#i just remember her as really glamorous and funny
thursdayg1rl · 1 year
my mum seemed like such a cool person i wish i got to know her better
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r4izx · 7 months
Worth more than what you take me for.
ayato x gn!reader
summary: in which he had to choose between two people including you, in a life and death situation.
disclaimers: swearing (there's like one lol), kidnapping, ooc traveler.
4,032 words and 21,895 characters.
a/n: dayum. this took a while and i did not expect to write this much.
you've known ayato since childhood. your parents has been serving their clan for generations, being one of their most trusted allies. and you're no exception.
growing up with people with high authorities was such a privilege. you remember when you first met lord ayato and lady ayaka. they both were very the same yet so different. so elegant, disciplined and was well mature for their age. you felt some kind of barrier between you and the siblings but they turned out just as kind as they look. they were easy to converse with. naturally, after some time of serving them, you would have gotten closer. and in fact, you did. although you thought, you and ayato's relationship was... rather special.
for some reason, ayato treats you very differently compared to others. not in a bad way. he often calls you to his workplace, make you sit there and drink tea with him. he takes you out to go eat dinner at uyuu restaurant when you both have finished work. he requested you to be his personal assistant while ayaka had thoma. and because of this, you get to spend more time with him than anyone else. at the beginning, you always thought ayato would be a cold and strict person. but it turns out to be quite the opposite. okay- maybe he is more quiet and colder than others, but that's towards other people. especially to those he only has business with.
ayato is surprisingly different to what you originally thought. he would try to match your humor, often speaking informally like the way you would around your closest friends just to match with you. lately he's been spending his free time with you too. he noticed you liked tea a lot, much like him. so both of you had made it a habit to have tea at the estate's balcony while the sun is going down. watching the sunset together. it felt really romantic for you- but you quickly shook your head and remembered that to him- you're just his work partner. but is that really the case for him? because he was much more observant than you thought. especially about you. he notices any slight change in the mood with you. so there was a particular day when you were gloomy because of being so tired. but he noticed this immediately.
"Shall we take a break?"
-- and you don't know why but your heart skipped a beat when he said that. you thought it was funny-- how he would do all of this for you. and at times like these, you start to feel like a special person to him. just because he always relies on you compared to others. you thought you were special to him. until she came.
who is she? she looks so... bold and pretty. just one look at her and you can already tell she has a strong personality but has a gentle aura. her blonde hair swaying so glamorously in the wind. her otherworldly clothes making her stand out among people. the way she moves makes it embarrassing to stand beside her. she seems so... perfect in everyone's eyes. unfortunately, that includes ayato's. you don't remember having a guest in ayato's schedule when you were fixing it, so why's she here?
you found out the answer really quickly. everyone at the estate has been talking about her and... ayato lately. you don't know why though, which is weird- because as his assistant you should be the first to know about things regarding him. it's even weirder that ayato had not summoned you after work has ended. 'is this where our afternoon tea sessions end?' you thought to yourself. so you found it upon yourself to just be straightforward and ask others what's the gossip all about. luckily, there was another servant nearby. she quickly leaned closer to you and whispered.
"h-haven't you heard?... it seems that lord ayato had taken a liking to lady ayaka's guest."
you were surprised. really. it wasn't even his guest yet he bothered to entertain her. just who is she?
"who-... who is her lady's guest?" you nervously questioned.
"I heard it was... the traveler? was it? lord ayato visited her personally! they're just so perfect with eachother!- i can't help it." the servant squeals in excitement, contrary to your look in horror. you try not to make it obvious though. but you shouldn't even be feeling this way. why does it hurt? there's a sharp feeling on your chest that you just can't get out of. it just hurts to know the reason why he stopped your afternoon tea sessions, dinner hangouts, or just even talking with eachother is because of another girl! you were in no place to get frustrated since you were just a servant. nothing more, nothing less. to him.
you only see him through work now. the urge to invite him to a tea break and have a conversation with him while watching the sunset is getting stronger everyday. and who are you to resist?
"lord ayato... wou-" before you could even finish your sentence, he stopped you. your heart was beating so fast. 'oh no. did I do something wrong?' thoughts like these were circling through your mind.
"i told you to just call me 'ayato' y/n"
--and he chuckles a bit at the end. and so do you. you felt so... relieved. your worries instantly washed away. you felt at ease knowing that you are special to him. i mean- he doesn't do this with others does he?
"ah- my bad... but as I was saying, would you like to have some afternoon tea break with me? I mean, we used to do that everyday but it has been a while since we last did soo..."
and at this point you were so sure he wouldn't decline. he's been less busy this week, what could he possibly do that's far too important to even refu-
"my apologies, y/n. i've already scheduled a tea break with someone else this afternoon. maybe next time if i have the time. i promise i'll make it up to you. however, you could accompany us if you would like." and your mind. empty. the world seems like it stopped for you. not only was your only time to hang out with him gone but you were also replaced. all this time... he was with someone else. you had a gut feeling of who that someone else might be. but you couldn't hold a grudge, you have no right to.
"i-... i look forward to it." nope. you absolutely don't, look forward to it. that day will eventually come though. you just didn't expect it to come, three days later. how quick. you were filled with mixed of different emotions. you hate to admit it- but... you are jealous of who this person might be. but at the same time you're glad to just see ayato again! sadly, for work. when he summoned you, you thought-- 'oh is this finally it? will we finally hang out together again?' until you realize it's just that you will just accompany him to go to a somewhat date with someone else. compared to you and ayato just drinking tea at the estate's balcony, he had prepared so much as to have tea and snacks at the shore. alas, you could finally meet this person. once again. as you realize it was her. the traveler.
"traveler, did you wait long? i'm sorry, you could've ju..."
and their conversation went deaf on your ears. the ayato kamisato. speaking informally, and giving out tea invitations to the traveler. when it used to be you... why are you feeling like this? isn't it obvious. the traveler is way prettier, stronger and better than you. comparing yourself to the traveler is already such an embarrassing thing to do. no one could compare to her. she's out there defeating monsters and fighting archons. while you're here holding a grudge on a person who doesn't even know you just because you're jealous you were easily replaced. but who were you to be replaced when you weren't even his to begin with. this is why you feel guilty. because you think that you have no right to feel this way. it's just now that you realize how much of an overthinker you are. however your thoughts were cut short when you hear ayato calling out your name.
"y/n, i'll go to to the comfort room for a bit. please entertain the traveler while i'm away."
he says.
"understood." and so you take a seat at ayato's chair before. and despite not wanting to have a talk with the traveler, it is still your duty and you would not abandon it for just some mere feelings.
"greetings, i'm y/n. it's a pleasure to meet you traveler." you bow slightly and give the smile you usually show to guests. a smile you practiced countless of times infront of a mirror. "you might have not heard about me though. so allow me t-"
"oh i know. you're ayato's personal assistant. he mentioned it to me before." the traveler states. and you were genuinely shocked but also... curious.
"is that so?... then, has he said any other things about me before?" you nervously asked. though the nervously part may not be obvious to others. the traveler sees right through this. and she giggles. but nods. "would you mind serving me some tea? the tea ayato has been serving me is delicious however i've tasted it countless of times from our past tea parties. so I would like to have a different flavor this time."
the word 'countless' implies that they have been doing this for a while now and you already know that. but it still stirs a feeling of jealousy inside you.
"of course. luckily i brought a different tea flavor for myself as well. let me go get the ingredients from my bag." you return after brewing the tea and pouring it into the cups. how thoughtful that the traveler had already prepared the cups for you.
"this tastes a lot like lavender... melon." the traveler says.
"hm. because it is. you have a great sense of taste." you reply. from this point and so on, you don't really know what to talk about. the atmosphere is really awkward. but you still try to strike up a conversation because she is a guest.
"s-so... what brings you here to the kamisato estate?" you ask. in which the traveler replied with "originally, ayaka invited me. and ayato next." you don't know if it's just your eyes playing tricks on you or did the corner of her mouth raise upwards for a bit. you brush it off. maybe the grudge you have on her is going too far. i mean, it's not like you hate her though. but it's also not like you like her.
by now you've almost finished your tea. same goes for the traveler. you only had to endure a little bit more of this atmosphere and her because ayato should be back soon. so you lowered your guard and relaxed a bit. this whole time you only stared at your teacup, but it wouldn't hurt to take a glimpse at the traveler right? so slowly but hesitantly, you lift your eyes up to see her. already staring at you. but you couldn't break away from the eye contact. especially because she just asked you something you're also asking yourself.
"y/n. tell me. do you like ayato?"
despite having a smile on her face as she asked this, her tone was rather cold. it sent shivers down your spine. you don't know why she's asking this. but you also don't know the answer to that question.
...do you like ayato?
that was the last thing you said before you went unconscious. before that, your vision went blurry and your head was getting dizzy. how could this be? all the years you've spent serving the kamisato clan, this has never happened.
a loud ringing on your ears forced you to wake up, you could hear numerous voices as you slowly opened your eyes. your vision was still blurry but you could figure out that someone was huge was standing before you.
"it's awake."
'it's? what do these people take me for'. --is what you would have thought when you realized you've been kidnapped and the kidnappers are a group of nobushis. you look at your surroundings, counting just how many they are until you finally notice someone beside you. the traveler. she's still unconscious. looking at her made you realize that you're also tied up and is unable to speak. screaming is no use. you seem to be in a... cave? you're not so sure because you don't remember a cave this huge at inazuma. you try to recall what happened and why you ended up here until you heard something a nobushi said.
"ya think he's coming here?"
"i heard he fancies these two. of course he will."
he? who's he? considering they kidnapped you and the traveler, don't tell me they're talking about him. not lord aya--
"oh well look who's here."
your eyes widen in shock when you turn to the direction they're facing. he's standing right there. ayato kamisato has come to save you. ...and the traveler. something moves beside you and you see the traveler, already awake, with tears in her eyes. isn't the traveler supposed to be strong and mighty? you don't understand, how were they able to kidnap her. in what situation was she in for her to become so vulnerable and be captured? i mean before all of this she was only with you-- !! your eyes widen. you saw ayato, ...glaring at you.
why was he glaring? you were in a pitiful situation right now, yet he glares at you as if you commited a crime. you can't believe it but... 'don't tell me thinks... i poisoned the traveler.' archons. he definitely thinks just that. the way his eyes softens as he looks to the girl beside you confirms so.
"give us the document. maybe we'll let both of them go." one of the nobushis spoke up. documents? what documents are they talking about? you handle all the documents for ayato, could it be he's been keeping something from you? are they comparing lives to a piece of document? surely ayato would-
"no. ...who sent you?" his voice cold as ice. the world has been surprising you a lot today. how important could that document be for it to be able to compare to a person's life. "straightforward i see... too bad, if you don't give us the documents any time we'll kill both of your precious little friends and this place will blow up soon." one of the nobushis spoke up again, it was the same guy as earlier. normally, ayato would be able to beat a few nobushis on his own. but he's way outnumbered right now. for some reason he knows that you and the traveler was taken here, yet he still came alone. you look beside you and see that the traveler is now crying. compared to the mighty traveler you seem to be too calm. you shouldn't be, in a situation like this. is it because ayato is now here? although he probably hates your guts already. but you just trust him way too much.
"...not giving in eh? then let's see..."
the nobushi paused for a moment, seemingly thinking about another way to make ayato give in and for them to gain something out of him. the nobushi smirked.
"...if you give us some mora... we'll let ya choose one of them to go with. give us the documents, you all can go home safe and sound. give us none and... you'll die with them." and finally, you felt... fear. your heart was racing. you didn't know it was this bad. earlier you already knew that you're this close to death's door but you weren't panicking at all. you also don't mind dying if it was for ayato. from an early age you already knew that you had to serve and protect their clan no matter what-- even if you have to pay the price of your own life. so why panic now? is it because the nobushis are going to far with their negotiations? is it because you're knocking right at death's door? or maybe it's because you're afraid that ayato will abandon you. choosing someone else, right infront of you in a critical situation like this. but surely he wouldn't, right?
" ...traveler," he throws a pouch of mora to the ground towards the nobushis. you remember when you both were strolling around at inazuma city after dinner. when he mentions that ever since he saw you looking through the stalls but not buying anything, he figured he'd buy them for you. so he always carried a pouch of mora. for you... and not for anyone el-
".. let's go." what? are you hearing things right? but judging by the way they pull the traveler and untie her, it seems that you are. but you wish you weren't. it turns out he really would choose someone else. the traveler lunges to embrace ayato. seeing ayato slowly hug her back, patting her back to calm down her tears and letting her cry on his shoulder just made your broken heart break even further. you get it. with the traveler's back facing you as they embrace, you take a glimpse of ayato until his gaze lands on you.
" ...y/n..."
his tone was somewhat... soft. you assume on a lot of things and right now you don't wanna expect but, you are. is this his last words to me? is he telling me he's sorry? is he gonna tell me how he regrets doing this? and that he never really wanted this to happen? and that i'm someone special to him, viewing me more than just a serv-
" --how dare you."
...and his gaze turns dark. what for? you didn't even do anything. his eyes glares at you as if you both were never friends. or maybe you were never really a friend to him. and he always thought of you as a mere servant. just like the rest. you were just- too naive. so foolish. thinking you were special. special just because he went looking for you and bought medicine and special rare tea in a day when you were sick for work. special cause he always invited you for tea breaks, conversing with you and only you. special because he always relies on you, and you allowed yourself to be relied on, --when you had no one to rely on for yourself. was those years of being with him nothing for him? was it that worthless in his eyes? that you could just be replaced and abandoned any time? you thought you were someone special in his life when he treated you differently compared to others.
but what about the way you treat him?
you treat him as if you were nothing without him. because he was everything to you. you were only this happy with him. only him. if you think of the most memorable memory you've ever had, it would include him. the day you first met him, and today. the last day you're seeing ayato. you watch them slowly turn their heels to leave. and all of a sudden you spoke. you couldn't help it, you spoke without even thinking. and now you don't know what to say. or maybe-- you just don't want to say it.
"a-ayato..." 'did you ever think if me as more than a friend?'... heck- more than a worker even. you wanted to ask just that. but you wouldn't. cause you couldn't. "...thank you, but I did nothing wrong." you say as you smile. that was your final words before the traveler and ayato takes more steps towards another path, probably leading to the exit. you hesitantly and slowly lift your eyes up to take one. last. look to ayato and... the traveler. and last time your eyes were playing tricks on you, but now you realize it wasn't. cause she was smirking again. smirking at you. leaving you to death.
anger. shame. resentment.
fury rises inside of you. you were raised to be patient with others. it was your job. so you've never felt this way for someone before. you wanted to scream but you couldn't. all you could think about was the traveler.
...the traveler!! the traveler!! the traveler.
it was all because of her that you're in a state like this. ever since she came, things changed. she was the person ayato replaced you with. the person he chose to spend the rest of his life with. and the reason why he threw away all of his memories with you and treated you like nothing. he chose a girl he just met instead of a childhood friend companion who has done nothing but pledge loyalty to him. now that you think about it... for ayato you would risk your life for him, die for him even. but he wouldn't do that for you. he only showed up for the traveler when you thought he came to save you.
it felt like your world was crumbling right before your eyes, watching them walk away, leaving you to death. you could mean that literally since anytime now you might be reduced to nothing but also... ayato is your world. to you he is everything. growing up with him, growing with him. he really is that special to you.
too bad,
he doesn't even see you as anything more than a servant. to him you were, not. special. at. all.
their footsteps has slowly faded away. they left. they've left you. behind, to die. it seems... this is it. you hear the nobushis chuckling and talking amongst eachother,
"geez... what a show! anyway.., are the preparations complete?"
"really? then we could go!"
"where did she say we would meet her again?"
"that bitch... making us do all of this. if it weren't for the mora then I wouldn't have agreed."
her? who's her? who's she? these thoughts seem all too familiar, and once again, you got your answer quickly.
"oh the traveler asked us to meet her at jinren island." a nobushi replied. just when you thought your hatred for her couldn't get any worse. however your thoughts were completely cut off when the nobushis all started leaving you. not even batting a single eye. you remembered them mentioning something that would leave you to ashes here. what was it again? if you recall quickly it was probably a-- "a bomb," --a nobushi says to you. as if he could read your mind. "a few minutes from now, once we all leave, this place will get wrecked. including... you." the nobushi laughs. you have never been this lonely before. i mean, you always had ayato beside you. but now that he personally left you for someone else- who do you have now? you have no answer for that. or maybe it is the answer. nothing. no one is there to help you. your reason to live is gone. atleast, you served your life's purpose before you die. you were never really that close to others including your family because of ayato. so you have nothing to lose now. but... you wish you could atleast take revenge on the traveler... even though you hate that idea. revenge isn't something you would even consider but.. the traveler is a different case.
today has given you particularly a lot of last things. like your last thoughts just now. before feeling a strong burst of energy and the brightest light you've ever seen. and everything turns dark.
...your eyes are closed and you can't move your body. but you're hearing something... footsteps? oh, a voice.
" ...how pitiful,"
you fall into deep sleep once again after feeling such an electrifying strike on your back.
... just who was that?
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mellowsadistic · 7 months
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"What am I wearing?!" Tracy shrieked, getting up on her knees and goggling at the disposable diaper strapped tightly around her waist. Her head felt funny. Why was she in bed? The last thing she remembered was Sabrina, her stepdaughter-to-be, giving her something to drink, and then...
"Ah, you're awake!" came a young woman's voice. "Did you enjoy your little nap, Tracy?"
Tracy looked up to see Sabrina standing over her, a mocking smile on her face. "Sabrina?" She still felt a little confused and disoriented, but she didn't like the expression on the girl's face at all. "What's going on?" she demanded. "What did you..." She thought back to that moment in the kitchen, when Sabrina had unexpectedly offered to make her morning coffee. "Did you drug me?!" she screeched. "And why did you put me in a fucking diaper?"
Sabrina's smile widened. "If my Dad wants to get remarried, fine," she said matter-of-factly. "But it's not going to be to some vapid bimbo who's only after his wallet."
Tracy flushed. So what if she was only after Sabrina's father for his money? He was in his sixties or something. If he wanted a hot young trophy wife, what was wrong with that? And if she ended up divorcing him after a year or so and taking half of his fortune, it would be his own stupid fault for being so naïve.
"Unfortunately," said Sabrina, "Dad's been totally taken in by your seductive little schemes, so it's up to me to protect him." Her eyes glittered dangerously. "It's up to me to make sure he'll never be attracted to you again."
"What are you..." But Tracy suddenly gasped, a manicured hand flying to her mouth, as she felt a tiny trickle of pee leak into her Pampers. She tried to clamp down on the flow, but nothing happened. The trickle stopped after only a few seconds, but it was enough to make the padding between her legs feel disgustingly warm and wet, and more to the point, it had been completely out of her control. “What did you do to me?!" she squealed, repulsed by the sensation of piss soaking into her pants and pressing against her pussy.
"You really are stupid, aren't you?" Sabrina laughed. "Isn't it obvious, you dumb whore? I made you incontinent. Or is that word too big and complicated for you? Would it be easier to understand if I told you that you'll never use the little girl's room again?"
Tracy stared at her, open-mouthed, too stunned and horrified to speak. She couldn’t be incontinent. She couldn’t be. It wasn't possible to just take someone's control away!
"I added a special ingredient to your latte this morning," Sabrina explained, as if reading her mind. "A little something I found online. A few drops are enough to cause total and permanent incontinence, though I promise you it's quite untraceable, so don't bother running to the police to whine about how your boyfriend's meanie daughter stole your potty training. I made sure not to leave any evidence, and you'll just sound crazy."
Tracy felt as though she'd been doused in icy water. If Sabrina was telling the truth, if she really was incontinent, then she'd never be able to seduce a man again! Her stomach rolled as she imagined trying to persuade Sabrina's father to buy her a new pair of shoes, clutching his arm and rubbing her breasts against his chest, only to feel her diaper drooping between her legs as she pooped in it without warning. She'd be a joke!
Sabrina was smirking. "Are you getting it now, you gold-digging trollop? Your homewrecking days are over. Men aren't going to look twice at you when they find out about your little potty-pants problem. The kind of guys you're after want a hot piece of ass, not a diapered one, and without your sex appeal you're nothing but an overgrown brat. But you should know, there are men out there who are into girls that need diapers. Maybe you could find one of them to look after you? Of course, it wouldn't be the kind of glamorous lifestyle you'd hoped for... It would be a life of spankings, early bedtimes, messy highchair feedings, and begging your Daddy for diapie changes. But hey, at least you wouldn't have to work!"
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kisses4kaia · 9 months
on my knees, foaming at the mouth, begging for more sub coryo
u guys are so funny oh my goodness😭 (slight au where sejanus did not die because we love him🥰) i got a bit carried away as you can see!! but that’s ok !!!! also, university!corio .. okok go read now plz enjoy and reblog :)
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being the girlfriend of the winner to the plinth prize whilst simultaneously biting your tongue constantly was no easy feat.
every thoughtless, careless, borderline sexist, comment corio received from older men—and even some of your male peers—along the lines of, “oh, she’s a pretty little thing, isn’t she? bet you keep her on her knees, huh?” (whilst you were right there, mind you!), infuriated you beyond belief and typically made corio tense up and awkwardly brush them off.
because no, corio did not always keep you on your knees. as a matter of fact, it was quite the opposite. you had him on his knees, every night, begging and pleading for a taste of you. and if he was a good boy, he would get one. you were assertive, not cruel.
you so badly wished you could shut them down, tell them exactly how it is, but you still loved and respected corio, and you knew what might happen to his reputation if that kind of secret got out.
so you kept on biting your tongue.
and tonight, corio’s arm is snaked around your torso and his large palm rests on the small of your back.
you’re at a elite party he was invited to, making friendly conversation with clemensia and sejanus while throwing witty comments back and forth with your boyfriend, when all of a sudden, one of crassus snow’s old friends come up to the both of you and it goes how you would expect; however, this time, something’s different.
this time, he laughs boisterously and nods, agreeing with the crude comment the man made. coriolanus shakes his hand and says “oh, absolutely. would you expect any less from my father’s son?”
you are fucking appalled, and the astounded expression on your face doesn’t do much to hide it.
when the old man whose name you didn’t bother to remember finally leaves, corio finally looks down at you to see your narrow eyes shooting daggers into his.
you say no words and storm off, and he’s hot on your trail. “baby? baby, hold up, slow down!”
you heed no mind to his words, and only stop your stampede when you find an unoccupied bedroom and drag him inside.
it was glamorous, which was to be expected, considering the host of the party was volumnia gaul; she always was one for dramatic flare. the ceiling was high and the walls were crowned in gold paint. the layout was simple, there was nothing but a queen-sized bed, an empty dresser, and bare vanity gracing its presence, all but proving that it was not it use, and perfectly fine for you to punish coriolanus in.
“what the fuck was that?” your voice is scornful and with the way your face twists up and contorts into a look of contempt, he knows he’s in for it.
he stumbles over his words, trying to think of a way he can phrase his words to deescalate the situation, lessen the blow for himself. “i-i’m sorry. i don’t know what i was thinking. please, honey. please forgive me. i’m begging you,”
the last phrase causes you to look up at him before smirking wickedly, “are you?”
you can see it dawn on him, the realization that you really are going to make him beg—the proper way, down on his knees.
he sighs ashamedly before letting his knees buckle, right one hitting the ground, the left following suit.
the slicked back hair on his scalp gleams perfectly underneath the warm overhead lighting the small chandelier provides, and his glossy, devastatingly blue, eyes are boring into yours as his bottom lip begins to quiver ever so slightly.
“i’m so, so, so, fucking, sorry. i’m so stupid, i just didn’t want him to think lowly of my fathers kin. i fucked up, i know, just, please, please, forgive me,”
he sounds like he’s on the verge of tears when he speaks and you can’t help but revel in how hot this all is. having one of the most powerful men in the capitol at your feet, pleading for you, you have to work hard in order to conceal the ache between your legs.
“show me, then.” you turn around on him and walk to the bed, sitting, before crossing your legs and leaning back, dangerous, siren eyes inviting corio to crawl to you.
he doesn’t even hesitate before getting on his hands and knees and desperately pawing at the ground, trying to get close to you again. and when he reaches your sat figure, he grabs your ankles, uncrossing them and pulling your high heels off slowly, all before kissing his way up your calf, and up to your mid-thigh, where the slit in your dress begins. he looks up at you pleadingly, expression reading ‘may i?’ and you could praise him for being so polite if he wasn’t enduring punishment.
you nod slightly, raising your hips just enough so corio could hike your dress up, bunching up at your waist.
his eyes stay on yours, watching you intently as he pulls your delicate, lacy, black and pink, panties down your smooth legs, before gently placing them on the floor next to him.
when you part your legs ever so slightly, the eyes boring into yours spark up with excitement and hope. he finally breaks eye contact when he shuts his eyes and lays his tongue flat against your cunt, lapping up the ego-boosting amount of arousal that’s drooling from your achy hole.
he’s so perfect for you, timing his transitions between fucking into you with his tongue and sucking on your clit just the way he’s learned you like just right, never lingering too long on one part of you.
at this point, you have your legs wrapped around his head tight, nearly restricting his facility to breathe, shamelessly moaning and praising his ministrations. “fuck, yes corio! oh fuck, you’re gonna make me cum? yeah? so fucking pathetic,” you spit at him in between borderline moans so pornographic that you’re apprehensive that somebody outside of the four walls you’re in may hear you, but it doesn’t seem to bother you that much, considering the lack of you lowering your own volume.
and the sounds, the sounds are vile, fucking disgusting. his salivated muscle messily dragging all over your labia, his perfectly pouted lips making out with your pussy like he’s in love with it (he is). all of the insanely erotic factors of this moment don’t do anything to hold off your impending release, and with a weak cry of the boy beneath you’s name, sweet syrup leaks out from your tight hole lands onto corio’s anticipating tongue, and you can feel him smile against you at the taste of it.
he drinks it all down in no time and when he continues to lather his tongue all over your clit, not seeming to want to be done, you have to physically pull his head away from you as a result of overstimulation.
he frowns but when he sees the look on your face, your exhausted, satisfied, fucked-out, face, he has to bite his lip to contain his smile.
“i did good?” there’s a special twinkle to his eye, and you find it all-enamoring.
“so good,”
“you forgive me?”
“yes, but next time you pull some shit like that, i’ll jerk you off under the dinner table, you hear me?”
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seravphs · 1 year
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — RIN x FEM READER
True love stares you in the face and calls you an idiot. 
wc — 1k
tags — fluff, post enemies to lovers
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“Do you find me lovable?”
Rin squints at you. “Where is this coming from?” 
The question is wary, like you’re setting a trap, and he’s the rabbit that’s dumb enough to fall for it. To be fair, when you do mess with him, he does fall for it every single time. 
But not this time. 
“Don’t you think I’m annoying?”
He rolls his eyes at you. “Yeah, actually. Super annoying. Worst mistake of my life.” 
You stretch your leg out to kick him in the shin. He rips it back, yelping. 
“Be serious,” you scold. 
He blinks at you. When Rin is confused, it’s very obvious. He never manages to be ugly - it’s those sexy Itoshi genes - but his confused face comes the closest. He squints like he’s smelled something distasteful and his entire face screws up. His nose crinkles. His mouth puckers. 
Rin is, at heart, a very simple creature. If it’s not about football, he doesn’t tend to think too hard. He’ll make the attempt for you, but in general, he’s a little less developed than other people his age on important concepts like emotional awareness. 
You decide to throw him a bone. “Like when we met, remember?” 
It’s a memory that you laugh at now (okay, not now, because you’re in a mood at the moment, but in every other scenario). At the time, however, you went home and screamed into your pillow to escape from cringing at yourself every five seconds. 
It was your first day working for the Japanese National Football Team. You had been so excited to be here! Of course, it’s more glamorous to be playing the actual sport, but the team can only function at their best because of people like you.
Scanning in with your fancy new lanyard feels so professional. You still haven’t gotten over the excitement of a new job yet, and it’s written all over your face. Your new boss laughs when you tell her profusely how grateful you are to be here. She’s kind and funny. You can already see yourself fitting right in. 
“I don’t have too much for you right now,” she says. “Why don’t you go meet the team?”
Your eyes practically sparkle with delight. “Can I really?” 
“Sure! Just tell them I sent you,” she says. 
The football pitch isn’t attached to the main building, but a short walk away. Your head is in the clouds as you all but float down the sidewalk. You still can’t believe you’re really here, but when you pinch yourself, the world remains as clear and vivid as it was before. This is no dream. 
This is a nightmare, actually. The gates that allow you into training grounds are locked with a code that no one told you. You flutter around it, trying to decide what to do. Should you go back and bother your boss? You don’t want to seem stupid on your first day. You look around, but you don’t see anyone to ask. You pace around the lock again. 
You don’t know where to go. If there was someone you could ask, you wouldn’t know where to find them. How is it only your first day and you’re already messing up? 
“What’s the hold up?”
You gasp and whirl around to find Itoshi Rin, one of the star players who came out of the Blue Lock program. You’re starstruck, but that quickly fades as he pushes past you to put the code in. He doesn’t even hold the door open for you, leaving you to rush to grab it before it swings shut. At least you’re inside the facility now. 
The coworkers you meet are much nicer than Rin. Even though your boss told you not to work today, they’re so friendly you don’t mind pitching in. As the players trickle in to warm up, you run around offering water bottles and balls. It’s starting to feel like an okay day, especially because Rin doesn’t seem to recognize you from this morning. 
When you offer him a bottle, he takes it with a nod of appreciation, so you know it’s not personal. It’s not that reassuring to think that he might just be a bit of an asshole, but at least it’s not targeted. 
Whatever your feelings on Rin are, he’s undeniably an incredible player. When he scores, every member of the staff stops to watch the arc of the ball. It’s perfect. It’s a thing of beauty. 
You’re working up a sweat yourself carrying out the tasks you’re asked to do, so when the team finally wraps up, you’re grateful to finally start heading home. You pick up a stray ball heading your way and deposit it in the nearest basket, but a hand catches yours before you can let the ball drop. 
“Are you stupid? That doesn’t go in there,” Rin says, taking it from you and trotting across the field to another basket. 
Your jaw drops. 
You hate this man. 
But in a few months, he’ll take you on your first date, and you’ll be head over heels. You still don’t remember why or when it happened, just that one day Rin showed up with an apology and a dedication to doing better. 
“When did it change?” You ask, curious now. 
“I dunno,” Rin says. “Probably when you called me stupid after I fumbled the keys you gave me.” 
“What?” You laugh at him. 
“I’m serious! I was like oh, that was kind of shitty of me.” 
“Sometimes I wonder how you’re still alive.” 
“I’m a professional football player, not a therapist,” he says. 
You hold your tongue about how emotional awareness was not a trait relegated to therapists alone. 
“Anyway,” he adds, reaching for you. You stumble and nearly fall on top of him, but he doesn’t mind. “You’re still kind of stupid. But that’s what I like about you.” 
“Rin,” you say, slowly like you’re talking to a very dumb toddler. “You forgot to hit start on the washing machine this morning.”
It doesn’t phase him. “I know I’m stupid too. That’s why we work.”
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florence-end · 1 year
Hi there! Can i request a cassian x fem reader where reader is insecure about her looks and compares herself to all the women around her like Mor, Feyre and Nesta, and cassian comforts her? ❤️
Absolutely!! I love soft Cassian, he’s such a sweetie.
The streets were already busy with Friday night revellers making their way between bars and restaurants, and spilling out of clubs to get some fresh air. You were supposed to meet your friends hours ago but had got held up at work, meaning you had to race straight here. Luckily you had a change of clothes in your office but you hadn’t had time to refresh your hair and makeup before you left.
The bouncer on the door at Rita’s of course recognised you immediately as Cassian’s mate and let you in without a fuss. You made your way to the back of the club to the booth that the inner circle preferred to occupy on nights like these, but found it empty save for a few jackets and empty glasses.
Perusing the crowd for any familiar sets of wings, you found your group of friends in the centre of the dance floor. Rhys was twirling Feyre around in circles, Azriel leading Mor in something of a jig, and Cassian laughing with Nesta as they moved to the upbeat music. They all looked so perfect and carefree, clothes immaculate and skin glowing. The three girls had obviously had some help with their hair from Nuala and Ceridwen as the intricate braids made them look almost ethereal.
Suddenly you didn’t want to be there anymore. You felt bland and dull, and couldn’t imagine yourself fitting into such a perfectly balanced group of beautiful fae. Before they could notice you, you turned and strode quickly for the door, emerging back out onto the street. The only thing you hadn’t accounted for were Azriel’s shadows. They had clocked you as soon as you entered the club, always quite attuned to you given Azriel’s love for his brother, and by extension you. As soon as you left, Azriel pulled Cassian off the dance floor and whispered the direction you had gone in as well as what his shadows had deduced about your emotions. Upset and embarrassment being the main two.
Cassian wasted no time in running down the street, searching through the crowds for sight or scent of you. As he stood a head above everyone else, it didn’t take long to spot you sitting on a bench looking out across the river.
“Was my dancing really that bad that you didn’t want to say hello?” he asked teasingly as he sat down beside you.
You didn’t look at him, although you could feel his eyes on the side of your face. “What are you doing out here? You should be at Rita’s with your friends,” you ignored his question, trying to keep your voice light in the hope that he wouldn’t ask any questions you didn’t want to answer.
“Our friends are perfectly capable of having a good time without me. Besides, I haven’t seen you all day. Why did you leave?” he reached out for your hand as he spoke, accepting that you weren’t going to look at him but you might allow his touch.
“Everyone looked so glamorous and I didn’t fit in. I didn’t want to embarrass you, and you all had dancing partners so I figured I would just head home,” you mumbled while playing with his large calloused hand.
“What do you mean you didn’t fit in? You’d be the most beautiful person in that room if you showed up in a ratty old nightgown. And you know I save all my best dancing for you. You’re not upset that I was dancing with Nesta are you?” Cassian continued to probe.
“No of course not. I love Nesta and the others. I guess I just feel a bit insecure sometimes when I remember how cauldron blessed they are with their beautiful faces and elegant bodies and perfect hair. It’s hard not to compare myself,” you finally confessed.
“I find it hard not to compare everyone to you too,” Cassian began, causing you to look up at him in alarm. “No one matches up to how kind and funny you are, how intelligent, the perfect curves of your body and every feature of your face that makes you you. Honestly sometimes I tune everyone else out altogether while I’m waiting for you to arrive and brighten my day. Yes my friends are lovely are in their own ways but it’s you that I always want to see walking through those doors.”
You’re too choked up to respond and instead lean in to meet his lips with yours in a slow, sensual kiss. You barely register Cassian picking you up underneath your thighs and shooting up into the sky towards the house of wind where he can ravish you to his hearts content.
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scandalouslamb · 3 months
I think when I started reading tbosas I knew very little and it and I was like. It’s a book for children how bad could it be. And then Sejanus and Lucy Gray die (?) in the space of fifty pages. and Lucy Gray is so young. She’s so young. And I keep thinking about her dying alone and afraid in that forest. I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. Also the fact that u have thoughts on the Grandma’am is so funny to me. I think she constantly berates Tigris for not being married and for wearing wacky clothes. When she sees someone in a mini skirt for the first time she almost has an aneurysm.
I unfortunately had those death(s?) spoiled for me, but I remember learning about the characters and being like "wait no, maybe i read wrong or misunderstood. their lives are already so bad! and they're making the most of it!".
My real "oh shit moment" while reading was I remember when the tributes got dropped into the zoo I was like "oh? so we're doing this, huh? no glitz or glamor. we're going all on the horror stripped bare and then seeing it covered up with glamor? kinda like roses to hide the scent of blood"
Thanks for the ask! The rest of this post will now be taken over by the....
Grandma'am Thoughts No One Asked For (under the cut)
Grandma'am, What Is Going On in Your Head?
In my mind, the Capitol works primarily on absolute primogeniture and not male primogeniture. I also think that men would take their wives' surname if their wife was from a more influential family, so it's entirely possible to me that Grandma'am is a Snow by birth and her husband is not.
In this case, it's kind of strange that she puts all the pressure on Coriolanus and not Tigris given that Tigris is older . (it's possible that Crassus is older than Tigris' parent so inheritance/responsibility would follow Crassus' line, but you'd think being a Snow woman herself, she'd have as high of expectations for Tigris as Coriolanus and make them clear on the page)
A part of me thinks enforcing a kind of patriarchal view might be a really traditional Capitol view, and reinforcing it is a way to deal with the Snow's loss of fortune. If they can't have wealth or influence, at least they have tradition as an old family that would mean something... (Grandma'am Snow pulling up the ladder behind herself at the expense of her own granddaugher...). I mean her singing Gem of Panem seems to be her clinging to the Capitol to cope too.
Alternatively, if Grandma'am is not a Snow by birth, it seems that she's completely adopted the Snow identity. Her roses are seen as the Snow's roses and she never talks about other family. She's gone all in on Snow. This too can be interesting to explore. It indicates a complete belief in the Capitol's hierarchy of influential families. She married into one of the best families and that makes her one of the best.
Grandma'am potentially not being a Snow by birth and "rattling on about the Snows’ legendary grandeur." (Ch. 1) is wild behavior. What's going on in her head?
Alternatively, there is a third option, and that is she's from a distant Snow branch family marrying into the main line... This would be in line with old nobility... It also raises some uncomfortable questions that I will not be going into, lest I make other people uncomfortable. People are free to ask, I just will save that for a more warned post.
In a throwaway line in a Max fic, I named her Gloriam, and that's where the first section got developed in my head and forgotten... curse the tier list for giving me thoughts....
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madneedshelp · 1 year
You Make Loving Fun - Warren Rojas x FReader
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Summary: You weren’t really a relationship girl. Sure, you had no problems with some fun and this was the era of free love, but you preferred to keep things as just fun. So, when your friend introduces you to the drummer in her band, why does he make you want to change this rule so badly?
Warnings: implied sex, recreational drug and alcohol use, adult language
“Karen, I swear I cannot get drunk tonight! I have a shoot tomorrow and I cannot be hungover. No drugs either, they make me sloppy in the morning.” You warned, looping an arm through your friend’s.
She tilted back her head in a laugh. “I promise to keep an eye on you, party pooper. You’ve got to have a little fun, though.”
“Of course I will, I just don’t want to mess up this gig. I’ve worked so hard and things are too fucking competitive out here. I will do my best to loosen up a little bit, though.” You gave her a grin that mirrored her own. 
Karen was one of the few good friends you had out in LA. You came out here to pursue modeling after you were scouted soon after high school, and you’d spent the past couple years working hard at it. Not to brag, but you were doing alright for yourself. You were grabbing a drink with some coworkers of yours, which you had to admit were a little insufferable and bitchy, when you met Karen. 
Now here you were, at a party thrown by Karen’s new band. The Six seemed like cool people, Karen definitely liked them better than her previous bandmates, so that made them okay in your book. She was right though, you did need to relax a little bit. This party might’ve been just what you needed. 
“Everyone, this is my good friend, YN. Y/N, that’s Graham, Warren, Eddie, Billy, and Billy’s lovely wife Camila.” Karen announced to the group. 
You exchanged pleasantries with everyone before more people started arriving and the group dispersed. It wasn’t long before Karen drifted off to talk to Graham and you decided maybe one drink wouldn’t be the end of the world. Loosen up, you told yourself. 
“Hey, Y/N, I’m Warren.”
You jumped a bit as you finished pouring yourself a glass of wine, startled by the immediate presence of a curly-haired man. 
“Oh, hi, and I remember.” You chuckled as you turned to face him. He was cute, in a playful way. He seemed genuinely happy, which was something a lot of aspiring musicians these days didn’t exude.
“So, Karen tells us you’re a model, that’s pretty cool.” He gave you a nervous grin.
You nodded. “Indeed I am. It’s not as glamorous as it looks all the time, though.”
He leaned against the table, very obviously trying to be flirty. “Well, I’m sure if it’s you doing it, it looks plenty glamorous.”
That earned a laugh from you. He was funny. And actually quite attractive, you decided. “What else has Karen told you about me?”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, she might have told us that you can be a little stuffy.”
A shocked expression took over your face. “Did she really? Wow. That hurts.” 
“I didn’t say I believed her.” Warren shrugged. 
“No, she’s kind of right. I’ve been working a lot lately and my agents have me under a pretty strict routine. That’s why I came tonight, to have some fun.” Your lips turned up in a sly smile. A rush of satisfaction flooded through you as Warren’s eyes traveled down to your lips. Two could play at this little flirty game he had started.
Suddenly, Karen showed up with Graham and Eddie in tow. “Hey, we’re going to go smoke out back. Do you two want to join us?”
You considered for a moment. If you stopped drinking now and only stuck to some weed, you’d probably be okay in the morning. “Sure, I’m in.”
“Really?” Karen looked pleasantly surprised.
“Yeah, apparently someone is spreading the rumor that I’m ‘stuffy’ and I can’t have that circulating.” You sent her a playful glare. 
“Well, you heard the lady, let’s go.” Warren grinned. 
About an hour later, the five of you sat out back in a comfortable haze. Karen and Graham had gotten surprisingly touchy with each other, and Eddie seemed hilariously out of it. You found yourself sneaking numerous glances at Warren. Weed made you a little horny sometimes, which you probably should’ve considered before agreeing to this. 
Luckily for you, Warren was also sneaking glances. You could tell the wanting feeling between you two was mutual. 
Before long, Karen and Graham slipped away, and Eddie wasn’t long to follow. That left you and Warren alone. 
“So,” He sat up beside you in the chair you two shared. “Did you have fun tonight?”
“Yeah, I really did.” You gave him a lazy smile. “How about you?”
“Me too, but I have fun all the time.” Warren chuckled . 
An easy smile played on his lips and you found yourself staring. He did radiate this comforting sort of vibe…honestly, he radiated fun. You weren’t sure at what point you started leaning toward him, but he had leaned in too. 
Before you knew it, his lips were locked on yours and you had your hands entwined in his mess of dark curls. He gave you a chance to break the kiss, just in case it wasn’t what you wanted, but you didn’t. You only kissed him back hungrier. 
Everything about kissing Warren was thrilling. It felt like light speed, but also as though the minutes had dragged into hours. At some point, he’d shifted you into his lap to where you were straddling him and his hands drifted comfortably to your hips. 
“We could…take this upstairs to my room. If you want to.” He whispered breathily into your ear.
“Sorry, I only fuck guitarists.” You whispered back with a joking smirk.
“Shit, I guess Graham will have to give me some lessons then.” He let out a raspy chuckle that sent a flutter of warmth through you. 
You kissed him again, with the same passion resuming almost immediately. “I suppose I could make an exception this once.”
– – – – – – – – – – 
You were still grinning as you tugged your dress back on. Coming to this party had definitely been the right decision. 
“You don’t have to leave now, you know,” Warren murmured from the bed. 
All giddiness faded from you immediately. You never stayed. Relationships were messy and stressful. Your work was stressful enough for you, so you tended to keep your personal life more casual. 
“I should go, I have a shoot pretty early in the morning.” You didn’t look at him as you put your heels back on. 
He was silent for a beat. “Well, could I call you sometime?”
The pit in your stomach only deepened. You felt guilty at the tinge of rejection in his voice. There was something else too, though, but you couldn’t quite put a name on this other feeling. 
“Warren, listen, I’m not exactly looking for a relationship right now. I’m sorry.” You grimaced, unable to make eye contact. Normally, you didn’t have to do this part because most guys didn’t question things when you left right after.
“Could I call you if we don’t make this a relationship thing?” 
You didn’t really do repeats either. That bordered too close to attachments usually, but something in your gut made you nod. Deep down, you kind of wanted to see him again. 
“Yeah, I think that would be okay.” You said hesitantly. 
After writing down your number, you slipped out the door and went to find the exit. As you sat in the cab on the way home, you realized that the odd feeling you couldn’t name earlier was longing. A part of you had wanted to stay with him. Honestly, you weren’t sure if you trusted that part of you. 
– – – – – – – – – –
You and Warren jokingly liked to call each other sex friends. It was a fairly accurate label, to be completely honest. Yeah, the arrangement started off as a sex thing, but you found that you had actually gotten to know him over the past few months and you enjoyed his company. 
Karen brought you along to a decent amount of band functions if you were off work, since your schedule was patchy sometimes. You enjoyed the extra time you got to spend with her, but you didn’t hate seeing Warren more too. 
You and Karen were lounging on some chairs in the studio one afternoon while you waited for the rest of the band, who were almost all usually always late. 
“Why aren’t you with Warren?” Karen asked out of the blue. 
“Why aren’t you with Graham?” You returned.
She sighed and stared off at the wall. “You know why. I love my work, and I’ll never be the woman that wants to settle down. I don’t want to give this up, and being with him would require that of me in the end.”
You shrugged. “Same for me. Work comes first.” Karen considered your words for a moment, and you could tell she didn’t quite believe you. “Just say what you’re thinking.”
“I think that for me, my work makes me happy, and this is the life that’ll make me happiest. If that’s true for you, I respect that one hundred percent, but I don’t think your work makes you happy like I’m happy.” You were about to protest, but she stopped you. “No, listen, I’m not saying you need to be with Warren to be happy. That’s not it. I’m just saying that you should really consider if this lifestyle is what you truly want in the long run.” 
God, you hated when she was right about things. You couldn’t even challenge her because while it may not have been what you wanted to hear, there was some truth to them. Did you want to spend forever just working and going home to an empty apartment? Hell, it’s not like modeling is a career that lasts forever. Did you really want to pour your whole life into a career that would be done with you before the next decade was up?
“And for the record, I do think you look happy with him. He definitely is happier with you. I’m not trying to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do, I’m just saying that, for the record, that’s what it looks like.” She added and gave you a small smile. 
You couldn’t go into the Warren spiral again. Not now. Your mind had been drifting there all too often lately. 
“I think I need to go.” You mumbled and grabbed your purse. 
Karen stood up with you and put a hand on your arm. “Hey, please don’t. I didn’t want to make you angry, I just thought you needed to hear it. Please stay.”
“I’m not mad, Karen. I’m just frustrated that you’re right, so I think I need to be alone to do some thinking, okay? I’ll call you tonight.” You grabbed her hand and gave it a quick reassuring squeeze before you headed for the parking lot. 
The universe, it seemed, had shitty timing. Keys in hand, tears starting down your face, you opened the door and ran straight into Warren himself. 
“Hey, Y/N, what’s…wait, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” The smile that formed upon your appearance quickly faltered from his face. 
You shook your head, not wanting to deal with any of it right then. “I’m fine, Warren. I’m just going home.”
But he couldn’t just let you leave. No, you had to pick one of the most decent guys in LA to be in a situationship with. He didn’t move from his spot in front of the door. “I don’t think you’re fine, and I would appreciate it if you didn’t try to drive yourself home like this.”
“Dammit, Warren, why do you fucking care!?” The words were harsh and you didn’t really want to say them, but they slipped out anyway. 
“Because I care about what happens to you. I just, I don’t know, I just care about you, okay?” He kept his voice calm.
“I didn’t ask that of you.”
“I know, but I can’t help it.”
You let out a shaky laugh. “The funny thing is, I didn’t want to date anybody because I didn’t want the distractions and complications, but here we are. Here I am. I’m a fucking mess. It doesn’t matter that I didn’t want to love you because apparently I don’t get to decide those things myself.”
He looked stunned for a moment. “You love me?”
“Yeah, Warren, I do.”
“Can I tell you that I love you too, or is this a bad time for that?” 
That mustered a weak chuckle from you. He always could make you laugh, even from the beginning. 
It really hit you then. Loving Warren wasn’t this painful, terrible thing. It was passionate, and warm, and fun, and it felt good. Maybe it wasn’t in your plan to love someone, but you hadn’t met Warren when you decided that for yourself. Love didn’t have to tear you apart, it could be a thing to keep you together. 
“No, I want you to tell me. Please.” You sniffled, looking up at him through your teary eyes as a fresh wave of tears were about to ensue. These were the happy kind of emotional tears, though. 
“I love you. I’ll love you for as long as you’ll let me.” Warren said softly.
He bent down and kissed you then, and as he did, you got the feeling that you would let him love you for a very long time. 
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mischiefmaker615 · 2 years
Maid to Honor (Loki Love Story)
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Summary: This job wasn't quite what she was expecting when Fury assigned her to 'assist' the God of Mischief, where the pampered prince only saw that word as a fancy way of saying Slave. She's headstrong, but so is he, so will his new growing feelings towards the winged female make things better or worse? or will things go a whole different route entirely?
Rating: R story 
Fury wasn't one to really give ridiculous orders, or at least ones that didn't have a purpose to them, but there's a first for everything right? Rose wasn't quite the one to refuse an order, mainly because she was a bit to shy to say no and went along with things, but for the first time in her life, she really wish she had.
The deal was this: she was to be undercover, a maid if you will but assistant seemed a bit less demeaning to the title for.. The God of Mischief. Loki had been allowed to stay on Midgard, a few months after the battle of New York only to be faced with a choice; return to face Asgard's punishment or remain here on earth under strict watch. The second option was eventually picked but day by day the god questioned whether he had made the right choice.
As time went by, threats had been popping up which meant that SHIELD and the Avengers were staying busy, to busy to baby sit. why not a cell forever? Fury had eventually proposed the idea on Rose that had brought her here finally to face Loki for the first time. The idea? act as his ma- assistant only to secretly keep an eye on him as a representative for SHIELD. They aren't the bad guys, they want people to succeed and be free, but freedom had to be earned.
About a week ago, they had moved Loki to his own establishment, a building that quite resembled Stark's tower but not as.. glamorous. If his behavior improved and no funny business was to be seen, Rose was to keep a diary every evening, reporting to SHIELD his progress and the results were to be weighed on how closer he was to be earning his freedom.
Boss and Assistant. that was all. Help with the human things he didn't quite understand and don't argue to reduce risk of danger, after all, it was just her there, and backup might not always get there on time if she needed. which was exactly why Fury had picked her, she was capable. Or at least that's how he saw her, she merely stood in the elevator wondering what the hell she was doing there again and why she had agreed to all this in the first place.
'i am not a slave, just a helper.' was the sentence she repeated to herself, already getting a headache as she prepared to face the god of mischief himself. again.. this was going to be a whole new experience for him in the long run.
The elevator doors slid open, Rose stepping out into the main living room, feeling awkward in her plain jeans and a T-shirt (having to leave her uniform and all SHIELD behind in this undercover job) where she faced Loki's back to her in his usual armor and leather's attire. The only thing she did manage to keep hidden was her wings that she carefully had got into a folding position and they lay pressed against her back tightly underneath her shirt; it was a usual thing when she wasn't on the field.
“A visitor?” He asked, turning around slowly to face her where piercing green eyes met curious blue ones for the first time. They dragged themselves down over her, already making herself feel a bit uncomfortable as a smirk came to his lips at what he saw. ''what exactly brings you here in this humble disguise of a prison?'' he asked, his tone sounding as if it was poking her in the chest where her cheeks reddened ever so slightly. of course.. why wouldn't he remember me..
''my name is Rose.. i have been sent here to act as you're assistant and that's all.'' her voice was careful, knowing that's all she should say but his eyes almost made her want to spill her guts by force.
''a maid?'' Loki almost laughed.
''an assistant.'' she quickly corrected, already hating the related words that weren't even really related.
''a slave.''
''Assistant.'' she said, a bit more firmly with her tone indicating that she already was getting annoyed. that didn't take long.
Loki nodded and chuckled. “Ah yes, tend to my needs.” He said, using air quotations. he walked over to her and furrowed his eye brows, quite taken how beautiful she was the closer he got. ”don’t you really mean watch over? Like an angel in your Christianity religion...or spy on...” he smirked and walked over slowly. at least he wasn't stupid, but she was to not confirm her real position here as she would remain known as his assistant, rather than his baby sitter. “Am I not right Rose?” He asked quietly. His hands clasped themselves behind him as he approached her, an amused look on his face at her mild shock of when he said her name. how much did Fury tell him on her way over here?
''..whatever you need done, i am here to assist.'' she told him slowly, knowing he was waiting for her to slip up, so by her careful words she might have a lasting chance.
''pity, and here i actually thought someone was here to see me'' he smirked, sarcasm dripping from his tone as he turned to sit at the best, arms resting on either side of him as a finger tapped on the arm on the chair in thought, eyes never leaving her.
'as if someone would actually come to visit you'. ''Many might not want to go through the trouble considering your current reputation here..'' honestly, not the best sentence that could have left her mouth as his eyes lowered a bit and he patted the arm of the chair.
“Come here...Before you do, close the door..” his voice deepened after each syllable. He watched her closely before saying, a bit louder this time, in almost a bark. “Now”
Rose stayed put, unable to flinch due to many past interrogations she's had to sit through, but his tone and demands were quite surprising. 'don't argue, we need you to remain safe if tasks aren't threatening.' Fury's words echoed in her head. his tone was a bit harsh but there wasn't exactly anything that said danger right? Slowly, she moved across the room and shut the door that she assumed lead to the rest of the house, bedrooms maybe? she then turned and carefully went over in front of his desk, no way in hell she would expect herself to get down on her knees or anything for him but awaited his next move. ''..yes?''
Loki's eyes seemed to pierce through her as he spoke carefully, almost as if he was making sure she was understanding every word that left his lips. “you’re under my order...you do not disrespect me like that. throughout your time working with me...” he then moved and stood up, the desk being the only thing between them. “You will learn to respect...care...and maybe.. appreciate me.''
That desk almost seemed to be getting smaller and smaller and she seemed to just now notice how much of a difference their heights were. appreciate? in what way? surely he didn't mean anything like- ''i'm not sure what you are hinting at-''
Loki smirked. “Fury has you here to keep an eye on me...yes?” He asked quietly and chuckled. “Then keep an eye on me...watch me...observe me.” He smirked wider. “but darling...don’t you worry...for if you are good, I will make this whole endeavor durable. like i did last time..”
Rose raised a brow in a mix of shock and confusion, her body leaning as it threatened to take a step back and felt a shiver run down her spine. he remembers?. ''..This is merely a job and one i can walk away from if i so choose so you might want to-''
“what will I ever do with you...'' he smirked, a hand slowly reaching down and too hold of the edge of the desk as he slowly moved it to the side and out of his way, his eye contact holding. ''I'm just tempted to keep you here...because I don’t think I will be able to stop this match of wits.” He said softly, taking a step forward to where he was in front of her now. “Trust me darling...you are not as strong as you think you are. you are under orders from Fury yes? one you cannot simply walk away from even if you wanted to; at least not easily.'' He leaned down, dangerously close now. ''it will just be like old times..''
''I believe darling you’re under my orders...” he growled and leaned close to her, taking in her sweet perfume he would love so much. “and I think I’ve got my first little job for you darling...”
Hope You Enjoyed Chapter 1 ♥
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yourbelgianthings · 11 months
taz november celebration fic 3: prompt laugh
contrary to what you may think for this prompt, this is sad for like 3/4 of it lol but the end is happy, it’s tres horny boys and about 850 words
Magnus Burnsides's laugh was deep and hearty, but he wasn't used to hearing it by itself; he had always been laughing with Julia. Their life together was perfect, working with their hands and having something to show for it at the end of the day, then coming home to each other. Julia made dinner, Magnus did the dishes, their routine was consistent and comforting. They even thought about having a baby, although they were in no rush. Of course, that never happened, and when Magnus hugged Julia goodbye the day he left town, neither of them knew it would be the last. His friends brought dinners, went for walks, and spent evenings on the porch with Magnus after Julia's death, but he actually chose to bury her alone. The physical act of digging the grave was satisfying in a sick way, it grounded his soul in his body despite its countless attempts to break out through his ribs and fly away. A simple granite slab laid on top, reading: Julia Burnsides, We Love You Forever. His tears darkened the stone in little circles until the sun began to set, and he wouldn't laugh again for some time.
Merle Highchurch always did his best to keep a positive outlook, but it was hard to find reasons to laugh without his kids around. Apparently his sense of humor consisted of a lot of "dad jokes", and those weren't really a big hit with anyone else, especially when he was out trying to preach the word of Pan. He constantly struggled with his choice to leave after he was gone, if it was only the arranged marriage that was the problem, things would have been so much simpler. However, Hecuba and he had Mavis and Mookie, who he loved dearly. That didn't change the fact that he wasn't a very good dad, though, intentions don't count for much in that regard. So, he decided they would be better off without him; if you love something let it go and all that. Cycling through feelings of freedom, guilt, regret, apathy, and more, he wandered the world, presumably to share the word of Pan, but really just wishing to be able to laugh again.
Taako Taaco was very hard to make laugh. He and Lup used to do just that when they were bored, whoever laughed first lost and then they would just be in a fit of giggles for a while anyway. They found things funny between themselves that nobody else understood, but it didn't matter, because it made perfect sense to them. Not that he remembered any of this, of course. The Taako who forgot could be very cynical, and often saw humor from others as an attempt to conceal their true attitudes or motives. On stage for Sizzle It Up With Taako, he laughed and told jokes, but that was about as fake as it got. Hearing the applause and cheers from the audience, seeing the excitement in their eyes, and being complimented as he signed autographs and posed for pictures gave Taako energy and kept him going. He thrived on the attention, but some days, it wasn't enough and there was nothing else. Getting out of bed seemed impossible as his body simultaneously felt heavy and hollow. After Glamor Springs, this set in for several weeks until he suddenly thought: I'm fuckin' Taako from TV, I can go do whatever I want, and if anyone has a problem wit h that, I'll just laugh in their face and keep going.
One night, several months later, in their dorm at the Bureau of Balance, Tres Horny Boys were having a sleepover. Technically, they always did this by virtue of sharing a room, but they had decided to make a night of it, just for fun. Taako cooked the most delicious popcorn the other two had ever had, with the perfect amounts of butter and salt, and he also bought some nail polish from the Fantasy Costco. Magnus realized that Pringles had left some of his stuff in the room, so they had some cool old CDs to listen to, and Merle had found some candles for more ambient lighting. They were all set for the perfect sleepover, and as Taako was painting Magnus's nails shiny silver by candlelight, Merle set down the big bowl of popcorn he had been snacking on and asked, "What did everyone say to the kernel when he finally popped?"
Taako snorted and said,
"Merle, I am not even going to entertain this one," but there was a smile on his face.
Magnus gave in, "I don't know, Merle, what?"
Magnus immediately burst out laughing, which made Merle join in and Taako shout,
"Mags, you're going to mess up your nails!" although he couldn't help laughing too. It was just so ridiculous and Merle's confidence in the delivery was what really got them. The three of them flopped onto each other, slightly out of breath the way the best fits of laughter leave you, Taako leaning on Magnus's shoulder and Merle leaning on his stomach on the other side. They all smiled, and for the moment, things were okay.
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ihrtmichael · 3 months
you’ve probably talked about this before so forgive me but as someone who has only seen the Cats movie, I’m so curious what your thoughts on it are (I sadly don’t remember the actual plot but I do remember liking the music)
how long do we have…..
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so i just wanna start off by saying: i was REALLY excited for the movie and REALLY wanted it to be good. like, i was ready to be TOXIC about this 😭 but then i saw it opening night and as the movie progressed i was like… this is terrible lol.
immediately we have to state the obvious: the digital fur technology DOESNT WORK. theyre fuckin ugly looking, and IMO part of the musical’s appeal is that i’m watching grown adults wear yak wigs, unitards, and leg warmers and they’re all dancing, singing, and acting like cats onstage. it’s crazy! and that’s what makes it so fun! it’s easier for me to suspend my disbelief that these people are cats! howard ashman once said something along the lines of “musicals only work onstage and in animation because you’ve already suspended your disbelief,” and it’s stuck with me ever since. there’s something about sitting in the theatre for 2-3 hours watching a production happen LIVE in front of you and shutting out the rest of the world. and for cats, seeing those huge set pieces that make YOU feel like you’re the size of a cat. and then having the cats come out into the audience and interact with you. it’s totally different compared to watching a movie. i easily believe these people are cats. i easily believe that I’M in this junkyard. you don’t get that with this movie.
and yeah like i mentioned earlier before i went crazy, the designs of the cats are butt fuckin ugly 😭 in the musical, i can easily tell the cats apart. they have their own distinct beautiful colorings and markings. in the movie, they’re all some boring shade of brown or grey. like where is demeter? jemima/sillabub? alonzo? i can’t tell these bitches apart and they look gross!!!!!
the plot: idgaf what anyone has told you, the musical has a plot !!!!! it’s pretty paper thin, since i think the main focus of the show has always been the dancing, but it’s still there. basically, it’s a huge honor for the jellicles to be reincarnated. every year, it’s old deuteronomy (their leader) that chooses who gets to live their next life. i’ve always described it as “a chorus line with cats.” the cats present themselves and all their accomplishments to prove why they’re worthy. they break the fourth wall multiple times, explaining things and interacting with the audience. but they also don’t explain EVERY LITTLE THING. the show is sung through. they don’t sing “grizabella the glamor cat” and then turn to the audience like, “she’s a bitch cuz she turned to drugs/prostitution/what have u and left us and so we don’t like her.” we already got that in the song. in the movie, they make victoria (the white cat) represent the audience, and they explain everything to her. like. EVERYTHING. it’s redundant and clunky and doesn’t go with the story! and more proof that this movie Doesn’t trust its audience. and then the bullshit with macavity catnapping EVERYONE??? bitch bye i can’t 😭😭😭😭
the songs: i know every. single. word. to the original album. it is so serious to meeee 😭 it’s music by ALW, do u know how hard it is to fuck that up?! the arrangements are fuckin ATROCIOUS, and don’t even get me STARTED on the performances. they keep trying to inject humor in places that are arguably already really funny and ridiculous. bustopher jones always gets some giggles in the show but then in the movie they have to have james fuckin corden stop the song to make some dumb joke about “are u calling me fat?” like SHUT UP AND JUST SING THE SONG????? and then u have the random taylor swift song that is beautiful but doesn’t fit the story or vibe at ALL. that shit should have stayed in the end credits. the only number i honest to God enjoyed was skimbleshanks because they kept it upbeat and fun. rum tum tugger and mister mistoffelees were SO DISAPPOINTING especially because those numbers are PARTIES when u see them live and in the film they’re soooooo underwhelming. and don’t get me started on macavity. that number is supposed to be jazzy and sexy and fun and they gave us…. taylor swift. not even taylor acting as a cat, it’s literally just taylor in horrifying fur technology singing the song as taylor and randomly throwing around glittery catnip????? literally makes NO sense. and jennifer hudson is a beautiful singer, but i didn’t really care for her version of “memory.” especially when u watch it in the film she was doing… way too much. yall couldn’t CGI out the boogers running down her face?!:$:&/ this is wacky!!!!
anyways, if u like the soundtrack for the film, i promise you’ll LOVE the broadway soundtrack even more.
that’s all i can think of off the top of my head, but i’m sure there’s more😭 IMO, cats as a film only works if it’s animated or if you just film the stage production. the only cats film i acknowledge is the 1998 recording with john partridge and elaine paige, so if u can get your hands on that or even a bootleg of the 2016/17 broadway revival i cannot recommend them enough! i know cats has a reputation for being dumb and weird, and maybe she is, but she’s *MY* dumb and weird show. its fun and exciting and im always in awe of the pure TALENT you need to have to be in a production. i genuinely can’t describe what it was like to see this show live back in 2017. easily top 5 theatre experiences, and ive seen 50+ musicals/plays.
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janesgms · 1 year
My big 6 as Princesses
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Leo Ascendant: Rapunzel
Do I need to say much about it? I think Rapunzel is the embodiment of Leo Ascendant. Although I am not a blonde (even though sometimes I want to paint my hair blonde or red lol - my friends tempt me tbh), I see myself a lot in her. Our way of illuminating a whole room with our energy (I'm very humble I know lmaoooo), our glowing vibes, our contagious happiness and laugh, our vibe in general, our clumsy way most of the times, our turning head beauty, our type for men, and the most important thing: our long-ass hair that takes a lot of compliment most of the times haha
Sagittarius Sun & Mercury: Merida
Ok but I relate so much with Merida in a personal level, even my relationship with my mom is the same I swear. Our way of acting on impulsive mode 100% of the time, our need of going out in adventures and to release ourselves from fitting in a box, the way we share our opinions proudly and we can be funny without trying much, the way we do crazy things without thinking about the consequences, the way we like to show our potential to anyone who doesn't believe it, the way we absolutely do not accept when someone tries to control us, the way we say what's on our minds most of the times
5H Sun & Mercury: Tinker Bell
Can we ignore the fact she's not an actual princess? Because I need to put her in here. She's one of the characters I've related the most since I was a child tbh. I'm gonna be honest here that Inwas a child kind of spoiled (also being an only child helps), and when things didn't go as I planned, I got mad just like her, I remember my dad saying to my child me that I was just like her, even the red cheeks lmao. I just feel like her energy in general is a lot like mine and the way we're hardworkes, oh my gosh I really love her movies and she was one of the characters that made me who I am today. The nostalgia is feral
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Gemini Moon: Anna
The overthinking, the way we feel like we can fix even people who are unfixable, the clumsy way (again), the way we can fall for the most shitbag men in the world without seeing their red flags, the way we embark in the most random situations without even meaning to, the way we speak without thinking and mess up our relationships with it but we try to fix things one more time, the hope we feel because we need to hold on to something before we lose our minds, etc
11H Moon: Charlotte
She needed more screen time lol, she's such a funny character and she NEEDED her prince charming lol. Ok, now I'm confused if she actually fits my moon house but I just really relate to her and I'm gonba put her here because she's my comfort character lmao, the exxagerated way of acting sometimes? check. the need to find love and happiness? check check. the vanity sometimes because we like to feel glamorous? check. and also our ingenuity sometimes lol (istg i'm not an intitulated person but this post can say something else? I swear I'm just trying to show my best sides here guys)
Aquarius Venus: Bella
The way we find pleasure in reading and seeking knowledge in a variety of stories, the way we find love and the most diverse universes, the way fall in love with the most unique creatures because we're focused on what's inside, the way we stand our ground even when the situation is against us, our courage. (I just think Bella has everything to do with aquarius venus in general, this placement is so her)
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7H Venus: Cinderella
(+ my 7H Neptune) The way we would do anything for love, the way we can let people step on us sometimes because of our ingenuity, the way we live in our dreams and in our own heads to escape reality, the way we have dreams of finding our one true love, the way we want to stay loyal to only one man our whole life as long as is reciprocal, the generosity we feel towards everyone even if the person has been bad to us (The fact she's always been my favorite princess since I was a child)
Taurus Mars: Moana
The stubborn personality, the need to impose our beliefs when we think it's very important, the way we would do anything and get aboard in any adventure just to save our loved ones and seek the truth, the love we have for our home land but witha desire of getting to know something else. This one was shorter but idk how to explain properly, is the vibes yk?
10H Mars: Elsa
The need to be seen as perfect, the pressure people put on us, the cold way of acting in front of others when you're actually breaking down inside, the urge to release all the negativity stuck inside us, the way we work hard in our job and we can be very responsible when necessary, the way we put our head on top of our heart in the professional field, the way we can be the greatest in everything because we put our whole heart and soul when we enjoy something, the pessimistic way we see things sometimes... Yes I've put Elsa and Anna but to explain myself I also feel like there are two little devils or more fighting inside my head to see who's gonna command so maybe that's it (yeah let's put the fault on my gemini moon and taurus mars who have nothing to in commom with each other lol)
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gold3nlupin · 2 years
i'll be here in the morning ~ remus x reader
hellloooo! <3 here we go with a second attempt at a remus fic since people seemed to like my first one, but this is from remus's POV!
title inspired by i'll be here in the morning by townes van zandt.
quick summary: the gang goes to Hogsmeade to celebrate the coming end of seventh year and you end up drinking a bit too much, but remus is there to take care of you! (let me just say, I don't want to glamorize drinking lol) very fluffy, she/her pronouns used for reader
word count: ~1.1k
The Three Broomsticks was quite busy tonight, full of seventh-years celebrating the end of their final OWLs with the people they'd spent the last six or so years growing up with. Though the room was full of laughter and the pungent smell of ale, there was also the undeniable presence of a certain bittersweet feeling in the air.
Remus stood at the bar, feeling this bittersweetness himself. Oh, how he would miss this stuffy old pub and all the memories that it carried. Just a year before, he had kissed y/n outside this place after they'd shared a cigarette in the snow. He could still remember how cold her cheeks felt, the way she'd looked up at him. . .
"Thanks, mate," he said as the bartender handed him a couple of pints and he headed back to the table. He strode to the booth and sat down next to James, giving him the ale he'd asked for.
"I'm just saying," Lily chimed to the rest of the group, "I don't think McGonagall is nearly as bad as you all make her out to be."
Sirius rolled his eyes at her. "'Course you wouldn't Evans. Some of us, on the other hand, will not miss her watching their every move. I mean, I still don't know how that woman knew about half the things she did! I swear she has eyes all over the bloody castle."
"Quite true." Marlene giggled.
"Well, cheers to no more eyes on us, yeah?" y/n said. The group reached their glasses into the center of the table in joyous agreement.
Y/n smiled as she then proceeded to down an entire pint, banging it down on the table when she finished. "Right. I'll be back," she said, getting up to get another from the bar.
"I bet 10 galleons that she can't walk out of here on her own tonight." James laughed. "Good luck Moony, you'll be the one carrying her back!"
Remus chuckled to himself. James was probably right, but he'd let her have her fun tonight. If he was being honest, he thought the sight of a slightly drunk y/n was quite funny. What a sight she was.
She returned with two pints in hand, sitting back down next to Lily and handing her the second one.
Her eyes met Remus' as she put the glass to her lips. He felt the corners of his mouth turn into a warm smile and his heart tug at his chest at the mere sight of her gaze. She lowered her glass to reveal a mustache of foam above her lip. He laughed and reached across the table to wipe it off with the sleeve of his sweater. She squinted her eyes as she laughed at herself.
"Y'know, not to be sappy or whatever," Sirius gestured with his hand as he put down his glass, "but, you lot are the best family I could have ever asked for. It's hard not to be bummed that we have to say goodbye to Hogwarts and all, but. . . fuck!" He laughed. They all did.
"I just really love you shits is all." Sirius smiled.
"Oh, Pads!" Lily threw her arms around Sirius' neck from beside him. He flinched under her tight grasp. James chuckled.
Remus glanced at y/n. His heart was so full of love for them all, for her. He'd want to remember this moment forever.
Sirius flung the door to the pub open and drunkenly stepped outside as the rest of them followed behind. Sure enough, Remus was practically carrying y/n with her arm slung over his shoulders, stumbling beside him, though one thing that James hadn't predicted was that he too would be absolutely pissed. Lily was struggling behind them to keep him upright as he slurred affectionate remarks at her.
"You-you're so stun. . . stunning Evans, like. . . no other girl. . .even comes close to you," he shouted at her.
"Mhm. Okay." Lily grunted as she struggled to grasp him and keep him walking. "Thank you, darling."
Marlene and Sirius laughed at the sight of them.
Y/n wasn't much better than James, however. Remus could tell she was using all her might to focus on walking and trying not to puke on his feet. He used his free hand to push her hair away from her face and used the other to hold her close to him.
"You okay, hon?" he whispered to her.
"Mmm," she grunted in response against his shoulder.
"Right. We will be back soon. Then you can go to sleep, 'kay love?" he said as he rubbed her arm.
They trotted along and up towards the castle.
Remus led y/n to her bed.
"She alright, Remus?" Marlene asked from the doorway.
He laid her down on the pillow. "Oh, yeah. She'll be fine. I'm just gonna hang out with her in here until she's asleep if you don't mind. Don't want to keep you up though."
"Not at all! Sirius and I are going to hang out in the common room for a bit, so don't worry about it. Stay in here tonight if you want! I'm sure Lily will be staying in your dorm with James anyway," she replied.
Remus nodded. "Thanks Mars." She retreated back downstairs as he pulled off y/n's shoes and sat himself down next to her, running his fingers through her hair and rubbing circles on her back.
"Moony. . ." she said with eyes closed.
"Hm?" he muttered.
She breathed deeply. ". . . I've loved you for. . . for years. Since our second year. I remember it," she slurred.
He chuckled to himself. "I know. You've told me."
"I know but. . . I just-I've just always known it was you. Y'know? You're like- you're just so perfect. And kind, and like. . . annoyingly cool, and so. . . so beautiful. And I'm gonna have your babies."
He laughed softly, still playing with her hair. "Oh yeah?"
"I mean, I would hope so." He stroked his hand across her cheek, so rosy and warm. He saw her smile ever so slightly from his touch.
"So. . . annoyingly cool you say?" he chuckled.
"Yep." she said sleepily.
"I will be asking you to elaborate on that one in the morning," he said as he laid down next to her, hugging her close to him and nuzzling his head into her neck.
"Ok" she said ever so quietly. He could tell that she was on the edge of drifting off to sleep.
"Goodnight my love." He planted a kiss on her shoulder. Of course, he was sure that she'd feel horribly hungover in the morning, but he didn't mind taking care of her. After all, he knew she'd do the same for him.
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enchantedmirage · 7 months
Tears of Themis x Enstars word vomit, GO.
(more on, what do you wanna say if that ever happens lol)
HI HELLO? This is such a surprising concept since I'm already working on another Enstars AU, but anywho!
The core of Tears of Themis is that it has FOUR love interests, which plays hand in hand with our four agencies, well if that matters since we'll focus more on the personalities.. We'll forgo the dynamics the original four have (like marius being vyn's student, vyn and artem having worked with each other before, luke being part of the group the three are also in)
Now.. speaking of those four though, it's time to draw different parallels with them and a character from Enstars. It'll take a while for me to remember what they're exactly like since it's been about two or so years since I last played it..
Okay, starting off with a guy who works in the same field as you, he is your boss basically and would fuss about you not taking care of yourself- ding ding ding, who do I draw Artem parallel to? Ibara Saegusa.
so THIS stood out "Artem's favorite movie genres are art films and war films." and??? Okay, let's roll from that.
"Put himself to an unimaginable standard" Hmm..
Just a headcanon but they probably enjoy black coffee
Also fun fact he shares a va with Nagisa
(anyway I spent like a good ten minutes scrolling his card gallery)
And then soon after, we're introduced to a childhood friend.. yeah okay.. who works a dangerous job.. mhm.. that's will lie to you for your safety... Mama? Like he wasn't completely Anzu's childhood friend but.
"When he was a child, Luke dreamed of becoming a hero, making a charming appearance in times of need and beating all the bad guys. As he grew up, though, he realized heroes aren't always charming and glamorous and are often a mess instead."
UM?? HELLO???????????? (in shock at this guesstimation)
They're both also really reliable
He shares a VA with Mao!
So then, moving onto Vyn, because my friend's favorite was Vyn and she would always talk to me about how Marius steals her pulls and like?? He's something.. is he a manipulator? Is he a yandere? I don't know but when he said "Destruction precedes creation" it reminded me of the genshin fanart with Albedo as Vyn. ... AND okay, so Albedo, right? He's voiced by Nojima Kenji and the person is DING DING DING, the parallel goes to!
"Vyn is able to face anything with ease and skill, giving those around him a sense of peace, resulting in people involuntarily opening their hearts to display their truest self before him. If one's heart has secrets, they will most definitely be discovered by him."
Natsume, natsume??? I can't think of anyone else who would have this kind of description to fit.
Vyn has a very gentle temperament, but he is not what one may imagine as a weak scholar. He is very reliable in critical moments, and with his ability to maintain a perfect disposition, any weakness he might have is unknown. <- what Natsume wishes he could be/j
Oh, and the two of them have really influential parents, go figure.
However, he is sometimes derisive of common human flaws, such as the tendency to prioritize selfish short-sighted personal gain while still rationalizing those same choices as logical and intelligent <- BAHSHAJKA they're both hypocrites
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Yeah okay, so last but not the least! jsldkjfsl this is super funny because Marius shares a va with TSUMUGI, TSUMUGI AOBA!! Him and Luke were my favorites actually, oh look.. me falling for the childhood friend trope and a character with purple eyes.. ah...
"It is difficult to understand this second young master. " <- Okay, Hiyori. I'm calling it now. Rich kid that gets on people's nerves sometimes? Hmmm
Good at art, though the only person that comes to mind is Hajime.. who is the opposite of rich.
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So conclusion? Yeahhh, four agencies? Nope, we have two cospro and two newdi idols sjdkfjsklj --- This does make for a good idea though! Thanks for the ask :3
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fioreofthemarch · 1 year
The Great From the Ground Up Re-Edit
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Finally announcing this!!
Over the past few months, I have completely re-edited my Breath of the Wild longfic From the Ground Up.
Since I finished FTGU in 2017 I’ve known I wanted to give it a refresh. It was written very fast and as a result lacks cohesion and has many formatting/spelling errors.
I will not be changing the plot. The edit focuses on the MANY opportunities to improve continuity, dialogue, location descriptions, characterisation and pacing. There is also new content where I felt scenes and ideas could be expanded upon, about once every other chapter. The original will be preserved if you really want to read it.
The changes will be made on May 5th.
I’m really excited to share what I’ve done with everyone!! As a short preview, here is a new scene in Chapter 7.
The next dawn found them at the gates of Gerudo Town; two Hylian Vai, one of whom wasn’t much of the a talker and the other brimming with excitement to be let in after a century away. Even so early the plaza was buzzing, the Gerudo and travellers taking full advantage of the morning’s cooler hours. 
Merchants lined the long plaza street and were hocking their wares to any who passed. Under the palm trees that ran the length of the plaza, pairs of Gerudo stood gossiping, while others rested in the shade. Nearby, Gerudo children were splashing in tiled pools of water beneath the palms. There were Hylians too, and a Rito woman shopping for enchanted arrows, even a Goron among the gathered people of the plaza. Zelda felt her eyes glisten with tears to see it; she had forgotten, somehow, how at home she felt in this place. 
Beyond, the palace apartments loomed, home to Chief Riju. Zelda knew little about the her, only that she was young – barely a teenager – but fearsome and brave. But their meeting would have to wait. Zelda wanted to enjoy the rest of their morning.
“Mother brought me here every chance she could,” Zelda told Link as they walked a loop of all the stalls. “The first hint of autumn and we would be off in the royal carriage for Gerudo. I remember I once asked her if Lady Urbosa our relative. I thought she and mother must be sisters, because why else would we visit so often? I suppose now I know that mother just wanted an escape. Even for a little while.” 
Link didn’t say anything in response, and if he had any expression at all it was mostly hidden behind his Gerudo veil. But for a moment he paused, appraising her with what seemed like sympathetic eyes.
“I know what you’re going to ask. I have no intention of escaping myself, we still have so much work to do,” Zelda said. “Though a real holiday could be nice. Somewhere by the sea, like Lurelin.”
“Lurelin it is,” Link affirmed.
They had stopped outside a shop that Zelda didn’t recognise, and before Zelda could continue their conversation, a high and energetic call filled the air. 
“Va’saaq! Fine wears of every kind at Starlight Memories Jewelery! Made with the best materials in Hyrule!”
OIt was a glamorous Gerudo woman, dressed tip to toe in intricate golden and green clothes and accessorised with precious gems of all colours. She positively sparkled in the bright desert light, and Zelda was immediately captivated.
The woman noticed them staring and laughed. “Come in, little vai! I have some earrings with your name on them!”
“M-me?” Zelda spluttered. “I couldn’t– we don’t even have many rupees and–”
“Wait a minute,” the Gerudo woman narrowed her eyes. “I remember you!”
The Gerudo woman laughed again. She strode over and held out a hand — to Link.
“You, mysterious vai! Link was it? Funny name. It’s me, Isha! I must thank you again. My shop thrives because of your generosity!” She shook his hand with vigour. “You must come see the new inventory. Your discount still applies of course, perhaps you’d like to purchase something for your friend, teehee.”
They followed the eager woman inside to what Zelda surmised was a jewellery store. “You helped open a shop?” she murmured.
“I gave her some flint I had lying around,” Link shrugged. “It didn’t take long, I swear.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m glad that you helped people.” 
They stepped into the jewellers shop, which shone nearly as bright as Isha herself; circlets, earrings, bracelets, rings and belts in all colours and makes were on display. The store was already busy enough that it was a wonder Isha was trying to find more customers; at the counter, a Hylian traveller was haggling over a diamond circlet, while two Rito waited to pay for a pair of ruby rings, and in the far corner was a goron, carrying what looked like a spyglass and examining some of the goods up close. 
Under his veil, Zelda sensed that Link was smiling. “I did,” he breathed. "I helped."
Isha was rummaging around behind one of the counters, but popped up briefly to address the Goron. “So what’ll it be Kairo, do we have a deal?” 
“I gotta say I’m impressed!” said the goron. “I didn’t know my ore could sparkle like this.”
“Well look all you like, but I won’t let you leave Gerudo until we have a deal for regular supply. You bring me gems from Eldin, I can turn them into fine goods for you to sell on the road.”
The goron rubbed his chin. “I dunno. I wouldn’t really know how to sell this stuff… Let me think it over.”
Isha threw up her hands, and disappeared back behind the counter, reappeaing a few moments later with a small white box. “Here we go, special stock for my favourite vai.”
Approaching Link and Zelda, Isha held out the prized box with an excited grin, pushing it into Link’s hands. “Go on, open it. And if you don’t like them, they’ll go lovely with your friend’s eyes.” 
Isha nodded towards Zelda, who could not help but blush. 
Inside were two earrings of deep amber, cut with exquisite precision, their shape resembling that of autumn leaves. Zelda felt a strange energy radiating from them, as though the air around them was thicker somehow. Link picked one of the earrings up and held it to the light; flecks of orange hues caught a sunbeam and were scattered all around them.
“Look, I was going to charge, but these are on the house. Another thanks. I really couldn’t have done any of this without you,” Isha said. “Just don’t tell the other customers? 
Link nodded, and carefully closed the box. “Anytime,” he said. 
There was a crash behind them, and a gasp from the goron trader, who admittedly was a little too large for a store so full of delicate wares. 
“Kairo!” Isha shouted, turning her full attention now back to the goron. “I said look, don’t touch!” And then she was hurrying back to the counter, stopping just long enough to wave to Link and Zelda as they departed.
“Sav’otta! Tell your friends about us! Soon there’ll be a shop like this in every town in Hyrule!”
Outside, the midday heat was rising, and even the shade of the palms and the cool waters of the plaza could not ward off the power of the desert sun. There was no delaying any longer. They stored in the amber earrings in the Sheikah Slate inventory, and headed towards the palace apartments to find Riju.
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seravphs · 1 year
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They call it tinseltown for a reason. Hollywood’s all gilded glamor hiding roots of deep rot, and you’re tired of acting your ass off just for your role to be given to the next pretty thing with a famous father. Itoshi Sae could be your ticket to stardom - if only he’ll agree. 
wc — 3k
tags — briefly Sae’s POV before it switches into yours, fake dating, brief mention of dieting 
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Sae is sick of many things. He’s sick of the Japanese media attention. He’s sick of his little brother blowing up his phone with messages during the thirty minutes of screen time he’s allowed in Blue Lock; sick of the way he stopped by day thirty with no response. 
He’s sick of being reminded over and over that he isn’t good enough. Every interview is the same question over and over again, like if they rephrase it enough, they can catch him in his lie. He never slips. He tells them he likes being a midfielder. 
He’s sick of the way longing still surges up in his throat when he watches the Blue Lock boys play, sick of how much effort it takes to tamp it down. It took him years to come to terms with the bleeding mess of his shattered dreams, but it never stops hurting. It always aches, remembering that he’ll never be a striker again. It’s a dream he has to give up fresh each time, trying to cling to the memory of failing in Spain so he doesn’t go chasing after it again like some dumb hound. 
Football is the cruelest mistress. She always gives Sae just enough hope to want her more. He has to leash his desires so he doesn’t go running after it into traffic, eyes still only on the prize, ignoring all danger. 
Most of all, Sae’s sick of galas. 
Forget being the best midfielder, he’s probably the best player in all of Japan right now. With Japanese football at such a standstill, everyone is looking to him to lead them into a new future, as if one good midfielder can suddenly make up for a whole team. 
Sae thinks the lot of them are two faced assholes. They look down on him as someone who chose the second best option after failing at striking, but want him to become the star of their delusions. Japan’s football will never be good enough to stand at their world stage, and he was just unlucky enough to be born here, in this country that can’t offer him soil to sprout in. 
So he turns down invite after invite until finally, his manager does something that’s not allowed. He goes over his head to the one authority he’s not allowed to defy, and tells Sae’s mom. One explosive fight in his hotel room later, he finds himself standing in the world’s most uncomfortable suit, playing nice with nepo babies and elderly diplomats. 
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“That’s him,” your publicist says, pointing out a man with green eyes and red hair standing alone in a corner of the room. His suit is tailored impeccably to his body. He has a glass of champagne in one hand that he hasn’t touched once, and mostly uses to wave people off when they try to approach him. 
“Don’t point,” you hiss, slapping her hand down in embarrassment. Technically everything about this meeting has already been orchestrated, but it’s still embarrassing. 
“Jeez, fine,” she grumbles, rubbing her smarting hand. “That’s the guy. Wine and dine him, do whatever you gotta do - at the very least, get a few pictures of you two acting cozy if you can’t get him interested for real. I can take it from there.” 
She makes it sound easy, but really it’s not. You’ve been circling the room for the last five minutes waiting for an opening, laughing obnoxiously at boring jokes with an overdone, “oh, you’re so funny,” and bitterly fielding questions like, “wait, who are you?”
Finally, you spot your chance. 
When Sae sees you coming over, he makes an expression that says fuck off so clearly it’s stopped multiple people before from interacting with him. It doesn’t stop you because you’re desperate. 
You're not a B-list actress. You’re not even on the tier, so below the radar in your unrecognized little roles as barista #1 or background character #12. You need him to make it big. No, you need his name. Being attached to Japan’s favorite boy genius will propel you to stardom better than your own talents will. 
At the end of the day, it’s not about how well you can act. You can cry so bitterly your director takes the day off to call his therapist. In your latest horror role, you screamed with such genuine horror they cut your scene because you, as an extra, couldn’t detract attention from the main actor. When you laugh, people giggle with you, regardless of whether or not the joke is funny. 
None of this matters when you don’t have the pull to get roles big enough to show your skill off. You could be the most talented actress in the world, but stuck in your side gigs, no one will ever know. 
You grab a glass of sparkling pink alcohol of some kind off a waiter’s try with a whispered thank you, down half of it for courage, and try to walk over to Sae in as dignified a manner as you can manage. He doesn’t seem very impressed. 
“Hey, handsome,” you give him your most winning smile. You’re dressed in your best tonight. Your agency even hired a makeup artist to bring out your best features.
He gives you a strained smile, purposefully so that you’ll know how put upon he is being here, being annoyed by people like you who all want something from him. He’s not wrong to be a little pissed. You still think it’s kind of a dick move. 
Regardless of his personality, it’s his fame you want. You sidle in closer, looking at him from beneath lowered lashes. The press is going to love this. 
“You’re looking pretty lonely,” you say, wincing at every word that comes out of your mouth. “Want some company?” 
“How lukewarm,” he says, acerbically. “You don’t seriously think that’s going to work on me, do you?” 
Your mouth almost drops at how straightforward he is. Still, you can’t give up. Your manager should’ve prepared you better - in your head, you curse her out. 
“No need to be rude,” you say. Oops. Too on the nose? You bulldoze forward. “I thought-“
“Just tell me what you want.” 
“If you waste my time, I’m not going to listen,” he says, already turning away. 
“Wait,” you say, grabbing his arm. “Please.” 
He raises an eyebrow and gestures you on. Clearly, his time is worth something. 
You want that. The ease of power, the casualness with which Sae wields it. You’ve wanted it your whole life, since you were singing in school musicals, craving the applause, wanting the adoration like a drug. You try to inject your voice with every drop of that desperation, hoping he understands. 
“I have a deal for you. If you’ll agree to pretend to be my boyfriend for six months, I’ll attend every single one of these galas with you and help keep people off your back. Trust me, I’m great at navigating these things. I was doing it before I came to talk to you.” 
“Oh, you’re drunk,” he laughs. 
You’re affronted by this careless reaction. It makes sense, after all. He doesn’t know anything about you. But for you, this is a career you’re willing to do anything for, and he’s insulted it with his blasé attitude. You grab him by the tie and pull him closer. 
“I’m not drunk,” you snarl. “I have wanted to be an actress my whole damn life, and I need this. Do you have any idea how it feels to know you have the skills, the talent, the dedication to do something, be something, and be denied all because you were born at the wrong place at the wrong time? I love my parents, but I will never get a role because of them. You see that actress over there? She’s talented, I can’t deny it, but her family has been in the industry for three generations. That one? Her dad paid for her debut album to sell out. The girl with the blonde pigtails? Her mom was a famous idol. You can’t become anything in the entertainment world if you don’t already have an edge. You can’t just be talented, there has to be something special about you.” 
Sae stares at you, stunned. All at once, you’re embarrassed by your little monologue, and you step away from him. 
He licks his lips, hesitant to say something. There’s a strange vulnerability on his face, like he was just walking along, minding his own business, and here you are with the nerve to crack him open and find his deepest insecurities, all by accident. 
He doesn’t normally pay attention to sob stories, but yours sticks in his head. How many times has he wished he was born elsewhere, to some other set of parents, only to feel violently regretful at his ingratitude? He wants to say something, but he’s not sure what he would say. 
It turns out it doesn’t matter anyways, because at this point, you’ve tuned out him out in favor of the waiter you’ve just spotted carrying another tray of drinks. 
Before you can grab a fresh glass - this one’s a gradient of blue and purple, your brain registers excitedly - Sae pins your hand down. 
“We’re good,” he tells the waiter. “Wait. Leave a plate of the canapes please. Make that two. Yeah, thanks.” 
You wrench your hand out of his angrily. You can’t afford to piss him off, not when you’ve been trying to cozy up to him all night, but your brain is slightly too foggy to register the ramifications of your actions anymore. You feel delightfully warm and light and also furious he stole your drink from you. Quickly, the fury turns to disappointment. 
“Why did you do that?” You whine. 
“You’re too drunk. Eat something.” 
“I’m not-“
He shoves the canapé into your mouth. There’s a certain twist to his lips that could be amusement or disgust as he watches you chew, then swallow, then moan, which is only half exaggerated for him. 
The canapé has wagyu on it. 
You’re already reaching for the next one. Sae calls another waiter over and gets you plates of chocolate truffles, sushi, and fruit skewers. 
“Oh my god,” your eyes are practically closed in bliss as you take bite after bite. “Oh my god. Is this what you all eat at these events? Holy shit. My mouth is in heaven right now.” 
“I wouldn’t know,” he says. “I rarely come to these things. You’re not eating enough to soak up all that alcohol you drank. Get your stuff, we’re leaving.” 
You perk up. Is it that easy? Mission over? All you had to do was drink too much wine, make a fool of yourself, and devour a handful of wagyu crackers, and you’ve bagged Itoshi Sae? 
“Snap out of it. It’s not like that,” he sighs. “Can you imagine how it’ll look if I’ve been talking to you all night and you end it drunk out of your mind?” 
Your publicist gives you a double thumbs up when she sees you leave with Sae. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to notice. To his annoyance, he has to support you all the way to the parking garage. You’re dead weight in his arms. By the time you get to his car, he’s practically carrying you. 
Sae’s car is a thing of beauty. It’s clean lines and elegance and silver all over. He could not give less of a shit about your effusive reaction to it. 
“Give me directions for where you want to go,” he says. 
His car purrs underneath you when he accelerates on the highway. He keeps a careful eye on the speed limit, but it hardly matters when the ride is so smooth it barely feels like you’re on the road at all. He rolls down the windows at your insistence so the cool night breeze fills the vehicle, your hair ruffled by the wind. 
Sae’s face clearly says ‘This is not what I was thinking,’ when you arrive at your destination. Still, he doesn’t comment on it as he climbs out of his car, then helps you out of the passenger side as well. Glowing, neon yellow arches frame the sky as you throw your arms out and spin around in a circle, giggling. Your pretty dress, borrowed from a friend much more successful than you, flares out at the ankles as you twirl. Sae has to catch you when you nearly eat pavement, your balance completely disoriented. 
“Why are you surprised? McDonald’s is the hangover food,” you say. “Greasy burgers and fries are the best for nights like this.” 
His deadpan expression says he doesn’t get the hype before he chauffeurs you inside, still clinging to his arm. It’s part of the job, you insist to yourself as you hold onto him. It’s not because he’s strong and tall and broad and it feels nice pressed against his side. 
Sae orders electronically and brings the food to you on a red tray. He doesn’t get anything for himself, choosing instead to pin you under his stare as you unwrap your burger. It makes you uncomfortable. 
“Are you not going to eat?” 
“Are you kidding me?” He says. “My dietician would kill me.” 
“Boo,” you frown. You know exactly how it feels. “That’s not fair! You look great, a hamburger isn’t going to kill you.” 
You’re slurring your words at this point. “Oh! Here, you can have some of mine. I won’t tell.” You punctuate the last bit with a giggle. 
Sae takes a tiny, tiny bite of your burger, but you’re clearly not satisfied with it. You push it towards him again. He sighs. “I’ll get something.” 
That something is a salad, but small victories are victories, you guess. Besides, you’re too hungry to care anymore. You devour your burger and sigh in happiness, enjoying the delicious taste of artificially manufactured goodness. Then you groan. 
“You’re just never happy, are you?” Sae says. He’s picking at his salad, eating all the tomatoes first. 
“We missed the main course because we left,” you whine, burying your head in your arms. “It was going to be catered by Yukihira Souma! That was my one chance to try his cooking, even if I could afford it, he has a waitlist three months long.” 
“Mm-hm,” Sae says, completely distracted. He’s texting someone. 
Your excitement dims a little, and you remember why you’re here. 
“So. Did you think about my offer?”
“Your proposition, you mean?” He says, returning his attention to you. 
“You make it sound so salacious! It’s just a naturally beneficial deal: you pretend to be my boyfriend for a month, and I’ll attend all of your events.” 
“And why would I do that?” Sae drawls.
“Because I can be your buffer at these events. No one else is going to bother you if they think you already have a girlfriend, and I can do all the talking for us. I get tons of publicity, you get to ignore everyone else at these parties: win-win. You’d be a fool not to take this offer, really.” 
He makes a soft sound. 
“Is that laughter I hear?” You prod him in the chest with a finger. “No way. You can laugh? I didn’t think they programmed that into you.” 
“Don’t be a brat,” he says, shut off and remote once again. It doesn’t matter - you made him laugh once, you can do it again. It was a bad idea to reveal that to you, because now you’re determined to hear it at least once more. 
“Alright. Say I take your offer. What’s the deal with being your fake boyfriend?” 
“I haven’t figured out the details yet,” you say blithely, trying to hide the fact that you didn’t think you’d get this far. “Obviously I’m okay with touching, kissing-“ 
You stumble over the last word, having never been kissed before. There’s a twinge in your heart at the idea of your first one being fake, but acting means everything to you. There’s a lot more you’re willing to give up than just childhood dreams of romance. Everything’s fake in Hollywood, anyways. 
He’s laughing again, this time at you. You can’t even find it in your heart to be mad. “What are you getting all shy for?” 
“Hey! Fake or not, we’re in a relationship now,” you hiss. “You have to be nice to me.” 
“Nice, hm?” He gets up from his side of the booth and slides into yours. “I can do nice.” 
Suddenly, all your senses are on high alert. Every nerve ending is on fire, suddenly tuning into Sae. This close, you can smell his cologne, aquatic and clean. He leans closer, hand sliding up your neck to cup your cheek. He’s so close you can count each of his eyelashes. You’re frozen in place when he leans in, tilts his head at the perfect angle, and ever so delicately places the lightest kiss on your cheek. 
That’s when you notice the paparazzi behind him. You’ve been distracted by Sae, or you would have noticed earlier. They’re never as sneaky as they think they are. From this angle, it must look like Sae is genuinely kissing you. This is an opportunity you can’t waste - you raise your arms to drape them over his shoulders and press in closer until you’re practically in his lap. 
“Thank you,” you murmur. 
“Don’t thank me yet,” he says. “I’ve fulfilled my end of the bargain. You still have to uphold yours.” 
It’s too late to go back to the gala at this point, but Sae now has your number for any other events he has to attend going forward. He drives you back to your building and insists on walking you all the way up to your apartment. He even helps take off your makeup and tucks you into bed before he dims the lights. 
“Good night,” he says. 
“Don’t let the bed bugs bite!” You chirp back. 
It’s too dark to see his reaction. 
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The doorbell has been ringing nonstop for the past twenty minutes. You would just let whoever’s at your door keep at it, but your neighbors would complain, and your landlord is looking for any reason to raise the rent. You’re too drunk for this. 
You wrench open the door and snarl, “What.” 
“Open up,” Sae says impatiently. His words are contradicted by the fact that he doesn’t wait for you to open the door wider, he just breezes into your apartment. “I’ve been waiting for hours - god, how heavy do you sleep?” 
He’s holding a takeout container in one hand, though it’s unlike any container you’ve seen before. Even the material seems to be a grade above the restaurants you normally dine at. He notices you looking and lifts the box in one hand. 
“Oh, this? I just had an acquaintance pack a box of the main course last night.” 
“You didn’t-“ your eyes are huge in delight. 
“Nothing but the best for my fake girlfriend,” he says, smirking. “I’m looking forward to our partnership.”
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