#i hope my attention sticks with this game as long as possible because
old-stoneface · 1 year
i have soooo much to say abt fallout 4 so far . so ummm
just did the whole kellogg memory quest and when valentine insisted he get the implant connected to his brain i was like NO!!!!!!! but it was already done and valentine wouldnt have refused a chance to do anything he could to help. it was so nervewracking lmao that was such an interesting quest too because while i do know what happens in the game in general, like i know some of the major spoilers, i also really enjoy seeing it all play out. it reminds me of how it felt to play the final benny quest in new vegas and meet yes-man for the first time.....that shit blew me away.
i want to take other companions around w me in fo4 other than nick, but man im really attached to him, and he just asked for my help with tracking down his white whale. so hes sticking with me for a while. needless to say, i love goodneighbor; i think its a very cool community and hancock is a riot . his introduction was a lot lol he really took offense to someone giving valentine trouble. one of the things that i loved about new vegas was the ability to help sort out community problems and make life easier for everyone in the various settlements, so finding new towns and doing fetch quests or clearing out feral ghouls to make life easier makes me pretty happy. its a bonus that valentine enjoys that too.
anyway, back to kellogg. i kind of dont care about him. i understand, and i get it, he kinda does parallel the sole survivor, but that was on him for being a fucking asshole. like. he knew that shit was gonna bite him in the ass. hes not really anything like the pc from my perspective, and im not excited to hear more from kellogg in the form of his ghost inhabiting valentine's brain.
oh i just remembered i also got the home in diamond city!!!!! which was so exciting!!!!!! i spent like half an hour cleaning it up and adding some amenities while valentine sat on my couch. that was really fun. i am getting a LOT of satisfaction from providing homes for other npcs too, putting a lot of effort into improving sanctuary and telling other people to go there, like sheffield and the (somehow unnamed) vault-tec rep. i feel so bad for that guy. they shouldve at least named him.
anyway 👍 thats all. im just having a lot of fun. im not so good at combat but as long as i have a companion i can handle pretty much anything as long as its not a full-on assault from super mutants or anything
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outsideratheart · 9 months
Queen of what now? (Mary Earps x reader)
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A/N: I’m sorry this took so long. I hope you guys like it! Also, I’m going through a big Mary Earps phase right now so this was very fun to right.
Were you there to support friends, accompany a team mate or to see someone who has been on your mind for the last 104 days? You knew it was the latter but if someone one were to ask you would say a mixture of the first and second.  
“I can’t believe you came with me. You have to be back in Barcelona tomorrow” Jana asks as you leave the hotel. 
What she said was true. You picked up a calf injury during the El Classico which made you unavailable for the international break. It did mean that you could go to England but only for the night. 
“It’s Wembley and I’m here to support Keira and Lucy” was it a lie? No. Was it the whole truth? Absolutely not. 
“If that’s true why aren’t you wearing one of their shirts?” 
The shirt you chose to wear, the England one, wasn’t on show but Jana saw you put it on before leaving the hotel. Now she was digging but you didn’t bite. 
“Because I didn’t swap shirts with them” 
Your answer seems to please the young defender because she didn’t continue her interrogation. Instead the conversation steered towards the game and how it would end. Jana, here to support Jill, favourited the Dutch but you knew the difference a home crowd could make and when you put those fans in Wembley stadium, England become a different team. You also have the upmost faith in the woman between the sticks, the same one that would captain the team. 
You walk down Wembley way, taking in the atmosphere and stopping for as many fans as you can. 
“You quite popular for someone who beat England in the final” Jana remarks. 
“I’m still not used to it and I can’t say I’m a big fan of the attention” 
Your performance throughout the season with Barcelona and during the summer at the World Cup earned you the most coveted trophy in football: The Balón d’Or. Since then you had been exposed to a spotlight, one which wasn’t always welcome. 
It was cold in England, in fact to your Spanish blood it was freezing. The moment you entered the stadium you got a hot chocolate and went to your seat. When Mary joked about you coming to game she told you that she would put some tickets aside for the family section but when Leah saw that you were at Wembley she invited you to watch the game from one of the boxes with her and Millie. 
You didn’t really know the defender well but you appreciated the invite. The first half was less than great so not a lot was said. You could tell the two blondes were getting stressed but Jana was loving it. 
The moment the ball crossed the line for the second goal you knew Mary would punish herself for it. 
“Mantén la calma” you wish she could hear you. 
“Oh Mary, keep your head up” Leah says from beside you. 
“She will blame herself” you add. 
“She is. I know that because she’s my team mate. How exactly do you know what she’s thinking?”
“A guess” 
The look the Arsenal player gives you lets you know she doesn’t believe you but the whistle is blown for half time before she can question you further. 
The people is the room seem to split up for the half time break. You stick with Jana who is obviously having more fun than the rest of the box. 
“Dial down the celebrations J, we are in an England box” you whisper to her during half time. 
“Jill’s winning though” Jana says innocently. 
“Maybe save your celebrations until after the game when you are with her” you raise your eyebrows playfully. 
“Fine” she agrees to keep her cheering to a minimum not that it makes a difference because the second half is in England’s favour. 
You can’t believe what you are seeing. First Georgia Stanway scores then Lauren Hemp scores two minutes later. As a football fan you were taking it all in. 71,000 people were on their feet as they celebrate the possibly of a come back. 
When Ella Toone scores in the 91st minute you can feel the stadium shaking. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
The whistle blows and you see the blonde beside you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“That was quite the performance by your team Leah” it was a compliment but in a professional way. 
“It was. I take it you are here to see Lucy and Keira?” Leah asks.
“No, ella no es” Jana says from your side. 
“Cállate” you shake your head whilst being thankful that Leah didn’t speak Spanish. 
“The girls, as well as some of the Dutch team,” Leah looks at Jana as she says that part “are going to a bar called Three Lions. I’m not sure if you have plans but I will let the security know to expect you” 
“Gracias Leah. I have something I need to do but I’ll come” 
“Me too” Jana also accepts the invite before turning to you once Leah has gone “Jill already invited me. What do you have to do? Nobody knows you are in London” 
“Somebody does and I want to see her before anyone else. If anyone asks just tell them I had a call” 
And that is what is what Jana does. By the time everyone arrived to the Three Lions bar news has spread that you attended the game. You, as planned, texted a certain goalkeeper and asked her to meet you at a different part of the stadium. Her reply wasn’t words, it was a thumbs up to your message. 
The way she walked towards you told you everything you needed to know. Her gaze was on the floor with her shoulders hunched. 
Much to your surprise Mary is the first to talk. 
“I can’t believe you came” she stands less than a meter in front of you but doesn’t move closer. You may have been talking every day but you hadn’t seen her in person since the final and you desperately wanted to hug her.
“You asked me to” 
“I did but you weren’t sat in the seats I sent you tickets for and you’re injured so I thought that maybe you had to stay in Barcelona” 
“People saw me and it became a bit much so Leah invited me to watch the game with her in the box” 
“Does she know —“
“No. She assumed I was here to watch Lucy and Keira. I didn’t correct her” 
Here’s the thing. Nobody knew about you and Mary. The reason why things were so good between you was because there was no pressure to label it, no interference from your friends and no need to force anything. 
You saw the way her face dropped and you knew her well enough to know the reason why. 
“I’m wearing your shirt” you un tie your coat and pull your hoodie down revealing the green England shirt “they may think I’m here for my team mates but I’m here for you Mary” 
“You picked a bad game to come and watch” 
“Don’t. Don’t tell me it wasn’t my fault” 
“I wasn’t going to. I know better than to tell someone how to feel after a game” you grab her hand a pull her towards some seating where you pull her down next to you “What I was going to say is that moments like that are a tough pill to swallow but it was a mistake and the best players in the world make them” 
“I let the team and the fans down. I let my family and you down” 
You hated seeing Mary this distraught. She was normally so full of energy and confident. This wasn’t a side you were familiar with. 
“You didn’t. There are people in that room over there” you point the bar behind you “that are proud of you and as for me, well you could never let me down Mary. I swear to you” 
Mary couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face. In a moment when she was down, you managed to lift her up. When she feels you reassuringly rub her thigh she leans onto your shoulder. 
“You’re quite a big deal here Mary. I saw young girls wearing your shirt and many people wearing scarfs with your face on. I didn’t know you had a nickname” you took a pause as you try to remember what the green scarfs said. 
Mary sees you struggling to remember the fan given nickname so she helps you out. 
“Mary Queen of stops” her mumble is barely audible. 
“Queen of what?” You didn’t hear her. 
“Stops. The fans call me Mary Queen of stops” 
You only hum in response. Maybe you knew what the fans called her but she needed to hear it too. If for no other reason than to reinstate some confidence. 
When Mary stands she holds her hands out to help you up. You walk side by side but she stops before you get the door, far enough that you both are still out of side but close enough that her nerves are building.
“Will you take this off?” The keeper tugged at the drawstring on your hoodie.
“But it’s cold, no?” 
Mary felt ridiculous for suggesting it yet she didn’t want to give you her reason. As embarrassment flushed her cheeks, Mary’s gaze found every part of the room that wasn’t your face.
“It’s stupid, forget I said anything” 
She doesn’t wait for you to respond and instead walks towards the bar. She assumes that you are right behind her but it is only when she opens the door for you does she realise that you haven’t moved.
“Mary” with you stood rooted in place it leaves mary with no option other than to return to where she was mere seconds ago “Are you cold? Is that why you want me to take it off. Here, you can have it” without further question you give Mary the hoodie.
“I’m not cold. I want them to see you in my shirt. I want them to know that you came here to support me and that you still do”
“They will have questions”
“Let them ask, It doesn’t mean we have to answer them” Once again Mary leads you to the door put again she stops “Can I wear this?” She holds up your hoodie that she is still carrying.
You nod your head and the smile that appears on her face must be infectious because you are soon grinning ear to ear.
When you enter the bar you try your hardest not to attract any attention but Mary’s absence seems to have worried her team mates and her family because she is pulled away from you. 
You didn’t know what to do. You didn’t want to stand by yourself so you search for the three women who you actually know. Lucky for you the three of them are together with the addition of Jill, Beth and Viv.
“Nice shirt” Lucy nudges you.
“Was it a gift from our keeper or—“
“We swapped” you saw no harm and you hoped that telling the little truths might get you out of revealing the big ones.
You wasn’t really involved in the conversation taking place between the English and the Dutch. Something that Jana was quick to pick up on. You watched Mary from a distance as her parents pulled her into their arms, something you desperately wanted to do earlier. 
“Go see her. It’s why you’re here” Jana detaches herself from Jill’s hip to talk to you. 
“She’s with her family” you say just loud enough for the young defender to hear you. Whilst doing so you turn around so it isn’t obvious that the goalkeeper is the only person you are interested in. 
“She is but she is looking at you, oh she want your attention” 
Jana was telling the truth because when you turn back around Mary is calling you over. You shake your head, now wasn’t the time for her to introduce you to her parents. Mary on the other hand thought differently because before you can run away she is walking towards you, grabbing your hand and leaving you with no choice other than to follow her. 
“Mary, no”
“Y/N, yes” 
You suddenly felt nervous. Not necessarily for meeting her mum and dad but to find out how she would introduce you. It wasn’t a conversation you have had yet and you weren’t ready to hear that she didn’t feel the same way as you or even worse she felt nothing at all. 
“Mum, dad. This is Y/N, she is—“ 
“The woman that you won’t shut up about” 
Mary cheeks flushed red but she didn’t deny it, in fact she confirmed it. 
“It is, she is. She is also the reason why I was late” 
Her parent give you both a look, one which isn’t warranted. It does let you both know that they think something else happened and that is the reason for you both arriving later than everyone else. 
“We were talking” you were quick to correct their thoughts. 
“She calmed me down” Mary slightly squeezes your hand as a thank you. 
“Well Y/N, we know how hard on herself Mary is so thank you being there. As her parents it makes us very happy to know that she does let someone in and listens to them”
The woman in question simply listens to what her parents were telling you. Is that really what she had done? Had she let you in without realising? 
“She is a good person and she needs to learn that she cannot blame herself for what happens on the pitch” at this point you turn to Mary “We play a team sport. Win or lose, we do it as a team. She isn’t alone” 
You mean ever word you said. You spoke as a player who knew what Mary was feeling but the last part you said sincerely. As long as Mary wanted you around then she wouldn’t be alone, ever.
“Can I buy you a drink?” Mary asks.
You say goodbye to her parents and go to the emptiest spot at the bar. 
“I just met your parents” you cannot help but laugh a little.
“Was that ok? They wanted to meet you after I told them about you”
“What did you tell them?” You take a look around. You were surrounded by people, maybe a more private setting was best for the ‘what are we’ talk.
“That I met a girl in Australia. When I was at my lowest she showed up and got me to smile through my tears. Every day I look forward to talking to her, I wait for her texts and our FaceTimes are the best part of my day” 
You looked at Mary with a foreign feeling in your gut. You could compare it to butterflies but that didn’t seem like justice. When she moves forward to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear you don’t flinch. In fact you welcome to closeness.
“Carino, what are you doing?”
“I’m going to kiss you now” Mary’s tone is confident but the look on her face didn’t convey the same confidence.
“I won’t stop you but look around. People are —” The woman standing opposite knew exactly what you were going to say but she didn’t care. Her focus was on one thing; you. 
Everything with Mary has been new but the way she kissed you felt familiar, as if this wasn’t your first kiss. Your body was screaming for you to deepen the kiss, to strengthen the connection but you knew you would have to wait. Mary obviously faces the same conflict only she has given in to her desires. You have to push her away when you felt her tongue on your lips.
“Mary, we can’t do this here” 
“But I want to” 
She leans back in for more but only gets a peck on the lips.
Mary felt frustrated but she really couldn’t complain. She had been dreaming of kissing you for months now and every scenario she came up failed in comparison to the real thing.
“Will you come back to the hotel tonight? We don’t have to share a room. You can stay with Keira or Lucy” 
“I have a very early flight in the morning Mary” you wished you could stay but you needed to go home and you could not miss your flight.
“I know but please, I’m not ready to say goodbye to you yet”
“I don’t want to either but I can’t” Mary’s head dipped in disappointment and it wasn’t a sight that you liked “Maybe I could spend a few hours there and then go back to my hotel”
“You have yourself a deal” Mary was happy to compromise.
Later on you went back to the hotel where the England team was staying. As imagined you were subject to a lengthy interrogation by her team mates. You answered most questions and then played the ‘I don’t understand the English’ card when you didn’t want to answer certain ones. You barely left Mary’s side the entire night which only made your departure worse. She was adamant on walking you to your car and you didn’t fight her on it.
“Thank you for coming tonight” Mary says as she opens your door for you.
“I had fun” you absentmindedly run your finger of your lips as you mind wanders to the multiple kisses you and Mary had throughout the night “I have come to London, now it’s your turn to come Barcelona”
It wasn’t a bad deal. The sun was shining in Barcelona, whereas it hasn’t been seen for days in London. 
“I’ll be there as soon as my schedule allows it” Mary hated that she couldn’t just hop on a plane and come see you.
This was the hard part. You and Mary could find time to text, call and FaceTime but in person visits were difficult due to your schedule and the year the two of you had. You were only able to visit because of your injury and as much as you knew you would miss Mary, you didn’t want her schedule to become clear for the same reason.
“Until then we will make it work. We have done so far and look where it has lead us”
“I certainly didn’t think my night would end with me kissing you”
“It hasn’t”
Mary leaned forward and quickly stole a kiss.
“It has now”
You couldn’t help but laugh at her antics. 
“I need to go now”
“I know. Call me when you get back to your hotel” 
Once in the car, Mary watches you drive away. There is a pain in her chest as she already misses your company. You do end up FaceTiming her that night although it is different now. Seeing her face on the screen was nice but it didn’t compare to being with her in person. Still, you enjoyed your night with her and on the other end of the line Mary was already planning her trip to Barcelona. If the two of you have learnt one thing that night it was that you both wanted each other and you were willing to do whatever it takes to make it work.
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not-magdi · 1 year
hii bestie 🩷 could you write a smut of sub gavi after he scored against cyprus? 🫶🏻
(Hi! It's my first time writing something like that and I know I need to improve a few things but I hope you like it!)
Summary: The request from above
Words: 1.2k
Warnings: well smut
My first request! To whoever requested that thank you so much <3!
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Today was Spain's last game before the regular football season continues. You sadly couldn't come and support your boy, as you didn't have time today to travel to Granada with Pablo.  
He was a little disappointed at first. Because he really wanted you to come and watch him play, as it was the last game he would play for Spain for a while. 
But after you promised to reward him if they won. His mood changed in mere seconds. The mischievous glint in his eyes after you told him he could do anything to you had your knees weak.
"Oh, Amor... I hope you can handle your promise." 
And with that, he left, leaving you all hot and longing. Oh, how you begged that Spain would win today. You needed Pablo so desperately. 
Now you were sitting on your couch, a fluffy blanket draped over your legs and a glass of wine in your hand. It took 18 minutes to know you were in for a long night. 
1:0, Spain 'Gavi 
Seeing your boy celebrate his goal, the slight blush covering his cheeks, and his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead did things to you. Things that made you bolder than you should be.   
You rushed from the couch to set your plan into action, searching for Pablo's favourite lingerie in your closet. It was a navy blue lacy set that could make him putty in your hands. You only wore it on special occasions, but today, it had to get Pablo home as fast as possible. 
Putting it on, you kneeled before the big wall mirror in your hallway, trying to ensure the dimmed light highlighted your curves perfectly as you posed for a few pictures.   
After you were happy with the result, you sent Pablo your favourite photo of you.
'Your reward's waiting for you already ;)'   
Turning your attention back to the TV you saw that the game was about to end, so you went upstairs to your bedroom waiting for Pablo to get home. 
-Pablo's pov- 
The whistle signaled the end of the match, and after celebrating the win for a bit, the team went back to the changing rooms. Pablo was never so happy that a game ended, after it was clear that Spain would win, all he could think about was you.  
What you would be wearing when he comes home, where you would be waiting for him, how pretty your eyes look when they roll to the back of your head.  
Seeing that you sent him a message made his heart beat faster, opening it as fast as he could he felt all the blood drain from his face. Immediately recognizing the lingerie that you're wearing made his blood go south.
Cursing under his breath he quickly ran to the nearest bathroom stall and locked himself in it.
He wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine so he took a selfie while grabbing his bulge through his pants.
'Look what you're doing to me Amor'
Sending it to you, he rushed to the showers and tried to finish changing as fast as he could. Hurrying to say bye to his teammates, earning a few knowing looks from them, he made his way home as fast as he could, craving your touch like a starved man.
Today was Spain's last game before the regular football season continues. You sadly couldn't come and support your boy, as you didn't have time today to travel to Granada with Pablo.  
He was a little disappointed at first. Because he really wanted you to come and watch him play, as it was the last game he would play for Spain for a while. 
But after you promised to reward him if they won. His mood changed in mere seconds. The mischievous glint in his eyes after you told him he could do anything to you had your knees weak.
"Oh, Amor... I hope you can handle your promise." 
And with that, he left, leaving you all hot and longing. Oh, how you begged that Spain would win today. You needed Pablo so desperately. 
Now you were sitting on your couch, a fluffy blanket draped over your legs and a glass of wine in your hand. It took 18 minutes to know you were in for a long night. 
1:0, Spain 'Gavi 
Seeing your boy celebrate his goal, the slight blush covering his cheeks, and his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead did things to you. Things that made you bolder than you should be.   
You rushed from the couch to set your plan into action, searching for Pablo's favourite lingerie in your closet. It was a navy blue lacy set that could make him putty in your hands. You only wore it on special occasions, but today, it had to get Pablo home as fast as possible. 
Putting it on, you kneeled before the big wall mirror in your hallway, trying to ensure the dimmed light highlighted your curves perfectly as you posed for a few pictures.   
After you were happy with the result, you sent Pablo your favourite photo of you.
'Your reward's waiting for you already ;)'   
Turning your attention back to the TV you saw that the game was about to end, so you went upstairs to your bedroom waiting for Pablo to get home. 
-Pablo's pov- 
The whistle signalled the end of the match, and after celebrating the win for a bit, the team went back to the changing rooms. Pablo was never so happy that a game ended, after it was clear that Spain would win, all he could think about was you.  
What you would be wearing when he comes home, where you would be waiting for him, how pretty your eyes look when they roll to the back of your head.  
He rushed to the showers and tried to finish changing as fast as he could. Hurrying to say bye to his teammates, earning a few knowing looks from them, he made his way home as fast as he could, craving your touch like a starved man.
The moment the engine turned off, he bolted from the car, unable to bear another moment without your touch. 
-Y/N's pov-
Hearing the door close, you threw your phone to the side, waiting for your boyfriend to come through the bedroom door. 
And not even a second later, the door opened, revealing a slightly out-of-breath Pablo with a deep blush covering his cheeks. 
You smirk at his flushed face, looking down to see his dick bulging through his sweatpants. 
"You wanted me so bad you even scored a goal ... good boy." 
You wanted to try something new this time, you wanted to be the dominant one today. And seeing the reaction, he made when you called 
him a good boy made you confident for your plan to work. 
Kneeling on the bed, you grabbed him by his waistband and dragged him toward you, immediately attacking his lips with a passionate kiss.
Whining, Pablo wraps his arms around your waist, kissing you back like there is no tomorrow. 
"You gonna be my good boy today and let me do want I want? " you whisper into his ear. 
"Ahh amor ... y-yes-" Pablo moaned ou, as your lips ghosted over the 
sensitive spot on his neck. Smirking, you suck on his sweet spot earning yourself a needy whine. 
"Lay down on the bed ... naked." 
Rushing out of his clothes, Pablo lies in the middle of the bed. Taking in the sight of him sprawled out on the bed, his big innocent eyes looking at you, has your pussy dripping with arousal. 
"Shit baby, look at you ... so hard for me." 
Grabbing his leaking cock you started to jerk him off painfully slow, moaning at the sudden sensation, Pablo tries to buck his hips up to try and get a little more pleasure. 
"Aw, is my boy feeling needy today?" you purr, grabbing his dick harder.
"Y-Y/N please-." 
"Please, what baby ... what do you want?" 
"P-please fuck me." 
"You think you deserve to be fucked?" twisting your hand has him squirming on the bed, pleasure shooting up his spine. 
"Ah s-shit yes ... I've been a good boy the whole match., p-please-"
"Yeah, you've been a very good boy, haven't you? Even scored a goal ... I think you deserve a reward," you whisper in his ear, licking over the hickeys you made prior. 
Moaning, Pablo grabs the blanket beneath him, bucking his hips into your hand. 
You give Pablo a last kiss on his plump lips before you retrieve your hand from his cock. Sitting up, you climb on top of him, rubbing your dripping pussy over his aching cock. 
The feeling of his head rubbing over your clit makes your thighs twitch together. 
"Mhm ... can't wait for your cock to fill my pussy so well." 
Gasping at your words, Pablo hides his face in one of the pillows, whining loudly into it as he feels you sinking on it. 
Biting your lip to stifle the moan that wants to leave your lips, you're starting to bounce on it with a hard pace.    
The noise of skin slapping against each other and Pablo's whines are the only noises that can be heard. 
You rest your hands on his shoulders for extra support as you speed up your pace. Not able to keep quiet, you moan Pablo's name as the tip of his dick hits your G-Spot. 
"F-fuck, does that feel good baby?"
"Y-yeah f-feels so good ... don't stop, I'm coming!" 
Pressing down harder, you can feel Pablo's dick twitch, indicating he's close. Not quite there yet, you bring your fingers down to your swollen clit. 
The sight of you on top of him with your finger stroking your clit is enough for Pablo to tip over the edge. 
Gripping your hips with a bruising grip, he spills his load into your pussy. Feeling the warm liquid filling you up has you coming hard. 
As all your strength leaves you, you fall on top of Pablo, basking in the sweet afterglow of a mindblowing orgasm. 
" Should I take over now?" 
"Yeah ... being dominant is exhausting," you say, cuddling yourself deeper into his warm embrace. 
Laughing, Pablo stands up to get you a damp towel to clean you. 
You snuggled yourself back into the covers, looking forward to being taken care of again. 
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
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pairing: boyfriend!haechan x inexperienced!fem!reader x haechan’s best friends!mark, jeno, jaemin 
genre: smut, pwp, non-idol au, established relationship (with haechan) | requested
summary: you need relief from this strange pain you’re feeling, but you don’t know what to do. Your boyfriend and his friends offer to help, giving you a solution you didn’t quite expect coming.
warnings: smut, fivesome (here we go again lmao), unprotected sex, dubcon bc of corruption kink and innocence kink, minor (unconscious) exhibitionism, voyeurism, thighs riding, fingering, (at first) non-con (then) consensual filming but with a bit of manipulation so dubcon filming, oral sex (m and f), loss of virginity, pet names, praise kink, nipple sucking, spanking, anal (f), c*m play (like a lot), dacryphilia, double penetration, minor pain kink, subspace, too many orgasms, overstimulation, jaemin is nasty, jeno bites, mark and haechan seem normal but they aren’t either | if i missed something lmk
word count: 18.211k (of smut, nothing else, just smut)
a/n: big sigh, this was a challenge on so many levels, from the innocence kink to the fact that it’s my first (and probably last lmao) long-length fic written in second person and present tense. It probably takes more to flow compared to my usual stuff because I didn’t want it to be too overwhelming at the start (wanted to keep as consensual as possible) but I hope when it kicks in, it flows well. I also hope it’s what the person that requested wanted. I know I say it every time, but I seriously think this is the filthiest thing I ever wrote. Please, please, let me know what you think about it, especially if you read my old stuff because this is such a new thing for me and it would mean a lot to know if it’s as good as the rest or if should stick to the old way. Enjoy!!♡
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You don’t know what’s wrong with you. You feel a weird sensation in your body. It’s... funny, that’s how you would describe it, apart from feeling hotter, and more sensitive at the slightest touch. 
You don’t think you’re sick or something, it’s not the first time that this happened and it’s not painful, just annoying. And the worst of it all is that you don’t know how to take care of it. 
An irrational part of you is telling you to talk to your boyfriend, Haechan. But another feels that it’s wrong. It’s like a prude part of your brain is screaming to keep it to yourself. 
And yes, it had happened before but it never felt like this, it never lasted this long. It had been two days that you feel... You feel... Needy? Clingy? Whiny? 
It feels pathetic, and you only hope that whatever it is, it will pass fast. 
“Oh,” you exclaim when you enter the living room and see your boyfriend’s best friends sit on one of the two couches. “I didn’t know you were coming.” You walk toward them and see their eyes linger on you longer than usual. “Oh, I was going to bed. That’s why the pj’s,” you chuckle, totally not getting that their gazes weren’t judging ones but horny, something you couldn’t know. You couldn’t even get it when your boyfriend looked at you like this, so how could you do it with his friends? 
“Babe.” Haechan’s voice makes you turn around and smile at him softly. “My bad, it was kinda a last-minute thing.”
“No, it’s okay,” you reply, shivering when his hand rests on your middle and rubs circles against the thin fabric of your camisole. Your eyes trail there, feeling your skin burn and you start to wonder if maybe you have a fever or something. “Beer and game night?” You force yourself to bring your attention back to them, smiling at the other three men as if nothing is going on. 
“Actually, no alcohol, we have to drive home,” Mark replies, gulping after he drifts his eyes away from your hard nipples. You’re not wearing a bra and they are rock hard under the thin layer covering your beautiful body and he knows is not due to the cold because the temperature in the room is normal. It even starts feeling hot the more he looks at you. 
“Well, have fun then,” you say, eyes wrinkling as you beam at them. “I’ll just go back to our bedroom —”
“No, come on, babe,” Haechan says, pulling you close to him. “Stay with us. You wanted cuddles before, didn’t you?" He coos, making you lower your head to hide how flustered you look. Yes, you did ask for it, hoping it would ease some of your pain, but it’s so embarrassing in front of his friends. 
“It’s because I had a rough week,” you justify to them. You always fear what you look like in their eyes. You have a feeling that they don’t even like you that much because you are quite different from Haechan’s exes or the girls they surround themselves with. You kind of envy them for being so confident and not so affectionate. Thinking the way you act makes you look dumb in their eyes. 
“It’s fine, no judgment here,” Jeno reassures, winking at you... And why do you find that attractive? 
You mentally slap yourself before letting Haechan drag you on his lap. One of your favorite cuddling positions; facing him, resting your head on his shoulder, and enjoying his hands rubbing your back. You’d like to listen to their talks, or discussions on what game they want to play or if it was better to watch a movie, but your mind is somewhere else. 
You feel off and euphoric at the same time, mind dizzy, disconnected from your rational part, guiding your body without you even knowing. You blame it on the way Haechan is touching you, smooth hands pressing harder than usual on your skin, and occasionally going lower on your half-exposed ass. You don’t think much about it, too lost in the sensation, and almost sleepy while your left cheek rests against his shoulder.
You don’t know that on the other side of the room, your boyfriend’s best friends’ eyes are boring holes into you, trying to play it cool, to don’t get caught by him while they stare at your skin, and think of how soft and pretty —and spankable— your ass looks as it starts grinding against him, trying not to drool like horny dogs.
“Hyuck,” you whine when you feel your body get hotter. “I think I have a fever.” 
Your boyfriend hums, bringing his attention to you that are now looking at him after pulling away from his body. 
“A fever?” He asks, raising a hand to touch your forehead. “Babe, you’re fine.” 
You want to retort and say that you don’t feel fine, but you guess he wants to spend some time with his friends and you’re already getting too much in the way. Maybe you should just go to your bedroom and sleep, it was going to pass, it had to pass. 
So you clear your throat and move away from Haechan. “I’m going to sleep,” you say, waving at his friends before leaning in to kiss him, shorts rising up more, giving a perfect view of your asscheeks.  And the other three have to suppress a groan and look away. 
“Are you sure?” Your boyfriend checks in again, fingers grazing the back of your hand in gentle circles. 
“Yeah, I don’t feel,” you stop, not wanting to worry him. “I don’t feel like staying up.” 
“Kay, goodnight, babe,” he greets back, smiling at you, watching you disappear into the bedroom. 
You think it will pass. You hope it will. After minutes that feel like hours, you start to pray it will go away. But the more you try to fight it, the strongest it gets. You feel it between your legs, but the more you squeeze them, the more it grows. The more you rub it away the worst it gets. 
So you huff loudly, move the blankets off your body and go out again. 
“Oh, you’re still here,” you gasp when you see that his friends are still at home. And you don’t know what to do anymore. You really don’t want to ruin his fun, but you feel like you’re going insane and you don’t why you can’t control it. All the other times it went and passed but now it’s like your senses are enhanced. 
“Are you okay?” Haechan’s voice is worried, and he’s looking at you with apprehension. 
“’M fine,” you mumble, running to him, playing nervously with the hem of your camisole. 
“Want some water?” Jaemin asks, seeing how flustered you look and you nod, small steps to walk to him and grab the glass he’s offering you. 
“Slow, honey,” he chuckles when you gulp it eagerly and a droplet of water drips down your chin to your chest, making you whimper at the contrast between the cold water and your burning skin. “Don’t be messy,” he whispers, licking his lips, eyes telling you to do the exact opposite because he’s loving this shaken side of you.
“Thanks,” you breathe, handing him the empty glass and drying your lips with your thumb. You see Jeno shift in his place and growl lowly but you don’t think on it for long. And in a second you’re turned back to your boyfriend. You’re so close to them that Mark is really tempted to pull you on his lap and fuck you. But you slip out of their hold, running to your boyfriend before his fucked up thoughts can come to life. 
“Can’t sleep, can I sit on your lap?” 
Haechan hums, spreading his legs to make space for you, expecting you to give him his back but you sit just like you were before. And when you moan when your lower part brush against his body, he gets what’s going on. 
It had been days since you were needier than usual, oversensitive in a way you usually aren’t. He’s the perverted one that always touches you and teases you, making you shy while you push him away because it feels wrong. He’s the one that makes jokes you don’t get, only widening your eyes and mouth when you realize he’s hinting at something he shouldn’t be talking about so freely and casually. 
But you, God, you are the sweetest, most innocent person he has ever met, and it drives him crazy. He knows it’s wrong, that he shouldn’t fantasize about ruining you, dragging every single piece of innocence and naivety from your brain and turning you into his nasty, horny girl, but he can’t help it. He wants you to be addicted to his lips, his fingers, his cock, every part of him. 
But, as much as he’d like to ruin you, he promised himself he was going to wait for you, wait till a small part of your prude shield falls apart and lets him in, and now, you are serving it on a silver plate. 
He tries to keep his attention on his friends, nodding at whatever Mark is saying and grinning when Jaemin argues back. But then you start rocking your hips on him and all his sanity is gone. 
What the fuck are you doing? And in front of his friends? 
He shouldn’t find that hot. He really shouldn’t get a boner for the fact that you’re so turned on that you’re trying to get off in front of everybody without even knowing. 
It’s wrong. So wrong. 
But he forgot the line between wrong and right a long time ago when it comes to you. 
So he grips your hips tighter and for some unknown reason, that gets you even more. 
You bite your lips and press more against him, feeling… something hard? 
You blink hazily, sitting straight to face him with a confused expression but your hips are still grinding against him, slower than before, but the movement is perceptible enough to drag other three pairs of eyes there. 
“Hyuck…?” You ask, voice barely higher than a whisper and hands wrapped around his shoulders when you feel it move. “What — what is that?” 
“What, baby?” He fakes innocence, wanting you to break it, to slip into that world you kept your distance from for so long. 
“Why… why is it hard? Is it you? Or is it the remote?” 
You hear a muffled chuckle from behind you, guessing it comes from Jaemin, and you’re about to turn around when Haechan cups your face and makes you turn to him. His hold is slightly rougher than his usual touch but you don’t mind, it surprises you, but it doesn’t scare you. 
“It’s me, baby,” he coos, smiling. You raise a brow when you see his lips curl in a smirk, a cocky grin that usually paints his face when he wants to prove something, or when he wins, whether it’s a game or an argument. So you don’t truly get why he has it on his face now. You don’t get that you are the game he wants to win. 
You don’t expect him to kiss you, hard and intensively, wrapping one hand behind your neck and pushing your waist toward him with the other. You expect even less to don’t pull away, and so do the others that are looking at the scene. You are the shy one that pulls away at the slightest peck on the cheek in front of his friends so what has taken over you now? 
They don’t know. And they know they shouldn’t care but the thoughts that have been crossing their minds for half of the night were already so fucked up that they surely weren’t going to stop now. You teased them without even knowing. You teased them in front of your boyfriend. And fuck, that was fucked up, but they had no intention to stop. In the end, it was going to be a silly fantasy they were taking home, slumping on their beds alone and jacking off thinking of you in those skimpy pink clothes, making sure Haechan wasn’t going to ever find out about it and then act like usual in front of you. 
“Hyuck,” you moan his name when he pulls back from the kiss, and his hardness rubs against you. “Wait,” you cry, feeling overwhelmed. “I — I feel weird. It — it hurts.”
“Oh, it hurts, baby?” He purrs, stopping his movement, smiling when you nod. 
“It’s been hurting all day, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“Where does it hurt, pretty?” He asks and your hands trail down your body, shyly touching your core. “Here.” 
Haechan kisses your pout away before his fingers replace yours and he pushes against your sensitive clit. You moan, squeezing your eyes shut. 
“Yeah, there,” you cry. “Hurt so much, Hyuck. I don’t know how to make it go away.” 
“Want me to make it go away?” He asks, hand cupping your ass and squeezing tight. 
Jeno’s eyes go wide as he stares at you in utter shock. “Wait… are you doing this now? In front of us?” He chuckles to water down the awkwardness and the excitement and you turn around confused. 
“I’m sorry,” you cry out, big sorry eyes locking into his, dark and intense, staring right into you. He makes you shiver as you fear he’s mad at you for ruining their night, so you justify yourself again, “I’ve been holding it all night, but I can’t keep it anymore. I don’t want to ruin your fun, I swear I tried to make it stop but I won’t, it won —”
“Shh,” your boyfriend shushes you with a kiss. Eyeing the other three that are starting with their mouths open. 
You truly don’t know anything. 
“It’s fine, you didn’t ruin our night,” he whispers, caressing your hip. “We’ll help you.”
“We?” Mark’s voice comes out strangled and even if you can’t see him, you know his eyes are wide open. 
Your boyfriend chuckles, smiling at his friends before he grins at you. “She looks really in pain. I’m sure she needs all the help we can give her.”
“Haechan, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Jeno replies, a nervous edge in his voice. 
“They — they don’t want to, it’s fine,” you say, voice huffing when his thigh flexes under your hot core. “If you tell me how, I can, I can take care of this alone.”
Haechan thinks you’re so cute, so close at your breaking point and yet still trying to keep it together. “No, honey, you can’t. I’ll help you.”
“But they —”
“If they don’t want to participate, it’s fine. But I’m sure they won’t mind watching. But they can always leave.”
At this point you don’t care, so you hum and wait for his next move. 
“Did it feel better when you grind on me?” 
“When I did this?” You ask, starting to rock your hips back and forth, hearing a groan come from behind you, but not being able to make out which one of the three is. 
“Yes,” Haechan replies, voice coming out raspy and lower than normal. 
“Am I hurting you?” The innocence in your voice and your eyes and in the way your hands are caressing his shoulders so delicately makes him groan and curse internally as he’d only wish to turn you over and fuck you deep and hard into the couch, not caring much if you can take it that hard or not. But he doesn’t, he has been patient for months, he can wait some minutes. 
“No,” he replies through gritted teeth and that makes you stop, tilting your head to the side as you study his contracted features. 
“Are you sure? Why are you groaning?”
“It feels good, babe. It feels so fucking good.” He grins when your eyes shy away at the vulgar word. He was used to holding back in front of you, knowing you weren’t really fond of swearing, but tonight he is going to have so much fun. “Do you feel good?”
You nod swiftly. Feeling a warm sensation spread in your body the more you move against him. And you feel… wet? You want to ask what it is but it’s like the words can’t form in your brain. Not only you don’t feel pain anymore, but you feel good. Better than ever before. And you feel… high. It’s almost as if your body is running after something bigger, stronger, and more intense. 
“Hyuck,” you call out crying when you feel your stomach twist and your pussy clench before a rush invades your body and makes your body tremble against him before you still, nails digging into his covered shoulders and jaw clenching. You stay like that for a while, chest panting and head thrown back while your eyes are closed and you try to understand why you felt so many emotions there. You know body parts, you know what it was meant for, but you never thought it could feel good. And why? You aren’t going to have babies, right? The doubt slips into the back of your mind, though.
“Feel better?” Haechan asks and you’re brought back to earth. 
You bite your lips, feeling shy when your body screams at you that it’s not enough. 
“A bit,” you reply lowly, looking down at his lap, seeing how hard he is. 
He snorts and then looks at the other three rolling his eyes. They swiftly look around the room, covering their boners the best they can. “Fucking fake prigs I can see your cocks twitch from here,” he mocks, making their eyes snap on him. “So, what are you going to do? Sit there and watch? Leave? Or do you wanna share and fuck around?”
“What?” You ask, not understanding what he means by that. But he ignores you, too busy staring at his friends, waiting for an answer as his feet tap on the floor.  
“Fuck it.” The first one to stand up is Jaemin, reaching you in a few seconds with big steps. If Haechan was willing to share you, he wasn’t going to say no. Virgin and inexperienced, it surely couldn’t have been worse than his hands and his memory of you. 
“Wait, I don’t, I don’t get it,” you mumble when you feel Jaemin’s hands wrap around your waist to pull you away from your boyfriend. 
“You’re in pain, aren’t you?” He asks, tone gentle, a sweet and reassuring smile on his face. You’re so lost in how kind he looks your brain almost stops panicking and you only nod. Well, now you feel better, or that was what you thought, but it seems like the tingly sensation it’s creeping up your bones again. “We just want to help you feel good. Do you trust us?” 
You gulp when he sits you on the couch next to Haechan and when your eyes drift off him, you see Jeno and Mark stand over you too. 
You’re confused. A part of your brain is telling you that you should also probably be scared of what’s about to come but you pay it no mind. You’re burning up. You need something but you don’t know what it is. So how bad can it be that they are helping you with that? Also, you trust Haechan, he would never let them do something you don’t want. 
“Will I feel better?” You ask, looking at Haechan that is already smiling at you. 
“Like you never felt before,” he replies, caressing your cheek with two fingers, shivers running down your spine because it’s like you sense a shift in him —and everybody in the room.  
“O-okay,” your voice is low, but your body relaxes under his soft touch on your exposed thigh. You don’t expect him to kneel between your legs and part them open. You wait for the next move in silence and see their hungry eyes staring at you. 
You look so pure; pastel pink shorts wrapping around your soft thighs, the top laying softly on your upper body, flustered expression, eyes filled with curiosity, apprehension and lust. And when Haechan pulls them down, he reveals white panties, stained with wetness, highlighting even more the outlines of your pussy. 
There’s only one thought that crosses their minds. 
They can’t wait to ruin you. 
But you don’t see it, you’re still pretty unaware of what’s going to happen, how are they going to fix your aching pain between your legs. So that’s why you’re so shocked about what Haechan does next. 
“What are you doing?” Your eyes widen and your legs clump together when he pushes your panties down your legs. 
“Trying to make you feel better,” he smirks as if it’s obvious. 
“You’re — you’re undressing me,” you mumble, feeling too ashamed to meet the others’ eyes, but you can still feel them on your skin. The air of the room seems so cold when it hits against your hot, wet skin and you feel so small and exposed because they are all standing around you, tall and broad, fully dressed and in control. 
“If you want to feel good, we have to see you.” You’re waiting for Haechan to answer but the voice that fills the silence in the room is Jeno’s. 
Your eyes skim to him, gulping when you meet his gaze. You feel like a prey. And he’s starving. They all are.
“But — but you’re not my boyfriends, isn’t this… wrong?” You ask, an instinct telling you that whatever is about to happen shouldn’t be happening like this, not with his friends. It should be only you and your boyfriend. Now you might be innocent but you know being naked is an intimate thing, you barely showed yourself to him after months of dating; the only time he got to see your naked form was after he spent hours convincing you to take a shower together and you gave him your back for half of the time. 
“Is it wrong if it makes you feel good?” Mark asks, smiling at you. 
You ponder on it. Will this make you feel good? You are sure it will, if it’s anything close to what you felt before it can’t be different, but you still feel like it shouldn’t happen. 
“Let’s ask your body, babe,” Haechan brings your attention to him again, spreading your legs and planting your right foot on the couch seat so they can have a perfect view of your cunt. 
You hide your face behind your hands, feeling too exposed, but Jaemin sits beside you and moves them away. 
“Don’t hide, pretty,” he purrs, nose nuzzling against your cheek, making you chuckle lowly. “We’re doing this for you.”
“Fuck,” you hear Mark moan when Haechan spreads your pussy lips apart, cold air hitting your core, making you moan. “She’s dripping.” 
You want to ask what he means by that, but your boyfriend’s fingers hitting a sensitive spot makes you quiver. Your head rolls back and your eyes fall shut. 
You hear muffled chuckles, but you don’t pay them much attention. 
“Look at him,” Jaemin whispers, encouraging you to keep your eyes open and stare right between your legs, you find it wrong and slightly humiliating, but you do as he says. He’s there to make you feel better, so he knows what he’s doing. 
“What is this…” you whimper when Haechan’s fingers touch the substance that is dripping out of your pussy, smearing it around, sticky and cold, making you squirm at the weird sensation. 
“This?” He says, lifting his fingers up after collecting it, two digits scissoring in the air, a white and transparent string connecting them. You nod, not expecting him to do what comes next. “This is how excited you are for us.” He brings his fingers in his mouth and you don’t know why, but something about it feels wrong and your legs close in shame immediately, but Jaemin parts them open.  
“No hiding, remember? You’re so pretty, why would you hide this from us?” He coos, bringing one of his hands where Haechan was before. 
You’re about to complain, once again feeling like he shouldn’t be the one doing that, but Haechan doesn’t say anything, and you can��t complain when he starts moving his fingers on you. Shocks of pleasure spreading through your body as he starts moving them so nicely. 
“Like it, bunny?” He asks, a cocky smirk on his face. He’s not even watching where his fingers are, playing with you with his eyes closed as if he’s been doing it for ages. “Like it when I play with your clit?” 
The temperature of your body spikes up at his words. You may not know how good you can feel but you’re pretty good at anatomy, yeah, even that anatomy, no matter how embarrassing you found it, but this surely wasn’t for scientific purposes so, of course, your skin burns up and your legs are about to close again. 
This time is Mark the one that stops you, sitting on the other side of the couch and keeping your leg still. 
“You didn’t answer,” Jaemin reminds you, voice lower and sterner. 
“Yeah, it feels good,” you breathe out. Your breath shakes when he teases your entrance, the tip of his fingers pushing just against the opening but without sliding in. 
“Oh, bunny. You must like me a lot,” he chuckles, collecting more wetness and spreading it on your thigh. 
Your eyes look for Haechan, trying to get if it’s a bad sign, if he’s mad because you’re enjoying somebody else’s touch so much, but he’s lost, eyes staring right into your core and on his friend’s finger, and you shouldn’t feel so pulled toward him but something in the way he’s looking at you, well, your pussy, makes you feel even hotter. 
By now you got where this is going, it’s about sex. That’s where all your problems are coming from. But you don’t know what to do. And you typically don’t like not having control over things. 
“I — I’ve never done this before,” you blabber out, making them laugh. 
“We know,” Jeno replies. “It’s pretty obvious, you know.” 
“Is it — is it bad?” 
“Bad?” Jaemin grins, starting to move his fingers faster. “That’s the funny part.” 
You look at him with confused, yet curious eyes, and he winks at you. 
“Want his fingers?” Haechan asks, nervously shaking his leg because this is dragging too long and he just wants to bury himself deep inside of you, he had waited long enough, and now he has to have you. 
“Like… inside?” You dare to ask and Mark laughs, “so, you know something about sex.” 
“I — I,” you stutter, but the words die in your brain. You heard your friends talk about it, it was something along the lines of ‘taking care of themselves,’ and ‘he’s so good I couldn’t walk for a day,’ but you never indulged in those kinds of talks. Sex just felt too dirty and wrong for you, so you always avoided it. But maybe now you would’ve found those talks useful, maybe if you sat and listened just one time, you would’ve taken care of this yourself instead of ending up here, spread open, dripping wet, in front of your boyfriend and his friends. Not that you mind, but you’re not really sure you can take whatever is about to come. 
“Dude, it’s a miracle she knows how to call what she has between her legs,” Jaemin retorts and you glare at him. 
“Hey! I know how to call it.” 
He smirks, quickening the pace on you, your lower lip getting trapped between your teeth to muffle the moans. 
“Say it,” he orders, looking straight into your eyes, they look oddly soft for the way he’s talking to you and moving his fingers on your sensitive bud. But that’s what’s pushing you to the limit again, his contrasts. 
Still, it’s hard to swallow and let the word slip out of your mouth, and when you do, when the word ‘pussy’ falls from your lips, you’d rather be swallowed by the floor. 
“Good girl,” Jaemin praises you and you have no idea of the effect those two words have on you until the same pleasure of before hits you unexpectedly. 
“And we’re down to two, she won’t last longer, you know,” Jeno says, looking at you with an amused expression, giggling at the way you’re so confused about what he’s talking about. “You came, baby,” he clears your doubt. “Just like before when you were grinding on him like your life depended on it. You had an orgasm.” 
“Ruining all the fun?” Jaemin huffs, glaring at him. 
The black-haired rolls his eyes. “She already had two, I’m not ruining anything.” 
“Can you stop?” Haechan stops them, getting up, towering over you. “I won’t let you come close to her if you keep bickering over bullshits.” 
You don’t say a word, but your body tingles seeing this side of your boyfriend. Haechan is one that knows what he wants but you’ve never seen him like this, so dominant, so in control. It’s hot, and it makes you wetter. 
Haechan would love to eat you out, he’s been dreaming about it since you first started dating, and your cunt glistening is basically inviting him, but he’s leaving that for later, maybe even to somebody else of them, knowing how disgusting his friends are, they wouldn’t flinch at going down on you with a mix of their cum dripping out of you. He has all his life with you to eat your pussy and leave you like a trembling mess, and even if you don’t know, he’s going to make sure to do that. 
“Want to help me with my pain, baby?” He asks and you frown. 
“You said you weren’t in pain?” 
“Oh, I’m not in pain when you’re paying attention to me, but you left me all hard and throbbing for you,” he pouts, shuffling with his pants and pushing them down his smooth, toned legs. Your eyes wander on them before something bigger catches your eyes. No, it’s not your first time seeing him, but the first time you barely paid attention to it and you’re more than sure it wasn’t that big. 
“You… you are in pain there?” You ask, briefly looking between his legs, pointing with a shy finger, before meeting his warm, brown eyes.
He nods, taking a step back. “Get on your knees,” he orders, and you follow with no hesitation. 
“Damn, she’s obedient,” Mark notices with a small smirk on his face and something about it makes your heart swell with pride. 
“Does it hurt because it’s hard?” 
Haechan smiles, caressing your cheek, fighting the urge to stuff your mouth full and turn you into a crying mess, but it’s hard when you’re looking at him like that, big eyes and a genuinely concerned pout on your lips. 
“Kinda,” he replies. “I’m so hard because of you. We are hard because of you.” You turn around, looking at them but they’re all completely dressed up and that hits you, you’re so exposed while they’re not, and… “This is the effect you have on us.” 
“Oh, that’s not good. Why do I bring you pain?” 
“You don’t bring us pain,” he chuckles, thumb caressing your lower lip, “not if you take care of it.” 
“Do you want to take care of us?” Jeno asks, making you look at him. 
You nod eagerly. “Yeah, yeah, I want to be good. Want to make you feel good just like Nana did with me.” 
Haechan smiles before moving closer to you, holding the base of his cock in his hands. “I’ll guide you, okay? If anything makes you uncomfortable just tap my thighs and I’ll stop.” 
You nod, anticipation bubbling into you. Fear long gone as this feels all new and exciting. And your competitiveness kicks in when you remind yourself that the others are watching. You want to be good. You want to make them want you even more. You want to prove to them you can be as good as them. 
“Touch it,” he says and your hand hesitantly moves to wrap around it, you follow his action and wrap around his base before he orders you to move up and down. It feels weird. It’s heavy and hard, so damn hard a small part of you is jumping with pride because you are the cause of that. 
You don’t know what comes over you but you lean in, tongue sticking out to lick his tip, dripping something salty and white. 
They gasp and you pull away immediately, taken aback. 
“Did I do something wrong?” Your eyes are apologetically looking at all of them as if you’re also doing something to them. 
“No, no,” Mark replies, voice clipped and face…red? 
“Are you alright?” 
“I’m good,” he cuts you off and you don’t focus on him when Haechan clears his throat and you turn to him. 
“Can you take it all in your mouth?” 
Your eyes widen. All of it? 
“Sure,” you reply, swallowing your fear, pretending that you know exactly what you’re doing but you don’t know a thing. You’re playing with fire and you don’t even fear you’re going to get burned. 
You knit your brows when he pushes into your open mouth, it’s heavy on your tongue and big, so big you don’t know how you’re going to take it all since he’s not even halfway in and you’re already gagging. Has your gag reflex always been so terrible? 
“Oh, poor baby,” you hear Jaemin’s voice come from beside you, you guess he’s standing next to you now, but you don’t move your eyes to check, trying to concentrate on the big cock your boyfriend was trying to make you take. “Is it too much for you?” 
It is. 
But you’re too proud to give it to him. So you shake your head, a terrible mistake that makes Haechan slip into you more and you gag on it. 
They all laugh and you look up at Donghyuck trying to look menacing but you only look funny like that, cute, his cute little baby always, but funny. 
“Maybe, Nana is right,” he says, caressing your cheek, finding it endearing how you’re still holding him in, ignoring the way some spit is already dripping out of the corner of your mouth. And he didn’t start moving yet. “Maybe you can’t take it.” 
You cough when he pulls out, spit trickling down your chin but the thought of wiping it off doesn’t even cross your mind. You want to prove a point, make them proud. 
“I can, I can take it,” you squeak, shifting on your knees, the hard floor starting to burn on your skin. “Please, give me another chance, I just need to get used to it,” you say before lowering your voice and eyes. “It’s big.” 
They’d like to tease you more at how shy you are, mocking you to repeat it, this time looking at his eyes and saying that word, but they all leave it as a thought. Because if it might not be too much for you — it is — but it’s definitely getting too much for them. 
None of them is known for being patient, maybe Jeno, when he’s in the right mood. But they all move like beasts, eager to get more, and fast, and this is taking way too long. It’s hot, but none of them is used to ease people into sex, nobody else they ever fucked with would take so much to jump on their cock and come out of there looking like a mess. But you on the other hand… 
“We’ll try one last time, baby,” Haechan coos, “but if you disappoint me, I’ll have to punish you. You don’t want it, right?” 
You shake your head. You have no idea what kind of punishment he’s talking about, but you don’t even want to find out. You will make him feel good. 
Haechan groans and throws his head back when you take all his length inside, trying to ignore the way the fat tip of his cock is pressing against the back of your throat, making you gag. You think that could turn him off, but apparently, the more you struggle, the happier he gets. And the same thing applies to the lewd sounds, you find them disgusting and embarrassing even, but the four men around you don’t feel the same. 
It’s hot seeing you put so much effort into something so lewd, innocently doing your best to make him feel good, staining your purity with squelching sounds, muffled moans and bobbing head. Your pretty pink camisole still covering your upper body, staining with spit and pre-cum dripping out your messy first blowjob. 
It’s not even the kind that Haechan loves the most, he might be eager but he’s rather neat — unlike somebody else — but he doesn’t care right now, he can’t, not even if usually, the feeling of so much drool spilling down his balls would make him cringe, right now it’s making him even harder. 
And after all, you will learn. 
They were all sure that by the end of the night they would’ve turned you into a completely different person. Addicted to their cocks and sex. 
And you are on the right road they want you to follow because as dirty as it feels, as much the piercing gaze of these men and their groans and dirty words makes you want to hide, they are once again igniting a spark inside of you. 
Your thighs clench and you knit your brows when you feel your clit throb and your pussy clench around nothing, an embarrassing amount of cum dripping out of you. How much do you like them? 
You think they don’t catch on it, too busy with the way your lips wrap around your boyfriend’s cock and your lashes flutter, looking up at him. 
But Mark sees the way you act. He has been studying you for a while, going crazy at the way you never realize how hot you are. He hates to admit it but he has fantasized about you a lot. You were rather physical with him because he seems so nice and sweet and, after all, he is Haechan’s best friend, so you never hesitated to be all over him when your boyfriend wasn’t around, hugging him longer than you did with others, even daring to kiss him on the cheeks when you greeted each other, and you weirdly loved his hands. 
So, he was going to give you a taste of it because he wanted to see your innocent façade fall apart. 
You almost choke more around Hyuck’s dick when you feel a hand between your legs and a body press against your back. 
“Hi, babe.” Mark’s voice hits your lobe and your ass press back against him, silently, and shamelessly, asking him to help you. “Are you in pain again?” 
You nod, try to, considering Haechan now has grabbed a fistful of your hair and is guiding you on his cock with more force. 
Mark only laughs, he doesn’t ask if you want his fingers, if you’re ready to take his fingers, eventually, you’ll have to get used to it, right? And your body seems more than ready anyway. And as expected, it’s not that hard to slip a finger inside you, your tight walls relaxing around him and welcoming in with ease even if it’s your first time. 
Your head falls back, pulling away from Haechan’s firm hold and spluttering when your mouth is finally empty again. 
“Fuck,” Jaemin moans, and then brings one hand on your face, you expect him to wipe the mess away, but instead he smears it around your face, making you gasp and blink in surprise. “What, bunny?” He snickers, a mocking smirk on his lips. “You look so pretty like this, like a painting.” 
You can’t see yourself, so you seek reassurance from your boyfriend that is looking at you with a tender — wicked — smile. “He’s right, you’re so pretty like this.” 
You don’t reply, a bit because you can do nothing but accept it and a bit because when Mark pushes a second finger inside, it feels too much. 
“Mark, oh… wow,” you whimper, head falling to stare between your legs how his hand is pressing against your clit and his wrist is moving to guide the movements inside of you.  
“Oh, wow?” Jeno chuckles, mocking you. “Do you ever swear?” 
You stammer, head snapping at him in surprise. He scares you because you can’t read him. He had barely touched you or teased you and you don’t know what to expect, he seems sweet, but is he? Are they? You don’t have time to dwell on them or their kindness because Haechan grabs your hair again, tugging at it harshly enough to make you groan in pain. 
You look at him asking for an explanation, but he just pushes his cock inside your mouth. He doesn’t have the patience to teach you with words anymore, he will throw you straight into the practice ground, hoping you will make it out alive. 
“I told you I don’t want to be disappointed,” he groans, hips moving with a steady, fast rhythm, now truly not caring if you can take it or not. “You were doing so good, baby, keep taking my cock. Show me how much love me. You love me, right?” 
You hum around him and you get that it must feel good because his eyes squeeze shut and his fingers tighten around your hair. So you do it again, this time not to answer him, but you guess the sounds coming out of your lips are caused by Mark’s fingers inside you. 
Your eyes snap in panic toward Jaemin when you see him pick up his phone and as soon as Haechan frees your mouth you ask, “What — what are you doing?” 
“Filming you,” he smiles. A sweet, toothy smile that hides the grin in his eyes and the way the sight of you, teary eyes, ruined mascara starting to pool under your eyes, spit streaked chin and cheeks as the saliva dries on your beautiful skin, is making his cock rock hard.  
“But — but why?” 
“Because you need to learn, remember?” Surely, not because he was going to watch this over and over again and imagine you were kneeling between his legs letting him facefuck you. He would never do that. “You can watch this over and over again and get better with time.” 
“Oh,” you whisper. That makes sense. “But no one else will see this, right?” 
Jaemin shakes his head, caressing your cheeks, and laughing when your eyelids fall close at the gentle touch and a sweet whimper rolls out of your lips. “No one, bunny.” 
Your eyes look for Haechan’s consent again and when he smiles at you, your lips fall open again. When he starts moving inside you again it feels more comfortable than before, slowly getting used to the intrusion and his strength, and surely Mark’s fingers inside you are making the whole thing more enjoyable too.
More moans vibrate around his length as the two digits inside you curl and brush against a spot that makes your toes curl and your breath shorten. You don’t know what Mark is doing, but he’s so good at it because you know you never felt like this before. 
You want to warn them that you feel the same sensation build up in your stomach again, but you can’t, Haechan has no intention to pull out of you when he’s so close, and the orgasm hits so good, you wouldn’t say a thing even if your mouth was free. 
You think Haechan is going to let go of you but instead, he pushes deeper into your mouth, making you gasp for air through your nose, pressing your face so far that your nose nuzzles against the fuzzy layer of hair over his cock, and you almost choke when something warm and salty fills your throat. When he lets go of you, you gasp and are about to spit it on the floor when your boyfriend grabs your head and pulls you back by your hair. 
“Swallow it,” his voice is unexpectedly deep and stern and it’s enough to make you obey him with no hesitation, no matter how wrong and dirty it all feels. “Good girl.” You don’t know what’s kicking in your brain but the way he’s demanding and then sweet as he praises you, it’s making your head spin and want more. 
“What — what is — what was that?” You ask, squeezing your eyes, blinking some tears away. 
Haechan grins, kneeling at your level to kiss you. It’s soft, like the usual kiss he gives you when you cuddle in your bedroom, and it feels… romantic. As if there aren’t three hungry gazes staring into you, imagining the worst things to do to you. 
“That’s my cum, baby. Just like the one that is dripping out of you now.” 
Your eyes wander away from his, too shy and conscious about the mess between your legs. 
“It’s… it’s because you like me a lot?” 
He nods, “And because you’ve been such a good girl sucking my cock.” 
The vulgar words hit your core, and you expect to shy away but somehow, they make your pussy clench around nothing again. 
Is your body seeking more? Are they going to give it to you? 
“My knees burn,” you whisper, expecting Haechan to do something but you jolt in surprise when Jeno walks toward you and lifts you up. 
“Should we finish this in the bedroom?” He’s holding you in his arms, roughly hoisting you on his shoulder as if you are a ragdoll but he’s talking to Haechan. You get flustered because your ass is literally next to his face and you flinch when he bites down on the soft, plump skin. 
“No, the bedroom, no,” you cry. And they quirk a brow, looking between you and Haechan. 
“Bedroom,” your boyfriend orders and Jeno swiftly walks toward the room. 
“Jeno, no,” you cry uselessly, and when he opens the door, you want to die. 
“Oh,” he whispers, smirking when he eyes the bed. 
“So that’s what you didn’t want us to see?” This time is Jaemin mocking you, you get it by now that he looks sweet and gentle but under that façade hides a monster. 
“Your teddy bear?” Mark asks amused, staring at the toy laying in the middle of the bed, between crumpled-up sheets. You really tried to make it go away alone, didn’t you? 
“It hurt too much, I didn’t know what to do.” You confess even if they weren’t thinking at that, except Mark, of course. So they are even more surprised when they see a patch of the teddy bear slightly stained with your cum. 
“Oh, poor baby,” Jeno coos, laying you on the bed with no care at all. “Your pussy was begging for so much attention you just had to fuck yourself on your plushie.” 
Now that was too dirty for you to take. You had no idea you were doing that, it was just your habit to hug the toy with your legs and when you felt that the friction felt good your body started moving alone. 
“I didn’t know,” you defend. 
Jeno snickers, “I’m starting to think you’re playing a character. Maybe you’re not as innocent as you want to make us believe.” 
“No — no, I swear, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t have done that if I knew it was bad.” 
“It’s not bad,” Mark chimes in. “It’s never bad if it makes you feel good.” 
You’d argue with that, if it was another occasion, if you weren’t spread open with Jeno between your legs, fingers playing again with your sensitive clit, and teasing your glistening entrance. 
“Stop teasing me,” you whine, starting to hate how his fingertips are only brushing over your sensitive skin and not bringing you any pleasure. 
“Damn, already addicted to it?” Haechan mocks you and you don’t expect that comment to come from him. He had been nothing but nice with you tonight, apart from when he was shoving his cock into your mouth. 
“It feels good,” you mumble, hiding your face with your hands but Jaemin groans and pulls your hands apart. 
“I think we should keep these busy,” he says before winking at Mark. Your eyes widen when they both get rid of their clothes, cocks springing free, hard and thick, smeared with pre-cum at the tip. You can’t even look away because you are too amazed by them, and your gaze keeps bouncing back and forth between the man at the end of the bed and the one on your left. 
You only lift your gaze when Mark climbs on the bed and kneels next to your face, well, until then, because when his cock hovers over you, you can only keep your eyes there. 
“Hey, you look at theirs with more love than you looked at mine,” Haechan scolds, now sitting next to Jeno that is still teasing your dripping cunt.  
You apologize feebly, wanting to tell him that you were too shocked by his before to have a positive reaction to it. 
“Are you going to punish me?” 
Haechan snorts but shakes his head. “I’m going to make you feel good. Show you how good my cock will make you feel.” 
“My mouth again?” 
“No, baby,” he smiles. “Here.” 
Your eyes widen when his hand palms your cunt, Jeno is sitting next to him, giving him space to fit perfectly between your bent open legs. 
“Inside?” It comes out as dry as your throat while your brain tries to think how it could fit in you. 
He clicks his tongue, “Where else?” 
“But it’s… it’s never going to fit.” You say when he starts rubbing his cockhead against your folds, collecting the wetness. 
“I promise you it will fit,” he reassures you, wrapping the hand that isn’t around the base of his cock on your hip and caressing gently, a sharp contrast to the way he’s looking at you, hungry like a hunter that just got his prey after running after it for days. He’s drooling over you and he’s not sure he can promise you he’ll be gentle. 
“Are — are you sure it will feel good?” 
“Best you’ve ever felt,” he replies. “I promise, I’d never hurt you, you know.” 
You gulp, looking at how big he is and then your tummy, thinking that it’s impossible for all that to slip into you and feel good. And then you meet his eyes, he’s looking at you in a way he never did and you can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing. 
“Just the tip,” he whispers, looking into your eyes before he brings them back where your bodies are touching and sinks into you, pussy fluttering around his thick tip and already squeezing tight. 
Your head rolls back and your jaw clenches as a gritted moan ripples through your throat. It’s nothing like Mark’s fingers. The stretch is triple it and even if it doesn’t hurt it still feels too much to take. You surely aren’t sure you could deal with it. 
You’re about to protest, moving a hand between your bodies to stop him but he sinks into you without a warning, and the high, broken moan you let out shouldn’t turn him —them— on so much, but it does. 
You only mumble senseless things, hiding your face between the pillow and Jaemin’s thigh, and they all wonder what will draw a curse out of your pretty, pure lips. 
“Big,” you cry, as if saying it out loud will change the fact his cock is stretching you wide and reaching parts you didn’t even know you had until two seconds ago. 
“You can take it,” Haechan reassures you, cooing against your ear as he leans in to kiss you softly. “I’ll take it slow, okay?” He has to try, he knows the others won’t take it easy on you, and he has to wreck you but not too much to the point you can’t take it anymore. He’s already scared you can barely take this, he wonders how you will go through more. 
But it’s easier said than done and the slow pace of long and intense thrusts only lasts what it lasts. 
“Hyuck,” your voice breaks, and tears start to form in your eyes when he picks up a rhythm you can’t keep up with, not that you’re doing anything, just laying there, half-naked, and looking over at the three men hovering you with lidded eyes. 
You think you’re pitying them but completely different thoughts are running through their minds. Jaemin and Mark especially are having a ball seeing you like this, helpless and yet needy for more. You’re falling apart slowly, lips moving without emitting a sound as not even you know if you want him to stop or if you want more. 
You’re so lost in the pleasure and thelittle discomfort that you forget for a moment Jeno is there too, and when his hand touches your thigh, you jump in surprise. 
“It’s just me, angel,” he hums, smiling at you, and you nod, biting your lips to muffle the moans. 
“Don’t do that,” Jaemin scolds you, slapping his cock against your lips to make you let go of them. “You will bleed.” He’s messing with you, playing you like a violin, fucking up with your brain more than he’s doing with your body. And yet, you fall for it, freeing your lower lip, not holding back anymore. 
“Hyuck,” you cry again when he lifts your hips and slides deeper into you, “I can’t.” 
“You can,” he groans back, holding your hips with more force and you’re sure your body will remind you of that hold for days. “You are taking me. Look at how good — fuck — you feel. Dripping, tight pussy sucking me in.” 
Your mouth opens to complain, or to let out a moan, you’re not even sure anymore, but Jaemin shushes you. When the tip of his cock slaps your cheek you’re startled, meeting his gaze in surprise. 
“Gimme your hand, bunny,” he purrs. And you don’t know why you find that petname so hot coming out of his lips, probably it’s the way he says it, the way his lips curl when he places it at the end of a sentence, so sweetly and yet with the intention of breaking you. You don’t know it, you can’t know it, but it’s like you sense it, and you can’t wait to see what he has in store for you. 
So, you obediently give him his hand, soft fingers wrapping around yours before he brings your hand on his dick. 
“See how hard I am for you? How much I like you?” 
You nod, licking your lips, feeling your throat get dryer because Haechan is still fucking into you, pounding deep and hard and no, it doesn’t feel bad, but it’s too intense and you don’t know how to deal with so much pleasure. You feel like it’s getting to your head, like all your sanity is slowly being dragged out of you, your hold on control is growing thin and you don’t know what to do. You should panic, some sort of self-defense should tell you to run, but you don’t want to. You want to see how far this can go, how much more you can feel. Finally liberated to being pushed into a world you’ve been ignoring for so long, too long. 
“Yeah?” He asks, a cocky smirk on his face. “You love this, don’t you? Knowing we’re so hard just from watching you.” He starts moving your hands on him and when Mark does the same after grabbing your other hand, you turn to him. His eyebrows are knitted in concentration, and he’s lost looking at your pretty, manicured hand and how it looks so beautiful on his hard girth. And he wonders how you can be so delicate and pure even now. 
“You’re so pretty,” Mark whispers when he meets your glossy eyes. And you’d like to let yourself get lost in the compliment but with your boyfriend fucking you feverishly, slamming into you after pulling all the way out, creating disgusting, lewd sounds, you can’t think of anything else. 
“So fucking good for me,” Haechan moans, throwing his head back and biting his lips, and through wet lashes, you can’t help but feel happy because you are making him feel this good. He looks even more beautiful than usual, almost as if he has a different glow radiating from him, and you like to think it’s because of you. 
And probably that thought makes you convulse more under him as you come again, squeezing him tight, the movements on Jaemin and Mark’s cock, coming to a stop as the pleasure overtakes you. 
“Don’t fucking stop,” Jaemin grunts, slapping your cheek with his cock again. “Come on, be good and make us feel good. You’re not selfish, right?” 
You shake your head, mind hazed by the pleasure that dims but doesn’t seem to stop. 
“Good, be a good little play doll and make us feel good.” 
“Open up,” Mark says, pushing his cock to your mouth. You think he’s going to do the same thing your boyfriend did before but you’re surprised when he only teases your mouth with his tip, and you’re even more surprised when Jaemin turns you around and does the same. They keep teasing you like this, and without them telling you, you eagerly start to suck on them, sucking more of their length in, cheeks hollowing as you shily try to do more to make them happy. 
So you set your own pace, turning side to side with a pretty decent rhythm to suck Mark first and then pass on Jaemin. Blowing them with more strength every time that you hear their groans and moans grow bigger, you find that so exciting, and you think it’s a shame you can’t see their faces contorted in pleasure but sucking on them —united to your boyfriend’s cock — makes your eyes fall close in bliss. 
And Haechan loses it completely, he pushes your legs up, pressing them against your chest, your eyes snapping open in surprise and because you can feel him even more. 
“Hyuck, no,” you wail, tears dripping down your temples, drying in your hair. 
“Shut up,” he retorts, leaning in, making his friends pull away, kissing you harshly, not caring that his friends’ cocks are so close to his face and were into your mouth just a few seconds ago. He needs you. “You feel so fucking good, babe. You’re making me so — fuck — so happy.” 
You smile when he pulls away but once again Mark and Jaemin are on you. 
You once again think he’s in pain, you think all of them are in pain, when your eyes shoot open and they have a frown on their faces. 
“Close your eyes,” Jaemin whispers through gritted teeth, you don’t get why but you obey and you’re lucky for that because you feel hot liquid spurts on your face and chest and you gasp in surprise. 
That’s the last thing it takes for Haechan to make him come. It’s fucking wrong but fuck, if you’re hot covered in cum, moaning as he stimulates you, chest falling and rising swiftly and nails digging into the sheets. 
“Hyuck,” you cry when the warmth fills you up, coating you in white. 
“Fuck, babe,” he groans, leaning down to kiss you. “So good.” 
You feel a thumb clean something off your face, well, only off your eyes because you can feel the rest of it stick on your cheeks, lips, neck and probably even forehead. 
When you open them again they’re smiling at you, as if what just happened is the most normal thing in the world. But you’re not any different from them. You feel thrilled. You need more. 
“More,” you plead and their eyes sparkle up. 
“Move.” You don’t expect Jeno to yank your boyfriend away and come between your legs. 
“Hey,” Haechan warns, glaring at his friend. “She’s mine.” 
“Don’t share her if you want her all to yourself,” he retorts before sinking down and cleaning your face from his friends’ cum. You were fucking hot like that he wasn’t going to lick any of it off of you. You eagerly kiss him back when his lips meet yours, but it doesn’t last long, he has other plans and he wants to make them happen as soon as possible. You are a fucking dream, but you’ve not come true, yet, and patience is not a gift God gave him. 
“Jeno,” you yelp when he rips your camisole off of you. 
“Not my fault they weren’t eager to see your boobs,” he smirks, throwing the ripped fabric behind him. “Fuck, they’re perfect,” he mumbles, staring at your chest, fondling the skin, and then sucking on your nipples. 
You don’t expect to be that sensitive there, but you are and the way his lips wrap around your bud and suck on it with passion makes your head spin. It feels so good that you don’t even realize you start grinding against him. 
He grins against your skin. “Turned you into a needy mess already?” 
Your eyes shy away and realize that neither Mark nor Jaemin are at your side anymore. But you don’t have time to see what they’re doing because Jeno’s lips are around you again while his fingers tease the other nipple and your brain shuts again. 
Jeno’d love to make you come like this, he’s more than sure he could make you come like this. But he’s not so sure about your stamina and he doesn’t want to risk it. If he doesn’t get into you now he will go insane. 
“Need you.” But it’s you the one that whimpers those words, catching him — them — by surprise. “Jeno, please.” 
“Please what, angel?” He teases, he will drag nasty words out of your pretty lips. 
Normally you would’ve stuttered and begged him to just get what you wanted but right now you’re desperate, his lips and fingers on you, the warmth of your boyfriend’s seed inside, Jeno’s hard cock grinding against your sensitive, hard clit. 
“Please, fuck me.”
Their eyes stare at you in surprise and amusement, shocked and entertained that your shell is coming off, slowly, but all those walls are crashing down. 
He groans and kisses you roughly again, you noticed that even if he’s rough, he’s not messy, and he likes to bite, a lot. On your lower lip, on your neck, and on the soft flesh of your boobs. But you find out you like it. 
“Where are you going?” You panic when he rolls to the side. 
He chuckles, “I’m not leaving you, don’t worry,” his tone is tender but there’s a hint of a mock in it. “Come here,” he pats his lap when he sits on the bed, kicking the teddy bear with his feet to have more space.
“Hey! Mister Teddy,” you complain, crawling on wobbly legs to fix the stuffed toy at the edge of the bed, hoping it could be safe from whatever will keep happening from then on. 
“Mister Teddy?” He asks, lifting a brow. “Thought you were more creative.” 
“I was ten when I got it,” you reply, plopping on the mattress next to it. 
“Damn, he’s really living all your first adventures,” Jaemin laughs, looking at the toy briefly and not catching your glare. 
“Come here,” Jeno calls you again, spreading his legs more, giving you space to kneel between them. 
“I’m leaking,” you whisper, feeling discomfort when cum starts dripping out of you due to the position; hands and knees, ass perched up as you crawl to him. 
“Don’t worry, I’m going to stuff you again.” The way he’s so vulgar about it makes your stomach twist in anticipation. You find something so hot about the contrast between you and them, even your boyfriend and Jaemin whom you always imagined were the calmest and most similar to you. It’s clear that this is completely different from the everyday world. 
“Why are you still covered?” You ask timidly, kneeling between his open legs, but not dragging your eyes on his crotch, for some reason he makes you shy. You truly don’t know what to expect from him, one second he looks like he’s indifferent and one later it’s like he wants to eat you alive. 
“Wanted you to unpack the gift,” he jokes, pointing at his black boxers and then at you with a nod of the head.
You lean closer to him, ass perching up, making the three men behind you groan, and you note for the first time that they sound so animalistic, like starved hunters that are just sweet enough to wait for you, their prey, to offer yourself to them. But you leave them in the back of your mind, delicate, manicured fingers, hooking in the bands of his underwear, pulling it down with the help of his hips lifting from the mattress. 
If you were in a cartoon your jaw would be on the floor, and your eyes would be big, coming out of your skull, but you’re in the real world, and no animation can help you take what Jeno has between his legs. 
You gulp, looking at him, finding an amused grin on his face. Oh, he loves that. But you love a challenge, and Haechan wasn’t that much smaller than him so if you took your boyfriend, you could take him, right? Either way, you didn’t care much how impossible that felt. You needed more. And you just seemed addicted to the feelings that sex brought along, throwing yourself into something you weren’t ready for. 
“Do I suck you?” 
“Honey,” he snorts, “I need more than your mouth.” 
“But shouldn’t I lay? How are you going to fuck me like that?” 
They totally weren’t used to hearing those words slip out of your mouth, and it was absurd how normal, clean, and innocent they still sounded coming from you. You were an angel sent on earth, there was no other explanation they could give themselves. 
After the first shock, he shakes his head and signals you to crawl closer. “Come close, I don’t bite.” 
You snicker because he bites very much but you do as he ordered. 
“I want you to ride me.” 
You tilt your head to the side, looking at him with a cute, confused expression and he has to take a deep breath not to flip you over and piston into you until you’re nothing but a moaning mess. 
“Slide down on my cock and I’ll guide you for the rest.” He tells you instead, somehow gaining some composure back to hide how desperate he is to have you. 
You hum hesitantly, he holds his cock up for you, and you slowly sink on it. 
“Fuck,” you curse when he’s halfway in, already feeling like he’s splitting you in two, and you are soaking wet and have already been stretched by Haechan before. “You’re too much.” 
“I’m in, angel,” he reassures you through gritted teeth because you are tight and warm, and he feels like a teenage boy about to come just by that. It’s pathetic almost, as if this is his first pussy and his body doesn’t know how to react. “Just bottom out, I promise it will feel good.” 
You trust him, and so, sinking your nails into his shoulders, you reach the base. You decide to also blame it on the position but fuck, if he’s deep into you. 
“Was I good?” You are eager for validation and everybody in the room takes note of that. Haechan already knows it, it’s a thing you have even on non-sexual occasions, but it’s nice to know you crave that even in bed. And the others two can’t wait to use it against you. 
“So good, angel,” he praises you. “Now, move on my cock.”
You hesitate, trying to get what he wants. Feeling time pass by, sensation highlighted by the gazes that are burning your back. Somehow the fact that they are not all over you but patiently waiting and staring at your every move makes you a bit more anxious. “I don’t know how to do it,” you whine in a broken confession, voice cutting because he’s not moving and he’s already fucking with your brain. 
“But you want to be a good girl, don’t you? Want to learn? You’re such a good learner, always been a good, eager student, I’m sure you can be a good student even now.” 
You nod, squeezing your eyes, hoping to unfog your brain and focus on what you have to do. Not only you don’t know how to do what he wants but your brain is far gone. 
“You are big, though,” you weep. “You fill me — fill me so well.” 
Jeno’s nails sink into your skin when your wet insides clench around him. You’re not controlling your body and yet you’re driving him insane. 
“I promise,” he huffs, throwing his head back, shaking his black hair out of his face, and then looking at you, “promise it will feel even better if you start moving. Remember what you did before?” 
“On poor Mr Teddy and Haechan.” 
Your body sparks in flames of shame when he reminds you that, feeling guilty for having done something so dirty with your precious teddy bear and with your boyfriend in front of his friends. But once again, the needs you need to satisfy are making your body go in a different direction. 
So you start grinding your hips back and forth, moaning lowly every time your clit rubs against his pubes. 
“Fuck,” he moans, biting his lips. “Just like that, angel. Keep moving.” 
You whimper when his hands wrap around your waist and Jeno starts fucking you on him, he starts slowly but then his slams get harsher. It takes a while to get what he wants, but you try to follow him as he guides you. 
And soon you start to try different patterns, circling your hips, lifting your body up and down, just grinding, and trying to press in your brain what makes the both of you feel better. When you finally find it, and Jeno leaves you more freedom of movement, you feel on cloud nine. 
“Fuck,” somebody moans behind you, loud enough to remind you that you and Jeno are not alone in the room. “Look at how good you are at this.” Only when more words leave his mouth, you realize it’s Jaemin. 
“Do — do you like me like this?” You ask in a whimper, throwing your head back, the image of the three men pumping their aching boners appearing upside down in your eyes. 
Mark would say that he loves you like this, but keeps it to himself, afraid of crossing lines that are not meant to be crossed. 
“Don’t you see how hard we are for you?” Your boyfriend replies instead. “This is what you do to us.” 
You smile, head moving to fall against Jeno’s forehead, happy with the answer you received. 
“And you?” You groan. “Do you — do you like me?” 
He groans, nose twitching as his face contorts in a frown. “Are you kidding? Don’t you feel how much I like you? Do I — shit — have to prove it more?” 
“Yeah.” Your voice comes out in a whimper, his arms wrap around your frame and he helps you with your thrusts, and then he bites on your lower lip, pulling roughly before he lets go of your soft lips. “Pro—prove me how much you love me.” 
Jeno starts sucking on your nipples. It’s loud and wet, and gets your cunt dripping around him so hard that another orgasm rips out of you before you can do anything. 
“Horny, dumb, baby,” he mocks, slapping your ass cheek, grinning against your boob when you clench down on him at the impact. “Love the pain, don’t you? Love when I hit you,” another loud smack follows. “Love when I bite you,” his teeth sink into the soft flesh of your breast. “Do you love when I pinch?” He asks, twisting your other nipple in his hand, your toes curling and your stomach closing in a knot again. 
“Yes, love it so much, Jeno, please.”  
“Good, keep being a good girl for me, shit,” he groans. “And take all I give to you. All the pain and all the pleasure.” 
You think he has an addiction to your boobs because he never lets go of them, lips and fingers torturing them, causing more shivers to run down your spine. But you don’t mind, it feels so good that your brain starts slipping down a treacherous path where you have no control anymore. 
And he thinks that too. He might be addicted to you, actually. Because as you bounce up on him, pussy sucking him with eagerness and dripping down his balls, boobs bouncing up and down, he gets lost in your face for a second. Long lashes falling shut on your cheeks, streaked with a messed-up mix of spit, cum, tears and mascara. Swollen soft lips parted in search of air, letting out the prettiest, softest, and most sinful sounds he ever heard. He can only think one thing. 
Haechan is a lucky bastard. 
But he’s not. So he better make the best out of this situation and fuck you more, maybe even make you miss his cock so when Haechan will fuck you again and it won’t feel as good as this you will think of him, how good he made you feel. 
And in the depth of yourself you too wonder if anything else will make you feel this good because you didn’t feel like this before, brain dizzy and barely feeling your body, like you were watching from the outside and yet feeling every sensation. 
“Gonna fill you up,” he moans, face buried in the crook of your neck, groaning when he sniffs you and even if you’re sweating, he can scent the delicate perfume you applied on yourself, so sweet and intoxicating mixing with your natural scent, driving him insane. 
Haechan is a lucky bastard. 
“Gonna give you all of my cum — fuck — fill you ‘til you’re dripping,” he groans, biting on your skin, making you throw your head back. 
He’s about to ask you to beg for it, to push you even more, but once again the words come out of your mouth on your own.
“Give me all,” your voice breaks. “Give me all your cum, please. I want it, want it so much.” 
They broke you. 
That’s Jeno’s last straw, hips stuttering against you harshly, fucking you messily, moaning louder as you come too and your pussy clenches around him more. 
“Fuck,” he groans when your bodies stop convulsing against one another. “You’re so fucking good at this, so perfect.” 
You whine when he rolls you over, and then slips out of you, leaving you empty, gaping, and leaking. It’s humiliating being so exposed, or you’re sure that’s how you should feel, but your brain only screams ‘more.’ 
You don’t have the strength to say it, throat dry and eyes too heavy to even stay open. You blank out for a moment and when you open your eyes again you find Haechan staring at you. 
“You good?” 
You beam at him, a new glow spreading around you, and he smiles back before he leans in to kiss you. You feel hands on your lower body, but you let yourself get lost in this tender moment with your boyfriend. It doesn’t last much though because Jaemin has other plans. 
“You’re so filthy, bunny,” he mocks as he pumps two fingers inside your sensitive cunt, pumping the cum in and then out, grinning dumbly at the lewd image in front of his eyes. Loving how easily your destroyed hole lets three of his fingers in. 
You think he’s weird not because of what he’s doing but the way he acts about it, the way he’s been acting about it all night, but that still doesn’t make you find him unattractive or not hot. Probably it makes you underestimate him. 
“Come here,” Mark calls, and you frown when he lays on the bed next to you. 
“But… I’m tired,” you whine, legs shaking with a shiver since Jaemin is still rubbing his fingers against your walls. 
“Oh, already?” He teases you with a fake-kind pout on his face. You flinch when Jaemin pulls out and smacks your pussy hard, sending electric shocks through your body. 
“Spoiled brat,” he hisses, pinching your thigh. 
“Want us to help but won’t do anything to help us,” Mark complains, giving you a daring glare you don’t really understand. 
You don’t expect Mark to drag you on top of him, making you sit on his abs with little to no care, your muscles screaming in pain. “Princess wants us to do all the job for her.” He eases you up and makes you fall back onto his cock, a loud groan coming out of your lips because he keeps catching you unprepared. And because it seems that no matter how much you get stretched, your cunt still can’t get used to it. And you find out you love-hate this position. 
“Is this how Haechannie treats you?” Your boyfriend sneers at the nickname, plopping on the bed next to you, staring at your fucked out face with an amused grin. He never imagined he would enjoy so much seeing your friends throwing you around. 
“Pampers you.” Mark thrust up into you, leaving you breathless. “Touching you gently.” Another one. “Afraid you may break.” And another, even harder, knocking the air out of your lungs. 
You hum, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes again, palms of your hands falling flat on his chest, feeling his muscles flex every time he lifts your ass up and down on him. Mark’s moving you so easily you should be afraid but your body tingles in excitement and your brain shuts down again. 
“What a surprise you love being treated like this,” he mocks, spanking your ass, chuckling when your cunt clenches around him. “Does it feel good? My big hand against your soft, delicate skin, princess?” 
You whine. The sweet pet name somehow makes you feel like he’s mocking you even more. 
“Answer me,” he groans, cupping your chin, forcing you to look at him while his other hand sends another loud spank on your other ass cheek. 
“Yeah, yeah,” your voice is broken by sobs, salty drops following down swiftly, hitting his skin, too. 
“For how long you planned on keeping it a secret from me?” Haechan asks, kneeling next to Mark and grabbing you by the hair so he can lift you up, pulling you away from his friend’s body. “Had to put on a show in front of my friend so I would snap and let them fuck you and ruin you, uh?” 
“No — no, I — I swear, I didn’t know.” 
“Didn’t know?” His usual cocky smirk creeps on your boyfriend’s face as his hold in your hair gets stronger and drags an unexpected moan out of your lips. And he thinks that he’s going to have so much fun turning you into an even needier, kinkier mess from now on.
You shake your head, silently telling him with your eyes that you were honest before, that you never imagined that pain could lead to this pleasure. 
“Come on, leave her alone. Don’t you see that she means it? She’s just such a good doll that learns so easily what we want from her. Aren’t you?” Jeno reaches you too, coming to the other side, turning your face to stare at him. 
“I’m — I’m not a doll,” you cry, but in reality, you don’t mind being called that. You love dolls. They are pretty. And if they think you are one, you don’t care. It just feels a bit weird to be called one in this context. 
“But you’re so pretty and love to play with us,” he pouts, kissing you slowly, cupping your ass harshly before he smacks you again. “You love playing with us, don’t you?” 
You nod, falling backward when Mark hits a spot into you that makes your toes curl, and luckily you fall into Jaemin’s strong chest and arms. 
“Careful, baby. Dolls can break.” You can hear his evil smirk but it still doesn’t prepare you for what he’s about to do to you. 
The scream you let out dies in your throat when you feel him tease your rim. 
“Damn, honey, I didn’t even push in,” he laughs at your reaction, feeling your body tense. 
“I — I, what are you doing?” You turn your head around when he rests his chin on your shoulder and he’s smiling at you. Fucking evil. 
“Filling your pretty ass,” Jaemin replies nonchalantly, batting his lashes at you.  
“That’s… that’s…” 
“Nasty?” He finishes for you and you nod, biting your lips because Mark is fucking up into you faster and Jeno and Haechan are sucking your nipples and you feel like you’re about to explode. 
“But we are nasty,” he grins. If your brain was still with you, you would’ve told him that he is nasty, but you’re too far gone to bicker with him now. 
But you still feel that that place is wrong. 
“I don’t, I don’t think…” you bite your lips, eyes squeezing as you try to let out words that make sense. “Nothing should go there.” 
“You think Nana would put something there if it shouldn’t? You think Nana would ever hurt you or do something you won’t like?” 
You think about it, or pretend to think about it, because at this point your brain has no intention of collaborating, and also you really don’t know. It’s a gut feeling, telling you that what’s about to happen is even dirtier than everything else that already happened but you have no idea about it. So you trust him, even if no, you don’t know if he would ever do something to hurt you, because you thought he was nice and he’s surprising you more and more. 
When you shake your head and arch your ass back against him, Jaemin smirks and winks at Haechan that is looking at the two of you with an amused smile on his face. 
“Too good,” you whimper instead, not even worrying anymore that his wet finger — covered in lube or cum, or both, you’re not really sure about it — is prodding at your entrance and pushing in. 
“Jae —” his name doesn’t come out of your mouth because everything that is happening to you is getting to your head. 
“Shh, bunny,” he purrs against your earlobe, kissing it before moving to leave wet kisses on your neck. Why the hell is he so messy? “It won’t hurt you. I’ll prep you well to take my cock.” 
“Your — your cock?” 
“Yes, bunny, you’ve been so good, you deserve it.” 
“I deserve it,” you repeat mindlessly, letting your body relax in his hold, strong arm wrapped around your waist, following the way Mark is moving you on him. 
“Shit,” Mark moans, you’re squeezing him in every time that Jaemin adds another finger. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” you reply, shocked that Jaemin’s fingers are not hurting you at all, not even when you have Mark pressing into you from the front. 
“Nasty princess,” Jeno groans, biting down on the soft, smooth skin of your breast, making you hiss. “Look at how much you’re enjoying this. Are you grateful for this?” 
You nod, meeting his eyes, filled with lust. 
“You are? Why don’t you thank us?” He teases, starting to rub your clit, flicking it fast enough to make you clench even more around Mark. “Come on, say thank you.” 
“I… nghh,” you cry out. 
“No, baby. Thank you. It’s easy, even a dumb, nasty princess like you could do it. You just have to repeat. Or are you so cock drunk you can’t even thank us for what we’re giving you? We’re taking care of you, aren’t we?” 
You nod enthusiastically but still no words slip out of you. 
“We took away your pain,” he grunts, cupping your chin and kissing you harshly, letting his tongue play inside your mouth. “You begged for us to help you and we did. Say thank you.” 
You groan when you feel all of them move faster on a different part of your body, testing your brain to come up with two simple words. “Tha-thank you,” you breathe out, hand searching for your boyfriend’s hand and holding it tight when he locks his fingers with yours as his mouth keeps moving on your breast. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” you chant sounding more like a plead for more. 
“Good girl,” Jeno praises, biting your lower lip again before he kisses you roughly. 
“If she was good she would fuck herself on me,” Mark growls and your glossy eyes fall on him. You are letting him do all the job and you can’t promise him you have the strength to help. 
“I’m — I’m sorry,” you reply, hoping he can forgive you. 
“Then start fucking yourself on me, if you’re really sorry,” he orders and he stops moving, leaving you to complain at the loss of pleasure. 
You knit your brows, trying to find support on the other three men around you that are still stimulating you, and your hips start moving. You replicate what you did before with Jeno but now you find it even harder. Your body aches in pain and trembles in pleasure. And it’s all getting to your head. But somehow you manage to move, it’s like your body is moving on its own, it’s like it has already learned all the tricks they have been teaching you all night. 
“See, you can do it if you don’t act like a spoiled, lazy brat,” Mark praises, throwing his head back. 
When you feel something big and fat press against your rim, your eyes snap open and Mark’s comments slip into the back of your brain. 
“Jaemin what are — what are you doing?” You cry out, voice choking in your throat.
“I told you,” he says, pushing you down, closer to the man underneath you, biting his lips as he watches your ass bounce back and forth on Mark. “Fucking your pretty ass.”
You totally underestimated Jaemin. 
“Fuck,” you scream when he slams inside you completely and starts fucking you right away. Your body collapses on Mark and you hear him chuckle deeply against your ear. 
“Nana,” you cry out, biting down on Mark’s shoulder, making him hiss, more in surprise than pain. He told you he was going to fuck you there, but you thought he was going to do it after, not with Mark inside you. 
“Fuck, bunny, you’re made for this,” he mumbles through gritted teeth as his hands wrap around your waist and fucks deep into your other hole. 
“Mark,” you whimper, tears flooding down your face like a river in full. It’s not painful like you expected it to be, it sets your body on fire, bliss running in your veins along with your blood, and before you can even notice you come again. It’s long and more intense than before and you feel like you’re about to pass out, but two arms pull you up. You don’t know who’s doing what, but you feel hands and lips all over you, kissing, biting, pinching. You guess the harsher motions come from Jeno and the gentle ones from your boyfriend but as you faintly make out their grins and chuckles, you’re not really sure about who’s doing what. 
“You fucking love this, fuck,” Jaemin mocks. “Such a filthy doll, so nasty, so needy.” 
“Are you going to beg for our cocks again?” Mark asks. “Gonna crawl around the — fuck — living room every time we come around here. Letting us use you like the pretty fuckdoll that you are.” 
Haechan whispers ‘you wish’ but seeing how much he’s loving this night, he wouldn’t mind. After all, you’re his and you will always be, and a little fun never hurt anybody. 
“Yes,” the word slips out of your mind without you thinking about it. 
“Yes?” Jeno snickers. 
“No, I mean — I mean, I…” 
“It’s okay, baby,” Haechan whispers, tugging your hair again and staring at your wrecked face. “Nothing wrong with being our pretty toy. Nothing wrong with craving cocks so much after your first time.” 
You hum, but no thought is actually crossing your mind. It’s like the more they fill you up, the more your brain empties. 
And the strange thing is that you don’t mind. You truly love this feeling of having no power while they do whatever they want with you. 
And the normal–every day–you would be surprised to hear you beg for more, using such filthy words. But right now, that doesn’t exist anymore.
“Please,” you moan. “Give me more. Uh, give me — give me your cum.” 
Jaemin curses gutturally, throwing his head back before his forehead dips again against your shoulder. Inhaling your sweet intoxicating scent. “You’ll be the fucking death of me.” He knows you’ll haunt his days and nights to come, and he’s not sure he’ll be able to look at you as he did before. 
And as if you want to prove him a point, your hips start to grind on them, somehow finding the right pace to fuck against them while he and Mark keep railing you at their perfect rhythm. 
You hear Mark’s moans get higher and slightly whinier, and when you open your eyes to look at him, you smile faintly, falling forward and planting your hands at the sides of his head. 
“Fuck,” Mark groans, biting his lips to don’t bite yours. He can’t believe you greeted them some hours ago looking like the most perfect, innocent, well-behaved girl, and now you’re letting them destroy you and are still begging for more. His brain replays images of you before, in your pretty, pink nightwear, with your sweet, loving smile, a thin layer of rosé eyeshadow, and some mascara on your lashes, and when he opens his eyes and looks at you, there’s nothing of it left. You look like a mess. 
“Come here,” he encourages you, and you lean closer, a choked moan trapping in your mouth when his tongue lays flat on your cheek and he licks your tears away. “Gotta keep you clean, baby.” 
“That’s hot,” your boyfriend groans beside you, and for a second, you think again if any of this that is happening tonight is normal. Do other boyfriends do this too? Did he ever do this with their girlfriends when they were dating? But you shrug it off because wrong or right, you don’t care. Mark is right, if it feels good, that’s all that matters.
And you feel the same, strong and violent sensation built up in your body. They are close too since their thrusts against you are messier and they are both squeezing the skin on your waist to have a grip on the pleasure running through them. 
“Can fucking feel you,” Jaemin moans, pressing a hand against the small of your back, pushing you further down and making your ass arch up. You get he’s talking to Mark, and you find it weirdly exciting that they can feel each other through your thin walls separating them. “Fuck, bunny, you feel so good.” You groan and burn in shame when he spreads your cheeks apart and spits on your wrecked rim, adding to the mess of cum and lube.
“Nana,” you cry out his name and he could come only hearing that. It comes out so well from your lips, so sweet and pure while he wrecks you and does the most disgusting things ever. 
“Is Nana making you feel good, bunny? Do you like how Nana’s cock fills your pretty, tight hole?” He coos, voice as sweet as the most temping sin. 
“Ye-yes, so good,” you moan, some drool spilling on Mark’s shoulder, too fucked out to care about it and control your body. It feels too good. Head spinning and muscles shaking as you know you’re close again. “Please, I’m — I’m close. Fuck me harder,” you wail and they both groan, obeying. Your boyfriend looks at you after clicking his tongue, thinking you will make him go insane, and then meets Jeno’s eyes, looking at him as if he’s silently reminding him how fucking lucky he is to have you. And Haechan only grins, because he knows. He’s so lucky that you’re his. 
Jaemin collapses on you, sandwiching you between his and Mark’s body, so closeted in that space that it could almost be claustrophobic and yet it makes you high. You love their skins on yours, heating bodies brushing together in a dirty and wet mess of cum, sweat, and so much more you can’t even tell apart. You love how raw this feels. As if you’re all running after a need you didn’t even know you had, chasing it for dear life. 
The orgasm ripples through the three of you at the same time, loud moans, groans, and wet sounds fill the room. It smells like sex, the air feels so thick that you could cut it. And you feel boneless, the weight of Jaemin’s body pressing you flat against Mark, the shocks of the nth orgasm still running through your tired bones, the faint praises you hear coming from one of them, two, or three, you don’t know. Their voices mix up, just like their lips and hands on your skin.  
When you lay there, gently turned to lay with your back on the mattress by Mark, too much cum dripping out of you, skin burning up, chest heaving swiftly, and wet cheeks, they think you’ve had enough. A weird feeling of pity screaming in the back of their minds to let you go, clean you up, give you some water and put you to sleep… in what bed they have no idea, considering the only safe thing is Mr Teddy.
But they underestimate what they truly did to you. 
They blink repeatedly, looking at each other to make sure none of them is mocking your voice and that’s the real you. 
“Please,” you plead. “Need more. Need you. Please, please, I’ll be good, I’ll — I’ll take all you give me,” you mumble, praying them with broken eyes staring at them one by one. 
And that’s all it takes to make them jump on you again. 
They broke you. 
Stained your innocence. 
Dragged any sane and pure thought out of your brain and turned you into modelable mud in their hands. 
Anything they would’ve given to you, you would’ve taken. Accepting it with no second thought of how dirty or wrong it could’ve been. 
And in fact, you don’t. 
“Need to feel how good your pretty, little pussy is,” Jaemin says, sinking into your swollen and sensitive core. “So good.” 
“Nana,” you cry, wrapping your hands around his shoulders when his cock starts rubbing against your velvety walls. 
“It’s good, bunny. I know you love this.” 
You sniffle, rivers of transparent and black tears staining your face, and he throbs inside of you, groaning into your neck when his head falls forward.
You look like a complete mess and yet, is not enough for him. So one hand slips between you and when his fingers rub against your clit, more tears start to spill from your eyes. 
“You’re so fucking pretty,” he whispers, “need to film this. Can I — fuck — can I film you, bunny? Can I film how pretty you look right now? Pretty and messy and dumb.” 
You nod, expecting the flash to blind you when Mark passes him a phone, but Haechan turns on a small lamp at the side of your bed that tints the room with a warm light and is enough to light up your wrecked state. 
He points at your face, caressing it, smearing the mess on your soft cheek, telling you how pretty you look, the pretties doll when you cry. And then he moves it where your bodies meet, the wet, squelching sounds and lewd images being captured by the camera of his phone. 
“You’re going to make me so happy, bunny,” he whispers, angling the phone the best he can as he tries to fuck fast into you, and Jeno is so kind to grab it and film for him. They were only going to have one take and it had to be good. “Gonna think of you every time I’m in pain.” 
A dumb, sweet smile paints on your face, and that’s what it takes to throw him off. After all, you still are the sweet, naïve, girl they are used to know. And he thinks that Haechan — he believes they won’t be so lucky to have you again — will have to break you every single time. And he wishes he was him so bad, so fucking bad. 
“Gonna fill you up,” Jaemin growls. “You’ll be so full of us you’ll remember us for days.” He does as he promises, giving you what you asked for, cock throbbing hard into you as he let out longer moans as pleasure overflows him and you at the same time. He comes messily, hips barely moving against you as he empties himself inside and then pulls out, making his seed spurt on your thighs, and lower stomach.
You hum into your boyfriend’s mouth, and your brain spins faster at that. He’s kissing you so gently as his other three friends keep fucking you, teasing you and filling you with their cum as they like. 
A moan ripples from your mouth when his fingers reach your cum-coated mound, you truly have it everywhere now, and he reaches down to move on your clit. 
“Hyuck, no,” you cry, swallowing a scream. 
“No?” Haechan raises a brow, staring at you with a tender-mocking expression. “Sensitive?” 
You nod, blinking your wet lashes as your eyes try to focus on his beautiful face. 
“You’re not sensitive for them, though. I think you can take me, can take your boyfriend.” He smirks, watching your smile fade when you get that he has no intention of having mercy on you. “Can you?” He growls, slapping your clit, making you nod and mumble a thread of ‘yes.’ 
“Good. That’s my fucking good girl.” 
You don’t have time to recover from your orgasm or focus on the mess Jaemin and Haechan made, that you’re getting filled again. 
“Shit,” Mark moans, wide eyes fixated down where he’s fucking into you, pumping the white mess in and out of you. “You feel so good,” he almost cries, squeezing his eyes to imprint in his brain the sensation of your cunt because he’s sure he never felt something so good before and he won’t ever feel something so good again — well, unless Haechan hits his head and lets them have another round with you, but he highly doubts that. And he also knows that the videos Jaemin took —is taking— won’t be enough, that his hand won’t be enough to replicate this, to replicate you. 
“Mark,” you breathe out, glossy, bright eyes looking into his, letting him know how drunk on the feeling you feel, how it is too much, and yet never enough.  
“Yes, baby?” He asks, cupping your breast, kneading and pinching your nipples. 
Your hips buck up at his harsh moves on you, hands slapping against the sheets and moans coming out of your mouth like screams. “Feels good, so good.” 
“Shit, I know,” he replies through gritted teeth. He knows you love this from the way your heat is gripping him tight as you probably came another time, he can’t even tell it anymore, it’s like you’re going through an eternal orgasm; cunt clenching, body squirming, nails sinking in the sheets under you and moans and curses coming out of your mouth. 
Mark wants to make it last longer but your pussy is sucking him in, and he thinks you’re also sucking his life away, and he can’t hold it more, so he comes inside you again. 
Your head rolls back and your nails dig into the sheets when you feel another cock slip into you, Jeno. He’s rough, gripping your flesh tightly, slamming you against him, lost in his pleasure. 
And then they take turns again, and again, at this point, they’re not even fucking you, they’re just putting the tip in and coming inside, not even that deep as they watch the white, sticky substance drip to your ass, mixing with the one that is slowing dripping out of that hole. 
It’s a sick thing. And when you think they can’t do anything worse than that, Jaemin surprises you once again. 
Your eyes widen when you feel something soft and wet wrap around your pussy lips and with the little strength left, you take a glimpse at the man buried between your legs. 
You want to ask what he’s doing but you’re too tired, too shocked, too…too… is too much to do anything else but let your head fall back and let him do whatever he wants. 
“You’re disgusting,” Jeno comments, a grossed-out frown on his face as he looks away from his friend, walking around the bed to reach you on the other side, hard cock in hand as he positions over you, bending his knees on the mattress so he’s at your level. 
You look at him with half-lidded eyes and whine when Haechan pulls away from you, leaving your side empty. 
“Open up,” Jeno orders and your body follows his order in the blink of an eye. “Can let this mouth empty.” 
Jaemin would love to eat you out more, but when Haechan taps his shoulder, he can only take a step back and wait for his turn again. 
Your hips buck up when Haechan enters you. 
“Fucking finally,” he moans, throwing his head back, feeling your warmth again. He’s not jealous of the others, he kept staring at them going at you for so long and he found it so hot. But he only had two orgasms at the start of the night and he needs to feel you again. “All stretched out and dirty. Such a messy baby. Are you my messy baby?”
You nod, choking on Jeno’s cock, lungs burning up as you feel like all your strength is being sucked —fucked— out of you.  
“Fuck,” he hums. “Can’t believe we didn’t do this before, can’t believe I let you fool me.” 
You don’t answer. You can’t; Jeno’s cock barely makes you breathe as he fucks your mouth with the same strength he fucked your pussy before, and your mind is too broken to let out words that are not slurred or moans. 
“Didn’t believe me when I told you this would ease the pain —shit— and now look at you,” Haechan coos, hand reaching your neck, feeling Jeno’s shape on your throat. “If only you took it easier, babe —fuck— could’ve —ugh— could’ve had this long ago.” 
You can hear the wet sounds of Mark and Jaemin’s cocks, jacking off swiftly, and you wonder how much more they have to give you and how it doesn’t hurt, because it’s starting to hurt you, it’s starting to truly feel too much. Pleasure getting unbearable, and yet, they seem to still have more. 
Haechan pushes your legs up and the sound you make is embarrassing, but nobody in the room truly cares, is not the only dirty sound filling the room. And they are too caught up in their world to even worry about a puff of air and squelches of cum coming out of your used holes. 
Jeno pulls out of you, and spit drools out of your mouth as you try to catch your breath. 
“Hyuck, close,” you cry, looking at your boyfriend with tears-streaked face, Jeno’s harsh thrust triggering your tears even more. And the sight would be enough to make him come but he needs to try one thing before coming one last time. 
“Hyuck, fuck,” you scream when he pushes into your rim, stretching your other hole again after it had relaxed. Why they never warn you when they fuck you there?
“Shut up,” he says, kissing you harshly, shielding you from Jeno that huffs in annoyance. “You took Jaemin, you can take me.” 
You nod mindlessly, nails running on his back, leaving red marks behind, and that makes him fuck into you faster. He loves this new side of you, he loves it so much and he wants to see even more. Drag a beast out of you. Turn you into a hunter instead of a prey. 
“Do it again,” he orders and at first you don’t get it but then your nails dig into his back again, scratching him more. “Fuck, yes,” he growls, throwing his head back.
A thought about why he wants you to hurt him crosses your mind for a split second but when the nth orgasm washes over you, your mind goes blank again. And Jeno uses your open mouth to fill you with his hard cock. You almost choke at the unexpected intrusion and your eyes widen when you feel two fingers dig into your sopping wet cunt. 
And then a pair of lips on your right nipple. 
Not only they are fucking you but they are fucking with you. 
Do they plan on making you pass out? Because you think you’re really close to that. 
You lose the grip on reality after what happens next, their moans get heavier and louder, cum spills on your face as Jeno pulls out of you, so sensitive he falls on the pillow over you. Your boyfriend comes soon after, the sight of Jeno jacking off on your face, painting your skin white, is the last straw, filling your ass, his cum mixing with Jaemin’s that was almost already all out of you. Mark would love to slip into you again but decides to go for another part of your body, using your limp hand to pump his painfully hard cock and come all over your breasts. 
You think they’re done, but Jaemin has once again something in store for you. 
Your feet plant against the mattress as your hips lift up from it when he starts eating you out, tongue entering your wrecked hole and lips sucking harshly on your clit while one of his hand keeps your body pushed down. 
The others look at you two in a drunken, dreamy gaze, they feel too tired, they have no idea how you’re still taking the last thing Jaemin wants to give you. But you do, you’re still moaning, crying and trembling in his hold, chanting his name and curses. 
And Jaemin gets drunk in that, slurping the mess on your cunt, leaving open-mouthed kisses, tongue lapping flat at your skin as he eats you out greedily, not caring about his, and his friends’, cum, and his fingers slip inside to push you toward the last orgasm. It’s intense, it freezes your body and makes you go slump against the mattress, whimpering and begging him to stop.
“Fuck,” Jaemin groans, grabbing his cock and masturbating fast, ruining all the job he did to clean you up when he messily comes on your mound, on your thighs, and your tummy. But you’re still beautiful, in all that mess, in all their fucked-up fantasies, you still look so precious and pure. So he takes one last snap as he smiles at you, looking at him through lidded eyes, and he knows you’ll fall asleep in the blink of an eye. 
“You’re a fucking dream,” he hums, kissing you, licking off some of Jeno’s cum. 
And they all think that too as, too tired to do anything, they collapse next to you. 
All of you would’ve thought about the rest tomorrow morning when everything would’ve sunk in, for now, you are letting it drip. 
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hope you liked it!! let me know with comments, reblogs and asks if you want to ♡
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hi! I hope you all are having a good day or night. I was wondering if you could please help me find if there are there any NSFW body swap fics?
Hey. Here are some explicit bodyswap fics...
irresistible by lovserssclub (E)
In which Aziraphale can't help but admire Crowley's body before they switch back to their own vessels, and it turns out Crowley returned the sentiment with the angel's own body.
reflect what you are, in case you don't know by noodlefrog (E)
Nothing could ever compare to this, because while it was his body he was watching, it wasn’t him. Yes, those were his own hands, and it was his own blood that painted those cheeks and chest in a heated blush. It was his stomach and his throat betraying the jagged breaths in his lungs… but it wasn’t Crowley. As much as watching this felt like watching himself in a mirror, he could see his husband in every gesture and hear him in every sigh and gasp. It didn’t matter what body he wore. He would know Aziraphale anywhere.
Going Down, Going Up by vgersix (E)
Aziraphale's eyes darted, nervous under the quiet scrutiny. "You're at least 90% leg, do you know that?" He said, hugging the bundle of clothing a bit closer to his chest. "Don't know how you walk in this thing." "It's more of an upright slither, really," Crowley mused, taking in the angular lines of his own face. Bit pretty, those cheekbones, even if he did say so himself. "I see. So..." Aziraphale trailed off. He was suddenly very distracted by the intense blue of Crowley's eyes. Because of course, technically speaking, they were Crowley's eyes, it was just that at the moment… they looked exactly like Aziraphale's own eyes. The ones he'd been wearing for the last 6000 years, anyway.
It's the wine by chamyl (E)
On a drunken night, Aziraphale and Crowley decide to have some fun switching bodies and playing dress up. Side effects might include: seeing yourself in a new light, seeing your lover in a new light, generating a lot of general confusion, enjoying yourself a little bit too much.
Harmless Games Went To My Head (Now I Want You Breathing Down My Neck) by GardenOf_x (E)
“Here’s a thought,” he said, drawing Aziraphale’s attention away from the window. “What’s the first thing you’re going to do with me when you get to my place?” Aziraphale glanced down at himself in Crowley’s body as if he’d forgotten, a slight flush creeping up his neck that was so characteristically him that it looked almost obscene on his own skin. “Nothing. I won’t be doing anything with you… I mean, me.” (Or a lesson in how an almost innocent joke can get very out of hand, very quickly.)
call me. by starknight (E)
Not for the first time, Aziraphale tells himself to stop. He should go back to the tea - he’d have to make it again now, he’s been staring at Crowley’s reflection for too long - and settle down for a long quiet reading session. Perfect. Instead, Aziraphale sticks two of Crowley’s fingers into his mouth and moans at the sight. In which an angel and a demon swap bodies, and possibly enjoy themselves a little too much.
- Mod D
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Day 2: Cut Your Wings || Alfie Solomons x Reader
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Requested by a lovely Anon 🖤
TW: Kinktober prompt- cut, dubcon, blood, inflected pain, masturbation?, enemies with sexual tension, canonical violence, dirty talk, sexual torture, kidnapping
Words: 2K
Notes: This work is a part of the Peaky Kinktober Event you can find here. Comment on the event post if you want to be tagged in the future works for Kinktober. Also this one ain't as smutty as I thought because I got carried away by the narrative?? Shark please, that ain't the goal of Kinktober??
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A grunt escaped from your lips as you desperately tried to free yourself from the heavy shackles imprisoning your wrists. You moved them back and forth, then left and right, turning your hands in every position possible, and yet nothing worked. The handcuffs were too tight for you to slip from them. Another painful moan echoed in the damp and dark room of the distillery in which the jew's henchmen had locked you a few hours ago. The cold metal bit your flesh again. "Fuck". When loud footsteps resounded behind the heavy wooden door of your prison, you swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat and prayed to God for a quick and painless death because you knew that Alfie Solomons wasn't a forgiving man. Quite the contrary, his quick temper, and frightening antics only fueled his reputation as one of the most dangerous criminals in London.
"So that's the fucking little rat my men told me about." He stated, standing in the middle of the open door, both of his hands resting on the handle of his cane and a black hat hiding one of his hazel gray eyes.
"Fuck you, fucking cunt! When Tommy will know about this y'all going to regret it!" Words passed your thoughts, spitting their venom at him and yet the man remained silent. You even wondered if he had paid attention to what you just said or if the voices in his head were louder than yours. His gaze, intense and unfathomable, was observing you attentively as if he was trying to decipher the secrets of the most unique precious stone he had even held in his palm. After what seemed to be an eternity, Alfie Solomons pursued his lips, stroked his scruffy beard, and nodded, coming to an agreement with himself.
"See, my mates here told me that Tommy Shelby had sent a few men to London, but here's the problem – He said 'men'. And not 'little girl', which is definitely what you are. A bloody and nosey little girl. Hmhm." He agreed with his own statement before walking to the dusty furniture that was leaning against one of the brick walls. Then, he took off his hat and his long dark coat, and put the cane aside before walking towards you. He stopped in front of you, tattooed arms crossed on his muscular chest. The unusual amount of greenish ink deeply engraved in his skin caught your attention for a short while, you curiously observing the pattern it formed. Of course, both Tommy and Arthur had tattoos, but not as many as the mad baker.
"Would you look at ya. Haven't you something else to do instead of following a Birmingham scumbag's orders? Like finding yourself a man or something like this, y'know. 'Cause I don't see why such a young lass like ya puts her own life into danger for Tommy fucking Shelby." As he talked, Alfie had closed the distance between you and him. He was now leaning above you, so close that his scorching breath was fanning over your skin and the hairs of his beard were almost tickling your face. "So can you tell me why? The only reason I see is that Tommy Shelby sticks his cock in you and it has magically bred some loyalty." The right corner of his full lips curled into a mocking grin when he noticed how his words had lit a fire of rage in your eyes. Bang on, he thought, "No. It's more complex than that, innit? He doesn't want you and yet you remained devoted to him in the hope that one day, maybe, he'd look at you differently. He'd look at you like a woman to fuck senseless and not a pawn of his game."
"Kill me, Solomons. Kill me now or I'll fucking cut you once I'll be out of this shit-stinking place." You hissed, baring your teeth like a cornered animal, the truth hurting you more than a gunwound. For a split second, Alfie swore you would have dug your fangs into his throat, sinking them deep until you tasted blood if you hadn't been restrained by chains and handcuffs.
"Cut me?" The baker repeated these two words, pretending to be surprised while the tone in his voice betrayed how amused he was, "And what kind of tool would you use to cut me? This?" As he said so, Alfie pulled your grey beret out of the large pocket of his trousers, holding it to have a good grip at the base of the razor blades that were sewn to the fabric. "You Peaky girl like to cut people with this right? So come on, threaten me again little bird, I dare you." He said with both of his eyebrows raised in a taunting expression.
"D'ya think you're scaring me? I'm not scared, I'm a Peaky Blinder and I'm going to make things clear again: you better kill me now because if you miss this chance, I'll fucking cut your face the next time we meet–" You didn't finish your sentence, your words replaced by a scream of pain when Alfie, without a single warning, slashed your arm with your peaky cap. Blood soon filled the gash and overflowed from it, soaking the white fabric of your shirt in a crimson stain.
"Go ahead, dove. Say it again." This time you remained silent, staring at him in horror. He had cut deep, deep enough for you to feel the sickening pulse of your own heart in the wound. Your refusal to obey led Alfie to burst into an unexpected rage. His face reddened, and his brows furrowed, casting their shadow eyes. With one strong and brutal movement, Alfie's free hand grabbed your face, his calloused fingers sinking into your cheeks until your jaw hurt. "SAY IT AGAIN AND I'LL CUT YOUR FUCKING WINGS!" He barked, a bit of spit spilled in his beard and bloodshot eyes staring at your very soul. "See, you don't stand a chance here my sweet dove. You're just a little girl playing gangsters". In an unsettling mood swing, his temper had gone quiet again.
"I'm not gonna kill you peaky girl, that would be too easy. I see your eyes, and what I see in them is that you ain't afraid of death and I reckon this is a trait I particularly fancy in someone. So what should I do with you? We might..." He made a short pause when he noticed a tiny detail he hadn't spotted before. Alfie's hazel grey eyes abandoned yours and dropped to your bosom where he could see the round shape of your hardened nipples pointing through the fabric of your shirt. Licking his lips, Alfie's iris darkened with mischief and something you never expected to witness in the eyes of an enemy – lust. An unpleasant shiver ran down your spine as the baker's smirk suddenly turned into a wicked and threatening smile, "I know, dove. I know what I'm going to do with you. Everything's clear in my mind". A sparkle of pure madness enlightened his face, just like an artist struck by inspiration. With his words followed his hand, that came meeting your trembling body. His strong palm roamed all over you, the friction it created snatching a whimper from your tight throat while you understood his obscene plans.
"No, no! Please! Alfie--" You wanted to scream but you couldn't, petrified from the moment his fingers trailed down your belly and ended their exploration between your legs. The noisy juggling of the chains you produced by struggling sounded like a melody in Alfie's ears, who hummed in satisfaction at your cunt's warmth he could feel through the fabric of your trousers. His fingers pressed a bit more against your core, shooting a wave of forbidden arousal through your entire body and making your legs shake.
"You're in heat, lil' dove." He noted with an amused tone before closing the distance between your ear and his lips. You squeezed your eyes shut at the overwhelming scratching sensation of his gruff beard against your skin and the blazing blast of his breath. The room spun as you found yourself intoxicated by the fragrance of his cologne. Musky, and with a dab of cedarwood. His scent was as raw and wild as him. "I'm pretty sure you're all wet, aren't you?" He cooed in your ear. His rough fingers, applying pressure at the exact spot where your throbbing clit was, started to rub it in slow and circular motions. As much as you hated the thought of it, his skillful caresses lit a fire of desire within you, so much that you felt your own wetness soaking your panties, "How long since a man stretched that lonely pussy?"
"Don't touch me!" You growled, but as convincing as you had tried to sound convincing you still failed judging by how Alfie's brow arched. He let out a dark chuckle. Doing the exact opposite, his fingers kept fondling your sensitive bud but this time his wet and warm tongue licked your neck just like a predator would do to get a first taste of his freshly caught prey.
"Oh I'm not gonna touch you dove." The muffled sound of your cap falling on the concrete ground made you open your eyes again. You had barely lifted your eyelids when your gaze met Alfie's other hand, who was kneading his massive bulge. As afraid as you were, you could not help but let out a soft yet needy moan "I'm not gonna touch you. What I'm going to do cannot be described, no no it can't because I don't want God to hear it. What I can tell you though is that you'll never come back to Birmingham once you'll know the feeling of my cock buried deep inside you." His words' immediate effects upon you had your teased pussy clenching onto nothing and reminding you how desperately empty you were. An emptiness Tommy would never fill, "Are you thinking about him now?"
You weren't.
Alfie didn't need you to answer, for the way you brought your hips closer to his fingers and grind against them was enough. The mad baker's mouth sucked on the sensitive flesh of your neck, pinching it between his lips to leave a bright red mark on you, claiming his newly acquired property. All these sensations soon became unbearable: the friction of your shirt against your erected tits, the cold bite of the handcuffs on your wrists, and the increasingly faster rubbing of your clit destroyed what remained of your will of fighting. Never in your life you had been touched for you had always kept your virginity unspoiled for Thomas. A stupid and fruitless devotion.
You gave in to the pleasure and surprised yourself by thinking about how big Alfie's dick looked, unable to look anywhere else.
"Don't s-stop." You muttered under your breath, your climax building as Alfie kept assaulting your sweet bundle of nerves: he was nothing but gentle with it, almost hurting you with how rough he rubbed you. With your mouth parted and your breath quickening, you felt the delightful warmth of an orgasm coming but, all of sudden, Alfie stopped.
"Enough for today. We'll see if you deserve more tomorrow." He said.
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If you have appreciated what you've just read please take the time to reblog and/or comment. Your reactions are the real fuel and motivation of writers.
tags: @emotionalcadaver @peakyswritings @mollybegger-blog @hwangrimi @munson24 @tommyshelbywhore @devotedlyshadowytheorist @stevie75 @brummiereader @triplethreat77 @sebastianstangirl01 1 @izzy10369 @kimvolturicullen @peakyltd
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becausesomething · 8 months
The farewell letter (zoro x reader)
"You are my undoing! You taught me to love, to feel a happiness that cannot fit in my chest, to feel special and unique.
And now it's time for this love to teach us how to endure longing, not to lose hope.
Our destinies will meet again."
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warning: nsfw, rough and carnal sex, established relationship
I needed to immortalize what I wouldn't have been able to say without the tears falling, without going against the oath that I had a way of saying goodbye to the love of my life.
Sitting in the aquarium watching what Ussop, Luffy and Chopper had caught, I got lost in my thoughts and disconnected from reality. Fortunately, everyone had already gone to their rooms, I stayed behind with the excuse of tidying up the space and having my schedule changed due to having spent the last few nights on watch.
When I couldn't sleep, that's where I escaped. It gave me a feeling of calm and hope. My body was charged with adrenaline, my mind was racing with emotions and my soul was processing and preparing itself.
I take the notebook that I always had with me and start writing. When I finish, I wipe my tears and go breathe the night air. The moon was full, which soothed my soul, reassuring me that this was my destiny, and my heart was slowly holding on to all the memories I had spent at the Thousand Sunny.
I opened the bedroom door and he was facing away. He had just taken a shower, the drops of water ran down his muscular body, making him even more desirable, as if that were still possible. He was a dream materialized on earth.
When he notices my presence he smiles slightly and comes over to me giving me a soft kiss. Before he escapes, I grab his hair and kiss him intensely. Our tongues were involved in seconds, the desire we felt never diminished, it only increased with each time we gave ourselves to each other.
He takes off the dress he was wearing, to be surprised that I'm not wearing anything underneath. The game of provoking him and seeing his reaction to trying to maintain his posture was something I couldn't resist. In seconds his posture transformed into wanting me carnally, with a look and a preserved smile that immediately left me dripping with lust.
The towel he had wrapped around his hip, which gave even more emphasis to that v, fell to the floor and the member didn't hide its hardness. We both wanted to become one. I push him onto the bed and then sit on top of him. I feel every inch filling me, while our gazes are concentrated and lost in each other's immensity. I pull myself towards him, running my nails down his torso and kissing his neck. Without mercy he grabs my hips and makes me go even deeper and my breathing starts to become laboured.
I want to feel it, deeper, stronger. The movements become rhythmic and deep, while our kisses leave us almost breathless.
He pats my ass and with the other hand he travels down my body, kissing and feeling my breasts, until he reaches my neck and gives the right pressure, making me whisper his name.
Rolling over me, it goes even deeper, and it's impossible to control that scream of feeling filled. The pace only increases, my nails are digging into my torso and arms. While he didn't slow down, he grabbed my breast and with the other hand masturbated my clitoris, which was asking for attention because it was so hard. Precise movements, screams and waves of orgasms invade my body.
Without mercy, he makes me get on all fours, with my ass sticking up. It was impossible not to provoke him in that position that made me feel so carnal and completely at his disposal. His hands wandered over my vulva, so wet it was dripping, and he made a point of teasing me with such simple movements on my clitoris that made me tremble with the wave of adrenaline that was still coursing through my body. He fills me again, now anally, making me roll my eyes with pleasure. Those centimeter's that were coming in and gradually increasing in rhythm, left me in a state of extraordinary ecstasy. Looking over the corner of my shoulder, I see the sadist's face and how carnal he is too.
With our bodies already sweaty and without slowing down, I feel him growing even more inside me. He pulls me against his torso and whispers something to me that I can't understand but I easily imagine what it is by going straight to my clitoris and starting to stimulate it the way he was moving in and out of me. It didn't take much for both of us to reach the peak and contemplate that feeling of paradise on earth.
We fell onto the bed, covered in sweat and the lust that coursed through our bodies in waves. I fit into him, with my head on his chest and one hand resting on his heart. As I feel fingers navigating my body.
I sneak out of bed without being able to look at how peacefully he slept.
I take his white shirt and put it on and my clothes are scattered around the room. I go to the bathroom to get ready and put the letter in the red scarf that he sometimes liked to steal from me and use.
I caress his dishevelled hair and give him a light kiss on the lips, when I was about to get up he pulls me, making me curl up in his arms and whispers "I love you". I hold back the tears and smile, "I love you too, king of hell." Just as he woke up, he goes back to sleep.
I take a look at his serenity, at his muscular, scarred naked body, covered only by a sheet, and close the door behind me.
Love is a complicated feeling. It is a feeling that emanates hope over the world. It's such a strong and overwhelming emotion. It is capable of changing a person, and leaving marks for eternity.
You were winning me over with your mysterious side. Always keeping your distance, but allowing me to get closer. Little by little our companies got used to it. The few words exchanged became conversations late into the night during nights on watch (even if it wasn't one of ours).
Given your persistence, I started joining some training sessions. Maintaining the distance and the relationship exclusively as friendship was already complicated with the complicity that grew, and it kept me hostage to just keeping you company and needing to get some fresh air when I saw you with your bare torso.
Those memories alone make my blood boil. Feeling the excitement build up, wanting to feel your body, every inch. Give myself up so you could drive me crazy.
Your stubbornness was as much as the image of mystery you portrayed, and I was also weak in that regard. I started joining your workouts, with your help, feeling your skin on mine. Controlling breathing and saliva. Keeping my mind in the present and not letting it get carried away by thoughts of how I wanted you to fuck me, eat me, make me just yours at that moment, show me the hell you would become over me. I know the feeling was reciprocal, as soon as you realized how my body reacted, you couldn't resist provoking it, as far as I was able to maintain my sanity.
It was a game between us.
The little hints of putting your body closer to mine. A human weakness that I played out in public. Your arm broke the mysterious image. Little touches, teasing with double meaning, stealing you for a second and throwing it at you and whispering to you what he wanted you to do to me and disappearing in seconds.
It was exciting, it was the way we related. We both wanted to, but something always stopped us when our bodies were pressed together and we felt each other's breath.
Until the day when insomnia became unbearable, the aquarium environment was no longer sufficient. I knew it wasn't your night on watch, I went straight to your room and before I could knock on the door, I was surprised by you opening it. You pull me towards you, wrapping me in your arms and you tell me: "please I can't take it anymore, I need to have you". That night our bodies joined together as one. That desire that had been building up over weeks, erupted between moans and screams, to show me the brute strength that surpassed my fantasies. I engraved every part of you in my memory, because it was in that intimacy that you showed me the Roronoa Zolo that no one else had been able to conquer.
That night was magical. And from that night that became a day without us leaving the room, my desire was to stay by your side. The nights on watch that started with conversations and ended with our bodies begging for just one more orgasm, the breaks during missions where everyone purposely put us on the same team and we looked like two teenagers with hormones raging, between games and kisses that ended up letting me show that it could also be hell or heaven on earth.
You are my downfall! You taught me to love, to feel happiness that doesn't fit in my chest, to feel special and unique.
And now it's time for this love to teach us how to endure longing, not to lose hope.
Our destinies will meet again.
The time had come to separate myself from the companions I had come to call family, to separate myself from the person who made me love more than myself, and follow my dream.
Be the person who would tell the truth to the world and stop living behind the scenes.
Find the 2nd parte here:
The StrawHats' Recation
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Find more stories here and here xoxo
english is not my first language, even thought I use it more than my native tongue. I try my best to adapt it 🫣
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askmerriauthor · 2 years
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Regarding this post I made earlier examining Geeta's antics in Paldea.
In Defense of Geeta
I feel like Geeta absolutely was written to be the shitty boss she is intentionally. There's too many situations where attention is drawn to her bad habits, either as them being directly pointed out or indirectly referenced. But what I really hope the case ends up being is that she's not at all a villain. Pokemon has gone the route of the suspicious CEO-type character being the "twist villain nobody could have seen coming!" for several games now. It's getting pretty old and I feel like it would be a weak direction for S/V to take.
Interestingly enough, one actually can look at all of Geeta's actions and not really see anything nefarious about them. Discussion after the jump for the sake of spoilers and wall'o'text.
It's very easy to look at Geeta and think she's a Bad Guy, given her strange behavior and all the negative attention she gets among the fandom. I'm certainly not innocent of seeing her in a less than endearing light, given my prior post. But a lot of that view does come from real world parallels and comparing the game's presentation to past Pokemon games in which nobody ever says the slightest criticism of the Champion, which may not necessarily be fair.
One of the biggest justifications Players have to indicate Geeta is bad is the way she meddles with the Gym Leaders and how corporate she's made the League. I pointed that out myself. But to flip it around... maybe she behaves that way because it's what the Gym Leaders need?
We constantly see Geeta inserting herself into events throughout the game. She shows up at the Academy, pops up at Gyms seemingly at random, and is always talking about how she has other pressing business that pulls her away from lingering too long. The only way she gets time to participate in casual encounters is when others (usually Nemona or the Player, if not both) take some of her workload off her plate. While I criticized the way Geeta had apparently deeply intertwined the Pokemon League, the Academy, and the Paldean economy itself, it does stand to reason doing so puts a ton of work on her having to maintain it. That's her own doing though, so it's a case of her getting what she signed up for and she never seems to shy away from it despite her habit of recruiting others to help.
The Gym Leaders, though? While they do remark about Geeta meddling with them, giving frequent reviews, and otherwise sticking her nose into their business, they've also shown that they're all pretty flaky. Rather, they're a total mess both individually and collectively. It's possible that the reason Geeta is constantly keeping an eye on them is because they need that in order to fit the direction Geeta is trying to guide the League in.
When we meet each of the Gym Leaders both in our first encounter and in the rematch post-game, we learn a lot about their behaviors through casual exposure. All of the Gym Leaders have a job besides running a Gym and, with the exception of Grusha, all of them show that running the Gym is by no means their top priority. Nor are any of them especially reliable when it comes to managing their Gyms. Based on past games, we're accustomed to Gym Leaders taking a large amount of pride in their position and holding it in esteem even when they also had other simultaneous jobs. We've seen Gym Leaders and Elite Four who were also artists, performers, athletes, CEOs, and such before. That's not the case with Paldea though; to these Gym Leaders, it's just a job and not necessarily one they put a lot of personal investment into compared to their actual passions/careers. It's mentioned that Geeta "strong-armed them" into taking on the role, which can be read that she went out of her way to convince strong, capable Trainers to become Gym Leaders for the sake of Paldea and because she saw the potential they held but weren't utilizing.
Katy flat-out forgot that she was under review and only appeared for the rematch by pure coincidence because she just so happened to visit that day. When we first meet Kofu, he and his assistant are both a totally scatterbrained mess. Iono only bothers with being a Gym Leader because it gets her viewership for her streamer career; if something else better came along, she'd surely jump for it immediately. Brassius is very upfront about his artistic passions being the number one thing in his life and openly abandons his responsibilities as a Gym Leader to pursue them during the rematch. Tulip's modeling career keeps her busy and she only has just enough time to show up for a brief match before immediately leaving to get back to her work. Ryme is more focused on her music career and wasn't even the original Gym Leader; that position belonged to her sister, Professor Tyme, who left the role to become a teacher. Larry, despite being the most vocal about his dislike of Geeta's habits, is also the most distracted as he has three simultaneous jobs and constantly works overtime. Finally, Grusha doesn't have any job besides being a Gym Leader, but that's only due to an injury that has made it impossible for him to pursue his original passion. That same injury has likewise cost him his motivation and drive to improve; he's only hanging onto his role as Gym Leader because he doesn't think he has anything else going for him now.
With all that in mind, it makes sense a rigid sort like Geeta would want to keep a close watch and short leash on all these unreliable personalities, doesn't it? She has to keep tabs on them because they risk failing the various Trainers who hope to challenge them otherwise, along with squandering their own potential. Geeta is always very open about her desire to foster powerful Trainers out of Paldea, if nothing else. After the rematch, all the Gym Leaders express a level of understanding and even appreciation toward Geeta for what she's done for them. Grusha and Larry stand out in particular, as they both confess that her meddling has helped motivate them to go beyond what they've settled into. Where Larry mentions that Geeta will dock his pay if he wastes time, he also mentions that she insists he stop overworking himself with overtime hours. So it's possible she's simultaneously trying to keep him focused without letting him overdo it as well.
When it comes to how corporate Geeta has made the League, that's not technically fair to say either. It's an easy shorthand but not entirely accurate. The goal of corporations is to make profit no matter what, but that's not really Geeta's motivation. She's not looking to get rich or powerful, but to rally as many genuinely powerful and talented Trainers up within Paldea as she can. That, in and of itself, isn't at all a bad thing and is commonly shared among all regions that have a League. While I criticize League Points as being company scrip, it does supply not just Trainers but all citizens of Paldea with an alternative way of funding themselves. This would include the Gym Leaders; despite common remarks (which I have made myself) about Geeta not paying the Gym Leaders a living wage, it's entirely possible they do indeed make plenty to thrive on and just have their non-Gym Leader job because that's their true passion that they want to put their effort into. Be it cash or League Points, they do have a salary. Larry himself mentions it outright, while Grusha and Brassius don't seem to be in any financial straits despite their unstable working conditions outside the Gyms. When it comes to the region's economy as a whole, subsidizing major commercial chains throughout the region just to make food and supplies more accessible can't be cheap; when you sell goods to the PokeMart for cash, you only get a fraction of the total value, but get significantly more (usually double) the value in League Points. Geeta's overall emphasis doesn't seem to be shaping the League and its sphere of influence within Paldea to make herself wealthy or powerful, but rather to make the whole affair as plainly efficient and self-sustaining as possible. In that regard, she's done a fantastic job.
When all is said and done, I genuinely hope Geeta isn't a villain but simply a boss with lofty visions, exacting demands, and absolutely terrible interpersonal skills. I feel like she'd be a lot more interesting that way in that she'd be a genuinely flawed person without her issues just being dismissed as "because she's the Bad Guy".
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♡︎𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲/𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢♡︎
Day 10 of Kinktober 2022
Summary: after being a brat for a little too long, Shouto decides that you’re in need of  a lesson in behaviour.
Props to my beta reader for today @sasualblxd​ - thank you for your amazing help shawdy! Go ahead and give my betas a follow, they deserve it!
855 words.
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Shouto isn't always as stoic as he seems. There are times when he lets a rare smile slip, or when he loses his temper. Each little break in his composure sticks with you like glue, and you just love to try his patience.
Every day you try your luck with Shouto, and lately your attempts at breaking his composure have been getting deeper and deeper under his skin. He's getting irritated.
Of course, that could never make him love you any less, it just makes him want to strangle you a little bit, -but in a loving way, of course.
You would take any and every chance to be the most irritating little brat that you could possibly be, all because you think it's hot when he's angry.
Those fiery eyes and ice cold glare, mixed with the subtle tensing of his jaw as he contemplates throwing you over his shoulder and teaching you how to behave always has you needing a change of underwear without fail.
Most of the time, when you see this look it's when you're watching him fight, and you zone in on the agitation and impatience carried in his expression, trying to burn the image into your head.
Other times, when you're lucky, you get to see it directed at you, after you've pushed his buttons for long enough. Thank God for your unusual talent of getting under peoples skin.
Today was one of those lucky days.
You had been doing absolutely everything you possibly could to push your luck with him, from not cleaning up the messes you leave when he asks, to relentlessly teasing him without giving him what he wants after. It's all just fun and games to you, and in your eyes, the more you piss him off, the better.
It's not like he's actually angry with you when he finally snaps, anyway. More like relatively pissed off.
The moment of your wet dreams finally come to fruition, though, is when he decides that he's going to teach you a lesson himself. And as he walks into the bedroom where you're sitting, watching TV, he grabs the remote and switches it off. No distractions.
You raise your eyebrow, looking at him expectantly. Part of you wonders if you’re in trouble. The other part hopes you’re in trouble.
“Hey, babe... What’s up?”
You’re rewarded with no response.
Shouto simply looks straight into your eyes, giving you an unimpressed look after you had just dyed all of his shirts pink in the wash. It’s an even more pristine picture as he still wears the baby pink work shirt he had put on to do some paperwork at the office, having to suffer through the comments of Denki and Mina throughout his entire shift.
“Aw, what’s wrong, babe? You look so pretty in pink~”
That. That was the last straw.
“The safeword is ‘frost’“
You can barely get out half a word as you’re picked up and slung over your lover’s lap, ass up and your belly pressed against his thick, muscular thighs.
“Every day. It’s every day that you’re doing something new just to piss me off and I don’t like it! You’re being a brat, do you understand?”
Okay. Maybe you might’ve been going too far, but you’re a brat by nature, and he’s always been your willing tamer from the very start. Still, your pussy throbs at the anticipation of what’s going to happen next. A rough palm slips its way past the band of your sweats, pulling them down just past your ass, and the chill of being almost completely bare save for a cute pair of grey underwear sends shivers up your spine, raising the hairs on your neck.
“Do you understand?”
His cold voice is what brings you back from your thoughts, reigning in your attention and refocusing it all back onto him. 
“Y-yes, Shou- I’m sorry-”
A sharp slap echoes off the bedroom walls a sharp, stinging pain interrupts you. Holy shit. Did he just spank you? Yeah, sure, you’re in this position for a reason, but you thought he would just scare or intimidate you a little to get you to behave, not this...
Another slap leaves a red handprint on your right ass cheek, tearing a squeal from you as you desperately try to wriggle away, discomfort nagging at your limbs. Your back is starting to hurt from having it arched like this, and it’s a chore to breathe when you’re on your stomach, his thighs pressing into your ribs, but the feeling of being pushed down and disciplined like this sends a wave of heat straight through your core. This reaction is only amplified as the next slap is a little lower down, Shou’s fingers grazing over your pussy as he smacks your thigh.
“Oh? Don’t tell me you’re enjoying this?”
His voice is smug and his erection pokes at your ribs while his hand rubs soothing circles around the blossoming bruises on your ass. He knew you would like this all along, didn’t he? What an ass. 
Now it’s his turn to leave you high and dry.
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© 2022 not-your-fucking-kacchan
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microwave-core · 1 year
Would You Still Love Me if I Was No Longer a Worm?
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Zelda x Fem! Reader
From her initial disappearance, to her many cryptic apparitions, you’ve held onto the hope that Zelda might eventually come back to Hyrule. You never could have imagined the reality of her fate, nor how things could have ended.
A.K.A. The continuation of “Would You Still Love Me If I Was a Worm?”, which you can find linked in my pinned masterlist instead of here because Tumblr is sometimes weird with links. Like a worm on a string, this bitch is long.
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Everyday felt the same. You woke up, you worked, and you waited. When was the last time you were truly “all there”? When was the last time you weren’t lost in thought, leaving your body to operate on auto-pilot? It was hard to say. You were barely aware of the time passing you by.
In truth, there was no point to it. You originally counted down the days, watching on in suspense as the sun climbed further and further into the sky until it dipped below the mountains, fully aware of every second that passed. Every minute meant the potential for an even worse disaster, but the world and her news took too long to reach you, and, soon enough, you paid no attention to the time that passed at all.
Your feet took you where you needed to be, your hands finished work without much of a problem, and those around you made sure you kept up with your health. All so your mind could be off somewhere else, high above the clouds, never to come down unless to ravage any news about the whereabouts of your beloved.
There seemed to be a permanent outline of your form on the side of the School in Hateno. Like old times, you waited with baited breath, hoping that maybe, just maybe, she would walk out after all of the children had left, eyes filled with admiration and smile laced with joy. She would be there, like this was all just a twisted, shared nightmare.
 But, of course, that never happened. You would wait and wait, but nothing changed. Sometimes, you arrived early enough to see the children leave to go play and hit each other with sticks in the street. The poor, sweet children who were too young to understand what was happening in the world. The children who only knew that their favorite teacher had disappeared. 
Sometimes, you could catch glimpses of worry and anxiety on their faces. Sometimes, you’d watch them pretend to be heroes in their wild games of imagination, where they’d eventually find the lovely princess and bring her home where she belonged. Sometimes, they’d hand you poorly drawn pictures of her, and you would hold them close and pretend that the paper wasn’t suddenly stained with tears.
Symin would follow, watching you with concern. He would approach, placing a hand on your shoulder, reassuring you that everything would be alright, and that she would be back one day, safe and sound. Some days, you would walk through town together in an attempt to keep her off of both your minds. Other days, you would collapse into his arms, shattering at the slightest bit of comfort.
When you heard that Link had been found, having gone missing since the new maelstrom of events struck Hyrule, you ran to meet up with him as soon as possible. The journey to the foot of Hyrule Castle all the way from Hateno was a long one, but, thankfully, the prospect of seeing your lover (and a great friend) again gave you the drive and confidence to press forward.
Had it not been for Purah holding him back for so long, he would have fled Lookout Landing as soon as he arrived. After all, he was just as desperate to find Zelda as you were. Knowing he was safe filled you with a sense of relief, of course, but that didn’t stop the iron-clad grip of dismay from surrounding your heart.
He didn’t have the heart to tell you about her sudden appearance at the castle, knowing that the information would only get your hopes up. Besides, another mention of her name without any news of her whereabouts would surely cause the cracks in your resolve to deepen.
You lingered in the small settlement for several days before heading back. Winded from your long journey and hampered by disappointment, it was far easier to remain there than head back home immediately. Besides, news of her whereabouts would sooner reach the Lookout than Hateno.
The eventual return trip was long, considering that you weren’t beelining through every obstacle to reach your destination. The stables along the way helped restore your fatigued body, and the issues of the Lucky Clover newspaper kept the burning dread in your being at bay. The new issues were read several times over, and old issues thoroughly combed over for any details you might have missed in the off chance that there might be some mention of the princess.
But even with the growing drama between the mayor and fashionable mushrooms, Hateno simply lacked the excitement of Lookout Landing, leading to you journeying between the two frequently. The fresh air and new scenery helped keep your misery at bay. Or at least, that’s what you told yourself.
Each visit progressively became longer and longer, until, eventually, Lookout Landing was essentially your new home. Helping Purah tinker with her beloved Sheikah technology and aiding Josha with her Depths research was leagues better at keeping your mind busy than any of the mindless work in Hateno. And when you eventually had to return to the farming town for short periods of time, you could check in with Robbie and let him ramble about his discoveries and inventions.
While you loved to check in with him, though, you were all too anxious to return. You simply couldn’t bear the thought of missing any new information. No amount of distractions could fully blow away the anxiety embedded in your bones. Nothing could fill the ever growing void nipping at your heart.
You clung to every bit of information, no matter how small or unbelievable. So many sightings had been reported from all across the kingdom, and even though the princess they describe was so far removed from the woman you knew so well, you chose to believe them. You hoped and prayed that she was somewhere, anywhere, even if she was a vastly different person
And while the newspaper was, generally speaking, a great source of information, nothing compared to the fount of knowledge that was Link. Zelda means as much to him as she does to you. He knew more than anyone the pain that her disappearance had caused your aching soul. He was busy, traveling across the world and solving crises left and right, but he always made time to bring new information to you.
Hearing about the various Zelda sightings from him made the tales feel so much more real, even if the woman in the story never ended up being the real deal, and he filled in gaps that you never even knew existed. Interwoven within his words were stories of his exploits. About the Zonai, and the Depths, and the Sky Islands, and the general alteration of the world. It helped to ease your mind, in a weird way, and it seemed to help him relax a bit as well.
Through it all, you were sick and eaten away by worry. Zelda was a capable woman. If she was in danger, she would know how to defend herself, surely. She would be fine, and would turn up, somehow, and life would go back to how it was before. And you told this to yourself over and over again, yet a part of your mind refused to let it stick.
But your mental setbacks could be pushed to the back of your mind as you watched Lookout Landing grow. The various races of Hyrule all pooling into one area overtime, spreading tales of their people and the hardships they had just endured, filled your heart with warmth. A comforting, fuzzy feeling that you had all but forgotten about for far too long.
While dread filed into the pit of your stomach each day that passed, knowing that the various kingdoms of the world were prepared to spend all available resources to find the princess rekindled the spark of hope in your soul that was previously burnt down to the cinders.
With the knowledge that Link had cleaned up the last of the strange phenomena in the world, you anxiously awaited his return, knowing that he would have new information to share. When he finally did, though, having to go through the onslaught of people wanting to thank him for all he had done, he approached you with a level of hesitance you had never seen before.
Link, the man you had only ever known as being fearless, if not the very embodiment of courage itself, appeared to be anxious. On edge. His posture, the look that he gave you when he finally met your eyes, told you that he was nervous. But before you could even greet him properly, Purah let out a garbled scream, as all eyes turned towards Hyrule castle and the blood-red sky.
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You have never been so high up in your entire life. Had it not been for the serene beauty of the cloud painted landscape below, you’d be clambering to return to the surface. He’s told you about the Sky Islands before, and in extreme detail to boot, but actually standing on solid ground far above the world you hailed from was otherworldly to say the least. Not that it took away from the current situation.
Link had called this place “The Temple of Time”, a name that seemed odd to you, considering that such a place existed on the surface, although with a vastly different appearance. Getting past the moving gears to get to the back of the temple was almost as unnerving as getting to the sky in the first place. Almost as unnerving as standing in the open air, on a platform that felt as if it could crumble at any moment.
Almost as unnerving as facing the reality of the situation. Of facing the information that Link was going to tell you that made it necessary to come up here in the first place. His insistence of coming to this place, along with his blatant nervousness from before, was more than enough to put you on edge.
Your only saving grace was learning that the Zelda plaguing Hyrule and, primarily, her stables was a mere puppet created to spread chaos throughout the land. But a part of you already knew something was wrong with “her” to begin with, considering that the stories didn’t sound like your Zelda. And given how Link looked when going into Hyrule Castle, it was evident that he already knew as well.
Still, the entire event put you on edge, watching on with baited breath as he made his way into the castle, followed by his entourage of companions, or sages as Purah called them. Their eventual return, bearing disastrous news about some so-called “Demon King”, delayed Link even further. But seeing each of his friends was nice. While you didn’t know them well, they all knew you, and, more importantly, your relation to the princess.
Through their discussion of how to purge this ancient evil, they gave you rather effective comfort. But as they eventually left to their own domains, prepared to attack as soon as Link was prepared, you were left with him. His nervousness, while less obvious, was still noticeable, as he insisted upon taking you somewhere different to tell you what he had learned.
Slowly, you turn to him. Link’s gaze darts around the horizon, seemingly looking for something just out of view. Whether he notices you waiting or not doesn’t seem to matter. You were always anxious to hear what new information he had amassed, but this was an entirely different matter. 
The sound and feeling of your heartbeat prevented you from calming down, as your anxiety threatened to take over. Though the scenery and strange sensations-primarily the bizarre sound of the temple’s bell and the constructs and, what seemed to be, odd roaring in the distance-provided a distraction, it was only a matter of time before the dam to your emotional reservoir would burst open.
Suddenly, he perks up, motioning you over to the edge. Shifting over slowly, as if any sudden movement would hurl you over the edge, you gaze out into the open sky, as a strange, albeit familiar, shape enters your field of view. A dragon. You had seen it flying around before, surely, but were never sure if it was one of the others slithering about the skies or something entirely new. 
From here, it was obvious. The golden fur (hair?), turquoise accents, and… wide eyes made it clear that this dragon was new to Hyrule, likely appearing alongside the Sky Islands and falling debris. The longer you looked, the more features you absorbed and committed to memory. It was strange, but it really reminded you of-
“..What? What do you mean-”
“It’s Zelda.” You look at him. You stare. Surely his words couldn’t be true, could they? Realistically, there’s no way a person, especially your Zelda, could become something so.. so different, but the conviction and earnestness in his tone, and the fact that he would have no reason to lie to you, on top of the fact that he spoke…
You turn away from him, looking back at the horizon, at the dragon slowly grazing through the sky, cutting through the air like a fish through water. The golden hair, the blue accents, the effortless grace laced into its movement…
Link grabs ahold of your nearly limp body, preventing you from tumbling into the lake far below. Your legs had given out from under you, strength leaving the moment his words truly sank into your mind. You weren’t sure if you should laugh or cry at, what very well may be, one of the worst cases of cosmic irony the kingdom had ever seen.
You shook in his grasp. The expression on your face was blank, as tears formed in your eyes and fell to the pristine floor below. Link’s embrace and attempts of comfort went unnoticed, as your entire being was focused on the dragon in the distance. On the woman you love, who’s been here since this shit storm began, who was both so familiar yet so different at the same time. There was but one thing you could do for her now, and no force in Hyrule would be capable of holding you back.
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You all but begged Link to take you up to her, properly this time. While the regular dragons of the world weren’t entities you were familiar with, you knew that they were peaceful creatures. Surely, she would be the same. You were confident. He knew how much this meant to you, but it was difficult to find a good time and place considering that she was constantly on the move. But eventually, it happens.
Being launched into the sky by an amalgamation of foreign devices made for a terrible experience, but it was worth it to reach her. Despite your insistence, you hesitated to get off of the Lovecraftian machinery Link had concocted. Pressing your foot onto her body as gently as possible, as if your body weight would cause her excruciating pain, you slowly move onto her.
Link follows after, jumping off of his device with reckless abandon as it topples to the ground below. He’s done this song and dance before, many times, you were sure, but it still made you uneasy. He takes you by the hand and gently leads you down the expanse of her body, moving slowly so as to not disturb your balance.
Your hands lingered on her turquoise spines, holding them gently, the same way that you would hold her hand. The iridescent glow of her yellow scales was a marvel on the eyes, but you kept yours fixed forward so as to avoid looking at the ground below. Although, the movement of her limbs consistently grabbed your attention, as they waved back and forth and periodically clutched around nothing. It was cute, in a sense, but then again, you thought everything she did was cute.
The blond mane at her head was odd. Thicker and more coarse than regular hair, but not unpleasant to the touch. It crunched slightly under your boots, as if it had not been disturbed in many, many years. You grimaced at every step. Even though she showed no signs of distress, or even any acknowledgement of your presence, you couldn’t help but think otherwise.
At the top of her head, Link stopped, looking back at you. With hesitant steps, you follow, making sure that what you were doing was fine. He releases the hold on your arm slowly, before stepping back. He couldn’t just leave you up here alone with no way to get back down, but he could still give you some privacy. 
You move to sit down, perched between her elegantly-curved horns, to prevent yourself from falling. Your legs felt unreliable, which was understandable considering how high up you were with nothing to save you if you fell. Not to mention the fact that the creature you were standing on is the love of your life, a notion that still felt so shocking that it made your limbs weak.
Your hands ran over the fur that covered her head, it’s softness contrasting her sleek, cold-to-the-touch scales. Her horns, which were oddly chilled as well, appeared delicate and almost glass-like with the way they caught and reflected light, but were strong and sturdy in your hands. Amazement and awe fought tooth and nail with your anxiety and dread.
It felt somewhat strange to speak to her. Would she even understand your words, or would they come off as gibberish? And even if she did understand, she wouldn’t be able to properly respond to you, would she? On second thought, maybe it’s better if she can’t understand, because otherwise she would be trapped in her own mind, unable to communicate.
“Zelda.. I’m sorry it took me so long to see you.” Not the words you meant to say, but that’s all that came out, sounding tired and pathetic. You really hoped that Link couldn’t hear you.
“Do you remember what I said to you, before you went under the castle? About being a worm and all? I said it as a joke, sure, but I want you to know that I meant what I said.” You shuffle slightly, peering over from your spot to look into one of her eyes. It remained unchanged, staring off into the abyss aimlessly. Still, you hoped your words reached her, even if she didn’t understand them.
You move back to your spot. Brushing your hand over her head, you lean down and gently press your lips onto her forehead, the same place where the Master Sword had occupied for so long. Another thing Link had told you, about the ethereal light that poured from it while embedded in her skull, and about how she thrashed about when he attempted to pull it, and the realm of golden light she brought him to, and about how she spoke to him afterwards. About why she changed herself, potentially forever, for the sake of the world.
You decide that maybe it’s best to join her in staring off into the sky beyond. The mix of brilliant orange and bright yellow peering over the horizon has always been beautiful, but you haven’t appreciated it since she disappeared. The moment felt… right. You desperately hope there would be a way for her to turn back, but you could still make this work.
You could somehow make your home in the sky and take rides with her across the world. You could remind her of all the things she loved, tell her about all kinds of technology and discoveries made in the world since her human form left and bring her Silent Princesses. You could scold Link when he inevitably shot arrows into her body, even though she didn’t appear to be in pain. You could live together again.
With newfound determination and vigor, you stand slowly, turning back to Link. He had traveled pretty far down her body, having picked off a handful of spikes that had come loose since the last time he visited her. You nod, signifying that you were ready to go back down to the surface. 
As much as you want to stay with her, you have a whole slew of things to do in order to keep your promises. Besides, the longer you stayed, the more motion sick you felt. Hopefully, you’d build up a tolerance over time. Hopefully. He jogged over to you, sticking the spines into his pocket.
“Were you going to Tarrey Town anytime soon?” He turns his attention from his infinite pocket space to look at you, eyebrows knitted. You lean against one of her horns for balance, running your hand over its somewhat rough surface.
“You know, to ask about a dream home.” He looked at you with some concern, then carefully considered your words, before giving you a look as if to say ‘that isn’t going to work’. You try to convince him otherwise, about how Hudson Construction could pull off anything with enough resources and determination, as he grabs your arm again and prepares for a rough trip down.
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For once in a very, very long time, you felt somewhat at peace. The all-encompassing dread that previously crushed your soul had lessened dramatically. Knowing that Zelda was safe took the weight off your chest, but failed to pluck away your anxieties in full. Even though you were determined to stay by her side, and were willing to do whatever to be with her, you were afraid of spending the rest of your life with her like this.
You could manage for now, sure, but it was only a matter of time before the constant trips to and back from her, as well as the reliance on Link to actually get up to her, would run you ragged. You’d never tire of her, of course, even if she can’t communicate with you, but you could do without the journey.
Maybe you could find a way to build a small house on her, that way you wouldn’t have to leave as often. Link has the inexplicable ability to build things, sometimes out of thin air, so maybe he could help. But, then again, that would probably be uncomfortable for her.
No matter. You’d have time to think about that later. Like always, you have to focus on seeing her again. Your short visits to Hateno were all but forgotten about, as you were all too focused on trips to see Zelda, and when you weren’t doing that, you were helping out around Lookout Landing.
 Admittedly, you haven't told anyone about the princess’s fate. It’s not necessarily an easy topic to bring up, assuming that people would even believe you to begin with given how unbelievable it sounds without actually seeing her in person. The people around you had no idea what you were up to on all of these trips, but they were at least happy to see you in better spirits.
Each trip would be relatively the same. You’d set out on your horse and ride around until you caught sight of her. It took a considerable amount of time to do, but you managed to follow and track her general path throughout the land on horseback, meaning all you had to do was travel along the path until you found her.
On some trips, you would just ride along in her shadow, as if the two of you were going on a walk throughout the countryside, no matter how rocky the terrain or terrible the weather. Other times, you had Link by your side, which allowed you to sit with, or rather on, her, but only after having a minor heart attack in the process.
Even though the Demon King’s rise was imminent, he always found the time to help you up to her. If anything, it gave him an excuse to relax and rest for a few hours. He’s been through hell and back multiple times, and will undoubtedly face much worse threats soon, so taking a little time to himself, especially when he can help you in the process, does his soul good. Besides, he misses her, too.
While there, you would talk to her. You’d tell her about all her old friends and companions, about how they’ve been doing and how much they miss her. You talk about the most recent discoveries revolving around the Zonai and about the innovations Purah and Robbie have been making. You talk about what life has been like since she “disappeared”, although it often ended up being barebones, considering you spent most of that time thinking and worrying about her, and she didn’t really need to know that.
You’d also bring her Silent Princesses, making sure to show them to her, even if she never looked directly at them. You’d weave and braid the stems into her hair and around her horns, and any left over would be left on her head. They’d wither away eventually, assuming they didn’t fall off first, but it never deterred you.
You’d bring other objects as well, one’s with some sentiment, although not important enough just in case they were dropped. You had brought books she’d gushed about and personal journals. There were also pieces of clothing, like her favorite kind of tunics, as well as the hoods she had taken a liking to after the Calamity. You also brought her barrettes and a brush once, with the intention of brushing her long mane, but it got stuck almost immediately. Not wanting to risk hurting her, you gave up after getting it untangled, sticking to running your hands through it instead.
All in all, being with Zelda as is was a full time job, one that was both time consuming and rewarding. But you could keep this pace up, at least until after the Demon King had been defeated. Once he was dealt with, the world could regain a sense of normalcy, making your life easier to some degree. Maybe you and Link would even be able to tell the others the truth about her disappearance, taking some of the stress off of your shoulders.
You had just returned from an annual trip to Kakariko Village, dozens of Silent Princesses on your person. The massive chasm that collapsed the center of the forest was terrifying to navigate around, but the fear of falling was worth it for her sake.
Stashing away most of the flowers for later, with the remainder carefully packed into your horse’s saddle pocket, you begin planning your next outing. Or, you tried to, but it was difficult to think straight with the tension in the air. Link had finally gone beneath Hyrule Castle, putting everyone on edge. 
His companions-the sages-had all showed up, ready to provide him aid. They only stopped by for their final preparations before setting off after him, but seeing them made the situation feel much more real. It reinforced how dangerous their mission was. It made you think about all of their terrible things that could happen if something went wrong.
It was obvious that everyone was on the same wavelength, trying to keep their thoughts off of what ifs and go about life as normal. But it was truly impossible to just brush off the momentous battle happening beneath your feet, impossible to pretend that everything was perfectly normal.
Trying your best to act natural, you tend to your horse while thinking of what to say next time you see her. You would need Link to come back alive, something you were certain would happen, in order to get up to her. There would be so much to talk about, and she deserved to know every last detail. She especially deserved to know that the ancient evil, the one that led to her being trapped within the body of a dragon, was gone for good.
You look back at the castle, wondering if they were all faring well against the previously imprisoned evil, if they were even fighting him at present at all. You think of Zelda, naturally, wondering if she knew what was happening. Realistically, she didn’t. How could she? But it was interesting to think about what she would do if she could help Link fight.
Your gaze shifts over to Purah, perched on her prized telescope, panning over the general castle area. She, like everyone else, was determined to act as if the current situation wasn’t affecting her or her work ethic. However, she hasn’t moved from her position since Link left. If she saw anything happening in the castle or around the crater, she didn’t let on.
You look around the rest of the Landing, watching just about everyone do the same. All attempting to do their work or training while keeping their eyes transfixed at the floating castle. You look back at your horse, continuing to brush through its delicate mane. If only you could be ignorant to the happenings around you, only worried about getting your hair brushed.
You focus your mind on anything else. About Zelda and wherever she was on the path she had chosen to take for the rest of her worm life. About the horse in front of you, who didn’t have a care in the world other than your affection and care. About the swaying trees and fauna out in the distance, bouncing in the breeze. Or about the fish leisurely swimming in the nearby lakes and rivers. Or the monsters chanting with one another at their campfires.
Or the shaking of the ground. About the tremors from deep below the earth that shook you to your core. About the ones that previously racked Hyrule Castle when it originally ascended into the sky above alongside a cloud of red and black flame. Or the screams of people around you, terrified at what was happening above.
Looking back in a panic, you see it. First, it’s the castle shaking, as parts just out of view seemed to shake loose. But from below, a dark, bellowing figure, appearing to be made out of pure malice, emerged. The ghastly figure takes root, limbs reaching out to grip the castle walls, which were abandoned when the castle proper rose, as it escapes from the abyss.
The being soon became concrete, as it flew higher into the air. It was another dragon. A dragon bigger than any of the ones you’d ever seen, with massive curled horns and a viscerally bloody mane. The Demon King, the ancient evil who had been trapped under the world for centuries.
Before you can even consider what might have happened to Link and the sages for it to break free, another figure, high above, catches its attention. It’s Zelda, swooping below the Demon to catch something, or someone. Presumably, hopefully, the small speck in the sky that fell between the two was Link.
The two dragons intertwine with one another, as the Demon continuously attempts to attack Zelda, only for her to dodge past his maw and blazing hellfire. She flies far above him, before suddenly dropping down, as if preparing to catch something, before repeating. You have never seen her move so quickly, soaring through the air, as if escaping the clutches of evil was an effortless task.
The battle is both terrifying and enrapturing, as the two dragons appear to become more and more desperate. Their movements become more rapid, more erratic, the Demon lashing out to do anything to survive while Zelda does everything in her power to stay out of the line of fire. 
You're too distracted thinking about Zelda’s safety that you don’t even notice the sky twisting red, or the sudden rise of the moon, or the massive light bursting from the Demon’s head, or it’s wretched screeches as it burrows further into the air, where it implodes into a massive pillar of light.
In the back of your mind, you’re aware of it. You know it was there, that it happened, but your focus was entirely on her. She coasts through the air, moving about like normal, floating around the pillar of light, until she stops.
You watch with baited breath as her entire body begins to still and glow with a brilliantly soft light. In the blink of an eye, she’s gone. The Light Dragon is gone, as the light from her body scatters into the sky. In her place is another tiny speck, followed by the other.
You can hear the commotion around you. People are still yelling in confused panic, some clinging onto each other in fear. Others are praying, or stationary in disbelief. Those brave enough left to the foot of Hyrule Castle, watching for damage and any other threat that may slither out from the Depths below. But your mind isn’t here. It’s with her.
You watch as the two figures inch closer to each other and the ground. Your mind was simultaneously far too busy and far too empty. Dozens of thoughts and possibilities flitted across your consciousness, but each one was discarded as quickly as it was conceived. You couldn’t think about what could or might be. There’s no room for anything other than her.
Her body comes closer into view, now held by Link who directs their falling forms into the water below, crashing into it’s pristine surface. Shakily, you swing onto your horse, as adrenaline courses through your veins. You’re vaguely aware of Purah yelling after you, but your body moves on its own. Spurring your stead forward, you move as quickly as possible to the small pond by the Landing, praying for the best.
As soon as you see Link, you jump off of your horse. Despite the shakiness in your legs, the weariness in your bones, you force yourself over to him. He looks up at you, nodding reassuringly. He’s tired and haggard after witnessing unseen horrors, but you can’t focus on him. Because past him is her.
Zelda. Dressed in strange yet beautiful clothing, it’s Zelda. Not a mindless dragon soaring through the air, laying in the bed of flowers before you, it’s Zelda. You kneel by her side as Link backs away, ready to give you both space. She stirs, eyes cracking open slightly. She looks around, regular, emerald eyes taking in her surroundings, and then sits up. She looks to Link, confused, and then to you. 
“What? How did-” Her voice comes out hoarsely, but with an undertone of warmth. However, she’s cut off as you bring her into a tight embrace, holding her body against your own as if she could slip through your fingers at any moment. She sits there for a few seconds before coiling her arms around you.
She eventually leans back, fighting against your grip, in order to make eye contact. She looks up at you, eyes brimming with joy and tears.
“Would you still love me if I was no longer a worm?”
“Of course. Whether you’re a big dragon or not.” You move a hand to her caress her cheek, voice so soft that it was barely above a whisper. “You’re too important to me to just let go like that.”
She laughs, a wonderfully bright sound that for so long only existed in your distant, hazy memories. She wipes away the tears rolling down your cheeks. You don’t even know when you started crying.
“Well, I’m glad… I..” She sniffles, as the tears welling up in her eyes threaten to spill over. “I never thought that I would get to see you again.”
“I came to see you whenever I could. I followed you across Hyrule just to see and speak to you.” You brush away her tears with all of the gentleness you can muster, before taking the hand away to grab her own cradling your face, gently guiding it to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to each knuckle. “I even tried to build a home in the sky to be with you.”
The gentle tears turned to sobs, as she fell back into your arms. Despite her crying, the same bright smile is painted across her lips. She takes a few moments to compose herself again before speaking.
“I’ve been asleep for all this time, but I can remember a warm feeling, like a wonderful, loving embrace.” She moves your conjoined hands away from your face, squeezing it gently, before leaning up to press a sweet, delicate kiss to your lips. The amount of warmth and love in her expression was blinding.
“Oh, I wish you could have seen it, the founding era of Hyrule. The world the Hylians and Zonai built together was wonderful, and all of the people I met, the King and the Queen, they…” She trails off, voice quiet, as if you were the only two people in the world. “I wish you could have met them. They would have loved you so much.”
Her smile somehow brightens, as her tone morphed into the same one she used when discussing her discoveries. She rambles on about the people she met and all that she had seen. You’re both vaguely aware of the people around you, in shock and disbelief that the princess was safe and sound. But you didn’t pay them any mind, and neither did she. She was home, and that’s all that could ever matter.
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g0ldgauntlet · 1 year
I do not feel sympathy for Michaela Laws.
This is sort of a vent post (and likely the only post I'll ever make about Yansim since anything else I could say has probably been said by several other people), so feel free to scroll past this if you're not interested.
If you are, then proceed below. (Tw for grooming)
A few days ago, Michaela Laws resigned from her role as Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator after learning that its developer had groomed a minor. I want to first make clear that I am glad that she left, and she did the right thing by leaving. However, all I could keep thinking was one thing: Why did it take her this long?
So many people already knew about how horrible Alex Mahan (aka Yandere Dev) was. Surely someone must have told her-
Oh wait.
I found out that multiple people did, in fact, tell her about his past actions. Her response was to defend him, and then she doubled down on defending him when she was informed of the more current actions that Alex had committed at the time.
If you don't believe that's her, the post is still up on Tumblr via this reblog and here. Michaela knew about all of this as far back as 2017.
I find it most interesting that in these screenshots and posts, she referred to everyone who despised Alex as "anti-dev masses," and she ignored the things he said and did because she is, in her words, "an intellectual who can separate fiction from reality."
She even claimed that the people telling her that he treats women differently (which he does) are "sexist," even when said people told her that he very well could have hurt other people even if he was nice to just her.
The cherry on top of this is her unironic usage of the term "SJW," which tells me everything that I need to know about this. And you know what? Her saying in her resignation tweet that she still hopes that the game gets completed makes perfect sense to me now despite how out of place it feels compared to everything else. If she believes in separating fiction from reality, then she likely believed that she could still separate content from the creator.
In Alex's case, I strongly disagree with that notion, but what feels more contradictory is this other statement in the tweet:
I did not join to be a defender or arbiter of anyone's actions outside of the project.
However...That is literally what Michaela did. As I said, she defended Alex because of the "rumors" being spread about him.
She doesn't get to cry on Twitter about things turning out like this when she willingly claimed that Alex was only getting so much bad attention because "people don't like him."
She was the one who said "don't believe everything you hear." It was her who downplayed Alex's actions as "mistakes" or "accidents," and she claimed that he is "just a guy trying to make a game and be a game developer."
She doesn't get to backtrack now and pretend that she didn't knowingly defend Alex and stick by him for six more years after the making of that Tumblr post.
It took her six years and another minor after sisefs getting hurt for her to acknowledge what most people who knew about Yandere Simulator already knew about this man - That he is a terrible human being.
To be clear, I am not putting any blame on Michaela for what happened to the victims. I do not believe that she could have known about the current victim, or even the past one at the time of when the information came to light. Also, I do appreciate her giving support to all of the victims involved and correcting her previous statement since some (myself included) thought that she was perpetuating victim-blaming. However, that is as much benefit of the doubt that I could possibly give her. As for everything else? I cannot do that, and here's why:
It is my belief that she was well aware of what she was doing, and she either didn't see anything wrong with what Alex did or just didn't care until she finally realized how badly this all reflects on her now that Alex has been shown up-front once again to be an awful person (I also believe that this is connected to the backtracking in her resignation tweet as well).
Basically, my frustration comes from how far things had to get before she finally decided to denounce Alex and his actions.
She made her choice. Given that she previously claimed that she does not care about trying to look better and said that she would delete attempts to "sway" her about Alex, it seems clear that this was also the hill that she was willing to die on. Well, look where that got her. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how she didn't expect that a terrible person with a rightfully terrible reputation would end up doing something even more terrible, and that she was willing to ignore everything up until now. I don't understand how she didn't think that this would also negatively affect the game by association of the developer, but at this point, whatever happens to the game doesn't matter nearly as much as what Alex has done and likely will continue to do since it's been proven time and time again that he will never change as a person.
So no, I don't feel sympathy for Michaela Laws. I don't feel bad about her saying that she stuck with this game for almost ten years despite sticking up for Alex and sticking by him for six of those years. She did this to herself, and Yandere Simulator is probably something that she will be connected to for a long time since she is well-known as the voice of the game's main character. She could have left sooner, but chose not to and made it clear that she didn't want to until the truth had to be shoved right in front of her face.
So for that, Michaela only has herself to blame.
I would like to add this Twitter thread that proves the point I was making here.
Michaela, three years after the Tumblr post I linked, straight up admits that she doesn't care about what Alex does, and she accuses a victim of Cryaotic (another groomer) of lying.
Even if Michaela apologized for the latter bit, it just goes to show that she was more than willing to ignore what people told her about Alex and still stand by him and the game.
This whole thing is a recurring trend with her. Had Alex not been exposed again, she probably would still be defending him even now.
She isn't sorry about being a part of the project at all.
And if she isn't sorry, then I don't feel sorry for her either.
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hunter - Enemy Mine 11 - Trapped
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Warnings: Cat And Mouse Game / Tension / Angst/Strong Language/Deprivation Of Liberty
Drifting through space without thrusters, you are an easy target for Clone Force 99. Sitting in a trap, you are waiting for the inevitable.
What Happened Before:
Enemy Mine
Part 2 - No Way Out
Part 3 - Turning Tables
Part 4 - Beneath The Surface
Part 5 - Priorities
Part 6 - Choices
Part 7 - Not So Welcome
Part 8 - The Uncertain
Part 9 – Deception
Part 10 - The Hunter
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You have locked the airlock, an automatic reaction to the situation you find yourself in. This gives you a little more time, but basically you're just postponing the inevitable. Hunter and his squad will gain access, one way or another. The thought sets your pulse and mind racing. It's not long before you hear the outer airlock open, then you hear knocking and rumbling at the inner airlock. There is no way out. The engine is broken, you can't fix it, at least you wouldn't know how. You are stuck here. Nervously, you look around, still holding Hunter's blaster. You take cover behind a crate and aim at the still closed hatch. You have no idea how far you are willing to go. You are afraid, but you also want to see Hunter again. It takes a while, then you see and hear the glow of a plasma cutter. "Fuck," you curse softly. Your shaky fingers, nervously, close a little tighter around the blaster's handle. Your only weapon, maybe your only chance. For now you've got it set to stun.
Finally, someone bumps into the cut-open hatch from below and the metal flies into the interior of the ship, landing on the floor with a clatter. The sound is loud, forceful, making you wince. You hear Hunter say your name, but you don't answer him, you don't even know what to say. Then his head appears in the hatch. He sees you, at the same moment you pull the trigger, but Hunter ducks hastily and you miss. "Easy, girl. We don't want to hurt you." You hear Crosshair grumble, "Speak for yourself". "Shut up" you hear one of the others grumble, probably Echo. Again, Hunter says your name. When you again don't respond, he says, "Now you already have two things I want back. The data stick and my blaster. I have to admit, you are the first person to shoot at me with my own blaster." You say braver than you feel, "If you're not careful, I'll be the last one too". Hunter laughs softly, "Girl, that's exactly what I hope too" You roll your eyes, annoyed. "You know exactly what I mean," you growl.
"Possibly," he admits. After a moment of silence, he says, "Look, if you make me do this, I'll send Wrecker ahead, you'll need several hits to stun him and I bet he'll be on you faster than you can take him out." Nervously, you lick your lips and say, "I'll switch to live ammo then." Hunter asks calmly, "So you're ready to kill? Because I don't think so" "Get out of here!" you exclaim in frustration. "We can't, and you know it" Hunter calmly returns, "I thought we had an understanding" Hunter climbs up very slowly, you aim for him but hesitate, watching as he climbs inside the freighter. As Crosshair tries to climb after him, he looks at his brother and shakes his head. "Let me do this alone, you're just making her nervous". Crosshair hesitates, gives you a somber look, but eventually climbs back down. Hunter looks at you again, his hands slightly raised to show he is unarmed.
"Let's figure out how you and I can come to some common ground," he suggests. You shake your head and say stubbornly, "Climb back into your ship and get out." He sighs softly. "We've been over this." His eyes fall on the unconscious freighter pilot behind you and he frowns. "Maybe I underestimated you" he says critically. You shake your head and say, "He's just unconscious, if your senses are really that sharp, you know it. You can't divert my attention" Hunter laughs softly, "Okay, I knew you were smart, but it was worth a shot." But then you hear the freighter pilot groan, you realize he's going to wake up at any moment, and then he might attack you from behind. It's just a second of looking quickly over your shoulder, but long enough for Hunter to leap forward and sweep you off your feet.
You land hard on your back, the impact driving air from your lungs. The blaster slips from your fingers and slides across the floor away from you. It takes you a moment to collect yourself, to fill your lungs with air again, then you fight back. You wriggle, trying to kick, to bite him. Hunter struggles to keep you in check without hurting you, but very shortly after, his brothers show up. Crosshair grabs your arms and pushes them to the ground, Tech brings restraints and three of them start to tie up your arms and legs, immobilizing you. Panic rises in you, hot and cold at the same time. You realize that you are completely at their mercy. Against your will, you start to cry while you try to resist the men, against the shackles Tech puts on you. Wrecker appears behind Hunter, looking worried and anything but thrilled, and helps the freighter pilot back into his seat, who's still not fully conscious. "I don't like this. Treating a civilian like that," he says critically. Crosshair kneels on your legs because you are kicking at him and says strained, "She stole vital information, so she doesn't count as a civilian anymore".
Wrecker frowns and grumbles, "She's still not a soldier, and she's scared" Tech calmly says to you, "I'm sorry, but you leave us no choice." Tied up like a package, you finally lie there, your face wet with tears. You try to free yourself, but you almost can't move at all. The restraints are very effective. Hunter picks up his blaster and nods to Wrecker, who carefully picks you up and puts you over his broad shoulder. Echo, waiting in the Marauder, sees Wrecker bring you down. His brows move upward. "Maker... Are you going to mail her somewhere?" Crosshair, who comes through the hatch behind Wrecker, says, "She's pretty fidgety". Looking at your tear-stained face, Echo says critically, "She doesn't look like a dangerous enemy to me" Wrecker puts you in one of the bunks and looks at you apologetically. "Now what?" asks Crosshair. Tech says matter-of-factly, "Now we get the memory stick back" "Maybe she hid it in the shuttle," Echo notes. Hunter approaches you and looks at you, "So, did you?" "Go to hell," you say quietly in a brittle voice. The sergeant sighs. "We've been through all this before. You know I'll find it sooner or later. Don't make it so hard for both of us."
Crosshair rolls his toothpick back and forth between his lips and finally says, "Pain might loosen her tongue." Hunter gives him a sharp look. "We're certainly not going to torture her". The Sniper shrugs, "Maybe that will end up being the only option" Echo growls, "Shut up." Crosshair growls, "We're just handling her with kid gloves because our big leader banged the girl" Another sharp look from Hunter, silences the Sniper for the moment. He's not all that wrong, Hunter is aware of that. He looks at you again, more serious than before. "I can't be as forgiving by now as I was before. You've proven that you only take advantage when I'm lenient. So now I'm going to give you one last chance," he says calmly, "I'm going to ask you where the stick is and if you don't answer me, I'm going to have to strip you and search you. Then we will take the ship apart" Your heart racing, you stare at him from widened eyes. "So," he says, leaning over you, "where is the data stick?"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@ttzamara @thebahdbitch
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the-raging-tempest · 13 days
WOTR Companions First and Final Impressions
Thank you for the tags @dujour13 and @rollofleaf
This was a lot of fun. Disclaimer is that Anton only has the first impressions because my partner has not yet finished the game, so he is waiting to form his opinion of the full story arc. There will be some spoilers. Also this is not quite in their voice. Because a lot of this expresses things they would not say or even be aware they think. Hope that makes sense.
First Impressions
Lariel: I like her! She’s like a hero you might read about in stories. She's fun. I trust her.
Zrise: Iomedaean. Paladin. Lectures incoming.
Anton: She seems nice. Trustworthy. Not sure about all the knight stuff. We'll see.
Lariel: She seems so cold. There must be something I don’t understand… but I want to understand you Camellia…
Zrise: I thought she’d just be a pretty face but she can use a sword. There’s a blood lust in her voice… but she seems to like playing coy… she has my full attention.  
Anton: I like her. She seems like she knows what she's doing. A little reckless. I should keep my eyes out for her.
Lariel: I like his smile. I don’t really get his sense of humor, but he seems like he’s got a good heart.
Zrise: This guy is really pathetic. I can't stand him. Every word out of his mouth makes me want to punch him in his scaled face.
Anton: He seems nice. He's hard to look at. Even if I tried to help him anything I could give him would fall through his fingers like sand.
Lariel: She seems so untrusting and afraid. Lashing out. I want to help her… but I don't know how. Maybe I can’t… 
Zrise: Weird ass woman. Kind of a freak. I want to see whatever the fuck she does next. She is so transparent it’s entertaining. 
Anton: I like her. She's untrustworthy, but easy to read.
Lariel: Trying to charm seems to come easy to him. He reminds me of Venan… but softer. I need to help him. I’ll free you and protect you, Woljif.
Zrise: He's a little shit. Picks fights he can’t finish and then needs to beg for help? Pathetic. Learn to stand up for yourself. Put up or shut up, tiefling. 
Anton: Seems smarter than he lets on. He talks to listen. I can't imagine there's a good reason he's locked up. We must stick together.
Lariel: Who could hurt her? She seems so kind and gentle…. but she has seen and felt so much cruelty. I won't let them hurt you anymore Ember.
Zrise: Does she want to die? What's wrong with her? Creepy thing.
Anton: Witches like Ember, who are unmoored from reality, require as much protection from others as they need to be protected from. Ember is to be treated with kindness, curiosity, and grounding whenever possible. She could turn into something dangerous or into something great.
Lariel: I don't like him. He is… clearly putting on some kind of front, but until he’s honest, there's nothing I can do for him.
Zrise: He screams ‘client’.  All too familiar. This is exactly what I expected. At least his type is easy. I'll string him along for as long as I can.
Anton: I can't imagine ever holding an opinion as tightly as Daeran seems to hold onto many of them. Daeran is unimportant to me.
Lariel: She is… interesting. I'm very concerned about what she'd do without me…
Zrise: Hilarious. I’m keeping her around for these ‘experiments’. 
Anton: Nenio is curious. It leads her to conclusions and new knowledge, but she is too distracted to see the boons of mystery and ambiguity.
Lariel: I’ve read so much about her it is surreal to speak with her. I have so many questions to ask. Though I’m a little intimidated by her… I don’t know why she’d give me any authority… 
Zrise: Galfrey… let’s see what kind of queen you really are.
Anton: A snake within a snake. She holds so much power but that power so easily divested. The strings must be thin and long.
Lariel: I feel so much sympathy for him. He's not as simple as he seems. We have a lot in common… I think we could be friends. 
Zrise: Cleric of Shelyn let me show you how fickle and fragile that muse of yours really is. 
Anton: He’s fine. I don’t trust him. I don’t think he knows any better. 
Lariel: I have never felt rage like this before. It shakes my very core and threatens to spill blood. How dare you!? I would rather someone be a coward and leave them to die, than be an executioner like you. 
Zrise: Hellknight. Too bad. More bodies for the army I guess. At least they are willing to die. I put so little value in the lives of those who serve Hell.  
Anton: He is the heel that stomps on the neck of others, but he is a boot worn by someone else. Walking dead.
Lariel: A demon who turns to light and goodness. She is like a shinning star. I will do everything I can to help.
Zrise: Fascinating… enthralling… enchanting… I can sense the touch of Elysium on her. As well as the rot of the Abyss. I feel… drawn to her in a way that normally would frighten me. But I’m electrified. My goddess would surely approve. If only she would turn to Calistria and not Desna. Lust is in her very nature. I must possess her. 
Anton: It is a rare treat to fraternize as equals and friends with a being that one might make a pact with. Her malleability is a little discomforting. She is sweet. I trust her.
Lariel: He seems so resigned. I wonder where he feels like he actually belongs…
Zrise: A skilled assassin is good person to keep in your pocket. If only to keep him out of others.
Anton: Endearingly, disappointingly, normal. Greybor is very funny.   
Mythic Path
Lariel: I feel such an immense and unknowable responsibility for this creature. She's going to follow me? Into battle. Oh gods. No. I don't want her to get hurt… she's just a baby… She's like my child? My pet? My friend? Oh no.
Zrise: The demon lord of perverts… sexual deviants… I guess that is fitting for someone like me.
Anton: I'm used to suffering the opinions of men who I don't value. Suffering a few bad jokes is worth the price.
Zrise: The mother of the succubi… Darkness and lust. She is exactly the kind of untrustworthy I trust. Surely Calistria will understand that I… simply wish to take that domain from Nocticula… and deliver it to it's rightful ruler…
Parting Thoughts
Lariel: My best friend. My rock. You have the fragile but valuable balance of a good heart, morals, and willingness to act. I trust you with my whole being. The world is a better place with you in it.
Zrise: I'm surprised she stuck around as long as she did. That righteousness finally caught up with her though.
Lariel: I'm… I'm so sorry Camellia. I never wanted this to end this way. Even as you stabbed me I understood and I could never hold it against you. You wanted to be free…
Zrise: You see everyone as your little toys and tools. Guess I shouldn't be surprised. That's all I'd ever be to you. All people like me are to people like you. Pray I never catch you Camellia. I'll make you beg for death. I hope you enjoy being hunted.
Lariel: I'm so happy to know, Lann. Loyal and trustworthy. I am glad to have earned your faith and trust as you have mine. I feel safe and welcome in your company. No more making fun of yourself though, you are a real true hero now.
Zrise: I see why Wenduag wanted you dead. I also see exactly why you warned me the way you did…
Lariel: I'm sorry Wenduag. I couldn't help you… It wasn't your fault though…
Zrise: Traitor. How'd the blood taste? I should have killed you that night you confessed your weakness. I should have know it was just a ploy. It worked, you made me think you could have loved me. Now I know better. Thanks for that last lesson.
Lariel: You understood me when no one else did. You saw me and thought I was worth something. No words can express that you saved me. I could have lost myself. For two people who had scrambled in the dark all our lives we did finally find each other. You don't have to be alone ever again. I love you.
Zrise: Finally. Now that you don't take shit I can respect you. Now nothing can stop us.
Lariel: Your kindness has been strength for me. But I wish you did not have to be so strong. Now that this is all over, I want you to be a child.
Zrise: You lost your mind, but what else did I expect. I'm not sure you had it to begin with.
Lariel: Against my better judgement, you are my friend. I adore you as much as you annoy me. I'm so proud of you.
Zrise: I… never intended to hurt you the way I did. I thought it would be funny. Some karma. There's nothing I can do now.
Lariel: My friend. I'm glad to call you such. I think you can do anything you put your mind to. Doesn't mean you should. Please do ask if its ethical…
Zrise: I'll be honest out of everyone, I never expected to show you my dick for the sake of science. Good luck on that book.
Lariel: The burden of rule is heavy. I hope you can put it down. Find peace. Enjoy your life. I think you deserve a break. A vacation. You've done and sacrificed so much.
Zrise: You made the mistake of underestimating me. You paid for it with your life.
Lariel: I'm glad you reunited with your brother. We may not have agreed on everything. But we both grew and changed and I'm glad to know you.
Zrise: I feel so hollow to be proven right.
Lariel: I misunderstood you. You sacrificed yourself for the greater good. You are a dear friend and I treasure the trust you put in me.
Zrise: Enjoy the extra time I guess. Sorry to say I'm above your pay grade now.
Lariel: My dear friend. I always knew you were good. I hope you enjoy your mortal life and find love. It is everywhere in this world. You need only look. I'll point it out to you. I love you.
Zrise: We need no gods. We need no masters. We have ourselves. There is no loyalty but to power and desire. We understand each other. Intimately. As long as I have that, you are mine.
Lariel: I'm moved you would listen to my advice. I want to meet your daughter. I know she will be a wonderful woman. Thank you for your loyalty.
Zrise: My own personal assassin. I know you won't betray me. You aren't that stupid.
Mythic Path
Lariel: I'm sorry Aivu. I know you wanted to stay big, but I had to say goodbye. I will still be your friend for as long as I live.
Zrise: I won't miss you.
Zrise: I knew you were worth the investment.
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fortnite-headcanons · 14 days
I thought you weren’t going to post anything overly sexual. What happened?
Hi, thanks for the question. Sorry for the long answer, but I hope it explains things well.
I put those rules in the Submissions area (basically "nothing offensive, nothing super sexual") back when I first started the blog years ago, and never really changed them with time. They were keeping in line with the image I had of Fortnite, which was that it was a very clean game.
But the game is rated T for Teen, and now with Fortnite Festival I'm honestly surprised with the level of sexual lyrics that are present in the game. So, my mind has changed in some ways, to where I don't think that there needs to be a strict level of avoiding sexual jokes/references on a Fortnite Tumblr blog where everyone is likely old enough to be playing T games anyway.
I still don't accept certain headcanons I receive that I find too inappropriate, but when it's just something silly that isn't super vulgar and explicit, I can accept it. Trust me, there are plenty of things I will still never post on this blog. (This isn't supposed to be Fortnite Sex Headcanons!) But I consider most of the sexually themed headcanons on here so far to be pretty lighthearted and mostly just for laughs.
Also, please understand that I am just one person running this blog with no handbook of guidelines written up. I could accept something one day and reject it another depending on how I feel. I'm not perfect! So, I apologize for any possible mess-ups. I did originally make this blog just for my own fun, but I want it to be a comfortable space for many Fortnite fans. (I'm grateful that other people have fun with it too, so thanks for sticking around!)
However, because you've brought this to my attention, I will be marking all of the more sexually-themed headcanons as Mature on the blog from now on, so you can change your Tumblr settings to hide them if you'd like! And I apologize if I've made anyone uncomfortable by posting certain submissions.
This isn't an invitation to start submitting a bunch of sexual headcanons. Just my justification, I suppose, for allowing headcanons like "Character A tops Character B." In the future, those will be marked as Mature for everyone's comfort, and I won't accept anything more detailed than little things like that. I guess the bottom line is: if it could probably be a lyric in Fortnite Festival, then it's probably fine.
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soursvgar · 2 years
could i please request mammon with a reader who has extreme anxiety, so at first they just followed him around like a duckling would its mother and always looked to him out of everyone for help with things?
~generally, theyre just obviously most comfortable with him and favor him most because of it; being more expressive and stuff around him while being more on the reserved, shy side with the rest of his brothers. id just imagine him pretending to be annoyed but secretly enjoying the attention lolol!
"It is the fear of the unknown that makes you stick to what's familiar, a sense of home in a foreign place."
Mammon x gn! reader (ft. Leviachan)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Home is a place for your heart to rest at ease, and in the depths of the devildom— it simply could not. It is quite the peculiar opportunity you were given, living among creatures who are different from you, and allegedly, stay protected. Perhaps even too good to be a real opportunity, but who can blame the human for fearing for their life? It is in fact, a constant worry for the fragile, feeble human race. It isn't a surprise that you had latched onto the nearest, closest form of a warm human connection you could've achieved in the short time upon your arrival.
Mammon is not like the others. Maybe it’s his withstanding patience, or maybe it’s the deep, intent gaze he's wearing every time you express even an inkling of fear, focusing on validating your emotions while simultaneously, assuring you of your guaranteed safety. With him by your side, you had almost forgotten of your whereabouts, and the creatures lurking around the corners, possibly just waiting for a moment you're alone. For this reason, letting him venture on his own, away from your vicinity, is something you are too afraid to do.
"Human, I told you to stop following me. It's too annoying, I have things to get to- places to be. I can't have ya on my arm all day like a lost puppy." Mammon mutters, shaking his head as you request to accompany him on his schedules. "Why don't ya go play with Levi or something?" He suggests, regretting it almost instantly when he notices your eyes drooping with dejection. However, this is a teaching moment for him, as he expects the rest of his brothers to protect you as well, and to develop some sort of a connection, or a sense of responsibility, at the very least. And with a heavy heart, he leaves.
You're unsure of what you're supposed to do; should you wait in your room, alone? Or is that a bit too- pathetic? You didn't want to use this word, but that is indeed the way you feel. You look down the dim hallway, wondering if you should take up on Mammon's suggestion. After all, he is in fact trying to help, right? And you should, eventually, step out of your shell, because it could be fun- maybe. Your legs are trembling as they lead you right outside the door of Leviathan's room, shaky fingers curl before they make contact with the cold, coated material.
"What is it?" The reply is immediate, flustering you as it sounds querulous enough to make you want to back away. Before you do, however, the door swings open, revealing an impatient looking demon- but his expression changes once he figures who's behind the door. "O-Oh, it's you. I thought it was one of my annoying brothers bothering me while I'm testing one of my new games." Say something, come on. You try to urge yourself, but the sounds just barely come out. "U-Um..." You stutter, hoping Levi doesn't shut the door in your face for taking too long to form a sentence.
"Do you... want to come in?" He offers, widening the gap between the door and it's frame as he gestures for you to enter. You thank him quietly and settle inside, the blue tint giving the room a strangely relaxing aura. "You like it? The colors?" Levi questions shyly, noticing your gaze being fixated on the decor.
It's a slightly awkward encounter to say the least, but if you already had to pick a brother to interact with while forcing yourself out of a crippling social anxiety, Levi is most likely a safe beginner's level choice as he's probably just as sheepish as you, if not more. Moreover, as soon as you start engaging with his hobbies, he does a big chunk of the talking, helping you ease into the situation and making you more comfortable around him by the minute. Perhaps Mammon knew what he was saying.
Time passes rather quickly. Engrossed in the flashing images on the screen, neither you or Levi pay attention when the door creaks open; at least not until an audible sigh is heaved, tearing your eyes away from the game the two of you bickered about. "You really are here..." Mammon breathes in relief. Was he... worried about you? No, it can't be, can it? "Not like I care! Or anything..." He quickly adds. "But I figured I'd find you in your room... waiting." Lowering his tone in the last word, he avoids your eyes.
"I was playing games with Levi!" You approach Mammon, full of glee. He offers a content smile and instinctively reaches to ruffle your hair before retracting his hand back, cheeks tinted at his sudden gesture. "Excuse me? It wasn't just games, it was THE game. Exuberant story telling with a cutthroat plot projected in the latest high definition graphics aspects, the animation is so good it feels like the characters are trying to murder us in real life!!" Leviathan intervenes, thankfully cutting through your blundering interaction with Mammon.
Later that night, Mammon finds yet another silly excuse in order to be let inside your room; sprawled on your bed, he watches as you prepare your backpack for the next day. "Did you have fun with Levi?" He blurts out, causing you to avert your gaze back to him and nod in agreement. "But not too much fun, right?" He raises an eyebrow, seating up from his previous position. "What are you talking about?" You chuckle, accompanying him on the bed as you take a seat next to him.
"Ya know I only rejected you so that you can be closer with the rest of my brothers, right? You need to be bustin' it with other demons here so that ya'll can have fun even when I'm not around. But... I mean, you can't get too comfy with them, ya feel? You're still my human, even if its burdensome to take care of ya-" He pauses, waiting for a reaction from you, but only to be met with silence on your part. "Okay... it's actually not that burdensome- or at all. I like havin' you around and I wouldn't mind if you were hangin' with me all day- but I'm doing this for you! You should show all these peeps what you got, y'know?" Mammon gently tugs on your sheets as he speaks, purposely looking away from you. He twitches at the abrupt sensation of your weight on his shoulder, glancing back at you to realize you are laying your head on him. "I know, you were looking out for me."
He grins, encircling his arm around you to pull you closer. "I'll always look out for you, human."
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ari-archives · 29 days
It's Only Fair
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You're sitting down doing your homework at the quidditch stands while occasionally watching a “friendly” scrimmage game between Gryffindor and your house, Ravenclaw. Although some of the spectators watching as well would say it could be a little friendlier. You preferred to do your homework outdoors rather than inside as your dorm doesn’t stay quiet long enough for you to focus because your roommates tend to go in and out, and the library, although quiet, gets too stuffy after being there for so long. So, you chose the quidditch pitch. Something about the breeze and open view calms you down if you get too stressed about your grades or an upcoming test.
Though today you didn’t know that the pitch would be occupied. You don’t mind it as much as your best friend is on your house team and it's always nice to see her play. You see her gliding through the air laughing and smiling while teasing the Gryffindor team, making her lose her balance slightly, causing you to let out a scoff while shaking your head. That girl always gets distracted somehow.
Having taken a break long enough, you turn your attention back to your research on Newt Scamander, famed Magizoologist. Magical creatures aren’t really your thing as you find it quite boring. You're more in to Spells, potions, and everything in between to become a great Auror.
“WATCH OUT” you heard, taking you out of your thoughts.
Looking towards the direction of the voice, your eyes are met with a quaffle coming straight towards you. You didn’t have time to react so your best solution was to cower and cover your face with your thick book and hope for the best. Hopefully Madam Pomrey is able to put your face back together. What seemed like forever anticipating the painful hit, you were met with nothing but a gust of air. You peeked from the top of your book only to find a member of the Gryffindor team floating on his broom stick in front of you holding the quaffle that was about to dismember your face. You let out a big sigh of relief and you were beyond grateful for this stranger’s speedy reflexes.
“WATCH WHERE YOU AIM THIS THING WILL YOU?” He screamed before throwing the ball to the closest player. I see him shook his head before he turned towards me.
“You okay there lass? Sorry about that” He spoke, concern in his voice. Your eyes scanned his face trying to see if I knew his name or not. You didn’t. Although you did find him quite handsome.
“Yes.” You said, clearing your throat. “I’m okay”
He nodded, relief feeling his eyes.
“Good. Promise that won’t happen again.” He gave you a small smile before turning around ready to fly off with his teammates.
“wait!” You shouted, making him halt in his tracks. He turned to you with confusion written on his face. You stood up and walked down a few steps to get closer to him.
“What’s your name? You saved my life and I don’t even know your name.” You told him. He smiled at you, wider than the one he gave you before.
“Oliver. Oliver Wood.” He answered with a hint of pride.
“Thank you, Oliver Wood.” You smiled back at him.
“You’re very welcome.”
Sensing that the conversation is over, you gave him a nod and started heading back to your stuff.
“Seeing as you know my name,” he called after you. “I think it’s only fair I know yours.”
You looked back at him raising your eyebrows. He mimicked you tilting his head slightly, waiting for your answer.
“y/n y/l/n”
Though it didn’t seem possible, his smile widened hearing your name. You could almost see the glint in his eyes taking it in.
“y/n y/l/n” he repeated, as if it was something he wanted to remember “Beautiful name. Unfortunate we had to meet under these circumstances. Hopefully next time will be better.”
You shot him a questioning look, slightly impressed by his boldness.
“What makes you think there’s going to be a next time?” You questioned, teasing him a little bit.
He let out a chuckle glancing at his surroundings before looking back at you once more.
“Oh I’m going make sure there is lass. You have my word.” He smiled at you once more before flying off and returning to the pitch, leaving you there before you could argue.
Knowing there’s no point in trying to get another word in, you headed back to your seat to gather your books. You try to ignore the blush forming on your cheeks as you put your books in your bag. There’s no way you could focus on your research paper now that the Gryffindor quidditch player has filled your mind.
You feel the heat radiating off your cheeks on the back of your hand as you walk down the stands, not even fighting the smile that’s making its way onto your face. What you didn’t see though, was that a certain quidditch player has been watching you since he returned to his post with a smile mirroring yours, ecstatic that you felt the same way about your interaction.
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