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RAW is a worldbuilding project which explores the world of Robloxia, and the world's geopolitics. "A Cold One" explores the effects of a devastating global conflict known as the "Robloxian War" and the decades-long Cold War after. This project is mainly just a project meant for fun, most things here isn't really meant to be taken too seriously, or comments on our real world problems. Expect faults, this is my first worldbuilding project. Created by
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
So i made the "website" that tumblr provides for users into a cool thing!!! very proud of it check it out
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
Nuclear Weaponry and Robloxia
(Sorry about the months long gap in writing, I'm going through burnout and the sin known as Sloth. I had been longing and trying to get back into worldbuilding for this project, which I love.) The New Age Project was the project started by Noobera, in which studies of nuclear fission would be studied for weaponization. Starting in 1945, billions of dollars would be given to the project to produce the first nuclear bomb. Although Baconia were studying nuclear fission and its power, it was later dismissed to focus efforts on the Guestonnian invasion and naval supremacy. Nuclear weapons we're first made by Noobera, with them being used in the First Robloxian War, one dropped on a supremeist Baconia, and another on imperialist Dumban. Both nations unconditionally surrendered on 1949. However, the New Age, or Cold War would open its gates to the world.
The Cold War would prove to be a burden and an advancement to the world. As the Inner and Outer Blocs try to be better than the other, technology would advance quicker than ever before, but the advancement of nuclear weapons would advance, too. Guestonnia would soon get their own bomb in 1952, after a massive security failure involving the information of the New Age Project. Both countries soon evolved their atomic bombs into hydrogen bombs, and then strapped them on missiles which could travel to their target within hours in 1959. As both worlds continued their nuclear arms race, Noobera officials called for a solution against the nuclear missiles, as it soon became impossible to stop the missile from hitting their target. In 1973, the Nooberans began the Space-Based Warhead Elimination Project/Technology (SWET) as part of the ongoing Space Race, which was linked with the Cold War. The first SWET satellite, NS-3 SIGN, was launched into orbit in 1981, unknowingly working at the same time and near pace with the Guestonnians, as the Supreme also approved of their own SWET project in 1973, finishing in 1984. By 1986, 3 satellites belonging to the Inner Bloc were in orbit, and the Outer having 2. SWET didnt completely deny a nuclear exchange. If an all-out nuclear war breaks out, SWET would stop a majority of the nuclear missiles, but some would get through the defense and would hit their targets, but not at the scale for the world to end. Nuclear weapons would serve as a grim reminder of the destruction if war would to break out between the two Blocs. Even with hopes of peace as both countries launched their SWETs into space, there was still that chance that peace wouldn't be an option in this cold world.
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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Shattered but Remade, West Baconia
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After the end of the First Robloxian War, Baconia was left in ruin. They had been pushed all the way to their capital, nuked once, and lost the war. The Liberators, who won the war, split the country apart to ensure that Baconia could never rise to power again. The occupational zones soon became independent countries, with the eastern occupation zone becoming the People's Republic of Baconia, and the west becoming the Federal Republic of Baconia. The government works with an elected parliament with a prime minister, a parliamentary government. It's government sees citizen's comfort as a priority. Free education, free healthcare, and other basic necessities with only high taxation being the consequence. The parliament elects a new prime minister every 6 years. However, West Baconia has mainly been seen as a puppet of the Inner Bloc, with Nooberan and Zombland officials nudging the government on certain decisions. It is commonly seen through neutral nations and the Outer Bloc that Western Baconia isn't the true successor of Baconia for that reason. It is also rumored in these nations that the high taxation rates don't go to Baconia, but rather the major powers in the Inner Bloc, but there has been no sufficient to back up either side of this claim. TOWER sees West Baconia as a must for its organization. Because of West Baconia's position, it allows for easy ocean access and air access to the Outer Bloc. However, it is also a must to defend, with a majority of its southern land being flat plains. This region, Bacon Flats, can prove as a easy invasion route of a Guestonnian invasion of TOWER. For this reason, a majority of TOWER-military assets are positioned near or in the Bacon Flats. West Baconia, although seemingly heavily controlled by foreign parties, continues to prove to be an important matter in international-matters of Robloxia. Note, Baconians are a light, grey color.
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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Blocks that stand together, TOWER.
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TOWER, Or Treaty Organization for World-Ending Reasons, is a global organization in Robloxia that comprises of the Inner Bloc. TOWER was created in 1951, 2 years after the ending of the First Robloxian War, and was made to continue the agenda of "counter-spread" of the communists.
Membership for TOWER is decently open to get into. Countries interested in joining TOWER would have to provide a "valid" reason for wanting to be in the organization, and the nation would have to be voted in as well. At least 80% of the nations would have to vote yes to let them in.
TOWER's decision-making body is mainly that of a council made out of the head of defense/commander-in-chief of each nation. The council will meet regularly to discuss and coordinate military/training efforts, as well as security and defense cooperation among member states. TOWER will also establish a military command structure to coordinate the military efforts of its members in case of an emergency. This structure will be overseen by the council.
The most important part of TOWER is that of Article 1 of the organization. Article 1's main statement is that if war or an attack is held on a country that is in TOWER, it is an "attack on the Tower." This is to counter Guestonnia's spread of influence that none of the nations in TOWER are alone, and are a giant like Guestonnia.
TOWER's founding members were Noobera, Zombland, Forcas, and West Baconia. TOWER's membership used to only be allowed for any nation in Atnas, but after gaining their seventh member, in 1959 TOWER expanded membership to any country in Robloxia. Guestonnia responded by creating the Global Communist Front, or GCF.
Whether the TOWER can withstand and stand strong from the communist threat would be tested multiple times.
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
HELLO! Use this to navigate this world! Thank you for visiting!
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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Leader of Workers Rights and Communism, The Guestonnian Socialists Union
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The Guestonnian Socialists Union, or GSU, is known for its immense size. It is the biggest country in Robloxia. Its environment consists of tundra's, plains, forests, and deserts. However, due to it's enormous size, the GSU has multiple points where other nations could invade. In response, the GSU commits to a more offensive doctrine than other countries, to prevent itself from being invaded.The GSU arose after what Guestonnians call "The Fall" happens in the Guestonnian Kingdom, an absolute monarchy that used to rule what would become the GSU. After multiple failed attempts by the royal family to stabliaze the country, workers and peasants rose up against their bosses and landlords, which would turn into a full civil war. The Guestonnian Civil War, which lasted from 1916-1922, saw initial successes by the loyalists, but the tide of war swayed in the rebellions favor. This was in thanks to other monarch and capitalist states not intervening in the conflict. The Third Lutum War (1911-1919) just destroyed central Atnas, seeing heavy casualties on all parties involved, who were the main powers of Atnas, such as Zombland and Forcas. Getting involved in another war right after a previous devestating conflict would be seen as an outrage by the general public. So the governments had to stand down. The rebellion reached the capital city, and sadly executed the royal family by firing squad, which was kept secret by the Guestonnians until the breakout of the Robloxian War, and the Socialists had taken control over Guestonnia. The GSU's government is mainly ran by the "Singular," which would be the leader of the GSU, but the "Supreme," a 10 person group, would be the check of the Singular's power, and have slightly less power than the Singular. The Supreme would approve of the Singular's action, but corruption ran rampant in the Supreme, as the Singular can choose who is part of the Supreme.
During the GSU's early years, the government nationalized key industries and implemented a comprehensive system of social welfare programs. These policies helped to lift many citizens out of poverty and improve their standard of living. However, the GSU's government was also known for its strict control over the media and suppression of political dissent. This led to a lack of political freedom and human rights violations.
In the following decades, the GSU's economy grew rapidly, thanks in part to its natural resources and size. The country became a major player in the global economy, but at the cost of increasing income inequality and a widening gap between the rich and poor.
As a result of its abundant factories and labor force, the nation experienced even more unprecedented economic and military growth during and after The Robloxian War. Similar to the Federation, the country established spheres of influence and attempted to propagate its ideology to other nations, ultimately leading to the the Cold War between the Federation and the Union. As these two superpowers with different governments and beliefs engaged in proxy wars and espionage, the Cold War would continue to escalate rapidly until it reached to a boiling point. Note, Guestonnians are a pure white color.
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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The Leader of Freedom and Democracy, The Federation of Noobera
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Noobera resides on the Nooberan continent, which features nearly every type of environment on Robloxia, including plains, forests, rainforests, mountains, hills, and marshes. Noobera has a geographical advantage, being entirely surronded by water, and the bonus of having a strong navy, this makes Noobera is very difficult to invade. It’s also important to note that the discovery of the continent resulted in the settlers skin turning yellow for the same “skin-tone region changers” that affect all continents around Robloxia.
History started for the Federation as colonizers discovered the continent at around 1100. Soon, nations would form, living on the Nooberan continent. However, the period known as the “blood-times” happened, which historians believe started around 1400. It was a period dominated by constant wars on the Nooberan continent to expand territory of the nations involved. The Yellow Blood period ended when Noobera formed in 1789. Noobera formed when the remaining nations left wanting peace, and the nations leaders thought the only way for peace was to unify into a single federation.
Noobera’s government works under its people. Its citizens elect a leader every eight years, which this president would serve only one term. The president is the commander-in-chief of Noobera’s military and represents the nation. To counter the presidents power, the “Congressional” branch approves laws made by the president, and the congress can call into question certain decisions made by the president.
As the Federation of Noobera grew in power, it became increasingly industrialized. The country invested heavily in infrastructure, building roads, bridges, and railroads to connect different regions and facilitate the movement of commerical shipping. Thanks to which, they grew a large economy, which Noobera started putting more and more money into their military shortly after the Third Lutum War.
One of the key factors that enabled the Federation of Noobera to become a superpower was its large military. Noobera’s involvement in the First Robloxian War proved to be necessary for the Liberator victory. Their economy too, proved to be a decisive factor for Noobera’s ability to become a superpower.
When the First Robloxian War came to an end, Noobera assumed a prominent role in several international organizations, notably being one of the founding members of TOWER. However, the end of the war also started a new one. The Cold War proved to be a stressful time for Robloxia. Noobera was gifted by being a global superpower, along with the Guestonnians. The rest of the world wasn’t so lucky, being caught between the two giants,
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roblosraw · 1 year ago
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It is the year 1986, and the world is still amidst a decades long cold war between the Federation of Noobera and the Guestonnian Socialists Union.
After the Liberator Victor in the First Robloxian War in 1949, the world was plunged in a rising sea of tension between these two nuclear powers. Guestonnia controlled the eastern portion of Atnas, initiating puppet states in the region that follows Guestonnia’s way of rule. The Outer Bloc was established, encompassing most of Lasia and “outer” areas of Robloxia, including northern Annan.
The Inner Bloc, encompassing Noobera and most of West Atnas, some portions of Lasia, and the southern portion of Annan, looked on with terror. If Guestonnia established world domination, the world would be plunged under a communist, totalitarian rule. Freedom had to fight back. The Inner Bloc established the agenda of “Counter-spread” to gain more control in the world for democracy and capitalism. This decision in 1950 was the beginning of the Cold War in Robloxia. The Outer Bloc, made out of Guestonnia, Dummlon, and other Robloxian countries, distrusted their capitalist counter-parts from the very beginning. They knew they had to expand, or the Inner Bloc would try and crush them next. But they had just announced their policy of counter-spread, and they got mad.
40 years later, to continue readiness incase of a surprise Guestonnian invasion of Atnas, Operation Red Takeover was launched, a combat exercise involving all members of TOWER to test their readiness of such an invasion. However, failure to communicate with Guestonnia about the exercise made the Guestonnians believe that TOWER was going to invade the Outer Bloc, and they were getting ready for it. Guestonnia started to amass troops along the borders.
What started as a training exercise would evolve into the Second Robloxian War, over a miscommunication.
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