#i honestly feel like at this point it's just for the delulus to cry and generate them clicks and ad revenue
thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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Not me having delusional fantasies and living in my delulu era of being a housewife for a possessive guy...my sanity is messed up and I think I need help lol. But I'm a huge sucker for wearing those pink aprons and having mittens on my hands while my imaginary non existent husband nuzzles my neck...I really need help at this point...
By no means did Taesoo ever think there would be a time when he would end up falling in love with someone so much to the point that he would literally be willing to kidnap them to ensure they become his. Had anyone ever told him that fine day would come he would have just laughed in their face and would have ended up punching the lights out of them while mumbling something about how he doesn't see the need for love. The years pass by and he'd rather take this to the grave than ever admit it for crying out loud but he felt like he needed a companion in life. A strange feeling of emptiness would settle inside his heart whenever he'd stroll through the streets of Ansan and see people happy with their families, of course, he had his own brat of a student Hudson to consider a son, but what he needed was a partner. Someone to protect and someone to love and that's when he met you
He didn't really believe in the concept of love at first sight but there was something about you that just exuded charm, grace and innocence. You were much shorter than him and he couldn't help but he slightly amused how short you were compared to him, he could literally lift you by your arms like you were a child as his imposing large muscular frame towered over yours. The way you spoke, the way you smiled that beautiful smile of yours, he could feel his heart growing warm and his cheeks getting slightly flushed. His mind would start working in an overdrive and it doesn't really take that long for him to fall in love with you. You're a precious doll in his eyes, you remind him of an innocent little thing that needed his protection. His eyes wandered to your lips, wondering how soft those lips of yours were if he'd kissed them, what sort of cute noises you would be making solely for HIM and him alone while he kisses you and holds you in his strong arms and shields you from the outside world because you're way too precious for that
It won't matter how you've met him, the only ending you'll be having is being with him. He'll obviously ask Hudson to find out more about you to which he'd agree although he cannot help but detect slight amusement in his student's voice when he gets to know about his infatuation and obsession for you but all in all, he honestly doesn't really blame him. What's not there to love about you, he can't wait to have you all for himself, hidden away from the prying eyes of the other lecherous filthy men who dare to eye what's his with no shame whatsoever far away on his mountain in his cabin where it would be just the two of you. He's already imagining how blissful married life with you would be, how adorable you'd look going around the house and taking care of him and the house with your gentle loving personality that he fell in love with. He doesn't think his feelings for you are spiraling out of control, he just sees it as a way of keeping you safe from the dangers of the world. He'd know PLENTY about it because of all the nonsense that keeps happening around Ansan everyday and the things he's been through
It's not an easy change and transition for you when you find out that he's literally kidnapped you and laced your food with sleeping pills under the pretext of having dinner with him one night. Of course, part of him definitely feels bad that he had to slip sleeping pills in your food but his obsessive love for you and possessive tendencies overlap his sense of rationality and whatever logic he had in his mind was gone out of the window as his mind is filled with thoughts of how all this is for your own good and it's to keep you safe. He knows it'll take a while for you to adjust to your new life with him but he doesn't mind, take all the time you need. He's more than willing to be patient for you and since he treats you with gentlemanly chivalry and would rather bust an artery than hurt you physically or emotionally, it won't be long till you develop the Stockholm syndrome for him
By now you've grown accustomed and used to living with him and the two of you had a small private wedding where only trusted friends of his arrived for the occasion. Of course, he had to resist the urge to literally throttle Jaegyon Na by his neck when he saw him trying to use cheesy pick up lines on you with that stupid smirk of his. Even he got used to seeing you waddle around the cabin in that cute little pink apron hugging your body busying yourself with chores like cooking or other household activities. He wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into your neck and plants a few gentle loving kisses on your cheeks and lips telling you how much he loves you and holds you tightly in his possessive grasp, like he's worried you'd end up running off at any given second. It was so alluring and mesmerizing to watch you take care of the house, you were the reason he felt like his heart now had warmth. You were the reason his house was now a home with your elegant bright presence
You started getting a bit restless recently. You felt slightly guilty as you watched him come back with a somewhat tired expression at times and you felt like easing his burden and stress. A few days later, the two of you were seated at the table and having the dinner that you made. "My love...your culinary skills are amazing as always'' spoke Taesoo in a gentle tone with a soft smile on his face as he ate his food from his plate. He loved having whatever you made for him since it was made with your love and your delicate hands, what sort of husband would he be for you if he wouldn't eat his wife's cooking? You smiled but only briefly as your mind was occupied on asking him something that you were slightly apprehensive about and you had that distant and pensive look on your face, looking lost in thought. He instantly knew there was something on your mind, he could always read you like an open book and could decipher your every action and thought
"My dear, there is something on your mind...isn't there?" asked Taesoo as he surveyed your features with calculating eyes, trying to detect whether or not you'd tell him about your thoughts. His statement might have looked like it was a question but it was a formality with the hidden underlying implication for you to tell him about what was bothering you. You let out a sigh and looked at him and fiddled your thumbs nervously. "Taesoo...um...is it okay if I could get a job? Or could I resume my old job?' you asked him with a soft voice and looked at him with a hopeful expression, your heart racing in trepidation for his response, however all you were met with was a pin drop silence which filled you with a slight sense of dread. Taesoo immediately stopped eating and his smile vanished as his expression morphed into a stoic one as he looked at you with a calculated gaze. He always encouraged you to follow your hobbies and your passion but you getting a job was a slightly unexpected turn of events for him, a question he wasn't anticipating but was dreading this conversation with you early on beforehand as he rehearsed his answers for this exact moment
Looking at your soft and innocent and hopeful expression made his heart warm with affection for you but he had to be firm with you about this, as your husband, as your protector. You were his wife, he didn't want you out of your comfort zone and didn't like to entertain the thought of you being away from him for even a single second. He hated to be the one to crush that hope in your eyes but it was necessary, to keep you safe. He took your soft hand in his large rough calloused ones and traced gentle circles on the back of your hand to make it easier for you to handle his rejection of the idea you'd just proposed since the thought of other men being around you and looking at HIS wife with their lecherous gazes made him livid and the mere thought alone made him want to punch a hole into a wall
"My dear, you need not worry about getting a job and stressing yourself out about it. Your only concern is to look after the home and let me provide for you. I make enough for the both of us as it is, I don't see any reason for you to be burdened by a job'' he answered with a gentle yet firm look on his face. You pouted slightly at his response and you looked somewhat crestfallen, which he felt bad about. Your pout was adorable yet it stung his heart at the same time. "I know but...I feel somewhat useless just being at home and barely doing anything all day long, I'm not even doing anything useful and I feel bad seeing you work hard and coming back home all tired and sometimes beat up...I thought I could help out as well so you wouldn't need to worry about me being a burden for you'' you mumbled and averted your gaze from his eyes which narrowed as soon as the words left your mouth
Your words tugged at his heartstrings, yet his mind went back to the traditional role of wanting to be your protector and provider as your husband. Your words and thoughts moved him and touched him honestly, you were already precious enough and the last thing he needed was for you to bear burden on those shoulders of yours. He was slightly hurt you saw yourself a burden, he loved coming back home to you and wrapping you in his arms and feeling your soft touches and just being with you. He wished you could see how much his heart soared with affection and ecstasy whenever he'd come back home to you, making him feel like a true king indeed. However his features softened after a few moments when he saw you averting your eyes from his as he pulled you closer to him and made you sit on his lap and he cupped your cheek lovingly and caressed it and made you look at his eyes
"Hush my love, don't speak such nonsense again. You are by no means a burden for me, you are the reason my house feels like a home. Without you, this place would be an empty shell, like it used to before I met you. You mean everything to me, you are my darling wife...let me take care of you just like how you take care of me, you give me so much comfort and peace by being with me...do not fret about such things'' he answered as he continued to stroke your cheek affectionately with a tender loving look in his eyes reserved only for you, his dear wife who reigned over his heart. "I know...but I still feel like a useless housewife though, I feel like I'm barely doing anything'' you whispered with an insecure look in your eyes. Your insecure look cut through his heart like a knife, it pained him to see you be insecure of yourself and doubt yourself so much like this as he chuckled softly and brushed a few strands of hair from your face
"You do not need to worry about such things, you help me out so much with your love. I feel grateful to come back home to you everyday, where I can feel your soft gentle touches and your love for me. That's more than enough...I do not trust the world, I cannot let anything happen to you my love...society these days is dangerous and I will not risk your safety...I want you to be happy and relax, that's all. You're more than enough for me and by no means are you a useless housewife. You look so adorable with your little apron and mittens and the way you bustle around the kitchen cooking in those adorable dresses of yours...you keep the home running, my lovely little housewife...don't ever let me hear you call yourself useless again'' he replied with a soft yet firm tone and you nodded slowly which made him pleased
In the end, you were forced to give up the opinion of you having a job since there was no way he was going to stand for it but it was all for your safety after all. You were his lovely housewife, who provided him with so much love and comfort he could ever hope for and now that he had for you himself, he'd be damned to let you get away from him. Don't worry your pretty little head about anything and just let him provide for you, you're his darling little housewife after all...
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multifandomslxt · 4 months
Nct 127 Members and Cheating Partners
I enjoy doing these... I think I'm helping us keep our delulu meters at an acceptable state hehe.
WARNING: cheating. degradation (not the good type we like)
don't even bother
just pack your shit and leave
says some shit that will stick with you for life
"you're fucking disgusting and a waste of time"
he hates you now
I'm so serious
idk why but I see him hating cheaters of any sort
fuck you and that bitch
this man is a cancer
do not play with a cancer's feelings
I am so serious
he'll cry for sure
in a moment of weakness will ask if you still want him
but ultimately leaves you
"Why would you do this to me?"
and then starts plotting your demise a week later
I've said before that he's a manipulative lil shit
this man will turn your best friend against you I swear
I'm sorry this is hilarious
cheating on a scorpio?
kiss your self-esteem goodbye
Hate isn't even a good enough word to describe his feelings for you rn
cheat on him and he quite literally wishes you the worst
becomes your bully
oh love
sweetie pie
my sugar muffin
he clocked that shit a long time ago
He's very attentive to his partner
so he sees the change immediately
yk those movie scenes where the couple is going about their regular routine and one of the asks "who's __?"
quite literally stuns you
"did you not hear me?"
get out of his house
He'll cheat back
plain and simple
he won't tell you of course
just like you didn't tell him
found out by mistake
so honestly y'all just keep cheating on each other
he believes in getting his lick back trust.
His aim here is to ensure you are more hurt than he is if all this comes to light.
I feel bad
but I think he's worse than Taeil
he doesn't acknowledge it at all
like some type of delusional man
if he does acknowledge it he says
"it's just a small bump that's all"
like...at some point you gotta tell him what you did was wong
literally refuses to make you the bad guy
it's sad
Oh God.
stuck between leaving you and giving you a second chance
insecurity central
reanalyzes every single past interaction you've had with men who you said were "just a friend"
I don't think y'all understand
when I say spiraI mean he SPIRALSS
he'll never be the same with or without you
My best advice to you is to get out of his face.
the minute you do it
move out, block him on all socials, delete his number
just get away from him
he will treat you like the scum of the earth
"your pussy is for everybody"
and he means it babe
does not hide his disgust when he sees you
YUTA 2.0
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terukotime · 7 days
allow me to be super delulu for a second
if either Eden or Ace are the actual killer, that would mean one of them would be saying their secret quotes in the next coming episodes. but...do we really feel like the situation warrants them saying what their quotes are?
Ace's is: "I don't know what to do with myself anymore."
Eden's is: "You can't go back, no matter how hard you try."
Ace's feels a little strange to say in the trial. we're very close to unearthing the real culprit, and if Ace really is the killer, when would he say that? immediately upon being found out? the quote itself has their air of melancholy and defeatism, and even at his lowest, we know Ace isn't someone to concede or go down without a fight. and if he knows he's about to die, what's the point in saying "I don't know what to do with myself anymore" when he's not even going go be alive in the next few moments? He WON'T be doing anything with himself anymore, he'll be dead.
Eden's, while not as strange of a thing to say as Ace, is also kind of peculiar. when would she say it? while she's admitting to the murder? if Eden did it, sure, it's believable that she'd feel some regret, but the setup to her being the killer feels very odd now that we've gone through this big emotional moment between her and Teruko. honestly, after all that, if Eden really is the killer, i'd be more inclined to believe she WOULDN'T regret killing Arei. it'd seem like her crying and pleading was all just emotional manipulation. it also seems strange to me that Eden would have already had it in mind to kill Arei when she and Teruko found Ace, and took the opportunity to steal the tape to carry it out. i could definitely be wrong, and please correct me if i am, but i think the attempted murder was the same day as what happened with Eden and Arturo? honestly, even if it wasn't, it just feels weird to me that Eden would find some way to disguise her handwriting, set up a murder method even more elaborate than Nico's original version, and then do the whole trial pleading and sobbing for people to believe she didn't kill her and actually have regretted her actions. that shit is so premeditated that everything Eden has done thus far feels like immense emotional manipulation. while that could still be possible...it's not really that satisfying, i'd say. who knows, maybe i'm in severe denial, but i just think this characterization of Eden would be really weird. it would feel less like a betrayal of "man, this character i liked turned out to be awful", and more like a betrayal of "man, this character i liked has made a 180° in their personality without any foreshadowing of having a darker side to them".
and i'm just still really hung up on Hu. her secret quote, "I want to pay for what I've done. But even then, I still want to live." makes total sense in the context of this trial, especially after her secret reveal. and while it's pretty unlikely she took the tape from the gym, there's no guarantee that the person who took the tape at the time HAS to be the murderer. i'm just still hung up on the fact that it feels like there needs to be one last, big twist before the true killer is revealed. a moment where Teruko comes to her realization and the culprit is selected before she makes any actual accusation against them. we already knew Eden and Ace would be the ones Teruko was going to interrogate in the selection because of her explanation. just given how drdt has been written thus far, i feel like they wouldn't hand the potential answer to us like that so easily. like we wouldn't get to the point of selecting the culprit with the story already telling us it can only be one of two suspects.
it's entirely possible that i'm just coping and am refusing to accept that one of my favorite characters is actually the culprit. or that drdt could have a trial that isn't greatly written. it's totally fine if i'm wrong and Eden or Ace really is the killer, i definitely won't enjoy it much but it's not my story, nor would it completely make me drop drdt.
i honestly just needed to rant LMAO. this episode left me with a LOT of feelings.
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pedroshotwifey · 5 months
To the Flame chapter 16
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Series masterlist
Pairing: Dark!Javier Peña x afab!reader
Chapter w/c: 3k
Chapter warnings: mentions of physical abuse, talk of suicide, manipulation, mental abuse, description of injury, controlling behavior, comfort, crying, javi being a dick, javi being "nice", reader being ✨delulu✨, idek how to tag this shit anymore, i think i might be gaslighting myself 💀
Chapter Summary: You get a glimpse of the man you used to know while you try to sort out your feelings in the hospital. You're faced with a tough decision---did you make the right one?
A/N: Don't know what to say about this one. Yes, we all want to scream at reader, yes, we all want to scream at Javi. Scream at me if you'd like and I'll happily scream back 😭 Love you babes!
You’re not dead, but you really wish you were. Your body aches more heavily than it ever has. Every breath you take is a massive effort and every twitch of your fingers sends a twinge through your entire body like a shock of electricity. You don’t know what’s easier—breathing deeply or taking in shallow breaths. Deeper means that your chest has to rise and fall painfully with the movement, but shallower makes you feel like you're not getting an efficient amount of air. You don’t want to decide, so you just lay on the kitchen floor and let your body do it for you. 
You don’t think Javi’s here with you, but you honestly could care less if he is or not. All you have to do is turn your head and look around, but you don’t think that’s possible for you right now. You can feel the way your throat has swollen and would pull tight if you tried. You just want to lay with your pain for a while and let it consume you so you don’t have to think. Though your head pounds painfully, it’s the clearest it’s been for weeks. You know you’ll have to get up at some point, but that point is not now. 
You can feel every organ individually, the way they struggle to work with every second that passes. Your lungs heave and sputter as you try to suck breath into them, and you’re suddenly curious to how they’re working at all. There’s no way for you to tell how long you were out or how much water you consumed, but you can only assume it was close to your limit. You thought you were going to die, you really did. 
You have no idea how long you lay there, staring up at the ceiling, before you hear the click of the door opening, then several sets of footsteps making their way inside. Their voices are muffled by the staticy noise in your head, and you frankly don’t care enough to try to figure out what’s going on. 
Javi’s blurry figure comes first, leaning over you as more people crowd in. 
His dampened voice sounds panicked. You couldn’t give less of a fuck. You know that you’re probably going to be fine at this point, but you almost wish that you weren’t just to spite him. Suddenly, the light comes on, and your head starts to pound even harder. You close your eyes. 
***** When you open them again, you’re in a bed. Not yours, though, you can tell immediately. There’s daylight in the unfamiliar room coming from the window on the other side. So you know you’ve been out for a while. 
It takes a moment for you to remember what happened—why you’re probably here. And it’s with that realization that the pain returns. It’s more dull this time, immediately making you thankful for whatever meds they have you on. Just the underlying tightness throughout your body is enough for that. 
You blink and look around a bit, trying to scan your surroundings without moving too much. But when you spot the chair in the corner closest to you—who’s sitting in it—your adrenaline spikes. Javi sits up out of the chair as soon as he sees your eyes open and on him. He moves to the side of your bed and your body jerks away from him on instinct. 
“Get away from me,” you bite, though your voice is so strained it’s nearly incomprehensible.��
You can see hurt flash in his eyes for a split second, but it’s quickly replaced by anger. You don’t have time to dwell on that short moment of vulnerability before he has his hands on you, trying to hold you steady as you thrash and try to yell for help. He knows you won’t be able to muster up enough noise to be heard. 
“Fuckin’ stop and listen to me,” he spits, and you do, letting your body go limp before it gets any worse. You lay there and look him in the eye as silent tears sting your cheeks. 
“You’re going to tell them you tried to kill yourself,” he says calmly. You don’t realize you started shaking your head until he grabs your chin and stills you. “You’re going to say you couldn’t handle the stress of the move and you tried to drown yourself in the sink when I got home and found you.” 
You say nothing, because you know there’s no point. Why waste your breath and hurt your throat even more? 
“You tied a scarf around your neck, attached it to a weight, and threw it into the sink.” 
Oh, God. It makes you want to throw up, how elaborate his lie is. That would explain the bruising on your neck. He thought of everything, covered every track. You know you must be looking at him with pure disgust, but you don’t dare change your expression. You want him to see you, what he’s done to you, how he’s made you feel. 
There’s suddenly a knock at the door, and Javi’s expression changes to something almost tender. The hand tightly gripping your face moves to cup your cheek, the other to pet your hair. You feel panic and frustration crawling under your skin, consuming your body until you think you might scream. This is your chance to get away from him, but you know you won’t.  
All you have to do is tell the doctor you want to speak alone, tell them what’s happening, and you’ll never have to go back. But what if he didn’t believe you and you only make it worse for yourself? Or worse than that, what if he does, and you’re taken away from Javi. Exactly what you want, but also the last thing you can ever imagine happening. He’s still there, you can’t leave him. He’s still there. 
So, even as it crushes your soul and makes your heart jump wildly in your chest, you say nothing as Javi calls for the doctor to come in, and a man in a white coat steps inside with a clipboard. He smiles at you, his eyes full of so much pity that it makes you swallow. 
“Glad to see you up, honey. We were real worried for a second there.” 
You say nothing, just watch the doctor as Javi continues to stroke your hair, then places a kiss on your head and backs away for the man to check on you. He comes to your bedside, opposite of your husband, and places his hand on your forehead. 
“Still no fever,” he mumbles to himself, jotting something down on his clipboard. He brings a hand to your neck next, lightly pressing on the skin there with three fingers. He grimaces slightly. “Throat’s still very bruised and swollen. How bad does it hurt when I touch it here?” 
He moves his hand up and places his fingers on a spot right under your jaw and to the left, putting a small amount of pressure there. You try not to flinch. It’s not a lot of weight at all, but it hurts like hell. You can only guess that’s where most of the bruising ended up. 
“Hurts,” you rasp. The doctor puts his lips into a thin line and brings his hand back away. He writes something down and then sets the clipboard on the nightstand. 
“How long have I been here?” you question, voice barely a whisper. 
“You’ve been in and out for about forty-eight hours now,” the doctor tells you, glancing at his watch. “I’m not surprised you don’t remember it, you weren’t very cognizant.” 
You nod, resisting the urge to look at Javi. Instead, you let your head lay back on the pillow and inspect the water-stained ceiling tile above your bed. 
“When will she be cleared to come home?” Javi asks from where he’s sat in the chair. 
The man sighs contemplatively. “If all her vitals stay about the same as they are now for the next few hours, hopefully tonight. We would like to have somebody come talk to her to see where she’s at mentally first, since you’ve said that you work and she stays home. We don’t need her trying something like this again while she’s alone.” 
“I can take time off,” comes Javi’s quick reply, making something twist in your stomach. If you weren’t so mentally exhausted, you might be surprised about that. He had told you before that it was hard for him to just take days off. Though you suppose it would make sense for him to be able to request time for a family emergency. 
“I think that would be best, but we’re still going to have someone in to talk. We need to assess her cognitive functions as much as we need to make sure she’s not planning anything drastic.” 
Even though you’re not looking at him, you know Javi’s jaw is clenched. You know he’s smart enough to hold his tongue to not give himself away, even though he wants to protest more. He doesn’t trust what you might say while you’re alone, and frankly, you don’t either. 
“Can he stay in the room with me?” you croak. 
There’s a beat of silence as you look back to the doctor. He looks at you, then to Javi, then back to you. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk alone? The social worker we have on staff is very—”
“I’m sure,” you cut him off. “I want him here.” 
There’s a sickening sense of betrayal coming from yourself as you decide your fate. You don’t know why you’re doing this, but you do. It hurts your head to try to decode what you’re thinking half the time these days.
The man watches you for a few seconds, obviously trying to gauge how much of a mistake it would be to let you make this decision. “If that’s what makes you comfortable, we can do that.” 
There’s a wave of relief as Javi leans forward slightly to cover your hand with his. 
“I’m here, sweetheart,” he comforts. You visibly relax, letting your body slumping down into the mattress. You let yourself zone out for a bit while Javi and the doctor talk for a minute more, just savoring the warmth of Javi’s hand touching you so gently, so caring. You know you have his approval right now, and it feels so good to bask in it. 
You close your eyes and pretend to be asleep when the doctor leaves, trying to have Javi like this for as long as you can. You’re transported back to one of the first dates you went on with him, leaning up to him in his truck, his free hand over yours as it is now. The smiles you exchanged, the kisses, the laughs. It hurts so fucking bad. To think you’ll never have that again. 
Tears trickle from your shut eyes, a quiet sob leaving your lips even as you try to contain it. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Javi consoles, genuine sympathy in his voice. It makes you want to cry more. You open your eyes and Javi gets up from the chair, coming to the bed as you begin to sob. You don’t know how to explain to him the grief you’re feeling over him when he’s right there, but you don’t have to. You sit up the best you can and he cups your chin again, watching you tenderly with furrowed brows. 
“I know, honey, I know,” he coos before tucking your head to his chest. “I’ve got you. Get it all out.” 
And you do, you wrap your arms around him and cry into his chest until you can feel his shirt soaking your cheek. You shake and heave and clench the fabric until your tears go thin and start to burn your skin. 
He’s patient with you, holding you the entire time, whispering reassurances and rubbing your back, holding your head to him. It feels like your Javi. Yours. But it only makes you miss him more because you don’t know if it’s true. Don’t know if he’s snapped out of this awful trance that’s consumed him, or if he’s only here momentarily when you need him most. Either way, you let his care overwhelm you, let yourself drown in the affection. 
It’s only when you open your swollen eyes a few hours later that you realize you’d cried yourself to sleep in his lap. You’re laying down now, Javi in the same spot he was the first time you woke up. There’s a woman in the room talking to him, but you’re too groggy to think about what they’re saying. More nonsense about your mental state, you’re sure. 
And just like that, the love that had consumed you a few hours ago starts to fade. Your mental state. The carefully constructed lies you’re about to tell this woman. She turns to you when she sees you try to sit up, rushing to your side with a gentle smile. 
“Careful, don’t want you straining anything,” she says, placing her hands on your arms to help you. You nod at her, still trying to wake back up. Your eyes hurt from crying and your head is throbbing again. You really don’t want to talk right now, but you know you have to if you want to get out of here. 
“You know why I’m here?” the woman asks gently. Her name tag reads Chloe. She looks a bit older than you and has the most beautiful green eyes you’ve ever seen. You decide you like her. 
You nod, then realize it’s probably better to be verbal. “Yes,” you tell her. 
She nods understandingly, rubbing your upper arm in a comforting motion. “I’ve been told you’d like your husband to stay in the room while we talk?”
You confirm again, glancing at Javi, who seems to still be in whatever state he was earlier. 
“Alright, I’m just going to ask you a few questions, and then we’ll get you out of here. Sound good?” 
You nod, swallowing the thickness in your throat. “You mind if I sit?” Chloe asks, gesturing to the side of your bed. You shake your head no and she makes herself comfortable, clipboard in her lap. She doesn’t even look at Javi, which relaxes you a bit. Her sole focus is you.
“I know it’s not going to be easy, but I promise to be patient. You can take all the time you need. Are you ready?” 
“I’m ready,” you reply before you change your mind about doing this with Javi. 
“Okay. Can you tell me how you tried to take your life last Friday? In as much detail as you’re comfortable with.” 
You take a deep breath, force yourself to not look at your husband, and pray you don’t mess this up. 
“I tried to drown myself,” you lie quietly. “I tied a scarf around my neck and attached it to a weight. Then I filled the sink with water—.” You have to pause, emotion hitting you hard all of a sudden. You blink and swallow the lump in your throat. “I filled the sink with water and threw the weight in.” 
Chloe nods somberly, watching you with the same pitying look the doctor had earlier. “It’s okay to cry, honey. It’s a hard thing to talk about. You’re very brave for doing so.”
You listen to her, bowing your head and letting your tears overflow. They’re slower than the ones you’d cried with Javi. More quiet. They feel more like defeat than grief. Chloe writes something down and looks back at you. 
“And why did you feel like that was the best way to achieve what you were trying to do?” 
You bite your lip, contemplating for a second. “Because I knew it would work over everything else. I thought it would.”
She jots something down.  
“There are no firearms in your house?” 
“Only mine, and it stays on me all day,” Javi provides before you can say anything. Chloe whips her head around to him. 
“Did I ask for your input?” 
“No,” you say, before whatever just happened could escalate. The last thing you need right now is Javi getting angry. “Just his.” 
She turns back to you, gentleness returning to her face. She again scribbles something down. 
“Two more,” she tells you. “We’re almost done. You’re doing really well.” 
You nod at her, giving her a small smile. 
“Do you wish you had succeeded? Why or why not?” 
You answer quickly, maybe a little too quickly. You hate the way you still feel like you’re lying when you tell her no. “I was just overwhelmed that night. I was lucky that Javi came home when he did.” 
She nods, writes something down, and asks you the last one. 
“You’re not going to try to take your life again?” 
“I’m not. I don’t want to die.” It almost hurts to have to say it. You don’t even know if that’s true. You put on a brave face though, needing her to believe it even if you don’t. 
She writes the last thing down and smiles at you. “Okay, I’m going to go talk to some staff and get you ready to go home. It was very nice to meet you. I hope things go well in your future.” She holds her hand out for you to shake, and you do. 
“Thank you, it was nice to meet you, too,” you tell her honestly. 
You wait to hear the click of the door before you look at Javi. He doesn’t look angry exactly, but you can tell he didn’t like Chloe at all. But he still nods approvingly at you, taking your hand again. 
“You did good, sweetheart,” he says. 
***** A couple of nurses come in about an hour later to take you out to Javi’s truck. They watch as he helps you in, waves his thanks, and gets in the driver’s side. You cuddle up next to him like you used to, and a calm feeling starts to ebb its way into you. He holds you tight the entire way back to the apartment, and after cooking you dinner, holds you tight as you fall asleep.  This. This is why you stay.
What are we thinkin'? 👀
Series taglist: @corazondebeskar @yorksgirl @nerdieforpedro @axshadows @melaninmommy
@survivingandenduring @kewwrites @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff @missladym1981 @sofiparallel
@koshkaj-blog @sheepdogchick3 @movievillainess721 @jessie8605 @casa-boiardi
@justlulu @iamsherlocked-1998 @hjzghi-blog @glitterymanboy @letstalkaboutshtufff
@untamedheart81 @1nsommia @joelmillersblog
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fatuismooches · 1 year
I don't know if you've written about this already, but my period cramps are so bad i had to leave school early and I need to self indulge in delulu comfort 😔
I need to imagine Dottore cuddling his so when you're struggling with cramps, rubbing his hands over your lower abdomen mgshshsghg🤭 he'd massage anywhere that hurts while his clones get you some snacks and comfy blankets... (I just know he would give you a hysterectomy the same day no questions asked🤭🤭)
If this happened in the akademiya, I'd honestly think that Zandik would have thought that you were overreacting and tells you to get over it so you could go to class finally. Except for the fact that you can barely get yourself out of your bed without wincing every movement and the fact that you look like you're either about to faint or vomit. He'll grumble about but once you realize that you aren't lying and trying to get out of going to classes he does begrudgingly help them. He'll make a makeshift heating pad quickly and get you some water and medicine, but he's really not the one you would look for for comfort... so that's really all he does (he is worried I swear!! He just doesn't know how to show it without being mean or sounding too wimpy!) And although he'll grumble, it is an excuse for him to skip class considering he's busy taking care of you... (and he will definitely use any excuse if it means not going to those wastes of time. But... doesn't taking care of you count as a waste of time? He tells you to shut up.)
WAHHHH IM CRYING 😭❤️❤️ I totally understand, period cramps can really be a pain dbjiedb but I really hope you feel better anon, that sounds pretty bad :( Make sure to take care of yourself and don't push it!
Ugh me loves this so much,, at this stage in his life he would so understand that period cramps and complications are no joke (he is still a doctor after all... just an unconventional one) so he knows you aren't exaggerating your pain,, You would just be sitting on his lap and one hand is on your abdomen and another is scribbling down paperwork (he is good at multitasking) AND OH if his hands aren't good 🤭 he knows EXACTLY what points to hit and how to rub you to make you feel as better as possible. And the clones, checking up on you every now and then too 🥺 They probably developed their own special heating pad for you too 🥱
But YEAH Akademiya Zandik would just be like 'what are you doing 😐' at first, the mf 💀 He would think you're just overdramatizing it to get a reaction out of him, but nope, you're literally curled up in a ball and clutching yourself, maybe even on the verge of tears from the pain. Well then, he sure doesn't think you're faking it anymore... He'll still mutter some things as he tends to you, but that's just how he is you know? It's his way of showing affection to you... although it doesn't seem like that. But you should know that by now. And he is a teeny bit softer with you too, tilting the cup back so you can drink it and making sure the chores you usually do are done by him. Just don't say anything before he starts up on you! (Though... he is not cooking for you because he WILL burn everything 💯 just expect to be eating takeout for a bit 💀) If you've been with him this long, you probably have become accustomed to just finding his mere presence comforting since he doesn't offer much of it, physically and verbally 😅
Don't worry reader, just wait a few hundred years and your perfect murderous doctor husband will have your body figured out 😌
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sukirichi · 2 months
Me after ch14 with all its angst: spectacular give me 14 of them right now 🫵
I love love loveeee your angst it makes me cry 🙏 and be ready for me to be your star customer once I get therapy from dtd
I have a theory but I’m not match to shh anon they are on a whole other level and every time they come up with a theory I eat that shi up like it’s my last meal
Okkk so my small theory is that either iris told rin about the “illegitimate” child and he was mature enough to think about reader’s feelings first and believe that having a child with another woman is unfair to his wife and the least he can do is let her go (this is me being delulu)
The other one is that iris told him that she was using him all this time for comfort and for her own desires but I don’t know how that would make him decide to divorce the reader, unless he was really hurt and just gave everything up maybe like his last straw after everything and all the shi storm he did for him to be with iris yk yk, this one makes a little make sense…. Unless the first theory might be correct and that’s how his redemption arc starts 👁️👁️
Suki blinks twice if I’m somewhat correct
Blink thrice if I’m so off and I’m just being completely delulu lmaoooo
I’ll go to my corner and wait for shh anon to cook and serve all their theory dishes so I can devour them 🫦
Great chapter as well, love your writing as always stay hydrated bestieee 🫶🫶.
-🐝 anon
bee anon, hello !! and omg star customer ASHENSL honestly with the ending i had in mind, i think i’m going to need lots of fluff to heal me from it too 🥹 and AAAAH shhh anon mentioned <3
ooh i am going to blink once 👁 because you’re right in one theory but also like its not the complete thing either and that’s totally fine because we’ll finally find out why rin suddenly decided for divorce in the next chap !! but you got it right that suna thinks this is all very unfair for his wife </3 its just not the entire reason for his behavior hehe. for iris using him though . . . i think he’s always known that iris was just using him, i mean from what we can see in the flashback he was always like, feeling off by her words and finds her very offensive so he knows that she isn’t really that into him but he’s stubborn so 🥹 and during that time, he never cared much that he and iris were just messing around because he didn’t have a desire to make her officially his. his motivation for going with the whole concubine plan was mostly to prove a point that he could if he wanted to !!
and thank you so much 🐝 anon, always looking forward to hearing everyone’s thoughts 🥺 stay hydrated as well, xoxo 💫🌷
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bookscandlesnbts · 11 months
Not the same anon that before but I just wanted to react to the discourse. Scratch that ask if you don’t want to talk about it any further.
"Kpop idols pretty much only announce marriages (of course straight ones duh since Korea is super homophobic) and that doesn’t even go over well."
Here lies the whole problem imo. We don’t have to know about idols relationships, who they date etc, but the extreme secrecy around it is part of what drives the backlash once they announce their marriage or whatever. They shouldn’t have to go public about it, but just live their lives without having to live under complete secrecy. It’s probably a matter of cultural differences, ever since I’ve been into kpop it’s one aspect of idols life that I never understood. I live in Western Europe and here no one cares about celebrities dating, it’s totally normal. Sure, some hardcore fans might cry about it but honestly it’s pretty much a non issue. As long as idols continue to accept that life of secrecy, then unfortunately they’ll have to deal with those crazy bs reactions. That’s why personally I think Tae and Jennie have been really brave, they acted like a normal couple having a date night in Paris like any normal couple would have and they didn’t two fucks about it. It still sucks that people took pictures - it’s beyond me how people have the guts to take pics of ppl without their consent and drop it on the internet…- but I think that was an encouraging first time to show that they’re just regular human beings with regular love lives.
Hi anon. Don’t worry, I can definitely tell that you aren’t the same anon. I also think TaeJennie were brave. Idk why people skipped past the Paris thing or act like it didn’t mean anything because it was a huge step and definitely a choice. When Jennie’s phone got hacked and her private photos were leaked, they could have easily swept it under the rug and ignored it, but months later to hold hands and then she admits in a magazine interview that they are together? That’s huge.
I too am from the western world (the US not Europe) and I have a theory about why the idol culture is the way that it is there. And one of the factors I’ve always thought of is the size of the country. The US is huge. I don’t live anywhere near LA (a common place for celebs to live) and our transportation here is terrible so it’s not easy for me to get there. I know I would probably never see a celebrity. I feel so much more removed from them if that makes sense. But Korea is tiny in comparison. It only takes 4 hours by train to get between the two biggest cities on opposite ends of the country. I can’t even drive 4 hours and make it to a different state. I can see how the delulu there would be a lot stronger if you were in closer proximity to the idols. Even in rural parts of the country, distance wise you aren’t separated by much and one could theoretically move to Seoul easier than I could move to LA. It’s much easier to sell the y/n fantasy when you have a higher chance of being near an idol or a celeb in Korea. Just look at how many foreigners go visit Korea thinking they will run into idols (and some of them do). That’s crazy to me to want to do that but that’s not the point. I don’t know what it would take to shift their culture, but I suspect geography is a bigger part of the equation than people realize.
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asadfangirlbitxh · 2 years
Blogmas post 2
BTS get to know me challenge!
These are my own questions from various other challenges. Feel free to answer them. Tag me if you'd like and do it as well
Favorite Song from Proof?
2) Favorite BTS moment of the year?
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3) BTS that made you cry from 2022?
4) Favorite Music of theirs this year?
5) Favorite RUN BTS episode?
Definitely the Telepathy episode.
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6) Who made you suffer the most emotionally?
FUCKING MIN YOONGI. MY BIAS. MAN TURNED 29 and choose violence.
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7) How did they make you proud this year?
They went to the Grammys.
They put themselves first for once and they did things on their own strength. They out there so respectful and humble.
Jhope - His album and live performances this year has made me so happy. The man has been killing it. He went to a new country and performed by himself. He did so well. I honestly couldn't look away at any point because I was scared I'd miss something amazing. He continues to be humble and supports all his fellow members. Rush Hour was amazing collab and I loved how he is a celebrity of celebrities.
RM- He is the one that made me the most emotional this year. The Festa lunch broke me. His album is comfort personified. I think he does an amazing job as a leader. He always makes sure the team comes first sometimes at his own comfort. Sexy Nukim is such an amazing song and to hear legends from both the Korean and Western Industries speak about him in such high regard makes me so warm inside.
Jimin- Jiminie is 1/3 of my bias line. He will always have my heart. To see all these producers and singers excited to work with him makes me so happy. I just know his album is going to be bop after bop. I can't wait to see what has in store. He continues to be the sweetest. He always hypes up his fellow members and the fans. This year, his OST release blew my mind. With you makes me sob uncontrollably and I am so proud of him always. Can't wait for his album.
jungkook-Where do I even begin with this one? He is so humble. The man performed at FIFA. Which is one of the biggest things any artist can do. AND HE PUT HIS WHOLE BEING INTO THE PERFORMANCE TO COME OFF AND SAY HE COULD HAVE DONE BETTER. MY MAN. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. SIR???? Also, every song he puts out is just a bop. No questions asked. The man has outsold every step of his career. Watching all his Hyung proud of him really warmed my heart. He continues to be such a excellent person. ILOVEHIM. And if the rumors are true and he has a girlfriend. I am happy for him <3
Taehyung- Tae at Paris living his life brings me such joy. He continues to be such a cute human. At every concert, the way he was so considerate and kind. All while being one of the most sorted after idols on Instagram, in the fashion world, and on social media in general. Every time he posted a picture on Instagram I have to remind myself that I shouldn't be delulu. Also, the man leaked the Run BTS rehearsal. He's an utter legend. I hop next year, he gets to show us his music and his acting. I am loving Chpater 2 Taehyung so far. Despite all the shit he has been through this year, he still always has a smile on his face for us. An Angel. He is 1/3 of my bias and owns all of my heart.
Yoongi- Sir has me in a chokehold since March. He has had me in a chokehold since I started stanning BTS. He is my bias for a reason. This year I have been really amazed by him. From producing one of the best K-pop songs to having a legend absolutely whipped for him to becoming a Grammy-nominated writer. I hope he gets what he wants. It's going to be so hard for me to see him go. But I am so glad he is thriving. 2022 was really his year. As a producer, musician, sports lover, and person. He deserves all the hype and recognition. He works so hard and can't wait for his show Suchwita and what this chapter holds for him. He's so cute in all the RUN BTS episodes. Every time I see a clip of him, it makes my day 100 times better. Every time he posts on Instagram with his long hair I lose a couple years of my life.
Jin: I am absolutely shattered about losing Jin. I am so worried about him. I hope he is safe. He has the biggest heart. The way he stayed till the winter for army. The way he is leaving us with so much content and comfort. I hope he gets to come back on his own terms and blow us away with his album. His friendship with Coldplay, his bluntness with senior Korean celebrities who have treated them like shit, and his patience with army. They are so commendable. It breaks my heart every time I think of Jin and all that he does. His voice is absolutely beautiful. Awake and Epiphany are two of my favorite BTS songs. I hate that we have to let him go. Especially since he had most of the brunt of the debate and the hate that came with it. I just hope he knows we love him and I can't wait for him to come back. FIGHTING JIN. You will be back very soon.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
satiating my craving for bts-related questions part 3/5
what bts member’s personality is the most like yours? This was in the most recent ‘survey’ I took but Namjoon! Besides our social batteries being pretty much infinite and our mutual love for museums, we’re also similar in that we’re both leaders on paper but are actually pretty clumsy and irresponsible in all non-work situtions hahahaha.
which bts member do you think you’d click with & are most likely to be best friends with? Jimin. I feel like he’s the most easygoing of the boys and can strike a bond with anybody.
in what moment did you know you were in this bangtan sonyeondan shit for life? Also covered this in the last survey, but it in April ‘21 when I heard Life Goes On. Funnily enough I was in the middle of work then and ended up crying while working on whatever spreadsheet I had at the time because the lyrics unexpectedly punched me in the face (in the warmest and most comforting way possible).
what do you think is bts’ best era or mv? I wanna say Wings, only because it had been their biggest Korean breakthrough and was the time they came out with BST and Spring Day and started to really launch towards the mainstream. 
The Love Yourself era was also obviously a fantastic era that opened so many doors for them since that’s when they started getting invited to US award shows and had their songs played on US radio; but it also meant that Namjoon had to constantly serve as the mouthpiece of the group – something that affected them in the long run and something they even touched on themselves at the latest Festa dinner.
if you bumped into a bts member on the street, how would you react/what would you do? Jesus. I would run the fuck away and hide. Everyone who knows me knows that I would literally pass up on a meet-and-greet opportunity with them because IDK the thought of meeting them just terrifies me lol. I’d be perfectly content seeing them up close in concert.
which bts member could you realistically see your self dating, & are most compatible romantically? Delulu hours already? Hahaha. I barely know the dudes and they could be completely different human beings off the camera, so idk. The hyung line strikes me as low-maintenance romantic partners though – something I prefer at this point in time.
when did you become an army? It was in early April last year which technically makes me Butter Army. I hate that term though and just refer to myself as a Run BTS Army since that had been their promotion focus at the time I became a fan hahahaha
what is your favorite bts album? MOTS: 7.
if you made an album & make collabs with only three bts members, which three would you choose? Yoongi so he can produce it also and create a banger; Jimin because I need more solos from him; Hobi because artistically speaking I feel he is the most open to experimentation.
top 10 bts songs? Butterfly, Sea, Fake Love, BST, Autumn Leaves, Ma City, Spring Day, Move, Dis-ease, Black Swan.
what food/foods reminds you of jungkook? Ramyeon, pork belly, banana milk.
what food/foods reminds you of taehyung? Napjak mandu, kkomak bibimbap, bungeoppang.
what food/foods reminds you of jimin? Literally anything with chili peppers or buldak sauce on it as the man loves his spicy food.
what food/foods reminds you of namjoon? Funnily enough, mint chocolate anything. Also tteokguk, kalguksu, and Bibimyeon noodles.
what food/foods reminds you of hobi? Croffles, iced coffee.
what food/foods reminds you of yoongi? Steamed dumplings.
what food/foods reminds you of jin? Sashimi, yukhoe, anything seafood. Jin Ramen.
assign a planet to each bts member! I honestly don’t know the planets well enough to designate a member to each.
choose a color for each bts member i.e. what color reminds you of each of them or do you associate with them? I mean my mind automatically just goes to their mic colors? Hahahaha.
besides seoul, what city do you see jungkook thriving in? Maybe somewhere in Japan, like Kyoto. Jungkook strikes me as a pretty big introvert so I feel like he’ll want to be somewhere he can go lowkey. Bon Voyage also repeatedly taught me that he isn’t the type to visit tourist attractions lol and I think Japan can give him all the quiet cafes and pretty Airbnbs he needs.
besides seoul, what city do you see taehyung thriving in? He’s shown time and time again that his soul belongs in places like Paris.
besides seoul, what city do you see jimin thriving in? Lively places with lots of music and spots for drinking...places like Rio de Janeiro, New Orleans, Berlin, London, etc. Los Angeles also.
besides seoul, what city do you see namjoon thriving in? Basel, Amsterdam, New York City. I feel like he would also appreciate Cairo and Marrakesh.
besides seoul, what city do you see hobi thriving in? Hobi is essentially Los Angeles personified. Lots of culture and trendy stuff pumping through his veins haha.
besides seoul, what city do you see yoongi thriving in? Somewhere lowkey, like Jungkook. I see Yoongi spending six months somewhere secluded in like New Zealand just to have the time and space he needs to make new music.
besides seoul, what city do you see jin thriving in? He’s been there already, but I feel like Jin really throve in Valletta, Malta! Being an introvert himself it was great seeing him wander around on his own and be friends with that nice bar owner.
what’s your favorite thing about bts? My reason is pretty selfish, but the fact that they’re Asian gives me a lot of pride and also enables me to relate a lot to them in terms of values, culture, habits, etc. It’s refreshing to stan people who are just as horrified about the idea of using shoes indoors, have the concept of older brothers/siblings, and go through the same bilingual struggles.
did you change after stanning? how? Yeah. Mainly in wanting to live again. I also became happier, more open to meeting new people and trying new things, and less anxious about my problems.
what inspires you about bts? Just knowing all the ugly things they’ve been through and ultimately surpassed.
what’s your bts bias line or trio? Namgikook.
what music genre do your associate with each bts member? Namjoon: Hip-hop, R&B Jin: Pop Yoongi: Rap with a little bit of pop and alternative rock here and there Hobi: Hip-hop Jimin: R&B. Taehyung: Jazz Jungkook: R&B with a little dollop of pop.
what are some of your favorite things about jungkook? The fact that he masters any skill in one or a few tries; and his competitiveness because I can totally relate lol.
what are some of your favorite things about taehyung? He’s real. He’s the realest fucking person there is and that might draw off other people, but I appreciate that he never fakes it for the camera. If he’s upset you’ll know it, if he doesn’t feel like getting interviewed you’ll see it, if fans are being stupid he’ll be the first to call them out.
what are some of your favorite things about jimin? He’s reliable; to me he comes off as a quiet support system for the boys. Never hogs the spotlight, but he’ll be the first to check up on someone if they get injured; visit someone to their own music video shoot, etc. I mean he literally flew to Chicago to support Hobi for Lollapalooza and flew from Paris all the way back to Korea in time to greet Jungkook on his birthday.
what are some of your favorite things about namjoon? He’s a fantastic leader, always learning as he goes all while making sure the other six are growing and learning with him. And he does this considering he’s not even the eldest of the group; it takes a lot of maturity to take the reins at 19 and go beyond being a K-pop idol.
what are some of your favorite things about hobi? The fact that he 1) takes over as a sub-leader for the things Namjoon lacks in; and 2) same as Jimin, he’s also acted like a stable support system for the boys and their endeavors. He’s also unashamedly physically affectionate and clingy, which has been helping break the mindset that men can’t hug each other, lean on each other’s shoulders, etc. OH and he’s a fantastic gift-giver – I can’t ever forget how he made Jimin a physical CD of Promise AND made copies for each of the members.
what are some of your favorite things about yoongi? He keeps it real, like Taehyung, like how he largely refuses to speak English in US interviews or backs out of games he doesn’t want to join in Run BTS. Also the fact that he’s actually caring as fuck but will always make it look like he doesn’t give a shit.
what are some of your favorite things about jin? That behind all the dad jokes and wackiness, he’s actually doing a great job being the eldest – puts the younger ones in place when they start getting too rowdy, and at the end he puts the needs of the younger members first. On In the Soop 1 he took the tent while everyone else slept in beds; and onto bigger things he chose to delay his military service because everyone else wanted to do the Busan show.
what makes you love bts so much? Just the fact that they make me happy and make me want to look forward to the next day.
which pcs have you pulled in your bts albums? & if you’re willing to share, how many albums/pcs do you have? If I did this, I would end up making a short novel lol. I simply have too many albums and have collected too many photocards.
do you have any bt21 merch? if so, what? Yeah, mostly plushies but I’ve also got a BT21 shirt, keychain, and alcospray.
who’s your favorite bt21 character? RJ.
bt21 or tiny tan? BT21.
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hyunverse · 2 years
yes i do! i grew up in boston and ended up getting a rly good scholarship at a school here in nyc so i live here now :)) it’s not too bad. tbh it’s pretty much the same as boston just a little bigger. andddd what’s ironic is even tho i’m from two of the like most known cities in america, i am terrified of rodents 😭. i see them quite often in nyc but not as much in boston. no matter how many times i see them i’m still terrified of them and i am fortunate enough to not be rodent infested 🙏🏼🙏🏼. also yep teef in the muscles is the best way to do it. i want to eat minhos thighs. like chomp is an understatement for what i want to do to those thighs and i have no shame in explaining. the gods ddu du ddu performance …. that’s all i need to say
omfg what is even the point of dating someone like that ?? it’s exhausting. i agree with just wanting to do your own thing. when i was younger i always wanted to date but now i just want to be aloneeeee. i do miss aspects of being a relationship but tbh i’m fine w waiting to experience that w someone like every day yk ?
hey man technique is technique 😏. also yes hyunjin and felix hand comparison makes me crazy. ngl i’m big on size diff and hyunjin just does it for me. so tall and lankyyyyyy he’s just my type. like no joke he is my exact type all around but especially physically. nothing better than a feminine man with so much androgynous energy and duality. like it makes me insane. when i get home i want to measure my hands so i can compare mine w everyone’s. im sure it will be drastic so i will keep you posted ! how tall are you?? im 5’1 .. 😟 it’s bad ik
watch me cry at how sweet you are rn 🥲. u make me blush 🙄. i did take some earlier this morning and i’m trying to drink as much as i can (maybe i’ll purposely forget to do all of this just so you can come here but you didn’t hear that from me 😇😇😇). CONGRATULATIONS THAT IS SO AWESOMEEEEE!!!! you should be so proud of yourself and know i am very very proud of you as well <33 that is literally so amazing, hard work pays off my love 🫶🏻 that’s so awesome. if we happened to not live all the way across the world from each other i’d treat you to a delish meal but i guess our lives failed us on that one >:|. what’s ur fave food btw ? sending hugs back to ur sweet self 💗💗💗💗💗💗💕💕💕💕💕 and a happy heart attack bc u deserve it hehe
- 🐈‍⬛ much love from ur g <333
that sounds nice!! honestly, from experience, moving from one state to another is quite tough. i’ve been living in the city my entire life, but had to make an entire 180° for university life ‘cause my campus is in a village! like an entire village — on the way to my campus, there’s a sign that says, “welcome to ***** village!” good god u can imagine my terror 💀 the facilities are not bad but definite different compared to the city </3 okay i sound like a brat, don’t i? anyway! bae, i’m dead terrified of them nasty rodents too. i feel like puking at the sight of them </3 so i 💯 understand you honestly.
CHOMPING ON HIS THIGHS YEP YEP. minho needs to drop the workout routine cs god his thighs are. . . sighs dreamily. love em. wanna bite em. talking abt that performance. . . lee yongbok. i will never forget that signature ab showing move tbh. gonna show them to my kids being all like this is ur uncle felix! (get it? cs imma marry hyunjin frfr! yes pls entertain my delulu pls pls)
RIGHT i feel like my past experiences and friends’ relationships are the cause of me not wanting one </3 scared me off legit. i think imma stick to writing 🙏 why experience it rn when i can be delulu with u?
UR TYPE AND MY TYPE MUST BE THE SAME THEN CS I LOVE TALL AND LANKY MEN MMM EAT THAT GENRE UP ALL THE TIME! when they’re 90% legs and have big hands? call me up. call me up‼️that is my type right there.
yes keep me posted with the hand comparison, baby. tell me ur hand size too so i can compare with me 🙏 i’m 5’2 so we’re both not that far off HELP. short gang ig 😔
PLEASE DONT FORGET 💔 MY ANGEL I AM TOO BROKE TO FLY TO AMERICA 💔 ONE DOLLAR IS ABOUT FOUR MYR 💔 PLS TAKE CARE OF URSELF 💔 AND THANK YOU BABY!! means a lot from u hehe. i have sm fave food dang. . . it’s hard to choose. i like steak, and ramen and this malay dish u call tomyum! very yummers. also loveee hotpots. i could eat hotpot everyday of my life. and donuts!! what about yours, darling?
you make me blush too ^__^ kisses to u frm me!!
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Genuinely can't stand all the articles trying to "expose" celebrities dating, like. Can they not just live their lives, their love life is none of my business and i'd rather not find out details of their private lives through creep shots. Let them go public by posting a sappy selfie on instagram by themselves, if they want to, like normal people
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a-slut-for-smut · 3 years
Ooooooo! For the ask thing: 002 for Rivamika!
Tumblr media
BAAHAHAHA YAAAAAAAAAS i was hoping i'd get this one XD
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them:
Definitely their team-up scene vs Female Titan/Annie. When i saw not only how strong & skilled they were on their own but how well they worked together to accomplish their goal despite having grievances with each other? I knew they would be unstoppable and at that point my ovaries didnt stand a chance the ship launched at lightspeed for me.
My thoughts:
As i allude to above, there's nothing i love more than a couple that makes a great TEAM above all else. Mutual respect and teamwork makes the slutty dream work amirite??? Plus that added tension of enemies to lovers/i hate but begrudgingly respect them makes it that much more exquisite- i just feel this dynamic can only lead to an even deeper bond that is so RIPE for smutty exploration ;D
What makes me happy about them:
Just the thought of them together makes me horny ecstatic teehee
What makes me sad about them:
That Mikasa's character development was basically thrown in the trash by the end- especially from a female perspective. All these indications that she finally outgrew her blind devotion to a man/her character didn't solely revolve around a man were ultimately meaningless and its a crying shame. Upon reflection, i had such an averse reaction to this treatment of her character i found it difficult to be active in the fandom (beyond the occasional anti snk ending shitpost) so yeah....THANKS ISAYAMA
And Levi's ending? Well at least his character overall was left unscathed, but damn where he ended up felt cold as ice- like, why of all ppl would he ended up with the Marley kids & Onyakonpon??? Why not with the ppl who, i dont know, he risked his life to save time and time again, that he's known from years and from the same place as he's from???
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Well, "annoy" is a strong word but (and this goes for all my OTPs) whenever Levi (or either party actually) comes off...uh, rapey? Dom! is one thing but when the line bleeds into...let's call it "dubious consent" i dunno...it really takes me out of it. Like i say, im not one to kinkshame if thats what you're into but i have a mutual respect kink so it's really hard for me to invest in that type of story/for me personally would be OOC for them. Anyway, here's an old smutty rec list for any newcomers
Things I look for in fanfic:
as always, hardcore smut topped with sprinkles of angst (with explicit consent of course!)
My wishlist:
my wishlist for them is endless, but above all else i just want them to be happy. Was that asking for too much @ isayama???? apparently so…🙄
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I honestly dont know if i consider myself a multi-shipper, but at the same time i have no issue with any ship (just the canonical execution of some...YIKES)
That said, at the end of the day just someone who makes them happy, respects them and have a healthy relationship with.
My happily ever after for them:
My practical take: Overall i just wanted them to have a happy/satisfying ending, more so than anyone else. These two probably have the most tragic backstories, endured so much trauma and suffering since childhood/their entire lives...THEY F*CKING DESERVED IT.
My delulu brainrotty take: Princess Mikasa of Hizuru and her (willing) sex consort Levi rule/repopulate the world with their dozens of Ackerman babies XD
Thanks again for the ask! Happy to answer more :)
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Just an observation. The vminnies were being fed pretty heavily since the beginning of the year, and now the content seems somewhat focused on the other pairings (mainly involving JM & JK). This is not shipper narrative but what we are being shown. Why do you think this happens? We definitely don’t need weekly content aligning with our ship of choice, but it is something I have noticed from the time vmin caught my attention. Editing truly can mess with your head, not to mention when it jumps all over the timeline. I have to say, as great as Let’s BTS was, it left me scratching my head more. The entire group’s reaction was all over the place, and sorry JM was rather distant.
Hi everyone,
Since Admin 1 is very busy again, I’ll (Admin 2) answer instead.
It's true, I agree with the anon. All the content we receive is edited and by design is supposed to show us all the members and their interactions. However, depending on what we focus on, we will see our chosen members more than others. In this case our chosen members are Jimin and Taehyung, so naturally in every content we get, we notice their interactions with the members most, or lack thereof. One thing that’s important to keep in mind is that we don’t know why things are edited the way they are, be it to make them funnier, so scenes that are less funny get cut, or more serious, so scenes that are not serious are cut, etc. Does that mean the editors were told to cycle through “feeding” different ships? No. It just depends on which members interactions happened and which fit the mood of the content best, or which added more to the point/theme/message of the content.
Admin 1 wrote a post about a similar topic (as in the “no screen time = no bond” paradox) some time ago which you can read here.
Even if a specific piece of content has more interactions between, like you gave as example, Jimin and JK, that doesn’t mean it is this way for the sake of shippers, but that perhaps their interactions were ones that fit the episode best, but whatever else is interpreted into that, that’s only on the shippers and their narratives and often does not have anything to do with the actual interaction itself. Notice how some will take the most inconsequential interaction and turn it into the biggest romantic gesture ever, and yet gestures that really show a form of gentleness or “intimacy”, like Taehyung taking Jimin’s cold hand and touching it to his cheek, are ignored or drowned out or belittled even though, subjectively, interactions like these show us something that very much is significant.
So while we might get more interactions between members X and Y, the type of interaction is what makes the difference. As well as the choices editors made for whatever reason, but those reasons have nothing to do with romance. Bhit and the editors for their different content are not a dating agency and BTS content isn’t part of a larger “romantic” show like, I don’t know, Love Island.
Furthermore, we already had this conversation so many times, and Admin 1 also already asked for questions insinuating these types of things, to stop because it makes us feel like a broken record. We have to learn to differentiate between normal interactions between friends and those that actually hold more significance, because most interactions are just interactions between best friends and any romantic vibes and implications are projected onto them by those that want them to be this way. If you watch content through a more OT7 lens, these interactions will just be funny to you and you won’t think of them as “ship” interactions. After all, even OT7s noticed how much more significant Taehyung’s words to Jimin in Let’s BTS were while they laughed at how Jimin’s request from JK was like a typical thing between best friends/brothers. Only their shippers decided that their “I’m hyungs copycat” message has deeply romantic implications, because that’s what they wanted from that scene.
Besides if you pay attention to what happens in shipper spaces, when there are more vmin moments with clear implications pointing toward them being more, immediately other shippers jump into action to show that their ship supposedly has way more romantic interactions than whatever vmin did. Even if they are the only ones who see things like that. It’s treated as competition, which is unhealthy and misses the point.
Let's BTS was very interesting and funny and, in places, very controversial when it comes to shippers.
I've read a lot of different reactions. From the very nice and sweet reaction of OT7s to Taehyung's words over to unpleasant and even offensive opinions from shippers of other ML ships.
According to Jk*okers, Taehyung acted inappropriately and intrusively, in the opinion of Tk*okers this letter was actually somehow meant toward JK etc. the list goes on and on.
In my opinion, Jimin was not distant. Jimin was nervous and a bit surprised, but also behaved a bit as if he knew what to expect.
I think that: If Jimin hadn't agreed with Taehyung's words and all of his actions, we would never have seen it, the way Jin asked the You Quiz editors to cut large parts of his answers as well. The program was not live, it was edited, had music in the background to set the mood, and so on. As example the letter was blurred out for dramatic effect or because a request for that was made, we might never know, but if the translation of the content of the card being for Jimin’s eyes only was the right one, then it would be the latter option. If this situation had not been welcomed and okay with Jimin, it probably would not have been aired in this form and instead replaced by something else, redone, or a million other options. Jimin was visibly nervous, maybe a bit embarrassed, he wanted this situation to "pass" as quickly as possible, but he was definitely not distant or anything else that has a negative implication/connotation.
On the other hand, I personally saw some satisfaction on Jimin's face. Let's not pretend that not everyone would be happy to receive such a message from the most beautiful man in the world (lol). Taehyung spoke honestly about his feelings (“Jimin-ah, I like you the most”) and Jimin reacted the way he did. He didn't know what to do, whether to laugh or cry or run away from nervousness, but there was no negative reaction on his part. Jimin, with a very serious face and focused eyes, replied clearly by saying “Thank you, Taehyung, I also like you a lot”. He wouldn’t say that if he was distant, or if he wouldn’t feel that way or if he didn’t like the situation or Taehyung’s words.
Now firmly putting on my delulu hat just to be sure: In my opinion there was something important on this piece of paper but phrased in a way that wouldn’t cause any weird thoughts in the KBS staff (since those cards were clearly written and prepared by the same person and not the members themselves since the handwriting was the same) but that Jimin would understand. Taehyung and Jimin know each other long enough to communicate things toward each other in a manner that only they will understand the implication of something, I’m certain of that. Jimin's words were an answer to Taehyung's “confession” and while outwardly they didn’t seem as weighted as Taehyung’s, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did hold a deeper meaning that only the two of them understood. Maybe it has something to do with the ring that suddenly appeared on Taehyung's index finger?
Okay, taking my delulu hat off again.
In summary, in my opinion even if certain content has more scenes between Taehyung/Jimin and Z member instead of between the two of them, that doesn’t mean it’s to “feed” other shippers or that it contradicts vmin as what we see them. It all boils down to editing choices and what fits the mood/theme/message etc of the content best and what footage was captured. Also we should watch content as ARMY first and shippers second that way we don’t see other “ship” interactions as “negative” but simply as what they are: cute/funny/interesting interactions between the members, whom we should all love.
And no, Jimin wasn’t distant. He reacted in a way that made sense and fit Jimin, as in his way of keeping private things private and guarding his more affectionate interactions with Taehyung. If he hadn’t liked it or hadn’t agreed with Taehyung’s words, he wouldn’t have told him that he likes him a lot too, but instead he could’ve said something teasing to downplay the situation, or used Yoongi’s screaming and the other members reaction (I talked about those, and especially Jin’s, here) as an out to not say anything at all. But he didn’t. (also, to reiterate what I, and we, have said many times before, if Taehyung/Jimin were romantically involved with someone else, they wouldn’t do these things with their romantic implications, but they do them, so…)
I wish you a nice day or a quiet night, depending on where you are.
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lesbian-vmin · 4 years
Ask Roundup #1 - Vmin
Hey, guys! I promised to be here at least once this weekend and answer some asks. As I’ve been terribly busy with work, a lot has built up in the in box. With over 200 asks to get to, I decided it would be better to take an idea from romanticdrift and do an ask roundup and sort of answer what I have so far. No, I won’t answer all 200 in this post because a lot are very similar. But I’ll be summarizing asks and clearing out my inbox. Many of these are paraphrased, but keeping the original context. (vmin focus only)
Discussed in here
The importance of vmin friendship
4 o’clock
Chim’s reaction to Tae calling during kimbap live
No vmin live
Sad Tae / Vmin tension
Vmin friendzoning
I was going to add more asks to the mix, but this got really long with just the few that I answered. I also tried to do a mix of soft vmin and people wanting me to expand on some idea of vmin not being close or the “friendzone” thing.
anonymous asked:
Part of me wishes that vmin was real. Another part of me doesn’t want them to be. Don’t get me wrong, I ship them and don’t have a problem with the idea of them being gay and in love. But somehow I really like the idea of them being best friends who just really care deeply about each other. Does that make sense?
That makes perfect sense to me, honestly. I often talk about the value of friendship on this blog and how friendships are just as important as romantic relationships. If vmin have the close bond they do with each other, and it’s totally platonic, it sort of proves that there are friendships out there that have connections just as deep as romantic love.
This is one of the reasons I don’t push the “romantic vmin” agenda too hard. Because their friendship is perfect and ideal if that’s all it is. It really puts the statement “something deeper than friendship” to shame. Because what’s deeper than friendship? In fact, a romance with someone you can’t also consider your best friend doesn’t seem deep at all. It’s almost like “friendship” is what make romantic relationships deep. You know what I mean? You just won’t have the same connection with a romantic partner if you’re not also friends with them. So it’s silly to me how friendships are often devalued.
Regardless of what type of relationship vmin have, I think it’s okay for them to be the model of the type of relationship someone else would want to have. Whether it be with a friend or an s/o. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to have a romantic relationship that matches someone else’s friendship. And, if you don’t think vmin is real but still relate to them as “couple goals” because that’s the kind of relationship you want, then that’s fine. That’s actually sort of the kind of shipper that I am.
someone asked:
Tae started crying at the end of 4 o’clock during their performance. But if it’s just about the dumpling fight, why would he cry? Am I delulu? Was the fight really that intense?
someone else said:
Chim was smiling and stuff during the practice of 4 o’clock. So I think he had to have known that the song was about him?
These asks were from an anonymous person, but they were two separate asks. So I wanted to specify them as two separate asks in this post, but answer them together.
First things first. Let’s get a few links in here that you can reference to understand my answer a little better if you don’t know the whole story.
Four O’Clock | RM & V perform 4 o’clock live | The practice for the performance | The Friends Unit Interview | My (Old) Analysis of the Interview | Vlive in Which Chim Talks about The Incident | Vlive in Which Tae talks about the Incident
Okay. Let’s talk about Tae crying during the performance. I can’t actually say that he really cried, but he did seem to get emotional at the end. It’s a song that’s about a fight that is a big staple in their friendship. I think it’s pretty obvious that there’s more to the dumpling incident that they’re not telling us. I don’t think that’s the first time they would have had such an argument. They probably argue about whether to eat pizza or burgers all the time, and whether they should have dinner first and then watch a movie or watch a movie and then eat dinner.
Just the fact that Chim stated that he had to go and have a drink with Syub after the fight tells us that there was more to the incident than they are telling us. You don’t go and drink yourself drunk because you and your best friend can’t agree on whether to eat dumplings before or after practice.
I think that incident is one of the building blocks of their friendship. I think that it happened at a time they were going through a lot of changes. We know that Chim tends to be pretty possessive, and this was at a time that Tae started having his own schedule because of Hwarang. I think there were a lot of sudden changes to things, and that stressed them out and put some strain on their friendship. And it’s possible that’s entirely wrong.
Either way. It’s pretty clear there’s more to it than dumplings. But we can’t begin to analyze and figure out what it is and expect to be remotely accurate. And quite frankly, no matter how curious any of us may be, it’s none of our business. If they wanted us to know the “obviously more to the story” part of the story, they’d tell us.
And now. I guess I could have handles the two asks separately. But anyway. I’ve already talked about how I think Chim did already know that 4 o’clock was about that incident. So check the interview analysis I linked above for my discussion on that topic. I’m going to be going through my analyses soon and updating them, but that answer will do for now.
anonymous asked
You talked about Tae calling Chim on his live but what your thoughts about Tae caling during Ji / kook live. Chim was so unprepared and Kook was laughing about Tae calling and I guess Chim’s reaction to it. Chim didn’t seem to be in the flirting mood. I just wanted to know your thoughts on it.
I believe I have talked about this before somewhere, but I’m not entirely sure. So the live you are referring to is the kimbap making one (x). So, I’m going to reference the Mandago Incident in this answer, and I did an analysis on this live before. I’m going to link to the analysis I made. A link to the last mandago live can be found in that analysis. (x)
During the last mandago that we got, I really got the feeling that Chim wanted to do a live with Tae, but Tae didn’t want to join him. We have Chim being all sour and pouty and even down right petty in that last live, and I sort of got the same vibes from his behavior when Tae called during the kimbap live.
We know that Chim keeps saying he want to do a vlive with Tae, but it never happens. What the real story behind their lack of a live together is, we may never know.
I have a theory about this one, but it is just a theory. It’s probably not even remotely true, and there are thousands of other possibilities than what I’m about to say in regards to this live.
I think that it’s possible that the Ji / kook kimbap making live was supposed to be a vmin kimbap making live. Or vmin / kook, but I’m leaning further away from that option for this analysis to make a little more sense in relation to the mandago one (which I compare it to).
This analysis is assuming (1) that the kimbap making was supposed to be Chim’s live originally (2) he originally invited Tae to do the live with him (3) Tae refused (4) Chim wanted to do the live, but not alone (5) He asked Kook (6) Kook accepted, and they did the live together.
That’s a lot of assumptions to make for a logical analysis, but it’s seriously the vibe I got from Tae’s phone call.
Let’s look at the key points from the mandago live:
(1) Chim wanted to do Mandago (2) He wanted to do with Tae because it’s their thing (3) Tae didn’t want to come (4) Chim invited Kook instead (5) Kook came
After Kook joined the Mandago live, it didn’t take long before Tae joined as well. As stated in my analysis, you could make the argument that he wanted to eat as well (because they had food), but he ended up bringing his own food. He didn’t have to join the live to eat if he already had food on his own. I think he was upset because Chim was doing “mandago” without him. Even thought it ended up not really being a mandago live and more of Eat Jin.
Chim’s behavior in both lives really seems similar to me. So I sort of got the feeling that Tae was originally supposed to be part of the live but refused. Then when he saw that Chim was with Kook instead, he got upset. He called Chim, and Chim got upset. A “if you wanted to be in the live, why didn’t you just do it” sort of upset. Like, if Tae didn’t want to do the live with him, why is he calling during the live? Knowing they’re live? You get what I’m saying.
And, no. I’m not saying this is a Ji / kook vs vmin thing. And I’m not even trying to imply any sort of unhealthy level of jealousy here. I just think (if this theory is remotely correct) it shows how Chim is being real with us. He’s not just pulling our leg and saying that he wants to do a live with Tae but he really doesn’t and it’ll never happen. I think, again - if my theory is remotely correct, this shows how Tae doesn’t want to do a solo vmin live with Chim. Even if this theory is correct, it’s possible that Tae would have called regardless if Kook was there or not. Because, based on the theory, he was initially invited, but he didn’t want to be there in person. Alone. With Chim. For whatever reason.
Again, relating it to my theory, I think Tae either called because (1) If Kook was going to be there, he would have joined. Because that would have been a third person, keeping it from being him and Chim alone. So when he saw Kook there, he wanted to make himself part of it somehow. Or (2) He would have called even if it was just Chim because he’s more okay with talking on the phone than being there in person. 
I might do an actual analysis of the kimbap live, but we’ll see. It’s easier to talk about a theory here than to actually analyze because there’s not a lot to go off of without making assumptions.
related to this, anonymous asked:
Why do you think vmin won’t do a vlive together?
With some other saying that them not doing so makes it hard for us to see that they are really friends.
So, my idea on why they won’t do a vlive together is a little different than what I’ve read around. I think the reason it doesn’t happen is simply because they don’t want to, but not for any particular reason other than taking the time to do it. I’m going to explain.
We can make the argument that they are comfortable with each other and don’t want to have to be too careful. But I think that’s a copout for thinking a little deeper about it and making it more realistic. Yeah, it’s possible that they’ll have to watch themselves while they’re live, but what makes that different than any of the other members?
Ji / kook can have a live together, look into each other’s eyes, tease each other, and all kinds of things during vlive, so...why is the case different for them than with vmin? I don’t really think that them having to “watch it” has anything to do with them not doing a live together. It’s not like they’re really going to “forget about the camera” and accidentally make out or something. Even if they are in a relationship. They wouldn’t do that.
My honest belief, until I’m given reason to believe otherwise, is because they simply don’t want to. Vlives are often done from the studio or some other place where they work (if not hotel rooms). We don’t get random vlives of them living day-to-day life or going to Lotte World. So this means that most vlives we get are planned for work, or done during down time from work. But it’s always related to work somehow.
I really think that Tae and Chim are best friends and enjoy spending time with each other the same way any other friends do. When they are together, that’s their time, and they probably don’t want to share it with us. Because they share a lot of things with us, and I’m sure they have things (like their friendship or time together) that they want to keep for themselves. Despite Chim acting like the more private one, yet wanting to do a vlive with Tae, I think this is why Tae refuses. Because, although he doesn’t seem to be shy about expressing his love for Chim, he wants to keep their private time private as well. 
And that’s all I think it is. And, honestly, if that’s the case, we can relish in the fact that we don’t get vmin lives. Even if getting one would be nice. It’s nicer to know that they want to keep their private time private because their friendship is important to them and they don’t want to make it about us. And. Who knows? Maybe the mandago thing and the dumpling incident all have a part to play in this. Because maybe the publicity put on their friendship at the time is what caused those kinds of strains to happen. And to avoid something like that again, maybe that’s why they won’t go live.
But. I think it’s possible we’ll get one eventually. I haven’t given up yet.
anonymous said:
HI. I would just like to remind your readers about 2020 Festa: Unit Interview @12:31 VMIN was asked: What do you want to say to each other? Tae somehow refused to answer and just said: "WE ALWAYS SAY IT TO EACH OTHER." There's NO NEED to say what they feel for each other openly. No explanations whatsoever. As Chim said in Bon Voyage 2, not us, not even the members can fully understand what they feel about each other.
Remember what I said about no theory being good enough to be truth behind vmin? This anon gets it.
a mix of asks relates to
I don’t know why people keep saying Tae is sad or that vmin are fighting. They are fine. Nothing’s wrong.
I don’t know what’s more harmful. Assuming someone is sad all the time. Or assuming they’re fine all the time.
There are times when Tae is obviously down, and he shows it. I think he doesn’t try so hard to put on a fake happy face for us, and I think that’s wonderful. It’s okay not to be okay, and we really don’t have a lot of icons out there that let us know that. They may tweet and talk about mental health and the importance of it. But celebrities that actually show their mental status or even talk about their own level of happiness is far and few between. People think they’re happy all the time, and those that do say they’re not often get attacked because “why wouldn’t they be happy? They have fame, money, and everything?”
If you don’t see that Tae might be sad at a particular moment, or don’t think that vmin has a moment of tension, I guess that’s fine. But to say that it never happens is obviously false. Everyone gets sad sometimes, and everyone has tension with their closest friends.
That being said, those who go overboard and act like Tae is never happy or that vmin hate each other...yeah. That’s a bit much and needs to stop. Tae’s emotions are dynamic, and vmin love each other.
another mix of asks relates to
Do you think vmin are intentionally trying to friendzone themselves because they don’t want us to get suspicious? Or do you think they want us to know that they are only friends and shipping makes them uncomfortable?
Friendzone what? Like. What?
Regardless of what Tae and Chim are together, they are still best friends. The one thing that we confirm about their relationship is indeed that.
I really don’t think they ever say “he’s my best friend” in a “no-homo” kind of way, and that’s sort of what both scenarios presume. Two men can call each other “best friends” without having an implied “no-homo” label onto it.
And let me talk about this “no-homo” thing, okay? I’m not sure how many lgbt people are asking this question, but from my own lgbt perspective “no-homo” was always a little offensive to me. Like, why can’t you just give your bro a hug? Or why can’t you just say “I love you” to a friend? Are we really to the point where people have to say “no-homo” because they don’t want to give someone the wrong idea?
Honestly, my best straight male friend hugs me and tells me he loves me all the time, and he sometimes says “no-hetero” when he does it. And I love him to bits and pieces in a completely no-hetero kind of way because he started the joke because he realized how offensive the other statement was. At least, how much it bothered me regardless of how any other lgbt people felt about it.
Anyway. My point is, regardless of what kind of relationship vmin have together, I’m sure they say “he’s my best friend” because they are best friends. Regardless of any other labels they could have, they are best friends, and that’s what they want to let us know. I don’t think it has anything to do with dumbass “friendzoning” or “no-homo” shit. I don’t think they have some ulterior motive by simply stating that they are best friends.
And. Honestly. I if I asked my sister who her best friend is? She’d say her husband (or me lmao). If I asked my best friend who her best friend is? She’d say her husband (or me lmao). If I asked my straight male best friend? He’d say his wife (or me lmao). So. Again. My point is. Your significant other can be your best friend, and referring to them as such doesn’t mean you are friendzoning them.
It doesn’t mean that vmin is a real couple. It doesn’t mean that they’re not a real couple. It just means that, if they are, they’re obviously not going around introducing each other or talking about each other as boyfriends.
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themoonispurple7 · 4 years
I was wondering, could you or someone else explain why the word change from "and" to "but" is significant in those TTU performances where it happened. I know the lyrics and I've seen the performances (and I love the song), and I do know the difference between "and" and "but". But for some reason I don't get the significance to Jikook, like I understand why the whole song could be significant for them, but just the word change and it's meaning baffles me a bit when everyone talks about it.
I’ve linked this thread before, and I’ll link it again because it goes through every single TTU performance during their tour: https://twitter.com/TheMoon_HisSun/status/1263878492996993025
Now, let’s take a look at the lyrics. Here is the full translation. In the last part, the lyrics say:
I’m crying at this sandcastle that is vanished, collapsed, and left alone, looking at the broken mask
And I still want you But I still want you But I still want you
And I still want you
Beware, this is just my speculation, my delulu thoughts. 
To me, the original lyrics are saying something like “yes, I still want you”, it shows a continuation of desire, and that’s where the song stops.
When you change it to “but”, they could be saying, “despite all of this, despite not being able to be me, despite all of the challenges, problems, unacceptance, and struggles, I still want you. 
Lyrics before that:
You know that I can’t Show you me Give you me I can’t show you my miserable self, so, yet again, I wear a mask and go to meet you But I still want you
There is that “but” again. “Despite the hiding, despite the mask I have to wear, I still want you”. In the end, the mask is broken, which could perhaps mean... no more hiding. 
The fact that they turned to each other while singing that last line feels like they wanted to emphasize that point even more... And showing who the “you” of the song is. It could be just an artistic choice, or it could also be a personal choice. I’m honestly still baffled by the whole thing.
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Trans: doolsetbangtan
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eonghwa · 3 years
I'm doing alright, could've been better but you know... at least I got a lot of Ateez content to make me look forward to something (I still need to catch up on some stuff). I'm sad the promotion is over, but also anxious about what they're going to do next. Would love them to rest for longer... But there's something planned for their anniversary, also rumours about the tour announcement. I still have 3 tickets for their gigs, but I don't know if I'm emotionally ready to see them. 😭
And let me tell you, every day my love for Ateez, Seonghwa especially grows and grows, my heart is ready to burst. 💔 I've never met a person like Park Seonghwa, such a kind-hearted, considerate, empathetic, lovely and sensitive man... Not to sound like a delulu, but he's really so perfect and so human at the same time. Hwa truly touches my heart like no other person out there. But anyway, not going to write an essay here, you know very well what I mean. He just deserves the world!
Now, Seonghwa's duality - honestly he has so many different sides to him, both as a person and a performer, I'm amazed. The way he fits in every concept so damn well is i n s a n e to me. And the fact he's getting better and better (and more deadly) every comeback makes me go KKJAVSBAAGSFAGSVVAFSFAGA - honestly that's the only thing going on in my mind whenever I see him, just pure gibberish... thanks Seonghwa for making me malfunction every day! I just don't understand how he went from sexy messy black haired vampire-like creature to this cute pink catboy. 😵
It's 11PM where I am, I think it's a perfect time for my "crying over Seonghwa" nightly routine, though I feel like I've been crying over him the whole day... - I.A.
whatever it is i hope it can get better then, if you need anything i’m here!
tbh at the time being i’m really not ready for them to announce tour and i really wish they will wait a bit more 😭 like i’ve been waiting for this concert since 2019 but rn i’m scared lol idk and it’s so weird because it feels like it’s been YEARS since they cancelled and yet seems like yesterday i was getting ready to get tix ): been feeling so weird these days
yes, he does the deserve the world <3 i’m so proud of him and the gorgeous human being he is and grows to be everyday! i hope his days are filled with happiness ): and he receives all the love in the world.! (you can write an essay if you feel like that 🥺) - i just love watching him shine and doing him thing from the sideline and watch him grow as a performer and artist more and more <3
it’s 11pm here too (midnight at this point) and i really got so sad, been crying for at least the past hour kedbsjajd but yes it’s always crying hours open for him..
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