#i hope you're doing wonderful sweet sprout
inkykeiji · 2 months
hello it is i, sprout again, with mindless thoughts (thank you for always being patient with my drawn out rambles).
so ive been browsing more on sd!nat. the last anon question got me curious and now im hell deep. he seems equally secure and insecure in a sense. perhaps in the way where the idea of reader leaving may make him feel vulnerable and reactive. correct me if im wrong!!
what if he found out that the reader was storing away money in a private account? like maybe she has intentions or maybe its just her trying to be financially smart on her end. but im curious about the whirlwind of thoughts that would race through his head upon the discovery :')
sprout babie!!! i am SOOO late on answering this, i apologize!! >.<
no you’re entirely right, he is both secure and insecure. he has confidence in himself and his abilities when it comes to specific things (work being the biggest one), but he is so obsessed with his reader that he’s terrified she’ll leave. it’s kind of one of those situations where you end up loving something so much that it becomes unfathomably important to you, and because it is now so important to you, you are petrified of losing it in some way because you don’t know how you’d survive or function without it. the more important and valuable something/someone is to us, the more scared we are to lose it, basically.
OOOH okay so!! technically, it would be extremely difficult for reader to do such a thing, as natsuo controls and manages all of her banking accounts and funds + personal info etc etc (he holds all of her identification on him at all times, for example). BUT!!! for arguments sake let’s say she was somehow able to stash away some money in a private account, and natsuo found out—he would absolutely go ballistic.
you specifically mentioned the streams of thought that would tangle in his head upon first learning about it, and that’s pretty much exactly what would happen. his thoughts would be so messy and so chaotic that they’d merely knot together into one huge, incomprehensible mass that weighs on his skull with each passing moment.
his mind is running at a mile a minute and he can hardly catch a single idea that races through his head, all of the potential situations morphing into one another, half-finished and hectic, as his brain jumps from one scenario to the next: what if she’s saving up to escape? to leave him and never return? to buy a ticket to some unknown, far-away land and change her name, to become completely untraceable? what if it’s someone else giving her this money? natsuo doesn’t pay much attention to the absurd amounts of money he is consistently dealing with, so he can’t remember if he noticed lump sums missing—what if she’s been stealing money from him and it’s been going undetected because he’s so busy? what if this money is coming from a new partner; someone putting silly and fantastical ideas in her head, someone who might rot her brain, poison her heart, and convince her to leave him? what if she’s gotten herself into some sort of trouble, and has been hiding it from him? what if she’s got some rare illness, and she’s saving up money for treatment without bothering to tell him? what if she’s somehow in some sort of danger? what if she fucking hates him, and is doing all of this just to spite him? what if she’s trying to gaslight him and make him crazy? etc etc etc.
it’s all so much that he ends up drowning in it, paralyzed by the endless number of possibilities, and isn’t able to confront her about this behaviour until he speaks to his beloved touya-nii first, who knows how to snip those knots into tiny pieces and weave them into something sensical again.
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Hey! Could I ask for Georgie x Hufflepuff!reader. Reader likes to read, is calm and does well at school but also fun and their friends are like amazed with how well they complement each other?
Did I base this in myself? Of course. Thanks lovely 🤍 Feel free to ignore as always!
Thank you for such a lovely request 💗
The Odd Couple
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George Weasley x fem!reader
Warnings: a couple of curse words
"Ready, my love?" George offered his hand.
Y/N smiled and took it. "With you, always."
People had long since given up wondering what the rebellious Gryffindor prankster and the sweet, soft-spoken Hufflepuff scholar could possibly see in each other, and just started admitting they were one of the school's most adorable couples.
"I love Hogsmede in the spring," Y/N commented as they strolled through the tiny village. "Everything's just so vibrant and lively."
"I was thinking," George said. "How do you feel about grabbing lunch to go from The Three Broomsticks and having a little picnic? Enjoy the warm spring day."
"Ooh, yeah!" A bright smile spread across his girlfriend's face, and she took a few little bouncy steps.
George's heart warmed at her enthusiasm. "A picnic it is then."
Y/N wasn't the first girl he'd dated. However, she was the first one who understood or even cared that he was his own person, with his own talents and hopes and needs.
"You're so much more than just Fred's twin," she'd said to him in Herbology after he'd grumbled under his breath about being seen as "Second Fred."
At the time, he and Y/N weren't even friends yet. Only project partners, paired together by Professor Sprout. So, he certainly hadn't intended for her to hear him. But Y/N did, and her response changed everything. George froze at her words, barely aware that the plant he was holding had slipped from his grasp until the pot hit the floor, shattering into a million pieces. No one, not even his family, had ever said anything like that to him. And from that point on, he made it his mission in life to learn everything about this girl.
Now, here they were, eight months later, madly in love. And if anyone had a problem with it, they could fuck right off.
"Seriously? You're dating George Weasley? But why?" Y/N's roommate, Amy, had asked her when she announced that she and George were dating.
"What do you mean, why?"
"Well, he's George Weasley, and you're, you know, you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Y/N crossed her arms.
"I don't mean anything bad by it," her roommate said quickly. "It's just that you're so smart and sweet. And George is a Weasley twin. You know how he and Fred are."
"I know," Y/N defended. "That George is not Fred. They're twins, Amy, not carbon copies of each other."
And with that, Y/N threw the door open and headed off to meet up with her new boyfriend.
That would be the first of her many dates with George, which ultimately led to her being invited by his mum to spend summer break at the Burrow.
"I was wrong about you and George," her roommate had admitted much later. "You guys are perfect for each other. I don't know how or why, but you are."
"Of course we are," Y/N smiled proudly.
Her roomie wasn't the only one to achieve that epiphany. Once, where there'd been odd looks and whispers behind their back, there were now heart eyes as people fell in love with her and George being in love.
"What did I do to make you fall in love with me?" George asked.
The question came completely out of the blue, and Y/N rolled onto her side to face him. "A million things really," she said. "You're sweet and thoughtful. You make me laugh. Alot. And I feel stronger with you, more confident, more daring."
George smiled and pushed a stray hair from her face. "When we first started dating, Fred refused to take our relationship seriously. He just couldn't understand why we were together. With you being you and me being me and all that ridiculousness."
Y/N gave a small laugh and nodded. She'd also dealt with her fair-share of such nonsense. "And now?"
"I still don't think he understands. But he's glad that I've found someone that makes me happy," George said. "And you do, you know. Make me happy. You see me. You love me for me. And I just wanted to know what I did to make you fall in love with me so I can make sure I keep doing it."
"Just keep being yourself, Georgie. That's all you'll ever need to do."
"Oh good!" he wiped his brow in mock relief. "Glad it's something easy!"
"Perfect! Love it! That's peak George Weasley right there," Y/N laughed and pulled him in for a kiss.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh @sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe @drama-queen-fromthevault @smallsweetvanillabean @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @scooby-doo1995 @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @charmedfandomgal @loca4moony @whotfskai @netflix-addict
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bassettmemes · 1 year
SWEET SLICE OF LIFE. ↳ for uncomplicated interactions with no bigger picture. there are references to food and alcohol in this meme.
"do you want to grab lunch later in the week? i feel like we haven't hung out enough recently."
"i saw this the other day and thought of you. i hope you like it."
"did you see that new romcom yet? i've heard it was incredible."
"[name] gave me the nicest gift last week for our anniversary. [pronoun] has excellent taste in jewelry."
"i've had the new taylor's version on repeat since it came out and i think it's safe to say that i'm obsessed."
"would it be bad if i were to have accidentally washed an expensive cashmere sweater in hot water?"
"there's a possibility the dishwasher is leaking, and by possibility, i mean that there is a standing inch of water in the kitchen now."
"are brussel sprouts supposed to smell that bad while they're cooking?"
"all i want to do is quit my job and get paid to lay on my couch watching chopped."
"if i'm being honest, i don't want [pronoun] coming back to my apartment after the champagne flute incident of '21."
"i didn't think that class could get any more boring, but today we literally watched paint dry for ten whole minutes."
"we're renovating the kitchen. do you think we'd need a hot water tap on the sink?"
"i've been playing candy crush for three hours. i spent twenty dollars. please take my phone away from me. please."
"i wrote this poem and i really like it, but i was wondering if you'd want to set it to music? cool if you don't, it was just something i was thinking about."
"do you want to go to the beach? i know it's a twelve hour drive, but i want to feel the sand under my feet."
"well, it happened. my ipod from 2005 finally bit the dust. it was a good eighteen years, but i guess it's time to move on."
"it was a mistake. it won't happen again. honestly, i don't see how i could make that mistake again. you don't forget you're at a funeral and open tiktok every other week, you know?"
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baronessblixen · 1 year
Today's prompt: 5. "You're the smartest person I know."
Fluffy-fluff set in Detour: We get to see a bit more of Scully singing to Mulder... (wc: 1,000)
tagging @today-in-fic @xfficchallenges
Fictober Day 5: If I Were The King of The World
“Joy to you and me,” Scully sings, letting the words fade away into the thicket. Even with her being quiet now, there's no silence here. Every sound is a potential danger and every snap and crackle makes her hold Mulder closer to her body. He’s warm. So very, very warm. She knows she won’t fall asleep, but she can’t help but think about how it would feel to be pressed against his warm body in other circumstances.
“Where’s the second verse?” Mulder mumbles.
“Sleep, Mulder,” she replies, evading his question.
“You stopped singing. Can’t sleep if you don’t sing.”
“You can’t hear me sing when you’re sleeping.”
“I’m not asleep yet. Come on, Scully. The second verse is the best.”
“I don’t know it,” she lies.
“If I were the king of the world,” Mulder starts and she has to bite her lip because his singing is worse than her own. “Tell you what I’d do. Throw away the cars and the something and the something, hmm, how does that go? Now your line, Scully.”
The only sound is the rustling of their outdoor gear as Mulder moves his body to get more comfortable. She waits and holds her breath. It’s just a song. The line doesn’t mean anything. She knows the lyrics by heart, having sung the song with Melissa when they were children. One day, while at the beach, her sister was singing the second verse quietly watching a group of others, and Scully, feeling brave, asked her what making sweet love even meant. Melissa smiled and kissed her hair, promising her that she’d explain it to her when she was a little bit older.
“Scully? Sing the last line.”
It has been on her mind all day. That’s a lie. It has been on her mind for many days now. Making sweet love to someone. No, not someone. To Mulder. She can admit it to herself now. Here, in the dark, damp forest, where her secret is safe among the trees. At some point in the last couple of months, her feelings have sprouted in spite of it all. Now, she can no longer bury them deep inside. She doesn’t want to anymore either. If there’s one thing her cancer has taught her, it’s that no one is guaranteed a future. When this seminar came along, her plan began to hatch. With no monsters or aliens to hunt, she figured she and Mulder could maybe, just maybe, try and catch a slice of life. But of course, they ended up here, lost in the woods, Mothmen loose and Mulder wounded.
“Did you fall asleep on me?” Mulder asks. His clothes rustle again and his elbow digs into her thigh.
“I’m awake,” she assures him. She’d tried. She’d really tried. Came to his room with wine and cheese. How much clearer could she have been? And now he wants her to sing that line. He’s good at making jokes, at flirting. The following through? Not so much.
He starts to hum the melody and then stares up at her again, making her wonder what’s going through his mind. A lock of hair is stubbornly standing up from his head, making him look impossibly young and boyish.
“It’s I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the wars,” she sings softly, correcting his earlier lyrics. The corner of his mouth twitches in amusement.
“What’s the next line then?” he asks with a voice smoother than the wine she drank without him last night.
“Make sweet love to you.” She says the words instead of singing them, hoping they’ll register somewhere in that brilliant mind of his.
“That’s it.” He sighs, burrowing deeper into her lap. He lies still and his breath is even. That’s it?
“Mulder, you’re the smartest person I know,” she says, shaking her head.
“Thank you?”
“But sometimes you just-”
“I just what?”
“Do you really not know what I was – when I came to your room with the cheese and the wine, did you really not know what I wanted?” He’s quiet for a long time, but Scully knows he isn’t asleep. They could have had this conversation in a warm, comfortable hotel room. They could have forgone the conversation altogether and just let their bodies talk. But that would have been too easy.
“I didn’t know. I figured that’s what you were doing, but… I wasn’t sure.”
“Mulder, I almost kissed you – who I thought was you – a few months ago. How can you not be sure?”
“So much for being smart, huh? What if you’re wrong about me?”
“What do you mean?”
“What if we… and then you decide it’s not worth it. That I’m not- I can’t risk that, Scully. I just can’t risk losing you again. I just got you back and I’m not going to do anything to jeopardize it.” Tears prick at the corner of her eyes.
“You couldn’t lose me if you tried,” she says, running her hand through his hair.
“Am I still the smartest person you know?” he asks, and she chuckles. She leans down even though her back protests and kisses his forehead.
“Yes, Mulder. You are.”
“Likewise, you know. You’re the smartest person I know. So I hope you know that I’m- I’m not not interested.”
“I know,” she says quietly. And she does know. She understands that he needs more time. She can wait for him.
“I just-”
“I know, Mulder. Now close your eyes and sleep so that we can get out of here tomorrow.”
“Will you sing me another song?”
“Any requests?”
“How about some Elvis?”
“You promise me that you’ll close your eyes and sleep?”
“I promise.” She takes a deep breath before she lets go and just sings for him.
“Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can’t help, falling in love with you,” she sings with a steady voice and she thinks Mulder is smiling against her. But he keeps his promise and falls asleep.
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Hey! Love your drabbles so much, and i was wondering if you were still taking asks? if so can i request a sequel to her first words, where the baby is grown up a bit and they're having family time or something? just a thought!
Combined this with another ask: KC+their child klaus beinga stern parent and caroline is laughing but trying not to show it.
Hope you like it!
They're eating dinner at the table one night, Chinese takeout, Caroline’s favourite. Caroline picks around in her fried rice, trying to pick out the onions, but at Klaus’s stern glare towards her to be a good role model to Eve and eat all her vegetables, Caroline eats them, but not without a lot of grumbling.
Klaus is very particular about Eve eating all her vegetables, something she’s sure he’s picked up from years of babysitting Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik, and since Eve hates nearly all the vegetables Caroline does (which is a lot), he’s always the one to force both of them into eating them.
Caroline would have found it adorable if she hadn’t been forced to eat her onions all the time.
Eve hates beans. With a passion. She pushes them around on her plate, her little feet swinging below the table. Caroline suddenly notices her eyes light up and sneak a glance to her father, who’s busy on the phone with a consult. Eve slowly picks up her fork and scoots nearer to Klaus, and moves to dump her vegetables onto his plate.
“Don’t even think about it,” Klaus tells her, ending the call and pocketing his phone. Eve lets out a frustrated snarl and yanks her plate towards her, stabbing a potato.
“I hate beans,” she mutters, shoving the potato in her mouth and crossing her arms.
“We know,” Klaus says patiently, passing the gravy to Caroline, who’s watching their exchange with an amused look. “That doesn’t mean you don’t have to eat them.”
“Why?” Eve spits out.
“Because they're healthy, and don’t talk while you're eating, Eve,” Caroline reprimands her.
After dinner, while they're all in the living room, Caroline with Eve sprawled in her lap, braiding the ends of her hair like she does Klaus’s, and Klaus next to her, glasses perches on his nose as he reads the latest report his residents had sent over, Eve hops to the floor from her mother’s lap, and ignoring her protests, confidently states, “I think we shouldn’t eat vegetables anymore.”
Caroline snorts, and Klaus keeps his report aside and pulls Caroline’s legs to rest over his lap as she sprawls on the sofa. “And why do you think so?”
“Because vegetables are icky, Daddy. Duh.”
“We don’t say duh because it’s mean, Eve,” Caroline says gently. “And just because vegetables may not taste that good doesn’t mean they're not healthy.”
“How do you know if they’re healthy? Pop tarts could be healthy,” Eve challenges, hands perched on her hips.
“Eve, my love,” Klaus says, barely able to hold back his laughter. “We’re not having pop tarts for dinner every night.”
“But they’re so tasty,” Eve whines. She turns to her mother for support. “Mommy?”
“I'm with Daddy on this one, Eve. You have to eat healthy if you want to stay healthy, right?”
“Mommy,” Eve says, stamping her foot. “Daddy. Beans taste terrible. So do sprouts. I'm bored.”
With that, she collapses onto the couch next to Caroline dramatically, and Klaus does start laughing at that, and Eve pouts.
“Eve,” he says, reaching over to hold her hands in his and pulling her to rest on his lap. “Sweetheart, what do Mummy and I do? What're our jobs?”
“Doctors. And what do doctors do for you, love?”
“They take care of you when you're sick.”
“How do you get sick?”
“Playing in the rain when Mommy tells you not to, then eating ice cream.”
“That’s a part of it. But do you remember how you got sick last month and we had to take you to the clinic?”
“Uncle Kol gave me too many sweets to eat,” Eve answers him cheerfully, clearly recalling fond memories. Klaus’s face darkens at that, remembers how furious he had been with Kol for indulging so many of Eve’s whims when she had stayed with him for three days.
Consequently, Eve had gotten a bad stomach ache and Kol had nearly had his shoulder dislocated.
“That’s right,” Klaus says, rubbing Caroline’s thigh soothingly in an attempt to placate himself and Caroline nearly snorts.
The only person Klaus is just as protective of as her is their daughter, and Caroline can't wait to bring out the popcorn when Eve turns sixteen and starts dating and Klaus is forced to watch her kiss her boyfriends with murder in his eyes.
He would be capable of it, of course. But she digresses.
“So, moral of the story was that if you don’t want a stomach ache, you eat all your vegetables.”
Eve pouts, pulling Klaus’s glasses from his face and perching them on her own nose. “But that’s so unfair.”
Klaus grins. “Perhaps you and Mummy can commiserate about that together.”
Caroline whacks him with her book.
Please do review!
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feathersandfarmers · 4 months
Hello! I really like your page and think it's awesome! :) Also I was wondering if you have any headcanons for Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy? :)
Thank you so much, you're very kind! You're awesome too u3u
ah, the good ol' Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy! I could think of a few, hopefully they aren't too sappy! hehe
-The two guard dogs from the first CR movie were bought by Mr.Tweedy. He gifted the two puppies to Mrs.Tweedy as a Valentine's Day gift when they were first married. Mrs.Tweedy turned the puppies into the guard dogs we know! (I wanted to draw this..imagine a young Mrs Tweedy gushing at her two new puppies that a young Mr.Tweedy gifted her)
-For their honeymoon, they went on a seaside trip to Blackpool. (that might be more or less official since i have the "Making of Chicken Run" book and it says something vaguely about this)
-Mrs. Tweedy does think that Mr.Tweedy is cute, so there is/was some attraction to him. She mainly loves his chubby cheeks and his kind brown eyes u3u
-We never get to see either of the Tweedies enjoying any hobbies...i know they're farmers, and would rarely have time for such activities what with running an entire farm together. But do wonder what kind of things would they enjoy doing for leisure... For Mrs.Tweedy, I like to think she enjoys sitting outdoors, with a cool iced tea or lemonade, and having a magazine or a nice book on her lap to read. She'd like to tend to the small garden she has out back, where you'd find some flowers, and a few veggies growing! For Mr.Tweedy, i imagine he enjoys his handy work very much. Maybe he'd even get into whittling (which is carving little statues out of wood with a special kind of knife!) unrelated but i do imagine he'd make toys for Kipper Tweedy (which is a character i invented) since the couple would be way too poor to afford many toys for their niece.
-Mrs. Tweedy is unable to have her own children, being infertile. It touches a nerve for her, she's quite sad about it. When you think about it, the Tweedies are in rural England and are farmers but don't have any children..which would be very uncommon. I think this is a common theory among some Chicken Run fans on here though. Mr.Tweedy would have loved to have been a dad too :c
-Mrs.Tweedy is nervous about thunderstorms. And on a farm out in the countryside, storms could get particularly loud and scary. She wouldn't outright admit it, but strangely enough Mrs Tweedy would want Mr.Tweedy in the room with her each time there was a loud, thunderstorm outside. What a coincidence, Mrs Tweedy...
-Mrs.Tweedy doesn't like her first name, Melisha. Deep, down she thinks it's a goofy name.
-Mr.Tweedy's favorite meal would be: Some meatloaf and creamy mashed potatoes( don't forget the gravy!) with buttered peas (maybe some fresh rolls on the side), as a main course!And for dessert: Apple pie (duh!) with some vanilla ice cream! For breakfast, he loves beans on toast with some coffee (very creamy and sugary)
-Mrs.Tweedy: She loves a good roasted chicken dinner (yikess!!) with some brussel sprouts and sweet carrots as the sides. She does like an occasional cooked salmon dish with asparagus for dinner too. She secretly has a sweet tooth but limits herself. (if she starts eating candies, for example, she'll have a hard time stopping) Instead, she'll get a fruit for dessert if she needs something sweet after dinner. For breakfast, she likes her coffee black, and simply enjoys eggs on buttered toast, often with a side of fruit.
Hope they aren't too weak, but i thought of these headcanons on a whim! thanks for the ask!
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fairyhaos · 8 months
hiya!!! so basically jihan + hoshi because youre very adorable and cute but when it gets down to it you have no issue defending your self and standing up for others as well (ofc idk you personally this is just based off of your tumblr acc and just my uh perspective(?) i guess you could say) and as far as i remember hannie and hoshi were said to be the two scariest members when they got angry so idk just the vibes i feel and also shua cuz hes just so :(( and really adorable. i feel a few of his personality traits are present in yours but theyre like such a huge part of you that its kinda hard to pick them out individually and point them out so- i hope you can understand smth from my ramblings 😭😭 (also im really not trying to uh (idk the right word perceive(?) act like i know you (?) ) idk but basically i just wanted to say that im not trying to assume (thats the word!!) anything its just the vibes you give off!! also youre doing great!! ily and appreciate you sm!! remember your health both physical, mental and emotional are far more important than anythjng else!!!
(also yes dw i do run a writing blog!!)
(you were like one of the first people i found when i joined tumblr so im really proud of you!!)
thank you for inspiring me so many times!! i owe you!! and also thank you for making my days a little bit brighter thanks to your creations that you decided to share with the world. <<33!!!!
🌱(is it just me or does this emoji remind you of hansol?)
STOP SPROUT ANON THAT'S S9 SWEET OF U :((( im glad i give soft excitable vibes + scary vibes at the same time bc that is literally what i aspire to be like ☝also idk if im really actually all that much like shua bc that man is just wayyyy more wonderful n perfect than ill ever be but it makes me vv happy when people say they see him in me 🥹🥹
and dwdw i get ur ramblings and literally i love seeing how other people perceive me!! im someone who's (unfortunately) very influenced by other people's opinions on me jshfhd so it makes me so interested to know how other people think ab me ^^
also aww omg you're so sweet :(( im honoured to be an inspiration for u hehe and i hope your week is going well too <3
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introversiontherapy · 5 months
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I think I've caught a bug...a green thumb bug! Got some more plants yesterday at the nursery, mostly herbs. I've selected herbs that are not easily found in grocery stores in any form, dried or fresh. I'm still missing some but my collection is steadily coming together. Will most likely have another haul next weekend!
For now, the box contains:
Bay leaf; Laurus nobilis -- you're thinking "Bay leaves are not hard to find in stores" and you are correct! Bay leaves are very abundant in the fluorescently lit field of the spice aisle at your local supermarket. BUT. apparently, I've heard that fresh bay is totally different from dried bay, hence me getting this $40.00 small tree when I could have just bought a small sachet of dried leaves for a fraction of the price.
In no particular order, next we have...
German Chamomile -- Lovely small white flowers that I can make into a tea, what's not to like? Chamomile tea is another easily found item. I bought this not for me to grow but for someone else.
Lemon balm; Melissa -- Melissa has a long history in...well history. It's part of the mint family so it should be easy for this nascent green thumber to handle. Wildly used by the Greeks and Romans, the Tudors especially adored this plant and would scatter them around on the floors inside to scent their rooms. It is noted for its light lemony scent, and I was suggested to add this to my garden as it will fragrant the room nicely as cut flowers, just like the Tudors used to do. It can also be made into a tea, and is pollinator friendly.
One lonesome tomato plant called Sugar Gloss. That's all the info I have on it. I hope it is true to its name. Just in case my seedlings don't turn out, I would hopefully still have one tomato plant to fall back on. A summer without tomatoes is a sad summer indeed.
Last but not least I have a lean pot of French Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus 'Sativa'). I love the flavour of anise-type herbs and spices such as tarragon but I know it isn't for everyone. I like using anise flavourings in my pasta sauces, and when I can't find tarragon, which is often, I'd substitute it for fennel seeds or straight-up sambuca (the liqueur). Tarragon is hard to find where I am, dried or fresh so I decided to just buy a plant of it to ensure a personal supply of this anisey wonder. I find the sweet taste of anise understated and subtle, unlike if you were to add sugar to a rather acidic pasta sauce. It balances the acidity in tomatoes and adds interest and complexity to the palate.
Also! I HAVE GROWTH IN MY SEEDLINGS! The sprouts are from Sweet Peas! (The flower, not actual peas one could eat) And in all three boxes! This is the only one that has sprouted, the rest are still asleep in their starter mix. It is more than encouraging to say the least to see them grow from seed!
My wishlist of plants I want to have for this season:
Lovage, chervil, gardenia and jasmine. I have an outdoor jasmine tree. They are so delicate that they wilt very fast as soon as they're cut, and they do not make nice dried flowers, I've tried. The scent is completely lost when they've dried. I'd like to keep an indoor variant of jasmine to enjoy its scent.
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pof203 · 1 year
Tiger & Bunny Justice Week: NHK Broadcast
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This is Hero TV Live! We are now getting closer to the first annual Justice Week. This week will celebrate the anime, Tiger & Bunny. This was thought up by fans to celebrate. The official is that this week will last from April 1 to 8. But since the day after the 8 is Easter Sunday, for this year, we will have an extra day. I hope you're all excited for what this celebration. I know I am.
First, let's see what the Sterbild Heroes are up to. They could be doing anything, folks. Remember, April 1 is not only the first day, it's also April Fool's Day.
First up, the team of Golden Rose.
>The scene now showed a live feed of Golden Ryan and Blue Rose in the break room.
>Blue Rose opens refrigerator and screams to see a snake in it. But when she gets a closer look, she saw it was only a rubber snake.
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April Fools!
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(sorry if the image is too small, you know the policy) That did get me a bit. I thought it was real.
Golden Ryan: (proudly) Yeah, I'm awesome!
>Golden Ryan sits down and opens a box of cookies that he believed came from a fan. But when he does...
Golden Ryan: (freaking out) AHH! Spider! Spider! Spider! Spider! Spider!
>But when he looks closer, he saw that the "spiders" were actually spider-shaped cookies with a blue rose with them.
Blue Rose: (laughing) April Fools!
Golden Ryan: (also laughing) That's a good one! I never would have thought of that one.
Mario: Sounds like fun. Now let's check on Origami Bison.
>In the training room, Origami Cyclone and Rock Bison were doing some minute training before going to the celebration. (Pretend their faces are blurred out to protect their identities.) Bison was opening his water bottle when it suddenly sprouted flowers from the opening.
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Happy April Fools Day, Bison.
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(he may not look like it, but he is laughing) Ha! Ha! That's a pretty good one.
>Origami opened his bag to get his shuriken. But when he opened it, he squealed to find a giant cockroach inside. But it turned out to be a plastic one that was playing La Cucaracha.
Rock Bison: (laughing loudly) April Fools!
Origami Cyclone: (breathing heavily) Oh. That gave me a few grey hairs.
Mario: Who could tell? You're hair's already shiny. Now, let's see Sky Emblem.
>In waiting room, Sky High and Fire Emblem were just resting a bit. Fire had just sit down to read a book. But when they opened it, the book was completely blank except for one sentence that was repeating over and over: April Fools.
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April Fools!
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Not a very clever trick, but I'll take it.
Sky High: Glad to hear it.
>Sky High, who had taken off his shoes to rest, put them back on. But when he did, they made a squishing sound. He looks in to find that he shoes were filled with chocolate pudding.
Fire Emblem: (laughing a bit) April Fools.
Sky High: (also laughing) That got me good! I thought John or Jonjon got to my shoes again.
Mario: Now that was pretty sweet! Now, for Dragon Cat.
>Dragon Kid and Magical Cat were hiding behind some dividers at a restaurant when someone walks in.
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Hello? I'm suppose to be meeting my daughter for lunch here.
>A waiter leads the woman to a table that's reserved. The waiter already has a dish out.
Woman: Spegette and meatballs? Well, I guess I could- (shocked) Oh my god!
>The woman jumped back when she saw it was actually worms. But when she takes a closer looks, she saw they were actually gummi worms. Then, Dragon Kid and Magical Cat come out of their hiding place.
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Got you good!
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Happy April Fools, Mama.
Woman: (smiling a bit) I'm not too happy with you both ganging up on me, but it was still a clever trick. Well done.
Magical Cat: Sorry. I'll make it up on you on Mother's Day.
Mario: The Gummi Worm Trick. That takes me back. I wonder what He Is Black are up to.
>He Is Thomas and Mr. Black were hiding in their manager's office under her desk. Thomas was wearing a Friday the 13th mask holding a toy chainsaw while Mr. Black was wearing a Michael Myers mask with a toy machete. Then, their manager, Carlotta Lindell, comes in.
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Of course I would forget my keys. My mother always said I'd forget head if it weren't glued on.
>Carlotta just picked up her keys when Thomas and Mr. Black jump up from behind the desk, brandishing their fake weapons. Carlotta gasped a bit, then they took of their masks.
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Gotcha! Happy April Fools!
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... Ditto.
>Carlotta said nothing... except turned on the lights and swarm of bats dropped down on them.
Mr. Black: (freaking out and activating his powers) Holy shit!
He Is Thomas: (gasping)
>But they saw they were actually rubber bats from office's Halloween party half almost half a year ago.
Carlotta: (smiling a bit) April Fools.
Mr. Black: (chuckling nervously) I.. knew they were fake.
He Is Thomas: (doubtful) Really?
Mario: Guess that one didn't work out. Now, last, but not least, the moment you've all been waiting for... Tiger and Barnaby! ... Wait, what do you mean you can't find a live feed of them? ... Oh well, let's take a look at this car commercial they left us this morning that stars them. Let's take a look.
>At first, it looked like a simply white car driving through the hills... until a man in a zombie costume jumps up screaming.
Mario: (screaming) Oh my god!
>Then, something else appears on screen with a live feed.
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Happy April Fools Day!
Mario: (almost breathless) Wow! That really got me. And I think it got a lot of our viewer as well.
Barnaby: Thanks, Mario. Just thought we'd open Justice Week with a bang.
Kotetsu: You bet. Now... we better run before Agnes comes screaming at of for that video.
Mario: Well, there you have it, folks. This is how the heroes are spending the beginning of Justice Week and there's more to come.
This is Hero TV Live!
NOTE: I'm sorry if this is coming too late and it's not on Twitter, but this is the best that I could do. I hope you all understand.
P.S. I think you know which prank video Kotetsu and Barnaby used. I decided not to actually put a link in this because it scares the shit out of me. (When I first saw it, I got so scared, I was screaming and foaming at the mouth.)
Please don't send me that link.
Let's believe HEORES.
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ay-chuu · 1 year
Hi Hi ^^ I would like to request a matchup for Genshin Impact, my mbti is INFP. I'm a Cancer (July 2nd ^^) and I'm female and I go by She/They pronouns! I enjoy learning choreographies and drawing as well as baking for my hobbies ^-^ I have a fear of large bodies of water (Or really any body of water that I would have to swim in), a fear of heights, and also a fear of public speaking. I like iced coffee and ice cream all year round no matter the temperature as well as spicy food, but I don't like brussel(?) sprouts or really anything bitter (unless it's dark chocolate). I guess my type when it comes to men would be someone who is good with kids and likes cuddles? I'm 5'4 which is about 165 cm if I did the math right ^^" If possible I would like to choose the Valentines Day thing for the tiny drabble ^_^ I think I did this right? I hope you have a wonderful day and don't forget to hydrate and to eat something ^-^
Thank you so much love you are so cute <3
I match you with... (っ^▿^)💨
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You and him met in a cafe together <3 Thoma found himself approaching your table and gently introducing himself to you, finding your shyness sweet and looking at you as if you were a goddess because of your beauty. From that moment on, he sensed that you were the only one for him. When I he bought you your favorite coffee in the cafe, the result ended with you giving him your heart too <3
The harmony between you is like a sweet mom and dad couple. Thoma is there for every moment when you can't talk in public. (Or that you're shy, unsure of yourself, upset... so Thoma is there for you whenever you want!) He is a wonderful gentleman and his treatment of you is very unique. It is enough for him that you give him your love and the depths of your heart. He is your Knight both in life and heart <3
ESFJ and INFP are a compatible couple because ESFJs are very empathetic to INFPs and they will admire their emotionality. The INFP, on the other hand, will admire ESFJ's outward-looking and realistic face, which comes out when necessary, and will take them as a role model. In short, you are both each other's soulmate and motivation <33 Capricorn and Cancer are quite a domesticated couple. While the Capricorn man protects the person he loves at the expense of the man, Cancer woman will spoil him with her love.
Some of the moments I have imagined for you two:  regular spice food days of eating together at the favorite restaurant, giggling while spending time with the childrens and falling in love with each other more, a romantic kiss shared at a picnic in the middle of the forest, and foreheads touching each other while accepting Thoma; who declared his love for you.
A special moment:
Love is a child of platonic love and is one of its designed itself. That's why we see traces of it in places where there is platonic love (everywhere).
You opened your eyes by feeling the empty warmth next to your bed. As you felt your consciousness gradually coming back into place, your senses suddenly began to perceive many tiny details.
The delicious smell coming from the kitchen mixed the smell of roses laid on the bed. Which made your nose feel like it was in heaven. The weather was warm. The trees outside your holiday cottage in the forest were glowing with the sun.
But let's not forget, love is a child! It doesn't sit anywhere or stay standing anywhere. It is as alive as the electricity transmitted by two electrons to each other and is strong as the nuclear power.
Looking at the roses arranged around you in amazement, everything suddenly began to make sense when your eye shifted to the calendar.
February 14th, Valentine's day.
While your heart was filled with pure joy, you felt your cheeks turn red both from the shame of not being able to do anything and from the pure love gifted to you. It must be heart to heart that while you didn't know how much happier you could be, Thoma came in with a tray in his hand.
“I didn't know you were awake, darling..”
Love does not have any special moments. In that most sudden place, it happens all the time.
When Thoma was sitting next to you, you felt your heart speed up and you just looked at him like you were an idiot. While maintaining his gentle smile, Thoma put down the breakfast he had brought to bed and pressed your hair behind ear with his hand while planting a kiss on cheek.
“Do you like it, my angel?”
You just hugged him with helpless happiness when you felt your eyes starting to fill up and whispered “I love you.” To him.
This time Thoma kissed the top of your head while giggling. “Happy Valentine's day, darling.”
Even on special occasions, love never comes as it is begged for. Maybe it comes at the most unwanted, maybe the most unexpected, maybe the most unconscious and maybe the most normal moment. Like a child who crams the flower in their hand into you and runs away, like a pure love.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
🍓 (only because you let me do one for you...it keeps things fair 💚)
ehehehe i saved this one for last because i knew i was going to CRY lmao
ri riddblebit nygma you sit your little butt down and get ready to be complimented 💚
ok first of all, if anyone was to ever ask me, in 25 years time when i'm still writing fanfiction and have therefore been doing it for almost half of my life, "what do you think your biggest contribution to fandom was?" i'd be like "helping ri find the confidence to post" because you are like a little seedling that was just sprouting and you just need a little sprinkle but you are too kind about how much i helped, you did it all yourself ;-; you have the ideas and the talent and the creativity, you just sometimes need a little smack with a broom to accept that, even briefly 💚
ANYWAY now that i've lectured you in the form of a compliment lmao
you are just... such a... argh, i don't know many people who could talk to me every day, let alone someone who was willing to keep doing it lmao you're so kind, and so sweet, and so funny, and so knowledgeable and so same brain same brain that i literally cannot think of not knowing you now? like what was i even doing before i met you??? (spoiler: i was crying and lonely oop)
i have such big hopes for you, like my life aspirations are just "see ri get very well-deserved job in animation" and "sync the mental illness recovery with ri's so we're both happy" IF THAT'S NOT WEIRD i just know you deserve so much more than you even think you do because your art is so GOOD it's so truthful and stylised and perfected and it has so much heart in it! and your writing makes my brain go brrrrrr because i really do think we are just on the same page about everything. you just have a little direct wire tap into my brain and you make the good stuff come out in words better than i could ever put them 💚
anyway, you're a wonderful friend and an amazing writer and a talented and unique artist and i am so grateful that you wake up every morning and decide that i'm still worthy of your time and friendship ;-;
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recitedemise · 10 months
“I trust you. I hope you know how rare that is for me to admit but… You are my friend. Someone I could always confined in. So please… Do not leave me. Not yet.” // besties… 🥹
Gale blinks. Eivor, seldom one to share in their heart, to allow the well of their feeling to slip past their dam, seems, in this hour, as bare as ever. He almost thinks its a dream, wonders if he'd indulged in a wine too potent, but there are stars in their eyes and that warmth off their body. No, Gale's no need for slumber to feel their pulse through their skin.
And yes, this wizard knows exactly that want and yearning of theirs. He gazes onto them, understanding, bright and summertime-sweet, springing deep and golden into his marrow's great roots. He—he, too, knows loneliness, has ached for connection too long. For a year, he'd nothing but shadows and regret as friends. This trust they would offer with that wound in their words... Goodness. Gale's eyes, warm, bear his heartbeat within them. Oh, Eivor. Tenderly like his laughter, his smile crawls true.
"Of course," he tells them, their shoulders pressed gingerly together. Eyes crinkling, the sprouting of crows feet wreathe them charmingly. "Believe me, the sentiment is most heartedly returned. I am ever yours," he endears. "And you're quite stuck with me."
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starry-crystal-skull · 11 months
hiiiii hope you're doing great, I'm SS 🐍 (♑) and i would like to get a free reading. my question is how does my crush AK 🎶 (♓) feel about me? we've been kind of friends for a year now and i want to know if he has any romantic interests in me. thank you in advance!!
the first song that came up surprised me. it was burn the witch by emma blackery. if you just look at the lyrics it seems to be saying that you hurt your crush AK in the past, and they still feel that hurt today, and it might be one of the things that might hold them back from dating you.
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the second song that came on was oxytocin by billie eilish. i got a hugely sexual vibe from this, like such an intense sexual vibe, like AK is so dtf, it's crazy. they're just scared of getting hurt again. im also getting that they're a sadomasochist, and wanna hurt you and want you to hurt them, but, in bed. like the sexual vibe is definitely reciprocated, like they wanna fuck you, for sure. you don't have to wonder or worry abt that. i really get the vibe that they always want pain to be consensual in a relationship, especially with you and anyone else who hurt them in the past. it's very important for them to establish boundaries and make it clear what they want and for you to listen and understand and do what they want. their wants and desires are so important to them, and they're so strong. it's honestly so cute. you both seem so young, like kids honestly. your friendship seems so sweet. ♡
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gotta warn you rq before you start celebrating though that im getting a huge I love you by billie eilish vibe from them. AK loves you like a friend but before confessing your love to someone you have to understand that sometimes they will not feel the same and that sometimes it could even end the friendship and you could lose them forever. it's actually a huge risk and you should keep that in mind. just be careful.
the third song that came up is milk by allié x. it really seems that their feelings for you, while strong and loving, are platonic. i might be reading it wrong, maybe there are some romantic feelings for you sprouting within them, but, im not sure if it's healthy, and i think they feel the same. they're worried. actually, that you will abandon/block/ghost them if you get into a relationship with them, that things will just not work out and you'll just be gone without a trace and it really scares them and they don't want to lose you more than anything. whether they be your lover, your friend, whatever, they want you to always be there, to be a constant in their life. it means so much to them.
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the fourth song that came up is mr. sandman by syml. this song is giving me a similar vibe, that you're attractive to AK and they're willing to try out dating you, and they like dating, so that's a good thing. they think you're pretty. it's just a little weird for AK bc y'all are friends. yknow that's always weird. but they're willing to date you if you wanna ask them out. you could just do it and see where it takes you.
gl! ♡
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softguarnere · 2 years
hiiii welcome to the fandom babeeee!!
uh so i was wondering if i could have a oneshot with either ron speirs or joe toye pleaseeee... can i have it like something fun because i really need a pick-me-up right now :))
A/N: Hi, thank you so much! I'm sorry that you're going through a rough time, and I hope that it gets easier soon 💕I've never written x reader fanfic before, so I hope that this is okay and I hope you like this! (This is written for the fictional depiction from the show. No disrespect to the real veterans!)
Pull That Trigger
Ron Speirs x Reader
Summary: When Talbert asks for a favor, you're shocked to see the usually confident Ron in a situation where he feels out of his depth
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"Of course!" You exclaim at the same time that Ron says, "Absolutely not."
You and Tab both blink, caught off guard. It had seemed like such a simple request: "Can you guys watch Trigger for me this weekend while I take my pass?", and to you, the answer had seemed just as simple and obvious. But not to Ron, apparently.
"Oh, uh --"
"Why not?" You ask.
Ron shifts. It's not easy to make him uncomfortable, but under the weight of Tab's confused look and your squinting, it suddenly feels like a spotlight has been shone in his face. "I'm just not really a dog person."
"You don't like dogs?"
"No! Dogs are fine. They just . . . don't like me."
"It's fine," Tab assures you, standing to go. "I can always ask someone else. I just thought, because you guys are the most responsible in the company and all --"
"Yeah," Ron agrees a little too eagerly. "Luz likes Trigger. Or Shifty. He likes dogs. Or --"
"We'll watch Trigger for you." When you feel Ron's eyes widen in disbelief, you amend the statement. "I'll watch Trigger for you."
Tab visibly relaxes. "Thanks, (Y/N). You're a lifesaver."
Yeah, you think, refusing to look at Ron, who's staring at you like you just sprouted a second head. At least someone thinks so.
Ron hadn't been kidding when he said that dogs didn't like him. When Tab stops by the house that you, Ron, and some of the other officers have been sharing to drop off Trigger, the dog is all over you, barking and offering you playful kisses. When he spots Ron standing behind you, he runs to him, sniffs his boots, and then proceeds to come back to you, ignoring your boyfriend.
Ron only raises his eyebrows at you. See? I told you so.
"Thanks again for doing this (Y/N)," Tab says. He sends a glance behind you at Ron. "And uh, sorry, Speirs."
You had been worried that Trigger might sulk when Talbert left, but he's an unstoppable ball of energy. He's racing around the house inspecting everything, and jumping all over you in between that and trying to climb onto the couch. It's nice to see the dog enjoying himself so much. You can't help the smile that spreads across your face.
Ron, on the other hand, has never looked more out of his depth. Suddenly the man who can walk into a room and make everyone fall silent with his presence looks like an awkward partygoer, standing in the corner of the room shifting his weight from foot to foot and trying to figure out what to do with his hands.
When you're seated on the floor with Trigger sprawled out in front of you, he finally seats himself on the edge of the couch, looking ready to run for the hills at a moments notice.
"I didn't know you liked dogs," he says.
Your smile falters, and for a second, he's worried that he's said something wrong.
"I have one, back home," you explain. "Not the same type of dog, but he's just as excitable. I miss seeing him everyday."
"I didn't know that." Not for the first time that evening, he finds himself feeling out of his depth.
You only shrug. "We've never really talked about it, or anything." There's a beat before you realize, "We're not really the couple that talks about our feelings."
"We could be," Ron is quick to say. "If you want to be. If you need to, I mean."
Ron is a sweet guy, but he's never been the best at expressing his emotions. You love him, but sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get him to tell you how he's feeling. The fact that he's actually offering to open up emotionally is a shock.
Before you can reply, the door of the house flies open and Perconte rushes in.
"Lieutenant (Y/L/N)," he says, out of breath. "They need you at headquarters."
Trigger whines when you push his head off your lap to stand. "Is everything okay?"
"I don't know, Lieutenant, but they're asking for you right away."
"Okay then." You spare a glance back at Ron. "I'm sorry to do this, but will you be okay with him, or --"
"Go," Ron says. He attempts a smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace as he glances at the dog. "We'll be fine." Then, when you don't move, "Promise."
With a nod, you follow Percante out of the house and rush in the direction of headquarters, trying not to think about how you've just left your boyfriend in a situation that he's definitely not prepared for.
It's late when you get back to the house. After spending the better part of your day trying to help fix a situation that shouldn't have even been yours to fix, you're ready to flop down onto your bed and not move until whatever emergency inevitably demands your attention next.
In the darkness of the town, it's a challenge to find where you're quartered as you make your way down the unfamiliar streets. You'd like to have someone to walk with -- to have Ron to walk with -- because not being able to find the house in your tired state is embarrassing.
Soft voices can be heard somewhere upstairs when you make your way into the house. Quietly, so as not to wake anyone who might already be asleep, you remove your boots, leave them by the door, and tip-toe up the stairs.
It's not unusual for you and Ron to wait up for each other, but it is unusual for him to be talking to someone.
You pause outside the door, listening for a moment, and expecting to hear one of the other officers engaged in quiet conversation with him. But when no one replies, you inch a little closer to the door.
"-- admit, maybe I was wrong about you," Ron says. "Other dogs don't like me, though."
He's talking to the dog, you realize. It makes your heart flutter a little, to hear your boyfriend -- who others have a habit of viewing as cold, mysterious, and superhuman -- engaging in such a normal and quiet conversation with Trigger.
"But listen," he continues. "We have to have an understanding, okay? I really like (Y/N), and she really likes you. So I need you to be good and try to get along with me these next few days. For her sake. Got it?"
Trigger huffs a small sigh in reply.
"Good," Ron says. "Good boy."
Quietly, you inch your way back down the hallway, then start walking towards the bedroom door again, walking normally so that Ron can hear you coming and won't think that you've snuck up on him. You knock softly on the door before entering the room.
You can't help the way your heart flutters, stronger this time. Ron is laying on the bed that you share, with Trigger beside him, the dog's head resting on his chest as your boyfriend scratches behind his ears. For a second, you're not in a war zone; you might have come home from work to find him in your house like this. And in that second, you want nothing more than to make it through the war so that you two can make it home together and have more moments like these.
"Hi," you whisper as you come into the room. "How did it go?"
Ron smiles at you, looking pleased with himself -- no longer out of his depth at all. "I think he likes me."
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mimi-ya · 3 years
🎉 NEW GAME: Introduce your mutuals to everyone and what do you think of them? 🎉
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I think the word you’re looking for is BEST FRIENDS!!! because I LOVE AND CHERISH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM
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anyway… I have them all under the cut 🥰🥰 and to my moots besties, I know I’m not the best at messaging back or being super active, but just know that you really do have a special place in my heart and there’s a 100% I’ve mentioned you irl, because you all really do mean a lot to me 🥺👉👈
also, like, if anyone else wants to be moots, just let me know! i can’t offer much, but i do offer my heart 🤲💗 (also if you like this post and we aren't moots yet.... probably will be the second i see it)
alphabetical order btw
@ 🌱 anon: yes bestie, you are my moot whether you like it or not! i hope you see this so you know how much i love and appreciate you! literally i reread our convos because they bring the widest smile to my face. i would love to know you more, but also understand if it feels good to be my sprout, which you always will be no matter what! 🥰🥰
@5braun - ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART! The nicest person on here, I always feel so supported by them and want to send them lots of virtual hugs!! 💗 Also always wondered where your username came from? The first time I saw it, it reminded me of aot and a character with the last name braun, but idk if that was your intention!
@acesmarigold - I wonder a lot what the marigold part of their username is, lol, like the flower? 🌼 That's so pretty! Anyway! So supportive and nice! I love reading their comments!! 😭🥰
@angeltani - always turning me into a whore for anime characters I don’t even know, LMAO. I think our only anime overlap is op (for now) but I always read anything they post because they're so good and now I have strong feelings for someone named nanami and honestly couldn't even tell you what anime their from 😭
@ap-001 - I don’t think we've interacted, but your notifs always stuck out to me because of your pfp and I decided that we were friends. ☺️Thank you for always supporting my work, it really means a lot!! 💗💗
@ashwithnocash - great blog! i love filling up my dash with as much op as possible and you help SO MUCH! Also I always read your username as asswithnocash… which like, mood 😭😂
@athenaportgas - so sweet and supportive and amazing and I don't deserve you! I'll always think your ace request will be one of my favs I've written, I'm always rereading and thinking, thank god for athena, also want to say ace and athena is like, the best cute couple name, they go so well together💘🥰😭
@bekky06 - I remember when I first followed your blog and saw how many animes you liked, I was like, ugh, fucking goals. I only have a few under my belt but you're living my dream. Anyway! Bestest sweetest person, excited to write something for you one day! 🥰😍
@blqsscms - another great blog to help fill my dash with op! also v appreciate the nami pfp, she's the best… just like you! 🥰💗
@calypsoshi - I don’t think we've talked, but I always appreciate the support you give! 🥰Also, your username is like, a few letters off and mixed a bit of a person I know irl, lmao… so if you live in a cold state in the usa… maybe we've met? 😳 lol. But if not, you're still amazing!!
@chawynn - all I know is that they are the prettiest. Pretty username, pretty pfp, just pretty, hehe. But also, thank you for always supporting my work with your comments! I love to see them!!🥰🥰
@childofblackmaria - going to have to link their entier master list because it is GOLD. 🤤 Amazing stuff here!! But also… hmmmm…. I just caught up in the anime so now I know who black maria is… a little weary of you now? LOL JK, that spider lady is SEXY😭😍
@chocolate-n-cheese - they were my first ever request for anything ever! 🥰 so that'll always be a special place in my heart, but of course it was zoro, and now I'm his whore… so THANKS FOR THAT. but for real, I love you to bits, just the nicest person out there, and even as much as I say I hate stinky zoro, I really started to love him after writing your request 😂😍
@cipher-p0 - little weary of their love of cp0… but I can look past it because they're so great and awesome and wonderful and AMAZING!!! I wouldn't even know where to begin because you're do great and I love you so much, also, I really think you need to start a op doodle blog... i just think about your zoro holding chopper by the teeth pic a lot😂😭🥰
@cjm-cookiethief - so nice and kind! 🥰 I love getting your comments, and you've recently been on my brain a lot because I'm finally caught up with op and feel good and ready to start that kid x reader x killer fic you requested so long ago! But I am wondering… does the mask stay on? lmao😂
@dibi-learns-to-draw - very pretty artist! I like getting to see your art and how open you are with your process! the recent kid one is def my favorite so far! Because it scares me, but like in a good way? 😭 because that's the same feelings I have when I see him on my screen, evoking the same reactions, that's top tier artistry right there 👌😂
@diedianedie - the username is a mood first off, gotta get that outta the way, lmao. Not sure if we've ever talked, but I appreciate the great blog filled with op conent you have!🥰💗
@donvampiro - just gotta link the masterlist, because an artist AND writer? The talent is immaculate here! I think I followed initally for the coby conent and was V pleased to see more of my favs!! 🥰💗😍
@dressroba - I just love your username. 😍 Idk why, I think it's supposed to be a play on dressrosa?? but to me it sounds like a nice fashion clothing item that’s a dress/robe that doffy wears at night in his castle. like beautiful long and covered in silk and feathers 😂
@duck-ee recent moots!! lol, but I really like your art and blog header! Sanji on a flowery hill might be my weakness! 😍🌼🥰
@dxvilmanlev - I read their zoro works at night when I can pretend it doesn’t count. 😉 I just need to own up to being a zoro fucker, lmao, but in the mean time I will continue to reread this fic specifically hehe 🤤😍
@erensloveinterest - I don’t know if we've ever talked, but I always notice any notifs from you because I sometimes wish I was eren's love interest, but then I remember mikasa exists and I move on, lmao 😭😂🥰
@fire-fist-ann - I love ann. 🥰 Ann is the bestest. Fire fist ace? I don’t know him and don’t want to! ann, you are the wonderfulest most supportive person and I always love getting your notifs, please never change! 😍
@fireflykaizoku - realizing rn you used to be portgaslari??? 🤯 Im always so bad at keeping up with username changes, but love that I know that now! Also, always love your cosplays, you're so pretty uwu 🥺
@froghatsupremacy - I also believe in frog hat supremacy, 🐸 it’s the best hat… maybe even better than a strawhat…..... ANYWAY (don’t tell anyone I said that) thank you for always supporting my work! I smile everytime I see your name pop up in my notifs! 😚🥰
@gabrielasalazar18 - will never get over their use of memes when reblogging smut, I have so many saved to my phone now because they're so funny! Thank you for always taking the time to comment with your funny pictures!! It makes my day! 🥰😍😂
@haitaniz - I love their headcannons and im so excited to see more! 🥰🥰 Y'all should check this one out specifically because it is so funny and spot on! 😍😍 thanks for always being so sweet and wonderful! 💗
@hanaibae - a GREAT blog for my ace lovers! 😍 I had so much fun going through your blog for the top tier ace content we all need! 🥰🥰
@honeyyut4 - new bestie moot! I'm super excited to get to know you more! 🥰😚
@idontwantofly - I think we're newer moots! 😍But I followed because I realized I needed more shanks in my life, and im glad to see you're dedicated to him! So if you ever have thoughts about him you think I should know, I would love to hear them! lol🥰
@iloveportgasdace - top tier ace blog!! 😚 I also love portgas d. ace and love to see more of him on the dash, so I really appreciate you! 😍😍
@iman-the-simp - Newer moots! 🥰🥰 Love this fic because sometimes I like when my heart is ripped out and crushed! 🥲 Lmao 🥲
@ithinkabout-onepiece-alot - I had so much fun writing your luffyxlaw request and since my mind is always spinning with character x character ships in op! 😍🥰 thank you for being such a supportive and kind friend! 💗
@itsmekalou - you were one of the first comments on my covert identity ace fic, and it really meant so much to me! 🥺😍 so thanks for supporting my work and for being a great blog!💘💘
@its-me-ya-boi-lisa - first off, I love your username, I laughed out loud the first time I saw it, and paired with the skelly pfp? 😭😂 Lmao, anyway. another sweetheart who I always look forward to hearing from!! 🥰
@joonhaze - love your op blog! 😚 You always have the funniest posts that make me laugh and smile! 🥰🥰😍😍
@k4t4kur1 - when I say it took me so long to realize your username is katakuri…. Well let's just not talk about it, lmao! 😭😂 But thank you for always supporting my work! and whenever you post about haikyuu, im one step closing to watching it! 🥰
@kaizokuluv - SWEETHEART! 💗 So kind and nice!! Seeing things from you always brightens my day! 😍🥰
@kaizokuwritings - Amazing writer!!😍 I love reading your fics and have so much fun with them! I think this one might be my favorite😚🥰
@kk-stormy - one, cutest pfp out there.🥺🥺 I love baby chopper and that's what I always think when you pop up! Thank you for always supporting my work!! 😍🥰💗
@kwnblack - ACTUALLY the nicest person! 😍Like so sweet and supportive, and also an amazing artists????? Like please check out their work, it's some great stuff, especially this one!😭🥰
@lawsan - so glad I found you today! 😍 I fricken love lawsan, honestly sanji and anyone because he deserves love and support and everything in this world! 🥺 Just like you do too! 🥰
@lazybutsmexy - 😍very pretty blog, at first I thought your pfp was perona wearing sabo's hat and I was like, alright, wtf is going on here??🤔🤔 But let me calm down, 😭 love your blog and just realized you have a writing blog?? Can’t wait to read all of these!!
@live4law - I'll live for law, 😍 i’ll even die for that man if need be!😤 Love your blog as a great place to find funny op content and get some good law love! 🥰🥰
@llettya - love your blog as a great place for law and kid content! 🥰Kid kinda scares me, 😭😳 but im glad there's people like you out there to give that man some love!!😂💗
@luxiditea - NOT ME REALZING YOU'RE GOINGMORRY. 😭😂 I hate myself sometimes, LMAO!!! Im too much. Well obvisoulsy you're a wonderful and amazing writer, I love your stuff!! I'm so happy I made this connection! 🥰💗🥰
@m00n-rae - love love loVE LOVE THEM! 😍 Your comments are always so sweet and make me happy when I see i've written something that makes you want to tell me you thoughts!! 🥰Also I had a dog named moon once, 🐶so like, you're great like she was, lol💗
@mamma-marimo - amazing artists! 😍 I love seeing the work that you share with us! Slowly turning me into a kid simp with this one! 🥵🥰
@marco--the--phoenix - mad big brother vibes.😤 Maybe it's because I assocaite them with big bro franky? 😂 Idk, none the less, I always feel so supported and cared for by them! Also.... They're the biggest marco fucker I know, and I love that for them🥰🥰
@mayayeah - new moot I found from the bday event! 🥰😍 Also the quick glance at your blog, I'm excited to go through more because it looks like some great op content! But babe, your bday request… lmao! I literally gasped, hurt and NO comfort?? 🥺😳 Like, I love some good angst, but with no fluff to balance it?? listen, it's your bday and of course i'll honor your request, but i'm glad i have some months to prepare to break my own heart in the process😭😂
@mikoyamisheadcanonblog - bestie! 😍Supportive and sweet! I'm excited to get to know you better! 🥰 Loved your ace movie night headcannons, makes me want to curl up with fire boy so bad!🥵
continued on this link
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petesvodka · 3 years
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request from anon - hey! i love ur writing so much 🥺
i was wondering if u could do something fluffy with pete as a dad?thank u so much💟
word count - 900
warnings - i don't believe there to be any :)
pairing - dad!pete x mom!reader
a.n. - i cannot tell you how much time i spent writing and deleting and rewriting only to delete that too lmao. i dunno, maybe im just overthinking shit, but the only way for me to know for sure is with criticisms! so please, please, please if you have any thoughts on this story after reading it, let me know <3
pete's definitely fallen out of the habit in recent years, but he used to always be an early riser.
he loved telling you his favorite things about the morning, how he embraces the way the earth seems to shake off the night and stretch into the warm hope of the day. how he always meant to personify the night and day but never managed to string a sentence together sound right enough to put to paper.
you'd laugh gently and tell him he was never one for cliches, because there isn’t a single writer alive who hasn’t tried to bring that battle to life. he'd just smile and shake his head, look back towards the city, and begin to walk as he twirled a piece of brittle grass between his fingers.
but all of that was so long ago, you realize. a sweet memory, ivy-held in a long-forgotten cavern of your mind.
in more recent times, pete stays up late to care for the baby while you rest. he assures you he likes it better this way, having sealed his promise with a warm kiss.
"i think of it like lil adventures between me n' the kid, y'know?" he'd tells you with a smile plastered on his face. seeing the way he had smiled and the way his eyes had flickered with happiness, you knew to believe him, to believe that he was genuinely enjoying the late nights shared between just him and the baby.
late nights where pete would sing or hum various different songs while driving, chasing after the moon through forest-lined roads with the baby in the back. car rides always seemed to lull the baby to sleep. even when the pain from teething overwhelmed them both, when the baby would wail in distress and pete could feel his heart shattering within his chest, driving was always the immediate go-to to soothe the both of them.
slightly later on in life, when the baby has sprouted into a toddler, pete found himself commonly walking to the closet to retrieve paints and papers, never bothering to bring brushes.
the two of them loved finger painting and, while you weren't exactly in love with the mess paint-covered hands had the tendency to create, you loved watching them and the way they interacted.
plus, more often than not, you'd end up with a specially-made piece of art from both of your loves, which usually more than made up for whatever mess ended up at your kitchen table. he was always so, so gentle, which was to be expected given he thought of your child as the most precious thing his hands have held, although you do come in at a very close second.
when the baby reaches preschooler age, they become obsessed with all things animal-related, meaning the three of you often find yourselves spending family-time at the zoo, where pete finds joy in reading aloud the descriptions of the animals to a pair of very eager-to-learn ears sat up high on his shoulders, where they could better see whichever animal in its encloser.
there are nights, however, when the moon is high and the kid is fast asleep, where pete is quiet as he expresses his uncertainties of fatherhood to you.
he tells you parenting books can only take you so far, which you can't help but agree with. there's never going to be a book that perfectly prepares you for all things parenthood, that you're both sure of.
but having lost his father at such a young age, there's this "instilled insecurity" as he calls it, where he remains unsure of whether or not he's being a good dad, almost constantly doubting his parenting skills.
you take his hand gently into your own, beginning to explain away some of your own uncertainties, reminding him that he's not alone in this.
within an instant, something simply flicks on in his brain and he lunges at the chance to tell you what a truly amazing mother you are; how endlessly you amaze him with your ability to soothe and settle your kid- even on the most restless of nights, how you always seem to have a solution to whatever issue may arise, how lucky your kid is to have you as a mother and how lucky and thankful he is to have you as a partner- you have to kiss him to shut him up, otherwise he'd go on all night about how wonderful of a mother and partner you are.
when you tell him that he just put to words exactly how you feel about him, his mind and heart settle some. he knows you're right; knows he can trust the words you speak and that he can find genuine security in them.
the anxiety and fear of being a bad father will most likely always haunt his mind, but as long as he has you to help chase away the doubt, he knows things will be alright. after all, he knows with you around, how could things be anything but?
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