#i just felt like all these opinions needed to be shared straight up
Castiel Imagine: Winchester!Reader falling asleep on him in the Impala
Content/Warnings: Gender neutral Reader, Younger Winchester Reader
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He couldn’t safely teleport anymore since his disobedience, and he was bound to the earthly means of transportation ever since. Dean joked that he looked like a kid in the backseat when he joined you there, you had stuck your head out and jokingly asked which of them was the Mom then. That set off an interesting discussion on the topic, but you whispered to him that Sam was clearly the Mom. Castiel had frowned and curiously gazed at your brothers at that.
Sharing a backseat with you meant a lot of things, it meant that when you hit a part in your book that you particularly liked you would turn to him with a smile and tell him about it. It meant that sometimes you stopped looking out the window with your headphones in to give him an earpiece so he could listen to it as well. You then would return to look outside and rest your head on your knees while he sat still and looked on straight as always. It meant that you would always hand him a bit of your snacks on the drive, despite him explaining to you that he didn’t need food to survive. At some point he just took what you gave him and ate it with his usual stoic expression.
You were very insistent on treating him as their own.
He didn’t know why, but you seemed to care about his opinion on things that he really didn’t know much about. Like politics, or the clothes you were wearing that day. He squinted and tried to find something to say in those moments, „They look.. functional enough.“ He had said after a few moments, „Functionality is associated with comfort right?“ You slightly tilted your head, „I guess, yeah. You ask like you don’t know what comfortability feels like.“ He blinked, „If I can move around that should suffice.“ You somehow concluded from that that he needed a set of ‚lazy day clothes‘, whatever that meant.
This time it was raining heavily, you hardly went forward since Dean couldn’t drive as fast as he usually would in the storm, and he wouldn’t stop complaining about it too.
You had put your book down a while ago as it seemed to become harder and harder for you to stay awake. Increasingly uncomfortable with sitting for hours you had pulled your legs in and shifted a bit more towards him in that notion.
Castiel sat still as always, when his eyes suddenly shifted to the side when he felt a weight on his shoulder. He blinked, swallowing thickly when he felt your face nestle further into his clothes as sleep fully took over you. Your weight must have shifted to eventually sink fully to where he was seated. You were warm, and your lips parted with the soft, steady breathing of slumber.
It was like were suddenly a ton of signals and sensations going on in his form- he usually never got this close to anyone unless it was in combat. But you took over all his senses at once and he didn’t know what to do. Your scent mixed with the smell of rain that streamed in through the small crack of the window you left open. Your warm breath fanned over him, your knee brushed against his thigh.
It was rude to wake up humans when they slept, he learned that through plenty of pillows thrown at his face by Dean so.. so he should just let you be, right? He gazed at the book in your lap, still weakly held onto by your hand. He carefully reached out to untangle your hand from it before it fell down and woke you up, but once his hand brushed against yours your fingers twitched upwards to cover his.
It was so natural for humans to hold each other, their forms completed each other perfectly, like hands. And it came so intuitively to them that even in your sleep you felt and sensed another hand and got closer to it with your own, with the smallest movements your state of sleep allowed you to.
You always treated him like you were equal, and even if he didn’t take as much harm in a situation as a human might you were the first to advocate for his safety. Were you simply.. fooled by his human form? His gaze dropped, the thought somehow caused him disappointment.
Sam and Dean had gotten quiet, both of them had noticed the scene.
„Can I tell you something?“ Dean made eye contact with him through the mirror, both of them agreed. „Sometimes I think Y/n doesn’t understand I‘m not a human.“ Castiel said, quiet as not to wake you. Sam raised his brows and turned a bit in his seat to look at him.
„I don’t think so. I think.. they just don’t know how to show their affection ‚angel like‘. Humans show each other that they like them in different ways, but part of it is meeting the needs of the other human or getting close to them, you know?“ Castiel frowned, „I don’t.“
„Well you don’t need to eat or something like that, and Y/n knows that.“ Dean said, „But they don’t want to exclude you from the group, and they don’t know how else to show affection but the human way.“ He said and shrugged. „They don’t want you to feel left out just cause you don’t need what we do.“
Castiel looked at you again. You.. liked him? You wanted him to feel belonging? He had never expressed that he felt uncomfortable, and sometimes he did feel.. disconnected. Piloting this body around. trying effortlessly to understand and relate to the references and behaviors that came with being Human. The jokes, the conclusions you all seemed to come to simply because you were the same species and family.
He never talked about it, but you assumed or understood it anyway.
Castiel bit his lip and his eyes flicked from your face to your hands, and he carefully intertwined them with you more. Maybe he could show you appreciation by mimicking and reciprocating some of what you were doing. It felt.. like he was doing it right. It felt right, and not only in a technical way.
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inupibaldspot · 5 months
Call me by my name
Pairing: Okkotsu Yuta x Reader
Note ₊˚⊹♡ : college au! Where nerd! Yuta goes out on his first party and manages to snag you, a popular girl who just needed someone to have ‘fun’ with.
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The room is hot; surrounded by your friends continues to talk and laugh about how Yuuji, who was the star player on the football team slipped in the college cafeteria. But you weren’t interested in such talks— not right now, when you had an aching pain in between your legs.
Normally in such situations all you had to do was flutter your eye lashes at Choso, your ‘study partner’ who loooved doing all your assignments and at the same time, who had been trained to memorize every inch of your body inside and out but alas! He had to go on a study trip.
Your eyes wander amongst the crowd of people as you take a sip from your plastic cup, paying no heed to the burning sensation passing through your throat from the heavy drink— bingo! You spot your target.
A boy with dark haunting eyes who seemed to tilt from side to side, laughing nervously as he has both of his hands on a cup talking with two familiar figures— Maki, an all rounder athlete and cousins to one of your friends, Fushiguro Megumi and Inumaki Toge, a guy you shared a class with.
As soon as you see the two people leave the poor boy whose eyes was dropped to the floor instantly, probably nervous to make eye contact, you make your move.
“Hey there.”
Yuta raises his head to see you in-front of him, his breath hitched almost instantly as he takes on your appearance. You had a beautiful face with eyelashes which flutter in a flirting manner; but one thing he was trying to avoid looking at was the curve of your ass as the way you leaned down makes the swell of your breast very much visible.
He gulps. “Hey…”
“I’m y/n.” Yuta catches a whiff of your perfume laced with alcohol which makes him intoxicated, his pants suddenly becoming so tight.
He clears his throat. “I’m Okkotsu Yuta… Nice to meet you.”
“Say Okkotsu…” you lean in as you place a hand on his chest, leaning into his ears. “It’s kind of hot in here so how about we go somewhere else.”
As soon as he gives you a green light, you smile. Guys like him who was probably a virgin, who only saw naked woman through a screen were just so easy. You hold onto one of his wrist as you drag him to a washroom in the secluded part of the house.
You didn’t mind teaching Okkotsu the ways to touch and pleasure you; it was more fun that way in your opinion.
So tell me when the situation had turned and now it was you who was a moaning mess while Yuta had you in the palm of his hands.
“Nghhh— Ah…ugnn…” You let out another moan as your legs start to shake. Yuta grips on to one of your legs and brings the other one over his shoulders; you whine as your ability to grind on his face has been completely taken away from you.
“Your whimpers are so so— adorable.” Yuta’s voice almost comes of as a whine as he places small kisses all over your heat before his head completely dives in, his face was filthy from all your juice over his face.
You manage to look down, over the swell of your breast where your nipples remain hard, wet and swollen from the previous sucking and tugs which had almost made you pass out; As you see him slurp, making such nasty, filthy sounds with each action. As if sensing your gaze, he looks up at you almost innocently.
“I want to fill you up with my cum. I want to come inside this pussy— please? Please say ‘yes’.” He whines, looking so needy.
Just where did he learn to do all of ‘these’?
He beams when you reach out your hand as you cup his face. “Ngh…O-of course you can, Okkotsu.” He buries his face in completely once more.
His tongue was deep in you “You can call me by my first name.” Your heavy breathing makes his blood go straight to his his cock making it drip with need.
From a moaning mess,you completely stiffen as you open your mouth. Then proceeded to close it.
“Oh…” His eyes darken as an felt the grip on your thighs tighten. “You forgot my name…”
“Part your legs a little more, sweetheart.” You whimper at his words.“By the time I’m done you’ll have my name running through your mind with every ache.”
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cutielando · 2 months
I just finished reading your chubby reader fic which I loved as a chubby girl myself!! I was wondering if you could do something similar with like a fit gym girlie I feel like muscle mummy’s tend to be forgotten a lot!
a/n: of course! people always overlook a gym mummy!!
my masterlist
warnings: gymrat!reader (reader is described as being muscly and frequenting the gym)
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Lando has always been keen on exercising. He didn’t really have a choice in the matter, seeing as his job required him to be in the best shape possible. 
However, that doesn’t mean that he looks down on people who don’t exercise as regularly as he did or at all. Every person was entitled to their own routine, in his opinion.
But when he met you, someone who lived and breathed exercise and hitting the gym, he felt like he had hit the jackpot. Being in the gym together, sharing your love for exercise with each other and always pushing one another to better themselves.
It was a dream come true, frankly. 
The first time he had suggested joining you for your workout, he figured you would go easy on yourself, do some light exercises and call it a day. The shock on his face when he saw you lifting weights, twice the weight he himself could barely lift, was something out of a movie.
You had found it so endearing, seeing him staring at you with such a perplexed expression and shock, you found it sweet and funny at the same time.
“Why are you looking at me like I’ve suddenly grown 3 heads that I don’t know about?” you joked once you had put the weights back and joined him where he was standing.
“You know you just lifted twice what I can lift, right?” he said, eyes still wide and staring back at you.
You laughed, holding your belly as your laughter rang through the fairly empty gym. This was one of your favorite things about living with Lando, the fact that the apartment building where you both lived had a private gym exclusive only for the residents.
“Babe, you know I’ve been a gym rat for years now. What did you think I’ve been doing all this time?” you asked, cocking an eyebrow.
Lando shrugged, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his pants.
“I don’t know, running on the treadmill? I figured you lifted weights and all that stuff, but I didn’t think you could lift more than me. And I’ve been training straight up hardcore my entire life” he explained, scratching the back of his neck before he reached out for your hand and pulled you closer to him.
You chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting yourself melt against his body.
“I can do more than that, but I’m still jet-lagged and my body takes a while to recover, you know” you explained, making the shock return twice as intense.
Lando could swear his brain was malfunctioning. He didn’t know why or how, but the way you were speaking and the things you were saying were doing things to him. He found you so attractive before, but now it had reached a whole other level.
“Have I ever told you how hot you are?’ he asked, his voice having dropped to a dangerous low mumble.
You bit your lip, looking into his eyes sensually. If you had known this was all it took to get to him, you would have brought him with you a very long time ago.
“You have, and I could say the same about you. However, as much as I want to jump your bones this very second in this very gym, I need to finish my workout and you need to work on your neck” you said, your lips brushing against his as you suddenly pull away from him and make your way towards the treadmill for a running session.
Lando stared dumbfounded as you walked away from him like nothing had happened, getting back to your workout just like that.
He would lie if he said he didn’t want to just ditch his workout and take you upstairs, but he knew Jon would be coming soon enough to help him with his neck training and he didn’t want to have to explain to him why he decided to skip it.
Ever since that first day in the gym, Lando had insisted on joining you for every workout routine that he had time to attend. It didn’t matter if he had just got back from a race halfway across the globe, or he was tired and sore.
He wanted to be there, even if it was just to watch and admire.
“Baby, you’re tired, you really don’t have to come with me” you argued with him one very early morning as you were getting ready to go downstairs to the gym.
Lando had just got back home very late last night, having flown all the way from China. The amount of sleep he got was nowhere near enough for him to get enough rest after such a busy weekend.
And yet there he was, wide awake before 8 am and ready to go watch you while you work out. 
“But I want to watch you” he pouted, his eyes barely open. His hair was fluffy and his curls were sticking up in every possible direction.
You sighed, knowing you would never be able to say no when he looked at you like that, lips all pouty and those puppy dog eyes staring right into your soul.
“You need to sleep, love. You’ve barely had any time to rest this weekend and when you finally come home you’d rather come and watch me exercise than get some sleep?” you asked, smiling slightly, but you already knew the answer.
“I would rather spend any time with you than sleep. If you’re not here with me then what’s the point of sleeping?” he asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
You chuckled, shaking your head. He knew how to weasel his way straight into your heart, saying things like that which you couldn’t overlook.
Once he noticed the defeated look on your face, he got up from the bed and took your hand, offering to carry your bag downstairs.
When you arrived downstairs, you were pleased to see that there was nobody in the gym at that hour, giving you two some much needed privacy.
“Alright, I’m going to run on the treadmill for a while and then do some leg lifting. Are you okay here by yourself for a little while?” you asked him once you put your earphones in and your headband on your head.
He nodded, taking a seat on a bench in the middle of the room. The sight all but melted your heart, the way he sat there with his hands on his lap, like a little kid waiting for his mother.
You nodded and leaned in to quickly kiss him on the lips, turning on your music and getting to work.
It wasn’t even 20 minutes after that you got off the treadmill and noticed Lando had fallen asleep on the bench, his head resting on his knee. You pouted, taking out your phone and snapping a quick picture.
Because you knew there was no way he was comfortable in that position, you decided to cut your workout short and get him to bed, figuring you could get some more sleep yourself.
“Lando, baby. Come on, let’s go upstairs” you slowly shook him awake, his eyes opening and meeting yours sleepily.
“Are you done working out?” he asked, stretching a little and looking around, seeing you more rested than you usually were.
“I only ran on the treadmill today, I’m skipping my legs session today so we can catch up on some sleep together” you explained, taking his hand and trying to get him to follow you upstairs.
He protested, shaking his head and not moving an inch.
“No, go on and finish. We can get some sleep later. I don’t want you to jeopardize your routine because of me. I’ll watch, do your thing” he said and planted himself more comfortable on the bench, now facing towards the apparatus he knew you would be using.
You smiled lightly, finding his obsession with watching you train endearing.
Never before in your life had anyone been as supportive of your workouts than Lando has been. Compromising his sleep schedule just to see you train and do your thing, sleeping on a gym bench just so he could watch you in your element.
You couldn’t have asked for a better partner in life, someone just as passionate about the gym as you were.
Maybe even more.
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much appreciated!!
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generalllimaginesss · 5 months
I just have this feeling that Quinn would listen to his girlfriend talk drama all day long, but he would give her the most common sense advice and it would make her frustrated. Like , no advice, just ears and the occasion opinion (but only if it agrees with her opinion).
A sweet little something for my fellow Quinn girls :))
Spilling the Tea…or Juice
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There’s many important things that Quinn Hughes was responsible for since becoming captain of the Canucks. Anything from communicating practice schedules to game day pep talks and so many things in between.
While all of his responsibilities were important, he considered being your boyfriend the most important. He was often tasked with being your voice of reason, talking you down from assuming the worse of things and making sound decisions when you felt impulsive.
If he kept a resumé of the relationship between the two of you, he’d definitely add he was one of the girls. He knew every detail that passed amongst the group chat with you and your friends, whether he wanted to know or not wasn’t really a choice that he had the luxury of choosing. You could say he made the decision when he chose to be your boyfriend.
It was a picture perfect Sunday in the apartment that the two of you shared, the sun shining through the blinds, dust circulating despite yours and Quinn’s best effort to clean the day prior. As you chatted away, Quinn poured the two of you some juice that he had pressed himself, his newfound hobby giving him joy along with your presence.
“I have to tell you something that you can’t repeat, okay Quinn?” You said, taking a sip from the glass while swiveling left to right on the barstool.
“Babe, who would I have to tell?” He chuckled, stealing some strawberry slices off your plate.
“So, you know my coworker? The one that got written up last week?” You stole a piece of cantaloupe off of his plate, perhaps subconsciously playing a game of retaliation.
“The one that decided that they didn’t want to show up for work one day?” He questioned for clarity.
“Yes, that one! Well there’s rumors going around the office that he knocked up the boss’s wife and he’s about to get fired. I was told this, but it may not be true…” Trailing off, Quinn’s eyebrows raised in surprise, a sweet smirk accompanying.
“So why are you talking about it if you don’t know if it’s true? Seems like that’s not fair…” His gaze was soft, but teasing. He knew that wasn’t what you wanted to hear.
“Quinn…that’s not the point!” You whined, his smile growing in response, “…what if he did get her pregnant? We need a TV show at work.”
“What if he didn’t, though. What if you talking about it is just keeping a rumor circulating?” His words were frustrating, too true, but not what you wanted. You wanted him to gossip, which he knew, but he was giving you straight facts.
“Yeah, well, that’s not what the girls are saying…”
He walked around the bar towards you, standing behind you as he rested his head on your shoulder. His arms wrapped around your torso, thumbs rubbing along you sides.
“Oh, really?” He whispered against your ear, “What are the girls saying?”
“They’re saying that it’s true.”
“Well that just means it’s facts, then, doesn’t it?” His fingers began tickling ferociously at your sides, squeals quickly followed as you desperately tried to escape his grip.
“Quinn Hughes, stop it!”
“What do the girls say about this?” He spun your stool around as he placed a gentle kiss to your lips, supporting your chin with his hand.
“Mmm,” You said between kisses, “…I think they would say that we should have a second course here on the bar…” You moaned.
You tried to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away, giggling as you whined about it.
“Has anybody ever told you that you suck at spilling tea?” You grabbed his hand, pulling him close to you.
“Well I guess it’s a good thing I drink juice…”
I love Quinn Hughes. That is all.
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blueshirtjamie · 7 months
"Slut!" // J. Hughes
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In which Jack and the reader decide to go public with their blossoming relationship, only to discover that the internet can be a cruel place. Is all of it really worth it? (Inspired by the masterpiece of a vault track Taylor gave us.)
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, insults (the title is slut after all), not proofread so please pardon any small errors!
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: I honestly don't know Jack's personality very well so hopefully I did an okay job of characterizing him. I hope you enjoy this! My requests are always open :)
Everyone wants him, that was my crime
You had been dating New Jersey’s star young forward, Jack Hughes, for some time now– but it was a complete secret. Jack was one of the NHL’s biggest names because of his insane talent on the ice. And, much to your chagrin, he was also one of the most crushed-on players in the league. His ocean-blue eyes and sweet smile charmed anyone who laid eyes on him, and you were so afraid of what people would say if they found out that you two were an item. New Jersey Devils fans, and Jack Hughes fans in particular, were nothing if not protective and could be so mean online. You liked Jack a lot–you two had so much fun together, always laughing and doing fun things, and you didn’t want the world to break you two apart. You were afraid to share Jack, something you had shared with him from the start of your relationship. The Tweets, Tumblr posts, and Instagram accounts dedicated to your boy ignited a jealous and protective streak in you, but it was the price you’d have to pay to stay with Jack– and one you’d pay willingly. 
Aquamarine, moonlit swimmin' pool// What if all I need is you?
“I think we should go public soon, babe,” Jack said one night as you two were taking a late-night dip in your backyard pool. You swam over to him and put your arms around his neck, planting a small kiss on his lips. 
“ I don’t know, Jack,” you said. “I’m just so scared of what people will say. What if all I need is you? No one else’s opinions and validation, just my boy?” You gave him a small smile. 
“I know you’re scared, baby,” he replied. “But I want to show you off to the world. Everyone deserves to see my pretty girl and learn all about you and your kind heart.”
You blushed, and a sigh escaped you. 
“Okay,” you conceded. “If you’re sure, J, then I trust you.” 
Jack smiled, pulling you in for a long, slow kiss. The kind that made your stomach flutter and your heart melt. 
Got love-struck, went straight to my head// Got lovesick all over my bed
The moonlit swim replayed in your head as you two lay in bed that night. Jack had been sound asleep next to you, softly snoring, for a while now. You, on the other hand, were wide awake, your mind racing. “I want to show you off to the world,” you heard on loop. The sweet facial expression Jack gave you as you said it. The soft kiss that had quickly heated up. God, you loved kissing Jack, and with each kiss, you felt yourself falling deeper and deeper for him. Each sweet word from his pretty lips intensified your feelings. There was no denying it— you were falling in love with Jack Hughes, and he was right. It was time for the world to finally know. 
The next morning, you sat next to Jack in bed as he scrolled through photos of you guys, trying to find the perfect few to post on his Instagram. Finally, you settled on three– a shot of you two post-game, one with the city skyline in the background, and a selfie of you kissing his cheek. Your heart pounded as Jack typed out the caption: “my whole heart ❤️”. He pressed “post” and you took a deep breath. 
“I could throw up,” you said, curling into Jack’s side. He held you close, placing a gentle kiss on your head. 
“Everyone is gonna love you, babe, I don’t know how they couldn’t.” 
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in// In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
As it turns out, the internet was a cruel place, and not everyone loved you. While the comments on Jack’s post were mostly positive, especially the ones from teammates and other players, others were not so nice. The words “slut”, “puck bunny”, “clout chaser”, and “bitch” floated around a lot, and so you found yourself doom scrolling through social media, reading every comment you could find. Your photos were reposted time and time again on various accounts, and it was overwhelming. Tears welled in your eyes and you tried hard to hold them back, but you were unsuccessful. Once they started falling, they just wouldn’t stop. Jack walked around the corner into your bedroom to find you a sobbing mess. He took your phone from your hands, powered it off, and took both of your hands in his. 
“We’re done with that for today, okay?” he said gently. He pulled back the covers on your bed and helped you get in before getting in himself, pulling your body into his. 
“They’re being so mean, Jack,” you said between sobs. “I knew it was a bad idea, I knew it!” 
Jack shushed you gently, wiping your tears with his thumb. 
“Those people don’t matter, love. What matters is that you’re mine, and I’m going to protect you like my life depends on it. You and me, that’s all that matters, okay?”
You nodded as a sob racked through your body. Jack held you like that, whispering reassurances and stroking your hair until you calmed down, your breathing becoming more even and your cries fading out. He handed you a box of tissues from the nightstand and smiled at you as you dabbed at your eyes and blew your nose. 
“I’m sorry baby,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. 
Jack cupped your face with both of his hands, looking you in your eyes. 
“Hey, there’s nothing to apologize for, baby,” he said. “At some point, you get used to any kind of comments about you and block them out. I forgot that not everyone can ignore it like I’ve learned to. I’m gonna protect you, okay? I mean it. I will tell you time and time again how amazing you are, and I’ll make sure they know it too.” He kissed you gently, and you melted into him. 
I said, "It might blow up in your pretty face"// I'm not sayin', "Do it anyway"// But you're going to
After an afternoon spent snuggling up to Jack and watching movies, you were calm, and the comments had drifted from your mind. Let them talk, you thought. As long as I have my boy, that’s all that matters. 
“Let’s go out tonight,” Jack said, looking at you, his face lit up in excitement. 
“Jack…” you started, an air of uncertainty in your voice. 
“No, I mean it. Let’s go out and be seen, show people that their comments don’t matter in the slightest. Let’s go have fun and get your mind off things, ya know?”
You sighed deeply, contemplating. You could dress up, go out, and have some fun with your boy, or you could stay in bed and sulk. Okay, you thought. Let’s do this. 
“Okay,” you said, looking at Jack and smiling. “But if it blows up in your pretty face, don’t say I didn’t warn you, babe.”
His elation visibly grew as his smile widened. 
“Okay!” He said, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “Let’s get ready, then.”
But if I’m all dressed up, they might as well be lookin' at us// And if they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once// And if I'm gonna be drunk, I might as well be drunk in love
So there you were, dressed in a sexy little black dress that hugged your curves and showed off your best assets, your hair and makeup done up. You felt confident, you felt strong, you felt… hot. Jack agreed, whistling at you as you rounded the corner and stepped into his view. 
“Wow, babe,” he said, taking you in. “You are absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to show my girl off,” he smiled, taking your hand and spinning you in a small circle. He pulled you in then, both his hands on your waist, and gave you a long, slow kiss. You melted into him and deepened the kiss. After pulling away, you took in the sight of Jack. Black pants and blazer paired with a crisp white button-down and black tie, hair mussed up in just the right way that you loved on him. 
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you smiled, meeting his eyes with your own. He smiled back, that charming, bright smile that gave you butterflies every time. 
“Ready to go?” he asked. You nodded confidently. 
“We look so good,” you said. “They might as well be looking at us, right?” 
Jack laughed. “That’s my girl.”
The bar was busy on a Friday night, as was expected, so you two were able to grab a drink inconspicuously, blending into the crowd. Jack kept a hand around your waist the entire time, gently guiding you through the sea of people drinking, mingling, and dancing. You two found a table to stand at and people-watched, chatting and laughing together. It felt good to be out, to be dressed up, to feel confident. Your conversation was soon interrupted by a man, clearly already a few drinks in.
“Oh my god,” he shouted over the music. “Jack Hughes!” 
He clapped a firm hand on Jack’s back. 
“Can I take a picture with you?” he asked, more as a warning, as his phone quickly obscured Jack’s face as he leaned in for a selfie. 
Just as soon as he arrived, he was gone. 
“So it begins,” Jack said, a tone of annoyance in his voice. “I bet that picture is already on Twitter.” 
He took his phone out to check social media, and you leaned close to him, peering over his shoulder. He placed a hand on your lower back, scrolling through his mentions with the other hand. Sure enough– a grainy, dimly lit photo of you two in candid conversation had been posted by a hockey “news” account. 
Jack Hughes spotted with his new girlfriend at a Newark bar! (via @jacklukequinn)
Somehow, this didn’t bother you at all. If you were gonna dress up, they should be looking at you. You two were a hot couple, and the world deserved to see. If they called you a slut, or a puck bunny, or a clout chaser, so what? It was worth it. You had Jack– what they all wanted– so it was worth it. You had the boy who melted your heart with his charming smile, made you feel beautiful with his kind compliments, and kissed you like no one else ever had. If you were gonna get drunk, you might as well be drunk in love, too. You took Jack’s hand, looking him in his eyes. 
“Come on baby, I wanna dance,” you said, a smile creeping onto your face. 
Takin’ your time in the tangerine neon light, this is luxury// You're not sayin' you're in love with me// But you're goin' to
You led Jack to the dance floor, throwing your arms around his neck as he placed his hands on your hips. You swayed them to the beat, moving as close to him as you could be. The world around you faded– the words, the people, the thoughts, the insecurity, all fading away as you danced and the alcohol set in. It was just you and Jack, the neon lights of the bar casting his face in a tangerine glow. He looked at you lovingly, his eyes soft and his smile sweet. You laughed, pulling him close to place a kiss on his delicious lips. This, this right here was all you needed. All that mattered. Just you and Jack, falling in love. If they called you a slut, it truly might be worth it for once.
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inkskinned · 2 years
i. about 2 weeks ago, i was told there's a good chance that in 5 or so years, i'll need a wheelchair.
ii. okay. i loved harry potter as a kid. i have a hypothesis about this to be honest - why people still kind of like it. it's that she got very lucky. she managed to make a cross-generational hit. it was something shared for both parents and kids. it was right at the start of a huge cultural shift from pre to post-internet. i genuinely think many people were just seeking community; not her writing. it was a nice shorthand to create connection. which is a long way of saying - she didn't build this legacy, we built it for her. she got lucky, just once. that's all.
iii. to be real with you, i still struggle with identifying as someone with a disability, which is wild, especially given the ways my life has changed. i always come up against internalized ableism and shame - convinced even right now that i'm faking it for attention. i passed out in a grocery store recently. i hit my head on the shelves while i went down.
iv. he raises his eyebrows while he sends me a look. her most recent new book has POTS featured in it. okay, i say. i already don't like where this is going. we both take another bite of ramen. it is a trait of the villain, he says. we both roll our eyes about it.
v. so one of the things about being nonbinary but previously super into harry potter is that i super hate jk rowling. but it is also not good for my mental health to regret any form of joy i engaged with as a kid. i can't punish my young self for being so into the books - it was a passion, and it was how i made most of my friends. everyone knew about it. i felt like everyone had my same joy, my same fixation. as a "weird kid", this sense of belonging resonated with me so loudly that i would have done anything to protect it.
vi. as a present, my parents once took me out of school to go see the second movie. it is an incredibly precious memory: my mom straight-up lying about a dentist appointment. us snickering and sneaking into the weekday matinee. within seven years of this experience, the internet would be a necessity to get my homework finished. the world had permanently changed. harry potter was a relic, a way any of us could hold onto something of the analog.
vii. by sheer luck, the year that i started figuring out the whole gender fluid thing was also the first year people started to point out that she might have some internalized biases. i remember tumblr before that; how often her name was treated as godhood. how harry potter was kind of a word synonymous for "nerdy but cool." i would walk out of that year tasting he/him and they/them; she would walk out snarling and snapping about it.
viii. when i teach older kids creative writing, i usually tell them - so, she did change the face of young adult fiction, there's no denying that. she had a lot more opportunities than many of us will - there were more publishing houses, less push for "virally" popular content creators. but beyond reading another book, we need to write more books. we need to uplift the voices of those who remain unrepresented. we need to push for an exposure to the bigotry baked into the publishing system. and i promise you: you can write better than she ever did. nothing she did was what was magical - it was the way that the community responded to it.
ix. i get home from ramen. three other people have screenshotted the POTS thing and sent it to me. can you fucking believe we're still hearing this shit from her when it's almost twenty-fucking-twenty-three. the villain is notably also popular on tumblr. i just think that's funny. this woman is a billionaire and she's mad that she can't control the opinions of some people on a dying blue site that makes no money. lady, and i mean this - get a fucking life.
x. i am sorry to the kid i was. maybe the kid you were too. none of us deserved to see something like this ruined. that thing used to be precious to me. and now - all those good times; measured into dust.
/// 9.6.2022 // FUCKING AGAIN, JK? Are you fucking kidding me?
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frogchiro · 5 months
Hello first of all I hope you're having a great day !
Im going to go straight straight the point I think we are all talking about edging Andrei Nolan but can we talk about him manhandling you????
Like you see his muscle in the tight shirt in a scene of the game...I was like heksbxbzjdjfjje
This man as some pretty potential at manhandling people. He's big and he knows it (will certainly uses it as his advantage😵😵(wouldn't mind though))
Well thats all for me just wanted to shares this opinion 👹👹
W-Which scene are you talking about nonnie?? I need it for...personal research. Yeah.
Andrei is a huge huge man, very strong and bulky with broad shoulders, tree trunk arms, thighs for days and nice strong hips. He may not have perfect washboard abs but he's strong like an ox and all that muscle is hidden beneath a layer of fat and thick auburn hair on his chest, down his tummy and into a thick happy trail that leads to a fat, thick and ruddy cock <3
He's literally made for manhandling! Especially after that stunt with edging you pulled, it was like a switch flipping in his brain. Now he has you right where he wanted; all nice and submissive beneath him as he manhandles you from one position into another, from having you in a mean headlock into a rough doggy and how you're on your back, knees against your chest with your poor pussy sore and swollen from Andrei's relentless pace, but can you blame him?
He was after a long, grueling mission where his adrenaline and testosterone shot through the roof, his heavy balls felt like bursting with how pent up he was. He just wanted to return back to base, eat something and release all that backed up sperm inside you, have you paw and mewl against his chest, maybe some cockwarming too as you snuggle into his warm body, both of you all nice and relaxed and sated but no, you just had to play little miss dominant and now look where it got you! Being used like a fleshlight as Andrei uses your soft body for his own relief </3
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cowboyjen68 · 3 months
Hey Jen, thank you for all you do. I'm a young lesbian (going into my first year of university) and while I've met a few other lesbians in my life and retained a friendship (and I am deeply grateful for her), I worry that there are not many others out there like me. I've never had a girlfriend, and while I don't really feel the need to be in a relationship right now, I can't help but feel a little lonely. I'm worried that my strong opinions will make finding someone I click with even more difficult. Do you have any words of wisdom for a young woman worried there really aren't that many fish in the sea?
I didn't date until I was in my early 20's and i was out of college. I was terrified of being a lesbian and I knew boys grossed me out so I just waited.
In retrospect I was really not ready or that interested in dating while in college. I just felt that i didn't have the time or energy and literally no one really interested me enough to give up my focus on school, friends and coming out (not coming out. Yet everyone and thing (movies, TV, magazines, music etc) was telling me I HAD to date in order to be a "normal" teenager to early 20's women. It took some effort to just not date.
Most of us lesbians feel that our dating is already pretty small and then to have the knowledge (that straight people forget) that we are not attracted physically to all woman. AND even in the group of those we find physically attractive there are even few we share similar values and interests with.
This numbers game can really mess with our heads and panic our hearts. The key is to expand your world as you go. Don't be afraid to attend events or gatherings you are unsure about.
Follow what you are interested in. If you love cats volunteer at a shelter or rescue non profit. Attend their events, take the training. If you love reading lesbian history volunteer at the lesbians or lgbt+ archives at your school or at a place nearby. Start a simple book club or Cat Chat or Dog Discussion for lesbians using the meet up app or good old fashioned black and white fliers.
Attend women's festivals or music venues that feature women singers. Seek lesbians publications of zines on line and subscribe. If you attend a group or event and it is not for you take in that experience and move on.
The more you expand your world the more women you meet and in the meantime you are doing things you enjoy. AND at the end of they day you will have gained knowledge about what you like and dislike about dating, friendships and social situations.
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tenderleavesbob · 6 days
Set after this fic.
Warriors lived. Despite the violence, despite the blood, despite Warriors's terrifying stillness, Warriors lived.
Legend sat by the campfire, pretending not to watch as Wind fluffed Warriors's pillow for the hundredth time. Warriors was shirtless, which was an odder sight than Legend had expected. He only realized this evening how rarely Warriors wasn't covered from head to foot. Warriors wasn't even wearing his scarf: it was wrapped around Wind's neck, and anyone who tried to touch it earned a snarl worthy of Wolfie.
Wolfie himself was curled up beside Warriors, helping support his bandaged arm. The broken bones required both Hyrule's magic and a potion to fix them, and the arm still looked fragile to Legend. Time was on Warriors's other side, staring at the white bandages covering Warriors's torso as if he expected blood to stain them again at any moment. Legend couldn't blame him. He kept waiting for the same. For blood to bloom like a sickly flower and for the light to fade from Warriors's eyes.
Hyrule had reassured him for almost twenty minutes straight that Warriors would be fine. He just needed rest and to take it easy for several days. Hyrule wasn't awake now to assure him. All of the green potions in the world couldn't keep Hyrule awake after both the battle and the effort he put into keeping Warriors alive.
Sky sat on the log beside him, close enough for their shoulders to brush. "He'll be fine," he said softly. Taking over for Hyrule, Legend guessed. "No one would be so quiet if he wasn't."
Legend grunted and didn't answer. It was embarrassing that not only Hyrule but Sky felt he needed the comfort in the first place. He looked away to where Wild was making dinner. A light soup, so as not to distress Warriors's battered stomach. Beyond Wild, Four sat with the remnants of Warriors's bloody shield in front of him, a look of rare, quiet devastation on his face. For once, something besides Wild's weaponry was too broken for him to fix. Legend had to look away.
"Thank you for holding Wind back," Sky continued, voice still soft. Too soft in Legend's opinion. "It must have been rough. I'm sorry we couldn't help more."
"You helped enough," Legend said shortly. Unwillingly, his gaze returned to Warriors. Warriors was still pale but grinning at Wind. He said something, too low for Legend to hear, but it made Wind laugh and Wolfie's tail wag. It didn't change Time's expression at all. "Someone had to protect our backs."
Like Warriors protected Hyrule's because Legend was too slow. He was always too slow. Too slow to fight, too slow to protect, too slow to realize the effects of his actions and choices. How many people died because Legend was too slow?
"Legend!" Warriors croaked. Time and Wind both tried to shush him. Warriors waved them off with his unbroken arm. "Come here! Everyone is being too nice to me. I can't stand it. Help a guy out!"
Legend scoffed and stood up. He heard Wild grumble something to himself about the need for protein. "I thought you would love it! Only you would complain about being spoiled!"
Warriors grinned at him and extended his hand toward Legend. There was still mud under his fingernails. "I need a little spice to go with my sugar. Do you still have some of those cinnamon candies Ravio sent you?"
Several voices yelped in protest. Legend rolled his eyes and walked over to Warriors. "Like I would share them with a lazy guy like you."
Warriors beamed at him. He was pale but his eyes were bright and his bandages remained a clean white. He was fine. He was going to be fine.
Legend settled beside Time and Warriors and braced himself for Warriors's pathetic pleading for his cinnamon candies. He had been too slow before, but he could be here for Warriors now. He could keep him safe.
Like hell was he going to play nursemaid, though. Or share his damned cinnamon candies.
...well. Maybe one. Later.
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wooahaes · 1 month
party of two
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pairing: non-idol!joshua x fem!reader
genre: fluff. established relationship. silly fic <3
warnings: food mentions. reader having a lonely childhood/teenage years. mentions of reader being in therapy pre-fic. joshua hong being a silly, silly man. hints at suggestive stuff post-fic, but it's left vague. slow dancing to jopping <3
word count: ~1.1k
daisy's notes: ya think ya big boi throwing three stacks imma show you how to ball you a mismatch opinionated but im always spittin straight facts
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The last thing you expected to come home to were streamers, balloons, and everything you’d need for someone’s birthday party.
Immediately, panic set in first. There didn’t seem to be anyone else in the apartment (and, truly, unless they were hiding in the bedroom or the bathroom, you would know), and Joshua had never gone behind your back to do something you asked him not to do before… But the decorations point to the party you asked him not to throw. Last year had been nice enough, sure, but you just wanted a quiet day with your boyfriend. Would it be worth it to step out and call him, just to clarify? 
Joshua walked past the entryway, stopping when he saw you were standing here. “Oh. Shit, you’re home early.” 
Forcing a smile, you just stepped over to slip out of your shoes and into your house slippers. “Mmhm. I was supposed to leave sooner, actually, but an emergency came up.” 
Joshua immediately set down the folded banner, snagging a party hat as he made his way over to you. “Well,” he said, stretching the string so that he could carefully put the hat on you. “We can party early, then.”
“Party?” You gave him a suspicious look.
“Party of two,” he booped your nose. “You said you didn’t have a lot of parties as a kid, so… When you told me to plan something fun, I thought we could do something silly.” 
Something about that made your heart swell in your chest. You’d told Joshua that you’d been a lonely kid (and teenager), rarely invited to parties and almost never having your own. It had messed with you growing up, sure, but you’d managed. Even though it felt silly to admit you’d gone to therapy over it, Joshua hadn’t judged you. He’d listened to your tales of attachment issues and other struggles carefully, nodding along and admiring your growth as a person. It hadn’t been easy, and it netted you some struggles with having healthy relationships in college, but you came out the other side with a new circle of friends who cared for you as much as you cared for them, and a healthy relationship with Joshua built on trust and communication. Still, it was nice to have him there to listen when you just needed to rant about how bullshit your youth had been. A week or so ago, it had been the realization that one of your birthday parties as a kid had been shared with a friend… who was probably the only reason people came.
“I don’t think that’s true,” Joshua had said after you finished your rant. “You were a kid. You said people liked you enough even if you weren’t invited to stuff.”
It was nice to have someone there who could ground you when you were getting too upset over things. Even now, as he stood before you with a stupid party hat sitting lopsided on his head, he’d taken your hand in his own. His thumb ran over your knuckles, watching as you looked past him to get a better view of the decorated living room. It’s all gold and shades of pink, and he just grinned at you.
“It’s all the store had today,”  he admitted. “I meant to go sooner, y’know, but… Kinda had some other things I needed to get in order.” 
Joshua took your other hand, swinging them as you finally melted a little and smiled at him. A party for the just two of you was particularly cheesy, but if it was with Joshua, you’d be happy to attend. “So…” You stepped forward. “What are we gonna do at this party?”
His gaze flickered down to your lips for just a moment. Yet the moment you leaned in, he reached up to press his fingers against them, stopping you in your tracks. “Keep it PG,” he teased with a mischievous grin you wanted to kiss off of him. “PG-13, if you have to.” He chuckled, kissing your cheek. But instead of pulling away immediately, he leaned in, breath hot against your ear, “we can do more later, if you want.” 
No promises made, though: you’d have to see how you were feeling then. But you did take the chance to press a quick peck against his cheek before he could move away. Joshua guided you into the apartment, already rattling off about all of the plans he’d made. He’d ordered a tiny cake for the two of you to share, bought your favorite flavor of ice cream, bought pizza to really hammer home the idea of this being a casual party (not that you minded: the two of you cooked for each other often enough, getting takeout was a welcome break). He made no promises of party games or a plethora of gifts for you to unwrap… But he did pull out his phone, connected to the bluetooth speaker and turned up music—loud enough for the two of you, but not enough to bother the neighbors now. 
“Well?” He extended his hands to you again. “Do you wanna dance?”
Joshua Hong knew you couldn’t dance for shit. It was one of the things he pointed out to you when you were half-asleep one night and he drunkenly needed to tell you the little things he loved most about you. He said you were as graceful as a baby deer, but he loved it when you felt safe enough to be silly around him.
So you just accepted his hands. “I’d love to.” 
He just smiled at you before pulling you in, chest to chest, as he began to sway with you to music that was far from swayable. “No, you wouldn’t.”
You snorted in response. “Yeah… I wouldn’t,” you reached up, draping your arms around his neck. The sounds of Taeyong’s rap in the background nearly made you laugh. “But I like holding you.” 
“Ulterior motives,” he hummed. “By the way… I was thinking… For our wedding song—”
“Joshua.” The two of you weren’t even engaged yet, but you already knew what he was thinking.
He gasped in mock offense. “Are you telling me you don’t want to walk down the aisle to Mark’s rap in this song?”
It earned a real, warm laugh from you, and the look of pride on Joshua’s face told you that his job was done. He’d let you go soon and dance with you properly… But for now, he’d continue to sway with you, chatting about your day as he admired you a little longer.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao@wonuziex@synthetickitsune@porridgesblog@staranghae @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny @bewoyewo
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blorbocedes · 4 days
I wish you would write more wag!nico a fic where girl!nico is married to michael but she fucks girl!lewis on the side 😁
a bridgerton inspired au, aka totally devoid of any actual regency customs/historical accuracy. please enjoy!
It is funny now but at the time it had felt like the end of the world.
In just one season, Nico’s life turned up in itself. It all happened in rapid succession. The Queen named Nico, daughter of Earl Rosberg, the diamond of the season. In manners, beauty, and pedigree she was unmatched. But the darker truth remained: the vicious storms that flooded left all her father’s lands upturned, all harvests spoiled – his emerald mining investments had failed, and gambling debt collectors were knocking at the door. Nico’s dowry was astronomical, she was the envy of every young miss and a bag of gold in a dress to every materialistic lordling. And then came the most eligible bachelor of the season: the newly widowed, wealthier than god Duke Schumacher in want of a new wife to secure his heir. It was a match the Queen herself approved. Nico’s opinion on the matter did not. She screamed and cried, she was supposed to be spinsters with Lewis forever on her father’s estate.
It wasn't until the gravity of their family situation which had been concealed to shield her was finally revealed, and the Duke’s promise to her father that he would settle the matter of the debts, that Nico finally relented. Above all else, she was a dutiful daughter. By the end of spring, she was in white to be married. Lewis did not attend the wedding, taking off to sail across the seas with her brother.
And then three years later, Lewis returned. Since locking eyes across the ballroom floor, and feeling her heart sing in a way it has not for so long, they were inseparable, occupied in each other’s minds to care for the stuffy, uppity world around them. Now Lewis has afternoon tea in Nico’s townhouse, sharing womanly vocations trading gossip and scandal, such as how the lady Browning’s oldest child bears a curiously striking resemblance to the gardener instead of the lord Browning.
“Put my sweet to sleep now.” Nico hands off the golden haired bundle of joy after it has finished suckling her breast to her handmaid. She lies back in the sofa, in no haste to fasten her laces, unashamed of the view she makes.
“Motherhood suits you.” Lewis remarks from across from her, at the other end of the sette. Her hair is tucked in the most intricate of braids, adorned in the latest fashions she picked up from France, her skin warm and a most healthy glow; the stunning image of a cosmopolitan, worldly woman.
Nico, by comparison, is tired and pale from having a newborn. “Yes, well. You say that now but when I was fat and round with child…” The maids practically had to force-feed her, while she bursted out of the seams of all her dresses, needing them altered. She lazily traces Lewis’ arm with her foot, thrilled at the touch of skin. It is unbecoming for a lady, for a duchess, but near Lewis she is a giddy maiden, spoiled for touch.
Lewis looks around to ensure no maids are in the drawing room, not a soul around, and then pounces on Nico; practically climbing atop, like they did so many times in their girlhood.
“I would keep you fat and round through ten summers straight if I could. A great big army. And you could not cease to be lovely if you tried.” Lewis whispers into Nico's ear. Her words make Nico’s cunt throb, her ears hot.
Nico pulls Lewis’ mouth inside hers, the place where it first learned how to kiss and thus always hers forever. Lewis pulls the neck of her dress down further, hand cupping Nico’s breast, still sensitive from nursing and fat with milk. Nico bites down on Lewis’ lip when she takes a nipple between two fingers and presses.
Nico’s knee presses in between Lewis’ legs amid her dress. Her pianoforte expertised hand chases under her petticoat, going up higher and higher, clawing her the soft flesh of thigh on the way. She smells intoxicating, like fresh apricot. Nico used the heel of her palm to put pressure and grind on Lewis’ cunt. They get lost in each other’s bodies, falling into a rhythm and soft moans and reluctant break from kissing to breathe pierces the ear.
She was always blessed with sharp ears, and could identity the sound of the carriage on cobblestone signalling her husband’s return home.
By the time her handmaid came to announce the Duke’s presence, Lewis and Nico were sitting at a respectable distance away from each other, not at all disheveled or in a state of half undress. Only the racing of their hearts could give such a sordid secret away.
The Duke is a tall man, taking up more space in a room by his daunting figure and the hard line of his jaw and beady steel blue eyes.
“Miss Hamilton, a pleasure to see you again,” Michael greets Lewis curtly before turning to Nico in German. “Emergency session at parliament, see to it my bags are packed. I shall be heading after dinner.”
“Of course,” Nico simpers, instructing the maids with a simple swish of her hand. She's careful in her tone, in German, while Lewis busies herself with a scone. “When will you be returning?”
“A week, at the least.”
The gears in Nico’s head shift, as she switches to English. “Husband, would it be possible to spare a carriage so Lewis can make way to her aunt’s house whom she is staying with? She would need to leave immediately to make it to town before sunset.”
A muscle switches on Michael’s handsome face. Nico provoked it on purpose, to send an unchaperoned lady away in the dark hours of the night at the Duke’s expense.
“Nonsense, miss Hamilton is our guest. In fact, I would insist she stay until I return. Give you two time to catch up on your bosom friendship.” Michael replies. His words may be sweet, but Nico knows after lady Browning’s scandal, Michael has been reluctant to leave Nico in his charge of his estate. Their gardener has not shown up for weeks, weeds growing overflown, and Nico is quite certain the new estate guards are eunuchs although she does not care enough to check.
With Lewis staying as a guest of the Schumacher’s, Michael can rest easy knowing Nico would not dare to bring another man to warm her bed.
“That is a most kind invitation. We do have much catching up to do.” Lewis smiles.
Her husband said nothing about another woman to warm her long, lonely nights.
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thelargefrye · 5 months
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i've seen a lot of fic rec lists circulating in the community recently and so i felt like i should also make one to support fellow writers who i think really deserve that extra love and attention.
so this is also an appreciation post because i have quite a few things to say. these are mainly writers that i enjoy reading and think need a lot more love and attention because let's be honest, they have amazing ideas and people are just sleeping on them.
so, i'll just jump right into it! make sure to send these writers love and reblog their works!!!
my best friend and person i share a braincell with : @sanjoongie
check out her master list.
like you want to talk about talent? topaz is the one who breathes talent and ideas that literally no one else is coming up with. like if i had to read only one person for the rest of my life, it would be topaz because her writing is just amazing. her moodboards that she makes for her works, perfect. everything topaz does when it comes to writing is amazing, and i'm so glad that she's my best friend and braincell.
and not only that, but topaz is just nice to be talk to! like she makes you want to repeatedly talk to her and she is so good at helping flesh out my own ideas. i wouldn't have written half the things i did last year if it wasn't for her.
anyways, i'm so grateful and proud to call topaz my braincell because she's so amazing, talented, and nice. it breaks my heart that more people don't talk about HER. like you want to read something different and so well written then you need to read literally ANY work topaz has written.
topaz, my lovely braincell, thank you for putting up with me and my shit 24/7. if it wasn't for you i probably wouldn't have gotten out of my writer's block. and just now that i love you and thank you for being an amazing friend and writer.
and if you've gotten this far, i'll just straight up tell you that this is topaz appreciation post. so now i'll link some of my favorite works by her and tell you why i love them:
twilight academy ( all parts ) ( rated : mature )
wizard professor!seonghwa x wizard professor!f!reader ft. ateez
this currently has four parts and is still ongoing and is literally SO good. like who else is writing about a professor au WHERE THEY ARE ALL WIZARDS. and not to mention the worldbuilding and history that is all mentioned and talked about. its so so so good and the smut in it is absolutely to die for. and the chemistry between seonghwa and mc is so good, i love when they go back and forth.
breed ( part one ) ( rated : mature )
ateez x f!reader ( most of the members are aliens with san and another member being human )
now THIS is an alien au done right and different and basically sum it up with one sentence its "alien!teez doing sexual experiments" (from @/morethingsfandom). like its just so good and the SMUT! THE SMUT IS WHY WE ARE HERE PEOPLE!! THIS IS WHAT SCI-FI SMUT IS ABOUT!!! like this is honestly pure pwp and a nice switch up if maybe twilight academy isn't your thing.
see? topaz does everything!
dragon oracle ( here ) ( rated : mature )
dragon!ateez x dragon!f!reader ( based off of my own dragon au )
THIS!! in my opinion is one of topaz's best works (i may be biased lol) and def my favorite from all time. topaz took my au and did her own spin on it and made it her own. she cared about the source material, asked questions, let me ramble, and then boom! a masterpiece was made. if you like my dragon au, then i highly, HIGHLY recommend you read this. and if you've already read... then read it again.
i wish it was me ( here ) ( rated : 18+ )
water bender!san x avatar!hongjoong x water bender!f!reader x water tribe warrior!yunho ( implied ot8 )
again another fic that is based off of mine but literally made it her own because topaz is just that talented. a "what-if" au for my alta series where mc is a water bender and with san and yunho. absolutely amazing and does so well with writing all the characters and their dynamics. a def read if you love atla!
sweet sorrow of evil ( master list ) ( rated : mature )
ateez x evil queen!f!reader ( members have different roles within the story )
this is a collab story between topaz and me and i couldn't make this post and NOT include this series that we are working on together. this really just shows what two authors can make when they come together. we co-wrote the prologue and are currently writing the first chapter. this world is our baby and i love and it has the both of us in a chokehold, i'm so proud of the world me and here built and i want everyone to see it.
and honestly, that's just the tip of the iceberg cause topaz has SO MANY more but these are just the ones that i always think about. like, i really suggest you all check out topaz's works. i have more of her fics on my fic rec blog (@comicsan) so if you want to see more of her and other fics that i have enjoyed then i would check that blog out.
please go show my bestie support, it would mean the world to me!
thank you 🩷
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kneelingshadowsalome · 6 months
Idea I've had for highschool sweetheart to make könih further rot in guilt because it's silly and amusing that I simply had to share <3
In cliques of the nature of his bullies there are always the internal dynamics people outside don't see. Like how one person is never felt true compliments, only back handed ones if not just straight up insults. Fed lies about how no one else would ever be friends with them, the punching bag of within the clique to keep the glue of the group strong and firm. Naturally it would have been the shyest and most bookish person within the group. But you've known these people your entire life they didn't always act like this they used to be kind and good. (right? they, they were kind once right?) so day dreams become an escape because how could anyone be friends with you? How could anyone tolerate you? Especially after you were around the clique, how could you ever approach the quiet boy who you knew they picked on. He must hate you. You longed to be friends (don't delude yourself you didn't wish to be friends you wished to be lovers but start small right). How could you ever approach him. And then graduation comes and you're abandoned. You can heal and begin to find your personhood. You can pick the shattered pieces of your confidence up off the floor and glue your life back together. It takes years but eventually you gather up the courage to reach out to the boy after he misses the reunion. You want to apologize for your passivity at least. You must after all. (You were children and both victims in your own right but how could this ever be spoken of? You must play the role of the bystander because who would ever believe otherwise? You may have healed but there are still cracks of course.) and much later maybe he learns all this, maybe he reads it in a journal or a letter addressed to him, maybe you finally get the courage to tell him. And the guilt and rot grows like fungus over his heart, eating his anger alive and churning out something like grief in return. Not that you'd noticed the anger, you just saw the second chance, of course he would be wary of you, of course he would have changed over the decade, but a decade of growth was only done on the foundation of the boy you loved before. How could you not love the man he's become now?
tee hee I'm going insane I hope you enjoy my little ramble
Yes yes yes the delicious reveal of how it was for her, that she wasn’t having a happy time in the clique, that she, too, was suffering! ❤️‍🩹
In my opinion König would eventually come to his senses. If we’re treating this scenario with actual seriousness, he would eventually see that what he’s doing is useless and stupid and hurtful and unjust to both of them. I mean he’s clinically insane, he’s nasty and troubled and traumatized and works for a fucking PMC and tortures people but... he’s not rotten to the core. König is like a stray dog that bites if it feels like it’s about to get cornered and beaten again, and that’s his viewpoint with high school sweetheart actually. It may sound silly and misplaced but he’s just too triggered to see that he’s about to do a royal fuck-up with her.
And the unbearable shame when he realizes? When he faces the thing he has become? It’s simply too much to bear, he has worked so hard on himself & to put that shit behind him, he’s built confidence from scratch, he’s built actual, physical muscle just to feel better about himself, he probably joined the military because it was his middle finger to the world. Yes, he had aspirations and actual passions concerning the sniper dream but he’s also driven by this need to prove a shitload of people wrong.
And in walks this babe who reminds him of a time when he was nothing. Absolutely nothing. How do you love that? Because ultimately, it means you have to love yourself and who you were before you became the incredible Austrian Hulk. At the core of it is a 6 feet deep insecurity because König doesn’t feel he’s worthy of her at all.
I think the only thing that would cleanse his heart from pain is the revelation that she suffered too. As sad as it is, that’s what makes his heart crack open because then he gets to play the savior. But then comes the “Do you still love me even if I almost turned into the monster I always battled against” part… Because König would pay her authenticity "generously" by revealing the bully he almost became. And I think that’s when high school sweetheart really needs to ask herself if she’s up for this kind of shit, if she’s actually ready to love this man who isn’t as cool and tough as she thought he was, who is deeply flawed and resentful and childish and cruel.
Part of her probably knows that already and even loves his flaws, but loving König is like loving that stray dog. He’s gonna bring fleas and dried-up mud into your house eventually. Especially if you feed him and give him a scratch… Put a nice, cosy bed for him by the fire... Tell him he's cute when he whines next to your bed... Teach him it’s ok to prefer to sleep with you instead :/
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Cold as ice.
𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗟𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗰 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁, 𝗮𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗵𝗼𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲.
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: when two people are so afraid of losing each other, they might lose sight of the important things and focus on all of the ways they are slipping away from one another.
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿: 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗯𝘆 @clomo12345
enjoy !
As cold as ice.
The wind blowing into my hair, the gin martini in my ring clad fingers and the look my boyfriend of a couple of years was giving me were all as cold as ice.
“I know you’re upset Charles, but could you just try to understand?” I earn a scoff as a reply. So i give up, I get up from the white leather couch and make my way to the kitchen inside of the yacht. I down the rest of the clear liquid in my glass, the taste burning at the back of my throat.
“Where the hell are you planning on going?”
His shouts are tormenting and make me regret pouring my drink into my mouth and not onto his face. “I’m sick of this Charles, I can’t bear it anymore.” The hot tears rolling down my cold, flushed cheeks form a contrast and makes me even more overwhelmed than I already was. “So you decide to fuck off to Cabo and not mention it at all ?” “Yes, I tried talking to you, explaining how i feel, but all you fucking care about is yourself !” He’s standing in front of me now, his tanned arms caging me, securing me in place and making me feel as little as possible. “Charles please, I don’t like this.” I whispered this time, my tears now dry and my voice monotone and dull.
“I don’t know what’s going on in that pretty fucking head of yours Y/n, but i’m sure you’ll have enough time to figure it out.”
That’s the last thing I’ve heard from Charles in the last three days. I’ve tried calling and i’ve texted a million times.
The house was getting lonely and I missed him more than anything. It wasn’t like Charles to leave and not tell me, but I guess he was giving me a taste of my own medicine. I understood that he was upset, but eventually the void had to be filled and he had to either come back to me or let me go.
I met Charles through Max, as I have know him for years and have kept him as a close friend. We got together about two years ago when we were at a club in Ibiza, drunk off of our minds and in all honesty both a bit heartbroken. Since then, we’ve evolved as a couple and I couldn’t imagine my life without him. I had this gut-wrenching suspicion that Charles didn’t share that opinion. He wasn’t infatuated with me anymore, if anything I felt as though I was a chore. When asked about his future, he would only mention his racing career and how he plans to give his all into the sport. At first I admired his drive and determination, but as the years passed I began to feel more and more like a second option.
Questions of marriage had been shrugged off as though it was an unrealistic fantasy built off hopes and broken promises and kids weren’t even on the table.
Being shut down over and over does wonders to the human mind. You either become accustomed to it and learn to tolerate it or you despise it and in the long run, learn to despise your partner too.
That’s why I took myself out of the picture for a few days. I needed to set things straight. My priorities and my goals in life. I stayed at my beach house in Cabo, with a few of my friends, drinking the unbearable feeling of being an absolute burden away. I would check his socials every now and then, being met with pictures of pretty blondes and hundreds of comments about how good they look together. In all honesty, they didn’t. I could never picture Charles with another woman, I didn’t want to.
And that’s what got us into the fight we were having about 3 days ago.
The three ice cubes in my wine glass rattles at the quick jitter my body makes. The front door causing the frightening noise that I reacted to. I place the glass down on the white marble table, making my way into the entry hallway of the penthouse. Disheveled and tired stands my boy with his suitcase by his side and a defeated look on his face. My head tilts slightly at the sight of him, my nerves not quite knowing how to react to this strange nature. The air felt cold, as cold as ice. A footstep too rough and lake would swallow you whole.
The air felt fragile.
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” The icy barrier was now cracked, it was time to test the waters. His face responded to my question with a slight frown and a deep furrow between his eyebrows. I wait for his answer, although I knew this handbook like the back of my hand and I knew I was right.
“Probably with a few championships, if this year goes as planned.”
Full marks for me.
“Why do you ask.”
I smile at that, at his ignorance. His total obliviousness towards the fact that I need to start building my life and that I am prepared to do it with or without him.
Ignorance really was bliss.
“In five years I see myself married with one or two children.” His eyes shoot up from their focus on the floor, now looking into mine. “Your idea of a future doesn’t consider me at all, nor does it involve me at all, for that matter.”
He goes to speak, if it’s a plea or a protest, doesn’t really matter as I take a dive head first into the shark infested waters.
“That hurts Charles. It drove me up a wall. I started fights out of pure fucking boredom and I ran away for days just to try and get your attention.” tears are now rolling down my cheeks and my fore arms are sore from the clutch they have on my sweater. ”It is exhausting to continue drilling this safe and I’m starting to think all that’s in there is a bunch of burnt up hope.”
“Y/n I want a future with you.” He shakes his head, almost as if the accusation I made was absurd. “Then act like it! You leave me on my own, you neglect my needs and feelings. I don’t have a solution anymore.” I’m profusely sobbing by now, struggling to get a breath in.
We’ve made it to this point, the bottom of the lake. The murky and sandy waters making me nauseous and unsure if we’ll make it up to the surface.
As the tears cloud my eyes and my judgement I start making my way to Charles. Seeking for any form of comfort I could get in his cold, hollow embrace. My tired arms move away from my eyelids, giving up on shrugging my tears away. Now they rather try to find him.
The door shuts with a jitter to my spine once again. With shaken and exhausted limbs I sit down on the couch. With my wine glass and tear stained cheeks I look into the beautiful darkness of the Monaco sky, adorned with lights coming from warm and joyful rooms and boats. In that moment, with the whole of Monaco lit up around me, I sit in the dark with a feeling of utter loneliness in my heart.
It’s been seven days since I downed that gin martini. Seven days since my relationship has gone to absolute shit. Life went on. Monaco stayed scattered with lights and love and the world never stopped spinning on its axes. My head never stopped either. Replaying the same situation over for the millionth time felt like watching your comfort movie, that you watch when you want to cry. I was done crying. I felt dry and raspy on the inside, the constant flow of salt from my eyes never easing the uncomfortable feeling.
The feeling was almost as uncomfortable as the man sitting in front of me. His hands intertwined in his lap and his face full of uncertainty and pain.
The view was beautiful. The sunset making the water glisten and the people of Monaco glow with radiance. Charles has always been radiant. His smile and utter kind hearted nature when it came to other people making him shine through others. Right now he wasn’t radiant, he was rather dull and lifeless.
“I’m so deeply sorry.”
It was finalized I think. This was it, in the Monaco waters with no way to civilization I deemed this as me and Charles’ end. No one to help us get back to shore. All I could do is apologize. I didn’t quite know why, but the guilt I have been carrying weighed me down and really gave me no shot of getting to the land. I carried this guilt of being a burden greater than I carried my own name. Greater than I will ever dream of carrying his name.
Our name.
“For fucks sake.” his head was in his sweaty palms now, his veins pulsating and indicating just how frustrated he really is.
I stand up, a gin martini once again in my hand as I walk towards the tip of the yacht. Looking out into the night turning sky I feel contempt in the moment. My heart breaks along with each wave that crashes down and my knuckles clutch the railing of the boat.
It’s cold as ice.
“Marry me.”
I feel nauseous, the glass in my hand dropping as another jitter makes its way throughout my whole body, this time ending at my heart and making all of my nerves tingle. I turn around with a shaky exhale of breath. He’s not on his knees, nor does he have a ring. Yet he stands in front of me with tears in his eyes and asks the most important question I have ever been exposed to.
“I love you Y/n, I am willing to do anything to prove that to you. I will build you that house with the balcony, I will give you 2 or 7 or how many fucking kids you want and I will be the best partner to you. I am not willing to do that for you I want to do that for you. And I will, every single fucking thing on your ‘what will make Y/n happy ’ list until you are grey and wrinkly from all the smile lines. If that means quitting racing, I will do that. Please allow me to spend every second of my life doing that. Planning a future not only in consideration of you, but revolved around you.”
I woke up the next morning with a heavy heart, full of love.
As I started to move around in Charles’ arms I realized I woke up with a heavy hand too. Lifting my left arm above my head, my future glistens in the Monaco sunlight.
The diamond on my ring finger is as cold as ice.
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bigasswritingmagnet · 4 months
Stop. Talking.
Fandom: Girl Genius Pairing: Gil/Tarvek/Agatha Summary: Tarvek and Gil are perfectly happy sharing Agatha. They're getting along really well these days. Except...for some reason, all of a sudden, Gil just can't seem to stop insulting Tarvek. He's not even trying to do it! It's just like when he was trying to propose to Agatha-
Uh oh.
AO3 link
‘The consorts are fighting again.’
Agatha didn’t look up from the clockwork spread out on the workbench in front of her.
“They do that,” she said, distractedly.
‘In my experience, such restlessness is usually caused by particular needs going unfullfi-’
Without looking up, Agatha picked up a small death ray from a nearby stool and pointed it at a particularly pretty mosaic on the wall.
“What is my rule?” she asked, using her free to hand to rearrange the cogs.
‘My presence and opinion are unwelcome in the bedroom,’ the castle said, quickly.
“Correct,” Agatha said, and set the death ray back down.  “Don’t worry about it. Bantering is how they communicate.”
‘It seems a little one-sided for bantering…’ the castle said, uncertainly.
Gil’s plaintive calls fell on deaf ears as Tarvek stormed down the hallway.
“It was a compliment,” Gil insisted, hurrying after him.
“It was not,” Tarvek snapped, white-faced. “My family practically invented the art of devious, backhanded fake compliments so believe me, Holtzfӓller, when I say that that was an insult.”
Gil winced. Tarvek only made that particular nominal slip-up when he was really, really mad.
“Well, it was supposed to be a compliment!”
Travek entered his study and slammed the door shut so abruptly Gil nearly walked right into it. Gil opened the door and immediately ducked as a letter opener sliced by, directly where his ear would have been.
Gil stared in shock at the letter opener—apparently having been sharpened more than Gil felt was necessary for merely cutting paper—vibrating half-buried in the wood of the far wall.
“Were you trying to—”
Stars burst in his eyes as something heavy slammed into the back of his head.
Rubbing the back of his head, Gil turned around and had just enough time to dodge volume 2 of the Encyclopedia Horrifica (which covered chanting, ominous through corn)
“Get! Out!”
“I’m trying to apologize!” Gil protested.
“No, you’re not!” Tarvek shot back. “You’re explaining to me why I shouldn’t be angry! That is not the same thing!”
“I—! Okay, fine! I’m sorry that you thought my compliment came across like an insult!”
He managed to avoid volume 3 (cosh through dzyzxs) but not volume 4, 5, or 6 (all of the letter E), which knocked him straight off his feet. Before Gil could rise, Tarvek slammed the door shut again. This time, Gil heard him lock it.
Agatha’s tongue stuck out in concentration as she picked up the fragile blown-glass bulb with the tips of her gloved fingers. Slowly, she lifted it up and set it in the gap between two pipes, holding it in place with one hand. With the other, she turned a dial, fraction by fraction, slowly increasing the pressure on the seal that would lock the whisper-thin—but extremely necessary—bulb into place.
Gil burst into the room with a crash of the door.
“You have to talk to Tarvek!”
Agatha didn’t even flinch.
“What did you do now?” she asked, keeping her eyes fixed on the task at hand.
“Wh-! Why do you think I did anything?” he demanded, indignantly.
“Because when he starts it, you have no problem finishing it. You only ever come to me when it’s your fault.”
“Wh-! You-! That-!” Gil sputtered.
“There!” Agatha said, as the pressure gauge clicked green. She locked the mechanism in place and stepped back, tugging off her gloves and looking at Gil.
“So. What did you do?”
“I gave him a compliment!” Gil said. “And he got mad at me!”  
Agatha gave him an I do not believe you look.
“We were talking about that big conference with the neighboring city states, and he made a couple of suggestions that were, y’know, Tarvek level sneaky.”
“And I said…I don’t remember exactly what I said, but he asked me what I meant and I said we all know you’re a devious underhanded weasel, but this is the best double-crossing you’ve done since Sturmhalten’. And he—” Gil paused at the look on Agatha’s face. “What? It was a compliment! He managed to outplay the Other! That’s impressive!”
“He was also outplaying me!" 
Gil scoffed.
“Well, yeah, but I wasn’t talking about that.”
“You didn’t specify!”
“Why should I? We forgave him for that, he knows that!”
Agatha shut her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose.
“He’s sensitive about it.”
Gil snorted.
“Yeah, no kidding.”
Agatha pointed back at the door.
“Go apologize.”
“But I didn’t do anything—!”
“You know what he’s like! He expects double meanings and power plays everywhere, all the time! You gave a compliment; he heard you trying to dig in the knife by reminding him of what he considers one of the worst things he’s ever done.”
Gil opened his mouth, outraged. Gil considered what Agatha had said. Gil closed his mouth.
“What is with you lately?” Agatha demanded. “It’s like every time I turn around you’ve said something stupid enough to make him go storming off—Gil?"
Gil had gone pale.
“Oh no,” he whispered.
“What? Gil, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Gil did not answer. He was staring into space, gazing at some unseen horror. Agatha took him by the shoulders and shook him.
“It’s pathological,” he said, hoarsely. “It has to be. I thought it was just you, but no, this is, this is just what I’m like—”
“What are you talking about?” Agatha exclaimed. He lowered his head slowly to look at her, his eyes haunted and hollow.
“I’m in love with Tarvek.”
Agatha stared at him for a moment...then she put her hand to her mouth and let out a soft gasp. “Oh, it is pathological.”
“This is all my father’s fault,” he snarled, fists clenching. “All that work he put into protecting me and making me physically stronger and faster and he didn’t do anything that could save me from my own big fat mouth!” He collapsed forward, head on the workbench, arms flung over his head.
Agatha put her hands on his shoulders, patting reassuringly.
“I’m doomed,” Gil wailed.
“No, no, you’re not. Come on, Gil, you weren’t thinking about it before, but now that you know—”
“No!” Gil said, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. “Don't you understand? Tarvek and I hated each other for years! It took dying to get us to have a civil conversation, and now—!”
He clutched at his face, his imagination dancing nightmare scenarios before his eyes.
“I’m going to ruin everything,” he moaned. “I’m going to destroy everything we’ve built. You’re going to have to choose between us. When we have dinner he’s going to ask you to ask me to pass the salt because he won’t even want to talk to me enough to–Ack!”
Agatha spritzed him with the squirt bottle again.
“Stop that!” she said.
“You stop that!” he said, blinking water out of his eyes. “What is that?”
“It’s von Zinzer’s. He uses it when I start talking about dismantling the town for parts. Now listen to me.” She set the bottle down firmly and put her hands on her hips. “You are not going to ruin everything. You managed it with me, you can manage it with him.”
“Are you joking? We had to be trapped in the castle and almost permanently die about ten different times before you could trust me! And then we had all the–" Gil waved his hands around in a gesture that quite succinctly managed to sum up the overlay, his father freezing the town, two years of Agatha being missing in time, the collapsing empire, Martellus, Paris, England, god queens, inter-dimensional disasters, exorcism engines, and Martellus again. "–everything before we could be together!"  
"You and Tarvek were mad at each other for years, and it took you two days in the castle to get over it."
"By dying!"
'If you think it might help, I could always kill you again,' the castle suggested.
Without looking away from Gil, Agatha picked up the death ray and shot out a light.
"Gil, relax. You're overthinking this. Give Tarvek time to cool off, then go to him, and tell him you love him. No big explanation, just 'I love you'. You can do that, can't you?"
"Yes," Gil said. "I can do that."
He straightened up.
"I can do that," he said, confidently. Then he sagged "No I can't."
"I'll just start babbling! You know me! I'll open my mouth to say it and explanations will come out! Can't you tell him for me? He likes you." 
"He likes you, too!"
"But he doesn't love me!"
Gil swallowed hard, his eyes going overbright.
"I can't tell him," he whispered. "Not when he doesn't...and he doesn't."
Agatha sighed, softly.
"Gil..." She picked up her gloves and began whacking him with them. "Are you joking? After everything you two have been through together? Of course he loves you! That's why he doesn't stab you when you're an idiot!" 
Gil caught the gloves and pulled them out of her hand.
"You don't know that!" he insisted.
"I absolutely do! You, me, and Violetta might be the only people in the world who really know Tarvek, and I hear the way he talks about you when you're not there–" She grabbed the gloves back and punctuated her statement with three solid whacks. "So I am telling you! With confidence! That he loves you!"
She pointed at the door.
"Now go think about what you're doing to say to him. Plan it out. Give him time to cool off. And then go tell him how you feel, or so help me Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, I will tell the Jӓgers you want their help."
Gil waited two days. Not because it took Tarvek two days to stop being mad at Gil, but because Gil was sure his nerves would eat him alive if he waited any longer. Tarvek had stopped leaving the room when Gil walked in, and Gil would just have to hope that that would be enough.
Tarvek was in the library, flipping idly through a book on poisons and occasionally making corrections in red ink. He didn't look up when Gil cleared his throat.
"I'm busy."
"I need to talk to you."
"Write me a note."
"Would you please just—" Gil sighed. "Just hear me out?"
Tarvek, every motion extremely pointed and deliberate, set the pen aside, slid the bookmark between the pages, shut the book, and gave Gil his full attention.
Gil's palms began to sweat.
“And let me actually finish, before you start yelling at me.” Gil said, and winced internally. No, that was much too rude, now Tarvek was narrowing his eyes and bristling. Quick, quick, the speech! You practiced the speech! What was the speech?
“The reason I've been so rude lately is because you—” No, no, no, no, you are NOT starting a love confession with it's your fault I'm insulting you. “I know I’ve been acting like an idiot lately—”
He paused, expecting Tarvek to make a comment, but Tarvek just raised his eyebrows.
“The thing is,” Gil said. “The thing is, I…” He took a deep breath. “I’m—”
“You’re in love with me,” Tarvek finished for him.
Gil’s jaw dropped.
“You knew?”
Tarvek snorted.
“Of course I knew. I knew months ago. It was so obvious.”
“It wasn’t obvious to me!” Gil blustered.
“Really? You didn’t notice that you’ve been acting exactly like you used to act around Agatha?”
“Eventually!” Gil sputtered. “So all of this being mad and throwing things at me, you were just winding me up?”
“No,” Tarvek said, plainly. “You were genuinely insulting and I didn’t see any reason to let you off the hook just because I knew why it was happening.”
Gil stared at him, and Tarvek’s mouth curled up into a smirk, the cat construct that ate the mutant canary.
"And I was winding you up."
Gil stared, speechlessly. Tarvek tossed his book onto the cushion beside him and stood. 
"Actually, I was kind of hoping you'd take longer to put it together—it’s fun watching you flail around.”
“I take it back,” Gil said, flatly. “I hate you. I hate you forever and ever and ever.”
Tarvek put his hand on the back of Gil’s head, and kissed him.
It was a very, very good kiss. Gil was relieved to find he enjoyed it exactly as much as he enjoyed kissing Agatha, which had been a concern, but then Tarvek put his arm around Gil and pressed in close and opened his mouth against Gil’s and that was about it for any sort of higher brain function for Gil for the remainder of the kiss.
“Um,” Gil said, finally. “You’re. Very good at that.”
“I am,” Tarvek said, sweetly.
“I still hate you.”
“Sure you do.”
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
saw someone who got a screener say it was the best episode of the season and perhaps the best episode of the series and like… I AGREE VEHEMENTLY. THAT WAS AMAZINGGGGGGG
funniest line of the whole episode hands down was roy saying “all of you know my ass is not hairy but not one of you spoke up. and I will never forgive you.” like TELL ME WHY THEY TOOK IT SO SERIOUS LMFAOOOOO
this whole episode made my little queer heart burst with joy for my best gay welsh boy colin hughes!!! and trent being the proud mentor watching the whole team embrace colin and watching ted have the most beautiful response of saying they DO care and to celebrate this part of colin’s identity AHH I LOVE THIS FOUND FAMILY MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF
call your friends and let them know: ROY. KENT. IS BACK. he is baaaaaack bitches! the roy we know and love is working his way back! his press monologue was so good and it shows the kind of integrity and kindness he can have
speaking of roy: rebecca’s harangue calling out roy? OUTSTANDING. it was so warranted but you can tell it came from a place of love by that very earnest look she gave him at the end (mostly love for keeley, but out of love and respect for roy too in my opinion)
she also wants roykeeley back like the rest of us y’all trust 🙏🏻
and in the same episode where I… admittedly… loved the vibes between jamie and sam… like it gave enemies/rivals to lovers the way sam flipped him off when he wanted to be captain and jamie cut him off in his speech and they just laughed about it like ooh their friendship is so good we love the growth but also… that was flirting tell me I’m wrong
this episode felt like an ode to isaac and colin’s friendship. it felt like the journey isaac needed to decide that like “yes. okay. I’m your protector now. I’m sorry I didn’t see this before. I’m sorry you felt you had to keep this from me. but no more.” and sure he’s still very much A Straight Man™️ about it, but he’s willing to unravel and to deconstruct that in order to be the best friend his best friend deserves. my heart. 🥹
NATE MADE A GOOD DECISION AND DITCHED RUPERT YESSSS BABY STEPS. Rupert’s really going for the isolation manipulation tactic like he is truly scum of the earth I want to smash his face in. but JADE IS DOING NATE SOOO MUCH GOOD like he’s finally got a support system that he doesn’t feel codependent on and also doesn’t need to share with a whole team, so he can feel more secure in who he is now!!
FINAL SCORE IS 10/10 I LOVED IT AND IT WAS SO GOOD my only complaint is that there are only 3 episodes left and it doesn’t feel like it but eh wtvr
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