#i heart ponyboy
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ambrozjas · 1 year ago
Could you do anything where you prompt pony to quit smoking, maybe by telling him you don’t like smokers or anything like that? Ty!
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spearmint gum ꨄ︎
ponyboy curtis x reader
✧˖*°࿐ notes 🧸ᰔᩚ
this was initially gonna be like a tiny drabble but ended up being a whole thing soooo either way.. hope you enjoy 💕 :)
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
mentions of ponyboy smoking and being a heavy smoker, mentions of a guy cheating on his girlfriend, refers to the reader as the barbie to pony’s ken, reader has fem friends, pony being kinda obsessive?? and also eavesdropping on you and your friends’ chisme
✧˖*°࿐ word count ᰔᩚ
1152 words, 6321 characters
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the hall was cluttered with students as they rushed past pony to get to their next class, bumping into him and practically knocking him over with his smaller frame.
through the midst of children, ponyboy spotted your familiar head of hair as you walked with your friends to class.
seeing you was pony’s highlight of the day, you were like the barbie to his ken. even just a glance in his direction could make him swoon. he never had the balls to talk to you—so he settled with admiring from afar.
once ponyboy had made it into class, after almost being suffocated and having to force his way through the plethora of kids in the cramped halls, his eyes immediately darted around the room, looking for you.
and there you were.
pony wondered if you were a dream come true. he patted himself on the back in whatever past lives he’s lived to get an angel like you, and he thanked whoever put you on this earth as it allowed it endless opportunities. especially with the fact that you’re in his class not even five feet away from him.
so what if it was cheesy? at least it was true to pony.
there was a short intermission before the ending bell rang, the bell that prompted everybody to take a seat to avoid demerits for tardiness.
you were at your desk, your friends circling you. pony wondered what you guys talked about that you’d be laughing so much, but he didn’t mind, because he got to see that smile of yours.
it was like a fresh breath of air or a warm blanket that smelled of floral detergent. your smile was so contagious that it almost made pony want to smile as well, forcing him to look away before he’s caught with the embarrassing redness of his cheeks.
he looked up at the blackboard, reading a set of instructions that his teacher had set up while she was away. his eyes scanned the neat chalky white letters that faded the more they shifted to the right, the second direction to grab a textbook.
pony’s eyes trailed off to the left, where you stood right in front of the tiny corner which held the textbooks, the old worn down shelf practically about to collapse with the weight of them.
he took a deep breath, puffing his chest out a little as he held his inhale before swiftly exhaling. it was like a comical white cloud of air flew past his mouth as he sighed, like those characters on tv who made it through near death experiences.
ponyboy made his way over to the wooden shelf, striding at first in an attempt to seem unbothered. why should he this nervous around you? it’s just a simple task, grab a textbook and bring it back to your table.
c’mon pony, he told himself.
the walk there felt agonizingly long, leaving him with enough time to question his every move. did he always breathe like this? oh gosh, did he breathe loud? was he walking funny? was he sweating?
but then suddenly, a sweet ripple of laughter danced its way out your throat and left your lips, your head slightly tilting back as the euphoric sound reached pony’s ears. and boy, did all pony’s worries melt away.
once he had reached the books, he grabbed two for him and his desk partner. however, pony couldn’t help but perk up at the sound of you and your friends whispering. he didn’t mean to eavesdrop, he swears. but once he heard a couple of boys’ name, it’s like his ears enlarged along with his nosiness.
“what about,” your friend said as she dragged out the ‘t’ while she thought, “jamie? he’s pretty good lookin’. has a nice corvair, too.” she said with raised eyebrows to which you rolled your eyes.
“jamie’s rank, all he does is cheat, steal, and have you ever smelled him? he reeks of booze.”
pony noticed how your friends looked at you as if you were crazy. but to be fair, jamie brockton did stink. pony’s locker was right next to his, and he practically gagged every time he got a whiff of him with how strong the scent of alcohol and sweat was. pony wondered if he ever wore deodorant.
“samuel’s pretty cute, though.” your other friend pointedly nodded her head in the other boy’s direction while yours—and pony’s—eyes followed her gaze, falling on a husky guy with sandy brown hair and a cigarette arrogantly hanging out of his mouth.
“he’s a smoker.”
“he’s cute.”
“i’m not into smokers, lorraine.” you stated and pony started thinking. slowly, the worries started sleeping into the crooks of his brain again. pony smoked more heavily than any of his brothers despite only being fourteen. he wondered. did he smell like cigarettes?
then another thought came into mind.
how long had he been standing here? textbooks clutched in his arms as he eavesdropped on you and your friends. it was weird. so awkwardly, ponyboy slinked away back to his desk and slumped in his seat as his foot tapped against the floor, creating ‘clack!’ sounds as his sneakers connected with the tile.
he pondered as he sat in his seat, before turning behind him as his eyes met the girls gossiping behind him too.
“y’got any gum on you?” he sheepishly asked, before the girl shot him a quick smile and reached inside her backpack.
score, pony thought as she handed him a stick of gum, neatly foiled in silver paper. he gave her a quiet ‘thanks’ as he turned around and popped the spearmint stick into his mouth, crumpling the foil and stuffing it into his pocket once the bell rang.
his partner took a break from sucking face with his girlfriend rushed to his seat, disheveled and red faces. but pony spared him no mind, only focused on the gum that exploded its minty flavor within his mouth. ponyboy narrowed his eyes as it burned his tongue and throat, but quickly reveled in the feeling of having a clean minty fresh inhale. and it’d be worth it in the long run, you know? maybe he’d actually have a shot with you.
pony didn’t throw that gum out until he got home, considering it was sixth period when that new information was unlocked. he was concentrated with chewing the gum, his mind replaying your words back in his head.
“i’m not into smokers, lorraine.”
you sounded annoyed at the fact that every time you were in class with them, they tried to play cupid with every single guy that walked through the door. grossly, even mr. jefferson, the assistant principal.
pony read somewhere that it takes twenty-one days to break a habit, and he would gladly spend twenty-one days with sticks of gum if it meant he had a shot with you.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ whys pony such a cutie patootie tho
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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skyf0ckz · 10 months ago
I love in the movie when dally gives pony the letter and tells him it's from the president and pony's just like "no way" but he 100% was about to believe it.
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
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Mrs. C watching Dallas wrestle Pony to the ground, grab Darry by the hair, pin Steve to the wall, n sweep Two-Bit's legs out from under him bc they weren't listening to her
shout out to @thedeitywhoplayedwithbricks for never being wrong ever😭
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thetireonstageright · 26 days ago
Thinking about how Brent’s voice cracked when he said “Did you hear what i just said? I said I love you.”
what if i died?
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alaskan-wallflower · 5 months ago
ponyboy definitely sneaks into darry’s room when he has nightmares, especially post book because the nightmares slowly dissolve from his parents dying to darry and soda dying and during those nightmares pony just really needs darry, so he’ll sneak into darry’s room and gently tug the pillow out of darry’s arms (darry’s a sleep cuddler argue with the wall) and pony will just nestle his way into darry’s arms and wraps himself around darry and just presses his head against his chest and falls asleep to darry’s heartbeat and other internal sounds because he needs to know his big brother is alive and okay
(bonus but darry always wakes up every time when pony does this but he never says anything, half for pony’s dignity and half because he’s so sleepy he doesn’t even register it-but some nights it’s real rough and pony starts panicking and he just sits up like “woah woah woah there, ponybaby-what’s wrong? you gotta talk to me, kiddo, i’m here…” and he NEVER gets mad at pony. ever. no matter how little sleep he gets. especially post book)
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hellonearthtoday · 6 months ago
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redraw if you know you know👅
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justicefortulsa · 8 months ago
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hes three apples tall
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that-one-english-nerd · 10 months ago
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they mean so much to me, your honor.
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damthosefandoms · 3 months ago
​you open to any given page of the outsiders and ponyboy’s dropping more lore about his friends, family, and the world he lives in than a goddamn soc saturday livestream. and none of it has anything to do with the plot
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dairyfairyy · 3 months ago
can't imagine the curtis dinner table on thanksgiving
(but im still thinking about it anyway)
the table, the one that should have been crowded by nine people, sat five. the plates that should have been filled to the top with Mrs. Curtis' potato salad and Mr. Curtis' seasoned turkey lay empty as they waited for the last bit to finish cooking. Soda’s blue mashed potatoes, Darry’s turkey and vegetables, and an almost fully baked pie in the oven.
the emptiness in the air as they all sat down, each eye on the brim of tears covering what should have been an enjoyable thanksgiving. the missing of family, the ones they once had sitting around the table for every meal of the day, the people who were no longer with them.
the smell filling the air, knowing it was nothing like the ones Mr. and Mrs. Curtis used to make. knowing that Dally would have sat at the couch with a cigarette in his mouth until the food was done so he could squeeze himself next to where the turkey was. knowing johnny would have said he wasn't hungry, only to he sitting at the table with pony eating the corn and bread rolls after dipping them in gravy.
knowing that there wouldn't be another meal with them all at the same table.
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ambrozjas · 1 year ago
Can you do a Ponyboy x Reader who has Americana coquette style please!!!
golden rays ꨄ︎
ponyboy curtis x americana coquette!reader
✧˖*°࿐ notes ᰔᩚ
skcksxkjssjw i didnt know how to describe the outfit that well but i literally love this style sm and didnt serve it justice :(
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
none except like one mention of your tongue?? but it’s licking smth off your lips so i don’t think that’s a warning
✧˖*°࿐ word count ᰔᩚ
471 words, 2611 characters
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you sat on the bleachers closest to the track, your legs swinging in the small gap between the seats, the tulsa beat slightly burning your thighs due to the shorts you chose today.
you took the lollipop out of your mouth, licking your lips and collecting the flavor of cherries on your tongue. your eyes trained on pony as he ran on the track, doing 200 meter repeats.
you decided to surprise him with your company, partially because you wanted to support your boyfriend and also partially because you were just curious what track and field does for practice.
once he finished his drills and ran around a bit, he looked back to see if his coach was watching and sneaked up to you.
“hey!” ponyboy said breathlessly. “what’re you doin’ here?” his hand were on his hips and his chest heaved with heavy deep breath he took.
“jus’ came to see you.” you said, smiling at pony’s frazzled state. you rummaged through your bag, grabbing a water bottle and handing it to pony.
he let out a breathy laugh and muttered a small ‘thanks’ before taking a few swigs. his eyes took in your clothes, “so what are you doin’ here?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing at the fact that you didn’t answer his previous question.
“you complainin’ that i’m seeing my boyfriend at his practices?” you raised an eyebrow at him. ponyboy rolled his eyes at your insinuation, because he knew that you knew that he always loved when you came.
“y’look.. nice.” he said. the awkwardness of pony’s voice couldve fooled anyone, leading to the assumption that pony didn’t mean them. but you knew him well, you just knew that’s how your boyfriend was.
you looked down at your outfit. a red gingham tank top, jean shorts, and beat up red converse. even when it was so simple to you, it was immaculate in his eyes. you gave him a sheepish smile and a ‘thank you’ in return.
a small silence fell over you two as pony admired you. your sunglasses were lifted up onto the top of your head, held back by your ears. the sun had somehow cast such perfect rays across your face, giving you the perfect golden hue. your squinted eyes tinted warmer when the sun hit them just right. glory, could you get any prettier?
“ponyboy!” his coach called from across the track, aggressively pointing his finger and the ground in front of me, beckoning pony over.
“yeah pony, you’d better get goin’.” you said, laughing a bit when your boyfriend didn’t even bother to turn to look at his coach, annoyed for interrupting his thoughts. when he looked back at you, he gave you a small awkward wave. “i’ll.. see you later?”
“f’sure.” you said, waving back at him, flashing him a grin as you watched him jog up to his coach who yelled for him again.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ skdkdookskw its currently 1:12am but i love this request sm so i had to do it
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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skyf0ckz · 9 months ago
Perhaps a drawing of Ponyboy Curtis? <3
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sometimes when Darry gets frustrated when he's arguin' with other adults about Pony or Soda (i.e. he feels like a teachers bein' unreasonable or an adult lookin down on them) he'll snap leave my fuckin' kids alone, yeah?
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brokenlovesong · 1 month ago
Hot take, you’re allowed to have criticism of the musical, book, or movie. I think a lot of people’s love of the material blinds them to its flaws and then it’s a shock that some people do have valid complaints about the material. I see a lot of ppl on here constantly annoyed about the fact people have negative opinions and like… okay? Let them have their opinions
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wassupmygays · 4 months ago
every day i think about a post i saw on here one time that talks about ponyboy being queer and his future grappling that. and it alludes to sodapop being involved in the stonewall riots and i fear i will never ever stop thinking about that
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justicefortulsa · 8 months ago
and he fucking ate that up
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