#i just needed to create ib shitpost
promises-of-reunion · 4 years
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au where they all escape but this is the only thing that happens
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tereishqnachaya · 6 years
(gg1) Hey, I may be mistaken but I believe the vishwaspur/dabba bae tumblr belongs to you. I hope I’m right because otherwise the rest of this message is irrelevant. I just wanted to thank you for creating such a page (and not taking it down). I don’t watch hindi tv shows because I could never deal with the melodrama, absent logic and sanskari bullshit.
(gg2) But recently on a youtube spiral I came across a Omkara and Gauri vm that intrigued me and sent me on an ishaqbaaz and dil bole oberoi binge (I blame his gorgeous hair!) Anyway, the reason I wanted to thank you was that I felt extremely conflicted about what I was watching especially because while I love an angsty man with a conflicted past, Omkara was quite violent and sometimes straight up abusive in the way he treated Gauri. But I couldn’t stop watching.            
(gg3) None of my friends watch hindi shows, so there really isn’t anyone I could share my love and hate for the show with. Finding your blog was exactly what I needed. You had expressed opinions that made sense to me and validated my feelings for the characters. I also loved it when I came across a post in which you mentioned both Jake Peralta and Omkara!   
(gg4) Your blog made me realize that there are enough sensible people out there (with good taste in Tv!) who enjoy hindi tv shows. And honestly that kind of allowed me to just enjoy the show and rikara for what it was and not overthink or spiral over my new taste in TV. I realize this may be a bit of a strange message to receive, but your blog made me happy, toh Thank You message toh banta hai!            
Messages like these make me believe my tumultuous journey with RiKara wasn’t a complete waste of time :’)
Oh, anon, this isn’t a strange message at all. In fact this message made me really happy. Vishwaspur is my baby. I had invested so much time and energy on that blog. What had started as my personal safe place to find enjoyment the mess that was DBO turned out to be this hub of sensibility away from the proper kachra that was the mainstream IB fandom. I toh had just made that blog to make gifs about the Queenie that was Gauri and write funny shitposts to not lose my sanity as DBO became the Dabba Show. But the way people engaged with all that content and actually cared about what I had to say really, truly gave me some great things to experience. And it genuinely warms my heart that even after a year of Vishwaspur being shut down, it still has an active activity and that people appreciate the content of that blog.
So really..thank YOU for this.
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hydrus · 6 years
Version 310
os x
I had a productive week. A bunch of stuff is fixed, and I finished a first version of multi-file url downloading.
multi-file support
A limitation of the old download system is that it always assumed a single 'post URL' could only ever produce a single file. This week, I have added full support for multi-files-per-post-URL to the new downloader. If a new parser generates multiple 'downloadable' URLs, the file import queue will generate and insert new download objects for each. Tags and associable URLs should all be passed along to the children as appropriate.
As a result, I can finally roll out support for several sites that provide files in this way. I've updated the inkbunny post parser, and added twitter tweet and artstation post parsers, so all these should now be drag-and-droppable onto the client. The twitter parser only supports images--no videos yet. The inkbunny parser may put its multi-files slightly out of order, and in one of my tests it pulled the artist profile picture as well, so it may need some tweaking. IB have a proper API, but it requires some login stuff, so I will look at that again when I have the new login system done.
And of course I have added a pixiv manga parser, which has been highly requested for a long time. This was fairly complicated, but I think I got all the referral URLs and tags lined up correct. It can even add 1-indexed page tags. Unfortunately, pixiv just changed my test login to the new (currently broken) JSON/javascript layout just today, as I did final testing. If it turns out pixiv have switched everyone over to the broken layout on the very day I finally roll out manga support, I think my head is going to explode, but even if so, I am confident the javascript layout is parsable--it'll just take a bit more work. I expect to have a fix for all pixiv users for v311 if another user doesn't post one sooner.
This multi-file parsing is a first version. There may be bugs, so please let me know. I also don't really like how the initial post URLs' file import objects get counted as 'successful' like a regular file, so I may make a new 'successfully parsed' type to distinguish them a bit and alter the file progress counts appropriately.
The new 'x% in' video thumbnail generation works better and fails better now, including some better workflow and error-reporting when regen is manually started by the user. If you had some videos that failed to import or regen last week, please try them again and let me know if you still have problems.
The multiple watcher now has a 'check now' button.
I added a semi-crazy prototype checkbox to options->gui that puts all your page tabs on the left. It needs a restart to kick in. Test it at your own risk.
The new download system now informs the new network engine of file limits in your 'file import options'! So, if you say 'don't get gifs bitter than 32MB', and the server clearly identifies a newly started download as a gif with size 50MB, the download will be abandoned and a veto/ignored status set immediately! It also works with the regular min/max filesize as appropriate. Let me know if it goes wrong!
I cleaned up some file repository thumbnail sync and display code all around.
Github got bought by Microsoft, so I am considering migrating somewhere else. I only use Github as a file/code host and the workflow of syncing there is easy, so I may or may not go, or may just put it off and see what happens during the transition. I am interested in your thoughts on the whole deal and what you think of the alternatives.
full list
updated the inkbunny file page url class to acknowledge that inbunny pages can have multiple files
updated the inkbunny file page parser to handle multiple file urls (although they may be out of order and possibly sometimes include the artist profile image--this was not super easy)
added a parser for twitter tweets (only images supported atm, but it can handle multiple!) (hence tweet drag and drop now works!)
updated the artstation file page url class to redirect to a new api url class
wrote an artstation file page parser that also handles multiple file urls
updated/added pixiv file page, manga page, and mange_big url classes
updated pixiv file page parsers to be ok with manga links
wrote parsers for pixiv manga and manga_big pages to fetch manga files (with page tags)!
file import objects can now create semi-duplicate children for multi-file post urls and insert them just after themselves in the file import queue.
file import objects can now receive and remember referral urls. this referral url is associated with the file if appropriate. the watcher and simple downloader now uses this in addition to the multi-file post system
jumbled around some parameters and merged the two new file import url commands (import 'file' vs import 'post') into one single simple 'work on this url, thanks' call that is now used across the program
the parsing system's 'content parser' no longer fetches file urls and post urls, but 'download urls' and 'source urls'. this helps some pipeline logic and also lets post urls be download urls
when file import objects parse post urls as the urls to download, it now creates 1-n new import objects, just like if multiple file urls.
improved some file import object file association code
the new parsing system will de-dupe parsed urls
refactored the 'seed' code, which handles all basic file import objects, to the new ClientImportSeeds.py
added a new string transformation type, 'integer addition', for shifting page number tags up and down
fixed thumbnail generation for some videos that failed to do the new x%-in generation--it reverts more reliably just to the old frame 0 method
file reparsing popup now has a stop button
fixed an issue where extremely thin or wide (ratio > 200:1) images would not generate a full-size or resized thumbnail
the file reparsing/re-thumbnailing now reports errors better (including with full path) and does not abandon the larger job as it works
misc thumbnail generation code improvements
improved some thumbnail and file regeneration/moving code when the existing file has read-only status
the multiple watcher now has a 'check now' button
added a checkbox to options->gui that will put new notebook page tabs on the left
for all file download network jobs working in the new download system, the file import options for min size, max size, and max size (gifs) are now applied _during the download_! if the server tells the client the exact file size in the response headers, it will test max and min size before the content is actually downloaded--otherwise, it will test the max size as it downloads. if the server clearly says the file is a gif, the max gif size rules will also be tested in the same way
cleaned up some bandwidth announcement code--now, if bandwidth is due in less time than override time, that will now correctly be the status text
the bandwidth status no longer says 'in in' typo
fixed up some tag repair code from last week
the 'print garbage' debug function now dumps a whole bunch more data to the log
the thumbnail cache should now be a bit more stoic about missing repository thumbnails--it should now just present the hydrus default backup without error popup spam
the repository thumbnail sync will now get as thumbs in blocks as high as 10k at a time, rather than the old 100
hydrus network requests no longer generate web domain network contexts (and so won't have a default one-request-per-second bandwidth limit and should stream through thumbnails a bit faster)
hydrus network services are now willing to wait longer for bandwidth, so big thumbnail queues should keep working even if other bottlenecks pause them for a bit
hydrus network services will no longer sometimes have double-sync popups if synced from the advanced 'sync now' button in review services
changed the default global 'stop-accidents' bandwidth rule of 120rqs per minute to 512MB per minute. this only affects new users, but users trying to sync to large file repos might like to make a similar change manually
doing giant full file delete (i.e. purge from trash) jobs should now be a bit gentler on the gui
improved how the client deletes paths, clarifying in the code when and when not to allow recycle (usually disabled for thumb disposal)
switched the hacky text widgets on the popup system to a newer object. seems to still render ok, so lets see if it fixes some unusual layout issues some users have seen
if the temp folder cannot be created on boot, the client will continue anyway
fixed some url-domain text handling in db storage that was also breaking v309 update for some users
fixed some additional domain generation error handling at the db level
the list of url classes in the system:url panel is now the list of all url classes that are considered associable (before, it was file and post urls)
if a url class now api-links to itself or otherwise forms a loop with n other api url classes, the client will now throw an error (rather than lock up in an infinite loop!)
in the parsing ui, tag parse test results are now cleaned before being displayed
fixed misc url matching error reporting bug
when consulting the current file limit, the gallery page downloader will now try, when it has that number, to consult the total number of urls found it the current search (old behaviour is to only consult the number of _new_ urls, which lead to some bad edge-case workflows)
misc refactoring
next week
I am going to take a light week next week so I can shitpost E3. I will try and keep up with messages, but I'll only do a little fixing work. I will get back to regular schedule on the 16th, which means v311 will be on the 20th. I will make a 'No Release Tomorrow!' post on the 12th.
I am a little ill and completely exhausted, so an easy week is coming at a great time.
I am still really enjoying making hydrus. Thank you for all your continued support!
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rpgmgames · 7 years
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June’s Featured Game: Living Playground: The Witch’s Puppets
DEVELOPER(S): Meaka ENGINE: RPGMaker XP  GENRE: Supernatural, Puzzle WARNINGS:   Both implied and shown violence to the children, Emotional abuse, Blood SUMMARY: With what starts as a simple day at the park, siblings Tony, Pablo, and Octavio are once again caught up in a series of strange circumstances such as strange pocket dimensions, coordinated monsters, and more geese than anyone could ever want to see in their lives. Stranded with them are Haze and Seal, two witches who seem to be connected with whatever nonsense is going down. As witches tend to be.In the simplest of terms, this game is about friendship and relating to others, both the good and the bad. With an unfortunate focus on the bad. It will be mostly straightforward with only one ending. 
Download the demo here!
Our Interview With The Dev Team Below The Cut!
Introduce yourself!  *Hi hello I'm Meaka. I've been kicking around the RPG Maker scene since like 2012 with my first game release in 2014. Whether that makes me but a wee RPGM baby or a seasoned veteran is probably dependent on how "long" you'd consider that h-haha. I'm an animator and illustrator, so visual development is my strong suit.
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What is your project about? What inspired you to create your game initially? *Meaka: The Witch's Puppets is best summed up as "a game about friendship." Part of my motivation for creating it was simply personal catharsis: it deals heavily with circumstances that impacted my own life greatly and affects how I interact with people to this very day. Beyond real-life experiences, a big inspiration is Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star in terms of how emotionally raw and powerful it is while also carrying on its sense of humor.
How long have you been working on your project? *Meaka: Far too long oh man. As a reference, my first game took me maybe six to eight months on and off to complete. I'm. almost 3 years into The Witch's Puppets and while I can probably hope for the best in terms of my completion rate, it's been a wild ride. (Did you know I thought it'd only take a year? 2014 me, how innocent you were...)
Did any other games or media influence aspects of your project? *Meaka: I say this like everywhere and I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, but a huge inspiration for my art in general is the Kirby series. It has such a flawless blend of cute-to-macabre that I absolutely love and hope to capture that same feeling in my own work! Living Playground was inspired by the usual "RPG Maker/ Wolf RPG Editor" games (mostly Ib and Alice_mare) which led to it's "kind of horror but not really" flavor.
Have you come across any challenges during development? How have you overcome or worked around them?   *Meaka: In all honesty, just staying motivated three years into a project is difficult. I'm absolutely ecstatic to be making this game and bring it to people for them to play, but it's so easy to be excited about the cool parts and hit a wall production-wise when it comes to the mundane and tedious parts, particularly programming events that tend to be made up of a ton of conditional branches, variables, and occasionally will crash RMXP. So I give myself breaks on occasion and try to switch it up between whether I work on visual assets or RPG Maker programming, and sometimes I flip over to side projects (be it jam games or just other art).
Have any aspects of your project changed over time? How does your current project differ from your initial concept? *Meaka: From my initial concept, beyond certain themes and characters, they're two entirely different storylines. I actually gutted the entire script and started over at least twice during the course of production because of things not flowing well, weird writing choices by me, or just ideas that I slowly realized weren't that good. In particular, a very big part of some rewriting came from having some friends look over my script + game doc and pointing out some flaws that were from too much personal investment. If you're ever in a tight spot and not sure if stuff reads right, get some friends to beta read for you!
What was your team like at the beginning? How did people join the team? If you don't have a team, do you wish you had one or do you prefer working alone? *Meaka: In my first game it was just me until I threw it at some people to beta test. That was an interesting experience. For the Witch's Puppets, I commissioned music from the absolutely amazing ProjectTrinity and needing to consolidate my ideas and express them in a way for someone to create music for it helped me commit to my ideas and also helped me put into words what I couldn't really describe well beforehand. I haven't really had the chance to work fully on a team. I'd sure love to, but I fear my hectic life schedule would hold back whatever team I would want to join.
What was the best part of developing the game? *Meaka: I may be an animator and used to this by now, but there's something really magical about making your characters and putting them into a thing and then they move around. It just feels really nice. Also for me, I love telling stories and entertaining people, so I hope that my games allow me to do that! Whenever someone offhand mentions they enjoy something I make, it fills me with the warm fuzzies. (And don't even get me started on fanart. I literally cry.)
Looking back now, is there anything that regret/wish you had done differently? *Meaka: I absolutely want to 100% go back and remake Living Playground one day. It was the best I could do at the time, but now that I know so much more about what RPG Maker can and can't do, I want to go back and fix all those little things and make it more of what I wanted it to be. ... Also cut back on the ham-fisted attempts to be scary, maybe.
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Once you finish your project, do you plan to explore game's universe and characters further in subsequent projects, or leave it as-is? *Meaka: I've already kind of done that! The Witch's Puppets is a sequel-but-not-really. And also Retail Hell, my Horror Funhouse jam project, is set in the same universe. As for the future, I can't say for sure that I'll make another game with the same characters, but I love the playground kids so I would never rule out the possibility of making something containing them again. Whether it's a game or not, that's a problem for Future Meaka to figure out.
What do you look most forward to upon/after release? *Meaka: It might be conceited of me, but I hope to see it give some sort of positive impact on people, even if just a little! I'd like to hope my little Friendship Game helps someone out if they're in a rough patch and at least makes them smile for a bit. Also I cannot wait to shitpost with wild abandon. Bad memes, here I come.
Is there something you're afraid of concerning the development or the release of your game?  *Meaka: I always low-key fear my files corrupting and losing everything, but since I am paranoid and keep a ton of back-up copies, I don't think that's going to be an issue. There's also a small part of me that is worried about people completely missing the point, but at that point I guess it would fall on my writing...!
Question from last month's featured dev: Which of your characters do you feel like you'd get along with the most? *Meaka: Strong Pickle. There is no other answer.
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Do you have any advice for upcoming devs? *Meaka: Google Drive, Dropbox, and Mediafire are good friends and back up your stuff! Also, there will be days when making your game will not be fun. You will open your version of RPG Maker and look at it with dread. Keep going. Even if it's just one event a day, one spriteset at a time, keep on poking at that game. It just seems daunting because you know what you want it to be and you're looking at the beginning of the beginning. You can do it!!!
We mods would like to thank Meaka for agreeing to our interview! We believe that featuring the developer and their creative process is just as important as featuring the final product. Hopefully this Q&A segment has been an entertaining and insightful experience for everyone involved! 
Remember to check out Living Playground: The Witch’s Puppets if you haven’t already! See you next month! 
- Mods Gold & Platinum 
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