#i just love the idea that eli assumed they got married at some point
golyadkin · 1 year
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Time to move out Keefe
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jeongyunhoed · 3 years
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The 100-Day Relationship
alternatively titled: 10 Months Love
Member: Seonghwa Pairing: Seonghwa/OC Group: ATEEZ
Genre: Fluff, romance, comedy, tiny bit of angst (if you squint), fake dating
Summary: When wealthy socialite Juhyun is facing pressure to bring a date to the biggest wedding of the year and the beginning of the social season among the elite, she hurriedly asks an old college schoolmate, Park Seonghwa to be her boyfriend for the entire season. The longer they put up appearances, the more they realize that they never want the arrangement to end.
Things to note: Art curator!Seonghwa, a lot of expensive-ness going on. Other idols are mentioned as well (if you’ve read my fics, you know there will be). Tag list is forever open if you want to keep tabs on this fic, hehet! 
Warnings: Some cussing, we’ll be feeling poor and broke with what’s in here.
Tag list: @closer-stars , @masterninjacow , @kunrengui
Chapter 2
“So who is he?” Kibum asked the next day over breakfast. 
Kim Kibum was the son of the Kims that owned a chain of hotels and condominiums. The very building Juhyun lived in was owned by his family. The youngest son, he was a dedicated bachelor while his older siblings did all the corporate work. Kibum was also Juhyun’s best friend and constant date if she needed someone for an event, but she thought it would definitely change this time. 
“Who is who?” Juhyun raised a brow. 
“The guy you were with yesterday, grocery bags and all, I told you to call me after that meeting you had but you didn’t,” Kibum grinned. “So, who was he?” 
“Park Seonghwa, he’s an old schoolmate of mine, and the guy,” Juhyun paused. “The guy I have arranged to be my boyfriend for this entire social season…?” She looked at him, a little wary about what she revealed. 
Kibum gaped at her, unable to hide the surprise as he tried to understand what she did for a few seconds. “Juhyun….really? Are you that desperate?” 
Juhyun rolled her eyes at him. “No, well, maybe, but seeing as Jihan practically humiliated me when he cheated, I’m taking any chance I get. Seonghwa knows and understands what we’re going to get ourselves into anyway.” 
“Does Jinri know about this? You ought to tell the bride you’re bringing a plus one, given that she’s been bridezilla these past few weeks,” Kibum joked while taking a sip of his mimosa. 
“I didn’t need to. Jinri just assumed I’d be bringing someone, she always says it’s in case I finally move on from Jihan,” She sighed. “Well, any day now, I’d have to meet Seonghwa again to go dress shopping.” 
“Dress shopping? You mean no designer’s dressing you yet?” Kibum raised a brow. 
“No, because they’re all occupied with the other people attending this wedding and their parents,” Juhyun shook her head. “I figured I’d reuse the blue Elie Saab gown I only wore once and it was during a magazine’s anniversary party. I was only there for 20 minutes anyway.” 
Kibum sat up. “Either way, I’m looking forward to meeting Seonghwa, probably make him squirm about your relationship-” 
Juhyun slapped his arm. “You will not. Now that you know that Seonghwa and I are pretending to be dating, I won’t let him be subject to your foolishness,” She blew a raspberry at him, making him laugh out loud. 
“Alright fine. Anyway, you’re coming with me to Macau, right? I promised Elise I would be meeting her there.”
 Juhyun raised a brow at the name. “Elise? Your new pursuit?” 
“We’ve only been seeing each other for a month, Juhyun, I doubt it would last, but maybe I could still see her long enough until after the wedding.” 
“I’m still keeping my fingers crossed for the two of you, and yes I’ll be going.” 
That gave him an idea. “Ah, why don’t you bring Seonghwa along? We could have it like a double date,” He suggested. 
It was Juhyun’s turn to look surprised. “...What?” 
“Bring Seonghwa along. We’re taking my jet anyway, and it’s likely that Elise and I won’t be leaving our hotel room so I might not have time to take you around while we’re there,” Kibum winked, making her cringe. 
“I-I guess I’ll try and see if he’s free,” Juhyun shrugged. “I can’t promise you that he’ll agree to come, we haven’t even set the date for when I’ll go dress shopping yet either, much less Jinri announcing when the wedding shower is.” 
“You’ll never know if you don’t ask,” Kibum pointed out. “Tell him I asked, I really did ask you to bring him along after all.” 
They sat up when they heard the elevator doors open in the hall. “Unnie,” They heard the voice of her sister Jihyun, sounding even more chipper than the last time she came to visit. Juhyun’s sister Jihyun, was known among society circles for her fashion sense. She was also dating Moon Bin, a celebrity choreographer, the two of them having been together for 4 years, one year more than when she and Jihan dated. 
Juhyun and Kibum got up to see her. “Yeah?” She asked. 
“I was- Oh hi Kibum,” Jihyun waved at him before handing Juhyun a lavender envelope. “That’s for the upcoming epilepsy benefit. It’s next week.” 
Juhyun looked through the contents of the envelope. “Jihyun, did you know, your sister’s bringing a date,” Kibum suddenly said, making her nudge him hard. He laughed out loud, amused at her reaction. 
Jihyun’s ears perked up. “...Who is it? It’s you, isn’t it?” 
“Believe it or not, it’s not me,” Kibum thought to egg her on. “Juhyun’s got a boyfriend, the two of them have been seeing each other for a while now too.” 
“Kibum!” Juhyun nudged him hard again, and he laughed even more. 
Jihyun stared at her. “Well? Who is he? What’s his name? And more importantly, why haven’t you said anything?” 
“Park Seonghwa, an old schoolmate of mine, he owns the Mars Art Gallery,” Juhyun replied. “And I didn’t want to jinx it. Things have been going very well,” She added, Kibum trying his hardest to stifle his laughter. 
“What does he look like?” She could tell Jihyun was trying not to squeal with how unusually calm she sounded. 
Juhyun took her phone out, showing her the selca they took together, leaning away when, as she expected, Jihyun squealed. “Oh my god, unnie … He’s gorgeous! Okay now I have to meet him when you bring him to the benefit, okay?” Jihyun brought out her own phone, tapping furiously that Juhyun knew she was telling their parents. “I have to go, I just came by to give you that invitation and now I’m glad I did! See you at the benefit, unnie! Bye Kibum!” She rushed back to the hall where the elevator was. 
As soon as they heard the doors close again, Juhyun nudged Kibum again. “You really had to tell her, didn’t you?” She narrowed her eyes at him. 
Kibum laughed. “Come on, Juhyun, think of that as a trial run before the wedding. Seonghwa will be better prepared by the big day once you bring him along to Macau, and at that benefit we now have to go to.” 
“Alright, but because you’re insisting I bring him along, you are now sworn to secrecy,” Juhyun beamed. “If you tell, I’ll tell everyone you’re marrying Elise.” 
Kibum feigned surprise then nodded. “Alright, you drive a hard bargain. This whole thing is safe with me.” 
Hongjoong gaped at his friend. Seonghwa invited him over to eat lunch at the gallery, along with both their longtime friends who also worked for him, Kang Yeosang and Jeong Yunho, when he told all of them what was going on. Hongjoong worked as a producer for A Entertainment, but he also had a side gig as a street fashion designer, having launched capsule collections that were regular fixtures at Seoul Fashion Week. Seonghwa could argue that Hongjoong was also one of the few that actually succeeded in pursuing their major, and in Hongjoong’s case, it was music production. “...Are you joking?” Yunho managed to ask, and Seonghwa shook his head. 
“Really? Was that why she was talking to you?” Hongjoong chimed in. 
“Yes. It-It’s just for this whole social season she’s got going on and she said after all of that we won’t have to have anything to do with each other anymore,” Seonghwa explained. 
“And you’re okay with this? “ Hongjoong raised a brow, wanting to be sure. “People of her kind of crowd aren’t exactly the nicest.” 
“I know, I know, but I can hold my own, you’re making it sound as if I don’t deal with those types on an almost regular basis, rich stiffs tend to buy paintings from the gallery,” Seonghwa pointed out. “But I know Juhyun, I know she isn’t like that. She’s the opposite of a rich stiff. I mean, she’s rich, but she’s no stiff.” 
“I do know that, we all know that, we’ve all gone to school with her,” Yunho spoke. “It’s the people in her circle that we know are those rich stiffs you’re talking about.” 
“Well, I won’t say I’m not concerned, but who knows, maybe you’ll blend right in,” Yeosang commented. “Looks like the gallery’s going to get a ton of publicity once Seonghwa makes his society debut.” 
The art curator frowned as they tucked back into their food. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he paused eating to take it out. It was a message from Juhyun. 
Epilepsy benefit next week. My sister’s dying to meet you already. Think we can meet tomorrow?
An amused smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, and it didn’t go unnoticed by his three friends. “That was her, wasn’t it?” Hongjoong eyed him. 
“As a matter of fact, it is,” Seonghwa replied coolly before typing his reply. 
Sure. We can meet at that cafe again for lunch? 
Seconds later, he saw a response. 
It’s a deal. 
“What did she say this time?” Yunho asked, wiping his mouth with a tissue. 
“We’ve got our first event to go to next week. It’s an epilepsy benefit and we’re meeting tomorrow to go over the details, I guess,” He said. “And her sister wants to meet me.” 
“Her sister? Choi Jihyun?!” Hongjoong’s eyes widened. 
“Yeah, the same Choi Jihyun who is already dating that choreographer from F Entertainment,” Seonghwa remembered, making the shorter male frown and Yeosang and Yunho snicker. “I don’t think she’s willing to leave that guy for you either.” 
Yunho and Yeosang burst into fits of laughter. 
Seonghwa arrived at the cafe the next day, quickly taking the table close to the counter so he could look at the menu while he waited. He wondered what they were planning to do today while also thinking of what his friends had said. It was Juhyun’s friends that they were wary of, and he should be wary of them too. He still wanted to make a good impression. There was the publicity his art gallery was going to have once they go public. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Juhyun, looking a little embarrassed yet for some odd reason she looked different. It was then he realized that they seemed to be wearing the same pattern on their clothes; blue polo stripes against white, her blouse with his dress shirt under his blue blazer. If anything, they looked like a couple attending a gala on a yacht. “Hi,” He got up to greet her. 
“Did you wait long? I’m sorry,” Juhyun said. “And what a coincidence too,” She gestured to their clothes, making the two of them chuckle. Seonghwa gestured for her to sit down and she sat across from him. 
“I came just a little before you did so you weren’t late at all,” He assured her. “Do you want anything to drink?” 
“Just the raspberry iced tea?” Juhyun replied. 
“Got it, I’ll be back,” He smiled, padding towards the counter. 
Juhyun watched him, thinking about what Kibum told her. One of those social events would definitely have her parents in attendance, and the fact that her sister was aware of her so-called “relationship” with Seonghwa, it wouldn’t be surprising if they and their friends already knew and were trying to find out more about him. She just hoped he was prepared for it. 
He returned a moment later, holding the tray with their drinks and set it down. “So what’s going to happen at this benefit? Other than your sister wanting to meet me?” He sounded eager. 
“Well, my sister is an understatement, pretty much everyone who knows me will want to know who you are and how we met and what family you’re from, what business you own or specialize in, all of that stuff,” Juhyun swirled her straw in her drink. 
“Oh, right, well, at least we have that covered. What time should I pick you up?” Seonghwa took a sip of his tea, looking at the invitation Juhyun slid towards him. “...Wow, this benefit seems huge,” He read the rest of the details. “It’s hard to book a function room in this hotel. Everything had to be made six months in advance,” It made him think of one high-profile exhibit he ended up hosting and the headache it caused him trying to book a venue months in advance. 
“8:30, how about that? Cocktails are at seven, but I’d rather not go in for the small talk,” Juhyun frowned at the thought. The last thing she wanted to do at an event like that was to pretend to be friendly with everyone, including Jihan. 
“It’s okay with me,” He nodded. “What time should we leave?” 
“Because I don’t plan on staying there very long, 8:45?” Juhyun asked. Seonghwa stared at her incredulously. “I know it seems like a waste of effort, but really, events like that are incredibly boring.” 
“So why do you even go in the first place?” Seonghwa was confused. He never understood why people of her stature would only afford to be at a black-tie event for a few minutes at a time. 
“They’re also expecting I shell out some money to the cause, and it’s a good cause, I just don’t like who I have to mingle with for the sake of that cause,” Juhyun looked down as she took a sip of her drink. “And, for the sake of being petty, I plan on showing up on Jihan and Eunbi, which is why I asked you to meet me, because today’s a day we have to prepare for those events.” 
“Yeah,” Juhyun nodded. “We’re going to go shopping for your suits.” 
Seonghwa froze. “...Today?” 
“Yeah, I have to look for a dress too because I only have one dress to recycle, and Jinri is going to demand to see what I plan to wear now before she freaks out later, yeah, you’ll meet her in the events too,” Juhyun added. 
“Alright then, so where do we go first?” 
“Department store, for your suits. I know just the place, well, it’s the only acceptable place to get fitted for suits in my opinion, I’ve never seen guys walk out of that place not looking good,” Juhyun said with a knowing look. 
Seonghwa raised a brow. “...where is it?” 
Juhyun smiled. “It’s an old place, but it’s great.” 
They were standing in front of a Huntsman boutique at the topmost floor of the department store a while later. “This is what I was talking about…” Juhyun said quietly, glancing at him to see his reaction. 
“...Here?” Seonghwa couldn’t hide how surprised he was. 
“Yeah, what do you think? If you don’t want to, it’s okay, we can always go to where you usually get your suits…” Juhyun said, hoping she didn’t overstep any lines with him. 
“No, no, it’s- I just only thought this was like the Kingsman movie for some reason,” Seonghwa assured her.
“You’ll need a few more suits for every event, and this is usually my father’s go-to shop whenever he has events, and these suits are made to last too,” Juhyun recalled what her father would always tell her mother. She took his hand. “Let’s go inside, we’re catching them on a quiet day.” 
She led him inside the store, and Seonghwa looked at everything in awe. “Ah, Ms. Choi, hello,” He heard a man greet her, making him snap out of his momentary daze. 
“Hello Basil, this is my boyfriend, Seonghwa,” She introduced them, Seonghwa immediately bowing. “He needs a few suits for this season.” 
“Ah yes, busy time of year,” Basil replied, looking him up and down. “He has the built for a suit like ours, I’ll get your measurements and you could pick the fabric,” He gestured to the large rolls of fabric on the shelves behind the desk. 
“Send me the total and I’ll make some calls,” Juhyun said. “Sorry, I know, I know what you’re already thinking,” She flashed Seonghwa a sheepish grin. “I promise everything else is on you to spend on me.” 
“Now I’m getting nervous on how much I have to spend on you,” He teased. 
“I swear I’m not as fancy as I probably seem right now, I don’t even go in here a lot,” She pointed out with a chuckle. “I buy my clothes where everyone buys their clothes.” 
“I know, and I don’t doubt that at all,” Seonghwa kissed her cheek, the two of them freezing for a moment at the sudden display of affection. Juhyun felt her cheeks heat up, partly in embarrassment as it happened in front of Basil. 
She watched Seonghwa get measured, eyes traveling to the fabrics as she tried to compose herself. She was initially worried about insisting on everything so far, but she was relieved that he was okay with whatever she showed him. “All the men in my family come to this tailor for their suits. Basil worked in the actual Savile Row shop,” She eyed the tailor, who just smiled. 
Seonghwa looked impressed, lifting his arms when the tailor went to run a measuring tape along them. “Oh yes, Ms. Choi’s family have been loyal patrons at the Savile Row boutique. I remember having to measure your grandfather,” He replied. “I would personally recommend a navy blue velvet tuxedo jacket for one, bespoke of course.” 
Juhyun nodded, giving Seonghwa an assuring look as well, sensing that he was still trying to get used to getting fitted. “Sure, h-how long until it’s done?” He spoke this time. 
“For Ms. Choi’s date? Six weeks at the most, both of you won’t need to worry,” Basil assured them. 
“Oh, now I see why we had to go here early,” Seonghwa’s eyes widened. 
The two of them were walking along the dress boutiques a while later, stopping every now and then to look at the designs displayed on the mannequins. “There’s something else I have to talk to you about,” She said, as they stopped in front of a slightly more colorful dress shop. “My friend Kibum, he owns the building I live in, he’s inviting us to go with him to Macau.” 
“Macau?” Seonghwa asked curiously. 
“Macau,” Juhyun nodded. “He’s inviting you too to come with me, keep me company or something like that because he’s meeting his girlfriend there.” 
He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Really?” 
“Yeah. He also wants to meet you. He’s one of my best friends. We’re taking his jet so you don’t have to worry about tickets or anything.” 
“Alright then, I think I can leave for a week or something,” Seonghwa nodded. He hadn’t traveled in a while. Neither did Juhyun, who seemed especially surprised at his answer. The two of them figured they still had some getting to know each other to do. He noticed the green and black dress behind the mannequin. “That dress seems like it would look good on you,” He gestured to the display, making her turn around. 
“You think so?” Juhyun nodded, looking at the details. “Let’s ask inside then.” 
They quietly entered the shop, seeing all the mannequins dressed in long ball gowns and tuxedos. There were photos of celebrities on the walls having worn some of the dresses that were proudly on display, including the dress they were looking at. Juhyun rang the little bell on the desk, and her expression fell when out from the backroom was none other than Kim Eunbi herself, who looked just as disappointed to see her. 
“Oh, well, well, well, if it isn’t Choi Juhyun and,” She tilted her head. “Park Seonghwa, right? Jihan told me about your new...squeeze.” 
“Hello Eunbi,” Juhyun replied. “I was going to inquire about the dress on that display at the window-” 
“Nice, isn’t it? I was inspired by The Devil Wears Prada, Seo Yeji went head over heels for that number, but you’re no Seo Yeji,” Eunbi pointed out. 
“Of course I’m not Seo Yeji, I have a different name,” Juhyun quipped back. 
Eunbi’s expression stiffened. “Well, if you think I’m going to sell you that dress, you’re probably kidding yourself. Off you go, chop chop,” She gestured them to go away. 
“...Excuse me?” Seonghwa blurted out. He could feel his blood boil at the rudeness that was in front of him. 
Eunbi laughed a mocking laugh. “Go on, chop chop, before I close this shop out of an abundance of caution. As if I would give any of you the pleasure of wearing my creations.” 
Juhyun calmly nodded and turned on her heel. “Come, there are other places to shop,” She muttered to him, and he followed, his free hand curling into a fist as they closed the door, walking down the other direction to the other boutiques. 
“If I didn’t care enough, I would’ve lost it at the way she treated you,” Seonghwa frowned as they walked. 
“I kind of expected it anyway the moment I realized she owned that shop,” Juhyun said. 
“If she knows who you are, she should’ve honestly feared you, you might have her kicked out of this place or something,” Seonghwa said. 
“Maybe, since my family owns this department store.” 
Seonghwa gaped at her. “Then all the more you should’ve done something, have her kicked out for being rude to you, she doesn’t deserve to be here, she doesn’t deserve to run her own line at all if she’s going to be like that.” 
“I know, but it’s not worth my time, I’ve got other things to worry about, like what we’re going to do in Macau or something,” Juhyun chuckled, linking her arm with his. “Why would I waste my time trying to ruin her when I know I’m better off where I am anyway?” 
That seemed to make him feel better, but he figured he’d say something if Eunbi tried to do anything again if they were going to see each other at the events. Seonghwa placed his hand over hers. “...Since we’re going to be a couple for this social season, we’d better get comfortable like this, wouldn’t we?” 
“Yeah, for a second I was worried that this might come off too strong or something,” Juhyun chuckled, squeezing his arm, feeling the muscle tense under her fingers. 
“If we’re going to be believable, coming off too strong on each other is probably what’s needed,” Seonghwa agreed with a knowing look. “We’re going crazy like Jackson Pollock on his canvas.”
“Are you going to make art puns this whole time?” She laughed at the comparison. 
“Maybe, hey, you’re supposedly dating an art curator, and I know my art,” Seonghwa grinned. “Want to get some ice cream before we go back to shopping?” 
“Just the ice cream. I think after today, I’ll just figure out what I’ll be wearing for the next few months.”  
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whispersafterdusk · 3 years
Lost in Time - ch 20
"Better have a good reason for dragging me out here, fellow."
The nights on this side of the river were unbearably hot, and the wind blew sand into every nook and cranny of person and building alike; Windsor could have sworn he learned in grade school that deserts were chilly at night but Eufala seemed to be different in that regard -- maybe it was the proximity to both the river and ocean, since the humidity alone was enough to make you want to die during the day.
That heat and humidity had already soured his mood by the time he'd returned to his motel room, and finding the little note jammed under his pillow hadn't done much to alleviate it; now here he was out in the middle of the desert, filling his boots with sweat, staring down the muscle-head that had left the note.
Franklin was an intimidating figure whose image was slightly undercut by the moonlight glistening on the healthy amount of sweat on top of his bald head; it was taking every ounce of self control Windsor had to not comment or laugh about it, or stare as a single bead finally ran down off the man's dome and traced a line to the lobe of his ear, then disappeared down his neck to soak into the collar of his shirt. ((Continued below cut))
"You're not one of them, are you?  Duvos soldier, I mean."
Windsor met the man's gaze and shook his head.  "Nope - just a humble bounty hunter and mercenary for hire.  What's it to you?"
Franklin folded his massive arms with a grunt and a nod.  "Figured as much.  Listen.  Xan's on the hook for some murders. He was given - "given" command of this last job," he repeated, flapping his fingers as he said it, "-and then, poof, dead commander.  Xan's rise through the ranks has always been on the backs of the dead -- loads of blood in his wake but never anything that tied him directly to anything, but this one they can't let slide on a maybe."
The man went silent then and Windsor could tell by the look on his face that he was expecting a reaction; he kept his expression blank and let the silence drag on until the meat head was clearly getting frustrated.  "Right.  And?"
"...and so I'm here to screw things up for him.  If he's discredited on something this important then no one is going to care if he disappears.  The higher ups are willing to sacrifice another chance at an AI just to get him gone."
Windsor rolled his eyes.  "I see where this is going and no thank you.  This is your bed - shit in it all you like but I'm not joining you."
Franklin's eyes narrowed.  "If Xan takes a fall so do you since you're a part of this damn group."
"I'm not an empire native and also don't give a flying rat's ass about the man or his politics -- if anyone wants to make a stink about it I've got the papers to prove I'm just a hired hand, and if they STILL don't like that I've got ways to get out of their hands.  If you want to convince one of the others that they need to save their backsides then by all means do so; I won't stand in your way or narc you out.  But leave me out of this."
Franklin growled.  "You saw 'em -- they aren't going to break ranks."
Windsor shrugged.  "Yeah, and?  What would've you done if they HAD?"
"Kidnapped the woman, dragged her back to Duvos - I've got my orders to screw this up but nothing says I can't benefit in the process.  So long as the job isn't done as ordered and Xan's embarrassed.  He stakes his reputation on his plans always going AS planned down to the letter, so-"
"Oh please, THAT'S your back up plan?  Original plan or not that would only make Xan look good!  You're as dumb as you look, as dumb as I suspected, and my answer is STILL 'no goddamn thank you.'  Mind your business and I'll mind mine."
The other simply narrowed his eyes and glared; Windsor gave it another few breaths then turned to leave.  He kept his ears trained for any approaching steps (as he half-expected the man to attack him with his back turned) but he made it back to the motel without issue, and after emptying the sand and sweat out of his boots he unclipped his dagger harness and rolled into bed.
Whatever trouble there was in paradise wasn't any of his concern; he'd been hired to help steal an AI and that was that.
Pity about Xan though...man really did have a reputation for getting things done.  Whatever methods he used aside Duvos would surely take a hit in the espionage and acquisitions department if they took Xan out of the chain of command.  Was rather interesting to hear that they were actually willing to do something about him...Duvos had some cutthroat politics and supposedly a lot of things were overlooked or praised as being ambitious but whoever that commander had been that he offed must have had parents REALLY far up the chain who had the pull to go after him.
At least Franklin's half-assed recruiting attempt had given him a fair head's up that once they'd paid for his services then Windsor should get the hell out of town and lay low.  Maybe he'd leave the meat head enough for a single drink as a parting gift -- assuming the man's own tactics didn't leave him dead at the end of all this.
"It's not important right now."
Remington mentally sighed; they'd been trying to get the date of Eli's birthday out of her for five days now and she'd stubbornly insisted each time that they had more pressing matters to attend to.   And yes, while technically she was correct, he didn't see any harm in them knowing when to wish her a simple "happy birthday" with the rest of it coming later. It wasn't exactly an argument but whatever you wanted to call it was interrupted by a familiar wobble from his bad knee; he immediately froze -- an impressive feat considering he was partly bent over in a stretching pose, and by shifting his good leg he was able to avoid toppling over onto his head (this time).
Eli grabbed him by the shoulders and helped him straighten up, and when he turned around she was frowning down at his legs.  "Stubborn injury, isn't it?"
"Yeah.  Been like that for awhile now.  I've learned to live with it."
"If we just knew what was wrong I bet Stewart could fix it."
"Really?  Even without all the fancy technology?"
She nodded.  "Really.  I've been trying to get up to speed with Xu about what survived the years and what's been developed since everything fell apart. Kind of makes me wonder if we really NEEDED all that tech back then.  Made things easier but at its most basic a lot of surgeries are done in essentially the same way regardless of whether it was a man or machine holding the blade...  We had an old saying about reinventing the wheel and while innovation was always pushing for new heights there were a lot of things you could say we had down to an art and couldn't really change.  Can't remember the last time I'd read about a new medical advancement...and I was married to a researcher."
With Eli helping he lowered himself into the grass and rubbed gingerly at his knee; every couple of days, on top of any strength training they found the time for, Eli had him working with stretches and light exercises specifically meant to try and help that joint.  So far he'd not noticed any changes aside from being constantly sore but at this point he was willing to try just about anything as he didn't relish the idea of living the rest of his life with a leg that was always threatening to suddenly buckle if he moved wrong.  
"Still, a lot of things made life easier. Bare minimum," she went on, "I'd love to have at least one functional imaging machine.  See everything inside without having to open you up."
"How'd those work?"
"Couldn't begin to tell you, beyond trying to explain how X-rays, radioactive tracers, and magnetic imaging works which, aside from basic facts about them, is well out of my scope of knowledge. Now, if I had Darren, or Peter or Ashley here, any of them could talk themselves blue in the face explaining how any given medical instrument worked.  Stewart could explain it too if you're interested."
Peter and Ashley...if memory served those were two of the squad mates they had buried in the graveyard (they'd been keeping a close eye on those graves still) and he certainly knew who Darren was.  "I won't bother Stewart with that - he'll have his hands full when the next round of scholars shows up."
With a groan she let her head drop back, staring up into the sky.  "Don't remind me. The first group was nosy enough."
"These ones are coming from Vega 5 and ought to be more interested in the technical side of things rather than...well."
She flashed him a smile.  "Rather than wanting to study me and how folks in the Old World lived?"
"Yeah, I guess you could say that.  I didn't think they were bothering you too much...were they?"
"Not...really?  It kind of depends on how you want to quantify it - they didn't ask to meet with me a lot, but when they did they had notebooks full of questions that Stewart's social and technical programming couldn't answer and it'd take me an entire day to get through them."
He frowned.  "You could have said something if they were imposing on you too much."
"I could have.  But I didn't see a point in it," she sighed.  "It was something that needed to be done."
He sat up and looked at her; compared to Arlo or the Flying Pigs he didn't really get a lot of one-on-one time with her outside of these recent stretching sessions but still even he could tell something was a bit...off with her tone.  Like she was tired, or sad (and he didn't really need to consider why).  "You've got all the time in the world to answer questions."
"Maybe.  It just seemed easier to get them out of my hair and get back to-"
"-work?" Remington jutted in.  "Doesn't seem like you focus on much else.  Is everything all right?"
She blew out a breath that trailed into a buzzing raspberry.  "Not you too."
"Me too?"
"You, and Arlo, Asher and Xu - asking if I'm all right or need anything all the time or if someone is bugging me."
"...well, friends do that, don't they?"
"They do, but not every problem or bad mood can be solved by having a friend around."
He bent his good leg so he could rest his arms on his knee, and his chin on his arms, as he gazed up at her thoughtfully.  "We just -- it's not meaning to suggest anything beyond just wanting you to know the door's open, you know?  I can ask everyone to tone it down but we're just - we care.  That's all."
She closed her eyes and, after a moment, slumped her shoulders.  "I know, and I get it, and I'm thankful for having friends around ready and willing to support and help.  But it's... It's like picking at a scab. Each time I get asked, it's picking - and if you keep picking it never closes or heals, and the scar is a million times worse.  And with what they did to Darren's grave I feel like someone took a diamond sander to the scab and ground down to the bone.  Just when I thought I was doing better.  I talk to Xu, and it helps, but each well-meaning question from everyone else is pulling scabs right now."
"All right.  I'll quietly let the others know that you'll come to US if you need something and we should stop asking.  But, I do know we do really want to know you, and be your friends, and be there.  That's why we wanted to know about your birthday -- heck, if there's any holidays you want to celebrate I know we'll figure that out too."
She rubbed her hands across her face and held them there; when she spoke her voice was muffled but Remington didn't think she sounded too upset.  "Birthdays were celebrated only on multiples of 5.  I was born on the 15th of the first Spring.  I would need to check with Stewart to make sure I've got the years right but I last remember passing my 37th birthday."
Remington nodded slowly, and smiled at her; in his mind, very briefly, he thought 'I'm older than she is' followed immediately by the realization that no, he was not, and no one in the world was older than she was.  "All right - I'm sorry if it seemed like I was badgering you on anything but I'm also glad you told me.  Do you want me to keep quiet about it?"
"Please.  At least until I hit 40."
"It's a deal.  How would you celebrate your birthday back then?"
"Gifts, an elaborate dinner.  Costume parties were popular.  I always ended up with costume parties because New Year's Dawn had just happened, which was a city-wide costume party so you'd always have something on hand you could wear.  You'd go door to door singing songs, playing games, giving gifts, dancing in the streets.  You'd stay awake as long as you could but it was expected that you'd stay awake from dawn of the last day of the year to dawn of the second day of the new year."
"That sounds an awful lot like celebrating a holiday, and not your own  birthday."
She finally dropped her hands away from her face and shrugged at him.  "That's what happened if your birthday fell on or close to a national holiday."
Remington went to stand and tested his weight on his bad leg; there were no wobbles, no twinges, no sudden shooting pains.  "Sounds like you've had 37 years of getting the short end of the stick, then."
"You learn to live with it.  Ready to keep going?"
He didn't protest the sudden change in subject; with a bit more attention and care to how he was moving his body he managed to get through the rest of the exercises without any further trouble, and though he was pretty sore when they were done he didn't mind it too much -- his next patrol would be on horseback so the joint could rest while he rode.
"We'll get there, slowly but surely," Eli said as she walked him to the gate.  "Just take it easy for the rest of the day."
"I plan to," he replied with a chuckle.  "I was actually just thinking about that." As he latched the gate behind him he could spy Selene heading home - she was just coming out through Portia's gates. "-not to rush off or anything but I better get going.  I know Selene is just wanting to pounce over party things."
"Oh I know.  She's babbled about your birthday party these last few days.  All the more reason for YOU to keep your trap shut."
Remington laughed.  "I swear on my honor your secret is safe with me.  See you later, Eli."
He hurried off and was able to dodge around Selene with a hurried 'sorry, late for my patrol' and then he was huffing and puffing up the hill toward the Corps building to collect Arrow.
When he got there though he found his saddle was missing.  That was odd.
Spacer was there however and that saddle was where it was supposed to be; Remington hurriedly scribbled a note of explanation for Arlo and left it pinned to Spacer's stable stall then saddled him and headed down the road, and wondered how the heck he'd managed to misplace a saddle. Maybe someone had moved it since they were cleaning out the back wall in preparation of replacing a few shelves that were starting to dry rot and his was the only saddle that sat near those particular shelves.   Most of what had been sitting on those shelves was currently in a jumbled pile in the corner across from there...maybe he ought to clean a bit of that up when he got back from patrol.
He didn't mind that Remington had borrowed Spacer -- the horse liked the man well enough so Arlo knew there wouldn't be any trouble from the animal (unlike Teddy who typically wouldn't let anyone but Sam ride him).
What he DID mind though was by the time he'd found the note the missing saddle was back in its place, and after checking it over he found that a lot of the stitching had been carefully frayed with a knife so that it was highly likely that if Remington had been IN the saddle, moving quickly, and had made any sudden movements or sudden stops, the straps would have given way and dumped him off the horse.  Teddy's saddle had likewise been tampered with but not as badly as Arrow's, and Arlo was both relieved he'd discovered that before Sam went out on a ride as well as extremely anxious for Remington's safe return because he had no reason to believe that Spacer's saddle hadn't also been sabotaged.
It was really beginning to feel like whoever was causing their current problems was trying to spread them as thin as possible, as Arlo's first thought upon discovering the sabotaged saddles was "great, now we have to watch the stables."
But...no.  That was doing exactly what their spy and or vandal would want.
He still believed that the Stupid Plan idea of Eli's had merit - in fact, this was probably a result of that, assuming their spy was also their vandal - but it was time for a change in strategy.
"Looks like we'll be up and running within two weeks then."
It had been awhile since they'd ALL been together out at the facility; they were clustered inside the tent, looking over a collection of blueprints and measurements for the security door and signal transmitters.  Eli had been shifted off her patrols and onto helping Selene get the rest of the transmitter parts made, along with the towers they'd be mounted on.  With Eli's assistance they wouldn't need to bring in another builder for the assembly (though Higgins was producing the metal struts needed for the towers) and that left Merlin and Petra in charge of assembling the power sources (a mix of hydro, wind, and power stones).
Between work on that, and Mint overseeing the project to get the door installed...two weeks.  They would need to manage for two weeks, and then they could bring their full attention down on catching their spy.   It was nice to know that the metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel wasn't something that was going to run them over.
"Do we have anything new to discuss?" Mali asked, pausing to look around at each of them in turn.
Beside him Arlo cleared his throat and Asher turned to look at him as he leaned forward to brace his hands on the little table.
"Yes, actually.  Someone sabotaged all of our saddles yesterday.  I think it's time we get a bit more aggressive - try to draw this person out into the open."
"I agree, because whoever this is uh-" Sam stopped abruptly, glancing briefly at Eli, before sighing.  "-we had some graffiti to clean up early this morning."
"About me, I'm guessing," Eli said.
Sam nodded.  "Yeah.  Nothing too nasty but basically urging you to leave town, claiming you don't belong here, that sort of thing."
"What was the graffiti made with?  Do we have any record of anyone buying paint of that color?" Remington asked.
This time she shook her head.  "It was done with charcoal - really easy to clean up, thankfully, but it doesn't point to where it came from or who had it. And of course no one saw anyone doing it AND it was all at different heights so we can't really narrow anything down."
Arlo huffed.  "Of course.  Regardless -- I worry that letting this stretch on any further will only result in someone getting seriously hurt.  It's clear our initial plan has definitely made this person more bold - just not bold enough to come close to us like they did at the tent.  I think this may be the best we're going to get so we need to come up with our plan to catch them."
Remington nodded, running a hand through his hair briefly; it was hot and stuffy in this tent with all of them inside it and Asher felt his scalp prickle in the heat just watching how Remington's hair clumped together in damp strands.  "We've set a trap once before for that rogue knight - we can always do it again."
"Well, maybe," Sam said, drawing out the last word.  "The thing is, THAT time we definitely knew what the knight was after.  There's a lot more down in the facility besides Stewart and if we set a trap it needs to be baited with whatever it is they're hoping to steal."
"It also needs to look natural - we got away with the last trap since it was in a ruins that were already falling apart.  This facility is much more preserved and it's going to be harder to set something up without it looking off," Mali added.
In the brief pause that followed that exchange Asher sat up a bit straighter.  "Well, it's common knowledge that we're expanding the clinic in town soon.  We could use that as our staging area instead since it's going to be pretty obvious that we're moving Stewart's station there."
Arlo grimaced.  "Yes, but that would be dangerous and tricky. Setting this trap would be dependent on no one else being at risk of injury -- we know this person is armed, after all, and we can't control when someone might try to trip the trap.  I don't want to put Dr. Xu or Harrison, or anyone else who might be at the clinic, in danger."
Eli lightly elbowed Asher in the ribs.  "AND I don't want Stewart's tech in danger of being damaged either -- if it breaks that's it because while I MIGHT know how to fix it it won't be as simple as heading down to the shop to pick up the right parts."
"Yeah...you're right about that part," Asher muttered.  "So it would have to be replicas, and we'd be guessing at what the spy would go for. Do you think they'd actually know what to grab if we baited them with the server stuff or basic computer pieces?"
Eli raised an eyebrow.  "Assuming they're not expecting that again? I could make something that looks genuine, important, and expensive."
Remington let out a thoughtful noise, leaning toward Eli. "How complicated would it be to do that?  I don't even know what...whatever we're talking about looks like."
"Not...TOO complicated, I don't think?  I -- hang on, wait.  Before we get too far ahead of ourselves I need to know what's common knowledge about tech these days.  Exactly how complicated and fancy I'd need to make the replicas would kind of depend on what people know or think these things look like."
They all fell silent; Asher glanced about and could see lots of thoughtful faces - he was hopeful that that meant someone had an answer, because he definitely didn't.  Technology wasn't something he studied or thought about much and he'd consider himself the last person anyone ought to be asking about Old World stuff.
Finally, Mali tipped her head back to look up toward the tent's ceiling.  "There's some common knowledge about Old World components but it's mostly regarding the things we commonly find.  Everyone knows what chipsets are, circuit boards, monitors and displays, and odds and ends that get lumped together just as 'old parts.'  We also have access to old engines of varying types that we've successfully re-created ourselves so we no longer need to rely on digging them up.  In this case... I'm not sure I have the answer.  But I know who would."
There was a brief pause then Arlo nodded.  "Ah, right.  The scholars from Vega 5 will be here soon."
Mali nodded.  "Vega 5 is full of people who have studied Living AIs, and they and Atara both have large libraries full of blueprints and books on Old World tech along with everything their museums have catalogued on display.  They'd be the ones to ask about what they would consider common knowledge."
"But would they know what's common knowledge in Duvos though?" Eli asked.
Mali shrugged.  "It's possible.  I'm not privy to everything that's been discovered through the Alliance's information networks -- the Flying Pigs are an adventuring guild who sometimes get tapped to help provide law enforcement.  I know more than most but ultimately we're not a military group so we're only told what we need to know for the tasks we're given." Eli scratched at her cheek; Asher noted that, due to the heat and sweat, the simple gesture left a pair of angry red marks across her skin  "Right...  Maybe I should go talk to Gale when we're done here -- er, assuming you aren't putting me back on patrol duty?" she added after a moment, looking to Arlo.
"No, go talk to Gale - this is important.  Afterward get back to those signal transmitters," came Arlo's answer.
"You sure you don't need an extra pair of hands with those things?" Asher asked then, looking between Arlo and Eli.  "At the very least I can tote and carry."
Arlo considered that for a moment, then glanced to Eli.  "Your thoughts?"
She huffed out a breath. "Carrying, sure.  But it'd just slow us down if we have to explain how to assemble.  We DO need someone to start bundling the tower pieces and that's also something you could do without much instruction needed - get the finished bits from Higgins, ensure we've got everything, sort it out into sets for assembly.  Basic stuff."
"All right -- go ahead and help them with the heavy lifting and getting the tower parts ready to transport.  Eli, once you've talked to Gale come find me in the Corps building -- Mali, if you'd like to join me for that feel free." Mali and Eli both nodded, and Arlo blew out a breath.  "I think that covers everything-"
"Hey- HEY!"
They all jumped to their feet at the shout from beyond the tent; Asher was still getting to know a lot of the townsfolk but he thought that sounded a lot like--
As he was closest to the tent flap Asher stuck his head out to see Albert sprinting toward them; when the man saw him he started waving his hands and his sprint was slowing.  Asher in turn hurried out of the tent and began running toward him, faintly aware of the sound of several pairs of feet following along behind him, and about halfway to the man Albert came to a stop entirely and doubled over with his hands on his knees, panting harshly.
"What's wrong?  What's happened?"
"Portia...ruins...cave in..." Albert was gasping as Asher came skidding to a stop beside him.  "One under...church..."
"Oh hell," Asher muttered.  He spun around as Eli, Arlo, Mali, and Remington reached them.  "Cave in at the ruins under the church."
"Was anyone hurt?" Arlo asked immediately.  Albert could only nod as he struggled to catch his breath and Arlo broke into a run again while calling orders over his shoulder.  "Asher - take Albert to the tent to catch his breath.  Remington and Eli with me."
The others went running off and Asher put a hand on Albert's shoulder.  "Sit down here in the grass, mind the marshy spots - we'll take a minute here and then we'll walk to the tent, all right?"
"I'll ask Sam to stay out here with Adam," Mali interrupted.  "After that I will join Arlo and the others in town - stay with Albert until he's recovered then escort him back to town."
"Got it," Asher replied.  Mali immediately ran back the way she'd come and Asher turned his attention back to Albert.  "Deep breaths, man, it'll be all right.  Do you know what happened?"
Albert took several more breaths; he seemed to be breathing a bit easier.  After an especially deep breath he lifted his head to look up at Asher.  "Not...a clue.  Heard a...loud noise.  Couple folks...out of the ruins, shouting...about a cave in.  Gale already there...told me to come get you all. I was closest."
Damn it... They should have had this meeting at the Corps building, not all the way out here; even as he thought that he knew that was very unfair as all their patrol routes for this morning had had them all out this way and it was quickest and easiest to gather here, but...  Well, honestly it could have been worse timing.  At least out here they'd all been in one place but had this happened at any other time of day or any other day in general they would've been spread across the countryside with only two of them in town.
"Think you can make it to the tent?  We'll get some water in you, can sit a bit, then we'll head back to Portia."
Albert nodded and straightened and the two of them began to (slowly) walk toward the Pigs's tent.  Mali was already heading back toward them and they exchanged nods as she passed and kept on going.
"What kind of loud noise did you hear?"
"Just a loud boom and a rumbling."
Asher frowned - a loud boom?  "Like...a KABOOM-kind of boom?  Like something exploded?"
"I couldn't tell you.  It was more - more of a sound that sort of hit you in the chest, more than in the ears, and one you could feel through your feet.  Our building is closest to those ruins so it's no wonder that we heard something."
"We?  You and Gust I'm guessing?"
Albert nodded.  "I went to the ruins, and Gust went for Gale.  And then Gale told me to run out here."
"How many came out of those ruins?"
"Um - I saw three folks.  Covered in dust, one of them was bloodied. They were all shaken up and just shouting 'cave in cave in' over and over."
Asher went quiet, chewing on his lower lip.  He wanted to simply believe that the ruins had partially collapsed but something nagged at him over it; the Civil Corps and the Flying Pigs both conducted regular inspections of all ruins across the Alliance of Free Cities to make sure they remained safe for public use.  There's NO WAY they would've missed a structural weakness that was so dangerous as to cause a cave in...someone on the inside had to have caused this.  A careless digger, or...
The saddles might have just been the first attempt to send a message.
Four injured, one dead.  All in all, considering there had been eight people inside the ruins at the time of the collapse, it could have been much worse.
Still.  It was slightly guilt-inducing to feel relieved that ONLY one person had been killed -- no one was sure where she'd come from but they'd matched her description to the list of Happy Apartment hotel-based rentals so they had a name but no way to contact any next of kin, nor did they know if this Kara person had any sort of surname at all either.  It would make for a somewhat plain headstone but at least they had the first name.
Sam, along with Mali and Higgins, had worked quickly to get a makeshift door in place and the rest of the entryway to the ruins boarded up; tomorrow Dana would be traveling to Portia to help Mali investigate what had caused the collapse.  Sam had wanted to go in with them as well but she'd gotten a resounding "no" from Arlo, Mali, and Gale - all at the same time, no less.  She supposed that made sense as she wasn't a miner or builder or anyone who would know anything about structural integrity (or whatever Mali had called it), and the fewer people at risk inside for a follow up collapse, the better.
As she walked up the hill toward the Corps building it was hard to miss the silence in this half of town; Ack hadn't been at his usual spot in the plaza, there weren't any tourists or townsfolk walking about.   Even the Round Table had seemed a bit quiet when she'd passed by moments ago.
Portia had certainly had a streak of bad luck lately...  The pessimistic side of her wondered how the spy would find a way to take advantage of the chaos.
As she crested the hill she spotted a man leaning against the railing of the stairs that led down to the central plaza; he had his back to her but she recognized the coat he had on (even in this heat).
"Bob?  I thought you would've moved on by now," she called out.
The man jumped and spun around, stumbling a bit as he boot caught on an upraised stone.  "Huh!  Huh?  Well.  Yeah, maybe.  Thought I should. Been tired lately."
Sam nodded and walked over, crossing her arms and eying the man.  He was a harmless drifter and she didn't suspect anything of him but he was also somewhat regular - he arrived in the spring, left at the start of the summer season, and then came back mid-autumn.  "Something wrong?"
"Not really.  Just got a feeling.  Road might not be safe."
She frowned.  "What do you mean?"
"I remember someone telling me there was a thief around.  I don't carry valuables.  But that's not all someone could take."
"Bob... Do you think someone's trying to harm you in some way?" she asked.
The man fidgeted a bit.  "Not me.  I think?  But I've seen some ghosts.  Footprints out of thin air.  I don't want to share a road with it."
Sam stared at him.  "...where did you see these footprints?  Can you show me?"
Bob shook his head.  "Not now - been too long.  Saw them on the beach while I was stargazing.  Walking west.  Too close to where I'd pass going back south."
"How long ago was this?"
The man shrugged, then scratched at his head.  "Not sure.  I don't do so well with time anymore."
"But it was recent, at least?"
He nodded; Sam mulled that over -- it sounded like Bob had spotted their spy out in the wild.  "How about we walk together to where you saw the footprints and you tell me whatever you can remember about when you saw them and what you were doing?"
He nodded again and walked with her back down the hill.  As they passed under the gates she wondered if she shouldn't call for back up but...  Well.  She could think of a lot of reasons to do so, and the reasons not to didn't seem as convincing so as they continued down the road she gestured for them to detour toward Selene's house.  Eli ought to be in the factory helping assemble, and Asher ought to be here too.   Surely one of them could shift over to walk out to...wherever, with her and Bob.
That she hadn't known Kara made it easier to look genuine when it came to keeping her expression appropriately sad-looking as they buried the woman; it was a small ceremony with a smattering of Portians present, along with the full force of the Civil Corps -- being as she didn't see them she assumed that the Flying Pigs members were out at the facility, as usual.  They seemed to never, ever leave the place unguarded and, as she'd discovered the other evening while doing some recon, there was a gigantic build project of some kind being carried out at the facility's entrance now -- if she had to guess it looked like some sort of covering, or door.  
That likely meant they were really doubling down on the security out there, and while what she was after was being moved out of the facility she was beginning to get worried -- if they sealed that place up tight that would free the Pigs up to directly watch the construction of the clinic addition and the installation of the All Source AI.  
And that would make Lily's job even harder while now also being down a team member.
After the funeral it was announced that the ruins would be closed for the time being to conduct an investigation into the cause of the collapse; that at least didn't effect any of them remaining but it ALSO carried the high risk of bringing in more outside people -- more Pigs, more nosy law-types, the possibilities were starting to pile up.
Days ago she'd been bitching about how long it was taking them to start construction; she'd seen buildings put up in a matter of days in Duvos -- how hard could one addition to an already existing building be?
Now... As much as she didn't want to disappoint Xan, they might indeed have to change their plans to have any chance of this heist succeeding.
They always put out the paper on the first of every month.  Always.   Without fail -- even if it meant that she and Erwa stayed up all night fixing issues with their printing press machine or working to get wording on an article juuuuust right.
The first of the month was still six days away but Gale had asked for a special edition to be produced.  It was the hardest thing Mei had ever had to write: all this...all this alarming detail on a vandal, a thief attempting to break into the medical facility in the marsh, and now the devastating discovery that the cave in two days ago had been purposely caused by tiny explosive charges.  It was such awful news that sometimes Mei found her hand shaking as she scribbled notes and drew arrows or crossed out paragraphs as she tried to get things into order both chronologically and also in a manner that flowed well for reading.
There were still a few hours to go before they needed to start printing and there was just one thing Mei wanted to get done before then but then again... It wasn't a nice subject and she didn't want to offend anyone - especially not the person she'd like to interview regarding all this.
But.  She wouldn't know if she'd be offending unless she asked.
Selene's workshop was a familiar sight - Mei had been out here a lot over the years, both before and after large city projects were announced and completed with the builder's help - so she knew better than to knock on the house's door and instead marched up to to the factory door and really gave it a good pounding.  After a few minutes the door opened and an oil-smudged Selene was framed in the doorway, and once it registered who was there Mei was offered a big, bright smile.
"Hey!  What're you doing out here?"
"Hello Selene!  I was wondering if Eli was still here?"
Selene nodded and stepped aside, gesturing with one hand toward a makeshift workbench set up perpendicular to her usual one; lined up shoulder to shoulder was Eli, Petra, and Merlin, all hurriedly working to assemble bits and doodads that Mei guessed was all meant to fit into a much bigger contraption of some kind.  
It was unusually quiet in here today as well; only a handful of the machines were running -- that must mean whatever Selene was working on either didn't need a lot of pieces or maybe it was almost complete.  She stepped inside and out of the way so Selene could close the door and then noted that the latest member of the Civil Corps, Asher, was sorting large metal struts and rods into organized piles against the far wall, moving about in short bursts and then checking off things on a clipboard he had hanging off his belt.
"I'm not interrupting something I shouldn't, am I?"
"Not really - we can spare a pair of hands for a bit."  Selene led Mei over toward Eli and the Research Center gals.  "Mei's wanting to talk to you, Eli."
The woman looked up at them (though Mei noticed her hands didn't stop what they were doing - it was kind of impressive to see her keep working without her looking at the pieces) and silently lifted an eyebrow.
"Oh - um, yes.  I was wondering if you could spare some time to give a few statements for the article we're writing for the paper?" Mei asked into the pause.
"Uh..." Eli drew the word out, returning her attention to what her hands were doing.  It seemed immediately clear that whatever her answer was going to be it would have to wait until she'd finished off this piece of...whatever it was; Mei waited patiently, and watched with a bit of curiosity, until Eli had slotted all the pieces together and tightened down all the screws.  "-all right, sure.  Let's step outside for some air."
Mei led the way outside and then followed as Eli took an abrupt turn to the western side of the factory -- there was a cluster of stools out here and they both settled on one, and Mei hurried to pull out her little notebook.
"All right - of course, if you find any of my questions upsetting it's perfectly fine not to answer.  I don't mind at all!"
Eli nodded.  "Ask away."
"How would you say the situation is currently going?"
"Which one are you referring to?"
"Let's start with the vandal.  It couldn't have been easy to see the gravestone damaged like that."
For several breaths Eli didn't answer.  Mei sat patiently with her pen poised over the blank sheet of notebook paper with her free hand pinning the loose edge down; this side of the factory was currently in the shade and the breeze was a bit strong as the wind rushed along the flat brick.  It was a nice place to sit but if she wasn't careful her notes would get scattered across the yard since not all the pages were still bound to the wire spiral.
"It wasn't, no.  It's clear whoever did it wanted their message heard, and intended it to hurt.  It did, I won't lie, but also, it really shows just how much of a coward this person is since they didn't confront me directly.  Same with all the other instances of graffiti lately -- they're not brave enough to say anything to my face.  In that context, it's a bit comical."
It took about the same amount of time for Mei to write that down as it had for Eli to say it.  "-and do you have any guesses as to who this person is?"  Eli shook her head but didn't elaborate; Mei added a little mark after the quote to remind herself of the answer.  "How about things out at the medical facility?  Has there been any further attempts to break in?"
"No, and soon there won't be any chances of a break in either.  We're installing a security door and will work toward preserving the facility as it is."
Mei had heard about the door - she wondered what it would look like when it was done.  "And do you have any opinion on the expansion at the clinic, since it's rumored that you'll be incorporating an All Source AI into the building?"
Eli blinked at her.  "Incorp- uh, maybe that definition has changed in three hundred years but we're not incorporating him into anything.   He'll be installed and be there to teach and treat, but he won't be in charge of or able to run the clinic by himself.  For one, there's no other computers or AIs for him to oversee, and secondly the building will be just a building without any tech for him to monitor either."
"Do you have any worries about how having an All Source AI teaching humans would be seen in the greater world?"
With a loud sigh Eli leaned back against the brick wall.  "I do, sort of.  I worry that zealots in your Church won't be able to look past him being a part of the Old World and try to destroy him, in which case all the knowledge he holds would be lost along with him.  Hand in hand with that I also worry about what he'd be teaching and to whom."
Mei looked up from her notes in surprise.  "You think he'd teach something bad?  Or bad people?"
"Not exactly "bad" in either case, its more I worry people will try to somehow hoard the knowledge -- even hypothetical enemies deserve the right to live disease and injury free.  I wouldn't really say there's right and wrong people to teach, but I do think there will be people out there who think they're the only ones who have a right to the knowledge, or who think some knowledge is fine but some of it should be scrubbed from history.  We even had a bit of a problem with myths and misinformation regarding certain diseases in my time and that was with an entire world's worth of knowledge available to anyone at any time."
Mei slowly nodded at that; it reminded her of an article she'd written a few years ago about the push-back of remedies coming from a doctor in Vega 5.  "So, even if people don't want to keep the knowledge to themselves there's also a question of whether some would accept it, at all."
"Exactly. I imagine there's going to be a lot of entrenched doctors scattered across the world who think their way is best and will be unwilling to change.  It'll be a bit messy in the upcoming years but I hope the overall health and life expectancy of the world goes up as the knowledge spreads -- and hopefully it'll be fairly uniform across the world, not just in small clusters due to hoarding or refusal to adapt."
With her hand cramping from how quickly she was trying to write Mei managed to get all that down in her notes; she'd gotten a little carried away as she'd only wanted a few lines to quote but this could potentially be an article all on its own.  She was just about to shut the book when a thought occurred to her. "Oh!  Right - there's been a lot of questions about the metal towers that were put up recently.  Are you able to explain what those are for?"
"You guys use telegraphs for long distance communication, right?"
Mei nodded.  "For messages that can't wait for couriers."
"Right.  So, those towers are the first of many that will hold...how to put it in simple terms...  Think of a telegraph that doesn't need wires, is more reliable and secure, and also can just send words instead of having to tap a little button and have someone translate at the other end.  We're trying it out here in Portia and maybe in the future, assuming it works and can be reliably maintained, we could extend it across the continent."
"What, really?" Mei asked, eyes widening.  "That's huge!"    
Eli was giving her an amused look and Mei realized her jaw was hanging open; she scrawled an almost unreadable note about the towers underneath the rest of it.  "Ah, um - uh, so, when will THAT project be completed?"
"It'll take some time.  Getting everything installed is the easy part.  Getting it all to work correctly will be hard."
"So...no...expected...completion date yet?" Mei asked as she wrote, glancing up from the writing to Eli, then underlining the 'no' as Eli shook her head.  "That's very exciting... Will it be something anyone could use?  Will it cost a lot?"
Eli paused, then offered a half shrug.  "Well, I guess that first answer is yes and no.  In terms of complexity anyone will be able to use it because it's not difficult at all to learn, but initially there's going to be a problem with getting parts to both maintain and expand it so there won't be a lot of the system in place for widespread use to start.  I don't have any idea on cost just yet - we're using a combination of wind, water, and power stones to start off with.  I'm relatively certain I know how much energy this will draw but won't know exact numbers until its been up and running for awhile."
"And...you're ok with this technology spreading?"
Eli snorted loudly.  "I am," she replied, placing heavy emphasis on 'I.'  "No idea about the rest of the world."
Mei hummed to herself as she put down a few more notes.  "This could be an article by itself... All right.  That was everything I had in mind for this piece.  Unless you'd like to add anything?"
"Not in particular."
"Well, thank you!" Mei said, smiling and shoving a hand toward her.   Eli shook it with a bit of a smile and then stood.  "I'll get this over to the paper and you'll be seeing it in print soon!"
Eli didn't reply beyond nodding, then led the way around the building where she went back inside while Mei headed toward the gate; she felt a bit lightheaded -- like she was floating across the grass.  The prospect of a better, more secure communications system that was instantaneous made her giddy; imagine how much faster information could travel.  Imagine how quickly a message back home could reach family...how much easier it would be to stay in touch with the Atara Post about her progress with the Portia Times.  
There were dozens of ways she could instantly imagine her life getting easier if this communication thing worked, and that was just for HER - she couldn't even clearly conceive all the ways the entire Alliance could make use of such a thing.
As she walked through the doors into the news building she managed to pull her thoughts away from the communications scoop and set herself back on track regarding the special edition Gale had asked them to put out; it didn't appear Erwa was here but that was ok - Mei could work on a rough draft and get his opinion later when he came back.
Eli hadn't been the only one she'd interviewed today so the first order of business was to quickly reread her notes and decide where to insert Eli's bit into the order she'd tentatively decided on earlier; this article needed to be a direct and firm read, with a logical flow to the information, but it couldn't have a tone to it that would cause undue alarm. People had a right to know that the cave in was actually a murder, but how to word it so that it wouldn't cause a panic in town...
And also, the more she thought about it, the less sense it made to include anything referencing the communications project.  Prior to talking to Eli she'd assumed the towers were related to the security project out at the facility but now it seemed they were unrelated to each other, and...well, if they had a vandal snooping around it wouldn't do to draw attention to something this valuable.
...yeah.  It made more sense to relegate the communications towers to its own separate article, AFTER the vandal (or murderer?  Or both?) had been taken care of.  At the very least that cut out a good amount of information she would've had to figure out how to fit onto the front page with everything else.
Windsor had "claimed" a small area of the Peach Plaza for his impromptu performances; a decent number of people expected him to be there in the mornings and later at night, showing off his juggling and throwing skills (a few had even donated some small straw targets for him to use so he'd changed up his routine a bit).  It may have just been a cover job but it was bringing in decent money; it was a nice little perk to the whole thing but if they didn't get moving on this theft job soon he wouldn't be able to keep playing off the "too poor to go back home" angle of his cover story.
The atmosphere in Portia seemed a bit...strange this morning.  There weren't nearly as many people moving about in the central plaza as usual, and as he went plodding up the hill passed the shops he was a bit alarmed to see a small crowd of people that WEREN'T his usual audience huddled roughly in his spot near the fountain.  As he drew closer he could see all of them clutching papers in hand, and there was a dull roar of chatter among them.  In their midst was a squat, hairy man in an orange vest and hat, and a blonde woman wearing a blue and white pointy hat; they appeared to be handing out whatever the paper was, and when he finally got close enough to the gathering he saw it was a thin newspaper with "SPECIAL EDITION" printed in big, bold letters across its top with "Portia Times" printed in slightly smaller text beneath it.
Through a gap in the crowd the hat-wearing blonde noticed him, and carefully wound her way through the group toward him with one of the papers in hand, pushed out toward him.
"Good morning, sir - would you like to read this special release of the Portia Times?  This copy is free, paid for by Portia's government."
"Uh...sure.  What seems to be the ruckus?" he replied, taking the paper and skimming the-
...oh.  Oh boy.  Well, that wasn't good.
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aerielz · 4 years
1, 3, 8, 9, 12!!!!! and like. any others because i love talking tww with you! also i assume your really stressed with finals and school and life, so this is a reminder from a friend that you’re going to be okay! it will all be over soon, and you have so much strength and intelligence that you can surely handle this<33 so yeah, here you go- distraction AND reassurance, hope this helps🥰
At some point you're going to make me cry, okay? You’re the best!!!!! I also love talking tww with you, and it really does help. Finals have been killing me, and I really needed this!
On to the answers!
[Under the cut because I really went for it. and I mean... I went for it. check the last answer if you want just the headcanons, everything else for unpopular opinions, lmao]
1: favorite episode(s)
Ohhhhhhooooo boy. There’s an endless list. I think I can name a season’s worth of them, but here’s ones I can pull from the top of my head:
Crackpots and These Women: and here’s some of my rationale behind the choice. but yeah, I could go on and on about this episode.
Nöel: listen, I’m a basic bitch who’s in love with Josh Lyman, okay, is that simple. But. yeah, like, no. here’s the thing, there’s a reason why everyone won Emmys for this one, ok. the writing is freakishly good, and Bradley Whitford can draw nuance from a fucking comma. that episode is absolutely off the charts when it comes to just about any aspect of the filmmaking. it’s what happens when everyone involved decides to live up to their potential. it’s one of those I need to reign myself in, otherwise I'll just go full analysis and there’s no end to that meta lmao
The Steakhouse Filibuster: the way this episode works is... pure fun. I'm a writer and it doesn’t turn off and I will start taking about structure unless I shut up now, so. also, DONNATELLA MOSS, who I'm, also, in love with.
Hartsfield’s Landing: “You're a good father, you don't have to act like it. You're the President, you don't have to act like it. You're a good man, you don't have to act like it. You're not just folks, you're not plain-spoken. Do not - do not - do not act like it!” “I don't want to be killed.” "Then make this election about smart, and not. Make it about engaged, and not. Qualified, and not. Make it about a heavyweight. You're a heavyweight. And you've been holding me up for too many rounds.” This exchange carries a lot of meaning for me. it’s about being who you are in spite of outside opinion, and this idea has been hitting me like a truck, these last couple of months.
Holy Night: [cries in JD shipper language]
Commencement: hands down the best episodes this show has ever produced, season finale notwithstanding. but I'm biased, because they used Angel, and I loved that song. also: DONNATELLA MOSS.
The Supremes: everything Debora Cahn ever wrote for this show deserves more love. This episode is a work of art, and. like. Glenn Close, man. also: DONNATELLA MOSS. are we sensing a theme, perhaps?
No Exit: THIS EPISODE HURTS SO GOOD. And for many reasons, including the fact that we get cj and donna’s scene. I'm queen of unpopular opinions when it comes to this show, tbh, and this is just one of them. It’s one of those really serious episodes that happened post-sorkin that gave the actors a chance to shine through the lens of a more poignant drama. Janel is so good here, I can’t stress that enough.
King Corn: [more cries in JD shipper language. louder]. I love how they stress just how much Donna is growing by paralleling her routine with Josh’s. She’s on his level now, they’re on the same boat. Not just that, but we see the toll the distance takes on both of them. It’s distance makes the heart grow fonder in perfect visual form. writing-wise, it’s impeccable. and since I actually like the direction the show took after Sorkin left, I really like this one.
Freedonia: Eli Attie’s creative is paralleled by none short of Vince Gilligan (of breaking bad fame). After he arrived on the show the political content got to a whole new level, and under his writing we finally got to see josh being the genius political operative we were always promised he was. I mean, the chickens. the damn chickens.
The Cold: the writing and the kiss and the FUCKING BEAUTIFUL SHOTS OF JOSH AND DONNA FRAMED BY LIGHTS and the kiss and the acting and the kiss and [crying] the kiss.
3: favorite ship
There are ships that we love for a few months and then let go. Then there’s ships that stay with you long after you watched the show. Then there’s ships that change your life. Then there’s what JD did to me.
But Andy/CJ killed me and continues to kill me, and you’ve successfully convinced me to ship the shit out of the OT3, too.
8: scene you watch over and over again
To be honest, while watching the show I had the remote on my hands and watched everything that made me laugh or just mildly happy multiple times before even allowing the episode to play through.
I mean, the kiss from the cold... I literally just kept replaying it when I got to it. I watched it like seven times before even continued to watch the rest of episode. not just that, but also the shots of them looking at each other at the end.
Also: cj and the turkey. cj and toby and the dead brother. donna and the chicken. that scene in which toby lays his heart out for will about writing because honestly that just too close to home and the recognition hurts but like in a nice way.
But, for real. This entire show was me pausing every five second to rewatch something.
9: plot you pretend didn’t happen
Bartlet giving the go on killing a foreign leader, because political assassination does not sit well with me (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
12: headcanons
ok now you really want me to stay here the whole week. here’s a small list:
- unpopular opinion: josh was actually in love with Amy for a second, there. which is why he’s learned so much from the debacle that was their relationship.
- remember when sam once said “I never knew how much smarter than me he is” when he has to step in for josh as DCoS? that’s when he realised that Donna can keep up with Josh. Which is why he knew, before everyone else, that Donna would leave Josh eventually.
- I can’t remember if this is cannon, but I'm 100% sure josh never even thought of taking the bar. sam will never be over teasing him about it.
- after so many bad christmases, josh really doesn’t like it. but he starts reevaluating his opinions after they he gets married to donna. getting to see the kids light up at both Hanukah and Christmas year after year... let’s just say family has this way of making things feel better.
- cj regularly gets called to guest lecture at Columbia. she regularly declines. but she does accept once. and it changes everything (YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT ALEENA).
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aperrywilliams · 4 years
A Normal Conversation Ch11 (Spencer Reid x Maxine Brenner)
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Ch01 Ch02 Ch03 Ch04 Ch05 Ch06 Ch07 Ch08 Ch09 Ch10 Ch11 Ch12 Ch13 Ch14 Ch15 Ch16 Ch17
Chapter 11: The tough girl
Summary: Max's family has unresolved issues that drag them from several years
Word Count: 4582
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences. Some “angst”... or more than I expected.
Warnings: Reference to death, grief, incurable diseases, sad things.
A/N:  This chapter is located in some point between S15x06 and S15x09
Two days had passed since Cat Adams events and Spencer had to travel with the team due to a new case. Max had managed to take a few days off so she could spend more time with her dad and Eloise. She was worried about them and the repercussions of being exposed to a limit situation like the one they lived. That day Max had promised them lunch, stay during the afternoon and stay to sleep. Michelle was also there, only for dinner although.
"I don't understand why she had to take Eloise..." said Michelle, still confused while they were sit around the table after finishing dinner.
"You're talking about psychopaths, I don't know if there are any coherent reasons for that ..." said Max.
"I thought she wanted me to kill her boyfriend. I thought she was going to force me to do that!” Eloise said still shocked remembering about her experience that night.
"But darling, good thing is nothing happened and we are fine" said Dom, trying to calm Eloise's anxiety. Michelle and Max nodded.
"And Spencer did nothing?" Michelle asked with evident anger. Max trowed glare to her older sister at the question.
"We were stuck with the other psycho in his apartment ..." Max said with a sigh.
"While the rest of his team worked hard so we could have Eloise back with us..." added Dom, seeing how the sisters looked at each other with more than disapproval. He wanted to avoid a rude discussion between them.
"Well... it was the least he could do..." said Michelle. Max knew exactly where her older sister's comment was going and was not willing to tolerate it.
"What's your problem Michelle?" Max asked raising her voice.
"My problem?... my problem is about our dad and our younger sister were in danger 'thanks' to your boyfriend's work..." Michelle said raising her voice as well.
“No one wanted this happen Michelle. I don't see why you have to look for culprits among those who only did what they could to help” Max protested.
“Can't you see it, Max? Our family is exposed now. It is not just about you, but about those around you. You can't wait for me to stay calm knowing this could happen again and with worse consequences!”
"Now you blame me?... Are you saying I'm selfish and I don't think about my family?" You're raving Michelle…” Max said shaking her head and huffing angrily.
"It won't be the first time you do that Max... don't play the victim role on this..." added Michelle with an ironic grimace, which took Max out of her wits.
"That’s it! Of course you had to come back to the same topic again and again. Years have passed Michelle and are you still blaming me?... amazing. I can´t believe it!". The discussion had escalated in many ways, which was very much for Eloise, who left the dining table crying and running to her room. It was at that moment Dom intervened again.
"Girls, stop it!. Do you see what you achieve by arguing that way? Eloise has no responsibility for anything…” Dom said to end the conversation. Max bit her tongue and didn't say a word.
"Yes, you're right dad. Eloise is not responsible for anything on this matter…”
"Neither Eloise, nor Max... nor anyone. It just happened. Let's leave it, is it clear?”
"Let's just leave it, Dad. But you know what I think. Now I'm going to see Eloise to apologize. Then I will go home, I want to get Sammy to bed” said Michelle, getting up from the dining table without looking Max. Dom glanced Max and was going to say something, but she stopped him.
"No, Dad, you don't have to say anything". She got up and went to the back yard to get some fresh air and calm down.
Max and Michelle relationship had never been easy. Michelle as an older sister had to grow up quickly to be support in raising her sisters, mainly Eloise. Max's mother had passed away when they were still young and was a responsibility that fell on Michelle, but not Max, who was in the middle of rebellion phase. That made their relationship even rougher. In spite of this, when Michelle got married and became pregnant with Sammy, Max was closer to her family and both were able to establish a closer relationship. But each time a conflict arose within the family, the distance between them became evident by their different way of seeing things in life. Max adored his older sister but her attitude of moral superiority she adopted sometimes made Max mostly angry. In Michelle's case, she would do anything for Max, but it bothered when Max had childish attitudes about things she considered important.
After a while Michelle was gone, Eloise approached Max who was on one of the backyard benches wrapped in a blanket and smoking a cigarette.
"You know that thing kills you, right?" Max had not noticed Eloise was there so she was shocked to hear her voice.
"Elis, you scared me!" Max said. Then she looked at the cigarette she was smoking. "I know, but I needed one of these". Eloise sat next to Max.
"It's not healthy anyway..." Eloise said again.
"You're right. I know". Max stubbed out his half-smoked cigarette. "Elis, I’m so sorry for the outburst at dinner. I didn't want it to end in a discussion like the one you saw"
“Yes, Michelle said the same thing to me before she left. It's okay. I understand. I just don't like to see you both arguing like that… it reminds me so much when…” Eloise was unable to finish the sentence, but Max knew exactly what she was referring to.
"I know. I promise to restrain myself more from now on…” Max assured, opening the blanket she was wrapped to share with her sister, assuming she was feeling cold when she saw her rubbing her hands for some warm.
“Okay Max, I am not going to make you to be someone you are not. Sometimes I think I am more vulnerable than I should be and I would like to be more like you or Michelle, despite the damn genius you both have…”. Max laughed at the comment.
"Don't say that Elis, you are perfect as you are!... plus you're still a young lady" Max said encouragingly.
"I don't want to be just a girl Max anymore, don't say that..." Eloise said tiredly.
"I would love if you could staying like a little girl, I’m terrified to see you grow up! But you're right. Just take it easy, don't rush things, ok?” Eloise nodded.
"Do you think Michelle's anger will go away soon?" Eloise asked.
"I hope so..." Max said with a sigh. "I don't like the idea of ​​Michelle blaming Spencer for all this that happened to us" said Max with a exhale.
"Yes, I know it is not his fault and he tried to do everything possible to help us and protect you" said Eloise.
"The poor man feels so bad about all this..." said Max.
"I guess so..." said Eloise. "Max?... you like him a lot, I’m right?" Eloise asked. Max without looking at her smiled.
"I think so. I know we don't know each other very much yet… but he is a wonderful man and very different from everyone I've ever dated before…”
"It would be a beautiful love story..." Eloise said taking her sister's arm. "I think he is crazy about you too" Max started to laugh.
"Why do you say that?"
"I don't know... how he looked at you when we were at the FBI offices. He smiled at you every time he looked at you… and you to him” said Eloise. Max blushed a little.
"I thought I had been more subtle..." Max said laughing.
"It's just I know you... that's why I noticed it" Eloise said teasing her sister. Max looked at her and started laughing again.
"Can I tell you a secret?" Max said to his younger sister.
"Oh Max, of course! tell me!!!" Max knew Eloise liked when she tell her things in that tone.
"We already kissed" Max said quietly and smiling.
"What??!!!" Eloise yelled. Max was about to cover her mouth from the scream. Eloise held back a little and lowered her voice. "So? Did you like it?" asked Eloise. Max sighed and leaned back on the bench.
"Yes... it was so... I don't know. I liked very much. I wouldn't know how to describe it. But I can assure you I really liked it” said Max, trying to search for more specific words but she couldn't find them.
"I knew it!... is he your boyfriend now?" Eloise asked.
"But Elis, we just kissed, it doesn't mean anything... yet" said Max.
"Well, no yet... but you'll see. It's a matter of time” said Eloise.
"It could be... but I don't want to ruin it" said Max.
"Of course you won't Max! I have a good feeling about this. I'm sure” said Eloise hugging her sister.
That same early morning Max stayed at the house with his dad and Eloise, Spencer and the team took the jet to return to DC. They had managed to close the case relatively quickly, but not fast enough to return earlier. Spencer looked at the time and saw it was late, so he didn't want to send a message to Max, thinking she was already asleep. Still, he had his phone in one hand as he looked out the window. This time it was Prentiss who came over and sat across from him.
"Spencer? Can I speak to you for a moment?" said Prentiss. Spencer looked at her and nodded silently, putting the phone in his pocket and watching as Emily settled into the seat and leaned her arms on the table that separated them.
"Something’s wrong?" Spencer asked a little confused.
"We haven't been able to talk much since Cat incident, but I think I owe you an apology...". Spencer winced in puzzlement.
"Why do you say that?"
"I put your relationship with Max even more at risk by overexposing her in the face of Cat. I could have thought of something else, but it was the quickest thing we could do under the circumstances..." Prentiss apologized.
“Emily, I know… you don't have to say sorry for that. I understand the reasons. I probably would have done the same. Besides, it was always Cat's idea to do that… ”
“Although I believe it, it could have been different anyway. You were starting something different, trying to separate your work from your personal life, which is we all try to do here as far as we can. And from one moment to the next we entangled Max more in this matter with Cat” said Prentiss with her fingers crossed on the table.
“I am not going to lie about this, I think was one of the worst nights I have had in a long time. And I’m not saying it for me, for her instead. I think I can tolerate almost anything at this point, but I didn't want Max to have to go through this. But it's not your fault or the team's fault, it's Cat's fault,” said Spencer, grimacing with discomfort as he remembered that night.
"It is true. Now, as uncomfortable and strange as everything has been, Max showed how brave she is and how much she cares about you despite having faced something completely unknown to her” Prentiss said with a smile.
"Do you believe it? Why do you say that?" Spencer asked curiously.
"Of course I did. Spencer, tell me, what woman you know would be willing to come face to face a psychopath for protect her family and you? Oh, and don't even consider the brave BAU girls” Emily laughed. Spencer smiled.
"Yes, of course she did, but she did it for her family, her sister was in danger ..." Spencer said.
“It wasn't just because of that, I can be sure. She cares a lot about you. Spencer, I could bet on it and I'm sure I wouldn't lose. You’d have seen how J.J. described to me the look of anger she had when Penelope, Matt and she explained her everything Cat had done to you. JJ told me she could have smacked Cat if we had allowed her to. I think you must consider it before making that woman mad” Emily said laughing. Then she got up, patted Spencer shoulder and went to the other side of the jet to speak to Rossi. Spencer scratched his chin thinking. He took the phone out of his pocket and started to write a message.
Max was looking at the ceiling lying in the bed that used to be hers when she lived there . She was still upset about the argument with Michelle and couldn't sleep. Her cell phone vibrated on the nightstand. Max reached out and saw Spencer had sent her a message: “Case closed. Flying to DC now. I just wanted to wish you good night". Max replied back: “Good news. Too bad you're flying late. I’m still awake. I came to see my dad and Eloise and I stayed here. Tomorrow I'll not work, in case you want to meet”. Spencer replied: “It would be great if we meet tomorrow. I can stop by your apartment in the afternoon”. Max replied: “Perfect. I’ll wait for you in the afternoon. Big kiss and try to sleep”. Spencer smiled at the last message and then put the cell phone back in his pocket. He leaned back in the seat and with closed eyes try to get some sleep during the flight.
A couple of hours later the team landed in DC. Unluckily they couldn't go home because there was work to do. After lunch hour Spencer managed to leave the BAU, where they agreed not to return until the afternoon of the following day unless they had a new case. Before arriving at Max's apartment, Spencer got two coffees and some donuts. Then went up to the 4th floor on Max’s building and knocked on the door.
“Hey handsome!… ” Max said opening the door.
"Hey..." Spencer said with a soft smile.
“I see you brought back ups. Come in” Max said gesturing for Spencer to get in to the apartment.
"I think these are necessary... at least for me" Spencer said as he crossed the threshold and Max closed the door behind him. They both stood looking at each other for a few seconds without moving from their place. Max spoke first.
"Well, you can give me that and I’ll put it on a plate" she said pointing to the box of donuts.
"Sure..." Spencer handed the box to Max who went to the kitchen. Spencer left the two coffee cups on the table and stood waiting for Max to return. When she put the plate of donuts on the table, he took her hand and gently pulled her closer. "I think now I will be able to greet you appropriately..." He leaned down cupping Max's face with both hands and started kissing her. Max closed her eyes and held on to the lapel of Spencer's blazer returning a passionate kiss. When they parted for some seconds, Max spoke.
"Wow, I almost was forgetting how this felt..." she said in a whisper.
"I don't... believe me... I thought... about this... everyday..." Spencer said as he gave her short kisses between words.
"Did you really miss me Dr. Reid, uh?" Max asked jokingly. Spencer nodded griping her waist. "Yes, I missed you too" Max said as she tidied his tangled hair with her both hands. "I see you haven't slept much…" she suggested when noticed his dark circles and the slightly redder color of his eyes. It was clear his sleep scheme had not been adequate in the last days.
"In fact, I haven't slept almost in the last two days... but no because of it I was going to miss the chance to see you today" he said, stealing another sneaky kiss from her.
“Come on, let's sit. So you can rest” said Max pointing towards the couch. Spencer took off his blazer and hung it on the rack, then sat on the couch leaving a sigh escaped. Max held out the coffee cup to his while holding her own with the other hand. "Take off your shoes, so you could leave your feet breathe too" Spencer obeyed and exposed his mismatched socks. Max couldn't help but laugh.
"Weird, uh?" Spencer pointed at his socks.
"I would say ‘different’..." Max said smiling. "Well, tell me about your trip. Too hard?" Max asked as she sat on the couch on her own crossed legs.
"Surprisingly no, I must say. At first it seemed like an intricate puzzle. Honestly I thought it could take us a long time to figure out. But once we reviewed victimology more carefully and taking into account how unsub moved from place to place, it gave us enough information to deliver a profile and thus it was easier to locate him with those information. Anyway it was odd, because in cases like these there is a high chance you'll need to modify the profile, since unsub became a group in the end. The initial indications were very essential to reach the last conclusion. In any case, this required to do a pursuing over night to be able to find them. Luke and Matt got in one of the houses where they were hiding. We both with Emily were checking the neighboring courtyards in case they were hidden in one of the neighboring houses. Luckily there were no gunshots…” Spencer said and stopped to drink coffee. He glanced at Max who was silent staring straight at her coffee mug. "I'm already rambling... again..." Max noticed his last sentence and hurried to reply.
“No. It's okay. Really, I was paying attention to your story” said Max drinking from her coffee too.
"What’s wrong?" Spencer asked curiously trying to study her face.
"Nothing is wrong... I already told you, I was truly listening…" said Max.
"Yes I know. But you haven't made any comment on everything I've talked about. By now you would have stopped me…” said Spencer straight looking for her gaze.
"Are you profiling me?" Max asked laughing.
"No... I don't... but I'm sure something happen to you" Spencer was right, Max was still mad at Michelle and upset about the situation at her dad and Eloise's house, but she didn't want to tell him, knowing the effect it might have, and which he would surely interpret as his fault. But I also didn't want to lie to him. "Did something happen with your dad and Eloise yesterday?" Spencer tried to dig deep.
"No. They are doing ok, in fact” Max replied quickly.
"So… it's Michelle..." said Spencer grimacing. Max sighed. 'How could he know?' thought. Of course he knows, for sure it was written on her face.
"But it's not what you think..." Max hastened to say. "It's just… with Michelle we have always our ups and downs... and we had a big argument yesterday..." Max said releasing a sigh.
"Do you want to talk about that?" Spencer asked holding Max's hand. She bit her lower lip wondering if she wanted to delve into the topic. After thinking about it for a couple of seconds, she dared to speak. After all, why not explain to him what happened so he could better understand why she was feeling like this?
"Yes, maybe it is a good idea to do it" Max paused, took a deep breath, and started talking. "Did I ever tell you my mom died when we were still very young with my sisters?"
"Yes, you mentioned it once. But only that” said Spencer.
“Well, at that time Michelle was 19, I was 16 and Eloise 12. We were really very young. When my mom told us she was sick and… there was no cure for her illness, hit us hard. My dad at that time worked a lot and was not so much at home. But when my mom got worse, he had to ask for a long leave to be with her, while Michelle took care of Eloise and me. Well, of course I did not agree with the idea… you will realize that me, at 16 years of age what I least wanted was for my older sister to lead my life…” Max said with a frown.
Spencer nodded and he could feel Max's voice begin to tremble. He took both of her hands in and began stroking them to comfort her. "If you don't feel ok talking about this, that's fine. You don't have to do it now…” he said without releasing her hands. Max shook her head.
"I want to do it. I need to do it. I think if I do this you'll understand a bit  my family and why we are so apprehensive towards each other…” said Max. Spencer nodded and was silent. Max kept talking. "When my mom was already dying, we were allowed to go see her with Eloise at the hospital. She looked so tired, but she didn't want to us feeling bad for her and told us everything was going to be ok. Eloise did not quite understand what was happening, but I knew what was going to happen. And no, things were not going to ok. And I felt a contained rage because nobody was honest! Because everyone was lying to us and we were lying about something we knew was going to happen…”. Max paused, looked at Spencer. He didn't take his eyes off her, nor did release her hands.
“The last time I spoke to my mom alone in the hospital she took my hand… and cried because she knew what I was feeling. That it wasn't fair, that I was angry, that I wasn't going to accept it. She told me never to forget I had a family and she would always be taking care of me, no matter if I was no longer in this world… ”. Some tears began to roll down Max's cheeks inadvertently. She took a minute to breathe and hold back those tears hoping they wouldn't fall any further. Spencer watched her silently, helping to wipe away the tears with his thumbs.
“The last thing I said to her was I didn't care and I didn't need anyone. That I could handle my feelings alone and she shouldn't worry about me. I would be fine and I could take care of myself. Michelle heard that and has never forgiven me for saying those things to my mom on her deathbed. She always believed I depreciated her love for me and our family. And… you know? sometimes I believe that too. But there are moments when I feel she understood what I was referring to and it wasn't I didn't love her... I just wanted to be strong and no give reasons to her to worry about me. I would like to think she understood it... but it broke my heart when they told me that she was already gone. I didn’t shed any tears until 3 months after her death. I was only consumed by rage. The month my mom died, I ripped myself out of home and went to Baltimore, staying with some friends. I was not going to accept anything and I rebelled. I left my dad and my sisters. I wanted to deal with the pain alone, thinking if I did it I wouldn't hurt anyone and I could heal myself…” Max said in a trembling voice.
"But you couldn't..." Spencer said as he gently caressed one of her hands and with the other tried to dry the new tears from Max fell down her cheeks. Max shook her head.
"No, the pain didn’t go away. And I didn't set free my family from it either. When my dad came looking for me in Baltimore, I knew I was messing it up. Just when I realized what I have done I was able to cry and I didn't stop doing for weeks…” Spencer released one of his hands to be able to embrace her. She nestled against his chest. Some tears still ran down her cheeks. “After things calmed down a bit. I tried to accept things had changed and I would have to give in even if I didn't like it. It was not until I was 18 I began to feel I was healing. But every once in a while this comes back”. Max sighed. "Spencer, I'm so sorry... I'm sharing with you this old burden of mine..."
"No, you don't have to say sorry for that. You are a brave woman Max, don't forget that. Okay, you were 16 years old and you faced it as you could. There is no formula for dealing with a grieve… and no matter how long it takes…” Spencer rubbed Max's hair without breaking the embrace.
"Yes I know. But it has been difficult because that friction always appears between us. I swear I understand her so much. Michelle is right almost 99% of the time, but sometimes she beats me… ”
"But even though all that, you have each other and support each other... that's what a real family does, right?"
"Yes, it’s true. When Sammy was born, was my moment of redemption with Michelle. I love that boy so much, I would really do anything for him… anything” said Max sighing and calming her breathing.
"Well, I agree, Sammy is a great child, who I have a lot to thank for, by the way" They both smiled. Spencer moved to a corner of the couch, stretched his legs along and let that Max to lie on his chest as he held her. Then he continued speaking. “I understand you may have differences with Michelle, but you both love and care about each other. Surely your mom is proud of you two” he said trying to comfort her.
"I really hope so. Sometimes I miss her so much. She knew what to say at the right time. Many things she could teach me I had to learn them on my own” said Max with a sigh.
"And that is what makes you the great woman you are now" said Spencer while Max smiled.
"You are really good with words, huh?" Max joked.
"I’m telling you the truth. I couldn't lie to you on that. You are an exceptional woman. You have a big heart. You love your family. You love life and you live it intensely… and I like that about you” said Spencer before putting a kiss on her head while stroking her arm. Max hold Spencer's hand that rested on his stomach, brought it to her lips and kissed it intensely.
“I must insist you are a lovely human being..." said Max smiling.
"Yeah… I know..." Spencer said smiling and closing his tired eyes. Max traced circles on his chest over his shirt with her fingertips as played with his tie. They were both silent as their bodies relaxed. Max also closed her eyes. She was clearly more relieved after removing what was stuck in her chest. After a while, and without realizing it, they fell asleep deeply.
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ladybookworm · 4 years
Give Me A Chance Chapter 2 - The Dinner
I turn the doorknob and walk into the room where Cam told me they were waiting. My eyes immediately search for him, the mystery man who is supposed to be the love of my life. Instead, I only find 2 females talking to each other. Both of them have power roiling through them of immense magnitude.
“Hello…” I say to them, confused. Why isn’t he here? Did he leave? Why doesn’t he want to meet me?
“Hello, I’m Morrigan and this is Feyre.” The blonde introduces herself and her friend.
“Lady Feyre, Lady Morrigan.” I bow to both of them. “Uhh… I don’t mean to be impertinent but I was hoping to meet someone you came with. He was wearing blue stones on his wrists.” I ramble a little panicked that he’s not here.
“Azriel left but he asked us to extend you an invitation to dinner with all of us at the House of Wind if you’re free?” Lady Feyre says softly, offering no explanation as to why the man in question isn’t here himself doing the same. Azriel. Azriel. Azriel. Azriel. His name clangs through me, an answer to the question I’ve been asking all my life.
“Of course, yes I’d love some dinner,” I say quickly accepting the invitation “but where is the house of the wind? I’ve no idea how to get there.”
“It’s the Palace atop the mountain. I’ll take you there now if you’re ready...” Lady Feyre trails off.
“Yes, okay, I’ll just let Cam know, I’m leaving with you.” I say and turn to find Cam. She’s pacing outside in the hallway.
“He’s not here, is he?” Cam questions as soon as I come near her.
“No, he’s not here but Lady Feyre and Lady Morrigan invited me to dinner at the palace to meet him. I’ll see you later?” I ask her.
“Of course, of course, you go and find me straight afterwards. I want to hear all about it. I’ll be at Rita’s with everyone.” Cam says nodding her head.
Lady Feyre, Morrigan and I winnow to a balcony on the middle mountain that stands guard at the city’s north side. They lead me into a dining room that already has a few people in it. My eyes immediately search for my stranger and find his eyes already on me from near the fireplace. He’s the most beautiful man I’ve set my eyes on. He has shadowy wisps swirling around him. So he’s a shadowsinger. He also has enormous black leathery wings with horned tips folded tightly to his back. He looks tense and not happy as I was assuming to find him. What the fuck?
I move towards him with a small smile on my face when at the same time a slim brunette female clad in a simple pink gown lays a hand on his cheek drawing his attention from me. Irrational jealousy courses through me at the sight of this female touching my mate with such familiarity. Then my sight lands on the emerald on her ring finger. Is he married? Engaged? What is going on here? I stop mid-stride towards him. He says something to her to low for me to catch and then comes towards me dragging her behind him.
“Hello, my name is Azriel and this is Elain, my fiance.” He introduces himself and the female.
“I’m Arielle.” I say stunned.
“Let’s all sit down for dinner, shall we?” An amused male voice says from behind me breaking the sudden tense silence between us. I turn and see a gorgeous violet-eyed male standing beside another male with red stones on his wrists and same leathery wings on his back though this one looks more relaxed and has a shit-eating grin on his face. I smile back at them and nod. I take my seat on one of the chairs and Lady Morrigan claims the seat to my left, immediately pouring herself a glass of red wine and the violent eyed male takes the one on my left shaking his head towards Lady Morrigan. Lady Feyre takes the seat to his left and Azriel sits opposite me on the table with Elain on his right and the other the male sits on his left. I tear my eyes away from Azriel’s face and look to the male on my right just as he says “My name is Rhysand. Welcome to the Night Court.”
“Lord Rhysand.” I say immediately looking down and bowing my head. I look up to find him with a cool though amused smile on his face. “Thank you for letting me come to Velaris and sing for the city. It’s been positively life-changing.” I finish dryly.
He chuckles softly and then says “Indeed, indeed. I suppose everyone but Cassian has introduced themselves to you now. That is Cassian.” He says pointing a finger to the male sitting beside my mate.
“You’re my mate.” I say looking back at Azriel. I am done dancing around the subject. I wonder why I’m having dinner with the entire inner circle of the High Lord and Lady and not just with him?
“Yes I am Arielle but I would like us to break the bond since I’m engaged and in love with my fiance Elain.” He says calmly to me. I look at him with utter horror in my eyes and I can feel my face draining of colour. He wants to break the bond. He wants to break the mating bond because he’s in love with someone else. He doesn’t even know me. Does he even want to? Something clatters to the floor and I realise that I’ve stood up and backed away from the table making the chair tip back.
“NO. NO, I refuse. You can not break this bond. We don’t even know each other. You haven’t even given us a chance. I am your cauldron blessed mate for fuck’s sake. That’s got to mean something to you.” I say to him. He stands up and comes towards me from around the table.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m in love with Eli. She’s the one I chose.” He says with unruffled calm though there’s a flash of something in his eyes which is gone before I can identify what it was.
“How can you choose and know that you’ve made the right decision? You don’t know me. How are you so calmly rejecting me when my life is burning in your hands. You’ve got to give me a chance to know you.” I say getting increasingly more hysterical. He looks conflicted and looks back towards Elain.
“Give me a year. Give me a year to know you and then if you still feel like Elain is it for you then I won’t say another word about it. I’ll leave you be and never see you again.” I say, desperately trying to convince him. I have no family and I’ll be damned if I give up a chance to finally have one after 3 centuries alone in this world. He looks at me, his eyes torn with wanting to agree and wanting to tell me to go away. He looks towards Elain whose eyes are focused on him and then back at me.
“You’ve got nothing to lose and I’ve got everything on the line here.” I say, still trying to make him give us a chance.
“She’s right Az. Don’t reject your mating bond because I chose to reject mine with Lucien. You’re not beholden to do the same. I fell in love with you months after I had already broken my mating bond with Lucien. You deserve a fair chance to fall in love with her if you want.” Elain says coming up behind him. He looks at her and then me as if steeling himself.
“Alright, one year from today, I’ll give you my decision” Azriel says suddenly and I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“I suppose dinner is a moot point now so I’ll just leave with your permission Lady Feyre, Lord Rhysand.” I say apologetically tilting my head towards them.
“You won’t stay? And please just call me Feyre.” Lady Feyre says coming towards me.
I shake my head and say “My band and tour group are waiting for me at a nightclub called Rita’s for a goodbye party. Today was the last day of my album tour.”
“Oh I won’t keep you then but let’s make plans to meet again soon. Do you have a place to stay in the city?” She asks kindly.
“Yeah, I’m staying at a hotel called Haydrummond’s Place but I suppose I’ll look for a more permanent place in the city soon if you’ll allow me to stay...” I tell her.
“Yes, of course, you can stay in Velaris.” She replies quickly. I thank her and then proceed to wave goodbye to the rest of the table. I winnow away from the balcony and land right opposite the nightclub. Only then do I realise that I’ve no way to get in touch with my mate.
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ollieofthebeholder · 4 years
NOTE: This story takes place between Ball & Chain and Cross & Crown. Happy Memorial Day.
It certainly wasn't the first time they'd gone to West Virginia for the weekend and been dragged to church. It was just the first time Zane could remember Ty not putting up a fuss about the idea.
West Virginia hadn't been Zane's first choice, not by a long shot. It was Memorial Day weekend and also Ty's birthday, and while there wasn't anything particularly special about turning thirty-eight, it was his first post-deployment birthday. Zane had been racking his brains for an appropriate place for a weekend getaway, until Mara had called and cheerfully informed them that if they didn't drag their asses up to the house voluntarily, she would hunt them down and grill them alongside the hamburgers.
Zane wouldn't put it past her. He'd been trained by some of the best agents the FBI had ever produced, survived things that would have killed a lesser man, taken down men and monsters and barely managed to avoid becoming one himself. He was six foot four and tended towards the free weights when he went to the gym. But he'd also watched Mara Grady cheerfully and without apparent effort skin and butcher an eight-point buck to serve it for breakfast.
They'd dragged their asses up to West Virginia.
And now here Zane sat, wearing a suit but thankfully no tie, between a mullioned cathedral window and the man who dearly and inexplicably loved and wanted to marry him. The church seemed even more full than usual, although that could have just been Zane's imagination. He didn't think so, though. Normally when they went, the Gradys were able to have a pew more or less to themselves, but today they were crammed in with another family, a couple around Zane's age and three people who were probably their children, the oldest of whom looked to be in his twenties and the youngest of whom couldn't have been more than thirteen or fourteen. In fact, it was so crowded that there wasn't room for Amelia to sit on the pew herself. Zane had her perched on his lap, partly because he remained her favorite—much to Ty's chagrin—and partly because he was on the end of the row, so he could make a quick exit if she got fussy. It wasn't likely, she was extraordinarily good-natured, but just in case, it would be nice to have an excuse to leave.
Glancing behind him, he couldn't spot an empty seat in the building. Jesus, even Easter Sunday wasn't this crowded.
Zane slid his eyes over to Ty. He was sitting rather stiffly, his back ramrod straight. It might have had something to do with their activities of the night before; since it was actually Ty's birthday, Zane had stayed up until midnight for the express purpose of being the first one to wish Ty a happy birthday, and they'd stayed up another hour or so celebrating. It might also have had something to do with the fact that Ty, probably because it was Memorial Day weekend, had chosen to wear his dress blues to church, which meant that he was more or less at attention and also meant that Zane had a hard time keeping his eyes off of him. But at the same time, Ty'd been uncharacteristically quiet most of the weekend.
Carefully—he was never sure how Ty would react to these things in public, or at least in certain public places—Zane reached over and placed his hand on top of Ty's. Ty didn't look at him, but he turned his hand over and squeezed it hard. Zane squeezed back, but now he was seriously worried. This wasn't normal. At all.
Was someone in the family sick? Sidewinder? Was Ty? They'd promised no more secrets and no more lies, after nearly losing one another in New Orleans, but that didn't mean Ty wouldn't wait to tell Zane something if he didn't want to ruin the weekend. Or if whatever was wrong was something that stemmed from whatever had gone wrong on his deployment, which he still wouldn't talk about.
Zane forced himself to swallow back the panic. He was being ridiculous, he chided himself. Ty was fine. Everyone was fine. Ty wouldn't keep something like that from him.
“Please rise for the opening hymn, number 511, 'O God of Earth and Altar,'” the worship leader intoned.
Zane rose with everyone else, Amelia on his hip, and tried to juggle both her and the hymnal until Ty gently took it from his hands and held it open to the appropriate page. Zane wanted to kiss him, but held himself back, considering their surroundings. He knew Ty didn't need the hymnal; the publication date on these was 1952 and Ty'd had pretty much the whole damn thing memorized since he was about twelve. But he appreciated him holding it for him.
The service was...fairly typical, as far as Zane could tell. No reason for it to be as crowded as it was. The hymn, the responsive reading, the scripture...all of it was exactly what Zane expected out of one of these services. So what the hell was going on?
When it got to where the Children's Moment normally would have been, instead of the worship leader inviting the kids forward, the preacher stood. He glanced towards the pew where the Gradys sat, lifting his eyebrows briefly, before turning back to the congregation at large.
“Tomorrow is Memorial Day,” he said, his voice ringing out sonorously through the room. “A time set aside every year to remember those who have given their lives in defense of our freedom. The ones who served and didn't make it home. The ones who have passed on, but never truly left us.”
There was a choked sob from somewhere down the pew, and Zane honestly couldn't have said whether it was a Grady or someone from the other family. And then, suddenly, it hit him like a ton of bricks. Why Mara had insisted they come visit. Why Ty was sitting so stiffly. Why Deuce kept bunching the fabric of his trousers into his fists. Why Earl, for the first time since Zane had met him, looked his age.
Memorial Day. Ty was fresh from a deployment, and considering he still didn't talk about what he'd done over there, Zane had no way of knowing if one of his men hadn't made it home. He had to be thinking about Eli Sanchez, too, on the fourth Memorial Day he was on the roll of the fallen. But more importantly for the entire Grady family, it was the first Memorial Day since Deuce's wedding.
Since Richard Burns' death.
“At this time,” the preacher continued, “I would like everyone in the congregation with a loved one who has passed on who served in the Armed Forces to please rise.”
The Gradys rose as one. Deuce looked badly shaken as he did so. Beyond them, the family at the other end of the pew also rose; the oldest son started to, hesitated, and then sat back down, his head bowed and his fists clenched. Zane guessed there was a story there and wondered what it might be.
Glancing behind him again, his gut twisted as he realized that fully half the congregation were on their feet. Elderly men in full uniforms, still standing as straight as age would allow them; white-haired women, gripping canes and the backs of pews for support; younger couples and families, obviously remembering parents or grandparents. One young girl, who couldn't have been more than ten or eleven, cradled a teddy bear in camouflage in one arm and held up a framed photograph of a smiling serviceman in the other. Zane had to look away.
He probably could have stood for Burns, but Livi wasn't either. He'd known Burns better—of course he had—but not as well as Ty. Not nearly as well as Ty. And he still hadn't quite forgiven him for...well, everything really. He didn't deserve to, and more to the point, he didn't want to.
A pang of guilt shot through him as he realized, for the first time, how grateful he was that he didn't have to. Had things been slightly different, had fate not smiled on him and decided to grant him a mercy he didn't deserve, he might have been standing right then, trying not to fall apart. Assuming he'd survived, which honestly wasn't guaranteed.
He'd barely survived losing Becky. He wasn't sure he could survive losing Ty.
The preacher let a moment of silence pass before thanking everyone and telling them to be seated. He gave a short but heartfelt prayer for the fallen. After the “amen”s had died away, he glanced at the Grady pew again and nodded, then sat down.
Ty and Deuce stood up.
The congregation was silent as the two brothers edged their way out of the pew and walked to the front of the church. Deuce was pale as a sheet, wearing the same suit he'd worn for his wedding. Ty stood at attention, his face the serious, almost expressionless mask it always was in his dress blues. It was Deuce who nodded at the choirmaster, who nodded to the accompanist, who began to play.
Zane didn't recognize the music, but that didn't stop the thrill that ran down his spine when Ty began to sing. “Dawn is breaking the stormy night...”
It was a haunting and beautiful song. Ty sang the first verse solo, describing a group of soldiers preparing for a battle, giving their lives for a life. His voice rose as he reached the end of the verse, where the soldiers recognized the American flag flying overhead. Deuce joined on the chorus, the two of them singing in truly beautiful harmony.
To freedom, justice, and liberty, it's the Stars and the Stripes forever...
Ty dropped out and let Deuce sing the second verse on his own. This was a more concretely Christian verse, talking about the crucifixion and stating that he was freed by His scars and His stripes, but Zane was still thinking about the first verse.
Still thinking about Ty.
Ty and his brothers, crawling through the dark, knowing that if they died their families would never know how or why. Ty having to be held back as he watched a man he probably hadn't even realized he'd loved until that moment die to save them. Ty doing everything he could to get home to Zane and knowing it still might not be enough.
Zane swallowed hard. He wasn't really a religious man anymore, but he definitely believed, and as Deuce and Ty began the second chorus, he sent up a prayer of thanks that the twenty years were up, that Zane would never again have to watch the man he loved go somewhere he couldn't follow, that nobody would ever ask them to sacrifice the other for their country again.
That Zane would never have to stand up at this service without Ty.
The song ended. The music died away. There was a moment of silence, probably immediately preparatory to the congregation applauding, assuming any of them could. In that moment, Ty turned smartly on his heel towards the American flag, squared his shoulders, and snapped to attention as he saluted the flag.
The sight took Zane's breath away, just like it had at Lydia Reeves' funeral two years before. Movement out of the corner of his eye drew his attention, and he turned in time to see first Chester, then Earl, also both in their uniforms, rise to their feet and copy the salute. Amelia peered over Zane's shoulder, eyes wide, and he didn't have to turn around to guess that everyone else in uniform was doing the same thing.
Ty held the salute for a minute, then lowered it, pivoted back to the front, and saluted the congregation—unsurprising, as some of the men out there probably outranked him. Probably. Nor was Zane surprised when they all saluted him back. Or at least, he thought they were saluting him back.
It was hard to see through the blur of tears.
Ty and Deuce slowly walked back to the pew. Zane stood up to give them access. As Ty passed him, he saw the glint of tears in his eyes, and he couldn't help himself. Amelia notwithstanding, the fact that they were in view of the majority of the congregation be damned, Zane reached out and pulled Ty into a tight hug.
Ty returned it, that was the shocking thing. He clung to Zane hard, his hands gripping the back of Zane's suit jacket, the same way he'd held onto him when he first got home from deployment. Zane could feel him shaking slightly and wanted to keep holding him until he stopped, but he knew this wasn't the time or the place. Instead, he slowly and carefully eased back. Ty did, too, and they resumed their seats. But as they did, Zane reached over and laced his fingers through Ty's. Ty clutched him back like he might never let go.
The rest of the service was honestly a blur to Zane. They sang another hymn, which he thought might have been “America the Beautiful”; there was a scripture lesson, and a sermon, and then they sang “Amazing Grace” as the closing hymn, which was terribly unfair. Then came the benediction and the blessing, and the choir—thirty strong at least and still not sounding as good as Deuce and Ty's duet had—sang a closing song while the acolytes carried the Light of Christ out the back of the church. As the song reached its end, the preacher bellowed from the back of the room, “And all God's children say—”
“Amen,” the congregation replied in unison. The service was over.
Normally the Gradys left immediately after church was over, or—if Ty and Deuce had their way—slipped out during the last hymn to avoid getting swept up in the crowd. Today, though, Mara shoved them all towards the doors that led to the main part of the church, and they had no choice but to obey. Mara Grady with a bee in her bonnet was a force to be reckoned with.
“That was beautiful, Ty,” Zane said quietly as they followed the crowd down the hall. He wanted to pull Ty aside and kiss him senseless, but in the first place, he wasn't about to do that in Ty's church, not knowing how the congregation might react, and in the second place, they wouldn't get out of the throng without serious injury at this point.
Ty kept his eyes locked straight ahead of him, and Zane would have wondered if he'd heard except that he said, his voice so soft it wouldn't have been audible if Zane hadn't been listening for it, “I had to do something for them.”
“I know.” Zane shifted Amelia to his other hip and brushed his hand discreetly against Ty's lower back.
Ty reached for Zane, pulling them together, then managed to angle them out of the stream of people and to a turn-off for another hallway, where nobody was standing. For a wild second, Zane thought Ty was going to kiss him, but instead he simply pulled him into another tight hug, clinging to him as his shoulders began to shake.
Zane hugged him back, Amelia trapped between them as he felt his fiance fall apart. Felt him mourn. For Richard Burns, for Eli Sanchez, for Chas Turner. For every ghost that had filled the sanctuary and every tombstone he'd stood beside. Tears soaked into Zane's shoulder as Ty let himself grieve, let himself remember.
And Zane held him, silently reaffirming what he'd promised from the moment he'd given Ty his heart. That he would be there. No matter what.
That they would remember together.
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lonelypond · 6 years
Jingle Bell Jazz, Chapter 4
Love Live, NicoMaki, 4.5K, 4/?
Summary: ROADTRIP!
Nico was tired. She just needed to close her eyes for five minutes, then she could go back to the music room and dive back into being part of a trio that suddenly alive, music spinning between the three of them like flax to gold. Nothing Nico had ever sung had sounded so...personal. But Maki, Maki, had suddenly become Nico’s best audience ever, attentive, responsive, hanging on every note, easing Nico...and to be fair, Eli, in and out of solos, meeting every challenge, opening up to every risk. For a barn burner, so stylish, with car, clothes, and crib that screamed classy, Maki was surprisingly humble about everything but music. And the way her fingers flew over the piano when the redhead’s full confidence kicked in, Nico couldn’t really blame her for that.
Maki, concentrating on what she and Eli were discussing, had waved in a vague direction when Nico had asked about a bathroom so Nico had used that as an excuse to drift through the first floor, awed by the proportions of the rooms, the vault of the ceilings, but a little put off by the cold stillness. Maki, in the music room, sleeves pushed up past her elbows, tousled red hair bouncing freely at random, seemed like the ingenue of a starkly dramatic black and white film suddenly slipping through the screen into a Technicolor musical, vibrant color rising in that adorable blush Nico had caught when she winked at Maki once. Or was that just a tired hazy dream and not a memory? Nico yawned, balling her fists, and twisting her arms around to stretch them. Just five minutes. There’d been a comfy looking couch just outside the music room, Nico could hear Eli and Maki from there, that would keep her from falling too deeply asleep.
Leaning back into the couch, Nico knew she could get used to this comfort, sinking into luxurious cushions, resting her feet on something so soft it actually seemed to be erasing the strain of a long evening at work. And then there was the spark she felt when Maki had really gotten IT, understood the give and take, ridden the potential. Nico could so easily get used to this, but it wasn’t Europe. And Nico wouldn’t be getting a house even a quarter this impressive if she didn’t start her professional life soon. Nico had learned at too young an age that you couldn’t rely on anyone but yourself, and while she was a rock for her family and friends like Nozomi and Eli, Nico had to make sure the foundation of her own future was set. It wasn’t like she could just marry a guy and be a happy housewife. It might be harder to find a girl, you had to know places, and people, and how to read that quick second glance back over a shoulder, but hey, Eli and Umi had, and they were practically stay at homes. And Nico intended to bring a hand full of aces to the table whenever she did find someone to woo. Nico wondered briefly about Maki as she tilted even further into sleep. Surely the universe wouldn’t waste that talent and those eyes on a society housewife gig. Nico giggled as the “Nico could dream” thought invaded, but she barely had time to remember that it had as she started to snore.
“NICO! NICO!” Eli was shouting. Had it been 10 minutes? Was Maki upset that Nico was using her couch as a bed?
Nico opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Maki opposite her, frozen in the room’s archway, holding a mug, looking like she’d been caught burgling her own home. Her mouth was slightly open in shock, her lavender eyes wide, and she glanced away as soon as Nico made eye contact. The pianist was wearing a silver satin bathrobe over purple paisley pajamas. When did she have time to change? Then Nico became aware of Eli leaning over the couch and pounding on her side, “NICO!”
“Knock it off, Eli. I just laid down for 5 minutes.” Nico sat up, with a groan, wondering how she got so stiff. “We can get right back to work.”
‘It’s after 11 a.m. You missed your train.”
“What?” Nico threw herself up from the couch, stumbling into Maki, who dropped her mug when she caught Nico with one hand. “No no no.”
“What’s wrong? Late for work…?” The hairs on the back of Maki’s neck tingled as confusion fogged her thinking, but Nico’s weight in her arms more of a wake up call than the coffee.
Nico exhaled, fuming,...and pushed the still clinging Maki back, “Why didn’t you wake me up before you got all cozy?” Nico flipped the lapel of Maki’s robe, then stomped back toward the music room, “I can’t believe this.”
Maki, keeping a wary eye on Nico as the singer’s mood darkened, spoke to the calmest person in the room. “Eli, what’s going on?”
“Nico missed her train. She was going to Troy to spend Christmas with her family.”
Nico returned with her coat on, practically running for the door.
“Nico, where are you going?” Eli tried to slow the singer, but Nico was determined.
“Maybe there’s a bus that’ll get me there. The kids are expecting me. Mama’s not going to get home ‘til late….” Nico’s glaring was a front as she muttered frantically. Maki, even with little experience of Nico’s moods, could tell that the singer was trying very hard not to...cry? Scream?
“I’ll drive you.” Maki announced, getting the full attention of Nico and Eli. Maki knelt to pick up her mug, which hadn’t broken, “I was going to Maine anyway. It won’t add that much time.” Maki had no idea how much time it would actually add, but her car could top 100 so once she got Nico safely to her family, Maki could vent a little frustration on the road.
And that was how, 42 minutes later, somewhat reluctantly, Nico was opening the door of her apartment so Maki could wait inside while Nico packed a few things. Eli had headed across town to meet her family, Nozomi already at the Ayase brownstone, participating in the annual mixing of enough Christmas gingerbread and Russian tea cake cookies for the entire neighborhood.
Maki stepped into a small room, meticulously clean, a tiny television on a low bookcase next to a turntable hung with tinsel, a few cityscapes on the wall, some framed photos on another low table. One worn sofa and a hard wooden chair were the only other furniture. Maki had changed into glen plaid wool trousers and a gray fisherman’s sweater over thermal underwear, trousers tucked into duck boots. The sky was as gray as her sweater and the wind had immediately cut through her driving gloves. The driving cap had tried to blow off her head every time she stepped into the weather, but once they got in the car again, it would be driving only for the next three hours.
Nico came out of what Maki assumed was her bedroom, a canvas duffle over her shoulder, changed into jeans and what seemed to be five layers of sweaters. Nico glared at Maki, “Your convertible is going to be the death of Nico by hypothermia.”
“I put a stack of blankets in the trunk. You can cover yourself with them.”
“Hmmmmppphh.” Nico stepped into her kitchen, Maki following, “We should eat before we hit the road. I’ll make us quick omelettes.”
“That sounds great.” Maki sat, hands crossed politely in front of her.
Nico snorted, “So you don’t ask if you can help? Too used to servants?”
Maki shrugged “I burn toast.”
Nico growled at the redhead’s nonchalance. “Can you make coffee at least? The percolator’s in the cabinet over there.” Nico jerked her head to the right, “Coffee’s in the brown canister. Do something useful, Rachmaninoff.”
Maki stood, face flushed from embarrassment, and opened the cabinet, grateful she’d gotten accustomed to making her own coffee during the late nights working pieces over on the piano.
Nico was grumbling as she cooked, Maki catching odd words here and there, only a few she recognized like spoiled. And snobby was back...Maki sighed. She did not want to lose her temper, but Nico’s volume was increasing and it would be hard to continue as if she had heard none of the singer’s invective. So she changed the subject.
“How many siblings do you have?” Maki asked quietly as the coffee perked and Nico flipped the egg mix over onions.
“Three. My sister Cocoro just started high school, Cocoa in middle school and my little brother Cotaro is in fourth grade.” Nico divided the omelette, slid it next to the toast on each plate and handed one to Maki, who was pouring coffee into cups. Nico splashed half and half in and settled at the table.
Maki wasn’t sure what was polite conversation about siblings, especially ones so young. “Are any of them interested in music?”
Nico squinted her eyes, considering Maki’s tone, and after several bites of omelette responded, “Cotaro seems to like the drums, but Cocoro’s already planning the business she’s going to run, and Cocoa can’t stand still long enough to have a talk about interests. Nico figures she’ll be an Olympic runner.”
Maki nodded, information noted, but not having met -- or planning to -- Nico’s siblings that conversational alley was a brick wall. So she and Nico ate quickly and in awkward silence.
Nico looked ludicrous, buried under three blankets in the passenger seat of the Mercedes. It was taking all Maki’s concentration to focus on the road and not just double up with laughter. Which was good, because Maki was needing to be distracted from Nico’s return in her mind to pin up girl status, Maki not wanting to remember exactly how many minutes she stood in that archway, staring at the sleeping singer, amazed that someone so full of buzzing, boisterous energy could actually be still for even a moment, let alone the hours between 2 a.m. and when Eli had woken her up. Sleeping Nico had looked like a...well, a Zoë Mozert Mutoscope card girl at rest, but still all legs and lips, and that wasn’t helping Maki’s concentration any. Especially since Nico was once again sneering in her direction, not smiling. Maki hadn’t realized Nico had a train to catch...not that that mattered, Maki acknowledged to herself. The only thing she was thinking about last night was getting to the point where working with Nico was possible. And then when they had gotten there, the only thing on Maki’s mind was how Nico’s voice had filled the room, her mind, how Nico had let the lyrics flirt with the piano, with her, how much possibility there was in that tension for...more. Or at least what Maki thought might be more; Nico was obviously viewing this as a job to get through so she could launch her real career. But did she sound that...alive when she sang with the UTX people? Did anyone as playfully and affectionately tease her to new highs like Eli did? Was there chemistry? Could Maki ask that?
While Maki was sorting through all that, Nico asked a question, “What class do you need this for?”
“Umi said you needed this for a class.”
“Oh, not exactly. I need Professor Melton to write me a reference so I can compete in Switzerland in the Spring.”
“Oh, so you’re leaving school too.” Disinterest...perhaps disappointment?
Maki wanted to think about Nico’s tone of voice, but she didn’t want to leave a gap in the conversation, “Maybe.”
“Oh, you don’t know if you’ll get accepted?” Nico chirped, sounding more sympathetic.
I don’t know if I want to go anymore was too big a thought for Maki to unpack right now, with Nico likely to ask questions so she just grunted. Nico took that as a reply and continued, “Nico is headed to Europe too, if I can get Tsubasa to agree to my terms. Maybe we can meet up in Paris?”
“Maybe.” Maki allowed herself to hint at a slight interest in the proposed rendezvous, “What terms?”
“Nico wants her name on the marquee...won’t do much if people just think Nico’s a random singer Tsubasa picked up. Although,” Nico sounded thoughtful and Maki sneaked a look at the frowning schemer, “Nico might be willing if Tsubasa was willing to go in the studio and record an album. That would boost Nico’s profile.”
Maki grunted again. Snow was starting to fall and the clouds were piling up, darkening the sky, Driving would probably start taking all of her attention now.
“So Nico-chi missed her train, she must have been heart broken.”
“For like thirty seconds, then Maki offered to drive her.”
“That’s very nice.”
Eli shrugged, “Maki was going to Maine anyway, probably not anything more.”
“Hallway gossip says Maki can’t be pried away from her piano. That’s why Professor Melton set her this challenge.” Nozomi leaned into the counter, hip to hip with Eli.
“Challenge?” Eli looked up from decorating cookies.
“Professor Melton won’t give her a letter of recommendation for some big European competition until Maki plays with other musicians.”
“But she’s Umi’s friend. Why didn’t she play with μ's ?”
Nozomi giggled, “She grew up with Rin, she might not think they take music seriously.”
“That’s not true; they just have fun too.” Eli pivoted toward to her girlfriend, “How do you know all this?”
“I call people, we talk.” Nozomi batted her eyelashes at Eli, pouting. “I have to do something while you and Nico rehearse until dawn.”
Eli shook her head. “It wasn’t dawn. Well not the rehearsing, anyway.”
“Coco never kept you out so late.”
“Coco wasn’t…” Eli frowned, almost scratching her head with the tip of the piping bag, “intense, 18 karat, Maki’s all in on the music. Even Nico was impressed....”
Nozomi flopped so she could lean back on her elbows and watch Eli, “Any chance you could add Maki in and have a trio again? I’m going to miss my favorite jazz group when Tsubasa steals Nico away.”
“We turned down those gigs when Coco quit. Plus didn’t you say Maki was going to some big European competition?”
“I did.” Nozomi frowned. The rest of Eli’s family had gone to visit friends, leaving the two of them to finish the Christmas cookies and start on dinner. “Too bad.”
Eli decided to fancy up the gingerbread people, adding rosettes to their cheeks, “I will just be glad if the New Year’s Eve concert avoids disaster. So pray for that tonight, please.”
“Of course, my love.” Nozomi kissed Eli on the cheek, “I’m sure everything will work out.”
Maki and Nico were standing side by side, inside the entrance of the diner, staring at what might as well be a wall, a world darkened by lack of sunlight and brightened by driving snow. Nico was still wrapped in a blanket as well as her three sweaters and a parka, stomping to get warmth in her feet; Maki was brushing snowflakes off her hat, before replacing it on her head and putting her lined leather gloves in her coat pocket. The wool of her coat was so thick, snow had only beaded on it, not soaked through.
“You need better boots.” Maki observed, staring down as Nico’s foot speed increased.
“Thanks, genius.” Nico flicked the blanket edge at the redhead.
“We might as well get some coffee and food. You’ve been yawning; it’s contagious,” Maki sighed, and let the waitress lead them to a booth. It was close to the window. Nico had slid down to the end of her bench farthest from the window and looked longingly at the counter, but Maki was staring out the window, so Nico just sighed and sat on the blanket, wrapping it around her like a skirt.
“The cold is contagious. Yawning is a symptom of hypothermia.” Nico stated.
“No, it’s not.” Maki countered, “You’d be confused and slurring your words, and shivering a lot more than you are.”
“What are you, a doctor?”
Maki opened her mouth, the waitress stepped forward, and Maki took the distraction rather than respond to Nico’s question, “Two coffees and whatever you’ve got that will warm us up.”
“Hot chocolate.” Nico grumbled, “Lots of milk, little butter, got any cinnamon? And pie.”
“Sure, we can do that, dear. We got cheese and onion if you want something for an early dinner. Or apple if you want something to go with the chocolate.”
“Thanks. Cheese and onion.”
“I’ll have steak and eggs, rye toast. Put it all on one bill.” Maki said.
“You don’t have to do that. I can pay. You’re doing me a favor.” Nico frowned.
Maki ignored Nico’s offer, saving her comment for Nico’s food choices. “Hot chocolate and cheese and onion pie sounds disgusting.”
“It sounds warm.”
“Just don’t dip. I don’t want to throw up.”
Nico stuck out her tongue. Maki smiled, but then turned to watch out the window again, twirling her fork, tines pushed into the napkin twisting it around.
The waitress dropped their food in front of them, then stood for a minute, hands in apron pockets before speaking in a serious tone, “There’s a motel about a mile down the road. I could call and tell ‘em to get a room ready for you.” She paused, “Better than going back out there.”
Maki was about to agree when she caught the reflection of Nico’s face in the window. The singer had quickly wiped her sleeve across her face, but when Maki turned, there was only the slightest red around her eyes and resolve hardened the carved lines of her face.
“We shouldn’t chance it.” Nico agreed, but weakly.
Maki smiled at the waitress and cut into her steak “We’ll let you know.”
Nico bit into her cheese and onion pie, but yelped as the steam hit her tongue, “Too hot” she said wryly as she let the pie fall to her plate, waving her fingers at her open mouth.
“Santa’s reindeer must love this weather. He never lets it stop him. He always manages to make it to our camp, even in much worse conditions than this.” Maki mused as she wolfed down her steak, keeping control of the car in this slippery weather was hungry making work. Lavender eyes calm, she met Nico’s gaze, “We’re about halfway there, right?”
Nico was processing the Santa comment, debating a reply, when Maki guesstimated the distance, “Um...probably. Two hours in normal weather, but in this…” Then Nico’s concerns drifted somewhere else and her face softened, “I wonder if Mama made it home before the storm hit.”
Maki hummed, considering, watching expressions race across Nico’s face, most of which she didn’t know Nico well enough to even guess at. But worry was always there, like a neon sign you could see even in a dark, snowy alley. Three siblings at home, all hoping for the arrival of their mother and sister and the weather doing its best to prevent that. Santa wouldn’t be happy. Plus, Nico would probably spend the whole night sad and restless and who knew what the roads would be like in the morning. Maki’s car was fast and pretty sure footed, but it wasn’t designed for ice skating.
Maki put down her knife and fork and raised her cup at the waitress for a refill. Maybe they could get a Thermos to go, “Don’t worry, Nico. I’ll get you there.”
For the last hour of the four-hour second half of their ride, the snow had slowed down. Maki was now driving through the Fulton neighborhood where the rowhouse the Yazawas shared with another family was located. For the first half of the drive, Nico had forgone the radio for singing, deciding that if she had a captive audience, maybe Maki could get familiar enough with Nico’s repertoire to improve the chances the upcoming concert would be something other than a hang on to the edge of the stage for life slippery disaster like the road they were driving on. For Maki, fighting jitters and wind bursts, Nico’s voice was an almost pleasant distraction she didn’t have the leisure to listen to, except when Nico got stuck on a “Let It SNOW, let it SNOW, let it SNOW’ loop and Maki had to shout at her to stop. After that, both Nico and the storm had quieted down, Nico turning on the radio. From then, aside from Nico giving Maki directions when needed, they had settled into silence, Maki driving, Nico either staring worriedly out the windows for some sign of home or sneaking glances at Maki, to observe the redhead looking more haggard each time. Maki’s hands gripped the wheel so tightly Nico was worried she might have to break out the crowbar to pry them off. The blankets had been very helpful, but Maki’s stiffness was the result of both fatigue and chill. Nico knew she’d have to get the redhead inside and warmed up first thing.
“Pretty neighborhood,” Maki grunted, sounding hoarse, the gruffness of her own voice a surprise.
“Yeah, snow’s better to look at than drive in. There’s a park down the block my siblings love. There’s a wall to use for snow forts. We used to live downtown but my mom wanted us to have some more space.”
“What about your dad?”
Nico leaned her head against the window, glad for some cool against her cheek, “He died after my little brother was born.”
“Oh.” Maki could feel some energy returning, glad to be nearing a destination and pleased that Nico’s siblings wouldn’t be alone. This was a time of year to be with loved ones. “I’m sorry.”
Nico shrugged, “It was tough, but I helped Mama and we got through it.”
Maki considered not continuing the conversation, but Nico sounded friendly, so Maki braved another question. “Is it hard to be away from them?”
Nico blew and the bangs escaping from the brim of her hat flew up, “If Nico’s going to help them have a better future…” she paused, Maki sneaked a look, noticed tearing up, but Nico shook the mood away, confidence locked in again. “When Nico hits it big, Mama won’t have to worry anymore. And New York City is the place to make that happen. Everybody knows that.”
Maki hummed a neutral tune. Driving was the best cover for having nothing to say. Being half distracted seemed prudent, not rude.
Nico pointed. “Turn right up here. Park anywhere you can.”
“Thanks, Maki.” Nico grinned.
Maki hummed again, turning the wheel.
Maki stood in the doorway, shock having frozen her. In front of Nico was a taller, more mature Nico, hair in a bun, arms out to pull the version of Nico Maki was familiar with into a hug that nearly made the small singer disappear.
“How are you here? You shouldn’t have been on the roads, Nico.” A deeper voice.
Maki heard Nico mutter something close to her name.
“Maki?” Nico’s...mom?!? surely this wasn’t one of the siblings, Maki reasoned, eyes aimed at Maki over the top of Nico’s head at Maki, Maki glancing away as Nico’s mom appraised her. Maki wondered how unkempt she appeared after ten hours of travel and shoved her hands further in her pockets.
Nico stepped to the side, so a better view of Maki could be had. “Maki Nishikino, she’s a freshman Umi knows. Maki’s helping me and Eli with our concert, Mama. Her parents are in Maine so she dropped me off.”
Nico’s mother leveled a glare at her daughter that Maki could feel the heat flying off, “You shouldn’t have been on the road in that storm.”
Nico hung her head, “Maki’s a really good driver, Mama.” Maki perked up at the praise and Nico continued, “And I was worried about the kids.”
Nico’s mom sighed, “And I worry about you, Nico. Especially when you do things like this.”
“Sorry, Mama.” Nico shuffled her feet.
Maki almost snickered. Nico seemed so different, here, in conversation with her mother, more like the young teen a stranger might have guessed she was from her looks.
“You are going to bring your friend inside, feed her, and set up the sleeper sofa for her.” Nico’s mom issued orders.
“Of course I wa…” Nico reached for Maki’s arm.
Maki interrupted Nico, “I just need coffee and a chance to rest my hands for a half an hour.” Maki could feel her fingers uncramping and hoped they really didn’t resemble the stiff hooks they felt like. That would not bode well for piano practice.
Nico grabbed Maki and pulled the taller girl into the apartment, “You heard Mama, Maki. You must be starved. And you can leave in the morning.”
Maki twisted to get herself out of the stumble, nearly falling, but unwilling to reach out her arms and use Nico as a brake on forward momentum. Nico’s mom firmly closed the door behind them..
“My parents…” Maki started.
“You can call them. I’m sure they’re worried.” Nico’s mom had her arms crossed, presenting a formidable barricade.
Meanwhile, Nico had Maki’s coat half off and somehow Maki was standing in front of a blessedly warm radiator, “Nico will loan you a nightshirt….”
“We both have bags in the car.” Maki reminded her passenger.
Finally, something Nico’s mother approved of. “Good, you’d have trouble fitting into anything of mine. Nico will go get it and then both of you can change into something dry while I make some soup. Go on, Nico. Get her bag.”
Nico, still in her coat, held out her mittened hand for Maki’s keys. Rather than risk Mrs. Yazawa’s displeasure Maki handed her keychain over.
Nico was back before Maki had a chance to say anything, then Nico’s mom shoved them both Into her small bedroom, single bed between them, Nico put both bags down, then the awkward silence hovered until Maki sighed and sat on the bed.
“Your mother…your mother is…”
“Trust me, Nico knows.” Nico pulled out what looked like flannel pajamas.
“I really shouldn’t impose.” Maki couldn’t even convince herself.
“Mama’s not going to let you go anywhere.” Nico clucked her tongue, “Neither am I. You’re exhausted, Maki, you have been for 100 miles. Just relax. Nico will take care of everything.”
Maki nodded, suddenly feeling all her weariness and out of arguments. Time to take off her boots before she collapsed. She could figure out the rest after some food.
A/N May your 2019 be full of brightness and cheer.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 94: Happy Little Bluebirds Fly
The Enchanted Forest
19 Years Before the Dark Curse
Snow fidgeted impatiently, as her mother and step-father led her by her hands to their cottage, which was located in a beautiful meadow near the foot of Mount Olympus. The meadow was filled with just about every breed of flower that existed on Earth and was home to many creatures, for they flocked to it, knowing it was a safe, peaceful place.
"Can I open my eyes yet?" Snow asked anxiously.
"Not yet, snowdrop," Persephone replied.
"Hmm...impatient. Wonder where she gets that from?" Hades teased, glancing at her.
"You just love that joke, don't you," she replied, with an eye roll.
"As much as you love the one where you insist she gets her penchant for mischief from me," he retorted.
"Oh please...you take pride in that. You boast it," she said. He chuckled.
"Yes, I do," he admitted.
"And it's true. No one can find trouble like the two of you," she added and he didn't attempt to refute it.
"Can I open them now?" Snow asked in a huff. He chuckled. Persephone smiled, as she saw the surprise make its way into the meadow.
"Okay Snowdrop...you can open them now," she said. Snow did so and in her line of vision was a beautiful, white Unicorn. The majestic animal galloped gently toward them and bowed its long head to them.
"A unicorn?" Snow asked in awe.
"Well...we're going to teach you to ride and I thought a Princess such as you should have a fitting beast to learn on," Hades replied.
"And it eases my nerves knowing that a Unicorn won't get spooked and throw her like a horse might," Persephone muttered to him. He smiled.
"Relax, my love...this Unicorn has been trained by the best, I assure you. Raised from birth specifically to protect our little Snow," he assured.
"What's his name?" Snow asked, as she pet the Unicorn and he nuzzled her affectionately.
"That is entirely up to you, sweet pea," Hades answered, as he lifted her onto the animal, intending to take her on her first ride around the meadow. And the timing would be good, for they heard the approach of a carriage. A royal carriage and Eli stepped out. Though his guards were extremely leery of leaving the King alone, he insisted and sent the carriage away, though the Knights would not be far away.
"Hi Daddy! Papa Hades got me a Unicorn!" Snow gushed.
"That's wonderful, baby. I need to talk to mommy, but then I want you tell me all about it," he called back. Hades exchanged a glance with his wife, silently agreeing to keep Snow out of earshot.
"Come on, sweet pea, let's take that first ride," he said.
"Can we go fast?" she asked.
"Sure," he answered.
"Hades…" Persephone warned. He winced.
"We'll start with a slow prance," he promised, as they proceeded to venture around the meadow. Eli sighed.
"A Unicorn? He just has to upstage me at every chance he gets, doesn't he?" Eli asked in annoyance.
"That's not what he's doing," Persephone protested and he raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, maybe a little...but I actually insisted on the Unicorn. They don't get spooked and won't throw Snow," she replied.
"That was one nightmare you had," he admonished.
"I don't have nightmares. I have premonitions and I've woken up more than once to the image of our daughter being thrown from a horse. It's a Unicorn or nothing," she insisted. He put his hands up in surrender.
"Fine…" he relented.
"I assume this isn't what you summoned me here about?" he questioned.
"No...but it is about Snow's safety," she replied. He scoffed.
"Not this again...Snow is safe with me, I assure you," he insisted.
"Your wife hates our little girl!" she exclaimed.
"Hate is a strong word," he said, shifting uncomfortably.
"Oh please...she's so jealous that I'm surprised she hasn't turned green yet," she retorted.
"Why would she be jealous of a ten-year-old? That ridiculous," he commented.
"No Eli...it's not. Ravenna sees how much you love Snow and how much you adore her, as a father should. But you don't love her and she knows it," Persephone said.
"Are you really going to go there? You're going to comment on my relationship when you're married to him?" he snapped back.
"This isn't about Hades! He loves Snow...he loves her as if she were his own," she snapped back.
"Don't remind me!" he spat.
"Do you have any idea what it's like to have to watch that man with my daughter and watch her adore him right back?" he exclaimed. Persephone sighed.
"Eli…" she started to say.
"Do you think this is the life I wanted? I hate it...I hate not being with you...I hate not being Snow all the time," he admitted.
"And I'll confess...it's harder, because you're happy in your marriage. You're happy with a man that you once insisted wasn't capable of love," he added. She looked down for a moment and then back up.
"He changed...he saw the error in his ways. And then when Snow was born, that was it. He turned away from all darkness and let love guide him," she told him.
"Yes...I remember. I had to watch Snow being born on your mother's crystal ball, while he got to be there," Eli spat bitterly.
Persephone's screams echoed through their chambers and could be heard throughout the Underworld. It was a day unlike any other, for the land of the dead never saw life being born. But today was an exception, as Queen Persephone gave birth.
"Her head is crowning, darling. A few more big pushes and it's over," Demeter said, as Hades held her tightly.
"I can't…" Persephone cried.
"You can, my love...you're the strongest woman I know," he encouraged, as she pushed through the pain with more screams, until the cry of an infant rang out. Persephone and Hades became stunned, as their eyes became fixated on the wriggling baby that Demeter now held and proceeded to clean off.
"Look…" Hades said, as they saw snowdrops suddenly sprout from the ground in their chamber. Demeter smiled and placed the baby in her arms and they both were in awe.
Tears came to Persephone's eyes at the memory. It was the one and only thing the three of them could agree on. It was the best day of their lives.
"We can lament the past all day or we can deal with the present. And that present is that I fear for our daughter's safety in your Kingdom," she pleaded.
"And I'm begging you not to take her away...please, she's all I really have," he begged.
"I don't want to do that, Eli. Snow loves you, so you know I would never want to separate you from her. But you have to put your foot down with your wife and your court," she insisted.
"I will try...but they do not always listen. They know I am not a strong King," he said shamefully. She sighed.
"But you can be. And if you can't do it for yourself, do it for Snow," she pleaded.
"I'll try...just please don't take her away from me," he begged again.
"You know that is the last thing I would ever want to do. Snow loves you and I know how much you love her," Persephone stated.
"I hate this...I hate being married to someone that I not only don't love, but hates my daughter," he confessed.
"Then do something. Ravenna has helped lead to poverty in your Kingdom and she can't produce an heir. I fear what she may try to do to our daughter if she is left unchecked," Persephone said.
"I will try, but you know I have to tread lightly. The Southern Isles has a very large army. If I were to oust her completely, such would be an act of war and that would not protect our daughter," he replied.
"But I'll protect her, Persephone. I promise," he added, as Hades returned with Snow and her new Unicorn.
"Daddy...I'm naming my Unicorn Stardust," Snow told him. He smiled and lifted her off the animal.
"That's a wonderful name," he told her, as he hugged her tightly.
"I love you Snow," he said, feeling the need to tell her that.
"I love you too, Daddy," she replied.
Rumple observed his new student, as she used her magic on the task he had given her. Zelena was very powerful, with almost unlimited potential. And on the surface, this made her the perfect person to cast his curse. But he needed someone with more than just purely magic to cast it. After watching her over the past few years, he quickly determined that this wicked girl loved absolutely nothing, aside from herself, perhaps. She had learned lessons of coldness and cruelty well from her mother and had developed a reputation for being a bully. Clearly, Cora's raising and Leopold's aloof indifference had nurtured this future monster. He wasn't sure if the King suspected that his daughters were not his or if he just didn't care whether they were or not. But his complete disinterest in his family was hard to ignore. Many surmised that he just didn't love his family, but no one seemed to mind much. Royals weren't required to love anyone. In fact, it was not uncommon for a royal to be as cold and indifferent as the King was. But Rumple knew the real reason for Leopold's aloof indifference.
Cora needed the King as a figurehead until Zelena was ready to ascend to the Throne as Queen. At that point, she was sure that Leopold would meet some seemingly accidental end. Then Zelena would become Queen and Cora Queen mother. Young Princess Regina, who had by some miracle retained some kindness and good nature, would likely be married off to a Prince so Cora could see that both her daughters became Queens. And to achieve the level of indifference that Leopold had made Rumple suspect he was under the influence of Cora's magic. He knew of several spells off the top of his head that would allow Cora to influence his every thought and move.
He might actually feel bad for the King if he did not know what kind of person Leopold truly was. Even under the influence of all of Cora's spells, he had seen the King's eyes wander to young, beautiful maidens more than once. His own daughters had no idea what they were really escaping with him and he wondered if Cora had an inkling. He was under enough of her control that he had not dared to touch one of them. But notably, he had shown quite an interest in King Eli's young daughter, whom he had only met for the first time a few weeks ago at a ball. It was the first moment of clarity he had seen in the King for years. Had Persephone been there to notice it...well, the King would have been sent straight to the Underworld for Hades to deal with. It definitely interested him to see how this would all play out.
But his thoughts returned to the glaring problem at hand. He had the power to cast the curse in Zelena...but this girl did not love. He had two paths he could take now. He could consult his seer powers to see if there was anyone she might actually love or he could find another. On one hand, teaching and cultivating magic in another was a daunting task. But he felt it might be a safer option. He still had time, after all. Snow White was only ten-years-old, and the Savior wouldn't be born for another eighteen years now. He didn't like reaching into the future much. It had proven too risky to gaze upon and what he saw was rarely the whole story. He only got bits and pieces and it was almost too difficult to read. In fact, the only real clear visions he had were that there would be a Savior. And she would be born from a love between Princess Snow White and a charming shepherd named David. But he knew the reason that vision was so clear was because the Goddess Athena had written this love in the stars. It was a true love that would be unprecedented and unlike any other to ever exist. But seeing Zelena's future proved to be trickier.
"Her magic is magnificent...isn't?" Cora asked, as she appeared next to him.
"Truly...but natural aptitude isn't everything," he answered.
"Isn't this what you want, Rumple?" Cora cooed.
"Isn't this what you need?" she added.
"Power is only half the equation, dearie…" he retorted.
"What more could there be than power?" she asked, as she looked at him.
"She loves nothing...except power, perhaps. You've taught her well," he replied.
"Love is weakness," Cora commented. And he offhandedly wondered how a smart woman like Cora could be so short sighted when it came to love. What she said could be true at times. Love could breed weakness in some. But love could be so many more things. He had seen it turn to hatred. He had seen it destroy people and leave them as shadows of their former selves. He had seen it start and end wars. And in the future, he could see one particular love saving the world. People did insane things for love. They committed atrocities for it. They killed for it. And from one particular love...true love's magic would be born. Love was many things, but he believed that weakness was not one of them.
"That's a very narrow view, dearie...and one that might cost you someday," he commented cryptically. She smirked.
"I'll take my chances," she responded.
"At any rate...Zelena will cast your curse and it will be what you need to find your son," she added. But he knew that wasn't true. If Zelena cast his curse, he was becoming more convinced by the minute that he would never find Bae.
"Where is Princess Regina?" he inquired.
"She is at a riding lesson...or pretending to be. She thinks me ignorant to her dalliances with the stable boy," Cora responded. Hmm...now that was interesting. Despite Cora's disdain for love, it would seem that Regina had found it. And he knew what love lost could breed in someone like Regina. Cora would let her have it until she decided it was time to end it and marry her off. It was definitely an opportunity he might be able to explore. For now though, he became quite interested in the scene below.
"Ah...King Eli and his little bastard daughter are visiting. Eli's Kingdom is having financial troubles and I suggested to Leopold that he extend an olive branch," Cora said.
"Of course...once we become involved with the northern Kingdom, hostile takeover will be easy and inevitable," she added.
"Oh, I'd be careful there, dearie. That retch you're referring to is the daughter of Persephone and step-daughter of Hades. If one hair on her head is harmed...their wrath will know no bounds," he warned.
"Hmmm...you're quite right about that," Cora said, noticing how her husband was suddenly doting on the child.
"That girl certainly has a way about her. Many become so enamored by her," Cora commented. Rumple was watching what she was and it even made him uncomfortable. As the Dark One, he was many things and had committed atrocities in his reign, but the type of evil that he was seeing in Leopold's eyes was beyond even him. He would have to monitor that situation. He did not doubt that the young Princess could overcome anything. He had seen glimpses of the fierce woman she would become, but this was not one obstacle that he thought anyone should have to overcome. It was uncharacteristic for him to care about anyone and at the end of the day, his concern was still more about his curse. But she was vital to that success of that curse. Having her innocence stolen at this tender age could jeopardize his design. He didn't doubt that she would find her true love; that was written in the stars and awaken hope in her. But there were already enough obstacles for her to overcome on her path to being a hero. And this was not one that was required or necessary for that matter. If King Eli didn't notice the signs, Persephone would and he knew she often looked in on her daughter from the Underworld. He could only hope she was watching today.
King Eli held his little girl's tiny hand in his own larger one, as he discussed diplomacy with King Leopold. They had been invited to attend a ball that evening at King Leopold's palace and had come early to discuss matters of state.
"Your Kingdom is in a financial crisis it seems," Leopold mentioned.
"It is. I am afraid that I have a Queen that is not easily pleased," Eli responded.
"Yes...it is not hard to spot the friction between the two of you. I know your Court is demanding a viable heir to the Throne," Leopold stated. Eli glanced at him.
"They are...but if we are being frank, I already have an heir. But getting my narrow minded court to accept my daughter will not be an easy task," Eli replied.
"Take it from an old King...it will not be something they will ever accept. A child born out of wedlock is seen as a disgrace. Your daughter has fared much better simply because people fear her mother and step-father," Leopold advised.
"Snow is everything to me. It should not matter how she came to be. She is my daughter," Eli replied.
"Oh, I am inclined to agree with you. However, the ways of our Kingdoms are steeped in centuries of tradition and change is not easy for some to take. You should take heart though," Leopold mentioned, as Eli glanced at him again.
"She is a lovely little girl and I think she may fair much better than other royal children born out of wedlock," he said, as his eyes locked on Snow. Eli looked down at his little girl, whose attention was occupied by some of the birds and rabbits that scurried about and therefore did not notice the King's predatory stare.
"You should not have difficulty finding suitors for her. She is still of royal blood and Godly blood," he mentioned.
"Oh, I won't be finding a suitor for Snow. There will be no need. There is no much I have been able to promise my precious little girl, but I will promise to let her marry for love," he said wistfully.
"I was unable to and I won't burden her with an arranged marriage. Such would be ill suited to her free spirit," he said, as he watched her kneel down in the dirt, her dress be damned, to play with the animals. Leopold watched the small animals, birds, and even a fawn approach the little girl.
"Extraordinary," Leopold commented. Eli smiled.
"As beautiful and kind and as extraordinary as her mother," the younger King mentioned.
"May I give you some advice?" Leopold questioned.
"Yes, of course," Eli replied.
"Letting Snow marry for love is a romantic notion. But I encourage you to find her a royal that would be able to protect her. I don't think I have to tell you the dangers posed to one such as her," Leopold said.
"Her mother and Hades would never let any harm come to her, nor will I," Eli replied. Leopold was about to continue to press the issue, but was interrupted.
"Snow…" Ravenna snapped, as she entered the garden and the little girl looked up. At her presence, all the creatures scurried away.
"Ravenna…" Eli warned.
"Save it Eli...look at her! She's filthy again! There is a ball tonight and now I have to clean her up! She looks like an urchin," Ravenna growled, as she grabbed Snow's arm.
"Owe!" Snow cried, as the angry Queen began to drag her away.
"Ravenna...stop! Johanna will tend to her," Eli promised. Ravenna let go and huffed, before storming off.
"My, my...are you sure you can protect her? It seems you cannot, even from your own Queen," Leopold mentioned.
"I can and I will. I won't let what Ravenna just did stand," he said, obviously angry at his wife's handling of his daughter.
"And nor will I," Demeter agreed, as she appeared with Artemis.
"Nana!" Snow called, as she rushed to her.
"Aunt Arty!" she called again, as the two woman hugged her tightly.
"Hello my little one...I need to speak to your father and then we'll go have some fun," she promised.
"Then I don't have to go to the ball?" Snow asked hopefully. Eli sighed and smiled at her, as she looked at him.
"No sweet pea...you can spend the evening with your grandmother if you'd rather," he said. Despite the fact that his court did not accept Snow, they were hypocritical enough to demand that she still act like a Princess. But Eli loved her too much to force this life on her.
"Come on, snowdrop. We'll go practice with your bow," Artemis said, as she took her hand and led her into the woods outside the palace.
"Excuse me," Leopold said, as he withered under Demeter's icy glare and left them alone.
"I know what you're going to say," Eli stated.
"I doubt that," Demeter countered, as she swept into the garden.
"I will speak with Ravenna...I won't let this stand. She knows how displeased I am with her treatment of Snow," he defended himself.
"And she does not care. She does not fear you. In fact, the only reason she has not abused my granddaughter further is that she fears me, Persephone, and most of all Hades," Demeter snapped.
"What will you have me do?" Eli asked.
"Oust her! She's ruining your Kingdom. You have cause!" Demeter responded.
"You know that would cause war with the Southern Isles!" Eli argued.
"They have an army twice the size of mine and resources that we do not have," he continued. Demeter sighed. She wished that he was wrong about that, but knew that he wasn't.
"Then you must be firm with your Queen. Unfortunately, she is not the only reason I am here," the Goddess replied.
"What else is there?" he asked.
"King Leopold for starters...I want that man no where near our little Snow," she replied.
"He is a bit set in his ways, but do you really think he is a danger to Snow?" Eli asked.
"He is a bigger danger to her than Ravenna is. You did not see the look in his eyes when he gazed at her," Demeter replied, confusing the King.
"But...she's just a little girl. Surely you can't mean he has those kinds of designs on her," he said in confusion.
"That's exactly what I mean. You must never bring Snow to his castle again and guard her if he comes to yours," she warned. Eli sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face.
"I know you are under a lot of pressure and stress," she offered.
"It doesn't matter...I promise you that Snow is always my first priority," he promised.
"I believe that...and that's why you need to watch your back too. Your Queen is not above putting a knife in it," she warned. He sighed and couldn't deny that. He knew how unhappy Ravenna was.
"I will. But if anything ever happens to me...you'll get Snow out? Can you promise me that?" he asked. Demeter nodded.
"We will all do whatever is necessary to keep her safe," she promised.
Ravenna huffed, as she stormed into her chambers and let out a yell of frustration.
"It's good to vent your anger. Holding it in only causes more pain," a voice said. The Queen gasped and turned, finding a man on the balcony of the guest chambers that she was residing in.
"Who are you?" she demanded to know.
"My name is Deimos...I am the God of Terror," he introduced himself.
"Are you here to champion that little retch too?" Ravenna questioned, as she slowly backed away from him. He chuckled.
"On the contrary...I'm here to help you make her and her parents pay," he responded. She relaxed slightly and regarded him.
"Zeus is very displeased by the existence of that little parasite and the fact that most of the Gods favor Persephone and Hades over him," Deimos revealed.
"Then why doesn't Zeus do us all a favor and smite the little nuisance?" she questioned.
"Contrary to popular belief, Zeus is not all powerful. Most of the Gods would rise up against him if he made such a bold move upon Persephone's family. But with the right plan, we can all get what we want," he replied.
"You want me to work with you?" she questioned. He chuckled.
"I can make you Queen...eventually," he reasoned.
"I already am Queen," she reminded.
"I mean you could rule without your sad sack of a husband if we do this right," he corrected.
"And just what is it that we would do?" she inquired.
"For now...nothing. But when Snow comes of age, it will cause great turmoil, especially when her father advocates for her to be his rightful heir...or at the very least insist that she be recognized as the Princess of his Kingdom," Deimos stated. She scoffed.
"If Eli thinks this Kingdom will ever bow to his little bastard daughter...he's more a fool than I thought," she hissed.
"We agree on that. But an opportunity will come to make sure Snow is not only ousted from this Kingdom, but that you can see to it that she is hunted. We will stage a crime and she will take the fall. Then you can chase her out of your life and take the Throne," he offered.
"And what of Hades and Persephone?" she queried.
"You leave them to me. Trust me, they will be too busy trying to keep Snow alive than to worry about you. The details on how all this will come to be are sparse for now...but it will come to pass. The question is...are you willing to participate?" he questioned. Ravenna smirked.
"If it means I can see that little urchin burned at the stake...then I am not only willing to participate, I want to light the bonfire," she replied with an evil smile. Deimos smiled back, his own smile as evil as hers.
"Then let's begin,"
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ryqoshay · 7 years
How to Handle a Nico: How to Prepare a Proposal
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~1.3k Rating: T Time Frame: Maki is working through her residency. Nico is working as an idol producer. They are living together as a couple, but not married yet. Story Arc: "Proposal" How to Seek a Nishikino's Blessing How to Obtain a Yazawa's Blessing How to Prepare a Proposal Rubies and Diamonds
List of all HtHaN scenes
Author’s Note: Takes place after the last part of Ooshima Tomo’s Honeymoon Baby. Have I mentioned how much I love that doujin?
No1Idol: So kind of you to get Maki-chan drunk last night.
SpiritualPower: She was quite determined to win
No1Idol: So you let her, I take it?
SpiritualPower: Naturally
SpiritualPower: Even Elicchi held back
No1Idol: She got all flustered and avoided the question when I asked what the prize for the contest was
No1Idol: But I assume it had something to do with the string she tied around our fingers last night
No1Idol: She was trying to get my ring size, wasn’t she?
SpiritualPower: Nicocchi, did you buy your own cards?
No1Idol: As if
No1Idol: Maki is just bad at being super secretive
SpiritualPower: True
No1Idol: So you were giving her proposal advice, I take it
SpiritualPower: Do you not want me to?
No1Idol: It’s not that
SpiritualPower: You already bought a ring for her
No1Idol: I’m not even going to ask how you knew that
SpiritualPower: But isn’t it wonderful?
SpiritualPower: You and Maki-chan both want the same thing
No1Idol: It is nice
No1Idol: I’m very happy to kind of already have my answer before I ask
No1Idol: Not that I would ever think she would say no
SpiritualPower: Of course
SpiritualPower: But you want to be the one to ask
No1Idol: Well, I am the older one of us
No1Idol: It’s my responsibility to take the lead
SpiritualPower: But you’ve dreamed of being proposed to, haven’t you?
No1Idol: Of course I have
No1Idol: What girl hasn’t?
SpiritualPower: I may have an idea or two that can help
No1Idol: Should I be scared?
SpiritualPower: Nonsense, Nicocchi
SpiritualPower: I want you and Maki-chan to be happy
SpiritualPower: You know that
No1Idol: Yeah
No1Idol: I do
SpiritualPower: So, here’s what you do
SpiritualPower: Good morning, Maki-chan!
SpiritualPower: Did you get Nicocchi’s ring size last night?
DrNishikino: I don’t remember
SpiritualPower: What do you mean?
DrNishikino: Well, I thought I did, but it must have been a dream
DrNishiknio: Or something
DrNishikino: I fell asleep before taking it off
DrNishikino: And it wasn’t there when I woke up
DrNishikino: Nico-chan didn’t say anything about it
DrNishikino: So it really must have been just a dream that I did it in the first place
SpiritualPower: Nicocchi’s home for a few more nights though, right?
DrNishikino: Yes
SpiritualPower: Then you still have time to try again
DrNishikino: True
DrNishikino: But we usually go to bed around the same time when we’re both home
DrNishikino: Last night was a fluke
DrNishikino: I didn’t know she would be home and asleep by the time I got back
SpiritualPower: You didn’t see her message?
DrNishikino: As I told her, I missed it
DrNishikino: I had my phone on silent because I was visiting you and Eli
SpiritualPower: Fair enough
SpiritualPower: Well you’ll just have to make sure she falls asleep before you
SpritualPower: I’m sure you can figure out a way to exhaust her
DrNishikino: Nozomi!
SpiritualPower: Let me know when you get her size
SpiritualPower: I’d be happy to go ring shopping with you
DrNishikino: I already invited Nico-chan
SpiritualPower: So you went out of your way to learn my special technique to secretly learn her ring size and now you’re taking her shopping anyway?
SpiritualPower: Doesn’t that spoil the whole surprise?
DrNishikino: I didn’t specify rings
DrNishikino: But I did say shopping
SpiritualPower: You don’t think she’ll figure it out when you take her to a jewelry store and start looking at wedding rings?
DrNishikino: I suppose
DrNishikino: But I still have to take her somewhere now that I offered
SpiritualPower: Then just take her to a nice restaurant or something
DrNishikino: But that’s not shopping
SpiritualPower: Say you must have misspoken
SpiritualPower: Everyone knows you’re not operating at full capacity until at least after you’ve had your first cup of coffee
SpiritualPower: Nicocchi probably more so than any of us
DrNishikino: I’m not sure I really like the idea of lying to Nico-chan
SpiritualPower: Keeping secrets is essentially lying
SpiritualPower: And you do want to keep it secret, right?
DrNishikino: I suppose
SpiritualPower: Let me know when you have her ring size
SpritualPower: Then we can figure out when to go shopping
DrNishikino: Alright
DrNishikino: Thanks Nozomi
No1Idol: Two nights in a row
No1Idol: Two nights in a row Maki-chan tied our ring fingers together
No1Idol: What, was she so drunk she didn’t remember it the first time?
SpiritualPower: Probably
No1Idol: Thanks to you
SpiritualPower: It could have been worse
SpiritualPower: I could have gone all out
SpiritualPower: Maki-chan’s still a lightweight
No1Idol: So very much not the point, Nozomi
No1idol: Anyway
No1Idol: I suppose I don’t really mind her doing it though
No1Idol: It’s actually kind of cute
No1Idol: Kind of romantic
SpiritualPower: Even Maki-chan has her moments
No1Idol: Of being romantic? Yes, on occasion
No1Idol: Of being cute? Pretty much always
SpiritualPower: That’s sweet, Nicocchi
SpiritualPower: You should tell Maki-chan that
No1Idol: I do tell her how cute she is
No1Idol: Often when she least expects it so I can see her flustered
SpiritualPower: Understandable
SpiritualPower: I do the same with Elicchi
No1Idol: But I assume you had something to do with telling her to run me into the ground so I would fall asleep first
SpiritualPower: You didn’t like it, Nicocchi?
No1Idol: That’s beside the point!
SpiritualPower: Anyway, I thought you removed the string the first night
No1Idol: I didn’t
No1Idol: I’m not sure what happened to it
SpiritualPower: It doesn’t matter
No1Idol: Probably not
No1Idol: I suppose she has my ring size now
No1Idol: Or a pretty good guess
No1Idol: But what I don’t get is why she insisted on talking about it with you and Eli, then being all secretive about it with me, then she invites me to go ring shopping with her
No1Idol: She really has no sense of subtly
No1Idol: Hey, I have an idea
No1Idol: Why don’t you go ring shopping with her instead
SpiritualPower: Already on it
No1Idol: Figures
No1Idol: But you know my tastes, so it will be good for her to have you along
SpiritualPower: I think Maki-chan’s got a firm grasp of your tastes by now
No1Idol: For most stuff, yeah
No1Idol: But neither of us have really bought a lot of jewelry for each other
No1Idol: I just hope she likes the one I bought for her
SpiritualPower: You know Maki-chan will care less about the ring itself and more about the person giving it to her
SpiritualPower: And why it is being given
No1Idol: Probably
SpiritualPower: Not probably
SpiritualPower: Definitely
SpiritualPower: And I know you feel the same
No1Idol: Of course
No1Idol: Thanks Nozomi
No1Idol: For the reminder of that
No1Idol: I’ll send you my actual ring size in a bit
SpiritualPower: I’m curious how close Maki-chan will be
No1Idol: As am I
No1Idol: Let me know, alright?
SpiritualPower: Of course
SpiritualPower: Did you get it, Maki-chan?
DrNishikino: I did
DrNishikino: I knew Nico-chan had small hands
DrNishikino: But I guess I didn’t realize just how small
SpiritualPower: And yet you love them
DrNishikino: Of course I do
DrNishikino: Why wouldn’t I?
DrNishikino: I love Nico-chan
DrNishikino: So of course I love her hands as well
DrNishikino: Wait
DrNishikino: Damnit Nozomi!
DrNishikino: I’m at work
DrNishikino: Why do you have to bring up that kind of stuff
SpiritualPower: I have no idea what you’re talking about Maki-chan
DrNishikino: You’re horrible
SpritualPower: So what time works best for you to go shopping?
DrNishikino: I’m actually on days for the rest of the month
DrNishikino: Barring emergencies of course
DrNishikino: But with Nico-chan home for the next few days
SpiritualPower: That’s perfectly fine, Maki-chan
SpiritualPower: No need to rush on my account
SpiritualPower: You definitely need to make the best of the time you have with Nicocchi
SpritualPower: We’ll go sometime after she heads back out on tour
SpiritualPower: But you two should stop by the restaurant while she’s in town
DrNishikino: Will do
DrNishikino: Thanks Nozomi
Author’s Note Continued: By this point I think it should be obvious that Nozomi is my go to girl for helping Nico and Maki with whatever; by extension, theirs as well. I do intend to show that the other six girls lend their assistance to the stubborn pair as well, but Nozomi is just so much fun to write. That said, I may have to write a side story or two at some point with a NozoEli focus; they are my second favorite ship in the µ’s fleet after all.
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thezacharywinters · 4 years
Waking Up [zope]
Hope has woken up early and decided to leave the bed and sneak into Zach’s office. She closed the door as she sat in his chair and started looking over some of the paper work for the club. She chewed on her bottom lip as she looked at some of the new resumes. She didn’t know if she really needed any more workers, but she had gotten this guys resume a lot and he did say he was willing to work as one of the bodyguards. “Eli...” She said softly as she looked over his name.
Zach had woken up when he noticed Hope was missing from bed. When he got up he got dressed and went to his office. Hearing Hope say another name, Zach walked into the office. “What are you doing?” He asked while noticing her looking through the file for her club. 
Hope looked up and saw Zach and smiled softly, “Good morning baby.” She said before looking down at the application. “Hm I was just looking over some paperwork and making sure everything was in order. I was thinking about hiring him.” She said gesturing with her head to the application in front of her.
Zach walked over and looked at the application. “No, I have heard about him. He has tried to bring down couples, marriages, families, you name it. He poses as a bodyguard to get close and hurts people. I have a whole file on him here. Eli is an alias he goes under.” He tells Hope before going over to one of the drawers and pulling out a binder on Eli and his background before setting it down in front of her. “I don’t understand what is wrong with using the ones that I have already trained baby girl. I trust them, I don’t trust outsiders.” 
She looked back up as he said no and moved to look over the file. “I never said there was a problem baby, but people do apply at the club and I can’t just continually say no because you don’t trust them. Maybe you could do a training session for the new people.” She said as looked through the binder.
“A training session I wouldn’t mind. And you know what I am so worried about these things Hope. You know as well as I do how dangerous the club can be and we all know it’s universal knowledge by this point you own it. Plus with our children and the our bond it makes it rather difficult to just assume everyone out there isn’t out to get you. I mean someone being over eager to be your bodyguard just spells trouble. If someone was eager to get that close to me I would think that something bad is going on. It’s just the gut feeling Hope. Being excited about a job is one thing but being overly persistent only wanting that one job where you are around someone 24/7 and have access to everything in their life is a big deal. Besides, with someone as gorgeous and beautiful as you are, how could they not try to steal you away after falling in love with you when spending so much time with you hm? Remember Mark did that same thing? He was your bodyguard then he tried to confess to you and that whole shit show happened?” 
Hope rolled her eyes playfully at his words, “Zach, baby no one is trying to take me away from you. I’m yours. That whole thing with Mark was because we weren’t spending time together and I was hurt. I am fine now. You are home and we have figured out a way for us to both work and not miss out on the kids lives and make our relationship a priority. I love how intuitive you are, but sometimes it doesn’t have a bad reasoning behind it. He could just want to work at the club.” 
“He wants to work as your personal bodyguard at the club and soon enough he will want to be your personal bodyguard period. And you don’t know that, you don’t see half the looks the guards here still give you, the ones your father hired obviously.” He sighed. “You have to always be trained to think about worst case scenarios to help avoid them from happening.”
Hope laughed at his words, “I don’t see it because I am married to you Zach. I want you. I love you. You made this home for me, so when you bring guards around I just don’t bother knowing them or even learning their names. I have one of the best assassins looking out for me. Why do I need more?” 
“I know and that is why I am worried, Hope. You won’t be suspecting it and that is when people tend to pounce. I spent my whole life learning how to do these things which is why I am hyper aware of everything around me. I know you must think I am crazy but I can’t lose you Hope. Not to anyone who thinks that they can kiss you without permission or do any other stupid shit they do. Hell I heard horror stories about what Noah used to do to your mother and father. It’s concerning.” He tells her before going over and wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck affectionately. 
Hope felt his arms wrapping around her and smiled as she nodded, “I don’t think you are crazy baby. I really don’t. If it makes you feel better for me to continue to use your guards then I will. But you have to remember that I am yours. Now and forever. You shouldn’t be so worried about that all the time.”
“I will never not be worried about you and the family you know.” He tells her before hugging her. “How about we go and get some breakfast hm? I am sure the kids are going to be waking up soon.” Zach says before kissing down her neck. 
She hugged him back and smiled, “You can worry, but some things are just facts.” She teased before feeling him kissing down her neck. “Hm that’s a good idea. Are you coming with me to drop the kids off at school?” 
“Mhm, I am. I am not sure they will want to stay at school if I go with them though.” He teases with a smile.
“They have missed multiple days already, I am not letting you convince me again. They have to go to school or they will have piles of homework to do.” She teased him back. “Stop encouraging them.” 
“I am not encouraging them to miss school, excuse you.” He tells her with a small laugh. 
“Oh right okay, so if Hallie gives you those big puppy dog eyes are you going to tell her no?” She asked smiling.
“....I...you...that’s not fair.” He tells her with a pout. 
“Yeah I I thought so.” She laughed softly as she moved to stand up. She grabbed all of her papers and shook her head as she smiled, “You are a softie when it comes to our kids and it’s adorable, but they aren’t missing school Zach.” 
“I never said that they would miss school. I can stay home then so they don’t try to beg to stay home again?” He asks. 
“Or you could put on your big boy pants and say no to them.” She teased him. She moved to put the binder back and turned to look at him. “Are you coming?”
“You know I can’t say no to them, then they start to cry and I feel bad.” He tells her before following after her. 
“Okay well say no or I hire Eli.” She shrugged as she opened the door and headed back to the bedroom to get dressed.
“Fine. I will say no. But only because you threatened to hire someone who wants to hit on you and kill our family.” He tells her. 
“He doesn’t want me.” She said again before walking into the bedroom. 
“Yeah okay sure, you keep believing that baby girl.” He tells her with a sigh before going and changing his clothes. 
“You do know I have a specific type I’m into right?” She asked as she moved over to him as he was changing. “It has to be a boy, named Zach, with tattoos all over his arms and one on his chest that has my name. Has to have been a pirate but gave that up to be with me, has to have given me a two sons and a daughter, and be extremely good looking. Now I don’t know about you, but that is pretty hard to replace don’t you think?” 
“I know but that doesn’t stop people from trying darling.” He tells her after throwing his outfit on and turning around to face her. 
“And they fail, every single time.” She said, pulling him closer after letting her fingers slip through his belt loops. “You don’t think I’m jealous of the way those girl trainees act like they don’t know how to do anything so you will help them? I am very jealous...I just have a different way of showing it.” She purred. 
“Mhm and how do you show it darling? I think you should remind me.” He purred as she looped her fingers in his belt loops. 
Hope smirked as she bit her bottom lip. She let her fingers move to unzip his pants and slowly got down on her knees. She pulled down his pants and boxers and licked her lips as she saw his cock. “Can your trainees make you this hard without even doing anything daddy?” She asked looking up at him. 
“Mhm no they can’t baby girl.” He tells her as he felt himself already hard when she was getting onto her knees. 
“Hm that’s right daddy. You belong to me.” She smirked as she let her hands wrap around his cock and started stroking him. 
Zach let his head fall back slightly as he felt her hand wrapping around his cock as she started to stroke him. “Mhm just like that baby girl.” He purrs. 
“See this is such a better way to get over your jealousy.” She teased him as she let her tongue run over his tip before she wrapped her mouth around him.
“I think this is how you get over your jealousy darling.” He teases before letting out a moan of her name. 
Sounds like you are enjoying it though. She teased him back as she took him to the back of her throat.
“You know I do.” He purred as he let his fingers glide through her hair. 
Hope gagged slightly as he hit the back of her throat and she held him there for a second before moving her head back and forth.
“Mhm just like that baby girl.” He growled as he helped guide her head when he felt her gagging on his cock. 
Hope felt him guiding her head and moved with him as she moaned around his cock, knowing the vibrations would feel good. She let her hand come up to play with his balls.
Zach let his head fall back in pleasure as he moaned her name. “Fuck I am going to cum.” He moaned.
Cum for me daddy. I want to taste you so badly. Please cum for me. She begged as her eyes turned red. 
Zach didn’t hold himself back as he thrusted into her mouth and felt his cum spilling into her mouth in thick ropes. “Oh fuck….Hope.” He moaned as he rode out his high. 
Hope swallowed all of his cum before sucking him dry. Once she was done she pulled away and pulled up his boxers and pants. “I feel much better.”
The dragon had to take a few moments to catch his breath as she readjusted him. “I can say that I feel much better too thanks to you darling.” He smirked before giving her a kiss. 
She smiled as she kissed him back. “Good. Now I am going to get dressed and make the kids breakfast.” She smiled before kissing him again and moving to grab her clothes.
Zach smirked before pulling her back towards him, “And where do you think that you are going, hm? You don’t think that you were going to get to have breakfast and leave me hanging without my own do you?” He smirked before picking her up and carrying her to the bed and ripping her panties off. “My turn.” He purred before not wasting any time as he thrusted his tongue inside of her, his tongue piercing hitting that sweet spot she loved as he did so. The nose piercing he had brushed against her clit. 
“Zach come on we have to wake up the kids.” She laughed as he carried her to the bed. She watched him rip off her panties and before she could say anything felt his tongue thrusting into her. She moaned loudly as she felt his tongue piercing against her sweet spot and his nose piercing against her clit. “Fuck Zach.”
He moved his tongue faster inside of her as his nose piercing continued to tease her clit as his eyes glowed bright red. Mhm that’s right baby girl. Moan for daddy. He could feel and taste how wet she was already and he wanted to make sure he didn’t miss a single drop. 
Hope’s hand traveled through his hair and tugged on it as she grinded against his face. “It feels so good daddy.” She moaned as her eyes turned bright red. 
That’s my girl. He purred, knowing the vibrations would help her grow closer to her orgasm. His tongue moved even faster before shifting a bit so it was thicker as he abused her sweet spot with his tongue.
Her back arched as her legs trembled around him. “Fuck daddy...I’m going to cum…” She moaned as her free hand clenched around the sheet.
Cum for me. He growled as he sped up his actions and could feel her getting even wetter as she was clenching around him. 
“Ah shit Zach.” She moaned as she came hard around his tongue. She released the hold on his hair as she took a second to come down from her high.
Zach made sure to lick up every last drop before pulling back and licking his lips. “Mhm now we can go and wake up the kids. I have had my breakfast.” He smirked teasingly.  
Hope bit her lip as she looked at him, “You are so bad.” She tells him before sitting up and kissing him deeply.
He smirked at her words before kissing her back just as deeply. “Mhm you do taste very delicious though, I could eat you all day.” Zach purred. 
She laughed softly at his words, “I wouldn’t be able to handle that. You drive me crazy.” She said against his lips before kissing him again.
“You are telling me that.” He teased before giving her another kiss. “Let’s get ready before the kids wake up.” Almost as if on cue, the paddling of footsteps could be heard in the hallway. 
She kissed him back before nodding, “Okay.” She smiled before moving off the bed and putting on some underwear knowing the kids would open the door.
Zach heard Emmett chasing Hallie down the hallway and made sure that Hope was dressed before opening it. “What do you two think you are doing? You should be getting ready for school don’t you think?” He teases before picking them up. 
Hope finished getting dressed by the time the kids came in and smiled at their response to Zach mentioning school. “You guys are going to be late, we have to get you ready.”
Emmett chased Hallie back to their rooms so that they could get ready after hearing what Zach told them. “Make sure you both brush your teeth before breakfast as well.” He tells them as he makes his way down the hallway after them. 
She went to Henry’s room to get him dressed so he could come with them before taking him downstairs with her and setting him in his high chair.
Zach helped Emmett and Hallie get ready before bringing them both downstairs for breakfast. “Alright we are all ready for school, we just need to make sure we have food in our bellies isn’t that right?” 
Hope has already gotten the kids cereal ready for them as Henry was drinking his bottle. She watched Emmett and Hallie get into their seats and start eating. “Would you like some cereal too Zach?” She asked teasingly.
“No, I had my own breakfast with you earlier.” He winked. 
Hope bit her lip as she shook her head and moved to the refrigerator to grab the kids lunches. “Is daddy coming with us?” Emmett asked Hope. “Yes he will come with us, why?” She asked putting their food in their lunch boxes. “I don’t like the way my teacher flirts with you when daddy isn’t there.” He said causing Hope to almost drop lunchboxes.
“The way the teacher flirts with you? Oh this I have to see.” He tells them. “Did you want to see daddy do his job today?” He asks with a smirk while looking at the kids. “You know that you are supposed to protect mommy from bad guys right Emmett? Seems like this teacher is quite the bad guy if he is flirting with mommy.” 
“Um you know what...daddy actually can’t come with us because he has to go to the castle. I just remembered that so, yeah no you can see daddy work when you are older. Much, much older.” She said. “Go grab your backpacks and say goodbye to daddy.” 
“Oh that’s okay Hope, I can deal with work later. I promised I would help take the kids to school. I can’t go back on my promise to them now can I baby girl?” He smirked. “Besides, it seems like a teacher needs to learn their own lesson.” He smiles before walking over and helping the kids put their backpacks on. “Come on, let’s go.” 
Zach come on, the teacher doesn’t even flirt with me. Emmett is exaggerating. She told him as she grabbed the keys and held them tightly so Zach wouldn’t take them from her.
“I don’t care, I am still coming with.” He tells her, “Now, I can either go with you all or I can take my motorcycle which has all my things from work in it.” 
Hope rolled her eyes and handed Zach the keys. “Come on kids, let’s get you to school.” She tells them as she hands them their lunch boxes and picks up Henry.
Zach took the keys and helped get the kids in the car before driving them all to school. Once they got there, Zach helped the kids out of the car and took Hope’s free hand in his as they made their way inside to drop the kids off. 
Hope walked with Zach and intertwined their fingers as she watched the kids head into their classroom. “Be nice Zach.” She said softly as she saw the teacher walking over to them.
I will be nice if he keeps his hands to himself. He tells her before watching the kids head into the classroom.
Hope walked with Zach and intertwined their fingers as she watched the kids head into their classroom. “Be nice Zach.” She said softly as she saw the teacher walking over to them.
I will be nice if he keeps his hands to himself. He tells her before watching the kids head into the classroom.
Hope shifted Henry on her hip as the teacher came over and asked Hope if everything was okay with the kids since they had been gone for a while. “Yeah we just wanted to spend some family time together. I let the office know. They did the homework they were assigned though.” She told him before he smiled at her words and let his hand rest on the small of her back.
Zach watched as the teacher rested his hand on her back and his eyes turned red. The male turned and let his hand grip the teachers wrist before twisting it, “I would not touch my wife if I were you. You really don’t want to mess with someone who knows how to inflict maximum pain with minimal effort.” He growled low enough for only the teacher to hear. 
Hope looked at Zach and just shook her head as she squeezed his hand, “Baby come on. He’s not worth it. Let’s go home okay? He gets it. He will never do it again.” 
“I sure hope he gets it otherwise a strong handshake is the least of his worries.” He smirked before letting go and wrapping his arm around Hope’s waist and pulled her closer before giving her a kiss in front of the teacher. “Let’s go home and have some fun. I want to hear that pretty voice of yours some more.” Zach says loud enough for the teacher to hear him. 
Hope kissed him back and bit her lip at his words, “Okay daddy.” She purred. “Let’s go.” She smiled as she led him away.
Zach smirked before walking away with Hope. Once they got back to the car, he waited until she got Henry situated in his seat before pulling her closer and giving her another kiss. “Mhm I do hope he got the message. You are mine.” He growled. 
She set Henry back in his car seat before closing the door. She felt Zach pulling her closer and didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, “I know daddy. I have always been yours.” She smirked before kissing him again.
“I know baby girl, that is why you have that pretty collar around your neck now.” He smirked before letting his fingers play with the tag. “Once we put Henry down for a nap, we will have some fun.” He purred into her ear before teasingly kissing down her neck and then pulling away to get into the car. 
Hope moaned softly as he kissed down her neck before biting her lip as she got into the car with him. She looked back to check on Henry and smiled as he was already starting to fall asleep.
Zach sped them home, safely of course. Once they got there, he waited for Hope to get Henry before locking the car doors and going over and opening the door to the house. 
Once they made it home, she carefully got Henry out of the car and tried not to move him much since he was sleeping. She followed Zach to the door and let him open it before heading to Henry’s bedroom and putting him down in his crib.
The male waited until Henry was in bed and the door was shut to Henry’s room before taking Hope’s hand and pulling her towards the bedroom. Once they got there, he shut the door and pinned her against the wall. “Mhm I think it’s time for you to use that pretty voice baby girl.” He smirked before ripping her clothes off. 
Hope felt him leading her to the room before her back was pushed against the wall. She pulled him closer and kissed him passionately as she tore off his clothes. “How much time before you have to go back to work?” She said against his lips.
“I don’t have work today.” He told her as she tore off his clothes. Zach picked her up and lined himself up before slamming into her. “Fuck you are so tight baby girl.” He growled. 
“Well aren’t I lucky?” She teased him before feeling him picking her up. She wrapped herself around him before feeling him slamming into her. “Fucking shit Zach.” She moaned loudly as her nails dug into his shoulders.
Zach sped up his thrusts as he moaned her name. “Fuck Hope.” He growled as he continued to abuse her sweet spot. His lips connecting to her neck as he left marks along her neckline. 
Hope moved her head out of the way to give Zach more room to mark her neck as she moaned. She could feel his piercing hitting her sweet spot over and over and it had her mewling in his arms. 
“Mhm all mine.” He growled possessively as he continued to thrust into her even harder and faster. 
Her moans filled the room as pleasure ripped through her body. “Yes daddy...I’m all yours.” She moaned as he started thrusting into her harder. “Fuck just like that daddy.”
“You like when daddy pounds his huge cock into that tight pussy baby girl?” He smirked before kissing her to muffle her moans slightly since he knew that Henry was still sleeping a little bit next door. 
Hope didn’t hesitate to kiss him back as her hands moved to cup his cheeks. “I love hearing you talk like that.” She said against his lips as her hips moved against his. “You going to cum for me daddy?” She purred.
“Mhm you know I will make sure you are filled up with all of me.” He smirked before bringing a hand down so he could rub circles against her clit wanting her to cum for him. “Cum with daddy baby girl.” 
She smirked in response to his words before moaning as he played with her clit. “Shit Zach…” She trailed off as she bit her lip harshly to stop from being so loud. Her walls clenched around him as she came around his cock.
He could feel her clenching around his cock and he thrusted deep into her and filled her with all of him as he could feel the cum starting to drip down her thighs. “Fuck baby.” He moaned as he helped her ride out her own orgasm. 
Hope leaned down slightly to kiss him passionately as she felt their cum moving down her thighs. “I’m yours Zach.” She said against his lips before pressing kisses all over his face.
Zach kissed her back just as passionately. “Mhm and I am yours baby girl.” He purred before scrunching his face when she was kissing all over his face. 
“Hm I know. I’d love to see someone try to replace me.” She smirked before winking. “I didn’t know you were staying home today.” 
“No one can replace you baby girl, you and I both know that.” He lets out a small laugh before hearing her words. “Well I changed my mind and wanted to stay home for a bit. I can always go in tomorrow anyway.” He tells her. 
“Good, I am happy to spend more time with you.” She told him as she let her fingers play with his hair. “I’ve gotten so used to being home with me, I don’t know what I will do when you do back.”
“Well it’s not like I would be gone long. And if you need me I would be only a phone call away.” He tells her with a smirk.
“Yes I know...but if I’m horny I can’t just push you down and ride you whenever I want if you are at work.” She purred in his ear. 
“I mean...I don’t think I would mind that at all actually.” He tells her with a small laugh. “I am sure everyone would be so jealous of us.” Zach teases. 
Hope laughed, “I am not going to let my father hear through the guards that his daughter was having sex in front of people.” She told him before getting out of his arms. 
“Mhm I think the guards know better than to spread things like that to your father. They would be too scared to say anything about it.” He teases before setting her down so that she could get out of his arms. 
“Hm well in that case I might have to do it.” She smirked as she kissed him softly and moved past him to head to the bathroom.
“Oh I definitely would not be opposed to that.” He smirked as he watched her head to the bathroom before following after to clean himself up as well. 
Hope started the shower before seeing Zach walk into the bathroom. “Of course you wouldn’t oppose it.” She teased him. She put her hair in a bun as she watched him.
He cleaned himself up with some wipes before washing his hands and grabbing a towel for Hope and himself and setting it down. “I don’t suppose you would mind if I joined you?” He teases. 
“I definitely would not be opposed to that.” She winked before heading into the shower.
The pirate smirked before getting into the shower with her. He brought her closer to him before kissing her and then grabbing the loofa behind her and getting it soaped up so he could wash her. 
Hope felt him pulling her closer and kissed him back before feeling him washing her. “Do you have any plans for today?” She asked him.
“Well my plans were to hang out with you but if you are busy I can find something else…” He tells her teasingly as he continues to wash her. 
She smiled, “I’m not busy, I was just curious. Just because you aren’t going to work doesn’t mean you don’t have paperwork or calls to make.” 
“I can always do those later darling. I just wanted to spend some time with you. I mean if you have paperwork for the club then I can work on my own paperwork too.” He tells her before helping rinse her off. 
“I did all mine this morning, and I was told I can’t hire him so I’m done.” She smiled before feeling the water hitting her body. Once she was clean she grabbed the other loofah and started washing him.
“Mhm yes, that is true. I will make sure that I train the person watching you very well.” He tells her before moving and letting her wash him as well. 
“I know you will.” She smiled as she continued washing him. 
“Be careful around the piercing darling it can get stuck in the loofa sometimes.” He tells her with a small laugh. 
“This isn’t my first time washing you. So excuse me I know what I am doing.” She laughed with him. “Besides I think when it comes to your piercing I know more about it then you.”
“I honestly wouldn’t be surprised about that. I get it caught far too often since I get distracted from the blood I am washing off normally.” He tells her, “Have you ever thought about getting piercings?” Zach asks. 
“Hm? Uh...sometimes. I think I would want a belly piercing. But I remember my mom said no when I asked I think I just sort of forgot about it. I didn’t even think about getting a tattoo until I met you.” She said moving so he could rinse off.
“Oh that would be very hot if you got that.” He tells her, “But if we have more kids we should hold off on that piercing because I think it messes with the kids somehow?” He tells her. “I thought I read that in a book somewhere but I could be wrong.” He shrugged before moving so he could rinse off. 
“You could stop getting me pregnant then.” She teased him. “That way I can get the piercing and we wouldn’t have to worry about hurting the baby.” She tells him smiling teasingly.
Zach just laughed at what she said. “Once you get that piercing I won’t be able to keep my hands off you and sooner or later you will be bound to be pregnant again. So I don’t know how well that would work.” He teases. 
She smiled, “Hm yeah and now that I think about it, it’s really hard for me to not jump your bones when you are working out so I would get pregnant eventually if you keep doing it around the house.”
“See? So we should probably wait on that then don’t you think?” He teases before turning off the water and grabbing the towels he got for them and handing Hope her own towel. “Well I mean, how many kids do we want to have total?” 
“Thank you.” She said as she took the towel. “Well I thought we would only actually have one child, but now...I don’t know. If it happens then it happens.” She shrugged. “If we never have anymore then I will be okay with that, but if we do, then I will be okay with that as well.”
“I feel the same way. I don’t mind having more but if we don’t have more I am happy with the ones we have now as well.” He tells her with a smirk. 
“And that is why we are so great together.” She smiled, kissing his cheek. “I do like surprising you though, you are so cute when you find out I’m pregnant.” 
“The ways that you tell me are so clever too. I think the dragon egg was the cutest one.” He tells her with a smile. 
“I got that from my mom. She would always surprise my dad and at first I never really got it, but now I see why she worked so hard on it. Your reaction means a lot.” She smiled as she moved back into the room to change.
“Do you know what she did for him when she told him that she was expecting you?” He asks while moving back into the room with her to change as well. 
“You know I actually don’t.” She laughed softly as she slid on her underwear. “I should ask. They probably don’t even remember though, they have so many kids.” She laughed.
“I am sure that they remember. You are your father’s favorite after all, I am sure he will know exactly what it is. And your mother spent so much time on it that she probably knows as well. It doesn’t matter how many kids they have darling, I am sure they all love you the same just as we do with ours.” He tells her. 
“I am not my dad’s favorite.” She laughed, smiling. “I mean yeah I know they love me but I am sure they remember more about how my mom told Hero than me.” She replied as she slid on a dress.
“Why would you say they remember more about Hero? I mean sure he is the more recent addition to the family but still. And plus doesn’t your family keep a scrapbook of all that?” He asks. 
“He is so recent. I am the oldest.” She reminded him. “Yeah they are really big on all that.” She said as she let her hair down from the bun.
“So then I am sure that they remember that or at least have it written down somewhere safe.” 
“Yeah I am sure they did. I will remember to ask.” She told him before kissing his cheek. “I’ll see you downstairs yeah?” 
“Mhm okay. I will see you downstairs in a bit.” He smiles before giving her another kiss and then letting her go downstairs. 
“Okay.” She said before kissing him back and heading downstairs. She turned on the baby monitor before looking through the refrigerator for something to eat. She bent over to look in one of the drawers.
Zach finished getting dressed before checking his messages for the day and replying to what he needed to before heading downstairs. He saw her bending over one of the drawers and he snuck up behind her. “Can I help you find something?” 
Hope felt Zach behind her and stood up to turn to face him. “I was just looking for a snack.” She smiled before kissing him. “Did you want anything?” 
“Mhm I feel in a fruity mood so maybe an apple or something?” He asks while raising a brow. “Or do we have any strawberries? Those are pretty good too.” 
“Ah yes we do have strawberries.” She nodded before turning back around and leaning in to grab them and then handed them over to Zach. “Here you go.” 
“Ah thank you.” He tells her. “Would you like me to cut you some too?” He asks before going over and rinsing them off. 
“Yes please.” She nodded before closing the refrigerator. She moved over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist as she rested her head against his back. 
Zach finished rinsing the strawberries before pulling down a bowl and the cutting board. He then got a knife and carefully started cutting the strawberries for both of them. He hummed a bit to himself as he felt her wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head against his back. 
Hope smiled as she listened to him humming and just stayed in her position as she waited for him to finish. 
Once he finished, he put them into the bowls he had pulled down and then put the strawberries into the bowls. He got some sugar out and sprinkled it on top before grabbing the forks for them. “Here you go m’lady.” He smiles before handing her one of the bowls. 
She laughed softly as she let him go and took the bowl from him. “Thank you.” She smiled before moving over to the couch and sitting down as she started eating.
Zach took his bowl over to the couch and started to eat the strawberries as well. “So, what should we do today mhm? Did you need help with anything around the house at all?” 
Hope shook her head as she ate another strawberry. “No, for the most part the house is pretty clean. I will probably clean the kids room while they are doing homework.” She told him. “So whatever you want to do is fine.”
“Mhm then what should we do.” He smiles before giving her a kiss. “Should we just cuddle in bed all day until Henry wakes up?” 
Hope smiled as she kissed him back. She moved to straddle him and took one of his strawberries and ate it. “You are very cute.” She smiled, kissing his nose.
“Mhm me? An assassin cute? How dare you.” He jokes with her as she kisses his nose. “You are so cute.” 
“I am not cute, I am sexy.” She teased him as she took another one of his strawberries.
“Oh you are most definitely right baby girl, you are very sexy.” He purred. 
She laughed softly as she heard his words, “Thank you baby.” She smiled before kissing him deeply.
Zach kissed her back before setting down the empty bowl of strawberries. His hands moved to her waist as he continued to kiss her. 
Hope wrapped her arms around his neck as she felt his hands on her waist. She pressed her body against his as she kissed him more passionately.
The male couldn’t help but buck his hips up ever so slightly as he felt her pressing her body against his. A muffled moan escaping his lips as she did so. 
She grinded down against him as she kissed down his neck. She let her tongue run over his sweet spot before marking it.
Zach tilted his head to the side as he let her mark his neck. “mhm …” He hummed as his hands teased the hem of her shirt. “You ready for round two already darling?” Zach teases. 
Hope smirked against his neck, “I’m always ready for another round daddy.” She teased him back before moving her hand between them and undoing his pants. “Are you?” 
“Oh you know that daddy is always ready for another round baby girl. High stamina remember?” He teases as he watches her move between them to undo his pants. 
She smiled as she moved to take his cock out. She let her hand wrap around him gently as she started stroking him. “Trust me I remember.”
Zach let his head fall back ever so slightly as he felt her hand wrapping around his cock. “What else do you remember, baby girl.” 
“I remember how much you love being inside my tight pussy.” She purred in his ear as she stroked him faster. “I remember how much you loved when I would straddle you like this and wear longer skirts so we could do it whenever we wanted and no one would know.” She smirked. “Remember when we did it and my parents didn’t even know?”
He could feel his cock hardening even more with each word that fell from her lips. “Mhm yes I do remember all of that baby girl. I remember when your parents never caught us.” He smirked as he bucked his hips up against her. 
“I was so horny. You were so scared they would catch us, but they never did. Do you remember how wet I was for you? I was dripping for you daddy.” She smirked.
“You were dripping wet baby girl. It was so hot and I could smell how sweet you smelled.” He growled as his eyes turned red at the thought, his hips bucking up a bit faster this time as he moaned. “Fuck I am close…” 
“Are you going to cum for me daddy?” She teased him as she moved her hand faster. “Are you going to cum as hard as you did that day? It was dripping out of me the rest of the day...fuck Zach it was so hot…” She moaned in his ear.
“Fuck I am going to cum.” He growled as her hand moved even faster. His body tensed as he released himself all over her hand and his stomach with a moan of her name. 
Hope bit her lip as she felt his cum covering her hand. She helped him ride out his high before bringing her hand up and licking the cum off of it. “You always taste so good daddy.” She moaned. 
Zach watched as she brought her hand up to lick it clean from the cum. “Mhm you look so hot when you lick up my cum baby girl.” He purred.
She smirked as she heard his words, “Thank you daddy.” She teased him. She looked down and saw his cum covering his stomach. “Looks like someone made a mess.” She teases.
“Someone seems to have caused me to make a mess.” He smirked while looking at her with a smirk. “I wonder who caused it.” He teased. 
Hope bit her lip as she shrugged. “I don’t know...I wonder who it could be…” She trailed off as she lowered the straps of her dress and pulled it down to reveal her breasts. She shifted as she pushed her panties to the side and slid onto his cock. “Ah...fuck…” She moaned softly.
Zach was a little sensitive from his last orgasm as he felt her sliding back down on his cock. “Fuck baby girl.” He groaned as he watched her. His hands moving up to grope and play with her breasts. 
Hope hid her face in his neck as she bounced her hips against his. Her hand rested against the nape of his neck as she moaned when he started playing with her breasts. “You feel so good…”
“Mhm so do you baby.” He purred before letting his hands move down and give her ass a nice slap before kneading them between his hands. 
“Fuck...” She moaned as she smacked her ass. She could feel his hands groping her ass and her eyes turned red as she grinded down against him. 
“You like riding daddy’s cock princess is that it?” He purred with a smirk before bucking his hips up in time with her thrusts. 
“I love it so much daddy.” She moaned as he thrusted up into her. She threw her head back in pleasure and started moving her hips faster. “Fuck I love your cock…”
“Do you think you can cum all over daddy’s cock like a good girl?” He purred with a smirk as he felt her moving her hips faster causing him to buck his up as well. 
“Fuck yes…” She moaned as she leaned down to kiss him passionately. Her walls clenched around his cock tightly as the moan his name was muffled by lips as she came around his cock.
Zach could feel her clenching around his cock and he moaned her name. He bucked his hips up so that he could cum deep inside of her as he rode them both through their orgasms. 
Hope helped him ride out their orgasms before she kissed his lips softly and rested her head on his shoulder. “I love you so much Zach.” She said softly. 
“I love you so much too Hope.” He tells her while looking at her as he kissed her back.
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safestplace · 5 years
She’d been late before.  Several times, really.  It was one of the side effects of her illness.  Would side effect be the correct word for such a thing?  She used to go months without a period – heavy exercising and low eating caused delays in her body that she’d never been able to explain.
But, that was a long time ago.  That was another lifetime ago, another Eliza ago.  That was sixteen and pinching the imaginary fat on her hip in her bedroom mirror, it was seventeen and using her lunch money on more plants for her bedroom, it was eighteen and begging out of the grad night trip to the waterpark.  It was nineteen and screaming at Olive for having the audacity to think she needed help.
The Eliza now, the Eliza who was pacing back and forth in her bedroom looking at the cycle app on her phone was twenty-five with shaking hands and a knot in her stomach.  Two months.  Two months?
She couldn’t be getting bad again.  She’d been so careful.  She was so careful.  Her doctor had her on a ridiculous diet of supplements and nutrition bars, she was practically bleeding out protein shakes at this point.  She was only allowed to exercise twice a week, no more than thirty minutes.  She ate three square meals.  She was careful.
Her phone lit up with a phone call, tearing her away from her calendar that was void of any pink date markers, and suddenly the name THAYER was staring back at her, accompanied by a picture of him that she had taken when he wasn’t looking – the aftermaths of an exploded confetti egg in his hand, eyes squeezed shut, laughing with a huge smile on his face.
Enough.  She could figure out what her body was doing to her this time later.
She had barely answered the call, not even with a greeting, before Thayer’s voice was filling her ear like honey.
“We need to do something this weekend that has nothing to do with family or dads or anything.”
Her brows furrowed in confusion.  “What do you mean?”
“Sunday, Thornberry.  Sunday is Father’s Day.  And I can’t put you through another Bell Family Dinner Theater.  One was bad enough.  One was enough for a lifetime.”
She thought back to that night, six months prior.  His parents had yelled at each other from across the table throughout the duration of the night, all waving arms and wagging fingers.  Thayer’s brother, Casper, had decided Christmas was the perfect time to come out of the closet, and Thayer had been drunk enough to loudly declare, “I LOVE MY GAY BROTHER,” as he knocked a candle over onto the table, leaving a charred hole in the center of the table cloth (“that’s an heirloom!” his mother had cried out as Eliza sipped her wine and silently prayed for the floor to open up and swallow her).
“Right.  Well.  I’m sure we can think of something to take your minds off things,” she hummed back at him.  “After all, I’m sure my dad would—”
“—if any of the next five words have the word golf in them I’m divorcing you.”
“You’d have to marry me first, dummy.”
“Ah, so now you’re trying to catch me on a technicality.”
“We’ll turn off our phones and stay in bed.”
“Now you’re speaking a language I’m fluid in,” Thayer breathed out.  “They actually opened the trail back up at Manatee Point, so I was thinking—”
“—the last time we went hiking you said I’d have to carry you back.”
“Which you didn’t do, by the way.  Pathetic.”  She could hear the smile in his voice, and she still wasn’t used to the way something like that could make her toes curl.  “But I’ve changed.  I’m a new me.  A me who is capable of climbing up a hill without crying about it.  Almost positive.  Besides, I think it might be good for Darwin to get some fresh air.”
Eliza bit back her smile, but only for a moment.  “It’s a date.”
He hung up with the promise of being home within the hour, and Eliza sat down on the edge of her tub, looking at the calendar on her phone for another moment or two before her stomach was twisting all over again and she was dropping to her knees.
You know, to throw up.
Not to pray.
The problem with this being what could only be safely assumed as the obvious answer in all of it was that her doctors had told her that wasn’t possible.  They had told her years ago, when she was still in the rehabilitation center, twenty and terrified, that it wasn’t going to be possible for her to bear children.
“Well,” the doctor had corrected herself after a beat, “I suppose we can’t just entirely rule out the possibility.  But, it would be difficult.  It would take a toll on your body, especially after the stress that your body has undergone over its formative years.”
Okay.  So, not impossible.  But, impossible.  Right?
There were too many variables that would have to align perfectly for that to be a possibility.  They would have had to not use protection, she would have had to have skipped the pill… You didn’t just get pregnant with a miracle baby.  Especially when you could hardly get pregnant in the first place.
She just needed to go to the doctor for a check-up.  She just needed to go for confirmation that nothing was happening.  That everything was fine and she wasn’t dying.  She needed some sort of concrete, marbled certification that she wasn’t getting bad again.
That was all.
She called Olive on the way, she called Olive without even thinking about who she was calling in the first place.  It was strange, really.  She used to be her first call on everything.  She used to be who she reached out to without hesitation, without a single doubt or question in her mind.  Things had gotten muddier after Eliza’s treatment.  She’d kept her distance for a long time, stayed away from everyone she’d once been close to out of fear of hurting them.  She blamed herself for everything, hated herself for the way she’d treated the friends who she considered family.
Olive had taken the hint when maybe Eliza hadn’t really wanted her to.  Olive had found Drew – Drew, with his charming smile and his strange sense of humor.  He looked like the head of a fraternity but treated Olive like she was the single most marvelous thing on the planet.  Which she was.  God, she was.
“I wish I didn’t love him,” Olive had told her one night when she probably should have.  She was high, they both were.  They were laying in Teddy’s backyard, just the two of them.  It was the first time they’d properly hung out in what felt like years.  Teddy and her sister had wandered off to bed long ago, and then it was just the two of them.
“That’s not true.”
“Yes it is,” Olive argued.  “I wish I didn’t love him.  Because I love you.  I love you and I hate this, and… and I love him, and I hate that, too.”
Eliza had swallowed the lump forming in her throat.  She’d leaned in and kissed Olive, who tasted like smoke and buttercream frosting and coming home, and then she’d pulled away and told Olive to go home.
Somehow, after that night, it was easier to talk to Olive.  It was easier to act like they were just friends, like maybe they’d just always been friends.  When Thayer happened last year, Olive hated him.  Eliza was pretty sure Olive still hated him.  She’d probably always hate him, always resent him for kissing Eliza, for being the one who got her early morning teas and late night conspiracy theories.
And yet, she was who Eliza called.
“Eli, for the last time, if it’s not a Netflix marathon, it’s not a marathon I wanna be in.”
“I can’t be pregnant, right?”
“…you can’t be what?”
Eleven weeks, five days.
That was how old he was, or she was, or they were.  Whoever they were, the little creature growing inside of her belly – half Eliza Lange, half Thayer Bell.
She’d cried.  And then, for good measure, she’d cried some more.  She asked the doctor if they were sure approximately six times.  “It’s not possible,” she’d whispered.  But it was, it was, it was.  She had a little black and white photograph in her fingertips to prove just that.
When she got out of the clinic, Olive was pacing in front of Eliza’s Beetle.  Teddy was with her – her own belly ready to pop at any moment, but her hands steadily resting against it, wedding band twinkling in the sunlight peeking through the clouds.
“Well?” Olive’s hand dropped from her lips, and it occurred to Eliza that she had been biting her nails – a nervous habit Eliza had only been trying to get her to drop since middle school.
Eliza’s breath went in and out shakily, she held the ultrasound out to them.  “They’d said I couldn’t get pregnant.”
Teddy grabbed the photo, but Olive grabbed Eliza, arms closed around her like a vice.  “You’re gonna be so good,” she whispered into the crevice of her neck, and Eliza could feel her hair starting to stick to her skin from Olive’s tears already.  “You’re gonna be so fucking good.”
“Doolittle, you ready?” Thayer called out from the kitchen, and Eliza peeked from around the corner as he laced up his sneakers, bouncing from foot to foot.  “You got this,” he spoke softly to himself, “you’re gonna make that cliff beg for mercy today.”
Christ, he was hopeless.  She loved him so much she felt like she was going to throw up all over again.
She signed the card, tucking her photo into it and closing the envelope, making her way around the bend and into the kitchen.  She met him with a kiss, and he hummed into her mouth, pressing her back against the counter.  “See, we could just stay inside and do this, and nobody would have to die today.  And by nobody I mean me.”
“Oh, shut up, you’re going to do great,” Eliza mused, pressing the envelope square against his chest as they pulled away.  “Happy Father’s Day, dog-dad.”
God, could she even breathe right now?  Was she breathing?
“Why thank you,” he said with a little bow, looking at the envelope in surprise.  “Do they actually make dog-dad Father’s Day cards?”
“Please, I bought this at Target,” Eliza laughed and hoped to God that it was enough to cover up how much her voice was shaking.  This had been a horrible and terrible and stupid idea.  “They sell everything there.”
TO THE BEST DOG-DAD EVER… the front of the card read.
She watched as he opened it.  Somehow, his eyes registered on the words before they registered on everything else.
And there it was, tucked into the card.  All newly twelve weeks of a miniature Thayer Bell staring back at him.
The tears were springing to his eyes, and he didn’t look away from the card.  But then he did, and his ocean blue eyes were glossy, twinkling madly.  “Are you serious?  Is this serious?”  His voice was soft, trembling, and he was sitting the card on the counter and swooping Eliza into his arms all in one breath.  “This is real?”
“Happy Father’s Day,” she whispered into his ear, and Thayer was lifting her off the ground, spinning her around their kitchen once and twice and again again again.  “This is real.”
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one-of-us-blog · 6 years
Rose and Fern (TGP, Episode 13)
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Today Eli is forced to watch and recap Rose and Fern, Episode 13 of The Golden Palace.  When the girls are faced with a combination of missing funds and the return of a figure from the past, suspicions and passions begin flaring.  Will the squad be able to solve these matters and move on before sinking into financial and emotional ruin?  Keep reading to find out…
Well, I am once again embarrassingly late in getting a new blog post completed, but before I dive into things let me at least tell Drew what a fine job he did with his recap of Tomorrow Never Dies.  Great job, buddy!  Because of my tardiness it has been a minute since I read your post, but I seem to recall that you were blown away by the brilliance of Elliot Carver’s scheme to secure exclusive broadcast rights for China.  What a villain, amiright?  But for some reason, I don’t believe there were any shifts in your list of franchise faves, so we’ll just hurry up and get down to business.  It’s time once again to check back into The Golden Palace!
Buttocks tight!
Episode written by Marc Sotkin, directed by Peter D. Beyt
We open to find Chuy removing a burnt duck from the oven.  Apparently Sophia has been overcooking food for quite a while, but it isn’t entirely her fault as the oven is broken.  Unfortunately, every time the oven repairman shows up, the only thing he services is Blanche.  We also find out that Miles has been calling the hotel and leaving messages for Rose, and she laughs at the idea that he got dumped and wants her back.  Still, she can’t decide whether she wants to forget all about him, get back together, or go on a Midwest ax murder spree.  ‘Tis the season, I say!  Blanche tells her to forget about the bum and date some new hunks, perhaps even someone who hasn’t assumed a fake identity and gone on the run from mob justice, nearly gotten her killed by a vengeful criminal, continued to live under an alias even after the truth had come to light, and then cheated on her out of the blue after years of presumed happiness.  And to set up our final plot thread for the episode, Blanche speaks to Roland and is informed that he can’t balance the hotel’s checkbook, and that $300 is unaccounted for.  She suggests using the “whoopsie” column to set things straight, and this should be a pretty big clue for what is to come later, but he tells her that he believes someone is embezzling money.  The two of them are on the case, and agree to stay quiet about the hotel’s financial situation until they have some answers.
Blanche and Rose almost immediately begin arguing about their money problems, but thankfully a woman named Fern shows up to ask about using the hotel to host a wedding.  The girls see the potential for some cash, and Rose quickly devises a cow-themed wedding to offer to the bride-to-be.  For some reasons, Fern really latches onto the idea and breaks out her checkbook, as the staff of the Golden Palace prepares to milk her for all she’s worth.
Roland soon reports that another $200 is missing.  He and Blanche get suspicious and interrogate Rose.  She caves to the pressure immediately and admits to stealing a nickel in the third grade as part of a magic scheme that probably inspired Now You See Me.  Next, Blanche puts the screws to Sophia, threatening her with one of Rose’s St. Olaf stories.  Sophia knows exactly how to handle such matters, and quickly casts suspicion onto a nearby minority, but Chuy is offended by the racial profiling and storms off.  Oh, and Rose mentions that she’s planning to get back with Miles for some reason, probably because she’s still making threatening phone calls to him in the dead of night, filtered through a kazoo.  Or maybe she just wants to get Carboned one last time.
Fern is soon back at the hotel, and Rose lays out the details of her proposed dairy wedding theme.  Miles suddenly shows up, and Rose believes he is there to win her back.  But surprise, surprise, Miles is the man who will be marrying Fern, and he was unaware that she was hoping to use The Golden Palace for their nuptials.  He only showed up to let Rose know that he was getting married, because why not twist the knife when you’ve already stabbed someone in the back?  He was also unaware of the cow-themed wedding, but is pretty psyched about it.  Rose flees the scene after hurling an insult at Miles that tips him off that she has been the late night kazoo-caller.
Chuy is looking through some cookbooks for cow-themed cuisine, and the mention of grass sets Cheech up for a fun magic brownie joke.  None of the girls are able to sleep due to recent events, but they’re still planning to hold the wedding at the hotel to ease their financial woes.  Sophia attempts to deliver a helpful “Picture It,” but the well must have run dry because she’s caught up to the present, and then inadvertently ventures too far into the past.
Miles talks to Rose and apologizes for this whole mess, which I assume includes acting totally contrary to the nature of the admittedly messy character previously established in The Golden Girls.  She is a total professional about things, aside from the threat of a public stoning.  He is hesitant to get married at the Palace, but she insists that it has to happen there.  She needs to see him get married so that she can finally move on with her own life as well (at least for 11 more episodes or so).
We next cut to Blanche counting cash out of the hotel’s drawer, and Roland catches her in the act.  She insists she is simply taking some of “her” money for necessary “business” expenses, but Roland points out that what she is doing is called embezzlement.  She doesn’t seem bothered at all about this revelation, and even takes some extra money to buy herself a pretty new dress as a way to reward the others.
Lastly, we see Rose tearfully watching Miles and Fern tie the knot through the kitchen window.  It’s a sad and upsetting end to the arc of a long-term character, but don’t worry, because we get a funny scene during the credits to show that Sophia has also stolen $100 to buy scratch-off tickets.
The End.
Well, I can’t say I was a big fan of this episode, but it’s mostly due to my dislike of the way the writers have handled the Miles situation in this show.  I suppose I’m glad it’s over, if only because I don’t want to see this continue.  It also seems like a total waste to bring back the character and actor again, given that he only had two very brief and forgettable scenes.  But those complaints aside, I suppose it wasn’t a total loss, as I enjoyed the jokes involving Sophia’s interrogation, Chuy’s magic brownies, and everyone’s apparent love of all things dairy.  The embezzlement plotline didn’t really do much for me, and I immediately called that Blanche was guilty, so I think they could have dropped that entirely.  Overall, I think the most I can give this episode is a rating of 2.5 poofy hairdos out of 5.  Farewell, Miles.
I’ll be back soon (I hope) with my take on Runaways, the next episode of The Golden Palace, and then Drew will return with a recap of The World is Not Enough, the next James Bond adventure.  Until then, as always, thank you for being a friend, and for being One of Us!
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