#i just learned about Blood Drips Heavily on Newsie Square
For a piece of media that hasn't come out with new content in a long ass time, I'm constantly flabbergasted by the things I learn being in the newsies fandom
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this-is-macy · 2 years
As a Newsies fan, I just want to put this out there:
I love 92sies
I love Livesies
I love the Original Broadway Cast Recording
And I've never seen a full production of Bwaysies, Toursies, or West Endsies, but based on what I’ve learned about them, I have no reason to believe that I wouldn’t love all of those, too!
I just wanted to make that clear about myself since silly, comparative drama happens online sometimes. (And also, because I don't ever want any jokes or critiques that I make to get misunderstood as not liking something.) It’s all love here!
(And for the record, I love Blood Drips Heavily on Newsie Square too lol)
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