#i hope bumblebee talks again
enbyshads · 6 months
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dont know if this is actually true but if it is im going to freak out even more
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lolathepeacocklord · 10 months
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if they started a band together I think it should be called Triple A, representing their combined power of autism adhd and autism again
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lumagarden · 2 months
if anyones curious my future fic plans are under the cut!
if theres any suggestions for stuff/something in particular you want to see published first please let me know! my askbox is always open :3!
- chapter 3 of “thought i’d uncovered your secrets (turns out there’s more)” will hopefully be out tomorrow!
- Lloyd’s Daily Training Schedule
- another part to my greenflower “so tonight that i might see” series
- chapter 4~6 of the bruise fic !
as for other stories (without a publishing plan) i have a lot of dragons rising fics in progress, a mermaid!lloyd one, apocalypse bruise au with platonic moss, superstar rockin jay x fan!cole, spiderman!lloyd, soulmate greenflower!au, anddd a fake dating!greenflower au !!
these are just estimated! not sure if I’ll publish them according to plan just wishful thinking :-)
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imauthicktic · 3 months
I beg you, transformers x fem reader
I don’t care what you write or anything, i’m on my optimus and bumblebee obsession phase pookie please
For you pookie bear 😘💖💞
Bayverse!Optimus and Bayverse!Bumblebee x fem!reader
Description: How they react to your random silent treatment
A/N: Optimus' part is so freaking soft and sweet 🥺 and then Bee's is corny and cheesy fluff and this is just a short reaction to get back into the groove of writing again!!
Silence. The silence was killing them- they didn’t even know what they did wrong as they saw their precious human woman talking to Cade like it was no big deal that they hadn’t spoken to their lover in hours. They had thought maybe she just didn’t hear me or was too busy to notice. But that thought was quickly replaced when they noticed she was able to talk to everyone else just fine.
What they didn’t know was that (Y/N) was just testing their patience to see how long they could go before they got mad at her for playing such games.
Enough was enough.
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Optimus POV
Optimus watched and waited until (Y/N) was alone to approach her so that she would be forced to talk to him. Optimus walked up to her before kneeling before her. He gently put his hand down for her to climb onto hoping that she would accept his silent invitation. When she climbed onto his hand he thanked the stars that she didn’t seem to be as mad as he thought she originally was. He then stood and walked away from the group enough to have some privacy as he spoke to her. 
Once at the spot that was hidden and far away enough, he sat down on the ground and held her up so he could look at her but her head was stubbornly turned away from him. Optimus sighed softly as he gently placed his finger under her chin and carefully turned her head to look at him. Longing shined in his optics. “Sweetspark… have I done something so wrong that you no longer wish to speak to me?” Optimus asked (Y/N) with his deep voice as his head gently moved to look her in the eyes.
(Y/N)’s POV:
Your heart ached as you looked at him and heard the genuine worry in his tone. The silent treatment was over for you the moment you saw and heard the hurt he tried so hard to hide. “No no no, Optimus- I-... I was just being childish- you did nothing wrong. Believe me, you did nothing-,” you rambled before he cut you off.
“But you have stopped speaking to me. You are not one to do such things without reason,” Optimus interrupted.
You tried to think of a reason that wouldn’t make him angry at you, “Bee told me to do it.” Really? Well, at least it’s believable. You think in your head as you give a sheepish smile and gently reach forward to cup his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Optimus. I didn’t realize how upset you would get,” you say softly as you place gentle kisses on his face making him close his eyes softly in relief. 
“Please don’t play such games again. My spark burns for you and you alone. It can’t accept you being so upset with me,” he says softly in an almost uncharacteristically soft way.
“I promise. Do you forgive me?” you ask.
“Of course.” He says as he gently touches his forehead to yours.
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(Y/N)’s POV
You were just saying goodbye to Cade as you walked away and towards the rest of the group. Unbeknownst to you, Bee was watching with desperate eyes as he waited for you to come to him, but when he saw you walk the opposite way he became frustrated.
You were walking while looking at your phone when you heard a quiet whine and then loud footsteps that came rushing up behind you before you could even react, you were lifted up by Bee before he quickly transformed into the Camaro where you’re in the driver’s seat and buckled in before he speeds off at high speeds into the desert. You let out a yelp at the sudden and quick change as you watch the speedometer climb. 
“Bee! What are you doing?! You’re going too fast!” You say slightly panicked as you hold onto the door handle and the armrest desperately. 
“Shouldn’t have ignored me, babygirl,” Bee’s radio said as he changed through the stations to communicate his frustration, “now we ride!” he finished before purposefully swerving and doing donuts in the empty desert making you let out a shriek and a loud nervous laugh realizing how annoyed he was by your silent treatment.
“Ok! Ok! I’m sorry, Bee! I- I’m going to be sick!” you say between giggles as he finally stops and transforms into his humanoid form with you cupped in both of his hands as he rubs his mouthpiece against your face affectionately in a playful manner. 
“My honeypie, my sugarpie, my princess, my babygirl, my hot mama!” his radio blasted as he switched through channels making you laugh out loud as you grabbed his head and kissed his mouth piece over and over in loving affection. 
“You’re so annoying- you know that? You’re lucky you’re cute and I love you so much,” you say to him as you look into his eyes with a softened, fond smile.
“I’m lucky I have ya darlin’,” his radio switched to a cowboy accent that spoke so softly making the moment more loving and intimate.
Lmk what y'all think!!
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rottingparts · 1 year
If you've seen the 2018 Bumblebee, could you do Bumblebee's reaction to his s/o being scared of him after seeing him get angry and his eyes turn red in that one scene where he fights those army soldiers and shoots everything. After Bumblebee turns back to normal, and reaches for them, His s/o backs away from him out of fear not wanting to go near him and runs away. ( temporarily from being scared and needs to collect themselves) how would Bumblebee react to seeing them be afraid of him?
I love scary Bee... he is scary and that's kinda hot... I wrote headcanons and also a fic that is under the read more!! Reader is GN!!
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Bumblebee... Is devastated!
He didn't want to scare you... he was worried you were going to die and ew can't have that!
When he reverts to normal and grabs for you and you flinch back... Oh boy does he realize what he's done.
When he sees you running away his spark stops.
You're freaking out, wondering what went wrong (military found you, that's what went wrong...) and then see Bee crouched a little ways from you.
He is so willing to do literally whatever to make you feel better.
He reaches for you again, and you reach for him this time.
Never wants to make you this upset again. The absolute fear in your eyes?? Never wants to be the cause of that again.
When you get inside his alt mode, he will let you talk about what happened. He lets you vent and tell him how you felt. So receptive and understands why you were afraid.
Genuinely so sweet and tries his best to make you feel better.
“It’s okay!” You reassured the military surrounding you. “He isn’t going to hurt anyone!”
Your arms were up and you were trying to be calm. Your voice cracks were giving away your fear.
“Step away from the robot!” One of the men shouted.
You didn’t budge. Instead, you stood there motionless. Fear had kicked in fully, and instead of running or fighting… you were frozen. Your eyes widened even more when you noticed them closing in on you.
You were snatched up from in front of Bee, who was still being polite and quiet. Like you had asked of him in case anything like this were to ever happen.
“Remember, my love,” You would point up at him, “If anything ever happens, we have to stay civil! I don’t want something happening to you…”
So, he would be civil. For now.
You struggled slightly, your head turning towards Bee. When you saw other soldiers pulling out weird rods, you were growing panicked.
“No!” You screamed, “I promise! He isn’t hurting anything- He won’t hurt anything!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, the soldiers began to electrocute him. A scream ripped from your throat, and your struggling became more violent. You kicked and screamed and your foot hit hard against the soldier's shin. Suddenly, you were flung from the soldier’s arms and you hit the ground hard.
You let out a loud cry and looked over at Bee, who was being held down by the soldiers. You looked back up at the soldier who had been holding you down, and noticed he had something in his hand. A taser.
Briefly, you were unable to move. You were processing and it wasn’t computing. When the soldier was over you, fight or flight really hit, and you were fighting. Violently. You grabbed the soldier's wrist and tried to redirect his hand. Your knuckles were white in an instant and you felt like you were fighting for your life.
“Please!” You screamed, hoping he would hear you over all the commotion, “We were just hanging out in the desert!”
When the soldier grabbed your wrist with his free hand and broke your grip, you were sent into a bigger panic. You began to wail. You were pleading for release. For the military to leave you alone. And then, Bee’s name left your mouth. A loud, unmistakable shriek for Bee. For your boyfriend.
That’s all it took.
Your eyes shut tight, and you waited for the taser to hit your side. The shouting around you turned into screams of terror and suddenly you couldn’t hear the loud cracking of electricity anymore. You swallowed hard and when the soldier above you yelled, you opened your eyes and saw the soldier was gone, and Bee was standing over you. His gun pointed at the military and his stance was firm. Your eyes met his, and your stomach turned.
His optics were red and his brow ridges were furrowed. He was pissed. With good reason. And, you were terrified. Also with good reason.
“Bee…” Your voice was soft, barely above a whisper.
He did not listen. He began to blast the soldiers surrounding the two of you. Their vehicles became caught in the crossfire. Bee moved himself over you and became a shield between you and the soldiers. They were dying, their vehicles were bursting into flames, and all you could do was think ‘It’s okay! He isn’t going to hurt anyone!’.
“Bee!” Your voice was louder now. But he was still shooting. Shooting at soldiers who were definitely retreating at that point.
“Bumblebee! Stop!”
Your voice was sharp. It was loud and full of command. Bee came to a halt. The remaining soldiers got into the remaining vehicles and promptly left. You stood up, your gut wrenching and your legs barely holding you.
Bee turned towards you, optics still red. You blinked up at him. And briefly wondered if he, your cute alien robot boyfriend, was about to murder you. His optics go back to blue and you take a step back. He leaned down and began to reach for you.
Once you flinched back, Bee did too. He retracted his servo and cocked his head at you. Adrenaline was still going strong, and fight or flight was still kicking, and you were not about to fight Bee.
You took off running in the opposite direction. The desert really didn’t have too many safe places to hide, but you did find a large rock. You pulled out your phone, a special one Optimus had made for you. You could reach the bots at any given time.
“Optimus!” Your voice was hushed, and you were trembling. “Please! The military found us! I don’t-”
The sound of metal beside you caught your attention and you gulped. Bumblebee was a few feet from you. He wanted to give you space, but he wanted to be close so badly. He was crouched down and his optics watched you closely. They were still blue.
“Is everything alright?” Optimus’ voice came through the phone.
You wanted to say no, instead you hung and looked at Bee. Your back was against the rock. Your breath caught in your throat, and suddenly you couldn't swallow. You knew deep down Bee was not going to hurt you, but watching him fire at those men, that was fear inducing. Watching him become someone you didn't know was terrifying.
“I- Won’t hurt you.” Bee switched through his radio channels to talk to you.
He reached out for you, once more, his movements slower and slightly more mindful. You inhaled sharply and reached out for his servo. Bee seemed to beam when you reached for him. He gently pulled you up, helping you stand. He was quick to dust you off, sand covered your back and butt.
“Hey!” A yell came from a few yards away. You looked towards the direction the voice came from. Crosshairs… “What happened?”
You blinked a few times and looked back at Bee. “We were trying to have a date.”
“Date doing what?” Crosshairs examined the destruction. “Blowing up military vehicles?”
Optimus and Drift rolled in behind Crosshair, quickly transforming from their alt modes.
“Are you alright?” Optimus neared you and Bee, “You sounded scared.”
“I’m-” You paused, “We’re okay... Thanks to Bee.”
“Glad to see you are both okay… We’ll need to figure this out… Also,” Optimus looked at you, crouching down, “never hang up on me again.”
Bee moved himself in between the both of you and you only nodded.
“We need to get back to Cade’s.”
“I’ll go with Bee.” You looked up at him,and he made a beeping noise, almost a chirping sound.
“Obviously,” Crosshairs rolled his eyes, “you two are-”
“Shut. Up!” Drift interrupted. “I don’t want to know what they do!”
Bee transformed into alt mode and his door opened. You were quick to get inside. “Can we talk about that back there? I think I need to process all of that..”
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At that moment Bumblebee finally realized that he couldn’t keep the paranoid thoughts locked inside his processor anymore.
He desperately needed to speak to his friends, consequences be damned. He had to make sure that he’s not glitched in a processor. That what he got himself into was a right course of action for any good-natured Bot.
... or, rather, for any sensible Prime.
Hence why, after making a deep inhale, a minibot finally forced the dreaded words out of his intake:
"... is it wrong that I feel... bad for the prisoners? That I... periodically... h-help them?"
Hello everyone, long time no see). Can hardly believe it's been a whole year since the last @blitzbee-week event and man, was I glad to participate in it once more. All of works were submitted on time to an event chat, but, unfortunately, I am uploading them here only now (full-time job drains me up).
Anyways, here is my first drawing from BlitzBeeWeek event Promts List. I think it will be fair to mention that this and next couple of my works will be dedicated to my fanfic called "TFA: Icarus". I will leave a link [here] for anyone interested to give it (and an existing teaser) a try. And yes, I am, in fact, going to finally upload first chapters pretty soon, it's happening, guys))). Thanks a ton for everyone who left their kudos there throughout a year, you have given me courage to put this behemoth of a story on paper and actually work it through.
As for the current entry for an event, I will provide part of a draft to one of chapters which is related to a depicted scene. It'll be "hidden" under a cut line for anyone wishing to get a more... fleshed out picture of what's going on here. Hope you'll enjoy reading it)
“Bumblebee… are you listening to me?”
It was beyond confusing for Ratchet to see a younger Bot acting so out of touch with reality. He’s hunched over a console, helm resting in one servo while a wielding tool was twirled slowly in digits of another. Bumblebee looked so tired, clearly not caring about a task at servo, nor about an advice coming from his elder friend.
White and red Autobot knew how cheerful Bumblebee got each time they met via video calls, clearly waiting for a chance to talk to old teammates, even if these calls didn’t last long. That’s why him being so silent and lost in own thoughts was that much more worrying to witness. 
Upon being prompted again, the young bot finally raised his optics, the weight of his gaze almost making Ratchet flinch in surprise - to think that a recently promoted Prime was capable of behaving so out of character was indeed an alarming sign of change. 
The truth was, the minibot couldn’t help but to act all secretive, as if he’s done something wrong. 
Because, all things considered, he has. 
Minibot was well aware of what his actions could lead up to. All those rendezvous and revelations were such a dangerous subject to talk about, something that surely could lead him to being court marshaled if he’s caught by anybot. And what’s even worse - Bumblebee wasn’t certain whether telling friends what’s been troubling him was a good idea. 
Surely they’d not rat him out… but would they continue interacting with a yellow Autobot if he shared said secret with them? Wouldn't it be more mature of him to leave mechs oblivious (in order to protect them) and let his fears to silently fester in his processor?
... yet, to his shame, a minibot felt his resolve to keep his intake shut breaking upon seeing a haunted expression on Ratchet’s faceplates. Bumblebee wished he hadn’t looked up into the wise optics of his, those that seemed to read him as an unlocked datapad. How could he play it cool when a medic was looking at him in such a manner?
“…kid?” Now Ratchet was truly worried for his companion. He wasn’t even certain he’s ready to hear an explanation, but knew in his spark that he had to get to the bottom of a problem for minibot's sake.
At that moment Bumblebee finally realized that he couldn’t keep the paranoid thoughts locked inside his processor anymore.
He desperately needed to speak to his friends, consequences be damned. He had to make sure that he’s not glitched in a processor. That what he got himself into was a right course of action for any good-natured Bot. 
… or, rather, for any sensible Prime. 
Hence why, after making a deep inhale, a minibot finally forced the dreaded words out of his intake:
“… is it wrong that I feel… bad for the prisoners? That I… periodically… h-help them?” 
… a fleeting moment or relief at voicing his concerns instantly evaporated, changed to regret once he saw Racthet’s optics widening beyond usual capacity and heard Optimus sputtering and coughing on his energon ration off the camera. 
Such reaction made Bumblebee hide his helm between shoulder pauldrons in a clear sign of dread - so much for the support coming from teammates it seemed. 
“What?” Optimus asked after standing up from a table he’s sitting next to, the stool screeching audibly after a mech span in it. “Help them? What do you mean by that, Bumblebee? Are you alright? Do they… force you to do something for them or..?”
Minibot didn’t answer any of those questions. Wasn’t able to do it under the searching gaze of an elder mech’s optics which seemed to pin him to his own stool. Bumblebee felt like energon was going to freeze in his lines and tubes from a rising horror. Time seemed to stop for him, not unlike inner mechanisms in a frame of his. He couldn't utter a single sound, words swimming in a jumbled mess that was his processor.
What could he possibly say in his defense, now that his teammates knew of his secret? That there was a proper reason for him to feel pity for the inmates? That he was the only one to keep those mechs alive because nobody else did? That perhaps, Primus help him, all this time they were held in prison, somebot tried to take them out of game by starving them to their deaths?
A yellow Bot clearly hasn’t thought the conversation through, just as he always did, hasn't prepared himself for such a reaction even, and now that mistake was biting his aft. 
But then… then minibot heard something that immediately tore him from a panicking state he got stuck in. 
“I’ll take care of it, Prime.” Ratchet announced in a calm tone, breaking the tense silence which settled over the video call. Bumblebee was so stunned that he didn’t register those words right away, looking dumbly at warm optics of a mech on the other side of a call line. 
“Optimus.” Medic cut off his commanding officer in a stern but good-natured manner, showing that he knew what he’s doing. Trusting the judgement of an older Bot, red and blue mech nodded to him and stepped away from a console, giving both of his friends some room to talk to each other. 
Young Prime could hardly believe what he’s been witnessing in front of him. Afraid to hope that his situation might’ve not been so dire after all. Baiting his breath, he watched red and white Bot turning to him again and leaning closer to a screen.
“Bumblebee, tell me, what’s happening back on Cybertron.” Ratchet asked his young friend, trying to look as non-threatening as possible, ready to tentatively listen to everything minibot’s about to say. 
And that’s when Bumblebee understood, felt it in his spark which gleefully thrummed in his chest that his old teammates were not mad at him - only worried for his well-being. Said realization made the built up over orbital cycles tension leave his frame and gave him courage to answer as honestly as he could.  
“You don’t know even half of what's going on, guys,” He stated after a breath moment of silence, then scooted on his chair closer to a screen as well and continued speaking in a hushed tone as to not to be heard by anyone else on his side of a video call. 
While retelling the recent events, which took place in Tripticon Prison, young Prime couldn’t help but periodically glance at a screen to his right side, a list of main convicts taking up most of its surface. 
Their stern gazes seemed to burn a viewer with hostility. Evil, cold, sparkless optics on unsightly faceplates. That’s what fellow guards always tended to whisper to each other either in fear or in bold mockery while walking down the hallways.
But to Bumblebee the very same pairs of optics, those he'd looked into more times then any of the local mechs, more then his friends even, told another story. Each time he saw Decepticons, bound and stripped of their weapons, there was no rage in their expressions, nor malice or contempt - only an eternal tiredness, hopelessness... and resignation with Fate.
Warframes. Mighty mechs being brought to their knees and stripped of their pride. Truly a sight which made minibot feel more miserable then three inmates he tried to take care of.
“Bossbot… Ratchet… please, come back here as soon as you can," Recently promoted Prime finally said as a conclusion to his speech. "I… I am afraid I won’t be able to handle this situation on my own anymore.”
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i-starcreamed · 11 months
Hey can I get three different scenarios if, Optimus, Mirage and bumblebee from Rotb, had met a tameranean who is like Starfire in a way, and is a princess. How would they react when they meet her and learn how strong and powerful she is, and what would their romantic relationship be like. Also the reader acts like starfire too, but I would find it funny if she kissed the Autobots to learn their language when she too comes to earth cause they were the nearest thing near her. Sorry if this is a lot I just love the idea since she too lives in space, that they may know a little bit about each other. Also I would find it adorable if they had sparklings with her since I head canon tameraneans can practically mate with anything. (I’m gonna scream if you except this, cause I don’t think you will but thank you for at least reading this! 🫶🏾)
i actually thought this idea was super cute, anon. I decided to do long-ish headcanons because I wasn't sure how to fit everything into one scenario for each.
[ tameranean!reader post includes: ROTB Optimus, Mirage, and Bumblebee
once he assesses that you're not a threat, I imagine he'd be super curious about your powers and abilities. Once he finds out you're too from space, I feel like he'll be able to confide in you a bit more than he would with humans?? Like, you're an alien like him, possibly stranded on Earth as well
he respects you so much, because wow you're a princess? He admires your bravery, especially if you're willing to help them. Despite being reluctant at first
Just imagined Optimus Prime bowing down to you a little, started going crazy
The Autobots were the first you came across upon landing on Earth, you didn't speak their language nor did you speak English. You proved you weren't a threat, but they didn't understand you or know your motives yet. You realized you landed on yet another civilization that doesn't speak nor understand Tamaraneans. And so, you did the only thing you could do. Optimus was the closest, so you gave him a simple peck on the mouth. The other autobots around were trying not to giggle at the look on Prime's face. He was shocked, confused, and maybe a bit flustered. You swore he didn't answer for a couple minutes when you greeted everyone.
He's suchhh a big fan of your Tamaranean features, you're so unique and yet so human as well. Again, he admires your bravery and strength and your attitude. Genuinely enjoys your company. If you're somewhere secluded, he'll go on a drive with you maybe flying next to him as you talk :3
I think Prime would be one to want sparklings with his significant other, he could only hope they will live in a world outside of war. He would never want them to experience what he and many others did. Also deep down, the Orion Pax in him that would've never thought about fighting in a war would've wanted to happily settle down somewhere. Knowing that you're a bit stronger/resilient than normal humans (or most types of aliens he knows of) he feels a lot more secure with having sparklings with you. How many? No one will ever know.
okay so imagine you meet in the middle of a fight accidentally. You've been trying to blend in like a normal citizen of Earth ever since you got here, you were shocked to see that humans were in fact not the only species that lived here. Unfortunately for you, the same city you were staying at was being attacked by giant evil alien robots.
You're in the middle of the street, not really knowing the extent of what these robots can do. One second you see a Porsche, a semi truck, and a camaro speed past you and transform into more alien robots...but this time they're fighting the one destroying the city so they're good you think? The next second, you were too frozen in admiring these aliens when suddenly a car goes flying towards you.
It happens in slow motion, Mirage is the only one who sees it go straight for your face. But he's confident, he knows he can catch it and save you. Except...it slips through his servos. His spark nearly stops. Instead of seeing a poor 'human' go spat on the ground, he can't believe his optics when you reach out and catch the fucking car??
After that whole incident, he's asking you a bunch of questions. You give him a lil kiss so you can answer him in his language, you're slightly surprised when suddenly you know english and cybertronian, whatever that is
Honestly, I could imagine Mirage never letting go of that kiss, like he's going to joke about it for years.
You're a princess? hell yeah, he thinks you're super badass and wants to see you in action tbh. He's still gonna act like a knight in shining armor but he knows you can handle yourself, he wants to impress you fr
Wants you to teach him your language, he will try but it'll sound like gibberish. Either that or he will learn it immediately because uhh cybertronian super advanced robot?
He's definitely an excited father to your sparklings, you will need to make sure he doesn't teach them to be troublemakers because HE WILL raise them into little fuckin risk takers
Unfortunately he would not be able to learn your language since there are no tameranean radio stations.. but hey you can still kiss him!
once he gets to know you and where you're from, he's a huge fangirl I think
definitely hypes you up and praises you when you chuck a car at a deception or something. Once he knows you're probably as strong as they are, you guys do some cool combos out in the battlefield.
power couple !?!?!
jokingly does a little bow every time he greets you, then crushes you in a hug. Probably plays some cheesy line from some radio station
he lovesss how you're so kind and compassionate to species you don't know and a planet that isn't yours, but also the fact that you're brave in the face of danger. He knows you can defend yourself and still come back to give him a lil kiss afterwards
he asks if you can carry him. you probably lift him up by one hand and he's going crazy that you might drop him.
you will both learn about Earth together, as well as each other's home planets :3
laying out in the middle of nowhere, staring at the stars and reminiscing about your home? of course
he'd be sooo nervous about sparklings, nervous but excited. He'd be the most caring boyfriend and equally as caring father
thinks your sparklings are the cutest ever ever
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
One more before I forget... a delinquent senior in high school Buddy who secretly has a heart of gold, who would defend the kids. They have the mentality of 'You mess with them, you mess with me.' However, it's mostly Jack's and maybe Raf's(?) bullies. And would go against Megatron with only a spiked bat for the kids and for team Prime too. For this scenario, I'd imagine while defending one of the kids against their bullies. They get into a really serious fight with them and practically send the bully to the hospital. So how would the tfp team Prime react to learning this on the drive from school to the base?
Buddy is ready to attack anything that looks at the kids the wrong way.
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy protecting the Kids from bullies with Bulkhead, Ultra Magnus, and Bumblebee
SFW, Platonic, Mentions of injury and fights (nothing detailed), Human reader
Buddy looked like a heartless person.
They had a resting scowl on their face.
But they were one of the sweetest people the kids and Bots knew.
When Buddy found out that the kids went to the same school, Buddy made sure to look out for them.
They insisted on walking each one of them to class.
Jack coming out of class looking both ways in the hallway.
Buddy tapping his shoulder.
Miko coming out of her class, sticking close to the wall.
No Buddy in sight.
Buddy looking over her shoulder.
“Who you looking for?”--Buddy
“AHH! How are you so quiet? And how did you even get here so fast? Isn’t your class on the other side of the school?”--Miko
“I have long legs.”--Buddy
Raf coming out of his class.
Buddy waiting for him by the wall.
“You ready for that test?”--Buddy
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”--Raf
Buddy just wanted to look after their friends, especially since they knew there were some awful people in the school.
The day of the incident was one to remember.
Vince had come up with the dumbest stunt yet.
After school Vince and some of his goons had managed to corner Jack.
“Hey Darby.”--Vince
“Vince? What—what are you doing with your… friends?”--Jack
The group slowly formed a semi-circle around Jack and Vince.
“What happened at lunch? You trying to start something? Huh, Dirt bag?”--Vince
“No—I mean—why would I? You tripped over your own foot—”--Jack
Vince punches Jack in the stomach causing him to fall on his knees wheezing.
“Don’t lie to me Darby! You stuck out your foot and made me trip!”--Vince
“I –wheeze—didn’t—”--Jack
Vince kicked him in the gut again.
The group looking at Buddy, Miko, and Raf behind them.
Buddy walking forward with Miko and Raf trailing behind them.
Buddy is standing between Jack and Vince, while Raf is helping Jack up and Miko is eyeing everyone around them.
“I’m only going to tell you this one-time Vince. Back. Off. Don’t come near my friends or me ever. Got that?”--Buddy
“Please. You think that this is going to work? Just come here and talk. I think its time to finally teach these losers a lesson, right fellas?”--Vince
One of the boy’s grabs Raf by the back of the shirt while another two grab Miko.
The ones who grabbed Miko threw her to the ground and started a few kicks to her sides.
Raf has just held tightly by his wrist trying to surpass the little cries from the pain.
Jack tries to help but gets slugged across the face.
“Guys! Vince, let them--”--Buddy
Vince spits in Buddy’s face as one of his goon’s slams Buddy in the back with a baseball bat, making them fall to the floor.
“Buddy!”—Jack, Miko, and Raf
Buddy shakingly got up with a large cut on their forehead and looked at the offender dead in the eyes with their split knuckles.
The goon tried to hit them again, but this time Buddy managed to grab the bat, twisted it from his hold making him let go.
Now Buddy had the bat and they saw red.
Maybe it was because of the blood slowly dribbling down or it was the pure anger they felt.
Buddy was delivering blows to all of them like they were candy on Halloween.
Did they see a tooth fly?
Did they care?
The group eventually had enough and ran away.
Buddy was mostly dizzy from the punches and kicks.
Jack, with his slightly bruised face, helped Buddy sit down.
Miko with a busted lip and split knuckles sat down next to Buddy making sure they didn’t close their eyes.
Raf, with some bruising around his wrists, managed to produce some tissues for them.
Buddy with a smile on their beaten face.
One hand still gripping the bat.
“That… that was something.”--Buddy
“We should call the hos—”--Jack
“No hospital.”--Buddy
“Are you insane?! You look like you got beaten up by a monster truck! You need help! We all need some help!”—Miko
“Miko, we can get in trouble with the cops, which leads to them snooping around which can be bad for the bot’s cover. We can’t go.”--Buddy
“As much as I hate it, Buddy’s got a point. None of us need cops on us. How else are our guardians going to get us? We can’t keep asking Fowler for favors like this.”—Jack
“Finally, someone is making…”—Buddy
Buddy shaking their head a bit, blinking hard.
“Head hurts a lot… Maybe having your Mom look at this thick skull isn’t a bad idea…”--Buddy
“You look really bad.”--Raf
“It looks worse than what it is—hold up—okay we’re good.”--Buddy
“What was that?”--Miko
“The world was spinning for a second, but we’re good now.”—Buddy
“Felt that. Literally.”--Miko
“…”—Jack and Raf
“Now to the million dollar question.”--Buddy
“What is that?”--Jack
“How are we going to explain this to the bots?”--Buddy
“Welp… I guess house arrest it is. Good thing I have some Uno cards with me.”--Buddy
Bulkhead was sent to go get the kids after a rather late mission.
Since he had the most space to have all the kids ride comfortably, he went ahead.
He knew that it was late, so he went slightly above the speed limit.
The first thing he saw was the kids sitting and huddling close together.
This sent warning flags to his mind.
The kids didn’t huddle this close to each other unless something happened, or it was cold, and it wasn’t cold.
He nearly blows his cover when he sees the bruises and blood.
“Miko?! Buddy?! Jack?! Raf?! What in the name of—”Bulkhead
“Shh! Bulkhead someone might hear you!”--Miko
“But what happened?!”--Bulkhead
Jack and Raf helped Buddy into the back seat.
“Shouldn’t you guys go to a hospital?”--Bulkhead
“And…And risk your cover being blown? I don’t… don’t think so big guy.”--Buddy
“Everything we need is at the base in the med kits.”--Buddy
“And my Mom should be at the base by now.”--Jack
“How do you know this?”--Bulkhead
“…She left with Fowler…”--Jack
“If my chest wasn’t hurting too much, I would be laughing so hard right now���”--Buddy
Concerning car noises intensifies by a tenfold.
“Bulk, you okay—Woah!”--Miko
Bulkhead starts speeding to the base well above the speed limit because screw the law the kids are hurt bad.
Bulkhead comms in the base to get the med bay and the human med kits ready. When he is asked further, he just tells them that everyone isn’t looking too good right now.
Was his message cryptic and most likely sent panic to everyone listening?
Did he care at the moment?
Not entirely, especially as he is splitting his attention between the injured kids and the road ahead of them.
When Bulkhead gets to the base, he is almost yelling for someone, anyone to help the kids out of the car.
Blame the yelling on the panic, Buddy and Miko looked like they were going to fall asleep.
There is a lot of audial gasps when the kids are taken out of him.
So far none of the kids have said anything. The beatings and adrenaline were wearing off and no one had the energy right now to recall all the events.
Buddy still hasn’t let go of the bat.
Since Raf and Jack were the two that were the least injured they had the task of telling them what happened.
Bulkhead had never had the sudden urge to squash a human than in that moment.
A little while later…
Jack, Miko and Raf are sleeping in their respective med slabs.
Buddy is awake shuffling some Uno cards the best they can with their bandaged hands.
Bulkhead comes into the med bay as quietly as he can.
“Hmm? Oh Bulkhead.”--Buddy
Bulkhead walking a little bit closer to the group.
“How you holding up?”--Bulkhead
“Eh… Got a big pounding in my head and some bandages, but other wise good. You should have seen the other guys.”—Buddy
“Yeah… Raf said they ran away after you went ‘whack a mole’ on them.”--Bulkhead
“Ha! That’s one way to put it.”--Buddy
“Hehe… Thank you.”--Bulkhead
“Thank you?”--Buddy
“For protecting them.”--Bulkhead
“Bulkhead… they got hurt. I didn’t protect them…If I had tried—”--Buddy
“I’m going to stop you right there.”--Bulkhead
“From what Jack and Raf told us, you did everything possible to try and protect them. You went to fight for your friends. I could mistake you for potential Wrecker material.”--Bulkhead
“Ha… don’t let Ratchet hear you say that now.”--Buddy
“Yeah… but my point still stands. You’re a good kid Buddy and you protecting them just proves it even more.”--Bulkhead
Buddy trying to hold in some tears.
“Do you need Ratchet? Does something hurt?”--Bulkhead
“No—I mean I don’t feel good—but… just thanks… I needed to hear that.”--Buddy
Bulkhead gently stroking Buddy’s cheek from the tears.
“No problem, Buddy. Sleep, will ya? You’ll end up looking like those ‘raccoons’ if you don’t.”--Bulkhead
Buddy nods letting their eyes shut softly.
Ultra Magnus
Magnus is one of the bots helping get everyone out of Bulkhead.
He is the one who gets Buddy out.
In all his years holding injured soldiers, his servos shook more holding Buddy’s beaten body.
They were holding a bat in one of their hands.
“Bulkhead! What—”--Magnus
Buddy gently patted his digit.
“Hey Mags… how’s it going?”--Buddy
Buddy trying to soothe Magnus.
“It’s okay Mags… everything’s okay.”--Buddy
Concern truck noises intensifies.
Magnus quickly passed Buddy to Ratchet and June.
Jack and Raf retold the whole story.
Magnus was furious at the dirty fighting.
He goes off to the supplies closet to reorganize it, something to keep his mind off of the incident for a bit.
At least till he cools down.
Afterwards, Magnus is hypervigilant of the children after they are all patched up.
Magnus sits on a crate by Buddy’s side as they retell a bit of the story to him.
His servos clench hearing the boy who nearly decked them with a baseball bat.
“I don’t even know where that thing came from. It was like it came out of nowhere.”--Buddy
Magnus is glaring with hatred at the bat.
Buddy takes notice and gently pats Magnus’s digit in reassurance.
Magnus and Buddy give each other a smile of understanding before Buddy tries to explain the game of Uno to him.
Bumblebee feels the world stops the second Bulkhead is telling them to get the kids out.
He rushes over to get Raf out, gently cradling him in his servos.
“Beep bep bop?! (Raf what happened?!)--Bumblebee
Bumblebee gently turned Raf’s wrist to see more of the injury.
Immediately stops after hearing Raf take a sharp intake.
A quick little flashback to when Raf had gotten exposed to dark energon.
“Beep! Beep! Beep! (Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!)”--Bumblebee
“Its okay Bee, it just stings a bit.”--Raf
Bumblebee cradles him a bit closer.
Concern Beeping noises intensifies.
Bumblebee feels his spark drop seeing the rest come out of the car, especially Buddy holding on to a bat.
He is slightly hovering by the med bay with the other listening to the story.
He had the ‘pleasure’ of meeting the meathead once and that was enough for him.
He wants justice for the kids.
For Buddy.
He doesn’t leave the kids out of his sight for a while.
Ratchet walking into the med bay.
Bumblebee sitting on a corner of Buddy’s med slab, watching intensely at the human’s sleep.
Ratchet comes over gently placing a servo on his shoulder.
“They’re safe now Bumblebee.”--Ratchet
“Boop bop… bep beep boop bep bop? (I know… but it doesn’t hurt to have an extra set of optics watching them?).”--Bumblebee
“It doesn’t but you need to recharge.”--Ratchet
“They’ll still be here when you wake up. I will personally let you know when they wake up, as long as you go recharge.”--Ratchet
Bumblebee taking one last look at the kids, whispering a gentle ‘Thank you” towards Buddy, and leaves to recharge.
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ikkosu · 4 months
Earthspark bumblebee is currently rotting my brain from the inside out so could I ask for so fluffy fem shyer human and bumblebee who are crushing hard for each other but keep both of them keep prolonging confessing to the other the terrans realize what's going on and take it upon themselves try to get them to confess their feelings to each other
bumblebee x shy!fem!reader
a/n: tfe bee is so big brother energy 😭 he reminds a lot of what rid bee could be. I had a lot of fun writing this ! totally didn't rewatch all the bee scenes to get his character right,,,,,totally didn't. (I don’t write fluff often so i treid my best I swear)
"When are you gonna suck it up like a man and confess?"
Twitch startled you from above as the whirs of her fan hummed gently, hovering around you in her alt-mode.
"C'mon! What're you gonna say, huh? Turn away from the problem like you always do?"
Gloved hands, scathed with dirt, halted in the midst of pulling out a persistent weed. You feel your temple burn, a nervous laugh bubbled from your throat as your fingers plunged into the soil once more, pawing around to find the root of the problem.
"Hey! Don't ignore me!".
"I don't know what you mean."
When you did find the source, delicately you curled your fingers into the crevices, balling the soil then, with a huff, yanked the roots out. You're careful not to damage the nearby flowers.
When confronted at the baselines of your problems, you often churn into a sputtering mess. Sometimes, you have to clarify that no, you’re not angry, or no you’re not daunting — that’s your facial expressions constricting. Because if you don't. You're going to cry. And you're going to cry lots over matters daintier than an atom.
"Twitch. Really you are trying." You sigh when the drone nudged your back.
A quick zip-zap of metallic whirs and she’s in her usual form, yellow eyes ablaze, arms crossed, leaning over with a scowl. Her hips jutted out, sassed-esque — a pose Dorothy used often when she's mad.
"I appreciate your concern but—"
“Dont even try to push it away. I'm not stupid." She prods, getting up to your face. Really, this adorable thing is half a step away from making you ostrich-dunk your head into the soil. "Oh, let me guess : tongue, tied? Busy thinking about a certain someone? Someone, or a bot so yellow like the sun, it’s blinding your eyes?”
You don’t even know where to begin. So, you look into the soil really hard, like you’re trying to find something worth focusing on. Oh, look. A worm. Bingo.
"I'm going to eat that worm if you're not going to look at me."
"Twitch—" You began.
Then, she’s shoved away.
"Sorry, you see. Wh-what she's saying is that, well, you know—" Thrash nudged his head into view, twiddling his thumbs as a demure, placating smile eased on his soft face. "...it's high time you...tell 'im how you feel?"
This time you want to plunge your head into the soil. It’s not a want, it’s a need. The scent of earth was purging strong, beckoning you with it's heed, as you, yet again, choke back another sound. You laugh, nervous. God, this earthworm! So, interesting. Haha. So...so...er. Hm.
"Pshh. How I feel? I feel fine."
"I mean...about your, uh, crush on bee."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Twitched groaned, rolling around the grass all the way from the stack of hays to the tip of your boots. Then, she repeated the motion, each rant about your supposed love life —also, none-existent, if you will— becoming more fervent. That is, until Thrash had plucked her up by the arm pits and she fell limp like a doll in his hold.
" You said you’d be nice about it."
"What’s there to be nice about?! They’re being so smushy mushy , oh darling so lovely, it's giving me the critters!” She growled, clawing the air
You stood up with an uncertain hunch in your shoulder. You’re still holding the clump of soil in your rubber gloves, back taut and jaws slacked. The earthworm was gone, buried in the soil somewhere. You hoped it had a a nice stay unsurfaced for once — and you really should keep twitch away from Wheeljack. She's even swearing, now. She swears!
“Come on, now Twitch. It isn’t so bad.” You say quietly, not trusting yourself to yell at the skies in full volume. Really, you’ll disentigrate.
“You don’t get to talk, wuss.”
“Mom said be nice. A person’s word is like a kni—“
"Yeah, well she's a liar!" You shrunk asher digit juts your way. "That's gotta breach the fifteenth rule, right? A whole machete stab?"
Thrash seemed surpise. "You actually remember the rules."
You're exasperated. "What rules? And, what on earth are you both talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me!"
"Really, I'm not." Oh my god, are you really having a verbal spar with a — with a child of all bots that's half your size?!
"Oh, yeah? Then why you're nervous, huh? If you're not nervous then you've got nothing to hide."
"I'm not nervous." You said, blinking profusely.
Twitch made a face. "You're gardening."
"The grass looked bad."
"You garden when you're nervous."
You feel your lungs gave out. Your inner you's are bouncing around in your skull, panicking and screaming in disbelief. Alarm signals, blaring inside. How did she know?!
"N..no? I garden when I'm....happy." You kick the ground sheepishly. Bad call. The soil tipped over a your hold, little dots of brown mingled with the grass. Oh, dear.
"Happy? Please. You're nervous because big 'ol bee didn't have the spark to confess to missy sweet spark with barely any roots to hold herself." Twitch huffs. She's getting to sassy for her own good — "And so are you, wuss."
"We're friends!" You said, though the term was lacking. "Normal friends. Buddy, even. Buddy friends...haha...."
Thrash stiffens.
Twitch deadpans.
Both at the same time uttered : "Really?"
They're hiding in a bush. A bush of all places. No, not the tree, obscured by the leaves and a leverage with the branches. Or, whatever hiding place is deemed suitable for this operation. A bush. Can you believe that?
Fluffy Ears nestled herself on the grass, curious eyes skimming over the several Terrans peeking over the bush. Thrash brought it upon himself to hide in the barn because, as per his words, a good spy needs a good hiding place.
The only good thing about his 'prowling' tendencies is the fact he falls asleep during these so-called covert operations. Which is why he gets most of the ranks during training. What a scammer.
Jawbreaker was too large to hide behind a,ugh, bush so he was demoted to simply standing a few meters back, loitering by the fence.
Twitch feels something poking her rib plate. Can't the spot get any more cramped? "Nightshade, I swear to Primus—"
"Hush! There he is! The first move. Hashtag, commence operation : video!"
"That's not even—"
"On it!" Hashtag wrangled out the most, honest to Unicron, humongous camera in existence.
Silence veiled the three Terrans as they spot the yellow black approaching their resident gardener-who-normally-comes-at-the-weekends-and-bee-is-distraught-over-that-fact, tending the newly planted flowers by the hedge.
"So, I was wondering..." He's stretching on his toes, not exactly looking at you.
How could he? Everytime he so much as to catch a glimpse of your face, he feels like tripping over his own pedes and burrowing himself into the ground until comets rain, the world in flames — and god knows when would Primus let him out again.
"You need something, bee?" You swivel up, pawing your apron to get off the dirt from your gloves.
But he looks confused, optics lowered downwards, brows furrowed. You look as well, then up.
"Yellow, huh." He looks away, pointing to your torso.
You look down again then realized what he meant. Your face burns with a vengeance.
"My other apron broke." You try not to stammer but it's proven futile as an amused smile eased over his face. "A-alex decided to give me his, well, you know one of his precious merch which...is typically your...um face on it. If it makes you uncomfortable—"
"No! Gosh, no. You can wear it all you want. I'm just surprised, that's all. You never really... Besides, it's nice...." He looks down and kicks the grass a little, servos behind his back. "It...suits you well."
At the compliment you look up, hoping not to make eye contact, but he does as well and you're both held at a stalemate. His round almond optics droop. For a moment, his lips part, then it shuts. He looks down, avoiding your gaze.
Is he... flustered? At that thought, you fisted the apron, bunching it a little. You look away, hiding the way you smiled a little. " ...It's a pretty color. Yellow, I mean. Honeybee. I love bees."
He looks back up, blue optics flared, and into your eyes. His chassis did those little backward flips and, he swears to Primus, he'll simply disintegrate. You're a lovely color too.
Bee flinched the moment you turn to him at break neck speed, sputtering, eyes wide and face, all the more flustered.
"What?" He said that out loud. He said it. Out. Loud. He held up his servos. "I-i meant it's a lovely color. As in, you know, you're a lovely color so like when you said yellow was a lovely color. I thought— What I mean by that is— Oh, forget it." He lets out a deep vent. "It's been a long day. Sorry."
"You're fine. It's fine, I mean." You said. When silence veils over you both (Twitch really wants to strangle you, right now) you speak up again, quietly. "You were going to ask something...?"
His door wings pike up in surprise, much to his chagrin.
"Oh, right. Forgot about that." He coughed and cleared his throat. " I was wondering If you were...you know..." Gosh, what's that word. "Freethisweekend?"
It was so quick and quiet, you didn't really grasp much of what he uttered. “I got free— what's the next—"
"This weekend." He said, then trailed off. "Free... this weekend."
"Oh..." You look to the ground, hands primly folded behind your back.
"To... ah,” Just ask her out. Just ask her out. Worse she can say is no and no. No is fine! If you don't ask, you'll never know. That's what Elita said, right? Right? He sags. She said a lot of things.
He decides to go in for the kill but the moment he met your eyes, your pretty eyes, your temple grew warm, like really warm. He feels his own face burning and he starts stumbling over his words. “Free to. To go. To, um, a, well, a...d—dah, dah, duh, die, no! A, ah, diversion! Yes! Right. Diversion."
A domino effect of forehead slapping commenced. Bee, you fool! Twitch was wrangled back by Hashtag from leaping over the bush.
"Diversion?" Your face furrowed.
"With the....Terrans!" He snapped his servos. " Right, the Terrans. You know, a new lesson I made. Figured you'd be there for support. It's all about the essence of....diversion."
You stand there, mouth opening then closing. "...Sure, I guess. What time?"
"Anytime you're free." He says it, almost breathlessly.
You blink. "I thought it was a scheduled lesson."
His door wings pike up again. He groaned internally. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, uh. Yeah. Right. Schedule….schedule…So, how's ten tommorow? I'll round up the kids by then."
"Sounds good."
"Good. Good. See you....later."
You wave, then turned around, rounding the corner of the house. The moment you did, your face crumbled and you hid your face into your palms, a whine seethed inside your throat. Bee, however, pressed his helm against his servo, sighing.
How did I messed that up so badly?
Meanwhile, in the bush.
"Cut the film, Hash." Twitch resigned.
"But he could push on!"
"I highly doubt that." Nightshade was already crawling away.
Jawbreaker clicked thought the comms. "I saw yellow leaving. Is everything alright?"
"Nothing. Is Thrash dead? Thought so. Saw his head peeking out from the barn. Someone get him, please."
And, while they're all about to regroup. Twitch just had the perfect idea. It's about time she takes matters into her own hands.
Night plunged the skies, freckled with stars reflecting off his windshield as he rolled underneath the veil of darkness.
"Bee quick! Come to the barn! A problem just came up!"
"Twitch?" He was about to scale another ramp when he halted midway, changing course immediately. "C'mon talk to me. What's the problem?"
"Just come! It's urgent!"
Seeds of inky doubts blotched into his mind. The little runt had a lot of tricks up her sleeves. Sure, she's a heavy hitter but also a decent liar. Last time she pulled off the same shtick he was pushed into a hole....filled to the brim with mud. He walked around the vicinity and stank like cow feces for days.
He really should stop letting twitch mingle with Wheeljack.
His wheels rolled up to a stop in front of the barn. The trees, inky black, loomed around the farm, towering above him. He felt a shudder up his spine. Leaves rustled. Crickets chirp. All was quiet. Too quiet.
"Twitch? Kids?" He slid the barn door aside, joints whirring with every step. Hay crunched under his pedes. " Ugh, not this again. Guys, seriously. If, if this, Primus who littered this place? If this is one of your jokes I swear to— huh?"
The basement door was open. A gaping hole, black and swarthy greeted his eyes. Who left that open? He took a step closer. "Guys? Are you in there? What's going on?"
Another step. Then another.
"Look, you can come out now. This isn't funny."
The hole grew bigger, bigger and— Footsteps pattered behind him. It was gentle but it drew alarm as Bumblebee whirled around. And, there she was. Twitch stood before him, a wide, chesire grin on her face. The moonlight illuminated her from behind, casting an ominous shadow that loomed In front of her figure.
He sputtered in confusion and felt two pedes connecting with his chest and he's sent stumbling back down the steps of Nightshade's underground lab. His shout of surprise was quickly drowned out when Twitch pulled the door shut.
"There! That'll do it." She grinned, fists on her hips. “You got that hash?”
“All on tape. Even his face too! Did you see how he looked like?” Hash stepped out of her hiding place, literally behind the hay. The original culprit of hay litter-er. "They're gonna be there for hours! Trapped in each other's embrace! Oohhhh this is so rad. You've seen those rom-coms, right? It's going be so funny when they come back out.”
"With result." Nightshade chirped, coming up beside them. "It's been awhile something has transpired. A change of the usual routine. Oh, the bore of waiting so long. As a scientist myself. I admit — it can get a little bothersome. Let's only hope the heat from the generator can keep them warm."
Silence. Hashtag feels two optics on her.
"Generator, what generator?"
"....Hashtag." They begin slowly. Twitch looks mortified.. "....Please tell me you didn't cut off the generator when I said only to cut off the vault."
Confusion furrowed her brows. "How else would the door be locked if I didn't?"
Twitch groaned, head into her palms.
Nightshade stares at the closed vault. "....Oh, dear."
"Unnfh!" His helm collided against the floor. Great. That’s just great. Mentor student. Mentor student! You don’t do this to your mentors! Annoyance bubbled inside his chassis and he grits his teeth. That is it. That is it. He’s had enough of her tomfoolery, her jokes, her tricks! Tommorow, he’s going to put her through hell and back—
“Bee?” He feels something warm touching his shoulder.
His helm swivels up, then his optics widens in surpise when your nose is inches away from his own. You make a flustered sound, suddenly falling back on your ass to put space between you both, embarrassed. “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d uh be that close.” Was a soft mumble. “The fall looked like it hurt. You okay?”
“Yeah, fine. I’m fine.” He breaths out, scrambling up to sit properly. He’s not sure what position, so he curled up his knee plates to his chassis. Your eyes are too…impossible to look at. “Think I broke a joint there.”
“You break joints too?”
He huffs a laugh, “You don’t think we do?” “I mean as in,” You gesture to his body, “ You know, cracking joints. Is it equivalent to me popping my knuckles? I saw you did it this morning when you stretch.” You trailed off, then shake your head. “Sorry, it’s a stupid question.”
“It’s fine. It’s not stupid. You’re not….stupid.” He clears his throat, “We also experience cramps. Tension in the joints when, well, like how a rusty hinged door won’t open up all the way.”
“Oh, that’s one way to put it.” You scoot a bit closer, pressing up against his leg. Bumblebee stiffens, servos moving over to stiffly cup your back to keep on you warm. The air was unusually chilly today. His quick scans showed the generator wasn’t working. Did the lights went out? His servos graze over your shoulders, massaging it a little, then behind your neck.
“And, and that one time. I don’t think you know him yet, he’s an old friend back during the war," He starts rambling for something to say anything to keep the conversation going, “His name’s Ratchet. Old bot forgot to oil up his pistons and couldn’t move for an entire day! Can you believe that? We had to carry him everywhere we went. Once, I was caught in the crossfire. Bullets were raining. Full on barrage. Nonstop. And he’s just like that, a plank of wood in my arms as I ran. You should’ve seen the look in his face!
“I can imagine he’s not happy,” A giggle bubbled in your throat. His audials perk up. “Yeah, I can tell. He’s a lot less crass in his manners when he dealt with me,” Bee leans a bit close, the servo skims down to your torso. “After all the bedgruding looks I’ve gotten from him — he’s got no choice but to give me special treatment of letting me off a few scolding.” “Oh? Why’s that,”
“I’m not exactly the prim and proper type.”
“My, my is bee the rebellious type?”
He lowers his voice into a playful whisper. “I had a phase, okay? Everyone does. Mine, though, it’s just worse than Arcee’s. She’s unhinged too but waaaay less moody. But don’t tell the kids that. I’m not going to have my name sullied, you hear?”
“Noted, officer. But I really can’t promised I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
He groans then a digit nudges your ribs. “No, really I’m serious. They’re going to kill me with that. I don’t want another incident to tarnish my reputation. Ive got Jawbreaker pestering me about how I made a mistake choosing my first alt-mode, I don’t need another slander. My feelings,” he says with a servo over his chassis, “they’re fragile.”
“Come on,” you leaned forward, cheek against his leg plate. Bee looks away, holding himself back from, well, squishing that…squishy part of your face. “It’s not so bad. The beetle looked adorable.”
“Beetle. Really? Beetle?” He looked almost offended you termed it that way.
“Isn’t that what it’s called?” He leans over and flicks your head. “I’d prefer it if you called it something else.”
You laugh. “I’ll bite, then. The Beatles?”
“No,” He said the words too fast, “Honey.”
You freeze. He freezes.
He did not just say that. Oh, no. He did not. He did not. When you look away that’s when he panicked. No! He’s not going to let the past few minutes go to waste! “As in yellow! Honey as in yellow!” He backpedaled, raising up his servos. “You know when I— when you said that, I was—" What’s up with him today? Then, he sags, muttering defeatedly. “It’s not what you think I meant to say.”
He’s blown it. Thrown it all down the drain. All his hard work now crumbled at the mere touch of his fingertips. You speak up after a moment, “What if…I wanted it to be what I think you meant?”
He looks at you again, surprise. He felt his spark clenching. This time you held firm eye contact despite your hands that were shaking. Think about gardening. Think about gardening. This is like that! Like he’s a flower. Gentle to hold. You steeled yourself and stood up on your toes, palms on his knee plates as you leaned in close.
“What did you meant?” You said softly.
His servos reached out to cup your cheek, curling his digits around the back of your hair. You leaned against his touch, closing your eyes. It was warm. His touch was warm. Pulsing and thrumming against your face.
“What I meant is that you’re someone important to me.” Then, he pulls you close, his optics flickering back and forth nervously. “So important I….think about you a lot. Like, a lot. I can’t….really stop. Even when I want to….its hard.”
Your face burns but you’re not letting that deter you. If god decided to kill you today, you’d steel on, wading through his comets. Think about the garden! You close the distance and your lips find the crook of his nose, pressing a gentle kiss to it, then his cheek. Your palms rested on his shoulder. Bee blinks, choking back a surpised sound at the touch but his servos manage to find your waist, curling his digits around the fabric of your shirt and pulls you close. He tilts his head so his lips would find yours.
“I think about you too.” You mumble against his lips.
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himbocoups · 2 years
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˗ˋˏ YUCK! ˎˊ˗ | 18+ Only (Part One)
synopsis: how can you remain friends with benefits with someone who turns his plushies around during sex, pouts when you don't kiss him goodbye, and spends his time occupying your mind?
pairing: lsm x yn (gn afab)
genre: fluff, romance | m, smut
tags: food, character is drunk in a flashback, cursing, domesticity, fwb, sexual innuendos, university au | car sex, degradation/dumbification, dirty talk, exhibitionism, fingering, games, pet names, switch dk/reader, spitting, pnv, unprotected sex
wc: 7.62k
a/n: some grumpy x sunshine dynamics inspired by my favorite song off charli's crash album. deciding to drop this fic in 2 parts instead of one bc the length of this vs my old laptop is e***** my a**. I literally had to delete the sims 😔 kind of excited and scared bc this is my first fic on this blog so comments are deeply appreciated -nu ♡
yuck! - part two
lipglossjun's masterlist
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Bare legs intertwined and arms wrapped around each other, DK brings his head closer to yours so that your noses are only a few centimeters apart. He whispers good morning and gently kisses you on the forehead. However, instead of greeting him back, you decide to ruin an otherwise sweet and heartfelt moment by reaching above your head for the closest thing you can find and slamming it onto his body.
“Stop being cheesy. You can’t ‘Good Morning’ me after sex,” you grumble, turning your body away from his.
DK’s large and deformed bumblebee plush he frequently uses as a backrest bounces off his body and plops onto the cold tiled floor where it joins a menagerie of different plushies and discarded clothing items. DK doesn’t do anything in retaliation and only snuggles into your back, wraps his arm around your side, and pulls you closer to him.
“Fuck aftercare. I’m still horny,” he mumbles into your neck while leaving warm kisses on your shoulder. He moves his right arm to your hips and massages your waist with his thumb, pressing deeply and drawing circles into your skin.
The action is enough to make you think about going another round with him, but the scattered sounds of metal doors opening and closing in the distance tell you that it’s almost time for your morning class. You reach to the side to grab your phone from his nightstand to double-check the time. There’s a text from your friend who lets you know he has your lab coat. There’s a follow-up text from him telling you to stop fucking DK so that you don’t get a grade docked for missing lab. As much as you want to laze in bed with DK, you detangle yourself from him and sit up. He whines at the lack of warmth, but you ignore him and make your way to his private bathroom where your overnight bag hangs on one of the metal door hooks.
You can still hear him whining about his horniness as your hand reaches for the toilet paper roll beside you. Not wanting him to continue complaining, you tell him very loudly that you are peeing. You hope it’s enough to get him to leave you alone. At the same time, you hope your voice doesn’t travel through the bathroom vent duct to the other dormitory restrooms.
His whining stops.
You think he’s starting his usual clean-up routine, plugging in his white shell-shaped socket air freshener – the same linen scented one he bought once and then over and over again simply because you complimented it once in passing. He would pick up all of the fallen stuffed animals he’s collected over the years, probably apologizing to them one by one for dropping them and for having sex in front of them. It’s just who he is, and you never understood how you became friends with someone like him in the first place.
You’re blunt, a no-bullshit kind of person. If Eeyore and Squidward had a baby, that baby would be you. So, usually, people like Dokyeom would piss you off. Dokyeom is the type of person who wakes up as refreshed as the type of people in those instant coffee commercials after they have had their morning cup of dark roast. He’s bright and bubbly and too kind for his own good. He’s stopped many roommate disputes simply by tearing up while listening to his “children” – as he likes to refer to them – argue in front of him. He can’t walk to class without waving at or bumping into somebody he knows. Hanging out with people like DK sucks the energy out of you, but DK's miraculously somehow your friend.
Also, part of you knows you lucked out when you became friends with benefits with a dormitory resident advisor a few months ago. It’s convenient for the both of you – because of his single bed and bath suite, you always have a place to stay if you are still on campus late at night. Both of you two never need to worry about being too loud because his room is basically soundproof. However, that luck also meant having a partner who doesn’t understand his boundaries, has an overtly positive mindset, and treats and takes care of you like you are one of his Freshman residents.
“I swear if I get a UTI…” you mumble to yourself while you lock your phone and place it on the sink counter before you wipe. You make a mental note that you still have a few minutes before you have to head to your morning class or else you would be way too late.
When you leave his bathroom, you see he’s making his bed. The resident advisor is fully dressed and happily fluffs his pillows as if you didn’t use them to stifle his moans while riding him just a few minutes ago – not because he was too loud, but because it was seven in the morning and all you wanted to do was fuck. As you predicted, his stuffed animals are all back in place, including the ones that toppled onto his floor. The air freshener is plugged into the socket with its intensity on the highest setting. His curtains are pulled open, and the calm morning breeze gently brushes against the bright green string of pearls plant sitting on his windowsill. In his trashcan under his desk is the tied and disposed of used condom tastefully covered by empty snack wrappers and dirty lint roller sheets. It’s like he lives a double life – one that only you know and one that only his residents know.
You find a small water bottle and a granola bar on your backpack that you left on his desk chair when you arrived last night. Confused, you point at the items and turn to the man sitting on his bed. There is a big dumb smile plastered on his face despite you looking at him with a blank expression.
“What’s this?” you move the water and snack onto his desk so you can swing your backpack over your shoulder. You lean over his wooden desk to double-check and fix your hair in his table mirror.
“Some snacks,” he sings while reaching over to pull a stuffed animal onto his lap. It’s the one he often hugs when he sleeps alone. “You didn’t eat this morning,” he pouts.
“What did I say about not needing to be taken care of?” You frown while grabbing the water bottle and hesitate while looking at the bar you put on his tidy desk. “I hate granola,” you grumble, but you decide to pocket the bar before leaving.
He grabs the paw of the large brown bear he’s cuddling and uses it to wave goodbye, “Study hard.”
You flip him off before closing his large metal dormitory door behind you. His keypad whirs and clicks its automatic lock into place, and you make your way to the hallway elevators.
With each navy blue carpeted step you take towards the dormitory elevator, the wrapped granola bar crinkles annoyingly in your sweats pocket. The more you’re aware of the crinkling, the louder it rings in your ear – and it’s driving you insane. You hate the awful bright green dormitory doors, the sound of the foil wrapper, and the way DK tries to take care of you when all you want is sex. Sure, you can’t say you’re not attracted to him. You’re not the type to be friends with benefits with somebody you don’t have an emotional connection with. Yet, the man doesn’t even have a car. How can he take care of you if he can’t even drive on the freeway? To you, friends with benefits is like a drive-thru – you enter, you exchange for goods, and you exit. For a man without a car, the concept of his drive-thru just seems abstruse.
Even more annoying is DK’s stupid laminated smiling face stapled onto his large classroom bulletin board. DK’s face stares you down front and center while you wait for the elevator to stop on your floor. Below his face are hand-cut expensive cardstock letters shaped in a wavy curve spelling out A Baa-ginner’s Guide to Sleep. Under the title are several large sheep with sleeping facts glued to their centers that leap across a fence in a green pasture. You doubt anybody really pays attention to his bulletin board, but you quickly read through the facts on each sheep to pass the time while you wait for the elevator to arrive on your floor.
On the right side of the bulletin board is a tiny suggestion box nailed to the wall with a washable marker attached to the side of the box. You decide to uncap the black marker and quickly draw facial hair on DK’s face. You think he wouldn’t mind the hair – it’s nothing compared to the number of phallic pictures he had to erase on the whiteboard on his door the first month of school. If anything, he could wipe it off whenever he wanted. You cap the marker and look at his fresh goatee. The corner of your lips turns upwards and then quickly falls back to its resting position.
Your phone in your other pocket coincidentally buzzes when the elevator dings. You pull out your phone while stepping into the empty elevator and press the elevator button for the first floor. You see it’s a text from DK. He sent you a selfie of him and the same brown bear plush he was cuddling earlier. He wants you to know he’s still horny, but he misses you. A lot.
You sigh and unhook your backpack from your shoulder so you can access the front pocket of your backpack. The elevator stops at the floor below you, and you make your way to the side to let other students onto the elevator.
The weather is finally nice outside after a week of consistent fog and overcast skies, so you thought it would be a great idea to study together under the sun. However, about half an hour into studying, Jun is about twenty chapters into a webcomic on his phone, Chan is busy flicking stray ants off the thin bedsheet, and you are about to resort to using ideas from your 2014 costume party Pinterest board you archived into the depths of hell a few years ago.
“It’s giving either pick me or middle school boy whose entire personality is him being a class clown,” Chan says while laying back down on the makeshift picnic blanket you made from an old yellow bedsheet you pulled from your closet. He crosses his arms under his head for support.
Jun grabs the laptop from Chan’s lap and clicks through the options you’ve opened in your different tabs. He squints his eyes at the screen and winces at every single one while he drags his finger across your touchpad, wishing he never saw your options. He shakes his head and pushes your laptop back to you, immediately going back to scrolling on his phone.
You take back your laptop from Jun and frown while clicking on your different open tabs to peruse your options again. You thought it would be funny if you wore the themed costume you were currently going for, but your friends think it’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever come up with – and you’ve come up with a ton of stupid ideas in the past. But you couldn’t see how this simple costume gives off a “pick me” vibe.
“I just think it’d be funny,” you grumble while closing your current tabs to look for more options.
You’ve noticed that you’ve been hanging out with DK more than usual. Sometimes it wasn’t even to hook up with him. You would stay at his place to study for midterms, and the two of you would often end up having dinner or breakfast together. You’ve been in the dorms for so long that his residents often mistake you for another resident. But it’s true, DK is only a friend – albeit one who’s starting to grow on you – but he’s only a friend. What’s the use in trying to find a costume that he would laugh at anyway?
“What did I tell you? You can’t just be friends with benefits with somebody like DK. People like him want long relationships. They like holding hands while walking. They like sending goodnight texts with a cute moving sticker from a sticker pack they paid for attached to it. They consider taking you home to their parents as a date,” Chan quickly sits up to try to see your laptop screen, but immediately lays back down when his vision gets blurry. He uses it as an excuse to skip the gym today.
“You, on the other hand,” Chan turns to his side so he can see you more clearly, “just want his dick in you.”
The other friend tries to stifle his laughter after hearing the word “dick.” You groan and push Chan’s chest, causing him to fall flat on his back again. Although you have to admit, you don’t disagree with him. Getting dicked down by your friend after meeting up with him to try new dessert places he found on Instagram is an amazing experience. You could taste the remnants of his frozen yogurt flavor on his tongue while he kisses you after eating you out. Visiting new places and hooking up afterward? It’s like an extended BOGO deal that doesn’t seem to have an expiry date.
“You say that like wanting dick is a bad thing,” the other friend, Jun, who swapped his phone for your backpack, opens the front pocket to look for something fun to play with or eat that would better interest him.
He pulls out the granola bar you shoved in your backpack that sat untouched since DK gave it to you. He quickly reads the label to look at the flavor and decides to pocket the bar.
“No,” you tell him when you hear the familiar crinkle of the foil wrapper. You reach over to snatch your backpack and your granola bar back from your friend. “It’s mine,” you emphasized.
“You don’t even like those,” Jun grumbles while leaning his elbow on his knee. He huffs very loudly, making it very obvious he is sad he wasn’t able to take the snack for himself.
You roll your eyes and launch the granola bar straight at his chest. It hits him with a hollow-sounding thunk and lands on his lap. Bullseye.
“Jesus,” Chan exclaims, now sitting up. He points at the poor boy who is rubbing the sore spot on his chest with a smile on his face, “What’s with you and chests?”
You shrug, your face void of any expression. You were more of an arm person.
“But going back to Yn and DK, I honestly don’t see anything wrong with them. They’re just friends who hook up,” Jun, who is completely fine, tears the corner of the foil wrapper and pulls it downwards. He moves the remaining end that covers the sticky bar to the side, revealing the snack that lost its original shape after being tumbled and bumped in your backpack. “My last friends with benefits hated my guts. We had absolutely nothing in common too. I literally had to fuck in silence because if we talked, we would only fight. But it only lasted a while because they were only visiting the area, but damn, I definitely wouldn’t do it again.”
He takes a bite of his granola bar.
“Hate fucking can make you grow stress acne,” he casually adds while his mouth is full.
The two of you turn to him in surprise, never knowing about his revelation despite years of being friends. Jun shrugs, unbothered by your expressions, and continues to snack.
“What? I like getting my dick sucked,” he nonchalantly tells the two of you. A tiny piece of oat flies out of his mouth and onto the blanket. You flick it away before the ants can get to it, but Jun doesn’t seem to notice and continues to talk, “You gotta do what you gotta do.”
Crumbs fall out of his mouth while he speaks with his mouth full. Only after he finishes his sentence does he take time to swallow his mouthful and shove the remainder of the bar into his mouth. He swats the crumbs off the blanket and his clothes and crumples the wrapper, looking around for the nearest trashcan.
His eyes land on a group of people moving carts and setting up for an event in the distance. He could recognize the outfits anywhere from the navy blue polo with the university crest embroidered on the left chest to the regulated sand-colored khakis every worker has to wear. He’s seen someone wear that uniform more often than he would have liked. Every time he complains about how ugly the polyester polos look, his friend who regularly wears the uniform only laughs at him and waves goodbye. 
Why would RA’s need to wear sports wick fabric? Jun thinks to himself. Do they get sweaty from doing dormitory checks at midnight? 
You notice Jun silently frowning at something in the distance instead of getting up to throw away his trash. You turn your body to look at who he’s frowning at, and you see a bunch of students setting up for some university event later in the afternoon. Your eyes land on a familiar silhouette who carries a clipboard in his left hand while pointing at different places to tell his coworkers where to place the different banners and tables. You know it’s him from the crisp khaki pants he refuses to stain to the way he carries himself – the bounce in his step and the way his open hand always falls onto the shoulder of the person next to him to use as support while he’s laughing.
He’s the same person who’s too kind for his own good. You think about the time you went shopping at the mall with him and how he couldn’t bring himself to decline the offer of getting a free scrub from the skincare kiosk. You had to stare down the man into applying the product on the back of DK’s arm, but even then, DK spent the next week rubbing medical-grade hydrocortisone cream on his rash without complaining. DK still wonders about where the man is every time he visits the mall to this day. On the other hand, you would never admit to secretly taking matters into your own hand by writing angrily worded reviews on their Google page under Chan’s abandoned elementary school email he uses to sign up for free trials.
“You’re drooling for a man in khakis,” Chan suddenly disrupts your thoughts. “Check yourself.”
You blink your eyes and look around you. Jun is already long gone, Jun's trash tossed in a trashcan. Now, he’s leaning against a tree while chatting up a poor girl who wanted to read her novel in peace. The funny thing is, he seems to be doing pretty well.
Chan, who doesn’t want both you and Jun to go to the party with a date, excuses himself so he could leave to annoy and embarrass Jun. He thinks if he has to go to the party alone, then he’s dragging one of you down with him. In this case, it’s Jun.
Your mind wanders back to the costume party. You can’t do a couple’s costume because one, you and DK are not a couple; and two, DK always shows up as a slutty fireman. It was his thing. He would show up to parties already a little tipsy from pregaming. He would hug a liter bottle of chase in one arm and have a coiled prop hose hanging from his shoulder on the opposite side. His firefighter costume would hang from his waist while DK walks around dapping up his friends in a white sleeveless cotton tank with streaks of grey ash. And the drunker he gets, the more lopsided his firefighter helmet sits on his head, eventually falling off when he crashes on the couch.
To Jun, dressing up as a firefighter is probably one of the sluttiest things DK could ever do. The first is respecting women. You’re number six on Jun’s list.
Someone comes up behind you from where you’re sitting and holds a cold water bottle in front of your face. He turns it upside down and quickly flicks it upright so the water inside the bottle whirls around in a whirlpool.
“Water tornado,” DK laughs while twisting open the white cap and handing the plastic bottle to you.  
His lame party trick makes you snort. Instead of complaining about already having your own iced water, you gladly accept his water. You put the cap back on and put it on top of your backpack knowing very well that his booth would be selling refreshments for triple its wholesale value.
He sits next to you on the bedsheet that’s slightly damp from touching the grass. He stretches his legs across the blanket and makes himself comfortable by laying on his back. He asks you where Chan and Jun are, and you point at the two of them pushing each other in front of the girl. You stare at them in defeat.
“Poor girl,” he tsks.
He moves his head onto your lap and you hover your hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun. He quietly stares at you while you use your other hand to open your university login page on your laptop, not really paying attention to him.
Just then, someone calls for DK from the event area. DK immediately sits up but accidentally slams his forehead into your palm. You let out a soft laugh, and he playfully glares at you.
How dumb.
“Just saying ‘hi’ to a friend,” he yells back.
A friend.
“Give me a kiss before I leave?”
“No,” you frown at him while looking away. You were trying to get him to go back to work. It also wasn’t like you called him over. Albeit there is a part of you that is the tiniest bit of upset after hearing DK call you his friend so easily. How dumb of you.
He pouts but gently squeezes your shoulder before he jogs back to where he was setting up.
In the distance, Jun and Chan sigh while they pull out their phones to transfer money into the hammock girl’s bank account. Hammock girl bet that he wouldn’t kiss you even if nobody was near the two of you. She was right. Although, the three of them could agree that a shoulder squeeze is just sad.
He giggles when he sees your face contort in disgust after he holds the body wash under your nose, squeezing it gently so you can smell the scent. He takes it back and flips the cap closed before putting it back on the store shelf. He takes the bottle from your hand when it’s your turn to pass him your pick, but he quickly passes it back to you after he smells the scent. He shakes his head “no.”
“You don’t like this one?” you cap the bottle and place it back where it belongs. You thought the scent was fine with you.
“It’s too sweet,” DK reads the label on another product, “I feel like it would attract ants.” He shudders at the idea of a line of ants trailing in his bathroom but continues to swing his shopping basket by his side while he browses the bath products aisle.
You don’t know how DK managed to convince you to drive him to the retail store and help him with his next bulletin board design. You think it’s because he knows you drew the mustache on his face, but he suggested you shop with him for a body wash that you would also prefer using because you’ve been staying over at his place more often. You were going to decline his suggestion, but you remembered you were almost out of trash bags and condoms for your place. Because there were only so many times you could visit the health center free condom bowl without becoming one of their regulars, you agreed to his request.
Yet here you are, trailing closely behind DK under the bright fluorescent store lights where the first bottle on mostly every shelf is just a little crooked. The two of you have spent the last few minutes trying to find a scent that works for both of you. To be honest, you couldn’t care less about the fragrance he chooses, but he insists on finding the perfect one – stressing the “t” in “perfect” to the point where it came out of his mouth in a clicking sound. You were more or less focused on how his bicep bulges the heavier his basket gets – practically drooling when his rolled shirt sleeve pushes up just a little whenever his arm automatically flexes every time he adds an item to his basket. You hope he thinks you’re staying quiet because your nose is congested from smelling all of the products and not because you’ve been staring at his arms the entire time.
He taps you on your shoulder when you’re skimming the ingredient list of a 3-in-1, and you look over to see him smiling widely at you as he holds a slim opaque bottle in his hand. 
When you smell the body wash he holds under your nose, you give him a tiny nod in agreement. He immediately caps the bottle, drops it in his basket, and heads toward his next destination. The bottle rolls over in the red basket, and you briefly see the scent name while you trail behind its future owner. Its scent fits the man humming in front of you perfectly, and you can’t deny that you’re quite fond of it yourself. You decide to grab one for your place before catching up to him.
About half an hour later, you’re still staring at his arms while he reaches up the grab the hood of your car trunk to slam it shut after helping load the shopping bags. He seems to notice you staring as he wastes time by looking into his tote bag, pretending to look for something.
You hate him, that little minx. Of course, he knows you’re staring at him. He knows exactly how you’re feeling. He didn’t purposely press against you while reaching up for items on higher shelves for nothing. The t-shirt he’s wearing? It’s a size too small, but by god do you think it fits so tightly and so well around his body.
Between stressing about midterms and working on top of taking classes with a full-time course load, your sex drive has been out of sync with how it used to be. You and DK haven’t had proper sex in a while, and you’ve been caught thinking about sex during geology lab (out of all places). Jun was pretty sure you were harder than all of the rocks on the lab table. If one more sex scenario came into your mind, you were pretty sure a diamond would fall out of you the next time you open your legs.
DK knows how to push your buttons and rile you up – subtly and in multiplicities. But in your favorite retail store? Where you go to de-stress and bask in the free air conditioning? The same one that welcomes you with the scent of fresh buttery popcorn when you walk through its large revolving doors? Leave it to DK to ruin the one good thing you had going for you, but if you’re going to fuck DK in your car, then you are going to make him pay for it in the process.
When you shut your car door, the hanging pine tree shaped air freshener clacks with the acrylic figurine keychain Chan brought back for you when he visited Japan during the winter. DK is sitting in the middle seat in the backseat of your manual, already visibly hard and palming himself. He grabs your hand while you move towards him to straddle his lap. Your knees sink into the cushions on the sides of his thighs, and you grind yourself on his arousal, feeling him grow harder and harder under you – days of pent up stress immediately leaving your body. He places his hands on your hips, guiding your movements, groaning when you find your pace – feeling the pool of arousal between your legs leak onto his crotch.
You grab his chin, thumb stroking the stubble along his jaw. He looks back at you with his big dark eyes, and your head dips so your lips can meet his. Your lips are hard and impatient as yours collides against his over and over – mouths working in tandem as he matches your pace and fervor as you continue to grind against him, digging your hips deeper into him when your back arches. You can’t help but smile against his lips and he moans in response, against your mouth. You fill the tiny opening by taking his bottom lip between your teeth, tugging and running your tongue against his lip.
However, he pulls back to catch his breath. His hands have traveled to your ass, and he asks you in the most innocent tone while kneading them between his fingers, “But what about the cars waiting for us?”
You roll your eyes and verbally scoff at him. You point his chin upwards so he’s looking up at you. He gulps while you stare at him, your eyes burning holes into his eyes. He knows you’re mad. But his dick twitches in excitement just thinking about how you’re going to punish him.
“Don’t play dumb with me fucking slut,” the way you jeer at him sends shivers down his spine. He looks up at you with glassy eyes, staying silent while you continue to berate him. “What? Purposely riling me up and then playing innocent when you think about a car waiting for us?”
He continues to stay silent while his breathing gets harder. He can feel his pre-cum leaking out of his dick, wanting desperately for you to sink down on him.
You tilt his chin to the side so you can whisper in his ear, “I’m going to make them watch you fall apart under me until they forget why they’re waiting for us in the first place. You understand?”
He nods his head quickly, thinking about how hot you look at that moment. You reach down to stroke his arousal with your other hand still secured around his chin. He whimpers at the feeling of your hand around him, eager to do anything you tell him to.
“What was the theme that you came up with for your bulletin board?” you pout at him, faking innocence. Of course you knew his theme. It’s all he’s been talking about since you picked him up from school. The concept is a little abstract, but you don’t push him because it’s not your board in the first place. You remove your hand from his chin and slowly trace it down his chest while looking at him with playful eyes.
“S-Simon says,” he hiccups as you unbutton his pants. He bites his lip when you reach his hard-on.
You see he’s red, hard, and throbbing in the palm of your hand. There’s enough pre-cum to drip down the sides of your fingers. You languidly stroke him, relieving some of the tension built up in his stomach. He hisses in response, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the headrest.
“Simon says to tell me what you’re thinking.”
DK draws in an unsteady breath and groans while you continue stroking him up and down, slowly adding speed. “I’ve been so horny,” he breathes. “I think about you at night. How you’ll kneel in front of me, naked, and in between my legs. How you’ll slowly kiss up my thighs, leaving wet kisses the way I like them while spreading my thighs apart because you always treat me s-so well no matter how b-bad I’ve been,” he babbles while gripping onto your shoulders, anything that he can grip onto his vicinity.
You rub your thumb over his smooth head while he spreads his thighs a little wider in his seat. You feel your core begin to throb when you hear him shamelessly groan, the sound alone stimulating you further. However, you try to keep your composure while he’s literally in the palm of your hand. 
“And…” he trails off for a bit, turning his head and not meeting your eyes. You see the tips of his ears glow bright red as he tries to avoid your stare. “I had wet dreams about you spitting in my mouth,” he mumbles while trying to hide from you despite the fact that you’re still sitting on his lap. 
The mere thought of spitting into Dokyeom’s mouth continues to feed the flame burning inside of you, so you decide to continue your game with him.
“What was that hmm?” you dip your head so that you’re hovering right above his lips. He has nowhere to turn except to face you. And when he does, you can tell his eyes are frantically darting between your eyes and your lips. You’re close enough to him to feel his breath on your lips, how his breath hitches as you continue to build his high. “What did you want me to do to you?”
He quickly shakes his head and looks up at you as if to tell you he’s being a good boy by playing the game by the rules. You didn’t say “Simon Says” before your last question. You smile and nod at him while slowly pulling your shorts and panties down, placing yourself on top of his dick. He whimpers upon contact.
You trace him along the inside of your soaked folds, and he immediately bucks under your lap. He’s sweating and very close to becoming overstimulated at this point, but he’s surprisingly enjoying it.
“Simon Says to tell you what you want Simon to do to you,” you taunt him calmly. You align him at your entrance while keeping eye contact with him.
“Please...” he mewls, so desperate that he can’t even properly tell you what he wants. It’s frustrating, and he’s frustrated. He throws a mini fit by huffing after pleading. 
“Please what?” you kiss along his jawline while he tries rutting up into you. “Did my dumb slut forget how to speak?”
You frown at his action and lift yourself higher so he can’t reach you. You cock an eyebrow at him, trying to get him to tell you want he wants you to do to him. Because, fuck, even you were getting desperate at this point (even though it is mostly your fault for prolonging it for so long).
He finally fesses, “P-Please fuck me so hard that your car ah–”
So caught up with everything, you forget about his size, and loudly moan while you bottom out on him, immediately clinging onto him while you bury your face in his neck. He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence, but he lets out a choked scream as he feels you take all of him so well and so quickly. He feels so tight, so full in you. It reminds you about how much you needed him in you these past few days. He curses under his breath, automatically pulling you into him. He kisses you with so much ardor, running his tongue around yours, that you temporarily forget that you’re only friends.
His large hands find their way to your ass again, sizing you up and guiding it up and down over and over again, making you bounce up and down on him. He groans out loud while he drowns in the feeling of him stretching you open and you clenching tightly around him, hearing the sounds of your ass slapping against his thighs. You feel so good around him, a lot tighter than usual that he has to stop himself from coming immediately. His lips temporarily leave yours with a thin line of saliva still webbed between your mouths when he breaks your kiss. You take the chance to tell him to open his mouth wide, and he quickly obeys. You grab a fistful of his hair and pull it backward. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and you spit on his extended tongue, watching the transparent liquid slowly slide down his tongue. He swallows it and sticks his tongue out again, begging for more.
“Aww,” you coo at him while he tugs on your shirt, a little habit of his when he’s needy but too fucked out to verbally beg. “Dumb baby. Did you forget you’re still being punished?”
You lift yourself from him so that only his tip remains in you. He tries angling his hips so he can be in you again, but you only shake your head at him while trapping his waist between your knees. At this point, he can only whine your name. Your name escapes his mouth in a high-pitched rasp, slowly removing one of his hands from your ass to knead himself. He slowly rolls his balls between his fingers, tugging and releasing the prettiest moans while you watch him slowly get off by himself.
“Fine. Go ahead,” you remove yourself from his lap when you realize what he’s doing. You sit on the seat beside him while you watch him touch himself despite your pussy aching without his touch. “I was going to ask you to choose between me spitting in my dumb whore’s mouth again or ride him to completion, but it seems like he doesn’t need me anymore.”
He pauses what he’s doing to look at you with big glossy eyes. His face is hot and flushed, and you can still smell his musky scent from where you’re sitting. You almost cave when you see him look at you, your heart fluttering a little. No matter how much you love playing with DK, you will have to admit that you have such a soft spot for him. He reaches over to tug your shirt sleeve, but you only shake him off. You can’t allow yourself to swallow your pride no matter how much you want to baby him.
You think he’s going to beg for you to forgive him, but he does the complete opposite. He takes matters into his own hands by leaning over you despite the cramped space. He spreads your legs while he leans in between them.
“What are you doing?” you gulp.
He hovers his hand over your core and looks at you. You immediately nod, and he rubs your nub with his thumb, slowly inserting his ring finger in your cunt. He hooks it at the right spot, immediately making you buck against his hand in response.
“A- Ah. Baby please,” you mewl at him, begging for him to pump his finger. When he only stares at you, enjoying watching you beg underneath him as you fuck yourself on his finger repeatedly, your pride thrown out the window.
“I’m not even moving my finger and I can feel you creaming around it,” he smirks while tapping the inside of you by hooking and unhooking his finger, causing the coil in you to snap as you wail his name while riding out your orgasm.
Now it’s his turn to cock his head in amusement while he watches you desperately cling onto his arm as you continue to come on his single finger. Your eyes are squeezed shut, and your mouth can’t help but hang open while he inserts another long finger into you while you’re trembling under his touch. He continues to rub your nub in figure eights while he slowly scissors your aching and swollen cunt, knowing you’re about to cum again based on how tightly you’re clenched around his fingers, calling out and mindlessly babbling his name over and over again like it’s the only word in your vocabulary.
He feels your juices leak onto his fingers and he pulls them out of you just before your climax hits, holding it up to the large rearview window to see them well-coated with your slick and glistening in the sun. He brings the same fingers into his mouth and licks them clean when he sees a customer walking past the car. He shoves them into your mouth before you can complain, and you close your lips around his fingers, sucking on them and running your tongue around each digit.
“I’m fine with playing Simon Says,” he sighs at you while you continue sucking on his fingers while looking into his eyes. “But if you say you want to fuck me so hard that other people will see, then fucking do it right Yn,” he sneers.
He realigns himself at your entrance, slowly pushing into you. His new angle allows him to drive himself so deep into your cunt that you wail out a choked sob. There are no agonizingly slow strokes as he repeatedly pounds into you, hard, giving you no time to adjust. He ruts himself into you like you’re his toy and grunts while allowing the nastiest words to come out of his mouth, making up for all the time you lost between studying up until that moment. He’s so deep in you that you can feel him in your throat so that you can’t even utter a word, incoherent, as the springs of your car squeak to the rhythm of him relentlessly pounding in you. You’re so cock-drunk that you don’t even notice you’ve came again, this time sopping wet and onto your leather seats. You wail while struggling to keep your lips around his fingers. But they slip out of your mouth with a trail of your saliva and latch around your throat. He’s intoxicating, and you can't seem get him out of your mind.
“Was that too much?” you ask DK while you trace a heart around a plastic stencil he borrowed from the RA from the floor below his.
The two of you are sitting on the white tiled floor of his dormitory room, tracing letters and shapes on the construction paper he picked up at the store. Pop music plays from his laptop speakers, and he has his Pinterest board pulled up on his phone. After much brainstorming and a much-needed shower, the two of you finally came up with a new bulletin theme after scrapping the last one.
“It was the first time you called me ‘baby,’” there is a certain playfulness to his voice.
He proudly holds up the four-leaf clover he made by tracing four hearts on his green construction paper for you to see.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize to him.
Your hand accidentally slips while tracing the figure when DK crawls over to your side to look at your progress, creating a jagged line around the stencil.
“Did that cross the line?” your voice soft yet uneasy. You’re not sure if DK enjoyed the experience in the car. Maybe it was too much, you think to yourself. Maybe, it would’ve been better if you waited until the two of you got to his dorm.
“No…” he sits down on the space next to you and hugs his knees loosely. He thinks about it for a while. “It wasn’t what I expected, but don’t think I hated it,” he confesses while looking at you.
He takes a stray pencil on the floor and fixes the uneven line of the heart that you stenciled. You lean over to pick up his finished clover to compare it to yours. You frown at your crooked stenciled heart, but DK pats your head and reassures you that it’s fine the way it looks. Still, you think you should’ve volunteered to help him type his bulletin board information instead of volunteering to help him do something artistic like stenciling. 
“Thanks for helping me with my board today,” he tilts his head to his side while beaming at you. You can smell his new body wash on his skin and the ocean-scented laundry softener beads he uses for his clothes.
It’s your turn to bow your head to avoid his eyes. “I told you I’d help you today,” you mumble while tracing another heart. “And I kind of ruined your original plan.”
“Yn, it’s okay. It didn’t make sense anyway,” he leans over to quickly peck your cheek. He smiles at you and lightly pinches your nose between his thumb and index finger. “Did I ever tell you that you make me the happiest?”
Someone knocks on his door, and he immediately gets up from his spot to greet his resident. You’re left sitting cross-legged on his floor, trying not to make yourself known as the resident advisor talks to the freshman with his door open. You don’t even know why you try to hide yourself. You keep reminding yourself that you’re only his friend and that there’s no shame in being his friend.
But feeling of his lips against your skin lingers a little longer than it should. It’s just a simple peck on your cheek, but it feels like your skin is burning. And for the first time in your life, you don’t complain about his kiss.
part two
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withered-tears · 11 months
Sometimes, it was easy to forget that the autobots aren't human.
Well, not in the literal sense. Of course they aren't human. They are giant alien robots that turn into cars, for goodness sake.
But they talk like humans. They walk like humans. Even the way they think sometimes feels extremely human-like.
So sometimes, yes, it is easy to forget they are not human.
This had the unfortunate side effect of, unintentionally, see more than one situation through a human filter, so to speak.
Such as, for example, their durability.
Because when Bulkead ran through the groundbridge carrying Bee's body, with Arcee running next to him carrying Bee's head, every human present in the base froze.
Jack's eyes were wide open, face growing pale.
Miko, in contrast, was looking almost green. Hands clasping her mouth, either to stop herself from sobbing or puking. Tears were streaming down her face.
June, although horrified, was focusing solely on keeping Raf in place.
Raf was the worst. As soon as he saw Bee, he started screaming.
June was doing her best to try and comfort the kid while keeping him from running to his friend's body. Hugging him against her chest to keep him from looking at the horrible visage.
Agent Fowler was grim, fists and teeth clenched. When Cliffjumper died, he was the one who dealt with the horrible bureaucracy of asking the bots about proper protocol. About post-mortem condecoration, about burial rites, about tradition and wishes.
Now, at least he knew the proper way to proceed, which boils down to let the bots do as they please with their dead and keep any nosy superior out of their business.
Then Ratchet spoke.
"Finally. Bulkhead, drop him in a berth, and bring me the second crate of spares. Arcee, bring the head here. I want to start running diagnostics before- Bulkhead! The second crate! I'll have to repair most ports on Bumblebee's neck, f not replace them outright."
June was the first human to speak.
"What do you mean 'repair' his ports?"
Bumblebee's head had been cut off. Surely there's no repairing that, right?
Ratchet rolled his optics (once again, such human-like gestures) at the question, barely paying any mind to the humans as he worked on Bumblebee's head.
"What, you expected me to just shove his head in place and wrape tape around it? Sorry to disappoint, but reattaching a head is a bit more complicated than-"
"Bee's alive?"
Raf's voice was awful. Voice cracking and filled with such fragile, fragile hope.
Ratchet's eyes widened (so human-like) in surprise before his entire demeanor changed.
He carefully and gently picked up Raf to bring him closer to his workstation.
"Of course he's alive. Here, look. Although his neck was severely damaged, his processors, his brain module, are unscathed. The sudden lost of power caused them to crash, which is why I'm running diagnostics through his software."
Raf, small, young, terrified, and brilliant Raf, was quickly putting the information together.
"So it's like, it's like a computer that got unplugged without being properly turned off first?"
It was obvious Ratchet was not happy being compared to such inferior, human technology. But he held any complaints to himself.
"Yeah, something like that, kid. As I said, I have to check every port in his neck to make sure they won't overload his processors once I reconnect them. Not to mention, all vital components on a cybertronian body not only receive power from the spark and energon processing, but they also store a small portion of it. Like an internal battery. Bumblebee's brain could be kept powered off for years without any side effects, other than some minor lag once reactivated. Not that his repairs will take nearly that long. I'll have Bumblebee back online in a couple of days, a week at most."
Raf was sniffing, wiping his face with his sleeves. "Can, can I help?" His voice was still scratchy.
Ratchet huffed, trying really hard to sound annoyed.
"Why not. Might as well have a second pair of optics double-checking the code. Maybe you'll even learn something."
Yeah, the Autobots were not human.
But they sure acted human-like often enough.
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Hi, I like your request for a reader as Nifty from Hazbin Hotel. I'm wondering, how Optimus prime, Shockwave, Starscream and Bumblebee react to the fact, that reader almost killed (or killed) Megatron like Adam, launghing like a psycho, smiling and brutally stabbing him in the back (Please)
Sure!!! Sorry this took a bit, like I've said in old post, work is a bitch. I hope you enjoy this and like it!
When reader goes thru the portal, he would panic.
He would go searching for reader.
For days, he would look for reader, fearing the worst.
Intel they get an SOS single from...the decpticons?
They would open a portal and be very cautious.
Since the decpticons can do anything.
What meets then though is somthing they could never Imagine.
Megatron was there with reader in hand.
Holding them like how you hold a cat by the neck.
Megatron: "take them."
Reader: "stab stab!"
Weaving their small knife around.
Megatron is all beaten up XD
Ok, first things first.
We know how starscream is.
He won't give a fuck what happens to megatron if he dies.
So, Soundwave will be with him when they find megatron on the ground, knocked out.
With reader stabbing his chest, over and over
Reader: "Stab! Stab! Stab!"
Starscream would act all tough and tries to get reader off.
Reader goes after him.
He would act like a girl running away from a spider.
Soundwave is long gone with megatron.
I think Shockwave would be the reason for reader to be attacking megatron.
Like, Shockwave brought reader onto the ship for experiments but ended up lossing them.
Shockwave will have to go tell megatron the bad news, knowing he will be yelled at.
Though, when he goes to the command room, he finds megatron on the ground, bleeding hard with reader above him.
Reader: "STAB! STAB! STAB!"
He would immediately get reader off and command knockout and breakdown to take care of megatron.
He will make sure to tell them not to talk about this to **NO ONE**
Oo, I definitely see reader only stabbing megatron if it was to defend Bumblebee.
So, Bumblebee gets attacked by megatron and reader was with him.
Megatron throws bee to the wall and was about to kill him when reader jumps on him and starts to stab him.
Reader: "STAB! STAB! STAB!"
Bumblebee would just sit there, optics wide, watching reader stabbing megatron to the point he falls over.
Bumblebee will take reader away if he sees more decpticons coming.
Bumblebee is very thankful for reader saving him and thankful he has a awsome story to tell.
Hi, again, sorry this took a bit, work as been a pain.
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yandere--stuck · 10 months
Hey it's me from the yandere tfp autobots x kids(platonic) ask. First, I have to say what you did was great and I absolutely loved it! Second, I have an alternative way for this that I think is pretty cool.
What if the children actually managed to escape. For example, they were able to get into contact with agent fowler (maybe through a pager idk) and snuck out of base with June and was picked up by the military. And now the autobots are doing everything in their power to get "their" kids back home. Maybe they do end up getting the kids back or maybe they don't.
I liked the way you wrote the one before and would like this in the same way, but if you just want to comment on this and not write a whole thing again, I understand.
TYSM I loved your ideas and I love familial yandere team prime!!! I kinda changed up some of the details, but I hope you like it nonetheless! Thank you for sending this in ;w;
"Come on, Bee, this isn't you!" Raf pleaded, looking up at the scout. 
From where Miko was cradled in Bulkhead's arms, she could look over the giant, makeshift baby gate the autobots had fashioned for them, watching as Bumblebee tried and failed to distract Raf with one of their racing games. Raf's controller had long since been abandoned, with Bee ignoring the boy's pleas and puppy dog eyes as he kept focus on beating Raf's static avatar.
She'd been in there not too long ago, but was removed for 'upsetting Rafael' and 'throwing a tantrum.' Bullshit! Raf was upset already! They both were! And she had every right to be pissed and try to break things! They couldn't keep them here like this! It was crazy. It's what the *'Cons would do.
That comment and Rafael crying is what got her put in timeout - being plucked up from under her arms and wrapped up like a burrito in a blanket, held in Bulkhead's arms. 
"Some time with her Sire should calm her down," Ratchet had said as he passed Miko off to the green mech.
"Don't talk about me like I'm not here!" She yelled up, writhing in the tight hold of the blankets.
Bulkhead only smiled down at her, beginning to rock her slowly in his arms. "It's okay, Miko, I know you're confused. But, you'll see, this is for the best."
Miko huffed, gritting her teeth at the memory. She turned her attention back to Bee and Raf, the former responding to Rafael's begging with a series of beeps. Miko strained her ears to form some sort of sentence through the sounds. Sometimes, it almost seemed like the noises resembled some words, but maybe that was just coincidence. She didn't understand Bumblebee the way Raf did. But whatever the scout said, it sure sounded… Sad. Maybe she could take some comfort in knowing at least one of them felt bad.
"Ah, don't worry, Miko," Bulkhead's voice drew her eyes back onto him. "You'll be able to go back once you calm down."
"I am calm," she seethed through clenched teeth. "I am the most calm any person has ever been. Ever."
Bulkhead chuckled. "Well, you aren't squirming anymore, at least."
"Remember, she's a wily one," Ratchet called from over his shoulder. 
The wrecker chuckled. "Trust me, I'm well aware."
The death glare she shot the both of them must have been as piercing as she intended, all levity deflating from them the moment they met her eyes.
The smile that had run from Ratchet's face quickly returned, though, as he approached Bulkhead from behind, reaching over with a stubby digit to gently brush against Miko's hair.
"We say it with love," Ratchet explained.
Miko frowned up at them. "You guys don't even realize how crazy you're acting right now."
Ratchet scoffed. "I'd hardly call caring for our Sparklings 'crazy.'"
"You haven't always exactly made them feel entirely welcome, Ratch." Bulkhead retorted.
"That was before!" The medic snapped, before catching himself. He vented, a remorseful expression on his faceplates as he turned back to Miko. "And I am sorry."
"... Did the 'Cons do something to you guys' heads?"
"This again…" Ratchet muttered, finally returning to his post at the comm system.
"Don't worry," The Wrecker soothed his charge. "If anything, we're probably thinking clearer than ever. And you won't have to worry about them ever again.
Miko huffed again, turning her attention back to Rafael and Bee.
"Nothing bad's happened yet," Raf told him. "If you let us go now, nobody's gonna be in trouble. We can still be friends. It's okay."
Bee seemingly couldn't bring himself to look down at his friend, staring straight at the screen as he let out a few more sad-sounding beeps and boops.
"He's right, you know," Miko turned her attention back on Bulkhead. "If you just say sorry and stuff because you got a little crazy and let us go, we'll forgive you."
"And let you go back out there to be hurt again? No way. Or to your host family, who probably don't even care. Or your 'real' family? Who sent you away and don't even know where you are or what you're doing?"
"I'm an exchange student! It's part of a program. They do care."
"Seemed pretty eager to send you far, far away to me."
Miko shook with anger, feeling her frown deepen into a sneer. Her lips pulled back and she felt tears just barely prickly at her eyes. She tried to stifle a sniffle and turn away from the bot, but was immobile from the blankets cocoon she was wrapped in. All she could do was turn her face away and try not to sniffle and cry too obviously.
"Oh, sweetspark, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry," Bulkhead cooed.
"It's a hard truth she has to learn," Ratchet called from over his shoulder. "Better to learn it now than when it could really hurt her."
"See? We're doing this because we care. Your family. Raf's. Even with June, it's clear that they either aren't fit to care for you guys or just don't care at all. But, we do."
"You don't know anything," Miko blinked back tears, glaring at nothing. "And when Jack gets out of here, you're gonna be in big trouble."
Ratchet suddenly barked out a laugh. "Ha! This is our base, Miko, we know it better than anyone else. And with Optimus and Arcee hot on their trail, I don't see them leaving anytime soon."
An alert rang out over the comms, making Miko's head perked up. She tried to crane her head to see - Bulkhead thankfully turned around to give her a better view.
"In fact, that's probably them right now," Ratchet announced, a smug smile flashing over his features. "Arcee? I take it we have our boy?"
"No! Just June," Arcee's voice fizzled in. "She said Jack made it out."
"Scrap." Bulkhead vented.
"Wh- h- that's impossible!" The doctor spluttered.
"She says she gave him her pager. He's probably contacted Fowler by now."
"Double scrap."
Arcee continued. "Optimus and I are gonna keep looking, but if he's not here…"
"Told you so!" Miko blurted out, voice flooded with a smug sense of satisfaction. "You guys are in so much trouble."
Ratchet ignored her. "Right. Don't worry, we'll figure it out."
With a final affirmative from Arcee, the line went dead.
Ratchet vented heavily. "Well. This is quite the puzzle."
"You're screwed!" Miko laughed, only to be met with a disapproving wave of one of Bulkhead's digits.
"Language," he warned.
"Stop treating me like a baby!"
"Can't, considering you're acting like one."
"Hey, here's an idea," Ratchet mused aloud, looking over different files. "We may not be screwed, after all."
"Ratchet, not you, too," The wrecker whined.
The medic stepped aside, extending his arm as if to show off to Miko the different files that flashed on screen. "It sure would be a shame if someone compiled a string of audio clips that just happened to sound like you're explaining it was all a big misunderstanding, wouldn't it, Miko? Especially if we have audio recording devices everywhere that caught all of your conversations, giving us plenty to pick through and cobble together, huh?"
Miko felt her stomach drop. The dawning horror overcoming her must have been apparent on her face, as Ratchet's smile faded and his brows bunched together.
"Jack will be with us soon, don't you worry." He assured.
If anything, it only made her feel worse.
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daisies-daydreams · 5 months
Can we get a new story chapter for DeadBeat! Köing? He goes through the legal process; getting his name on the birth certificate, child custody/visitation rights and child support payments. He asks his ex on a date, just so she get unwind from her motherly duties. He than asks her if they could get back together?
One Step at a Time - Pt. 2 (Deadbeat!König x F!Reader)
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Pairing: Deadbeat!König x F!Reader Category: Fluff/Angst Warnings: Broken German, Swearing, Trust/Abandonment Issues, Depictions of Panic Attacks Word Count: TBA A/N: Hi there! Thank you so much for your request - I feel like it's been forever since I've been involved in the COD community, and it feels good to start writing for it again. I hope you enjoy! (P.S. König's real name is Mathias in this continuity). Pt. 1
"♪ And up, up, up we go! ♪" Mathias cheered while bouncing your baby girl, Emilie, in his lap. Your daughter gurgled as he raised her arms above her head and danced along to the music playing on your TV. You watched with a soft smile as you finished up some work at the kitchen table. You sighed and rubbed your eyes, the bags beneath them seeming to grow heavier with each passing day.
"I swear, she loves this show," the giant man chuckled. You hummed as you typed away at the spreadsheet.
“Dadadada!" Emilie suddenly squealed, her boisterous laugh floating around the room like bubbles. Her father laughed and imitated her babbling before he kissed the top of her head. You couldn't help but chuckle at the way your little girl utterly adored her father - the man who shared the same sparkling blue eyes and fiery red hair with the little one. You sighed as you closed your laptop and tilted your neck side to side, the stress of the day still lingering in every fiber of your being. You smiled as Emilie cooed while she stared at the blue and orange dogs dancing on her favorite show.
"Thanks for watching her while I finished up," you said to Mathias as you strolled over to the couch. The tall man blinked as you sat down next to him while Emilie chewed on her bumblebee pacifier.
"No problem," he cracked a small grin. Emilie ducked her head into Mathias' broad shoulder when he tried to hand her over to you. His eyes widened a little as you paused.
"You can hold onto her for a bit longer. You still have about ten minutes," you smiled softly. His grin seemed to falter at your statement as she opted to gnaw on her father's dark t-shirt.
"Right," he sighed before turning his attention back to the screen. The three of you continued to watch the show before Emilie's eyelids began to droop. Mathias chuckled quietly as he cradled her in his arms.
"Aw, mein Kliene," he cooed as she yawned quietly [my little one]. She grunted and smacked her lips as he pecked her forehead. Mathias gently rocked her in his burly arms as he began to quietly hum:
"Guten Abend, gut’ Nacht, Von Englein bewacht Die zeigen im Traum Dir Christkindleins Baum: Schlaf’ nun selig und süß, Schau im Traum’s Paradies"*
Your daughter's eyes slowly closed as she yawned one last time. Your heart melted as you watched her drift off to sleep in his arms. Mathias glanced over at you and smiled gently.
"I missed hearing you sing," you confessed with a timid whisper. His cheeks dusted a bright pink as he looked back down at your baby girl.
"It's been a while, hasn't it, Maus?" he chuckled softly. The two of you eventually made your way to your bedroom. Mathias continued to hum softly as he laid Emilie in her crib, the pudgy baby suckling on her pacifier as she stirred. You found yourself mesmerized by the fact that this giant, hulking mass of a man could be so gentle with something so fragile as your infant.
You were pulled from your thoughts when Mathias cleared his throat.
"(Y/N), could I talk to you in the kitchen for a moment?" he asked. You furrowed your brows a little as you nodded.
"Of course," you said before giving one last glance at your baby girl. You stepped out of the room with your ex, leading him into the kitchen. You couldn't help but cross your arms over your chest as you gazed into his icy blue eyes. "What did you want to talk about, Matti-Mathias," you corrected yourself before you said your old petname for him. Mathias seemed to catch it, though, as he paused for a brief moment.
"Well...I just notice how exhausted you've been lately with working extra hours and taking care of Emi," he began as he shifted in place. You saw the way he wrinkled his nose and played with the hair on the back of his head; tell-tale signs that he was nervous around you.
"So I was wondering if you, well, would allow me to take you out somewhere to unwind?" he asked. Your eyes widened by a fraction as you sucked in a sharp breath.
"You mean...like a date?" you asked. His breath hitched.
"Well, um, not exactly," Mathias muttered. He averted his gaze and sighed while rubbing the back of his head. "I just think that you need a break is all," he admitted. You crossed your arms and tapped your foot on the kitchen tile.
"And what's in it for you?" you asked with a raised brow. Mathias smiled sheepishly.
"A chance to catch up," he replied honestly. You tilted your head as he stepped closer. "Most of my time around you is spent with Emi, and that's great! But...I'd like to have a conversation where there's no crying or spit-up to interrupt us," he murmured. The room was quiet for a moment as you rubbed your arms. "I'm sorry, it was a stupid idea-" he began. He froze when you shook your head and rested a hand on his arm.
"No...it's a good idea," you admitted with a tired chuckle. Mathias' shoulders relaxed as his eyes brightened. "What did you have in mind?" you asked as you shuffled in place. Your ex shared the same exhausted smile as he leaned down. The tips of your ears burned as his face came ever so close to yours.
"It's a surprise," he whispered with a hint of anticipation. You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm.
"Alright - as long as there's no spicy food involved," you giggled. Mathias chuckled, the corners of his baby blue eyes crinkling as his chest puffed out. "I'll just have to ask Mrs. Gonzalez if she can watch Emi," you said. The giant man beamed as he leaned his head back up.
"Great! Is it alright if I come pick you up around, say, six o’clock this Saturday?" he asked. You grinned and nodded. Mathias smiled widely as he dipped his upper body down and opened his arms. "Oh, thank you-" you flinched away, your heart pounding as your eyes widened. Your ex tensed as he cautiously stepped away.
"I'm...I'm sorry," he murmured.
"It's alright," you said. The two of you averted each other's gazes before his phone began to ring.
"Ah, arbeiten," he sighed [work]. The two of you exchanged glances as he began to stroll towards your front door. He paused and slightly turned towards you. "Maus, I…” his voice trailed off as his throat tightened [Mouse]. You tilted your head as you held your breath. Your ex opened his mouth before his phone began to ring again. He sighed as his shoulders fell.
“I’ll...see you on Saturday," Mathias waved with a strained smile. You returned his gesture before watching him step out of your apartment…a tiny, quiet part of you yearning to let him stay.
“I’m keeping the ringer on my phone on full volume - just in case,” you told your older neighbor, Mrs. Gonzales, as you handed your baby girl to her. Her chocolate brown eyes lit up as Emilie cooed and blew a raspberry. Mathias lingered nearby, maintaining enough distance between the two of you as he slotted his thumbs in his jean pockets.
“Sounds good," Mrs. Gonzalez paused before glancing at the two of you. Her gaze turned steely as she looked up at Mathias. “Take good care of her,” she warned in a low voice. Your ex laughed and rubbed the back of his head.
“Don’t worry, Frau. I’ll make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble,” he chuckled [Ma’am]. You felt a twinge of heat rise to your cheeks as you rolled your eyes. You smiled and pecked your baby’s forehead as she gurgled.
“Goodbye, Emi. Be good for Mrs. Gonzalez,” you said before cupping her cheek. Emilie suddenly sneezed before giggling again.
“Oh, don’t worry. She’s always such a delightful baby,” your neighbor chirped. You and Mathias exchanged weary glances before snickering.
“Yes, she is. Thank you again, Mrs. Gonzalez!” you said. Mathias stepped over and kissed the top of Emilie's head.
“Tschüssi, Bärchen,” he murmured before kissing the tip of her button nose [Goodbye, little bear]. Emilie pouted as he started to drift away, grabbing for her father with her tiny, chubby hands. “Aw, it’ll be okay. We’ll only be gone for a little bit,” her father murmured. She sniffled before Mrs. Gonzalez rocked her gently. You said your goodbyes, your heart aching a little to leave your baby...but a wave of relief washed over you knowing you wouldn't have to worry. You sighed and lowered your hand.
“Are you ready to go?” Mathias asked. You slowly turned your head and smiled. The drive over wasn’t too awkward, the two of you sharing small talk about your respective jobs and other menial things. Your eyes softened when he pulled into the parking lot, a familiar sign glowing above his massive, red truck.
"The Whippy Dip?" you asked. Mathias smiled brightly as he nodded.
"I thought we could catch up over an old favorite spot," he beamed while shifting his car into park. You felt a mixture of emotions swirl inside your chest as you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. It wasn't just an old favorite spot: it was where the two of you had your first date. You were snapped out of your daze when he opened your door. The summer breeze drifted into the vehicle as your heart skipped a beat.
"Thank you," you said as you slipped out of his truck. You landed on the crunchy gravel below while using his forearm for support. You gazed up at him when you realized how long you've kept your hand on his body. You cleared your throat and dusted off your jeans.
"Should we get our favorite?" Mathias beamed as the two of you made your way to the ice cream shop. You bit your lip as your chest tightened. Our favorite. It's been a while since you've thought about that.
"I think I'll just get a cookie dough cone," you replied. His smile faltered before he cleared his throat.
"Right - just slipped my mind," he said before stepping up to the stand. The cashier blinked several times before a smile stretched across her face.
"Well I'll be damned - it's (Y/N) and Mattie!" she giggled. You smiled and gave her a small wave.
"Hi, Jill," you said. The brunette woman leaned forward.
"Haven't seen y'all in a hot second," she hummed. You exchanged glances with Mathias and nodded.
"We've just been...busy," you replied. Jill shrugged before she plucked the pencil tucked behind her ear and pulled out her notepad.
"I hear ya. Now, what can I get started for you two lovebirds?" she chirped. Your face instantly swelled with heat while Mathias coughed into his hand.
"Ah, we aren't really together anymore," you explained in a stilted manner. Jill paused and raised a brow.
"Well, either you're together or you're not," she frowned while shifting her gaze between the two of you. You bit the inside of your cheek as you squeezed your hands together.
"We aren't," you clarified, not realizing the way Mathias' shoulders slumped at your words. Jill pursed her lips as she thought for a moment.
"I see," she said with narrowed eyes. You sighed and looked down at your feet while Mathias ordered his ice cream. "And for you, hon?" Jill asked. You blinked as you gazed back up.
"Oh, um, I'll have a cookie dough cone. One scoop, please," you smiled weakly. You looked over to see Mathias staring at you, only for him to shift his gaze back up at the menu. Jill finished scribbling in her notebook.
"Alright. That'll be $7.35-" Mathias pulled out his credit card in the blink of an eye. Jill laughed at his sudden movement. "Mattie, I wish customers were that eager to pay me," she chuckled before taking his card from him. Mathias laughed nervously and shifted in place.
"You didn't have to pay for mine," you whispered while gently nudging his elbow. Mathias shrugged.
"It'd be rude of me not to," he replied. Your cheeks warmed again before Jill came back with your sweet treats.
"Here ya go!" the older woman chirped. Mathias gave her a quick nod as he took the cones from her.
"Danke," he smiled [Thank you].
"Anytime. Y'all have a good night!" she called. You gave her another small wave before the two of you wandered over to one of the wooden picnic tables. You gasped when a string of lights suddenly lit up above the two of you.
"When did they put these in?" you wondered aloud. Mathias hummed as he sat down across from you.
"They must've done it while we were gone," he replied. You smiled as he handed you your cone.
"Prost," the giant man said while holding up his ice cream [Cheers].
"Prost," you repeated with a nod. The two of you began to enjoy your cold treats in the calming summer night: the sound of crickets chirping and cars idly passing by filling the space around you.
"So, other than being an incredible mom and working full-time, what else have you been up to?" your ex piped up before swiping his tongue across his chocolate ice cream. You blushed at his praise as you shifted in your seat.
"Honestly, not much," you sighed while resting your hand on your cheek. Lightning bugs began to dance above your heads as the moon peeked over the horizon. "I never really have time to hang out with friends unless it's planned way ahead of time," you frowned as you watched your ice cream melt inside your half-eaten cone. "And even if I want to do something for myself, it would have to be late at night...which I don't want since I'm so exhausted already," you said. You glanced up to see Mathias' eyes widened in shock.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to give such a depressing answer," you cleared your throat and shifted in your chair. Your ex shook his head.
"It's alright, Maus. I just...I didn't realize just how exhausted you were even with me coming over and watching Emi during my visits," he sighed. An awkward silence lingered between the two of you as you nibbled on the edge of your cone.
"Would it be possible for me to come over more often?" Mathias piped up. You pursed your lips.
"You mean like extending your visiting hours?" you asked. He chuckled nervously and shifted his work boots on the gravel.
"Not exactly..." he said. You knitted your brows as you watched him swallow thickly. His blue eyes pierced right into your soul as he took a deep breath. "(Y/N)...I just wanted to start off by letting you know how thankful I am that you've let me become a part of your and Emi's lives," Mathias began. You set the wrapper from your cone aside as you crossed your legs. Your ex rubbed the fiery five o'clock shadow that sprinkled his jaw as he thought for a moment.
"I just...I was wondering if you'd let things go back to the way they used to be," he said in a more hushed voice. Your eyes widened a little as your lips drew into a tight line.
"Mathias...what are you trying to say?" you breathed, your heart pounding in your ears. He swallowed again before parting his lips.
"(Y/N)...would you give us another chance?" he asked. Your jaw dropped as your heart nearly ceased. Time slowed to a standstill as he gazed into your eyes with his own icy blue ones. The same ones that gazed at you across the way at your friend’s wedding. The same ones that held so much warmth in them as the two of you slowly danced in the kitchen. The same ones…that stared at you with pure shock before he left a cold, empty space in your shared bed the next morning.
“M-Mathias….” you breathed as your chest tightened. He gasped and braced his large hand over your upper back when you fell forward, your chest bumping into the edge of the table.
“Maus, are you alright?!” he asked. You could feel your breath quicken as you placed a hand over your chest. You squeezed your eyes shut as the memories all came back to you in a violent, wicked torrent.
“Mathias…I…I don’t know what to say,” you confessed with tears in your eyes. The giant man frowned as he held his breath, his shoulders tense and body stiff. You sighed and wiped at your puffy, tired eyes.
“I…I’m sorry. I just, I just don’t know,” your voice cracked. Mathias’ shoulders fell as he tilted his head down. You blinked as he slid your hand into his and squeezed it. Your face softened a little when you saw tears film over his own eyes, his jaw tight and chest heaving.
“(Y/N), I know what I’ve done to you was horrible,” he started. You shifted towards him as you sniffed. “But I promise you, I will never, ever leave your side again. And I will do all I can to be the best partner to you and papa to Emilie,” Mathias said while brushing his calloused thumb over your knuckles. You swallowed thickly and shook your head.
“How do I know you won’t walk out on us again?” you asked with a choked sob. Mathias straightened his posture as he took a deep, shaky breath.
“Maus…please. We both know I've changed," he stated. "The child support payments, the visits - I wasn't just doing that for Emi...I was doing it for you, too,” he confessed. You placed a hand over your mouth as he rubbed his thumb over your knuckles. “I understand if you’re hesitant. And if you need time to think, I respect that. But please, if you could just-“ he gasped when you lunged forward and wrapped your arms around his body. You buried your face into his wide chest as you choked out a quiet sob. Mathias rubbed your back soothingly while his lips brushed over the crown of your head.
“I-I miss you so much,” you admitted while soaking his shirt with your hot tears. “I miss hearing your laugh shake the walls while we watched movies- a-and the way you’d hold me close in the mornings,” you sobbed. Mathias nodded as the two of you embraced, his breathing shallow as he held you close.
“I missed you, too, mein Hase,” he murmured [my bunny]. He pulled back a little and cupped your cheek, his eyes soft as a gentle smile crossed his face. “But we’re here now and that’s what matters,” your love whispered. You sniffed and nodded before pulling him into another hug. You sighed as he ran his fingers through your hair…just like he used to. You sighed as you leaned back, your head spinning as you swallowed thickly.
"Mathias...as much as I want to be with you, I-I think I need to take it one step at a time," you sniffed and wiped your cheeks. "I don't think my heart's ready for something like this again - no yet, at least," you gulped. Mathias nodded slowly as his hands loosened over your smaller form.
"I understand, (Y/N)," he said with a warm, gentle gaze. You closed your eyes and tried to steady your breathing, the feeling of his strong body against yours bringing you at least a little comfort. You felt him squeeze your hands in his again as he tilted his head down.
"And I'll be here for you every step of the way," he beamed with a bright look in his eyes.
*Lullaby Translation:
Good evening, good night, Watched over by angels In your dreams they’ll show you The Christmas Tree: Sleep sweetly now and blissfully, Behold Paradise in your dreams.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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heraxic · 4 months
re8 as classical music
badly explained cause its 2am and i dont know musical terms.
Btw if anyone has any notes or other songs that would fit them id love to see it-
Ethan: Tchaikovsky - Marche Slave
Slow start, Ethan is unknowingly ensnared in a trap. As he realizes the danger Rose (and himself) are in the song becomes tragic and determined. Fastpaced strings, frantic beats —like prey escaping from predator— keeps escalating into something more and more insurmountable. A hopeful jingle is heard as Ethan finds out he can still save his daughter. A heroic theme plays as he overcomes the horrors despite it all (a sense of control over the situation is marked by highpitched anxious flutes superimposed by a deep stable horn). Then comes the first faceoff with Miranda who taunts him and Ethan’s tragic hero theme comes to a grinding halt as his heart gets pulled out of his chest. The drums pick up again and the little soldier is off to his final battle.
Mia: Claude Debussy - Clair De Lune
Sadly the real Mia doesn’t appear much. In the Winters home, Ethan writes that Mia doesn’t want to talk about what they went through in Louisiana, which leaves him with a lot of questions unanswered. In the flashback where she desperately tries reaching out saying ‘𝘺𝘰𝘶 matter’, she still can’t help keeping secrets- maybe out of fear that Ethan wouldn’t let it go (being extremely persistent) and they’d never return to normal. The song is heartbreaking and sad as she struggles coming to terms with the guilt and grief over what she’s done and what the one she loves went through because of it. On a last somber note, her child, who takes after her father both in looks and unresolved powers, is all she has left.
Rose: Saint-Saëns - Le Cygne
A little girl whos only ever known unconditional, all encompassing love. Even before her birth, it was known that her life would be full of uncertainty. Though stolen away for possessing powers she’s not even aware of yet, she continues to live and provide a beacon of hope for her family.
Chris: Richard Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries
Comes in the dead of night and rains hell on the Winters home. In his eyes, he’s doing the right thing, but has made himself the villain to the one he was trying to protect (victorious trumpets superimposed by high fearful strings). The transport gets intercepted by Miranda and the music falls. Once Chris finally explains himself to Ethan they’re allowed a brief bit of victory (steadier horn) as their combined efforts take down Miranda’s last line of defense (Heisenberg). In the end, Chris has to live with the victory of taking down the megamycete, the guilt and grief over Ethan’s death/sacrifice, and the troubling news from BSAA. A tainted victory.
Alcina: Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake
Appears first as a noble elegant socialite. She’s at the height of her power, owns a castle and three daughters and believes herself to be Miranda’s favorite. It’s business as usual, calm serene music. Suddenly an outsider has made his way into her home, killing her daughters one by one. She reaches out to Miranda, who only cares about the stupid ceremony, and realizes everything she knew was a lie. Anger and frustration builds. The music deepens, falls and rises again as she transforms, tries taking revenge on Ethan and fails, having lost everything in one evening.
Bela, Cassandra, Daniela: Rimsky Korsakov - Flight of the Bumblebee
Self explanatory. Hurried, manic and playful.
Donna: Tchaikovsky - Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
Entrancing but with eerie insidious undertones. Fitting for the childlike dollmaker and her little porcelain friends. Ends with a fast and chilling theme for the twisted game of hide and seek
Moreau: Edvard Grieg - Hall of the Mountain King
Quiet, lumbering and slow. Ethan takes the Rose flask back easily; threatened with losing Mother Miranda it very quickly escalates as panic sets in and Moreau throws everything he has at him. The music swells and ends with a bang.
Karl: Aram Khachaturian - Masquerade Suite
A bold start. Right from the beginning he exudes arrogance, charisma and danger. He plays nice in front of Miranda with a waltz that picks up in intensity when putting Ethan through his first gauntlet. Then the tone gets deeper and quieter for a moment, as he plots in secret; it’s finally time to set his plan in action. It’s a race to the finish line as Ethan tears through the other lords, unknowingly playing right into Miranda’s plan. Realizing he could be a particularly useful asset/ally, Heisenberg puts him through the second gauntlet. The music is sadistically playful as he tests his will and endurance. Upon failing to recruit Ethan, the music picks up for the third gauntlet and ends with a bang, as Karl dies at the hands of Miranda.
Duke: Georges Bizet - Votre Toast
A friendly face unfitting in a place such as this. The upbeat and energetic theme sticks out like a sore thumb among the others. Whimsy and grandiosity acts as a brilliant facade for his enigmatic true nature. Though the jolly merchant schtick may be a lie, he always delivers on service.
Miranda: Sergei Prokofiev - Dance of the Knights
Immediately imposes a sense of authority and dread. The dark theme plays over and over as she performs the same cruel experiments expecting different results, though it only succeeds in remowing her further from humanity. She imagines a world of pure bliss in acquiring her child, which at this point is as illusory as chasing the holy grail since she’s never satisfied. When she hears of Rose she schemes her way into the Winters home, elated to find the perfect vessel after a century of searching. She steals the child away, leaving behind a trail of destruction that finally catches up to her.
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moonlight-tmd · 4 months
How about Bumblebee ships where Bee has a protective uncle who is pretty much cybertronian Doomguy?
Also, how would others react to it?
Ya know, i had an idea related to the one with Bee having a decepticon dad.
What if Elita and Bee were actually related?
Like, we all seen how similar these two are, from personality to looks, it would only make sense if they were family. I was thinking of attaching it to the idea of Bee having a 'con dad but let's see if i can cook up something different...
So, I suppose the way it happened is that Bee's parents died cuz war when he was a tiny bitty. Elita, being his aunt, took him in and raised him. Bee was too little to remember his parents so Elita did her best to tell him about them when he was older. Besides her, he didn't have any other relatives.
Then, one day Elita had to leave for some mission. She promised her nephew that she'll be back soon... but she never did. Bee was in the middle of trying pass academy. Elita hired Arcee to look after Bee when she wasn't present, when the news of Elita dying on a mission reached them Bee refused to believe. He knew Auntie Eli better than anyone, he knew that she wouldn't just perish like that. Arcee stayed with him until he was old enough to be on his own, she helped him get around in life to the best of her capabilities.
Bee tried to have a normal job like Arcee suggested but it just didn't sit with him. From all the stories Auntie Eli told him about being an Elite Guard he wanted to follow her pedesteps and become one too.
He got into boot camp and then- hell started. Bee was about to quit completely when he met Bulkhead and Longarm. Still, even with the newfound hope he got kicked out. Bulkhead was kind enough to pull him into the repair crew so he won't stay unemployed.
All this time alone Bee started to slowly lose hope to ever see his aunt again... that's until they crashed on Earth.
First year and few months were quiet but then Decepticons came. And wouldn't you know-
The fight was rather messy, at some point the structures on the demolition zone started to crumble and both parties had to run. Team Prime regrouped after the building fell and the 'cons were gone. Except Bee was nowhere in sight. They searched the entire place but there was no trace of him...
Bee woke up in dark place. His frame ached, made sense considering he remembered being hit with rubble while cornered by a giant spider. What he didn't expect was him laying in some form of medbay in a cave and said spider being the one tending to him.
He was quick to jump to his pedes and take a defensive stand. He demanded answers but the femme only told him to calm down and rest. She had that worried and hurt expression on her that Bee couldn't quite place... at least until she said one specific word.
"I wouldn't hurt one of mine, Sunny." She said at some point of their half-argument. Sunny- that nickname was only used by his aunt when Bee needed comfort.
"Wai- h-how do you..?" Bee's Spark seemed to have a seizure as he tried to comprehend what she just said. She only gave him that small kind smile- an expression that gave Bee a painful realization. "...Auntie Eli?"
She nodded and Bee could only run to her and hug her as tight as her could and cry. They talked, Blackarachnia told him vaguelly where's she's been and what she did in all these years, but she never quite told him why she was a spider- all she said was that it was an accident on a mission. Bee felt so sad for her, she went thru so much all alone. He caught onto the little mention of how ugly she was when she was talking and comforted her- she was his aunt always and forever. He even changed the little nickname 'Auntie Eli' to 'Auntie Ari' cuz her name changed.
After she patched Bee up she took him outside. She told Bee to not tell anyone about it so when he came back to base he lied saying that 'cons captured him but he escaped. The others bought it.
And so Bee sneaks out sometime to go visit Blackarachnia. Sometimes they stay hidden and talk, sometimes they go somewhere far to have fun. Sometimes Bee brings her gifts to use or decorate her not-so-little cave-house. One thing about having an aunt who's a scientist is that she can fix you up like a medic, Bee most often goes to her if he has a crash while doing something behind others' backs. Blackarachnia is the type to care about whether he won that race rather than what he did is illegal, spares Bee hearing a scolding for Primus-knows-which time.
They tried to keep the enemy charade going- despite her going rogue on Megatron, she still hated Optimus and his bunch. That's until one particular fight when Starscream showed up- she was hididng from them cuz some stray organic reported suspicious activity and Star showed up out of nowhere and started fighting them. He threw Bee off a tall building, before others had a chance to do something Blackarachnia swooped in spiderman-style and caught him. Starscream fled and she lowered Bee to the ground and started looking over him to injuries, before others got too close she also fled.
Once they got back to base they were wondering what has happened, in their talk trying to figure out why Arachnia would save Bee, said scout slipped.
He ended up spilling that Blackarachnia is his aunt- of course, she used to behave and look different. He told them that she was supposedly dead but he knew better and hey, it was true! She may not be the nicest person now but she's still family.
I suppose Ratchet would still be suspicious of her cuz he heard what kinda shit she can pull.
Bulkhead has heard the full story of Bee's aunt going missing long ago- he's happy that Bee finally found her but at the same time he's kinda worried cuz she is kinda evil.
Sari is happy for him, she feels bad for the gal but she's mostly happy for them to have found each other. She did ask Bee to take her for a visit but he always said he'd have to ask his aunt first. She may have gotten to meet her one time, it was quite a fun.
Optimus... he feels all shocked, stupid and guilty- Elita never told him nor Sentinel about having a nephew. When he first saw Bee he instantly got remined of Elita, he was also the reason she went missing in the first place... he couldn't look Bee in the optic after that.
I think he would give in and tell Bee. He's ask him to speak privately outside and he'll tell him he knew Elita when they were younger. That they went to the same academy, they were on the same team... that he was on a mission with her and something went wrong and he couldn't help her in time. It didn't matter if Bee hated him afterwards, at least he'll take this weight of keeping it a secret off his Spark. To his surprise, Bee wasn't mad at him. In fact he was sympathetic towards Optimus and even asked if he knew anything more about her. They spend the evening talking about Elita and how she used to be, Bee even said some stuff about her new self from the times he snuck out to hang out with her.
So now that the information is out in the open, Bee doesn't have to hide if he wants to go see his aunt. I think at some point, Bee would ask if he can let her come over for some holiday or something. The others are wary at first but Bee told them she's not gonna do anything- Bee told them that she said 'she won't bother them if they don't bother her' and so far she's been sticking to it. No more trouble from her side. It would be very awkward for Optimus tho- like, imagine if she came over for christmas and it was just this tense atmosphere around the two- at least until Bee brings out the drinks and they start to chat... Bee did not know they used to date in academy. "What others do with their lives is not your business... also, you were too young to know this stuff." Arachnia said when Bee argued why she didn't tell him.
I think at some point Elita Guard would visit and also learn the fact Bee is family with her. Sentinel is on the first fire- Arachnia has heard enough of what he pulled with her dear nephew to want to kill him, and keep reviving him just to keep killing him again and again and again. In the end he only got slammed into the wall and nearly decapitated with a threat of making him go to the deepest of Pits if he ever hurt Bee again. Oh, and she also told him she's Elita before that to add to the injury.
Jazz and Jettwins are kinda scared of her, she can be fun but she can also kill you if you make a wrong move so...
As for the ships reactions- Prowl would be worried cuz Blackarachnia is not someone to play with- but she was Bee's aunt and she did save him so maybe she's not as evil? He tries to stay positive for Bee's sake but he always has an optic on her just in case. (If he wasn't dating Bee he'd be just worried for Bee's safety.)
ShockBee- Blackarachnia knows Shockwave. Shockwave knows Blackarachnia. If she learned that Bee and Shock are dating(when he's disguised) she would take him when no one is looking and threaten to do him worse than Blitzwing if he tried anything with her nephew. Being a double agent also meant a treacherous relationship with someone of the opposite faction, she's not gonna take chances and let Bee become his toy. She'll even make him break up with Bee if need be. Shockwave's processor is working on the highest setting, trying to come up with a solution to make peace with all he got going on in his life. Bee thinks Longarm is scared of his aunt but in reality he's actually scared not knowing what to do.
And finally, BlitzBee. I think Blitz would find out way sooner than the others- meaning that Blackarachnia caught Bee alone in the forest just before Blitz arrived at the meeting. Yeah, they tried to kill each other but Bee managed to calm them down to talk. Both were alarmed and confused that the other talked to Bee like they knew each other...
Blitz was shocked when he heard the same person that messed up his processor is his beloved's aunt. Arachnia was more disappointed and worried than angry but she still hid it behind anger. Blitzwing wasn't the best mech and she didn't want Bee getting hurt by this unstable scrapheap... yeah Bee was not having a good time.
Somehow they all made it out alive and Bee got a little bit of alone time with Blitz. Next time Bee was visiting his aunt of course she demanded answers- Bee assured her that Blitz is good to him and won't do anything to harm him.
Blitz on the other hand felt a bit betrayed that Bee didn't tell him but at the same time he understood why. All of his personalities could not have had a harder time existing with one another... In the end he couldn't stay mad at him for having a family so it was all good.
I think Bee would try to get them to ease up so he tries to get them to hang out more like family. It kind of works? There's still some bitterness towards one another but at least they can talk without making it into an argument.
If the others find out about Bee and Blitz, Arachnia would and will force them to let Bee have a relationship and do some not nice things if they don't.
She may be smaller than most of them but she's definitely someone you DON'T want to mess with. She has ways of making folks suffer more than they can imagine and she will do them if it means protecting her only joy in life that is Bee.
I really like the side idea of Optimus making peace with Elita-now-Blackarachnia and them getting back together. Optimus is just trying to be a good uncle and Bee making it an experience to remember (bad) for his amusement. They grow to like each other tho.
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