#i just love nendou so much
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skippersthecat · 1 year ago
I was thinking about how Saiki's friends would react to finding out about all the trauma and abuse he has suffered throughout his life, but the one that got to me the most was Nendou. Of course all of Saiki's friends would be upset and angry to hear about how the incident in 2nd grade affected Saiki or the torture Kusuke put him through, but Nendou would be absolutely devasted. He legitimately sobbed at the idea that Saiko was leaving PK Academy, someone who he was barely even friends with. He clearly feels so deeply for the people in his life. Imagine how heartbroken he would be to find out the boy he considers to be his best friend went through so much pain and is still dealing with the psychological trauma. The boy Nendou blooded himself and almost broke his back for to protect from a falling bookshelf. He loves Saiki so much and already feels a responsibility to protect him. Knowing that his best buddie was going through so much this whole time would break him. Nendou may not be the smartest when it comes to most things, but he is one of the if not the most emotionally intelligent character in the series. He is very in tune with and comfortable expressing his emotions, which is the exact type of person Saiki needs. I think Nendou would make it his personal mission to make sure Saiki knows he is loved and that his friends are there for him.
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cautionwetfloor-png · 3 months ago
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projecting my passive suicidalness onto saiki because Fucking Look At Him. anyways, thoughts based on that ^ im fs gonna elaborate on this later, just you wait
(small edit: i feel like i should mention for My sake that kusuo isnt Serious. hes just kinda like 'damn i should do that fr' and then moves on with his life. idk i feel like thats important to mention, im not drawing him actively wanting to die thats really intense. thats all <3)
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joshhere911 · 2 years ago
I keep thinking about saiki and nendo in the light novels especially where saiki is stuck in the dream scenario and coincidentally i keep crying
crazy right ?
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bomber-grl · 1 year ago
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Shun Kaidou Fluff Alphabet ❤︎₊ ⊹
Pairing(s): Shun Kaidou x Gn!Reader
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A - Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Let’s be realistic, he probably loves everything about you
You’re probably his first of many (probably only ever) relationship and ofc he’s grateful someone he actually likes, likes him back
If we’re being more honest here he probably loves how you go along with his jet black wings act and whenever he mentions dark reunion
Like- he knows fr that he’s delusional but at least you go along with it because you know how much it means to him
Not to mention how often you put up with him and his delusions
I mean- not only do you do that but also reassure him when he’s feeling a bit self conscious
Ofc he’s gonna love you, but this is just one of many things that he adores
A - Attention (how much attention do they want in the relationship?)
Kaidou loves having your attention but it still leaves him flustered all the same
Kaidou is pretty starved for attention and affection so once he gets it he absolutely lives for it
But then again- this is Kaidou we’re talking about so he flusters and stutters whenever you shower him in attention
He gets all tense and awkward but the way he leans in to you or way his head is held high doesn’t go unnoticed by you
So, all this to say that he wants all the attention you can offer
He lives for it and it honestly makes him all giddy and flushed
Ofc if you ever stop he’ll try and get your attention again but he’ll end up just keeping it to yourself because he doesn’t wanna be a bother
What a cutie right?
B - Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Honestly Kaidou feels so guilty and perverted for liking your hands but especially your lap
(Ofc he likes ur looks but ima go into that later)
So he feels the worst guilt ever and feels like a pervert just because he likes your lap and your hands
Honestly he mostly ends up staring at you just whenever and wherever and most times he zones out and does it by default
So he’s so flushed and stuff when he’s accidentally staring at you and feels like he’s a weirdo
Especially if you ever catch him
He feels the worst and genuinely apologizes
Now, if you ever ask- which you don’t even have to cuz he makes his likeness for your lap so obvious
Once you first have him rest there he loves it
Ofc he’s too flustered to initiate but he loves it all the same
(He mostly cuddles you by grabbing your arm or leaning on your shoulder as a safe option)
Anyway, he loves how you look
That’s his fav part too LMAOO
I mean cmon, kaidou thought he’d never pull a baddie
(It’s always nerds that pull baddies so-)
But still, so ofc he’s gonna compliment you all the time
Not just cuz u look good but just overall
B - Boo! (do they scare people? How do they act when scaring you/people?)
He’s both the one scaring- and the one being scared lmao
Kaidou tries to be scary sometimes with you
Most times you’re the one probably doing the scaring since Kaidou is so jumpy and easily scared 😭
But when he does try and scare you you’re usually just 🧍‍♀️or if not and act scared then he feels so accomplished like- 😭
Ok so when he scares you if you’re the type to not be scared then it’s ok he’s used to it because of Saiki (no it’s not he’s crying himself to sleep)
But if you genuinely do get scared then he feels accomplished then genuinely apologizes for scaring you 😭
Now, it’s more likely that you’ll go to the school festival at the haunted house thing there and be scared
It was probs a dare from Nendou that’s taken a little way too seriously by Kaidou
He goes in with you because he swears he gonna protect you from dark reunion (he isn’t he’s actually scared shitless and wants someone to go with)
Once you go in he’s scared constantly and is screaming at the top of his lungs 😭
He swears he’s doing the protecting but if you say/do something that has to do with protecting him from dark reunion then he’s head over heels again and lets you
Although a bit bummed he wasn’t able to the way he wanted
B - Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Kaidou thinks you’re attractive all around
I mean it’s part of why he initially started liking you and ofc he thinks about it all the time
That doesn’t exactly mean that he’ll tell you directly
That’s too bold for him and if you were to ever try to poke at him for answers- let’s just say you’ll have to be dealing with someone on the verge of exploding
He’s flushed from head to toe, stuttering and most times he’ll close himself off from you whenever you bring up him liking how you look.
Now, Kaidou absolutely admires you for having qualities that he doesn’t have
You’re confident, you can actually protect him, and actually take what he says seriously
You actually listen and the fact you can handle yourself is not only admirable in Kaidous eyes but also something he’s sorta envious of.
Of course nothing ever comes out of that envy he feels but it’s still there
C - Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Getting this man to cuddle with you is a huge hassle
But once you manage to have him there- it’s definitely worthwhile
Now, don’t get me wrong- Kaidou loves the idea of being so close to you but actually doing it? It would be the death of him
So when the time comes and you guys actually do cuddle he’s all blushy and nervous
Kaidou loves the idea of being held
I mean he’s pretty starved for affection and previous times from when you coddled him and held him he’s been into it
So this time is no different- you open your arms and take the first step (because, let’s be honest, who else will?)
The two of you end up being in a position where you’re holding him and cradling him
He’s honestly enjoying it the whole time and his loud thumping heart beat makes that obvious
He’s such a cutie while cuddling too
He’s too nervous and can’t trust his voice but asks you if you’re ok with it all the same
And ofc you’re ok with it but it’s still sweet of him when he’s barely holding on
D - Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
He’s probably just as delusional in his daily life as with your relationship
So he’ll be casually day dreaming of the two of you going out on a date, but where to?
Well, it’d be at a cafe
Not only would it be in a booth so he’s with you- but also enjoying sweets
Not to mention it’s out of school and away from his mom so ofc he’s gonna like it
Once you two actually do end up going on this dream date of his, he’s so excited
He’s literally buzzing and is pretty nervous
Ofc things go as good as they can and it went without a hitch
Probs cuz Saiki decided to help with disturbances but you’ll never know
E - Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Kaidou is his usual self
He’s pretty expressive with his jet black wings act and usually goes out of his way to do that around you
It’s pretty usual
However, he also learns to express his inner feelings
Ofc it’s only after a while- I mean remember him crying in the restroom stall in that one episode? LMAO
Eventually he learns he can just tell you how he feels but is definitely hesitant to because he’s scared to have your image of him change
Once you make him more comfortable then he’s even more expressive
Especially since he has his emotions on full display most times 😭
E - Equal (do they prefer to be more in control or laid-back in the relationship?)
He likes to think he’s more in control
He loves to pretend dark reunion is around and goes on about how he’d protect you
You of course play into it and that makes him happy
But in all honestly you’re probably the one in control
He doesn’t exactly hate it but rlly wants to be the one to protect you rather than the other way around
He thinks and occasionally says this however once you take the initiative he’s literally the most flustered person you’ve ever met
He becomes putty in your arms and in all honesty prefers to be spoiled more than anything
But honestly I feel like if he were to ever say anything about it it’d mostly be after he feels comfortable to
Regardless, it’s obvious to everyone and anyone that you’re the one more in control
And if u like this man, you probably expected this
F - Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
Honestly Kaidou is just existing
I’m gonna be real, he never expected to have a relationship with anyone much less someone he feels so loved by
So maybe if you love him just as much then he’ll be happy at the idea of marriage
But then again, it’s too much too soon and would prefer to just experience your relationship now and decide later
He never really thought about it either but knows it’s probably something in his future considering how people usually get married once out of school
Now, kids are a whole other thing
He’s pretty hesitant about marriage so image children
Does not like the idea of kids at the moment
I mean not only is he trying to enjoy his life but it’s honestly just not on his mind
F - Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
I feel like Kaidou would apologize relatively quick
He’s not gonna be upset unless given a reason and if it’s something stupid or small then he feels the worse
He’ll apologize probably even if it’s not even his fault because of how scared he is of you breaking it off with him
He’s pretty down bad for you so ofc he’s gonna apologize and be sorry first
You ofc forgive him and talk things out but you especially need to tell him that he doesn’t need to apologize without any regard of whose wrong
Especially if you’re the one in the wrong
Just communicate and tell him that you’ll always be there for him as long as he’s there for you too
G - Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
He’s pretty ok with gift giving
I mean most times when it comes to holidays (especially valentines) he doesn’t expect much
He’s always the one giving even in the past when he’d be made fun of
So he’s ok with gifting you stuff without getting anything in return
Although, it would make him sad
He’d cry himself to sleep
But when he gifts you it and you say thanks he’s glad- then turns to leave since the bell rang
However he doesn’t expect you to call him back and shove something in his arms
Of course you go on about it but be couldn’t care less if it’s not the best in your eyes(it literally is- you know him so well)
He tears up and hugs you so hard it doesn’t even matter that he’s flustered
After that it becomes the norm for him to gift you little things and with how cute he looks gifting you it- it’d be hard to not gift him random things occasionally.
This becomes the norm and it doesn’t even have to be “actual “ gifts
Gifts from him range from snacks from the vending machine to origami, drawings, and honestly things that make you think of him as a little crow
He’s so adorable and loves gifting you stuff and is flustered and shys away each time without a fail
With all this things considered- please be the gifting king 😭
G - Gratitude (how grateful are they to have you? what do they think your relationship is worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
He’s super grateful to have you, you have no idea 😭
Kaidou has never been in a relationship much less have someone reciprocate his feelings so ofc he’s gonna be so grateful for you
He’d probably hold your relationship to the same level he holds his friendships
I mean you guys were probably friends first and now that you’re dating you’ve only gotten closer
So maybe above them
And if yall are super super close he’ll probably hold your relationships worth pretty high
I mean he’s your potential future husband (that thought alone has him giddy) so he knows he needs to have you as a priority.
G- Gentle (how gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
Kaidou is actually really gentle
Both physically and emotionally
He’s pretty often discarded as a person by others so he knows how it feels to be mistreated and not feel like he belongs
So ofc he’s very gentle and makes sure you’re ok
I mean most times whenever something goes wrong he apologizes and tries to tend to you best he can
He doesn’t really know how to handle emotional situations so all he knows is to try to make you feel better
All that tied together is him being gentle with you
He’s pretty patient and this is mostly because of how you put up with his antics too
He’s not only this way emotionally but physically
I mean dude is not the best at physical stuff so most times he gets pushed or scared easily too
With that in mind he tries to be nice emotionally and physically
Like yknow how people play fight? He doesn’t rlly like doing that even if you say it’s fine
Realistically he’d fly away if u pushed him but it’s the thought that counts
H - Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
You and him probably held hands when you guys were casually walking after school
You had decided to go shopping just for fun and it just sorta happened
You’d think that you’d make the first move but Kaidou went ahead and surprised you by taking your hand first
He refused to look at you and when you tried getting his attention he couldn’t bring himself to ignore you
So he turns to you and his face is fully flushed and refuses to speak in fear that he’ll stutter and have the worst voice cracks he’s ever had
The two of you continue the whole time until Kaidou lets go
He ends up confessing to you that he was scared that his hands were sweaty later on in your relationship when you were sharing random stuff 😭
You guys usually hold hands when you’re walking somewhere and rarely at school too because of not only how teachers make a big deal but the students too
Plus Kaidou is too shy for others to see
He loves to just hold your hand like a regular person
Seriously, idk how other ways you can hold hands so let me know maybe it’s just me that doesn’t know
But that’s pretty much it
He gets better over time with dealing with his emotions but he stays pretty much the same
H - Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it, and what are they like?)
Ofc it’s a jumpscare when you first hug him
Mostly because he’s so touch starved but also because he’s never been in a relationship before
Anyways, you guys rarely hug because of how anxious and fidgety he gets when you guys do
It definitely also takes a while for him to hug you back and especially initiate a hug
So most times you don’t really hug he’s usually leaning his head on your shoulder and cuddling up to you like that when you’re just sitting down-
But when you do hug it’s really sweet
He’s warm and you can finally have him in your arms
His hugs used to be really stiff
But eventually they develop to be cozy and warm
That’s when he’s holding you
When you’re holding him (which is usually) he’s really clingy and actually ends up forgetting to be self conscious
Honestly when they’re initiated by him it’s awkward but sweet and they’re really nice
It’s a shame he doesn’t initiate much 🥱
I - Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
He’d pin it on dark reunion-
No but actually he’d be like that 😭
Like if you tripped he’d help you up and make sure you’re ok but he’d probably go on a monologue on dark reunion and you’ll just have to smile and nod
If you end up at the nurse then he’d ask for permission to see you and be by your side as long as he can
Then he’s just moping in class without you
I mean most times he does this but if you were to seriously get hurt he’d be really concerned and although he has his dark reunion thing he knows it’s not the time
So he’ll try and support you best he can
(Best he can because he’s an awkward teenage boy) but yknow
I- I love you (how fast would they say ‘i love you’?)
I can image this going two ways
The first way would be him saying it almost immediately
He’s so bad at love bombing and can’t help himself
He’s probably in a delusion that he’s in some romance novel or sum and you’re his LI
Plus you’re just so incredible
So he just blurts it out in one of those stereotypical rainy days while you’re walking under an umbrella together
He’s all flushed and stuttering like a fool
You’re surprised he did run away like those weird anime girls but if and when he does say it
Pls pls pls reassure him because he will immediately think you don’t like him and cry himself to sleep
Anyway, the other way I imagine this going would be after a long time
Dude is SO nervous and anxious to tell you but eventually does after like a thousand years
So he’d either tell you immediately or wait for the longest goddamn time ever
No in between
J - Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
He is so silly 😭
He isn’t the type to joke harshly with you with insult but rather genuine and sometimes stupid jokes or pick up lines (that he only had the courage to say because of the joking undertones)
He’d probably never prank you unless you like to prank him first
Either way they’re silly pranks and never that serious
Plus jokes with Kaidou and usually him making himself seem dumb and when you do laugh along with him make sure to reassure him in the end
But yea Kaidou is just a lil silly guy and although the majority of his jokes are like that he just does stuff that are so hilarious sometimes without realizing
But when he wants to be funny? Yea not funny whatsoever 😭
J - Jealousy (what makes them jealous? what are they like when they’re jealous?)
He usually gets jealous when you take interest in someone else other than him
Now, it’s not like usual but only ever if you pay more attention/ hang out with them more
Most times it’s whatever and you tell him it’s not like that and he feels better
But it’s only when someone who he’ll admit is hot comes and tries to romance you or whatever that he gets jealous
He’ll probably go on about it in his delusions and claim in the dark reunion trying to get to him through you
Ofc Saiki is like “sure buddy” but Kaidou is secretly (not so secretly) freaking out and panicking
He’s starting the think that you’ll seriously leave him and Saiki is just there knowing that you’re just as down bad for Kaidou and he is for you
Whenever interacting with you during this time he’s pretty avoidant and gets distant
Ofc you’ll have to pull him out of his own head and tell him you love him
He freaks out and now instead of being upset he’s blushing and flustered
He ends up giddy since you ask him out in the end and talk it out but he’ll never forget the say the dark reunion tried to steal you and lost to him.
K - Kisses (what are their kisses like? who kissed who first? where do they like to kiss you?how do they like to kiss you?)
I love Kaidou as much as the next person but poor dude is SO BAD AT KISSING 😭
He seriously doesn’t know what to do the first time and just tries his best
The two of you first kissed when you managed to pass his moms test and made her love you and the two of you went to his room to “study”
Well regardless, you’re both sitting down as his mom left to the kitchen to bring some snacks for you two
He’s all nervous about you being over and when you tell him you want to kiss him straight up he’s all shocked
Ultimately he decides to let you and in reality it was just a short and sweet peck but ofc in his mind it was so dramatic
Well you two pulled away right when his mom came back and she was suspicious but nothing came of it
Ofc Kaidou was being the most suspicious person know to man
Anyways as they become more usual he likes to just give cheek kisses
They’re not too intense for his heart but when you guys do occasionally kiss on the lips he’s on the verge of exploding
He likes it and when y’all end up making out? He needs some space 😭
It never rlly crosses until later but yknow
L - Love (how do they show you they love you? What’s their love language?)
Honestly Kaidous love languages would probably be quality time, physical affection, and gift giving
Let me explain 😼
Most times Kaidou feels closest to you is just by hanging out
I mean he loves being invited to go places and just makes him feel wanted there
So ofc it’d be that
But at the same time he usually gifts you little things
He gifts (as previously mentioned) a lot of little trinkets to you most times
Whether it’s something from the vending machine, little notes, origami, or just little things
So that’s that and ofc the last would be physical affection
He’s so desperate for it that he loves when you show him any
He mostly shows you his love by including you in his delusions by making you like royalty 😭
He’d make u super op to but somehow the jet black wings has to protect you
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings spent with Kaidou would probably be spent after a sleepover (that was disguised as a study sesh that would be an all nighter)
When you wake up you do the usual morning routine alongside Kaidou
If it’s a weekend (which is most likely)
You guys would probably be all lovey dovey in secret away from his mom as best you guys can 😭
Either way the two of you end up eating breakfast made by his mom (she’s super nice after the whole study thing) and just hang out doing whatever
N - Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
His worst fear would probably be discovered when he’s asleep and you’re over
He’d wake up from a nightmare and because of all the commotion you’d wake up alongside him
He’d share his nightmare and ofc it’d be what it is
He goes on to explain his nightmare of dark reunion taking you hostage or whatever but seems pretty shaken up
Ultimately he ends up revealing how real it felt and that’s why he’s this way
Just comfort him and tell him you’re there for him as long as he needs you
He’d feel better and wanted, and as long as you hold him in your arms then he’ll fall asleep peacefully
Ofc it actually was about you leaving him for someone else but he’ll keep that to himself until he’s ready
O - Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
I mean anything you do- he’s head over heels
In an argument where you’re wrong? Well you’re right in his eyes made a plan that’s not the best but is ok? He’s all in
He’s pretty down bad and it’s obvious
He’ll most times go on about you in front of Saiki or Nendo and they have to suffer him and his crush he has on you
Especially if he asks Saiki or nendo to ask you things but freaks out when Nendo ends up exposing him 💀😭
Saiki is just standing there like 🧍‍♀️
And shrugs and walks away
Little does Kaidou know that you’re head over heels in love too
Match made in heaven ig 🤷‍♀️
P - Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
As I’ve mentioned Kaidou probably has you as a character in his little delusion with the dark reunion
So he’d probably call you a name that has to deal with that 😭
In all honesty he’d probably want to call you the most rancid couple nicknames known to man
He’d want to call you that but he’s just too nervous to and wouldn’t unless you enable it
So when you finally let him he’s hesitant but ends up doing it
Then he’s caught by Saiki and others then gets ruthlessly made fun of 😭
P - Patience (how easily do they get angry?)
Kaidou doesn’t get angry all that often
If at all
I mean look at him, if anything he’d probably blame any and all problems on the dark reunion
Plus he’s super patient and is actually rlly cool about most things
If anything he’d be sad over any issues or fights you two have rather than being angry
Q - Quiet (How are the calm, quiet moments with them?)
The only time I can imagine a time where it’s quiet is when he ends up exposing how he really is
He’s probably bummed that you discovered him for who he is and not some cool guy who battles evil
Which you never thought but yknow
It’s unusually silent and nothing happens until you speak up
It’s not until you tell him that you don’t care about his little facade and that you genuinely care about him and not the fact that he “lied” to you
It all works out and the two of you end up silently just cuddling and being there for each other
R - Rhythm (what songs reminds you of them?)
Ofc I had to Here’s the song
R - Romance (How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Kaidou is so romantic it’s not even funny 😭
Most of his confidence comes from being jet black wings so ofc he’d do most of his romantic gestures and disguise it behind his alter ego
Most times he acts cool about it and that’s when he usually does dramatically romantic stuff
Like he’ll have a bouquet of flowers and maybe chocolates
He’ll hand them to you all confidently while on one knee
Then totally freak out while waiting for your reaction to them
All his confidence practically deteriorates and he’s waiting for your response 😭
But once you respond the way he likes then he loves it
I mean most times he’ll do this but otherwise when he’s seriously trying to win you over more than he already has he’s all flushed and tries to stutter it out as best he can
Most of his go tos are simple things like getting you stuff when you want it
But other times he’ll make sure to go out of his way to get you stuff
when you draw attention to his affections he’ll be super red 😭
S - Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Kaidou is pretty open with you besides how secretive he is with his diary about the dark reunion
That is until you end up finding it when you’re in this room 🕴️
That’s when he totally freaks out and tries to explain himself
His red face is really distracting so most of the time he’s trying to explain himself you’re just standing there
Honestly at least he’s secretive about this and not anything weird 🤷‍♀️
S - safe (What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?)
Everything you do
Honestly Kaidou has never had anyone supportive of him and his likes
So just you being there and indulging in his delusions is enough for him
But the fact that you continuously put up with him and his insecurities just really ties it all together
He wants to be the one to make you feel safe and comfortable yet you’re the one doing it to him
S - Security (how protective are they? how would they protect their s/o?)
I mean Kaidou is obviously the jet black wings ofc he’d be powerful and protect his dear y/n
Butttt he’s also secretly a coward who covers that with the facade of the jet black wings
So he’d protect you and put himself ahead of you but when it comes to actual scary situations?
He’s shitting himself
He’d still protect you and put you above himself but he’d be so scared 😭
He’d probably protect you by cooperating with what the other person wants realistically if it’s a bad situation (that one mugging ep)
But if it’s not that bad then he’ll play as his alter ego and protect you by putting the attention on himself and his awesomeness
He’s so cute and if you protect him back he’s a bit bummed because he wants to be the strong one but once you explain that you want it to be mutual he practically has heart eyes
T - Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
It probably took so painfully long 😭
I mean homedude is so obviously in love with you and he’s painfully oblivious at first to how you feel
He’s basically head over heels and as I’ve said, you guys are probs rlly good friends before anything
So you both don’t want to ruin it
But eventually Saiki probably gets tired or sum best believe you’re making the first move and Kaidou ends up finding you with a “love letter” you wrote to him and the rest is history
So in short, it took a good while and probably would’ve tooken longer if Saiki, your wingman, wasn’t there to force yall
T - Tend (How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?)
Kaidou acts pretty panicky when you get hurt or something
He’s automatically making sure you get home and once it’s the weekend then he’s taking care of you while you’re sick like a stereotypical romance anime
Although you’d expect him to be terrible at taking care of people he’s actually the opposite
He’s always taking care of you and if Saiki and Nendo somehow get dragged along (knowing them they probably were) then Nendo would probably do stuff that disturbs him taking care of you
Surprisingly he ends up shooing them away and actually takes decent care of you (and if you ever try any romantic gestures on him he’s seriously gonna have to step out of the room)
When he’s sick he’s probably whining and pretty weak ngl 😭
So when you’re taking care of him (which you disguised as a favor to his mom) he’s blushing at every thing you do especially when you touch his forehead
He’s pretty much taking everything as a move and is blushing the whole time so do what you will with this information 😭
T - Tease (how do they tease you?)
How does he tease you?
Please it’s pathetic
Ok ok I’ll try and not to bully Kaidou but it’ll be hard not to
If anything you’re the one doing the teasing
I mean just look at him
Realistically he’d try and tease you because of this one romance manga that he started reading
Only when he starts acting that way do you just look at him like 🕴️
And to finally K.O. Him you decide to tease him back
He’s so weak to it too, he practically folds for you and just nods along
Take it easy on him and just spoil him rather than tease him 😭
He’d die from overheating at this rate so take it easy on the poor guy
U - Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He’s pretty aware of when you’re upset because you’re probably not going along with him like you usually do
He blames it on dark reunion too 😭
Eventually he realizes you’re seriously upset and his mood does a whole 180
He’s practically begging for you to not be upset anymore but in all seriousness he eventually just tries to talk things out with you
Ofc it all works out in the end but things sure can be tough
V - Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s honestly just proud of you as whole
He sees you as if you were way better in his mind so ofc he’d be proud of you
I mean it literally gets to the point where he thinks over if you genuinely do like him 😭
Anyways, he’d be more likely to be proud of things that you’re proud of about yourself
Whether it’s your drawing skills, trophies in sports, or whatever really
He’d literally be so proud of you and say “that’s my s/o 😌😼”
He’d act all smug and proud when it’s not even his own accomplishments
So yes, he’d love to show you off
Especially to others who like to poke fun at him for not dating anyone when he actually is
Most times when this happens he just shows off that fact he’s dating you
It’s sorta sad that he’s not showing himself off but whatever
V - Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
Honestly Kaidou is rlly cute and I feel like everyone knows that to an extent
So even if it may not be obvious- he’s pretty strict with keeping up his appearance in both the physical and social sense
He likes his looks and wants to be appealing to you so ofc he tried his best and feels all cute when you compliment him
But he also cares immensely with how he’s viewed, especially by you
He wants you to know that he’ll protect you and wants you to view him as someone strong and reliable
Especially against the dark reunion- he wants you to know you could always rely on the jet black wings and go to him- not anyone else- but HIM
Regardless of whatever he projects you know this and when you acknowledge and try to show him you care and feel that way-
He’s jumping up and down
W - Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Kaidou would absolutely fight for you
I’ve already stated that he’s so over protective and always ready to defend you and even put your safety over his
So ofc he’d be willing to fight for you and even beside you
If you were to ever want to fight on behalf of him he’d be really touched
Really, no one really makes him feel all that liked most times so when you decide to fight for him and defend him he’s head over heels all over again
The most likely scenario would be that mugging one from before
You guys probably were getting mugged then you decided to defend the both of you
Kaidou is honestly touched that you’d protect him before he had the chance to do anything so he’d try and tap into his jet black wings persona and help defend you
It probs ends with Saiki interfering but it’s the thought that counts
X - X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s able to read you pretty well, especially since you’re usually going along with his delusions and encouraging him with whatever nonsense he does
He can be a bit oblivious at times but because of how much of a person pleaser he is with you since you’re the only one who goes along he notices every little thing
So whenever you’re upset about something he can automatically tell (although he’d honestly be distracted)
He can also tell when you like something so atleast that makes up for his obliviousness 😭
X - XO (How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?)
I feel like Kaidou is pretty closed off to showing affection at all at first
I mean I already said his love languages but he’d be hesitant to do anything he’s practically been sheltered so it’s no surprise here
Ofc eventually he’s willing to kiss, hold your hand and hug you and stuff couples usually do
However, he’s still pretty shy as the day you guys got together
So he’d probably not be that willing to show PDA but if you rlly want to he won’t be able to decline
I mean most times you’re the one making the moves so he’s probably used to it at this point
Ofc there’s the rare occasion that he wouldn’t mind it which would be when he’s being made fun of or whatever but either way he’d still be bright red and on the verge of exploding
Which at this point, are you even surprised
Y - Yearn (What do they do when they miss you?)
Kaidou is insufferable to Saiki and Nendo (he couldn’t care less-) the whole day
He’s moping and so dramatically sad if you have to stay home and he’s pretty sentimental
I mean you’d think that someone died with how depressed he is 😭
I mean when he misses you and can’t see you he’ll text and try to talk to you any way he can
Ofc it doesn’t beat the real deal and when you finally return back to school he’s all over you
He’s finally happy and everyone glad that he’s back to normal and no longer a bother
Z- Zzz (How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?)
He acts so bold and clingy when he’s sleepy
He’ll be his complete opposite and do and say whatever along with clinging on you
If you were to reject his affection while he’s sleepy he’d take it so personally it’s not even funny 😭
Well it is sorta funny considering that he’s trying to kiss you when a couple hours ago he tried avoiding sleeping in the same bed as you
He’s so nervous and refuses to even get on the goddamn bed at first
It’s like the floor is lava- but with the bed
So when he finally goes to lay down next to you hallelujah cuz you can finally go to bed
He’s literally buzzing awake too so you have to pull him and hold him for him to calm down
Which makes it even worse (?) cuz he’s even more stiff and is close to evaporating
Anyway- when you two finally settle down I feel like Kaidou would sleep like a little ball
Like you’d be cuddling but over the night Kaidou would separate from you and you end up finding him in a little ball sleeping
He looks so silly and cute and ends up waking up from you staring at him
Good luck getting him to calm down and stop worrying if he was drooling or something
At least his bed head is cute 😭
God he’s so pathetic I love him
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anonymousewrites · 10 days ago
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 3) Chapter One
Saiki Kusuo x Reader
Chapter One: Revelations and Art
Summary: (Y/N) and Saiki tell everyone about their relationship.
Mouse Note: Welcome back! How are we feeling? Good, I hope. I'm so excited for this book, even if it's shorter and the end of this series. I love you all and this journey.
            “(L/N), Saiki, there you are,” said Kaidou as (Y/N) and Saiki entered Café Mami. Most of their friends were already there. “Usually you’re the first people to Café Mami after school.”
            “They do have the best snacks,” said Yumehara, smiling.
            “I wanted ramen,” said Nendou.
            “You always want ramen,” said Kuboyasu, rolling his eyes.
            “I did a hundred laps of the track today, so I think a nice reward is in order!” said Hairo.
            “I hope they have coffee jelly ready,” said Teruhashi.
            “They better since Saiki is here,” said Miko, laughing.
            “His biggest weakness,” said Toritsuka.
            “Everyone,” said (Y/N), clearing their throat and standing before the table with all their friends. “I—We have something to tell you.”
            Everyone looked at them curiously, and Saiki nearly sighed at all the thoughts running through people’s heads. (Honestly, the number of idiots present who thought (Y/N) and Saiki were going to announce a tragedy or the coming of Dark Reunion was ridiculous). (Y/N) looked at him, and he nodded. (Y/N) took his hand.
            “Kusuo and I…we’re dating.”
            Two words. Two simple words that stopped people’s thoughts. Saiki looked at the group as they stared. And then—smiles. Smiles spread onto people’s faces.
            Saiki looked at (Y/N) and found them beaming back at him.
            I suppose that wasn’t so disastrous.
            He squeezed their hand.
            Not with them with me.
            “How long have you been together?” asked Kaidou excitedly.
            “Um, a few months,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “And you didn’t tell us, pal?!” said Nendou.
            “It’s none of your business,” said Saiki.
            “I knew,” said Miko proudly.
            “So did I,” said Toritsuka.
            “You weren’t supposed to. You were troublesome,” said Saiki straightforwardly.
            “How did I not notice?!” said Yumehara.
            “Kusuo and I didn’t act much differently than before we were dating,” said (Y/N0.
            “Congratulations, you two. Seriously,” said Kuboyasu, smiling
            “Thanks,” said (Y/N), beaming.
            “You and Saiki are dating?” said Teruhashi, staring at the pair. For months?
            (Y/N) shifted slightly. “Yeah.”
            “I—” A lot of thoughts rushed through her head. All of her feelings spiraled around her. She cleared her throat. “Congratulations.” Still, as people continued to pester (Y/N) and Saiki, she remained silent.
            (Y/N) glanced at Saiki. “Kusuo, is she alright?”
            “She’s confused,” said Saiki directly to their mind.
            “She needs time,” said (Y/N) softly, nodding. They could respect that. They just hoped that amidst all the joy of getting to be honest about their relationship that they wouldn’t lose a friend in the process.
            Saiki didn’t need telepathy to see that (Y/N) was worried. Gently, he reached out and squeezed their hand. “It will be alright.”
            (Y/N) smiled at him. “I hope so.” Losing a friend would be disastrous.
            (Y/N) sat down beside Saiki in class. The following day had arrived, and all the clay statues they had been assigned to work on were due. However, (Y/N)’s mind remained firmly on Teruhashi. She was the only person who hadn’t interacted with (Y/N) and Saiki since the announcement of their relationship. Hopefully, it was just that Teruhashi had been working through her feelings. Being disappointed that the boy she had a “crush” on—really her understandable focus on someone who looked at her as a person and not a pretty girl—was in a relationship was valid. (Y/N) wouldn’t fault her for that. But they didn’t want to lose their friend. Telling the truth of their relationship was a necessary step, it had to happen at some point, but they didn’t want to lose people they cared about in the process.
            “Clay work is due today. If you haven’t finished, finish today,” said the teacher.
            Most classmates shifted nervously, definitely too far behind to finish.
            “I’m done,” said Kaidou, raising a hand.
            “Oh, are you, Kaidou?” said the teacher.
Q: Why did you make this artwork?
            “Because it’s my mission and my fate,” said Kaidou. “Even beautiful angels can suddenly become fallen angels in this world. I made it because I wanted to convey the fear and vulnerability.”
Q: What was the hardest part?
            “I struggled to express the texture of Lucifer’s broken wings,” said Kaidou. “I’m satisfied with the quality.”
Q: What is the title of your artwork?
            “Fallen Lucifer,” said Kaidou.
            Everyone looked at Kaidou’s work. It had the faint carving of a face and a crumbling mess of “wings.”
            “Wow, did you turn in work you dropped on the floor as is?” said Nendou.
            “I didn’t drop it!” exclaimed Kaidou.
            “Dropped Lucifer,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) covered their mouth as they giggled.
            “I’m done, too!” said Kuboyasu.
Q: Why did you make this artwork?
            “I just made what I like,” said Kuboyasu. “That’s all.”
Q: What is the message of your artwork?
            “I have filled it with the dreams of men,” said Kuboyasu, shrugging. “However, some people may feel fear, anxiety, and frustration. Dreams come true because of someone’s sacrifice.”
Q: What is the title of your artwork?
            “Dream,” said Kuboyasu. His sculpture was a very nice looking motorcycle—a little warped but impressive for a high schooler.
            “That’s amazing, Aren!” said Kaidou.
            “Isn’t it? I worked so hard,” said Kuboyasu.
            “The details are so cool,” said (Y/N).
            “Weird title for that,” said Saiki.
            “Place it next to mine,” said Kaidou.
            “Lucifer Run Over,” said Saiki.
            “I’m done, too,” said Nendou.
Q: Why did you make this artwork?
            “I dunno,” said Nendou. “My hands made it without my will.”
Q: What was the hardest part?
            “There’s a vent blowing cold air directly at my seat,” said Nendou. “That was the hardest part.”
Q: What is the message of your artwork?
            “What do you mean?” asked Nendou. “It’s all up to you.”
            (Y/N) stared at it. It looked like a head with horns. “A demented Darth Maul.”
            Saiki nodded. “He has problems.”
            (Y/N) raised a hand. “I’m finished.”
Q: Why did you make this artwork?
            “Because it was a school assignment?” said (Y/N), tilting their head.
Q: What does it mean to you?
            “I have an obsession with sweets,” said (Y/N). Saiki nodded.
Q: What is the name of your artwork?
            “Cupcakes,” said (Y/N) proudly, gesturing to their sculpture of a few cupcakes on a plate.
            “I’m hungry,” said Saiki.
            “I’m done!” said Hairo, raising his hand.
Q: Why did you make this artwork?
            “Because I wanted to show my passion for art,” said Hairo.
Q: What was the hardest part?
            “I was working wearing ten-kilogram weights on my arms. That was the hardest part,” said Hairo.
Q: What is the message of your artwork?
            “I made it with the wish of achieving calmness of heart,” said Hairo.
            His statue was perfectly carved Buddha.
            “I called it, ‘Calm!’ ” said Hairo.
            “It’s so Hairo,” said Saiki.
            “Definitely,” said (Y/N).
            “I’m, like, done!” said Miko.
Q: Why did you make this artwork?
            “Dunno, it was an assignment,” said Miko.
Q: What was the hardest part?
            “I don’t like to work hard, so I just enjoyed making it,” said Miko.
Q: What is the message of your artwork?
            “Who cares?” said Miko casually.
            She had, of course, bedazzled her sculpture.
            “I thought we could only use clay,” said Saiki.
            “I’m done,” announced Teruhashi.
Q: Why did you make artwork?
            “The title is ‘Wish,’ ” said Teruhashi. She paused and glanced at (Y/N) as she spoke. “I made it wishing that every student at PK Academy gets the friends they deserve so that they can overcome any problems by helping one another.”
            Her sculpture was of two people holding hands with their arms raised. Saiki noted with interest that one looked feminine while the other was more androgynous.
            “Wow, you’re amazing, Teruhashi!” cried the class. “Let us take a closer look at it! And become close to me!”
            Teruhashi smiled but did take a step back. She set the statue down, and people crowded around to look at it.
            “Class, hand in your pieces,” said the teacher.
            All the boys held up their art—attempts at carving Teruhashi’s face. She stared at the, frankly, creepy creations.
            “This is terrible!” cried her classmates, seeing how they were unable to capture Teruhashi’s beauty.
            Teruhashi sweat-dropped as she watched her own face get shattered into a million pieces.
            Oh, wow… thought (Y/N), wincing.
            Yare yare, thought Saiki. They’re idiots.
            “Saiki, you’re up,” said the teacher.
            Oh, it’s my turn at last. Saiki put down a carved coffee jelly.
            Well, what else did we expect? thought (Y/N), grinning.
            (Y/N) paused as they walked towards the door of the classroom. “Yeah, Kokomi?” Teruhashi stood behind them.
            “I…” Teruhashi shifted. She had never been shy or uncertain before, but she cleared her throat nervously. “I wanted to talk. About you and Saiki.”
            (Y/N) paused. “Okay.”
            “I want to say that I’m…I’m happy for you,” said Teruhashi. She smiled slightly. “Really, I am. You two have always been close. I should have known.”
            “I’m going to respect your relationship,” said Teruhashi. “I…I like Saiki. But you’re my friend. That’s more important than crushes.”
            (Y/N) smiled softly. “Right.”
            “So I’m going to get over him.” Teruhashi smiled. “Because our friendship is important to me.”
            “It’s important to me, too,” said (Y/N). They smiled. “And Kokomi, you deserve a relationship with someone who values you who for who you are. Really. I’m rooting for you.” They took Teruhashi’s hands and squeezed encouragingly.
            Teruhashi smiled shyly, her cheeks turning pink. “Thank you, (Y/N).”
            (Y/N) hugged her, and Teruhashi stiffened in surprise before hugging back. They were going to be alright.
            “Is everything alright?” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) smiled at him as they headed out of the school. “Of course. I mean, you heard us talking.” They knew he had the psychic abilities to.
            “She’s going to move on,” said Saiki.
            “Yeah,” said (Y/N). “We’re still friends; you and I are together. We’re okay.” They looped their arm with Saiki’s and kissed his cheek. Everything was alright.
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theuncannyshii · 3 months ago
I think saiki with a tomboyish girl who's actually really sensitive would be a bit fun like idk bcz saiki seems like he likes girls like Teruhashi 🤭🤭
Plus I've never seen anyone write abt saiki with an introverted reader, Like since Saiki is an INTP I'd LOVE to see him be with an ENTP or ISTP or INFP reader ykykykyk😋😋
i like the way you think
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• Reader is tomboyish and introverted but has an adventurous streak (classic ISTP or ENFP vibes). They're not afraid to get their hands dirty but secretly blush at small compliments or sweet gestures.
• Saiki initially notices how you act confidently in public but always take time to retreat when overwhelmed. He finds it odd but… oddly relatable.Tough Exterior, Soft Heart: While you're comfortable joking around with others and teasing Saiki, your sensitivity shows in quiet moments—like getting teary-eyed at a heartfelt story or overthinking a casual comment.
• You admire Saiki's calm and collected demeanor but assume he finds you "too much." Saiki secretly admires your straightforwardness and adaptability, even if you throw him off with your unpredictability.
• You’re busy fixing something (like a vending machine or a random gadget) when Saiki happens to walk by. You make a self-deprecating joke when you struggle, and Saiki telepathically remarks, “It’s not broken; you’re just using brute force.” You snap, “and you think you can fix it, genius?” Saiki casually hits the machine, and it works. Cue your annoyance, but you're secretly impressed.
• First Emotional Slip! You tell a story about a pet you had, and Saiki notices your voice gets softer. You quickly play it off with a sarcastic remark, but he catches how your hands shake slightly. Saiki thinks, 'So, they're sensitive despite the act. I’d better tread lightly… or not mention it at all.'
• After a loud, chaotic group outing (with Nendou and the gang), Saiki teleports away… but reappears when he sees you sitting outside alone, looking tired. Without saying a word, he sits next to you and hands you a coffee jelly. You’re shocked but grateful, though you tease, “Aw, is this how you flirt, Saiki?” He just stares blankly, but his ears go slightly pink.
• During a casual conversation about why Saiki doesn’t date, you offhandedly say, “I mean, not everyone can date someone perfect like Teruhashi.”Saiki smirks (inwardly) and deadpans, “Perfect isn’t my type.” You’re flustered but try to recover by saying, “So what is your type? Don’t say ‘quiet girls.’”
• Saiki: …She has no idea she’s my type, does she?
• You pull Saiki out of his comfort zone without overwhelming him. While he normally avoids chaotic people, your quieter side gives him a sense of balance.Your resourcefulness intrigues him; he often finds himself watching you fix or build things and even subtly helps when you're stuck.
• Your sensitivity teaches Saiki to be more empathetic, and though he won’t admit it, he starts picking up on your emotions faster than he does for others.
• You two develop a teasing yet supportive relationship. You openly call Saiki out on his bluntness, while he learns to subtly comfort you during vulnerable moments. Teruhashi notices Saiki spending more time with you and gets jealous, which you jokingly play into: “Sorry, Teruhashi, guess I’m stealing your spotlight.” Saiki internally thinks, Spotlight? She doesn’t even realize how she stands out. Saiki realizes he doesn’t mind the occasional chaos if it’s with you—and you, in turn, appreciate the quiet, grounding presence he provides.
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justice-artblog · 2 months ago
Powerless Saiki is so funny to me because. he has no self preservation??? As much as he hates his powers, Saiki is still very reliant on them, and is very much used to pulling the craziest stunts with them
And it makes me wonder just how worried he made his friends during those few days he was powerless. I just know his ass tried crossing the road without looking 💀
Okay, Op, Hey Op, i see you. I see you so much but i raise you this.
His friends are already used to this weirdness with him. They know that Saiki sometimes never looks where he's going and just plan to subtley look out. And the one time he almost gets hit, it's the nonchalant gripping of his jacket like "Wait a moment." And then move on.
Saiki does a random ass pose, well- that's just Saiki being Saiki. He's got his lil drama in him.
Saiki looks like he's trying to kill them with his mind? Well, that's just him.
Admittedly, him being jumpy is definitely a new thing. But i love the thought that they just think that he can't fucking *see*. My Boy is suddenly without his glasses, he MUST be blind and people are startling the shit out of him.
Like imagine the announcements they make trying so hard to not scare him, so it's loud movements and *Hey!* from a distance so Saiki can turn to them.
"i didn't think your green glasses were prescribed. But i was wrong, sorry saiki :(."
"Hey Partner, how many fingers am i holding up?"
"He can still tell out Shapes Nendou, don't be rude!"
I personally think that, Saiki realizes in that moment how normal his friends treat him, with and without powers. And all theyre doing is accomodating the best they can.
If Saiki were a more impulsive person when it comes to opening up about himself, he absolutely would have told them then and there. But alas, he's a ball of anxiety masking behind the edge of godhood, so instead he's gonna get enotional and wanna run away for a bit.
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saiurangels · 5 months ago
nensai headcanons rotting in a part of my brain :
- whenever they go to the restaurant, nendou buys a menu with a dessert included so he can give it to Saiki.
- Nendou always buy sweets that he keeps in his fridge for when Saiki comes, most of them being mami coffee jelly.
- Nap dates !! More often at Nendou’s place since his mom comes back late from work. Kusuo loves those moment so much because 1) Nendou is a human weighted blanket 2) his mind is really quiet so it keeps him grounded.
- Their first kiss was during a festival, durning the grande finale. Also the very first time Saiki said I love you.
- Everyone knows that they’re together - not as in they told everyone, more like it’s so obvious and weirdly logical that people just draw this conclusion even before they were together. So when they actually told their friends about their relationship, they all reacted like “yeah ? how’s that different from yesterday lol anyways what do we eat today?”
- Nendou is very big into PDA, not hesitating to hug Kusuo or put a hand around his waist etc… Kusuo is obviously less into that,although he does not complain (at all) when Nendou does it. Let’s say he’s less likely to engage it - but when he’s bold, he’d hold his hand.
- Nendou gifts him trinkets and stuff he collects, it’s quite crazy how much he finds and give to Kusuo lmao. From rocks to figurines, everything is gifted with love.
- Kusuo had a phase where he was convinced Nendou was a psychic because he always knows when he feels bad, what he wants something in particular, when he’s upset etc… he was like “no way that guy hasn’t some kind of super power” but no, he just knows him.
- Baking date, OBVIOUSLY ! Nendou innovates his tuna crepes to strawberry one. Everything for his boyfriend fr
- Saiki spends a lot of time at Nendou’s place to the point he has an extra toothbrush, Nendou’s mom always put an extra plate for him, some of his clothes are there etc… They often have family dinner with the Rikis and vice versa
- Nendou is obviously a word of affirmation type of guy. He always tells Saiki “You’re doing great” “You’re beautiful” “You’re strong” and other sweet things along the line.
- Saiki never knows how to respond. I think Nendou would activate some kind of power he did not know or affect his pyrokinesis to a point smoke comes out of his ears. It’s embarrassing
anyw i ❤️ nensai, i ❤️ my perfect pair
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theyluvsavi · 4 days ago
My Saiki K Scent HC’s:
I don’t usually post things like these but I decided to share this to whoever sees this lol. This is my opinion but I’d love to know your thoughts as well :3
Kusuo - he tries to smell like nothing, but always ends up smelling like either vanilla or strawberry
Kusuke - usually doesn’t have a scent, but if he does it probably smells like new/unworn clothes or something refreshing like laundry detergent
Kuniharu - feet. Or a cheap smelling cologne
Kurumi - she smells like roses. she’s pretty like one but also has the hidden thorns. so, definitely roses.
Kaidou - his natural scent may be lavender or vanilla but he will use strong scented colognes that suit his persona
Nendou - tangerines
Kuboyasu - something masculine and musky like sandalwood, though occasionally there’s a suspicious a metallic undertone in his scent
Hairo - the beach and/or pure sweat
Toritsuka - he either smells really weird(?) or insanely strong because he will use too much of the wrong cologne
Akechi - if he’s not pissing himself, he might smell like a peach
Saiko - since he bathes in money, sometimes paper lmfao. but i feel that if he opts for any specific scents, it may be ones that are powdery or fruity, something just rich in scent. his cologne collection definitely consists of the most expensive ones on the market
Teruhashi - flowery scents that gives people the impression of rainbows on a sunny day
Yumehara - coconut or sweeter scents in general
Aiura - any Victoria secret perfume under tease or bombshell
Imu - uses fruity scents but will switch to flowery ones after meeting Teruhashi
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tdlosk-confessions · 7 months ago
yk what i think about SO MUCH??? in the last episode of reawakened when those two guys pushed that bookshelf onto saiki, nendou got behind him and stopped the bookshelf from hitting saiki, and then the guys are like “did it go well??” “no, that idiot nendou protected him!” and then aren & tori are standing there ready to whoop those guys’ asses all “did what go well?” REAL ASF. like you don’t see them interact more than like 5 times (not counting tori playing saiki in volcano ep) but they’d actually make such an entertaining duo if we got to see more of them. like i’m just saying them coming together to beat up the assholes who tried to hurt their friend is SO real of them and i think they should be closer friends,,,, i love them sm actually
[Confession 535]
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psink · 5 days ago
I think psi battle's ending deserves more attention, but especially this part, as it's just really nice: Kusuo: Unfortunate companions... I can't deny that. Everyone: !!! Kusuo: They're noisy... Nendou: ? Kusuo: They’re troublesome… Kaidou: !!!!? Kusuo: They're annoying…. Teruhashi: (Gasp—-----!) [...] Kusuo: However―... they are not just disasters. They are my… True KusuΩ: ...My? Teruhashi: ...My!!? True KusuΩ: Friends? Companions? Is that what you want to say? Kusuo: You can interpret it however you like. Now, I need to thank you for spreading so many bugs. Kusuo: Don't underestimate me. How long do you think I've been with these guys? Kusuo: Nendou, I thought your existence itself was a bug, but you think and act properly. I'm relieved. Nendou: Oh, buddy~!! After this, let's get ramen! I'll treat you to some seriously good ramen!! Kusuo: Chouno, I know it's tough, but become the world's best entertainer and scare... I mean, surprise everyone Chouno: M-Master!! Yes!! I'll bring laughter and courage to everyone in the world...!! Kusuo: Kaidou, you should face reality sometimes. If you want, I'll send my brother to talk with you. Kaidou: W-What the... why are you so serious all of a sudden... and by the way... your brother... he's kinda scary... Kuusuke: That makes me want to bully you even more~ Kusuo: Yumehara, you should have a delusion fasting day sometimes. Yumehara: No way~ But... Okay, I'll do fasting training with Kaidou-kun~ Kusuo: Mera, you should save in various ways. Mera: Gulp! Is that about my appetite!? It can't be helped! I have to eat to live, you know! It's an irresistible instinct! Kusuo: Kuboyasu... Right, you should take a deep breath before getting angry. Kuboyasu: Yeah, sorry for causing trouble, Saiki. The true interaction of men is supposed to be spoken through actions before words and fists. Thanks! Kusuo: Hairo, you need to be more calm. Hairo: Saiki-kun! So you think I'm a passionate guy, huh? I'm glad!! My passion isn't just this! When we get back, let's train together!! Kusuo: Saiko, your mansion was Saiko Land. Saiko: Hmph... that's only natural. I have plenty more to show you peasants. Participation is mandatory. No refusals Kusuo: Teruhashi, you... You can just stay as you are. Teruhashi: Eh... Saiki-kun? Does that mean... (That I'm cute enough as I am, and that you really love me!?) Kusuo: Akechi, I recommend you see a urologist or a physician. Akechi: Well, based on past experience, I believe that doing so could increase the chances of avoiding some crises.. Akechi: But this is more like a chronic condition stemming from mental aspects. Kusuo: Aiura, your abilities are real. Use that power for me now. Aiura: Huh!? Is this a dream!? This is the scene I imagined! Kusuo is relying on me!? I'm super, super happy~ This is so exciting~~♪ Kusuo: Toritsuka..................Well, do your best. Toritsuka: Wait, Saiki-san!! Aren’t you being too vague at the end!? Toritsuka: I decided to follow you the rest of my life, Saiki-san! I was fighting mind control till the very end, you know!? Toritsuka: To begin with, you forgot about my existence earlier, didn't you!? I feel like I didn't get much screen time—... Guh...!
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aiura-stan · 10 months ago
(If you’re wondering how I’m getting these done so fast, it’s because I’m doing these ahead of time. I'm running on a queue.) I used dictation and actual keyboard typing for this one, so it’s going to be long. (Side note, I love the ability to dictate things and using split screen mode! Highly useful features and I have no idea why it’s taken me this long to actually use them.) Also, I guess I should say that there will be spoilers in this and probably future posts too, because I’ve already read the manga. Okay! Onto the commentary.
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I love that Saiki outright states he doesn't want to be the "guy you know what he's thinking.” Like, come on Saiki, admit it; you have a little bit in common with Kaidou. (I think he secretly kind of likes freaking people out. He definitely likes the fact that people are a little scared of him.)
He's always the odd one out; He's one of the loner kids. I don't think he really thinks it makes him look normal. I think that's just what he tells himself to feel better about the whole thing.
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I think it's funny that he dislikes Kaidou for the same reasons that he thinks he's so different from everyone else. I mean, Kaidou is always trying to stand out, and Saiki does have a legitimate reason for not wanting to stand out. But even so. He’s just got it in his head that is so much better than Kaidou at the beginning of the series. Like, dude, you're no different from him. You're the same breed of weirdo in a different font. Lol. That font is “really intentionally manipulating others’ perception of you for personal reasons.” It’s just that Kaidou’s version is much flashier than yours. I like seeing it this early on in the comic; it's interesting to see how it all started. Also, Kaidou is a lot more polite than Nendou, apologizing for talking to Saiki out of nowhere. Amusing. He absolutely knows how to behave like a normal person, but chooses not to because his persona gives him confidence.
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I also like that here in the beginning of the comic, we have an unnamed guy who is was basically parroting what Kuuusuke says further on in the comic, and it’s more clearly framed as delusional weirdo behavior.
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Yes, duh, he came to you because you were alone, Saiki. Weirdo behavior attracts weirdos (weirdos attract weirdos.) That's just a basic social law for ya.
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Also, I laughed out loud at “okay, I’m calling you Junpei.” good response, honestly. Saiki’s narrative commentary addressed to no one in particular is always really funny.
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He also seems to be egging him on in the next panel with his sarcastic remarks (wow. Your punch was soooo fast I couldn’t see it at all), though it’s never clear in this manga whether the person being spoken about can actually hear anything he’s saying in all of its dry sarcasm. My headcanon follows the lines that Saiki uses hypnosis when he’s not actively addressing them (sending telepathic messages to them), so people just hear whatever they want to hear from him. Or something like that. I’m guessing that we, the readers, are supposed to assume that they can’t hear him unless Saiki is actively sending them telepathic messages/‘broadcasts’. "I fancy you" is a strangely British way of putting it. Which also means "I like-like you" if memory serves. Translators??? strange. anyways.
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Ah… XD. I forgot that Kaidou saw him teleport in the manga. That’s perfect considering Kaidou’s name joke (shunkaidou = teleportation.) wahh, I wish this one came in the tankobon volumes so I could read them.
You know… since the third chapter of this volume was adapted into the anime, can volume 0 really be called non-canon? Maybe to the manga. Hmmmmmm.
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Oh come on. Why didn’t they put this in the anime??? It would have been hilarious to have Kaidou imagining some kind of green monster-humanoid hybrid and then the screen transitions to Saiki’s expressionless face, with pink limiters and green glasses. There’s an element of color that manga sadly lacks. I get the point with the black arrows, Mr. Asou, but it just isn’t quite the same without actual color.
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XD Asou’s attention to detail is good. We actually see the teacher wondering where the hell he’s going when he runs out of the room, and then following through showing that he won’t be running students down just to make sure they stay in class. It’s a small thing, but it definitely makes a difference, making the Saikiverse seem a bit more realistic.
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Also, look, it’s this guy who appears a bajillion chapters later in that weird gag… What was his name again? Gah… refer back to this later, future me.
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Yes, Kaidou becomes a completely different person outside of his riddiculous chunnibyou persona, which he only uses at school. I do like that Asou sensei writes him this way. It would be easier to have him be in character all the time, but he’s much more realistic like this. I love that Saiki remembers the stupid nickname he gave himself. It makes the contrast even more funny. Okay, I’ll stop analyzing Kaidou and explaining every joke for now.
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Things like this make me wonder if Saiki really doesn’t know that’s how his looks might be interpreted at a distance… even though he understood from the verbal description that he could be perceived as having “pink horns” and “green eyes.” And he spaces out in class just thinking about it. Thoroughly neurodivergent behavior.
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I also love things like this, that imply but don’t outright show that Nendou just… openly teleports in front of Nendou because he can get away with it.
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I also enjoy Saiki’s stubbornness in calling Kaidou ‘Junpei.’ Peak comedy.
I love that Kaidou would rather Saiki think he has multiple personalities instead of just being polite to people outside of school. And Saiki says he appreciates the effort… lol. I think he does actually appreciate it, in a way, sarcasm aside. Kaidou is committed to the bit.
“Whether that’s true or not, you need to get to a hospital.” Lollll. But also… makes me wonder if he really believes it, again. That along with the “Kaidou personality chart” further on in this comic. From Saiki’s other confrontations with people who clearly need help (including the one where he talks down a suicidal guy. And of course Terushashi’s brother.) It’s as if it never even occurred to saiki to have a sense of urgency about these kinds of things.
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Mmmm! Once again I wish I had the Japanese version because I’m sure he is using polite speech here, for a minute.
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Well, at least Kaidou acknowledges here that he’s in fact a chunni and therefore doing this on purpose. Which, again, makes me wonder why Saiki would ever believe even for a second that it isn’t an intentional thing. Or maybe it’s just supposed to be taken as sarcasm outright, but the panel where Saiki is confused about the Horns Saiki drawing really is throwing me off. Another thing I should look for raws of, to see if there’s anything to be gleaned from the OG text.
YES! You and saiki are pretty similar. In a way. Yes, he is worrying about his high school debut… in a way.
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Saiki, it is entirely understandable that you think Kaidou is an egomaniac, but given his “other personality,” how did you not guess that he’s just lonely??? He literally had to explain his entire thought process for you to get it??? Yeah, emotional EQ in the single digits.
Earlier, I said Kaidou knew full well how to act like a normal person and just doesn’t do it, but he’s definitely awkward. I mean, of course it’s going to be awkward asking strangers if they’ve seen a guy with green eyes, sharp teeth and horns. (I am not quite sure why Kaidou is so committed to the bit myself.)
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Saiki, that’s your own goddamned fault, lmao. Put your money where your mouth is and shut him down if you’re tired of annoying people “entering your life”… :)
That wraps up 0-6.
There’s a lot going on here, to be sure. In conclusion, I think Saiki works really well here as a character who is technically omniscient, in terms of perspective, but deeply limited in his ability to interpret information.
Alright, the end. Ja mata! 💫
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anonymousewrites · 11 months ago
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Prologue
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Prologue: Troublesome "Friends"
Summary: Saiki gives everyone the rundown on his "bothers," including (L/N) (Y/N).
Mouse Note: Welcome to A Not-So-Disastrous Romance! I am very excited to share this story with everyone, even if this fandom is very old. Truth be told, I wrote 11 chapters like three years ago, so the first few chapters don't have the level of writing I have now, but I ended up finishing this story and wanted to share it. For another point, I know that people view Saiki as asexual and sometimes aromantic, but I feel an affinity for him being asexual but demi-romantic, so I play it slow-burn. That being said, terrible beginning writing aside, I really hope everyone enjoys. Let me know what you think, commenting helps me keep writing, and I love interacting with people! Welcome to the story!
Quick Key: "Hello" -Saiki speaking telepathically Hello -Saiki thinking "Hello" -regular people talking out loud Hello -regular people thinking
            Saiki teleported to the roof to avoid Teruhashi and Nendou. One was troublesome enough. Two was insupportable.
            “Where’s Saiki? Huh? What’s going?” wondered Teruhashi, confused.
            I teleported without thinking. Saiki looked down at the crowd below him. People around me didn’t seem to notice me, but naturally, Teruhashi thinks something is strange. Well, Teruhashi, just think I was an illusion and forget about it.
            “Nendou!” remarked the pretty blue-haired girl upon seeing him.
            “Oh, wow, Teruhashi!” squeaked Nendou, blushing.
            “Have you seen Saiki?” asked Teruhashi.
            “What? My pal? No, I haven’t.” Nendou was too startled to think.
            N-no way…did he disappear? thought Teruhashi, Is it possible that I was the one seeing an illusion? She recalled what she had assumed of Saiki: “You’re so much in love with me that you see illusions of me, huh?” A light blush spread across her face. Don’t tell me I’m…No! I can’t be… She clutched her heart. Oh, no…What’re these feelings? Is it possible…that I fell in love…with Saiki?
            Oh, wow, thought Saiki as he deadpanned. This is not how he wanted things to go.
            He sighed and teleported to a nearby, empty alleyway. Sighing, he decided to go for a coffee jelly. With the new problem he had just acquired, Saiki decided he might as well enjoy a little bit of peace. He walked quickly in the opposite direction of Nendou and Teruhashi, even if it took him on a long route to Café Mami. For once in his life, he was lucky and didn’t bump into anyone on the way there. His luck ran out, however, as soon as he entered.
            “Saiki!” called a teenager with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. They were grinning and waving.
            He couldn’t avoid them now; it would draw attention to him for being rude. He sighed and sat down across from them.
            This is (Y/N) (L/N). They’re another troublesome person who complicates my life. They even call me their friend and insist I use their first name. The worst part is I can’t read their mind. They aren’t dumb like Nendou, though. Do you see those earrings?
            (Y/N) had simple, metallic studs in their ears.
            They’re made of germanium, which apparently keeps me from seeing through them with my X-ray vision or hearing their thoughts with my telepathy.
            He had only realized this after he saw them during school and on the weekends and the only thing that was the same between the outfits was their earrings. Saiki wished he could get his hands on some germanium. Hearing everybody’s thoughts was tiring. That being said, (Y/N) being unreadable was…disconcerting.
            “Nice to see you, Saiki. Are you here for your usual coffee jelly?” asked (Y/N) cheerfully.
            The pink-haired psychic nodded. Yare yare…Why do I hang out with you?
            “Oh!” They brightened. “I guess since you’re kind of like my guest right now, I should treat you!”
            Saiki’s eyes widened in excitement. Ah, I remember now. (Y/N) treated him to, well, treats. That made them more tolerable than other people.
            Seeing his expression, (Y/N) laughed. They knew what he was excited for. “You’re more excited to see the coffee jelly than to see your friend.” They didn’t mind, though. They knew Saiki wasn’t one for being open or friendly, but they’d spent enough time with him to know he’d just leave if he really didn’t like him.
            He wanted to say that they weren’t friends, but even he had to admit, he thought they were pretty tolerable compared to most of the people who crowded around him. Sure, their bright optimism was sometimes exhausting to Saiki, but for the most part, they were pretty low-maintenance and understood he was an extreme introvert and liked time to himself. Plus, although they were energetic at times, but they understood when things were too much for Saiki. And, to be completely honest, he didn’t mind getting to be around someone he couldn’t hear the thoughts of. He could act like a relatively normal person.
            Saiki would never say all that, though. No way. No, the only thing he’d say was, “Coffee jelly is really good.”
            “Can’t argue with that,” admitted (Y/N).
            Their server, who coincidentally was Mera (probably trying to make money as usual), approached their table. She took their orders and headed to the kitchen to alert the chefs.
            “You look more annoyed than usual, what happened?” asked (Y/N).
            Saiki sighed. They unfortunately pay attention to me and can read parts of my emotions. It’s weird. Maybe they’re an empath. “I ran into Teruhashi.”
            (Y/N) laughed. “The only guy immune to her charms.”
            “She brings too much attention.”
            “You’re friends with Nendou and Kaidou. A bit of attention is inevitable,” teased (Y/N), leaning on their hand and grinning.
            “They’re not my friends.”
            “Uhuh, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night,” chirped (Y/N).
            Mera brought their orders. Luckily, she hadn’t stolen a bite from either of the coffee jellies.
            “Mmmm,” hummed (Y/N) and Saiki contentedly at the taste.
            Peaceful relaxation with (Y/N). Just the way I like it. Saiki sighed happily.
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Hairo: when a autistic person is popular
(I worte this with out seeing how to spell his name and...I wrote hido instead of hairo ☠️ sorry)
Hido is a super fun character, so ima go on a rant about him so I think I should establish my headcanons for him:
• He is gay
• He is autistic and might have adhd too
• He is in love with nendou (crack ship)
So now you may be looking at these and wondering why I think he is autistic, I have seen other ppl head cannon kaidou as autistic so I didn't feel too much of a need to explain that part when I made a rant about him, but with hido I haven't seen ppl saying he is autistic(send me anything about this please, and if you make anything with autistic hido tag me please). Now I want you to look me in the eye and tell me this boy who has a intense sense of justice (a commen autistic trait) too the point where he will be so wrapped up in helping in the way HE thinks is right that he will say and do illogical and socially incorrect things.(insert him cheering on a suffering girl, and geting a whole ass tree from the forest). I also just get a vibe of autism from him idk. Now that I have that little bit out of the way on to want the rant is truly about-the fact that I think that hido is a comical example of what would happen if autistic ppl were popular kids at school, and people didn't question them. Everyone at that school knows that hido does things that are not quite right but they brush it off and love him, unlike how it is irl, where it is a judged thing that lands you as the weird kid. I find it so joy inducing to see people loving hido because he is a good person that loves to help and encourage ppl, he even ropes others into his socially incorrect doings and silliness and the best part is that others GENUINELY love it and do it with him. (not like how alot of mass everyone loves this nurodivergent person thigs feel to me irl) Trigger warning mean things about autistic and other disabled ppl in coming in the form of a hypothetical qoute skip to next white text to avoid . I might judt be a ball of anxiety, but every time I see popular kids support autistic ppl it feels fake, like they are saying: "ooooh look at me I support this special ed kid and i think it is funny to do so cuz the person who is nurodivergent is soooo stupid it is fun to "support" them.) Hido is a amazing boy who wants the best and is respected as such. As he should be!
It is so nice to see hido be what is in my mind autistic, and have people fallow him instead of judging and ostracizeing him.
Anyway I hope I may have given you a new perspective on hido, I would love to hear yours, comment or tag me in a post about him😊
You🫵deserve love ❤️
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justice-artblog · 5 months ago
I'm curious to see how you interpret friendships we don't get to see a lot of (Mera and Saiko, Teruhashi and Kuboyasu, Hairo and Saiko (again)...?), just any we don't see together alone very often
Okay okay this took awhile but tbf, my canvas kept deleting on me XD
Gosh i love thier friendships and, while i get that the anime and the comics couldn’t show us much, man i WISH!
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Mera and Saiko: they talk a lot of shit over food, Saiko thinks it’s a love language to provide so Provide he will, mera is happy but she is ready to knock down his better than thou attitude in a heartbeat,
Teruhashi and Kuboyasu: Kuboyasu just needs more people to watch these movies with him, please! And Teruhashi was listening! She was paying attention like all good perfect pretty girls do! Until she actually got interested and now they swap movie trades all the time, Teruhashi complains about the story turns and Kuboyasu on the special effects, lean into late nights where they throw popcorn at the TV and dramatically hush each other when their favorite part jumps on.
Saiko and Hairo: honestly? Therapy Session. Saiko goes on about Hairo’s inability to not help, and that it’s okay to say no, whereas Hairo goes on about Saiko’s inability to see past his father’s teachings. It’s okay to have friends and not worry about your future for awhile. They can be teens. All while Hairo benchpresses him cause why not get a little exercise in?
Chiyo and Nendou: i like to think they get together to surprise their friends with baked goods every once in awhile. Chiyo comes in with the hot gossip and Nendou drops in some unknown lore that he randomly picked up on a Tuesday afternoon cause no one thinks twice when saying shit around him. Gossip buddies with a flare for baking
Teruhashi and Nendou: honestly i think they’d have the hardest time to connect, but not for a lack of trying. They just have different ways of expressing love that connecting get’s hard. That is until Nendou offers up playing some games. They start off with competitive games, and whilst Teruhashi is of a higher payed income, gaming isn’t something she can do with Makato around so she’s woefully unprepared. She’s already competitive, throw in Nendou’s playful ribbing and you get the most action pact gaming sess. Don’t worry eventually they switch to Co-op to mess around together with.
Kuboyasu and Mera: i just think Kuboyasu trying so hard to convince his friends to take on motorcycles is very sweet. Of all the girls, Mera is the one to take it pretty fast. And since he wants to make sure they stay safe, he insists in full motorcycle gear. Lending Mera Saiki’s helmet until they get her one, she’s VERY excited about it.
And some mini Kaidou and Saiki doodles since i didn’t add em in. Besides, i wish they had more interactions together on just being first friends. I feel they would watch american shows together, and Saiki only agrees cause he can’t be spoiled.
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mari-am · 1 year ago
I'm bored and it's way too hot to go outside so I'm going to rate Saiki K ships as someone who ships pretty much anything :) (Ships under the cut bc it's a lot lol)
Kubokai: Classic, 7/10. Would rate higher but there's just more interesting ships imo.. Saiura: It's alright, 8/10. I just like Aiura's dynamic in ships, she's so fun!! I like the hugging scene after the volcano. Terusai: Same as Saiura, 8/10. I like Teruhashi. My favourite scene with these two is when Saiki steals he milkshake LMAO Kaisai: 7/10, don't really have an opinion on this one. I like the dynamic. Saikechi: 8/10, I like this one. I'm a sucker for childhood friends to enemies :) Torisai: 8/10, I think this one is fun. Toritsuka is an interesting character to me. Kubosai: 6/10, I'm sorry :( I WANT to like this one but I just... don't like it very much.... Satousai: 5/10, Eh. Average, like Satou. I don't really care for it either way. Totally didn't rate it 5/10 instead of 6/10 just for that joke haha
Teruimu: 10/10, yes!! Women!!!! Sadly there isn't that much content for them, but I really enjoy them!! Yumekai: 8/10, I just love the awkwardness in the relationship LMAO.. Yumehara's simping will never not be hilarious to me. Aiura x Yumehara: 9/10, Yeahhhhhh!! Women part 2!!!! Couldn't remember their shipname... Makokuu: I like it, 8/10! Ideal date destination is therapy. Nensai: 8/10, honestly I didn't ship this until I read the light novels. 100% would reccomend reading those though, they're very cute!! Even if they're a bit cringe sometimes... Anyways, you can read the light novels here :) Saisai: 6/10, that's a fucking weird name... But I don't really care for it.
Nendou x Hairo: 8/10, cute! Nendou is pretty fun in most relationship scenarios imo. Forgot the shipname again... Aikechi: 8/10, would never have considered this one if it wasn't for Nopsi, but I like this one now!! Torikechi: 7/10, not much to say about this one. It's alright. Might reblog this later with any other ships I can think of :)
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