#i hope you like it flora!! <333
reiding-writing · 9 months
building lego flowers with Spencer? :> he always gets reader flowers and they get sad when they wilt so he surprises them with the lego set and they spend a cozy afternoon together building them and drinking tea?
immortal [ s.r ]
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Spencer bought you flowers before every case he went on. But coming to your apartment after the case was finished and seeing that they’d wilted made his happiness to see you wilt along with their petals. Luckily for him, he’d seemed to find a more ‘immortal’ solution.
pairing: boyfriend!spencer x gn!reader
genre: fluff
wc: 1.2k
a/n: this request is so cute and it is also a preemptive apology for another request that i’m working on that is, you guessed it, full of angst, love you guys <333
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Spencer would always buy you a bouquet of flowers before going off on a case. Always.
The minute his phone buzzed to call him into the office he was off to his local flower shop to buy you a bouquet to remind you of his love for you even in his physical absence.
The floral arrangement was different every time. Each bouquet fit with a handwritten card explaining the flora and its symbolism.
But by the time he return they’d often be wilted, an unfortunate reminder of just how much time he has to spend away from you.
And so he arrives at your apartment with an agenda, no longer able to stand the sight of flowers that should’ve been discarded days and sometimes weeks before when he returns to see you after a case is over.
You always tell him that it’s because they remind you of him, of how much he loves you even when you can’t see him. But the drooping flowers and brown stems that always greet him upon his return, whilst it might not bother you, made his shoulders slump with guilt about not spending enough of his time with you.
He knocks three times on your apartment door, an unusual cadence that you immediately recognise as you rush to let him in, clad in a pair of fluffy pyjamas with a bright smile on your face.
You capture him in a hug as soon as you open the door, a kiss planted fervently on his cheek.
Your smile doesn’t falter at his lack of his usual flowers when he arrives unannounced at your door, but you can’t help the small quirk of your eyebrow as you lean back to give him back some personal space.
“You’re off on another case already?” Your tone betrays the small amount of disappointment you’re feeling. He’d only returned the day before yesterday, promising you a museum date on the weekend to finally spend some more quality time together. Looks like you’d have to reschedule.
Spencer can’t stop himself from breaking into a sheepish grin at your greeting, but also has an air of determination about him, his left hand securely held behind his back as his right rubs your arm lovingly.
“No actually…” He can see the flicker of disappointment in your eyes morph into confusion, and he takes the opportunity to pull you towards him and press his lips to yours, hoping to kiss any lingering negativity in your mind into non-existence. “Can I come in?”
“Of course baby yeah,” You tug him into your apartment by his wrist, a strange rattling noise emanating from behind his back as he moves to kick your door closed behind him. “What’s that?”
You tilt yourself to look behind him, and he blocks your view as he turns himself in tandem with you. “You know how much I hate seeing the flowers I buy you wilted when I come to see you,”
“So… I… I thought… I think I might have found a solution?” He takes a second to figure out how to word his sentence, pulling out a rattling box from behind his back, four printed lego flowers decorating the front of it to indicate what’s inside.
Your eyebrows furrow a little further as your eyes examine the box before lighting up with an air of eagerness as you take the box in your hands to look at it in more detail. "You bought me lego flowers?"
“I did,” He chuckles, “I found them in the Target by my apartment, they cant replace real flowers but they’re a good substitute.” His beautiful hazel eyes are warm as he looks at you in amusement and the soft tone to his voice is calming.
“Now I know lego flowers isn’t what you were expecting from me… and I’m sorry if you were looking forward to a regular bouquet… but I promise you… these will never wilt.”
"They’re perfect Spence…" You give him a downturned smile at his thoughtfulness, how he’d found a way to immortalise the flowers he gave you.
You press your lips to his cheek to extend your gratitude, and the warmth that spreads through his entire being is something that words can't quite describe. "I'm glad you like them... " A genuine smile lights up his face as he wraps both arms around you in a tight hug, his heart fluttering in his chest. "I'm glad you exist."
You can’t help but chuckle at his final sentence, wrapping your arms securely around his torso with the box still in hand to return his hug, the lego pieces rattling with your movements. "I’m glad you exist too-"
At your words, he buries his face into your neck and sighs softly as he inhales your scent. It calms his nerves, and it makes him forget all the stress of work. Instead, all he can focus on is the warmth coming from your body and the feeling of your heartbeat against him. It’s a feeling he never wants to let go of.
"You’re going to build them with me right?" Your head leans against his shoulder as you essentially just stand in your doorway, completely intertwined with one another.
"Of course I am..." His voice is slightly deep and his tone gentle, "What sort of gentleman would give someone lego flowers without building it with them?" He chuckles before adjusting his arms to make himself more comfortable against yours.
"These lego flowers should be built together," He smiles, "And I want to do that with you."
“Good!” You release yourself from his embrace and press the box to his chest. “Clear off the coffee table and i’ll make us some tea,”
Your enthusiasm is infectious, his smile only growing as you retreat into your kitchen and leave him to set up.
You spend the rest of the afternoon huddled around your coffee table, meticulously assembling the four lego flowers whilst Spencer explained them to you.
He turned a newly finished pink lotus in his hands before gently placing it inside the glass vase usually reserved for the bouquets he would buy you. “Lotus flowers, or Nelumbo nucifera, symbolise strength, resilience and rebirth,”
The plastic makes a small clinking sound as it collides with the bottom of the vase. “They are also a staple of purity, as despite growing from murky freshwater ponds, there are no stains of the flower’s petals, usually a bright white or a pale pink.”
You nod enthusiastically at his explanation as you place your own finished flower into the vase alongside his, a bright synthetic floral arrangement slowly developing.
This new form of flowers doesn’t stop Spencer from buying you a bouquet before every case he goes on.
Except now, each arrangement is joined not only by a small card, but also a box with the lego replication of whichever flora he chooses, adding to your lego arrangement one by one until it’s more extravagant than any organic bouquet could ever hope to be.
The plastic flowers prove immortal beyond any normal flower’s capability.
A perfect mirror of his love for you.
One that would never wilt.
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poetthewriter · 10 months
I was meant to re-send my oneshot request a few days ago but I forgot...
Could I request some esmpS2!Jimmy x gn!reader angst to fluff :3
Like, Jimmy getting bullied by the other empires and the reader finds him in a secluded area sobbing so they comfort him as much as they can
Jimmy ends up sleeping on the reader's lap and it's just adorable :DD (maybe even add someone finding them and just taking a picture, the next day they show it to the reader and tease them about it)
I deeply apologize if this doesn't make any sense TT
Don't overwork yourself and don't forget to take care of yourself aswell! <3
-🌘 anon
The Ruler Of The Taiga
hello again moony! <3 (fun fact I was originally going to make the reader a tropical biome ruler if you would like to see something like that tell me!)
jimmy!E2 x Gn!Reader (Reader is a fox or wolf hybrid but could also read as a dear reader)
𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒔= 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔&𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔🥮🍡🍯
The ruler of the taiga, a biome filled with beauty of all sorts, foxes prance around, sweet berries grow along the paths and enchant structures and statues litter the flora grounds. the sound of grainy foot steps march across the lands as you walk with peace, your delicate crown lays atop your hair and the wailing wind makes your cape fly behind you.
a basket rests in you hands and swings as you continue on your way, your biomes berries, fruits, vegetation, and herbs all pile in you basket as the sun starts to fall, as the sky darkens the temperature drops as if the ghosts have come out to play.
because of your empire being well known as the lands of the folk the air is always quiet, the ground you stand on and rule is known for its stories over thousand's of years this place has been known for its magical and haunting aura.
your ears perk up at the sound of the wolfs and coyotes that help you protect your empire howls, hearing the call of the sharp creatures you head back to elk village. paces quicken wanting to reach your home, all the views of the forest pass you as you scower but a flash of color makes you stop in your tracks.
on the soft plush soft fern filled ground the sheriff of the mesa lies, his hands run through his gold hair and his body is tensed. "Jimmy?" you speak up you voice quiet and soft but very welcoming, looking up jimmy sees you staring down at his stressed figure and looks away a little embarrassed putting his hands over his face.
It only takes a few swift moments and you are now sitting beside him you can already see that he is stressed, his posture is weak, his eyes are tired and his hairs is all ruffled. "hey, are you ok?" you voice is gentle making sure he feels at least a little more comfortable.
soon after you talk he dimly responds in a strained voice "I'm fine". its quite obvious he was ether yelling, crying or tired. his body slowly fades in and out of conciseness "I'm sorry for being here Y/n I just needed to get away from things for a bit" he continues speaking voice breaking every few words.
"Hey don't be sorry, I can tell your not fine so you wanna tell me what's wrong?" you hum.
"im just tired of everyone ..."
" i know how hard it can be to deal with everyone, and i know that you know that your alot more then what they say you are"
Your head lays on the dirt of the hill behind you two and you rest an arm over you friend, "its hard when everyone is on you tail but why let the jokes and remarks decide how you feel, am i right?"
"thank you" jimmy looks up again as you lay back in the grass, small berries and wormwood spread out across the glade and jimmy slowly lays back with you, soaking in your presents.
a smaller male bard walks through the dim taiga in hopes to find you but instead he finds a new sight Infront of him, Oli usually comes by for the wonderful trades you present him but I guess today he's out of luck cause right in front of the jester like man, you and the sheriff himself lay sleeping in peace as the sunrises over the horizon.
Oli snaps a photo of the two of you and laughs quietly with a smirky face.
"photo for a trade" he whispers thinking of the deals he could make with this new found piece of blackmail, as the sun almost reaches above the trees Oli skips away giddily.
A/n I’m sorry this took so long I’ve been working and some stuff has been going on but enough with the exudes I hope to finish the reast of my requests<3
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
Cowboy AU idea: At age 5, the kids get their own horse/job in being an outlaw. Mirabel's horse-getting ceremony was interrupted, so she doesn't really have a true horse until she can steal one of her own. Until then, she borrows Pedro's (named Milaglo)
Horse names!
Julieta-Esperanza (Spanish for Hope)
Luisa-Rock (it's actually a donkey)
I like it ⁉️⁉️I don’t think Mirabel is incapable of stealing a horse, in fact she can probably do it easily. I think it’s a matter of she hasn’t found a horse she likes. She’s ridden tons of horses, and she just. Doesn’t like them. Something is wrong and she doesn’t want to ride it. She spends a lot of time sneaking into rich peoples’ stalls and raiding their horses. She’s still looking, but I promise, she finds one <333
But hey, Mirabel did find something out at the ceremony: she’s the only other Madrigal, other than Pedro, who has Deadeye. Basically Cassidy’s ultimate where if you’re in their sights, you’re going to get shot, no matter where you are. And they can shoot you anywhere, as long as they have an eye on it. She has pretty much perfect aim, having practiced it over and over.
Hence why she’s the only grandkid with two revolvers. Dolores has triple guns because they’re literally the size of her palm, she she rapid shoots.
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I did Mariano too because. I can 🗣🗣🗣 they all have marked guns, ones that have their insignia on it (some of them you can’t see 😭)
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AND NO. ANTONIO DOESN’T HAVE A GUN. Doesn’t get it twisted, he’s not old enough. He only gets a horse 🫡 we’re responsible on this blog. So he gets a machete, mainly for self defense.
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tsaritsa · 1 year
Hello, I saw your earlier post and I hope it's not too late to drop an "ask"! 🙂
When I got into Royai a few months ago, "the cables burnt and lines flare" was actually one of the first fics I'd read, and I still remember how much I'd loved the way you portrayed Team Mustang's dynamics and Jealous!Roy so so much! 💕 Honestly, it's short stories like these which led me to get an AO3 account. 😃 So a big "thank you"!
I was wondering if you were working on any WIP (Royai, FMA or otherwise 🙂), and also, what character dynamics and/or relationships you're currently most eager to explore through your writing?
(oh, please don't worry about asking me anything in return~ I haven't written much at all, so I don't have many interesting things to share ahah ^^").
Anyway, thank you so much for your wonderful fics! Have a lovely rest of your day~
cables burnt! that fic feels like an age ago, but a quick reread was still nonetheless enjoyable. seeing how my writing has developed over the last 6ish years is definitely interesting, and it's also very humbling to know that ppl are still discovering that writing, despite us nearly being in 2024.
this is a screenshot from my scrivner folder. this is not a full list of my drafts, i have so many from my days where i wrote with google docs or simply on word, but it's still surprisingly a lot.
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my current big WIPs are a very long hp fic, in which i smash hermione and draco together and make them kiss. i'm expecting my first draft to be over 100k so for this years nanowrimo, i'm simply going to continue with that writing and get myself over that 100k mark. i've never written so much so quickly for a story: but i love the way it has encouraged me to study lots of different subjects and explore lots of fauna and flora native to scotland! (my eternal thanks to @fullmetalscullyy who is always sending me the best pics and videos and so i'm always always inspired <333).
currently in my writing i'm exploring a lot of themes around grief, betrayal, forgiveness, and moving on. a lot of it is interpersonal relationships, but also how sometimes u can be angry at raging at circumstances beyond ur control, but also beyond the control of the ppl u want to blame. i love having the environment as an antagonist, a societal structure that seems so wholly unchanging. having hope despite that i think is at the crux of my writing: the little things matter just as much.
i want to explore more riza/bradley dynamics -- my fic enthrallment kind of brushed against that, but i think delving into those interesting and dangerous dynamics would be a fun write. @courtmartialme also did some absolutely stunning havocai drawings that def make me want to explore more of that relationship too.
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floralovebot · 2 years
What kind of vices do you think Helia has?
OUGH i love talking about the many problems he has <333
Here are some of his canon vices!
Very self-deprecating - It gets better later on and especially as Flora hypes him up, but Helia tends to think of himself and his actions in a very negative way and doesn't do much to challenge that narrative. He unconsciously relies on the others to make himself feel better a lot!
Self-critical - A thing that can be good in moderation, but like all vices, Helia takes it too far. He's overly observant and critical of himself to the point where it's like he's playing the observer all the time. He then gets anxious and convinces himself he's a horrible person cause he made One mistake. Way to go dude
Escapist - He has a hard time sticking around once he's convinced himself that people would be better off without him.
On a similar note, avoiding conflict. It may not seem obvious since Helia occasionally calls out the others, but that only happens when he's genuinely not in the wrong (or doesn't feel in the wrong). If something happens that he thinks he caused or was involved in, he tends to avoid that conflict and fallout.
And if I'm being honest, avoidance in general. Again, it's one of those things that gets missed easily, but that sort of mysteriousness/shyness that people often see in Helia? That's usually avoidance from him! He avoids talking to people unless they speak to him first, he avoids telling people about himself or his life, he'll outright ignore people if he doesn't like them, etcetc. There are times when it's for a good reason (not talking to the trix for example) and times when it's incredibly annoying and counterproductive (like with the specialists or flora). It should be noted that this behavior mostly shows up in his personal life rather than on missions but if anything, I think that shows he's aware of this but doesn't change it.
Impulsive - Again, it may not seem like it but Helia is very impulsive! A lot of the decisions he makes throughout canon are done in the moment and with very little thinking. It's easy to miss because Helia is a fast thinker and quick on his feet so his actions often seem more planned out than they actually are, but if you look at the individual actions themselves and how quick he makes them after Just thinking of them, it gets really obvious. In the show, I'd say the best and most well-known example would be in his introduction episode, aka the monster stunt. Again, it's easy to miss, but that wasn't planning or cautious thinking from him, that was full on impulsivity (both grabbing the monster And leaving). Other good examples would be the Shaab Stone arc in the comics (literally an entire arc of Helia being impulsive as hell), the s2 florelia kiss scene, Helia saving Sky in s2 when they're in Darkar's Fortress, and him running up to every enemy.
I'm not sure what you would call this, maybe recklessness?, but Helia often has very little regard for his own safety. He regularly puts himself into dangerous situations that he doesn't Need to be in without thinking about how badly it's gonna hurt him. Well,,, he does think about whether or not it'll kill him, but if the answer is "no", then it doesn't matter how much danger he's in, he's gonna do it. This often ends with one of the specialists yelling at him which is funny but Still. I do think it's important to note that he's not reckless with the other's safety (he's overly cautious with them) but he definitely is with his own.
I feel like there are others I Could list but they don't show up quite enough for me to call them his vices (ie the occasional stubbornness, lack of confidence, or jealousy). I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS LIST OF HIS MENTAL ANGUISHES I KNOW I DO
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scattered-winter · 2 years
well well my keyword for you is: magic system. do you have one and is it hard, soft, something in between??? tell me about it :D. also hope your day has been nice <3<3<3<3<3
I'm pulling from the jaykyle fantasy au that's been gathering dust in my docs for ,, nearly 6 months now lmao!! but I'm super proud of the magic system I built for it and tbh I love it so much I might implement some aspects of it into some og fantasy stories I have because it's sooo <333
it's.....somewhere between hard and soft, I think. like. the system is built around color (like lantern rings), so certain "colors" of magic can do things that other colors can't, but even then there are exceptions. there's some really big, very fundamental, completely unbreakable laws that apply to all magic types, and there are smaller rules that might apply to only a few and that could be bent/worked around if so desired, so I think it's a solid mix between hard and soft <3
every main lantern color is a specific type of magic, but colors can also be combined to make subtypes (kind of like how some firebenders can also redirect lightning in avatar the last airbender).
red = blood magic
orange = alchemy
yellow = mind magic
green = glyph/construct magic
blue = healing magic
indigo = flora/fauna magic
violet = star magic
black = death magic
white = life magic
blood magic at its core is the most powerful when the user draws his own blood, but some groups of blood mages have started using the blood of other people/animals which isn't as effective but its easier to harvest someone else's blood than your own. mind magic basically means that a yellow mage can manipulate someone with hallucinations, visions, or even by tampering with their emotions. green magic creates constructs, and the more powerful green mages can make glyphs that have gravitational/propulsion properties (inspired by these glyphs from rwby). indigo mages can control plants and animals, and each mage usually specializes in one over the other. star magic draws power from the sun and stars, and some mages literally suck the life from the stars to power their magic.
red/orange = blood alchemy
red/yellow = earth magic
red/green = air magic?
red/blue = water magic
red/indigo = fire magic
red/violet = storm magic
red/black = hollow magic (sucking life from living things for spells)
orange/yellow = academia magic (spellbooks, chalk circles, etc)
orange/green = trick magic (illusions)
orange/blue = advanced healing magic (slowing aging, replacing limbs, etc)
orange/indigo = herb potions
orange/violet = constellation magic (star positions)
orange/black = death alchemy
yellow/green = creation magic (creations with minds of their own but no souls)
yellow/blue = soul magic
yellow/indigo = animal magic (channeling animal auras)
yellow/violet = emotion magic
yellow/black = terror magic
green/blue = repair magic
green/indigo = growth magic
green/violet = summoning magic
green/black = dark glyph magic (using your own or other life forces to power glyphs)
blue/indigo = healing magic (specializing in plants/animals)
blue/violet = clairvoyance magic
blue/black = aura magic
indigo/violet = celestial magic (sun and moon)
indigo/black = decay magic
black/white = lazarus magic
I'm still not sure how the main strains of color magic coincide with the combinations, but ideally a red mage would be able to at least dabble in all the red combinations. the rules get kinda bendable on the individual color level, but the overall sphere of magic has some very strict fundamental laws. the biggest and most important: everything has an equal and opposing force. black magic is very powerful and terrifying, but white magic is just as powerful, and they cancel each other out. no spell is completely invincible from other spells, because no matter how many safeguards there are, there will always be something that can counteract.
send me a keyword and I'll tell you something from my brain (aus, ocs, etc) that relates to it
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wexhappyxfew · 4 years
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Sveta will smile and I will step back. Like we are meant to. As we always will.
— zhanna casmirovna polyakovna, from under the banner, OC by @adamantiumdragonfly
BoB fic: find it on — AO3 || Wattpad || FFN
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* I'VE GOT A REQUEST
not a day goes by where I dont think about ur sixteen going on seventeen fic so pls i wanna see you how you do A Million Dreams with carlos x fem!reader childhood friends to lovers AAAAAAA😭😭😭❤️❤️
i love how u write dancing scenes from the last one so fucking much so if u can emphasize the dancing on the rooftop in the bridge part id be ascending to heaven please 💗💗 *screams loudly*
"a million dreams"
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— You and Carlos shared a dream. Even if the world would try to tear you both apart you two would always find each other in the end. You and he were full of a million dreams for the world you and him are gonna make.
— songfic, aged-up & fluff
— female reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me.
— none
— i tried my best to write the dancing parts from the vid you sent on the reqs lmao, i hope you like it mimi <333
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The wind across the horizon was loud, it made the tall grass dance. The waves upon the shining ocean constantly kissed the shore, and the sand looked golden under the setting sand. A young Carlos Madrigal finds himself tucking his knees to his chest, he had an awful feeling rising in his belly. He took his time alone to calm down until he hears soft footsteps approaching him, he doesn't turn around as he lets a girl sitting beside him. Carlos gently turns to her.
"How did you get out?"
"The window"
The girl softly replies to him. Carlos looks down at his worn-out shoes as she slowly shifts her head to him with a sad look on her face.
"Mi padre is sending me away to finish school. I don't know what will my future be"
She admits, downcast mixed with uncertainty. Carlos sighs and sends her a sympathetic glance, before he knew it a smile was grazing on his lips.
"I do, [Name]"
You look at him with mild bewilderment. You have been best friends with Carlos ever since his family began working with yours. You grew up in a wealthy family while he barely held on but somehow managed. Despite the differences, you liked each other. Carlos would subtly make you smile at moments that felt like hell, he'd take the punishment from your strict father for disrupting you during your home-schooling. At a young age, you realized how much Carlos means a lot to you, it was better that he felt the same. You found yourself not wanting to be separated from him.
"I close my eyes and I can see the world that's waiting up for me"
"That I call my own"
Carlos sings and deeply gazes into your eyes, you look back at him with the same intensity. He stands up and holds out his hand for you to take. He leads you away from the beach and into the woods.
"Through the dark, through the door"
"Through where no one's been before"
A giant gate infested with vines and flora was where Carlos took you. He begins to climb his way up the old gate, he extends his hand as you gently grab it and climb up next to him.
"But it feels like home"
You watched in surprise to see an old abandoned house in the distance; autumn trees surrounded the area and brought you comfort. Carlos grins and jumps over the gate, you gasped and followed along.
"They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy"
"They can say, they can say I've lost my mind"
Carlos lets you chase him up the decaying steps towards the house, you smiled and twirled around. He runs through a thick bush and disappears, you took a peek, and all of a sudden a hand goes through the bush. You giggled and took Carlos' hand and let him pull you into the bush.
"I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy"
"We can live in a world that we design"
He pulls you into the interior of the abandoned house, it was dark and clouded with dust. Everything was filled with long vines and plants but the place had a charming effect on you. 
"'Cause every night I lie in bed"
"The brightest colors fill my head"
Carlos smiles toothily at you, he sees you reciprocating it. He grabs your hand and twirls you around, adoring you every second.
"A million dreams are keeping me awake"
You and Carlos explore more inside the old house. He finds a pack of matches and lights one up, it reveals a funny statue in the shadows emitting a laugh from you. He laughs along louder.
"I think of what the world could be"
"A vision of the one I see"
"A million dreams is all it's gonna take"
Carlos lights up a lantern and you and he find a lot of nicknacks inside. Surely the place was almost collapsing but the way Carlos is grinning at you while pointing at everything he sees made the house appear so magical.
"Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make"
You watch him spin the lantern as the light flickers and created shadows. The old chandelier above looked like a spinning carousel and it makes your smile wider. Carlos gives you a childish look in his eye, a wonderful expression that made your knees melt. But suddenly, he blows the light out and the days went passing by.
"There's a house we can build"
"Every room inside is filled"
"With things from far away"
The time has arrived as your father looks at you, waiting for you to hop on the carriage on your way so far away from Carlos. You hold back your tears and climbed in as the carriage starts speeding. Carlos notices the carriage leaving and tries to catch up to you, dropping the items from his hands. He didn't expect you to leave so soon but there was nothing he can do to make your stay longer.
"The special things I compile"
"Each one there to make you smile"
"On a rainy day"
Tonight, Carlos stays all night under the light of a candle to compose a heartfelt letter for you. He carefully wrote each word and sealed it tight. The next day, he brings the fateful letter to the post office and soon enough the personal letter arrives in your hands. A soft smile graced your lips as you read the sweet words Carlos has written to you.
"They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy"
"They can say, they can say we've lost our minds"
"I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy"
"Runaway to a world that we design"
Unbeknownst to you, Carlos' life has come into a messy spiral. He pursues to leave his family and home. He was forced to roam the streets, hungry and pockets empty. He was urged to steal for food, oftentimes he gets beaten into smithereens for it. Carlos felt like he was losing it, he just wanted to see you again, to continue the dream you two shared. But as he lies against the dirty corner of the street filled with filth, a hand reaches him with an apple, and all of a sudden, he felt like he found it; the way back to you.
"Every night I lie in bed"
"The brightest colors fill my head"
"A million dreams are keeping me awake"
Years go by, and Carlos Madrigal has grown into a fine man. An unfaltering smile was present on his lips because he was holding the hand of the woman he has sought and dreamed of for his entire life, you. Through the window of the house you used to live in as a child, you see the love of your life approaching to come and pick you up. You hurriedly went down the stairs in your best dress and the biggest smile you can ever give. Carlos sees you through the open doors, your father nodded at him before looking at you, finally approving Carlos to go and take your hand. 
"I think of what the world could be"
"A vision of the one I see"
"A million dreams is all it's gonna take"
You're finally here with him, looking as radiant and beautiful as ever at this train station. You happily pull him by the hand, he leans back and enthusiastically twirls you into his arms. You two were planning to run away to another state. You danced with him under the moonlight, the smoke from the trains smothering you both together. Carlos interlocked his finger with yours and twirls you again gleefully, you giggle as he wrapped his hands at the back of your waist and gently picks you up to spin you around. His hand snakes around your waist as he carries your weight around, lifting you off of your feet, making you feel like flying and alive.
With one final spin, he lets you go. You come to face him and watch as he gets on one knee and skillfully brings out an engagement ring. Your halt and see the ring glimmering under the moonlight and before you knew it your eyes are wet as you nodded your head rapidly and scream yes. Carlos grins victoriously and slips the ring on your finger as he gifts you a long and tender kiss.
"Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make"
"However big, however small"
"Let me be part of it all"
"Share your dreams with me"
You lead Carlos to an apartment you found the other day, it wasn't much but it was a perfect start. You shoot him a hopeful smile and opened the window to let the sunlight in, you look back at him to see him give you a dreamful expression.
"You may be right, you may be wrong"
"But say that you'll bring me along"
"To the world you see"
"To the world I close my eyes to see"
"To the world I close my eyes to see"
"I close my eyes to see"
"I close my eyes to see"
Carlos takes one look at you and remembered the sacrifices he made just to keep you, it all paid out for him in the end because he's officially creating the dream he shared with you as children.
"Every night I lie in bed"
"The brightest colors fill my head"
It was true, he never went to sleep without dreaming about building a life with you. All the things he said through the letters he sent to you were promises he couldn't wait to fulfill.
"A million dreams are keeping me awake"
"A million dreams, a million dreams"
You kept every letter Carlos would send you when you were still away, each word he wrote was always there in your heart and now you're here beside him in this tiny apartment, a picnic under the setting sun through the window. It was all coming together, you're going to be with him forever.
"I think of what the world could be"
"I think of what the world could be"
"A vision of the one I see"
"A vision of the one I see"
Carlos takes you with him to the rooftop, singing in unison. The moon has arrived and is as big as ever. You laugh freely as he reaches for your hand, you chase him around the rooftop, the wind was strong that evening making the white sheets hang out to dry and dance around you two. This gives you both an idea.
"A million dreams is all it's gonna take"
"A million dreams is all it's gonna take"
You lean your back against his chest, you slowly began the dance with him in sync. You swiftly turn to face him with an enormous smile, Carlos easily grabs you by the waist and lifts you up into the air, and spins you around. Your dress wonderfully twirling around with you.
"A million dreams for the world we're gonna make"
"A million dreams for the world we're gonna make"
He drops you softly to the ground. You playfully ran away to hide under the flowing white sheets, Carlos grins and goes to find you. He takes his sweet time and fatefully leans back only to collide with you. He laughs as you lift off the sheet to reveal yourself, he feels his heart get full when he sees you give him that loving look. He doesn't resist as he took your hand and pulls you to him. 
You squeal as he throws it in the air, your leg revolves around his head as he catches you in his arms, bridal style, and dips you. Both of your lips were inches apart as you touched your foreheads. Carlos can feel his cheeks hurt from smiling as he spins you in his arms, watching you look at him with delight. He settles you back on the ground again and you spun for him.
You make a run for the nearest platform, Carlos follows close and perfectly catches you in his arms as when you went for the jump. You grin at him and he lifts you up with your legs in the air, he lets you get back on your feet and watches as you sprinted away. He runs to you, all lovestruck to the core. You reach the edge of the rooftop, feigning to fall off with your one leg dangled off but Carlos quickly catches your hand and pulls you to him. He dips you before rasing you up with your leg, you come back down along with the white sheets on the rooftop.
"For the world we're gonna make"
"For the world we're gonna make"
Carlos never leaves his eyes on you as you lean your body against his, he feels the time tick by so quickly. So, when he blinks he was no longer on the rooftop with you but inside the apartment. Your eyes were closed with your hands resting on your growing belly, Carlos fondly placed his hands on top of yours and watches your pregnant belly. He lets out a heavy sigh and realizes that his millions of dreams with you are coming true.
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taglist: @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @cahmilo , @pochi-moochika , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings ...join here
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druidgroves · 2 years
👨‍👨‍👦🥊🌵🐍 for marisol and 🍁❤️🍿🎞 for florence!!
thank u for sending some in !!! <333 this got incredibly long bc i cant stop rambling lmao
fallout oc ask meme
👨‍👨‍👦 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is their relationship to their family? do they have any siblings?
Marisol only really had her older brother, Santiago. She knows they had parents at one point, but she doesn't remember much about them at all. She thinks she remembers what her mother looks like & can only confirm so much through the stories Santiago has told her.
After their parent's deaths, Santiago moved them around a bunch. Eventually they settled in a small town near a Desert Ranger station. When Marisol was 9, her brother joined up with them & finally told her about the fate of their parents.
Their father, Leonardo, was once apart of the Desert Rangers, fighting against slavers in the wasteland, while their mother, Renata, was apart of the Followers of the Apocalypse as a doctor. Leonardo died in the line of duty & a few months later Renata was killed trying to help people outside of the Boneyard where they had originally lived.
After joining the Rangers, Santiago didn't get to visit as much, leaving Marisol in the care of his then-girlfriend. Until Marisol was old enough to look out for herself, Santiago had a habit of charming people both into his bed & into looking after Marisol. She has many memories of being cared after by his various partners (all vetted by her brother before Marisol even met them). Still, Marisol revered her older brother (& still does). She doesn't hold his prolonged absences against him because every time he did get to visit, it was all the more sweeter for it (absence makes the heart grow fonder & all of that).
Santiago ended up leaving the Rangers after the Ranger Unification Treaty, not wanting to be beholden to the NCR. When Marisol was 19, she signed up to be a Courier for the Mojave Express. While it was never for any great reasons, the moving around she & her brother did when she was a kid made her fall in love with traveling, & being a Courier seemed to suit her just fine.
Present day, the two still keep in contact. Santiago ended up settling down in Nipton years before the Legion massacred it; however, when the Legion did arrive, Santiago was already on his way to New Vegas to visit a friend. When Marisol came upon the town, intent on visiting him on her way to Novac, she was incredibly upset & panicked to discover the state of the town. She searched every house, building, & trailer & found no trace of him. She hoped against everything that he had gotten out somehow, & was relieved beyond words to find him in New Vegas when she eventually made her way there.
🥊 BOXING GLOVE - what is their go-to fighting style (hand-to-hand, short range, long range, etc)?
Marisol prefers to talk her way out of fights or sneak past them entirely. She's a sharpshooter & can work just about any gun you give her (Santiago taught her how to shoot & she practiced frequently in his absence in an attempt to impress him). However, her primary weapon right now is a standard caravan rifle! This may change as I play the game more, but she generally tries to avoid close range fights.
🐍 SNAKE - have they ever been stabbed in the back or stabbed anyone else in the back?
I haven't played enough of the game for any definitive answers (I know there's some shit with Ulysses but I don't understand it yet), but I don't think she'd do it intentionally! Unless the person was a huge dick to her.
🌵 CACTUS - what is a sore subject for them?
Despite her & Santiago having a good relationship, his absences (+ their parent's deaths) did inspire a small case of abandonment issues! She tends to get stressed out & antsy when she feels like she's being left behind or left out, especially if she's being left by someone she cares about.
🍁 MAPLE LEAF - do they have a favorite season? what is it and why?
After living out in the wasteland for a while, Flora grew to really enjoy summer. She liked the feeling of the sun on her skin & how warm everything felt compared to the coldness of Vault 101. I think she suffers from seasonal affective disorder after leaving the vault due to the colder seasons having 1) less sun & 2) feeling too familiar to the vault, leading her into a darker state of mind.
❤️ RED HEART- are they easy to love? (if not) what makes them so difficult?
She doesn't think she is to be honest, especially during her 20s. She had so much happen to her in such a short time that she really felt like she was just a complete burden to everyone even though that was the furthest thing from the truth. I actually think her & Butch break up for a long time because Flora feels like she just. can't handle any sort of relationship in her current state. They reconnect towards the end of their 20s & Flora is doing so much better & while she hasn't fully healed, she's doing leagues better than she was & doesn't actively want to die.
🍿 POPCORN - do they like being the center of attention or more in the shadows?
She despises being the center of attention, it makes her anxious, but she doesn't like being sidelined to the shadows like she isn't there either. She just prefers to be acknowledged.
🎞 FILM - what is their greatest / happiest memory?
Happiest memory is definitely when she got her G.O.A.T results & found out she'd be following in her dad's footsteps as a doctor. She loved her dad more than anything & she'd never felt closer to him than in that moment. She remembers him telling her how proud of her he was & she keeps that memory real close to her heart.
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Tea and Tourniquets-The Beginning ☕️
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(GIF is not mine)
There is something living in the forest beyond your village, something evil, something ancient. The only known survivor of this evil is a reclusive healer by the name of Min Yoongi. Rumor has it though, that the herbalist hermit may, in fact, be the evil himself.
Summary: You were told never to venture into the forest after dark. Stories of people going missing and, an ancient darkness, keep most of your quaint village paralyzed with fear. However, after another disappearance, you decide to do the unthinkable and, search for the answers yourself.
The darkness is real…and it’s alive.
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Word Count: 15.5k
Genre: Supernatural au! Supernatural! Yoongi, his true identity will be revealed later on, Fantasy! Au, Tsundere! Yoongi, fluff, angst, smut throughout the story, slightly spooky
Warnings: slight spooky-ness? lmao thats not a word, references to death/dark themes, future smut, moderate angst
A/N okay so hello! I hope you guys are okay with getting this in two parts. I have the plot figured out but, I really felt it was best to release it in separate pieces. The second part may be just as long, or even longer, I’m not totally sure but, I truly truly hope you guys enjoy this! I’ve been working on it for months now. I love you guys <333
“A toast to our great explorers...Namjoon, Seokjin and, Jungkook, your commitment and bravery to our village is unparalleled, thank you for all that you have done and, all that you will do...here here!”   
The booming voice of one of your village’s leader echoes off of the walls of the pub’s cozy interior and, the clinking of glasses soon follows. 
Tonight, the village is celebrating the three men who have made it their mission to answer a question that has loomed over your world for centuries: 
What lurked in the ancient forest? 
Stories had been passed down through countless generations and, although, those stories have yet to be confirmed, the disappearances and deaths surrounding the forest, served as a warning to anyone who dared to breach the trees after sunset. 
“I think we should revisit the Yoongi theory again, he’s our only clear source of information...”  
The celebration had been in full swing for roughly an hour or so before, the men of the hour had made it over to the bar.  
Seokjin smirks knowingly, glancing at Namjoon, “That’s very true Jungkook-ah, so we should go visit him then yes? Perhaps he will have time for an interview?” 
Jungkook sputters on the bitter liquid in his glass, eyes wide and blinking owlishly at his elder brother, “Are you insane? If Yoongi is behind the curse, he is more evil and powerful than any of us could possibly imagine. My swordsmanship, as incredible as it is, would be no match for his powerful...sorcerer...demon...powers.” 
The younger boy trails off as his uncertainty grows, causing the two other men to snicker in amusement. 
“Kook, we have gathered no evidence that supports this theory. Yoongi has always been helpful to our people and, just because he’s figured out how to survive in the forest, doesn’t automatically mean he’s a demon...sorcerer or, whatever it is that you just said.” 
Seokjin continues to snicker through Namjoon’s explanation and, Jungkook huffs, slumping back into his chair, his brown bunny eyes rolling in annoyance. 
“Hyung, he’s got to be ancient by now, our elders remember stories about him as young children. Don’t you think it’s strange that he’s been around for so long? What if he’s...a vampire or something?”  
At his comment, Seokjin and Namjoon burst out in a fit of belly laughter, holding onto each other through their fit. You giggle to yourself as you bend down to place a clean glass onto the shelf, shaking your head at their antics.  
“A benevolent vampire who delivers medicine, free of charge, to a village of humans? Doesn’t sound like the type to senselessly murder by the hundreds...” Jin inquires as their laughter dies down,  Jungkook retreating further into his seat, grumbling to himself. 
“Leave him alone you two...” You admonish, a fond smirk still gracing your features as you continue to straighten up the bar, your three friends directing their gazes toward you.  
“Yeah, leave me alone....” Jungkook mumbles, nudging his foot against Namjoon. 
“We’re just trying to encourage him to be more logical Y/N, he’s new to our profession...it’s very easy to get carried away.” Namjoon smirks, still chuckling as he nudges Jungkook in return.  
“Hyung, with all due respect, it’s hard to be logical when all the evidence points to something...otherworldly. Besides, has anyone in recent times seen Min Yoongi? How do we know it’s him dropping off the remedies, what if it’s one of his familiars or something?” Jungkook urges, eyes going wide once again as he leans towards Namjoon. 
Jin brows raise, “Familiars? So is he a vampire or a witch?” 
“Maybe, he’s a vampire...witch...” Jungkook insists, slitting his eyes toward Jin. 
Namjoon snickers again, taking a sip of his whiskey before nodding to you, “Y/N hasn’t your grandfather encountered Yoongi? Can’t he vouch for his normalcy?” 
Your grandfather had been your caretaker since you were around the age of 7. After the passing of your parents, he had vowed to raise you as his own. Although your grandfather claimed to be a logical man, he often gave in to the mythical side of life or, ‘teahouse tales’ as he fondly referred to it. He encouraged your curiosity but, he always warned you of breaching the trees after dusk. During the day however, the two of you had spent quite a bit of time in the forest. Your grandfather loved researching the flora and fauna of the region and, you often accompanied him on his days out. If you were ever to go on your own, he had a few rules that he urged you to follow. 
1. Stay away from the blue frogs (they’re poisonous) 
2. Remember to pack an extra change of clothes (a swim in the lake is impossible to resist) 
3. Don’t eat ANY of the plants (especially the beautiful ones) 
4. Be home before sunset 
Pretty simple. You rarely ventured into the forest alone and, if you did, there was never a time when you felt compelled to go very far. There was no guarantee you would make it back in time before sundown and, there were plenty of sights to indulge in right at the forest’s entrance. You understood the first four rules without explanation although, one day, your curiosity got the better of you and, you asked your grandfather why he had included Yoongi on the rule list:  
 “Yoongi is a...solitary type. He doesn’t take kindly to strangers and, it’s just...best if you let him be. His cottage is quite difficult to find anyhow but, even on the chance you should see it, you’d be wise not to approach it.”  
“May I ask why?” 
“Yoongi is a medicine man and, a good one at that but, no one really knows how he procures his remedies, especially without connections to the mainland. There are rumors that he may be practicing spellwork...”  
“Spellwork? Is that legal?” 
“Well...our region has always been more forgiving of benevolent spellwork but, still, you can never be too careful...” 
“Have you ever encountered him before?” 
“I have yes, he didn’t do me any harm but, he wasn’t the kindest fellow I’ve ever met...there was something strange about him though. He had a darkness of sorts, something lingering...it’s hard to explain. He didn’t say much, only asked that I keep away from his cottage. Strangely compelling actually, he put me in a bit of a trance but, that could be my old age talking...just promise me, you won’t go looking for him ok?”  
“Ok, I promise.” 
You turn to your friends, pouring Seokjin another drink, “Well, technically he’s only seen him once but, according to him Yoongi was pretty strange...maybe Jungkook is on to something...”   
The responses cause Namjoon to groan whilst Jungkook simultaneously lights up, “See? Pretty strange, we have an eyewitness, from a reliable source, stating that Yoongi was strange...how’s that for evidence hyung?”  
“Lacking, severely lacking.” Namjoon answers immediately, “Yoongi is a man who chooses to live alone, in a forest that is notoriously known for being haunted...of course he’s going to be strange. Not to mention the fact that no one really knows how old he is so, his age could also play a factor in his behavior...” 
Jin nods thoughtfully, smirking at Jungkook as he once again deflates into his seat, “I think we’re dancing around the inevitable here...” 
“Which is?” Namjoon glances in his direction, annoyance starting creep into his features.  
Namjoon is not a fan of the fantastical and, rarely makes time for conversations surrounding these topics. 
“Jungkook may be right...”  
“Hyung…” Namjoon begins as Jungkook perks up, a jovial smile appearing on his face. 
“Right now, he is one of our theories yes?” Jin explains further, amused at the chaos his suggestion caused 
“He is not, I’ve just explained why its highly unlike_” Namjoon dismisses but, Jin cuts him off and continues.  
“Unlikely, Namjoon, not impossible...” Jin sends a pointed look his way and, you’re quite surprised considering the fact that Jin isn’t known for his serious nature.  “Yoongi is the only man who may have some insight into what happens in those trees and, as far as I know, he has been serving our village for years, there is no real threat in paying him a visit. I meant what I said earlier…we need to speak with him.” 
“Hyung, with all due respect, the threat isn’t Yoongi himself but, the journey…we don’t know where he resides, he could live miles and miles into the forest…what if we were unable to make it back before sundown?” Namjoon insists, wise eyes pleading with Jin to see his point of view. 
A pang of fear hits your chest at the thought of your friends being lost to the clutches of the forest, you decide to speak up once again, urging them away from dangerous choices, “You could always wait at the Archway, his remedies appear there every week, my grandfather believes he delivers in the middle of the night, to avoid being seen…” 
The three of them regard one another for a moment before, Namjoon reluctantly nods, his lips pursed in an attempt to release the tension in his face, “That’s…not a bad idea actually…” 
“The Archway is in plain sight at the edge of the forest, it would allow us a safe space for interacting with him…or whoever happens to show up.” Jin points out, nodding to Jungkook, the smirk reappearing on his face, “Maybe the kid should sit this one out…” 
Jungkook’s feathers are thoroughly ruffled as he sits up straighter in his seat, attempting to mask the obvious fear on his face, “What? No, Hyung…I’m ready, I promise, I’ve been training every day, I could take down anyone that comes through that archway…” 
Namjoon chuckles, some of his frustration starting to dissipate, “We don’t want to take down our witness before we’ve spoken to him Kook…” 
“Well, when we need to…I’m ready; I have your backs…” Jungkook vows, determination ringing clear in his innocent tone, his hyungs both smiling fondly in return. 
“That’s good to know, we’ll need a strong man on our side…especially since, you know, Yoongi is an evil vampire witch…” Jin retorts, holding in his laughter 
“Exactly!” Jungkook agrees enthusiastically, smiling at his hyung’s decision to accept his theory. 
His reaction causes the three of you to laugh, gratitude heavy in your hearts for the small bit of innocence still left in your village. 
The following morning you awake just on the crest of sunrise. Washed out light teases the edges of your window, casting a square shadow on the wall opposite you. It was a peaceful night’s rest, a rarity in these times so; you pull the blankets over you to shield yourself against the cold. You are currently resisting the temptation to slip back into the warm embrace of slumber until the shattering of glass jolts your body upright. 
“Grandpa?? Are you ok?” The shaky call of your voice wobbled in your throat and, you nearly slip on the wooden floor as you scramble out of your bedroom. 
“Grandpa!?”  Your tone increases in it’s urgency as you frantically scan the den, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. 
“Back here!” There’s nothing out of order in his tone but, that doesn’t stop you from hastily shoving open the heavy wooden door that lead to your back-garden. 
Your grandfather’s hearty laughter greets you as you stumble onto the patch of grass which was barely hanging on for dear life. 
“Good morning!” He chirps, looking up from the floor that’s currently covered in glass. 
“Are you alright? I heard…a noise and…” You’re slightly out of breath, your chest recovering from the tightness it had just endured. 
Your grandfather snickers and shakes his head at you, reaching for the wooden broom leaning against the side of the house. 
He’s tinkering again. 
“Did I wake you?” He murmurs, amusement coloring his tone as he sweeps up his mess 
“No but, you almost gave me a heart attack, I thought you fell…and, what did I tell you about conducting your experiments without proper lighting? You’re going to get hurt…again.” You grumble, finally feeling yourself calm down as he snickers again. 
“Alchemists get hurt all the time, Y/N, nothing to ruffle your feathers about…” He chuffs, smirking fondly at you as he scoops the glass into his mixing bowl, his brow furrowing in thought as he likely is thinking of ways to use the newly shattered beaker in his concoction. 
Your grandfather practiced alchemy which essentially meant that he spent day after day trying to turn things into gold: a dangerous and wildly unsuccessful hobby. 
“Yes but, you’re archaic and, if anything ever happened to you, I would be a wreck…” You bite back, returning his smirk as you size up the possibly lethal mixture. 
He pulls back in mock offense, eyes widening in playful horror, “Archaic?! I don’t look a day over 25, I’ve never felt better!” 
“That may be so but, you were badly hurt last summer weren’t you? And you couldn’t get out of bed for a month and, since I was the one worried sick about you, I have every reason to get my feathers ruffled…” 
Your grandfather chuckles, nodding in surrender, his fingers stalling on the edge of his mixing bowl “Alright, alright, I concede; I’ll try and be more careful.” 
Eyes narrowing in his direction, you nod, attempting to look firm as you adjust your dressing gown. 
“Thank you.” 
Suddenly, a large horn asserted itself into the atmosphere around you. The sound sends a sinking feeling into your stomach and, your grandfather’s playful gaze turns to one of pure horror. 
“No…not again…” He whispers as you pull a shaky breath through your nose, gesturing for him to come inside. 
A gavel near the front of the room slams down onto the cherrywood of the council desk, sending a jolt of panic through your chest. 
“Be silent! We will accomplish nothing with all of you quarreling at once!” 
The council sits at the head of your villages Home Room, the five of them clearly frightened and frazzled. The people of your village had gathered in wake of the horn, most of which were still in their bed clothes. At the sound of the gavel, the room settles but, the thick and unyielding tension still hangs in the air. 
“Tayeon has been taken by the forest.” One of your council members delivers the news with a solemn expression, their face stiffening as the crowd reacts. 
The announcement takes your breath away, your hand clutching Jin’s, who is currently sitting beside you, a solemn look on his face. His long fingers tangle with yours as he pulls a deep breath through his nose, attempting to mask the fear in his heart. 
Tayeon was a young boy, not yet surpassing his 7th birthday. You knew him well, he was a gentle soul, always giving to others, placing freshly baked bread outside of  people’s homes in the morning and tending to the weeds of the elderly. Any good deed he could manage, Tayeon would accomplish. 
And now, he was gone.
Just like that. 
Tears sting at the corners of your eyes but, you manage to hold it together, clutching Jin’s hand tighter as the council members continued to elaborate on the most recent disappearance. 
“His family states that he was sound asleep in his chambers and, when they awoke this morning, he was gone…” 
It was then, that you spot Tayeon’s family; both of his fathers are huddled together on a bench near the front of the room, Tayeon’s older sister, Minerva, consoling them as they wept.  
“How are we to know that it was the forest? What if he wandered off elsewhere?” A young man chimes in, you recognize him as Chanyeol, a young blacksmith from the center of your village. 
“The forest glows this morning does it not? That is your answer.” Namjoon is on the council this year and, his usual sunny disposition is replaced with stoicism, his jaw clenched as he responds to the inquiry. 
The forest was usually clouded in darkness, particularly at night however, following a disappearance, the space between the trees glows a dim ruby color and, occasionally you will see a faint violet light darting through the branches; this phenomena has yet to be understood. The entirety of the forest glows through the day and, the sun never rises high enough to constitute a full sunrise and, your village usually spends the day indoors, the light not sufficient enough to complete its usual routine. Livestock are brought inside, shops close down and, the kitchen serves only porridge for breakfast and, rice for dinner.  It felt appropriate however, the sun shouldn’t shine over a mourning village, it’s too intrusive. 
“I am no longer going to stand idly by as another one of our people vanishes. The answer is obvious, the only person living in that forest is Min Yoongi therefore, he is our prime suspect. Upon the rising of tomorrow’s sun, we must summon him for trial. He must face justice!” 
“But, Yoongi has been an asset to our community for years and, his remedies have saved far more lives than, have been lost.” 
“We have never had extended contact with him, we know nothing of his intentions, don’t you think it’s odd that he drops off his remedies and, refuses to interact with our people? How is he getting knowledge of our ailments?” 
“Exactly, he either has a spy on the inside or he is obtaining his information through unorthodox means…he could be a spellworker” 
“So what if he is? As far as I’m concerned, he is using his talents for good.” 
“Good? Do you suggest that the disappearances of our people are a good thing?” 
The bickering between the council members continue and, you find yourself shrinking into your seat as the volume of their encounter seems to grow. Tension rises in the crowd as well and, as more and more people join the conversation, the room erupts into chaos. Arguments are breaking out left and right regarding whether or not the village should arraign Yoongi and, just before the interactions incite a riot, your grandfather stands, his voice bellowing out into the crowd.  
“I have encountered Min Yoongi…” He announces, causing the storm of chaos to slow to a mere murmur, dozens of eyes darting towards your grandfather. 
“Mr. Y/L/N, with all due respect, several of our senior councilmembers have encountered Min Yoongi. Due to their unpleasant experiences, we only have further reason to believe in his wickedness. Now as we were saying_” 
“He saved my life.” Your grandfather chimes in again, slightly clouded eyes shooting a determined glance towards the council, his chest puffing out slightly. 
Namjoon’s brows furrow at his announcement, deciding to speak up for the first time since the council began arguing, “He…he saved your life? Would mind elaborating Mr. Y/L/N?” 
Your grandfather clears his throat, glancing at you momentarily before continuing. 
“When I was a young boy, I wandered into the trees…” A hushed gasp falls over the crowd as your grandfather tells his story, “I was searching for lavender and, at the time, it grew in tremendous amounts along the river…I wasn’t a great swimmer you see. I fell in and, Yoongi saved me. I’m not sure how he managed, as he was a slight man but, he did. He seemed to conjure the tides of the river to pull me ashore. I’ll admit, he was brash and left very little room for questioning but, he saw to it that I return to the borderline, safe and sound. As we parted ways, he warned me against returning to the forest and, told me to stay away from his cottage, should I ever find it…” 
“And did you…ever find it?” Namjoon inquires again, the entire room completely still as they await the conclusion of your grandfather’s story. 
He sighs then, hesitating a moment before nodding, “Curiosity is an illness I frequently suffer from…I went back the following week in search of his home. I wanted to express my gratitude…the journey took me half a day, I think, if I remember correctly,  but, I finally came across a small cottage nestled inside several massive dead trees. There were no security measures, no gate, no padlock, not even a guard dog. He was completely vulnerable to the outside elements…he came out as soon as I approached his home and, scolded me for disobeying him, he did accept my token of gratitude however…a large bag of coffee beans that I had procured from a merchant near the edge of town. He was strange; there was something…awry about him. I remember feeling very tired as he was speaking to me, he spoke a language I did not recognize and, the next thing I knew, I woke up at the borderline, completely alone.” 
Whispers fall over the room once again and, the people gathered in the home room glance earnestly at one another. One of the council members nod to your grandfather, 
“Would you be willing pay him another visit Mr. Y/L/N? We believe he  …” 
Alarm signals deep within your stomach, your head whipping to the front of the room and, then quickly over to your grandfather, “No, no absolutely not…he cannot make the journey himself…he wouldn’t make it back in time…” 
All eyes turn to you and, your grandfather attempts to placate you, patting your arm gently, “Y/N, it’s ok, please, I’m willing to make the journey if it means our people may finally have peace. I will leave at first light…” 
Namjoon, Jungkook and, Jin share your concern and, Namjoon attempts to reason with his council members, “Y/N is right, he shouldn’t go alone, there is no reason for that…” 
“Yoongi is an unpredictable creature…he knows Mr. Y/L/N and, according to his story, has been quite useful in the past, if we send a search party after him, he may feel threatened.” 
You shake your head again, stepping front of your grandfather, as if to shield him from their judgement, your heart hammering in your chest, “Please, there has to be another way, he can wait for Yoongi near the Archway, he can_” 
“Y/N please...settle down.” Your grandfather admonishes gently and, you feel frustration heating your cheeks whilst a lump forms in your throat. 
“It’s settled then, Mr. Y/L/N will find out where this Min Yoongi dwells and, attempt to gain insight into our cursed land, we thank you for your bravery…” 
The gavel jolts the entirety of the room and, with that; your world comes crumbling down. 
You’d be damned if the cowardly council-members sent your grandfather in the forest alone. No, if anyone was going to go, it would be you. You were willing to lay your life on the line to ensure your grandfather’s safety, he was all you had. After waiting until your village had fallen asleep, you packed yourself a small bag and, left. No looking back, you were capable of surviving; your grandfather had taught you all the necessary skills you would need.
The darkness of the forest however, proved to be much greater than you could have estimated and, half way into your journey, you began to grow increasingly uncomfortable. 
Something didn’t feel right. You felt like you were being watched or, worse, followed. The hair on the back of your neck stood at attention. The lump in your throat continued to grow as you focused all your attention on the path in front of you. You had found a crudely drawn map done by your grandfather that supposedly lead to Yoongi’s cottage and, had taken it when you left hastily in the middle of the night.  
Halfway there. 
A crack sounded behind you. It was subtle but, distinct, sounding very much like the splitting of wood. A step, perhaps. Your heart threw itself continuously against your sternum over and over, louder and louder until you felt your head pounding. You adjusted the bag on your shoulder, your feet picking up subtly underneath you, your eyes zeroing toward your intended direction. 
Suddenly, the rustling of leaves could be heard behind you along with the familiar crack you had heard moments ago. The noise causes your head to whip around in its direction only to be met with the familiar, haunting scene of the forest. 
It’s an animal. Stop being so paranoid. 
The wind had been twirling through the trees for quite some time but, at this moment it began to pick up its dance, causing the trees to ache and groan around you. The chill creeps its way through the thin material of your sweater as your arms curl into your chest, desperately trying to keep warm. You shouldn’t be here. You knew what it meant by making the journey into this part of your world and, you felt foolish that you had ignored the warnings of your people. 
Just focus, don’t lose sight of what’s in front of you. 
The sounds of the forest began to grow around you, like a sinister symphony, the pitch rising higher and higher as you were drawn deeper into its music. You carefully tug the hood of your sweater over your ears, which you were surprised hadn’t succumbed to frost bite. Out of the corner of your eye, you see a movement that stops you in your tracks. Blackness is rising from the forest ground, morphing and twisting into a shape that is twice your height, and half your width. A figure stands still momentarily, long arms like tree branches extending from its body as it seems to regard you from across the forest. All of the blood from your face drains; your heart halts its assault against your sternum as you stand, frozen in horror. 
Your hand moves slowly towards your bag, attempting to retrieve your dagger. Eyes squinted, you keep an eye on the figure, trying to understand its form:  Diamond-shaped body, upright with long spindly legs and arms to match, faceless until you catch a glimpse of something that makes your stomach turn. Insidious and arrogant, the figures blank face splits into a wide, toothy grin, the entirety of it nearly reaching either side of its head. 
Before you can take your next breath, the figure breaks out into a run, smiling all the while as it races toward you. You fall back, hands desperately trying to rip open your pack, frantically trying to defend yourself. Tears sting your eyes as the terror of your situation overwhelms you, you get ahold of the dagger, handing shaking as you hold it in front of you. The attempt is pointless and, you know it. Whatever this is, isn’t human and, it’s intentions were quite clear. You felt frozen, helpless, you screamed out in desperation but, to no avail. 
You were going to die. 
A flash of brilliant violet light illuminates the forest, blinding you momentarily, your hand coming up to shield your eyes. Everything happens so quickly, the creature that was pursuing you lets out a strangled scream when a wave of energy pulses through the forest. It’s powerful and knocks you completely on your back, haziness beginning to creep into your vision. Dazed, you lay on the forest floor as your eyes grow heavier and heavier, sensations of pain moving throughout your body. You hear a faint sound of leaves crunching as something seems to approach you. The darkness overtaking your vision prevents you from seeing anything beyond a figure, thankfully human, looming over you. 
“Foolish human, what on earth have you done?” 
With that, everything goes black. 
  The sound of bubbling is the first thing that teases your conscience back to life. As to the source of the sound, you’re still unsure but, it’s not the worst way you’ve ever been woken up. 
Wait…woken up. 
Are you waking up? 
Did you die? 
You don’t remember falling asleep the night before and, you’re beginning to grow restless behind the darkness of your eyelids.  
There is a faint sensation of pain winding around one of your feet and, you feel a very uncomfortable stinging across the right side of your ribs.  
“After all this time, humans are still insufferable creatures Meow, the only species who has managed to stall the evolutionary cycle…such a shame.”  
The voice is unfamiliar, crisp and condescending, it frightens you. 
“Human, your sleep cycle concluded 27 minutes ago…it’s time to wake up…” 
Human? Why is the voice referring to you as human… 
Your eyes pop open, a warm yellow light greets you along with a myriad of other images that you’re too disorientated to discern.  
The surface beneath you is a soft cotton fabric, looking very similar to a cot and, you finally gather that you’re in some sort of cottage. There is a figure standing behind a counter watching you, however you can’t yet make out the specifics of it. 
With your vision slightly blurred you attempt to rise from your horizontal position but, the searing pain in your ribs keeps you from doing so.  
“The venom has yet to take hold of your ribs so, I would advise against sudden movements for the next 17 minutes…” 
Your heart drops, “V..venom? What venom? What did you do to me?” 
The figure scoffs, “I saved your life…” 
The blur in vision begins to lessen and, after a few strong blinks you start to make out the image of the figure behind the counter.  
It was a man. Dressed in a black peasant blouse, his hands are braced against the counter; dark, almost feline eyes regard you earnestly from across the room, a scowl prominent in his features. He wasn’t difficult to look at but, the context of the current situation was preventing you from fully appreciating just how beautiful he was.  
“You saved my life by injecting me with venom? That seems rather counterproductive...” You bite back, nervousness hidden behind your tone as you awkwardly attempt to turn towards him.  
The movements prove to mildly successful as you finally prop yourself up on the side of your ribs that aren’t marred by discomfort.  
“The specifics of the procedure are irrelevant, although I didn’t inject you with anything...” The man corrects, rolling his eyes as he does, as if your statement was ridiculous. 
You’re frustrated with your lack of clarity and, you can’t help the budding panic, forming at the bottom of your throat. 
“Where am I?”  
“Somewhere you’re not meant to be...” He quips, annoyance coloring his pointy features as he scans your face, “your loss of memory isn’t surprising due to your injuries and, the impact from my spell...” He sighs as your confusion doesn’t seem to wane, slowly moving to step around to the front of the counter, “What’s the last thing you remember?” 
A deep breath is drawn through your nose as you frantically search your brain for answers. You remember entering the woods, the trees, the darkness, the fear... 
Oh god. 
You gasp then, eyes darting towards the stranger who was currently scooping, what looked like syrup into a turquoise bowl, “the creature...the smile, it...attacked me.” 
The man snorts, shaking his head, “If it had attacked you, you would be dead right now...” 
“I’m not entirely sure that I’m not...” You counter, wiping a hand over your face. 
You take in more of your surroundings as the fog in your mind begins to lift. A large, shelved apothecary cabinet took up the entirety of wall opposite you. Clear blue bottles of varying sizes lined the shelves, along with a potted plants that seemed to be overflowing down the length of the cabinet. The walls were made of grey and black stone and, stretched into a tall ceiling that seemed to be entirely covered in greenery. The counter the man worked at was littered with evidence of what had happened the night before: various herbs and tonics were uncapped and, a clump of bloody gauze was hanging out of the sink. To your left, another wall, paired with an archway and hundreds of books, led to what you presumed was the rest of the cottage.  
“Maybe this will jog your memory...” The man nearly hisses his declaration, seemingly threatened by your curious gaze. He held up a scrap of paper and, although you had to squint to read it, you could distinctly see that it was your grandfather’s crudely drawn map to Yoongi’s cottage. 
“Yoongi?” You venture, feeling slightly threatened yourself. 
Yoongi’s feline like eyes, dark and almost menacing, glare at you from across the room. 
“You are a foolish girl, entering the forest past sundown, journeying into its depths...to find me. Have I not made it clear to your people that I am to be left alone?” Yoongi’s tone grows more and more frustrated and, you could sense what your grandfather meant by his lingering darkness. The wild mass of black hair on his head, his sharp features, his eyes look incredibly dark and, there seem to something peeking out from underneath his top lip, something you hadn’t noticed, they looked like fangs?  
“I’m...I’m sorry…listen, please, I didn’t want to disturb you but, a young boy disappeared from my village and, my people, they...tried to send my grandfather to find you, you’re the only one who can withstand the forest.” You’re not much for groveling but, there’s a pretty sizeable chance that Yoongi isn’t human and, you aren’t trying to press your luck.
His hardened gaze falters slightly, “You went in his place?” 
You nod, wishing desperately that you were able to sit up fully, awkwardly shifting your weight to the side again, “He wouldn’t have made it...they insisted on sending him alone...” 
“And you wouldn’t have made it either, you’re lucky I was out making my deliveries, or you would be enduring a slow, agonizing death...” He admonishes before, he turns to make his way over to you. You tense then, shrinking back into the cot, he notices your hesitation and scoffs, rolling his eyes. 
“If I wanted to hurt you, I would have left you to the creatures...I need to treat your wound, my venom will only heal the superficial cut, and it won’t prevent infection…” His irritation lessens, likely sensing your fear before nodding to your sweater.
My venom?
You hesitate for a moment. There is no reason to trust Yoongi, he is a stranger who, so far, hasn’t been very kind to you however, he did save your life and, you suppose that’s enough to trust him…for now.
A sigh leaves your nose as you move to lift up the white wool which, you could now see was decorated with splotches of your blood.
Yoongi kneels down beside you, collecting the sticky golden substance on the tips of his fingers and, slowly spreading it across the surface of your wound. His movements were surprisingly gently and, for some unknown reason, goosebumps erupted across the back of your arms.
“What happened to my ribs anyway? I only remember falling backwards….”
Yoongi is careful to avoid eye contact with you as his fingers work the honey over your skin, ignoring his own chaotic thoughts.
“The method I used for killing that creature…some of the material hit you and, cut your skin…” He keeps his answer as vague as possible, hurrying with his application before laying down another piece of gauze over the wound.
Your brow furrows, eyes flitting to his fingers, “What method did you use?”
Yoongi sighs, his jaw tightening slightly, “You ask a lot of questions.”
“Well, I came here for answers …” You retort, feeling frustrated by the lack of information he was willing to give.
Yoongi’s eyes darken with annoyance once again, pulling away from you as he finishes up, his expression hardening, “You are not entitled to answers. I saved your life; I don’t believe I owe you or your people anything else…”
His words perturb you and, you have to fight the urge to confront him as anger begins to bubble up inside of you.
“Yoongi, my people are growing restless, this is the 8th disappearance in two years…they won’t stop until they find answers…it’s what lures them back into the forest. “ You plead with him as he turns his back to you, beginning to clean up his work station, screwing the cap onto his bottle of honey.
“Your people have been warned on countless occasions, if they refuse to listen then, that’s not my burden to bear.” Yoongi insists, shrugging his shoulders as he places a few bottles back onto his massive shelf, “I advise you to stay here for a few days to allow for your body to heal but, after that you will be returning to your village. Until then, I ask that you leave me alone unless, you are in need of something…”
Your irritation with him increases as his brash responses continue, “I have to stay here for a few because of a cut?”
Yoongi turns back to you momentarily, “Your foot is injured as well but, if you think you can make the journey back yourself, by all means, be my guest…”
Looking towards your foot, you wiggle your toes, feeling a slight sensation of pain as you do.
“What happened to my foot?”
“You tore your anterior talofibular ligament…it happened when you fell.” His back is to you again as he arranges the bottles in a neater fashion, his tone one of disinterest.
“My anteater tylo what?” You press, shaking your head at his behavior.
He snorts at your pronunciation, a slight smirk threatening his mouth, “Your anterior talofibular ligament is a flat triangular band of fibers, that extends obliquely downward and lateralward between the adjacent margins of the tibia and fibula, on the front aspect of the syndesmosis…”
Your mouth hangs open as he delivers his explanation, frantically looking toward your foot in an attempt to make sense of what he was saying.
“That was wildly unhelpful…”
Yoongi turns back toward you, his sharp features unimpressed by your response.
“My healing of such a ligament should be considered more than helpful…”
“Am I able to walk with this injury?” You inquire, brows rising, mirroring his unamused expression.
He shrugs, “With minor discomfort, yes…”
A hand comes up with your question as Yoongi leans against the countertop, “…then why can’t I leave?”
“You are free to do as you wish however, if you leave now, you will die.” He explains, far too casually given the content of his sentence.
The sunlight shining through the window makes his statement even more perplexing and, you gesture to it as you respond, “What why? It’s the middle of the day?”
Yoongi’s lips quirk up, a smirk still threatening his mouth as he notices the irritation in your tone.
“Death can occur regardless of the time of day.”
You huff, eyes rolling in incredulity, still fighting the urge to raise your voice, “…yes I’m aware of how death works but, I thought your little light show got rid of that thing.”
“Sonum Aquarum.” He corrects you immediately as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“It’s not a light show, it’s an aqueous blast of energy and, it requires hundreds of years of training. Also…” He stretches slightly, face turned up with arrogance and, you try to ignore the way his peasant blouse opens up to expose the pale skin of his chest. “…my blast killed that one creature. It did not eradicate their species. There are still thousands of them and, you are more vulnerable than you were last night, there would be no chance of you making it to the border before sundown and, I refuse to tell you the way back until, I’m sure that you’re ready.”
A defeated sigh leaves your lips then, realizing that until Yoongi was willing to take you back, you were stuck with him. The rumors made sense now, he was insufferable.
“Fine.” You surrender, trying to make yourself comfy on the cot, feeling capable of sitting up now that the pain in your ribs had subsided slightly.
Yoongi smirks then, feeling victorious that you had finally halted your questioning.
“You can make yourself comfortable down here. I will prepare meals for you twice a day but, there are fruits and vegetables in the garden should you get hungry, I can show you later. The bathroom is through this archway,” He gestures to the archway beside you that was filled with books, “and around the corner. My bedroom is upstairs; you are not permitted up there under any circumstances. I will be out during a few evenings to…”
He pauses then, cat eyes darting from side to side as he searches for the right word.
You smirk, raising your brows, “To?”
He rolls his eyes at your smirk, looking slightly uncomfortable as he continues, “Nevermind, don’t worry about it, just stay downstairs while you’re here and, touch as little as you can, I don’t want you messing things up…”
“Understood. I’ll stay out of your way…”
He eyes you suspiciously, desiring to question why you weren’t trying to argue but, he decides to drop it as he nods to the archway again, “There is a place for you to sleep through here, there is a fire burning most nights so, please be careful not to fall inside.”
“Is roasted human not your thing?” You quip, leaning back against the wall, already dreading the thought of being trapped in Yoongi’s presence.
There is something dark that flashes over his face for a moment and, for the first time since you spoke with him, you felt yourself growing slightly afraid of him. He smirks as he tilts his head slightly to the right and, when he does; you confirm that he possesses a pair of fangs.
“Human meat is too tough with very little pay off, I prefer the taste of their soul, it’s much sweeter…”
His words send a shiver down your spine, your lips pursing in an attempt to hide your obvious reaction to him. However, he can already pick up on the increase in your heartrate and, the change in your body’s chemistry, the knowledge pleases him. 
“You’re a demon then? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” You challenge him, not wanting to display any signs of weakness. 
“You asked me a question and, I responded. Now,” He averts his gaze, a satisfied smirk still lingering on his mouth as he looks up towards the ceiling, “…entertaining you has been thoroughly exhausting so, I’ll be retiring to my room for the day, there’s a plate of food in the other room, eat it..”
You roll your eyes, feeling extremely frustrated with his attitude but, the last few moments of conversation have advised you against testing Yoongi’s patience, for the time being at least.
“Sweet dreams.” You force a fake smile onto your face, something Yoongi can clearly sense, his face turning up in disgust.
“Mm.” He hums, unimpressed by your comment before, turning to head out of the apothecary, “…don’t touch anything.”
You shoot a thumbs up his way, wincing slightly as dull pain radiates in your ribs, still sporting your fake smile.
He rolls his eyes for the thousandth time before striding out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
“Don’t touch anything…” You mutter to yourself, bitterness prominent in your tone.
“What’s that?” Yoongi calls from the other room, his voice halfway up the staircase.
How the hell did he hear you?
“I’m just committing your orders to memory your majesty…” You call back, trying to appear nonchalant.
“Well, do it quietly then…” You can hear the bite in his voice but, given that he is in the other
room; you miss the smirk plastered on his face.
You roll your eyes, leaning against the stone wall, wishing desperately that you were home in your bed, listening to the sounds of your grandfather tinkering in your back garden.
A pang of worry rushes through you; your village likely thinks that you’re gone: taken by the forest, never to be seen again. You shudder at the thought, pleading with the powers that be that none of them come looking for you.
There were a million questions running around your head at the moment. Yoongi wasn’t much help in explaining what had happened to you but, there were two things you knew for sure:
1. There was something evil in the forest, something real and tangible
2. Yoongi wasn’t human.
An uneasy feeling asserts itself into your stomach… 
He said quite a few things that unnerved you: the bit about his venom, the mention of eating human meat, and liking the taste of human souls? Was he just messing with you? Was he serious? Should you wait long enough to find out? 
He did save your life. Why would he save your life if he was planning on harming you? 
Unless, well, he was planning on eating you? 
Fuck...what if he was planning on eating you? 
A shiver runs through your spine and, while the fantastical side of your brain really wants to run with the idea that Yoongi is some sort of monster, the logical side reminds you that not only did he save your life but, he saved your grandfather’s as well. You didn't like the idea of placing your fate into a stranger but, right now, that was your only option.  
With an audible sigh, you decide to hoist yourself up, carefully, because you’re still very sore. You scan the wall full of bookshelves, your brain going fuzzy as it catches a glimpse of a few of the titles, some you recognize but, some appear to be in various other languages. There were so many of them adorning the shelves, you couldn’t imagine anyone finishing all of the titles in their lifetime. Yoongi was known to be solitary however so, maybe all of his free time was divided evenly amongst healing, reading and, being creepy.  
Makes sense.  
Yoongi’s den is quaint and, if you were under different circumstances, you might actually think it was cozy. A sizeable, black, L-shaped sofa takes up most of the space in front of the massive and somewhat intimidating fireplace. Yoongi was right to warn you about falling in, the gray cobblestone structure stretches a third of the way up the extremely high ceiling, the crackling fire doing its job as it warms the entirety of the room. There are very few decorations apart from side tables positioned at either end of the couch both of which are carved from marble. There is a crème colored woven blanket thrown over the sofa as well as a few pieces of art that looked both expensive and imported. You wonder briefly about how Yoongi manages to afford marble and, expensive artwork but, given that he is likely a DEMON you decide that it’s not all that strange.  
You meander around the sofa, taking small careful steps to avoid causing yourself any pain. There is a cozy spot in the corner of the couch that’s calling your name and, although you’re quite sure that you slept a few hours through the night, you could feel your lids growing heavy once more.
The last 24 hours had been exhausting.  
Pulling the throw blanket off of the corner of the sofa, you snuggle against the plush cushions beneath you.  
Demon or not, the man had great taste in furniture.  
It doesn’t take long for the exhaustion to take over and, before you know it, you’re drifting off into a deep sleep.  
  “Meow, move out of my way, I’m going whether you like it or not. Your boredom is not my problem…”  The rasp of Yoongi’s voice is simmering just above your consciousness and, you feel yourself being slowly drawn out of your nap. 
As your eyelids flutter open, vision still hazy from your slumber, you panic slightly as you realize the room is pitch black. 
“Y…Yoongi? Is that you?” The voice that leaves your mouth is shaky and thick, your vocal chords clearly not ready for speaking yet. 
A deep sigh as let out from the figure in question before you hear the sound of snapping. At the conclusion of the sound, the entirety of the room is light up with a least 4 dozen candles lining every bit of free space in Yoongi’s den. 
You spot him near the door of his cottage, dressed in a black hooded cloak, an unamused expression on his face. 
“Obviously it’s me, who else would it be? Why are you awake?” He grumbles, black hair sticking up in all different directions. 
“Wait…how did you?” You whip your head around, amazement obvious in your features, “How did you do that?” 
He rolls his eyes, ignoring your question, “Why are you awake?”  You sit up, wincing slightly at the dull ache all over your body, his words causing your irritation to flare up, “Your voice woke me up and, I took a nap in the middle of the day, how long did you expect me to sleep for?” 
Yoongi’s face turns up, a mixture of shock and, amazement painting his cat-like features, his brows knitted together in scrutiny, “What do you mean, my voice woke you up?” 
“I heard you talking to your cat,” You explain, matter of factly, adjusting the sleeves of your sweater, wishing desperately that you had a different change of clothes, “Or I assumed it was your cat, unless someone else is here…” 
Yoongi’s pale face turns practically translucent, he rushes over to the arm of the couch, peering at you curiously, “I wasn’t…how did you hear me? Who are you? Did someone send you here?” 
Yoongi’s sudden interrogation alarms you and, it causes you shrink away from him slightly, “What? No? I told you why I was here, no one sent me…why are you freaking out?” 
Yoongi’s mouth opens and then closes it, his brain currently in full panic mode. In the midst of his crisis, a fairly sizeable black cat jumps effortlessly onto the arm of the couch. It perches in front of Yoongi, wide golden eyes boring into your very soul, an almost knowing look in its gaze.  
An uneasy feeling stirs in your stomach as you stare back into the cat’s eyes but, you point it out none the less, trying to ease Yoongi’s sudden nervousness, “This is your cat right? I heard you talking to them this morning too, it’s not a big deal, I’m a really light sleeper, I wake up at the drop of a pin…”  
Your words only increase his panic and, his wide eyes glance towards the cat and, then back at you, his body language stiffening, “You…you can see him?”  
You can’t help the laugh that comes from your mouth, “The giant cat sitting in front of you? Of course I can see him, are you feeling ok? Do you need a nap or something?”  
The cat’s eyes seem to glisten with amusement but, you do your best to avoid it’s gaze, something about it or him, as Yoongi had mentioned, was slightly off.  
“Who are you?” There’s acid dripping from his tone and, it frightens you, so much so that, you scoot further into the sofa cushions, your hands coming up in defense. 
“I’m Y/N? Do you not remember me? We spoke this morning? You saved my life?” You venture, the perplexity of the situation increasing your heartbeat. 
“I’m not suffering from memory loss human…tell me who you really are…”  
You hadn’t been close enough to him to really notice the color of his eyes but, you’re fairly certain that if they were as black as they are now, you would have noticed. 
Before Yoongi can speak again, his cat lets out a menacing hiss, its golden eyes narrowed in aggression. You flinch at the sound before you realize that the hiss wasn’t directed towards you, it was directed towards Yoongi.  
His eyes widen at the sound and he steps back, “What? Don’t give me that look, she’s obviously not who she says she is…” 
He’s talking to the cat as if the cat had the ability to understand him and, you wait on bated breath as Meow seems to stare intently into Yoongi’s eyes.  
A wordless exchange is all that’s needed before Yoongi relaxes slightly, his cool demeanor returning once more.  
You’re confusion however, has yet to wane. 
“Yoongi, I’m not here to hurt you, everything I told you is true.” You attempt to find his gaze but, he avoids looking at you, his eyes still black but, fading to a much softer brown, “Might I remind you that, the only reason I’m still here is because, you refuse to tell me the way back….” 
At that Yoongi rolls his eyes, “I’m not refusing because, I enjoy your company human, quite the opposite actually, I’m refusing because, you won’t be able to reach the border until you’re healthy, I think you underestimate how far away from home you are…” 
His words are paired with a snide expression, his eyes flitting in your direction. The information sends uneasiness into your stomach but, you have no choice but to take his word. 
 You won’t be facing the forest alone again. 
“How far are we exactly?  
He smirks, “Far…” 
His response frustrates you beyond belief: WHY WAS HE SO VAGUE? 
A groan leaves your lips as you slump back into the sofa, “Are you ever going to answer my questions properly? I don’t know how you expect me to feel comfortable here if you refuse to tell me anything…” 
Yoongi shrugs, “I don’t expect you to feel anything human, your feelings are not important to me…” 
This offends you, of course it does but, you’re don’t have time to get your feelings hurt. You want answers. 
“My feelings aren’t important but, my life is?” You press, brows knitted in displeasure 
Yoongi ponders this for a moment, pursing his lips and, nodding, “That’s a fair conclusion…are we done now? I have somewhere I need to be.” 
With a defeated sigh, you push yourself off of the sofa, stumbling slightly as you do, “Whatever.” 
You brush past him, ignoring the way he smells: (like fresh pine and, lavender) and, your movement causes him to flinch but, you don’t notice.  
Yoongi smirks again, pleased with your defeat, “Where are you going?” 
“Oh, you know, a place…”  
Yoongi’s smirk grows, feeding off of your annoyance, “You are permitted to look around downstairs but, I would advise you to keep clear of the leeches, they’re very eager, particularly when your blood is sweet…” 
A shiver runs down your spine and, you whip towards him, “Leeches? What are you talking about?” 
Yoongi has already disappeared through the doorway and, if you aren’t mistaken, you could swear you hear him chuckling as he does. 
The night ended up dragging on for quite some time. You busied yourself with looking through Yoongi’s collection of books, well trying to at least; the man has a least 8 billion of them. After the 12th or 13th you ended up falling asleep against the shelves in the apothecary room and, you’re pretty sure you had 4 or 5 nightmares involving leeches. 
Thanks to Yoongi… 
He had been out all night, doing god knows what and, didn’t return until sunrise.  
He walks into the door, sore and defeated, shrugging his cloak off and, placing it onto the rack beside his door. His brow is furrowed as he looks around for you, feeling slightly uneasy as he scans the cottage. 
“Human?” He calls out, trying to sense you, hoping that you hadn’t run off. 
Most people do… 
He rounds the corner into his apothecary before, his eyes narrow at his “cat” who is sleeping soundly in your lap.  
Leaning against the wall, he smirks down at your sleeping expression, lips pouted, brow furrowed slightly, (kind of cute). Meow wakes up then, sensing his presence, yawning and extending his chubby black paws, golden eyes peering up at Yoongi. 
“Don’t look at me like that…” He mutters before knocking his knuckles on the wall, “Human, it’s time to wake up, you must eat…”  
The sound startles you awake, your eyes popping open, bleary and confused. With a still furrowed brow, you look up towards Yoongi, unamused by his actions. 
“You could have chosen a nicer way to wake me up…” 
Yoongi rolls his eyes, “This is my home, not a bed and breakfast and, you were meant to be asleep in the den. Sleeping in such a position is going to prolong your healing process…” 
Upon rubbing your eyes, you notice that Yoongi’s cat is resting comfortably in your lap and, rather than bickering with Yoongi, you smile softly, fingers stroking against the cat’s obsidian fur. 
“Sorry…I fell asleep reading…” You are distracted by the creature in your lap, who is now purring and, nudging your hand, trying to garner more of your attention. “You cat is really cute…” 
Yoongi feels uneasy as he watches you interact with Meow, his confusion at an all-time high, “He’s not a cat,” He grumbles before extending a hand to you, “Come, you need to eat…” 
You’re perplexed by his response and, regard his hand warily, “What do you mean, he’s not a cat? Do you call him something different?” 
Yoongi ignores your question and, merely jerks his hand towards you again, “It’s been 15 hours since you’ve eaten your last meal…we don’t have time for questions…” 
You look up at him, grimacing at his outstretched hand before, a thought pops into your head, “If I eat, will you answer one question??” 
Yoongi’s mouth twitches, fighting a smile at your ridiculous request, “What do you mean IF you eat? You have to eat to survive so_” He cuts himself off, face wrinkled in confusion, “I don’t negotiate with mortals, now let’s go, I have things to do…” 
You’re whining at this point, your curiosity rising to an agonizing level, “Yoongi, please? I don’t know where I am, or who you are and, you keep calling me mortal or human, and, you talked about consuming my soul and, apparently there’s leeches in your house?? I was almost killed by a monster in the forest, my village probably thinks I’m dead and, I’m going to go insane if you don’t tell me SOMETHING…” You can feel the tears beginning to form in the corner of your eyes and, Yoongi��looks as though he’s cringing in discomfort. You aren’t sure if your mini tantrum is just annoying or if he can actually sense your pain but, either way, he sighs, peeved that your emotions are even affecting him the first place. 
“Ok, fine, I’ll answer a few questions,” At his words, you perk up and he jerks his hand towards you again with a pointed look, “AFTER you eat.”  
“Eat? No problem, I’ll eat as much as you want…” You rejoice, a smile on your face as you take his hand, using it to rise to your feet. Meow scurries off of your lap as you do so, standing beside Yoongi, regarding you with a wise gaze. 
“Follow me…” He commands, leaving the room, insuring that he doesn’t move to quickly. 
Yoongi leads you through the den and, out through the backdoor. You’re expecting to feel the cool crisp air of the morning but, instead you enter another room, entirely enclosed by glass windows. Sunlight streams through the trees and, cast leaf-shaped shadows on marble countertops. The room is beautiful and, like the other parts of Yoongi’s cottage, the perimeter of the room is also covered in greenery. It seemed to grow out of the walls.  
“Sit…” He nods to the stool in front of the counter, before stepping around it and, retrieving a few things from his ice box. 
You don’t comment about his bossiness, although at some point, you definitely plan on mentioning it. You’re not a fan of being told what to do but, you decide that the nicer you are to Yoongi, the more he will be willing to tell you. 
“Your cottage is beautiful…” You murmur softly, eyes scanning the ceiling once again, feeling very much like you are in some sort of fairy tale. 
Yoongi is getting to work on some sort of pastry, long, nimble fingers beginning to kneed and, stretch at some dough. He doesn’t look up from his current task but, you can see his lips twitch again, “Flattery will get you nowhere with me human…” 
At this you roll your eyes, propping your chin against your hand, “I’m being serious. I’ve never seen anything like this before; we don’t have plants growing out of our ceilings back in the village…” 
“Eat…” He commands, pushing a plate towards you, complete with some sort of puff pastry along with freshly cut berries and, a dusting of powdered sugar. 
How the… 
“Wait, how did you_”  
He cuts you off, brows rising to challenge you, “Are you going back on our agreement?”  
“N-No I just…” You defend, completely bewildered at how quickly he just made your breakfast 
“Then do as you promised. I will hear your questions after you’re finished…”  
His tone never leaves much room for discussion and, you have to consciously remind yourself not to retaliate.  
He is starting to infuriate you… 
You merely nod though, saving all your quips for later as you dig into the food he prepared. 
The breakfast is delicious and, you don’t realize how hungry you are until you take your first bite.  
“Where am I right now?” You ask as Yoongi dumps your dirty dishes in the sink, your burning curiosity becoming too much to handle. 
Yoongi sighs through his nose, wiping his hands on a linen towel before turning to you, “That’s a very complicated question…”   
He regards you with a sage gaze and, you note that despite him looking around your age, you couldn’t help but feel that he was centuries older than you. 
“I’m listening…” 
“Let me ask a question first…” He wages and as you begin to protest, he silences you with his raised hand, “It’s important…” 
“Who gave you the map?” He inquires, pulling the scrap of paper out of his pants pocket, which is odd considering you know for a fact that’s he’s changed clothes since yesterday morning.  
“My grandfather…he says he’s been here before…” You explain, eyeing the map between his fingers, “He says you saved his life…” 
At your second comment, Yoongi cocks his head, “Did he give you any further details?” 
“You still haven’t answered my question…” You point out, growing frustrated once again.  
He sighs, lowering his hand to place the map on the counter, his dark eyes flitting around the room, “My house cannot be found by just anyone, I have it hidden underneath a veil, a protection spell. If you’re grandfather found my cottage, it would be because he possessed certain…abilities.” 
Yoongi’s answer surprises you, your brow furrows, “What kind of abilities?” 
He shrugs, not looking directly at you, his fingers picking at the edges of the map, “It can be any number of things but, regardless, if he did in fact, find my cottage, he must have done so using a spell…” 
“Would the map have been useless to me then?” You press, your curiosity overflowing, the eagerness to ask another question hot on your tongue. 
Yoongi nods, a smirk playing on his lips, “This map is nonsense, if you would have continued to follow it, you would have ended up back in your village.”  You lean back, confusion painting your features, “What? That’s impossible, he was planning on following it himself to come and find you…” 
“Well, either your grandfather never found my cottage in the first place or,” He regards you with a satisfied expression, delighting in your confusion, “…he left out the wrong map.” 
It hits you then; your grandfather fooled you. He knew you wouldn’t sit idly by whilst he essentially walked to his death. He knew that you were just the right amount of stubborn to enter the forest in his place, he knew… 
“Bastard,” You curse him but, you have to admit, you’re hurt by this conclusion. Why would he knowingly lead you in the wrong direction? Why wouldn’t he stop you if he knew you were going in his place? “Why would he do that?” 
Yoongi’s smirk has grown significantly and, you’re starting to grow uneasy at the thought of Yoongi actually being evil.  
“What is your grandfather’s name?” 
A deep breath is pulled through your nose, “Y/GF/N…he said you saved him as a boy, when he almost drowned in the river. He told my village that he came back to find you, to thank you…” 
Yoongi seems to perk up at your response, “I remember him…clever boy.” 
The man before you looked as though he was your age but, given the fact that he knew your grandfather when he was just a child, something isn’t adding up. This leads you to your next question, “How old are you?” 
His mouth twitches, “It’s impolite to ask someone their age Y/N…” 
Your brows rise in defiance, your patience paper thin, “My grandfather is 71, you should have aged significantly since then but, you haven’t, you look as though your my age.” A pointed look is sent his way, “You said you would answer my questions...” 
Yoongi chuckles at your eagerness, fangs peeking out from under his top lip, his eyes darkening as they finally look into yours, “Seven hundred and twenty seven…” 
Your eyes widen your heart dropping into your stomach as you try to respond calmly, “So, you’re a vampire?” 
Yoongi snorts, face wrinkled in disgust, “Heavens no. Vampires are awful creatures, dreadfully unrefined…” 
“Then, what are you?”  
A scowl is beginning to make its way onto Yoongi’s face as he is beginning to grow irritated by your tone, “I am beyond your scope of understanding…human.” 
He spits the last word, as if it’s meant to insult you and, you can sense the tension in the room. You know you have to dial it back if you want answers so you nod, conceding with his answer. 
“Fair enough. What attacked me in the forest?” 
He seems to relax slightly at your change in subject, “The creatures in the forest, the ones that are responsible for the disappearances of your people…they are the remains of an unaligned spell gone wrong. They feed off of organic energy and, slowly drain the life of their victims. Humans are their primary prey but, they feed off of larger animals as well…when the pickings are slim.” 
You rest your chin on your hand, intrigued, “How powerful are they?” 
“They are powerful enough to compel your people into the forest but, they don’t stand a chance against light, whether that be sunlight or aligned magic…” 
“Aligned magic?” 
“Magic that aligns with basic morals, magic that doesn’t seek to harm others or exploit the natural order of the world…” Yoongi explains, the timbre in his voice almost soothing as he continues, “The creatures are known as The Nahbbun, or the vicious but, they have been called many names over the course of history…” 
“Do they exist outside of our forest?”  
He shakes his head, “Not in this magnitude. A tainted space may contain a few of them but, this forest in particular, contains thousands of them…” 
A shiver runs down your spine then but, you can’t help your desire to learn more, “Because of the spell that was performed here?” 
He nods sagely, “The person responsible was exceedingly powerful; this level of darkness cannot be contained…” 
Attempting to take in all of the new information, you pause for a moment, collecting your thoughts. You notice that Yoongi looks, almost, defeated, as if the information he shared burdened him somehow. 
“What happened to the others? My people have never returned once they are lost.” You shift your tone to a gentler one, trying to ease into touchier subjects. 
Yoongi stiffens, “Your people are typically conjured away from my cottage and, I can only sense them if they breach my perimeter. Even if I have managed to intervene, they often slip out in the middle of the night…there have been very few I have been able to save…” 
“You saved me…” You point, eyes much softer as you sense his genuine regret. 
“Yes, well,” He coughs, looking away from you momentarily, “I suppose I did…that is unless you plan on sneaking out in the middle of the night.” 
Smiling, you reach out towards him and, resist the urge to giggle as he flinches slightly, “Thank you…for saving me and, for saving my grandfather all those years ago.” 
His expression shifts again and, if you’re not mistaken, you can see a bit of softness in his eyes but, he quickly composes himself as he waves you off, “Has your curiosity been sated for now? You have kept me held up for quite some time…” 
It’s only been ten minutes or so since this conversation began but, you don’t want to risk Yoongi shutting you off all together so you nod and offer one last sentiment, “I wouldn’t have come here…if I didn’t think it was my only option. I’m sorry for all the trouble…” 
A smile threatens Yoongi’s mouth, “You’re the least of my burdens human, don’t worry yourself on my behalf. Focus on healing so, you may return home, I can imagine your grandfather is very worried…” 
You nod, making your way off of the stool, “Thank you for breakfast…” 
He nods back at you, his lips pursed in an odd sort of smile, “I’ll prepare dinner for you at sunset…” 
You smirk to yourself as you head out of the kitchen, “Sounds romantic…” 
At your comment, Yoongi rolls his eyes, a minor sense of dread overcoming him as he feels his cheeks heating up at your comment “Don’t be ridiculous…” 
He hears your giggle right before the door swings shut behind you and, he does his best to ignore the way the sound warms his heart. 
“Humans are dreadful…” He grumbles to himself as he attempts to soothe the redness of his cheeks. At his comment, Meow, who had been listening in, meows at his feet, gold eyes looking up at him knowingly. 
“Quiet…” He hushes down at him before heading out of the kitchen and, quickly making his way upstairs to his room. 
Yoongi leaves the cottage that night after you fall asleep. The two of you had a relatively pleasant dinner which consisted of an exquisite plate of pasta Yoongi made, or uh, conjured from scratch and, cinnamon teacake for dessert. The conversation was scarce as Yoongi really doesn’t enjoy talking but, he responded when necessary and, kept his sarcastic comments to a minimum. 
Which is honestly all you can ask for.  
The evening ended as soon as it began as Yoongi was very eager to get you to fall asleep so, he could do whatever it was that he did after the sun set. However, you had yet to sleep a full night in Yoongi’s house.
Something always seems to wake you in the middle of the night. 
You are currently huddled up on his sofa bed underneath a thick woolen blanket when you hear the faint sound of meowing that seemed to be coming from above you. Yoongi’s cat is clearly not pleased with the fact that he’s disappeared.  
The cottage isn’t as inviting when you’re in it alone, in fact, the howling wind just outside of the walls, makes an uneasy feeling settle in your stomach. The scraping of the tree branches against the cottage’s exterior startles you momentarily before, you take a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself. Meow continues uh meowing upstairs, the sound growing louder and louder. You’re beginning to wonder if something is wrong with him.  
Maybe Yoongi forgot to feed him?  
Another howl from the top of the stairs sends you stumbling off of the sofa and towards the noise. The floorboards creak beneath you as you approach the seemingly never-ending spiral staircase.  
“Kitty? Are you ok?” You call your voice unstable. 
With a furrowed brow, you place a foot on the bottom step, your eyes squinting as they peer upwards into darkness, “Meow? Come here kitty…it’s ok, Yoongi will be home soon…” 
The silence is deafening and, you feel that familiar sinking feeling in your stomach. The wind beyond the cottage walls seems to halt as the hair on the back of your neck stands up.  
“You…uh you don’t have to be scared ok? I don’t want to hurt you…I just want to make sure you’re ok…” 
You hear it then, the sound that makes your blood run cold: an insidious almost childlike giggle sounds from the top of the stairs and, you step back immediately, feeling threatened by the sound.  
“Oh, little human…it’s not me who should be scared…” The angelic cadence of the voice contrasts against the clear threat in its words.  
You feel the need to run but, you’re frozen stiff with fear, “Wh-who’s there? Who are you?” 
Another burst of giggles echoes throughout the cottage and, you desperately wish that the floor would swallow you whole.  
“You know my name…” 
“I..I don’t know your name, I…” You pause then, realization washing over you, “Wait. Meow? Is that you?” 
The giggle you hear now is much less threatening but, the movement in the darkness still keeps you on guard, “Yoongi gave me that name out of spite. Personally, I would have chosen something much more endearing…” 
Your hand is placed on the bannister as you desperately try to spot him, “I don’t understand…aren’t you his cat? How are you able to speak?” 
Meow snickers, tickled by your lack of knowledge, “Don’t you remember Yoongi warning you that I wasn’t a cat. Silly human, you really should pay better attention…” 
You do remember Yoongi saying something of the sort but, you had dismissed it as him choosing to be difficult.  
“Then, what are you?” 
Footsteps echo at the top of the stairs, light and delicate, as if someone is tip-toeing their way towards you. It makes your heart pound in anticipation.  
A man appears halfway down the stairs, causing a gasp to leave your mouth. He’s roughly the same size as Yoongi, with the same raven-colored hair atop his head, except there is a bit of orange peeking through. He, like Yoongi, possesses a quality that you can’t quite pin point along with an otherworldly amount of beauty. His features are much softer however, his pink lips plump and turned up in a playful smirk, his eyes heavy with mischief, his body sporting a minimum amount of clothing.  
“I am beyond your scope of understanding human…” The man deepens his voice, clearly mimicking Yoongi’s words before he bursts into another fit of giggles, “What a ridiculous thing to say…” 
Your words seem to stop in the base of your throat, unable to comprehend what exactly is going on.  
“You’re…uh, you’re…” You’re truly making an attempt to speak but, nothing seems to be coming out. The man notices and takes pleasure in your flustered state, another giggle leaving his lips. 
“What’s the matter Y/N? Cat got your tongue?” He winks and, you swear you feel like you’re going to faint. 
You thought Yoongi had managed to balance being both beautiful and threatening but, this man seems to take the cake as far as duality is concerned.  
“If you’re not Yoongi’s cat, then who are you?”  
Meow cocks his head, the moonlight streaming in through the window illuminating his naked top half as his hand comes up to push his hair back. It’s almost as if he is intentionally trying to distract you.  
“I am…a friend of Yoongi’s…” He begins, turning his gaze towards yours as he slowly starts to descend down the staircase, “We’ve known each other for quite some time…” 
You step back, still on guard, already growing impatient with a lack of answers, “A friend of Yoongi’s, who just so happens to shape shift into a cat…” 
Another giggle, a few more steps, Meow is getting closer to you, “Mhm. You’re growing frustrated aren’t you? I can taste it…” 
“I’m growing tired of a lack of answers…” You counter, trying to hold your ground as he approaches you. 
Meow smirks, his pupils dilating to the point of vertical slits and, you can’t decide if he looks more like a cat or a snake.   
“Ooh she wants answers does she? You’re quite nosy Y/N…I like that about you.” His tone is shifting to a slightly more sultry tone as he leans against the bannister. “However…I don’t give away anything for free…answers come with a price.” 
You don’t back down and instead, stand up straighter, “Name your price then.” 
His cat like grin grows, his eyes scanning over you slowly, drinking you in, “It’s nothing major…just a taste…” 
“A taste of what…” 
Meow’s eyes darken, “Of you…” 
You back away, all of the alarms signaling in your body, preparing to run.  
The man before bursts into another round of giggling, his head falling back as he braces against the bannister, “I’m only kidding. Goodness, you’re so wound up, if Yoongi had any sense in him, he’d be requesting to heal you in other ways, to ease your tension. It’s certainly the route I would take…” 
A shaky breath leaves you as you glare at him, “What are you?” 
Meow’s laughter dies down, however, his smirk remains, “Your people have many names for me…”  
Your brows rise, conveying that you are searching for a concrete answer and, Meow concedes, turning to the side to reveal his bare ribs to you. Squinting, you can see that he has a several black marks adorning his skin. You don’t recognize the language but, just before you inquire about them, Meow speaks up again. 
“Siren…” He practically whispers the word, a delighted grin on his face, “Do you know the meaning of the word?” 
You’ve heard the term from many of the sailors who reside in your village, they told stories of beautiful women luring their men to the ocean with their song before, devouring them whole. It was easy to dismiss their stories as drunken banter so; you never paid too much attention. However, you nod at Meow’s question, “Yes, sailors from my village have told stories containing that word…you don’t exactly match their description.” 
Another twinkling giggle, “We take whatever form we need to…human men are the easiest targets.” 
“Is that…” You pause, biting your lip, “Is that why you’re here with Yoongi? To prey on him?” 
“Mm I wish. He would be a delicious meal,” Meow muses, “but no, I am bound to Yoongi until I have paid my karmic toll…” 
“Karmic toll? What do you mean? 
 “I was a very naughty boy when I was alive Y/N…” Meow giggles, biting his puffy bottom lip, “ and an accumulation of bad karma is keeping me from entering Paradise. My soul was assigned to Yoongi for…correction.” 
Your stomach sinks, “You’re dead? Wait, if you’re dead then how can I-“ 
He cuts you off, “Ah yes, Yoongi and I were wondering the same thing…it seems as though you possess ‘the sight’.”  
“The sight?” You breathe, growing rather eager as you finally receive some answers to your burning questions.   
“Yes, it is believed that there are a select group of humans who have inherited the ability to see things beyond their mortal world. It’s a rather uncommon occurrence; personally, I’ve never encountered a human who could see me in my true form.” Meow stretches his arms high above his head, not unlike a cat, making a small noise at the back of his throat.  
“Is this,” You gesture to him, “your true form?” 
He chuckles, nodding, a sense of pride washing over him, “It is, lucky me right? Although, I often take the form of what my prey desires the most. However, with you, my true form seems to align quite well with your desires…” 
Your cheeks grow hot at his comment, your heart rate increasing slightly, “Can you still harm me when you’re dead?” 
A wide grin presents himself on Meow’s mouth, “What makes you think I’d be interested in harming you?” 
“Well referring to me as prey is quite a big tell Meow, what else would you have me think?” 
The grin never falters as he steps towards you, hungry gaze drinking in the sight of you, “I only kill when I have to feed and, I only play with those who come willingly…I’m not completely deranged.” 
“You…eat people?”  
He snickers, “No, silly girl, I consume their soul…”  
His response doesn’t shock you but, as your brain connects his statement with a familiar statement from Yoongi, you begin to grow nervous. 
“I prefer the taste of their soul…it’s much sweeter…” 
You pull at the sleeves of your sweater in an attempt to comfort yourself, feeling rather faint, “Yoongi mentioned consuming human souls…is he a siren too?” 
Meow pouts his lips, “Hmph no, he’d be much less of a bore if he was…he is something else entirely. My people have no name for him but…” Meow trails off cat-like eyes scanning the perimeter of the room, as if he were afraid of someone overhearing him, “I can tell you this, he is one of the very few creatures we sirens fear and, if I were you, I would watch my neck around him…” 
Meow’s words strike fear into your heart but, before you can respond, the sound of a familiar voice sounds throughout the room. 
“Jimin!” Yoongi barks, his tone sharp and unrelenting with a glare to match. 
Meow giggles before you before disappearing with a light thud, shifting back into his cat form and, scurrying up the staircase.  
“Vile creature! Have you learned nothing???” Yoongi shouts at the ceiling, fists clenching at his sides, anger radiating off of him. 
Meow or Jimin’s laughter echoes against the walls of Yoongi’s cottage and you shrink away from the volume of his voice.  
Yoongi’s glare flits over to you, scanning your figure, “Did he hurt you?”  
You shake your head, backing away from him, “No…he…” 
He cuts you off with a raise of his hand, irritation heavy in his voice, “What did I tell about proper sleep? What are you doing awake? The remedy I gave you should have been enough to keep you asleep until sunrise…” 
Why was he laying into you? You did nothing wrong, in fact, it’s you who should be laying into him, demanding answers yet again. 
“Well I’m sorry but, your demon cat woke me up….” You spit the words, feeling furious at all of the ambiguity, “And then, proceeded to tell me that he was dead and paying for his sins, that included CONSUMING HUMAN SOULS! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU LEAVE ME ALONE WITH HIM?” 
Yoongi stiffens at the tone of your voice, his anger at an all-time high, “Watch your tone mortal, I won’t be disrespected in my own home…” 
“Tell me who you are…” You seethe your fight or flight response clearly ready to do the former. 
Yoongi steps towards you, the power within him ebbing and flowing against his body, his black pupils slowly taking over the entirety of his eyes, “I don’t owe you an explanation…”  
You back away slightly but, stand your ground, eyes narrowed in his direction, “Jimin said you were something to fear, he said to watch my neck around you. You owe me enough to ensure that you aren’t going to kill me…” 
He smirks, his eyes entirely vacant of color, “Jimin was correct. I suggest you heed his warning.” 
Despite the raging tempo of your heartbeat, you puff your chest out, taking a step in Yoongi’s direction. 
“I’m not afraid of you.” 
Yoongi’s breath can be felt against your face, his lips, wet and almost lingering against yours, “Really? Then why is your heart sputtering in your chest hm? Why does your body tremble in my presence?” 
There is something stirring within the pit of your stomach that you don’t recognize but, your anger overshadows it. 
“What. Are. You?” You press again, ignoring his other questions.  
His eyes seem to glimmer momentarily, a color flashing across the surface, his sizeable hands bracing against the wall behind you, trapping your body. Yoongi leans in and, for a moment you think he’s going to kiss you but, his lips make a detour over to your ear instead. Your heart is practically in your throat and, the odd sensation grows stronger and stronger within you. Yoongi’s lips brush over the shell of your ear, whispering a language you don’t recognize, 
“Sleep now human, before your mouth gets you in trouble…” 
Darkness envelops you and your body goes limp, causing Yoongi’s arms to come out and catch you.  
“Human…” A low voice rumbles beside you, slowly pulling you from your unconscious state.  
You know the voice but, the fog in your brain can’t quite place it, the only thing you can feel is a dull throbbing your temples.  
It was Yoongi. 
Your eyes pop open, immediately on guard, your hazy vision noting that Yoongi was sitting on the arm chair beside the sofa. 
A white blouse adorned his top half, the ties loosened, exposing his chest, his hair damp, suggesting that he had just bathed.  
You sit up slowly, back away from his figure, “What did you do to me?” 
He rolls his eyes, “I subdued you. You were getting out of control…” 
“You drugged me? What the hell is wrong with you?” 
Yoongi scoffs, a smirk playing on his lips, “I didn’t use any drugs, don’t be ridiculous. You were being unreasonable; I merely helped you fall back asleep...” 
The frustration you’ve been feeling returns quickly but, the way Yoongi spoke to you, always dismissing you, made defeat spark in your heart.  
His brows rise, challenging you, “Are you going to behave now?” 
However, this comment ignites the fire within you once more and, your eyes shoot up to lock onto his. 
“Are you going to tell me who you are?” 
Yoongi can’t help but chuckle, your frustration beginning to amuse him. 
The fire is hotter now and, you have to resist the urge to reinstate your argument.  
“Then no,” You smirk, ensuring that the venom is present in your voice, “I’m not going to behave.” 
Yoongi feels something brewing in his body but, he does his best to ignore it. Although, there is something about the authority in your voice that gets to him.  
“You are peculiar you know that? Provoking me, disregarding my boundaries, do you not value your life at all?” He leans back against the back of the chair, dark eyes scanning your face.   
“I don’t value my life over another. Finding the truth could ensure the safety of my people…” You retort, the two of you locking eyes, palpable tension beginning to rise.   
“I’ve told you the truth human…” 
“You’ve told me part of the story,” You counter, nodding to him, your confidence growing slightly as Yoongi’s resolve tends to break. 
“Why are you so curious? The part that I told you is the only part that pertains to your people, the rest is-”  
He pauses, breathing out through his nose, breaking the gaze between the two of you. 
Emotion flutters in your heart, your eyes turning their attention towards the tree branches that brush against the window pane. 
“Yoongi…” Your voice is gentler now, trying to reason with him, “ …my parents died in this forest. They were explorers and, made it their life’s work to unlock its secrets. I don’t want their work to be in vain, please…maybe I can help you, maybe if more people knew the truth, we’d be able to stop the darkness...”   
As you revert your eyes back to his, you notice he’s sporting a disgusted expression, an expression that doesn’t reach his eyes.  
“You are naïve human, naïve and foolish. Just like your parents…” Yoongi’s words cut like knives, slicing through your exterior and, tearing you to pieces. “I have searched for centuries and, have yet to find a solution; you would be useless to me, knowing the rest of the story wouldn’t change that…” 
That’s it then.  
Your heart sinks, your face flushes and, the tightening in your throat is unbearable. 
Standing shakily to your feet, you sniffle, trying to keep the tears at bay before looking up at Yoongi, “Maybe you should have left me in the forest Yoongi, since I’m so useless…” 
He watches you rush out of the den, his chest aching at the sight of your sadness and, he suddenly regrets every word he said.
His defense was too strong this time, he took it too far. 
Yoongi’s words are caught in his throat as he ignores his desire to run after you and, he curses himself for being so hard-headed sometimes. “Wow Min that was harsh, even for you…” Jimin appears at the bottom of the stairs, smirking, his tongue licking over his pointy teeth.  
Yoongi sends a glare his way, “Do not refer to me so casually, Siren or I will ensure you never enter Paradise...”  
Jimin falters slightly but, presses him further, snickering quietly, “Apologies, my lord. I am merely confused; if you hate this human so much, why not consume her? I imagine her soul would be...divine...”   
Yoongi feels his blood boil over, “Because, unlike you, I’m not a degenerate...”   
Jimin chuckles darkly, stepping off the final step, “Why do you hate her so much? She is one of the better humans I’ve encountered…quite beautiful too…” 
Yoongi feels a pull in his stomach as he mentions your beauty, something about the way Jimin was speaking of you made him uncomfortable.  
Although Jimin, in general, often made him uncomfortable. 
“I don’t hate her…” Yoongi mutters, pushing himself off of the couch, wishing to retire to his room, alone. 
Jimin steps in front of him, mischief in his eyes, “You’re attracted to her aren’t you?” 
Another tug in Yoongi’s stomach puts him further on the defensive and, pushes past Jimin to get to the staircase. 
“Siren, I won’t tell you again…” Yoongi warns, venom in his tone, “…stay in line, or I will eternalize your sentence…” 
This threat does a number on Jimin’s desire to pester and, rather than risk feeling Yoongi’s wrath, he shuts his mouth and, disappears into a thin mist.  
As Yoongi reaches his chamber, he strips himself down to his undergarments and crawls under his duvet. He pulls the fabric completely over his head in a futile attempt to drown out his chaotic thinking, beyond frustrated with himself. 
He shouldn’t have spoken to you that way, he knows that. 
He knows that Jimin, however infuriating, wasn’t completely wrong in his assumptions.  
You do…intrigue him. 
He knows that you have good intentions; he can sense your purity.  
He knows that you possess something you don’t quite understand; the fact that you could see Jimin proves that.  
He knows that you have a strong moral code, one that isn’t easily manipulated, despite his best efforts. 
He knows that you’re argumentative, impatient and, passionate. 
However, he doesn’t understand you completely; he doesn’t understand how you manage to rattle his carefully crafted resolve. 
He doesn’t understand why he wants to protect you. 
Or why he finds you so endearing… 
So enchanting… 
Despite spending his life being feared, Yoongi finds himself completely and utterly terrified for the first time.
Terror aside, he knows what he has to do.
He has to tell you that your grandfather lied to you.
He has to tell you that not everything is as it seems.
He has to tell you the truth.
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uglygreenjacket · 5 years
It’s officially clicked over to January 12th in Germany which means I’m finally allowed to wish my dear @floraone​ a happy birthday, and share this silliness with you.
I FAILED MISERABLY at finishing Hikari 27 in time for her birthday, so instead, I asked Flora what she’d like in a one shot, and here it is. This 2000 word, borderline crack fic lol
Happiest of birthday’s FloraOne. You have no idea how glad I am that you were born, and that I get to orbit in your circle everyday <333 can’t wait to see you so soon, and I hope you enjoy this!
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nikatyler · 6 years
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It’s been like what, three weeks? Yeah. I wasn’t really in the mood for doing this.  Tired, stressed out, sad, lonely...senior year is a blast for sure :D 11/10 would recommend.
Speaking of loneliness...I’ve recently mentioned it a lot but I’ll just say it again. Lately I feel so alone and sort of disconnected from everyone here, I don’t know why. I’ll admit one thing - I guess I’m even kind of jealous, I see all those simblr friendships and then look at myself and wow. I don’t really talk to anyone, do I. A few people from time to time. I mean, I’m a dumbass, so I’m not really surprised but...anyway. Please continue commenting, keep sending your reactions, asks, anything, you’ll make my day. Also, ships. I want to have ships with other people but I’m too afraid to ask. If you want to ship your sim with my sim, you’ll have to take the first step because I’m an anxious dumbass :D
On another (much better) note, I’ve finished working on the first arc of Regan’s storyline. I don’t know when you’ll see it since the queue is so slow (I might speed it up in a month or so), but yeah. I’m there and ooh boy. Stuff is happening. You might hate me for what I did. But maybe not. Just saying. I kinda want to scream about it already.
TL;DR: I’m an anxious dumbass who loves comments and wants to make some friends. The first arc of Regan’s storyline is finished.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
Omg she truly is precious ❤️❤️❤️
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
Wowza she got some good genes!!
aestheicpixels replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
sparkiemonkey replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
She's so pretty. I can't ever get the ts3 models to look that cute.
cafeheart replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
melien replied to your photoset “~ Song-Rose, Kayla”
She's adorable!
I was so happy when I posted this because damn, I love her so much. I wish I could give her a story, but that’s impossible because I already have a lot on my plate. Like I always say (well, like I’ve been saying since the quads), never do big generations. I guess I would enjoy seeing her in someone else’s game though. Someone’s heir’s spouse or something. Hmmm. 🤔
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
It looks cool! ❤️
I've actually spent years trying to get which is my favorite fairy only to realize it's always been Bloom�� I can't even say why
And the first 4 seasons definitely were the best - the villains and stories were cooler and stuff and I remember how thrilled I was to watch the fairies' Entchantix (was it called so? ) transformation for the first time
alfalfalegacy replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
a winx club ref??? on my dash???
I used to be all over this show as a kid
I think we only ever got like the first two or three seasons cause they stopped showing it after a while.
amixofpixels replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
Flora was always my favourite growing up. Feelings are more neutral nowadays.
melien replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
High five, she was my favourite too ✋
create-a-sim replied to your photo “™¦ T E C H N O ♦ M A G I C ♦”
I loved it too, though my parents didn't have the channel that it aired on and I only could watch it at my friend's house :(
Guys you have no idea how much I love these reactions because when I was growing up, people made fun of me for loving this show. I was scared it would backfire here as well. And it didn’t, yay! :D
I used to love Bloom when I was little. Then in middle school, Tecna became my favourite. I could somehow relate to her, I don’t know. She was kinda different and weird, I’m kinda weird too, I felt like they often overlook and ignore her, same here, she was into computers, I was into computers, etc. I even wanted to have her original haircut because I loved her so much :D You know, the one from season 1-4, the one so similar to that Fitness SP hair (which I used here).
As for seasons, my favourite was definitely season 4, I looooved the idea of Earth fairies, not to mention the villains were so cool too. Same with Valtor in season 3. Damn. I’m not thirsty for cartoon villains, I swear. But like if they were real people, they’d look so good. After season 4, things went super downhill, but I was still watching it because I had hope it could get better again. Nope. It didn’t. Still, it can’t take the good memories of the first four seasons away.
Man, I could ramble about this forever :D
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “To make everything even better, Lydia broke the bathtub. AGAIN.”
she looks so proud of herself too haha
Her only goal in life is to cause chaos and break things
myopiccc replied to your photoset “Aurora: “So I obviously love Kayla with all my heart, she’s my niece...”
I know, right? :D 
I love working on sibling relationships in my legacies so much. In fact, often times they’re even more fun than working on romantic relationships with their spouses :D
myopiccc replied to your post “I’ve already talked about this on twitter but I’m just gonna mention...”
Sending you love and HUUUGE hug. One sentence you're writing makes me laugh and cry. I don;t think those strong writing flows all the time. Please don't mind. Take rest and have a big bite of chocolate:D(if you do like chocolate). <3
*hugs* :’)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “Valentine’s Day?”
Gorgeous little thing<333
Daaaamn I know *-* I didn’t think this hair could suit her so well, but it did and wow I’m in love
cafeheart replied to your post “post nsb”
damn anon go write your own nsb if youre that thirsty
dandylion240 replied to your post “post nsb”
I enjoy whatever you want to share with us ��
108sims replied to your post “post nsb”
Wow that’s kind of rude. I enjoy all your challenges!
moonbobs replied to your post “post nsb”
Post what you want! This is a hobby not a job. I can't with these types of asks smh��
I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I got a few more asks about this but I didn’t post them because I’d reply the same thing. I just DON’T KNOW when the save is coming back, stop asking, anons! It’ll happen at some point. But yeah, I kinda saw it coming, because I’ve posted ts4 for so long, it was fun, gen 6 right now isn’t very fun. I mean it. I’m not happy with the beginning of it, but I know it’ll get better.
Thank you guys for your words. I think this is important for every simblr out there: Post whatever you want. It’s your blog, your game. People might like something more, but in the end you have the final decision. If you want to switch to ts3 because you love ts3, go for it! Maybe some people will leave but eh. Whatever. You don’t need people like that anyway, right?
froggypixel replied to your photoset “Hey Doc…you okay there?”
When your owner leaves you��
This made me sad because his owners actually left him. Forever. They died. 😭 And somehow this dog is immortal or something, idk. It’s kinda wild. But don’t get me wrong, I definitely don’t want him to die.
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moroboshi-die · 3 years
Hey, hey, your SS is back! No worries in terms of responding to my asks btw, I know tumblr is a little monster and that this is a busy time of year! I do have some ideas whirring in the WIP workshop, but I'll need intel~ What are your favorite Pokemon regions/games? (I'm a big fan of Kalos! Love Lumoise City~) And do you have any favorite Animal Crossing villagers? Hehehe hope all is well on your end! <333
Hi SS! I'm actually going through a pretty rough time (my dog is very sick), but your messages always make me happy <3
My favorite region is Hoenn! The RSE games hold a special place in my heart. Also I have a crush on Steven Stone 🤣
As for AC villagers, I seem to like a lot of squirrels. Marshal, Poppy, and Mint are favorites, and I also love Flora, Annabelle, and Cranston!
Thanks again for the ask. I hope things are going well for you! 💕
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kartoffelblume · 4 years
I have an Idea for a new skam related tag game.
Rules: You have to choose your 10 favorite songs discovered through Skam and its remakes. It's okay if you can't only choose 10. Create your own playlist! 💛
1. Trampoline - Shaed
-I didn't even notice it on the first watch and stumbled upon the song on the Druck playlist but I absolutely love it. So so much. Listen to it with headphones and closed eyes.
2. Strangers - Sigrid
-The skam nl S1 Playlist is one I absolutely can't stop listening to, I just loove the vibe - this is just one of many great songs I found this way.
3. Mile high - James blake ft. Travis scott
-The druck cuddle clip was actually the very first clip I saw live so this has a very special place in my heart, love the calming vibe and the softness it exudes
4. Doom days - Bastille
-Of course I already knew Bastille before but I still wouldn't have found this absolute masterpiece if it wouldn't be in the sinterclaas clip
5. Collide - Tiana major9 and Earthgang
-Okay, I can't listen to this song without having it stuck in my brain for days so I don't listen to it too often but I absolutely love it. From the very first time I heard it I knew that I'll love this song. And that the clip will stay my absolute favorite of Wtfock
6. Clean Eyes - Syml
-One of those songs that just stuck with me, beautiful scene. Pre swimming pool bike scenes are just always beautiful
7. Praise the lord - Asap Rocky
-Maybe it just grew on me after I heard it for the third time in a remake but I really like this song
8. Trick r Treat - Josh A & Iamjakehill
-I have no clue why this song stuck with me but I just love them running through the mist, the light and the costumes all blending over to the party scene
9. Vermissen - Juju and Henning May
-If I wouldn't have discovered it during Amiras season I would have heard it in the radio at least a hundred times but I still really love this song. I always try to sing along and mess it up
10. You're somebody else - flora cash
- The song is so emotional and just really great. I almost have to cry every time I listen to it.
There are so many songs missing to this (and it's way more druck than expected) but I hope many of you write down more so we can collectively remember them.
It tag ALL of you! Whoever wants to do this! I'll put a few people on here so it actually gets noticed but if your name isn't on the list that doesn't mean you're not tagged!
@peaceoutofthepieces @franboos1 @whatkindoffockeryisthis @ironymane @pduwd @gemm-333 @matteomymood @soo-fuckedup @pepethehobbit @adora8 @gleamoflove @well-who-needs-angels-anyway @dreamy-slytherin @zoenneforever @viri-in-pink @tim-tay-skam @senoritapepa @lot-bubbel @skam-mix @reijnerskeijser @lucasenjensvds @palpitating-procrastination (Sorry for spamming all of you, just ignore this if you don't want to do it)
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moon--and--star · 7 years
Hey ginger, I'm sorry that my last message sounded demanding. I was trying to find something to read and when I couldn't I got straight to the point. All my friends have tastes I'm not fond of or dont read so I thought I'd ask you since you seem like a nice intellegant person. Do you have any favourite books that make you feel insulted if someone hasn't read it? Or perhaps one that once made you smile and you could never forget it? Uhh I kinda rambled a bit sorry... Its a bit late -LLM
ahhh sorry nonny, I’m only seeing these now! for some reason they weren’t showing up in my notifications. but hoo boy, I’ll be honest, it’s been awhile since I’ve actually read stuff, you know. I’m trying to get back into reading because I miss it but it can be hard for weird reasons. but let’s see….I don’t know if I could pick just one or even a few favorites, I feel like it’s changing all the time…but I really adore fairy tale/fantasy in general. Anything by Diana Wynne Jones, or Shannon Hale, Lloyd Alexander, Tamara Pierce. There are wayy more but since I haven’t been reading as much they’re just not coming to me. Oh I know, let me look at my library check out history, there were a few that I read in the recent-ish past and liked a lot or loved but forgot the names of most. let’s seeee here….
okay, in no particular order, here they are:
Shadows on the moon / Zoe Marriott 
The mark of the dragonfly / Jaleigh Johnson
Poison study / Maria V. Snyder
Flora Segunda / Ysabeau S. Wilce
The false prince / Jennifer A. Nielsen
Bloody Jack / L.A. Meyer
Nomansland / Lesley Hauge
William Shakespeare’s Star wars : verily, a new hope / by Ian Doescher(yeah this is basically Star Wars written in Shakespeare form, not sure if that’s your thing but personally I found it amazing)
Island of the Blue Dolphins / Scott O’Dell
and some I want to read/reread in the future:
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde (I’m ashamed to say I haven’t read this yet, I mean from everything I’ve heard about it it’s essential gay reading)
allll of ACD Holmes, again. but this one’s kinda obvious so
Cinder by Marissa Meyer. actually I have started rereading this one, though once I finish it I want to read the rest of the series (Lunar Chronicles), which I haven’t read yet
and basically everything on this list. allll the wlw books
gahhh answering this really makes me want to go and read! I know there are more but my memory is complete shit. anyways sorry if none of these are to your taste but hopefully I was able to help out a little!
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