#i just hope the whole movie isn't about victor and no one else
runningfrom2am · 11 months
in this life or the next (part II)
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summary: you and rafe won the 75th annual Hunger Games as a team, but at what cost?
pairing: rafe x fem!reader
wc: 11.4k
tags/warnings: not as much as you would expect for a Hunger Games fic honestly. spoilers for the og Hunger Games movies I guess (but also not bc i changed it up a bit- you'll see), Ward being a shitty dad (as per usual). also this isn't thoroughly edited bc.. it's long and i'm still lazy.
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a/n: hi guys! this is part two of this fic, and i'm honestly pretty proud of how this story is coming together!! i hope anyone who enjoyed that one enjoys this one :) also i very much set it up for part three so look forward to that (eventually).
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"Without further adieu, I'm pleased to welcome back, from District One and District Five, Rafe Cameron and Y/N Y/L/N, this year's Victors!" The base of the talk show's theme music bellowed in your ears as you followed your cue, holding tightly onto Rafe's hand as you took the stage again. You never imagined you would be back here, but you're grateful to be.
"Rafe, Y/N, I cannot honestly put into words how pleased I am to have you both back with me tonight. We're all so excited to have you- aren't we?" Caesar smiled, riling up the crowd once more as the cheers had died down. Rafe had a smile glued to his face, squeezing your hand once you were both sat down before letting it go.
"We're happy to be back." Rafe replied and you nodded, smiling over at him. He looked so much better- the colour had returned to his skin, a subtle pink flush you didn't care to take notice of before the games.
"I bet you are." Caesar nodded. "We have so much to talk about, but first, I'd like to personally congratulate you both on your win. This was the first-ever games to produce two winners, I hope you understand the extent of your accomplishment."
"Thank you, yeah." You smiled, turning your attention to the man across from you. "I couldn't have done it without him."
"Likewise," Rafe said, gently nudging your shoulder with his hand. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head with a smile.
"God, I just love your chemistry." Caesar said, smiling and leaning his chin onto his palm. This resulted in more laughs and cheers from the audience. "This is a perfect segue, actually," He sits up straighter again, a slight laugh leaving him. "You were aware that we were all watching, right? Because there were some very real... intense moments between you two in the arena that had us on the edge of our seats. The whole 'will they, won't they' tension was so palpable. So, I think we all just want to know, was it real?"
Rafe nodded, watching the man intently as he listened to him speak. You were both wondering where he was going with that, but while you felt your face burning red, you came up with a logical answer that effectively dodged what he was really asking. "I mean, yeah, of course, such significant amounts of stress on both the body and the mind would make anyone vulnerable in a way you wouldn't expect."
Rafe shifted in his seat, turning his gaze to you as Caesar nodded at your answer. "But with Y/N it was just so easy. She gave me a new perspective on everything, which I appreciate still so greatly. Just, yeah I don't think I could ever see myself sort of... opening up in that way with anyone else." Rafe added, thinking for just a moment before shaking his head with a slight laugh. "I didn't even care that the world was watching, because I knew she was listening, you know?"
A chorus of 'aw's came from the audience and you smiled at him, looking to Caesar quickly to gauge his reaction. His was fairly similar, hand clutched to his chest with a pout in his lip. "Well, there's your answer, folks. It's very real. That is just so sweet." He nods.
"Rafe is right," You chimed in, silence falling over the building. "But truly it is just such a harrowing, scary experience, and up until last year's games we had never seen tributes connecting in a way that we were given the opportunity to, in a similar way to Katniss and Peeta had, the tributes from twelve last year. I think that is a new experience for both the viewer and for us as tributes, and it sets a new standard for the games. I just count myself so lucky that I got chosen to be Rafe's partner, because otherwise we never would have met- or we at least wouldn't have gotten the chance to see each other as real people, with thoughts and feelings and families waiting at home."
When you finished speaking, the silence stuck for a few moments that felt like an eternity. "Well... Yes, I suppose you're right, Y/N." Caesar agreed, but you still felt in your gut that you had said something wrong as the audience murmured and whispered to each other. "I think this is a good time to move on, because Y/N, you just have such a way with words, and we all saw in the games that you have... just one of the most amazing minds we have ever seen in a tribute."
"Isn't it cool?" Rafe added, leaning in and looking between the two of you with a smile on his face. "Caesar, I told you she had a secret weapon!" The audience loved this, instantly coming back to life with laughs and cheers.
"Yes, you did! We definitely didn't expect that!" Caesar chuckles. "So, Y/N, let us in a little bit more- at what point did you realize that the arena was recycled?"
"Oh, immediately." You answered with a nod, folding your hands in your lap. "Honestly by the time I saw the cornucopia for the first time I confirmed it, it was kind of a relief."
He claps his hands together, clearly impressed. "That's incredible! You proved it over and over again. My favorite part was the bag- we were all so confused and I personally got a bit of a laugh when you were trying to point it out to Rafe and he just had this hilarious confused look on his face! From the first thirty seconds, you guys already had this dynamic that had everyone in Panem hooked on watching you. So please, Y/N, tell us what your secret is. How your brain works, if you will."
"Please, Y/N/N." Rafe agreed, mocking Caesar's intrigued posture as he gazes at you waiting for you to elaborate.
You laughed, gently smacking his shoulder. "I just... I don't know. I see something, learn something, whatever the context may be, and then I just know it. I assume it's the same for you, but I just hold on to all the extra stuff. I think I'm broken, or something. I didn't even know this was abnormal until Rafe pointed it out during our training- I just always thought I was smarter than my siblings." You joke, laughing slightly.
"Well, I can only imagine you would be hard to compete with academically with a mind like yours." Caesar chuckled. "So, tell us, what's next for Panem's favourite couple- as I understand you now are."
You and Rafe made eye contact briefly. You hadn't talked about it, despite having hardly left each others sides since you returned. "I don't know." You shrug. "I suppose whatever you guys tell us to do."
"I think we'll go home, see our families, relax a bit and then we'll be back and ready for the victory tour in a few months." Rafe cut in. Had you said something wrong again?
"And we can't wait- we will miss having you guys on our screens everyday, that is for sure." Caesar smiled, standing up which made up your signal to do the same.
"We look forward too seeing you again soon." Rafe smiled, shaking Caesar's hand as you stood up, quickly adjusting your dress in the meantime.
"Thank you so much for joining me tonight, and congratulations again on your win. Enjoy your time at home." Caesar turned to you, giving you a quick hug before you held Rafe's arm and walked offstage, waving to the audience for hopefully the last time in a while.
As you recalled the memory of the last time you saw Rafe in person, you find yourself getting nervous at the idea of seeing him again. It had been a long six months- and you had exchanged an endless string of handwritten letters.
Life for you in the Victor's Village was pleasant, refreshing, even- since it had felt like forever since you had known any kind of peace. It's in a quiet area of town, giving you lots of space to enjoy real fresh air in a way that felt safe. Unfortunately, your vivid nightmares couldn't be quelled by the cool breeze or your sisters sleeping peacefully next to you or the room across the hall.
Rafe had found out that yes, you did sign your name with a heart normally. At least, you did in the many letters he had received from you. It had been the longest six months of his life, but at the same time, a whirlwind of everything happening all at once. Regardless, he spent the entire time walking on eggshells around his father.
When Rafe was reunited with his family, his sister had thrown herself at him with such force he stumbled back when he caught her in his arms, holding her tight with a hand over the back of her head. "I never thought I would see you again..." She mumbled, chin wobbling against his shoulder.
"I missed you so much, Wheeze, you have no idea." He whispered back, gently stroking the back of her hair. He put her down gently, but she refused to let go of his waist as he acknowledged the rest of his family. Sarah, stoic, standing alongside their dad with a matching expression. She, somehow, had a smile behind her eyes that Rafe was all too familiar with. Sarah was happy to see him, though she would never admit it in Ward's presence.
"Rafe." Ward smiled, suddenly, shockingly, only until Rafe realized they had cameras on them as his father walked up and smacked a hand onto his shoulder, guiding him away. District One was proud to have another Victor to add to the growing roster, and they would always celebrate accordingly. Somehow, Rafe didn't feel special.
"Hey, Dad," Rafe replied, smiling nervously as his dad gave his shoulder a squeeze. He knew he was in trouble- big trouble, and maybe staying in the capitol wouldn't have been so bad. He hoped you were facing a more genuine welcome in Five.
"Are you excited to see your girlfriend today?" Sarah asks, bringing him back to reality as she leaned against the entryway to their home gym. To Rafe, their whole house felt cold now. The mansion was decorated mostly in white, with marble flooring and high ceilings that made the home feel so much emptier than he remembered it. Most of the time, he stayed alone at the home he'd been granted in the victors village.
"Yeah. I don't think she's my girlfriend, though." He replies, hardly tearing his eyes away from the combat training equipment that still haunts him.
Sarah furrows her brow accompanying a confused laugh. "What? Only all of Panem sees you as the hottest couple, but you don't know?"
"We never got to talk about it. So, yeah, I don't know."
"Will you ask her?"
Rafe shrugs, getting up from the bench and throwing the towel over his shoulder. "Probably. She's the only good thing I can think about, these days."
"You better get on that. I heard from the news that there's an engagement announcement on the horizon!" Sarah calls, turning on her heel as she heads back down the hall.
Rafe sighs, grabbing his water bottle and heading out after her. He's wanted to talk about this, of course, but in the victor's interview you mentioned that anyone would be so vulnerable with all that stress- and he couldn't help but be a little hurt by that. Then again, you've sent him letter after letter since you had been apart, so the signals he's getting are mixed- to say the least.
As he changes into the clothes his dad picked out for him for the first day of the Victory Tour, he hopes that seeing you again will bring only good memories. Not that there are many to choose from- but something in his gut is telling him that you will be the cure to his nightmares, or at the very least, someone to talk to about everything, even if it's just for a few months a year. Forever.
You're standing at the train station, surrounded by your family and an array of cameras, everyone anxiously awaiting the two of you being reunited. It's unknown to you if he will even get off the train, part of you hopes that he doesn't so your sisters don't get the chance to bug him. "He'll be happy to see you, hey?" Your mom interrupts your thoughts, nudging you gently with her elbow.
"Maybe." You shrug, pulling at the loose strings on the hem of your dress. "I don't know, I don't want to go. I'd rather stay home, Mom."
"I know, sweetheart... And we'll miss you." She sighs, kissing the side of your head and pulling you close with an arm around your shoulders. "But maybe it'll be nice to talk to him. He must understand you better than we can, these days."
"I don't know about that." You say softly, gazing down the tracks at the sound of the train quickly approaching. You take a deep breath, turning to hug your sisters so you have time. You were on a very tight schedule already, Opal was making sure of that. The train couldn't leave a minute late- even though you're sure that you and Rafe may be precious cargo, considering you're the only ones on it, spare for your teams, and the only reason the train is making this journey at all.
"I'll bet he jumps out of the train and tackles you to the ground because he missed you so, so, soooo much!" Your youngest sister giggles, clinging tightly to your arm.
You decide not to acknowledge it, eyes locked on the silver metal as it pulls up in front of you. "Don't say anything to him, you best leave him alone." Your dad reminds her, peeling her from your arm and into his side instead.
The door slides open, and just as you're lifting your one bag you're met with Rafe. Seeing him for the first time in person for months is shocking. He looks tired- you guess he's been having nightmares too. "Y/N.." He says, almost breathlessly as he leans against the door of the train.
"Hi." You whisper, giving him the best smile you can muster. Truly, you are happy to see him, but you do know he has to put on a show of the two of you being reunited. He jumps down, taking three large strides toward you before pulling you close and burying his face in your hair. "I'm so happy to see you."
"Me too." He mumbles, letting you go after a moment.
"Welcome to District Five, I guess." You laugh nervously, gesturing around you.
"Thank you, I've never been here before," Rafe explains, rather unnecessarily. "The ride was beautiful."
Opal is trying to usher you from behind the camera to move onto the train, and Rafe's hand is hanging at his side, fingers brushing gently over your arm. You get the message, just about to finally wave off your family for a second time. "Wait, hold on." Your dad cuts you off, stopping you both in your tracks.
"Thank you, Son." He nods, holding out his hand to Rafe. You can see his chin wobble, but you can also see that he's trying to keep a brave face for the cameras. Your family had been warned to not speak to him, to just say goodbye and let you walk onto the train since your reunion would be telecasted live- but he just couldn't let Rafe get away without him knowing how much he appreciated him saving you.
Rafe takes his hand and shakes it, returning the nod. "I would have died before taking her from you." They would have a less formal opportunity to meet towards the end of the tour when you revisited Five for a big celebration in both of your honour. You were already dreading it. Anyway, now, they only really had time for pleasantries. Not even that, if they were to follow Opal's schedule.
Cameras are quickly cut, and you wave goodbye now as you're actually forced onto the train. "Gosh, you two, we have places to be. Seriously." Opal says sternly, walking on behind you along with your stylist's team.
It's only a little while until you were talking again, like you had never been apart- and like everything was normal. Until, as the sun set over the mountains in District Eleven, you both got quiet, looking out the array of windows in the very last car.
"I'm glad to see you normally sign your name with a heart."
"Uh, in the cave. You put your name on the wall, with a little heart beside it. I remember wondering if you normally write your name like that, and you do."
"Oh, yeah. When I'm signing something, I guess." You agree with a slight shrug. After a few moments of comfortable silence, both of you staring out the window over the tracks, you continue. "We're going to get in trouble. About what you said to my dad."
"I meant it," Rafe replies, not missing a single beat.
"Did Snow come to see you too?" You ask.
"Yeah." He nods. "I don't really care though, what can he do to me that he hasn't already done, you know?"
"He'd go after your sisters."
"He mentioned something about that. He won't, though. He's just trying to scare us into smiling for the cameras."
"I don't know..." You sigh. "I'd rather not risk it. Play it safe."
"You'll be doing that for the rest of your life, and he'll only demand more and more." Rafe shakes his head at you, reaching out and taking your hand. "With whatever is happening in the districts, he wouldn't run the risk of hurting our families. Your family, in particular. Panem loves your family, you gave them security by speaking so highly of them in the games, and they bought their own by spending all that money to send both of us something from home. He couldn't touch them without the whole country losing their minds."
"What? What's happening in the districts?" All you had seen on TV was reruns of your interviews and highlight reels of your own games. You tried not to watch much TV.
Rafe's eyes flicker with confusion as he scans your face. After a moment he realizes that of course, you wouldn't know. He only knows because of his dad- the news was so heavily censored in the outlying districts that there's no doubt you wouldn't have heard about the uprisings. "I-uh... My dad told me some stuff. There's been a couple of uprisings, nothing serious, but still. He wants us to keep them happy." He decidedly leaves out the fact that people in farther districts, outside of your own, are really not your biggest fans.
"Oh... Well, I'll try my best. Do you know what they were about?"
"No, uh, I don't know much about it. Sorry." Rafe mumbles, dropping your hand to push himself up from the couch. "I should probably get some sleep. You too."
Looking at how dark it is outside now, he's probably right. You have a long couple of weeks ahead, starting tomorrow. Starting it off with a full night's sleep would no doubt be beneficial- and who knows what time Opal will be waking you up in the morning.
You stretch out your arms as you stand up, yawning as you follow Rafe out the door and toward your cabin where your things are waiting for you.
It's not long after a quick shower that you pass out in bed, already tired and lulled to sleep by the steady movement of the train. And it's not long after that until you're standing on the silver pedestal that typically haunts your dreams yet again.
You look around, trying desperately to put together the pieces of where you are. You can't. You can, everything looks the same, but there's a feeling of panic in your gut that tells you you don't know a thing as the timer ticks down in front of you, the sound echoing throughout the arena.
Your head snaps to the left when you hear someone yelling for you. Your sister. She looks pale, you can practically see her shaking from where you're standing. She's yelling at you still, but you can't make out what she's saying as you realize that it isn't just her. Your whole family is there, and no sign of Rafe.
How are you supposed to do this without him?
The timer reaches zero, and the alarm blades signaling the games have begun. You're quick to sprint for your youngest sister, your first goal being getting her away. As you reach her you look back toward the cornucopia, blood already sprayed across the side of the glistening metal and bodies on the ground. Exactly the way it was last time.
"We have to get you out of here. We have to go south, we have to-" You're cut off by her freezing, stumbling back, and falling into the grass.
You call for her in a panic, looking back over your shoulder. You have nothing. There's nothing you can do to help as she chokes on blood from the knife now embedded in her chest.
It was you. You're standing there, a sick smile on your face with dropped shoulders- you had thrown it. Just how Rafe had taught you.
You wake up to the sound of your own screaming, sitting up quickly and kicking off your blanket. Your hair is stuck to your forehead as you scramble to place your surroundings. It wasn't real. It felt so real.
"Y/N?" You look up to the door in a panic as Rafe pushes the door open, brows furrowed in concern. "Are you okay?"
His presence starts to calm you almost instantly. "Yeah, just a dream." You say breathlessly. "I'm sorry if I woke you."
"I couldn't sleep anyway." He insists, stepping in and closing the door. "Can I stay?"
You just nod, sliding over to make room for him.
Rafe pads across the floor, climbing in bed next to you and laying down, getting comfortable as you lay facing each other. Your heart is still racing. You still see your sister suffering at your own hand.
Without saying a word, Rafe reaches up, hesitating for a moment before brushing your hair back from your forehead. "I get nightmares too." He whispers, settling his hand on your cheek, gently brushing over your skin with his thumb.
"I'm sorry." You whisper back, eyes still open as you try and look at him in the dark.
He knows you're not apologizing as if it's your fault, more so saying you wish that neither of you were plagued with the memories of what you had been through. "Me too." He whispers, finally closing his eyes. Maybe now, with you here, he'll feel safe enough to get a full night of sleep without being interrupted by the screams of the kids that he killed.
You wake up with another jolt when the door flies open, slamming against the wall. "Oh, thank god. Rafe! What are you doing in here? Get up, hurry. We've spent far too much time searching the train for you." You blink a few times, rubbing your eyes as you process the harsh awakening by his escort, Zara.
"I'm up..." Rafe grumbles from beside you, taking a deep breath in with his head pressed against your back and an arm over your waist.
"God, you scared me. Now come on, we're already late." She says, standing and holding the door, waiting for him to get moving.
He sighs in response, and you feel a rush of cold air as he leaves you, stretching as he gets up and follows Zara out of the room. The train has stopped moving, you notice this quickly as you get up yourself. It's safe to assume Opal is waiting for you as well.
Walking out onto the stage of District Twelve is humbling, to say the very least. They are among the poorest of Panem's districts, even District Five seems like the Capitol compared to this. The pedestals in front of us display images of the four tributes behind where their families stand. It is all too real as you stand there in front of a large crowd in yet another uncomfortable dress.
Rafe holds your hand as you walk out, scanning over the crowd too. Even his already fake smile begins to fade at the sight and he looks pale. He's clutching your speech cards in his other hand, and you clock how it's slightly shaking from nerves as you are directed to begin speaking and he raises the cards.
"We are united as Panem is united. Our love has opened our eyes to the greatness of our country." You can tell in his voice he's trying to maintain his charismatic charm, but it's failing him. He can't tear his eyes away from the tributes' families, recognizing the faces on the screens behind them. One of the girls stands out, and he shakes away her voice in his head begging him to spare her life with her leg caught in the trap he asked you to set. He adjusts his focus to the mountains in the distance before he continues. "Love illuminates the truth-"
"You're standing where Katniss and Peeta should be!" He's interrupted by someone shouting from the crowd. It's easy to pick out the voice in the sea of people. A boy, a few years older than you with dark hair and a strong build. He's worked his whole life, no doubt. There's a blonde girl next to him- Prim. Katniss's sister, who she had volunteered for last year.
Rafe is frozen, staring at them for a moment before looking back to Zara, who gestures for him to continue. He's squeezing your hand now, tighter. "That's her sister." You whisper to him before he gets the chance to speak again. "May I?"
He looks down at you, silently asking if you're sure. Secretly, Rafe is relieved. You nod to him again and he hands you the cards. You don't need them, so you place them down on the pedestal in front of you.
"I understand the tremendous loss your community has faced at the hands of these games. And I am sorry." Rafe taps your arm, watching you now as you speak. You look up at him briefly and he nods to you. "We are sorry." You correct, reading from him that that is what he wanted.
"We can't fix the past, but I can tell you that without Spruce, Fletcher, Trilly, and Cerise we wouldn't be standing here today. We are forever in debt to them, and to you, for something that we didn't want to take in the first place." You pause, clearing your throat as you feel a tightness in your chest. "I never knew Katniss or Peeta, but watching them at home inspired me, and remember wondering when I watched Katniss volunteer for little Prim if I would do the same for my sisters, and as much as I love them I realized that I don't know if I ever could. And then, at the end, when she and Peeta both chose to die rather than live without each other, rather than pumping out another victor from the games- I was in awe. Of their bravery, and of their sacrifice. I thought I could never do that. They were braver than me."
You stare around the silent crowd, aiming to memorize every face. "Then I met Rafe, and I finally understood them. We would have done the same, but we were given a greater opportunity. I don't know why it was us and not them, and what we did to deserve our lives again, but I am truly sorry that it wasn't them." You spit out, choking over every word.
"It's because he's one of them!" The same boy shouts, pointing at Rafe and you notice peacekeepers shoving their way through the crowd toward him.
Rafe swallows the lump in his throat, keeping a straight face as he looks out at the boy.
"We are sorry that you lost loved ones." You say again, looking up at him briefly.
Before you can continue, Rafe is moving you aside to speak again. "I will donate half of my winnings to the families of our fallen tributes, as well as the families of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. It is the very least I can do, and I know that it won't bring them back, but I am sorry."
Rafe sees the peacekeepers quickly approaching and he wraps one arm around you, holding the other out towards them. "Hey, hey! Don't touch her, we'll go." He says, letting the peacekeepers guide you back off of the stage and out of view as chaos breaks out in the crowd.
"Y/N Y/L/N are you crazy?" Opal is there quickly, looking like she is ready to smack you if she didn't know better.
"What? What did I do?" You ask, panic evident in your voice as you hear shots firing outside.
"She just said what she thought they wanted to hear." Rafe defends you, but even he knows you messed up. In the eyes of the President, anyways.
"Yes, but that is the exact opposite of what Snow wants to hear! And you! Offering them his money? Did you think that was smart?"
"I- I don't know, I didn't know what to do and lord knows I don't need it! They can have it all for all I care." Rafe sighs, shaking his head dismissively.
"Rafe! You were given explicit instructions to keep the peace! Your father is going to be furious, you realize that right?" Zara intervenes.
"Instructions to what, sell this 'against all odds love story'? They want us together so they can brainwash Panem into thinking that privileged districts and the stupid Capitol can get along with the others, and that we're all a big happy family, but its all bullshit. I don't want to be a part of that and I never asked to be." Rafe shouts at her, and Opal gasps as you look away.
"I'll- uhm, yeah. Right. Opal, can you come with me back to the train? I want to leave." You mumble.
She glares at Rafe as she places a hand on your back, leading you toward the exit with peacekeepers following to escort you out of the building.
Heartbreak wasn't exactly on your bingo card for the first day of the victory tour. At least you got your answers, though. Rafe wants nothing to do with you, and now you can go about the rest of your life being forced to pretend you're in love. Great.
The tour continues as scheduled. Every day, occasionally with a day of travel time in between, you find yourself standing on a stage, a smile glued to your face, reading from a script with your hand wrapped around one belonging to a boy who couldn't care less about you. It's torturous.
The day finally comes, after cycling painfully through all the other districts that you make it to the first of two big parties, you're finally home.
"Y/N, Honey, welcome home." Your mom greets you at the door with a hug.
"I missed you." You mumble, pulling her into a hug. She shuts the door behind you as you step away, looking outside for just a moment.
"Where's Rafe?"
"He's staying down the road." You mumble, avoiding eye contact with her and stalking up to your room.
You feel guilty about being grateful for the many empty houses in the victor's village, allowing him his own place to stay instead of staying with you.
You have a few hours of peace before Opal will come with your stylist to prep you and your family for the party and address that's happening tonight, and the one thing on your agenda before then is a good, long nap.
A good, long nap, however, was not something on your sister's agenda, and it was only a matter of minutes before she was barging into your room.
"Y/N! How come Rafe isn't here?" She asks aptly, throwing herself onto your bed next to you.
"He's busy." You grumble, pulling the blankets tighter around yourself.
"Oh, like you? So busy right now you can't say hi to your favourite sister?"
"You're not my favourite."
"Rude." She makes herself at home in your bed, curling up next to you. For the first three months you were home, she didn't leave your side. She had slept in your bed every night, uncomfortable both with the move and her new room away from the one you had previously shared, and also with the idea of losing you again. "Did you kiss him?" She giggles once she's settled in, whispering despite the first time you kissed Rafe being broadcast on national television for the whole country to see.
"No." You whisper back, feeling tears prick at your eyes. "He hates me."
"What? How? I need more details than that, I'm sure he doesn't hate you."
"It was all fake. To get people to like us, to make us win and now to keep Snow from coming after our families." You say quietly, finding it difficult to admit your naivety to even yourself. "He never meant any of it."
Your sister is shocked, jaw slack with your explanation. She's only sixteen, but you can see the gears turning in her head. She loves a romance book, and growing up in a house where your parent's hands were rarely disconnected has built her into somewhat of a relationship expert. Or so she thinks, at least. "No. No, that's not true."
"It is, he said it."
"Exactly like that? What were his exact words?"
"Does it matter?"
"I don't remember."
"You're lying. There's not a thing anyone has ever said to you that you've forgotten." She insists. "But, fine, I guess it doesn't matter because I know it's not true. I've seen the way he looks at you when you're not watching. He's so in love with you it's absurd. Trust me."
You sigh, pulling the blanket away from your face to look up at her. "Don't say that."
"Why? I'm right."
You sniffle, wiping your eyes on the sheet before explaining. "He said we're being forced together to prove something to the public, and he never wanted to be a part of that."
"I knew you were lying." Your sister smiles, pushing your hair back from your face. "But that means nothing. Less than nothing! I wasn't there, but he probably meant that he doesn't want to be together just to be a public spectacle, or to push some agenda that's not his own. That says nothing about how he truly feels about you."
"I don't know..." You reply, skeptical of her thought process. "You should have seen him. He was so angry-"
"At you?"
"Well, no-"
"Then it wasn't about you." She assures you, tucking herself into the blanket. "We'll have a nap, and then you'll talk to him tonight."
"I don't think that's a good idea." You protest.
"It is. Now shh, I'm napping." She hums, eyes already closed as she drapes her arm over your side.
The exhaustion took over and you did end up falling asleep, your sisters breath on your face calming you enough to get some well-needed rest.
You're woken up abruptly, thrown into a show dress that is at least comfortable enough to breathe in, and after being smothered in makeup and hair fried, you're pushed out of the door and into a car.
This address will be hard. You know Jack's family, and to see them standing on the pedestal across from you, behind the crowd, leaves you sick just at the thought of it. Maisie's as well, though you were far from responsible for her death. Again, the idea of why it was you and not them crosses your mind. At this point, you doubt it will ever stop.
Standing backstage, waiting for your queue, Rafe approaches you hesitantly. He knows you're angry, but over the last couple of weeks, you haven't given him a moment to explain. He wishes he could just explain.
"Do you want me to take the lead on this one?" He asks, adjusting the collar of his shirt as he takes his spot next to you, suit tailored to match your dress.
"No. I've got it." You reply coldly, eyes locked on the door ahead of you.
Rafe sighs, reaching out to grab your hand, as was your routine now. You can hear the introductions on stage ahead of you, the audience quieting down. At least this time, the district is mostly celebrating a local win, rather than mourning the senseless deaths of four of their children. This time, it's only three.
You take his hand, building up the energy to smile. You're happy, and you're happy together. Convincing your home district will be harder because, for the rest of your life, you have to keep up this show.
"Can we talk later?" Rafe whispered, leaning down and your skin tingled with the contact of his breath.
"Okay." You say, tone hardly audible as the doors open for you. Let the show begin.
You both smile and wave your way onto the stage, for the first time being met with cheers rather than blank stares. It's refreshing until you see Jack's parents adorning their little stage at the back. You wish they looked angrier, like they believed you were responsible. For some reason, you feel like they don't.
You don't realize people are waiting for you to speak until Rafe does for you, once again ignoring the queue cards.
"District Five, thank you for welcoming me into your community. I have never been here before, but when I say it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, I mean it." He smiles, clearing his throat while the people clap. "I also want to say thank you, because without the sacrifice of your people, I wouldn't be standing here today. That means the world to me, more than I can ever express."
You chew on your lip, scanning across the back and finally seeing your own family. Their presence brings you a comfort you didn't know you needed so badly. "And to Y/N's family, thank you, truly, for raising your daughter into the incredible girl that she is. Without her, there is no chance I could have survived. She saved me. I can never repay you for what you have given me." You watch as your dad pulls your mom close with an arm around her shoulder, hugging her. She looks like she's going to cry, your dad does too.
You try not to laugh as your sister stands with her arms crossed, shaking her head at you, a smug smile on her face. "I told you." You read her lips, and you shake your head back at her.
"Okay, okay, thank you, Rafe." You chuckle, taking the mic from him. "I would just like to say, I am so lucky to be back, and thank you to all of you for being such amazing, supportive people my whole life. It takes a village, they say, and I know I was enough of handful for the whole village to be sick of." You shrug, pulling some laughs from the audience. "I also want to say, to Maisie, Jack, and Caylen's families, I am truly sorry for your loss, but they fought hard. I hope you are proud of who they were. And Mr and Mrs Kyle, I hope you know I never wanted to hurt Jack. I'm so sorry I ever did." You finish, taking a step back to signal that you were done.
Rafe drops your hand to gently rub your back as your eyes are once again trained on his parents. They're crying, of course, as are you, but as his mom nods at you, you feel an incredible weight lifted off your shoulders. One death you felt so personally responsible for, and their family was kind enough to forgive you. Rafe hasn't been so lucky, you've seen it first hand. As you guessed, he is sick about it. Somehow, seeing Jack's family offer you that moment of forgiveness makes him feel better, too, knowing that you won't be suffering the way he is forever.
"Remember, this is your day. Everyone is here to celebrate you, dear." Opal reminds you, gently smoothing the front of your dress back at your home, getting changed for the party. "I am so proud of you."
You smile, for some reason finding yourself fighting off tears. "Thank you, for everything. I know I wasn't always pleasant to be around."
"No one expected you to be." She assures you, planting a kiss on your cheek. "My beautiful victor..."
You look up as there's a knock on the door to your room. "Rafe is here, can we let him in?" One of your stylists assistants says through the wood and Opal answers before you get the chance.
"Yes, let him in." You give her a look and she chuckles, placing her hands on your shoulders. "He's been dying to talk to you, dear. We'll give you a few minutes, and we'll be right outside."
You sigh, nodding as the door gets pushed open. "Rafe! Dear, you look so handsome." Opal smiles at him, patting his shoulder as her and your stylist shuffle out, letting Rafe in and closing the door behind themselves.
Of course, you would be matching his outfit. By now you anticipated it, but Rafe's suits never failed to impress you. It was almost entirely white, with gold cuffs and collars, and somehow, the shoes were a gold leather as well. All matched perfectly to the accents on your dress, and you wonder if his suit alone cost more than the house you grew up in. It's likely.
"You look beautiful." He breaks the silence, smiling at you nervously.
"Thanks.. You too. Handsome. I mean, white suits you."
He clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. "I've missed you." He says, looking at you intensely to gauge your reaction. "Look, if... I did something I'm sorry. I was hoping we could talk, I want to fix things."
"If you did something." You scoff, nodding. You can't help but laugh a little bit.
"Okay, I did something. That's obvious, then. Okay." Rafe says, wracking his brain to figure out exactly where he went wrong. He has a good idea, because you ghosted him immediately after his fight with Zara and Opal in Twelve, but they had both forgiven him, understanding that he wasn't upset with them personally. "How do I fix it?"
"Oh, you want to fix it? That's rich. Truly."
"Y/N, I don't understand. You have to level with me, please." He begs, brow furrowed with upset now.
"You wouldn't want the Capitol to think we're fighting, right? You had a change of heart?" You ask rhetorically, grabbing a drink from the cart they moved into your room.
"Please, just spell it out for me. I can't go on like this, I almost lost you once. I'm not doing it again."
You sigh, the desperation in his voice forcing you to be more empathetic. "Okay, Rafe. Fine. You told them that you wanted nothing to do with this relationship. Right in front of me. I don't understand why you couldn't grasp that that hurt me, but if it wasn't clear, I really care about you."
Rafe looks down, staring at the carpet as he listens, nodding as he connects the dots. "Oh- oh! Oh, no, I didn't mean that. You have to know I didn't mean that, Y/N, come on!"
"Then why would you say it?" Your tears are threatening to return now as your voice shakes.
"Okay, I mean, I meant it, but that has nothing to do with you."
"Nothing to do with me? It has everything to do with me!"
"No, it doesn't." Rafe insists, stepping closer to you now. You can't bring yourself to back away. You've missed having him close. "I meant I don't want to be with you just so they can have a new front page couple. I meant I want to be with you because I want to be with you. Because I love you, not because they want me to love you."
You freeze, thinking over what he said. His I love you echoing in your mind like you're standing in a wind tunnel. "I... What?"
"Y/N," Rafe chuckles, reaching up now and holding your face in his large hands. "You are the smartest person I have ever met in my life, but sometimes, you are so dumb."
You can't help but giggle at that, shaking your head slightly. Rafe looks at you like you're holding his world in your hands. "Do you mean it?" You ask after a few moments.
"I've never meant anything more." You can feel his breath on your skin for the second time in one day, and you don't think you can go without it for another. You're sure your heart stops beating for a moment as he thumbs over your bottom lip, and just as you're sure you could throw up from how pretty he looks up close, you're pulling on the front of his jacket to close the gap between you.
It works, beautifully, and despite your confidence in the moment, he's very gentle. You've kissed before, sure, but you were both pumped so full of adrenaline that you couldn't stop laughing long enough to enjoy it- and that's looking past the fact that he was likely moments from death; thank god for the anti-venom the peacekeepers brought on board.
You hold tight onto his jacket, likely to keep your knees from buckling under you as his lips pass over yours, over and over again. "I love you too." You mumble into his skin, and you can feel him smiling against you.
"Kids? It's awfully quiet in there! Not to interrupt but we are on a deadline here!" Opal calls through the door, knocking on it gently with a gloved hand.
At the intrusion you practically jump apart, sighing a breath of relief when she doesn't open the door. "Okay, coming! Just one second." You reply, trying to hide the shakiness in your voice as you gather your things.
You don't know why you're desperate to avoid suspicion, but you're pulling the door open before either of you say anything else to each other. You both know you're okay, and that's what matters.
"Oh! Good, you're ready to go? Let's get moving." Opal nods at you as you pass her, cheeks burning. "Oh my, absolutely not!" She gasps, and you turn to see as Rafe walks out and she's producing a small linen from her bag and wiping off his mouth for him.
"I can do it..." Rafe mumbles, grabbing it from her to remove the rest of your lipstick from around his mouth as you both feel your faces turning red.
Unfortunately, you were only allowed time for one night at home before you moved on to the last uncovered district in your tour, District One.
"Are you excited to be home?" You ask Rafe, once again curled up in the back train car looking at the view. You've got a blanket draped over both of you, your legs falling over his lap.
"I really liked your brother. He's cool." Rafe dodges the question tactfully, and it's not lost on you that he doesn't want to talk about his home. "And your sister was hilarious."
"Yeah," You scoff, shaking your head. "I don't know who gave her Posca, but they shouldn't have. She was drunk out of her mind."
"Isn't she fifteen?"
"Sixteen actually, her birthday was last month." You laugh, dropping your head back onto the armrest behind you. "Be honest though, if you were given that opportunity at sixteen wouldn't you take it?"
Rafe shrugs, running his hand up and down your thigh. "Probably not, my dad would throw a tantrum."
"Is he strict?"
"Oh. Still? I mean, one, you're eighteen- you're not a kid anymore, and two, shouldn't he just be happy you're alive? Even if that means you're drinking underage?"
"You would think." Rafe sighs, patting your leg gently. "Our reputation is his number one priority. Not his kids."
"I see." You nod softly. "That must be hard for you."
"Well, it's all I've ever known. So it's not that bad. I just worry about my sisters."
"I would too." You agree. "But, they have you. That makes all the difference."
"I try to. He wants them to volunteer, though. The only thing better for his business than one kid in the games is two, and the entertainment factor in that is valuable." Without any cameras around to record your every move, for one of the first times ever, Rafe can speak more candidly to you about it. And it is such a relief.
"That is just... so unfathomable to me." You reply. "Not to disrespect him, or anything, I mean all the respect for who he is and what he does, but I just can't imagine why he wouldn't prioritize your lives more. Especially after your mom..." You trail off here, realizing that's a door only he should open. You had seen a profile of him on the news, as a matter of fact your whole family sat down to watch it together after you got home. You don't know details of what happened, but they mentioned that she passed when he was ten. It broke your heart.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." You try and correct yourself, feeling him tense up under you as he stares out the window across from you.
"It's okay." Rafe insists, relaxing himself again to continue tracing patterns on your leg. "You're right. It is kind of backwards. I never got that before, but after going through what we did... I wouldn't ever want my sisters to get pushed through the same turnstile. You know?"
"Of course." You nod softly, grabbing his hand off your leg and holding it.
"Anyway, my mom never wanted us to volunteer. She stood out that way, people looked down on her because of it. Then she got sick and... yeah." Rafe continues and you squeeze his hand.
"I'm sorry, truly." You say, tone gentle.
"It happens." Rafe shrugs. "I admit, I was disappointed when Sarah didn't get picked with me. Especially with the team aspect, and I'm surprised that she didn't, but now I'm so glad she wasn't. Not to say she wouldn't have been a strong competitor. If she gets picked next year I guarantee she will win, actually." He says, smiling fondly with a shake of his head. "I've tried talking her out of volunteering, but she hasn't budged. She wants to please Ward, and I get that. I just hope she has the strength that I didn't."
"That's hard. I mean, at least I don't have to convince my sisters not to volunteer. They wouldn't do it if we begged them to, not that we ever would. Obviously." You chuckle, and Rafe does too. "Maybe... Would you mind if I talked to her? I have a way with little sisters."
"By all means." Rafe nods. "Good luck, though."
"I have a question." You say, after a moment of silence between the two of you, the train rattling over the tracks below you with an almost unsettling smoothness.
"Since so many people volunteer, doesn't that take away the purpose of volunteering? Do they put all the volunteers into a bowl and draw names anyway? How do they pick?"
Rafe laughs, dropping your hand to reach out and ruffle your hair. "You will see."
It isn't long before you start pulling into One. It looks like a mini Capitol, but with more mansions and less giant buildings, it was extravagant nonetheless. Your face was practically glued to the window the whole drive in, as Rafe pointed out who lived where, and any landmarks you passed. It was fascinating, and you wished you were on speaking terms when you arrived in Five. There would have been lots to share.
You can't help but note that his family wasn't there to greet the train, at least you don't think they were- there was a crowd of strangers there waiting excitedly, along with more security to escort you and your teams away from the station.
Everyone there seemed to be a fan, particularly of Rafe's, and this was a comforting change of pace.
Rafe watches you with a fond smile as you stop, crouching down to talk to a little girl who wiggled past security and pulled on the bottom of your dress.
"This is for you, Miss Y/N." She says, so quietly you can hardly hear her over the sound of shuttering cameras and shouting in your direction.
You take the small flower from her and smell it. "It's beautiful, thank you, hun." You smile, taking it and tucking it behind your ear. "What's your name?"
"Clara, that's such a lovely name. Thank you for coming to say hi."
"Can I give you a hug?"
You nod, opening your arms to the little girl who practically falls into your lap, hugging you right around your neck. "When I grow up I'm going to be just like you. I'm gonna win." She says as you let her go, and your heart drops in your stomach.
Your smile falters and you nod at her a little. "Stay safe, okay?" You settle on, gently pushing her hair out of her eyes and standing up as Rafe places his hand on your shoulder, signalling it was really time to go.
You ease the girl back to her waiting parents, before standing upright and joining Rafe, waving to people as you follow him to the car, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling you're left with after that interaction.
The speech in District One was easier, similar to District Two, where people seemed happy to see you- more careless of the lives of young people they had lost. To them, it was an honour to go, even if you never returned home. That's where you first laid eyes on Rafe's sisters, and you could see immediately the difference he was telling you about.
Sarah looked much more like him, and Wheezie like their father, you could only guess that their mother had the dirty blonde hair and blue eyes she passed onto her oldest children.
At the party, it wasn't long before you saw her again, despite the large property and the sea of guests. Pretty much the moment you walked in, Ward was on the two of you with the girls in tow.
"Y/N! It is so good to meet you." He smiles, reaching out to shake your hand which you quickly oblige.
"You as well, Mr. Cameron."
"Please, call me Ward. All my friends do." He grins, nodding to the two girls with him. "These are my daughters, Sarah and Louise."
You try and introduce yourself, but you hardly get past a smile before he's ushering the group of you along. "There are loads of people who have been looking forward to meeting you. Come with me."
You just smile and nod, Rafe staring blankly at his dad as he leads the way.
You meet lots of people, and despite your average height you feel like they're looking down on you. No doubt you're seen as somewhat of a freeloader- carried through the games by Rafe's strength and training, but despite this, Ward introduces you to every last person as Rafe's girlfriend. Not that you mind, you had to assume that's what you were. He didn't seem bothered by it, so neither would you.
"I'm off to grab a drink, care to join?" Sarah offers, linking her arm with yours after what must have been the twenty-fifth new person in the last hour.
"I'd like that." You agree, giving a slight wave to Rafe who nods in approval before you're gone.
"It's a lot. I'm sorry." Sarah says, smile on her face as she guides you through the crowd.
"No, it's nice. I like meeting new people."
"No you don't." Sarah cuts you off, and you can tell it's not with bitter intentions.
"Not really, no." You cave and agree, laughing quietly.
"Rafe told me that. He said you didn't talk the first few days he knew you."
"That's not true." You laugh, correcting her quickly. "Not entirely. I was in shock, I guess."
Sarah shrugs, dropping your arm as you reach the bar. Before either of you say anything the bartender, an avox clad in the standard red uniform, places two drinks in front of you.
"Thank you." You smile, lifting the glass. They just nod and quickly move on as Sarah grabs her drink as well.
You sneak off into a somewhat quiet corner, where you can sit and talk without too many people overhearing. "Rafe speaks very highly of you, I was looking forward to meeting you." You offer as you both sit down at an empty couch.
"Now that," Sarah laughs, coughing slightly on her drink. "Is a shock."
"What?" You laugh. "No way, he loves you."
"No." Sarah shakes her head, gesturing across the room to where she's spotted her family. "He loves Wheezie. I'm just around."
You look over to where she pointed, seeing Rafe standing with his sister as they discreetly jab each other in the side while Ward is talking to yet another "important" friend. Rafe is trying to hide his smile, keep it professional, but he's cracking.
"He loves you too. Just as much." You insist. "Are you open to my theory?" You ask, looking at her as she returns her gaze to you, raising a questioning brow.
"Please." She tilts her glass toward you, urging you to continue.
"I think you guys are a lot alike. And that scares him because he doesn't want you to be like him." You say confidently, polishing off the statement with a sip of the champagne in your hand.
"That..." Sarah takes a drink before continuing. "Is not an entirely bad theory."
"Are you going to volunteer?" You ask, deciding to get right to it. Sarah doesn't seem like the type to dance around what she wants to say, she's confident in every statement she makes. She truly does remind you of Rafe when you first met him.
"Did Rafe ask you to talk me out of it?"
"No. I offered." You reply honestly. "But really I'm just curious. He does tend to be kind of biased these days."
"I see." Sarah nods, thinking on it for a moment. "Tell him I haven't decided yet."
"I have two sisters, both your age and Wheezie's, but I also have an older brother. I see myself in both of you." You explain. "I think you should do what feels right to you. Not to Rafe and me, or to Ward, or to anyone, really. But if you did ask me, I would tell you I would volunteer again somehow if it meant sparing my sisters. I wouldn't wish it on anyone."
Sarah listens to you intently. Whether her reaction shows it or not, you can tell she's really thinking about it. That's all you could ask for. "All the fame and the money it could bring your family isn't worth Wheezie's life, so why would it be worth yours?" You add.
"Would you give it up now if it meant you would have never met my brother?" She follows up with a simple question, but it stumps you.
"I don't know." You answer honestly, watching him again across the room. "But he was the only good thing to come out of it."
The air is warm in the Capitol, and you're not sure whether to attribute that to the humidity of polluted and stuffed air, or the several fire features decorating the President's property lawn where you're attending yet another party in your honour. It feels far from welcoming.
You can't bring yourself to drink, despite how tempting it is to drown out the evening in bottles of whatever alcohol they're handing out on seemingly endless trays of crystal glasses. 
You're clinging to Rafe's arm, accepting compliments from people who look like they've never known any kind of trauma in their lives. The way the Capitol elite feel entitled to every detail of your life makes you nauseous.
"Thank you everyone for coming." The President's voice is booming suddenly over speakers you can't see, and everyone's attention is drawn to where he's standing on the balcony overlooking the property. "It is my honour to host our most recent victors here with us tonight, Rafe Cameron and Y/N Y/L/N!" He stops to allow applause as you smile awkwardly and nod to those around you, waiting anxiously for him to continue. You just want to get this over with. 
"Your love story has been an inspiration to us all, and I'd like to raise a toast to your success and to your happiness." People around you congratulate you, and you lean your head onto Rafe's shoulder, squeezing his arm.
"President Snow would like to see you both in his office." A peacekeeper says, appearing out of nowhere and gently escorting you into the building.
"What do you think this is about?" You whisper as you reach a blocked-off hallway.
"I don't know." Rafe mumbles back. He has a good idea though, to him toast sounded more like a threat than a celebration. "Just... let me handle it. Okay?"
You just nod, stopping behind the peacekeeper at a big wooden door. He nods, gesturing that you enter.
"Have a seat." Snow offers, and Rafe pulls out your chair for you, deciding that he would stand. "Thank you for coming."
"We were in the area." Rafe replies impatiently. "What can we do for you?"
"I wanted to discuss our agreement one more time, since clearly, the two of you were left a little confused." Snow says, resting his hands on the desk that sits between you. 
"The money was a show of good faith." Rafe replies, resting his hand on your shoulder. 
"To you, maybe, but to them, it is a sign that you are on their side." The President corrects. "You are not one of them. Not anymore. If they believe that you are, that they have people with power on their side, the uprisings will continue and the death toll will be catastrophic. I have a feeling that both Districts One and Five will not recover."
You bite your tongue, keeping your eyes locked on the rose sitting in front of you on the desk. "I think there is no use in giving the people of Panem false hope, because you do not have the power you think you do. You are not invincible. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir." You nod softly, anxious to leave.
"Go enjoy the party. After all, it's all for you." Snow dismisses you, and neither of you are in a position to argue.
Leaving the Capitol again was a relief, especially with the promise that a train would be made available to either of you as you wished to travel exclusively between your home Districts. Not that you would particularly want to travel anywhere else, anyway. 
Rafe had a preference for coming to visit you, despite your home being much smaller than his. And much more crowded, but he didn't mind. Having a home full of sounds felt much more welcoming to him, even if he was only there for a weekend here and there. He had sisters to look after as well.
In all those months, he came down twice a month, and you looked forward to it every time. Everything was so normal, besides the interviews you did every so often, just to show everyone how happy you were thanks to the "generosity" of the Capitol, and that's a story you're more than pleased to stick with if it means keeping your families safe.
"It isn't far, right? Because I'm too out of shape for a long hike." Rafe jokes, letting you pull him by the hand through a wooded area not far from your house.
"Oh please, you could do it in your sleep." You laugh, shaking your head. "But no, if you must spoil the surprise, it's not far."
Rafe follows you silently, smiling as he watches you beat your way through a slightly overgrown path. The image flickers in his mind of you in your windbreaker, hair tied back around itself to keep it away from your eyes as you run through the bushes in the arena.
"Here, look." You interrupt his thought process with a jolt, the sunlight blinding him as you push past a final branch and hold it out of his way. "Behold, the pride and joy of District Five." You smile, gesturing out over the cliffside.
"Oh, wow." 
"Isn't it pretty?" You ask, dropping his hand to walk closer to the edge overlooking the large dam. "All the electricity in all of Panem comes from here."
"I didn't expect it to be so... scenic." Rafe says, joining you closer to the edge as you sit down.
"Yeah, it's pretty." You agree, crossing your legs. "My dad worked in there for years, he just retired. My brother works there now."
"I can imagine." Rafe says, tearing his eyes away from the depth of the ravine in front of him to look at you. You look so at home here, he can tell by how you're hunched over so casually tossing pebbles off the cliff that must be a thousand feet deep. Even then, you're not scared. "Do you come here a lot?" 
"Is that a pickup line?" You giggle, leaning back on your palms as you look over at him.
"Well, no, but would it work?" He smirks, placing his hand over yours as he matches your position.
"Only because it's you." You laugh, shaking your head.
"That was the correct answer." Rafe chuckles, looking back down at the giant damn that's filtering water through, powering his family's mansion back home. He thinks of all the hours your dad put in, sometimes sixteen-hour days he recalls him sharing, that he was working in the power plant to keep the lights on at Rafe's kitchen table where he sat with his dad and his sisters rarely uttering a word. The same hours your brother is working now.
"How do you feel about this mentor thing?" You ask out of nowhere. "We start soon."
"I don't know. It'll be weird to be working against you." Rafe replies.
"Don't think of it like that. Besides, what was it you told me, that you have a whole team of them? You probably can just sit back and watch them work." You say, trying to raise his spirits a bit. "That gives us more time to visit."
"I feel like 'visit' is a strong word." Rafe laughs. "Hopefully it'll be more than that." He says, moving over to wrap his arm tightly around your waist, kissing your cheek.
"That would be nice." You agree with a sigh. "I don't know, I just don't know what kind of advice to give. What, find someone you trust? I think we just got lucky."
"You'll be the best mentor." Rafe insists. "I wish I had you."
"I wish we hadn't needed one. I don't want to see kids come through year after year and watch them die. I wish I could make it stop, it all seems so pointless."
"It's about control. They'll never give that up." Rafe shakes his head. "So don't think for a second it's your fault."
"I know... It's just so complicated."
"I'm glad it brought me to you, though." 
You smile, leaning your head on his shoulder.
"Hey!" You're startled by a voice behind you, both of you standing up quickly. "You have to come back." Your brother says, chest heaving from his exertion of running all the way up the hillside.
Rafe relaxes from where he placed himself in front of you at the sound, letting you step in front of him. "What happened?" You ask, seeing the look on his face.
"There's been an announcement." He answers, laboured breathing starting to return to normal. "About the games."
The two of you follow him in silence all the way back, anxiety in both of you spiking after your brother wouldn't answer any more questions. When you walk into the house, you're met with a paused TV, your parents on the couch, and your sister with tear-stained cheeks and reddened eyes. "What happened?" You ask again, hoping to get some answers.
Rafe pulls you close to himself after shutting the front door, leading you into the living room. "Here, um, have a seat, kids." Your mom says, hardly audible as you sit down.
She wipes her eyes as your dad presses play on the television, and it's a rewound clip of the news. Rafe wraps a shaky arm around you on the couch as Caesar Flickerman starts speaking.
"We have a unique announcement today regarding the upcoming, highly anticipated, Seventy-Sixth annual Hunger Games." He starts, and you get tunnel vision as you stare at the screen. "This is a twist no one saw coming on the heels of last year's Quarter-Quell, but President Snow has decided there will be a permanent change in the rules. From now on, any victor remaining under the age of eighteen will once again be eligible for the reaping."
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy @madelynie, @whore-4-drewstarkey, @slut4drudy, @winterrrnight, @totalswag, @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron, @urfaveluvr, @chenslucy, @hxnnah-397, @s-we-e-t-t-ea, @tahliac11, @saccharinesammie, @ietss, @maybankslover @redhead1180, @suzyheartsrafe, @wpdailyminimeta, @aegons-bitch, @rafegirly, @lovelyxtommy, @dee127, @r1vrsefx, @gillybear17, @flonkertn, @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles, @thelomlisrafecameron
259 notes · View notes
dross-the-fish · 11 months
what do you think of the 1994 Frankenstein movie?
I'll be honest, I hate on that one more for its wasted potential than anything else. I feel like it tried to adapt the book but then it kept adding stupid shit and missing the mark.
Let's start with it's biggest crime. Kenneth Branagh, our director.
Oh Kenny Branagh my beloathed. We meet again. I've had it out for you ever since I had to stomach your ridiculous Shakespeare movies in high school drama class. I've watched as you brought your overwrought hammy sensibilities to Agatha Christie's Poirot and now here you are, injecting all of your overblown histrionics into Frankenstein.
I didn't think it was possible to be too dramatic for Frankenstein. But by god you've done it. There is so much scenery chewing, screeching, writhing and sweating in this that I actually started to feel fatigued and clocked out mentally about half way through the film.
Kenneth cast himself as the lead and I hate this version of Victor so much.
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Wtf is this? Why does he have abs? Why is he in his mid 30's? Where is my sickly waif who gets feverish at the drop of a hat? Why have you done this?
Also I know they're canonically engaged but I really dislike for Victor and Elizabeth to be horny for each other especially in this movie because they keep bringing up their relationship as siblings and it's just eugh, please don't talk about her like that and then remind us that she's your sister you fucking weirdo. Their relationship in the book comes off as super uncomfortable to me and I swear Victor is way more into Robert and Henry than he is Elizabeth. Naturally this movie decided it should have next to no homoeroticism.
"How do brothers and sisters say good bye?" - start aggressively making out. No I'm not joking this movie goes out of its way to remind you that they are siblings.
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.... And then it goes there with it.
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Victor actually proposes to her and then asks her to come to Ingolstadt with him or offers to stay in Geneva with her and it's at that point where I'm like: did you read this book? Victor dodged their semi-arranged engagement like the woman had cooties and didn't write to her for two years because he's an obsessive, neurotic wreck.
Oh yeah and Henry Clerval is in it.
Oh were you hoping for more of him? That's a shame because so was I.
I've mentioned that this movie is over dramatic. But that really can't be understated. It's like a mac truck crashing through an English garden. No subtlety at all. If a character has to feel something they're usually screaming at the top of their lungs. Victor screaming at the creature to live, the creature literally ripping Elizabeth's still beating heart from her chest and showing it to Victor. They decided the bride should be Elizabeth and that there should be weird tension between her and the creature. Then after she's brought back to life she sets herself on fire and starts running down the halls of the manor.
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I should probably have found that more tragic than I did but I just found the whole thing silly.
Justine's death in particular should have been more heavy and somber. She gets dragged off by a mob and hung. The scene is violent and cruel but it lacks the tragedy of the book. We have none of Justine quietly giving up and Elizabeth vehemently refusing to believe she's guilty. It's one of the few character building moments Elizabeth gets and this movie takes what should be a touching, somber and heartbreaking scene and turns it into a spectacle.
Everyone's reaction to everything is to do the most extreme thing possible but they never actually earn it because moments were the film SHOULD have emotional weight are kind of glanced over. The book has a lot of themes of grief and isolation but the film doesn't really explore those aspects effectively. It never stops to have a quiet or thoughtful moment. Almost like it's afraid the audience will get bored if someone isn't shrieking at the top of their lungs and some action heavy drama is going down.
The pacing in this film is jarring. Kenneth Branagh has a love for lavish sets, beautiful scenery and his films, if nothing else, are opulent spectacles, there are moments in this film where the cinematography is actually quite beautiful but I always feel that it's wasted by clumsy execution.
There are also scenes that come so painfully close to working, like early on in the movie Elizabeth and Justine drag Victor away from his work to go on a picnic and he only goes because he's hoping for a storm. He puts down a lightning rod and has everyone get down so they can observe the strike. I thought that could have been really neat and a good way to set up Victor's obsession but the execution was so clunky and the moment the lightning strikes and the four of them feel the static isn't allowed to sit and breathe. It jolts to the very next scene with no transition.
There are things I like about Robert De Nero's creature.
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I like his design, even if it's not book accurate. I don't inherently like the idea of him being a resurrected cadaver of a specific criminal but I do, at times, almost like what they do with it, like having him wonder who all of his various parts came from. De Niro is a strong actor and I feel like there were the makings of a good performance here and it was stifled under bad writing and directing. I actually like most of the scenes where the creature speaks to Victor and the line "What of my soul? Do I have one? Or was that a part you left out? Who were these people of which I am comprised? Good people? Bad people?" is spoken with such poignant suffering that you really see how lost the creature is and it drives home the tragedy of the creature's condition. The creature is begging Victor to see him as human and Victor cannot or will not.
But these rare moments of something good peeking out are few and far between and the movie devolves again into it's predilection for overblown bombast. Even the final scene where the creature finds Victor dead on Robert Walton's ship isn't allowed to have the gravitas it deserves because Victor's funeral ends with the ice breaking in yet another tedious action sequence and the creature floats out to sea on a chunk of the broken ice setting himself and Victor's corpse on fire.
This was a moment in the movie that should have been handled with dignity and regret and I got this:
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There's really not much else to say about this film. I went into it hoping for a good Frankenstein adaptation and I tried to find salvageable scraps but there just wasn't enough good to make the movie worthwhile for me.
Anyway, sorry this turned into a whole review but I was bitterly disappointed in this film and ended up having a lot to say.
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penny-anna · 2 years
Just thought I’d let you know that your onslaught of Back to the Future content inspired me to rewatch the movies this weekend, which was such a delight :)
Do you have any fic recs, by any chance?
ah glad to hear it!
*rubs hands together*ohoho let's see what i got here
Like Water Flowing Underground by Kleenexwoman
Marty struggles to fit in with his new reality, but is any other world a better fit?
i read this one back in 2015 and come back to it every so often. just beautifully done.
Becoming Marty by butchcassidy
Scenes and glimpses from Marty's childhood and how he came to be Marty.
obligatory trans marty rec!!
Time is a Wave and a Particle by Kleenexwoman
Another one of those "Marty has trouble dealing with living in an alternate universe" fics.
heavy content warning for mental illness & specifically psychosis on this one!!
beautifully written, absolutely gutwrenching, this one is gonna haunt me ):
Alternates by Wildgoosery
Marty's life isn't at all like how he left it.
i eat up post-canon 'marty deals w being in a new timeline' fics like candy nom nom nom
wish someone would tell me who to be (ready to try anything) by Adanska
(“Fashion cycle,” Doc had explained, looking more ‘50s than anything else. “The Eighties just came back around in a big way for kids your age, you shouldn’t stick out too much—people will just think you’re hipsters.” “What, like the pants?” “No, a nostalgia-obsessed movement—ah, nevermind.”)
lesbian marty & jennifer visiting Actual 2015 its great give this one a read!!
we can't live in the present forever by ideal_girl (trainwreckdress)
Marty wonders if Doc has the same problem; histories overlapping, memories colliding in the space of a single, shared moment. He hopes not.
a 'marty deals with having 2 contradictory sets of memories' story
Inevitable by nbfutureboy
It's a bizarre twist of fate. When they’d found out they’d been expecting twin boys, Jennifer had suggested, sensible and sweet, that they pick out two new names. No comparisons to the kids of the first 2015 - they could be their own people, without having to compete with a future memory. 
very sweet fic about trans marlene mcfly!!
The Man in the Box by makesureyouwashyourhands
People said the strangest things about the McFlys. They said that Marty McFly went to bed one night and woke up a different person. Or, the two Martys: how they differ, and how they're the same.
*throws another post-canon new timeline fic at you*
The Human Body Is Incredibly Faulty by ThePhenomenalStingray
Written for the ask, "For that headcannon prompt, Doc is a complete mother hen mess when Marty’s hurt".
cute!! <3<3<3<3
First Impressions by Kristen Sheley
To say that he had been surprised when the kid had showed up that evening at his doorstep was an understatement. He hadn’t ever imagined anything so fantastic, and his was a mind that had visualized a lot of unrealistic and fantastic things! But a seventeen-year-old time traveler from the future was never one of them. Equally surprising to him was that this kid was apparently a friend of his. What a sixty-five-year-old was doing hanging out with someone so young, Emmett could only wonder. Maybe Marty was a student of his, from the University.
an oldie but a goodie!! absolutely banging bit of missing scene work from the first film w doc & marty adjusting to each other in 1955
The Longest Odds by leaper182
Marty McFly just had two more years to go before he could start thinking about the future.
But then the odds shifted, and the only future he has to think about now is whether he'll make it home alive.
wip not updated since 2016. not a whole lot of this one as it looks like it didn't really get off the ground but the central concept (tribute marty + former victor mentor doc brown) is just gutwrenching and im going to be rotating it in my brain forever!! ETA: totally failed to clock the ship tag on this one oops!! its tagged doc/marty but i don't remember anything shippy happening in the chapters posted. read at your own risk ig.
that's all for now!! i got more stuff in my to-read so stay tuned hopefully!!!
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Opening in theaters this weekend:
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The Exorcist: Believer--Two 13-year-old girls go missing one day after school. Their panicked parents, single Dad Victor (Leslie Odom, Jr.) and evangelical couple Miranda (Jennifer Nettles) and Tony (Norbert Leo Butz) frantically search their Georgia suburb, but three days later the girls turn up alive.
These early scenes of this sixth Exorcist follow-up are tense and gripping, convincingly dramatizing a dread familiar to parents, but also deploying a few well-executed cheap scares. Soon after the girls reappear, they start showing unmistakable signs of demonic possesion. The nonbelieving Victor is skeptical at first, but before long he has enlisted the aid of Chris McNeil (the radiant Ellen Burstyn), who went through a similar experience with her daughter Regan up in Georgetown half a century earlier.
Act Two of Believer is mostly devoted to a rather ecumenical exorcism, with Catholics, Evangelicals and what appear to be Voodoo practicioners all participating, among others. This section falls flat. We get all the obligatory stuff--levitation, projectile tummy trouble--but none of the elliptical yet grueling intensity that the late William Friedkin brought to the 1973 film. Put simply, the second half of the movie just isn't very scary.
Part of what made the first film so potent was its harsh, judgy small-c conservative Catholicism. It seemed to suggest that Chris McNeil's wordly career and single life left the door open for the devil to take her daughter. The new film almost gets this right; it implies that Victor's daughter's yearning to communicate with her dead mom gives the demon a foothold, as Regan playing with a Ouija board invited in "Captain Howdy" back in the original.
But the kum-ba-yah sensibility of Believer's interfaith exorcism weakens this blood-and-thunder atmosphere. Don't misunderstand; I agree, on the whole, with the sentiments expressed in this movie's mild little homilies about faith and community and hope. But I don't think they're the most effective way to scare an audience. Decades ago I had a girlfiend, a lapsed Catholic, who found the original Exorcist so terrifying that she could barely stand to have it mentioned (I used to tease her by imitating the demon's voice).
The new film lacks the ruthlessness that could create that sort of reaction. Nor did I really find it plausible that these staunch traditionalist faiths could practice this archaic rite in harmony. As soon as anything went wrong, wouldn't they start blaming each other?
The director, David Gordon Green, works from a script that he wrote with several hands including Danny McBride. They were the team behind 2021's Halloween Kills, another honorable but unsuccesful revival of a classic horror franchise. The cast here is capable, with one standout--that splendid, always reliable warhorse Ann Dowd as a nurse with a relevant past who befriends Victor.
This much more, if little else, can be said for Believer: although the insolently absurd yet imaginative spectacle of John Boorman's 1977 Exorcist 2: The Heretic has its fascinations, Believer can probably still claim to be the best of the Exorcist sequels. But that's a low bar.
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falsebooles123 · 2 years
14 GAYS Later: A two week introspective - Diary of a Big Ole Gay 3/19/2023
Hey Whores, Long Time no see. I have been watching an absolutely slutty amount of gay shit. Also I may or may not have binged a bunch of television recently.
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(This is the only gif I could find I also watched The Staircase and starteed getting through RE: MIND)
but I have been on a mission to make a dent in my gay watchlist. I'm going to take a bit of a break the next couple of days but I definetly will watch a few more the last two weeks of march, (dear god are there still two weeks left).
Lets see anything else I should add to this diary. Well my dad just got a new apartment and it looks great and my cars been making a rattle noise which honestly gives me anxiety but I have my mechanic looking at it next week so she just has to get through this week. Hopes and prayers folks.
I also have going over the catering work I'm doing next month. Its going to be a lot of work but I'm going to be making very good money.
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(God Thats Cute)
anyway whores lets get into it.
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First a Girl (1935) dir. Victor Saville
Once again I am not watching VICTOR/VICTORIA, (through also where the fuck is that half and half costume from cause I've seen most of these version of it at this point).
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If you don't know what I'm talking about there is a french version called Georges et Georgette, A 50s german remake and of course the classic 80s VICTOR/VICTORIA. If anyone has links to the first two hit a bitch up.
This version is english and can I just say they shit the bed so hard. they add a lot of nonsense to this like she burns a dress? and it adds absolutely nothing to the plot. The other issue is that they either copy a scene from the original but with worse acting or they add what can only be deemed 1940s heterosexual nonsense.
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(I was looking for that part of singing in the rain where the audio gets out of sink and the actors are going NONONO YES YES YES)
That being said the original idea of victor und victoria is amazing because its basically epitomizes this early queer cinema trope of dude doing "man tests" to prove that it is fact
... a masquarader..... a drager personer... a dress-crossinger...
Theres something thats just incredible hot about this like top going up to a twink and being like yeah you a dude huh, your one of the boys, huh. You gonna fuck me in my bussy oh what bruh. Huh you man enough or what???
It comes off as like very homoerotic flirting. This one bascially side steps all the best parts of the original and it just made me realize how good OG Victor und Victoria is.
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Cat People (1942) dir Jacques Tourneur
Cat People is one of those movies that people talk about being like super queer and it kinda is. Like the whole movie centers around a woman whose afraid to get intimate with her husband because shes afraid that she will turn into a monster and she gets threatened with getting thrown in an insane asylum because of it.
Which while the movie isn't queer in its subtext. That kind of storytelling resonates with a queer audience especially a contemporry one this was right in the middle of the whole shock the gay away and scoop out are brains portion of medical barbarism.
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That being said this is about as queer as something like Picnic at Hanging Rock or Carnival of Souls. Its more feminist then anything but you can definetly read or relate to it as a marginilized and queer person.
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The Gay Deceivers (1969) dir. Bruce Kessler
OMG This is mandatory queer viewing. This is for the girls and the gays thats it.
tbf I had a hard time getting into the full on camp of it all and thats because I have to deal with my internilized truama and femmphobia.
I get a lot of interal validation from serving you slutty masc realness.
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(GOd thats hot)
and going into this film I had a hard time accepting that this was not it fact an attempt to call me a limp-wrist no-dick hippie faggot queer.
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but about half-way through I realized that it fact I was being a big dumb dumb and that I need to embrace the Fae Gays as much as the butch ones. Ands its not that I'm one of those homos who are like ewwwww I don't like it when those faggots... dresss like faggots. But I also have to let go of my own pain of being treated as a sissy and recognize that people do get validation from that.
Dealing with queer gender baggage is a process and can I just say that if your like me once you get over your nancy boy truama this is an absolute queer delight hunty.
also we are getting Bisexual Realness! #Yaaaasssscar. to quote my letterboxd.
I also want to shoutout Elliot in this film, who I'm sorry thats a bisexual honey. He wants dick. This man is walking around his "husband" shirtless with his pajamis bottoms unbuttoned. Ok Fag. fucking his sister to get to him, I see you. Going to gay bars unprompted. Showing up at the queer party wearing nothing but a jock. homo.
Like lets be clear, if this was remade Elliot would've made a pass on Danny. Ok there is a literally a scene were after Elliot fucked this MILF and he was like. Well she was paying my rent I had to say thank you. And Dannys like. Well I'm paying your rent now and Elliot looks him up and down and is like Bet.
What I'm saying is that Elliot was 100% ready to suck Dannys dick if he asked.
Iconic We stan it is on TUBI right the fuck now. Pls watch.
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Daughters of Darkness (1971) dir. Harry Kumel
God for fuck sake step on me mommy.
This is one of the first Lesbian Vampire films on this watchlist that features Elizabeth Bathory, the countess who bathed in all that virgin blood you know the one. EB is a motif in a lot of Lesbian Vampire films but we have to remember that this is Pre-1971 which means that we are only getting the earliest Vampire films not the sexy ones like Nadja or Vampyros Lesbos, (there on my general watchlist just not this specific one.)
This one is hot as shit. We're talking just a lot of tittys and fucking and hot people making out. We have dommy mommy, we have toxic lesbian relationships, we have said dommy mommy being a lesbian who enthralls hot women to do there bidding. And can I just say. Mommmmmmy what about me. I want to be your thrall no fairrrrr.
This movie is giving us The Hunger vibes in the sense thats its horny, beautiful, slow, problamatic, and there are lesbians in this that you would just die for.
god women are so pretty, (I say as the bisexual fag who writes about early queer film).
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The Wild One (1953) dir. Laszlo Benedek
So fun fact I posted a clip on this on Snapchat with the caption, "Dear god I am so gay" because marlon brando can fuck this bussy
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(POV: what this man looks like as I am sucking him off)
and one of my friends, is like "Gay for this Pussy" and the answer is no Sir I am a faggot have you met me. Have you seen how much I suck dick. and yes I am gay for that pussy but not in this context sir. not in this context where marlon brando can and should tell me to get on my god damn knees like the little slut I am. OK.
(honestly we're kinda JO buddies but hes been really weird about it lately and been making it gay. And its like dude I don't want to fuck you. C'mon)
What I'm saying is that this movie has also inspired me to become a faggot biker and I need to buy leather pants. This film is pretty straight but like in a hot way so i'm into it. This was on youtube and while its not neccesarily super queer, (mostly on this list cause Fashion Fag Marlon Brando turned all the boys gay and into leather with this one. Thank you daddy), it is a pretty fun teen movie.
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Castle of Blood (1964) dir. Antonio Margheriti
So this is one of those random 60s movies that were going through a po-essence??? Like they really liked Edgar Allen Poe, think tales of terror.
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(god I love tales of terror and poe stories in general)
In this one Poe goes to a castle and just witnesses a lot of toxic polycule sheninigans. Honestly I couldn't hold onto the plot. I like it but I had a headache. Theres some lesbian vampires who, its suggested, kiss off screen but then the closeted one stabs the other. Rude.
Also the closet vamp is constantly trying to ride dick to prove how straight she is, and we've all been there honey.
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Twelfth Night (1955) dir. Yan Frid, A. Abramov
so there are a lot of different versions of this but luckily for my poor gay ass theres only like 3 or 4 made before the 1970s. Theres a bunch from like 80 and 90, Theres of course the teen dramas like Shes the Man, One of the Boys, Motorcrossed and I am spared that missery.
It is also at this point that I have realized that while Twelfth NIght is pretty gay it is not in fact gay enough. Check my recent text post of ideas to make it gayer.
so let me just say that this was in russian I don't speak it and I was using Youtube Auto-Translate which is like if you went to a foreign country with a shitty friend and they kept forgetting to translate it for you because they were to busy making out with this hot chick they met at the bar.
that being said the tom-follery carried the plot for me. and since 80% of twelfth night is just a B-plot about a ever-growing bunch of assholes pulling a prank on some snob it works. I will also say that this has the most iconic Yellow Stockings reveal out of any of the versions I've seen so far. They were garish and iconic and we stan.
oh also I forgot to mention this does feature on on-screen kiss between two women but the second women is playing a canonically male character in the scene. Real life v V gay narratively techinically straight
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Twelfth Night (1969) dir. John Sichel
Yet another version of this story. It was in english so I could here the dialogue but it was pretty poor showings. Honestly this sounds weird but watch te 1955 USSR version its a lot better.
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Masculin Feminin (1966) dir. Jean-Luc Godard
God I hated this movie. Paul is a little bitch baby and the only thing that makes this somewhat tolerable is the fact that Godard was like HON HON HOMOSEXUALS en la TOILET.
Yeah this was a two hour sludgefest. Also apparently his girlfriends roommates were LESBIANS??? but let me just say that this film focused on the painfully straight sophormoric pawing of Paul the ur-incel.
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Fuck this bitch
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Everything Else I Watched
Honestly not much I just watched Life Without Dreams over on Le Cinema Club which was pretty good and a bunch of TV which I mentioned above. I will probably get into a bit more gay films before the end of the month so stay tuned. I'm trying to just get it out from under me so I have room to breathe. On that note I really need to finish filming and editing my new youtube video. Anyway sluts and slatterns. love you bye.
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Will’s fear of clowns
*Ps -not mine. this is a submission from an anon. tw: for s.a. It’s an interesting submission. ANON-please make a tumblr account already . I’m begging you XD
Hi! It’s me, Lonnie Meth Anon. Back with more depressing thoughts about Lonnie!
I just read your post on Jonathan’s ab*se at the hands of Lonnie, and I second it all. It breaks my heart. But it also got me thinking deeper about Will’s fear of clowns. I think you’re right that part of the horror for Will is that the clown attacks in bed. The bed is, obviously, like you say, a common site for s*xual assault. (Doesn’t El’s picture of “three legged Brenner” also have a bed in it? In a picture with not much else?) The fact that Will needed Joyce to sleep with him for a week suggests he was specifically feeling unsafe in bed, or at night. 
But maybe it’s not just the location of the attack in Poltergeist that Will found so harrowing. Maybe it’s the combination of that location with the fact of a clown being the attacker. 
I think Lonnie might have dressed up as a clown for Will’s birthday one year, and something happened. 
In this instance, I don’t think Joyce would know what happened. I think the incident in her mind would be something like “Lonnie dressed up and Will was scared of the costume”. She might even have thought it was cute. Just a typical little kid fear of something mundane. When she teases him about Poltergeist, she doesn’t actually say the movie was the START of his fear of clowns. Just that he was afraid of that particular clown. The general fear of clowns could have been an older one, going back to when Will was even younger.
Maybe Will even liked clowns, before whatever happened with Lonnie turned them into a source of fear for him. Will has a lion plushie (lions are commonly found in the circus) and the circus seems like the kind of vibrant, colorful environment full of outcast, that a young gay kid would really enjoy. If Will did like circuses and Lonnie poisoned that for him, that’s just another reason to hate Lonnie. But it definitely seems possible. 
Lonnie is a deadbeat dad in general, but we’ve seen before that he’s capable of faking the “family man” act in front of Joyce and their neighbors. We’ve also seen that even though he treats Will horribly, he would also try and keep Will on his side with father son bonding activities, like baseball. And Will’s birthday is one of the few occasions Lonnie makes a half-assed kind of effort, even when there’s nothing directly in it for him. He sends that card, even though it’s late. Maybe Joyce made called him up and made him send it, but she always seemed happy to keep Lonnie out of the picture. She didn’t even want to involve him when Will went missing. And we know Jonathan would never try and facilitate more interactions between Lonnie and Will. So it seems like Lonnie did this of his own accord, when he realized he’d missed the day. Kind of weird. And it’s classic abuser behavior, to make contact on an anniversary date, reminding you they exist and you can’t escape them. Reminding you to keep quiet. Or hoping you’ll miss them, remember the “good times” when they made an effort, and let them back into your life. (Ugh.)
So, anyway, back to my theory. Young Will likes circuses, and the Byers family are poor, so they can’t afford to take him to one, or throw him a party at an ice cream parlor or a bowling alley, like other kids. It makes sense that they would have a party at home instead, and that the family themselves might dress up. We know Joyce made Will’s Ghostbusters costume in season two, and a clown is a pretty easy costume. Most of it is just make up. It’s possible the whole thing was Joyce’s idea, and she made the costume, and Lonnie just went along with it to look like a good dad in her eyes. 
Remember how we see Bob (Will’s new father figure) dressing up in costume for Halloween? Joyce loves it. This is a thing good dads do, to have fun with their kids. That’s also the same episode we see Will scared by a guy in a clown costume, and Jonathan is hyper-protective of him that night. School is okay, but he doesn’t want him trick or treating. (Like he knows that school is a safe environment, but in other contexts, costumes and parties might be a trigger for Will.) Jonathan is convinced to leave Will and “let him have fun” and what happens? The clown attacks. Later that night Jonathan goes to a costume party himself, where he finds Nancy upset and takes her safely home.  Maybe this is how Will’s birthday party ended - with Jonathan finding Will upset, and trying to comfort him. The whole night could be playing out like a parallel to that birthday party, from Jonathan’s perspective. 
What actually happened with Will and Lonnie is up for debate. It’s possible there was a s*xual assault, and that’s why the clown scene in Poltergeist was such a trigger for Will. Or maybe Lonnie thought circuses weren’t “manly” enough for his son to like, and actively tried to scare Will, so he wouldn’t like them anymore. It’s hard to know. Something would have happened though, and probably something pretty formative, because the fear of clowns lasts a long time. 
Something else interesting is that when Mr Clarke is talking about the Upside Down in season one, he uses the metaphor of the flea and the acrobat. Acrobats are a main act in the circus, and, well … fleas. Flea circuses. That’s a thing. Maybe it’s a hint that the trauma that created the Upside Down was circus / clown - related?
Kali, El, and their gang wear clown masks too, when they’re going to confront their childhood trauma, and the child-like Alexei is surrounded by clowns when he is killed at the fair. 
Clowns are just so associated with birthday parties and little kids, that it doesn’t seem like a coincidence to me they’re Will’s biggest fear. Especially as the show keeps dropping hints about Lonnie and Will’s birthday. It feels like there’s more to the story. I have a horrible feeling SOMETHING happened. 
RESPONE (kaypeace):
I think it’s very possible-that maybe he did dress as a clown for Will’s birthday and something happened. We have alexi (paralleled to Will) playing carnival games with kids. Then he's attacked by the Lonnie-look alike : and alexi looks at his wound then stares at all the clowns laughing around him. Joyce and Murray find Alexi bleeding/dy*ng next to a clown statue. As joyce looks in horror and Murray says to her, he was “only gone for a second” (which sounds like something you’d say in relation to a kid you were supposed to watch-running off ). We also had sarah at age 7 die while wearing a gown with clowns on it (Will: it was a 7 the demogorgan it got me). Death of innocence symbolism? Hopper also describes his depression as a cave- he goes through the carnival ride where it mentions a "cave of horrors", which had decor of a tiger and a clown painting. So yeah... whatever happened probably isn't good. So- there may be some symbolism there in relation to Will’s past. Not only because (like I and you have mentioned before) Lonnie is highly associated with birthdays. And canonically we know he mentally scarred jonathan on his b-day. But also, s4’s ‘victor creel’ may be an easteregg to the xmen character victor creed- who had a tradition of tra*matizing family members specifically on their bdays
As another alternative:I could also totally see Lonnie “ruining” circuses for Will because it’s not “manly” to him. Like how Jonathan liked thumper the rabbit-from the film bambi. in the film, Thumper is bambi’s bff, and the hunters are the bad guys who k*ll Bambi’s mother and terrorize all the wildlife. SO yeah- making Jonathan become a hunter, and k*ll a rabbit ,despite this fact, is really messed up. And shows Lonnie has already tried to ‘ruin’ things the boys like. By mentally scarring them in one way or another…
I also mentioned how Will’s bday could even be a trigger for jonathan in a diff post.
if the s4 bts calender hinting it’ll be near Will’s bday and easter it could be relevant to Jonathan.we know in s1 el has tra*matic flashbacks when seeing certain things- coke, closet, cat, etc. And Will in s2 has his ‘anniversary effect’ where memories flood back based on the time of year.But like … Easter has bunnies - could seeing rabbits jog stuff up for Jonathan? El seeing a cat made her have a flashback of brenner trying to make her kill a cat. Would Jonathan seeing like Easter bunny decor jog up a flashback of lonnie making him kill a rabbit? (It happened on his bday too). So Will’s b day being around easter would only fuel that memory. (heck even popped balloons may trigger gunshot symbolism idk). And then for Will there is clowns that could be a tr*gger at a party.
The flea and the acrobat analogy (in relation to Will and circuses is very interesting) and could be foreshadowing- it’s even a title for an episode so I feel like it’s narratively an important hint to …something. similar to a s1 ep being called “the bathtub”.  Also, Will was compared to a circus flea- which were placed in an enclosed space, where heat was applied as they jumped  and tried to escape the increasing temperatures as they burned .Which could relate to my theory about Will having a se*zure due his body overheating due to Lonnie injecting him with m*th.
 If Will’s bday is in s4- I feel like Lonnie will come back in some capacity (flashback or literally). The ‘sorry, I forgot you b day’ card from Lonnie in s2, in Lonnie’s shed Joyce mentioning Will’s b day, the rainbow ‘happy birthday cup’ placed next to Will at Mike’s -while Will explains the supernatural, Lonnie already tra*matizing Jonathan on his bday, etc…
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thiscrimsonsoul · 2 years
What are your headcanons for Earth 838 and its Wanda?
{out of paprikash} I don't have a solid set of headcanons that I work off of specifically, but I have thought a lot about who 838 Wanda could be and what's happened in her life as compared to 616 Wanda.
There can only be one Scarlet Witch, right? And she's not born, she's created. Through... pain and suffering, it seems. So then it stands to reason that 838 Wanda, not being the Scarlet Witch, has not suffered like 616 Wanda has, or at least not nearly as much. So I'm guessing her Pietro might still be alive, and so might Billy and Tommy's dad. I feel like she might be an ex-Avenger, maybe she retired when she got married and/or had her boys. I say that because she and her boys are speaking English, so I assume that she came to the U.S. after everything with Hydra, if that even still happened. Maybe her parents aren't even dead, but I feel like they probably are, otherwise what reason would she have to be in America if not because the whole plot with the Avengers still happened?
But obviously the events of AoU happened differently because Ultron never went evil (Ultron bots seem to be protecting people in he 838 universe), which likely means Vision was never created by Ultron. I feel like Vision doesn't exist in 838, he was just never made at all. So 838 Wanda has to have been with someone (whether she still is or she's a widow or she's married or not) other than Vision. This makes a lot of sense because the boys never seemed to have any of Vision's traits, whether aesthetically or powers-wise. As much as I love Vision, I don't think he was meant to be the boys' father.
They're actually alive and flesh and blood in 838, which means their dad is likely a human and probably White given that the boys don't seem to be even slightly tanned, so..... I'm looking at you, Steve, lol. No, I have no idea who the dad could be really, but he's probably a White dude just based on how the boys look. Also it probably isn't anyone with powers of their own because the boys only have Wanda's powers (and Pietro's, likely by virtue of her sharing some genetics with Pietro because of the whole twin thing). So I mean, Steve could be a candidate, certainly, but I don't really know who else. Thor? Heh. Nah, they'd have lightning stuff. Tony? I don't think he's in 838, though, and that ship is somewhat rocky at best unless he never killed her parents. Maybe we don't know the boys' father at all, he could just be a regular guy. Or maybe this 838 universe has a human version of Vision in some way? Victor Shade anybody? ;)
I feel like 838 Wanda is a lot more mentally stable and is in a better place in her life, likely because she still has Pietro and the father of her boys is probably also still alive. She hasn't gone through losing nearly as many people she loves and she has her nice little nuclear family going on and she's happy being a mom and maybe also a wife. Maybe the boys' father just wasn't home at the time the movie events occurred and that's why we didn't see him. Maybe in some future movie we'll find out who he is, though I seriously doubt it.
I also feel like Earth 838 still has a Sokovia? Because if Ultron never went evil then it probably wasn't destroyed. For all we know, Wanda and Pietro didn't even volunteer for Hydra stuff in this universe. All we know is that she's suffered less that 616 Wanda, but we don't know to what degree. If she hadn't been through the experiments then maybe 838 Wanda's powers have just been developing naturally and are weaker or more limited because of that.
The possibilities are kindof almost endless, but they did give us some clues that eliminate some choices for us, like knowing she suffered less and that Ultron was apparently successful in this universe. I hope we get to see more of 838 Wanda in the future, buuuuut... I'm guessing we won't. It would have been cool to know more about her, though.
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eeemarvel · 3 years
Hope you're having a good week!
If every single OC (including the villains) and the YOI cast were at a slumber party together watching a horrow movie at night in the thunderstorm, who would be be fine/laughing and who would be the scaredy cats?
I wasn't going to answer asks until I had officially caught up to my own writing and stuff but I absolutely adore this one.....Also, I've seen one and half horror movies and it will definitely show.
Victor isn't scared at all but he is definitely talking throughout the whole thing when characters do stupid stuff or when something suspicious happens that no one else notices. It's because he's kind of taking the plot personally. I mean, he's not the only one taking it personally, but he is the most vocal about it.
Victor, throwing popcorn at the screen: "You can trust me." Yeah, right! You know who else said that? Styx. And he ended up stabbing me in the kidney.
Chris: That one's on you, love.
He's pointing accusatorily at the screen at bad guys like
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and when he notices sus stuff, he usually notices it before everyone else so he looks positively unhinged until he's eventually proven right.
Victor: Wait, why doesn't he have a shadow?
Robin: ... because he's in the kitchen...?
Victor: Uuuuuuh....the lights are off, it's sundown and the windows are open for dramatic effect but he doesn't have a shadow. No, no, let's keep watching, I could be wrong. I'm just saying that it's weird that he's the only thing in the entire room—oh. And there ya go. He was a demon. That explains it.
Victor is also the guy who yells at the characters for doing DUMB STUFF like investigating things that are most definitely haunted, leaving their friends behind when they know danger is present, or moving into houses that have seen the murders of entire families (Why on Earth would you try to fight that thing?! Yakov, are you seeing this?! Run, 0 star civilian, run! Find a hero!)
Yes, he's being a bit of a pain but in his defense, it's a miracle that he even has free time to do this; he spends most of his waking hours being highly suspicious and cautious of the world around him and it's hard for him to turn it off. No one really minds though. Except Yuri who minds that Victor exists in the first place.
Yuuri isn't really scared but he can't stand to see people scared and/or in pain so he often flinches when it happens on screen or he turns into someone's (😏😏😏) shoulder. Unlike Victor who is constantly pointing out all the suspicious stuff, Yuuri just kind of watches quietly. Unless of course there is a poorly done fight/action/violent scene. It's one of his biggest pet peeves in movies.
Yuuri: Ok, I've seen what a head looks like with its ear severed off and this is not it.
Kenza: .......I'm sorry????????????
Yuuri's face when he's supposed to believe that someone just got shot but the effects are lacking:
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Phichit is talking through the movie with Victor because they're both trying to piece things together and make sense of everything. Only difference is that Phichit is on edge and scared the whole time and always falls victim to jump scares. After screaming his head off, he laughs hysterically as he catches his breath at how ridiculous he looked.
Phichit: Oh my god, why is she opening the door?? She should be running!
Victor: But that would make too much sense!
Phichit: Why is she doing this to me? Why—OH MY GOD, I JUST REMEMBERED SHE THINKS IT'S GONNA BE HER DEAD DOG.
Victor: And we all know—
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Chris is a thousand percent not paying attention. His attention is split between his insta where he's posting #movienight #sleepover #horrornight with candid pics of everyone and like 50 selfies, the popcorn, whoever is currently leaning their head on his shoulder, his cat napping in his lap, and Victor's outbursts
Victor: How many times do we practice monster attack evacuation drills in this city?? How is this even a plot point??
Chris: Everyone in this city is so bad at following directions—if a Spring Gate resident was in a horror movie, they'd be the first to die.
Victor: ....... Ok you're right but—
He'll sometimes catch like 2% of the movie. This is usually for when an actor delivers a line badly or someone gives a character a weird look for no reason at all. So, if someone asks him how was the movie, he'll say it was "funny" for this reason and this reason only.
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Yuri P. starts off fine but gets progressively more scared as time goes on and it's all Victor and Phichit's fault.
Victor: Well, that's not suspicious at all.
YP: What.... what do you mean?
Victor: Yuri, no one is that in to animal pelts in a horror movie unless it's gonna come up later.
YP: But there are no animals in this movie so it's unrelated, right?
Victor: ....
And then whenever Phichit screams, Yuri screams louder...
Phichit: AAAAHHH!!!!!
*person entering room on screen is smol son and not a monster*
YP, punching Phichit's arm: Why'd you scream?!?
Phichit: the music was intense! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Somehow, Yakov and Lilia have both been dragged into this movie and they're not amused at all. They're beyond bored, appalled at all the bad decision making, unfazed by the gore, violence, and horror aspects, and feel no sympathy when someone dies horribly if they felt as if the character was acting foolishly. Sometimes, Yakov will snicker quietly to himself when Yuuri complains about the unrealistic depictions of violence/actions/etc. He'll also glance sideways at Yuri P. if he sounds particularly scared, but doesn't say anything. He's already asked YP once if he wants to go to bed so he won't push the matter. Lilia honestly has no concept of how scary this movie is for normal people so she hadn't even considered that maybe the movie is too much for YP.
But, in general, Yakov and Lilia are both like:
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Except they can't actually leave because the entire agency will hound them for weeks if they do.
Celestino is suffering. He's scared senseless. He came out to have a good time at this sleepover do some quality bonding time, but he's feeling very attacked and very vulnerable. If he's sitting by Victor, he's holding Victor's hand. The hand that Victor keeps using to point angrily at the screen. Who am I kidding, he's holding the closest hand to him, regardless of whether or not it's Victor. When everything is done, he's a good sport about the light, playful teasing but makes everyone promise to not force him to watch another horror movie.
Minako can not stop laughing. It started off with concealed giggling. But as the movie progresses and they're in the thick of the horror, she's just cackling uncontrollably which makes Lilia roll her eyes and Yuri P. very confused and even more scared than before.
Minako: *low snickering*
YP: .....what?
Minako: Nothing, I'm sorry.
*silence and then more snickering*
Minako: *incomprehensible wheezing and pointing at the screen*
Yuuri K. is mildly embarrassed as Minako hits his arm and points at the movie but he is trying very hard not to laugh with her. No one knows what they think is so funny..... except ofc for Lilia but she'll never admit that. She understands. But she is not amused.
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I'll continue this soon because there's just so many characters but i looooooooove this ask :'))))
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lokaneiscanon · 5 years
Mighty Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder rant
Seeing Natalie Portman returning to reprise her role as Jane Foster, nevertheless wielding Mjolnir, finally getting the treatment this character deserves, was surreal to say the least. I had just started reading Lords of Midgard, the 8th issue of Mighty Thor (2015 - 2018), and had fallen in love already. But I didn't suspect at all that Taika Waititi would pull this card in Thor: Love and Thunder, considering Jane was barely mentioned in Ragnarok. The news about my favorite actress portraying one of my favorite characters coming out of the blue - you can imagine the excitement. Alas, I quickly remembered what the fandom thought of that comic (at least on tumblr) and imagined it now growing tenfold, cuz not everyone in the MCU fandom reads comics but pretty much everyone wants to watch another Thor movie. And yes, many fans weren't ready for this step, still recovering from Sam Wilson getting the shield in Endgame. Which is completely fine. We're not obligated to like everything Marvel throws in our faces, we're allowed to criticize and express our opinion on the internet or wherever. What is not okay is mindlessly hating, and even worse - using false facts to support said opinion.
I have seen some people using the argument that it is one of Marvel's worst selling comics. Which has already been proven wrong by multiple sites, including Comichron, just Google it, as I did myself. I read multiple posts, ones saying how good Jane is doing as Thor in sales, others disproving this, so I checked for myself the numbers at the site mentioned above month by month to be sure. The comic truly had its downfalls as the story progressed but in my opinion it's normal for the 1st issue to have more sales than the 21st. If we compare it to Unworthy Thor, which started running a bit later and followed the now unworthy Odinson, the data shows the latter had more sales. But then again, while Might Thor was at its 17th issue, Unworthy Thor was at its 2nd. Also, they later crossed paths, shared comic issues, it's fair to say they go hand in hand and Jason Aaron, the author, probably doesn't want us to compare them, as they complete and compliment each other's stories. Still I decided to check the comic that made Thor unworthy in the first place - Thor: God of Thunder (2012 - 2014), which seemed to me more "comparable" to Might Thor (2015 - 2018). *I keep putting the years it was being released so as to not be confused with previous Mighty Thor issues, whole Odinson was still Thor, please bear with me* So yes, the numbers were pretty close, but from what I saw, Mighty Thor had the upper hand if we compare first issue to first issue and so on. (In defense of Odinson, we have to take into account that this data is only from the US and does not include digital sales. Also, he's been around since the 50s. We could argue Jane was a breath of fresh air that some Marvel fans were indeed ready for. As a non-American, and also a person without a hint of knowledge in economics I cannot take into account inflation and whatever else has prevented or enabled Americans to get their hands on the comics or has affected prizes through the years. Bear that in mind.) Moreover, from what I saw on Comichron, both comics had much competition - God of thunder was released along with Avengers vs the X-men, the Uncanny X-men, pretty popular at the time, and the Goddess of Thunder faced Civil War 2 and DC Universe Rebirth (yes, DC is in the game too), also dominating with tremendous sales for the longest time. Yet I stick with my original statement - both Thors are valid and shouldn't be put against one another regardless of profit. Because at the end of the day what will matter the most is the story. And boy, what a story it is.
Now, I haven't read the Thor: God of Thunder, but as I was doing research I found one very well written summary and explanation of Thor's arc and his becoming unworthy and I will post a link below, because I honestly feel I wouldn't be doing this comic a favor by describing it without having read it. Which I plan to do in the future, tbh. It's a fantastic prelude to the Mighty Thor (2015 - 2018) that I've come to love. First, I'd like to ask you all to stop hating on the comic without having read it first. It doesn't make any sense and being petty for the sake of being petty won't benefit neither you, nor anyone, really. Now, about the comic itself - the art is magnificent. It's just gorgeous. Mighty Thor isn't , thank all the gods, sexualized, she is pretty buffed and generally looks like a warrior. As it is with the other characters, I dare say. The background truly captures the essence of every world Jane finds herself on. Action scenes are just the right amount and balanced with dialogue well. On a side note, it's pretty funny to read/listen to in your head the Shakespearean English cursive in which Jane talks as Thor. The plot line branches beyond this comic, starting from Thor: God of Thunder and leading to the War of Realms. And it is elaborately built in every issue. You don't know what to expect, yet it makes sense when it happens. Which leads me to the characterizations. My God, what a treat Loki is in this. Clearly, my opinion is kinda biased, since he's my favorite character, but you never know which side he's on. What his motivations are. And it just feels so... Loki. His writing is brilliant. Almost makes me forget what the MCU did to him. Also, he gets some daddy time with Laufey (not as kinky as I make it sound). Frigga/Freyja is just as awesome as in the MCU, even more, at least in the comics she calls Odin out on his shit, who btw is I guess an asshole in every version and universe. Malekith, the main villain, is unbearably despicable, I want to tear every page he is on. He really was mishandled in the Dark World, if you want some true action with the dark elves, you are welcome to enjoy. I saved the best for the end - Jane Foster/ Might Thor. Now, if you think Dr. Foster spends her time boasting about her worthiness and how Odinson is just called Thor, but she is Mighty Thor, you are horribly wrong. She just... does her job. Because the hammer chose her. Because there's no one else to do so. That's it. If you think there's some feminism involved, yes, there sure is, but it certainly isn't the reason Jane became Thor in the first place. It was not the creators going SJW because it's trendy, as such a mindset is honestly offensive to any descent creator with any self respect, but a well thought out story arc, which, I repeat, you have to read the comic to understand. Jane is not at all whiny about the hate she gets in-universe, not only from foes like Odin and who-not, but from Shield and generally people whose asses she's saving. Her having cancer is not something they pulled to provoke sympathy and make her look like a victim - on the contrary, she is a damn hero and a victor. I don't want to give out spoilers, but her being Thor is actually a giant sacrifice that no one really appreciates (both in-universe and in the fandom). She is not Thor to prove she can be, or just to prove "women can be heroes" - she doesn't have to. She is simply needed by the realms and so she does her job, even though she is called a thief, persecuted and generally hated. All that matters is that the hammer finds her worthy - the beauty and simplicity of that fact you will find out, for the last time, if you read the comic.
I'm not making you read the comic or watch Thor: Love and Thunder. I myself don't know what to make of this film yet because there's barely any information about it. I only know it will be based on the comic so that's a reason for my hopes to be up already. On the other hand, since I didn't like Loki's characterization in Ragnarok, I'm not sure what to expect from Taika. There are valid reasons to not like the idea of Jane returning to the MCU as Thor, which you are entitled to. However, reasons such as "why does everything have to be political these days" are not. Because if I had to make a list of everything politically related in the MCU, it would take forever. Steve Rogers kills nazis is the most blatant example. Make of it what you want. But I think we're far enough into the 21st century to realize art and real life are not that separable. It's undeniable that art affects people and that is to say, people everywhere. And they all have different opinions and aren't gonna like everything media is offering to them. And I wish I could simply tell you not to watch the movie but I'm a Marvel fan too and I understand that I can't just take away Thor from you because I want Mighty Thor as well. But none of us can stop Marvel from producing it. So, to quote an image I saw recently, I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people. Let the rest of the fandom enjoy what they want to enjoy. Yes, ik I can play around with the tags and avoid posts that unnerve me but, for example, I'm looking up Mighty Thor fanart, which obviously isn't anti-Mighty Thor, yet I get attacked in the comics for anticipating a movie that doesn't even have a full cast yet. Ik I'm not asking for too much when I wish to get the same internet experience (not only tumblr, but also insta, YouTube, Twitter, any site) as the Thor Odison fans, for example. I'm aware I cannot stop all the toxic fans and the trolls but I hope this post has inspired those of you who simply can't envision Jane as Thor, or don't like Natalie Portman in the role, or whatever eles personal preference that doesn't involve political issues and isn't harmful to the community, not to attack every post on your dash with hate. The movie is called LOVE and Thunder, for God's sake. (on a side note, is a franchise that is too afraid to show LGBT characters for more than 1 minute so as to not lose profit from China, THAT politically correct)
Anyway, that was a veeeery long rant, sorry to whoever reads this but, like, please, I put effort into this, hoping this time around I won't be the only positive reviewer of a movie, like I was with Solo: a Star Wars story (yes, I'm still bitter about this), which was boycotted for no apparent reason but was a decent film in reality, and I'm only bringing it up because it has a similar experience to Love and Thunder for getting hate before even being released. I'm not defending a billion dollar company that flopped in box office once, I'm defending the viewer's right to media they are interested in. If you don't like the character, remember - that's your opinion, not a fact that the character sucks. Kudos.
Not very easy to navigate, I advice you to do the research month by month individually for comics you'd like to compare. Also, if you happen to find more reliable data, pls say so in the comments.
Here you have the summary and explanation of the greatness of Thor: God of Thunder, Jesus, I'll go bankrupt if I buy this one too.
Yes, I want to end the sales dispute once and for all, I'm tired of seeing it on my dash. This guy probably explains it better than I did.
@awesomejenlawrence you said you'd like to read this and I delivered
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Why Literally all TNBC fans DESPISE this damn theory
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I kid you not, this theory annoys me so much whenever I see this floating around. It's one of the most biggest Burton theories out there, and it just doesn't die off. I keep seeing it again and again and I keep hearing people agreeing with it even though there's little to no proof provided when this photo is shared.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE TNBC theories and ideas, but this one's proof/support is only based on "what ifs?" and not actual, concrete evidence. There is very little to none that can be found in The Nightmare Before Christmas especially. There's a follow-up rumor that Tim Burton himself denied/debunked this theory, but I have yet to see any sources.(If you guys have it, please show me!)
The first issue that comes with this theory would be the dates of the movies. As they're provided in this image, The Nightmare Before Christmas came first(1993), Corpse Bride came second(2005), and Frankenweenie came last(2012). The reason these dates matter is because the original material often does not source its future references. TNBC was made before Corpse Bride(and I'd say some of CB's elements come from TNBC), so it obviously isn't going to refer to that movie nor Frankenweenie. It was made first, and there was absolutely no intention to make references to CB or FW because those two films didn't exist yet. Therefore, any "proof" that comes from The Nightmare Before Christmas referring to CB and FW are pulled from thin air because they’re more than likely inspirations and not intentions.
Common sense, people.
The second issue: the names. While the main characters of The Corpse Bride and Frankenweenie share the same first name, they don't share their last ones. Victor Frankenstein isn't the same person as Victor van Dort. And Jack Skellington is a completely different name. And, obviously, Zero, Sparky, and Scraps are all different names, too. Not to mention that one's a skeleton, one resembles Frankenstein's Monster, and the other one is a ghost. Why would they be the same characters if they don't share the same name?
When Emily died in Corpse Bride, her name didn't change, and Scraps still clearly held the same one as he did while he was still alive. The corpses who visited their families in the Land of the Living were also the same people. So when Victor dies, his name wouldn't even be changed to anything else. This rules out the whole “Victor becomes Jack Skellington after he dies” topic.
Annndd...third: the settings. While Frankenweenie's time setting isn't established, the suburban style of homes suggests that it takes place in an early modern period. Corpse Bride is set in the Victorian era, which went from 1837 to 1901(more than likely before Frankenweenie, judging by the attires and customs of the two movies). The Nightmare Before Christmas is a different world entirely that deviates from the human's world, like CB and FW's. It would be impossible to have Victor, a child in Frankenweenie, suddenly turn into an adult like in The Corpse Bride. That itself knocks the whole time correlation out of wack. It just isn't possible.
The only thing I can really connect from these three characters is that they have the same body structure. Victor's chest is circled like Jack's, and goes down to a thin frame. Victor Frankenstein is skinny and has the same facial type as Victor van Dort’s. But those are only visible similarities; they are all clearly three different characters.
You can't convince me that these movies are connected without using the "What if"s as evidence. As you can see, I based mine on what is already established in the movies and/or information about them. The only thing that I can't back up right now is Burton's quote debunking this theory. I'm hoping that it's true, because I've seen a false quote of "his" spreading around whenever this blasted image is posted...
Yeah, people are entitled to believe this and have fun with this theory, but as for me? I absolutely hate it. None of the evidence for it is solid, and the people who usually agree with it are ones who haven't watched the film closely and just go with it because the Victors and Jack look the same. I know a big portion of fellow TNBC fans who despise this theory as well. I'm definitely on that bandwagon.
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citkats · 3 years
Love, Victor and it's problems
Hello! First post here! I know this isn't a movie, instead of a show, but I feel like I have a few things I have the urge to spill out, so here it goes.
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I've watched both seasons of Love, Victor and finished the second one the day it came out, June 11. It's now June, 26 and I've let a few thoughts and problems I've had about the show sit in my brain for a while now but they're starting to get antsy. Is the show really that serious to pick it apart and point out its flaws? No, it's supposed to be a cute little show about a boy exploring his sexuality, and I know that. But man I can't help myself, what else am I suppose to do this summer anyway? So, that being said, let's get started!
Actually, before I start I just wanted to get out of the way that I am a queer girl myself, who is also a teenager, so that is the type of viewpoint I am watching this show through. Do with that what you will :D Now we can get started, here are the three main problems I had with the show;
i. The Writing
The writing of this show is... something else to say the least. It has its good moments for sure, but man is it hard to get through an episode without cringing once or twice. Now I am no writer myself, so I can't judge too hard, but I wish the show didn't try to fit in so many pop culture references and twitter lingo to try and appeal to teens. It's so obvious while watching that the writers themselves only have a vague idea on how to use it. There is a scene of the show that is going around on twitter, instagram and tiktok where a character says something along the lines of "We stan you!" and "We're all gay AF!" (link below for the whole video).
.... like... what? My god my body collapsed in on itself when I heard that. I think the writers maybe tried to make the line of "We're gay AF" as a cringy joke to show how oblivious the character was, but the line "We will forever stan you" shows how oblivious the writers are to the use of the word "stan", or at least that's how it came off the way the actor said it. The line is said with no implication that it's supposed to be cringy or something to laugh at. I don't know if the writers were aware at the time that this is something teenagers do not say about or to their friends unless they purposely want to sound out of touch. Someone in the replies even said "In real life that won't happen ever" and they're correct. This is just one instance where the writing feels shaky but there are many more sprinkled throughout the show. This probably is super nitpicky but it's just so prevalent in the show that I felt that I had to write about it.
ii. The Love Interests
Now on to another problem, The characters of Rahim & Benji. Let's start off with Benji. He serves as the love interest for the main character Victor, which is fine! It's great! Except it isn't because that's all Benji is... a love interest. He barely has any personality and the only three things I know about him are that he is gay, is in a band, and is a recovering alcoholic. With those three things, there is so much to do with his character. They mention in the show that his dad wasn't too happy when he came out, and brought him to a strip club in order to make him "straight". I thought maybe the show would show how his relationship with his dad has been damaged and how they're slowly trying to repair it, or maybe Benji doesn't want to forgive his dad and all! But no, the restaurant scene comes and everything seems fine like something as traumatic as your own father refusing to accept your sexuality and trying to convince you to be someone else never happened. If you're going to make your character go through something like that, it would be good to show its consequences, not to sweep it under the rug! In the first half of the season, if I remember correctly, we see almost every character in a different location doing their own storyline, except Benji, who only exists at school and in the coffee shop to show that he's Victor's boyfriend. I don't think there's a single scene where it's just Benji alone doing something that doesn't involve Victor. It isn't until the later episodes where he gets his own plotline, one that revolves around him being a recovering alcoholic and being 1 year sober. Now don't even get me started on this... the fact they waited a whole season and a half to get to this huge revelation?? This is a big part of Benji that he kept secret and they could do so much with it, but it ends up being just a plot device so that Victor can break up with him and end the season on a cliffhanger. It seems like every one of Benji's plot points is to benefit Victor in some way (all except for the band, but they also never expand on that either so :/). The other couples, for example, Lake & Felix, have their own problems and stuff they're going through, not just things to benefit their love interest story. I get that Victor is the main character, but if this show is about him discovering his sexuality, should his love interest be a huge part of that? Shouldn't there be more focused on his love interest rather on his best friend? I don't know that's just how I view it.
Rahim is Victor's second love interest who is introduced halfway through the second season in the episode called Sincerely Rahim. He, like Benji, the only purpose of his character is to serve as a love interest for Victor and create a love triangle that can end season 2 on a cliffhanger, just like season 1 did. The show cared even less about Rahim than they cared about Benji since they didn't even bother to show his coming-out scene. It sucks because he comes from a Muslim family and that coming out scene could've been really meaningful, for once showing a Muslim family being accepting of a gay son instead of shunning them, which is how the media normally portrays Muslim families.
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iii. The couple bias
Probably my biggest problem with this show is the clear bias to the straight couples compared to the main gay couple of the show. Like I said before, Benji being a shell of a character compared to everyone else, I don't think that's a coincidence. I am aware that there was at least one gay writer on the team, but they didn't seem to make up the majority. It's obvious the writers felt more comfortable writing straight characters and couples (eg, Victor and Mia as a couple for the majority of season one) which is fine, but if you're writing a show with a gay couple in it then get gay writers who will actually understand and have an easier more natural approach to them. This is why I think diversity in the writer's room is just as important as diversity on screen. You can put a gay character in your show but if they're written by a straight person it's not going to feel authentic and can easily fall into stereotypes. But that's a conversation for another time.
Some other small problems I had but weren't worth a whole section
-The lack of sapphic women. I think they might start a wlw plotline the next season with Lake but man.. took them two seasons in a show that's suppose to be a representation to even hint at a sapphic relationship.
-Benji's timeline for his alcoholism... if he's 16 now (junior) and been sober for a year... that means he entered rehab when he was 15... which means he's been drinking heavily since he was like 14, so much so they had to put him in rehab?? Are his parents really that neglectful? This why I am so confused about his parents because what his dad did to him was awful and yet when they show Benji's parents, his mother seems to adore him and they are both extremely welcoming to Victor. The only reason I see why he would start drinking at such a young age is that he felt bad because of his sexuality... but man, at 14 do you even understand what's going on enough to be like "this is bad I should drown my sorrows in booze".... idk such a strange timeline.
-They didn't keep up Rahim's texts to Victor, it was one and done. I get that it was supposed to be like continuity with what Simon did to Bram and then what Victor did to Simon but it felt so forced that I wish they didn't do it at all. Felt like they just left it hanging there.... ok I will admit it is really nitpicky and I'll stop now I promise!
So... that's it! I know this can come off as annoying or I'm giving huge pessimist vibes because of this but I swear me having long rants about how I feel about a show's problems is rare. Normally I like deconstructing the parts I did like rather than the parts I didn't. I do think this show is cute and serves its purpose of entertaining, and I don't hold anything against someone who enjoys it! I can easily see this being someone's comfort show, and that's completely fine. I also realize that I did dig into the writers quite a lot here, so I just want to make it clear that in no way am I questioning their talent (one is a new york times bestseller and two others have been nominated for Emmys). Hopefully, my posts in the future will be more positive but for now, I hope this deconstruction was decent!
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choisgirls · 7 years
OMG!!!! ok ok I want to request the rfa+the trio going to an abandoned house and mc exploring like a boss while they are nervous and wondering how she isn't scared. omg I'm so pumped for Halloween
A/N: its 10pm and after halloween of course i can post a request no one can judge meAlright, so this is more their individual reactions to mc, i hope this isokay;;
 Was he more afraid of the paranormal or was he more afraid ofgetting in trouble for being on private property? Seeing you walk around likeit was nothing was… also terrifying. But also really concerning- he wanted tobe the one who wasn’t scared! So he could protect you, like in the movies! Inall honesty, you take off into a room, wait for him to walk by, calling foryou, and pop out- he runs. Straight out of the house. Also doesn’t forgive youfor days afterwards
 “If anything jumps out, I’ll punch ‘em for you babe,”he says. What does he do? Death grip on your hip the whole time, until you takeoff. He’s calling out for you, trying to find where you went. He’s fine withthis adventure, he’s explored abandoned buildings before with his previousmotorcycle friends, so he isn’t afraid of getting caught…. he’s afraid ofsomething paranormal because then he can’t protect you from things he can’tpunch. MC please just come back
Refuses to go in there with you, that is against the law totrespass. But.. what if.. what if there are scary people in there. Nevermind,she’s coming with you. You keep asking her if she feels that breeze, or if shesaw those leaves move, but you keep forgetting it’s autumn and there’s wind.Isn’t scared at all, but is uncomfortable at the fact you two are on someoneelse’s property uninvited, this is the ~spiciest~ thing she’s done in a while,what an adrenaline rush
 Doesn’t see the point in it at all because? It’s some run downbuilding. What if the structure is unsteady, what if something breaks and youget hurt? Who the hell is he supposed to sue? Says he’s not afraid, and he reallyisn’t. You’re looking around, trying to find some sort of 'ghost’. Aren’tghosts only supposed to come out at night? Or is that only in the movies? Hedoesn’t know, he doesn’t believe in them anyway. He’s just going to follow youaround, taking pictures of how determined you are. They’re all blurry. You tellhim it’s because of the ghost- he doesn’t believe you, though he does get a newphone the next day, just in case
“Dare me to go into this house? Too late I’m alreadyin,” he said. He’s in there, pretending the app on his phone works forthis. You think it’s funny and play along, who knows, maybe the app really doeswork- you never know with him. Quickly becomes a game of who can scare who, anddue to your climbing skills and the help of a fallen beam in the structure,you’re the victor when you drop down in front of him and scream. And whose highpitched scream is that? Oh, not yours. It’s his. As he runs out of thebuilding. He’ll tell you for days that he wasn’t scared, he was just playingalong but you /know/.
MC we really should not be here and we really should not lookfor ghosts. He isn’t a full believer but he’s seen enough late night documentaries,spooky stories on the internet, and weird… unexplainable things to beterrified that /something/ is there. You move quickly, quietly, and likeyou’ve…. done this before. MC what if something is here? What if /someone/ ishere. Would you get in trouble?? Would you get.. ghost… kidnapped? Clings toyou the whole time, but tries to play it off like he just wants to be near youbecause he loves you.
 He’s boosting you over the fence. Breaking in, HELL YEAH.Abandoned building, DOUBLE HELL YEAH. The edgelord in his is crying from joy.But when he finds out you want to look for ghosts he is… less excited. Hethought the two of you were just going to explore and have a nice littleadventure together, be 'cool kids’ and just fuck around, maybe throw some rocksand things- ya know, like you have a problem with authority. But nope,nevermind, it’s about ghosts. He isn’t impressed, in fact, he’s doing things tomess with you. You’re the one who’s a little afraid by the end of it all becausethis asshole’s been throwing things, blowing on your ear, hanging from theceiling to touch your hair, the works.
 Bitches listen, he is a good boy he will not trespass.
I couldn’t even tell you that with a straight face- but hecould, he’s a very good actor. Acted like he was completely against going intothis house and that he was going to ditch you if the two of you get caught.Which he would. But he’d come back to bust you out of trouble, of course. Butyou seemed fearless? Like, this house was spooky and gave him bad vibes- morethan Saeyoung’s house- and you’re just.. creeping around corners, asking ghostsif they were there. He couldn’t help but laugh at the fact you thought you weregoing to get an answer. When a rock flew in his direction, though, he took off.Threw you over his shoulder, and out in a complete flash.
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