#i hope its not too obvious who i was struggling with LMAO
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I tried drawing more drivers and it made me realize my style is all over the place LMFAO
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nukaberries · 2 years
Ahh im so happy to find a blog that writes new vegas! I got into it recently and its so fun! Sometimes i get tired of hearing the radio especially if im travelling way too much, so i just start singing any song that pops into my head or talk to the companions like they're real pfft
im also way too cheery for my own good lmao, game devs knew what they were doing when there was no push button for running, you know how many times i ran into mines and kept running 🧍🏽
I kinda wanna know how the companions would react to that? A Courier who practically bounces as they walk and if its not the radio or them talking to fill the silence, its them singing as they shoot radscorpions !! Couriers not half bad at singing either! They mostly sing quietly while walking the mojave for obvious reasons but on a night they feel especially safe, they'll be singing so well people will wonder why they're not making holotapes for mr new vegas to play (esp if they say the radio gets annoying at times)im sorry this is long im just excited to see a new vegas writer that hasnt left their blog 🤧
I'm SO late to this one, I'm so sorry! But I'm so glad you're enjoying New Vegas! It's tied with Red Dead Redemption 2 as one of my favourite video games! And I'm exactly the same when I play New Vegas, the radio's never off and I have no spatial awareness. I hope this was worth the wait!! (Sorry again lmao)
Companions React to a Loud/Chatty Courier (Includes: Arcade, Boone, Cass, Lily, Raul and Veronica)
Arcade Gannon Admittedly, he's a little intimidated at first. He agrees to go with the Courier since there's no point in him sticking around Freeside where he's not helping anyone. He just doesn't realise he's taken up with the most obnoxious person in the West. He's not annoyed by any means, in fact, the singing is actually quite a nice change from the radio. The constant talking is a little overwhelming for him at first though, as someone whose trying his best to keep his past with the Enclave a secret. He knows the Courier means no harm, and he feels a little guilty having to shut down their questions about him, knowing that they only mean well. They do bring out a different side to him he didn't know he had and he sometimes finds himself humming along to either the radio or Six's singing.
Craig Boone At first, he's annoyed by the Courier, but it's not like he has anything better to do. They're his best chance at wiping out the Legion, even if their incessant talking and singing is a little too much for him. He doesn't have a problem with them, but he prefers silence to having to begrudgingly answer someone who talks at a million miles per hour. The only time he'll really voice his complaints is when he actually needs them to be quiet, such as if they're trying to stealthily take out enemies, thankfully the Courier seems to know when to turn off their radio and stop singing. Eventually, the constant chatter and the singing - that he'll never admit is actually enough to rival the radio songs - become background noise he learns to appreciate. He'll never join in with the Courier's singing, but he tries his best to answer their questions and respond to their comments.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy Cass is another one who can't stand the Courier's chatter and singing at first, however, she's more than willing to voice this. A few times, she actually hid the Courier's Pip-Boy while they slept, unfortunately for Cass, they'd already memorised all the lyrics to Johnny Guitar and sung that on repeat for most of the day. It was starting to reach the point where Cass was certain they were doing it on purpose. The singing she hated, but the talking? She didn't mind the talking. In fact, Cass actually looked forward to the talking, she often struggled to make friends, considering her problems with whiskey, so it was nice to just make conversation sometimes. Sure, she'd still keep trying to put an end to the singing, no matter how good it was, but the talking Cass could live with.
Lily Bowen The first time Lily started travelling with the Courier, she was thrilled. Everyone in Jacobstown took life a little too seriously and being with the Courier was a refreshing change for her. Unlike most of the other companions, Lily actually loves the singing and the talking. She'll even suggest that the Courier tries their hand at singing on the Strip, the Tops and the Atomic Wrangler are always looking for new acts after all. Lily will even try and sing along with them, before realising her voice doesn't exactly compliment or rival the Courier's, but so long as they encourage to join in, she always will. The talking is just as lovely for her, it's nice to know that the Courier still cares about their grandma, even if they are growing up so fast.
Raul Tejada Never in all his years of being alive has he met someone like the Courier. It was one thing that they managed to deal with Tabitha, but the fact that they did it with Radio New Vegas playing on full blast from their Pip-Boy? Raul wasn't sure whether to be impressed or absolutely terrified. He leans more towards the latter once he starts travelling with them, struggling to keep up with the Courier constantly asking him questions about where he's from and what his life was like before the war and how he turned ghoul. Like Arcade, Raul finds it overwhelming and eventually asks politely if the Courier can calm down a little with all the questions, thankful when they actually oblige. He learns to love the Courier in spite of their loud habits, even being happy to fix their Pip-Boy when it stops letting them connect to the radio stations. It's against his better judgement, but they seem grateful for it.
Veronica Santangelo She immediately bonds with the Courier over their love for Radio New Vegas. Veronica wishes she had her own Pip-Boy so she could listen to the radio in her own free time, since lugging a radio around the Mojave Desert doesn't seem like the best idea. She absolutely loves the Courier's singing too, insisting that they don't forget her once they make it big in some bar in New Reno. She also tries her best to be the Courier's backup singer when wandering the wasteland, however, she accidentally stumbles up on a lot of her lyrics and trying to pronounce "Agua Fria" at the start of Big Iron quickly becomes the bane of her existence. Veronica also loves to gossip with the Courier, about her love life - and the Courier's if they're willing to disclose it - and all her least favourite things about her commanding officers in the Brotherhood. Whenever she travels with Six, Veronica manages to get a lot of off her chest
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underratedandoverit · 7 months
drain me of every memory
1,4k words hangman page/swerve strickland
im sleep deprived to hell and back but i couldnt sleep before i wrote this as i was finally struck with a vision i had to follow through. i also did not proofread this very carefully oops i have never written either of these two before so if they have terrible voices im so sorry also if this completely fucking sucks dont tell me please let me live in my tired ignorance lmao other than that i hope you enjoy it!! if its worth anything i'd love to know tho ;;
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate
on ao3
The night had absolutely not gone how he would have wanted. It was a very small comfort in Swerve’s mind that Hangman hadn’t managed to win either, that he was the one suffering the big loss in tonight's huge three-way match, but it clearly wasn’t enough to satisfy the need. The hunger he had to see the cowboy suffer even more, making him feel the pain of those opportunities he snatched away from Swerve with his little tricks.
It wasn’t difficult at all to seek him out later in the evening. They had all stayed around until the end of the main event, everyone wanted to give Sting that one big sendoff together, and Swerve had spied Hangman in the crowd among the rest of the roster in the building tonight, easily. To say that the man looked uneasy and disappointed was an understatement, no matter how much he tried to hide it beneath the mask of a celebration in the moment.
Even past the mass of people between them, Swerve could see that those eyes still weren’t quite right, as they hadn’t been for some time now.
He didn’t even bother to knock on the locker room door, thinking the worst that he could do was catch Hangman changing. It wasn’t like they hadn’t shared a locker room before, like he hadn’t seen almost everything this man had to offer, nothing that could faze him.
It wasn’t like they didn’t share an unspeakable bond created by a spur of a moment that they had to live with separately together with forever. A bond that was much more intimate than anything a naked eye could see.
A smirk tucked the corners of his lips as Swerve watched the confusion quickly take over the entire face of the blond, though the obvious anger quickly rose back on Hangman’s features. Maybe Swerve was able to see even a slight bit of embarrassment radiating from him, if he focused carefully enough.
“What the hell do you want?”
Swerve’s hands shot up, in both a defensive and calming manner, eyes never leaving Hangman and his obvious distress. “Calm down. I’m not here to wage more wars if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Yeah?” Swerve watched silently as Hangman stood up from his chair, staring daggers at him. “Well I’m not done with you, or afraid to kick your ass if I have to!”
“And fail at that task again? I doubt it.”
His calm demeanor was clearly agitating Hangman further, but the joy Swerve took in just watching his struggle to keep his emotions in check and his words coherent was immeasurable. Just seeing the small visual cues of Hangman’s eyes wandering as he tried to collect himself, hands squeezing into fists and opening up again, the way he almost, just almost wanted to start pacing the small room to calm himself down.
It was all almost too much, too good to be true. Too good to be a real thing he was witnessing with his own eyes, let alone causing.
“Well,” Swerve chuckled quietly, his low voice softly rumbling off the empty walls of the room around them. His hands dropped down again, finding comfort in the pockets of his jacket. “At least I’m not the one who lost that match out there. I think that gives me room to speak.”
That was the right button to push clearly, as Hangman’s eyes shot towards him again, narrowing almost dangerously as he closed the gap between the two men with just a few quick strides, both hands grabbing the front of Swerve’s jacket. He didn’t even flinch, just watched with a smirk as Hangman shook him slightly, his eyes burning with clear anger and frustration.
“Listen here, you little shit!” He wasn’t even trying to control the level of his voice anymore, the frustrations of the entire night pouring over in one fell swoop, manifesting out with a string of incoherent curses and hands trying to wildly shake the other man, whether to intimidate him or bring him to his senses, Swerve wasn’t sure. All he knew was that neither of those ideal options was working.
All Swerve needed to do, was to lean just a tiny bit closer to his face, to freeze Hangman on his tracks, quieting down, the sudden realization of how close they were washing over him. His eyes fixated on Swerve, who quite honestly looked like he was anything but hating this whole ordeal that he had once again managed to cause. Hands on him, his jacket, holding, pulling him close.
His first reaction was to look away, but Hangman clearly wasn’t done with him yet as the hands remained in their place, he just needed to collect himself to figure out how to proceed from here. Seeing his opening though, Swerve didn’t give him much time to think, soon a hand reaching for Hangman’s face, almost forcefully gripping his jaw, turning him back forward.
A soft blush dusted over the blond’s features. Just as Swerve had thought he briefly saw.
“What’s the matter?” His voice was taunting, clearly trying to push it even further than things had already advanced to. “I thought you said you weren’t done with me yet, cowboy.”
Hangman clearly struggled for words, mouth opening and closing without anything going in or coming out of it. His hands still had a tight grip of Swerve’s jacket, keeping him close even if neither would have wanted that, almost as if he was aware that if he let go, the situation would likewise disappear, slip away from his grip.
Swerve could see Hangman’s eyes wandering on his face, glancing down to his lips as Swerve licked them, almost as if giving him visual clues. Giving him ideas he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to act on them, to chase them, to realize them.
Thankfully there were two of them in the situation, as Swerve quickly closed the gap, pressing their lips together. Hangman let out almost a surprised gasp at the sudden touch, but it didn’t take a lot of persuading to pull him deeper into the feeling that he wasn’t going to admit that he had longed to feel for a while now. The blond’s grip almost tightened on Swerve’s jacket, just holding him close, holding his breath as he felt the pair of soft lips against his,  first just as a peck, slowly going for something deeper, more meaningful.
As the curious tongue slipped into the mix to lick over his lips, any thoughts of resistance were officially gone from Hangman’s mind as he gave into the temptation, the soft, deep kiss of a cursed rival.
Hangman still held him close by the front of his jacket, afraid of letting go, of potentially wasting this opportunity.  Opportunity to do what exactly, that he wasn’t so sure about. Swerve’s hand slipped from his jaw, up along it to brush a coil of rogue hair behind Hangman’s ear, finally slipping up his neck into his hair. He balled a good amount of his coils, giving it a firm, almost commanding tuck.
Hangman could feel Swerve smiling against his lips as he moaned quietly.
And almost as fast as the moment had begun, it was already over. Swerve pulled away with ease, leaving Hangman breathing heavily and chasing after those lips he wanted back onto him, but all he got back was a chuckle. The hand slipped away from his hair, grabbing a hold of his hand, still somewhat gently ripping it off from his jacket.
Hangman almost jumped as Swerve leaned back closer, lips brushing against his ear. A hot breath sent shivers down his spine.
“Maybe next time,” Swerve whispered to him, clear amusement in his voice over the state he had managed to put the other man in, “You actually try if you want to go for the gold.”
Hangman didn’t get a word out of his mouth, just watched, still stunned over the events that had transpired as Swerve finally fully pulled away, ripping himself away from the blond’s grip. Hands finding their way back into his pockets like before, Swerve just turned on his heels, heading out of the locker room without another word, without getting any resistance back.
At least Swerve had the mental victory over knowing whose name was living rent free in Hangman’s mind for the rest of the night.
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its-no-biggie · 2 years
hmm havent been rvb posting much..... time to talk about simmons and caboose! cause a while ago i saw a post saying that simmons and caboose are on "opposite ends of the autism spectrum", which is SO true and i wanna talk about the different ways theyre each autistic coded.
[apparently i am incapable of writing a reasonable length post, sheesh]
bc like. simmons is what people typically think "mild" autism looks like. textbook "aspergers". theres a reason im using terms that arent used by the autistic community, and its because autistic people arent the ones who make these kinds of distinctions. this is autism as seen by neurotypicals: socially awkward, smart in one area of expertise but talks about it a little too much, annoyingly pedantic at times.... you get the idea. and while these are autistic traits that i can relate to, i feel like caboose is a better representation of what it feels like to actually have autism. like, he has an easier time making friends with robots than people, he never understands whats going on except for the time travel in season 17, where hes the ONLY one who understands it. he doesnt understand figurative language, constantly misses obvious social cues or breaks unwritten rules that everyone should know, and has a very hard time lying, deceiving, or keeping information from people.
and i think the reason caboose is more relatable even though simmons is more "textbook" autistic, is because caboose is written as DISABLED. he has a hard time following simple conversations. he cant understand things that should be obvious. everyone around him is constantly frustrated because "why cant he just DO it??" so even if his symptoms dont line up exactly with autism (especially since the way hes written changes over the course of the show), at the end of the day, autism is a disability. so personally, i relate a lot more with him and his struggles than someone like simmons, who is awkward and "weird", but doesnt really seem to struggle with day to day life.
in short: simmons is what masked autism (especially if you have a useful special interest, like computers) looks like from an outside perspective. a little awkward, talks too much, but smart where it counts. generally "useful", and mostly "normal". but caboose is what it feels like to grow up with autism. always confused, everyone treats you like youre different and you cant really do anything about it, cant seem to get along with anyone even though you just want to be friends, and no matter what you do, you screw up everything you touch.
anyway im not saying that simmons isnt autistic, or that hes "less" autistic (bc that isnt a thing lol). simmons just masks a lot better than caboose. thats what an autistic person pretending to be "normal" acts like (its certainly how i act around other people lmao). but because hes not written by an autistic person, they write him like thats all there is to it. which is kind of unfortunate because it feels like theres a whole other side to him that we never really get to see.
now, the fact that the writers set out to write a nerd and wrote an autism stereotype, and set out to write a dumbass and wrote someone who is clearly disabled..... that is a whole separate conversation that im not gonna get into. especially since i dont really know much about rooster teeth, aside from the fact that the fandom seems to have wholly rejected them, and of course what i can see just from watching the show. but i think its clear that its not exactly good representation.
anyway, i still hc them both as autistic, and if/when i write them, i hope my interpretation reflects that while still being true to the characters. it actually works out great for me that theres one autistic person on each team, because whenever im thinking of dialogue and i have an idea thats a little too autistic (like saying something really blunt or picking up on a pattern most people wouldnt notice) i can usually give it to one of them instead of writing it out entirely. which works out really well for caboose especially, because he tends to be quiet during exposition unless hes addressed (bc he cant follow it). so having him make autism commentary can break up all the "blue team problems" nicely. plus having him innocuously call people out when theyre being ambiguous is WAY funnier than "haha caboose doesnt know whats going on" imho
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xxchromies · 2 days
I'm always suspicious of "radfems" who lean too hard into calling themselves "terfs" and then you show your whole ass by saying abortion isn't black and white. I know for a fact you've never had an abortion either lmao it's like clockwork with you people
I’m not pro-life. Were I to get pregnant right now I know I’d want an abortion. Although, I hope I’m never in that position.
Being against abortion before the fetus is capable of being in pain is moronic. But after that point, there’s a legit ethical question involved. Women deserve to not go through the pain of childbirth and physical symptoms of pregnancy if they don’t want but at the same time, granting that would cause the infliction of pain and death upon another living thing, if done at a certain point. That just is a fact. And is it okay to kill another living thing just because it can’t talk or it’s not intelligent? Do these factors make its life less valuable than that of another living thing? And if so, is it okay to kill other kinds of people (I.e. severely disabled people) just because they cause a strain on others or are straight up violent? I don’t know, that’s subjective. For some people, it is black and white. As with most ethical issues, you have people who feel that the answer is obvious. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s a moral dilemma and quite honestly I’d be a bit disturbed by anyone who DIDN’T think of it that way.
It brings up the same kinds of questions that veganism brings up. I’d be being dishonest if I said that I haven’t been struggling with these questions recently. You can think whatever you want about that. But I know one thing for sure, I know that feeling that way doesn’t mean I care about women’s liberation any less. I said I’ve been pondering these questions but I don’t have full answers. I’m definitely not a pro-lifer. But I won’t be shamed into not thinking or questioning things.
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kafus · 7 months
Liko and Nemona because I couldn't pick between the two
OKAY i'm finally getting to this whoops. i'll do both and i'll just skip questions i can't really answer or don't want to
for liko:
why i like them: liko is like. everything i would have wanted in an anipoke protagonist when i was younger. that's honestly the best way to put it, it's like retroactively healing for my child self in a sense lmao. i love that she kind of just gets to be... a character? like she's a girl but not the token girl. they aren't going hardcore on #girlpower or something, she's just... a character. who is a girl. a well done character at that - i think liko's internal struggles are relatable, and i enjoy that her compassion for others is treated as a strong point, because it is. i also just think her character design goes hard LMAO ken sugimori popped off w that one
why i don't: frankly there's not a lot i don't like about liko? this is more a commentary on horizons' writing and not her but i will say the anime is a bit slow to get her off her feet - like she's REALLY lost in internal monologue in the first few episodes and it drags a bit. but she hasn't had that issue for a while so whatever
favorite episode: oh god i have a handful of favorite episodes, i can't just pick one even if we're just narrowing it down to liko centric ones!! i guess the recent episode where liko rescues a maushold family sticks out right now because recency bias but also like, it really shows off that liko, despite her anxieties, is brave in the face of danger when it concerns the safety of others (including pokemon), and also watching her try to keep her cool after experiencing a cave in was really interesting. obviously horizons wouldn't kill her off or some shit but i will admit i was on the edge of my seat a little
favorite line: there's probably a much better answer for this but my brain is only pulling up "i'm not looking!! gurumin is gurumin!! there's nobody inside her!!" when she barges into dot's room after her computer fucking explodes LMFAO
OTP: GEE I WONDER WHAT SHIP I LIKE THE MOST (it's likodot. it's likodot so bad)
BROTP: the obvious answer is roy because they are besties and it's awesome but in my heart of hearts i need amethio to have a redemption arc so her and amethio can also be besties. Right now
headcanon: even after the pendant permanently becomes terapagos, ever since episode 15 when she had the pendant stolen and got her memories wiped, liko still clutches her shirt where her pendant would be as a self soothe/grounding mechanism
unpopular opinion: the fandom for this series is still pretty small cause the dub isn't out yet in the US so i don't really know what's a popular opinion and what isn't? is it too soon to say i like liko more than ash (i still love ash though and he's obviously iconic)
a wish: can liko get an older gen pokemon on her team before bank shuts down so i can rng manipulate it in an old pokemon game and ribbon master it Please and thank you
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: i'm REALLY enjoying that they aren't really baiting liko x roy aside from perhaps ONE facial expression in a really early episode and i really really hope that they never START baiting it. there's nothing wrong with shipping them if you want to, i am just personally sick of ash being shipped with every single girl companion he has ever traveled with and feeling like the girl partners exist at least in part for that purpose. it's so refreshing seeing that turned on its head and just allowing the two of them to be healthy friends. if they start pushing it as a ship i'm going to explode (negative, bad)
5 best words to describe them: compassionate, introspective, naive, timid, kind
for nemona (gameverse):
why i like them: GOD EVERYTHING ABOUT HER?? i love nemona she's an icon for every autistic pokemon obsessed person everywhere. i love her passion i love that she exists. i love that she's also the first rival to actually feel more powerful than the player and you have to become strong enough to see her at her full force
favorite outfit: this is a good time to mention in my mind, despite playing violet and being very attached to my violet playthrough, nemona should be in the scarlet school uniform. like she should be wearing orange. my mental image of nemona is very much based on naranja academy and pokemon scarlet jiodsfoijfsd
OTP: UHH god i ship her with both the protagonist and penny. i think my OTP used to be nemopen but i'm more a nemona x juliana person these days? my QPP is really into juliana and nemona together and both that and the yoasobi MV where gengar marries them sold me LMAO
headcanon: nemona's arm brace is an actual assistive tool for a disability!! she has poor coordination and weakness in her arms and without the brace she wouldn't be able to do nearly the level of pokemon training she does, not to mention just daily life tasks and things. also she's autistic as fuck
unpopular opinion: jokes about nemona being a stalker or god forbid a yandere are really fucking annoying to me. like i know it's not that deep but come on. it just makes me roll my eyes. like god forbid a girl has passion and is a little neurodivergent about it. unsettling to me that people see that as stalkerish/creepy. and people look way too hard into her showing up at the gyms you're at. i'd sooner be concerned about arven calling you on the phone when you're in the middle of a fucking desert or whatever despite not physically being there to see you yet. like arven could be tracking your location constantly with your phone (he's not, it's just a vessel for gameplay to happen, i'm just making a point) but no one jokes about him being a stalker bc of course they don't
a wish: nemona showed up in horizons for an episode, but CAN SHE PLEASE SHOW UP IN ANOTHER?? she said her and roy should battle sometime I NEED THIS TO COME BACK UP SEASONS FROM NOW OR SOMETHING. THEY HAVE TO FINALLY BATTLE
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genericpuff · 2 years
Do you plan on adding any new characters (oc or people from myths not included in LO), archs, or plot lines in Rekindled?
Considering that LO already bit off more than it could chew, I likely will not be adding any extra plotlines/characters into Rekindled, as I'd like to refocus the writing back to its foundations in S1 and expand on them further (if Rachel had just stuck with the original trajectory of what she had set up, even if both our versions would have ended up diverging along the way).
Of course, what I'm hoping to tackle is subject to change, but stuff I know for sure:
I will not be tackling Eros and Psyche's myth, at least not in as great detail as LO, due to the fact that its placement in the story makes no sense with the original myth in mind (in the OG myth Persephone and Hades are already married so it would make more sense to tackle that if and when I get past the Hades x Persephone story; I might tackle it in a one shot or something, which is also what I'd love to do with Orpheus and Eurydice!)
I will be removing the Apollo SA. It's obvious Rachel didn't feel up to the task of tackling it and only wanted to use it for virtue signaling because she shoves it off into the background every opportunity she gets and seems like she wants people to just forget it happened. Considering it serves no narrative purpose beyond that, then it's a pretty obvious thing to have removed, SA shouldn't be used as a means for character development (especially when it's just to make the main love interest look better by comparison, blech).
While I'll be removing the SA, I'll still be covering some of Persephone's struggles with finding healthy relationships and feeling comfortable in her sexuality. TGOEM will be less of a 'purity club' and more of a women's support group for female goddesses and nymphs who have been harmed by the patriarchal systems that are in place in Ancient Greece (forced marriages, sexual assault, etc.) Demeter's biggest fear is her daughter being consumed/killed by a male god the same way her creator (Metis) was, and Gaia before that, and in a lot of ways, she's both consciously and subconsciously supplanted those fears into Persephone. They both have a lot of stuff to work through, to say the least!
How gods/goddesses are created is being completely rewritten. Believe it or not, there are more sensible ways to skirt around the incest that don't have to perform insane writing gymnastics when you're dealing with deathless, non-corporeal beings. It's one of those "Rachel, the answer was spitting you in the face" things and I'm pretty excited to get into it :' )
I will be dropping Eris' role as Persephone's reason for wrath. This made zero sense and did nothing for the plot back then and it makes zero sense and does nothing for the plot now. All it does is further rob Persephone of any agency or responsibility and it makes her 10x less interesting as a character. This does mean Eris likely also won't make much of an appearance in Rekindled as that was literally her only purpose in LO from what we've seen and I'm not planning on tackling the Trojan War, but we might see about referencing her every now and then as a background character, it depends lol
References to the Trojan War will be removed as all the references that Rachel made in LO, again, make no sense especially with how messy the timeline has gotten.
The divide between Kore and Persephone as namesakes will be far more apparent and characterized. Not gonna spoil too much but we're gonna tackle the original foundation of Persephone/'the feeling' a lot more with what was started in S1 and never followed up on (because Rachel retconned it through Eris). I'll also be taking a similar approach with Hades vs. Aidoneus.
I'm working with what Rachel has provided in terms of worldbuilding (which is, to be fair, very little LMAO) and expanding on it to make 'more sense' especially with the whole gods vs. modern times thing. There are a lot of modern amenities the gods have in LO that make no sense for them as gods so I'll be attempting to rectify that by giving all the elements of LO's modern setting some more purpose. Not just in how Olympus and the Underworld and the Mortal Realm are designed, but also in the every day technology they use (like cars and phones).
Demeter's characterization is going to be completely redone. I feel I owe that much to her after what Rachel has done to her lmao
Minthe will be handled a little bit differently. She'll still be Hades' on-again-off-again partner at the start of Rekindled, but she'll be playing a slightly different role in the narrative as a whole.
Zeus and Hera will be a bit less of a focus, though I'll try to cover it when I can. Zeus will be a confidant foil to Hades whereas Hera will be a confidant foil to Persephone.
EDIT: Poseidon will no longer just be a comic relief character. We WILL be seeing the realm of the Sea in Rekindled :' )
That's a lot, but still not even the tip of the iceberg with how much stuff I have planned ;3 Hope that satisfies y'all for now!
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scarletcitrus · 1 year
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here’s mohan as a dragon to go with my pagan (expect more far cry 4 dragons, they are immensely fun to design) (immediate contradiction: i am working on ishwari and Struggling with her design though send help)
further explanation on his design below! :)
unfortunately, no other drawings, sorry :( however, i did fuck around and find out with some color filters, so those will be attached at the end if you’re interested
my main idea with mohan was to go for something that looked regal, like it belonged in a palace, but also something that looked like it belonged in the middle of a battlefield brutalizing its enemies. being the leader of the golden path as well as an absolute Machine for violence and aggression, i figured that suited him well, and i personally feel like i accomplished my goal . yay for me!
this part feels way too cheesy but i’m going to include it anyway because it involved the design, so. i wanted him to also kind of feel like a myth or a legend or something in the sense that kyrati told stories of him when he was still alive (maybe even after he died, who knows) about a dragon perched on the mountains that reflected the golden light of the very sun, shining a path for everyone to follow, etc. etc. you get the point right LOL
^ he’s very special, very large, very strong. also, the leader, so everyone respects him anyway and telling stories of his power as tactics to either inspire the golden path or scare the royal army would probably start happening somewhere after the time of pagan’s betrayal
about him being perched on the mountaintops, i had an idea. and i followed through with it, because i liked it; it’s that he could climb extraordinarily well and much preferred to be high up rather than down low to gain better vantage points and to feel like he was properly overseeing his people. or, his dragons? not his people. 
^ anyway, i made his upper body massive to allow for some extra climbing muscle there, four front legs for even more stability if he were to slip and lose a foothold, retractable claws like a cat to hook onto things, generally huge paws. he also has paw pads, which are the same color as the beads/spots (that are attached to his body, they aren’t for decoration) that help for climbing, because they are rough like the pads of a dog or a cat or something lol
he has very strong bones (my boy drinking a lot of milk) (nah just kidding. it’s because he’s like any of the many animals that butt heads to establish dominance he has to slam his face into other people’s faces as an intimidation tactic; the amount of horns and spines he has serves well for this purpose, especially if smashing his face into another dragon’s escalates into a full-blown fight) and thick skin, as well as a double-layered coat for insulation in the colder places of kyrat... and whatever else a double coat does. OKAY I know that double coated dogs stay warm in winter and cool in summer i just don’t know how LMAO
it’s probably obvious to tell (or god at least i hope it is) that i really based his design off the golden path’s flag, with the duller darker blue and the bright golden yellows. his horns and spines i also based off the design but ESPECIALLY the sun-like thingies on the base of his tail, and on his stomach/chest. when he climbs up cliffs or scales mountains to look down on kyrat, it’s not just for that reason; the golden glittery parts of him absorb heat that he can store for when he’s needed up in the more freezing areas, and when they’re storing heat, are incredibly hot to the touch. not enough to burn on immediate contact, but if you rest your hand there, you’re getting some scars
mmmm i also tried to take at least a little inspiration from the way banashur looks in statues all over kyrat and stuff (i.e. the golden speckles, the beads, the way the patterns on his legs look; those were all things i managed to stem from banashur) because mohan is incredibly religious and whatnot, so. can’t leave that part of him out! the reason i took elements of banashur though was because... um. okay stick with me here i’ve been correlating (in the goat’s notes near the masks of yalung) pagan with yalung and mohan with banashur, but SOLELY in the sense that the way the goat describes banashur being jealous of yalung and creeping in the dark as a cheap way to break him is very Them. lmk if you agree because it’s all i’ve been able to think about since i beat far cry 4 and got all the masks it’s so in my brain 
umm let’s see what else. right i tried to manage with mohan’s hair/facial hair as best as i could and i think i did a pretty good job :) gave him a bit of a mane down his back and a bushy tail just so the fluffy hair and dragon beard didn’t look out of place or anything
anddd i did forget to include this on pagan’s-dragon-design-post-explanation-whatever but also it was partially because i legit couldn’t think of anything. The breath conundrum. does he breathe fire
mohan? kind of. his breath is relative to where he stores his heat and when he uses it it’s like opening an oxygen tank in the sense that, well, he’s releasing a LOT of it and will have to go back for more. but it’s not like it doesn’t hurt; it’s a very glittery golden like his patterns and looks almost like a concentrated beam of gas, and it burns like hell. also tingles like it’s acid or something after it settles on your skin, but it doesn’t actually eat through you, it just really hurts
okay uhh i think that’s it if i add anything i? might reblog? we’ll find out it’ll be a little surprise
last thing, here are the other color versions ! i like them both a lot but his original colors suit him infinitely better i think. also tumblr is being difficult and won’t let me put them side by side so we’re all gonna hold hands again and pretend it’s fine and that the quality isn’t total shit in the preview
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but thank you for reading!!!! or even just looking honestly. i appreciate it lol
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everything-is-crab · 1 year
how do you feel about women of colour having our separate form of feminism to focus on & tackle the specific issues that we face? i feel like as a black woman myself, feminism is heavily dominated by white women.
Hard approve. I highly encourage a different form of solidarity between woc. In fact I have been yelling this at woc on here forever lmao.
And I encourage feminists of color to pay more attention to the specific issues they're facing that neither moc nor white women will care about because it doesn't affect them. And when you do see white women mention the specific issues you face then be very skeptical. Half of the time it's to incorporate your struggles as talking points in their own agenda and other times they're most likely thinking how much of savages we are (and trust me I am not blindly accusing them of this. Other woc who have pointed this out like me have a good reason for saying so). Because they don't understand how issues like racism, imperialism and capitalism affect us differently and make our issues worse.And moc understand and know it all, but will do nothing about it for obvious reasons.
I am not saying every white woman on here is untrustworthy. There are few genuine allies I have come across. But unfortunately just a "few".
And even amongst woc, our issues differ greatly. And so does the type of racialized misogyny we face. So while we aim to form stronger solidarity with each other to combat the racism and sexism in mainstream visible movements globally, it is important for us to have our own individual movements too.
Many woc have been calling this out and forming their own movements on this basis for a long time btw. But how strong and visible the movement is, depends on your region.
So just search up women's activism along with its history of your own race/country/whatever parameter you prefer and see if you can find anything to motivate you for yourself as a black woman from whichever region you are from. I hope that there at least will be some women in academia, if not activism to help you learn more. And you can ofc, also look at movements of other woc to form more thoughts and inspiration.
Ik on a white dominated place like Tumblr things might seem hopeless, but trust me, many woc understood what you're pointing out way before. You will definitely find solidarity in actual activism offline, even if it's smaller than white women's or men's. We just have to focus on making it bigger.
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nattyontherun · 9 months
I just read all ur naruto fics and I feel insane.
Me about fictional characters: they get me.
I absolutely refuse to be emo in someone ask box but screams at you so much.
“How much do you lose to mourning, when what you lose is everything you’ve ever had? How can you acknowledge yourself, when all you have left to acknowledge is the you who never grew past your hurt? // Existence was ruination, to Sasuke. Existence was the slow descent into insanity.” I’m literally rolling around on the floor thrashing around. Hearth fire (and the rest of the series) WRECKED ME by the way if you even CARE. Me when the parallels in a fic to my life literally grab my by the throat and stab me but also wrap me in a warm fuzzy blanket and pat my head. Literally sent me deep into a very contemplative mood after reading it.
“… would have to live on because if not him, who?” “…because mourning, in its own way, is a form of safekeeping.” Hello I have died.
Also I don’t mean this in a derogatory sense but when I went to ur ao3 profile and read u have a psych degree I was like. That makes so much sense lmFAO.
Also also on a slightly more serious note, well it’s not that serious tbh, but I also do be dissociating and the way you described it was idk it felt weirdly good to read. I used to lose days at a time. I’m not as bad now but I’ll still lose hours here and there. I am not one to externalise things so I don’t have the capacity to describe things to people when asked but we’re I to try very hard it would probably be similar to how you wrote sasukes experience.
Oh my god tho. Oblivion. YOUR MIND IS SO POWERFUL. Your mind is literally so so so powerful. I’m shaking.
Anyway maligayang pasko at mag ingat ka 🫶🏻
This just made my holidays! First of all thanks??? I'm as surprised as you are that HF has been so monumental for me????
I've been told on a multitude of occasions that I have the unfortunate(?) habit of putting a lot of myself in fics. What I explore--thematically at the very least--is often just me chasing after the worms that haunt me in my dreams, yk? It's not like I'm a perpetually sad or moody person--quite the opposite really--but if I don't contemplate stuff I go through at least a little bit, where would that leave me? As uncomfy as it is, it's better to know yourself too much than not at all.
But YEAH! HF! Mindboggly amounts of woah topped by a surprising amount of hope? Sometimes I think I made it too melodramatic and "floaty" for lack of a better word and then I get comments like yours and I start rethinking my spirally thoughts. I just have so many OPINIONS about how canon treated everyone, but mainly Sasuke. If they weren't gonna let him die, by god give him the justice he so deserves?? He has like zero closure and an overwhelming brother complex and all canon does to fix that is say "revenge bad, here walk around some" FAWK no????
Anyways I have a psych degree! I don't use it for much rn but it's glossy and makes me feel good about myself sometimes! I like to think I'm not so obvious about it but I also feel like I always talk about it to anyone everytime so bvcedjsnj where was I going with my reply?
Right. Right! I meant to say that, as per the dissociation thing--far be it for me to claim I know anything about it beyond what I've read in a couple journals but I do tend to 'lose time" so to speak, myself? When I'm stressed or depressed or anxious or some horrid conglomeration of those three horrid things lmao. It's NOT fun, and I don't wish it on anyone, and I hope, if you can, you can speak to someone about it because suffering, in whatever way, however much, doesn't have to be a thing we just settle with yk? Idk. I wrote HF with this thought in mind that just because things can seem absolutely ass over tits at any moment doesn't mean it's always gonna be like that. I love the struggle story, I love ANGST--writing it, reading it--but there's something so devastating and inspirational about wanting to stand back up after stumbling. Human tenacity and resilience will always be infinitely more heartrending than sorrow itself or whatever philosophical way you can spin it...
I feel like I just lost the thread of my response all over again. I'm sorry! It's nearing 3am, I just got off shift, and I'm in one of those moods again... just... I care very deeply about people as a concept, and the way we mold ourselves around each other's lives until every one of our struggles is an extension of our community, which is an extension of our history and so on. I'm not super good about being in the /now/, the details of general existence aren't my best friends. But if characters get to act however the fuck they want to act, if they can build themselves back up from nothing, explore themselves in ways you or I never could, maybe never is just a qualifier we give ourselves to excuse our inflexibility and stagnation?
Something, something, the ultimate goal of the human experience will always be Self Actualization.
Anyways Anon, sorry about all the rambly philosophizing, I've probably scared you off now fbvehcskffbcrehd but you made my whole month!! Maligayang Pasko sa inyo po!!! Ingat ka lagi!!!!!!! And to whoever even bothers to read all this rambling,,,, in English: Merry Christmas and take care always, Mabuhay!
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....yeah, I’m fine with it, for the most part. 
I understand the critique being made. It might be a little sloppy in the execution, some of Mickey’s talking points hit a bit too close to home for reasonable critiques of how these particular characters have been treated over the years especially since YJ has a heavily LGBTQ fanbase who’ve long hoped that YJ would be ALLOWED to be more inclusive, but I can tell Mickey is meant to represent the toxic mindset that prioritizes cis het white fuckboys’ preferences above the opinions of the diverse fanbase Young Justice actually has. 
At least, that’s what I think it’s driving at. Like, I think Tim being queer is playing a big role here. Look how Tim coming out split the overall DC fanbase at large when it first happened. I don’t see it a lot, because I’m on tumblr where majority opinion is pretty much YAY BI TIM! but I still see the youtube comments trying to pretend their distaste for Tim’s “sexuality retcon” has nothing to do with homophobia and that it’s “just not canon” - sucks to suck, man, it IS canon now. 
That’s what this comic is MEANT to be critiquing, I think. And like, Mickey is WRONG about Young Justice being what he wants them to be. He’s trying to MAKE them be versions of themselves they NEVER were. Whether you thought that was obvious enough (or if I’m just full of shit, lol), is up to you. 
On to commenting on individual panels. 
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I LOVE Tim struggling to identify himself with the minority group. Identifying as queer is NEW to Tim, and it’s hard to let go of your privledge, especially when you fly under the radar. Tim’s a cis white man who’s identified as straight for a long time - he’s just not used to being subjected to homophobia or microagressions. He’s long been an ally, but he’s just not used to saying “I” yet in this context, and I love that little inclusion. 
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...yeah, I don’t like this. I hate that Cassie is my least favorite part of this series, but she’s kinda unreasonable. For one, like, why is Bart apologizing at all? HE wasn’t fooled. And Tim and Kon had their suspicions as well, even if they WERE somewhat fooled. And why does Cassie ASSUME they were fooled? And even if they were, how does she know they weren’t under some form of influence to think it was her? There’s just a lot of assumptions Cassie’s making here, and while Cassie can be abrasive at times, this comic isn’t really selling me on the idea that Cassie’s been done dirty over the years. Cassie HAS been done dirty over the years, but this comic doesn’t make me too sympathetic. The girls have been written all over the place, sort of similar to how Kon’s been up and down as well, and it’s just... WEIRD for a comic so concerned with feminism to do its own gals dirty like that when THEY WEREN’T EVEN IN THE FUCKED UP WORLD. 
I’ve seen that Anita will be showing up soon, and I’m kinda fucking NERVOUS about it, because if this is how Cissie and Cassie are written, what are they gonna do to poor Nita? 
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So, as per my notes above, I think Tim being queer is playing a big part in Mickey’s... eveything. Because HIS perfect (racist, sexist, homophobic) world was BEFORE Tim came out. Now one of his “heroes” is intrinsically changed from what he wants him to be. He’s been trying to FORCE Tim to be the straight-presenting 14-year-old he used to be, but Tim’s not cooperating, so the world really DOES have it out for him. Bart, for all HE’S not cooperating, is still pretty much what Mickey expects him to be, only he’s eaten a library since then so he’s not “the dumb one” like he expects. And Kon is... Kon is having a crisis, ok, but he loves his friends. 
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lmao this is just a funny panel 
Uh, oh, and Tim and Kon were just really gay with each other the whole comic, but I didn’t take pics this time because there were a lot of them and I’m just not as surprised this time. Nothing more noteworthy than what’s come before. Some fussing over Tim, general touching, you know the drill by now. 
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misqnon · 6 months
hi one piece anon back again. i shall call myself march so that next time i send in an ask i dont have to type out "i sent the asks about one piece" (too wordy. much easier to just write a name)
i so appreciate ur 2k words ,, i think u have successfully eliminated my anxiety abt talking too much !! ur very sweet 🥹 thank u /p!! electronic pen pals!!! that is so fun !! :D
i went back to watch wano after catching up (im like halfway through the arc) and genuinely the animation is so good!! (its also rly funny because they made zoro super sexy at every opportunity.. they upped his fanservice by a million. i love it. as a zoro fan.) its probably worth it to watch the anime for that part if ur interested?? although the pacing is still super slow so it might be better to read the manga first and THEN watch wano if ur still hyperfixated on one piece at that point. i went back to wano cuz i was feeling sad about being caught up and not having any more content to consume.
ive seen clips of the fights and they look so fantastic and cool and hype and AGH . i havent gotten to any big fights yet but its been a lot of fun seeing the characters all colored and .. moving. its also kind of sad to watch though cuz you can TELL some of the voice actors are really struggling. my love franky.. i love his voice acting but he sounds so rough in wano :((. his is probably the most obvious example but if u pay attention u can tell with most of the voice actors who've been doing the show for a long time.
i havent watched the live action because netflix sucks (i dont live with the account owner currently and i HAVE TO if i want to use netflix) but i have seen how many people have gotten into one piece bc of it, and i have seen a lot of clips. and i know people love it and its very highly regarded. (also i kinda love what they did with sanji (i miss his twirly eyebrows though 😭)) so i have a lot of respect for it despite never watching it myself!! im also so excited for "the one piece" bc even though i know next to nothing about it, if its adapting this wonderful universe full of lovable characters in a way that actually HELPS the manga rather than HURTS it.. well. how could i complain.
i DO think u got into one piece at a really good time!! ive heard a lot of "if you want to get into one piece, this is your last chance" and "now is the best time to start one piece" and i think theyre right. although hearing its your "last chance" is kind of anxiety inducing personally LOL. i think itll be really difficult to avoid spoilers after the series ends though so in that sense.. theyre probably correct. at the pace youre going i dont think one piece will end before you catch up. oda's on a 3 week break right now too so imo you have plenty of time!! i think wano is about 150 chapters and theres a LOT going on so it might take you a while, but this is the final SAGA not the final arc dont worry!! im picturing the straw hats visit at least 2 more islands after the current arc. although obviously im not oda so i have no idea if thats accurate LOL
i think no matter what im gonna feel like i have questions unanswered when one piece ends, just cuz i am so insanely invested in . the whole world of one piece. i want to know everything about everything. but i DO think oda will answer the big questions, and i agree that he probably wont just leave us wondering. the newest arc is already kind of answering a lot of questions (and... developing MORE mysteries LMAO)
i hope i didnt make you feel like its WRONG to like sanji bc it isnt!! just cuz i cant get behind him doesnt mean that i think people who like him are bad people or anything remotely like that. i mean. i love doflamingo. and hes an AWFUL person. i hate his guts... but i love him. hes such an interesting character and i want to dissect him and analyze him and . i love to think about him. and hes comforting in some weird way.
so u loving sanji is no issue!! i dont want u to feel like u have to defend urself (although i DO like hearing ur reasoning behind why you like him because its interesting, and it makes me think harder about how i feel about him).
also personally i dont see an issue with consuming media that is problematic in some ways. if the creator is a bad person i think its fine as long as ur not excusing their actions!! i would kind of rather not support oda because i dont like him as a person (which is a personal decision, im not gonna criticize people who support him financially), but i do LOVE one piece and yes. his biases DO affect the story.. but since i dislike oda i usually say "fuck the word of god" and do what i want with the characters. i think its a lot more fun that way!!
sanji is such a mess (affectionately) so i can definitely see the appeal!! half the reason i love one piece characters so much is bc theyre all so SILLY. so unbearably silly. they all have stupid moments, they all have funny moments, and i adore silly people. my dislike for sanji is, mostly, resentment borne out of my intense hatred for being pushed into a box by society. it is almost purely personal. like yes him being a pervert is disgusting and annoying and i hate it, but i think i would be able to ignore it if i didnt feel so personally attacked??? by him?? LOL. i think thats kind of silly tbh . i would usually be able to brush his pervertedness off as a flaw of oda's rather than something to blame sanji for. but since i already have some ... *intense* feelings towards him, the pervert thing just serves to fuel my anger.
but all of that is just My Personal Feelings about him!! i do love him in headcanon/fanon most of the time, and even if i hate him in canon i still also love him purely because hes a straw hat and i love and adore all of the straw hats. they feel like real people to me. and i am obsessed with them. i root for them at any chance and i believe they will find the one piece... if they werent the main characters and therefore guaranteed to find the one piece i would still believe in them 1000%!! <- big nerd thing to say .
also one thing i wanted to ask u about is if u noticed the parallels during whole cake island between sanji taking luffy food and the flashback of sanji taking sora food?? i LOVED that moment. he runs through the rain, has to try to keep a dog from eating the food, and when he finally gives it to the person its all soggy and wet and he apologizes. but they say its delicious. and they smile. i KNOW he was thinking of his mom at that moment with luffy. and i just... ugh.. sanji . sobbing . maybe u talked about rhis and i just missed it but I NEED to know that u saw it.. my favorite sanji lover
this is way more than 4000 characters so i have one upped you!! haha!! [triumphant] (lets hope it all fits in the ask box .. ive never written this long of an ask)
that works, very slay 👍 hi march!!
answering under cut as per usual
first of all i missed ur message bc it came in on april fools amongst all the boops 💀 i’m glad i happened to check my inbox jdnjvnvhv
you can call me mont! (or just misqnon, if you want) i am so glad my rambling eliminated ur anxiety bc i literally do not judge whatsoever and also clearly i am. Just as hyperfixated LMAO
WANO’S ANIMATION LOOKS SOOOO PRETTY…i wont lie ive watched a few clips bc i couldnt help myself. Im still in the middle of WCI but i want to get to wano sooo bad. And i probably will just read wano first (bc . time) but i ABSOLUTELY want to watch it at some point. And yes they 100% picked up on the zoro fanservice my god (i am ALSO a zoro fan. Sanji, robin, zoro, and franky are my fav strawhats and i love them all immensely) he is so goddamn buff in wano what the hell did they feed that guy…they beefed all the guys up in wano though it seems DSJNJKD
Speaking of wano zoro @ dykealloy made this. absolutely insane edit of Zoro, Mihawk, and Katakuri to the song CVNT by sophie hunter and it has a lot fo clips from wano that make me froth at the mouth (link here - be warned of explicit language, obv)
YEA THE VOICE ACTORS MANNN 😭 I prefer the dub bc i actually like everyone’s voices and its what im used to (except luffy, i do prefer sub for him) but i know the og voice actors are getting up there in age…Part of the reason i don’t like the sub as much is bc you can tell the VA’s are way older than the characters they’re voicing and it’s just a bit. Odd (as much as i love the VAs and obvi it’d be weird to change it at this point)
netflix does suck !!!! i was living with my bro at the time so i watched it on his account but yea i dont have access to watching it anymore either :( taz skylar my fucking beloved. The live action cast is all insane. Theyre so cute and funny every single one of them. If u have extra time u should watch all the funny cast videos they did on youtube where they play charades and do little prompts together. The clips of them interacting at cons and out doing promo for the show is usually pretty cute too. Opla wasnt perfect or necessary but it was fun as hell and u can tell the showrunners had a passion for the show. 
I keep making progress in chunks so hopefully i can catch up within the next few months 🧍ive been so busy i havent been able to read in a while! (and also. Whole cake makes me a bit emo) even 2 more islands like ur suspecting would be a blessing. I mean. They still have to go to elbaph right?? And raftel/laughtale so. Thats already 2. Okay i feel better already lmao)
Im so curious about egghead im going insane but i will refrain. Somehow i havent seen any spoilers for it YET (aside from some stuff about bonney and kuma)
ALSO YOU DID NOT MAKE ME FEEL LIKE ITS WRONG TO LIKE SANJI LMAO you were super nice and didnt imply anything i just have catholic guilt about liking him. No one has even ever said something to me in that manner i just know he’s. Complicated. And also sometimes he Sucks. So i’ve thought about it a lot (clearly). 
And coming off of that DUDE I LOVE DOFFY. I watch a lot of melonteee on youtube and even before i was anywhere near doffy they had me on the doflamingo train. He is so insane and weird and downright evil. i drew him one time 😶‍🌫️My last big fandom back in like 2014-2017 was JJBA and my favorite character as Dio and let me tell you. The similarities between their characters is insane (oda / araki crossover event when,) 
The only difference is that doffy is written to be downright evil, while sanji is supposed to be seen in a good/humorous light even though his worst jokes are uh. Not great joke material (momoiro island and all of sanji’s weirdest pervert gags appears behind me). Thanks oda 👍i still get what ur saying though!
And tbh i dont blame you at all for disliking his (or any) character for personal reasons. Its really not that silly. Having recently discovered i might be kinda trans does not do his bits any favors lmao. And as an afab person who hates gender roles and sexism with a burning passion (and almost minored in WGS) BELIEVE ME the treatment of women in one piece pisses me off in a personal way all the damn time. But again, i blame oda for all this. Attacking oda with my hooves at all times every day at every chance
Looping back around to oda/problematic material ur very right. Maybe its bc i was raised on tumblr from age 12 through the worst of the Social Justice Discourse Era but i still get iffy about even consuming content that promotes gross shit in any capacity. I know im bending to the will of randos on the internet who dont even deserve my time or worry, but alas, thats my own problem. I do agree that to some extent i’ll say fuck it and enjoy stuff for my own enjoyment over being “woke” or whatever but there’s always a line to be drawn imo. But for op? Yea fuck it im finishing this damn historic manga if it kills me
I AGREE ABT FEELING LIKE THE STRAWHATS ARE REAL PPL…CALL ME SILLY. Part of it is the fact they’ve been around so long that half of them have existed for as long or longer as their actual canon age. Like. THEY’VE EARNED THAT HUMAN EXISTENCE AT THIS POINT RIGHT, 
Nah but their characterization is pretty damn well done if youre one of the characters oda doesnt sideline coughrobinfrankychopperbrookcoughcough 
And YES. YES I NOTICED THAT PARALLEL. I DIDNT SAY ANYTING BC I’D SEEN IT BEFORE ONLINE BUT I. WAS SO EMOTIONAL OVER IT. the fact that luffy is so special of a person to the whole crew that he can mirror people as important as their late mothers and just. augh,/. Fuck. they say the same line with that same smile….it’s just great storytelling. I dont like oda either but unfortunately he’s damn good at what he does most of the time. (am. Am i your favorite sanji lover. Is that me. Im so honored. he is such a mess but he is My Mess. Please tell me ur fav characters in the next ask (strawhat and otherwise!!)) 
Also damn u totally did one up me. Uhhh here since ur apparently a zoro lover pls take some of these drawings i did of him that i keep forgetting to finish/post in an attempt to one up ur one up)
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rrxnjun · 2 years
well music taste is also kind of questionable since i don't really mind his music at all (although my taste in music is questionable for a lot of other reasons too lmaooo) i added all of them to my watch later (but the fact that jack manifold is in those videos and he is one of my fav streamers just makes them probably even better)
AHHH IM GLAD U LIKED THEM!!🥳you're here that's the thing is just such a nice song i'm glad that it's ur fav 🥹🥹
i kind of liked the chilling adventures of sabrina although i never finished the first season cuz i just for some reason can never finish shows🫡 but it also didn't become my fav show so i understand why didn't watch it🫡 ooo i never saw friend dahmer was it good??:o PASS ME BY IS ONE OF THEIR BEST SONGS OUTTHERE and tbh i deff recommend red velvet, if, lay your head down, easy love, heart made up on you (these are probably my favs from them but i'm not sure whether u will end up liking them or not😟)
dude i've been vibing so much to my by yael on my way to school that song is so🤌like that songs just adds life to my mornings!! i swear why is it so hard to find artist in native languages🥲tbh i was struggling so much with finding hungarian artists as well but then i found like three good ones and the rest i'm just trying to force myself to like (or more so ignore the thing that i don't like like cringy lyrics xd) ohh that probably makes sense why they feel nostalgic then!! thank u for telling me🥲
MY CLASS TRIP GOT CANCELED CUZ NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE APPLIED (?) FOR IT😭😭so sadly i'm not going anymore☹️☹️☹️☹️but i hope one day i will get another chance to go to slovakia☹️
(and school has been kicking my ass lately so sorry for the kind of late reply☹️ liebestraum anon💕)
ppls taste in music is sometimes so weird but somehow it makes sense. also i love how diverse it can get like u can find ppl who really do listen to a LOT of genres and i think thats great !!!! and even tho i do clown myself for my music taste sometimes,, at the end of the day its music and supposed to make ppl happy and thats what matters the most 🥰 ALSO JACK MANIFOLD IS SO FUNNY ISTG hes my fav guest on these 😩💕
i get u!!! if i dont hyper obsess over a show i hardly ever finish any either 😭😭 i dont get how ppl can push themselves through shows they dont like. omg my friend dahmer was...less chilling then the dahmer netfix series for sURE also i think evan peters did a better job than ross did at portraying him but it wasnt a bad movie imo! for obvious reasons i cant say i enjoyed watching it but i definitely dont regret it. ALSO I REALISED I KNOW ALL THOSE R5 SONGS U RECOMMENDED I JUST FORGOT ABOUT THEM AHAHAHA am i secretly an r5 stan and didnt know abt it ???? thanks for refreshing my memory i fucking lOOVE red velvet especially
the lyrics to my are also soso pretty imo!! a lyric from the song is my spotify playlist name LMAO its such a screamable song. its dedicated to his daughter 😌😌 altho i wont talk abt this bc i find the whole situation kind of..uhh yeah (love me some slovak drama). AHAHA i get u w the artists in your language!! i wish we had slovak artists that make music in the vibe of the artists u recommended to me :(
OH NOOO :((( NO BRATISLAVA FOR U THEN 🤧🤧🤧 id be bummed bro i loved class trips. we dont get those at uni anymore its depressing 😭😭 the first time i was in bratislava i was impressed w the old town centre i kept taking pictures bc i have a weird obsession w pretty buildings AHAHA hope u can visit some other time!!
its okay also!! my replies are so late as well so dont worry abt it😩 hope school is easier for u soon!! have a great day xx im rooting for u!!
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meowchela · 2 years
in reference to this ask meme
OOOOOOH alphys is a big fave >:3 just like me fr!! (also i havent played undertale in ages so if some of this stuff seems surface level/out of touch thats why orz)
favorite thing about them: how dare you make me choose just one thing JFDJFJ but i guess i'll say personality! she's such a good character. awkward and charming and very real, her struggles with accountability and guilt also Hit yknow
least favorite thing about them: minor minor nitpick but her sprite makes it so hard to edit outfits onto her. i dont sprite edit much anymore but whenever i wanted to give her a wardrobe change it was so HARD bc of her slumped posture and crossed arms???? like what is going on here. impossible.
favorite line: * I haven't showered, I'm barely dressed, it's all messy, and... * Ummm... * H-h-hiya!
brOTP: mettaton is a classic answer here so that but also? i'm an absolute SUCKER for people who make content of her and sans as besties. i just ADORE the idea that they used to work together even if it turns out not to be canon, their dynamic is so good, the one moment where she called him cringe in the winter alarm clock added 50 years to my lifespan,
OTP: ALPHYNE OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!! they're a total comfort ship for me omg their dynamic is peak their colors go so nicely together i love seeing how people draw them i will attend their wedding and give them the best gift i can toby should have let them kiss onscreen i pray and hope that they become canon in deltarune even tho its a seperate thing i NEED this ok i need tbe . i love them. im so normal about them
nOTP: nothing really comes to mind????? she gets crushes on everyone and only really hates herself so i honestly can't see any ship for her that i'd wanna bash (unless its some freak shit obviously but shes so unpopular nothing weird with her has gotten popular/crossed into my vision LMAO)
random headcanon: on the surface she starts learning actual japanese through duolingo so she can watch anime without the subs and get the True Intended Experience™
unpopular opinion: her status updates aren't annoying you're all just haters
song i associate with them: her theme and fishy love are both too obvious so i wont say them, but if i may cheat a bit and use something from the undertale soundtrack anyway i'm honestly gonna say Another Medium! It's been a WHILE since i last played the game/even watched a playthrough so my main association w this song is walking around morphed as Alphys in the hotland area of this one undertale rp game on roblox haha such a good track too!!! (i wouldve liked to use a non-soundtrack song but again, havent played the game in ages so my song-association brain isnt present for this one...and i havent written anything down for her in the past = =;;;)
favorite picture of them: i'm just gonna use something from canon bc i dont think reposting fanart would be good
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this was the moment of all time
thank you for the ask!!!! this was fun :3
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divinerivals · 2 years
On the topic of Stancy and Jancy
I'm gonna preface this by saying, I love both ships and I'm okay with whichever one happens. Also. I shamefully didn't do a rewatch before season 4 so if forgot something sorry
In all honesty im struggling to come up with a compelling argument for Jonathan because how he's been this season. We don't fully know what's going on with Jonathan he's seemed to pull away from Nancy and for no reason.( Tbh, Jonathan was one of my least favorite things about this season and that's disappointing cause I usually love him). With him making up the excuse about spring break and changing colleges (that's a big change to make). He just seems to be extremely reluctant when it comes to Nancy and it just makes zero sense.
Maybe with distance it just fizzled and they both can't admit it because they do love each other. Maybe Jonathan is truly enjoying California and finally feels free from the burden and trauma that is Hawkins. He wants to leave it all behind, which to him, includes Nancy. He doesn't know how to say so he just gets high and doesn't think about it.
However, they have a deep understanding of each other. They inspire each other and complement one another in a way I don't know if Steve could. The investigative journalism team they had in the past was so good. Tbh, I was hoping that would be their thing continuously cause they're amazing at it.
And Steve...For all we know, Nancy still just loves Steve but she's not in love. Which was part of the issue before. It was not loving him but I think at the point she was also consumed by Barb's death. Something that Steve didn't really take to it heart nor care about it the way Nancy did. This shattered that puppy love she had. Steve then wasn't what Nancy needed. It pushed her to someone who was suffering too someone that could understand her more, Jonathan.
But Steve, he never stopped caring or loving Nancy. Making peace with it and being over it are completely separate. This time away, Steve has grown. He's matured and she sees that. He's way more selfless and caring then he was when they were dating. She admires him now and now they have what Jonathan and Nancy do...shared trauma. And a lot of it.
But the question is, can she fall in love with him? Currently being so close with Steve she's recalling all the good times. That happens sometimes with an ex. You think of all the good times the happy times. Then you think of why it didn't work out. And that's all this could be. BUT Steve changing for the better has clearly put him in a different light for her. Again. Is it enough to make her love him?
They might just become super close friends. Until she's reunited with Jonathan we won't have that answer. I know once she sees him the answer will be completely obvious.
*something else I'd like to note. And its points for Steve and Nancy, idk about you guys but I don't for all siblings to be matched together. I think it's cheesy. What I mean is Mike is set up to have El/Jane or Will as an endgame (who are technically family now thanks to Joyce adopting El). Having Nancy end up with Jonathan as well feels kinda meh when you think of it this way. Even though I'd be just as happy for Jancy as Stancy I hate this though lmao.*
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rayofsunas · 4 years
s/o who dies.
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A/n: listennnn, I wasn't going to write something dark, but then I unregretfully decided to listen to edgy/dark audios and I was suddenly in the mood to write this so yeah lmao. also, guess what? I'm planning on making a discord server right after posting this! so, be on the lookout for that when I get it all sorted out. also, note for Scaramouche's that the reader inserts tend to lean more femininely versed (I hope that's okay), the only reasons why I do that is because one I simp and I'm female AND two since I am doing a mini-series for Scara, I've kind of based his imagines/fics around that universe (baby daddy universe). I haven't started his yet, but consider these part of that series' universe. anyways as always thank you for requesting anon and enjoy! <333
Summary: you die + how the boys cope afterward.
Parings: Albedo/Gn! Reader, Xiao/Gn! Reader, Scaramouche/Fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, death, poison, illness/cancer, murder, arson, obsessive behavior
Word count: 2.1k
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"You need to keep this on your head." Your lover said for the one-hundredth time, placing the cold cloth on your forehead once again after taking it off only seconds earlier.
"This is pointless," You said, no longer wanting to ignore nor hide behind the invisible thick curtains of the obvious death sentence approaching. "My body rejected the medicine the first twice doses, what's a third time going to do?" You asked, knowing Albedo wouldn't answer; your hope was to knock some sense into his thick skull. but he was too worried trying to ignore the obvious as you had previously been doing, not anymore though.
This was saddening to watch, both Albedo's unfolding and the girl who accidentally poisoned you, whimpering into Sucrose's shoulder. She was only a young girl, barely seventeen when she was chosen to work under Sucrose and your boyfriend. She was very good at Alchemy and luckily had a desire to practice the craft. But unfortunately, she hadn't paid much attention when it came to Surcrose's educational poison lesson and had unknowingly mixed up poisonous liquids and materials.
After tipping over some clutter in Albedo's office and knocking over a test tube laying unsealed on the counter, you had realized the contents spilled on your skin, bleaching into your pores. You had been tasked with bringing the famed alchemist and his assistant some vials and materials for the collection of a rare butterfly they had found. It was both telling and obvious that something was wrong when you never showed up with the required materials requested and it was already too late hours later when the chief Alchemist, his assistant, and Alchemist in training came bounding down the stairs of Albedo's home laboratory.
It didn't take long for the trio to realize something was wrong. Sucrose had found the vile on the floor, most of its contents spilled and in a little puddle, plus your state on a nearby lounge chair was obvious; slumped awkwardly, forehead visibly sweating, eyes closed, breathing raspily.
You accepted the first doses of the supposed nullifying medicine without hesitation, just wanting the numbing feeling to go away. But when it never kicked in you decided it would be best to save the medicine, because it wasn't working. Your time was coming.
"Since the medicine is taking immediate effect, you should try to get the contents out of your system," He said, reaching out for you. Badly you wanted to argue that the medicine wasn't working at all, but he wasn't listening and already has his lean arms wrapped around your middle, helping gently lift and guide you over to the sink.
You hear materials being shoved to the side and soon enough you had your head dangling over the sink, shaking hands gripping the metalled edge tightly. Soon enough, Albedo's hand was on your back rubbing up and down, hoping to comfort you, it wasn't working though. You could only think about your death, what the other side would look like. Could there even be heaven or hell, maybe a place in between, maybe nowhere...?
As soon as you felt the urge to vomit, you did, and despite it being utterly disgusting Albedo seemed to welcome it happily. He took this as something good, but it only worried you when you saw the reddish hues in the bile.
"I think they should leave." You muttered acknowledging Sucrose and Elizabeth, the taste of gooey, metal only becoming more apparent. The blonde agreed, nodding and muttering "Okay."
As Sucrose lead Elizabeth towards the stairs, the pair heard you say. "Goodbye Sucrose, Elizabeth." Which only seemed to make the young girl wail louder.
You sighed sadly once the silence was back. Just your thoughts of death, and Albedo's slowly crushing heart.
"You should probably leave soon as well. I don't want you to be here when I go." Albedo frowned at your statement, head shaking.
"Don't say things like that."
Of course, he'd say that. Why did he feel the need to ignore this when it would only come back to hurt him even more later on when you were gone?
"You're the smartest man I know and we both know where this is heading," You said, head feeling much heavier than before. It was getting closer to your time. "I'm going to die, and you can't do anything about it."
"I'm not leaving your side. We promised to stick together through everything, you can't ask me to leave."
"I guess... But promise me this."
"When I go, stop blaming Elizabeth. It was an accident..." You said sincerely. Albedo wanted to make a fuss about it, tell you he'd never been able to forgive her. But for you, he would try. If it was your list desire, your last wish, he'd make it come true. Though it would be difficult. Accidental or not, she was the reason you were leaving him here, alone.
"Okay, I'll try..." He said honestly.
"Thank you," You said, letting out a shaking breath you had been holding for a very long time. Now you felt much more peaceful. "And since I know you stubbornly won't leave," You started, finally turning away from the sink to look into his cerulean eyes. "At least hold my hand."
"Of course, love."
even a year after your death, no matter how hard he tried, there was still this nagging feeling every time he looked at Elizabeth
he wanted too badly forgive her, but he couldn't
she had, although accidental, taken the one person that meant so much to him and he'd never forgive
Albedo is gonna be distant towards everyone he knows and it's completely purposeful
he doesn't like the pitiful gazes that people send his way and he hates that all the captains stared at him at your funeral
obviously, some questioned if he was able to stay in the field
he hadn't taken any time off, even when Jean advised he was welcome and that it would be best
tbh, albedo's going to have a hard time for a while
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Why did it have to be you? Why not him? He'd feel much better knowing you could live another day, after all, he'd been living a very long time.
But no, the fallen Archons, Gods, Yaksha had chosen you to join them. He wished that weren't the case
Humans and their pathetic vessels... So weak, he thought. Allowing something like cancer to beat them.
No matter how harsh it sounded, he didn't despise you, no. It wasn't your fault. You didn't ask for this. He just knew that if you were a godly being this wouldn't have happened like this or at least not so soon; Xiao had known Gods that had terminal illnesses to live years. Why couldn't you be like them?
He hated watching you lie there in that bed, immobile, sickly, and tired, and all you could say was that everything was going to be alright, that he'd be alright.
But it wasn't. He wouldn't be okay without you. He would struggle daily, fall deeper into a hole. You were the light of his life, the only light in his life. And you were gone, just like that. Turning external scars into internal ones tattered all over his dying heart.
Xiao for the longest time has been by himself, so the people of Liyue know it'll be harder for him to overcome this, no matter what he says or does to prove otherwise
Zhongli in particular knows how hard this will be for his friend
his first and probably last love, dead, gone in the blink of an eye
he'll continue fighting all the monsters he crosses, becoming even more violent when he does so, trying his best to get rid of this stupid sickly feeling of heartbreak
but it won't go away, no matter what he does, no matter how absurd
he just wants the feeling to go away, he despises that feeling so much
if you have a secret place somewhere, like in the mountains, Zhongli often finds him there, wallowing in invisible self-pity
"You know they wouldn't want you to be like this." Zhongli would say, only trying to help
but it doesn't
it only enrages Xiao, even more, fuels him to push everyone out of his life again instead of letting them in like he'd done in your presence
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How dare you. How dare you leave him like this. Alone, nonetheless with a toddler to raise who kept crying for her mommy. He couldn't do this without you, he didn't know how to raise a child, speak to her with the gentle care that you did. That was your expertise but now he'd be doing it solo.
And never again would he entrust someone who he cares about, into ignorant, incompetent arms. Never again will he ever allow any member of the Fatui to watch after his daughter; no matter their rank or position. They had one job while he was away doing business in Liyue. Guard your home twenty-four seven, accompany you into Inazuma's port town should you need anything, watch after his daughter while she plays happily in the luscious Inazuma fields. And they couldn't do that. All he gave them was one simple task, watch and keep you and your daughter safe. Instead, they slacked off, probably drunk in some bar while you were being brutally attacked by murderous mercenaries, left to fend for you and your daughter, only to die protecting her and leave your home to be severely burned.
He knew those idiotic Fatui soldiers were incompetent the moment he stepped foot into the harbor and found that everyone seemed to quiet down. Especially the eerily silent soldiers flanked on each side to welcome him home; he was the highest-ranking soldier in the land of Inazuma after all. Not a single one bothered to step forward and tell him what was wrong, what they all criminally allowed happen. Scaramouche only realized what had happened when he was mere minutes away from arriving home, his daughter had come running from his widowed mother's arms, the sight of smoke rising in the air, from the direction of his home. You were nowhere to be seen.
It all happened so fast, in the blink of an eye. His daughter was clinging to his shirt and his mother only stared with tears of pity.
It didn't take long for the puzzle pieces to be put together and before he knew it, Scaramouche was standing in front of his home, part of it burnt to a crisp and black.
He didn't need to ask what happened, he didn't need to know where you were, because he already knew. What he didn't know was who exactly had done this. But he was going to find out, now.
Incompetent, selfish, bastards. They would all pay for this. The lazy piggish Fatui soldiers who he should've never trusted with such a simple task and the thieves who had murdered you. They all had it rightfully coming.
Scaramouche hates the world after he lost you
he hates it so much and can't understand how this had happened
he's not a good person, so he blames it on karma and those stupid idiots who couldn't protect you
ngl, he's not gonna be around much after your death... his mother would argue that he should be here to raise your daughter, because she's also in pain and doesn't understand that this isn't some game of hide and seek this time
instead, he's focused and driven by revenge
he doesn't listen to a word anybody says, he's much more dangerous than before, and he only trusts his judgment
anyone trying to get him to stop his mission, is someone who doesn't want to see him happy he thinks (though that's not true at all. they hate that he is obsessive over this) but he will personally put a stop to that
and he'll only return home to his daughter and mother when he finds who did this and they along with their bloodline is exterminated
while he's gone, the remainder of his family is relocated somewhere he knows they'll be safe, for example, even though he despises childe, he knows his mom and daughter will be safe with his family
sorry, but Scaramouche will hold this deep-rooted hatred and love for you after you die
yes, he still loves and misses you dearly, but he hates you for leaving him alone, hates that although it wasn't intentional and out of your control, that you were gone
no matter how hard you tried to fight, it was selfish of you to leave him like this
he's not going to stop until he believes whoever was behind this is dead
and in his case, he'll stop believing when he chooses, even if they are innocent/guilty, he'll keep going
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3.19.21, rayofsunas
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