#i just let the rest play out with whatever random bug shit which turns up
lys-jeorge · 1 year
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steddieasitgoes · 1 year
Their dining room table has been taken over by thousands of tiny little beads and elastic in different colors. 
Steve sits opposite their sixteen-year-old daughter, a thin elastic band clutched in one hand and an assortment of approved beads laid out in front of him. He picks up a small purple crystal-like bead and tries to feed the elastic through the minuscule hole. 
“Christ, why isn’t this hole bigger,” he groans, squinting as he tries for the third time to thread the bead onto the elastic. 
“Aw, but I thought you liked tight holes, sweetheart,” Eddie teases, sauntering into the room. 
Their daughter pretends to retch before turning up the Taylor Swift song playing from her phone, hoping to drown them out. It doesn’t matter that they have a state-of-the-art stereo system in the other room that sounds a thousand times better than the shit speakers in her phone. She likes the convenience. 
Steve, on the other hand, glares playfully at Eddie. “Seriously, not in front of our daughter.” 
“Oh, please, don’t pretend she doesn’t know things.” 
“I mean, yeah, but she doesn’t need to know things about us.” 
“I really don’t,” their daughter agrees. 
Eddie laughs before collapsing onto the seat beside Steve. Assessing the beads in front of him, Eddie collects a few and gets to work. 
“Hey,” Steve whines, swatting Eddie’s hand away when he tries to steal one of his beads. “These are mine. You didn’t even get her approval.” 
Eddie scoffs. “I don’t need her approval. She trusts me, right bug?” 
Their daughter rolls her eyes, but nods. Eddie hoots victoriously before going back to his own bracelet. Steve shares a look of amusement with their daughter. One that says it’s better to let Eddie think he won than try to give him a set of rules to play by. 
Many things have changed about Eddie over the years, but one thing that has remained the same is his disdain for other people’s rules — even if the rules are coming from his daughter. 
When Steve tries to take a peek at what Eddie is working on a moment later, he gets a swift elbow to the ribs. “No peaking!” 
Shaking his head, Steve gets back to his own bracelets. It’s a lot easier threading the beads when he grabs his glasses from the bedroom and he manages to finish two daughter-approved bracelets in the time it takes Eddie to finish whatever he’s been working on. 
“Are you ready to see the best bracelet ever?” he asks, standing up with all the dramatics he had when he was thirty years younger. 
Steve and their daughter nod, setting aside their own bracelets to look at Eddie’s creation. 
A rainbow of beads, all different shapes and sizes surround a group of block letter beads that reads: Fuck Ticketmaster. 
Steve laughs while their daughter smirks, shaking her head. 
“It’s not a Taylor lyric, but I appreciate the sentiment.” 
“Our bank account definitely agrees.” 
“So will the Swifties, you’ll see!” Eddie says, reaching for another random set of beads to start another bracelet.  
The three of them spend the rest of the afternoon making friendship bracelets. Well, Steve and their daughter do. Eddie continues making “Fuck Ticketmaster” and various other obscure and random bracelets. The highlights of which include a red beaded monstrosity with the word “scarf” on it and one that just says "Olive Garden."
Unfortunately for Steve and their daughter, Eddie’s unhinged bracelets are the biggest hit at the concert. He ends up trading all his bracelets before they even get into the stadium. 
He doesn’t let them live it down, proclaiming himself the King of Friendship bracelets. 
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moxfirefly · 3 years
So I’ve been working on this for a little while now after a comment @supershiny-raven left on one of my post. I present to you:
How the others find out you and the turtles are dating.
Raphael entered the Lair with you in his arms. His brothers stumbling by him, Leonardo actually tripping.
The gang had gone to drink at Vern’s fancy penthouse, a round of drinks had turned to four and before anybody had common sense he had broken out his fancy wine collection.
That had truly been everyone’s undoing.
Yours as well.
Raphael the tank had pretty much only gotten buzzed, even more so upon seeing your state he figured he needed to somehow get you and everyone else home safe and in one piece.
“Where do we dump Donnie?” April had one of his arms slung over her shoulder while Mikey had his other, they had quickly found out the purple banded terrapin was a fan of wine. “Whatever is flat and comfortable, you think you can manage him and Leo?” Raphael nudged his older brother who had dozed off while resting against the couch.
“Yeah yeah brah, we totally-“ He unceremoniously let his brother fall on the nearest cot, poor April taken along for the ride. “Shit, sorry girly”
Raph shook his head, you groaned stirring awake and tightening your hold on him. Raph was basically carrying you with one arm beneath your rear. Making his way towards his room he gently placed you on his bed and set about the task of removing your shoes. “Hey hey mister, I got a boyfriend” You squinted at the large terrapin at the end of the bed.
“Yeah I heard, lucky guy gets to put ya drunk ass to bed, where’s your makeup bag baby?” He got up when you half hazardously pointed at the dresser.
Pushing yourself up a little on your elbows you watched him gather your face creams and a pack of makeup wipes. He sat back down but next to you and motioned towards his lap. “C’mere, let’s get your face off” You giggled when he manhandled you onto his thigh and took out the wipes. Slowly and in the most excruciatingly loving way Raphael set out to wipe off your makeup. Each stroke removing foundation and eyeshadow, you mumbled something he somehow understood in your inebriated state. “Yeah yeah I got ya kid” With all the careful dexterity he developed over time, he gently removed your eyelashes.
“Somebody has been paying attention” You giggled, feeling the buzz in your body shift into grogginess. Raphael looked inside the bag, adding some cream to your face to hydrate it. He examined his work, a lazy smile as he caressed your face. It felt bizarre he could actually do this, touch a beautiful girl and do something so silly as help them out with their face routine. The two of you had been rather quiet about your relationship, enjoying it all to yourselves.
“Ya were the cutest drunk at that party” He ran his knuckles across your chin, You smiled sleepily lifting up enough to catch his lips in a languid kiss.
The door creaked open and there stood April, her own slightly drunk face breaking out into a sweet smile. The two pairs of eyes that landed on her read ‘get out’ and ‘keep your mouth shut’ slowly April backed up nodding with a giggle.
Then there was a ruckus of what Raphael only assumed was April tripping and Leo drunkly laughing his ass off.
Oh he was screwed.
So insanely screwed.
How could he misplace something he kept on his person so diligently?
Mikey turned over everything he could in his room, currently he had done just that with the mattress but to no avail.
His phone was missing.
His phone with that very scandalous polaroid you’d taken for him.
Mikey had nearly passed out when you gifted him the picture and to his delight he had stuck the polaroid on the back of his phone in its clear phone case. He kept his phone on him all the time, sure he’d have to be a little sneaky about placing it down but he could manage.
Now though? He was about to have a coronary.
Okay, currently in this disaster there was no trace of it. This meant he’d have to scavenge the living room.
Where his family was.
Mikey swallowed and scurried out with a silent prayer that it would there.
Raphael and Leonardo were currently watching a basketball game. They seemed pretty engrossed and perhaps wouldn’t notice that he was scouring the ends of the earth for his actual girlfriend’s literal boobs. He peaked aglance at the couch, his large brothers had to take up so much space to make it worse.
“What are you looking for?” Came Donnie’s voice from the kitchen. The orange banded turtle froze, he tried giving him a nonchalant shrug. “Just checking how I can give Raph a wedgie ya know” Donnie raised a brow ridge, mug of coffee to his lips.
“I double dare ya numbnuts, the Knicks are down ten points and I’m pissed” Raph grunted as the opposing team landed another shot and Leo sighed exasperated with the outcome. His eldest brother got up thankfully which allowed him to take a look at the that side of the sofa. To his dread but relief there wasn’t anything.
Where the fuck was his phone?!
“Hey snot face, can ya order a pizza?” Raph grumbled as the game seem to worsen, a pizza could fix up his mood. Mikey frozen, mouthing a series of ‘shit shit shit’ as he frantically looked around.
“Oh man that would fix this terrible game, can you order it with extra bacon too?” Leo went straight to the fridge to grab something to drink. “Order some cheesy sticks too will you?” Donnie asked as he poured himself another mug of coffee.
Yes all of this sounded wonderful and his stomach did grumble but
Raph had scooted further to grab his own soda from the coffee table and just as he did he saw his phone. Relief washed over him but to his immense dismay and terror, the back of his phone was facing up. Which means the clear case he had was displaying the infamous polaroid he had been gifted.
You had simply asked him one thing.
‘Please don’t let your brothers see my tits’
It all felt slow motion, his eyes going wide, his hand diving to the couch and just as he did, Raph’s quick reflexes kicked in unfortunately and he turned to grab his youngest brothers wrist. “Ya ain’t giving me a wedgie man!!”
Raph’s eyes followed Mikey’s hand and then his eyes bugged out.
“Why are there titties on the sofa?!” Raph made for the phone but only got a face full of pillow cushion. He snatched the phone before it could be grabbed by anybody else. The red banded brute grinned as his brother hugged the phone to his chest. “Advert your gaze you perv!” Mikey all but shrieked.
“I’m not the one walking around with a titty pic as my phone cover” Raph grinned, just to make matters worse Leo and Donnie had gathered.
“Mikey why are you walking around with a random porn pic on your phone cover” Came Donnie’s disapproving tone.
“It’s a polaroid” Was all Raph needed to say.
The silence that fell was brief, then a series of ‘ooh’s’ sounded off and Mikey all but frowned and felt his cheeks heat up.
“No way! That can’t be...” Leo was incredulous. The relationship between Mike and you had remained rather on the down low. It was fun, a little secret away from the world that could stay between the two of you.
“Mikey, are you and y/n a thing?” Donnie asked exactly what the rest wanted to know but Mikey dreaded to answer. He sighed dramatically and tucked his phone into his pocket, shooting Raph a glare as his green eyes followed the motion.
“Listen dudes she made me promise that nobody would see that picture and I’ve already broken that cardinal rule thanks to this jerk face” He frowned at Raph, who in turn rolled his eyes.
“Well maybe keep the picture in your wallet or your room?” Leo sipped his soda with a matter of fact tone.
“Or as a background on your phone cause honestly man” Donnie smiled to himself when Mikey shot him an incredulous look. “Why’d she give you that?” Raph inquired sneakily with a smirk.
“For our three month anniver- AH YOU DICK” Mikey huffed out as Raph began to laugh, it was so easy to trick Mikey when one played their cards right.
Investigating could take a toll on anybody, even if by all means you weren’t a detective it still didn’t mean you wouldn’t find yourself researching and investigating crime. It seems to be part of the job description when you befriend four giant crime fighting terrapins.
In away you could help, you did.
Everyone had huddled around the living room, the coffee table littered with pictures, clues and all sorts of pieces of evidence that could possibly lead to the culprit they were trying to catch. You had set down a stack of papers, eyes already screaming for a break. Leo and Casey were at the kitchen talking, Casey had just clocked out and was reporting back what the nights investigations had gathered. Raph and Mikey were checking out the pictures Casey had brought over and Donnie naturally was researching on a laptop he’d placed there.
You had nudged him to come over and join the huddle, and secretly you just wanted him close. The two of you were dating, quietly and unannounced, but in those first few stages of just wanting to be glued to one another it was a little difficult to do said glueing.
On a few occasions with prying eyes preoccupied with their investigating, you had reached over to rub his cheek, his sleepy eyes spoke greatly of how tired he felt. Donnie had been at this already for a while, you’d been there with him along the way.
With a stretch of his arms, Donnie yawned and rolled his neck. The clock on your phone read 3:45am, he was due for a nap at the very least. “Why don’t you lie down, I can keep helping out here” You reached over again and took off his glasses, he smiled tiredly but shook his head. “I’m fine, I can keep going” Despite his entire body language screaming otherwise, Donnie would always soldier on.
By the time another hour passed, people consumed enough Coffee to give themselves an additional pulse (and somebody committed the mistake of giving Mikey said coffee) the investigation had died down. A few walls were hit but a few leads had come from it as well. Everyone was ready to call it a night (or morning).
Casey yawned, twisting his neck to let out a few pops. “Okay who’s staying and who’s coming with me?” By the sounds of April softly snoring against an equally happily snoring Raph, it seemed she would stay. Casey had a few hours of sleep to catch on before heading for his next shift and you had to preoccupy yourself with the same before tackling a night shift at your job. Donnie’s tired eyes expressed how he wanted you to stay over but he knew work was closer to your place.
“I guess I’m carpooling with you” You told Casey, already grabbing your jacket and bag. A quick hug to Leo and Mikey, a bow to a recently awaken Splinter and you were next to Donnie.
He’d been sitting on the kitchen table, arms crossed and looking closer to being k.o’d.
It was the sleep deprivation honestly, on both your behalves.
Because you had spread your arms for a hug and so had he, but your face had met in the middle and before either of your foggy brains could comprehend what was happening you had smooched him.
On the lips.
For about a minute.
Minute and a half honestly.
You both froze, the awake members of the family staring with raised brows. Donnie furrowed his brows, lips pursed in a thin line, you still had your own in a kissing motion.
“Well at least we solved one mystery tonight” Spoke Mikey with a snicker, Leo nudged him.
Donnie sighed by shrugged. “Not exactly how I wanted to announce this so yup, I’m her boyfriend, she’s my girlfriend, please hold all inquires for a later time when I’m actually awake” He pulled you in again for a hug, and another kiss (greedy boy) and instructed Casey to deliver you home safely.
With a blush but albeit happy look on your face you waved everyone off.
Keeping a relationship quiet had never proven to be so difficult. Truthfully it came easier when the circle of people surrounding you was bigger, but a close knit one? Everyone suddenly had the powers of observation up to God level.
But Leo’s ninja skills were God level too and you knew how to keep your trap shut and not sigh like a love struck teenager every second you saw him. So it had gone good, real good for a while. The thrill of maybe sharing an intimate kiss while others we’re around was a sensation you never expected to enjoy. When it was time to leave, Leo would ‘walk you’ home safely and by ‘miracle’ run into a few thugs on his way back.
Because there’s no reason a brisk ten minute walk to your apartment should turn into an hour and a half.
Raph wasn’t buying but cared little to stick his nose into it. Donnie was too busy to bother. Mikey had an idea but decided due to bro code not to voice it.
His father though?
Splinter knows what’s going on because well, he’s Splinter. You live long enough with four giant sons all with their unique personalities and traits, you pick up a thing or two about parenting pretty easily.
And Splinter is a phenomenal parent.
Both Father and Mother to his sons.
So naturally he’s irked that his eldest is sneaking out at odd hours and trying to conceal his return. Because Splinter feels that out of all four, Leo has always been the most open with him. Once Raph hit those pre-pubescent mood swings, Donnie began to teach himself all matter of subjects and Mikey was too busy trying to set a new record of heart attacks to give his father while skateboarding; Leo always remained the same.
Even with all the acolytes Leo has achieved in his ninjutsu training, he still had his hiccups and his father would never spare the opportunity to turn into a teaching moment.
So when Leo had kissed you passionately on his way out of your window, you still in nothing but the skin that he had dedicated a fair amount of time in kissing and bitting. He thought he was being slick, he thought he was going to ninja his way into the Lair, into the showers and straight to his bed.
What he didn’t account for was his father waiting up on him. A mug of hot tea on the kitchen table and hands clasps together in what Leo recognized all to well as ‘Dad Mode’.
He’d been caught with the proverbial hand in the cookie jar. His gear was half hazardously on, mask slipped down around his neck and for Christ sake he was holding a shoe. It was 6:30am and he smelled like a girl, a pretty girl no less. The jig was up, especially when his dad motioned for him to come forth and seat opposite him at the kitchen table.
“Dad I can ex-“ Splinter held up a finger and pushed the mug of tea towards his disheveled eldest son.
“My son, I am not angry” Which was truthful, he wasn’t, in fact he was ecstatic that Leo had found somebody, somebody good and somebody that loved him for he has. Long ago he had accepted the pain that his sons would not find suitable partners and the ache it would come with for them. But here was Leo, nervous and trying to adjust his clothing because he’d been with a woman, a woman he clearly loved.
“I like y/n, she is kind, thoughtful and caring to us” Splinter emphasized each trait with a tap of a long nail on the table. “She should be treated with respect, I hope I have instilled that teaching unto you, a lady is to be respected Leonardo” Leo nodded at his fathers words, he nodded and prayed that the underwear he had stuffed into his pockets wouldn’t magically transport on the table to further humiliate him.
“So please my son, do not lie to me, do not come home late in this state and not expect me to know what has transpired” Dad voice was on, coupled with the sympathetic eyes though, man Splinter was good at this shit.
Leo hung his head, clearly ashamed of his dishonorable doings. “Hai, sensei” Even as an adult being scolded by his father never stopped hurting.
“And please do tell her that there isn’t anything hide, she is welcomed in our home, I would not mind getting to know my future daughter in law a little bit more” Splinter enjoyed the way his son nearly choked on his tea.
“Perhaps I can tell her a few anecdotes of your growing up” He smiled when Leo looked at him with pleading eyes. “I believe I have a few embarrassing ones she will find most delightful” He stood up and placed a hand on his sons broad shoulder. “I’m sorry dad, sorry for sneaking around and not telling you” He was earnest in his words and Splinter bowed his head.
“I know, thank you Leonardo” He walked away, hands behind his back.
Leo sighed and pulled out his phone, shooting you a quick text.
-so my dad wants to formally meet you... as in introduce you as my girlfriend.
It felt nice to hit send on that message.
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ptergwen · 3 years
through the lens
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w/c: 2.3k
warnings: swearing and mentions of blood (all fluff tho!)
summary: yours and peter’s date night doesn’t go as planned, thanks to his “little” accident and mj’s photography project
a/n: it’s been a minute but i’m back! for now lol i promise i’ll be way more active when exam season is over <3 this was based off the lovely pic above taken by the even lovelier zendaya and i hope you enjoy these… let’s call it random workings of my mind
“hang on, can you come closer?” mj instructs you, you promptly stepping towards her. “is this good?” “great,” she affirms and squints behind the camera. “smile really big on the count of three, okay? one, two, three!” doing as she says, you give mj your cheesiest grin with your eyes squeezed shut and all. she snickers while snapping the moment on her polaroid.
mj asked you to be her subject for a photography project. you’re happy to do it, although it’s super last minute. like, barging-into-your-room-and-begging-you-for-help last minute. she was supposed to turn this in days ago. lucky for mj, her teacher was feeling generous and gave her an extension.
you have to work fast because of mj’s deadline and your plans with peter. he’s coming over for a movie marathon and cuddles right about now. well, he’s actually running a tad bit late. that’s typical peter for you.
“just a couple more, and then you’re free,” mj informs you while shaking out the polaroid. “this is honestly pretty fun, you know.” you glance at the photo she’s holding with an eyebrow quirked in surprise. she captures you well. “what made you choose me?” “no one else was free on a saturday,” she snorts and tosses the picture in a pile with the rest.
your mouth falls agape. “i’m not free! peter’s gonna be here in…” you check the time on your phone, much to your dismay. “he’s a few minutes late, but still. i have things to do, too.” a smirk sets on mj’s face as she gets ready for the next photograph. “relax, y/n/n. i was kidding. i’m sure spider-dweeb will be here sooner than you know it.” sighing lightheartedly, you take a seat on your bed.
“don’t call him that,” you shake your head. mj throws her own head back to the ceiling. “ugh, but that was a good one,” she insists, you only humming. “it’s better than penis parker, at least.” “nah, i like the alliteration,” you laugh out and earn a giggle from mj. “you’re lucky parker doesn’t have super hearing, or does he?” winking, you hit a pose for mj. you’re looking at her over your shoulder with smolder eyes.
“ask him yourself, after you get this shot.”
the two of you continue messing around with her polaroid until the film is almost gone, and peter has yet to arrive. you’re starting to worry. you aren’t sure where he could be.
he doesn’t patrol on weekends unless it’s an emergency, and he would’ve told you if there was one already. he’s never this late without sending a text, either. it’s almost an hour past when date night should’ve started. on the other occasions peter has gone off the grid, they didn’t end well.
“i’m freaking out, em. do you think he’s in some kind of trouble?” you ask mj, pacing around your bedroom. she offers a sympathetic shrug. “maybe he just ate some bad yogurt. remember last time?” being the dummy he is, peter once scarfed down an entire tub of vanilla yogurt before he realized it was expired. no one heard from him for days. he didn’t show up to school or answer any calls.
may ended up inviting you over and explaining he’d gotten a stomach bug, which you then tended to him for the rest of. the story was so amusing, and so peter.
“may doesn’t buy him dairy anymore. why do you think he always raids your freezer?” you bring your fingers up to rub your temples. “the kid can empty ice cream cartons in one bite,” she agrees, silently cringing. her curiosity piques at the fact. “is that also a power?” “who cares?” you nearly shout, your fingers curling into fists. “what i wanna know is if peter is fucking okay.”
on cue, there’s a knock at your apartment door. you and mj exchange looks of urgency, both rushing out of your room to answer.
mj follows you through the hall and stands by your side while you fumble with the lock. when your door pulls open, ned has his hand raised to knock again. “ned? what are you doing here?” you don’t give him the chance to speak. “have you heard from peter? he was supposed to be here a while ago, but he never showed.” rather than answering in words, ned takes a step aside.
the sight you’re met with makes you gasp. peter peeks out from behind him, cuts and bruises littering his flushed face. he gives you a lopsided smile.
“you have your answer,” mj murmurs to you and eyes ned curiously. he lets out a nervous chuckle. “here he is.” you push past ned and practically jump into peter’s arms, your hug bone-crushing. “peter, oh my god! are you okay?” wincing, peter hugs you back by your waist. his chin rests carefully on your head.
“hey… i’m alright, baby. still pretty sore, though,” he sucks his lower lip between his teeth. you take the hint to loosen your grip on him. “i was worried something bad might’ve happened to you. i… i guess i was right.” your tone softens, you threading a hand in his curls. they’re completely disheveled from whatever went down with him.
ned heads inside to catch up with mj, the two of them letting you have a moment alone.
“someone’s got a spidey sense of their own, huh?” peter tries to lighten the mood by joking. it doesn’t work, a frown still evident on your face as you try to untangle his once soft locks. “baby, everything’s fine. i just… had a little accident is all. no big deal,” he reassures you and moves in to peck your lips. you’re so shocked that you dodge the kiss.
“little? your whole face is black and blue, pete!” you tug on the white collar of his button up, peter letting out a shaky breath. your other hand comes to rest on his cheek, touch gentle. “how’d you get like this?” he licks across his lips shyly and sets his hands on your hips. “see, on the way over there were these bad guys who-“
“no there weren’t,” ned cuts in, scoffing at the beginning of his friend’s story. peter shoots him a warning look over your head. “yes there were, ned. you weren’t even there!” he catches mj glaring at him before he continues. “don’t listen to him. anyway, i had to fight them because…” when he trails off, you stroke your thumb across his cheek, avoiding any wounds in the way. raising both eyebrows, mj speaks up.
“because why? go on, parker. i’m intrigued,” she encourages him. everyone can tell peter is lying except you. the question really is, what’s he lying about? he gulps down his spit, pulling your body against his for comfort. “take your time, peter. we can wait,” you say only for him to hear. his love filled eyes meet yours, and he nods. ned huffs at the dramatics unfolding before him.
“dude, you’re making this way worse than it actually is. just tell her!” he demands, mj cocking her head to the side. peter’s gaze flits between the two of them. “tell me what?” you wonder softly and tilt his chin, willing him to look at you again. “i… i…” peter’s shoulders slump, his voice lowering in defeat. “there weren’t any bad guys.”
“of course there weren’t,” ned confirms. “no shit,” mj adds. exhaling, you wait for your boyfriend to further elaborate. “what really happened, then? be honest, pete.” peter lets go of you so he can come into your apartment properly, you shutting the door behind him. he scratches the back of his neck as he fills you in. “ok. um, me and ned were hanging out.”
ned is attempting to stifle a laugh for some reason, which mj elbows him for. you take one of peter’s hands. “yeah?” “we were at my place, and… you know those really slippery steps on the sixth floor?” peter pauses for someone to answer, playing with your fingers. “the ones flash almost wiped out on once?” mj questions in amusement. he lets a quiet chuckle out. “good times. yeah, those.”
his gaze averts to the ground, you listening on. “so, i was walking ned out on my way over. we were talking about spidey stuff-“ “as per usual,” mj mumbles to herself. ned raises his hands in defense. “—and i told ned i could always stick my landings. he didn’t believe me.” you playfully roll your eyes, seeing where this is going. “so… i, uh, decided to show him,” peter finishes off.
“i did a, um, backflip. tripped and fell down the flight of stairs,” he finally admits to you, putting his other hand on top of your intertwined ones. “clearly, i was wrong.” his bloody face is now red from humiliation. “you didn’t trip, dude. you freaking summersaulted!” ned corrects him and bursts into laughter he’s been holding back. “idiots, both of you,” mj simply remarks.
“that’s it? why didn’t you just say that?” you almost laugh yourself. groaning, peter rests his forehead against yours. “because it’s embarrassing! i wanted you to think i’m a tough guy or whatever.” placing both hands on his cheeks this time, you nuzzle your nose against his. “you don’t have to be a tough guy to impress me, babes. you’re kind, smart, funny. makes up for you being such a klutz.”
peter cracks a grin, easily capturing your lips in the kiss he didn’t get to before. it doesn’t last long because mj gags and ned whistles at you. you’re both giggling when you pull apart, peter kissing the tip of your nose for good measure.
“you really mean that?” he checks, tucking back a strand of hair from your face. “of course. i have a thing for himbos,” you tease and poke at his bare chest. his eyes widen. “how about i get you some ice and you find our first movie?” you’re already off to the kitchen, beaming at peter. “date night’s still on?” he happily plops down on your couch, mj showing ned her pictures from earlier.
“as soon as those two get out of here,” you call loudly enough so ned and mj hear you. “yeah, yeah. we’re leaving,” mj deadpans, shoving the photos back into her portfolio. peter glances over at it curiously. “what’s that for?” “photography project,” she says and gets an idea. “i have some film left. y/n took up most of it… you losers want the rest?”
while mj coerces her way to a higher grade, you put some popcorn in the microwave for your movie marathon.
“well, i could use a new lockscreen. i’m in!” ned quickly concedes. him and mj both give peter hopeful looks. “i’m not!” he protests, squishing one of your pillows against his chest. “with my face looking like… this? forget about it.” mj walks over to him and places her portfolio on the coffee table. “what? those gashes are gnarly… in a good way, i mean,” she promises.
“painful, too,” peter murmurs. “y/n, hurry up with that ice!” mj demands, grabbing the polaroid camera from its string around her neck. you wave her off. “what i’m saying is, they’ll look sick in my portfolio.” mj forces a smile, ned looking at her weirdly. “uh, what’s the theme of your project again?” “freestyle, baby,” mj casually replies.
peter comes up with a condition that could persuade him. “if you say please, i might consider it,” he concludes, mj perking up. “please be in my project. pretty please?” she instantly requests, ned pursing his lips from behind her. peter rubs his chin. “y/n, what do you think? should i?” you pipe in from the kitchen. “yeah, so she’ll leave my house.”
“you heard the lady. i’ll do it,” peter gives in. all but squealing, mj gestures for ned to sit. “this’ll only take a few minutes. you guys are really saving my ass.” ned gets comfortable next to peter on the couch, who wants to see how far mj will really go. “aw, we are? i believe that calls for a…” ned catches on. “it comes after please…” mj picks up her camera with gritted teeth. “thank you, morons. say cheese!”
that’s the only warning peter and ned get before they’re blinded with the flash. ned does a toothy grin as he leans into peter’s side. peter musters up the best smile he can, hair a mess and cuts burning pink on his face. satisfied, mj snatches the photograph as it pops out.
“pleasure doing business with you two,” she states, you joining the three of them in the living room. you set the popcorn on the table and give peter his ice pack. he presses it to his cheek, kissing the back of your hand. “send me that!” ned reminds mj, helping himself to your bowl of popcorn. she salutes him.
“there’s my star. what do you say, y/n? wanna take one more really quick?” mj suggests, already holding up her polaroid. you take the other cushion next to peter, your head on his shoulder. “can peter be in it with me? since he’s in the modeling mood tonight.” he wraps an arm tightly around you. “let’s do it, sweetness.”
eagerly jumping in front of you two, mj crouches down to get a better angle. “on the count of three. one, two, three!” the camera clicks, and you surprise peter by laying a smooch on one of his cheeks. he’s holding the ice against his other, genuinely smiling for this picture. ned coos at you, mj showing off her work when it dries.
“how adorable,” she says sarcastically but means it. peter nods at her in appreciation, his lips brushing the side of your head. “what can i say, you’re a pro,” you compliment mj. “come on, em!” ned cheers through a mouthful of popcorn.
tonight was an unexpected and exciting mess, even if your date night did get crashed.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Being Married To Henry’s Characters Would Include...
Requested by @cuisinequeen​: Hi, I love your work. I was just wondering if you could do a headcanon for being married to Clark Kent/Geralt/Sherlock Holmes/Napoleon Solo
Pairing: Clark Kent x Reader, Geralt of Rivia x Reader, Sherlock Holmes x Reader, Napoleon Solo x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, some references, trashy writing lol
Note: This doesn’t include all of his characters, so my apologies if I misled you with the title. Not all that confident in the HCs so sorry about that too
Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @simonsbluee​, @darling-i-read-it​, @fandom-puff​, @thewarriorprincessxo​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @maan24​, @beckster07890​, @missihart23​
Masterlist | Henry Cavill Masterlist
Clark Kent
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You know he’s superman, therefore, you gotta expect the unexpected
Kiss: Level 100
helping him keep his identity secret isn’t always easy-
you wanna kiss him even when he’s superman but fuck you need him to remain undetected
but you manage
Little hc of the first few months after getting married:
Clark comes home late after a fight you see on tv
you turned it off before anything else happened, too worried already
he’s beat up
your eyes are red and puffy with tear stained cheeks as you stand and cross your arms.
you bet your ass there were cuddles that night.
Later into the marriage, he still scares you like that, but you’ve grown somewhat used to it and wipe the tears away
He’s protective of you too though
Aight sorry, but the gif is making me addicted to Henry kisses so Imma say it again,
best fucking make out sessions ever
yes, I’m gonna say that for all four.
fuck it, Clark!Kisses HCs
they’re soft half the time, needy the other half
if he comes home from superman duties or you have a run-in with a villain, so on so on, his kisses are rougher, needier, more possessive
bitch, he just needs you to know he’s still alive 🥺😢
Henry in glasses really do be hittin tho.
Stealing his glasses
Calling him a nerd because of the glasses
Probably making it a small joke about superman
Especially with oblivious friends
“I think superman’s a nerd.” “why??” “I just do.”
Having to stifle your laughs every time someone gushes about superman in front of him
Clark has to hold you back so you don’t unleash your wrath of fucking doom upon some oblivious woman who wrote about superman in a news article
She wrote things that would make you jealous, like talking about how she’s curious to his personal life *wink wink* and stuff- you don’t just have a raging fury because someone writes about him
Superman this hoe
You’ve made jokes about how he has to take his ring off when he’s superman, but he’s got a feeling that you’re actually not kidding at all
Exercising with Clark
Cursing him out in breathy pants for being more athletic and cheating with his “alien powers”
he just laughs at you
Ah, the difficulty have having a husband with two identities
When you rant about your husband, it’s so hard not to fuck up and say something about being married to Superman
Forgetting that you’re one of the few who knows his identity
Basking in pride because you’re one of the few who knows his identity
One time, Clark forgot to take his ring off and the person he rescued had known him personally.
He asks where he got the ring-
“What ring?”
“The one on your finger. The wedding ring.”
It felt like his stomach dropped...if that makes sense-
Clark ended up making some random story about finding it on the same plane the guy he rescued was on and that he put it on so he wouldn’t lose it.
The guy still thought he was pretty sus, “why was it on your wedding ring finger then?” but let him off after some time
The guy gave it back to Clark in person, but you had no idea what happened,
so when he gave him the ring, you were watching with the most confused look Clark had ever seen
thankfully, he played it off well and informed you later
He forgot to take off his wedding ring? You “secretly” fist bumped the air- ...he totally saw you though
Geralt Of Rivia
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I don’t think Geralt really expected to get married
Jaskier didn’t either-
He’s the only one who stands when the priest asks if anyone doesn’t accept... only to ask how the fuck Geralt got lucky enough to get you
Everyone laughed but Geralt, he just grunted and looked away with a lil’ bit o pink tinting his cheeks
You demand he lets you go on adventures with him
You also wash him after adventures
wink wonk ;)))
Geralt is a stubborn thing
You’re a stubborn thing
Y’all love each other
When I say that Geralt is a confusing husband-
I mean that he confuses the fuck out of you
“don’t do that”
few minutes later
“I thought you were doing that-”
“You told me not too...?”
“I don’t recall. Do whatever.”
Minutes later.
“What the fuck!?! Don’t do that!”
He’s hard to read and it bugs you
However, it makes a good game out of it
If he ever introduces you as anything but his spouse, you hold a bitter glare while internally plotting
Before you marry, Jaskier hits on you without realizing that Geralt is interested in you
He gulps nervously as soon as it hits him
You might just use that mistake as a way to get back at Geralt for not saying you’re his spouse
Jaskier pleads you not to
like for real
He’s in tears
Congrats, you have a stubborn manbaby for the rest of however long y’all shall live
Geralt is a little distant when it comes to admitting his feelings for you at first
When you’re dating, you’re all over each other
Marriage is that but amplified lmao
Braiding his hair
Teasing him not the wink wonk and getting away with it because you’re his spouse
If Jaskier said anything remotely close to the shit you’ve said, Geralt would probably choke him out
But then resuscitate him cause they’re bros
Seeing the softer side of Geralt
Sure, sex, but getting to know each others bodies? Yes.
His deep n husky morning voice telling you to “get your ass back in bed”
Having the excuse of “because I’m his spouse” anytime you do stuff people are too afraid to do
Jealous bb 1 and jealous bb 2 aka Geralt and Y/n
I think Geralt’s the kind of guy to just pick you up, ignore your flailing limbs, and move you out of the way
He takes shit from no one...well, from you SOMETIMES
Gives in to your requests with a sigh and roll of his eyes most of the time
He was protective of you at first
now he’s PrOtEcTiVe so uh
Basically, number one husband, number two bodyguard
you put yourself first for the bodyguard part, but Geralt doesn’t know that
Sherlock Holmes
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He asks your family for their blessing, then asks you-
I can imagine Mycroft just ranting away and Sherlock drops to his knee
“What are you doing?”
He ignores his brother and proposes to you
Mycroft is confused and upset because he wanted to rant about meaningless things and Sherlock decided to change the topic
Being married means constant visits from Enola
Probably being the “second parents” to Enola
Gossip with Enola and Eudoria about Sherlock and him as a kiddo
Kicking Sherlock out of the house for sleepovers with his sister
Helping Sherlock with cases
Dealing with Sherlock telling you it isn’t safe
still being upset when he’s right you know it
Finding Enola and Eudoria with him
Snapping at Mycroft for how he treats the girl and everyone else
Threatening Mycroft by just being a badass bitch and telling him to fuck off every now and then
Long story short, you make Enola laugh and Mycroft scoff as he walks away
He’s a stubborn bean, which now that I think about it- aren’t all Henry’s characters?
While he doesn’t say it much, he loves you
You get paranoid with this character too, as he does work that can be very dangerous as well
When he returns, he doesn’t say much aside from that he’s there now and that he loves you
cuddles with him whispering softly,
“I’m here now.” “I’m safe.” “I’m okay.” “I love you.”
Kisses in public either be quick pecks or minute long for goodbyes, but greetings-
especially after being apart for a while?
He comes home on the train and you’re at the station with his siblings
As soon as he spots you, he sets his stuff down because you’re already running at him
You jump into his arms and kiss him hard, not caring in the slightest about the other people at the station
It makes you smile every time he introduces you as his spouse
You’ve heard it so many times yet it still makes your heart flutter every single time
Napoleon Solo
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The amount of times you’ve just dropped everything and walked away because he was being ‘too serious”-
You say something, he takes it seriously, you groan and stomp away
But then you know you can do the same back to him
Napoleon is an all around awesome husband but he’s not going to just pretend to agree with stuff
Will correct you no matter how embarrassed you get 
Makes up with kisses or stuff idk
Let me be honest, I don’t know much about writing for Napoleon but he is an icon...sometimes
He’s protective
by that I mean he’s stubborn but really it’s his way of keeping you safe
Would probably lock you in your room even though you’re a, a grown ass adult, and b, his spouse for fuck’s sake?!??!
Doesn’t tell you when something’s bothering him unless he feels the need to
“I’m not a fucking mind-reader, Solo!”
“Neither am I but I still manage-”
He doesn’t mean to make you feel bad, he just- emotions and him aren’t the best of friends
Emotions aren’t exactly friends with most of his characters
He’d much rather just speak with actions than admit anything
Sometimes you worry that he’s just fucking with you
When he proposed, it scared the shit out of you ‘cause you thought it was a joke
Never admits to anything willingly...?
Yeah sorry...Idk, that’s all I got :\
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rommahh · 3 years
I Carry It In My Heart
Word count: 4.7k
I thank everyone who read part one, it meant so much to me to see the love it got. Heres part two, please comment, like reblog, whatever I just wanna hear your thoughts! I also plan on making smaller blurbs of this universe with fratrry. I have plans for a graduation, wedding, babies, and other random blurbs of their lives. Much love, R.
Part One
Y/N’s drive home was quiet. She drove the whole six hours just listening to her thoughts. Thinking about the future of a relationship she had so much hope for. She wanted this relationship so much and seeing Harry before leaving campus reassured her that maybe just maybe, Harry wanted what she wanted too.
Six hours went by and Y/N finally arrived home. She lived on a very secluded farm with her mom, dad, grandparents, uncles/aunts, and cousins. Everyone lived along the property making the family tight knit. She was scared to reveal to her family that she wasn't with Harry anymore. He grew to be a very important part of the family. Everyone saw how beautiful Harry and Y/N’s relationship was. They could see how close they were and how they just shared a really unique connection with each other.
Getting out of her car, Y/N took a moment to stretch her legs before she was bombarded by her family. Hands were pulling her into hugs, kisses were being planted on her cheek- she never felt more loved in her life. She didn't realize she was crying until her mom held her face between her hands wiping the free flowing tears from the young girl's face. The family left the mother and daughter alone to reconnect.
“What is wrong with my baby?” Her mother cradled her face as she sobs.
“Mommy, we broke up. Me and Harry broke up and- and i'm exhausted from exams, and i'm so hungry!” Y/N’s hysterics caused her mom to chuckle. She helped grab Y/N’s belongings from the trunk and then led the girl into the house. As Y/N wiped the tears from her face she hiccuped trying to catch her breath.
With her bags in her room, Y/N sat at the kitchen table as her mom placed a bowl of chilli in front of her. Her mom sat beside her rubbing her back encouraging her to eat and regain some energy.
“Tell me what happened hon?”
“We got in a really bad fight after he kissed another girl. He basically said that I was overreacting. I tried to tell him that my reaction was merely based on how I feel about our future relationship. He laughed at me and said he wasn't thinking about the future of our relationship. Tha-” She choked up again “-that this wasn't a future he wanted.” Y/N sniffled into her food as her mom guided food into her mouth.
“It's ok hon. Let me tell you something, you and Harry will be fine. It may seem like this is the end but it's not. You will get through this because you guys were made for each other. From the way that you guys know each other's thoughts to the way that you both can read each other with no problem- you two were meant to be. Me and your pa went through our own issues but look at us now. We are solid. Baby, you two will be solid.” Y/N’s mom smoothed the hair on her daughter's head smiling at the young girl.
Y/N thought about her mothers words. Hearing her mom say those things about her relationship made her feel a little better. Her mother kissed her on the forehead and told her to get to bed and get some rest.
Y/N walked into her room and immediately her eyes were drawn to the gift Harry got her. She didn't remember bringing it in her room but there it sat in all of its glory. The gold wrapping paper on the box contrasted with the dark wood of her dresser. The envelope adorned with Harry's name written in cursive.
She was tempted to open the gift but at the same time she couldn't bring herself to even touch the gift. She kept thinking about the moment she shared with Harry in the parking lot. How he made time to see her before she left. How he found time to get her a gift and bring it to her. She grabbed the gift, shoving it into the top drawer of the dresser.
As Y/N lied in her bed that night, wrapped in a blanket Harry bought her, she couldn't run her mind off. She wanted to be with Harry but she was scared of his lack of commitment. She doesn't understand his sudden lack of commitment. She mentioned marrying him in the future and he freaked out on her. It hurt to know that in a quick second, he could change his mind.
Closing her eyes she went to sleep thinking about her brown haired, green eyed boy whose heart she carries with her at all times.
Y/N felt better to be back home on the farm. This semester had mentally drained her to the point where she felt like she had nothing within herself to give. She sat in the barn behind the house watching the chickens run around as she remembered the first time Harry visited the farm.
“No Harry, you just grab them from underneath. Like cup your hands and grab!” Y/N hollered to her boyfriend as he chased chickens around trying to grab them. He couldnt get his hands on a chicken but hearing his girlfriend laughing made it all worth it. Here he was dressed in overalls while chasing chickens.
“Bubs, I cant get one.” He pouted walking back over to Y/N.
“You don't have the talent I have.” She walked over to a resting chicken and grabbed it with ease. Tucking the chicken under her arm, she scratched the top of the chicken's head and walked over to where Harry was standing in shock.
“You are something else!” She set the chicken down, watching it run away. Harry grabbed her arm, twirling her around to face him. She placed her arms atop his shoulders, fingers playing with the small curls of his head. His arms wrapped around her waist squeezing her close to him.
It was a beautiful morning on the farm. Fall break on full blast and instead of Harry going back home, he just decided to come see where his girlfriend lives. They were sophomores now, entering almost a year of dating. This had been one the best almost years of their lives.
Harry placed a gentle kiss on her plush lips. She smiled, kissing him back.
“I love you Harry.” She said, staring at his eyes. His eyes opened wide. He stepped back from her and then started jumping up and down out of happiness. He threw her over his shoulder and started running through the blades of grass like the chickens he was trying to catch earlier. Setting her down on her feet she giggled at his antics.
“I cant believe you just said that. Im so fucking in love with you. So in love.” He said squishing her cheeks together, puckering her lips and smacking a wet kiss on her mouth.
“Ew Harry gross.” she giggled as he continued to place wet slobbery kisses over her face.
Y/N was so happy to bring Harry home. She wanted to show her family this new boy that had completely captivated her heart. He fit in with her family perfectly, making jokes, helping with dinner, playing with the little ones. He was family.
Walking into the house, she was greeted with the familiar smell of her grandma's famous peach crumble. She went into the kitchen sitting at one the stools watching her grandmother whip around the kitchen baking a slew of desserts.
“Hey lovebug, you go out and see your chickies?” Her grandmother asked, never losing focus of what she was doing.
“I did, they are all growing up so quick.” Y/N laid her head down on the table staring out of the window. Head fuzzy with anxiety and muddled thoughts.
“What happened to Harry?” Y/N’s head popped off of the table as she looked at her grandmother in confusion.
“How did you know something was up?”
“You're my grandbaby, I know everything about you. You've also been moping around my house so I knew something had happened.” She took a bowl down from the cabinets scooping a hot piece of peach crumble in the bowl and placed it in front of Y/N.
“Yeah, me and Harry split up. We just had a bad fight that put us in a weird place. He cheated on me.” She scooped crumble into her mouth trying to distract herself from her sadness.
“Oh love bug. I'm really sorry about that. Did you guys talk at all?” Placing a pie in the oven, her grandmother took a seat next to Y/N stealing a bite of crumble.
“He actually said goodbye to me before I came home. He gave me a Christmas gift too. I don't know, we didn't really say much. I miss him though. He was drunk when he cheated on me, which isn't an excuse but I think he was taken advantage of. I'm not mad about him cheating on me. I was mad at how he reacted to me. Like I was in the wrong for thinking about our relationship in the long run.”
“I understand. Can I be honest with you?” Crumble gone now, Y/N turned her body to face her grandmother. She shook her head to say yes. “You and Harry will be ok. It feels like the end right now but it isn't. It really isn't. I watched you two all of that one break and I saw a resilient couple who were going to go so far. This bump in the road can be fixed. Baby that boy looks at you like you are the whole universe.” You blushed at her words.
“What do I do then?”
“Well, I think you guys should enjoy this break. Take the time to reflect on what your relationship was and what it could be. Harrys going to go home and be surrounded by family as you are now, just let yourself enjoy that time. When he comes back for school, meet up again and talk. You both are adults- you know what to do.” You took in your grandmother's words. She always knew what to say.
“Why is it that you and mom always give me advice over food?” You laughed as she winked at you kissing you on the cheek.
“Food always makes people listen.”
When Wednesday finally arrived, Harry couldn't have been happier to go home. He had been on campus all alone and just feeling like shit. Maybe it was karma for how he treated Y/N. His heart felt hollow and even though he saw her before she left campus, he knew they still weren't ok. He wanted nothing more than to just be ok with his girl. The girl who makes him feel happiest on his darkest days. He doesn't understand how he would have ruined something so perfect.
At his gate at the airport, Harry sat staring at his phone waiting for something. He didn't know what he was waiting for. He didn't deserve anything, especially because of how bad he messed up. He didn't plan on seeing Y/N last friday before she left but he didn't want to go home without seeing her face. He also spent all night writing her a letter that laid down his thoughts. He also wanted to give her a gift. He bought it at the beginning of the semester back home. He knew it was perfect for her the second he saw it.
“Welcome to British Airways, we are now boarding all priority passengers.”
Harry stood up collecting his carry on and started walking to the line forming in front of the gate. He checked his phone again. Nothing.
As the line moved forward. He checked again. Nothing.
He scanned his ticket. Checked again. Nothing.
Situating himself in his seat on the airplane, Harry didn't even bother checking his phone knowing nothing was there. He clicked his seatbelt over his lap and opened the window beside him to look outside.
His phone buzzing pulled him out of his thoughts. His breath hitched, heart lurching. Pulling his phone out of his pocket he turned the screen on.
To: Harry, from: Bubs<3
Have a safe flight Harry
Harry's eyes welled with tears.
To: Bubs<3, from: Harry
Thank you, love. It means a lot.
To: Harry, from: Bubs<3
I miss you Harry
A few of those tears tipped over the edge now rolling down his face.
To: Bubs<3, from: Harry
I miss you so much baby
And that was it. But that was all Harry needed to feel something again.
Y/N didn't know what compelled her to text Harry. She knows her grandmother told her to take some time but she just wanted to reach out to him. She wanted him to know that she was still here. She was still thinking of him and still wanted this. Whatever ‘this’ was.
Christmas eve came quickly, Y/N’s house filled with family members, food, and little children running around wreaking havoc. Y/N was sitting in her room staring at the drawer where the gift from Harry hid. She was scared to open it. Pushing that fear to the side, she walked over the drawer opening it and grabbing the box and envelope. She put the gift in her purse before grabbing her keys. She couldn't open the gift here. She needed to go somewhere quiet.
She said a quick goodbye to her parents and left the house in a hurry. She found herself parked at a small store's parking lot a few miles away from her house. She kept the car on for the heat but turned off the christmas tunes she had playing low in the background.
She opened her purse to pull the envelope out. Carefully ripping the top of the envelope she pulled out a stack of items. In the envelope were four photos and a handwritten letter. She saved the letter for last.
The first photo was of Harry and Y/N sitting on a bean bag in the library. Harry had the camera outstretched above their heads, Y/N with her face buried in a text book. This was taken in their first year during their first exam week. They were not exclusive yet but their friends knew how close they were- there was no one coming between the two of them. Y/N had been so stressed that week so Harry invited her to the library to eat lunch and study together. He helped her through some science homework which helped dramatically on her exam.
The second image was of Harry and Y/N at their favorite restaurant off campus. It was taken during their sophomore year during their one year anniversary. It was the week before spring break and they had just finished a round of midterms. Harry surprised her with a trip to her favorite restaurant. The waiter offered to take the picture because of how adorable the couple looked. In the picture they were holding hands, smiling wide to the camera. Y/N eyes welled up at how happy they looked together.
The third pic was taken during an event on campus at the end of their freshman year. It was a piece and love festival where different clubs hosted fun activities in hopes of promoting unity on campus. In the picture, Harry and Y/N were holding up braided string bracelets with beads that said their partners name. They always wore those bracelets after that day. Y/N looked down at the slightly faded bracelet on her wrist. Harrys name on her wrist reminding her that he is always with her no matter what. Cheesy as it may be but the cheap string with plastic was something she would never part with.
The last picture was taken on Y/N’s farm. It was by the barn where Harry and Y/N were chasing chickens. It was taken from a high angle from afar. Harry had her on his shoulder and they were both visibly laughing. They had matching overalls with embroidery done by Y/N's aunt. On the back of the picture, Y/N could recognize Harry's handwriting as it said, “Your Grandma emailed me this picture when we got back to campus. She said that she couldn't help but take the picture when she saw how happy you looked.” Y/N laughed at his sloppy handwriting and her grandmother's words.
The last piece of the envelope was the letter. Y/N slowly unraveled the folded paper, smoothing out the crinkles. Taking a deep breath she began reading.
In my eyes, our future is filled with love. I see us buying a small house in your home town because I know you love home. I know you also said you may want to live in a city so if our plans were to change, I could see us living in a small apartment, decorated by you of course, with bookshelves that towered to the ceiling and many plush blankets littering the rooms. I see us working hard during the day and enjoying each other during the evening when we come home. I see bubble baths and fun new dinner recipes. I see me bringing you flowers to brighten your day from a long day of work. I see us travelling to all of the places you have pinned on your “for the future” pinterest board. I see us having a small wedding, my family, your family, some friends and that's it. I'd let you do whatever you like for the wedding because I want to see you happy.
I see little ones. Direct copies of you and me running around in the backyard as we try chasing them and tickling them. I see bedtime stories and fun days at the park. Picnics in the meadow and swimming in the lake. Catching chickens and rough housing with the goats. Pasta sauce around the mouth after a good meal. Frozen yogurt with all of the toppings. I see everything with you. There's not a moment where I don't see us together. I think about our graduation and where we will be after graduation.
I see a future with you and I was an ass to say otherwise. You are everything to me. I should be doing more for our relationship like I used to. I want to take you out on more dates and shower you in gifts because you deserve it. I love you so much. Please don't give up on me and all of the memories we've created. I want it all with you.
School has been hurting me pretty bad and I took it out on you. I cheated on you because I was too drunk to think properly. I hurt the only person whose opinion I hold higher than anyone else's. We built a beautiful relationship of trust and boundaries and I ruined it for no reason. I want to do better. Please let me show you that I can do better.
I found this poem that reminded me of you. I know you like poems and this poem speaks for me wholly.
i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)
Have a lovely break and I hope to be able to see you after.
Love Harry.
His letter left the girl speechless. He said everything she wanted to hear. Looking at her phone she checked the time.
7:36 pm
Its about 12 am in london.
Without a second thought she opened Harry's facetime profile and pressed the call button.
Ring. Ring. Ri-
“Love? Are you alright? Did something happen?” Harry was quick to answer, looking half awake and flustered. Y/N broke down in tears immediately. “Y/N are you ok, baby?”
“Harry.” She wailed. It was embarrassing but all of the pent emotion she was holding in finally breached. She couldn't stop crying. Harry sat up from his laying down position in bed holding the phone closer to his face to inspect his girl.
“It's ok bubs, whatever it is, it's ok. I promise it's ok.” Harry tries consoling the girl. Her tears reduced to small sniffles.
“I read your letter Harry. It's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I want it all with you too. I've always wanted it with you. Since the day we met Harry.” He let out a watery laugh so overwhelmed with emotions. She wiped her face of tears looking back at the letter next to her.
“Y/N I love you so much. I do. I know I'm not that good at expressing my emotions but I do want a future with you. I'm hurting knowing I hurt the best thing that's ever happened to me.” His tears continued to flow freely.
“It's ok Harry. I'm not mad anymore. I'm not hurt either I promise. I think I was more upset that we were done. I don't want us to be done. I really don't.”
“I don't want us to be done either. I really want to marry you. Maybe not right now but in time I wanna get married.” He paused, wiping his face. “I wanna get married on your farm, maybe put the chickies in little tuxedos.” She giggled at his proposition.
“They would hate you even more if you did that.” They shared a laugh and then some silence. “I guess it's technically Christmas over there huh? Well Merry Christmas H.”
“It is christmas isn't it? Merry Christmas bubs. Did you open the box?” She grabbed the box next to her to show Harry shaking her head. She unwrapped the paper and revealed a box with a logo she wasn't familiar with.
“What's this?” He encouraged her to keep opening the gift. Lifting the top of the box she let out a loud gasp upon seeing a beautiful gold bracelet sitting on a satin pillow. She placed her phone on the phone stand on her dashboard so she could have both hands to look at the bracelet. The bracelet was gold and thin with a nameplate in the middle. Engraved on the nameplate was Harry's name.
“You went silent on me...Do you like it?” Y/N couldn't stop looking at the bracelet in her hand.
“Harry...It's gorgeous. It's so gorgeous.” She whispered. She slid the perfectly fit bracelet on her hand watching it fall in front of her handmade bracelet. The two bracelets adorned her wrist perfectly. “I love you so much H.”
“I love you too, I do. I can't wait to see you in person and talk.” He replies with his heart clenching in a good way, watching his girl smile happily at her gift.
“Om bubby, I'll let you go to sleep. I love you, spend time with your family and then come back to me as the same Harry I fell in love with.” He smiled, whispering goodnight and hanging up.
Going home that night, Y/N’s family watched her come back into the house walking lighter on her feet and looking happier than she did when she came home from school. She showed her bracelet off to her parents as her grandmother made her a plate of food. She smiled at everyone and talked the whole night. Her grandmother watched from afar feeling her heart fill with joy at her granddaughter's happiness.
As Christmas break went on Harry and Y/N continued to keep their relationship moving slowly. Only calling each other once a day and giving each the much needed space to heal with their respective family. Y/N facetimed him on christmas giving him a youtuber esq. Haul of all of her gifts while he laughed at her silliness. He did the same thing with half the enthusiasm.
As move in day approached, Y/N felt herself becoming worried about her relationship. She worried that when she saw Harry, their relationship would slowly deteriorate. Little did she know that she had no reason to be so afraid. Harry was on his flight back to school ready to hug and hold his girl. He was ready to reunite and be the couple they used to be. He was ready to be a better partner for his girl.
“Alright girly, looks like we got everything squished in your car. Are you sure you've got everything?” Y/N’s mom asked sarcastically. Y/N huffed shoving another bag in the passenger seat.
“Yup that should be it.”
“Ok, well you give me a hug and get going.” Y/N rushed into her mom's arms. Her mom kissed her on the forehead and left Y/N and her grandmother to talk on their own.
“Bye grandma, i'm going to miss you.” Her grandmother held her arms tight.
“You get back to campus and see that boy ok? You go and be in love. You too are old enough to know what you want and this relationship is something you obviously both want.”
Kissing her grandma goodbye, she got in her car and started her drive back to school.
It only took Y/N one trip from her car to her dorm to unload all of her belongings. She was able to snag one of the big trolleys to push her things inside. She watched as friends reunited, she even said hi to a few of her friends but her mind was set on one person. She grabbed her wallet and phone from her dorm and left quickly on a journey to get to Harry’s frat.
The air was cool but Y/N felt warm from how quickly she was booking it to Harry. Harry, just like Y/N, immediately left his room to see Y/N. Having not seen her in a month and some of exam week- he couldn't wait to see her. Harry saw Y/N’s familiar face walking down the sidewalk of his frat and he stopped in his tracks. She smiled her bright, beautiful smile before running over to where he stood. Her arms hooked around his neck as his arms adjusted around her waist. He stumbled a bit from the force of her hug but stood his ground nonetheless.
She held him tight, legs bound around his waist, a few stray tears falling from her eyes. He held her just as tightly, hands tightly holding her thighs and back.
“Hi bubby.” She said in his ear, face burrowed in his neck. He set her down and reached for her face.
‘Hi baby.” She blushed at his nickname. They looked into each other's eyes and time froze like it always did between them. Y/N broke theri moment by pulling his face to hers. They kissed like they hadnt kissed in years. To them the time they spent away from each other felt like years. Their lips fit together like puzzle pieces. Pulling apart, Harry stared down at his heart, tears begging to be free. He opened his mouth to say something and she stopped him.
“It's ok Harry. My baby, it's ok. We are ok.”
i fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
Taglist: marlananicole17
321 notes · View notes
seijoh-apologist · 4 years
stupidly in like with you | miya atsumu
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pairing: post-timeskip!miya atsumu x f!reader word count: 14.6k (OOPS LMFAO) genre: friends to lovers, fluff, hurt(?)/comfort, and like a few too many pages of fluffy smut -- third person pov for the most part. NSFW. synopsis: Atsumu and Y/N are good friends, maybe feelings are involved but Y/N isn’t his type. OR Y/N and Atsumu are most definitely in like with each other but for whatever reason aren’t dating.
A/N: hi so this is my first “published” hq fic but like here is this thought that I had and haven’t been able to get it out of my head. it’s mostly edited thanks to my irl friend but bare with my run on sentences and (slightly excessive) use of profanity. any feedback would be appreciated b/c I have more thoughts for other characters and I'd love to share haha. 
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To say Y/N was annoyed was an understatement.
Aching feet begged for relief, the sweat-soaked shirt, though cute, had begun to cling to that one fold in her side that made her the slightest bit hyper aware of the “stress weight” she swears she's put on during the holiday season. And the music was absolute shit, shuffling between mash-ups of the Top 100 trending songs and some weird EDM-Indie music that she would pay good money to never hear again.
To put it plainly, she was not in the mood to be out of her home, much less celebrate. But she had agreed to come out, never being able to say no to Sakusa, who silently pleaded with his eyes to take on “babysitting” responsibilities of his teammates for tonight. He had paid for her dinner several times before tonight, claiming that she should save her money - “you should spend your money on getting a better mattress, so we don’t have to hear you complain about it anymore.” - the least she could do was give him a night to himself, away from the chaos that was the rest of the MSBY team.
Besides, it's not like she was asked to stalk them or anything - they were friends after all, so really it was just like she was tagging along for a night of club hopping, taking shots that she didn’t have to pay for, and simply people watching in between trips to the dancefloor. And normally, she’d be enjoying the night - it's just that of all nights to come out and celebrate, it had to be at the end of one of the most stress-inducing, aggravating weeks of her young adult life.
Checking that it was well after one in the morning, she sipped water from her straw, swivelling to face the crowd from her (stolen) seat at the bar, in hopes of catching the attention of someone in her party that could get the hint that they should probably get ready to go. What she did not expect to find, however, was Atsumu, flitting his eyes away from her figure as he leaned down to talk to a pair of girls. It could just be a friendly gesture, asking him if he was who they think he was and him responding but it sent a less than pleasant feeling in her stomach, so she swiveled back, reaching for her phone in the back pocket of her suddenly too tight pants.
“Fuck me,” she huffs out upon seeing that her phone battery has fallen to thirty percent, which would be just delightful when it would be time to call the ubers home. She could now rule out aimlessly scrolling through Twitter for the rest of the night while waiting for her friends.
“Uh.. maybe slip in a ‘please’ and I’m yours.”
Y/N’s eyes all but bugged out her head at the response that came from her left. The voice belongs to a guy, a very cute guy. The kind of cute guy that you see on Instagram explore page before it refreshes so the chances of seeing him again are nonexistent.She sputters out a delayed apology, double-time since she realized that she’s now taken a little too long to respond to him, to which he laughs and shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about it. I should be apologizing for interrupting you, it's just.... You looked a little lonely over here. Mind if I sit with you?”
“Seat’s all yours... but you’re on your own if those people from before come back to reclaim them.” She hums, sliding her phone back into her pocket and shifting her legs slightly in the direction of his seat.
“Scared of a little fight?” He hums, arching a brow before taking a swig of his beer. He has nice hands. Y/N muses to herself as she watches the stranger’s fingers flex slightly around the neck of his beer bottle. She’s always of the mind that a person’s hands say a lot about them.
“Mmm no… just too tired to defend myself, much less a random stranger.” He laughs at that, nodding his head before replying that “most pretty girls don’t openly say they can fight.”
“Oh you’re cheesy, aren’t you? Nobody straight up tells a girl they’re pretty for no real reason.”
“Actually,” Shifting his beer bottle onto the bar, he holds out his hand to her. “My name is not cheesy, it’s -”
“Y/N! There you are!”
The call of her name makes her jump slightly, before she feels the familiar warmth of a hand on her back. The same hand worms its way to her hip, fingers slipping into that soft fold just above her pants, the warmth of his next words being felt just above her ear.  “Where the hell’ve ya been? Was lookin’ all over the place for ya, Bo and Shoyo were worried ya left without us!”
“Been right here, idiot. We lost our original seats so I’d figure you’d come to the bar at some point and I could’ve waved you down.” She shifts slightly, turning her shoulder back towards the cute stranger with an apologetic look in her eye, to which he smiles and opens his mouth to respond until Atsumu cuts him off again, his hand gripping the back of her neck to make her give him her total attention.
“Right well I’m starving - let's get outta here. Kinda craving your infamous drunk noodles, or maybe a McDonald’s on the way home, yeah?”
Y/N nods slightly, turning back towards the stranger to see that he’s already slinking back into the crowd. Once she fully loses him, she shoves her elbow into the blonde’s side, telling him to “shut it” when he throws out a huff of pain.
“Thank you, ‘Tsumu… could’ve had a different ride home but nooooo.. Needed to come in here with all your glory talking about you being starving despite the fact that you can afford a personal chef.” She huffs out and slides off her stool, but he’s not listening. Instead he’s holding her by the shoulders and pushing her through the crowd, excusing the two of them as she continues to rant and rave at him. Once outside, the pair are joined with the rest of the party, who have called a few separate ubers home. “And to top it off, I know you’re not even listening right now - you never listen to me, Miya. I don’t know how your teammates put up with you… how do you put up with this shit, hmm?”
The group of teammates laugh softly and shake their heads, giving answers that “they get paid” to put up with him, and that Miya Atsumu is actually “a decent friend,” a fact that she knows is true but chooses to ignore when convenient for her. Atsumu just shakes his head with a roll of his eyes, pulling her into the direction of their uber for their journey back to his place. She greets the driver and settles into her seat, as Atsumu calls out behind him something or other to someone. The slam of the door and clicking of seatbelts is what fills the silence in the car, music softly playing from the rear speakers, as Atsumu leans his head back against the headrest.
“So I take it yer coming to stay with me for tonight?”
“Hmm.. don’t have much of a choice now, do I?” She teases to which Atsumu slightly pouts, reaching to knuckle at his eyes that suddenly feel a little too heavy. “You owe me the biggest breakfast fathomable tomorrow.”
“Why’s it that I owe you when I paid for your dinner before going out, paid for your drinks tonight, and am letting you sleep in my bed - which is infinitely better than your cheap ass - hey!” He begins his ranting, which would be cut off by a sturdy flick to the forehead and a slight “hush” before he feels her head rest up on his shoulder.
Y/N and Atsumu had been friends for a little while, when she chased him down the middle of the road, claiming to the public that he was a thief, just because he’d grabbed the wrong umbrella on the way out of the restaurant they were both eating in. He’d tried to apologize, but she traded umbrellas and walked back towards the direction of the restaurant. He had chalked it up to nothing really, just a slight mistake and minor inconvenience for the girl. At least until a certain teammate’s birthday dinner, where said stranger was- only this time sitting and chatting with Sakusa Kiyoomi as if they’d been best friends for forever (which in all fairness, Y/N and Kiyoomi had only been friends since college, where they were forced into a friendship by their roommates, who were hooking up with each other and forced the two on double dates). This second meeting was a sign to Atsumu, a sign that for whatever reason this girl was supposed to be in his life, in some capacity or another - but he did royally fuck it up a second time by trying to flirt with Y/N, who laughed and asked if his opening line was really the best he’d had, before hitting him with an opening line that still makes him flush when he thinks about it today.
The ride to Atsumu’s home isn’t long, but it's long enough for the tiredness to seep into Y/N’s bones, who barely misses the quiet way that Atsumu’s fingers have taken home at the base of her neck, massaging gently at the tenseness he feels under the pads of his fingers.
“Someone’s tired… why didn’t you stay home?” He asks as they turn onto his street, letting his fingers fall away from her as he begins to check that they have everything they need. ”’t’s a good thing yer sleeping over at mine... and no couch for you. Your neck is all kinds of tense. It's a miracle you haven’t complained ‘bout it once tonight.”
“Shh.. you’re so loud for what?” She mumbles while trying to stifle a yawn. “So if I’m not supposed to sleep on the couch then where am I supposed to sleep then, boy genius? The floor?”
“No,” Atsumu answers seriously, brow slightly wrinkled as he reaches for his keys in his pocket. “You’ll sleep with me. In my bed. ‘t’s a cooling mattress so you won’t haffta complain that yer too hot.”
“Miya, last time I slept in a bed with you, you nearly suffocated me. Dunno if I really wanna have to deal with trying to roll you onto your back again.”
“Wait a minute! To be fair, my bed was smaller then so there was less room for the both of us.” He begins, opening the door and shutting it before turning the two of them towards the entrance to his apartment building. “Second of all, it was my first time sharing a bed with someone other than ‘Samu so ya shouldn’t blame me for not having proper sleep manners.”
The first steps into Atsumu’s home consists of the pair kicking off their shoes, debating lightly on who was gonna take over the shower first. Y/N slides her feet into the slippers that are specifically her slippers in his home and slinks off towards the kitchen, as Atsumu peels off his shirt and heads towards the shower. It feels comfortable, almost like a routine, as Y/N gathers eggs and two noodle packets to make them a small meal before bed. Moments later, Atsumu is coming out of the shower, towelling off his hair before settling onto the sofa, clicking on the T.V. as Y/N comes in with the two bowls of noodles. A silent agreement is met when they finish that Atsumu would wash the dishes as Y/N showered, taking a shirt from his drawers to sleep in
She hands him a bottle of aspirin, mumbling around the toothbrush to “take two or so help me.” Moments later she joins him in bed, slipping on a pair of socks that are two sizes too big for her before settling under the plush fabric of his comforter. He shifts over closer to her after tossing his phone on the nightstand, seeking out her form in the now dim room for a small cuddle before dozing off. She willingly accepts him too, sliding her body just under his and buries her face in his skin, still warm from the too-hot shower he is prone to taking in the name of muscle relaxation. He hums slightly as their feet tangle together, silently appreciating the way Y/N so freely indulges his need to touch someone after being touch-starved for so long.
Though Y/N isn’t much like him in that sense - doesn’t have this inherent need to cling to someone before bed, or just hold hands at a store, or hands on the shoulder in a crowded room. Sometimes she will, like now with her nose buried in his neck and her hand rubbing up and down the length of his sturdy back. Normally they won’t do this, both just a little too headstrong to dig into the tightening in their chests when the hug for a moment longer than usual; but tonight Y/N is silently congratulating him on winning the game that has had him stressed for weeks. She feels his lips press softly to the top of her head, a mumble of “good night” leaving his lips as she feels his breaths even out as the moments pass.
This is where Y/N wishes she had the power to pull away - blames moments like this on giving her the slightest bit of hope that they could be more than friends.
It's not that she hadn’t thought about it - frankly she’d spent too much time thinking about it. She could do this… with him.. But every thought is put to bed when she thinks back on this one conversation months ago. Granted she didn’t have the full context of the conversation but it's enough to make her heart squeeze when she sees Atsumu flirt with someone, or shake off his hand when she’s had a particularly sensitive day.
It was just another evening where hanging out after him and the rest of the team being away for a week. They’d ordered in food and drinks had been flowing nicely as the comfortable pair had caught up - it was honestly too homey of a setting in hindsight. His phone rang, the white text of “‘Samu” flashed and Y/N took that as a cue to finally get to the restroom.
“Mhm.. made it back early today - no Y/N picked me up.” He’d been mumbling around a handful of chips, the other side of the conversation mute to Y/N’s eavesdropping.. “Oh shut up, she doesn’t mind and it's not as if we’re dating anyway. It’s.. casual and it works for us.”
And she should’ve stepped into her place next to him, cuddled up into her chest and played the role of the blissfully ignorant idiot. But no, she stayed tucked behind the restroom door, blood pumping and heart beating too loud in her ears. It would seem as though Y/N was a glutton for punishment, a minor thing when thinking about putting herself through a moment of pain for a lifetime of pleasure - but the pain that came with Miya Atsumu’s next words would set her off kilter for a while.
“Besides, she’s not really my type. It’d never work out anyway.”
She had no choice really other than to shut the door. Take some extra time in the restroom than necessary - after all she’d just hear the potential love of her life admit to his twin brother that she wasn’t his type. All she could do really was stare at herself in the stupidly bright mirror in his stupid guest bathroom of his stupidly expensive apartment.  God this is so stupid, she thinks to herself while running cold water to press against her cheeks that she feels are heated up. Before she can really tear her own heart to bits though, she hears a quick rapt on the door.
“Y/N ya’right in there? Warned y’bout putting too much hot sauce on your food.”
But that’d been two years ago. It was a little rough after that; Y/N had thrown herself into finding a life post-grad which was a great distraction from the rumors going around that Atsumu had been spotted with some model or actress or something. Besides, Y/N wasn’t really the type to harp on failed romantic interests - all she’d need to do is download whatever relevant dating app for some validation and she’d be able to move on. However nights like tonight, when he looked too good and the little moment was a little too right - she’d still hope. Make a wish to whatever angle number or shooting star or deity above that she’d get tossed a chance to be in love with the stupid setter, because she had already fallen.
“Mm y’right?” She heard him, how could she not when he’s practically suffocating her. She chooses not to answer though, humming affirmatively - to which he huffs and shifts slightly, settling back into unconsciousness.
Maybe she’d blame the train of thoughts for tonight on the fact that she’d been drinking. However, come morning, the seed would bloom a little brighter in her chest when she wakes up to realize that her face is pressed into his side, arms circling his slim waist and one sock lost among their tangled legs.
God she hated him. Miya Atsumu was too much of a lot of things - too much of a sore winner, too much of an idiot, too much of a talker, and most of all, too much of a liar.
For the second time in the span of a month, Atsumu had convinced her to come out, despite her desperately wanting to curl up in bed and binge eat away the stress of the week. Only this time it was a charity event, so she would definitely be the bad guy if she said no. It was an event where him and the rest of his team had been roped into a charity dinner - which (gratefully) meant that Sakusa would be around, and they could fuck off to a corner someplace to talk shit about what all the rich wives are wearing and how bad it looks when their husbands are flirting with the wait staff. But Atsumu had promised that they’d leave before the entree was served - swore the entire drive over that “we’ll get you back home in time, grandma” and that he’d even cook for her this time.
But the entree had been whisked off about forty minutes ago, her wine glass had been refilled twice, and she was bored of watching Sakusa look at his watch, waiting for an appropriate time to leave. Atsumu was a few tables away, chatting up some couple, something about wanting to get their information for Osamu’s business. He would laugh a little too loudly at their jokes, gaining attention of those at surrounding tables - which was only mildly irritating as he had now gathered a crowd of people around him, spewing off some story about him getting lost in Russia the first time they played overseas.
She huffs and stands up, chair scraping slightly, gaining the attention of the rest of the  table. All she does is hold up her wine glass in a feeble attempt at an answer of where she’d be waiting at the bar. If I have to be here, the least I could do is drink for free. The bar is empty, surprisingly no one wants to mope around this very nice dinner.
“What can I get you?”
“Mmm.. whiskey highball, please.” She answers to the unnecessarily cute bartender, but the raise of his eyebrows do not go unnoticed.  And fortunately (or unfortunately) she’s got the time to press him. “Surprised?”
“Only a little bit. Noticed you were drinking wine most of the night so the whiskey is a hard switch.”
“So you’ve been watching me?” She muses, smiling as he places the drink in front of her. He smiles and leans forward on the bar slightly, shaking his head and replying.
“It’s almost as if… I’m being paid to make sure people have their drinks.”
“Oh, so it's not because I’m cute?”
“Now I didn’t say that did I? But you know you’re gorgeous; your boyfriend over there must tell you all the time.” He muses, a smirk playing at his lips as he nods behind her. She all but chokes on her drink when she turns around and sees that the direction he nodded in was directly in Atsumu’s vicinity before shaking her head violently. Atsumu was not going to ruin this for her. “Oh so not your boyfriend?”
“Nope.” She says, popping the ‘p’ as she slips the straw past her lips again, eyes taking in his leaning form. He was cute. His hair was on the silver side of blond, tips of his hair black. He was tall and lean, a piercing hanging from his left ear.
“That’s a shame.” And she gives him her name with a flutter of her lashes and a sweet smile. He returns it, preparing her next drink without her even having to ask. And so they talk, first about how the next person who approaches the bar should be cut off, to how pretentious the whole event was. Two drinks in, Y/N finds herself being invited to a show.
“This whole bartending thing is just a way for me to get some extra cash… I’ve got a gig in an hour. I figured if we leave together now, I can get you home to change outta this and into something a little more… concert fitting?”
“O-Oh.. yeah. I just need to go let my friend know…” She trails off, sliding off her barstool before turning to gracefully power walking to her initial seat next to Sakusa. She huffs and she plots herself down in the char next to him, to which he gives her a look of what the fuck. “I don’t have time to catch you up, but the insanely hot bartender is taking me home. As much as I’d love to get out of here with you, I desperately need to get lai-”
“Going somewhere?” Fuck fuck fuck.
“Didn’t you hear her? The hot bartender is taking her home and she needs -”
“Aishhhh shut up.” She turns to look at her curly haired friend, only to see that he’s got this annoying little smile on his face. She deeply exhales and turns back to Atsumu, who looks less than amused about what his friend said. “Listen, you promised me we’d leave two hours ago. Well you lied so nooow I made plans, so if you would kindly move outta my way.”
“No.” She whips her head up at the blonde. No? What the absolute fuck was he going on about telling her no, despite her not asking for his permission. “You’ve been drinking and you don’t even know the guy - how can you trust that he won’t memorize your address then come rob you or something? I promised to take you home, and since you’re ready now we can leave now.”
“Listen Miya, I appreciate the concern but really I’m a big girl. I can handle a night out by myself with a guy - besides I’m not even that drunk. Now, give me my house keys and move out of my way.”
Suddenly, it's like those cheesy western movies where two cowboys are staring each other down, neither willing to be put down by the other. Except it's this 6’2” pro-athlete staring quite literally down at Y/N, who hits the gym only on a blue moon and spends too much time sitting at a desk. Sakusa has to laugh at the two stubborn idiots in front of him; he knows that Atsumu is going to be able to win this little game that they're playing, but silently applauds Y/N for attempting to stick it to him. Moments pass before Atsumu finally sighs, shoving his hands in the pockets of his expensive suit and pulling out her keys - but he doesn’t give them to her.
“What’s his name? If you can tell me his name I’ll give you your keys and let you go.”
“Let me go? Okay, Dad.” She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest, small clutch dangling from her wrist. “I know his name, Atsumu. I may have had a drink or two but I’m not an idiot to be going off with someone who’s name I don’t even know... it’s… uhm.” And she’s done. She hadn’t even bothered to ask his name, doesn’t even remember whether she gave him hers, nor was she smart enough to notice whether he’d been wearing a name tag.  Mentally she’s cursing herself, chancing a glance behind Atsumu’s shoulder to see the hot bartender chatting it up with another girl. Before she can think too much into it, Atsumu sighs deeply, grabbing his suit jacket off the chair next to her and slipping it on his shoulders, a soft “let’s go” leaving his lips as he nods his good-bye to the rest of the table. Y/N chews at the inside of her cheek before grabbing his arm.
“Give me my keys. I’m not going home with you. I want to be alone.”
Four days passed - four days of Atsumu borderline harassing Y/N with apologies. Promising to make it up to her. Which is how she finds herself walking into their favorite local sushi restaurant - it's the only one that has self-serving sushi that arrives on a miniature train, and it's also the only place that they go when apologies are to be exchanged. In the handful of years that they’d be friends, Y/N has needed to apologize to Atsumu thrice - two for blowing him off after overhearing the dreaded words and once for saying that maybe Osamu was the better twin. Atsumu on the other hand, had apologized to Y/N many times - so many times in fact that Y/N is sure that he makes up excuses just so they can come eat at this sushi place.
It’s been a long week for Y/N. The Sunday after the charity event, Y/N wakes up with one of the worst headaches of her life - and its due to the fact that she slept like shit hoping that Atsumu made it home safe since he hadn’t texted her he did. Monday she was handed a stack of documents at work that needed to get done before lunch (which didn’t get done). Tuesday morning was dominated by the fact that some idiot on the train to work had spilt a coffee on her, making her wear the most uncomfortable suit jacket, lest she wear a coffee soaked shirt for most of the day. Today, Wednesday, she’d woken up to a box with a pastry outside her door and a cup of coffee with a sticky note on the lid.
Sorry. Let me make it up to you. Train Sushi? 7pm?
Despite the fact that she was most definitely still thinking about why Atsumu acted the way he did - she still went through the mountain of paperwork on her desk with a little smile, knowing that she’d be getting free sushi and an apology. Maybe if she’s lucky, she can convince him that she needs a crepe on the way home.
As she makes her way into the restaurant that evening, she sees him. His dorito-shaped body is stationed at the bar, a cozy brown coat hugging his back, muscles of his arms being squeezed by the sleeves. She can see that he’s got a drink in front of him and she smiles slightly, stepping up towards the bar but stops momentarily. He’s talking to someone - not just someone, a girl. He’s smiling too. Y/N can’t see the stranger’s face, but judging by the way that she has a hand around his biceps and her head tilted, one can only assume that they know each other. Y/N attempts to step backwards, she wants to let him finish his conversation with the woman but she doesn’t know if she can stomach the idea of watching them flirt; but she misses the step, leading her to bump into the hostess who led her to the bar, creating a bit of a scene.
“Y/N! There you are! C’mere.”
She’s buying time by profusely apologizing to the hostess, who honestly is probably just trying to get away. At this point, Y/N has no choice but to walk towards her friend and this mystery woman. The ten steps towards the pair is enough time for Y/N to mentally list off all the things she could have done in the world to warrant some shitty karma that’s hitting her now. Once face to face with Atsumu, she smiles.
“Sorry - long day at work got me all …” Y/N’s words trail off, the hand that’s not death-gripping her purse waves off with her closing thoughts.
“Don’t mind, Wednesday’s are usually your long days. ‘Sides you’re here now - tha’s what matters.” God he’s so dumb. So handsome and so dumb, and god did she miss him. “It’s a good thing you got here a little late, this is Michimiya Yui. I think you two might’ve -”
“No, I don’t think we’ve met! It’s so nice to meet you - he used to talk about you all the time!” The brunette smiles at Y/N, sticking her hand out, which Y/N takes limply, shaking her hand. She’s pretty, Y/N thinks to herself. Her hair is short and she’s wearing some cute leather thigh high boots, her smile is almost paid-for perfect. She’s got this whole brown smoked out eyeliner working for her, which makes Y/N slightly subconscious about her most likely smudged and uneven eyeliner and less-than appealing work pants. Before Y/N can even think of a response to give, Michimiya has her hand back on Atsumu, a pretty smile settling on her lips. It feels like Y/N is watching a trainwreck happening before her eyes. “I was just telling Atsumu that I was back in town and that we should hang out!”
“And I was just explaining to her that I had plans with yo-”
“You should join us!” Idiot. Why am I such a fucking idiot? Atsumu looks over at Y/N with a wild look in his eyes, Michimiya looks like a child who wound up making out with two candies instead of one. “I had a super long day at work today so I’m really only able to eat dinner, but I know Atsumu can stay up for hours so once I leave you two can hang out.”
“Y/N, I thought that -”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea! I just need to tell the wait staff to cancel my to-go order, so excuse me.”
And so the two friends watch the woman walk away from them, making her way towards the to-go order area. Y/N bites at the inside of her cheek, intentionally avoiding Atsumu’s eyes that she feels are pinned on her. She digs out her phone from her purse, texting Sakusa an ominous “next time you see me, please poison me 😑.” As Y/N drags her eyes up Atsumu’s front, she feels the same way she did when she would get scolded by her parents. His eyes are staring at her face, no doubt wanting to press her about why she willingly invited a stranger to eat with them at their restaurant. To pacify him, all she does is hold up her hand, shaking her head.
“It’s fine, Miya. Like you said, Wednesday’s are my long days so I wouldn’t be able to stay out late with you anyway. Besides…” She starts, fixing a smile onto her face. “I think that she might have a little crush on you!” He says nothing, lips pressed in a hard line and a brow arched up at her. “Don’t look at me like that. And save your apology for next time… we have company.”
The rest of the evening goes exactly like Y/N’s worst nightmare. She is quite literally the third-wheel despite the fact that technically Michimiya was supposed to be the third wheel in this little scenario. Y/N has to watch the pretty brunette flirt relentlessly with Atsumu, who seems blissfully oblivious to the fact that for every compliment Michimiya gives Y/N, she gives herself two more. Sakusa is well informed on the situation, receiving texts every five minutes with another dumb thing that was said in front of Y/N’s appatizers. Rarely does someone ever wish for a natural disaster to hit, but in the last thirty minutes of sitting at this table, Y/N has wished for every biblical curse to wreak havoc in her way.
Despite the fact that Michimiya has hijacked every conversation, Atsumu still tries to ask Y/N about her, including her in the conversation as much as possible. But Y/N stopped trying twenty minutes ago, and is now forcing herself to eat the last few pieces of sushi she ordered - normally she’s a stress eater, but Michimiya has rested her hand on Atsumu’s thigh and Y/N has suddenly never felt more sick in her life. Y/N has never once picked up a tab around Atsumu - “please, ‘ve got more money than I know whatta do wit’it” he’d always tell her when she attempted to take up the ticket - but when they finally wave down someone and ask for the check, Y/N drops some cash on the table and collects her things.
“It’s been so nice to meet you, but I think I should really get going. I’ve gotta get to work early tomorrow - I’ll see you this weekend right, Miya?”
“Wait up, I’ll take you home… Yui it’s been really -”
“No no, really it's okay! You stay! I’ll just text you when I get home. Be safe. And again it was so nice to meet you - take care of Atsumu for me.”
“Oh I will!”
Y/N is not a runner but she’s never sprinted away from a situation so fast in her life. The image of Michimiya’s sly little smile at Y/N’s request to take care of her friend makes her feel gross, tears stinging at the back of her eyes and she settles on the train. Y/N can name a handful of times when she’d seen Atsumu around women - but never once had she’d met someone he was romantically involved with and it hurts. The gentle sway of the train does nothing to settle the spinning of her head with images of what Atsumu actually looks for - his actual type. She feels like an idiot; she should have just told Atsumu that they could do a raincheck, or if she was feeling bold, she could’ve told Michimiya to fuck off. The latter seems possible in the version of herself in Y/N’s head, but the reality was that she was too nice. Always wanted to make the people she cares about happy, and Atsumu looked... happy? Besides, Y/N thinks to herself as she exits the train and makes the trek towards her apartment building, if Michimiya Yui was going to be involved with Atsumu, the more exposure she had to her, the better off Y/N would be in accepting that Atsumu would never ever be with Y/N like that.
Once settled in her apartment, she sends off a quick “home. thanks for tonight!” to Atsumu before making her way to the bathroom. A nice warm soak would surely make her feel better, make her forget about what an idiot she is and maybe, just maybe, make her body relax all the love she holds in her heart for the blond away. Her phone pings, twice, but she ignores it. Ten minutes into her pity soak she hears a bang on her door, which only makes her groan and dunk her head under the water. The banging stops, making Y/N think it was just her neighbor or something asking for a favor. What she doesn’t expect is for her to exit the bath twenty minutes later to see Sakusa Kiyoomi sittin on her couch.
“Hello, glad to see you exploiting your spare key access.”
“Miya called me and said you looked like shit earlier. And judging by your texts throughout the evening, I figured you were on the brink of a breakdown.”
And so she was. She spent the rest of the evening talking Kiyoomi through the night, slipping in all the questions she’s had from the past two times that Atsumu had cockblocked her. And bless Kiyoomi for sitting through her tears, sitting cross-legged and drinking tea that he had initially made for her but refused to let her drink once he realized she had already brushed her teeth. It felt almost like she was finally thinking about what her friendship with Miya Atsumu was, what it could and couldn’t be. Every moment painted so clearly about how Y/N felt for her blond friend, but the only thing missing was how said friend felt about her. At 11:30 pm, two hours after Kiyoomi initially arrived at Y/N’s apartment, she pushed Kiyoomi out the door, eyes puffy but heart and head a little clearer than how they were when he arrived.
Despite promising Kiyoomi that she would not think about Atsumu, as Y/N settles into bed, her thoughts can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with him. She mulls it over as she slides off her socks, deciding that it’d be nice - probably exactly how they are now, plus a title and a little less swatting his hands away when he reaches for her in public. Y/N can’t help it as she thinks about whether they would kiss a lot - they’ve kissed before, neither strangers to cheek kisses as greetings or kisses at the top of their heads when the other is crying into their chest (there was even that very drunk kiss they shared on New Years Eve when their friendship was fresh that both still have warm cheeks about when they think about). Just as she’s about to go down the path of whether Atsumu would spend more nights with her at her cardboard box of an apartment or her at his, Y/N cuts herself off - after all she wasn’t his type. Tonight proved that more than anything, she thinks.
It’s not like Atsumu has never brought anyone around Y/N - there’d been a few that she’d met, though they were mostly over a facetime call and it was mostly just her waving at them before Atsumu ducked away to have a private conversation. It's not like tonight was the first night Y/N had to swallow the bile in her mouth at seeing someone make heart eyes at Atsumu - it's just this time felt different; almost like Y/N was finally having the truth thrusted into her face. But Y/N isn’t mad or hateful of Michimiya, nor Atsumu for that matter - she’d never been the type to hate a girl for having feelings for the person she has feelings for. It’s annoying, sure, but Y/N doesn’t see the point in hating someone for how they feel - however, Y/N does not make the effort to become friends with these girls, or maintain the close friendship with Atsumu for that matter. Is it petty to put a strain on a friendship out of fear of losing said friendship? Absolutely! But Y/N knows she won’t be able to stomach another night like tonight - another night of seeing Atsumu slip so easily from her fingers into the arms of another. And as observant as Atsumu is, he never fully recognizes that Y/N is avoiding him, at least that what she hopes since more often than he’s able to worm himself back into her life.
Following the failed apology dinner, Y/N tried her hardest to give herself a few days without the blonde- made easy by the fact that the weekend after the failed apology dinner he’d be out of town for another tournament. It’s not like she was totally avoiding him, she’d responded to his texts and even answered two of his six facetime calls while he was away, she just wanted a little bit of time to wallow in self pity in her apartment, crying over her comfort movies and eating too many bags of hot chips. But once he was back in the same timezone as her, Atsumu made it impossible for Y/N to fully wallow.
It started when he texted her about their favorite crepe place temporarily closing for some reason or other - he’d tried to convince her to ditch work early that day to come, but Y/N declined with a simple text of “i like my job tyvm.” So what did he do? Pick her up in his flashy sports car that day after work (two hours later than usual since she’d figured he’d do something ridiculous like this) and drove her there, where he didn’t bat an eyelash as she ordered double than what she normally would have (a silent fuck you from Y/N but it didn’t matter since she wasn’t actualy hurting his wallet). She’d been able to tide him off for a few days, as she escaped to her hometown for a weekend - but that did little to stop the mirage of texts he’d sent her, describing in great detail this cool hybrid bookstore-game cafe that he found and thinks she’d like. Instead of responding how she actually wanted, she’d just replied with a half-assed “ahh exciting- sounds cute!” (She mentally grants herself ten nice points for erasing her initially text, telling him to take his “fucking girlfriend”). This must have really struck a nerve with him when the following weekend, he’d dragged her out of bed on Sunday morning to take her to said bookstore-game cafe, even spoiling her by secretly buying a book she’d picked up but put back.
Y/N can’t tell if Atsumu is intentionally ignoring the hints she doesn’t want to see him or if he’s really just oblivious. She also can’t tell if the patter of her heart when he drags her out of bed despite her not wanting to see him is a good thing or not. It’s been weeks since she’d third-wheeled with Atsumu and Michimiya, surely Y/N should have been able to take a little bit of pride in the fact that he was literally chasing her down to spend time with her rather than Michimiya - but before she can even swallow that pill Atsumu shows up at her apartment with the trace of a bruise hiding just below his shirt collar. The small mark on his neck makes Y/N convince herself that this would be the time that she needs a full on Atsumu ban.
Said ban never actually happens, though.
Just as proof that this ban doesn’t happen, today Atsumu has decided that Y/N needs to come shopping with him. For the entire day. Cue the montage of Atsumu banging on Y/N’s door at nine in the morning, breakfast pastries and coffee in hand as Y/N answers in all her morning glory, sleep caked up in the outer corner of her eyes and pajamas haphazardly fixed. Words are exchanged as Atsumu pushes her towards the shower, promising to make up her bed and even take out the trash for her (a chore she put off last night because she’d seen too many people smoking by the dumpsters which scared her enough to make her drag up the two bags of back up the five flights of stairs). As Y/N settles at her desk to work on making herself “the hottest person at the market,” Atsumu settles on her bed, talking a mile a minute about all the things he wanted to get at the market and the possible places they could go for lunch in the area. All she can do is hum, wondering silently why he’d chosen to take the trip with her and not his girlfriend - but she wouldn’t complain.
The market was...fulfilling enough. Surprisingly, Y/N was walking towards the food trucks with more bags in her hands than Atsumu, who followed behind her with one print from a vendor that Y/N convinced him would actually look good in his home office. The pair decided that Y/N was better suited to look for a place where they could park themselves to eat, while Atsumu went off to get them lunch. Before Y/N could make a break for the tables though, Atsumu grabbed her face, thumb swiping at her cheek firmly - it took Y/N every ounce of restraint to not whimper at the unprompted affection.
“Had some of that jam sample from earlier on your face, dummy.”
“Tsk… why didn’t you see it earlier.”
He just smiled softly, letting the warmth of his hand fall from her face before patting her back towards her initial direction. Frankly, she’d been thrown off her rhythm; they’d touched each other before for fucks sake. So why was this one moment of closeness enough to make her chest feel tight? As she weaved through the tables, she can’t help but hold her hand to where his was, almost as if to preserve the warmth that was now gone. She hummed gleefully as she found a table, making her way towards it and setting up camp. As she settles into her chair, fingers deftly texting to Atsumu where she’s stationed, she sees a shadow come across the table.
“Hey, are you gonna use all these chairs?” He’s cute, almost terribly cute - he’s got this pinkish-blonde hair going on top, an almost shy glint in his gray-ish colored eyes, and an almost self-assured smile pulling at his lips. He was also tall, much taller since Y/N was sitting, but she almost doesn’t mind considering the fact that she is most definitely gawking at him. She shakes her head momentarily, both as an answer to his question and a way to clear her head momentarily.
“Thanks! My friend over there is too precious to sit on the curb, apparently.” He smiles at her, eyes squinting and she’s momentarily breathless at just how cute he is when he smiles. His arms move to grab one of the chairs and that's when she decides to speak up, not wanting to quite end the conversation yet.
“Ahh no worries! I know all about having that too precious friend! I only need one other chair so you can take two of these.”
“Oh cool thanks… and hey this might be a little weird but - fuck are you from Miyagi? You look kinda like this one girl from high school but - “
“I am! I went to Aoba Johsai and -”
He clicks his tongue and seems to smile even brighter now. “That’s right - you’re Y/N right? I think you were a year younger than us right, but you always hung out with that one girl in my year who used to smoke behind the boy’s gym…” Y/N nods, a grimace on her face and the back of her neck feeling a little warm with embarrassment. How could she possibly explain that said girl was actually Y/N’s cousin and that she didn’t actually smoke, she’d just smell like it after working at their family restaurant. “Well I’m Makki, by the way. If you remember Matsukawa and Iwaizumi they're over there - they were at Seijoh too.” She nods, leaning slightly to see the two men behind him, both wearing smiles that were just a little too cheeky.
“Yeah yeah, I remember… you also had a particular whiny one with you too, right?” He laughs at that, responding that said whiny one was actually abroad. The two make a little conversation, her giving him some suggestions on places to visit since one of his trio is actually visiting for the weekend. Y/N thinks this is nice - feels like the main character in a movie with the amount of men that have approached her in the past couple weeks. Before she can get too cocky in her ability to pull though, Atsumu walks up to the table, hands full with a tray that seems to be piled with too many little plates.
“There y’are… couldn’t see you from across the way… everything okay?” Atsumu questions, standing to his full height as if sizing up Makki, who seems completely unphased by Atsumu.
“Yeah, was just asking your girlfriend if I could steal these two chairs away before I realized that we knew each other.” The strawberry blonde is definitely unphased by Atsumu, who’s shoulders visibly relax at Makki’s suggestion that the two friends were together. “Well it was nice seeing you, Y/N! Thanks again for the chairs, you all enjoy your meal.”
As Makki walks away, Atsumu settles into his own chair with a smug little smile playing at his lips. Y/N, on the other hand, is chewing at the inside of her cheek as food is placed in front of her. Her blond friend, the observant little shit, notices that she doesn’t immediately tuck into the lunch laid in front of her and nudges her foot with his, muttering a quick “what's wrong.”
“You were blessed with possibly the worst timing in the world, y’know that?”
“What d’ya mean?” He muses, taking in her huffily pulling the lid off her food and stuffing her face with the rice bowl in front of her.. She chews, combing the food on her plate with the plastic fork as a way to stop herself from unleashing all her frustrations.
“You always but in whenever I start getting hit on! Or you stop every chance I have at possibly getting to know someone; you come in here full force and its really not fair. I don’t do it to you, and it's just not fair.” Y/N hates that she probably sounds like a whining child, but she really can’t help it anymore. It’s really not fair that Atsumu flaunts his conquests on the cover of every magazine, but god forbid Y/N talk to a guy. “Its been a while since I’ve had sex, Atsumu, and it’s getting to a point where I’d jump just about anyone’s bones. I - I just think that as my best friend you should be providing me some support, not cockblocking me at every fucking opportunity you get.”
It takes every fiber in his body to not laugh at how ridiculous Y/N is being right now. He licks at his lip, catching whatever food crumbs he could before clearing his throat. “‘M sorry what? You actually wanna hook up with those guys? They seem like the type to just fuck ya n’ then not text you back.”
“And if that’s what I want then so what!? Did you miss the part where I said I’m desperate here?”
“Then..” He takes a swig at his water bottle in front of him, leaning back slightly in his seat and sliding his sunglasses to rest on the top of his head. “If you need it that badly then you can just do it with me. You said anyone so I can -”
She laughs, one that sounds on the brink of delusion. “You’re fucking ridiculous. Yeah okay… Dunno if you remember but you’ve got a girlfriend, Miya.”
“She’s not my girlfriend, Y/N. We’re… not that serious with each other and we’re also open. She knows that..'' He looks smug, and Y/N wants to smack the absolute life out of him. “And I’m being serious, darlin.. I’d rather get you off than see you get your hopes up over some random.”
Y/N squeezes the poor utensil in her hand, choosing to chomp down one of the buns on the table instead of reminding Atsumu that she wasn’t exactly his type. But she lets it go, just squinting at him and shaking her head, mumbling how ridiculous he is before swiping some of his veggies off his plate. How else is she supposed to react to her best friend blatantly telling her that he’d fuck her if she’d ask - she tries to ignore the way that their knees resting on each other under the table makes her heart soar. Before she can form a sentence, something to steer the direction away from her sex life (or lack thereof), Atsumu mumbles around a forkful of food that she’d better hurry since he wants to do another lap of the market before it closes.
Atsumu’s offer and that entire conversation is brought up again a few days later; the pair are in Y/N’s apartment this time. She’d asked him and his brother to come over to install some shelves for her, but apparently Osamu was busy. With the shelves installed, Y/N put on a movie to serve as Atsumu’s entertainment whilst she organized her trinkets. She wasn’t really paying attention to the movie, too concerned with trying to see if the shelves were actually level or not when she heard Atsumu laugh behind her, muting the T.V. with a quizzical brow raised.
“Huh? If you don’t like the movie then you can change it… ‘m not payin atten-”
“Oh yeah not paying attention right?” She gives him a hard look as if proving to him that she can’t honestly give him the plot of the movie. “So you’re telling me that its just a coincidence that this movie is about two friends who make a pact to fuck each other? That it's a coincidence that the literal name of the movie is ‘Friends with Benefits”
She rolls her eyes and turns to face him fully, seeing that he’s now sat up on her couch with his elbows resting on his knees. A beat passes before he puts his hands up, almost as if in surrender, before he pushes himself off the couch and towards the kitchen. She watches him as he pulls out a bottle of wine, nodding to the couch as if asking her to take a break. She relents, folding her legs under herself and pulling at a string on the worn sofa, thinking she’d probably try to replace this piece before she renewed her lease. He thrusts the glass to her, settling into the sofa but he makes no move to unmute the T.V., instead inciting some silent battle while they each sip from their respective glasses.
“Y’know you’ve been snappy lately… my offer from the other day still stands, hope y’know tha’.” She scoffs, choosing to take another swig at her wine, which does little to cool the warmth she feels in her throat. He’s not technically wrong - the conversation the other day had made a fog of tension hang over her, making a long lost desire for the blond resurface in her lower abdomen at full force. She’d spent way too much time the other night on Amazon, debating on whether it would be a good idea to get rechargeable batteries for her toy, spent too long watching his mouth move when he’d facetimed her the other night. It's not that Y/N hadn’t hooked up with anyone since knowing Atsumu, it's just that maybe she’d spent a little too much time enjoying how Atsumu met her emotional needs that she had neglected her physical needs.
“What offer?” She’ll be damned to let him in on the fact that she’d done nothing but think about his stupid offer. Refuses to let him know that she wants, no needs, to say yes. So she plays dumb, finger dancing along the lip of her cup, foot swinging anxiously against the floor.
He hums, reaching to put his glass on her beat up coffee table. He leans his elbow on the back of the couch, placing his chin in his hand, giving Y/N his undivided attention. “‘Samu was talking about how his girlfriend has been on his ass lately about every little thing and so I asked him if they’re doin’ okay, y’know physically… didn’t answer me but I figured he’d solved it if he hasn’t mentioned it since. I heard someone say that if yer girl’s acting fussy then y’need to think about if you’ve been fuckin’ her right and well…” Y/N swallows the lump in her throat, stopping the shiver that threatens to rack her body at the idea of Atsumu thinking she’s his girl. “I was bein’ serious the other day. I know ya were mad so it wasn’t the best time to bring it up, but it seemed like the only good thing to say. Besides, ‘m not all that bad in bed, can ring up a few people if y’need a review.”
Y/N doesn’t respond with anything other than a forced huff of laughter, can't respond really. It feels too warm, she’s hoping that maybe this is some fever dream instead of reality. She just plays with her cup absentmindedly, not quite able to look the blond in the eyes despite the fact that his eyes are studying her face as if she holds all the answer to the questions the universe has. Him being bad in bed is the least of her worries, what if she’s bad? God she wants to say yes, maybe she’ll say yes - maybe it’d be good for her to finally get some di-
“Forget it, ‘m sorry. If it makes you uncomfortable then we don’t have to, sweetheart. I just -”
“I’m not uncomfortable.” Oh now she speaks. He looks at her, a wild look fixed on his face, almost as if he doesn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth. “It's just..” She throws her head back, face covered momentarily by some plant leaves. God she didn’t want to actually voice her thoughts but now she has no choice.
“It’s just what? If yer worried about the fuckin part, I can just get you off other ways. Get paid to be good with my hands -”
“Just shut up for once please, you’re ruining it.” He makes a show of zipping his lips, smiling as Y/N squares herself to him, stretching her neck as if she’s preparing for a fight, rather than speaking a coherent sentence.. “It's just that I don’t… dont wanna force you into thinking you have to ‘cos I’m being bitchy to you.. Like it’s not your problem to fix y’know and I just. Besides, don't wanna be the only one enjoying it, want you to like it too and … for fucks sake this is ridiculous. I just dunno I-”
Atsumu’s hand reaches out towards her, fingers stroking her knee in a comforting manner but it’s all but comforting to Y/N, who’s entire leg feels on fire at this small moment of skinship. “Shh, shh, no baby yer not forcing me to do anything. Don’t think that way - I-I wanna do it! I wan’ya to be happy and if this makes you happy then… And i mean if y’need more of a reason then think of it as a way for me to say sorry for cockblockin’ ya all the time.”
Y/N doesn’t say yes, but she also doesn’t outright decline. She can’t think of anything other than how, if she nodded her head, he’d give her everything she’d been wanting. Atsumu and Y/N stare at each other, moments pass and she’s sure that he’s going to take her stillness and silence as a no - but he just moves to grab her wine glass, moving it from her grasp to the table, shifting closer to her in the process. She holds her breath and he brings one of his hands towards her face, palming the side of her jaw in his warm hand, thumb rubbing at the plush skin of her lips. “Can I kiss ya? Maybe tha’s all ya need is a good kiss, yeah?” She nods, his hand moving to pluck at her bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. “Got really nice lips, don’t you? ‘S so soft and wet, catch myself wanting to touch ‘em allot’' She inhales softly as he leans in, his hand sliding to the side of her neck and he litters soft kisses against her jaw. She whines softly when his mouth nears hers. “Shh, gonna kiss you in a minit.”
All Y/N can do is breath, mouth parted slightly as Atsumu drags his mouth over her face. His hand is so warm and big on her skin; he’s so close in her face that all she can do is inhale and smell him, making her dizzy with building warmth in her belly. They catch each other’s gaze, neither daring to blink away, before he tilts his head, pressing his mouth against hers softly at first. He doesn’t move to kiss her, just holds his lips over hers for a moment, as if giving her time to back away if she wants to; but when she doesn’t, he hums and pulls her head towards his more, lips moving in tandem. His hand slides from her cheek, worming its way towards the nape of her neck as he pulls her to him - he wastes no time in deepening the kiss, licking into her mouth with  fervor. And she lets him, moving into his lap as she relishes in the feeling of his tongue lazily swirling with her own; the new found position allows him to drag his hand down her back soothingly, her own hands sliding around his neck and up into his hair.
She parts with a soft gasp, whether it be for air or out of surprise she can’t tell. He whines momentarily, before nosing his way down towards her neck, pressing butterfly-light kisses at the flesh. She’s wiggling in his arms, and he laughs, the air ticking the soft bend of her collarbone. “Fuck, you’ve been holdin out on me. Tha’ was good right? A good kiss for ya?” All Y/N can do is nod, sliding her hand towards his face in hopes of bringing his lips back to hers. She can feel the smirk on his mouth when she presses their mouths together again, and maybe after she’d bitch him out about it but right now all she wants is to be suffocated by him.
Moments pass, the air filled with soft pants in between kisses and thickening arousal. Atsumu cards his fingers in her hair gently, mouth still against hers, free hand sneaking around Y/N’s front. She whines softly, to which he shushes her softly. “Shh you’re okay… just wanna feel ya.” He soothes her over by indulging her in soft kisses against her lips,   hand pushing up the front of her ratty t-shirt, snaking his hand past the waistband of her shorts into the confines of her (now too tight) underwear. Y/N shudders when he strokes lightly over her clit, before surpassing it completely and going to where a wet spot had been developing on the fabric. Plucking the damp cotton out of the way and letting the tips of two fingers rub over her weeping hole, “Oh.. this for me?”
A small noise crawls out of her throat, a mix between a moan, a whine, and surprise. “Don’t, ‘tsumu. It’s embarrassing..”
“Shh don’t be embarrassed. Just feels good to know I make ya feel good, baby.” Atsumu pulls his fingers from her, smiling when she whines at the loss of contact. But he’s able to soother her before she can get too fussy; one moment Y/N is on top of him, struggling to not rock against his thigh and relieve some of the pressure building up inside of her, the next Atsumu has her flipped over so her back, her body caged between the back of the sofa and his arms. A hand on either side of her head as he bends in, sweeps his tongue at a strip of salty skin just beneath her jaw. He hastily shoves up the shirt she’s wearing, revealing more of her and letting his hands graze over her breasts lightly at first before kneading them. She feels lightheaded while his mouth works on her throat, biting and sucking a bruise at the base of it that makes her gulp. Parting from the skin with a gentle kiss and a small, whispered comment of, “Taste so good, so soft and sweet. Been holding out on me, hmm?”
For the first time ever, Y/N has Atsumu in her arms and has no need to push him away - no, instead she’s holding onto him as if she’d die if he slipped away from her, her hands gripping his broad shoulders before sliding up into his hair as he makes his way down her body. He’s practically praising her - pressing wet, open mouthed kisses on her skin as he moves downwards, fingers making quick work of tugging her bottoms off, helping her kick out of them quickly and clumsily. She knows that Atsumu is not a patient man, but this is a whole other level of impatience. He’s pushing her thighs open, cold fingers squeezing at the soft flesh of her thighs as he scoots down to be at eye-level with the barest part of her, making sure her calves are hooked over his shoulders. Y/N can’t remember a time when she’s ever been in a more vulnerable position, but instead of shying away like her instincts would have her, she finds herself moving to better accommodate the man between her legs. Her eyes catch his caramel colored ones and her breath catches in her throat; he’s staring at her, enamored by her.
“Such a pretty little thing aren’t ya?” he murmurs, lips forming a gentle kiss on her inner thigh but before she can retort he gives one long, gentle swipe of his tongue directly up the middle of her folds. She gasps, face turned away from him and thighs threatening to close, but he shifts his hand to stop her, holding her in place. “Aht… don’t get shy now, lemme get a taste.”
It’s too much when he dives back in, skilled mouth a vicious match for his insatiable need to please. As he strokes his soft, wet tongue deeper and deeper between her slippery folds that part around him willingly. Y/N’s sure she’s moments away from swearing her undying fealty to whatever higher being put this on her plate for today.  Puckering his lips around her clit after stopping just before sucking on her until it was swollen and even greedier for his attention. Dipping his tongue inside of her hole, humming appreciatively against her and only feeding into the whimpering sounds filtering out of her mouth.
Embarrassingly, Y/N feels that she’s nearing her end - despite the shame of admitting that it's coming too fast, she feels the need to tell him anyway. “Hmph… g’na cum,” she chokes out, hoping that he heard her because all she can hear is the blood rushing in her ears. Every sense is suffocated by Atsumu’s presence, and she’s shameless as she lets every pant slip past her lips, feeding into Atsumu’s ego. “‘m so close, I need it. Need you to – to keep going please, ‘Tsumu”
And he does, gets her to the edge of her high before sliding his mouth away from her. The whine that falls past her lips is deafening, eyes opening and seeing that he’s just nuzzling her thigh, lips making light work at marking the soft flesh. “No, no you said… said you’d help.. Please I’m-” she’s hiccuping, tripping over her words numbly as she tries tugging his head back to where she’s most desperate for him.
He hums at her softly, almost patronizingly, as he places a kiss to the skin closest to his mouth. “Don’t cry pretty girl.. Won’t leave you hanging, ‘ts so warm down ‘ere… might have to stay forever, tha’ okay?” He is disgusting, filthy, so sinfully good. And true to his word, he goes back in without another word, only a small smile and his own hum that vibrates through her lower half. When he takes her clit back between his lips, it’s all she needs. Every tense muscle finally seizing to his maximum strain; it’s like she was a string that’d been stretched too far and finally frayed in the middle, snapping. She can hear her heartbeat thumping like a bass in her ears, can feel the way she’s twitching under Atsumu’s relentless movements, and it drowns out her own noises that she’s making.
Moments later, all that can be heard is her bated breathing, head completely empty and eyes heavy, flickering and fluttering with just how light she feels. Atsumu kisses his way back up to be face-to-face with her, making sure to peck gently at the marks he’d littered her skin with. His face is buried in the base of her throat, their arms tangled around each other lazily - Y/N feels too sleepy to protest the way that he’s pressing all his weight onto her; but isn’t too tired to realize that he’s hard when her hips wiggle to accommodate him between her legs, maybe has been the entire time, which confuses her slightly. Why would he be hard over her? She understands her total arousal over him since she bitched him into submission, but him? If anything, him being hard right now just proves, to Y/N at least, that maybe he would get it up with anything. But what if it is for you, her heart wonders briefly.
“‘Tsumu… are you-?”
“Shh, ‘ts alright. Let's get you to bed.” And he moves to slide off her, moving to guide the two of them to her bed, which was a feat on its own considering Y/N’s legs feel like jelly. All he can do is smile at her, taking in her relaxed face and mused hair. He settles her into bed, sliding up next to her and pulling her onto his chest, lips pressed into the crown of her head.  Before Y/N can even think of a way to say thank you, she feels sleep taking over, choosing instead to just indulge (for once) in the pseudo-domestic situation she’s in tonight.
The following morning, Y/N almost doesn’t want to wake up, isn’t ready to come to terms with whatever happened yesterday. Long gone is the lusty drunkenness from last night, but Atsumu...Atsumu is still fully there, lips pursed and arms shoved under the pillow - Y/N holds back the urge to trace her fingers along the lines of his arm. She russells around, hoping that sleep takes over her again so she can justify waking up wrapped around Atsumu - her attempts are futile though when she feels a firm squeeze at her side, cold fingers making her jump slightly.
“Wha’s wrong?”
She mumbles a barely coherent “nothing,” to which Atsumu just hums, snaking his arm over Y/N’s middle and pulling her towards him, chest to chest with his breath fanning over her face. She swears she could die a happy person now. Wants to have every morning be like this, him in her too small bed, squishing themselves together for warmth, just the sheer proximity is enough, she muses to herself. Apparently, Y/N is thinking just a little too loud this morning for Atsumu’s liking because he sighs softly, asking if she’s sure nothing is wrong.
“Mm ‘m fine. Jus’ tryna get comfortable, go back to sleep.”
“Can’t now, all yer wiggling woke me up” And before she can even retort, he shifts slightly, practically forcing his groin on her thigh, to which she squeaks softly. “Jus go back to sleep… too early for breakfast.”
“Bu- Tsumu.. Lemme..” she starts, shyly. She did have this inherent need to pay him back for what happened, and she can only equate his favor with something equally as...pleasurable?...fulfilling? She can’t find the right word but the most equal compensation for sex has to be more sex, right? The sleep in her bones is fully gone now, her hands sliding down his sides slowly, tentatively. “Please...wanna jus’-”
“Don’t have to, can just go to the rest- sh-shit.” He starts, his own hand reaching to stop hers but his movements stutter when she palms at his crotch, giving his bulge a full on grope. She shushes him softly, lips moving to peck his jaw softly as she snakes her hands past the tight confines of his underwear; and though she can’t see much of what is going on she can feel how thick Atsumu is. His hands have shifted slightly, one arm resting behind her and the other cupping her face, their lips tangled in kisses that feel too sweet and far from platonic.
Moments pass, and it's apparent that Y/N is moving much too slowly for Atsumu, him bucking into her hand and his hips rolling in uncalculated and sloppy movements. He whines softly when she pulls her lips off his, both softly gasping for air, but she shushes him, using the most minimal amount of strength to push him onto his back and settles between his massive thighs. By this point, once fully exposed in front of her, he's so hard that the foreskin is already drawn away from the head, tip slick and wet with precum. She’s gentle, wanting to preserve the quietness that comes with waking up at eight in the morning, as she presses a few open mouth kisses at the patch of hair below his belly button.
And it’s all over from here. Y/N ducked herself down, licking from the dip of his balls to his drippy head in one broad swipe. Y/N shudders softly at the whimper she’s able to pull out of the man above her, thinking that it’s probably the best noise she’d ever elicited from a man. Atsumu runs his fingers through her hair as she slides his head into her mouth, fingers deftly scraping at her scalp as she begins sucking. She sucks him like she wants to – like this was the most perfect way to spend every morning, with her blonde, dumb, stupid best friend stuffing her mouth. Both are still hazy with sleep, but that doesn’t stop Y/N from pulling him in deeper, hollowing her cheeks as she begins bobbing her head and moving her hand in tandem to stroke at what can’t fit in her mouth.
His fingers start to tangle in her hair rather than comb through it, his moans filling the room, punctuated with little encouragements that she hums at around him, like, “Tha’s it, there’s my good girl,” and through shaky laughs, “M'gonna cum if you keep doing that, baby.” Eventually, Y/N knows that he must be near his peak, but she pauses, eyes locking with his caramel colored ones, as she pulls her mouth away to let his length just rest on her tongue.
“Fuck yer pretty… so good aren’t ya?” He whisper-groans at her, gripping her hair a little harder when she tilts her head to the side, allow him to shallowly fuck himself between her lips, his thumb tracing the bulge his dick made in her cheek. “Need'a pull off if y'don’t wanna taste, baby… gettin so- fuck- so close.” He gives her hair a slight tug, like he might actually pull her off himself, but she doesn’t allow him; she just shifts her mouth, making light work of wrapping her lips around his tip, sucking greedily with and humming in protest around him. And it’s that that sends him over, twitching in her mouth as he sputters off shaky profanities before she feels shot after shot of white ropes hitting her tongue. Y/N can’t help but stare at him above her, relishing in the fact that this morning she gets to see him shake and shudder because of her.
Y/N pops off him gently, drawing back and humming at the lingering salty taste he’s left on her tongue. She graces the skin of his heaving abdomen with soft, fluttering kisses as she tucks him back into his underwear, before she crawls up his body, legs swinging to straddle his narrow hips. He’s got an arm thrown over his eyes, neck red and he seems almost bashful underneath her (which makes Y/N’s heart swell with adoration at just how him he is). She wiggles softly, folding her hands on his chest and laying her chin on them, waiting for him to say something to her. She blows a laugh through her nose when he finally looks down at her, eyes glimmering and lips pulled in the shyest smile she thinks she’s ever seen on him.
“You… yer good. Too good… just wow.”
Suffice to say lots has happened in the week following the pair quite literally eating their hearts out.
Firstly, Atsumu spent nearly every evening at her apartment that week. He waited every single day outside of her office building - her coworkers have taken to telling her how lucky she is that she has a man waiting for her with this whipped look on her face, but she swears up and down (with warm cheeks) that it's not like that. They eat dinner, alternating between picking up something on the way or cooking together - and by cooking, just picture Atsumu cutting vegetables in uneven chunks while Y/N scolds him for not adding enough water to the rice cooker. Normally this could happen: it's not super rare that they visit each other during the week if it's convenient - what is definitely not in the norm is the fact that Atsumu has buried himself between Y/N’s thighs thrice this week. It starts when Y/N looks too stressed on Tuesday evening, that Atsumu pulls her legs over his lap in an attempt to “massage some of the stress away,” which only leads to him manhandling her onto her back, promising to give her something else to cry about besides work.
Secondly, Osamu thought it would be best to alert Y/N that Atsumu had a very awkward conversation with a woman during lunch on Thursday - it was secretly his way of asking her to ask Atsumu what happened because both Y/N and Osamu were terrible gossips who feed off each other. When Y/N asked though, all Atsumu said was that the whole conversation didn’t matter, that the woman (who Y/N learned was actually Michimiya) wanted more than Atsumu was able to give to her. That their lives weren’t in sync or whatever, that they’d eventually manage to be co-workers at best. To say that Y/N wasn’t elated at the news would be a bold-faced lie.
Y/N feels on cloud nine, feels like she doesn’t even need to have a conversation with Atsumu about what their situation is currently. She gets to reap all the benefits of a relationship now, she’s physically taken care of and emotionally spoiled. Only thing she’s actually missing is the title but what's in a word, right?Atsumu wasn’t a natural flirt, always hid compliments behind a harsh delivery - but lately he’s taken to drowning Y/N in compliments, even the corny ones. Y/N expected a post-nut “god yer pretty,” but what occasionally caught her off was when he would open the door for her (normal) and say that “a pretty gal like you should never hafta touch a handle” (not normal). Subconsciously, Y/N feels like he’s only trying to compliment his way into her pants, but she chooses to ignore the way he coos at “just how gorgeous her eyes are” when he makes eye contact with her during a midnight snack.
On the second Thursday following the start of the Y/N-Astumu situationship, Y/N has no choice really other than to ask Atsumu what’s going on with them. They’re at the grocery store by his place (he’d convinced her to take the following day off work and spend the night with him), everything is more than normal when the pair’s conversation gets interrupted by a literal model-esque person, touching Atsumu’s shoulder. Y/N tries to sneak her hand from his arm, but he grasps her hand before she can get too far, looking at the stranger with a less-than-friendly expression.
“Oh Miya! I’m a huge fan, would you mind taking a photo with me?” He indulges his fan, never letting go of Y/N’s hand, even as she steps out of the camera’s focus. The stranger parts with a grateful smile to both Atsumu and Y/N, which feels unnecessary, but Y/N returns anyway. The friends continue their shopping trip before making the trek to Atsumu’s apartment building. Y/N is quiet, in her head about the whole fan interaction that lasted a total of five minutes, but Atsumu says nothing - even stays quiet until the pair are up in his apartment.
“Everything okay? Not bored of me are ya?”
She smiles weakly at him, settling to rest against his kitchen counter. “It’s just… I- nevermind it’s stupid.” She shakes her head, hand waving in front of her as if trying to shoo away the negative cloud above her head. But Atsumu quickly grabs her hand, pulling her into the space between his arms.
“It’s not stupid if ‘s how yer feeling.. What’s up?”
“Okay…” She starts, pushing away from his chest to give herself some literal and mental space. He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back at the opposite counter to Y/N, who's mirroring his stance except her head is thrown back, eyes searching his ceiling for the right words to come next. “Are you always like… this… with the girls who give you head?” When she looks at him, his head is tilted to the left in confusion, making her huff anxiously. “Okaaay.. you’ve complimented me more in the past three weeks than any other person has in my entire life… is that normal for you to do with the girls hooking up with you or am I the exception? It’s not a big deal.. It’s just that you -”
“I compliment you because you deserve to be complimented, sweetheart… but if it makes you uncomfortable then I can stop.” He cuts in, before he uncrosses his arms, palms gripping at the counter behind him. “As for the whole hooking up part… is that what you want this to be? ‘Cos we can do that, up to you Y/N, I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give -”
“But why? Until three weeks ago I was under the impression that I wasn’t your ‘type’ or whatever so why now are you suddenly on board with taking whatever I give you?”
He laughs, and Y/N wants to cry. Why wasn’t he taking this seriously? Y/N is good at feeling her feelings, but has a hard time clearly expressing those feelings into words.
“Don’t laugh a-”
“Who told you what my type was? If it was ‘Samu or Omi I swear I’ll -”
“You did. You said I wasn’t your type.” He balks, eyes wide and riddled with trying to think about when he said it. “It was forever ago, but you said it. You came back from Germany, I picked you up and ‘Samu had called while I went to the restroom and well.. I overheard you say-”
“Yer an idiot, made an assumption before ya knew the whole truth, baby. I was talking about this photographer that I was kinda seein’ at the time. M’brother asked why if she’d get mad that I chose to see you fresh off the plane instead of her, said it didn’t matter because she wasn’t my type.”
Y/N wishes that the floor of his ridiculously priced apartment would swallow her whole, or that if she pushed the right buttons on his fancy microwave she’d be able to rewind life to five minutes ago when she decided to start this conversation. Frankly, she feels silly and like she shouldn’t say anything else - she knows that her words conveyed a little bit of insecurity that she’s sure Atsumu doesn’t want to have to deal with.
A beat passes before both Y/N and Atsumu open their mouths, but he’s able to get out the words first. “You really thought that you weren’t my type?” Fuck his smug little desbelieving smile.
“Don’t gimme that look - you’re usually spotted around the globe with gorgeous people… ‘s it really wrong of me to assume that I wasn’t your type? Besides,” she starts, arms crossed around her middle while Atsumu takes a tentative step to close the gap between them. “It's not that it matters now since, y’know I know that it's not true.. Just hurt my feelings at the time and well…”
“You were supposed to be the smart one between us, got the college degree ‘n everythin.” He teases, arms reaching to rest on her waist. “For someone so smart you really missed all the signs huh? Why do you think I stepped in every time some guy tried to talk t’ya? Why d’ya think that I tried to take up all your weekend time, don’t get me wrong I love spendin’ time with ya but also didn’t wanna see you goin out with any guys you’d met when I wasn’t around.” By this point he’s got her chin in his hand, ducking his head slightly to make her look at him fully. “And why the hell would I eat you out at every possible opportunity once I’ve been given the okay? Just because I get thrown it all the time by others doesn’t mean that I eat out every -”
“Alright, alright. You can shut up now. I get it, I’m dumb. I just didn’t think -”
“Oh you got tha’ right - didn’t think at all did ya?” She groans, throwing her head back. She’ll never be able to get the image of his smug face out of her head, never going to be able to live down how for once in their years long friendship Atsumu was smarter than her. All he can do though is laugh, pulling her face back down to his and giving her forehead a soft kiss, making her stomach erupt with flutters.
“If you tell anyone about this conversation, I swear to god Miya I’ll-”
“Shh it’s always gotta be a threat with you huh? Why can’t you just admit that you were stupid for once?”
“Not happening.”
“Not even if it means you’re stupidly in like with me”
“No, because I’m not stupidly in like with you… I just adore your stupid self more than I’d ever admit in front of anyone else.”
He laughs, bumping his nose against her with a laugh before kissing her softly. Everything is great, life is great. Y/N loves Atsumu and Atsumu loves her, and she isn’t some sad, movie cliché any longer. She’s got this gorgeous guy who practically worships her, so freely giving himself to her. He pulls away from kissing her for a second, taking a moment to appreciate the way that her eyes are closed happily.
“Just so y’know… I adore you too.” Kiss. “But you are never allowed to call me stupid again… from now on I’m the smart one in this relationship.”
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A/N pt2: and so that’s it hehe. thank you sm for reading I hope you enjoyed it. any little comments you have in the tags would be nice to read or yeah. this is my side blog so like hgjdgsh if I respond to you it’s gonna be from my main haha
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Ruby Redfort headcanons:
because we need more of these. 
this is all pretty random, it's just shit that comes to mind so bear with me. there isn’t really textual evidence for any of this, its purley based off vibes 
 The whole gang is rich, excluding Red, and she is absolutely baffled by their need for huge houses and will poke fun at them all the time.  
Mouse grows up to become a very well known screenwriter
Del is captain of every sports team there is, save for track, which she is definitely *not* bitter about
Elliot and Mouse are both really big nature lovers and big environmental activists
Red was the last one to make friends with the rest of them, she moved to after leaving her shitty dad in bumfack Nebaskra or something, her and her mum moved to Twinford when she was about 11 or 12. 
speaking of which: fuck Red’s dad. I don’t even think this is a headcanon. I think this is canon. 
anyway, Ruby, Clancy and Mouse are all friends from like, preschool or something. 
Elliot showed up in kindy, Del in like, fifth/sixth grade, then Red. 
Red’s mum is a cool mum™️
Del has several *interesting* stories from the few times she volunteered to watch over Bug while no one else could 
Everyone but Ruby and Clancy have this ongoing inside joke about all of the time Ruby has just gone MIA, avoiding them all, and Clancy starts acting real suspicious around the same time, and what they could be up to 
Red bakes to cheer everyone up 
Mouse and Red are avid tea drinkers 
Ruby went through a whole week of dressing as doll-like as possible, to appease her mother and get out of a bit of trouble, and none of her friends have ever let her forget it
Elliot and Clancy are avid birthday planners
They also frequently geek out about sci-fi stuff together 
When Mouse runs for class president (becuase you know she totally would) Ruby gets Hitch on board to come up with an elaborate plan to figure out how likely each candidate is to win and why, so she can help out Mouse a little, she deserves it. Ruby was feeling generous. Also she owed Mouse one. 
Del and Ruby are RIVALS when it comes to ping pong, no one but the other can beat them and they’re ALWAYS neck to neck 
Del will help patch up her friends if they’ve been hurt while skating, playing sport, in a fight, whatever, she’d gotten good at doing that for herself with all the sport and fighting she does 
Red is a very talented artist 
Clancy is the designated driver of the group once they turn sixteen 
He also has the house that's most frequently used for parties, sleepovers, etc on account of it being SO HUGE 
Red is constantly changing her hair 
Elliot will help her. no one knows why. he just does. 
Clancy is probably a renaissance faire nerd 
Ruby laughs at him for it but not as hard as Minny does 
that's all for now folks but uhh if you couldn’t tell i love this friend group sm and Mouse Huxtable deserves more love 
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yunhoiseyecandy · 4 years
𝟽 ᴍɪɴᴜᴛᴇꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ (ᴍ)
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✕ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ — ᴘ.ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ x ꜰ.ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
✕ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ — ꜱᴍᴜᴛ
✕ ᴡ.ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ — 𝟷.𝟿ᴋ
✕ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ — ᴘᴜʙʟɪᴄ ꜱᴇx, ꜱᴘɪᴛᴛɪɴɢ, ɴᴏ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ - ꜱᴛᴀʏ ꜱᴀꜰᴇ
✕ ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ — ᴘᴀʀᴛɪᴇꜱ ᴄᴀɴ ʙᴇ ᴄʀᴀᴢʏ, ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴꜱ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ꜱᴇx ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜɪɢʜꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴄʟᴏꜱᴇᴛ, ᴀᴛ ᴀ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴘʀɪᴏʀ
here you were again, at some useless party that your friends dragged you to. you were never a fan of parties just because the thought of drunk, teenage bodies and random strangers making out in the corner never was really your way to de-stress.
 sure, some people made fun of you for always being stuck inside your dorm and not “socializing enough”, but what did that matter? while you were in bed studying for a final, your roommate was out at one of the local’s parties, which she seemed to do pretty often.
you never really thought much about the teasing and harassment, but tonight was one of those nights. the nights where you had to study because something in you kept letting you know that if you didn’t you would fail. so when your roommate came home and started bugging you again about being such a bookworm, you’d finally had enough.
"if I say yes to going to some lame party with you tomorrow, will you please stop bugging me?” the number of emotions you saw cross her face was too many to count. “wait, really?!” “yes, but you have to promise to never leave my side” “mhm sure, whatever” “ I need you to promise me, okay..” she paused, letting a couple seconds of silence lay between the both of you before she spoke up saying, “I promise!”, before running out the door to go get a drink with one of her friends.
you huffed when you realized that she most likely won’t keep her promise. you had finished your assignment, closing your laptop before lulling yourself to sleep, oblivious to the actions about to take place tomorrow. 
your day went on as if it were any other day, up until it was time to get ready for the party. “you’re going in that?” your friend said as you finished pulling on your jeans, unbuttoning your grey cardigan at the top. “is there something wrong with it?”, she gawked at you as if you had just tried talking to a plant.
“oh, I don’t know just- everything?” you pouted at her words, wondering if you really did look as bad as she’d made it seem. you never really took the way you dressed that seriously, always putting your studies first. “girl you look like a damn grandma, come here-” “no I don’t-”
about an hour and a half later of throwing clothes around the room and then deciding you’d go in something she had, she pulls you in front of her mirror asking you if you like it. “it’s… different. but I don’t hate it.” she smirked before pulling out some mascara and lipgloss. “you’re already pretty, but they’ll just enhance your features” you’ve never really worn makeup before.
sure maybe once or twice, but she was putting on so much of it- too much of it. “I don’t know about this. what if people stare?” she had finished applying the lipgloss, asking you to stand back and look in the mirror, saying you look fine and maybe you’ll get laid. you had a pretty strapless dark pink dress on with a simple leather jacket hanging over your shoulders, some black boots that tied the outfit together.
“oOo what about seonghwa, you still like him right? I’m pretty sure he’ll be there tonight!” you gasped, moving to swat at her arm, but she sadly dodged it. “he would never even look my way.” you had a crush on seonghwa since senior year of high school, never even trying to get his attention since you knew it’d never work out. 
-time skip-
“who’s house even is this?” you asked when you guys pulled up to some random house, walking up the stairs and closing the door behind you. “It’s yunhos, you’ve heard of him, right? he’s a super sweet guy, and really good in bed. lemme tell you, he’s so good with his fingers and tongue, oh god. and he’s so big I-“ you didn’t give her a chance to finish before you went over to a stand with some (what you assumed to be juice, but were not) drinks.
you picked up one of the cups that were lined up, smelling it before you put it down because it smelled like pure alcohol. you decided to play it safe and go with a water bottle that was in a cooler along with some beer bottles. “hey, do you want water or something else-” you cut yourself off when you realized that your friend was no longer in sight. “that son of a bitch.” you cursed lowly under your breath. “guess I’m alone for the night, that’s just fucking great. so much for promising to stay with me.” 
since you had nobody to talk to, you decided to make the most of your night and explore the rest of the house. walking upstairs, you had a hard time trying to not trip over all the people standing at the bottom, but you managed. the first room you decided to explore looked like it belonged to someone that did not care about cleanliness. you got claustrophobic easily so you quickly decided to move on to the next room.
this one was far more pleasant to walk around in. the bed was made, and a fresh basket of clothing was placed at the edge of it. you noticed that they had a lot of frames hanging up, so you decided to see if you recognized any of the people in the pictures. your eyes widened when you realized that you were in- “what are you doing in here? If you haven’t noticed, the party’s downstairs, sweetheart.” you stepped back from the frames, a blush creeping up your face.
“I-I’m sorry seonghwa, I didn’t know this was your room,” he looked at you for a second before saying that you should get out, and to which you quickly agreed to. you rushed downstairs, your friend calling your name asking you to play a game with her and a couple of friends.
-time skip-
“shouldn’t there be more people?” a guy named wooyoung asked. “yeah, they should be here in a few minutes.” you laughed at mingi when he responded. you could just hear the annoyance laced in his voice. you couldn’t blame him because wooyoung had asked the same question fifty times within the span of five minutes. “I wonder who else is coming, we already have about thirteen people, how much more do we need?” your tone was laced with annoyance. you’d all been waiting thirty minutes on one single person. who could possibly be that important? 
and as if on cue, the last person you wanted to see right now walks through the door. “eyy finally, man! what were you doing, folding clothes?” everyone except for you and seonghwa laughed at sans joke, seonghwa shaking his head in annoyance. “can we just get this over with already?” he asked, clearly over this whole idea already. “yeah, of course. who’s ready to play?” yunho said, trying to calm all the voices in the room.
“we’re playing 7 minutes in heaven, right?” jongho asked, nodding when yeosang shook his head yes. your heart dropped. 7 minutes in heaven? you’ve played games before, but never one like this. “girl, I think I’ll pass,” you begged your friend to let you go, but she just pulled you to the ground. everyone followed, sitting in a circle on the floor. “so… who wants to spin first?”
about ten minutes passed before you had to spin and to not only yours but everyone else’s surprise, it landed on the one and only park seonghwa. your eyes widened before your eyes slowly met his, only to be met with no emotion in them. “I-I think I’ll pass.” “girl no, you have to go! It’s park fucking seonghwa!” Your friend whisper yelled at you. “I-I can’t-”, but before you could object, seonghwa was pulling you up by your arm and into the closet, shutting it behind him.
it was silent for a moment before you heard Jongho yell, “I don’t hear anything going on. are you guys just going to stand there or-” “shut up!” you’ve never heard seonghwa yell before, but you’re not gonna lie- it was kinda hot. “we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want t-” that was all you were able to get out before seonghwa was shoving you up against the wall, pinning both of your hands above your head and whispering lowly into your ear. “are you kidding me? I’ve been waiting for this since 12th grade.”
you gasped when he shoved two of his fingers into your mouth, releasing your wrists so he could pull down your panties. “s-seonghwa, ah fuck,” you screamed when he shoved two fingers into your mouth, him groaning at how fast you took them in. “shit baby, you’re so fucking good for me. I bet your pussy's soaked right now, all for me, right?” you moaned, begging him. “fuck I need you so bad, please.” 
he quickly pulled his fingers out of you, turning you around. you heard the sound of his belt, and then you heard his pants fall to the ground. he pulled his cock out of his trousers, opening the condom and sliding it on. “do you want me as much as I want you?” you moaned, grinding back to feel more of him. “yes, fuck please more.” he pulled your hips into him, sliding in easily because of how soaked you were. “ah, shit!” you tried to keep it down because of the thin wall between you and the rest of the group, but you lost all of your senses when his pace quickened. 
“fuck, baby, you like this don’t you? the feeling of people being able to hear you, screaming for me and only me.” he pulled your head back roughly by your hair and sucked on your tongue before spitting on it. “swallow” you swallowed, looking up at him and moaning when he hit that perfect spot inside of you. he groaned, speeding his pace up and reaching his hand down to rub eights around your clit. “fuck I’m close, so fucking close!” you screamed, pushing back onto him to meet his thrusts. “fuck baby that’s it, cum on my cock. just like that, doll face.” he felt you clench around him, him releasing into to condom before pulling out slowly.
kissing your shoulder, he pulled his underwear and pants up. “guys, your time’s up!” yunho yelled to let you guys know to come out. you pulled your underwear up, not sparing a single glance at seonghwa. you opened the door and left the room to go clean up, ears burning when you felt eyes burning into your back.
-last time skip- 
“how was he?” you groaned before looking over at her, not wanting to talk. “he was good, leave it” “oh come on, I’m just asking a question-” just as you were about to close your door to the car, seonghwa comes up to you and asks you if you wanted to hang out tomorrow. “why?” you ask, completely puzzled as to why he’d ask you out of all people. “because I like you, and I have for a while now. please?” you contemplated it for a moment.
on one hand, you thought maybe you should give him a chance. but on the other hand, maybe he just wanted you for sex one more time before he completely dropped you. you guess either he read your mind or he could tell how you were feeling because before any more thought could process he smashed his lips on yours. “a real date, baby. not just a hookup.” you smiled a little bit before getting in the car, shutting the door.
ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛꜱ ʀᴇꜱᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ © ʏᴜɴʜᴏɪꜱᴇʏᴇᴄᴀɴᴅʏ. ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏꜱᴛ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱʟᴀᴛᴇ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋꜱ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴏɴᴇ.
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ.
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chaoticminhos · 4 years
swim captain (chapter three)
pairing: bang chan x reader
genre: angst 
warnings: mentions of possible sexual assault, mentions of slight violence
word count: 3.2k
a/n: look at me posting kinda consistently and shit
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chan watched as you left the building with jaemin and his friends, head flooding with thoughts of you and his realization.
since when did he like you like that? he’s known you for years, why now was he falling for you? why not last year when he didn’t know who to ask to the dance or earlier this year when he needed a plus one to an important swim meet? you ended up going as minho’s date to both of those things, and chan had ended up taking some random girl.
but it didn’t matter, he couldn’t have asked you to those things as anything more than a friend anyway. whether he fell for you now or a year ago or any time, he needed to cut it out.
it felt inappropriate to have feelings for you. you were the manager of a team that he was captain of and there was a feeling of responsibility that came along with both of those positions. and even if that didn’t matter, how was he supposed to know if you thought of him any different than you thought of the rest of the boys? if anything, you seemed less interested in him than any of the other boys. he probably got one hug for every five the others got, ten if it was hyunjin or minho.
he was sure you saw him as a brother. a good friend, and that was all. you obviously didn’t see him as anything else, or you wouldn’t have left with jaemin. but that was fine, because it would be inappropriate if you did. it was inappropriate that he did.
he tried to think back and figure out when his feelings changed. he couldn’t pinpoint anything specific that would have changed the way he feels towards you, but it made sense of things. like why he had been extra focused on you the past weeks and why minho’s actions were bugging him now, even though they were the same as always. he was forced out of his train of thought when someone called his name.
“chan, you coming?” changbin called from a few feet away, the boys already heading for the door, which chan failed to realize as he was caught up in his own thoughts.
“yeah,” he began, “uh, yeah, sorry.”
he figured it best to go with the boys. they would offer some sort of distraction from the fact that you were with jaemin at that moment, and a bunch of his friends. plus, he had made a point of expressing that he was going out in his attempt to get you to stay with your team and not leave with NCT, so it would look weird if he didn’t go now.
the boys piled into felix’s car. his family had came to the meet and drove his car along with another one, leaving his since they knew the boys would want to hang out after the meet. all of the boys fit in the large crossover, but it was definitely not legal to have that many people packed into one vehicle.
finally deciding on a small ice cream shop, felix pulled into the small parking lot and shut off the car. the boys immediately stormed out of the car and into the diner.
after ordering their ice cream and sitting down, the 8 of them began to chat about the days events. chan didn’t bother to tune in much. that is, until he heard a certain subject being discussed.
“he seemed pretty nice,” seungmin joked, “you know, for someone from NCT.”
“no joke. and he’s pretty, too.” added changbin.
“hey,” felix began, “you trying to steal y/n’s man?”
chan interrupted the bantering, “what about that guy came off as nice to you guys? he was creepy! like, who walks up to a stranger and asks them to leave late at night with them and their friends? that’s weird!” he paused, “and he didn’t even acknowledge that we were there! isn’t he supposed to get, like, permission or something?”
“permission? yeah, from her dad, not her 8 annoying best friends, dumbass.” hyunjin responded.
“seriously, how are you guys so chill about this? we don’t know the kid or anyone on his team.”
“y/n’s a big girl, chan, she can handle herself.”
“against a group of that many guys?” chan scoffed, “yeah right.”
“chan, why are you automatically assuming they’re going to hurt her?”
“why are you assuming they’re not?”
“i don’t know, maybe because there’s no history of NCT being a bad school? maybe because none of those boys have a record?”
“they’re top athletes, hyunjin, you really fucking think the school would let that type of shit on a public record if anything happened? and risk their reputation?”
hyunjin let out an unamused laugh, “we’re top athletes too, chan.” he gestured to everyone around the table, “we have clean records.”
“yeah, clean as long as minho’s assault charge stays expunged.”
he mumbled, pushing his chair back and standing up, headed for the door.
minho stood up with him, moving to grab his arm and stop him from leaving, “are you forgetting i caught that charge defending y/n?”
chan shrugged his shoulders, pulling his arm from minho’s grip and continuing his path to the door, “it’s just an example, minho.”
“how are you gonna get home?” felix called before he could leave.
without turning around, chan responded, “i’ll figure it out.”
and the door shut behind him.
the 7 boys looked at each other, felix practically pulling minho back to his seat to stop him from following chan out the door. that was expected, minho was a hothead, but chan was usually calm and practical, even when upset. and he knew better than to make a scene in public.
“jesus,” jisung laughed, “he flops one race and he turns into a 2 year old having a tantrum.”
“yeah,” minho let out a scoff that the rest of the boys played off as a laugh, “because it’s race he’s pissy about.”
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meanwhile, you were sat inside of a fast food restaurant surrounded by a group of curious boys.
“stray kids, huh? aren’t you going to get, like, guillotined for conversing with your enemies?” a boy, who jaemin had identified as lucas, joked.
you laughed, “nah, we keep the competition in the water.”
“tell that to that one guy, he seemed like he didn’t get that memo.” spoke another one of jaemin’s teammates, one you couldn’t remember the name of.
you cocked your head to the side in confusion, and he continued.
“blonde, curly hair. bang, maybe?”
“oh, chan!” he’s just upset about his race, i think.”
“whatever his name is, he’s scary.” spoke the boy you think introduced himself as jeno.
“yeah,” jaemin chuckled, “honestly, i thought i was gonna get my shit rocked. like maybe i’d asked his girlfriend out or something.”
you blushed, letting out a surprised laugh “girlfriend?”
did it really seem like you and chan might be a couple? did chan really seem jealous that jaemin asked you to hang out? you felt butterflies in your stomach at the idea. despite being out on a ‘date’ with jaemin and surrounded by his attractive friends, you still found yourself feeling weaker at the thought of chan than any of the boys around you at that moment.
“yeah, he did not look like he liked the idea of me asking you out, to be honest.”
you didn’t think it was possible, but your face reddened even more. before you could respond that chan was just always super protective of his team, your phone went off, signaling that you’d gotten a text message.
you held your phone up, “speak of the devil.”
channie: hey, let me know when you get home safe, yeah??
you smiled at the message, typing a quick reply.
y/n: gotcha
chan’s message reminded you that it was indeed a school night, and that you should probably head home. you slid your phone back in your pocket and turned to jaemin.
“hey, i should get going, there’s school tomorrow. see you around?”
jaemin shot you a big smile, pulling his phone from his pocket and holding it out for you.
“i would love to see you around. i’ll text you?” he questioned, to which you responded with a smile, taking the device from his hand.
you typed your number into jaemin’s phone, sending yourself a message from it so you would have his number, too.
“need a ride home?”
“no, thank you,” you replied, “i’ll call a cab or something, you stay and have fun. thanks, though!”
you called for a taxi and send a quick message to chan.
y/n: just called a taxi. on my way home.
channie: he isn’t giving you a ride?
y/n: i didn’t want one
chan, sitting in the backseat of his own cab, felt his stomach drop.
channie: did something happen? are you okay?
y/n: i’m fine, just didn’t wanna make them leave just because i wanted to head home.
chan relaxed into his seat.
y/n: how about you guys? headed home soon?
channie: i am. i’m not sure about the others.
y/n: ?
channie: i left early
y/n: still upset about the race?
chan sighed just as the taxi pulled into his driveway. he stepped out, handing a wad of cash to the driver and telling him to keep the change.
he stepped into his house and headed straight to his bedroom, falling onto his mattress. he stared at your message for a few seconds before replying.
channie: something like that.
y/n: it was probably just an off day, don’t beat yourself up about it!
chan looked at your message and tossed his phone on the bed beside him, pulling an arm over his face and groaning in frustration. he was worn out from the day, not even having the energy to shower the chlorine off of himself, he decided he was just going to go to sleep as soon as possible. just as he was nearly dozed off, his phone let out a ding.
y/n: home safe and sound! night, chan
he didn’t bother typing a reply, letting himself fall into a restless sleep.
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chan woke the next morning sporting the same outfit as the day before. he grabbed for his phone to check the time, having a mini heart attack when realizing he only had 40 minutes to shower, get ready, eat, and drive to school.
he jumped up, grabbing a random assortment of clothes and headed to the bathroom. he hissed when he got into the shower and felt his skin burn, it was cracking from not having the chlorine washed off of it from the night before.
he and the rest of the boys always had cracked knuckles and chapped lips from being in chlorine so much, but it got significantly worse when the chlorine didn’t get washed off as soon as possible.
he hurried to ready himself before jumping into his car without eating anything. if he wanted to get to school on time, he’d have to skip breakfast.
chan arrived in the school with five minutes to spare, which wasn’t a completely unusual amount of time, just a bit less than he would usually like. heading to his locker, he caught sight of you standing in front of your own, staring down at your phone. he offered a small “hey” as he walked past you and opened his locker.
upon noticing him, you shut your phone off and shoved it into your back pocket.
he looked from you to his locker, speaking as he focused on putting what he needed for the day in his bag.
“have fun last night?”
“yeah! the NCT boys are super nice. you guys would love them!”
“yeah,” chan mumbled, “i’m sure i would.”
with that, you walked past him and towards your first hour class, playfully shoving him as you passed him. it earned you a small smile, and that was enough to make you think his mood from the night before had improved, but he still felt the same cloud of confusion and frustration as he watched you walk down the hallway. he hated himself for thinking it, but just for a small second, he wondered if maybe it would be easier if something had happened and you didn’t like jaemin and his friends.
you and chan didn’t share any morning classes, so he wasn’t able to see you again until lunch, and that was probably good. he decided it would be best to attempt to shove his emotions as far down as possible and act as normal around you as he could, hoping maybe the feelings would go away as quickly as they had came.
because of this, he made no attempt to sit by you at lunch, but tried to converse with you normally, just as the other boys did. just like he did before he realized his feelings towards you. the boys were making it very difficult for him to keep his calm, though, when they wouldn’t leave the topic of you and jaemin alone.
“so, y/n,” jisung teased, “you gonna leave us for NCT and your hot new boy toy?”
you threw a fry from your plate at him with a laugh, “he is not my ‘boy toy’ jisung, he’s my friend. plus, i’d never leave you guys.”
“even if NCT beats us in competition again?” minho pouted.
you smiled at the boy sat across from you on the table, leaning down to rest your elbows on the table as you spoke, “even if they beat us in comp this year.”
minho smiled at you from across the table, eyes glancing over to chan seated beside him for a moment before focusing back on you.
it was obvious to minho that chan had feelings for you, and vice versa. how no one else had caught on he had no clue.
minho thought of himself as a good friend. good friends help their friends out, and even though maybe the idea of pissing chan off after the shot he’d thrown at minho the night before could have been enough for minho to pull a stunt, it did help that good could come out of it. after all, maybe a little jealousy was the shove chan needed to finally ask you out.
minho decided that since chan wasn’t even looking at you, choosing to stare down at his food instead, he would make him look at you.
he reached cross the table and ruffled your hair, “that’s my girl.”
he snuck another glance at chan. it was apparent that although he hadn’t been looking at you, he was listening to what was happening. his head had slightly raised and his eyes were locked onto minho.
deciding to push his friends buttons a bit more, minho locked eyes with chan and cocked his head, pulling a painfully obvious fake look of concern, “you look grumpy, bud, what’s up?”
chan forced an equally fake smile back, sitting up straight and dropping his fork onto his lunch tray with a loud clang.
“just tired.”
minho hummed in response, barely acknowledging chan’s response before turning back to you.
“y/n, i gotta go to the library before lunch ends. come with?”
you nodded, not having caught on to the tension between minho and chan. it wasn’t hard to miss, especially when no one else at the table was paying it any attention either.
“actually, minho.” chan stood from his seat and placed a hand on minho’s shoulder, “coach wanted to see you. you know, about your race yesterday.”
minho raised an eyebrow, “can’t he talk to me at practice?”
“nope,” chan offered no further explanation before grabbing his tray and heading to dump it in the trash. he motioned minho to follow him, “let’s go.”
minho jogged to catch up with chan as he lead them both to an empty hallway.
“isn’t coaches office that way?” minho gestured in the opposite direction.
chan scoffed, “you know damn well that was an excuse. come on dude, stop fucking with me.”
minho raised his eyebrows, feigning innocence, “what do you mean?”
“oh my god minho, you know what i mean.”
minho shrugged, “clearly not. why else would i be asking?”
“because you’re a fucking prick.” chan muttered.
he sighed, running a hand down his face and taking a deep breath, “i know you know i like her, okay? i mean,” he put his hands up and mimicked quotation marks, “‘i would never do that to you.’” he let his hands fall to his side, “you knew before i did. so stop being an asshole. i can’t make the stupid crush go away if i’m pissed off 24-fucking-7 because you’re hitting on her.”
chan ran his hands through his hair. he’d never even admitted it to himself out loud before. this was the first time he’d heard himself say it out loud. he didn’t know if saying it out loud or telling someone would help, but minho obviously already knew. there was no harm in admitting something to someone who knew before you did.
“chan, this is how me and the rest of the boys have always been around her. like yeah, i’ve amped it up a bit recently so you’d finally get it through your thick fucking skull that you’re in love with her and i’ll calm it down again when you’ve stopped being a pussy, but it’s not something that’s going completely away. not from me, not from any of the boys, and honestly dude, probably not from jaemin. you can’t expect her to stop having fun with her friends simply because you’re crushing on her. not even when you’re dating her.” he paused before continuing, “if you end up dating her. jaemin seems to have more balls than you.”
chan groaned, “i know, minho.”
“then make a move.”
“i’m not making a move.”
minho frowned, “what? why not?”
“i’m just not, minho.” his words came out harsher than he’d intended, “but can you please just stop? just until i can shake these stupid fucking feelings, then you can go back to trying to get into her pants.”
minho shoved him, “if i wanted into y/n’s pants, i’d be in them.” he nudged chan again, “but seriously dude, why shake reciprocated feelings?”
chan finally brought his eyes to meet minho’s again, “what?”
minho feigned confusion, “what?”
“repeat that.”
“repeat what?”
“the thing you said about feelings.”
“oh,” minho began, “i said why shake the feelings?”
“that’s not what you said.”
minho frowned, “i’m pretty sure that’s what i said.”
“no,” chan pressed, “you added another word. what did you say?”
minho shook his head, pretending to think about it. “no, i think that’s like word for word what i said.”
chan shoved him, “minho, seriously, what did you say?”
instead of a proper response, minho looked towards the ceiling of the school. he’d given chan enough advice for the day.
“i think that was the bell. i gotta go. see you at practice!”
“minho!” chan yelled as minho jogged down the hallway. the bell had most definitely not sounded, “asshole.”
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svnflowervol666 · 4 years
harry doing baby bubs hair in the bathroom while she’s facetiming mitch 🥺
Word Count: 2.4k
Author’s Note: This made my heart melt. It’s in a puddle on the floor right now. That’s all.
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“Baby, ye’ gotta sit still,” Harry huffed as he resituated his daughter on the bathroom counter for probably the fifth time that morning.
She was normally a patient and well-behaved child despite her ripe age of three, but today she was really showing her age.
“Want mummy do it!” she whined, smacking her pudgy toes against the inside of the sink.
“I know ye’ want mummy t’ do it. I want mummy to do it too, but she had t’ go t’ work early. ‘S just me and you today.”
Harry reached for the spray bottle filled with water with his right hand while keeping a firm grasp on his daughter’s unruly head of curly hair with his left, determined to tame the frizzy strands that seemed to have run wild while she slept the night before. A ponytail shouldn’t be this fucking hard. Should it?
He spritzed the bottle a few inches away from her head, trying to smooth down the baby hairs that littered her hair line. And he almost had it. That was, until his daughter tucked her head downward in agitation and caused Harry to lose his grip and the poofy tufts of chocolate brown hair to fall once more around her forehead and ears.
A exaggerated (but not really, it was well-deserved) groan erupted from Harry’s chest, and a feeling of defeat washed over him. He rubbed his tired eyes with the knuckles on his fingers. It wasn’t a big deal and he knew that, but the fact that he couldn’t do his daughter’s hair was making him feel like a failure of a father. 
“What’s it gonna take for ye’ to stop squirmin’, huh? Will ye’ just be good so daddy can do your hair and we can get ya t’ nana’s?”
She was getting restless now, the hard stone making her tiny bum ache and her attention span dwindle down to the point of non-existance.
“Daddy, I want dowwwwwn,” she fussed as she balled her hands into fists and hit them on her knees in protest.
“I’ve got t’ fix your hair, lovie. Can’t have it hangin’ in your eyes. Just be still for a few seconds. Ye’ know what? Here. Play with this.”
Harry fished his cell phone out of his back pocket and placed the sleek device in his child’s lap. He was normally against letting her mess with his phone in fear that she’d accidentally delete an important file or call one of the dozens of influential figures he had saved in his contacts, but at this point he’d do just about anything to make her stop moving so that he could put her damn hair up.
Her eyes seemed to light up when she realized what she now held in her possession, fingers moving quickly to unlock the screen and cause whatever damage her heart desired. It didn’t take her long to realize that unlike her mother’s, Harry’s phone was locked with a passcode and she was unable to get into it.
“Fix it, daddy!” she exclaimed, raising the phone over her shoulder while Harry had finally managed to regather her hair into a somewhat presentable bundle.
He cursed under his breath and let her curly mane go once more, then took the phone back from his daughter. It was unlocked and back in her arms in a few seconds flat, to which Harry’s millionth attempt at corraling the curls he undoubtedly passed down to her began. 
In an instant, she’d forgotten all about how antsy she was, now busying herself by opening random apps that caught her eye and pressing random keys that meant absolutely nothing to her because she was a three year old that couldn’t read, but it didn’t deter her from thinking she was a proper adult doing adult things on her very own cell phone.
Harry let out a sigh of relief when she seemed completely content, reaching once more for the spray bottle to rewet the comb he had been using to smooth over his daughter’s scalp. She put up no fight when he pulled her hair taut against her head, almost as if she had forgotten he was even there as her pudgy fingers tapped away on the glass screen.
The silver lining was now in reach, the finish line only a handful of long strides away. He was satisfied with his work. Sure, there were a few lumps and bumps, but nothing his wife or mother would fuss over, so he raised his arm up to his mouth to pull the neon pink hair band from his wrist with his teeth. As fate would have it, just as he began securing her ponytail with the hair tie, the flimsy elastic snapped and shot to the floor, leaving the toddler’s hair in a bird’s nest on top of her head and Harry’s patience at it’s end. 
“You’ve got t’ be bloody kiddin’ me,” Harry groaned, having to turn his body away from his daughter as if the fuse attached to his last nerve was going to implode at any second. 
He was now certain that whatever higher power in the sky was planning his demise on this bright and sunny Tuesday morning.
With the last bit of his dignity, he knelt down to open the cabinets and rummage through the bin with all of his daughter’s clips and bows until he found another hair tie that would match the outfit he’d picked out for her to wear. He kept a firm hand on her back as he jumbled around the contents of the container, just in case she lost her balance and fell backwards off of the counter (she didn’t really need the extra reinforcement, but he’d not quite been able to shake the over-protective dad persona that he’d adopted whenever she was much smaller and prone to flinging herself backward without warning). There was no additional pink hair tie in sight, so he was forced to go with a bright green one that didn’t compliment what she was wearing in the slightest, but it was just nana’s house, so who gives a shit, he thought to himself. 
As he was regaining his stance from where he was balanced on his haunches, he heard a deep voice that wasn’t his daughter’s echo off the walls of the master bathroom.
“Hey, man! What’s goin’ o-,” the voice, which Harry now recognized as his best friend’s came to an abrupt hault when the camera focused and the man was able to see who was actually facetiming him at seven o’clock in the morning.
“Oh. You’re not Harry,” he toyed, trying to amuse the tiny girl he’d known and loved since the minute she was born.
“Mitchy!” Harry’s daughter yelled directly into the speaker of the phone, causing Mitch to hold his own phone several inches away from where he had it resting on the arm of his sofa.
“Hello, princess. Where’s your dad?”
“Right here,” Harry interjected with a grunt as he willed the pain in his knees (and back) away.
“Sorry, she’s messin’ with m’ phone. Must’ve called you on accident.”
“No worries. ‘S a lovely surprise. What’re you two doin’? You on baby duty this mornin’?” 
Mitch could see Harry messing with the toddler’s hair, a purple comb balanced in between his teeth and locks of wavy, brown hair slipping in and out of the frame as he gathered it on top of her head.
“Yep,” Harry spoke through the comb, “And it’s not goin’ s’ great.”
“Judgin’ by the look on your face, I’d say so.”
“Haha. Very funny.”
“Mitchy!” Harry’s daughter called for him again as if to refocus the attention of this conversation back on herself.
“I see kitty?” her voice raising an octave as she asked to see the kitten he’d adopted a few months ago that she adored oh so much.
“Kitty’s sleepin’ with Sarah right now, bug. Can’t wake them or they’ll both be grumpy for the rest of the day. Why don’t you come over and visit and you can see all of us? We miss you,” Mitch pouted dramatically at the camera, making the small girl giggle in a way that made him smile right back at her.
He’d always been rather reserved, but had quite the soft spot for his close friend’s bub and couldn’t help but show her all of the affection that he could.
“Daddy, I go to Sarah’s house?” she jerked her head back to look at her father, whose life flashed before his eyes when the sudden movement almost caused his to drop her hair again.
Harry quickly turned her jaw back towards the mirror with his thumb to keep another disaster from occurring.
“Maybe later, petal. You’re going to nana’s today. Daddy and Mitch have to go t’ work.”
“You play songs?”
“Yeah. Gonna play some songs,” he laughed at his daughter’s earnest attempt at understanding what he did for a living.
“Are you bein’ good for ye’ dad?” Mitch asked, seeing Harry’s struggle and doing what he could to distract her while Harry smoothed the final lumps over her delicate head with the fine-toothed comb.
“Yeah, I bein’ good,” she gloated, flashing her tiny baby teeth.
“If that’s what ye’ want to call it,” Harry mumbled under his breath.
He wasn’t quiet enough for Mitch to not hear his snide comment, to which he let out a chuckle towards Harry.
“I take it you’ve got a bit of a fibber on your hands?” Mitch directed at Harry.
“No kiddin’,” Harry huffed, face concentrated on one stubborn tendril of hair that wouldn’t lay flat no matter how many times he brushed over it, “’Ve been trying to put her hair in a bloody ponytail for twenty minutes. I swear I’ve never seen a three year old with this much hair before in m’ life. Don’t know how her mum does this every mornin’.”
“’M afraid that hair’s all you, lover boy. Those curls are unmistakeable.”
“So I’ve been told.”
“Is your dad good at fixin’ your hair?” Mitch asked the toddler, knowing good and well he was giving leeway for Harry to be teased mercilessly by his ruthless toddler.
“No, I like mummy do my hair more. Daddy pulls it too much.”
“Listen here, you little monster. If ye’ would have sat still for two seconds, this would have been done ages ago and we could’ve been halfway t’ nana’s by now,” Harry stated very matter-of-factly.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Mitch intervened, “Take it easy, mate. She’s three. It can’t be that bad.”
“I would absolutely love to see you babysit her for twenty-four hours. You’d be choking on your words.”
“I’d love that, actually,” Mitch snided, “What d’ya say, princess? Sleepover at uncle Mitch’s house with Sarah and the kitty?”
The three year old cheered excitedly, her chubby cheeks widening on the sides of her face at the thought of spending time with her favorite people in the world (aside from her mum and dad, of course).
“No, no, no!” Harry yelled frantically, “Hold still. ‘M almost done.”
He quickly looped the brightly-colored elastic around her bunch of hair that he held tightly in his hand as if an imaginary stopwatch was about to go off and signal that he was out of time and he’d lose control of her curls once more, for which he’d certainly burst into tears.
“Aha!” he held his hands above his head in victory when he was satisfied with the number of times he’d wrapped the hair tie around her hair.
Harry was breathing heavily as if he had just run a marathon, making Mitch cheer him on sarcastically.
“Super dad does it again.”
“You’re not funny, Mitch.”
“‘M very funny, actually. Isn’t that right, bubs?”
“Uh-huh!” Harry’s daughter agreed, earning an eye roll from her father.
“Alright, we’re very late. Need t’ get goin’ before Jeff yells at daddy n’ I’m not sure I can handle much more today.”
Harry scooped up the pint-sized child from the sink by the belly and helped her stand, her hands still clasped around the phone surrounded in a baby pink case. 
“See ye’ in a bit yeah?” Harry asked Mitch as he straightened his daughter’s shirt that had crinkled at the hem from sitting on the counter for so long.
“Yeah. Reckon it’s probably time to go wake Sarah. You be good for your dad and nana today. Alright, stinker butt?”
“I not stinky!” the girl cried, almost offended.
“You’re right. ‘M sorry. Your dad’s the stinky one.”
“Goodbyeeeeeeee, Mitch,” Harry sang monotonously into the speaker.
“Bye, Mitchy!” his daughter called after him.
“Bye, sweetheart. See ye’ at the sleepover.”
She began rattling off another excited spout of words, but was cut off as Harry reached down and pressed the red button on the screen, ending the call. He took the phone from her hands and slid it back into his pocket. His daughter was too busy buzzing from the high of being invited over to Mitch’s house to play with his kitten to throw a fit over being deprived of it, to which Harry was thankful.
“Did ye’ put your bunny in your backpack?”
She nodded her head, yes.
“And your blanket?”
She paused, lips pursing as she tried to recall whether or not she stuffed the worn, yet still comforting wad of fabric that she’s had since she was born into her bag.
“Better go check then,” Harry added, watching her as she booked it down the hall towards her room as if she was in a race against herself to make it there.
“Got it!” her tiny voice came trailing back into Harry’s bedroom, the corners of the blanket sticking out from the giant backpack that was nearly the size of her body strapped to her back. 
The sight of her wobbling back into his line of sight with the oversized bag made him want to cry. She was still so tiny, but where had his sweet baby gone?
“Good gir-” he began to praise her before he realized what he was currently looking at.
In the midst of her running, she must have exerted herself a bit too harshly, for her curls that were styled perfectly just minutes ago were floofed around her head in a (not-so angelic) halo and the hair tie had slipped down dangerously low, mere inches from falling completely out.
Her inherited curls were one of the cutest things about her and anyone with even the worst vision would agree. But, god. At what cost?
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 19
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 19: Got Your Back (And Maybe Your Heart)
“Okay let me get this straight-”
“No one here is, but go on.”
“Hush, I’m still mad at you,” Tang gave a stink eye to the Kappa before turning back to Macaque. “So let me get this straight, so not only are you the same Six Eared Macaque that has fought the Monkey King and the deity that’s known as the Wandering Healer-”
“Not actually a deity,” he inputted.
“Whatever, but I’ve been coming here for years and just now I find out that there are mythical deities and magical plants within the forest! The Yao grass that is said to be a component to the Immortality Pills, an actual Qilin living here?! And the brown bunny and that little shit stain, who probably wants to laugh his ass off, is actually a Kitsune and spirit!”
“Guilty as charged,” the Shui Gui chortled.
“Pretty much,” the monkey shrugged his shoulders.
“Yup,” Ní nodded in her fox form.
“…I am both very angry and very excited,” he grumbled. “Do you know how many questions I have?! Do you know how many things I could have tested? Do you know how long I have wanted to meet someone like you guys? Do you know how many questions I have?!”
“I think you already said that,” said the water spirit though he froze as he saw an ominous glint in his eyes.
“Oh yes I did, because by the time I leave here,” he mysteriously whipped out his phone, “I will have all my questions answered.”
“Just how many do you have?” Macaque cautiously asked.
Tang said nothing as he instead showed a folder containing many files within them. “Quite a few. Quite. A. Few.”
All three immortals, the ones who have faced many fierce opponents throughout their life, gulped at the looming trials ahead.
“Fuck,” they all unanimously said.
It was cold, damp, and thoroughly disgusting with all of the worthless piles of junk lying around, but she supposed she would have to work with what she had under these…conditions.
Lady Bone Demon quietly walked through the open sewer as she attempted to distinguish where exactly she should strike next while her underling, who has been waiting for all these years, searches for the one item she hasn’t quite found.
It was quite tricky, to say the least, all the rest of the ingredients she needed to procure, albeit a bit rare, would be much easier to obtain even if those incompetent bugs mess it up. It won’t be too hard to find a replacement for those, she just decided on them for the proximity, she does not desire to leave the city before she achieves her prize. The last item though is something that is an ingredient that is not so easily replaceable, so she will need to take her time and look through every crack and back alley down until she does.
It was quite irritating, from the conditions she found herself into the annoying bugs that seem to think they are above her to Sun Wukong.
Sometimes she just wished that she could be over and done with this little game entirely and reach the end, but alas that’s not how life works. But she will admit that it will be fun watching them all struggle to get one step ahead of her, though she can’t decide which one she’ll enjoy more, Sun Wukong look when she finally drains him of every last bit of power and torture what he cherishes in front of his very eyes or Spider Queen expression as she stabs her in the back when she becomes the component to her plans. Both sound absolutely delightful when the time comes, but for that to happen she suppose she will have to achieve this the long way, no shortcuts or cheats allowed.
But she doesn’t mind the wait, after all, she had been imprisoned for over five hundred centuries.
She has nothing but time and she intends to play this little game all the way to the end.
“So your not just some random ass immortal,” Macaque bluntly said when Shen met up with him again.
“Took you that long to figure that out,” the frizzy hair old man laughed.
“Well, how am I supposed to know that you were literally giving me Immortal wine when I have never tasted it before you all but shoved it to me?” He grumbled as he held the bottle of very rare wine once more. “You know I don’t really need this, I am still perfectly immortal without it.”
“Oh I know, Yama sometimes grumbled about it from time to time when we get together. Gods know he wants to strangle Sun Wukong's scrawny neck when he gets the chance,” he said while drinking some of the wine.
“You regularly drink with the King of the Dead?” He deadpanned, “Who the fuck are you? Cause that right there shows that you're not just a regular ass deity.”
“Hmm I’ll tell you if you tell me how you figured out how to make the Immortality pills,” he smirked at the monkey still look.
“What do you mean?”
“I may be old, but I can smell a lot of the ingredients for the pills in this forest alone. Yao grass, Biya berries, Voya roots, Gracidea flowers, just to name a few,” he tapped his nose.
“Can’t really hide the smell,” he clicked his teeth. “Alright fine I’ll talk, but you better keep your end of the deal.”
“Will do.”
And so they talked and talked and when Shen spoke of who he was Macaque all but threw the bottle in his hand.
“What the fuck Ping?!” He hissed out as he had to stop himself from bashing his head against the tree. “How the fuck?!”
“He was an interesting one,” he laughed. He met his old friend by the river where he was doing his laundry, they spoke and then he found himself another drinking buddy.
Macaque’s eyes twitched as he just slumped over and groaned loudly. “What the fuck!”
Shen just laughed wildly next to him.
“Yeah yeah laugh it up,” he hissed before letting out a sigh and sat himself up. “Shit I don’t know if I can ask you this but I might as well fucking try?”
“Hmm?” He curiously questioned.
“I may need something soon that I can’t quite get on normal means and I think-no I know I will need your help to get it,” he asked with an almost pleading voice.
“Hmm, why do you need it?” He noted the tone in his voice but didn’t say a word about it.
“There is a demon that wants to take over the land and almost nobody would be able to stop her,” the simian admitted.
“Eh, there will always be some creature that wants to take over the world, been there, seen that, but that never really happens now does it,” he easily dismissed it as he leaned in closer, “but why do you need it?”
“Because there are people that I want to protect and I know that they will be the ones that will be fighting against that monster and like hell I am letting them do this alone,” he growled.
“Oh now I have your reason, so here’s another question. How much are you willing to give for my favor?”
“Anything,” he determinedly said.
“Anything you say? Even your life?” His green eyes challenged his violet ones.
“Yes,” he replied with no hesitation as the question didn’t even make him flinch.
There was a long silence as both beings stared the other down until the red haired man broke off his gaze and chuckled lightly.
“…hehehe, always knew Ping was fond of the stubborn ones,” he grinned.
“Ping is an old coot with the perchance of running into the weirdest fucking things,” he huffed as the air around them seem to settle down.
“You're not wrong,” he nodded. “Alright I’ll help ya, but next time I drop by I expect some high quality drinks.”
“Tch, fine you alcoholic bastard. Hope you don’t mind Plum wine, have a few sitting for a couple of centuries.”
“Are you kidding? The longer the age, the better it is! It’s like you don’t know me sapling,” he said with a mock hurt expression.
“I mean I might as well as you just told me who the fuck you are!” He threw his hands in the air.
“But you know my wine tastes!”
“You've only given me one kind of wine bastard!”
“Don’t you fucking pout you overgrown child!”
“Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!” MK cursed as he dashed his way through the volcanic land and ducked from a large fiery boulder aimed straight towards him. “Why does this happen to me!?”
Now you may be wondering how and why MK found himself stuck in the volcano arena, well he was visiting one of the more interesting customers he had delivered to before, as in she was trying to learn more about magic, with Red and Mei. Which is cool and all, especially since she has mastered how to change her hair color on will, but she was showing him her more advanced spells. Now it was very fun with the Bull Prince trying to explain to the young girl how each spell works and how much energy must be put into it. They were even going to try out a new spell together, but the thing about her is that while she does have quite a bit of talent, she is extremely clumsy. As she took a step forward and accidentally pushed him into the symbol on the ground and then ‘poof’ he teleported right in the middle of the fire imp territory.
Usually, this wouldn’t be a problem, he can handle a few enemies on his own and he did with such ease that not even a scratch was laid on him. It’s just that the problem was that they all happened to be a bit too loud and woke up a humanoid creature that was three times his size, entirely made up of molten magma and rock crystals, and looked very pissed.
Needless to say all of them booked it as fast as they could, but unfortunately it had their eyes on one creature that looked different from the rest.
“Seriously!” He yelled as he climbed up the mountain and quickly hid and he held his burnt side. He knows that he is quick on his feet, but even he can’t dodge all of those boulders and swipes aimed at him. It doubly hurts as he can feel the burning of the magma touch his skin, he desperately wants an ice bath when he escapes this.
But until then he will continue to make his way to the ocean ahead where he hopes that it would be enough to stop the beast in its tracks. He will swim all the way back home if he has to, he can deal with the sickness later after he saves his skin.
He felt the beast let out a devastating roar and a glance back he saw the creature lift the largest boulder that he didn’t even think he could dodge. So, he instead prepared himself as he was about to bring out his staff when-
“Here comes Jade Dragon/ Blazing Bull!” Twin voices shouted as the next second two terrifying forces slammed into the creature and with a pained roar he flew back.
He blinked as he saw Mei and Red Son, one who is surrounded by ethereal viridian energy and the other encaptured in a fiery crimson aura, jump in front of him protectively.
“MK/Noodle boy! Are you okay?!” Both of them have been trudging through not only ashes clogging their lungs and spot marking their skins, but also all different types of books and ruins trying to find the right activation phrase to reopen the portal to where their friend had disappeared to. They were tired, dirty, clothes ripped, and pissed off, but in MK eyes they were the most beautiful people he has ever seen as he couldn’t stop the blush forming on his cheeks as he took in their perfectly disheveled appearance, the muscles peeking from their ripped sleeves, sweat dripping from their face, and the worried look in their gorgeous eyes.
“Y-Yep!” He involuntarily squeaked. ‘I really should not have read some of those romance books with Jin,’ he thought as he cleared his throat. “I mean yeah, yeah you guys are perfect-I mean you got here at perfect timing!” He nervously said as he rubbed the back of his neck and tried to avoid eye contact.
“You sure you didn’t hit your head along the way,” she lightly teased as she kept a firm stance in front of him.
“Would be an improvement,” he smirked, but his eyes didn’t leave the Cherufu dazed form.
“Heyyy,” he whined before he realized what they said before, “Do you guys have names and you didn’t tell me!”
“We’ll you see-”
“They are so cool!” His eyes sparkled, “they fit you both so perfectly, and the way you guys came in and shouted it made the scene even more awesome!”
Both of them couldn’t stop both smiles and blushes as their smaller friend, and small crush, kept on praising them, but unfortunately, their little bubble popped as the beast roared once more.
“Tch,” Mei irritably clicked her tongue at the beast ride interruption, showing off her fangs (after countless of honing to both tracing and the dragon sword, she was more than ecstatic to see that she matched with both of her boys) “I actually forgot about that.”
“You mean the walking miniature mountain that was just chasing me down,” MK huffed as he shook his head. Hopefully, the two would just blame his fluster on the heat and not drift towards the thought that he may like them more than friends.
“Yeah that.”
“You both need to really get up to speed with your Mythical beings,” Red grunted as he opted to not use his fire against the creature made of lava.
“Says the one who never knew what Advil was,” MK muttered.
“It’s not my fault you mortals inconsistently change their names for no reason!” He hissed as his hair flared up.
“Surrrreee,” both mortals said.
“Let’s just focus on getting out of here.”
“You just don’t want to admit that your wrong~”
“Shut it!
“And where do you think you're going?” Wukong flinched as he heard Macaque's voice behind him.
“Oh you know, just a little road trip,” he smiled wider than normal as he quickly turned around to hide his suitcase, “I thought that it was time I get off of my mountain and see what else I missed.”
“Uh Huh,” he noncommittally said as he casually walked forward, “and you just decided that right this week?”
“Just out of the blue.”
“You know it!”
“With no thoughts in mind.”
“None whatsoever!”
“Sunny, I know you’re bullshitting me,” he bluntly said.
“Whattt?” He nervously laughed, “I’m serious, I am just going to go sightseeing for a bit and-”
“You still have that same tell when you lie, you know. Smiling too widely,” he pointed out.
“I thought I got that under control,” he muttered to himself and sighed, “alright yeah, you caught me. I was gonna go out and look for a weapon to stop her, but I have to do this, Lady Bone Demon is not someone to trifle with. You know how she can easily command someone under her will and that was when she just got out of centuries of captivity! Imagine what she could accomplish once she regains more and more power! I just can’t sit here and wait for that to happen.”
“I know, that’s why you're not doing it alone,” he pointed out.
“Did you really think that talk we had the other day was just a one off thing? No no no, there are so many people and demons solely invested in this, because what Spider Queen did really pissed off a lot of people and they want revenge on not only her, but those who helped her,” he said as summoned a map and showed him. “Just see for yourself.”
The monkey took the map and he became confused about what he was looking at. “There’s just a bunch of doodles in certain areas.”
“Those are the areas that have been hit and investigated thoroughly, the ones with X are the no goes of anything suspicious or useful, the ones with question marks are the clues or hints, and the few with checks are the ones where they found positive report and/or confirmation on successful supplies that we need. All of these are for finding the necessary materials to end the Bone Demon life once and for all.”
Wukong's eyes were wide at the end of his statement, “You know how to destroy her?! How long were you planning this? How have you managed to search all of these areas?”
“Well, it helps that I have so many favors stacked up from my former clients. I usually don’t care what they pay me, but usually, it’s in either money, food, or favors and I have a lot of those. I mean just Po and his students alone have them all checking the western areas for it by themselves. He says it’s a good training exercise for them, but I think he just wants a break from those brats. And for your first one, we’ll ever since BK got possessed the family has promised vengeance upon her, and Queen Iron Fan happens to have knowledge of a permanent kill switch to ending that demon life,” he said as he showed him the formula.
Wukong examined it and after a while, he nodded his head and faintly said, “Yeah…yeah that might actually work…there is something to destroy her.” He still couldn’t believe his eyes, but it was right there in front of him, then the first part of his words hit him, “Wait, that long?”
“Yes that long,” he said with exasperation, “Am I the only one who found it fucking weird that the Demon Bull King, one of the strongest beings in the realm, got possessed out of fucking nowhere? That right there was already suspicious by itself and the ominous whispers were sure not helping her case, that just added it on. So we decided to get to the bottom of this and boy is this one deep chasm we got ourselves into.”
“It really is,” he agreed as he looked over the map and saw that some of the places that were marked were the ones he was going to go to, even some that only celestial beings can access, “You already investigated these realms?”
He looked over to see what he was pointing at and nodded, “Yeah, pretty much. As I said, I have clientele all over and I don’t really restrict unless they have really done something so fucked up that I would rather kill them.”
“You have favors with Celestial deities,” he emphasized.
“Just some minor ones,” the doctor tried to brush it off, but judging by his friend's look, it wasn’t going to be easy.
“Celestial. Deities.”
“How about we talk about this later.”
“Oh we are so talking about this later, but I still have to do this. I have to make sure that she doesn’t cause any more harm to people anymore, this is my duty that I have to do-”
“You're not understanding!” He gripped his hair in frustration. “I literally gave you a map and you still don’t understand what I’m trying to say!”
“What!” He threw his hands in the air, “What can you possibly-”
“You aren’t alone dumbass!” He hissed out and froze the Monkey Sage.
“Wha-” he was cut off once more by a furious finger poking his chest at each word Mac hissed out.
“You. Are. Not. Alone. I don’t know how many different ways I have to say this, but if it gets through your thick skull then god damn it, I will.”
“I know what you were about to do, you were about to galavant off and try to do everything on your own and not say a single word to nobody like a stupid martyr, cause apparently this is a shared trait between you and MK about being so self sacrificial that you wish to take on the burden yourself! Well fuck that! I’m putting my foot down for both of you, you don’t have to recklessly go out there and hope that one of them will stick!”
“What else am I supposed to do!” He leaped to his feet, “I basically serve no purpose other than this glorified title of hero, which I am really sick of hearing, and that Bone witch could strike at any moment and we won’t be prepared. If I leave the city then that would mean that not only would I be faster on looking for the weapon, but I would be far away from her and her attempt to sap my power.”
“But you would also be away from the city and by the time you come back, there might not be anything left to come back to,” he said with a final tone. “No one would be able to stand against her, not the demons, not the people, not MK, not the Bull Family, not even me. We would all fall by the time the morning sun rises if we tried to face her head on. We would all be corpses below her feet.”
The Monkey King stilled as the morbid images flooded into his head.
City in ruins.
Bodies sprawled everywhere.
Familiar faces all dead eyed.
Bodies collapsed.
Heart stilled
His precious student.
All of his tribe members.
The rambunctious Demon quartet.
His family to the West.
The headstrong Dragon successor.
Demon Bull with his wife and son.
Yanyu surrounded by her siblings.
They're all dead.
“Wukong!” He snapped out of his thoughts by black furred hands and looked up to see Macaque worried Violet (alive there so alive and bright, so so bright and alive) eyes. “Are you okay?”
“I’m-” he stopped himself and remend what he was about to say, “I will be fine…I’ll stay.”
The Six Eared monkey let out a sigh of relief, “Good, that’s good. Sorry for putting that image in your head.”
“No, no I needed to hear that. I-I can’t be impulsive, not right now, not when things are becoming dangerous, I need to think things through,” he sighed as he sat down.
“You're not going to be out of the loop, you are the one who knows where a weapon may be hidden, so you can easily tell them which spot to tackle more thoroughly,” he reassured him as he sat by him.
“That would be more efficient than me just searching one at a time, okay I’ll do that,” he let out a small puff of air and managed a small smirk, “I guess that’s why I have you in my life, you somehow manage my little quirks.”
“‘Little quirks’ is an understatement,” he deadpans and leans on him, “but yeah we do fit well for some odd reason.”
“Like peaches and congee,” he grins.
“I think you are the only ones who actually dip it into the food.”
“Oh like I haven’t seen you do the same with mango,” he pointed out.
“There’s a difference okay! It just tastes better that way,” he huffed.
“Surrrre it does,” he drawled out.
“It does.”
“Whatever you say.”
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attilarrific · 4 years
Okay, it is my BIRTHDAY (well, it was my birthday ten minutes ago, but CLOSE ENOUGH, it’s still my birthday somewhere), and I like to post fic on my birthday, so let’s have some more Hidden Track (since I haven’t got anything else).
Hidden Track tag, tag again in chronological order.
“Okay,” Wen Qing says, “what is it?”
Wei Wuxian looks up at her, blinking. “What’s what?”
Wen Qing leans back in her seat, crossing her arms. They’re sitting in their bus, at a rest stop something like an hour out from the next stop on their concert tour. Jiang Cheng’s outside stretching his legs and probably yelling cabin fever frustration at a tree that’s had the bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Lan Wangji’s stepped out to take a call, but Wen Ning is mostly asleep on one of the beds, blinking his eyes open blearily when Wen Qing talks.
“Whatever’s wrong,” she says. “You’re being twitchy. You keep fiddling with your phone, and it’s driving me nuts. There, like that.”
Wei Wuxian looks down to where he’s absently unlocked his phone and paged over to an empty screen of his homepage. His eyes zero in on Lan Wangji’s face, turned down with a smile to look at---
Wei Wuxian bites his lip, unable to pull his eyes away, and then he hits buttons until he manages to pull up a random page of his web browser instead.
“What?” he says. “We’ve been on the road for ages. I’m bored. I’m fidgeting.”
“Try again,” Wen Qing says flatly. “When you get bored of traveling, you bug the shit out of us, you don’t play with your phone. What’s wrong?”
Wei Wuxian makes a face at her, but then he just shrugs. “I don’t know. Call me Han Solo, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this. I’m just---” Looking at his phone background over and over again, because it’s weirdly relaxing to see Lan Wangji smiling at him like that. He’s not going to examine why. He refuses.
Wen Ning pushes himself up, eyes wide. “You have a bad feeling, Wei-xiong? Is something going to go wrong at the concert? Is there going to be a power outage again?”
“Of course not,” Wei Wuxian, trying to project an aura of confidence.
“Of course not what?” Jiang Cheng says, climbing the steps back into the bus and wiping sweat off his forehead. He looks much more relaxed, which it means it was a good yell. That tree’s been told.
“Wei-xiong has a bad feeling,” Wen Ning says solemnly, “so I think something’s going to go wrong at the concert.”
Jiang Cheng sighs, throwing himself into a seat next to Wen Qing. “For the last time, Wen Ning, my brother isn’t psychic.”
“But last time he had a bad feeling---”
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji says, coming back into the bus as well. Even though it’s noon and August, he looks pristine. “My uncle would like to have dinner with us when we reach the city.”
Wei Wuxian stares at him. They all stare at him. After a long, deathly silent pause, Wen Qing leans over and pats her brother on the shoulder.
“There, A-Ning,” she says. “It wasn’t about the concert after all.”
Wei Wuxian throws a pillow at her.
“I don’t think I should’ve worn this shirt,” Wei Wuxian says for the millionth time as they approach the restaurant Lan Qiren has agreed to meet them in. “Or this jacket, probably. Is this a bad shirt?”
“There’s nothing wrong with your shirt,” Lan Wangji says, remarkably patiently, considering how many times they’ve had this conversation.
Wei Wuxian tries a cough. “Oh, no, I think I’m getting sick. Maybe I should go back to the hotel.”
“Wei Ying.”
“No, really, I actually think I might puke.”
Lan Wangji stops in his tracks. “Wei Ying, if you really don’t want to---”
“What? No. I mean---” Wei Wuxian waves a hand vaguely. “No offense, but obviously I don’t want to have dinner with your uncle. Your uncle hates me, and he probably hates me even more now that there are photos in the tabloids of you kissing me up against a car. He’s probably one bad day from putting out a hit on me, honestly.”
“My uncle is not going to have you killed.”
Wei Wuxian isn’t actually convinced of that, but he lets it go. “Anyway, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to go.”
“Wei Ying...”
“Oh, look, there’s the restaurant. Come on, Lan Zhan.”
Lan Qiren has beaten them there, of course. They’re five minutes early, and Lan Qiren still glares at Wei Wuxian like it’s his fault they’re late. If Wei Wuxian hadn’t been expecting it, he’d probably be annoyed.
“Hi!” he says, in the friendliest, most chipper tone he can muster. “Lan-xiansheng, it’s so good to see you again.”
Naturally, it just makes Lan Qiren scowl even harder. “Sit down, both of you. I’ve ordered for the table.”
Wonderful. Bland food and bitter greens coming right up. Wei Wuxian’s so glad he didn’t decide to come down with the headache like a Regency heroine. A Regency heroine with a lover above her station, even. If he’d managed to avoid coming, he might’ve missed getting to play Lizzie Bennett getting Lady Catherine de Bourgh’d, and wouldn’t that be awful.
Lan Wangji glances at him. “Uncle, perhaps---”
“Thank you, Lan-xiansheng,” Wei Wuxian says loudly. “That was very thoughtful of you.”
Lan Qiren doesn’t look like he believes it for a second, but at least he also doesn’t look upset with anyone but Wei Wuxian, so really, this could be going so much worse.
Lan Wangji, because he’s the best person in the entire world, rests a steadying hand on Wei Wuxian’s knee under the table and proceeds to make polite small talk with Lan Qiren that Wei Wuxian is clearly not required to participate in. Wei Wuxian lets himself hope, for five minutes or so, that he’ll be able to get through the entire dinner that way, by reminding himself every second to keep his mouth shut and resist the urge to antagonize Lan Qiren. Then he remembers he’s secretly psychic, he already knows this is going to go terribly, and he gives terrible parent anyway---especially when the parent involved is an uncle he’d deliberately pissed off when he was fifteen and stupid.
“Wangji,” Lan Qiren says, “I forgot to order tea. Go find a server and ask them to bring a suitable one. This restaurant has an extensive collection, so I suppose you’ll have to look at a menu.”
Lan Wangji hesitates, looking between Wei Wuxian and his uncle. “Perhaps Wei Ying should come with me.”
Lan Qiren raises his eyebrows. “Two people to acquire a pot of tea? Wangji, don’t be ridiculous. We’re in a private room. Even he can’t get into too much trouble without a keeper.”
“You’d be surprised,” Wei Wuxian says without thinking, and then he has to stomp himself from banging his head on the table. “I mean, Lan Zhan, I promise I’ll be good.”
Lan Wangji’s mouth purses slightly, but then he stands up, pausing to brush a kiss against Wei Wuxian’s temple. “I’ll be back as soon as I can,” he whispers, and Wei Wuxian pats his leg comfortingly.
How much trouble can he get into, really? If Lan Qiren were going to murder him, he wouldn’t do it in a public restaurant.
As soon as Lan Wangji leaves, it somehow becomes even harder to keep from opening his mouth to ask something horrifying. When’s the surgery to remove the stick from your ass, possibly, or So, what’s the weather like back in Victorian England? Wei Wuxian squirms in his seat a little, and Lan Qiren looks like just that is already giving him an aneurysm.
“I imagine this is your fault,” he says.
Wei Wuxian tries to interpret that, but unfortunately, there are so very many things that could conceivably be his fault that he honestly has no idea. He tries to say something polite and diplomatic, the way he ought to for an interview, but unfortunately, his preferred interview persona is ‘little shit,’ so what comes out of his mouth is, “Oh, but Lan-xiansheng, you’re the one who picked the restaurant.”
Naturally, Lan Qiren’s expression gets darker. “Not that. How long have you and Wangji been together?”
“A little over two months,” Wei Wuxian says promptly. He’s got that part of the story down pat.
“And I suppose you’re the one who convinced him to lie to his friends and family all that time.”
Ah. That. Wei Wuxian tries to decide if it would be better to say, No, I just convinced him to lie to the entire world now. Probably not. “We didn’t want to share anything until we were sure it was serious,” he tries, carefully. “People are so invested in our personal lives. It gets awkward.”
“I don’t care about the press or your fans,” Lan Qiren says, the scathing tone of his voice making it clear what he thinks of their fans. He doesn’t like their music, so anyone who does must have terrible taste. Wei Wuxian bites his lip to keep himself from starting to sing their last hit at the top of his lungs. “As far as I’m concerned, you should’ve kept it secret from them as long as possible, but I suppose Wangji thought he had a responsibility to keep you out of trouble with that Wen girl.”
That Wen girl. Lovely.
“At least if you had managed to keep it out of the press,” Lan Qiren continues, “Wangji would be able to avoid another news cycle when he comes to his senses and realizes you aren’t what he needs.”
When, not if. And it is going to end, obviously, because it’s a fake relationship and they aren’t going to keep it going forever, but Lan Qiren doesn’t know that, and it’s a little insulting that he just assumes.
Wei Wuxian takes a deep breath and considers what to say. The problem is that there isn’t anything. Like Yu Ziyuan, Lan Qiren isn’t interested in anyone else’s side of the story. He’s already made up his mind. Anything Wei Wuxian says now will be interpreted as backtalk, lying, or confirmation of what he’s decided he knows.
Under the circumstances it’s maybe understandable that...no, scratch that, it’s definitely still Wei Wuxian’s fault that he loses his entire mind for a minute and ends up saying, “Don’t worry, Lan Zhan won’t ever break up with me. I’m way too good in bed.”
Well, Wei Wuxian thinks ruefully, as Lan Qiren’s eyes go vicious with fury, at least he can rest comfortably knowing that when Lan Wangji’s uncle murder’s him over the dinner table, he’ll have really deserved it.
“Do you enjoy ruining his life?” Lan Qiren bites out, and Wei Wuxian really assumes, based on how this has been going for him, that he’s going to open his own mouth and end up saying, yes, like someone with a death wish.
So it’s actually kind of a surprise when what comes out, still clearly born of his piss-off-Lan-Qiren instinct, is, “I have not.”
Lan Qiren’s eyebrows go up. “I beg your pardon.”
“I haven’t ruined his life,” Wei Wuxian repeats, because fuck it, it’s true, and he clearly can’t make this any worse than he already is. “Just because you don’t like what he’s done with it doesn’t mean he doesn’t. He likes the music. He likes playing with us. I don’t think he cares much about being famous, but none of us can pretend we hate the money. I didn’t make him join the band, and I didn’t make him stay, and if I had, it still wouldn’t matter, because his life isn’t ruined, and Lan Zhan is happy.” He takes a deep breath, and then he smiles. “Face it, Lan-xiansheng,” he says cheerfully, “your nephew has terrible taste in boys. If it weren’t me, he’d probably be dating Nie Huaisang or something. That can be my fault, though, if you like. I met him at a formative age, and now he thinks being this terrible is charming.”
“You think this is the life he should be living?” Lan Qiren snaps. “Tabloids and your loud music and no respect or privacy?”
“Fine, yeah, the paparazzi sucks.” Belatedly, Wei Wuxian remembers all over again that he’d meant to not antagonize Lan Qiren today. Clearly that’s going well for him. Whatever. He pastes his best annoying brat smile to his face and says, “But Lan-xiansheng, maybe you missed this, since I don’t know if you know how to use the internet, but lots of people like our loud music. Way more than like yours.”
Steam practically comes out of Lan Qiren’s ears, and Wei Wuxian has a single instant to think, oh, well, at least he’ll be fucking delighted when we tell the world that Lan Zhan and I broke up, and then Lan Wangji walks back into the room. He stops when he sees the two of them, apparently accurately reading the situation before anyone even has time to speak. After a long moment, he puts his hand on Wei Wuxian’s shoulder and says, calmly, “Is everything all right? Would you like to leave?”
Fuck, Wei Wuxian’s managed to ruin someone else’s relationship with a parental figure. God. Good for him. “No,” he says quickly. “Why would I want to leave? We just got here.”
“Excuse me,” Lan Qiren says stiffly. “I’m going to wash my hands.”
Wei Wuxian winces a little, watching Lan Wangji watch his uncle leave.
“What happened?” Lan Wangji says, once they’re alone again.
“Nothing,” Wei Wuxian says, smiling brightly. “We were just...talking about music theory, and we had a difference of opinion about chord resolution.” Lan Wangji’s face says pretty clearly that he doesn’t believe that for a second, but Wei Wuxian grabs his sleeve and tugs him down until he sits. “Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, what took you so long? I missed you.”
Lan Wangji looks away. “We’re alone. You don’t have to pretend.”
Wei Wuxian stares at him. “Oh. Um. Right. Yeah, that makes sense. Habit, I guess. Hey, um, Lan Zhan?”
“Are you ever, you know, sorry that you said yes when I asked you to join my band back in high school? I bet you didn’t expect all this.”
Lan Wangji frowns, apparently actually thinking about it. Wei Wuxian loves that he does that. Anyone else would’ve just told him of course not and to stop being silly, but Lan Wangji always takes him seriously, no matter what he asks.
“I did expect it.”
“You did not,” Wei Wuxian says, rolling his eyes. “Even I didn’t expect it, and Wen Ning says I’m a Jedi.”
“I expected that the world wouldn’t be able to ignore you for long,” Lan Wangji says calmly, “and I was right.”
Wei Wuxian feels himself flush. “If I don’t have to pretend, neither do you,” he says quickly, looking away. “Don’t say things like that. I was serious.”
Lan Wangji is silent for a long moment. “I don’t regret it.”
Wei Wuxian glances up at him again, smiling. “Yeah? I mean, of course you don’t, we’re amazing.”
“Mn,” Lan Wangji says, and Wei Wuxian is actually glad when Lan Qiren comes back in, because it means he has an excuse to pretend again---to lean in close and have Lan Wangji’s hand come up to rest against the back of his neck, to say, with a pout, Lan-er-gege, and see Lan Wangji look at him and say his name and smile.
hidden track masterpost
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interstellix · 4 years
mugs and punishments ↳ han jisung
genre: fluff
summary: what jisung thought would be a fitting punishment for annoying him the whole week, ending up him reaping what he sow
word count: 2369
requested: no
warnings: did absolutely not proof read Shit ((:
a/n: i’m so sorry i literally do not know how the fuck a drabble about a fucking mug ended up 2k+ and somewhere along the way i fucked up lmao but yeah i,,, listen i tried my best
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it all started when your favorite mug broke a week ago.
when jisung had accidentally bumped his elbow against it, gasped and watched it drop to the floor, fear filled him; the loud, attention-drawing noise of porcelain shattering had you, with a tiny bit of concern, walk out from your bedroom to head to the kitchen - the concern had quickly been replaced with the disappointment your boyfriend feared.
“jisung, are you serious?”
mugs, glasses, plates and what not break all the time but when your favorite one - one that jisung himself had gifted you for your last birthday - you couldn’t help but get upset about it, nothing you could be blamed for seeing how most people have that one favorite item.
really, back when he had caught you admiring a mug out of all things while visiting a cute shop some time before your birthday, he didn’t understand what was so special about it. nevertheless, he had still decided to make it one of your birthday gifts and even though he up till this day doesn’t get just what is so admirable about it, he’s happy as long as you’re happy.
the other way around goes too so, only naturally, he gets upset about it when you get upset about it - you just quite a lot more.
all that said, you were full aware that it was only an accident and thus couldn’t bring yourself to be upset with jisung for more than a few minutes. sure, it was your favorite one. you always had your favorite tea from it (more specifically, the one you had waited for to finish brewing that day), you never drank your morning coffee from any other mug, hell, you even drank smoothies from it.
no one drinks smoothies from a mug.
however, accidents happen, and you quickly forgave him for the one he had caused. however, that was, for you, not a valid reason to not remind of it at every chance given the entire coming week.
it wasn’t more than half-joking reminders. for example, when jisung the following day spilled coffee on his white hoodie and cursed, you mumbled in return, “karma’s a bitch, my dude,” only to earn yourself a playful glare from him. there was also that one time a few days later when he came back from the gym with the end of his bag’s strap having snapped on his way home. “accidents happen, don’t they?” was the first thing you had greeted him with, a satisfied grin on your lips. again, he only gave you another glare, not bothering countering back when you had offered fixing it for him.
nevertheless, the teasing and comments seemed close to never-ending throughout the entire week and even though it never actually made him seriously upset, the guilt from the reminders was slowly but surely accompanied by a hint of annoyance.
eventually, a week passed, just like your last remark as jisung finally decided to put a stop to it.
he enters the kitchen to find himself something to eat but as if the gods wished him bad luck, it just happens to be the moment you finish preparing smoothies; when he sees you pour your share in a glass, you give him a pout - another reminder that it’s not your favorite one.
“alright, that’s it, you’ve been pestering me with that mug the whole week now,” jisung says while placing a glass for himself on the counter. the following words are laced in determination but the threat they bring is as harmless as it can possibly be,
“no kisses for you today.”
it takes every bit of willpower for you to not break out laughing and just arch an eyebrow at him. it’s simply so pure that you almost find the threat childish. you don’t say this though and instead decide to roll along with it.
with a shrug, you nonchalantly answer while stirring the strawberry-flavored drink with your straw, “okay.” as you make your way from the mixer on the counter towards the kitchen table, you catch jisung blinking at you and again, you have to force yourself to not crack a laugh.
it’s certainly not the reaction jisung wanted nor expected. frowning, he watches you sit down and casually start drinking from your drink. he doesn’t answer and starts filling his own glass with smoothie. in the end, he seemingly properly processes your answer as he soon finds himself letting out a confused, “wait, what?”
this time, you’re the one to blink. “wait, what, what?”
“what’s with that boring reaction? that’s not how it works,” jisung says in an almost nervous chuckle. he pushes his glass to the side and leans against the counter. furrowing his eyebrows at you, he scoffs, “I’m punishing you here.”
you innocently look up at him while sipping from your smoothie. “and punishing yourself too.”
“...” “...”
he glares at you all while getting himself his own straw, aggressively buries it in his glass and drinks from it. “you’re playing this game dirty.”
the grin you’ve been fighting to hold back finally reveals itself and with the straw between your lips, you answer.
“I’m not. you started this game, I’m just following the rules.”
said game starts, you finish your drinks and go on with the day.
there’s nothing particularly odd about it. both of you finish whatever work or task you have to do, wanting to get it done with. you make dinner together, joking around with music playing in the background and eat while sharing the most casual talk. the following hour is spent on eating snacks you had bought earlier today and watching a few episodes of a show both of you’ve had to catch up with for a while now.
it’s really not that different from any other day at all. the only catch about it is that it’s a day free from kisses, even pecks. there’s not a single one unlike other times where you would’ve exchanged at least a kiss or two while doing all of those things.
it’s just like you said. jisung is punishing himself just as much as he’s punishing you and what bothers him even more is that you don’t seem even a bit bothered by it.
at last, night comes around and just as he believes he’s confident he can stand out with it just a few more hours, the resolve breaks in a split second.
while you’re off to take a shower, jisung is busy googling ways to remove stains from white clothes. by the time he’s done and returns from the bedroom, you’re already out from the shower and now in the living room; he stops the moment he crosses the doorway and catches the sight of you on the cough.
you look rather tired as you quite clearly aren’t focusing on the weather forecast on the tv and in the way you haven’t bothered doing much about your wet hair. still, with how extremely comfortable and, truthfully speaking, absolutely huggable you look all curled up under a fuzzy blanket, jisung regrets, in seconds, ever coming up with some punishment originally aimed at you.
noticing how he doesn’t move from his spot, you give him a puzzled glance. “you okay?”
“uh, yeah, sure,” jisung plays it off with a small smile and makes his way to sit down next to you. he rests his head back in the sofa and out of habit starts gently rubbing circles against one of your knees. “just thought I saw a bug or something.”
you simply nod and with that, it becomes quiet. the silence residing between you is as comforting as it always is, only broken by the sound of some random romcom starting. 
jisung is still bothered by it though. he’s so bothered to the point that he in the end can’t help but hastily snap his head towards you and ask with disbelief in his voice, “are you seriously fine with not kissing me?”
as soon as he says this, you let out the laugh that earlier had threatened to escape you a few hours ago and suddenly, you’re barely tired anymore. snorting, you answer, “I knew you wouldn’t be able to stand it.” when his jaw drops, you explain, “you looked like a kicked puppy when you realized the consequences of your so called punishment.”
“y-yeah but how can you not be struggling?” he scoffs.
you let out another laugh, amused by how he had worded it like he’s the most irresistible being to ever walk this earth (which he, to be fair, is for you). you just shrug and turn your eyes back at the tv, still grinning, “you reap what you sow, ji. blame yourself.”
when he becomes quiet, you know you have him wrapped around your finger and that it’s only a matter of time until...
“okay, fine!” jisung groans.
“okay, fine, what?” you hum.
he rolls his eyes, aware that you just want to hear the golden words. “okay, fine, you win-”
jisung hardly makes it to finish.
when he turns back to you with a look of defeat, you’re already sitting up in the sofa and before he knows it, your hand is on his shoulder, his lips met by your own. undeniably, it takes him by surprise but before long, he’s already relaxing into the soft touch; he reaches out to cup your cheek, leading you in closer to slightly deepen the kiss he had waited and pained for ever since he came up with that, now, stupid deal.
“you seriously play dirty,” jisung mumbles against your lips during a quick break.
“I played fair and square, jisung, you know that,” you chuckle and by your hand on his shoulder, you pull yourself closer to him, draping your legs over his lap. “blame yourself for it.”
jisung moves back upon hearing this and deadpans, “I’m blaming that stupid mug.”
you respond with a gasp, “it wasn’t stupid! you gave me it, it was my favori-” you cut yourself short as you realize what you had unconciously said. when he slowly breaks out in a grin, you turn your head away.
“y/n,” he smugly hums, “I thought you loved that mug so stupid much because of the design?”
“I mean, it was cute but...”
at your awkward mumble of an answer, his grin becomes wider. “are you telling me it’s because I gave you it?”
“...” “...” “hey, it was a birthday gift! I have to take good use of it...”
with his hand still on your cheek, he turns you back to face him. when you notice how unimpressed he looks by your answer, you mutter, “alright, alright... yes, it’s because you gave me it.”
you’re not sure whether you should feel embarrassed or relieved when jisung starts laughing and leans closer to rest his forehead against your shoulder. “and I thought you ‘won’.”
“hey, I did!” “right, whatever helps you sleep at night, love.”
you only make it to answer with a glare because jisung is soon suddenly up on his feat and within seconds out of the living room. more surprised than ever, you just remain in your seat, wondering what in the world is going on as you hear him walk and mess around in your apartment. “jisung, you won, so come back already.”
“just a minute!”
that one minute turns out to be at least four, or five. you fall back to lie on the sofa, legs hanging and swinging from the arm rest.
lastly, you hear jisung padding back into the living room but just as you’re about to look up at him, you end up looking to the side as he stands between the sofa and the coffee table. he places something on the table and when you realize what it is, you let out the second gasp of the night.
“how did you fix it?!”
jisung snorts, feeling satisfied as you, wide-eyed, look at your favorite mug on the table, the scent radiating from its content letting you know it’s your favorite tea. “I didn’t fix it, dumbass.”
“ji, did you seriously get this just because you broke the first one?“ you question, surprise drenching every word. honestly, at first he’s worried you don’t appreciate it but much to his relief, you show him a pair of bright, gleaming eyes and a wide smile. “that was months ago, how did you even find another one?”
sitting down, jisung places the tea he had brought for himself on the table next to yours and bashfully giggles. “I have my ways.” he pauses, taking the time to drape your legs back over his lap and instinctively, you lean to rest against him. “I found it the same day I messed up my hoodie. I didn’t really know when to give it to you but then I figured I could do that dumb no-kisses deal was over.”
“but if backfired,” you finish, glancing back and forth between your now intertwined hands and the new mug on the table.
“it backfired,” jisung sighs before rubbing the back of his neck and clearing his throat. “I know it’s not a birthday gift or something so maybe it’s not as special but...”
to his surprise but also relief, you answer, “that doesn’t matter, jisung. of course I was sad that it broke but the fact that you seriously went and bought a new one just because it was my favorite makes it just as special.” you twist your neck a bit, enough to settle a light peck to his jaw. “thank you.”
jisung silently stares at you for a while, soon mumbling, “so... you like it?”
“I love it.”
and at that, his signature shit-eating grin returns and you immediately understand what he has in mind the moment he pulls you closer until you’re straddling his lap. “no, jisung, not now, the tea’s gonna get cold!”
“we can always make new tea,” jisung retorts, an arm wrapping around your waist, his hand returning to your cheek. before leaning in for his lips to lovingly meet your own, he chuckles with delight,
“for now I want to get back all those kisses I didn’t get today.”
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eyezari · 4 years
math tutor (tsukki x f!reader)
you’ve been annoying tsukishima to be your math tutor considering he was the top student and he keeps rejecting you,, one day you finally give up and ask the second top student for help and he clearly was not happy about it
consider this!!!
→ gender-neutral y/n!  
→ little angst.... if you squint..
→ possessive tsukki?? is this even a warning
→ not punctuated correctly
“just this one question? surely...!” you plead, holding tightly onto your textbook. you were so close to failing this semester and you really needed your average to be lifted through the upcoming exams. when everyone thought it was the easiest subject, you found it the most difficult. 
so you’re back again, the next day. tsukki was used to you coming up to him every lesson to ask for help,, in fact its been going on since the beginning of the year. and he never helped. not once. 
you don’t know why you kept coming back and begging him when you knew damn well he was gonna give you the same harsh answer. he would say things like, ‘are you dumb? of course not.’ or ‘not in a million years.’ and his personal favourite, ‘please come back during business hours.” (you still don’t know when that is)
yamaguchi, who sat next to him looked at you two amused. “please! this is probably the most difficult one yet. khan academy didn’t help. i’ve tried everything.” tsukishima didn’t even bat an eye, he didn’t even spare a glance and his head down onto his page. you sigh. 
“y/n, who do you take me for?” he finally said and you sigh again. you were seriously lost and the math teacher is always out of the room doing whatever. the revision notes, you just didn’t understand. and your friends just gave you shallow explanations. 
the reason why you went to him in the first place is when you overheard him teaching another girl in class. she didn’t understand anything but it’s like he adapted her learning method and explained it to her like it was the easiest thing in the world. after that, that girl never failed to get good grades. ‘why doesn’t he wanna teach me?.. it’s just one question..’ you thought. 
to be honest, your heart would just ache whenever you thought about it. he decided to help someone else and they passed the whole year but couldn’t give you a single answer. you groan, scratching your head when you read the question again. then you turned to hinata, “hey, tsukishima has helped you guys out before right?”
“tsukishima? yeah but he gave up after and refused to teach us anymore, lol.” he smiles at you before going back to playing with his volleyball keychain. oh. so it was really just you who he refused to help. maybe it’s because you’re not close? no, you’ve known each other for quite sometime.. as.. friends. wait, no.. acquaintances? your jaw dropped as you realised, ‘does he not even think of me as a friend......bruh..’ 
you shook your head and just kept doing the rest of the practice test, skipping questions that you were unsure of.
the next week after you marked your practice test; you realised you were still way behind. you barely passed half of it, with an underwhelming score of 30 out of 58. you still didn’t understand most of it. not even photomath explained well. you sneak a peek at tsukki’s paper... 58 out of 58.. huh. interesting. he recently went on a training camp for volleyball club and still managed to study well. you stood up to stand in front of his desk which was next to yours. 
“tsukki.” you try and get his attention, but with his headphones on his head, it might be difficult. you repeated his name several times, nervously fidgeting with your fingers. you noticed he was in a sort of sour mood after his volleyball training camp and you couldn’t help but to feel bad you were disturbing him. 
with a scowl on his face, he removes his headphones. “what now?”
you became even more nervous now that his attention was on you. “um, can i just ask how you did the quadratic relations part.. i just don’t quite understand.” you said quietly. 
he only glared at you. “y/n, you must be fucking with me.” he said suddenly, catching you off guard. “how many times do i have to say no? it’s been too long. don’t you know how to give up? you’re so annoying honestly, get it through your brain. i’ll never teach you anything” those words hit you like a truck. especially because they came from tsukki. 
tears stung at your eyes and honestly, you were at a loss for words. you wanted to apologise and explain yourself but you couldn’t. a thought went through your head, ‘maybe it is annoying to constantly ask him for help..’ 
you muttered a “sorry” before quickly returning to your seat, not to mention that yamaguchi was quite shocked too and gave you an apologetic smile. you felt extremely embarrassed he just said that in front of the whole class. a few minutes later, you excused yourself from class and ran to the bathroom just to fix yourself up. somehow, you were choking on your tears.
it really shouldn’t have hurt you this much, but knowing you made tsukki dislike you even more just hit a different nerve. 
the next few days, you’ve been trying hard. but clearly not hard enough since you are still barely passing the revision. you were extremely disappointed in yourself since you did make an effort to learn but it simply wasn’t enough. you really wanted to apologise to tsukki but knew it would make things worse so you didn’t even try to talk to him. but you were hopeless, you just needed the explanation to the topic because you didn’t have anyone around you to ask. 
then you had an idea... the second top student named saiki came back from his trip. surely he’d help you just a little bit. you glance to your right, to where his desk was. and he did attend school! working up the courage to ask him, you turned to him. “welcome back.” and he smiled at you, waving at you. 
“how are your studies?” he said, resting his head on his palm. 
you groaned, “bad. i am literally hopeless at this. do you mind just explaining the parabola thing? i just don’t get it.” this caught the attention of many people around you. especially tsukki. your classmates suddenly thought it was weird you weren’t bugging tsukishima, maybe you have finally learnt your lesson. 
yamaguchi’s ears perked up as well, and suddenly everyone was lowkey trying to listen. “yeah!” and you smiled brightly. saiki moves his desk to get closer to you and he starts explaining the problem. at first it was confusing, but he tried to dumb it down for you as much as possible. you were seriously grateful because you understood most of it.
“thank you so much, jesus christ.” you sighed in relief. “so it opens downwards and the directrix is 2?” 
“yup. good job.” he pats you on the head. you smiled back. 
“wrong.” someone called out randomly, and you turned to your left to see it was tsukishima. “it’s 4.” he looked displeased. extremely.
saiki looked lost. “hm, i wonder where i made the error. do you mind explaning it to me then?” he asks tsukki.
his face darkened. “i do mind,,” and saiki just smiled awkwardly.
“y/n, it’s been a couple weeks. i’ll teach myself and i’ll get back to you later. is that fine with you?” saiki offered, returning his desk to the original position.
“yeah, thank you.” you grinned. you turned to your left again and saw tsukishima basically frowning.
why is he so rude today? what’s going on? is he okay? your head fills with random thoughts as you worry about him. 
the lesson seemed to go for hours and the heavy atmosphere between the two of you grew and it was excruciating. when you were finally dismissed, you had to stay back to clean the classroom. but you didn’t expect tsukki and yamaguchi to stay back too, considering they have club activities.
“hey yamaguchi, don’t you guys have club activities?” 
“yeah, we do but tsukki is on class duty. i’m about to leave soon.” he said sheepishly, grabbing his bag. 
so coincidentally you were on class duty with tsukishima. out of all days, you sighed heavily. 
you two were left in the class and he didn’t hesitate to start moving the desks. but you stood still, and stared at him. he was so pretty. 
heat rose to your cheeks as you recollected your thoughts and started packing up. it was an awkward silence as you two tidied the room. you were in the middle of wiping the board when he suddenly said, “open your textbook.” 
you were taken back. “what?” 
“you heard me.” he said bluntly. “open your textbook.”
“but why?” you stuttered a little bit.
“do you want me to teach you or not?” 
your face flushed. teach you? your mind blanked. “hnnn...” you couldn’t form coherent sentences “yes.. please.” 
he began to tutor you the study material. tsukki was obviously frustrated trying to teach you. it was like teaching a cat how to do dog tricks after all. you scratched your head at one question, still not getting it. 
you pursed your lips. it’s been 10 minutes and you’re not past the first half of the question. tsukki groans. “what you do is..” he explained it perfectly. but it went straight through your ears. you were too busy staring at his features, he was so close to you. 
this was the first time you realised how hard you fell for him, and tears pricked your eyes as your cheeks began to turn red. holy shit. i really like him. but chances are, i’m just a nobody to him. 
“y/n. are you even paying attention? this is why i didn’t wanna teach you.” he pinched his nose in stress. your heart sank. you didn’t want to inconvenience him any further.
“we can stop now, it’s getting late and you still have club activities right? i can buy you snacks tomorrow. thank you tsukishima.” you said with a sheepish smile. 
he furrowed his eyebrows. you just used his real name and not his nickname. he just found it odd how you wanted to stop so soon. you started packing up your things.
“it’s not even past 5. you need to learn this chapter.” he said abruptly. 
you stood up and grabbed your bag. “no, no seriously, it’s okay. i’ll just study tomorrow and-”
he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down. “and let you talk to saiki? no thanks.”
you were speechless once again, face red once more. “only i can teach you. understand?” he looks at you right in the eyes and all you wanted to do in that moment was to disappear. reluctantly, you nod. 
‎ ‏ ‐ ‑ ‒ – — ―
you can clearly tell my language is eu/au LMFAOO its the ‘surely’ for me GUYS COMMENT PLS ! I NEED INTERACTIONS 
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 5.2 (Bit 2)
From here | Bit 1 | Bit 2
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It took me all week to put this little bit together. Work stress messed me around royally. Fortunately I have some time off lined up in a fortnight, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We’re getting there. I have a list of threads I’m tying off as the boys manipulate me along the way. I hope my stressed out writing is up to par with the rest of the fic - that is one downside of pausing mid-fic for any length of time is that the mood shifts and my writing changes. Also, the format of this fic doesn’t really lend itself to the short posts I’ve been doing of late, but it will have to do. I hope you enjoy this little bit anyway.
Thank you to all of you who have answered my little poll on what to write next. This is the result. Those of you who voted for The Hero, I will get there as well. These three fics demand ends even if it has taken me a year (yes, it is reaching that point for The Hero at least). Thank you all for your wonderful support. You guys continue to just be amazing ::hugs you all so much::
This is for @scattergraph​ It was last year’s @tagsecretsanta​ fic and it is still being written, now closer to this year’s Christmas. Apparently, it is We’ll Be Finished For Christmas :D Talk about a fic getting totally out of control. Thank you so much for bearing with me on this tome. I love this fic. It has taught me so much. I just hope I can finish it with due credit to the rest of it.
There followed an extensive rundown on a random ball of rock and ice currently traversing their solar system.
It was interesting, Virgil had to admit it, and it was great seeing Alan so enthusiastic about it. Of course, once he started on his heroic tale of his and Scott’s encounter with Halley’s Comet, Virgil found himself tuning out.
He’d heard it a few times already.
At some point he was able to drift away from his babbling brother, step out onto the balcony and grab breakfast off the remains of the buffet that had obviously been left out for him. The last of the morning was as beautiful as the rest of the week had been. He had to admit that they had been very lucky.
A glance down at the caldera as he munched on a pastry, most definitely not cooked by his grandmother, and he spotted A Little Lightning resting quietly at her dock.
He found himself staring at the boat. Her yellow stripe, ever so Gordon, her gleaming hull, their short and shared history…
“She’s a good looking ship.”
Virgil nearly jumped out of his skin for the second time in less than half an hour.
Gordon arched an eyebrow up at him. “You okay, Virg? How are you feeling?”
Exasperated. “I’m fine.” He turned away, his eyes dancing across Mateo and its petrel colony.
A bird squawked loudly as if in recognition.
Gordon snorted. “So I hear.”
Virgil glanced back at his brother. “What?”
All innocence. “What?”
“Gordon...” His tone was all warning.
His brother downed his drink. “So, we going to open that pile of presents or are we keeping them as ornaments?”
Virgil frowned. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. Johnny had to discover a comet to keep Alan distracted while we were waiting.”
Gordon rolled his eyes. “Gees, Virg, it’s not a problem, just c’mon. Join us.” And he was being dragged back into the house where everyone had gathered around the Christmas tree.
For the next hour or so it was simply family, friends, gifts and laughter. Scott in particular, was in a jovial mood, his grin an apparent fixture on his face. Mel was never far from him.
It became very clear that Scott, and possibly Gordon, had been Christmas shopping that morning, probably on the other side of the world, because there were presents under the tree that hadn’t been there the night before. There may have been an abuse of International Rescue technology to obtain it all, but the smiles on their guests’ faces when presented with Christmas gifts may have been worth his brothers’ transgressions.
Virgil sat on the lounge, a brother either side of his feet peering up at him as he opened a present wrapped in green tissue paper. The material inside was also green and when he held it up, it unfolded into a t-shirt.
Written across the front were the words ‘I’M FINE’.
Behind the curtain of fabric, a brother snorted.
Virgil exhaled and dropped his hands into his lap with the shirt. Glaring at his grinning brother, he held Gordon’s gaze for a moment before shuffling out of his seat and standing up.
Both Alan and Gordon scampered away from his feet.
“Virg…” Scott’s tone was worried.
Virgil ignored him and continued to glare at Gordon.
The aquanaut’s expression faltered a little and Virgil mentally tagged himself a point.
He then took the trophy by shucking off his shirt and undershirt in front of all of them.
The breeze was cool through the open doors of the balcony as he awkwardly dragged the new t-shirt over his head, aware of every eye in the room staring at him.
He pulled the green material down over his healing incisions and glared at his brothers, starting with Gordon, who appeared somewhat gobsmacked a moment before once again bursting into a grin, and following around the room to each of his other brothers.
He didn’t fail to notice a strange smile on Kayo’s lips as he did so.
“Now, I hope this means I don’t have to keep repeating myself?”
Silence and lots of staring.
A snort from Gordon. “Sure, Virg. We all think you’re pretty fine.” He followed it with a snicker.
There was an odd sound from Penelope’s direction, but when Virgil darted a look at her, she appeared to be smothering a delicate cough.
Her eyes were sparkling at him though.
Oh, for the love of-
“You’re great, Virgil.” Alan was grinning.
“Like china.” John was not even trying to keep a straight face.
“Whatever you say, Virg.” Scott had his arm around Mel and was grinning like a loon.
Somehow the points were being racked up by his brothers now.
His glare turned flat and he lowered himself awkwardly back onto the lounge. He didn’t miss Gordon’s attempt to reach out and help him.
Another glare and Virgil grunted, crossing his arms across his chest in an almost pout. “You’re lucky I love you guys.”
There was an outburst of more laughter. Virgil tried to hold his disgruntled expression, but a kiss by Grandma on the cheek broke his determination.
“You’re a shit, Gordon.”
“And you love me.” Still grinning.
Virgil couldn’t help himself. He grabbed the Fish by the scruff of his neck and wrangled him into a half hugging noogie, messing his hair up royally. Virgil had to admit that Gordon was likely playing along because his big brother certainly wasn’t up to wrestling with him, and as Penelope burst into laughter, Virgil found himself getting soppy.
The noogie turned into a full-on bear hug.
Chlorine scented hair caught in his nostrils.
A wheeze. “Need to breathe.”
“All your fault.” He let his brother go.
Gordon sat up on the lounge, straightening his shirt and running his hands through his hair. A glance of fond exasperation and he turned away. “Okay, Allie, time to see that painting.”
“So, it is a painting?” Alan shot off the floor and dashed over to the tree where the huge present was leaning against the wall.
There followed many exclamations at Virgil’s skill in painting Thunderbird Three in flight. Hell, even John put in a request for one of Five, so maybe he managed the stars part of the project accurately enough.
He must remember to ask Alan to grab some shots of John’s ‘bird next time he was up there. Or maybe he would hitch a ride and go up himself.
That thought led to visualising possible compositions, moving Five around in his head, whether he should include Earth in the background, which bit of Earth – Tracy Island, of course – which constellations, what time of year, whether he could lean on artistic license or whether inaccuracies would bug his brother silly. Most likely the latter, so there would be some research involved. Perhaps Alan could help him with that. Actually, that wouldn’t be a bad idea. A good excuse to spend some time with his little brother.
He eyed Alan and the young astronaut turned a questioning look in his direction. Virgil just smiled a little at him.
Alan’s face burst into a grin and Virgil found himself subject to another brotherly hug. “Thank you, Virgil.”
He returned the hug with gusto. “Anytime, Allie.”
Apparently, today was the day for being soppy because he clutched his brother tighter.
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