#i held the wheel yes but law had the gps
fuupan · 2 months
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Another First Date {Fatherhood}
An extension of Oblivion. It’s not necessary to read the story first, but if you’d like to, here is the masterlist: Oblivion
A series of short stories that revolve around Cassian as a single father, raising his daughter, Lily.
Fatherhood {Oblivion Masterlist}
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Cassian looked in the mirror and slowly shook his head.
He felt ridiculous.
It had been almost ten years since Cassian had been out on a date and he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. If it hadn’t been for Feyre and Elain’s constant asking of him to get himself back out there and be happy, he wouldn’t even be doing what he was about to do.
It wasn’t that Feyre and Elain wanted him to forget about Nesta. Instead, they insisted that he was lonely, even though he really wasn’t. He had no time to be lonely.
Lily kept him on his toes.
At nine-years-old, she kept him just as busy as she had when she was a newborn. Instead of changing dirty diapers and gifting her unending bottles, though, he was taking her to dance and soccer, helping her with homework, and bringing her and her friends to the park on playdates. 
But, after his sister-in-laws thought he should be doing more for himself, they had set him up.
He had a ton of emotions about it.
Nerves being at the top of the list.
Excitement from time to time.
An excessive amount of guilt. 
Which was ridiculous. Of course, he knew Nesta wouldn’t have minded him finding someone else. It had been nearly a decade since her death. By now, most people would have moved on and found someone new. 
Cassian just hadn’t been ‘most people’.
“You look nice, dad.”
Cassian spun around, not having heard his daughter creep into the doorway. Kiara, their golden retriever, sat by her feet.
“Yeah?” Cassian asked, looking back in the mirror. “I shouldn’t wear the red shirt?”
Lily shook her head, arms crossed. “Definitely the black.”
“Alright,” Cassian sighed. “Thanks, kid.”
Lily nodded. ‘Yeah, yeah. You’re welcome. While you were getting yourself all prettied-up, Aunt Lainy got here. She’s ordering pizza for me and Nora.”
Cassian nodded as he grabbed his wallet and keys from off the top of his dresser. He slowly faced his daughter. “Look, if you’re not okay with this-.”
Lily groaned and rolled her eyes. “Dad, I told you it's fine.”
“I know, I just-.”
Lily, apparently having heard enough, turned on her heels and walked away, Kiara keeping just behind her. He had asked Lily the week before if she would be okay with him going on a date.
And he had continued to ask her every day since.
She’d never seemed concerned about it, had told him to go and have fun. He then went on to go into detail about what dates entail, and she told him to please shut up when he told her he may be kissing some random woman.
He also told her that no one would ever replace her mother.
It was impossible. 
And every time Cassian had asked Lily if it was okay, she had told him it was.
So, here he was, feeling like an inexperienced teenager, about to go out on a blind date. Tanwyn worked with Feyre, and Cassian knew very little about her. All he knew is that she was nice and pretty and liked kids.
Cassian figured it was a good starting point. 
When he went downstairs, Elain, Nora, Lily, and Kiara were all on the couch together, turning on a movie. When Elain saw Cassian, she whistled. 
“Look at you, handsome,” she sang.
Lily and Nora covered their mouths and broke into a fit of giggles. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, as he reached the floor and headed toward the door. He stopped in the living room, though, and knelt down in front of Lily. “You’ll probably be asleep when I get home, so if that’s the case, I love you and goodnight.”
“I love you, too,” Lily beamed. “Now leave. It’s girls night.”
Cassian snorted and leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. “Be good.”
“She’s always good,” Elain said, shooing him away. As he walked by her though, she whispered, “Have fun, Cass.” 
He would.
He would try, anyway. 
As he got into his truck and put Tanwyn’s address into his GPS, though, he felt like he was going to puke. A date. What did people even do on dates these days? Was romance still a thing, or was it all about sex?
Mother’s tits, it had been a long time since Cassian had sex. He’d become quite friendly and familiar with his hand throughout the years, though.
That had been Rhysand and Azriel’s chime when he told them their wives were trying to set him up.
Look at it this way: even if it goes bad, at least you’ll get some.
As Cassian stopped at the stop sign at the end of his road, he felt the strong temptation to turn around and haul ass back home.
But, he knew that would only lead to a scolding from Elain, so he turned right and made his way toward the main road. 
Ten minutes later, he was pulling into Tanwyn’s driveway and regretting everything. 
Leaving his truck running, he strode to the front door, rang the doorbell, and waited.
He could hear hurried steps on the other side of the door, and then it was thrown open.
Feyre had been right - Tanwyn was pretty, and perhaps only a year or two younger than Cassian. She wasn’t much shorter than he was, with her long, tanned legs and long, brown hair. 
She smiled when she met Cassian’s eyes. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Cassian said, then cleared his throat. “You look...nice.” 
She wore a red dress that showed off a generous amount of cleavage. 
“You look pretty good yourself,” she said, and stepped out onto the porch, shutting and locking her door behind her. “I’m Tanwyn.”
“Cassian,” he said, and held out his hand like he was at a damned job interview.
Tanwyn let out a quiet laugh before shaking his hand, delicately. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Cassian, the gentleman he was, opened the passenger side door and helped Tanwyn up into his truck. He then got behind the wheel and put the truck into reverse.
“Feyre’s told me a lot about you,” Tanwyn said, when they began driving down the road. 
“Uh oh,” Cassian muttered. “All good things I hope.” 
Tanwyn nodded. “All good things.”
They fell into a silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, even though Cassian’s thoughts remained racing at a million miles an hour. 
What was she thinking?
What exactly had Feyre told her?
Was she aware that he kept glancing at her breasts?
It was going to be a long night.
They pulled into the restaurant and Tanwyn made a comment about how much she liked the place he’d chosen. It had been years since he’d been there, the last time being for a company Christmas party, but the food was good and it was upscale enough to be considered fancy. 
They sat in a corner and there was a candle lit between them. The waiter brought out a bottle of white wine, and Cassian wasted no time downing his glass before filling up again.
Just a little to take the edge off.
“You seem nervous,” Tanwyn said, at last, after the waiter brought them a basket of bread.
Cassian took a slice of bread out of the basket and buttered it up before he asked, “Exactly how much did Feyre tell you about me?”
Tanwyn’s eyes softened, and there it was.
The pity.
“I know about your past, if that’s what you’re referring to,” she said, and took a piece of bread for herself. “And I know you have a daughter, too. Lily, is it?”
“Yeah,” Cassian said, finally finding a subject he was comfortable talking about - his daughter, his love. “She’s almost ten, although she thinks she’s sixteen.” 
Tanwyn chuckled. “I get that. I don’t have kids, but I have a niece I’m close to. She’s the same age. Maybe we can get them together sometime.” 
Cassian nodded as he gave her a nice, gentle smile. “That sounds nice.”
The dinner went on like that. Tanwyn was kind, and she seemed genuine. There was nothing about her that was a turn off, nothing that seemed strange or out of place.
Which is why, when Cassian brought her back home after dinner and dropped her off, he walked her up to her front door and leaned down, pressing his lips softly to hers.
The kiss lasted a few seconds, and it was nothing heated, nothing intense.
It was….nice.
But that’s all it was. Just nice. 
When they pulled apart, Tanwyn smiled. “Goodnight, Cassian.”
“Goodnight,” he said, and she walked inside.
So much for getting some. 
Cassian made his way back to his truck and got inside, and drove back across town to his house. There was a soft light on in the living room, but the rest of the house was dark. He looked at the clock on his dashboard. It was just after ten. 
When he opened the door, Elain was sitting on the couch by the lamp on the side table, watching some horrid reality t.v. show. As soon as she heard the door, though, she was looking over her shoulder, brows raised. “You’re home early.” 
Cassian chuckled as he strode to the couch and plopped down next to his sister-in-law. “Yeah, don’t tell your husband that.”
Elain smiled, but she nodded as she looked back toward the t.v. “So, how’d it go?”
Cassian thought for a minute about the right way to answer such a loaded question, but he eventually settled on, “It was okay.”
“Okay?” Elain repeated. 
“Nice,” Cassian pushed. “It was nice.”
She looked over at him, then. “Will there be a second date?”
Cassian let out a breath through his nose and shrugged. “I don’t think so, Lainy.”
“Why not?” she asked, only curiosity in her voice. “She’s nice, and gorgeous, and judging by the pink lipstick on the corner of your mouth, she’s into you, too.”
Cassian hesitated as he reached up and wiped off his mouth. Sure enough, on the back of his hand was the softest tint of pink. He laughed, quietly. “She was nice. And, yeah, she’s beautiful….but, it just didn’t feel right, you know?”
"Because of Nesta?” Elain asked, resting her head on the back of the couch.
“No,” Cassian answered. “Yeah. Both yes and no.”
Elain just watched him, waiting for him to continue, patiently. 
“There was just no spark, you know?” Cassian said, at last, staring absently at the wall beside the t.v. “With Nesta….it was like this all-consuming fire. Constant flame, passion….” He shook his head. “Every time I even thought about her I would get so weak in the knees that I couldn’t function, and my mind….would just lose all train of thought. When I was with her, even when we were just kids, starting to date, I had no doubt in my mind that she was the one that I wanted. Even after the years we spent apart, I never lost sight of that, never stopped feeling that way about her. Even now, after ten years without her, Elain, every time I think about her…” His words trailed off as a lump caught in his throat and his vision blurred. He cleared his throat, and even though Elain didn’t push for him to continue, he said, quietly, “Nothing and no one can ever compare to what we had. And, I know relationships aren’t meant to be compared and that I could probably get together with Tanwyn, or someone else, and be happy enough. But, when you had a love like Nesta and I had….everything else just seems….small. Insignificant. Underwhelming.” He looked at Elain and he saw what was left of a tear that had fallen down her pale cheek. “I loved too greatly to love again.” 
Elain opened her mouth to speak, surely to protest, but Cassian shook his head. “And I’m okay with that. I’m at peace with it. You and Feyre worry too much. I’m not lonely. I have a great job, a great family, and an incredible kid,” he said, tossing his arm around Elain and pulling her into his side. “As for sex, Tanwyn was too nice for a one night stand. Good thing my hand is great company.”
Elain laughed, pushing off of him. “I can always count on you to ruin a moment with something inappropriate.”
“Yeah, that was an Azriel and Rhys comment, wasn’t it,” Cassian said, even though he was grinning. “True, though.”
“TMI,” Elain commented, shaking her head. She stood, taking her empty wine glass with her to the kitchen. “Wine?”
“Considering it’s mine?” Cassian chuckled as she disappeared around the corner. “Yeah, sure.”
She came back a moment later with two full glasses. “I thought I’d crash on the couch tonight since Nora is already asleep with Lil in her room. Azriel won’t be back from his trip to Adriata until tomorrow afternoon.”
“He needs a new job,” Cassian muttered, taking the glass from her outstretched hand. “Travels too much.”
Elain hummed in agreement, but the job paid well, and Cassian knew that’s why none of them ever complained. 
Cassian kicked off his shoes and watched crappy t.v. with his sister, instead of having spent the night with a beautiful, single woman. Elain didn’t push him any further about it, even though Cassian was fully aware that she most likely had a thousand more questions.
He had meant what he’d said, though. 
I loved too greatly to love again.
His relationship with Nesta had been more than a relationship. She had been his soulmate, and when two hearts connected on the level that theirs had, there was no going back to those simple, mundane relationships.
They just didn’t compare.
And Cassian was okay with that.
He wouldn’t trade what he’d had with Nesta for anything, even though their time together was cut far too short. He’d do it all again, even if it led to the same outcome.
Every damn time.
It was better to have loved Nesta Archeron and lost than to have never loved her at all.
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Seeking Mercy-Chapter 9
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A/N: This is the next to last chapter of Seeking Mercy. The epilogue to the Falling saga, Resolutions, will be posted on Monday, August 10. So in 7 days this story will be over. Just in time for my new one, Mommy’s (Not So) Good Girl to start on August 12. If you want tagged for the new story or any of my others, just send an ask HERE
A/N2: One warning, two words. Micheal!Dean.
“Y/N!” Sam’s voice frenzy as he screams through the phone. “Get the kids and get out! NOW!”
“What, why?” The panic and terror of her brother-in-law’s voice rushing through her.
“He said yes. The asshole said yes and let Micheal take over. Now we don’t know where he is or what he is up to. So take the kids and go to Bobby’s cabin in Whitefish.”
Y/N feels like ice water is pumping through her veins as she listens to Sam. Dean promised! He promised he wouldn’t do something stupid. But now here she is running around trying to pack up enough stuff for two babies and get away. Get out of town before Micheal finds her. God only knows what he would do to her or the kids, just to hurt the Winchesters.
Strapping Mavelin into her carseat and then placing the infant carrier into its base is difficult with the shaking Y/N is doing. She’s got to get her family to safety. The cabin is almost a whole day’s drive away and she knows she isn’t going to be able to do it, not with kids in tow.
As she finishes putting the last of the bags in the trunk of her Charger, she opens up the internet app on her phone and looks for hotels on the way. She slides in behind the wheel and inputs the coordinates for a hotel in Casper WY into the GPS. 
The Budget Inn is almost 9 hours away but she hopes it’s far enough for an overnight stop, praying Micheal doesn’t somehow track her and the kids down. 
Pulling out of the garage, Y/N watches as the Bunker gets smaller and smaller and then disappears in her rearview. ‘Life on the run with two kids under the age of 2,’ she thinks to herself. ‘Fun times ahead.’
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A week. One whole week since she left the Bunker in a desperation to keep their children and herself safe. Seven days since Sam called and told her that her husband had welcomed in the archangel Micheal to try and save the world.
Damn him! Damn him to hell! He promised he wouldn’t do something rash. He swore to her he would stay cautious and not bow down to anything. He lied. He fucking lied! And now here she is, over a thousand miles away without any idea of what is going on back at home.
Thankfully Micheal has yet to try to seek her out. Y/N bought a prepaid cellphone as soon as she arrived and had destroyed her old one.  She texted Mary from the new number but has not heard hide nor hair from anyone. She wonders if they even got the text.
Maddox has just went down for the night; Mavelin has been out for hours when there is a knock on the cabin’s door. Grabbing her Glock from its hiding spot, she tiptoes to the front and looks out the window.
Standing at the door is her husband. Well, it’s her husband’s vessel anyway. This body is too rigid, standing too straight. Dean would never stand with his shoulders that stiff, what with the weight of the world on them for so long. 
And the outfit! Although her husband looks mighty fine in the stylish ensemble, it is an outdated look. A fashion popular back in the 1920s in England maybe, but in 2018 it is just antiquated.
“Y/N,” her husband’s voice calls out. “I know you are in there. Open up.”
Hearing his voice makes her heart ache. She hasn’t heard his voice for almost 2 weeks, with the last thing he said to her was that he loved her. Tears emerge out of nowhere and she steels herself. She isn’t going to cry. She isn’t going to let him see just how affected she is.
“What do you want, Micheal?” She asks as she props her back against the door frame, out of his view.
“Don’t worry darling. I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you.”
“Why? I have nothing to do with anything. I have no dog in this fight.”
“Oh but you do,” Micheal says. “You hold the key to everything. Just let me in and we can discuss it.”
Hoping and praying that she is making the right decision and that Dean has enough of a hold on his conscience to keep their family safe, Y/N reaches out and unlocks the door. The tick of each tumbler clicking open seems amplified in the room.
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Micheal sits in the chair and watches as Y/N paces back and forth. It’s unnerving to her how he is commandeering the room. Sitting there with his legs crossed at the knees, his arms bent and flat against the cushions on the chair, palms flat and unmoving. 
But the look on his face….the look he gives her everytime she chances a glance at him is daunting. He is complaisant and placating; a menacing smile gracing his lips. 
“What do you mean, I hold the key to everything? I haven’t hunted in over 2 years. I know almost nothing when it comes to what is going on. I’ve been busy raising mine and Dean’s children.”
“Ah-ah-ah,” Micheal tsked. “Don’t you mean Dean’s daughter and his nephew?” 
Y/N feels like she is going to puke! This fucking angel just confirmed her greatest fear. But instead of caving, she denies his claim.
“No, Dean is the father to both my kids.”
“Ah, yes. He plays the proud poppa card well. But we both, you and I, know that that little boy sleeping just in the next room-” Micheal nods his head toward where Maddox is sleeping. “-belongs to Adam, the son John hid.”
“No,” Y/N whispers as the tears she had for so long held in begin to make their way down her face. 
“Yes,” Micheal says. “The boy belongs to Adam. And now Dean knows it too. He’s awake in here you know. Yes, he is inside here-” he points to his head. “-listening, hearing our discussion. He now knows you lied all those months ago. And he also knows that it wasn’t just while he was injured.”
Y/N’s eyes snap to Micheal. “Ye-yes it was,” she defends herself but knows deep down it is no use. The angel knows already.
“Now Y/N why must you continue this charade. I have been watching you for a while now. I have seen it all. And now Dean has too. He has seen you and Adam going at it behind his back for months-MONTHS- before the accident. He has heard all the filthy words said between the two of you and how you wanted Adam to impregnate you. How you begged for his seed to load you up, to fill your womb.
“I have almost successfully broken Dean with that, but I do need your help to complete my mission,” Micheal says as he stands and approaches Y/N. “I need you to leave him. He already knows you’ve cheated, he already knows the youngest Winchester is not his son. So, leave him. Do not let anyone know where you are, where you end up. 
“Not Sam. Not Mary. Not Adam. Pick a place and go there, change your identity, your kids’ identities. I promise not to bother you. I need Dean broken and crushed to fulfill my destiny,” Micheal pauses and stares down at Y/N. “So what do you say, Y/N. Ready to become someone else?”
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Two days later Y/N finds herself laying in bed at the cabin with Mavelin and Maddox by her side. She has cried all she can cry at this point. The proposition Micheal gave her tumbling through her mind. 
Leave Dean and become someone new, go someplace none of the Winchesters will be able to find or Dean dies. Micheal described in vivid detail how he would gradually and leisurely kill Dean and it almost broke her. 
The alternative was to wait out Sam and the rest of the family in hopes that they could figure out how to overtake Micheal and get him out of Dean and bring Dean back home in one piece.
Micheal’s taunts kept haunting her though. Did Dean know now? Did he know she lied? That Maddox wasn’t his son, although at the time she told him the baby was his, she hadn’t been  sure. Thanks to Micheal though, she now knows that Adam Milligan-Winchester did in fact impregnate her. 
But that was something that could be worked out, right? People raise other people’s kids all the time, right? So it isn’t that big of a deal that Adam fathered the boy Dean has been raising. 
Although, that aspect was resolvable, the fact that Dean also now knows that she and Adam had been going at it for longer than she portrayed was something she didn’t know could be fixed. That right there was a big FUCK YOU. Not only had she slept with his brother but she lied and let him assume that it was only while he was injured.
Dean, knowing that Y/N and Adam had been going at it behind his back, was going to be a hurdle she wasn’t sure she could clear.
It was just easier to disappear, right? Just fall off the face of the planet and let Dean move on. He’d find love again, she’s sure. Although it took a lot of hard work on her part to get him to open up, Y/N is confident Dean could find another woman to be loyal and true to him; possibly even give him more children. Kids that were truly his.
The idea of Dean with someone else, though, breaks her heart and Y/N starts sobbing into the pillow once again.
Another month passes before Y/N finally hears a ping from her cellphone. It’s a message from Mary.
Mary: We did it Y/N. We saved Dean. It is safe to come home.
That night, Y/N and the kids are on the road heading toward the Bunker when her formerly silent phone rings.
“How far out are you?” It’s Dean’s voice and she can tell it is her husband, not the man who once enraptured his body. The tone and cadence of it is what she is used to.
“I’m in Bridgeport, so about 5 hours. Give or take,” she answers. “How are you?”
Instead of answering, Dean sighs through the phone. “I’ve arranged a place for you and the kids to live comfortably. It’s across town but we all worked together and have warded it against everything possible. You’ll be safe. I’ll send you the address. All I ask is that you allow me to see Mavelin.”
Y/N’s heart breaks in her chest as she hears his words. He doesn’t want her to come to the Bunker. He doesn’t want her anymore. The tears she thought she had all cried out came back with a vengeance; enough that Y/N had to pull over to compose herself.
“Dean, no. Please? Can we talk when I get back to the Bunker?”
There is silence on the other end and she takes the mobile device away to see that the call has  ended. He had hung up on her. While staring at the screen a text comes through.
 “134 Chestnut Street.”
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igottoomuchwriting · 5 years
Reed900 Gavin crashed his car doing something stupid. He's unharmed but embarassed and calls Nines to come get his ass.
Okay, so, heads up, this isn’t where Gavin crashes his car because I couldn’t really think of something stupid. BUT it’s still stupid, still involves a car, and still involves Nines making fun of him (thinking this is what you wanted). So, hopefully you like it???
Speed was Gavin’s thing.
Before Gavin was a detective, he spent a lot of time doing patrol. One thing Gavin never cared about was people speeding by him, as long as it was under 13 miles an hour. He has let some people drive by him going 25 to 30 miles before, but that was when he knew nothing was around. That was a rare occurrence though.
The times he actually cared about people were speeding when he and Tina were on speed trap together. He was on duty of finding someone speeding where he would tell Tina so that she could pull them over. Yes, it was a dick thing to do, but sometimes he got bored, even in the big city of Detroit.
Knowing the need to speed and the adrenaline when you do it, he never pulled anyone over. In fact, he was one of the people you could find speeding through the streets of Detroit.
“I don’t understand how you became a detective,” Tina commented once when they were driving together in Gavin’s car.
“My need for speed has nothing to do with my detective position.”
“Yeah, because your criminal justice degree helps so much.” The conversation ended with the friends bickering as they always do.
Gavin knew the street laws. He knew where speed traps were hidden, and he will even report speed traps on Google Maps. He knew what to do and has only been caught a few times.
Nines doesn’t seem to give a fuck about any of that, though.
“Gavin, you are going fifteen miles over the speed limit. I highly suggest that you slow down before something bad happens.”
“Nines, would you kindly shut the fuck up,” Gavin snapped. 
He and Nines both had the day off, though Gavin was just going to run errands, but Nines had asked to tag along. It was only a few months ago that he deviated and he hasn’t explored much of Detroit. Who was Gavin to deny his boyfriend that wish?
As Gavin listened to Nines scold his driving, though, he was starting to think he should have just gone alone.
“You are going to be pulled over,” Nines continued to scold. Gavin rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on the steering wheel.
“I’m not going to get pulled over. There are no speed traps ahead. I checked before we left.”
“Are you sure they have not set any up now?”
“I don’t know,” Gavin mocked. “Why don’t you look it up on the GPS with your super brain?”
Nines was silent for a few moments, LED spinning yellow as he looked for the information.
“…There are none to be found,” Nines stated, no emotion in his voice. Gavin let a cocky smile take over his face.
“See, tincan?” Gavin looked over at Nines to see his boyfriend staring out the window. He must be embarrassed that he was wrong. “Everything is fine. I’ve done this before. Besides, I can spot a cop car from a mile away.”
Just as he said that, he heard the flick of sirens turn on behind him.
Gavin’s face dropped. He looked in the rear view mirror and sure enough, there was a cop car with his sirens flashing right behind Gavin.
“Fuck,” Gavin cursed as he turned on his blinker. He could see Nines out of the corner of his eye with the smuggest fucking look on his face.
“I can spot a cop car from a mile away,” Nines mocked, using Gavin’s voice to rub salt deep in the wound.
“Don’t say a fucking word,” Gavin hissed. He opened up his arm rest and started digging around for his license and insurance. He would be damned if he was pulled over and didn’t already have it ready. 
Does he even bother with an excuse to get out of it? If someone from their precinct pulled him over, there would be no use. Though, the likely hood of someone who knows him pulling him over is not very high. Can he say that he was late to a meeting? Would Nines even let him lie?
Gavin heard his driver side window roll down, probably by the work of Nines. If the officer was already there then Nines would not waste anytime to embarrassing Gavin.
“Hello, Officer Youngmen,” Nines greeted, smugness in his voice shooting up by tenfold. Gavin tensed up at the name. Shit.
“Nines? Detective Reed?” Youngmen laughed. Gavin slowly turned around and faced the officer who had the widest grin on his face.
“Hey,” Gavin trailed off, wishing that he could just teleport away from this whole situation. There is no way that this wasn’t going to get around the precinct. 
“Do you know what I pulled you over for?” he asked, though with a mocking tone. Gavin let out a sigh. Of course he knew what he pulled him over for.
“Was it because the Detective was going ten miles over the speed limit, officer?” Nines asked. Gavin shot a glare at Nines who chose to ignore it.
“Look,” Gavin snapped. “We all know why I got pulled over. I’m not even gonna try denying that I was speeding, so just take my information, give me a ticket, and go.”
He held up his license and insurance to Youngmen, but the officer waved it away.
“No, I think I will let you off without a ticket this once.”
“What, you feeling generous today?” Gavin asked, suspicious. He and Youngmen were not on a level of ‘friendship’—he uses that term lightly—where Youngmen would be willing to let him off the hook for no reason.
“Oh no,” Youngmen brushed off. He glanced over at Nines where his smile widened. Gavin looked over to his boyfriend to see the android with the same smile on his face, meaning one thing.
“No,” Gavin groaned.
“I am assuming he will let you off because of the backlash you are going to receive from the precinct,” Nines filled in. It sounded like he was going to burst out laughing the moment Youngmen let Gavin leave.
“That seems like punishment enough,” Youngmen agreed. Gavin hit his head on the steering wheel, wondering what the consequences would be if he faked his death.
“I wish Tina pulled me over,” Gavin grumbled.
“Officer Chen is not working today, detective,” Nines helpfully supplied. Gavin flipped him off as Youngmen started laughing.
“I will let you guys go.” Youngmen waved at the couple before walking away.
Gavin hit his head on the steering wheel repeatedly, hoping that if he did it enough, it would kill him. Put him out of his misery. Something.
“Gavin, we should really start driving. It is not safe for us to be sitting on the side of the road like this.”
“Shut the fuck up, tincan,” Gavin grumbled.
“Are you upset that you were caught breaking the law?” Gavin snapped his head up and shot yet another glare at Nines. He could hear his boyfriend holding back his laugh, trying to disguise that he cares about the whole situation.
“If you talk one more time before this car is stopped, I will make you walk the rest of the way,” Gavin threatened.
Nines stayed silent as Gavin pulled back into the highway. Somehow, that made it worse.
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dunkcarlton · 7 years
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving might not seem like that big of a deal until you get into a car accident and severely hurt yourself or someone else. I’ve seen it as a Car Accident Lawyer.  While there are all types of reasons to get distracted while driving, here are three categories of distracted driving you should be aware of.
Visual Distractions
This type of distracted driving involves taking your eyes off of the road.  Even for a few seconds. These include
– Checking the kid’s seatbelts – Looking down at a mobile phone – Fiddling with a GPS tracker – Changing DVDs, CDs or the radio
While all of these situations above are considered strictly visual, mobile phone use and texting also carries over into manual and cognitive distractions.
Texting and driving is becoming a nuisance across the globe, especially in the US.  According to statistics, around 660,000 drivers per day are driving and attempting to look down or text while driving.
Some cell phone statistics:
– One out of every four car accidents that happens in the US is because of texting and driving.
– Over 330,000 accidents a year are caused by driving and texting.
– 94% of drivers are FOR an overall ban of texting while driving and 74% are FOR banning any use of hand-held phones while driving.
– At least 11 teenagers die every day because of texting and driving.
Manual Distractions
This type of distracted driving deals involves person someone removing their hands from the wheel for any particular reason.
– Eating or Drinking while driving – Getting something out of their wallet or purse – Adjusting their briefcase in the other seat – Putting makeup on – *Looking down at your phone or texting – Getting dressed in the car – yes it does happen!
Let’s be clear here.  When you get into a car, you shouldn’t be doing anything but driving and while it would be nice to know everyone else is following the same rules, they probably won’t be.   Eating or putting on makeup should be done before getting into or after getting out of the car and yet so many people do it.
– In 2013 alone, over 3,000 people were killed due to distracted driving
– Also in 2013, 10% of all of the accidents that happened was because of distracted driving of a driver between the ages of 16 and 19.
Cognitive Distractions
A cognitive distraction is one that happens when your mind is not focused on the task at hand.  Whether it’s driving, turning, stopping at a stop sign, or anything that requires your full attention.  A cognitive distraction can happen if:
– Someone else in the car is talking to you – Your phone is ringing – *Texting – Daydreaming – Even having the radio up too loud can be considered a cognitive distraction
Make it a rule that if someone drives with you, they have to let you concentrate on the road.  Always make sure you keep your music off or at a low level.  Also turn your ringer off while in the car so you can concentrate better.  Lastly, make sure that if you are traveling someplace new and using a GPS that you set it up before you take off in your car.
Free Initial Consultation with a Utah Accident Lawyer
f you’ve been injured in a car accident, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/distracted-driving/
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quboblu · 8 years
Court docs: Robbery suspect repeatedly violates bond, avoids jail time until now
FOX10 News is digging deeper into why a man convicted of assaulting a police officer was able to stay out of jail, despite violating his bond over and over again.
Adam Bond was arrested for his alleged involvement in a deadly home invasion in Foley last week while prosecutors were waiting on a bond hearing.  Right now he’s charged with burglary and robbery, but he could also face a murder charge.
Bond has been in and out of jail for the last 14 years, and according to court documents, in just the last four months, he violated his bond at least eight different times. Despite that, the longest time he’s spent in jail at once is six days.
“Sometimes we have to almost have a full blown trial just to get enough evidence in front of a judge so that the judge will revoke the bond,” said Baldwin County District Attorney Bob Wilters. “It’s not a simple system that we are operating in.”
Wilters also says underfunding and understaffing are also issues contributing to the problem.
Bond’s history with the law
In 2005, Bond pleaded guilty to assaulting a Foley Police Officer. According to court documents, he tried to run from the officer and then hit the officer in the head several times during the arrest.
In August 2016, Bond was arrested for receiving stolen property. He bailed out two days later.
In November 2016, Bond was arrested and his tire business was raided for allegedly serving as a drug market. Again, he made bail.
Then in December 2016, Bond went to jail and was charged with possession of a pistol as a violent felon. Six days later he bailed out with the condition he’d stay on house arrest and have to wear a GPS ankle monitor.
Here’s where the alleged bond violations start adding up.
Prosecutors say on January 4th, 18th, 30th and February 6th, Bond let his GPS monitor die.
Then on February 1st prosecutors say Bond tested positive for meth and even admitted he violated terms of his bond. Prosecutors say he didn’t bother to even show up for his drug test on February 6th.
A motion to revoke bond wasn’t filed until February 10th.
A week later, on the 17th judge William Scully set a hearing for that motion which was supposed to be held March 6th…But while prosecutors were waiting on that hearing, police say Bond was involved in a deadly home invasion.  His alleged partner in crime was shot dead by the homeowner.
“We have to be reactive. We can’t be proactive too many times without going through the steps,” Wilters said. “Regretfully once something happens in a crime of violence then we can react a heck of a lot quicker than we can if it’s a failed drug test or a missed drug test.”
Wilters says the delay was fairly normal in this case. His office had to build a case proving that Bond violated his bond. Then he says scheduling often takes time because of overbooked, under-funded judges and prosecutors.
“We’re doing the best we can with what we’ve got, and yeah I think we had a fairly quick response time to the info we received on this defendant and a judge set it what I would consider fairly quickly,” he said.
But Wilters says the reality is, the wheels of justice tend to move slowly.
“Is it frustrating? Yes it’s frustrating, but again, and I may be tainted myself having worked in the system for as long as I have,” Wilters said. “It’s just something, that I don’t want to say we accept it as being normal, but it kind of is. It kind of is the normal way.”
Court documents show the DA’s office did file at least three motions to revoke bond, but two of them were withdrawn. It’s unclear why prosecutors didn’t follow through on those motions.
Tonight Adam Bond is being held on no bond.
The post Court docs: Robbery suspect repeatedly violates bond, avoids jail time until now appeared first on Quboblu.
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