#i just popped into his stream I WANT RO TALK TO HIM SO BAD
gorillaxyz · 3 months
im actually so obsessed with that guy on deviantart. he draws ship art of himself and celebrities like taylor swift BUT ALSO? katie britt... i fuck with it so much and i love him hes one of my favouriye people on the internet and well. on deviantart. who is rhe only person he watches? ME. the only comment hes ever made..? replying to ME. im his number 1 fan. we are basically for lifers
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kywaslost · 3 years
Levi Comforts Anxious Sister Reader
Warnings: anxiety, anxiety attack
Requests are possibly open?? I don’t really know yet if I’m honest lol
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Being the younger sister of humanity’s last hope isn’t easy. You worried constantly, whether it be what people thought of you or if your brother would make it back from the latest expedition. You were only 16 and you felt like the world was resting on your shoulders. With Lance Corporal Levi as your brother, people expected you to be just like him; cold, heartless, and an amazing warrior. 
In reality, you were just another soldier. There wasn’t even anything special about you. You couldn’t turn into a titan like Eren, be quick on your feet like Mikasa, or be smart like Arwin. You were just like anyone else. You didn’t have much in common with your older brother either. You had his hair color and facial structure, but that was as far as it goes. Levi never showed his emotions whereas you could never mask your own. He knew how to lead an army and take down a titan without a second thought. Your social anxiety kept you from trying to take charge and you considered every possibility that a titan could do to kill you and that distracted you from your main goal.
There was an expedition a few weeks ago that scarred you. It wasn’t your first, but it sure made your heart stop beating. You were a part of Levi’s squad. Just because you were another soldier doesn’t mean you weren’t good enough to be with your brother. Levi would never admit it but he fought hard and well to make sure you were on his squad when you had to go out on expeditions.
There were more titans than you thought there would be. You were swarmed, alone. Three titans were closing in on you and there was no one around to help you kill them. You let out a shrill scream as one of the titans enclosed you in its grip. You panicked, trying to free your arms. You were lifted closer to the titans mouth. In a final attempt to save your life, you screamed, “Levi!” You closed your eyes, accepting defeat. In a split second, you hit the ground and the air was knocked out of you. You winced in pain as your right shoulder took most of the impact. The ground shook as the three titans hit the ground, dead.
“Y/N!” Next thing you knew you were in someone’s arms and flying through the air. You opened your eyes slowly to see your older brother looking down at you. You then closed your eyes, unconscious.
Levi cursed to himself when he felt you fall limp. “Do not close your eyes,” he screamed. “Don’t die on me!” Levi landed on one of the medical carts retreating back to HQ. Eren lay still in the center, weakly looking up at the sky above them. Arwin sat beside him and Mikasa rode her horse along the cart.
“Captain?” Eren called hoarsely.
“Arwin, help me,” Levi ordered. Arwin quickly pulled off his cloak and folded it to use as a pillow. He helped Levi lay you flat on the cart next to Eren and he started to press part of your own cloak against your head.
“She’s bleeding, Captain,” Arwin informed the man.
“How bad is it?” Levi asked as he inspected your shoulder. It was obviously dislocated and broken.
“I can’t quite tell but she has a head injury, most definitely a concussion.”
“Mikasa,” Levi called. “Give me your cloak.” The girl ripped it off and passed it to the captain. He then popped your shoulder back in place and used the cloak as a sling. Taking off his own green cover Levi layed it over you in an attempt to keep you warm.
“Is Y/N ok?” Eren asked quietly, reaching over to grab her hand.
“Don’t touch her!” Levi ordered, taking her hand instead.
That was a few weeks ago. Since then, you’ve been ordered by your brother and Erwen himself to take it easy. You were to sit out of training and for chores you were to stay with your brother and do as he told you to do. You were bummed you had to sit out but were beyond grateful that you got to spend so much time with your brother. Ever since that day, you started to panic whenever you were by yourself. Your breath would quicken and your heart rate would pick up. It never got terrible though, since someone would find you rather quickly. You didn’t bother telling anyone about this, since you thought it was just a temporary thing.
Today you were with Levi in his office. He noticed how you winced in pain whenever you moved so he ordered you to sit on the couch in his office and rest.
“But Levi--” you started to protest but he glared at you.
“That’s Captain Levi to you,” he corrected. You looked away, suddenly upset. He never ordered you to call him Captain when it was just the two of you, let alone ever glare at you like that. You heard the man sigh and felt the couch dip beside you. “Hey,” he said softly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” He pulled your head to rest on his shoulder. “I know this is hard for you and I’m sorry I’m making things worse. I’ve just had a lot of paperwork and I know that’s no excuse.” You closed your eyes and leaned into your brother’s touch.
“It’s alright,” you said quietly. “I understand.” You shifted to get more comfortable but winced in pain. Your head was killing you. Armin was right, you did have a pretty bad concussion. Levi took notice of your pain and frowned slightly. He never was one to show his emotions. He gently lifted you off of him and laid you down on the couch.
“Where are you going?” you asked as you sat up quickly. Levi gently pushed you back down onto the couch.
“Lay down brat,” he said. Although there was no emotion showing on his face, you could see the concern in his eyes. “I’m going to go find something to help you with the pain.” Levi turned around and left the room. Your eyes widened in panic.
“I’ll be back.” With that, your brother left. Your breath quickened and you started to panic. Ever since the day you got injured, you couldn’t stand being alone. You squeezed your eyes shut, the tension causing your head to hurt even more. Letting out a choked sob you started to shake. I can’t do this, you thought to yourself. I can’t be alone. You attempted to stand and walk, wanting to find at least someone to stay with you until Levi got back, but you were too far gone. You stumbled down to the ground as the pain in your head caused your legs to give out from beneath you. You gripped and pulled your hair with your one good hand, breath labored.
“Levi,” you gasped quietly. Tears stream down your face, leaving small streams on your cheeks and dripping from your chin. Your vision became blurry, colors being distorted and black dots appearing every now and then.
You’re all alone, just like that day.
You can never be as great as your perfect brother if you can’t even stand being alone for a few minutes.
It took you a few moments to realize that you were trying to scream despite the fact you were gasping for air. 
“I found some--” You couldn’t even hear the voice of the man that had entered the room.
Levi’s heart nearly stopped beating when he saw you a mess on the floor in his office. The small bottle of pills that were in his hands clattered to the floor, rolling under a chair. The man dropped down beside you and quickly wrapped his arms around you. You let out an ear piercing scream, not knowing what was going on around you. Levi jumped back. His hands hovered over you as the man panicked on what he should do. He’s never seen you this vulnerable before, let alone packing like this. He debated yelling for help, wondering if your friends would be able to handle the situation.
This wasn’t the first time he had dealt with someone having a panic attack. With him being a leader, his soldiers always asked for his help when they were this vulnerable but he had never seen an attack this bad before. Heck, he had attacks himself but they weren’t nearly as severe as this.
“Captain, what’s--” Levi looked to the doorway to see a few cadets standing in the doorway. 
“Leave,” he growled. The cadets nodded and quickly closed the door, slamming it in the process. You jumped, screaming even louder. Levi’s eyes pricked with tears as he took in your state. He started to try and talk you down since you obviously didn’t want to be touched.
“Hey princess,” he soothed as he tried to keep his voice steady and calm. It would be of no help if you heard him panicking as well. “I’m here, ok? You need to calm down.” He saw that this wasn’t working and remembered how you would never disobey an order, even if it came from your brother. “Breathe, Y/N. That’s an order.”
You heard your brother beside you. You were no longer alone. Despite hearing his order, you could not escape the prison that was your mind. You continued to gasp for air as your body trembled.
“Breathe,” Levi said again. “Slow. Take it slow. In and out.” He started to breathe loud and slow to try to get you to do it with him.
“I can’t!” you sobbed. “I can’t breathe!” Levi watched as the color drained from your face slowly and how you slowly moved to lay on the floor.
“No,” he said sternly, going to touch you before remembering that could make it all worse. “Do not pass out on me.” You were laying on your back now, still gripping your hair with one hand.
“It hurts!” you cried out. You started to feel yourself drift off due to the lack of oxygen your body was getting. “Levi.” The words barely made it past your lips as your eyes drooped closed. Levi’s eyes widened.
“No! Do not pass out!” It was too late, you were out. Your breath quickly even out as your body relaxed. Quickly, Levi placed your head in his lap. He gripped your good hand with one of his and pressed a kiss to it as his other hand ran through your hair. He wiped the remaining tears from your face. “Please,” he begged silently, “wake up Y/N.” The two of you stayed like that for several moments before your head lulled to the side and a quiet groan left your lips. Levi smiled softly, bending down to kiss your head.
“Hey sis,” he whispered as he moved the hair from your forehead. “It’s ok, I’ve got you.” You slowly opened your eyes, looking around the room. Your eyes connected with his and it took you a second to process who you were looking at.
“It’s alright,” Levi cooed softly. “You need a moment for your head to kick back into the right gear, and that’s alright.” You attempted to sit up but Levi pulled you back down into his lap. He tapped your nose gently with his pointer finger. “What are you doing brat? You are in no condition to be moving around.”
“Levi?” you whispered slowly. He gave you a small smile.
“Yeah,” he answered. “It’s me.” You sighed softly, leaning into Levi’s leg. The two of you sat like that with Levi staring down at you, afraid to take his eyes off of you.
“Bubby?” you muttered, looking up at his worried gaze. Levi’s eyes softened. You only ever called him that when you were upset or something was wrong.
“What is it baby?” Words were the only way Levi knew how to provide comfort and even then he still couldn’t do it well.
“Can we move to the couch?” Nodding slightly, Levi picked you up and laid you down on the couch. He sat down near your head as you sat up and leaned against his shoulder.
“What happened?” he asked quietly. “I didn’t know you struggled with attacks like that.” You let out a shaky breath and buried your face in Levi’s arm. “It’s ok if you don’t want to talk about it but I would greatly appreciate it if you told me.”
“Please don’t leave,” you muttered silently. Levi pulled you onto his lap and hugged you.
“I’m not going anywhere,” he whispered in your hair. “I promise.”
Without looking up to meet your brother’s eyes, you started to explain, “Ever since that expedition I can’t stand being alone. I can’t breathe very well and speaking is hard.” Levi’s eyes widened in realization. “I’m guessing it was because I was alone when the titan attacked.” If it were even possible, Levi held you tighter.
“Has this happened before?” he whispered. You simply shrugged.
“Yeah, but it’s never gotten this bad. I usually can’t breathe very well for a minute or two before someone comes back. Then I’m fine.”
“I’m so sorry,” Levi said with tears in his eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t think that much of it,” you responded.
“Come to me the next time this happens, ok?” Levi commanded. “That’s an order.” You give a small giggle.
“Yes, sir.”
“Does your head still hurt?” you nodded as your brother slowly set you on the couch and picked up the bottle that had fallen from his hand moments ago. He placed two pills in your hand and handed you his cup of tea. Once you had taken the pills and settled down on your brother’s shoulder again, you started to drift off to sleep.
From that day on, Levi made sure you were never alone. He would always command another cadet to be with you when he could not be and was always there to talk you down when you were left alone. Let’s just say that whoever left you alone would later be seen unconscious with a bloody nose before being carried off to the medical wing.
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miceandmonsters · 4 years
Orc Boyfriend - Ronar
Male orc x female reader; 5.5k
friends to lovers; first time
You met Ronar first year of college, bonding during a particularly frustrating class taught by an elf who thought a tweed blazer made him a good teacher. What started as mostly the two of you attempting to teach yourselves the required material and swearing creatively, bloomed into your closest friendship during school--one that even lasted past graduation. It, of course, helped that you’d stayed in the same city, both finding jobs and setting up lives less than twenty minutes from each other. You texted or spoke nearly every day and hung out almost as often.
More than once, over the years, both of your families had wondered/pestered about why the two of you weren’t more than friends. Your response never varied over the years. Ronar would always shoot you a pointed look, and you’d return with an exaggerated eye roll that would make him laugh quietly, and the conversation would move on. What you had with Ronar was good. After seeing more than one of your friends from school marry and then end up broken-hearted but a few years later, you were grateful to have Ronar’s dependable, constant, warm presence in your life. And you were nearly able to convince yourself that it was enough.
It was the little things about Ronar that felt the most damning. His loose smile right when he was on the cusp of tipsy to drunk. How he held open doors and helped carry groceries and picked things from tall shelves for you and anyone else he ever came across in need of help. The way the artfully selected beads in his dark braided hair glinted in the sunshine. His ass in wet swim trunks--you were only human after all and you thanked every god you’d ever heard of that he was definitely not. His serious expression when he was concentrating on his work, eyebrows knitted together and one thumb idly pressing against a tusk. It all added up to you being helplessly fallen for your best friend.
You probably should have said something already. You probably should have said something five years ago, honestly. Because now it felt like there was too much momentum, you were going too fast, too steady to try and jump tracks now. Couldn’t seem to quite get that thought through your thick head, but you were working on it. Or at least trying. 
In the meantime, however, you promised yourself that you wouldn’t let your wildly inconvenient feelings compromise your friendship with Ronar. He obviously didn’t feel the same, but he was still very nearly the most important person in your life. So you were there for him, through thick and thin, doing your best to deny your heart and support him like he supported you.
You had plans to go see a movie together one night after work, when he texted you as you pulled into the parking lot of your apartment complex.
‘hey. would you be sad if i don’t want to go see that movie tonight?’
You frowned and dashed off a reply. ‘not really. everything okay?’
‘work was shit. dont feel like going anywhere.’
‘why don’t you come to my place? I can make spaghetti with pink sauce’
The little typing bubble appeared and disappeared a few times as you got out of our car and headed to your front door. Just inside your apartment, you got a reply.
‘i do like pink sauce’
‘see you soon’
You dropped your purse in its usual pile near the front door and headed to the kitchen, opening up the pantry cabinet to pull down--crap. You scoured through a few other cabinets, hoping that perhaps you’d just somehow overlooked or misplaced the required ingredients. Unfortunately, you had not. You were completely out. And there were only three ingredients to begin with. You dashed back to your purse and barely remembered to lock the door behind you before you ran to your car to go to the nearest grocery store.
Of course there were a million other people also trying to get last minute dinner supplies as well at the store. But you returned to your apartment in record time, noticing that Ronar’s car was parked a few spaces down. Thank gods you gave him the spare key when you moved in. 
You stepped through the front door to find Ronar splayed across your couch, as if he’d crossed the threshold and taken all of five steps before dropping face first into the cushions. Bad day at work indeed.
“Hey, Ro,” you said in a low voice. There was some sort of muffled return of the greeting. “Had to stop by the store real fast… you good?”
His hand lifted up to form a thumbs up for a second, then dropped back down to its place on the carpet.
“Okay.” It would be amusing if he wasn’t miserable. You went into the kitchen and set about the familiar pattern of spaghetti and pink sauce. After a few minutes, Ronar wandered into the kitchen, frowning at life in general and still in his work clothes. You hardly ever saw him in a suit. It was a good look on him.
He joined you, leaning against the counter across from the stove, arm brushing your shoulder in the process.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked, tipping your head to look up at him.
He loosened his tie and a long sigh. “Not really. Just… the usual bullshit.” He shrugged off his suit coat, tossing it and the tie haphazardly to your kitchen table. 
You patted his arm. “That sucks. Do you… want a hug then?”
He looked over then nodded, wrapping you in a tight hug and tucking his face into your hair. Hugging your orc best friend was one part being wrapped in the most comforting grip you’ve ever known and one part trying to hold the sun. He was warm and solid and just absolutely the best hugger you’d ever met. You hoped that he found hugging you half as wonderful as you did and at least a little bit soothing. When you pulled back--his hands momentarily sliding across your waist, you noticed--he smiled down at you.
Yeah, you were totally doomed.
“So do you want to hear my plan for tonight?” you asked, turning back to the stove to stir the sauce and keep yourself from making all sorts of embarrassing giggling noises.
“Always,” he replied, coming to stand behind you and resting his chin on the top of your head.
You chuckled, but didn’t push him off. “This will be ready in about ten minutes or so. And I have ice cream in the freezer--it might be a lil freezer burned, but I think it’ll be okay. And I noticed yesterday that that show you like is now streaming.”
“Real Orc Wives of Forik City??”
“Yeah, that one.”
“Oh HELL yes!” He immediately thundered back into the living room. “It’s no Mountain Road Dwarf Truckers, but ROWFC is a classic.”
You heard the noises of him desperately searching for the remote and then the start up noise of your tv. Never down for long, that was Ronar. You smiled down at the sauce as you kept stirring, reminding your wayward, pattering heart that he was always like this.
Shaking it off, you pulled the cheese from the fridge, sprinkling a generous handful into the sauce. Then you pinched a bit more, tipping your head back to sprinkle it into your mouth.
“I saw that,” his voice came from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder, grinning at him.
“You didn’t see nuthin’.” Then you took another pinch. He growled, tossing the remote aside, and jogged back to the kitchen, the obvious intention to steal what was rightfully yours in his eyes. “Nononono--” you protested, trying to block him by turning away and bending over to protect the valuable commodity. But he just leaned over you, laughing and easily engulfing you to snatch the cheese from your hands.
“Hah!” he proclaimed, triumphantly holding his prize over his head and out of your reach.
“That’s not very fair.” You rested your hands on your hips and frowned up at him as he grinned down at you.
“All’s fair in cheese and war.” And then he dumped half the bag in his mouth. Thinking of nothing but reclaiming the bag, you jumped up at him. Finding a foothold at his waist, you hauled yourself up over his broad shoulder as he continued to laugh. You reached for the bag that he was still holding out of your reach, but then--
Your foot slipped. The world lurched backwards. You gasped. Adrenaline shot into your bloodstream. 
But Ronar’s large arm swung around your back, catching you before you slammed against the floor. His worried face filled your vision, eyes wide and terrified. For a moment that lasted a thousand years, you both just stayed frozen in that position--him bent over and holding you while you clung to him. Only the sounds of both your heavy breathing filled the air between you two. 
Despite the nasty fall you’d almost taken, all your brain could notice was how close his face was. How close his face was, and how full his lips were. You bet that they’d be awfully nice to kiss, even better to nibble on. Your gaze darted from them up to his warm brown eyes and back down. Would he groan? Would he growl? Would he bite you back? Oh gods, you hoped he would.
Stop. This was your best friend, you couldn’t just--
All thought was immediately stopped as suddenly, without any warning at all, Ronar closed the short distance between you. It still took another full second for your mind to catch up with reality and spread the message to the rest of your consciousness that Ronar was kissing you. Ronar was kissing you.
You sucked in a startled breath. You were just starting to notice that his lips were every bit as gentle and supple as you’d ever imagined, when his eyes shot open and he pulled back with a soft ‘pop’. Your world reeled as he abruptly straightened up to standing, pulling you with him. It was all you could do to hold onto his broad shoulders and blink widely at him. Had that just actually happened?
“I’m so sorry,” he said, distraught and shaking a little. He put you back down on your feet and stepped back, hands running through his dark hair. “I don’t-- I shouldn’t have… oh my gods, I’m so sorry.”
He clapped a hand over his traitorous mouth and paced away, still stuttering half-apologies. You, meanwhile, had managed to finally put your head back on your shoulders. Ronar had kissed you. Ronar had kissed you. A very stupid grin spread across for your face for a moment, before you saw him still backpedaling and panicking. You grabbed his arm and made him face you again.
“I am so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. We can just pretend that never hap--” You stopped him by smacking your hand over his mouth.
“Do you want to kiss me?” you asked, your voice suddenly gone soft.
He stared down at you for a very long moment, you could see the gears turning in his mind, weighing the potential fall out for every answer. That feeling you certainly understood. But finally, thankfully, he nodded.
A smile broke out across your face. “Then shut up and kiss me.” 
Ronar’s eyes went wider still, but he edged the final half-step towards you. His hand traced from your shoulder down to your elbow, your waist. Achingly slow, as if he was worried that he’d somehow spook you, his head dipped down towards you. Finally, your lips met in the kiss you’d spent years dreaming about. And it was better than you’d ever dreamed.
It started gentle, testing almost--wading slowly into this new world you both had apparently been wanting to venture into. But surely, you both relaxed into it, familiarity turning novel in the best way. His hands drifted back to your waist, but quickly slipped around to draw you fully into his arms. You traced your tongue across the seam of his lips, and they opened for you eagerly. The kiss immediately turned deeper, more demanding.
You finally gave in and caught that lucious bottom lip of his between your teeth. He let out a low throaty moan that would fuel your imagination for weeks and picked you up, holding you tight against him. Your legs automatically wrapped around his waist as your fingers threaded through his thick, dark hair. 
Dimly, you were aware that Ronar was carrying you through the apartment, making a beeline for your bedroom. Good. Any other destination and you might have had to stop kissing him. As it was, you didn’t stop as he kicked the door open, you didn’t stop as he sat down on your bed, and you didn’t stop as you pressed him back onto the mattress--ending up on hands and knees over him but still kissing.
He pulled you flush against him when he sat up after a minute. You hadn’t had a chance yet to change out of the dress you’d worn to work, so when he sat up you definitely noticed that he was already half-hard inside his slacks. Since he’d responded so well to your nibbling, you pressed your luck and ground against him. He groaned, and his hands moved down from your back to squeeze your ass. Oh gods yes.
Then he broke the kiss. “Is this… actually happening?” he asked, looking wide-eyed at you. You were both panting.
“Dear gods, I hope so,” you answered, leaning back in to press a quick kiss to his tusk and then down along his jaw. He melted momentarily under your attentions, but pulled back again far too soon.
“Do you… want this to happen?” His brows were drawn together in concern, and you could see more than a little trepidation hiding in his eyes. Your heart melted all over again.
You nodded and cupped his cheeks. “I’ve wanted this for a long time.” Despite the world-ending makeout you were halfway through with him, the confession came out a bit bashful. “I want you. All of you.”
A smile broke out across his face along with a breathless laugh. “I-- I thought it was… was just me.”
“That’s what I thought too.”
“We’re both idiots, huh?”
“Yeah,” you agreed quickly before he kissed you again, more exuberance than passion. But it was so wholly Ronar that you couldn’t help but love it. His hands drifted down to the hem of your dress and tugged upon it. 
“Take this off then?” he asked, his voice gone just slightly rough.
You rested your arms on his shoulders, fingers twirling through his hair. “What’s the magic word?” you replied, smirking just a little.
He let out a half chuckle, half growl that shot straight to your core and was just entirely unfair. “Take this off now,” he ordered, hands dropping to the backs of your thighs, kneading the flesh slightly. 
“Bossy,” you quipped as your toes curled. But you grabbed the hem and pulled the dress off in one fluid motion, tossing it away. His gaze swept over you, and he blew out a long, slow breath, shaking his head slightly.
“Beautiful doesn’t begin to cover it,” he finally said, eyes meeting yours now. “Damn beautiful.”
You would have laughed, but he leaned in and pressed a kiss to the hollow of your throat that somehow sucked all the air out of your lungs, out of the room, out of the world maybe even. His kisses trailed slowly south as his hands moved north from your thighs--squeezing your ass again, apparently he was fond of it--up your back to pull at your bra strap. Gods, yes. You were so eager to really get this party started. But he paused half-way through.
“Is this--” he started to ask.
“Yes!” You interrupted enthusiastically. He grinned and started to lean back towards you for more kisses. You noticed then that you were about to be nearly naked, and he was completely clothed. He kissed around the edges of your bra as you felt him undo the main strap. Somehow, despite his wondrous distractions, you unbuttoned his shirt, stumbling a little on the last few as he slipped your bra off your shoulders. 
“Take this off,” you said, tugging on his shirt and not letting him pull your bra the rest of the way off.
“Now who’s bossy?” But he let go of you long enough to unbutton the last button and toss his shirt the way your dress had gone. You’d seen him shirtless a few times before, and it’d always made you weak in the knees. Thank goodness you were already sitting as the hard-packed muscle under deep emerald green skin came into view. You threw your bra off and ran your fingers through the smattering of dark hair in the center, taking in as much of him as you could in a long, quenching gaze.
“You look like you want to eat me,” he said in a quiet voice, half a smile lifting one corner of his mouth. You simply raised an eyebrow in response and thoroughly enjoyed the surprise that washed over his face followed by a low groan. “Why in the seven hells did I not say something five years ago?” 
You pushed him back on the bed, kissing up his throat and jaw to catch the pointed tip of his ear between your teeth. His hands gripped your ass again. “Because we’re idiots, remember?” you purred into his ear. 
“Right, I forgot.” Tracing your tongue over his ear made him murmur your name, fingers still kneading your flesh. Dipping down you indulged in another long held fantasy, biting his neck--not hard enough to even bruise, just enough to not be a kiss. He let out a toe curling growl and then unceremoniously, pushed you off him and abruptly stood up. You might have been worried that you’d somehow done something wrong if he hadn’t immediately started pulling off his pants.
They were about halfway down his hips when he noticed you looking, admiring really. He grinned. “Enjoying the view?” 
You would have had a quip, you always did, if he hadn't dropped his pants right then, gifting you with the stunning view of All of him for the very first time. Very proportional, wonderfully toned, sweet-merciful-gods-was-he-actually-just-sculpted-from-marble All of him.
“Fuck,” you managed, staring wide-eyed.
He was so beautiful when he laughed. He was even more beautiful as he prowled up the bed towards you, intention burning in his eyes.
“Are you always commando under your work pants?” you asked, physically having to pull your eyes away from him for a moment.
“Does it turn you on if I say yes?”
He cupped your face and gave you a look that made you know his answer was going to be snarky. “Sorry to disappoint you, I’m just between laundry cycles.”
You sighed and shook your head. “A crushing blow.”
He kissed your cheek. “How will you survive it?” Then your jaw. 
“Barely, but elegantly.” Your ear. Your neck. Words were… more difficult, but you pressed on. “They’ll… they’ll make a Lifetime movie about me. Your aunt will want to watch it.”
He paused his trail down your body to grin up at you and laugh in his throat, affection in his gaze. Then he resumed his frankly miraculous work, settling down on his stomach before burying his face into your breasts with a contented sigh. For a long moment, he just remained there, kissing softly, his breath sliding across your skin. Then he lifted his hand and took your breasts gently in hand. He rolled the soft flesh under his palms, circling thumbs over your nipples. His expression was utterly enraptured.
“I’ve been wondering what you looked like, felt like for years,” he said in an nearly apologetic tone. Your response was cut off when he captured a nipple between his lips and suckled, before nipping ever so lightly, making you jolt up and gasp in response. 
“Fuck, Ro.”
“Not yet. I want to savor this.” He punctuated his sentence by running his tongue from one breast to the other, making a very undignified whine come from the back of your throat.
“You think you’re very clever, don’t you?”
He answered by taking the other nipple in his mouth and sucking soundly while looking up at you. Damn, that should be illegal. Then he pulled back with a soft ‘pop’. “You love it.”
Your fingers threaded into his thick hair, and, in lieu of saying something terribly honest right now, you pulled him back up for a bruising kiss. He settled down next to you, and his fingers plucked at your underwear.
“You mind if I take these off?” he asked, running a finger just under the band.
“Please.” And finally the final barrier between you two was removed. He caught you in a deep kiss, tongue caressing over yours artfully, as the tips of his fingers traced up your inner thigh. His hand cupped you, making you groan into the kiss--it’d been so damn long since it was anyone else’s fingers down there but yours. Much less anyone that you’d wanted like him. Then he parted your folds, both of you sighing as he discovered how wet you already were. His forehead rested on your temple as he carefully mapped you, skimming and teasing and making you whimper all at the same time.
He started indirectly, taking the undulations of your hips and soft cries as guidance for how you wanted to be touched. You gripped his arm, curling in towards him. Gentle yet insistent, his fingers circled your clit, building sparks of pleasure that were quickly catching flame. But still, it wasn’t quite enough.
“Ro, please,” you whimpered, pressing a needy kiss to his jaw. “Please. I--I want you inside me.”
He shifted his hand so a thumb was pressed to your clit and you sighed a long breath as he slipped one finger inside you, thick enough to feel filled with just that. Still--
“Not what I meant,” you huffed, rocking your hips to set a tempo.
He chuckled and kissed your hair. “I know what you meant. We’ll get there. But I want to see you cum first.” You looked up, meeting his intense, hungry gaze. “I want to know that I was the one who made you feel that good.” That made you clench around his finger, and he sped up the pace a little more. 
You were so close already, you could feel the coil tightening in your lower stomach. And though his plan sounded pretty damn good, you wanted to do something first. You wrapped a hand around his heavy cock that was trapped between you, and he groaned. 
“Cheater,” he hissed, his hips bucking as his fingers stilled.
“You knew this already. You’ve played Battleship with me.”
“Longest Sunday of my life.”
In retaliation, he added a second finger inside you and pressed against your front wall, distracting you thoroughly from anything else other than his wonderful fingers.
“Ronar,” you cried, your voice quivering as a shudder ran down your spine. Nearly there--
“That’s it. Cum for me, love. Please.” Somehow it was the ‘please’ that finished you off. Your orgasm shot from your core, cascading down your limbs, making you clench and let out an inhuman noise as you quaked. But Ronar was right there, holding you through it, coaxing every last bit of pleasure from you. 
Till eventually, you grabbed his hand, stilling his movements immediately. He kissed your temple again and slipped his fingers from you, just holding you as you panted and came back down to earth. Somehow in all your fantasies, you hadn’t thought about how wonderful this part would be. Afterglow felt very literal in his arms. Ronar was wrapped around you, his lips on your temple, his fingers tracing a mindless pattern across your hip. It was just so good. Eventually, drowsily, your eyes opened, and your hand skimmed up his arm. He was smiling when you looked up at him.
“Was that good?” he asked, honestly. “It looked good.”
You chuckled and nodded. “It was good.”
“Good,” he said, kissing you softly and pulling you closer. His hand slipped up into your hair as he kissed you, again and again, never rushed, never hurried. He was an even better kisser than he was a hugger or anything else. You thought for a minute that you could happily die here, just spend the rest of your days being kissed by Ronar and held in his arms. Till you shifted closer to him and you felt his still hard cock brush against your thigh. Ooh, right, you had better plans than even this.
You spread your legs just enough for him to slip between them, and he pulled back with a hiss. His breathing had just shifted to something deeper as he looked at you.
“Ready to go again?” you asked, smirking a little. Your hand trailed down his side to mimic his earlier actions across his hip, so close but not quite there.
He nodded. “Please. I want… you. I want you.” There was such earnestness in his eyes that you stopped teasing him for a moment, and, in fact, you had to kiss him for it. But the time for sweet and slow was over for now, this kiss was heat and desire and left you both breathless.
“How do you want me?” you asked between kisses you pressed along his jaw.
He pulled you on top of him and then sat up--the casual show of his immense strength was still toe-curling--putting you at eye level with him in his lap. “Like this?” he asked, a hand cupping your cheek. “I want to see your face.”
“Gods, Ronar…” You shook your head and laughed just a little. 
“You! You’re just…” You struggled to find a word to encapsulate it all, but had to give up. “Wonderful doesn’t even begin to describe.”
His thumb stroked your cheek for a moment, then he added, “How about damn wonderful?”
That made you laugh as you kissed him again, your arms wrapping around his neck. He groaned as his length was trapped between you, but he just held you close. Then suddenly he jerked back.
“Crap, do you have any condoms? Or--or…” His eyebrows knitted together in worry. “I guess I can run down to the store--”
“Ro,” you said, stopping his worry spiral. “I’m on the pill, it’s okay.”
“Right.” He heaved a breath and offered you a lopsided smile in apology.
You chuckled. “You really think you could have fit back in your pants right now?” To emphasize your point, you took him in hand and circled your thumb over the head.
“It wouldn’t have been--shit, oh don’t stop--p… pleasant. But I’d do it for--” The sentence drifted off as you lifted yourself up on your knees, moving with obvious intent. 
Ronar’s eyes were wide and wondrous as he looked up at you, both of you hovering in the moment of anticipation. You memorized his face, never wanting to forget it at this exact second. Then you sank down upon him.
It was a slow process as even with your preparation, he was still larger than anyone else you’d ever been with and you weren’t looking for any painful sensations right now. But you found yourself slowing down even more just to watch the revelations wash over Ronar’s face. Pleasure looked perfect on him. 
It was more than a minute before he was fully inside you, your hips flush to his. He pulled you close, hands rubbing across your back as he murmured gentle half-phrases of encouragement and compliments. 
You took it slow at first, more rocking than anything else. Just focusing on every sensation that you were feeling right now--his hands on your back, his breath on your neck, his chest pressed to yours. Though you were going for barely a minute before he whispered, “Wait.”
You immediately stopped, meeting his gaze. “You okay?” you asked.
He nodded. “Just changed my mind.”
You didn’t have a chance to be concerned as he quickly lifted you up and set you back on the bed, leaning over you and kneeling between your splayed thighs. “Mind if I lead?” he asked, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
You smiled. “By all means.”
He kissed you once more then guided himself back to your entrance, pressing in slowly and watching your face intently. But you were ready for him--desperate might have been the better word. When he was fully sheathed, you pulled him down so he was resting on his elbows. You were surrounded, protected, safe and adored under him. And as he rocked into you, a relieved sigh left you. His gaze never left yours as he built up a rhythm and you did your best to match it. But soon he out paced you, so you hooked your heels around his waist and let him wash over you. 
You couldn’t believe that this was finally actually happening. You’d wanted him for so long and now here he was--in your bed, between your thighs, looking at you like you were the world’s most beautiful sunset as he was driving you to your second earth-shattering orgasm of the evening. The waiting and the longing and the heartache just made it all seem so much sweeter as he dipped down to kiss you.
“Ronar,” you whispered, your voice tight with emotions and delayed gratification. “I--I--”
“I know, love.” He pressed his forehead to yours, eyes closing and brows furrowing in concentration. “I’m so close. Can you wait for me?”
Your response was just a high-pitched whimper that quickly turned into a prayerful chanting of his name as his pace suddenly picked up. Your grip tightened on his biceps as he neared his peak and you were teetering on the edge of yours.
“Please, please, please, please,” you whined through gritted teeth.
He caught up to you with a kiss, sending you both over the cliff in each other’s arms. You shuddered and cried out as he spilled into you with a heavy moan. For a moment, everything  was radiant and glowing and perfect. It was just Ronar and you. Even as reality filtered slowly back in, the world was better than the last time you saw it, surely. It certainly felt like it was.
Ronar relaxed momentarily on top of you, and there was something deeply safe and secure about feeling the weight of his body on yours. His cheek brushed across yours, back and forth, for a minute, and he let out a deeply contented sigh.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, starting to pull himself up and off of you. 
“Don’t be. I love this.” And you pulled him back down. His arms slipped under you to hug you tightly, his face buried against your neck, tusks pressing against your skin.
You stayed like that for several minutes, his arms around you, your fingers tracing soothing patterns across his broad back and occasionally slipping up to comb at the ends of his dark hair. It was deeply peaceful there. Though the sound of some very angry hissing coming from the kitchen broke the quiet atmosphere.
“I think dinner might be ruined,” you said with a chuckle.
He lifted his head and grinned down at you. “We can always order something.” He carded his fingers through your hair. “Or I could, um… take you on that date I’ve been meaning to ask you to for a long time.”
A corner of your mouth lifted up. “How long?” you asked, intensely curious.
The deep green blush across his cheeks got a little darker. “Since the first time you rolled your eyes.”
“Wasn’t that like twenty minutes after we first met?”
“Approximately. Yes.” You would have laughed if you didn’t see how serious he was. Oh. He dipped his head to brush his lips across yours. “How about you? Or was it when I kissed you back in the kitchen?”
You shook your head slightly. “Remember back in junior year where we stayed up all night talking at the picnic table and then got donuts right when the shop opened at 4 am?”
He nodded.
“You had whipped cream on your cheek and bags under your eyes. And the sun was rising behind you. And that was it for me.”
Warmth bloomed in his eyes, and he smiled. “Guess I need to make up for lost time then. Can I take you out this evening?”
[Thanks for reading my first monster boyfriend! <3, mice]
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I held you close as we both shook
(Disclaimer this is the first fic I’ve ever written and I wrote it in a rush of emotions after the new episode)
Roman manages to hold himself together until after he sinks out. But the moment he rises up into the mind palace, he breaks down. 
Virgil has been sitting on the couch for a few hours. He’s vaguely aware that the others are off talking to Thomas, but he’s too engrossed in Tumblr to care about missing out. Remus has walked by occasionally, making crude comments, but if there’s one thing Virgil’s good at, it’s blocking Remus out. All in all, Virgil’s doing pretty well. A little alone time can do wonders for anxiety. 
There’s the signature noise of a side returning to the mind palace, and Virgil’s head pops up from his phone. So much for his alone time. Upon seeing the top of Roman’s head begin to appear, Virgil bites back a smile. He would never admit it out loud, but Roman makes him inexplicably happy. Remus once told him- back when they talked to each other- that that is called “a crush! your feelings are horny! you want my brother to-” (this is where Virgil cut him off). So naturally, Virgil is a bit excited to see Roman return. 
Before the purple side can even open his mouth to say hello, however, Roman starts crying. Startled, Virgil stays quiet. He watches as Roman, usually cheerful and confident, crumples to the floor in front of the tv and let out silent sobs. Roman mutters to himself, but Virgil is unable to hear him fully. He does catch snippets of useless, pathetic, and despicable, though. Virgil is so shocked at the scene that he forgets to say anything. After a few minutes, he finds his voice again and manages a weak “...Ro?” 
Roman’s head shoots up. He immediately starts wiping tears from his eyes, plastering on the fakest smile Virgil has ever seen.
“Oh, hey there Jack Smellington, I didn’t see you there.”
Virgil tentatively moves off the couch towards where Roman sits. “Roman, what on earth happened?”
“What are you talking about? I’m fine. You’re just anxious. Well of course you’re anxious, you’re anxiety! My point being, Hot Topic, nothing is wrong-”
“Ro, I saw you crying.” 
Roman’s face falls. “Ah. You did. Well, please don’t feel the need to help me. Or pity me. Or anything of the such. I promise I’m fine, I just…” He trails off, and Virgil sees tears glistening in his eyes, watches him bite his shaking lower lip. “I just… he just…”
“He?” Virgil still has no idea what’s happening.
Apparently this nameless ‘he’ holds a lot of emotion for the creative side right now, because Roman starts crying again.
“I-I’m sorry, this is so embarrassing.” Roman sniffles. “Feel free to hate me. Everyone else does.”
With those two sentences, Virgil can feel his heart break. 
“Ro… no one hates you.”
“Really?! Janus didn’t seem to be a big fan of me.”
Virgil’s blood runs cold. He hasn’t heard that name for years, since he stopped hanging out with the dark sides. “Janus? Deceit told you his name?”
“Yep. And everyone loves him now. He’s Thomas’ new best pal. His new hero. He doesn’t need me anymore.”
Virgil clenches his fist. “Roman, I need you to tell me what happened as well as you can. Last I checked, we all hated De-Janus. What changed?”
Roman takes a deep, shuddering breath. “Well, Patton and I were debating how much Thomas needs to be selfless, and what the right reasons are for being selfless, and if there are right reasons, and so on. Patton got super confused and just… flipped out. Went full on frog mode. And by that I mean he literally turned into a giant frog. With abs. It was quite the sight. So then Janus shows up and is… he’s helping Thomas. And he’s going on and on about how self care is important and your mental health is a priority. And everyone believes him! Even though he is literally Deceit! So I’m trying to make a point about how he’s evil, we’ve determined he’s evil, and he’s telling us to go back on everything we’ve learned, but they all sided with him. And since I’m saying we can’t trust him, he decides now is the perfect time to make a big show of revealing his name. And yeah, maybe I laughed at it. But I was angry! And it’s a stupid name, anyways.”
Virgil takes this moment to interject. “It is. He sounds like a middle-school librarian.” Roman stares at him, an emotion in his eyes that Virgil can’t decipher. He decides that he doesn’t like the intensity in Roman’s gaze so he urges him to continue speaking.
“Upon me making a lighthearted joke, Janus com… he…” Roman breaks down crying again.
“What? What did he do?” Virgil realizes he probably shouldn’t be forcing Roman to talk about things he doesn’t want to, but he’s too blinded by his rage at Janus to think clearly. Roman doesn’t answer, and Virgil gently puts a hand on his shoulder. 
“Roman? What did he do?”
The prince mutters something that Virgil can’t hear. “What was that?” 
Roman jerks his head up from his lap. “HE COMPARED ME TO HIM!” He yells, startling Virgil. “He… he compared me to my brother. He said, and I quote, ‘Oh Roman, thank god you don’t have a mustache, otherwise between you and Remus I wouldn’t know who the evil twin is’.” Roman stares at the wall straight ahead, blinking back tears.
“...oh.” Virgil breathes.
Roman lets out a sad chuckle. “Oh.”
“Ro, I’m so sorry, I-”
“Don’t.” Roman says. “I’m done pretending I’m the hero. You and Logan, my brother and Janus, even Patton and Thomas have made it abundantly clear I’m far from it. Thomas let me be in control for far too long and it’s clear I shouldn’t be. When Deceit, the literal embodiment of lies, is trusted over me, that shows just how useless I really am. And… he’s right. Remus and I… we are similar. And I hate it. God, Virgil, I hate it so much. He’s everything I don’t want to be, and yet the only difference between us is a stupid mustache. I shouldn’t be here. I don’t deserve to be here. I’ve done nothing but hurt Thomas. And hell, even if he can’t live without Creativity… he’s got another one right there waiting for him.” 
Virgil doesn’t know when he started, but now he’s crying too. It hurts so much to see Roman like this. Roman, the brave side. Roman, the side who’s always there to lighten the situation. Roman, the side who’s clever nicknames make Virgil’s heart flutter. Roman, who Virgil has never seen sad, let alone like this. Roman, who Virgil loves.
He doesn’t know what to say. But he knows from his own experience with panic attacks that maybe Roman doesn’t want him to say anything. So he wordlessly puts his arm around the other side. Roman, still sobbing, lowers his head into Virgil’s lap. If someone had told Virgil an hour ago that Roman would be sitting with his head in his lap, Virgil (well he wouldn’t have believed them) but if he did, he would have been excited. But now he wishes more than anything that this wasn’t the situation.
Roman’s cries continue, still silent, but wracking his whole body with shuddering sobs. Virgil tries and fails to hold back his own tears while he gently runs his hand through Roman’s hair. 
After a good ten minutes of them sitting like that, Roman has fallen still. He’s still crying, but he’s sort of just numb now. 
“Ro?” Virgil asks hesitantly. “Can I say something?”
“Sure.” Roman’s reply is quiet, whispered into Virgil’s lap. 
Virgil gulps, unsure where to start. “You… you are incredible. You’re passionate, you’re smart, you’re insanely talented, you’re brave, and you are so kind. And I am so sorry for anything I have ever said or done to make you think differently. I know our relationship started off bad, to say the least, but we’ve grown so much since them, and I really truly care about you. And I know everyone else does too. Patton loves you more than anything, Logan likes you the same amount Logan likes everyone, which… it’s uncertain at times what that amount is, but I promise he loves you. Thomas couldn’t live without you. I mean, just imagine what Thomas would be like if his only creative thoughts came from Remus. It would be a nightmare! And speaking of your brother… you are nothing like him. I promise. I spent twenty-something years with him and you are so vastly different. And even if you were like him, he’s not all that bad. And he cares about you too, more than he cares about any of the rest of us. He never shuts up about you. He wants to be as good as you. Because you are a hero. ” That’s about all Virgil can muster before he breaks down too.
Roman is sitting up now, staring into Virgil’s eyes. “Do you mean all that?”
“Roman, I would never lie to you.” Virgil puts his hands on Roman’s shoulders. “So believe me when I say that I wouldn’t be able to live without you.” 
Roman laughs sadly. “That’s not true.”
Virgil speaks in a voice more serious than he’s ever spoken in before. “No. It is. You keep me in check, you help me feel like I have a purpose for Thomas, and you’re…” Virgil finds himself getting lost in Roman’s green eyes. “You’re… god, Roman, you’re fucking amazing. I love you. So much.” Virgil isn’t sure if Roman is going to interpret this in a romantic way or not, but either way, he knows it’s what the other side needs to hear right now.
Roman pauses, tears still silently streaming down his cheeks. 
And then he kisses Virgil.
It’s a soft kiss, barely touching, but it’s there. As much as he wants to, Virgil doesn’t kiss back. That’s not what either of them need right now. But either way, Virgil’s heart races. 
Roman pulls back almost as quickly as he leaned in. 
“Thank you Virgil.” He smiles at him. 
Virgil has seen Roman smile before. Many times. Often they are wide smiles. Huge smiles laced with laughter, usually in response to some stupid thing someone else said. But in this moment, Virgil feels like he’s never seen Roman smile. Because none of those countless smiles he’s seen before were anything like this. This small smile, lighting up his tearstained face, barely even noticeable as a smile, is the most genuine thing Virgil has ever seen in his life. 
Roman glances down, then back up at Virgil. 
“I think I’ll stick around.”
Virgil smiles now too, tears shimmering in his purple eyes. 
“Glad to hear it.”
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sagesparrow394 · 4 years
Losing Control - Chapter 1
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Summary: The newest video revealed a new ability of the Sides: when they get too overly panicked and stressed, they uncontrollably transform into giant animals or creatures. Patton becomes a frog, but what about the others
Chapter 1: Spider
“Roman? Please open up! Please, I just want to talk!”
There was no response from the other side.     Patton sighed, leaning against the red door in front of him. “Come on, Ro… I promise, we love you so so much. You are still and always will be Thomas’ hero! And you’re mine too. That hasn’t changed at all!”
Finally, Roman spoke from the other side. However, it wasn’t the response Patton had hoped for. “Oh really? Because it seemed to me Deceit was your knight in black and yellow armour who saved you and Thomas today! Since you both insist he saved Thomas and will not corrupt him into a horrible evil liar!”
“Ro, his name is Janus, and-”
“Go away, Patton. I don’t want to hear it.”
Patton placed his hand on the doorknob, hoping he could will it to unlock and let him in. “Kiddo-”
“I said go away!”
Patton cried, pulling his hand away from the doorknob as it suddenly erupted to a scalding temperature. He whimpered at the pain, watching as his hand went bright red, and was even starting to blister in some places. As much as he wanted to keep trying to break through to Roman, he knew he had to get his hand under some water. He quickly ran to the kitchen, turning on the faucet at the sink and holding his hand under the water. He sighed in relief as the pain began to subside. As he stood there, letting his hand be soothed, there were footsteps behind him as someone came into the room.
“Oh, hey, Pat,” Virgil said. “Um.... you and Ro were gone for a while. Is everything, like, good?”
“Well… that’s complicated. It was all really bad at first… and then things got a whole lot worse... but then things got better! Well, better for me… I learnt a really important lesson, and I’m gonna be a much better morality from now on!”
“That’s cool.”
“Yeah, but, uh… Roman isn’t doing as good. He’s mad at me and Thomas, and he’s locked himself in his room, refusing to talk to me.”
“Jeez, what got up his butt?”
“Um… well-”
“Patton, I just wanted to come check on you after what happened today.” Logan had come in, nose buried in a book. “I understand we were all rather hard on you. Not saying we didn’t need to be, but… given the rather unusual transformation you went through, I thought it’d be best to check on you, even if, from what I understand, Janus has already done so-”
“Did you just say Janus?!”
Logan’s eyes widened as he looked up from his book, finally registering Virgil standing there. “Ah… salutations, Virgil…”
“You… you two know Deceit’s name?! How?!”
Patton sighed, knowing this wouldn’t end well. “He, um, he helped me. And he helped Thomas. Basically, when we went to talk to Thomas, we were discussing moral dilemmas, and Logan was popping in occasionally to give us extra information.”
“Well, I was until someone decided to skip my dialogue, at which point Janus replaced me.”
“And I, uh, ended up being faced with a moral dilemma that I just… I couldn’t answer. I didn’t know what was right. And I… I broke down. I went a little crazy.” Patton paused. “Okay, more than a little. I was so desperate to choose the right thing, to help Thomas choose, that I completely lost control over myself. So… Janus revealed himself. And he talked me down. Explained why how I’ve been acting is wrong. It turns out, he was right. He’s been right all along. I’ve always pushed Thomas to be too selfless. I don’t give him time to care for himself. Janus’ good. Good for me, good for Thomas, good for all of us. Thomas is giving him a seat at the table now. Though Roman… isn’t very happy about it.”
Virgil’s eyes were wide, shiny like he was on the verge of tears. He took a deep breath, but it came out as a shaky terrified laugh. “He shouldn’t be… You know, Pat, I really fucking thought you’d be the last person Janus would be able to manipulate… Who knew the strictest morality in the world could be bent to a liar’s will so easily?! And you Logan?! You too?! I thought you were all about fucking facts; the opposite of lies!”
“Kiddo, please-”
“NO! You don’t know the others like I do! I was one of them, I know what they are! And they are monsters!”
Patton chuckled awkwardly. “Trust me, if anyone was a monster today, it was me…” he then mumbled under his breath, “quite literally…”
“Great! Now he’s got you thinking you’re bad for Thomas! Great! Just… fuck!” The tears were streaming down his face now. “D-did... Did you say that… that Thomas is giving him a seat at the table?! He… he accepted him?! He’s gonna listen to him?! Th… that can’t happen! It can’t!” As he yelled the last word, his tempest tongue started to play up. But that wasn’t all - his form also glitched. And it was a glitch all too familiar to Patton. Confirming Patton’s suspicions, when the glitching stopped, it revealed Virgil now possessed an extra set of eyes as well as fangs.
Logan and Patton shared a worried glance, before the former stepped forward. “Virgil, can you name five things you can s-”
“SHUT UP! I CAN’T TRUST YOU! I WON’T DO YOUR SHITTY GROUNDING EXERCISES!” Virgil glitched again, but this time it was followed by a bright flash of light.
When it died down, and Patton and Logan were both able to see again, they were met by the sight of a giant black spider, draped in the shredded remains of Virgil’s clothes and with piercing purple eyes. Patton screeched at the sight of it, running to go hide behind Logan. The spider continued to yell in Virgil’s voice.
“Look, Janus’ evil! He’s dark! I know he is, I was just like him! I was a monster too!”
“Virgil, that’s the point, you were!” Logan called up to him. “You grew and changed. Janus has done the same. I understand it may be hard for you to accept given your… past with Janus, but he is a better person now. Patton and I have seen it. We are under no manipulation, and neither is Thomas.”
“I… But he can’t become better!” As he yelled, he swiped one of his legs at Logan, hitting him and sending the logical side flying across the room, slamming into the wall. Patton cried out to him, but found Virgil yelling over his voice. “He’s lies, deceitfulness! If me growing means he can grow… then maybe I never did grow! Like… look at me! I just became a giant spider creature! I became the monster I am on the inside!”
“No… Virge, listen!” Patton bucked up the courage and stepped forward, closer to the spider, trying to suppress his fear. “This isn’t because you’re a monster or evil! Because if it was, then I guess I must be an evil monster too.”
“What do you mean, you would have to be…?”
“This… this happened to me too.”
“Remember how I said I ‘lost it’? I, uh, turned into a giant frog… But my point is, turning into this doesn’t make you a monster. I’m not one, and you aren’t either. You’re amazing, kiddo, and we all love you. You changed and became such a wonderful, kind and helpful person. You’ve come so far. But, Virge, Janus has too. If you just calm down, we can show you. You don’t need to be scared. We’ll always be here to protect you.”
“... How do I know you aren’t Janus? How do I know you didn’t shapeshift into Patton to fool me?”
Patton bit his lip, thinking for a moment. However, after a moment, an idea came to him. “Janus shouldn’t know about our card exchanges, should he?”
“No… why?”
“Then he wouldn’t know what the cards said. But I do! Mine to you said ‘UR FAM’ on the cover, and ‘ILY’ on the inside, along with a drawing of you, me, Logan and Roman, and a big red heart. Yours to me said ‘You make me wanna die’ on the cover, and ‘of laughter. Best friends’ on the inside. Still the best gift I’ve ever been given. No offence, Logan, the cat hoodie is great too.
“And we are best friends, Virge. Always will be. And best friends trust each other. I’m not asking you to trust Janus right now; I’m asking you to trust me. So please? Give me, and in turn, Janus a shot?”
Virgil blinked, looking clearly conflicted in his spider eyes. However, as he looked down at Patton, and Logan  recovering from being thrown into the wall, he could just tell: it was them. No shapeshifting, no manipulation. He sighed.
With a flash of light, he was back to normal. “I… I don’t trust Janus yet. I doubt I will for a long time. But, I guess… if Thomas wants to work with him, I… can try to make peace with that. But I’m not happy about it.”
Patton smiled, opening his arms. “That’s all I ask, kiddo.”
Virgil smiled back, before accepting the hug. “Thanks, Pat… and you too, Logan. Sorry for hitting you. That was, uh… scary. Never become a giant spider before. Didn’t even know we could do that.”
“I don’t think any of us did until Patton,” Logan replied, getting to his feet and straightening his tie. “I’ll need to look into it, conduct some experiments…  I wonder if it’s the same animal every time for each person? Will Patton always be a frog, and will you always be a spider? And I wonder what animals the rest of us would become...? The only one I’m sure about is Janus almost definitely being a snake. The rest of us however...”
“Well, Lo, I think it’s for the best we don’t do any experiments to do with this, given we apparently need to get really upset and panicky for it to happen,” Patton said. “If we’re trying to lean more into self care like Janus says we need to, that probably involves not making each other upset.”
“True. I guess I’ll have to wait until it happens again organically. Speaking of organic…” Logan went to the fridge, opening the door and getting a jar of Crofters. “Ah, my very own method of self care: delicious Crofters all for me to ea-”
At that moment, there was a sudden jolt throughout the whole mindscape, causing the jar to slip from Logan’s hands and shatter on the ground. He sighed. “Apparently I can’t have nice things…”
“What was that?” Virgil asked.
“I don’t know, kiddo. I’m sure, whatever it is, it’s perfectly fine.”
“Well, we may as well investigate.” Logan summoned his Sherlock cap and pulled it onto his head. “Watson, lets go.”
Patton smiled, summoning his flat cap and scarf on. “Okay! Time to solve the mystery of the mindscape earthquake!”
However, not much investigation was needed, as the source was immediately found when the three sides left the kitchen and entered the corridor with the “light sides’” rooms. For you see, there was an extra door that hadn't been there before: a bright yellow one. After a moment, said door opened.
“Well, what do you know? He really has properly accepted me…” Janus looked to the three sides in the corridor. “You think Thomas could accept Remus any time soon? I’ll miss him quite a bit if I have to live here now.”
Chapter 2
General Taglist: @tacohippy56900 @ibasicallyjustreblogeverything @pollylittlehigher-littlelower
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delimeful · 5 years
pull apart at the seams (3)
continuation of the Shake & Pet prompts, commissioned by kofi fiend anon! all my love 2 thank them for the support!
warnings: keeping a person as a pet, captivity, jerk giants (not too prevalent in this one), bad self care, dehumanizing language
Patton woke to bright sunlight streaming through the window, and took his time rising, stretching his arms out in a move that made his spine pop. 
A tiny movement in the corner of his vision caught his eye, and he turned to smile brightly at the human sitting on the soft, spongy floor of his enclosure. 
“Good morning, kiddo!” 
V blinked at him dazedly for a moment before dipping his head in a nod, making Patton’s smile fade a little. The human was sat slumped in the same spot Patton had left him, as though he hadn’t even shifted position throughout the night. Those bags under his eyes… Had the little guy even slept?
As though reading his thoughts, V got to his feet, moving up towards the bars with that carefully neutral expression plastered on his face like a mask. Patton’s lips twisted to the side slightly, but he didn’t let the feeling linger, lest V see it and panic. For such a little creature, he was certainly quite perceptive. 
Popping the cage door open with ease, Patton reached in and curled his fingers around V’s form, marveling as always at the feeling of the tiny heartbeat thudding away under his fingertips. He was careful to avoid touching him with his claws, though they probably couldn’t hurt him. Patton filed them down to keep them dull, his teeth and pack more than enough to protect him.
V did his best to repress it, but Patton could still see the way he shuddered as he was lifted into the air, body tense with the strain of not panicking. He wished he could soothe the little guy, but the human seemed to respond badly to any sort of implication that he wasn’t acting perfect. Patton wanted to reassure him, but V still hadn’t spoken a single word to him, and he didn’t want to risk driving the human to further panic.
He curled the side of his hand against his chest, providing a stable wall behind V. It had taken some trial and error, but he’d found that the human was most relaxed when transported like that. It made sense, really. Humans didn’t have wings like pixies or avians, and they certainly didn’t have magic like sprites. The poor little things were defenseless this high up. 
“Okay, let’s go get some breakfast!” Patton announced cheerily. 
V tensed against his palm, little chest rising and falling slightly faster, and Patton couldn’t help but feel a twang of sympathy. The human had this reaction to the strangest things, and he could really only blame it on what the shopkeep had told him when he’d bought V. 
“You’ve come at just the right time,” the seller had assured him, smiling pleasantly as he waited for the transaction to go through. “This one used to be a handful, real mouthy.”
Patton definitely believed it. The itty bitty glare he’d sent Logan was evidence enough. 
“Luckily, he was recently put through a conditioning program, and now he’s mellowed out quite a bit. We have a refund policy of course, but I have a feeling you won’t need it.” 
A condition program. Patton had nodded along, smiling mildly, but the thought was enough to make him grimace. He didn’t want a ‘mellowed’ human. He wanted one that would speak to him and be willing to tell him what they really thought, without softening anything for fear of hurting his feelings the way Ro and Lo did. 
It was why he’d chosen the tiny human, labeled ‘V’, out of all the rest. His tiny body shook so hard with fear he was practically vibrating, but those mismatched eyes told a different story. He hadn’t given up yet, Patton was sure of it. 
Which is why it was such a shock to have him become so… docile, all of the sudden. Patton shot another worried look down at V as he descended the stairs into the commons. Sure, he preferred to not be bitten, but at the cost of V suddenly losing all of his spirit? At this rate, Patton would never hear him talk, conditioning or no.   
“Morning, Lo!” he greeted as he walked into the kitchen and saw the other werewolf seated at the counter. He leaned over to brush cheeks with his packmate, and curled his hand over V a bit more to protect him from any accidental squishing in the half-hug. The human went as still as a hunted rabbit, and Patton noticed Logan’s eyes flicker down to him for a moment before returning Patton’s gesture in a more reserved manner. 
“Good morning, Patton. I assume you slept well?” 
“Like a rock!” Patton assured him, withdrawing a little in hopes of keeping V from being spooked further. “Our favorite Prince Charming still asleep?” 
Logan raised an eyebrow wryly. “More like Sleeping Beauty, that one.” He pushed back his stool and stood, taking his coffee with him. “I’ll go wake him. It’s important to maintain a sleep schedule that doesn’t allow sleep deprivation or oversleeping.”
“Make sure you bring a lightbulb with you!” Patton called after him, making him pause on the stairs with an exasperated expression. In his hand, V peered up at him with obvious puzzlement, distracted from his fear.
“Patton, don’t you dare-“
“That way he’ll be a light sleeper!” he interrupted Logan with a mischievous grin. Logan groaned pointedly, stomping slightly as he continued up the stairs.
Delighted with the response, Patton glanced down at the human in his hand to see if he’d enjoyed the pun. V, sensing eyes on him, hurriedly looked up at him with that same neutral expression, but not quite quick enough for Patton to miss the way the mask had slipped for half a second. 
He gave V a halfhearted smile and continued on into the kitchen, carefully setting the human atop a railed ledge where he couldn’t get hurt before starting a batch of pancakes. 
As he mixed the batter, he thought about the expression he’d seen on V’s face moments before. It was like a resentful sort of terror, the vicious look of cornered prey that knew they could do nothing but struggled anyways. 
Most concerning of all, the look had been directed solely at Logan.
How strange. 
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quoth-the-sparrow · 5 years
The Dare
A Sanders Sides One Shot
Warnings: Remus Sanders (bad guy), Deceit Sanders (Kind of a bad guy?), bullying, transphobia, coaxing someone to jump off a cliff (into the sea, but still), almost drowning, injuries, hospital, mention of an IV  (If I need to add anything, let me know)
Pairings: Rosleep (Roman & Remy), Background/Mentioned Logicality
Description: Roman does something stupid for the sake of his pride
Word Count: 1,103
You can also find this story here on ao3
(I wrote this for @sawyer-saucee)
“He won’t do it. He’s a wimp; you know he won’t,” Remus taunted, eyes glinting with cruelty. “He isn’t even really a man, you know.” Roman glared, hands balling into fists at those words. Why was he even here? It was nearly three in the morning and there were far better uses of his time than hanging out with people who didn’t even respect him.
Yet here he was, all because of his stupid pride. He’d allowed himself to be goaded into meeting them here. He just had to show them he was a real man, that he was more of a man than they were or could ever hope to be. He stood straight, shoulders back, giving Remus and Dante a determined stare. “I’ll do it. I’ll jump.”
Dante looked surprised for a moment before something like concern crossed his features. Remus, on the other hand, looked positively delighted. “Well, well, look who’s actually going to go through with it! Didn’t think you had it in you, Anderson.” The older boy rubbed his hands together, as gleeful as a kid in a candy store.
Roman ignored all this as he stepped closer to the edge of the cliff. The sea churned below, dark and unforgiving. He shook his head. Now was not the time to let his imagination run wild. He’d be fine, he was a strong swimmer. He'd been swimming since he was two; he could do this.
“This is going too far, Remus. I don’t think we should be encouraging this. What if he gets hurt? Pick a different dare,” Dante implored, reaching over to grab his friend’s shoulder.
Remus merely pulled away, going over to whisper in Roman’s ear, nudging him closer to the cliff’s edge. “Go on then, do it if you're so brave. Jump.”
Roman took a few steps back. Steeling himself, he got a running start and dived off the cliff and into the ocean.
The fall surprisingly didn’t scare him. He focused on his breathing, tucking his head and extending his arms the way he was taught. He felt droplets of water hit his face. One last deep breath and-
Dark. Cold. Wet. Pain?
Roman opened his eyes as he struggled to get to shore. His arms and ribs were aching, he couldn’t move his left arm at all. He tried to kick up but couldn’t. The waves tossed him around, and each movement from his right leg made him want to scream. Was he going to die? He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t swim, which way was the shore, which way? Was he going to drown? Roman could have sworn he felt a hand grab his shirt. But before he could see who it was, if someone was even there at all, he lost consciousness.
Roman felt heavy, as if twenty pound weights were attached to his limbs. He couldn’t even open his eyes to see where he was. He tried to move but everything hurt, dull pain coursing through him. He thought he heard voices and he tried to focus on them.
“...gonna be okay? I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I tried to…”
“...need to leave, I don’t want-”
“Please let me see him, sir, I have to see him-”
Slowly, he pried his eyes open. He could see machines, an IV dripping medicine into his arm. A whiteboard, a television. “A hospital?” Memories came flooding back to him. Remus grinning, Dante standing behind him, jumping off the cliff, the ocean pulling Roman deep down…
“I’m alive…” he thought. By some miracle, he was alive. That hand he’d felt must have been real then.
With some difficulty, Roman turned his head towards the voices. Through a window he could see his dad, no, both of his dads. They were talking- arguing? with someone just out of view. And then another person was there, in black pajama pants and a red shirt. Roman knew that shirt; it was his shirt. “Remy?” He tried to call out louder but speaking proved to be difficult. He tried again but all that came out was a hoarse croak. He cleared his throat as Remy slipped past his dads and whoever else was standing there and came into his room. He looked tired, hair mussed and eyes red from crying.
“Rems… I-”
Remy shook his head, holding a hand up. “Nope. You don’t get to talk right now.” Roman fell silent, waiting for his boyfriend to say something.
“Roman Sterling Anderson. What in the name of all things coffee related were you thinking?! Dead Man’s Dive? Are you insane? What possessed you to even do something so dangerous? It’s called that for a reason you know! You could have…” Remy’s voice cracked, tears streaming down his face.
“Just- why? Why did you do it?” Remy moved closer and grabbed Roman’s hand.
Roman sighed, biting his lip. “Remus and Dante… they told me to meet them up there at the cliff and I did. Remus always makes fun of me, saying I’m not a ‘real man’ just because I wasn’t born as one. I hate it, and I just… I wanted to prove to them that I am a real man. I know it was reckless of me. I’m sorry. I’m okay though, please don’t cry?”
“You certainly don’t look okay. You need to be more careful, babe. Actually think for once before you go and do something stupid. Remus is a fucking jerk and an idiot, he doesn’t know anything. You’re a man, Ro, no matter what gender the dumb doctors assigned you when you were born.”
Roman smiled softly and gave Remy’s hand a squeeze. “You’re right. I’m sorry for being so stupid.” He glanced over at his dads outside, who were still arguing. “What’s going on out there? Are Dad and Pops okay?”
“Oh. Well, uh, your dads are really upset. Patton’s trying to get Logan to calm down. Dante’s here and Logan is furious at him.”
Roman gave Remy an incredulous look. “Dante? Dante McAlister? Why is he here?”
Remy shrugs. “Apparently he’s the one who dove in after you. It’s a miracle he didn’t get hurt. He’s refusing treatment, apparently. He just wanted to come in to see you, but your dads aren’t having it. I guess Dante came clean about everything that happened. Who knew a snake could have a conscience?”
Roman frowned. “Rems, can you tell my dads I’m awake? I just want to know when I can go home.”
Remy nodded, kissing Roman on the lips. Before he left, he said “Promise me you won’t do anything like this ever again?”
“I promise.”
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this story! Reblogs are greatly appreciated. Tell me what you think! If you’d like to be added to (or removed from) my taglist, please let me know by sending me an ask. You can find me on ao3 at Storytelling_Sparrow. Thank you so much for your continued support!
Taglist:  @galaxywitchwolf13 @magicallygrimmwiccan @daring-elm @creativity-killed-thekitten @007ardra @princeyssash @demigodnamedathena @khadij-al-kubra @im-shooting-straight @gayzelley @it-me-the-phi @elfarmyenby @sparkedawg @ironwoman359 @today-only-happens-once @areyousirius-noheisdead @madly-handsome @milomeepit @princelogical @silversmith-91 @xxladystarlightxx @poisonedapples @romanamongthestars @ab-artist @ninjago2020 @anuninspiredpoet @justanormalfoot @eggheadinthemaking @gemini-the-kitsune-rp @urielthealienboio @queer-guineapig @theresneverenoughfandoms
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lefaystrent · 6 years
Kid!Logan au pt.4
Fandom: Thomas Sanders, Sanders Sides
Pairings: platonic LAMP
Summary: Logan would say that he signed up for a movie night, not this, but he didn’t really sign up at all, now did he?
Masterlist Link
They go to Roman’s house.
Logan hates it.
“No need to look so gloomy, Shortstop.” Roman grins as he hops out of the car.
Logan sulks in the backseat, reluctant to exit. The two-story house is big and nice and has a manicured lawn with the most elegant looking plastic flamingo he has ever seen positioned by the mailbox and Logan hates it.
“Could we not have gone to Patton or Virgil’s house for this gathering? Were those not options?”
Roman’s dramatics are difficult enough to bear when at school. In his own home though?
“My place is small,” Virgil explains, still sitting in the backseat with him. Patton has already gotten out so it’s just them two. “As for Patton, he’s got a big family. It’s always been easiest to hang out at Roman’s.”
Logan turns towards him. From the way he talks, the three of them have been coming over to Roman’s for a long time. He wants to ask about it, understand how people can remain so close for so long, and distantly he wonders if their bond will waver once they’re out of high school, like so many friendships do.
“Why are you still in the car?” Logan asks. “Do you not want to go inside?”
Virgil looks out the windows, eyes lingering towards the front door the other two have disappeared through. “I know we kinda pushed this on you, and I’m sorry.”
An apology.
That isn’t what he expects, nor is he quite comfortable with the subdued air around Virgil. Logan shakes his head, voice dripping with disdain, “If anything, I am more than happy to blame this entirely on Roman.”
Virgil stifles a laugh with his hand. “Ya know, I can talk to him. Make him take you home if you really don’t want to stay. He’s not really an asshole, just an extrovert.”
“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.” Logan opens the car door, ready to get out. “I might as well stay and let you all get this ‘hanging out’ with me out of your systems. You’ll soon find I’m not the most ‘fun’ person to be around.”
Virgil smirks. “Don’t hold your breath.”
They go inside and the interior is just as gorgeous as the outside. Afternoon sunlight streams in through gossamer curtains, shining bright across the wood floor. The rooms are washed in soothing creams accented by rose gold light fixtures. Potted plants litter the place, the touches of green standing out. In the dining room they pass, Logan spies a twinkling chandelier.
“What do Roman’s parents do?” Logan asks conversationally.
“Eh, his mom’s a realtor and his dad is . . . something.”
“I forget how to pronounce it but it’s like in engineering or something. He takes contracts out of state a lot. Why do you ask?”
Logan looks around them pointedly. “Well they certainly don’t appear to be lower class.” He looks up at Virgil to find his gaze boring into him. “What?”
Virgil shakes himself. “Nothing, just . . . Most kids don’t really make those kinds of observations.”
Logan frowns. “I am not most kids. I am only me, and that’s all I know how to be.”
“. . . is that why you don’t try to pretend?”
“Pretend what?”
From across the house, they hear Roman shout, “Are you guys coming or what? I can hear you breathing in there.”
“No you can’t, shut up!” Virgil rolls his eyes. He knocks lightly at Logan’s shoulder. “C’mon, before Princey throws a hissy fit.”
Logan is led down a hall to the other end of the house where a den opens up. Two of the walls are made up entirely of windows, letting in more than enough natural light. In the middle of the room there’s a green table with a short net splitting the middle. Roman has a couple of paddles in his hands, waving them around.
“Today is the day you will know utter defeat, Shea!” Roman declares, aiming one of the paddles at Virgil.
Virgil tilts back his head and lets out a deep, evil chuckle. “In your dreams, Prince.” He tosses his bag onto a nearby chair and takes position at the other end of the table.
“Why is there a ping pong table here?” Logan asks in bewilderment, coming to stand next to Patton.
“To play ping pong,” Patton answers wisely.
Logan face palms. “No, I meant that I was under the impression that we were to have a movie night?”
“We have a loose definition for movie nights.” Virgil shrugs. He’s picked out a paddle for himself and spins the handle in his hand.
“We can still watch something later if you want,” Patton offers. “Virge and Ro usually play a few rounds first though.”
“With Patton as our lovely score keeper!” Roman bellows in an announcer voice.
“I’ve got a whistle,” Patton shows Logan gleefully, as if that makes it official.
“That is indeed a whistle,” is all Logan can think to say.
“Enough chit-chat,” Roman interrupts impatiently and—mother of god, he’s posing at Virgil to intimate him or something. “The gauntlet has been thrown down! You must answer its call.”
“That eager to lose?” Virgil taunts.
“The only one who will be losing today is you, Surly Temple.”
They’re standing at either end of the table now, but Roman is still armed with two paddles.
“Isn’t that against the rules?” Logan points out. “It’ll give him an unfair advantage.”
Virgil doesn’t look bothered in the slightest. “Not that it matters.”
Patton leans down to whisper to Logan, “Roman’s never won a single match.”
“Is he that bad?”
“No, Virgil’s just that good.”
Now Logan’s eager to watch.
Virgil serves first. Roman smacks the ball lightning quick, his eyes sharp and more calculated than Logan is used to seeing. For as swift as Roman’s strikes are, Virgil’s are barely able to be followed. Logan theorizes that his movements are linked to muscle memory and sheer instinct. There’s a way that Virgil moves with serpentine fluidity, yet his strikes exude all the hunting prowess of a big cat.
While Virgil is fast on the attack, Roman is left playing goal keeper.
“That’s six to two!” Patton announces after Virgil scores yet again.
“I’ve never been interested in sports,” Logan mentions, eyes drinking in the frustrated snarl on Roman’s face. “But this is enthralling.”
“Oh, so you think you can do better?” Roman growls at Logan. “Just you wait. I’m still in this!”
“I’m rootin’ for ya, Roman!” Patton cheers. “You got this!”
“Aren’t you supposed to stay neutral?” Logan asks.
“Eh, well, he needs all the help he can get.”
“Patton! I can hear you!”
“Whoops! Sorry, kiddo!”
Logan shakes his head. In truth, he’s older than these kids, and these silly antics are why he didn’t bother pursuing social connections outside of school. They’re loud and childish, and he has no need of them. That’s what he told himself going into this.
That’s what he tries to tell himself now.
Wonder of wonders, he’s fighting down the urge to smile.
By the time Virgil scores his ninth point, he’s grinning like a shark. In school, he isn’t one to talk much. Logan had easily picked up on his introverted nature and his nervous tendencies like hiding in the hood of his jacket or picking at his nails or clothing.
Here, paddle in hand and Roman struggling to catch up, he’s in his element. This is Virgil outside of school, walls down.
“He’s a real powerhouse, isn’t he,” Patton laughs softly. He must have noticed Logan’s staring.
“I haven’t seen him so energized before,” Logan hums in agreement.
“You should get him talking about his favorite bands or shows or games,” Patton says with a fond smile. “He can talk for hours about Kingdom Hearts or Evanescence. Oh! And spiders. He really loves spiders, even if they are abominations who roam the Earth spreading nothing but misery and despair and should all be annihilated by way of fire.”
“Patton . . . are you okay?”
“I’ve seen things.”
“Patton, serve’s up,” Roman calls for his attention.
He snaps out of the haunted stare he’d been giving Logan. “Right! Go ahead!”
The score becomes ten to six. Virgil needs one more point to win, according to the rules. They’re both panting lightly after their exertions.
“It’s not too late to forfeit,” Roman goads him.
Virgil’s eyes gleam in amusement. “Aw, it’s cute that you still think you have a chance.”
He tosses the ball into the air and smacks it down with unrelenting force. Roman, still in his banter mode, is unprepared and doesn’t have time to raise his paddles. The ball goes right for his face and he falls flat on his butt.
“Game, set, and match.” Virgil drops the paddle like a mic.
Everyone startles when Roman leaps to his feet, the ping pong ball clenched between his teeth.
“A-hah!” Roman grunts victoriously.
“What the fuck, dude,” Virgil says, one eye squinted and the other wide.
“Did you catch that with your mouth?” Patton asks in awe.
Roman stands tall, fists on hips, bellows of laughter seeping around the ping pong.
“Even I must admit that’s impressive,” Logan acknowledges. “But you do realize that you still lost for failing to keep the ball in play?”
His pride-struck expression falls. Roman goes to argue, but in his rush he accidentally chokes on the ball.
“Spit it out, you moron!” Virgil practically vaults over the table, he’s there so fast beating on Roman’s back. Roman’s hands clutch desperately at his throat, pupils blown wide in fear. Patton’s there in an instant but isn’t sure what to do.
Logan does the only logical thing and punches Roman in the gut.
The little white ball dislodges and pops out of his mouth. It soars through the air to bounce sadly away. Roman coughs repeatedly, face red and eyes watering as Virgil and Patton hold him up.
“Are you okay? Can you breathe okay?” Patton asks frantically. He pats at Roman’s back to help him along. Roman nods through his coughing.
Virgil runs his hands through his hair and blows out a heavy gust of air. “Holy shit, I cannot believe that just happened.”
“Now what have we learned today, kiddos?” Patton asks sternly.
“Just punch away all of your problems,” Virgil answers.
Patton is not amused and Virgil giggles, borderline hysterical.
Roman gets his breathing under control. He stands up straighter, wiping the spittle away from his mouth. He looks at Logan in a whole new light.
“You saved my life,” Roman rasps.
“I didn’t mean to,” Logan automatically responds. His fist is still raised and slightly shaking. “I know the Heimlich maneuver would have been a better method . . . but I just—my body acted without thinking. I apologize, Roman—”
Without warning, Roman sweeps him up in a hug. Logan is very, very not okay with this.
“Awww,” Patton cooes.
“Roman, please, my feet are meant to be on the floor.”
“You brought me back from the brink of death,” Roman sniffles, far too emotional for Logan’s tastes.
Logan stops squirming and accepts his fate (Roman’s biceps have to be made with steel). “Is this that bonding thing I’ve heard about?”
“Shhh, just accept it.”
“It burns.”
“That’s the bond setting in.”
“I think I’m allergic.”
“Maybe we should move on to something a little less exciting?” Patton suggests. “We’re having a little too much of a ball in here.”
“I’m never playing ping pong again,” Virgil swears.
“Movies then?”
“Yes please.”
A/N: Alternate scene, because I almost had Patton be the one to punch Roman in the stomach.
Patton’s there in an instant, fist pummeling into Roman’s mid-section. He heaves up the ball and nearly his lunch.
Patton stands proud and blows off imaginary dust from his fist. “Works every time.”
“Patton,” Roman gets out between wheezes and coughs. “You beautiful man . . . I hate you.”
Patton just pats Roman on the head.
“I’m sorry, I think I need to just--” Virgil cuts himself off by lying down on the ground to stare up at the ceiling. Logan is half-inclined to join him.
Patton lets out a laugh. “Nothing like a near-death experience to get the ole blood pumper going, am I right?”
Both Roman and Virgil flip him the bird.
“You’re doing the ‘I love you’ hand sign wrong, kiddos. It’s three fingers, not one.”
Logan crouches down beside Virgil. “Do you think you could teach me how to play ping pong once you’re emotionally stable?”
Logan wants to learn.
For scientific reasons of course.
Not because he wants to beat Roman into the ground or anything.
General Tag List:  @spectralheartt @a-pastel-pan @notalwaysthevillian @rose-gold-roman @ijustrealizedhowdumbmynamewas @katie-the-noble-fangirl @yourroyalydramaticanxiousness @aroundofapplesauce @merlybird500 @beach-fan @jemthebookworm @whats-going-on-kiddos @randomsandersides @gamerfreddie @unring-this-bell @that-royal-ravenclaw @analogicallythinking @lilygold23 @punsterterry @naw2702 @levy-the-b00kw0rm @iolanomsgranola @tacohippy56900 @lottavic @camariechris
Kid Logan au list:  @under-the-blue-moonlight @broadwaytheanimatedseries @just-fic-me-up @joyful-milkshake-observation @absolutesandersidestrash @midnightmagi @justcallmepancake @justanotherpurplebutterfly @aamikan @nerd-in-space @thestrangedino @deathshadowrules @entitydark @vintage-squid @max-is-tired @theitalianalchemist @deceitfullyanxiousprince @thesynysterunknown @skullfire2004 @shai-uwu @teacupfulofstarshine @the5thcoy
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plasterasher · 5 years
Your your own problem
Inspired by this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brgL9DPGHwg don’t ask how it just was.
“Your always messing shit up Virgil!” “LANGUAGE!” “I didn’t mean to! How many times do I have to say this!” “He had a PANIC ATTACK!! That’s your department!” “That doesn’t mean I could control it! Look Roman I tried-”  “You didn’t try because he passed out Virgil PASSED OUT!! He won’t be able to go to the audition at this point!” “Don’t you think I feel bad enough already! If you would just let me explain-” “No. I don’t know why I keep trusting you! You always hurt Thomas! You disorder!” Virgil didn't say anything for awhile. “You don’t understand…” “I don’t need to. Just leave Anxiety  we’ll clean up here.” “ You know what Roman you always say you’ll listen to me but you never do! What kind of boyfriend does that!?!” Roman didn’t say anything. “You know what Ro. Come get me when you get your head out of your ass!” And with that Virgil sunk down into his room.
Roman never understood. Don’t get him wrong Virgil loved Roman with all his heart. But he was so difficult and never listened to him. Always blaming him. 
A little later Roman popped up in Virgil's room. A glare on his face. When Virgil look up from his phone and saw Roman he frowned. “You don’t look to happy. Don’t tell me your still angry at me.” “Yeah I am. Because I’m always cleaning up after you!” “Leave Roman. If your not gonna hear me out leave, before you say something you really regret.” “I don’t want to see you anymore.” Virgil froze. ‘Was he really breaking up with me because of this?’ “You wanna…” “Break up yes. Your not good for me or Thomas. I see that now.” “Leave” Virgil said venom dripping from his mouth. “Ve.” “DON’T ‘ve’ ME YOUR BREAKING UP WITH ME WITHOUT EVEN HEAR MY SIDE OF THE BLOODY STORY!!!” “I still love you I just-” “Can’t deal with me?” “Virgil-” “Out.” Roman sighed and sunk out. 
Virgil started to cry. “Mom” on que Deceit popped up. He looked at Virgil’s face and was immediately concerned. “Ve what happened?” “He- he -he broke up with me!” I said crying into de’s shirt. It hurt so much more saying it out loud. I can’t believe he broke up with me! “Ve…” “Mom he promised!! He said he’d always be there! He said he would always love me flaws and all!  He lied! He lied!” “I’m so sorry Virgil. It’ll be okay.” “Mom it hurts. I didn’t think it would but it does, a lot. My heart really hurts.” Virgil let out a broken sob. “I know Veve I know” Deceit holds Virgil closer. “Mom can you take the pain away? Please.” “Oh Virgil I would but I can’t. How about you stay with us for a while, hm?” “okay”. And with that Virgil and Deceit sunk down.
A couple of weeks later Virgil returns because they have a video schedule. But he’s a mess. His eyes are red and his hair is everywhere. Virgil was about to fix himself up with all the makeup he left at the light mindspace. But all of  a sudden he was in Thomas’ living room. “Virgil what happened?” he heard Thomas ask. “Yeah kiddo I went to check on you a few times and you didn’t respond. What happened? Did you and Roman fight?” Patton asked worried about his dark strange son. ‘Did Roman really not tell them?’ Virgil though. “I left for a bit. I went to visit the others for a few weeks” Virgil said his voice barely there. “But why?” Patton ask. “You dick Roman you didn’t even tell them?” “Ve..” he starts. “Don’t ‘Ve’ me Roman.” “Look I know your upset-” “Upset is an understatement” Virgil was glaring at Roman. “What happened between you two?” Logan asked. “Go on Roman tell them what happened between us.” “Ve- Virgil, we need to talk about-” “There's nothing to talk about. Tell. Them.” Roman sighed. “Me and Virgil agreed-” “We didn’t agree on shit.” Virgil spat at Roman. “ …” “Fine since Roman won’t spill I will. He broke up with me.” Virgil almost cried saying those words. “I left for a bit to avoid Roman because he broke up with me.” The others were speechless. “But why?” Thomas asked  “The love just wasn’t there anymore…” Roman said. “ Oh my god your such a liar! That isn’t what you told me! You told me-” “Virgil.” “NO! You told me I wasn’t good for you or Thomas, you said you still loved me but because of my fucking role in Thomas’ life you broke up with me!” Virgil said tears now streaming down his face. “ Without giving me a chance to explain myself…” “Virgil… I…” “You what?” Roman didn’t respond. “ Exactly.” “Roman what were you thinking!?! Breaking up with Virgil for that and not even giving him a chance to explain!!!” Patton yelled. “ Look I still love Virgil but-” “No you don’t love me anymore! You broke every last promise you made to me! You said you loved me flaws and all! You said you’d be with with me forever! You said it didn’t matter that I was Anxiety because you loved me for me! You said I could lean on you whenever! You said that you would start listening to me!! You said all these things- no you PROMISED all these things to me and broke every last one of them!!” Virgil screamed.
Virgil fell to his knees. “ You gave me false hope. Everything we had was a lie. I gave you every last bit of my love, and time. I opened up to you and told you things I would never tell anyone else. And you threw me away because of something I didn’t even cause!!” Virgil was now on the ground. “Virgil. Your not good for us-” “ Because I’m just your problem, a block in the road for you aren’t I?” Roman didn’t say anything.  “Whatever. You won’t have to see me anymore or deal with me anymore” “Virgil” Patton said. But Virgil had already sunk down.
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angryrabbit42 · 5 years
Bonus Tracks 4
All for the lovely: @a-rose-by-any-other-doctor @dwsecretsanta
Read on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/21925084/chapters/52331086
Fluffy Interlude
“Need a rest?” the Doctor asked, letting go of her mind for a minute.
Rose turned to face him. “Your brain! How do you keep all that stuff in? S’just, I couldn’t have half those thoughts without my brains leaking out of my ears. You were thinking about pudding while doing maths and trying to figure me out and I was eugh… Tinkerbell.”
He laughed. “One thought at a time? That’s mindfulness and it’s healthy. You were half handling it before, I decided to control the flow a bit. I know it’s a bit more ocean of consciousness than stream but I am a Timelord after all.” The Doctor sniffed reflexively and Rose pinched him. “Oi! Why?”
“Ego,” Rose sang.
The Doctor reached out and pinched her arm. Rose squealed, falling away from him, giggling. He chased her fingers wiggling. Rose used her Torchwood training to flip him. Luckily the bed was big enough for her to flip and pin him, not flip him off the bed. Rose grinned down at him. “Whose impressive now?”
“You,” he said breathlessly, “always you.”
“Good, remember that.”
“I do, I will… Rose… let me up. I don’t think either one of us is ready for my slightly more human reactions to being pinned beneath you, as lovely and impressive as you are.” His ears turned red and his cheeks pink. “Especially since I just regained a very real, very vivid memory of you snogging the daylights out of me. I felt floaty for days. No idea why. Maddening.”
Snorting, she took pity on him and ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it. Boneless now, the Doctor stared up at her with warm eyes, a hint of a smile lingering around the corners of his mouth. Rose backed off, giving him some space even as she enjoyed his reaction. It had always been her breathless and wanting. Now… Rose’s grin turned feral.
She flopped down onto her stomach. “Can we take a nap? God, I’m so…” Rose broke off as a jaw cracking yawn escaped her. The Doctor gave her an annoyed look as he mirrored her action. “I’ve been awake for days and I’m not a Timelord.”
“I am and am not a Timelord,” he remarked, thoughtfully. “Let’s sleep a bit. I could sleep a bit. Regeneration and telepathy take a lot of effort. Can we, can I-?” The Doctor’s eyes were darkening as he opened his arms to her.
Rose slipped into his arms, laying her head on his chest to listen to his single lonely heart. His arms came up around her, pressing her closer. “Feels right, the double pulse,” he murmured into her hair.” She felt his heart slow as he relaxed. “Ten minutes, four hours at max… A cat nap.”
A snore escaped him.
 Rose woke to find the Doctor had managed to cover them in a blanket. She was broiling in their little cocoon. She wriggled to free a foot, unwilling to let him go. The temperature change was lovely. The Doctor smelled amazing and she had somehow nuzzled the collar of his shirt down and her nose was touching his collar bone. She hummed in appreciation and felt his chest move as he giggled silently. “Awake?”
Rose made a noncommittal noise.
“Ah, how I love my morning hating Rose Tyler. She who loves waffles but not the general waffle hours,” the Doctor said, voice brimming with amusement. “We should order waffles. I am craving them. I hope they have multiple types of syrup…”
“How long?” Rose managed, mind foggy. She had been dreaming of a giant rabbit wearing a wolf’s head and everyone had candy. ��Sleeping?”
“Three hours, thirty-two minutes, twenty-seven seconds,” he remarked cheerfully. “Timesense is online and working, lovely. I felt adrift without it. ‘Course now it feels like it’s ticking down to the big ‘D’ but it’s morning, time for new beginnings, not morbid underpinnings.”
Rose loosened her grip on him, to run her hand down his face. “No. Talk. No,” she grumbled. “Too many words.”
“I would be offended. I really would, if I hadn’t ordered waffles for two and well, a whole pot of hot tea. I remember what mornings are like with you around.”
“No mornings on the Tardis,” Rose heard herself saying. She froze. Would mentioning the Tardis upset him? He was separated from her and she had just been stupidly insensitive. A rush of adrenaline cleared the sleep right out of her. She pulled back from him in time to see his eyes.
“Quite right,” he replied and climbed out of the bed. Rose wanted to reach out for him but he was on his way to the door. He popped the door open as the cart trundled to a halt. He muttered something in Norwegian that made the woman laugh and wheeled the cart inside. The baked sugar scent of waffles drifted lazily around him, trumped by the tea. He fixed her cup and deposited it in her waiting hands. “Let’s eat.”
Rose sipped her tea caffeine slipping into her bloodstream. “Oh, this is gorgeous!”
The Doctor’s mouth was stuffed full of waffle, so he, of course, talked around it, “No, these are gorgeous! They have little syrup traps! Brilliant! When do you want to start again? On the memory thing? There’s only two left.”
“Um, as soon as we’re done eating. Mum will have us on the first zeppelin she can book, so figure 10 am.”
“We’ve hours! Here, eat this.” The Doctor poured a generous amount of syrup onto her plate and handed it to her. “S’better warm!” “Sorry, I mentioned the Tardis earlier,” Rose muttered.
The Doctor paused, the latest bite of syrupy waffle just centimeters from his face. His expression shifted to genuine puzzlement. “Why would you be sorry about that?”
“Well, you’re here, and she’s with him and I thought it might be a bit soon, insensitive.” Rose played with her waffle, stabbing it with her fork. “You’re all… homeless.”
The Doctor ate his waffled, chewing thoughtfully. “Yeah, but I was kinda hoping to shack up with you. If that’s okay? Last time I was homeless you did offer to share. If you remember.” He kept his eyes on his plate.
“Yeah,” Rose agreed, “I did.”
“S’alright if you don’t-” he began.
“I do,” Rose interrupted.
“Do you though?” he asked, giving her a way out.
“‘Course, don’t be stupid.” Rose caught his gaze. “Stuck with me, remember?”
“Yeah, s’not so bad,” he agreed, his wide boyish grin appearing like sunshine. “I’ve missed that adorable snore...It’s like a Zeuuooosian mating call. Very comforting.” The Doctor cheerfully went back to eating, ignoring her indignant squawk.
“Changed my mind, you have to go live with mum,” Rose teased, tearing into her breakfast.
“No, no, no, nononono Rose,” he protested, flecks of waffle and syrup flying. “I let you live with me for years rent-free. It’s only fair that you return the favor…”
“Fine, for two years, rent-free, then you’re off to the mansion. Mum has a wing of her own. I’m sure you could sleep in the guestroom closest to her…”
“No, no, no, cruelty thy name is Rose Tyler!”
“You have two years to plead your case, don’t waste it.” Rose polished off her breakfast as he gawped at her before settling into a smugness that was too thick to be ignored. “I’m serious.”
“Oh, I know,” he agreed.
A knock startled them. Rose moved to grab her gun and froze, she didn’t have one. The Doctor arched a brow. She rolled her eyes at him. “Rose, Doctor, are you up? There’s a zeppelin leaving in twenty minutes. I want to be on it. Tony’s been without his mum for days, poor mite. I need to get home.”
Rose hopped up and opened the door. “Yeah, we’re up.”
“Good, you’re feeding him,” Jackie stated. “He’s too thin, even thinner than I remember the other one being. You aren’t going to go into a coma, are you?”
Rose glared. “Mum!”
“Well, the other one did and he’s him, isn’t he? I half thought I was gonna find him tucked up in bed like the last one. You look alright, bit peaky.”
“Oi, I am not peaky! In perfect condition, mint condition, so--,” the Doctor growled.
Rose arched a brow at him. “Sounding a bit, Donna.”
He shut his mouth with an audible click. Rose turned back to her mother. “Mum, he’s fine. We stayed up talking.”
“Talk on the zeppelin. Down in the lobby both of you, ten minutes, sweetheart. And you, hop to it.”
Rose closed the door. “The memories will have to wait. We’ve got to catch a lift home. Oh, and the letter said you’d find what you were looking for in your left-hand pocket. Figured it would bug you unless I told you…”
The Doctor’s face lit up. “Wonderful!”
His good mood lasted until Jackie started in on him about jobs and clothes and jobs. The Doctor looked as if he’d swallowed a lemon tree. Rose glared hot pokers at her mother who ignored it to ask the Doctor what his intentions toward Rose were. The Doctor tapped a foot impatiently. The zeppelin line up with the steps and he bounded forward, stopping long enough to grab her hand. Rose let him drag her along. Jackie had to trot to keep up with them.
His need to explore got him banned from the cockpit in exactly two minutes into the flight. Rose watched him sulk at the back of the ship before she took pity on him and dropped down next to him. She offered him a banana. He took it with a brief grateful nod and munched it angrily. “I only wanted to know what it was filled with and how they stabilized it if it was helium or hydrogen. I didn’t want you on a potential Hindenburg.”
“Helium,” Rose told him. “I asked too. First trip and I found out there wasn’t a Hindenburg because the people here were smart enough to use Helium. Also, it’s more abundant here. No explosions at all. The things just bounce off each other in flight. S’weird.”
The Doctor settled down and dropped the banana peel behind him into a convenient bin. Rose lifted the divider between them. “What’s wrong?”
A muscle in his jaw twitched. “I was on a bus, a while back, ages ago now, it was a tough trip. Been a bit claustrophobic since then… Only on transports that remind me… of that...transport. This smells the same somehow and it’s not a conscious decision.” He kept facing forward, not meeting her gaze. The tension from his jaw infected the rest of him, making him all sharp angles.
Rose laid her hand on his. She could feel the terror clawing its way up through his telepathic barriers. “I’m afraid of this perfume Mum has. It--there was this mission with Mickey. Things went south,” she shared as he turned to regard her. “The creatures, the aliens, they smelled like her perfume.”
“Big orange things with more fangs then brains?”
“Mm hmm.”
“I knew I knew that smell,” the Doctor muttered to himself.
“I get it, I mean, I don’t know what you’re feeling but it’s--valid,” Rose said, repeating what her UNIT appointed psychiatrist had told her. Rose had done a few sessions before just tossing all of Mum’s perfume then buying the company and discontinuing the scent. Bit overkill for peace of mind. “Tell you later what I did to stop smelling that smell. What can I do?”
The Doctor gripped her hand almost painfully. “Distract me.”
“Okay, yeah, I can… Why don’t we,” she slipped half into his seat and wrapped his arm around her. “Good. Now lean down and smell my hair. C’mon, if the scent is bad in here, I should smell good, comforting like you do to me. Go on.”
The arm around her tightened. The Doctor tilted his head and buried his nose in her hair. His arms twitched as he relaxed. Rose took a hit of his scent too while they were close. The scent of Time wasn’t dissipating. It was still a part of him, deep down in the skin. Looser and looser, the Doctor sank down into his seat. Legs stretching out, toes uncurling, the Doctor pulled her closer. Rose let him and found herself in a delightful cuddle. “Gonna have to stay this way for the entire flight,” he whispered into her hair.
“Fine by me,” she murmured. “Mm,” he agreed. “Want to tell me what evil fate befell Jackie’s perfume bottles?”
“They tragically ended up in the rubbish tip,” she murmured rearranging herself to fit more comfortably against him. “The company decided to make banana scented things instead.”
“Oh,” he drawled out with obvious relish.
“Would it--Do you think it would help if we continued?” she asked.
“It would give us something to do and occupy my frankly magnificent if overactive at the moment brain.” the Doctor said, one hand releasing to slide up through her hair to her temples. Rose shivered. “Ready?”
Rose was heating up. If they were going to cling to one another, the Doctor wasn’t the only one who was going to need a distraction. The hand still holding her to him flexed and Rose shivered. He made a few lazy circles before sliding it up under the fabric to touch warm skin.
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Prompt: “Bite me”, “If you insist”
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairing: Prinxietceit (Roman/Virgil/Deceit)
Rating: E (Sexual content-- biting, blood, double penetration, implied extreme BDSM/ RACK)
Notes: This is fluff and smut so take the rating seriously and don’t jump in unless you’re ready for it. The boys are in an established relationship but the use of the truth venom is somewhat under negotiated.
 For @followthewind-song​ a lovely friend who gave me way too much freedom and encourages my bad decisions. 
Roman’s pretty sure that Deceit is jealous. He doesn’t know what sets off the first little ping in his brain, but all of the sudden he catches himself turning to check in with the other facet more and more whenever the three of them are together. Because jealous is dangerous. Jealous is bad. It took ages for the three of them to realize that maybe they could make this work and the idea of something as stupid and easily managed as jealousy pushing them apart makes him sick to his stomach. But he doesn’t want to confront Deceit before he figures out the cause, not when the other facet’s entire shtick is lying. And unlike Logan and Patton who have laser-like accuracy spotting Deceit’s lies and half-truths, he still gets fooled a good amount of the time. If he doesn’t have the facts when he goes into this discussion Deceit might just brush him off and they won’t be able to fix whatever’s going on.
And he just can’t stand that idea.
The thing is he doesn’t get why Deceit would be jealous. The three of them spend a fair amount of time all together and they do a pretty good job balancing the times when only two of them are around as well. It’s not like he and Vigil are fucking more when Deceit’s not there, and for that matter Roman’s fairly sure that he’s slept with Deceit more in the past month than he has with Virge alone. And he knows that Virgil and Deceit are still scening regularly, doing things that are a more intense than what Roman prefers to get up to. Their platonic hang outs seem to be going well too, and Deceit doesn’t seem to be angry at him, or Virgil, so he really has no leg to stand on if he tries to confront him.
Cool lips brush against his temple and Roman blinks hard, remembering where he is. “What’s going on up there, Princey?” Deceit murmurs, tightening the arm wrapped around his chest. The TV is still humming, the quiet drone of The Princess Bride filtering back into his hearing.
Roman swallows back the urge to lie. It would probably be a bad idea when the partner holding him can literally taste insincerity. “I was just thinking about you.” He leans back, angles his head so he can press his lips to the patch of scales underneath Deceit’s chin.
Deceit hums again before leaning down to kiss him and Roman thinks he’s starting to get a hang of half-truths.
“Have you noticed anything unusual going on with Deceit?” Roman asks Virgil as they reorganize his CDs. He’d asked why CDs when all Thomas’s music has been digital for years, but Virgil had just shrugged and said, ‘nostalgia’.
“Unusual how? Did he try to eat his shed skin again?”
Roman jolts. “What? Again?”
Virgil’s eyes shine mirthfully. “I’m kidding Ro, he’s never tried to eat his sheddings.” But the joke just leaves him feeling more off-balance than he was before. The smile melts off Virgil’s face and he reaches for Roman’s arm, carefully touches his sleeve instead of his skin. Roman sees his own shadow quiver before it tentatively reaches out to his partner and coils over his skin. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m just worried. I feel like something’s off, but I can’t put my finger on it.” He doesn’t need to admit his worry, not when Virgil can pull it out of him at a touch, but he still feels like it has to be said. “Have you noticed anything?”
“He’s been a little quiet. I think he’s in his own head too much right now.” He lets Virgil wrap his fingers around his wrist, bring his hand up so he can press a kiss to the palm. “Do you want to talk with him?”
“Does he normally pull himself out of things like this?” Virgil and Deceit were Dark Sides together, Virgil’s known him the longest, been with him the longest. Roman trusts his judgement when it comes to knowing their third.
“Let’s wait a little bit then. I don’t want to pressure him.” Virgil looks up at him then and his eyes are so warm that Roman feels his face start to heat. “What?”
“He’d appreciate that.”
When Deceit finds them hours later Virgil doesn’t wake as the stream of light from the hallway falls across the bed. Roman feels the mattress dip behind him and then there’s another pair of arms curling around his body.
“Looks like the two of you had fun today.” Deceit murmurs against the side of his neck and Roman shivers as his lips brush over a particularly sore mark. He loves Virgil’s teeth in the moment, but he always almost regrets it afterwards. Deceit’s lips trail up the side of his jaw and he can’t help the soft hiss that escapes him as the other finds another tender bruise. Immediately the cool mouth withdraws and Roman wants to ask for it back.
“Would’ve been more fun with you.” Roman says, turning to try and catch the other in a kiss without dislodging Virgil.
“Next time.” Deceit agrees as he presses his lips to Roman’s soft and chaste. It makes his chest tighten with wrongness. His fingertips brush carefully over the raised welt of teeth marks maring his shoulder. And Roman can feel his lips twitch into a little frown.
It doesn’t make sense. Deceit and Virgil go a lot further than a few bites when they’re scening together, far enough that it wouldn’t be safe for a real person. Hell, once Virgil asked if Roman could make them a length of barbed wire to bring into the bedroom. And neither of them had minded when he said he wasn’t ready for that yet, that he’d let them know if he ever was. Biting wasn’t on his list of hard limits. It was just the mauling and disemboweling that he suspected Virgil and Deceit got up to that he didn’t think he could handle. But Deceit has always touched him softly he half thought the more violent fantasies that the other two explore had been Virgil’s idea.
Now he’s not so sure.
“Virgil!” The name leaves him on a gasp as sharp nails carve into his hips. His cock twitches as he feels hot trails of blood start to slide across his skin, mingling with his sweat. A gloved hand reaches down and smears it over his thigh before it snakes between his and Virgil’s bodies and curls around his cock. Roman keens, head falling back against Deceit’s shoulder, as he tries to stop shaking. Virgil and Deceit rock their hips together, their cocks moving steadily inside him and he feels so full that he hardly knows how there’s any room in his body for air. Trapped between their bodies, impaled on their cocks, he can feel every hot patch of skin and cool press of scales against his front and back and the sensation is enough to make his head spin.  He turns to catch Deceit’s lips with his own as Virgil bites along his throat, his teeth morphed into long black fangs that would give anyone with a shred of sense pause, instead Roman just tries not to let this end too soon. Deceit’s mouth meets his, hot and eager, forked tongue flicking into his mouth and mapping out the space behind his teeth. But it’s still… soft. Passionate of course, Roman can’t help put push his own ferver into his lovers skin, but the kiss has a careful feel to it. He tries to focus, licks his way into Deceit’s mouth, flicks his tongue over the distinct points of his fangs--
Only for the other to pull away sharply, stroking him faster as if he’s trying to divert Roman’s attention to the abrupt parting.
Oh. Oh!
“Ah, fuck, Deceit,” he gasps as his and Virgil’s thrusts grow faster, deeper. Shit. This isn’t going to last much longer. “Bite me.” He pants and feels the rhythm of Deceit’s thrusts waver. It seems to catch Virgil’s attention as well, a black clawed hand reaching to slide over Deceit’s shoulder and around to grasp the back of his neck.
“I can’t.” And maybe it’s how close they are, or maybe, finally, Roman’s starting to be able to decipher the other’s cryptic tones, because he thinks he hears something mournful and self-loathing in the words.
“Yes you can, please.” He rolls his hips down on the cocks inside of him, hears his lovers hiss in pleasure as Virgil starts mouthing along the column of his throat.
“My venom,” Deceit starts,
“I know, don’t care. I want your teeth.” The truth venom is something they all know about. And it’s something that Roman hasn’t ever been particularly worried about. But he thinks Deceit has been. Thinks he’s built it up in his head that Roman’s wariness about doing some of the heavier stuff meant that he wouldn’t want to give up the amount of control the he knows will come with Deceit’s bite. He doesn’t mind. He’s not hiding anything from either of his lovers.
“Bite me.” He says a little more forcefully, reaching a hand back to drag his nails roughly over a patch of scales on Deceit’s hip.
The hiss he gets out of the other is more feral this time, golden eye flashing, as he bares his teeth. “If you insist.” But he still doesn’t move.
“Come on now D, you heard him.” And Roman sees the tendons in Virgil’s wrist flex, hears the telltale popping of skin as his nails sink into the flesh of Deceit’s neck so he can force the other forward until Roman’s world narrows down to the pulse of their cocks inside of him and the heat of Deceit’s breath against his skin. And then there are two exquisite points of agony and heat surging through his veins and all he can do is gasp. “Do you want me too?” Virgil murmurs against the shell of his ear. But it’s too much, he can’t take another--
“Yes, please, Virge, please please--” distantly he realizes that the venom must already be kicking in but all he can think is about how much he wants another spike of agony to drag him over the edge. “Next time,” he begs. “Next time show me what you two do when you’re alone.”
“We’ll talk about it when you can lie.” Virgil agrees before his teeth sink into the other side of Roman’s neck. It’s all it takes for his spine to go taut and for his cock to give one last hard twitch in Deceit’s hand before he’s striping his and Virgil’s stomachs with cum.
He’s floating, his veins still singing with heat, for the few minutes it takes for Virgil and Deceit’s thrusts to grow erratic and unsynchronized. Until he can’t tell who it is that thrusts sharply and then fills him with even more heat, and who follows a moment later. He’s still floating as they pull out of him and lower exhausted body to the mattress. Oh. They stopped biting him at some point, huh. When did that happen. He can feel blood and cum going sticky on his skin and it’s not as nice as it was a few minutes ago.
“I’ll dress his wounds.” He hears Deceit murmur.
“I’ll clean him up and get him something to drink.”
“Bring a cold compress for his head. He’s going to get a fever trying to fight off the venom.”
Virgil leans over to give Deceit a kiss and there’s blood on both of their mouths. Roman’s cock twitches at the sight. “Mmm, maybe next time you should fuck me in the vampire costume.”
Virgil huffs a light against Deceit’s mouth before he slips out of the bed and towards the ensuite bathroom. Deceit just shakes his head before leaning over to his nightstand and pulling out a first aid kit from the bottom drawer. Roman cocks his head so he can see into it and, oh wow. That’s a lot of medical supplies.
“Are those rib spreaders?” He asks.
Deceit quickly puts back what he doesn’t need and shuts the drawer. He gives Roman a wry smile. “You sure you want to know what Virgil and I get up to without you?”
“I want to know everything about you.” The words come with little prompting. “I might not be up for all of it but you don’t have to treat me like glass, D. I trust you.” He sees Deceit’s expression shift minutely into something hard and unhappy and it makes his chest hurt.
“I’m more dangerous than Virgil, Roman. My venom could make you say or do something you’d regret if you were in your right mind.”
His limbs feel too heavy, but he manages to lift a hand to the side of Deceit’s face and stroke his thumb along the scales on his cheek. “You know my limits, and I know you’ll stop if I ask. I trust you D. And if you ask me again when I can lie I’m going to tell you the exact same thing.” He murmurs as Deceit starts to clean away the blood crusting over his skin with an alcohol pad. It hurts, but he’s still floating enough that he’s not particularly bothered by it.
“You might want to stop talking before you say something embarrassing, darling.” He advises before pressing a kiss to his temple.
“Nothing embarrassing about how I feel.”
“I’m embarrassed for both of you.” Virgil says playfully as he slips back into the bed. He helps Roman to sit up enough to take a glass of water before he starts using a warm washcloth to clean cum from his skin. “You’re both disgustingly sappy.”
Roman floats as they take care of him, clean him up, dress his injuries, relaxing against the pillows. He’d been worried over nothing. Deceit wasn’t jealous, neither was Virgil. They’re okay. They’re going to keep being okay. And he wonders if it’s the venom surging under his skin that makes him so sure that’s the truth.
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anaomynous · 7 years
Kai Anderson P4
Kai’s POV
The past few weeks I spent a lot of time calling Kat, visiting her frequently, and taking her out places. In my unfeeling heart, I could feel something, having to keep my mind on the one thing I needed to get to: World Domination. People either are obstacles or stepping stones to that goal. I need to use them, or have them be part of my following. “Kai, will you come down stairs, please?” Winter called from the basement. “In a second!” I yelled from the bathroom, I looked at myself, actually caring if I looked indecent or not, trying to get political gain was truly an eye opener to how homeless I allowed myself to look, I also wanted Kat to see me as put together. I looked at myself in the mirror, my face shaved, my hair clean, wearing a dark, grey, cardigan. A black shirt under that, in tight fitting jeans. I was starting to look more like my old self, which channeling my inner pussy was part of the plan. I walked down into the basement, and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw everyone sitting in a circle like a fucking drug addicts intervention. I looked around trying to hide my blinding anger, of how they congregated behind my back. I smiled, then clapped my hands together “Okay, what the fuck is this?” I said with a laugh. Winter stood up “Kai, I like Kat. I have always liked Kat, but you are investing yourself too much into one person. All of our plans keep getting pushed back further, and further. All you do is talk to her, and want to be around her. Look at you, Kai. You’re changing, for 1 person. Aren’t you supposed to recruit as many people as possible to our movement? Not just her?” She said with concern. Meadow, stood up after her, and gave me a shy smile “We are all worried that you’re falling back in love with her, which is a distraction from what we are doing. Are we not all here, because of you? And what you want to achieve?” I started to laugh now. “Fucking, Meadow. You’re fine with having me fall in love with you, but if I find love elsewhere I’d be getting ‘distracted,’ ” I said, using air quotes as I mocked her whiny, pitiful, voice. I cleared my throat, before talking again. “Listen, I understand that you are concerned, you are my people, and I value your opinions, however, when it comes to this shit, you can fuck right off. How dare you all have the balls to talk about me, behind my back, about something I am doing. If you have a problem with me, you can tell me to my face. Now, since all 8 of you are showing me tremendous disrespect, I will trust that you will stay out of my way from here on out!” I scolded, all of them backing down quickly on their idea of helping me. “Kai, we are all here to follow you, but as people who follow you, you cant just expect us to follow blindly, if you’re making us worried.” Harrison nervously said, keeping himself seated on the couch “That’s exactly what I expect you all to do. You think this is a democracy? And “you the people,” can decide shit? No,“ I said, starting to laugh, trying to keep myself from murdering all of these mother fuckers. "We just care about getting you to your goal, you can chase pretty girls all day, but you are distracted, and we need to make sure you keep your mind where it needs to be,” Commented Winter, adding to what Harrison’s point was. I took a deep breath to keep myself composed. “Okay, maybe I misunderstood the intention with this bullshit meeting, but I will listen to you, I promise I am not leading you in a bad direction, but you have to trust in your leader. Now, don’t fucking talk about me behind my back again, or else there will be an outcome, that is much worse. I’ll murder every fucking one of you,” I said with a smile. Everyone grew incredibly tense at that statement. I started to laugh to try and ease it, to which everyone kind of joined in nervously, relaxing a bit more. “I’m leaving, and will be back later.” I said, starting up the stairs, before Winter scoffed “Really, you’re just going to go out with her when we just told you it’s distracted you?” I stopped and turned around to look at her. “That’s exactly what I am going to fucking do!” I could feel the vein in my forehead, popping out. My face turning completely hot, as I stormed out of the house. I cracked my neck, before going to meet Kat at the park for some late night conversations on the swings. I felt myself getting excited thinking about seeing her. Once I arrived, I picked a swing to sit on, feeling the cool, night, air hit my face, gripping the chains with my hands, and shifting my weight to give myself momentum. I hadn’t actually gotten in a swing in a long time, when did I start to take life so seriously? What was the point of being so serious? Life was too short. “What are you doing here?!” I heard her voice, cracking as she tried to make it sound deeper than it really was. She jumped on the swing beside me, falling off of it with a shierk. I laughed loudly, stopping myself with my feet, kicking wood chips everywhere. “Are you okay?!” I laughed, helping her up. She held out her elbow and pushed out her bottom lip into a pout, showing me a bloody, cut. She wiped off the dirt, and tiny wood chips off of the cut. “It stings,” She whined, holding it gently with her free hand. “Aww you poor thing! Now you know not to do dumb things, like try ro run and jumo into a swing, when you’re a clumsy Kat!” I teased, directing her to a near by water fountain. She held her elbow over the fountain and pushed down on the lever to the fountain, spraying a stream of water over her cut. “There, should feel better now!” I said with a wide smile. She smiled and chuckled at me, “You’re too good to me, Kai,” She said, before going on her tippy toes and kissing me on the cheek. My face burned, turning red. Am I… Blushing? Here, I just genuinely threatened to murder my entire group of followers and here I was fucking BLUSHING. I got embarrassed and turned around immediately, I was afraid of being vulnerable around her, when I was vulnerable around her once. I was happy once, with her. I knew she would never hurt me… I couldn’t be afraid. Wait… Wait wait wait. Wait. Why… Do I care? This is supposed to be me, wanting her devotion to my cause, I knew how devoted she could be to me, I could use it to my ultimate advantage, but… I loved spending time with her again, she made feel like myself, she brought out all the good that was left in my soul, she was… Absolute happiness. Why was I so conflicted? Maybe everyone was right, I was letting this get to my head and spending too much time letting her consume my world, but… I liked it. I cared about another when I was with her… Fuck, get a hold of yourself, Kai. She’s just another woman. Just another hole to fuck if I wanted. Another mind to corrupt, another follow to manipulate and bend to my will. She would be so perfect… What if I could have both her… And her devotion, and allow myself to care for her, to love her, to fuck her, and manipulate her? I could have her by my side, commiting crimes, and atrocities. I could do it… “Kai,” She spoke, breaking me from my deeo thoughts. She gently hand touching my shoulder. I turned around to look at her and smiled, she looked at my cheek, and giggled “I got lipstick on your cheek, I’m sorry!” She exclaimed, going to wipe it off. I grabbed her chin and she looked at me in confusion. I put my thumb to her lips, gently smearing her lipstick off her lips slightly. “I’d rather have it on my lips than my cheek,” I spoke bravely, watching her melt before me. I pulled her closer to me, and smashed my lips into hers, passionately. Her body trembling, and knees buckling in my arms, I used my strength to keep her standing up. It was just like it had been, the same passion, same steamy, sexual, tension within each movement of each other’s lips, rhythmatically moving together. Nothing had changed, but my feelings felt intense, a fire in my heart that she was igniting. I was okay with the idea of allowing her entrance into my circle, into what was left of my feelings. This wasn’t about manipulation anymore, this was allowing the most genuinely, kind, woman to love me without fear.
Winter’s POV.
After Kai had went off to the part to do whatever the fuck he does, I was frustrated. Really hoping he would listen to reason with this. “Good job guys, really,” I said making my sarcasm very appartent. I slumped down into the couch, everyone going silent for a moment, all of us thinking of how we were going to get Kai’s head back into the notion of world domination. Meadow sighed deeply “Well, I have an idea, I mean… It may be extreme, but it may work!” She exclaimed with a smirk. I nodded in her direction motioning her to speak. Meadow smiled excitedly, preparing to explain. “She is really beautiful, why not get under our shallow, leader’s , skin and take that beauty away?” She said, excitement in her voice. “Uuuum, I don’t follow,” Commented Harrison shaking his head. “Oh my gosh you guys are slow. I have a friend who can get acid, we drive by, throw it on her face while she’s out walking, and boom. Goodbye, pretty face. Goodbye distraction.” Said Meadow with a confident smile. I nodded slowly “That is such a perfect idea, this could work and we can get him back. We have to take it a step further though, so she has no reason to stay here,” I said, picking up the picture that Kai had left on the table of her. “You mean like… Kill her family?” Asked Ivy in disbelief, having been quiet this entire time. “That’s exactly what I mean,” I said looking over to her, “I mean, it sucks they’re innocent people, but we gotta make sacrifices,” I said, coldly. Shrugging my shoulders, while shaking my head. “I think killing her family is taking it too far, so is disfiguring her. What do you think Kai will do when he finds out?” Ivy stammering, getting visibly stressed out by the thought. “He’ll know it’s us that did it,” “He’ll thank us, for helping him come to his senses,” Said Harrison rolling his eyes at Ivy “You always get so worked up,” I nodded towards Harrison “He’ll thank us for helping get his impulses under control, then she’ll leave and never want to come back, dead brother and parents. No reason to stay, and her face will be horrible. Maybe she’ll kill herself,” Commented Meadow, will snickering to herself. She was clearly, incredibly, jealous of Kat. Which fueled this idea of fucking up her face. Maybe Kai would see this act of passion as our devotion to him, but it could also turn very ugly, very quickly. We had to execute this plan perfectly.
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