#i just keep thinking about in the behind the scenes the staff was telling them they cant laugh 😂
mostlyfate · 2 years
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RADIO ROMANCE 라디오 로맨스 (2018)
So why does the movie need the kiss scene here? Why does the writer insert the kiss scene here and here? So when do you shoot this? Tomorrow. You must like doing kissing scenes. This must be a piece of cake as you have so much experience. Not as easy as cake... So how much experience do you have? About... 1,000 times? A thousand times? I think so, if I include movies and dramas. A thousand times... I'm speechless! Wait. What about you? Me? Well... I'll need to count. That many? Think about my age. You kissed so many times because you're old? What about you? You kissed other women 1,000 times. I did that in front of the camera regardless of my will. But you did it because you wanted to. Why are you getting mad? How can I not? How can you do that with other men? That was mean!
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kaijutegu · 8 months
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Aug ABSOLUTELY deserves the praise, @ryukikit. St. Augustine Alligator Farm is one of my favorite animal facilities, hands down. It's a pretty zoo, doable in an afternoon if you kinda like crocodilians, or an all day affair if you REALLY like crocodilians. Here are my favorite things about it and why I think it's worth supporting.
1. They keep animals in interesting social groups.
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Crocodilians are heavily involved parents, but most places that breed them don't have the enclosure space to let the babies stay with the parents. St. Augustine does. One of my favorite groups was their crèche of slender-snouted crocodiles. They had the parents and then a yearling cohort and a new hatchling cohort. This aligns with how these guys live in the wild- the babies stick around longer! They have the space for it, and they are very in tune with the social needs of their animals.
Very, very few zoos can keep their baby crocs with the adults and still perform maintenance and animal health checks safely. This doesn't mean these facilities are bad- it just means that they have different management practices. And frankly, a lot of these species aren't frequently bred elsewhere. Your average zoo doesn't need a setup where you can have a multiyear crèche for slender-snouted crocodiles. Some species have better success when the young are pulled early, and some zoos are better set up to raise out any offspring separately or behind the scenes. Every facility's practices are different, and this just happens to work well at St. Augustine and be really enjoyable to see as a zoo patron.
Crocodilians are exceptional parents and very protective. It's a sign of incredible animal management practices and animals that feel very comfortable with staff that St. Augustine can do this with nearly every species they breed.
2. They understand the social needs of their animals.
Some crocodilians are social. Some are solitary. Some can live happily with a member of the opposite sex but get territorial around members of the same sex. St. Augustine pays incredible attention to their social groupings to ensure that they aren't just meeting the animals' physical health needs but their social needs as well. They do continuous scientific research about social structures in crocodilians, taking blood samples to test stress hormones and observing stress behaviors to see how group dynamics change.
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For example, St. Augustine is home to one of the world's largest known living saltwater crocodiles, Maximo. And his comparatively tiny mate, Sydney. During the educational presentations with these two, they point out that even their monster of a croc needs his social group- he won't eat if she's not around and he is calmer during medical checks if he can see her. These animal share a deep and special pair bond, and they make sure to talk about how the social aspect of these animals' lives is integral to their care. It's a unique aspect of the way they talk about these animals, because he IS a spectacle and he IS a sensation, but they don't talk about him like he's a mindless killing machine- they talk about him like he's a big, complex predator with social needs like any other animal. Aug is the only facility I've been to where the emotional and social needs of crocodilians is part of the education they provide guests- and speaking of education...
3. Their demos and presentations are extremely good.
The presentations at St. Augustine are some of the best I've ever seen, and I've seen literally hundreds of animal talks on everything from aardvarks to zebras. But as you... can probably tell from my blog content, I've spent a lot of time learning about and working with reptiles. I really enjoyed all of their presentations because they are very scientific about things and avoid sensationalism. They really want you to be fascinated by these creatures and love them- but more than anything else, they want you to respect them.
Also, they do a really good job handling their ambassadors. I really enjoyed something as simple as watching an educator tell us about snakes. Throughout the whole presentation she made sure that most of the snake's body was looped in her hand. The snake was always supported and was very calm. She gave the snake plenty of head room so that it didn't feel constricted- it was just good handling all around.
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But also, the presentations made it clear how much the park cares about the animals' well-being. When they do the feeding and training presentations, they make it very clear that the animals' participation is entirely voluntary. They do things differently for their 9-foot saltie and their 16-foot saltie, because the 16-footer is so large and heavy he actually struggles walking on land sometimes. They adapt their programs and his care to ensure that he's completely comfortable- and he didn't actually participate in the whole feeding when I was watching! At no point did they try to push him into anything uncomfortable; they offered, he didn't engage, and they moved on. It was a clear expression of his boundaries, and I really appreciated how much his caretakers respected that.
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4. Ethical Interactions
I've been to... a lot of tourist locations in Florida that have animals you can hold. Almost always against my will! Many of them are pretty terrible, and you don't actually learn much, if anything. But I really found that to not be the case at St. Augustine. Every single animal presentation and interaction opportunity was accompanied by education about the animal's biology, habits, and- crucially- their conservation status.
When I held a baby alligator at St. Augustine, the proctors- there were two, one to ensure I was holding the gator correctly and the other to educate- were very informative about the role alligators play in their ecosystem and their conservation history. The animals were all properly banded, and one of the two proctors was there to ensure that none of the baby alligators were uncomfortable. As soon as they started getting squirmy or tense, they were removed, unbanded, and taken to an off-exhibit area to relax. And when the babies age out of petting size, they just go in the lagoon to live with others of their species. I saw one upset alligator the entire time I was there, and he was clearly upset that his escape attempt was foiled by a keeper during my nursery tour.
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Even though he's restrained in this shot, you can see that his full body and tail are supported, and the grip, while firm, is gentle. He's distressed, but after I took this picture, she put him in his enclosure and he calmed down immediately.
Sometimes when you have petting attractions with baby animals, those animals... don't have a happy ending. (See: cub petting.) But St. Augustine's program is fine- the gators are all aged out of wanting to have mom around, there's no declawing/defanging, and they're handled with care. And it's worth it, because people love what they understand. St. Augustine was integral in raising public awareness about alligators back in the 60s when they were endangered, and now they're thriving- largely in part to programs like St. Augustine getting people to care.
And speaking of getting people to care, let's talk about their research.
5. Shared Research Results
St. Augustine is also home to more species of crocodilian than anywhere else in North America- all of them, usually. (They didn't have a Tomistoma when I visited- that may have changed.)
Because of this species diversity, it's an incredible research resource. Having every species means that you can do a lot of work comparing their behaviors, their growth patterns, and more. They've been a major research site for crocodilian biology since the 1970s. Today, they're one of the key sites for studying crocodilian play and social behaviors. They actually maintain a blog where they post copies of papers that were written using their animals, meaning that you can actually see the results of the research your admission helps fund. You can see that right here: https://www.alligatorfarm.com/conservation-research/research-blog/
All of this adds up to a zoo that provides a unique experience, tons of actual education, and transparency about what its research and conservation steps actually are. St. Augustine's come a long way since its opening in 1893, and they really do want you to leave with a new respect for the animals they care for. Ultimately, if you're a fan of reptiles, you can feel good about visiting the St. Augustine Alligator Farm- their care and keeping are top of the line, they do a ton of innovative conservation research and support for conservation organizations, and you can see this animal there:
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(Gharial from the front. Nothing is wrong with her that's just what they look like from the front.)
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reiderwriter · 3 months
💫 Starry-Eyed 💫
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Pairing: Porn Star! Spencer Reid x fem! Reader
For the CM Kink Bingo Challenge
Summary: For work experience, you take a job working the cameras on a porn shoot, but after becoming suddenly attracted to a new coworker, you shortly find yourself as a fluffer, the person whose job it is to keep the "talent" aroused between takes.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Porn AU, College AU kinda, exhibitionism, oral sex (f receiving), consensual voyeurism, masturbation (male), blow job, deep throating, messy orgasm.
A/N: Well, look at where we are. I think this actually counts as my first Alternate Universe fic, which is crazy all things considered. I'm really enjoying the Kink Bingo Challenge as it's leading me to so many new ideas for fics!! I hope you all enjoy this one 🥰
Masterlist || Bingo Board
Being a college student still at age 25 meant many things, but mostly, it meant you had friends at many different stages of their lives. Some were fresh out of high school halls, enjoying their first taste of freedom, some were enjoying their first drops of alcohol. Some were giving up alcohol for good and starting families. 
Some of them were successful porn stars who'd funded their own start-up porn production company. It certainly was one way to use a film degree. You knew a professor or two who would enjoy her work more than half your syllabus as well. 
Candi Rapper had become famous doing cam shows in her first year of college and had gone all-in after graduation. You'd shared a few classes in the early days, before you took a break from college for financial reasons, of course. By the time you'd gone back, she was a big time and now in the position to offer you a job. 
“One of my crews is down a cameraman this weekend. If you're open to it, I pay a fair wage?” she'd offed at your weekly brunch. 
“Will you be the star?” You joked back with her. 
“You wish.” 
You took the job, of course, along with a ride from Candi (her name was Kate, but you'd let her pretend) and pulled up on site bright and alert at 7am. 
The set was a large mansion - typical, Candi said - and you'd be mostly shooting in the living room - typical, Candi said. You'd had to tell her after her second typical that you were, in fact, an adult and had seen at least one porno before until she cut out pornsplaining everything to you. She introduced you to the key staff and the director, and they got you set up at your camera. 
“The shoot today is going to be around 5 hours. You'll be on camera three. The papers in front have your cues and directions. You can have some free time until we start. There's a breakfast spread in the kitchen, help yourself.”
Not one to turn down free food, you bee-lined there and stood awkwardly in line for the coffee with the dozen or so other crew members, eyeing up the take-out pancakes organised across the granite surface. 
“Your first time?” An older man asked from behind you, smiling in a friendly manner. 
“You can tell?” 
“You're thinking about eating the pancakes, and the rest of us are remembering the scene filmed there last weekend," as if on queue, a shiver ran down his spine. "Yeah, we can tell.” You laughed along with the man's joke and finally grabbed your coffee. 
Luck just wasn't on your side, though, as you turned and immediately ran into someone immediately sloshing the coffee onto your shirt. 
“Oh my god, I am so - I'm so sorry, I need to watch where I'm going.” 
You'd run into 6’3” of lanky, awkward male perfection. He looked young, your age or younger most likely, and was fidgeting as he stood, the most obviously uncomfortable person in the building.
Your first thought was “Is he lost?” closely followed by “Can I beg him to get lost in a linen closet somewhere with me?” 
He grabbed a handful of tissues from the counter nearby and began attempting to wipe away the coffee you'd spilt down yourself, completely unaware that he was fondling your breasts in his haste to do so. 
“Slow down there, tiger, shoot doesn't start for another half hour,” you said, winking at him as you took the tissues from his panicked hands and dried yourself as best you could. 
“I know, I memorised the call sheet. Who are you?” His question was blunt, but you weren't taken aback at all, your smile even deepening as you enjoyed his subtle attention. 
“I'm Y/N. It's my first time.” 
He spluttered, coming up with an answer to that, and you immediately cursed yourself for the slip. 
“My first time on set, not my- I'm 25. Not that age determines experience per say but-”
“I'm 22. And my name is Spencer,” he said, grasping your hand and shaking it. 
“So, it's your first time on set?” He asked, relaxing more into the conversation as he stepped closer to you, letting the other staff members come and go from the kitchen. 
“Yeah. My friend offered me the job, you know Candi?” 
He nodded but didn't speak, so you continued. 
“She thought the experience would be good for me. And the cash. Gotta put myself through college somehow, and it was this or stripping.” 
He laughed, and you felt a flash of warmth in your stomach, a familiar hunger spreading across your lower body. Maybe it was just the atmosphere of the set, but the air was charged with arousal. 
“Well, you're certainly attractive enough to do both jobs. I'm sure the camera is going to love you,” he said, sounding so genuine and enthusiastic that you almost felt bad you had to correct him.
“Oh! Oh, no, Spencer, I'm not - I'm, uh, I'm going to be behind the camera. Behind camera number two.” 
His face instantly flushed, and you thought you saw a pang of disappointment there for a second, too. The thought of him being disappointed made your skin heat, that he'd been looking forward somehow to watching you get fucked? Your cunt throbbed and suddenly, you found you did wish to display yourself, to let everyone see if it meant that he got to.
“I am so sorry. I didn't - I thought… No, I didn't think, I… I'll shut up now, please excuse me-” 
“No, Spencer, wait-” 
You tried to call after him, but he sent you an embarrassed smile and walked off in haste, leaving you behind as the director called people to their places. 
You were still flushed with arousal as you moved to your station, getting your camera ready for filming. You were distracted even as the scene started, and the female actress came on set, already stripped down to her underwear and touching herself, teasing the camera. 
Surprisingly, you found the work easy enough, too busy focusing on the settings and the gaze of the camera to even care about what was going on down the lens. She was moaning and writhing and gasping sure, to the benefit of the cameras, and although strangely intimate, nobody in the room seemed bothered, so neither did you. 
Or neither did you until the actual scenario started, and your actress got ‘caught’ doing the dirty by the needy boy next door. You hadn't looked at the call sheet closely enough as Spencer peeped through the door to the bedroom, entering the scene not by accident but as a scripted part of the show. 
Your eyes bulged out of your head as you immediately looked down to your prompt sheet to find his name there. 
His stage name was scribbled next to that, but you paid it no attention as you steadied your camera again and got to filming seriously again. 
The actress had pulled his glasses off and led him to the bed, letting him keep on his sweater vest and tie as she pulled his head between her legs, and he started doing his job. 
Even from your view to the side of him, you could tell this wasn't his first time doing that. His tongue spread across the expanse of her heat, first, letting her grind into his face, getting comfortable before he snaked a hand up to her stomach and held her in place for as long as he so desired.
Then, he rolled her clit into his mouth and sucked. The fake moans and whimpers suddenly became real as you saw the sheer skill of his tongue ripple through the woman's body. 
You couldn't even be jealous at this point, despite how much you sorely wished that were you on the bed. Surely no girl had resorted to porn out of pure horny desire before, right? 
After a while of letting her gasp and moan under his tongue, Spencer's fingers curled inside the other woman as well. The director called cut, and he kept his fingers there, even as they walked him through the next few shots, and instructed him to unzip his pants in the next few clips. 
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself as the cameras started rolling again, and he did finally free himself from his tight khakis. 
You knew you'd probably sign up for whatever was on offer at this company next to see that gift again. Spencer wasn't an impressive size or girth, nothing so alien or out of the ordinary that it only belonged in porn. It was just that his cock looked so… pretty. 
He was an inch or two longer than any man you'd ever been with, you were sure, but his cock seemed to have an air of dignity about it. 
You had to stop yourself at that thought. Dignity? Really? You were working part-time on a porn set, and there was suddenly dignity involved? 
You rolled your shoulders back and tried to find your earlier unbothered attitude. But with his cock in his hands and his face slick with female arousal, you really couldn't bring yourself to think about anything less than his fingers roughly finger-fucking you. 
You tried to close your eyes to it, to be blind, but the wet, sticky sounds only distracted you  and you found yourself soon swaying, swaying, swaying until you had to catch yourself before the camera dropped. 
With a shout of “yes, baby, yes,” the female star came on his face, sending up a furret of fluids as he just kept diligently stroking his cock, only stopping at the director's final yell of “CUT.”
“Perfect guys, let's get her up and drinking water again. You need to stay hydrated after all that,” he joked, a PA walking over to pass the actress a robe and a bottle of water as she walked off set. 
You relaxed for a second, trying to find your quickest route out of the room so you wouldn't have to drool over the man's cock so obviously any more. 
“FLUFFER? Where's the fluffer?” The director yelled, looking around for someone who obviously wasn't there yet. 
Still, no one arrived to do whatever job they needed doing, and you felt desperate for escape. 
“New girl, would you mind?” Some crew member called out from the sidelines, nodding at you. 
“Oh, uh, sure,” you said, hoping that whatever job you agreed to would get you far enough from this room and the heat between your legs as possible. You were not a prude, and you would not bolt from your very first film shoot. 
“Great, get on the bed and keep the boy company,” the director said before exiting the room. 
You were absolutely on board with becoming a prude and bolting the scene as fast as your legs could carry you. Unfortunately, eight people still sat around, monitoring equipment and chatting on their breaks, and so you were forced to comply with the task. 
“We meet again,” you greeted the man stiffly as you found him on the bed, an apprehensive, tight smile on his own face.
“You don't have to do this if you're uncomfortable, I can keep myself… occupied.” 
You noticed then that his hand was still wrapped around his cock, giving it slow strokes, not enough to tip him over the edge, but just enough to maintain the erection. 
“So the fluffer….?” 
“Prepares the actors for the next scene? I need to stay- let say in shape.” 
His face flushed crimson as your gaze slipped down to his cock in his hand. 
“So you want me to-” 
“NO. No, I usually only talk to the Fluffers. Look at them, you know?” 
You nodded and found yourself suddenly going still, watching his face contort with pleasure as his eyes raked over your chest and legs. 
You couldn't help but let your eyes dart south again, and fuck did you wish you hadn't. His spare hand fisted the sheets as he stroked himself gently, practically taunting himself with the light touch. 
“You do this often?” you asked, trying to pretend you were open to having a normal conversation even while your brain begged you to climb into his lap and sink down as fast as you could. 
“You mean maaturbate or the porn thing?” 
“No. No, I come in for a shoot every few months. One of these shoots tends to fund another semester of my PhD, so-” 
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you were impressed by that admission, but your predominate thought was still “shit, shit, shit, shit.” 
“That's impressive,” you said, only catching your words as they tripped out of your mouth. “THE PHD! The PhD, I mean not your… penis? Not that it isn’t appealing, or- or-.” 
You tried your hardest to use the most clinical word you could, distancing yourself from the honeyed words you so wanted to drop in his ear to get him to crawl further up the bed and entice him to make his own scene with you. 
“Thank you. It's my third,” he said, slightly more relaxed now that you were the flustered one. 
“PhD that is. Not cock. I only have one of these.” 
“One is enough,” you say, unable to stop the words tumbling out as your eyes again find themselves following each pump of his hand up and down his cock. Inwardly, you curse your friend for starting up her stupid business and paying you to simply exist in the same hemisphere as this man without being able to ride him. 
“Do you want to touch it?” He asked, blurting the words out suddenly. As if God had answered your prayers, your heart leapt up into your throat, your pussy clenching around nothing as you shifted your hips closer to him. 
You'd thought then that you'd quite enjoy bouncing on that thing yourself, but a handshake would have to do.
“So you have to stay hard, but-” 
“But it's best I don't cum, yeah.”
“Okay. Noted.”
Slowly, you reached out a hand and gently wrapped each finger around the tip of his cock. He released himself and wrapped his now free hand around yours, setting the pace for you quickly as he engaged you in conversation again. 
“So, where are you from?” He asked, as inept at small talk as you felt in that second. 
You answered him without a fuss and returned the question. Las Vegas. That seemed to check out with how easily he'd broken into porn. There was always something happening in that city. 
"How'd you get into the business?"
"Well, Vegas, you know. A producer saw a group of... street ladies offer me a freebie and gave me his card."
You went back and forth on questions like that for a few minutes before you noticed he was coughing every few seconds to mask moans and groans, evidently too into this to request you stop. 
“Is it okay to…Can I touch you?” He asked, sounding very afraid of rejection at that second. 
“Oh, um, yes. That'd only be fair, right?” 
He ran a hand up your waist to the curve of your breast and pressed his fingers into one, digging into the skin as though it were a pillow, and he was testing it before he fell head first into it. 
Maybe that was just wishful thinking, though. 
Temporarily, you let go of him, popping the front buttons of your blouse until he could freely see all of your black and red bra, and feast on the tops of your dusty nipples, peaking out just above each cup.
You heard him inhale sharply, even as he tried to hide it, but you didn't care, too transfixed on the precum decorating his tip. 
“Would you mind-” You started, but cut yourself off quickly, biting your lower lip. 
“Can I suck it?”
You didn't know where it came from because there were probably half a dozen other people still in the room, and mostly men. But dear god, he looked delicious, and you wanted just a little sample. 
“Fuck yes,” he said, finally giving in and letting out a whole gust of breath as he slumped down a bit further, no longer holding himself rigid. “No, no, actually, please do. I'm begging, I'll beg-” 
You cut him off by pushing yourself to your knees and crawling in between his, and seconds later, you were licking the length of his cock from the base of his balls all the way to that precious drop of precum. 
Hard, but no cumming. You could do that. You'd never done it before, preferring to fully pleasure sexual partners any chance you got, but there was no time like the present to start learning. 
Slowly, you wrapped your lips around his tip and sank down, taking one inch, then another, and then another. When you reached the base of his cock, you pushed that little bit further down, calming yourself and going slowly so you didn't gag, nose pushing into his neat public hair before pulling away just as slowly and doing it again. 
You took him as deep down your throat as you could manage, and suddenly, it was like everything that kept your conversation casual and civil earlier had flown out the door. He threw his head back, fisted his hand in your hair, and moaned deep. 
The sound shook you so much you almost pushed a hand into your own underwear and started fucking yourself, needing to prepare yourself for him like a good girl. 
Around you, you could hear signs of the shoot starting back up again, people finding their places, still all but ignoring you deep-throating a porn star. 
Spencer's breaths grew more rapid as you sucked him, hips becoming restless as he tried to lift up into your mouth, hand in your hair tightening as you realised your mistake. 
You pulled off his cock and grasped it again, stroking it slowly, but it was too late. With a sharp moan and a twitch of his hips, Spencer so prettily decorated your chin and chest. His cum dripped down your face, hitting your cleavage and pushing further down to stain your nice black laced underwear white.
“Fuck! Sorry, I wasn't meant to do that, let me get some - Can I get a towel please? A baby wipe? Some tissue, anything?” His voice was panicked, but his hand on your head relaxed, and he brushed your hair gently behind your ear, as if comforting you. 
He was panicked, for sure, but the crew calmly handed him everything he needed, as if they'd been in anticipation of just this thing happening. You supposed they probably were, this being a porn set. You were sure you were supposed to clean yourself up, but instead, he grabbed a wet tissue, leaving the pack just out of your reach.
He managed to clean your face off a bit before the director returned to the room with a laugh. Running a hand through his hair and messing it up slightly, the director turned back to you.
“We're five minutes out from shoot time,” he said, shaking his head. You started to apologise, but he stopped you with a hand. 
“New girl, work whatever magic you just did and get him hard again. Five minutes.” 
“W-What?” You spluttered, trying your best to rise from your knees, but ultimately failing. You were either stiff from the position or just weak with arousal. 
“He just came, I don't think I can-”
“10 pictures I've done with that kid, and I haven't seen him cum that quickly ever before in my life. And certainly not just for some kitten licks. Do it.”
You turned back to Spencer, his cum still trickling down your chest, creating an almost uncomfortable stiffness as it dried up. 
“Pleasure working with you?” You said, not-so-secretly ecstatic that you got to sample him once more. 
“I'll be in your care,” he replied, as you begin softly kissing the head of his cock again, tipping his head back again and losing himself in the pleasure or your tongue.
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mousy-nona · 7 months
Because I'm a sucker for seeing Vox lose it over RadioApple, and also them dancing, maybe a thing where RadioAaple both a little tipsy, dance in Lucifer's room late at night. Vox sees them on his drone and freaks because 1) Alastor is letting himself be unguarded with a person 2) Alastor is dancing and 3) Alastor has, in fact, made nice with the King like Vox was afraid of. Very nice by the looks of it.
“Do you ever think you may have a problem?”
That was Velvette, who was using her best “let’s not piss off the crazy man” voice. 
“Not even a little one?”
Valentino and Velvette exchanged telling looks, which Vox promptly ignored. He had more important things to worry about, like keeping this stupid drone in the air. Maneuvering the machine itself was easy, but getting around the electromagnetic force field Alastor had set up around the hotel’s perimeter was a whole lot trickier. Vox had been flying in circles for hours, trying to find a weak spot in Alastor’s defenses. 
(He knew it’d been hours because Velvette had started shooting worried glances at him around hour two, Valentino had showed up around hour five, and they’d started a game of rock-paper-scissors to figure out who was going to do a wellness check on him around hour six.)
“Ah-ha!” Vox screamed, jabbing both fists in the air when the force field flexed and glitched, creating a half second window of opportunity. He urged the drone forward, barely zipping past before the shield re-formed. “Boo-yah! Who’s your daddy?” 
Valentino smirked and took in a long drag of his pipe. “Vox, baby, not outside the bedroom.” 
Vox’s metal heart – the same one he always denied having – started beating faster as the camera zoomed closer and closer to the hotel. He zipped to Alastor’s radio tower first, then his room, frowning slightly when all he found was a half-eaten deer, a cooling cup of coffee, and a discarded coat.
From behind him, Velvette clapped her hands with an annoyed huff of relief. “Oh, well, looks like the asshole is out. Too bad, so sad. Can we please get back to something actually fucking important?” 
But Vox shook his head. “That doesn’t make sense. It’s 11 o’clock. Alastor usually finishes his business before seven so he can have dinner at eight, or else he gets too hungry to do–” He trailed off when he saw the look on both their faces. They were both staring at him as if he was a terminal patient, come down with an incurable case of Alastor-itis. 
He sighed and re-focused on the screen. “It just doesn’t make sense, okay?”
The library. The lobby. The kitchen. Alastor was nowhere to be found.
Then Vox had a horrible thought. He remembered the rumors flying around town, the wild laughs of excitement and the curses emanating from the hotel recently. He remembered Alastor’s most recent broadcast (“Folks, when living with an annoying roommate, always remember to assert your dominance wherever possible”). And most of all, he remembered Alastor’s smug face as he strolled down the street, humming merrily to himself as he twirled an unfamiliar white top hat on his staff. 
He remembered the strange apple that had appeared on the top right of the hotel, just down the hall from Alastor. 
His heart in his throat, he slowly moved the drone higher, then higher still. Don’t be there, don’t be there, don’t be there –
Velvette and Vox went quiet at the scene that appeared on the screen. Alastor was there all right, but he wasn’t alone. As if he’d suddenly downloaded a virus, Vox could only process what he was seeing in chunks.
He saw the record player first, oddly enough. An old-timey song was playing, static crackling and popping as a low sweet croon, somehow both deep and high, filled the room. 25%.
The room was dark, but a few candles and duck-shaped lamps were gleamed with a heavenly light, washing the pair slowly revolving in the center of the room in a seductive golden glow. 50%. 
The king of hell was there. The expression on his face was…tender. His head was tucked into Alastor’s narrow chest, one hand on Alastor’s shoulder and the other clasped in Alastor’s hand. His eyes were sparkling, almost overfilled with a nameless emotion that Vox knew all too well. Alastor’s hand was curled around his waist protectively (possessively). 75%. 
And finally, Vox saw Alastor. Really saw him, as if for the first time, because this wasn’t his Alastor. His Alastor was always one step ahead, always untouchable, cold, cruel, and capable of truly unspeakable acts of violence with an effortless charm that made his blood boil with envy and need at the same time. 
But the Alastor in front of him…his coat was off. For the first time in fifty years, Vox saw Alastor’s bare skin, his shirt rolled up to his elbows as he allowed another living soul to see him undressed. Unguarded. His eyes, always so alert and aware, were closed. 
Worst of all was his smile. It looked soft. Gentle – or whatever passed for gentle with Alastor. As Vox watched, Lucifer’s lips moved. The words were too soft for the drone to pick up, but whatever it was, Alastor laughed. Not in a mocking or teasing way, but an actual, genuine laugh, as if Alastor was a real boy with a real heart.
Suddenly, Alastor’s eyes flew open, and he stared at Vox through the screen. The wicked smirk that curled his lips was the last thing the drone ever saw as it glitched, red shaking and warping the feed until it went completely dead, and the three of them were left staring at a black screen. 
Silence reigned. Then – “Well, I’ll be. Looks like the deer found himself a doe.”
Velvette shot Valentino a warning look, then took a hesitant step forward. “Vox – “ Velvette started, but Vox started cackling. Wild, out of control, utterly insane laughs ripped from his wires as his monitor-face went haywire. 
“I am going to kill that motherfucker!”
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pancake-breakfast · 3 months
Sorry it took me so long to get these notes up. Between internet issues and pure busy-ness, it's been rough. But here they are! The notes from AX Day 1's Trigun Stampede panel! Now with images! (Sorry for Chilchuck's head in most of them. He's awfully tall for a half-foot.)
Trigun Stampede presented by Toho Animation, Studio Orange, and Crunchyroll
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The guests for this panel were Yoshihiro Watanabe (producer at Orange) and Katsuhiro Takei (producer at Toho animation), with Steve Liu from Crunchyroll hosting. (They had a translator as well, but Watanabe promptly stole her job.)
One other thing I'm going to note before we get started is that this was Takei's first time talking about all this in front of an audience since Episode 12 aired. He kept looking out at the practically full auditorium (the panel was held in one of the ballrooms, so easily one of the biggest rooms at the venue) and seeing all the fans and cosplayers and just grinning from ear to ear. He was clearly very exited.
They started off by playing a quick video recapping Season 1. (It really made me want to watch the show on a big screen. It looks great even on a projector!) After the video, Liu started in on the interview questions. Please don't take anything below as a direct quote unless it's in quotation marks; I'm not that fast with my notes, so I'm mostly paraphrasing and relying on my memory, either of which could include my own misinterpretation or just be flat-out wrong.
The first question was, how do you feel about the future of the series?
Watanabe said their passion (for creating more of the series) was burning within them.
Takei noted that when the show was initially announced at AX some years back, they were very nervous about it since they were remaking a well-known and well-loved title, but today, looking out at all the fans, he felt a lot more confident.
Behind the Scenes of Trigun Stampede
They then showed some concept art from the famed Trigun Bible. This included what Watanabe called "Vash's projection of Rem." Seems like they came up with this design before coming up with Vash's dark design.
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They also shared some concept art of what most people assume to be spiky-haired Vash...
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...but which Watanabe quickly noted is actually Vash in Episode 1. You know, when he's hanging upside-down. Takei added that Muto, the director, was a bit mischievous and had a tendency to lie to the staff about when certain designs would appear in the series. He apparently hid a handful of Easter eggs and foreshadowing (like Vash having spikier hair) throughout the series.
They also had some concept art of Knives and of Vash's wing.
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They then showed some concept art for some friends all y'all might recognize if you read the manga....
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...but in case you didn't, I'll identify the characters below:
Top Row: Vash the Stampede, Millions Knives, Meryl Stryfe, Roberto Deniro (the blank one), Legato Bluesummers
Bottom Row: Monev the Gale, Dominique the Cyclops, Leonof the Puppet-Master, E.G. the Mine, Nicholas the Punisher, Midvalley the Hornfreak, Hoppered the Gauntlet, Rai-Dei the Blade (his name doesn't actually look like Rai-Dei here, though, so they may be calling him something different or they may just be subbing in kanji; it's too small for me to tell), Grey the Ninelives, Livio the Double Fang, Zazie the Beast, Elendira the Crimsonnail
If you're sitting there thinking, "Aww, they came up with all these designs but we saw so few of them!" then I have news for you! Watanabe said we should be keeping an eye out for more of these folks in the next part.
Favorite Scenes
Next, Liu asked both of the guests about their favorite scenes, and before they got into talking about them, we were shown a video not just of the final scene, but the storyboard, the rough cut version, and the version used for dubbing, all on one screen.
Takei answered first, and he chose the scene from episode 1 where Vash goes up against Chuck Lee, a.k.a. the military policeman from July.
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(The audience kept laughing at Vash's wonderfully goofy face in the storyboard.)
When asked why he loved that scene, Takei noted that everything they wanted to accomplish in Trigun Stampede was encapsulated in it. In the manga and '98, Vash is more funny and tough (although "a good-looking guy"), and here in Stampede, he's rather more wimpy (although "still a good-looking guy"). This scene is a good blend of both sides of Vash.
It also showcases a "good action scene," which he clarified by noting there aren't many anime where so much drama and emotion is centered around one bullet. Takei also noted (though it's hard to convey to you all via still images) that Muto trusted his animators to improve on the storyboards. He's not as strict as some other directors and didn't want them to feel confined to stick to it too closely, but rather wanted them to enhance what was storyboarded out as they felt was appropriate.
Which leads to Watanabe's choice for favorite scene: the one where Vash is running through his shattered memories toward Rem and finally breaks free of Knives' prison and yeets Knives himself out. (Alas, Watanabe did not, in fact, use the word "yeet.")
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Watanabe said he chose this scene because he loved the details that the team added to it after the storyboarding. The storyboard just had Vash running, but they added all these subtle movements and emotion that created a much stronger impact. When the completed scene was presented in Studio Orange, all who saw it were in awe.
Upcoming Trigun Stampede Merch
First up, as many of you already know, we have the Special Edition DVD/Blu-Ray set, which is currently available via preorder on Crunchyroll.
Second up is a new Vash figure! So new they haven't finished coloring it yet, BUT they did note this will be Black Vash (a.k.a. Grape Juice Vash) from Ep. 12. Takei is particularly excited about this because he always wanted to get the Black Vash figure from back in the day, but wasn't able to, and now he's gonna be able to get his own Stampede version. This figure is actually designed by the same person who designed the Vash figures for the manga back in the day. Interestingly, after they picked him but before they met to collaborate on designs, he came up with the current design for the figure. This worked out exceedingly well, since the design Orange wanted for the figure was basically the same thing.
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Also, this Vash figure will soon have a Wolfwood companion figure. Because you can't have just one of them. The Wolfwood figure is still being designed, so alas, no images of it yet.
There's also been a restock of the orders for the clothes collaboration they had with SuperGroupies before, so a bunch of that stuff will be available again soon. They're also adding a new item to the lineup, and that's a black version of the Vash jacket. (I checked their website and it looks like they might also be adding a Livio EoM jacket. Hot.)
Preview Stuff for the Next Season
Ok, first and foremost, I'm gonna note there was NO TRAILER SHOWN, so let's crush those hopes now lest they linger and lead to disappointment. What they DID show was this:
First, a preview image of the characters for the upcoming season....
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TBH, the only difference I really noticed is Knives' hair seems fluffier, but new art is always nice! Also, this one looks like a win for foot, ankle, and/or hand fetishists.
Second, we got a lovely video thanks from Nightow himself!
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(He said he wanted to be there, but unfortunately there wasn't a strong enough headwind for him to run to the con. And for the curious, he's wearing a Guillermo del Toro shirt.)
Nightow being a fan of Stampede and overjoyed that so many people love his story isn't new. (Wonderful, but not new.) What IS new is he drew this nice little piece of art for us all.
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He said this was his first time drawing Stampede Wolfwood. He had to get them to send him 3D images of the Punisher to be able to get it right, but he enjoyed making it! He said "it felt old and new at the same time." He can't believe next year will be the series' 30th anniversary. (Congrats, OG fans. Now we can all feel old together.)
The third thing they released was this.
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Given the amount of trouble I've had posting this, I'm sure plenty of you already know that the next season/final chapter is going to be called Trigun Stargaze. Liu asked Takei about this title, and Takei said something like, "I don't know what this is about. Trigun Stargaze? What's that? This is news to me." He then (after noting he had just been joking) launched into what little he could tell us about the upcoming season.
He said he can't talk about the reason for the specific title, but that manga readers can probably make some good guesses.
Trigun Stargaze will take place 2 1/2 years after Stampede. They want to keep in mind the original concept behind Stampede, that being that because the previous Trigun stories have been so amazing, what they create needs to be amazing, too. He said they're proud of what they've made so far. It went beyond your imagination. He hopes Stargaze will go beyond your imagination, too.
Cosplayer Highlight
They decided to call all the cosplayers up to the space in front of the stage next. There were SO MANY COSPLAYERS!! Foolishly, I didn't take a panorama.
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Costumes included '98 and Stampede versions of Vash, Wolfwood, and Meryl, as well as a handful of Millys (Millies?), not one but TWO groups doing Barbie & Ken-styled Vash and Wolfwood (the Barbie Vashes shouted, "Hi, Barbie!" at each other when everyone went to sit back down), an old-school Legato, a Zazie, and a group fully cross-playing the characters (with Meryl and Milly being male while Vash and Wolfwood were female; they did NOT change the costumes for any of the characters).
Liu handed out prizes to a few of them (they didn't have nearly enough prizes for all of them), and then they had all the cosplayers bunch up and face the stage and the guests turn around and took a picture of everyone. (If anyone has a link to the picture anywhere, let me know and I'll add it here. No, you can't see me in it; I'm much too far over to the side.)
Guests' Closing Thoughts
They were actually running early on the panel, so Liu opened it up to any additional comments either of the guests would like to make.
Takei still seemed overwhelmed by all the cosplayers (like I said, he spent the whole panel grinning from ear to ear at the audience), and he noted he had been worried about the Stampede characters being accepted by the fans. This was his first time seeing all the cosplayers, and he said that made him "feel safe."
Watanabe said he loved looking at the "multiverse" of Trigun. It had these previous iterations, and now it has Stampede, and the fans have both adopted it and adapted it, blending the different versions together and even adding their own things, and he really appreciates that. Takei added that while they created Trigun Stampede, if in 50 or 100 years, a new Trigun series is made, that would be great.
The animation for Stargaze is in process. Watanabe said he just recently saw some of it (a clip of only a few seconds that he, of course, couldn't show us) and it blew him away.
Both Watanabe and Takei are fans of the manga and the original series, and Takei said he's really wanted this series to happen, so he hopes we all look forward to it, too.
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bunji-enthusiast · 7 months
Hope you're doing well!! Please take however long you need to get your creative juices flowing <333 may I order a Dogday recognizing Poppy's Angel is actually the former Playtime Co. employee he and many others came to love and cherish due to their kindness? The reader is THAT employee that others envy, many of the toys LOVES them and prefer to be taken care of by them.
Maybe the reader had found out the sinister nature of the company but is understandably afraid to speak up about it as they realized their old co-workers maybe weren't just fired or " quit " out of thin air after all... Perhaps something happened behind the scenes that made the reader " quits " ( Maybe they could be threatened but by a lot of pleading and bargaining, they're spared but has to keep their mouth shut and never come back, otherwise... )
The toys are devastated, angry and just lots of mixed emotions. The reader feeling more and more guilty as they venture through their once happy place and having to harm the ones they once swore to care for.
The rest is up to you! Please again, take care and take your time, all the best in everything <333
I'm So Sorry
Note || oh my hearttt the angstttt, lovely to write this as always. In the form of head canons if that is alright? ^^
WC || 1,035
Sypnosis || you knew otherwise, presumably what went on. You just didn’t mean to harm those around you.
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Being aware of something most employees where not had dug you a thorough grave, you didn’t want to leave your beloved friends in the toy factory. A factory misconstrued on a basement of lies and futility you may as well be well over with, and bury it in the ground. Yet, bury in the ground they did. 
Your superiors had learned of your knowledge of these things, and began sending letters. Bit by bit, they had only started off by threatening you; telling you to keep quiet. They didn’t want their precious reputation to be ruined by the likes of you. Still, you continued to stay, you didn’t want to leave your loved ones. All the friends you’ve come to love, eventually becoming like family for you.
You weren’t deaf nor blind to what the superiors at Playtime Co. do, quite literally you’d have to bandage your eyes or plug your ears to ignore all that was happening behind the scenes, you didn’t let it fall on deaf ears however. Eventually soon enough it was eating away at you to actually just quit, just straight up disappear from Playtime Co.’s eyes. 
Among the many toys; Huggy, Kissy, Mommy, and Poppy, hell even CatNap began to wonder where you went. Why did you flat-out depart from working at the Factory so suddenly? One day you were visible and present, the next you had not shown up. Oddly enough they soon had gotten their answer when the Hour Of Joy had occurred, Huggy Wuggy had come across your paper of termination when he had taken upon himself in the act.
So long ago, that was a decade past you left that life behind. You really wished you would have granted them goodbyes before you had gone, yet it seemed you got that chance to do so when you received a paper in the mail that had appeared to be from your co-workers. Word for word you could remember reading, everyone thinks the staff disappeared ten years ago, we’re still here. Find the flower.
The only reason you even had to come back to the factory in the first place was because of the guilt easily overwhelming your logic, you needed answers. You needed to know what happened to your co-workers and all the toys you cared deeply for, yet you had an overwhelming suspicion you really knew what happened to all the staff in Playtime Co. you simply just weren’t present for it. Having technically already left. 
Seeing Huggy Wuggy on the pedestal again brought back some memories for you, he was certainly a hoot. In a way, you really liked him along with the rest of the toys. He was certainly a unique one out of the few–especially along with Kissy Missy. You thought they were a cute pair together, Kissy always managed to calm his murderous tendencies and Huggy was always someone you can count on for a good hug if you ever had a bad day.
Killing is not something you would ever dare think of doing, it was simply not in your mind or blood to do so. So why did you have to resort to killing Huggy? You silently wept, having no time to grieve for him properly as you had to trudge on along to the flower.
Poppy was the last person (or toy, ahem) you expected to find in that case you came across. Now you find yourself in the game station, seeing her get pulled away like that right after she offered to give the code to you had you on the steels of your nerves, you were immediately very close to being in an angry mood. 
Now you had to deal with Mommy’s antics, you felt for her, but you certainly wouldn’t want to go through the trouble of trying to get the code from Mommy. Least of all having to resort to killing her, as she would not listen to your words. Convincing her was impossible to do, trying to make her remember you was a whole different story.
Why’d she have to go in a rage? Now she’s dead too, and what in the seven circles of hell did she mean by “HE’LL MAKE ME PART OF HIM! YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME!” You shudder when a mechanical hand comes to pull away Mommy’s corpse, you mentally make a note that is the Prototype. As you’ve come to learn the name after you had scavenged Elliot’s office. 
Soon you learn what Mommy had meant, arguably enough you were angry that Poppy had derailed your only train to get out of Playtime Co. but your heart had ached too much to not finish what you started. Now CatNap was hunting you while you ran around in Playcare, you just never expected to see such an untimely sight that nobody should be put in.
DogDay was hurt, real bad. His legs were severed, he wasn’t long and limber like you remember him to be. His life seemed to be completely drained and sucked away from him, you wince when he moved, movement appeared to be harsh to even put energy into. Your heart bleeds for him, yet you are surprised when he actually recognizes you from before, all those years ago. 
“Angel, you! Y-You're the one that cared for so many of us.” You nod, parental instinct already kicking in to free him from his belts from which he hung from. DogDay doesn’t deserve a fate like this, not then and especially not now. “You don’t need to, leave me here.”
“Oh hell no, you need to live.” You refute, shushing him before DogDay begins to protest. You sigh in relief once he finally is free, as selfish as it may be, he hadn’t ever attempted to kill you. You wanted someone with you that actually remembers you and doesn’t try to gun for you the moment you even step into the vicinity.
Gosh, you really hoped to get this over with. Guilt weighing heavily in mind as you had to kill so many toys, so many that you cared for. 
At Least it meant to be in the name of self defense.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
What Did You Do
pairing: tom riddle x female reader, voldemort x female reader
warnings: angst, tiny bit of fluff
summary: throughout your years at hogwarts, you and tom were inseparable, now as a professor you see what happened to him at the battle of hogwarts - requested by anon
a/n: i'm going to age down voldemort and the reader (meaning because mcgonagall is a little younger than voldemort, the reader would be so old lmao. so i'm just imagining the reader is like remus' age, it wont affect the time line, idk if that makes sense sorry)
song: the night we met - lord huron
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Tom was brilliant, so were you. You were both the top of your classes since your first year at Hogwarts.
That's how you two started talking. You would be partnered with each other in most of your classes, you made an excellent pair.
Throughout the years there, you two had grown a bond. Eventually, you both had feelings for each other.
You knew of your affections towards him, you didn't tell him because you didn't want to ruin your close friendship. But Tom had been in a sort of denial, seeing as how he was conceived under a love potion, he didn't think it was possible.
Around your sixth year, he had come to terms with how he felt. You two had confessed to each other after one of Slughorns dinner parties, he had attended as your date.
It came as a shock to most students when the news of you getting together spread.
They had know he had a soft spot for you, but he had never shown any romantic feelings towards anyone before.
It was seventh year and Tom had confessed to you of his plans and becoming Lord Voldemort.
He asked you to join him and be his partner but you couldn't. It was wrong and you knew it, he knew it deep down too.
You figured this was caused by his horrible childhood at the orphanage, he told you all about how he was treated.
He asked you one final time to join or he would have to continue without you.
You stood there in front of him with tears streaming down your face as you shook your head.
He wanted to wipe the tears from your beautiful face, but he knew it would make him tempted to give up the plans he worked so hard for.
So he turned his back on you and left you behind while you cried and begged him to stop what he was doing.
After that night, you hadn't seen him again.
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"Harry!" you call your student, a student who was like a son to you.
You knew of how he got his scar, as did everyone else. It broke your heart each time you thought of what had caused it.
"Harry, be safe, I'll be right behind you," you kiss his head. He goes and runs off to find Voldemort as students and staff start to fill the courtyard and go into a circle.
You quickly walked through the empty halls of Hogwarts, making sure there were no student that needed help.
You finally went outside and saw Harry and Voldemort in a duel.
You gasp at how he looks, this wasn't your Tom. You hadn't seen how he looked since that night so long ago.
You rush over ignoring the calls of people to stop.
"Tom! Stop this!" you yell with angry tears forming in your eyes.
Voldemort blocks Harry's spell and sends one to knock him out for a little while he drops his arm to look at you.
People watching were frozen in their places as they took in the scene in front of them. There were very few people who were aware of your past relationship with Tom.
"What did you do," you cry. He almost winces at the pain in your voice.
He slowly walks over to you and stops about three feet from you.
"I got the power I've always desired," he explains in a monotone voice.
"Tom... we could have had a future together, look what you've become," you whisper.
"You didn't wish to join me, you didn't expect me to drop everything I've worked for, did you?"
"Yes, I did, because you could have and I would have done the same for you," you try your best to keep your voice from cracking.
He knows you're right. He couldn't look you in your eyes. He looks around at the faces watching as he tries to not think about how beautiful you still are.
You had grown into a stunning woman, and well, he felt embarrassed by what he had come to.
"Stop!" Voldemort shouts, annoyed at his now conflicted emotions.
He feels tempted to stop and apparate you and him somewhere to stay, like how you always dreamed of.
He couldn't, not now. He decided an apology was the only thing he could do, as he went to apologize to you, he suddenly felt pain all over.
He turned his head to see Harry with his wand pointed at him. It was then you both realized he was truly gone.
As he starts to turn to stone, he uses all the energy left in him to look at you, in the eyes this time.
He watches as so many emotions flash through your eyes. He memorized your features in the few seconds he has.
You look at Voldemort on his knees, almost all stone. You see him mouth something, it looks like 'I'm sorry', but you can't be sure.
You watch as he looks you dead in the eye, finally turning completely to stone and dissolving into nothing.
People around you start cheering and hugging as they all celebrate.
Harry turns to you and sees the devastated look on your face.
"I'm sorry that you lost him," Harry says as he hugs you, "not Voldemort, but Tom," he continues.
"I'm sorry too, but you're safe, along with everyone else," you sigh, "that's all that matters," you kiss his forehead and hug him back.
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It took you a while to finally accept that Tom- Voldemort, was gone.
Things slowly got back to normal. Hogwarts was rebuilt and repaired. You continued your teaching career there.
You were sat in your room, in a cottage where you and Tom were supposed to be living.
You decided that if he couldn't be there to live life, you would do it for the both of you.
You pick up some letters he would send you when you were dating, you had saved them all. You look at the box and see one that hasn't been opened. Your eyebrows furrow as you open it. Then, a tear slides down your face as you read it.
My y/n,
If you are reading this, that means I have become Lord Voldemort, and am likely dead now.
I need you to understand that I am not the Tom you once knew. I also need you to understand that I have regretted walking away from you each and every day since I did so.
You were my family, my love, my everything.
I'm sorry I threw that away for power. I know now that it is far too late to go back.
I wish I could though, and spend life with you in that place you always use to tell me about. Unfortunately, it isn't possible. But know that if it was, I would take that opportunity in a heartbeat.
Stay true to yourself, don't turn your back on the people you love, I regrettably made that mistake.
You are a beautiful person, my love, I hope you accomplish all of the things you use to rant to me about.
Please forgive me.
Yours always,
Tom Riddle
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jess-the-vampire · 4 months
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Happy Arborgeist Day/ Hurl'ullack!
Checked out the storyboard for another deleted s1 episode "No Tree Left Behind"
You can read it here:
An episode about boiling isles holidays and traditions? interlaced with eda and lilith's sister drama? This one was actually pretty interesting, and got me even a little sad, despite it absolutely being non canon now.
Thoughts on the cut episode below:
Honestly this board really serves to remind me we didn't get to know a ton about the actual culture of the Boiling isles, like we kinda get to know the stuff witches do on the isles, what they eat, and the everyday stuff they get into....but not so much about it's culture. You can kinda chalk that up to belos a little but this boarded episode was basically about keeping tradition and making new memories, even in spite of change, so it more or less feels like the crew either didn't have time for this or had other things to focus on.
So the culture of the island is a lot more in the background in the actual series as it keeps it's focus more on the characters dealing with their personal issues and with the conflict at hand.
Speaking of which, despite belos being the bad guy for his hatred and fear of witches, can't deny....the culture of the isles is quite disturbing at times that i can understand that not all humans are gonna have luz's extreme acceptance. Like king's holiday is primarily the celebration of demon overlords and is very casual about maiming others to present to the deity when talking about it. If the isles was a real place i think most humans would be a bit disturbed.
Anyways, king's part of the episode, while funny at times, is the least interesting of the two, the real emotional core is the A plot with eda and luz.
(I did think the scene with willow and gus was fun tho)
There is one scene where i think another demon calls king insensitive for putting the wrong bloodthirsty battle painting of demon history on display and king being like "Tomatoes, tomatoes, it's all the same and not a big deal", and the guy gets SUPER offended and i don't know how to take this scene.
Eda is such a menace during the holidays my god
Luz trying to tell Eda it's ok if her celebration tree is gone because she and her mama celebrated all holidays even if it wasn't on the correct day, and it was more about family in the end then the tree itself.
Only for it to be revealed this tree meant so much to eda because it reminded her of the days she and her sister got along is actually pretty heartbreaking.
Even Lilith, who, despite threatening luz's life to get her way, still has a moment of sadness for the fallen tree you can really feel from the panels. It's really good.
We get some moments for both the construction coven and the plant coven, though the construction coven acts more like.....an actual construction team.
The plant coven members being old guys had some fun jokes tho, think it's cute one wanted to intern willow at the end.
Also kiki cameo.
I know this is a canned episode, but i'm a bit glad we don't have an episode where some of the jokes are about eda telling luz their holiday traditions involve them all being naked and dancing around a tree, this....would of been taken a weird way.
also witches might be able to remove their SKIN??????!!!!
Also this board just remined me how inconvenient it really is that the coven guards don't have palisman, like eda just.....easily flies away from them and they can't catch up to her. Like this is an incredibly bad security system if your trained guards can't even fly up and chase after criminals, like my god.
One reason for sure you know this is basically non canon is apparently the tree in question, the Arborgeist. Is the tree that eda made her staff from, and there's only 10 of these on the entire isles that i assume supply all the palisman.
Basically, these were the proto palistrom trees.
I can kinda see why this was changed, like even if we take it that belos is cutting them down for his palisman eating, this would just raise the question why he's doing it NOW of all times. But on top of that, these rare trees that apparently only show up once per generation all being cut down at once feels like the kinda thing that would REALLY tick off the isles, especially if all palisman are being supplied by it.
Having the trees just be a normal thing that was depleting due to his consumption makes both him seem less suspicious, and the witches seem less dumb for just being....ok that they're not going to make staffs anymore.
It's implied they don't protest mostly out of fear, but still.
Also belos's, i assume fake, reasoning for chopping down the trees is apparently "We can't have you people celebrating non-coven holidays" and it's just, it's so petty.
granted, it's much more meaningful to actually SEE the tree being cut then having it be stated offscreen like in the show. Like even the resolution to this episode, as in, finding a sapling they plant, is still an offscreen thing in the final series. Where they just talk about replanting trees.
And of course, we gotta have a dance party ending, tho i do think the last scene tying back to the tale eda told about the holiday is very cute.
So it seems a lot of elements of this episode were more split between multiple episodes.
Still, a pretty decent episode, moreso for the main plot but the boards do great at really making you feel for eda and lilith despite it not even being animated.
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formulawolff · 4 months
✧˖° a day in the life ✧˖°
pairing: female!driver x toto wolff
summary: as the season progresses, you decide to share some of your favorite snapshots to your instagram. however, as you post more and more photos, the fans are beginning to really starting to wonder who that mystery man may be.
a/n: these posts are set between chapters vii, viii, and ix of alkaline! they aren’t really super time specific. they’re just around the time golden girl was in brackley, her travels through england, and of course, the races!
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liked by williamsracing, alex_albon, lilymhe, and 800,004 others!
goldengirl: a day in the life :p
view 2,082 comments
lilymhe: oh my gosh!!! it’s me!!! ilysm!! 🥹
goldengirl: ofc!!! my bestie <3 ily more!!
goldengirlforever: these are so cute! 🤍
kikiayy: mother is mothering with the photo dumps lately
f1fanboy: i can feel her aura through the screen
alex_albon: who’s that cutie in the second photo? i need her number ASAP‼️
goldengirl: sorry but she doesn’t date nerds 🤓
alex_albon: if you keep bullying me, i’m going to go straight to james! i am not NOT messing around‼️👹😤
williamsracing: what’s 4 + 4? cause you ATE that! 💅🏻
goldengirlforever: i’m literally crying rn 😭 wtf
goldengirlstan: they really slayed with that comment though
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lewishamilton: why does it look like you’re in twilight in the first pic lol
mercedesgirly0420: ARIANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?
hastalavistababy: WHAT ON—
justaninchident: this is the weirdest crossover episode ever
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landonorris: can u send me the editing app u use you ur pics
goldengirl: idk can you use proper grammar first?
landonorris: can YOU send me the editing app that YOU use for YOUR photos? please and thank you mommy 🥺
landonorrisfan8383: MOMMY⁉️ 😳 HELLO⁉️
goldengirl: ahahaha no. that’s not my man. it’s just an inside joke. nothing more, i promise :p
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liked by lilymhe, mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, and 736,283 others
goldengirl: recent travels ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
view 4,763 comments
lilymhe: you’re so cute i’m gonna throw up
goldengirl: i WISH a certain someone would flirt with me the way you do 😫
alex_albon: i’m still waiting on meeting the day you bring this mystery man to the paddock. 🤨
goldengirl: i will one day!
mercedesamgf1: hey! that looks familiar! 😎
goldengirl: thank you for showing me around! i had a great time! :)
hastalavistababy: THIS IS GETTING WEIRD.
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lewishamilton: why didn’t you tell me you were in brackley? 🧐
goldengirl: because it was for business and not hanging out 🙄🤚🏻
mercedesfan737: BUSINESS?
ilovef1: this is getting insane. where is drive to survive when you need them? 😩 i hope they’re covering this for the upcoming season
formulaonefan4life: wdym business? this is fishy af.
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goldengirl: guys…. i literally had a meeting with some sponsors in london & then i decided to take a trip to brackley to see the mercedes hq & campus. just because i drive for williams doesn’t mean that i can’t just go look at the place 😭
totosgirl73738: it’s just a bit sketch because toto was in brackley the same time you were.
justaninchident: @totosgirl73728 girl… that man owns 33% of the company.. i think he works there.
totoswife1988: she’s just not making herself look good rn with all the affair rumors going around. that’s all. going out of her way to brackley to just “see” the mercedes is weird.
justaninchident: speculating about someone’s personal life is weird. 🥱
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landonorris: was the mercedes campus cool at least? sorry ppl are being nosy af
goldengirl: yeah! i got to meet a ton of their staff & saw a lot of behind the scenes stuff! come with me next time. we can try fish and chips!
landonorris: omg!! the boys and golden girl take a field trip!! we can visit george and eat beans on toast!
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alexandrasaintmleux: where can i fill out the application to be you? is there like a tutorial or something i can follow?
goldengirl: brb i’ll post one to tik tok right now! 🤭
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 Rewrite Thing
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Been chewing on this movie for a while now and wanted to take a shot at improving it. Some parts are a bit rough but I think this gets the general idea across.
As a rule, I'm trying to keep most of the characters and elements/plot beats in place rather than spinning things off in a completely unrelated direction. I also am aware of the restrictions placed on this movie, such as an unwillingness to rehire high-profile VAs and runtime limitations. This is just meant to be a "what if" kind of thing. That said:
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We open with a stylized sequence of Po telling the story of his and the Five's latest battle. As it ends it's revealed he's at the grand opening of Mr. Ping's brand new bigger, better noodle shop location, talking to the customers.
As one of them asks where the Five are now, Po explains that they got summoned to their own individual missions, but they'll be back soon.
(Yes I am still having them be MIA, as Po needs to be alone with Zhen for part of the movie. However, they'll only gone for the first part of this rewrite and for a very specific plot-related reason.)
(The thing with Po needing to give up his title of Dragon Warrior makes no sense for multiple reasons, so let's just drop that plot point entirely. I get that it's meant to tie into the "change" moral, but I'd rather have Po imparting this lesson onto Zhen instead of learning it himself, as otherwise it undermines the character growth he had in 3.
Also, Po isn't carrying the staff around with him constantly in this rewrite, as it looks a bit silly and isn't plot relevant here.)
A messenger shows up to report that the Jade Palace is under attack. Po decides to rush over just in case Shifu needs backup... which he does, because he's being kidnapped in a small one of those magic-proofed cages from the actual film.
(Shifu being kidnapped was tossed around in the writing room originally and I want to keep it in this rewrite because it A) gives Shifu something to do, and B) I want to allow Zhen to openly be working with the Chameleon in order to help flesh out her character and avoid the lackluster plot twist, meaning she'll need new leverage against Po later on.)
The figure behind the kidnapping appears to be Master Elephant, which confuses Po as he's been missing for several months. Right as he's about to land a finishing blow, the figure shape shifts into Master Chicken, throwing Po's attack and resulting in him getting a bad head injury. He does his best to pursue the attackers, but can't keep up. Dismayed, he returns to the Jade Palace...
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...And finds Zhen trying to steal something, using the commotion outside as a distraction. Po fights, but he's still badly injured and can't give it his all, resulting in Zhen being able to slip away with her prize—a dust bunny from under the furniture. Po is baffled.
(Side note: I would probably redesign Zhen so she actually looks like she matches the other characters' style, but I digress.)
Feeling dismayed, he returns to the noodle shop, where both his dads work on treating his wounds and comforting him. As Po explains what happened, Mr. Ping mentions that customers have been circulating rumors about a shapeshifting sorceress in Juniper City. Po decides that that's where he needs to go, promises his dads he'll be safe, and leaves.
(I'm cutting Mr. Ping and Li's subplot, because as much as I love them they don't really add much to the plot. It also feels like it goes against Mr. Ping's characterization in KFP 1 and 2 in particular.)
This is where we can have the scene of the Chameleon vs. the crime bosses. This can mostly stay the same except one of the bosses attempts to attack her when she shape shifts, causing her to retaliate with a magic-based attack. She also needs to straight-up kill the guy to establish her and her sorcery as a legit threat.
Po arrives at the Happy Bunny tavern to look for a ride to Juniper City. As he talks to Fish and Chip, he notices Zhen nearby doing some black market trading with Granny Boar to obtain a white feather. Po confronts her and she tries to run out with the feather, causing the boar family to pursue in a big fight scene.
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Po and Zhen manage to escape, Zhen stashing the feather. Po threatens to have her sent to jail, but Zhen confirms she's working for the Chameleon and can lead Po to her so he can rescue Shifu. Po dislikes this situation, but has no choice but to agree.
(Unlike in the actual film, I would make it so her lair is hidden in some fashion; magic that keeps it camouflaged would be appropriate for a chameleon, or it could be underground or hidden behind something. Regardless, it should be impossible to locate without Zhen's assistance.)
On the boat ride over to Juniper city, Zhen says that she has to "obtain" one more item from the local history museum or she'll be in big trouble with the Chameleon. Po doesn't like this detour, but once again has no choice in the matter.
Po asks why Zhen would want to work for someone so obviously evil, and this is the point where Zhen admits she was adopted by the Chameleon and we get her backstory.
(I would establish that the Chameleon has an actual name, but only Zhen uses it. It shows that Zhen is closer to her than most, not quite seeing her as a mother but not fearing her enough to use her preferred title. Also, the Chameleon's the only KFP villain without a proper name and that bothers me.)
The backstory can be the same, but the part about her living on the streets and meeting the Chameleon for the first time should be merged into a single flashback.
Zhen says that Po couldn't understand, but Po reveals that he's also adopted, and that he probably would commit some noodle-related crime if his dad asked him to. Still, Zhen insists that people don't change, and that includes her.
They arrive at Juniper city (Po is impressed at its size but he very much is not acting like he's never seen a city before). Zhen covers up her muzzle and tucks her tail under her clothes so she won't be recognized.
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Zhen is ready to break into the museum, but Po says that he's got this and goes up to the guards to tell them that he has some official Dragon Warrior business to take care of and will need to borrow some ancient artifacts.
Unlike in the actual film, everyone ready acknowledges him as the Dragon Warrior. The guards are more than happy to loan him whatever he needs... until Zhen's tail pops out and the guards recognize her, prompting them to attack.
During the scuffle, Zhen uses a chi blast to knock back one of the guards, but almost gets taken out by the other guard coming up behind her. Po defends her but gets mildly injured as a result.
After the fight, Po asks about the chi move and Zhen states that the Chameleon taught her the basics.
Zhen confirms that the Chameleon is a master of chi, and that the sorcery she uses is a specific type of chi manipulation.
(The reason I'm connecting chi to her powers is that it makes them feel a bit less out of left field, and helps 4 feel like a logical progression from 3.)
Zhen admits that she's not very good at using chi, but Po points out that it took him years to use chi in battle. He also compliments her on her kung fu, and she confirms she's self-taught.
(In this rewrite, Zhen is good at fighting but not quite at the level she is in the actual movie. This is to address the issue of who taught her if the Chameleon doesn't know kung fu.)
He takes a moment to give her a few pointers, which causes her to ask why he took that blow for her earlier, figuring there's a catch. Po just says it's the right thing to do, but Zhen is skeptical, figuring he only did it because he still needs her to lead him to Shifu.
The reminder of Shifu prompts Po to move on, and they grab the item Zhen was after, a 500 year old set of blades, then run for it.
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Po and Zhen arrive at the Chameleon's lair, and Zhen shows Po how to get inside and tells him where Shifu is being held. She says that she'll take the items to the Chameleon, which will distract her while Po breaks him out. Po thanks her, and the two separate. Zhen warns him of booby traps on the way out.
There are indeed booby traps, such as those saw contraptions from the actual movie and a bunch of guards. It takes Po a few minutes, but he eventually gets through them.
Po finds Shifu being held in a dark room. Shifu is glad to see him, but warns him to be careful as the Chameleon's likely not far away. Po explains Zhen's distraction and moves to free him... only for a cage to fall down and trap him as well.
"Shifu" is then revealed to be the Chameleon in disguise, who slips through the bars via shape shifting into a mantis and thanks Zhen for her help. Zhen apologizes to Po, who's naturally upset ("I mean, I know you were evil, but I didn't think you were THAT evil").
Zhen hands over the three items she collected, and it's confirmed what they are: a dust bunny that contains a clump of Tai Lung's fur, a feather from Lord Shen, and a pair of blades once wielded by Kai.
Po mistakenly interprets this as the Chameleon being a collector of kung fu memorabilia and tries to chat about the Jade Palace's collection, much to her bafflement.
The Chameleon explains that a trace of a person's chi remains long after their death, and demonstrates by doing The Tongue Thing on Kai's blade, stripping its chi, and immediately taking his form.
(As you may have picked up on, this rewrite removes the spirit world elements entirely. While they are really interesting, I think cutting them is the best option because:
1. There is so much plot involved with bringing Po's old enemies back that you could make that an entire movie in and of itself. It's hard to do it justice when you're cramming it in around the edges of this movie.
2. It makes the Chameleon too similar to Kai in terms of abilities.
3. Having her rely on stealing other's kung fu makes her come across as weak despite being a powerful sorceress.)
Po asks her if her goal is to take over China, but she says no; she just wants to end the practice of kung fu for good, and prove that sorcery is the superior option. To prove it, she has Shifu brought in.
While having your chi stripped does not remove one's kung fu abilities in this rewrite, it is still removing part of one's life energy and thus weakening them severely for a period of time—ergo, Shifu is still unable to fight at his best. Still, he manages to hold his own.
Instead of using kung fu, the Chameleon relies on the brute animalistic strength and inherent abilities of the forms she takes, switching whenever she's loosing to keep her opponents on her toes and even transforming into Shifu himself for a period. She also uses a few chi-based attacks.
Just when it looks like Shifu is about to win the fight, she uses her tongue to strip the chi from the fur clump, taking the form of Tai Lung. Shifu is so shocked and distraught that he fails to attack, allowing the Chameleon to land a serious blow.
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She returns to her original form and states that when the blood moon has risen, she will battle and take down every master in the middle of Juniper city, where everyone can learn just how useless kung fu and the people who teach it are. She leaves Po in his cage panicking over Shifu, who's unresponsive.
Zhen follows the Chameleon outside, where we get the "does the blood moon always rise so slowly" gag. Noticing that Zhen looks troubled, she asks what's wrong, and Zhen talks about how Po encouraged her to do the right thing. Even though she's been told that kung fu masters are elitist, selfish people, she couldn't see any of that in Po.
(Side note: I want to establish in this rewrite that while the Chameleon will claim up and down that Zhen is only a pawn for her to use, she does care about her to some extent, even though probably loathes the fact she does. For example, when talking to Zhen here, she might pick some rubble out of her fur or something to show there's a teeny tiny bit of actual affection hidden there.
The reason for this is that all other KFP villains have had an emotional anchor—Shifu for Tai Lung, Shen's parents for Shen, and Oogway for Kai. The Chameleon being abusive but having some real love for Zhen and Zhen struggling with her gaslighting adds a lot more depth to both of them.)
The Chameleon finally reveals her backstory, which should be told in a hyper-stylized way à la the flashbacks in KFP 2 and 3. Just like Zhen, she grew up on the streets as an orphan, broke and starving. She admired kung fu greatly and wanted to learn it, but everyone turned her away for having no money to pay for lessons.
One day, she found a shiny jade amulet on the streets that someone lost, finally giving her a much-needed break. She is able to use that money to enroll in classes.
The problem was that while the money changed her financial status, it didn't change the way people saw her. Her master still considered her a lowly gutter rat and treated her as such, verbally insulting her and beating her down during training sessions. It's very much like how Shifu treated Po in KFP 1, except worse, especially because the Chameleon is a small and fragile animal.
Finally, during one training session she became too injured to move. Her master told her to quit and started to walk away, only for her to grab his leg with her tongue to trip him up. However, at the peak of her self-loathing, she instead discovered her chi stealing abilities and transformed into him. It's not shown, but it is implied she killed him.
As the flashback ends, the Chameleon shifts into Zhen and tells her that no matter how much you change, you can't change the way other people see you. Siding with Po, she says, will only get her hurt. Zhen nods and unexpectedly hugs the Chameleon, telling her she knows, and runs off.
Cutting back to Po, we see him frantically trying to break the bars of his cage. Zhen comes forward and drops down on her hands and knees, apologizing for everything. Po says that she came back, and that's what matters.
She reveals that the "hug" was actually just a way for her to get the key off of the Chameleon, and she uses it to unlock Po's cage. Po runs over to Shifu and he and Zhen heal him with chi, and we get a callback to the "I'M NOT DYING YOU IDIOT" scene from KFP 1.
However, while Shifu's not dying, he is very badly injured and can barely walk on his own. Po asks how they can take on the Chameleon and her army with just three of them, but Zhen holds up the key and suggests they get an army of their own.
Running downstairs, Zhen reveals where the other masters are being held. To Po's shock, the Furious Five are among those captured. Tigress confirms that the summons they received were traps laid by the Chameleon, and she already has their forms.
Also down there are the other crime bosses, as it feels like they just disappear in the actual film after their scenes.
Zhen only manages to unlock the Five's cages before before the Chameleon snatches the key back with her tongue, revealing that she knew Zhen was lying to her. Behind her, her army assembles.
Tigress confirms that that the Five will take on the army, and Po faces off with the Chameleon one-on-one. She strips the feather and uses Shen's form to fly up and take the upper ground, trying to kick a cage onto him. Zhen helps deflect it, and the Chameleon tells her to stay out of the way. Po and her continue to battle.
Despite Po's best attempts at blocking it, she does finally stick him with her tongue. He grabs it and throws her a distance in her fragile base form, injuring her but still giving her some of his chi in the process.
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The Chameleon takes on Po's form next, and we get a fight similar to the one in the movie, though once again with her using less kung fu and more magic and physical attacks.
She mentions how she was rejected and tries to tell him that he should be on her side, because a bit fat panda like him must have been treated just as badly as she was. Po denies this, but Shifu admits it's pretty accurate. Po says he's not helping.
Po admits that she has a point, except she forgot one thing, and we get a callback to the "I'm THE big fat panda" moment from KFP 1.
The two attack at the same time. As the dust clears, it's revealed that neither are doing great—Po has gotten a lot of little injuries and the chi stealing has weakened him. The Chameleon is struggling to shapeshift at all, with the attempt causing her pain, and instead settles for trying to blast him. Zhen steps in and manages to redirect the attack back at her.
The Chameleon takes the blow and ends up back on the floor as a parallel to her flashback. Zhen reaffirms that she disagrees with her worldview—people can change, and she's going to prove it. If the Chameleon wants get to Po, she'll need to get through her first.
The Chameleon kind of laughs this off at first before realizing she's dead serious. She states that Zhen isn't even good at fighting, but Po disagrees, giving Zhen a confidence boost. The Chameleon struggles to her feet as if readying an attack, everyone braces themselves... and she surrenders, too injured to fight and unable to bring herself to hurt Zhen.
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(There are a few reasons why I think her surrendering makes for an interesting defeat here:
1. There's no spirit realm portal to yeet her into in this version;
2. There's only so many times Po's enemies can be yeeted directly into the spirit realm before it gets old;
3. It adds character depth, and;
4. It ties back nicely in to the theme of change and that it's never too late to do the right thing.)
Zhen helps the Chameleon up, Tigress does the same for Po, and Monkey does the same for Shifu. The five reveal that despite being exhausted, they still managed to wipe the floor with the Chameleon's army, which Zhen thinks is incredible. Po introduces Zhen to them formally, and Shifu asks if they can save the introductions for after they get medical treatment.
Later on, Po (carrying the staff Oogway gave him) approaches Zhen, who's sitting under the peach tree by the Jade Palace. He asks her if she's doing okay after everything that's happened. She says she's alright, but is pretty scared of what's going to happen next, given that the Chameleon's in jail and she has nowhere to go.
Po reveals that him and Shifu have been talking, and he plans to open a new school as part of the Jade Palace that will offer free kung fu lessons to anyone who's interested in learning. Zhen asks if there are any spots open, and we end similar to the actual movie, with her training alongside the five.
the credits still end with the Jack Black cover of Baby One More Time because it slaps
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ventismacchiato · 1 year
40 behind the lens — paper rings !
scaramouche x g!n reader
⇢ ˗ˏˋ time skip of three years ࿐ྂ
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˗ˏˋ headcanons ´ˎ˗
✰ you and kuni graduate at the top of your respected classes and have been dating for almost five years now, known properly as the campus it couple
✰ neither of you moved in together until last year when everyone else started moving out of the shared content houses
✰ first xiaoae move out together, then childe, then heikazu, albenari, then ayaka going back home and venti living on his own
✰ living in the houses on your own was essentially a waste of money and space so jean ended your leases and you guys finally moved in together
✰ and after graduation, with jean’s help, you’re able to slide into the industry pretty easily with your large fanbases
✰ you start off as side characters that grow in popularity since your fans watch the shows and movies you star in just for you both
✰ i like to think kuni double majored in child psych along with film in case acting didn’t work out in his favor so he’s pretty and smart
✰ but since this is fiction it did work out for him cus dreams come true #livelaughlove
✰ id like to think star/you would also act but probably dials it down to direct full time instead
✰ you preferred to direct compared to acting so eventually you started to fund your own projects with kuni on your cast which helped you grow
✰ you try not to cast kuni in every one of your movies because then it’ll look like favoritism but he prefers to star in ones you direct
✰ you also get your friends to be extras a lot, most of the time it’s childe who begs you to let him be in the back for movies
✰ you guys probably don’t get engaged for a while despite living together, blaming it on scara’s commitment issues and the fact that your careers are your main focus
✰ alongside luna, your previous black cat, you probably adopt another white one alongside scara
✰ as for actor!scara headcanons imagine scara on hot ones, that one show on youtube, and he has a straight face the entire time as he eats the hottest wings and answers questions about you
✰i think he’d have a lot of fun on shows like that, example would be eat it or spill it by jimmy fallon, he would annihilate them
✰ he probably does all his own stunts, always giving you a heart attack as you see him falling from heights on harnesses, sometimes he convinces the staff to fool you into thinking he actually got hurt due to a broken rope as he plummets to the ground
✰ he does it so much that there’s enough content for ‘scara pretending to die in front of yn for ten minutes straight’ compilations
✰ you guys probably stream when you can but not as much with your jobs, i think star doing behind the scenes vlogs of you and scara together would be so cute though
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˗ˏˋ headcanons ´ˎ˗
✰ was a communications major so he’s the PR manager for scara and you after graduating
✰ yes i know technically jean could do this but she has enough on her plate! i’m just thoughtful like that #feminist
✰ constantly trying to prevent you guys from getting into scandals, which is hard when scara cannot keep his opinions to himself
✰ aether probably has a heart attack everytime scara goes off to do interviews since scara always ignores the pre written answers and goes on tangents, which his fans love but twitter not so much
✰ xiao as an animator wud be so sexy guys. like walk with me here imagine an operation true love anime after the drama and webtoon are a hit so he gets to animate for the anime and storyboards with albedo
✰ i’m tryna intertwine all of them even after they graduate can you tell
✰ as for him and aether they probably tie the knot a little while after graduating, small wedding with just close friends and family
✰ xiao would edit one of those pretty wedding videos that youtubers do
✰ but they don’t film the entire wedding for their channels cus they gotta gatekeep
✰ id say xiao probably still streams but he mainly just draws with music in the background or works on his stardew town with aether
✰ xiao probably strains his wrist a lot from all the work he does so at promotion events he’s always wearing a brace on his hand
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˗ˏˋ headcanons ´ˎ˗
✰ okay in this au let’s all pretend he’s the creator of operation true love cus rmbr he’s a writing major and a huge romantic
✰ like how sexy is that, obviously it does well cus all his fans all read it and so it gets turned into a drama
✰ directed by you of course starring kuni as eunhyuk
✰ he’s still head over heels and throwing up in love with heizou, they probably adopt a cat together when they move in together
✰ i imagine if kazuha ever wrote a murder mystery novel he’d have heizou read it to decipher if the culprit was too easy to figure out
✰ nothing really exciting about heizou’s major in this au, he probably just becomes a detective and streams on the side, known as kazuha’s partner in the entertainment industry and attends all the events when he can
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˗ˏˋ headcanons ´ˎ˗
✰ obviously goes into the art industry, works on a lot of graphic novels and novel covers and sometimes album covers
✰ when kazuha’s work gets turned into mangas or graphic novels he always does the art for it
✰ he probably paints nari’s favorite flowers for him and they adorn their house’s walls
✰ i’d say he doesn’t stream as much anymore but if he does it’s probably just him doing commissions with music in the background
✰ nari’s major is also not exciting in this au, probably becomes a forest ranger or a college professor
✰ albedo builds him a greenhouse in the back of their house for him
✰ the type to bring hurt animals home and fosters them back to health
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˗ˏˋ headcanons ´ˎ˗
✰ stealing from my pookie mrbeast for inspo
✰ he probably does stuff like has a whole business for his videos and side hustles like merch and a food company
✰ like maybe he and diluc collab to make an energy drink or something
✰i mentioned he fancies diluc like once in a previous chapter so that’s why he’s with diluc who streams a little
✰ they probably met properly at another twitch con or creator event
✰ very wow factor oriented like he does more than just stream games, he prefers to work on big challenge videos and loves giving away money
✰ like he would host those extreme hide-and-seek challenges with all his youtuber/streamer friends in weird locations and get them to do weird dares with him
✰ i think heizou would win those types of videos most of the time, whereas scara barely tries and still seems to almost win
✰ diluc probably does one stream a month because it’s not his entire focus, probably also a business major and just appears in childe’s videos once in a while
✰ how cute would it be if childe was always at his 110% in videos and extra hyper to make them more entertaining but when diluc joins him he’s more calm and cute
✰ his streaming fanbase gives him a jumpstart in his music career yk how it is
✰ does a bunch of osts for shows and movies. still streams but also is a popular musician
✰ not an idol 😍🤞 has to be a little different than jptp but does start out by opening for tours and makes it on billboard
✰ i do think he’d eventually do a world tour though on his own and stray away from streaming to focus on his music, would probably just upload vlogs if anything
✰ does the operation true love ost so everyone is working tgt and he’s single in this au cus #singlerep
✰ honestly i don’t care what happens to ayaka she’s just there ig
✰ keep doing what ur doing queen! i’ll support you from all the way over here!
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behind the lens !
masterlist — prev | next
yes i’m using yeonjun as scaras face 🤞
also sorry if this isn’t as in depth as the jptp one i’m just tryna wrap this fic up ☠️
author’s notes — just like jptp i just wanted to do a bunch of headcanons :] this is how i envision their future and if u don’t agree talk to the wall cus idc 😊
synopsis — you, better known as STARDUST, and BALLADEER have always been in competition for the top streamer spot on twitch, which is especially impressive since the two of you have never shown your faces. you’ve never been on good terms, constantly one-upping each other in matches and getting into petty arguments on twitter, causing your fans to also dislike each other. that’s until BALLADEER does a face reveal that breaks the internet with his good looks…which makes you realize it’s the same guy you went on a date with last night. the type of date that made you crave to see him again. the only problem was he didn’t know you were STARDUST and he was way different behind the lens than he portrayed himself online to you. should you keep your identity a secret to salvage the relationship or just let him go?
taglist is closed — @captainzep @elysiumarchieve @plinkuro @sakkakuu-squared @eliqusgenma @vuvulia @kunikuzushiit @ins4nebish @stxrgxzxr @lilacponds @uma-umie @mitsukifilms @caesars-bubbles @wheneverthesunrise @its-like-twilight @kazuhalvrr @erosdevil @thenightsflower @p1utto @noodleshark420 @lxry-chxn @court-jester-stuff @lauragalliart @veyu002 @kaeyas-eyepatch-69 @leathernourishingshoepolish @satowaluverr @lexlapis @drunkwithfever @exhaustedcommunist @vincanzu @ainlaw @ovaliz @kitsuvil @whatamidoing89 @celestair @kunihaver @kazioli @xiaosoneandonly @cridtiins @cherrybeomgyu @asukahiriko @moon-320 @orionicchaos @cartierfiles [1/3]
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
ZB1 : falling asleep on them ㅡ hyung line version
ZB1!hyung line x gn!reader
genre : fluff
warnings : maybe some suggestives sentences for hao's part??? one bed trope for hao's. mention of quitting school to become a stripper in hanbin's... yeah that's pretty much it
note : I'VE NEVER WROTE FOR JIWOONG BEFORE CAN YOU BELIEVE IT????? i'm anxious i hope i did it right 🫡 if you guys liked the hyung line version i might do it for the rest of the members... peace 👅‼️
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• Jiwoong
"and... cut! good job guys, we're all getting a break. come back in 15 minutes!"
after the announcement of the producer, it seems like everyone on the set started breathing again. it was your debut movie. you used to act before, mostly in web dramas, but this was your first role ever in such a big project and the movie was already very anticipated by the public. your co-star, jiwoong, was used to those long days of just filming, but you were absolutly not. you, and the whole production crew as well, was now filming for 12 hours, and acting for so long was actually more tiring than it seems to be.
the scene you were filming before the break was outdoors, at night, in a park that the production crew privatized so no one could disturb the filming. the night temperature started to bite the tip of your fingers and made you shiver. you were sitting alone on a bench when jiwoong came to you with a smile. he went to take your coat from the staff, and also thought of taking a blanket for you. without a word, he helped you wearing your coat before wrapping the blanket around your shoulders. you smiled back to him.
you guys were working together on this movie for months now, and you were confortable enough to let your head rest on his shoulder when he sat next to you.
"thank you for the blanket" you mumbled.
"you looked like you were about to turn into an ice cube'' he joked. he couldn't help but keep a smile on his face when you softly laughed to his remark, a sweet melody to his ears. little by little, a calming silence fell over the two of you. jiwoong lips were still curved upwards to the feeling of you curled up to him, and he couldn't help but look to your face after a few minutes. your eyes were closed and your breathing was calmer than it was previously. when he realized you fell asleep on him, a pinkish color appeared on his cheeks, and no one could tell if it was because of you or because of the cold.
gently, his hand went to take yours as he tried not to wake you up.
this moment, caught on camera by the staff who was filming the behind the scene, quickly made you and jiwoong the talk of town and brought more hype to the upcoming movie...
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• Zhang hao
"well, i'm gonna have to warn you, i naturally cuddle things when i sleep. if it ever happens, don't think i have a crush on you or anything. okay? it's my nature, it's just how i work, so please-"
"oh my god, hao could you please just shut up!"
you shoved your face under your pillow to let him know he was pissing you off. hao sighed.
"i'm simply warning you..."
"okay and i'm also warning you, if you ever cuddle me i'll probably strangle you. that's my nature, it's just how i work." you said, using his own words.
"that's some weird and agressive way of working but okay..."
for as long as you could remember, hao and you were rivals. don't ask me in what field you guys are competing, because at this point, y'all are turning everything into a competition. and this is literally how you ended up that night, in the same bed.
you both took music as your major in college, and a school trip was organized for the best students. when you arrived to the hotel, the teachers simply gave you the keys to the room that were reserved for you, and let you choose the ones you wanted. they warned you that there was one that have to be shared, but zhang hao and you were not listening at this point. why? you wanted the third room, but he wanted it as well. it started a fight between you two, while the rest of your classmates simply chose the room they wanted. that's how you ended up having to share a room with him. with one bed.
now, you were both lying down on the back, looking at the ceiling. an awkward silence settled in the room, as you were too tensed to sleep properly. zhang hao, on the other half, didn't care. he decided to lay comfortably to sleep.
"are you not going to sleep?" he asked.
"i don't trust you enough to close my eyes."
"don't worry about it, i'm not doing anything without your consent."
"n-not that i'm willing to do anything with you even if you wanted to! i don't have a crush on you or anything..."
"you probably said you don't have a crush on me five times this evening, that's suspicious.."
"shut up."
surpringly, you listened to him and didn't fight back. the silence came back again, and zhang hao's were closed as he started to doze off. surprisingly, you called his name, and he could sense that you hesitated before doing so. he simply hummed, letting you know he was listening to you.
"don't you think the room is cold?" you said in a small voice he was not used to hear.
"do you?" he asked back, thinking the temperature of the room was good enough.
he looked at you, inspecting your face despite the darkness in the room. you didn't seem to be lying. hao frowned his eyebrows.
"are you really cold?"
"why would i lie about being cold?? look" you put your hand on his neck, making him jump back.
"take your icy hands off me??" he said, offended.
"see?? i'm cold!"
an idea crossed zhang hao's mind. he coughed to clear his voice, not looking at you.
"well, people usually say my body is warm..."
"if you're really cold, i can let you use my body... okay, no, this sounds really weird, what i wanted to say was-"
"i get it! don't freak out like this."
once again, zhang hao sighed. but this time, you did it with him. with hesitation, you went closer to him. your arm held his waist as he was laying on his back, and you rested your head on his chest. he didn't even realize that he stopped breathing when your body became so close to his own. zhang hao doesn't have a crush on you. but there was no other way he could explain the feeling he felt in his chest when you snuggled up to him after you fell asleep on his chest.
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• Hanbin
"maybe i should quit school and become a stripper..."
"i wouldn't shame you for that to be honest."
your best friend, hanbin, put down your order on the table. you immediatly took a sip from the drink, a sigh of relief leaving your lips.
"if it wasn't for your coffee, i think i would've die studying."
"i'm glad if it helps."
hanbin looked around. today, his mother's cafe was emptier than usual. you were the only customer here, actually. he took the occasion and sat next to you.
"maybe you should take a break now? you've been working on this for hours now. drink this at least, and go back to studying after."
"you're right. plus, it sucks that you're here but i don't get to hang out with you."
hanbin shyly smiled at the last sentence. you were totally oblivious to the heart eyes your friend was sending to you, focused on drinking your coffee. stray strands of hair were falling before your eyes and hanbin couldn't help but find you cute.
"should i tie your hair for you?"
"i wish, but i didn't take hair ties with me..."
hanbin simply showed you his wrist, with a hair tie around. he always carry one with him in case you needed it. "you're amazing", you said as you turned back to let him tie your hair. gently, he made sure to tie every strands that were disturbing you, and made sure he could see your pretty face properly.
"all done" he grinned. you locked your arm with him, snuggling closer to him and letting your head on his shoulder.
"thank you. for everything."
"i know you would have done the same for me", hanbin mumbled, a bit shy despite being used to this kind of the skinship. with his free hand, he took yours to his lips, placing a soft kiss on it. "is it okay if we stay like this for a bit? since there is no customers..."
"hm, don't worry. i'm focused on you anyways."
you whispered another 'thank you' to your friend, not aware of the racing heart you caused inside his chest. the sight of you slowly falling asleep on you was so endearing, that when a new customer finally came in, he simply apologized to them and said they were closed.
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goldennikko · 2 years
NO BOYS — le sserafim
summary : the girls keep the boys away from you, who are all making moves on you and trying to get your number.
pairing : le sserafim x 6th member!reader
tags : f!reader ; idol!au ; reader is '98 liner ; platonic!eunchae ; protective!le sserafim ; jealous!le sserafim
requested: ✔
word count : 4.8k
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your visuals in the kpop industry were no joke. everyone was aware of how stunning you were up close, and the pictures online and videos on television could not do you justice.
this sparked a massive uproar among netizens, particularly idols. many idols openly admitted they thought you were attractive and even expressed their admiration for you. while others remained silent, netizens still noticed how they stared at you at music shows.
of course, the girls heard about it. when they first met you, they all agreed you were stunning. the elegance you exuded and the bright, albeit slightly shy, smile you wore had them swooning.
they thought it was amusing to see the boys almost trip over their own feet while exchanging bows as they passed by you. at the time, sakura was seen smirking into her fist and the girls side eyeing the guy was caught on camera, and the video went viral.
you, on the other hand, were unaware. the girls didn't really tell you and you weren't very active on social media either, preferring to avoid it due to the possibility of encountering negative comments. you preferred to have your peace of mind, especially given the nature of your work.
it was amusing at first because you had no idea what was going on and all these men are trying to be lowkey despite their desire for your attention. however, it was beginning to grate on the girls' nerves because they were becoming too obvious.
this all happened at an award ceremony.
you were backstage trying to fix your earrings while ignoring the chaos around you. the staff were running around helping the girls with whatever problems they were having and some of them were holding cameras to film the behind-the-scenes.
"and here we have y/n unnie." you smiled at chaewon through the mirror, winking at the camera because your hands were too busy trying to lock the earrings. "i gave her that."
chaewon seemed pleased with herself; you weren't finished yet, but she thought it looked good on you as it accentuated your features because your hair was tied back, and you only smiled in agreement.
"chaewon-ie did a good job choosing this pair." you commented before huffing in frustration. you turned to face the short-haired girl, handing her the other earring you couldn't seem to lock. "help me?"
chaewon complied and handed the camera to a staff member, who accepted it and pointed it at you two to continue filming. chaewon stood in between your legs, taking your chin to tilt your head to the side, as you leaned against the vanity mirror to match her height. the leader remained silent as she struggled, but the click made you both sigh in relief.
you grinned at her and wrapped your arms around her waist. "thank you~"
chaewon wrapped her arms around your shoulders as you both stood there watching the other members get ready. eunchae, after finishing her hair and makeup, found herself in the middle of you two.
"i'm nervous." eunchae admitted quietly.
you exchanged a glance with chaewon and were quick to dispel the maknae's doubts, whispering sweet nothings into her ear. chaewon merely watched, knowing you had it under control.
"it'll be okay. you'll do well, okay?" you whispered.
"what if i make a mistake?" eunchae murmured and you could hear the fear in her tone.
you chuckled. "you won't. if you really did, that's fine. you know i'll fight off everyone for you, don't you? don't think about it too much and just have fun."
you poked her sides, making her squirm and laugh. "if things go wrong, i've got your back, okay?" you whispered and squeezed her gently.
you looked at chaewon and pointed to the other girls, catching sakura's soft gaze as she watched you three. "we have your back."
eunchae sighed, not because she was frustrated or worried, but because she was confident. as eunchae melted against your embrace, chaewon pinched the precious maknae's cheeks.
you started messing around with eunchae so that she would relax and chaewon joined in. the staff watching cooed and took a video because seeing the leader and eldest dote on the maknae was too cute to pass up.
because the other half of the room was occupied by you three, the other half near the door was the only one who heard the knock. sakura opened the door, their manager standing nearby, and was surprised to see juyeon from the boyz standing at their door.
despite her confusion, sakura returned the boy's 90 degree bow. "yes? what can i help you with?"
juyeon blushed, embarrassment creeping up on him. "is… is y/n-ssi here?"
sakura's face turned sour as she realized where this was going, and she turned around, jumping, when she saw kazuha standing right behind her. yunjin, the only one still at hair and makeup but close enough to hear the question despite the loud laughter on the other side of the room, was staring intently at the door.
sakura returned her gaze to juyeon, smiling apologetically at the boy. "she's kinda busy right now."
that wasn't technically a lie because you were really busy making the maknae smile, but it wasn't entirely accurate either. juyeon shook his head, relieved that he wouldn't have to embarrass himself in front of you and disappointed that he didn't get to see you right away.
"can you please hand this to her?" 
juyeon handed her the bouquet of flowers, which she accepted and handed to their manager. before running away, the boy bowed and thanked her. sakura shut the door and exchanged glances with yunjin and kazuha, their manager walking away to put the bouquet somewhere else.
"who was that?" yunjin asked.
sakura shrugged. "juyeon from the boyz."
"he likes unnie, too?" kazuha queried, glancing at your crouching form. they watched chaewon help eunchae onto your back and unconsciously smiled when you grinned at the maknae's excited giggle as you stood.
"everyone does." yunjin answered, thanking the makeup artist as she was finally let out of her seat.
sakura let out a sigh. "expect a lot of her admirers to approach her tonight."
yunjin groaned, complaining that they should leave you alone, while kazuha made a mental note to be more observant later. to the relief of the staff, you finally summoned them and they rushed to join you.
you were dressed differently than them because you were going to perform with an idol as the show's opening number later on. because you wanted to surprise them, you didn't tell them who it was. when yunjin was close enough, her hand fell to rest on your bare waist as she stood behind you.
"y/n unnie looks so pretty." she mouthed the english compliment to the camera, smiling when you leaned against her as you conversed with your japanese members.
time flew by and the girls were soon called to take their seats at their assigned table. you were going to be alone because the performance would begin after everyone had taken their seats and the girls didn't want to leave you on your own.
"i'll join you in a bit, girls." you laughed as you were engulfed in a hug by kazuha and eunchae.
you looked at chaewon as they whined in response. despite the fact that she did not want to leave you, chaewon stepped in to help you.
"come on now. you want to see y/n unnie perform, right?"
that prompted the maknaes to pull away, but it took them a long time. when they did, you pinched eunchae's cheek and rested your other palm on kazuha's palm.
"i'll join you in a bit, yeah?"
the girls nodded and you smiled as they wished you good luck.
the girls soon found themselves sitting on a table near the stairs leading up to the stage. it hadn't even begun yet, but loud screams could already be heard throughout the area. the girls tried to interact with the fans by waving at them and they were met with squeals and the blur sound of their names being yelled.
then screams erupted again as it was announced that the show would begin in a few minutes and the lights on stage were turned off. the girls scanned the stage quickly and eunchae pointed to your silhouette as you approached the center, followed by another idol. 
they could tell he was a guy by his build.
the area was quickly filled with music and the spotlight was on you. the girls couldn't hear the noise of the crowd, only the music you were sexily dancing to. your dancing skill were impressive, but your expressions, smirk, wink, lip bite, and everything else left the girls speechless.
they couldn't take their eyes off you because every move you made hypnotized them. you cast a quick glance down at your girls and were concerned to see their mouths open, fearing they'd catch a fly. but you didn't let that stop you, instead sending them a wink that made them smile. 
while the others were amazed by you, eunchae was clapping excitedly.
however, they weren't the only ones who were sent into spirality and succumbed to your hypnotic gaze, but they'd have to deal with that later.
"holy shit." yunjin murmured.
"holy shit indeed." chaewon replied.
"wow." kazuha was too speechless to say anything else.
"so that's why she kept it a secret." sakura commented, smiling proudly.
"wah~ unnie is so amazing!" eunchae grinned, eyes following you as you approached the waiting silhouette behind you.
when they realized who it was, their smiles faded.
choi yeonjun.
he was the first to admit that he thinks you're really pretty while also admitting that you're his crush.
as part of the dance, yeonjun placed his hands on your hip. they didn't even try to hide their sour faces and they knew they'd go viral, but they didn't care.
chaewon leaned back in her seat, arms crossed. sakura tried to keep her gaze on you, but whenever yeonjun touched you, her gaze would shift to his hand. yunjin was staring at you and kazuha's brow twitched every now and then as his face got too close to yours. finally, eunchae was simply enjoying your performance, happy to see her mother figure in the group dancing on stage.
after the performance, you blew a kiss to the camera, causing more squeals, before looking down at the girls. when you looked them in the eyes, they lit up, and you winked just as the lights went out.
as you changed, the girls waited for you. they tried to pay attention to the speaker and whoever was performing, but they wanted to see you. they stood up to give you an excited wave when you finally appeared at the side of the stage. you chuckled and waved back, but your focus was diverted when yeonjun turned to face you as you approached the stairs.
surprisingly, kazuha had predicted his next move and almost ran up to where you were, followed by yunjin, who was surprised that kazuha had realized as well. you were surprised to see the american and japanese ballerina extending their hands to you, but you accepted and let them help you down.
"so? how was that?" you asked your members, who gave you big hugs.
the girls immediately showered you with compliments, saying how sexy you were and how great you did on stage. they obviously left out the part where yeonjun did well because he had touched you too many times, which they thought was unfortunate. yunjin wrapped her arm around your shoulders while kazuha wrapped hers around your waist.
the night went on and you sat between chaewon and eunchae. the maknae leaned against you for comfort as the leader placed her hand on your knee.
"i'm hungry." you whined softly to chaewon, who giggled at you.
"didn't we eat earlier?" she whispered back.
you pouted. "not enough."
sakura, yunjin, and kazuha all looked over at you, smiling at your adorable pout. yunjin reached over to pinch your cheeks while lightly laughing.
"no, really. me, too." eunchae said, backing you up, causing you to give her a high five.
sakura chuckled. eunchae was exactly like you, albeit a cuter version of yourself because you were the eldest and thus more mature. you can, however, be as cute as eunchae when you want to be.
sakura looked around at some point during the conversation about food, but then noticed san from ateez staring at you with a small smile on his lips. 
must be because of your pout, sakura thought. 
so she subtly adjusted her seat to block his view of you, a satisfied smile on her lips. yunjin looked at her, covering her lips as she laughed at sakura's actions.
but yunjin knew she'd do the same thing.
your group was then announced as the winner of an award. you were taken aback because you had been preoccupied with food the entire time. sakura noticed and laughed, drawing your attention to her. you pouted at her before turning your gaze to the steps and holding eunchae's hand. the other members were standing behind you two, hands outstretched, ready to assist you.
chaewon was the first to speak into the microphone and you stood next to her, holding the award. chaewon's gaze would occasionally return to you and you'd both share a soft smile.
yunjin spoke next, the speech now in english, and you stared in awe. being the touchy person she is, she placed her hand on your arm, pulling you closer so that you could showcase the award. 
kazuha was the last to go. as she stood in front of the microphone, she cast a glance at you. you knew she was nervous, so you wrapped an arm around her waist. kazuha was able to get through it thanks to your comfort and support.
however, just as kazuha finished speaking, the camera panned towards you before a certain male idol was shown on the large screen, caught as he stared in a daze while murmuring the word 'pretty.'
loud screams ensued and he hid his face behind his hands, receiving teasing smacks from his members. you looked at the screen, perplexed, and saw haechan from nct dream. you shrugged, not knowing what had happened and not wanting to know, and led the girls backstage.
the girls, on the other hand, were aware of what was going on. they threw a glance at nct dream's table, not caring if they were their seniors, but they did try to hide it. you called them over and they quickly followed you as you went to prepare for your performance.
during the performance, you would shoot the maknae a funny look whenever you had the chance and eunchae would just smile, breaking character. well, technically, she wasn't because she was always smiling. 
after that, you nearly collapsed on the chair as the adrenaline left your body and was replaced by mild exhaustion. kazuha sat next to you, her head on your shoulders, watching the others settle into their seats around the room.
"i did well, right?" kazuha murmured, referring to her solo part at the end of the performance.
you hummed and reached up to pat her cheek. "you did so well, my zuha."
with that, kazuha closed her eyes for a brief moment. you brought up the subject of food again with the staff and eunchae was quick to back you up. yunjin joined in this time, but the rest of the girls mostly just watched you talk about how hungry you were (listened, in kazuha's case).
you cheered loudly when they said okay, which was a quick response from them, not even a beat later, which surprised kazuha. "oop. sorry, zuha."
you caressed her face, mumbling apologies and searching for any hurt area on her skin. there were none, but because kazuha liked the way you doted on her, she let you do your thing.
"wait. we'd have to leave eunchae now, right?" chaewon's question had you pulling away from kazuha, eyes wide in disbelief.
you were disappointed when the managers nodded and pointed to the clock. "fuck curfew." you muttered in english.
yunjin, who was walking by, burst out laughing. they looked at her, puzzled, but she only pointed at you, laughing again when you smiled at her. kazuha heard you as well because she was sitting next to you, but she said nothing and just chuckled.
then you rose to embrace the pouting maknae. "i promise we'll be back."
eunchae gave a nod. "be quick?"
you smiled. "if i could, baby gorl, i would. please wait here, okay?"
eunchae gave you another nod, and the girls waved her goodbye. you were the last to leave, but not before waving to the grinning maknae.
the night progressed and the group was called on stage for another award shortly after you returned from backstage. this time, it was just you to give a speech, and while you were doing so, the girls scanned the crowd of idols. 
they noticed that there were far too many of them smiling. it was small because they were trying to conceal it, but it was still a smile. yunjin moved in closer, wrapping an arm around your waist. you only gave her a passing glance before continuing your speech.
then you called out to eunchae, prompting the girls to do the same. "hong eunchae! we love you, baby. please wait a moment."
eunchae was smiling backstage, already missing her unnies. "i love you, too." she murmured the sentiment in english, causing the staff around her to coo.
and the awards ceremony was soon finally over. 
the sigh that left your mouth caused chaewon to laugh at you. "what? i'm just glad it's finally over." you whispered in her ear.
"idiot. come on."
you were on stage with your members and the other groups who came. as you walked with them, you wrapped your arms around sakura, keeping her close to you because you didn't want her to be swallowed up by the crowd.
"i want to eat japanese food." you told her.
"me, too. do you want me to cook tomorrow?" sakura asked.
you hummed, finding delight at the idea. "sure, kkura, but let me help."
the japanese chuckled. "i'm sure even if i told you otherwise, you'd still help."
you looked down at her and raised your brows in amusement. "not that you'd say no to me either."
sakura didn't respond, but the smile on her face said it all: she can't say no to your adorable face.
you both paused, however, when someone tripped in front of you. you widened your eyes and extended one hand to assist whoever it was. the guy accepted it and you recognized him as jay from enhypen, one of your labelmates.
he blushed when your eyes met because, goddamn, he'd seen you up close before and you never cease to amaze him with your beauty and kindness.
the girls kept an eye on him while bowing back to his members, who were on the verge of laughing and were also deeply embarrassed by his actions. you patted his shoulders and smiled goodbye before walking away, the girls trailing you like lost puppies.
and that concludes the evening's events.
or so the girls thought.
when you saw eunchae waiting for you outside, you pick up your pace. "manchae!" you called out affectionately.
the girls slowed down to allow you to spend time with the girl you claimed as your child and they ran over when you waved them over. you and eunchae were squished in the group hug and you laughed before calling for timeout.
"air, babes. we need air." you stated, causing them to pull away.
"sorry." they said in unison, chaewon fixing your hair and yunjin doing the same for eunchae.
"we missed you." sakura told the maknae, who beamed. "me, too."
"we're eating out, right?" you asked.
yunjin nodded. "yeah."
"where?" chaewon asked, causing yunjin to light up and point at you.
when you raised your brow at her unintentional suggestive action, yunjin quickly retracted her finger, explaining what she meant. "unnie, we discovered this restaurant last week!"
your mouth formed the letter 'o'. "that's right! we should give it a shot." you told the girls.
when you went to explain where it was, a voice from behind you interrupted you. "uhm, excuse me?"
when you turned around, hyunjin from stray kids greeted you with a bow, which you promptly returned because he was your senior. behind you, the girls stood guard, with kazuha reaching out to clutch the back of your outfit.
you gave a warm smile. "yes?"
hyunjin blushed at your attention and threw a sideward glance towards where the rest of his members stood, cheering him on. you were confused as to what was going on, but you waited for the boy to speak. he looked back at you and cleared his throat before handing you an envelope.
you accepted it and smiled. "what's this for?"
"i, uhm, like you and i was hoping to... maybe get your number?" the boy sounded hesitant, but he decided to shoot his shot.
he was attractive, and you were aware of his talent, but dating was not on your mind at the time. you opened your mouth to reject him as gently as you could, but chaewon cut you off.
"we're sorry, but we can't give out our phone numbers."
"ah, it's okay. i'm just happy i could tell you, y/n-ssi." hyunjin's face showed his disappointment, but he still smiled at her and you. 
meanwhile, your face dropped at your leader's interruption and you were side-eyeing chaewon, who quickly avoided your gaze. everyone got chills and did the same thing as chaewon, suddenly finding their shoes, hands, or the wall in front of them more interesting.
they recognized that look and knew that hell would await them once they entered that room.
although chaewon was the leader, you were the eldest. being the eldest and most mature, you took pride in it. when she interrupted, it stung your pride.
you smiled at hyunjin and decided to play along for the time being. "of course. sorry and thank you, i appreciate it."
you exchanged bows and watched the downcast guy walk back to his members, who comforted him with a pat on the back. you entered the room without looking anyone in the eyes. before following you, the girls gulped and exchanged nervous glances.
the staff knew they couldn't get involved, so they sat it out.
"what was that?"
the girls saw you taking off your accessories in front of the mirror. your face was emotionless, which scared eunchae because it reminded her of the time you got mad and she decided she didn't want to see you mad again.
"care to explain?" you threw them a brief glance, mostly at chaewon, and they were shaken up again by the intense look in your eyes.
the leader took a deep breath. "we just... didn't want you to give him your phone number."
"and you thought interrupting me was a good idea?" you asked, and chaewon went to speak, but you turned around to face them. "didn't you trust me enough to not do that?"
while the other girls panicked, chaewon quickly shook her head. sakura decided to intervene after noticing chaewon about to cry, which you had noticed, but you needed answers first.
"when i say i didn't want other people to get your attention, i think i speak for everyone." sakura said.
as you stared at sakura, you remained silent. your brows furrowed and the gears in your head were finally turning to bring you to realization.
the girls waited with baited breaths as yunjin drew chaewon closer to her, providing the comfort their poor leader required. kazuha was also behind her, rubbing her back. 
chaewon was grateful for them, but she needed yours.
your leader looked you in the eyes and watched you sigh and close your eyes.
"so, to cut a long story short, you were jealous?"
thinking you were still mad, they nodded.
"i see." you said, opening your arms now that your questions had been answered. they were hesitant to approach you at first, but you called out to your leader. "chaewon-ah."
your sweet tone caused chaewon to run to you, knocking the air out of your lungs, but you didn't care for the time being. you stroked her back with one hand while resting the other on her head. you knew she was trying hard not to cry when you heard her sniffle quietly against your shoulder.
the thing she despised the most was you getting angry at her.
it goes the same with the others.
"i'm sorry, my love." you said quietly and chaewon nodded. "i'm sorry, unnie."
you hummed and gave an apologetic smile to eunchae. "did i scare you?"
you waved her over after the maknae nodded. chaewon stepped back to let you hug eunchae, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. yunjin approached you and kissed the side of your head as she apologized. because eunchae wouldn't let go of you, kazuha went to cling to your sleeve instead.
"you're really scary when you're angry, unnie." kazuha said, tugging on your outfit as a way to ground herself after the fright you've instilled in them all.
you smiled, humming. "i'm sorry, my zuha, everyone."
everyone took a moment to calm down, and when eunchae pulled away, you apologized by briefly hugging sakura, yunjin, and kazuha before turning to chaewon, who remained silent. she'd calmed down, but she remained silent.
"call them in? let me just talk to chae real quick." you said quietly to sakura, who nodded.
you approached chaewon and hugged her, pushing her to the corner of the room, away from their gaze. chaewon wrapped her arms around your waist and buried her face in your neck.
"are you mad at me?" you asked.
chaewon shook her head. "no, why would i?"
"i'm sorry for acting that way." you murmured in her hair.
"it's not your fault, unnie." she reassured and pulled back to look in your eyes.
you wiped the stray tears from her cheek and planted a small kiss on her brow. "i love you, okay? you and the girls. you have my undivided attention at all times and in all places, hm?"
chaewon nodded and rested her forehead against your jaw. "i love you, too."
"good. trust me, okay?"
she nodded.
"and please do not interrupt me again."
chaewon knew you were no longer mad when your tone was laced with a playful sound and added by the playful raise of your brow. she laughed and nodded, knowing they'd all remember not to interrupt you again in their lives.
when you left the corner, you immediately got changed. and when you came out wearing your favorite sweatpants and hoodie, kazuha was the first to greet you. the japanese ballerina melted in your arms and you swayed her to the song yunjin was singing.
"don't get mad again. ever."
you laughed at that, squeezing her. "i'd try not to, my zuha."
you approached yunjin, who lit up when she saw you. still singing along to the song on her phone, she grabbed you by the hips and pulled you into her lap.
"hey, love~ you're not mad at us anymore, right?" yunjin asked. 
she sounded playful, but when she switched to english, you knew she was serious and just trying to clear the air between you two. you nodded and stroked her cheek with one finger.
"yes, jen. don't worry."
you leaned against the american for a moment, opening your arms for sakura. she plopped down on you without hesitation, ignoring yunjin's groan. the force surprised the american, who you knew was strong enough to support you two.
"you gave us quite the scare." sakura muttered.
"i know, i'm sorry." you murmured, planting a kiss on her shoulder.
you three remained silent after that. the staff were wary, but the way you slept on yunjin with sakura in your arms assured them that everything was fine. you awoke to sakura tapping your cheek and yunjin caressing the skin beneath your hoodie.
"time to go, y/n/n. come on."
you found yourself in between chaewon and eunchae, the two members you scared the most tonight. they were both leaning against your shoulders, playing with your fingers. you gave them a kiss on the head, and the way chaewon closed her eyes, a contented sigh leaving her lips, and eunchae burying herself in your embrace told you that everything would be fine.
the other girls smiled, relieved to see you weren't mad anymore and had made up with them.
"go sleep. i'll wake you up once when we get there." they complied and were knocked out like a light.
you looked out the window, your thoughts racing. you let out a sigh. that explains their behavior earlier tonight. you thought it was nothing, but it turns out it did mean something.
for the time being, it appears that you will not be dating anyone.
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nikko note: hi, everyone! many liked the first ot5 fic i made, so i decided to write another one. i might be busy until next week because of school shit, so wish me luck TT i hope you like this one! but i'll definitely be back with another fic because there are tons in my drafts, so see you!
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funishment-time · 3 months
Kodaka BlueSky Q&As: Male DR Characters (Specific)
⚠️ DISCLAIMER: Please be advised! Translations of all Japanese answers derive from a combination of Google Translate and my manager's three-quarters-remembered Japanese. We've tried our best to work out what he's saying, but there will be mistakes here and there. Do not take this as gospel!
To avoid spreading (too much) misinfo, where we're completely boggled about an answer, we've decided not to even make an attempt. We'll still list the post, but mark it accordingly.
First of all, the questions answered here are not official. Everything that is official is what is said within the work. In contrast, this is simply what Kodaka, the creator, thinks, and it is not the correct answer. Use this as a starting point to enjoy the depth of each character, or to say, "That's not right!" and enjoy it with your own interpretation. I think of this as a way of communicating with the characters who live in fiction. This is important, so please spread the word.
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💕 FEBRUARY 2024:
Q: What do you think of Matsuda Yasuke?!
A: As I was writing, I thought he was a fascinating and cool guy.
Q: Is there any difference in the mindset of Ouma Kokichi (main story) and Ouma Kokichi (salmon mode)?
A: I didn't write Salmon Mode, I left that up to the staff.
NOTE: As stated, Kodaka didn't write V3's "dating sim" mode. You'll see him refer to that a few times.
Q: If you have a favorite character in Danganronpa, I'd like to hear it and why.
A: I wrote them all as if they were the main characters, so I like them all, but I guess it's Monokuma. He was the first character I created.
Q: Before the release of V3, Saihara-kun was often mistaken for a woman, but was that something you were aiming for? Also, was it you who chose the voice actor?
A: That wasn't my intention. I did want him to appear timid, though. I think out of the several candidates I received, Hayashibara-san was my first choice, and I said "Yes, please!"
Q: Were there any characters that you had trouble moving around the narrative after creating them? If not, please tell us which character was the easiest to move!
A: Tanaka Gundam was too much of a chuunibyou and it was difficult. The ones that were easiest to move were Monokuma, Ouma, and Hagakure!
NOTE: A "chuunibyou" is a kid, generally 12-13, who believes they have secret powers or a grand backstory. Gundham's a bit old to be a chuuni by Kodaka's own admission in the DR2 artbook, but that was apparently part of the charm (and why it was so difficult to write him). It's spiritual Naruto running.
Q: A question! Fujisaki's middle school uniform is different in the anime version of DR1 (navy blue collar) and Ultra Despair Girls (pink collar). Is there any intention behind this? I'd like to play Kodaka's games even years and decades from now! I'll continue to support you 🎮
A: With anime, there are a lot of different things going on and things like color settings often change. Thank you! I'll keep working hard so that everyone can enjoy it, even if it kills me!
Q: How happy do you think Hinata would be if you gave him some kusamochi?
A: Hinata: "Oh, kusamochi! I love it! Hey, let's eat it together! Oh, I'll go make some tea!"
NOTE: Kusamochi is a type of sweet.
Q: What happens if you point an electrified hammer or Komaru's megaphone-type hacking gun at Keebo?
A: This is gross discrimination against robots! Don't ever do this!
Q: Ishimaru-kun, do you like to put lemon on your fried chicken?
A: He's the type of person who likes to put lemon on others' portions as well.
Q: After the ending of the Hope Arc anime, what are Hinata and the others doing? Are they still supporting the Future Foundation from behind the scenes? Or are they just normally affiliated with the Future Foundation?
A: I guess he pretends to act the role as an enemy of the world, ostensibly as an enemy of the fallen Future Foundation, but uses his talents to save various people as he moves from one place to another.
Q: Could you please tell us what kind of discussions and circumstances took place among the production team that led to Tanaka Gundam's pants becoming like that?
A: It's just for fun.
Q: Lately, I've been wondering about Ishimaru's life in junior high school, and I'm in a state where all I can eat is sweet food!
A: He had a free-spirited friend like Shin-chan from Crayon Shin-chan, and he was constantly being pushed around by him. But then the friend moved away, and young Ishimaru was lonely.
Q: What's going on with Kamukura Izuru after Danganronpa Anime 3: Future Arc/Despair Arc? Do you feel like Kamukura Izuru has lost his personality?
A: I figured that he had fused with Hinata...or rather, that he had been almost absorbed into him.
Q: I would like to know the people who are "not boring" to Ouma...
A: Boring people.
Q: What do you think of Sakura Ogami, Kenshiro?
A: Although he has mixed feelings towards her, he believes she is a good rival.
Q: Why did Momota-kun want to hug Akamatsu-san in v3-1? Was it because he had romantic feelings for her, or did he want her to hit on him in the confusion, or did he have any ulterior motives?
A: Momota immediately hugged her in gratitude.
Q: Sorry if this has already been said. When I first watched Danganronpa, I was really drawn to Togami-kun's charm, but even though he has no flaws, does he have a weakness for his favorite person or for ____?
A: Weak to Naegi.
Q: Does Komaeda Nagito know about cat memes?
A: I want to see a Komaeda cat meme. Someone make one. A Ouma cat meme would be fine too.
Q: What does it look like to those around you when you are doing Logic Dives or Hangman's Gambit?
A: "Hinata! Come back! Hey, can you hear me?! No good, I'll have to give you stronger medicine!"
NOTE: It's unclear who's answering. Mikan?
🍀 MARCH 2024:
Q: Excuse me for the second question! Komaeda's parents have passed away, so who raised him when he was a child? I'm also curious if Komaeda's hair is bed hair or naturally curly 🙏🏻
A: "I grew up alone. Luckily. I have curly hair."
Q: Hello! I've always loved the Danganronpa 3 anime!! 🥲 (I'm waiting for new merchandise to come out♡) I have a question. After the main story of the anime, Munakata Kyosuke continues to fight the remnants of despair while carrying the memory of Yukizome and Sakakura, but did he end up finding happiness in the end? If you feel like it, please answer! 🙇‍♂️
A: He fights here and there, covered in wounds, and sometimes sleeps, reminiscing about the past... This lonely battle continues. The only time he can be happy is when he is able to forgive his own sins.
Q: Please tell me what type of girl you like, Amami-kun!! (Sorry if this has already been said 💦)
A: Rich.
Q: What kind of clothes does Fujisaki Chihiro like to wear (or usually wear)?
A: Unisex jeans.
NOTE: It's not exactly a question so I won't list it here, but a Chihiro fan responded with excitement, at which Kodaka replied "100 points for your reaction."
Q: What is your favorite food, Momota-kun? What is your favorite drink? Or your favorite planet or your favorite galaxy. Anything is fine, I want to know. Please tell me about Momota-kun.
A: "I like big portions and colorful things. Things that have an American feel to them."
Q: Excuse me for asking a question...! When he goes to a restaurant such as a family restaurant to celebrate a sports festival or cultural festival, does Keebo have to split the bill?
A: "I split the bill. I have fun using the serving robots."
NOTE: Probably referring to restaurants in Japan that have automated servers. Cold, Keebo.
Q: What kind of dreams does Ouma-kun have when he catches a cold?
A: Infinitely multiplying Keebos.
Q: I wonder what would happen if you forced food and drink into Keebo's mouth?
A: It comes out of the lower half of his body as warm as a microwave oven.
Q: I like Kuwata Leon, and I want to know more about him. Are there any stories about him that haven't been revealed yet? I'd like to know if there are any...
A: "I'm always looking for band members. Lately, I've been thinking about getting into TikTok, so I'm recruiting cute girls."
Q: Please tell us what type of girl you like, Komaeda-kun!
A: "I love girls who are full of hope, and I hate girls who are full of despair too much to love them."
Q: Ouma was held captive by Gonta overnight in a pretty hopeless room with a ton of bugs flying around, so how did he manage to survive?
A: "I stopped thinking about it."
Q: Please tell me what type of girl Owada Mondo likes!!
A: At the very least, he seems to dislike noisy ones.
Q: I want to know what type of girl Ouma likes!
A: "Anyone who will listen to anything I say."
Q: Does Fujisaki have a favorite food?
A: Mini katsudon.
NOTE: Katsudon is a pork cutlet bowl.
Q: Hi Mr. Kodaka! What kind of music does Monokuma like? Is it different than what Junko would like?
A: Monokuma likes enka.
NOTE: Enka is a Japanese style of music often compared to the blues or jazz.
Q: whats korekiyos favorite holiday?
A: To make friends with his sister.
Q: What did Jin think of the Reserve Course? Did he see them as a cash cow, like the researchers at Hope's Peak, or as talentless underachievers?
A: Originally it was meant to be a safety net and a growth opportunity, but at some point it became mainly about collecting payments, which caused some conflict.
Q: [You guys are going to think I'm making this up, but I believe the question had something to do with how Nagito would ask Hajime to hang out with him. It's since been deleted, but I think there are still screenshots, which I will find and half-assedly machine translate ASAP.]
A: "First, I have to do something about Nanami."
Q: [Similar to the above, I'm pretty sure this question had to do with how Nagito would ask someone out romantically. Again, it's since been deleted, but I think there are still screenshots, which I will, again, find and half-assedly machine translate ASAP.]
A: "I'll go out with you if you do something about Nanami."
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! In Ultra Despair Girls, Fujisaki Taichi had a photo of Fujisaki [Chihiro] in a sailor uniform, looking like they were in their rebellious phase (?)! It's so cute! I'd really like to know how the photo was taken and if there are any untold details about the Fujisaki family!
A: No matter what Fujisaki [Chihiro] is, their father can't help but take pictures because they are a cute kid, but Fujisaki [Chihiro] themself is embarrassed, and since those around them are becoming more and more rebellious, they are acting a little like a rebel, but later they will probably feel sorry for their father and be depressed.
Q: I want to know what type Saihara-kun likes!!!
A: People with a strong sense of purpose, regardless of gender.
Q: When Kodaka's account was hacked on April Fool's Day, Ouma referred to Gokuhara as a friend from his school days, but is there anyone else Ouma could call a friend other than Gokuhara?
A: "Once I talk to someone, we're friends. If I meet someone, we're friends. However, I don't mind putting my friends through bad situations."
Q: What should I do to date Ouma-kun?
A: I think he would be amused and come up to you if you first implanted a brain into an animal, or mounted in a car, or a full-body prosthesis.
🥬 APRIL 2024:
Q: Sorry if this question has already been asked. Ouma-kun reminds me of someone who can fall in love with anyone who is fun to be with. Does Ouma-kun care about gender, or can he fall in love with anyone he finds interesting regardless of gender? Does he only fall in love with interesting people ・・・? ��‍♀️ Thank you, Mr. Kodaka.
A: It has nothing to do with gender or romantic feelings, it's just about whether it's fun or not.
Q: What kind of girls does Gonta Gokuhara like?
A: A girl who likes bugs.
Q: I have a little question, what kind of sweets Kazuichi likes besides sweet drinks? Gummies, marshmellows, chocolate or maybe something else? :3
A: I think he likes colorful candy.
Q: Even though you have a serious personality, Amami-kun, you look like you're frivolous to everyone around you, so is there a reason why you wear so many accessories? Or do you simply like fashion?
A: "I just like fashion. I dress the way I like when I can, especially since I'm in an environment where I can't dress fashionably."
Q: What does Ouma Kokichi think about being short?
A: "I'm lucky that it doesn't feel intimidating."
Q: Were the execution machines in Danganronpa 1 made by Soda from Danganronpa 2?
A: You've got a good point, don't you?
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! Was Dr. Idabashi, who created the Ultimate Robot Keebo, also a student at Hope's Peak Academy?
A: I'll take that story!
Q: who would you choose to solve a mystery and why? kirigiri, saihara or halara?
A: It would be great if the three of them performed together!
🌺 MAY 2024:
Q: What is Komaeda Nagito usually thinking about?
A: "Is there hope lost somewhere?"
Q: What did Kamukura-kun think of Hinata-kun?
A: The most boring.
Q: Which Danganronpa character do you think would like shark movies?
A: Soda.
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! Is the story about the school festival in the Danganronpa original drama CD written by Kodaka-san? There is a scene in the drama where Fujisaki wants to wear a cute apron, which was quite unexpected for Fujisaki in the main story, so it was a shock. Was there a possibility that Fujisaki would embrace cute things in the main story as well?
A: I think I only wrote the very first one. The one that has a white and black disc. If I remember correctly.
Q: I’m curious, What kind of person does Kokichi like?
A: rich person
Q: Excuse me for asking a question! I think that in the articles(?) released during the development stage there were many scenes that were not in the main story. Were these scenes faked to hide the contents of the main story, or were they actually there during production? I'm curious if there were any scenes where Fujisaki-kun was suspected in court!
[This person included this image:]
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A: This is an image made up for a proposal. It was made before the story even existed.
☀️ JUNE 2024:
Q: How many characters in Danganronpa will listen to Komaeda's long speeches until the end?
A: None.
Q: I'd like to know something about Komaeda Nagito's childhood, even if it's something trivial!!
A: "I wore diapers."
Q: I'm curious how Komaeda-kun would express his feelings if he fell in love with someone.
A: He'd put you in a very unhappy situation in order to make you feel the hope of happiness.
Q: Hello, Kodaka! It's an honor to ask you a question... so how can we interpret Nagito's ambiguous relations with certain characters in the series? Just saying.
A: Please interpret it as you wish.
Q: Were Shinguji-kun's parents aware of his relationship with his sister? If so, what did they think about it?
A: I'll keep my mouth shut because if I mention it, I'll get in a horrible lot of trouble.
NOTE: Kodaka's talking as himself here, pretending like if he says anything he'll get hurt in some way. Don't take this as solid fact, but I think the implication here is less an IRL one (Spikechun would be mad) and more an in-universe one (Kork and Korkette would do something to you). But, again: that is me and my manager's theory.
Q: Would Togami also use polite language when speaking to someone higher up in the organization?
A: He does not use honorifics. Byakuya is Byakuya.
Q: Why did Kamukura's hair grow so long and his eyes change color?
A: Abnormal development.
Q: Who is the most possible female character that would or might have a romantic relationship with Komaeda during Danganronpa 2? (Only characters in Danganronpa 2)
A: female character?
NOTE: The infamous post. It's reaaaaaaal.
Q: Excuse me for asking! Keebo is a school uniform wearing robot, but what about summer uniforms? Are there times when he no longer wears a school uniform?
A: [His summer uniform is a] cooling fan installed on the side.
Q: If Hinata-kun were to be punished, what do you think it would be like? I think he would die a boring death quickly.
A: Incidentally, I once came up with the idea of punishing him by freezing both his hands and feet with liquid nitrogen, and then shocking him to death as he watching them get crushed by a hammer… but of course I rejected the idea.
Q: Togami-kun may be the most handsome among 1, 2, and V3, but who are the other students who can be called handsome? I think Ishimaru-kun might actually fall into the handsome guy category!
A: Keebo in terms of being well-groomed and having no skin problems.
Q: Since Nagito Komaeda often says that despair is a stepping stone to hope, I don't have an image of Nagito Komaeda being troubled. However, I would like to hear what kind of worries he has if any!
A: If she were to become an adult, it would be Peko. The one who surpasses her is Tsumiki.
NOTE: As in, he'd worry about Peko or Mikan. Now, whether Kodaka means Geeto would worry about them as people or over the fact that they'll kick his ass, that's less clear. But they're on his mind.
🎇 JULY 2024:
Q: A question from a Teruteru fan (keeping with the topic of it being hot outside): Who do you think is the character with the most romantic potential for Hanamura?
A: Hanamura.
Q: Hello sensei, I have a question. I'm seeing a controversy going on right now with overseas fans being attacked by people who are associating Komaeda with female characters using this post. Is Komaeda really gay? Or is this just a joke post? It's said to be official information, but is it true?
A: It's so hopeless. The more hopeless it is, the brighter hope shines.
NOTE: This was about the infamous Female Character? post.
Q: How do you view women and men, Komaeda? Does he have different opinions about them or is he simply indifferent to both genders?
A: Ask Komaeda himself.
NOTE: I probably won't be archiving many more of the Komaeda sexuality posts unless they're particularly funny or insightful, because a lot of them are repetitive. Sorry. Kodaka's not budging, y'all.
Q: Can Komaeda drive?
A: With his luck.
Q: If there was a cut-in where Togami would rebuttal, what do you think he would say?
A: "Bow down, you fools!"
Q: If Nagito were to play videogames, which game and/or genre is his favorite?
A: Gorilla Tag
NOTE: Like the Steam VR game...? Maybe? Unless this is referring to something I can't parse out. Kind of hilarious to imagine Nagito as a return to monke guy, though.
Q: What's Momota's favorite planet?
A: The first one he'll discover.
Q: Since Matsuda Yasuke worked on the Kamukura project, did he perform the operation?
A: More or less, you know what I mean?
NOTE: Disclaimer on this one, as we're not 100% sure what he's trying to say or if he's just being silly as usual. We think he's casually implying that Matsuda outlined the experiment but didn't actually perform it, so he kind of did "do" the operation in a symbolic/spiritual sense. Especially since we believe it's canon Matsuda did not wield the scalpel so to speak? If we recall correctly? Regardless, if anyone can shed light on this, we'd be appreciative. Completely unrelated: his use of "わかるっしょ" wakarussho made my manager laugh, as she says that's something no middle aged man would say. It's more of a teenaged girl/gyaru kind of thing, but Kodaka often talks like this apparently. Channeling Junko...
Q: If Saihara-kun were to be executed, what do you imagine it would be?
A: He wakes up in a hospital after the ending of Danganronpa V3 and it was all just a dream with him in a vegetative state.
Q: What would it be like if Ouma-kun was punished?
A: It's live action. And the actors are amateurs who just monotone "It's a lie!"
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pommpuriinn · 9 months
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・standing next to you fun
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synopsis: behind the scenes of ‘Standing Next To You’ mv and an insight of their friendship.
author’s note: happy new year! sorry it’s a short one
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♰ “don’t make me laugh, ok.” Joohyung playfully warned Jungkook. As the two had to look each other in the eyes and get close together. “Then don’t look at me like that!” He continued to joke with her. “Like what? You dummy~” Joohyung lightly punched his arm.
♰ the duo still remain professional and got work done without laughing or messing around leaving the staff in awe
♰ everyone could tell how close they are with all the encouragement they gave each other and all the close hugging and touches they gave each other, but they never crossed the line and only kept it friendly
♰ “he’s so cool.” Joohyung smiled, as she monitored Jungkook’s dancing and his facial expressions
♰ one of Jungkook’s staff with the camera came up to him, “what do you think of Joohyung today?” The staff questioned him. “What I think of Joohyung?” Jungkook started thinking. “She has grown so much. I remember her being shorter and more timid like me back then too, and now she a bit more out going and even more beautiful.” He nodded towards the camera
♰ “I want to dance with you too.” Joohyung whined, as their makeup artist fixed their makeup and hair. “Maybe you could film a TikTok with me.” Jungkook saw how much she was itching to dance with him and his dancers. Joohyung shook her head ‘no’. “No!” Jungkook eyes widened making Joohyung chuckle. “I want to dance with you on stage, but I guess I could do the TikTok too.” She playfully rolled her eyes at him making him laugh. “One day you will. Probably when I get out from the milita-“
“La, la, la!” Joohyung quickly covered her ears and tried blocking Jungkook from speaking farther
♰ the staff helped Joohyung get on top of car as she will be watching Jungkook perform. “Just watch him, but try not to smile.” The director teased Joohyung. “That’s hard~” Joohyung pouted before squishing her cheeks trying to relax her muscles to keep a straight face
♰ once they got all the perfect shots it was time to film the final ending of the mv where the two meet again
♰ it started serious until Jungkook bursted out laughing at how awkward it was for the two. “Ya!” Joohyung playfully scolded him. “I’ll stop, I’ll stop.” He fixed himself and got in position again. They almost had it until Jungkook tucked a piece of Joohyung’s hair behind her ears and Joohyung broke character. “Joohyung!” Jungkook laughed. “I’m sorry you caught me off guard.” She crouched down in defeat
♰ “you don’t want to change your shoes?” Jungkook asked, as he looked down at Joohyung’s heels. The two were finally going to film the TikTok they talked about earlier. “No I can do it with heels on.” She reassured him. With watching Jungkook dance all day she didn’t need him to teach her the moves. The staff started recording and the duo dances effortlessly causing the staff around them to watch, and clap for them once they finish
♰ technically Joohyung was done for the day since all Jungkook needed was to film the choreography version of the mv. So Joohyung could’ve just said ‘bye’ and finally rest back at home, but she is a supportive friend and wanted to be there watching and giving encouragement to Jungkook with knowing how tried he was of constant dancing. Joohyung stayed in the back sitting in front of the monitor watching everything, and once Jungkook was done he wanted to see the outcome so he walked to where Joohyung was sitting. “What are you still doing here? Why aren’t you resting?” Jungkook believed that Joohyung left. “I wanted to keep watching you. You are amazing.” Jungkook felt touched by her response. He hugged her head causing Joohyung to laugh into his arms
♰ wrapping it up finally the two said ‘bye’ and thanked the staff for the day. It was also decided to go to a restaurant and eat after a long day at work. They filled their bellies with meat and beer a perfect way to end the night
♰ as the bill came back to them and the waitress came to receive the bill the two went get their cards out of their wallets. “What are you doing?” Jungkook asked, seeing Joohyung pull her card out. “Paying.” She held out her card out for the waitress, but Jungkook quickly blocked her hand and tried to give his card to the waitress. “No, I got it.” Joohyung tried taking the card out of his hand. The fighting didn’t last long since Jungkook ultimately won by taking her card out of her hand and begging the waitress to take his which she quickly did and made her way out. “You have to let me pay at some point.” Joohyung said, putting her card away. “Never Joohyung-ah.” Jungkook shook his head, as he went for another sip of his beer.
♰ the night ended with Jungkook taking Joohyung home. “Do you really have to leave?” Like everyone else Joohyung didn’t want Jungkook or any member to go to the military. “You know I have to.” Jungkook sighed, leaning his head back on the head rest. “But let’s not end on a sad note. Let’s have another meal together when I finish all my schedules including your members.” Joohyung held her pinky out, “promise?” Jungkook chuckled at her cuteness. “Promise.” They interlocked their pinkies sealing the promise.
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seaslugfanclub · 9 months
Yayyyy, asks are open! So anyways, I remember in the favorite villain request that Jafar mentioned about helping Reader with unsavory guests, can we get a scenario of Reader dealing with those kinds of guests? You can use any villains you’d like lol
Losers, Creeps, and Weirdos
TW: Creepy park guest being gross!
It was a good day. Pleasant temperatures, manageable crowds, and full staff. (Y/N) thought that it’d be one of those rare occasions where they’d be able to go home early.
Of course, the universe has a cruel sense of humor.
It was halfway through (Y/N)’s shift, and they’d been scheduled to walk around Magic Kingdom, helping guests with directions and keeping a general eye on things. And from afar everything seemed normal, a couple Disney characters walking around and interacting with guests, but (Y/N) noticed after a while that a lone male park guest was constantly trailing behind Princess Aurora.
(Y/N) tried to brush it off at first, thinking that the guy was a little socially inept, just wanting an autograph. But the way the man was just… looking at the increasingly uncomfortable princess made (Y/N) feel nauseated. It was when the man got Aurora near a park bench somewhat out of sight that (Y/N) began to speed walk towards the two. (Y/N) got there right when the man began to reach his hand out towards the girl, Aurora looking near to tears.
(Y/N) immediately got between the two, making sure Princess Aurora was out of sight behind them as the man looked shocked. And that was the moment the scene began.
“I’m telling you now, man. If you don’t back off right now I’m going to call park security. I swear to god I’ll do it.”
“Are you serious right now!? It’s just a park attraction, your acting like it’s a real person!”
The man was incessant, unable to just walk away. His face was red and (Y/N) was slowly reaching towards their walkie talkie, ready to call security.
“I’m not going to stay here and teach you the basics of human decency, she is a 16 year old girl. Either you leave yourself or by force.” (Y/N) remained stone-faced, arms still protecting Aurora behind them, who was now clinging to their tennis shirt.
“Wha- do you know how expensive it is to get into here!? JUST LET ME-“ He started to move towards (Y/N), about to grab them when a slender hand stopped him.
“-excuse yourself from the premises and never return.. Yes, I do believe that’s the best course of action.”
(Y/N) and Aurora turned towards Jafar, who had his scepter raised and the man’s hand in a vice like grip. The cobra scepter gleamed red as the man’s face went slack, eyes becoming a cloudy red.
“yeah… i should… i should leave…” the man slurred, Jafar letting go of the unnamed guests hand as he began to walk away, his movement’s unnaturally stiff, only for Jafar to grasp the man’s shoulders again, his face twisted in disgust.
“Oh, and while you’re at it, why don’t you take a quick dip in the lake? I’m sure Medusas crocodiles would… appreciate the company.” He crooned as he lightly shoved the man away, for good this time.
The group watched as the man lumbered off, disappearing into the crowd. After a beat of silence Jafar turned around to the shocked (Y/N) and Princess Aurora.
“And I think that we should report this to management, don’t you think (Y/N)?”
(Y/N) straightened out a bit, nodding in agreement, “Yeah… let’s go”
Upper management was naturally disturbed at the days events, taking aside everyone to get their own accounts of the story. After a report was filed, and both park security and police set off to find the man, the group was dismissed.
Princess Aurora was taken off the schedule for the next few days, and a one of (Y/N)’s colleagues was called to chaperone the princess back to where all the “Good Guys” resided. But not before giving a tearful ‘thank you’ and a quick peck on (Y/N)’s cheek as gratitude. Princess Aurora, bless her heart, even gave Jafar a timid yet heartfelt thanks, before departing with the park attendant. (Y/N) and Jafar now alone in the empty workroom.
“I can’t believe it…What you did today was..nice.” (Y/N) looked up at Jafar in awe, a crooked smile stretching across their face.
Jafar shuddered, waving his hand in dismissal, “Oh please, you know better. I was simply going about by business when I saw that… altercation. I couldn’t have such troglodyte ruin a peaceful day for me. You know as well as I do that the only ones that can bother you are us.”
“I know, but you could’ve found another park staff to help, instead you went out of your way to help us. Thank you.” (Y/N) chuckled, laughing even more at Jafar’s disgusted expression.
“Yes, yes, I’m amazing. Just don’t go blabbering about this to the others, Allah knows what’s going to happen to my reputation when that princess inevitably tells her little friends about today’s events. Ugh- I’m never going to live down..” He muttered under his breath, rubbing the space between his eyes.
(Y/N) hummed, dusting themselves off as they began to leave,
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul. I owe you one, Jafar— oh!”
Before Jafar could react, (Y/N) spun around- reached up and kissed the ex-viziers cheek,
“-As an extension of my gratitude. See ya!” They whispered, before quickly pulling back and rushing out of the room, leaving the flustered sorcerer behind, gently touching his cheek.
“Hmm… mabye it wouldn’t hurt to help them more often…”
Hope you enjoyed! I hope I wrote Jafar not too OOC 😅 It’s a shame that a lot of people forget that virtually all the Disney Princesses are children, the amount of mature content I’ve seen of them is super uncomfortable.
Oh, and the other Villians totally caught wind of what Jafar did, now they’re all ragging on him.
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