#i hope you enjoy it tho Anon
spotaus · 3 months
If you're still accepting requests, you could draw Cross x Lust?
Hello anon! Definitely still accepting requests! And I need you to know that this request literally short-circuited my brain, because I rendered all of these doodles 🙏
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Cross X Lust was Not on my bingo board of things I'd draw, but the combo just settled in my head and felt Super Right and I got to sketching and realized I really liked their energy and just... didn't stop drawing! Thank you SO MUCH for the request! (They give me the vibes of Cross being the one who insists on being chivalrous and very protective, while Lust gets some freedom to relax and be himself and get pampered a bit! Idk if I explained it right, but it makes sense in my brain-)
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muffin-snakes-art · 6 months
morpho knight eating a mango
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bunnysnared · 3 months
here anon!! a couple of crops of sum simons,, just for you
( ˘ ³˘(◡‿◡˶)  ♡
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loosingmoreletters · 1 year
Oooo for a prompt: Jiang Cheng raises a-Yuan thinking he’s actually Wei Wuxian’s biological child
Anon, you really said “I will cater to Letter’s interests” with this ask.
When Jiang Cheng finds the boy, he’s still grieving. He hasn’t stopped grieving since they received the first terrible news of Jin Zixuan’s demise. He grieves, he rages, he cries and carries on. A circle reminiscent of the schedule followed by a boy burned out by loss.
He grieves when he pulls a-Yuan from the ash. The child is barely breathing, malnourished too, wrapped in an adult’s cloak.
Wei Wuxian, he thinks, and presses the boy close to his neck, hides his face when he hurries down a troubled path where his most trusted disciples wait. They do not question him, they ask nothing at all but how quickly they need to return home.
Fast, is his reply. He’s seventeen again, running across the countryside on bloody feet to get his brother home. He saved Wei Wuxian then, he saves a-Yuan now.
The healer asks him how old the child is and Jiang Cheng has no answer for her. He’s so very small, sleeping off his fever under her care. She thinks he is around two, perhaps a little younger, but they have no way of knowing. Everyone who would, is dead.
Like the rest of Jiang Cheng’s family, all of them, but Jin Ling. His nephew is a healthy baby, chubby fat and dressed in only the softest of silks. He’s loud too, crying out for parents he doesn’t have anymore, in everything but this, the exact opposite of a-Yuan.
Jiang Cheng hadn’t questioned a-Yuan’s presence in the Burial Mounds the first time round, too caught up in all his other anger. Maybe he should’ve stopped fighting with his brother to ask. Why would Wei Wuxian give everything up for the Wen if the Wen wasn’t his?
The following weeks agree with him. A-Yuan grows into Wei Wuxian’s smile, no longer asks for the dead as his memories disappear. Jiang Cheng wonders if his brows resemble Wen Chao, Wen Qing or her brother, any of them. Jiang Cheng has no clear memory of them he cared to keep, but he knows Wei Wuxian, hears him in the way a-Yuan phrases his question.
He knows his brother’s child.
Perhaps the other parent doesn’t matter, maybe the story there is as sad and terrible as every other.
His sister and her husband are dead, his brother is gone, his nephews are orphans both.
Jiang Cheng is tired of losing family.
The clan registry burned when the Wen attacked them. Jiang Yanli painstakingly wrote a new one when they rebuilt. He stares at her handwriting as he adds a-Yuan’s name to it. No one will ever look at this document, see that his sister put Wei Wuxian down as their brother, see that Jiang Cheng never struck him from the books, that he adds his son.
The Yiling Patriarch is dead, his legacy is cruel and terrible and it perished in the Burial Mounds.
A-Yuan is here.
The maids call him Jiang-gongzi, Xiao Yuan, Yuan-er, and a hundred different little endearments they’re quick to adapt for Jin Ling too when Jiang Cheng is allowed to take him to Lotus Pier.
A-Yuan loves his little cousin, and maybe if Jiang Cheng raises them together like this from the start just right, they’ll never break apart.
Only a handful of disciples know just where Jiang Cheng picked his nephew up, everyone else believes him a deceased cousin’s son.
It is for the best.
There’s no place in the world for Wei Wuxian’s son after all, none at all, unless he remains Jiang Cheng’s nephew first.
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cavennmalore · 2 months
tagging @myfairkatiecat because it is only fair after you requested this word vomit lol
The thing about Keefe not being a good person is a little complicated. Full disclaimer, I don’t really believe in the whole good/bad person dichotomy, and definitely not for KIDS. Nevertheless, I don’t disagree with the people who say that Keefe isn’t the awesome person Sophie’s (biased) opinion makes him out to be. Not for the manipulative reasons -- which, Keefe is a teenage boy and I don't know about anyone else but that is like THE demographic for being a little messy in relationships lmao -- but for a lot of his planning. Joining the Neverseen without telling anyone what his plan was? Proposing himself as Mercadir without giving anyone a chance to refute him? Lying at the end of Legacy and showing up to the confrontation even though it was explicitly agreed he'd stay back? Basically, everything he did in Lodestar? Not great.
It's not Certified Good Guy Behavior. But that's his role. Keefe was literally designed to occupy this grey, questionable space, both in the narrative and outside of it. He's Sophie's character foil. Lady Gisela's plan revolves around pushing Keefe to become a worse and worse person; that involves raising him in a way that cultivates bad behavior and forcing him into increasingly extreme situations that are designed to make Keefe "ready" when the time comes. That is a huge part of the plots of Nightfall and Legacy.
Admittedly, I don't think Shannon has made him evil/grey enough, which I know isn't a popular take. There was real potential to make Keefe a wild card in Lodestar and make it so that the question isn't what stupid scheme is he planning? but to what extent have Lady Gisela's machinations worked? It's an interesting plotline to me. It's why I'm so excited for Unraveled; it's a chance to see this push-pull in action without Keefe's "north star" (AKA Sophie) guiding his decisions.
But a lot of people don't feel this way. A ton of the complaints I see around the book have to do with Keefe getting too much page time, the plotline taking up too much space in the story, etc. Which is fair! If you don't like Keefe, I'm sure a lot of this is grueling. However, a point I see connected to this line of thought is a wish for the books to return to a more ensemble vibe. That there should be more Dex, more Biana, more Stina, more Tam, etc. the way that it used to be.
That version of the books, though? It only really exists in the first book. Keefe is a prominent character in Exile and a huge driver of its plot. It's only in Book One where he only exists on the margins and isn't super involved. The ensemble cast has grown exponentially since then, to the point where there are frankly too many characters to keep track of in a scene without straight-up listing them all (which did happen but I'm forgetting which book). The decreased page time of supporting characters isn't solely because Keefe is eating the narrative, but because there are way too many characters for everyone to get a subplot; rather than have pre-existing characters solve issues, Shannon tends to just pull new ones in, and then leave them to hang out for the following books. If the series was for a more adult audience, I would say that it was time to start killing people off (like the popular critique of The Boys) but because this is a kids series, they're going to just hang around and not do much.
A lot of the nostalgia for this old version of KOTLC presents itself in fandom discussions of Dex. Full transparency: I didn't really like Dex that much in the early books when I did my reread. I found him unbearably rude to Fitz and Biana. His crush on Sophie felt invasive at times as if she was catering to a boy that was projecting his feelings and making her accommodate him. It's very similar stuff to the current criticism of Keefe! But I have yet to see any discussions around Dex that don't characterize him as kind, goofy, or sweet. Maybe there is some discussion of him being snarky or sarcastic. The most criticism I've seen of him is about how he treated Stina in his introduction, which was taken largely in isolation.
But that sweet, goofy version of Dex that people talk about missing? He doesn't exist. Sure, Dex mellowed out a ton in the later books, but he didn't become a whole new character. And I don't believe that he disappeared from the books in the way that some people claim. He just... doesn't have a subplot anymore. His crush on Sophie was resolved. It was a sticking point in his and Sophie's friendship which made him part of her character arc, and that arc is done. If that went on for any longer, it would be a drag on the pace of the series. Like I said before, the presence of so many side characters, each with their own needs and motivations, makes it difficult to introduce him into new stuff. It's why he gets so much more page time in Unlocked. With the presence of so many other characters, Shannon tends to handwave a lot of the background group dynamics. Dex ended up becoming close to Keefe and was able to shine there, away from Sophie's perspective and their finished arc.
All of this is to say, it's not wrong to dislike Keefe or like Dex. But I think a lot of the conversations surrounding these guys can get muddled in nostalgia and what people think the books should be rather than what they are. I'm (severely) guilty of it too. It's part of a broader trend in fandoms as "fandom" as a concept becomes more popular. That is a whole other post, though, and frankly, this one is long enough lol
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blindmagdalena · 10 months
homelander!daughter but she surprises him with her own costume for halloween. she got her other parent to make her own superhero persona and she has this ELABORATE backstory, even if she’s not a supe like him. he’s forced to sit on the couch with this dramatic diy stage setup, thinking it’s just a fashion show she does every so often, but he can just smell the excitement on his partner. she comes out all dressed up, but he doesn’t recognize who she’s supposed to be and then she reveals it!! SHES HIS LITTLE SIDE KICK FOR HALLOWEEN AHHHH
STOOOOOP that’s so cute!!! 😭 I love the buildup! the anticipation! the reveal! I love Homelander being allowed to have these sweet domestic little moments that hit him like a bulldozer to the chest.
his daughter doesn’t know why his eyes look so glassy—even though he’s smiling—but daddy does that sometimes so she knows to give him a big hug 😭😭😭
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abstract-crossverse · 2 years
I am holding out my hands so lovingly for some seek x reader content. Literally anything for him I just ask you very very politely for seek content pretty please
Absolutely, one goop man comin up
Letting people know in advance that these first few requests that arent that specific will be headcanons similar to how I did with Ambush so I can get a grip on the characters Long as shit again, so you know the drill, the rest is under the cut
Cw// around the Dating headcanons, one of them is gonna be a tad bit suggestive, nothing in need of worry but if you feel queezy with suggestiveness then I would advise you to proceed with caution during that part. It's only that one paragraph though so everything else if fine and dandy 👌
Seek x Reader [headcanons, fluff]
-> Seek is the (mostly) self-proclaimed leader of the entities. However, he doesn't call the shots in the hotel itself- he takes on responsibilities like making sure the chaos entities (Rush, Screech, and sometimes Ambush if he's feeling silly) from blowing something up... And of course, he helps plan around strategies to get the players when they decide to actually prepare something out instead of winging it and hoping for the best- that'll be important later
-> Anyway, you weren't the only one traversing the hotel this time, you had friends with you, yall were 4 in total and managed to live until now. though you got pretty roughed up, Screech bit your leg pretty hard when you failed to find him in time and no bandages were found, so one of your friends was helping you walk through the long hallway you found yourselves in, all confused and on edge about the eyes you saw in the earlier rooms
-> You all heard rumbling and bubbling coming from behind you, looking back you saw Seek emerging from the goop that seeped through the floorboards at the start of the corridor. It wasn't long until he was running at you, the other 2 ran ahead as you and your friend stayed behind a bit to help you move through the fallen furniture and doors Guiding Light tried to point you in the direction of.
-> Though it didn't last long, your legs got stuck under a fallen bookshelf in the third room you had to run through. your friend tried freeing you but to no avail, and Seek was closing space quickly, they yelled an apology and let go of you, running off so they wouldn't be dead meat.. you felt betrayed but knew there was no saving you, so you simply braced yourself for imminent death
-> But it never came. In fact, you felt the weight of the bookshelf lift from you, peeking out of your arms you saw Seek standing above you, the black coat he wore covered a white button-up that somehow wasn't stained by the inky substance dripping off his face, black pants and boots, a black tie and belt around his waist and neck, and white cuffs accented his outfit. He stared down at you as you tried registering what was happening
-> Before you knew it, he had picked up bridal style and began bringing you along the corridors he had to run through, lifting the fallen furniture and putting out the fires with arms that formed out of the same inky substance dripping from the walls. The eyes seemed to look among themselves in confusion as they witnessed Seek bring you along the halls in his arms, were they not his? Or did they have a mind of their own?
-> By the time you got to the last stretch the door was still closed as the arms put out the fire from the fallen chandeliers and cleaned the broken glass from the ground. Though there were three fewer arms than usual, you didn't know that, you didn't know those three arms were supposed to be there in the first place.
-> You coughed from the smoke still floating around the hall that slowly cleared through the broken windows. It wasn't long until Seek put you down sitting against a wall next to a window, where another arm came through the broken window to hold you there.
"Stay here." He spoke, voice echoing around the room as he walked off through the end door, bringing the red aura he emitted to the next room. You were confused and terrified, what was he going to do to you? Was he keeping you alive for shit and giggles? Giving you false hope that you'd survive only to kill you at the end? Thoughts ran through your head as you began to panic more and more, you nearly jumped as the hand holding you rubbed your arm with its thumb, attempting to soothe you as it seemed to sense your fear, which only confused you more
Which reminds you- how could Seek speak? He had no mouth to speak from? And why were the arms fixing the place up? You watched as the multiple arms put up new chandeliers on the ceiling in place of the old ones as if they were fixing a dollhouse, the carpet didn't even look like there was a fire on it just a second ago either... You shrunk slightly at the sight of the eyes on the walls staring directly at you, sometimes looking among themselves as if talking with each other. You wondered if they were Seek's, if he was making sure you wouldn't escape
Later you realized Seek was back as the red aura entered your peripheral vision, the eyes looked at him too. He carried a handful of bandaids and a bottle of disinfectant spray and a bit of cotton, he sat in front of you as the arm holding you slipped back through the window
"... May I?" He looked from your injured leg to you, did he want to heal you? You could only nod slowly, afraid of what could happen if you said no, and so he lifted your pant leg and sprayed some disinfectant into a piece of cotton, gently wiping at the bite marks Screech left on your leg, you hissed in pain at the burning sensation of the solution.
Seek glanced occasionally from your leg to you every time you hissed or flinched, but slowly patched up your leg. It wasn't long before you spoke;
"... Why... Why are you helping me?.." he paused, causing you to tense when he looked up at you "... They left you for dead. I felt pity, so I'll give you a chance to survive some longer." He stated, finishing with your leg and pulling your pant leg down again, he simply sat in front of you now
"I can tell you have more questions... I'll answer some of them, but once I am done, I won't answer anymore. Understood?" He asked, having another arm pop up through the window next to you and take the dirty cotton and spray away, along with the paper from the bandaids and bandaid he didn't need to use, it went way with the materials in its large hand. You could only nod, it wasn't every day you could get any answers to what this place was...
-> The more you two seemed to talk, the more you both drifted away from your initial topic. Not like Seek didn't notice, of course, he did, but he found himself enjoying your conversation, it had been too long since he properly talked with a human.. he can't help but wonder how long it's been since his death and addition to the Hotel's "staff"
-> The eyes were still on the walls, though there were a lot fewer than before the room was clean. Though after some time of talking, he knew he had to go away before Jack realized he was "slacking on the job" and kill you himself.. he's retired, not harmless though. So Seek got up after a while of talking
"I must go." He said, offering a hand to help you up, as your leg wasn't too well still, you took his hand as he pulled you up. "already?" You asked with a small pout "well, it was nice chatting with you, you're really chill!" You smiled at him as he chuckled, flustered and averting his eye to the side
"oh- uh.. before you go- do you know what happened to my friends?" You were still worried about those people? What a heart you have. ".. they were caught by my arms, my apologies, but they should be waking up back down in the lobby." He stated, lowering his head momentarily as your heart sank a bit.. I guess you're by yourself now "oh.."
A small silence broke between you too as you furrowed your brows in worry, you glanced at the door to the next room. "It's- it's fine... I'll be okay, I can do this alone... Thank you- for the help again, sir.." "Seek. It's what most of you call me, I find it fitting." He shrugged, holding his hands behind his back, you nodded "Seek, alright, I'll keep that in mind. I'll... See you some time I guess..." He nodded, and you began lightly limping your way to the door to the next room, making sure to check the number before you went through
As you opened the door, the lights in the hall flickered as wet, sploosh-y sounds echoed through the room. You looked back, only to find an empty, intact hall, Seek was gone, and so were the eyes, and the windows somehow were fixed. It confused you, but not much of a surprise, this hotel is the weirdest you've ever been to.. how'd you even get here again?
-> After that day, Seek found himself thinking about you often.. he'd never spared someone before, so you can imagine that moment stood out quite a bit. he wonders if you made it to the end or if you were caught by Figure.. or maybe someone else, new people seem to struggle in the greenhouse and you seemed new to the hotel.. to an extent at least, you weren't surprised or confused by when he said he caught your companions and that they should've been back in the Hotel's lobby
-> Though it wasn't long until you met again, this time you were alone, you stood at the end of the hall, looking as he emerged from the ground. He saw you wave at him with a small, worried smile, he figured you didn't know if you both were on good terms or not, if he was going to chase you or if you'd chat again... to your luck, he felt especially tired today
-> So you both sat down in the hall again, talking away to your heart's content, laughing with jokes and stories about the Hotel and it's residents. You realized how none of the other entities were just monsters hunting for whatever they could get a bite out of, that they were human once, but remember nothing of their past lives and got desensitized to killing as they slowly began to see this place as a game, anyone who was killed would reappear within a certain amount of time. So what did it griefing matter? They can't truly die here anyways.
-> Some of the stories he told you were morbid sure, but you enjoyed your time with him. Even if it's usually cut short by the Eyes on the walls making some noise that caught his attention, seeming to listen for something then saying he needed to go somewhere. You figured he could sense other people coming through the rooms and to your location, so you obliged, albeit sad you had to cut your times short, quickly making your way through the now not-so-dangerous obstacle course from his chase, the main differences being that there was no fire in the rooms you speed through, and the final hall had no arms, though you could see them waiting outside the windows if you looked out.
-> And so the cycle began, every time you met with Seek you mainly chatted before he had to go attend to other "Players", as he called them, you walk off and continue through the hotel until meeting him later on before the garden. You found yourself looking forward to encountering him, you've memorized what number of rooms his crescendo would usually show up in, and tease him about being late if his Hall came nearing door 40 or 80.
-> He finds you amusing, you've grown on him but he won't admit it, often making jokes that he could kill you right that second if he wanted to, he doesn't understand how you enjoy being in his presence, how you're not scared of him. You challenge him, saying he wouldn't cuz he doesn't have the balls to do so, which prompts him into chasing you around playfully until he inevitably catches you and begins pretending to attack you with tickles. By the end of it, you're both on the ground, calming down from fits of laughter, occasional giggles leaving you both.
-> He's been feeling warmer and warmer around you lately, a fuzzy feeling in his chest he can't quite explain whenever he looks at you, a mere smile from you leaving him breathless- which confuses him even more given he doesn't have lungs anymore, or any organs for that matter. So the fact you manage to make his metaphorical heart skip a beat shocks him beyond belief
-> Seek often goes to his brother to gush and try to make sense of what he's feeling, Hide sometimes never hears the end of it, though they managed to pin down it was love- Hide still made fun of his brother for behaving in such an unorthodox fashion compared to his usual behavior of "I hate the Players, they are annoying.", Seek would roll his eye.
-> He clutches a hand on his chest as you wander back into his mind, your face, your hair, the way you laugh... he can barely describe how perfect it all is, how perfect you are... You're just... Too much for him to even begin describing, how whatever influence is out there led him to meet such a beautiful soul as you is beyond him, but is he complaining? Not at all.
-> You've been getting closer and closer to each other each day, every time he even gets the slightest contact with you anymore makes him struggle to get a word out, which doesn't go unnoticed by you, of course. Youve got his usual behavior down well enough so it's obvious something's up with him
-> He shrugs it off when you ask about it, of course he does, but his pride won't let him admit it. Not yet. And sure as hell not like this.
-> He comes from the late 60s, and was raised to be a gentleman, and even if he knows of a lot of the new world and its culture (aka 2000s-2020s stuff) his old habits still die hard since he's never really changed since his living times. So if he confesses his love to you, he'll do it right... He knows what he feels for you is love, he just barely knows how to handle it, it's overwhelming- he didn't think it would hit him this hard- give him a moment
-> One night, he planned on confessing to you, so one night Jack finally made it not storm for once, he would invite you out to the garden. It was risky- especially since ever since Jack implemented the Greenhouse, he's been hanging around there doing god knows what- but it was tonight, this was just a perfect, beautiful night, when would he get a chance like this again?
-> So after a good hour practicing how'd he'd invite you out to the garden and confess his feelings over a mirror- also with Hide's help. He finally mustered up the courage to seek you out and put his plan in motion;
Seek traversed the Hotel under the floorboards and within the walls in search of you, he requested aid from Hide for extra eyes on areas he couldn't see. But you were nowhere to be seen, which made him anxious, were you not doing another 'run' through the Hotel today? Was lady luck really cursing him today?
But to his relief, one of Hide's eyes pooped up within the wall he was inside, peeking through the crack to see if you were anywhere but only found other Players confused by Dupe's traps as they didn't remember which room they were in. Hide whispered to him you were already in the Garden, to his convenience and surprise
Seek thanked his brother as the eye slipped away into nonexistence, before he peeked again through the boards, watching as one of the Players decided to wing it and walked into one of Dupe's rooms, getting bit in the process as the other two freaked out and laughed at the other who fell to the floor on his ass, completely dumbfounded. Seek chuckled in amusement, their misery is funny to him. Anyways, he has to get to you quick before you choose to come back inside
He slipped through under the door and gates to the Garden, only slightly forming to be able to peek and look around for you. Almost immediately found you lying on the grass, looking up at the oddly star-filled sky with a slight smile on your face, his eyes squinted in a smile a bit, gazing at you as he reformed into his usual form, fixing his tie before making his way towards you
He got closer, you turned your head in his direction with a slightly confused expression as you heard the crushing of grass, you smiled, his heart skipped a beat.
"hey." Such a short greeting, but your tone said more than that, a warm, comforting tone, if only you could see the stupid little grin he has on his face. You looked just so beautiful under the lighting in the garden. ".. hello... Are you alright?" He asked, sitting beside you as you looked back up
"yeah... Just. Taking the scene in." He looked up at the sky, lying beside you to admire the scenery better ".. it is beautiful isn't it?" You nodded "almost as beautiful as your eyes."
You took a moment to process before laughing a bit "oh that was cheesy!" He turned his head to glare playfully as you laughed, he could see a pink tint forming in your cheeks "what? You dont like that one? Alright, do a better one then!" He poked your arm lightly
"oh fine, you're on!" You said between chuckles, looking back up to think of a pickup line. You hummed "... Yknow, I adore the stars, they mean so much even if being so far away from where we are.. I guess you're a star then." You thought that was smooth enough, not perfect but good enough, Seek's eye widened slightly, it was tough to know when he was blushing due to what he was made out of, but his behavior and stammering gave away that at least your flirt landed
You giggled at his behavior "alright, your turn." He cleared his throat, thinking for a moment before he got an idea
"If I were to kiss you then go to Hell, I would. So then I can brag with the devils I saw heaven without ever entering it." He turned his gaze to you as your face got redder, you stammered, sitting up "that's- that's Shakespeare, isn't it?-" you glared at him a bit, a smile growing on your face "mmmaybe." He chuckled as you grumbled at him, lightly punching his arm
".. it is true though... About the kiss thing.. and the beautiful one too.." he sat up, if he had a heart it would be racing right now, he could still feel the adrenaline coursing through his body as if he did though. You stared at him in slight shock, he continued
"... Nothing can compare to how I feel around you. You make me feel warm, every time you spare a glance at me-.. my heart would skip beats if I had one- though I still feel it as if I did... I didn't know it would even be possible.." he paused, a chuckle escaping him "your smile makes me melt, your gaze makes me feel as if I swallowed butterflies.. Your laugh is music to me, your little quirks and habits make me fall further for you- you are simply perfect in more ways I could imagine to describe..."
As much as he may seem calm now, believe me, he's freaking out internally, pushing out words as much as he could before he couldn't make himself speak anymore. You averted your eyes in embarrassment, covering half your face with a hand. He gently took your chin in his hand, pulling your attention back to him as he moved your head to look back at you, it only made your blush worse
He took a deep breath silently "I love you... There's no doubt about that, I'm deeply in love with you... But I-.. I must ask if you do too..." He looked into your eyes, gaze never broken, he felt anxiety, worried you'd reject him. He'd respect your wishes of course, whatever they may be, but he couldn't help praying that you'd love him too
You took only a couple of seconds to respond, and though it felt like an eternity, you kicked yourself mentally to say something. "I-I..- I love you too-.." you muttered, barely above a whisper, you were so close.. ".. c- come again, dear?" He requested, he heard you, just didn't quite believe it just yet-
The nickname made your heart skip a beat, you swallowed the lump in your throat you didn't even realize was there, "I love you. I love you, too." You repeated, making sure that time he could hear you clearly
You saw his eye shine as he smiled, feeling him sigh in what you could assume was relief before he embraced you, holding you close as you buried your face in the crook of his neck, wrapping your arms around him. You both were incredibly happy that night, and ended up spending the night together in one of the halls connected to bedrooms, cuddled as you talked about anything as always until you both drifted to slumber.
-> finally to general dating headcanons YIPPEE
-> PDA is a bit tough for him, it makes him embarrassed and as much as he'd love to give and receive affection while not in the confines of a room with no other entities with it- he can bring himself to, he gets too embarrassed and stammer-y, the least he can handle is holding your hand or your waist if you're walking somewhere or if you're with him while he's talking to someone
-> but if you're in private... oooooh prepare thyself cuz this man is SO touch starved. he wants your attention and is quite clingy if you dont have any boundaries you'd like to establish regarding personal space. you will be getting Kisses, hugs, you'll be held as much as you'd like him to, you are not immune to cuddling either- HE LIKES TO HOLD YOU IS THAT SUCH A CRIME??
-> You are his first relationship... at least as far as he can remember- the feeling of romantic love is familiar to him so he's felt it before, he just doesn't remember if he's been in a relationship while he was alive
-> He can be a little Jealous, and a little possessive at times- it's nothing he'll ever bring up to end up starting a fight or anything, he has no doubts or concerns about you cheating or anything- he knows you would do that he trusts you deeply. He likes your attention and gets a bit grumpy if you give another too much of your attention, it's enough that you can notice he's a bit upset, sometimes his mind can't help overthinking so its good to give some reassurance sometimes, if not by words then just give him affection of any kind, kisses, a tight squeeze on a hug, hold his hand, its the little things that find their way to reassure him most
-> About the possessiveness- its nothing to worry about too much, max that'll happen regarding that is: him hugging you or slightly tightening his grip on you if he notices another entity looking at you (what he deems is) weirdly, and glaring at them slightly until the cease that. Something that will end up happening 70% of the time after that happens is him being a little more passionate with his kisses, a lot of praise, and sentences with the range of "You're mine.". Take that as you will.
-> ANYWAY, he's a sweetheart, a big gift giver, whatever he can find that he knows you'd like he's taking it to give it to you, no questions asked. if you both met while living he'd be the type to spoil the shit out of you, mention something you'd like to get about your favorite media or something you found nice in a store, I dare you, within that same week it would be in your hands. he still is the type to spoil, if Jeff manages to get his hands on human items to up in his store Seek knows you like he's immediately getting it for you, especially if it's food you've been craving, he'll personally ask Jeff to help him make that for you if he can find the recipe to make it
-> He's a great cook, he doesn't remember where he learned culinary but he's one good cook. Though he doesn't have access to the Hotel's kitchen- one Jeff does for whatever reason, so if he wants to make something edible he has to ask for Jeff's permission, even so, it's really dark in there and Jeff is pretty sensitive to too many lights so if Jeff is to help him make the dish then he kinda has to tape a flashlight to his head so he can see where things are. if Jeff needs to stay in the shop but Seek gets his go ahead then he's fine to turn on the lights as long as he keeps the door to the kitchen closed
-> Date nights with him include dinner he makes and/or going out to the garden to listen to the rain, he enjoys quality time with you as much as he loves you, so as long as you're happy, he couldn't be more pleased
-> Have any hobbies? Drawing, knitting, writing, etc? He is thrilled to know about your hobbies and interests, he enjoys watching you do what you love and enjoy. want to infodump about your media interests? He'll lend you an ear, talk his ear off, he wouldn't mind, he'll try his best to understand what you're explaining to him and try not to get lost in gazing at you and you talk passionately about your interest, he thinks your voice sounds heavenly please don't stop talking.
-> He may even ask you to teach him how to do one of your hobbies, gaining interest in seeing you do it so often. I will say, he'll struggle so much with knitting and crocheting if you try to teach him, those hands were not made for strings, you'll have to untie his hands a lot from the yarn you give him
-> He may or may not tangle himself up on purpose sometimes, call him an attention whore all you want, he can and will go to pathetically funny lengths to have your attention at times. and he'll play the innocent card
"So then you loop the yarn around the-" "uhm... darling-...?" he interrupted you hesitantly, you looked over with a confused smile on your face before it was replaced with one of shock. He was completely tangled in the yarn you were teaching him to knit, his project of a scarf hanging from his head with the needles as the yarn tied around his upper body and arms, how'd he get like that?? You looked away for one second-
"wh- how'd you manage that??? Jesus Christ-" you dropped your needles and project beside you on the couch you both sat upon, hovering your hands back and forth above his form, trying to figure out where to start detangling the man. You heard him laugh softly "I guess the yarn doesn't quite like me." he joked as you attempted to detangle him from one side "God, babe, the hell am I gonna do with you?" you giggled, he looked pretty funny tied up the way he was, looking at him with a warm 'really?' look, you knew he was doing this on purpose at this point
"I dont know.. what ARE you going to do with me?" he asked, a challenging look in his eye as he gazed down at you, you hummed, pulling a string you found that undid the knots around your lover, the yarn fell around him as you grabbed his face with both hands, pulling him closer to yours "I dont think I know yet, I'll figure it out soon though~" you sang, gazing into each other's eyes warmly as you both closed in for a quick kiss, he pulled you into a hug "mm.. I guess this is enough lessons for a bit, until the yarn is not so angry with you anymore, of course." you both laughed softly "sure, my love. thank you for freeing me from my entanglement, by the way." "Anytime, babe."
-> He asks Hide to keep an eye on you when he can't, make sure you're alright and all, yeah? he doesn't trust the other players in this Hotel, what if they hurt you? "what if"s course through his mind as he thinks of every possible outcome. It's what makes him a good planner, but it can also ruin any way for him to see a positive result in a situation, he thinks Inside the Box a little too much- Hide keeps an eye on you through the eyes when you're to meet your Lover and peeking out slightly through closets before quickly disappearing into the darkness when you need to enter one
-> Seek has questioned if he should tell the other entities of your relationship. On one hand- he's scared someone will rat him out to Jack- intentionally or accidentally, on the other, it would be best to tell them so they dont outright kill you. He rather they at least knock you out rather than outright kill you, since killing you would send you back all the way down to the lobby, whilst if they knock you out it makes him be able to quickly snatch you away and nurse you back to consciousness
-> You'll get a headache or be generally sore afterward but who wouldn't after being hit hard enough to pass out, right? Besides, being killed hurts more in the aftermath than being knocked out so you can't quite complain
-> Eventually he does tell the others. Like with the Ambush fic I wrote a while ago, some are supportive, some are indifferent and others are quite hesitant about the idea, but if it makes you happy then they can't complain.
-> I will say it now, Screech is not his kid, never was, fortunately, or unfortunately for some of you. Screech and Sally both have a situation of "It takes a village to raise a child", the village being the adult entities, they all take care of the two in their own ways though Rush seems closer to Screech than the rest. While Seek does well with kids, Screech can be a little much at times, especially with the huge difference between their generations but he tries to understand the little critter. If Screech is with him it's one of three situations:
Screech had a question and no other academically smart entity was available to answer his question
Screech is being lectured for doing something dumb that- let's be real he's likely to do that- Rush encouraged because it would be funny. Sometimes Rush is also being lectured with Screech
Or Screech is just vibing in his general area while he reads a book or watches Screech go about whatever he's doing, the kid claims: "Uncle Seek, Halt, Eyes, Dupe, and Ambush are the most chill to vibe in silence with, but none of the others were free to vibe so Uncle Seek it is!" he says innocently, leaning his smaller form against Seeks arm as the one-eyed entity reads a book with an amused look on his eye
-> It's sweet how they all care for the little ones, even though Screech bites- learning about how almost every entity in this place was human once makes you feel.. kinda bad for him and Sally really, also a bit disturbed, Jack seems to run the shots from what Seek told you, as well as he's the one who turned them into entities in the first place, is this Jack dude really that terrible to have ripped away a child from it's family and life? maybe I'll elaborate more on Screech if he gets requested for platonic hcs or smtg
-> Anyway, some of the entities enjoy your presence around, and you're loved to bits by your lover, honestly for how your first impression of the Hotel went, this is much better than you initially imagined.
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blackjackkent · 5 months
hihi!! i just wanted to stop in and say your writing is beautiful and the last tav x karlach request you did genuinely had me tearing up and smiling so much, i absolutely adored it ^_^ and i also wanted to possibly request one with a fem tav and karlach who both found a home within each other after not feeling like they had a place to belong for so long. if that's a little too vauge or if you're not up for it then no worries!! i'm excited to see what else you'll write in the future regardless :3
Ahhhhh, this is such a kind message, ty. <3 I'm so glad you enjoyed it. c: I hope you like this, anon!
"You sleep like a fucking rock, y'know." Karlach pokes her head in the flap of the tent and grins as Tav curls away from the shaft of sunlight that stabs in past her. "I've been up for hours."
"Yes, 'cos you're you," Tav mumbles. She rolls over and pulls the pillow from her bedroll over her face. "Some of us actually need rest."
"Missed a beautiful sunrise over the city," Karlach says lightly. "And uh. I made breakfast." She says it with such elaborate, studied casualness that Tav shifts the pillow and peeks one eye out at her. Karlach is sitting in the tent flap watching her intently, her fingers fidgeting on her thighs.
"Yeah?" Tav asks with a slight smile. "What'd you make?"
"Eggs." Karlach shifts awkwardly and her head dips with a sheepish grin. "I mean, I know Gale makes eggs a lot, and you've probably eaten even more than I have, all your hunting trips and all before all this mess started, ranging around. But... I know how to make eggs, and I wanted to make you something."
She hesitates, squinting. "I mean, I wanted you to have eggs that I made. Y'know? Does that... make any fucking sense at all?"
Tav's smile widens. She sits up and scoots a little bit forward, then flops over so her head is pillowed on Karlach's lap instead. "Yeah."
"Yeah?" Karlach looks visibly relieved and grins down at her with a smile from ear to ear.
"Yeah, and I'll tell you a secret." Tav reaches up and pokes Karlach's cheek gently with one finger. "I want to eat the eggs that you made, too." A pause; she laughs softly. "Y'know, I gave up on thinking I'd say that to anyone, years ago."
"Me too." Karlach's smile fades. "I gave up on a lot of things. Fucked up that that nautiloid feels like it might've been the best thing that ever happened to me."
Tav hoists herself up again, this time curling into a sitting position in Karlach's lap and kissing her softly. "Yeah. I know what you mean. I don't miss that lonely road, that's for sure."
She tilts her head slowly to one side, and then grins crookedly, draping her arms around Karlach's neck. "I do have to tell you something, though..."
Karlach tilts her head to one side. "Yeah?"
Tav snickers. "Those eggs you mentioned? I think they're burning."
"Oh, fuck--" Karlach jolts to her feet and darts away from the tent towards the campfire, leaving Tav sprawled on the ground and laughing hysterically.
"Next time," she calls after Karlach cheerfully, "romantic speech first - then cooking."
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astrhae · 1 year
i really enjoyed your latest six of crows fic!! this is probably going to sound so strange, but kaz's brief cameo was so on point that it made me wish for a concurrent fic of the other crows and what they're up to in this au
hi hello!! thank you so much 🥰 and that isn't strange at all! i'm really glad that you liked it down to all the little cameos 💙 i can't promise a concurrent fic but here's a little scene i deleted that has kaz in it (this is when wylan actually first meets kaz, a little bit after jesper reads their marriage contract for them)
"Why the change of mind?" Kaz didn't bother addressing Wylan. "All your letters until a month ago told me you despised your husband."
Jesper swallowed, and cast a guilty glance at Wylan, his fingers drumming nervously on the windowsil they were perched on. "I, uh," he shrugged, smile turning suddenly coy to smother his guilt, "was reminded of some things."
Kaz didn't look remotely impressed. He simply stood in the palace guest rooms they'd prepared for him and Inej, looking both distinctly out of place and perfectly suited to the gilded halls and carpeted floors. "I need to know I can trust your reasons, or I'll be taking my kruge on my walk to the palace vaults."
The only reason he doesn't steal from me, Jesper had told Wylan, is because good standing with the royal family is a better long term investment than a crown jewel.
"I blew someone up for him," Wylan answered before Jesper could, and that made Kaz turn to him, a hunter catching a sniff of prey.
"After I shot a guy for him," Jesper grumbled.
Kaz ran a gloved hand over the corner of a framed oil painting. De Kappel, the matching painting given to Wylan's father as part of his dowry. Stealing Wylan's flute from the mansion had turned out to be proof of concept: that it could be done.
"You didn't tell me your husband had marketable skills," Kaz said.
"I'm not for sale," Wylan frowned.
Jesper snorted at Kaz. "And if he was, you wouldn't be able to pay for him."
"Is that a challenge?" Kaz asked.
"Wylan's a sure bet," Jesper said, "Besides, it was a change of heart too."
What? Wylan didn't catch Kaz's little scowl, or what he muttered next, too busy running his mind over possibilities, turning Jesper's words around in his head. A change of heart -
"I've decided my terms of payment," the snap of Kaz's cane as he walked closer was muffled by the carpet, but it was sharp all the same. "I'd like Wylan as my consultant."
Jesper scrunched his nose. "No."
"Yes," Wylan said. He knew what Kaz had planned was likely illegal. He also knew that Jan Van Eck's accounting books never added up. "I can tell you everything you need."
"Let me rephrase," Kaz said. "I want you as a permanent consultant."
"He's a Prince!" Jesper protested.
Kaz raised a brow. "So are you. It's called career diversification."
Jesper groaned when Wylan laughed. "Wylan's already diversified into a royal mess."
Wylan sniffed. "I melted a table once, and I cleaned up the mess."
He declined to supply that he'd spilled the chemicals because he'd been a little distracted, by Jesper's little laugh, and the spin of the gun that followed.
"Melting tables," Kaz didn't allow himself to be sidetracked, his eyes taking an edge of wildness to them, a stormcloud flashing lightning. "What about melting locks and safes?"
Wylan nodded. "I just need to change the formula a little."
"See?" Kaz smirked. "Marketable skills."
Jesper groaned again, and Wylan wondered what he'd gotten himself into. Marriage, his mind supplied, and then friendship and family, and, as he thought of Kaz burning Van Eck's power to the ground, he thought, just maybe, home.
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lu-sn · 1 year
what do you see as the most likely thing pete does post canon? is he involved in the family business? does he have a job outside the mafia? are he and vegas both retired?
let's assume vegas has recovered as much as he can from the shooting and that he's done whatever he needs to do to get himself and his family out from under korn's thumb. so we're talking deep post-canon.
if vegas is still in the mafia somehow — in any capacity — i have no doubt that pete will function as his right hand. (or left hand. hell, both.) he's definitely got the skill set for it, and i think he would really enjoy it! it's a perfect outlet for his brand of undying loyalty, and he gets to bestow that loyalty upon someone who is equally insane about him and who will let him beat up as many people as he wants ❤️
but i don't want that for them. i think vegas in particular deserves that soft epilogue — a chance at the life he could have had all along without his father hovering behind him. so let's imagine vegas has found something to do with his time that hits that perfect balance of high stakes and high fulfillment and very very high odds of survival. pete is very happy for him, and also the tiniest bit bereft. unlike vegas, pete needs something physical.
so pete is ambling back from the grocery store, idly wondering whether he needs to be trying to do something with all of his free time, when he stumbles upon some sort of scuffle just waiting to break out in a dank alleyway. and pete manages to spot a kid in there, far too young, definitely biting off more he can chew, definitely about to get his ass beat, and — well. pete's been itching for a fight anyway.
pete hikes up his pha khao ma and lays everyone in that alley flat, and once most everyone has scampered away with their tails between their legs, the kid stares at pete, and scowls at him, and sneers out a "didn't think i asked, old man."
here's the thing. i don't think pete has any sort of affinity or good hand with kids. he's probably the type to get walked over by most teenagers (exhibit A: macau during canon). but there's a particular category of kid that i think pete would immediately have the upper hand on; surly, prone to anger, snippy, sad underneath all of that. in short, kids who are a mini-vegas 😂
(somewhere not so far away, vegas is crouched in front of his vegetable patch, suddenly feeling very annoyed, and has no idea why 😌)
so pete smiles pleasantly, says "better work on your stance then," picks up his groceries and starts walking away — only for this kid to catch up to him and go "i guess you're good enough, so you might as well teach me."
this post is already long 😅 basically, this kid will not stop pestering pete, and pete somehow ends up training the kid on a daily basis in their backyard, and happens to unleash a lot of life advice that this kid is very desperately in need of (e.g. "knowing how to fight isn't worth anything if you don't know which fights you shouldn't pick"). and he notices some other kids peeking through the fencing watching them, so he sighs a deep sigh and tells them they might as well come in.
some of these kids remind him too much of vegas — or of himself. he finds himself wanting good things for them, wanting to help them be just a little bit happier — which is the kind of help neither he nor vegas received when they were younger.
he ends up being pretty damn good at it.
so pete is giving a bunch of kids a safe space and a healthy outlet for their anger, totally by accident. to answer your question, anon, i guess that makes him a community youth counselor 😂
vegas finds this all kind of bemusing, and is more than a little tilted that pete seems to be attracting all of the little vegases in a 30km radius, but hey! he gets to shovel his cooking into more mouths now! he's totally in denial about how much he enjoys that.
(much later, pete abruptly sits up from where he's resting his head in vegas's lap, and he exclaims, "did i accidentally start a gang???"
vegas considers this for a long moment, shrugs, goes "maybe we should have stayed in the mafia after all.")
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inkykeiji · 4 months
my brain decided to remind me of that rockstar!touya thing you brought up a while back and i’m once again pissed that i didn’t take his virginity (AND ON TOP OF THAT HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO BIRTH A CHILD BEFORE MEETING ME??? ABSOLUTELY NOT) so yeah i’m angrily eating my goldfish crackers and pretending it didn’t happen
- very very jealous 🌿 anon
herb bb!!! HAHAHA oh my gosh, yes yes yes rockstar dabi is still in the works, sitting buried in my documents </3 i’m so torn between posting it here as a fic versus publishing it as an original novella (i love the story very much, it’s very personal to me) >.<
anyway he’d find it SO cute that you’re feeling this way <3 it’d make him all giddy to know that you feel this strongly about it, that you care about him this much, that you want him this bad <3 it really stokes his ego, and he most definitely teases you about it, all playful and patronizing—yet his voice is soft, usually sharp edges dulled with love, and he’s nuzzling into your neck and licking along the line of your jaw as he promises that he wishes it was you, the confession sealed into your skin with sloppy kisses <3
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andaniellight · 4 days
i feel the need to say this because it's been bothering me the whole day /pos
i started watching black out because of this post of yours https://www.tumblr.com/andaniellight/761205004460851200/do-you-understand-the-violence-it-took-to-become?source=share it's very moving, but i'm still in episode 9 and then while taking a break i read your personal analysis? on sangcheol's character. somehow it led me to check on the actor's social media. on instagram go jun has been intervewed for his sangcheol role which kind of mindblowing because, first it's by forbes https://www.instagram.com/p/DAQPySlzD3D/?igsh=MTF6cDlyODdyYWprdw==
and second go jun said something along the line about "this character is gentle to the vulnerable" and i just !!!! idk how to explain it i know it's not even close to luck or miracle but i feel like i'm fated by you - the way you're fated to be into this series. gentleness that's everything. just woven by the concept of gentleness. i think i'm going to lose my mind do you get me???
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Oh my God........ Anon... This could possibly be the most insane DM I've ever received because WDYM YOU'RE FATED BY ME THE WAY I'M FATED TO BE INTO THIS SERIES??? THROUGH THE CONCEPT OF GENTLENESS?????? WDYM.
ANON, WDYM........
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allfortzu · 5 months
Do you have any recommendations of twice fic series, mainly fantasy or thriller genre? I'm in the mood to read one but It's hard to find nowadays 🫤
I agree!! these genres are difficult to write in rpf so I get it, but I still get sad 😭😭 maybe you've already read these ones too, but here are a few I like!!! (and other adjacent-ish ones 🫂)
do keep in mind that I don't really read thriller, if at all, so sorry if my interpretation of it is mild 😭
play your cards right -- eternallylilac (mitzu // fantasy/medieval!au // maybe horror? angst) (very underrated 🥹)
elegy to a dying breath -- @judjira (saida // horror/thriller? // angst)
not traditional fantasy, but:
stumbling through the dark -- yodaonce (superpower!au // found family) (this fic consumed me and every day I eagerly await an update)
you better hold onto what's left of me -- artistic_groove (natzu // pacificrim!au // incomplete)
how to train your dragon rider -- artistic_groove (datzu // dragons!au // fluff)
burning -- sorrymom (minayeon, samo // atla!au // I haven't finished this but it's by sorrymom so! it'll be good 🫂)
I hope you like some of these!!! 🫶🫶
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theloveinc · 1 year
caitie plz i need the angst need to hear the backstory of shinso putting work before you and the baby…id like to think he didn’t outright say it and somehow that even hurt more to think he couldn’t admit it to himself
(pt.i here!)
Yessss I think that's exactly what happens, too!
Like, to him specifically, it never actually emotionally feels like he's choosing work over you, you know, he's not in the sense that he does love you both more than ANYTHING. But at the same time, he's also unable to actually stop himself from putting way too much into the job, even when you go from asking to literally begging him to.
Honestly, I think part of him doesn't realize he's doing it. Every second he's at work, he's thinking about you... it doesn't matter TO HIM that it's the third night (or day) in a row he's spent sleeping at the agency, it doesn't matter to him that he hasn't been there for any mealtimes or bedtimes or bath times with his daughter, or anything else... since he's keeping you in his heart, he believes it's not so bad as, for example, real abandonment.
Except it lowkey is.
(For such a smart guy, he's super, SUPER dumb about it—the very few times in a week he's home to see you, he's getting annoyed when you try to bring up him cutting his hours back: not even for your sake but for your daughter's... and then getting angsty when you get annoyed. He can't remember exactly when you start getting really mad.)
But then you hit him with separation papers and the topic of divorce and the whole world comes crashing down on him. I don't want to say you have one of those cliche moments when you literally ask him to choose between family or work as he's walking out the door................ but absolutely that is what I want to say, at least in the sense that I think:
You're talking about trying to make things work, finally, FINALLY, he took a few days off to sort things out with you and commit to being a father... and just when things are starting to seem like they'll be okay in the end (AKA: he was actually able to get you to smile and accept a gentle kiss), in the middle of the night, one of the first he's actually been back in your bed, he's getting a phone call about needing to come into the agency and...
You're sitting up in the dark as he's walking to the bedroom door, and you just know what's happening, and he's turning to look at you and no words are even needed to get across that if he leaves, you won't let him back in.
(And then that's really when he starts to sleep under his desk, eat literally nothing and go out on patrol for HOURS ON END, and actually process the extent of what's happened; that it was just as bad as leaving you all together in the first place, especially with a baby in the picture... and the fact that it was a decision he literally, consciously made.
(It took lecture upon lecture from Aizawa, Denki, Deku, fuck, Monoma, before he was able to get himself a half-decent apartment and actually reach out and to figure out a co-parenting schedule w/ you. Lord knows he'd never ask you to bend over backwards for him ever fucking again.)
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blaithnne · 6 months
Anom form Earlier to say .
We reboot that show again and we add the 1960s Yuri because I think the world needs it .
It may not be in the show but I still will give it a watch.
Also isn't Darkwing Duck in an Episode?
Anon you have no idea how extensively I’ve thought about this. I have three separate ideas for a spin off set in the 60s era, a follow up in the 80s-90s, and a modern day reboot. My autism powers are ultimately useless but they provide entertainment within my brain
Also yeah, a few!
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kanteryuuzen · 1 year
What's the most interesting thing Russell has introduced you to?
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((Sorry it took sooo long to answer anon!!!!! >< Thank you very much for sending the only one ask though chu2 may you have a nice day & your fav End Roll chara come in your dream!!🥰💖💗💕✨ ))
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