#i just think carter is very cute and makes him laugh.
likedovesinthewindd · 1 month
can u write a fic about going on honeymoon with art🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 just something cute about how he is just lovesick for reader and they can’t keep their hands off each other
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A soft nudge at your side makes you sit upright, the floppy sunhat on your head titling down into your eyes from the movement and obscuring your vision. "You fallin' asleep?" Art asked softly from your side as you fixed your hat before turning to your husband.
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
The steady rocking of the boat paired with the calm hissing of the ocean's waves is slowly but steadily lulling you to sleep, but you've been fighting against it. You wouldn't dare fall asleep when the moment was so perfect, when you wanted every second of it memorized and burned into the back of your eyes so that you could relive it for the rest of your life.
Husband. The words still felt so foreign in your mouth. The playful banter and unnecessary referrals to Misses Donaldson had been fun and lighthearted, but it carried a stronger weight once you'd become quiet and realize that Art was now your husband and you were now his wife. Bound together with the rest of your lives to share.
You shake your head at his question, deciding to take the hat off completely and place it next to you, seeing as the sun was not shining as harshly as it had earlier this afternoon. You spare him a smile, hand rubbing over his knee that was nudged into your thigh. "I'll admit, I'm a bit tired, though. It's been a long day," you say, and he humms in agreement. "We can take a nap when we get back," he says. The sound of the ocean and the warm, late afternoon breeze lulling you to sleep sounded so very appealing, so you nod in agreement.
You look up at him once again, your heart swelling with love as you took in his perfect features. Perfect and all yours, you thought to yourself.
Your other hand reaches up to push back some of the hair in his face before it drops to the side of his face, holding him lovingly and gently as you thumb smoothed across the apple of his cheek. "You're so handsome," you said with a dreamy sigh, watching as he smiled coyly at your doting words.
He turned his head in your grasp so that he could press a kiss to your open palm, gently grabbing your wrist to bring it to his mouth and pressing kisses to your fingertips as he held your hand in his.
He turns your hand around in his grasp, his gaze falling down to the impressive rock on your finger, pride swelling in his chest, knowing he was the one that got to give it to you, that got to make you his. He presses a kiss to your ring before he presses a few more to the back of your hand. "You make me so happy," he speaks against your skin, the feeling of it tickling you as his words settle in the pit of your stomach. "I'm so glad I married you," he adds, pressing a kiss to your wrist now. "Me too," you smile, looking down at him adorningly.
"Wanna marry you again," he says, now slowly trailing kisses up your arm. He presses one to the inside of your elbow, and you giggle. "I don't think we have the budget for that," you retort dryly, and he humms against your skin. "We could make it work," he responded, before trailing kisses further up your skin, warmed from the sun and smelling of coconut and sunscreen.
He kisses into the dip of your shoulder, lips trailing up until he's kissing and biting at the sensitive area behind your ear, making you mewl. He delights in the soft sigh he gets out of you, smiling against your skin at the sound. But before he can get too carried away, you gently push him away, laughing at the dissatisfied look on his face.
"You can wait till we get back," you smile, giving him a chaste kiss to try and take away the pout on his face. It works, but he's already moving to give you another kiss, this one much more passionate than the one you had given him. Your arms wrap around his neck as he kisses you with a fervency, and his hands go to grab at your legs before he's placing them into his lap.
When you finally come up for air, he's got a dizzy look on his face, cheeks so red that you didn't know if was from the sun or the kiss, and a dopey smile that made the apples of his cheeks ball up. You make yourself comfortable, basically sitting in his lap as you lay your head against his chest and let the sounds of the sea and his heartbeat soothe you once again.
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nonotnolan · 11 months
Group Project
"I don't care if most people skip this step," Aiden said, taking a pre-swap photo with Nathan. "I still don't completely trust Swapper technology, just... I don't have many other options. Professor Carmichael has been riding our asses all semester, and this damn group project is worth 50% of my grade. I, uhh... I appreciate you doing this for me."
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"You're the one paying me," Nathan said, grinning into the mirror with two thumbs up. "As long as you follow the basic rules, I don't really care what sort of extra safeguards you want to throw in. And don't worry, I think it's cute. Commencing swap... now."
Aiden barely had time to panic before he found himself staring up into his former face. The biggest shock was feeling Nathan's coiffed hair brushing against his forehead. The nerd came well recommended by Frat Row-- at this point, he probably spent more time outside of his body than inside of it. Certainly it hadn't been Nathan spending time at the gym to earn these arms. He had graduated college last year, but instead of getting a full time job, he hired out his services to anyone who needed to pass tests or make presentations. At $500 per swap, the legality was the only barrier to making it into a career. "So, you remember the rules, right?" said Aiden's body.
Hearing his voice like that was incredibly odd. "Yeah, we've got to stay swapped for 48 hours or else the Campus safety test will know we used our Swappers. You aren't liable if you get caught, I already paid you up front, no refunds. We had to jailbreak our Swappers to override the 12 hour standard limit, so I'll get arrested if I try to contact customer service. Anything else I'm missing?"
"No hard drugs, but any amount of sex and alcohol is fair game," Nathan said, as he reached into Aiden's waistband to fondle his new package. "Nice dick, my guy," he said, giving him another thumbs up. "That's gotta be, what... at least seven inches?"
Aiden blushed, deeply embarrassed to see his body acting so corny. "A bit under seven and a half, yeah," he said. "Aa-anyway, I'll be at the house if you need me."
"Have fun," Nathan said, giving him an exaggerated wink and slapping him on the shoulders. "I've swapped with several of your brothers. I know you're gonna have a good time."
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Preston was outside, taking advantage of one of the last warm afternoons before fall turned into winter. "Damn, bro, you hired Nathan? Looks like someone was worried about failing their classes. So, who are you?"
"It's Aiden," I said, feeling very self conscious about my newer, frailer body as I found myself staring at Preston's hairy chest.
He just laughed. "Wait, Aiden? I didn't even know you had a Swapper! Damn, dude, you must be desperate to pass."
"I... yeah," I said, avoiding eye contact. Was Nathan a gay man? That was fine if he was, just... did that sort of thing stick to the body? He'd never really noticed the cleft of Preston's chin before, but he was-- Nathan's body was-- incredibly horny.
"A word of advice, Newbie," he said, sitting down his book. "Most of the Swapper nerds, or at least the ones worth hiring? They're gay men. Don't try to fight it. Just enjoy the ride. You'll be back to your no-homo self in 48 hours." He flexed his chest, letting his pecs bounce. "Or maybe you'll be a bit more worldly," he said, laughing as Aiden tried not to sneak a glance. "Getting a compliment from a gay dude feels real good."
Aiden practically sprinted toward the main doors, eager to escape the awkward situation. "Yeah I'll keep that in mind thanks bye," he muttered, cursing Nathan's gym shorts and their inability to hide an erection.
"Well, damn bro, look who it is! Someone hired Nathan!"
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Sitting over in the lobby were two other guys who were using their Swappers for the weekend. The guy in black was probably Carter-- the dude had a lot of Puma gear, and it was possible he'd changed shirts at some point. Besides, it was hard to imagine anyone else scowling that hard. The blonde guy, however... that could be anyone.
"Uhh, hey... guys..." Aiden said, quickly learning that Nathan had a foot fetish. "You, uhhh... you also have a group project tomorrow or something?"
The blonde guy just laughed, closing his laptop as he stood up. "Oh, I've got a group project in mind, alright. I was just telling Carter here, even though both of us look like twinks, neither one of us are really bottoms. But with Nathan's body here, well... I think that solves our problem. Don't you?"
He nodded, following wordlessly after the two men as they entered the nearby library room for more privacy. Just enjoy the ride, Preston had said. Aiden suspected he was going to be doing a lot of riding tonight.
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mr-yuugo · 3 months
Special Someone
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-Jamil Viper X Reader [Gender Neutral]- [Fluff]
Words: 938
Summary: During a tour of Silk City Jamil and his friends run into you.
Posted this on my AO3 account as well as Wattpad!
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Najma smiled at Jamil as she began getting dragged by her friend so they could have fun together. "Alright, I'll see you later Jamil." She told him as she began to leave. She also looked over at the other Night Ravel students and told them goodbye.
She paused in her steps for a second before turning abruptly. "Oh and make sure to visit Y/N. I'm sure you are dying to have a chance to go talk to them!" She snickered as she winked at him before she and her friend went running as they laughed. He looked to the side embarrassed as he murmured a quiet okay.
He let out a sigh and jolted as he felt a hand go on his shoulder. "So Jamil! Caycay is picking up that you have someone here in the scolding sands that you haven't told us about!"
Jamil grimaced as he looked at Cater. "Oh please Viper, now I am intrigued as well," Malleus smirked as he placed his hands on his hips. Yuu jumped up, "Oh! is it perhaps a special someone?" They smiled.
"Well for starters it's no one important... let's just keep going with the tour." He sweated as he walked in front of them hoping they would drop the conversation.
He closed his eyes for a second though a chill soon ran through his spine as he saw Grim talking to someone a few food stalls ahead.
"Mhyaa!! I want another one!" Grim said as the person in front of him gave him another piece of dried-up fruit. "You're just so cute!" You laughed as you kept feeding Grim's black hole of a stomach.
The others saw the scene going on as their eyes drifted to Jamil. "Is it just me or is that Jamil's special someone? What crazy luck we have have!!" Carter giggled.
"By the way Jamil's blushing I think it is!" Yuu laughed alongside Cater. "Oh please just be quiet..." Jamil murmured out. You began handing Grim more dried fruit as you looked past the tiny mage and your eyes lit up. "Jamil!!" You called out as you waved at him.
"Would you look at that? They seem very happy to see you, Jamil." Trey teased. Malleus patted Jamil's shoulders. "It's disrespectful to keep them waiting." He smiled as he walked past him, the others doing the same so they could go find out more about his special someone.
Jamil sighed as he fixed his posture before he started walking to catch up with his friends. You were already talking to all of Jamil's friends, introducing yourself to them. Jamil finally got in reach and you smiled widely.
Between you and him was your fruit stall, a number of different types of fruits placed nicely on the table. As you smiled your body bent over the table slightly, your arms extended as you quickly clung to his body.
You gave him a big hug and he began to stutter. The table moved a bit as a few pieces of fruit fell. To which Grim greedily picked up and ate. "Oh, Jamil! I'm so glad I got a chance to see you!" You beamed as you let him go, your hands sliding down his arm and finally you took his hands in yours.
Cater, Malleus, Trey, and Yuu watched in surprise at your interaction. Trey looked away feeling as if he were interrupting something. On the other hand, Cater and Yuu had small blushes on their face. Almost letting out a squeal as they looked between the both of you.
Malleus just stood there in silence as his mouth fell open.
"I missed you so very much..." Jamil whispered as he tightened his grip on your hands. You nodded your head. "So did I." You smiled as you slowly let go of his hands. You then turned to Jamil's classmates who had then told you more about themselves. The whole time Jamil just looked at you and only you.
He loved watching you talk and it made him happy that his friends were making you feel comfortable enough so you could converse with people you don't know. "Ah, I see so you're also in the same club as Kalim! I hope he isn't too much trouble." You laughed as they told you about their own school life.
Jamil snapped out of his daze when you mentioned Kalim. "We're losing track of time!" He freaked out as he realized they had been too caught up in talking with you.
"I'm sorry didn't mean to hold you guys back." You smiled as you waved your hands out in front of you apologetically. Yuu shook their head. "Nonsense Y/N!"
"Yeah, I don't see the harm being a few minutes behind," Trey said. Jamil let out a sigh. "We should get moving though. We're supposed to be meeting up with Kalim in a bit."
You nodded your head. "Well, I hope to catch you guys for the fireworks at least." They all nodded their heads, looking forward to you joining them later in the day.
They began turning around to leave but you told Jamil to hold on a second. "Well?" You asked him with a grin. "Well, what?" He mumbled. You looked surprised for a second before he laughed. He leaned in and gave you a kiss.
"I'll see you later." He whispered out. Once you separated you told him to extend his hand. He did and you gave him a little clear bag tied with a ribbon. Inside were different types of dried fruits.
"Make sure you give them to the little mage." You chuckled.
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babiebom · 1 year
Would I Give Them Head(dbd edition)
A/N:I did a Stardew valley version and thought that it would be cool/funny if i did it for all of the things I write for! Again this is only for the males! And it's just for fun! Both killers and survivors
Tw:sexual content,cursing
Genre:headcanons? Shitpost.
Wc: 2+ for each character!
The Mastermind/Albert Wesker
Only in a hate sex situation
I severely dislike this man
I do not care that he is blonde and British I HATE him:(
The Dredge
Absolutely not wtf
I don't wanna hear tortured screams thanks
The Blight/Talbot Grimes
I do not enjoy his drippy face
It's icky
The Ghostface/Danny "Jed Olsen" Johnson
I think we have already established that I'm a Ghostface girlie
Would give him the best sloppy toppy I could
Is allowed to kill me after I do not mind
The Doctor/ Herman Carter
Not unless I had to
His face scares me and I hate his laugh
I would also dislike him as a person
The Clown/ Jeffrey Hawk
And when I say thia I mean all the disrespect
But i hate this stupid clown
He makes me want to be violent
The Trapper/Evan Macmillan
I feel like he doesn't wash himself properly
So no
Probably is filthy
The Wraith/Phillip Ojomo
Not my favorite but due to his backstory I feel bad for him
So maybe a friendly handjob
The Hillbilly/Max Thompson Jr
I say this with NO disrespect
But he does not bathe
And while I love him I am not putting that anywhere near my mouth
Will give him a handjob tho
The Oni/Kazan Yamaoka
Yeah sure
He is large and in charge
Also has to be clean? I think he might be clean
The Nightmare/Freddy Kreuger
I would however like to punch the side of his head so hard it caves in
He deserves to have it cut off
The Twins/Victor Deshayes
This is a child
The Cenobite/Elliot Spencer
The chains are kinda kinky
So yeah
Also him tummy out and I think its cute
The Nemesis
Stinky dead man
His tentacle things make you sick he needs to stay away from me
The Executioner/Pyramid Head
he is one that is allowed to be dirty
He is so attractive and he doesn't even have a face
He just walks around with that big ass sword knife thing and his hips amd im sold
I'm down bad
The Legion/Frank
Probably not
Isn't he like 18?
Too young for me
The Legion/Joey
Again too young for me
So no
Like im sorry but they're literally described as teens
The Cannibal/Bubba Sawyer
Like Maxie
Its not that i hate him its that he's stinky
So handjob it is
The Knight/Tarhos Kovács
For the following i think they're all stinky
BUT Tarhos is different
Simply because I do like the Knight x Princess trope and I would like to be the princess
So I guess yes
The Carnifex/Sander Rault
Hate him
Wanna smash a pallet on his bead
The Assassin/Durkos Malecek
Stupid man
Always is mean so NO
I will scream if he appears one more time
The Jailer/Alejandro Santiago
Maybe a handjob because I like his name
Its very cute
The Shape/Michael Myers
Unfortunately yes
Though I do hate the man because he literally instakills me
I cannot deny that I am attracted to him
The Deathslinger/Caleb Quinn
Peepaw does not get his Dick sucked by me sorry
He needs to be in a nursing home and have his shooting license revoked
The Trickster/Jiwoon Hak
Very attractive but also very annoying
The one killer I main
I would give him one the punch him immediately
The Demogorgon
This is bestiality
So no
Doggie does not get head from me
Does get head rubs tho
Maybe some belly rubs
The Singularity
I have no idea who this is where did it even come from
Is this a man or woman someone tell me
Also while I am a robot fucker I would have to say no
Jake Park
I had an immediate crush on him
He is also a loner type so yes
Absolute hawtie
Dwight Fairfield
Sweet sweet boy probably needs one
Would be so thankful that I HAVE to
Leon Kennedy
is this even a question fr?
Sexy sexy man
Only cop I will get on my knees for
David Tapp
Reminds me of family members
William "Bill" Overbeck
Naur eema
Maybe a handjob because why not i like his get up one time free perk
David King
Gives off bestie vibes
Would give handjob tho
Steve Harrington
Okay don't kill me
But I have never watched the tinger strangs
Aren't they in middle or high school
Absolutely not
Carlos Oliveira
I like his name it makes him seem attractive
So yes
Ace Visconti
Have a love hate relationship with this man
Will not have any part of me close to him in that way at all
Quentin Smith
An adult?
I think?
I have also never seen this movie I am so confused
Yes if adult no if younger than 21
Adam Francis
Sure I guess
I think it would be okay?
Jeff Johansen
He looks stinky but idk
I would give him a handjob
He seems cool and mysterious
Ash Williams
I do not find him attractive at all
I kinda dislike his face
Jonah Vasquez
He just seems stinky
Yoichi Asakawa
I had a big crush on him when I first played the game
Will get on my KNEEES FOR HIM
Felix Richter
Gives off sugar daddy vibes
Vittorio Toscano
Also gives off sugar daddy vibes
Why is be so attractive is it the hair?
Jonathan Byers
Again i have not watched the show
Are they not all teens?
I am so confused
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honeyxmonkey · 10 months
Douxie is always so incredibly fascinated by the way Carter’s brain works. Being soulmates with a telepathic mind link, he often gets a front show seat to the wildly chaotic randomness that is Carter’s brain. Sometimes when he's bored he'll just sit back and tune into the Carter Channel to see what's going on in the squirrel brain of his soulmate
Sometimes it's a side by side viewing of the Dinner Party episode of The Office while he goes through a terribly complicated math equation. Douxie follows along with a calculator and he's never surprised but always impressed that Carter never gets the math wrong. But also Carter’s brain is faster than a calculator so Douxie straggles a bit when he tries to follow along with the math
Other times it's just a repeat playthrough of one very specific song Carter heard 70 years ago
Other other times include, Carter consistently thinking "Douxie looks so hot today, I wanna kiss him", narrating Archie and Fenris' going abouts like a nature documentary in his own head in his best David Attenborough impression, or just a constant loop of "Archie’s cute liddle kitty piddy paws. Liddle toe beans smushums. Wanna gives him a lil kiss on the forehead between his liddle kitty ears".
All of these never fail to make Douxie laugh
He finds Carter's inner monologue extremely entertaining
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jahayla-parker · 1 year
Hey I love your writing and I think you would do a better job of putting my weird and wacky thoughts into words but I can’t get the idea of the reader being like super hyper and energetic and stuff and Freddy having to calm her down because she’s going to pass out other wise? Thank you so much, love your writing!! 😘😘
Supercharged Love : Freddy Carter x Reader
Description: 2k wc, reader is very hyper and energetic making Freddy have to calm her down every now and then so she doesn’t pass out. Fluff
Warnings: mentions of dizziness and worry of passing out, mentions of some drinking/wine, otherwise fluff
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“Freddddyyy!!!” Y/N’s gleeful voice called out as she sprinted down their hallway.
Her feet slid as they tried to grip the floor in order to stop moving, making Freddy chuckle.
“Darling, easy, easy” he smirked, his hands latching onto her biceps to halt her.
She grinned at him and quickly pecked his cheek, “can you zip me? I can’t reach it!”
Freddy nodded and laughed, “‘course, spin for me love”.
Y/n complied, spinning quickly to the music of Freddy’s laughter until she got dizzy.
“I meant spin around” he teased, stabilizing her when he saw her sway some.
“Ooo” she giggled with a shrug as she turned so her back was to him.
He laughed and placed a soft kiss to her bare shoulder as he carefully zipped her dress.
Y/n turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck, a wide smile on her lips as her eyes danced around his face.
“You’re so pretty” she smiled, “are you ready?!”
He blushed and nodded, “let me just get my keys, darling”.
“Oh, I’ll get them!” She offered, rushing towards the back door where their key rack was installed.
Freddy rose an eyebrow silently as he watched her, a smile gracing his lips.
“Got ‘em!” She called excitedly.
Freddy’s eyes nearly popped out of his head when he watched her turn around far too quickly, her ankle struggling to keep up in her heels.
Fortunately, it was stable enough for her not to notice and only made her giggle more before she rushed down the hallway again.
“I could’ve gotten them y/n/n” he sighed softly as she returned to him.
She nodded, kissing his cheek as she handed him the keys, “you would’ve been too slow!”
Freddy scoffed and promptly held her to his side knowing they had to go down a set of stairs to reach the car and he didn’t need her hyperness making her trip.
“Did you and Amita have a ton of drinks for brunch today?” He questioned kindly after he started the car.
“Hmm? Oh, no. I just had my waffle with strawberries and a tea! Why?” Y/n asked, glancing over at him.
He shook his head and smiled over at her before looking back at the road, “you’re just very, energetic, today love”.
“Oh” she mumbled, suddenly straightening her back and tucking her fidgeting hands into her lap.
Freddy’s brows scrunched together as he watched her try not to bounce in his passenger seat.
“‘ey, love, it’s not a bad thing” he promised, his hand reaching over and pulling one of her pinned hands out from between her thighs.
“It’s really cute,” Freddy grinned, “I just wasn’t sure what was driving that”.
She visibly let go of her insecurity and smiled, “oh. I don’t know, but not alcohol. Yet”.
Freddy shook his head as he laughed, “mmm yeah, you could clearly use a drink to let loose love”.
Y/n saw his smirk and smirked back as she shrugged, “I think so too”.
“Go ahead love, I’ll watch from here hmm?” Freddy encouraged, holding her heels in his hand as she stared at the dance floor.
She spun and gave him a kiss before skipping away.
He smiled to himself and took a few candid photos as she danced.
“You have a beautiful voice!” Y/n whined, holding the karaoke microphone towards Freddy.
He blushed and bit his lip nervously as he looked around the private booth they’d reserved despite knowing it was just them.
But as he looked into her cheerful hopeful eyes, he took the microphone from her.
“Love, how about you take a moment to catch your breath, then you can-“ Freddy suggested as he watched y/n struggle to breathe.
She shook her head and pressed play on the audio clip for the next chosen song.
“I stay out too late!” She scream sang into the microphone, spinning around on the platform.
Freddy smiled to himself but watched her cautiously.
“Can’t stop, won’t stop moving-“ y/n continued, still spinning and dancing randomly.
Freddy lunged forward as she lost her balance, barely reaching her when she was mere inches from the floor.
“Maybe for now you need to” he teased softly despite his panicked state.
She huffed but nodded, hands going up to her head as he raised her back into a standing position.
“Dizzy?” He questioned, eyes staring intensely at her.
“A little” she admitted with a small giggle.
“Alright, come now,” he told her, guiding her by her waist over to the sofa in the booth.
She plopped down and sighed contentedly.
Freddy stood before her for a few seconds, his worried eyes scanning her to ensure she was okay.
Then he joined her, his arm wrapping over her shoulder and tugging her to his side.
“I love how happy you are y/n/n, but you’re scaring the life out of me when you do that” he whispered as he rested his chin on the top of her head.
“Sorry” she hummed, playing innocently with the buttons on his dress shirt.
He pulled his head back until his lips could easily touch her forehead sand placed a tender kiss.
“You don’t need to say you’re sorry” he promised, “I don’t mind watching over you to ensure you don’t over do it and pass out”
“I wouldn’t pass out” she giggled, head tilted back to smile up at him.
He rose his left brow and shook his head playfully, “I’ve seen your poor ankles nearly buckle at least five times tonight, most of which were when you were in dangerous proximity to a hard surface you easily would’ve hit your head on. And you’ve hardly been drinking enough water or letting yourself breathe and heartbeat slow down since before I got home”.
She giggled and shrugged, “I’m in a good mood”.
He smiled as his fingers graced her cheek, “and I love that”.
“It’s just, today is such a good day, honey” she smiled back, tilting her head slightly yo the side.
Before he could respond, she tightly laced her fingers with his free hand., “You’re to blame anyways”
He gasped dramatically, “blame seems harsh. But please, do go on about how I made today a good day”
Y/n rolled her eyes lightheartedly at him, “well, you started it off so nicely by making me a mug of my favorite coffee (or other caffeinated drink), then I saw the sweet note you left on our bathroom mirror for when I got ready to meet Amita, then I found out you prepaid for Amita and I’s brunch, then you took me out tonight, all of which was so unnecessary but sweet”.
Freddy blushed madly and hid his face in her hair as he held her tightly.
“Darling, none of that is a big-“ he began.
“Shut up Carter” she warned as she sent him a stern look that only made him giggle.
She groaned softly and shook her head, “I know you do unbelievably kind things for me all the time, but I don’t know, it’s just been a really nice week, and I slept well, and today you just topped it off so perfectly”.
Freddy couldn’t hide his grin this time and began placing kisses all over her face.
“Hey! You said I had to calm down” she giggled, squirming slightly in his arms.
“I may have changed my mind” he smirked, continuing to try and cover her whole face.
“Are you ready for dinner?” He questioned, holding his hand out to her.
Y/n set both of their microphones down on the equipment table and interlaced their hands with an excited nod.
Freddy chuckled and led her out of the room and to the car.
“You doing alright, love?” He questioned as her head moved side to side slightly when she lifted her head back up from having thrown it back in laughter seconds before.
She smiled and blinked rapidly before giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up.
Freddy chuckled lightly and slid her glass closer to her, “you should drink some more anyways”.
Granted, it wasn’t water, but at least it was still getting fluids into her somehow.
Plus, he’d gotten her to agree to have a full glass of water after each half glass of wine.
“I love you handsome” she smiled widely as she set her glass back on the table.
Freddy grinned and but his bottom lip, “I love you too”.
“But, come on! If you run it makes wind hit your face and it feels so nice” y/n explained as she stopped running at Freddy’s request.
He sighed guiltily, not wanting to stop her fun, “you’re barely standing straight and I’m seriously worried about you passing out”.
“I’m not gonna pass out!” She argued, running again to try and get some more pent up energy out.
Freddy watched as she abruptly stopped in order to avoid a huge hole inthe sidewalk and then she turned to him Delilah with a weird expression.
“Y/n?” He called out, jogging with her heels swinging in his hands as he rushed to her.
“Maybe I am” she admitted, leaning over to support herself on the closet light post.
“What?” Freddy questioned, arms holding onto her as soon as he was within reach.
“Maybe I am gonna pass out” she hummed, a small frown on her lips
Despite his own heartbeat increasing rapidly and his uncontrollably wide eyes, he tried to remain calm for her.
“But you swore you weren’t, you little liar” he jokingly forced out, please when she laughed a little.
“I lied, but can you blame me? Your smile is so beautiful “ she grinned, “I’ve been watching it all night, hence the spinning around so often”.
He found himself blushing again but focused on getting her to the car safely.
“Do you want to stay here while I pull the car around for us, or-“ he began.
“Can I just snuggle against you?” She asked, her words coming out so quickly they mixed together.
“What was that?” He chuckled.
She bit her lip and took a deep breath to slow herself down, “can I just hold onto you as we go?”
Freddy smiled and nodded, shifting himself so that she could use him as support, “let’s go”.
“This works too!” Y/n exclaimed as she let her head hang out the window as Freddy drive.
He glanced over and laughed loudly before tugging on her arm, “get back in the car”.
“I get why dogs do this” she blurted, only causing his laughter to increase.
Once he got himself under control, he began tugging on her again, “ple-“.
“I’m in” she said, suddenly back in her seat properly.
He rose an eyebrow at her lack of stubbornness.
“I…” she mumbled shyly .
“Were you going to pass out again?” He pondered.
“It’s a rush, I didn’t think about that part of it” she admitted with a small laugh, “I’m done now though “.
Freddy chuckled and lifted the back of her hand to his lips briefly, “at least for tonight. You can do this all again whenever, just make sure I’m there to regulate it”
She knew he was being supportive but she could sense the underlying concern he still had, “of course, you’re the only one who gets me like this anyways”.
Freddy blushed again and squeezed her hand.
“Thank you for taking care of me tonight babe” she said, a small yawn following.
He gasped, “you’re tired?!”
“Shut up” she smiled.
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harlowsbby · 2 years
phoenix going back to school and telling his teacher and friends that he has a new baby sister🥹 “she has the same eyes and hair color as me! and her hands are very tiny because she’s a baby”
id love to read a fic of him telling everyone about the new addition to the family
Gonna love me
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Now that winter break was over it was back to school time for Phoenix he was beyond thrilled to tell his teacher and classmates about his new baby sister “Santa” gifted him.
“Okay class today we’ll be doing show and tell does anybody want to explain what that is?” Phoenix’s little arm went up high in the air he so desperately wanted the teacher to call on him.
“Yes Phoenix.” His teacher Ms. Honey laughed, Phoenix has always been a outgoing student he loved learning and helping his classmates.
“Show and tell is when you show the class something that is really special to you.” He blushed once all the kids started clapping at his answer.
“You’re right Phoenix that’s exactly what show and tell is all about so who wants to go first?”
Several kids in the classroom raised their hands but not Phoenix he wanted to go last and show everyone just how special his show and tell was.
“This is my favorite toy car it’s my favorite because my grandma and grandpa gave it to me for my birthday.” Phoenix’s friend Andrea told the class, all the kids aww’d at his red charger toy car.
A few more kids went before it was finally Phoenix’s turn he stood tall and proud before pulling out a picture frame with a picture of Venus.
“A picture frame is your amazing toy for show and tell?” One of the kids laughed followed by the other kids, Phoenix looked down at his shoes in embarrassment.
“Now Carter we don’t laugh or make fun of people, apologize to Phoenix.”
“I’m sorry Phoenix.” Carter huffed and mumbled.
“It’s okay Carter I forgive you.”
Phoenix looked back at Ms. Honey in approval to go ahead and show the class what he brought she smiled and gave him a thumbs up.
“For my show and tell I brought a picture of my baby sister Santa Claus gifted me.” Phoenix turned the picture frame around revealing a picture of him holding Venus at the hospital.
“Santa doesn’t give people bab-.” Carter interrupted but was quickly shushed by Ms. Honey.
“What’s her name?”
“Her name is Venus Marie Wyatt. She has the same hair color as my mommy and she has the same eye color as my daddy and I.”
“Does she have small baby hands?” One of his classmates asked and Phoenix nodded his head quickly and smiled as he remembered how small her hands are.
“Yes her hands are very tiny because mommy said she is a baby!”
“Sounds like Santa really gifted you the cutest baby sister didn’t he Phoenix?” Ms. Honey coo’d at him he smiled before placing the picture back into his backup.
After school Phoenix and his class lined up waiting for their parents to come pick them up.
“Phoenix your dad is here and your baby sister!”
“Ms. Honey can we see Phoenix’s baby sister?” Before Ms. Honey could object the kids were running over towards were Urban stood with baby Venus close to his chest.
“Whoa a bunch of little people everywhere.” Phoenix rolled his eyes at Urban’s comment.
“Daddy these are my friends and we had show and tell today and I told them Venus was my favorite gift I got from Santa, can they all meet her? Please daddy.”
“Of course but we must be very gentle and quiet.” The kids aww’d at Venus and mentioned she was so tiny and so cute.
“She has the chubbiest hands!”
“And chubby cheeks I love chubby cheeks.”
“I really like your sister Phoenix she’s super cute! Just like you.” Rosa one of the girls in Phoenix’s class complemented Phoenix his cheeks turning a bright red immediately.
“Thank you Rosa I think you’re super cute too!”
“Uh oh looks like someone has a crush.” Urban told you, when he got no response from you he looked over and saw you snuffling.
“Baby I know you aren’t crying over the fact that he has a crush.”
“He’s just growing up so fast!” You cried into your hands, Urban sighed and lowered his head to Venus’s ear even thought she didn’t understand him.
“Sometimes I think You and I are the only sane ones in this family.” He whispered into her ear making her squeal in agreement.
“I heard that Urban.”
“I’m glad you did.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent cuddling up to the fireplace together and Phoenix taking pictures of you all to show to his class the following day.
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emdeedot45 · 1 year
EmmaxAldon - To the Core
I loved the chemistry between these two in Fubar... couldn't resist writing a little something for them!
* * *
Emma sat on the steps outside the cabin, staring up at the stary sky. The past few weeks had been nothing short of weird.
After fleeing from the wedding, they’d ended up in a remote cabin the CIA had used as a safe house, while they awaited further instructions on what they needed to do next.
Standard procedure when your identity was compromised.
But that wasn’t really the weird part.
No, the weird part was the group of people she was with.
She had her team of course – her dad, Roo, Barry, and Aldon. Then there was her family too – her mom, Oscar, Romi and...
But then there was also Donnie and Carter. The two very unfortunate souls who were dragged into this complete shit show. They shouldn’t be here. Her worlds were colliding in uncomfortable ways, and she didn’t know how to handle it.
She’d worked so hard to keep Carter separate from her life in the CIA, and now it had all gone to shit.
But Emma was wiser now. Working with this team had somehow made her more self-aware. That she needed to own her decisions. That sometimes the ideals she built up in her head could never exist. Should never exist.
And that maybe the ideal wasn’t what she thought it was. Maybe the ideal was something else entirely. Something that had caught her completely off guard.
“Penny for your thoughts, Brunner?”
Emma turned her head and saw Aldon standing behind her, his hands shoved in his pockets.
There was no doubt that his stupid cute face was an ideal – especially when he looked at her like that.
She shook her head before turning back to look at the stars, “You don’t want to know.”
She heard the wood decking creek behind her before Aldon lowered himself down beside her. “Try me.”
Emma sucked in a breath, “I am... thinking about love.”
Emma turned to look at him with a teasing smile, “Yeah, love. You know that intense feeling of deep affection for someone or something—”
The corner of his mouth slowly tipped up, his eyes scanning her face.
Emma gulped.
How could his light perusal send her into an internal spiral? She was a spy for gods sake! She should be calm.
Then again, her dad was a prime example of how love had no rules. It wasn’t something we could ever control no matter how hard we tried. No matter how hard we tried to make love fit a mould that suited us.
“I know what love is, Emma.” Aldon responded quietly, his eyes still firmly on hers. “My mom always told me that love should rock your world to its core. It should rock it in a way you don’t ever want to come back from.”
“That’s pretty profound pooh bear. Didn’t you tell me that the only way to do this job was to not get attached to other people?” She said with a light laugh.
Aldon lifted a shoulder, “Just because I’ve never experienced love – or I’ve chosen not to experience it – doesn’t mean it doesn’t or cannot exist. Maybe it’s sometimes worth the risk. But I’m definitely open to have my world rocked.” He finished with a wink.
Emma let out a playful scoff and rolled her eyes. Trust Aldon to turn something sweet into something sexual. She knew in that moment that the CIA’s very own HIMBO struggled with vulnerability – and it was all too relatable.
He did have one up on her, however. He had been open with her in that bunker and in the aftermath. Talking about his past and his choices. About how she was making him rethink those choices. About how she was worth the wait.
And what had she done? Thrown it all in his face. Showing such little regard for his feelings. He wanted to be a choice, not an afterthought.
She wanted him to be a choice too.
And she knew that he could be.
“I think I liked the idea of Carter.” She blurted out, kind of unexpectedly. She figured if she’d started, she may as well continue. “Stability, normality, calm. I tried to force him into this ideal of what I wanted my home life to be but it just – it doesn’t exist. It can’t exist. Not in my world.”
“I think you can still have all of those things in this job. You just have to have it with the right person.” Aldon replied.
“I’m not sure what the right person could be in this job.”
“When you know, you’ll know.” Aldon replied with such conviction in his voice.
Emma looked at him. How could someone who had never experienced love be so sure? Then again, she wasn’t exactly a good example of what it looked like to love someone. What did she know?
“I’m really sorry, Aldon.”
Aldon raised a brow, “Looks like I’m the next stop on the Emma Brunner apology tour.”
She chuckled, “Looks like it. I was unfair to you. I used you without any regard for your feelings and I lied about it afterwards. It did mean something to me. I’m just still working out what.”
Aldon slowly nodded, “Maybe it’s the start of a love that will rock your world to its core.” He replied with a grin.
Emma let out a breathy laugh, “I think it would take a lot to rock my world given the life I live.”
Aldon stood up, walking a few paces in front of her. He turned around and placed his hands on his hips. “Challenge accepted.”
Emma was stunned to silence. This man was something else. Arrogant, indecent –
Who was she kidding?
He was confident, thoughtful, protective, sexy – and he just got her. He knew what she needed, and he understood her heart. Her flawed heart that just needed some work to get in the right place.
To get in the right place to love someone like they deserved to be loved.
“You’re confident. I’ll give you that.”
That was all Emma had in her to reply in that moment. The rest had to wait.
“I told you that you were worth waiting for, Emma. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give you a little nudge in the right direction.” He commented before he turned and started to walk away. He paused and turned around again, “How do you feel about being serenaded?”
Emma snorted, “Don’t you dare.”
Aldon nodded, “Hm. Thought so.” He teased with a wink before walking away again.
She was in trouble.
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honeymochibubbletea · 11 months
Helloooo dearies~♪ long time no see, huh? I’m back~!
I came here to explain (as promised in my previous post) better my bingo!
1° “phantasmo is going to kidnap Daisy and Squirt a lot, a whole LOT”:
Well, i guess this one is self explanatory, right? Hahaha! i just like to imagine Phantasmo doing your average villainous shenanigans.
2° “☆~T-oby and Squirt are secretly besties or are going to become secret besties~☆”:
I just think it would be cute and adorable these two being friends 🥹, that’s it.
I think they deserve each other, as friends, of course.
3° “there is going to have a woman who will hit on Carter… and Daisy will get MAD”:
I imagine Daisy being a very, VERY jealous person. (Especially of her man hahaha) Although i believe she tries her best to control her jealousy.
+ bonus points if said “woman” who hits on Carter is actually Phantasmo, lol
+ bonus points if Phantasmo didn’t had the intention to hit on Carter at first but then decided to do it just to piss Daisy off, lol 2x
+ bonus points if Daisy beats the shit out of Phantasmo
4° “There is going to have an EP where Phantasmo will be able to shrink Charlie… but he will also accidentally get shrunk in the process too”:
I dunno, i just really think shrinking Episodes are neat, i mean: imagine the shenanigans these two can get themselves into while being shrunken!
+ bonus points if these two bond, even if just a little bit, while being shrunken
5° “Phantasmo will somehow end up as Cortney’s science teacher”:
This one i would imagine (if it ever happens, of course) happening after Phantasmo have tried to kidnap Cortney (and having his ass beaten by Charlie, cough, cough). And, this would be another one of the his ideas: become Cortney’s teacher! And why you ask? So he would have a “slight” chance to discover Charlie’s weaknesses by trying to become “friends” with Cortney.
6° “Phantasmo will probably kidnap Barron’s niece (Cortney) and hold her hostage to get more information on how to defeat Charlie at some point in the story”:
This one was the first idea of the mad scientist. If this happens, i will scream and kick my feet in the air happily! :D (poor Cortney though)
7° “Phantasmo and Charlie will switch bodies and Phantasmo will 100% take advantage of the situation to cause chaos”:
I also guess this one is self explanatory, right? lol + Bonus points if Phantasmo steals various coffee sacks as “Charlie” and drinks it all, since, you know, as a ghost he can’t do that soooo… (give my poor guy a taste of happiness, he deserves it)
8° “Charlie is going to get very sick or will have her leg broken (thanks to Phantasmo, probably) and will need to recover… and of course, Phantasmo is either going to take advantage of that to try and defeat her or he will cause mayhem across Telltown while Charlie isn’t around”:
There’s nothing much to say here other than… this:
+ bonus points if Phantasmo eventually tries to take care of her… with ill intent, of course: like for example, try to poison her or amputate her leg. Hahaha! I even have an idea of the dialogue:
Charlie: Phantasmo, if you’re going to try to kill me then get out of my house.
Phantasmo: pfft, nonsense! I would NEVER try to do anything like that in your current state~ Charlie: Hmpf, as IF i would believe in you…
Phantasmo: Alright, now stay still~ *Phanta proceeds to pull out a chainsaw while laughing sadistically*
Charlie: CARTER! *Proceeds to roll out of the bed and crawl underneath it*
9° “Phantasmo will catch a cold (somehow) and will annoy Charlie to make her take care of him”:
This one i like to imagine that it would happen after the 8° one: after all, it is only fair that they take care of each other… right…? WRONG, and here’s why: + bonus points if Phantasmo was actually pretending to be sick so he, you guessed it, can strike Charlie when she least expects it! Hahaha
Aaaaand that’s it! I will continue the rest of the bingo on my next post! ;3
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That’s the Real Question
A.N: Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a great holiday!! 
Came up with two oneshots for Firelit Sky/ Al'ab Nariya event! My second most sought after event after Fairy Gala!! (Halloween would be third)
Mia gets to meet Jamil’s sister!! 
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist  
“Wa!! Are you the Mia Anderson?” 
Mia blinked as she suddenly had Najma standing before her with a huge grin. 
“Uh, yes?” 
“You are famous! Mia Anderson, the only non-magical student at Night Raven College and the only female to boot! I’ve seen you on Magicam. You blew up during Halloween last year!” Najma rattled off. 
Mia blinked, at a lost for words. 
“Najma, take two steps back, you are crowding her!” Jamil snapped. 
Najma obeyed, but still her eyes glittered, “Mia, I’ve always wanted to ask you....what’s it like?” 
“What is?” 
“Being the only female at an all male college, of course?” 
Carter wheezed while Trey’s eyes widened. Malleus only blinked and Grim looked unimpressed. 
Jamil snapped, “Najma! What is wrong with you? Stop asking stupid questions!” 
Mia was a little embarrassed by this, “Uh, I’m not sure how to answer that, actually.”
“Okay, but just answer me this! You are surrounded by all guys, surely you think some of them are cute!” 
“NAJMA!!” Jamil was almost ready to pop a cork while Carter laughed louder. 
“That’s quite a question….” Trey trailed off.  
“My brother is ugly as sin, so we won’t count him. What about the others?” Najma whispered, not being deterred, “My friends and I have always wondered what it would be like to be the only female amidst a bunch of guys. Come on, there has to be some benefits!” 
Jamil had enough and reached out to haul Najma towards him, “You can leave if you insist on being a nuisance.” 
Najma pushed back, “Come on, brother! I just a simple question.” 
“Sounds like a loaded one to me!” Carter cackled, “But now I’m curious! Mia, how is it being surrounded by all guys. I’ve never thought to wonder.” 
Trey shook his head with a sigh, “Don’t encourage this situation!” 
Carter crowed, “Come on, Mia!!” 
Mia glared, “Very tiring, sometimes. Like now….” 
Najma nodded, “I would think so. Having to be the voice of reason amidst a sea of testosterone. As young refined ladies, sometimes it’s asking too much.” 
Mia reached out with a fist bump that Najma gleefully returned. 
Jamil just sighed.  
“Is it truly that troublesome?” Malleus asked, looking distressed at the idea. 
Carter spoke up, “Having sisters, I can say, probably is sometimes. At times, they seem to get mad at me for simply existing.”
Najma glared, “I can promise you, it almost always something you did or didn’t do. But men can be so clueless sometimes that it’s irksome to us women.” 
Mia slid her another fistbump that Najma returned. 
“Why do I feel like I’m being ganged up upon?” questioned Trey. 
“That’s because we are.” sighed Carter. 
“But seriously, Mia, please tell me, do you find any of the guys at college cute?” 
“WHY are we back there again?!” Jamil cried. Why was his sister stuck on this? 
Najma growled, “Ain’t nobody talking about you!”   
Mia heaved a sigh, “Well, I will say…..” 
The boys perked up at this, staring at her intently. 
“You do not have to indulge my sister’s whims.” Jamil stated, providing her an out, he hoped she would take, “She doesn’t understand that she is making this awkward for all parties involved.” 
Carter gave a fleeting smirk, “I’m a bit intrigue, actually.” 
“Not! Helping!” Jamil bit out. 
“Thank you, but it’s not a problem. I am a young lady surrounded by young men. That’s a fact. But I’m not blind, just so you know. I can see…that’s all I have to say on the subject.” Mia gave a lazy ripple of shoulders. 
Najma giggled, “I know, right?! That’s exactly what I was thinking. In this kind of situation, you aren’t blind. It’s makes perfect sense.” 
Malleus blinked and cocked his head, “What...makes sense?” 
“I think I get it….” Trey trailed off. Don’t ask him to explain it though... 
Jamil just grumbled under his breath. 
“It’s girl talk.” said Carter, “Basically, in not so many words, Mia had acknowledged that she finds some of the guys on campus cute because she isn't blind, even if she would never come out and say so directly.”
“Ahh, I see.” Malleus murmured. 
Najma gave a wicked smirk, “But my brother isn’t one of them, correct?”  
Mia giggled.  
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janeykath318 · 11 months
Steve’s Christmas Miracle Chapter 6
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Darcy had returned to the office with a deep feeling of bittersweet satisfaction and a strange longing she hasn’t felt for a long time. She was pretty sure she’d broken rule number one and that was a huge no-no. She immediately requested administrative duties for the foreseeable future as she struggled to come to terms with having fallen in love with her mission.
She was stamping and sorting files morosely when Natasha came in.
“Hey, Darcy. You look like you’ve lost your best friend. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Darcy lied, stamping the file of one Glenda Adams as “FAILED”.
“Don’t give me that. I can read you like a book.”
“Then you already know what’s wrong,” Darcy said petulantly, stamping the next file with a little more force than necessary.
“Maybe, but you need to talk about it someday.”
“I know. It just hurts a little too much right now,” Darcy admitted.
“Well, I’ll be here when you’re ready. Michael would like to see you in his office, though.”
Darcy looked up in alarm.
“Right now? Am I in trouble?”
“Yes, right now. And no, you’re not. I think he just wants a little debriefing, that’s all.”
She sighed and stamped the last file.
“Alright, I’m going.”
“You wanted to see me, Sir?” she asked, upon entering Michael’s office.
“Sit down, Darcy. You’re not in trouble. Agent Carter was concerned about you and I wanted to make sure you’re okay. Some of these missions can be quite a lot emotionally.”
Darcy sat down and nodded, not able to look him in the eyes. She decided to just confess and get it over with.
“I told myself I wasn’t going to break any rules, it was gonna be by the book. But then I went and broke rule number one,” she admitted. “It physically hurt to leave him. I’ve never had that happen before and now I’m upset with myself. I should be beyond that kind of thing now. I’ve been here eighty years, after all. He shouldn’t be allowed to be that cute and kind and sassy.”
She buried her face in her hands, embarrassed at her word vomit.
“Darcy, you have nothing to be ashamed of,” Michael told her gently. “You helped Steve find his path again. It wouldn’t have worked if you didn’t truly care for him. That was why we picked you.”
“I didn’t expect to care for him that much,” Darcy said miserably.
“I know,” Michael told her. “Listen, I might have a very special assignment coming up for you, but it’s one that needs to be approved by Higher Up. So, be patient for a bit and keep your chin up. I’ll let you know one way or the other.”
Now, heavenly time does not run at the same speed as Earth time, so while Steve was running around bringing his newfound Christmas joy to others, Darcy was working away patiently for several weeks, wondering when she’d hear about this special assignment.
Natasha came in one day, eyes sparking with delight, and practically dragged Darcy back to Michael’s office.
Michael was beaming at her, and she felt like something wonderful was about to happen.
“Good news, Darcy! You’ve been approved for this very, very special assignment!”
He passed her a folder and she flipped it open eagerly, eyes widening as she read what it said.
“Are you serious? I get a do-over on life?”
“To put it bluntly, yes,” Michael confirmed. “Though be aware it will come with the pain and struggles of earthly life again. I’m guessing though, that you will find it to be worth it. Agent Romanoff, give her the teaser trailer.”
“With pleasure!” Natasha declared, waving her hand.
A series of images flashed across Darcy’s visions: laughing on the back of Steve’s motorcycle, the breeze blowing her hair, studying on a computer for a college class, graduating and receiving a congratulatory kiss from Steve that made her cheeks heat just watching it, a glimpse of a ring sliding on her finger, and then a little dark haired baby in Steve’s arms. Growing old and creaky with Steve and slow-dancing in the kitchen. She gasped when the images finally faded.
“I want it.” She whispered. “All of it. Even the bad stuff.”
“I thought that might be the case,” Michael smiled at her. “We will certainly miss you up here, but you’ll be back one day. In the meantime, go and enjoy the life you’ve always wanted.”
“Thank you, Michael.” Darcy abruptly got up and scooted around the desk to give him an impulsive hug, which he accepted good-naturedly. Michael really was a gem.
“Agent Carter will get your documents in order so you will be able to have proper government ID. Agent Romanoff, will you take Darcy to wardrobe? She needs something more practical and festive.”
“Absolutely. Come on, Darcy,” Natasha ordered. “We’ll get you all ready to surprise the heck out of Steve.”
Darcy quite liked that plan and they soon found her a very cute outfit of black leggings, green sweater dress and sparkly belt, and the cutest boots she’d ever seen. Natasha also packed her a suitcase with some fuzzy slippers and Christmas pjs.
“There will be money provided for you to buy the other things you need when you get to earth,” Natasha told her. “And here comes Peggy with your documents!”
“Lovely,” Peggy complimented. “Put this packet in your suitcase and do not lose it. These are very important for starting your new life and entering the workforce. And tell Steve to do you a solid and get dancing lessons.”
Darcy grinned as she packed the papers away. “I will. He’s got a lot of potential in those long limbs.”
Peggy snorted. “I like you, Darcy. If we’d have known each other in life, I probably would have tried to recruit you to the SSR.”
“Why thank you. I would have enjoyed that,” Darcy acknowledged, flushing a bit at the compliment. She knew Peggy wasn’t one to throw them out there without meaning them.
“Are you ready?” Natasha asked.
Darcy took a deep breath.
“Alright then. We’ll see you on the other side, Agent Lewis.”
As Darcy disappeared, Natasha stealthily stuck a bow on top of her head.
When she reappeared, she was on the porch of Steve’s little cabin. Taking a deep breath, she took in the wintry scene with delight, shivering a bit as well. It had been awhile since she’d felt cold.
She watched a motorcycle pull up the driveway and grinned when Steve pulled off his helmet. He came running toward her looking concerned.
“Darcy? How In the World?” he panted, stopping on the porch stairs, with a look of adorable confusion on his face.
“Merry Christmas,” she said, smiling at him a little nervously.
Steve’s confusion turned into a grin and he walked up to her and pulled something off of her head.
“Are you my present?” he asked teasingly, waving the red bow around.
She blushed and rolled her eyes.
“That was Nat’s doing. You know how she is.”
Steve laughed. “Yep. Seems about right. But in all seriousness, what’s going on?”
“Well, Steve. You’re not the only one who’s being given a second chance this Christmas. I haven’t had the ability to feel cold in almost a century, and here I am, back in a human body and getting goosebumps.” She held up her arm, shivering a bit.
Steve’s jaw dropped, but he quickly unlocked the door and steered her inside, piling her with blankets, then gently rubbing her cold hands with his.
“Are you saying you’re here to stay?” He asked hopefully.
Darcy was having trouble thinking coherently with him so close to her, but she nodded.
“I am. You’re gonna be my special assignment for the rest of our lives.”
Steve’s eyes twinkled and he smiled softly at her.
“I love the sound of that, Darcy. I might just have to kiss you now.”
“I’m on board with that,” she whispered.
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Second Chances in Secondary Education - High school au @eeliabwrites
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Maybe letting Carter walk her home had been a mistake- She could hear him coming up the stairs a mile off, barging into her room without a care in the world. You let a man walk you home once and suddenly her parents were singing his praises and inviting him in for every visit! She didn't know what he expected. Summer homework was strewn across the bed, completely ignored as she scrolled through her phone, a can of coke in her other hand. "Sylwia, I need to see you naked." Oh god, this again. "I know. You wrote it in my yearbook." She said, not bothering to look up. "So. . ." Leave it to him to take it as an invitation. "Carter, as you can see, I'm really very busy. Don't you have anywhere else to be?"
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"And the Prom King is . . . Carter Fray!" And maybe it wasn't a big deal, but all of a sudden, as the popular, pretty girls in the next group over began laughing at her and the Crowned Queen smiled, wrapping her arms around Carter, Sylwia felt like the ugly duckling. Black sheep. Whatever. The thrill of riding to prom with Carter, his invitation, all of it became a distant memory as jealousy spiraled. "Excuse me." She whispered, leaving her punch on a nearby table, not bothering to wait for the next song to come on. King and- and fucking Queen! Sylwia threw her keys as hard as she could, sighing as they hit the lockers with nothing but a short, jingle! What had she wanted from it anyway? Sylwia knelt, picking her keys back up before finding a quiet place to sit down, the light blue of her phone screen illuminating her face. She'd wanted to spend the night dancing and having fun. She'd told herself she wasn't going to do this all night, just . . . hiding. So much for that, right? Sylwia chuckled faintly, watching cute dog videos as Carter walked in. "Hey." She didn't think he had even noticed her leaving. Maybe he had to. Technically he was her ride back. "Why aren't you at the party? Weren't you having fun?"
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Something must have gotten lost in translation, because Sylwia wasn't exactly sure why Carter of all people was giving a speech, but she wasn't going to be rude enough to say as such. Not when her parents were here at least! Finally, people quieted down and Carter stood before them- "Oh my god." Sylwia covered her mouth, stifling her laughter while her parents steadily looked more and more outraged that they ever let the boy into their house. Associating with their daughter! Carter's speech was quickly devolving into being about hope, love, learning, and making out with her on her parent's bed . . . Mostly about making out with her on her parent's bed and all his grand hopes for the future.
Sylwia's biggest regret, as she waved goodbye to Carter, her father dragging her by the arm, was that this was one of the few moments in her life she hadn't thought of her phone- she hadn't gotten a recording!
"What did I even do wrong??"
"No one ever remembers those speeches!"
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nctnine · 2 years
@guiltskate​ asked:
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spring, 1983, does bloom always come with pollens?
the first week of spring and pollens are killing me. staying in bed is the only way to keep my eyes from watering and my nose from stuffing. i wonder if this body will ever learn to get over it. this happens every year! grow up!
i probably looked like shit when i showed up at the skating ring. carter came up to me, holding my face and asking if something happened. i told her it was just allergies and that she should keep some distance so i wouldn’t sneeze in her face, but she just gave me a pout.
poor thing, she said. i’ll show them!
and she did. yelled at the blossoming tree for like five minutes. i have never laughed so hard. she is so weird but also so funny. i just wish i wasn’t feeling so bad so i could have watched her skate longer.
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red-doll-face · 3 years
Hi! May I request to the Dbd killer's reaction to s/o slapping their booty headcanon?
Ooh sounds exciting! I hope you’re okay with how these are formatted, I’m just glad to finally be back on the writing horse, I was so busy with school. Finals are over tho so back on my bs 😪 I only did killers I like conceptually sorry
DBD killers x gn Reader smacking their ass
Evan ‘The Trapper’ Macmillan
Acts annoyed. Raises a brow at you, looking completely unimpressed. The type to use that as an invitation to slap you on your ass and pretend like he didn't do anything. Hey, you did it first, don’t look at him.
Philip ‘The Wraith’ Ojomo
High Pitched little scream. Whips around to face you, feeling like a scandalized old lady. Rubs his butt a little. How could you? He trusted you! Waiting in fear that you’ll do it again.
Michael ‘The Shape’ Myers
No visible reaction but his eyes widened behind his mask. You must be good to catch him off guard. Almost proud. Turns around very slowly and stares. That's your cue to run. He’s comin for that ass.
Herman ‘The Doctor’ Carter
Laughs. Turns around really fast and just does it back. Except twice as hard and with the zing of his electric shock. Laughs at the little noises and screams you make. Don’t start none, won’t be none.
Anna ‘The Huntress’
Gasps out in surprise. Turns around with a smirk on her face. Oh, you like her ass? She likes yours too. Man handles you into bending over her lap. Overkill on her payback.
Bubba ‘The Cannibal’ Sawyer
Squeals much louder than usual. He’s so confused. Did he do something wrong? He associates spanking with punishment. If you explain it’s because you think his butt is cute he’s gonna smack yours too.
Amanda ‘The Pig’ Young
Gets mad. Really? Her ass? Scoffs and flips you off. She’ll wait until you’re not paying attention to smack your ass so hard, probably has like some weird bdsm toy to do it with too, just to make you understand who's in charge here.
Kazan ‘The Oni’ Yamaoka
Kazan is a little surprised. It’s like a mouse attacking a lion. Why would you start this with him? Will need an explanation, afterwards nodding solemnly. Hefts you over his shoulder to get his payback in private. Careful what you wish for.
Caleb ‘The Deathslinger’ Quinn
WHat in gods name- Did not expect you to do that. Once he gets it, he chuckles and gives you a healthy slap on your ass back. Now that he knows that it's free game, he’s excited to do it more in the future. Get ready for the occasional ‘giddy up!’ everytime he does it.
Pyramid Head ‘The Executioner’
No visible reaction. He doesn't startle or shout, only a low rumble when he sees you standing behind him. Did you just smack his ass? Oh. Doesn’t seem to mind really. When you least expect it, his huge hand claps on your ass, practically sending you flying.
Ji-Woon ‘The Trickster’ Hak
Probably moans, like a weirdo. Says something lame like ‘harder’. You should regret ever doing it by the time he’s done. More likely to take this as an invitation to grope and spank you whenever he wants.
Nemesis T-Type ‘The Nemesis’
Nemesis is just ‘?’ Why would you do that. He seems uninterested in returning the favor but when you turn your back to him, one of his tentacles swats your ass like a whip. He might even let out something that sounds like a laugh
I hope you liked these! They were very fun to write and visualize 😂
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honeyxmonkey · 2 years
Daily Carterdoux PSA:
Douxie is a romantic. He's always doing the classic romance cliches with Carter. Flowers, gentle hand kissing, affectionate nicknames, etc. Any cliche romance trope you can think of, he's probably done it. Poems? Serenades? Check, and check. Douxie’s love language, in my mind, are acts of service and words of affirmation (this one is not as prominent as the first).
Whereas, Carter would very much rather just sit quietly and be in eachother’s presence. Don't get him wrong, he does adore how cute and romantically cliche Douxie is. But truthfully his idea of a romantic time really is just spending time together. Carter’s love languages are quality time, and physical touch.
This is what I mean when I say Douxie is a romantic
(Watch it its super cute)
Douxie: [dramatically throwing rosebuds in the air]
Carter: [laughing so hard he can't breathe]
Douxie, smiling like an idiot: will you be my valentine?
Carter: [still laughing because he loves his dorky nerd ass boyfriend so fucking much, he's so silly and he loves that about him]
Douxie doing anything he can to make Carter smile or laugh because Carter literally has the cutest fucking smile in the world.
Douxie has 100% written love songs for Carter
A few of them ended up as ADP songs
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Romeo and Juliet || Jock!Crush x Female Shy!Reader
FOR: @a-very-bored-blogger REQUESTED: Yes!
”hii may i request a jock male crush x shy insecure fem reader? if possible, smth abt the crush confronting the reader that she is much better than she think she is? tysm i love ur blog 💓💓“
I had fun with this! It took a bit of a turn, but I thought it was pretty wholesome.
TW: body insecurities
y/n l/n had never thought of herself as pretty, even though she sure as hell was. She had beautiful h/c hair and mesmerizing e/c eyes. yet she was so insecure. Seeing all the beautiful, thin, cheerleaders made her jealous and insecure, considering her crush was an athlete.
oh c/n c/l/n. He was hot. His gorgeous e/c eyes and muscular build, y/n thought it must be impossible not to fall for the cute boy.
But, would y/n ever talk to him? No. Would she consider it? No.
until one day, a very special day. A day where y/n liked her english teacher for once.
”Class! Today I will be pairing you all in groups of 5 to perform a short version of a Shakespeare play for class. Before you ask, I will be making the groups myself. Group one, doing Hamlet, will be Justin, Cassidy, Sierra, Carter, and Sophia. Group two doing Macbeth will be b/f/n, f/n, Jackson, Tony, and Juan..” the teacher went on, until y/n heard the play she wanted to hear.
”Group 4 Romeo and Juliet. C/n, Chloe, Mariah, Wilbur, and Y/N.”
Her heart was racing, she felt a little sick, but she also felt a little amazing. The thought of playing the love interest with c/n made her blush. The teacher handed scripts with pre-assigned roles to a group member.
”disperse!” the teacher yelled.
c/n ran to y/n with the scripts.
”Just so you know, I got Romeo and you got Juliet, and I don’t want you to feel awkward having to kiss me, so I can switch with Wilbur if you’d like-“ c/n started to say before getting cut off by y/n.
”oh- um, t’s okay c/n,” y/n said, sincerely.
”do you wanna rehearse after school? My place?” C/n offered.
Y/n nodded, her face the exact shade of a tomato.
later that day, y/n arrived at c/n’s house. She had dressed up a bit, and even put on perfume, something she rarely did.
y/n rang the doorbell and c/n answered.
”come in!” he said as soon as he saw her.
she entered the house. It was pretty big, and modern looking.
”should we go up to my room?” c/n suggested.
y/n nodded and they went up to his room. The to started to rehearse until they got to the “kiss scene“ as y/n called it.
they had gotten pretty far until c/n spoke, “then move not, while my prayers effect, I take.”
He gulped and leaned in to kiss y/n when she pulled away at the last minute.
”I-I’m sorry c/n. I can’t,” y/n said with a shaky breath.
”I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or something I can-“ he started to offer before y/n stepped in.
”it’s not you, it’s me. I just- when I think of Juliet, I picture a beautiful, perfect girl, with a perfect figure, and a perfect smile. and that’s not me,” she admitted.
”What do you mean y/n? You are beautiful. I’ve had a huge crush on you since the 6th grade. Kissing you is all I’ve ever wanted. You are beautiful, and you are the perfect Juliet,” c/n said with a slight smile.
”I-I’ve liked you since 5th grade, and you’re telling me this now?” she said with a laugh.
c/n smiled and laughed.
”can we chat more. over a date this time? Will you be my Juliet?”
”Only if you’ll be my Romeo.”
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