#i hope this is enough information??? xDD
factual-fantasy · 9 months
24 asks!! :DD Thank you so much!! :}}
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I haven't watched the episodes she's in yet.. but I love her color palette! She looks really sweet :}💚💙💛
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They would run XD
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Woof, she looks like hello kitty! <XD What even is she? A squirrel..? Geez, if I ever add her to my AU, she will definitely be getting a full fur color make over- XDD
(Also thank you!! :DD)
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@rubydraft (Comic in question)
YES YES! That was very much intentional! :DD And the answer lies in the fazbands!
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The animatronics can scan the Fazbands and get any important information about the child they might need. Such as the child's name, age, and which parent they belong to.
The Fazbands also act as a proof of purchase. If the the animatronic scans a child and no fazband is detected, that child must be brought to an employee. As there is no current proof that the child has had their admission paid. Hence why Gregory has a red outline, he has no fazband!
The blue kids all have standard fazbands. As every kid is given when they enter the pizzaplex.
But if its your kids birthday, they are given a special fazband that has them show up differently in the animatronics scanners. This tells the animatronics that the golden kids are the birthday boys/girls! And they will address the child as such if they ever encounter them. :)
(Also there's an Easter egg in one of those panels that no ones pointed out yet.. 👀)
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Oh yeah, there's a lot of em. :( But the animatronics don't have to worry about them. They have handlers to watch over them and keep angry Karen's/crowds away.
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I haven't really figured out their whole schtick yet..
I think in the partial swap they haven't changed much. Although Monty is a kindler gentler Monty. With Foxy by his side he's simmered down some. And his theme is a little different than before.
Roxy I think is more of a recluse in the partial swap, like original Monty is.
As for the true swap.? I haven't really figured it all out yet. Thinking that Roxy is a golfer and Monty is a racer..? I haven't thought it all through yet <XD
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Off the top of my head I have these two Minecraft wolf OCs that I made a while back :00 I cant remember any others if I happen to have them-
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:D Thanks!
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XD I wont draw that today, but maybe sometime I'll draw him giving someone a big ol bear hug :)
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:DD Hiii!! I use FireAlpaca! Its got some problems but at least its free! Its easy to learn but also has enough tools to be used by a professional! You can also animate with it if you have the patience to figure out how to use it XD
Overall, 7.5/10 would recommend FireAlpaca!
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(Post in question)
I'm not a hardcore fan, but yes! I do love the little korbo :}} And those are some Kirby slippers I got for Christmas! :D
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They're my artist hands! And I'm not sure what you mean.. 11 hands is a perfectly normal number of hands to have!
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I just imagined Glamrock Freddy having an imaginary friend that looks a lot like a purple/blue bunny.. :( 💔
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My beautiful eyeballs have been known to lure people to my blog XDD (Also thank you! :DD)
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:DD I'm glad you like it!! :}}}
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A fant. Its often mispronounced as "fart"
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@ardent-38 (Comic in question)
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AAAA THANK YOU!! :DD I'm so glad you like them!! :}}}
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XD I'm glad you felt inspired by me to bring those OCs back! And I hope that bite tasted good XDD
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<XD It'd be more like;
Classic Bonnie: "Dude, what happened to you?
Swap Bonnies: "😒......"
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It's all fun and games until I emerge ominously in the background with a snowball the size of a car XD
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Everyone starts looking through the cookies and trying to figure out which one they want. Meanwhile I push everyone aside and snag all the peanut butter ones XD
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venerawrites · 5 months
I just read you post about Genma and I agree he is a fine specimen that I don't see too many people talking about XDD
So if it doesn't bother you too much could you write about Genma with an artist s/o please and thank you 🙏🙏
author's note: a petition for everyone to start talking about Genma! <3 Thank you so much for requesting, I never really imagined him with an artist s/o, so this was so interesting to write! I really hope you enjoy!
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Genma never really cared about art.
Coming from a family full of shinobis, he didn't really see the appeal of sitting for days, weeks, sometimes even months in front of a canvas.
Is painting cool? Sure, as a hobby. But why would someone choose this as a career was a complete mystery to him.
So when Guy asked him to accompany him to one of the "art exhibition" evenings taking place at the Hokage's Tower, his first response was a "no". However, being the only available person to go with him, after a few days of nagging, he reluctantly agreed.
That Friday evening he stood staring at a painting depicting war ships travelling through the stormy sea, wishing he had stayed at home. His friend, on the other hand, was enthusiastically rambling about the hidden symbolism in every detail.
"Bored already?", a voice said behind him and once he turned around, he almost sucked his senbon inside his mouth.
Genma has always prided himself as a calm and confident man both on the battlefield and in his private life.
But as he stared at the person in front of him, he found it hard to regain his composure. Maybe it was the way they cocked their head to the side, watching him with a small smirk, or maybe it was the seductive spark in their eyes... he didn't know why but his only response were a few chocked out words, which didn't even form a complete sentence.
"I.. uh, yeah. I mean - NO!", he corrected himself, looking to the side with furrowed brows, "I am just... enjoying the art. You know.. boats, sea... hidden meanings and stuff."
The person, who was also the artist of the painting him and Guy were sitting in front of, found his comment and expression so funny, they couldn't help but tease him by asking more questions about what meanings he had found behind the image.
Poor Genma would try to structure an answer based on what he has heard by his friend earlier, but since he was not paying any attention, what came out from his mouth sounded like a complete nonsense.
Knowing he probably has made a fool out of himself, next day he came prepared. He had spend the whole day actively asking Guy questions about the exhibition and the artists who participated.
It didn't take him long to learn the person he has spoken with was one of the most renowned artists from the Land of Mountains, who were famous for portraying images of war and capture its destructing nature.
Later that day, when he went to the second day of the exhibition, he found them again, this time dumping all the information he had memorised earlier, without even given them a chance to ask him anything.
He had the smuggest smile after he finished his talk, thinking he totally "WOWed" that person, so when they start chuckling, he was both confused and a bit taken aback.
Did he make a mistake or something? Did he looked like an idiot once again?
"You're cute", they said and that was enough for Genma to gain the courage to ask them out on a date.
The next day he went to pick them up from their hotel, casually leaning on the doorway and pretending his heart is not beating like crazy inside his ribcage. He is trying to act nonchalant, but his s/o would totally see he has put quite an effort in choosing where to eat and keeping them entertained through the night.
For the rest of the week, they would spend as much time together as possible before and after work. While nothing would happen during this time, all of the Konoha ninja would notice this is not just an ordinary fling, especially when Genma brings them to a night out with his friends.
When it was time for them to leave, he would be the one escorting them to the gate (he may or may have not asked the Hokage to appoint him) and while he would act like everything was normal, the way he was dragging his feet through the dirt and gritting his senbon with his teeth would show otherwise.
It is widely accepted that this man is a flirt and a tease, but when his s/o peck his lips in a goodbye kiss, he would be so flustered and shy about it, it would look like he has never experienced any physical contact before.
All of his friends would totally make fun of him later!
It is stated in the databooks that Genma likes travelling, so I imagine him using any free days or holidays he has, to visit the Land of Mountains in order to see his s/o. In return, they would try and get more work in Konoha, always using the excuse they just "get a lot of inspiration there".
Genma would never admit it, but during this time he would spend quite some time learning about different art styles, famous artist across the globe and the symbolism of images.
I love him so much, but in my mind he is (without a doubt!) a SHOW OFF and would use every opportunity to try and impress the person he likes.
After a few months of going back and forth, quite a lot of kisses and few hook-ups, he would finally ask his s/o to officially become his partner.
At first, they would try a distance relationship, but after a while his s/o would be the one to make the decision to move to Konoha and Genma was quick to offer them to stay at his place till they find their own. (hint: they never did.)
Both of them would fall in harmony quickly - he is out working most of the day, while his s/o is creating at home, so I imagine they would be taking care of the house most of the time.
His s/o would totally rearrange the interior and while it would pain him to admit it, it would definitely look better after their touch!
The walls, which were grey and empty before, were all covered with different paintings and sketches now, creating a mini-gallery of sort.
After Guy visited the first time, it would be very hard to get rid of him! He would invite himself almost every night, spending hours and hours talking with his s/o about what he thinks their paintings mean.
I think his s/o would find inspirations at very random times (including sometimes in the middle of the night) and when that happens Genma would groan and huff how he wants to cuddle them in bed, but would still spend hours and hours watching them fall in their zone and create the most beautiful images he has ever seen.
His partner would occasionally paint him and even ask him to pose for them as a muse. He would always roll his eyes with heavy blush on his cheeks, but would nevertheless agree. (He especially enjoy it when they ask him to pose with just a sheet covering his lower half... almost every time it leads to more activities than just painting.)
While his s/o is equally as flirting and sarcastic as he is, I imagine them as more emotional, optimistic and easily excited, thus balancing his calm nature quite well.
I always thought Genma is quite a spontaneous man, so I won't be surprised if a proposal question pop in short after they start living together.
cc artwork: "SIFU" concept art
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
I hope this doesn't come off as rude or weird, and you are doing well! I'm dipping my toes into Bleach fanfiction and I have a question that might be more world-building-ish. We know there are prosthetics in Seiretei; do you think there are other assistive technologies (e.g. hearing aids) there? I mean, Mayuri seems to have...misplaced his ears and given himself a set of prosthetics/implants instead. Who do you think would be the go-to department for those things? I hope you have a good day!
Not rude or weird at all! I hope the amount of time it’s taken us to respond didn’t feel rude or weird; we are just… always on this strugglebus. 😅
I’m excited to hear you’re dipping your toes into Bleach fanfic! There is never enough fanfic on this website. <3 And WORLDBUILDING is involved? Say no more! And I love how much work the word "misplaced" is doing in your description. XDD Love it.
I do not have the canon citations for this handy, but it seems like a lot of the major bodywork in Soul Society is more the purview of the 12th than 4th. We know that Kira’s rebar job, and whatever else was required to anchor his being (more or less), happened at the 12th. If you want to be de-zombified, that’s the 12th. (Though in fairness, by that point Unohana was dead and Isane had more than enough to handle without also taking on special projects.) And Hinamori also had dealings with the 12th post-Winter War (which I’m sure was a gr8 environment for her mental health)*—but anyway!
You’ve already seen our post about accessibility/disability studies and the Gotei 13, which gets a little bit into my thinking re: 4th vs. 12th, so I’ll skip over that and say that in the present-day Gotei, the 12th is going to be your go-to for assistive technologies or body modifications.
But what does that mean for the availability of, research direction of, and cultural response to these things?
* Speaking truthfully, though, I think that maybe it… could have been? I mean, not interacting *with Mayuri* if ever she did, but other people in 12th.
I’ll share some of the directions I’d think in, if I needed this for fic. I’d love to hear about your own worldbuilding around this as well!
Availability/Usage Notes
Mostly whenever the Gotei needs something from the 12th, they just have it, because of course they do. Or Mayuri works some mojo and several episodes later they have it. So we could make the argument that if you need an arm, or new ears, or an eyeball, then the 12th can make that happen.
But what if it’s not that simple? Because the 12th also seems like the kind of place where people are… working on stuff, but might be driven more by curiosity than the desire to enact public good, or offer a viable service. Most of that stuff is probably prototype-only, and all of the time and materials and actual working samples may be few and far between. It’s ~artisanal~
And probably fairly dangerous! Or at best, not without risk, and perhaps not without a lot of other factors to need to consider and/or accept/deal with. We know that stuff from the 12th does… get tested, and it’s not like they don’t have the time/lifespans to be collecting longitudinal data, but I’m positive they do not have the kind of oversight and ethnics boards that we do, and it’s not as though our human history (and contemporary lived experienced) isn’t already populated with some pretty heinous intrusions of bodily autonomy/informed consent/etc., even with all that.
I’d be interested to know:
how hard it might be to get the materials required to create any form of assistive technology at the 12th, or to replicate a successful result.
how much risk one takes on, in accepting such a technology from the 12th.
what it’s like to then live with this tech
You might have a "simple" prosthetic like Kuukaku’s, or you might have a whole new arm, like Soi Fon.
Do you get a new arm and never look back?
Do those neural pathways require a different kind of maintenance than the original?
Are there treatments to keep the body from rejecting the new limb? Are there medications?
Are Mayuri’s implants the same as the ears his body came with, or do they function differently? Is sound still an interpretation of vibrations or is here now something else involved? Does sound sound like sound in the way that it does to others?
Research Direction
Kind of going off that, I think the impetus for the research that’s happening would also have a huge impact on how these technologies functioned and what they are intended to do for the user. 
Again, this is something that continues to be complicated (and often frustrating) in our world. You probably know this too well! But in general, a lot of the assistive technologies in our world have been developed for the express purpose of making X thing more accessible, in a world that is otherwise largely designed for some normative, abled prototype of a person.
I am…not convinced that is always, or even often, the case at the 12th. I’m sure they have many labs that do feel a focused direction to their research (military applications), but I don’t think altruism, quality of life, accessibility, or disability justice likely factor in all that often. So what does that mean for the forms of technologies that are available? What does it mean for the potential divide between theory and praxis?
I'm not saying the 12th approach is all bad (okay, some of it involves the completely ubiquitous, unremarked upon death and/or abuse of their research subjects, which seems Bad)--some of it is about genuine curiosity, and some of that curiosity is about understandings things that exist in ways different than oneself, and/or in understanding oneself as different from others. And I do think it's valuable for a lot of these guys to not be trying to "fix" some specific thing (more on that in the next section).
I think there’s a lot of potential here for different labs to have very different approaches to and visions for their research.
How many of them were given a problem that they’re supposed to solve practically?
How many of them observed a phenomena, and are working on stuff that will help them observe it better, or break open some new vantage point from which to observe it (replicate it?  harness it? destroy it)?
How many of them have a fetish they’re exploring?
How much slippage is there between these things, within and across labs?
Cultural Response
One thing I enjoy about Bleach is that while we don’t necessarily see a lot of visibly disabled characters, or see different ways of being highlighted in the narrative, we do see many different choices characters have made about their lives. And sure, maybe it’s not always an element of choice—maybe Kyouraku’s eyeball was seared into oblivion so bad there was no hope of any form of prosthetic or eyeball transplant or some other more magic-forward alternative.
But limb replacement seems fairly straightforward (and again, maybe it’s really not, and Soi Fon and Hacchi and Hitsugaya and anyone else who’s ever lost a limb just doesn’t talk about it); we know Kuukaku has all the money and connections anyone could ever possibly need in Soul Society, yet she has (chose?) a basic prosthetic. Tousen remains blind. And uh, this does get a bit weird at the end of the winter war with the bug-ifying and the exploding, but before things got Complicated, he spent centuries living life as a blind man, where his other senses took center stage and meaningfully shaped his experiences and way of being in the world. Atau doesn’t seem to have any visible hearing aids, but we do know that he signs, and that forms of communication other than vocalized speech are his primary. One would also hope that that means Soul Society has a signing Deaf community of which he is a part, as well.
In Soul Society, there’s a bunch of magic that can "fix" someone, but doing so isn’t a foregone conclusion, and there doesn’t seem to really be a prescription for what root someone would need to take. (Minus Yhwach telling Yamamoto he should’ve gotten a new arm.) There are characters who choose to make use of this technology or that, and characters who choose otherwise. These are all potential ways of being, each with their own considerations, both practical and persona. And it seems like there’s a lot more allowance for that than in many spaces in our world (the military, for instance).
At the same time, like that other post of ours points out, there’s not a lot of thought given to accessibility or support, so this has its limitations. XD And maybe those limitations come out of things similar to what I was talking about with regard to research directions—is there a goal of accessibility being foregrounded, or is it a bunch of dudes (who may or may not be part of the target audience for their tech, if there is a target audience at all) making/breaking shit? It might also have to do with the ways that shinigami bodies, even as they do seem important and not entirely afterthought, are not as critical to their existence as ours are. Shinigami are not as anchored to the body. Maybe this gives them a freer sense of the strictures that "must" govern it/relationship to it; maybe it also supercharges the forgetting, of the ways that it does materially impact ways of being in the world.
As far as what cultural responses to using or not using assistive technologies might be, I imagine a lot of shinigami don’t actually think about it that much, because it hasn’t occurred to them to think about it. Everyone probably thinks Mayuri is a weirdo, but probably not nearly as much as Mayuri would like, and probably not because he replaced his ears. There’s so much other stuff going on with that man. XD He probably wishes he got more of a reaction out of his "hmm… okay then" co-workers! But I like the idea that a shinigami’s sense of what is "normative" is relatively broad. At least where the body—the just-the-organs body—is concerned.
Since that’s not at all the cultural response to other forms of "deviation," like Hollowfication, for instance. Which is certainly a bodily change/non-normative way of being, but which is treated in an absolutely different way. THAT’S a deformity; that’s the grotesque; that’s incompatible with life in the Soul Society. That’s the line.
Anyway, that sure is a whole Post, but those are some directions and questions I personally find invigorating. I hope it was also useful to your own brainstorming, as a jumping off point or as counterpoint to the ways you want to explore things. I’d love to hear your own thoughts as well, and definitely feel free to tag us in any worldbuilding headcanons you choose to share! :)
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hikapoi · 7 months
Thanks for always leaving nice (and even fangirling) comments on my posts, whether on my blog or on the blog I manage! Most of the time I don't know how to respond (because I'll never get used with this website even after years) but I want to let you know that I really appreciate every single one of them! I hope you have a great day!
And hope you enjoy your trip to Japan! Here's hoping there'll be more merchs releasing on the time of your trip so you can have a Rayne shrine at home!
Hi! Thank you so much for your kind message!! It really made my day ^^ It's tough providing an information hub for a fandom even out of pure passion and I think people who do that don't get enough love and appreciation for what they do! I also know nerve wracking to want to provide translations but not be sure if one's skill/understanding is "good enough. I've poked here and there in various fandoms wanting to do the same and don't worry! What you're doing is great and reaches so many people. Thank you for your hard work!!
Coincidentally enough I'll be spending Rayne's entire birthday on the plane XDD Maybe I should draw.. but yes, thank you for that kind wish as well!!! I'll be on a journey to collect Rayne pieces just for that! -salutes-
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years
Hiiii! Hope yer well! Heard you were doing Wednesday Matchups? It's grand if you aren't ^-^ A lot of my body and clothes that are avaliable right now aren't accurate to how I am, so I hope it's okay that I'm describing my appearance how it's going to be, rather than how it is currently!
My name is Willow from Ireland, They/She and Genderfluid. Demipanromantic Bisexual, I'm 17 (today 🎉). I'm 4'0" (disability), long floofy and messy black hair, dyed partially red that kinda just curls and waves all over the place, like a wee wolf's mane :P
I like drawing and do it regularly, singing, and (when I have the energy) dancing. When I'm hyper and not feeling too many chronic pains, I'm practically bouncing off walls and climbing across sofas, tables n stuff just for fun XD
My clothing style is a bit all over the place, but I typically wear goth/grunge style clothing, but occasionally I like becoming a ball of rainbows and just go for bright, rainbow colours too, with jumpers n stuff :3
My personality is reflected this way aswell, I switch between being bouncy and optimistic, to cold and blank somewhat regularly, depending on how I feel, or who I'm around. I'm INFP-T and usually quite a bit sluggish because of a lack of mental and physical energy. I'm very distrusting of people at first, but if my instincts allow me some time to get past that, I am ALL OVER YOU! Very touchy and cuddly, but if someone isn't comfortable I'll respect it, and do whatever alternative they prefer, or if they just need to take it slow. I deal with a lot of anger control issues, which can be bad but it comes in handy when protecting the people I care about, which I'll gladly do with vigour and without hesitation. I have either Autism/ADHD, or both, still not sure.
I hate; people who refuse to communicate, judgemental people (Bigots, Homophobes, Sexists, etc), disingenuous people, lack of respect for those who need help or have special needs.
Foods I like; Pasta, meats, ice cream, pineapple and most fruits & vegetables.
Foods I dislike; Peas, Cabbage/Lettuce, rice on it's own. Not a fan of dry foods :<
Styles of music I like: Rock, Punk, Metal, Rap, but also lot's of upbeat pop n stuff that makes for good wee dancey dances :3
I'm also a therian/otherkin, which in simple terms means; I behave and identify as a non-human animal, or creature. Typically I behave very dog/cat-like, so lots of cuddling, mini licks, nuzzling n all that. But that's only when I feel safe enough. My anger is also fed into this a wee bit, so I'm often seen chewing or biting down on my chew-necklace since when I get angry I wanna bite things (or others) for some reason XDD
Sorry if that's a lot >_< I don't even know if I got everything down that I wanted to, but it should be everything! If you need any other information let me know and I'll resend this, with the added info :3
Hi there, Willow and happy birthday today! I really hope you like this a lot!
Wednesday (Netflix) Matchup
Your Wednesday (Netflix) soulmates is...
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The three of you would definitely be listening to all kinds of music and dance very silly together and just having fun with each other.
Enid would pet you and give you all the love you deserve while Wednesday will only give you slight hugs and discipline when it comes to you.
Both of them would love your hair because it is different than they are used to a lot and they love the bright red hair look on you.
ESFP x INTJ x INFP lovebirds!
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4) SEBLOSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔
I'm not okay thank you very much <3
Anyway!! Ricky and Gina's date was SO CUTE!!!!! It was literally the most adorable thing ever and I'm not okay :'DD. And I just- PUPPIES!!! Awww my babeys 🥰🥰. Also the fact that it was all because he made fun of her childhood favorite show a bit :'D stop that's so cute <33 your honor I love them so much :). Also the secret hallway meeting and the notes (written on Camp Shallow Lake stationary!!! But sir did you steal that lol-) were adorable :'DD 🥰! And AAHHHH Troy and Gabriella :DDD!!! Our babeys 🥰🥰🥰 <33. Y'all are gonna slay, congrats :D.
ASHLYNNNN honeyy 😬👀. Girl a) your thing with Maddox is sus as heck xD, b) you gotta tell Big Red!!! I mean you can come out whenever you feel comfortable but like. I think he deserves to know xd. Considering everyone else does xD. Though I do see her reasoning that it shouldn't be done over text - and while "steal his gay thunder" is funny XDD, it is a nice thing to do lol. Like, not do that I mean. Also L I V I N G for her and Carlos friendship <33. And AAHHHH congrats on Kelsi girl :DD 🥳🥳🥰!!! I know you're gonna slay it 🥰🥰.
Kourtney honeyyy :'((( you gotta go to therapy bestie <33. I mean you can't put it off :((. I get the feeling something bad is gonna happen because she keeps putting it off. Like, besides just gradually worsening from stress and whatnot, but an Event I mean. Like a breakdown or something :(. And I won't be able to take that :'). Thank you guys, I will die :'p 😭 xD. But seriously, I hope she's okay (in the end) 🥺 <33. But besides that!! AAHHHH GIRL YOU SLAYED SO HARD!! I mean, acting a biiit to Sharpay, but you're not mean to people (hopefully a yet is not needed here :') ) so I'm cool with it xD. And speaking of CONGRATS ON GETTING SHARPAY GIRLLL :DD!!! You're gonna slay 🥰🥰🥰🎉🥳!!
ALRIGHT Y'ALL, IT'S CANON THAT SEB WAS A HOMESCHOOLER!! LET IT BE KNOWN FAR A WIDE!! This is amazing news <33. Idk lol it's just fun xD. Also Big Red is the SWEETEST :'DDD!! I hope he's enjoying and slaying in Cairo 🥰🥰. Also, once again, miss you EJ and Nini <33. Oh and about Seb again - SIRRR HOW DARE YOU NOT AUDITION 😭😭💔. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME SEB!!?! I can't believe this 😭 :'). But let's be real, this is the only way he couldn't be cast as Sharpay 😤😔 /j /lh xD. Kourtney totally deserves it lol, I just miss my boy <33. In general and as Sharpay lol.
CARLOS!! Honey you are going through it 😭😭 xd. But yeah also maybe talk to Seb lol. Also I love how it's like-
Carlos in Episode 1: I'm dealing fine with everything happening with Seb :D 🙄! He'll come around
Carlos in Episode 2: :'))). this is fine. everything's fine. he hates me :'))).
Bro is going through it and I am going to love it if it gets worse XDD. Like, if he continues farther down that self destruction lol (as in he is being destroyed not he is destroying himself lol). Lovely <33. Also I'm suffering 🥰. ANYWAY! Love his and Ash's friendship 🥰🥰. AAAAHHHHHHHH CONGRATS ON BEING RYAN CARLOS!!! You're gonna slay :'DDD!! I love him so much 🥰. Also how dare he pass his assistant position on to Emmy :')). How could he do this to me <33. But also fair enough lol even if it hurts me, drop something if you need to xD. Though I love how he still read the cast list.
Speaking of Emmy, I love her xD. Girl is slaying lol. I do wish she wasn't replacing Carlos, but it is funny that she's being the errand freshman xD. Also her information gathering skills are HILARIOUS and also ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ o.o xD. OH and :(( poor girl getting kicked out of the movie, I'm sorry honey D:. Also though Carlos describing her as Broadway exile was amazing xD. And AAAHHHHHHH TAYLOR :OO :DD!! CONGRATS GIRL!!! You're gonna slay :DD. I didn't have a guess for that casting but I wasn't guessing that!! Slay for her though, good job girl :D.
Miss Jenn is going THROUGH IT lol xD. Like girl is not having a good time lol. Her dressing up to disguise herself was AMAZING though oh my gosh xD. I think she's just going to be constantly disguising and hiding and sneaking around security guards this whole season and I love that so much xD. I'm so excited for it lol. But! I'm glad her and Quinn are on a bit better terms now, with the apology and the casting of Gina and whatnot :)). Like, not great, not even good really lol, but they have to work together (a bit) :)! And I hope they will, when needed 😌. They probably won't much but eh ah you know lol. Anyway I wonder if for some reason she actually will play Ms. Darbus since we've seen her in the costume pieces xD. That would be wild lol. "I think I was playing Troy at one point" takes on a WHOLE new meaning lol. Imagine if they're constantly switching Darbus's throughout the show xD. Oh my gosh that would be hilarious lol. Either form emergencies or just because they cast so many people as Darbus (despite having so few for the rest lol). Anyway xD. If you do end up as her, congrats Miss Jenn, you're gonna slay lol XDD. I love her <3
I love how they actually read the cast list for the others too, lol xDD. We're acknowledging the side characters <33. And it's lovely xD. But also WHERE ARE STEPH AND RICO AND KADEN AND KAISON 😭😭😭💔😤!!!?! We don't deserve this </333. AND NATALIE!!!! Maybe they were all seniors lol. Still, nonetheless </3. Miss them <333. Anyway slay everyone who got cast :D.
Imagine we get Seb as Chad :')). I really doubt it lol but still xD it would be lovely <33. And I deserve it <3 XD.
ANYWAY!! The dramaaa between Mack and Dani o.o 😬. Also I was thinking maybe Gina would recast her but a second after Quinn said SHE was in trouble I was like "OHHHH yeah, Gina's getting cast" XD!! I was sure of it lol. But AAHHHHHH how excited they all were!! As they should be!!! Like that situation is like :O :D!!! But yeah, I'm so nervous and so excited :)).
Listen anything added to that song is cool xD but OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVED IT SO MUCH :DDD!! HOLY COW :O :D!! Also I just loved the tension and drama, and all of them running away to audition xD 🥰🥰😍🤩❤️. It was amazing <333.
All of the music this episode was GREAT!! I loved it all so much :D. As I said, Now or Never was amazing and Ricky's serenade to Gina was so adorable :'D. I think there was more but I don't know and anyway they were all amazing 🥰🥰.
I loved this episode so much!! It was so good :D. I think things are gonna start moving super quickly from here in out (not that they've been slow or anything), just because of everything going on lol, which includes everything we've got to GET done lol. Anyway, I am so freaking excited and not at all ready 🥰🥰🥰.
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crownshattered · 9 months
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|| (no banners just but just know this is a headcanon post~)
As a companion, Neth's first romance scene would be at the party at the end of Act 1 (it could probably be accessed before then with a high enough approval but I haven't thought that far yet XDD). Idk how it would start at the goblin party, so this is what happens if you talk to her at the tiefling party.
Faenethra can be found standing alone inside the kind of "ruins" in the camp (i think this is where the mirror is). When you approach her, she'll comment on how she's surprised you managed to find her. Smiling softly, she'll talk about how she earlier played a song for the tieflings at the party. She thought people would want to hear her play music, given that most people were wary of her. She'll tell you that she always assumed people wouldn't like her, but she never thought to try and change their mind. She'll say that she likes this, helping people and proving that she's not like other drow.
After that, she'll then move on and say that despite how nice this was, she needed some time to herself since crowds aren't really her thing. You can then bid her farewell and move on or offer to go into the woods with her to keep her company. If you say the latter, she'll chuckle softly and agree.
This is when the actual romance scene starts. It's a lot like Shadowheart's in the sense that it's mostly about her opening up to Tav rather than actual romance. The two of you will walk together through the forest. You can then ask her a series of questions about herself that she normally would just give short answers to, but now she goes further into detail. You can ask questions about her sister, her childhood, her time in the Underdark, and why she closes herself off from other people. After answering the questions, she'll give additional information about how she loves music and used to want to be a bard, but she knew no one would want to a drow bard.
After the questions are all answered, you two will stop and Faenethra will mention how you should probably head back. However, she's really enjoying the peace of the forest right now and says she'll stay out here, since it reminds her of her sister. But there's a bit of hesitation in her voice and face. You have the choice to go back to camp or stay with her. She'll be grateful if you stay with her. If you decide to do that, you can either go to sleep, give her a kiss, or suggest spending the night doing something. If you say the latter, Faenethra give an awkward smile and shake her head, saying that she's flattered but she isn't ready for that kind of thing. Instead, she'll give you a kiss on the cheek and say she hopes that's enough for the time being.
After that, the two of you lay down in the grass, looking up at the sky and appearing to talk to each other as the camera pans away~
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QueennNnn!! Your art isn't awful! Its friggin beautiful and you can't change my mind!!💖💖💖💖💖 Also, while I'm sending an ask, can I have some more information about your adorable babies👀👀 (I wanna make more drawings for them uwu💕)
Ahhhh alrighty alrighty, I’m not gonna argue with you sweetie hehe😂💖! I’m just,,, super happy that you all like my art so much huhuhu, and thank you for always being such a dear to me💖💖💖!!!
AahhaAAAAh, about the babies—-🙈🌠💖! I’d be absolutely honored and delighted to tell you more about them!!! I don’t know if I should put this under a cut or not though because…. phew…. it’s gonna be a bit long xD (and I also don’t have any good drawings left of them and unfortunately need to use some terrible old sketches because??? I don’t draw our children often enough??? Pffff that still needs to change💕)
here’s a warning for me being indulgent and swooning over my Crachelle babies up ahead xD!
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She’s a true Daddy’s girl through and through xD Her hair color is actually a very light pink but with slightly purple undertones, basically a mix of Angel’s and Big Mom’s hair- aaaand she got my bright, blue eyes😂 Trifle is a very open-hearted and kind girl, although she tends to be a bit too dreamy sometimes! Her father is her ultimate hero and she wants to be just like him while growing up. Many of her clothes are actually mirroring that as well, and she even started to put a special kind of fire-crackers into her hair to further showcase her close bound with Papa Cracker lol. Unfortunately though… she never really knows what she actually wants and is more than once lost in her own little fantasies, which can occasionally come to bite her. Flambe is Trifle’s favorite aunt and often helps her when she’s dealing with yet another girl crush again huhu xDD
Fun fact: when she was little she used to plant ‘magic seeds’ (rocks) in our garden, hoping that they would grow to give her a little sister someday. (yes, Cracker and I really regret watching Thumbelina with her)
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Although Trifle tries to imitate her Papa as good as possible, it’s actually Pretzel who is stuck with resembling Cracker the most- but only appearance-wise! As you can probably tell, he’s the spitting image of his dad… minus the lack of eyebrows and some other little details haha xD Pretzel is a bit of a shy boy who tends to overthink certain things and often has some difficulties with making new friends- but once someone spends a bit of time with him, he truly thaws up to be one of the coolest people around! His relationship with his father is rather strained, mostly because Cracker has many high expectations for his oldest son, and if he doesn’t live up to them…. well, things can get a bit problematic xd Pretzel also got a hearing problem and communication is a little difficult, but he’s always doing his best to let people know about how he feels! His favorite uncle is Oven, who often helps him with training and getting stronger.
Fun fact: Pretzel actually dislikes his name. A lot. The fact that he was basically named after a sword constantly haunts him, even if he tries not to think about it lol
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Nothing about her ever stays the same for long, since Eclair is a true free spirit! Her natural hair color is a rich brown with some lilac undertones, but it can be rather hard to tell because she loves to change it on an almost monthly basis! Out of all the siblings she’s probably the smartest and most cunning, and always knows just how to get her way xD Eclair often pretends to be naive or even somewhat stupid so people will leave her alone or to avoid certain duties lol, but depending on the situation she might actually show her true colors to help those that are dear to her! She prefers to do things that bring her fun or pleasure rather than strict chores, and one of her favorite hobbies is painting pictures to express herself! She’s the anti-social bee of the family, although her parents often nudge her to be a bit more open and find friends xD Her favorite uncle is Mont-d’Or and she also enjoys spending time with Amande, since they can both understand her more introvert behaviour and love for artistic outlets!
Fun fact: she’s actually a bit short-sighed and supposed to wear glasses, but she never does! And if her parents were to ask her about it, she’ll simply respond and say that she ‘lost’ them again lol
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Did you ever ask yourself… ‘what if there was a kid that’s basically just like Cracker, only 100 times worse?’ no? Well too bad, because that is exactly what you’re getting with Dodger! Oh boy, where to start… as far as appearance goes, he’s a pretty solid mix of his parents- his hair is similar to mine (only more wild and spikey) while his eyes and face resemble his father. But his personality is just…. too much to handle for the both of us! Dodger is truly the definition of ‘troublemaker’, as there is not a single day where he doesn’t get caught up in some drama! He’s an unstoppable bundle of energy and keeps his good traits hidden for most of the time, since it’s soooo much more fun to just get on people’s nerves xD To make matters worse, he also has a deep love for stabbing things. Mostly inanimate objects though, but still!!! Best be careful around him! Other than that, he actually dreams of becoming strong and powerful like his Papa, and sometimes sneaks into the Seducing Woods to train his ‘intimidation tactic’ on some unsuspecting homies. (He basically wants to be able to make them wither away in fear, similiar to what Cracker did xD) His favorite aunt is Angel, whom he always plots new pranks with!
Fun Fact: His relationship with his Pa is pretty good, but there was one incident that left Dodger slightly fearful of him…
Last but not least, Cherry!
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Cherry is,,, the currently reigning baby of the family- she’s just,,, hhh,,, so tiny and precious ;^; With her big ruby eyes and bubblegum-pink hair she really looks like a wildcard, but there is at least one physical similarity she shares with her father- the lack of eyebrows xD Cherry loves her parents more than anything (and tbh gets a bit coddled by us too), but that doesn’t mean she won’t get into trouble! She’s an adventurer at heart and likes nothing more than to run into a forest, befriend some random animals, and discover new things! Together with her pet bunny Bun Bun she’s ready to take on any adventure, and of course, be home again by dinnertime! 
Fun fact: when she was still a very smol baby, her older brother Dodger once tried to ship her off to an orphanage because her babbling/crying was too loud lol
in conclusion: I love my babies very much, thank you xD And I definitely need to draw them more often!!! hhhHHh there are a few small comics I’m already working on but psssssttt xD Also I’m really sorry for the bad sketches on this one, I just don’t have enough good pictures aaahh
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to Guiltrip!
Alright, so this one is a bit more of a serious one for me. But I'll be going in order of the episode so the more serious talk will be a bit further down! First thing we get is this lovely moment:
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I've already addressed it in a post, but I'll say it again here. Guiltrip is episode 11, several episodes take place before Guiltrip that we haven't seen yet, so this is awhile after Marinette and Luka broke up. We also know that Marinette has always had feelings for Adrien, even when she was with Luka. Luka always knew that fact too. None of this is new and is to be expected, obviously, when Love Square is endgame. But! I also want to point out here that this is just a soft look. Very gentle, very common. I see people looking at each other both in real life and in other shows all the time. A look that says "I adore you". And I think it's sweet! Very subtle, but enough. Something's wrong with Rose. We never get told (in this episode anyway) what it is, but it's a chronic illness that's a worry in Rose's life, ever since she was young. I feel really bad for Juleka, knowing that her friend's been struggling with an illness, and whenever something happens she has to worry about it alone. Also that really sucks when you try to cheer somebody up and make a joke, that because you were mislead about a situation you end up making things worse. Poor Marinette. :c Adrien when he realizes he's bumped into someone (and the pink bubbles to remind us of Marinette's feelings for him):
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Adrien when he realizes just who it was he bumped into!:
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Scroll up now and look at how Marinette was looking at Adrien earlier that day. It's the exact same look. Yet, something feels different from usual to me, idk. But continuing on. Marinette gets slightly jumbled with her words, but manages to give herself a kick and says nope not now! Good for her! You can't expect to change overnight, but she's working on it.
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She looks to the side, gathering her surroundings for a split second and she misses the top step. I'd like to say that this is just a joke for the show but well, this kind of thing has happened to me a lot because I'm that much of a klutz so I feel for her here. (On Halloween I forgot that there was another step as I was walking down as I wasn't paying attention. I couldn't walk on my foot for 2 weeks. It's a serious problem, guys. Really. xDD) Marinette had told Adrien she's concerned it was something she said that upset Juleka and Adrien tells her while sometimes she doesn't make sense, what she says is never mean. This scene reminds me of when Ladybug's worried about something and Chat Noir's there to keep her grounded and remind her of how things really are. I very much appreciate seeing such a scene with Adrienette! Makes the Love Square much more rounded. Also the way he stops her and says let him go talk to her to try to help the situation and any possible misunderstandings from taking place. ;-;
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Can I just say... oh my gosh. He went from determined, to hearing Marinette trying to comfort her, to looking with confidence "This girl is amazing." and the whole Ladynoir vibe I'm getting from this scene makes me happy. The thing that's unrealistic about this scene though is you expect to tell me that 8 kids went down those stairs and came up behind them and Marinette, Adrien, and Juleka didn't hear? XD Now here's where the serious comes in. Rose is hospitalized with an illness we don't know about, but has been a long-term thing that has Juleka really worried a lot. That must be so stressful :c I'm going to be honest and say I never really saw Julerose romantically. Like I can see how people do, but to me, I could see that their bond was really unique. It didn't really fit completely in the "BFF" category either. But if felt like there was more to them that I didn't really understand. I think the best example off the top of my head was during Zombizou, when Rose was going to help Chloe after she slid down Chat's stick and she went too fast for him to catch her. Juleka seemed especially worried and concerned for her. Rose never seemed to get concerned about Juleka in the same way Juleka was about Rose. Juleka's always been more protective and worried and it was always one of those things that made me go "hmm, interesting". Now this episode finally explains why and I'm honestly super glad for it. Because this kind of a relationship is not a common one in media, especially kids media. Partially because having such serious illnesses in young people is not particularly common, and having someone who's so caring and protective of that person is even less common. And most people probably don't realize how amazing it is to have health problems and then have someone in their life who acts like Juleka does for Rose. I had a life-threatening illness as a kid, one that still affects me greatly today. When in school, my friends knew about it without me having to say anything unfortunately, and while they didn't usually treat me differently, sometimes they were pretty ignorant and didn't understand why I wasn't "normal" like them. They asked questions that were harder ones to answer, and tended to forget my answers. I got a lot of "I know you have X problem but I still don't see why you can't..." as well as thinking I was lying if I said I wasn't well and couldn't go to a party, and that was hard to deal with, being limited in what you can do which makes you different and being judged for things out of your control. So seeing these kids who only know something's wrong with her, but are willing to do so much to make her life better and happier, not judging her at all, wanting to take care of her no questions asked was really heart-warming for me. I only had one friend during that time that was anything close to this. I never had to explain anything to him if I didn't want to. He never asked me personal questions I didn't want to answer. And he seemed to know what he could do to make things for me easier if I was having a hard time without me ever saying so. And this is another reminder to me that this show is aimed at kids. To show kids that they'll likely encounter someone around their age that's going through something serious like a health problem, and what that kid needs most is kindness and not to be made to feel like they're even more different from the other kids than they already feel. The way they handled that aspect of it for such a short, limited intro to it, I think they did good. I discussed this next bit with a friend. She mentioned it first, the trope where those with chronic or serious illnesses are usually an "inspiration". With this episode, you kind of get the feeling that because Rose's been through so much, she's therefore a really positive and bubbly person and it kind of gives off the vibe that if you don't view things the way she does, then you're not doing it right. "What matters isn't the problem, but how you handle it." While I agree with this, and that when you come out of or regularly deal with
such hard times, automatically trying to see the world better and brighter can easily happen, but it's not exactly realistic either, at least not to the extent Rose and other people the media has portrayed. For one, I think you have to have always been more of that kind of person from the start to realistically be so positive. As my friend said and I agree, positivity is just who Rose is, she's not who she is just for the sake of a trope. But honestly, when you've gone through something so difficult, and if life continues to throw you more difficulties on top of it, being positive so much can sometimes turn into a negative and be harmful too. When you've been through a lot, it's important to allow yourself to feel the negative too because it's part of dealing with such problems. And if you've been through a lot in life and you haven't come out of it being all sunshine and rainbows, always looking on the brighter side of things, that's perfectly okay. Life's hard and tends not to work out how we'd like, or even for the better sometimes. If being positive and hopeful after struggling is hard to do, you're not bad or wrong for feeling that way, everybody handles things differently. c: ANYWAY, moving on to the rest of the episode! Juleka being all irritated and worried that the class was going to expose her spilling Rose's secret xD While the situation isn't ideal, it's nice that this is the most involved she's seemed with everyone in the entire duration of the show. But Rose knows something's up, and I love that she talks to her about it and realizes that she should've told everyone herself instead of Juleka being the only one who knew. Which has been such a burden on her. (Oh no, what if this is a reflection of Alya knowing Marinette's Ladybug later on? I'm hoping not.) Ugh these children and how much they care about Rose! These kids are the absolute best. But then they kind of ruin it a little with going overboard. Which, frankly, I think is just ignorance of her situation really. I mean, we don't know what exactly is wrong with Rose. Just that she ends up in the hospital. If they knew about her condition, what causes her to get sick, what to look out for, etc, they'd be much more informed and much less likely to be frantic whenever something's not perfectly "normal" with her. All of these kids are going to be overprotective parents someday, aren't they?
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Okay so like... are Adrien and Marinette going to question at all how Ladybug and Chat Noir showed up immediately after Juleka was akumatized, and no damage had happened outside of the school for it to be known to the public? Literally the only ones that could've possibly known were the class to have shown up that fast. ??? I am confusion. "I can't help my best friend face his father." "No, Nino..." Two things: The fact that THIS is what he's feeling guilty about? My poor Nino! Dx I just love him, he really doesn't get enough love and appreciation imo. Also, um, isn't Ladybug like right by Chat? Didn't she hear that? What? Idk but I feel like we're really missing something here. Usually we get things that are kind of hints, that make us wonder if they know right, but this? This is a bit too blaring-in-your-face, and there's two major things so close together. Really strange. Chat about to use Cataclysm on himself. Good grief that was not expected. Chat Blanc threatened to destroy himself along with everything else. Now Chat Noir while affected with negative emotions from an akuma almost Cataclysmed himself. This show really is getting deep and dark isn't it. o.o Also is there something Adrien needs to work out with someone...? Daizzi and Rose saying the other's so cute, ugh they're both so cute! And Pigella's costume and transformation is so adorable omg. Okay so Pigella's power allows people to see their biggest wish, the thing that'd make them the most happy and feel positive emotions. I know some people probably think "That's it?" Considering that Shadow Moth preys on people's negative emotions, such a power is actually extremely useful facing Shadow Moth. (And let's not forget, that while that's her power, she has the ability to fight and make a difference just from being transformed too) BUT AWWW Juleka's wish! And her face when Pigella said it aloud. ;-; Am I the only one wondering if Pigella may someday use her power on Shadow Moth and that's how they learn his motive? I'm so impressed with how Rose knew how to handle everything. She knew she can't slip up with Juleka. She knew to sneak away to detransform and come back as Rose. She knew to subtly give the Miraculous back so nobody would ever know she had it. Even Chat Noir had no idea! I don't know why, I'm just so very proud of that. "She doesn't need a Miraculous to be a superhero." She really has the characteristics of one, and I can't wait to see more of Pigella. Also I'm really wondering. This scene here:
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All the kids that are part of that friend group are there...except Marinette and Adrien, of course. Alya knows why Marinette isn't there. But is she wondering about why Adrien isn't there too? LOL Marinette being like "I'm taking your pillow back, sorry! Gotta wait for it like everyone else." and the boys being like LE GASP. Marinette's right, she's not fragile! The fact Rose jokes with her and makes everyone laugh, and Chloe saying "Hey, why doesn't everyone laugh when I say something like that?!" Adrien: Because in your case, it's never a joke. Chloe: Hm, that's true. Which is super funny, especially how he just so casually says it. But also it really shows again how Chloe wants to be liked. She wishes the kids would laugh when she makes comments, but it's because they're said in a serious/obnoxious way, instead of making light of something like in Rose's case here, that they don't. I know she talked about it with Ladybug in an episode, but it again shows that that's what she'd like. All that needs to happen is someone helping her get there. Maybe Zoe and Luka will somehow help with that later on. Anyway, this was a really great episode! I feel like some things might not make quite as much sense as they should if we got it in order, but what can you do when Gloob has to air them? Even a friend of mine who's been doing what she can to avoid spoilers, still got spoiled. She's having to delete tumblr to avoid future spoilers because people can't help themselves and tag things properly. So thanks Gloob. :P All we wanted was the episodes in order. We've waited this long for S4, we can wait a bit longer. But they gotta make money I guess. I'm glad other countries are trying their best to keep it in order anyway. c: Guiltrip also has some really great Adrienette moments, and covered a more serious topic which was really interesting and shows how much the show's changing. Especially with some of the choice of camera angles and movements! Like the zoom-in on the door with Adrien and Marinette, the boys LE GASP scene. Very cool artistic choices! Looking forward to the episodes that come before this one to try to help fill in some of the gaps! And apologies to those that frequently read these posts from me, I started writing it up late and couldn't finish so you get it the day after instead. xD
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
5+1 - [Part 2]
5 times Iida was tickled and the one he wasn’t
Kanene’s note: What a helloooo! I am baack! Gosh, look at me! Having a posting schedule! Who would say, huh? xDD Well, I hope you like this >u<
Warnings, fun facts, random things and stuff:
* This characters don’t belongs to me! They all belong to the anime/manga Boku no Hero.
* This is a SFW tickle fanfic with family tickles, so, if you don’t appreciate this kind of content, please, look for another blog. There are a plenty of very greeat arts in this site!! ^w^)b
* This is Lee!Iida with Ler!Aizawa and Nemuri sprinkling some tease here and there. All relationships are platonic. Around 1.500 words.
* Sorry for any spelling, pontuation and grammar mistakes! Any and every advice is very very welcome! \(-w-)/
* Look at the window and find something that is worth smiling for. Don’t forget to drink water, sleep and eat! <33
“Iida Tenya.”
 “Ooooh noo,” Nemuri added from the spot on the floor where she sat, pampering and spoiling Shouta’s cats with plenty of snacks, a sharp grin gleaming at the boy who came running from the kitchen and now looked from a side to another with a panicked expression on his face, fast to move his arms in an ‘abort mission’ sign to the woman. “Looks like someone is in trouble! ~”
 “Nemuri-san, please I ask for you to control your voice!!” Tenya whispered in a volume that most people would categorize as a shout, especially with Shouta’s hero trained hearing. Nemuri, though, just expanded her wicked grin as the nine old boy didn’t realize the dark figure arriving right behind him. “He can’t know I am here!”
 “Aw, my dear,” she pouted in fake empathy at Iida’s inevitable fate, scratching Pudding under her chin, her loud motor like purring echoing in the silence. “But Shouta already knows.” Iida stilled as a statue when a shadow loomed over him, starting to turn around, slowly. “He always knows.”
His quirk activated a second before Aizawa erased it with his own, making the blue haired one stumble on his own legs, almost falling on the ground if it wasn’t for the arms that grabbed him in a firm hug, fingers worming their way to his armpits, prodding and digging on the awfully ticklish flesh there.
 “What,” Shouta started, with a tune that tipped on bored, his plain face contrasting to the smaller’s puffed cheeks as he wiggled and shook with the contained giggles. “Did I say about my orange flavored jelly packs, huh?”
 “Aww, is the itsy bitsy Tenya ticklish? Can’t he take all the tickly-tickly-tickly tickles his favorite grumpy uncle gives to him? Huh? Aww, my poor ticklish boy.” Nemuri teased, ignoring the glare her friend sent on her direction in favor to stare at Tenya, who went redder at her words, a couple of squeaky snorts escaping from his lips.
 “I will remind you what I said about eating my jellies without permission: don’t. Never. Do not look. Do not touch and especially, do not even think about eating it.” Aizawa highlighted the last phrase by blowing a raspberry right behind Iida’s neck, leading the boy to squeal, uncontrolled laughter following it almost immediately. The taller man did his best to keep a serious face, principally as the arms of his ‘victim’ rocked up and down, from the left to the right and in random patterns without even being able to get themselves enough control to attempt to stop him. “And you did, so now you will face the consequences. It’s only logical.”
 “A-Aizahahazawa-san I, I cahahahAAH!” Shout cut the other’s protest by throwing him in the air, resting his hands on his sides when he caught him again, slightly clawing his stomach with his fingers, fishing uncontrollable, bubbly giggles from him. “Please, please! I can-'' Snort. “I can ehehexplain!” Yelp. Half words, Half pleas. Giggles. Giggles. Giggles. “I hahahave the right, Aizawa-sahahahan!”
 Shouta contented himself in making the younger squirm – left, right, left, left, right and repeat – from a side to another by tapping his fingers on his sides repeatedly, sometimes giving a quick scratch only to gain another yelp, pretending to think about the proposal for a little less than a minute.
 “No.” He decided, spidering his fingers merciless on the death spot. Iida threw his head back, crackles flying from him in a waterfall of shrieks and squeaks.
 “Come one, Shou! Let the boy speak! As much I love this lovely, absolutely adorable laughter that makes you want to tickle and tickle him forever and ever, and aww, wouldn’t you love it, my dear? To get all the tiggles-tickles you could ever want for all eternity?” Iida kicked and shook his head in protest, more pleas falling from him, face and neck in flames. “I think he has the right to defend himself.”
 “Which side are you?”
 “No side deserves my awesome presence.” Aizawa rolled his eyes. “What is the matter, Shou? Afraid that you will lose in a logical battle with baby Tenya?”
 “Ihihihi am NOT ahahaha baby!!” Iida protested through his hysterical laughter, nothing giving him more strength than correct factually incorrect statements. “I ahahahaham a very hehehealthy chihihihih- – No! Not there! – chihihihild! Mom said so!”
 Nemuri hid her snickers behind her hands, receiving a very unamused yowl from Pudding, the cat demanding her to come back to her ear scritches immediately. The woman resumed to her wishes.
Shouta recognized a bait when he heard one, but watching the way tears started to appear in the corner of the younger’s eyes, he decided to bite it.
 He adjusted him so the boy would be resting on his hips, his hand resting calmly on his ribs, a much less ticklish spot.
 “You have fifty seconds.”
 “WHAT!” Iida stared at him in disbelief, turning to look at Kayama in the search of reinforcements, and being gifted with nothing more than a joyful shrug, his brother’s best friend being very glad in just watch the chaos unraveling in front of her and, unnoticed by the other two who were caught up on the silliness, the camera carefully hidden behind Pudding’s fluffy form. “That ihihisn’t even a minute! It’s impossiblehe to mahahake a good defehense under this condici- conditionaries… undeheher that pressure!”  
 “Conditions.” Aizawa offered, “and heroes work under pressure. You want to be one when you grow up, right?”
 “Yes!” Iida’s smile got even bigger than it already was, his eyes also becoming even brighter, shining with the determination of his new challenge.
 “Good,” the tired adult smirked, starting to count with his fingers as the seconds went by. “Start to talk then.”
 Tenya tried to clear his mind, together with keeping his resolve strong enough to not visibly squirm or titter every time Aizawa made any infinitesimal move. He never thought he would really be able to convince his uncle to let him make a true attempt to escape from this, therefore he didn’t possess any good enough reason to explain besides the ‘it was orange flavored and oranges are delicious!’
 A sentence pulled him out of the frenzy of thoughts dashing on his brain at full speed. “You have twelve seconds now.”
 “WHAT!” Tenya cried, seriously thinking about just pushing Shouta’s arms away and trying to run to the safety of the guest room.
 “You seem to have a problem keeping track of the time.” The small kid nodded at his direction and Aizawa almost felt bad by his next move.
 “Let me help you, then.”
 The underground hero poked an index finger on the lowest rib, vibrating on the sensitive spot for a few pieces of second, tearing a sputtering guffaw as Iida realized the true meaning of his words. “One.” He pressed another rib, and another, and another. “Two. Three. Four…”
 “Noho! Wait! Wait!!”
 “Five… Six. Seven…”
 “Oops. It looks like you’re running out of time, sweetheart.” Nemuri added, unhelpfully. “Well, let’s just hope the mean Shouta won’t attack those awfully ticklish knees of yours when the time is over, right?”
 “Good luck. Ten. Eleven. Twel-”
 Aizawa stopped.
 “What?” He blinked one, two, three times. As if the meaning of the rushed words would become clearer. “No. I hid it and I was very clear in saying you couldn’t touch it. There is no lie here.”
 “There is! A lie of omiz-” Iida closed his eyes, concentrating on the word and controlling the few giggles that still slipped from his mouth. He wanted to be a hero and heroes succeed through the pressure! “omission! Which means hiding! You hid the information so you were lying to me, so I… I… I taught you a lesson!”
 They stared at each other for what seemed a lifetime.
 Aizawa huffed a chuckle, lowering the boy to the ground, trying to not be blinded by the excitement and proudness exhaling from the younger when he realized that he succeeded in “logicing” his way out of the playful “punishment”, beaming on the ball of his feet at both adults.
 “Good. In a fight, using your opponents’ words against them can be an important tool. Also, as a physical opening, don’t forget that I was carrying you, which means that if you hit the back of my knees hard enough I would weaken my grip and that would give you the opportunity to run. I would try to not hurt you when I fell, so that is also a weakness you could exploit.” After a thought, he added. “Try to do that the next time Hizashi tickles you.”
 “You are a bastard.” Kayama replied, earning an exasperated gasp from Tenya. “Not you, dear. I am talking about Shouta.” That did nothing to alleviate the boy’s rebellion, his lecture of how ‘This isn’t the proper vocabulary of a hero’ was soon interrupted as the apartment door flew open, Ingenium walking through it. He immediately extended his arms, hugging his brother when the aforementioned jumped on him, part of the exhaustion of a day’s work being eased by the younger attics.
 “Tensei! Tensei! I already did all my homework and I brushed my teeth and I played with the cats so they would not be sad or bored and I ate all my greenies and also-”
 “-ate all my orange jelly packs.” Aizawa completed.
 “And Aizawa-san tickled me because of it! Using very villainous techniques even though he is a very good and skilled hero! But then I won! I showed him logic and, and, and then he let me go!”
 “Oof, that sounds like a very exciting day!” Tensei ruffled the boy’s hair, fondness dripping in waves from his acts and words. “But you don’t need to worry anymore about Shouta, the Grumpy Tickle Monster because now I am here!” Tensei posed in a poor representation of All Might's usual pose. “Ready to protect you!”
 “Oh.” A dangerous tune marked Shouta’s grin and voice, making the blue haired hero to shiver with all the teenagerhood memories that this brought over. “Don’t get over yourself, assuming you’re out of danger, too.”
 A wobbly smile took over Tensei's expression as Shouta cracked his knuckles, preparing himself for a chase. “Don’t think I don’t know exactly who told him where I hid my jelly packs.” The older Iida got his younger brother on his arms, flexing his legs, preparing to not give up so easily.
 Aizawa decided he was feeling merciful today.
“You have three seconds.” Iida gasped in protest, an argument on the tip of his tongue. “Run.”
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cerezasp · 3 years
For the @kidlawexchange2021 :D FINALLY
Dear@generaldevi this is my gift for you! I really hope it's enough for your promps since I'm not much into gore (I don't usually draw about it), but it was so fun!!! Plus, I don't know how but I finished it in between 24h XDD
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Whole pic in my Deviantart!
You can see it here more clear without the Room.
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Andddd here you are some extra! Luffy joins in!! (I checked your bio for information (stalker lol) and found out you might like those three having fun?:3
PLUS (and I´ll finish it here lol). Though it was not planned at all, I wrote something some days before getting your prompt. Actually, my own prompt was based in a blood kink, so I though it'd fit perfectly as an extra for you. I was all translated by myself so maybe is not perfect for understanding, but I guess it is better to understand it all without translating the whole thing in some web.
Here's my naugthy fanfic.
And that's all!! Tell me about everything (or only what you decide to, I'll be happy).
Merry Christmas an Happy New Year!!!
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BRO YOUR IMAGINE WHERE S/O WAS KILLED AFTER THEY DIDN’T BELIEVE HER ABOUT THE CLONE THING WAS AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! can I ask for a part 2 or an Alternative ending? Where the body the police found wasn't the reader, they somehow find that the villains used the reader to transform her into a Nomu!! Like hearing her distorted voice blaming them PLEASE I WANT TO CRY MORE xdd
I’m glad you liked it! I am so sorry this is so late! I decided to make this a part two instead of an alternate ending! You did say you wanted to cry more so I did my best to make it as angsty as possible! I hope you like it! Length: 2k Pronouns used: She/her
Warnings: Swearing, details of a murder.
Disillusioned (Part 1)
Tag list: @shiggi-trash @neon-tries-writing @happynoodle @boku-no-dumbass @peachy-yabbay
Lost Again
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The weeks following the incident with the villain were hard for the Big 3, especially Mirio. They hadn’t been the same since meeting her… or him. They hadn’t been the same since the day (f/n) disappeared, and it didn’t go unnoticed. When the trio had brought up meeting the villain to the heroes, they were all extremely concerned.
The biggest concern was whether or not (f/n) was alive. Thanks to what the villain had said, the police had reopened (f/n)’s investigation, going so far as to exhume her body and have it tested.
Unfortunately, the results were the same. Multiple forensic teams had tested her DNA, but all they came up was natural DNA. Meaning the body they’d found was actually her. However, the villain had mentioned being able to create clones, what if this (f/n) was just a realistic clone? The reopening of the investigation stirred the public, causing a bit of backlash.
Why didn’t they know the first time? Why did they exhume her body? Exhuming her body meant disrespect to the family. Why didn’t they do a thorough investigation the first time? A young girl died and no one took it seriously until the Big 3 brought up the villain. How did no one realize the villain had kidnapped her? How come her family hadn’t noticed?
The backlash was rough. Not only for the heroes but for Mirio and (f/n)’s family. They did their best to comfort Mirio and he did his best to comfort them. He’d apologized over and over for neglecting to see that (f/n) wasn’t herself, but her family disagreed. Even they couldn’t tell it wasn’t their (f/n). The villain had perfectly portrayed her, to the point where it was terrifying. If they could do that, that meant the villain could be anyone.
The police quickly got the pro heroes involved with their investigation, doing everything in their power to find (f/n) or at least the villains who did this to her. They didn’t have many clues to go on. There was only one thing that was extremely odd in her case.
Why did they clean her decapitated head?
The idea was baffling, why did the villains want her to be recognized? Cleaning the head meant people would easily identify her, barely any effort needed to be put in. When committing a crime, no one would want the victim to be recognized, yet here the villains were doing the exact opposite. It didn’t make any sense.
However, as odd as that was, there wasn’t anything concrete that led them to the killers or the original villain, who had kidnapped her. In fact, even a few weeks after, the police had little to no information on who was responsible.
“Mirio?” Tamaki called, seeing his friend enter Fat Gum’s agency in his hero suit. Behind him, Nejire popped her head out. She gave him a wave as the three came close together, greeting each other.
“Hey, Tamaki. Good to see you.” Mirio greeted, waving to his friend. Ever since (f/n)’s disappearance, Mirio hadn’t been the same. He wasn’t as cheerful, his smile always seemed forced, and there was always that lingering regret in his eyes.
The trio had been through therapy, and was still going in fact, but it didn’t do much. Their change was drastic and only one good thing came out of all of this. It fueled their need to be heroes even more. They were much more aggressive, more willing to take risks, and always second-guessed anything they found even a little bit suspicious. 
“You’re here, are you ready?” Fat Gum asked, walking to the three. They nodded, wanting to hear more information. “It’s that abandoned warehouse we’ve been passed, numerous times. We think there’s a villain base there and today we’re going to find out.”
“I thought it was empty. I’ve been in there before, but I’ve never seen anything.” Nejire explained, making Fat Gum nod.
“It was empty before, but recent witnesses started seeing activity there. From what we’ve gathered, multiple villains gather there at least once a week. We’re not sure what’s in there, but none of our agents have been able to get in. So, it’s our job now.” The trio nodded, ready to go. It wasn’t a big team by any chance, just Tamaki, Nejire, Mirio, Fat Gum, Ryukyu, and some police officers.
The team had arrived at the warehouse and were waiting on the signal from the officers. Mirio took a few deep breaths, trying to get in his hero mindset. He needed to push everything else out of his mind and perform like a hero.
The sad thing was, (f/n) never left their minds. No matter what they did. When they’d wake up in the morning, they’d think of her, when they went to class, when they went to lunch, when they saw their hero suits… that one was a big reminder. Seeing their own hero suits would remind them about how they’d failed to help. Just their suits alone would taunt them and that was only one thing.
The three pushed all of these cruel thoughts out of their head as they got ready for a fight. However, before any orders were given, the door abruptly burst open. A woman with black hair and piercing green eyes glared at them. She waved her hand causing green energy to throw them away. They all flew away and landed on the ground, immediately pushing themselves to stand up.
Nejire was the first one to get to the villain, however, a large purple beast got in her way. The nomu quickly grabbed Nejire, slamming her down onto the ground in front of it. She let out a pained cry as it kicked her away, making Tamaki catch her with his tentacles and bring her back down, safely.
The large nomu let out a loud scream, making the heroes prepare for a battle. The woman smirked as she pointed to the trio and laughed.
“That’s them! Doesn’t it hurt?!” She yelled and they glared at her. The nomu let out another cry but… this one was different.
“No…” Mirio whispered as his resolve shattered right then and there. That shriek was bone-shaking and so familiar. He could feel his heart speed up, there was that feeling in the pit of his stomach, that sinking feeling, it was almost like a bad nightmare. It was a bad nightmare. “No. NO! (F/N)!” The same reaction went through Nejire and Tamaki as they listened to the garbled mess coming out of the Nomu’s mouth. When they focused, they could hear words.
“Your fault!” No. Please no. Anything but that. Mirio ignored all logic and ran to the nomu, throwing himself at it. After his initial shock, all he could feel was intense remorse and regret. He felt the need to beg for mercy and forgiveness. But most of all, he needed the nomu to be some miserable hallucination of his. He couldn’t let this monster be his (f/n).
“(f/n)! I’m sorry! Please! Please don’t let this be you! I’m begging you!” He said, looking at the villain. “Tell me this isn’t her! This isn’t my (f/n)!”
“Oh? Can’t you tell?” She responded with a laugh. Mirio barely had time to respond before the nomu threw him away. Once again, Tamaki caught his friend and set him down.
“Th-that’s he-her!” Mirio cried, tears sliding down his cheeks. Both Nejire and Tamaki were also crying, unable to help it. Her distorted voice, the way it sounded so pained physically hurt them. It was almost as if something was repeatedly stabbing their chests. They felt nauseous and dizzy, it was both disgusting and so fucking sad.
So, the villain lied. The situation was actually worse. At least the other way, (f/n) would’ve died, but here… she was still alive and thinking. Clearly, since she was blaming them.
She sounded just like herself… but at the same time, she didn’t. The trio had frozen up, unable to move or think. Their minds started to shut down, unable to process anything but the fact that their (f/n) was a nomu.
When the pros realized this, the trio was told to leave. No one blamed them, fighting villains was hard enough, but to now have to fight their friend, their cherished loved one, was something else. So, the pros decided to handle the situation.
As the trio was leaving, something clicked for Mirio, and he refused. He knew if (f/n) was still alive and well, she wouldn’t want him to leave her like that. (f/n) was a good person. That last thing she’d want was to be turned into a fucking nomu. A villain to hurt her friends and the other heroes.
“We… have to finish this.” Mirio said. Just those words were enough. No need for an explanation, no need for convincing, because all three of them were thinking the same thing.
So they went back, ignoring the pros. They took a stand and they pushed past their fears. (f/n) wasn’t (f/n) anymore, so they weren’t hurting her. They were hurting the monster she was put in.
The trio worked like never before. It was almost like they were able to read each other’s minds, being able to synchronize their attacks. It was deadly, and that’s exactly what they were trying to do.
“I’m sorry!” Tamaki yelled as his large tentacles threw her away. Nejire flew up into the air and used her super move to take (f/n) down. Mirio was quick to deal the final blow. As much as it hurt and as wrong as it felt, he knew he had to.
They frowned and watched as (f/n) fell over, a pained groan leaving her mouth and her body landing on the ground with a loud thud. She wasn’t going to survive and the three sat by her as she slowly started to slip away. Before she did, though, they had something to say.
“I’m sorry, (f/n). I should’ve believed you. I’m sorry I didn’t, I… I wish I could take it all back. If I could, I would do it in a heartbeat. I love you so much, so much it hurts, baby. I was an awful boyfriend and an awful friend and I’m so, so sorry. I wish I could make it better. I wish I could make you better. I’d give my life for you right now. If we could switch places right now, I’d take that chance so quickly.” Mirio mumbled and only a weakened whine left her mouth. His hand gently grazed against her face. Tamaki reached out and touched her hand, sniffling as he spoke up.
“I-I’m sorry, I should’ve known it w-wasn’t you. I’m s-so sorry (f-f/n). I’m so sorry, I f-failed you. I f-failed as a fr-friend a-and hero. Like Mirio s-said. If I could sw-switch places with you, I w-would. I’m so, so, so sorry, (f/n). I’m so sorry.”
“(n/n)? You’ll be ok,” Nejire sniffled, sitting behind (f/n) and gently rubbing her large, muscly shoulder. “It’s ov-over. I’m sorry too! I wish I knew better. We should’ve trusted you, you had no reason t-to lie or, or do what you did! Y-you w-would never h-have hurt Amajiki. I-I’m so sorry! If I could, I’d give my life for you. I’d… I would trade places with you too, if I could. You don’t deserve this but we do. We… we do.” Her tears slid down her cheeks, landing on (f/n)’s shoulder and sliding down to her collarbone.
Unfortunately, the last sound that left her mouth wasn’t comprehensible. It was the same garbled mess but if this was, in fact, (f/n)… then she knew they were sorry. She knew they regretted what they did… not like it made much of a difference now. 
(f/n) was still gone. They still lost her and it turns out the outcome was worse than what they thought it was originally. How long had the villains had her like this? Did they take care of her? Did they abuse her? Why didn’t they just kill her? Why?
It didn’t matter. There was no one there to answer their questions. All they knew was the body was, indeed, fake. (f/n) had been turned into a nomu… and now she was gone. Again.
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
So I know his 11:11 isn't your cup of tea (fair) but i personally think it's an alright song. He's got a nice voice, the song and lyrics itself are basic but workable (although I hope it's not about pixie girl) and listening to it on spotify is nice cause i don't have to cringe at his singing face, so all in all, I think 11:11 is alright. Rise Up based on the teaser i don't know if i like it.
The fact that I don’t have to look at the singing face is what could eventually make me listen to it on spotify. Btw I still did not, I only checked out the teaser on ig and that was more than enough lol
Yet again, happy to know that everyone here likes the song! Makes good alternative to my bitching <333
And I need to ask, might regret it later tho. By pixie girl you mean Jules the fairy twin flame queen right? Very ambiguous if ye can catch my drift. Asking cuz I try to determine how informed audience I have here xdd
For ye hun, made it myself \(owo)/
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sparklingdust4612 · 3 years
Reviewing in a way I never did!
I love your hunger games fanfics and am gonna go crazy here lol
Star: He's the son of a gentleman. She barely passes for a lady. In a world of ballrooms and proper snobs, they're best friends...until friendship is no longer enough. But who will admit it first is the maddening question. Historical AU.
An amazing fanfic that made me swoon. Peeta was so amazingly sweet that jIust wanted to hug him and never let go. I pity Mr Mellark and anyone who had to witness Katniss and Peeta's interactions lol. Poor Katniss, she felt so bad and put her walls up without knowing it after knowing of Peeta's escapades. So Glad that they found there way to each other and lived happily with an amazing family!
Enemy: I'm Katniss Everdeen-Snow. I'm eighteen years old, the president's granddaughter, and the youngest Gamemaker that Panem has ever known. I've been taken prisoner by Peeta Mellark and the rebels of District 13. But I'm dangerous and trained to kill, and I'm not going down without a good, long, hard fight. Canon Divergence.
Amazing what-if fanfic! Katniss was so sweet to help Peeta by acting all authoritative and threatening despite her age. Snow really did a number on her and Peeta, I fuckin hate him. Well what do you know, Kat Everlark (as if Peeta won't know where the last name came from) XD So glad he found his way to her and nothing can keep them apart!
Poet: Peeta is a famous erotic poet who sends readers into a tailspin with his verse. When he moves to Katniss's university hometown, she finds herself at his front door, hoping to get a critique of her story. One-shot. Modern AU. Written for the s2sl charity.
Were you like, trying to make people feel weirdly aroused by this??!! I loved this smutty, hot fic. How epic of Peeta to say all those vulgar words in front of a mortified Katniss haha. The smut was oh shit! and their future relationship, no doubt, won't ever be boring XD
Waterlily: Peeta's a high school exchange student spending a year on Panem Island, a foreign land of blue coves, lilting guitar melodies, and floral-scented breezes. He thought he left his love behind in America. But after meeting a village girl with a wild side, he's not sure where his heart belongs. Modern AU. Banner by Ro Nordmann: archiveofourown .org/works/960816/chapters/1882437
I liked this, poor Peeta, having to live with the images of Finnick fucking Katniss in two different ways. I loved Katniss' rebellious spirit and the fact she was doing most of it for the community was so heroic. One thing iI don't like was that it took them so damn long to get together and the fact Peeta kept thinking of Madge and rubbing her in Katniss' face even after knowing how she feels for him. That was shitty and pissed me off. Happy to see that they finally ended up together and Katniss loved him enough to start speaking again!
Rebel: Peeta is a bad boy. Katniss is a good girl. Neither are interested in changing. But when Peeta's sent to work on the Everdeens' Amish farm during the Autumn harvest, two very different worlds—and hearts—collide. Modern AU. Banners by Ro Nordmann: archiveofourown .org/works/564057/chapters/1008445
The idea of Peeta as a bad boy and player was, idk different. His personality has always been so charming and sweet that it surprised me. So cool to see their quick connection to each other. I loved the fact that everlark had to hide their relationship, makes it hawt!! Very informative and well written and I am so damn happy to see that they finally found each other and didnt have to hide anymore. Peeta, please work on your proposal skills XDD
Legend: People in the kingdom whispered about a legend: a boy with a bow. They said he took up residence in the woods, hiding out while committing random acts of kindness, namely stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Historical AU. Robin Hood. Banner by Ro Nordmann: archiveofourown .org/works/562105/chapters/1004309
Amazingly amazing, this one over here! Thank god Peeta, in a way, saved her from having to marry and bear kids of Seneca fuckin Crane. he doesn't deserve her!! Dancing around their feelings is such a Katniss and Peeta thing to do its not even funny. Hot as fuck sex and then they had to fall in love, damn! (damn for them, I was celebrating ;) ) They really had to go through so much but it doesn't matter much, because it brought them to each other and made them stronger. I loved their kid, so talented like his parents. Pretty cool conception there, kid!!
Fae: When they were children, he stole her heart. But then he vanished and she never saw him again. Many years later, Katniss finds a portal into an enchanted and dangerous forest, guarded by a fae boy who seems vaguely familiar. Fantasy AU. Banner by Mr. HGRomance: archiveofourown .org/works/683931/chapters/1255009
This is my favourite fanifc written by you!! and one of my all-time favourites in fantasy genre. Poor them, they both suffered so much after losing each other. they were so young but the fuckin Faes took him and hurt them both. How utterly clueless in love were they that they never entertained the possibility of being each other's Moonlight and Sunset. The hunger games type of challenge was so amazingly done and I believe no one could've written a fantasy version of the games better! "I remember you." awww such a tender and amazing moment. Poor Peeta, he did the right thing letting her go but it rewarded him in the long run. Mr Everdeen, so glad he remembered (wIas feeling sus when he disappeared without trace) such a sweet moment to see the Everdeens finally reunited. I loved the ending and it was such a wonderful journey :D Can someone bring me Finnick so I can kill him? Hated him in this. And would've loved some everlark babies but hey! it was perfect!!!
Are you writing any more THG fanfics?
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marumafan · 4 years
Hi! I’ve been reading your KKM analyses, and I absolutely love them, most especially the YUURAM ones! Can you do some detailed ones on Love Letters and Crossheart too? Please, please?!
Hi @celinelean​!
Of course! I'm having a day and may not be drawing, so why not?
Also to everyone who likes analyses/discussions, you can always leave some questions/requests in my mailbox if there's anything you're interested in. I'll try my best.
Love Letter
"Love Letter" was Takabayashi-sensei's first new short story in about 6 years. The first part features Yuuri and Wolfram writing sweet stuff about one another.
The excuse of being 'from Greta's point of view for her homework' gave them both the excuse to express their true feelings.
(Now a cultural point here: The more I live in Japan the more I notice people never tell you the truth about anything. They either don't say anything and let you know 'in some way' or you never find out. A fan of maruma I once met, who could speak English, thanked me for continuing to talk about a topic even after we had disagreed at some point about something. She said people who disagree in Japan simply drop the topic XDD . True story. XD They avoid talking about 'truths' in general. So I feel like this whole keeping your true feelings hidden is a very Japanese thing (which is the target audience for maruma, don't forget). So in this story, both Yuuri and Wolf can express their feelings for one another.)
As for the things they like about each other:
The first thing Yuuri sees that Wolf has written in the cards was some compliment about his awesome black hair. But when Yuuri asks if he should write about Wolf's appearance "How good looking he is" " How his green eyes are like gemstones", "How even his eyelashes are blonde", Wolf's like "Of course not, that's not something Greta cares about".  (Wolfie, never change. XD)
Wolf also writes: "How well he gets along with his spouse" which really shows along with his entire demeanor during this story, that even though there's no official title, he really thinks of himself as already married to Yuuri.
Yuuri then writes:  "He never abandons his PARTNER" Again, this is a word you use for people you're romantically involved with, but in a more 'earthly' slang. This reminded me of the Seisa arc when, during the bed scene, Yuuri mentions how happy he is to have Wolf there.
He writes another 12 good things about Wolfram, and he mentions that "his left cheek was hot due to the flames of the fire" , implying his right cheek was blushed due to what he was writing. So he's putting in there things that make him blush.
Yuuri asks then if they will get these cards back, and Wolfram assures him that yes they will. Yuuri:"So that we can read them many times and remember how much Greta likes us."
Wolfram: "Of course"
Meaning: Yuuri:  "So that I can read many times all the wonderful things you really think about me?" Wolf: "Of course"
However, Yuuri tells Wolf about the futility of having the cards, when you have the other person right there living with you. Yuuri says" Even without something like this, I'm sure that the feelings would be conveyed, "  (XDD see this is what I'm talking about! This Japanese mentality of ‘expressing in some way without words’ what you feel)
BUT! this is when Wolf says that in that case, the cards would be more useful to remember people who live apart from you.
So Yuuri's 20th thing he likes about Wolfram is " He tells me things straight to the point".
This means, it's Wolfram who pretty much tells Yuuri to go visit Conrad and have him write stuff about him, cuz he's not living in the castle and so that Yuuri won't miss him.
Wolfram asks if Yuuri's going out. Yuuri says yes. Wolfram's last card says: How honest he is. Yuuri's last card says: How kind he is.
And I mean, damn! If this isn't yuuram af, I don't know what is.
Second part is what was introduced in the first part, Yuuri goes to visit Conrad, he's living above Jozak's bar in a cold, dirty room. And Conrad writes and gives him the card about Yuuri, and it 'warms Yuuri's heart'.
Comments on Love Letter: I used to think this was a lot more conyuu than it is, but re-reading it and seeing that it was all Wolfram's idea to begin with (and Yuuri knows it was Wolfram's idea), it really shows that strong relationship between Wolfram and Yuuri and includes Conrad's current situation (not living in the castle) as a trigger for getting in a little conyuu in the story and making those fans happy.
You see this 'conyuu afterthought to please the fans' in the first two stories she wrote after the break "Love Letter" and "Lame star Wars". After that, they're all yuuram centric stories. And before the break, they were very much so as well.
It's very clear in everything Takabayashi sensei writes, that she really likes her main couple, and had always planned for them to end up together.
This is an older story (2010ish), even if it was only published as an extra for the omnibus release in July 2013, and it was also used as part of drama cd 70 released in January 2013. But the contents of this story are the origin of another story published in 2011, so it must have been written before that. (EDIT: I found the original information at Ray Clover: CROSSHEART IS FROM APRIL 2006! (file: asuka1302). It was published as a mobile story, and republished as an extra in the omnibus re-release! )
The title: Although it could be a combination of crossword and heart, like hearts crossing/intertwining; or crossword and the last word of the puzzle" kokoro->heart",   I like to think that sensei, knowing a bit of English based it on the phrase: "Cross my heart and hope to die"; as in 'a promise' -> which is the topic of this story. 
Then the intro line starts with "That day, there was a strong wind blowing since morning, so I couldn't really go outside."  This line, much like the title of novel 4, has the concept of 'wind blowing' that makes reference to the proverb 「明日は明日の風が吹く」`Ashita ha ashita no kaze ga fuku'. Tomorrow, tomorrow's wind will blow. Which means something like "there's no point in thinking ahead" or "What comes next is up to life". Whenever sensei writes that enigmatic first line, it usually carries a lot of meaning and foreshadows what is to come.
The story starts with Yuuri and Wolfram alone at the office. Some event is taking place and everyone but them is busy. Yuuri is doing a crossword and struggling. Wolfram finally gets closer to see what's bothering him.
The first hint for the crossword, is 'a pet name for children'. Wolfram then remembers his mother used to call him Honey-chan (Hachimitsu chan). Yuuri immediately likes the name and says "Maybe I too will start calling you that from now on, honey-chan."
(Additional info: In MisePan2, 2011, Wolfram gets angry at being called honey-chan, because "Yuuri is younger than him" so he has no right to call him something that older people call younger people. Clearly, "Crossheart" where Yuuri discovers Wolfram's pet name comes chronologically before Misepan2. So we can pinpoint that Crossheart was written before 2011, maybe it was even a failed attempt at Misepan2. Misepan 2 came out with the last DVD box, which was delayed a year due to circumstances with Takabayashi sensei. We know this because in the afterword of Misepan2 , the author says: "I really can't apologize enough for this.... I honestly apologize to all of you for keeping you waiting. I'm really sorry for the inconveniences I caused to all the parties I kept waiting for this." So sensei apologizes and blames herself for the delay of the last DVD box. This might have been due to her health issues, which she only mentioned once, in 2010. EDIT: I found the original information at Ray Clover: CROSSHEART IS FROM APRIL 2006! (file: asuka1302). It was published as a mobile story, and republished as an extra in the omnibus re-release!)
The second hint for his crossword was the name of a famous mouse, so of course Yuuri is thinking Micky, since the last letters are cky. But it turns out to be "Rocky" a famous mouse character. So there's a legend that small animals, like mice, squirls, rabbits and even birds can see spirits. And this particular mouse is said to deliver messages from the dead to their families.
This triggers Yuuri to ask a question to Wolf: "What would you do, if I never returned?". Wolfram asks him to clarify what he meant. And Yuuri asks: Would you cry? To which Wolf says: I wouldn't. At first Yuuri is a little hurt by the cold answer, like you wouldn't miss me? But Wolfram explains, of course he'd miss Yuuri but he wouldn't cry. Because if he did, Yuuri wouldn't be able to live a happy life back on earth. Wolfram's promise of not crying so Yuuri could be happy, left Yuuri speechless and then he noticed the word that was formed vertically in the crossword.
The hint for that word: "What you use to share your feelings with your partner."
The word is never specifically said, but in the drama cd it's "ko-ko-ro" -> heart. Which would also circle back to the "heart" in crossheart.
Comment on Crossheart:  This story as well as its natural continuation, Misepan2, are very yuuram oriented.  Do you want an exorcism, another contemporary story of these two, is also largely yuuram. And the same goes for all of sensei’s work including the very last doujinshi. 
I also want to point out the pet name she chose: Hachimitsuchan. Again, I may be over reaching, but she has enough English knowledge to know “Honey” is something you call children AND your significant other. The fact that Wolfram eventually gets angry at it, adds to the comedy of errors, which is one of the underlying tropes in maruma. Yuuri’s sweet words are generally misinterpreted by Wolfram.
I've been saying this for years. Takabayashi-sensei has liked this couple from the very beginning and has been building their relationship for novels on end. Every story she's written, shows them happy and together. The very last one even has them married with Wolfram wondering if Yuuri would want more 'wives' (as in, what about the other ships?) and Yuuri assuring Wolf he only wants him (no other ships are sailing from this port).
People who ship Yuuri with other characters aren't basing themselves on novel canon, which is fine, of course! But the novel canon is yuuram. Note: I use yuuram as a word to denote the relationship between Yuuri and Wolfram, also because it’s shorter than royal couple. I’m NOT talking about ‘who’s top’ in the relationship. I feel like this whole ‘top’ bottom’ talk is so 90s, we should get over it, much like Takabayashi-sensei herself has expressed she doesn’t care about that whole ‘top’ ‘bottom’ thing. 
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danininodigital · 4 years
Hey, so I recently meet @yoosung-simp and her work and I just loved it uwu. So I made a little something for her. I hope you like it uwu. Luv ya.
Ø  For plot purpose Saeran and you work from home. You as a writer and him as head of the information unit.
Ø  He does have a schedule he has to stick to, but old habits die hard and it only takes a little knock from you on his door to make him come running to bed with you.
Ø  He loves to sleep with you, and every morning you two find yourselves intertwined in a different position. And when he wakes up earlier than you, he´ll count the freckles in your face trying to connect them and map them out like stars.
Ø  Talking about sleeping, his favorite part was to cuddle with you. You are soft and warm, and he is guilty of using your chest as a pillow sometimes.
Ø  You were the one who started the touch, and at first, he was hesitant. Not that it surprised you, but you hoped he came around. Little by little he did, and now you catch him at you with soft eyes asking for permission to wrap his arms around you.
Ø  Sometimes when you have free time you indulge yourself in new recipes, and with the pure smell of your baking you have him peaking into the kitchen asking you when he can have some.
Ø  As time has passed by, he is gotten to know you, and during that time he noticed how you are so much more active and sillier than before. He loves it! He didn´t get it at first, but now its those little moments that get him out of the routine that he loves.
Ø  Your outgoing and passionate personality has help him make a bridge between him and the R.F.A., allowing him to make connections with them and forming a new family.
Ø  He notices how you avoid being alone, as you sneakily bring your laptop to his office to work there. For the same reason he tries to spend time with you and share some of your hobbies. You draw while he gardens or cheers you while you play another match with Yoosung, and he definitely reads you writing and is so impress by it.
Ø  But when he is consumed by work, he tries to leave little note and flowers around the house, so you´ll remember that he is there.
Ø  And lastly, he doesn´t say it enough, but he loves you.
(Lol if it looks weird its cause of that 0.00001% that actually uses this site in the computer becuz I need the spelling cheecking from word xdd)
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