#i just feel like something is wrong and i can't pinpoint what it is exactly
icanseethefuture333 · 11 months
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athena5898 · 11 months
I often think when people hear "infantilizing a group of people", they think of it literarily that we are actively being made a infant. While this is a part of it, I think people miss the subtle things that end up causing chasms in their relationships with that group of people.
It's actually hard to pinpoint because it's never a singular event, it's many tiny things but the end result is always "I am the authority, I will always know more then you, I will never take your advice, I will never be honest with you (you know to spare *your* feelings), any disagreement is your fault, any problem in your life is my cross to bear and you must follow how I tell you to fix it, I will never stoop myself to understanding what your needs are as X group and will view everything from my own lens and judge you accordingly, we are not equals, and we never will be. (This is not a exhausted list, nor will everyone have all the same traits)
It is very hard to connect with someone who just automatically assumes a higher status to you just because of something you can't change. All the while the offender thinks what they are doing is actually a good thing. They are somehow helping you by just assuming they are better then you (which in the end, that's kinda what this is).
I have a few people in my life that I care for a lot, but they are not that much older then me yet they act like I can't possibly understand them and automatically shove this "child" label on my forhead.
And here is the thing, they will voluntarily bring up why they think this if you pay attention. It might be trauma they've dealt with, it might be that they have kids and you don't, age, or anything else like this. However I think it's important to note that I have friends who do not talk down to me and respect me as my own person with autonomy and also have these things going on in their life. So it's not like it's impossible to treat someone with respect and have these differences.
Now what do some of these subtle differences look like? There are many ways they can materialize but to name a few.
- Demanding the person solves a problem their way despite the person telling them why their circumstances do not allow that.
- assuming...well anything and all the time. These people have a tendency to think they know exactly what you are feeling and other such things and if you try to correct them then they will actually get upset at you or show some type of passive aggressiveness.
-Speaking on your behalf without asking permission
-never valuing your expertise on any subject. They are older/more mature then you, therefore to them they know more about everything. What's really fun (/s) about this is when they will explain to you, why you are wrong, by repeating what you said back at you.
- any reason why you can't do a thing, or why you need an aide is an excuse. You could do it if you *really* wanted to, but you are just being lazy. Now the real adult has to take up your burden.
- they do not/cannot listen to you. No matter what you say or how you say it, or if they even confirm what you say, there is always a part of them that is not listening. Or hell, they could of listened to you, but since what you say isn't important to them, they will quickly forget it and may even try and claim you never said anything to them.
- I'm not sure if this counts as infantilizing, but I notice that it happens a lot in tandem. While they think less of you and treat you like a child whose facts and opinions don't matter, all of this will change at a moment's notice when they need something from you...oddly enough something they probably normally do not take seriously from you on a normal day. Suddenly thrusting you with this burden of taking care of them even though they are never there for you in any meaningful actually helpful way most of the time. Like you will literally be demanded to stop what you are doing, and get over whatever you are going through to help them and their problem. I cannot explain how frustrating it is to be demanded to be the mature one while most of the time being denied respect.
I could go on, but honestly if I sat here and thought of every single tiny thing they do to make sure there is distance between you and them up on their self made pedestals, I'd be here all day.
The worst part on all of this is that I have no idea how to resolve it. People who do this are not inherently bad people, hell they might not even realize they do it. But this can actually make it more difficult to bring to their attention. I have tried many ways and many different times to resolve this, but I haven't been successful yet. Anyone who has corrected themselves were people who just had a little mess up but still obviously viewed me as a person from the start.
These subtle ways someone can dehumanize you, it can cause terrible rifts and of course the other person never understands why (see point above about not listening)
I am writing this as a autistic person, but I know there are others who go through this. Please check the ways you create artificial authority over someone.
Edit: someone reblogged this with hashtags about how we shouldn't do this to children either and I completely agree, I was using the term because it's the one often used to explain these things. Adding the edit cause I have no idea how to respond to the hashtag thing and I think it's a important thing to note.
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bbina · 8 months
"anton stop staring, it's rude" eunseok playfully swats his hands over anton's face, breaking his hard long stare at your outfit that you are wearing today
what's wrong with what you were wearing?
you consciously look down at your outfit. second guessing if it was a bad idea to wear your oh-so-coincidentally matching hoodie with your not-so-secret boyfriend wonbin
"oh sorry y/n. i was just thinking about where i saw that hoodie you were wearing. i could've sworn i just saw that somewhere but i can't pinpoint where exactly" anton sheepishly bows to you, feeling apologetic for staring at you for too long
"oh no worries, ton! you probably saw it somewhere at the mall or something" you smile at the maknae, hoping he'd drop it but you don't miss the mischievous glint in his eyes
and of course as all stories go, wonbin and seunghan both walk through the doors mid conversation
you go turn around to check who just came in and lo and behold, it was wonbin who was wearing the exact same hoodie as you were.
wonbin stops talking with seunghan the moment you two made eye contact. he was about to greet you like normal to avoid any suspicion from his own bandmates but with the way your face just contorted into horror, he looks around to see what could be the cause.
that is until he notices your hoodie. the same hoodie that he got for you as a little gift when he went shopping alone once. a couple hoodie.
"i definitely saw it from the mall, alright" anton bursts out laughing, putting two and two together. finally! he caught you two in the act.
seunghan makes a confused sound before looking between you and wonbin and pieces it together. like a light bulb just went above his head, seunghan started screaming and jumping around you and wonbin
"oh my god is this how we find out?!" seunghan exclaims in joy, not believing the fact that this shit just unfolded before his very eyes
you feel your face heat up in embarrassment that you two were caught in the act. your little secret was now out to the members.
"there was no reason for you guys to hide your relationship, we can already tell from the get-go that you guys have something going on" eunseok points out from the couch.
sohee, sungchan and shotaro all join in the conversation after hearing all the fuss and commotion was about from the neighboring practice room
"hey! what gives- OH!" sohee gasps, bumping into sungchan who stood still in shock by the doorway.
"congrats binnie~" shotaro teases wonbin pulling him into a hug
not taking much of this teasing much longer, you stomp your leg and raise your voice at the members
"don't you guys have practice to attend to?!" you say, gesturing to the practice room and all. to which the boys all respond by laughing at your little outburst in attempt to divert the attention away from the fact you two have been caught.
"we'll go right back to practicing if wonbinnie here proves that you two are in fact in a relationship" anton proposes, crossing his arms in attempt to look all menacing (he is btw)
wonbin rolls his eyes and looks around his members, "c'mon guys. manager hyung will scold us if we don't practice a lot today" he tries to reason out with his members but it just doesn't prevail
"kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss!" seunghan and sohee start chanting, causing a chain reaction with the rest of the members who obviously followed suit
you and wonbin both grumble. they will never let you hear the end of this.
"c'mon wonbin i know you want to kiss her right now" seunghan hollers, laughing his ass off next to sohee who was all giggly with the whole situation
wonbin then slowly comes near you, earning a earful of cheers and whistles from the group. you look up at him and mouth "are you sure?" to which he nods his head yes. he leans his head down just right above the shell of your ear, "so they can shut the fuck up" he whispers, making you giggle
"riize's own rizzler is rizzing" anton yells making seunghan double over laughing.
you close your eyes as you brace for the impact of wonbin's lips against yours. to which you only feel the short peck on your forehead. you open your eyes to see glaring back at his members.
"there. i kissed my girlfriend in front of you weirdos. happy?!" wonbin snarls at his group, only to be met with kissing noises from the rest of the members.
"whatever lovebirds. just keep in, yeah?" anton jokes, causing wonbin to lunge at him. "HYUNG!"
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h8ani · 4 months
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Sasuke Uchiha x Reader
Word Count - 4k
Warnings - smut, angry sex, public sex, fear of getting caught, hair pulling, angst, slight paranoia, kinda non-canon structures (its been a long time since i watched naruto tbh so disregard the village not being exactly how the anime is), oral - male receiving, face fucking, gagging, degradation, penetrative sex, fem!reader, choking, reader is described to be wearing a dress in this chapter, there’s a voyeur
A/N - Just a reminder that if you have joined my taglist and change your username please let me know! If you haven't joined I put the link down below :) But holy hell you guys I can't believe I actually finished this after almost 5 months in my drafts, but I hope you enjoy it!
taglist! - @bloodsiren @blackfire2013 @benkeibear @suyacho @kodzukein
join my taglist → here
Part One → Part Two → Part Three → Part Four
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It’s been a few days since the last time Sasuke was over. You’re used to the silence in between his visits; it’s become second nature to go days, even weeks, without seeing him, and the radio silence between each time he visits has become more common than the last. 
It doesn’t bother you. It does. You could really care less. Sasuke has been the only thing that’s been on your mind. You absolutely hate him. You feel…conflicted.
Limbs tangled with one another, all you could hear were the heavy breaths that escaped both of your lips, your body rising and falling every time Sasuke took in a deep breath as you laid on top of him, his hands dancing along the skin of your back so featherlight it almost tickled. 
Neither of you had uttered a word, just basking in the feeling of touching the other’s skin; the warmth radiating off each other’s body heat brought a sense of familiarity that you couldn’t quite pinpoint just why you felt most comfortable in his arms. You mentally shook the thought away; there was no need to focus on that. Your mind had already cleared up from the sex fog he had put you under and had started to race with a million different things that you wanted to bring up to him. Why did he do what he did? When was he going to leave again? He’s going to leave right away, don’t be stupid. When were you going to see him again? Why did he leave in the first place? You wanted to bring up so much, but you couldn’t brush off this feeling that something was about to happen, as if the rainstorm you were caught up in earlier today was a warning of a disaster brewing and about to happen. 
“What’s wrong,” Sasuke spoke up, his words sounding more like a statement than a question. His eyes were trained on you, making your stomach involuntarily tighten with their intensity. He had been focusing on the multitude of expressions that had graced your face within the last minute; you were completely oblivious to his stare; somehow, he wanted to blame the sex for your lack of inattentiveness and not the fact that you may feel safe around him, no it couldn’t be that. Being distracted has nothing to do with him and everything to do with you being incompetent. Yeah, that’s it.  
Your eyes met his, and before he knew it, your eyes lit up, a small smile appeared, and a simple shake of the head erased any form of contemplation he had previously seen. “Nothing.” You quickly say, “Just thinking.” Bullshit
“About what?” He interjects, his hands that were once dancing lightly across your back were now holding your hips, gripping ever so slightly. 
“Just thinking, random thoughts, it doesn’t matter.” 
“If it doesn’t matter, then you can tell me.”
Huffing a sigh, you stare back at him, his emotionless pools of black not letting you get a read on him, yours: uncertainty. “You won’t answer me even if I ask.”
He raises and sits up, causing you to reposition yourself in an upright position as well; your eyes stay trained on him as his stare hardens, almost as if what you just said offended him somehow. His eyes glance into yours as if he needs to be wary now. “I’m not answering anything about why I’m back in the village or why I left.” He blurts out quickly, a scoff following soon after. “You know you can’t say anything about seeing me. Don’t go blabbing about it to any of your little friends, or I won’t be coming back.” His stare solidifies as your jaw drops ever so slightly; the hardened look he’s giving you makes your chest tighten, and your body rises in temperature. 
Sasuke sees your expression fall ever so slightly before you catch yourself and, in turn, sends the signature scowl he’s grown accustomed to back in his direction. Your eyes narrow while you sit up straighter, the discarded sheet on the bed now pulled tightly to your chest, and he curses at the way that made his stomach clench. He doesn’t care if you’re mad at him, but he can’t lie and say he didn’t want to ruin your two’s good momentum today. The sex was great, and he wanted to leave on what would be considered a good note for the both of you.
“I think you should go,” you say simply. You avert your glare and decide to stare at the wall instead, avoiding his eyes. “You know where the door is.” Ouch.
He rubs his face and sighs. “Look, you don’t get-”
“I don’t care, Sasuke. Like I said, it didn’t matter. So why don’t you just leave? I never saw you, and I’m not going to tell any of my “little friends.” 
You sigh and throw the blankets off you, quickly grabbing your clothes and slamming your bathroom door shut. 
Your throat tightened from the moment you got up, wanting to get away from him from the very moment he opened his stupid mouth. You take a slow, deep breath and let it out; the tightness in your throat drops to your stomach. Why would he even snap like that? What gives him the right to think he could speak like that to you? You miff another sigh out as the conflict in you bubbles up even more with the thoughts running rampant. How stupid could you be for thinking he actually could’ve been somewhat of a nice human being after today?
Your thoughts were quickly silenced by the sound of your front door opening and closing, the door shutting louder than necessary. Fucking asshole.
You shake your head to rid yourself of your thoughts as you look at yourself in the mirror, you fix your hair and check over your outfit in the mirror, quickly doing a little 360 in your mirror. Everyone had decided that tonight was a good night to hang out and have some drinks as no one had any missions for tomorrow, so there was no need to worry about any impending hangovers. 
You changed into a nice dress that fell mid-thigh; it was form-fitting and casual enough that you didn’t overdress or underdress with it. You pulled your hair into a high ponytail and just enough makeup to cover any eye bags that were more prominent than usual, no less from your sleepless nights thinking about he-who-shall-not-be-named-or-thought-of. You looked yourself over in the mirror and smiled. You felt pretty tonight, and it was nice not constantly to be in work mode for once.
The stressors from work and the expectations you always got from everyone took a toll on your body more than you would have liked. You were expected to never make any mistakes and always be three steps ahead, and it was simply a lot. Was it fair? Probably not, but it was also what you got for being a perfectionist at such a young age. You gave everyone expectations where you could only rise instead of fall. If you fell, everyone would know, and you just couldn’t have that. 
You leave your apartment and make your way down to meet your friends. The air had a slight chill to it as the sun was finally setting, but something along with the chill was bothering you. You couldn’t brush off the feeling that someone was watching you. 
Your feet skid to a halt as you spin, eyes cascading along the rooftops of the buildings around you. Your breathing picks up as your heart begins beating, and you feel every thump as your anxiety spikes. You internally curse yourself for being so stupid as not to even bring a single shuriken with you. For god’s sake, you could’ve popped one in your purse just for safekeeping. The anxiety you feel is derived from being paranoid, and you have to remind yourself no one is watching you and that it’s just your own mind playing tricks on you. You take a deep breath as you hear a name call out to you; turning back around, you see Shikamaru and Choji waving you over. You speed walk over to them, swallowing down the feeling of someone’s eyes on you. Was Sasuke here again? You wouldn’t expect him to be over so soon after the fight you two had just days ago. He’s never over this soon after he leaves anyway. Usually, it takes weeks for him to come over, sometimes even months. Although his eyes being the ones you’ve felt had to have been it, there’s no other explanation.
The buzz of the alcohol was finally settling in; once you got inside, you decided you needed a tiny little shot to calm your nerves and anxieties, then another once all your friends arrived and wanted to take a group shot, and now here you are ordering your third. You’re a lightweight, no shock about that, and feeling a bit dazed as you stare at the shot of alcohol sitting in front of you. You’re so zoned out, not even realizing the presence of someone taking the seat next to you at the bar table.
“You look nice tonight.” A familiar voice catches your ear, and you turn, seeing Shikamaru next to you. A sudden rush of heat hits you as you stare back at him. “Oh, T-Thank you.” You stutter out and mentally smack yourself. You divert your attention back to your shot glass, suddenly remembering how intriguing it was just two seconds ago. 
Suddenly, hearing the sound of glass scraping against the bar table, you look up and see a similar shot in Shikamaru’s hand. “Cheers?” He holds up his shot glass, waiting for you to do the same. A small chuckle leaves you as you hold yours up and clink your glass with his. “Cheers.” 
You knock back the shot, grimacing over the familiar burn down your throat and the fuzzy feeling deep in your stomach. You sigh and slump back against your seat as you look at Shikamaru. “You look nice too, I think I forgot to compliment you back.” 
He chuckles, “Thanks, I didn’t really know what to wear. I wanted to come in sweats and a hoodie, but Ino just about had a conniption when I mentioned that.”
“Oh, don’t lie, you didn’t even want to come to this.”
“And you did?”
“Well, you got me there, didn’t you?” 
Laughter fills the air around you two as you continue to talk about past missions, the latest drama you’ve heard around the village, and even as mundane as the midnight snacks you two have had, you were actually…enjoying yourself; the thought of Sasuke had been dissipated like the rain that had come and gone from the prior days. Listening to Shikamaru talk was something you found yourself rather enjoying. Still, maybe that’s just the alcohol in your veins talking. Yeah, that was definitely it. “So, what’s new with you?” Shikamaru asks, his eyes finding yours, and the sudden tightness is once again back, whether that being because the only thing that seems to be ‘new’ in your life was Sasuke and every little defiling and obscene moment between you two replayed again in your head or because you actually might be liking the attention Shikamaru is giving you the world will never know. 
“Ah, you know. Lots of training, lots of missions, lots of-”
“Staying in your apartment all day and night?”
You quirk an eyebrow up at him, lips slowly following suit. “Shikamaru Nara, are you stalking me?” An indiscernible giggle leaves your lips, which shocks not only you but also him. You can see the pink rising to his cheeks at your minor faux accusation; his eyes widen, and his hands immediately come up to defend himself. “No, I just hear Ino constantly nagging at me to hang out with her, that’s how I know. I don’t stand out of your window or anything like that. Do you know how much time and energy that takes? Do you know-”
“I was joking.”
“You know, for someone with an IQ higher than a tree, you’re kinda dumb.”
“You know what…Shut up.”
The air around you as you step outside drops a few degrees, causing you to shiver despite the multiple shots you had earlier. Glancing around, you notice how barren the pathways are and how barren the town seems. You glance back over your shoulder to see that Shikamaru is already on his way with his teammates, all drunk themselves, as you see them stumbling against each other. 
Your apartment isn’t far from where you are, so you, in turn, make your way down the path. Bad idea. The more you walk, the more you regret that last shot you took and every single life choice you seem to have made tonight because the line you had been walking in had slowly turned into a wave, making you plant your hand on the building beside you. “Just a little more, and I’m almost home.” You blow out a sigh before taking another step forward. Looking up, your body freezes as you see a rock fly past you and fall to the floor to your right. Your senses come to realize that someone is near as you stare at the rock. The alcohol has slowed your reflexes because you’re yanked backward, a scream bubbling up in your throat. Still, before you can release it, a hand is clasped over your mouth, and you get dragged in between the two buildings down the small alleyway.
You begin kicking back and screaming into the hand, fighting as you’re dragged back further into the small space between the two buildings, your front pressed against the wall and the chills finding their way back up your spine once you hear his voice. “How stupid could you be?” His voice is loud in your ear, hand still firm against your mouth, not allowing you to utter a word. “Walking home drunk is one thing, but what the fuck are you wearing?” He seethes. Your dress is already riding up higher on your thighs, just below your ass, due to being pressed between the wall and the man himself. It took all of one big gust of wind to blow it up or one perverted old man to ‘drop’ something of his to catch a look up your dress. The anger that welled up in his chest was undeniable as he pushed off of you and spun you around to slam you harder into the wall itself. Your eyes caught him scanning over you; his already dark eyes seemed even darker tonight. The dress you wore hugged every inch of you perfectly, and it drove him madder seeing it hiked up higher than intended, all thanks to him. One more inch, and he could see the little lace thong he knew you were wearing. He finds your eyes and tsks at the dumbfounded look you gave him; just how stupid were you? 
“Shut up and get on your knees.” He cuts you off, hands gripping your arms and tugging you down until you plop down on your knees. The dirt underneath you digs uncomfortably into your skin. You look up, pupils dilated as you stare up at the ravenette. “Unless you want us to be caught, I suggest you not utter a single noise.” Without warning, Sasuke pushes two fingers past your lips and into your mouth, pumping the digits like they were his cock until they were soaked with your own spit. “I suggest you act right, given your circumstances.” He speaks, and your eyes narrow up at him; the urge to clamp your teeth on his fingers threatens to come to fruition, but you can’t ignore the subtle throb in between your legs. “Suck.” He says while pushing his fingers deeper and tugging his pants down with his other hand, pulling down the material along with his underwear, allowing his cock to spring out. You could feel yourself salivate just looking at him, wanting to trade his fingers for his cock against your better judgment. He presses his fingers down harder against your tongue, causing you to gag and choke on saliva; you can hear the snicker that comes from him as he watches you trying to quieten your coughing spout. 
His hand threads into your hair, messing up your almost perfect ponytail, the grip burning your scalp as he pulls you forward, knees dragging against the ground while the tip of his cock presses against your wet lips, his precum smearing across them in an almost erotic way that Sasuke doesn’t think he could last by just looking at you. 
You drop your jaw open while he pushes his cock past your lips, enveloping himself in the warmth that is your mouth. The grip on your hair grants you nothing but pain as his hips begin to move to their own rhythm, his cock hitting farther back than the last thrust. You try your best to breathe through your nose as he fucks your face to his liking; maybe if your mind weren’t so focused on Sasuke being here, cock down your throat and his eyes watching you so meticulously, you’d have the nerve to push back, make him slow down, maybe even explain why he knew you were out with your friends in the first place and not at home. 
Tugging you even tighter, Sasuke pushes your head until your nose is brushing against his stomach; your throat tightens as he effectively pushes each inch into your throat. “You feel me? Do you think that Shikamaru could ever stretch your throat out like I do? He might as well try something with you seeing how fucking drunk you were tonight.” His hips rock forward until his dick hits further back into your throat. You choke around him, drool effectually spilling past your lips and down your chin. 
Eyes squeezing shut, you sputter another cough, which turns into a gag around his length. A disapproving noise is heard from him as he pulls away, allowing you to take in deep breaths. As you open your eyes, you see him crouched down in front of you, a look one can only describe as displeasure. “How stupid could you be?” he says, slightly shaking his head before he speaks again. You’re supposed to be better than them.” 
“Better than-”
“Naruto! You idiot!” You gasp as you hear the rest of your friends walking down and getting closer to the alleyway you were in. They must’ve just now left the bar you all were at; this isn’t good; you need to leave; they can’t see you like this. You pull farther away from Sasuke as you see them pass the opening between the two buildings, all of them stumbling and unknowingly passing you as they walk. 
Another tsk leaves his mouth as he shoves you forward; you catch yourself on your hands while grimacing at the sting that travels through the skin of your knees. You feel his hands positioning himself behind you, all while pushing your dress up to your hips and pulling your thong to the side. Suddenly feeling every bit of alcohol drain from your system, you become hyper-aware of what is really happening; you jolt forward, and before you can spin around to ask him what he thinks he’s doing, you’re yanked back by your hair, back arching to the point where you’re staring straight into his eyes. “Make sure to be quiet, or else everyone is going to see how much you love taking my cock.” A deep chuckle vibrates through him. “What would they think when seeing you on all fours in an alley? Perfect little (y/n) crying from how good my cock makes her feel; how would you ever live that down? You think Shikamaru would ever give you the slightest bit of attention after that?” 
Letting go of your hair, a knee between your thighs pushed them further apart while you balanced yourself on your hands. The itching feeling that someone could see or be watching from a distance burns brighter than the pain in your knees. The swollen tip of his cock prods your already glistening entrance; you bite down on your lip to stop any form of a whine from slipping out. You swallow down the nerves as his hand leaves your hair to slip around your throat; the silent plea that he wouldn’t make this difficult left the moment his hips slammed into yours, his hand tightening on your throat, restraining the scream that threatened to bubble out. He gave you no time to adjust, his hand leaving your throat and falling to your waist, fingers digging into your flesh so tight as he slammed into you that you knew bruises would be there by morning. 
You can’t help but glance up, fearing that any of your friends could leave the bar at any time and pass by, seeing you in the most compromising position you feel like you’ve been in. The subtle feeling that there’s a pair of eyes on the two of you grows larger while you scan around. No one has passed by the entrance, and this feeling could only be explained by you being scared of getting caught. 
Sasuke’s breathy grunts found your ears, and a pang of alarm shot right through you as he was the one making noise. The subtle sound of skin slapping skin makes you even more fearful. The coil in your stomach is already winding tight; the quieter you have to become, the more your pussy grips him. You clench around him, pussy squeezing for dear life. Your nails dig into the ground beneath you, knuckles turning white. 
“Oh, God…” You pant, dropping your head down between your shoulders. The sounds of everyone’s voices can be heard in the distance, and you try desperately to focus on anything other than the impending orgasm that’s slowly building up. 
Sasuke shifts, bringing his hand in between your legs and fingers quickly to find your clit, rubbing quick little circles. You bite down hard on your lip, the silvery taste of metallic dancing on your tongue from allowing the moan that threatened to escape. No, You won’t give him the satisfaction of making you cum, especially this fast. You grab his hand to stop his fingers and feel his hand that was once placed on your waist slide across your skin and reach back up to your throat, drawing your back flush to his chest, knees digging deeper into the gravel on the ground and seemingly reaching deeper within you, a desperate whine left your lips as your eyes faintly rolled back. “Stop me from making you cum, and I swear to god, you’re going to regret it.” He growls while tightening his grip on your throat and bringing his other hand back to your clit. His hips snapped into you even deeper while he assaulted your clit. You struggle to gasp as the coil in you snaps; your body shakes as you lean back into him more, pushing him even deeper that you swear you see stars. You spasmed as you dug your nails into the hand that held your throat while he continued to pound into you. 
He was chasing his own release, and the way he felt like you two would be caught at any moment spurred him on even more. He knew tonight was a lot, even on his standards of fucking you, but the way your pussy was fluttering around him, the deeper he got, and the rougher he became, he couldn’t stop. Your walls clenched around him, climax dragging out as your pleasure was heightened as he fucked into you; your name tumbled off of his lips before he bit into your shoulder, muffling the sinful moan he released as he came. You both fell forward, barely catching yourselves before hitting the ground, with heavy breaths syncing with one another while you catch your wit on what you two just did. 
The feeling of someone watching you never did go away. 
The angry pair of eyes attached to the redhead at the back end of the alleyway never left you two, either. 
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network: @enchantedforest-network
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Pancake anon here.
Whew, where to even start! It has been a week.
At this point, I think I'm just as confused as the rest of you. However, I do have some theories. Take all of this with a massive grain of salt.
I do personally believe N's song posts are about L. I can only see a few reasons she would post these so publicly.
She genuinely just likes the songs and wanted to share
They are a message to someone who she can't communicate with readily
They are a message to the fandom
N has admitted she is chronically online. She is also incredibly smart and calculated about her decisions and what she allows the public to see. Finding songs that are so clearly about love and sex and sharing them "just because she likes them" makes no sense for N. Especially right now after all the speculation from the press tour and backlash L got after the pap walk and beyond. She knows what everyone will read into them and there has already been so much chatter around her love life for her to post songs like this willy-nilly.
If she wanted to share them to communicate with someone it would have to be with someone she can't easily call or text. Yes, she is a millennial and using songs to express your feelings is a core part of this generation. However, see my previous point. She wouldn't do this publicly unless she had a very good reason. And I personally think not having an open line of communication is one of the reasons. But I don't think that person is L. I actually think it's a message to A. More on this in a moment. 
Which brings me to the last point, that the songs could be meant for the fandom. I believe this is also one of the reasons. They were meant to share with the fandom that she is in love. Who is the fandom going to automatically think/hope they are about? Of course L. And these songs are incredibly L/N coded. So if she wanted to let us know she was in love and it wasn't about L, I truly believe she would be more deliberate in how she shared this information so it wasn't misinterpreted. She's also protective over L, and she wouldn't want to send that attention to him if it wasn't meant about him. 
Which brings us to the topic of A and the friend group. It has been eerily quiet from everyone (except T & C) since their return from Italy. T & C seem to be business as usual but everyone else disappeared. It feels a lot like pre Italy when we all thought something was going down. I still think it was. My gut feeling is things were tense with L&A between GQ & Italy but somehow got settled enough for the Italy trip. Upon returning, my guess is things soured again. Not 100% sure I can pinpoint what exactly the issue is, maybe it have to do with DM, but I don't think it really matters. The silence is deafening amidst all the very loud break up rumors and N's social presence this last week. 
Okay, so here is my delulu gut feeling for what is going on. Again, HUGE grain of salt here. I 100% recognize I could be reading everything wrong. 
The Italy trip and pictures being published was a bit of a breaking point for N. Not in a "sad girl moping over not being with L" kind of way. But in a "Fuck this, I'm not waiting. I'm going after my man" kind of way. I think something snapped and she decided she decided she was going all in to let him know she wanted to be with him and also let A (and L's other friends) know that she isn't holding back. Cue the shade of the CW birthday post, the scrabble board, possibly the shirt photo (though I'm unsure my thoughts on that at the moment), and most importantly the songs. 
The first song was such a deliberate choice. A song about a conversation on the telephone from someone you haven't heard from in a while is definitely going to trigger fans to speculate about L. And even if that wasn't her intention, we know she saw it is what everyone's reaction was. But she chose to leave the song up for the full 24 hours. Then 48 hours later, she decided to double down and post another song that has all kinds of messages about knowing someone very well and there not being any pretense. Almost as if she was confirming our suspicions, because what could be more L coded than that? 
The silence from A after all of this was shocking and very telling. N was poking the bear, and the bear was not responding. Even if N did not intend all this about L, the fandom was going crazy, and to remain silent for so long during these situations is not her norm. 
Which brings us to current events and rumors about Cyprus. Is/was L there with A? I honestly don't know and I go back and forth on it. On one hand, the rumors are based on two tweets from accounts that went private. One account is speculated to be from a Balkin country. But I do think A is either there right now or was there recently so it's very possible he was too. In truth, I honestly don't think it matters if he was because, again in my delulu gut feeling, sometime recently N has decided to make it very clear to L that she is in love with him. She decided to stop waiting for him to be passive in his relationship with A and just go for it. And I believe she's letting us and A know that this is happening. I don't think she would so confidently do that if it wasn't moving in the direction she hoped. 
I honestly wonder if, and lean towards the idea, A is in Cyprus without L because things are ending and she's getting some family support and maybe doesn't really have a place to live right now. I know some people also speculate she is there for a job and this could be needed if things are ending, but I haven't seen clear evidence of that yet. However, her post yesterday is showing me that she isn't going to go quietly and she is going to continue playing games and try to rile people up. I think we might be in for a rough few weeks if any of this delulu is correct. 
So that's my 2 cents for what it's worth. I will say, I have also had a roller coaster of emotions this week as many of you have. I go back and forth on a lot of things. But I keep bringing myself back to the last few stops on tour and how obviously in love with each other they were. The way things went in Galway with N's family and the "I will wait for you" song following that stop. And I can't get past the certainty that N is very intentional with what she shares and knowing how fans will interpret it. 
Cheers WH patrons as we approach rough waters ahead. 
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brainddeadd · 4 months
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general TWD violence and angst, fluff, suggestive
hinted that reader has a chronic illness but not specified
i have daryl brain rot
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Darly Dixon, who can't believe he's got a damn crush in the middle of the damned apocalypse 🙄
(Even though he doesn't know that's what it is. All he knows is that he can't stop thinking about you, worrying about you, wanting to protect you, wants you to eat well and be healthy, will fight anyone and everyone who looks at you wrong and always occasionally gets a fucken boner when thinking about you)
Darly Dixon, who keeps you in his sight when you're on a run together.
Daryl Dixon, who brings you shit he thinks you'd like and leaves it somewhere you find it.
(like when he gave Carol the flower for Sophia)
Darly Dixon, who catches you before you fall when you come across the corpse of someone you sued to know.
Daryl Dixon, who brings you a flower that night, perched in a beer bottle he cleaned out and filled with water, a supportive hand being placed on your shoulder briefly, before he's gone, leaving you to find comfort in Carol's arms.
Daryl Dixon, who refuses to let you go on a run with him for a few days after, claiming it's because you're emotional and need to rest, but telling Rick that it's because this was your home and there are likely to be more people you used to know.
Daryl Dixon, who makes sure to help you climb over shit and up walls when it's a necessary movement.
Darly Dixon, who complains when he's being nursed for the gun shot to the head but settles down when you walk in, knowing you won't let him argue.
Daryl Dixon, who cleans out your cell in the prison for you, telling you to rest and keep up your strength.
Darly Dixon, who freaks out when you hug him for the first time. Arms suspended in mid-air, body tense. Eventually, he rests them around you, hands flattening along your back, pulling you into him. His face sinks to your neck, and he relaxes into your hold.
Daryl Dixon, who knows something has changed between the two of you but can't pinpoint what it is. He doesn't ask, though. Doesn't want to scare you. So he let's the change happen. You spend more time by his side than you do away from it, hand brushing his when you walk.
Daryl Dixon, who finally asks one day, when you're preparing for a night away from camp, and he just can't seem to control the words from falling from his mouth. He's shocked when you tell him it's because you love him.
"Why?" It's a simple question, but it shocks you to your core. Does he really not know?
"Becayse you're you, Daryl Dixon." You say it like that's enough, like that makes it all make sense.
Darly Dixon, who let's you sit in silence for a while, unable to make his brain work well enough to tell you.. anything.
"I love ya, too, ya know."
"I know." He's not surprised that you know. He hasn't exactly tried to hide it from you. Couldn't even if he wanted to. But he wants you to feel the love he has for you, to feel any love in this world. Even though he can't bring himself to say it.
Daryl Dixon, who holds you close that night, body pressed to yours, his arms around your waist and his face pressed into your neck. Neither of you sleep, too aware of the other, of the particular issue he has. Neither of you make a move. It's not the right time. Not the right place.
Daryl Dixon, who kisses you gently in the morning, after he's made you eat. His hands stay by his sides, his crossbow on his back, and he catches you so off guard you barely manage to kiss him back.
"Ls go home."
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 months
Out of office is ON. Absolutely ZERO customer service duties until Monday and I am sososo relieved!
May i give you all a look at my exbf!dick WIP?
Watching that first edge of your relationship catch at the precipice of failure felt so much like grief it was alarming; letting go has never been something you’re good at, especially not when it comes to him.
But you couldn’t stop Dick Grayson from slipping through your fingers the same way he couldn’t stop you from slipping through his.
Ending the relationship was a mutual decision. But that fact brought no relief. He was still leaving you, and in the terrible reflection of that, you were leaving him too.
There was no coming back from that.
Your relationship ends on a Tuesday and first thing Wednesday morning you walk into Titans Tower to find Dick standing at the kitchen counter.
Time stalls, your whole life stuttering in a furious backfire.
Whatever you were expecting. It wasn’t this.
Memory blooms against the palms of your hands and it’s tangible, focus hard enough and your fingers could trip along the interlocking bones of his spine. It’s historic recollection, almost twelve months eclipsing the time it takes to blink; one trip around the sun together and your life comes back to you irrevocably changed.
Three hours of sleep isn’t enough to deal with this; you don’t think any amount of sleep is enough for this.
Dick stares at the wall just past your head, mug held halfway to his mouth. He’s still wearing the same clothes as last night, doesn’t look like he’s slept for even a minute, and you could throw a dart at what you’re feeling about that and still not pinpoint it exactly.
Silence seems to echo, then swell, and you can't help but fumble in the face of it, caught in foreign territory. You wasn’t quite sure what you were expecting, but seeing him again so soon wasn’t really on the list. For a moment you consider turning on the balls of your feet and leaving, and yet, you know that won’t solve anything.
A cup of coffee is pushed across the counter in your direction and you stare at it, bewilderment shoved up against the roof of your mouth. You know it’s made exactly the way you like it; know with the same sort of certainty that you bring into mission briefings, the same concrete accuracy you display in combat.
It feels like you’re going fucking crazy.
Glancing at Dick you try to gauge the look on his face but you can’t.
When you first starting dating it was hard to read between his lines–difficult to spot the miniscule changes in his mannerisms–you could stare him straight in the face and miss the switch; miss the split second where emotion filters through the cracks and he shuts it down, hides behind a smooth facade of indifference.
After all the time you spent together it got easier. You learnt. But you look at him now and you might as well have never known him at all.
Dick opens his mouth and every muscle along your spine flexes in preparation, "Let’s not make this weird, yeah?"
Your teeth grind.
What a fucking diplomat.
One thing about you is this: you’re petty. Hand on heart you can’t help it. You get wronged and hit back in the lowest form you can think of–the most inconvenient way your mind can conjure up. The satisfaction you get from it is unparalleled.
Years ago, your uncle told you to leave your own house after a disagreement and in retaliation you parked your car so close to his bumper he couldn’t get out of the space. Then you blocked his number and didn’t come back for three days.
Not once did you regret it.
Dick knows exactly what you’re like; who you are on the inside, and yet he arrives at the solution of damage control. As if that would have ever gotten a positive reaction out of you–as if there would be any moment in your life where you wouldn’t bite all the way back to your molars into something glaringly spiteful.
There’s a split second where you wonder if he’s doing it on purpose.
He knows you on a level you can’t speak about–knows you through all four seasons and right down to the cosmic dust that interlocks with the fabric of your being–and he’s so brilliantly clever. Strategist since he was a child. You don’t have a doubt in your mind that he knows what you’re about to do before you do it. The revelation stings the same way a papercut does, wound superficial and with clean edges, yet painful no matter what.
Dick Grayson knows you, and in a fit of something helpless and tearful, you wish he didn’t.
The mug of coffee tips in your fingers and you pour the whole damn thing down the drain.
“Yeah.” You say, blinking furiously, refusing to acknowledge the wobble in your voice. “Fuck that.”
Dick stares at you the whole time–the blue of his eyes almost flashing with something un-named–his free hand tightening into a fist. The exhilaration is damning, blood rushing up to greet the sick satisfaction sparking in the hollow of your throat.
Fuck him.
Fuck him so goddamn much.
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usedtobecooler · 2 years
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Pairing | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings | sexual content (18+ minors dni), DUBCON, dark themes, monster fucking, cunnilingus, fingering f receiving, piv sex, unprotected sex, mild anal play f receiving, dirty talking, degradation, squirting, crying, pussy slapping, spanking, face slapping, creampie, praise kink, biting, blood play, blood kink, no aftercare.
Word Count | 3.7k
A/N | just a lil something since it's halloween, it's only fair we delve into something a bit spooky and out of the ordinary. can't lie i've mortified myself this time but i'm so into it.
"Where have you been all my life?" A figure slides up beside you where you stand at the drinks table, cup in hand filled with some gross 'Halloween Punch' that Harrington had promised tasted good (it didn't), some shitty Blondie tune playing loud in the background, mostly drowned out by the rowdy noise of the party.
You turn your head to glance at said figure, to find Eddie Munson standing there with a smirk on his red stained lips. He's a vampire (you think?), albeit a fantastic one. You had to admit his costume was great as you drank in his appearance. He really had gone all out, red horns poking out from beneath his bangs, large black bat wings fanned out across his back, fingers dusted charcoal and he'd even gone to the trouble of sticking on impossibly long talon-like nails.
His actual outfit could be considered normal, a black button down silk shirt on his torso, two buttons open to reveal a chain dangling from his neck, what looked to be fake bite marks chomped into the surrounding skin. A simple pair of ripped jeans and white trainers to finish the look off, but you could forgive him for the lack of detail in the actual clothes with how good his prosthetics were.
"What are you supposed to be?" You ask, furrowed brows as you brush your hand out to touch his wings, feeling the soft, leathery texture under your fingertips. It feels expensive, which was weird because you were so sure Eddie was dirt poor. Maybe you were wrong.
"I suppose you could call me a vampire-bat hybrid?" Eddie smirks, and you bite your glossy red lip when you see the two crystal white fangs sparkle in the light. Fangs had always done it for you, really, there was something about vampires that got you all hot and bothered.
"Looks good," You say eventually, voice strained as you bring your cup up to your mouth and swig a little of the absolutely vile concoction. You screw your face up in disgust as you swallow, trying to ignore the way the liquid almost comes back up as fast as it goes down.
Eddie crowds into your space, leaning over you to grab a bottle of Bud sat just inches from where you were. Your breath hitches at the feeling of him so close to you, his scent and the cold coming from his body enough to make you feel dizzy.
There was something off about him that you couldn't quite pinpoint. You admittedly hadn't seen Eddie Munson since you graduated in '84 and left Hawkins rather abruptly to study across the country. But you remembered him being a little warmer than this, a little shyer, a little more human.
You stand there awkwardly for a moment longer before excusing yourself to the bathroom, feigning that you needed to rearrange your costume - a party city zombie cheerleader outfit, not exactly enough to leave much to the imagination, and not really an outfit that needed fixing, but Eddie takes your word for it, and you bounce off without another word.
Knowing Steve well enough, you sneak into his room to use his own private bathroom, any party goers being schmucks and using the main bathroom that had a queue the size of Hawkins outside of it. You were surprised he wasn't in there himself with some girl, the room completely void of human life.
You give yourself a second, brushing out your skirt and pulling your ponytail tight. The costume wasn't a far cry from your days at Hawkins High, you were an it girl in those days after all. Not head cheerleader, but on the team - people had liked you more for other reasons.
You unclick the lock on the bathroom door, pulling it open to come face to face with the person you'd ran away from. You jump out of your skin a little, Eddie's face lit up with a little smirk at the reaction he elicits from you. You furrow your brows and shut the door behind you, making to leave without a word, but he won't let you.
It truly was dizzying being up this close to Eddie, his body crowding in on yours and backing you up against Steve's door, and you swear you see his wings curl in too but that could be from the one too many drinks you'd plied yourself with.
"Are you scared of me?" Eddie asks, picking up on the way your heart races and thuds loudly beneath your ribcage, making his fangs ache and his head cloudy with need to sink in and taste the wet, metallic gush of your blood.
"N-no," You stutter, head lulling to the side a little to invite him in, to let him nuzzle his nose in and smell you properly, which he does so gratefully, the pointed edges of his fangs sliding out to graze at your goosebump riddled skin, making you shiver, "does... does anybody know?"
Eddie huffs out a little laugh against your skin, fangs disappearing so he can press a sweet kiss to your neck, "Know what? Do you think there's something wrong with me?"
You gasp out loud at the feeling of Eddie's lips on you, the way his big hands come out to grasp at your hips and hold you in place, "I don't - I don't know, Eddie. You don't seem like yourself. You're not the guy I remember."
Your head is hazy, a mixture of alcohol and whatever weird spell Eddie was putting on you enough to have you confused and doubting yourself. Maybe you truly were just crazy and making this up in your drunk brain, but you were almost positive you knew what was going on here. It terrified you, and you wanted to back away, but it was like your feet were planted firmly in their place, glued down and rendering you unable to run.
Eddie smirks against your neck, hand running from your hip to brazenly slide under your skirt, and you can't help but notice his nails have somehow disappeared, soft pads of his fingers running along your clothed folds, "Your soaking wet pussy tells me you like this though, sweetheart. So wet you're drenching your panties for me."
You shiver, a moan escaping your lips as he moves your panties to the side, exposing your cunt to the cool air. His cold fingers expertly find your clit right away, rubbing it in slow, hard circles that have you mewling.
Your whole body feels like it's on fire, a sensation you've never felt as Eddie assaults your cunt with his fingertips, you're trapped in a trance that you can't pull yourself out of, all of your senses rushing with Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
Your hands come out to grip at his hair, fingertips accidentally knocking one of his horns and he growls, snapping back from his place in your neck to stare you down with hard eyes, fingertips stuttering on your clit and suddenly he's slapping your cunt hard. You let out a shocked, high-pitched moan at the harsh sting vibrating through your folds and your bundle of nerves, leaving you in a cold sweat and your legs almost buckling.
"Hands to your fucking self, I'm in charge here." Eddie's voice is quiet, but his words come out so harsh and venomous that it frightens you, though your cunt clenches uncontrollably, like it has a mind of its own, "Go lie on the fucking bed and spread your legs like the whore you are."
You do it wordlessly and without question, your legs moving before your brain can comprehend it, like you're under a spell. At this point, you're wondering if you are, because the real you wasn't like this - she doesn't let herself be bossed around, she doesn't allow men to touch her without her say so. You know it's bad, yet you can't stop it, because it doesn't feel wrong in the way it should.
Steve's bed is big and plush, nothing less could be expected of him really, and you sink into it, propping yourself up on your elbows so you didn't feel so vulnerable, spreading your legs wide like Eddie commanded of you. He creeps towards you like a predator stalking his prey, his dark eyes almost black now and something behind them that you can't quite pinpoint.
In the dim light Eddie's skin appears to be flushed a deep red that almost looks supernatural, like he'd covered himself in oil paints. He grabs a tight hold of your ankles and pulls them, yanking you down the bed until your ass is almost over the edge. You watch him in awe as he kneels on the floor in front of you, head going under your short skirt.
"You won't be needing these." He mutters against the insides of your thighs, then you feel and hear him ripping at the lacey material of your panties. They fall in tatters to the floor, discarded to be long forgotten about.
You gasp as he plants wet, sloppy kisses to the insides of your thighs, and you feel the points of his fangs brush the skin just hard enough to feel like a papercut. Your fingers clench into the sheets, blown away by how even the slightest touch has you a wet, whimpering mess for him.
"Your cunt smells so fuckin' good," Eddie groans, nestling his nose in between your folds and inhaling deep, "so sweet, just like the rest of you. Good enough to eat."
"Wha-" Your voice dies in your throat as Eddie's long pointed tongue comes out to lick a stripe up the seam of your pussy. He finds your clit as fast with his tongue as he did with his fingers, latching on and suckling at it hard.
The noises escaping you are sad and pathetic, truly, for all it is he's actually doing. You're moaning like you'd never been touched in your life, begging and pleading, "Eddie, please, fuck."
Your hips buck into his face of their own accord and Eddie growls against your cunt, his big hand coming up to shove your hips back down, forearm laying across the width of your pelvis to hold them down so you couldn't move. You can't even focus enough to brace yourself for two of his fingers from the opposite hand circling your entrance and sliding in to the hilt until it's too late.
The slick sounds of your wet cunt being assaulted by Eddie's mouth and fingers fill your senses, making you gush even wetter and clench around his thick fingers. They're so deep you can feel his rings catching on your hole and breaching slightly, it's enough to have you feeling dizzy with want and need.
Your arms finally give out and you fall flat against the bed, mewling and eyes pricking wet with tears as the pads of Eddie's fingers run along your spongey spot and don't let up. You can feel your orgasm building quickly, tummy winding tight and the hot heat spreading through your whole body.
Eddie's mouth is utterly sinful, his tongue working your clit expertly like he'd done this a thousand times before, like something straight out of a porn flick. Your body succumbs to him like you're his for the taking, like his fingers were meant to be buried deep in your cunt forever and his mouth was made specifically for you.
You come so hot and fast you're crying, sobbing wetly, moaning and thrashing uselessly as Eddie's fingers are forced out of you from the sheer power of it - all he does is bury his face harder in your cunt in retaliation. You gush wet and hard enough that you hear it trickling onto the hardwood floor in front of Eddie's knees, feel it run down your ass.
Eddie licks you clean, sharp tongue running all the way down to your asshole and even sucking you dry there, big hands moving to spread your cheeks and shove his face in. In your state you can't find it in you to be embarrassed or feel disgusted, your body feeling like jelly and placid enough that Eddie could do whatever he wanted and get away with it.
You're so out of it that you don't realise Eddie moving you up the bed and tearing your shirt off until he's hovering between your legs and your tits are on full display. He leans down to lick and bite at the round of your left breast, his large hand grabbing the other and kneading it. His wings are encasing you both now, enough to shield you from view if anyone were to walk in.
The wetness of your tears roll down the sides of your face and pool in your ears and hair. Somewhere in your subconscious you're begging him to stop, but your body is keening into him, and your lips betray you with the noises of content that fall from them.
You make to lift your hands up to shove him away, but Eddie's reflexes are incredible and his own hands come out to grasp at your wrists and force them down onto the bed, holding you down tightly. You try to thrash around but it dies when Eddie bares his fangs and sinks them into the flesh of your tit.
The feeling that overcomes you is something you'd never felt before, your body flushes hot like you have a high fever, your skin prickling with want as your tummy coiled up in knots. Eddie drinks from you in silence, the only noises to be heard are the slight slurp of wetness from your dripping blood and the moans escaping your lips.
You come again. Hard, hot and fast. Not a single part of Eddie's body near your cunt, yet you're shuddering and gushing wet on the bed, enough to soak the comforter beneath your legs and ass.
It feels wrong, your pussy clenching around nothing and your body wracking with aftershocks. Eddie's fangs retract and he's smirking against your skin, tongue lapping up the blood still trickling from the wounds on your breast.
"Dirty fuckin' slut, coming just from my fangs in you. You're so fucking easy for it, what a silly little girl." Eddie laughs at you and you're crying again, squeezing your eyes shut as he mocks you, but you like it, you're so ashamed you can't stop the tears from falling.
Eddie roughly grips your chin, shaking you a little until you open your eyes. You're mortified by the sight in front of you, your blood dripping down Eddie's chin and neck, spreading down the open neck of his shirt.
He looks like a monster, the facade gone and his true form on display in all of its glory. He looks deranged, eyes as black as the Devil's, skin flushed crimson and his fangs on full display. The only thing reminding you that it's Eddie perched in front of you is his curly hair, looking out of place on his body. You should be scared, turned off, trying to back out of the door and run for your life.
Yet, you still lie there, with your legs spread for him and refusing to budge. You hazard letting your hands come out to grasp at his silk shirt and he surprisingly lets you, lets you unbutton it with nimble fingers until the front is open and exposing the bites in his toned chest and stomach.
Something had done a number on him; you know that much. Chunks of flesh are missing, deep enough that he should be dead. Through the fog of your brain, you're aware now more than ever that he probably is in fact dead - the undead.
Time was a mere concept to you in your hazy state, as you watch Eddie unbuckle the belt on his jeans, sliding them down his thighs with his underwear to expose himself, hard cock springing out into the cool air, making him hiss.
You shoot up from your place on the bed, sitting up properly to get a good look at what was in front of you.
It was like nothing you'd ever seen in your life.
It was a dick, that much was obvious, clearly. But it matched the rest of his undead body, flushed deep red from base to tip. Where there should've been veins, there were now symmetrical ridges, all the way down to the fat head. The head itself was curved upwards, almost like it was made for stroking a gspot.
And, to put it bluntly, it was fucking huge. Your mouth watered uncontrollably, the urge to reach out and touch it tugging at your gut.
Eddie reaches out and slaps you with a flat palm against your cheek, the connection loud enough to snap you out of your trance, "I said, get up on your knees. Be a good girl and ride me."
Your body moves subconsciously, trading places with Eddie and swinging your leg over so you were hovering just above his hard cock. You couldn't stop yourself even if you wanted to. At this point, you're so far gone that even the voice niggling at the back of your head had died down, leaving you a wanton, submissive mess.
He makes the first move, grabbing his cock by the base and running the head between your folds, getting himself nice and wet. Eddie makes no noise as an indicator as to whether he's genuinely enjoying this or not, just breaches your cunt with the tip until you're gasping and rocking your hips a little.
It's wide, a ridiculous stretch that you're not used to and probably could never get used to. Eddie grips onto your ass with his free hand, slapping it hard enough that you slide down another inch, your back arching a little and tears forming in your eyes.
"Little baby can't take my cock, how cute," Eddie's voice is condescending, mocking you enough to have your cunt clench around him, eliciting a hiss from his lips, "you're gonna take it all like a good fuckin' girl, aren't you?"
Another slap to your ass has you sliding down again, taking in another inch. You can feel every ridge of his cock, every weird texture, the fat bulb of the head already abusing your soft spot. It hurt, but it hurt so good, like you were being stretched apart from the inside.
Eddie grows impatient at how slow you're going, grabbing a tight hold of your hips and impaling you on the last of his cock until you're screaming, fingertips gripping at his mauled shoulders as you cry, cunt gripping sporadically around the length of him.
You feel so full it's pathetic, if you poked your tummy you'd be able to feel him nestled in your stomach. Could probably see it if you wanted to hazard a glance down.
"You're such a whiny little thing, aren't you? Crying for me," Eddie coos, bucking his hips up a little for emphasis until you're biting out a wet sob, "your little sobs sound like music in my ears, sweetheart."
He doesn't let you become accustomed to the size of his cock in you, lifting your hips up as if you're weightless and shoving you back down to the hilt. You moan in between your cries, body going lax in his hands as you let him do what he wants with you.
Eddie's demeanor breaks eventually and he moans into the expanse of your throat, massive cock fucking into you relentlessly from below and there's nothing you can do but take it, feeling every bit of him consuming your body, "Such a good little slut for me, taking my monster cock so well. You love it, huh? Love being treated like a little fuck toy."
You nod, tears streaming consistently, "Y-yes, Eddie. F-fuck, m'so full." You cry out, the sounds of your soaking wet cunt sucking his cock in making you clench impossibly tighter around him, "Bite me again, aah, wanna come again, please."
Your wet sobs are almost enough to have Eddie folding, sinking his teeth into you without a second thought, but instead his large hand comes up to grab your ponytail, pulling your head back until you're looking at the ceiling as his hips snap up into your own, "Scream a bit louder. Want everyone at this party to hear you cry and beg for me."
The head of Eddie's cock is relentless on your spongey spot, his hips snapping into yours hard enough you're going to be left with so many bruises, "Eddie!" Your voice is primal, you'd never heard yourself sound like this before, "Pleasepleaseplease, m'begging, let me come."
"Atta girl, begging for me all sweet." Eddie smirks, pulling your ponytail impossibly tighter until your back is arched, he leans over and bites into your neck, sinking his fangs in to the hilt as his hips continue to fuck up into you, the brutal assault feeling like it's never ending.
The hot waves of pleasure wash over you so quick you barely comprehend it, the feeling of Eddie feeding from your veins making your cunt clench around his cock as you come again, squirting wet and hot all over him, drenching his balls and his thighs.
Eddie shoves you onto your back without pulling out, driving into you deep and impossibly fast with his fangs still in your throat. He comes not long after, succumbing to the feeling of your tight pussy and your hot blood dripping down his throat, a deep groan escaping him as he buried himself in to the hilt as your clenching cunt helped work him through, "You're mine now, sweetheart. Don't think I'm done with you, I'll be back."
You pass out with his words swimming in your head, for how long you're unsure, but when you wake up Eddie is gone, the fog that clouded your brain leaving with him.
Your aching neck, leaking cunt and bruised body the only reminder he was ever there.
You wonder if he meant it, if you truly would ever see him again.
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sharedramblings · 1 year
Summary: Tonight, something Larissa can't quite pinpoint bothers her.
Author's note: *Pretends I wasn't radio silent for a while* This is just a little something something because why not?
Ever since you accepted Larissa's proposal of sharing her own quarters with you, there's this tiny straight forward routine that became a habit of yours. And there's one in particular that you wouldn't forget to do.
Whenever you're in front of the wooden door that separates her office to the hallway, your eyes would sweep over the golden plaque that bears her name. Principal Weems. You will always rapt at the door with the rhythm Larissa knew was yours. Something you made up so she'll recognize that it's you. And then you'll slowly open it, peeking in to observe and see if you need to be quiet.
More often than not, you need to be silent, padding your way towards her working, sitting form to do the thing you always do before retiring to your private chambers to get out of your work clothes. You always give her a kiss on the cheek. A greeting of sorts. A wordless 'I'm back home'. A nonverbalize I've missed you. The first show of affection after spending the day separately. And the blonde you were lucky to call yours in return would give you that soft smile of hers that you love so much.
You've been keeping it up for a month now. It's something so small yet something so important to you, and the feeling comes naturally. Without second thoughts or any single thought for that matter. And then you're up and about. Moving to settle yourself on the black leather sofa in front of her fireplace.
You knock, open the door, peek in, walk to her, kiss her cheek, change into comfortable clothes, and then you'll go back to her office to accompany her until she's satisfied and done with the day. Or at least until you nudge her to eat dinner with you.
That's basically how you go. She's working on an email? You'll make sure you don't fully burst the bubble that she's in, only taking her attention off of her screen for a while to kiss her cheek. She's on the phone, talking to someone? Then your feet carefully and only lightly make any sound on your way to her, holding her shoulder before leaning in to peck her cheeks, squeezing after to signal her silently that you'll leave her be.
Today though, as you peek inside to see what she's doing, you see her intently (as always) focused on her laptop, but this time her eyes were taking in whatever or whoever was speaking. Her posture screams business, and she only flits her gaze for a second to regard you before going back to the screen. She's in a meeting, and you're sure that it requires her to open her camera. Shuffling towards the door of the bedroom as cautiously as possible, you only catch tidbits of the conversation, ready to wash away the stress and anything work-related off of your mind and body.
Feeling refreshed after tidying up, you went back out to Larissa's office, plopping down on the chair just in front of the fire. You sighed contentedly, looking at the way the fire flickers about. It's entertaining and it doesn't need much of your energy to watch it dance. It's exactly what you needed.
A few minutes passed by and you heard them exchanging their good byes and thank yous. It's when silence officially overtakes the whole room that you decide to turn your head to the blonde, wanting to observe her for a bit. She remains motionless, eyes trained still on her laptop but it looks like she's not really present, gaze giving that far away look while her eyebrows were slightly furrowed.
That made you mirror her expression. Did something happen while you were showering?
There's an uneasiness that resided in Larissa's chest in the last quarter of the meeting, and she can't really shake it off. Something was... wrong. But she doesn't know what. Just that it was bugging her, whatever it was. She thought it might have something to do with the meeting, but the feeling stayed even after she pressed the end button.
You cough, successfully catching her attention. A frown made its way on her red lips when your eyes meet, and that's when you stood up to go near her.
"Who do I have to fight, Rissa?" You jokingly asked. It's what you say most of the time when someone seems to frustrate her. That's what you deduce with the little context that you have. Someone in the meeting had said something idiotic.
She didn't utter a word, simply looking at you as you inch closer and closer. She keeps on thinking, trying her best to guess what's wrong. You squeeze her arm, ducking just a little to give her that short sweet kiss on her left cheek.
Oh, that. That's it. That's what was bothering her. You didn't kiss her in greeting like you normally do.
Her shoulders instantly relaxed after, the heavy feeling quickly evaporating away. Her arms immediately secured you in place as you straightened back up. She pulled you in a hug, her face situated on your favorite shirt. It took you by surprise, but the affection was absolutely welcome. Your heartbeat went faster, the warmth that Larissa could always instill in you spreading in your chest. Despite that, worry still gnaws at you because the cuddle usually only begins when you're both in bed.
You wrap one of your arms on the back of her head, your free hand lightly and carefully combing through her still styled hair to apply a light pressure on her scalp for a gentle massage. You place another kiss on the top of her head, and the hot breath that fanned your clothed tummy as she deeply exhaled let you know that she appreciates it.
"Long day?"
Larissa hums, tightening her hold on you. It was more like just a sound rather than an actual confirmation. She lifts her head up to look at you, her chin resting on your abdomen. You meet her gaze, staring softly at her breathtaking lovely blue eyes.
"Can we stay like this for a bit more?" She asked in a whisper, voice soft and has you going weak in the knees.
You're not about to deny her with what she wants so you cup her cheeks in your palm, whispering softly back to her. "Of course. Anything you want, my love"
This time you give her a sweet quick kiss on her forehead before she adjusts her position, her ear pressing to your middle. She's utterly relaxed under your gentle ministrations, concluding in her mind that she'd like to spend the rest of the night in your arms now.
Larissa didn't actively thought of how that quick peck on her cheek that you always give her when you're back home means so much to her, but now that she's aware of it, she'll make sure she'll receive it as soon as you enter the threshold of her office. No matter what's keeping her occupied.
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thewitcheress2389 · 1 year
Could you write a story where the reader's whole body aches, but reader keeps it secret from Geralt? I personally have a health issue so I've terrible pains especially in the mornings...
I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you enjoy this story then!💖
And sorry for the long wait...I've been feeling down for a while and going through some stuff, so sorry if things ever take a while. I have other stories on other blogs I'm still sorting through as well, but I'm posting this now cause I feel bad. Stay lovely everyone, and I hope you feeling happy and having good times!💖
Body Aches
In hopes to not worry the witcher, you try to keep your body pain to yourself. But you forget that a witcher has such keen senses.
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You woke up the same way every day, with painful aches all over your body. There was no reason that you could entirely pinpoint that would explain it. You've done nothing taxing to make your body do this. It was just something that has become a part of your daily routine.
But you kept it to yourself.
Geralt stayed with you. Your house was a sanctuary that he could come to rest and heal, and because of that, you didn't want to worry him with any health issues that you had. The witcher had enough to deal with when it came to beasts and demons, and you saw how he was when he came back. Tired.
He didn't need to worry about you, especially when your demon couldn't be hunted down and killed.
But no matter how hard you try, keeping it secret wasn't exactly an option.
You woke up that morning, trying your best to not wake Geralt, who was asleep beside you. Your whole body ached to the point that moving even a bit caused you to whimper in pain. In truth, you were quiet enough that you figured that no one would be able to hear you, and you could keep this a secret for a while longer.
However, Geralt was a witcher.
"Alright. I've had it. What's wrong?" Geralt's voice caused you to scream and nearly fall off the bed, making more pain shoot through your body.
Turning around, you noticed that it looked like he just woke up. White hair disheveled, sweat from whatever nightmare or hot dream he had, and he was still shirtless. However, his eyes were clear, like he had been awake for hours.
"W-What do you mean?" You tried to play it cool, keeping your muscles as still as they could possibly be. But it was hard, and Geralt saw right through you.
"For hours now you've been shuffling around, uncomfortable. I could hear you whimpering. And it wasn't just this morning either." Geralt said and you wanted to go and hide yourself in a hole. He's known, and it's been for days.
You forgot about a witcher's super human hearing. You blushed in shame.
"So, I ask you again...what's wrong?" Geralt pressed further, sitting up more to look at you. You played with your hands a bit before sighing.
"It's just...my body aches randomly. I don't know why or how or what to do about it." You confessed, tucking some hair behind your ear. Geralt nodded to himself, remaining calm.
"Why not tell me?" He asked. It was a fair enough question, and you figured you had a fair enough answer. However, with the way his cat-eyes were boring into you, you thought otherwise.
"I didn't want to worry or burden you...you have enough going on." You told him and he fought the urge to tell you otherwise because your feelings were valid. But still, you shouldn't need to keep secrets like this.
"I was going to worry either way, but now that it's out in the open, I can help." Geralt said, moving the subject along so you don't dwell on any guilt or other feelings you might have in this situation.
You gave him a perplexed look.
"No offense Geralt, but you aren't exactly Mister Healing Hands. There's nothing that can be done." You said in defeat, knowing this is exactly what would happen. He would find out and want to help, but there is none. No healer could make it go away, so why could he.
"I can't, but perhaps Triss or Yen can." He offered the assistance of the sorceresses, and you smiled faintly. You didn't want to bring them into this, but perhaps magic would be your answer.
And Geralt looked like he wasn't going to back down.
"Thank you..." Was all you could say at the moment, and that's when Geralt laid back down again.
"Good. Now, let's try to get a bit more sleep. If you can't, please tell me this time." The witcher said, and you agreed before slowly moving to lay beside him.
You thought it was good to keep this to yourself, but you felt such a weight off your shoulders knowing that he not only knew, but that he cared as well.
With his assistance, maybe the pain can finally go away.
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usopps-devotee · 2 years
can you PLEASE write some fluff/comfort for your angst Luffy writing? 😫 i wanna give him forehead kisses and cuddles PLEASE
(it was amazing btw!!!)
Anon I know what you asked for but imma make this a series and giving this to yall next time, but life has been interesting (derogatory) since the beginning of February 😋
Pt 1 not your fault
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, like one mention of blood, no harm tho its used as an expression, please know it's okay to ask for help sometimes, mention of skipping meal.
Wc 1.3k
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It's been some time since you found him crying, the only immediately noticeable change is Luffy seems to be more aware of you and touch you than before. Maybe that's why he noticed your disappearance today. The reason why he's noticed every flinch within the last week, the tears that started to well up but didn't fall when you dropped a teacup, trying your best to laugh it off as Sanji and robin assured you it was okay. The moment of deep breaths after any loud sounds, Luffy swears he saw your soul leave your body when Usopp and Franky started to try something new with Sunny's cannon. Zoro was there to notice the last one too joking about you being jumpy, your captain surely noticed you becoming quieter after that moment.
So when he walked into your room without knocking, he didn't mind being hit in the face with the pillow you threw. Not knowing or caring who it might have been, only focused on the darkness of being hidden under the covers. You heard his footsteps come closer as he tried to figure out where your head was. When it was located he sat down and pulled you into his lap. Not bothered to move the plush fortress you are surrounded in. Being so close to him helped, your body relaxed at the contact, not knowing how much you may have needed the connection.
"You missed breakfast, Sanji said you missed dinner as well." 
Knowing this isn't exactly about the missed meals, while he is worried about that, it's more so the fact that you haven't left your room. Being one of, if not the most, cuddly members of the crew seeing you spend so much time alone was jarring to him. After all, if Luffy had a problem he came to you. So why couldn't you do the same, was he the problem? Is someone else on the ship? What could be disturbing you so much?
The worst part is if you were honest, you didn't have a clue. You had just been feeling wrong, completely off without reason. Now that your captain has found you alone and distressed, it only makes the tangles and knots in your gut feel worse. Guilt plagued you as you didn't have to see his face to know that his wide eyes had been staring down at you for any movement, for any symptom that you could be getting better or worse. For any kind of response really, he just hopes it's not more remorse. When he does finally feel you move it's a good 30 seconds of trying to get one hand out of the blanket before you're tugging him closer. There's the feeling of his arms wrapping around your body as his heartbeat can now be heard through the thick blanket. You're not sure how much it helped but it definitely helped the tears stuck in your eyes finally fall.
You feel yourself starting to shake as a voice in the back of your head tells you you're being dramatic. You have no clue what started this ache, with him here you can't push it down till it goes away like you were trying to do. It bubbles up and slowly consumed you, not able to pinpoint whatever emotion this is all you can focus on is how overstimulating everything is. You can't concentrate on his heartbeat anymore, you can hardly breathe. Choking on the first sob before you feel it come up. There's nothing to hide, you're mental state is as scattered as paint across a floor. Desperate for something, anything, to ground you. Luckily luffy is still there, peeling the covers off from over your head, you're too trapped in it to notice that most of the movement isn't coming from you.
He's worried about you hyperventilating, the last thing he wants is for you to pass out at a time like this. You haven't even told him what's wrong yet. You helped him with him and he wants to do the same, he wants to solve it if he can. He made sure to take things slowly, not rushing to any conclusions, just being there in the moment. Seeing your face filled with tears made him want to jump into action. There has to be something he can do to get them to stop. All he could think to do was hold you close, going as far as to place the shank's hat on your head to see if that would help. Everything only made you sob harder.
The hand thought placed on his chest now balled into a fist gripping his shirt for dear life, the other wrapped around his shoulders so you buried your face in his neck. It's highly plausible the rest of the crew can hear your despair, as your captain Luffy would make sure you are not teased for this, just as he put Zoro through a mini hell for laughing at you days before. He wants to treasure you, you're the only one who lets him feel human, let him feel and express instead of hiding behind his smile. He's so lost in his thoughts he almost missed you speak.
"Thank you."
It's hushed and horse, no surprise as all you've done today is sleep and cry. But it's the only thing you can think to say. To your surprise, those two little words shocked Luffy. Why are you thanking him? He hasn't done anything yet? Were you just overwhelmed? Now he's just as lost in your emotions as you are. He really doesn't want to rush, nor does he know how to ask. Confusion is written across his face, he does reach one conclusion. Touch helps, he helped him, it was helping you, so what had you done that night that when you comforted him? He's brought back to the kiss you placed on his forehead, full of warmth and comfort, maybe the same would work for you.
Sheer embarrassment, terror, and panic flooded through your system as Luffy tiled your chin up towards his face. Causing more tears to well up and fall but he kisses them all away. Starting from where they would gather and fall off your chin he worked his way up one side of your face, kissing all the tears he could see and then the corner of your eye before moving to the other one. For the first time in days you smile, you smile, it's not faked, forced, or caused by nervousness. None of it, it's a real, genuine smile. It makes Luffy beam from ear to ear as he now sprinkled kisses anywhere he could reach. It makes you laugh, he's never been happier to hear the sound of your laughter. He'd kiss you forever if it meant you'd never be sad again. But he still had that nagging question in his gut.
"What made you cry in the first place?" He almost reconsidered the question when the smile immediately dropped from your face. Maybe he should have asked another day or basked in it a bit longer. "I- I don't know, I just- everything feels so-" Wrong, out of order, discombobulated. Like your heart has been thrown against a wall just to see the blood splattered. There's definitely a strong emotion behind this all but you're struggling to articulate it. Whatever it might be. "It's fine if you don't know, just tell me how to help, okay?" You nodded thinking, trying to get your mind out of the dark place that it currently resides in. The only thing that has helped so hard was him, his voice, his arms, the sound of his heart beating, his smell, his kisses, everything about Luffy rang with comfort there was nothing else you could want or need but him.
"Please just don't let me go."
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deathsbestgirl · 4 months
So Never Again. Just saw this post and the way she looks up at him there is on a level with Mulder’s famous Fallen Angel eyes and his reaction to her? He doesn't melt? He chooses violence and being a dick? Please tell me why.
i LOVE this question because it is so easy to see it from scully's perspective. it's her episode. but you really have to think about mulder's perspective.
for mulder, this seems out of nowhere, and in his mind she was extremely inattentive with his informant on a case he's taking seriously. he doesn't understand what she's really asking or what the problem is, and a big part of that is she doesn't exactly either. it's almost like she's blaming him for the stand still in her life, but at the same time wants to be seen & appreciated (in a way that she understands, can feel, can see). and i don't think she could have figured it out the way she needed to with mulder. she needed the safety of talking to a stranger, someone inconsequential to her life. (like there's no way she could have that "other fathers" conversation with him lol) so ed jerse is the one to give her that. (she does with ed what she can't yet do with mulder. something neither of them are ready for and she isn't brave enough to do yet. and like. idk i just think she needed this! regardless of mulder lol)
like: "this isn't about you. or maybe it is, indirectly. i don't know." the one thing she got right is "i don't know" lol so of course mulder is confused!!
if you place leonard betts first, she's contemplating what she's leaving behind. has she had any impact working on the x files? on mulder? who is going to remember her? what evidence of her life will be left? in that office...it looks like she's had very little effect. (but i do not subscribe to this one.)
if never again is first, which i like better lollll (it makes more sense to me. i understand why people like lb first, it's more clear cut. it puts a reason behind her behavior. but i just don't think it quite fits. scully literally doesn't know what's wrong. if she was already worried about cancer, i think it would come across differently. but she's frustrated & confused and she wants for something she can't admit, express, pinpoint, articulate? idk what word i'm looking for lol) scully's just hit that point in her pattern again, her cycle...it took her four years, and after some rough cases (paper hearts – she couldn't help mulder despite how she tried, el mundo gira – a dead end. and idk, so many of their cases. and she's always wrong, he always does the crazy thing, he's always hurt)...well anyway, at the end he's still asking "all because i didn't get you a desk?" he still isn't quite understanding, until she says it's her life and he almost says "yes but it's become mine." he doesn't say it, they sit in silence, and in leonard betts, he tells her she did a good job & should be proud. all his little jokes like he's trying to make her laugh, to get back to their usual banter. because he wants to make her smile. so he understood at least a little by leonard betts. but they also come to a silent understanding. i just love the way kae talks about it. and i think the end is kind of the explanation for the beginning. the end is the real answer to the whole episode, and what it took to get there...and this post here, kae just understands him and talks about him in a way that i feel. it's exactly what i see in a way i could never articulate. (and she does my favorite thing!!! connects different moments. the characterization is so good.) and she has such a special insight to both of them, different patterns, but to me two sides of the same coin.
and so, either way, at the beginning of never again, he's completely thrown because he doesn't know. this is when their bad verbal communication and personal issues/insecurities/fears take hold. they're both so good at taking too much responsibility.
we're seeing into scully's mind a bit, but we aren't really seeing into his. but he's afraid, he doesn't want her to leave (something he's feared for a long time), he thinks space is the answer to whatever's going on. but he's also kinda needy and he can't just say that. so he calls her and they misunderstand each other again and she makes a date. he isn't trying to be an ass but he's scared & defensive, and he gets like that when she makes him nervous. like whenever she believes (beyond the sea, revelations, all souls, en ami). it feels like that to me. he's afraid, but this time he thinks he's the problem, their work is the problem. and he kinda said the worst thing he could say to her at that moment. "you were just assigned" — he has no idea how she understood that, how it hurts her. (and she's not thinking about how he means it, what he thinks/feels/fears.) and really, it's because she sucks at just saying the thing as much as he does. it takes them a long time to work out their direct communication. their unspoken communication, the way they work on their cases doesn't translate to their personal relationship. as intimate as their partnership is, working through their own issues takes time and it's those things that hinder them moving forward for so long. ya know?
i think @randomfoggytiger talks about it beautifully here — in depth essay on never again. here they touch on mulder's fear/walls & scully's insecurities/needs. it's a journey!! which they talk about here. and i forget what this one was (lol) but i'm sure i saved it for a reason: a little master post. i love the way foggy breaks things down, especially visually. it's something i could never do.
i also reblogged some other never again posts. not completely on topic but it's all connected!! (you can definitely go through my never again tag to see more probably too!)
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ilovetheriddler · 4 months
A Date With Fear.
(Dark Knight Trilogy) Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane x F!Reader.
Word Count: 969.
(This takes place during the events of Batman Begins timeline wise.)
Contents: A simple Coffe date, a slightly uneasy feeling.
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You cautiously made your way to the agreed upon location. The new coffee place that was only about thirty minutes away from your place of work. You were still incredibly nervous and somewhat still confused at the fact that Doctor Crane had actually asked you if you wanted to meet him for coffee.
You were honestly quite a bit flustered over the whole idea. Jonathan Crane was by no means a bad looking man. In fact, you found him to be quite attractive. So, a part of you genuinely was struggling to fully wrap your head around it.
Was this a date...? No, no, it couldn't be. It was simply going to be two colleagues having a nice cup of coffee together... nothing more, nothing less. But nether the less. You were extremely excited. However... in the back of your mind were the rumors. The slight whispers and quiet courtroom chatter about Jonathan and how he truly was.
That there was something.... Off about him, that most people couldn't quite pinpoint. Of course, you thought those rumors were preposterous. Yeah, sure, Doctor Crane was a tad bit strange at times. But he's a respected and fantastic psychologist. So perhaps his odd behavior was simply a result of his chosen profession? At least, that's what you chose to believe.
You finally walk into the Cafe, it's surprising fairly empty at the moment, so spotting Doctor Crane wasn't exactly difficult, thankfully. You walked over and sat down across from him. Clearing your throat nervously before speaking.
"Dr. Crane! Um.. Good afternoon. Have you been waiting long?"
"Please, there's no need to be so formal. Just call me Jonathan, I insist. And no, I just got here shortly before you did, my dear."
He adjusted his glasses slightly as he took a sip from the cup of coffee he had already ordered before you showed up. You ordered a simple coffee as well. You could feel yourself sweating, you were a nervous wreck, and you weren't even sure why! It's just two people getting coffee together for Pete's sake!
"You're awfully quiet. Is something wrong, my dear?"
"Oh.. um, it's nothing, Jonathan. I'm um... I'm not sure why I'm so nervous..."
Jonathan chuckled at this slightly, taking another sip from his coffee. You sigh to yourself and try to calm your nerves some. It's fine, everything is fine. Jonathan Crane is well-respected in his field of work. It's not like he's some type of monster that'll tear you limb from limb, so honestly, this type of worry and.... Slight fear even? Is entirely ridiculous. You reassure yourself.
He tilts his head slightly as he stares at you silently, almost like he's observing you like some lab experiment. It makes you feel slightly uneasy, and you can't quite pinpoint why.
"Tell me something, my dear. How's college going? If I recall correctly... aren't you studying to become a lawyer just like your older brother?"
The sudden mention of your ongoing education slightly took you off guard for a moment, along with the mention of your brother. You regain your composer and smile brightly at him.
"Oh! ... it's going well. The assignments can be a bit much at times, but I'm really enjoying it so far..."
"That's good to hear, I'm sure you'll make a fine lawyer, my dear. Oh, and you have my deepest sympathies for what happened to your brother. I heard that he was hospitalized?"
"Thank you... Yeah, he was on his way home from work, and he just... vanished for a few hours. When the police found him wandering down by the docks, he was terrified and paranoid. Rambling about a Scarecrow for some reason.... I'm really worried about him..."
He gets this... Strange look on his face as you talk about your brother and his current state. Almost like a slightly amused look? No, that's ridiculous. You must be imagining things. Why would Jonathan be amused by your brother's current state? It just wouldn't make sense.
"A Scarecrow, you say? That's very fascinating... tell me, would you ever consider having him transferred to Arkham? Just briefly so I could give him an assessment and try to help him?"
"A..arkham? You want me to... send my brother to arkham? ... I don't know...."
He reaches over the table and gently grasps your hand in his. A comforting smile crosses his face.
"I assure you, my dear. It would only be for a short time.... and I promise you that I'd find a way to cure your brother's paranoia and.... Fear...."
You shift awkwardly in your seat. How on earth did a simple meet-up for coffee turn into an attempt to get your brother transferred to Arkham? And why did the look currently present in Jonathan's eyes... make you so uneasy right now..? After being silent for a moment in contemplation, you sigh.
"... Alright. If you're positive that it'll help him... then I'll agree to transfer him there."
"That's good to hear... don't worry, I will oversee his treatment personally. And before you know it. Those paranoid and fear induced delusions of a Scarecrow attacking him by the courthouse will be a thing of the past... ah! Look at the time. I must be going. I really enjoyed this and had an extremely pleasant time today, my dear. Until the next time we meet."
He stands up and lays the money for both his and your drinks, down on the table. As he walks out of the coffee shop, you can't help but feel slightly flustered. Despite the turn that the conversation took, you greatly enjoyed his company. But then, something dawns on you that causes your face to Pale and your eyes to go wide....
You never mentioned that your brother said that he was attracted outside of the courthouse.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 months
Mota prompt, ot3 - Bucky/Buck/Curt. Just something about being the one black cat coded boyfriend between two orange cats coded boyfriends. I suppose the interesting thing here is that sometimes the black cat isn't who you think it is.
Curt can tell what people think of him and Bucky and Buck. They look at the three of them when they're introduced as a trio, and they immediately try to pinpoint which one is the most trouble.
Most of the time, they end up choosing Bucky. Which Curt doesn't consider a bad guess for strangers. Bucky's charming and loud and borderline annoying in his cockiness (all things that Curt liked right away). He's always got a joke and a grin, and he makes no bones about causing trouble if it gets a laugh.
When they decide it's Curt, he always responds with a slow, shit-eating grin and an easy roll of his shoulders. He never asks what sort of trouble they think he causes, but he knows what he looks like and what he sounds like, and when you're a stocky fucker from the Bronx with scars on your knuckles (he fell off his bike a lot as a kid), people figure you're the muscle for Bucky's mouth.
They're not entirely wrong about that, either.
What's amazing about watching people size up the three of them and choose who to watch out for, they never clock Buck. Not once. They eye him up and decide he must be a nice young man. Which is ridiculous because neither Curt nor Bucky come close to meeting that list of requirements, so why would Buck spend time with them if he's so polite and quiet and reserved.
It's a question Curt hears a lot. One Bucky even brings up in bed now and again to goad Buck into shoving him on the mattress and showing him exactly how "impolite" he can be. Those nights are extra-fun because Buck lets out the wilder part of himself. They all wrestle and leave marks on each other, and in the morning, Curt gets to watch with half-closed eyes as Buck examines where they've bitten him and left bruises and smile knowing he and Bucky have claimed him yet again.
The truth is, no one thinks Buck is any sort of trouble at all. The truth also is he's the biggest trouble of the three of them. It comes down to the fact that he's a fucking sneak and a half with the ability to keep a straight face while lying through his goddamn teeth. He pretends he doesn't know what he looks like, but Curt's seen that fucking smile get used to get out of trouble or steer attention away from whatever problem Curt and Bucky are causing.
"He's gonna be the goddamn death of us," Bucky mutters to Curt as they watch Buck go wide-eyed and faux-dumb to distract an angry soldier about paying out a poker loss to Curt, who he swears cheated.
Curt flips his spare ace back up his sleeve and ducks under Bucky's raised arm. "Only if he gets caught."
Bucky snorts in amusement and gives Curt a shake. Buck comes back over and drops on the other side of Bucky. "Come to an accord?" Bucky asks, pulling Buck close with his other arm.
"Nope. He won't pay." Buck watches the guy get led away by his friends, then reaches into his pocket and tosses a wallet in front of Curt. "So, I stole his wallet."
Bucky cackles and kisses Buck loudly on the cheek as Curt tucks the wallet under the table and takes the cash he's owed plus two dollars as annoyance tax. He passes the wallet back to Buck, who stands to leave the wallet someplace they can't be incriminated.
"Next time, tuck your fucking wrist," Buck says to Curt. Curt blows him a kiss. Buck leans across Buck and taps his forehead against Curt's. Curt doesn't feel Buck touch his wrist, but he laughs when Buck holds up the ace, then flicks it at him.
"Hey, what about me?" Bucky asks, and beams when Buck taps their foreheads together as he straightens.
Curt snugs up against Bucky again as they watch Buck walk halfway across the room and lean on a table to talk to the men there. It's only because he's taught him the trick that they see him push the wallet to the very tip of his fingers and drop it to the floor under the table.
"I am pretty sure he could murder us in broad daylight while being recorded by a newsreel camera, and no one would believe it," Curt says.
"Yeah, but what a way to go," Bucky replies, and Curt can only nod in agreement.
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skibasyndrome · 1 month
First Line Tag Game
Thank you @sillyunicorn for tagging me in this fun thing!!! 💜💜💜💜💜
RULES: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
1. The sun hits Simon's skin gently, only ever warming single spots on his legs, ever shifting as the breeze moves the leaves up above them, casting a mosaic of bright spots all over him, over the blanket they are sitting on, over Wille across from him.
2. When Felice asked Simon to take over for her, she really didn’t think anything could go wrong. [this was a collab, I took the first line of the part I wrote]
3. It’s when he has Simon lying beneath him, for once just the two of them, for once no rush to be quick, for once no need to be quiet, that Wille thinks of it.
4. Wille wakes up to Felice gently tapping his shoulder.
5. Wille doesn’t know what he loves most about it.
6. The first time Wille thinks about marrying Simon is probably entirely too early.
7. Wilhelm wonders when things changed and it all became so very complicated.
8. He can't really pinpoint when exactly it started or where it really came from, but there's just something about the way Simon praises him.
9. Wilhelm lets his eyes roam the mingling crowd of dancing bodies in the middle of the club.
10. Wilhelm feels himself brought back to his initiation party.
Conclusions: uuuuuh.... 1) Some of these are very long? 2) I do love my Wille POV 🫡😅 3) lots of "when"? I have no way of explaining this, but this feels like a relatively in medias res type of doing.... not in medias res??? does anybody get what I means????
Now I'm having fun imagining these are all sequential in the same story... I feel like it could kind of work 🤣
Tagging @earlgrey-lateatnight, @pagegirlintraining, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic, @unfortunate17, @gulliblelemon,
@bigalockwood, @wilmonsfolklore, @oneofthosebells, @piebingo, @stretchoutfics & anyone who'd like to do this! (tag me so I can see your conclusions :) )
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love-toxin · 1 year
SPOILERS, for those who haven't seen atsv yet
so on the whole thing where we're basically a spider person without any of the powers, it goes over the whole thing where everyone has their canon of loosing someone, but our world broke before we got to live it, BUT! Id imagine that despite all of that we'd have a reason to help miles. Because he knows his dad is going to die and when and can stop it. Obviously us basically going against miguel would, i imagine hurt him immensely, he'd be even more pissed.
Imagine trying to hold him back from chasing after miles, obviously he's much stronger than us so he accidentally moves us out of the way too hard and ends up hurting us and breaking something and doesn't notice till its too late
Also ALSO! Miguel tiddies, i wanna bite em, squeeze em 🫴 and just how feral he was BARK BARK! 🐕🐕
(cws: gn!reader, more spiderverse spoilers, blood, injuries, displaced spider-reader)
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Imagine, after that whole chase and Miles managing to get away and enter another dimension, Miguel throws you into one of those baddie-capsules the society uses to send their anomalies back to their own worlds. He's so pissed he can't even look at you--you are the last person he expected to take Miles' side because you know exactly what's going to happen to him, in his mind he thinks you're not doing your job of protecting Miles because you're giving in to this ridiculous fantasy of his. You know exactly what it's like to lose everything you've ever known, just like himself, and in part because of you now Miles is going to have to go through the same thing and potentially cripple the society in the process, affecting thousands of other dimensions with those selfish actions. That's what you're supporting.
So, despite the intended purpose of the capsule, you stay trapped in the society until he can decide what to do with you whilst figuring out this whole situation. But it's when he finally finds the strength to keep himself calm enough to speak to you does he realize what he's done to you.
"What's wrong with your arm? Show me."
"I-It's fine, Miguel, it's just a little sore-"
"Show. Me. Now."
Reluctantly, especially because you still feel the way you do about Miguel and you know where he's coming from, you turn yourself towards him completely so he can see what you've been hiding since the chase--and when he sees what it is, a chill washes over him as he pinpoints the exact moment you sustained that terrible injury, claw marks running deep down your arm and barely covered by a makeshift bandage you pulled from your sleeve.
Right near the end, when he was trying so desperately not to let Miles use the dimension portal, you had run up to him and grabbed his arm to keep him from tearing the very walls of space and time apart. But in his rage, he didn't just shake you off--no, when you wouldn't give up, Miguel had slashed at you in a fit of frantic desperation and sent you tumbling back across the floor, your startled cries and winces of pain finally loosening his hold enough that the kid finally slipped through his fingers.
At the time, he could've spat venom with how angry he was, that fury directed at you when the source of it had disappeared. He never thought he would hurt you though, and it insulted him to his core when Parker had put himself and Mayday between you two as if he was at all a danger to you. He would yell, and he would swear, but he would never hurt you.
But clearly he did. The blood soaking your sleeves proves it, and so does the pallid colour of your face as you look up at him from where you sit, eyes silently pleading with him for help. Him. The man who vowed to protect you from any more hurt and, practically in the same breath, nearly killed you in a violent rage.
"I'm sorry."
When that beautiful smile blossoms across your face at those words, it only sours his spirit even more because he knows with absolute certainty that it's nothing he deserves. He's going to get you help, and help is already on its way to your holding cell, but he can't stay long enough to hear you thank him for it. No matter how much you beg him not to leave, to stay because you want to be comforted by him right now, he just can't even look in your direction and has to block out your voice as he walks away.
At some point, maybe, he might be able to hear you out. But for right now he just has to send other spiders to keep you company, ones that you know and trust, so you at least won't be alone. He knows that's a weak spot of yours despite becoming a strength for him, similar circumstances from both your worlds cultivating different results. He's just got no idea how powerful your words are, and that the longer he goes knowing you're his greatest weakness and avoiding you because of it, the more you're planting seeds of doubt into his society to turn the tables from within. Miguel loves you so much, and even if you're helping to break apart everything he's built, there's undoubtedly going to be a little voice in his heart that sings when he sees you defying him just like he defied everything to bring you here. You're going to force him to eat his own words, and if it's you leading the charge, he might just be inclined to open his mouth a little.
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