#i hope i wasn’t too long i saw the request the morning of my dads birthday and had to wait until today to really have time to work shdhdf
starkwlkr · 7 months
Could you do fic for Mark Webber with wife reader? (He's Oscar's manager) And they both acted like dad & mom toward Lando and Oscar, especially. Just them spending time together and worries for the boys whenever something goes wrong. Mark does his best to comfort her. Just something fluff and cute. Maybe a little surprise for Mark at the end. I'll let you decide what it was. Tag me later!! Thanks!! :))
work parents | mark webber
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thanks for the request!! @pear-1206
When you and Mark were dating, you supported him throughout his career in F1. Now that you were married and had a teenage daughter, you were supporting another person in F1, Oscar. He was young, talented and skilled. You were sure that in a couple of years he would be world champion. You tried to attend as many races as you could, mostly during the summer since your and Mark’s daughter was out of school. Your daughter was studying in Harvard at the moment meaning you and Mark haven’t seen her since spring break. She had secretly made plans to surprise you and Mark at the race. Oscar was the one that had gotten her a paddock pass.
It was Oscar’s first home race so you knew you had to attend. It was going to be a special one after all. You got up early to start getting ready while Mark was getting a few extra minutes of sleep.
Mark still asleep shirtless. He looked so peaceful that you didn’t want to bother him considering he arrived home late the night before, but you had a tight schedule to follow. You walked to the bed and gently placed a kiss on his cheek.
“Mark, you have to get up, honey. Oscar might already be waiting for us at the track. It’s race day.”
“Give me five minutes.” He mumbled.
“I’ll let you do anything when we get back—” You couldn’t even finish since Mark had gotten immediately.
“We wouldn’t want to keep Oscar waiting, hurry up, love.” He tried to give you a morning kiss but you stopped him. “What? Don’t act like you care about morning breath now.”
“I already put on lipstick—”
“And you can put it on again. I want to kiss my wife.” You rolled your eyes, but gave in.
As Mark got ready, you made sure you had your paddock passes. Eventually you made it out of the house and now you were on your way to the circuit. Mark had his hand on your thigh while the other was on the steering wheel. When you made it to the paddock entrance, Oscar was waiting with his girlfriend Lily.
“Hi, I hope we didn’t keep you waiting for too long.” You said as you exited the car. “Lily, so great to see you again.” You greeted the girl.
“Hi Mrs. Webber, great to see you too.” Lily replied.
The group of four made their way into paddock, greeting fans and photographers. Mark held your hand making you remember the times when you were still dating and Mark was still racing. You followed Mark and Oscar to the Mclaren garage since Lily had excused herself to go to the Mclaren motorhome. It felt nice to be back.
“Mrs. Webber!” Lando greeted you as soon as he saw you. “Lovely to see you as always.”
“Hi Lando.” You hugged the Brit.
“No mini Webber today?” He asked when he noticed your daughter wasn’t with you.
“No, she’s in Massachusetts. She sends luck to both of you though.” Mark responded.
Oscar wasn’t one to spill secrets, but when he knew something that he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, he would act nervous. He absolutely hated it.
“She is? Nice, right? Who would’ve thought that mini Webber would go to Harvard!” Lando and Oscar were both called by Zak so they excused themselves from the couple.
“Okay . . .” You brushed it off as him being nervous about the race. You scooted closer to Mark. “First home race must be getting to him.” You whispered.
“I’ll take care of him, love.”
“Don’t forget about Lando.”
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The 2023 Australian Grand Prix was one big chaotic mess and you were there to witness it. It felt like a rollercoaster of emotions when the race was restarted again. After three red flags and 58 laps, Max had won.
“P8 for Oscar, what a race.” Mark said, sitting beside you. “You can let go of my hand now, honey, race is over.” He gestured to your hand that tightly held his. He couldn’t remember what lap you decided to hold it, but he didn’t mind.
“Thank fuck. I thought I was going to have a heart attack or something.” You let go. “I just wish my baby girl was here.”
“She’ll be home soon. Summer is just around the corner and then we’ll have a moody teen girl with a coffee addiction in our house. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
When Oscar got back to the garage, you and Mark were there to celebrate his points. “You did so well! Good job, Osc!” You hugged the driver.
“Thank you, Mrs. Webber.” Oscar smiled.
“Oh! Where’s Lando? Was it P6 or 7? Who cares? Points for the Mclaren boys!” You cheered as you left to go find Lando. Lando’s race engineer had told you that the driver was in his driver’s room so you walked to the room in search of the Brit.
As you were about to knock on the door, Lando and your daughter came out. Talk about perfect timing. . .
“Mum . . Hi.” Your daughter laughed nervously.
“Listen, I love you to death but what are you doing here? You should be in Boston!” You scolded the girl.
“This sounds like a family matter so I’m just going to go.” Lando tried to leave it you stepped in front of him. “Hi Mrs. Webber.” He innocently said.
“Good job on getting points.” You sighed and gave him a hug. “Now care to explain?”
“It was her idea! I am the true victim here!”
“You jerk!”
“Okay! Stop it.” You raised your voice. “Sweetheart, what’s going on?”
“I wanted to surprise you and dad by coming here and Lando and Oscar were helping me so I hid here. I’m only here for a couple days . . I missed you guys.” She explained.
“Yeah, what she said.” Lando added.
“We missed you too. I am definitely surprised and dad will be too. Come on, we have to celebrate the Mclaren boys scoring points!” You grabbed your daughters hand and walked together to meet up with Mark and Oscar.
Lando stayed behind a bit confused. “You’re not mad at me, right Mrs. Webber?”
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sinnersweets · 7 months
hmm idk where the request page is but can a request a short cute little oneshot of dogday and angel cuddling after a long day with Damian?
God this shouldn't have taken me this long I'm sorry! I hope this is good for you all!! T~T
It was 8’o clock in the morning when my alarm went off. I sluggishly turned it off and got up to go use the bathroom. As I got up from the bed I noticed that DogDay wasn’t in bed. I looked over to the bathroom to see if he was in there, but the light was off. Odd. I then walked out of our room to go check on Damian. I knocked on his door but didn’t get an answer. I knocked again and still no answer. I was getting worried now. “Damian, you awake kiddo?” I said while opening his door. No sight of Damian anywhere in his room; however, his bed was made.  
I went down the stairs to see if maybe they both were in the kitchen. As I walked over to the kitchen something in my body told me to look out the window. When I looked out the window I sighed in relief and smiled. There standing outside was Damian and DogDay ready for today. They were both smiling really big and DogDay was wagging his tail. I opened the front door and leaned against the door frame. “I’m guessing you guys are ready for the park today?” “Yes!” “Yes!”  
As we approached the park DogDay and Damian were practically jumping out of their seats. Right as I pulled into a spot and put the car in park, they both unbuckled their seatbelts and bolted out of the car. “Okay....guess I’m unloading by myself then...” 
I found a nice, shaded area under a tree and decided to set the picnic blanket down in this spot. As I flattened out the blanket I looked over and saw that DogDay and Damian were already playing soccer together. It melted my heart seeing this.  
They played together for a good thirty minutes before coming back over to where I was. “Have a good game you too?” “Whew. I think our little kiddo has been holding back Angel. I’ve never seen him play like that before.” “That’s because Playtime was small for playing soccer.” Damian laughed and sat down on the blanket. While grabbing a sandwich and taking a bite out of it Damian said, “Hey mom, after lunch can you show me how to fly a kite?” “Don’t talk with your mouth full kiddo, but yes I can.” I looked over to DogDay and saw that he was laying down with his eyes closed. “Would you like to join us dear?” With his eyes still closed DogDay smiled and said, “No thank you Angel, I think I’ll take a little nap.”  
“That’s it kiddo! You’re doing it!” Damian had never flown a kite before, yet he picked up on it fast! I took out my phone and started taking pictures of Damian. “Too bad Dad is taking a nap.” Damian said while pulling the sting on the kite to keep it steady. “Yeah, too bad.” I said and looked behind me but when I looked over to where DogDay was he wasn’t there. I turned and looked back to Damain but was met with DogDays face close to mine. “Boo!” “AH!” I jumped back a little bit. DogDay laughed while Damian rolled his eyes. “Dad, you know mom gets scared easily.” “I know kiddo, but your mother looks cute when she’s scared.” I took a deep breath before saying, “Uh-huh. I don’t think I look cute in the Halloween pictures.” I shiver at the thought of Halloween, what a terrifying day that was. 
DogDay closed his eyes and sniffed up into the air before saying, “We should leave soon the air smells grouchy.” “Grouchy?” Damian asked while pulling down the kite. “Means it’s going to storm.” “Oh.” Me and Damian both said. “Boo, so much for a fun day at the park.” Damian kicked at the ground. “Hold on there kiddo, who said we couldn’t have fun in the rain?” Suddenly Damians eyes lit up. “You mean we can play in the rain?!!” I nodded my head yes and Damian jumped up into the air all happy like. “Woohoo! Yay!” Damian then ran towards the car. Me and DogDay just looked at each other and smiled before heading over to our picnic spot to pick up everything.  
Once we got home is when the rain started to come down. We all hurried inside and changed into our raincoats and boots. Damian was the first one to head back outside, followed by myself and then DogDay. There were already so many puddles forming around our driveway. Damian splashed in them, and I would also splash in them but only with one foot; didn’t want to make a big splash on him. 
I wish that could’ve been said for my husband. He jumped in all the puddles he could find and managed to get Damian and I soaked; despite wearing raincoats. “Oops, sorry...” 
The fire place was going and mine and Damians clothes laid near the fire to dry them off. “But I don’t want to take the icky medicine.” “People who get their feet wet must learn to take their medicine.” I said while holding a spoon full of medicine for him. “But medicine is ickyyyy.” “Hey, what happened to my strong and tough boy huh?” “I’m still your strong and tough boy dad, but medicine is sooo grossss.” DogDay croutched down in front of Damian and said, “Me and your mom are gonna take the medicine too, and you know I’m not a fan of medicine either.”  
Damian looked like he was in deep thought before he opened his mouth for the medicine. I put the spoon in his mouth, and he closed his mouth and swallowed down the medicine. “Taste like strawberry!” I then grabbed another spoon for DogDay and handed it to him to take. DogDay looked at it for a while before taking the spoon and putting it in his mouth. “Mhm, not bad. Where did you find this kind of flavor medicine Angel?” I poured myself a spoonful while saying, “Just at the drug store. I just looked through a lot of bottles trying to find a good flavor one.” I took the spoon and put it in my mouth. 
After we all took the medicine, we all relaxed in the living room watching a movie. Damian was asleep laying on the floor with a pillow and a blanket while me and DogDay were on the couch snuggled up next to each other with a blanket. I rested my head on DogDays shoulder, and he rested his head on mine. “This was a fun day.” “Mhm, I want to keep having days like these with you and Damian Angel.” “Me too.”  
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babymetaldoll · 1 year
"Little Miss Reid, entrepreneur" (Spencer Reid x fem!reader x their daughter)
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Summary:  Spencer and reader help their little daughter with her very first lemonade stand, and the whole BAU family gets together. Requested: Nope   Warnings: This might be too fluffy: Reader discretion is advised. Category: Hardcore fluff . A/N: Hello! I wrote this for @imagining-in-the-margins Summer Sunshine Fic Challenge, I hope you enjoy it! Promp: Character helps their child with their first entrepreneurial venture... a lemonade stand. They weren't expecting half the damn FBI to show up.   Masterlist
Summer vacation was an interesting time at the Reid’s house. With both Spencer and (Y/N) having only two weeks off from work, they had to plan in advance and schedule all their activities, to make sure they had enough time to do everything their kids wanted to do with them during the break. Raven was already five years old, and Vicent was already two, and both Spencer and (Y/N) really wanted to make it up to them for always being away, solving cases with the BAU. 
That’s why that year, their “Summer fun plans” included a trip to the grand canyon, visiting lots of museums, going to a water park or two, and most importantly: helping Raven with her first lemonade stand. 
The little girl was obsessed with the idea of running her own business ever since she had visited her cousin Henry, and he had a little lemonade stand outside his house. Uncle Will had explained to her that that was Henry’s way to earn some money to get a new bike, and that was enough to plant a seed in the little girl’s brain. 
- “Dad, remember when you said I couldn’t get a pony ‘cos they are too expensive?”- Raven asked her father later that night, after reading a bedtime story together. 
- “Yes, they are too expensive and we don’t have enough room to keep a pony here. Why do you ask?” 
- “‘Cos… you know how Henry wants a new bike and he has a lemonade stand to save money and get it?”- suddenly Spencer knew exactly where his daughter was going with that question. 
- “Yes, I know.” 
- “I was thinking…”- Raven made a pause and looked at her father, who was trying not to laugh.- “I know I can’t get a pony, but what if I have a lemonade stand and save a lot of money and you take me to Barnes and Noble and I get to buy all the books I can afford?”
Spencer never saw that plot twist coming. Of course, there was no way he could say “no” to his kid. Raven was very smart and she knew her dad would be thrilled with that idea. So, after a long logistic debate with his wife, and a talk with Nono Rossi, Spencer and (Y/N) scheduled a day. That Saturday, Raven was having her first lemonade stand in David’s front yard. They decided to do it there ‘cos it was a more family neighborhood than their street. You don’t usually see kids with lemonade stands in front of an apartment building, do you?
While (Y/N) went grocery shopping with their kids and got everything they needed to make lemonade, Spencer asked for professional assistance from a Lemonade Stand professional: Matt Simmons. 
- “So, did you ever sell lemonade as a kid?”- Matt asked Spencer as they set all the materials and tools in Rossi’s backyard. 
- “No, never. I really wasn’t into outdoor activities, as you might imagine.”- Spencer replied and Matt chuckled. - “But once one of my neighbors set one, and my father forced me to go and buy a cup.”  
- “Why did he force you?”- Matt questioned, confused. 
- “He wanted me to have friends my age. When I was seven, my best friend was the librarian.”- Spencer explained and looked around - “So, where do we start?” 
- “Did you get spray paint?”
- “Yes, all of Raven’s favorite colors.”- Spencer grabbed a few cans and tossed one to his friend. Rossi walked over and left a cooler filled with cold beers. 
- “I’ll leave this here, and in case you need me, I will pretend I can’t hear you while I spend my morning reading in my studio with the AC on.” 
- “Thank you for letting us do this here, Rossi.”- Spencer smiled at him as he shook one of the spray paint cans. 
- “Anything for mi principessa.”- David replied and waved as he walked back into the house.- “Good luck, kids!” 
Spencer had been right: Matt Simmons was a lemon stand pro. In two hours they had a green and lavender stand made with four wooden crates. One rod on each side of the stand helped hold a banner (Y/N) had made the night before that read “Raven’s Lemonade” and on the front, Spencer hung another banner that read: “Lemonade: ¢50” 
- “All set!”- Matt smiled proudly and tapped on Spencer’s back a few times. - “How do you feel?” 
- “Excited, pleased with our work… nervous?” 
- “Why are you nervous? Your kid is going to be thrilled!” 
- “I know, but… what if no one shows up? She would be broken-hearted…”- Spencer sighed at the thought of his baby pouting, and Matt shook his head right away.
- “There is no way that could ever happen here. Not under this heat and not in Rossi's neighborhood. Elderly people are very supportive.”
- “Hey!”- Rossi argued, overhearing Matt’s comment on his way out. - “Who is elderly?” 
- “Your neighbors!- Simmons explained right away, trying not to laugh.   
Raven Reid yelled and jumped with excitement when she saw her lemonade stand. She ran around Rossi’s backyard, nearly hyperventilating. She hadn’t been so excited since Santa brought her the telescope she wanted. 
- “It’s so pretty, daddy!!”- the little girl jumped into Spencer's arms and he caught her with a bear hug.
- “I’m glad you like it, birdie.”- he replied and kissed her chubby cheek. - “Did you and your mom get lots of lemons?” 
- “Yes, and some lemon bars too, in case someone is hungry.”- the little girl explained. 
- “Good idea, boo. Did you thank Nono Rossi for letting us set the stand in his front yard?”- the little girl shook her head and Spencer quickly set her down.- “Go tell him thank you.”- and off the girl went, running and yelling “Nono!” on her way into the house. Spencer stared at her as he stood in the middle of the backyard, putting all the tools Derek had given him a few years earlier back into the toolbox. His heart felt full of love knowing he could give his kids the childhood he never had. 
- “Hey there, Bob the builder.”- (Y/N) walked out to the backyard and smiled at her husband. - “This looks amazing.” 
- “Thank you.”- Spencer whispered and felt her lips on his immediately. 
- “Raven is ecstatic, she wants to start making lemonade right now.” - and just in time, they heard the little girl’s voice calling for her mommy. 
- “You heard the boss.”- Spencer whispered and kissed his wife one more time. Meanwhile, I’m gonna move this outside to the front yard.” 
- “Great, Pen said she was gonna come and help around four, so we should be ready on time.” 
When (Y/N) said Penelope Garcia was going to help, she pictured her friend slicing lemons and making lemonade along with her in Rossi’s kitchen. She never imagined her friend was going to… well… be Penelope Garcia, and take things over the top, as usual. 
First, Garcia didn’t slice a lemon, she might as well have chopped the entire tree: she got to Rossi’s with homemade lemon cupcakes, lemon cake, lemon tart, and lemon cookies (lemon shaped, of course, and covered in yellow frosting). She had so many trays with goods, Luke was forced to help her. He picked her up and gave her a hand carrying everything over to Rossi’s. 
- “Oh… my… good.”- (Y/N) whispered as she stared at the number of treats her friend had baked, piling on Rossi’s kitchen island.  
- “I know, I might have gone a little over the top, but once I started, I didn’t know how to stop.”- Garcia apologized and smiled guilty at her friend, who only had one worry in her mind. 
- “Ok, now I’m scared. How are we going to sell all this?”- (Y/N) asked, but Garcia dismissed her fears and shook her head immediately. 
- “Don’t worry about that! I’m sure Raven is going to do great. We’ll charge a dollar for everything, so she won’t get confused with math.” 
- “She is Spencer’s daughter”- (Y/N) chuckled as she spoke- “Math is not the problem. But Pen, I’m just scared no one is going to show up and she’ll feel discouraged. I don’t want my baby thinking she failed.” 
- “Nonsense! It’s a lemonade stand, everybody loves a lemonade stand!”- Garcia replied and grabbed a fresh lemon- “Now, let’s make more lemonade!”
Raven ran out of Rossi’s front door carrying a stack of paper cups and a bag of paper straws. Right behind her, her mom carried a big glass dispenser filled with fresh lemonade. Raven’s little stand was ready and open to the public. A glass jar on the top of the counter was ready to be filled with the profit of the dar. Spencer stared at his daughter and took a few pictures with his phone. Garcia and Luke carried some of the sweets to start the sale, and Rossi opened his wallet.
- “Are you my first customer, nono?”- Raven asked, making her mom and dad chuckle. 
- “I am, mi principessa. Can I have a cup of lemonade and a cookie, please?”- Rossi placed a dollar and 50 cents in the jar, and Raven’s eyes shone with joy as she poured her first order. 
- “I’m gonna need a lemonade too.”- Luke said as he paid and waited for the girl to give him a cup as well. 
- “Enjoy, uncle Luke.”- the little girl said and turned to her little brother Vincent, who was playing on a blanket on the grass their mother had set for him. - “Vinnie? Do you want some lemonade? For you, it’s on the house.”- the little girl grabbed her brother’s sippy cup and filled it with lemonade, as her parents filmed the entire moment on their phones. 
JJ and Will showed up a few minutes later with Henry and Michael to support Raven’s little business. The kids played on the street with their skateboards, as Raven sat behind her stand, waiting for her customers. 
A few of Rossi’s neighbors walked toward the lemonade stand, and Raven was shining. Her parents sat with little Vincent on his blanket and watched from a safe distance as their daughter took care of her paying customers. Meanwhile, Luke and García walked to the backyard with Rossi, Will, and JJ to enjoy the pool.  
- “Fresh lemonade, get some lemonade”- Raven said to everyone who walked down the sideway and passed her stand. Everybody stopped and bought something for the little girl, she looked adorable while selling her products. But at a certain point during the afternoon, no one was coming. And Raven looked at her money jar feeling discouraged. 
- “Mama… what if no one else comes?”- the little girl walked toward her parents and sat on (Y/N)’s lap. Her mother wrapped her arms around her and kissed her cheek a few times, making the girl chuckle. 
- “Come on, it’s still early. It’s been what? just one hour? I promise by the end of the afternoon you are gonna be sold out of all the things you have in your stand.”- (Y/N) smiled and kissed her daughter’s cheek one more time before she stood up and walked back to her stand to wait for her customers. Spencer waited until Raven was far from them and turned to his wife. He didn’t have to say anything, she knew what he was thinking. It didn’t need saying. The two of them shared the same fear.   
But after just a few more minutes, something weird happened. Anderson parked his car in front of Rossi’s and waved at the Reid’s as he walked to Raven’s stand and ordered a lemonade and a slice of lemon pie for him and his boyfriend. And less than a minute later, Andi Swan’s car parked down the street, and she showed up with her husband to get a lemonade and a lemon cupcake. Not only that, but Matt Simmons, his wife, and all his kids showed up, excused themselves for being late, and ordered lemonade and lemon cookies for the entire family. Raven was on fire, and her parents were… confused to say the least. 
Where were all those people coming from? The cars kept parking: Ashley Seaver showed up with her kid and husband and got lemonade and lemon cake for her family. She hugged (Y/N) and Spencer and introduced them to her family, while more FBI agents kept showing up. 
Alex Blake parked and nearly ran to the Reids as her husband followed close behind. Kate Callahan showed up as well, with her kids and husband, and soon after, Tara Lewis came along. Raven got to ask her mom for help to serve all the customers, and soon Pen and Luke showed up with more sweets and to refill the lemonade jar. Somehow, what had started like a simple lemonade stand ended up being an FBI get-together family party.  
(Y/N) turned to Spencer and the two of them stared at the scene in shock. Pen and Luke walked to them and Garcia smiled and waved at everybody. 
- “What did you do?”- (Y/N) asked her friend and she simply giggled. 
- “I might have sent a few emails to everybody at the Bureau and some former agents telling them your little Birdie had a little entrepreneur of her own, and encouraged them all to come.”- Garcia explained and smiled innocently. 
- “Everybody is here! We only need Elle and Hotch and we’d have the biggest BAU reunion ever!”- (Y/N) looked around in disbelief and chuckled. 
- “You are forgetting me, little mama.”- (Y/N) froze and turned around slowly. That voice. She could never forget that voice. Derek Morgan stood in front of her, holding Savannah's hand and a stroller with their little boy: Hank Spencer Morgan. 
- “Derek!!”- (Y/N) jumped and ran to hug him, as he chuckled and wrapped his arms around her. 
- “Mrs. Reid! I missed you so much!” 
- “I missed you too!”- (Y/N) said and turned to Savannah, who opened her arms and wrapped her in a hug.- “And you are gorgeous!!”
Spencer stared at their reunion with the biggest smile on his face, holding Vincent in his arms. 
- “Is that my little nephew? You haven’t sent pictures of him this week! He looks so much bigger! What are you feeding him?”- Morgan joked and looked at Spencer. - “You look like you could use a nap, boy wonder.” 
- “Two kids are more work than chasing serial killers”- the young doctor replied and chuckled as Morgan hugged him, tapping his back a couple of times.- “I missed you.”
- “Me too, brother.”- Morgan replied and smiled at his friend- “But I’m sorry to say I’m not here for you, I’m here for my little princess. Where is she?”- Derek walked to the stand, waving at their former colleagues on his way until he reached Raven and held her in his arms. 
- “Uncle Derek! You are here!!”- the little girl yelled and wide opened her eyes - “You have to help me with my stand!”
- “That’s what I am here for! Lemme see what your old man did here…”- Spencer stood behind his friend and waited for him to inspect the construction. 
- “I’m proud, you used the right nail for the wood.”- Morgan said, nodding. 
- “Of course I did.”- Reid replied, almost insulted 
- “Who helped you?”- Derek asked, and before Spencer could deny getting any help, his daughter explained.  
- “Uncle Matt said he had plenty of experience with lemonade stands, so he helped daddy.”
- “Simmons?”- Derek chuckled and turned to Reid.- “You two did a great job.”
- “Thanks.”- Spencer smiled and turned to Raven. - “So, what is your uncle Morgan going to have, birdie?”
- “For you, lemonade on the house, uncle Derek.”- the little girl said and handed him a paper cup. - “But if you want to eat anything, you are gonna have to pay, ‘cos auntie Penelope said we had to split the profits.”- Morgan tried not to laugh, but failed, as Raven stared at him, waiting for a reply. 
- “If that’s the case, I’m gonna have one of everything, thank you very much.”- and the little girl’s face lit with excitement as soon as she heard those words. 
The afternoon ended, the FBI agent returned to their cars, and the BAU family moved from Rossi’s front yard to the back. David, Derek, and Luke prepared a barbecue, the kids played in the backyard, and (Y/N) and Spencer put away the lemonade stand. Nothing was left, not even a cookie. The sale had been a complete success. 
- “How much did she make?”- Mrs. Reid asked her husband, who held the money jar and shook his head.
- “Over three hundred.”
- “Wow… she is gonna go crazy with the books.”- and as (Y/N) said those words and finished cleaning the last jar that was left in the sink, Spencer stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her. 
- “Thank you.”- he whispered in her ear and sighed. 
- “What for?”
- “For giving me everything I ever dreamed of.”- (Y/N) turned around and stared at her husband for a few seconds. She then leaned in and kissed him sweetly. 
- “Eeewww!”- Raven said as she saw her parents kissing as soon as she walked into the kitchen. - “Uncle Derek is right, you are always kissing.” 
- “Hey! Come here-” (Y/N) commanded with a smile and the little girl giggled as she walked to her parents.- “It’s a good thing your parents are always kissing, and we are also always kissing your chubby cheeks!”- and as soon as she delivered that line, both Spencer and (Y/N) started kissing Raven’s cheeks. 
Summer was soon going to end, but those happy memories were definitely going to last forever.    
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
I'm (Not So) Fine
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Pairing - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,720
Warnings - feeling ill, lil' bit of angst, fluff, Bradley's a good dad
Summary - you try to hide feeling unwell from your dad until it backfires
A/N - it's time for another request y'all! I feel I need to formally apologise to the anon who requested this because it's taken me this long to get it out. I hope this was worth the wait. I based this on something I've dealt with a few times in my life (I still to this day have no idea what causes them or what they were but they scare me every time they happen). as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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From the moment Bradley saw you dragging your feet as you entered the kitchen for breakfast, he knew you were sick. You looked pale and when Bradley placed your plate down in front of you, you could barely stomach half of it before it became too much.
“y/n, are you feeling okay, sweetheart?” Bradley asked after taking a sip of his coffee, watching you carefully.
“Fine.” You mutter, head down as you take a sip from your glass of water before abruptly standing from your chair, grabbing your school bag, and slinging it over your shoulder. Bradley hurriedly put the plates and glasses away before rushing to say goodbye to you like he did every morning.
“Have a good day at school, sweetheart. If you need me, text, or call me.” Bradley says as he hugs you goodbye. He knew you weren’t feeling well, and he wasn’t going to push if you insisted you felt okay enough to go to school, so his best option was to give you the choice to contact him if school became too much. With one last kiss to the top of the head, Bradley let you go before packing up what he needed for work and heading out to the Bronco to drive to work where he was sure he was in for a long day.
You, however, were in for a longer day than your dad. The second you reached the doors of your high school you wanted to go home. Your head was throbbing, and your body was achy. You could barely process anything that any of your friends were saying to you without asking them to repeat themselves at least twice. Despite your body feeling like it had been run over by a truck, you were determined to get through the day without contacting your dad or heading home early. You figured if you chugged enough water your headache would calm down and then once you got home you could take some painkillers to help your aching body.
By the time you made it to the end of the school day, you were definitely feeling a lot worse than when you started the day, but you were still determined to prove to yourself that you weren’t unwell. Your head was still throbbing but the copious amounts of water you had drank had eased the pain slightly, but it didn’t do much for your achy body. Walking home only served to make everything ache more but you pushed through everything knowing that you could take some painkillers and then you can do your homework. When you cross the threshold of your house, you head straight upstairs to the bathroom to find the medicine in the first aid cupboard and then head back down to the kitchen to take the painkillers with some water before making a start on some homework.
You were sure the painkillers had taken effect by the time you heard your dad walk through the door. Your head was feeling clearer, and you weren’t so achy anymore and you couldn’t help the smug smile that briefly covered your face. You proved to yourself and your dad that you weren’t ill. It was just a moment of weakness.
“Hi, sweetheart. Good day?” Bradley says as he comes into the kitchen, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he walks past on his way to put his travel mug in the dishwasher.
“Hi, dad. Yeah, I had a good day. How was your day?” You reply, smiling up at him as he smiles back.
“Can’t complain. Are you feeling okay?” Bradley says, crossing to you and gently pressing the back of his hand to your forehead, watching as you roll your eyes lightly.
“Dad, I’m fine I told you this morning.” You say as Bradley removes his hand from your head, fighting back a frown. You didn’t have a temperature, but you still looked a little too pale for Bradley’s liking. Respecting that you didn’t want him hovering over you and your insistence that you were fine, Bradley backed off.
“Okay, I’ll leave you alone. If you need me, I’ll be in the living room.” Bradley says, pressing one more kiss to the top of your head, heading up to his room to shower and change into something more comfortable before heading back down to the living room and settling himself down on the sofa to watch some tv and relax. You get through your homework, put all your books and stationery back into your schoolbag and then stand up, ready to head into the living room to join your dad. As you walk, you suddenly freeze in the doorway, your eyesight growing filled with dark spots that quickly make you unable to see, your ears begin ringing and your hands fly out to brace yourself against the door frame as panic begins to grasp at you.
“Dad?” Bradley was on his feet instantly when he heard your worried tone. He headed in your direction instantly and stopped in his tracks when he saw you in the middle of the doorway, clinging onto it for dear life.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” Bradley asked cautiously, taking in how pale and shaken you looked.
“I can’t see anything. My vision’s gone black, and I have this ringing in my ears. Help me dad, please.” You plead, eyes quickly filling with tears as Bradley springs into action. He carefully pries your hands from the doorframe and carefully leads you to the living room.
“I’m bringing you to the sofa, okay? You can have a lie-down and I’ll bring you some water.” Bradley says softly, his heart breaking when you tearfully nod at his words. He carefully leads you to the sofa, easing you down and helping you lie down before sliding a pillow under your head.
“I’ll be right back.” Bradley promises, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head before heading to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water. When he returned to your side, your eyes were squeezed shut and he gently reached out, calling your name softly and rubbing the hand that wasn’t holding the glass up and down your arm. Your eyes blinked open, and Bradley smiled softly.
“Here, let’s get you sat up a little so you can have a drink.” Bradley says, helping you sit up enough to take a couple of little sips from the glass before you lie back down, and Bradley places the glass on the coffee table behind him.
“Thank you.” You mumble, looking up at your dad with a small smile.
“How are you feeling now? Any better?” Bradley asks softly, watching you like a hawk as you nod ever so slightly.
“My vision is back, and the ringing has stopped.” You admit quietly, slightly ashamed of being seen in a moment of weakness.
“That’s good. Are you feeling unwell or is there any pain?” Bradley then asks, making you fight the urge to roll your eyes. Had your grandpa not inspired your dad to join the Navy you were sure he could’ve made a career for himself being a doctor or a nurse with how much he was fussing over you.
“A little achy but I’ll live.” You say, moving your gaze to the floor.
“So you weren’t feeling well this morning, were you?” Bradley gently probes, making you nod before lifting your gaze to look at your dad once more.
“So why didn’t you tell me? You could’ve stayed home, or I could’ve picked you up from school. You know Mav would never mind if I had to leave early to take care of you.” Bradley enquires, reaching out and running a gentle hand through your hair, his eyes displaying vast amounts of concern that he was trying to keep from his expression.
“I thought I was fine. I don’t like being ill, so I thought if I pushed through it, I’d be fine.” You explain, watching as your dad lets out a soft exhale through his nose before a gentle smile appears on his face.
“Well, now you know not to push through anything. If you feel unwell you should always rest up and take care of yourself.” Bradley says, watching as you nod lightly, understanding his point fully.
“Got it.” You mumble.
“Do you need anything? Food or painkillers?” Bradley then asks, he was fully aware he’s bombarded you with a million and one questions but he wanted to be sure you were okay and help you however he could.
“I think I just need a nap.” You say, shaking your head with a small smile. Bradley then nods, prepping himself to stand up.
“I’ll leave you be then.” He says softly, beginning to stand but stopping when you speak up.
“Stay. Please.” You request, looking up at him with the puppy dog eyes that would get him buckling within seconds. You had been doing it since you were a baby and Bradley struggled saying no to you the moment you figured out the effect, they had on him. He could also tell what you wanted. Bradley had often bragged that his hugs had healing qualities and you clearly wanted one of those magical healing hugs.
“Okay, sweetheart.” Bradley says with a smile, helping you sit up so he can sit where your head had previously been. You immediately curled into his side, burying your face in his chest as Bradley grabbed the blanket off the back of the sofa to drape it over you.
“I love you, dad.” You whisper, voice mostly muffled by the material of Bradley’s shirt.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” Bradley whispers back, watching as your eyes begin to flutter close, soon being followed by your breathing beginning to even out. Bradley watched you for a moment, pleased to see no signs of discomfort as you slept.
Bradley had spent the majority of his day worrying over how you were and while you had a small scare while at home, he was there to help, and you seemed to be improving already. Bradley pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head as you unconsciously snuggled closer to him.
He’d be there to look after you on all your bad days, and all your good days.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Hi love ! I have a really fluffy request for you ! Bucky and reader are married and have a beautiful baby girl about 3-4 years old .But when they first met , Bucky and Reader where always bickering , seemingly hating each other. One day , Reader gets home from work to find her husband and daughter on the couch . She’s in her dad’s lap facing him while he’s telling her a story . She smiles at the image in front of her and moves closer to hear the story . The story is how her dad fell in love with her mom . And while she expected to hear about the day they both realized what they had wasn’t hate for each other but love , she heard a completely different story . One Bucky hasn’t told her about . He told his daughter about the first day her ever saw her mom . How the moment he looked at her smile he knew he was we head over heels and wanted to be the one to place all her smiles there . Reader starts sniffling and that’s when they both notice her and run towards her to attack her with hugs and kisses cause they think you’re sad . And then Bucky tells both of you the story of how he fell in love with his wife . Just enemies to lovers and a bunch of domestic fluff
THIS IS SO CUTE MY GOODNESS I've been so excited to get to this from the moment I saw it. Amazing. This is beautiful. I hope you see this my lovely, this request was from a while back, I’m so sorry I took so long to get to it
You smiled hearing your husbands soft voice carry through from the living room while you hung your coat in the closet. Your heart warmed at the sight you saw in the living room, your sweet baby looking wide eyed at your husband while he told her a story. Her attention was completely on him, she didn't even hear the door open or your footsteps. You cocked your head, wondering exactly how great this story was, raising your brow when you heard his next few words.
"And that's when I saw your mama"
Your baby squealed, clapping her hands hearing the entrance of her pretty mommy, scooting closer so she could hear every word. Bucky grinned, letting her crawl onto his lap, letting her get settled before continuing. You silently giggled to yourself, reminiscing about the way you and Bucky fell in love. You had always bickered, never agreeing on anything. You expected Bucky to tell your baby girl about how one day you both realized all the little arguments, disagreements and quarrels were because you were both too silly to realize you were both in love with each other. 
5 years ago
“You’re a fucking dumb ass” You hissed, glaring at the smug super soldier who had a cocky smirk on his face, unbothered that you looked like you were about to strangle him across the jet. 
“No need to flatter me princess-oh shi- 
You lurched from your seat, ready to tackle Bucky to the floor, only to be stopped by a large arm snaking around your waist, pulling you back. 
“Put me down Rogers” You growled while Steve chuckled, holding you to his side like a football. “Just let me have 5 minutes with him” 
“You’re both like school children” Steve held you in place while you huffed, wishing you could swing at Bucky’s jaw at least once but alas, it wasn’t your lucky day. 
There wasn’t a day where you and Bucky got along. It was like he was sent on this earth for the sole purpose of annoying you and it had been that was from the day you met. Every since you joined the team, Bucky made it his mission to critique you and annoy you in every way possible. Your fighting form, mission assignments, weapon choice, even the way you made your damn coffee was a problem for him. 
“I like my coffee black” 
“Well excuse me for not wanting to drink hot bitterness first thing in the morning” 
“Not a fan of hot bitterness, would be difficult to drink me, wouldn’t it” 
You threw your toast at Bucky’s head while he cackled, it wasn’t even 7 am yet and Bucky had trailed behind you, determined to start your morning off with his nagging. 
“You don’t even taste the coffee when you add milk and sugar” Bucky sassed, loving every minute of you getting more and more riled up with his side commentary, there was something about you when you got annoyed with him. 
His angry little bunny. 
It had been months of your back and forth, there wasn’t a single moment of peace where you both mutually agreed on something. 
“Will you fuck off” You deadpanned while Bucky corrected your fighting stance, moving your leg back and arms up. 
“Just shut up and fix your form” Maybe I should fuck you instead-what. Bucky flicked off the rogue thought that slipped into his mind as you shuffled, brushing against his body, his muscles tensed with how close you were to him. 
“Y/n!” Bucky shoved you out of the way, groaning when he felt the knife plunge into his side, dropping to his knees and falling onto the floor. 
“Bucky!” You ran to his side, killing off the hydra agent within seconds before Steve and Sam came to his aid, whisking him off to the jet. You ran behind them, your heart hammering out of your chest while they helped him strip off his tac gear to give him stiches. You took over, insisting the other two could finish up the mission while you took care of Bucky; there was no way you’d be able to focus on anything else anyway. Not when he was hurt. 
He groaned, lying down in pain but alert enough to see the way your eyes were glassy, worry etched on your face. You cut off the rest of his shirt, your breath hitching looking at all the dark bruises that littered his body, a few of those hits from shielding you. 
“Baby” Your voice was hardly a whisper, not even realizing what you’d just called him, trying to hold yourself together so you could take care of him. 
“Baby, huh?” Bucky smirking, wincing in pain while you applied pressure to his cut, stopping some of the bleeding before grabbing the med kit to stitch him up. “Can I finally be your baby now?” 
“This doesn’t change anything Barnes” You snorted, bringing him to lie down on your lap while the Jet took off, your hand softly stroking his hair. “I still hate you” you rolled your eyes, trying to look as annoyed as possible but on the inside your stomach was doing flips.
“You love me” Bucky smirked, his heart beating a little faster because deep down he wished it were true. He wished there were more to all your petty squabbles.
“Hm” You shook your head, a hint of a smile flashing across your face before collecting yourself again. “Maybe”
Bucky bit his lip, nodding, not trusting himself to respond to that, closing his eyes and falling asleep. 
That was the story you thought he was telling her. 
But that wasn't. 
You’d never heard this story. 
“The first day I ever saw your mama, I fell in love with her pretty smile, almost tripped on my own feet seeing her. Daddy was head over heels for her” 
Your daughter’s cheeks looked like they were going to burst, smiling so hard, her eyes wide with amazement.
“What did you do daddy, did you make mommy smile? Did she fall heels over head for you too?!” 
Bucky snorted, cuddling his baby close to his chest, kissing her chubby cheek. 
“Uh huh, I wanted to be the reason she always smiled. You know Uncle Steve brought her to uncle Tony’s house and as soon as she walked in the door, I thought she was a princess” 
“Mama’s pretty”
“Mhm, so pretty baby, I feel in love with all of her. Your mama was the kindest person I’ve ever met, she was always so sweet to daddy” 
“What did she do?”
“You know how daddy gets scary dreams sometimes?” 
“Uh huh” 
Bucky’s nightmares had improved significally but they didn’t disappear. Instead of hiding that side of him from your daughter, you had insisted on letting her learn about it. Bucky had hesitated but you didn’t want him to have to hide any part of himself. Your sweet girl was the most understanding, and Bucky was thankful every single day that his daughter knew all parts of him. 
“She’d make sure I was okay after, she’d check on me. She’s so smart and brave, when we go on missions, she’d take care of me, sometimes even uncle Steve, uncle Tony, uncle Sam, uncle Clint, aunty Nat”
Bucky laughed, nodding while your baby grasped onto his shirt, fully engrossed in this story. 
“All of them. But she was the nicest to daddy”
“Did she give you lots of hugs?” 
“Sometimes even kisses”
“Daddyyy” Your daughter burst into a fit of giggles at the word kisses, nuzzling her face into his neck before pulling away with more questions. “So what did you do?!” 
You didn’t even realize you were sniffling until Bucky and your baby girl both turned to you wide eyed when they saw your tear streaked face. You knew Bucky loved you. There was no doubt you were both madly in love with each other but you never heard his side of how he felt about you. 
How he adored you from day one. 
All the silly little things he did to get your attention. 
How beautiful he found you. 
How much it meant to him when you made sure he was okay. 
Everything just made him fall hard for you all while you also fell in love with him. 
Bucky ran over to you while your little one padded behind him, attacking you in a flurry of hugs and kisses. 
“What’s wrong darling” Bucky cooed, wiping your tears away while you shook your head, scooping your baby in your arms. She kissed your face all over, grabbing your cheeks, concern etched on her face. 
“Why is mama sad”
“Mommy isn’t sad baby” Her face scrunched while you laughed, leaning against your husband as he kissed the top of your head. “I’m happy. I heard daddy telling you a story”
Bucky grinned while your babygirl nodded immediately, her tiny hand tugging on Bucky’s sleeve. 
“Daddy you didn’t finish!!!” 
“Sorry bubba” Bucky turned to you, his heart filled with butterflies, it didn’t matter that you had already been married for 4 years, he was forever head over heels in love with you, “You want to hear the story too, doll?” Bucky smiled, brining you to cuddle with him on the couch, your daughter snuggled against his chest again. 
“Tell us the story daddy!!” 
“It all started when uncle Steve had a plan...”
Tags: @glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant @chemtrails-club  @eralen   @carrotfantasimp  
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bouncybongfairy · 11 months
Literally love you, hope you're taking requests! Could you do the bayverse boys with a goth stoner?
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Smoke Sesh
TMNT x Fem Goth Stoner Reader
Summary: After ditching class for a smoke break, you're approached by two men with bad intentions. The TMNTs help you escape the alleyway you're cornered in, you guys have a smoke sesh in their van.
Word Count: 1.0k+
It was second period and the monotone voice of your English teacher was putting everyone to sleep. Even the teacher wasn’t into it, just reading aloud from the book while sitting at her desk. Not even bothering to look up as she did so. You picked up your bag before quietly walking out of the classroom. As long as you were quiet, the teacher didn’t care or notice if anyone left. There were a couple of security guards that you had to pass, you would feed them an excuse about going to the nurse’s office and usually, they bought it. As you walk past the front gates of your school, you pull your black cardigan closer to your body. You didn’t realize it was so cold outside, your nose was becoming sensitive and runny. Stopping in a narrow alleyway between two apartment buildings, you rummage through your bag.
Your older sister woke up late for work this morning and was only able to take a couple of puffs out of the blunt she rolled before leaving. You took advantage of this and hastily threw it in your bag before leaving. Luckily it wasn’t bent or damaged to the point of being unsmokeable. After you finally find the lighter you put it into your blunt and take the first drag. It was like you could feel the weed pushing the anxiety out of your body. The rain was getting heavy but it didn’t bother you one bit. Not only were you being kept dry from a fire escape above you, on colder days, but your make-up also lasted much longer because it wasn’t exposed to extreme heat. You were wearing a long black maxi skirt and a thin long-sleeve, both in black; along with black riot boots. Not being able to resist, you take a couple of pictures. 
“I bet those pictures came real nice,” a voice growled from the left of you. You jumped and whipped your body to see who spoke. Feeling your heart drop into your stomach, you slowly start to back up; trying to gain as much space between each other.
“Oh, my dad is actually about to pick me up, I have to go,” you lied as you began to walk away, you were walking backward because you were scared to turn your back to him.
“So soon, I’m sure you can be a little late,” the creep said, starting to charge you. As he did so you turned but were stopped by a truck that broke directly in front of you. 
“Get in,” one of the passengers said as the sliding door rolled open. You didn’t even look at who was in the vehicle, you were so desperate to get out of the current situation that you didn’t think twice. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down but it was hard considering the severity of what could have happened. After a few moments and tears, you looked up and realized who was in your company. When you saw the turtles you passed out momentarily. When you came to, one of them was fanning you. You immediately sat up but Donnie asked you to calm down. 
“Woah woah, don’t sit up too fast. You had a vasovagal response which means you lost consciousness due to a lack of blood flow to the brain. You are totally okay though and your vitals are normal. Did anything happen in the alleyway that might cause you to need medical attention?” Donnie said, lifting his goggles up so you could see his eyes. 
“No, I’m just shaken up a bit,” you said, sitting up on a seat in the back of the van. 
“I’m sure, glad everything turned out okay,” Donnie said. 
“Yeah because you’re way too hot to die,” Mikey said, plopping down next to you.
“Mike! Sorry, he has impulse control issues,” Raph said as he drove. 
“Dude! Don’t say that in front of my new hot, spooky, witch girlfriend,” he whispered, blocking your view of his mouth in an attempt to stop you from seeing what he said. 
“Is it okay if I smoke in here,” you asked? The van got quiet, the boys looking around at each other without saying anything. 
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” Leo said.
“I don’t know, she just went through a traumatic thing. If she’s used to smoking then maybe she needs it to help her calm down, you know?” Mikey said. 
“What about contact high?” Raph asked. 
“Technically the effects would not be significant unless she was blowing the smoke directly in your face or the car filled with a dense enough smoke,” Donnie explained. 
“So is that a yes?” you asked, putting the blunt into your mouth and waiting for a response before lighting it. 
After nobody disagreed you lit it again and took a drag, you laughed when you noticed that they were all looking at you. They looked away for a second but it didn’t take long before all their eyes were on you again. At this point Raph parked the van and opened the windows. You were making subtle conversation, asking them if they ever smoked before. As expected, they all haven’t and were surprised when you offered them the blunt. Mikey went to grab it without hesitation and Leo stopped him. After a little persuasion, Mikey grabbed it and took a drag. The blunt in your hand was still pretty big but in his hand it looked like a tiny little twig. He immediately started coughing which made his brothers look around in a worried way. The effects were immediate and he started laughing and joking more than usual if that’s possible. This hummored his brothers, lightening the mood of the situation. 
“I just want to thank you guys again for saving me from that situation,” you said again, putting out the roach. 
“No worries girl, I'd always be there for my goth girlfriend,” Mikey said, wrapping his arm around you. 
“I appreciated that,” you joked back, giving him a kiss on his cheek; leaving a black lipstick mark.
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luvhockey111 · 4 months
accidentally in love
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Based off of Accidentally in love by counting crows!!
warnings: drinking, swearing a little bit
my first piece!!! It’s not that great, just wanted something to put out and was bored this morning so decided to write this. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any requests!
Summary: Luke and y/n have known each other for as long as they can remember. What happens one summer night when y/n finds Luke awfully close to a girl? I mean they are only just friends… right?
Overview of Luke and y/n relationship
Luke and y/n have been friends since they were born; as Ellen and Julie (y/n mom) were roommates in college. By some weird coincidence Jim and Allan (y/n dad) had been childhood best friends. This has caused them to grow up across the street from each other. If you think about it, it’s destiny really. Anyways, Luke and y/n always say they are “platonic soulmates” but who are they trying to fool with the use of the word platonic? It’s definitely not any of their family members so themselves and eachother must be the ones they are trying to convince their feelings are strictly platonic..
It was a perfect boat day, the sun was warm and shining and the water was a perfect mix between cold and warm, but refreshing nonetheless. Y/n was sitting next to Luke with her legs stretched out in his lap, his hands atop them, Quinn driving, with jack, Trevor, cole and Alex fighting over who gets to wakeboard next and who gets aux. Jack happened to win both of those arguments somehow. Jack had been saying he was going to be throwing a little party tonight since it was the first week everyone was officially back at the lake. “Jack your parties always end with something bad happening” Y/n mentioned. Jack shot her a look of disbelief. “Ummm last time I checked nothing bad has ever happened to me at one of them, only the rest of you idiots”. In reality jack was right, at his first party Quinn’s girlfriend broke up with him over text. The next, Trevor broke the glass sliding door. The one last summer, the cops showed up and kicked everyone out because it was too loud but jack wasn’t around at that moment so Luke said he was in charge and ended up getting a fine. “I’m gonna bring the boat back we should start getting stuff for tonight and getting ready” Quinn told the group. A string of okays came from everyone. Y/n pov:
Right when the boat docks everyone runs off to go get ready for tonight. Luke and I go to our room- yup we share a room but I mean all best friends do… right? Our room has two full size beds but last summer we pushed them together to make a mega bed. Now it’s really no secret that I’ve been hopelessly in love with Luke for as long as I can remember. Everyone knows it. Sometimes if Luke talks about another girl or if he is talking to one and myself or anyone sees it they shoot me a look of pity. I mean it’s pathetic really, being in love with your best friend since you were legit born and not even being able to tell him. I mean we’ve done everything together our whole lives, I even went to umich for him. There’s times that I think that maybe just maybe we could be something more but every time, wannabe frat boy Luke screws it up and flirts with a girl in front of me or talks about a girl in front of me. I mean it’s not his fault- he has no idea. I was listening to some music before the door swung open and in came Luke “kit, you wanna take a shower first or should I? Or we could save water and shower together” Luke shot me a wink while wiggling his eyebrows. Kit is a nickname the three boys gave me when we were 5 because I loved cats and anytime I saw one whether it be a picture or in person I would shout kit as loud as I could. I may act like I hate it but I love it, I think of it as some form of love. “shut up Luke, you shower first get away from me.” I say while giggling and hoping my face doesn’t betray my words by getting red and hot from the blush I so desperately am trying to hide. “Whatever you say kit” he says as he comes closer to me to give me a hug. The second we hug our song starts to play. So she said, "What's the problem, baby?" What's the problem? I don't know Well, maybe I'm in love (love) Think about it every time I think about it Can't stop thinking 'bout it
The second the song starts to play Luke starts twirling me around, spinning me in his arms. Little does he know this song is literally describing my life. Ugh how I hate Luke hughes for making me feel this way. ~time skip to later that night when jacks party is in full swing~
so far jack has made me take 3 shots of some nasty tequila he’s only drinking to look cool in front of girls and other guys. I’ve had 2 seltzer’s also so far so I’m starting to feel tipsy, keep in mind I’m not much of a drinker I prefer to smoke if I’m being honest. I haven’t seen much of Luke for the past hour, which if I wasn’t tipsy I would probably be freaking out but right now I’m having a good time. Until I look over to the backyard and see some girl with her chest pressed against Luke and his arm around luke… my Luke. I could A.) go outside and cause a scene or B.) just go find some guy to flirt with. Both options aren’t great because the first one I would definitely embarrass myself and have Luke be mad at me and the second, well I’m not the best at talking to guys. Now I’m no Virgin Mary but definitely not experienced enough to be confident in talking to or hooking up with a guy. Except for one guy, Trevor. Trevor has flirted with me since the day I met him. I always flirted back to the best of my ability but in reality he knows how I feel about Luke and I know that he will never compare to Luke, but what’s the harm in trying to make Luke jealous? “heyy trev” I say while going into his side forcing his arm to go around me. “What’s up kit? You having fun? Sure sounds like it” he says with a low laugh. “I am but I need your help with something” “Anything for you kit” as those words leave his lips I feel heat rush to my face. Must be the alcohol. “Can you help me try and make Luke jealous, he’s talking to a girl outside right now and I can’t stand to watch it” I say as I can feel tears brimming my eyes. “Of course I can, you know I love to get on all of the hughes’ nerves.” He definitely has a point there. Trevor and I take two more shots for “good luck” as we go outside. I see the girl talking to Luke and she’s beautiful, beautiful like she just stepped out of vouge. My body starts to feel hot with jealousy, I turn to Trevor and he’s sitting down in an Adirondack chair by the fire so I take a seat on his lap, facing him. Trevor’s hands rest on my hips, again I can’t tell if it’s the alcohol or not but Trevor is looking really good right now. Until I hear the sound of accidentally in love playing from the speakers and hear Luke come up to Trevor “Hey have you seen y/n our songs on” I turn around and all of a sudden Luke’s body tenses, fists clenched and eyes flash an emotion I’ve only seen a few times, something like anger or jealousy even, there’s no way he’s jelaous I thought.
“Oh hey Lu” I say innocently while in the background all that can be heard is
“Well, baby, I surrender To the strawberry ice cream Never ever end of all this love Well, I didn't mean to do it But there's no escaping your love, oh”
Luke grabs my arm and leads me up the stairs to our room. “What the hell do you think your doing y/n” Luke says, face red with anger. “Luke what is your problem” now I’m getting angry. Why is it okay for him to be all over other girls but I’m with one guy WHO WE KNOW and it’s a problem? “Why were you all up on Trevor’s lap like some kind of —“ he stops himself. “Some kind of what Luke? Tell me” He shoots me a look as if I am the one who just implied he was a slut. I go to try and walk out of the door when Lukes arm reaches out and grabs me. “why were you sitting on his lap you only ever sit on mine” Luke says looking defeated. Why am I starting to feel bad? “I just was talking to him and that’s how we were sitting, I don’t know Lu” “we’re you going to hook up with him?” The question lingers in the air. Was I? I mean Trevor’s hot and all but I only really have eyes for Luke but like I said Luke is never gonna happen he doesn’t even have feelings for me. “I don’t know, I mean if something happened I wasn’t gonna stop it.” Luke just dead stares at me. “You can’t hook up with Trevor, you just can’t.” “I can hook up with whoever I want to Luke”
He takes a step closer to me so now we’re only an inch apart. My body feels like it’s on fire, looking up at him with the soft glow of the moon outside he looks like an angel. Ugh What am I saying I’m supposed to be pissed at him right now. “Luke I” Within a second Luke’s lips are on mine. For a moment everything seems right, our lips fit perfectly together like a missing puzzle piece to the old puzzle you’ve had for years and you’re only missing that one piece, when finally you find it in the most blatant of spots. We pull apart and when I open my eyes Luke is smiling at me. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long kit.” He says as this thumbs are rubbing across my cheeks. “Lu can I tell you something?” “Anything.” “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago.” I say and Luke’s smile gets even bigger if that was even possible. “I think I accidentally fell in love with you a long time ago too.”
“I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love I'm in love, I'm in love Accidentally
Come on, come on Spin a little tighter Come on, come on And the world's a little brighter Come on, come on Just get yourself inside her love I'm in love”
45 notes · View notes
wildsupernova · 4 months
summer, sun, and a smoking engine.
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summary: when your car breaks down on the side of the road in Hawkins, Indiana, you don’t have many options other than try walking and find help. Thankfully, Steve Harrington is here to help.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
warnings: strong language, no use of y/n, little bit of mechanic eddie thrown in there (not really a warning but i have nowhere else to put this)
a/n: hello! this fic is a bit self indulgent, i guess you would call it. my love life has been quite terrible pretty much all my life, and i’m the kind of person who can’t help dreaming about a movie cliche type meet cute, so i wanted to write this fic to help quell my insatiable desire for a rom com romance. this is part one of what will probably be a three part series, so i hope you enjoy! :)
if you’d like to make a request, my inbox is always open. i also have my prompts list linked below so you request one of those as well.
part 2 (coming soon) | masterlist | prompts list
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Stranded on the side of the road in Hawkins, Indiana was not the way you wanted to start your summer vacation. 
You should be in Indianapolis by now, lounging by the pool at your best friend’s house, raiding her parent’s liquor cabinet and getting drunk off your asses until you can’t remember anything the next morning. Not here, pounding against the steering wheel of your shitty rustbucket of a car wishing you’d actually remembered to do what your dad told you and take it to a mechanic before you made the trip. The horn honked as you slammed your forehead into it, but it was quickly swallowed up by endless fields on either side of you. 
The universe had a sick sense of humor when it came to you in particular, and it seemed the jokes never ended. Some vengeful god or cosmic plan had singled you out as the sole outlet for their aggression; just a girl with a particularly unremarkable life, desperate to escape the world just for a few weeks and forget about her ridiculously non-existent love life and only slightly above average academic career. 
Lately, your life has felt like one big joke. Everyday seemed to be the exact same mind numbing routine; wake up late, rush to make it to your 9 am lecture that left you falling asleep halfway through, eat the same shitty college cafeteria lunch you always did, spend three hours cramming for a test you know you’ll fail anyway, and go to bed at 2 am just to wake up and do it all over again the next day. You watched everyone else around you do something with their lives, whether they were partying all night or getting married. Everyone seemed to be having ten times more fun than you, and you were starting to think that you were just destined for a lonely, less than exceptional life. 
By the time you hit 20 with no long term relationships ever (none that really meant anything, anyway), you’d begun to think it was all futile. Maybe you were destined to be alone forever, maybe you just weren’t looking in the right places, maybe it just wasn’t the right time, but whatever the reason, it had you banging your head against the wall every time your roommate gushed about how sweet and sexually adept her boyfriend was. 
That’s why it really shouldn’t have surprised you that today of all days would be the one where you end up stranded in a town you’d never heard of until you saw the ‘Welcome to Hawkins’ sign a few miles ago.
You’d seen a few cars coming this direction before your car had broken down, so you knew there had to be some sort of civilization not far from here. You’d considered standing by your car and waiting in the hopes that someone would stop to help you, but the sun was already beginning to set and it didn’t really seem like the safest idea to be alone in your car at sundown, especially in some place you didn’t know. That’s what pushed you towards what you were doing now, walking down the long stretch of road and hoping that you’d find someone who could help you not too far down it. 
Somehow, it seemed to feel hotter now that the sun was beginning to set, blistering heat causing sweat to begin forming on your skin almost the minute you stepped out of your car. You’d chosen the wrong day to wear a sundress and sandals, the arches of your feet burning more and more the longer you walked. You swatted at probably thousands of mosquitos that began to swarm you as you walked, and by the time you finally saw the signs of the city, you could feel your hair sticking to your forehead from the thick coating of sweat collecting there. 
The sun was about halfway set by the time you reached the parking lot of the small strip mall, and when you looked at the watch on your wrist it blinked dimly at half past 5. Every store was closed already except for one, a small Family Video store with a single maroon BMW parked outside the door. Finding it the only option you had other than to keep walking, and hoping the AC inside would be working, you pushed your way through the door and hoped someone inside would let you use the phone. And the bathroom. 
“I’m telling you, Robin, I’m hopeless.” Steve struggled to hold the stack of tapes in his hand, almost sending all of them tumbling to the floor when he tripped over a bump in the carpet. 
“You’re not hopeless, you’re just looking in the wrong places.”
“The hell does that mean?”
“Maybe stop looking for the type of girl you had in high school? You’ve matured, so start looking for something new.”
“That's the problem, I don’t even know what my type is.” He placed the stack of tapes on the counter, picking up a few that fell over. Robin came to stand next to him, taking the tape off the top of the stack and starting to rewind it.
“I don’t know what to tell you, figure it out. Who knows? Maybe your dream girl will come walking right through that door any minute.”
The universe has one sick sense of comedic timing, doesn’t it?
Steve opened his mouth to offer up a rebuttal but was cut off by the chime of the bell above the door, hinges squeaking at it flung open then shut rather harshly. He turned towards the door and prepared to give his stupid, fake customer service greeting, but was cut short when he saw who it was that had just come through the door. 
He had never seen anyone like you. Hair a mess as if your hands had been running through it for hours, covered in sweat and rocking back and forth on your heels to stop your feet from hurting, he wasn’t sure he’d ever seen anything more beautiful. Wearing a black sundress covered in white daisies and flat brown sandals, you looked like something out of a rom com cliche, damsel in distress stumbling into his life at just the right time. You looked around the store almost frantically and visibly irritated, but the second you laid your eyes on Steve on the other side of the counter you breathed a sigh of relief. 
He had to snap himself out of whatever trance you put him in when you started walking towards him. 
“Hey, do you guys have a phone I can use? My car broke down like a mile from here and I really need to call a mechanic.”
“Uh, yeah, there’s a phone in the back you can use.” A stray strand of hair fell into Steve’s face as he physically shook himself back into reality. “My friend’s a mechanic, I can give you the number to his shop if you want.”
“That would be perfect, thank you.” The relieved laugh you let out made his face heat up a bit, and he quickly grabbed a piece of paper to scribble the number to Eddie’s garage down on. He ripped it off and handed it to you, nodding towards the door reading ‘Employees Only’.
“Phone’s back there, take all the time you need.”
“Thank you so much,” Your eyes flitted down to the name tag on his vest, flashing him a soft grin. “Steve.”
Once you disappeared into the back room, Steve leaned forward against the counter. Robin let out a whistle and hopped up to sit on the counter next to him, kicking her feet back and forth. 
“Man, I was kidding when I said she’d walk through the door any minute, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you that starstruck by a girl you just met.”
“She’s probably just…passing through town. Who knows if I’ll ever see her again after this.” Steve popped the tape out of the machine and put another one in, trying to occupy himself with anything other than thinking about you. 
“So? When has that ever stopped you before?”
“I don’t know, Robin. It’ll probably end in disaster just like every other time.”
“I don’t care. If you don’t take your shot with this girl, I might just kill you.”
Almost on cue, the door to the back room swung open again, a visible shift in your demeanor than when you’d walked in. You looked far less tense, and Steve found it hard to keep his eyes off of you. 
“You are truly a life saver. With any luck, I’ll be out of here and back on the road before sundown.” 
“It’s no problem, really.” Steve turned his head away to hide the blush on his cheeks. He gave Robin a look as she silently pushed him to keep the conversation going, eventually holding his hands up in surrender. “My shift’s almost over so I can, uh, give you a ride back to your car, if you want. I’d hate for you to have to walk all the way back in this heat. Plus it's almost dark, I wouldn't want a girl like you wandering around out there alone.”
Steve pressed his lips together tightly when he realized what he’d said, but the smile on your face let him relax. 
“I’d like that, thank you.” You rocked back and forth on your heels while you waited for Steve to gather his things, dress swishing back and forth against your thighs. You laughed a little to yourself while he scrambled frantically, muttering something to himself while he flushed red up to his ears. You flashed him a sweet smile when he finally had all his things, following him out the door and into the beemer you’d seen parked outside when you first arrived. 
Steve was handsome, there was absolutely no denying that. Sunkissed skin that was likely the result of hours of relaxing by the pool, fluffy brown hair you couldn’t help but want to run your hands through and the kindest brown eyes you’d ever seen. You were sure that at one time in his life he was a heartbreaker with all those good looks and boyish charm, but the way he got flustered just talking to you made you believe that he had put those days long past him. 
He seemed almost nervous sitting in the car with you, doing his best to keep his eyes on the road while stealing a few quick glances at you. He adjusted himself in the seat and cleared his throat, trying to break the tension in the air. 
“So, uh, what brings you to Hawkins?”
“Just passing through on my way to visit a friend in Indianapolis.” You smoothed down the skirt of your dress to find something to do with your hands. “Was hoping I’d get there by nightfall but, unfortunate turn of events I suppose.”
“Where are you from?”
“Out of state.” You kept it vague, still not quite sure if you could totally trust him. “I go to school in Indiana though.”
A few seconds later, your car finally came into view, seemingly in much worse shape than you left it. White smoke now billowed from underneath the hood, and you leaned yourself against the dash to try to get a better look from inside the car.
“No, no no no.” As soon as Steve made a U-turn and parked his car behind yours, you opened the door and ran over, running a hand through your hair in a panic. 
“I’m sure it's not…that bad.” Steve tilted his head as he came up next to you, scrunching his face as he looked at the smoke continuing to spill from your engine. “Yeah, I don’t think it's supposed to do that.”
“Yeah, no shit.” You let out a groan before collapsing to the curb, head in your hands. “I should have listened to my dad when he told me to get it checked. Now who knows how long it’ll be before I can get back on the road.”
“Look, Eddie’s good at what he does.” Steve sat down next to you, nudging his shoulder into yours to offer some comfort. “He’ll have her back up and running in no time.”
“Yeah, well, it’ll take a miracle to fix all the problems with this piece of shit.”
Steve’s small chuckle was drowned out by the rumble of an engine, raising your head to see a tow truck traveling down the road towards you and your still smoking car. The red, hand painted detailing stood out against the black body of the truck, and as it got closer, you could hear the rumble of metal music blaring out of the open truck window. The driver, who you had yet to catch a glimpse of, backed the truck until the winch was close to the front of your car, the truck letting out one last puff of smoke through the exhaust as the engine shut off. 
“Always picking up strays, aren’t you Harrington?” The driver called out at Steve as he opened the truck’s door, a soft thud sound following after as he hopped out of the truck. Steve rolled his eyes. 
“I’m helping someone whose car broke down.”
“Mhmm. Bet you wouldn’t be helpin’ em if they weren’t so pretty though.” The man that had stepped out of the truck was the last person you’d expect to run a mechanic’s garage. Long, curly black hair down to his shoulders, arms covered in mismatched tattoos, and a cocky smirk on his face while he chewed on a toothpick. He looked to be only a few years older than yourself, and while you could tell that his disposition was likely off putting to most people he met, you found it oddly…comforting. Better a charming metalhead than a greasy bald guy drenched in sweat, you supposed. 
“You gonna get her car down to the garage or what?” Steve put his hands on his hips, earning a laugh from the other man. 
“Lemme assess the damage man. I gotta see what I’m working with.” He walked to the front of the car, playfully shoeing Steve away from it while he popped the hood. As soon as he did, smoke puffed out from around the engine, causing him to cough and wave it out of his face. He let out a whistle, leaning over the car to get a better look at the engine. “Good news, probably just a busted radiator hose. Easy and cheap fix, no biggie. Bad news? I won’t be able to fix it til’ the morning.”
“What?” You stood up from where you sat on the curb, leaning against the car. “I’m supposed to be in Indianapolis tonight. What am I gonna do?”
“Well, I’m sure ole Stevie over here can help you figure something out, can’t you Harrington?” He clasped his hand on Steve’s shoulder and gave him a rather rough shake. Steve sent him a glare before turning back to you, trying to offer up a sympathetic smile.
“There’s a motel a few minutes into town. Nobody ever stays there, so there should be room. I can give you a ride over, if you want.”
You took a second to take in your surroundings. Here you were, stranded on the side of the road in an unfamiliar small town, with a car that had no chance of working until morning and no way to tell your friend you wouldn’t make it to her house tonight. Your only other option was to start hitchhiking, so staying in a dead end motel sounded good right about now. 
“I guess I don’t really have many other options.”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, Eddie’ll take good care of her.” Eddie winked at you playfully, bringing a small smile to your face. “And Stevie here will take good care of you.”
“Eddie, come on man.” Steve hid his face in embarrassment while Eddie snickered, clapping him on the back when he went to hook up the winch. You hide the redness in your own cheeks behind your hands.
“Sorry man, couldn’t help it.” Once the winch was hooked up and the front wheels of the car were off the ground, Eddie hopped back into the truck, leaning out the window to call down to you before he left. “I’ll get to work on her first thing in the morning, promise. She’ll be good as new before you know it.” 
He flashed you another smile before starting up the truck again, driving back towards town while you stood there watching your car get dragged along behind him. 
“Sorry about Eddie. He can be…alot, sometimes.” Steve leaned on the hood of his car, crossing his arms over his chest. You shrugged.
“S’okay. He reminds me a lot of a few of my friends back home, actually.” Steve chuckled a bit and nodded towards his car. 
“Well, you’ll be able to handle him better than me then. Come on, I’ll take you over to the motel.” You climbed back into the passenger seat of Steve’s car, sending him a quick thank you before he drove off. 
The sun was almost fully behind the horizon when you finally pulled into the parking lot of the ‘Stop Inn Motel’, a small, two story collection of motel rooms with a main office smack dab in the middle of it. There were only a few other cars in the parking lot, and the flashing neon ‘vacancy’ sign above your head almost made your head hurt in the dimming light. 
The girl behind the counter only looked up from her magazine after you rung the bell, rolling her eyes as she stood from her chair. 
“It’s $10 a night for a single, $15 for a double.”
“Just a single for the night, please.” You went to reach into your wallet for cash but Steve stopped you, handing over his own $10 bill to the desk attendant. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“You’ve already had a shitty enough day. It’s 10 bucks, no big deal.” Your shoulders relaxed at the soft smile on Steve’s face, kind eyes softening when he saw the way your mood rose a little. The girl behind the counter dangled a set of keys in front of you, which you took quickly.
“Checkout at 2 tomorrow. Stay after check out and it's a $5 fee per hour unless you pay for another night.” You gave her a nod and a thank you, which she ignored before heading back to her chair from before and flipping through her magazine again. 
Steve helped carry your bags from his trunk up to your room, standing outside while he passed you your bags over the threshold. You thanked him one more time before going to close the door, but he cleared his throat nervously to stop you. 
“Hey, uhm, you’re probably starving after everything today and I thought maybe I could…show you the best places to eat around town while you’re here?” The nervous wringing of his hand had your heart swelling in your chest. You were usually the one nervous around guys like Steve, and you simply couldn’t find it in yourself to turn down his offer. You’d always wanted to take more chances. Why not this one?
“I’d like that.” He raised his head as if he’d expected you to say no, smile curling his lips upwards. “Just give me an hour to get changed. I’m, like, drenched in sweat and dirt right now.”
“Yeah, yeah of course. I’ll be back in an hour.”
“Good. See you then.”
You watched Steve all the way back to his car, closing the door behind you once he got out of your view. You leaned against it for a moment and took a deep breath in, then frantically began opening your luggage to find something to wear. 
Hey, maybe your piece of shit car was good for something after all. 
⊲Part 2, coming soon⊳
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collecting-stories · 2 years
Pablo Neruda - Usnavi de la Vega
Request: no
Summary: reader has a crush on Usnavi and invites him to dinner. Just a bunch of fluff really.
A/N: I don't even know for sure how long this has been in my notes. Literally found it the other day and figured it was high time to finish it and post it here. Even if no one really cares about In the Heights anymore.
Broadway Masterlist
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The sight behind the counter shouldn’t have been a surprising one. It was more common than not that you would find Marco here, chin just level with the counter despite the stool that Usnavi let him stand on. He thought the bodega was the coolest place on earth and frequently told the owner that when he was Sonny’s age, he too would work there.  
His Spider-Man bike was chained up outside, evidence that he’d ridden straight here after school despite your constant reminders that he needed to come home first.  
“Someday I’m gonna report you as a missing child…they’re gonna think Usnavi kidnapped you.” You remarked, the bell jangling as the door shut behind you. The fan set up in the corner blew passed you as it oscillated, trying to keep the store cool in the early heat of June. You took quick stock of what you could see, noting the absence of any adult supervising your seven-year-old. “Speaking of, where is Usnavi?” 
“The cooler broke again,” Marco replied. The thud of his small feet hitting the floor echoed in the space and he came around the counter to hug you, “I got a gold star on my story about Puerto Rico,” he mentioned, pulling away to go retrieve the paper that had already been pinned up to the bulletin board behind the counter. No doubt Usnavi’s doing.  
“Wow, that’s so great baby,” you took the papers that were stapled together, looking over the story that he’d recited to you three times that morning. “You’re like a little Pablo Neruda.”  
“Who?” Marco took the papers back, hanging them in their rightful place once more. A couple of his drawings accompanied the story. Once Usnavi had even hung a spelling test up so everyone could see it. You appreciated the sweetness, the willingness to help whenever you needed it, having someone around that your son could rely on, but it didn’t stop the occasional pang of something indescribable in your chest. You didn’t want Marco to get his hopes up…god knows you kept waiting for something you were sure wasn’t going to happen. Despite Carla constantly insisting that Usnavi had feelings for you.  
“Yeah, feelings of friendship. Feelings of ‘look at this poor pathetic girl I’ve known my whole life, still can’t make it out, got a kid now cause she was too stupid to see when her boyfriend was lying to her.” 
“Trust me, the only thing Usnavi’s thinking with when you come in the store is-“ 
“Oh god Carla!” 
But you couldn’t help feeling more than a little hopeful everytime you saw one of Marco’s tests or drawings hanging up, as if Usnavi was just as proud as you were. As if Marco had a dad (or at least a father figure) who actually cared about him.  
“Pablo Neruda wrote love poems,” Usnavi’s voice sounded from behind you. “He’s your mama’s favorite.”  
You turned to look at him and he winked as if the two of you were co-conspirators. Like you were in on the same secret and it made your heart pick up speed just a little bit.  
“Who else is gonna write me love poems?” You managed to say, rather proud that you’d even mustered a sentence together.  
The smile didn’t leave Usnavi’s face, even after you turned back to Marco and told him to get his stuff together so you could go home. While you were used to the moaning and protesting that usually accompanied this request you were rather taken aback when Marco hopped off the stool without question and started gathering his school supplies off the counter.  
“Can Usnavi come over for dinner? He said Sonny’ll be here soon to help and that means he wouldn’t have to hang around too…can he?” Marco asked, eagerly, looking to Usnavi, “do you wanna come over for dinner?” 
“You’re going to abuela’s for dinner, remember?” It was Wednesday and Wednesday meant dinner with your ex’s mom.  
“Well, then you and Usnavi can have dinner.” He suggested, toothy smile (minus a noticeable one in the front).  
You thought about saying that you were more than positive Usnavi had better things to do than come over to your place and eat dinner with you but your mouth worked before your brain could intervene and suddenly you heard yourself saying, “what’d you say? Wanna have dinner with me?” to Usnavi.  
Maybe it was the heat or the work trying to fix the cooler that had him flushed but you swore he looked almost nervous when he nodded his head, like the offer was too good to be true. “Yeah, definitely.”  
Usnavi wasn’t one to get his hopes up. Benny constantly swore that you were basically in love, (“you’re practically raising Marco together, now if you could just get together”), but Usnavi didn’t want to take the chance and look like a fool. Not to mention, he liked Marco a lot and he didn’t want you to think he had some ulterior motive for being nice to your son. He wasn’t expecting you to want to be with him and he didn’t want you to think he was.  
You told him seven o’clock and he got there at 6:45, standing at the bottom of the stoop and contemplating the flowers he’d brought. You didn’t say it was date or even imply that this was anything more than you offering a meal while Marco was at his abuela’s. Maybe you just didn’t feel like eating alone. Or maybe you felt bad because Marco had offered dinner and you didn’t want to be rude. Maybe the flowers were overkill, maybe you were allergic.  
“You stand outside all night, you’re never gonna get a chance,” Daniela teased as she walked passed him, bumping her hip against his playfully.  
“We’re just having dinner,” Usnavi didn’t bother to ask how Daniela already knew about the dinner. No doubt everyone in Washington Heights knew about dinner.  
“Yeah?” She plucked a flower out of the bunch, “hoping for dessert?”  
Usnavi choked on his reply, swallowing down the last bout of nerves and heading up to the door before Daniela could continue teasing him. You were on the second floor, the black and white tiled hallway was missing a piece right beside your door and when you complained the landlord told you there was nothing he could do. Now a large pot sat over it with monstera growing next to a welcome mat that you changed out for the seasons. It was getting close to valentines and the mat had red and pink X’s and O’s.  
The green door was cracked open, a “come on in” gesture that Usnavi had encounter a few times before when he’d offered to keep Marco while you worked and then walked the boy home at the end of the night. He rarely saw you without your son and it occurred to him as he pushed the door open that this would be the first time he was at your place without the seven year old buffer leading the conversations.  
“Uh, hey, the door was open,” Usnavi offered as he walked in, shut the door behind him, and walked further into your apartment. He was still holding the flowers, down by his side, their petals directed at the hardwood floor.  
“Hey,” you moved away from the frying pan to give him a hug, laughing gently at the sight of the bouquet. “Are those for me?”  
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” he apologized, whipping them up so fast a few petals fell off. “Daniela stole one, actually.”  
“Well they’re beautiful, thank you.” You took the bouquet from him and Usnavi watched you move around the small kitchen, grabbing a vase and filling it with water and arranging the flowers. He thought about something Abuela Claudia had told him years ago about knowing when he was in love and he turned away, looking around the rest of the small space as if he’d never been in it before.  
“Sonny didn’t mind watching the store I hope,” you mentioned, looking for something to say. It felt different without Marco there. Not the sort of different that made it awkward, despite you grasping for something to say, but the sort of different that felt like talking and having dinner were the furthest things from your mind. The sort of different that had you thinking Daniela and Carla and everyone else in the Heights that had an opinion on it was right.  
“As long as I bring him back something,” he replied. He’d made it to the bookcase near the front door, looking through all the books at eye level first. Pablo Neruda caught his eye and he took the book down, skimming through the pages.  
“Whatca got there?” You asked, coming over to look around his shoulder at the book he was holding in his hands. 
Usnavi tilted his head to look back toward you, “estás aquí. Oh, no te escapes," he began, reciting the poem as you stood there listening, dinner forgotten. His voice was smooth, the way it always was but somehow different too. Sweeter, like honey.  
That different sort of feeling that you were trying not to fall into settled over you as you listened to him read. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, and when he finally reached the end of the poem and he looked over at you, the fall you were trying to avoid suddenly crashed over you.  
“...quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos,” he recited, eyes meeting yours.  
“¿Es así?” You were only just barely aware of Usnavi placing the book back on the shelf, the thin volume of poems falling to the floor from its haphazard placement. He turned into your space, kissing you without hesitation.  
Benny always said he was too slow, that he overthought all of his actions before he did them, and that what he needed to do was just act. It wasn’t advice he ever actually took. Usnavi just wasn’t the kind of person who acted on impulse. And then all of the sudden he was holding your face in his hands and kissing you in your living room. Impulsive, absolutely. When you finally pulled away, only to catch your breath, Usnavi smiled. That irresistibly boyish smile that always gave you butterflies. “Dinner?” He asked, only to avoid any more impulsive acts like telling you he loved you.  
“Dinner can wait.”  
The door to the apartment slammed open and Marco came through, kicking his shoes off as he called out, “Mama! Mama!”  
Behind him, the door shut, his grandma stepping into the kitchen and looking suspiciously over the food that was left on the counter, still in the pan though the oven was off. The door to your bedroom was open and before Marco could make it that far you appeared in the hall, holding a zippered sweatshirt closed, semi-nervous smile on your face.  
“Hey baby, how was dinner?” You asked, hovering near the door of your room. 
“Abuela made dulce de leche! I brought you a piece!” He held the tupperware out toward you proudly, “Is Usnavi still here?”  
“Uh, he’s...he’s in the...” you floundered, trying to think of something to say. He was very much still there, on the other side of the open door, pulling his clothes on as fast as possible.  
“Why don’t we put this in the fridge Marco,” your ex’s mother suggested, taking the tupperware back from you and putting her arm around your son’s shoulders, “wait for your mama and this Usnavi to join us.” 
If you didn’t know you’d hear an earful from her about almost getting caught by your son, you would have thanked her for intervening when she did. Instead you just ducked back in your room, closing the door so you could change quickly, clocking Usnavi standing there with a massive grin on his face.  
“Don’t smile at me like that,” you whispered. An empty warning, really.  
“I don’t know what you mean,” he replied, grin still in place.  
“Come on, I still owe you dinner.” You held the bedroom door open for him to go out first, “and now we’ve got dessert too.” 
Usnavi stopped in the doorway to kiss you, “I’ve already had mine.” When you smacked his arm he only laughed and continued into the kitchen, Marco’s excited greeting putting a smile on your face as you walked into the kitchen after him.  
✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎
The poem Usnavi reads is Pablo Neruda's Everyday You Play .
estás aquí. Oh, no te escapes - you are here. Oh you do not run away
quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos - I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees
¿Es así? - is that so? / it's like that?
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oumaheroes · 1 year
Hello! Have u ever written little Peter with the UK bros and if not, do u have any headcanons as to how they would get along/what they would do when he’s over? Like Scotland carrying him on his shoulders taking him to a rugby game idk ! Basically, UK Bros + Sealand
PS thank god for u and ur big juicy brain I love all ur uk bros content SO much
I have far too many headcanons about little Peter and his strange father and uncles ;u;
I hope this little ficlet pleases you, Anon!
Characters: Sealand, Scotland
‘What on earth do you think you’re doing?’
By the light of a phone torch, Scotland saw Sealand start violently at the bottom of the stairs and press his fist to his chest in a vaguely England-like gesture.
‘You scared the shit out of me!’ He hissed in a stage whisper.
The boy was wearing long, light blue pyjamas; tatty, well-worn child sized things that England had kept about the house for the last thirty years in case of emergency. Whether emergency new child, or child emergency Scotland didn’t want to give thought to. Sealand been staying in England’s London house with him for a while, from what Scotland could guess, and he’d heard no whisper of him going back to his fort any time soon. Maybe longer too than England had planned for.
From his spot on the sofa, Scotland sat up enough to throw a cushion at him. It hit Sealand gently on the head and the boy glared at him, ‘What was that for?’
‘Asked you a question.’
‘I came down for a drink.’
‘Tap not good enough for you in the bathroom upstairs? And turn that bloody torch off.’
Sealand did so. ‘I wanted milk.’
‘Christ.’ Scotland flopped back down onto the sofa and crossed his arms under his head, ‘You’re spoilt, you are.’
Sealand said nothing. He stood there for unmoving for a while, as if waiting to be told off or shoo’d back to bed. When this didn’t come, after a moment Scotland heard him approach the sofa and then he appeared above him, arms crossed on the backrest and face dark in the dim light, ‘What are you doing down here.’
In reply, Scotland pointed to the ceiling. Sealand followed to where he was pointing and they both waited in silence until a large, rumbling snore made itself known through the floorboards.
‘Can’t shut him up.’
‘I thought you were in my room?’
‘I can hear him through the walls. Quieter down here.’
Sealand looked thoughtful, ‘You should have gone to bed before him.’
‘Wouldn’t have mattered. He’s had whiskey; that always makes him louder.’
‘Dad’s got special headphones you could have stolen. He uses them for when he and Uncle Rhys go camping.’
‘Do I look like I want more bullshit this weekend?’ Scotland huffed and pulled the blanket he was under higher up to his chin, ‘Bad enough with him griping about his fucking shed.’
‘The one you broke the roof of?’
‘It was rotten. I stepped on- you know what? I’m not having this argument at-‘ Scotland checked his phone, squinting at the screen in the dim light, ‘two o’clock in the morning. Now piss off and let me sleep.’
Sealand’s head disappeared. Scotland flipped over on his side, hiding his eyes under his hand as the kitchen light flicked on.
After a few minutes of rummaging and the sounds of cupboards opening and closing, the light turned back off and Scotland heard Sealand return to the living room.
‘Got you a digestive, if you want it.’
‘Nah ta. All yours.’
Sealand immediately took a huge bite. Scotland got the impression that the offer hadn’t been entirely genuine.
‘Are you going to be working on the car again tomorrow?’
‘Can I help?’
‘Christ Peter, ‘Scotland dropped his hand, ‘what do you want, lad?’
‘Nothing.’ The glass in Sealand’s hand reflected the streetlight through the curtain as he moved, ‘Just asked a question.’
A silence fell. There was something Sealand wasn’t saying, an all too familiar unspoken request that Scotland had encountered many times throughout the years.
He sighed and sat up, twisting to turn on the side table lamp as he did so. The light revealed Sealand by the coffee table, small looking in his baggy pyjama shirt. His hair was ruffled, tousled from a restless and uneasy sleep and he turned his face away when Scotland looked at him to toe at the rug. He reminded Scotland of someone very similar over a millennia ago, someone too stubborn to say what he really wanted but desperately wanting it anyway.
‘What.’ Sealand said defensively, meeting Scotland’s eye.
‘Can’t sleep?’
Sealand shrugged but stayed quiet.
‘If Arthur’s on your side of the bed, just kick him.’
Sealand conceded to a small smile but didn’t offer anything else.
Scotland swung his legs to the floor and reached for the remote on the coffee table, ‘What was that shit show you keep going on at me to watch?’
‘Ultimate Survivor?’
‘That’s the one.’ Scotland clicked the TV on and turned the volume down low, ‘Might as well get it over with if we’ve got nothing better to do. I’m not going to be able to sleep whilst Rhys is like that.’
‘Really?’ Sealand brightened.
‘Aye. And I’ll prove to you it’s all bullshit.’
‘It’s really not.’ Sealand joined him on the sofa and buried his legs under Scotland’s blanket, ‘They’ve got all these specialists-‘
‘It’s not!’
‘Nah, I mean what advice they give. Half is too pretentious and the other half’s all bollocks.’ Scotland settled back against the sofa and slung his arm over the back, ‘Like that Bear Grylls idiot- drinking your own piss. What an eejit.’
‘If you’re ever stranded without water-‘
Scotland made a face, ‘He wouldn’t know how to make a good fire if he was next to a burning house. Now shut up and let me focus.’
Sealand scooted closer and drew his knees up, ‘Bet you one of them will give up before ten minutes in.’
‘I reckon five. English pansies.’
‘Winner gets a tenner?’
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐨𝐬
(jonathan byers x fem!reader)
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Summary: Your boyfriend seeks you out in his time of need. You hold onto him for as long as you can.
Warnings: Angst, a little bit of fluff and comfort, implied Jancy.
a/n: My dumbass lost the ask about this request. I had an original character x steve harrington plot, once upon a time, my first ever OC for a fandom and it started off a lot like this, so writing this was very nostalgic. Hurt like hell, though. Anyways, hope the jonathan lovers (other than me) and anyone else who gives this a read likes it. I know he's not one of the more popular ST romantic interests, but he should be.
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You hummed along to the song crooning low from your battered radio—the poor thing having taken one too many tumbles from its resting place on your dresser.
  Sometimes you got a little too into it, and lacked special awareness, dance moves too much for your secondhand furniture. 
  The main ceiling light was off, your safe space only lit by a few candles and the lamp on your desk, providing you enough light to complete the essay you were working on. 
  It was peaceful, almost. Ideally, you’d rather be in bed reading a book or watching some movie, maybe catching up on Dynasty but you needed to clear your head—or rather, distract yourself.
  You’d been plagued with a sense of foreboding for the last couple of weeks, and anxiety. It had only intensified in the last couple of days, still, you were determined to push through it. You were being stupid, silly.
  You let out a sigh, dropping your pencil in favor of running a hand over your face. You’d gone right back to thinking about the cause of your silent anguish. Danggit.
  You let yourself stew in silence for a few moments before you forced yourself to pick up your pencil again, ready to move onto your next paragraph when you heard the unmistakable sound of knuckles rapping against the glass of your window.
  Glancing up and over, you found your boyfriend’s face peering down at you. He smiled, sheepish, as he waved.
  You abandoned your homework (it wasn’t due until Friday anyways), hurrying over to the wall to unlock it for him. Your bedroom was in the basement, the house was only a two bedroom, so you’d shared a room with your younger sister until just a few months ago, when your father had finally cleaned it out and done it up for you just before his sudden passing. 
  Jonathan had no problem climbing down through the small, rectangular window, he’d done it a couple of times already—though your mother had no problem allowing him in, not when he made you so happy after the loss.
  “You could just use the front door, you know.” You reminded him, lips pulling into a smile as his nose scrunched up in distaste.
  “Didn’t want to ring the doorbell, I know your mom’s probably exhausted from all the flying.” He shrugged off his jacket, resting it over the washer (hey—it might have been a spacious room but it was still the basement).
  Your heart warmed, pleased with the fact he’d remembered your brief mentioning of her return home that morning while he’d walked you to your algebra class. She was a flight attendant, taking on more flights to support you and your sister now that your dad was gone. You rarely saw her anymore.
  “She’s got her earplugs in.” 
  “Did she have to pay twenty dollars for those or does she get them for free?”
  You laughed, shoving at his shoulder. Jonathan chuckled, giving you a playful push before he dragged you back to him, holding you against him as he swayed you and pressed his lips to your crown.
  Your eyes fluttered shut, soaking up his affection like a peace lily deprived of the sun.
  Then he let himself fall back onto your bed, taking him with you as you squealed. 
  He shushed you, hand on the back of your head to press your face into his chest, “Your mom is asleep, Moody!”
  You groaned at the use of the nickname you’d never be able to escape. You’d swallowed a mood ring on a dare in elementary school and threw it up, along with your breakfast, during recess when you’d grown anxious, believing a doctor would have to cut your stomach open to fish it out. 
  The mean kids had used the name to taunt you, but when a shy little boy with shaggy hair used it to call you over and ask if you wanted to take turns pushing each other on the swing, you’d decided it wasn’t all that bad. Not even a little. He also never took a turn on the swings, pushing you the entire time.
  That hadn’t been the beginning of your love story, while you’d play with Jonathan—always running to him whenever he called and even when he didn’t—your crush on him prevented you from developing a real friendship with him, too shy whenever he’d acknowledge your existence. It was a Peppermint Patty and Charlie Brown kind of thing until high school.
  You’d always been pretty, always been likable and nice—to those who deserved it—and your popularity in high school was a result of those traits. You’d been pursued by boys since middle school, but you were too focused on your pursuit of one boy in particular to pay them any mind.
  Your love story finally started just after freshman year had ended. Jonathan was going around, taking photos of the messy hallways filled with celebration. You’d clocked the moment his camera was on you and gave the lens, and the boy behind it, a brilliant grin.
  The picture was clipped to the visor in his car with a copy resting, framed, on his bedside table
  You let out a small puff of breath, eyes closing once more as the anxiety faded from you. Jonathan was your flame, always driving away the cold.
  The two of you laid there on your bed in comfortable silence, his hand stroking over your hair. You’d almost been lulled to sleep until you registered the change in the silence. It was anxious again, but it wasn’t you.
  You moved your head to stare up at him, chin resting on his chest.
  He wasn’t looking at you, gaze focused on your ceiling with an emotionless expression. You knew what he was thinking about.
  “We should hang up more flyers,” You commented, mind filling with thoughts and memories of the little boy who often accompanied you on dates with your boyfriend and for whom you often babysat before you were even able to call Jonathan yours. Despite his young age, you considered Will a friend (felt a little wrong to call him your little brother seeing as how you were sleeping with his older brother). You loved him and you missed him, having been plagued with worry since his disappearance. 
  You’d searched the woods with Joyce, Jonathan and your sister day after day until your group finally had to admit Will wasn’t in the woods. You’d also helped plaster his missing posters all over town, putting them back up when some asshole tore them down (you hadn’t told Jonathan about that).
  Jonathan hummed, unblinking and you wiggled further up his body, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck as you pressed a few gentle kisses there. You could feel the tension leaving him.
  “Do you think he’s still alive?” He finally asked, voice a whisper even for your soft spoken boyfriend and laced with fear.
  You moved onto your forearm, shifting your weight to your side as you used your free hand to grasp his chin, turning his head to look at you. 
  There was a wet shine to his pretty brown eyes, one you knew he rarely allowed himself to show.
  You thought of your sister upstairs, older than Will but still  younger than you. If anything happened to her, you wouldn’t know how to go on with that missing space in your life. You could barely do it with the space your dad had previously occupied being empty.
  You knew Will, though. Maybe not as well as his brother, but you had a special bond with him, your friendship pure and full of trust. He’d comforted you on the nights you were babysitting him and your feelings for Jonathan became too much for you, always reassuring you that his brother was the greatest but severely stupid if he couldn’t see how much you cared about him and ask you out. You’d laugh, make him popcorn and let him watch a scary movie to apologize for being a teenage girl around him.
  He told you his secrets, too.
  Yeah, your bond with Will Byers was strong, unbreakable even. And you knew he was alive. You didn’t know how, you just knew.
  “Without a doubt. Will is gonna come home. He is, and we’ll all cry and hug and never let him out of our sights again, but he’s coming home.”
  You watched his face give in, crumbling as the tears finally trailed down the sides of his face, disappearing into his sideburns.
  It was your turn to hold him. You pulled him to you and he went willingly, burying his face in your chest as he quietly sobbed, shoulders shaking. 
  You carded your fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead, willing away your own hurt so you could help him through his.
  “He might not be here right now, but Will isn’t gone. You haven’t lost him, Shutterbug.” You promised, squeezing him so he didn’t feel like he was falling apart.
  All your previous worries were gone, fear of Jonathan’s seemingly growing friendship and secret rendezvous—he hasn’t told you about but you know of—with Nancy Wheeler forgotten, trivial compared to the matter at hand. He’s in your bed, came to you for comfort and you got to hold him. She’s got a boyfriend, one who isn’t yours. The foreboding can take a seat in the back of your mind because you wouldn’t pay it anymore attention.
  You were right, Will did come home. You didn’t know the whole story, not buying the one fed to you but you didn’t push it, happy and relieved your little friend was back home safe.
  And you were right about the other thing, the foreboding. By the next fall, you weren’t able to hold Jonathan anymore. 
  And he stopped being yours.
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angel-pride · 4 years
Hello! Uh, if it's not too much trouble, could I get a coined gender/pronouns for a gender that feels mystical and peaceful, yet ominous? Sort of like... the vibe that comes from Cosmo Sheldrake's music, or like... a vague, politely enticing aura that makes you stop for a second and wonder if wizards are real/ whatever lies behind the fog at 2:00pm on a rainy day. Im sorry if that description is vauge I'm real bad at this-
absolutely!! here you are ~<3
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a gender that feels mystical and peaceful, yet ominous, with a vague, politely enticing aura.
suggested pronouns?
soft/softs/softself, deep/deeps/deepself, clo/clou/cloud/clouds/cloudself, li/light/lights/lightself, fog/fogs/fogself, sky/skies/skyself, au/aura/auras/auraself, air/airs/airself
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justabigassnerd · 2 years
First Period
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Pairing - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,653
Warnings - periods (not that it should be a warning), mentions of pain meds, reminiscing of Goose and Carole, mentions of death
Summary - not long after turning thirteen, your period strikes for the first time, thankfully you've got your dad by your side
A/N - whaddup y'all it's me with a new fic! This was an anon request and I was given the freedom to pick between Jake or Bradley and I chose good ol' Rooster bc I had a better idea in my head about how Bradley would deal with this kind of situation so yeah (plus I write Hangman daughter fics a lot I needed to give Roo some love) I'm not ruling out doing this kind of scenario with Jake I just might need some time to think on it. Anyways I'll stop rambling. As per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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When it came closer to your birthday where you’d be turning thirteen, your dad decided to sit you down and talk to you about periods. At first, you had been embarrassed about your dad sitting you down and lecturing you about the female body. But you were grateful when you had a moment to think about it. Since you had no mother figure in your life, having your dad take the time to help you understand what changes your body would go through when you hit puberty meant a lot. You knew most dads would shy away from this subject, but your dad tackled the issue head-on and answered any question you had to the best of his ability.
When the weekend came, Bradley took you to the nearest shop and took you to the aisle that sold period products. He helped you pick out what you needed and didn’t make you feel pressured to pick any type of product so when you picked up a packet of period pads he simply grinned and picked up a couple more of the same packets insisting that it was always good to be prepared and put them in the basket. He heard an elderly woman who was browsing the shampoo behind him utter a few choice words about how Bradley shouldn’t be doing what should be the mother’s job. Bradley knew he should’ve ignored it to set a good example to you, but he took too much pleasure out of turning around and stating that he was a single father and watching as the woman’s expression quickly shifted to one of horror before he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you out of the aisle.
Not long after you turned thirteen, your period struck for the first time. You had been getting changed in the morning when you saw the blood staining your pyjamas. Thankfully it wasn’t too bad, so you changed into some comfy clothes, putting a pad on and chucked a hoodie on before going downstairs to wash some of your clothes, the pyjamas included. As you hit start on the washing machine, a horrible cramp shot across your stomach and you instinctively put your hand there, applying pressure in the hopes that it would help. When nothing seemed to come of you doing that, you dragged yourself over to the sofa and curled up into a ball, tugging a blanket over you after turning on the tv and hoping it would distract you from the cramps.
“y/n/n, I’m home!” You heard your dad call as he enters the house. Since it was a Saturday, you’d been able to get a lie in and Bradley would take himself to the shop.
“In the living room.” Came your muffled reply. Bradley came through the living room on his way to the kitchen and at the sight of you curled up on the sofa looking incredibly miserable, he put the bags of shopping down and was by your side in an instant, kneeling by the sofa.
“Are you feeling okay, y/n?” Bradley asked worriedly, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead, seeing if you had a temperature.
“I’m not sick, dad.” You say, a small smile crossing as you push your dad’s hand away lightly.
“Then what’s wrong?” He asks and you shrug as best you can when lying on your side.
“I’m officially a woman now.” You say, giving half-hearted jazz hands for emphasis. It took your dad a second to understand what you were saying but once it registered, his eyes widened, and he sat back slightly.
“Have you taken any painkillers?” He asks, frowning slightly when you shake your head.
“I just wanted to curl up.” You say, wincing when another cramp shoots through you.
“Okay, I’ll grab you some painkillers. Then I’ll unpack the shopping and make you a hot water bottle to help with your cramps. Does that sound like a plan?” Bradley asks you softly, waiting for you to nod before kissing your forehead and standing up. He heads into the kitchen with the shopping before heading to the bathroom and reappearing with painkillers and a glass of water.
“Did you happen to buy chocolate while you were out?” You ask sheepishly, as you take the pills.
“Funny you should ask. I did. I’ll grab it once I’ve sorted everything out.” Bradley says with a grin, ruffling your hair as you lie back down. Bradley enters the kitchen once more and begins to unpack the shopping after putting the kettle on to boil some water. He finishes unpacking the shopping just as the kettle finishes boiling the water, so he grabs a hot water bottle and fills it with hot water. He returns to the living room with the hot water bottle and a chocolate bar and hands you both items.
“Move over a bit.” Bradley says, waiting for you to shuffle over before sitting where your head had previously been, allowing you to rest your head on his leg. You press the hot water bottle against your stomach and relax at the relief it brings you, easing your cramps. You fix your gaze back on the tv once you’re settled and begin eating the chocolate bar, offering pieces up to your dad occasionally.
“Hey dad, can I ask you a question?” You ask, glancing up at your dad briefly.
“You just did.” He grins as you groan at his joke.
“Okay, okay. What’s your question?” Bradley then asks, turning his full attention to you as you roll onto your back so you can look up at your dad.
“How come you know so much about periods? I know that’s a weird question but most of my friend’s dads wouldn’t go near this subject with a ten-foot pole.” You ask, looking up at your dad, who runs a hand through your hair absentmindedly.
“Your grandma taught me all about it when she figured I was old enough. She wanted me to know so that when I had a girlfriend, wife, daughter, whatever, I’d know how to help. She said there were too many men out there who were disgusted by female anatomy, and she didn’t want me to be like that. She said my dad was the best at taking care of her on a rough day, so I vowed to do my best by her. And now I want to do my best by you.” Bradley explains, thinking about Carole and how she raised him to be a model gentleman and now he’d use the knowledge she gave him to teach you how you should be treated by anyone you meet in your life.
“Grandma sounds like she was awesome. Grandpa too.” You mumble, wishing you could’ve gotten to know your grandparents.
“They were. And they would’ve loved you so much. They would’ve spoiled you rotten.” Bradley says softly with a gentle smile on his face as he imagines how his parents would’ve been overjoyed at your existence. He thought about how Goose would’ve taught you how to play ‘Great Balls of Fire’ sitting you on top of the piano as he played the way he did with Bradley when he was younger. He thought about how Carole would’ve doted on you, she would’ve taken you on regular girl nights out and helped you with boy problems, swearing herself to secrecy and not telling Bradley or Goose about anything.
“Am I not spoiled enough by Mav and the Daggers?” You tease, making Bradley chuckle lightly as he shakes his head.
“Your grandparents had their own level of spoiling someone.” Bradley says, remembering how Goose would buy Carole a rose every time they reunited after a deployment. And how Bradley had always been gifted a souvenir that his dad had managed to pick up. His most precious was the toy F-14 that Goose had gifted him when he and his mother went to visit Goose in Miramar mere days before his death. Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Bradley turns his attention back to you, smiling down at you as you grin back up at him.
“Are you feeling any better?” Bradley then asks, noticing that you haven’t squirmed or winced in pain in a while.
“A little. I feel off but the pain meds and hot water bottle definitely helped.” You admit, taking another chunk of chocolate and popping it into your mouth after you speak.
“You could always take a nap if you wanted. I know they helped my mum.” Bradley says softly, running his hand through your hair once more. You went to protest but a yawn slipped past your lips before you could get a word out. Bradley raised an eyebrow with a smile and you turned on your side once more, allowing Bradley to freely run his hand through your hair, a technique he learnt when you were little that put you to sleep fairly quickly. Bradley kept his focus on the tv while he ran his hand through your hair, smiling to himself when he heard your slowed breaths, indicating to him that you’d given in to the clutches of sleep.
Bradley smoothed some of your hair out of your face before focusing back on the tv again. His mind began to wander. He thought of his parents and how much he missed them. He thought of how they’d have the answers to parenting that he didn’t. Then his thoughts became more positive when he looked down at you curling further into the blanket and nuzzling your cheek against his leg. He thought of how Carole had prepared him for life as best she could before she passed on. He thought of you sleeping peacefully by his side. And he thought of how he was going to use every piece of life knowledge he was given by his mother to give you the best life he could.
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hauntlikeaghost0 · 2 years
i’m with you | b.h.
billy hargrove x gn!reader
summary: billy is ready to leave hawkins behind and there’s no way he’s going alone.
warnings: swearing. reference to billy being a dick. mostly fluff. technically an au because billy is alive.
a/n: this fic was requested by @muyub-yo . feel like it’s kind of short so could be considered more of a drabble but i really enjoy writing for billy in more of a stream of consciousness kind of way and this is what came out. thankyou for ur request, i hope u like it!!
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if billy had a dollar for everytime this shithole town ruined his life in some detrimental way, he’s sure he would be a millionaire. it seemed moving here with his dickhead father was the first step in some great chain reaction of unfortunate events that have ultimately led to him having enough. and, oh my god, has he fucking had enough.
he found so little happiness in hawkins, he wondered why anyone else stuck around. how the town was still inhabited when it clearly sucked the soul out of anyone who entered. all he saw each day were the same miserable people, going about their same miserable tasks like the town wasn’t collapsing from the inside. he’d been here three years and in that time he’d seen more death and literal monsters than he ever had and ever wanted to in his entire life.
for a while he thought he might deserve it; thought the suffering he was subjected to was karma. when had he ever done anything to deserve peace anyway? he was a bad son, a bad brother and a notoriously bad boyfriend. maybe cursed hawkins was where he belonged and he was put here as punishment, to teach him a lesson. that’s why he stuck around, at first, he figured if he put up with it long enough he might come out a changed person, a good person.
though, there was one good thing that came from hawkins, one gift that was granted to him, one indulgence. and that was you. a year ago, you were presented to him on a silver platter, all thanks to a hallway collision and a myriad of mumbled apologies that still make billy grin, to this day.
it was unusual, for billy, to be drawn to someone so timid. typically, he went for the loud girls, the ones who threw themselves at him, using him for his status the same way he was using them. it had become a vicious cycle, one in one out. the longest he was a boyfriend to the same person was probably about two weeks and he wasn’t exactly loyal then either. so why did this asshole all of a sudden think he was deserving of happiness from someone who could obviously do so much better?
he’d watched you since that day you’d ran into him, eyes caught on how your cheeks had flushed and how you’d genuinely smiled when he’d apologised alongside you. he couldn’t remember a time in his life when someone had given him a genuine reaction that wasn’t fear or selfish lust. and, maybe it was selfish of him to expect it, but he chased that reaction anyway. cornering you in hallways and offering to walk you to class to see if he could raise another smile from you; giving you a lift home and relishing in your honest conversation; asking you on a date praying to see you agree with no ulterior motives. he’d fallen for you fast and that was the only thing he could thank hawkins for. the gift of you.
that’s why, as he zips his life away into one last duffel bag and moves to throw it in the boot of his car, he knows there’s one place he’s stopping before he’s burning rubber, speeding himself out this place. he knows the one thing he won’t let hawkins sink it’s teeth into and take away from him. whether he deserves you or not he’s too attached, too selfish to care.
in many ways, you make billy good. when he feels like acting out, when he sees his world start to spin out of proportion, you’re the one to anchor him. your the one to quiet him before he can spew unnecessary hate at someone in the hallway in reaction to a bad morning with his dad. you’re the one that smoothed out his rough edges; that showed him that a relationship extended beyond and exchange for social gain. you showed him what it felt like to be wanted for who he was, for the beating heart that laid beneath all that armour he put up. you hugged him (that alone had a great effect on his demeanour) but you hugged him like you needed him, like he was worth something to you, like you never wanted to lose him. and billy had grown to need that. to need you. so it might be selfish, but as he pulled into your driveway to see you stood, bags packed, waiting for him, he decided, just this once, it would be okay.
“you ready, sweetheart?” he steps out of the car, cigarette balanced between his lips.
you don’t answer, instead picking up one of your bags and moving to put it in the boot, hoping that’s answer enough for him.
he grins widely in response and holds out a hand to stop you. “i got that, baby.” pressing a kiss to your head he takes your luggage off you and begins to pack it all himself. you still scoop up some of the smaller bags to throw in with you at the front and he fights to roll his eyes at your stubbornness.
as you’re about to climb into the passenger seat, he stops you with a hand on your shoulder. his eyes lock with yours, the sparkle in them causing a flutter in your stomach as he looks at you intensely. unintentionally your eyes drop to his pink lips, noticing how the instantly quirk up into a smirk as he reaches to remove the cigarette. stamping it out beneath his boot.
“you definitely up for this?” his hand gently pushes a strand hair behind your ear.
you nod solidly. “i’m with you. wherever you go.”
though he despised it, a part of him will always be eternally grateful to hawkins; the person that stands before him is the best thing he ever could have asked for and he wouldn’t have you without this godforsaken place. he tilts his head to press his lips against yours, hand gripping your face gently as though too much pressure would make you vanish.
but your solid, and your here and he could cry because for the first time in his life he can see that peace he’s always wanted. he can see it in your smiling face as you whoop excitedly from the passenger seat. and he can see it in that beautiful, metal sign that reads:
“you are now leaving hawkins, indiana.”
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clear head ~ steve harrington;stranger things
part one
word count: 2988
request?: no
description: after the lust and excitement clears away, she realizes that dating her sister’s ex-boyfriend is a massive mistake
pairing: steve harrington x female!wheeler!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of smut from the previous part
masterlist (one, two)
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After Steve brought me home, I was in bed and the lust from our pool side activities subsided, I realized that what had happened that night was a bad idea.
There was the obvious bad, which was the fact that he was my sister’s ex-boyfriend. I know Steve said she ended it and was possibly moving on with someone else, but that didn’t erase the fact that they had a relationship, and doing...whatever it is I was doing with Steve was definitely against the sister code or something.
Then there was the less obvious but still highly possible bad: that Steve was using me as a rebound.
He didn’t seem like that kind of person, but then again I had only had one conversation with him. A conversation that soon led to a sexual act between us that would’ve also led to actual sex if we had been in a more private setting.
But Nancy wore he was a good guy, and he wants to take me out for breakfast in the morning.
But he said that after you turned him down for sex. He could just be trying to get in your pants.
I was so conflicted that I was up most of the night. When the sun started peaking through my curtains I could feel the exhaustion in my body, but it was too late to try and sleep now.
After hours of thought, I decided I wouldn’t go out with Steve that day. All signs pointed to it being a bad idea, so I decided to stop my heartbreak before it happened.
Even if this was something I had wanted for a long time.
Eventually, I got out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water to wake myself, to little success.
“You look like shit,” my little brother, Mike, commented as he shoved past me to look in the mirror.
“Watch your mouth or I’ll tell mom,” I muttered.
“And I’ll tell her you went to that party last night.”
“Jokes on you, I already told her.” I stuck my tongue out at him and started to walk away.
“Yeah, with Nancy. But Nancy didn’t go, and that definitely wasn’t Nancy who brought you home.”
My eyes widened and I quickly spun around to face Mike again. “Okay, I won’t say anything to mom. You better keep your mouth shut about me coming home with someone else to her and to Nancy.”
Mike rolled his eyes and shut the bathroom door. I trusted he wouldn’t say anything to Nancy about seeing me with Steve. There was a chance he didn’t even see who had brought me home that night, but there was also a chance he recognized Steve’s car from all the times that he had come over to visit Nancy. I was hoping to keep last night by the pool a secret as long as I possibly could.
I turned to go back to my room and yelped in surprise to find Nancy stood behind me.
“Sorry sis, didn’t mean to scare you,” she said with a chuckle. “Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost.”
“I-I’m just tired,” I said. “I didn’t sleep well.”
“You look tired. No offense. Were you out late to the party?”
I almost blanched at her question, but then I remembered that she knew I was going to Steve’s party because I told her to tell mom and dad she had taken me there. There’s no way she’d know what happened there...I hoped.
“Not too late. I was home by curfew. Just couldn’t get to sleep afterwards.”
“Maybe you should go lay down for a while before breakfast.”
I opened my mouth to respond, but at that moment our mom called up to tell us breakfast was on the table. I looked back at Nancy and shrugged. I’d just have to deal with being tired all day. Luckily it was a Saturday, so I had no school and no responsibilities. I could just lay in bed all day if I wanted to.
The four of us sat around the table as mom put food on the plates and placed them in front of us. Everyone began to dig into their food, but my exhaustion mixed with my guilty conscious caused a lack of appetite for me. Even though it definitely smelled mouthwatering.
“(Y/N), honey, are you okay?” mom asked.
“I’m fine, mom,” I assured her. “Not very hungry.”
“Did something happen at the party last night?”
Please everyone stop asking me about the party.
“No, nothing happened,” I said, trying to keep my voice even. “I didn’t even really participate in it. Parties aren’t really my scene.”
“Why did you even go then?” Mike asked.
“Maybe I don’t wanna be couped up in the house all the time like you, you basement dweller,” I retorted.
“Hey, both of you,” mom said in her stern voice.
I glared at Mike across the table as he returned the look. I swear, having a little brother is some sort of curse. I think mom and dad should’ve stopped having kids after they had Nancy and me.
I was still looking at Mike as I raised my glass of juice to my lips. My eyes wandered to the window behind him and I realized someone was looking in at me. I gasped at the same time the juice entered my mouth, causing me to choke and cough violently.
It was Steve.
I put my glass down and tried to get the liquid out of my lungs, glad that I was causing such a disruption that no one saw him slip around the side of the house.
“Sorry,” I wheezed after a while. “Sorry, it went down the wrong way.”
“Geez, you’re a wreck, (Y/N),” Mike said.
“Mike,” mom warned. “Are you okay, honey?”
“Yeah, I’m good now. But I may go up to my room and see if I can rest a little or something. I definitely don’t feel myself.”
I dumped my food in the garbage and placed my dishes into the sink before bounding up the stairs to my room. I had left my door open when I got up, and I was glad everyone else was down at the dinner table because there was Steve, laying on my bed, which was directly by my wide open door.
I quickly rushed into my room and closed the door behind me, locking it for good measure. Steve glanced at me for a second before turning back to the wall of posters in front of him.
“I didn’t expect you to have stuff like that on your wall,” he commented. “Is that a Metallica poster? You listen to Metallica?”
“What are you doing in my room?!” I whisper-yelled.
“Well, I thought I was picking you up for a breakfast date, but then I saw you at the table with your family and I’ll be honest, I’m a little heartbroken.”
I ran a hand through my hair. I had to get him out of here before anyone came upstairs. I couldn’t risk anyone seeing him here, especially not Nancy.
“You have to go,” I told him. “You can’t get caught in my room. My mom will flip.”
“I’ll go if you come with me.”
He looked up at me with big, hazel puppy dog eyes. It was almost enough to get me to cave, until I remembered the concerned look Nancy had given me earlier and remembered the connection between her and Steve.
“I’m not going to breakfast with you,” I said. “Last night was a mistake, Steve. It can’t happen anymore.”
He looked genuinely hurt as he sat up. “What? Where did that come from? You seemed all for it last night when we - ”
“Yeah, I was,” I cut him off. The last thing I needed was for him to remind me of the events of last night while he was here, in my room, looking as handsome as always. God, this is a dream come true and I’m about to turn him down. I’m an idiot. “But when I got home I realized that we can’t keep doing this. For one, you’re my sister’s ex-boyfriend - ”
“(Y/N), I’ve already told you she broke up with me, not the other way around."
“I know that, but it still feels wrong to be doing any of this with you knowing the connection you have to her. I don’t want her to think I’m betraying her or something. As lame as it sounds, Nancy is my life long best friend. I don’t want to ruin that.”
“That doesn’t sound lame. It must be really nice to have a sibling that you’re close to.”
Oh my God, he’s making this so difficult by being so cute.
I sat down next to him, testing myself to see if I could be close to him without throwing caution to the wind and jumping his bones. I took a deep breath and forced myself to ask the question I was really wondering, “How do I know you’re not using me as a rebound?”
He looked at me in disbelief. I wanted to believe it was real, that he was truly shocked that I’d ever think such a thing, but my mind kept telling me that he could just be pretending. All of this could be pretend, although I really, really didn’t want it to be.
“You’d really think I’d do that?” he asked. The hurt came through in his voice and I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach.
“I don’t know, Steve. That’s the thing. I don’t really know you. I know you dated my sister. I know you’re the most popular guy at school. I know we had one conversation and it led to you eating me out and trying to have sex with me by your pool. That doesn’t exactly scream to me that you’re trying to have a relationship and not just get in my pants after my sister broke your heart.”
Instead of responding, Steve cupped my face and leaned into me. Before I could comprehend what he was doing, I felt his lips on mine again. It was a softer kiss than the night before; less lust and more emotion. I placed my hands against his chest, feeling his heartbeat against them. It was beating quickly, almost like he was excited or nervous.
It boosted my confidence quite a bit to know that I, nerdy (Y/N) Wheeler, could make popular Steve Harrington feel that way.
When he pulled away I almost pouted like a child, but stopped myself. He rested his forehead against mine and looked into my eyes.
“Did that feel like just a rebound?” he asked.
I bit my lip and shook my head a little.
“If you need more proof, I’ll do anything. Whatever you want to show you that this isn’t just me trying to get in your pants.”
“Whatever I want?” I asked.
“Whatever you want,” he confirmed.
My mouth moved before my mind could catch up with them. “We don’t have sex for six months.”
The comment seemed to throw both of us off. That was far from what I had wanted considering the events of the night before, but after I said it, it did seem like a fair trade.
“If you want to prove to me that this isn’t a rebound, then you should be fine with waiting until we have sex for the first time,” I explained before he could say anything else. “And that includes no more oral, no handsy stuff, nothing sexual. For the time being, anyways. I may change my mind on those last few things.”
I was surprised when Steve answered with no hesitation. “Okay. You have a deal.”
One of his hands left my face to take hold of mine and to shake it. I giggled at the gesture.
“So, why don’t we start things right with that breakfast date?” he asked. “I parked a few houses down so your family wouldn’t see my car and start asking questions. I can meet you outside and we’ll walk there together?”
My empty stomach rumbled in response. Up until that moment, I had forgotten that I hadn’t eaten all day. I was hardly about to pass up food from anyone at this point.
“Okay, I’ll meet you there in, like, five minutes. I should probably change if I’m going out in public.” I had also forgotten I was still in my pajamas.
“I don’t know, I think the bunnies are cute,” Steve said, poking my fluffy pink pants with white bunnies on them. I batted his hand away, my face growing warm again. “I’ll meet you down there in five.”
He kissed my cheek again before quietly slipping out of my window. The moment he was gone, I quickly jumped up and grabbed a pair of jeans and the first t-shirt I could find. I brushed out my bed head until I was sure it looked presentable and hurried down the hall to the bathroom so I could brush my teeth. I was grateful I had done so before bed, too, so that I didn’t have horrible morning breath when Steve kissed me.
Mike was in the basement and Nancy had left after breakfast, so it was just mom I had to get past. That would be easy. Although mom could be strict, if I told her a believable enough lie she wouldn’t question it, or bring it up to Nancy.
“Are you feeling better, honey?” she asked as I came down the stairs and started towards the door.
“A little, but I remembered I told Holly I’d go study with her today,” I replied.
“On a Saturday?”
“Yeah, she has this huge test coming up this week. She’s super stressed out about it.”
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll do fine. Holly is a smart girl.”
“I know, but you know what it’s like to be stressed over school.” I kissed her cheek and even went in to kiss dad’s too, for good measure. “I’ll be back in a few hours!”
I rushed out the door before they could say anything else. Holly was my best friend and only lived about a block away, so I knew mom wouldn’t feel inclined to call her if I wasn’t home for a while. I just had to remember to call Holly and tell her the story in case mom ever asked.
Like he promised, Steve was waiting by the door when I came out. I couldn’t help but smile brightly at him, which he returned with his own smile.
He took my hand in his and led me down the street to his car. My stomach filled with butterflies as I kept glancing at our joined hands. I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. I was actually going on a date with Steve Harrington, he was actually holding my hand, I was actually getting in his car with him.
If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up.
He took me to a small diner that wasn’t too busy at that time of the day. I was relieved for that as I hadn’t thought about the risk of someone who knew us seeing us together until that moment.
We were seated in a booth in a quiet corner of the diner and the waitress took our drink orders. As I looked over the menu, Steve started with the standard first date questions that always had to be asked.
“So, what do you like to do for fun, besides all that brainy stuff?”
I shot him a look before scanning the menu again. “You know, you’re not supposed to make fun of someone you’re trying to date.”
“Hey, I’m not making fun of you. I think it’s awesome that you’re so smart and into that stuff. I wish I was that good academically, or even just half that good.”
I looked up at him again to see he was being sincere. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. “You’re like the worst popular guy ever, you know. You’re supposed to make fun of the geeky math girl.”
“Maybe I want to break those stereotypes.”
We were silent for a moment, just looking at each other. The longer I spent time with Steve, the more I was surprised by the things I was learning about him.
“I guess I like movies,” I said with a shrug. “And reading, and music.”
“Yeah, heavy music. Seriously, are you really into Metallica?”
“Yeah, I really am. Their first album came out last year and I was really into it. Mom and dad hated it because they think it’s the devil’s music or whatever, so I mainly listen to it on my Walkman with my headphones on whenever they’re home.”
“What other bands are you into?”
“Well, you saw the posters on my wall; Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Kiss, AC/DC to name a few. I like discovering new stuff, so I’ll sometimes go to the record shop with Holly and see what’s new or popular and buy a cassette or two.”
“What about movies? What kind of movies are you into?”
“This will probably be less surprising, but I really like funny movies or romantic ones. Like Grease, The Outsiders, Valley Girl. There’s a new movie with Tom Cruise that just came out and I’d really like to see it because I kind of have a crush on him since Holly and I saw The Outsiders in the theatre a few months ago.”
“Is that the one where he plays the football star?” Steve asked. “I’ve been dying to see that one! Maybe we could go see it together.”
A second date already. Maybe this really is for real.
I couldn’t help the beaming smile on my face. “I’d love to.”
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deja-vux · 2 years
Dad!ATEEZ:Pregnancy Prank
A/N: Requested by @fix0nbb​ via private message. I’m so sorry it took so long to finish but I hope you enjoy it, I really loved this idea so I wanted try and make each one different.
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Kim Hongjoong
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       You and Hongjoong had been having a prank war for the last 2 weeks and no matter how hard you tried he always seemed to beat you when it came to getting a reaction out of each other but hopefully, this one would get him. One of your friends who had been helping you plan your pranks had seen someone buy a fake positive pregnancy test and used that. You were convinced and bought so now here you were setting the bathroom up to make it look like you had forgotten about hiding it. By the time Hongjoong came home, you were feeding Soojin. He walked in greeting the two of you before heading to the bathroom to shower. The first he noticed was the dropper on the sink. Although his conscience told him not to worry he decided to investigate. His first instinct was to look in the trash but then he saw a wrapper behind it as if you had missed the bin. He picked it up carefully, pulling out the test and checking it. Before you knew it all you could hear was the muffled noise of things falling most likely him as well causing your daughter to be startled. “I think daddy found it,” you said peering over your daughter’s head in slight concern, “Joongie are you okay?”  
You heard him as he began to scramble through the hallway, “Yes I’m fine but you’re pregnant?!” he said wide-eyed.
“What are you talking about?” you questioned innocently.
“The test in the bathroom” he huffed out of breath.
       You raised a brow before getting up to head to the bathroom finding the clutter he left behind. You picked up the mock pregnancy test carefully scratching off the second line before coming out, “You mean this negative one,” you stated. You couldn’t help but laugh at his shocked expression.
“Wait, was this a prank?” he questioned and all you could do was nod, “I could have sworn it was real.”
“Yeah the test is pretty convincing,” you said, giving him a comforting hug.
“Well yeah but also cause you’re late,” he stated this caused you to be the one in shock.
       At first, you thought he was trying to mess with you but when you did the math he was right and you were never late. The concern was enough to go get actually tested the day after and fair enough it was positive.
Park Seonghwa
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       Seonghwa was preparing dinner when you decided to play a little prank on him. Considering you had no time to prepare and were going on a whim you just pretended to gag as the smell of his cooking went into the living room. Too focused Seonghwa failed to notice until you walked into the kitchen attempting to push the smoke his way with a paper plate before going to open a window. “Come on Hwa at least open the window. Don’t get me wrong, I love your cooking but sometimes it smells too strong.” This made his ears perk up looking up at you with an analyzing stare. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you stated confused.“When was the last time you had your period?” he asked calmly, turning down the flames.
“Almost 3 weeks ago, why?” 
“Cause the only time you were sensitive to my cooking was when you were pregnant with Minnie,” he deduced, “That and not to mention last time we had some alone time we did get a bit ahead of ourselves,” he said, turning off the burner.
       He walked over to you pulling you close before feeling your forehead to make sure you weren’t running a fever. “I don’t have a fever, it just smells strong in here,” you chuckled, almost forgetting the point of your prank due to his tenderness. It didn’t take long for you to give up your failed charade. Unfortunately for you, karma would come to bite you in the butt the next morning when you woke up and ran to the bathroom. Seonghwa wasn’t long behind holding your hair out of the way as what you believed to be food poisoning began to take over. It wouldn’t be until you were at the ER with Seonghwa that you’d find out your prank was only foreshadowing your current predicament that you were indeed expecting. “Guess you were right,” you chuckled, shaking your head slightly.“Technically you were too in a way. Plus it would have happened again eventually,” he teased pulling you close as you blushed.
Jeong Yunho
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       You had joined Yunho while he was filming for their latest comeback. Your daughter was currently watching her dad and uncles get ready with hair and makeup. She happily sat on her father’s lap playing with the rings on his fingers. He smiled softly, pushing her hair gently out of her face, enjoying the moment until his parents arrived to pick her up to babysit. That moment would come sooner than later as you came over to take her from his arms much to his disappointment. He pouted softly as he watched you take her outside the sound stage towards the entrance with her car seat and bag in tow. When you returned he couldn’t help but feel the same way he did when he wanted to start a family with you. He couldn’t tell if it was how simple you made motherhood look or that Hyoyeon was growing too fast for him but the idea of expanding your family once more infiltrated his mind. Once you reached him he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you onto his lap. You couldn’t help but giggle at his sudden neediness as he rubbed circles into your hip with his thumb and nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck not caring about his makeup. 'What's gotten into you?’ you smiled softly, playing with his hair, careful not to mess it up.
“Yeah, I get that the babysitters came to take your kid but can’t you wait till after filming to get busy,” Wooyoung teased only to be smack in the back of the head by Seonghwa, “What was that for?”
“Let them be,” Seonghwa said before going back to his seat.
       Yunho would occasionally press kisses against your jaw and neck before pulling away his eyes dark. “What if we try for baby number 2?” Yunho whispered so that the 2 of you could hear as he played with your fingers. You couldn’t help but smile at the thought.
“What if I already am?” you teased.
“Are you serious?!” he ecstatically jumped from his seat holding onto you.
“Why do you think Hyo has been so clingy lately?” you raised a brow.
       Yunho couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face but before you could get any farther with your charade you broke character admitting the truth that you weren’t. Although he was slightly upset he was glad to be able to fulfill the proposal he had made just a few minutes earlier. You bit your lip and before you could respond to eagerness someone else spoke up. “She's pregnant,” Jongho said nonchalantly, causing everyone in the room to turn towards you two. Both you and Yunho looked at one another with shocked expressions.
“I thought you said you were joking,” Yunho asked, confused.
“I was,” you responded, “Why do you say that?” you turned towards Jongho.
“You’ve been more tired lately and haven’t been eating much just like my girl did with Minho,” he explained.
“Look at him, the maknae is all grown up,” San teased.
       In order to confirm Jongho’s theory, you two bought a pregnancy test right after shooting, and low and behold the maknae was right.
Kang Yeosang
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       You were hanging out with the boys during rehearsals when the manager approached you to help in pranking the boys into thinking you were sick to see how they’d react. Let’s just say it didn’t take much convincing. Before you knew it Eunbyul was with an assistant while they gave you the run down and got you ready for your Oscar-worthy performance. Once ready they waited for the group to come to set. You sat in your seat to the side with Eunbyul in her stroller next to you. At first, the boys started their shoot until you got up once you got your cue scurrying to the back of the room. The boys watched with concern, with Yeo being the most worried. Immediately without a second thought, they called a quick pause as Yeosang followed after you with Wooyoung who went to snoop around. When they approached you they found you leaning against the wall taking deep breaths through your nose. Quickly they decided to take you towards the bathroom noting your pale complexion. Halfway there you shook your head telling them to stop. Unfortunately for Wooyoung, he persisted which caused him to be the victim of the fake vomit in your mouth as you released it, some of it falling into his hands causing him to freeze in shock. You were quick to apologize genuinely feeling bad after watching him pull both his lips inwards closing his eyes as he tried to ignore the concoction in his hands. “It’s okay,” he managed to get out before making his way to the restroom with it to dump it and wash his hands. Yeosang was quick to take you to the restroom and help you clean up before going to clean up the mess on the floor with Seonghwa as he sent Mingi to get you some water and some crackers.
       Once done he met up with you to check in and see how you were feeling. You assured him you were fine now that you had just been feeling a bit queasy since the morning. “You don’t think it might be, you know?” he asked.
“I don’t think so,” you respond, “I should be fine for now though. I appreciate you guys stopping for me though I’m sorry if I wasted any time,” she admitted.
“No, you’re fine you know you’re basically family now ok. It’s never time wasted.,” he slightly scolded.
       You nodded before returning to the boys and Eunbyul who was currently playing with Yunho. After assuring you were fine the manager and assistant came out clapping much to the boys’ confusion before revealing that it had been a prank. Most of them laughed it off minus Wooyoung who was still traumatized from cleaning the fake vomit off his hands. “That’s what you get for being nosy,” Hongjoong joked as the others laughed. After they continued with their day it wouldn’t be until their Music Bank when fiction turned into reality. When the boys returned from their set they were shocked to find you missing from the dressing room. The manager revealed that you had gone out in need of fresh air and hadn’t come back yet assuming you had gone to one of the nearby convenience stores. When you returned Yeosang was relieved to find you both safe. You explained your sudden uneasiness after lunch along with your suspicion after your sudden sensitive taste and smell. When confused about where you were going with your explanation you held up the recently bought and used positive test. You watched as his eyes grew and his smile widened. “For real this time?” he asked.
“For real this time,” you replied.
Choi San
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       The two of you had come back from having dinner with his parents when San brought up the idea of baby number two. As you set Yuri in her crib and set up the baby monitor he couldn’t help but think about what his parents said during dinner about how it’d be nice for Yuri to have a friend to grow up with. As you shut the door to the nursery gently San was quick to pin you against the wall across from it. You couldn’t help but bite your lip as your husband's eagerness began to show. “You know I was thinking about what my parents said earlier and I think I agree. Yuri should have a friend. She’d make a great older sister,” he smiled warmly.
“Good thing she’ll be one soon then,” you returned, causing a confused expression to fall on his face as you pulled away.
“Wait a minute, you never touched the wine tonight,” he responded mostly to himself before you nodded, “Wait are you?”
“Maybe,” you shrugged softly.
“It’s a yes or no woman. Either you have a baby in you already or I will give you another one tonight,” he said.
       You couldn't help but laugh at his need for a solid answer so instead of continuing the ambiguity you confessed only to be thrown over San’s shoulder. Despite the protest that you could walk, San insisted on carrying you. The light peeked through the curtains the next morning but instead of hearing birds chirp San was instead greeted by you battling morning sickness. At first, he had feared it was food poisoning until he remembered you both had eaten the same thing. As he thought of every possible cause they were all for the most part immediately shot down, that was until the light bulb in his brain sparked. “I know you were joking last night but are you sure you’re not pregnant?” he asked.
“I don’t think so but I don’t see what’s wrong with testing,” you admitted.
       A 10-minute run to the convenience and a 5-minute process later you were able to find out your result was positive, San couldn’t help but gleam at the sign of both lines. “I guess your instinct is just that he smirked softly having had a feeling for a bit now.
Song Mingi
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       You and Mingi had been on a staycation the past week and although it may have been nice to relax and spend time with Mingi and the twins, you also quickly ran out of things to do having gotten all the fun and major things down first. The boredom had gotten so bad that you and Mingi had started a prank war with each other. As you were planning the perfect plan the twins would not part from you no matter how hard you tried. Almost as if on cue a lightbulb lit in your head as you picked up Chaewon from the floor to get snacks ready with Daewon close behind. As they ate yo9u grabbed the nearly empty mayonnaise container and cleaned it out before filling it with two pudding packets immediately hiding the evidence. This time you would let Mingi’s belief in old superstitions be your weapon.  As the twins ate their snack you began to eat your fake mayonnaise as Mingi walked in, having been looking for you guys after working on some music. He smiled greeting the twins before turning towards you to do the same until he stopped dead in his tracks. “What the heck are you eating babe?” he asked in shock.
“I don't know I kinda just had a craving,” you shrugged.
“Babe, baby, jagi,” he said, getting closer and closer before wrapping his arms around you, “When people get cravings they want chocolate, chips, a burger, pasta, or any normal dish not mayonnaise straight out the jar,” he exclaimed holding your face.
“What it’s good,” You defended before taking another spoonful of pudding.
       You watched as he scanned your face before going to get your daughter. As he tried to pick her up she immediately leaned away from him towards you whining until you took her from him. He tested it with Daewon as well only for him to do the same. The silence before he spoke was thick, almost as if he had been in deep thought. “You’re pregnant again aren’t you,” he said calmly.
“What?!” you acted confusing
“Cravings and the kids are clingy only to you, you’re pregnant,” he repeated.
“Where is this coming from?” you asked in disbelief that it worked.
“My mom says that when your children are clingy to the mother it’s because they can sense that a baby will be joining the family. That and your sudden infatuation with mayo what else would it be?” he explained.
“I’m not pregnant,” you stated nonchalantly.
“Fine, then let’s take a test to prove me wrong,” he shrugged.
       You agreed knowing it’d be negative unfortunately for you, superstition was on your husband’s side making you the loser of this bet and dumbfounded that your prank had backfired on you.
Jung Wooyoung
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       The boys were on tour when you came to visit. Let’s just say you weren’t surprised to find out that Wooyoung was behind a lot of the backstage pranks. It only made the boys asking you to prank him back that much funnier. While he was playing with Youngjae you decided to enact your plan. You left, leaving your phone on the table when it rang. Usually, Woo wouldn’t be one to answer but when he saw the caller ID say ‘Doctor’ he answered more out of worry than to snoop. He picked up the phone as the automatic message began to play. You watched as Woo’s jaw dropped when you walked in. He immediately turned around staring at you looking down at your stomach before looking up to make eye contact with you. You watched as he mouthed with wide eyes, “You’re pregnant?” with raised brows. You tilted your head pretending to act clueless as he hung up. “You thought you were pregnant and didn’t tell me,” he whined causing you to stifle a laugh, “Don’t laugh at me this is a serious matter Y/N. Say sike right now if you guys are joking,” he said, noting the others' expressions. By then you couldn’t hold back your laughter any longer being the first to break character before the others.
“I’m sorry but that was just too good,” San said, coming over to pat his friend’s shoulder.
“Wait, I don't trust you guys. We’re taking a test now,” Wooyoung stated, now serious as he was when you went into labor with Youngjae.
“You have a show to put on, we don't have time for that,” you shook your head softly at his impatience.
“No right now one of the crew members can run and grab one at a nearby store because prank or not my gut is telling me we have to do it,” he insisted.
       You gave in to his wishes doing it as soon as their last set ended. All of you waited patiently for the result and despite believing 100% in your mind that it’d end up negative you still felt nervous. Alas, the timer rang and you got up to inspect the pregnancy test only to end up with the same reaction Woo had to your prank. “Ha I was right and you thought I was joking,” Woo said, claiming his victory.
“How did you?” you questioned.
“I had a dream about but I wasn’t gonna bring it up till later just in case you know,” he shrugged wiggling his eyebrows causing you to blush.
Choi Jongho
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        You and Jongho were out grocery shopping when you decided to play a prank on him. As you went up and down the aisles you waited until you got near the pharmacy section slowly trailing behind him. As you scanned the shelves you found what you were looking for. You grabbed the box casually tossing it into the cart he was pushing. At first, he hadn’t noticed as he carried on minding his business. It wouldn't be until you two had stopped at the next aisle that he would notice when it was his turn to put something in. You bit your lip as you tried to hold back your laughter as he stopped dead in his tracks and turned your way. He yanked the box out before turning towards you, your face now puzzled as you attempted to hide your emotions. “Babe did you do this?” he asked.
“Do what?”  you asked innocently.
“Are you, you know?” he shrugged, “Pregnant” his voice now in a whisper, eyes wide.
“I didn’t put it in there” you replied normally.
“Then who was it? It wasn’t me,” he slightly panicked.
       You shrugged, eventually breaking character once you saw his eyes about ready to burst out, a complete 180 from the calm and collected maknae you had grown to love so much. You explained your harmless prank to him before watching him turn to look back at the box almost as if contemplating. He looked back and forth between you and the box before narrowing his eyes at you. “You know what we're taking it I don't trust you,” he said before tossing it back in the cart and wrapping his arm around you rushing you both towards check out. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at his antics. “I'm not pregnant it was a joke,” you explained, convinced he was making you do this out of spite that was until you got home and got the results. “Are you sure you were joking?” he teases as your jaw hung at the sight of the positive pregnancy test.
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Taglist: @a-soft-hornytiny @little-precious-baby @seojonneh @hyunsuksmygod​ @perfectlysane24​ @serialee​
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