of someone behind you. You turn absentmindedly to see a stranger dressed in all black clothing. You couldn’t properly see their face or decipher whether they were a man or woman. Feeling a little sceptical, you choose to cross to the other side of the road, trying to shake or anxious feelings that were creeping in. You spin the ring on your finger, trying to breathe in and out slowly. You side glance at the figure a few times to see that they’re still on the opposite side of the road. You exhale and turn the corner, feeling stupid for getting so het up over nothing.
You hear more footsteps and paranoid you look behind. You feel sick. The mystery stranger is back. Panic seizes your throat and you walk a little faster, noting their feet also pick up the pace. You turn a second corner. So do they. A thousand and one questions flashed up in your mind. What did they want? Why were they following you? And more importantly how long had they been following you for? You’re breathing heavily, maybe too heavily. You don’t want them to know you’re scared.
You fumble to reach your phone, hurriedly finding your contacts. You click Jameson’s name but the call fails. Your eyes flick to your internet, still none. You try again, the cycle repeats. Tears well up in your eyes. You were hopeless, helpless and frightened to death. You begin to fiddle anxiously with your necklace trying to work out what to do next, but your mind was blank. You couldn’t think. The person was a good few meters behind you now. A silent tear of rolls down your cheek as you carry on walking forwards, pretending you’re going somewhere in hope the follower might get bored a leave. They did not. You bite back and audible sob and notice one bar lights up in the top right hand corner of your phone screen. You have one bar of internet and you’ve never felt more relieved. Your finger rushes to hit the call button. One ring and he picks up. It’s a miracle.
“Sweetheart,” he breathes, a sense of relief and a smile in his voice.
“Jamie,” you say, your voice more panicked than you’d intended.
“What’s wrong?”
His voice is immediate and assertive but thick with anxiety. He can sense there’s something wrong, he knows.
“Jamie there’s someone following me,” you hyperventilate, the sharp sudden breaths hurting your chest.
“Where are you?” he asks.
“I don’t know,” you say, your voice shaky, “and I’m panicking.”
“Okay, don’t worry, just keep walking straight,” he instructs, “okay sweetheart?”
“Okay,” you murmur.
“Just breathe,” he soothes, “I’m tracking your location.”
You exhale unevenly and carry on walking.
“Are you near any buildings?” Jameson asks, strategically. You can tell he’s concentrated.
“There’s a housing complex and a few shops across the street,” you describe.
“Good,” he replies, “cross the road and go into one of the shops and stay in there.”
“Okay,” you answer, jogging across the road, taking note of anything that might help Jameson find you.
“What’s the name of the shop you’re going to go into?” he asks, “it might help me track you a little faster.”
You step back to read the cursive white letters, “Betty’s,” you reply, stepping in.
“That’s it?” he confirms.
“That’s it,” you say, carefully stepping inside, seeing the follower cross the road in the refection of the shop window.
Your heart thuds in your chest as the little bell rings to announce your entrance in the shop. It was one of those little knick-knack type shops, small but compact. You pretend to admire a china tea set.
“Are you inside?” Jameson asks, his voice washing some sort of comfort over you.
“Yes,” you say quickly, subconsciously tracing the tablecloth deign with your index finger.
“Have they followed you inside?” he asks.
“No,” you reply, though you haven’t looked up, the shop bell definitely has not rung since your arrival. You are the only customer in this shop. You look up and see them standing outside, you catch their eye and fear flicker through you as you quickly turn away, jolts of sheer nauseating panic runs up and down your abdomen, “Jamie they’re waiting outside, oh god Jameson they’re waiting outside, for me to come out, oh god.”
“Hey! Hey! You have the stay calm,” he says sharply but kindly, “as long as you’re in there you’re safe and I’m on my way now.”
“You found where I am?” you breathe, sounding too much like a child than you care to admit.
“I’m getting into the car as we speak,” he replies.
He’s coming. You tell yourself. You’re going to be okay. You say in your head.
“Stay on the line with me,” you blurt out, “please.”
“Of course baby, I’m not going anywhere,” he says, the concern in his voice made you yearn to be in his arms.
The other end of the phone goes silent except for the sound of a car engine, gently groaning in motion. You try to distract yourself by admiring the little collection of ceramic mouse figurines and try to give all of them a name. That’s when you catch the stranger in your peripheral.
“Jameson I’m scared,” you bite the inside of your cheek, “I’m really scared.”
“I’m coming, just hang in there okay,” he comforts “breathe for me.”
“Jameson,” you exhale, your hands becoming increasingly more restless.
“Hey, sweetheart, take a breath with me okay?” he says, “together?”
“Together,” you nod, despite the fact that he can’t see you, but somewhere deep down you know he knows you’re nodding.
“In through your nose and out through your mouth, okay?” he replies.
I’m through your nose and out through your mouth. You repeat the motion over and over with him over the phone, until you’re bored.
“I’m nearly there,” he mentions after a while.
“You promise?” you say, your breath hitching.
“I promise, just stay where you are,” he says calmly.
“Okay,” you reply.
“Sorry honey we close at 11:00,” comes a voice.
It makes you jump at first, as you yelp in surprise at the old woman beside you. Where had she appeared from? You drop your phone and it crashes to the floor. You realise for the first time how tightly you’d had it pressed to the side of your face as the cold air rushes to that spot and you feel the sticky sweat. You scramble to pick up your phone.
“I’m fine,” you reassure Jameson quickly, before turning the the woman, “sorry, would I be able to stay a few more minutes?”
She glances disapprovingly at you and then her watch, “I don’t think so.”
“It won’t be long, I promise,” you rush.
“I’m sorry but I have to lock up now,” she shakes her head and waves the keys between her fingers.
“Just until my boyfriend gets here,” you try again, desperation slicing through your tone.
“You’re not purchasing anything and it’s closing hours,” she replied sternly, “I need to lock up.”
“Please,” you beg.
“Store policy I’m afraid,” she shrugs flatly.
“I’ll but the whole damn place of you let me stay,” you exclaim, not really sure why the sentence left your mouth but it was too late to take it back now.
“This place isn’t for sale,” she says sourly with pursed wrinkled lips.
“Not literally,” you sigh, “look I’ll make a purchase.”
“No purchases after 11:00,” she responds, blunt as a baseball bat.
“But you just said-“
“We’re closed,” she snaps.
“Please just let me stay for five minutes,” you ask, hoping by some miracle she’ll agree.
“I really can’t do that,” she sighs, with an almost apologetic look on her face “I’m sorry.”
“Two minutes?” you try to compromise.
She stares through you, “I’m going to call the police.”
“There’s someone out there following me outside,” you burst, “so please, if you’re going to call the police on anyone, do it on them.”
The woman gently cocks her head to see the mysterious figure outside the window, her eyes widen by the tiniest fraction and she stares back at you. You wonder what she’s thinking. She chews her lip thoughtfully for a while and then finally replied, “there’s a back way out, I can take you through to there.”
“Thank you,” you exhale in relief.
She walks hurriedly walks away and you follow her, ending up at the very back of the shop. It couldn’t be seen from the window, but how long would it take for the follower to realise? Not long enough, you pray, hoping Jameson would arrive in time. There is a small green door with a lacy translucent curtain across the window.
“Here,” she nods towards it, “get home safe.”
“Thanks,” you say gratefully.
You almost trip out of the back door but managed to stabilise yourself, the old woman slams to door and it nearly clips your heals. You quickly press your phone back to your ear, realising Jameson is still on the line.
“Jamie?” you say.
“I’m still here,” he replies, reading your mind, “Betty’s a bitch.”
You choke on your own spittle, “what?”
“Betty,” he states as if it’s obvious.
“Betty?” you question, hoping he’ll elaborate.
“Well I assume it’s her name,” he says, you could practically hear him shrug, “the woman who just kicked you out of her shop.”
“Oh, you heard all of that?” you say.
“I did,” he confirms, “but I’m two minutes away now.”
“Two minutes?” you check, hope returning your voice.
“Yeah,” he confirms gently.
“I’m still at the back,” you mention, “but I’ll walk to the front to meet you.”
“Okay,” he replies, “I’m so close sweetheart, don’t worry.”
“Okay I-“
All the air is knocked from your lungs as you turn the corner and someone grabs your shoulders and it’s so sudden you forget to scream. Fear runs cold and thick through your veins. You can’t move. The grip is strong and foreign, their hands are callous and your arms ache the longer you’re in their hold. Paralysed, you fail to struggle free. It all happens in a blur. You feel yourself being thrown to the side and you land on the pavement with a hard thump after rolling over your ankle. Pain seizes through it and you bite back a yelp. You look up, struggling to your feet and see Jameson has arrived.
Jameson. Jameson. Jameson.
He’s fighting the mysterious follower who you can now see is man. He’s a few inches taller than Jameson and has much more muscle but Jameson is quicker, more agile. You wish you could help him but the searing agony deriving from your ankle would’ve only made him slower. So you’re now just watching. It’s a tête-a-tête of frantic hits and blocks, all scarily aggressive. The look in Jameson’s eyes is not one you recognise, it’s like the green had been frosted over with ice. The follower lunges at him suddenly and an audible gasp escapes your lips. He has Jameson in a headlock. You stumble forwards, ready to attack him from behind when Jameson twists the man’s arms in an awkward direction, leaving him vulnerable. In the split second Jameson knees him in the stomach and begins to punch him repeatedly.
Jameson’s jaw is clenched, his hair is ragged and wild. A flow of crimson red liquid falls from one nostril and from a new wound just above his eyebrow. His eyes are fierce and gleaming, like a predator on its prey. You’re not sure you know who this man is, he’s not Jameson, he’s a mutation, a weapon, a unrecognisable being.
“Jamie,” you murmur, your voice shaking. You can’t stop yourself, you’re too scared.
He can’t hear properly, he doesn’t even acknowledge you. He carries on punching and punching but the follower seems to be cold out.
“Jameson stop! You’re scaring me!” you yell, fear in your throat but fire in your belly.
He looks up and he freezes, all but his hands that are shaking from the adrelenline rush. He looks down at his bloodied knuckles to the limp figure on ground, then back to me again. He can see the fright in my features that I’m so desperately trying to conceal.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” he says, “it’s okay, let’s go home.”
“Is he dead?” you say, the words so much harsher than you intended.
“No,” he shakes his head gently, “just knocked out, I promise.”
“I-“ you can’t finish the sentence.
“You’re shaking,” he murmurs tentatively, wrapping an arm around you to still your trembling torso.
“I’m fine,” you say, trying to sound strong, but synthetic strength only made you sound weaker.
“You’re not fine,” he shakes his head.
“Let’s just get out of here,” you sigh, then look at him with sparkling eyes, “please?”
“Of course,” he says, concern bleeding across his features.
You begin to walk but have to bite your lip as pain rips through your ankle with weight pressing down on it.
“What wrong?” Jameson asks, his reaction instant and lightning fast.
“Nothing,” you shake your head, trying to carry on without displaying the pain.
But he’s too vigilant for his own good, “are you hurt?”
“No, it’s fine,” you reply, in denial, “I’m fine.”
You’ve found that things are easier to believe if you say them out loud. Unfortunately not in this case.
“Where?” he asks, stopping still, pressing gently down your arms to check for tentative pressure points.
You pull away, “Jamie I’m-“
“Where?” he asks firmly, giving me that look.
“I just rolled over my ankle,” you sigh, “it’s not a big deal.”
“Do you want me to carry you?” he offers.
“No,” you say quickly, too quickly.
The truth was, you did want to be carried. The thought of being in his protective arms, pressed up against his chest was very appealing. But just like he could see your winces and hear your sharp breaths in, you notice his. The fight hadn’t been easy on him, no matter how stubbornly he tries to hide it.
“Just support me and I’ll support you,” you reply.
“I don’t need support,” he says.
You stare at him, “you don’t have to be the knight in shining armour with me, I thought you’d stopped that.”
You’d made a pact at the start of your relationship that Jameson couldn’t play that role. You were there for each other, it wasn’t one or the other.
“Fine,” he grits through his teeth, “we’ll support each other.”
You both walk, labouring, limping and leaning on one another. In the silence of it all you have time to think about all that had happened, a chances you hadn’t previously had with your mind always preoccupied on something else. A tidal wave of guilt almost drowns you.
“I’m sorry,” you burst out suddenly, feeling all of a sudden emotional, as tears run down your face.
You didn’t realise how much yours been keeping it in, your fear, your pain, your guilt, your sorrow.
“Hey, shhhh,” he soothes, caressing your cheek, “shhh shh stop that now, hey, hey.”
“I shouldn’t have left,” you shake your head, “I shouldn’t have got so angry and walked so far alone and it was dark-“
“Y/n, breathe,” Jameson murmurs, “I’m not angry, it’s not your fault, I’m just glad you’re safe now, okay? I would never let him hurt you, you know that right?”
You nod.
“Let’s get to the car and then we can go home, okay?” he suggests softly.
“Okay,” you murmur in response.
He wraps his arm back around your shoulders and holds your hand with the other, steering you towards his car. He walks around to your door, looking over his shoulder cautiously, making sure you are in and safe before he thinks of himself. You’ve never felt safer in a car, your back pressed up against the seat. Your leg bobs up and down uncontrollably, even when your try to stop it. Seems the adrenaline had gotten to you more than you’d thought.
Jameson is swift to get into the driver’s seat and start the car. He silently places his hand on your upper thigh to still the shaking. The warmth of his familiar touch relaxes some of the built up worry in your chest. One knot has been untied from the incomprehensible ball.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
You nod numbly. You didn’t reply with words in fear that you’d spill out the truth. Lying to Jameson was a challenge.
“Stupid question,” he mumbles, “of course you’re not.”
“I think I’m still trying to process what just happened,” you murmur, not a complete lie. You’d only processed parts.
“Okay, that’s fine, take as long as you need,” he says reassuringly, “I’m here if you want to talk.”
You nod again. Then take a breath.
“I’m sorry,” you say, choked up with emotion, “I’m sorry for fighting, I don’t know why I get so annoyed it’s just-“
“It doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you’re safe,” he tells you gently.
“Safe,” you repeat, the word has an odd texture on your tongue.
“You are safe,” Jameson replies firmly.
“I am safe,” you repeat, believing it a little more.
The two of you had gotten back to Hawthorne House late. No one was around so no questions were asked. But whilst you showered and changed Jameson insisted on getting the security team on it and you didn’t object. You join Jameson in your shared room after your shower, he’s already waiting with open arms. You clamber into the bed and fall onto his chest. The smell of him indescribably addictive. He wraps his arms around your torso and you wince, tenderness spreading across the tops of your arms and upper back.
“What hurts baby?” he asks, eyebrows knotted with worry.
“Nothing,” you reply, shrugging the pain off.
He looks at you, “you don’t have to lie to me.”
You’re silent for a few beats but then finally murmur, “my arms.”
“Let me see,” he says.
“It’s okay-“
“Let me see,” he whispers, sending a hot shiver down your spine. 
You slowly slip of your jumper and expose the rounded bruises from the follower’s fingers. You’d discovered them moments ago in the bathroom, it must’ve been from where he’d grabbed you. You can’t see Jameson’s face but judging by the thick blanket of tense air that had enveloped your surroundings, you have a good idea of what he’s thinking.
“He did this?” he asks, tracing every bruise so delicately it nearly tickles.
“Jamie he grabbed me,” you explain.
“I’ll kill him for laying a finger on you,” he spits, a foreign violence in his tone you weren’t sure you liked.
“Don’t say that,” you say before you can stop yourself.
“What?” he looks at you in wild disbelief.
“Talk of killing him,” you close your eyes, “you’re not a murderer.”
He opens his mouth.
“Don’t you dare argue with me,” you snap, a raw intensity in your voice. You struggle to recall where you found it.
Silence you like a car hits roadkill. Swiftly and out of nowhere with a sickening thud.
“You know you scared me back there,” you murmur, meeting his eyes shyly.
“When you were punching him…” you trail off, “you looked so angry.”
“I was angry” he retorts, “no one should do that, especially not to you. Never to you.”
“Yeah but I really thought you might…” you stop yourself.
“I might what?” he urges you to continue.
“I don’t know,” you say trying to brush it off, “it doesn’t matter.”
“No it does,” he replies, “you thought I might kill him right?”
“It just wasn’t you punching that guys, it wasn’t my Jameson,” you murmur.
“Your Jameson doesn’t protect you,” he yells and you flinch slightly.
You don’t meet his eye, “no, not like that.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just…” he sighs, “I never would’ve forgiven myself if something had happened to you.”
“It would’ve been my fault for storming off like that, god I’m so stupid,” emotion rises thick in your throat.
“Hey, stop beating yourself up about this,” Jameson says, “it was my fault in the first place.”
“No it wasn’t-“
“Yes it was, let’s just forget about this okay,” he insists.
“But what if he comes back? What if he knows where I am? What did he want with me Jamie? What if-“
“It’s all going to be sorted okay, we have so many staff on it right this second,” he says tracing the outlines of your knuckles, “you just need to breathe.”
“I am breathing,” you grit through your teeth.
“What’s worrying you then?” he asks softly.
“I don’t know,” you reply, biting back a sob.
He senses the emotion, “come here.”
You practically collapse into his arms, keeping your tears at bay just barely. There’s something about being in his arms, against the warmth of his body that made the bad things go quiet for a second, that stopped the overwhelming voices in your head, that silences your thudding heart. But even now, things were unusually playing on your mind, despite the comfort.
“I don’t know Jamie,” you murmur into his chest, “I’m scared and exhausted and anxious and I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“Let me help you,” he whisper, gently running his fingers through your hair.
“I don’t think you can,” you mumble, your eyes grappling to stay open.
“I will find a way,” he says, you almost laugh at his stubbornness.
“I don’t want to lose you,” you reply, your voice breaking, “I don’t know anything bad to happen.”
“You’re not going to lose me and I won’t let anything bad happen,” Jameson kisses the top of your head, “I promise.”
“I don’t feel safe,” you admit.
“What’s making you feel unsafe baby?” he asks, aching concern in his voice.
“Before today I’d never even imagined potentially being kidnapped and it just happened today,” you ramble, “and that means there’s so many other things that I couldn’t ever have imagine that might happen.”
“If we spend our whole lives in fear of what might happen we’d forget to live,” Jameson says.
You meet his emerald eyes and try not to melt, “I’m scared.”
“There’s no need to be,” he comforts, “I’m here.”
“You promise?”
“Always,” he says. His voice is so sure, so strong. It almost makes you believe.
“And you’re not going anywhere?”
“Not anywhere without you,” he grins lopsidedly, the real Jameson shining through making your cheeks tint a pale pink.
“I’m sorry,” you say again, the residing guilt flowing back in.
“If you apologise one more time I’m going to do a lyrical dance routine to ‘hot stuff’ only dressed in sequinned hot pants and a top hat,” he says.
“I think I’d quite like to see that,” you can’t help but smile, “I should apologise more often.”
He chuckles softly and kisses the top of your head. You nuzzle into the nape of his neck and allow one tear to slip from the under your mask. Just one.
“I’ve got you baby and I’m not letting go,” Jameson whispers.
“Please don’t let me go,” you murmur, sounding as small as a child.
“I’m not, never ever,” he murmurs, kissing your nose, then cheeks and then a soft kiss on your lips.
You smile, a fluttery feeling in your chest and you kiss him back. His hands snake around your waist, the tentative touch making you tingle a little. You wish you could just focus on Jameson and nothing else but the problem was the scene kept replaying in your head. The man grabbing your shoulders, the bruises left on your skin, the smell of his cologne in your hair. He was everywhere.
“Hey sweetheart, it’s okay,” Jameson soothes, “you’re safe now.”
It’s only then you notice how your entire body is shaking, your bones rattling together. You try to stop but you can’t. He brings you into deeper his arms and holds your quivering limbs together. You wonder if he let go you’d fall apart all together.
You didn’t go to school the next day, instead you stayed curled up in Jameson’s arms as he gently traced spirals across your back with his index finger.
You can’t remember the last time you’d felt so in love.
Thursday rolls around far too quickly and you know you have to go back. Word about the stalker had been kept quiet but you know you couldn’t stay under your duvet forever. No matter how badly you wanted to. So you wake up early and take your time getting ready. Jameson sleeps like the dead all the way through it, even when you blow dry your hair. You meet Xander who is already at breakfast, eating muffins. You’d promised the week before you’d come and observe his biology project for him, so he could have a second opinion and you didn’t want to break that promise.
“You know you really didn’t have to come,” he says, still chewing, “after you know…”
“I want to Xand, really,” you say, “I can’t avoid it forever and I want to see your project.”
“If you’re sure?” he checks, with an eyebrow raise.
“I’m sure,” you nod, “I swear.”
“Well then, have a muffin or two and then we’ll be on our way,” he grins, handing me one from the plate in the centre.
“Roger that sir,” you smile back, saluting him as you take a bite.
School was difficult that day, not the content, just the energy. The problem was you had none. And it was one of those long modified timetable days where your first break of the day was lunch and it wasn’t even until 2:00pm. That in itself was a mood killer. On top of that you couldn’t get the follower out of your head. The events played on some sort of endless loop in your head. You wonder who it might be, why they might have been following you of all people. It was known you were dating Jameson but not that known. Apparently, according to Xander, Oren had been put on high alert and Alisa was working on finding their identity. That should have brought you solace. It didn’t.
But the more you thought about it the more your realised that part of you selfishly didn’t mind that it has happened too much because last night you’d felt more connected to Jameson than you had in forever. It had been a while since it had just been the two of you, no mysteries, no arguments, no Avery. Yesterday had solely been the two of you, all day. Just in the presence of one another but, at school, you hadn’t seen Jameson all morning, seen as you’d left for school early with Xander but he had sent you a string of text messages that you only see at first on your very late lunch break.
morning sweetheart
are you okay??
I know you left early with Xand but I’m still worried about you
text me for ANYTHING okay??
I love you xx
And then an hour later…
you still haven’t text back
are you okay??
I bribed the woman at the front desk for your schedule so you’re probably in class right now
unless you’re not!!
just answer me when you can okay
I love you
Then in the next hour…
I love you ;)
You almost laugh at the cuteness of it all. You type a couple of messages in response incase he bribed the headteacher to let him use the announcement speaker to find you next.
I’m fine Jamie, don’t worry
late lunch break sorry I couldn’t text sooner
They bleep through one after the other, sending through.
meet you after school for our plans
You close your phone quickly and get to the next class, holding your books tightly to your chest. The next few periods better go fast.
They didn’t go fast. In fact every millisecond felt like an hour, the day seemed endless. You get out of class and don’t pass Jameson in any hallways yet again sk decide to go to your usual meeting spot after school. You send him a quick message.
waiting outside business studies
You wait for him by the curb. One minute passes, he’s been a minute late before, many times. So you figure it’s okay, leaning on the wall behind you. Five minutes go by next and most kids are leaving or have left the school premises. Maybe his class has run over, your brain suggests. Then it is ten minutes, barely anyone is walking out. The odd person, sure, but never Jameson. You begin to wonder where he might be. Detention? No, he always finds a way out of those. Basketball court? No, he doesn’t like to play with the other guys. Classroom? No, he wouldn’t spend longer than he had to in the school. You sigh, ten minutes isn’t that long after all. Maybe you’re overreacting. Still, you send him another text ‘hey, are you nearly here?’ Half an hour passes. That’s when you get really confused. He should definitely be here by now. Slowly you wonder down several hallways, checking your phone for any messages, calls or voicemails, but there are none. Few students are around and every time you look into a classroom Jameson isn’t there. You make your way back to your original spot, incase he turned up. Forty minutes pass and you try his phone for the last time, ringing him rather than just texting but it goes straight to voicemail. So you resort to calling Xander, hoping he’ll be able to help and ease the tightening knot of worry growing in your chest. There is only two rings.
“Hello y/n,” Xander’s cheerful voice says down the other end, “is there any reason you’re phoning the best Hawthorne on this fine afternoon?”
“Yeah, sorry Xand,” you reply, “but have you seen Jamie anywhere?”
“Don’t be sorry,” he tells me, “and I think I saw him come in earlier, I just presumed you were with him.”
Too many juxtaposed emotions hit you at once. Relief, he’s okay, he’s alive, he’s at home. Hurt, he left without you, abdomen or forgot the plans you had. Annoyance, he’d left without sparing you a second thought.
“No,” you mutter, “I wasn’t.”
“You sound annoyed,” Xander comments.
“I’m fine, sorry Xand,” you reply, putting some more life into your voice to wash away and tense notes, “it’s been a long day.”
“Don’t I know it,” he sighs, “but hey it’s the weekend now, fancy a game of strip bowling when you get back?”
Strip bowling was one of your favourites, mostly because you were very good at it and barely had to strip and also because Jameson usually ended up in his underwear. Xander must’ve sensed the false happiness in your voice and suggested it to be nice.
“Maybe tomorrow,” you say, trying to let him down gently. You did appreciate the gesture, but the thought of playing stop bowling right now did not match the mood.
“Yeesh your day was that bad huh?” he asks softly, playing it off as jokey.
“I’ll be okay,” you reassure him quietly.
“I’m here you know,” he reminds you.
“Thanks Xander,” you reply, but don’t elaborate. You didn’t feel like talking right now.
“Talk to Jamie, he’ll know how to make you feel better,” he suggests sweetly.
You smile through your pain, “yeah, I’ll give it a go.”
You hang up and exhale slowly, he doesn’t know that Jameson is your problem.
You get back to Hawthorne house about twenty minutes later. It sounds relatively empty, though it always does, seen as there were so many possible places for people to be. You wander through the entrance, trying to think where Jameson might be. You hear footsteps approaching and spin around to see a blonde in a suit. Wrong brother.
“Have you seen Jameson?” you ask him before he can greet you.
“He was upstairs earlier, with Avery,” Grayson replies.
All the air is knocked from your stomach, “Avery?”
“You didn’t know?” his expression flashed for a fraction of a second into something between guilt and shame before it is composed.
“No…” you trail off.
“Oh,” he replies, with an unreadable expression back on.
“Well thanks anyway,” you say with a synthetic smile.
You walk away quickly before he can respond, looking up with glossy eyes. You ascend the stairs quickly and don’t look back. You feel you need to see for yourself did this is true. But where would he take Avery? You could only hope it wasn’t the roof where the two of you stargazed, that would hurt like hell. You trail down a hallway where voices are coming from and stumble upon a door that is ajar. Inside, Jameson talking to Avery. Your stomach rolls uncomfortably. He’s positioned barely a foot a way and he’s laughing. He looks so beautiful when he laughs, but now it’s ugly. It’s like biting into something sweet and getting a sour taste. It’s not the fact that she made him laugh, it’s the fact he’s laughing like he laughs when he’s with you. That’s the thing that cuts deep. The way his eyes are sparkling and his smile is wide and carefree, you thought he reserved those kind of smiles only for you.
Clearly not.
You turn your back on the scene and rush to your bedroom. You swing the door open forcefully and then slam it shut behind you. So he’d ditched your plans for her. Great. You sigh as you collapse down on your bed feeling an unwelcome tightness squeezing across your chest. Tears well up in your eyes. You didn’t like to cry, you rarely ever did. But right now, you couldn’t do anything about it. The tears just flowed down your cheeks and your whole body shook with each sob. Your heart physically ached, something you hadn’t thought was possible until this moment. A searingly mournful agony rippling through the left side your the chest. You felt so vulnerable, so exposed. You didn’t stop crying the blanket was soaked through, weighted with wet emotion and your throat was so raw it was numb.
You binge movies for the rest of the evening, the only feeling left in your system was anger, you’d cried all the sadness out. You felt so done with feeling shit and binging movies gave you that outlet of doing nothing, thinking nothing and feeling nothing. Exhaustion is beginning to win the ongoing battle between the two of you when you hear soft footsteps approaching. Jameson had been practically out of your mind the whole evening, Disney movies are a good distraction, but that is until he walks in. You hear as the door handle turns and he enters. Your eyes flicker to the clock, it’s just gone midnight.
“Hey sweetheart,” he murmurs, taking his suit jacket off and undoing his top button, “you’re up late.”
“What do you want?” you ask, eyes glued to Elsa’s performance of ‘let it go’ on the tv screen.
He immediately notices something is off and walks over, “woah, hey, what’s wrong?”
“Oh so now you care?” you scoff, looking him dead in the eye.
“What did I do?” he asks quickly, cluelessly.
“You are unbelievable,” you exclaim, switching the movie off before hurling the control across the room.
Jameson stares in disbelief, “why are you so pissed off?”
“You don’t know why I’m annoyed?” you ask, dumbfounded.
“No…” he replies hesitantly, like he’s treading on egg shells.
“Oh my god,” you laugh bitterly, shaking your head, “tell me you’re joking, please.”
“I’m not joking,” he says, the desperation and worry evident in his tone.
“Do you even know what we were supposed to do today?” you ask with a withered look.
A moment of realisation strikes and you notice as his eyes widen and his jaw drops a little.
“Shit. I’m sorry, I forgot,” he says, actually looking guilty. You almost feel sorry for him.
“Yeah I know,” you deadpan, folding your arms across your chest.
“There’s just been a lot going on lately and with the following and then I was days behind on the thing with Toby and-“
“Am I some sort of burden,” you retort, eyebrows raised.
“What? No! I never said that,” he exclaims, his voice raised.
“Okay,” you shrug, nonchalantly. The small display of passive aggression would get under his skin, prickling it like an unscratchable itch.
“Last time we argued it ended with you being followed, I don’t want you in that situation again,” he says, his voice dominant and definitive.
“You’re making this about you!” you yell, rage blinding your vision, “what you want, for me!”
“Oh so you want to be followed, stalked?” he asks, with a forced cruel laugh.
“That’s not what I said,” you snap, eyes narrowed.
“Sounds like it,” he bites back, the bitterness in his voice hurting you far more than you cared to admit.
You don’t say anything for a long while but eventually cut through the long silence, “I even text you about it,” you say quietly.
“What?” he replies, head cocked to the side, confused.
“About tonight,” you say, raising your hands into the air with an eye roll.
“No you didn’t!” he yells back, defensively.
“Yes I did,” you scream.
“Look, this is the last message I got,” he exclaims, shoving his phone’s bright screen into your face.
‘late lunch break sorry I couldn’t text sooner’
You stare at the message and then quickly open your phone to double check. Your message hadn’t gone through, you look up glaring at him. You were mad he didn’t remember, mad the message never went through and just mad in general.
“It didn’t go through, I couldn’t help it,” he defends.
“You still forgot,” you press on, getting mor annoyed by the second, “I shouldn’t have to remind you that you have plans with your girlfriend.”
“Look, I’m really sorry,” he replies and you can see the meaning in his face, “we’ll reschedule.”
“I don’t want to do it anymore,” you tell him nonchalantly. You know you’re being petty, but you can’t help it.
“Oh common y/n,” he says.
“No I don’t,” you shrug. He’d messed it up, that opportunity was passed now.
“Look I just needed to-“
“What you needed to do was stick to your word, what you needed to do was remember when you had things plans, what you needed to do was think before you acted,” you say in a low voice, interrupting him, “but you did none of that.”
“I can’t have a life now?” he scoffs, growing irritated, “that’s not you.”
“What’s not me?” you scowl.
“This, right now,” he says, “you’re being so controlling!”
You raise your eyebrows, almost laughing, “controlling? You started this argument!”
“No I didn’t!” he argues.
“You know what, if you didn’t want to have it out then you shouldn’t have asked why I was angry,” you roll your eyes, “so just forget about it.”
“Oh would you STOP doing that,” he yells.
“The whole ‘forget about it’ thing, it’s so fucking annoying,” he retorts, anger creeping up in his tone.
“You know what else is annoying?” you ask him, “when your boyfriend is hanging out constantly with some random girl who inherited all his grandfather’s money, that’s really fucking annoying.”
He’s silent. Nothing to say for once. No witty reply, no deflection, nothing. His face is impossible to read, blank.
“Hang on, that’s not quite the right word,” you continue, “what about aggravating, demoralising, hurtful-“
“You know I never would’ve pinned you as a jealous possessive girlfriend,” he shakes his head, with a cruel chuckle.
“I’m not!” you snap, “but you lied Jameson, why did you feel the need to lie!?”
“You told me a few days ago you’d climbed a wall and if I hadn’t known any better I would’ve believed you,” you say, “but you weren’t climbing a wall, you were with Avery.”
“This,” he says exasperatedly, “this is exactly the reason I lied.”
“What?” you ask.
“This overreaction,” he explains, making some weird hand gesture.
“I’m overreacting?” you scoff, as your eyebrows shoot to your forehead.
“Completely,” he exclaims.
“So let me just get this straight,” you begin, “you’d have never pinned me as a jealous possessive girlfriend but you lied to me about ditching our plans to spend time with another girl because you were worried about an overreaction? Right, that makes sense.”
“I’m sorry,” he exhales, “I’m sorry.”
“No you can’t just say sorry and then think it’s all going to be okay,” you shake your head, “sorry is just a stupid word, it means nothing.”
“I didn’t mean to say what I said just now and I am sorry that I hurt you,” Jameson says desperately, “I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s not just that! You blew off our plans for her,” you yell with a sob, “so yeah that kind of fucking hurts.”
“Sweetheart I didn’t mean to-“
“Yeah well you did,” you laugh bitterly, aggressively wiping away your tears, “and I’m crying over it which is just stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” he tells you gently.
“Yes it is stupid Jameson,” you snap, the tears only flowing thicker and faster, “I feel like an idiot.”
“You shouldn’t,” he insists.
“Well I do, I’m such an idiot. I’m an idiot for fighting with you, I’m an idiot for getting myself followed, I’m an idiot for thinking that someone could actually love me, I’m an idiot for not seeing the signs sooner and I’m an idiot for crying over it all now,” you snivel, roughly scrubbing your tear-stained cheeks.
“Woah, hey,” he says, “sweetheart I love you. Just you.”
“Well it doesn’t feel like it lately,” you say, choking back a sob desperate to leave your throat.
His face softens, “sweetheart…”
He reaches out to touch me but you flinch away. His gentle touch is only a reminder of the good person he is and how much you love him for it. And you can’t afford to fall for it, not again, the pain was too much.
“You’re hurting me Jamie,” you say, your voice breaking as you jab a finger to your heart, “this is hurting me.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he murmurs, as his eyes mellow.
“If you want to be with her I’d rather you just tell me,” you whimper, “it would save me the pain of all this back and forth and sneaking around and finding out. Just tell me straight.”
“I don’t want to be with Avery,” he says, “I never have.”
“You don’t look at me how you look at her,” you say bitterly, getting it off of your chest.
“You’re right I don’t,” he agrees. Your heart plummets, here it comes, the confession, the break up, the empty sorrys and eyes filled with tears. “I don’t look at you like I look at her, because I look at her like any other person on this planet, but when I look at you I’m looking at my world. And I’d sure as hell hope that differs from the look that I gave to everyone else.”
A wave of emotion coats your skin, soaking you through. His world. The words repeat over and over and over until you feel delirious.
“Do you mean that? Do you really mean that?” you whisper.
“Of course I do,” he sighs, “don’t you understand? I love you, it’s always been you, it will never not be you! You’re my person, you’re my other half, I was supposed to meet you and fall in love with you. You give me purpose and passion and so much more. When you called me the other night after our fight I’ve never been more frightened in my life, I was freaking out over here. I’ve never felt so panicked, so sick with the thought of someone being hurt. I’m in so love with you that I can’t even explain it and I can’t believe I led you to doubt it. Avery is a friend, I promise, she means nothing to me compared to you, trust me. How can I prove that to you?”
“I don’t know Jameson,” you shout, your head aching from this endless circle of arguments.
“Then marry me!” he yells, then his voice softens, “marry me.”
You freeze, every muscle in your body suddenly falling into a state of paralysis, “what?”
“You heard me,” he says, his expression too serious.
“Jameson,” you murmur, barely getting his name out.
“Marry me.”
a/n: I’m a sucker for fat dramatic impulse decisions (it’s a problem, you may have gathered from my more recent fics) SOZ GUYS 😘😘 anywayyysss the time frame is roughly (and I mean very ROUGHLY) based around chapters 11-13 of the Hawthorne brothers incase you were wondering
thanks for the req anon, so sorry again for the wait, hope you enjoyed the read 🤍🤍 if you made it to the end and didn’t DNF halfway through, well done!! can you guys tell I got way too carried away, this fic was so all over the place but I posted it anyway bc yolo
there will be no part 2!! sorry!! I really need a break from reqs… you decide how you answer 🤭🤭
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pilot-boi · 2 days
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Having to relieve the fight against Team ABRN made her notice how..unprepared they were ; even herself with her "Competent" perfomance wasn't still not enough to face that monster..
The Grimm entering Beacon..
The Witch's inner circle playing right under their noses..
Pyrrha and Penny along many other students being casualties of the..
Yang: Your scroll is ringing , shouldn't you answer it?
Weiss noticed her scroll , the contact named "FATHER"..
Right..her time at Beacon was almost up..
Weiss:I will call him later , thanks for making me know Yang..
The Blonde Brawler has noticed her friend weird..this last few day , she can't say why..but it's there , spacing out of chats most of the time or reacting to certain words like Destiny , Maiden or even mentioning locations like Haven Academy can get her all shaky
Right now Ice Queen is looking at her Sis talking with Emerald and her silent friend like she's trying way too hard to keep herself civil , her face may not show it but that tense posture and hands behind shouted something was wrong
And to say the last person she saw acting this way her Dad after..her Supermom left was all she needed to know , Ice Queen's hiding something and she will find out
~Jaune's side~
Jaune did miss Beacon , the academy.. , but coming right back wouldn't make it any better..quite the contrary it shows him how somethings must remain as memories..
The Vytal Festival just started and the mood seems festive enough for him to enjoy a little. Children playing around , teens being themselves truly a moment to breathe fresh air
Miss : Gather around as I tell the story of the Girl who fell through the World!
Jaune tenses hearing that , it's just a woman reading a story to a bunch of kids..nothing dangerous..
He takes a look at his armour , clean not rusted..his face is still young and Crocea Mors is still complete..
Ren: Jaune?
Nora: You have been standing there for a while , did the story peak your interest? Alyx's story is a classic! The Curious Cat is my favorite character! So mischevious!
If looks could kill , Nora's smile would have been erased a while ago..
Jaune:That Cat is nothing but troubles..
Nora:What? Don't tell me you are a fan of the Red Prince? Or the Rusted Knight?
Sensing hostility , Ren tried to change the topic..
Ren:Why don't we go with Pyrrha? She's saved us a nice spot in that Mistralian restaurant.
Both teammates agree , Nora leaves because she has won another petty argument..but Jaune seemed so personal about it..The Girl who fell through the World is just a Children's story..why is he so defensive about it?
Lie Ren is someone who can read the room quite well and to his knowledge..there's something wrong with Jaune..
He acts like..an adult sometimes , there's nothing wrong with that but it seems off..
Even their stategies , they are a group of Four , Team JNPR..but Jaune always acts like only Nora and him are part of the team
Ren even hears his silent sobs when he has nightmares , the words "Cinder" "Kill" "Penny" "Pyrrha" is all he has as evidence , trying to make sense of said word it would be something like
Cinder will kill Pyrrha and Penny
That sounded so..dumb , Cinder is a student along her team but he would ask Jaune later right now they have a fight to win
So many of these WK Time travel asks are from their POV, I LOVE this look into their friends’ view
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stxrslut · 1 day
I think the reason why so many people hate dark content is because they don’t understand it.
Incest for example has been a big topic on this side of tumblr as kinktober approaches and a few writers, including myself have mentioned it.
why is writing incest bad? It’s not, up front. the moment it becomes bad is when you romanticise it. the same goes for other dark topics, for example necrophilia or blatant rape.
acknowledging that these things exist is not a bad thing, and neither is acknowledging that there are certain people out there who do it. it is a horrible truth that nobody wants to exist, but it does.
using the infamous rafe cameron as an example, why would you want to read an incest piece about him?
rafe is a complicated character, and a very bad person. a lot of writers don’t like to take that into account. I’m sure we’ve all seen many works where rafe is portrayed as a sweetheart, a perfect husband who cares and would never do anything to harm you.
this portrayal of rafe has become the norm for many people on this platform. and so upon seeing dark content, they are trying to imagine it with this completely different character. the version of rafe that is romanticised.
when we write this content we don’t write it with that rafe in mind. we don’t want to be with this version of rafe that we’re writing, this is a bad character and we absolutely recognise it when writing him.
of course, as mentioned there are people who are imagining it with romanticised rafe, and also assume that was the rafe it was intended to be written with.
if that was the case then writing this content most definitely would be bad.
but why would we write dark content with a reader insert if we didn’t want this to happen to us? what is the point? that’s a valid question.
primarily, self insert or ‘x reader’ is just the format that we write in. even though we may be imagining our name and or face it’s not necessarily us. reader is just a character, let’s use puppy!reader for an example, she has her own characteristics specific to the reader or character. I don’t think I am puppy reader, but I love to use her character to write a reader.
self insert and second person writing is also a very good way to explore the thoughts, feelings and actions in a character in very great detail, which a lot of writers very much enjoy doing.
this is also another misconception that people make. because in some of the situations the reader goes along with / wants these things to happen, which is very easy to mistake for writer wanting it too.
so now we know that self insert does not mean desire. but even if we don’t desire this, why do we write it?
there are many reasons. one is character analysis. there are plenty of bad characters out there, and they would do that. we are simply acknowledging that.
we like to explore complexities and nuances of characters. this character would want to do that and so how would that play out? who would it be with and what would the feelings and emotions be? it’s interesting to explore darker parts of different characters.
another reason is trauma, to people without it that sounds ridiculous. but people with trauma in these kinds of situations may find comfort or control in reading about it in a safe environment.
I have a lot of childhood trauma, and there are certain pieces of writing centred around that kind of thing can really help me to think about it and help me to control the way I think about it.
now there are some aspects of dark content that we may say we “want”, but that is generally misunderstood.
let’s use a sentence I have said many a time, “I want rafe to fuck me with a gun”. no, I absolutely do not.
I am into humiliation and power play, I also enjoy a little bit of fear and pain in some circumstances. in a safe environment, for example, a fictional one, a gun would be a perfect way to do these things.
obviously in real life I wouldn’t let anyone come near me with a gun. it’s all about interpretation and understanding of safe environments.
when I’m reading a fic where gun play may be involved I read about the humiliation and power play and all sorts and think oh fuck that is sexy. because it is, in this very safe place where a gun is not going to harm me or anyone.
the same goes for lots of other forms of dark content. we might not necessarily want the exact action, but more the sensation or feeling that comes with the action.
but why would we write it when people are going to be triggered by it?
simply put, that is not our problem. I haven’t ever come across a piece of dark content that wasn’t correctly labelled and warned.
I’m not responsible for anyone else’s media consumption, if they choose to ignore my warnings it is entirely their fault.
also, free will exists, if someone decides they don’t like what they’re reading they can simply close the piece, stop reading.
in a nutshell, if someone who writes dark content is 1. not romanticising it and 2. labelling it correctly, you don’t have a reason to target them.
learning to distinguish between dark content and predatory content is so important so we’re not attacking the wrong people.
please stop targeting writers who write dark content when there are people out there who genuinely are horrible who we do need to be targeting. focus your attention on the real issues.
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Just Friends: Big News
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have a surprise for Bucky.
It’s giving
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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“Hey!” You bounce up to the table. It’s funny how Bucky can look so intent. So gloomy in the midst of the bustling cafe. He sits up as he puts his phone down on the table. “I’m sorry I’m late. I got great news!” 
“Oh?” His brows lower, “well, you’re double sugar frappa-whatever is melting.” 
He points across the table as you sit and roll your eyes. 
“If you tried it, you wouldn’t be making fun of me. They are delicious!” You put your purse in your lap and take a long slurp through the straw. You pop your lips off and let out and ‘ahhhhh’. You smile at him as he gives you that look. 
“I don’t take sugar in my coffee and you barely take coffee in your sugar,” he drones. 
You giggle. He's always so grumpy about the smallest things. 
“News?” He prompts dully. 
“Right,” you wiggle in your seat. “I got you a date!” 
He twitches and tilts his head, “a date?” He gives you a cautious look and shifts in his seat. “Uh...” 
“Yes! This lawyer lady I know. I met her at a trivia night way back and added her on Insta. Well, I saw her post the other day and I was like how did I not think of this before?” 
“Lawyer?” He mutters. “I... you’re setting me up with a stranger?” 
“It’s a blind date. It’s fun. She’s really established and smart and beautiful. Oh my god, she posted this picture of her in a bikini—I could never wear something like that.” You get your phone out and he sighs. 
“Wait, why did you do that?” He grits. 
You look above the screen at him, “well, you said the other day that you get lonely. That’s why you have Alpine, right? And she’s so sweeeeet,” you drag out the word in adoration, “but you need someone you can talk to. Who can talk back.” 
“We talk,” he insists. 
“Yes, but we’re friends. You need someone your own age. Or closer to.” 
“Wait, how old is she?” He wonders. 
“Aha, you’re interested,” you point at him accusatorily. 
“I’m asking questions.” 
“Right, she’s... fifty something? She doesn’t look it. Like you. You don’t look... uh... 1917... carry the one...”  
“Stop that,” he demands. “I know how goddamn old I am.” 
“Ha, yeah, sorry, I...” you scroll through your Insta friends. “Here!” You turn the phone to him and beam a smile in his direction. He glances at it for a split second and shrugs. He sits back and drinks his coffee.
“I’m not really... in that scene,” he says. 
“You should get out there! I mean, you can’t bring Sam and Steve to dinner all the time. You need someone--” 
“Is this what it’s about? Because I showed up at the restaurant?” He asks. 
“No, it’s-- I’m being a friend. You two are so alike and she loves old movies and motorcycles. I could never! I'd fall off or not tie my helmet right,” you chuckle. 
“Dreamy,” he growls. 
“Bucky,” you whine back. “You gotta get out and have some fun.” 
“We have fun,” he counters. 
“We do and that’s awesome—Oh, okay, how about, I got an idea! A double date.” 
“A double—you have... a boyfriend?” He taps the porcelain cup with his metal fingertip. 
“Ha, no way. But I could find someone to come along. Just so you’re not alone. There’s a few guys at the restaurant I’m sure would go for a free meal or I mean I know other cute girls. I’m not picky.” 
He closes his eyes and a line forms between his brows. He pinches his nose and squares his shoulders. “Where the hell did you come up with the idea that I wanted to date?” 
“I...” you sit back and your smile falls. His blue eyes flick open as he drops his hand. The dimple in his cheek ticks. “I’m sorry, I thought it was—I was... trying to be a good friend.” 
He stares at you and the stone slowly eases from his jaw. He looks down and back up. He huffs. 
“I’m sorry, dreamy,” he says, “it’s just been a while for me. Not that I haven’t thought of it, you know? But I don’t know if I’m ready for that.” He shakes his head and glances around the cafe. “The last time I dance with a dame was a goddamn USO tour in 1945.” 
That hits you like a sixteen-wheeler. You didn’t know that. You didn’t think of it. He’s been in this world for a while and he’s handsome and a superhero! You just though he’d have lots of people interested. Charlize sure seemed excited when you asked. 
“And now you’re looking at me like I’m a loser because I haven’t kissed a gal in 80 years--” 
“No, you’re not a loser. If you are, then I am.” 
“Come on, you don’t gotta--” 
“Really. I never kissed anyone. Not lying.” 
He shakes his head and scoffs, “oh no, you’re not lying to make me feel better.” 
You put on your most sober face, “Bucky, I swear,” your cheeks burn and you put your hands on your neck. “I mean... it would be nice I’m sure but it just never came up.” He looks at you quietly. You squirm. “I know you can hear that I’m telling the truth.” 
“Yeah, I know,” he accepts at last. He crosses his arms and clicks his tongue, “fine. If you’re going to suffer through it, I will too.” He looks away as his jaw tenses, “if you’re going to keep pulling that puppy dog face, one day, it’s gonna wear off.” 
“Yes! Bucky’s got a date! Bucky’s got a date!” You sing out of tune. 
“Stop,” he snarls and narrows his eyes at you. You wince and giggle.  
“Yay!” You put your hands up in a demure celebration and he tuts. 
“You’re so cheesy,” he sneers. 
“And you’re a party pooper. No moping on date night, got it?” You try to put on a stern face and he squints even harder. Finally, he cracks and gives a chuckle. 
“You’re ridiculous,” he sniffs. “You and tough, don’t go together.” 
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tikkunolamresistance · 18 hours
so i wanted to say i understand your pov on that post even if i disagree with it, but running an account like this one means you do need to be careful who you reblog from. and that means that yes, you do need to make a bit of an effort.
you could be reblogging nazis, or people who actively support hamas if you don't check who you reblog before you platform them on an account like this. it takes a minute to check out an account before you just hit reblog.
it's understandable to not do it on a personal account, but this is a public one that was supposed to be a place without propaganda. platforming people who post propaganda because you happen to agree with one post they made is still platforming people who post propaganda. there are many nazi and pro hamas accounts who have circulating posts.
"i'm sorry this bothered you." i'm not bothered lmao. i'm disappointed in an account that was supposed to be a place that didn't do what the previous account did.
i wish you luck, i just don't agree with running an account like this one and not checking who you reblog.
i would like to go over the series of events that prompted you to say this to me.
i reblog a post that i agree with. you reblog to disagree, derail the post by mentioning israel and accusing op of terrorist sympathizing, then tag me to call me out for not checking that every blog i reblog a post from meets your expected standards for my blog. my blog.
i am someone that you have spoken to personally on here and discord and now you have the audacity to try and call me out publicly? what’s with that? if you are concerned with who i’m reblogging from this was not the appropriate way to go about it and i am embarrassed that i even have to address this with you.
i was going to message you privately but fuck it. you made this public.
my personal account is also public. this blog isn’t a news source, i’m not a teacher, nor do i have the responsibility to check every blog i reblog from. i am a stranger on the internet cultivating a blog of topics i think my followers would like to look at/engage with/be interested in in any capacity.
i’m not living my life with hyper vigilance for fucking tumblr. the fringe website. i already think too much about the person sitting next to me on the bus let alone every. single. account that i reblog from.
take this ‘holier than thou’ attitude away from me i am absolutely sick of it.
if anyone else has any issues with the people i reblog from, that is entirely a you issue. unfollow me like she did.
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ghouldtime · 2 days
Hiii it's me again lol
Okayokay, so I just finished reading your rant on the COD fandom's unique choice of pet names, and I'm gonna be straight up and say I'm going completely off topic and INSTEAD veer off to a side thing you pointed out to give my own opinion! This is a kinda hot take so I'm just screaming into the void hoping someone shares my thoughts 🖤
Sooo we all know the Ghost comics released alongside the OG MW2. I personally haven't read it due to the TWs but I've seen enough screenshots and summaries to get the gist of what happens. HOWEVER I believe those comics are only canon to 09 Ghost and doesn't apply to reboot Ghost, and this is what I meant about it being a hot take cuz almost everyone in the fandom agrees the comics happens for both. And I can definitely see why! I mean, we didn't exactly get any concrete backstory regarding reboot Ghost, so anything goes.
Where I stand on the line, I'm a firm believer of reboot Ghost being Just A Guy™️like he had a (relatively) chill childhood but there are some things that stay the same with the comics. Like Tommy scaring him with the skeleton mask when they were children, and Simon enlisting after the 9/11 attack (not sure if those are canon, it's just what I've heard so please correct me if I'm wrong). No abusive father, no Roba, no Christmas trauma. Sure it makes him less interesting but I find it pretty amusing how the person wearing a skull print balaclava has no real reason behind wearing it other than it looking cool lmao
Anyway, yap fest over! Hope you have a wonderful day/night and remember to hydrate! 🖤
- Biscuits 🌺
SALUTATIONS it's good to see you again, I hope you're doing swell as well :D 💚💚💚
Technically, what you're saying is true!
The '09 comics pair with the '09 character and are indeed cannon for only him as far as I'm aware (someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). The reboot lacks a true significant backstory. As in, if you search it up, you basically get "he joined the SAS and is super cool and is great at doing cool soldier things and probably can do a sick backflip". What we know about the reboot is basically what we experience in game. And until we get either another game focusing on his earlier life or have confirmed scenes of it, we really don't know.
Personally, how I distinguish "Ghost" as a being is as three versions.
You have '09 Ghost. '09 Ghost is the one we experienced in the OG games and the comics. He's the dead one - and the one with the actual official backstory. Those are both cannon and are tied to him as a character.
You then have Reboot Ghost. Reboot Ghost is, as the name entails, the reboot alone. Basically, what we have of him and know of him is what we experience in game. Technically, we don't know his backstory and the full extent of his life. Is it similar to his '09 counterpart? We don't know. He's kinda the "What you see is what you get". There's some things implied with his dialog but most of his story is up for debate.
And then we have what I'm calling Fandom Ghost who is the most common variant. Fandom Ghost is neither the reboot nor the '09 version - he's a middle ground. He's what everyone is thinking of when you hear 'Ghost'. Usually how I've seen him portrayed is the reboot with the '09 backstory or some semblance of that.
(Side note: I know it's quite typical to specify when you're referring to '09 Ghost specifically because he does, of course, have a very different history and outcome. Not to mention, the dynamics with him and Soap are very different than in the reboot which is another reason why people usually clarify and go "This is who I mean")
I've never actually seen a TRUE reboot Ghost that wasn't fandom based or fanon in writing, now that I think about it. Probably because it's not that easy to write about a character in a limited sense where you don't know much about them and you have to stick to the limited material you're given.
A lot of COD operators lack a significant backstory outside of their military history. That's mainly done because they're videogame characters of a military, shooting focused game and they don't usually have the time to go into depth as to why that character is the way they are. They're primarily soldiers who are saving the world and playing their role. You might see snippets here and there but the focus isn't on their background or the inner workings of their character in a very personal way, aside from what is revealed on missions to add a natural perspective and make them see more human
Because it's not like in the middle of a life or death situation you're going to sit down and explain that you had a dog growing up, you had three sisters, your favorite drink is Baja Blast, and you have a lifelong fear of Burger King.
'09 Ghost, however, we GOT a backstory. We were given something to work with. Clinging to that or melding it with the reboot, who lacks a backstory, is what a lot do because it's trying to make use of the best source material we got until we can maybe get something else too. Personally I was a fan of that backstory because it DID add depth to him, significantly so. I liked it.
Additionally, I think a LOT of people go that route too because it's something that's quite easy to look up so they don't need to make something themselves
(This is an entire theory and me putting on my tinfoil hat: There's a lot of people in the COD fandom who are just here for the big beefy men and don't do their research, haven't played the games - they're just assuming things. And when they see the fandom Ghost, they just assume it's true, and it spreads when they write their own stories. I hope this doesn't read like I'm trying to gatekeep or 'HOW DARE YOU NOT KNOW EVERYTHING' or 'you're not a true fan unless-', cause I really really really do not care. Do what makes you happy, but I'm going to avoid reading what I feel mischaracterizes him for sexual purposes alone hardcore)
I also like to imagine that maybe the team doing the reboots has enough common sense too to not entirely scrap such a backstory as hey, it IS interesting, so there's a strong possibility that reboot might share some origins. Kidding, I'm being fully delusional here and know they won't do that and will likely just ruin it and I'm hoping they don't have a chance. I know any new one they come up with -like the writing in the last campaign -would be utter carbonated hot dog water and I do not trust them at alllllll. I'm refusing to accept reboot Soap's death but that's a rant for another time
That being said though, there's technically no correct backstory yet for Reboot! Ghost aside from what we already know. Anything that adds backstory or melds anything else to him is making him fanon/fandom!Ghost (which is by far the most common iteration and the one people default too)
I love when people give him, and other COD characters, happy or somewhat not dramatic backstories. They already have enough going on with the wars they're thrown in, I live for them having a scrap of happiness and normality. I can't blame people for not wanting to write or deal with heavy backstories and it's nice to see variety and is SO super valid.
But at the same time, I also do like his OG backstory, I love seeing when people dig deeper into the gritty stuff too, exploring that side of characters because not everyone has the best life growing up. And joining the military and when they join can be telling too about their home life
Variety is the variety of life and when there's not exactly a cannon, then I love seeing people make their own reasonings and conclusions and write fanfics with their own theories. It's SO fun to explore what other people think and it really results in some of the sweetest fics that dive more into depth than the official writing team ever could hope to
The Ghost that I write are usually AU Ghosts anyhow so it allows me more flexibility in what I write. BUT if I'm writing for Ghost, I do the blend where it has more of the '09's backstory but his reboot vibes. THAT BEING SAID
I love making him just, A Dude©, still despite that. Having a bad past doesn't make him any less of a person - nor does it make him this ultra mega tough dominant edgy sigma bad boy. He's literally just a GUY. Sure, he has extensive SAS experience and training to boot. Sure, he's easily one of their top soldiers. He's a stone cold killer when he's Ghost. He's there to do the job.
But Simon? Simon's just a dude, like everyone else - they all are at the end of the day. Sure, they have their own personal struggles and do have to go through a lot, but they're still people. He goes to the grocery store and is genuinely confused about all the options of milk now (how the hell did they milk HEMP). He still makes his bed and has to fight the fitted sheet to stay on, using his size and strength to force it in place before it can do 'the thing' that all fitted sheets somehow do. He bought a bird feeder so he could watch the wildlife as he drinks his tea for breakfast. Speaking of tea, he has a whole collection! And the good shit, you know he won't settle for any less.
He's just A DUDE© at the end of the day and I love those mundane things because hell, he needs them to still feel human and to be reminded exactly what he's fighting for
I just find it so silly and ridiculous when he's consistently like "I'M Batman: I AM THE NIGHT" sheer dramatic levels of broody in stories or when he's put in as this mega dommy bad boy who is 6'5", growling constantly, and is like the posterchild for a wattpad biketok fanfic.
Lmaooo be for real, he's out here doing arts and crafts to make his masks. He has a whole paint collection and everything. He went into the craft store for paint and came out with two new hobbies and no, I'm not listening to anyone who says otherwise
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