#i hope this isn’t just an annoying block of text
justaflatbitch · 1 year
horus blessing anon here. saw ur reblog, i hate to say it but i dunno much about egypt ngl other than some of the gods. would love to learn more tho
(this is an invitation to infodump if you want :3)
Gods, where to start. Okay, I’ll try to keep it to the conventionally interesting parts and since I don’t want to offend anyone I’ll keep the religious aspect to a minimum with the exception of the fact that there is absolutely 0 evidence to support the notion that a large number of Hebrew slaves were kept there. In fact, slaves weren’t really even used to build the pyramids. The people that built the pyramids, while not the highest class there was, were definitely respected people. They got fuckloads of booze made by people higher class than them as a kind of bonus for their work and were often able to join into higher classes as well.
Another important group of people, and to me the most important group of people, were the scribes. Out of all ancient societies, Egypt was far and away the best at bookkeeping. Being a scribe in Egypt wasn’t like European scripting, it was a position of respect, you had to work at it from childhood because it was such an in demand job but at the same time it was one of the most under pressure fields you could have. That also allowed scribes to have, in my opinion, the most interesting tombs because, while unfortunately small, a Scribe’s final place of rest is a treasure trove of knowledge, wherein one could learn so much about every detail of the goings on during the 20 or so years they’d have been active.
My favourite however, was the priests, specifically the priests of the goddess Bast. Bast was a fierce goddess with an anthro cat appearance. She covered many aspects from being a housewife to being a war doctor to just being a menace in wars, thus her priests followed suit. They were the caretakers in an out of battle and while we don’t have much evidence that they were fighters, I really hope they were.
Priests had the third most grand resting places of any ancient Egyptian group, Royals obviously having the best and the pets of royalty being second. Yes, pets have always been a thing.
I’m in the midst of studying to work in artefact restoration and while looting and glorified trophy rooms (western museums) have taken much away from these beautiful grounds I put in a lot of work to change that.
Thats all that i can think of off the top of my head, i might add more to this later in reblogs if i think of something else that a wide variety of people would find interesting.
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Brother's Best Friend - Part 4
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: Did I write an angstier version of this chapter and then rewrite the last half entirely because y'all deserve a fluffy read? Yes, yes I did. Thank you for all your wonderful ideas! I've got them all lined up for future chapters hehehe So don't be blaming me for the heartache you're inflicting upon yourselves XD Muah!
Summary: The trials and tribulations of falling for your brother's best friend.
CW: Swearing, suggestive language, protective Jake
WC: 2000+
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Masterlist
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“You have a what?” Jake exclaims, nearly choking on his coffee.
“A date,” you repeat, smiling giddily at both him and Bradley. “We met at pub night last week and we’ve been texting.”
“Texting?” Jake raises his eyebrows skeptically. He looks over at Bradley as though he expects him to express an opinion, but Bradley just rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“Be careful,” your brother says, returning his attention to the plate of scrambled eggs before him.
You snort. “In what way?”
“In all ways,” Jake chimes in, clearly annoyed that Bradley has nothing else to add. “Guys are dicks so keep your guard up.”
You give Jake a humorous look. “Not all guys,” you say.
Jake nods at you. “All guys.”
You shake your head with a laugh. “This isn’t my first date, Jake.”
“Just work under the assumption that all guys are dicks, alright?” he says. “That way, when he turns out to be a dick, you won’t be shocked.”
You set down the jar of jam you’re holding and let out a sigh. Since the incident with couch girl, Jake has gone out with three different women, which, to be fair, is normal for him. Still, you’re just about done pining over your brother’s best friend, whose signals you’ve clearly misread. If guys are dicks, then Jake Seresin is exhibit A. “He’s actually super sweet,” you say, taking your toast out of the toaster.
“Don’t be fooled,” Jake mutters.
Bradley grimaces as he looks up at you. “He’s not wrong.”
“I have dated plenty of nice guys,” you say. “Just because the two of you are assholes to women, doesn’t mean all men are.”
Bradley claps a hand to his chest. “Me?” he cries in disbelief.
Jake puckers his lips and gives you a sheepish grin without disputing your claim.
“I’m not going into this with your negative energy,” you say, waving your arms at the two of them. “Because maybe he’s nothing like you.”
“One could hope.” Jake shrugs.
Bradley eyes him dubiously. “Just be careful,” he repeats.
“Don’t worry, it’s just dinner and a movie,” you say, bringing your breakfast to the table.
“What movie are you going to go see?” Jake asks.
“I don’t know,” you reply. “We’re going back to his place so probably something on Netflix.”
Jake sets down his fork and knife and stares at you. “You’re going where?”
You ignore Jake’s outburst and take a bite out of your toast. “I’ll be home late,” you say, mostly to Bradley. “So, don’t wait up.”
Jake stares at you. “You can’t just go to some random dude’s home,” he says.
You cock your head at him inquisitively. “Interesting advice coming from someone who brings home random girls almost daily.”
Jake presses his lips together and exhales moodily. “That’s different.”
Bradley smirks, eyeing him expectantly.
“How?” you ask.
Jake rises from his seat and lifts his coffee cup. “Do whatever you want,” he says. “Bradshaw, let’s go, we’re gonna be late.”
Bradley gives you a resigned sort of look and shoves one last piece of toast into his mouth. “I’m driving,” he says with his mouth full.
“You better not be blocking me in!” you yell at their backs as they head for the front door.
That night, your date drops you off at the end of your driveway, leaning in for a kiss before you exit his car. You give him a quick peck and a tight smile before stepping out of the vehicle, knowing that, despite the evening having been pleasant enough, you’re probably not going to pursue the relationship further.
He asks about seeing you later in the week and you peek back through his car window and respond with a polite maybe because perhaps the guy deserves another chance. You walk up to the porch as he drives away, and then try the door before searching for your keys in the dark.
The door is unlocked, so you walk in, flicking on the light, and the first thing you see is Jake as he steps away from the window facing the driveway and places his hands on his hips.
“He didn’t want to walk you to the door?” he asks sternly.
You grimace at him. “Why are you here?”
“Bradley had to stay late tonight so I came to make sure you got home alright.”
You blink at him coolly. “And that involves spying on me?”
“If I were spying on you, you wouldn’t know about it,” Jake retorts, starting for the kitchen. “You hungry?”
“I just came from dinner,” you remind him, taking off your heels.
You follow him into the kitchen, dropping your purse on the floor as you go. You’re suddenly feeling extremely tired. Jake opens the refrigerator and starts taking out ingredients for a meal while you walk past him and land on the couch in the living room. Jake cranes his neck to look at you over the island. “I’m making spaghetti,” he calls.
“Knock yourself out,” you reply, closing your eyes.
You hear Jake step around the island and enter the living room, and then you feel the depression of the couch as he plants himself down by your feet. You open your eyes again. “Yes?” you say.
Jake watches you blankly for a second before finally blurting out, “How’d it go?”
You furrow your eyebrows, still confused by his interest in your dating life. You pull your knees up so that your feet don’t keep sliding into him and pretend like you aren’t at all intrigued by his question. “Fine,” you respond nonchalantly.
Jake nods although he doesn’t look entirely satisfied with your answer. “Still think he’s nice?”
You eye him wryly. “Very.”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “Too nice?”
You make a face at him. “What’s too nice?”
Jake shrugs. “Boring.”
You give him a flat look. “This perspective explains so much,” you say, pointing at him reproachfully.
Jake laughs. “Girls don’t like nice guys.”
“I like nice guys!” you exclaim, sitting up with renewed energy.
Jake eyes you skeptically. “Sure, you do.” His gaze sweeps over your face in a slightly provocative manner and you get the sense again that he might be into you. And this possibility sends a rush through your body that makes your head spin. However, you remind yourself that, if this were, in fact, the case, Jake wouldn’t be going out and sleeping with a new woman every other night, because that would be counterintuitive. Besides, you are getting over him, anyway. You are well on your way to recovery.
You shake your head at him and lean your back into the armrest of the couch.
“You dressed up for him,” he notes, meeting your gaze as you glance up at him.
“Would you rather I undressed for him?” you ask pointedly.
Jake blinks at you uncomfortably. He looks like he might be sick. “Don’t joke about that,” he says, rubbing his forehead anxiously.
“You started it.”
“I just meant ” – he sighs without looking at you – “I just meant, you look good.”
“Then just say that,” you retort. “Without being a dick about it.”
He turns to look at you with an apologetic sort of cringe contorting his features. “Guess I’m not a ‘nice’ guy,” he mutters, complete with air quotes.
You stare at him, wondering if he’s hinting at something. You kick him in the leg with your foot. “Don’t be weird.”
He chuckles. “Come on,” he says, rising from the couch. “Let’s eat.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“But I want company,” he says with a slight whine, bending forward to grab your wrists and pull you up off the couch.
You let him lift you to your feet, your body crashing briefly into his while you find your balance. Jake releases you instantly and takes a step back, holding his hands up as though he doesn’t want to be held responsible for initiating the contact.
“Sorry,” he mutters quickly.
You give him a look. “I said, don't be weird, Jake.”
Three weeks later, you’re sitting with Jake on a patio, waiting for Bradley to bring the three of you drinks from the bar.
“Can I ask you a question?” you say tentatively, making sure that Bradley is still inside the pub.
“Shoot,” Jake responds, downing the last of his beer.
“It’s about my boyfriend,” you say.
Jake cringes. “He’s your boyfriend now?”
You shrug. “I mean, I guess. We haven’t really formally established our relationship status.”
Jake nods. “And you want out?”
“What? No!”
“What’s the question, then?” Jake raises his eyebrows.
“It’s about the sex,” you say, stirring your drink with your straw to avoid looking at him.
“The what?” Jake exclaims, reaching for his empty glass of beer and bringing it to his mouth before realizing there is nothing left.
You clear your throat and glance up at him, slightly mortified. “It’s… it’s good, it’s just” –
“Woah, woah, woah!” he shouts, leaping up from his seat as though your words have burned him. “I don’t want to hear about that!”
You give him a flat look. “Jake, I literally found you naked on my couch last month. The least you could do is give me some guidance.”
Jake squirms. “I’m not – I can’t,” he stammers. “I don’t think I can listen to this.”
“Why not?!”
Jake lets out a dramatic moan. “Why don’t you ask your brother?”
“For advice on my sex life?” you hiss.
“Don’t you have friends?” Jake asks, dropping back into his seat.
“I need a guy’s opinion.”
Jake lets out an irritable sigh and gives his head a slight shake to indicate that he’s still not on board with this turn of events. “Don’t you have guy friends?”
You nod. “I do. And you’re one of them. Are you not?”
Jake stares at you defeatedly. “How detailed is this going to get?”
You glance over your shoulder to check on the crowd of people waiting for drinks at the bar, looking for your brother. You spot him nowhere near the counter, chatting up a stunning brunette, and resolve that you have at least fifteen minutes alone with Jake. You turn back to him and say, “That depends on how helpful you want to be.”
Jake whimpers. “I have no alcohol left.”
You roll your eyes. “Have mine,” you say, sliding your cocktail across the bistro table.
Jake takes the glass from you, his hand wrapping momentarily around yours before you let go. “Okay,” he says, taking a big gulp. “I’m ready.”
“Okay,” you say with a hesitant sigh. “So, the thing is, he really wants to try” –
“Nope, no, nuh-uh,” Jake says, shaking his head. “I don’t want to know.” He buries his face in his hands.
“Dude, I need your help!”
“You want my advice? Here it is,” he says, leaning into the table so suddenly that you jerk backward just to prevent a collision between your two faces. “Doesn’t matter what he wants to try if you’re not comfortable with it.”
“But it’s” –
Jake holds up a hand. “I don’t care what it is. If you’re sittin’ here talkin’ to me about it, it means you don’t want to do it.”
You stare at him, wondering when Jake Seresin had the opportunity to amass such profound wisdom. You furrow your eyebrows. “Even if it’s, like, supposedly a normal thing people do?”
Jake hooks his eyebrow; you’ve piqued his interest. “That’s what he told you?”
You nod slowly.
Jake lets out a long, heavy breath through his nose, his lips pressed tightly together as his jaw clenches. He studies your face with a look of concern. “You tell that asshole that the next time he pressures you into doing anything, he’s going to have to deal with me.” Jake takes another swig of your cocktail and then adds, “And your brother, of course.”
You grimace. “He’s not pressuring me. It just… was brought to my attention that there is a particular thing that we could be doing – that many people do – that we’re not currently doing – that… ugh, it would be so much easier if you just let me tell you what the thing is!”
Jake places a hand on your knee. “If you tell me what the thing is, I might hurl.” You groan in frustration while Jake pats your leg sympathetically. He shakes his head. “I knew this guy was gonna be a dick.”
Read Part 5
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jymwahuwu · 1 year
okay hi i’m new here and i was wondering if 1.) i could be 🍧 anon. and 2.) i was hoping to request yandere!jing yuan with a fem!reader who and yes this goes back to another rq you did of jing who kept spamming and calling reader to do the naughty, becomes super fed up with his shit and starts avoiding him irl. as like, she’s avoiding him and what have you, the texts- calls- and pictures all get progressively more frequent, until you’re basically waking up to pictures of him laying in bed w/o a shirt or, a pic of him after he gets ready- asking if you like his outfit and think he looks good.
but like reader becomes so annoyed that she tries blocking him, changing her number, avoiding him, and he only takes it as motivation to keep up his antics because he KNOWS how flustered it makes you, and he isn’t going to stop. but now he’s becoming slowly more creepy to the point he calls you and says “oh hey bby i’m on my way over 😘 leave the door unlocked for me”
anyways— thanks if you get the chance to do this request! i love ur work and can’t wait to see more from you!
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related content: yan! jing yuan keeps spamming you and calling you
thanks for your encouragement! sure u can be 🍧 anon! visiting your house is really creepy lmaooo is there any way to stop him?
TW: yandere, non-con, harassment, looks like delusional but he's not delusional, somehow super lucid
Oh this is going to happen someday, you have all the desperate attempts to stop Jing Yuan- block him, keep changing numbers, check yourself on the street if you are being followed, and walk into the crowd. What you get are messages from [new number] praising your stunts (for avoiding him) and telling you that he really wants you to bend over if it's not in public. There's even something like "[photos 2], [photos 9], [voice message 2:16]". A large number of explicit texts and photos to lure your desire.
You look for a button to turn off message notifications, but somehow there's no way, just like you can't hang up those calls. You believe that your mobile phone has been hacked, but that is the power of Xianzhou technology, what ability do you have to refuse…?
Today's a weird but good day - you didn't see [new messages 42], nor were you distracted by morning and late-night phone calls leading you to surreptitiously watch porn. You're at home enjoying the peace of mind while sipping your favorite drink and watching space TV. However, halfway through the show, you receive a call from the general.
"Huh?" You were a little numb.
"Oh hey baby I'm on my way over!" There was a cheerful voice over there, which brought a bit of sunshine compared to the previous low voice. "Remember to leave the door unlocked for me-" You didn't hold it steady for a few seconds, and the drink in your hand spilled out - what does it mean? Jing Yuan on the way to your house?
"Wait… what?!" The call was over. You opened the chat history with your trembling fingertips, there was indeed a message last night saying "Baby here has a surprise for you tomorrow so we can have a good time (♡˙︶˙♡)"
What follows is your choice, but with the same consequences. You can leave the house temporarily, or stay in the house but lock the door and put a stick or something on the door handle. Leaving the house will only be caught by him like a kitten and brought home under the shocked eyes of everyone. And the option to lock the door, you're so naive, aren't you? Jing Yuan rings the door bell first and tells you "baby your dear boyfriend is here". After getting no response, the general murmured that he was lucky to have your spare key, and you who eavesdropped behind the door covered your mouth to suppress the screaming - how could he have your house key? Seeing that the door handle was stuck, Jing Yuan casually smashed the door handle with a relaxed smile on his face.
It's like a surreal nightmare for you now with an immersive live-action experience.
"Baby, I'm home. Are you eager?" He put his hands around your waist and lifted you off the ground. This is the first thing Jing Yuan does after entering your home. No matter how flustered and annoyed you are, asking him to put you down, the general will hold your waist tightly, feeling your breath contentedly. It takes a full minute before you get back to the ground.
Jing Yuan tries to act like a thoughtful boyfriend, cuddling with you on the couch watching a show (ignoring your struggle in a huff, stroking your boobs), giving you teahouse's popular drink (and throwing the original drink). There's a raised tent rubbing your butt, and you writhe in embarrassment.
General's plan for you is a sweet date at home, and… a sex marathon! He already told you how to pamper you, right? He started holding your cheek and kissing you affectionately and slowly, even as you whined with your eyes closed and pushed his chest with tears. He shudders as the cock buries into your warm and tight walls. It was better than he'd ever imagined in any call. You whimper "no", "this is too big", "I don't want to…" Jing Yuan shushes you, tells you you are adorable, stretches you unhurriedly with his dick.
Even though your house is small for him, Jing Yuan sees this as a lovely bird house. He starts fucking you all over the house, from bumping you on the dining table to overstimulating you and forcing you to squirt on the bed. If you have a balcony or a garden, Jing Yuan even considers taking you out to tease you a little. Of all the furniture, his favorite is your little bathtub. After being exhausted, Jing Yuan puts you in a bathtub filled with warm water and bubbles for you to relax, just like a responsible boyfriend would do. After taking a bath, he knew that you might not be able to walk by yourself now, so he carried you to the bed. He changes you into a pajamas patterned with furry animals. He loves doing these sweet things for you!
General pats you on the back, gently wiping away your tears. Your screaming isn't getting any help. You can only whine, sob, and sniff - until... you hyperventilate and fall asleep. He knows it's a packed schedule for a first date, so it's understandable that you'd be overwhelmed.
He took a picture of your sleeping face, clasped his fingers with you, and fell asleep together. There will be more sweet dates in the future. You will get used to it, right?
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natailiatulls07 · 1 year
The golden trio Pt 7
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Lando Norris x female!reader
Carlos Sainz x female!reader
Max Verstappen & Female!reader & Charles Leclerc
Summary - Being bestfriends with two famous formula one drivers is never easy, but what will happen when you get involved with yet another formula one driver??
Warning - swearing, arguing, Lando being toxic
A/n - Ik I said 2pm but I finished college early sooo early post!!! 🥳 I hope you like it!!!!
The golden trio
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Soft launch? 😒 Hard launch? 🥵
Tagged: yourusername
Liked by charles_leclerc and 81,925 others
username Mommy? Daddy?
username Wait because this actually works ngl 🤭
charles_leclerc Keep it pg please!!
= yourusername No.
= charles_leclerc 🖕🏻
username Isn’t he 29? And she’s 22??
= username Yeah so?
= username Just a bit weird in my opinion
username A stunning pair!!
yourusername 🤍🤍🤍
Text (Orange: Lando) (Red: Carlos)
Wtf! What is wrong with you??!
Wdym? I don’t know what you’re on about 😐
Oh fuck off, mate yes you do
Oh you mean dating Y/n?
Yeah wtf! That’s my girlfriend!
*ex girlfriend
You cheated, she moved on. Simple as that
Look I don’t know what you’re playing at but I don’t find it funny
I’m not playing at anything, just giving a girl what she deserves
Look I have to go, I have a date. See you!
You’re a cunt! You know that right? A real asshole
landonorris posted a story
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Shut up 🙄
Tagged: carlossainz55 maxverstappen1 charles_leclerc
Liked by f1gossip and 59,389 others
username The rainbow top!! 😍
username 🔥🔥🔥
maxverstappen1 When did you take that pic??
= yourusername I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️
username Wait the caption! 😳
username Anyone else see the caption!!
= username Thank you!
charles_leclerc I need bleach for my eyes!!
= maxverstappen1 Sameeee
= yourusername Shut up you teen boys 😒
username Can we talk about Lando’s deleted story and Y/n’s instagram caption?!?!?! 😳
username Wait what did Lando say???
username So Lando posted a story saying ‘tired of your bullshit’ and then deleted it but then Y/n posted a photo dump with the caption saying ‘shut up’
username Oh shit!
username Yeah I think they’re both very sour about this whole thing tbh
username But Lando cheated, he has no right to feel sour about her dating Carlos
username IKR!!!
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Spotted: Lando Norris in the Sass Cafe Monaco. According to one of my DMs who talked to him, he said that he’s annoyed with Carlos and Y/n right now. What do you guys think?
Liked by username and 2,472 others
username For fucks sake!
username Right I can see where he’s coming from but Y/n had every right to move on to Carlos
= username Yeah like he lost that chance, and she‘s just getting what she deserves
username I mean it’s his fault it all went to shit in the first place
username Is that the same girl he kissed in his car??
= username Yeah I think it is!
= username Mate he’s making the whole situation worse!! 🤡
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Spotted: Lando Norris and Y/n L/n outside of her apartment block arguing. Some onlookers have said they heard Lando saying “Why? Him of all people!? Come on Y/n, you know the kiss with that girl meant nothing!” It wasn’t long before Y/n started to cry at something Lando had said, what he said we don’t know.
Liked by username and 3,472 others
username Fuck off nah!!!
username I wanna know what he said!! Please!!
username Oh shit this is big 🫣
username In public as well!
username OMG I don’t know how to feel 😰
username Everyone see the Y/n and Lando’s argument???!
username Yeah! I wanna know what they said, like this is crazy!!
username An onlooker heard “Why? Him of all people!? Come on Y/n, you know the kiss with that girl meant nothing!” Said by Lando but that’s it!
username That’s not enough!!!!
username I was in Monte Carlo with my family, and we were there. I heard her say “Look Lando, I love you but I can’t trust you after that” She sounded soooo sad 🥺
username Poor girl, she’s just like us!!
yourusername posted a story
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Text (White: Reader) (Red: Charles)
Hey are you alright??
Yeah, I’m just annoyed that everyone is trying to get up in our business
Look me and Max wish we could be there for you rn but yeah…
Ik, it’s okay. You have your jobs to do 🤍
Well facetime us anytime, we don’t mind
Ofc thank you, also tell Max that when you guys come back he needs to sort out his gym equipment it’s mad!!
Will do, bye Bee 🤍
Bye bye Charlie 👋🏻
Tag list: @eviethetheatrefreak @janeholt3 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @namelesssav @amalialeclerc @eugene-emt-roe @skepvids @ravisinghs-wife @bellaturner @roseseraj @darleneslane @jpg3 @minkyungseokie
411 notes · View notes
Forever Mine
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Yandere! Ryusei Shidou x Fem! Reader (ft. implied yandere Bachira)
Summary: What happens when Ryusei’s biggest admirer/borderline stalker ends up with someone else who isn’t him? 
A/n: THIS FEELS VERY OOC, setting is confusing too bc I don’t even mention Blue Lock, I just wanted this to be very dramatic. Also, idk how to write Shidou in one shots so feedback would be very appreciated! Either way, I hope you enjoy! Also to clarify, reader is more obsessive but she learns and grows from it.
Shidou watched with displeasure as you chatted away with that stupid Bachira guy so cheerfully. He absolutely despised the look on your face as you watched Bachira talk, those love sick eyes that took in every single feature of his face, and the way your body subconsciously leaned in closer to him. It made him sick, honestly. Once upon a time, he was in Bachira’s spot, and it was HIS arm that you were begging to hang off of. 
Yeah, sure he found it annoying but he also liked the attention. Sometimes he’d indulge you and entertain himself by giving you just a miniscule amount of special attention, chuckling about how excited you got over a simple wink or sending you a small text of  sweet nothings. Then there were times where he would ignore you the whole day and leave you on read, seeing how upset and sad you looked the next day as your eyes silently begged him to look in your direction, and ultimately wondering what you did wrong for him to be so upset with you. Back then, he didn’t really feel that bad for you because it’s not like he really gave you any signs that he wanted something from you. Sure, he’d flirt here and there, but he never asked you to come back to him. Yet you always did.
Or, at least, you had.
Now here he was, glaring in jealousy as Bachira was the center of your attention and he seemed to genuinely enjoy it and care. Shidou did not want to admit that he fucked up, at first. He thought that you were only pursuing Bachira because you were just trying to get your mind off of him. Yet, when he tried to text you to assure himself that he could have you back anytime he wanted and that this was a phase, he got a notification saying he was blocked. You…blocked him. YOU BLOCKED HIM!?
He was going to confront you in public but he stopped when he saw what a happy couple you and Bachira made, it sickened him to his stomach to see you that happy with someone else. Now he was laying in his bed scrolling through his phone and reading the texts that he ignored from you, man, you were so fucking pathetic it was kinda adorable. He was also realizing that he was more than just an obsession to you, that your love for him might’ve been more genuine than he realized.
“It’s 2am and honestly, I can’t get you out of my mind. That play you made was amazing! Sure, it was overkill when you broke the guy’s leg but that steal was amazing…You’re amazing, Shidou. You’re gonna do amazing things and I hope I’m there next to you for all of it!’
“Hey, Ik you’re ignoring me today. I’m sorry if I did something wrong! I’ll take you out to make up for it if you’ll let me! There’s a great Korean restaurant that serves Yukhoe, ik that’s your fav!  I’d do anything for you, don’t forget that. <3”
“Words really can’t describe how much I think about you and how happy you make me. You’re so beautiful, even when you go wild, especially when you go wild. How can you make 
Others might think that you sounded like an infatuated stalker (which you were at this time) but to Shidou, he felt butterflies rereading these. He imagines you laying in bed sending these messages, typing these in with a big grin on your face or maybe a shy expression, and sending it with that cute-ass giggle you had. He remembers just seeing the insane amount of texts you would send him in the middle of the night and how he’d just open, scroll, and close his phone. His grip on his phone tightens at the thought of Bachira getting these texts from you, eating up your praises and responding to them unlike Shidou. He thinks about how you could’ve moved on so fast but then he sees the date on all these texts and realizes, based on how much shorter the declarations of your undying get through the months, some even dating back to one or two years ago. There was bittersweet comfort that it took you so long to forget him but it was mostly bitter because all the time and he hadn’t wanted you as badly as he did right now. 
Scrolling through the other text messages, there is one that captures his eye that was from you. One that made his eyes wide but a smirk growing on his face and broke him out of his little pity party.
“I’m yours forever, Ryusei. Til the day I die.”
You were waiting for Bachira, giggling at your phone and yawning a little since the both of you stayed up so late texting each other again. You’re sure you’d feel more energetic after having coffee with Bachira, who was currently on his way. You smiled to yourself as you read his texts to you last night, he was such a sweetheart in every way. You chilled out a bit after your situationship (if you could even call it that) and learned from your clingy habits but it was nice to know that Bachira was as obsessed with you as you were with him. Honestly, it was hard for you to remember that you ever had a crush on-
You didn’t even have to think of the devil’s name for him to appear, that wide smirk on his face that had you swooning but now, now you felt small and it left an ache in your heart. You no longer harbored feelings for him but the hurt that he caused you was still evident.
“Shidou? No, baby, it’s Ryu. ‘Member?” He grinned. 
The slam was made by how harshly his hand hit your table, his flattened palm laid on top of a piece of paper and he was looming dangerously close to you that you backed up as far as you could into your seat.
“Um, right,” You say, not expecting to deal with this, “So, uh, what are you doing?”
“Was gonna ask ya the same question. Y’know, last night I was thinking about you…’bout us.”
What Us? There was never an “Us”.
It was him, it was always about him.
“...Okay.” You begin with an uncertain tone because  you weren’t sure where this was going, “I don’t really know what you’re talking about.”
He chuckles lowly, once more moving closer to you. The past you would have been absolutely overjoyed for him to want to be this close to but right now, you felt cornered. Trapped. Your eyes briefly flicker to the door in hopes that your boyfriend would come in and save you.
“I missed you, you know,” He admits, his tone softer and more genuine sounding, “That’s what you wanted to hear, right? Now you can leave that freak and be with me like you always wanted.”
You are too shocked to respond right away, you weren’t sure why all of a sudden he was saying all this stuff after you hadn’t talked to him in months but you didn’t like what he was implying.
“Why would I do that?” You stand up indignantly and glare at him. He’s unfazed and tilts his head, that smirk of his becoming more irritating by the second to your eyes, “Because that’s the reason you’re with him, right? To make me jealous? Guess what, sweetheart, it worked.”
“...What? No. No, that’s not the reason I’m with Bachira. I love him a-and he loves me! He makes me happy, he’s always so sweet to me, and yeah he’s a little wild at times but I love that about hi-”
“You don’t. You love me. You’re mine forever, remember?” He then took the piece of paper that he put on the table, and showed it to you. It was one of the last texts that you sent to Shidou, you weren’t sure if you were angry or embarrassed.
Or if you were concerned because he quite literally had to screenshot that text, crop it, and then print it out just to show it to you.
“Til the day you fucking die.” He said, emphasizing each word by tapping the photo with his finger. 
You can’t do this, you decided. You can’t deal with him. You have for two years because you thought you were in love but you were slightly more mature now. More wiser in the sense of knowing that you needed to get out of there because you honestly couldn’t stand to see his face any longer. When you grab your stuff and start to move, he steps in front of you.
“Aw, what’s the matter?” He fake pouts, his tone all whiny and annoying.
“I need to go, Shidou, Bachira-” 
He pushes you back down into your seat, putting both hands in his pockets and looking down at you. It’s scary how he could change from annoying to menacing really quickly and you nervously swallowed some spit down your throat. Now you didn’t feel like you were cornered, you felt like you were in the mouth of the dragon.
“Shut the fuck up about him for a second, won’t you?” Shidou growled, “If you say his name one more time or call me “Shidou” again, watch what happens.”
Everyone is staring at you now, you notice it when Shidou stops talking and only silence fills the air. The other patrons at the caffe all look at one another or keep their eyes glued to the scene, uncertain of what course of action they should take. Shidou narrows his eyes at you, only to soften his features. Damn, you were really pretty when you were scared. He really did have to take you back because no one else should be allowed to see you like this.
“Well, this isn’t any good.” Someone spoke up from behind him, Ryusei could recognize that voice from anywhere. And from the corner of his eye, he saw you visibly perk up, “Why are you bothering my girlfriend, Insect?”
“Better question, why weren’t you here to stop me?” Shidou shot back with a now strained grin. Bachira held up the big stuffed animal, “Oh, I saw this and thought (Y/N) would like it so I was gonna surprise her with it. Now, am I gonna hafta’ break your jaw?” 
“Oh, I bet you think you could, bowl cut-”
“Shidou!” You frown, making him stop in his tracks, “Please…leave. Just leave me and Bachira alone.”
 Fuck, you’re cute when you begged too. He looks at you before glancing over at your boyfriend, who was just daring him to do something before he looks at you.
“Fine,” He says, stuffing the paper into his pocket, “but remember, you’re the one to blame for this-” 
   He then turned around and smiled at Bachira, “And you’re just my placeholder, kay?”
    Bachira stuck his tongue out in response and made his way by your side, wrapping a protective arm around you as Shidou left but make no mistake, princess, he was coming back.
After all, you belonged to him. You can’t just overwhelm him with your love and take it all back.
He won’t let you.
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opertabry · 1 year
wrong number smau ➝ from bts??
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synopsis ➝ peer pressured by your group members, you ask a fellow idol for her number. but when you texted her that night, you realised that she wasn’t the person you were texting. what you didn’t know was that she gave karina’s, aepsa’s hotshot visual and leader, number to you.
chapter 1 ➝ from bts??
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jimin threw her phone into her bed when she heard another text shoot through.
“can this asshole just stop texting me?” jimin grumbled frustratedly, flopping on her bed and burrowing her head into her pillow.
minjeong, who was growing tired of hearing her leader’s complaints, pokes her head into her room, glancing over at jimin. “well, you do know you can block them if you’re really that bothered right..?”
jimin strains her head to look at minjeong (who was visibly amused, despite being the tiniest bit annoyed), making sure to send her the dirtiest glare she can muster before scoffing and letting her head fall back to the pillow. she waits until she hears minjeong’s footsteps reach her own room before she lets out another long groan. her head perks up when she hears the vibration of her phone, oh great she was getting a call.
she pushed herself up, fumbling to grab her phone, when she grabs it she looks at the ID and narrows her eyes.
“this ass is resorting to calling me now?” she mumbles to herself, glaring at her phone intently.
her finger hovered over the decline button, but she stops and considers; well, she could give whoever was bothering her a piece of her mind, she would feel a lot better.. right? right, she decides. she exhales a deep breath before answering and immediately yelling into the phone.
“listen up, i don’t care who you are, who you work for, whatever! stop. texting. me.”
“hello, wow. well aren’t you a sweetheart? hm, but you don’t sound like ryujin.”
jimin froze. ryujin? “are you high? of course i dont sound like ryujin! how would you know anyways?”
“oh. well i met her like today, wanted to be friends and asked for her number. hoping to, you know, get to know her. i came back and i texted, called. and now i’m here talking to you. isn’t this just my lucky day?” sarcasm dripped in your voice, your mouth felt sour when you realised that ryujin just gave some stranger’s number to you.
“you wanted to be friends with.. wait who the fuck are you?”
“well since you can’t find it in yourself to be polite, i will. nice to meet you, i’m kim y/n from le sserafim.” hearing those words ringing through her ears, jimin’s jaw slacks open. hurriedly, she ends the call and throws her phone to the end of her bed, yet again. she runs a hand through her hair, a thousand thoughts running through her mind, but only one stayed;
what the fuck was happening?
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taglist ➝ @aeongiies @rd0265667 @kyaitosz @haerinkisser @mightymyo
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isackwhy · 4 months
isaacwhy x bff! fem! reader
summary: you and isaac have been best friends since 2021 in the early discord days. you both got your content popular together and you stayed close friends with him and the rest of the boys. your feelings for him have only grown no matter how much you ignore it, no matter who you date—your best friend always remains in the back of your mind. but, isaac—there’s no way he’d like you. no way in hell. so you do what you have to do. separate yourself from him and after a few days of you not texting, isaac finally breaks as you stand in his kitchen without saying a word to him
mentions of the reader being chubby and insecure (slightly self indulgent whoops bc a bitch going thru a breakup and insecurities)
set in the second house :)
it was early december. isaac has been preparing for last to leave vc and normally you’d be helping like every year except this one.
4 days since you last talked to isaac, someone you’ve been talking to everyday for the last three years. you convinced yourself this was for the best. isaac is out of your league. he’s got a million girls way better than you to get with. he’s a gym rat, funny, smart—no, no. enough.
you emerge from larry’s room after editing him set up a stream for later and waltz down to the kitchen. praying and hoping to dodge isaac like you have been.
you open the fridge like you live there—you practically do anyway—and grab a water bottle. as you close the fridge you yelp at the sudden sight of isaac in the archway. you clench your jaw, breaking the brief eye contact.
“you’re serious, huh?” isaac scoffs, leaning into the doorway. you look up at him. his once soft brown eyes are filled with concern and annoyance. “what?” you quirk back, “i‘m helping larry. excuse me—“
“nah, nah. you don’t get to ignore me and not tell me why when i’m standing right in front of you,” isaac blocks your way. you try and side step him but he’s quicker, arms now crossed. “isaac, i have shit to do,” you curse, trying your best to glare despite the guilt building in your chest. “y/n, why are you pushing me away? you’re doin’ the very thing you hate from other people. ghosting me without explanation. if you’re mad. say why you’re mad,” isaac speaks loudly but he isn’t yelling. you can tell he’s frustrated and trying his best to contain himself.
“i’m not mad—but you’ll make me mad if you don’t move,” you try and move around him again but he blocks your way, “isaac!” you call out with pure frustration.
“you’re acting like a child, y/n!”
“there is nothing wrong!”
“then fucking talk to me!” he retorts back loudly.
your eyes snap wide. he’s never yelled at you in a serious matter but you can’t blame him. if you were in his shoes, the whole group home would’ve been blown to pieces finding answers already. but—just like your best friend. you’re hot headed. if an argument drives him away, that’s how you have to do it. make it easier for everyone.
you glare up at him, “fuck this—“ you push him out of the way, headed towards the stairs but he’s close behind. “you were fine a week ago. a week ago you were sitting in my room helping me come up with fuckin’ challenges for last to leave! last week—jesus, you were fine last week, y!n!” he speaks, following you up the stairs.
normally, you’d admire his stubbornness but jesus christ, is it getting on your nerves currently.
“maybe it’s the mental illness. i don’t know, isaac. shit happens!” you yell back, now at the top of the stairs. “shit happens? three years of you being my best friend and ‘shit happens’?” isaac quotes in the air, “you’re helpin’ larry. not me. what did i do?”
“i can help larry and there not be an issue, isaac,” you retort back quickly, now facing the man. isaac runs an annoyed hand over his face. “there clearly is one when you haven’t replied back to me and days and haven’t even spoken to me or banged on my door incessantly,” he stands with his hands on his hips.
you copy his stance, “once again. shit happens.”
“and that’s bullshit. you’re pushing away. why? i have no idea but y’know what?” isaac’s voice turns to a whisper, “it hurts. it does, y/n and i’m sick of it. you are one of my best friends. you’re so big on communication yet, here you are! not communicating!” isaac is getting animated. his hands flying through the air the more angry he gets. “there is nothing to communicate. i’ve been busy. i showed up today to help larry,” you try and calmly lie through your teeth.
isaac takes a deep breath, “oh my fucking—“ he curses under his breath, “you’re avoiding talking about avoiding me. like, you realize how ridiculous this is getting, right?”
“you’re the one making it ridiculous,” you sass back.
“we are best friends—“
“let me go already!” you break as you shout. the guilt is crushing you. you want to get this over with. isaac is an amazing person. one of the best and doing this, losing him, it pains you to do this. you’ve lost so many people but this crush will only get worse. that’s not fair to him, not when it won’t be reciprocated.
isaac’s face forms into one of confusion, gaze slightly softening, “what? let you go?”
you gulp as a lump of tears dares to break you. you take a shaky breath and isaac’s concern grows, anger fading as he watches your shallow breaths. “let me go. i am too much. i ask for too much. i’m too clingy. i’m annoying. i ask to hang out too much,” you list off the insecurities, speaking your thoughts out loud. thoughts you know isaac shares.
his brows furrow. he steps closer to you and you don’t move, staring at how hard you’re trying not to cry. “what the hell are you talking about? you’re none of those,” isaac speaks softly. you sniffle, “oh, come on. stop. just stop,” you say, looking anywhere but him but his 6’4 self takes up half the view anyway.
isaac inhales sharply, hands falling to his sides, “why only me though? that’s what i don’t understand. why are you avoiding me? you’re not anything of those things, y/n. have i been teasing you too much?” he chuckles, trying to lighten the air but you’re still fighting back tears.
the confession rests on your tongue. commit to it. confessing your feelings will surely ruin what’s left of the friendship.
“what did i do to make you feel this way? like, genuinely. tell me so i won’t do it again,” isaac sighs, begging for you to just look him in the eyes. you don’t respond, looking at the floor as tears begin to blur your vision.
“y/n,” isaac speaks with frustration in his tone, “why—“
“because i love you! god fucking—“ you cut yourself off as you realize it slipped. the house is spinning. you definitely can’t look him in the eyes now.
“huh?” isaac squeaks out, just now processing the words, “because you love me?” does he need it spelled out?
you groan, holding your head in your hands. “if you love me, then are you acting like this?” isaac cluelessly questions.
“fucking—i’m in love with you, isaac!” you confess even more, eyes bouncing from his fan made bracelet to the singular silver band around his middle finger. now, the world goes fully slightly. you can hear isaac’s breathing on top of your own.
“well, shit,” isaac scoffs. almost sounding relieved. “that’s it?” he chuckles. your knit your eyebrows together, looking him in the eyes. now you’re confused.
“huh?” now it’s your turn to say.
isaac laughs, resting his hands on your shoulders as he rubs circles into your skin. “i love you, too. like, in love with you,” isaac says quietly, smiling down at you.
you pull your head back in astonishment, “you do—“
but you’re cut off by isaac connecting your lips, bending down to your head to make it easier for you. after a moment, you kiss back, feeling like you’re in a dream about to shake into a nightmare.
he pulls away, “communication, aye? i mean, maybe if i wasn’t so scared—i would’ve said something sooner.”
“you were scared?” you giggle. isaac holds your face, laughing, “oh, god, yeah. terrified. should’ve heard the shit the boys have had to endure.”
“yeah, they probably heard the same on my end,” you melt into his touch. isaac tilts his head to the side, “why were you so scared? i thought i was being obvious.”
“i thought you were being nice,” you shake your head in disbelief. isaac does the same, bringing into a much needed hug that just pieces you together. “i didn’t think you’d like someone like me. i look like peter griffin when i smile,” you joke at your own expense. “oh, you’re fucking silly. you’re silly in the head,” he ruffles your hair before resting a kiss on the top of your head, “i like your curves, doofus. i like your body. and you do not look like peter griffin.”
you both laugh in each others arms, basking in the other’s touch.
“finally. jesus!” larry yells from his doorway as he looks at you both, “i was tired of hearing all this shit!”
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deanwritings · 1 year
The Guest House - Chapter 3
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Series Summary: Dean Winchester is going through a nasty divorce. He doesn't have much left to his name, but what he does have is his house. Leave it to his soon-to-be ex wife to find a way to even ruin that for him. Enter Y/N, who is looking to get away from life for a bit, and stumbles right into the middle of it all.
The Guest House Master List
Word Count: 3,066
A/N: Shoutout to my hubby for helping my break through my writer's block on this chapter 🥰
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“Who was that?” Benny asks despite likely knowing the answer. When you’re born and raised somewhere, it’s pretty easy to spot someone out of place. And for Dean to approach an apparent stranger pointed to one person.
“That’s the woman staying in my guest house for the next month.” Dean confirms as he retakes his seat, starting to pick up a fry but throwing back onto his plate as he thinks about your smug smile as you ate your fries in his face. 
Benny looks over Dean to where you’re seated at the counter, now enjoying a sandwich as your legs swing underneath you, too short for the stool you’re sitting on. Benny had watched the whole interaction, and when you had turned to Dean a few times, Benny got a good look at your profile.
“She’s cute” Benny notes as he takes a bite of his own meal, washing it down with a gulp of coffee and a grin. 
“Don’t even start, Ben.” Dean shoots him a pointed look. Dean had eyes, it wasn’t like he hadn’t noticed that himself, but he was too annoyed to care. “If you think she’s so cute, why don’t you have a go at her?” Dean jabs as he picks up his burger and takes a wide bite, sauce splashing on his cheek. 
Benny just chuckles and shakes his head.
“I got enough women in my life.” Between his ex and his daughter, his hands were full. “And I’m not looking to get washed up in your mess.” Dean rolls his eyes.
“Fucking Lisa,” he grumbles before taking another bite. Couldn’t even enjoy his lunch break. It’s like Lisa knew exactly what to do to get under his skin. Which isn’t a surprise.
Back when they were happy, Dean and Lisa knew everything about each other; what they each liked, what they loved, what drove them crazy. It’s why Dean would bring home white chocolate and flowers after Lisa had a rough day at work, or why Lisa would bake a variety of pies in the early days after Dean’s father, John, had passed away, knowing Dean didn’t want to talk about it but it was a way to offer him comfort without being too touchy feely, because Dean hated that when he was younger.  
But now, Lisa was weaponizing the information she had, knowing Dean liked his routines and his personal space. She had thoroughly invaded them without even stepping foot in town. Instead she sent this woman, Y/N, to do her dirty work for her. 
He drops his burger with a sigh and glances over his shoulder; you’re scrolling through your phone as you take another bite of your sandwich. 
He briefly wonders if you’re texting Lisa, the two of you laughing about how now that you’ve taken over his guest house, you’ve also wormed your way into his lunch spot. But Dean knows better. He knows he’s been the aggressor in his run-ins with you. You’re either a great actress or truly were just an innocent pawn in Lisa’s slimy scheme, and Dean’s pretty sure it’s the latter. 
It makes him think back to this morning, how you mentioned you were out of work and couldn’t afford to go anywhere else, even if Dean refunded your stay. You’re likely going through some sort of shit if you’re willing to use whatever money you have to get away for a full month. 
He sighs through his nose. You had offered a fresh start, and he had brushed past you like an absolute asshole. 
He likes to think he wasn’t always like this. Once upon a time he would have happily shook your hand, giving you a big grin in the process hoping to maybe get to know you better, find out what you like to drink and buy you one and then see what would happen next. 
But that was youthful innocence then, back when Dean didn’t realize that when you gave your full self to someone, it gave them the power to use it against you one day.
He’s about to consider going back over to you and apologizing, taking you up on your offer, but Billie steps in his path, dropping off a check and a box for his unfinished burger. 
Dean blinks hard out of his thoughts and gives Billie a big smile before reaching into his wallet and dropping enough money to cover his meal and tip, adding it on top of Benny’s own pile. 
“See you boys again soon.” She gives them a wink before they gather their coats, Benny affixing his cap before zipping up his jacket. 
Benny lets Dean lead the way, Dean’s eyes glued to your back as he passes by before he steps back out into the wintery overcast and heads back towards the garage.
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After you finished lunch, you continued your stroll down Main Street, restraining yourself to just window shopping during your inaugural visit. You would have four weeks to shop, and you didn’t wait to explore everything the town had to offer on the first day. But now you had a good idea of all the places you would be spending your days for the next month; BILLIES was the only restaurant on main, but there was also a coffee shop, and bar that opened at 2pm. There was a vinyl shop, a bookstore, a few thrift and antique shops, as well as a modern apothecary and a fifties-looking pharmacy. Overall, the town was charming. It’s one of those places that if you were to leave the city, you could envision yourself living here. There was just enough to do to keep you busy and it felt nice to be away from the constant noise and hustle that typically filled your days. You were looking forward to decompressing and maybe even getting to know some of the non-Dean locals while you were here. 
Once your in-town exploration was complete, you headed to the nearest grocery store, only five minutes off Main Street. You loaded up on food for the week, toiletries, some basic cleaning supplies to use during your stay, and a few magazines to keep you busy. You also stopped off at the liquor store to grab another bottle of wine as well as a bottle of whiskey for nights you wanted something a little stronger. 
You were settled in the living room, dusk overshadowing the forest around you, when you hear the rumble of an engine. You peek through the floor to ceiling window, catching headlights flick off as you hear a door slam. 
Honey, I’m home. You smirk to yourself, thinking about a grumpy Dean stomping up the stairs of the front porch. 
You meant what you said about a fresh start, but it didn’t mean you couldn’t tease him to yourself. Afterall, he was an asshole, and you didn’t owe him anything at the end of the day. You had gone out of your way to be nice to him and offer an olive branch, and he shoved it back in your face. 
Your phone vibrates next to you, and you smile as you see your best friend’s face pop up on the screen. 
“Helllooooo.” You answer, your smile growing when you hear her voice.
“Hi!” Sydney chirps. “How’s the getaway?” You snort through your nose. 
“Not exactly what I was picturing.” You glance over your shoulder, back to the now-dark driveway. 
“Let me guess, the pictures of the cabin are super outdated and it actually sucks.” Sydney speculates.
“I wish.” You roll your eyes and turn back to the muted tv. “Turns out the woman who rented me this place doesn’t even live here anymore.”
“Soooo, you got scammed?” 
“Not entirely.” You sigh. “Her husband still lives here – ex husband.” You correct yourself, Dean’s voice ringing in your ears.
“I’m still confused?” You chuckle, picturing Syd’s scrunched face. 
“So was I. Turns out the renters are going through quite the bitter divorce. The husband still lives in the main house but sounds like she left. I guess she rented this place out as a way to piss him off or something. That’s why it was so cheap.”
“Shit,” Sydney hisses and you raise your brows, even though she can’t see you.
“Yeah, shit. The guy almost gave me a heart attack my first night. Came storming in with a gun while I was in the hot tub, thought I was trespassing.” 
“HE PULLED A GUN ON YOU?” Sydney screeches and you have to move the phone away from your ear.
“He didn’t point it at me or anything, he just had it.” You clarify, knowing that Sydney is about to spiral into worst-case what-ifs. 
“Regardless, he hasn’t pulled it out since. But he has been a massive dick.” You recount your run-ins with Dean so far. 
“No wonder she left him, sounds like an asshole.” Sydney chimes in after you finish telling her about lunch.
“Yeah, but I don’t think she’s much better. I reached out to get a refund for my stay so I could get out of here and she’s refusing. And also, who does something like this?”
“A bitch and a dick, sound like a perfect match.” Syd quips and you laugh. This is why you loved Sydney. The two of you always kept each other laughing, no matter the situation. 
After another twenty minutes, you and Syd say goodbye and you settle in for the night.
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Before you know it, your first week is coming to an end. You’ve thoroughly enjoyed sleeping in every day, grabbing coffee in town before deciding which shop to hit. So far you’ve spent most of your time in the bookstore, getting to know the owners, Carrie and Richard Owens. The two have been married over forty years, and this bookshop was their post-retirement dream after working in the city most of their lives. They had been here for almost ten years now and loved every single moment of it, though they missed their children who still lived in the city. Seeing them happy and living their dreams, even in their sixties, gave you hope. There were definitely nights you couldn’t sleep, wondering what you had done and thinking about what you were going to do. Your doubts outweighed your hope at times, but chatting with the Owens left you with a sense of calm and a new book recommendation with each visit. 
Now it was Sunday evening. You had cooked dinner and were trying to focus on the local evening news, but you felt antsy. You hadn’t accounted for just how lonely you would be. You would talk to your mom and Syd most days, either calling them or texting during the times they were busy with their lives, but when you found yourself “home,” there was only so much tv and books to keep you company. 
You pop yourself off the couch and head to the bedroom, trading your sweats for jeans and throwing on your cutest top. You hadn’t yet visited the local bar, Max’s on Main, and figured it could be the perfect cure to your boredom. You could enjoy a drink or two while being around actual people. And hey, you were single, maybe someone would catch your eye and you could live out a whirlwind vacation romance. 
When you get downtown, the street parking is completely full, so you take a few spins down the side streets until you finally find a spot, about three blocks down from the bar. Apparently Sunday evening was popping. 
As you step into the bar, you’re surprised at just how busy it is, but then you notice a hockey game on a few of the screens and patrons wearing matching white and blue jerseys. 
As your eyes roam the room, you notice a few spots at the bar, which was exactly what you wanted. This wasn’t the first time you were going to a bar when you were lonely. If nothing else, usually the bartenders were friendly enough to chat with you here and there and take an edge off the isolation. 
You settle on your stool, unfurling your scarf and zipping off your jacket, letting it rest against the chairback. 
A man about your age throws a coaster down in front of you and places his hands on the bar.
“What can I getcha?” He asks as the crowd roars. You peek at one of the screens behind the bar, seeing a team celebrating. 
“Any chance you have hot toddies?” The weekend had been freezing, and it was too cold for your usual cocktail. You needed something that would warm you, ideally with a splash of bourbon. 
“Sure thing.” He nods and steps away to turn on an eclectic kettle. 
You rest against the bartop, a dark wood that runs down the length of the bar. As you look around, you notice the layout is very similar to BILLIES, but flipped. There’s more high top tables, but the booths back along the opposite side of the room. But whereas BILLIES was more updated, this bar looked like it hadn’t been decorated or remodeled in a good fifteen-plus years. 
Most of the patrons are men of various ages, almost all of whom are watching the game. There is one table full of women, but they too don the same hockey jerseys and are just as invested as their peers. 
“Start a tab?” The bartender returns with your drink, placing it carefully atop your coaster. You reach into your wallet, pull out your card, and hand it to the bartender. You’re not expecting to have more than two drinks since you’re driving, but it was just easier to start a tab versus get a bill for each order.  
After the bartender walks away, you wrap your hands around the crystal, humming at the warmth as your shoulders drop. You take in a deep breath, closing your eyes as the sweet aroma of honey and bourbon steams your senses. 
“Good drink?” You open your eyes to find a man smiling down at you, and you feel the warmth of your drink spread to your cheeks. He takes the seat next to you, his smile never fading underneath his five-o-clock shadow and a swoosh of blonde hair.
“If it tastes as good as it smells, then I hope so.” You return his grin. 
“I’m Nick,” he puts his beer on the counter and raises his hand towards you. You take it, his skin a cool contrast to yours.
“Y/N.” You offer.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.” His eyes almost have a twinkle under the bar lights, and his never-fading smile highlights his sharp jawline. 
“It’s my first time here.” You relax into your seat. “I’m visiting for the month.” 
“Family?” He takes a sip of his beer, and you match his movements with your drink, feeling the bourbon settle soundly in your stomach. 
“Renting. I’m from the city, taking a sabbatical.” You keep it vague. No need to spill your life story to a complete stranger in the first minute of meeting him. 
“How’s your visit so far?”
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Dean pours the last of the beer into his cup, emptying the group’s pitcher. He takes a big gulp, putting back about half the pint before he stands. 
“Gonna grab another round. Anyone need anything?” Dean offers the enthralled group as he stands from the table. It wasn’t that he didn’t like hockey, but despite growing up here, the Rangers weren’t his team of choice. He grew up watching the Blues with his dad, and continues to cheer for them to this day, so he doesn’t mind stepping out during a power play to grab another drink. It likely meant there would be no wait at the bar. 
He grabs the empty pitcher and carries it with him, resting along the curve of the bar as he flags down Jacob. 
“Another pitcher?” Jacob assumes, and Dean hands over the empty container.
As he waits, he taps his fingers against the wood, taking in the crowd when he notices someone at the end of the bar and his shoulders tense. 
Nick Olszewski.
Dean went to high school with Nick. Grade A douchebag then and grade A douchebag now. He may have even broken Nick’s nose once senior year.  
He’s chatting with someone, definitely a woman.
Poor girl. Dean thinks as Jacob returns with the pitcher, and Dean thanks him. 
Dean heads back to the table, dropping the pitcher right in the middle before, for some reason, he takes a glance back towards Nick. And from this angle, he can see exactly the poor girl he’s talking to. 
It’s Y/N. 
Dean turns away, shaking his head. 
He should stay out of it. He and Y/N hadn’t crossed paths since their lunch run-in a few days ago, and he had planned to keep it that way. 
You’re an adult, and free to chat with whomever you want. Even if he’s a complete dickbag. 
But then he thinks back to a few days ago. How he was a total asshole to you, and he had regretted it. He was better than that. This wasn’t the guy he always was. 
Maybe this was his chance at redemption. 
“You good, brother?” Benny looks up, realizing Dean hasn’t sat back down. 
Dean licks his lips and runs a hand down his face.
“I’ll be right back.”
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Nick’s hand relaxes easily on your thigh, and you’re leaning into him, your elbow resting on the bar top. 
He was telling you a work story; he’s a real estate agent in the area, and how a couple decided to get a divorce in the middle of a showing. 
“Wait, so did they actually get divorced, or was it just a heat of the moment thing?” You ask, genuinely curious. 
“Oh big time. I reached out a few weeks later to see if they were still interested in the house and the guy told me.”
“Wow,” you take a big sip of your second drink, courtesy of Nick. 
You’re about to ask him a follow up question but you’re interrupted. 
“Thanks for keeping my seat warm, Nick.” A large hand pats Nick’s shoulder, and you both turn towards your uninvited guest, your eyes widening. “But think it’s time for you to go.” 
Oh for fuck’s sake.
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Keep reading
“You’re welcome for saving you.” Dean’s voice has you turning back in your seat. He’s now next to you, literally and figuratively having taken Nick’s spot. 
“Saving me?” You sneer. “More like ruining my night.” You grab your drink and take your own big gulp, needing the bourbon to do more than just warm you now. 
“Tell me, Dean.” You narrow your eyes at him. “What have I done to you that you just think it’s okay to bother me whenever you want?” Your voice quickens as you feel the liquor settle. 
“Because I’ve stayed out of your way, like I promised. I tried to be nice to you. It’s not my fault your ex-wife dragged me into scheme of hers. So if you have a problem, take it up with her!” Your voice raises but is drowned out as the Rangers score another goal, the bar erupting in whoops and cheers as patrons high-five one another. 
Dean runs his tongue along the inside of his cheek, nodding his head at your words as you stare him down. 
“I was saving you from the biggest asshole in town.” He responds once the bar settles back down, his voice calm and even. You raise your eyebrows.
“Are you sure about that?” You challenge. From where you were sitting, he seemed to be winning that award himself.
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Forever Tags
@iprobablyshipit91  @likesiriusly @kittyque @findingfitnessforme @wonderange @captainemwinchester @xtina2191 @smoothdogsgirl @mogaruke @chin-up-love @tsunadesenjuuchiha @lyarr24 @globetrotter28 @krazykelly @roseblue373 @k-slla @stephv213 @kaydallas21
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mouwrites · 7 months
miles morales X fem!reader who LOVES studying and fashion but is like insanely burnt out and too tired to work so she resorts to some NOT good coping mechanisms (up to you, whatever youre comfy with!!)
This came out way longer than I expected, sorry hehe ^^” but I wanted to portray an unhealthy coping mechanism that I feel like isn’t talked about enough!
Not to sound cheesy or whatever but I hope we can all learn something from this one (◔︣◡◔᷅) <3
Word count: 1.3k
ASTV - Burned Out and Miserable (Miles)
You were angry. Your fingers smashed the keys on your keyboard so rapidly that, if you were in a cartoon, a thick plume of black smoke would be coming from beneath your hands.
Your face was twisted in a wretched frown as you stared at the screen. How could this person be so stupid?
You were entirely enraptured in an argument online. You’d seen a post that you didn’t like, and left a rather brash comment saying as much. You hadn’t expected the original poster to see it; you were really just venting with the expectation of getting lost in the sea of other comments, or otherwise ignored. But they had replied, and now here you were, throwing way too much into the ring and fighting dirty.
You bit your tongue roughly, trying to think of the nastiest, rudest thing to say to hurt this person. They’d spared you no courtesy, and you were just returning the favor.
Your phone buzzed for what felt like the millionth time, and this time you were so aggravated that you threw it across the room. It landed with a quiet whomp on your bed, and then you were back at it, getting nastier by the second. You were just so angry, so miserable, and you just had to impose it on the world.
You hadn’t been aware of just how dark it was in your room until your door opened, unleashing a searing beam of light right on you. You almost hissed like a vampire as you brought up a hand to block it from your eyes.
“Why is it so dark in here?” It was Miles, sounding amused while he left the door wide open and walked over to sit on your bed.
“Sure, just make yourself at home,” you grumbled, sending glances to your screen out of the corner of your eye.
“Well, this explains why you haven’t been answering my texts,” he chuckled, picking up your phone and putting it on your nightstand so he could sit on your bed.
You turned sharply back to your computer when you saw a new message from your opponent.
“I noticed that you haven’t really been… I dunno, lively, I guess. Not like you usually are. And I know you’ve been working really hard lately, so I was thinking that maybe you’ve been working too hard.”
His voice was just noise; annoying noise, like a fly buzzing around your head. You didn’t give him any sign that you were listening, nor at all interested in what he was saying, but he continued anyway.
“I know how much you like fashion stuff,” he was saying, and suddenly the rustling of a plastic bag accompanied his annoying voice, “so I brought you a bunch of magazines.”
Your mouth was twitching irritably. You still gave him no acknowledgement, keeping your back turned and your eyes fixed on your screen.
“I thought we could make one of those collages I’ve seen you make. For fun. Just totally chill.”
“Will you shut up?” You finally snapped. The words felt like knives coming out of your mouth, and suddenly your head was in your hands and a loud groan was leaving your lips.
Anger burned in your chest, overwhelming all else. You couldn’t even think, you were just so angry.
“Woah,” was all Miles could say. Several seconds of silence passed.
You felt his presence behind you. He was leaning forward, looking at your screen. You could practically hear him grimacing as he asked what you were up to.
“This stupid—!” You burst again, your head whipping up and your hands gesturing sharply, your arms stiff with rage. But your anger was running out of fuel; the white hot rage was cooling to a simmering, exhausted frustration. You just shook your head and scoffed.
Miles was reading the messages. He already knew all he needed to.
“Y/n, this isn’t healthy,” he was pointing meekly at the screen. “I mean… yikes.”
Suddenly the exhaustion was fighting to drown out your anger, and your hyper-focused, angry perspective was expanding. You were back in your room. It was dark outside now. Hours had passed since you sat down at your computer that afternoon. Miles was here. Miles, who you’d just snapped at. Miles, who was shocked at the person you’d just become for a few hours under the anonymity of your internet persona.
You blinked at the messages you’d sent, completely ignoring the ones your opponent had shot back. Who was this person? How could they be so terrible? It was you.
Your hand came up to your mouth, and a shuddering breath left your lips. “Oh god…”
Miles’ eyes flicked between you and the computer. “Y/n, it’s okay,” he was already comforting you, sensing the growing dread in your gut.
“No..! How could I..?! I was so horrible!” You dropped your head into your hands, drawing your knees up to your chest. “I didn’t mean it…” you whimpered miserably. “I was just so tired, so angry… I didn’t know what I was doing…”
“Because you were working so hard?” Miles guessed.
You had to think for a second, but at length you nodded. “I didn’t know what to do… I was so miserable.”
You were shaking now, completely mortified by your actions. Miles wrapped an arm around you, smoothing your shirt against your back. “That wasn’t really you; you weren’t yourself.”
You knew as much, of course, but that didn’t stop the guilt. “It’s all my fault. I was so mean.”
“Yeah, you were pretty mean…” he admitted, but then hurried to defend you: “but you were also hurting.”
Tears were pricking your eyes. You nodded, remembering how horrible you’d been feeling even before tonight. Tired, irritable, no motivation…
“But that’s not an excuse.”
“No,” Miles agreed, “but it’s an explanation.”
Your face was mostly covered by your hands, but you noticed the light from your computer suddenly dimming.
“Wait,” you said quickly, raising your head and lowering your legs back to the floor in a panic, “let me apologize to them.”
Miles shook his head, turning the device off all the way. “Not a good idea right now. You both need to cool down.”
“I’m cool,” you insisted, reaching for your keyboard. But Miles just pushed back your chair, inserting himself between you and your desk and towering over you with one hand on each of your chair’s arms. “Y/n. Let it go. For now, at least.”
You tried to lean to the side to look at your computer, but Miles dipped his head so you were looking at him instead.
Your face scrunched slowly, tears coming to your eyes again. You felt like sobbing, but throat was tightening and you could make no noise.
Miles dropped to his knees, wrapping both his arms around your middle and holding your head against his shoulder.
You threw your arms around him in turn, unleashing everything at last. You’d think that you’d been blowing off steam during your argument, but no; that had only made things so much worse.
You told it all. The overworking, the exhaustion, the misery—everything. The words came out strained between hiccuping sobs and shushing reassurances from Miles, and when you finished you spent a while longer burying your face in his hoodie.
“I never want that to happen again,” you whimpered.
“Neither do I. I hate seeing you all stressed out like that.”
You separated, wiping your face with your sleeve and looking at Miles with red, puffy eyes. “Am I a bad person?”
He shook his head, his hands sliding down your arms to hold your hands. “Nah, you just… suck at coping.”
That got a bittersweet giggle out of you. You looked away, abashed.
“Don’t worry, though. I’m gonna help you. I never wanna see you like this again. I want you to take breaks, don’t overwork yourself… and don’t go online when you’re upset, yeah? That’s, like, one of the worst things you can do.”
You frowned, nodding. “Yeah. Yeah… I think I can try that.” You finally met his gaze, and your frown turned into a small smile. “If you’ll help me.”
Miles grinned, leaning in for a tender kiss. “I said I would, didn’t I?”
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Thank you so much for this amazing request!! And thanks for reading, take care lovelies <33
(divider by saradika)
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weskin-time · 1 year
Hi Tezi :) this is my first time requesting something, how are you doing?
I was wondering if you could write a little scenario about Carlos being Jealous. He probably doesn't get jealous too often/fast so I imagine it's a little slow burn like. I dont care if you make it angsty or fluffy or nsfw or all at once.
Idk, do whatever you want with this :) thanks and have fun!
Hi anon! i’m doing the best i can be doin!!! i hope you like this, i feel it’s not my best work but i do like how it turned out! sorry for the wait!!! i love writing for Carlos so much, and this wasn’t an excuse to talk about my favorite dog breed.
not beta read. slight nsfw mention?
Jealous!Carlos x GN!Reader
this is probably the fluffiest thing i’ve ever written
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carlos isn’t the type of man to get extremely jealous.
he trusts you and the relationship you have
he’s not the type of guy to hide his phone or make you block people he doesn’t want you talking to
he trusts you
he will ask you to read the text he just got if he’s doing something that can’t let him check his phone
he has no issues with you hanging out with other people regardless of sex
i’m trying to drive the point as hard as i can
you two have an extremely healthy relationship where you two communicate and rarely argue
you didn’t even know he could get jealous
that is until,,,
Carlos moved into your place a while back, his apartment too small to house two people, life with him has been nice. The two of you were slowly leaving the honeymoon phase of a relationship and were just two people existing in the same space together, two people that happened to be in love with each other so much that you both talked about it for months and you two were finally ready to enter the next stage of yalls relationship.
It was a tough choice, months of talking and deciding, sleepless nights spent searching, till the two of you came to a conclusion. Soon another member would join your unit, making it feel more like a family. Months were spent preparing for the change, toys, food, everything was bought and ready for when the time would come.
The two of you walked in through the door of your home holding a tiny bundle of joy. It wiggled in your arms, it’s eyes wide taking in the new surroundings.
For being a puppy the dog was already huge. She was a Irish Wolfhound, a massive dog breed, one that you’ve always wanted since you were a child, and with Carlos’s support you were finally in a place in your life where you could have the massive dog of your dreams. It took forever for the two of you to find the breed to settle on for your first dog together, you suggested the breed jokingly explaining how you’ve always wanted one and soon Carlos looked into them and fell in love with them too.
So here you were, brining this dream dog into your home. It felt surreal to have something you’ve wanted since childhood, to look down and see the girl excited in your arms, to look back and see Carlos carrying a large bag of puppy food over his shoulder. Needless to say you were fucking ecstatic.
After settling down a tad you let the puppy run around the house to explore, under supervision of course. You bounced off names with Carlos, thinking of names that would better suit a cat or names that just sounded stupid, none of them stuck really.
You couldn’t leave the puppy alone, you were instantly attached to her. The entire day you played with her, cuddled up to her, and just kept your eyes on her, she was one of the best things you could have ever gotten. Her kisses made you giggle, the stomping outside as you tried to get her used to a leash early on, she would flop around and slide across the floors on her big paws. The two of you instantly formed a bond meanwhile she seemed to be indifferent about your boyfriend, which made you laugh.
Carlos for the entire day seemed thrilled at the beginning, but by the night he seemed a little disgruntled. He almost seemed a little withdrawn and slightly annoyed at the dog as the sun set, the opposite of you.
Thankfully the puppy was tired out enough to be put in her crate for the first night with no problems, she was fast asleep in that floppy way only puppy’s can get, the way you wish you could sleep.
Settling down for bed you noticed Carlos’s distance for the first time that night, he barley spoke to you and you were extremely confused when he turned over on his side to face away from you in bed.
“Los?” You whispered knowing he was awake.
he gave a grunt back in response.
“You feelin okay?” You pondered trying to think of ways he could be down in the dumps. You have no idea how he could be upset when there’s a damn puppy in your house that you can go pet at any time.
“Just tired.” He was curt with his words.
You wracked your brain trying to find any information on why he could be this way, not trusting his defense for a second. Then it clicked. He had to be jealous of the new dog. The entire day since you got home with her your mind has been on her, taking photos and videos, laughing, playing with her, the most you’ve done with Carlos today was try to figure out a name for her. When your boyfriend was making dinner you barely spoke to him as you left him in the house alone as you played outside with your girl. You felt like laughing a bit, he never gets jealous over people but a dog stealing his attention takes the cake. You smiled and poked his shoulder to make him role over.
After a few seconds of poking him he turned to lay on his back with a sharp ‘what’. Before he could even process it you slithered your way under the covered to lay on his chest, your hips slotted between his legs as you looked up at him. Your boyfriend seemed to relax a tad with your touch, he always loved physical contact with you even if he was being a jealous dork at the moment.
“Are you jealous of the puppy?” You smile at him sweetly to try and convey that it’s okay if he feels that way.
He’s silent for a second, seemingly weighing the options of telling you the truth or lying again. He sighed and wrapped his arms around you, “No.” He spoke with a small smile on his face. “Why would I be jealous of a tiny baby dog? I’m so much cooler than a dog to get jealous.”
“You’re still my favorite puppy.” Reaching up your hand to run your fingers through his hair, you failed to hold in the small laugh at the instant blush on his face.
“Shush it.” was all the warning he gave you before he rolled the two of you over, now he lay on your chest, his full weight on your bones was comforting.
You chuckled as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. It was your turn to wrap your arms around him, your dominant one going back to rub his head.
“Sorry for acting like a dick over this dog.” He mumbled.
“It’s alright Carlos don’t worry. Don’t apologize for getting jealous.” It was sorta your fault for almost ignoring him the whole day to a degree.
“No, you were so happy to get this dog. You’ve wanted it all your life and here I am being a dick about it.”
You stopped messing with his soft hair and gave him a massive squeeze to the best of your ability in the position you’re in.
“You’re a dork Carlos, not a dick. It’s okay to be jealous if a dog is taking the attention away from my other dog.”
He playfully bit your neck lightly and made a little woof sound. “I love you. I’m sorry for being shitty today.”
“I love you too Carlos, it’s alright don’t worry. it’s kinda cute if you get this clingy after so maybe i should make you jealous more often.” you chuckled.
A whimper could be heard from across the bedroom followed by a yip and a growling.
“She’s awake.” Captain obvious on your chest stated.
“Let’s take her out yea? Think of names while we’re out there too.” You offered.
Carlos pressed a tender kiss to your pulse and got off you, you got out of bed as he made his way over to her crate and kneeled down.
“You gotta go outside Princess?” He asked, the grey puppy cocked her head at him and wagged her tail. “Let’s go sweetheart, come on.”
“If you keep talking to her like that maybe it’ll be my turn to get jealous.”
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deathblacksmoke · 9 months
Dramamine—Part 4
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Nick Ruffilo
Series Summary: Cynical, brooding bartender Nick meets too-earnest, pretty boy singer Noah when The Rabbit's Foot starts hosting an open mic night.
CW: angst, hints at past trauma, Noah being pushy and kind of annoying and not taking the fucking hint, mention of death
*Content warnings will be updated by chapter*
Word Count: 1.5K
Taglist: @concretenoah / @ladyveronikawrites / @circle-with-me / @darksigns-exe / @xxrainstorm / @monotoniscreaming / @agravemisstake / @iknownothingpeople / @cookiesupplier / @jiizzy / @bngurngheart
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future fics!
Author's Note: I'm finally back on track with my updates yay 🤍 POV switches to Noah in this one. Next part will be an interlude. Hope y'all enjoy <3
dividers by @cafekitsune 💐
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It’s been 6 days since Noah last spoke to Nick. It’s been 6 days since, mid-hookup, Nick stormed out of Noah’s apartment abruptly and without an explanation.
At least he said he was sorry before he slammed Noah’s door, shaking the room and extending the crack above the door frame. Even so, Noah can’t keep himself from replaying the night in his head, trying to figure out what went wrong. Was it him? What had he done? How does he fix it?
He tried texting him, but when enough texts went unanswered, he decided to cut his losses. He can leave Nick alone if that’s what he wants.
It’s only been a few weeks since they met, but the thought of not having Nick around turns his stomach. He had cracked what seemed to be an impossibly tough exterior, and he thought they were both having fun. He thought Nick liked him too, but just as soon as he was in Noah’s life, he was gone.
His absence aches, leaving something painful and hollow in Noah’s gut. Nick’s tea mug had been left untouched on the coffee table for days—Noah couldn’t quite bring himself to move it to the kitchen and rinse it out. He’d love to say it didn’t have an effect on him when he came home from work to find it had been washed and placed back in the cabinet, but his heart sank.
He changes his mind. If Nick wants to be left alone, he’ll have to tell Noah as much or block him.
Please Nicky, I just want to know if you’re okay.
The text goes unanswered again. He doesn’t know what he expected.
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The thought of going to The Rabbit’s Foot to have Nick ignore him straight to his face doesn’t sound appealing to him at all, but he doesn’t want to let himself be pushed out. With or without the promise of seeing Nick at the end of the night, he’s loved doing the open mic nights.
He doesn’t want to let Nick stop him. Against his better judgment, he hopes that after he plays, he’ll be able to pull Nick aside for a talk. It’s wishful thinking, but it’s the same wishful thinking that’s kept him going for this past week. Goddammit, he barely even knows Nick, but he feels like he’s flailing not knowing what’s going on with him. He really did mean it when he said he just wants to know if he’s okay.
When he steps through the door, he sees something he hasn’t seen once in the weeks he’s been coming here. His stomach drops. Behind the bar, there’s no Nick. There’s Jolly and there’s the bouncing barback and there’s some guy he doesn’t recognize, pouring Guinness more shamefully than he’s ever seen. Nick would hate seeing that, but Nick isn’t here.
Noah wonders if it’s his fault but pushes the thought away, can’t allow himself to get caught up in it. He can’t let himself spiral out about it. He just had really hoped Nick would be here, if only so he would know that he’s okay.
It’s agony.
“Hey, you’re up there next,” he’s taken out of his thoughts when Jolly sneaks up on him, a strong hand on his shoulder.
He wants nothing more than to ask about Nick. Second to that, he wants to get the fuck out of this bar and never come back to The Rabbit’s Foot again.
“Thanks, man,” he says instead.
He wants to go home, but he won’t. He’ll go up there, he’ll introduce himself, he’ll sing his song. He’ll pretend he’s not being torn up by Nick’s nagging absence.
Because the thing is, once Noah starts playing, it becomes clear to him how much he’s grown to rely on Nick’s presence here. He’s become dependent on Nick’s bright blue-grey eyes burrowing into his fucking skull, how the focus he places on not getting distracted has made him better. He remembers all the chords he had fucked up or missed altogether that first night, when Nick stormed out for whatever reason it was. He didn’t ask. He’s noticing himself missing them now—his voice is cracking. He feels humiliated. He wishes Nick was here. Nick should be here.
He just has to make it through the song.
There’s no blame for how our love did slowly fade And now that it’s gone, it’s like it wasn’t there at all And here I rest, where disappointment and regret Collide Lying awake at night
Blinking back his tears, it’s clear he picked the wrong one.
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It takes all of his resolve not to bolt out the door when he’s done, but he’s feeling brave. More so, he’s feeling like if he doesn’t get an explanation soon, he’ll lose his mind.
His nerves spike as he approaches the bar, especially as the barback spots him and fails to hide the narrowing of his eyes. He wonders what he knows. He wonders what Nick told him.
“Hey, um—” Noah starts when he’s in front of the bar, ignoring the other bartender completely. The barback looks at him expectantly, a little irritated, and it makes him feel uneasy. “I’m sorry, I never caught your name.”
“I’m Nick,” he answers, and Noah has to stop himself from laughing as he raises an eyebrow. “Folio. You get Yuengling, right?”
“I do, but I wanted to ask you about something, actually.”
He’s suddenly more nervous than ever, as Folio fixes him with a look of disgust. He wishes he’d never come here tonight, and especially that he never came up to the bar. But he’s come this far, and he’ll keep going, even as upset as he feels that maybe Folio knows something about him that he doesn’t.
“If you’re looking for Nick, no one has seen him since he took you home last week,” Folio tells him, and a shiver runs down Noah’s spine. It’s worse than he thought. “I don’t know what you did, but no one can get more than a ‘no’ from him when we ask about work or if he’s okay.”
He wants to say that he didn’t do anything wrong and then leave. He feels tears welling up and threatening to fall, and he feels mortified. But he really needs to find out what’s going on. He hates thinking that he involuntarily, maybe, ruined Nick’s life.
He sticks with the exact truth, instead. He sticks with oversharing to a stranger. He tells Folio fucking everything.
“Does he not like guys, or—” Noah starts to ask. He’s horrified to even bring it up. He finds the whole ordeal mortifying enough. “I just can’t figure out where I went wrong.” 
“Honestly, Noah, I was surprised you made it as far as you did with him,” Jolly interjects. Noah had no idea he’d been listening in and his cheeks heat. “He hasn’t really liked anyone or anything for years. Not since Jazz.”
He wonders if Jolly should be telling him this. He almost regrets asking, but he needs to know who Jazz is and what happened to make him like this. He needs to know why everything went from fine to disastrous in the blink of an eye.
“What happened with Jazz?” he asks, and Jolly’s shaking his head as soon as he’s done asking.
“Not for me to tell you. You’ll have to ask Nick.”
But he can’t ask Nick. Nick won’t respond to his fucking texts, but he’s always been persuasive. He leaves the bar with Nick’s address scrawled on a bar napkin, and he feels like a stalker. Maybe he kind of is, but he feels more hopeful than he has in a week.
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Nick looks like a wreck when he pulls the door open. Noah peers past him into the apartment, and it’s even worse. He doubts he’s gone outside since the moment he stepped foot back in, and he doubts he’s slept much either, if he goes off the deep blue circles beneath his eyes. 
“What are you doing here, Noah?” Nick asks, sounding exhausted. He expected anger or distaste when he showed up at Nick’s door unannounced, but he never could have anticipated the look and sound of defeat he’s met with instead.
“I wanted to make sure you’re okay. No one’s heard from you and—” Noah starts saying, but decides to get on with it instead. He figures the best way to get his answer is to cut to the chase. “Jolly and Folio told me about Jazz.”
“They wouldn’t have.” Nick says, rolling his eyes. He’s right enough.
“So you got dumped, Nick—”
He stops before he can say the rest, because Nick growls in a way that scares him a little, makes him feel fucking ill. When Noah meets his eyes, there’s a fiery anger that, even from one of the grouchiest people he’s ever met, shocks him. He half expects the door to be slammed in his face.
“Oh, they really didn’t tell you shit,” Nick starts. This is where the disgust Noah was expecting was hiding. “Jasmine is fucking dead, Noah.”
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4mmo · 2 years
Midnight. pt 1
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xiao x gn!reader || Angst. A/n: every time I come back it’s always angst.. anyways I have a problem w writers block if you can’t tell.. please send in requests and I’ll write more they motivate me!
(Ps i made this super Late at Night so sorry if it’s bad..)
Update: pt 2
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The only thing in the room lighting it up was the tv. You were lying in the living room barely still awake. Taking a glance at the clock you could make out in the darkness, 11:57. Or maybe it was 11:54 it was hard to tell. Xiao was still out with his classmates. They had invited him to hang out for a bit and he said he would only be out for an hour though that was nearly 4 hours ago. You wish this was the first time he told you this. “I’ll be out I’ll be back soon.” He would normally say something like that. This time he said, “my classmates want me to go out with them. I’ll only be gone for about an hour.” Lying there you thought, “why can’t we just be with each other like how we started.” It was a stupid thought. He used to always ask how you were doing and if you needed anything. Now you both barely talk. You open your eyes again glancing at the clock, 12:03. Guess he isn’t going to be back for a while. What if he never comes back? It wouldn’t be any different from how you two already live. Letting out a sigh you slowly sat up on the couch. Turning off the tv as you walked back to your shared bedroom. You closed the blinds, glancing at the empty streets hoping he would be there. As you drifted off to sleep you couldn’t help but think, does it always have to be like this?
As morning came, you rubbed your eyes open. You check to see if xiao was next to you. To your surprise, he wasn’t there. You checked your phone to see if he texted you.
One new text from xiao <33
Won't be home tonight. Also, stop staying up for me just to scold me it’s annoying. 
You stared at the second sentence. The staying up was out of concern for him couldn’t he see that? Sometimes he just disappeared and you never knew when he would come back. You stared at the keyboard thinking of what to say. As you were sitting in bed thinking of a reply, the front door opened. Quickly getting up, you went to xiao. “So uh… wh-what took you so long?” You fiddled with your fingers as you looked up at him. “I told you hanging out.” “Until the next day?” “Listen okay? Why do you want to know so badly? Stop trying to pry yourself into my life. It’s honestly… embarrassing.” What did he say? Did he say the concern you have for him is embarrassing? Is he afraid of his friends knowing that his partner is concerned for him? Is he suddenly“too cool” now for someone to care about where he is? “Wha-what do you mean by embarrassing?” “The way you are acting. Do you seriously not see what you look like? You act like I'm your kid or something. If I want to go somewhere I’ll go there. I don’t need to tell you anything.” He quickly shut the door to the bedroom leaving you out. You felt hot tears start to form in your eyes. Feeling the need to just get out of there, you quickly put on your shoes and left. Since he likes to disappear at random, let’s see what he does. Will he even try to look for you? Who knows. You doubt he will though. As you left the apartments and started walking through the streets, the previous conversation kept on replaying in your head. The tears started to fall the more you thought about it. You check your phone to see if anyone else texted you this morning. While checking your messages a notification popped up.
One new text message from Xiao <33
Just don’t come back for a while. I don’t want to see you right now. Don’t text me either.
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steve0discusses · 10 months
S5 Ep 50: Tristan Hates Horses, I Think
Been a while! Tumblr’s annoying as hell changes to the text editor took a lot of wind out of my sails, ngl. It had some problems they're resolving as they go, but it was really annoying to use and to edit if you write any amount of youknow……words….
And I was talking to a friend about this, and they were like “have you tried writing it in google docs and copy pasting it after?” And I happily realized when you copy paste from google docs, it also copies the PICTURES. This has literally saved hours of my life, y'all. It has turned something that was so frustrating I didn't want to open tumblr again into something that is no longer an obstacle so I can write once more!
So lets travel to Yugi’s brain, where Tristan desperately has to make up for all the work he hasn’t done because he was just a wee tiny bit possessed.
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It may be hard to pick up where Tristan is on this picture, and I hope I recorded it somewhere in OBS like 2 months ago when I finished the series because it was such a funny animation, but hot damn this boy has hops.
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And  you can see him there on the ground in the bottom left corner, that isn’t a rock, that’s Tristan having toppled a man with his bare hands, a man who had a sword and was sitting on an armored horse.
Can you believe this guy ran for school president? And then lost and humbly became the janitor?
Meanwhile, Joey discovered magic.
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Confirmation that duel disks are made out of old tank parts.
Realizing for the first time that magic exists, they decide to peace out.
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Back in the real world, Mokuba and Roland don’t know where the hell Seto went. Which is weird, I figured Seto would at least leave a note or a text message or…anything…but apparently even if he did, he just disappeared at some point down in Marik’s old living room.
So Roland and Mokuba decided that in order to find him, they would have to take a massive Boeing 747 to find their lost child.
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Some kids have a motorcycle, some kids have a scooter, Mokuba just wants the most boring ass big commercial plane that is meant to sit a couple hundred people in an awkward way. That’s what Mokuba wants.
Just Mokuba things.
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My bro who edits these for me wrote in huge ass letters "ROLAND SIGHTING" While saying "ROLAND ROLAND ROLAND" so I want y'all to know how much we appreciate a good Roland in this house.
Speaking of, I know it's like season 5 but...who is the other guy? He wears funny sunglasses but I have never heard his name, not once.
But this is when the plane was filled with heavenly light.
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They begin to see the fight happening between Seto Kaiba (the OG Seto, the one that is cool and isn’t depressed because his not-wife died) and Bakura (who is now Zorc). Don’t ask me how the time stuff works, and why we see it now of all the times in human history, and right over Egypt in the sky. Don’t ask me why.
I assume it’s time compression shenanigans, just like FF8, so maybe it’s just every moment in time is able to see this UFO in the sky, but overall, it’s here because it looks cool. The fact that this right here is actually not a physical place, but is actually a figment of Yugi’s imagination shaped by Pharaoh’s botchy memories--is neither here nor there. Instead, it’s everywhere. 
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Seto is unimpressed by this, because he knows how science and timelines should work, and this wouldn’t pass Kaiba Corp inspection.
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Back at the yellow palace made of cheese and mario blocks, Pharaoh is still knocked out from that time he summed all 3 dragons last episode, which to me feels like just eons ago. 
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But it’s OK, he’s fine now.
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Typically he’d be dead, because his dragons died on the battlefield and their life force is connected to their monsters. But not only is Pharaoh 1.) already dead and 2.) the author of this universe and cannot die or this universe ceases to exist he’s 3.) got the puzzle, which means he can’t actually perma die, unlike everyone else in his court who is perma-gone.
He is not surprised by what is currently happening in Egypt’s downtown strip.
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This is probably every day in Domino. Every day Seto Kaiba wakes up everyone in town with his three-headed dragon princess just because he can. Hell, Seto was doing this fight with Bakura on the top towers of Domino just this morning (or last morning…not sure if time passes in real life the same way it does in puzzle life)
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The audacity of Yami right now, the one moment Yugi isn’t there to scream about ledges, this boy is leaping joyfully off that ledge. 
He fuses with the dragon which gives him this familiar outfit.
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I thiiiiink it’s the same outfit as Alexander season? I’ll be real with you though, I don’t really want to look it up. Either way, good to see the return of putting on a ton of armor in a card game, I don't think we've seen it Canonically since that one time Joey did it against Valon, and ever since then, Joey kind of forgot it was a thing he can just do.
But unlike Joey, Yami doesn’t take the opportunity to punch Zorc in the face, instead he just loses yet another time.
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This time he didn’t even pass out, he barely even died. This is progress, truly.
But as Zorc is powering up the peepee missile to fire in Yami’s face (what a way to die!), Shadi has decided to inform us why he’s been stalking these kids for this entire show.
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So there’s two ways to read this. 1.) Shadi was Hassan the entire time but had to go back in time from this moment in order to do it or 2.) Shadi possessed the power of Hassan last second so Yami could avoid death one final time.
Both of these explanations don’t fully make sense to me, I’ll be honest, because in order to know that he’ll be needed in the first place, Shadi had to know that Yami would die at this particular moment--a moment that is a different timeline than has ever existed before.
So really, Shadi was just going by a hunch. He was like “I dunno, I’ll see how this goes.” which is more in line with the Shadi we know and love.
Is it a crying shame that Shadi, who has been with us for so many seasons, and it so integral to this show had such an unceremonious death? Yeah. I feel like I didn’t quite get the closure I wanted but I’m also sort of confused as to…what happened. But I’ll leave it there because apparently we get more Shadi content in Dark Side of Dimensions.
Anyway, I have no idea if these images will even fit into a post with how how tumbler does posts nowadays, and I'll be real I had to re upload the last bit of it, which I suspect was over 15 images???? Not sure??? but we found a workaround! google docs works!
Also, Seto didn’t die today! Instead it was Shadi! For a SECOND time!
I cannot believe how freakin lucky Mana is, this girl is still kicking and if Mana survives everything I am…going to be astonished, that’s what. Mana secretly OP, who knew?
And always you can read the rest of these here
if I turn it into a link it doesn't work right because the text editor is really, really bad. I hate it a lot. But uh...feel free to copy paste it until I can get links to cooperate.
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bidoofenergy · 1 year
little cousin of a friend
Rafael doesn’t know what words to use, how to explain what he feels for this kid that’s basically half his age, but he does know he would douse himself in the rest of the Scotch and light himself on fire for Alex.
also on AO3 (1990 words)
The kid has a crush on him. Rafael can tell, even if Alex can’t. Alex stares at him from across his tiny office and picks up Skittles for him on coffee runs and blushes when they argue. He complains and whines and hounds him over the most miniscule details, but when it’s 12:30 and Rafael doesn’t have a lunch meeting, Alex is halfway to Five Guys already. He had memorized Rafael’s order within the first few weeks, waving off Rafael’s offer to text it to him with a “yeah, yeah, I know what you get.” Rafael is emotionally constipated, like any other gay man in his late 30s, but he knows what a crush looks like on the face of a young brown boy.
And now Alex is lying on his office floor, both of them drunk off their asses on Scotch nicer than 20-year-old Alex has any business drinking. But it’s been a bad week, so Rafael orders pizza and tries to lighten the mood with good stories, hopeful stories about why they’re having this shit week in the first place. Alex is only in this town because he’s working for Rafael, and it feels like the least Rafael can do for his… employee? His friend’s kid?
They have a weird relationship. Alex is some fucked up combination of annoying little cousin, mentee, and friend. Rafael doesn’t know what words to use, how to explain what he feels for this kid that’s basically half his age, but he does know he would douse himself in the rest of the Scotch and light himself on fire for Alex.
Rafael is slumped in one of the chairs, because he knows how to handle what he drinks, holding up his phone so Alex can see the pictures from the floor. There isn’t much he’d critique the President for, but she’s kept Alex so close to the center of it all, had him running the race before he was fully grown—Alex is at a real risk of burning out young. Rafael can see it in him, because it’s in himself. At least Rafael had to muscle his way into political spaces first—Alex is in the thick of it, all day, every day, and it’ll wear him out if nothing changes.
But Rafael isn’t his dad, even if he’s old enough to be and, Christ, that makes him feel old. He’s not Alex’s dad and all he can do is remind Alex why he’s there, why they’re both there.
Alex isn’t looking at the pictures. He’s pretending like he is, like he’s listening to Rafael talk, but he’s got a far-away, dreamy but determined look on his face and Rafael gets a sinking feeling in his gut.
“Pick someone else,” he wants to beg, would beg if it wouldn’t just encourage Alex. “Pick someone else to admire, please.” He doesn’t know if he can bear the weight of Alex’s admiration. He’s so open, so bright, so young and Rafael…
There’s at least one senator with a binder full of Rafael’s secrets, holding it over him like a guillotine blade, and Rafael wants to take down as few people as possible when he falls.
On top of it all, on top of the admiration or crush or hero worship, Alex doesn’t even know that’s what’s happening. Initially, Rafael thinks he’s just good at staying closeted, but he’s too good—too eager to talk about girls on Tinder, too genuine as he listens to one of Rafael’s friends talk about growing up trans and black.
Rafael’s mentee-slash-annoying-little-cousin of a friend has a massive crush on him, and he doesn’t even know it. It’s not his place to say anything, to Alex, who needs to figure this out on his own, or Oscar, no matter how many bathroom bills he blocks, or June, who doesn’t even like that Alex is here, or Ellen, the goddamn President. It’s not his place to say anything, to anyone.
He exhales this secret on little puffs of cigarette smoke—Alex is queer too Alex is queer too Alex is queer too—on his smoke breaks, the only time Alex is willing to leave him alone.
What’s one more secret to carry?
Richards outed Alex and Rafael can’t even prove it. It’s 6 in the morning and Rafael woke up with a horrible feeling in his gut, so bad he thought he had appendicitis again even though his appendix ruptured seven years ago. He grabs his work phone and there it is, the Google alert he had set up for Alex: FSOTUS And Prince Henry Are Totally Doing It!! It’s all so ridiculous he could laugh, but all he can think about is Alex, his little cousin of a friend, forced out in such a humiliating fashion, and he nearly cries.
For one horrible, terrifying moment, he remembers the night before and that horrible gut feeling is back. Is this because of that conversation? Did somebody hear them— “Sería una mentira, porque no sería él.”—and manage to put it all together?
But no, there’s photos of Alex and Henry kissing and, worse than that, emails. Pages and pages and pages of emails, between Alex and Henry, more than he could possibly read—more than he ever wants to read—and that’s when Rafael knows this is Richards. In that moment, it’s nothing more than a gut feeling, but it’s more actionable than any of his other thoughts have been so far.
The Daily Mail broke the story, but it’s easy enough to feed a newspaper anywhere in the world a story like this. The Daily Mail would run it with a single out-of-focus picture, and they got a treasure trove. The emails were dropped on WikiLeaks, which means they might as well have been dropped out of a helicopter in terms of Rafael’s ability to trace them.
He wastes nearly an hour trawling through forum boards he remembers from his teenage-hood and Reddit pages he’s kept an eye on in recent years. Most people are mean and homophobic and varying levels of racist, but he manages to find a pocket of sympathetic queer anarchists, seriously discussing possible sources of the leak. He lurks and watches as, again and again, people ask “Richards?” and throw around phrases like “politically motivated” and “right to self-determination”.
Rafael’s skills might be 20 years out of date, but it’s laughably easy to gain access to an email server he already has an account on. But there’s so much data and only so much time before Richards knows he has it. There’s no time for him to work through all these emails to find anything of substance. Selfishly, he wants to fix this all himself; swoop in and save this horrible, horrible day for Alex.
There’s only one person he can trust with this—one person that will be able to parse this data and cares enough about Alex to do it properly. With any luck, there will be other things Richards has done for Nora Holleran to find in this pile of data.
Making a sockpuppet account is a given—he’s old not stupid—but he hesitates before he sends the email. They’ll need verification for any worthy newspaper to run the story. Thousands of emails mean nothing if there’s any chance it’s all made up. He stares at his cursor, blinking innocently at the end of probably the most important email he’ll ever send. He trusts Nora to do right by Alex, but he doesn’t know if he can trust her to do right by him.
And in a flash, he’s thinking about Alex two years ago, when Rafael got to know him for him, not as Oscar Diaz’s youngest kid. He’s so sad and mad, thinking about that kid getting his hopeful, caring, enthusiastic ass crushed under Richards’s heel all for the Presidency, that kid he got to know over Skittles and scotch and Five Guys.
Five Guys. He has to laugh. For all Alex’s complaining about not being there to play delivery guy, he had memorized Rafael’s order in the first few weeks.
Alex will get it, and know that Rafael trusts him—and that’s all that really matters. Rafael won’t kid himself. He’s never earning back Alex’s trust; he burnt that bridge. But maybe he can earn Alex’s forgiveness.
Alex swings in and throws a pack of tropical Skittles onto Rafael’s desk. He falls into his usual chair and starts talking and it’s like nothing’s changed.
Everything has changed.
There’s a weight the size of a 6-foot-something white man missing from Rafael’s back, no longer breathing down his shoulder and whispering “imagine who I’ve hurt since I hurt you,” into his ear every time Jeffery Richards shows up on TV. He can breathe, properly, fully, and he didn’t realize the pressure that was on his chest until it was gone.
It helps that he’s also stopped smoking.
The boy—the young man across from him is so open, so bright it almost hurts Rafael to look at him. Alex has been like that the whole time Rafael’s known him, since he was a stretched-out 15-year-old shadowing his dad with a notepad full of surprising insights—but it’s different now. He’s slowed down a little. He’s always been confident, always been a cocky little shit, but he’s not as aggressive about it now. It feels earned, settled into the line of his shoulders, instead of on top of them, weighing him down.
Alex is sitting across from Rafael, in the same office in the Dirksen building, the same leg flung over the armrest in a way that makes Rafael wince and then feel old for wincing, but he’s not talking about politics. He’s talking about Henry, his boyfriend, and his friends, way more than just two. He’s asking about Rafael’s life, about nicotine patches and if he’s ever going to use the Hinge profile Alex had set up and has he recently been to a party that had a single person whose office wasn’t within a seven-block radius? Alex is asking Rafael this, as if he didn’t spend most of college in the Senate building on Friday evenings, pursuing policy rumors and harassing sitting senators.
Alex pauses in the middle of a story about Henry’s dog being chased by rats to check his phone, face going mushy in a way Rafael knows he doesn’t realize. He stands up and says, or really demands, “You’re having dinner with us.”
Us, as in him and Henry, so intertwined they’re casually a single unit. Rafael loves young queer love, even when it’s sweet enough to make him nauseous. “I don’t know, kid, I’m pretty busy right now.” He says, and it’s true.
Alex rolls his eyes. “You’re always going to be busy, but I’m not always going to be here.” He says, and it sounds so simple out of his mouth. Alex has always been good at that. “I miss you; I love you; come have dinner, and we can make my royal boyfriend pay and call it “reparations”.” He’s laughing, but Rafael is still stuck in the middle of his sentence.
It’s said so casually, because of course it is, it’s Alex. Alex wears his heart on his sleeve and has no trouble saying how he feels—once he figures it out. But it still blows Rafael away to hear it said. He’s earned it back. It means more than he can ever tell Alex.
Of course, he’ll go have dinner with them, his annoying-little-cousin-friend and his boyfriend.
He shuts down his computer and starts packing up his stuff. Alex blinks, like he’s surprised he won so quickly. “Love you too, asshole.” Rafael says gruffly, clapping him on the back like the emotionally-constipated middle-aged man he is.
They leave together, an old man and a much younger, much better version of himself.
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anti-dazai-blog · 10 months
I don't understand why fans in general are always so against critical analysis & always try to defend characters whenever someone points out bad writing. Bsd fans have huge issue like that I'm glad you're so vocal about dazai character writing tho cause lots of people just avoid it due to his fans taking it so personal
I think it’s mainly an issue of people not properly tagging their posts, so that when people search their favorite characters, they find negativity instead of the positive content they were hoping for. It makes sense why that would be annoying— but in the end of the day it’s everyone’s job to curate their own internet experience.
I tag all of my negative posts with #anti dazai, so it’s pretty easy for a person to just block that tag (or block this account), and so most people don’t have a problem with me. I’ve only run into any sort of problem with two separate tumblr users in the past (one of which is pretty infamous in these bsd tumblr circles)— so from my end of things, I don’t really see all the people getting angry about character-critical content. I know it’s out there, I personally just don’t come across it very often.
I also block very liberally, so that might be a contributing factor to why I don’t see that side of the fandom. But either way.
I’m glad you’re enjoying this blog!! For any given piece of media there will be positive aspects and negative aspects, and everyone can and should feel free to talk as much as they want about both sides. There also isn’t a single right answer— meaning one person could find a character to be written in a very compelling way and someone else can find the character writing shallow— neither person is wrong, so long as they can justify their opinions with textual evidence.
The only time a media interpretation is wrong is when it’s entirely made up. And I don’t mean “this person read the text and came away with a different conclusion than me,” I mean “this person is directly contradicting the text and is giving no reasons for why they might think the text is lying.” There’s always the concept of an unreliable narrator, but on tumblr, the website that’s infamous for lacking any sort of Reading Comprehension… yeah you’re not gonna get the brilliant literary debates everyone’s hoping for.
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astroyongie · 1 year
IVE May Reading 2023
Note: please take it with a grain of salt and enjoy ! 
Love: it seems like she is once again in a relationship (started around February/March) and that she is quite happy about her situation. I don’t have much to say other to confirm that and also to say that she is walking on a cloud at the moment
Career: she seems to be very hopeful and extremely content with her career situation at the moment, not only is she getting tons of income but she is also securing opportunities for later and also have somo solo stuff. She knows her worth as an artist, however Yujin should just be careful with her jealousy
Physical: She needs to make sure she is having protected sexual activities
Mental: I feel that she gets easily emotional and agitated with things, so she needs to slow down a little. Yujin also does a lot of meditation to relax and focus
Love: Gaeul isn’t in a relationship but she has been seeing someone lately, and although her fling isn’t official she suffers a lot from it due to the dependency she created around this one person. She does anything they want and honestly this doesn’t seem very healthy
Career: She had a huge argument with one of the members and she came out of it not happy at all. Other than, her career is equally secure, a lot of money is coming to her as well and she is just so happy with everything. Gaeul is also working on solo projects and she has faith to built her own reputation
Physical: she is sick from something but I don’t know what. Other than that she needs to look out for lower backs and pelvic area
Mental: She is the type to suffer in silence
Love: Her situation is very complicated and I don’t know how to explain it without revealing much, but basically she is in a relationship at the moment, but it’s the kind to be such a bad influence and overall toxic to the point where she makes decisions about her health that aren’t good at all. Rei needs to be very very careful if she doesn’t want to have a scandal attached to her name
Career: For her career I see positivity and a lot of good opportunities coming for her through her managers and sponsors that can be only good for her artistic growth
Physical: She eats barely, she also is dealing with digestive issues
Mental: She has a lot of dark thoughts around her and she is definitely suffering emotionally
Love: So it seems like Wonyoung has gave in on her crushes and she is currently dating someone, however ! This relationship is very discreet, quite a secret, because her company isn’t into letting her have a relationship (nor his her sponsor). But in any case she is trying It out and being giggly about it
Career: obviously there’s only good things behind Wonyoung, even more with the same sponsor energy behind her that gives her the most opportunities. Her career is balanced, she has been writing lycris and overall her solo projects are seeing true form. Her fame only keeps growing
Physical: she eats barely as well
Mental: She is constantly in state of fear, guilt and doubts
Love: It seems like Liz had her eyes on someone she got close with however this person rejected her after leading her on. So at the moment she is kinda annoyed. Also she was the one who had a fight with Gaeul and this was probably related to their relationships
Career: Things are nor good nor bad, because I see comparatively with the other members, that she didn’t received that much money since her financial growth is currently blocked. I also feel like she had worked a lot for some type of opportunity that was removed last minute. Liz however isn’t sad, she knows her luck will change eventually
Physical: She also doesn’t eat much
Mental: what people say online affects her a lot
Love: She is still dating however it looks like she haven’t been able to be with her partner that much, and lately their relationship is basically based on texting and calling each other rather than seeing each other. Also her family isn’t okay with it since they want her to focus on her career
Career: things are going well, she has the luck to have almost every member behind her and helping her with her projects but Leeseo still has to work a little and wait before her projects can come to light
Physical: she is dealing with quite some throat issue
Mental: She isn’t very well, and I also feel a lot of anger in general
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