#i just realized i forgot the blush marks but w/e
avvidstarion · 4 years
if ur still doing the ask meme thing: TMA tim (rip legend) + childhood + A3! (also ur art is amazing!!)
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sexiest man in tma with that worm scar and Hawaiian shirt drip
(thanks so much mina ily your art is even more amazing)
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tarantulas4davey · 4 years
Youtuber!Ralbert Au - Part Two
once again inspired by the wonderful and fabulous @we-are-inevitable and you can find her original concept here
part one to this series can be found here
and my valentine’s concept can be found here
i finally did it guys are you proud ✨
now that we’re here, i realized i forgot some vital information last time (aka i hadn’t come up with it yet but ranting to jorja helped me solidify the world thank you mother goose)
so race’s online handle is radioactive racer, and albert’s is, as we know, chaotic red
both of these come from when they were in middle school and had just made vine accounts
albert’s entire account was just videos of race doing dumb shit while he cackled in the background
race’s was just memes
but because this was middle school, race looks WILDLY DIFFERENT compared to now
he was in his full dyed hair and guyliner phase, and before he grew 8 inches the summer before freshman year, so he’s fairly unrecognizable in the vines of him (plus,,,, they were dumb 13 year olds, only their friends saw their vines)
but there’s just,,,, an account full of very cringe videos of 7th grade racetrack higgins on the internet that nobody’s connected to them yet, so we’ll do something with that eventually
now back to your regularly scheduled programming ✨
so race and ‘red’ announced they were dating about a month ago, and it’s getting increasingly difficult to make sure al’s face isn’t visible in any clips
also both of their channels are gaining more traction, and race is getting recognized more in public (which he adores, i might add)
but it means that eventually someone’s going to make the connection between the redhead race is walking around with and chaotic red
so despite how anxious it makes him
how genuinely terrified he is that he won’t live up to expectations and everyone will be disappointed
he decides to post a Q&A video to his channel and reveal his identity
it starts with him adjusting the focus onto the couch in their living room, before his stocky frame, black sabbath shirt, jewelry and freckles walk on screen, and he sits down
if anybody had any idea what to expect, the crooked grin, lip ring and custom snapback probably weren’t terribly high on their list
he lets out a breath and his grin gets a bit wider, before he waves into the camera “hey guys! so,,,, this is probably a bit out of left field, but i wanted to properly introduce myself. i’m albert, nice to meet you, but please, call me red.”
his eyes flicker to behind the camera and he rolls his eyes slightly at race’s chuckling that barely audible to the audience
“don’t you dare laugh at me, i’ve never done this before!”
“you’re doing great babe, you’re just a massive dork.”
“stuff it, blondie.”
al can’t really hold back his laughter, not completely, so he huffs a bit before turning back to the camera and properly answer questions to “let the people get to know me”
the dynamic from race’s original video revealing their roommates is flipped
the audience finally getting to see that albert’s grin pulls up slightly farther on the left side than the right
or that he fidgets with his lip ring when he’s thinking through an answer
or the utterly s o f t look he has in his eyes when he looks at racer, one that seriously doesn’t match his mischievous expression or abrasive voice
he answers questions with more ease than he expected, excited to finally be sharing, but once it comes time to hit upload he freezes
“race i don’t think i can do this”
“of course you can sweetheart, everyone already loves you”
“but what if they’re disappointed? what if i’m not cool or interesting or attractive enough? what if-“
“al i k n o w you did not just look at me with t h a t face and claim to not be ‘attractive enough’. attractive enough for who, red? people that are gonna say mean shit anyway?”
al ends up hitting the upload button and promptly hitting his forehead on his desk in anguish cause holy shit what’d i just do
all his worrying ends up being for nothing because everyone absolutely adores him and won’t stop saying how p r o u d they are and how pretty he is
“i told you, dumbass. you’re the prettiest person i know.”
“stop it, you sap.”
he starts using face cams for his (and race’s, when he’s on the chaotic red channel) gameplays and his focused face is s o c u t e
race finally doesn’t have to be sneaky or beg him to take pictures anymore
race is also incredibly excited to not have to aggressively edit all his videos to make sure you can’t see al’s face/hear his name in any of them
race “accidentally” leaves the clip of them slow dancing in the kitchen to ed sheeran in the vlog right after the face reveal
when al next films a sit down video, race is behind the camera, and they’re going through old pictures of albert from childhood (most of them have race in them too, he might as well be there)
this is when the fans discover albert blushes when he’s embarrassed
this video is also how everyone connects the old chaotic red vine account to them and race is m o r t i f i e d
they make it to a picture of them just after they got together, race leaning into albert’s side loosing his shit at something jack is doing off camera, but in-the-picture albert is too busy looking completely head over heels for race to notice whatever they’re doing over there
al just grins and looks up at race with the same stupid mushy expression
“that’s when i knew i was really in love with you”
you can basically hear race m e l t behind the camera and he just tackles al into a hug on the couch and it’s SUCH a cute couple-y moment
“yeah, and you were calling m e the sap earlier. s u r e, whatever helps you sleep at night, albie.”
“it ain’t sappy if it’s true, tonio.”
and editing-al cuts it off, but race had untucked his face from al’s neck and dragged him into a kiss
when he finally got back to filming, al may or may not have had to use cover up on his neck to make it less conspicuous, but that’s neither here nor there to be honest
also this isn’t a necessary addition but every once in awhile race or al will forget to cover up marks on their necks before filming and get absolutely ROASTED on twitter
i have a thousand more ideas for this au so i promise i will be making more at some point but here’s ✨this✨ for now
lmk if you want me to add you to a tag list or whatever cause i’m down with that
ok fín
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Having a crush on Gryffindor!Johnny
Quick Disclaimer: I've never written anything like this before and English is my second language so I hope it turned out alright :)
so like it all started very innocent
you just had a crush on a Gryffindor boy
nothing big right, everyone has a crush from time to time
or at least that was your opinion
But your two best friends had a different way of seeing these kind of things
Mark and Yeri couldn't stop gushing about it
They made sure to not tell anyone, yeah, they'd never do that intentionally
but everytime they'd see your crush they would whip out an entire notebook, writing down every lottle detail about the things he did
your crush being Johnny by the way
but your friends would write down E V E R Y T H I N G he did in order to evaluate whether he'd be a good match or nah
They really just wanted to do their best to make you happy
and you appreciated it. You really did
but when Mark almost ran full force into a wall, after an intense session of stalking Johnny, you had enough of it
you loved your friends but it annoyed you to no end how they couldn't stay out of your business
so when the three of you were standing in an empty hallway you scolded them about it
telling them how your crush wouldn't be a big deal and how they should start focusing on their own love interests
you obviously knew they had a thing for each other but they....just.... didn't
so you just finished scolding your friends, being obviously pissed about their behavior
when Johnny and one of his friends come walking around the corner, chatting the day away
and you hoped to God that they hadn't heard anything
and they didn't seem to, they just greeted Y'all with a nice wave and then left you there to finish your conversation
you didn't want them to hear anything about your conversation so you just took a turn and went back to your dorm, leaving Yerim and Mark behind
fast forward to the weekend
it was hogsmeade weekend
and you'd love to go
you really wanted to
but you're so forgetful you missed to ask your parents to sign the permission slip for you
so you had to stay back at the castle trying not to die of boredom
Johnny caught wind of that
and he kinda just decided to stay at hogwarts
for you
The only problem was... he didn't tell you.... so.... he spent his entire day searching do you. without success
Around evening he gives up and goes to sit down on one of the stairs, sulking
It was about dinner time so you made your way towards the great hall, eager to get some of that nice hogwarts food after spending the entire day doing your homework
On your way there you passed Johnny, silently wondering what had his energetic ass go this sulky and quiet
He spotted you out of the corner of his eyes and,,,, his face brightened up big time
Which honestly confused you but you weren't sure whether you should go talk to him or rather keep walking to go get the food you were longing for.
You took the option more important to you... and so you kept walking, shooting him just a small confused smile before redirecting your attention to the way ahead
Johnny couldn't leave it at that and nearly jumped onto his feet, hurriedly catching up to you all the while trying to keep his cool
He couldn't
Even your dense ass noticed that he was trying hard to keep up something.... That honestly wasn't even there
Anyway so he comes up to you and asks you what you've been up to all day
So you tell him that you've been studying in your room
And two realizations hit him
One: He totally forgot that 500 page essay he had to write for potions
Two: He was pretty dumb for being a flat A student
His hand found its way onto the back of his head, scratching his scalp in his attempt of trying to cover up his embarrassement
You weren't sure whether you should be embarrassed, amused or just confused
So you just went for the most logic option and went,,, awkward,,,
So now you two were walking alongside each other with an awkward aura following you into the great hall
You were about to kind of just try to slide to your table when he suddenly stops you
He really didn't want to let you go just like that
Also he didn't really feel like spending another day of hopeless searching
So his emotions kind of overreacted and he grabs your wrist, seeming a bit panicked blurting out an
'do you want to go out with me?'
And like you were kind of.... Confused...Shocked... And embarrassed.... And oh my God was that the feeling of your cheeks getting hot?
You kind of just stared at him in shock
Because truth be told he almost screamed that into your face
As he realized that as well he let go off your wrist, his hand finding the back of his head again
'I- I'm sorry'
You just shook your head in an attempt of telling him that it wasn't a big deal
It confused him honestly, he was sure he heard you talking about him the other day
Jaehyun confirmed that he had heard it too
But he didn't want to press any further and make you uncomfortable or even scared
So he kind of just nodded, whispering a small 'sorry'
And finally you snapped out of your shock, now it being your turn to almost scream at him
'Oh no no, that's not what I meant. I- I mean- of course! I just- blanked?'
Your voice became quite towards the end but Johnny understood every word
And he was happy again
But also embarrassed
And so were you
Then your senses kicked in and you couldn't hold back a little snort
Which FINALLY broke that awkward, embarrassing tension that was going on as both of you just kind of chuckle-laughed
He nodded relieved and amused
'okay, I'll think of something creative'
You grinned and let out a hum in agreement
'You better!'
After deciding on a day and time you parted ways to go and sit at your house tables
You also took note of the fact that there were only a handful of students that caught up to your conversation, which made you sigh relieved
you sat down on your usual spot, hieving enormous amounts of food onto your plate
You were so deep into your task that you didn't notice the two pairs of eyes, staring at your head like you were Fluffys sister
Until you actually lifted your head and stared right back
The innocent sounding question seemed to send your friends off to the moon
Yeri repeated your question as if it was the most ridiculous thing someone had ever asked
Mark was just sitting there, still kind of baffled by your previous interaction with the Gryffindor guy
'Your long term crush just asked you out and you're just sitting there..... Eating'
Yeri accusingly pointed her fork at you, waving it up and down as she continued talking
'you should be squealing. You should be gushing about it. Why are you just EATING?'
She wasn't wrong, your were indeed.... Eating
Cheeks filled with food, you weren't entirely able to answer her questions, though you weren't even sure if you could actually find any answers to them
You were just hungry
Anyway the point why I'm still writing about this is
You noticed how she was behaving a bit off
More off then usual
So you let your gaze slide to Mark, looking for answers
When he just kind of starts blushing
You go back to Yeri and she just starts,, blushing
And at first you're confused
But then you get it
You were being way cooler after being asked out by your crush then Yeri would probably ever be
And she just wanted to cover that embarassment up
So you grinned, all the while trying not to loose the food that was stuffed in your mouth
You weren't really able to talk so you just aggressively started to wiggle your eyebrows
Your friend almost screamed as she started to throw broccoli at you
'SHUT up!!'
You started laughing
All the food you tried to keep in started to plop down onto your plate and you almost choked on a carrot before your friends lost it and laughed along
So the three of you were sitting at your house table, laughing the whole situation away
And in the far there was Johnny, watching the situation unfold in silence, an amused smile on his face
He chose the right one and he couldn't wait for that date
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furashuban · 6 years
Timely Caresses
A fic that I made for Valentine’s Day! It was inspired by a prompt I got from @spop-prompts and wrote it in a swift amount of time. So please, partake in some fluff and gay.
Pairing: Glimmadora
Words: 2.1K
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17782643
Summary: Glimmer uses her teleportation to ‘surprise’ Adora in every turn.
Adora completely forgets the idea of what privacy is as she lets herself come inside Glimmer’s room. She knew better of course, trying to knock before breaking in and even calling out her name through the other side of the door. But if all she was going to get for acknowledgement was sheer silence, why bother standing for another minute. Queen Angella had requested a personal order to keep an eye on her daughter during her recharging, to which the blonde was willing to follow. Seeing Glimmer was both a necessity and a pleasure ever since they, including Bow had developed their connection…But the pink-haired princess was absent from where she normally recharges, leaving Adora to resort in finding her somewhere in the palace.
The bedroom door closes behind her while the blonde woman began to pore over the aesthetically-furnished area. No sight of the short princess sitting by the window or pacing around the floors anywhere. Adora halts her unrecognizably intrusive behavior, growing apprehensive of why Glimmer was not rejoining to her presence. There was no way she was going to mess up the Queen’s directive if she could only apprehend where Glimmer was.
“Glimmer? You’re here right?” she inquires quietly. “I’m just checking up on you for a bit so I hope you aren’t messing with-”
She halts as soon as she glances upwards, realizing Glimmer’s bed dangling above the high ceiling. Hmm...maybe she was there, slumbering even, despite her recharging that was aforementioned by Queen Angela. The floating steps leading to her bed was right next to Adora for her to hop onto on each one. Without reluctance, she chooses to inch upwards to finally see how she was doing.
But the blonde woman barely raises a foot as soon as she perceives a mystic poofing noise coming behind her. A smaller physique, grinning jubilantly and very close to Adora, prepared to come into contact with her. Her hands were raised and opened while marked behind the blonde woman. Right away, Glimmer initiates her intent.
“Adora…!” the princess exclaims and lightly thrusts her back.
The blonde shrieks from panic as she turns around, only for her squeal to be stopped by Glimmer’s grasp to her shoulders and be pulled close to her face. The princess’ lips quickly collide with Adora’s in a tender caress, both their eyes shut while they coddle in their sudden yet gratifying palate. Their kiss barely lasts ten seconds, but it made the two princesses feel like their pupils have been replaced with stars for a moment. Glimmer gawked to Adora, already blushing from what just happened to them.
“Surprise…” the enchanter says softly, her flushed face being brighter than Adora’s.  
“So you WERE trying to mess with me.” Adora says flustered.
“Yeah I guess but, c’mon…” Glimmer replies. “I thought it’d be nice to spice things up when I kiss you.” But Adora hesitates to agree.
The pink-haired princess could never contain her excitement after her curse from Shadow Weaver was lifted. The battle against the Hoard in Brightmoon made her especially feel more alive than ever, using her teleportation to aid the rebellion and other princesses was an ostensive ride of joy. Inevitably, she needed some recharging to do after Adora…well, She-ra for that matter, gave the rebellion their instant victory. Glimmer’s rest was an utter enjoyment knowing that her powers her back, while also thinking about what to do with them now apart from the usual things prior to her curse. She-ra was all in her mind apparently, nothing new came out of that. But she knew exactly what to do as a way to say ‘thank you’ in the most practical way.
“So um, are you feeling alright?” Adora inquires for the sake of checking her up.
“Oh, more than alright, Adora.” She replies elatedly. “I haven’t glitched or felt pain from glitching ONCE. Now I’m…”
Glimmer teleports again as a pink and glittery spec was left as an afterimage. Adora turns to see her just next to the door. “…here…” She continues, immediately teleporting again.
“…there…” she says standing up on the bed by the window.
Adora saw the next teleport coming, but now Glimmer wasn’t anywhere to be seen this time. “…but most importantly…” she hears a voice behind that was bound to startle her.
She turns around another time for Glimmer to caress her lips on Adora’s face, only this time she lands a kiss on the cheek. “…right here… the small enchanter gawked at her with a delightsome expression.
“Please stop doing that Glimmer….” Adora says with slight apprehension in her tone. A simple kiss would be good enough for her, it wasn’t hard to ask for it either.
The shorter princess proceeds to chuckle hysterically. Seeing the sheer shock on Adora’s face was like watching a meteor shower for her; not only did it entertain and astound, but the hue made everything better. “Okay I’m sorry.” She apologizes. “But I don’t think I’ll be stopping.”
It was either Shadow Weaver’s curse or endless unwanted kissing for Adora at this point. Either way, the task to check on Glimmer was completed and the princess’ antics were taken as a mere comical memory as soon as she decides to take her leave for now. It was funny…As the blonde ambled out of the room and onto the halls, she still felt the warm sensation of Glimmer’s kisses on her face. A petite grin wiped over her expression while trying to recall literally the last few seconds that she was in the bedroom. The smaller princess acting content over just about anything was absolutely adorable for Adora to captivate in. She finally makes it to her own room, wishing that she could have chosen to stay a bit longer with Glimmer. But little did she know that she might have thought to soon.
Her guard was down, and she somehow forgot Glimmer’s promise about not stopping.  Heading towards her bed, another mist of glittery pink pops up near her body. A frantic gasp emits out of Adora once more to the sight of Glimmer taking a tiny step towards her. As luck may have it, the small princess gives a small peck of her lips onto Adora’s cheek and elongates her lingering before pulling back. The blonde swore that she would get a heart attack soon the more these surprise kisses from her girlfriend would keep going.
“Glimmer…!” she exclaims, following with nothing thanks to her shock.
“Hehehe. See ya later, Adora…” Glimmer waves her hand and teleporting back to her room. The blonde finally crashes onto her bed and lightly groans onto her pillow.
 ….. …… ……. ……. ……. ………
  The pink-haired princess felt like enough time was taken for Adora to prepare for her kisses. Sure, she knew that she had finished recharging earlier, but she was having way too much fun now. And besides, she promised herself that this would be the only time where she would act like a complete pain to her favorite girl.
Glimmer stood asserted and teleports back to Adora’s room for another affable strike. There she was by a corner, she gawked at the blonde on her bed lying indolently with some paper gripped in her hands. Thankfully, she doesn’t bother notice Glimmer’s little mist when she teleports this time, let alone noticing her at all in the room. The princess kneels down and sneaks up to Adora’s bed to see what the blonde was up to. Being adjacent now, she notices the paper being mostly scribbles of unintelligible errors apart from what looked like routines and places Adora was going to do. Arrows also connected each word to one another. Glimmer was about to lose it. Was the blonde being tactical to make sure she doesn’t to lose to one of her kisses again…? Alas, she decides to talk.
“…What’cha got there….…?” she inquires.
Adora puts down the papers onto her naval. “Nothing, I’m just trying to find out–––W-WAIT A MINUTE-“
Glimmer takes her chance and instantly goes for her lips. Awkwardly, Adora cossets to this fourth kiss in a row. She doesn’t bother to let go, waiting for Glimmer to pull back herself despite the frustration of being immovable again. Gosh, the smaller princess could get used to the feel and taste of her lips all day, couldn’t she?
They withdraw and stare back at each other. “You’re enjoying this too much, huh.” Adora says smiling.
“Mhmm. And I thought you would be too.” Glimmer replies.
“What makes you think I’m not?” the blonde starts blushing again.
“Oh, I know you are, just not “too much”. Seeing you freak out after I kiss you keeps making things better and harder.”
“I bet I can outsmart you though…” as if Adora wasn’t already seen to be doing that a while ago. “There’s no way I’m gonna let you surprise me for the whole day.”
“I’m not trying to challenge you, Adora.” Glimmer clarifies.
“Well I’m doing it anyway.” Adora responds. “And then we’ll see whose laughing and...kissing, now.”
Glimmer was chuckling internally, trying to make its way to full laughter. If this will spice things up even more, who was she to stop it? Both of them were technically princesses. “Too late. I’m already winning technically…” Glimmer says. And there she goes again, teleporting to another part of the room.
Adora’s eyes widen and try to leave the bed by standing up. Unfortunately, her head turns the wrong way to the sound of Glimmer exclaiming “BOO” comically. There was no way the blonde was this gullible to fall for another brief kiss on her face, and all Glimmer had to do was snitch to the other side of the bed.
“And with that, I wish ya luck…” Glimmer says, ensuing a chuckle and another teleport back to knows where. The cost was clear for now. Adora can try to make progress in outwitting the princess.
 …… …….. …….. …….. ……… …….
 Adora felt like an hour had passed since Glimmer had last stopped by. It was just enough time for her to wonder if she’ll ever come back again. But in a more divisive idea, all she could do was snare her into a trap to return. What are needed were some sheer luck and a pinch of patience to make her vow of outsmarting a reality…The blonde was ambling to where Glimmer’s bedroom door was situated, peeking in a little to see if she was even there. Luckily, there she was, lying beside the window ad paying attention outside. She leaves the entrance slightly open for the princess to properly perceive her lure. And right there, Adora stomps twice on the ground and immediately walks back to her resting quarters.
Glimmer heard the blonde’s first step into her plan and gawks towards the entrance. She leaves her post by teleporting and reappears outside the room. It was just in time to see Adora walking away from her and onto a new location. The princess doesn’t use her powers right away, not wanting to assume where she was going and failing to jump out and break her streak. She follows her stealthily, only for Adora to arrive back into her own room. Yes, now it was Glimmer’s chance. Her fist clenches and shuts her eyes while picturing the image of the location. She makes her last teleportation to the room and immediately presses her lips…
…on nothing but thin air.
Her eyes re-open to find herself standing alone. Adora was now the one out of sight and left the enchanter puzzled for once. Hmm, if nobody was in front of her and nobody occupied the bed…hopefully scouting the room wouldn’t be so hard considering it was as similar as hers.
But she lets her bewilderment last too long to begin moving. Adora unexpectedly rushes beside Glimmer and catches her in her arms. The magenta-haired girl shrieks and squirms inside of Adora’s patently strong grasp. She gets lifted slightly upwards, Adora doesn’t hesitate when she finally kisses Glimmer. As the taller princess could feel the sensation of victory flowing through her, the enchanter was enthralled, feeling the stars form under her eyelids. The two girls coddle in their position and indulge their caress like it was now going back to square one. Glimmer’s palms ran through Adora’s tied-hair so she could make bring her kiss in deeper. Adora submits, embracing her tighter in return. She intended to last for a brief second, but ensuring to hang on was much, much better.  
At the same time, they both let go and try to breathe. If She-ra had been kissing Glimmer, there was a great chance of her fainting from euphoria. But in the end, she treasured all she was able to get out of the day.
“I love you, Adora.”
She drops back to the floor, officially ending her antics. But the taste of their caress will cease to go away.
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bloodpacks-archive · 7 years
Libraries and Ice Cream
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Peter sees a girl in the library while he’s studying, he immediately decides that he needs to talk to her.
Warnings: None? Maybe one swear word? It’s honestly kind of cute all the way. Oh and also my bad writing
Note: I’m really worried that Ned and Peter are kind of OOC and like yikes if they are I’m soooo sorry. Also, so sorry that I haven’t been active like at all these past few days, I was completely slammed with homework and volleyball, then I had a tournament yesterday. I’ll try to push out as much as I can today! This isn’t my best work but I hope you guys enjoy it! Leave feedback please! And feel free to request some stuff!
Peter and Ned had arranged to meet in the library. This was fairly normal for them before the Stark internship began, and Peter was hoping to bring back old traditions that had since been lost. Besides, Peter had a Spanish test tomorrow and was going to need help studying. Peter walked into the book-filled room, the smell of tattered pages and wood that had been wearing away filled his lungs. Libraries were a surprisingly relaxing place for Peter, he liked to be able to sit in the quiet and stuff his nose into a book without a care in the world. Today, however, he would be in possession of quite a few reasons to care. Lately, the conjugations kept getting mixed up in his head and ser vs estar was tripping him up. Only studying was going to be able to save him at this point.
Peter spotted Ned across the room, sitting at a table with a laptop in front of him, presumably writing his English paper that was due the next day. Peter slid into the chair next to him, making Ned jump.
“Man you cannot sneak up on me like that! What if I made a typo and forgot to fix it?” Ned asked, feigned panic in his voice. Peter let out a quiet chuckle before pulling out his Spanish textbook.
“I’m sure you would have figured it out, Ned.”
With that, they both returned to the silence of studying, occasionally asking for help on a paragraph or asking which conjugation was correct. Half an hour had passed before they both decided they needed a break. Peter shut his textbook and Ned followed in suit with his laptop. They sat there, discussing the latest news for the new Star Wars movie when something, or rather someone, caught Peter’s eye.
“Wait, hold up, hold up. Ned, who is that?” Peter asked, leaning to his right in order to get a better look at this mystery girl. He studied her every feature from afar. Her y/h/c hair fell perfectly around her face which was currently hunched over some textbook. Her navy blue sweater hung loosely off of her frame, and she had the sleeves pulled over her hands which were holding her head up as her eyes flitted across the pages. Ned turned to get a glance at what Peter was looking at.
“Oh that’s y/n. She’s new. I’m pretty sure I saw her walk into a few of your classes, did you seriously not notice her? She’s like, gorgeous,” Ned said, looking back to glance at her again.
“I was probably distracted or doing my work, I don't know! But I need to talk to her,” Peter decided, breaking eye contact with Ned to look at her again.
“Yeah, ok. Like that’ll ever happen,” Ned mumbled.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Whatever you think it means, man.” Ned began to pack up his things, silently stuffing them into his backpack.
“Hey, hey, hey, where are you going?” Peter asked, putting his arms out to stop Ned from continuing to put stuff away.
“You seem a little preoccupied, I figured we were done,” He answered matter-of-factly. Ned packed the rest of his stuff and began to walk away. Peter called out to him softly before sighing and putting his textbook away, then grabbing his bag and following Ned. He did, however, take one last look back at the mystery girl, whom he could now call y/n.
The next day, Peter sat in his Spanish class. He had finished the test early, left to sit and stare at the clock to his left. He went through his answers in his mind, cursing himself once in a while when he realized he had misspelled something or forgot an accent. He looked around the room and at the people who still had their heads down, pencils making vigorous scratching noises as they frantically raced against time to finish their tests. He glanced at the clock again, five minutes left. Peter continued scanning the room, until his eyes got caught on magnificent y/e/c ones that stared directly at him. A blush crept up Peter’s neck and he looked away, suddenly taking great interest in the markings on his desk. When Peter looked up again, y/n smiled at him before directing her gaze towards the clock. He admired the shape of her nose, the cut of her jaw as she looked to the side, the way her- the bell ringing cut him off. Peter quickly grabbed his bag and speed walked in order to catch up to y/n.
“H-hey, y/n, right?” Peter stuttered out, y/n turned her head to look at him before smiling.
“Oh? Yeah, yeah. I know Pedro’s your Spanish name, but what’s your real name, Parker?” She flirted, casually flashing a smile at him. Peter could have sworn his heart melted right there. He loved the way his last name rolled off her tongue, could listen to her voice for years on end.
“Parker?” She asked again, laughing softly when he came back to reality.
“O-oh r-right. I’m Peter. What class do you have next?” Peter asked, desperately trying to regain some of his composure.
“I’m actually heading to lunch now, and you?” She reached up to flip her hair to the other side and Peter’s heart fluttered.
“S-same actually. W-why don’t you sit with my friends and I?”
“As great as that’d be, I promised some girl’s that I’d sit with them today. Said they’d help me figure my way around the school. Thank you, though,” She reached up to Peter’s bicep and gave it a light squeeze as a thank you before walking off to talk with the group of girls he had presumed she was sitting with today. As she walked away, Peter finally became aware of his heart rate speeding up and the fact that his entire body was shaking. He exhaled and continued walking to the lunchroom. Determined to tell Ned about what he just did.
Peter stumbled into the lunchroom, his legs still shaky from talking to y/n, and the constant pushing and shoving of his fellow classmates didn’t help his situation. He practically ran over to Ned, his chest bursting with excitement.
“She’s in my Spanish,” Peter rushed out as soon as Ned was within range.
“What? Who?” Ned asked, looking uninterested as he continued to eat his food.
“The new girl! Y/n. Gosh she’s just- she’s so amazing!” Peter gushed, using wild gestures to show his excitement.
“Ok but like, did you even talk to her? Or did you just creepily stare at her from across the room?” Ned deadpanned, still seemingly more focused on his own problems, such as his english paper, rather than what Peter had to say.
“I actually talked to her! And she like, talked back! We had an actual conversation and oh my gosh she was so perfect and amazing,” Peter said, leaning back and putting his hands over his eyes. A smile had taken over all of his face, and Ned sighed at the sight of it. His best friend was entirely gone for this girl. That being said, Ned couldn’t help the grin that covered his face when he saw Peter like that.
“Just don’t ditch this one at homecoming, alright?” Ned joked. This brought Peter out of his state of daydream.
“That was one time!” Peter defended. Ned simply hummed smugly in response.
It was only a few hours before Peter saw her again, this time it was in his last hour of the day, English. When he saw her, he casually took his spot next to her. He wondered to himself how the hell he didn’t notice this girl next to him yesterday, but simply reduced it down to stress.
“Hey,” Peter whispered, leaning towards the girl slightly.
“Oh! Hey Peter. I didn’t realize we had this class together,” She said, sending a beaming smile his way.
“If I’m honest, I didn’t either. I was sort of preoccupied with the Spanish test that we had today,” Peter responded, quieting down as the teacher walked in. Y/n made a groaning noise, before rolling her eyes.
“That was so hard! I thought they were going to give me some slack for it being my second day here but, apparently not,” She whispered, clear annoyance in her voice. She shook it off though, going back to smiling softly at Peter.
“Ms. Y/l/n! Mr. Parker! Could you two please quiet down? I’m trying to teach a class, in case you haven’t noticed,” Ms. Robertson said, giving the two of them a pleading look. Peter nodded before returning to sitting normally in his desk, facing towards the board and away from y/n. However, that didn’t keep him from stealing a glance at her whenever he got the chance.
It was halfway through class when a small, folded piece of paper landed on Peter’s desk. He opened it to find a phone number neatly scribbled on the inside. On top of the paper, in loopy handwriting was y/n’s name with a heart doodled next to it. Peter looked over to see her expression, only to find that she was hiding her face from him with her right hand, carefully scribbling notes into her notebook. Peter smiled and shook his head to himself before putting the note into his pocket to be used later.
It would be three hours later when she got a text from Peter.
Wanna go out for ice cream later? Maybe study for a bit?
While she wouldn’t ever admit it out loud, the blush that covered her face when she received that text was like wildfire. She had only known Peter for a day, but there was definitely more she wanted to know about him. There was something about him that just made him magnetic, like they were at least meant to know each other. When she had first seen him in Spanish yesterday, brow furrowed as the teacher spoke endless sentences that seemed to muddle together, she couldn’t help but smile.
I’d love that, Peter. What time and where?
Half and Hour? Oddfellows?
Make it an hour and we’ve got a deal
Very well. See you then
Y/n got ready as fast as she possibly could, touching up her makeup and flattening out the dress she was been wearing today. She grabbed her sweater before heading out the door, heart fluttering in her chest and stomach doing flips.
When she reached the ice cream shop, she saw Peter waiting outside, arms crossed and him bouncing up and down. She walked over, shyly smiling at him as she walked closer. Peter’s eyes lit up when he saw her, and he opened the door to allow her to walk in first. Y/n blushed and ducked in, taking in the red and white color scheme that surrounded them. Peter took in the look of wonder that painted her face, smiling at the way her eyes scanned every corner of the room, not wanting to miss a single spot.
“Come on, what do you want?” Peter asked, placing his hand on the small of her back and leading her over to the counter. Y/n pondered over her choices before eventually deciding on strawberry. Peter told her to go find them a seat while he waited for both of their orders. When Peter returned, he placed y/n’s ice cream in front of her, then took his seat across from her.
“You look absolutely beautiful, you know that right?” Peter said, smirking at y/n. She blushed, and smiled down at her ice cream.
“Where’d this sudden burst of confidence come from, Parker? When you first talked to me you could barely speak,” She teased, eating a spoonful of ice cream. Peter laughed before shrugging.
“Blame the ice cream. It has magical effects.” Y/n let out a soft laugh and looked up to see Peter beaming with pride.
The two of you talked about both everything, and nothing while eating your ice cream. When your bowls were emptied and the small shop began to contain more space than people, the two both agreed to leave. He walked her home in the warm April day, smiling as he looked at the trees beginning to bud. When the two arrived at her house, he stood at the doorstep, watching the girl walk in with a smile plastered on his face. She blushed as she looked back at him. The porch lights reflected off of her, casting a golden light everywhere she went.
“You’re glowing, darling,” He said, leaning on the pillar in front of the steps. Her blush became deeper, the golden hue of the light highlighting it. As she closed the door, she gave him a fleeting smile.
“I’ll see you later, Peter,” She said softly, just barely audible for Peter. Peter stared at the door, half hoping that she would come back out and kiss him. However, the door stood closed and unmoving. As Peter walked away, butterflies rose in his stomach and an electric smile crossed his face. It wasn’t long after the date that Spider-Man was seen swinging about the buildings of Queens, sounds of elation flowing with every swing.
Behind the closed door, y/n was leaning against it, hands on her face and a feeling of overwhelming happiness coating her entire being. She let out a soft laugh as she went up to her room. For once in her life, she couldn’t wait for school on Monday.
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dayeemah · 7 years
Choi Youngjae
Got7 fluffy? Smut
Contains heated smut and a little fluff.
Inspired by the song by ~ Tove Lo & Nick Jonas ‘Close’
Description ~ Space was just a word made up by someone who was afraid to get close.
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'Cause if I want you, and I want you, babe Ain't going backwards, won't ask for space 'Cause space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close.
~ But that didn’t stop him from getting what he wanted.
Part 1 - Part 2 ?
Youngjae was sometimes shy to admit what he wanted. Sometimes he did but that was around his hyungs or friends. When it came to a woman he was rather awkward, taking steps back as sweat formed on his forehead. He knew he should get closer but it was hard to control how he felt.
Especially about you. Seeing your pretty smile when ever someone made you laugh, - or even him- Your eyes lighting up in awe when your favorite song came on. He loved how you would cuddle close to him when it was cold out and you forgot to bring a sweater.
Your cute moments would not only turn him on but make him afraid to get close. He knew sooner or later he needed to face this fear but every time he thought he could, the space between your bodies would make him want to get closer.
The night was long and breezy, and he was thinking about if he should take you home tonight. You both were sitting on the bench near the gate, his jacket around your shoulders and your head leaning on his shoulders. It seems like the perfect night Youngjae could ever have with someone like you.
You seemed so honest of your feelings, throwing hints at him but then again you were just as shy as him except you had a little more confidence to go after what you wanted. And even though Youngjae knew what he wanted he didn’t know how approach it. it was hard for him to get comfortable to take charge.
When Youngjaes hand fell on top of your thigh your body heated up from his sudden touch. 
And he felt it..
You turned your head a little to look up at him as his eyes met yours. You could feel the magnetic force pushing your lips together. How soft his lips felt on yours drove not only him crazy but you as well. Youngjae definitely knew he had to take you home and he was going to but then he felt his stomach turn and feelings of uneasiness.
Quickly pulling away he stood up walking over towards the gate, his fingers latching in between the open spaces holding on to it firmly. His eyes staring through the gate, his mind racing and body heating up.
Your soft voice was enough to make his features soften up but not enough to make him look at you. You sighed feeling bad.. you weren’t sure if you did something wrong and it bothered you.
“Youngjae.” You spoke again and this time his face turned slowly towards you.
“Y/n. I-I.” he stuttered his words seeing how close you were to him again.
Butterflies were flying around his stomach and he couldn’t control it. You were close to him and he realized how much space he needed because his voice got caught in his throat every time he opened his mouth to speak. But your hand softly caressed his cheek staring into his eyes stopping him from speaking any further.
“Shh. Don’t speak I understand. Youngjae you need to relax and listen to me. Space was just a word made up by someone who was afraid to get close but i’m not afraid and you shouldn’t be either. I want you. Now kiss me i’m tired of waiting.” You felt your cheeks heat up and you looked away biting inside your lip embarrassed.
Youngjae watched you his eyes darkening as he chuckled, turning your face towards him as he pulled you in by your jaw to kiss him. You sucked in a breath your fingers lingering by your sides as you reciprocated his kiss. Melting into his body, your eyes closed and for sure you could feel yourself blushing.
Youngjae pulled away moments later having a smirk on his face. You opened your eyes looking down biting your bottom lip, you were flushed and he liked it.
“Jagiya..” Youngjae said getting your attention as he reached for your hand,
“Lets go to my house.”
Youngjae led you down the hall towards his bedroom and for a second it felt like he could hear your heart beating from the 5 steps that he was away from you. But he was eager and determined. He didn’t want to go backwards with you and you both wanted this. He wasn’t turning back now especially when he knew how long you waited for even a simple kiss.
You threw hints at him but he was to caught up in holding back and drowned in own shyness to make a move. And someone had too.You sat on the bed taking off your sneakers, and Youngjaes jacket that covered your shoulders draped off you and fell on the sheet. Youngjae watched you for a moment, taking in how beautiful you were.
And you were all his.
"Y/n. Come here.”
You bit your lip quickly standing up walking over to him. His voice wasn’t the usual, playful and high pitched but more serious almost as if he was acting in a movie and couldn’t be himself. You blinked a few times looking down at your hands, but his finger lifted your chin up to look at him.
“You want me?” Youngjae asked,his voice sultry and turning on.
His words were sinful rolling off his tongue and you liked it. You only time you saw this side of Youngjae, minus the talking, was on stage. It was like he had two personalities.
“Y-yes.” You replied staring him into the eyes.
Youngjae chuckled, having a smug smirk on his face as he bit his lip.  His finger rolled down your chin and neck popping the buttons on your shirt and you could feel your cheeks burn from embarrassment. You weren’t insecure but your crush seeing you naked made you shy and especially the way he was stripping you.
“C-can I undress you?” You asked reaching for the hemp of the over sized shirt he wore.
Youngjae nodded watching you intensely as you pulled his shirt from over his head. He didn’t have abs like Jaebum or Jackson but his stomach was toned. Clearly he didn’t work out everyday but he you didn’t care. Your hand rubbed down his stomach bringing fire to his body. 
Youngjae leaned in to kiss you again this time his hands were roaming your body slowly undoing your jeans. You were a little nervous but mostly focused on the kiss that made your body feel electrified. His lips began kissing on your neck and his heavy breathing as he kissed down your neck made you even more turned on. 
“Baby get on your back. I’ll take care of the rest.” Youngjae breathed into your ear.
You nodded, letting him back you up into the bed as you laid flat on your back. Your eyes watching him as he towered over you.
His hands began to feel up and down your thighs, massaging them until you were moaning with want. You were slightly arching your back and pulling at his pants to get him to move faster. He cupped your face, roughly kissing you as he bit and sucked your tongue.
You were surprised by this behavior because he striked you as a gentle person but nothing was gently by the way he touched you. He began to move back down to your neck leaving marks on your skin, then he kissed on your collar bone and down to your mounds.
His eyes observed them before squeezing them and pinching at your nipples. Having your breathing hitched below him only turned him on more. He loved watching your face especially when his lips kissed close to where you wanted him.
“Y-youngjae.. Please.” you whimpered. 
He stopped to look at you seeing how disheveled you looked he smiled mischivously, and pecked your lips biting your bottom lip. You could feel his bulge pressing against you and you needed to feel more, you wrapped your legs around his waist, rubbing against him for friction but he stopped you.
“Tell me you want me and I might give you what you want.” Youngjae said, sliding off your panties that were a bit damp.
As soon as he noticed the spot of wetness in the middle he chuckled biting his lip eyeing you seductively. Your cheeks were really on fire, covering your face with embarrassment. You never imagined your ray of sunshine could be like this.
“I w-want you.” you finally spoke holding back your shyness.. 
Youngjae sucked his finger then began rubbing your sex, you gasped, squeezing the sheets closing your eyes. His fingers rubbing around your clit and slowly entered your sex, pumping his fingers between your walls. You moaned feeling a wonderful sensation of pleasure. 
Youngjae added a second finger and this time your toes curled feeling his fingers hitting something that you didn’t know was even there. You felt your body twisting and squirming until your juices coated his fingers. He pulled his fingers out chuckling as he sucked your juices off,
“You taste like cherries and I love cherries.” 
Your cheeks went red and just as confident as Youngjae was feeling, it slowly went away and his face turned red. He didn’t know what to do, seeing you naked before him and him half naked. Poor Youngjae didn’t know what to say.
Mumbling a curse he quickly looked around, pulling the cover over your naked body.
“Y/n do me a favor and lay there for me i’m going to be right back.” Youngjae assured, kissing your forehead then rushed out the room.
Youngjae wasn’t sure of himself, insecure and his shy self was coming back out. He needed to get himself together and focus on being the guy you want but he couldn’t even stop sweating. His palms were shaking and his stomach was turning. 
“Fuck I need to go back in there. My woman needs me.” Youngjae groaned slapping his head as he turned around becoming face to face with you.
Your eyes were pleading and you held the sheet covering your breast but cleavage was still showing. 
“Youngjae please. I really want you.”
And that was enough to make his eyes dark again. Biting his lip eyeing you seductively, he pulled you by your wrist towards him making the sheet fall as he stared into your eyes.
“Let me dominate you, so you don’t have to do any thinking tonight.”
A/N: Hello guys ! I hope you enjoyed this. Ill post part 2 if this gets 100 notes or more <3
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
Oh, you're doing a prompt! It's really hard to choose, but I would ask for sonamy in #4 (amy is the angry one ofc haha) or #5 (sonic is saying that)? I can imagine a situation like those! :D and thanks!
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“He doesn’t even like you!” Eggman responded to Amy’s tantrum of how he was ruining a date between her and Sonic.
“Ah!” she bit her lower lip, having it tremble as her heart was pinched deep inside her. Her front teeth showed a little before she bent her ears, holding up her shaking fists that had anger marks on them.
She was slowly twitching her head down before she swung it up, pointing to Eggman, and holding her Piko Piko Hammer. “You’re lying!”
“Really? Cause he’s taken off faster than a my afternoon pills…” Eggman leaned back, looking at his fingers and being dismissive of her anger.
“W-wha..” Amy turned around, seeing him no where.
The picnic was was still intact…
She started to tear up, “No way…” she hiccuped as she felt her heart breaking off in little pieces at a time, as if cracks were spreading all over it, slowly.
“It.. It can’t be..” she slipped to her knees,… her shoulders bounced as her back faced Eggman, and he shrugged.
“Such is life. Stop fretting so much about it and get a REAL BOYFRIEND for a change, eh?” he leaned forward, seeming annoyed but still passing on his old-fart wisdom, custom for his age to do so.
He pulled his flying robot back that took off from jetpacks on his heels, and then waved Amy off by saluting her.
“¡hasta mañana!” He cheerfully retreated to find where Sonic had run off too.
Amy started to fume with rage, and quickly got up, her hands spread out to the side of her, like a scheming witch. “THAT. HEDGEHOG… I’LL CURSE HIM TO MANANA!”
As she cleaned up the picnic, all that was left was the checkered red and white blanket…
She sniffed and wiped her eyes, about to roll it up before a gust of wind thrust her into the blanket, and she spun to wrap herself in a cocoon of sorts.
She blinked, still having her head outside the blanket.
Sonic stood in front of her, holding some relish it looked like.
“I’m back! Got the-…woah.” Sonic looked around, seeing there were black soot marks all over the grassy area. “What happened here?” he looked confused.
Amy pouted, glaring intensely, but to Sonic, it just looked like she was annoyed.
“I… wasn’t gone for that long… was I?” he scratched the back of his head, sweat dropping. “I thought I only took a moment to look at the scenery…” he looked up, talking mostly to himself, and put his free hand to his chin.
He flinched, realizing she was more than annoyed now…
“H..Huh?” his mouth was open, and his eyes had shrunken back slightly.
He was started to withdraw back as he saw her wiggling and flopping in the blanket.
“E..Eggman!” he suddenly looked surprised, and happily searched the skies, seeming excited.
“Huh? Where? I don’t see him!”
“Ohh…” Amy bent her head down, unable to escape the tight wrap, and started crying again. “YOU’RE THE MEANEST, CRUELEST, AND FATTEST, ARROGANT,..P-…PANSY I’VE EVER KNOW!” Amy kicked her legs around, before spatting out that last word, knowing that would hit a soft spot.
Though she had never insulted Sonic to this degree before, he freezed up, and his quills rapidly started to fester up, as he turned around, glaring with his teeth gritted.
“What!?” Now she had got him steaming. “Look, I wasn’t the one who forgot the relish here!” He called back.
“You… THIS ISN’T ABOUT THE STUPID RELISH!” she flailed again, trying to roll but the blanket was stuck on some roots under her, and tugged to keep her still.
She chibi cried a moment, “I’m stuck…” she whined out.
“Hmph. Serves you right for calling me that.” he huffed, folding his arms. “Besides… did you fight Eggman all on your own?”
“Hmph. What’s that suppose to mean? Like I’m not good enough to go against your mortal enemy or something?!” she puffed up her cheek and swiped her face away from him. “I’ll have you know. I may be a lady, but I can be dangerous too!” she kicked her legs again, looking helpless.
This didn’t really work with her last statement…
He chuckled a quick snort, before letting her cry out another insult again.
“OFFPH! I can’t believe I have to put up with an oaf like you! If you WERE here, you’d have probably just abandoned me all over again to run off and fight Eggman!” She leaned up, shouting as she tried to stretch in her comfy, but tight prison.
Sonic lowered his head, his eye twitching with each insult. “You might want to cut it on the insults here, Amy…” he was holding in a lot of what he COULD say…
“You don’t even know how to love! Do you!?” she cried out, squinting her eyes shut as she rocked forward and back to try and AT LEAST get up.
“I cared enough to get you relish! Geez, woman!” he leaned forward, now indulging in the banter back.
“AH!” she gasped, opening her eyes. “How DARE you.”
“How DARE you!” he called back, being sassy as he mimicked her head swished and folded his arms, turning from her. “I don’t have to put up with this. I could just leave you in that miserable taco wrap and wait for Eggman to come back and take you. Or let some other hero whisk you away and finally have some peace and quiet!” he stuck he head up, before hearing slight sniffles behind him.
“H..huh?” he blinked, confused, before turning around, and immediately regretting not keeping his mouth shut.
“You.. you really are… you don’t love me…” she started to cry again, but this time, to herself, her eyes big and shaky before closing them. “Emm.. Eggman… You would rather anyone take me as long as I’m out of your hair right..?” she mumbled through her tears.
Sonic slowly stepped forward, holding out his hands, sweat dropping. “N-now, hang on a sec..”
He flinched back.
“LEAVE ME HERE TO D-I-I-I-IE!!” she cried out, as now his own heart sank within him.
“Amy…” He lowered his head, before shaking a fist and biting his jaw shut.
He jumped on the blanket.
“WAH!” Amy felt him land on her gut and had to cough a second, before realizing he was over her and blushed.
“Wha… wha-wha-wha-wha-” she blushed harder as he leaned up and moved closer to her face.
“You really make me so… so mad sometimes, Amy. Give me a moment to apologize.” he leaned his head to the side of her face.
She jolted, a huge electrical like current bristling her quills up, unable to flee or fight, Amy had to deal with the adrenaline rush while remaining still. “WHA-WHA-WHA-WHA-”
He lightly bit at her blanket.
Her eyes with blank with white.
He tugged and suddenly the roots that were under her ripped the blanket, and he let go with his mouth and tore with his hands.
“There. You’re free to… Amy?” He blinked down, seeing her eyes in swirls and her arms flopped down.
“O-oh.. you were freeing me… right… of course you were… should have known..” her head steamed with the heat of the moment.
Sonic watched a moment… before leaning down.
“You were expecting.. this?” he lightly put his nose up near her cheek.
He wasn’t able to finish the action, however, as she suddenly jumped up in the air, flailing her arms about and dashing away to the open field, holding a leg up and cowering away.
“W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW!?” she shivered a second, her eyes dilated, and she held her two hands to the side of her face. ‘My face is so hot! and he only had to lean down!’ she spoke in her head, gulping and closing her eyes.
“I-I thought you wanted to leave now!”
She opened her eyes.
He was right in front of her.
“I’m too mad that you thought I didn’t care about you enough to at least get you out of the blanket.” he did look a little irritated.
“Ack!” she stepped back, “B-but you’re…” as she continued to move back, he kept advancing.
The action made her stutter on her words, becoming uncomprehending, as she moved back even faster and he just had to kick up his feet a little more to keep up.
He started smiling now, seeing her fleeing.
She blushed so hard that she didn’t even look behind her.
He guided her right into a tree.
“Offph!” she looked nervous, leaning up against it as he came more forward, putting both hands on the sides of it.
“This is for ticking me off.” he leaned down, and as Amy quickly ducked her head and closed her eyes, the screen went dark…
Later, there was a big budge under the picnic blanket…
(I imagine kissing. but I’ll let your imaginations take it from here. I tried to keep it canon up till this point. I’ll continue to try and do so in my head xp)
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