#i just REALLY needed to draw this headcanon and i saw an opportunity
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nox-in-a-box · 2 months ago
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Cedric Week Day 5: Sweets and Tea
Based on a silly little headcanon of mine :)
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justporo · 1 year ago
Even more fluffy relationship headcanons for Astarion and Tav
Listen guys, I'm not done yet. For now, as soon as I get one idea out, three more pop up in my mind and since you guys seem to really like these (it's seriously and positively insane to me), I'll happily provide you more as long as I am able to. So, let's-a go: more headcanons and little ideas about them being together!
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(I formerly used an reuploaded and stolen version of this gif here - I didn't check where it came from and that wasn't right - I'm sorry!)
You love when Astarion smiles at you - just openly and full of joy; the sort of smile you've rarely seen from him during your adventures but they keep getting more and more, also they make him look just so young and carefree and beautiful and your heart just... melts
When Astarion quickly notices how you basically faint whenever he does this, he starts employing it to work his charms on you when he needs it - not the real big and joyous smiles though because they are so real and cherished to him he wouldn't dare use it to tease or manipulate you - they're only reserved to make you happy
Charming you is like breathing to Astarion though, you are just so helpless against his flattery and flirting because why would you resist if you could just give him everything that makes him happy?
When you mention once though that you'd hope to gain some immunity to it some time, Astarion is insulted: "No, love, making you blush is my favourite thing in the world. You are so beautiful with your cheeks all flushed. As long as I have a say in it, we will never stop!"
Tav likes teasing him just as much as Astarion enjoys it the other the way around: "You know if you would stop drawing your brows together all the time, it'd take fifty years off your face immediately." Moments of silence in which Astarion is just utterly shocked by your burn, then: "Who taught you to be this brutal, darling?" You raise an eyebrow at him, he helplessly lifts his arms: "Yeah right, I have only myself to blame."
Also, Astarion and Tav are definitely the kind of power couple that throw each other meaningful sassy looks when they're with other people and those are talking shit or something
Also, afterwards they will most definitely discuss and gossip over everything they experienced
Astarion is definitely the kind of man that would shower Tav with gifts, from coming home with a single beautiful flower that "reminded me of you, my beautiful blossom" ("How cheesy..." "Ah, so rather a gouda next time?") or a nice bottle of wine to share to bigger gestures like jewelry or expensive dresses ("When am I ever gonna wear this, Astarion?" "I don't know, we'll just make an opportunity!")
Tav loves all of his gifts but probably the small ones or the hand-crafted ones the most, she's happy with the little things but Astarion insists she deserves the big ones just as much
One time though, Astarion comes home with something else entirely; it's pouring outside and he's completely drenched and hiding something in his doublet jacket; "What do you have there, Astarion, a wheel of cheese?" Astarion carefully opens up his jacket to reveal a small white kitten that is just as drenched as him and is desperately trying to cling to the vampire's chest. "I found her all alone in a dark alleyway, cold and completely soaked, I thought maybe we could take care of her and she could be friends with Scratch?", he says while he carefully lifts up the small ball of fluff with an incredible softness in his eyes. Your heart is thoroughly melting as you walk over to them and you give Astarion the most loving of kisses
Well, the last one would almost be a drabble on it's own, I saw a similar post that made me think of this (I will find and tag them later!) Hope you enjoyed and I'm late for work now, whoops...
This is the post I mentioned before, by @mushy6902 (I hope it's okay I wrote a somewhat similar idea, thanks for inspiring me!)
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amerricanartwork · 10 months ago
I just want to say that I LOVE your lilypad and Moon and Pebbles being adorable siblings drawings and headcanons! 🥺❤
Have a great day :3
Awww, thanks! It's always nice to see your support, Tanya!
Although, since you decided to mention both Lilypad AND the siblings, mind if I take this opportunity to actually introduce some more character headcanons and story plans tying both of these character relationships together?
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First of all I want to establish, if I haven’t depicted it in my other content thus far, that in my general interpretation Five Pebbles and No Significant Harassment do not like each other. A lot. I won’t go into detail as to why right now (it’s based on a lot of deeper character knowledge that I’ll save for an official headcanon post), but I’ll say that Sig likes to tease Pebbles a lot — which given what I just said about him hating being disrespected, especially by older iterators, already creates tension easily — and while Pebbles’s stubbornness alone isn’t too unbearable, the arrogance and excessive pride he carries into his endeavors really ticks off Sig. 
Now, this conflict alone I headcanon as having played a part in the Moon’s collapse/Pebbles’s rot situation, but this issue will likely come to a head once again in my AU story because of one factor: Lilypad. 
You see, I currently expect Lilypad to become official pretty early on in the story for character development reasons, and because with my character headcanons on Sig and Moon and their relationship it just seems like a natural choice for them to make in that situation. However, this occurrence would definitely also heighten the tension between Sig, who doesn’t trust the guy who literally killed his new lover anywhere around her, and Pebbles, who really doesn’t like the idea of one of his least favorite people snuggling up with the one person he’s actually somewhat willing to open up to. Although for a while he won’t directly admit that he takes issue with it (which is an example of another, more fundamental problem of his in-and-of itself), and that last part isn't saying too much considering how awful all of Pebbles’s relations are by the story’s start. 
I also want to reiterate that Lilypad alone isn’t the biggest reason why Pebbles and Sig hate each other so much. Rather, the relationship and their reactions to it are the clearest physical manifestation of what I headcanon as the actual main reasons for their conflict and frequent disagreement on various matters.
But anyway, the “debate” over Lilypad ends up being another conflict between these two, and of course poor Moon struggles a lot trying to keep the peace when her little brother and new boyfriend are frequently threatening to throw hands (metaphorically), while also trying to work through some of her own issues that this development highlights. She feels horribly guilty for re-igniting their conflicts, and is afraid of siding too much with one of them and making the other feel ignored or attacked, but it also gets harder and harder to hide how much it hurts her to see them hate each other so much. Although now that I think about it, this situation could end up being something aiding Moon’s character arc as well. But once again, I don’t wanna give away too much here, so that’s something for another time!
I hope I didn't bombard you with this, Tanya! I kinda just saw the opportunity and wanted to talk more about these characters and their relationship. I definitely plan for it to get a lot better, but I thought I needed to give a bit of the setup first.
Regardless, thanks again for the ask! I can't wait to start unpacking my major headcanons regarding these characters' psychology, especially Five Pebbles's...!
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moonlit-imagines · 14 days ago
Headcanons for being Selina Kyle’s younger sibling
Selina Kyle x sibling!reader
a/n: anon ur a star thank u for bearing with me <3 it’s kind of short!!!!
prompt: anonymous: “Can I please ask for some headcannons for what it would be like being Selina Kyle’s (Patterson) younger sibling?”
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selina was severely protective of you
gotham was rough, but sometimes she forgot you grew up in the same gotham
“i don’t want you walking out there alone at night” -selina
“you do it all the time, selina. i have a weapon, i’ll be fine” -you
you wanted to work with selina, but she absolutely wouldn’t let you come anywhere near the iceberg lounge
“selina, i need a good job! can’t you just put in a good word?” -you
“it’s not a ‘good job,’ y/n, you’d have a better chance working in a restaurant or a grocery store” -selina
she really was looking out for you there, that was no place for you. dealing drugs and meeting high profile men who loved power. you would have hated it
you two lived together, but she carried most of the weight of the bills
she really urged you to go to school and get out of there, but you wanted the same for her
“i’m fine where i am, kid. it’s you i’m worried about” -selina
“don’t i know it” -you
you missed your mom, maybe that’s why she stepped up the way she did
“remember when mom used to bring us to the club? falcone used to bring us stuff to draw with?” -you
“yeah, i don’t really want to think about it” -selina
“you say that, but you still have the drawings” -you
she annoyed you sometimes with her overbearing-ness, but you knew deep down she wanted what was best for you
she’d kind of stalk you when you went out with friends
and she’d swear up and down that “wasn’t her”
“i saw a pink wig” -you
“lots of people have pink wigs” -selina
she’d pick your outfits for the day
(if you like her style) she’d lend you her clothes
she never lets you leave the house without a “love you”
when you found out she was wearing a mask and sneaking out of the house, you were mortified
“you’re gonna get yourself killed!” -you
“you have no idea what i’m doing, i’m fine” -selina
“selina, i know exactly what you’re doing. i can’t live without you—i don’t know how to!” -you
her team up with the batman to avenge annika worried you greatly, but she didn’t listen to you
but you were close with her too and heartbroken to find out what happened
“just dont end up like her, selina” -you
the batman saved you one night in all of this, as you had gone off on your own to prove to selina you were capable of helping
“you need to stay away from my sister” -you
“i’m trying to help her” -batman
“help her by stopping her from getting involved in all of this” -you
“she seems like she’s been involved long before i met her” -batman
she told you about her attempt to kill falcone after he died, you were glad it wasn’t her who pulled the trigger for many reasons
but after that, she convinced you that it was time to leave gotham
“of course i’ll go with you, i’ve been dying to get out of here” -you
after a few obstacles (the flooding of gotham and assassination attempts on bella reál and batman) you were finally able to get the hell out of gotham
and say a goodbye to batman
“i guess i should thank you for being there for her” -you
“keep her out of trouble” -batman
“are you kidding? she finally thinks i can handle myself since i helped save your ass, we’re getting into trouble together” -you
“alright, y/n, let’s go before he decides to follow us” -selina
you guys settled down outside of gotham, adopted a few cats, had each others backs
and soon selina reached out to your sister sofia, a new opportunity awaits
taglist: @summersimmerus // @wild-rose-35 // @more-multifandom-of-madness // @girlmythlegend // @shepsgotthoughts // @diansaprince // @theseawakes // @locke-writes // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck //
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fragaria-imagines · 11 months ago
For the pregnancy headcanons you could make headcanons for Merold, hallrit and tuxam when their s/o (who is in bed rest because she feel sick) call for them and reader just hugg and snuggle on him...but she take their hand and put in her belly to feel the baby kick for first time
Merold is usually known for his cheekiness and laid back attitude, he tries not to take anything too seriously, and often likes to poke at and tease people.
But when he gets the call that you were sick and bedridden, he immediately drops everything that he was doing, and tends to your needs.
It was the first time that you ever saw Merold look so serious, it was also the first time that he was doting over you so relentlessly, it was quite interesting to say the least.
Though he doesn’t always show it, he truly does care for you and the baby, and would go above and beyond to make sure that you and the baby are safe and healthy.
And while you appreciate his relentless doting, you weren’t really in the mood to rest, and would rather take this opportunity to snuggle and cuddle with him.
It took a bit convincing on your end to get Merold to relax and let loose, but once you did, he was out like a light once his head hit the pillow.
His nap was short lived, however, because as soon as he closed his eyes, you shook him until he was wide awake.
He looked at you, still half-asleep and groggily, wondering why exactly were you waking him up for?
You didn’t answer his question, instead you placed his hand on top of your stomach. He raised his eyebrows at you, wondering where you were going with this.
But before he could say anything, he felt a hard kick against his hand, you let out a gasp at the feeling of the kick.
You both stared at each other, too stunned to even speak, not expecting the baby to finally kick. Once you both regained your voices, both of you blurted out at the same time:
“Did you hear it?!”
“Heard it? I felt it!”
After the initial shock wore off, you two bursted into laughter, overwhelmed with joy that your baby was finally kicking and moving.
“They’re such a strong kicker!”
“Well of course they are! They have me as their dad after all, seems like the “strongest knight” genes are already kicking in!”
You rolled your eyes as Merold unashamedly boasted about himself, but you couldn’t help a smile from forming, as you thought of your future life with Merold and your baby.
It was scary not knowing what the future holds, but you two had each other, and that in itself makes all the scary stuff worth it.
New to knighthood and being new parenthood? Someone cut this poor man some slack, because it’s one thing after another.
First the seeds attack the kingdom, then he was told he wasn’t a good enough knight, and now he founds out that you’re sick? Safe to say, it’s not a good day for Hallritt.
But even with so much trial and errors that were happening, Hallritt has never been the type to give up! He would go above and beyond to ensure your and the baby’s safety, healthiness, and happiness, as well as the kingdom’s.
And even though, it may look like he did a pretty awful job at ensuring both goals, that won’t deter him from being a helping hand.
While he doesn’t like that you got sick, Hallritt is someone who likes to live in the present and think about the now. What happened in the past can’t be changed, so there’s no use in feeling upset about it.
So that’s why he does his best to make up for his incompetence and lack of attentiveness, by being there for you and taking care of you while you are sick.
Cooking, cleaning, whatever it is that you want, he would do it for you in a heartbeat. And while his eagerness to please you is very admirable and you greatly appreciate it, you draw the line when it comes to Hallritt cooking.
Not wanting to be subjected to Hallritt’s cooking for fear of food poisoning, or god forbid, he burns the house down, you politely but urgently suggested that he should take a break from his caregiver duties, and instead cuddle with you in the bed.
Hallritt shot you a toothy grin, completely oblivious that you’re more scared of his cooking than the actual sickness that you were facing, and made his way to the bed, but not before pulling a Hello Kitty mask from his pockets, and putting it on.
You raised your eyebrows at the notion, since when did he have that?
Noticing your stare, Hallritt answered in defense:
“Well I’m not trying to get sick too, you know!”
“You know I’m not contiguous, right?”
“Yeah….for now”
Grunting in disbelief, you playfully hit him with one of your pillows in faux annoyance, he of course, dodged it, before settling next to you on the bed.
The playful loud banter started to settle, until there was only comfortable silence between the two of you. You didn’t mind, even though you two were both extroverts, the times where you both just sat down and sit in silence, were one of your favorite moments. It was never awkward or stifling, but rather the opposite, peaceful and comfortable.
The silence was quickly shattered, as you groaned in pain at the sudden feeling of a sharp movement. Hallritt, immediately sat up straight at the sound of your groans, his initial happy go lucky attitude from before was replaced with a look of seriousness that you have never seen before.
“Y/N are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened?”
You could feel the sense of urgency in his voice, every word that he left his mouth was filled with so much concern and so much worry.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, it’s just that…the baby kicked…”
It was like the words that you just said were not registering at all with Hallritt, for he looked utterly dumbfounded, the serious expression that he had left as fast as it came.
And then it dawned on him.
Your baby. His baby.
“Wait the baby kicked!!”
You rolled your eyes at him, wondering how did he ever pass his knight exam, but nevertheless, you took his hands and placed it on top of your belly, so he can feel it himself.
The baby kicked again, and this time he felt it, and he couldn’t have been any more happier.
Being the gentleman he is, Tuxam immediately went into auto-pilot mode and took drastic measures to ensure that you and the baby were healthy and safe!
From checking in with you every 10-15 minutes, bubble wrapping the house to make sure you didn’t fall, making you soup, and covering you with fifteen layers of warm blankets, it was a lot to say the least.
Tuxam’s nagging and Mama Bear tendencies aside, he truly does care about you and the baby, and would be devastated if something were to ever happen to you two.
There’s a part of him that feels partially responsible and guilty for not being attentive enough, that you ended up getting sick because of his carelessness.
And while logically, Tuxam knows that’s not the case, and that you can do everything right in the book and still get sick, he couldn’t help but feel responsible for it anyways.
After all, what kind of gentleman was he, if he’s not there to protect the person that matters the most to him?
Before he could indulge in any more self-deprecating thoughts, he felt your hand on his shoulder.
And though, Tuxam puts on a brave face and acts like everything is fine and dandy, you know him better than the facade he puts on. You know how much he beats himself over the most littlest things, and it breaks your heart every time.
“Tuxam, why don’t you come back to bed with me?”
Knowing Tuxam would never say no to you, he reluctantly obliged to your request, but he still felt that there was still so much work to be done. However, all of his worries and concerns seemed to disappear the minute his body hit the mattress, snuggling your sides, and burying his face at the crook of your neck, like he was a small child.
You giggled at the sight of him, it wasn’t everyday that he let loose and act so childlike, it was refreshing to see. You grabbed the palm of his hand, gently placing it in on top of your swollen belly, wanting to bathe in this gentle moment with your soon to be child.
Tuxam smiled at you, before he leaned over and gave a big kiss on your stomach. He felt a large kick against his lips, as he did so. Pulling back from your stomach, he stared at you in utter shock and confusion, and your expression was the same.
The wheels in his head slowly start to turn, as he realized what had just happened… the baby kicked him! The baby kicked! The baby moved!!
“Oh my god, the baby kicked!”
You snickered at his late reaction, before adding on:
“Well it does appear that way!”
But Tuxam was not listening to you, going on a long tangent about how he couldn’t believe it, and how excited he was, and how your baby would be the most healthiest and best baby ever to grace the Noir Continent.
Once he finally came down from his high, he looked back at you with a toothy grin, the excitement and pride were so apparent in his face, that it made it your heart ache in happiness.
“We’re really going to be parents Y/N…! I’m so happy…!”
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mapofyourstars · 1 month ago
I was literally just about to reply, omg. That's so funny. I knew it was you.
@mister-peregrine asked: 1 random charles headcanon and 1 random erik headcanon?
I'm just going to say headcanons that I personally believe to be true which also might be popular headcanons; but I love them so. Put under a read more because I got carried away, whoops.
send me some asks!
For Charles, after DOFP, he wanted to squash his addiction as quickly as possible, wanting to make the new future the best it could be. So Charles asks Hank to get rid of every addictive substance in the manor, or at least lock them up somewhere difficult for Charles to access. But for the rest of his life, Charles struggles with his addictive tendencies. Sometimes, it comes out at events, where everyone has a drink in hand and Charles kindly refuses, his hands and temples sweating from the burning desire to drink. Other times, it appears when Hank mentions a new serum he created to help enhance mutant abilities or grant new abilities; and Charles turns them down, being sure to leave the room and the syringes behind him. The only person who really suspects any issue is Hank because he was there during Charles' worst; but he doesn't ask about it, assumes that Charles will reach out if he needs help. But in actuality, Charles wishes someone would talk to him about it, just to remind him that it's okay. Instead, Charles has to be the one telling himself that, day in and day out (until, headcanon, Erik becomes that rock for Charles and Charles finally allows himself the vulnerability he needs because admitting you are still recovering from addiction doesn't mean any progress is lost).
For Erik, he really loves being creative when he has the opportunity to settle down and just be himself, which he's never really had the chance because his whole life has been one long battle. He, of course, loves sculpting things out of metal, making random objects that he scatters around the place; and every one of them is insanely detailed. Not known to many, but Erik also loves to draw, will regularly be seen doodling in the margins of papers he's reading or notes he's taking. Sometimes, he may even gift a hyper-realistic drawing to someone; but it's exceedingly rare, unlike his small sculptures, which he'll give if asked. However, what only two people known (headcanon to be Charles and Raven) is that Erik can sing. First, Charles and Raven saw it start as humming; but then, as Erik grew more comfortable around them, he slipped into singing. Now, when Erik is alone or around one of them and the world's problems are not weighing his shoulders down, Erik puts on a record and sings along, his baritone voice hitting every note beautifully.
Wanted to list more but I really did get carried away with them. I just love them.
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lifenconcepts · 8 months ago
Some more barnacles headcanons (I scraped the absolute hell out of my brain scraps to figure out some new ones tbh) HOPE YOU ENJOY !! @idiedtwicebitch
His shoes have special gripping features at the bottom so he can walk or even run on ice without worrying about falling (also doesn’t slip if he’s out with his bare paws out cuz his claws and fur help keep a steady grip).
Has broken a vase before and became incredibly guilty afterwards and so tends to be very careful around fragile objects, in his mind, he’s like a bull in a china shop.
Probably wears his boots to sleep as it brings him comfort and allows him to be up in the blink of an eye should a sudden alert sound.
Is quite a light sleeper and can be awoken by simply being in the same room as him.
Whenever he must make notes on some mission, he tends to mindlessly doodle his crew in the margins. Sometimes sketches the creatures he saw too.
Probably sees his bed as a sacred spot and doesn’t allow others to go on it but if someone like Peso come over in a worried state he lets them sit on his bed.
Is great at comforting others from nightmares or night terrors (as he has experience) and gives the best cuddles and advice for whoever wants to entrust him with such a vulnerable topic.
As a kid used to chew on graphite. It seems funny and like something he miiight do.
Is very intolerant to sour things and often makes a scene if his food or drink have even the tiniest amount of lemon or lime.
Is alright with spices but likely doesn’t really enjoy them.
Hides matches from Kwazii, just in case.
Sometimes likes to go up to trees after a mission/if free and just scratch his back against them, having been caught in the act a few times xD.
Can juggle and sometimes juggles rocks just to make sure he doesn’t forget the talent.
Taught the vegimals how to make paper from scratch and sometimes supplies the crew’s stash for drawing/crafts purposes.
Knows quick math but uses the grid method for any number equations over 1000.
His fur can get matted quite easily and so he spends time out of each day to carefully brush it out, avoiding any naturally occurring sticky substances such as tree sap or honey.
Keeps some medical supplies in a cookie tin under his bed so if he ever gets seriously hurt he can deal with his injuries himself. Doesn’t like to ask others for help or bother our already stressed Peso.
When he can’t sleep he sometimes looks out the window at the nocturnal sea creatures or at rare occasions goes out for a quick swim.
Likes the sound his claws make when scratching glass but doesn’t get the opportunity to do it all that much. Does always volunteer to dispose of unneeded glass for Tweak so he can have a little fun before it gets recycled.
Bianca gave him a rubber duck when he was a child and he doesn’t have the heart to throw it away or put somewhere to rot so he sometimes just takes a bath with a rubber ducky (I have no idea if they have a bathroom in their octohome but oh well. New head cannon: they have a bathroom with a toilet, bathtub, shower, sink, and a bunch of shelves for everyone’s stuff. Kwazii just has a 4 in 1 soap bottle, Dashi has a ton of different brands and variety of products, Tweak just has their personal shampoo and body wash, Shellington is insistent on having conditioner to keep his fur nice and soft, Peso just preens but at times uses just water to freshen up, and Barnacles tends to forget to restock his soap and shampoo so he tends to just borrow other people’s stuff secretly - but does make sure to always keep their preferred brands and items in fu stock.)
Has a magnifying glass he sometimes uses when on a solo mission, being inspired by a few of his favourite movie heros.
Forgets they have a fridge and often needs the vegimals to remind him to eat, yet as he’s in charge of most the supplies going in and out of the octopod, he keeps a list of everything they need and does a monthly check up to make sure everyone has their preferred meals and snacks- often forgetting his own favourites.
Has an irrational’ fear of long cables and nets after getting tangled in them when he was a young cub/on one of his solo adventures.
Has a small pocket on his jacket which he keeps a little notebook with a pen in at all times.
Sometimes insists others wear gloves when handling things but himself struggles to put them on for his paws are incredibly furry, and he refuses to cut the fur because he believes he looks more approachable and kind with big mittens for hands rather than others seeing his exposed claws and individual ‘fingers’.
Has a few signs he sometimes puts on his door to announce to others passing by if he wishes to not be disturbed or if he’s fine with being bothered.
Has a steady hand and despite being a bit uncomfortable, he isn’t afraid of needles and has had a few moments where he had to use one on himself to give himself some medication before.
He tends to squint from habit as when he was a cub the snow often reflected a lot of light and so to avoid going blind had to close his eyes almost completely.
Really enjoys the Antarctic nights which last for months.
After eating he always sneaks himself a few toothpicks to keep his teeth nice and clean.
Is probably one of the only ones who know how to use the octopod’s washing machine apart from tweak and inkling.
Doesn’t believe in much superstitions but loves to find good omens (same as Shellington (also head canon))
Makes himself a flowery perfume and wears it on inactive days so if he spends a lot of time in close proximity with the crew they won’t get scared from him, or atleast be comforted by the scent.
If/when he draws himself, he usually adds very cute and sweet eyes to his face and draws a heart or star around his head.
Is surprisingly good at making soup and has practice with cooking it for all the others, but usually lets the vegimals do most of it (when a day has been busy he sometimes finds himself wanting to make some food for others and even as the vegimals insist he should rest he sometimes makes personal meals for each of his crew friends).
Keeps fake flowers in his room so it feels like there’s some life and as he forgets to water real ones usually.
Is very serious when it comes to the almost monthly check on any medical machinery in the octopod and insists on changing anything out a few weeks before their expiration date.
Keeps a few jars of jam hidden away in his room that he and Biance make almost every year, as it helps them bond and is a tradition they had since they are little cubs. His favourite jam is probably blackcurrant, with cherry and raspberry being tied in second place.
Occasionally watches recordings of the crew on the monitor in his room, especially after a nightmare or if he’s feeling a bit down.
Had a bracelet from practically every single one of the crew and despite rarely wearing them (to not damage them) he holds them dear to him and keeps them on his bedside table. Dashi made him one out of string, Peso and Kwasii made him one out of beads, Shellington’s is from shells, and tweak gave him a rusty bolt from their first octopod. He loves each of their gifts.
Is quite sensitive to insults and often carries the weight of them long after they’ve passed.
At times helps Peso preen his feathers.
Carries around a hand fan almost everywhere he goes in case his head or paws get too warm.
His belt has an option of straightening into a stiff material and acts as a sword, part of the underside also sharpened just in case he needs to use it.
Can’t help himself around big red buttons (but who can? XD)
Offers a cup of tea or hot cocoa to anyone in his presence for longer than 2 minutes.
Has a safety pin on his jacket (iykyk)
Has a dream catcher above his bed.
Keeps a picture of each of the Octonauts in his bedside table.
worries about squishing others whenever he hugs them
Has a small statue of a white dove in his room.
Has made a plushie of himself with some of his fur inside it for Peso to help comfort him from any nightmares he may experience.
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choupiee · 1 year ago
Mike Schmidt and Abby Schmidt Headcanons!! (Because I am so impatient for the Fnaf movie)
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- They barely connect or try to talk, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t care about each other. Mike has told Abby more than once that she is very welcome to sleep in his bedroom with him if she ever has a nightmare or if the harsh weather scares her
- Mike continuously feels guilty that he doesn’t give Abby enough. But he doesn’t know that Abby is actually very grateful that she doesn’t have an older brother whose mean to her
- Their fridge has loads of magnets on them, and lots of artworks that Abby has made. Mike makes sure to marvel at them in his own way (he frames some of the artworks that Abby feels very proud of)
- Abby’s main source of comfort is hand holding. She often doesn’t feel safe or comfortable in some places or situations and she often clings to the closest thing that she can get her hands on for some sense of comfort
- Mike figured this out when she desperately held his hand when she saw a classmate who bugged her at school when doing some grocery shopping. Now it’s a routine, whenever they’re both somewhere which feels overwhelming, they tend to take each other’s hand
- When they both have nothing to do, they have some drawing time together, and they do little competitions and beg each other to draw random things for each other. Their dining table is just scarred with crayon dust and pencil lead at this point
- Whenever Abby gets in trouble at school for something that either is or not her fault, Mike doesn’t scold her like a strict parent. Instead, he listens and offers advice after some comforting. Abby tends to take this opportunity to vent out her problems. After all, Mike knows how it feels to not be heard
- You best believe Mike teaches Abby at least some self defence. He teaches her about the boy’s vital points, it makes it easier for each other since Mike is a male so he know’s how effective it is. So whenever there’s a weird guy, or a bully, or someone who messes with Abby and Mike isn’t there, she’ll beat their ass (quite effectively)
- Abby is pretty self aware at times, Mike notices this and tries to make her act like her age so she doesn’t grow up to be a ‘tall child’ when she’s older
- They don’t realise how much Mike’s habits tend to inhabit on Abby. Their snarky remarks, doodling habits, introverted selves, the need of plushies by their side, creativity and their self awareness. It’s like two entirely different fonts but with the same writing
- Abby sometimes feels left out in school since the only guardian figure she has in her life is just her older brother, no mother or father. Sometimes she feels lonely, but also really lucky, she has seen and heard the struggles of having two parental figures and mean older sibling scenarios. Sometimes she gets reminded that even though both her and her brother are quiet with each other, they have no problems with each other
- Abby seems to be a chatter box type, but only to her brother. Mike sees her as some innocent young girl whose curiosity and chatty manner is over the roof, when really she only seems to show that side of herself to her brother. She just side-eyes everyone whose a stranger to her and scribbles some drawings out
- They’re both wiry but strong. Mike may be short but he can really kick some ass (fountain scene). As well as Abby (I don’t actually think it’s canon but I always imagine her to have some quite effective hits when she’s really angered)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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mama-qwerty · 9 months ago
Hei. Do you think there’s version of Knuckles that’s immortal? In some versions he was possible created by the Master Emerald and is her child/vessel/guardian, so I think the ME keeps him alive infinitely for protection, entertainment (gets boring being alone) and caretaking of Angel island (and occasionally the world).
I am an equal opportunity Knuckles enjoyer! I love all versions of the boy, from cryptid-esque mainline!Knux, to buff himbo Boom!Knux, to different-backstory-but-equally-adorable movie!Knux, to over-the-top almost self-destructive Dread. My beloved.
So, I am very familiar with the headcanon/fan theory that the ME actually created mainline!Knuckles, and he's not quite right. He's not a normal echidna, and holds many (again, fan headcanoned) quirks and abilities that come with being an ME created person.
He is able to sense, and control, the chaos energy that surrounds all things. He himself is just filled to the brim with it, but he never draws on it, as that would make him dangerously OP in battles. But he could, if he really needed to.
His connection to the ME is different from any other guardian before him, because he was created by the ME itself. His tether to it is stronger, as they are, in essence, one in the same. He's her avatar, her connection to the mortal plane, and maybe through him, she can understand mortals a little better than she had before. Time is meaningless for a giant magic rock, but through Knuckles, she can see the ripples created through the actions of a few special souls.
So, as a 'child' of the Master Emerald, is Knuckles immortal? There's a very good chance he is. The incredible amount of chaos within him would keep him healthy, keep him fit, keep him strong and capable of guarding the ME for as long as she deems it. She is immortal, an object without start or end, so it stands to reason that she would make him to be as long-lasting as she is.
Now, that doesn't mean Knuckles has 'always been'. I'm not sure how long ago she created him, but I have a fic theorizing how that went. Maybe she created him hundreds of years ago. Or maybe she created him when she felt the upcoming birth of Sonic. (She can see all of time, and that hedgehog's influence in the time stream must seem like dropping a boulder in a puddle.)
Sonic himself seems to be a force of chaos, the unpredictable wind that behaves however he pleases, so she created Knuckles as the counter to try and temper Sonic's unpredictability. The mountain to Sonic's chaotic influence. She was ignorant in the ways of mortals, after all, and what she saw was a little hog being a big source of disturbance. She needed her avatar to try and reign in the boy in.
Little did she know that Sonic's influence would have an effect on her guardian.
Sonic taught Knuckles how to enjoy life. And that sometimes you have to leave where you're most comfortable to fight the bigger evil.
It's entirely possible that Knuckles is immortal, and he'll watch his friends pass on, one by one. Maybe they'll fall in battle, fighting Eggman or whatever evil threatens their home and other innocents. Maybe they'll pass when they've grown old, surrounded by loved ones, secure in the knowledge they've kept the planet safe for future generations.
But Knuckles will remain.
And maybe he'll want to keep his memories, holding them dear to his heart as he goes on, teaching their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren, passing on the knowledge he'd gained over the years.
And maybe he'll beg the ME to take his memories. Keep them safe, but please, please take them. They hurt him too much, to remember what he's lost. To know that his friends all grew old, and he stayed young and healthy. To watch as their light flickered and went out, as his continued to burn solid and bright.
He has fought countless battles, defeated untold enemies.
But one he can't defeat is grief.
And he can't deal with it. Not now. It hurts. It hurts too much. He doesn't want to feel this, doesn't want to make new friends if this is how it feels when he ultimately outlasts them.
And maybe the ME does take his memories. And things are fine for a while.
But then, one day, a newcomer arrives on Angel Island. Perhaps a descendant of one of his first friends. And they seem familiar to Knuckles, somehow, but he tries to get rid of them. They're stubborn, though. They remain and talk to him, telling him of the stories passed down, of the guardian of the Master Emerald, the one who fought all those years ago, alongside the other heroes of Mobius. Did he know that guardian?
And maybe Knuckles pauses. He didn't want to remember. But they came anyway, as the ME gently replaces just a few at first. Just the ones he needed to remember.
And he nods and says, "I am he. I knew them."
Which starts a new connection with new friends, born of his old.
And life will go on for the immortal guardian. And he will live for those who have moved on.
Because that is all he can do.
But maybe . . . maybe that is what he was truly made for.
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zhaohuis-lost-walnut · 2 months ago
ok i just saw this while going thru the tags and i need to yap with someone about it but. opinions on [HEADCANON] different ethnic groups strewn throughout Zhou, but mostly Libei and Bianjun and potentially some of the characters being from different ethnic backgrounds than most people in Qudu might be.
I made a post abt it and I'm only in book 2, I don't mind spoilers related to this topic I just want to talk about this headcanon and its possibilities. canon universe but not related to plot-ish?
Anyways I'd like to hear your thoughts!!
This is such a fun topic! I will say that I am unfortunately unfamiliar with specific ethnic groups to draw one-to-one or inspirational correlations, but I am a fan of the idea that each prefecture/region has different sub cultures. Though I feel it's impossible not to have diversity when you're dealing with an empire as large as Dazhou/Great Zhou.
Much like real life, the land the prefectures and cities reside on greatly affects the society of the people who live there. I love the world building in general. When it's mentioned that some characters hide their dialects after moving to Qudu for official positions, it serves as a reminder for how big the nation really is.
I will try not to be too spoilery, but to make up for my ignorance, I would like to go into some of the silly things I remember from each region of Dazhou/ Great Zhou~
Libei is hands down my favorite. The residents are badass, but on top of that, Libei is known for it's grasslands and mountains. So naturally (light pun intended), the people that grew up/choose to live there are very in tune with nature and care for animals. They do not play when it comes to their horses. They're also know for their skilled craftsmen and they take great pride in their work. I love to see it. I could honestly make an entire brainrot post on Libei and their values, but I really want you to read and experience it for yourself. It's really interesting and sweet in my opinion~
Next is Qudu: I hate these people. I could go on about these weirdos forever, but it is truly so jarring going from three volumes with Qudu as the main setting, to all the other places. Obviously, bad things tend to happen where the elite congregate, but jeez. If you're not rich, it sucks to be in Qudu. Even the well meaning imperial officials are serving cult. It's honestly humorous how much people outside of Qudu could not care less about who the emperor is. To give them a little grace, I suppose Qudu is considered the center of education. Qudu is home the Imperial College, which is a place quite a few side characters mention trying to get into. ...But the students there are INSANE, so I can't take them seriously. Qudu scares me. Moving on.
Juexi is known for it's port , merchants, and it's granaries. Very straight forward. I'm honestly a little sad we didn't get to learn more about it. I feel like if I were to live anywhere in this empire, it would be in Juexi. The Biansha ain't gonna get me, plenty of job opportunities, and life just seems pretty chill. Except when they have natural disasters, but that's okay. The characters we meet from Juexi are pretty normal, which also affects my overall positive opinion of it. Cool place.
Qidong is mostly desert...I think? We eventually go to a Qi Clan estate and I was genuinely shocked to realize people actually lived there lmao. A lot like Libei, the people that live there are mostly military families. If you aren't joining the Qidong Garrison Troops, why are you here? I don't remember too too much about Qidong, but from the few things I do, I got the vibe that the men are very macho and really value their legacy. One of the main conflicts surrounding Qi Zhuyin is the fact that she can't get an official title, and the reason that's important is because all of her military achievements won't be recorded in history without one. And while every region values legacy to an extent, the way each one differs in the intensity of that importance makes a huge difference in my opinion. I feel like the people in Qidong are much more individualistic compared to the other prefectures, but the topic is nuance I think.
Finally, we have Zhongbo! Now, Zhongbo is interesting because we get to read the prefecture go through many manifestations. We get to see it after the massacre. We hear what life was like before the tragedy. We see it slowly change for the better and what the characters hope for it to become. Before Juexi took over as the "nations granary" after Zhongbo's fall, Zhongbo provided most of the military provisions to Qidong and Libei. We learn a lot about Zhongbo over the course of the story. And once again, I don't want to spoil much, but I will say the people from there tend to really value their family. Obviously everyone cares about their family in the story...well... most of them... anyhoo. But there's something about the way family and relationships are discussed by those in Zhongbo that really resonates with me. I feel like the reason family is an especially sacred topic in Zhongbo is because so many people lost theirs in the Biansha attack. And that grief over the years transformed into really holding onto those they have left. I don't know how to articulate it, but I think it's very beautiful how a lot of my favorite romantic moments happen in the various cities Zhongbo~ Residents in Zhongbo tend to be really resilient. A lot of terrible stuff happens there, and as a woman, I would never willingly go there. But the people who care about their fam care about them HARD! It's really nice. But seriously, it's still a nightmare there.
And because I can't help myself, mini bonus: The Twelve Tribes of Biansha!!! Okay, I won't actually go into every single tribe, but I adore the detail the author put into them! While, overall, they share some values, each tribe has their own thing going on and intertwined history. I love how they weren't just a "mindless evil enemy", but another group of humans with their own wants and needs. Their reasons for fighting are just as valid as Great Zhous! And both sides have done evil crap to "win" so I'm even less inclined to "pick a side". The world building in this story is just too good man. I'd love to one day read a spin off if the author ever felt like it njsduegfi
I don't know if this quite what you meant, but I sure did yap a lot ToT
Thank you for the ask. I went to read your original post and thought it was really fun! Other readers of this post, you can find it here!!!
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ryuichirou · 10 months ago
Do you have any headcanons for modern Gregory and Herman?
I actually do, Anon~ I didn’t think I did, but when I start imagining these two in a modern setting, it’s just so… easy. I would watch a gay movie about them. Well, let’s be honest, I would watch it even if it was in their original Victorian setting, it would’ve been dope lol
Gahh I love Gregory and Herman so much, thank you for your ask! I am happy for an opportunity to talk about them again…
Alright, modern!GreenViolets.
The boys of P4 have a chat, but Gregory barely writes anything there, he mostly watches the other three bicker with each other. So everyone always assume that he doesn’t even read it. But when Herman texts Gregory directly, he always reads his messages in seconds. He is also more likely to reply to him, but he usually just sends stickers instead of typing… he has such a huge collection of stickers.
Another collection that Violet has on his phone is tons of pictures and videos of Herman, mostly from his training practices. He rationalised it as simply using available tools to study anatomy and muscles specifically, but sometimes he just… stares at his body.
When Greenhill calls Violet, he always facetimes him for some reason. Sometimes he facetimes him when he’s washing his face in the morning, sometimes he facetimes him when he’s studying, sometimes he does it after the training, all wet and panting. Violet never turns his own camera on, and it’s for the best, because the latter thing gets him very red.
Greenhill shows Violet’s drawings and art-pieces to everyone he meets. It’s a very Greenhill thing to do: he just pulls out his phone, opens Violet’s portfolio and proudly shows it to everyone, LOUDLY DEMANDING that they appreciate it. He doesn’t get art at all, but he really wants to support Violet. Violet cringes at it and thinks that he’s just scaring people into complimenting him…
Greenhill already has his driving license, and he’s the only P4 boy who does, so whenever they’re in the mood to drive around by themselves instead of using personal drivers (those rich kids…), Greenhill is happy to be the one behind the wheel! And yes, Violet uses his car more often than the other two, and he never really gave an explanation. Sometimes he just has to buy art supplies, and it’s Greenhill who just has to drive him there and wait for him to get what he needs. In actuality, Violet just really enjoys when Greenhill drives him around… he won’t talk to him at all, maybe even kick the driver seat from behind, but he really loves it.
One time Greenhill bought himself a hoodie and even wore it a couple of times, but ultimately decided that it doesn’t suit him: he doesn’t really like long sleeves and baggy clothes. So he gave it to someone who wears hoodies all the time – Violet! And while Violet grumbled something about getting hand-me-downs, this is actually his favourite hoodie now. He drowns in it because it’s so big…
Greenhill watches porn. He doesn’t think it’s a good thing, he certainly thinks that he shouldn’t do it, but he just can’t stop: he is way too horny. Violet actually saw him watching it on his phone once, and it was super awkward for both of them, with Greenhill yelling something in panic and Violet being too shocked to react in any way other than some snarky comment. He was very happy to learn Greenhill’s dirty secret though.
If they’re dating, they’re having sex in Greenhill’s car. That’s a given, but still, sometimes this is the place Violet feels the safest in… or the kinkiest, it’s hard to tell, but there is something insanely hot about Greenhill getting inpatient, pulling over, crawling back on the passenger’s seat and aggressively kissing and undressing him.
Violet watches a lot of arthouse and indie movies, and sometimes he tricks Greenhill into watching them together. He finds it amusing that Greenhill is trying very hard to understand what he’s looking at, and trying even harder to enjoy the movie: he thinks that Violet likes every single movie that he shows him and wants to be supportive. The fact is, Violet hates the majority of these and thinks that it’s just a pile of pretentious garbage, but torturing Greenhill with it? Now this is art.
One time Violet has gathered enough courage to suck Greenhill off, and it happened while they were watching some pretentious indie movie. To hide his embarrassment, he demanded that Greenhill keeps watching it and tells him what’s going on. Greenhill really tried to do it, but still couldn’t stop staring down at Violet… it’s not like he could hear the movie because of all the wet sucking sounds anyway.
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effen-draws · 2 years ago
HUGEEEEE fan of your de!swap fic! Just finished reading chapter 5 and WOW what a chapter. I'm soooo glad to see that suzerainty popped up, the original scene with that game is my favorite scene, and I'm overjoyed to see that it carried over to your fic!!
Curious question, what was your motivation behind choosing what skills Kim has? I love all the skills you created for the fic, and I'd like to know your thought process behind it
Thank you so much!!! I’m super glad that you liked the chapter! The Suzerainty scene was hella fun to write:-D And I’m very happy that you like the skills as well! 
But, yes, the skills. Oh man, anon, the skills. You have opened up a can of worms here. You’ve given me an opportunity to rant here, anon. So I really hope you’re ready for a long post because I have plenty of thoughts, my friend. 
But before we actually get into any of my skill related thought processes and ideas I’d like to preface this post with 2 things!
Many of the skills (and generally the early parts of the fic) are inspired by a hodgepodge of many different people’s headcanons and art here on tumblr! Which, because I’m one of god’s favourite clowns with a terrible short term memory, I have no idea what came from  where! I looked at and read a lot of the things that later inspired me before I ever thought of writing the fic at all. And I never thought about writing any of my sources of inspiration down before I had already finished the draft of chapter 1! Which I kinda feel terrible about! The readers with a better memory than I might remember that I wrote in the first chapter that if anyone saw anything that looked familiar they should tell me so I could give proper credit. (Which I still implore any keen eyed reader to do!) So yeah, this is just to say; I’m not a genius who came up with all of this on my own and I was inspired by many cool people so don’t give me too much credit!
BUT! If anyone ever wants to write or draw anything using the skillset I’ve made for my version of swap!Kim, then you are so very welcome! So don’t sweat it if you want to reuse a name, concept, or the entire set! I’d just be happy to have inspired you:-]
Anyways sorry for the preamble. I just needed to get that said before I go down my rabbit hole:-)
So, let’s get to it! (For real this time I promise, anon) Here are a few of my general thoughts about my Kim skillset and some individual insight into more of the “interesting” skills! 
There were a few things I considered when making the skills. For one I needed to figure out what skills were needed because of narrative necessity and what were needed for characterisation. For an example HANDS ON is almost only a “Kim is physically interacting with his surroundings and I need to describe that” skill while TORQUE DORK, on the other hand, is a fluff skill that’s there because of Kim’s interests in machinery. Besides their personalities the skills also need to serve a role in telling a story, y’know? Whether that be description or character. That’s also one of the reasons that Kim only has 16 skills instead of Harry’s 24. A fic is a different medium than a game so it’s not necessary to have quite so many skills. But, if you want my non-boring justification for that, I also just think that Kim is far less scattered brained than Harry! The man is simply more together even when he’s falling apart so he therefore has a few more “multi purpose skills”:-]
Speaking about Harry, I felt like it would be important that Kim’s skills felt unique to him even if some of them started out as reskins of Harry’s (I mean, how do you make a skill responsible for logic without giving it similarities to Harry’s LOGIC skill??). Not that they needed to stand out completely but rather I didn’t want to feel like I was applying Harry’s voices to Kim’s head. Which also means that Kim’s skills just can’t do the same things that Harry’s can! For one they aren’t as psychically inclined even if they can take guesses and read people in similar ways (which they’re partially that good at because of narrative necessity, but hey man, don’t look at me I’m just trying to tell a good story here!)
One thing which I also really wanted to stress with the skills too is that many of them have “rivalries” or “alliances” with one another. Some of them are complete opposites (EYES vs. OUTSIDER) while others will almost always back each other up (POISE & COMMAND). This animosity is there because; one, Kim is constantly trying to keep himself in check and is very harsh on himself so therefore no skill can ever “win” for long. Two; I’m a BIG fan of the thought of “Kim’s centrism is killing him”. So therefore every skill is almost always pulling him in different directions and opposing each other while Kim is trying to thread the needle of just existing. And because there’s this constant infighting Kim’s mind becomes a very hostile place to be. One last general consideration before I get into some individual skills! I really love how having a high level skill in DE also has its downsides! They have blindspots! They have one track thoughts and motivations! And it’s dangerous to only listen to one of them! So I attempted to show that with Kim’s high level skills like VOLTA DO MAR and POISE in the fic:-]
Anyways: individual skill thoughts! I don’t have something to say about all of them but I'll quickly go through my thoughts on some of the more interesting ones in order. (Also I’m so sorry for rambling so long, anon. Here's the part of the post I think you're interested in.)
Starting off with PUZZLEBOX and NOTEKEEPER! If I’m honest I think these two are inseparable; Note provides information and Puz connects the dots. They’re quite obviously Kim’s deductive and note taking powerhouses. Note does however also have a purpose as a narrative device since it’s the one that recalls past information (that Kim can remember). They’re a little like a narrator in that sense. Anyways I don’t have many thoughts about these two but I think they’re kinda cute in how “dumb” they can be despite being intellect skills:-]
FANTASME is not a skill that gets a lot of the limelight but they do have a good amount to say even though they’re a low level skill. They’re kind of a CONCEPTUALISATION and INLAND EMPIRE mix I guess. They’re focused on Kim’s “nerd” things (that isn’t machinery or paperwork) and escapism. They know about art but they don’t really “get it” as Harry can. They’re also the driving force behind Kim’s existential dread as you have seen in chapter 4.
BLEEDING HEART is what I labelled as the “feelings” skill, and they were kind of an EMPATHY clone in the early concepts before I really figured them out. Because all they really want for Kim is for him to feel. Their second priority is making sure that Kim feels for the people around him as well. To Bleed it doesn’t really matter what emotions Kim is feeling as long as they are being felt and that he isn’t hurting or “burdening” anyone. They’re sad, suppressed, and visceral. Another thing about them is that similarly to how ESPRIT DE CORPS is the “gateway skill” that Harry uses to read Kim, BLEEDING HEART is the “gateway skill” Kim uses to read Harry in the fic. This is mostly because I don’t think Harry can be understood through the lens of the RCM like Kim can in the game.
EYES is interesting to me. Because they aren’t the RCM but rather swap!Kim’s understanding of the RCM personified. Which both means they’re brutally honest about how the police sucks but that they also cannot let go of duty and loyalty for the life of them. They are aptly named after Eyes; Kim’s last main connection to the RCM and its office culture. Which is very cool but also not my original idea! And because of the reasons mentioned prior I really don’t remember who came up with that stroke of genius but I would honestly like to thank them personally. (If I ever get my hands on the post I saw it in I’ll link it here)
I love the idea of OUTSIDER. Kim having a skill that’s specifically manifested because of how alienated he feels is so interesting to me! That how much the world has failed him is ingrained in him just speaks volumes, y’know. Outs don’t have too much of a narrative purpose compared to other skills but I do love them regardless. They aren’t completely my original idea either, but unlike EYES, I have no idea where I got this one from. (Again, if I find the source I’ll put in a link, but for now my cursed memory can produce nothing.)
JOIE DE VIVRE is the most fun little guy in Kim’s mind to me. They are what makes life fun (as their name suggests) and they ultimately represent indulgence. They are essentially good to listen to occasionally but not constantly. Because Joie is all about base desires which they want fulfilled now. “Hey! Smoke that cigarette now! Hey! Fuck that guy now! Hey! Avoid your responsibilities now!” And if they don’t get that they will immediately trash talk whoever shut them down. And, to say the least, they are constantly being repressed by the other skills. Kim can’t get rid of them but, oh man, does he wish he could.
VOLTA DO MAR is my swap!Kim’s signature skill. And it shows: they are used to being in control. They are all about keeping Kim going and they generally serve a similar role like VOLITION does in terms of keeping Kim sane. But they are really nothing like VOLITION. They’re mean. They’re efficient. They’re a completionist and simultaneously a survivor. They will shut down anything they deem unnecessary while also dealing with any odd situation which Kim simply needs to roll with. Volt ultimately thinks they know best and is thusly kind of a dick. 
NERVE is a kind of “physical skill all in one” with the added on flavour of repressed anger. NERVE’s name then, of course, both comes from the biological nerve and because of the “that struck a nerve” saying. They just want Kim to follow his gut and retaliate for once. They’re the physicality of anger and instinct. Which has pros and cons… 
POISE is an interesting little fella to me. They’re kind of like a teen who’s obsessed with being cool and keeping up face and facade in my eyes:-) And since they’re also such a high level skill they get to talk a lot, and with their focus being reputation a large part of that talk is about how embarrassed Kim should be. They’re a personification of self consciousness and intrusive anxiety riddled thoughts and yet they’re also one of Kim’s most useful skills, both in regards to reading others and not being read himself. They’re sort of a necessary evil in that sense.
Oh man. That was a ramble. And I didn’t even talk about every skill. Well, I’m all tuckered out now but thank you so much for the ask, anon! I kinda took it as an excuse to just talk for once so I hope that alright:-] 
I don’t know how many people (if any) will find this interesting so, to the people who got this far, I’ll tell you my swap!Kim’s 5 highest level skills as a token of my appreciation for reading:-) Number one is of course VOLTA DO MAR, followed by POISE, BLEEDING HEART, NOTEKEEPER, and then lastly COMMAND. Extra fun fact; EYES and OUTSIDER are always the exact same level and this makes them furious.
Anyways, thank you again for reading my fic and this long ass answer to an otherwise simple ask! I hope you have a great rest of your day:-]
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slovo-kvnnt · 2 years ago
Tf2 Freakshow.✦
<×(and small drawings of my Heancanons)×>
These ARE HEADCANONS, that is, they are not really canons of the characters and it is used for PERSONAL USE. nothing here is confirmed by the creators of different Freaks. but hey thanks for watching ;).
✦Panis cupcakes may not know how to read, write or even count well, but he is an excellent piano player.
(by the way I made these drawings of the different versions of painis cupcakes, includes my Heancanon).
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✦Intelligent Heavy and Vagineer are the only ones with the sense of humor of...
✦Both Cakehole and Pi$$ are fans of Naruto. And in fact, Cakehole is the vice-president of the Otaku Club and Handsome Rogue is the president-at-large.
✦Ass Pancakes is wondering if he's really straight.
that is why both Gentlemanspy, as Spyper and even his best friend, SoupCock Porkpie often call him "bisexual Dumbass".
✦Pi$$ cakehole unlike the others, he needs glasses to see from a distance or read more comfortably. But once Cakehole grabbed his glasses and half and part of the glass broke, so he had to fix it himself, and since that day nobody touches him.
and curiously, he is in a relationship with Cbs but let's say that his relationship is something... unusual
(and they both smoke marijuana, while Cakejole prefers cocaine)
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a strange mix between obsession and hate... yes hehe...
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✦Polite Spy when he has a specific feeling or emotion his eyes change color depending on what emotion it is.
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✦Cps smokes in the church bathroom, yes literally everyone calls him a ...
EVEN ERZENGEL, Karmasolly and Dream demo (rarely, but does).
✦Allright, we all know that erzengel and cps hate each other and it's for the same reason that cbs would HAVE to BE in hell. but let's say that he only defended him from his fate and that's it, arguments, fights, dissolution, etc., but even so Brutal and Pure are friends.
✦Karma Soldier and Lord Degroot used to be best friends until one day everything changed forever ...
✦Each Freak has his sexual orientation or how that Freak identifies.
for example, Soldine IDENTIFIES AS AN ORANGE CAR- okno( but they tend to make those kinds of jokes with Ghost, MSG, Orangeman, Cyborgneer and Medizard).
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(I was thinking about digitizing but due to personal problems and mere laziness, I couldn't do it, and now I realized that I didn't color the pants from CBS XDDDDDD)
✦The Spyper Red, or simply Red. And his personality is the opposite, he is someone malevolent and a professional psychopath.
✦Medizard x Cakehole pi$$ is good
✦Demo Samedi and Samedi Spy are Haitian
✦Ghost doesn't like to be called "GHOSTY" (Major and Soldine never misses an opportunity to call it that).
✦Madic has a collection of pigeons in his laboratory and one of the birds he has is a raven named Lewis, after Major Lewis.
✦Cyborspy has CyborSoldier as a sex slave. not to specify their shady situations... but for now no one knows... FOR NOW.
CyborPyro has the appearance of a woman, because once everything was destroyed. The only thing they were able to recover was his head and some small parts of it.
Cybormedic cleverly spruced up its appearance and gave it some personality and the FemCyborPyro was born. her appearance is because it would be easier to distract her enemies using her female "Methods".
Fem/CyborPyro can be identified as both "SHE" and "HE" but can also be referred to as "they" or "It"
✦Cyborscout and Drunk Monk (actually this is Canon XD) are a couple. And they're planning a wedding, they just can't decide who the best man will be.
precisely MSG and cyborneer fight over that.
✦everything you saw here is an "AU" Alternate Universe (Slovo's AU).
a world where innocent respawners and mercenaries leave the servers empty and discolored.
The pacifist Freaks are more dangerous than the feared High Ranker, but their psycho mode or "killer instinct" is disabled, of course unless you want to unleash TRUE CHAOS.
Let's assume that the real danger would be the peaceful Freaks like Cps, I.H and Politespy ESPECIALLY.
So HECU, from time to time interrogate Freaks of this type and examine their way of thinking, socializing, defending themselves, and seeing the Tf2Freaks-Wolrd in their angle view ...
"So, those idiots over there *points to all the freaks, including Soldine and the entire HECU staff* are they one step from the far future?...."
yes... but not at the same time. My AU is in the 20's post 2001. Psycho Freaks lost interest in killing due to server inactivity and are getting more and more modernized, until reaching a "current" state.
HECU Staff Documentary Narrator: Everyone is in a neutral or peaceful state for now, but they miss the good old days...
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maythearo · 2 years ago
Hi, I saw your drawings of JamiKali Spider-Man AU, and I LOVED IT!!
How is this AU? And what do you think of JamiKali's Shipp?
OH you just reminded me to add the tag for this AU on other previous posts where I was chatting about it with ppl who sent me asks! The general tag for my blog is ".twst into the spider verse" if you want to check mine and other people's ideas on it in more detail over there!
Second question first: I'm not really into shipping im general, so idk, I don't think about JamiKali much tbh skdndwknd 🏃
And for the first question I'll take this ask as an opportunity to sum up some hcs I have for this AU 👍 but some important notes first:
I personally rather imagine this AU as a magicless/not-so-magic-central kinda world just for simplicity sake, but the rest of twst og lore pretty much remains the same.
I just talk abt scarabia here bcs they are my faves!
Since what inspired me to ramble about this AU was across the spider-verse, I do make a brief mention canon events and a bit of multiverse stuff
Also there is major character death here 🧍
Scarabia into the spider-verse, headcanons under the cut!
Earth 2506 - Kalim as the spider-man of his dimension. Can also be referred to as the desert-spider!
uhh (making up an origin story on the spot right now) considering he comes from a family of influential merchants, maybe they got a great deal to partner up with some sort of scientific corporation, to deal with the business side of their new technologies. Kalim was for the first time invited to one of the meetings, as the heir to the family business, it was about time for him to check in person how things worked on this field. In short, it did not end well. As they walked around the corporation's main labs, one spider subject went loose, and Kalim stood right under its web.
he's very fitting to be a spidey, considering his happy-go-lucky personality, he'd be the type of spider-man to mess around and have a lot of fun playing the role of a hero
(Fight goes silent)
Kalim: well! that was another easy adventure for spider ma-
(Big explosion)
Jamil is the first one to know about this secret identity of course. He covers up any potential slips, as to not reveal this secret to anyone else
One notable thing about spider-man!Kalim is that he can afford whatever hero gadgets he needs. Gotta fix his web shooters? Want a nice improvement on his hero constume? No problem. He got a fair share of contacts from people who'd easily do all of these for him. Even though it is Jamil the one who usually runs after this stuff in his place...
Canon event stuff being losing a best friend? Jamil in this universe actually becomes Venom (maybe he found a symbiote from the same lab the spider came from) and yeah they had to fight. Jamil probably snapped for the same reasons he got his overblot. And this is the part where Kalim learns that with great powers comes great responsibility...
What would happen next? Does he move on eventually after the fight? Will there be other villains for spider-man to stop? How will he keep the secret identity now that Jamil's gone? Well, these are great questions, because- (runs away)
Earth 1209 - Jamil as the spider-man of his dimension. Idk if he'd go by any other variant of a spider-man name
Now that I think about it, his own universe is probably an accidental breach from Kalim's. As in "what if Kalim didn't get bitten at the lab, and instead brought the radioactive spider back home by accident?" then when Jamil took Kalim's backpack he was the one to get bitten instead
Ace happened to be the first one to find out about Jamil's powers after an incident on a basketball game. Their dynamic is funny. It's not like Ace wants to be the "guy in the chair" but if Jamil's secret identity is ever at risk, he'd volunteer to help, no questions asked. And aside from him, Najma is the only other person who knows about this as well. The very moment spider-man made his first appearance in public she knew! She says it's a "sister instinct", or something like that. She'd even offer to help him and make him a proper hero uniform... but ONLY if he agrees to do all the house chores for her for a month.
Najma: you gotta say it first :)
Jamil: (sigh) callforbackup
Najma: what? :)
Jamil: .......callforbackup
Najma: come onn :)
Jamil: PLEASE just call for-
Najma: yeah I already called it :)
Perhaps spider-man!Jamil has a puppeteer-like skill that he can use to control a small number of people with his webs!
Leona could be a mentor type of character in this universe. Like Jamil already kinda looks up to him in canon, but this time they are a little nicer to each other loll and I only bring this up because there is no "uncle Ben" for Jamil to lose, but Leona is the closest thing he could have to one, so...... canon event. That also ties up to that spider-man story trope of the hero finding himself in the wrong place wrong time, by the side of the person they just lost, only for a third party to walk in and assume it was spider-man the one who killed them. Having people assume this masked man to have killed a person as prestigious as Leona immediately makes spider-man public enemy #1
And edit: just remembered the point abouve could be Kalim alternatively. Which would be even more tragic to think both Jamil and Kalim lose each other in their respective universes
But what do we do after that? How does Jamil redeem himself after this misunderstanding? What if he just gives up being spider-man? Well, uhhh these are also good questions.... look over there! (runs away again)
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hexagonalhavoc · 1 year ago
Can I request The Hax Characters With a cuddly sleepy reader hcs
Hex characters with a sleepy, cuddly reader hc’s
[Author’s Note: Heck yeah, stop normalizing the grind and start normalizing being a sleepy lil guy] 
He doesn’t get very much sleep because he’d rather play or program his games later on in the day but he’ll chill in the same room as you. 
Lionel isn’t really a cuddler but he’ll let you lean against him. 
You’re probably the reason why he’s starting to have a better sleep schedule. 
He’s a pretty decent artist because he designs all the visual aspects of his games so he might sketch you while you’re sleeping. He’s very shy about showing you these sketches because he doesn’t want to come off as weird.
Carla loves to cuddle but she can’t sit still. 
She has so many stuffed animals you can cuddle with in her absence and a bunch of cool blankets with different designs on them. 
Before you moved in together she would fall asleep with you on Discord calls. 
Before she started dating you she would listen to asmr so she would recommend you some channels she liked. She would watch the funny ones with you in bed.
If you’re asleep in front of other people he’ll make it very clear that no one should disturb your rest. 
Reggie has different records that he can play on the gramophone if you prefer music while you’re sleeping. If you don’t he can make the inn silent.
Will hum to you as you fall asleep.
Life can be so stressful so he’s just happy to see that you’re resting.
Jeremiah is a very awkward cuddler so in the beginning you’ll be initiating most of it. 
Even if you’re bundled up in blankets he’ll still give you his cloak.
He doesn’t need sleep but will sleep next to you if it’s something you want him to do. 
He likes listening to the sound of your heartbeat, it becomes his favorite sound to fall asleep to.
Chef Bryce: 
Bryce prefers to be moving and doing something but he considers all time with you to be precious, even if it’s sleeping. 
He may not fall asleep but he’ll use that opportunity to practice meditation, breathing exercises, or reflect on his day. 
He likes to tell you about the silly dreams he had when he wakes up and he likes to hear about your dreams. 
He doesn’t sleep with a lot of blankets so you can have as many as you like but he will steal your pillows. 
Laz is always tired even if he gets an appropriate amount of rest which is rare. 
He’ll sleep along with you no matter the time or the place. 
I saw a drawing of him with long hair once so that’s now my headcanon for him. His hair is super long and will get everywhere while you two are sleeping. It’s normal to wake up with some of his hair in your mouth. 
He likes to hold your hand while sleeping so he’s still connected to you. 
Chandrelle talks in her sleep and it can be really funny sometimes. 
She’s a little grumpy when she first wakes up but then again she’s grumpy all the time. 
Before she met you she was fine with sleeping alone but now if she wants to sleep she needs you to cuddle her. 
She uses some of the items and potions from her game to create skincare products so that you two have a fun nighttime spa routine. 
Doesn’t need to sleep but enjoys sleeping anyways. 
She’s always hyper aware of everything meaning it’s hard for her to fall asleep. Your cuddles do help her get calm and cozy. 
Unfortunately her hyper awareness means that even the most faintest sound or a slight change in temperature will wake her up. 
She enjoys building a huge pillow fort for the both of you to sleep in. This pillow fort will literally defy the laws of time and space.
Irving doesn’t really understand that people need to rest so he ends up pushing other people and himself to the limit. 
It’ll take some persuasion but you can get him to fall asleep with you. You tell him that you’ll only take a five minute nap and it ends up being hours later before either of you wake up. 
He thinks resting makes him weak but he loves holding you and making you feel safe. He tells himself that he’s only resting for you and won’t admit that he genuinely enjoys his downtime with you. 
He prefers to sleep and cuddle with you on a couch so that he can get up easily if his work requires him to do so. 
First Person Perspective: 
It’s hard to tell if he sleeps or not but he’s always down for cuddling with you. 
If you fall asleep and he needs to go somewhere he’ll just carry you around, he doesn’t really care who’s watching. It’s just comforting to have you close by. 
He loves glow in the dark stuff so if the both of you have a room at the inn it will be covered in those glow in the dark stars that stuck on ceilings. 
He’s great to cuddle with because he’s really good at staying still. 
Rust McClain: 
This man is so tired but will not sleep unless you drag him to bed. 
Even when he’s no longer in Waste World he insists on looking out for danger. After what happened in his game it’s hard for him to feel safe but he’ll sleep if you really want him to. 
He enjoys cuddling with you but you can only do it once he has all of his accessories off otherwise it’s going to be very uncomfortable. 
He loves sleeping to the sound of rain. If it’s raining he’ll start to fall asleep even if he doesn’t mean to.
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rosies-emporium · 1 year ago
send 💔 for my muse to talk about an ex
Husbands covered: 1/7
[MOD TALK] Time to begin those Rosie headcanon lore drops! So excited to slowly explore her story and descent into remorseless cannibalism as it unfolded in my head haha <3 Enjoy, be mindful of the tws + of this all being mostly headcanon, and send 💔 if you wanna hear about the next one in the line!
tw: cannibalism, blunt force murder, domestic violence mentions, miscarriage mention, period-typical misogyny, alcohol mentions
𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓮
🥀 🥀 🥀 🥀 🥀 
You know, I wasn't born into high society. If I have anyone to thank for the life I was lucky to lead back in human world, it'd be my dear late father. He worked his fingers to the bone to gift me those opportunities, manners, and the proper education, that he did. And like all hard work with a goal, it paid off. Throughout the years, our shop saw many well-heeled patrons. And when one of them invited me to an upcoming ball, I was more than ready. I met my first husband at that ball and trust me, at the time it felt much like a fairytale! He wasn't even that old, only 'bout seven or eight years my senior, and from a well-respected line. Tall, gruff, no-nonsense, scowlin' type. No love at the first sight with this one, but you can't blame a girl for settling when it came with oh so many perks... We married, of course, and fast. For a while, it wasn't even quite so bad to live alongside him. Sure, he could stand to devote some more time and attention to his wife than to his beloved investments, but for the most part, I was left to my own devices. If anything, I enjoyed the independence when he was out 'n' about throughout days and evenings. Started thinking about children, too. Why, my father was aging fast, and began talkin' more and more about how he'd love to meet his grandkids still...
Sometimes I still wonder if it was only his stocks tanking or also my first unfruitful condition of expecting that changed my husband into this distasteful despot he's become. Oh, naturally, it was the bottle too, he started reaching for it far too easily. And trying to suppress me. Suddenly all my advice was nagging, and my vigor was exasperating. Can you imagine? It bugged me enough already, but divorce, you know it, wasn't really on the table. I'd rather not end up like poor Emma, gossiped and scorned by everybody. So I grit my teeth and persevered. And oh, could I put on a cheerful act! Among our neighbors, no one even suspected that we could be having any trouble...
Until the day he first raised his hand at me.
Say you were in my shoes, would you just take it? I didn't. I couldn't. One's first time is rarely premeditated. It's only with time that you learn to plan and execute. Practice makes perfect, and back then? I didn't just have any practice yet.
Our fireplace poker was heavy duty and too close to my reach. It only took a second to grab it. Twenty hits until he stopped moving took me only as long as I needed for the tears to cease their flowing.
It's amusing in retrospect. I was such a scared, unseasoned lamb back then! I stood there over his body in a pool of blood, and my hands wouldn't stop shaking. I felt so much, you know. Fear, mainly. Of consequences, of being found out, of myself and what I've done. But even back then... nowhere among those feelings was regret.
I knew I had to get rid of the body. Hiding it wasn't an option, the house would surely have been searched, and going outside with large bags would draw attention. It was pragmatic, really. Did you know that's how most cannibals start? You'd think it's the curiosity, but not really, not in most of cases. Most often it's the hunger... having nothing else to eat. Or, simply, as it was for me... the idea comes up as a method of disposing of evidence.
So I cooked him up. As the stew bubbled, it smelled nice, but oh, he tasted horrible; must've been this booze filling every crevice of his meat. Still, having a bite was... satisfying. Like a moment of victory, a symbolic thing. I fed the rest of him to dogs. Before his disappearance has been noted, there was nothing more to find.
When some time has passed, and his 'missing person' status got changed to a 'likely dead' one, playing a widow in despair wasn't much more toilsome than playing a happy wife had been...
Can you even blame me?
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