#i just need to find my pamprin
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Body: hey good news! Your illness is better though your cough still sounds heinous
Me: amazing!
Body: ... Bad news your cycle started so have some cramps
Me: ... Fuck me....
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Comfort the Pain Away [p.p]
summary : Your period was never a pleasant week to deal with. You were grateful to Peter, always happily being by your side more than usual wherever it came. He made sure to think of everything when he came over after a patrol. Your evenings together often consisted of being cuddled up together watching TV and just talking.
pairings : TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
warnings : Mentions of cramps (if I missed anything let me know!)
word count : 700
AO3 (x)
a/n : Day eleven of Comfortember is here! The prompt was ‘comfort show/movie’. As a science nerd I think The Big Band Theory is an easy go-to show. It may not be my number one comfort show, but it is definitely in the top ten for me.
You groaned as another intense cramp racked through you. Readjusting your heating pad, sinking deeper under your blankets with a sigh as the heat slowly eased your pain. Pulling the blanket higher around you, you wait for Peter to stop by. It was only the first day of your period, but you wanted the comfort your boyfriend brought. Knowing his patrol just started, you turn on the TV to distract you from the steady ache in your abdomen. Not wanting something you’d have to pay much attention to, you put on The Big Bang Theory. It was a funny, surprisingly scientifically accurate, easy to watch show. Honestly, you were surprised that Peter hadn’t seen it before the two of you got together.
As the episodes went by, your heating pad had quickly stopped being hot and your cramps had picked up in intensity. Not knowing how else to help them be less intense, you tried to find a position that was comfortable to lay in. You’d curled yourself around a pillow, and tried to figure out how much longer until you could take more Pamprin. You heard the window to your bedroom open as Peter tripped on his way into the room. You laughed at Peter’s clumsy nature before quickly groaning at the wave of pain it caused.
Peter got up from where he was sprawled on the ground before pulling his mask off, “Hi bug, how’re you doing?”
“This sucks,” you groan.
“I’m sorry,” Peter works on removing his suit. “What can I do to help?”
“Would you mind reheating this? Then we can cuddle.”
Peter tied his sleep pants and began pulling a shirt over his head, “I’d be happy to. Do you want a bottle of water too? When was the last time you took medicine?”
“Please, and I can take another dose in like thirty minutes.”
Peter bent over to kiss you before stepping out of the room. You smiled, curious how you found such a caring boyfriend. You heard the fridge open then close as you watched the TV. Peter’s footsteps echoed through the apartment as he walked back to your shared room. Peter returned with the bottle of water and freshly warmed heating pad. Handing you the heat pad, Peter walked around the bed to lay beside you.
He pulled you into his side as he laid atop the covers. He rolled you over slightly to press his chest against your back, reaching a hand around you to hold your heat pad in place.
“What time is it?” You asked, having lost track of time waiting for him to get home.
“It’s a little past nine,” Peter checked his phone.
“You’re home early.”
“My phone notified me that your period started today.”
You felt Peter shrug at your shocked reaction. “I downloaded the same app you use to track it. I don’t like when you’re in pain, so I like to know when you’re on your period. That way I can make sure to be home sooner in case you need me.”
“That’s sweet,” you teared up. “Sorry, I don’t know why that’s making me emotional.”
“Technically, it’s due to a higher level of hormones. The heightened level of estrogen can make someone more persuaded by their emotional state.”
“Babe,” you laugh, “you’re doing the thing again.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t–”
“No! It’s cute, I love it. I just also love that you have no idea when you’re doing it.”
Peter buried his head against your shoulder. You felt his arm tighten around you.
“What season are we on now?” Peter tried to change the subject.
“It’s the one where Amy and Sheldon become official, and Howard becomes an astronaut,” you explain.
Peter hums in acknowledgement. You take a deep breath, enjoying the simple evening together. You could never get enough of Peter’s attention, loving when he just held you. The two of you settled in for the night, watching TV until you fell asleep. The discomfort and pain of your period ebbed away. The last thing you were aware of before falling into a peaceful sleep was Peter kissing your temple and telling you he loved you.
Author’s Note : Reblogs are appreciated, likes are welcome, and if you want to read more of my fics then maybe follow.
©heyitsme1040 If you find this post on any platform under a username different than heyitsme1040 it is not their work.
#fanfiction#fanfiction writer#fanfic blog#comfortember 2023#comfortember#tasm!peter parker#tasm fluff#tasm peter#tasm fanfiction#tasm spiderman#peter parker x you#tasm peter x reader#peter 3#peter parker#comfort fic#peter parker fluff
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Hi friend I figured I’d just reblog rather than write a hella long comment. But I have time to kill while I wait for my team so I can unlock the building and start work.
I loved Ink and Mistletoe, it was a nice cutesy read to break up the sad shit I have been reading
If you have a migraine please don’t try to force yourself to write it will only make it worse/ last longer. Normally to help mitigate a migraine I would recommend and Excedrine and Mountain Dew but I doubt those are readily available in Australia. The next best thing I can reccomend would be like a Midol/pamprin something geared to menstrual pain relief (because they typically have caffeine in the pills that do wonders) in a pinch a Coke and salty snack can help a bit with a migraine. But don’t force yourself to write if you’re not feeling good.
Good luck with that book you started
I cannot tell you how hard I sighed when I saw the announcement for the target special edition. I’m so sick of all the exclusive editions that you can only get in certain locations, it is so annoying because not everyone can get access to them and only some people get to see the exclusive content. This was my absolute biggest issue with House of Flame and Shadow because well you have to choose which place you buy from/ preorder from based on who’s extra story you wanted or you had to buy multiple. Now if they were paper backs I might get behind it but no all the exclusive stuff is coming out in hardbacks which are almost always bigger (side note I am hella jealous that Australia gets access to paperbacks early. Waiting over a year for the paperback was BS in the highest order.)
Man the only reason I can justify a special edition of Iron Flame is because I don’t have a physical copy but I am hoping that Bookish box restocks their Luxe version of it so that I don’t have to shell out $200 so that I can get a matching set for the series
As someone who also probably has undiagnosed OCD. Have some grace with yourself regarding the compulsions (mine is hand washing). Sometimes you can trick your brain into thinking you are satisfying the compulsion but it is hit or miss. I wish I could be of more help but I have been trying and not successfully succeeding at mitigating my compulsions. It seems like getting any kind of mental health services is hard no matter where you are. I have decent health insurance through my job but finding a provider who has appointments available is a feat. But I am always here if you ever need someone to talk to.
Solid advice for anyone going to the beach. The ocean is dangerous and doesn’t care if you think you are a strong swimmer. Even if there are life guards always exercise caution in the ocean. Rip currents are so serious. Pay attention to your surroundings and observer the flags that are put out( I’m not sure if they do this in Australia but here most beaches have a flag system to notify people of conditions) exercise caution on your beach vacations.
I don’t know if this is weird, but I don’t have many friends and I am weird, admittedly so…yolo, but this is just a diary post really of all the things on my mind right now.
• The response on ink & mistletoe was really lovely and I’m especially grateful for it while I’m still having a rough time.
• I really wanted to write more this week because I wanted to finish off ink & mistletoe and Truth & Talon before Onyx Storm comes out, but I have a migraine again and I’ve just been so exhausted it’s not happening, which sucks.
• I did start a new book though��my first of 2025—Just For the Summer by Abby Jimenez. One of my resolutions for the new year is to read more actual books, so I’m off to a start at least. One thing that wigged me out though, it’s first person past-tense? What the fuck is that, why are we doing that? My brain does not like.
• Speaking of Onyx Storm, should I start posting my theories now as I write them, or just save it for one big post a few days before?
• I’m still incredibly bothered by not only the continuing trend of oh surprise another special edition with content not available to you! But also mostly the response from other people to it, mostly Americans, because no one else is saying “no one’s making you buy them all” or “having choices is a good thing” because uhh *checks notes* we don’t? We just pay twice the amount of money you do for made-in-a-sweatshop, falling apart crap with less features.
• Also, just as an aside so you all are ready, I’m fairly certain there’s a special edition of Iron Flame coming…probably with bonus content. Someone asked if she was going to do one because it just had plain edges and she replied with a winking face. I’m going to say in Feb/March, and with dragon edges to match OS & the original FW print run. Call me Cassandra, idk.
• My (undiagnosed, I guess) OCD is getting worse, so if anyone has any tips or tricks for that throw them my way because seeing a psychiatrist in this town is not only the price of a small car, but almost impossible. Everyone’s books are closed, because we’re all a fucking mess apparently idk. They did say they had someone who might find me and my eclectic collection of mental illnesses “interesting” though, so I at least get to send my referral through 🙃
• Lastly, I am once again calling for people to stop drowning. If you come to Australia, please understand how rips work. If you’re not a strong swimmer, don’t swim anywhere there aren’t lifeguards. You are not as safe as you think you are, I promise you. Almost every day there’s been another drowning death that’s been entirely preventable and it’s infuriating, half the time there are kids involved. Don’t put your kids at risk for fuck’s sake. View the below if you’re curious (or coming here). I wouldn’t blame you if you couldn’t spot them from front on, most people can’t unless they grew up on the beach, but again, if you can’t that’s why you shouldn’t swim anywhere help can’t get to you. 31 people drowned in four weeks is madness when there are over 600 patrolled beaches in this country. And people worry about the wildlife, good lord.
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Modern Oberyn Martell x F!reader
Warnings: mention of menstrual cycle, but not descriptive at all.. Just the mention of it being that time of the month and finding out. Besides that, I think this is completely cuteness.. 🤗💞😆
AN: This is completely self indulging because I think Oberyn would be such a sweetheart when his girlfriend is on her cycle.
In other words.. I'm choosing Mr handsome here as my savior since I am a damn female and don't feel good, lol.. 😆🤦♀️ update, I am feeling better but still drained.. Last night when I started this and most of yesterday I just wanted to crawl under a rock, lol. But better now a little. 🤗
The nickname Little Viper/Viper is all thanks to @stxrrylunatic I could not think of anything more unique, and she was to the rescue and suggested that! 💞🤗 Thank youuu alwaysss! 💞😙
I'm just yeeting this into the world, not even gonna read through it or have anyone else do so.. 😆💞
Summary: it's that time of the month.. You're boyfriend Oberyn is to the rescue to help you feel better. 💞
No reason for choosing this gif for the story... Just picked it because he's beautiful and so handsome in it... 😍💞🔥
Main masterlist
" oh for the love god.. Whyyyy.. " you said when you got up this morning, instantly having cramps and knowing you had started your period. When you got to the bathroom to check and do your morning routine, it was confirmed sadly..
You look to see if you have any pads. Only one left. " of course I only have one left. " you said to yourself out loud. Groaning because you don't feel like doing anything, let alone go to the store to get pads and other essentials. Since the cramps are already hitting hard..
So you get done in the bathroom. Grab pamprin out of the cabinet and head straight to the kitchen to eat something so you can take the meds.
" Oh! Of course I only have one dose left.. I swear to God I'm just gonna scream if something else irritating happens today. " you grumble to yourself while making you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for breakfast, since it's easy to make so you can go cuddle up on the couch.
Right after you are done eating and about to take your meds, you hear keys jingling. Instantly knowing it's Oberyn, because he always does extra jingling so to be a goofball. You start to smile and continue cleaning up at a slow pace since the cramps are being evilllll..
" My love, I'm hereee. " he says in that sweet beautiful voice of his. Also in a goofy voice, because he's in a good mood for some reason.
As soon as he walks into the kitchen he notices something is wrong and comes right over to you and wraps his arms around you hugging you close and resting his head on your shoulder.
You instantly lean into him and hum in delight from his warmth on your tummy.
" My little viper, what is troubling you? Is there anything I can do to help? " he says while nuzzling into your neck and leaving lil kisses there.
" I started this morning and my cramps are straight from hell. So I don't feel good at all. I'm out of pads and pamprin, but I don't want to even leav- " he cuts you off and says;
" No need to say more. I will run to the store and get you them and anything else you need. Just send me a picture of both things so I can make sure I get the correct ones. " he says while turning you around in his arms and soothingly rubbing your back and kissing your forehead.
" hmm that feels good. You are too good to me,my love. Thank you endlessly. " you say while giving him a kiss and cuddling into his chest.
" you're welcome my beautiful viper. Always here for you to help you in any way you need. Now, let's get you all comfy on the couch. You go set where you want, I'll go get blankets, pillows, and the heating pad for you. " he says while walking you to the couch and giving you a sweet kiss on the lips.
Oberyn moves effortlessly through your place and he's back by your side within a few minutes.
" ok I got all the comfy blankets, every thickness, so you have a variety in case you get cold or too hot. I got your big pillow from your room and of course your little pillow because I know it is always a comfort to have. " He says while piling everything next to you. And smiling at the last part, because he thinks it's one of the most precious things that you still have a comfort item.
" my goodness you know me too well Obee. " you say while looking at him with such adoration and love for him.
" well of course my little viper. I love you infinitely. So I of course know all the things that bring you comfort, joy.. Pleasure.. " he says while massaging your legs while he sits next you. But when he says pleasure, he squeezes your legs a little while looking at you with that devilish smirk of his and winks.
" you're such a brat, teasing me while I'm in pain. " you say with a sly smile and playfully swatting him, because you don't actually mean it.
" hmmm, but you love it. " he says while leaning over with that damn smile of his and to kiss you.
It turns into a little make out session. He has you in his lap while he is rubbing your back to sooth away your cramps. You got your arms wrapped around his neck, casually threading your fingers through his gorgeous dark hair.
" as much as I love this, I need to go get you your stuff and you need to rest my love. " he says reluctantly. But still rubbing your back and giving you little kisses all over your face and neck.
" you're right sadly.. But you better hurry up. I need cuddles.. Doctors orders. " you say with a big smile and cuddling into your blankets with your pillows and heating pad.
" Yes doctor. I will be quick. " he says as his chuckles at you calling yourself a doctor. But he loves how goofy and sweet you are.
One last kiss and he's off to the store. You doze off for most of the time he's gone. But wake up as soon as you hear the keys. Definitely your sixth sense, hearing those damn keys.
He puts everything away swiftly. Brings your pamprin, your favorite Gatorade, essential sweets and other snacks, and a bouquet of gorgeous mustard yellow flowers. ( all kinds of flowers, not just one kind)
" awwww, baby, you didn't have to get me flowers. I absolutely adore them, but you didn't have to. " you say with such a beautiful sunshine smile while smelling and admiring them.
" I did, because you deserve them and that reaction is why I got them, wanted to see that gorgeous sunshine smile of yours, my little viper. " he says with a smile of love and adoration for you while leaning down to kiss your forehead, then taking them to put them in water.
" do you want them in the kitchen or in the living room so you can see them? " he asks.
" hmmm, in here so I can see their beauty and have you and your beautifulness next to me. " you say while getting your snacks open.
Oberyn laughs as he's walking back into the living room because you're too adorable and he knew you'd want them in there. Because the color is your favorite.
" ok now get over here please. I am in dire need of cuddles and warmth from you my love. " you say while doing grabby hands at him.
" your wish is my command my lovely beautiful little viper. " he says while walking over to you, getting all cozy next to you.
You instantly cuddle into his side and let out a hum of comfort. " always so warm and perfect. " you say softly as you rest your head on his chest.
After he has wrapped you two up in blankets and started the movie you picked out, he wraps his arms around you and caressing your side occasionally, but mainly has his arm around your wast. Because he knows the warmth helps the cramps die down.
You fall asleep before the movie title even rolls onto the screen. He is the only person that you fall asleep so quickly around. Always feels the most safe around him. He cuddles even closer to you so he can get comfy too and falls asleep soon after you.
The end. 💞
I hope you liked my little get away, lol. 😆💞
I almost forgot to throw in a mention of his mustard yellow. 🙈😮 So I decided to do the flowers, idk if there are ones out their that resemble that shade of yellow.. But if there isnt.. We are pretending there is in this story.. 😆😆
No pressure in reading this tags:
@stxrrylunatic @supernaturalgirl20 @heythere-mel @prolix-yuy
If you would like to be added to the list for future Oberyn stories or in general, just shoot me an ask or dm and I'll add ya. 💞 and if you would like to be removed, same thing. 💞😊
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HEY can you do alice in borderland characters reacting to their s/o being on their period? i’m currently on my period and it sucks ;_;
i'll do a few! the reader is afab because they have periods. i'm projecting btw my periods are so bad, i'm on birth control now so i only get one every three months because the cramps were hitting my nervous system and making my legs give out 😭 anyways, i understand the struggle!! i hope this comforts you anon <3
tws : periods
aib characters reacting to their s/o being on their period
characters included: arisu, chishiya, karube, niragi
arisu ryohei
at first, he has no idea what to do. he's completely clueless when it comes to periods. he wasn't super close with his mom so he never really learned about them other than the one time in school when it was required
he'd do his best though. he's the embodiment of the "alright babe i'm in the pad isle what size pussy you wear" meme. he's trying at least
if you tell him that chocolate and warmth help with periods he will immediately go to the store to pick up chocolate for you. anything to make his baby feel better
as for warmth, he'll cuddle up to you if that's something you want. he loves you and wants you to be comfortable. if— on the off chance— you don't want to cuddle, he's finding a heating pad
he's so shocked at how much periods hurt, he never thought they would actually hurt that bad. he's not dumb, he knew they were painful, but seeing you almost in tears because of your cramps is so heartbreaking for him
he wants you to feel as good as possible while on your period so just say the word and he'll do anything for you. breakfast in bed type of guy if you want
when he learns more about how your period feels for you, he's definitely way more understanding and better at taking care of you. at first he had no idea what to do until you told him how to help you
he'd doing his best but he loves you so it makes up for any mistakes he makes
once he knows what you need, he's on top of it making sure you always have it all. medicine, a heating pad, chocolate, he makes sure it's all there for you
he hugs you a lot when on your period because he knows it makes you relax. and he just enjoys holding you and this gives him a better excuse
he wants to comfort you and will do anything to relieve your pain for you
chishiya shuntaro
chishiya, unlike arisu, knows exactly what to do whenever you have your period. he knows exactly what pads/tampons to buy for you if you don't have any, he knows what you crave whenever you have your period
he's just really attentive and keeps track of those things. it's one of the ways he shows he cares about you without verbally telling you
he's not a big pda person but he knows your cramps get horrible. he'll hold your hand or put his hand on the small of your back to comfort you if you're in public
when in private, he'll actually put in the effort to cuddle you. he knows all of the cuddling positions you enjoy the most while you're on your period
he really enjoys knowing that he can relieve your pain, even by just a little. he doesn't have to struggle with a period himself but based off of how you talk about it he knows it causes a lot of interference with your daily life
if he ever sees you laying in bed nearly in tears because of how bad it hurts, expect him to be next to you holding you within a few seconds. he cares so much and he hopes that he can do something to help you
he'll get you water or food if you don't have the energy to get out of bed. he just wants you comfortable and happy
he's so excited for your period to be over. he hates seeing you in so much pain, it makes his heart ache
he somehow always knows exactly what you need when you need it. he'll bring you a heating pad when he knows your cramps are getting bad. he'll get you medicine specifically made for periods (midol, pamprin, etc) whatever you like the most
he wants you to feel good and if he can do anything to relieve some of the pain for you he will. he loves you so much and doesn't want you hurting at all, so whenever you're on your period he always wants to help in any way he can even if it doesn't seem like he's the type of person to do that
he is. he definitely is. he cares about you so he'd do anything and everything for you to take care of you when you need it <3
karube daikichi
he's had plenty of partners before so he knows what to do when his partner has their period. it's no different with you
he treats you like royalty. he already does when you aren't on your period but even more so while you are. he knows how painful it can be and he wants to do everything to relieve some of that pain for you if he can
he'll do anything you need to do for you. do laundry? he's on it. the dishes? karube is doing that for you. it doesn't matter how simple the task, he doesn't want you getting up unless it's necessary
he doesn't mind when you're on your period but he always feels so bad for you because of how in pain you look. your face is always so contorted and sometimes you're curled up in a ball trying to find a comfortable position
he'll cuddle you in whatever position you'd like. he'll let you lay on top of him, beside him, it doesn't matter, even if it isn't comfortable for him. he just wants you to be free of pain
karube has the biggest heart ever and remembers all of the things you love, so he brings them all to you whenever you're on your period. food, candy, drinks, all of it is on his list to buy for you
he'll rub your back and massage your shoulders sometimes. he hears that it helps a person on their period so he does it if you want him to
this man is head over heels for you and would do absolutely anything to make sure you get the best treatment on your period ever
niragi suguru
niragi pre-borderlands would be all over you trying to help. borderlands is definitely different but it doesn't mean he doesn't care
let's be honest, borderlands niragi isn't a good person, but i'm just making him really soft for his s/o in everything i write about him
he knows what to do when you're on your period and will try to help you as best he can. he's usually busy with his job as a militant but when he isn't he's with you trying to comfort you
he doesn't know exactly what makes you feel the best but he does everything he knows you like. he'll make you your favorite food and bring you a drink to make sure you stay healthy
he doesn't give two fucks about what other people think about him or his relationship so he's all for pda especially when he knows you need it the most
on your period he'll give you so many hugs and kisses that you can't keep track of them
he cares and he shows it through his actions and the quality time he spends with you
#cw periods#tw periods#alice in borderland#aib#alice in borderland fanfiction#alice in borderland fanfic#alice in borderland headcanons#alice in borderland imagines#alice in borderland x you#alice in borderland x y/n#alice in borderland x reader#x reader#headcanons#aib x y/n#aib headcanons#aib x you#aib x reader
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When You’re On Your Period
Pairing: Gotham! Various x Reader
Warning: None
Gender: Female
Edward Nygma
He knows what it is immediately
Goes to get some Pamprin as soon as he makes sure you’re comfortable
Comes back with the pills, a hot pad, and a couple of your favorite snacks
He had to endure asking a female employee which the best pads were
Stands at your bedside as you lay in bed, trying to cheer you up with riddles
Researched on how to comfort you and goes through the list he made
Handles the mood swings fairly well, reminding himself that you’re not in your right mind
When you get bad cramps, he finally crawls in bed with you to take you in his arms
If you start to cry, he’ll have a mini internal panic attack before attempting to comfort you
Makes you your favorite homemade dinner and watches your reaction cautiously
His hair is gonna be messy by the end of the day from running his hand through it
When it’s finally over, he breathes an audible sigh of relief
“So...it’s finally over?”
“At least until next month.”
“Thank G- er, I mean... wanna get ice cream?”
Still treads cautiously around you for the rest of that day
Oswald Cobblepot
Is confused bean when you walk into the dining room for breakfast in a grumpy mood
“Darling? Are you feeling alright?”
“Do I look alright, Ozzy?”
“I....is that one of those... trick questions..?”
You have to tell him what it is
He sends his guys out to get you everything you tell him you need or want
Makes sure you’re comfortable 24/7
Offers cuddles awkwardly
Lays out a dinner fit for royalty that his finest chef made
Low key nervous every time you have a mood swing
If you cry, don’t think he won’t tear up
If you get bad cramps, he will freak out
Probably take out his stress on one of his goons
Lots and lots of wine
When you tell him you’re off, he’ll hug you and take you out to celebrate
You have to explain that you’ll have it again next month
Jerome Valeska
Takes him a minute, thinking you just finally snapped at first
Tries to be helpful but kinda isn’t
He finds you ibuprofen, though
Tells you that you guys can stay in for a couple of days
He knows what it is, but doesn’t know too much about it
Enjoys your mood swings, laughing every time it happens
Jokes left and right in his way of trying to comfort you
Is all for cuddles, but you have to tell him no when he starts to want more
He won’t be exactly sure what to do if you cry? He’ll try to cheer you up but it’s obvious he’s kinda at a loss
Kisses away your tears, hating it when you’re not happy
Will rub your stomach if you ask him to during bad cramps
Will kill someone if they interrupt you two or upset you in the slightest
When it’s over, he’ll act torn about it
“Aww, you were kinda fun, though, Doll.”
“Are you saying I’m not fun now?”
“....Whaaaaat? Now you’re twisting my words, sweetcheeks!”
He’s secretly relieved
Jeremiah Valeska (Pre-Spray)
Also knows exactly what it is as soon as you walk into the room grumpy with a look on your face
Sends Ecco out for all the supplies they don’t already have, the best of the best
Tells you to stay in bed, get comfortable as he heats up a hot pad
Brings whatever food you ask for, anytime
You have to catch his hand if you want to cuddle or anything
“D-Dear? What are you doing?”
“Stay with me?”
“I...but... of course, Darling. Whatever you need.”
If you start to cry, he will go into panic mode and do whatever you ask him to do, say the word and he can send Ecco out to get you a puppy or something
If you get bad cramps, he’ll bring more meds and re-heat the hot pad, murmuring comforting words into your hair
The only time where you can get him away from his work hours at a time
Is understanding with the mood swings
Lots more kisses those couple days, be grateful
Is low key scared to hurt or upset you
When you tell him it’s over, he’ll be visibly and obviously relieved
Cherish the rest of that day, because tomorrow he’ll be back to working nonstop
Victor Zsasz
It’ll take him a hot second to realize, but once he does, he knows what to do
“Babe, you know it happens every month.”
“If that’s the case, maybe I should just get you pregnant.”
“Wait, what-”
You doubt he’ll go get you anything, but he actually went to get some meds and a lot of food
Some of that food is for him, though
Says you don’t need a hot pad because he’ll just keep you warm
He’ll try not to take any jobs unless it’s super important
Doesn’t mind cuddles, in fact he’ll always keep one arm around your waist when he can
Won’t hesitate to kill someone who bothers you or talks ill of you because you’re on your period, even if it’s something small
“What’s her problem?”
*pulls out gun* “i WoN’t HeSiTaTe, BiTcH.”
Loves to pepper you in face and, well, everywhere kisses, though if you ask him about it he’ll deny it
If you cry, he’ll distract you with something, anything
Will give you a look if you sass him or if you have a major mood swing (ex. gif)
When it’s over, he’ll joke about how it was fun
“Well that was fun, let’s do it again.”
“It’s your turn next month, then.”
“Mm... I can think of something entertaining to do before then...”
#gotham#gotham series#jerome#jerome valeska#cameron monaghan#gotham jerome valeska#jerome+valeska+x+reader#jerome+x+reader#edward+nygma+x+reader#edward nygma#oswald cobblepot#oswald+cobblepot+x+reader#gotham jeremiah#jeremiah valeska#gotham x reader#victor zsasz#victor+zsasz+x+reader#zsasz x reader#the riddler x reader
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feel free to ignore this if it's too personal, but you seem very knowledgeable about tracking your period and being aware of like, What's Going On, is there an app you use to track it or just certain things you always write down? i always mean to but i'm never that aware of it. thanks :)
i use the free version of the flo app! it’s available for ios and android and in multiple languages (mine is in french lol)
putting the rest of this under the cut for Propriety reasons haha
it’s customizable to an extent and i feel like it gives really good predictions if you use it for a while. built in you can track weight, sleep, water, sexual activity, mood, pms symptoms, exercise, self-breast exams, basal body temperature, flow/discharge, pills & birth control, and like, family planning stuff. (there’s no built in feature to track menstrual products which i think some other apps can do? i would like that feature tbh) it also integrates (on android at least) with google fit and fitbit. i would assume it probably can sync with apple health on ios but idk. this is good for like, sleep stuff
if you get into the habit of using it it’s really great but these things do all need you to actually like, put stuff in lol. i’m a very data based person lol so having built in features where i can just click a button and have a reference point is really nice, i don’t have the patience for things that require me to actually write a lot of stuff
for me i try to track certain things on it daily so that i’m frequently opening the app and then i remember to put stuff in when it’s more important haha.
if i was manually tracking like in a journal or spreadsheet or something, i would track libido, flow/discharge, and pms symptoms at minimum, and probably also weight and mood (but defining mood on your own is a pain in the ass honestly, nicer to have a selection to choose from). those things are enough to look back and find patterns on your own, and if you’re consistent you can definitely do some predictions that way. but it is very convenient to have an app do all of that for me
i was diagnosed w/ pmdd a few years ago (at the same time as i was first diagnosed with bipolar) and i kind of thought it was bogus (for me specifically, just seemed like pms + bipolar) until this year when it became extremely obvious that like, a switch flips in my brain as soon as i ovulate lmfao, and keeping track of things is really helpful that way
i also can like, stick pamprin in my meds organizer in advance and stuff which is nice
hope this is helpful!!!
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complaints about finding a new obgyn below the cut
SO! Idk how much he paid for it or whatever, but my dad had AMAZING insurance. We never had a problem finding people who took it, the copays were small or non-existent. It was great.
Then I turned 26. I paid $200 out of pocket for birth control for 2 months. Because the insurance offered at my work fucking SUCKS and I was getting married two months after my 26th birthday.
First I have all sorts of trouble with the pharmacy those months. I would refill the rx on the app, and then never hear from them so I’d go in and... what we eventually determined was happening appears to be that because my insurance wasn’t going to cover it, the system never told them about it?? idk. So they’d be like, “so you want us to release it anyway??” “yes please.” “ok, we don’t have any in stock. we’ll order it and it’ll be ready in two days.” (When I was supposed to start my new pack, y’know THAT NIGHT, already 1-2 days after I tried to refill it.)
After all that trouble... it happened again shortly after I get put on my husband’s insurance. This time “because it says your new insurance doesn’t cover it.” So then I had to call the insurance- they want prior authorization in order to cover the name brand. (The generic brand does NOT work AT ALL for me. The PMS symptoms were right back to like I wasn’t taking it at all.)
So then I called my doctor’s office. The receptionist takes all my info down and tells me that she’ll give it all to my doctor and she’ll call be back if she needs anything else. Then she tells me, “Ohhh we don’t take you’re new insurance.” (She still gave my info though. I was just going to need to find a new doctor for when the script ran out.)
But then the doctor calls me back to tell me “we don’t do prior authorization for birth control. you need to get a list from your insurance of what they cover and we’ll prescribe you something similar that’s on the list.”
All of this is happening while I’m trying to finish out the school year AND legally change my name, btw.
But I look. And the insurance’s “find a provider” thing is NONSENSE. It had my current doctor on there. It doesn’t let you do ANYTHING in new tabs even if you right-click and click “open in new tab” OR save your place in the list when you go back. I got annoyed and gave up. I didn’t have time for all that bs.
So school wrapped up and I ran out of that pack. I don’t have the money to keep paying $200 for this birth control. I decided... to just not. Give it a month for me to relax and see about finding a new doctor and whatnot.
The pack ran out and it took a full week and a half from when I was supposed to start for my period to finally start. And I remember exactly what drove me to make that first obgyn appointment. God this is awful. And I wasn’t prepared. We had to go buy pads because all I had was tampons and liners, and a tampon was not going to get me through the night. And then we were JUST putting my card into the reader to pay when I realized that I was also out of pamprin too. Robert said he’d stop on his way home today to get it. I told him, “I’ll let you know. Maybe this is the worst of it and I won’t need it tomorrow.” Nope. He’ll be stopping.
I looked at providers again today. And this time it only shows me one page of results. (Idk I guess they updated the list finally?) But it also tells me that there are 5 results that are female doctors and then won’t show me any more than 2. (The same 2.) So apparently I will have to see a male doctor whether I like it or not because those two are NOWHERE NEAR ME. It says 15 miles but like.... they’re on the OPPOSITE side of the city. It’d take me an hour to get there on a school day... One of them is literally in LAKE WORTH when I live like 1.5 miles from the Arlington city limits sign. Then again... one of the male doctors on the list has the EXACT SAME address only it says “Fort Worth” instead of “Lake Worth” even though the zip and everything is identical so.... idk. I don’t really just this stupid find a provider tool....
So basically I’m annoyed. This whole thing is way more trouble than it needs to be.
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Periods: My Most Tragic Story

I remember around the time I got my first period. My mom had talked to me about the changes that would go on in my body and what to expect as I grew older. I was thrilled to hear everything that would go on with me in becoming a physically developed woman. Even my period, yes.
Thinking back to that I just chuckle because oh boy was my body going to go through some painful changes.
At 12 that’s when it all began. I had some minor cramps, bloating, and blood of course. It wasn’t too intense and it was manageable with some Advil or Pamprin when the pain set in. The first few years it was like this, then 15 hits and my life as a woman became intensely complicated. Pamprin stopped working. Cramps had me doubled over. I threw up. I fainted. My body couldn’t handle being touched when others tried to soothe me as I cried in agony. Pure torture.
The fainting part only happened that one time when my body introduced me to the most excruciating pain I would struggle with up until this day. It came out of nowhere and I remember it vividly.
My family and I were visiting my grandparents in Florida in the month of July or August, one year. One of the days we planned to go see my mama’s (grandma’s) brother, my great-uncle, at his apartment. Before heading out I started to feel cramps and exhaustion. Taking 2 Advils at that time would help and I could just go about my day, but this day was different.
We’re in the car and I suddenly feel extremely hot even though the AC was on. I start feeling weak, terrible cramps, and then nauseous. There was a plastic bag of brownies to munch on that I emptied out immediately and threw up in. I felt dizzy and an overall weakness that I’ve never experienced.
By this point, all I wanted to do was get to my great-uncle’s place while keeping it together and praying that I would just feel better. We finally park, my mama comes to help me get into the apartment as I walk slow, I start getting light-headed, I have no idea what’s going on, my body feels tingly, my hearing gets distant and my vision too. All I could hear was my poor mama, who has arthritis in her arm, saying she can’t hold me up as my great-uncle notes he couldn’t bend down because he has back problems.
Before I continue, I laughed at this image after my whole dilemma.
I then completely blackout, faint, and then wake up to my grandparents, mom, sisters, and brother helping me to get up so I could go in one of the rooms nearby to lay down. All the while my cramps are still giving me the same awful pain. I don’t remember how I eventually was okay enough to fall asleep, maybe tea or a hot compress, but when I did I felt much better when I woke up.
Years after that incident the throwing up, doubled over in cramp pain, hot flashes, and not being able to move has happened more than I could count. Today, I still feel extreme pain but without everything else even though it can still happen from time to time.
The reason for this story is because I want to share something I can’t control but am constantly trying to find solutions to make it better. Chamomile tea has been a savior in soothing a lot of the pain. I still take Advil when I’m feeling fatigued during my flow but I take it before I know the possibility of being doubled over is near. Once it kicks in it can become really difficult to manage.
Another thing I’m trying to implement is eating healthier foods closer to the time of the month. Eating the right foods not only helps your general wellness but it’s essential to a woman’s wellness, too. Keeping track of your cycle is also something that can help you manage that. I use the app Clue and my iPhone’s Cycle Tracking in the Health app.
Tracking your period can help you realize the body changes you go through before pain sets in. It raises awareness and you can see the effects from adjustments you make in your lifestyle a few days before your period. That’s essential in and of itself for a less painful flow. On top of keeping track, one thing we women must do regardless is lessening our stress and tension levels. Hormonally and physically a lot of changes are happening.
I’ve recently listened to a Hormonal podcast episode, PMS Is Real. PMS Isn’t Real., that’s left me so interested in hearing more about PMS, women’s wellness, and what internal and external factors can really affect your menstrual cycle. Being a woman might make others think we have it all down pact on how to go through our cycles seamlessly but the reality of it is—no matter how old we are or how many periods we have we’re still figuring it out every damn month.
I want to leave a message for everyone but a special note for us women.
Let’s do more to educate ourselves on our own bodies. To be mindful of what we need. To ask for help, always. And take care of ourselves best when we need it most—even if it’s just for 20 minutes.
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oh look, me again regarding things in fanfic that bug me --
/ This will be concerning menstruation and menstrual cycles/periods as it relates in general and it’s misconceptions found in descriptions of writing.
So.......sometimes I feel like the people who write fanfiction and scenes or areas regarding periods...don’t have periods??? Given that I know the number of female to male writers can be equal, I also know a ton more girls that happen to write and so it’s really confusing how misleading some may periods sound in fanfic when....they would, theoretically, have experience of periods themselves.
And it’s not the weird un-experienced “sex scene - esque” thing that I see a lot of in fanfiction either, because it’s a natural and obvious thing, my friend. Periods are a thing and so if you don’t like the talk about it you can turn back now but honestly this shouldn’t be “disgusting” in any way what I’m about to unleash on you because it’s just natural so get over it, really. ( unless you have a fear of blood, that’s different ).
What I’m talking about is writers who dramatize or don’t realistically portray periods and menstrual cycles. Whether it’s the “bright red blood” or, you know, like blood everywhere ( like....on the wall kind of everywhere because then it sound like more like a homicide case instead ) or just the general points people can miss so I’ll just start in no particular order of how to properly go about writing about periods and people on their periods :
01. Please, for the love of the stars, don’t always go describe the blood as bright red. I see this so many times that I wonder if some of these people really don’t have periods or understand how they work ?? Let’s make this easy: menstrual blood comes in all variety of colors from that light crimson ( especially during a lighter cycle ) all the way to a dark brown that, yeah, sounds like it’s from the wrong place, but it’s not. Actually, the darker your blood is, the more likely it’s “leftover” as I call it, meaning it’s the blood left over from last month’s lining and never got disposed of out of your lady bits and because it’s been so long, the color darkens and only gets disposed of when your new cycle starts. Usually, I start with darker blood because of that exact reason -- it’s one of the first things to come out along with all that fresh blood that, yes, may look a little brighter. But the rest of the point is: not everyone has bright red blood on their menstrual cycle. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever talked to anyone who did, besides in small, sparse amounts..!
02. Do NOT cover up shitty actions with PMS reasoning. Do not validate someone shitting all over a person just because “they are on their period”. I hear this one so often, of how women are portrayed as literal devils while on their periods because of “PMS”. Yeah, okay, I get pretty annoyed more so when I’m on my period, but that’s due to three main reasons: (1) Hormones are the secret behind “PMS” as everyone dubs it. Estrogen and Progesterone levels in your body may heighten or serious decrease, causing imbalance, which affects your Serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter responsible for your mood balance, pain perception, and the sleep-wake cycle your body is used to. (2) I put in a trusty tampon but came back realizing my cycle is too heavy and I bled through. Maybe I was out and about. Maybe I was wearing nice underwear. Maybe I put the tampon in wrong or I should have brought a pad to put with it. Whatever the case is, every woman deals with her period a different way, personality-wise included. The myth about grumpy women who get super cheery is just waay too cliche for one thing, and it’s just ea fact that some women perceive their periods in different ways: I know girls that perk up during their cycle and we hang out and laugh and shit. I know women that may bite you if you try and grab her pizza slice, but who wouldn’t normally?? Fact is that variety is a thing with so called “PMS” and while it’s a handy term, it’s also become very desensitized to just mean that cliche stereotype of a she-devil or dragon lady who’s simultaneously bleeding out.
I’ll add on another common stereotypical misconception ( or, a least, how it’s treated to seem like ) with eating habits of a girl fighting through her cycle. Yeah, we get hungry. We eat, probably a lot more than normal, and yeah we probably eat a lot more greasy or starchy food than normal. And yeah...we fucking eat chocolate man, because it’s delicious and we deserve it. However, we do this for a reason and -- like everything else there -- it varies between each person. When we are on our periods, we are continuously losing blood ( on average 40 milliliters a day for approximately 5 days give or take ). Generally, we try and make up for everything lost during that time by drinking lots of water, but also eating more -- also as a side-effect of our Serotonin as well as the initial phase before bleeding in which our body is thinning we may have a child ( in which case it makes us think we should be eating for two ). So yeah, food is good. On another note, caffeine can actually heighten your irritability and pain during a menstrual cycle and it’s usually advised to avoid it for that time, unless you’re like me and can’t live without that first sip of morning coffee so just be wary.
03. Believe or not, those who don’t have periods, it smells. Vaginas have an odor and let me tell you that odor just come to life with that discharge. Again, everyone differs, but smells that can come from below deck are caused by bacteria mostly and the fact that you’ve been retaining moisture down there all this time by wearing underwear ( on a side note, it’s actually very good to go without the knickers every so often, even just to bed! Air that sucker out, she needs it ). Take into mind you’re losing blood and mucus and tissue that’s literally shedding from your uterus. Vaginas also can smell on a regular basis because that’s how the cookie crumbles, folks. Same thing, minus the blood and gore. It’s only different or “bad” if it’s because of an infection like yeast or your pH levels are off ( like using douches / body washes up in there. Trust me -- DON’T ). Otherwise, it’s normal!
04. Cramping and pain is normal, yes, but please remember the other sides of your cycle from fevers, headaches ( the worst ), migraines, heartburn, aching muscles, dizziness, vomiting / nausea, and the list goes on ! Period pain is not just defined by those cramps that we feel all the way from right above our uterus all the up into our belly because there is so much more. Not only that, but people experience cramping differently -- some don’t even notice it at all! Take into mind that lots of people ( like me ) commonly take medications like Midol or Pamprin to suppress or relieve these symptoms along with others. Some take it religiously as soon as they see the blood coming, but there’s also light-takers who only take a dosage when the feel it. Me, personally -- I’ll use a hot pad if it feels really bad and drink lots of cranberry juice to make sure I’m still peeing well and I may find that laying in that strange position that took me 30 minutes to find is also helpful. Point is, you can surely relieve that pain with medication and most smart girls do if they know they need it, so it really just doesn't make much sense to constantly write about your girl writhing on the floor in pain every month now does it?
05. Okay, now we’re really gonna get personal so fair warning of possible/slight NSFW below. ....For my girls out there who get really heated during their period, I feel you. Honestly, I think this is one of my personal main indicators of my oncoming cycle since I’ll notice that “ hey, I’ve been fantasizing about Bucky Barnes way more than I normally do ”. Yeah, given I love Bucky Barnes, I think of myself somewhat humble for not thinking about what else that metal arm could be put to good use for every single night, okay? I guess this segment will also just be informative for those of you unfamiliar with sex during your period or masturbation during a cycle, so be prepared if you’re wondering. For this, my main concern with fanfic writers is that they write how blood get everywhere, and I mean like on the ceiling kind of everywhere or like soaks through to the mattress and I’ll sit here so confused. So let Abby here inform you all about the basic 101 of the menstrual nsfw news.
First thing’s first is that it really does not get everywhere. I’ll be brutally honest in saying that when I do the deed, the aftermath and cleanup is not as bad as you think. Maybe just a quick rinse off or brush off, quick dab of a cool cloth with water on it -- you’re good. ( obviously do take care of your toys though, please: I just mean this in general ). And if you really are worried about the mess you might make, like I was the very first time, lay out a towel !! ( other option is the shower, just don’t slip friends ). Second thing: will it hurt? In my experience, it shouldn’t?? I hope it doesn’t and if you do feel pain, just stop. For me, personally, it tends to relieve a lot of my pain while, ultimately, satisfying my crave so I’m happy. Lastly, the oral implied in a lot of fanfic can be...excessive? And while this isn’t bad, it can also leave about a big chunk of the previous information and description from the color, smell, texture, even taste! ( for some reason there’s the popular cliche of the person raising their head after giving them head and they just see like the blood dripping down their chin and I’m like ??? not very realistic guys tbh ). Since we’ve covered the first two already we’ll jump into texture and taste: remember that the discharge during a cycle isn’t just blood. It’s a mixture of loose blood, bits of tissue from the lining that was shed, and your cervical mucus ( which mostly determines the texture as a whole ). Cervical mucus can change and differ but is mostly known for these main descriptions: tacky/sticky, creamy, milky, watery, etc. It’s mostly a matter of how dense it is whether it’s like a thick cream, a lotion, or water. Take into mind how the person giving oral will perceive this along with taste! Those little balls of flesh from your uterus lining the wall? Yeah, they’ll get some of that, and it will look black and that may be freaky but it’s honest. Despite the common mistake that period discharge tastes like the blood that comes from your arm or mouth, it does not. It will not have a super metallic-y taste and, overall, may not be pleasant ( also given how old it could be ). That doesn’t mean it can’t be good, to a degree, but don’t expect Dracula to be lusting after you.
I think that’s all I can currently think of, please add on if you can any more side-notes or comments, questions, etc. For you fanfic writers, please TAKE NOTE OF THIS. And to my girls out there, you keep rocking it, gorgeous.
#fanfiction tips#fanfic tip#fanfic tips#writer tips#writer tip#trigger warning blood#menstrual cycle#menstruation#periods#period writing#period smut#writing tips#writing tip
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32. Having Dean wrapped around your finger.
A/N: I have to write a history paper and turn it in by midnight tonight but instead I wrote this. Whoops.
Word count: 677
My Masterlist
"Hey, focus," she snaps her fingers in front of his face, making him blink a few times before focusing on her once more.
"Sorry, this stuff is just kind of gross," he murmurs apologetically. He gives her a half smile and rubs the back of his neck.
"Well, as long as you're with me you're gonna have to deal with it, so suck it up buttercup," she tells him, her current mood not one to be trifled with. Her stomach hurts and he knows nothing of her pain.
"I know," he sighs, offering her a small smile. "Just, don't you think a guy walking around carrying..." he looks to the list she's made him and lists off her necessities, "...a heating pad, chocolate shakes, and some... Pamprin? Whatever the hell that is. Don't you think it's gonna be a little weird?"
"Trust me, if anyone sees you they will know that you have a moody girlfriend back at home, and that you're doing her bidding to avoid getting your head shoved up your ass," she tells him, watching as he made a face. Her tactic changes to one that she knows he can't combat. "Dean, please? I'm miserable..."
She gives him her best pout, and he exhales before smiling down at her.
"You never complain out on hunts," he reminds her as he tucks the comforter up around her. She has to contain her smile as she's victorious in persuading him.
"Yeah, because I'm too worried about not dying," she tells him the truth. "Just go, please. My stomach hurts, and the sooner you get back, the sooner you can cuddle me to make me feel better."
"Fine," he presses a quick kiss to her lips. "I'll be back in less than an hour."
"You're the best, Dean," she smiles at him as he departs. After he leaves, she curls into her bed and waits for his return, dozing for only a few moments at a time.
"I'm back, Sweetheart," he tells her, watching her crack an eye open to look at him. "I had to ask an old lady for help finding the Pamprin. She called me cute for buying it for my girlfriend."
His cheeks are slightly pink as he gives her the plastic bag with all the things from her list.
"You are cute," she tells him as she pops the medicine bottle open and downs the medicine with some water.
"I'm not cute," he shoots back, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her. "I'm a man."
"Well, can my man rub my back?" she tries, offering him a half smile when he shoots her an exasperated look.
"First I made you breakfast, then you sent me to the store, and now you want a massage?" he asks, his green eyes holding her gaze. "What do I look like? A servant?"
"Please, Dean?" she requests as she gives her best pleading expression.
"Fine," he agrees, and she makes a small sound of joy at his answer.
She turns over to her side so he can rub her back easily from his current position, moaning aloud when his strong hands found her flesh.
"Dean, that feels so good," she tells him, humming her pleasure.
"Dean, where are the keys? I need to go grocery shopping!" Sam yells through the bunker, and Dean's magical hands stop working on her back for a moment as he looks for the keys in his pocket.
"In here," Dean calls back, and soon enough she hears Sam's footfalls in her room. Nothing is said between any of them for a few moments until Dean speaks again. "Don't look at me like that. I'm taking care of my girl."
She turns to look at Sam, who is grinning a big, dimpled smile. He makes the sound of a cracking whip and then winks to his brother.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Dean yells as Sam starts to walk away. Sam's all the way in the hallway before she hears his response.
"It means that she's got you whipped!"
Tell me what you thought!
#spn fluff#supernatural#spn dean#spn imagine#spn#spn smut#dean#dean winchester#dean fluff#dean smut#sam winchester#cute#romance#love#Melanie-writes-supernatural
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I hate my brother rn
I never knew anyone could be worse than my father
Like, my dad is v emotionally abusive and he never talks, only mumbles or yells
And my brother is somehow WORSE?!?!
He has all of the worst personality traits my dad has (doesn’t tell you valuable information, doesn’t warn you about events taking place in your own home, etc.) BUT he also is just an asshole
My period started today -13 days late mind you- and it hurt so bad that I almost puked. I took three pamprin and took a nap almost immediately after waking up because I was crying in pain.
I haven’t been able to find a job so I wasn’t missing anything today, but it still sucked.
He comes back from work with a friend, tells me I have to pay rent, and then starts doing his best to make me feel like shit.
“Why is the house still dirty? Why isn’t all of the laundry done? Why isn’t there food ready for me? Why didn’t you do all the dishes? Did you at least exercise? I feel like I’m raising three kids now! You need to be more responsible”
Keep in mind I’ve already done half of the dishes from the house party he threw this weekend, cleaned up after the family that came to visit this same weekend, folded his laundry for him without him even asking, and worked on his kids laundry.
He’s the biggest douche-bag, asshole, Nazi combination I could even think of and I have to live with him
If anyone has any tips for how to survive this insanity please share
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