#i just need em to be cozy and happy
doctor-aceus-art · 2 months
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After another mission 😴
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carolmunson · 6 months
the boy is mine (carol's edition)
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you know i had to do it to 'em. if you'd like to take a crack at the 'the boy is mine' writing challenge, you can check it out here. you can also see the masterlist of everyone's works here. a/n: for me, how eddie was fleshed out in FOI has always been how i see him. hurting, but goofy, but snarky, but sweet, but loving, but scared, but all that. eddie 'has taken care of himself since third grade' munson just makes sense to me. in this ficlet, our romantic night in gets muddled when eddie doesn't know how to just let someone love him right. i've also always have written eddie as older than he actually is, so here -- he's 25. argue with the wall. tw: 18+, angst, hurt/comfort, some smutty references but no smut, references to smoking and drinking. some arguing but nothing crazy.
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The day was hard on his shoulders and back, no one should be hunched over the hood of a car for this long -- and even being young isn't saving him from the grimace he makes every time he gets out of his bed with a decades old mattresss. Eddie cracks his neck each way while he chugs down the road leading to Forest Hills, slick and shiny with rain from the afternoon. The orangey yellow headlights on his beat up '71 Chevrolet bounce cheerily off the darkened asphalt, but the scrape, clatter, and growl of his engine and whatever else was a stark reminder that this van was on it's last leg. As bright as the headlights were, the gloomy purpled evening sky was a perfect match to his mood.
Today is Eddie Munson's birthday.
For the past few years, Eddie has spent his birthday working double shifts at the auto shop and then meeting the guys at the Hideout to get so drunk he can't see. Can't be sad about your birthday if you're too drunk to think about how your mama's dead and your dad won't call. Can't be sad about how you won't ever get to hear her sing you happy birthday, or put on a record, or dance with you in the living room. Or have your dad make dinner and put the six pack away if only for that night. To not run out on 'a job' or 'work a late shift' where he won't come back for days afterward.
He'd drink and drink until you had to hold him up to get him out of the bar, piling him into the back seat and having the guys follow you home to help load him into bed. He always looked forward to the greasy diner hangover breakfast in the morning where it could be just the two of you, and not his birthday, and not all the awful things he thinks he is.
The gravel groans and crunches when he pulls in at the side of the trailer he used to share with Wayne. With another roll of his head and shoulders he kills the ignition, hopping out of the van and leaning over to grab his bag. It's only when he slings it over his shoulder that he notices the warm glow of the kitchen light on, passing muted through the small curtains. He hip checks the door shut and makes his way up the steps that need repairing -- another thing to add to the list for 'Spring Cleaning' in a couple weeks that he knows he'll forget to do until you remind him or one of the boards rots out. Eddie's ring tap against the metal handle and he braces for the screech of the door, only to be met with the cozy blend of garlic, onion, and rosemary hitting his nose first. He swallows while he kicks off his work boots, turning the corner to see you in the kitchenette, putting the lid back onto the one large pasta pot he has and turning the burner off. "Oh!" you jump when you see him, shock turning into a smile, "You're earlier than I thought you'd be. Hold on!"
"What're y--" He's interrupted by you hurrying into the fridge, glass clinking when you pull out a Mionetto bottle that was already opened to reveal the cork.
"Surprise!" you ring out, popping the bottle with a little flourish, "Happy birthday!" He stands there, unsure at first what he's looking at, trying to take it all in. You in the kitchen with an apron on, the table set nice, a cake set on the counter to cool with a covered bowl of what looks like home made vanilla frosting next to it. To the side, a familiar small notebook lays opened to a buttercream recipe -- his mom's buttercream recipe, still scrawled in her loopy handwriting on yellowing pages with fading blue ink.
"Melvald's didn't have any like, nice cups," you say with a scrunch of your nose as you pour two glasses of prosecco into flimsy plastic flutes, "Is that okay?" "Uh..." he snaps back to reality when you hand him the cup, "Y-yeah that's okay." "Happy birthday, handsome," you smile, raising your drink before you take a sip, he follows suit.
"What is all this?" he asks, voice sounding like it's coming from someone else. Objectively, he should be falling to his knees right now, crying with adoration for you. Sobbing over the clear effort you've put in for a romantic night together at the trailer. "Um," you suck in your lips quickly, and release them, eyes lowering to the scuffed linoleum, "I uh, I made braised short rib and mashed potatoes, some broccoli. Wayne told me that um, that your dad used to smoke them for your birthday but we don't have a smoker so..."
"Why?" The swell in his heart builds from genuine affection to suspicious bitterness, this was way too much.
"Did you not check the calendar today or something? It's kind of a big day," you try to lighten the mood with a laugh, taking the apron off and hanging it on the hook by the hallway, "Sit, sit." He follows your direction, sitting at the table where the place setting is the best it can be with what you have. You even folded up the paper towels nicely. He silently sips on the bubbles, uncomfortable on the makeshift throw pillow cushion on the chair, while you take the plate in front of him and begin serving.
"I should um," he starts, voice gravelly, "I should wash my hands and uh, and change or..." "Yeah," you nod, voice higher pitched than expected, "Go, go ahead. It'll all be ready when you're done washing up." He leaves the glass behind, thudding into the bedroom where he notices a Frederick's of Hollywood bag sitting at the end of the bed. A small pile of gifts in shiny blue paper lay stacked up pretty on his dresser -- a card front in center 'Eddie My Love' - you write it in the same way you sing it to him absentmindedly every now and again. Flipping the lyrics every time. He swallows again, pulling in his cheeks and biting down while he peels off his coveralls and slips into what he was planning to wear to drinks later -- a band tee and some worn jeans. It feels cheap to wear this now, now that you've put in all this effort. Now that you're looking all sweet and put together in the kitchen for him. He rolls his shoulders again, trying to stretch the frustration out. He doesn't wanna be mad at you, you didn't do anything wrong. He doesn't wanan feel so sick in his chest over it -- but he does. All this work for what? Eddie takes his rings off to wash his hands, using the same Dove bar soap to wash the remaining grime off his face from work. Big inhale, big exhale into the towel on the door before making it back to the kitchen where the dinette table was ready for dinner, two tapered candles lit in old holders on the side. He sits across from you, your eyes glittering in the light of the flame.
"You didn't have to do this," he says quietly. Your lips twitch into a half smile, head cocking slightly to the side. "I know, but it's your day...it's a big one, too. The big two-five," your voice doing its best to soothe, "Can't just, I dunno -- get plastered at The Hideout every year..."
"Sure I can," he shrugs with a quirk of his brows, pushing the mashed potatoes around with his fork. He watches the melty pat of butter ooze off one of the edges like a volcano, pooling in next to the broccoli. "And you like that? That's fun for you?" you chuckle before noticing he's just playing with his food, "You gonna eat?"
"Getting plastered at The Hideout is like, tradition," he mutters, looking at the clock over the cabinets, "And we're gonna be late meeting the guys."
"Ed..." you say, a vapor of disappointment floating through his name when you say it. He winces.
"Like I said, babe," he says, "You didn't have to do all this -- y'know, spend all this extra cash on dinner and --"
"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to -- I wanted to do something nice so that your birthday could be sp -- " "Okay, well I don't need my birthday to be special, it never is," he snaps, he doesn't mean to, "I didn't ask you to do this for me." You hold your soft gaze at him, shoulders round down while you rest a cheek on your palm. If Eddie's mama was still alive, she'd tell you to get your elbows off the table.
In the flame, your glittering eyes turn glassy. You let a soft breath out through your nose, a sulk clear in your posture. "You're right," you mumble, a soft squeak of a sound while you slowly stand, shaking your head, "You're right, you didn't ask. I shouldn't have assumed that you..."
You trail off while you flick the lights on in the kitchen, leaning forward to gently blow out the taper candles. Your hand swishes away the smoke and soot, pushing out out of the cracked kitchen window before the smoke detector catches it. The cabinets creak while you take out some Tupperware from the top shelves, the good stuff that the ladies in the park sold Wayne back in the 70s. They click and clack as the bowls and trays and their tops hit the formica counter top.
"Well--well, wait -- you don't have to pack it up, babe," he says, sitting up a little taller in the chair. When he hears the shudder in your breath he stands, "You don't have to put it away."
"No, it's fine," you assure, a small strain coming through from your chest, "It'll be like -- you'll be so excited when you get home and there's all this food. I just gotta call the guys and tell them to just go to the bar instead of coming here."
"Whaddayou mean, coming here?"
You turn around, eyes wet now but not crying, a tug on your brow and taughtness in your jaw from where you try to hold it back.
"It was supposed to be a surprise," you shrug, "But like, it's not important. Lemme just pack this up and I'll get it figured out." "What's the surprise?" he asks, tilting his head to get a better look at you. "Well I..." you let out another breath, lower lip wobbling; an action your stop with a sharp inhale through the nose. "Well I thought it would be fun if the guys came over and did a birthday oneshot campaign with you. I helped Gare and Jeff write it and Jeff was gonna DM," you let out in one breath, "And it was gonna be like, a silly drinking game version." "You were gonna play?" he asks meekly. You nod. You rarely play, always watch. Always make snacks or help him clean up the trailer, always order the pizza because Eddie forgets to. Always add extra mushrooms on one because Richie likes extra mushrooms. Always make sure to get one with white sauce cause red cause doesn't sit great with Dustin.
"Did a, um, did a character sheet and whatever," you say, defeated, while you open the utensil drawer to pull out an extra pair of tongs and a serving spoon, "Drew her -- it's in your card."
You start to pack up the food and the tears start up again, welling in your eyes but still not spilling over. Eddie steps forward, getting between you and the pots and pans on the stove.
"Hey, wait," his voice bare audible, "Babe, don't."
"It's okay," you sniffle, "I just have to call them."
"No -- baby, stop," there's an edge now, ring hand falling on your wrist, "Stop packing it up."
"It's fine--"
A waltz between you, him, and the tupperware on the counter.
"Don't make me..." he huffs, trying to maneuver the tongs out of your hand, "If you don't stop, we're gonna have a pr--"
"Ed, enough! We will go to the bar, it's fine," you urge, anxiety heightening in your chest where it bursts, you start to cry, "Please, let me put it away. It's fine. I just -- fuck --"
"I feel like such an asshole," you sigh, breaking. You relent, letting go of the tongs where he takes them and leaves them between the burners on the yellowed stove.
"Don't be like that, you're not," he soothes, closing in on you against the counters edge, "You're not, I'm sorry."
"I really just wanted your birthday to be special," you weakly murmur, wiping at your eyes.
"You know how I get," he says, rough hands coming up to cup your face where he leaves a soft kiss to your cheek, "M'just not great at bein' fussed over."
"You deserve to be fussed over, doofus," you garble out, his thumbs replacing your fingers to catch the tears as they fall.
"It's hard, babe," he nods, "You knows it's hard for me. Y'know with my mom's stuff gone and my dad being...who fuckin' -- who fuckin' knows. The Hideout just makes sense. That's y'know -- that's what I deserve."
"That's not even true," you shake your head, "Don't be stupid."
"Well, I barely graduated so," he offers you a peck to each salty, wet cheek, "Stupid's my middle name." "Don't cry, sweetheart," he breathes, leaning in with a slow kiss. A kiss drenched in apologies and thank yous, breaks away just to kiss again. And again, and again, and again until you're both breathless under the sickly yellow green glow of the overhead kitchen light. "How about I change into something nicer than this, and we'll pop these plates in the microwave and start over," he asks, a smile toying on his full lips, "'Kay?"
You nod back, getting another peck stolen from you, and following him down the hall. "Oh, yes, yes, allow me to slip into something more..." he announces with flourish, posing half sexily half awkwardly in the doorway to his bedroom, "Uncomfortable." You snort, giggling while you follow in after him, settling on the end of his bed, "You don't have to dress up fancy." "'Course I do," he tsks, brows furrowing, "M'going to a five star restaurant doll, I can't look like a slob." He pulls out a pair of slacks from a funeral he went to two years ago, discarding his jeans and sliding them up over his pale legs. To your dismay, he plucks the t-shirt with a screen print of a tux out of his closet, and exchanges the worn Dio tee with that. You'll always prefer the Dio tee. "Classy," you tease. He winks, and that's enough to make you okay with the tux shirt. His fingers trail over the stack of presents and land on the envelope.
"Can I open the card?"
"Am I gonna cry over it?" he asks, looking at you over the dull paper when he flicks open the top.
You shake your head, "Nah, it's not sappy. You're the sappy card writer."
"I'm so sappy," he agrees, pulling out the card, "I gotta work on that, huh?"
"No, I like when you're sappy, ya sap." You watch him read the card, blush evident in the warm wash of gold from his bedside lamp. You're not a sappy card writer, but you always know how to make him feel like a kid with a crush. When he opens up your character sheet his bottom lip tucks between his teeth. "Shit," he grins, "Rogue tiefling, huh? You tryna kill me?"
"I thought it could be fun," you titter, standing up to look at the pages next to him, "Chaotic evil. Look at me."
"Ugh, baby's first villain," he gushes, "I love it."
"Look at the picture," you bounce on the balls of your feet while he goes to the next page. A much quieter 'shit' falls from his mouth. It was not a drawing that was for the rest of the guys to see, a sketch of a tiefling version of you in an outfit meant for his eyes only. "So you are trying to kill me," he asks, fingers tracing the curve of 'your' hip on the page where the outfit digs into the fat of 'your' hips.
"No, that'll be later," you smirk.
"Hm?' his brows raise.
"What do you think is in the Frederick's bag?" you ask, faux innocence smattering into your tone.
"Ah, you put a little costume together for me?" Eddie's mouth waters at the thought, brain fuzzy as he looks at the picture and then at you.
"Something like that," you tease, making your way back out into the hallway. "Something like that?!" he repeats back, hurrying back out to pull you into a searing kiss before you can make it back into the kitchen. The kind from the movies where he dips you down toward the faded carpet. As he pulls away, he nuzzles your nose against his, staring at you through lowered lids, "Thank you."
"You're very welcome," you nod, both of you making it back to full height, "Happy birthday."
You relight the candles on the table and nuke the plates of food, topping off each others plastic flutes with the left over Prosecco. There's three cases of beer in the fridge and you know Gareth is bringing Absinthe and it's something you pray doesn't mess your boyfriend up too much.
Dinner is the best meal Eddie's had in years, unable to keep his eyes off of you in between bites while you rehash your day and him, his. You're picking up the dishes off the table when the boys show up and they deliver. Taking the heat off you, they provide the snacks and even more extra booze. Jeff passes out party hats that make you all look ridiculous -- Eddie can remember laughing this much on his birthday, not even when he was a kid. Not even when his mama was alive.
After the oneshot completes and everyone is ankles deep in a tipsy haze and the smoke from a few joints lingers in the air, you walk in with the cake that is finally frosted -- the 2 and 5 confetti colored candles dancing in front of him while the rest sparkle in the middle of the coffee table. He makes one thousand wishes that he knows will come true because his friends are all still there with him and so are you. You're one room right over, cutting the cake and plating it up, and you'll be there when the boys leave in your skimpy nerdy costume that you bought just for him. And you'll be there while he sleeps and you'll be there when he wakes up. You'll be there across from him the next morning when he feeds you fries dipped in chocolate shake at the diner.
Today is Eddie Munson's birthday. And his mother's buttercream frosting is the sweetest it's ever tasted.
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bear-remn · 2 months
I am ON MY KNEES, frothing at the mouth for Ayato's post! Keep up the great work!! Loved reading through em all! ♡
— ayato headcanons!
hiii, ty for waiting, ayato is one of my favorites boys in DL so i hope the love is serving, hoping you guys enjoy this post as much as i did writing it!!
tw: this post contains nsfw (+18)!!! if you don't like that content don't read it!
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i had such a great time drawing this beautiful man, i really love him so i hope you guys love him as much as i do.
his looks and selfcare
so, ayato appearence... i love this man... cof cof one of my favorites cof cof... so i have a lot of thoughts on him.
to begin with i think ayato is a very, and i mean it, a very attractive man with a masculine presence and aura that makes me weak. for starting ayato is really cute and hot at the same time, and i am only talking about his face.
i think ayato face has a sharp jaw, and his smile is really a plus to his faction's, cute and both handsome at the same time, his eyes are'nt too slanted but has a very cat eye looking, has some long lashes and his gaze is very energetic, powerful, penetrating, dominant and cocky. so he has a killer eyes basically.
i like to think ayato has only one dimple, on his left cheek, it only appears when he smiles or laughs. and ayato has such a cute laugh.
but ayato face even if he has a very strong jaw, he still have a delicate and armonic face, he is a real beauty.
and bc ayato is a vampire he does'nt sweat, any, so does'nt really smell bad, but he does enjoy taking his showers, he prefers showers than baths, and it has to be a hot boiling water, he likes to relax while he cleans himself, ayato uses a scrub sponge to achieve an even greater sense of cleanliness, use a exfoliating soap and his shampoo is made of honey. he likes that smell a lot.
ayato also has a very atlethic body, he likes sports a lot! he began with the basic ones, such as basketball and soccer, but then became interested in swimming, ayato enjoys having this one in the comfort of his home.
i think ayato body is very... good, like bc he is good at sports, has some good muscles, his arms are cozy and his chest too, i love to think of ayato with big pectorals, and his abs??? omg... ayato also has a good and pominent v line, and as shu, ayato also has a (not so bushy) happy trail, i like to think that ayato is not againts his own body hair, he trims it sometimes but ayato just let his body be.
i think ayato knows how attractive he is, so he uses that to pick his clothes, like he is totally into compression shirts, dear lord. also he has a comfy but tight style, like to show his pectorals, abs and strong arms always so he puts tight fits, also likes jackets, i mean, those jackests racers use, or universal ones, or just showy and flashy jackets. very expensive too, dont like dupe's.
and i think that ayato used tio bite his nails, but since the death of his mother he stopped this, now, ayato paints them in black, not always tho, just when he is too bored and look for too long at his nails.
i think ayato also can grow a beard but he feels strange, so he shave it off, and after it he puts sunscreen only where he shaves. one time he did'nt and some acne pop out so he got scared since.
random stuff
so, ayato is really my favorite with these ones.
i think ayato is one of the most clingy and romantic one, probably bc he can't keep his hands, eyes and mouth off you but thats for later.
ayato enjoys, like really, loves romantic movies, he has seen every each one of them, really likes when the couple dont get together at the end, he thinks that is real love but he would never let his lover go.
i think ayato has win like medals of his favorites sports, except for soccer, he is'nt the runner type. and has a little shelf of trophies.
and even if ayato sleep in classes, i think he knows everyting bc how many years has he been in there? like a vampire for ever? he definetly don't need school, and in his childhood he probably studied obligated and unhappy (ofc), so when ayato learning things "obligated" in school he hates to put attention to it. i also think ayato has cheated in some exams or tests, like, he sits at the back and then copy his classmates, gets pissed if someone dont give him the answer.
and speaking about school, ayato is really popular, more than you think, i like to think that ayato is know as the treasure of his grade, i mean, he is maybe the best at gym class and don't get bad grades, he is attractive and stuff. like, you cant walk past ayato and dont look back bc he man is gorgeous.
i also think that ayato deep down, do enjoys spending time with laito and kanato, like, playing for dumb things and joking while eating, i think he do loves them, but he don't give them any kind of affection or let them have his things. oh, and ayato is very posessive, one time kanato used his soap and ayato got really mad that almost hit kanato for it. ayato dont share either food or his stuff, nothing.
i think ayato likes to go to these typical japanese festivals (idontknowthenamessorry) only for the food, and for his pretty privileges never pays, he always makes the people selling stuff give him free things.
i think ayato used to be a really insecure and anxious kid, he bited his nails and his fingers, often ended on sucking his own blood for it. and when he entered his teen ages, i think ayato pulled his hair, you know, like those people that can't help but pull it and dont notice, he had a bald spot once but no one notice.
i think ayato is the guy that when gets mad, randomly yell "bitch!" with no fucking reason, like if he is'nt finding one of his socks and gets upset, he would just yell at the air, or when someone is being terrible annoying he just yell "shut up you bitch!" its his favorite curse word. and also, when he is hearing gossip he would just comment "bitch?" like a reaction. its part of him.
oh, and a little detail, i think ayato is a little scared of religions, but not like physically, more like, he does'nt get it so always get chills from seeing religious things or hearing something related. all bc of horror religious movies, he just thinks those kind of people can be a little crazy.
oh, i have been waiting for this, and i know you guys too so.
ayatos dick? oh dear lord.
i think ayato has a solid and proud 18 cm when is hard, like, his dick is thick and his balls also are really heavy, the tip is a little more pink and his pubic hair is there but really short and well kept. and it does'nt look up, its a little down for how heavy his dick is, and ayato always has some of liquid coming out. so his tip is glowy.
i think ayato is so dominant, he is not a bottom, but he do likes when you fignt back to be the dominant one, or talk back to him, or defy him. he really finds it hot. too submissive partner for him can be a little boring.
i think ayato loves to get reaction out of you, like he will literally try to make you nervous in all chances he gets, and his way of doing it, he is really such an ass. like if you two are studying together and he does'nt get something, he totally does but, will ask you to explain, and will play dumb until he randomly just say "i might understand if you sit on my lap... or take off you skirt, maybe like that my mind can focus on you haha" or when ayato take you blood and he is not desesperate and just having a little he will say "enjoying i see, wanting some more? i see what kind of face you are doing, dont be shy now" and his smile with his beautiful dimple? he is really a killer.
i think ayato, ofc when ayato is in love with you or just want you for himself, he is such a little kid, always holding your hand while walking or while he drives and you are by his side he is the kind of guy to hold onto you leg and squeeze it. or when he wakes up he always kiss you sleepy, or when you two say goodbye he will hug you tight and kiss you tenderly. and his kisses really are everything.
i like to think that ayato is a really good kisser, like, he knows how to go from a cute and tender kiss to a hungry and wet one, he just knows, and loves kisses too. like if you two are in a little argument and you face got a little blushed by amger he will just kiss you to shut you up and also bc he loves when you get blushed, he thinks you look so good with red cheeks "muah...what!? don't hit me! i could'nt resist you!"
oh, and if you two are together he totally is the kind of man that when passing behind you will slap you butt, not hard, he just hit it. or when you get up he also slap it, or when you bend over, or when you look pretty, he just like to touch you butt. i imagine ayato having like a normal and totally out of the clue question "hey love, do you know where my charger is?" and when you respond he kisses you "i'll go check" and slap your ass before leaving.
but oh, he doesnt only like your butt, he is obssesed with you body, i think ayato is the type of man that when you two are watching movies is touching you, like you leg, he touch it not sexually ofc, or you feet, or you hair, or any part that is comfortable for him to touch. oh and it is canon that ayato likes when you touch his hair so he also ask for that a lot when you two are just hanging out.
i think ayato can get worked up real fast, like he is so obssesed with you and so in love, in his own way, that a little peck on the lips will do to him. and after that he will try and make you get in the mood. i think ayato is not pushy about it, i mean, he tell you but he likes to work the mood first. i think ayato will start kissing you, ofc, while his hands hold your waist making you come closer, and if you two are standing up he will walk you to some surface, like a bed, a couch, a table even, he does'nt care. but not the floor tho.
and before dropping you in the bed he will squeeze your ass and slap it to then get you on bed. and he can't stand you body being so hot, bc they as vampires, dont get any kind of body heat. so he will take his shirt off before join you in bed "like what you see? be grateful for how good i treat you, ok? hehe" and his dimple really makes you weak.
me too girl, me too.
i think ayato enjoys rubbing his body against yours, like he pushes his erection against your leg as he kisses you, of course bothering your lip with his fangs, while his hands sneak under your t-shirt to pull out your bra, and his cold hands really know what they're doing, touching your skin possessively. and his breaths? when he is horny he can be vocal, but he is just so masculine.
you know when someone has such a masculine presence? and they show it with every action? but they are so pretty and handsome? thats ayato right there.
and ayato definetly will mess up with you, like he will tease your nipples through your clothes, while looking at the expressions you make "if you keep looking at me like that... i wont be able to hold myself from devour you completly" and his dick just trobs in his pants.
and he really holds back from tearing your clothes apart, like, i think ayato might take yout clothes off and just contemplate you, he loves your body. and he is going straight into your pussy.
I imagine him kneeling on the bed, he takes your legs and raises your hips to have you at the height of his mouth, he loves to eat your pussy, depending on the mood of course, it will be fast or slow, and if he is slow, he concentrates more than anything on your clit, sucking carefully and caressing it with a flat tongue "damn honey... youre so fucking wet, so good ohmm..." and he moans while eating it. he can get so pussy drunk sometimes.
and yes, he does call you honey sometimes.
and when you suck ayato's dick, he likes to be seated in the bed and you on all fours, so he can see your ass, loves to see your back as well, good arched and if you have dimples on your lower back he goes crazy, and if you suck for too long his tip his legs might shiver so ayato will take his dick off your mouth by grabbing you by your hair "fuck... don't do that honey, keep sucking me good, ok? be good for me... yes ah... only for me..."
i think for the poses that ayato likes, he probably likes a lot of them, like i think his favorites can be with your legs on his shoulders, or from behind.... but do love to have you legs on his shoulders. i imagine ayato putting it in slowly while watching you face, and his eyes are so fucking hot, he is the kind of man that will tell you with his eyes how much he desires you.
and about his pace, i do think ayato likes to start slow and deep and eventually become more rough or fast. so when he is slow he makes sure to bump a little so your tits bounce a little, and he loves to see your tits bounce, definetly will bite your ankles but not drink too much so you can keep up.
and when ayato begins to be more rough, he will slap your ass hard as he thrust you so deep, you can feel how he can touch every part of you. eventually the pose will become a mating press. his dick is just so hard and hot for you and his balls so heavy as they hit your ass.
"fuck.... ooh yes... you like that huh? you take my dick so... fucking good..."
and as ayato's balls slap your ass, he also will slap you on the cheek, not too hard tho, so then he can grab your neck and see you straight into your eyes as he keep fucking you. the room is full of wet noises and your moans, and his heavy breaths.
and ayato if feeling more horny than usual, lol, he will chain you to the bed, or put a collar with a chain to make you move. like i think ayato will be deep in you and you're too lost in it so he pulls the chain from the collar on your neck and smiles when you moan "don't take your eyes off me honey... watch me fuck you" and his abs look absolutely delicious when he thrust into you.
and if you are about to come, ayato will take it out and watch how you squirm and cry out for not cumming, frustrated bc you cant do nothing more than complain, with your hand chains keeping you in place "what? i wanted some fresh aire haha... youre melting me with that pussy of yours" and then put his heavy dick bewteen your folds, slaping a little just to hear how wet you are "hear that? your body is so honest with me... you're hole body is mine" and his cocky smile makes his dimple come out, ofc your pussy reacted to that fucking beautiful smile, so he laughs, he can be a little mean.
i think ayato do know how to make you squirt sometimes, like edging you a little, then fucking you dumb until your legs tremble in his sides, and while you cum ayato will take his dick out and slap it in your folds, and then pushing it in just where you like it over and over, and he loves to make you squirt on his dick, he thinks is so hot.
"oh fuck!... yeah... make that pussy cry... fuck yeah" and then slap your face to kiss you hungry as he keep fucking you.
oh and when ayato cums? he gets sloppy.
i think ayato can't control fully his body when he is about to cum, but one thing he always does, is taking it out and crawl on top of you while masturbating himself so he can cum in your face, and having ayato on top of you, with his dick tip on your lips, his face all messed up, his chest going up and down as he feels it coming, dear lord "open wide... be good for me honey... im close... oh fuck!" and he cums a lot, likes to see you swallow it "you did good, be grateful for making you feel good, yes?"
the aftercare is really cute with ayato, i think ayato will be exhausted after cuming maybe three times? or maybe two, so he will ask you to cuddle him, and he is the small spoon. likes to feel you touching his hair. makes him feel safe. after having a break, he will definetly get in the mood again, or if he bites you, ayato can get sleepy while doing it, but he keeps the need to fuck you more, maybe more calm and not so... him "cmon... wanna be inside you some more... be grateful, i'll make you cum just like before, what about doing it on my mouth huh? it sounds good is innit? haha"
── more of my content here!
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kimetsu-chan · 5 months
~playing in the snow headcanons~
A/N: so I asked five of my friends if I should have snow or instruments be the main focus on what I was gonna write, and four of em said snow :3 so we got some playing in the snow headcanons with some my fav bsd characters.
Characters: Akutagawa, Atsushi, Chuuya, Sigma, Nikolai, Ranpo, Kyouka, Lucy, and Tanizaki
TWs ⚠️: Uhh- I don’t think there are any, but it is important to note that Kyouka’s is the only one that is written to be strictly platonic. You can choose romantic or platonic for the others :D GN!Reader
I think there are slight spoilers in Sigma’s?
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Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
It would take a lot of convincing to get that man within five feet of the door. And I mean a lot.
Why would you want to go outside in the freezing cold when you can stay inside where it’s nice and cozy?!
Once you explain to him that you want to play in the snow, he gets even more confused.
He’d be sitting in a chair, his feet propped up on something with a book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other while staring up at you like you just grew two heads.
After you told him it was fun and something you really wanted to do, he stare for a second or two longer before spitting out a response.
“Okay….? Then go play in the snow..? What, do you need my permission??”
“No, I want you do come with me, Ryū!”
He would let silence envelope you so for a moment or so before saying a quick and simple “No.” and going back to reading.
After some puppy dog eyes and the best begging you could muster(along with a deal that you’d leave him alone for at least six hours afterwards) he’d finally go with you.
And when he was dressed up and finally ready to go outside with you, he’d watch you excitedly start making a snowman with a fond look on his face.(he will deny enjoying this for the rest of time.)
Atsushi Nakajima
He is hopping out of his seat and putting five coats on at the mere mention of snow.
Heck yes he wants to go out and play in the snow with you!
Did you even have to ask?
You could tell him to put some warm clothes on and be ready to go outside and he’d do it in a heartbeat and with absolutely zero hesitation.
The first thing he wants to do when yall get outside is make snow angels. And he wants your snow angel to “hold hands” with his (they’re just next to each other)
He’ll let you choose what to do next, deeming it “only fair” since he got to choose first.
“No- [Name]-San-! You get to chose!”
“But I don’t know what I want to do, Atsu, you should pick!”
It would be just a bunch of giggly “no you”s back and forth until you finally relent and ask to make a snowman.
And you best believe that he is going to make that the most cozy looking snowman you’ve ever seen.
It is going to be even more fashionable than Chuuya Nakahara. (No it’s not.)
Chuuya Nakahara
Once again, a lot of convincing will be needed.
What did you expect? The man is extremely busy like 24/7, he doesn’t have time to play in the snow?
But he can’t just deny you when you come up to him to ask him so sweetly if he can please come play with you in the snow.
He wants nothing more than to accept and make you happy, but he really needs to finish his work.
So he sighs and comes up with an alternative.
“How about this, [Name]. I’ll work for about another thirty minutes, then we can go outside, okay?”
“That works! Thanks Chuuya!”
“You’re welco-“
He gets cut off when you roughly wrap your arms around him in a quick hug before running off to do who knows what.
He stares off after you for a few seconds before turning back to his work with a shake of his head and smile.
(Extra bc we can’t end Chuuya’s w/o him actually getting outside 🤭)
When he actually finishes his work, he exited his office to see you already playing outside.
He decided that it would be most fun to quickly get ready and sneak up on you, who was busily forming the base of a snow fort.
There was a yelp as cold snow fell on top of you, and you turned to glare at the ginger who was smirking smugly.
But don’t worry, you got him back by pushing him over into the snow and dropping some snow down his shirt.
Poor boy-
Being three years old, the poor guy has never played with snow once in his entire life.
So when you ask him to go with you, you’ll have to explain to him what the heck snowmen and snowball fights were.
He’s mildly interested when you do explain, but he doesn’t quite understand the point.
Doesn't being outside in the cold for a long time give you the risk to get sick?
Overall, he’s rather confused about the purpose of playing with cold, wet snow, but he’d agree.
Once he was free, that is.
And that turned out to be a lot quicker than he thought it would, perhaps it’s because your “silly” wants have peaked his interest.
He would quickly finish his duties his duties within the sky casino, and go to find you and get ready.
When you guys step outside, Sigma immediately felt chilly. The high altitude of the casino only making it colder.
“[Name]… Are you sure this is a good idea-“
He grunted as a snowball landed square in his face.
You giggled as you saw him frozen as he processed what you just did.
Before you could ask if he was okay, he quickly picked up some snow and threw it back at you.
He had a small smirk on his face, oh it was game on.
Nikolai Gogol
Oh boy.
He was the one who initially proposed the idea of playing in the snow, because why wouldn’t he.
He doesn’t care if he’s supposed to be busy, he’s dragging you outside with him whether you like it or not.
You could be busy, you could be relaxing, and he’s suddenly ambushing you and struggling to get a coat over your head.
He will make sure you’re nicely dressed for being in the snow.
After all, you’re no fun if you’re sick.
As he’s yanking you to your feet and dressing you in so many layers, you may as well become a fur ball at this point, he’ll be running his mouth, explaining in grave detail what he wanted to do.
“Okay, so first, we’re gonna make little forts, then we’re gonna hide behind them and throw snowballs at each other. Now- I promise not to throw them too hard, okay?”(that’s a lie, he’ll throw them as hard as he pleases)
You could only watch and nod as he led you outside to begin building.
I sure hope you wrote out your will.
Ranpo Edogawa
He’s busy eating snacks working at his desk, when you came in.
He took one look at your face and flushed cheeks from already having been outside for a while, and knew exactly what you wanted.
He debated whether or not abandoning his precious sna— I uh- I mean work just to make you happy.
He thought it over for a second and decided he could go a little bit without his food, and could grace you with his wonderful presence.
He stood up from his seat with his usual smirk and pointed his unfinished lollipop in your direction.
You didn’t even get to ask him before he started bargaining with you.
“I’ll go outside with you on one condition, you gotta buy me lunch.”
You paused, that actually didn’t sound that bad, so you agreed.
You two quickly got dressed (after Ranpo put his snacks away) and headed out of the office to play in the snow, leaving a extremely frustrated Kunikida at the door yelling at you.
It wasn’t very long before all the grass/ground surrounding the agency was covered in snow angels.
Kyouka Izumi
To be honest, I see Kyouka getting rather excited.
Sure she hadn’t done it in a long time, but Kyouka used to love to play in the snow when she was younger.
It was kinda a bittersweet thing to her.
So when you asked, she was more than willing to go with you. She gently grabbed your hand and led you all the way to her and Atsushi’s dorm to get some warm clothes.
Seeing that she didn’t have enough to comfortably be outside, you took your scarf that was hanging loosely on your shoulders off and wrapped it around her neck to help her keep warm.
Kyouka smiled at you when you did so then with increased energy, she took your hand again and made her way outside.
She immediately opened her mouth and tried to catch a falling snowflake on her tongue, being successful in doing so.
She turned to you with wide eyes and pointed at where the now-melted snowflake had been.
“[Name], did you see that?”
“[Name], let’s go make snowmen..!”
Before you could even respond, Kyouka grabbed your hand and jogged to the nearest open space to make a snowman.
You guys ended up making two, a bigger one complete with its younger sister.
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Lucy, much like Akutagawa, would decline immediately at first.
She’s in the middle of a shift, she can’t just abandon her job as a waitress.
Or so she thought.
Until her boss gave her the go-ahead that she could take a break and go play in the snow.
Her next argument would be that she was “too mature” to go play in snow.
But then you turned that right back around at her and asked if that meant you were immature.
She stuttered and blushed from embarrassment as she denied what you said.
“N-No-! I didn’t mean you were immature! I just-“
“Then let’s go!”
Cue you grabbing her arm and running towards the building door and shoving her coat that you stole earlier into her arms.
Lucy sighed and reluctantly pulled her coat over her arms and stepped outside with you.
In the end, you guys had a lot of fun running around and pushing each other into the snow.
Tanizaki Jun’ichirō
Actually, Tanizaki was the one who suggested the idea.
He said it would be a fun way to get a break from all their work(totally not because he wanted to show off his snowball fight skills, nooo-)
He would offer to fetch your coat for you when you agreed, doing so anyway when you declined his offer.
He held your coat out for you as he put on his own on, happily suggesting the snowball fight he was planning.
You agreed, not thinking about how he could use his ability to his advantage.
And that’s exactly what he did.
He hid behind a tree and made his illusion self dash to hide somewhere else, effectively turning your attention away from where he actually was.
He hit you in the back of the head a little harder than he meant to, and immediately stood up to rush over and see if you were hurt.
“[Name]! I’m sorry, I didn’t me— AGH-“
Karma came so sweetly as he slipped and landed on his back.
There were no hard feelings though, you guys called a truce and laughed about it for the rest of the day
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A/N: these were so fun to write, omg-
I hope you liked it! Please consider liking/reblogging if you did :3
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judeslove · 9 months
surprise visit
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pairing - jude bellingham x gn!reader genre - fluff, bestfriends to maybe lovers ??? (if i do a pt2) warnings - petnames (darling, love, etc), intended lowercase, swearing summary - this req
author’s note - i’m so sorry for not posting for like idk 5 days?? i’ve been really busy with christmas and all but hope you enjoy <33 also i got a new phone :))
pt1 >> pt2
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you and jude went all the way back. you met in daycare, the good old days. ever since then, you have done and shared almost everything together. ranging from doing homework to even cuddling. many of your friends shipped you, but you never felt it. the spark. until this very day.
the holidays were just around the corner, specifically christmas. you always celebrated christmas at home, but this year was going to be different. you kept in touch with jude, but didn’t meet up with him frequently.
you made up a master plan at night. first, you would text jude that you can’t make it to his house this year but then, you show up on his door. excitement grew in you as you moved your fingers along the keyboard.
sorry, i can’t make it this year ☹️☹️
there’s always a next year darling
the petname gave you butterflies in your stomach. that’s unusual, you thought. you packed everything you needed and headed outside. the cold and slippery weather almost killed you, as you nearly slipped and probably avoided a coma.
the gps said that it will approximately take 2hrs to jude’s house, which made you groan in frustration. when your mum drove there it didn’t take that long, you swore. the road was filled with people, as it was almost christmas.
the snow under your boots crunched as you made your way the the frontdoor. you rang the door bell and saw a shocked jude standing in front of you. you let out a quiet giggle as he wrapped his long arms around your waist.
“you’re here!! you said you wouldn’t make it though?” jude said in a questioning tone. he looked at your face, scanning for any answers.
“i wanted to surprise you” you smiled. he looked confused, but also somewhat happy or excited.
you stepped your feet inside his cozy house, warmness immediately welcoming you from the cold biting weather. as you made your way to the kitchen you saw three gingerbread houses.
“three gingerbread houses? what are you gonna do with ‘em?” you asked. a grin made it’s way to jude’s face.
“eat them, of course” he simply grinned. he looked satisfied, but then concerned.
“oh no!! i forgot the cookies!” jude yelled as he rushed to the oven, lifting up slightly burnt chocolate chip cookies.
“bloody hell, why does this always happen?” he said in disbelief. you let out a chuckle, laughing at his disappointment.
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💌 judeslove on tumblr.
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petcr3 · 1 year
dreams | rhett abbott x reader
summary: rhett asks if reader ever wants to move out of their apartment, and before either of them know it, they’re planning out a future together.
word count: ~1.4k
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, my usual in depth cuddle descriptions because i am not normal, rhett getting to feel loved uwu, rhett being romantic because he IS i just know
a/n: this was completely unplanned, i was just yearning so hard an entire fic fell out
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You’re curled up against Rhett’s chest, his cheek resting against the top of your head as he idly trails his fingers up and down the length of your spine.
“You ever think about leaving this place?” he asks.
“No.” A chuckle. “Well, yeah. But I just meant the apartment.” You hum in understanding, fingertips idly dancing along his side.
“Yeah. I wouldn’t mind living in a bigger place. Maybe a house someday.” 
“Any chance I’m in that house with you?”
“Of course you are. There’s a little spot for you to curl up at the foot of my bed and everything.” Laughter rumbles in his chest and he leans down to nip harmlessly at the shell of your ear.
You giggle and hide your face against his chest. He can feel you smiling against his skin. Despite your transgression, Rhett reaches up to play with your hair and you let out a contented sigh.
“There’s no house without you in it,” you say after a moment. It catches him a little off guard. Sure, he likes to think he plays a part in your fantasies about the future, but it’s something else to hear that he’s a fixture in them. Something clenches near his heart–– a beautiful ache that comes from a missing piece sliding home.
“Tell me more about it?” he asks, feeling suddenly a little vulnerable. You nose affectionately at his chest and pull him a little closer
“It’s got a lot of light. It’s big, but not too big, like, you can’t get lost in it. We wouldn’t need that kind of space. Mostly it just feels open and bright, you know? Lots of sun. Our bedroom has its own bathroom so I can listen to you sing to yourself in the shower.” Rhett lets out a quiet snort.
“Thought you did that anyway.”
“Yeah but now I can do it lying down. It’s a game changer.”
You’re funny, Rhett thinks. People don’t notice that enough. “Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…” Your head bobs a little with his gentle laughter.
“Go on.”
“We have a big ol’ bathtub–– one where we both fit.”
“Sexy.” He can’t help himself. You pinch his side, but he can still feel you smiling..
“We have a big yard. Maybe even big enough to keep horses, if you wanted.”
“What about a dog?”
“Well we’d have to get two, so they can have a friend.”
“What about you? What are you adding?” Rhett thinks for a moment.
“Nice deck. Rocking chairs or a porch swing so we can sit out and watch the stars at night.” You let out a happy little sound, and he can tell you’re picturing it. “Lots of blankets out there. You can get nice n’ cozy and I’ll bring us out hot toddies.” Rhett knows he’s not playing exactly by the rules of the game, but he’s starting to get lost in the idea of a future with you–– one that you seem to already be counting on. “The dogs like to sit by our feet. At least one of ‘em’s too big to sit in your lap, but you let ‘em anyway because you’re soft on ‘em.” He smiles. “Guess I probably am, too.”
You’ve always loved Rhett’s voice. It’s sexy as hell, sure, but it’s also unbelievably calming. Paired with his arms wrapped around you, it’s positively lethal. But he’s so wrapped up in the fantasy you two are creating, he doesn’t notice the way your breathing evens out or your grip on his waist starts to slacken.
“Once it gets too cold we head inside and you tell me just to leave the mugs in the sink because you don’t wanna go up to the bedroom by yourself even if it’s just for a few minutes. Our bedroom is big, but it’s cozy. You picked out most of the furniture but you always tell everyone I helped. I built our bed frame, though. You like to brag about that.” He knows he’s right because you still tell everyone you know about the end table he made for your living room last year. When he starts speaking again, he hardly realizes what he’s saying. It just starts to flow out of him.
“I ask you to marry me in that bed. I got a ring and a proposal all planned out but you have to go and look so beautiful one night that my plans go right out the window. I take you out for a walk like I was going to, though, and get down on one knee. You don’t even let me get up, you practically tackle me to the ground saying yes again. Maybe we get married out in the yard or we find some place pretty to go. But I think the ceremony happens outside; that feels right. We make Amy the flower girl even if she’s not a kid anymore. I’m crying the whole damn time and I don’t care who sees. You hold my hand even if we’re not supposed to.” He isn’t sure if that’s a rule–– he thinks maybe it isn’t–– but he knows you’d break it if there was one.
“I know we haven’t talked about kids, but…” Finally Rhett catches himself. “Well, I guess I’m getting a little carried away, there, huh?” For the first time in several minutes, he realizes you haven’t said a word. He nudges his nose against the crown of your head. “Sweetheart?” You shift a little bit, saying nothing. Rhett can’t help but laugh when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep. He leans back just enough to drag his thumb gently underneath your eye. “Sweetheart,” he tries again, a little louder.
“Mmm?” The sheets rustle as you start to wake, the sounds of a slow inhale as it fills your lungs. “Rhett?”
“Hey, sleepyhead,” and he thinks that maybe he’s never loved you so much as he does now. It’s not the first time he’s felt it–– he falls more in love with you every damn day. But his chest is full of something honey-thick, and warm. Your groggy expression is the sweetest thing he’s ever seen. “Think you fell asleep.” You blink some of the sleep from your eyes.
“Oh fuck!” you swear through a yawn. Your eyes seem bigger than ever when you peer up at him apologetically. “I’m sorry, baby. It’s just you were playing with my hair and your voice is so soothing and––”
“It’s okay,” he says softly, “it was kinda cute.”
“No, but I wanna hear what you were saying!”
“You’re tired, honey. Let’s go to sleep and I’ll tell you in the morning.”
“No,” you say, wiggling out of his embrace and sitting up. “I wanna hear everything. No details skipped.” Rhett only smiles up at you, expression growing mischievous, lips sealed tight.
���Here,” you say, oblivious to the fact that he’d do anything you asked. “You can put your head in my lap. I’ll play with your hair. But you have to tell me everything I missed.” He chuckles and tucks his head against your thigh. His eyes flutter shut and a happy sigh leaves him as you begin to card your fingers through his hair. 
“Where’d I lose you?”
“I let the big dogs sit on my lap.” He grins up at you, eyes peeking open.
“Oh good, so you missed the proposal.” You freeze.
“The what?”
“You heard me.” And the smug bastard has the nerve to shut his eyes again, settling back into your lap.
“Rhett Abbott, you open your eyes right now.”
“Hmm… nope.” You tug at his hair but he just lets out a contented groan. He can’t see you glaring at him, and it’s hard to keep it up when your heart is threatening to melt down into nothing and kill you. You think that maybe you’ve never loved Rhett as much as you do in this very moment. 
“Did you mean it?” you ask, voice suddenly small. Rhett opens his eyes, expression serious now.
“Yeah, I did.”
“And you’re not even gonna tell me?” you cry. He smiles and turns his head to press a kiss against your tummy.
“I’ll tell you everything else. I promise. But some things ought to be a surprise, don’t you think?” You let out a huff, but it’s all fondness.
“Okay, so I’m a pushover with the dogs, and?”
“You leave the mugs in the sink overnight because you can’t stand to be without me, even for a second.” You give him a look, but you know it’s true.
Luckily, if everything goes to plan, you won’t have to.
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mysteryshoptls · 7 months
Happy Winter Holiday Gift Calendar 2023
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These are all the messages that you get from the boys when you log in during the Winter Holiday Campaign from 09 Dec 2023 to 31 Dec 2023! For those that want to read them again, you can find them in the Album, under GIFT CALENDAR 2023.
"How will you be spending the day?"
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I think I will go to the library today. There were someone's scribbles all over the book I borrowed yesterday, you see. It disrupts my focus, so I plan to find a replacement book. Seriously... It's a terrible crime to deface a book like this.
Today? Well, it's snowing outside, and I got no club practice, so maybe I'll check out on my streaming service a movie or show that catches my eye. I can stay warm and cozy in my room, all while munching on some snacks. Don'tcha think we deserve lazy days like this sometimes?
I'm going to try to finish the assignments I got today, before the day ends. That's what an honor student should do, right? But... The first question is already a tough prac app question...? Right! Just gotta hunker down and get down to it!
Maybe I'll surf Magicam for some 'cammable spots that're only available in the winter. Stuff like diamond dust, or hotels made from ice... Knowin' they're only limited to the season really gets me psyched up!
It's pretty cold every day now, so I think I'll stock up on lemonade-ginger syrup. It'll warm you right up if you drink some. What, according to the Queen of Hearts' Laws, we can't have lemonade after 8 o'clock? Well, this has ginger in it, so it's a completely different drink, isn't it?
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No plans worth mentioning. What, not what you were expecting? Well, too bad. The campus is completely covered in snow, so the best thing for me to do is just to get back to my dorm room and relax while solving some chess problems.
The track team has practice today. But since it's supposed to snow in the afternoon, it may just end up being indoor training. It takes a while or the body to get limber in the winter. That means we need to extra thorough in our warming up exercises.
Obviously, I'm gonna be workin'! Today, I'm at a cake shop, and tomorrow I'm waitin' tables at a restaurant... The holidays are coming up, so 'tis the season for a ton of high-payin' temp jobs to fill my pockets, too! Shishishi!
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As always, I will be awaiting everyone's visit to the Mostro Lounge. On a cold day such as this, we usually receive orders for dishes that are more common in the winter season. I'm sure today will be a rather busy day.
I thought perhaps I would make a herbarium. The atmosphere this time of year tends to be dry, so it is the perfect opportunity. How would you like to join me? No need to worry, I will show you how everything is done.
Yesterday I saw someone wearing these boots lined with fur, and it looked kinda fascinating, so I thought I'd try to find some in town. I wonder if it's hard to walk in? If I find a good pair, I think I'll buy 'em and try 'em out.
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Today, we have travelling salesmen from the Scalding Sands coming. I'm planning on buying a ton of stuff for the holidays! It's so exciting to think about what kind of treasure I might find! You should bring some friends over and check it out, too.
There's no club activities today, so I plan to look into a few things. My family will be going on a trip over the holidays, you see. Tourist attractions, climate, local cuisine, souvenirs... Never a bad idea to gather too much information, don't you think?
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I intend on picking up the spring coat I had on order. I'll also look for accessories that go with it while I'm out. Hm? It's too early to think about spring attire? If I wait to prepare everything for after it starts to get warmer, then I'll completely miss out on the season.
Snow's piling up again today, so I'm plannin' on clearing the magical shift field with the rest of my clubmates. Didn't bother me none, but the other guys were all dog-tired... Pathetic, ain't they?
I plan to check on the houseplants we are cultivating in the Science Club. Fufu, I wonder what sort of expressions they'll have today? I do hope there'll be some changes from yesterday that I'll get to enjoy.
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Obvi, just been hyperfixating on my online games, like always... Rather, why would you think I'd go out in cold weather like this in the first place? I recently overhauled the internet speed in the dorm, so it's crazy fast now lol. Gonna actually pull an all-nighter, it's been a while!
It'll probably be a game day with my roommates, since the new game that I ordered online arrived. Physical games might take up more space, but I just can't help but want to actually collect my favorite games, y'know?
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It's chilly today. The best thing to possibly do on days like this is to warm my room and enjoy some frozen treats. Perhaps I'll invite Lilia and the others later. Fufu... I suppose it's not a bad thing to be the one making preparations for them once in a while.
I will be practicing my swordsmanship with Father after this. I thought I would finish up my assignments beforehand, but... Before I realized it, I had fallen asleep and my notepad was completely blank. What should I do...?
I plan to read the book I ordered from the Mystery Shop the other day. It's a book that I've been eagerly awaiting. Grandfather was the one to recommend it to me, so I must read it over and over again and tell him my thoughts on it!
We have band practice today. However... When it gets cold like this, my fingers get numb and hard to move. Hm? Naah, I already have the songs memorized. It's really only about staying in rhythm with the other members!
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Brrr, it's cold~! Hey, henchie! Today we're gonna stay cozy under that "KOTATSU" thingie. We'll have some snacks and play some games together... Myaha! Today's totally gonna be a blast!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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durrtydawg · 2 months
Hey queen get better soon 🌟🌟🌟
Since your requests are open, some Sam fluff with just one bed trope pleeeeasee 🤭
Abso-flipping-lutely, babycakes.
I got another anon asking for this, so I hope they find it. I'm sooo sleep deprived, thus might revisit and jazz this up at a later date, but until then, here's one of many takes of the one bed trope <3
One Bed
Sam Drake x Reader {Fluff Req.}
Words: 4k approx | Warnings: Blood mention, weapons mention
"Got that stupid coin of yours?"
You watch Sam cock his head at you in confusion whilst you perch on the dresser inside your newly-appointed motel room.
Sam ferrets around his duffel with a frown as he pulls out the time-worn coin he may as well attach to himself surgically at this point.
"What are you doing?"
You ignore him, flexing your hand in his direction to encourage him into throwing it over. His brows furrow harder as a curious smile appears on his lips. Intrigued, He tosses you the coin, and you instantly conceal it in your hands.
"Heads or tails?"
"Uh...heads?" Sam shakes his own, not one to rope himself into something without any prior knowledge.  "Hold on. What are we bettin’ on here?"
You flip the coin rather ungracefully, swivelling to catch it to avoid dropping it on the floor.
"Who gets the bed." You cover the coin post-flip, ready to reveal the winner. "And tails always wi..."
You trail off and stare at your palm in silence. Heads. Sam approaches and looks over your shoulder, patting you in commiseration.
"That backfired, huh?" He chuckles, snatching back his coin as he smirks at your defeat.
"Hmm." You retort, a sarcastic smile on your face as you trudge over to the bed and pick up a pillow with a sigh.
"What are you-" he puts his hand out in confusion, watching as you walk away from the bed and over to the bathroom door. “Where are you going with that pillow?"
"Bathtub. I'm sure as hell not sleeping on the floor and listening to you snore."
"The bath- just share the bed! We're adults, aren't we?" Sam lets out a bemused laugh. "And- you know full well- I don't snore."
You raise an accusatory brow, tucking the pillow under your arm. Sam shakes his head, throwing his arms up in the air as he walks over to where he’d kicked off his boots.
"I am an adult. Which is exactly why I refuse to share."
"Fine! I will go back to the grumpy old bastard at reception, and ask for a spare room."
You sigh. "Like you, I lack the energy to argue. If letting you have your own bed is what it'll take for you to remove whatever stick has been so uncomfortably jammed up your ass over the past few hours, I'm happy to leave it at that."
He grumbles, stepping back into his boots, too tired to do up the laces. "No- nope. You take it. I am nothing if not a gentleman. Besides, I don't want to hear you complaining for days about a stiff neck, or whatever other little princess injury you'd end up givin' yourself."
He puts the strap of his holdall back over his shoulder with a tired huff, approaching the door, hand resting on the handle. Before he turns it, he speaks once more.
“Anyways, I’ll have you know that I’ve shared a bed with many, many people," he chuckles, more so to himself than to you. "Not a single one of ‘em ever complained about snoring. Or... complained about anything, come to think of it." Sam smirks.
You scoff and roll your eyes at his need to make things crass, putting your hands together as if in prayer.
“Please, tell me more about what you and your dick get up to in your spare time. It’s fascinating.”  
“Alright, alright.” He chuckles, opening the door. “Gotta admit, though,” He continues, looking behind him into the corridor before turning back to you with slightly narrowed eyes. “I really thought we had something good going here, sweetheart. I'm a little hurt you're so against a cozy one-night... cuddle.”
You grin into the pillow as you raise an inquisitive brow. “Oh yeah? Cuddle?” You laugh.
Sam simply looks at you with a smile, practically begging to be goaded further. You clear your throat and straighten your posture, as if you're assuming an act. “Tell me more.” You eventually say, voice muffled as you play along.
You’ve always been a fan of Sam’s… suggestive nature. And he’s always admired your ability to take it on the chin. You two are a match made in heaven.
Or is it more… platonic purgatory?
“Pfft. Of course.” He chuckles, folding his arms with his back leaned up against the door frame. He clears his throat too, putting his hand on his chin in thought. “All those passing glances when we were stuck in that forest…”
You lower the pillow, grin deepening. “Hmm. You must mean my turning to make sure you’ve managed to catch up with me?”
He raises a brow towards you, tongue toying with his teeth. Calculating. “…that sighing you keep doin’ around me...” He looks up to the ceiling in mock thought as you cut in again.
“A sign of my ever-dwindling patience?”
He swats his hand in the air, as if to keep you hushed. “This little back ’n’ forth bickering thing we’ve got goin’.” He clicks his tongue. “Gotta say, it’s a shame you're passin' up such an opportunity as this.” He gestures behind you, over to the bed.
You laugh, nodding. “Hmm. I guess sharing that bed could have us really getting to know each other.”
He gives you a teasing smirk, the mischievous glint in his eyes making your cheeks heat up- something you’ve been unable to help since your first job together. Luckily for the sake of your dignity, the pillow serves as a perfect shield.
Sam pouts, mimicking a kiss. Funny how almost dying leads you to revert back to childish conversation.
“Get out.” You laugh, throwing the pillow at him which he swerves just about as you swivel for the bathroom.
“Alright. I'm goin'. Enjoy your cold, lonely bed.”
“I will!” You chirp from behind the bathroom door, grabbing a towel from the folded pile beside the sink and hanging it beside the shower.
You hear the door close and turn on the shower, giving it a moment to warm up as you take off your mud and sweat-saturated clothes, unable to wipe the smile off of your face.
A fierce sting shoots through your upper leg as you peel off your cargos- upon closer inspection, you notice a tear in the fabric at your outer thigh. And thus, the smile is gone.
You kick them off, and ogle at the long gash along your skin- a sore reminder of the run-in with some somewhat feral bandits you and Sam had dealt with mere hours ago. The blood seems to have dried, effectively sealing the wound, but that’s not to say it doesn’t bite like a bitch.
You’d been wrestled to the ground by a member of the group that had the pair of you under attack, the gentleman in question had a knife in his hand, and your gun had long-been out of ammo. If it wasn’t for Sam’s boot swiftly connecting with your assailant's head, a lengthy cut on the thigh would’ve been the least of your problems.
For anyone else, this event alone would be enough to persuade one to partake in several therapy sessions. But, as is tradition with you two, a quick once-over for lethal injuries and a shaky joke about your uncharacteristic lack of finesse is all it took for to divert you back to the task in hand.
Ultimately, though, Sam did save your life today. You can’t help but think that maybe you should be the one finding somewhere else to sleep.
Or you should’ve just been an adult and let him share.
Shrugging off the soreness of your leg, and the guilt of letting Sam take responsibility for the single bed mishap, you step into the shower, using the entirety of the hotel’s adorably tiny tube of shower gel to scrub away evidence of the day’s toil.
Finished, you wrap yourself in your towel, brushing your teeth twice over before you hear the door open and close.
You cautiously open the door, peeking through the gap to see Sam lounging on the bed, chewing some sort of granola bar whilst he channel surfs through a series of programs that he has no actual interest in. You adjust your posture, relieved, but equally miffed that all you’ve got covering you is a towel- your bag on the other side of the room.
“Yay, he’s back!” You chirp through clenched teeth, hastily scampering over to your backpack which Sam has oh-so-conveniently placed himself right next to.
“No more rooms.” He shrugs, taking another bite as he continues to stare mindlessly at the TV, before taking a pause to inspect the bar’s packaging. “Decent vending machine, though.”
“Just when I thought there was no silver lining.” You smile sarcastically, hurriedly rifling through your bag for the cleanest t-shirt and pair of shorts you can find.
You finally catch his eye and an irksome wolf-whistle accompanies a suggestive eyebrow wiggle. You know it's a harmless joke, but you're growing increasingly more exhausted and, fuck, your leg is really stinging.
“Don't be a pest.”
“What? Hardly leaves much to the imagination.” He smirks to himself, looking back to the TV screen.
You frown, self-consciously tightening your hold on the towel wrapped around you. It’s extremely rare that Sam crosses the boundary between harmless flirtation and being straight up weird.
Unfortunately, the latter is swiftly making an appearance due to the rapid progression of your irritability caused by the pain in your leg.
He clears his throat as he clocks your sudden aversion to the conversation, and you direct your stare back to your bag. Slight unease fills the gap between the foreign TV show crackling in the background and the silence between you both.
"I'm..." He starts quietly, his hand cautiously rubbing the back of his neck as he looks away from you coyly. He sniffs. Anything to fill the silence. Anything to avoid an apology.
You press your hand on your thigh to push yourself back upright, ready to make a dash back to the bathroom to pull yourself together and get dressed. Unfortunately, the desired getaway is trampled on as you stand; you grunt suddenly as you accidentally apply pressure to the gash on your thigh, agitating it, and splitting it enough for it to start bleeding again. Almost instantly a small crimson patch becomes visible on the outside of your towel, and you hiss in annoyance, unwittingly attracting Sam’s attention.
"You good?” He asks almost awkwardly.
"Uh-" you bundle your clothes together, bunching them up around your upper thigh, turning away from Sam to dig your shorts out of your bag all whilst shielding your reddened cheeks from his eye line. "Yep. All good."
He adjusts his posture, swivelling his legs off of the bed as he sits up and narrows his eyes at you. “I smell bullshit here, sweetheart. What are you hiding?”
You screw your face up a little, debating whether to tell him or not, cheeks warming even more due to your flustered nature and the sudden protective softness of his tone… yay. Insult, meet injury. 
You eventually grumble in defeat, knuckles tightening more around the twist in the towel by your chest as you return to the bathroom, angling the door for the sake of modesty. “You're not gonna leave this alone are you?" Your voice is muffled by your t-shirt as you shimmy out of the towel and slide it over your head. You step into your shorts with another wince as the fabric grazes the wound.
"Nope." He pops the ‘P’, arms folded as he stands, crumpling the wrapper of the granola bar thing in his hand as he chews on the last bite.
You sigh, slowly stepping back out of the bathroom, the material pulled aside to reveal the long, but fortunately not perilously deep nick, decorating your upper leg with a steadily dribbling stream of blood. Sam’s brows raise, and he freezes mid-chew, giving you an almost chastising glare which makes you instantly jump on the defence.
"Don't- look- It's fine. I'm fine."
“Bleeding pretty damn bad to be ‘fine’, if you ask me.” He swallows, as you scramble through your kit for first aid supplies. “When did that happen?"
You sigh, hating the fuss. "When do you think it happened?" You say, finding the small box of medical supplies stuffed amongst the rest of your belongings and quickly taking a seat on the end of the bed. You take out the things you need, saturating a cotton pad with a cleansing solution as you feel that horrible tension once more.
Sam double takes at you as he walks past you to dispose of his wrapper. "Oh, right. The guy with the knife that 'didn't touch you'?"
"I'm a good liar, Samuel, what can I say- ow!" You hiss as you dab cleansing solution over the wound.
Your hands tremble.
There’s always been something about fixing your own wounds that’s much more of a challenge than managing someone else’s.
"Well… at least now, you can feel less guilty about giving him a severe concussion." 
He shrugs as he rinses off his hands in the bathroom sink before walking back over to you.
You try again, cheeks practically burning by now as you feel Sam’s scrutinising gaze fall over you. You daren’t look up- you presume his eyes are either going to be riddled with judgement or some sort of patronising sympathy- neither an option you care for. You hold your breath, dabbing the saturated cotton wool back against the worst part of the gash, but you grunt just a little too uncomfortably for Sam to stay silent for much longer.
“Alright- give me that.” He steps towards you, extending a hand to the first aid kit, which you let him take with a huff.
Sam kneels in front of you, carefully bracing a hand on your thigh whilst the other takes the cotton wool out of your shaky hand. He begins using the clean side to prevent a dribble of blood from hitting the sheets beneath you whilst he inspects the injury.
"It's only a flesh wound...so…" He says, almost as if he’s reassuring himself about something. You wait curiously as he gets out the remainder of your anti-bacterial solution and some more cotton wool from the small first aid kit, leaving the dirty cotton pad on the floor. 
The end of his sentence never comes. 
The sudden cold sting as he gently dabs at the sore gash on your thigh sends your hands instinctively grabbing at Sam’s forearm with another hiss, causing him to look at you with concern. There’s something else underlying the concern though. Not quite anger, but… he’s definitely vexed.
Sam's fingers are gentle, and you can't help but appreciate the care he’s taking, even if there seems to be a slight discomfort to the silence. He wraps some gauze over the wound before unravelling the last of the roll of bandage, hesitating for a moment. 
He stays silent, and you frown as you watch a series of undecipherable expressions fall over him as he stares at your thigh, almost as if he’s daydreaming.
“Hey.” You gently nudge his chest with your knee, tilting your head down to bring him back to earth as he fiddles with the bandage. “What’s… going on up here?” You cautiously smile, tapping the spot between his eyebrows. 
Sam’s eyes finally meet yours, and you feel your stomach drop a little as his stern expression doesn’t fade remotely.
He takes you in, eyes grazing over every part of your face; eyes, nose, cheeks, lips.
Then, with a speck of what you can only decipher as shame in his eyes, his stare snaps back to your leg.
"I…could’a lost you today."
His voice is low and sincere. So much so that it makes it hard for you to look at him. Serious moments between the two of you are few and far between- you’ve never really learned how to navigate them.
“It’s…just my leg. I’m okay.” You reply quietly, trying to keep the soft smile on your face.
“Could’ve been your throat.” He says, brows still knitted together, eyes flitting down to the bandage in his hands. “Should’ve got to you sooner.”
You frown.
“Why do you think I’m so incapable of holding my own?” You ask, almost taken aback by his sudden shift in tone, your fists grabbing the sheets in an attempt to alleviate the sharp sting from your wound still.
“What?” He scoffs, still concentrating on your leg as he begins to wrap the bandage over your skin. “I don’t think you’re incapable?”
“So why say that?” You ask, curiosity lilting your words.
His eyes are sympathetic for a moment, before they reinstate themselves with a hint of determination. "I think you’re more capable than me most days, ya know. Lift.” He instructs you to raise your leg so he can bring the bandage underneath, but his comment is far from lost by you. He stops speaking again, but it’s clear there’s something he wants to say. 
“You don’t need to keep things from me.” you say, and Sam does a little huff to himself as he continues securing the bandage. Not good enough.
“Sam,” You urge, resting your hands on the sides of his face, forcing him to give you every ounce of his attention as you tilt him up to you. “You’re acting off all of a sudden. Talk to me.”
He’s hard to read for a moment, before he sighs and almost leans into your hands.
“With each run-in we’ve had over the past… two- three years, I feel like I’m becoming more and more scared about you-”
You let go of him, leaning back slightly. “So I am incapable.”
“Jesus- no! Let me speak.” He retorts, tightening the knot on the bandage before tucking it away. You sigh and shift back, pulling yourself fully onto the bed and patting the spot beside you to beckon him to sit too.
He stands, moving the first aid kit onto the floor before sitting, almost reluctantly, beside you on the bed.
Sam lays his head back against the headboard, folding his arms over his chest as he takes a moment to deduce his thoughts. “I’m already on thin ice here. I’m trying not to come across as some kinda-”
“Oh my god, spit it out.” You push, turning onto your side to look at him fully as he stares up to the ceiling, laughing a little at your sudden, but warranted impatience.
“I want to work with you. All the damn time. That’s pretty obvious, right?” He finally turns his head down to you, and you narrow your eyes slightly as you await whatever he’s about to say next. “Every time you get… hurt. No matter how stupid the injury, I can’t help but feel like it’s my fault. Like it’s my responsibility to…fuck, I don’t know.”
He gnaws at his lower lip, eyes suddenly struggling to stay in line with your own.
"I've... I've never felt- never had this... intrinsic need to be so protective over somebody, and I- ” Sam admits, his voice low and with an unsteadiness that makes your arm hairs stand on end. “Look. I know I make it difficult to know where we stand, sometimes. You n’me. I step over the line. N'I don't like making you feel... uncomfortable- inadequate, whatever-”
You stare at your bandaged leg, momentarily lost for words.
"Just- I don't know. Watching that guy on top'a you? The fear I felt-"
It’s fair to say that his… vulnerability strikes a chord deep within you- and you’re both acutely aware of the ever-festering bond the two of you have. Friendship scales tipped just off centre.
“I care about you.”
Suddenly, they’re erring on losing balance entirely.
You prop yourself up a little more. “Yeah, I know you do-”
“No- I- I really care."
He stares at his hands, eyes narrowed, almost as if he’s afraid to look in your direction.
You want to respond. To tell him that you understand, but the words don't come. The few seconds of silence feel like hours. It’s so thick you think you’re going to choke.
Sam clears his throat, poorly trying to mask his discomfort. "I'm gonna... take a shower. Need to clear my head." He stands up abruptly, almost knocking over the first aid kit in his haste.
You nod, giving him space. "Okay," you whisper, watching as he disappears into the bathroom. The muffled sound of running water fills the room, and you lie back, staring at the ceiling.
The day's events replay in your mind, mingling with Sam's emotional fluctuations. It feels like a weird turning point, a moment where a bunch of things are hanging in the balance- ready to do a 180° turn any moment. They just need a catalyst.
As the minutes tick by, exhaustion starts to creep in, mellowing the nervous pinch in your stomach. You close your eyes, letting the steady hum of the shower lull you into a light sleep. When you hear the bathroom door open again, you stir, blinking sleepily as Sam re-enters the room, steam billowing out from behind him.
He glances at you briefly before making his way to the bed, his movements cautious, almost hesitant.
He looks at you, a soft expression on his face as he stops towel-drying his hair, his free hand fiddling with the drawstring of his shorts.
"You sleepin’?”
"Not quite."
"Good," he says, grabbing the free pillow and tossing it to the ground, resting his damp towel flat beside it.. "Didn’t want to wake you."
“You- you’re not sleeping on the floor.”
“Yeah, well the tub’s too small so-”
“Sam.” You say, a tired rasp dulling down the sternness.
Sam pauses, his eyes flickering between your body and the floor, the moonlight filtering through the thin curtains softly illuminating his conflicted expression.
He’s rarely ever this hesitant. Usually, he’s full of confidence, even arrogance at times, but now… now he seems almost timid.
“Y’sure?” he asks quietly, the question barely more than a whisper.
You nod, patting the empty space beside you.
With a deep breath, he finally relents, sitting down on the edge with a cautiousness that makes your heart ache a little.
You watch as he carefully gets into bed, staying on top of the blankets and purposefully facing away from you. The distance feels unnecessary, almost painful. So you reach out, your fingers brushing against his upper arm.
He turns slightly, looking over his shoulder at you. "Yeah?"
"I get it."
You don’t say anything else- you just shift closer, pressing a gentle kiss to his bare shoulder. It’s a simple gesture, but it conveys everything you’re feeling. I care about you, too.
His skin is warm and smells faintly of soap, and you nuzzle your face into his upper back, only hoping he feels the same comfort that you do.
He tenses- just for a split second before he exhales, body relaxing.
Neither of you speak; You tuck your face deeper into his back, letting the rhythm of his breathing lull you further away from the day.
As you fall asleep, with a gentle yet deliberate motion, Sam finds your hand, his fingers threading through yours. He brings your arm around his waist, holding your hand tightly against his chest.
His thumb softly strokes the back of your hand, a soothing, repetitive motion that makes your heart swell.
"Thank you."
He shifts slightly, turning his head to press a soft kiss to your sore knuckles.
Any more words can wait ‘til morning.
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headcanonenthusiast · 9 months
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Alex Keller x chubby reader headcanons
Guess who's back with a 3rd Alex post in 3 days? These headcanons will be entirely SFW, focusing on a chubbier, gender-neutral reader, because Lord do we need more headcanons on this man, especially with chubby readers 🥲
Just a quick reminder that y'all are beautiful, no matter your weight 💙
-Ik I mentioned this in my NSFW Alex headcanons, but that one (obviously) was more sexual. But, he will still force you in front of a mirror, even in a non-sexual context, arms hugging you from behind while he whispers in your ear about how beautiful/handsome you are. 
-His fingers trail on each and every stretch-mark, observing them with pure delight. 
-And if you dare to complain about them, he's shutting that right down. 
-"What do you mean you don't like 'em? They make you look like a tiger, and everyone loves tigers." 
-"Yeah, but tigers aren't chubby." 
-"They can be. And when they are, they're extra cute." 
-Probably proceeds to show you this pic as well
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-Your belly has become his personal pillow. 
-Its also almost like a stress ball to him, too. He'll softly knead at it like dough when y'all are cuddling, pressing kisses to the skin and tickling you with his facial hair. 
-When he gets home from a particularly long deployment, all he wants to do is just bury his face in your belly and forget about life for a while. 
-Will also ask for pictures of your tummy while he's away. Tells you how much he can't wait to come home and cuddle with you. 
-"That belly is the perfect pillow for me, baby. Can't wait to get home and fall asleep on you ❤"
-Absolutely doesn't take anyone shaming you for your body. He probably gets more pissed than you do, but he isn't super confrontational. As much as he'd like to knock the person out, he doesn't, and just leads you away instead.
-If those harsh words get to you, he'll drag you back to the mirror and gently ask you to tell him the specific things you don't like about your body. Then, he'll caress and compliment whatever you point out.
-"What do you mean your thighs are too big? They're literally the softest things in the world. You're nothing short of a warm, cozy pillow, baby. My pillow." 
-Also has an obsession with your thighs. Please let him kiss and squeeze them, he'll probably never be happy again if you don't. 
-Can't stop touching your stomach. He's also obsessed with that. 
-He'll make you feel like the most beautiful/handsome person in the world just with his words, which are always sincere.
-"Hope you know that you've got the best smile, baby doll." 
-If you're at a stage in your life where you actually want to lose weight, he hopes you do it for yourself and noone else.
-Always reassures you that he'll love you no matter what you look like. 
-"I don't care what you look like, baby. You'll look amazing no matter what you do." 
-Will actually help you work-out if you wanna try it. Always there to encourage you and honestly just sees it as more time spent with his wonderful partner.
-Also, he'll only be wearing a thin white shirt and gray shorts while exercising. Do with that what you will 🤭
-Goes clothes shopping with you a lot. 
-If you find clothes that you really like but they don't fit, he'll rub your shoulder comfortingly while searching the racks for another size.
-And if the store barely has anything that fits you? He's fuming about it on the way home and then tries to see if he can get you something customized to fit you. 
-Enjoys bathing with you just so he has an excuse to touch at and clean your body. Rubs soap all over your tummy and makes sure it's all nice and clean so he can fall asleep on it later. 
-Picks you up constantly and grins when it makes you giggle. 
-Once when you were especially sleepy and he made breakfast, he simply just scooped you up, carried you to the dining table and grabbed you a plate. You were definitely 100% awake after that. 
-His lap is always avaliable for you to sit on. 
-Sometimes pouts when you don't sit on it and looks at you with the saddest eyes until you do. 
-"Aw, is my lap not comfy enough for you, dolly?" 
-And if you insist you'll crush him, he looks at you like you have 5 heads. 
-"Thats the craziest thing I've ever heard. Come on, love. Get your pretty/handsome ass over here."
-Pats his thigh when he wants you on his lap, too. His arms immediately wrap around you when you sit on him, giving you a hug so tight it takes your breath away for a sec. 
-Never allows a negative word about yourself fall from your mouth.
-"Don't say that, baby. It's not true. Not at all." 
-"I wish it wasn't so hard for you to see yourself from my perspective. You're amazing, sweetheart. Always have been and always will be." 
-Would absolutely be a wonderful partner overall, no matter your body type or background. Alex genuinely couldn't care less about what you looked like, and would totally throw compliments at you so much you'd get flustered. 
Let's gooo another one done! I'm sure y'all can probably tell that I'm chubbier myself, and as such I'm here to provide for my fellow chubby readers out there with content on this wonderful man 🙏
Feel free to leave requests on who I should do next!
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st4rymoon · 4 months
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 ୨୧ ༉‧₊˚.
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✶ 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘺 𝘔𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
・preview: After you and Joel make it to Jacksonville, he gives you strict orders that Tommy’s off limits. But since he never told Tommy you were off limits, no rules would be broken if he made the first move.
- warnings: 18+ , flirting, p in v, jealous Tommy, unprotected sex, mid-outbreak, creampie!, make out sesh, oral (m receiving), Joel catches them in the act 🫣, language, pet names, Joel and readers relationship is platonic!!
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When you and Joel made it to Jacksonville the both of you finally took a breath of fresh air. After dozens of fungus infested cities and arguments later you found the safe haven anyone would love in such dangerous times.
Joel and you were nothing but companions, you’d both met out of the walls of the Fedra and decided having someone to travel with was far better than being alone. He was a hard one to convince you were worth trusting but after the dozens of escapes from death he’s had because of you, Joel came to trust you.
He’d go on and on about his little brother. Tommy and I had our ups and downs but he’s still my brother is what Joel would always tell you.
So the day you and Joel walked into Jacksonville, you were happy to see Joel finally found his little brother. “Tommy!” That was the happiest you’ve ever heard Joel.
You watched from behind as you noticed the handsome brown haired man turn, his eyes lit up as he noticed Joel. Both of them ran into each other’s arms, both of them seeming to relax at the realization they are safe.
You were surprised when Joel called you over and introduced you two “nice to meet you” you smiled at Tommy, your eyes taking in every feature on his face. He was gorgeous.
“Thank you for gettin’ my brother here safely although I doubt he was easy to deal with” Tommy joked as he patted Joel on the back “you get used to it” you shrugged as Tommy’s eyes shifted toward his brother.
How the hell did Joel manage to find such a pretty little thing?
“You definitely do”
Tommy didn’t know if he should ask Joel about the two of you, he knows Joel doesn’t cozy up with just anyone. He watched as you and Joel would have friendly conversations, he’d try to analyze his brother. He didn’t know you well but he sure did know Joel.
Joel saw you as nothing but a great friend he’s made along the way but his lack of affection towards everyone made it difficult for Tommy to truly understand his intentions.
“Ya’ know where Joel is?” You heard from behind as you sat at the bar. You perked up at the sound of Tommy’s voice “why would I know I’m not his momma” you shrugged as you sipped on your beer.
Tommy rolled his eyes “you sure ain’t’ and I don’t appreciate attitude” he hissed. You gave an unapologetic hum as Tommy glared at you as he leaned onto the bar counter “hey I’m talkin’ to you” his fingers snap infront of your face.
“I can see why you both are brothers” you chuckle as you don’t react to the action “If I take a wild guess he’s probably with that pretty lady who takes care of the horses, they’ve been getting cozayyy” you tease with a wiggle.
Tommy’s eyebrows raise at the statement “does that bother you?”
You let out a loud laugh “god no that man needs to get laid! I hope it’s more than just some hook up though I think it’ll be good for him expecially after everything he’s been through.” You admit.
He smiled at that response, you both aren’t together. Good. “And what about you?” Tommy quietly spoke “what about me?” You sighed.
“I was expecting you and my brother to be together and now that I know you aren’t, why aren’t you?” Tommy questioned.
You tried not to laugh at the barbaric question, straight forward he definitely is. “Well firstly Joel is a good looking guy no offense to him but not exactly my type. I also tend like ‘em with more agile, more stamina, I’d tire out that old man” you mock.
Tommy’s eyebrows raised at the comment, were you talking sex? “Stamina?” He chuckled “mhm, I also tend to like ‘em with dark hair, beards, a bit of freckles” you tease.
The signs you are giving were clear as day and Tommy was embarrassed by the way his cheeks began to blush. You chuckled at the way his face turned a soft shade of pink but he wouldn’t let that get to him.
You gasped as Tommy’s leg pushed between yours, his thigh shifting your body so the stool could face him. His boot cuffed the chair and pulled it forward causing you to grip onto your seat for balance. Now you were the flustered one “I don’t think Joel would enjoy me this close to you, he always told me you were off limits” you pouted in hopes to save yourself.
“He didn’t tell me nothin’ about keepin’ away so if I instigated this his little rules aren’t broken yeah?” Tommy cooed.
You know Joel is going to kill you. He trust you with his secrets and his past and here you were perched on the lap of his brother.
The trip from the bar to Tommy’s place was a blur, the residents of Jacksonville give you and Tommy the side eye as he had an arm around you and his other on his belt.
As soon as you both stumbled through his door it was like you’d both been touch starved for centuries. Tommy was sitting on his couch, your legs straddled on his as you swayed your hips softly onto his jeans.
His hands were gripping your face and neck, lips ravaging yours as you both took deep breaths between each kiss. The kisses were sloppy and hungry, saliva stringing from your mouths as your tongues messily swirled.
“You sure are a good fuckin’ kisser” he panted as you pulled from his lips and began to press kisses down his neck and onto his rough skin. He let out a frustrated moan as you began to bite softly his skin, his hands planted on your ass to keep you swaying on his lap.
You could feel how hard he was through his jeans and it was making you salivate. You don’t know why you feel so hot, it’s like you were burning up in his arms. “You not talkin’ sweetheart?” He chuckled as he began to slowly undress you.
You hummed as you came up from his neck, his calloused hands tugged your shirt up and planted on your bare skin “you just feel so good” you gasped. “I’m not even doin’ nothin’ to you love” he teased as he kissed up your ribs and between your breasts. Your shirt was somewhere on the ground as he began to sucked onto your plump tits.
“Tommy please” you pleaded as he uncupped your breast and began to roll his soft tongue over your sensitive nipples “mmhm” is all you got out of him as he fiddled with the clasps of your bra.
You managed to unbutton his flannel by the time he had you on your back, his hands now running down your tummy and stopping at your jeans.
The way you stared up at Tommy was making his jeans uncomfortably tight so he unbuttoned his jeans, you let out a squeal of excitement as you began to think he was going to fuck your mouth.
Tommy froze when you saw you open your mouth, nasty little thing you were “you wanna suck me off really? God you really are somethin’” he tutted.
He was in heaven. Maybe he’s in a dream? He had to be. You were between his legs, mouth wrapped around his cock and a fist full of your hair in hand as your pretty doe eyes watched him.
You hummed and moaned onto his cock as his thick length stretched your mouth, he could tell you were trying not gag as he dragged you lower on his cock “fuckkk darlin’ yeah just like that, jussst like tha- ah” he seethed as your tongue traced every curve.
A pathetic whine escaped Tommy’s lips as you pulled back, his eyes widening with question as you pulled yourself up “was just prepping you up” you cooed as you kicked your jeans off.
Tommy let out a growl as he yanked you forward “teasin’ me with some head huh?” He chuckled as he straddled you into his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist and placed you onto the carpet “need to see you without all the pillows and cushion covering your face” he purred with his eyes trialing over your form.
“Now would you look at that” Tommy teased as he cuffed your panties with his finger “made a mess” he sighed. Tommy slowly dragged your ruined panties down your thighs with a lick of his lips, the sight of you naked under him was sinful.
“I have a few birth control pills left from a pharmacy we raided, don’t need a condom” you whined as you noticed Tommy look for his wallet. “You sure?” It almost came out in a moan as he thought about it “yes yes I’m sure” you nodded as he began to settle between your legs.
“Such a sight to see” he purred as he noticed the sticky strings of cum drip out of your hole, his fingers stretching and scissoring your folds as he played with your cunt.
You let out the prettiest moans as Tommy’s calloused fingers rubbed small circles on your swollen bud, his eyes growing dark as he watched you clench around nothing as he picked his pace up.
“If you wanna stop or it hurts just let keep know yeah?” He nodded as he stroked himself slowly, cock in hand as he began to rub himself between your folds. The both of you let out a pornographic moan as he teased you with his cock “please Tommy stop teasing!” You cried.
“Whatever you want” he purred as he pushed into you. The stretch of was euphoric as he held onto your hips for dear life as he rocked his hips onto yours. His eyes scrunched shut as he settled deep inside you, his thrusts staring off slow as he planted himself back into reality.
“God you feel so fu- so goood” he groaned as he pounded you onto the carpet. Your hands flew to his wrists as his thighs lifted you up slightly, the angle he was fucking you at was making you go dumb.
His angry tip nudged at your gummy cervix, continuously hitting your g-spot as he thrusted sloppily. Tommy watched hypnotized as you pawed and whined with each of his thrusts. “Feel that? Right here darlin’ feel it” he cooed as he reached for your hand.
He held your hand onto your tummy with slight pressure, allowing you to feel him nudging through you. You cried out in bliss as he leaned down and kissed sloppily onto your neck, his hand still on top of yours.
“Tom- Tommy o- oh my god” you cried as he rubbed your clit softly, it was beginning to get to you as he rubbed big circles. Your legs shook as you rode out your orgasm, your loud moans filling Tommy’s ears.
“TOMMY? You there?” Both of you froze as you heard Joel’s voice from behind the door. Tommy’s hand flew onto your mouth, his thrusts never coming to a halt as his brother knocked on the door.
“Lucky I closed the curtains” Tommy cooed as he kept his pace rough but quiet enough to not be heard from outside. “Tommy!” God Joel wasn’t giving up.
“Just keep quiet, he’ll leave” Tommy whispered as he kept your mouth covered. Your eyes were watery and hair was a mess as he kept you quiet, his cock twitched at the visual below him.
“I- shitt” Tommy seethed as he grew closer to his own release. Your legs locked behind his hips, locking him in as he buried his cock inside you “fuck! Ah ah-” Tommy let out a loud moan as he came inside you.
Now you were the one trying to cover his mouth in a weak attempt to not let Joel hear. Tommy dropped onto your chest as he pulled out, his sticky seed spilling out of you as he reached for his jacket to cover you up.
Joel gasped as he stood behind the couch. You hid under Tommy’s jacket as he tucked himself back into his boxers. “Out of all the people you two could fuck, it had to be each other?”
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sunlightmurdock · 7 months
I'm right down in the apocalyptic!dbf jake rabbit hole
I need reactions to them being together together not just sticking around someone they know. How would their group react? Or what if they meet someone they've known from before????? 👀
So, I think when they meet the first group of survivors, they love each other and they have kissed once or twice, but they definitely aren’t together. But it’s while they’re with that group that things start to progress between them.
Jake doesn’t quite care what people think, until one day he’s out the front of their big lodge and he overhears one of the guys who is just a teeny bit younger than you say, “Man, Jake’s daughter is hot.”
“I don’t think he’s her dad.”
“Well, how else would they know each other? — and he won’t let any guy go near her. It’s common sense.”
And it dawns on him, that christ— he is old enough to be mistaken for your dad. And truth be told, that makes him a little grumpier than usual. It takes a little extra effort to get him to smile when you’re alone with him that night, but you just about manage.
“You worried that I’m going to trade you in for a younger model or something?” You’re wearing his t-shirt and nothing else, snuggled up in your shared space. You’ve made it a bit of a home by now, with some string lights you salvaged and a cozy blanket you hand washed and two Polaroids taped to the wall. One of you kissing his cheek, and the other of the two of you down by the lake, beaming.
You grin at him and lean over to kiss his lips, pulling back with an amused smile toying at your face.
“Don’t worry, old man, I like ‘em vintage.”
He warns you constantly about dressing the way that you do for bed — worried that something will happen in the night, or worried that someone might come across you barely dressed. Volume too, he’s always got his hand over your mouth or his fingers between your lips to keep you quiet.
Tonight, he says fuck it.
“Vintage, huh?” Jake scoffs as he rolls on top of you, pinning you down with his weight as he dips in to kiss at your throat. “I’ll fuckin’ show you vintage, sweetheart.”
His teeth sink into the base of your neck making you gasp and squeal, wrapping your legs around his waist.
One thing’s for sure — the next morning at camp, everyone has a little more clarity on exactly how you know Jake. There’s no hiding, you walk right out of the lodge, happy as a clam, and plant an eager kiss right on his lips.
For a while, things are good.
But it’s only so long before you come across someone from before, someone who never would have expected the two of you to end up together.
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xdirtyxlittlexgirl · 1 year
Reader surprising Henry Cavill with new jumpers/ hoodies for him to wear just for her to steal them later on since she loves to wear them with his smell/ stretch❤️🫶🏻
What's Yours is Mine
Pairing: Henry Cavill X Reader
Summary: You got him new clothes but ended up stealing them
Warning: Fluff, spanking, implied smut
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You can't help but feel excited for your girls day out. You enter the bustling mall with Emily, your best friend, who is also on the hunt for some new stuff for her husband. You know that Henry hates shopping and he could definitely use some new loungewear, so now you're on a mission to find him some good stuff. "He hates shopping. That is the one and probably the only thing that annoys me." You said laughing as Emily agreed. "Same. Max's the same." She said as you two swiftly entered a store.
As you head towards the men's section, your eyes light up at the sight of the adorable hoodies, tees, and pajama sets on display. You can't wait to pick out some cozy clothes for Henry to wear at home, and lowkey also for yourself. You loved wearing his clothes, they were so comfy and most of all they smelled like him. It was as if his clothes were a safety blanket around you. Emily's eyes meet yours and she knows exactly what you're thinking. "Let's find some cute stuff for our men!" she exclaims, and you can't help but grin. You both start rifling through the racks, pulling out different items and holding them up to each other for approval.
"Oh, this would look so good on Henry!" you say excitedly as you hold up a soft gray hoodie. Emily nods in agreement and starts to look for a matching pair of sweatpants. You couldn't help but hold the hoodie up on yourself, to see if it'll look cute on you, and well it did.
"Hey, what about this?" Emily interrupts your thoughts, holding up a navy blue pajama set. You nod in approval and add it to the growing pile of clothes in your baskets. God, you would need a lot of arm strength to carry these bags. This is probably a reason why you liked when Henry came along. It saved you a lot of manpower. Before you know it, you've spent hours in the mall, laughing and chatting with Emily as you pick out the perfect items for your significant others, and also a lot of stuff for each other. You can't wait to see the look on Henry's face when he sees all the new stuff you'd picked out, especially the lingerie and some real naughty stuff from the new adult shop next to it.
"Thanks for coming shopping with me, Em. I had so much fun!" you say, as you exit the mall with your purchases, a little sweaty and out of breath by carrying all these bags. You thanked the guard who helped you both out. "Anytime, girl! See you on Saturday." she replies with a smile. You and Henry decided to invite his brothers and wives and some friends over to watch the big game.
As you drive off, you can't wait but be excited to show Henry all the new things you've picked. You were also very excited to see the look on his face when he realizes how much thought and effort you've put into his new wardrobe. His clothes had to be a certain perfect way, which is why he hated to shop.
As you pull up to your house, you see Henry standing outside, leaning against the wall with a big grin on his face. You roll your eyes at him playfully, knowing he's waiting outside to help you with your shopping or probably he was just happy to see you. He chuckles and walks over to the car, helping you out. "Hello my love" he said as he pulled you in a deep kiss. "Mmm hi there baby" you say and look at him playfully. "You don't have to always wait for me outside every time I come back from my shopping spree. You know I can handle it on my own right?" You say as he opens the boot and sees the number of bags and then looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "Sure" he said cockily, taking some of the bags from you and placing them on the ground, and you rolled your eyes.
"So.. did you have fun shopping with Emily?" he asks, his eyes lighting up as he looks at you, finally setting your bags aside and taking you in the house. You smile and nod, feeling relieved to be home after a long day of shopping. "Yeah, it was a lot of fun. We got a lot of great stuff, and I even picked up some things for you too," you say, winking at him. He grins even wider at this, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head. "I knew there was a reason I loved you," he teases, making you roll your eyes again.
You sit down on the couch, and he disappears for a moment before coming back with a glass of water and a plate of snack. You looked at him and couldn't help but smile. "Awe thank you honey. See there's a reason I love you more" you say teasing as he chuckles. Although you were very grateful for his thoughtfulness. After you freshen up, he pulls you in his arms and then helps you out of your clothes, and you slip into one of his T-shirts, feeling the soft fabric against your skin. It's always been one of your favorite things to do after a long day of shopping, changing into something comfortable and relaxing, that is changing into his clothes, and cuddle up to him. As he sits behind you on the bed, you feel him gently massaging your shoulders and ankles, his fingers working their magic and easing away any tension. "Mm I am lucky to have you." You say relaxing with the mouthful of snacks. He chuckles "I know baby, I am the best" he adds. "You are!" You say as you put a small piece of cracker in his mouth. You let out a small sigh of contentment, feeling your body finally start to relax after a long day.
"Mm tell me babay, what all did you do today?" He asked gently kissing your temple while still working his fingers in you. "I got some bags, dresses, some new lingerie sets, a pair sunglasses, and oh I even got a new dress for brunch with your family and friends next week!" You exclaimed, grinning at Henry. "You know how much I love impressing them." Henry chuckled, pulling you into his lap further and beginning to massage your ankles. "I know, baby. And I can't wait to see you in it. But you mentioned something else just now, didn't you?" He asked intently looking at you. You giggled, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "Oh, just a little something I picked up for myself, especially after you ruined the last few pairs" you teased remembering the wild times, as he just smirked. His eyes lit up with excitement as he smirked more. "For yourself? You know how much I love it when you wear lingerie for me baby. Why don't you get up and try them on for me" he said, kissing your shoulder. Normally, he wouldn't be as enthusiastic about seeing what you got, but when it comes to the naughty stuff, he's always game. You blushed but couldn't help feeling a little thrill of excitement at the thought of modelling the new lingerie for him. "Maybe later," you said, playfully hitting him on the arm as you hide your face in his chest, but then remembers what else you bought.
"But wait, there's more!" you exclaimed like a child, almost clapping your hands together, eager to share your other big purchase with him. "I also shopped for you, babe. I picked out some cute hoodies, tees, sweatshirts and pajama sets for you." You grinned at him proudly. He looked at you more intrigued by your reaction, than the idea of new stuff. "For me? Wow baby thank you, you know how much I hate shopping. You're the best girlfriend ever," he said, pulling you into a swift kiss. He could care less about the clothes you got him, but he lived for the excitement and sense of achievement in your eyes every time you got him something.
You grinned, feeling elated and so proud, seeing him excited. "I know. That's why I had to do it for you. And who knows, maybe next time you'll actually want to learn some shopping tricks and tips from me, and come along?" You teased him as you looked up at him. He chuckled, giving you a soft kiss. "I hate shopping, but maybe I'll attend your masterclass someday, although I don't see that happening soon." He playfully teases back pointing at all the bags you got today.
Finally you both settle in for the evening, cuddled up together on the bed, sipping wine, and watching another murder mystery. You can't help but feel grateful for this wonderful man and the beautiful life you've built together.
Today is the game day and you have already woken up early, taken a shower and are now working in the kitchen, preparing for the big meal. Henry was being a little lazy, plus he was gonna take out the barbecue later, so you don't have to go all out. All his brothers were huge foodies, and game days like this meant having a lot of food on the table. You are in the middle of cooking some sauce when you hear Henry's voice calling out for you. "I can't hear you Cavill. Come down!" You said as you kept chopping up some strawberries. You turn down the heat. Henry has just gotten out of the shower and was frustratedly standing in his closet in just his towel. He rolled his eyes when you called him downstairs, but obliged anyway. He stood there in the door frame, just in his towel, looking at you humming your favourite song, chopping some strawberries, and wait. His attention went to what you were wearing. He couldn't help but bite his lip and smile seeing you in the same hoodie he was looking for.
"What?" you ask, looking up at him a little awestruck, because of his nakedness, as he looks back at you with a raised eyebrow. "I couldn't find that new blue hoodie you got me, have you possibly seen it anywhere?" he says, with a teasing voice and looks at you. You look down at yourself and realize that you're wearing the very same hoodie he's talking about. You can't help but laugh at the irony of the situation.
"Well, wear something else." you simply tell him but he is still giving you that cocky look. "What?" you say a little annoyed and not wanting to meet his gaze, he chuckles at you smiling at how you were acting so coy.
"You shop for me, but you end up wearing my clothes?" he says, shaking his head in amusement. "Yes, because what's yours is mine, because you're mine." You say sticking your tongue out at him playfully, knowing that he loves seeing you in his clothes, and was just playing around. He chuckled and made his way to you wrapping his arms around you from behind. He loved how they hung off your frame, how they were big enough to cover your curves. He loved how you never wore anything underneath, which he found incredibly sexy. He loved how the sleeves covered all the way up to your knuckles.
He cocks an eyebrow at you and steps closer, pulling you further into his arms. "You know, with that logic, I would like to take it back because you're mine too? Plus didn't you already buy a dress for today?" he says with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he chuckles at the look you give him.
You roll your eyes "Yeah, I did. But this is comfy." You pout and then look at him with squinted eyes. "Fine, I will take it off, and be naked in front of your friends and family. I don't mind that." You threaten him playfully motioning to take it off, but he grabs you by the waist and gently spanks you on the butt, making you squeal in surprise. "Tut tut tut, you're a very naughty girl you know that?" He said lifting the hoodie and spanking you one more time, and then leans down and captures your lips in a sweet, lingering kiss.
"I think you need to pay for wearing my clothes without permission" he says, a playful tone in his voice, but you can see his eyes getting dark with lust. You raise an eyebrow, feeling a flutter of excitement in your stomach at the prospect of what's about to come. "And how do you suggest I do that?" He grins and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder, and spanks you one more time. "I think I have a few ideas," he says as he carries you back to the bedroom, his towel threatening to come undone with every step.
A/N: I hope you liked it. Please share more requests.
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vshouse · 8 months
Well if I'm gonna make petplay post I might as well make one for fellow Foxes!! Here is Deerplay and Horseplay if you want.
Also if I should do any others let me know I'm curious
[Minors and Ageless blogs wil be blocked]
Stuff to get:
Fox Ears and tail
A thin collar, put of the way of neck swivels and catching on things
Sweaters varying in thickness based on what type of fur you want to simulate
Air cooler for artic foxes and a space heater for those who like summer
Stuff to bite at I will be biting everything so you better get a place to put it
Restraints for a naughty fox bc we love to cause a bit of trouble and wil probably need to be held in place for punishment.
Collar with no bell, it attracts predators. Unless in you want to be the predator of course~
Makeup styles for foxes if you like makeup
Puzzles toys! Dont let my brain get bored or Ill solves puzzles you don't want
Gags. Trust me. You'll want ones hat can actually quiet me down. Bot being able to use words won't necessarily stop me from noise.
Nesting supplies or you'll never see all your shirts again instead of one at a time.
Quick to please and quick to brat, Foxes are always ready to escalate things
Nipping as a from of talking
Fuck em twice as hard as you demand their barks/yips/whines and you'll get them easy
Warm weather fox or cold weather fox? Big soft bed or cozy corner cage/cave or sunlamp on a cushion?
Runs a lot ! Likes to go fast!
Up all night to have fun and asleep all day bc fumkin tired, so hope you dont have a morning shift when they want all night to be bred with a litter
Wild Fox
Yips and snap teeth a lot so you have to handle with gloves, and patience
Sniffing and darting away and sniffing and darting away and sniffing and dart-
Don't forget the rabies shots
Ear and chin scratches with you attention seemingly not on me but if it actually leaves me I'll be grumpy
Scent marks your house openly when you take me home
Pet fox
Likes to do tricks only for you and doesn't show off
Except for the tricks you didn't train that make you look silly in front of others
Picky about food just because you've made it easy to want spoil foods
Tail Wags when happy!! but watch out: Can come with barks and wees!
Don't teach me a schedule and break it I scream have u ever heard a fox scream
I will ruin every toy you bring me but if you dont bring them I'll turn your things into chew toys
Hunts you playfully (and escalates it to trying to fuck you where I catch you. no I can't tell you're busy you're just carrying around a basket of clothes-)
Causing issues in public knowing you're just waiting to get home amd make them pay
Domestic Fox
Fox spouse if you can catch me
I clean better than I cook, but I always clear my plate
Only wants to bathe with you involved
Social with you other places, especially focused on you usually still, but very territorial about anyone home
Also territorial if you smell weird I have to fix it sorry
Dresses up in distracting ways to keep you from other, usually important, task
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th0rns-n-r0ses · 8 months
painkiller ~
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steven adler ~ fluff ~ 801 words ~ ~~~~~ At around midnight, you hear the front door unlock and a little bit of grumbling and shuffling around. Your mind had zoned out before, but you wake up from that trance and your attention snaps to the foyer. Out of it, you see your boyfriend, Steven Adler, emerge. He’s rubbing his head and mumbling a bit. He hasn’t noticed you quite yet, but seeing him act so natural is a little soothing. He moves into the kitchen and takes out some painkillers and a glass of water.
You get up off of the couch and walk over to Steven quietly, not wanting to startle him. But your next action catches him off guard. He jumps a little at the feeling of your hands moving up his body, from his hips to his shoulders, giving them a massage.
“Oh! I didn’t see you there.” Steven turns around and gives you a gentle smile, then a peck on the lips. He pops the painkillers into his mouth and sips some of his water.
“How’d the show go tonight?” You ask in a sweet tone, still rubbing his shoulders. He lets out a little groan of pleasure, as his muscles are tense and he seems to really need that massage.
“You know. We knocked ‘em dead, baby, but my head is killing me.” Steven chuckles and rubs his forehead a little, then lets out a small groan.
“Let me help you, Steven.” You move your hands off of his shoulders, then take his hand and lead him to the couch, then sit down on it. You look at him and pat your thighs. He gives you a kind smile, then sits down on the couch slowly, trying not to agitate his headache. He then leans over and down a bit, then lays down, his head on your warm and soft thighs.
“You know me too well.” Steven smiles softly and reaches a hand up, letting it rest on your cheek, then trailing it down your face and jaw. His fingers reside under your chin for a moment, his thumb stroking your chin a little. Steven then moves his hand away and lets it rest on his chest, along with his other hand. He smiles up at you as you look down at him with a loving gaze and a gentle smile, your hands gently and slowly stroking his golden hair. He makes a gentle sigh and his eyelids flutter a bit.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” He sighs and closes his eyes and snuggles into your thighs a bit more.
“Every day. But it never gets old, sweetheart. Have I ever told you how adorable and handsome you are?” You let out a quiet giggle and keep petting his hair gently. Steven makes a happy little noise and his nose and cheeks turn a light pink.
“All the time, my love. But I think I love it more and more every time you say it. Hell, I love you more and more.” Steven opens his eyes, giving you a nice look into those sparkly blue eyes of his, those which are filled to the brim with love and affection for you.
The room goes quiet after your little sweet talk, and Steven closes his eyes again. You remain there for a while, his head on your lap and your fingers in his soft hair. He eventually falls asleep there, snoring a bit, and a gentle smile on his lips. You slide out from under him, moving quietly. You crouch over and pick him up bridal-style, and his arms instinctively wrap around your neck. He gently mutters in your ear, a few words escaping the dreams he’s having. And it seems that all of his little messages are for you and you only, as he mumbles your name into your ear, followed by “I love you”s. Steven’s sweet tone makes your heart warm and nearly beat out of your chest as you hold and carry him. He’s a bit heavy, but you won’t have to carry him for long, as you just need to get him into the bedroom.
You slowly walk upstairs, trying not to wake him. When you reach the bedroom, you lay Steven on the bed and take his jacket off of his shoulders and lay it on the coat hook behind the door. You snuggle up behind him, wanting him to feel warm, safe, protected and loved throughout his sleep. After you get situated, you pull the sheets up on top of the both of you, making sure you’re all cozy together. Before drifting into sleep, you give him a kiss on the side of the face, then you snuggle up against him and drift off into a sleep, full of dreams of you and Steven. ~~~~~
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fairytsuk1 · 2 years
being tomura's assistant was... hard.
what started out as some kid sitting in a dimly-lit beige room transformed into joining orgs, e-sports, drinking too much, and giving you a non-stop headache.
@tomraki: dream is fucking ugly lol
another headache. your jaw drops as the retweets begin to grow and the quote retweets threaten to drop your dear streamer's address or beloved ... well, anything. dream stans were ruthless.
"tomura!! you cannot, under any circumstances, say something like that!" he eyed you lazily before surfing through his files, saving fanart and writing down stream ideas.
"i'm not allowed to say the truth?"
"no! you aren't! you're getting devoured and what are you going to do if your org retaliates against you? we already had an issue with your gambling and then Twitch banned it and then you made a statement! again!"
he sighs drearily, "they banned my fucking revenue, i'm allowed to make a fuss about it. and aren't you supposed to support my every move?"
the way his eyes pierced you, and the slow creeping grin etched on his face grew every second. he was right, he was your boss.
but you weren't some doormat. you were shigaraki tomura's assistant for god's sake! you always retaliated.
"right, of course. that's why i scheduled a minecraft manhunt with you and him together for next week! so maybe you can tell it to his face next time."
"you didn't."
bouncy steps flee out the room before he can exact his wrath, "have fun!"
... oddly enough, he could be sweet. you'd seen him with fans too young to be watching him; he didn't go goo-goo eyed but he held a softness because he too was once a watcher of his favorite creators.
the circle of life, you guessed.
"are you having fun?" somehow, shigaraki had been lumped in with some of the more American streamers when he travelled from his cozy Japan studio to sunny California.
"no." "well, i know you like that whiskey sour." "it's mid. americans can't do anything right."
you shrug, that's enough of that. you lean against the wall while sitting next to him. he has a bit of a flush, but he needed this considering he saw StickyTape (Sero, an unfunny and bad gamer in his opinion) walk in. he knew people would be gunning for him to interact, post selfies, play happy streamer...
and his eyes wandered over to you again. god, could he quit it?
"you look nice." "do i? i wore my best skirt! figured i'd be seeing lots of famous people and networking for you, had to give em' something to look at."
the whiskey sour's in his veins now, and he decides to give up on filtering.
"your face is good enough." "what?"
are you that stupid? did you not hear what he just said?
tomura was no stranger to flirting with you, he liked to tease that eventually you two would fuck and that you'd be whining about wanting to be his and only his. and maybe you sometimes felt special knowing that you were backstage because he demanded you be there, not because it was just your job. and a long time ago, on a night he was falling in your arms due to the alcohol buzzing through his system that he whispered ...
"you're the worst assistant ever." "why?" "because you'll never love me the way i want."
what was appropriate to say? he snored into his pillow as you tenderly took off his shoes. obviously, he wasn't getting as many girls as he claimed if he couldn't see the love woven into every interaction with him
"my head hurts." "wanna go home? karl jacobs is looking our way, maybe it's best to get going anyways." "jesus, yeah let's go."
and just like that, the two of you left hand in hand.
@tomraki: how do you confess your love to someone?
@rakistanz: just tell her!
shigaraki (work): i love you
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mynahx3 · 17 days
My Dear in the Night 1.2K
HELLOOOOO LOVELIES!! I live! HA! Months later and i'm finally happy with what I'm writing. Life kinda just got crazy so I had to put writing on the back burner for a bit. I do have a few goodies I'm editing rn so I can't wait to share em once they're done. This story is a little sneak peak to the one I'm realllllyyyyy excited about. It's a Author! Suguru x Ghost! Reader. Nothing to warn rn but it will get dark so buckle up! Should be out latest end of Sept
It was a cold autumn evening, the moon shining brightly above, as expected given that it was midway through October.
A man sat in his dark room, silent as he hunched over his desk. Tired eyes looked over his laptop, the damned cursor almost mocking him as it blinked on an empty page. He felt his lip twitch in irritation; the only other movement was the tapping of his leg against the wooden floors.
In the morning, he would have to face the consequences of his actions. He would wake with a dull ache in his lower back as a result of his terrible posture; his wrists hurt from years of misuse, and his eyes burned from the brightness of his laptop, yet he couldn't sleep. He wouldn't until he had something.
Hours of sitting at his desk had gone by with nothing to show for it. He was supposed to be a renowned horror author with plenty of titles to his name, but lately, nothing seemed to flow from his mind like before. Any and all inspiration for the particularly gruesome topics of his writing was gone. The creative spark in his mind kept the flames of his imagination burning bright like an inferno, seemingly with no end, but now it was fizzled out. Dimmed and barely flickering.
A desperation gnawed inside him, urging him to find that spark once again before it was too late. The pressure to produce something, anything, weighed heavily on his shoulders as he stared blankly at the empty page before him. That desperation is what drove him to this small community. It was a much-needed reprieve from the rush and bustle of city life.
Currently, he finds himself in a deeper stump.
Ravenwood, located in the Appalachian Mountains, was a small town known for its cold weather almost all year and even colder residents, particularly to outsiders. Most wouldn't even think to look twice at the drab town, but it seemed to gain a second life with holiday season. Many came for a vacation in the snowy mountains to find a nice retreat from the reality of their lives. A place many went to have that perfect winter wonderland experience for half the price of others.
What had garnered his attention wasn't the mountain sights to see nor the cozy, cheap cabins for rent; no, it was the history. One that has been soaked with blood since it's founding.
This place only seemed to be a magnet for misery and despair. Disasters, fires, murders, and everything else that could go wrong were common occurrences in this cursed town. Many speculated what the cause was— monsters in the night, a witch in the woods, a vengeful spirit haunting the mountains, or simply bad luck. One thing was for certain: this winter wonderland had a dark side that no amount of snow could cover up.
Those seeking excitement, debunkers, and ardent supporters of the supernatural were drawn to this. Tourist traps littered across town saw many people flocking like moths to a flame, which locals were quick to capitalize on. Each one caters to the morbid curiosity and fascination with the town's dark history, offering ghost tours, haunted house experiences, and other macabre attractions.
Just as many took advantage of the town, others frowned at the exploitation of their past, telling the yearly visitors to stop while they were ahead. Despite the warnings from locals about the dangers of delving too deeply into the town's past, visitors continued to flock in, eager to uncover the secrets.
The man had only come to find inspiration. He didn't care for the talk of ghosts, of curses, or even of aliens- funny enough. Not that he ever believed in any of those things to humor even the thought of them.
He was a writer, after all, and all he needed was a good story to tell. And the town of Ravenwood seemed to hold more than enough material for his next bestseller. He thought that the rich, dark history would help rekindle that fire inside him. To let his mind flow once more for his next book, the start of a new series after his last overwhelming success. So far, he had gotten the characters down, the setting figured out, but he only needed that extra push to get the plot ironed out. For months, he had thrown together ideas, ideas he tossed after thinking on them for a bit.
A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he refocused his vision, looking from the white of his laptop to the window in front of him. The branches of the dead tree in the lawn swayed with the wind, the leaves rustling softly. It was a quiet night; like always, the neighbors always made sure to avoid any disturbances. He straightens his back in his office chair, moving his long bangs back with his hand, releasing some of the tension from his stiff shoulders. The stress of his deadline and unending nagging from his editors had almost made him forget how nice the quiet was. Looking down, he saw the houses all dark and quiet, with only a few dim lights shining through the curtains.
The neighborhood was old but well kept; houses stood with character along the streets. Each one is now decorated for the upcoming holiday, with carved lanterns on almost every porch and tacky decorations adorning the lawn. Something swayed in the wind that caught his eye, chimes jingling from it. It was a talisman.
The same bundle of different herbs, crystals, and wax symbols was hanging from every door in the neighborhood. Supposedly, it was an item to ward off any evil spirits, something they kept up year round. The townsfolk had a sense of unity in their efforts to ward off any negative energy. They seemed to take pride in their traditions and beliefs, creating a unique atmosphere in the community.
As he adjusted to the new surroundings, he finally felt comfortable enough to ask about it. The older woman next door was happy to inform him of the significance. She even made sure to gift him one, her eyes hardening as she warned him to keep it and hang it above his door at all times. Being raised with respect, he took the item with a small, grateful smile, pocketing the item with care before discarding it onto the very desk he sat at. Left and forgotten. When he continued unpacking, he chuckled at the sight of it in his office, unsure of the strong belief in a bundle of twigs and rocks.
Picking the talisman up, he turned it over, his thumb rubbed over the wax seal. Feeling the grooves and ridges of the strange symbol carved into it.
Evidently, he did not take superstition seriously… in the beginning. Even beliefs can change at the drop of a dime. The months he spent in the town had changed him.
In the dark hours of the night, he experienced things that could not logically be explained. It started small. Things that could be explained away by a forgetful mind. His keys disappearing only to come up in a place he would never leave them. Furniture was being moved so slightly that he initially thought it was his imagination. That's what any logical man would do. Chalk it up to his aging mind, even at the age of thirty, or simply an overactive mind caused by insufficient sleep and too much caffeine. But as the occurrences became more frequent and unsettling, he couldn't ignore the feeling that something was off. Shadows seemed to linger longer than they should, and whispers could be heard in empty rooms. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched, even when he was completely alone.
Then one day, it all became clear: it was her.
Tap, tap, tap.
A sharp knock jolted him from his thoughts once more; he seemed to be getting more and more lost in his mind as of late. He now saw a figure blocking the moonlight. Well, a normal person would block it. The figure in his window, on the second floor of his house, casts a bluish tint onto him; their body was almost transparent; he could see the branches swaying behind her still. When he finally looked at her face, a sweet smile appeared on her lips.
"Hellloooo!" She called with a singsong voice, tilting her head at him. Hand waving at him excitedly. "You gonna let me in, Sugu?"
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